RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. the Young Men's Christian Association., We call the attention of our readers to the;Young Men's Christian Association of our eity & whine ob. Sect is the benefit of our young men of ICI classes, Including those who have served thdir - country. They have two fine rooms, NOs. 1009 and 1011 on Chestnut street, for which they pay a high rent. In these rooms may 'be found a library of over 2,000 Stainable books, a great variety of pamphlets, dally and weekly newspapers, and other reading matter, together with a record of all the Pennsylvania nol 411ers who lava been received info our hospitals, and S record of discharged Bothers and Rafters desiring employment. In one of the rooms the noonday timer meeting, minthmed for six years, is held. In this meeting our country and our brave soldiers and sailors are remembered daily. Every day Bel abors resort to these rooms to write their letters, :and to seek advice and aid from those in charge. This important institution intend having an on tursion to Atlantic City on the ltth of this month, and they desire to take with them five hundred of our disabled soldiers, and ask our eittzene respect. gully to pay for their tickets. Each ticket IS $1.60 Stir the excursion. Some of our friends have sub perils d for ten tioketa for this object, and we trust .many others will give their aid. A SOLDIBB OP THE 0 1M 1 .1301iLAND.—Thla is the -title of a book haying for its subject the brief career ni a brave yOung soldier of the West, who fell on the anniversary of Sumpter's fall. The book is saritten by the ladis father, a clergyman, and in a style which gees home at once to the reader's heart. It is a touohing tribute to the memory of a pure and true young man of noble instincts, oultivated tastes, and deep religions convictions. The admirers of finch Characters as Capt. Vicars, Gen. Havelock, Adjutant Stearns, Bic., will be glad to add to this worthy list the name of Sergeant Mead Holmes, Jr., soldier . of the Cumberland, For sale by J. 0. Garrigues & Co., publishers of the Sundapschool 21mes, 148 South Fourth street, TIM STATE. 'HIGHWAY Romoray.—An attempt , to rob two Citizens of thlif borough oai made on Saturday !tight. As they were passing in . a carriage over one of the bridges between this place , and Providence, two men, accompanied by a third, seized the head Of their horse and tried to force there to " stand and deliver." They bad no weapons—not even a whip— but striking their horse a smart blow with the lines, be sprang violently forward, Geeing himself from the grasp of one of the men instantly, while the other, in attempting to stop the horse, was thrown to the ground, the carriage passing .over him and Injuring him seriously. He was found, several hours alter the occurrence, by Chlefof Felice. Roesler, still On the ground where be had been thrown, too badly hurt to endeavor to escapethe clutches of the law. Two of the assailants are unoer bonds to ap pear before the court, and the other is in jail for the leant of ball.—Scranton Republican. SINGULAR EFFECT OF SUDDEN' ELECTRIC LIGHT. —During the thunder-shower of Monday evening of last week, Mr. Thomas (Reece went to the door of his residence, on Washington street, just as the lightning struck's tree a few yards distant. Across v. small alley a vine bearing a small flower runs up the side- of the house of Mr. %tipple. Mr. Reece was in his shirt sleeves, and, In the morning, branches of the vine were found to .be distinctly traced in green on his right sleeve. On the wrist band 18 a twig and a flower. From the elbow up, several branches and a leaf are very clearly to be Been. Mr. Reece came into our office on Wednes day ilia, when the color was sti:l fresh on his sleeve. young girl at the door fainted at the shook of the lightning, and he assisted to carry her into the j house.—WiThesbarre Times. A Clameroar. Haase Teune.—On the 20th ult. a Alan giving his name as Philip R Eshleman hired a borne at George H. Efartenan's livery stable, in this eity, stating teethe wished to go to Litiz, and would return In the evening of Map day. Not coming back as agreed upon, Mr. Hartman, on the following day, Trent to Lain, where he learned that no suoh person as he was in search of had been at that place. Bills giving a description of the missing animal,were dis tributed, and In a few days afterward a man named N. Weaver, in Gettysburg, notified Mr. Hartman that be had purchased a horse answering the descrip tion of the one advertised. Mr. H. went to Gettys burg, 'moved his title to the horse, and had the man brought to this city. At a hearing before Alderman Wiley. his real name was ascertained, which, out of respect to his aged parents, we suppress for the pre vent. It appears that this g , fancy " dealer in horses graduated at Franklin and hlarshell College a few years ago, studied for and entered , the ministry. When arrested at Gettysburg he was in the act of preparing an introductory sermon for a charge to which he had been appointed. The unexpected ap-. pearance of Mr. H. somewhat disarranged his plans, and instead of entering upon the discharge of his ministerial duties he was consigned to close quarters in the county prlson.--Lancaster Examiner. CAPTURE pg AN EnTRAY DEER.—The Meadville Republican says : "A. deer was captured near Cla rion, on the 2d inst., after a most It came into the streets of the town, very much ex hausted, and was soon run down. Its life was spared, and it will soon become a village pet." AT Hance.--Ung Soong Neok, the young China =an, who resided for many years in this city, and Served his apprenticeship in the Examiner office, and who left for his native country a few months ago, has safely arrived in China. His brother toot will be glad to learn - that he Is at work at his old business ha Shan gh ae,receivingo7s per month wages. .—Lancaster Examiner. . BOY KILLsb BY Hie IBOTTIER.—MrS. Snyder, 'wife of Abram Snyder, near Reynoldaville Jeffer son county, Pa., a few days since, took a rifle and al tempted to discharge It at a hawk. Resting the gun on the fence, she snapped it, when it failed to explode the cap. She then turned to go into the house, and while going examined the cap. As it looked black and smashed, she concluded it must have been discharged previously. She then pulled the cap off the tube and threw it away, letting the hammer fall on the tube; unfortunately, the per mission powder remained amt discharged the gun. The ball pealed through the head of her little son aged three yekrs, producing instant death. Kr. Snyder was not at home at theitime. The agony of the parents can only be imagined. A Wownwwirtm Doo.—We had the pleasure of attending on Saturday, a private levee of a re markably intelligent canine, who goes by the name of Jerry, B and who was born, bred, educated and re- Bides in uShwiek, Jerry's education has been oar Tied to a pitch hardly ever attained by his species. 'lle knows hie, alphabet perfectly, and'can spoil aR little ' arithmetic has not been neglected; he knowS his figures, and can do a small sum in addition. He la perfectly familiar with playing cards, and can piok out any one in the pack that Is called for. But ft ]must not be inferred from this that Jerry's morals are Open to suspicion; he can walk on two legs as up right as a ohuroh member, and do the various calis thenic exercises taught in the gymnasium, his physique as well as his intellect having been trained. .Terry belongs to the Spanish branch of the poodle family, and is perfectly white, what the ladies would call a "love of a dog." His owner, TAr. Barnes, feeling a pride in Jerry's accomplish- Xuents, proposes to introduce him to the public. The time and place of his debut will shortly be an xottnced. We'propheey that he will Income a dog 'Aar of the first magnitude.—Pittsburg Peat. SIIIOrDIi TO AVOID DYIRO FROM' O A.NOIM—Dirs. Barak P. Douglass, of Hamilton, Madison county, New York, committed suicide last week. She had long suffered from cancer, and the dread of dying In such a mannerseemed to have affected her mind. At 8 o'clock Monday morning She was discovered in the attempt to bleed herself to death, having ' fevered the veins in the left arm. A second at temptat a fatal result succeeded better. The Utica jlerald gives the following particulars: "About 8 o'clock in the morning she sent her nurse to the its to to toll the doctor that she, did not want to see for she was not able to standd the treatment. IA returning to her room she was missing, and after n fruitless search in every room in the house, her body was found in a well In the cellar, lifeless. The dleations were that she had gone into the well head fl at, and broke her neck in the fall, as but very ft w minutes had elapsed before her body was found Ear above." TEEJE, The Thermometer. ANGIIST 12, 11363. AIIOUST I I2, 1864. 11A.11 12M B.P.M. OA. 31 12M .3 P.N. 130.. 86 89 79.-- ..89 89 ,wp. NW Nby W N • • •ENN..... •ENB MILITARY. • ARRIVAL OF 'WOUNDED. Yesterday morning the steamer Ashland, with 288 tick and wounded soldiers, in charge of Surgeon J. Y. Cardwell, arrived at this port. The men were taken to the hospitals at Beverly and White Hall, The following are the names of those who are mem bers of Pennsylvania regiments Thal W May, D,184 Joe White, I, 148 Jos Roberts, A, 183 A S Ticknor, D, 145 Saint Whitson, F, 184 N Ames, IR, 17 Cav Peter Finkboine, 11, 00 .1 Swartz, B, 18 City Jae Lee, 0, 2 Art J Dormer, D, 145 3Et McConnell, I , X) D Sebangh, I, 2 Cav Webb, 11, 2 Art' Huntsman, I), 98 X Jackson, corp, 13,100,X Ilapimaster, I), 148 J9l Hay, corp , G, 2 Art I G•eo Smith, G, 24 Oav 0 N Dierithew, oorp, K,50 Chas Winner, H, 99 Buddinger, U, 48 John Harrington. I, 103 B A McConnell. E,lOO Richt Welsh, 11, 49 J lineman, B, 139 Gee Carta, A, 81 WatsonS corp, E, 181 G W Bard, C, 110 Louis Fryiand, 107 Jll Bennett, 0,10 Cam James Irwin, 0, 100 R B Cole, G, 53 Sergi J 0 Bell, 0, 110 X West, 0,.99 Jacob Schanck 110 Iran Famous, 8 Cav Owen Roberts, F, 118 A Harmer, B, 11 Sgt L WililamsOn,eF, 188 U Appltt, E, 183 James Diamond, A, 188'' RE Bowen, IC, 149 G W Dearmitt, A, 110 John Kepple, X, 2 Oltv J .7 Walters F t , 7 Corp .W 1 Wilson,_F, 183 W Gleason, 1., 2 Cav Sergt, J H Walts Tv, 110 Corp J I) Wagner, H, 148 .7 Southworth, 33, 139 Rergt J 0 Hamill!, F, 160 Sat J P Gillespie, 0 49 Jos Bennett L, 7 Cav Wll Stephenson,L, Oav Isaac Wait, ' F, 18 Oav Joe Raglan, G, 119 J R Heater, 0, 21 Oav Sgt W H H, 90 J W Roberts, A, 76 Renben•Efakee, D,-84' • • 0 Morton, la, 184 Corp .7 El Oampbell,K, 50 If Doulyy, L, 21 Oav R D Hoffman, A, 88 Win A Jackson, K, 14 James T Hays, F, 140 0 Smith, D, 64 Charles H. DavisiG, 95 Pred Davis, 13, 2 Art Sgt A Thompson, E, 49 Tarbox, D, 60 J S Dewalt, M, 100 Jacob Earner, K, 63 Wm Herbst, E, ttr X Ingalls, A , 149 Jacob Crone, li, 187 S Stewart, .8,17 Oav Tee II Gardner, K, 90 M Be/Winger, K_, 47 Dominick Brown, H, 49 Martins Oront, E, 95 Jacob 0 Coder, 0, 49 Neatham, A 98 Wallace J Wiggins, Ef, 49 A MoGrevey, _ o:: 2 d Art Franois Stuber,O, 47 0 W K, 2,15 t Clay XA. Engelman, G., 47 • Noses Gilbert, A, 148 Lewis Keefer, 0, 47 m 'Knorr, K, 47 • Israel Reinhard, (1, 47 John Sohimpf, K , 47 Joe Harbaugh,F,2led Oav Moses S Riots, K, 47 El Renshaw, F, 17th Oav Anthony Krans, R, 47' johnEogers, OF, 17th (Jar Love, B lop S A Onnfer , K 47 , Geo Rice, A, sij L 0 Herolerson, IC, 95 Win Earhart, ,47 Wm waiters', F, 07 RE. Kelley, 01), Bth Cav Wm Ferreti-Sergt, A,47 J Greenwal,t E, 2d Cav Stephen Smith, A, 47 Win York, E, 2d Art Jeremiah Harvey, A, 47 Ira Odell, 11, 46 Edward Martin, Jar, 47 John Colgrove, H, 46 Wm R Thompson, H, 47 Robt Brewster, K, 156 E Eickiman, A 47 Neery Onrr , I 188 J A Durham, 11, 47 Jacob Young, ' ll, 145 Jac B Range, coo 0 0 , v John Newland,l3,l46 ,Roberts, 11, 1 Art -Geo IC G, 1( 0 • David Swagger, G, 08 Mlobsel Wert; F, 2 Art Peter 0 Bean, A, 135 John Livermore, F, 07 1 Nickodomus, C,l3s John Branch, 0, 47 Henry /Kehler, 0, 87 Stephen hioyer,A, 47 Ohas Landon, I, 2 Car J Hank, E, fgr " ThOs Matthew, F, Ile Jacob Wettal, B, 2 Art Levi Buchanan, F, 90 John Blower, 0, 87 Wm Landon,-E, 82 'Corp John Schwab, F, 42 Wm Hamer, K, 82 Nelson Weld, Ei 2 Art Joe Taylor, B, 88 EB 9 1oGlinn, A, 47' F Grubb, 0,13/ John Ball, 49 J Kfemer, 1, 61 W SidnOle, E, 23 , Corp Loeblen, E, 98 John Seheitz, G, 118 Wm Cris, E, 98 JAS Hall, G, 60 J Evingham, F, 2 Art Philip Haines, G, 13 Oily Henry A. Boyle, El, 60 Mann Lamm, A..., L Heller 11, 60 • Wm Sittramore, ma, Wm ay or, E, 50i Robt A Butcher I, 23 Harrison, sorg„ F,2 Art OBuokbonser, F_,_9B A Northrup, curd, G, 1 0 7 Drimmerling, R, 67 F R Cape,K, 11 11,8 Anderson, F, 121 Jacob Rettair", El, 98 Corp E Weed,-E 2 art Geo Fhlotori, A.,102 Corp Oh Stevens,D, 2 art Jos X Zaino, G, 71 P Begbeek, Etrs art - Geo Drexel, B 157 Thos Cook, Al,2'art H Foltz, I, as AV R AdamtG, 2 art J Right, E, 119 prod Ktigog, B, 90 John G Grevii, H., 98 Jackson Everet, E, 142 Levi Allhonse, IL, ea Geo Baker, E,142 A Corvin, H, 98 L Taylor, 0, 81 Chas Magas, r, 93 marmdamus, K, 58 •D W °acid, 490 Pat Stack, /I, 158 Obas Brandt, G, 98 John Adams, 155 jihriberheaken, I, 48 SIMI ThOunpßini A, 98 E GillmOre, E, /00 J S Boob, F, al E Hamilton, 0, al EC Lepley, 1451 ,rs JD Ash, A, 48 Wm R6ostall, Gc9l Wm , Hineker; F., 47 Wm Taylor, B(419 , (#-tilts; E, .47 ,John Davis, K, W Sipton, 0, 49 THE PRIMARY:ELECTIONS. The Union League, mindful of the great import ance of the primary elections, has sent the following Circular to each'of Its Members. Every loyal man 'Should accept the suggestion : BOARD OP PUBLICATION ROOMS, • UNION Las.oun Hon% Chestnut street, FRILAD la rale, Angutt-12, 1864. -- SIR : I am instructed to remind eaoh member of the Union League of Philadelphia that the primary meetings of thole who intend to sus tain the candidates of the National Union party, at the ensuing fall elections, will be held at the headquarters in the different wards in thls city on Tuesday, evening next, 161 t, inst., at eight o'clock, for the purpose of choosing officers to con duct the delegate election and of making general nominations for delegates to the Conventions which will frame the local and State tickets. The election or delegates Yrom those in notninar tion will take, place at the respective precinct polls on Tuesday evening, 23.1 Inst., between 6 and S O'clock. The importance of attending to these primary meetings and elections must be apparent to all, as the selection of men of integrity and ability .as candidates depends, on them. It is hoped that this respectful reminder will insure your pretence, and that you will use your influence with your friends to go likewise. Rtamectfully, C. Izeitr. Mammust, Ass't SeirY. COMMERCIAL LIFE AND TELEGRAPHING. Messrs. Bryant, Stratton, & Bannister have made another forward stepin these Important branches of a young man's education. They give notice in another column that they have leased the entire , third story of the Assembly Buildings, corner of Tenth and Ohestnut streets, besides another large room adjoining those which they now occupy at .the S. E. corner of Chestnut and Seventh streets, In order to accommodate their large increase of busi ness. It is proposed to have a telegraph wire from their main or primary college to the Assembly . Rooms. Instruments will be placed In the different stories of the two buildings, designated respectively -Washington, New York, Philadelphia, and Balti more. By these means a student will be enabled to obtain a practical and thorough knowledge of the business. Messages can be transmitted from one point to another by the students when neces sary. 'This Institution is now one of the moat com plete and extensive institutions of the kind in the country. Their system of instruction and 'the fa cilities used by them make it a favorite reser,: fora vast number of our young men. Since the present rtEldent principal took (Marge of the institution, about a year ago, its patronage has more than quadrupled, in fact, nearly as many young men have become members since that time as did In the previous six years of its existence. OUR DOMESTIC stsitscETS. Some of the quotations of prices this week are sin- Oar. Peaches have been bought lately as low as irom ten to twenty five cents a baiiket, yet the vend ers in the market ask, from 25 to 50 cents per ka4r peck. Tomatoes,..too, which are selling by the bushel for a mere song, are quoted at 12 cents per half peek. The low price of these two articles is caused by de tention in the railroads, and is not likely' to be of long duration. Most other articles remain about the same as last week. In some there is a slight rise; in others a fall: Apples, per half peck ' 12 to 25 Beans, string, per half peck Lima, per quart Beets, per bunch Blackberries, per quart Butter, per pound Cantelopes, apiece Cheese, old, per pound Cheese, new, per pound. ..... . Cider Vinegar, per quart.... Corn, per dozen Cucumbers, each Eggs, fresh: per dozen Egg -plants, apiece Ffsh—Black per pound Dry dod, per pound H Fr alibu esh Cod t, per , per pou p nd ound Lobster, per pound • 10 Mackerel, salt, each 10 to 20 Perch, per pound ~ 15 Porgies, per pound . 10 Rock, per pound 16 Shad, salt, each 20 . Sheepshead, per pound 20 Smoked Salmon, per pound 45 Fresh Salmon, per pound • 75 SMoked Herring, per bunch 12 to 16 Huckleberries, per quart 10 to 15 Lamb—hind quarter, per pound 20 to 25 fore quarter, per pound 20 to 25 .Lard, per pound --, 25 Meats—corned beef, per pound . 12 to 18 rib roast, per pound 20 to 26 rump steak, per pound 20 to 25 sirloin, per pound 25 to .%) soup pieces, per pound ..... ..... 10 to 16 Mutton—chops, per pound ' 20 to 25 fore quarter, per pound . 10 to 15 hindquarter, per pound . 20 to 25 Onions, per half peck 60 Ochre, per quarter peck 20 Peaches, per half peck 25 to 50 Pears, per half peck , 25 to 30 Plums, per quart, 15 to 25 Pork—corned, per pound 20 hams, sliced, per pound 26 hams, whole, per pound 27 shoulders, per pound ZS steak, per tound. ........ ........ 22 Sausages, ,Bologna 20 Potatoes, Irish, perhalf peck .873/' sweet. per'half peek 75 Poultry—Fowls, per pound . 20 to 26 Spring Chickens, per pound... 25 to 25 Squashes, each 4 to 5 Tomatoes, per half peck 12 Veal—cutlets, per pound 15 to 20 fore quarter, per pound 10 to 12 hind quarter, per pound 12 line, per pound 12 to 16 Watermelons, apiece 15 to TS DEATHS FROM THE HEAT. A man named Daniel Black was overcome with the heat yesterday at Eleventh and Carpenter streets, and while being conveyed to his home he died. He resided at No. 762 South Sixth street. Francis Straler and John Myers died on Thursday night from the effects of thetheat. They resided at Twenty-fifth and Coates streets. James Love, aged 20 suffered from a coup de solid yesterday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, at the Falls of the Schuylkill, and soon died from its effects. An unknown man died in the street yesterday, and was taken to the Eighth-ward station house. The coroner was sent for. A man named John Hardman died SitddenlY, from the effects of the heat, at Front street, below Washington, yesterday afternoon. -' THE EXPRESS TRAIN., Those of our citizens who desire to escape the in tense heat of this sweltering city by a trip to the broad beach of Atlantic: City, should remember that the-fast train leaves at 2 o'clock this afternoon: The cool sea breeze at Atlantic City sets in about noon. At foaroiciock yesterday afternoon the breeze at tained the speed of about thirty miles per hour. It was not only very agreeable but decidedly invigo• rating to humanity. DROWNED. James Barbar, aged seven, wae.drowned at Hano ver street wharf yesterday. He was taken to his residence at 1224 Crease street, above Girard ave nue, and the coroner was sent for. KILLED. A man named Robert Forrest was killed yester day near the Girard avenue and Reading Railroad crossing by'the falling of a bank of earth. He re sided at Twenty-flrst, below Wood street. On Wednesday, about three o'olook in the morn. Jog, a large meteor pasted through the sky in a north erly direction. It left behind It a fiery tail extend ing from the horizon behind which it disappeared. Its appearance was singular and beautiful, and the caudal appendage which It bore behind seemed like a vast hawser of fire so densely vivid was it. Yester day morning about' the same hour a similar "mes senger" appeared In the heavens, and took the same course. The fire between one and two o'clock yesterday afternoon, which drew off some of the fire compa nies from the parade, was at Gerkers glue factory, at the comer of Fifth street and Columbia avenue. The loss was inconsiderable. A frame building owned by Hugh Michael, on the Chestnut Hill Railroad, above Mermaid line, known as the Railroad House, caught fire and was totally destroyed with all Its contents. INCREASE IN THE PRICE OF GAS. At a special meeting of the Trustees of the Phila delphia Gas Works it was decided that, on and after the first of September next, the price of gas shall be three dollars per thousand feet. The Trustees are now preparing a statement. to prove the necessity for this change. smilauvoc Gann Casey, a member of the Good Will. Engine, was overcome by the heat in the procession, and' was taken to . Taylor's drug store, at the corner of Ninth and Race streets. The pro per remedies were administered, and after remaining a few hours he was sent home. THE POLICE. (Before Mr. Mayor Henry.) A REBEL O.APTATIT. On Sunday last a fine-looking young man arrived at the Continental Hotel, and registered his name as Herman Von Achenbach, Richmond, Va. „He' said very boldly that he had just come from the South, and raeknowledged that he was a captain in the rebel army, and was .going to stay here a week or two and then return. When asked how he got here, he dress that -he got through Mondayeta very nicely, ed as a farmer. Onlie went out and purchased some clothes of a rough-ap pearance. On Tuesday , evening Chief Franklin had him ar rested. A revolver was found in his possession. When arrested he gave substantially the same story as theiven above, but stated the path hie arrival in North he had taken the Oath of allegiance. On being asked, howeVer, for his parole, he said he had lost it. Re said that he bad been through.the lines once before. On his person was found a leticit from his father at St. Louis. It imploredldin not sot to' come near that city, for the detectives were watch ing for him. Von Aclienbach had 'a private hearing before the Mayor yeaterdey,-who, held him-in de fault or QR,OOO bail for carrying concealed deadly weapons, and of $1,500 bail, on a charge of being connected with the rebel army, LETTER BAGS AT THB MERCHANTS' RECHANGB, YHTLADELPHIA. Bark Tinto (Br), Davison Liverpool, soon. Brig Aurora, McDougall Liverpool, soon. Brig Maine, Jarvis BarbadOes, soon. Brig 6 V Merrick, Norden, HAY. & Cardenas, soon, PILIL4I.BBLPI-riA BOARD OF TRADE. JAante .111H.Lnuni, • ANDREW WHEELER, Committee of the EOM. ramARD Y. TowneElm, MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, 41.1170. 12. Sun Rpus..aao Sun seta....tuo High Water.. 9.54 ARRIVED. Bark M E Corning, Hibbard, 58 days from Liver. pool, with salt to Wth Bumm & Son ; vessel to Jokn R Penrose. Bark Midnight (II S), 7 guns, Act V Lieut W D Boatb commanding, t days from Fortress Monroe, for repairs. Schr T T Derringer, Blackman, from Boston, in ballast to captain. Schr John Stroup, Lake, from Boston, In ballast to captain. Behr S H Sharp, Robbins, froth Boston, in ballast to Blakiston, Graff, & Sobr Patterson, Godfrey, from Providence, In ballast to captain. • Schr Lewis Chester, Norwood, from Providence, in ballast to OA Heckscher & Co. Scbr S A Taylor, Dukes, from New Haven, in ballast to 0 A lieoksaher do Co. Schr N E Clark, Clark, Ironi Milton, Mass., in ballast to captain. Sphr Mary Anna, Gibbli, frOM New Bedford, in ballast to captain, ~ • • F,ohr Cora, Speoce, froth with feed to R.ll Lea. • Brandywine, Del, Sobr Jrigoopbblo, Hopkins from Derby, Conn, with stone to cap,in. ohr Carrie Wells,-Brown, 4 lays from Providence, in ballast to captain. - Schr Bohenitt; oting; 4 days from w" in balltat to captain. • as, ourG,o Morris, Arils, from Witehln b last to captain.' • gton, . Bohr Ed• B Wales, Hoffman, from Fortress RE roe, in ballast to S Stetson Si Co. 011. Sabr S R Jimeson, Jameson, 7 daye from Ti oal _ haven, with stone to captain. s Steamer Sarah, Jones, 24 hours from New York trmdse to Wm. M. Baird & Co. Steamer Manhattan; Ryther; a hours from... Cap May, with 126 passengera to captain. Off Fourteen d Feet Bank, Passed • largeeeply laden bark, bound up; off the Brown, an unknown bark, bound down ; below Reedy Island, brig Sarah Larsen, hence for Barbalioii f off Wilmington -Cheek, at anahsr, ship Vancouver,bones for ,Liverpool; .Har vey, for arbados ; brigg Gib:note Meredith; fot Fort Monroe MispecAt for:ER :W Pam, and Ocean Wave, for.Hattaraa Wet. Steamship Creetoent, Latham, BiltortHead - Bark Victoria (110,11TiriiitianYort an Prince. Bark Thetis (Dan),'Set4Ts9;lo49ttettlia• Brig Ada B (Bri,Gettid Queenstown, for Orders. Brig Matilda (Swe ) , An derson,i St Elite. Brig Lorana, Ilapenny, Oharlestosim. Brig Speedway Atherton, Portland. Brtf Wm Nichols, Amex, Boston, Via -Wh fining ton,' el. Seim Bohemia, Young, Washington. Sohr Judge Hopkinson, Marvel, Alexandria. Sehr Reading I%R, No. 48, Howard, do, Bohr R F Stockton, Vaneleaf, '.do. Bohr Isaac Morse , Bradford, Dipten. Schr 'Victoria, Ifel/ey, St Mary River. Sohr Saratoga, Pinkham, Boston. Sohr S H. Gibson, Bartlett, Boston, Behr Lewis Chester, Norwood, Boston. Selo S A Taylor, Dukes, Hingham, Schr C A Hooksoher, ' Smith, Boeton. • Schr American Chief Pressey, Fall River. Sebr Rachel Jane,Roath, Norwich. Schr Essex, Post, Providence. Behr Aid, Moore, Alexandria. Schr C S Groves, Ml:Mee, Beaufort. Schr Jas Logan, Smith Providence. Schr Eugene, Bray, Portsmouth. Scbr B Rickey, Tice, Cohaeset. Sehr J E Simmons, Simpson, Providence. Scbr Hiawatha, Disney, Portsmouth. Schr Chief, Godfrey, Rockland. Scbr S H Sharp, Robbins, Boston,. Sohr Clara, Putnam, Boston. Schr,Lath Rich, Bonita; Pensacola. Sohr John Stroup, Cannon, Beaufort. Bohr R (3- Porter, Townsend, Salem. Steamer Alta, Passwater, City Point. Steamer,J S Sbriver, Dennis, Baltimore. • F N . • pROPOR&LB FOR LOAN. TBRASURY DMPARIXONY, J 1117.86, 1864. Notice Is hereby given that subecriptlons will be re- Salved by the Treasurer of the United States, the , errand. Lisletant Treasurers and designated Depositaries, and by the National Banks designated and qualified as Depositaries and Financial agents, for Treasury Notes, payable three years froze ingrurt 16, 1864, bearing in terest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent. per annarn,lwith semi. annual coupons attached, payable In lawful money, These noise Will be convertible at the option of the holder at maturity, to six per Gent: gold bearing bonds, redeemable after live and payable twenty years from august 15, MT. The notes will be issued in denominations of fifty, one hundred, five hundred, one thousand, and five thou land dollars,' and will be leaned - in blank or payable to Order, as may be directed by the subscribus. All eubsciptions must be for fifty dollars. or some multiple of ART dollars. , - Duplicate certificates will be issued for all deposits. The party depositing mast endorse limn the Original sertigrate the denomination of notes required, and whether. they are to be issued -111 blank or payable to order. When, so endorsed they must be left with the officer ioceiving the deposit, to be forwarded to this Department. Thellnotes will be transmitted to the ownersfree of transportation charges as Goon after the reeelpt of the original Certificates of Deposit as they cal be prepared. BtO 8 .is to 20 WO 00 3 to 10 35 to 40 30 to 92 .. Ito 2 .. SO to 92 .. 6 to 10 .. 10 to 12 Interest will be allowed to August Ink on all deposits made prior to that date, and will be paid by the Depart ment on receipt of the original certificates. As the notes draw interest from Atlanta 16. persons making deposits subsequent to that date mud pay the intermit accrued from date !of note to date of lip posit. • • ' Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dollars and upwards for these notes at any one time will be allowed commission of one•anarter of one, per cent. which will be paid by this department upon the receipt of a bill for the amount. certified to by the officer with whom the deposit was made. No deductions for com missions must be made from the deposits. • moan, receiving deposits will see that the proper en. 'tenements are made upon the original certificates. all °Scare authorized to receivedePosits are reiuested to eye to applicants all desired information, and afford over/ facility for tasting onborniptionn BOBSCRIPMBEI WILL BB BEBBIVED BY THE Assistant, Treasttrei . of tlis 17ititsid States In rblia _ . &lats. First National Bask of Philadsividis Second. *Mims" Bauleof, Third:National Bank otPhilasielphis. throughont tb,, country iilll.doubner ATTORD /mums TO sumErßut& 7 3- 10 IL TIECEIX) riTATICONAX4 SANS DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY tinder thatrudione from the Trearnuy Ddpartraent, dde Bank is prepared to receive subscriptions to the new Loan leaned on Three Years' Treasury Notee with Con 'Pme attached, tearing interest'at the rate of two omits aday on every $lOO. These Treasury Notes are convertible at maturity, at the option of the bolder, into 11 B. 6 per cent. Bond*, (interest pagele in coin) redeemable after five years, and payable in twenty, from "mod 16, RM. Interest allowed from date' of sebsoription-to-Aturnst Id, and Mein subscriptions after that date the accrued bateiest will be requirAd to be paid. DAVID B. PAUL. 'President. ant-lm J 417 SO, 186,1 N EW NATIONAL LOAN INUBIN 1.80 IN ii&WVOL MONK! COUPONS ATTACHED, p y 04.101. i ti 11 4:f:A The minsteal Dayable Int*Mfol, =moist the end of *me Team; or, the holder has - the tight to demand at that. Unta - • • S.A4SS i3ol6li AT PAR IA AD 07TUOASL This nrivilede favabutble. as these 5410 i!onds are oar tooki popular loan. and are now , ei,dlina at eight : per fined. premium. 6nbearlitions,reeetredfn,thenenel pimp?, and the appall and iroreido of the iimmetsiry. of the Tresulary, losetheithth Clzen, and an noose/sail! infanta tlan. will birfanditted on deplioalon at our ofdoe. JAY COOKE & 172A-9ek.. — 7"::119: 114 Etorit THIRD. STREET F . 2IMTH NATIONAL •BANK, DIS/GITIOrIiD DIPOSMET "n M A RbiAli AGM OP TEI WM owls. Ibis lank is now proParia to receive subscriptions to THE NNW NATIONAL LOAN, Mined In the farm of TH III IIS.YRAES TSIIASTIRY NOTES, Interest paya),4* seml.eannally In laritil aoney, on the pith- days of :February and ii.ntmet re. meetively of each year. These ,Trearury Rota are ,eonyertibre at maturity, at hi option of the Atoldei., ilk, U O. $ per Dent. Bonds, lat4Wast Payable' In COIN, end redeemable Mter tad payable *nib` frora august" 15th, '1247. - nags Nelea will be Awned in same of.ldp, $lOO, ii.l()(4 tl,OOO, ,116,030. Interest mill beallomed to , the 16tb, of takeout neat on isidniorlptions Mier fa that data. Snii• teriptions 4mbeeinent to that date Will be req,niredlo Ay the accrued`intermit. - -.1 :commission' of 3i of one wr cent. will be allowed on all anbecrlptions of .025,000 1 / 4 4...upword. i , „ • SAM'', .3. 'MAC MIJELAN, TWAIN PIPE* MAIN VITBIFISD `,TILER/. COTT% ERAINPrPE—aIi sizes. from 2 to An. diaineter. ' with all kinds of branches.bends,And trays, for, sale In any q uantity. 2 nif t y bpi! per ylird 32c. ' - TERRA COTTA CRIBINSX TOPE, Nor Stottageh Villas, or City R Patent Wind= rrd. Toys, for cuinksmokr oballeYe. from to 8 feet _ _ ORNAMENTAL GARDEN VASE& '• Fonntaine. Pedestals arid &Musty 'Yarblo Bide Brackets,And mantel vasee IMILADBLPRIA TUNA COTTA 'FORKS. t e .A .tro 1010 , 0HEBTNET West: , rtf B. -ILAKRISOL C*lL' 'a OAIiRtA *- PEIRIMMO4III4 I *4lolltiAi wttii'tnll diaaripttiraarif .1.11 Y DA &Rd Mitnaa. bi licia • W. I'. PMENDEII, Mocreterr of the Tremor,: AID AL L Ir4:1:14•{0:16:11171,:vciri.j111.1 , *11.4:4:1 1111:LLTMEMBLA• plvwfvftviA , :tisodvi:44lWAA , zo AT PAR. p=lW . )nilM. '723 Arch Street, 7 340 • TRE&SOT 1 s 1 rl g lajaniffailalle g i ai " n . EDUCATIONAL. r • A NDALTIBIA. INSTITUTE—AI HOME ‘4-4‘. ItOsitinNo-sceooL FOR: Bon, at. Andalusia', Pa-at idles from Philadelphia. . R. T. WELL'i, A. !ff , Rector. MILFBRINOZO. —ilt. Rev. Alonzo Potter, 1) ... 0 LL.D.. and Rt. SIM Wm. B. Stevens. D. ' MILITARY COLLEGE,-- ALLEN . TOWN, Penne within three hours' ride of Phi ladelphia; chartered b the State, -provided. with spa cious grounds and •bui (Weis, and opened in May last' with over , ne,hpridred pupils. Commences its next ses sion SeptembefHtb. For circulars, address Rev. M. L. ROFFORD, a. M., President. salt)-tm WILL BE OPENED, MONDAY, SEP TEMBER MI, 1804; at .19R6. :VARBTON.. Street.a BO aRDING and DAY ECU OOL for Young La dies, in which will be afforded a thorough course of in struction in the Elementary and also the higher branch es of lathematios, Science% Languages. Select Liters . fur% and Music. , Mr% R. 14.. WATSON, Miss B. R. WATSON, ratilkna6r • Principals. WOODLAND SEMINARY, WEST PHILADELPHIA. A • DAY and BOARDING SCHOOL for,Youn_g. Ladies will be wined September 14. at No. '9 WOODLAND TERRACE, by Reit HENRY REEVES, A. K. .assisted by competent and experienced Teacher& R. retiresfrom the Chem bersburg Seminary, where the session has regularly closed with nearly fourscore pupils. Address: 91i Julyl6, the Principal, at Chambersbnrg. Pa. After: that, No. 9 Woodland Terrace, -West Phila delphia., - REFERENCE —Be,. Albert Barnes, Rev. EU A. Boardman, D. D. ; Rev. J. 0. Butler, Bay. G. W. Phail, D. D. ; Rey. C. W. Shields, D. D..; Ry: John W. Mears; Hon. Joe. Alisn and A. G. Cattail, Esq., Philadelphia; Hon J. Kennedy Morehead, Pittsburg% Honer. George Chambers and A. K. McClure, Chambers. burg. 3109-swtf WOODBURY INSTITUTB, WOQD BURY. Ct.—an excellent School. and a cheerful and happy home fel boos. For Circulars, address the Principal, canlo-iou - P HULSE. B. PRISTOL BOARDING SCHOOL FOR ..A,• ninth GUL mon LS m ill ir reopen culars onthe fret o Second-day in the For c aphlt an3g u ths-260. RUTH ANNA FEISCR, Madrid.. pHCENIX NORMAL INSTITUTE -a- (for both sexes), PHIHNIXVILLE, Chester county. Pa. 'Phorough instruction in English branches', with Latin, Preneb, Getman, and Music For particulars see Circular, by addressing JOSEPH A. BOND, BOX 148, PII(EfiIiLLE, Chester co., Pa. anl3-stath4o THE YOUN G LADIES' INSTITUTE -a- OF HATBORO, _ -- Rev. eito:•RAND; A. M., Principal. Established ten years since. Delightfalty located fif teen miles north of Philadelphia. A well appointed and thorough SCHOOL; wed a safe and pleasant ROME for a limited number et impils. Reopens MONDAY, Sept. 12th. fordroulareaddresetheillnelyeel. • am94X• PENgSI r L*A.NIA. •Atilsrttilia7 -a- ACADEMY AT WKSr CHESTS& The duties g this institution will be reetimed on THDESDAT, pteniber let. at 4 o'clock Circulars,. oontaining fell infornzatton, =SWIM ob tained of } AMISS H. ORlflt, Esq.,. No. fidattP CMT /V DT Street, orof COL..TOS ODOtar* k RK HYATT. President Penna. Mili tary COLLEGE,I3OIIIMNTOWN, H: .J.—Thla Institution is pleasantly loeated on the Delaware River, about thirty miles by railroad front Philadelphia. .Thorough instruction is given in the common and higher branches of English, and soyeriOr advantages are furnished in the Ancient and ,Modern . Languages. Drawing, Painting in all ita branches, Vocal and Instrumental Music,. For Catalogues, ad dress Bay. JOHN H. an4-6w BRARELVrkresiA. MISS • MARY E THEOPP WILL RE OPEN her ENGLISH and FRENCH MASHING arid DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LAMS, at No. 1841 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, on the. 12th of Sep tember. For circulars, until the let of September, ad dream Mies THROPP,VaIIey Forge. Pa. stia-aw• MISSES CASEY & MRS. BEEBE'S T I H LDIEI and FRENCH BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL,, No. 1703 WALHDT Street, -will RI .OPEN on WEDNESDAY, the 14th of September, an. 3401 .aLENWOOD ACADEMY, DELA WARE WATER 'GAP 110128 OR 00., PA. The fall session of the above institution mil com mence on the 12th of the Bth month (September). Por narttcolarestoplylo SAMUEL ALSOP, Principal. J733-2m . Delaware. Water Gap, Monroe co.. Pa. RIENDS' SCHOOL FOR GIRLS AND F SMALL BOYS, on School rano, Germantown , will reopen on the 6th of 9th month. The usual branchea of an will be taught, and we "feel war. ranted in believing that the competency _of the teacher, Deborah.B. Smith, will make It desirable to parents to patronise the school: • fr2B-9f VILLAGE GREEN BEMINARY:—Iiii- Lint RY BOARDING SCHOOL, 4 miles besond Ms? dis, and Lzi miles from Glen Biddle. on the West Chen! ter Railroad. Thorough course in Mathematics. Ruhr., ral Sciences, Languages, and English. Practical leer eons in Surveying and Civil Engineering. Pine libraw and apparatus. &umber of pupils limited. Begin% Sept. Dui Pupils have beneS to of a Dome. Refers to John 0... Capp & I3on, 23 South Third street; Thos. J. Clayton. Esq., Filth and Prime; John H. Diehl, 300 Walnut Ad dress Rev. J. BENET BARTON, A. M., j~22 9m 'VILLAGE GREEN, Penna., THE WEST CHESTER ACA.DEBri -A- AND:BEILITARY INSTITUTE. The scholastic year of tan months commences on the firm TUESDAY, the 6th of September next, and closes on the let of July following. Boys and young men prepared for College or Business in Its 'various requirements. The modern languages are taught by statics realient Teachers, who have no connection with any, other echo& • Nor catalogues and far information aiiplo . WM. F. WI A. K., Principal; or, J. RUNT= WOBBALL, A. M. Ph_ D. Associate Principal, hilt • : WRIT CESSTlllit,Renna. VIIILADKLPHIA. COLLEGIATE Ili -a- CHAS. YOUED LADIS. NO. 1530 - ARCH Street. Bey. A. SMITH. D. D.,IE. CLARENCE SMITH„ L. M., Principals. Ninth Year. Three Departments: Primary, Acade mic. and Collegiate. Poll collage mime in (Hassles, Mathematics, higher Enslish, and flataral Science, for those Who grad nate. 'Modern Laalgttairegt Masi., Paltd- Inc and ElocatkmlmAke_ best masters. For *Healers. APPIT . at 1726 cmgenlu'r• West, or address Box 2611 P. 0.. Philadelnkba: anSO-em N OTICE. -THE- FOLLOWING NO TICE Is published according to law, by (wawa the Orphans' Court for the 'City and County of 'Pharr dCUP elphia made on the first day of July, A. D. 1864. an4 County of Phiktdetphfa, as: _ The Commonwealth of Pennerlvanla to THOS. BALCH, one 0 the Executors of the Estate of Dr. Chas. Frede ric* Beck. deceased— • • GREETING : We command excus es before we did, that, laying aside all business and whatsoever, you be and appear in .your proper person before the Honors, ble the Judges of our Orphans' Court, ak a .Court to be held on FRIDAY, the Sid. day of Septcimber, A..D. 1904. at 10 o'clock of the forenoon, to show cause, if any you have. why the letters testamentarY,.graeted to you as one of the Executors of Dr. CHARLES FREDERICK. BECK, deceased, should not be vacated, and why you should not be dismissed from your Ornee of Trustee under the will of the said Charles Frederick Beck, de ceased, by reason of the matters set forth in the petition of HENRY PAUL BECK, filed in our Orphans' Court on the first day of July, A. D. 1864. and farther, to abide the order of the Court In the Premises, ka , and hereof fail not under a penalty of one hundred pounds.. Witness Honorable OSWALD THOMPSON, Esq., at —Philadelphia. the fifteenth day of. July, in the L.S.s. year of . our. Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. • IL M. BAWDS% Jylft-stf , . Deputy Clerk O. C. . N 0 T 1.0 lt.-LICTTERS OF ADMIN. ISTRATION open the Estate of JOHN GRIGG, late of the city of Philadelphia,- deceased , have been granted by the Register of Wills to the subscribers. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those haying Maims or demands against the same to present them 'without delay to • • NANCY M. OH100,•/ Administrators. JOHN W. GRIGG, • 5 No. 1823 and No. 226 weLaur Street, Philada.. Philadelphia. August 12, 1664. - anl3-s6t WHEREAS, LETTERS• TESTAMEN TART upon the Estate 9f HENRY L KURTZ, deceased, have been granted lby the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said estats are requested to make payment and those having claims against the same to present them to ALPRID FUGER, No. 51 N.• 1311ETH• Street, and As . . Executor. LOS T. CERTIFICATE OF STATE LOAN.—NOTICE 1s hereby given that application has been made to the Auditor General of Pennsylvania for the issue of a duplicate of the following certificate of five per cent. loan of the Commonwealth, isened by the Bank of Pennsylvania, acting as transfer agent for the Commonwealth, in the name of JANE HULL, which certificate has been lost, vii : Certificate No. MC dated April bth, leaned under Act of Assembly of Decem ber 18th, MS, for $160: • ANNA B. JONES , Adminletratrix d.. b. n. t. a. of Jane Hull, Deu'd. myl4-abm. • • • - • NI EL. SMOKED AND SPICED SAL. Ault received ALBERT a. ROBERT S, Dader la /las Gromaiesr t• au7141 ' Corner EXBVENTE aad WIZ Ida ARCHER & REEVES • • ' WHOLEFALE MIOCENE, No. 45 North WATER Street, and No. 46 'North DELAWARE Avenue. Offer for sale, at 'the Lowest Market Prices, a large dock of EDGAR. MOLASSES, COVINA TEAS, • SPICES. TOBACCO. And •Groceriee generally, carefully selected for the country trade.. -; . • - Sole Agents for the products of FITHIAN & POGIMPE Exte p26- nsive Frail Canning Factory at Bridgeton, N. J. a6m MACKEREL, R.ERRING, SHAD, 80.3. Axi.• —2,500 bbls. Mass. Nos. 1,2, and S liackereLlaisp eanAt fat fish assorted packages.. 2,000 bbls. 14w Purport, Fortune:Bay, and Halifax Herring . . - .2,500 boxes Lubec, Sealed. and No. 1 Herring. .150 bbis new Mesa Shad. • NW boxes Herkimer county Cheese, &c., In store and for sale by HURPWr & ICOON_B . . .• • N 0.1140 NORTH WHARvme. PICKLES. -.100` BBL& - .PICKLES 'IN VLNEOAR. _ .... , 61) half bble.• Mathis In Tlnagiir." ' Also, Ores -gallon And five-gallop k is do. For sale by ERODES & MiLLIAME. mh2B 107, South. WATER. Street. pa id gra s. CHICESE r -40 MANS SAO Sago aadlingllak Dairy Ohoesiof abiioe goolltY. For gala by RHODES WII.LIANS. 107 South .W • Strait WATER PIPE I DIWN, PIPE xontgomgy _Tsrral (lona Worksrolles sad Warehouse. LW KARIM Street.- Lin or meet Pszess:: • Foriotnt of 8 feet, 2 Inch bore, 35 cent& For otnt 0(2 feet, 9 Web bore. 46 Gent& For Ant of 9 feet, 11 Inch Pore, 66 tent& For pint of 3 felt, 6 inch bore, 70 cents. Porsolnt of 3 feet. 6 bitch bore, M eant& *ll Blies, from 2 to 16 Inch dlaane_ter. Alpo, Branches, Torun. TrePe , Ukimsey Tope, abli& soy Ilnea. °lvan Vases, ite. 1 1 00 0 L1 , 11!_e_RnoeDs, Btresit stirle-•tntbar MEDICINAL - COD—LIVER OIL.— areJOHN C. RASA & CIO t rfs meRKET Street, now remising utak supplies fresh from the fish eries. • - - The superiority of their Oil. in every -moped, has gained for , it a. reputation and sale beyond-anf other ' Brand in the market. To maintain 4 they are deter mined to supply an article that may. be entirely relied on for freshness and purity. See testicaoniale of ' Pro fessors of Medical Colleges. aull-thata-tf QUEEN OF Burry. WHITE VIEUIIII WAX OF ANTILLES. A new TRENCH COSMETIC for beautifying, whiten ins. and preserving the complexion. It is tbs. most won derfnl compound of the age. There its neither chalk, powder, magnesia, bismu th , nor tale hilts composition, It being composed entirely of pare-Virgin Wax; heal:* its extraordinary qualities forpreserving the shin, Mai . leg it soft, smooth, fair, and traurnarent. It makes the old appear young, the homelyhanasome the handsome more beautiful. and the mostheautilti divine. Price 26 and 50 cents. Prepared only.hy HUNT & CO.. Perfum ers. 41 South EIGHTH Street. two doors above Chest nut, and 133 South SEVUTH Illtreet,labove Walnut. jm-ttn a•:= -CASHIER. BEAUTIFUL ART OF ENAMEL. ILING THE 8/311f. —Pate de Toilet BSyzneafer (French Toilet Taste).' for enamelling' the skis, ladies smallp ox marks, wrinklee, burns, scare , &a. W ithout injury to t h e moat de li catecomplexion. Its sleets are truly ms... gloat. Sold in jars, price one dollar, with directions for nse„ EMIT k CO.. Proprietors, 4,1, Beath EIGHTH Street, two dioors above Chestunt, %Irina 8, SEVELITEI Street. sr yIS-Sis Pr 'UBE PALM OIL BOAP.--:THIS SOAP - is wade of pare, fresh Palm 011, and is entirely a vegetable Soap: more szdtable for Toilet use than thou made from animal fats. In boxes of one dozen sakes. for ES per box. lganufsetnred by GEO. K. ELKINTON k SOL IJim 11A MARGARETTA Strut. between Frani sat 2C Biloond, above OallowhilL lemeor ._ MRS. JAMES BETTS' CELEBRAITED BarronTlßS VOILLAXIItit— tbe only Ehrpporten nn der eminent median,' Ladles and Ytictians are respectfuilirreqn only on Mrs.. B=l3. at her reerldenee9 W Ittrett,Thlla., (to avoid eocutterieltit I•;.Thirty thonaant invalids busbies advised by their tvhysirsiana to nie het Manisa. .Those only are setae beeribs t the Vatted M h ; label on tbe box. nd elgnate QiiWrishatvosten, s toonani a gaM. Qs* LEGAL; GROCERIES. NEW NO. NO.I nucacigmr., AUGUST .13 1864 i AII UOAD LINES.: manatividui • - . OiNTRAL . RAILROAD. co ,^7 PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSBURG 130 MILO DOW BLE TRACK. . • - • THE SHORT 1101/TE TO THgEE WEST Trains leave the Depot at EWEN= Mg ALA- 11 Kiir Streets. as follows: Mail Train 7.16 A. 4. Past Line at m. 0.. WO. ./1.• .4. • IS A. s. Through Burros, P. M. Parkes Tre. IT • • , us 0. / P. Parkeeburg Train, No. 2. at Harrisburg Aooommodation Train . INIT. X, Lancaster Train at IL 00 P. AL Paoli Accommodation Train, (leaving Wed Philadelphia) 6.00 P. R. The Through Exprens rune daily—all the other trains daily. except Sunday. FOR PITTSBURG AND THE WEST. The Mail Train, Fast Line, and Through Express coi ned at Pittsburg with through trains on all the dive`. lug roads from that point, North to the Lakes, West to the Mississippi anti Missouri Rivera, and South and Southwest to ail points acoessible by Railroad. INDIANA BRANCH B.AILROAD. The Through Express connects at ;Blairmills Inter. section with a train on this road for Blairsville. Maas, he. EBENSBURG AND CEESSON BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Express Train connects at Oredon at 10.46 A. N. w ith a train on this road for Ebensburg. A train also leaves Cresson ,tor Rbenebur4 at 8.46 P. K. • HOLLIDAYSBURG BRANCH RAILROAD. The Mail Train and Through Express connect at Al toona with trains for Hollidaysburg at 7.66 P. M. and tjt A. M. TYRONS AND OLEARFIELD BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Rxpress Train connects at Tyrone with trains for Sandy Ridge, Phillipsburg, Port Matilda. Ifllesburg, and Bellefonte. fferfiTINGDON AND BROAD-TOP RAILROAD. The Through Express Train concords at Hantingdoa • with a. train for Ho wall and Bloody Run at 6.66 A. N. NORTHERN CEN TR AL AND PHILADBLPRIa AND • BRIE RAILROADS. Fon Smeausx,_Wrizmicerowr, L.GON NAVAL, and all points on the Philadelsphia and Brie Railroad, and EL MIRA. ItoollloYralt, BUFFALO, AIM NIAGARA PALLa. Passengers 'taking the Nail Train, at 1.26 A. M., and the Through Express, at 10.30 P. X., daily (except Sun days), fo directly through without change of cars ba dmen Philadelphia and Williamsport For YORK, Philadelph ia ' and GETTYSBURG, the trains leaving at 7.M A. M. and 230 P. H., connect at Columbia with trains on the Northern Central Railroad. CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. The Mall Train and Through Express connect at Har rieburdwith trains flar Carlisle, Chambersbarg. andHa foreteet WAYNESBURG ERANCH RAILROAD. The trains leaving at. 7.96 A. X. and 'LSO P. M. - connect at Downingion with trains on this road forWaynea . burg and all intermediate stations. • MANN'S BAGGAGE EXPRESS. An Agent of this reliable Express Clomp um Will as through each train before reaching the depot, and there 'Najd:um:kis and deliver baggage to any part of the city Nor further inform allow . apply at the - Passenger Sita- Ron 11 Z. corner of TiEEV_ETH mid MARKET Streets. J.IIA COWDEN. Tieked Agent. WRSTRRN EMIGRATION.. An Emigrant Accommodation Train leave' No. In Doug street daily (Sundays excepted), at 4 o'alosir F.M. For full information apply,to at PRANUIS - NK. Emt Ascird. 147 D O C K ' Street. TRIM/ITS. By this route, freight" of all deserl_ptiona of Ohio;arded to and from awy point on the .11roads of Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois. Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis souri, by railroad dfrect, or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. For freight contracts or shipping directions apply to S.D. KaresToff. Jr.. PhlladelPhia• Amooit Laws; jall4l General Superintendent, Altoona. Pa. 1864. NEVrY6 3 IiT ' ELAB. 1864. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON PH ILA DE L PH IA ANY'S magt3,_ FROM' TO • NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES, PROM WALNUT-MIRES IWRAIM,__: WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—YU: 'Ana At BA. K , via Camden and Amboy , U. and A. A - eommodationSS 111 At 8 At BA. N. • via Camden and Jersey City. Morni — mr &Tress , via Camden and Jersey City, Id—Class g Ticket . • -- 3 At le IC, via Camden and Amboy, Cl. and A. As. eommodation and A. ........ . At P. K., via Cam d en and Amboy, O. and A. Ex press. At I P. N. via Camden and Amboy, 174morenioda- Bon, (Freight and Passenger) 170 At 6 P. X , via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger)-Ist Clam Ticket... 111 Do. do.. 3d Class . d 0..... 100 At 7% P. M: ,via Camden and Amboy., Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger — Eat Claim Ticket... I 111 Do. do Id Claes d 0..... 100 For Mauch Chunk, Allentown,Bethlehem, Belvidere. laston., Lambertville, Fleming ton, kn. , at 3.30 P. K.. P. For Lambertvi ll e. and interme diate stations, at 6 For Mount Hair, Iwaneville, and Pemberton, at 0 A. Et I„and 6P. X. for Freehold at 6 A. X and 2 P. X. or Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco, Beverly, Burling. ton, Florence. Bordentown, at 6 A. 17 N., I, IN, 6, and 6P. Ii The 3.30 and 6P. K. lines run di• heat through to Trenton. •Fr Pa Riverton. Delano. Beverly, and Sur at 7 P. M. Steamboat Trenton, for Bristol, Marlin/ton, Beverly. Torreedale, and Tacony, at 9.30 A. fd. and 2. XI P. X. LINES FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: At 4 A. K (Night), -via Kerishwton and New York. Washington and New York Mail • • • ....RI X At ILK A. K. via Kensington and Joiner •OltY. Empress 3 00 At 4.80 P. K, via Kensington and Jersey City, Re press ..... 300 At 6.46 P. M., via Kensington and.. Jersey OItY. • Washington and New York Erpreas .•. . . 3 00 Brind_ay Lines leave at 4 A. N. and 0.46 P. X. For Water Gap,' Stroudsburg, Scranton, Willreebarre. Montrose, Great Bend, Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Beth,. lehem, Belvidere, Easton. Lambertvi ll e, Fie .at 7..18 A.' This ine connects with l es l =l leaving Easton-for Mauch Chunk at 3.30 P. M. - For La:ol64sll.ra'. and Intermediate stations, at 6 P. K. For Bristol, Trenton, gm . at 7.16 and 11.16 A. X end II P. X' For Holmesburg, Tacony, Wlssonoming, EridembarE. and Frankford, at 9 A. K , 6, 6.45, and 8 PN. • SFr For New York and 'Way -Lines leaving Kenning. ton Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut. half an'hour before departure.. The cars run into the ' t Pot. and on' the arrival of each train: run from the rft, pound. of Baggage only allowed sash passers. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as. - (Me but their wearing apparel. All baggage over ti pounds to be paid for extra. The Company:A:Littheir responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will--not be ,11. able for any amount beyond $lOO. assent . Ely special contract. Graham's Regimes Repress will .all for and deliver nitife at the Depots. Orders to be left at No. 3 Wel stgreet. WILLIAM B. GATEXER, Agent. -.Aug. 8, 1864. LINES Fitox . NEW YORK FOE PHILADELPHIA, WEIZ LEAVI 12.011 VIZ POOP or 00111ITLAND SPRINT. 'At and and 4 P. m., via Jersey City_ and Camden. At 7 10 A. N. a nd . 6 P. . and 13 (Night).'vis geir ger, City and .Hensington. Prom the footof Barclay street at 6 A. K and fr. K.. via Amboy and Camden. From Pler No. I, North river, at 12 IL , 4, and 8 7.11. • (freight and , passeneer,) Amboy and Camden. la4-ti 1864. NaliglINNIS . 1864 PHILADELPEILL:AND KRIM RAU: WAlL—This great lino traverses the Northern awl Northwest *outages of num,lrani& to the city of Erie. en Lake Erie. It has been leased by the PENNSYLVANIA RAM, ROAD COMPANY, and under their auspice" L being rapidly Opened throughout Its entire length. , It is now In use for Passenger and Freight hulas s from Harrisburg to St. Mary's (216 miles), on miles). ern Diebtion„ and from Sheffield to Eris (7/ Olll the Western Division: Tlll2 01 PAANENGIIII TiltAllll3 AT 17EILADIL2LIAL Leave Westward. Nal .» 1.76 A. IL teas Train.-- 10.30 P. Y. ran through 'without change both ways os thee* trains between niladelphis and Lock Reese, and be tween Baltimore and Look Haven. Elegant Sleeping Care on Express Trainclboth ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williams port and Philadelphia. For information resiimmrt_lnirPassenger business, imply at - the S. B. corner DLEH and MARKRT Streets. And for Freight business of the Corapanys_Agentg : B. B. KINGSTON, Jr., corner TRUNTIR=II and MARKET. Streets, Philadelphia, J. W. REYNOLDS, Brie. J. /1; DRILL, Agent N. O. R. R. BalHmora. H. H. OrrsTow General Fraixht Agent, PhdadelVtli, L5w113.1,. HoITPT, General Ticket A~ gge ~ n yt, PhilateMiabL JOS__ —NPR D POTTS.- Mlit-tt • General Nalager. atillialME. 'NORTH PENN: SYLVANIA 'RAILROAD— For BETHLEHEM, DOYLBSTOWS. MAZUR OHITNE: EASTOP, wmiumspowz WILERSBARRI, So. SUMMER- AEXANOEBIENT. - - Passenger Trains leave the.neW Depot, THIRD Street, above Thompson street, daily (Stoldan excepted), as follows: At 7 A. N. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch . Chunk, Hazleton, Williamsport. - Wilkes barre, he. • • At 8.46 P. K. (Fames) for Bethlehem, Baetono At • 6.16 P. - M. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Chunk.: . For Doylestown at 9.15 A. M. , 6 I'. M. and 4.15 P. M. :For Fort Washington at 10.15 A K. and 11 P. X. For Lansdale at 616 P. AL White oars of the Second and Third. streets Line City Passenger run directly to the new Depot. • • TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem At IL 30 A. hi., 9.30 A. M.. and 6.07 R ' • Leave Doylestown at 6.49 IL M. . 3.45 P. M., and 7 P. heave Lansdale at 6 A. M. , Leave Fort Washington at 11.15 NDAY& A. X. and SP. M. ON SU Philadellita for Bethlehem at 9 A M. Phlladelpphla for Doylestown , at 8 P. X. Doylestown for Phil/41.1W* it 7.20 A. - • Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 P. Id_ . BLLLB CLASH, Agent 1864 . - aIIEDBN AND AT- iIQRA • rairrursanatoAD.. AA-purr. ElinfiCEß A_RIUNGENIINT- , TECROUGH IN TAO' BOORS. • TOUR TRAINS , DAILY TO ATLANTIC CITY. On sad . after- MONDAY,. July 4th, train will lea,* VlNBAltreet Ferry se follower, , Mail ' 7. so 'A.m.. Freight; with passenger ear attached 9.16.W.K "twee. (through in two hours) 109 F.M. Atlantic Accommodation • 4.16. P. N. Junction Accommodation* • • - ' - 6..1/0 PAL ' RETURNING, leaves Atlantic: Atlantic ACCOMMod @Atop .......... :.....4.......::...t48 A. N. Ixpress7.o6 A.: AL Freight 11. 60 A. M. Nail 4.48 P:IL Junction Accommodation 6.93 A. N. Fare to Atlantic, $62. Round-trip Tickets, (good_ _only for the day and train on which they are Wllleds) IP. EXTRA HADDOIIFISLO TRAINS Leave Vine street at 10.16 A. M. and 1 PAC Leave Haddonleld-atlL46 A. K. and 3.46 rt IL - OP SUNDAYS.; - • • .. ._ 0 _ Nall Trainfor Atlantic leaves Vine street. aA7.3 A.*. Leaves Atlantic at 4.4 6 P. DE' . - 1e96-teel • .INO. G. BRYANT; Agent. ERN'WEST J.I.RBEX RAILROAD LINES. COMIdENCING MONDAY, JUNKS). 1864. from WAY , ='.BTBEET PIER. FOR CAPE MAY. • . At 6 and 10 A. M. and 4.30 P.ll. .For Salem and Bridgeton at 9 A. M. and 4P. M. - For woodbor at ff. I), and 10 A.M., and 4 and 4.30 P.N. For bniy. Gionowner. dm. at n 6 and 9 d. M.. 12 M., Sad 4 and 6P. K. • • •• RETURNING TRAINS. Leave Cape May at 6 and It 46 A. M.. and 6.10 P. M. Leave at 7.40 A.M. and 1 62 and 6.60 P. X. Leave Salem at 6 A. M. and 1.16 P.M. Leave Bridgeton at 6.16 A.M. and 1.30 P.M. Leave Glassboro at 7.10 and 8 96 A.M., and 2.23,3, and 7.60 P.M. Leave Wceisibury at 7, 7.40, and 8.64 A. M.. and 2.60. 9.29, 6. 06, and 8 12P.M. The WRIITI JERSEY EXPRESS COMPANY, Office s WALNUT Street, will call for and deliver Bay gage. and attend to all the usual branches of Express buSiness. Heavy articles taken by 6 A. N. line only, and must be sent to the 'office the evening previous. PerWhabla articles by this !bee most be sent before 6N,.A. Y. &special messenger accompanies each train. islS•tr J. VAN RESSEMAlR;lksperlutendent. PHILADELPHIA. AND ELMIRA R. R. LINE. 1864.' SP NG AND 18N T INER ARRAIGN- MA. - For WILLIAMSPORT ScßkirrON, inarraL. PALO. NIAGARA PAILS, CLEVELA.ND, TOLRDO, CHICAGO, DBTROIT, MILWAUKEE, CINCINNATI, BT. LOUIS, and all points in the West and Northwest. Pseeenger Trains leave Depot of • Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, corner BROAD and CALLOWHILL da Streets, at A. M. and 3 . 30 P. M., daily, except Sun ys. QUICHEST ROUTE from -Philadelphia to points In Northern Red Western_ PenzusyleAula, Western NeW York, Ac., dry. For further Information apply at tne 011.40, N. W. earner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. W. TAR HORN Ticket Agent. JOHN S. MLLES. General Agerit. TNIRTIRNTE and CALLOW/MI.IW .. ftryls-tf airigism NSW R LINE SOUTH. _ PHILADELPHIA TO BROOKLYN.' ..• c. • THROUGH IN 'FIVE HOURS. GOOD PARE EXCURSION TICKET/3 II& lo* THREE DAYS. On and atter MONDAY AUGUST I, 1864, trains will lave foot of Vine etreet , Philadelphia, every morning at 8 A. it., Sundays exectoted, thence by Camden and Atlantle, and Raritan and Delaware Bar Railroads to Port Monmouth. and by the commodious steamer Jesse Hoyt to foot of Athlete istreet,ellicoklyn. Retarnlas, leave Atlantic-street Wharf ever? 4+7,B+r/dais except. sit atll A_ K. lioltXrsvellers to the city of New York are notited aymly for Damns by this line, the Mate' of New Jersey ball/Igifrigitod. to' the Camden andSzsibormo wepoly the OZ 4111 1 / 1 1•11. Drivllege -of oarrylas iwassotiters freight fiOtoiteiiftloo Odor, of Philodelphio h ods Now • anl.. tt riARDAND Ai= JOB. PRENTING, .-1? UM% ut ii I9V *. • • RAILROAD, I. O. MOKIVRAII44OA.D; • wiwastarion. AAP •BALTP • , TIME TABLE. On end after. MONDA T, • ,gust let, 1861, PASSeW O7 Trains lesfira Phil rid elphialor Baltimore at 4. 90, (Eg)reaa,'Mond aye excepted ' ) &CB A. M., 12 M. 2 30`and 10.30 P. M. Chester at 8.06, IL'l6 , 1.30, 2.30, 9.95, b and n P. M. Wiimington at 480, °Bondage egeekted,_Yll.o9. 11.25 A. 11...1.30,2.30. 4.90 6 10.90 , sad 11 R. m.. Beg .Castle at 8 06 1 . M. and 4.20 P. IL Dover at &ft A M.: and 4 30 P. M. Milford at B 06 A. M, Salisbury at 8.56 A. IC TRAINS FOR praLADELpurs lasers Baltimore at . 9.46, 9.40. A. M., (Express,) LEI, 6.261 mi 10.26 P. M. Wilmington at 148, 6.46, 9A. IL, 1. 1.66, 4.39, 7aa d• 9.10 P. 111 Salisbury . at U. 66 A. N. Milford at 2.46 P. M. Dover at 6.60 A. M. and 4.16 P. M. New Castle at 8.30 A. 21. and 6.22 P. M. Cbeater a 17.46. 9.404. Id., 1, 2.46, 4.40, 6, 7.66 aid 9.40 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and Intermediate sta tions at 10.26 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Dover and intermediate stations &cl.lO P: M. TRAMS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Cline tei - tZt . .440A.: c.(iiiiil7.os P. M. Leave Wilmington at 6.36, 0.25 A. M.. 3.40 and 11.40 P. M. Freight Train with Paseenger Car attached will leave; Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate places, at 7.46 P. M. • SUNDAYS. From Philadelphia to Baltimore only at 4.30 A. M. and 10.30 _ . _ • - Front Philadelphia. to Wilmiligton at 4.30 A. 10.10 4i 11 P. M. Prom Wilmington to Philadelpltin at 1.40 &ad P.M. Only at 10.26 P. M. from Baltimore to Pitiladebbia. aal. . H. R. MBNXBY. Sotp't. alginglita ItA T AI-N AND 'DELAWARE BAY RAILROAD To Long Branoli,• Atsion, Manchester, Tom's River, prinieget, Bell Bank, On and after MONDAY, August Ist, Trains will leave CAMDEN, for LONG BRANCH, at 'S A. M. Returning will leave Long Branch at 12. P: M. THROUGH 1N• POUR BOORS DIRECT BY RAIL. A" Freight Train, with passenger car attached, will start for Stations on the main tine daily, from CAM DEN (Sundays excepted), at 9 .30 A. AL Stages connect at Woodmanste and Manchester for phirnaget and Tom's River: Stevan will, also connect at Farmingdale, for Point Pleasant, equau Village; Blue Bail, and Our Home Tavern. For further Information 'apply to Company's Apedg, L. R. COLE, at Cooper'u Point; Camden. WM. F. I.IFFITTS, Ja. , Jyl-tf General Superintended". Wfigamiip i . .NEW RAILROAD iNt .1g ORT H. —PHILADETO F 111.41 TO 13.1i00.ELYN—THROUGH IN FIVE HOURS. •FARE TWO DOLLARS—EXCURSION TICKETS THREE DOLLARS—GOOD , FOR THESE DAYS. 'Oh and after MONDAY. Angq6t 1:188I, trains Wll/ leave foot of VINE. Street, 1.-PhiladeAla, EVERY. MOBBING, at 8 o'clock.• Sundays exce , thence by Camden and Atlantic .and Rarl4.n an Delaware Bay Railroads to Port Monmouth, and by the commodious steamer Jesse Hoyt, to foot of Atlantic street, Brooklyn. Returning, leave Atlantic street wharf every day. Sum• days excepted, at 11 A, M. Travellers to the city of New York are notified not to apply for Passage by this line, the State of New Jersey baying granted to the Camden and Amboy monopoly the exclusive privilege of carrying passengers and freight between this cities of Philadelphia and New York W, F. ORIFFITTS, JR., IYBB-tf General Superintendent. INSURANCE. • • FAME ENSIMAN Rio. 406 OEM PHILAD FMB ,A311:4 INLA Francis N. Buck, DMZ Charles Richardsoz, Beery Lewis, 0. W. Davis, R. S. Justive, George A. Weet, FRANCIS N. CHAS. BICH W. L BLANCHARD, %ere AMERICA N' FIRE INSURANCE comma . . IncOmporated 1810. CHARMS PER PETuni.. No. 310 WALNUT Street. above Third, Philadelphia. ' Baying a large paid-up Capital. Block and Surplus In vested to sound and available Securities, continues to Insure on Dwellinms, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise. Vessels fa port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses 'liberally and promptly adjusted. DLRFACTOBS. Thomas N. Maris, J 8 ,111013 R. Campbell, John Welch. Edmund G. Drain, Samuel C. Morton, Charles W. PoultneY. Patrick Brady, Israel Morris. John T. Lew/a, • • THO BR. MARIS, President. ALBERT a: V. Cbtawtioau, Secretary. fe22-t[ TNBIIRANCE COMPANY OF THE A- STAPP OP PRIINSYLV &NM —OFFICE Nos. 4 mid 5 EXCITANON•BUILDINGS, North side of WALNUT Street, between DOCK and THIRD Streets, Philadel phia. INCORPORATED IN 1791-CUARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL 41200,6:10. PROPERTIES OF THE COMPANY, FEBRUARY I. 1664, 6626,817 62. MARINE, FIRE, ' AND. INLAND TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. Henry D. Sherrerd, Tobias Warner Charles Maralester, Thomas B. Watson William) S. Smith. Henry Cl. Freeman. William R. lighltei • Charles S. Lewis, George H. Stuart.. • Geor g e C. Carson. Samuel Gra/W.7,4 4 • - Edward C. Knight, • • John g Austin. :11BNET D. SEDEREED, President. WILLIAM HAMM, S esretitl.. nolB-tf ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COM PANY.—Authorized Capital 34C0,M)--CHALTIM PIMP/METAL. dittos No. 811 wAlNrrr Street, between Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. This CompanYwill insure against Lora or Damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture. and Merchandise gette rall Are . o. Marine Insurances orirVessels, Cargoes and Freights. Inland Insurance to a ll parte of the Union. DIRECTORS. William Esher, Davis Poarson. D. Luther, Peter Sewer, Lewis Arid ended. J. E Baum, John B. Blachieton, William F. Dean. Joseph Mixtteld, John etcham. WILLIAM E S KER , President. WM. F. DEAN, Vice President. W. I. Smirs, Secretary. apE• ff trlia. wA jcitaaTAL SAFETY " 0011G Y PAXT DTOORPOiATED BY.T3 DILATDEB OF/IMA EEL 4... 41EIELDI 071r/Cill I. CORM& b Azar WAII.NOT 0/11 FRII4D ELL MARINA INSDIIANOII • OW VESSEL& } (1/Lltiao,_ To all parte of the world. - PRINIOT, ' 1 IZILArgP In On Clwyd' by River, Cum!, Lake s and LIMA ealTilte. to all parte of the Maio& FIRE INEHTEILACEI3 On Merehandise_generally. On Skulls. Dwelling BOUM, M. ABBI7EI 07 TSB COMPANY. MOV. 1. imn. .100,00) United States Five per tent. Loan 537,030 013 75,000 United States 6 per cent. Loan, 5-20 a. 70,000 00 20,000 United States 6 per cent. Loan, 11181.. 21.000 00 50,000 Unit. States 7 3-10 per cent. Trust rrY Rotes 53,260 00 'lOO,OOO State of Pennsylvania 5 per sent. Lonf Pennsylvania 6 per 5ent100,697 IC • 54,000 State a o oan f 1,840 1!3,0605,050 Fla L iladelphia City 6 per cent. Loan.. 127,529 00 50,000.tittate of Tennessee 6 per cent . Loan .. WOO 60 .000 Pennsylvania Railroad, Ist Mortaaat- • 0 per cent. Bonds /1,300 00 50,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, Id Mortgage .6 per cent Bonds —• • 13,260 au 15.053 SOO B l ares Stock Germantown uss =reed by the city of Phila. 14000 00 lisooo Sharee Stook Pennsylvania Bail 11.000:100ricgreSiTte a Pi rtTlnith Pe lvaata CICI Ratlmad PoSriPlat7 Lae 00 many M.OOO United Siart - es Ceitilleates of Indebted .ll43sll 441) 00 153,400 Loans on Bontrand Mortgage, amply • $7911 750 Par Cost, $758,737 U MerketValn 1791 B:x) 90 mate ... .. . e.. xe, reeeivable . for Insurances made. 111.115X57 X Balances due at Agenelee—premtnms on Ma rine ;Policies, • accrued interest. and other •"tdebta due the Company ..... . 2 ... ••• • • • •-•• tilji Scrip and Stock of sundry .......... sad ,other Companies, 115,503, estimated rains.. ISsah on deposit with United States - • 00 °Ak i°l Oovernmenklothiect to ten delta' ealLt. . 100,000 00 Oaah on 88,688 89 " BEI BO MOW • SLOW* DI:RECTOR& Thomas 0. Bud. . John C. Davis; B°be n r e t i l lt ifft° . &a n ise. Edmund:A. Sondes, J. P. Pentston, The o P—bints Pstd4l2S. Henry . Sloan, • John .N.'Penrose; William G. Boniton, - JamesTrannair, Edward Darlington, ' mejuyx, Jr., H. Jones Brooke, - James C. Hand, Jacob P. Jones, Willinni C. Ladle*. James . 13.• McFarland, Joseph R. Beal, phew P. Eyre, Dr: R. M. Huston,Spencer MeHvaine Georaw Gl•Lelpet,John B. Sempl e Pittabirgi Hugh Craig, A. B. Berger, l4ttsburg. • Charles /WIN THOM 0. HAND, PrWdant. • JOHN.O. DA.TIB. Vies Preddent. Thoorr L'frattnur. Secretary.: • • " jai+ SOMAS.,. voLLurenzAD. AX. L 011,m14. OLLINB EA D & .GRAVICEI, /';• ntstrauics . CY Ar ' o. 312 WALNUT snow. Pm/an:MIL Agents for the Ito *lon FIRE 1118ORANCE 00.. of Norwich, Conn. .. . , CHARTERED NW. - ' REIIPERENCES IN PHILADELPHIA (by author )• John Grigg, Eat. Messrs. Trodlck, Stokes &CO rales,"Wbarton & Co. Masers. Chao Lens* & Co. Ew it a. Coffin Altana& Mewl. W. H.Larned 411 00. Jell4m*._ Parii-retalor, nistrltAxoz COM. nr ant _ . 07 11111/DILPHIA: = " L ImporisrlS4 Charter PespetnaL ". OFFICE 'lf 0.12011 WALNUT STRUT. - Insnie - e against lose or damage_ by FIRS Romeo, Stores, and other Buildings; limited or yespetaal; Sala on Furniture, (foods Warm, sad - Merchandise; OAPrrAL $300,004). ASSTS $387, 811 Invested in the following Securities, vis: "First Mortgage on City Property, secured %IMO OD Cnited States Government ,000 00 Philadelphia City per cent. Loans • .87400 00 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania per see& "'" .._28,000,110) LOS& 11Laki 63 renntrytvania Railroad Bonds, first and NW tand Mortgage Loans **** ' - 641100 00 Camden * andoa Amboy n Railroad COSlDlCompan y's Philadelphia and Beano/ Railroad Co. • Dah€o , per cent. Loan 7 ,1.000 OD Hunt don and Brbad Top Ilailroad 7 Der - sent. ans 4,15Wi 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvaitia Stock --•-•-• /0.00 1 1 00 Mechanics' Bank Stock • '4;000'00 County Fire Insurance Company's Stock.— 1,06.0 00 anion Mutual Ineuranne Company's Stock • of Philadelphia 2,200 6/ Loftus on Collateral ; well sesured........— • meow &named Interest «» BOW W Cash In bank and on 16,68713 Word at Moment market value. ThiSHOTOSIL Clem TM4rtey, - .Robert Toland, Wm: H. erapsoa. William SESTOMMI• Samuel Blirpham. Hampton L. Caraost o Robert Steen, Matahall Hill; William Masser, J. Johnson BrOWn. Charles Le land _,, Thos . R. Moors. Boni. W. Tine* , in r •• • . 27,xcaart.- Presldeitt. THOMAS O. HThrb:lleareMay. .PEAADAArata. , 4II2IIIMTS. Il6f. _ IORILAY P. KomairawlA.D. - WIL IL GUMMI. ITOLLINI3HKAD GR&VES, DiscrEArrat iGuroy. zto.'slit wAuRIT Ski Phila.:l,6lolo. agents for tbs LLBA.OII,CITY TIRE INSURAISION CO,, • ' J•37-61a OF ALBANY, N. Y. FEEINSUIUNCE EXCLUSINIgrx." ,Sit, PENMSYLVSNLi FMK LetSCriliffol 0015. PAIY. Inoo rated Mt. CILLETES No. 510 W Stmt. opposite independenee care. • 5 COmpury, favorably ti known to the eonunreally for nearly fortb_yeare, oonnues to Insure against Login or Damage by Fire. on Public or Private Bnikline% to either permanently or tor a limited time, Also, on Pim tre, Stooks of Goode. o or Merchandise generally, 011 rid rstut. • eir naPit&l, teffetkiff With 4 WY/ Burping Pond h Leateff in the most.earstal ;manner. whisk MIL OM to offer to the hurartei an. undoubted secuitft . ease of loos. - _ mes Jonatlinn Patters OTORS. on r . Daniel Smith, Jr.. Alexander Fienson. ,John Deverenx. . ' Isaac Hallehuret, • :ilsoman EtnnltlL • Thomas Itobina, . . Henry Lewis, J. GIME& m Fell. WELLIAX G. Ca JO DATHAN.PATTSIIBON, PriMilialL crws.u. %crater,. POLKA/ P. ROLLIPEISEAD. WIL 61&A HOLLINISH:EAD AND ORAVRU' ummar Ito. ns wgirprannuaoa APMCIELPILAA eta for the ClittrruX /Ilia LINUNABrus CO A a.,, a new To*. ' OLIVE OIL. • 600.8aaketa Woltz OUT* Oil. • 300 Cilia oirot Aix. Freatimportatios. Just aliOPHS recived und'for mile by WILLICII x AvT Wm% WATJUU CB COMPANY, TNIIT STEM, ELPECIA. INSUBLAGX o obit W. /harms, Robert B. Potter, Jobs Kessler, R. D. Woodruff, Charles Stokes, ' Joseph D. Rills. BIICH 'Pmeidont. :DSO", Vice Presldest. Jai tt I A RMY CLOTHING AND EQIIIPA4IO OFFICE. CtacurxArr , August PROPOSALS are invited by the undersigned lentil SATURDAY. Anima 20th. 1881, at 2 .o'clock P, AL, for furnishing this Department (by contract) with ARMY BLANKETS, five. and wool gray. RUBBER PONCHO TENT BLANKETS.. Samples of which maybe seen at the office 'of Clothing and Equipage in this city. . To be delivered free or charge, .at the IT. S.. Inspection Wareborpe in this city, begood. new packagee..w.ith the name or the party fin maiming, .t cm kind and quantity.of good. distinctly marked on each article and package. Parties offering goods must distinctly atate in. their bids the quantity they propose to furnish, the price,and , time of delivery. Samples when submitted must he marked and-num bered to correspond with the proposal and the parties thereto must guarantee that the goods shall be, in every . respect, equal to- Army Standard, otherwise the prop°. eel will not be considered. A guarantee, signed by two responsible persona, must, .accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will supply 'lles twithin nderhis proposal, Bids_ Saturday, under o'clock. at this office , and i&ers areisquetee to be present. . . Awards will be made onlifonday. August 22. . Rowse will be required that the contract will be feith fully fulfilled. . Telegrams relating to proposals will not be noticed. . Blank forms of Proposals, Contracts, and Bonds may be obtained at this office. . . . . The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is re served. By order of Col. Thow.ia C. MOULTON, soli-8t .... _Captatn,aa A .Q. M . PIMP OBALS ABM 41[ALLEABLZ rem cAverarThancpwcfs: • • Onnverrox Oirirr•WAlt DIIPAILYWarr, Wanwtworon, Julyl4, Me. PULED PROPOEA_LB P ill 'received' at 'Thia ones until BATUR.DAY, Aniftarl'2o;l964 at 4 oNidock P_; for the delivery at the following points of the underien. Honed quantities of malleable-iron trimmings tor ea; Talry eqnl manta ' Al the New York Atonal; New York, 90,000 sets: ' At the. Frankford Argenaklo;oo9Sets. At the allejthany Arnaud, 20;00tiae t a. At the St...bonis Arm:010;10;M Each net la to coneist'of the nowhere of each kind of buckle, square,' ring, • bill; stud, and loop now pre scribed, except that two of the D rings in each set are to De made of the new pattern, wi th l stop, according to the modelle be seen at the above arsentle. The castings are to be made of the best' uality of malleable iron, the tongues of the buckles ' f the best stock wire. The di mensions of the cleaned aaatings and the finish, and di mensions of the buckle tongues and rollers, mnet 00n form strictly . to the standard gauges , which will be an plied before Japanning: "Aft* bsing thoroughly cleaned and freed from all'sprzies and irregularities they are SO he japanned in then esti:canner The goods are to be lAA np in comb el in the usual ma.. ner, and packed,pro hoadred comolete,sets in a box of a quality, abd . marked as may be, preecri!* . bY the In-' acting officer. • The work la to be subject to iIIIINIStiOn at the manu factory in all stages of ita provreea..and-uo goods are to be recelyed.or paid for which have' Dor passed Wipes- • • Deliveries are tube made as folio:vs: Bidders will state the weekly rate arwhich they , van deliver. • • Bidden, will state the arsenal or arsenals where they propose to deliver, and the number of eels they_prepose to deliver at each place, if, for morelhan one. Failures to make deliveries-ate ' , Pacified time will subject the contractor to a, forfettjtrei.ef, the number he may fall to deliver- at that time . - ,lio bids will be reeeivedfroMparties other than ran 'UV manufacturers of the articles proposed for, and who are known to this Department to be capable of executing In their own shops the work proposed for. ' Forms of bide can be obtained at the above named arsenals. Proposals not made out on Ode form leaf not be considered. UABATES. • • The bidder will be G required N to accompany his propo sition with a guarantee, signed by two responsible per sons, that, in case his bid be accepted, he will at once execute the contract for the same; with good and sue -dent sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the cox tract, to deliver the articles proposed, in conformity -with the terms of this advertisement; audit: ease the ,said bidder should fall to enter into the contract, they to make good the difference between the offer of said bidder and the next responsible bidder, or the person to wbom the contract way be awarded. The responsibility of the eters mitt be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest Dis trict Court, and the United States District Attorney. Bonds in the sum equal to the amount of the contract, signed by the. contractor and both of his guarantors, will be required of the suitamsful bidder or-bidders upon signing the contract FORM OF GUARAWFIR. We, the undersigned, residents In----- in the county of . and State of --, ' hereby 'jointly and ee'verel. y covenant with the United States, and guarantee, in elm the foregoing' bid of be' accepted, that he or they at once execute the contract for the same, with good and contra sureties, Ir. a enm equal to the amount Of the contract, to furni sh the -articles proposed in conformit3r with the terms of this advertisement, dated „Trily 14., 18114, 'tinder which the bid was made; and In C9.158.,t h e said shall fail to *inter into a contract as. aforeiedd, we gnarantee to make good the diffefence between the offer of the said and the next lowest responsible bidder' or the person to whom the contract maybe awarded. Given ander on; hands and seals Witness: this— clay of . . O [Beal.] To this guarantee must be appended the official card- Icaterabove mentioned. enterparty obtaining a contract will be obliged to into bondswith approved suretlea for the faithful execution of the same. Upon the award being made. snortal bidders will be noti fi ed and' tarnished with for - of contract and bond. TheltenextnAnt reserves the right to meat any or all the bide if deemed unsatisfactory on - an y account. Proposals will be addressee to ' Brigadier General George D. Hannay, Chief of Ordnance, • Washington, D. C.," and will be e dor/tel l • Proposals forAgallea. ble Iron Cavalry Vt. 030. D. RAMSAY. .iylll4oollllt :Brigadier General. Chief of Ordnanoe. • PEN=N STEAM- IraTenti BOILEIit WORKB. a Lan PRACTICAL AND TRIORETICAL 0 CRINISTB, 'BOILER-NAKILEIB, BLAO gg i t pouNpus, having for many years' bean la Ineleeehlre, operation. and been exclusively anie building ant repairing Marine and Ri v er ea, nigh and lowprer sere. Iron Boilers, Water Pro era, tra. , he.; respectfully offer their services to the public, as .beMi . fully prepared to contract for engines of all elms, as tine; River, and Stationary; haring sets of patterns e different sires, are prepared to metal orders will Quirk despatch. Byers deecrlpthodof pattern-suadse made at the ehorteat notice. ilia and Lola-prewar' Pine, Tubplari and Cylinder Boilers of the beat Pens rylvania charcoal Iron, Forging', of all sties and hie& Iron and B gs Caatin, of all descriplione: Roll-Tars Acrevi-Cn Ouid otlair„work eonnested the above Mistimes: • Drawings and speoilleitionst for . all work done at tkL astati e l,ishment fres of Ghana, end work anaranta4al. Th finbirlh. --erilazaPleArlintf-dock room for Zir Pairs of boats, *hire they, clue lie in parfect safety, am ma provided arith,shears, blocks; I"; •Ow• I* 'wallas nosey or lightweight': JACOB O. Ann& JOHN Y. LIM. •aammi and PALMER three*, S 7. 211 909,11164 311 J. mamma* *4w:lM • " ern:l74x If: icittiriat , - r 0,11:, I. OOP& Otittrir:ittK. FOIJITDRY, ' ' ' - f !.. Nowa AND wesuraGTlnt !Mr& • •- • • • 7•TaxAmmairtA. • . •• • . . . -. . lICKIRMICIE• Alt , 80 i 1011.6314 iefeni - KERB AND 'REACHIIII ^ ' , minafi s t ure High and Low Preanre Stelae& - s e land,_ , river,and mixinstisorTios.- . Boilers, hiasometere; Tanks, Iron sinkrai L id lio In of all kinds., either izea or Irma. •-- , Iron-frame Book for fi jui w oe ,. •,,t_ s - 11,104, 3411.. road Stations. ke. '-' --" ""'n Retorts end °so /4WitorY of the latest aad Most IJK proved eonstramma. ' - Hmory deaaritAdot of Plaidation Xashlnery, each re snow. Saw, mid .13frist ilEiliß, Vaennin Pane, er s t . meant Tmtina, Deratore,"Pilters, Plimpinic Sole WM* for , iltilliec'e Patent gniart li M P Damietta; i k WOe a . ny' w•,•••t0 i P tT lif etili t ' •'RamUr , a ndAaiZlAdißli,.N=-7.3%.a0 'Dnl3-if MORGONO • di, 00., MAIL X*, ia.m.„etnrsi knr judebthia. 4 Boiler am No. 1119.9 Alb •• whcRonzEN.IIICDGEB.—TERI ....a. ex*lence it the feWpast years enables . . . kosrantee '' NORWAY SFR UCN and 'ABSO t..> 14. - • • Roos planted ins Anenat and bptinilrmo - risk mks s* any _ether, .11611110 IL ..W a La ve r s, ' IT t' stook on band from two to font feet: Addy . • I Perison.Y, - ~,t ; atromo it WANDILLA.i 1 , , ~.L. . . • gerputktoalifirmad_ 41;4. stithur "" ' . - tiltnayurroWN. eanaall 161: 1004 4 . 4 im ak urr. kel Maimed - t.siz i r m istriga ihiteg Mar. PHO,POSILLS. posA.Ls FOR HATS, OAPS, svoEs. DR' GOODS, SEWING WATZRIAM, ho. • BEADQVARTERN DEPARTMEPTOP..WASIUMPTON , OyplcE or Cater 0 ' n—AaTBRIIIIOTB_SA, • W.1.13111110101f, AWOL WBPTTEIT PROPOSALS will be received at this °Ed until further notice, for ftunalabing the following arti cles for nee of contraband men. women, and children iff tbfe Depar ment: Brogans (ruasst, &c.), and other serviceable Boots' and •en for men, women._ and chtldreee wear. . Chip, felt and woolen Bats, and cloth Clope. Kersey, Linsey, Oingbanis, Minket/I, and other woolen and cotton goods. Hickory Stripe (far skirts), Beiticklng, nableached waelen' Seek e and Rarities. Spool Colton, black end white; linen Thread. hone murpeader Buttons, large Buttzile for coots. White porcaigin Bottoms, Yarn, Needles, am!. other sewing materials and trimmings Samples should be cent with each bid, at the expense of the party forwarding the same. An oath of alhAia, ca.shoold accompany each bid. N verbal proposition will be entertaioed, but eyes) , ,bid, or modincation of the Paine; most be in 'verities. Purchases will be made, from untie to time, as the goods are needed, under contract or otherwise, as the interests of the &irides may require: Good security will be required for the faithful fulfil ment of any ciontra.ct made under this adyerti.ement. Proposals ehoold be sealed and addvensed to the un dersigned. and endorsed " Proposal,. for furnishing Dry Goode, &u " CH t,13. s. o seams, Lieutenant Colonel and Chief Quartermaster Dspast„ ment of Washington • lOt fIFFICE - COMMISSARY OF SCE- s -0' MUNCH, WASRTXGTON, D G. Anglia & PROPOSALS FOR BMPT.) . BARftga AND BOXES. SEALED PROPOSALS In dap Mate are - invited until the IStb Instant,. at 12 o'clock M. . for the purchase of all the Barrels and Boxes the Subsistence Depart• went may have to dispose of at this Depot, inciading all within the ancient limits of the- District of Co lumbia. Bids will be made separately for each class of articles, askilowe, via.; Flour. berrele, Pork or -Beef-barrels, Coffee or Sugar karmls, Bean. or Rice, or Salt barrels, Vinegar or Whitby barrels or kegs, Bacon barrels or cask., Bacon boxes. Bard Bread boxes. Tea cheats. Candle-and Soap boxes, and must state distinctly the kind or Oillhe of each article the bidder nropoems for: A contract will be entered into with. the highest roe *Tensible bidder , and a bond, go<;tl and sufficient security, required for the faithful performance of the contract. The °Ulcer in charge of the Commissary sta tion r Depot, is to be the judge as to- the quality and eendttion of the articles, end what ar intim .conie under :the different classes; the Contractor to take the articles Melly from each Station or Depot at big own ri skand expense, and as often as be shall be nettled by the Offi cer in dorm. to remove them. . Payment will be required every ten-days, or as often as the Government may direct. . Bach bidder must be present to respond to his bid, and the right Is reserved to rejlect any bid for any cause. Proposals to be endorsed "'Proposals for „empty Bar. ittia and Boxes, " and addressed to the underaiened al 223 " 0" Street. 8, C - . 0R11117.11. atilo-thetu4t ARMY BIIPPLiI*: Orin E Akin , thimrnel'Arr) Bart P/177. Comaaaan, Ohio, nentlet 6.1E61 • SOME TO'Vraoki MAY CONCERN. Certain Contractors with this Department having. failed to furnish the supplies according to their agree- Ment, notice to hereby given that I will commence pur chasing to open market upon HONDAT, Augustlsth, 1964, at the Office of Clothing and ET:Up:tee, in Cincin nati, Ohio, nail fother notice, INFANTRY TROWSEES for fmtned fate delivery. The Troweers mat be sign every particular to the Standard Sample at this o d ice Pe.enhases will be made from time to time until the deficiencies are folly supplied. bly order of Col. Thomas Swords, A. Q. 3I 0. C W. aIOULTO/i Captain and i_ A. Q. 'IL A TINY CLOTHING AND EQUIP AGE •i-L. OFFICE, CtsciwzrAyr, Ohio, August S. 1884. PROPOSALS are invitfd by the undersigned until TUESDAY, August 16, 1861, at two o ' clock P . EL for furnishing this Department (by contract) with 10 ounce* Duck; 12 do. do. ; fl; inch Ro Samples o r which mayManilla be seen pe. at the Office of Cloth ing and Equipage is this city. To be delivered free of charge at the U. S. Inspection Warehouse, in this city, in good, new packsoes, with the name of the party furnishing, the kind and quanti ty of goods distinctly marked on each article and package. Parties offering goods must distinctly state in their bids the quantity they propose to furnish, the price, and time of delivery. Samples, when submitted, must be marked and num bered to correspond with the proposal, and the parties thereto must guarantee that the goods shall be, in every respect, equal to army s.andard, otherwise the proposal will not be considered. A guarantee, signed by two responsibl e persons, mast accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will supply the.articles awarded to him nndet his pro posal. Bids will be opened on Tuesday, Aug. 16, 1861, at two o'clock P. M., at this office, and bidders are requested to be present. Awards will,be made on Wednesday, !millet Mb. Bonds will be required. that the contract will be faithfully fulfilled. Telegrams relating to proposals will not be notieed. Blank forms of Prop osals , Contracts, and Bonds may be obtained at this orrice. The right to reject Any bid deemed unreasonable is reserved. By order of CoL Thos. Swords d. Q. M. G. anll-4t . itOULTOIS i _ Captainaruid. fd. • BIACITINERY AND MON. TORN B. MYERS et CO., cf BEBB. ?f0a..2 . 351 and 230 AtAkZET tr. .4 LA.R 01 00 PO T8 S , ITT H V o N gg. 13 7 A R L1 2 1 ,v . ON TUESDAY MORNiN.: August 16th. at 10 o'clotit. arta he wttbout resume, upon Soar moaned crairr • _About 1,300 packages boots,, pods, cal/airy boots. balmorabbama ATM Ewe.a nanfacture, embracing • L 'lc simartroanz ef desirable aiticize for children. B. 13. squiphsa with ea:at:wits ear:y LARGE PoSiTIVE SALE OF FIDATs, s;I •: GUM SHOES, .AISILY (WOOS, Taal' , • : • • 21 liuTlCK— , Tncladed in our lavas bras, shoes. As— to be held on Tugso i ry, Ms August 16, at oclock, will be (Quad 4 r•zr lowing fresh Go d os, viz: • k. CM1389 men's, boys' and Youths', thick i do men's, boys' and you ars ai„,. —do men's grain cavalry boots .".1.• 4/ • do boys' grain and L. L. boom • a do men's, bays' and' yontbs' kip), do men's dob. ••, oys' and youths' . 1 ' -do role men's: ant youths' Care Hole rfo. l • -do women E. Daisies and goat e gmin, ancrspiit, sewq copper-nailed beets and 8 4 14. bracing a general as-oncp-", santern made foods. ALSO, casts gents' 2.4-inch I.g, foxed, steel-abod nrifairY bacM, ga d i ":: goods, &c. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF littirtg GERMAN. AND 'DDMESIrItI DST OZ THURSDAY kti)RAISO doguet Germ a ne will hold's Wks .AC- 1 French, and domestic dry aw,,ir months' credit god part for cash, by c a „..• Inencing at 10 o'clock precisely; etkei;F i llre. l packages and lots of cottons, woolens, 10,44./'.:: and silks. e. • —Samples and catalogues *My-% ral tatee POSITIVE S tLE OF'CAPPETINGt i t , • ori FRIDAY MORNING 7.; August 11. at vreci&ely /1 o'clock, kill 4 . catalogue, on four months' credit, aa Brussels, thret-ply superfine and ',Wan, hemp, and rag carpetines, arnintd early OA the morning of sale. -.4.k. j..woLBERT, AUCTIONIER , I C. C• 16 South SIXTH StrePt. CHOICE OLD BRANDIES MADE/RA. SRE2OA.,`—.I PORT WINIA. CRAM PAONEn. CLARKIN • 'lO- 1 LING BOCK, WH/SKY. Ste 16. . t.: ON TUIISDAT HORN/NO A i Next, the 16th inst.. at mecissly 11 Crisck.,•-. hum Eolith Sixth street. a choice for of line old ',tont:, deira, *berry. and pet[ wines, champagass ..• '.. Eli .pask ling hock. whisk y.Bolland gin, nun, a g ~',. Fr and demijohns ir„„ _ us itr0e. i net..9,.,..... jawr..._,______ LOA bo ßd xo . , — . Al sa eo m . p l ieti o,oo3 at 6 c , iga le. rs. 2 l ( A r a pa ori ri te icw lira m n,l;....ria ' 112 romurP FORD & co. AUCTION Lz; Pm, -1- D 25 MARKET and 51421 COMMERCE Sit,..; * POSITIVE SALE OFI 050 CASES / 30 0111.• .--4- SKES .., • ON MONDAY moitsruto, lo ti August 1511, commencing at 10 o'clock case..., !",-if: will soil by catalcstne. for oath, abont Lira r..........,, • - oboes, brogans, balmorals. gaiters, and army l.". pri ofme freak stock, to which we faults the e..t.t i ,- , , Bon buyers. Cept and C. S. V. BY HENRY P. WOLBERT, No. 20.71 M.A.E.Kii 'get, E i tlllide.obovs B>e 4 ••.2 hitsolf, WiralV,z.Valffril;rl`.l; menotzur at /I) o'clock CASSIIIERES, SATINET/3, MERINO AND -,- SRI.RTS, DRAWERS, DRY GOODS, SKIRT'S AVINOS, ROMERY. SHOE &u.. ON MONDAY MORNING, Atignst 15th, commencing at 10 o'ciocit, pill I. from, the shelves a large sad• desirable aeser,,. goods, Iwoih the attention of city and coast, chasers quested. ANCOA.ST ,* WARNOCK, AL TIONSEF.S. 240 MAIMS!' Street, FIRST LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF ANISES:AS IMPORTED DRY GOODS, MILLINERY 0. HOOP SKIRTS, are., feJI sales. by catalogue, ON WEDNESDAY. Anlnat nth. commencing ac 10 o'elsekprpete; i. prising about RV lots seasonable and &iamb!. which will be found worthy the attention of balm 1101 TilOftili 46 SO ,D...Aos. NBi . ios. 239 sad 141 Soift MTH liN t 1ig. , .. 6.. . VitiossiiiiiiiLiir & co. -•'''. . , No. GUI dim= sad on JAM str. A. _ . v - 7 3 4 10 Y SCOTT k . ' STRWA_RT, Allelloi - ... t , BEM AND COMNIEBToN NENP.D.uirs, 4 k — , eND OussTNDT Knott sad 613 SANdolf Arr.' ~,,' STEAM WEEKLY Tip', - ', L ..,,s -sammes, VISPOOL. toucidni at QUEINSTiII Li :oil, (Cork Harbor.' The well-known Steamers of , ;If. !).Fil, New Tork,ead Philadelphia 8444111184 Et ears intended to sell se follows: , TY OF MANCHRSTRE - --SATURDAY, l:V.: ' ~ g rrY. OF Lon-Dom SATURDAY, ex i . - 7 OITY OF BALTIMORE SATURDAY, ex - mid every succeeding tiaturdsV at Root, from Ix `forth River. loss ~ _ RATES OF PARSAOII: • • Parable in Gold, orits equivalent in Curses:. ?Oa h CABIN $9O 00' FITHERAGB .... . . q `, do to L0nd0w...... 86 OD do to Lorain 'do to Paris --,--- 96 00 do to Paris ( - do to Hamlarg —9O (XI do to Rambla i =lmre also forward to Plavre, Dream hee...l twerp, fie.. at ettrutilr low rates. ~.... .'?Faree'from Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cable illl'a. • PT, ila Steerage from Liverpool and (hos geor,. Those who wish to send for their friends aTiWE tickets here at these rates. For farther information apply at the Co , Olicea. -110., G. DALE, At, , le9l-tt 111 WALNUT Street, Philos! % _-___ AIME * BOSTON AND TIMM PHU STEAMSHIP UNE. 'ailing it pairtim SATURDAYS, from Amt wharf abort Wei* lldladelpfda, and Lenz Wharf, Bodo' The. steamship .11fORKAN, Captain Balzer, lit Iron Philadelphia for Boston on Sato:day, Assn at 10 A-IkL, and steamship SAXON, Capt. Momma from Beaton for rbitalielphla osk mums dal. it 40 P. AL Thais flew and aribodigrattid atiminladPlP fora I rim Use. Wilms from sash Dort IntiStriallY of bmosian Inatirasees effested at one-half the'limserim c . On the vessels. _ SI lreghtlitsi * an at fair rates. " & r a l er ea "" 11"11*8 a" Porrnetidd orPaamairetrm Ana 1.4011 to HARRY W 11030.11 it . rnb.ll-11 539 gorith DMA WA RI ATM', SPRING DIEGIGITY ! . • laillOtrlt. LABarrups, STATE lOW TEE EMI! Peeellas to the SPRING TIME OF YEAR, en ate_ly relieved by the .PRRUVIAN SYRUP Or FroteietedSolution of PROTOX fDE 01 I ,THE PERUVIAN SYRI Supplies the blood with lie vital principle. or NT ON, Teasing Srastrairit, Vino'. and ' R aw lays Int *of the system. ' • One of the most distinguished Jurists in lie writes to a friend as follows: "1 hare fried the PRET/MAN fIarRITP, and follysnetatos your prediction. It =a made a of me; infused into my elate= new vigor and ... tun no longer tremo= and debilitated last saw me, but ol stronr, heartier, and aid capacity for labor. mental eyed physical. than time during the WA lye years. " An eminent Divine of Boston nays: I have been naingihe rmauvrAN STROP time past; it givee ineintwwleamt., 3VOYANOT ataurricnry of Rusin& " Pamphlets free. J. P. D 151... No. 491 BROADWAY, raw yoi • ff"? ] COUGHS ! COLDS ! CONSUUTIR. m • Wistftemßiobtann of Wild Cher* ONR OF MS °raiser lam Noon RELIABLII r Tan WOILLD roe Coate* Colds, Wh iuty Congh..Bronshit of Breathing, Hoarseness, hog Croup, and cry Affection of THE THROAT, LUXUS, AVID Wtstar's , Balsasn Wild Misery d o es, ChntgA and Leave Use seeds ce Cronsuosption tem, bed Loosens te. and cleanses the -Mosso ',swats& None genuine wag= sigma "L BUT' IFTepper. REDDING'S 'RUSSIA S A *cal Pith" Extractor !FORTY YEARS' aSkrati. Rea fully established the superiority of this all other healing remedies. It reduces the • leekint Swellings and Inflammations as i heal!, xm Ikons, W.ixrine, Benne, Scan* rurrrigingly short them. Onir 25 eta. a Boa. The above are old and wets-establiehed J. P. DINBIIPRE. For Sale by 49 BROADWAY. 8. W. Powia & co., 18 TREMONT Bt. jelB-swain and by all Draggles. TA.RRA.NT's RFFERV E SELTZER APERIENT IA TRW BEST REMEDY ENOWN FOIL ALL BILIOUS compraners, SICK HEADACEP NESik INDIGESTION, HEART. BUB; sTOMACH, SBA - SICKNESS. dec Dr. JAMES R CHILTON, the Great di " I know Its composition, and have no d , prove most beneficial in those oomMlaials f , recommended.'' Dr. THOMAS BOY p D says 4 "I strongly CDT.the notice of the üblic." DT. EDWARD G. LUDLOW says: " I ci Man ce recommend It Dr. GEORG g T. DEXTER gays: "In Heart-burn, Costiveneer, Sick Headache, 1.- 6 BLTZEILATESIEHT ln My hands haa pros , a valuable remedy. For other testimonlAL: see pamphlet with eice: " 110 - - 11eaufactured only by TARRANT a r ,!'. Th , 278 GREENWICH Street, \ . c l traleafi Vl' oz, SALE-BY ALL DRUGGISTS, in Avail ELECTRICITY. tear,' 14.4., i _..._ :otiem. ONDERFuL scnoirrFic P , " l n• I cured by W COVERT. —All acute and chronic d.:<l7 -- --,..,.. speciaarantee, when desired by u . 7 1 tient, at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadeißto&.!-- 4 _ in came of a failure. no charge is made. :, '"'" . iejs Ong the ',ream with uncertain toadies' Stf AU curse kerformed by Magnetism, Galvin:. ) ontiheenrinmodp:catiadeolusphio:Thotatamtyte, I. vritli n o s a peed t e,a:: mind any unpleasant aeusation_ For further La , -. - tan send and get a'Pamphlet, which contains': Or drede of certilleates from adore of the most et; ''' Permanently cured after all other trimmest.., medical men had failed. Over twelve th,"' '' cared in lees than five years at 152 0 WALN ( { Consultation Irnse. ~ 1 Prof. BOLLES & Dr. 8EG179..021) IY/ 4- tf 1220 WALNUT St., Philade3::— V . LECT RI C IT Y.—WEL&T IS 1i,_,1 F 7 4 ...,.... WITHOUT HBALTH t— Dye . BARTHOLA A i i e ALLEN. Medical Electricians ' havingremor i ) .... - Once from !North Tenth etre et to No. 114 ...? ELEVENTH Street. below Iln.nn.will "fin treat niaall curable diseases. whether Acute or Chronic, ,',. id ehoeltain, TRICT,orts a m° d i i n g co es n t v io e n ni s e annced H by m th e e e u p s s e l n` me imi,& i eines. Nue. Constumption. first and se , Tanta and Cellt . tr ii ~ cond stages. General Debility. , ..f . 11 Paralysis Diseases of the .•'. C E E B Neuralgia. - Kidneys. Falll Fever and Ague. Diabotea. . elltlee Congestion. lagems Uteri cri- Asthma. ' the womb) ~., Dyspepsia. Hemorrhoids. or t - ' For g Rheumatism. Bronchitis. roil Disease. -- D r Testimonials at the once. 1114 eataess. j North Eleventh Onee houn, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. .4 Dn. BARTHOLOMEW & ILLISSt rarah ' Medical Eleetric!f4__ . j94.lim 154 North ELEVENTH !47 . : . 1: TAIiiIOR'S ARNICA OIL OR Vali' CATlONnever fails to cure Rheumatism. i'll'::. Sprains yroated Feet. Chapped Hands.and all Sr% of IMlPrice 96. aid whoieeale and retail bra ;,t . L L . lorteighit, TENEllead CALLOWBILL • 11 - • • .`—SUGAR LOAF B ow and Sprina Mountain Lehlgb Th• 4 'WM ; Mountata. from Schuylkill; ore'l ciipbat _A for' Family nits Depot. M. W. corel!',Ouicty Wit W .02es. Xo; 112 Souq- ,4 4 - ` j ' 1 " 0, I • $216-11 . • J. WA lin' nt • d i TROMSO/41i LONDON K',^riu tads zu - sorself fatrosAFfa vir t lizatitntiosa, la 1.0! t 0 PhiladelPbtr ot-atr toraasea, Potioa,la Lowd °— Ogni FireboardStoses,-„BatitHollara. Htewhole ars, Coolant Wves, M.. witolaaala ant! tv " Usa asaaahatassza &A% 1014LEPE TRO p a / 4 411114R isyv if, piolll9 AUCTION SAL MUITING. BLEDICA_L. EIEZI
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