submtlitttes mad Voliiitteera 3 you have 70Criitd408 Credited Is State whose pommlialottere and lth lodueementa held out to yoU by names to.redttee the quota of thole tea, at you will receive larger bounties ielves credited to the city of Phila. will get, in addition to the $4OO of the ward bounty to which you are 111 is of greater importanee, your •e weekly relief money from the O. CIRCUS AHD AIENAGRIUTI. — The entertainments offered by the is of Messrs. Thayer & Noyes , Iburgles Menagerie have been / our citizens. During the whole espite the heat, the vast pavilion I with admiring and happy au [now what realpleasure they will take advantage of the last upper to them today. A matinee will loon, and the grand olosing per place this evening. The -great rum this olty to Quotien t where be same deserved full measure of here. .dOlO3 Nem PrIILWATIONS.--ill Peterson & Co. will publish "The novel of English society, by Lady the first, and widow of the second ~. We have read It, and think that beet written works of prose nation for some tier e. Miss Sinclair's Fashionable Life , ' is In the press. look Book is also nearly ready for Morford's romance of the war ta,rd” (by no means an attractive m best book he has yet written, and ITIOTOR for August 15th ie pub• ng, oontalning n long llst of noir tered notes. Other valuable lim n in the editorial line, and a oom lw national hanks. Get Peterson's. ,its by Telegraph. suet 12.—Toba000 flatly° and arm, Dour lower, $1.0f41.0.75, Wheat, declined 80. lige 160 lower. Y ITEMS. tar Isom WEA.Trrest.—The cete anon! of Mr..f. W. Price, south). irth and Chestnut streets, are, at hie convenience to our citizens. In gentlemen who are obliged ma down toes," find Price's the place hence ; and at the present season of a large number of merchants and lemen have their families comfort the country at points where they ) and return once in every twenty dining establishment as Price's. fiat public convenience, beacimes Arnie institution—an Institution, the most Epleurian taste can be r in the enjoyment of every dish Leto could desire, or that the most iulti procure. We are glad to find, Wised among similar .establish. I. of deteriorating, Price's saloons •adua.l course of linprovement in mite from week to week, and 'he publie are appreciating this AT GIVEIAT BA.ROA.INS.—WO the large and elegant stook of Messrs. C. Somers & Son, No. , under Jayne's Hall. It em• of seasonable garments, made aaterials, in the most approved soiling them at great bargains, tabled to do in oonsequanoe of r supplies in advance of the late y are actually selling at lower, ant Cost of importation. Buyers Ind keep it for future reference. uss are a great luxury. The greatest perfeation, snob as are other establishment in Phila, popular old hone of Messrs. B. No. 818 Chestnut street, next %as. The trade of this house In diger than any other in the city, their prices are oorreepondlngly WS FaOM TEM SOUTH has, In a ,d the effect of the hot weather; will give & fresh impetus to ailar Yard of Mr. W. W. Biter, 'let, for his superior Lehigh Finn FIiIIITS.—Mr. A. L. Chestnut streets, Is not only ors with the finest Confections adapted for the season, but f dee hothouse Peaches, lue. mob - tug Grapes, surpasses any Pe have ever seen. GENTLICKSN'S eeorge Grant, No. MD Chest it in the city, and his celebrated tam,» invented by Mr. J, F. assed by any others in the world urability, AOLES are the beet flow in use at. They are fashioned aooord is which govern the natural . eye, isidered by all who have nsisi: I. For sale only by E. Borhek, testnnt street. - sO" SHOPS OF Penn.—lt is the brio.a.brao shops of Paris, them to divert oneself with in alone objects of vertu—the Ohl- Indian idols, the Turkish scime• errupr, the Louis XV. furniture crucifixes, the Mitek•letter rule, These are all curious; but to the strictly useful you should Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Nos, 003 and 005 Chestnut street, apparel made there is beyond Lad watering places ; styles to wear at races; many styles uncommon ; mired by every woman; it, pliable, and elastio ; flexible and plastic; girls and misses sigh for; A, that 44 babies cry for fl addiers or for sailors; credit do to tailors; ten to twenty dollars; workmen, tradesmen, scholars ; ;h plain and ornamental, the "Continental," Cnoracra, Suatursu Cox Di amass, and an Afro , are oured promptly and g i geo- Jayne's Carminative Balsam. le Mete, it is readily taken by g maintained its popularity for the proprietors oonfidently re brolard household remedy. Pre -12 Chestnut Street. aul3-St Jehind the age as not to have eta for the toilet, fragrant So- longer, but go at once to your Id get a bottle. You will never ll druggists. au9-tuths at et once wilfully treated by J. ind /Motet, 61.1 Pine et. Artift. large for exsmthatlon. jy2e-tt ONION TICKET PRESIDEWT, LINCOLN, OF ILLINOIS. RESIDENTo JOHNSON. TsinasszL TICKEN. °Karl, Philadelphia. • Deaver (WWI. ;EpprATIVIC. Ellat W. Nall, 11. Challea H. OW/am ID. Joke Wider, David pgoOonvAr. 17. David W. W 18. John Patton.nin* JD. Samuel Dicke 11. liverattliiorar. W. John P. Penner, W. Demean' , SoJervllib 24. John W. Illanehara. al Committee. CASIDION, Ohadman. NOTICES. or Town. OF TOWIP, RAM Ay hod n;e" •nd recoehis throng does •nd hot, ' comfort wear, on find their lot, Id not share, , step. will be Mattering crowd, igaillty and laughter inlet home, in, shaded door, venlng roam, shae. refreshing deem, te here I And, the gelid cream, f every kind. fraid, victim, fall, 'Mai are made wer Sall l stook at old:vice.. mac& e goads. TO N'BB HALL, 518 MAIIKAT Bleed, BENNET/ & 00. BoAr. SOAP, to ash VAlTersill (40 micEST miderials, ItIIILD are, nuoRANTLY sarr• iNEFICIAL in Drugairt. Lad 7444 web ms-tailuely Rosue for Ladies, az s Lows, sob itARKMT, n. hoi btore of), Pape 1611 09, imil3ll* TifE ONLY KNOWN RESTORER OF COLOR ANP PRILFROT BAIR DRESSING COMBINED. Sure Preventive of Baldness. "London Bair Color Restorer and Dressing." "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing, " 1. It will restore gray hair to its original color. 2. It will make it grow on bald heads. 3. It will restore the nataral secretions, 4. It will remove all dandruff and itching. 6, It will make the hair soft, friday, and flexible. 6. It will preserve the original color to old ake. 7. It will prevent the hair from falling off. 13. It will cure all diseases of the scalp. It is not a dye, and ran be applied with the hand, as It does not stain the skin or„soll the finest linen. The bid r is strengthened, and natural colorrestored, without the deleterons application of mineral substances, Dr. Isaac II Miler, West Drecknock, Pa., mitts: f As a restorer of gray hair and pretrentive of baldness it is the best remedy I haze ever sold, and gives entire satisfaction to all. Price 75 cents per bottle, or BIT bottles, $4. Sold by Dr. MAYNE St SON. 330 North SIXTH Street, Phila. It Tian POPULAR CLoTartio HOUSR or Ploui. "OAK HALL... Bed-elan goods at moderate prices, WANAILAKSH & BROWN, S. B. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Custom Department (to make to order) No. I S. Sixth St WRBBLI4B & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES, THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AND BEST Sottettroomm. CIFIESTNITP Street, above Seventh; ALDEN. —On the evening of the llth instant, George D infant eon of Richard J. and Mary D. Allen, aged 19 mouths and 10 days. The relatives and friends of the family are respectful. ly invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of Me (Ober, at Haddonfield, N, J. , on First-day, the 14th instant ,_at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. - HARNISD.--Suddenly, on the llth instant. 3. Willie, eldest eon of Jacob L. and Barak 8. Harned, aged 10 ye N s iirelatives and friends of the family are respectful. ly invited to attend his funeral, from his father's resi dence, 614 North. Fifth street, on Seventh-day, the 13th litigant at 231; o'clock. DAVIS. —On the 12th inst., ,Tames Davie, in the 61d peer of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral from the residence of his eon-in-law, James McFadden, No. 2021 Arch street, on Monday next, at 9 o'clocklP. IL., 'without farther notice. sc J 01414 tON. —On the 10th inst., Anna M., wife of the late George Johnson. ' The Mende of the family are invited to attend the funeral from her late residence. Linden street. German town, nn Saturday afternoon. 13th inst., at 4o' cloak. * PESSON & SON, MOURNING STORE, A- , No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. S ILKS -SILKS SILKS ! SILKS BYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH Streets, are offering an . their OLD SILKS low to close them be fore the new Goods are opened. Bilks not by last &learner. Silks of very beat quality. Good Black Bilks reasonable. Good Brown Silks reasonable. CON GitEGA.TI.O N L CHURCH, FRAPIRFORD Road and MOATLIO WERT Avenue. Rev D L. GEAR, Pastor, preaches at 103 i. A. M, and 7X P. M. It CENTRAL CONGREGATIONAL 1 1 9 .1 CHURCII.-= - Rev. C. FL A. BULKLBY. of New York: will pri,ach at CONCERT HALL TO-MORROW, at 'l.ot' A. M. and 9P. M. The public are cordially in vited.. EMION.Iti. E. CHURCH, FOE:MTN Strait, below Arch.—SABBATH, August 14th, Rev. JA AI ES CLARK, D. D., will preach in the MO - INI3 at KM o'clock: Bet' THOMAS H. 11A430.11KrY, of hllaitourl, I a the EVENING, at 6 o'clock. SPRING GARDEN HALL, N. W. — chrnerof SPRING eItIIEN and THIRTEENTH mreete. —The meetings of the CHURCH OF CHRIST, atisembling here, are every LORD'S DIY as ?Ngiimf:rohlft`ielTgng B rea d," v tu g 64rv.weheliee,Anpe; end prai s e, and for "Teaching and admonishing one another: See Acta 11,42,xxa ; 1 Co r. x.i.,26lCor.ttt 16; rg i t , t r t , 76 ll l' i AA :: ! r o ti lp l ia c t in §e o' a f ts tt i! . r e ee %N . 'ard byipe IarACHE TREASURER OF THE FUND to 'relieve the distressed people of Cliambersburg has received the following amounts since his lastrs. port, August 10th: Amount previously reported $7,780 95 Peseock, - ,:Aell, & Hinolaman 100 00 Harry A; „Idibighaus. 8 00 .lames •11 , -: Castle .4 so 00 Fred erickarown Wm. Rowland & Co 100 00 .7. lielson.Torr 10 00 Mercer & Antelo ' 100 (.0 W. Ralston 5 00 James Bayard, per Jos. Patterson .60 00 Per Drexel & Co., as follows : • Drexel & Cos o o 00 EL. W. Clark & Co , 260 00 Work. MeCouch, & Co I 100 00 C. (lambics, lOO 00 De Haven Bros l 9 o Smith &Randolph ' 100 00 H. Newbold 'dr Son 100 00 00 Cash • • OO Cash. . . .r 6 00 A. Dario , ' '• ' S. N. Davis & Son 100 00 Palmer & Boer 25 00 Morrie Patterson' • 50 00 Willikno,Miller ~... 60 00 D. C. Limy 75 00 C. P. Bayard 100 00 J: McCallister 50 00 F. J. Sylvester . Z" CO B. Pa 6 00 Alex. Fullerton 1 2 00 00 0. Henderson, Jr 100 09 Miss Lowben 5 00 Jas. Chtsbana, Cape Inland 106 00 C doCo. 20 00 Pastor .11. ranoot 26 00 J. D. ,Brown 100 09 gory D. Brown /00 00 A. O. 1, 10 00 A. C. 5, Co . 11 00 H. Tilboy 50 CO R. J. Woodward . , .4. 5 60 J. A. Lovett 6 0) J. Spencer 25 06 1 a B. -Barnes 1180 00 Odarora OO Cash OO Cash OO D. & Co ••••26 00 Mrs. E. P. Owiney ' ' SO CA Esther B. Stevens Princeton, N 3 25 00 S. C. B. StevtnsPrinceton, N. 3 26 00 Mrs. Rebecca O.' Ketchum 6 00 L. D. - 5 OD , James Watson ,-Jr.........................5 00 10 John Fagan 00 Cash, per Joseph Patterson , 600 Per b. Flanagan: , . . Same /1 B. Kirby 25 00 S. BePPard , 600 A. L. Flanagan 10 OG A, H. Stilwell...." . i ...•. - . ......... , ............. 10 00 Henry Huplet 6 00 R. Trenwith - 6 00 Job nL. Redner . - 25 00 R. M. Lee /0 80 IL H. Mears & Son 1 1000 R. 1 1 V insOr & CO ' G. W. Bernadou & Brother ZS 00 W. Treanor 10 00 James Barrett ' 10 00 William Cummings & 50n........ ....... . . .. .. 10 00 S. P. Pedrick & Oo .10 00 J. B. R 10 (11 Cash 6 00 Csh • 2 00 Tatham & Brothers 60 00 a 2600 00 Cash 1 A. Parves & Son 00 D. McCarthy & oon 211 00 J. Mason &Co ...Or. ........ ..• 60 00 A, B. Chambers 50 00 C. G. Ch il ds I 40 00 W. Cooper 50 00 --- Total 801,767 96 EDMUND A. SOUDER, Treasurer, DOCK.Street wharf. PRIZADSLPRTA, August 12,1804. attlB-2t tar OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE ON LABOR, INCOME, AND REVENUE, No. US South SEVENTH Street, Phila. The undersigned Treasurer of this Committee, with Pleasure acknowledges the receipt of the following sub ecriptions : Per Edward Miller, chairman: From Employees Northern Central Railway Company, per J. Du Bar General Superintendent : Transportation Department....... $434 28 Motive Power do 188 54 Mainten'ce of Way do 802 64 —51,425 46 Employees Canal Department, Penns: R. R. cr pe T ii l t . e ff e igman, Engineer and Gen.eral. 162 20 Officers and employees Philadelphia and Erie R. R., (Penna. R. R. Co.) per J. D. Potts, General Manager, vie : Traneportation Leiart't, Mid d le s77 50 Do. 0., do... 76 55 Do. do., Weet'n do-, 100 00 264 005 Motive Power Depart% Eastern Div.• 5497 89 Do. do., West'n do• • . 48 12 146 0/ Maintenance of Way Dept, East'n Div.. 67,60 00 Do. do., Middle d 0... 61 Oa Xl3O Officers and Clerks General Manager's Office— 41 13 From Citizens of Stapleton, Huntingdon coun ty. Pa., per A. H. Bauman, Trees Prom Miss donation Harriet S. Retfenyder, Catawiesa, second 80 00 From Liberty Council 0. D. A. M., No. 11, • Nineteenth. Ward 25 00 Per Mrs. Benj. Barman; Pottsville: Ben). Barman, Esq., contribution... Pliny Pick, Esq Whole collections made by Mrs. Barman, $8.312 38. • Previously acknowledged by this Committee-235,393 74 Total V 235,074 GO Other auheertutious thankfully received and duly ac knowledged, CARD. As it ta - cleanable to close the lermlnese of the Greet Central 'Fair, it to regnested that Chairmen end others in the city, end throughout the State, having balances In band, will remit them at once without waiting for further receipts. JOHN ry CLAOHORN, Treasurer It Mice 1113 South SEVENTH Street, Phila. OrFIFTH WARD NATIONAL 'UNION. PARTY. rlhe citizens of,the Fifth' Ward in favor of the Na tional and State Administrations, and a vigorous-prose cution of the war for the suppression of the rebellion, are requested to meet, in pursuance of the calla the City Committee of Superintendence, on TIYESDAY EVENING, Snsust le. 1864. at .o , cloak, at (food Intent Hall, PItUCE Sheet above SIXTH, for thePnrposs of select ins °More to conduct the election for Delegates to the diferent Conventions'nominating candidates for Dale- Eaten, and finch other business as the rules of the Na tional Union Party require, ROBERT P. KING, atilB :it President. Itgr NO DULFT ,11111111 - FOUR* TEENTR WARD.—The Citizens of the Ward. Irrespective ct party, will inset in'SPRING GARDEN HALL, at 8 o'clock THIS EVENING, to hear the report of the Pieeinct Committees and transact business re lating to the impending draft. CRA.RLES PRYOR, President. FEED ,yara, Secretary. A. V 0 IarWAGNER INSTITUTE OE SUL' ENHE, SEVENTEENTH Street", above Holambls avenue.—Preaching at this Institution TOMORROW Ourelkyl AFTERNOON, at 4 o'clock, by Rev. W. W. TAYLOR, Seats free. All are invited. lt4 •" - I Itgrto the Managers of the MERCANTIL, LI BRARY COMPANY for Renewal at Certificate of on abase of stack, MO. standing in the name of : TATUM, the same bikv;n3 been lost or mitslald. PHILADELPHIA, Anne; 12th, 1384. it* tar CITIZE ' = : . TUTE GOBIBSITTEB, An et 12, 1861. This dace REMOVED to the southeast corner of f3IXTIi and WALNUT Streets. aul3 J. G. ROSENCIABTEN , Treasurer. ZIOSTII WARD NATIONAL IMF " UNION ASSOCIATION.--Anreeably to the call of the City Committee of Superintendence, the Loyal Citizene of the Eighth Ward are requested to assemble at the Hall of the SCHUYLKILL ROSE COMPANY, on TUESDAY EVENING, August leth, at,B alook, for the mirpose of making arrangement , for conducting the ?AMU, Elections to be held on TDRISDAY, Rid Inst. Let tber.- be a foil attendance of the friends of the Union and the Administration. A. J. HARPER, President. 7, LOWEIE BELL, Secretary. aul3.3t SIXTH wan.D.—THE CITIZENS larof the Ward will please observe that the Rowdy. Committee have reorganized, and are now using every effort to procure our Quota of volunteers. and prevent a draft in our Ward. To accomplish this, we require the co-operation and assistance or every good citizen et the Ward. Ten dollars from each person subject to the draft is salted by the Precinct Committees. Subscriptions from those who are not liable to the draft most thank fully. received by the Committee or the Treasurer. WM. H. RAI NES, No. 37. North THIRD' Street. Regular meetisze of the SIXTH WARDBOUNTY.FUND COM MITTEE every MONDAY, and THURSDAY Evenlug. at 7M o'clock, at the SCHOOL-HOUSBv in 'CROWN Street. Ald. CHAS. WRLDING, chairman. Jona Hamm, Secretary. ' W. BARNES, Treasurer. aniS-t - tarIIVIVIDEND—THE DIRECTORS OF the NOBLE AND DELAMA.TERTETEOLEUM COMPANY have this day , declared a Foeith Monthly Dividend of TEN per oast out 'of the earnings of the month of July....payeble, clear of Elate Tagion the Wth Inst. TraustOr Books closed or 16th Wok an3l-9t GEORGE W. MINTER, Ederetari. tsar: )0•.. -.,OFFICE OF THE FNION PETRO. 111°-I.IIf7O4PAUM COMPANY, t3ottth FOURTH Street olfd of Direfitera have this day a Fourth hisiTithlY Dividend of TWO TER ONNT. on the capital, Stook i . pay able on the lathst. Themsnaer BoslikvkliMe closed on the 12th, Mth, and vithlr t , • - SARIN% Treasurer. se9-I.ot Fir, . ... 011AMBERSB1706 ENYFFERERS.— The undersigned aoknewledge,F the receipt of the following same on behalf of the distreased PeDDle of Cbambersburg; . . A. G. Cattail &MO OP Joe. Pei terson WII) OD Gee. B. Stuart &13re O. W, Davis '' - 26000 L. Animas& 00 E. A. nooder & Co 2.60 00 George A . Miller & Co 100 OD John M. Read, bl Mayor Henry 100 00 S. & Jas. M. Flanagan 250 00 G. W. Fabnestock 760 00 Wm. Thompson 50 00 Casper Bonder, Jr 10 00 Rev, Samuel T. Lowry 1 241 1 0 0 Gibson Peacock Rev. Dr. Newton, amount of collection:ow Yost Day, at Church of Epiphany 102 36 Edward blank§ - 100 OD 1 arnall & Trimble 210 CO Office Win. Bunter, Jr., & Co ' 24 00 Mrs, Mari B. Gill-- James Field .60 00 0., by Mr A. 0. Cattail . '9OOO James B Rhoads . Mee E. Lewis 5.00 W W. Caldwell 010 T. W. & B. Brown 301)0 An imprompan collectiontia Union M. E. qhurch, an tae national Feat Day 115 00' St. Paul's P. E. Church Infant Sanday-School... 211100 Jobs B. Myers & Co' 5OO 00 Kennedy,. Main, & co 100 00 E. F. Bismus 10 00 bliss Rivinne Mrs. Wm. R. Palmer . Atherton Blight 8. & W. Whisk J. C., Jr Edmond C. Biddle Firer National Bank James 1 area Oath, .per Joseph Patterson - Vance& Landis Hazleton Coal Company De:aware Mutual Safety Insurance Co Veriest & MitchelL•.. C & B. Boyle • elmon Gratz E. Copper) Mitchell L. H. &iner D. 3 Cummins Dr. Wilcox Marltly & Schaffner 5000 260 00 5.00 15 00 10) 00 100'00 DM 00 10000 2S 00 00 20 00 1 10 00 6 09 500 00 5 00 2603 Wm. L. 'chaffer • 10 00 Rs-c. C. E. Taylor, Waverly, Luzertie county, by W... W. Harding 22 OD James, Kent.& Santee (additional) ' 400 00 B. a. Mercer ' 100 OD Thomas Ridgway 100 00 ChricA Church, Germantown ($lO of amount for colored sufferers) 4 o 00 Benry J. Williams 100 00 Tobina Wagner 100 00 liirs, Mary Wagner 100 00 Miss Elizabeth Rhoads... . . 100 00 Cash 10 CH Collection at Hamilton Sq., N. J., per J. H. Clarke l7 00. , Union Link, No. 1„ Daughters of Liberty la.oo' Per. Duncan M. Mitchason, as follows: Miss M. Woelper 5 01) .6 re. Mary Woelper 500 Cash 200 Mre. James S. Coxe 10 00 Mrs. Thomas H. rowers 50 00 I'., .. ....... 5 00 C. W. ATers ' Milestewn, ra 1 00 B. B. D.,•Chesinut Hill ' 600 , Charles 1,. Sharplees 6 0 '-00 Sheppard, Van Harlingen, & Arrieon 'M 0) H.lO 00 Mrs. R. S Jones 6 00 James Swain 90 00 Dr. Franklin Stewart 10 00 Dr. George Hamilton 20 00 Cash, 60 00 G. L., per W, W' Cookman 10 03 , Mine Lizzie Finley 25 00 Mrs. Elijah Van Sy ckel . 100 00 Lydia Seal, Wilmington 10 00 Henry Cohen 10 00 John A. Brown, by the hands of Mayor Henry.. • 100 00 $7,760 95 311141131413 k. BOTWER, Treitswfar. PHII.ADELPRIA, ing - ost. 10, 1964. anti St a,' YOUNG MIN PREPARED FOR the Counting House and Scene's Lire at C TENDEN'S Commercial College, No. 637 CHESTNUT Street, corner of Seventh. No. vacation". Practical Instructions in Bobk.keeping, Peomanobip, Comber- Mal Calculations Teleirranbiog, & c Studento inotract ed separately , and' received at any time. aul2-30 IGr TO THE CITIZENS OF THE EIGHTH WARD.—The deilcisncy of the Eighth Ward under the last call Is now less than one hundred. To raise this . number , a Ward Bounty of TWSNTI FIVE DOLLARS, will be given for each volunteer credited to the ward. Subscriptions for this purpose will be received bynnY member of the Ward Committee, and by J. 0 ROSENGARTEN, 4.22 WALNUT Street. 811)2 fiqnw4t liar TO THE FRIENDS OF THE UNION AND THE ADMINISTRATION: The loyal citizens of the various wards -of the City of Philadelphia are hereby requested to assemble at finch places in said warda as ma) be designated by the, offi cers of the National Dillon Ward Associations, on 'TUESDAY EVENING NE :KT, ABODST la, 1861, at pursuant to the rules governingtbe Na tional Union party, for ouch C 11.664 made and provided, to elect one Judge and two Inspectors for sacs election division of said wards, to conduct the primary election on Tuesday evening, Augnat 23. between the hours-of six and eight o'clock. Also, to place in nomination candidates for delegates to a City Convention to note- nate candidates for City and County Offices; also. dela ga:es to a Congressional Convention; also: nominations of candidates for delegates to a Senatorial Convention in the Third Senatorial District, and delegates to the various Representative and Ward Conventions to nomi nate candic aces for members of the State Legislature.' City Councils and Ward Officers. The meetings, elec tions, and Conventions herein menticned shall be held in conformity with the rules governing the National Union party. By order of the National Union City Committee of Superintendence. • JAMES FREEBORN, Preeident, JOHN J. FRANKLIN. s . ., n „ tm .t e . floater Oaninuna. Or OFFICE CITE BOIINTY-FUND COMMISSION, No. 412 PRUNE Street, Acr- OUT 10_, M t —Until farther notice, a bounty or FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS will be paid to all RECRUITS for one, two, or three years' service,'mastered into the service of the United States on or after August 9th, ISO, and credited upon the quote of the city of Philadelphia. To Enrolled Citizens furnishing Substitutes for three airs. the bounty of TWO HUNDRED AND Fury DOLLARS will be paid as heretofore. R. P. KING, President. ROBERT M. MOORE, IR,' Secretary. aull-9t TEAMSPORTATION OFFICE, PHI LADELPHIA, WILMINGTON, AND BALTI MORE RAILROAD COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, Ant 1501. In accordance with an act of Congress, appreved June 30th, HO, it becomes necessary that an receipts given by this Cempany for merchandise received for transpor tation should bear as INTERNAL 'REVENUE STAMP of the value of TWO CENTS, the expense of the same to be borne by the parties receiving each receipt. AU receipts taken by this Company for merchandise delivered to consignees will be stamped by said Com pany- CHARLES X. anll-12t Master of Transportation. NOTICE IS IT GIVEN, arthat an instalment IT TWO DOLLARS , P. 153, SIIAR3 on each and every share of the Capital Stock of the 2STNA Idllllllo COMPANY has this day been called ln, payable on or before the 15th day of AUOUPT, 1554, at the office of the Company, No. 32.4 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. By order of the Directors. B. A. nouns, Tremarer. PHILADELPHIA, July 11, 1564 - aa4-Ll5 raIFICIOM STATE 'ffi OBR T T - "E E r ROOMS, 1105 CHESTNUT Street. —The State Committee request their friend's throughout the State to adopt efficient means to forward early and full returns al the election upon the Constitutional Amendments. Bend by Telegraph to the Chairman at eirard Howie, Philadelphia. The Committee Booms are now open, and all cone 4pondence directed to the Chairman will receive prompt attention. S. CAMERON, Chairman. A. W. BBMIDICT. Secretary. JOLT 21. 1E54. THE CITIZENS' SEBSTITIFTEi REPRESENTATIVE. AND - VOLUNTEER AGENCY, No. 411 CHESTNUT STREET.--Merchants, Farmers and other citizens, can be supplied with at ceptable'Substitittes and Representatives on reasonable and honorable terms, and have the same sworn in so as to credit to any ward, district, township, or county of the following counties: Philadelphia Chester, Dela ware, or Montgomery, by applying at In CHESTNUT Street, from BA. M. to 3P. M. Ent floor, back. 4116iP• Special arrangements Made with committees. auB-6t PAXSON' St CO. alsOir"" INSIMANCE COMPANY OF THE IM 9 STATE OF PSERSYLVANIA, /reuse I, 12434, The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of TWENTY DOLLARSper Share, clear of all takes. Payable to the Stockholders or their legal representa tives, on demand. WILLIA.ff HARPER., ant-10t Secretary. We' OFFICE SOMERSET IRON AND COAlf COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA, . 61 CEDAR Street, NEW Toms, July 2F3, 1864. NOTICE Is hereby given that, pursuant to a resolu tion of the Board of Directors, an instalment of 20 per cent. _on the Subscription to the Ceptial Stock of the SOMERSET IRONdAND COAL COM PANY OF PENN SYLVANIA be and is hereby, made .TAMES WADSWORTH, Treskurer of Said Company, on ox fore the sth-day of September next aul-tsels Attest: T. Ef TYNO, _Secretary.,; HEADQUARTERS PROVOST MAR SHAL, FIRST DISTRICT. Pennsylvania, — 2146 South THIRD Street, . PIIILADELPHIA. ATigrag 11, 1864. To insure PROMPT replies to all questions on ordi nary subjects connected with the Enrolment, Draft, Exemption, Liabilities to Draft, Credits and Accounts of Men Ftuniseed, citizens are requested to mate appli cation to the Provost Marshal of the Congressional Dis trict for each information, and not to the Provost Mar shal General at Washington. By order of the Provost Marshal General. it *V LHMA-M. Capt. and Provost Marshal. CITY DINT, VA., AUGUST 7, 1862 100 00 25 00 *OFFICE DEPOT OF REPAIRS, ARMIES OPERATING AGAINST RICHMOND 300 Teamsters, 150 -WV3lieel-wrlgixts, Who will receive the kinhest rates of Gloyernment pay 'rations, and medical attendance. ' Transportation furnished by applyingat- No. 221 PENNSYLVANLA. Avenue. ,Waelingtok. D. C anl2 Ita ERCILDOWN BOARDING SCHOOL FOR 1311ILS, EreEdown; Chester County, Perms. The winter term will commence 10th mo. 10111', 1884. Terms. 1)70 per session of twenty week's, for English branches and Languages. Drawing or Painting, $5; Music. $lO. Ciroulars can be obtained of S. DAR LINGTON, 133 South FOURTH Street, or•.of the Principal, RICHARD DARLINGTON, Jr., Ercildown, Chester co., Pa. atta stnthlm . A TTENTION IS CALLED- TO AN extra large assortment of Light, Gold Bordered WINDOW SHADES, at a low pries. Also, Black Shades, Green and Brown, and WALL PAPERS, or select styles. S. F. BALDERSTON & SON, it* . 002 SPRING GARDEN Street.. ALL WITH PERSONS AFFLICTED WI DYSENTERY, DIANNEICEN, CHOLSRA NORBIJS, or other disorders of. the Bowel& should obtain a bottle of DR. FAIRLAMB'S VEGETABLE CURATIVE, as it bas Dever been known to, fail. 011sa No. 1131 GATHA KIN'S Street; Philadelphia. ant& stathiat. DR. FAIPLAMB WOULD RESPECT= -1- 1 FOLLY aauounce'to the medical facnitY and the public that he has removed hte office to the more central and convenient locality of NO. 138. South SIXTH Street, where he it prepared to apply . the _GALVANIC BATTERY for DISEASES, in a scientific and his hither. to Eue costal manner.. aoll-stntlffit* "L - lOR ALDERMAN, TRONAs RYAN, Twrsrp FOURTH - WAND Subject to the People's Rolm BF. REIMER'S SUPERIOR STYLES . of tvoritivee are inaumpayable; accurate 'in fee terve. eigaisite coloring, and oimPlioltY Of style. See specimens at 624 Alics Street. —_ 3.1... _ ..._ T I.FZZIZE PROT - °DRAPES IN 01 -A-A Colors are executed intbe mast artistic and SAWA o g mariner at 64 ARCH Street;' B. F. REINER'S Gallery. Unquestionably the fittest portraits roade, * MATISHALT SALE.,—BY VIRTUE QE 41. Writ of Cale, by the Non.:. Jobs Csdwalader Judge of the District Court of the United States, in add rot the Pastern District of PennternribhtoAialor r altY. to We duetted. will be eoldst public satettithe lathes*, end best bidde r , _ for: cash . , St STOPS. No. 149 N. F R ONT- Street, on,Angnet 186.4, at ,U o'clock. 44:X.._ dB. balmy& wain` or the cargo -of-camel unknown. Ale% the eargOee or the ItPlittoe; roa; sloops SARAH, and MART. and HOPS.' .consisting of cotton. tobacctik_turpentins,tikelundealle. wiLblnef - oft,Tesum-' • PattnnutirlA, Aulfttet",'l,di,lN/V, t4.:.!tstall-et ••,y THE PRFSs.-LPTTTLADET:,PrITA: DIELITABIZ. WANTED, 331acksraiths, and 20 Carriage 'T'Arruaeris, E. J. STRAND, Captain, A. Q. at JAMES M. KELLY, Quartermaster's Agent EDUCATIONAL. S. 7.0.0 1....CPA.N. 3'......eretary of She Treasury gives notice that crib 7 scrirtit tv , will be received for Coupon. Treasury Notes, pa) able rtiee years from August 13th, 1804, with send annual interest at tberlate of seven arid three• tenths per cent, per annum—princdpal and interest both to be paid in lawful 100-407. These notes' will be convertible at the optiott of the holder at matasitP "rite esni per cent, gold-beating heeds, payable net lees than lye nor morethan twenty, Years from theirdate, as the Government may elect. They will be issumbin denominations of 4650; enoo, $5OO, $l,OOO, and 441,000, and all aribacrilitiona matt be for fifty dollars or somemultiple of flay dhllars. The notes will betrateinitted twthe owners free of transportation charges as soon after ihe receipt of the original Certificates of Depasit as they , can be prepared.' As the not draw interest from August id, persons Making deposits eupsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from . fate of note to date of deposit Parties depositing twenty-lice thoucand.dollare and npwarde for these notes at any one timewill be allowed a commission of one quarter of one per cent.. which will be-paid by the Treasury Dope• tment upon. the re ceipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the °dim with.where the deposit was made. No deductions for commissions must be made from - the deposits. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OP THIS DM. IT I$ A NATIGNAT, SAVIITOS BANK,. offe . ring a higher rate of interest than any other, and the beg ee eurity. May savings bank which pays its depositors in United States notes, considers that it is the bestvirculatinif medium of the country. and it calvitot pay in anything better, for its own assets are either in Gcriernment securities or in notes or bonds payable - in Government paper. It is egrmily convenient as a temporary or bermaneat investment. The notes OEM always be sold for within , a fiactioti of their face and accumulated interest, and ars the best sesta* wil/. -banks as collators/a for dis. CoNvERnBLE'INTO A SIX•PER-CENT. 5,20 In addition to the veryliberal interest on the notes for three years, this privilege of conversion his now worth about three percent. per annum, for the current, rate for 5-20 Bondeismot less than 'MU'S cent. pre- MitlM, and before thewar the premium on six-per -cent. United States stooks was over twenty per cent. It wilt be seen that the actual profit on this loan, at the present market rate, is not less than tea - per cent. per annum. EXEMPTION PROM STATE OR MUNICIPAL But aside from all the advantages we have °flume merated. a special Act of Congress exempt," at/ bonds and .2'reasurn not<otrant focal taxation. On the ave rage; this exemption is worth about two per cent. per annum. according to the rate of taxation in various parts of the country. • It is believed that no•securities offer so great induce ments to lenders as those issued by the Government. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties, or stock companies, or separate com munities, only, is pledged for payment, while the whole property of the country is held to secure the dis charge of all the obligations of the United States. . While .the Government offers the most liberal terms for its loans it believes that the very strongist,appeal will be to the loyalty and patriotism of the peoPle. Duplicate certificates will be issued far all deposits. The party depositing must endorse unon the origfna/ next - Meets the denomination of notes required, and whe ther they are to be issued in blank or payable to order. When so endorsed it must be left with the officer re •celying the deposit, to be forwarded, to the Treasury Department. '6II}ISoRIPTIO3;9 WILL BE"BacElvan by the TreaSlMl' of the United States* Washington, the several Assistant Treasurers and designated Depositaries, and by the First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa..; Second Nu tional Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. ; Third National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. ; Fourth. National Bank of Phila delphia. ALL BESPECTAILE BANNS AND BANKRUS throughout the country will give further information and AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS. ; anl.3-12t RETAIL DRY GOODS. W SKIRT 3FOII. 1564. W YEW AND GREAT IIrvr,NTION IN HOOP SHIRTS. THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE) STEEL 'SPRING.' ' J. 1.. & J. G. WESLI49. 3 gr a pASIBERS STREET. Axe the owners of the patent and exclusive rattatufac. train's of this, PATENTED DUPLEX ELLIPTIC STEEL, SPRING' This invention consists of Duplex (or two) Biliptle Steel Springs, ingeniously braided - tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest: most flexible, and durable spring ever new!, enabling the wearer, in consequence of itsgreat elasticity and Menem, to place and fold the e ki rt when lame as easily and with the same convenience 'as a silk or muslin dress. It entirely obviates and silences the only object tione to hoop shirte, viz: the annoyance to the wearer as well' as thepublie, especially in. crowded.aseernbles, carriages, rallroao cars, church pews , or in any crowde d pp] from the difficulty of contracting them to occupy ing.a small space, This entirely removes the difficulty, while giving the ekirt the usual fall and symmetrical form, and falba lightest and most stylish and graceful appearance for the street, opera, promenade, or house dress. A lady having enjoyed theleasure, comfort, and great convenience of .wearing the Duplex Blilptic . Spring Skirt for a single day, will never afterward willingly dispense with the nee of them. They are the best quality in every part, and by far the lightest, most durable, comfortable, and economical skirt made. Mer chants will be supplied as above, and hales In most first-class retail stores in this city. and throughout the different States. - • ger Inquire fo E he r t DOUBLE LLIPTIC SPRING SKIRTS. IiIaRADLEVB DUPLE.X. , ELLIPTIC SKIRT. Very flexible, folded easily when Mime to occupy a small soars, making the most agreeable skirt worn. For sale by J. M. HAFLEIGR, CHESTNUT Street. Dupgic ior itlgm SPRING SKIRT, AND FLEXIBLE.= USE OHEPPPAND, - ,ANHAELINGEN, .& MONSON, 1008 CHESTNUT Street PATENT DIIPLEXELLII!TIO A.• SKIRT. For We by .1. G. MAXWELL & SON; S. E. Cor. ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streete. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC ever SKIRT—The 'melded Arprovempl (7 y have seen In LADIES' SVMS,O4_4...A.RAraeI • cuawur STODDART BRO., 450, 452:and 454 N. SECOND Bt.. ab. Willow. ma-1m if AWAY, NAVY, AND CIAIL4 CLOTH. MI OT3 S , W. T. SNOt)GRASS, at S. SICOND Street and 23 STRAWBERRY Street. 41. lazes . wroca 07 ALL KUI OF CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, WIRINGS, &c., At"fair prices, purchased before the rise, independent of gold'gamblers, by the package, piece', or yard. Our motto is to Sell. We don't peddle. Come and see ?our stock. The Army and Navy trade has our special at 'Outten. - , . suB-lm ;MOSQUITO NETTINGS BY THE PIECE OR YARD, WALL COLOR& link, white, blue, and cherry Tarlatan& Idiom Crash and Toweling& , 'White French Muslin*. Real Swiss Muslin& liainsbok and Jaconet Muslin*. White Mods of all kinds. . EDWIN HALL & 26 South SWORD Street. LINEN DUCK. FOR SUITS. .. 8 . 4 Superb griality, white and colored.. Natural color, extra heavy. . Coating Linene, fancyDriNs. Wide Brie black Alpacas. White Nareeillea Veetimm. No advance in Summer Casetmerei. Pine Stock for Summer and Pall. LAWNS. Good styles from 28 to 86 cents. gnomes 'dress etude low. coop= coltAza jy2ll S. Z. 'ranter 'NINTH and MARKET litre& CLOSING. OUT. SUMMER DRESS Gomm AT LOW PRICES. A great variety of atylea of this season's Importation. from Weents to IL Beat Pacific Lawns at Sni canto. Figured Biown Lawns at 3239 cents. • .Fronek - hawns at 90, 60, 62 and 37,46 cents. Best makes othlnsOns, Oalleoes, ilinhame, and a ll hinds of Domestic Goode, far below the mannLaettuwr's prices.. BaregeWhite _ and Lama Shawls. - Silk Grenadine Shawls. .600 all-wool Cashmere Shawl.. St 25,worth 50. H. STEEL & SO N, Boa. 113 and 115-North TENTH Street. .P . ICAMINE- OUR LAWNS; Lawns, brown ground, neat figured, Ms. 'Lawns, white ground,neat lignred, 445. Bnoltabask and Bath Towels, large:assortment. Bird's Bye - Linen Towels. Extra Id= Damask Towels. ' Shetland Wool Shawls for tourists, s*. Bathing Flannels, red and gray. 3'03 - JOBB' STOKEB. 702 ARCH Strait The attention of LADIES ABOUT LaAV IDR THli CITY for the ' Bea Shore, "'s toring Places," or "the Country,' ti »e setfatlr invited to the extensive stook of WHITE GOODE, suitable (or studio& ta wus, (or WHITE BODIES, MOBBING WRAPPERS, &a. An extensive assortment is offered in Lae* and Worked Edgings and Insertbigs, Handkeraiefs, Collitre„Sleevea and Anplata• and fancy Plaid, Striptn24 and: Figured White 1 1 .Goods, _AT ruicsamucH BELOW THIELE cy PRESENT RETAIL 'VALUE. , . 4 100 Printed Linen Cambria Drossen ok 100 Nero. paw, Tasked, and Striped • anßtatham4t• • E. M. NEEDLES. ollD4 WEMZ:WIII24 1(1C. - • P_ l l;4l` 60 bble.roaad 'JO half tibia, Old Wheat Whir Ity 2uo eases d bkilltestaad htlf , elloa bettleF r - lotlate by - I: • ano-6t* • cg't F INA. 1+ 410Lti. GOLD BOND TA_TIA.TION J. W. BRADLEY'S •TNUTiSTBBBT ion CPAIFIIII7 8!BflT. 5.Apii13,my,1::AV0K5T,,T.;i.....11:,'.:1864: 1 _,:; NEW PUBLICATIONS. A CHARMING BOOK 'NOn READT.. • --- PRIDE OF PRIDE OF LIFE, PRIDE OF LIFE, PRIDE OF LIFE, THE PRIDE OP LIFE, BY • lANE, .LADT'SCOTT. Danager-in-law of Sir Walter Scott. and author ,of "'The Rea-Pecked Husband. - - "The product of an extraordinary mind, and drawn with a vigorous and Attica hand." Price $1 .60 in paper; $2 in cioti.. Books sent free of wstage on receipt of retail price: Address ail orders to the Publishers, T. B. PETERSON to BROTHERS, 306 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA, Pa., And they will receive BrOnißt attention. Send for Catalogue and Canvaeser'e Circular. AN ORIGIXAL BOOK, JUST PUBLISHED, MAN AND lIIS RELATIONS; LVOSTRATING TIFF, INFLUENCE OF TEE 111:1 - Nrio ON 'll-1311 130DrY ; TUB RELATIONS OF THE PACULTI6O TO THE oanklrs, AND To THE ELEMENTS,. OBJECTS, AND PHENOMENA ,OF THE EXTERNAL WORLD 4 • • BY - PROF. 3, B, BRITTADT,BI D For 15 years the author. has-been employed in re searches. which have at length resulted in the predic tion of this extraordinary. book, covering the wide range of vital- and Mental Phenomena,-as exhibited in Max and the Animal Nyorld. It. is, however, es pecially devoted to - M AN:-to the constitution and immortal exietenc ,of the souls its• - present Rela tions to the 'Rod y ; to the external forms and in ternal principles In Natnie, twad ,to the realm of Universal Intelligence. Although treating on the pro foundest of subjects; the work is written in an elegant and attractive style to interest the common mind, At the same tithe, the ettiderit of :Vital Chemistry, Phy siology, and Medicine; the Divine and the Moralist, the Metaphysical Philosopher and the Political Reformer, will find it replete with.Profortnd and prolits-ble.instruc- Mon. One elegant:Tor., &re, fine tinted paper—extra vel- cloth, ber. boards—with ateel,engravell portrait, Price 03.50. PublisUed. )IY Ne. 55 WALKER Street. Near York, And for sale by all Bookeellere. It CHOICE lOW BOOKS PHILAI?ELP73IA MJNDIT-SCUOOL BOOK STORE, 149 SOUTH FOURTH STREET' A. SOLDIER OF THE CUMBERLAND. With an in troduction by John S. Hart. LL. D. 75 cents. The noble Christian example of Mead , Holmes, Jr., this youthful soldier of the cross, and defender of his country, will make this book a welcome volume in every true patriot'sisome. , BAGS OF GOLD. By A. L. 0. E. 50 cente r .. LIGHT AND SHADE $1.25 An excellent book for the more advanced. classes of the Sabbath School. FALSELY ACCUSED. BY A L. 0 E. 50 cents. ANDY BALL, THE Mission SCHOLAR SE THE ASHY. Andy Hall was written for the Sunday School TIMM. It is from the gifted pen of Miss Kelly, and elicited much' interest Fhile it was making its weekly appearance in serial form. - JERRY AND HIS FRIENDS. 70 cents. An excel lent book for boys. _ _ pRoGREOB;•A SEQUEL TO ' , IERWT. 85 cents.. . WINNIE MALONE. 46 cents. SARGENT'S TEMPERANCE TALES; in six vols. ; 60 cents per volume . These pioneers of the. Temperance Reform need no further recommendation to notice. J. C. GARRIGUE§ & CO., X4B South FOURTH Street, allied& au ' -stu2t 11011ETEBSON'S COUNTERFEIT DE -a- TECTOR—Now ready for dagnet, IS. Full Doecrip tionsur2o NOW Counterfeits. PETERSON'S 18 THE BEST DETEC TOR published. 'Corrected by. Drexel k Co: Au gest lb, out this mein:big. Price a year. FINLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR FOR i 'L• ona ;p a El d 'E re ll . SON s 'S o COUNTEßFElf DETECTOR, sent - s u scr . p .3 B l3 : 6 tv e tr u i ?Arir , All the New Books are for sale at Peter sou' s t . It TJEIE ATTENTION OF THE TRADE • Is sailed to . • . - OUR ST'OGIC SAXONY WOOLEN 00. all-wool Plain Flannels. TWILLED FLANNELS, 'Various makes in Ortiy. Scarlet, and Dark Blue. FEINTED SHIRTING, FLANNELS,. - PLAINSTERA. FLANNBUS2. BLACK ,OOTTON - WARF CLOTHS,' - 15, 16 0 17, IS, IS, 20, 21, 22 es. FANCY OASSIMERES AND SATINETS:. BALMORAL SKIRTS, all Grades. COTTON GOODS, - DENIMS, TICKS, STRIPES,SHIRTr INGS, Atc:, from various Mills. DE COURBEN, HAMILTON, & VAN' B,' 33 LETITIA Street, and 427 , wsmtse6- 32 South FRONT Street. M, RO' -TEN CENT NOVELS.- These Novels are not the production of dilapi dated old Ladiea'and gentlemen, and tne publishers do not consider it necessary to exhume fossils of former generations for the entertainment of their readers. The werks are, written by men of Ifueigenins and. talent, and hence the ease with which they have out run all their :competitors; being convinced from the start that merit wilt assert itself, in spire of all opposi tion, they have put ttpon the market nothing bat works of standard merit and excellence. Tee follow ing is-the list of Novels: No. 1, THE HUNTERS; No. 2, THE TRAPPER'S RETREAT; No. 8, THE. PATRIOT HIGHWAYMAN; No. 4, THE HUNTED UNIONIST,. No. 6, THE TRACK OF FIRE; No. 6, THE MAN EATER; No. 7 'CHARLOTTE TEMPLE; No. 8, THE DEATH FACE; No. 9, THE INDIAN , SLAYER; No. 10, THE TIGER OF THE OCEAN; Ni. 11, THE HUN TER'S-TRIUMPH; No. 32, TUE OCEAN ROVERS; No. 13, THE TORY OUTWITTED. No. 14, Z SHE STERNUM. THE LION HEARTED SCOUT; No 16, THE SCOURGE OF THE SEAS; No. 17, 'THE CAPTIVE MAIDEN,. No. 1_„8 LONG. LEUGED JOl3, OR THE DEMON OF THE WOODS; No: 18, THE WILD SCOUT. OF THE 610UNTAINS; • No. U. - THE-FOREST LODGE,- No. 20. THE RATTLING RANGERS; No. 21, RATTLESNAKE DICK, OR THE FLOWER OF THE WIGWAM—to be issued, August 27th. , . _ • FOR SALE BY. ALL NEWS AGENTS, and gent poet. Paid, on receipt of,price, TEN CENTS each.. LIBERAL TERMS TO AGENTS. GEORGE MUNRO & CO., No. 137 WILLIAM Street, • - New York.. ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. ***,THE*** London Printing and Publishing Co., ***ESTABLISHED IN THE U. S. IN ISIS,S/* Wciald call the attention of Booksellers and * BOOK BITTER:S * * — atik TO.3heir unrivalled productions of popular and STANDARD ILLUSTRATED WORKS,' As being the most-beautiful and valuable as well as MS CHEAPEST BOOKS NOW IN THE AMERICAN MARKET. For Information and Medlar Llst of Books, address * * HENRY A. BROWN, Managing Agent, .1327-wtf 487 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, 487. 8001313 FOR TAB COON W1A 4 5 0 Tat :' - 'IIItIG. (JUST 14113r4SHE)) BY CARLETON.) DarYuete and Daylight. Ere. rikilmes' New Out in the World.. A new novel by T. S. Arthur— 1.50 A Woman's ;philosophy of Woman Hotspur. inew novel , by the author of "Lu1u".1.50 Miss Mulocb.'s Novels. Handscane new.editions 150 Challotie Blonte's Novels. Vine new sditiOna.... 1.50 lientfous 'History and Criticism. By &nest Ronan 2.60 Was be Enseessful't Mx. new n0ve1.... 1.50 Nepenthe. A new novel by the author of •" Ma" LBO Peculiar. Epee Sargent's verpsucceseful novel.. LW The Life of Jeans. Ernest Berant's great work.; L6O The Art of Conversation. An ad.udzable4l3l 4 le•••• 1. 25 Tales from the Operas. With all the plots... A. g. Roe's Works. Elegant new editions is SO ***These books are solreverywhers, and will b e sen t by mail, free, on receipt of rice V. • ONO. W. CARLETON, int-wstf 'Priblisher, New York. MAN AND HIS RELATIONS Mew/gating the Influence of the Mind on the Body, the Relations of the Facaltiew wed' Affections to the Organs end their Functions arid to the Elements. Objects and Phenomena of the External World. By Professor S. R. Brittain. D. One elegant volume, octavo, with Portrait of the author. Trice PM. PUBLISHED THIS DAY. ALSO, THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN MEDICOtCHIRITEBI CAL REVIEW, London Edition. for 39.1 y, 1814. NEW BOOKS, MEDICAL, SCIENTIFIC, ,AND MISCELLANEOUS. for sale as soon as published, by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, _Publishers and Booksellers, null XS South SIXTH Strew, above CHESTNUT. ABELMEAD'a BVASIA, 8111XteSSOTS tO WILLIS P.. 7 AZAR RB D, 24 OSTNUT Etre.% Have roweived • TENNysows NEW VOLUME, ENOCH ARDEN. AND OTHER POEMS. RITA.- An autobiography by Hamil ton Aide,Mithor of 'Confidences," "Carr of Carrlyon fee. BIOGRAPHICAL -SKETCHES OP ? LOYALISTS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, with an historical essay by Lorenzo Sabine. 2 Yob. TEE NONOMANIAOi OR, SHIRLEY HALL ASY LUM. B_y William Gilbert. THE FOREST ARCADIA. OP NORTHERN NEW YORK, embracing a view of ite mineral, agricultural, and timber resources. MARGARET AND HER BRIDESM AIDS . Ey Nam. thor of " The Queen of the Colmar'. • _ LEAMAN. By. IL E. Prescott, author of The Am. ber Gods. '? VOYAGE DOW THE AMO,OIt. By Major Perry MOD. Collins. THE NEW INTERNAL RIMME LAW. .oompued by Horace E. Dresser. 0.30 TENIS',YBON'I3 NEW' POEM_ ENOCH •AItDEN... and otheriscettli.'by Alfred ; Tennyson. TDB EAR LYDAWN. or shtttches of Christian Life in Bugland in the olden time= by the author of the • Schonberg Cotta with an Introduction by Prof. Smith. • DRIFTED SNOWFLAKES; or. Poittical Gatherings from many anthers. • .AZABIAN; An Epleode. • By Harriet B Presoott. • _RELIGIOUS TRAINING O F CHILDREN; by Catlin. Me M. Beecher. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL BALLADS. Edited by ?tank Moore. - or sale by 'WILLIAM S. AIFRED MARMIN. egg • •;• 7 ' ' 6 CHESTNUT Street. . . APPLETON'S • ITEW AMERICAN • cYaLoPEMA. The Aga °, for els havaltui§le_Libiaryofirt4vrsal :liifolguttton is 31118oetli __H , Stroot; seiniad 'story. , 41 , 0 0 ED' elf THW . EfAX4 O / 1 . • IBL l Frank • ';;, -7 :07/4 , 4 "..:•1. ELECTRICITY- The object of the following ictvergieeinent, letO set forth Nearly Ave-years ago Professor C. EL BOLLS loaded himself in the city ..of .Philadelphia ; at Mo. BM NUT Street, and. announced hie great discovery in the therapeutic application of Magnetism, Galvanism; and other modifications .of Electricity for the cure of the most obstinate, acute, and chrmric.diseasee. In announcing: to the public a discovery so intimately connected with the Well-being of our i reice, it may:bl, deemed proper : to make a few prefatory Mmarketo pre pare the mind of the .reader for the .receprion.of evil deuces and , facts too incredible for This discovery is the result of more than ten years' hard and: scientific investigations. It develops not only a reliable system for- the diagnosis of disease, but the only efficient and. reliable means of cure. Its great superiority over all other uystems for the cure of-dis ease has been.praotically tested for more than ten years, and for five years in Philadelphia,. where twelve thou sand invalids have been treated, suffering from almost every form and condition of disease common to all sec tions of our country, who, after treatment by the most eminent medicat, men-bi -Philadelphia, Boston, New fork % and ethic cities, bad been given up as incu rable; and in- nearly every case a perfect. cure had' been effected. . , W. A. TOWNSEND. Many of the moat obstinate of the above cases treated have been wairanted by special contract. and not a failure has beerr made In any warranted case. -As in dubitable evidence - of the foregoing statement, we have adduced bi the following advertisement testimonials from citizens of Philadelphia, who had-suffered from a complication of diseases for four, ten, and even thirty years, and had availed themselves of the beet medical skill in this and other cities, and were given np as in curable, but afterwards were_fullyzestored to health by a few applications of Electricity. Such an array of evidenceaiwill hereafter appear in MEDICAL. ITS VTO-N,DS RS THERIPEETIC AGENT: SOMETHING NEW In the development of a new philosonki SOMETHING - TRITE; r having for Its baste Immutable fade; SONETHMG ItEdiSONABGE, °Peaking forth the language of liatnrevand SOMETHING IMPORTANT, ea- It reveals - the only true rafioniate fOr the PILYSICIAL ILLS OF 'BUM TO. THE DISF4ABEt!: this advertisement is not merely to show that Professor BOLLES has made an hipertant discotitery in the ap plication of Electricity as a therapeutic agent, but em phatically to show that nearly ell diseases which have been considered incurable in all past ages. and are so considered at the present time by the most eminent medical men,, fan be speedily and permanently cured by the different medifiestioirus of Electricity. when ap plied i n harmony .with his discovery of the action of Electricity through the cerebro-spinet axis. We are curing, and further pledge ourselves to cure, a certain class of diseases acknowledged to be incurable by any known process of medication--diseases that never have, nor never can be controlled, only by his mode of applying the various modifications of litectri city. We are often asked for what diseases is Electricity best adapted? In reply, we would say, for all diseases to which flesh is heir=acute or chronic, Intlainmatory or paralytic. In all cases where medicine is beneficial, and .in all cases beyond the influence and. control of medfclie: Electricity has the power of arousing the vital force by changing, its polarities, thereby regula ting secretion, excretion, digestion, and simulation • an d bringing the system bank to a condition of harmony Thousands of the most reliable individuals in thispity who have been treated at Ho. 1220 Walnut street can and will vouch for the above statement of facts in their own' a§foirbthin.. cares.. We verily believe that we Wave curedmore obstinate dbleasee during the five years 4 . ; 'orir, practice in the city of Philadelphia than. all the medical men that have ever practised thi!loity.elther allopatiticallY,honicepathically, or by any other patity. This assertion may look like boasting, but it is true, every word of it; for who aver heard of such astonish ing cures t. 'Wbo shall properly estimate the incalculable blessing thus so speedily conferred on suffering humanity, when, instead, of being drugged for months, and thrown on beds of languishing,' health is restored bithin treat ment. in many - cases - almost instantineortslY? In con . elusion, we would say, for the encouragement of the drsi;ptic, neuralgic, consumptive, rheumatic, para lytic, epileetic, and, In fine, all thoie on whom medical treatment ever did and ever will prove a total failure, that there is still hope in your case, and a fair chance for TOME recover, at No. 12Ns WALNUT Street. ASTONISHING 'RESULTS The fdllo*ing 'report is not the result of hearsay, or far-off certificates, or reports of men of doubtful ve racity, bid from reliable business and Professional men in our very midst, whose report was arrived at after weeks of careful investigation, at,1220 WALNUT Street, where Professor MALES has 'been testi l pg his discovery in the application of Electricity, for the speedy and per 'mane-at cure of acute and chronic diseases, for five years, in which timehe - has treated more than„twelve thOUsaiid invalids with success. .FROM A PEW RELIABLE MEN IN PHILADELPHIA. We, the undersigned, having been. treated for obsti natediseakes at No. MO WALNUT Street,Philadelphia, wh i c h h a d resisted for along time the treatment of the most eminent medical menin this city; and.,also,having witnessed the results of his treatment on a great num ber of our acquaintances and friends, for acute and Chronic diseases, do therefore take great pleasure in re commending to the pUblic his important discovery. He luxe been located three- years at NO. 1220 WALNUT Street, testing his treatment on many thousands Of our most reliable citizens by his nevi discovery of an plying Galvanism. Magnetism, and other modifications of ElectricitY, and, having watched his success in the sikedy and nermedleitt cures of hundreds of oar friends, as well as ourselves, and, - especially, that class of die eases never benefited by medicines; therefore, Esse/Ted, That we, the undersigned, regard the great success we have witnessed for monthfin the treatment of Consumption; Rhenmatism, Paralysis,` InsanitY' Diabetes, Bronchitis, all Nervous Diseases, Catarrl4 = Amanrosts, Aphonia, Asthma, Ague Chills, Contraction of Limbs, Si; Vitne' , Dance. Coldness of Feet,Hands, or Head; Deafness, Dyspepsiarfill forms; Epilepsy,. He marriage, White Swelling; Mental DePression,• Nen.. might, Withered Limbs. Convulsions. -Palpitation of the Heart, and Lockjaw, as indubitable evidences of Professor B. 'a scientific application of Electricity for the speedy cure of all curable diseases, E. A. Steele, M. D., No. 6 Sontk Twelfth street; WM, H. Shriver, Haines street," Germantown; L. C. Stock; ton, SE Market street, Philadelphia; John McCormick. Lea! Ridge avenue; Charles EL Grigg, Nos. 219 and 231 Church alley ; Emanuel Rai, 707' &MOM etiesti„. attorney at .law; Isaac D: Guyer, 2WOOdland Tereace; E. N. Nish, US South Sixth street; H. Craig, 1726 Arch street, 'l3B Broad street; Robert D., Work, 61. North Third street; A. G. Croll, northeait corner Tenth and, Market attests. N. B.—Professor BOLLES takes pleasure In referring the sick to the above names, 'and the fallowing, whete certificates have been or will be given in fall for-the good of humanity; : Judah Levy, Bronchial Coniumition, No. 814 South Front street; Edward T. Evans. preacher of the M. E, Church, Dyspepsia of long standing, Laryngitis, and • Lembago,No. 1633 Helmuth street; William H. Shahm,," Paralysis of lower Drabs, Paraplegy, and Epilepsy, . Publisher of the National Merchant, No. 126 South- Second Street; Thomas Owens, 'Congestionof the Brain. and severe Hemorrizake of the Lungs. and Diabetes,' American Hotel Philadelphia; James Nugent, Deaf % nese for six years, and ringing and roaring in the head, Fifteenth and Bedford streets; William; Mergen, General Debility,4ol Spruce street t_Theines Hump, severe'Dirs!. betas, Bose Mills, West.Philadelpida; George Grant, Rheumatic Gent, long standing, No: 610 Chestnut street; H. T. Deeilver, Chronic Neuralgia and Inflammatory 'Rheumatism, No: 1736 Chestnut street; 0. H. Cared*, Chronic Dystlepsia and' fulmination of the Kidneys,: Chestnut and Fortieth streets; George W. Freed. BPI . lepsv,No. 1492 North Thirteenth street; Anthony Car ney, Consumption 'No: - 3217 streett . EdWard llic Mallon, Consumption, N0:1E57 Front died; CharlesM. • Grigg,DysPepein 'and Constipation,' Tenth and *eh streets J: Ricket, Chronic Bronchitis, Constipation', and Congestion of the Brain, N0.'616 Cejlawhtll street: Bsv J : Mallory, Aphoula, Philadelphia. : . , • CONSIILTATIQW FREE. PROF. BOLD .Ds• BROWN, r~»,a.:, N. N:!—Nedicial ON r::...fllFFrr ieao..* t..yp#tr.T pro*.lp, rauocv.lrm et . kietio* oitoo .46; liN4. at thitlnaitiotion, ...0 .. ... IITY/„_MietL•_.P = .... , T*: i ‘ 4 ) 1 1 E ",..447 . 1 1 1 •n 7 F 11138 who Imo Am... witlihr so ifeiwobliK attl-thotak(fe A UCTION SALES. ... AicintiN BALE OF CONDEMNED 13 ORS EP. • DziABTNEVT. CAVALR4 BintRAC, OPPTCE CP CUSP QIJARTEESAVTRit, 'Or 4xmictrrow, D C.. Angnat.T. 1864. at the times Will be sold and pla d at pubii cerc auction. to the highest bidder, Reading. Penturylvita named !miner. viz: 1864. ia. THURSDAY* August Al toon a,. • Pannsylvani e., THURSDAY, August' 5, ISSA. Lebanon, Pennsylvania, THURSDAY . September 1, 1864. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, THURSDAY, September • $,1564. TWO HUNDRED (200) Cavalry Borges al each place. These 13 Arai% have teen condemned ae unfit for the Cavalry furrier , of the Army. For. Road and Farm purposes. Matt/ good bargaltkii may be bad. Bones sold elngly. Terme: Cash In United States Currency. JAKEII A. ERIN. Vent. Colonel and Chief Quartermaster. ant. tacit Cavalry Bureau. WANTS. VMPLOT-MENT HOUSE, THE LA.R4- -A- 2 art and moat reliable oily and courrtry Mut always a good selection capable oensons, good reference& Americans, kb, English, French, Ger mane; Scotch. Welsh, and newly-landed emigrants. as Gardeners, .Farm Band& Coachmen, Watchmen. &c. Cooks, Chan:thorn:ada, learnetresses, Laund re ,,,, e% Waitresses, end general oueowora Servanta. Also, Colored Stroants. Noe: Bog and 804 LOCUST Street, above Eighth. TEA CHER WANTED, TO TABS EA. . 4 TIRE CHARGE of the Chaska' Department of a SELECT SCHOOL. Hone other' than thane germanium of experience and sound scholarship need apply. Address • 'Teacher, " Box 241 h, Philadelphia P. 0. ' WANTED TO PURCHASE-AN IN terAst In a Wholesale Grocery House, by a party who bas 10.000 Pak capital. Address BOX M. ant!-Bt' WANTED-A SITUATION -TN A r store, or at some light mechanics'] brininess, for a moral an d . talented colored BOY, aged seventeen years, with one who wool* feet en interest in and be will ingrres to l promote him. Apply at 518 North NIVITH at. • WANT D-BY A MAN OF EXF'ERI , ence, a SITUATION in a Country store, either as Salesman or to Conduct the Business: Bas lied fifteen years' experience in the balances, and.can give the beat Of reference (roar country or city merthant3 Address "litershant," for two Weeks, at tilts dice. matt-et" • IVANTED-A YOUNG MAN WHO understends doable-entry Book-keept n fr: one from the country preferred. ' Address W. C.,. Press °Moe. . • " aall-tikekin3o A LA *O DTZ P HIGH RE &PBC TAB' lATY wishes a Attnation u housekeeper. The beg of reference givenu to capability, Address " Elsa las."Thtiadelphia P: 0. atielat* AMITILLERY AND OAVALRY -11ORSEIS WANTED. ASSIET•9II QUARTEICHASTIR °MCNEAL'S OPPIOI4 ' • PHILADELPHIA. July 27, 1961. HORSES suitable for the Artillery and Cavalry say. Vice' will be purchased by the undersigned, in open market, at a fair price. Each animal to be ankle oted to thongs's' Government inspection before being accepted: Iforses to be delivered to the United States Inftpector, at'the Witham Penn ffbtel, MARKIT Street, between Eighthond Ninth streets: • - RY order of 'Colonel GRORBE H. CHOSNAN, Assistant Quartermaster General C. S. A. • _ , GEORGE R—ORRIC, ;tam. and Assistant Quartermaster. sk THE SUBSCRIBER WISHES TO purchase (tor myth) a F&BM of one or two hug drrd acres, in Fortbern or Women. Pennsylvania. It must be In good cultivatinn, with all the necessary bnildtitge for a well•renntated farm. Address "J. D.," Box 384, WASEINGTON, D. C. • .$5,000 —A GRIITLEMAN WITH • thus rata -wish« iLtereet in an oda tabbed end pleasant business in this city or neighbor hood. reply, M. H. J.." P.rass office. saft4e.• BOARDING. COUNTRY RGA:RD ING.. TWO ROOMS, in be had on CHBSTNUT HILT,. Re. ferencecrequi; Addrees "Boaliiing,Chestunt Hill. anl3.3te BOARDIN G.— A GENTLEMAN AND two. daughters. "school glee." want Boarding and a home in a good and well regulated. strict/At pri sate. small fondly. in a central pert of the city, not below Pine nor above Saco streets. Good table and other home comforts, at a reasonable price, which will be paid princtuallyc. reference given and reqnired: Address, for one week. • •Pleasanknorne, " care Press office. mum se BOARDING. TWO BROOND-BTORY rooms TO LET. at J 3 North TENTH EL td•tt FOR SALE AND ItO LET. A r.I.JOENSED RESTAMBANT FOR SALIt CREAP. Apply at aail•St• No. 837 MR= Street. • 1?OR BALE—TEEE RIGHT OF THE: state of Pennsylvania for the sale . PUTIAIIVB 0L0.111.53 WRINGERS. apply to • • . A H. 33413018003. 513 MARKET Street, VO -BELLE-A 20-HORSE POWER. CO r Etr ia g Vl vert jzgoloiler offered for may beesase too small for the work required. Apply to D. D. JAY NE St SOX, 242 CHESTNUT Street. anll-3t ORIS A.l, BRASS FOUNDRY F Steam Engine, lathes, Toole, and Fixtures of every kind, in complete working order. Apply on the premises, loos BRACK Street, Kensington. iyBo-tf To LET—THE SECOND, THIRD, AND ••••• Poulin 'Flows at A 35 KAMM Street, throve' to Ober& alley. mele-tt WATER POWER TO RENT. APPLY to DAVID CHILLAS. Newark. Del. ant-3m ARARE CHANCE 1—" THE REPUB. LICAN AND DEMOGRAT,_" PUBLISHED IN wson CHESTER, CHESTER COUNTY. PENNS FOR' SALE. —The death of Geor g e W. i'esree. Re q .. prop In of this paper makes it neceasary unspoilt of the establishment. n the hands of a loyal, earnest, and eats sing man this long-establiahed Journal cannot fail to be profitable. Circulating, as It does, extensively in a county of seventy-four thousandin• habitants, and in a Congressional and Senatorial Die. .trict of_pne hundred and live thousand, prominent lot wealth and intelligence, and where the Union party $1 ,the hint election had..a maiority of over four thousand votes, and with a constantly increasing popularity end Patronage, it requires nothing bat ittdicioas manage. meat to make it &Hieratic. investment. Persons contemplating a purchase should make that fact known at once, as It is desirable to sell at tits earliest day. JOHN T. WORTHINGTON, Administrator of George W. Pearce, dec d. WEST CHESTS), Pa.. May 17, Md. mylit-thata tt FOR SAL E-014E OORLISS 12- JA- Horse Power Steam Boalte,lll complete order, only been in ❑se two months. Apply to CHAS. lANNIG, aull-tbetnet* 112 Sonth FRONT Street. 11 'FOR BALE-WITH IMMEDIA.TE MIR POSSESSION, neat large Dwelling, 1610 &limier streeti fifteen Rooms. Lot and Buildings 28 feet front; depth of lot. 111 feet to Spring street 715 Oa - Neat large four-story Dwelling, 1708 Rice street; fifteen rooms. Lot 22 byloo. $9,600. Elegant four story D welling, north side Arch, west of Twenty first street... Lot V. by 126. $9,000. Lot and Buildings, 1343 Arch street. Lot 20 by 100 to a street; a splendid neighborhood for a residence. $8 000. Neat Dwelling, 1616 Mt. Vernon street. Lot 18 by 90. Twelve TOOIOIL $6,000. Splendid Dwelling, north side Mt. Vernon. west of Sixteenth ; twelve rooms. Lot 20 by 100. $7,600. Neat Dwelling, north side Alt. Vernon, west of Nine teenth street. Lot 20 by 104 Twelve rooms. *6,600 Neat .Dwelltng, south side Mt. Vernon, east of Six teenth Lot 18 by 90. Twelve rooms. $5,560. Elegant Dwelling, 457 North Fourth street. Lot 20 by 65. Eleven rooms. $6,900 streVery elegautly.l 9o s7ooste o,soo. Dwelling, 449 North Seventh et. Let 20 by Three new Dwellings, Thirteenth street. north of Master; finished admirably througbont. $4,500. Well bnflt,mearly new Dwelling, 930 North Seventh etre et; twelve rooms. Lot 18 by 9t. $5.200. Nest Dwelling,. Twelfth Street, north of Race. Lot IS by 90. Eleven rooms. $5,600. Splendid first - class Divelling, 925 Franklin street; twelve rooms 18 feet 6 inches by 100 feet deep. PAM Magnificent four-etory Dwelling, north side Green, west of Tenth; tlf :sten rooms: Lot 20 by 100. $9.300. .• Neat Dwelling, west side Fifteenth, north of Pine street. $5,550 _ Neat new Dwelling, 2274 Pine etreet; ten rooms. Lot 181iy 90 *9,000. Splendid nearly 'new Dwelling. south side Greet'. wit of Twenty-third; twelve rooms.- Lot 18 .by 118 feet deep- 88,600. Neat .Dwelling, *214 Brandywine street. 912,600 Besides scoresof others, of Which possession can be bad immediately , . orinn very abort time 080. C. MILLER, Practical Beat Estate Broker, 154 North SIXTH Street. Cut this out for future reference. anti. 2t if ek TO tititr—T o FIVE-STORY Ara. communicating buildings on MINOR Strees,suita ble for srarehouies or manufactories. Apply to ROB?. MAC GREGOR, 419IVALNUT Street. .. It /I FOR BALE-A' DESIRABLE tbree-story buck residence. with back buildings and modern convellienve r sitaated at No. 113 !loath SECOND, below CHESTNUT. Apply to BIDET. MAC OREGOE. 419 WALNUT Street. It ?AMORY PROPERTY FOR SALE gitnate N,, W. corner oL Frank ford road and Norris street. Lot 100 feet on. Fran: kford road and 414 feet on Norris street. Six three-story Brick Dwellings on Frankton'. One four-story Brick Factory Building, 83 by 43 feet, on Norris street, with two-story brick attached. 23 by 60 feet, containing cotton machinery, engine, and boilers. For farther information apply at northeast oornerof SEVENTH and SPRUCE Streets, -FOB 13A:LIC-A. VALUABLIC three•etory brick DWELLING, with three-story dquble beck buildings: all PINE inodern conveniences. Lot 20 by 102. . Inquire 112 Street anll-31* FOR BALF.--A, HANDSOME COT. ei 11 1 , TAOS, ettuste on the north aide of LOCUST Street, seernid house above Thirty-ghth. Apply tO ROBERT MAC GREGOR, arta... 419 WALNUT Street _ ' 'FOR' BALE—VALUABLE BUSI MIUNNEIS PROPERTY, eituate at No. MS, KN., and ITA dwellingso streak-consisting of three stores, vitt. attached. The whole Wi ll be eold together. to does an estate. A portion of the porchaee monist may remain on mortgage. Per particulars inquire of E. kocALL, • ' "18 South SECOND Street. -PHILADELPHIA, July 20,1861. • 1Y21.1m. da LARGE AND VALUABLE PRO .w.a. PIETY FOR SALE. —The very large and commo dious LOT and BUILDING, No. casitay Street, near the centre of bnaitess. containing 60 feet on Cherry street, depth 1615 feet, being 76 teat wide on the rear of the lot, and at that wldttiopening to g a large eart•way leading to Cherry knot. Its adesotgee of SIZE AND POSITION are rarely met with. _ Apply at the eines of Christ Church Hospital. , iel3-8m No. 51216 WALNUT Streit ei FOR BALE-DWELLINGS 1829 , 1735. 1813, 1926. 1928 Wallace street. Dwellings 1513. 16'26, 1624, 2114, 2131, 2205, 2227,2306, 2230, ,and 2332 Green street. Dwellings 1832, 1823, 1921, 2016, 20243, and 2036 Mount Vernon street ' Dwellings MO, 624, end 630 North Fifteenth street. With man , others, large and small, la varioaslocali ties. Also, a large number of Cottages, Farms, and Bald. I - ag Lots. B. B. GLBInt, 18138. FOURTH Street. an6-tf and S. ,W. cor. Seventeenth and Green. TOR BALE—CHEAP FARM, 18 miles ont; near Barneborough Station. Weet Jena Hatirosd. 69 acres; excellent improvements• (may per acre. X. MTN' iv3o 31b3 wmaivr Street. - - ._AO FOR BALE--DESIRABLE AND handsomely-handsomel7-Improved FARM. 7 4 acrea, 15 T'94. Out, within five minutes walk of s station on the Puts*. delphis and Trenton.ltallromi. Terms easy : pply to B. ETTIT, A iY3O .••• • • 35113 weLNIIT strait A s. FOR .SALE—THE A 2 WHITE oak schooner GENERAL SCOTT, 100 tons regis ter: carries 167 tone coal: corner - fastened, well Duna In every verde:liar: entire new mitt ot ealle,reatly for sea. Appli to T. D. WILDER &CO anB:6t CIO SOUTH NyIiABVIS, Pkgs.. .s im g FOriIEALE-A FINZ-LOOKING - D ARK BAY HORSE, sixteen hands high, 8 years old and sound.. Drives gay and gentle in double an d maxis. harness. Trots In four minutes. No. 1703 BRANDY WINE Street. . lt" 1 PRAtrii AND TRUCK BAS XX) Sll9 biz tile by ROWE & EUSTON, 0427 11.59 - . sad 159 North THIRD tit. WRITTEN AND VERBAL DB SCRIPTION6 of Character. Constitution, ant 'Ta lent, with APVICI on Business, Health, loinea, Eon. Solf,izniployement, lissuyroment, and Tnla inn of C 'HiLDELIN. social. adaptation, &a.. dal and iyeang. by .J 9111,1 L. CAPIN. - Phrenolo and Hookaslief. VAISI-ottitb io. at A 1 4 1ENB . FIJR.NIBIIED A 8 REPRE; .L 2, - Erentialve Beerplta and Substitutes at the lowed retort:- Ladies and Gentlemen will ready* .nranni st tftntlonc mud can have men nineteren in without tronbbli -- or ,l o BB Or WI" by aDP/Yinir to . • • , B. F.--LBVIr.' • e. 341 wiLxvr lit.. td start ALMVSEDEENTS. G fbVER7 NEW OHIESTRUZ 4 STREET TREAVE. TEIIB EVENING, The Grand Romantic, 151aelcal. gpeettroilleir DI; aLeDDIE• Or. THE WORDERFIIL LAM Y. Preamrted after three months' active preparation style of tirrOteredented leencs , r =iterate,. theta Transformation., aerattleont 'wattle. Superb Costumed mcd. Properties. . 13 .01 Mtutic and Choruses. jryth.w VONGEESB HALL, CAPE 'BLAME-, 1 - 1 MARK ITASIVIR'S OranetPkosbimadetejterairtnair SOWN, Demante WattarairtETßlTlNur. Apm la R EX/LBS.& BLS EXHIBITION. vog ONLY ONEriffr. ARCH S TERRI'. *ABOVE NETEENTEL Mee.nt TRATE' , B . Bt NOYES' Lyn Mot - Stage-a Circus and VAN AMISERG CO'S' Ideatihroth Menagerie combined will be oned• to the pablici•oomaencing Olt EVE:4IRO until Hatardh9 MONOay EVE N I V, Rog fah, 11. n d edutlnairm E Ey ferpunoceb on the ellen:move of Tneedayptn,Vrndneedar ?Mb' link, iticfnfere. Per.. 10th, Thursday 11th, Pridny 32th, and Saturday Llch. Adinierion—Adelte to€ each; children So Afternoon , performance commencer. at 20,4, evening , 7,4‘• o'otpeic. Doors open at 3Lbonr earhet on each oceselen. Meoa- Rerie matinee Wedneaday xn in . onatInOnCUOR At.. O'clock. for.the benefit of tito`C BEASURG PERERS. . GREAT 01-14401:1M N-A TROUPE of_ KRE. CHAR. WARNER, FOR THREE DAYS . ONLY, will perform as follows[,, Afternoon and Evening:•liorrietown, on Tbureday. 11M. , 'net. ; Oermantowns Friday, 12th Fraultrord, 84. turday, 13th inat. The entire classic Troupe will app g ‘ r , on each occasion. • anll-3t ' VP: 1E ACADEMY OF FINE ART CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth. ta OPEN DAILY. for visitors, from 9 A. K. to S P. DI. EXCURSIONS. HANDEL AND IAYDN BOCI2TY'S EXCIIiaSI- . o.rst ATLANTIC) orrY. WEDNESDAY, A. 1 1:1 1 6111315T 17th 1864: TICKETS for Fate at .7 E. GOCK:WS, eonthea , q corner' FEVEITH end CHESTNEJ r Streets, at the SOCOTY'S. 410031, EIGHTH and SPRING • OaRDEN Str.ete, MONDAVI .RVYNIIiCi. from Bto 10 O'clock. orbs ear* member of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS. aul9 • GliA111) PLEASURE EX CONSIGNS TO. LAME SUPSHIO.R.—Leace of, the followingsplendid first-class alveolars; via, CLEVELAND, 11.1.111015, NORTHERN DIGIT T, molt CITY, TRAVELER; METEOR, LEON BIDES, LAO LA' BELLE, and PEWABIC, will leave CLEVELAND., Ohio, at 8 o'clock P. M.. each day of the week, eraser'' , 'Saturday and .13undaY, and Detroit., Michigan, on ilea following days at o'clock P. M. through the mother of JULY and AUGUST making Grand Excursion Trill' i to the many points ofinterest on the Great Inland Saga of America, which, for utility, pleasure, and health.lom unentreassed by any other on the Continent This trip of over 1,800 miles embraces six degrease, latitude, and eleven of longitude, and include ;. in hp. circuit Lakes Erie, St. Clair, Burma, and Superior wigs the beautiful riven Detroit, St. OA/ and St. Harris The many and extensive mines of iron and copper. unequaled by any in the world, with the newly-dim • sneered and inviting deposits of silver lead, wild e** romantic scenery, combined with Its pure and bmetielh:. climate. tender the Lake Superior trip one of far MOM,' than ordinary attraction to the capitalist, the student. Ike pleasure-seeker or the Invalid. . The above-named steamers are elegantly-tilted %sr with large airy Cabins and State-Booms, while eiremv Precaution has been taken to provide for the safety gm& musfort of passengers Famine:du ding State-Rooms and Meals, about 2;4 sante pm mile. Time °coupled in making the round trill,tredep.. II to 10 days. Room merited, and fruitier information obtained, ler application to mprietora. DONT. HU P & A. manunzi N.NA & C Cleveland, c Cleveland, .nd, M JOHN HOTCHnifell, .T WHITING & Co., D etro i t. ,mi e h trot. jeti-t auSe SUMMER RESORTS. rtEESTER OR YELLOW 13PRIN CHESTER COUNTY. PA.—This magnificent to now open for visitors. The accommodations are= very best; the Bathe all in perfect order. COMMILOIO* Lion by the Penna. R.E., Eleventh sad Market, 7.%A. M., and 4 o'clock P. M. via Steamboat station. A. W. SNYDBit, Superintendent. SUMMER RESORT.—BROAD - T GP MOUNTAIN HOUSE.'—Thls romanbia spot can be. reached dilly by the Pennerylvasia, Central liatiroea te.• Huntingdon, thence by the Broad-Top Railrosd vbs. Dudley. Excursion Tickets are isened at half the. neural rates, which are good until the Int of October. Pirst-class accommodations. Tsars—Bl2, per week per day HE ID, Children wad servants half price. For Cluthar particulars address C. M. ALLIKOIID Co., Idnuaatirs, Broad-Top : City. Huntiniplon Co., Pa. REA. BATHING.-NATIONA.L BELL I CAPE ISLAND, Cape May, N. J., in now Open ter the reception of Nis nrunerons *meats. Terme moderato, Milken under 12 years of age and servants half prima- Onpertor accommodations and ample room for two hunched persons. AARON OARRETSON, Je24-2m Proprietoi. PERSONAL. Tl 4 - 4 FORMATION. WANTEM OF JASOF SPRAGLE, Company H. Beth Pa. Itaielment, dmilY Corfu], who. it As supposed, was wounded awl taken prisoner near Fort Darling on the leah of May. during an engagement there. Hui family are ansion* to hear from him. DANIEL J. ItiVELY. cull St P ERSONAL. -JEWELRY SENT BY MAIL, free of postage, to any part Of the United.. States. on reixtpt cog the followlikgpricesi Single Stone Imitation Diamond sing, sl. Cluster Imitation Diamond Ring, Si Heavy Plated Vest Chains, $l. Beim Plain Rings. Will stand the strongest sold, Me- Ma gnidcent Plain Ring, 31 Small Round Black Enamelled Ear Drops. 50 cents. • 1:1,.5.ey Plated Black Enamelled Sleeve Button., 2x. Gents' Single Stone or Clrister Imitation Diamond Pine, 31. Bracelets, 31. Handsomely Chased Medallions, SI Cou.plete erte Carbuncle Studs and Buttons, $l. Complete sets Black Enamelled Studs and BtatOaas. With Pearl Setting, 31. Fancy Watch Keys. 60 cents. Pep and Penell. With Extension Caee, 611. Ladies' Long Guard and Chatelaine Chains, Si. Cha telaine Pine, $l. Genuine Gatta Percha Chains, $l. Ladies' awl Gents' Miniature Pins, for hair or like . nese, tlfl. Seal Rings. SL Red or Stalk Ball Ear Dronn,. 10 cents per..p2asir. Direct to ESTLIN di MANN. 91.15. RACE Street, - Philadelphia. atflit ARMY GOODS. FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. V. VA_ N S & la A. S SA. MILITARY FURNISHERS, 418 A:RCE STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Banners, Regimental and Company •Flags, Swords', Sashes ' Bette, Peasants. Epaulets, Rats, Cape, Can teens, Haversack% Camp Rite, Biala Classes, Spars, and everything pertaining to the complete *atilt of Amny and Navy °Dicers. A liberal discount allowed to the trade. ati3-lin, FROTHENGHAM & WELLS SALI HEAVY NOME. NOME. iND LIGHT. 81HIETING8 SHITTINGS. STANDARDVY CANT O O N HEAN WASHINGTON - AkT - VI — OTORY HAINBRIGN QS SILESIAS. BROWN_, BLEACHED AND GOBBET JILIN& No. IN WORSTED YA.EN. Aro. EXPRESS • 'COMPANIES. mom I' HE ADAMS RS: PRESSCOMPANY, oMce 3 CHESTNUT Street, forwards Pima's, Package!, Meir cbanoise,. Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its OW7l' lines or i n connection With other Express Companles r . to all the principal Towns and Cities in the Thai!. States. B. S. SANDFORD, 1e27. General Superintendent. adig i a ta. FOß CAPE MAY.—TES much and commodious steamer Xl* , Captain Z. A. ityther, of the Cape MAY law& having Amen released by the Government, be making_ her regular trips to Cape May t Isar" utg Alta r _ STREET WHARF every TUESDAY. RUM AY, ems - SATURDAY,at 9 o'clock; returning, will leave Oals , May every Monday, 'Wednesday, and Friday, at o'clock, touching at New Castle, going and ret Vase $2.150, carriage, hire included; childreVal'. price. Servants $1.60, carriage hire extra. Freight at low rates. No freight received Anar o'clock: and in all cases most he 1. 11 2:1 10 a • if 2241 JOSEPH A. STEWART, Avid r : , 3 4=joi , FOR HARTFORD, CONN., DIRECT,VIA DELAWAta AND luau- TAN CANAL. The Philadelphia Steam Propeller Company's steamier ILARS Brumley, Master, now loading at second wharf above DOCK Street. Quick dispatch. Apply on boa*. or to WM. BAIRD ' & Co., Agents, 132 South. DIELk- WARE Av nue. sat i n glig i t FROM NEW YORK, FON NEW HAVEN, HARTFORD, SPRING FIELD. and BOSTON.—The etesanere COMTINENTAI, and .14.11 ClTleave Pita Slip, East Elver, daily, er &le P. PA. and U at rdebt. jeiN-Sts WarimplS WEST , CREBTEII AliD PHILADELPHIA RAIL. ROAD vie MEDIA. SUMMER ARES.GGEKIINT--CHANOI OE DEPOT: On and alter MONDAY„.May 23, 1864, the trains will._ leave Philadelphia+l; e Depot corner of THIRTY 'FIRST and MARGE ts (West Philadelphia L . :A g and M. 05 A.M . and 210. 4.45, and 7P. N. Word cheater at 6.20, 7.46. and 11 A. M., and at 2 ana P. M. On Efundays,leave Philadelphia, at 8.33 A. M. and I.ll' P. M. Leave West Chester at 8 A.M. and 6P. aL The trains leaving Philadelphia at 8.00 A. IL and 146' P.M., and West Chester at 7.46 A. H. and 6 P. M. son. neot with gratin on the P. and B C. B. for Oxford sal intermediate points. HURT WOOD, apl General Bnparintendeat. TELEGRAPH NOTICE REMOVAL .L. AND.CONSOLIriATION.—The officess of the INLAND AND INDEPENDENT TELEOHAPH Lines have been removed from Nos. 413 Chestnut street and 9 South Third street to the southeast corner of THIRD and CHESTNUT Streets. Thee Companies have also been consolidated witk the United Mateo Telegraph Compao_Y. and their con solidated linnw extend over the United States and Conadas, enure now being rapidly constructed to Ca lifornia and the Territories of Oregon and Idaho The public will at once see the advantages that ad n line now enjoys over all other lines, inasmuch as mes sages are forwarded dire ct to all points, thus avoiding' the delays and inaccuracies of relaying, renumbering,. and rewriting over connecting or sectional The rlnited States Consolidated Lines are the onl y I B O, A I I i a . WIN, Superintendent. lines wor king in opposition to the old monopolies. PIITLADELPRTA. A-Aug3: IMPORTANT TO HAY DEALERS -A- AND CONTRACTORS.—Farmers, Shippers, and" others interested in the preening and transportation. of Bay and Straw, will do well before making their ar rangements for the season to examine the " Boater Preen," ,now in operation on the corner of SECOND Street and COLUMBIA Avenue. This bay in compressed direct, and ten tons can be readily put in an ordinary box car, and no hazard what ever is incurred by the road to transporting it. by n so e t bsd uch es es it ,b v y er 4 ag fee e drinpoiittin,dejwa are only end 22 inches , are prepared to lease out con.nties. and the facilities we secure give superior value to the product by this Frees. For further particulars address COOK TALCUM Superintendent Pennsylvania Bettor rfolli COMPIIIIn Girard Hotel, Philadelphia. atill-121.• BORBES TAKEN TO GOOD mature at tab per week. Inquire of THOS. L. BeETRAM, Da,We county; or. Wll. .8 ASTRAY, SECONn cmsurairr, aul2-et".. LADIES' TRUSS AND BRAD': STORE—Conducted by Lssites, TWELPTir (St?;l.,?st door below Race. iyedy article thistr•- lice elegte•reter. ni t la n cre o cLin t r.k.. Niuko l'fLAßLrfn tAcest.: r.T2Proteei:s=t aeceracy insured. myt-Smt/ • AVW ES TEY'S .COTTAGE ORGANS, • Not UNEXCILLED, but lIIISQUALLND in Nuns of 7.°1,0 and Power. deal/irked especially for Chanshaa end Sotiooli, bat fond to • be: °molly well adapted SO the Parlor and Dram - lag Room. For sale only by N. Y ARMS. •30. 1.8 North EIIIVRNTH Street. a complete assortment of the Perfect Yetodealt: constantly on band. mylß-Seh
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers