TIM RATIN agAp TRAITOR fihr days otte rebel raid, a Clopperhead ternitpa. treason and traitors, named willoym ' ,Fitting in Peetthbottfons township,. was neatly entrapped hy some Colon , .1;11tar in the neighborhood. These eft,. ~t the proollvitielt of this man Mozipar toten informed that he ens witting to pis all the infinmation in his per 990.94.1.11 T hole attempt a raid into Want:Lister order to test the currentness of their they diegnised themselves in re. nrting the grayhtteka—and presented it. IlloSparren , s house. Introducing „p the tinseled friends of Jeff Davis, they ~ospitably reeelved•and generously sa ne hest the house afforded was placed and over the dinner table Me „oooned himself to hie supposed rebel toill them where the belt fording places id be round, and the most acoesslble , Pointed ant each Union man who houses, fattest'stook, and the largest beat, corn. and oats. After he had de. Ai of all his Information and abuse of toot, his friends told hituet they were g ood Union men, anti , at he should rowompany them to Hell Mr. To this d,jeaed, but finding his guests deter ° virtue of neceaslty and accompanied 11 Mr he was taken Were wn officer, that he must take' the oath of. elle . he again dissented, vowing that he oat thing, He was then taken to-pri few days , rations of bread and water hatred of the North to such a degree d t.o takethe oath: It was atitalnistered which ohopfalten and in nu amiable doti h is way home. ~r ren is a member of the Copperhead uillp of this octants', and has long been of the most bitter and unserupulous r. , untry in the State. Instead', there ll,,wed to take the oe.th of alleglanee, a been shipped, "bag and baggage;” tuth.—York paper. ..'SUPT TO ROB A RAtt.ttOAD TRAIN. In attempt was made a few nighto o baggage•car of the mall train golf g the train had reached the other side be engineer Sounded the alarm, ftP• ne object on the track. Soo" after !topped, from what cause ,we could I &Mail wag seen to spring from be , fitment and Jump Into the $1(10 door of miming the bagfrego.mastrr to rite lees, who hastily inuirrnod the eon lexender, of what had occurred. A t.ely started for the car in which the fr was supposed to be engluzeil, but had till the belt-rope was pulled by the and the speed of the train diminished, his escape, which he Hreutuplirbed . by the train. As soon as the' train stop s was made for the robbed :but le found, owing to the darkness. :sere ps had been placed oa the. rails, in !ere the train last stoppoo, whin h ran- Ile proceeding still more mysterious. ,ceded very cautiously for some should the first desperate attempt the train might be thrown.from.the motions being placed In the way. acoompliees or not, is not known, • llion is that he had—as it is nut at 'hat any one would attempt such an ue—and that his confederates- failed of the work as had been preco neer ted, e Msarrabgement of the programme. doubt, was plunder, and aside from Incurred, a better field of operations ism e lasted,— Greens!, urg ( Lyrosiing rtA SCOVTB .10r GaTTsl3Rioao. A Philadelphia City coats have been nr county during t he past week, with lcumay, A considerable number. of t captured, se also several deserters They are all carefully attended to 2darshal. Among those arrested a vas a brother of the eelebratediGene raid memory, He was taken near y two or threti- of the scouts from. lee of Whom was a physicianand o same medload class at P.hilade i lphle spy arrested (Dr. Stewart.) lie are E. familiarly by name, when he came to latter denied nil knowledge of hls Illy (wormed that he wits the man. nd on his person maps of roads, dis nts of positions, and strength of the different polntt—showing him to be id intelligent spy. lie was brought crest Marshal's, and, after examine ielyelinanacled and Bent o ff t 6 his merited doom.—Gettyaborg Sen- .dr. Elias Forbes has been.for some egol in sinking a now well by the ono for the purpose of obtaining a •of gas for lighting the village. • Ho new well to the depth of Cso.ieet, and nonsiderably deeper, If necessary, for of his pump°. .I%.lthough go:Mogi :.ot favor tistridea of obtalnlog oil in understand that all the usa ti frit ,i.peared in drilling, and on Saturday able show of the genuine artiole av id a large vein of oil develops itself a presume Mr. F. would nor obit) it • His well is situated on the north. ali, a little below the Donble•saw who have never witnessed the ope qr en oil well will here find an oppor cling the mode of operation without *h.—Fredonia Censor. rrr -llox.--P. snuff-box was last week hank of the Susquehanna river, in old Indian bury low ground, which is 'y, twO Ig by one Inch and a an inch nOttell in dept lon h, including the top. r, It is beautifully enamelled, inside the top to painted a landscape. In a imp building with a glow as of a column or monume.it nu a mound on on the bank of a stream with a Aimee, the whole with a border in . rose is painted on each side, a for me end, and a bright colored flower, :ed, on the other end, and ono on the clots are as bright as the day they :d It hat doubtless been a rlola pre- Id lan Chief from the Fromm or Eng and a half ago.—Witkeebarre Re- lIVERMISII.—Another rout disgraced ursday night last, which came very ,it. everal returned sold lora of the . Oa Regiment attacked some gentle. Ming on theporch of the*ExChange aid of the Sheriff and others, the tis quelled, and the crowd dispersed. erring, the same party renewed Lae . Seaman, who had gone Into Clap. after some passengers who were to Scranton. One or the soldiers, tt Dave several times in the face, when ' took place, and 'Beaty *Jock (tile eked Seaman,) received a tolerably in face. We learn the hash, though , atal one: Lucerne Union. ‘te first 0011181 On on the Penn Haven Railroad ocourred on Wednes e Lehigh Tannery, about throe lie Haven. Two coal trains, an led one, came together with such one engine into the other. The piled up in unsightly confusion, oars of the other train were also 1. But the moat miraculous part of t, that no one was seriowdy injured ,ri. When the engineers, conductors, saw the collision inevitable, they al l i ne to escape. One man haf t a slight Luckily, neither of them were pet& • the lose of life would have been very PHRSONAL. (Mies.) Clarion gives a brief nati o(' the rebel S. D. Lea. recently ap. nt general.. 1-le.4s a native of South graduate of West Point, where he' ith a diploma in 180 i. He was a as. S. E. B. Stuart, J. B. Ville plgae, ind Horatio Randall. After leaving entered the regular service as tt of the 4th Artillery, and was meted first lieutenant of the let Mars. Shortly after his native Union, Gen. Lee resigned hit pro ,lce of the United States, and re isolina,where he entered the army iptain, early in 141aroh 1801. He 'fiord la the taking of Fort Sump !trite was fully Inaugurated and a the soil of the Old Dominion, o Virginia with a battery of and there, with the legion of conspicuously and honors it the sanguinary engagements: mored with the ranlo of major, colonel, and then colonel. He :.tery on the Potomac for some tlme; of Seven Pines and the seven days' iniond ; was next assigned to duty 4th Virginia Cavalry, and subse t*, of artillery that gained distino. battleof Manassas and at Sharps mai:oder: was needed fur the de urg, in the fall of 1862, Priseldent defend the stronghold of Mises- Irred upon him the rank of brigs.- 3 commanded at the battle of above vicksburg, where, in De whipped Sherman and 'Horgan ist a large force against his herolo to battle of Baker's creek he coin le of Georgians, and, during the , held that portion of Stevenson's rgaulted on the 19th and 22d of ir the surrender, Gen. Lee was snk of major general, and as -1 of all the cavalry lathe Xis de case of "Glover against Per- Jaen mopping the attention of arts for several years? came re. Court of Queen's 13enoh, The Sergeant-at.law, was the proprle• ibrated Morning Chronicle, and he Cotint Perifignyi orrather from iment t for giving suit and service ,or London papers to the Emperor .rgeant, 410Ver in point of tact ap. himself to 'the French Govern. seem satisfied with the ernolu ,r his literary services. "I can chat one of my Spec:dal leading ar c daily oommuoioation with the for matter for the leading articles If can hardly be said ,vernment ruined the Morning ruined, we believe, before it foil rgeant Glover, but never before • honorable career' ore such (ili a discredit. Such ad missions are the shade of its greatest editor, its place of repose.—Liverpool hrts already been reported aft prisoner before Petersburg. It tot was shattered by a ball, pre• Alt) , of walking, and when olep• borne away on a stretcher. An of him while with his brigade la Meer, who had b.ildly pushed ter, attacked Major Gregg, of nla,and after a short contest "Y the Major, who then found ieniutage his sword. The Gene 'Bess of the rencont re, and, now sword, said : " Hero, Major, know how to use IL,' ved In Now York, on Tuesday, on the bunt fro% City Point, of the Union Theological Se tting es agent on the _Relief Commission, and had been last of June, showing in the energy and efficiency. It is ;kcl his strength too severely, rh his devotion to the tutorage led of our army. 1, who dled in Paris In 1901, ;log seventy•one caliallS, has rased upon, during hit life , on which were engraved a an egg "proper" surmount inscribed "Here reposes ' T y of Likeness. , 11. was short-sighted, and he died Na. the bwallty of Nettles." re sari: dialer General District of Tennessee, has 74 040 4 the rebel eym• patblzers of Nashville and vicinity. by g recast order." So, after remaining _under'a cloud airtime the annual raid and invasion oftiat fair, Milroy again makes his appearance, though '"not preellelr in whatlts binned **Relive service." The New Orienne Eraeays aTglfte "l d d t i o er d'llT it y , S. rid halbert t". Paine' half been Washington. it given us great pleatexre to learn Ikat General Phine is again able to take the field,. for n e know of no soldier for whom we have greater reilitet and esteem as a dironted patriob tiled brave man. General Paine is weft knoirn here, having first oonie, to fheDrpnrtnient of the Gulf as Colonel of the gallant Wirectisin 4th.- Reserved in that ea peony 10 the 19th tenpin andene a brigade arid corevnander attei his jprtimotion, until the memorable' assault tiger' the foreffinations of Vert Hddson fin ties' 14th of Attie, 18= In this eng merit he commanded ontrofthe aeseueltlng columns' on the right. wing, and' •was one of the first' , to fall, having' accompanh'd' the skirmish line in order to survey' the ground' before' directing the advance of his main column: The polist at which °MIAMI Paine tbIDV/a9 so exposed to the ere of the enemy's sharpshooters, that It'w'ae found impossi ble to remove him, Wee he lay in' the. sun , all d Subjected to the most excruolatieglorture.. Several men wore killed and wevunded in attempting to con vey refreshments to hit]. When darkness enveloped the field, he was borne - off. We acrompanind the litter on which he lay, age] have never seen suffer legs borne with greater fortitude. General• Paine was shot through the knew, and it eras fortricEncoes. miry to amputate hie leg. His retarn to' duty. sills another fine soldier to the Union - armies. - ---Mr. Martin J. Heade has reoeived from the Emperor of Brazil the decoration of the Brazilian order of Honor, In recognition of his artistic, genius. Mr. Heade is one of the most perfect painters' of birds and flowers that our country has prbducietk We remember once to have seen a charming little picture of his, in oil, of a. delicate porcelainivesei out of ,whieh drooped a single rose. The - blending. of colors was true to life, and the tone of the picture so admirably executed that it seemed as if we•had but to raise our fingers to pick.it off. In picturing• ocean scenery we have rarely seen Mt. Heaie's superior, Setne of his summer scenes of Newport beach, in storm and calm, are gems in their way; and as a landscape painter his sketches of the• White Mountain region, and of the wild ravines- I near Conway,. are among the best productions of American artists. It was but a short time ago that' Mr. Heade went to. Brazil for the .purpose of paint ing the humming birds of South America. Con trolled by an enthusiastic devotion to his profession, by a Sensitive- , ambitloivi and a remarkable genius,. he Imo sueeeedhil so well' as to receive the praise of the Brazilian Court, and the Emperor headed a subscription for a magnificent quarto chrome litho graphic album, containing many . of his pictures:.' His birds ate-to be brought out in London in the• first style of lithographic art. Mr. Gilmore. who went with Colonel Jaques to Richmond, will tell his story of the journey in the• September Atlantic while Colonel Jaques has de clined one thousand dollars of an offer made by a New York paper fur a reCountal of his experience. Judge Advocate Holt is in St. Louis on an offi cial. visit to the Department Commander, and is stopping at-the Lindell Hotel. —The following is-an instance of the ready war ag‘e of Gen. Thomas, as exhibited in the fighting be fore Atlanta:: So intense was theinteeest among our men to re pel the rebels in their immediate front, that they did not, perhaps, perceive a small column had pushed around entirely to the left of Blake and penetrated the right oi that long line of skirmishers which I have described as alone holding the huge grip between Newton and Wood, well they heard the noire of eoefilet immediate* , in their rear. The rebels had reached the Buokhead and Atlanta road. But there was One man near by who saw the rebels, and marked them as doomed. Gen. Thomas was overlooking the progress of the fight in the rear of Newton, The moment he perceived the body of rebels I have mentioned, he hastily got together a force coneistine of the pioneers of Ilimbell• 6 brigade, some of the, struggling skirmishers who had lied be fore the first rebel onset, and two pieces of artillery. Taking immediate personal command of this novel battalion, he assailed the astonished rebels and killed and captured the whole body. He may per form great achievements in the future, as he has in the past, but I venture to predict that tie will think RE' often of this little affair as Of any military event of his life. rii3CE The Thermometer. AVOTIST 4, 1883. .&1:10II8T 4, 1864. 6/.11 12 M 3P.M. 6A. M 1228 3P.M. 80.... ..... 90. V 86 7334 ...... wino. WIND. EBB 88.6 Nby/3 EbyN NW NW MILITARY. TRANSFERRING SOLDIERS Ninety-lour Dllohigan soldiers were transferred from the army hospitals In this department to De troit on 'Wednesday. All the Vermont soldiers will be transferred to that. State to-day. ARRIVAL OF SICK AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS. Tho following la a Hat of aiok and wounded Penn sylvania and Delaware soldiers, who arrived in this city by railroad, on Tuesday evening last, from the Washington hospitals Ambrose B.Pauf, 0, 4 Dell A bicllvaine,G, 62 Cos GW Pierce, G,l Del ,John Cross, K, 98 Basil Ferguson, D,lB.oav:Jas Stuart, F, 91 Sergt Sarni Akins. 188'3191 Showers, I, 82 Jas Sterrett, 0.119 Seirlt Wm k Fratz, G, 98 Win D Johnson, I, 100 W bnelder, A, 2 • Peter Ferogaies, H i 61 Hugh Bayne,_ E, 155 Corp Allen Boss, D,165 John Drist, K., 81 A Ferguson, G, 88 J H Kelly, K, 100 13 Weidner, F, 51 Andrew Fraker, 0, 184 A List, D, 61 John 0 Wallace, F, 100 t 6 . 1 ,D Lockhart, 11,1140 John bleCirea, E, 48 Wifi Gilbert, B, 187 Jos .F Lesslg, 0,130 Flamilton, F, 28 Harvey Moore, 0, 49 E Britton, A, 48 Wm II Fowler, E. 47 J M :‘ . pearer, D. 107. : Win F Harmstead, 8 D 11.1 , use, A, 141 • J Yeager, bngler, E, 1 B J Allen, I, 51 G Stouffer, 0, 13 Gay . _ Sergl, FA Drumere, K, 82 Allen Douglas, E, 6 Oav Win Treffs, G, 119 •, W Irwin, 131, 1 (Jay Ed Campbell, A,"1110 Sgt E T BoblitneD,lo • N Ashenfelter,•l, 187 J R llngler, I 2 Art Sergt G Kearney, 151 F. DI Smith, K, 2 Art John McFetridge , 023 Corp J MoKaramar, D, 2 Michael Uoughlin, I, 49 E Larow, H., 2 Art J W blur:111, E, 81 EdwinHAVY, I, 2 Art Jae W Kerr, A, 19 • D Wlker D, Dur ell Bat Moat, of the above men were a sent , to the White Ball and Haddington hospitals. RECEPTION OF TILE FIRE ZOIIAYES. The committee of arrangements for the reception of Colonel Baxter's regiment met at the Neptune bonus house lust evening. Nothing of any import ance to the public was transacted. The formal ar rangements will be made by Saturday. It is ex vented that fifty companies will participate in the X LS V EL L A N SODS. FATIONAL FAST DAY Yesterday was generally observed in this oily as the national fast day, ns required by an act of Congress. Business of nearly all kinds was sus pended ; quite a number of taverns were closed. There was no meeting of the ard of bro kers, or the Corn Exchange. The bank b s o were closed. The churches, from the croivos of people that thronged the streets at the usual hours of closing, must have been pretty Well attended Sn all parts of theikity. With the single exception of the running of the passen ger cars, the day appeared like a very quiet Chris tian Sabbath. There was very little drunkenness, and for the greater part of the day the streets were deserted. '1 he response of the people to the law for the observance of the day as one of humiliation, fasting and prayer, was entirely creditable. In • some Instances two or three congregations, on account of the absence of pastors, assembled to gether beneath the MUM roof, and mingled their voices in prayer. Many of the churches had the stars and stripes displayed, to which in this hour of civil. strife the patriot eye was often turned, as the beautiful banner gracefully waved in the peeing breeze, What added to the solem nity or quietness of the day, was the absenceof any telegrams teem the scene of rebellion—nothing about the raiders, or other incendiaries and murderers— no enterprising newsboys making the streets vocal with extras, were astir, nor were there many of the boot-Week brigade about, ready to polish the under standing of people generally. The very remarka ble quiet that prevailed was the subject of univer sal remark, as almost everybody seemed to be im pressed with the proper feeling as indicated in the special act relative to the day. SPECIAL MEETING OF corNcru. There will be a special meeting of both branohes Of Council to-day, under the following oall from the Mayor: . W musses, It has - been represented to me that the present emergency demands legislation from the Councils of Philadelphia for encouraging re- Milting, and also in reference to subjecteabout to come Delors the General Assembly of Pennsyl van le, at the session to be held on the eta lust, I do here by, In pursuance of the power given me by law, oall a special meeting of Councils, to be held at their re *active Chambers, Chestnut above Fifth, on Vriday, the sth day of August,instanta, at 8 O'Clook P. re. STRUCK BY LIGHTNING About gx o'clock last evening the house of Josiah Garside, Seller street, above Lel per, was struck by ltghtning. The electric fluid entered the front win dow and passed down the water spout, which it melted. Nobody was hurt. and but little damage done. LETTRE FROM MRS. GENERAL RANCIOCK The following letter from Mrs. General , Hancock relative to the receipt of complimentary resolutions to her husband by the Councils of Philadelphia has been received by Alr. Everman, of Common Council: LONGWOOD, ST. Louis, July 31,1884. Mr. Emmen: ' • . • SIR: I have title honor to acknowledge thexecetpt of your letter of.dute ,D4ly Wid:, also the ewe arrival Of a boa sent by AdEims 7 thLpress; containing reso lutions of weloome from the city of Philadelphia to my husband, for which accept my sincere thanks. Most reepecif ally, Mize. W. S. Hancock. JOltn W..Evuals an, Esq., ,Phliadelphia, Pa. ACCIDENT TO TILE MANHATTAN. - - - - The Manhattan tteamhost to Cape May. after having proceeded a few miles on her trip yesterday morning, was compelled to return to tho city for re pairs, the engine that pumps water into the hollers having gnt out of order. The most safe, sure, and speedy way to reach and return from Cape Mayf is by the West Jersey Railroad, which makes the trip In three hours. Wm. Chapman, the lad who was shot - at Smith's Island on Wednesday, died from the effects of his injuries about four o'cloek yesterday morning. The curoner held an Inquest on the body. A man named Monaghan had one of his arms badly lacerated at Walnubstreet wharf yesterday. He Was engaged in hoisting bales on board of a canal boat, when the hooks slipped and caught his arm. He was taken to the Pennsylvania. Hospital. 8001/SELLERS ,MEETING. The trade will hold a meeting this afternoon at bait:Taut s'o , clook, at. Messrs. Thomas & Son's auc tion room, for the purpose of making arrangements to attend the funeral of the late Mr. John Grigg. THE POLICE. [Before Mr. Alderman Welding.] - OIITRAGEOIIS ATTAOX UPON A WOMAN. A young man giving the name of Paul Dautrechy was arraigned yesterday battery the oharrre of oommitting an assault ande upon Julia Davis, who resides in Nectarine street. Ascetics, according to the evidence, thaton Tuesday night the accused entered the house of complainant. She was out. Upon returning with a glass erica water in her band the moused seized tlfetam,bler and struck her a blow, then choked her and beat her about the face,, which bears unmistakeable evidence of brutality. The accused was committed, in default of $ 0 bail, to answer at court, and to keep the peace in the meantime. . . ALLEGED RIOTED° BOUND OVER. 'Philip Madden arid Thomas Moran were arraigit ed yesterday afternoon, on the charge of being en gaged in the riot between the whites and blacks, on Wednesday evening. Thikolficers testified that the prisoners were actively eggrured in the outbreak. The accused were asked if they had anything to say._ "Do you, on your oath," said one .of them-to a, police ( - Meer, "say that .T. was engaged 4n the riot I" "I do; I saw both of you very active,in throwing bricks.” The parties were bold to bail in the sum of STAG esekto answer at court. , •PporsimnoNAL TEEMS. Philip Pendleton,alias Dutohy Long, Miami Walker, and George Merril were arraigned by Do- FATAL RESULT. CASUALTY, • teetives Taggart and Henderson on the charge of being professional thievee. The patties were arrest ed 'at the lire on the wharf, near Vine street, on 'Wednesday evening. On the person of Morris, a pistol, four chambers of which were loaded, wts l'eurid. The party were committed to await a hear jifiT, to take place on Saturday, at the Central Sta tow Alderman 13eltler, who Is absent, being tlie only :rnaglotrate authorized by law to commit pro feeetorol tideveal under the elnety4lay law. XAEIDLADY AND TENANT Anna MeV'lliams and Ann MoMakin wore ar raigned yesteelay on the obarge 'of breach of the patent. Mrs. itieWflliame is the reputed owner of several tinall,hOtatee. Mrs. McMakln was a tenant, nod owed 'three dbllare for one nionth'e rent of room. Upon meting' to other quarters, and n't having money onowgh to pay the amount due, she lefts stove worth elelen Collars as a pledge for the payment of the rent. Yesterday morning she pro• seeded to redeem the stove, and a war of words took piece, and the neigh botrtiaod WiS anon in excitement. A fight ensued between' the' two women, during appeared and arrested the which l e .`.raring ° beli t! r t er°ll.l. .A h rin l : cerS both ma:3431101r statements. The landlady ematended that She received the Stove 10 payment for the rent. Tbi, other denied this, and xidd It wee oledged until .she' could pay the .three dollars. The landlady madcwounnter, denier, and Evil] she had a pater to prove ft. w Which paper is that 'I" said Mrs. MarlVlakin; '"The one yen put a cross loin replied Mrs. lgo- - Wlllinnis. Ibis evident Oat Mrs. Neal. belie unabletoreal or w;ite, and mates her mark, In piaci:v(4'lam name', has signed a paper which gives thelandlady the posscrslon of the stove. Neveral oaaes - Medlar to this base been arludicated in unr snorts. Socha paper Es illegal. The merits of the ease could not be la might 'before' the nigistrate in 'the manner in• which the parties• had been arraigned, and there fore they were each bound over to. be of good behaviour" and to keep the peace te.-erards' each other. , iSofore Mr, Alderman Swift.] TO KELT' TILE PEACE. Nine perown' Et, black and white, who werlsartestert by the pollee for rioting on Wednesday „stght, on? Seven b Street, below Pine, were arrata - neat yeSten• day before Alderman Swift. recently electelipoLice magistrate by the Oily Chanel's. The poliefrotithers C.,°;ll d ,ealit h araTtse t el, d e a r: t i c: a t d h e b o c o h n o. r a a , et e v r e i o y f engaged in it: On the person of one of the aibaged rioters :a blackjack was monad. The defeadtants , were hold to bail to be of future good behaviosand is keep the peace. CITY Ir=3.l[S. TIM MOST 1131331811 L and econoinioal wile% 212 every family is iv Sewing Machine, and we know the Wheeler A Wilson to be the best, simplest, (Ina cheapest Sewing Machine in the world. Every m&' shine warranted, and the money returned if not,en tiroly satisfactory— , Instruction given at the real dences of the purchasers. Cia to the. Wheeler Si Wilson. agency, No. Tat Chestnut street, above Seventh, and examine - these wonderful machines.; VIM riNVST 017LTIVATIMBUTES AND DV.t:l4 OrOua- PEAOHRS are ROW in season, smothered in pure Delaware County Ice Cream, at Par. W. H. Sloeomb's Eastern Market Cheese Stand, Fifth street, below Market. His assortment or tine Chemin) the best In the city. We also invite ellen. thin to. his superior pure Cider Vinegar—a great favorite with intelligent housekeepers. THE AZIENDX&ICTS.—The vote on the amend- Mints, yesterday,,was a, very decided one. This is the time for the amendments; the Constitution is to be amended, and those who iii!we not already done so, should amend their habits by procuring new suits at the Brown Stone Olothing Hall of Rockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 600. Chestnut street, above Sixth. It la never too late to mend and amend. " ADVICES PROM THE ARMY OE THE POTO3LIO." —"We have a great many advices from the army, but nobody seems to take the advice. In the first, place, men down there are getting fewer, and we are advised at home, by the increased bounties and the 'incresaed number of "bounty jumpers," that mop are valuable. Also, another advice is not to' wear your good clothes either under Burnside or under a mine, for you might got blown up for so doing ; but when you go down to the army, either as brigadier or vivandlere, get. clothing suitable at Charles Stokes', under the Continental. Elm AND EAR moat snootasfaly treated by J. Itasca, M. D., °outlet and Anrist, MI Pine at. Artifi cial eyell blaerted. No charge for examination. j y 2041 ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. The alone Mrs Cower &Sch. Fla Mr Borman, Florida Capt Bonita: W N Nana, Baltimore W .1B Waiters, Baltimore Robt Turner & wf. Balt licbt E Turner, Elslimore .1 41Phillip, eittaburg Mr & Mrs C Levering, BAN Mists Jackson, Baltimore Robt Levering, BLltimore M M Bard, New York Dr B Garrett. Wit, Del B Batch, Now Orleans Geo W Burns, Quincy. ill C H Snow, Wash, D ti J W Barker & fa, Pittaburgl W Jamison & wf, Detroit C B Jamison, Detroit li W Jobxuon & wf. Detroit W T Euvard, N Y Isaac S Enyard, New York 6to B McPherson. IFS A Capt J Lawless, Wil. Del W Almon & wt, Ohio Bean, Louisville Oliver Ditson, New York LC Frost, Wheeling P Connell, Vinton. lowa .1 W tircwn. Pittsburg A It W Painter, Pittsburg B II Ring, Piltsburg E 0 Davidson. Memphis .1 W Pariah & wife. St Louis C W Waits. Coicago W W Patrick. Pittsburg RR Wilton, Pittsburg 1. C Coe, New York M Macsillan, Now If ork Mrs Barnttt, New York A P Cock ran. Louisville C L Lamberton & wife, Pa 0 V Seem A C Good, Wheeling B B Beach Hartford Could: New Orleans 0 E NowellePawtneket,E l T J Vail, Ilarford J D Sargent. Boston O W Oter, Now York W Forrey, New Jersti .1 N Nona & is, Now York JE Rseside Washington D D it IS. New York The 16. .T C Crane, Baltimore Capt Dawson, _0 8 11l C R B Pallier, Wash, D 0 Oataner N Blue, New York F Rolkatelal, New York A Hamilton, Boston Miss B Hamilton, Boston B J Fry, Tamaqua R B Howland,Harrisbnrg C H Neon, Barri/J/13M .1 B Simon. lIRITI9bUrg B C Powell. Phils B Watson. Odessa, Del L .7 Albertson. Phfta Aaron Wastage?. Penna Mrs J R West & tam 0 B Chu r c h , Union, Pa Mill Union, Pa 't Taylor & wf, Univn, Pa W Brown & wf, Penn& Ninntriger, Vermont R Thompson, Vermont Richard ell:upon Coon John Jackson . C onnecticut Ben' Soder, Penn% Saud Clark, Penna. Wm Wilson. Fauna The Az T Martin, New York F LIB° aboft, Boston F Mayes, New York W Smithson, Purt Deposit F Sopff, Baltimore, F. Brtnniag. Baltimore .1 Smith, Boston .1 Thompson, Boston J Conklin, New York JF lakes. Camden, Del J W Allen, Miohienn A B Wishard. Miciaidam F B 7.il7ey, Wash. D C 14 Bell, USN J bleltiehon, Ireland J Collins The Ilhe W Lilly Mauch Chunk ' 11 V Bandy,lianch Chunk J Id Line, Allentown E ?ergs, Clearfield B Akers, Baltimore D du l theubaugh, Pittsburg. Geo Grover, - Boston Mr & Mrs Ctiarif , Trenton D M Barbour, Baltimore Geo Lots, Penns Wm Ylerning,Pittsburg It V Etrean. Wash, Pa 3) BleConvill, Ohio Frank D Ford, Illinois E P Mi ha ller B Cha mberlin, Danville Mrs Wilkins, Danville Miss Wilkins, Danville D McMartin. New York lil Jones, Pottsville .1 F Johnson & la, Penna R Knech & wf, Manton Jac Jones, Baltimore II Weiner, Baltimore Chas Rohr', Baltimore W A Marks, Virabbingtoa The Mal P A Bfalis. TiroaQ Y A Raub, Centreville I-1 homely. Centreville J Culbertson, Lehigh co C Bitter, Rittersvills B C Bober, Allentown 'B F Jones lk la,Holmesburg D Echevier, Lehigh Co . H hlFelter,E Bethlehem Thor Monts. Schuylkill co E Forrest, Allentown Levi L Jacoby. Bucks co T Trumbower, Bucks co , Jhl Kaufman. Socks co - A rn 0E Edwards, Quakerto'n • W Held; Lehigh co The Bftrl , H Rittenhouse, Maryland David °snor, Barocco. Pa JET Plum,Baddoriela,N W 0 Taylor, Ifew Jersey 3 B meCtnns. 11E11'141a W Dayidiom, Fhilads Jos 0 Presidia, Bucks co Miss Rittenhouse, lad Miss Werner, Marylsed Amos A Gregg, Bustletn, Pa. Jacob B Warner", Backe co C BBI F Y, Backingham. Pa Cbss el). -Bo al] , am.ra Nitta/ell Birk,Backinakam The co S N Briggr, Boeton M Bartweii, Brooklyn J C Worth, Oxford, -Pa E R Trener, Cincinnati, 0 Saml. F Wylie, Baltimore J M F. rgueon Join liammonk,New York Jain. e Smith, New York J C Fackenthal Waeh, D C John Cooper, )3121)ka co The`N W A Jodon,Millersborg A Lockman, Harrisburg Mrs J Holcomb, Masshi Bailey, Ashland H J Ashland B Bensinger, Ashland GFenstormsclisr,Eapy W Woodkol, Ohio Brooke, Ohio Mrc Howard, Penna - Sellentan.. ollll6 Sarni black, Jnd 'Ana Brunner,Ohlo J Fletcber, Little Rock Sh, Franklin Wormin Bieglesvnle W Jones:Princeton, Df J • Wine It A P Graham , Vermont Thos & la A & Slack, Brewneburg R Van Dike; Delaware Mists Luaßen., New YbTY siaMs. D F Ward James C Blake. Mass H Levygon, Nevt YorkJohn Brunner, Lano eo„ B Blair, New Yorh J B Milian, 'Virginia Jolts, OilSHan Chaster co . John Kennedy. Peach go.tt The Pita She Black Bear. ,Thos Bahr, Velasville blitai 1. Packer, Sod.= -BK eek W A -Ruppert , W Chester 811 ES lilanb llll9Bl l . Balms Min Ruppert Fax Caere Tanana ' 011 as Cleaver is la, Pa W T LeiP, lIREsS.—PITTLATYPILPITTA. YRTDAN, ATTGITST 5, j 864. Arrival rand Sailing of ocean lsl,eauada•m TO ARRIVE. ERTPF FROMFog DATE. City of London...LivPrpool . ..,..New Y0rk,...........1n.1y 29 Persia' Liverpool...... Boston .... , ....luly 32 Tentonia . . ... ...Sottit atoptoa.New Y0rk......,...itag 6 TO DEPART. P. ofWarbingtonNew York Liverpool.... 6 Borurria . -New York Soutteunnton .•..A.ur 6 Now York., ....New York Liverpoei hilt 6 Believe New York • London • •••Alere 45 Yong Shney....New •New Or.ons Alkg• 6 . • Chas C Leary—New York "...New OrlekEs..... Amor ik Roanoke New York Murano. An* AT THE NBRORANTS I =CHAIM]; PHILAMILVITLi. Bark A 1 Harvey, ....Barham:bea t soon. Bark Tinto (Br), Davi50n.......-......Liverp001, soon. Brig Aurora, ... .. soon, Brig Sarah Larson, Hopkins...,..Barbadoes, soon. Brig Maine, Jarvis • • •Barbadoes, soon, Brig .8 V Merrick, Norden, Havana and Car denas soon, PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE, JANINE MILLIKEN, ANDREW We esmat, Committee of the Montk. Elver) Y. Towriersrp, PORT Or PHILADELPHIA, A 4,1564. Sun Rises-5 1 Sun Sets.. 6 59 High Wster..3 53 , ARRIVED. Untted States steamer Massachusetts, Lieutenant West commanding. arrived this (Thur.scis..y)' after noon at the Navy Yard, from the South Atlaistic Squadron, via Charleston bar 64 hours, wltte pus sengers, invalids, and prhoners. No new P d of tote rest. Parsed at Cross Ledge, bark Columbia; Irons Pensacola, bound up; at Bombay Hook, knilt terprise, of Londonderry, from Naples, bound' up ; at Doak Creek, a deep laden English brig, Wand up; also, several brtga and harks, names unknown, bound up. Passed a large neat of vessels. botant. to , sea. SteitmerGeorge PIC Leary, Deming, from Fortress. Monroe; with sick and wounded soldiers to lI'S Medical Director. The G M L also has a numisbr of contrabands, a portion of whom will be taken.4o Nee , York. Brig George Crump (Dr), Anderson, 17 days from. Cienfuegos, with sugar to S d< W Welsh—vessel tci. E A Souder.A. Co. lirig Speethtway, Atherton, 10 days from Calba;• Oen, with 1130111115e9 . to E 0 Knight Er. Co. Scbr W Krebs, ()waste, from Alexandria,,.with flidfelo Thos*W abater. . Scbr Sal t Wore Beller, Richardson, from Pooomoke river, with•mdse to J - T Justus. Sehr Damascus, Price, from Pocomoke river, with timber to nney-yard. Behr Neptune, Roden., from Hartford, in ballast to 'septet Sea Evergreen Potter, from Providence. in bal last to Lumbard.d Ward. Scbr CatishrineThoulaeißreStOrk, from NOW York, In 'ballast to Lumbard is Ward. Bohr R R Mull, from Providence, in bal last to eaptain. =Sch,r Pdarrealey, Raley,. from Boston, in ballast to captain: Seim 113 Smith, Anderson, from Providenee,'in ballast to captein. Solar RlEfacw, York, from Plymouth, Mass, in bat list to captain: Steamer S F Phelps, Brown, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to Wm M Baird & Co. Steamer Sarah, Jones, 24 hours from New York, with mitre rooilrm M Baird & Co.* Pilot boat VTurley, 12 hours from Wilmington, Del, where sherhas been thoroughly overhauled and. repsiredl. Tho-F, T will leave In about two days, for the purposfrof cruising on her station. duesstal. Mrs Metcalf., Louisville Jsa S Knowlson, Tro_ .'s NY H Martin, Toronto. Canada ClotA H Beadlell, II 1 N El H Hamlltoll, H 8 N . T B Schweitzer J H Ward, Baltimore Lis F Baker, Wheeling ~.1 W Greenfield & la, Ma Chas Howlett, Wash, D C , W B Remedios & wf. Tto W It Peon & la, Now York.' Miss Campbell, St L,ula 0 Weller, St Louis Mr Richardson, Now York C A Wortsudyk, N I L Brownell, Kentucky M A Bautzhghoffsr & la Dr C Ronc.flehl, II 8 Of C Bnrawtn, Pittsburg Tas F Bennett, Pittsburg • john Scott, Pittsburg W It Minlck, Pittsburg It Ll:Marshall, Pittsburg P 11 Muller, Pittsburg H Paasett J T Smith, Baltimore bl P Wetzel, Ilarri.burg - Copt L M Scbuermau Mr Gamily, New York Mr Howard, Nov York A 9 Stevens, Pennsylvania BF OilltecOn.Peunsvivanta .1 Simpson, Pennsylvania It P Lodge, Madison, led W C Watts, Madison. Ind J McKinny, Madison, lug D P Bible, North Carolina Mrs 3 !Tonle. Hassan . W F.Ttinucil, Hassan , (1P ir a u a el 1, Hassan • - i Geoo Stoddard, II 8 K ' - ' l 7: W-J- Reid, H.S-N-- - Geo H Fox, Boston P W Bacolod, Baltimore GeosPaddison, Loudon Mrs M Moody, Baltimore S. 14 Whitgoot, Wasbn J Id Coburn, Washington. Chas Coburn, Washington Thou Kingman, Boston W S Hantiorton, W.islan W 0 Moorhead, Prima. W H Parker& wife, Wash J Fitzsimons. Cincinnati H s Thompson, New York Hotehinson, Now York Mortoo. Milford. Del B Ford. Maryland , Mr & Mrs Mayloud, Venus. MM. elaylnad atster, W Poe, Dayton. 0 A El Maasslinan, Penns W F Henderson, Virginia J C Wilson G T Ash & la. New York W L Wall, Wash, D 0 R R Corson, Wash, D C J P Dalton Delaware J r. Mingle. Beam 13 Sandi, Easton R B Carnahan &ist; Peena John 0 English, Ohio .1 L Blom, Washington Et L Mont, Washington D d Danielman,Wash P Snowden. Baltimore W 0 Maxwell. Baltimore Cha Oarretson, York, Pa hire N Libby, Maass JO Slay, Muylaad erlcan. W W Parker, .Mass 1W 0 Redden. Delaware Gapt'W H. Redden, Illinois J S Nevin, New Jersey Moreau Clevulant J Susi], Maine' J Borg, Waterford G Hall, Pennsylvania J H Barton. Delaware co S B Barrett. Newark, N'.l . H Ziegler. Newark, N J .1 Rnerty, Brooklyn Mrs E Albright, Brooklyn .1 Couklln, New York I) H Brewer, Harrisburg kisaatte. Iss Beaver dr Ms, Danville B W Hudson- Carton S Wallace, White Liven B C Jones, Inthole F Falterer & la. St Lbeis 13 V' Ravisher. Poona G El Menge; Chamberabam 'Elias Bair, Lancaster .18 Dougherty. Lancaster Mies E H Baker, Trenton 10138 L need, Trenton Mew Maria Heed. Trenton W Ager, New York 70.ephum Seidler, Penns F Ha 9 , , Fort Delavrare Capt Sehiffier, U S A ICot Bamford, S A W Cunningham, Ft Del H Rosenfeld, Chicago Geo Grover, Boetoa L Embres & la, Delaware (I H Luring. Portland J M Drill. Baltimore P Hart & son, Maryland G Saunders & la, Mama 13 Eagle. Rich F. Green, Quakertown. Geo Beer, Qualierioom Sera klaas, foogolsville Thee Compton, Centreville.' John J Richards, Centrov'e Gen lil Hager, Quakertown. Daniel Boyer, Lehigh co Joe Miller, Fogelevilie John Albright, Lehigh - ea stephen E Albright, Mina Edw Lttzenberger, PPIIIIB. Ofattherrlahno,Lebik .co Alfred Steinbenter, Penne Jag Gadkenbach. Lehigh co • Anderson Calvin, Euston Thoa &rause, Quakertown ey Sheaf. (W .Richmond, Bnekcs Co Jno - Walton. NowtoWn, Pa John E t'arry,Attleboro,Pd Col Bodine, Loyalv;lle, Pa Wiu It Tyson. Penns Mr Oversiall, 'Penne Bennie 0' Keefe, Now York Wm Sanodors, New York J'r siesta, Germantown,Pa W C Johnson,Germentown It E. Cadwalader Penna. Jersey Samßritian, New Sam H Earriaon, Penatt mercial. Mrs John D Yerkee,Read'iS Mies Man" Yerkos,R9adlog Walter Team, Reading Thos Hall, Harrisborg J H Worstsll, sucks co Card W P Mintzer, Pottat'n Cupt Jam.s S Parma P eat T Helfsnyder, Fauna Mrs V.+ nordeo Poona 4SamlWright Chester iioi al. Jll Abell,Virginia W WlUlame, Musa E Thompson, Penner R Winlona, Parma fi S Cooper, [memo co C J Smith, Lebanon I H Reim. Lebanon P Y brewilinger, Penne. I Light. Lebanon co Lieut J C Sassier, U S A. M Tall cott, Indianapolis Miss Talicott; Indianapolis L Jab Ewon, New Jersey 0 E Hen man. Uri ca, N C C Stevens, Utica, N Y oalighPr, Zanesville, 0 8 E Dave, Utica, N &Isom. C W Sono', Delaware Samuel Worrell P G iiimpking, New j erse y D B Owens. Milford AO'S MARINE INTELLIGENCE. CLEARED. SW Evergreen, Potter, New Bedford, Quintard & Ward. • • Schr Catharine Thames, Preston, Providence, do. Schr Reading. Railroad No 47, Nickerson, ' Port Monroe. Com RA Adams. Schr Deniescue, Price, Pooomoke River, captain. St'r Geo rd• Leary, Deming, New York, captain. SAILED. The steamship Frances, Anstitr, for Havana, sailed at 10 o'clock this morning. SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR SAES• LOW, FOR CASH; A. RETAIL DRIfO STORE, doing a good business. Applyal. 3308 MARKET Street, West Philadelabia. asus-2t* THE POKILAZ CLOTHING HOUSE OR PHILA. " OAK BALL." Beet-elm goods at moderate prices. WANAMAKER & BROWN, B. B. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Custom Department (to make to order) No. 18. Sixth St. WEER - LEW& WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES, THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLRFIT, AND BEST. Saleeroome, 704 CHESTNUT. Street, above Seventh D 1 E D_ BIRCH.—On the 3d inst., George Struthers. youngest son of George R. And Elizabeth Birch, in the 7th year of his age. Funeral from the residence of hie parents, No 1023 Catharine st. , on Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. ** . HOBNOB. —On the 4th intt., Jane West Horner, widow of-Joseph P. Horner, in the 50th year of her age. Her relatives and friends are invited to attend the . funeral services at St,. Mary's Church. Locast street, - between , Thirty• ninth and Fortieth streets, on Saturday afte-i•nooc, the 6th inst., at 4 o'clock. Interment at LanTell Hill. El [MBAS!. —On the 2tl inst., Samuel Bingham. la Ihe4Oth-year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family; also Shelsinah Lodge, No. 246. A. Y. M t the Chattahoechie Tribe; I. 0. and Assessors of Internet Revenue of the Third Congressional District, are respectfully invited to attend the [anent], from his late residence, No. 2625. . Lawrence street, on Sunday afternoon, at I. o'clock.. --To pr eceed to Franklin Cemetery. " CORBON. —On the 2d lust., Mr. Charles -Corbon.. Printer, in the 73d year of bie age. His friends are particularly invited to attend his fee. neral, ft em his late- residence, No. 1206 Hanover street.. • Kensington, on Saturday afternoon, August 6, , at three. o'clock. To proceed to Odd-Fellows' Cemetery. ** HEELY.—On the 3d inst., George F., infant son of , I Thome and Frances Neely, aged 10 months and 25 days, The relatives and friends, of the, family are Invited to. Attend the funeral, from the residence of -his parents, Ito. Lil 9 South, Street, this (Friday) .afternoon, at.five.. o'clock.' ORlGG.,eon.lifonday„ the 2sl inst., John Grrig& &eq., aged •72: • Hie friends and those of the family are invited to. at tend the funeral, from his late residence, IBM Walnut, street, on Friday alto:moon, at 4 o'clock. Intorme,nt • HIISTON.—On theAd instant, R. EL Huston, M. D.; in the 70th year of to age. " - His relatives andfriends are Tennested, without for-. they notice,to attend his funeral from his late residence, 12f-8 Arch street, on Saturday morning, at 10 o' clock, to proceed to Lame), Bill. WOOD. —On the morning of the 3d infant, William J. Weed, in the 71styear of his age. The relatives end friends are.invited to. attend theta neral of the•deaeneed -from the residarme of his brother, Thomas Wood, in Bristol, Fa., at o , '.clocle. P. 51-, Fri day, the sth Met, TISD A LL. —On the 24 lust., Chas. Tisdall, in the 70th year of his age. The relative and male Mendel of the family are re spectfully invited to attend his, funeral from hie late residence, No. 233 Chrimian street, on. Friday morning at 5 o'clock. LITZWBERG.--On theld instact,,Charlee A. Lltzen berg, in the 47th year of his age. • Funeral from his late-residence, Darby, on Friday morning at 10 o'clock. 'the relatives and friends of the family; Orphans' Rest Lodge, No. 132, and General Taylor Encampment, a: 0. 0. F., and Hamilton Lodge and Columbia Mark Lodge, No. 91, A. Y. IC are in vited to attend. Interment at Mount Modell Gems. ten% VP* OBITUARY. ROBERTS.—hip 9th, a prisoner in the Petersburg Federal Respite], of mounds received at Reams' Sta tism, Jane 29th, 1864, Cap tain . W .Deweee Roberts, Com pany B, nth Pennsylvame. Cavalry. in the 24th year of his age. Z.. P. Roberts, Sig: My friend, '.r. B. Baird, has this moment shown me your letter. /t is a painful duty to answer it.owing toile sadness of its contents. You wish to know the facts; you Bak is there any hope. I will answer frank ly, and. give you facts: ,When the charge was or dered, , your son, our dear lamented captain, took his pokt in front of his squad. Now the charge was made, and heavy wee the loss to the enemy. On hie return, be rods to roe, and said: Colonel, lam shot. I saw his wonnd a dangerous one. He was at once sent to the surgeon; In the din of battle an boor. elapsed: I saw Win again—Le was beyond the power of speech; Dr. Harlan was attending him. I hove eines learned, while in the hands of the enemy, he died. I tell _yen with a heart filled with sotrow,no lopes are left. It would be unjust for me to, write otherwise. I' will write you daily, till pbsillve facts are known of the result. During Captain.W.Deweea Roberts' service in my re giment, now nearly On ee yea's, hie uniformity of cha racter, his gentlemanly deportment, and hie soldierly and truly officer like qualities,endeared him to each and every older of my Tsai ment ; and while we so deeply deplore Lis lees, and truly sympathise with big parents and many friends for his irreparable loss, wei have the consolation of knowing that he fell with satie in hand, gallantly leading and cheering on his men in defence of an insolent foe ,end nobly striking a blow for the down fall of a - rebellions force, and for the protection and re storation of our once beloved Union. • SAMUEL V. SPEAR, Colonel , 11th Penna. Cavalry, Cumm'ding Brigade. PETERSBITRO, VI., July 10, 186 L. P. Roberts, Eta.: • My DEAR Sia: I wrote to you IL few days since that your son was losing strength. and that his case was dis couraging. Is Is my painful duty now to tell you that my worst fears have been realized; The Captain died, eatmly and.peacefully, at 103( o'clock last night. He saw that 1 wee auaiou and 'distressed about him., and caked me in the afterroon if he could live. When I told him he could not, be sand be had no dnad of death, and as ihninet be, he hoped it would come that night; wiebed me to say to his friends that' he was resigned, and felt quiterearly to die; beget" me not to do any thing to prolong life, though he suffered but little pain. Spoke calmly of home and of hie regiment, and ex- Pressed hie atitude to the young man who had - tended him so faithfully, and who stoo d by him to the last, blinded with tears. It bae been my lot to tee many deaths, but I never saw no more peaceful and -calm than his. The Inspector General and other officers have promited me that the body shall be carefully hurled, 'lea n that the place shall be well marked,and that f tha be notified exactly where it is. I have the Captain's ring; he gave hie watch to one of his sergeants in the ilea& . • Yours, truly, GEORGE. C. Bent &N, Burgeon. it 8130 N & BON, MOURNING STORK, • 4.7 be. 918 CHESTNUT Street. 377-tt VYRE & LLNDALL, FOURTH AND ARCH have a Pine stook of Mike Pine stock of Ethaw Fine stock of Flann i tn, Fine stock of Linens, Fine stock of Miding. WO SlTlttitAilr'rlONS IN AID OF TIME SUFFERIIR3 AT CH AMBRHSBURG, PA. We bate received from G. R. Meeeeremitb, Carbier of the Batik of Chambersbarg, a deplorable ac count of the dentitglion existing there. Persons wish ing w aid the tufferere can do eo by eendirm their con tnbutions to us. DRRXRL it CO., auS- tit HI South THIRD Street NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that an instalment of TWO DOLLARS PER SHARE on each and every share of the Capital Mock of the lETNA MINING COMPANY has this day been called in, payable on or before the 16th day of ACICIUST. 1864, at the office of the Company, Be. 321 WALNII r Street, Philadelphia. By order of the Directors. B A. HOOPES, Treasurer. FaiLsnimpurs, 31117 11. 1884 sal. MS garNU IsloE. AN ELECTION WILL, 'be held on MONDAY, the lath Inst., at the MOUNTAIN ROUSE, at Creeson, Pa. for seven Ma nagers of the (treason Springs CompiZny, to serve for one year.A a BELL, Feoretary Cresson Springs Company. CRESSON, A rignat 1,1864. aa4 St EI ON THEY STATEMENT OF FOURTH NATIONAL BANK, as required by the Thirty-fourth section of the National Currency Act: Average amount of loans and discounti $263,800 • U. S. regal tendera 90,100 due from other banks 39,600 " • " of notes in circulation 15,000 . " of deposits, including balances due to other banks 306;700 - PHILADELPHIA. August 21,1866. CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, es. I, Samuel J. Mao:Malian, Cashier of the Fourth Na tional Bank, being sworn, depose and say that the above statement is correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. eworn before me, this second day of Aulmst, A. D. JOSEPH PROBSTON, aniloSt Notary Public. INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE" OF PENNSYLVANIA. Atunrwr 1, 1864. -We Direetoto have this day declared a Dividend of TWSPITIf DOLLARS per Share, clear of all'uxes. payable to the Stockholders or their legal ropresenta- Lives, on demand. WILLIAM" HARPER. ang-101 Secretary. U 1 JON STATE 'COX BE I T•T II It U ROOMS. 1105 CHISTMIT Street.—The State Committee request their friend, throughout the State to adopt efficient means•to forward early and full returns SthsUltietion upon the Constitptional Amendments. end by Telegraph to the Chairman at Girard louse, Philadelphia. . The Committee ROOMS are now open. and all cone- Mndence directed to the Chairman will receive prompt ention. • S. CA313005, Chairman. • A. W. 13E1b6i. nsurcT. Storetary. int tt NATIONAL UNION TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT, ABRAHAM LINOOLN, won VICE PRESIDEET, ANDREW JOHNSON; xixekonAz. SENATORIAL. X6rforr ItItISIOBABL, Ph 1184910%, P. deRN111011.422, Beaver County. it'EPOIESENTATIVE. I. PraLst - P. Mac, Bliaa-W. Hell, 2. (1.1. Kortleen Coates. 14. Charles R. Shriner. I. 1 a iry Hama, lb. JohirWiater, 4. HErd., 16. David NoConaushy. B tr t on: g. ,yegw. 11. David W. 6. Chaireis , St. nnk r . Isaac Deaden, 7. Robert Parke: 19. John Patton. S.Taylor, 29. Samuel B. Dick* 9. *John A. laieetand,_ V. Everard 10. Rickard H. Coryell, 22. John P. Penney. 11. Bdvard•Rollidad... 73. Ebenezer laaivairia; 12. Charleer. Rixad. 24. Jan W. Blanchard. By order` of the . CoutrOl Committee. of= , eF}',I I IIAW IV TA' E BRIGGS , on COmTANY, Not ttiipth , Poi:Men *root. 'Poit.A.DHr.plyrA; Jay 30, 1864. The Boartbof Alredberishave THIS DikY deolored the Beyond monthly dvictrandl of Otil3. rbil CENT. on the' capital stock,-isayrible• oil the Stn. of Migrant, dear, of State ta Y. Tbe Transfer Books wllbb a dosed tatty the 4th of km ; goat. end reopened on the- 91b. C.110 ,- . A. DU?, anl.6t Trensarerr. °IREFUL OF IERIE CO UILMER LEAK PER CB6IPANYvaI9 WALNUT Street. ; NOTICE it hereby. given that all stock to this Corn ' parr, on which they innialment of 60-100 dollars per' Aare, called March 10th,. 1003, and due 'Majelst,'l264, ter 1 not paid is forfeited for said default, and, thariaccordidet tethe charter anctArr-laws of the Company, it will bs. solid at Public auction, ort MOM DAY, Ategustlth, .1864.- , et 12 o'clock M., at the oftlesof tde Socretary o, , the Com y pulp. No. 319 NIFX-LNIIT Street, Plilladelplas, unless paid on or before flat day. MI order of the f /card of .Directore. .2 • DeTIS. S. FLEYL, Secretary. POILADELPITIA. July tz, Elde iy29-10t. NOPPICE.—.. TAU Bits IarcLINTOCKYLLIXPEYNOLEUALCOMPANY,'' :Aloe- No. cu weiatur Etreet. - - PHILIADBLPHIA. July 27, 1661. The Board of Direitore have this day d.olared .the Myrrh monthly .dlvicticalbtif• ONE PER CENT. omthe capital E4OCk.iparablir at, the Once of the Company on cad after SATURDAY., Atigurst. lea Tile Transfer Ilot‘ka will close on Saturday, July 20, akto'hiock P.M., until.Saftirday, Ammer, 6. 372£0-94* , Wlri. MOON EY, Secretarr.._ IgrTiariksraElLtS DIEPAR TIMM ' NORTHE R NICEDITaiiL BAII‘WAY PAVE, CALVEET ISTATION, BAIAIDIORIS, July 7J, 1564. *. The Preeident and Dtreotore of this Company have de dared a Dividend for the quarter ending Jane Roth, of TIY.O (E) PER CENT:, free ofliations.l and . State taxes,. pa-juDlo to the Stockholderson the 25th of August- next, at thqs otliee. Tie Tranefer Books will be elosed from the lath to the-25tb of August. BY order. aalxm w not S. S. LEIB, Treasurer, IVOTIOE 39 MIER - EBY GIVER that application.has been made to the-Triistees of the Pire Association of Philadelphia for the renewal of paw - Cy No. 30.662-3 i. for Sao, Issued September 1, 1&16,7 , 1n name of CHAS. MoIIiTIRE, which is lost. N. R.F.BOUL. Mo. 110 B. ELEVENTH St.-- ty2o-wfmlm* OFFICE SOMEUSET IKON AND - COAL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA, 451 CEDAR Street,. Nsw YORK, July 28, 1264. NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to a resolu tion of the Board of Directors, au instalment of 2.) par cent. -on the Subscription to the Capital Stock' of the SOMEMVST IRON' AND' COAL' COMPANY OF PENN SYLVANIA be. and is heceby, made payable to JAMES WADSWORTH, Treasurer of said Company, on or be fore the 6th, day of September next. atft-teeb Attest:' IC TYNG, Secretary. THE NOFVFPFEEN PACIFIC RAIL ROA D. —The undersigned, Commissioners from Titao.uoirmotte, named.in the net of Incorporation of the Northern ratite Railroad Company, hereby give notice to all thosenamed in Laid act as Commiaaionors, thatthe first com p anyf the Beard of Commissioners of said will be hel,cl at the MELODEON HALL, in the dry of Boston, on THURSDAY, the first day of . Beteprber next, at twebre o'clock.. at noon WILLARD- SEARS. • JOHN A. BASS. J. B: WiTFIINOTON. • ABIEL. ABBOTT. GEO.. BEIIVERICK, J. 111. BECKETT. JOSIAH PERIIAM, Boaroar. July 14, 1864. jy22-f4t*- UNION LEAWN PIIILADELPHIA. Ia Ndew of , the call of the Preeident for trohnadeed thoreaml men, we krepose to raise A. 3g;E4G-IMlalqW FOR TWk7.lllll COLONEL 3IOItA.TIO BICKEL, LATE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA. RESERVES,) Has consented io tAke tlxi• ctovanuuld .dll aloes desiring to take• peat in this prganization are rectuooted to call COLONEL RORATIO G. MOREL, "DRAFT. ° PHILADELPHIA GUARDS REGIMENT; Col. A. A. LECHLRE. . $4OO BOUNTY for ONE YEAR'S service only. tE 4 :.e.3 paid immediately on muster. Rally, men, rally 1. Don't wait to be drafted.l Any person recruiting twenty men will receive a Second Lieutenancy; Awenty.tive men, a First Lien .enancy ; forty men, a Captaincy. Immediate application should be made to . HEADQUARTERS, Commonwealth 611 CHESTNUT Street. FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. . . EVANS Sr, II S S A:1-414, MILITARY FURNISHERS, 41S ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ' Banners, Regimental and Company Flags; Swords, Sashes, Belts, Fassants, Epaulets, Hats, Caps, Can teens, Haversacks, Camp Kits, Field Glasses, Spurs, and everything pertaining - to the, complete outfit of Army and Navy Officers. liberal discount allowed to the trade. as3-lm FROTHINGI43I - WELLS JULY 7, 1864 NAVE POl BALE Huy! NEDITIN, AND LIGHT SHFLETINGS AND SIMITINGs. STANDARD rams. HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND TIC ‘ TORY CAMBRIOS AND SILESIAS. BROWNBLSACAND, AND coNSIT JEANS. No. 11 WORSTSD TARN, ge2s-Iftf NEW PIUBLICATI NS ABEIMEAD 435 BVANS, Saccessorito WILLIS P. 72{*CHESTNUT Street. Have reeelved TENET SON'S FEW VOLIIMB. ENOCH ARDEN. AND OTHER POEMS. RITA. An autoblooaphy by Hamilton Aide, author of 'Confidences," "Carr of Carriyon." &c. BIOGRAPHICAL SHETCRES OP LOYALISTS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, with an historical sees y by _Lorenzo Sabine. 2 vols. TEE MONOMANIAC: OH, SHIRLEY HALL ASY LUM. fly William. Gilbert. • THE FOREST ARCADIA.• OF NORTHERN NEW TORN, embracing a -viewbf Its mineral, agricultural, and timber resources. • - MARGARET AND HER BRIDESMAIDS. By thrifty!, tbor of **The queen of the County." bee G AEARIAN. By H. E. Prescott, author of "The ', Am- VOYAGE DOWN THE AMOOR. By Maier Perry MeD. Collins. THE NEW INTERNAL REVENUE LAW. Compiled by Horace E. Dresser. • iyao • BRAITHWAITE'S RETROSPECT, No. 49, for JULY. JU 1854. ST BEADY. • ALSO, BEADE'S SAVAGE AFRICA, with Mapgind Plates. TAB NEW INTERNAL REVENUE LAW. Approved June7s64. BECS INFANT THERAPEUTIC& Third Edition, revised and enlarged. NEW BOOKS. MEDICAL, SCIENTIFIC, AND MISCELLANEOUS. for sale as soon as published, by LINDSAY & BLAICISTON. • Publishers and Booksellers. 372 1 South KITE Street, above CHESTNUT. riTENNYpON'S NEW POEM, ENOCH -1- ARDEN, and other poems. by Alfred Tennyson. THE EARLY DAWN. or Sketches of Christian Life in England in the olden time; by the author of the • • Scbonberg Gotta with an Introduction by Prof. Smith. DRIFTED SNOWFLAKES; or, Poetical Gatherings from many authors. AZ ARIAN :An Episode. By Harriet B Prescott. RELIGIOUS TRAINING OF CHILDREN; by Catha. rine B Beecher. PERSONAL AND roLrricia. BALLADS. Edited by Frank Moore. For sale by WILLIAM & ALFRED MARTIEN, ail • 606 CHESTNUT Street, A PPLETON'S NEW . AMERICAN. CYCLOPEDIA. The Agency for Me invaluable Minty of Universal Information le at 33 South SIXTI3 Street, second etory. Also, RECORD OF THE REBELLION. By Freak Moore. TVORYTYPES. DESIRING aiegi t riCii'_ f l i e s et t tim sl :s l7 o l i i iy ae o; softness delicacy of coloring end careful arrangement of scree eories. CARTES DB VISIT --11SLEQUA.LLE D to style, elocution, tasteful arrangement, and finish, •anquestionably are tEIM E R'S most :popular and pleasing Cartel; de Visite., Made at SEGOMD Street, above Green.' PHOTOGRAPHS, IN OIL COLORS—The most reliable and satisfactory styles of portraits made. They are executed in superior man ner at S. F. REIMER% Gallery. 624 AUG St. le 628• WM . T. HOPKINS, MANIIPAO • Tintsu OF FIRST - CLAR E WOVEN TAPE HOOP SHIRTS, and dealer in cheap Eastern-made kkirts, wholesale and retail. at No. 628 ARON Street. Skirts made to order, altered,aad repaired. .17130-st* LADIES' TRUSS BRACE wroitt—conductia by adios, TWELFTH ' Scrvet., first door below Race. very E artleleln their elegant, *RAY, and correot In make. C. H. Nltir DLB,N oprie to r, attends to Gentlemen, on the career of TWELFTH end BACK 6treet4. N. Ik—Profeaelonal acouraoy iss6-9mit or u,t,ulote. OF TRRNEINT.S iliklnUON. (Resins MILIICAMIN 1,209 WALNUT STRUM ARIVIY GOODS. RETAIL OILY GOODS. w k-c• - xt, ]Latzt<t—. A NEW ANP GISNAT IEIVENTI9N HOOP BINFTS. THE DUPLEX ELLIPTP I (OE. DOUBLE) STEEL SIMI:NO. • J. L. & J. G. WEST. No. 07 CHAMBERS STREET, NEW YGRH, . . - Are the owners of the patent and exclusive etanufac torero of this, J. W. BRADLEY'S ELLIPTIC STEEL SPRING PATENTED DUPLEX SLUMS. This invention consiets of Duplex for two) BUIPtio Steel Springs, ingeniously braised tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, waking the toughest, must el the an tic, flexible, and durable spring ecerueed,enabling wearer, consequence of its great elasticity and 7oxi hienest, to Id ece,and. fold the I.kirtwheirineme as easily and with the same couvenience-sts a silk or muslin dress. It entirely obviates and silences the only ohms tions to hoop shirts. viz: the annoyance to the wearer as well as the public, especial') in moulted armemblee, carriages, railroas cars,church pews, or in any crowded place, from the difficulty of contractin g theta to occupy ing a email epics, This entirely removes the ESP:laity. while' giving tbe skirt the usual fall and symmetrical form, and is the lightest and most stylise and graceful appearance for the street, onerit,•promenede, or house dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comtvt, end greet convenience of Wearing the Dunker Elliptic Spring Skirt for a single day,' will never afterward 'willingly dispense with the use of them. They are the best quality in every part, acid by far the lightest, most durab..e,comfortable. add eeenoloidsl - thirt made. Mer chants will be Rupptizid as abowa, - and ladies in Most fltst-claes retell stores in thin' city' slid throughout the different States._ /ear Inquire for the- DOUBLE ELLIPTIC' EPRIND SKIRTS BRADLEY 'l3 DITPLEX , EIiLIPTIC SKIRT. Very flexible, folded eaellir whim' tn,use to occupy a email spice, waking the most agreeable Skirt were: .For Bale hyM RAFLEIG 9162 , CHEWECUT SEMOC. DUPLEX ELLIPtIO"PRING THE MO6T"iOPULAR ANY FLEXIBLE IN Tr§r,' BBEFF.PARD;TiNEMiLINGEN, & AREISOZ6 1608 CHESTNUT Streek' , . TENT D4PLEX . •ELLIPTIO SKIRT, Fdr sae- by (1:' FAXWELL'Sz SOL Cor: ELEVENTH - and CHESTNUT Streeta Tt!BADtry , s OuptEX ELLIPTIC BRIBT--The !create* Improvement We baore;elToC even in lotr/IBEV arCIRTat-and an article' of ' BDT'ERIoR CELLENCB CURWIN STOODAILT & BRO., - 450, 45 , -*. and 454- 5.: SECOND' St, ab, Willow. Rug- 110 if RMY,..NATY; AND , CIVIL- 4 -' IA 0 IC I IX— W. .T, SNODGRASS, !' as Si SECOND Street and XIPSTRAWBEERY , stroot. to BAWDS STOOK erAeue.uteree.er 0011%, VASSUITERVANEST S, At: fair prices; purchased 'labium The Age, indevendeut °P l acid/ m =3 Etra,by the package, piece, or yard. Our motto is 'to sett We don't paddle. Cow and see our stock.. The Amoy and Nav - ictrade• hes our special at tention. • oxia-lis INEIT DUCK - FOWSUrilk. Suporbstiality, white madaoloreik. Natural color, extra betlxVi Coating Linens, fancy Dells. 'Wide Sue black Alpacas, White Martuilles Vestings. lfoadvance in Summer Caticimeraa Pine Stock fox Summer a nd L &WM', Good styles from 28 to ffbeenta Summer dress staffs low. COOPSIL i 00282.2, 8. 2. corner PaIVT2I , _and•DIANIOST Streets. 'RICH ORGA NDY LAWNS REDUCED PROM 41.25 to 76 eta. Lawnsndy Bobos,.redneed ednced from $l. to MX ctn. • Grenadinee at gerglow 'prises. Summer Dress Goods all redone& India Bilks reduced to Mots- and $l. Wn i l te te e ß ri a d re rla S C h k a tifiCe w"" PlD ° tee ll.cu. s l iti rE iiotan - Bummer Shawl's eolliv.g off very low. White and Colored, ishetland Fd3WIN HALL. s 00., fib Sooth SECOND Street. CLOSING OUT BUMMER DRESS GOODS AT LOW PRIORS. A great variety of etylefief this season's importation. from 22 cents to 61. Best Pacific Lawns at SG; cents, Fignred Brown Lawns- at Mg cents. ..French Lawn's at 40 62, &hand ElLig cents. Beet makes of Muslin% Calicoes, Ginhams, and all kinds of Domestic Goode, far below the manufacturer'. p White Dotage and lancoi Shawls, Silk Grenadine Shawls. SOO Castinave Shawls 25,_w0rth1560. & SON, ivia Nos. 113. and 115 North TENTH Street. - "WIAMINEIigt LANC NB. -2-.6 Lawns, brown ground, neat figured, 44i. Lawns, whiteground, neat figured, 44e. Hztekabeek and Bath Towels, largeiassortment. Bird's Eye LifienTowels. Extra size Damask Towels. Shetland Weol Shawls for tourists, lg. - Bathing Flspnele, red and Krai. 1,13 JOHN R. STOKER, 70% ARM Street '~ ~~~: i .i:w J~:Dy~l , ' J'i ~:~ ~ 1 An extensive assortment is o ff ered In Lane The attention of LADIES ABOTTI: I:EAV- - 1 IRO TEE CITYA:kr. the " Sea Shore, " ra tering Places, or " the Country,' Is rwailli GOODSi invited te n th s b l ex extensive - of I pirr.r,x, for WHITE WRAPPERS, dm. B RO a DdiS, or HOREIR a and Worked Edgings and Insertings, Veils _ Handkerchiefs, Collare,Sleeve_e, and inin and fancy Plaid, StripeA_ and Figured W h ite Gtoode,,_AT PRICES MUCH BELOW THEIR PRESENT RETAIL VALUE. '.; 100 Printed Linen Cambric Dresses. 100 pieces Poled, Tucked, and Skim% . Nualins.' • .. , .. • E. NE. T. N . E . z.nr .vp tiEr EDUCATIONAL. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY. AT WEST magma. - Tbe. duties of Ibis inotitatlon will be resumed on THURSDAY-, September Ist, at 4 o'clock P. Circular% containing full information, may be ob tained of JAMES H. ORM; Reg, No_ 626 CHEST. NWT Street, or of COI, THEODORE HYATT, aus-1m President roux,. Military Academy. FEMALE COLLEGE, BORDENTOWN N. J.—This Institution is Pleasantly located on the Delaware River, about thirty miles by railroad from Philadelphia. Moron& inttlaction is given in the common and bigberbranchea of Englieh, a.nd-enperior advantages ere furnisbed in the Ancient and Modern Languages, Drawing, Fainting in all its branches, Vocal and Instrumental Music. For Catalogues, ad- - dress Hay. JOHN H. BRAKELEY. an4.6w • President. 10tRISTOL BOARDING SCHOOL FOR - 2 .-• GIRLS will reopen on the Bret Second-day in the 1 , 1 /ID th manila. Foy monism apply to an3-vfm-261.' RTJTH ANNA PEIRCE, Principal. M - 108 MARY E. THROPP WILL RE OPEN her 'ENGLISH and FRENCH BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LAMS, at No. PM CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, on the 12th of Sep dmabMi E F HR o P n P r V e a l n yFo th rg el. r P ao. Septeamberw*d- A 'YOUNG LADY, COMPETENT TO teach, the English branches,. and Music, is desirous of obtaining n situation as Governess. Good references yen. Address Box 97, ByusroLt an.3•6t* IR "m ••• t . • • • • ENGLISH. and FRENCH , HOARDING and DAY SCHOOL, Pin. 1703 WALNUT Stree, Will RE-OPEN on WEDNESDAY. thelAtb of September au3-2m ILLIAMSPORT DICKINSON 5E3/I- T HART. FOR BOTH SEXES. This institution, located at Williamsiort . , Pg., bag many advantages. Tnt situation •14 beautiful, health ful, and easy of tweeze. The buildings: of brick, are lighted with gas, supplied throughout with the but of hydrant watt'', and will accommodate two hundred boarding Pupils. The faculty is full and enperiineed. All its members room in the buildings and eat with the students. Charges moderate. Next term will com mence August inn. Send for a Catalogue. THOMt'SON MITCHELL President. f r tLENWOCD• ACADEMY, DELA WARE WATER Ger. MOZIROB CO., PA. The tall bunion of the above teetitntion wit eom menoe on the ISth or the 9th month (September). For particolarsapply to BAILEE!, ALSOP, PrincipaL 373(1-2m Ddaware Water Gen, Monroe co.. Ps. VRIENDS' SCHOOL FOR GIRLS AND -A- smut' BOYS,. on School lane, Germantown, will reopen on the Sth of 9th month. The usual branches of an lin g education will be taught. and we feel was ranted. in believing that the competency of the teacher, Deborah B. Smith, will make it desirable to parents to patronize the echooL 5726-tf VILLAGE GREEN SEMTNARY.-M -LIT ART BOARDING SCHOOL. 4 miles beyond Me dia,and mallets from Glen Riddle, en the West aga te? Bravoed. Thoraceh tome in Mathematics. Natn, ral Sciences, Languages, and English. Practical les- Bona in Surveying and C Engineering. Pine Librar7 and apParatns. Numberivil of pupils limited. Begins Sept. let Pupils have benefits tea om e. Rehm to John 0.. Capp & Son. 23 South Third Went; Thos. I. Clayton. peg., Fifth and Prune; John H. Diehl. -SOO .Walnug. Address Bey. J. HENRY BaRTONm_, 82-31 n TILLAOS OEBBN, Penna. TEE WEST • CEESTER ....- -A- ADD MILITARY INSTITUTE. • The scholastic year of ten months commences oaths firm TUESDAY, the 6th of September next, and Cl on theist of July following. Boys and young men prepared for College or Business In its various requirements. The modern languages are taught by native resident Teachers, who have no connection with any other schooL ltor eatalororm and full Information aDDIy to WM. F. WYERS, A M., Principal; or, J. HURT WORRALL, A. M. Ph. D.. _ Associate Principal, WEST CHESTER, Penna. pEiILADELYRIA. COLLEGIATE 11T -a- KIWI'S FOR YOUNG LADIRS, No. 1530 ARCH Street. Rev. CHAS. A. SMITH. D. D.,SB. GLatiamps SMITH. A. hi., Principals. Ninth Year. Three Departments: Primary, Acade ie, and Collegiate. Full college course In Classics, Mathematics. higher Bunnell, and Natural Scien those who graduate. Modern Languages Music, Pint- ing, and Elocution b the beat masters. For strenlars. apply at UM CEES T NUT Street. or address Box 1811. F. - 0.. Philadelphia: art2o-em, . . MARSHAL'S SALES. MARSHAL'S SALE.-BYNTR'FITEOP a Writ of Sale, by the Hon, JOHN O.ILDWALI, DER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ads urinary', to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale,_ to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at MICEMER'S STORK. No. 142 North FRONT Street, on WEDNES DAY, August 10, 1864, at 12 o'clock, M., 62 bales and lA bales of Cotton, being cargoes of vessels unknown. WILLIAM MILL WARD, 'United States Marshal R. D. of Pennsklvania. PHTLADRLPIIIA, 311/7 22.1864. _ J 793-11% B SELF-SBA:LING CAN. FIEHER' ALL FAMILIES, IN CITY OR COUNTRY, For convenience and reliability, • IT 11AE5 NO RIVAL. Tbose-nthe have need this prefer it, before all other Cane, either self-sealing, soldered, Of &WO j 9,113 of any description. To be bad only of • J. bLOI% , IU'RTRIE, No. SOS SPRING GARDEN Stift .saOOKING *GLASSES. • • • - • JAMES S. EARLE & SON, sits CEUISTINTIT STREET. DULA, • • t WWII sow In dove a vary: Age assortment of ... . LOOKING GLASSES, -atovery character. of the PUY B 1181! MANUFACTURS AND LATEBT = OIL PAWING% ELICkBAVINGN app rictirro AND morsel/4ra s THE GREAT, FIRE RERRY SIMONS , U. S. NATION&L WAGON WORM LILLIE'S CILILLED•IRUN SAFE MASTER OP THE SITITATION. TRUTH IS MIGHTY AND WILL PREVAIL. ITS ENEMY, TATCF. ITt5 GREAT PROTOTYPE, "THE FATHER OF ALL ERROR.' MUST SUCCUMB. The citizens of Pltiladalatia and vicinity are Patti" laxly rnquested 10 read the following cote from Air., HhNAY SIBIOVS: ---•- - . • PRnT.anyLPnia, :fitly 26th, 1t64. M. a Seedier. Agent for Li/d.i.e. 4 Child.ea Iron Safe: Drea Sin: The No. 10 Chilled Iron Safe I purca.ved of Yon in 1863 was to roy office, which was horned en tirely down with my wag.m.tactoty. on Friday night last. lily hooks and paper.; wend taken out or the Safe before the fire reached the building, therel,re no atten tion was oaid to the Safe, after the fire, for some days. The Mee Was a three.etory brick building. lying NA tonal of my - main wagon-shoo. and as the wind a t the time WAS item the north the tire from the We 17,011- shop was forced ettougly upon the office, and ev,sry thing combuAible burned entirely np. On examining the Safe the inside was found not injured in the least, and with a coat of paint and a little rePairing exter nally, is ready and fit for use. I run cheerfully recommend LILLIS'S CHILLED IRON SAFE to all interested as a nvl.t thorough Tire. Proof.' HENRY. SIMONS, 11. S. National Wagon:Works. The fellowingfacts in the above certificate are par ticularly noticeable: First. The character of the building. Hi belnglecated juat south Of the math wagon-shop, with 'its 11111119t199 amount of combustible matarial: the fact that the Wind at' time was strong from the' north' which forced an immense amount of heat arm this building. ,Second. The fact that the Safe was the sinaliest Hire but one; and tbat it was left in the cellar; anions the ruins. for;daysi without care or attention, ad there eras ohthingleftin but the Safe Is not sprung, warped, or twisted, but is fall. in order,-and fit for use, even the leek being still uninjured: 'lbis .wonderfulresult, together 'with the result of the late attempt at rebberyA:if Chilled-Iron Safe at the West Philadelphia Treat Fund, 'just published. mud prove to the satisfactrOn °Sall parties interested in safes, that Lillie's Chilled-Iron Safe is all that is claimed for it, atrialy and thoroughly See and burglar Proof, , the &heat-iron safe maker. David 'Evans'. asser tion to the ;contrary ?notwithstanding. Verily Preiri dnce Is ea the side of Thith. M. C. SADLER, Agent. 1 , 1". .D.—Tke above Safe is now at my depot, and all parties interested will please exainine it for themselves. 11. C. SADLER Agent, 21 South SEVENTH Street. /ARTILLERY AND CAVALRY HORSES WANTED. ABSISTA2I7 QUAATEALIARTPA GESERAL'S OFFICE ! ,PAILADAVPHIA, July 27,1854. - HORSES suitable for the Artillery and Cavalry ser i,* will be parcbased by the undereigned, in OP= market, at a fair price. Each animal to be subjected to themsnal Government inspection before being accepted. }Threes to-be delivered to the United State* inspector, 'at thee Williem Penn Hotel, ALARE:ET Street, between Eighth and Ninth streets. By order of Colonel GEORGE li. CROEILAN. /moistest Quartermaster General U. S. A. GEORGE li, ORME, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. 1311 - FUSE OF REFUGE.—WANTED, s t We Colored' Department, an Assistant Matron. Apply; to J. H. Ia.FE aT au3 4 lef2t." Superintendent. TOT ANEFACTURINO CHEMISTS. TinANTgD—n syrutertorr, by a bard-working, refialale YOUNG MA.N, of experience and with soma -mesa's. First-rate recommendations, end fall pinion- Jars given, by addreseing "A. Thomson, " Box 1613, New York Post Office: WANTED—A. BOY IN A. WHOLE ,.I SALE RARDVARE STORK, Address "L." Prete offthe: ans-3t* WANTED -A 'YOUNG MAN, FULLY . 'competent to-ialro charge oar a, tir,t-cht‘t DRUG STORE-- &graduate of the Colima. of Rlvermaey pre ferred: rr T RD,WRI., Druggist, aud2t. SECONThand , MARKETSts.,Crueden, N. J. WkNTED-111 A () DRY GOODS GM 1131ESION- HOUSE, an active. LAD, about sixtßea e t ra orn , of,ca p te i6 hd a lLe r t, o i l li c h a. anclyirriting avgiatv,. WANTI;D—TWERTY RESPROTA „Iry ble CANVASSERS for anew Oil Co oipanyolfering hropertorativanteges. Apply zia wiLuurr S_ t. aut 16t* - IVANTBD—ROARD 'OR A PHYSI- T Y CIAN and wife, in a private family, with two furnished 1V01:14ff, one for an officit, between Spring Gar den and Girard etre e te and Tenth and Broad streets, 'Address "J. C. N., 'Press Office. an 4 41. .121ir ANT ER- SECO ND-RAND r WHEELBARROW rLA,Tvolux SCALE. mg-a* 4 , 1233 MARKET Strefit. WANTED AT THE CITIZENS' Pr SUBSTITUTE. REPRESENTATIVE, AND VO. 1 . ..171WEER AGENCY, 411 CHESTNUT STREET. lierchents, Farmers, and other citizens, can be sapplied with acceptable Snbstitntes and Representstives on rea amiable and honorable terms, and have the same sworn in so as to credit to any ward, district, township, or county of the following counties : Philadelphia, Cheeter, Rgelaware, or Montgomery, by applying at In CHEST NUT Street, from. 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. first floor, back, and-St* 1 3 AXSON" & CO. ANTED-TWO FIRST-CLASS CARPET UPHOLSTERERS. Liberal wages 'given... Addrece Box 2011, Poet Office. -einl-6t GSNTLEMAN w rat $5,000• this snm wishes an interest in an esta -blished aid pleseant business-in tbis city or neighbor `hood. Address, in rcpAy, "M. H. Pres/talcs. au3-3t. T 3 SUBSCRIBER WISHES TO pluchaee (for eta) a FARM of ore or two han• dred acres, in Northern or Western Nailertraria. It lutist be tn. good cultivation, with all the Aerostat,' baildloge for a woll•regnlated farm. Addreas "J. D.." Box 3E4, WASBINGTON, I). C. tte3-1m BOARDING AT A PLEASANT FARM house in CHESTER COMITY, S 6 miles from the f clty; access by rail. For farther information call on the Proprietor, on THURSDAY and FRIDAY. the 4th and oth inst. ' at No. 38 North 81.11.TRENTH Street, from 10 M. till 4P. ROARDING.-TWO SECOND-STORY • roma TO LET, at 1371 North TRETE Rt. Jet-39 PERSONAL. -RED OR BLACK EA.R.- DROPS, 60 cents per pair, 916 RACE St. ani-2u, FOR SALE-A RARE OPPORTUNI TY.—The advertiser, desirous; of retiring on. ac count of ill health, offers for sale a ilret-rate manufac turing Business—SHlßTS, LINEN BOSOMS, Sm.—seve ral years established, in this city, and now doing a good wholes - tie business, with constantly-increasing fast-class city and' country cash trade. The stock of well-smarted and well-made go.sls wil i be sold upon fair terms. A splendid opening for a holiness man with a capital of say $lO,OOO or upwards to take hold of a brat-rate business, already worked up systemized to his hand. 11l health of self and family the only reason of giving up._ NO GOOD-WILL-MONEY REQUIRED. and should the purchaser nee,d, such instruction and attention as to make him familiar with the business will be given. Address, with real name, Ikc., Pox 1937 Post Office, an6.2tBr FOR SA L E BRASS FOUNDRY Steam Engine Lathe% Tools, and • Fixtures of every . kind, In comilete working order. Apply on the promisee, 1005 B &PH Street, Kensington. pAPER MILL. FOR SALE-THE Mill for mannfactratig Printing Paper, belonging to the undersigned, arVirkeeling, W. Va., is offered for sale. The buildings are stone and brick. and furnished with, three rag engines and a 72. 'inch Pourdrinier Ma chine, all In good musing order. iP26-10t A. ARMSTRONG & SORB. rraLET-THE BECOND,THIRD, AND -A- Fourth Moore at 235 MARKET Street, through to Chorab alley.. mh29-tf WATER POWER TO RENT. APPLY to DAVID CITILLAS, Newark, Del. ana-am A, ESISTANT QUARTERMASTER GE NERAL'S OFFICE, . Pirmarinumu, August 6, 1864. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office. until 12-o'clock hi., on THURSDAY, the 11th instant, for FiYe hundred " six.mule" Army Wagons, complete: Two hundred "two-horse" Ambulances, complete, Wheeling pattern, to be delivered in this city at such places as may be designated. One half of the above to be completed and ready for delivery on or before the let of Septenib4r next. The remainder on or before thd2oth of September, 1154. The right' is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high, and no-bid from a dermatitis contractor will be received. • . Bidders will state price. both in writing and figures, A guarantee, to be signed by two responsible persons, will be required, whose responsibility must be certified to by the- United States District Judge r United States District Attorney, United States Collector, or-other Go vernment officer, otherwise the proposal will not be received. Specifications for the above may be seen at the Office, No. 1130 GIICA_RD Street. By order of Colonel George H. Crosman, Assistant Quartermaster General. U. S. A. au6-6t - GEO. R. ORME, Capt. and A. Q. M. . pROPOSALB FOR . BUILDING SOUTH vuta lo'brevy DEPAILTMENt BUILDING. • A AVY DEPUTY/MT, August 3, 1864. SEALED PRO BAWS; endorsed " Proposals for building South„Wing to Navy Department Banding," will be received at this office until 12 o'clock 51. on the 15th day of August, 1864_ Plans and speonicatione are ready for examination at the Navy Department, and the bids must it s for the whole building finished and . complete in all details, except the hot water beating apparatus. Bidder e are requested to name the time in "which they will engage to have the building completed and ready for occupation; and all bids mast be seem . ponied by the following guarantee: GUARANTEE. The undersigned -of -, in the State of '-, and --- ofin the State of -, , hereby guarantee that in case th -, - e foregoing bid of . for building ne* south wing to Navy Department be accepted, be or they will within tea nays aner the re . ceipt of the contract at the post office nearest their resi dence execute the contract for the same, with good and sufficient securities; and in case the said - shall fail to enter into contract as aforesaid, we guarantee to make good site difference between the offer of the said -- and that which may be acoepted. Witness, . A. 8.. Guarantor. C.D., Guarantor. SHOULD USE THIS CAA IRE -PROOF SAFES. STILL THE WANTS. BOARDING. FOR SALE AND TO LET. PitOPOSALS. -1864. • I hereby certify that the above tamed —are known to me as men of property, and able to make good their goarant. P. To be signed by the United States 14avy Agent, Dis trict Judge, or Attorney or Collewor. ans-it LEGAL. UNITED STATES. EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA—SOT. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENN. SYLV A NIA--Orturrixo WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, decree d the name of the United States of America, bath all lemons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in eighty-two bales of cotton, csrgo of a vessel unknown, captured by the United States vessel of 'war " Aries," under command of Volunteer Lieu tenant E. F. Devine, to be monished, cited, and called to judgment, at the time and place under- Written, and to the effect hereafter expressed, (justice to ) You are therefore charged and strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not. bat that by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Phila delphia.and in the Legal latelligencer y ou 'do monis h and cite, or cause to be monished and cited. Peremnto sly att •persone in general whohave. or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the saidieighty- two bales of mitten, to appe ar before the Honorable JOHN CAD We.- Dl,B,tbe Judge of the said Couttaat the District Court room, in the city of Philadelphia. on the twentieth day after publication of these presents, If-it be a court de Y. or else on the next court day following. between. the usual hours of heating cause's, then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse,if tiny they have, why the said eighty-two bales of cotton should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States. and as goods of their-enemies or otherwise,. liable and subject to. condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned• as good and lawful prizes; and further to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or G e e to be intimated,. unto persons aforesaid. Me' rally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it le also intimated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear sad shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will pioceed to adjudica tion on the said capture, and may - pronounce that the said eighty-two bales of cotton did belongat the time of the captors of the same, to the enemies of the United States of America and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prise, the absence o r rather contumacy of the Renton% so sited and inti mated in anywise notwithstanding,'and that you duly certify to the said District Court what you shall do 131 the premises, together with these presents. • Witness the Honorable JOHN. CADWALADER , judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this sboond day of AUGUST, A. D. 1f164, and in the eighty-ninth year of the independence of tbe said Vatted States. oaf.% Q. B. FOB. Olga of District AUCTION SALES! 13 - I,2AAR, ZrINTIL . BAN. TION Selig OF som sf REETS PUDESEE, OAR . • RIAGSS, ATIC On.SATIIEDAY /WO- 6 MR° " XS ' *19'3.4°44 peeing about BIXTY ROEURE. inclnding 'several valuable that-trefilag hVrsel Also, caddie and family tibitea Full diecriptiona at sale. • ALSO. New and sewed - band carrlagei. fight wawagon..a.• • with 'which the came will commence. Ajeo, single and tionble harness, saddles, bOlll ll l4 covers, ttc. sir No postponement on account of the weather. geh* of homes, he., on WEDN ssnror. itir- Carriages and harnePP at private Bale. ALFRED X. BERTLITIM and-2fif auctioneer. AUCTION BALE OF CONDEMNED HORSES Wes DEPARTMRXT, CAVALRY rarS3PAIT, OFFMR OF ORM , CitfAiellitINASTISD WASRTROTINT, D. 0. Ally 4,1! &L • Will be sold at PIIRGIO AUCIIOI, to like highest %Adder, at the times and places named below -"OS LEBANON, Penus. THURSDAY, July, J4th,1844. READING. Penna;THURSDAY„. 7 nIy. 1154 ROL HARRISBURG, Penns., THOSHDAT. jolt OW -1264. ALTOoNS. Penna. THURSDAY , Amtatet DEN. , 1864 WILLI Pena., THURSDAY. OnFtlat line TWO HUNDRED (260) CAVALRY HORSES at place: There Horses have been eoneemned as vat for tbo Cogralty aervice Farme Array. For Road and !osmoses meaty good bargains our be bad. Home sold singly, Tonne: Cash. in United States Coltenvy. Chien K - EN . Idiot. Col. and Cbiot Quarto )l nociatoo .105.4 4 0 t Cavalry Bureau. AMUSEMENTS. fIIMENSE ATTRACTION AND GRAND COMBINATION. THE CHAMBERSAURG SUFFERERS. VAN AMBURO El & CO.'S - MAMMOTH MEN AG ERIE, AND THAYER & NOYES' GREAT UNITED' STATE" CIRCUS COMBINED, Will open on the spacious lot, on ARCH' Street, W T . tween litheieeLtb and Twentieth. ON MONDAY EVENING, the Bth insk an deontio ue or.en until Saturday evening, 13th lust. Exhibitions will also he given on every Afternoon' dnrizir the 'neck. excepting Monday. On WEDNESDAY Mrrning a Special Exhibition aC the animals will he given, the net proceeds to be Dirties sufferers by the rebel meat Chambersburg. Thin menagerie is one of the rarest collections of Mils and beasts now exhibiting in the world. The paehy. dermatons animals are well represented, among thing the wonderful Elephant HANNIBAL, • and the celebrated • HIPPOPOTAMUS, OR RIVER HORSE. For pnrticulars see email bills. Look out for thw Grand Pr ocesAlos.an ilogdayaitbliket, • Admiasionto the paviliion SO cents. ' l olll , fren Uudlw 12 yearn, 26 cents. Afthrnon;-PerfOrmance commonage at 2 o'clock; livening . 7i/ o'clock. • Admission td animal exhibition, op . 'Wednesday mow Ins, 9 o'clock. only 26 cents. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. T SANFoRIys OPERA TiroUPE Continued Samoa! Fail and Fambiouable Houma FRANK MoRAN AID Tag. COMIC TALENT EVERY F.VENING'. • FRIDAY EVENING. BENEFIT OF MORAN. SATURDAY EVENING. BONE SWAMI. Doan open at 7%, o'clock. Commence at SAO. anII-Er C.i,R;OVER , S. NEW CHESTNUT. ILA STREET THI3ATRE. • THIS B 4 I.G The Grand RomantirM.Spectacniar.Dnnz. iLA4 Or, Tin WONDERAIL LAMP, Presented after three mantel' active preparation Ina style of unprecedented zu ' derful Transformations a ff l ag i ifl u c c alt re Cu te ery., with Gr w asun - Marches, Superb gostranes an d Properties. nesatlfal Music and Choruses. TEI tE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTla t CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, Is OPEN DAILY. lor 'netters, trent 9 A. tt... to BP. N. SUMMER RESORTS. FOR TRR SEA-SHORE. TELBOUGH IN TWO HOURS. UNITED STATES ROTEL. A.TLAINTTIC CITY, N. J... IS NOW OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION OF OITHEES: Trains leave YULE. STREET FERRY daily at MAL M.,2and4.16P M. Terme s2i per week, or 43.60 per day. BROWN & WOELPPER, jy7-Ira -PROPRIETORS. A MERIC A. N T E L, MA:QC% a•-s- CHUNK, PENNA.—LAFAYETTE LENTZ, Pro prietor: The AMERICAN HOTEL' bas recently beam greatly enlarged and Improved for the accommodation of summer sojourners. It le eitnated in the cencre• et the county seat of Carbon county, _which is the business centre of the Lehigh Coal Report. The matustata scenery at Manch Chunk is unsurpassed in its remands' beauty by any in the elate, and is a favorite resort for sojourners Isom the cities seeking recreation from the cares of business. Terms, s2Perdar ; liberaldedactioos made to weekly boarders. • - and-flo-• CHESTER - OR YELLOW SPEING-S, CHESTER COUNTY. P6.--This 'magnificent resort is now open 6.pr visitors.. The accommodations are of the very best; the Bathe all in perfect order. Comma:kiss- Lion by the Penna.R.& , Eleventh and Market , 7.25 A. 11. , aud'4 o'clock P. K. via Stedmboat station. an2-)20 . A. W. SHYDRif. Soperintendent. SUMMER REBORT.--BROAD -TOP MOUNTAIN ROUSE. —This romantic emt can bw. reached daily by the Pennsylvania Central Railroad tit- Huntingdon, thence by the Broad-Top Railroad Ida Dudley. Um:melon Tickets axe leaned at half Os. usual ' , Wee, which aregood until the first of October. First-cues aCCOTAIMIOdatiOne. Taans--$l2 per week ; per day NAO. Children alt eervante hall price. For further rertionlerelddreee C. M. A.LLMOND & Co., Managers, Broad-Top City., Hunting don Co.. Ps. r F I RE CLARENDON," ATLANTIC!: CITY is now open for the accommodation boarders. This house is situated in a central part of thse. island. and every room In the house commands a view of the sea. The bathing newer was better. • JAMS JENKINS, M. D. SEAA. IN HALL, CAPE ISLAND. Cape May, N. 7., is now open tea, The-racoption-of Ilkomumervaa guests. Terms modsauta. Children under 12 years of age and servants half pries. Superior accommodations and ample room for tura hundred persons. *Alloy GAD,RETSON, je24-2m proprietor- UNITED STATES HOTEL, LONE BRANCH, N. J., is now open for the reception 01 oktlforP. Addreer A.,SHOEBUIEKR. Prim:et EXCURSIONS. 11411 DEL AND HAYDI SOCIETY'S v,xfoun,saraw ATLANTIC CITY, WEDNESDAY, AIIGIISW 17th, ISM ty27-0 &MIME ro l/ s iIMER EXCUS , REDUCED TrItICENft TO TILE GREAT COAL, IRON. AND , 1:01111KR ZS. GIONS OP PENNSYLVANIA TICKETS GOOD FOR TEN DAYS GIVING AMPLE TIME TO vrerr EACH POE NT OF INTEREST ON THE ROHM The Catawissa Railroad Companyr Having perfected arrangements with connecting rosar.:' will issue Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia over OW following route PHILADELPHIA AND READING It AILROAD, - T o B ea di ng . gebnyikill Haven, Ashland, Maksmir City and Tamaqua: - CATAWISSA RAILROAD, To Summit, McAuley Mountain, Datawissa, R 11314- Danville, Milton, and WiiliamnPort: LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. To Bloomsburg, Kingston, and Wilka.barre. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. To White Haven and Penn Haven. ',Emma AND MO3 ANOY AND BEAVER MEADOW RALLROADS, To Black Creek and Ranch RAILROAD, To VALLEY RAILROAD,. To Allentown and Bethlehem; and the. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD • To PVladelphla. For variety and grandeur of sow:Lori . tide route pre- Settiff peculiar inducements to tourists. Those wishing to do so, may reverse the route by ob-• Wiling Tickets to start over the North l'enntryivarde Railroad. "E`..&1130, $lO. Tickets can be obtained at the Depots of the Philadei ibia and Sending and North Pennsylvania Railroad. ;winning. and of N. VAN HORN, Ticket Agent, Northwest corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Street& Trains start from Philadelphia and Reading Depot at am N. 3.30 P. M.. and from North Penney W ant* Railroad Depot at 7A. M., and 8.0 and 6.15 P. IL .1770-taidit. GRAND EXCURSION CAPE,MAY.—The Manuel' and co eteamer MAGHATTAN, Captain G. A. RYA' Will make a Grand Excursion to CAPE MAY on SATIM DAY next, leaving AlLCB.Street Wharf at 9 o'clodx A. al ireturningoarill leave CAPE MAY on MONDAY at. o'clock. Fare for the kxcarston,s3. Carriage him extra. R. STEWART, Agent. - tf ag ir wit - GRAN() PLEASURE X. CIIESIONS TO LAKE SUPERIOR.—Ong of the Yellowing vlendid drat-claes steamers, CLEVELAND ILLINOIS ILLINOIS, NOSTI3SEN CITY, TRAVELER,METIOE.,__IRON SIDES,_ LAC LAI BELLE, and PEWSBIC, will leave CLEVELAIED ,Ohio, at 9 o'clock P. M., each day of the week, excq& t Saturday and Sunday, and Detroit, Michigan , on following day: at 2 o'clock P. M. through the months. of JULY and AUGUST .- making grand Exccunion Triyc to the many points of interest on the Great Inland Sess er america,wbich, for utility. pleasure, and boatel ' s:* nueutinumed by any other on the Continent. This trip of over 1,000 miles embraces six degree* alf: latitude, and eleven of longitude, and include: In tlar circuit hakes Erie, St. Clair, Huron, and Superior. with. thebeeutifltl rivet"! Detroit. St. Clair and St. Mary's. The many and extensive mines of iron and copper.. unequaled by any in the world, with the newly-d* - +solvers& and inviting deposits of silver lasi, wild aznit romantic scenery, combined with its pure and brazing climate, render the Lake Superiertrip one of far mom than ordinary attraction to the capitalist, the student. the plea:are-seeker, or the Invalid. The above-named steamers are elegantly-fitted ay with large airy Cabins and State-Booms, while every precaution has been taken to provide for the safety comfort of n'a n tt e a r :e . - Rooms and Meala. about rents per mile. Liars %Imo occupied In making the round trip,frone.. 1 oto ID days. Booms secured, and further information obtained, b application Itoovgpiatiom.A RUSSET & mcß a n D u l k •• Cleveland, Ohio. JO T. HA It WRI UTCHINU6,TING & D e t ro it, gliajgan. .1•11-2 anffi . . Adr oi t FOR CAPE MAY.-THIL staunch and oommodions steamer MAN RATTAN, Captain B. A. Ryther, of the CaPe'MaY 'having been released by the ' Government, le now making her regular tripe to. Capt May, leaving ARCH STREET WHARF every TUBSGAIr. THORSDAT , gad: . SATDRDAY,at o'clock: returning , leave Nay every Monday, Wednesday. and Friday, a?Vt r o'clock, touching si New Castle, going and returning. Fare tam, carriage hire included; children hair Price. Servants 31.110, caritas* hire extra. Freight at low rates. No freight received atom o'clock. and is all eases must be pre-paid. 0'1929 - t i JOSEPEI A. STEWART, Avid. - - FROM NEW YORK, vox BrEw HAVEN. HARTFORD. MIMI FlELD;and BOSTON.—The stamen CONTINENT an .1d EL M andCl a TT leav Peakne Slip, Mast Ki m dm .; 36 P. M. t "' • m ing iung WEST CHESTER AND • PHIVA.DELPHIA =re. , 11.43 AT vta "'. EIIIdME.E. ARRANGEMENT—CHANGE OF DEPOT. On and atter MONDAY, May 23, 1864. the traind wttf leave Philadelphia, fro m DeiM, corner of THIRTY AR ET and MARKET treeta (West Philadeirittia), at a Rod 11.06 A.M . and It 90, 4.46, and 7' P. M. Lean. West Cheater at 6.20. 7.40, and 11 A. M., and at 2 Aid * P . On flundaysjeave Philadelphia at 8.90 A. M. and 112 f P. M. Leave Weet Cheater at 8 A.. 11. and 5 P.M.. The traine leaving Philadelphia at 8.00 A. M. and 4.40 P. M. , and West Cheater at 7.45 A. M. and 5 P. M.. ova nect with train. on the P. and 13 R. for Word as & latermedlate points. • 'HENRY 9!0_01,_ . .. Cpl 131119011 61181Inains
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers