CITY ITEMS. ELEGANT SUMMER 040TIIINO AT Low PC.101C9.-- Messrs. 0. Somers Sc. Son, 625 Chestnut street, un der Sayne , s Hail, are selling their entire stock of elegant Summer Clothing at greatly reduced prices.. As the garments made by this firm aro unsurpassed by any other in Philadelphia, this affords a rare Op portunity for bargains. FIRYWORKEI NOR Tux charse terlstio zeal to contribute to the general enthusiasm of the "Glorious Fourth," tho popular old house of Messrs. E. G. Whitman Sc. Co. now offor the most splendid pyrotechnic display in this city, embracing, a variety of novelties never boforo Introduced. Of the Confections of this tine we need add nothing in ;praise, 08 all our renders know, or ought to know, that they are unequalled in the United States. Thu 44 PatzE-Mitnar." SMUT, Invented by Mr. John F. Taggart, rind sold by Mr. Gonrgc Grant, 1310 Ohostnut street, Is, without exception, the host flt, comfort, beauty, and durability. Ills stock or -Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, of his own exolu slve manufacture end importation, Is also tho 4oholeest In the city, and hie prices aro moderate. TRIC COMFORTS Or A GOOD-FITTIWO Nothing la moro annoying than an 111. fitting Shirt. To obviato this annoyance have your Shirts mado by John U. Arrlson, Nos. 1 and 3 North Sixth streot. 'who guarantees a perfect fit. Ho has also a full as sortmont of Underclothing constantly on hand. REMOVAL. OF W. W. ALTIR'S COAL DEPOT.— We have to make the important announcement this morning that, Mr. 1,‘"..W. Alter, the leading Coal dealer of this olty, has removed to the extensive Yard No. 057 North Ninth street, below Cilrard avenue, a short distance above his former location, whore ho is prepared to supply the public, as usual, on the best terms, with the best Coal. Title thit'A'RALIALED SUCCESS which, for twenty. five years, has attended the use of Jayne's Altera. tivo, enables the proprietor to recommend tt to the afflicted with entire confidence, believing that it will effectually eradicate front the human system the diseases fur whose cure it is designed more promptly and thoroughly than any other remedy of its class, It has been found particularly benefi cial In CANCER AND CANCEROUS AFFECTION Of 1111 kinds, curing a majority of the cases in which it 10.3 been uad, and oiltiums oiler the failure of other ro media. GOITRE, OR SWELLED NECK.—In innuntemble cases of this disease in which Jayne , s Alterative Les been perseveringly used, It has never been known ,to fall. All have been cured who have continued its use according to directions. DROPSY Alin Duorsicain physicians who lave used the Alterative in diseases of this nature consider it a specific, so great has born its success. It acts by Increasing the powers of digestion, exciting the absorbents Into healthy 'exercise, whereby the water or nail:m . osa deposi tions and all unnatural enlargements are reduced. EPILEPSY, FITS, GOSVCLSIONS, arc usually con .stdorod incurable, and ySt experience has proved that the Alterative, in conjunction with the Sanative .Pllis will cure a majority of eases.. It should be *.tried, therefore, by alt who are subject to those terra• %lc afflictions. Scuovut.A:ln nil the forms of this disease Whether In that of 'Ulcerations of the Flesh and Xones, Enlargement of the Joints, Glands, Swan dngs, Epptions, Tumors, &C., the Alterative has lbeen found pre•eminontly successful. It enters into .and circulates with the blood, thus destroying the •virus or poisonous principle from which these dis 'oases originate. Sulu Dießasics, of all kinds, Scald Head, Tetter, salt Rheum, Ring Worm, Boils, Pimples, Blotches, -Roughness or the Sklu, Be., are readily cured by the Alterative. PR unAIATIBRAND IsTEURALOI.k.—In chronic cases, this Alterative, If perseveringly used, is generally successful. In acute Rheumatism, Jayne's Lini ment should be applied In connection, according to directions. Tut PARABOLA SPROTACLRS are eye preservers —literally so. We have never hoard a person who led given them a fair trial who did not commend Oem in the most unequivocal manner. The Para •bolas have a universal focus, hence, in using them, .there is no Strain upon the oyes; the action is the saline throughout. For sale only by L•'. 13orhok, Ciptiolan, No. 402 Chestnut street. TIIB RESIGNATION Ot SISORETAISY OElASE.—Se ()rotary Chase has sent in his resignation., Mr. Tessenden, his proposed successor, is a profound statesman and an eminently serVie man ; the latter tut being demonstra4tl by the circumstance that even If he should not accept Secretary . Chae's place, . he always ,procures his wearing apparel at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Hockhill 2c Wilson, - Nos. 603 and 605 Chestriut street, above Sixth. Those who consult economy, comfort, and elegance •of appearance, always patronize this great, popular establishment. !ETRE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OV 13aTnixo Rorms In the 'United Sates for ladles, *gentlemen, and children, at Sloan's, 806 Market street, Philadelphia, and at his store, Cape Island, NOY Jersey. .151-3 t" COMPLICATED AND MIXED DISEASES, Nanvons APPECTIONS,DISEASESOPTEMILEART,DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, CONSTITUTIONAL DISEASES, and diseases originating from a depraved or•imper fect state of the blood, aro all cured by Jayne , s Al terative; and while it is a fault in many medicines that when they ere removing the disease thoy are also prostrating the patient beyond recovery, the Alterative has no such drawback. While neutralizing the virus of disease at Its very source, it sustains the strength of the sufferer. The union of tar NVECT Arm, Tomo, and DEOBSTRUENT properties in this Meth nine,and thefact that all these Influences aro blend ed h armonlously In its operation, distinguish it from 411 other preparations. Lot the afflicted give it a trial. Prinered only by Dr. D. JATICE & SON, No 212 •Ohestnut street. jr2-2t 011ILDREIVII Slms, a splendid assortment, at .Dunbar's, 116 South Second street, corner Carter -street. PUBLIC/ SPEAHERS, MILITARY MEN, AND SING. mns, and all suffering from Imitation of the Throat and Hoarseness will be agreeably surprised at the Almost immediate relief afforded by the use of "Brown's Bronchial Troches: , Their demulcent in gredients allay Pulmonary irritation, and, after public speaking or singing, when the throat is wearied and weakened by too much exercise, thdir , use will give renewed strength to the vocal organs. A BPLYNDID ABSORTICUNT Of misses!, childrensf and boys' hats, at reduced prices, can be purchased of Charles Oakford ft Sons, 834 and 836 Chestnut street, Continental Hotel. GENTS' PATENT LIiATEI KR, GLOVE-K. IS, AND AST INO GAITERS, Baltnorals, and Walking atTunbar's, 1113 South Second street, corner 'Carter street. WANTED TO RENT, for. live years, a three-story time, on the south side of Arch street, between Eleventh and SLxteenth streets. Unquestionable - reference and security given. Address Box 8111, Philadelphia Post (Mo. ' • PUOTOORAPH ALBUMS IR EVERY STYLE.—RIott Turkey Morocco, Antique, Ivory Mountings, Orna mental FAlges, &c., kc,, holding from Twelve to Two Hundred Photographs; the largest and best assort ment in the city. , War. W. HARDING. Manufs.eturer, No. 326 Chestnut street, below Fourth, south side GET TEE BEET I-TEE HOLE BIBLE-HARDENO'S En 1 ?lONS, —Family Pulpit, and Pocket Biblei, In beautiful styles of Turkey Morocco and antiquo bindings. Anew Onion, arranged for Photographic portraits of families. W. W. HARDING, Publisher, - it• No. 326 Chestnut stroot, below Fourth. BOYB' AND YOUTHS' SENVHD Ostv Boors, GaL tore, and Balmorals, at Danban, 116 South Second ,street, corner Carter street. TRY IT ONCE, and it is morally certain that JAYNR I I3 OARMINATrvn will ho rolled on over after wards as an efficient remedy for Diarrhoea, Dysen tery, Cholera, Summer Complaint, and all Stoma chic Affections. Compounded with care from the 'test undorstocal Ingredients known to tic medical faculty, its action Is oortain and always to be do pended upon, while the reputation It has attained •as a standard household remedy should induce all in want of such a medicine to give It an Immedlato trial. Prepared only at 2 : 12 Chestnut street. THE RANDSOIERST ASSORTMENT Ol? STRA IC, FELT, and other Hats can be purchased of Charles Oakford Sons, SU and an Chestnut street--Ckonttnental Film:venue, Ftrucwoaxs.—A large assortment of the most brilliant works ever °lroned. E. G. WHITMAN & 00., No. 31$ Chestnut street. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. TM) Con 31 'l' Birkpatrick, Tenn W .7 Ford, Wash Ingtoo • J 0 Haselton, New York IVBEntwolsle,Winibinaton, J Petra, New York 'W p Malbourn. 17 h A H A McComb, Delaware B Lacy, New York foW Jacobs Wilkens. Baltimore me Wilkens, New York H De Wolf, U S N T Weldon, Colorado Ter H Wagoner, Tennessee W A Smith, Montreal -7 W Mille, Montreal .J B Russell, U S A • - W F Slocum, Grafton, aid JF Dix, Baltimore .A M Murray, Pittaburg 31 T Beardsley, Loe& Haven Jos C Ringwalt, Cie. Ohio JAN J Tyson, Baltimore P Roberts & la, Phila Carnecon, New York lV L Ogden, New York C Dickinson, New York A 0 Tyng. Peoria, 11l P Jones W A Robinson, Louisville Mr rickey, Jr, Baltimore J 11 Heat, California 'W H Roberts & wf, Cla .7 licHoyl. New York Lewis Roberts, New York F Fabian, Boston lV Fr ic k. 43heater aiaetC Frick, Chester Mast Frisk; Chaster A C Hall, Baltimore pl F Thompson, Clam, ti 'limb Folk°, Now York Fwlw Cornell, New York -J B Richards & wf Wash 'Cleo L Andrews, Wadi. DC .7 Curtis, Boatoa • • .J D Johnann. Bogen Pearson, Mercer, Pa 'Miss Pearson, Mercer, Pe Miss Hill R P Brown • "Miss T 51 Brown Dlfse II Phillips • Mrs A 0 Curtis, Harrisburg .Joe J Lewis. Wash, D C, W C Wells, Mistomri ,•ChasEntilipt, Buffalo Bradley. Milwaukee ;13 F.Jrulson, New York t i ff /I Klapp, New York The 117 :Wolin Somerville, Easton 'l5 Rank Jr D Smith, Lancaster co jolt Rally, Lock Haven D W oads, Lyaopilieg The 41 Thos R Dull, Washington Sohn C Dull Vitasbington A id Stoner, Penna .1 W Adkins, Jr, Delaware Thee Doltlne U 5 N E C Lew le ? • TM/Mee° A II Slap. New Jersey T 0 Chattle, New JenteV Walter R Cook e _New Jolley Ales P Miller, Mew York A White Jos Clark, New York W C Shinn, New Joraei I. G Hemingway, Conn J H Robeson .11. Forgetter' • Jae D Olbbin, New York W Il Barrett. Baltimore miss 31 Barrett, 'lnitialer() .1 W Weir Jc lady. Pa Chas Cartwell, Johnston Airs Dillen, John. ton John Cadwallader, Ohlo uis Mt Cadwallader Ohio W W Walling, Zanesville Kitomell. Somerset John W Schell, U S A Deo Johnston, Boston Frank Dolrin , Cluclunail Donn - Chambers, Pa Cant .1 L Johnston, Phil's J 1 FINN r, Phlladolnhia Chat. Seibert. Pennsylvania 3 5 Brown, PenasytrAnla ill;as Brown .k slater, Pa I M Bolton, Norristown D Conkling dr la,Cineinnatt .A Gearhart, Norristown Cleo W SintLli t Phihula M Smith. Now York C A Wailes, balishary, Md John Ii Model, New York Dr P Dlnitolr, USA Mr dc Mrs Johnson. Easton Alex Miller Schwegitnintui, Bothle'mlll R Graham & ta, Mich John A Derry. Wasitinston!J C Wallis, N York Louis Dnrr, New York A H Linderman Mr Barton, Del conuty,Pa S Q Collin', Salisbury,. Md J Thompson. l'lnealxvillo 'J M rialtibary M Bolton,. Jr, Norristown I Joh a .1 Miller, Pittsburg .Yd C W Enrick, Oil City .D %V Hod.on. US N Frannie Lomas, Oil City ;Jobe Wondorly, N York .1 C Donedict,.Now York :EJ Beurn., N York Jl4 blePherson,Elarrishurg L S Lytle • 0 W Colts,,W heal ing T Merfol,,l Baltimore JlllSNowgoun, N York Cara Ira rt Burrutt Geo C Abbott, N York R C McKenzie George Harker II S De.ln. Maryland \V 0 White IIV Nor beck', %Va4itington II r Goole, N York 0 Vandiver, Washington II Smitten N York , :ll C Kinsman, Elmira. N Y W W Wallace. • 'Mrs Graiuliata, Washington ] 31 Collins (Jae Ellis. Ellishtarg blir;ftiOiliew,ieic York RiA7.lf.:;:t;ii;,kfirtte Wllrr St la, l'Amos,re W.ll U S Ceo F Welle, Reading Robert 11 Elliott. New York EA Condit n 1100, RI) way, NJ 13 d Voilitiery. Now York I ii4Vw Turk• James R Moorhead, Permit IR Wnkemau, New Vork Thos McCarthy, St ,luhu SI P V'ltaru, Bahlmoro Geo C Brown Se l',Mt Roily The Me F N Dirminahain, Pennn T Birmingham. Penne, Pet Seymour. Milwaukee H S Strattou, New Jersey G D Biddle, Allegheny E Smith, Cherry Valley L T Greenfield, Carlisle John llsnry,St Louis • C H McKeever W McKeever Kaunsheimer. Newark B I , Ashley, Danherry,4lt W F Johnson, Huntingdon .1 Belknap, Zanesville Mrs H Sturges;Putualn,o Sarn't I. !sett & wf F T Fester,Vasliville 0 Follansbee, Pittsburg lilut BO Follanshea,Penna Wut Landeker, St Weis A China:atilt' & la, n J The CO J B BroomelLCoateevllle C L Brown, London Henry Hudson, Henna W C James, West Chester Andrew Stiller, Chester EU Immo°, New Jersey BDliee Miller, New Jersey D Quigley H B.:Webb, Lancaster J H Robinson, Lancaster E C Hickman, Chester co The L E Mothers, Juniata co, Pa W Thomas, Jr Jool Miller, Loin co, Pa J J 131echer. Findlay, 0 A.l Whiteley Delaware 1.• Anthony, L ock' Haven Jolla Wetland, Maryland Thu Site E II Seal. Chester co J T Hcynolds. New York • .11-ra Chester co John Peterson, Boston - Frank Wilson, Pittsburg C litcK Allen. Pittsburg J Price, Wilmington, Del ' The fin A Swanton, Peron& Solon Dike N I W Bothwell & eon, Hartev . Hiram A Carr, Hartsville A Bock man, bier ha DiebVille Casper Roads, Sotnerton J Williard, Northampton inenUel. Miss Simms, Baltimore J A Hieetand, Lancaster W Ilolmee , Pittsburg: Mine J Holmes, Pittsbnrg Mies M Holmes. Pittsburg: Mrs Moore, Pittebnrg Jatnee Dairen, Plasbitrg MU A D/1.12011, Pia.burg Mrs Dahell, Pittsburg A el Sexton, Milwaukee Mrs W Bossier &:Sch, Pa Theo Buckley, Pittsbitrg E (roatzloger, Pittsburg W Weld, Boston ' A A Plant, New York It Manley, Jr, New York Mtn Slaock, New York Miss Platte,, New York W H Oano, Cie, 0 Moses Bates, Boston Miss A 0 Bates, lio , ton Young & la, dale !Wm W 8 Parylanee,_Pitt.butk 8 Icolee, New York Moir Brichauan, Cal W M Waterbury, N Y J 014 b, Tenon • Mrs Dock, Flarriebrirg Govan, Callforata B Burette, Cincinnati Capt .1 CI Johnson, Poona 3 .7 Bamnels, Clueli.nati M 0 Liebllch & lu, Mo J Ahlban, MMeuurl J Wl3eck, indianapolis T Ifoltorn, Moat okati BO Mond, New York J A Jonee, New York WA Orlswold . . H Berlin, Delaware Wm F. Brand, New Work J M Kttnbel & son, Md W A Barrows, Cape May Geo 11 Duels, Boston C K Domond & 2 eh, Wash Wif Forward, US A . B Harden% New York Geo Clark, Jr, Boston Jll Llttlugiton, Now York M L gory, Memphis A Thompoon & wf, London F A Cla.omont J H liralitcn, Brooklyn Nti Dodge, Lattycito, Ind Nickel, Bridgeton C B Blackwell & wt. N Y J hi Hiller & wr. N Yrnk Mina N Miller, Nsw York A Coleman Pray, R J Escobar, New York • Mons!. Jai Dstatarri,Nlssara Falls W B Bet tzol, Reading JON Clond & wf, Lsac CO Low's ZettNr & fico, Comm !LB Raab, Ctupitar co Mims C Barrett, Baltimore , L A Mackey. Lock Haven .1 M Judd, Emporium, Pa 11Rpnihimer, Reading Miss Morris, Harrisburg Mies Williams. Harrisburg A II Stockty, Delaware T W ()wens, Washington Mies Owens. Washington P R Diffeaderffer, Uncut S A Brooks OS Long .k la S W CongdonNew York Thos P Kerr, New York M B (lett, Ohio N 8 Briny.. New York Schell, Gloorgetown, D C W I, Cissol, Dist Colombia W A Cat nningitam, 1) C Jac Ii Mtilikin Baltimore J 31 Wilcox, Titusville Nawber, Now Orleans A Day, Mechanicsburg IC S Bradley, Providence John it Russell, Jr., US E 0 .lames, Burlington E K Antidonn, New York Caleb Baxter, New York Sam 1 T Brown, New York ,r S Warner, Now York Col Vu' II Farrar, Oregon Granville Stokes' . W NVhitely,lawaro A B Northrop, NAw York A Jame Won, Alex'dria, Va This American. chants'. B P Kane, Pitbiburg T J llabletuan,Cincionatl slre ElithlCLlMll.Clnclnuaki B nobleman, Cincinnati John Poole, Pittsburg 3lcKertzle,U S X S P Darlington. Altoona John Cornball, Pew York Mra Common (la, Y York E Perks Sr. art, Clearfield Car E L Stratton. S & 1 1 0 refAro'; York T litrmingbam, U S A Dr .1 T Burdick, Brooklyn N Webb. Baltimore B G Brown Jr we, Baltimaro R Walton. Washing ton John Carr, New York H J Oraton, Worcester I Daniel Wilkins, Penns. Jaa C Whalley W T Seal, Carversville Owen it A One, Pottsville Hoary P King, Waal W II Burnett, Del co, Pa' J 11 Hess, Columbia II Debate, Cheater co A S Kellogg, New Jaree7 J Smedley, Del co S W Remor. Connection' S Bity. , hran, Sparts 4 Wis John 1. Vitlißms, Q j John Drown, Boston . W Dean. Newark, Dal F Connesa Jc tivl. Penn es Union. ri Win F Levahlon, Illinois Pn ilo Rees, Bridgewater A Gable, Marietta, Pa • Gao Kantrelt, York co Jae .1, Keller, N Bloomfteld Jas ElSattoo,Sl George. Del Benj Herr, Colombia, Po ck Bear. N Heldeman,DOylestown John SCornelljensterville C Harpor,Jenkuitown W Thompson, Jenkintown S Janney, Yanlloyville Inac Yerke*, lisruirWe SPECIAL NOTICES. VICTLSIS OF HOT WEATILF.II: Bi . THR BARD OF TOWER HILL. Folks that we meet Along the street. As all of os'hare detected. Seem differently affected By Summer's heat. Now, some there are Who calm") , bear To feel the very noontide blaze Of flaming Sol'a indignant gaze Upon them glare. But many; too, Grow red of hue Ae poppies 'neath the same tierce beam, 6nd 4%tvil their brows a constant stream Trickling we view. • All, all in vain, Huge draughts they drain Of wider, cooled with grateful ice, , Or feed on frozen cream, more nice; Hot they remain! • But this distress Bight be made less, If they, being reasonable, Bought, from Bennett, seasonable, Cool styles of dress We have (be largest stock and best assortment of &mappable Clothing it Philadelphia, • which, being constantly replenished, continues full and trash at all times • TOWER HALL, 51.8 MARKET Street, BENNETT & CO. THE ONLY KNOWN RESTORER OP COLOR AND PERFECT HAIR DRESSING COMBINED. A Sure Preventive at Baldness. "London flair Color Restorer and Dressing." " Lbudon flair Color-Restorer and Dressing." "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing." 1. It will restore gray bkir to its original color. 2. It will make it grow on bald beads. 331 t will restore the natural secretions. 4. It will remove all dandruff and Itching. • S. It will make the hair soft, glossy, and nexible. 6. It will preserve the original color to old age. 7. It will prevent the hair from falling off. B. It will cure all diseases of the scalp. It is not a dye, nor does it contain any ingredient the least injurious to either skin Or hair. Bead thie.Certifteate. am happy to add my testimony to the great value of the "London Bair Color Restorer," which restored my hair to its original dark color, and the hue appears to be permanent. I am satisfied that the preparation is nothing like a dye, but operates upon the secretions. It is also a beautiful hair dressing, and promotes the growth. I purchased the first bottle from Edward B. Oarrigues, Druggist, Tenth and Coates streets, who can also testify my hair was very gray when I commenced Its use. MRS. MILLER," No. 730 North Ninth street, Phila. Price 7b ccnts her bottle; six bottles for+si. Sold by Dr SWAINS 3c SON, 330 North SIXTH Street. It . . PH7T.ADELPIIIA . NATATORti:LISAIsID PIIYSI CAL BROAD STREET, 'BELOW WALNUT. THE FOURTH OF JULY AND THE NATATORIUM. The Swimming Department will be open on the 9th at 6A. N. and close at ex P. M. No lesaona given and no swimming for Ladles on that day. Gentlemen ad mitted at all, tilting during the hems elated. ]e3o•dt• HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT'S HIAWATHA. HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. In Longfellow's Poem .111awatha . was adjudged to have conferred the greatest boon on his tribe because be brought to its notice corn. Every one will admit that our preparation is 'worthy of Its name. for the bhne be It confers when tt Is known. WHAT THE HIAWATHA DOES. It restores ;faded and gray hair and whiskers to their original color. It brings up the natural shading of one hair with another, thus giving the hair a perfect life appearance, eo that the most critical observer cannot detect its use. It makes harsh hair soft and silky, stops its falling out, cleanses It and the scalp from all impu rities, is as readily applied and wiped from the skin as any hair dressing, and ettlrely overcomes the had of of previous ass of preparations con tafaing salphar. sugar of lead, &c. The proprietors of the Hiawatha published the follow ing challenge to test in the Now York dallies three weeks, which WAS SEVER ACCEPTED Let some well known and disinterested persons ap• point one to the proprietor of eachweparation for the hair to bring up the color. Every proprietor to use no• thing but his own preparation, and the person nothing also during the teat. A certificate of the result to be widely published at the expense of the unsueeeseful competitors. Bold everywhere. JOSEPH HOYT & CO., mitll)-1, 10 University Place, New York. G----1883--B NEW YORK, Apr 1118,1864. We respectfully Invite your attention to and cc:maids. tattoo of the justly celebrated and reliable remedy for Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Debility, and Prostration. The proprietors are prond to acknowledge the unparalleled 311CC888 which has attended the sale of their valuable preparation, known In nearly every portion of the civilized world ac the "GOLDEN BITTERS. " We risk nothing when we term them a catuabie pre. garation, for they are one of the few articles of thi present day which are not a hatubag ; sad we are wil ling and able to satisfy any pereon or portions who will call upon us, that the celebrated "Golden Bitters' are a genuine, bonafide hygienic article. It is the wish of the proprietors that the virtue of the article be tested be. !ore condemning. A decision of their merits by any One who ban tried them le worth a million of purchased bones testimonial*. For creating a healthy APRETIT.I they are invaluable, and are unequalled as a TONIC. Tbey are mild in their action, and operate In giving vigor and giringth to the system—not by any cbt\lll4 they produce in the solids, but through the medium of the living principle. They are purely V.BORTABLL being composed of Gentian Root. Calaman, Sassafras, Lad many other remedial agents of the Vegetable world, ill preserved in Jamaica Rum and Sherry Wine. Ad A BEVERAGE they are the meet toholesome, Invigorating, and pater table stimulant weer offered to the public. And the tad of their being prepared chemically and scientideaßY precludes the poseibility of a bitter, unpleaeant taste, common to Bitters generally offered for sale. We es pecially recommend them to LADIES, and particularly to those suffering from Debility, Weakness, and Pros tration. Ralf N wino glees of these " Bitten" three or four times a day will produce a remarkable healthy change In persons greatly debilitated. The "Golden Bitters" hays been tried and not found wanting. They ore put np in our own patent quart bottles, and for sals by Druggists, Grocers, .tc., throughout the world. Each bottle henna far simile of the signature of Rub. bel Co. 080. C. HOBBEL & CO., Solo Proprietors, godson, N. Y. ; Central Depot, American Ex.. Building. New York; E. G. BOOZ. Agent. Plinada. Pm PO/It/LAX CLOTHING 110IISH Old PH "OAK HALL." Bent-Maas goods at moderate prices. WANAMAIKER dt BROWN, 8. R. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. °astern Department (to make to °Oar) No, 18.81:th at. Fear my Sionero, EMErROIDERTRO, BRAID (NO, QniltlnK , Tacking, go., beautifully executed on the GROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE. Ma. shines, with operators,• by :" the duior week, 730 CHESTNUT Street. ` . • apt-etatiam COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP. Thin celebrated TOILET SOAR. In such universal de , !nand, Is made from the CHOICEST materials, if , MILD and EMOLLIENT In Re nature, FRAGRANTLY SCENT ED. and EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL in (inaction upon the Skin. For sale by all Druggiste and Taney Goode dealers. fei-tathsly ONE-PRICE CLOTIIING, OF TEEM LATBTS STILTS, made In the Best Manner, expressly for RE. TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked Is Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our Ora-Pal' Srersx is strictly adhered to. All ars thereby trentod JONES k CO.. GOA MARKET Street. STEINWAY 4& SONS, PIANOS, r 771 PIANOS Tor sale only at BLASTUS BROS., my!-tr 3000 CHESTNUT Street WHEELER 86 W/1.802e 8 HI 0 lIEST Pitaara LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. rIIE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AND BEST Snlosronnin. 704 CTIRATNITT Rtroet. above Savontb. KING—FREEMAN..—On the tb ultimo. by the Roy. W. T. Bunker. Mr. Charles H. King, of Holmesbarg. to flu' Hannah W. Freeman. • . IiIXtIi;—PURTEII. —On the evening or Jane SOth, ISel, by the Rev. .1. B. "Reeve, Mr, Wm. Campbell Dixon to Mrs. I..sther Porter. • CRAM IiERS—SM Y rII.—On the Oth or September, 1061. Mr. John If. Chambers to Mies Kato Smyth. Re- Ades Re. 24 Parham Areal, Third Ward, First Pre cinct,. 1100P.ES—RUSSELL.-10n thelftli oftimn..nt the Ash land House, in the prosoneo of Mayer Henry, Thomas Hoopes, of Chester co., Ht , to Amanda, daughter of Thomas Russell, of liorford co. Maryland. • MAGTJIRE—HESTON.—Jnne . 30th, by the. Rev. And. Unworn, William F. •Unguire to &ally Jr% Heaton. hail of He,touville, • ItOHRER—WARDLEY.—On the &Rh of June, at the :Merchants' Rotel, by the ROY. H. F. flora, John S. Rohrer and Annie C. Wardloy, all of Strieurg, Pa. DIED_ RELVET.—On the 29th Inst., of disease contracted in the service, Sergeant John F. K,lroy, late of Co, D, 88th Regiment, P. V., in the 35th year of his age. The relative,. and friends of the family, Philanthropic ',ridge, No. 15, I. 0. of 0. F. Typographical Society, 'Typographical Rnion, No. 2, t echuylk ROAeCompany, and mein hors of the 65th Re moot new in the city, are respectfully invited to mien, the funeral, (rota hie late residence, 1010 Anita street, on Saturday afternoon, July 2d. at 5 o'clock. To proceed to Lafayette Ceme tery. •• MEHL. —On Jane Mth, William R. Kiehl, ic-the 2/th )ear of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the fntk.ral. from his late resi deuce. 6:32 North Eighth street, on Tuesday I:zeroing July 6. Ft 10 o'clock. ••• b'rltWd HT.—fin the 22d of June, of wounds received on drench in front of Petersburg, John Stewart, First Sergeent of Company C. 91st Resimmit P. V. V., eon of Emily and the late John Stewart, in the 2241 year of his a ql ? iie relatives and friends of the family, also the morn ings et Chosen Friends' Lodge, I. 0 of O. 'F. , nuclease all the soldiers of the gist Rout. in the clty,are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his mother, northwest corner of Howie and McGrath on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. Service at the. Ceme tery at 2 o'clock. the With instant, James Kelah, sou of Rosanna and the Into James K.eloh, in. the ilat year of hie age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral, front the residence of his mother, eonthweet corner of Prune and Fifth streets ' above Spruce street, on Saturday morning at SY, o'clock. Fu neral eery ice and. interment at St. nary's, South Foarth street. BELKIcAP.—At Cooper's Point. Camden, New Jersey, on the morning ofthethh instant, Rath Ann, daughter of Samuel T. nud Frauds Nicholson, and wife of Alfred M. lielkilap, in the 26th year of her age. Funeral from the reaidenee of her parents, on Satur day, the 2d of July, at 2 o'clock P. M. The relatived and friends of the family are invited to attend.. • ranK.—At Alexandria, June 2S, of wounds received May 7. at the battle of Todd's Tavern. Meat William Rtrk, 6th Penubylrania Cavalry, In the 25th year of his age. His friends and those of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of hie father, S. L. 1.7.4 . 4, 614 Mirth Sixth idreet..on Tuesday. July 6. al 70 o'clock A.M. • TOME . VANDELL, • FOURTH AND ARCH have a Fine stock of Silks, Fine stock of Shalsis, Fine stock of Fineels, Fine stuck of Linens. - Rae stock of Muslim. ie3o BEDDISIGi SIXTEENTH AND COATES.—Preaching TO-MORROW, Ng and S, by PASTOR Sacrament at 3. Excursion to Atlantic City, THURSDAY, July 'l4th. . UNION N. E. czruncir,Tyr Street, below Arch.—SalillaTll, July 3, Rev. JOSEPH DENNISON. Delegate from Eanaae, will preach in the Morning, at 10X o'clock. Rev - . C. W. DEIS fElf in the Evening, at So Prayer meeting at 7 o'clock. - ILC SECOND 'REFORMED DETC IL CHURCH, Rev: T. DE WITT TALMAGE, Pas tor. —This Church will, during the Summer, hold Ser. Ticeesch SABBATH at 10M o clock A. M. bie service in the Evening. 1t• CIIITRCIIC OF THE COVENANT, FILBERT Street, alvve Seventeenth.—Divine Serviee TO-110RROW (Sanday). et 10)4 A. M. and S P. N. The Rector will (D. V.) preactt Morning and Eve ning. lt` WCENTRAL CONli REGA'rICI NAL CHURCH.—Rev. GEO. B. CEIEEVER, D. D., of New York, Arill preach at CONCERT HALL. TO moxßow, at 103; M., and 9P. M. The public are cordially invited. 11. Or. REV. H. F. RIMY, PASTOR, WILT.. _ preach In Green-street Methodist Church SAB BATH AMMON° at 1034 o'clock. Dr. D. N. BARTIN E et 8 o'clock to the evening. lt• MIAST CONGAEGATIANA I. CHURCH. corner of FRASKPORD tioad and IIIONTGOMEBTAvenhe. —Preaching in the Chapel. by Rev. D. L. GEAR. al 104 A. M. and 7,1; P. Com inntlion at I+,P. M. . • It D CHANGE OP HOURS.—=A. CLARK, Jankr Pastor, at ELSVENTH and WOOD Sta., SABBATH, 10 A. 11. and 4 F. If Subjects—" Jesus welkin* hi Solomon'. Porch," and •* The Visit to the New Sepulchre." All* .. orTHE enun 4j CHRIST, hitherto assembling at TENTH Street, ab bye Arch, will, TO-1110/11t0 w (D. V.), enter tpun their new place of worship. Spring Garden Hall, northwest corner of SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH Sm., where, for the future, their meetings will be held. The meetings on the Lord's-day are as follows: At 10)( A ?d , for worship in " the breaking of bread," ("showing the Lord ' s death till He come.") in prayer, and praise , and for 'teaching and admonishing one another." See 21 Acts, 4227; 1 Cor. II 'AG, 3d Cot. pi. And at 7.4 i P. lif. for the preaching of the word by the Pastor, Gas IMES CAMPBELL. Seats tree. Or' .PMACTICIAI,SERMON--SlJBJECT— "Physiological Domestic Economy, and Inc Teachings of Jeans, Compared and Contrasted with the Popular Customs -and 'Extravagances." TO-MOR ROW at SE( P. M. by. Rev. S. td. LANDIS, M. D., Pastor of the First Progresaive Christian Church, corner of THIRrEENTH and GIRARD Avenue. Seats free. AU are invited. SPECIAL CARD. —Just out, "The Health Cook Book, and Domestic Economizer." Price $l. Our people can et it after service. Also for sislo at either of Dr. LANDIS' Medical Offices, 1312 OftEST:lul , Etreet or 2207. CALLOWGILL Street. . . its ARCII • STREET METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. ' PHILADELPHIA. JEly Ist, 1564. The ceremony of the Corner-stone Laying of ARCH street ill. E. CHURCH will take place on THURSDAY, July 7th. at 4 o'clock, at the southeast corner of BROAD and ARCH Streets. The introductory exercises will be held In Penn Square, southwest corner BROAD and FILBERT Streets. Rev. BISHOP SI3WSON, D. D., . " SCOTT, D. D., .1. P. DURBIN D. D.. JOSEPH CASTLE " AARON RITTENHOUSE, Ii J. CARSON, Are expected to participate in the order of exercises. The Sabbath occurring' on the 3d of July. will be set apart fora preparatory sermon in the MORN( NO, and Rev. AARON BITTED , HOUSE in the EVENING, st our place of worship, northeast corner of BROAD and ARCH Streets. It IarTHE MOTHERS' CONCERT OF PRAYER Will be held at the Church, FRONT Street, above Poplar, on WEDNESDAY, the 6th lust., at 3 o'clock. Ladiee having friends in the army are especially Invited. • 11:e. 4 arcouross OF TILE ALLEOHIENT elTr BONDS; due let*ableiziPhibi.- delphis. will be paid byWORK, McMillen. & CO.. .112-3 l• 30 :South THIRD Street. ar FOURTH OF JULY.—TILE SOL. DIERS OF VIE WAR OF 1812 will celebrate the day et the Supreme Court Room, on 310 NDAY, 4th Mot ,at Ittf A. M. General attendance regneeted. JT2.21. .10211 IL FRICK, Secretary. Or•. OFFICE. OF THE BRIGGS OIL COMPANY, 147 South FOURTH Street. 1 4 / 1 11.ALIELPHIA, July 1, ISM. The Board of Directors have this day declared the first monthly dieidend of ONE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, payable, clear of U. S . and State taxes, to the Stockholders on the 6th Snag. The rer Books will be . closed on the 6th, 6th, and 7th in Ir 2. fit . A. F. EA INE. President. !W.' A MEETING OF THE CORPORA.. TORS of the SOUTH MOUNTAIN IRON COM PANY will be held at No. 230 WALNUP Street. ou WRDISIsSDAY,- July 6th, at 10 o'clock A. M for the purpore of organizing agreeably to the charter, and the transaction of such other business as may be presented. PI7ILADEI.PIIIA, Juno iO, ISM. Jyl-61 A DIVIDEND OF THItEE, AND A HALF PER CENT. on the PREFERRED STOCK of the ELMIRA AND WILLIAMSPORT. RAILROAD COMPANY will be paid on and alter the FIRST DAY OF JULY, at the Pennsylvania Railroad Company's Building, Room No. 1, corner of THIRD Street and WILLING'S Alloy, by OBORON TABER j)1-St Agent for the , Pennsylvania Railroad Co. OFFICE OF TILE•OIRARD 'LIFE igr INSURANCE, ANNUITY; AND TRUST CO., OF PHILADELPHIA. • Jogs 30th. IS6I. The Board of Managers have this der declared a Divi dend of POUR. PER CENT. on the Capital Stock for the last six months, payable to t hee Stockholders, clear of the State and United States taxes, on demand. irl-3t• JOHN F. JAMES, Actuary. AL MEETING or DELEGATES is from from the Ward Bounty Fund Committees will be held al the District Court Boom, No. 2, sontboast ow ner of blXTlland CHESTNUT Streets, on SATURDAY EVENINO next, Jnly Id, at 8 o'clock. A general at tendance is requested DANL. STEINMETZ.• JOHN K. YAMINTINE. Secretor!: • iyl-21 OrYOUNG MEN . PREPARED FOR the Countlog-Houne rind Business LIN at MUT TUDEN 'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 037 CUM NUT Stied, corner of Seventh. No Vacations. Students can enter at 'any time, and study et such hours as beat suit their convenience.- . JeSDAt* rare THE PICTURE GALLERY, NOW open • for EXHIBITION, for the benefit of tlio Oreat Central Fair of the U. S. Seatiery Corendsilop at the Residence of Mr. Joseph Harrison, Jr.. No. ;4 , 25 South SIGIITEF.NT}T Street, will close at 6 Y. M. on SA TURDAY AFTERNOON, the 2d July. Je3d.dt• -r4rNOTIOE.—ALL citzorrons OF the GREAT CENTRAL. FAIR will please send their accounts forthwith to tho Office, No. 023 CHESTNUT Street, addressed to Mr. 0. A. WOOD, Chairman of the Auditing Committee, huvfng first ob tained the voucher of the chairman by whom the ac coant was opened. HORACE HOWARD FURNESS, ye29.4t Secretary. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—OFFIC.E OF ta r THE MINERAL OIL COMPANY, 5:44- WAL NUT Street, Philadelnhia. June '2B, 1661. The Board of Directors have this day declared a dlvi. dend of ONE PER CENT. on the capital stock of title company, pauble on and after the toth of July, free of Stoic tax. r The transfer books will be closed on (helot of Julyatt 31'. M., and be opened on the 9th. TIIO9. R. SEARLE, jeW-fit." Secretary. gger sTA.ri: CENTRAL CONIRITTEE.— The members of the STATE CENTRAL COM MITTEE will meet for organization at o'clock P.. 31., oo wEDNESDAY, July (Ithoat the house of the Cl/AIR MAN, in EARRISSLIRO. Pa. By order of Jell-L.lyd SIMON 'CAMERON. Chairman. summit:li ANNA AND TIDE. WATER (ANAL comparg L S have their odlce at No. 417 WALNUT Street, Room to. 4. The "Transfer /mussy " of these Companies, hereto fore In South FOURTH Street, has been removed to the voice of the Companies, at the place above stated. • • • SOt OFFICE UNION PASSENCER RAILWAY COMPANY, No. 419 WALLOP SI, June 18, Mt —The second instalment of Five Dollars on each ahem of the capital Stock of the Union Pasaeogor Railway Company will be duo and payable at the (Ace of eaid Company on and after July 7, 1861. By ordAr of the Board of Directors. Je21).1.1t. . W. H. KIMBLE. Secretary. trllC OT IC E TO CONTRACTORS,— PROPOSALS will be received at the Ifotol of I. D. JOLLY, In Dover. Morris county, rt J.,ou the 6th JULY,for the graduation and uutsonry che OD Dlsly NINE RAILROAD, ten miles in length. Plans,speoing rations, end pronieg COI be Beni, (111 and after Julz, Dig by npolying to GEO. RICHARDS, President, at over. or P, BRADY.Eagineer,Catutationa, Penna. OSA. RIC FIARDS, President. J 027-80 P. 1114.ADY, Eugineer. . - THE PRESS.-PIETLADELPTITI, SAMMY', JULY 2, 1864. gr. srEcutr, NOTICE. ART Gr A. ILA t CENTItA Et FAIR. SUBSDPIPTIONS TO THE NEW YORK AND Pll I'lll4 ALBU MS OF SKETCHES, COAT in - En LY 'TAB A1:TI81 . 31 , 0 , 1111; SANITARY FA Will dote ou . SATURDAY EV3EIISO mete, Ray 2d. al Dine o'clock. A few Ahem may Mill be subscribed for. It 011 DER OF SALE,. GREAT CENTRAL COMMENCING ON FRIDAY IORNINO; JULY 1 Sterne, Rango, Hollow- ware, large Clltrilt 8011, at 10 o'clock. Agricultural implements, heavy Wagers, Carts, Sta., st no click. . . Furniture, Looking Glasses, Sowing Machines, War ble Mantles, Panatellas, .%te., 12 o'clock. RESTAURANT DE;DARTMENT. The sate of tile Restaurant will co inTnence. on SATUR DAY IIIoRNIKG, July 24, at 10 o'clock precisely, and will comprise 103 Iron Tablas, with marble tops 1(100 'Windsor Chairs,. large Quantit n y of Crockery and Grass. ware, Knives nna Ft - mks, 100 sets Plated Castors Also, very Fa rger quantity of Kitchen Farulture,Coolc lug Utensils, Groceries Liquors, &c. hi D.GELANLOCTS GOODS. The closing sate, consisting of miscellaneous artieles,• will ceMmeuce on SATURDAY, at 3 o'clock P. Nf.i, July 2a. Catalogues of mot sale to he had at the Fair Imildingd on morning of vs le. 4* -. All le iseion 21 cents. Season. and Committee Tickets free. THOS. S. ELLIS, JellO-St Chairman of Cominit tee or Auction care. GALLERY, The Auction Fitle of Works of Art donated to the Sani tary Commission, at the Groat Central Fair, will take place on At 8 o'clock. to be continned on the following eve ning, if necessary. Particulars iu a future atlvertiaernent, Catalogues iu a few days CIRFAT CE7.IITHAL PAIR, 31 - O USE. 01:1PARTAIENT. Additional contributions: L. A. Godey $239 00 tjeorge S. Jones . Luaia owley 10 00 D. Stevens 000 C. ,F. Parker 6 0) Employee in office of Offiley's Lady'ellook and Plare Clouting Office 25 00 Paton S: Co.. IN.qc York 100 00 Proprittorat "House BorglaralSrmTelogrepit" 100 00 ldr. Barrer 2000 Saber Gates 500 L. F. Whitney 25 00 Mi., E. WOCii3LOLL 2000 J. Cl. lioehler2o 00 . . MIIRCHARDISE. Bruce's Parlor Organ 'Vanhorn & Eckstein Newark Patent Package Co—.— „. J, Ilall Robrman Charles 'l'. Kern .......... ..... Mattes Burnham Amount previously ecknowledged.. TIRE irrlLLifiem .P.ENIN PARLOR - COMMITTEE desire to acknowledge the follow ing addillonal donatione: One handsomely Framed Engraving of Martha Wash. ington at Arlington, by. Mr, .1. P. Skelly. A valuable - collection of Fancy Articles, from the Widows' 'Home. Blocks of genuine- Elm Tree Wood, by BLI4 - C. H. White. One Walnut stem Fern Table, by Mrs. S T. Shinn. Parlor of Swarihmoor Flail, and other Paintings, by. Miss Sarah Lloyd. Two Antigua Coffee Urns,. by a gentleman. Set of handl,ome Church Markers, from MEM Cooper. One Panel Ornament of Win. Penn's Carriage, from Mrs. Sarah Wainwrlght. Ono Cup and Saucer formerly belonging to Wm. Penn, from Mies Roberts, Bucks county. - It tar FONT OFFICE, PIIIILADELPII.I,I, PA..Jul.r 1. 3854. BlONDATnext being FOURTH OF JULY, this office will be open for the transaction of bnsiness until 10 A. M.. after which hour nq person can have access to the office. The carriers will make the canal S A. If. delivery. The first morningand tart evening collections from lamp pool and other boxes will be made. The :cations will be open al above-named hours. 1Y2.2t C. A. WALBORN. Postmaster. tarEIOHTY•EIGHTH ANNIVERSA• RY OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE. - "THE STATE SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI OF The annual Mated mectiiFof ''The State Society of the Cincinnati of PennslVanta " be held at the LA PIERRE ROUSE, on BROAD ' Street, below ctissr- NOT, on MONDAY, the ith day of July. 1561, at 10 o'clock A. Itf. HARRIS L. SPROAT, • je27-7t Secretary. IllgrarricE OF THE WRSTM 0 RE LAND COAL.COSIT'ANT, No. WO South THIRD Street, corner of WILLING'S Alley. PHILADIMPAIA June 15 Mt . . At . a I:fleeting of the Direcfors of the W — TMOR LAND COAL COMPANY held this dey,..a DIVIDEND OF FIVE PER CENT. on the capital stoat was declared out of the profits for the past six months, payable on and ,after July 1, 1664. The Transfer Books will be closed until July 23 next. je17.14t F R. JACKSON. Treasurer. OFINOMMODEBSET IRON AND COAL COMPANY or PENNSYLVANIA, al CEDAR Street, • Nsw YORE. June 10, 1664. NOTICE is hereby riven that, pursuant to a resolu tion of the Boitrd of Directors, an instalment of TWEN TY PER CENT. on the aubseriptlou to the Capital Stock of the SOMERSET IRON AND COAL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA be, and hereby is, made Payable to JAMES WADSWORTH, Treasurer of said Company, on or before the 18th day of July next. jellt-tjytS Attest: T. hi. TYNO, Secretary. tar- nrvzDEND ISOTICE.—THE Me- CLINTOCRVILLE PETROLEUM COMPANY, Office No. 411 WALNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, Jane 22, 1661. The Board of Directors have ill ia day declared the third monthly dividend of ONE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, .payable at the o ffi ce of the Company on and after WEDhESDAY, July 6, ISEL The Transfer Books will close on WED7NRSDAY, June Tiith, at I o'clock, until July 6th. WM. MOONEY, Secretary. THE BANKERS' AND BROKERS' TELEGRAPH GOB PA NY—lncorporated under the laws of the Stales of N'‘...w York, New Jersey, Mary land, and the District of Columbia, and by special act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, May 18th, Mt, and oanized in . Philadelphia, with the following as oBlcers: rg H. H. WAINWRIGHT, President. J. S. RITTENHOUSE, Secretary and Treasurer. DTRECTORS. GEO. W. McLEAN, EA., firm or Jerome, Riggs, & Co., New York. H. L. GAW, Esq., Arm or Gaw, 3facalaster, & Co., Philadelphia. JOHN S. NEWBOLD, Esq., Arm of Newbold, Son, & Aerteen, Philadelphia Will. FISHER. Beg., firm of Wm. Fisher & Soda. Baltimore. . . ixoli.aim J. FORMBY, Esq. Bellmore. i The object of the corporation s to erect two sets of poles and wires, forming a double line, to run by dif ferent routes, connecting the c ties of Sew York, Phila delphia, Baltimore. and Washington, and all the prin cipal intermediate points, and to establish offices for the reception and transmission of telegraphic messages, and, by connecting with other lines at the main points, to be able to send messages to alt parts of the United States and Canadas. The line is now. in course of construction, and con tracts have been entered into for the purchase of wire and other materials. None will be used except of the best quality, and it is .contemplated to have one net of wires in operation between the main points in lest than sixty days, and the other set will be put up and in ope ration immediately afterwards. No enteurise now in the market oNers equal prospects of profit with that of telegraphing, and the nature of the business proposed to be done by this Company, as its name implies, warrants its stock being recommended to the public as a choice investment. A careful estimate, based far below the actual capa city, if the number of wires proposed to be employed by this Company shows that, with proper management, it can earn and declare a dividend of IS to 33 per cent. per annum. Books for subscription to the capital stock of this Company will be opened in the city on WEDNESDAY, Seth inst., at the office of Menem • CHAS. Ca1f.81.03 & CO., 38 South THIRD Street,and remain open until 3 o'clock on SAIURDAY,. July 9th. The subscriptions received will be rayable en instalments. It is Intended to have the interest divided in the differenthities through which the line will pass; there fore lint a limited amount of the stork will be offered in each. Further particulars will be given Ron applying at the office of CHAS. CA BIELOs Sr CO.. ja3-11t 39 South THfRD Street. FIRST COLLECTION DISTRICT W OF PENNSYLVANIA, tlarrun SraraS LUlS sOh's Orrick:, No. Mg WALNUT Street. NOTICE IS li ERE/3 I: GIVEN, that the Annual Lists, Enumerations, and Assessments for the year 1864—taken in conformity to the provisions of the "Act to Provide Internal Revenue and Support the Government, and to Pey Intermit on the Public Debt, " approved July let, 1662, and the acts amendatory thereof, will remain open to the examination of all persons interested for the space of fifteen days from the date hereof, between the hours of 9 A. It. and 3 P. AL. at this °Ore. Immediately after the expiration of the said fifteen days, and for the five days next ensuing. the under signed will be in attendance to receive and determine all appeals relative to the erroneous or excessive valas tieDt or enumerations made or taken by the Assistant Amami/re in their respective divisions. All appeals must be in writing, and shall epocify the particular otiose, matter, or thing respecting Which a decision is requested. and shall, moreover, state the ground or principle of inequality or error complained of. Appeals will not be considered unities filed before the expiration of the said five days. All persons who have failed to file their applications far license are notified to do so inuuediately, under the penalties prescribed in the Excise Law against those who prosecute business without license. Detest at Philadelphia, Jane 21k, 1581. WASEVN KEITH, jell-thstnEt Assessor First District Pennsylvania. OFFICE OF TILE FRESTON COAL AND IMPROVEMENT CO., Dr() 5 WILLING% PHILADELPHIA, June 15, 1864. DIVIDEND NOTICE. —The Board of Directors of the Preston Coal and Improvement Company have this day declared a QUARTERLY DIVIDEND OF TWO AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. from the net earnings, payable on the 6th of July next to parties whose names are re tistered as the holders on the books of the Company, at e close of business on the 30th day of June instant. Transfer books close on tlutt day and open on the 6th day of July. Dividends dne Stockholders in Now York and Boston will be remitted by mail or exprks when requested. BENRY D. MOORE, - ialliottnlb tiylo • • Secretary. HEADQUARTERS PROVOST cut , MAL, PIRSVDISTRIOT: PA. PHILADELPHIA. June 9s, 1864. The names of persons removing to or from this District will be added to or stricken from the lists of enrolment. Copies of the hate are open for pahlic inspection, and civil officers and all citizens are invited to• appear and point out errors in the lists and givesach information as may aid In the correction and revision thereof. Ally Person enrolled may appear before the Board and claim to have his name stricken ott the list If he can show satlnfactorily that he is not properi y enrol Lod, on acconot of A iienays, row redideriee, Over-age, Permanent Physical Diaabaily. A compliance with the foregoing suggestions is ear nestly solicited. 'S-tf WM. E. LEHMAN,. je Captain and Provost Marshal FOR THE SEA SHORRI PRILADELPIIIA LOCAL EXPRESS COMPANY, ()Rice, No. 26 South FIFTH Street, FREIGHT AND BAGGAGE EXPRESS, TO ATLANTIC CITY AND LONG BRANCH, BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH PROM YOUR IiRMOY.NCIL BAGGAGE CONVEYED TO ALL THE RAILROAD LINES. j 72 61* CARTES DE VISITE.-TEUESE VERY popular and admired likenesses are made In rations beautiful and Natural styles at IL F. RElMEit'tj iery, 624. A RCI,I Stmt. See specimens. PORTRAITS 'OF THE MOST • DE; MARLS AND SATISFACTORY CRARACTSR.— Bveryloody khould ;moons ono of B. F. RIMIER'S an poi for lifo•sizo litotogruphs, in oil cola a. 624 AR4 ff Street. "RXIBLEIOS GALLERY IS In -Am MUMMY Popular. Pilule co by the wide sproud reputation of hie fine styles Colored PhotosTmplil. MOO role and naturally colored pictures for St. SECOND street. above Orem COAL .01L. , -400 . BBLB.* REFINED for sale by. BIM B• RO toLEr, • iT2-31.! . • • '':l6 South DELAWARE Avenue; . • IZESIDITJN. BUZ: TANKED ".•••••• RESlDlULfurmileby ED W.ll. ROWLEY. tfll-81. • • 10 &lath DELAWARE Meuse. 131T011-75 • .13BLB; SELIP PITCI nor pale* • ....{RDW. H. ROWLBY, 331143 4 . 18 Woutli DALAWARS Avenuo. • • s PE . RPIIMBD. — PARLOR . -.MATCHES. 4tutt received ed iddltional easeoftit thole celebrated (Alensnder'e) Metcbe,. for Falfw to tbe trade only. sp27-&a HOWE /a 13116T0 1ii.131 159 ii!illi2D.Bt. LOGAN SQUARE, A CTtWN TTIESDAY EVENING, July (itII, I. B, WALAATEN, Chaitnlng;l9 - I=MaMil ItEILITARY. RETAIL DRY GOOLOS. CIVIL AND ARMY CLOTHS. vj I%IIDDLESEX 64 LIGHT BLUES. ALL GRADE; DARK DLUES. 3-4 AND 04 'Damao FLANNELS. 34 AND CA BLUE OASSIMERES. 34 AND (M DOESKINS. FULL STOOK. OF CLOTHS. DO. DO. COATINGS. DO. DQ. CASSIMERES. BILLTAR I) AND I3AGAT EL LE OLOTHS. CLOTHS For r t cononmAKEßs. ALL KINDS TRIMMINGS, no. • W. T S i NODG-RASS, JO-1m 3+5 k , ECOND end 33 ETRAWItERRY fife B REA .11 .64 S T 511 AWLS FOP. VISITORS TO TAE FASIIIOZTABLE BpiNucie AND SEASIDE RESORTS. Whites, with the new Purple Border. Whites, with the new Blue Border, Whites, with Scarlet Borders. Whites, with Brown Borders. Whites, with Black Borders. • Whites, without -any Borders. Purples, , with Black Borders. Richest Grenadine Shawls imported. 1,000 Pure - White Barege Shawls. 600 Pure White liernani Shawls. 500 - 33 aye or Striped Barege Shawls. Shepherd Plaid Spun Silk Shawls. Rock Spun Silk Shawls—a new lot. Tamartine Shawls, consigned to us. Travellers supplied - with Woolen Shawls Alen's Shawls, large size. - ..E'Y .1R 12.", ♦ I.,ASNEII4II-‘l,, FOURTH AND ARCH. 1.P..3:---Particntar attention paid to Sttangorn visiting '.t,hi-crity during. the Sanitary Fair. Itit—BLACII LACE rai.p . Ts,tmo to $5. iell•amwtt 1001/VIIITE ANI) COLORED S-I.I=`X,AN33 Shetland - Shawls,:-double borders; Purple and Blue Border Shetland Shawls Scarlet' and Black Bordei, Pure White Shetland. Shawl.S. White Lace Shii* - IS. ;White Lace RotrindaS. .Black Lace Shawls. Black Lace Rotundas. White Baregc and CraPe lifaretx Shawls. :Whiteßitrege Circulars.. : Beantiful styles Grenadine Shawls , . Laina. Wool Shawls.... Roek,Sptin. Silk Shawls. Stripe Barege Shawls. .: Plaid Woolen Shawls, for traveling, &e. EDWIN 'HALL it CO: je3o-tbatu Str: ' - CONARD. $ 30 00 •• • • 10 390 90 03 ...••...2600 13 9 •.•:.0,73939 AME RI C ANC A S SIMER-ES. SOOT01:1 FANCIES, SIMAK-MIXED COATINGS, WHITE BAREGE SHAWLS. 11A N 35 s.owt MANTLES. STAPLE DRY GOODS. Ninth andWarket. m7Ls•4nths2m SE . IMIttEIt STOOK CLOSING. 017 T •AT VEDUOtD'..PRIU4S. BUMMER SILKS M. to 611er rutl.,, • • GRENADINES.6Oa. to SI per rant. LAWNS me. to el peiyard. LAWN ROBES REDUCED to SS. SITSIMER POPLINS REDUCED. Allldado of - • SUMMER' DRESS GOODS REDUCED, iele.tbsion • . 2.6,80uth SECOND Wee BLACK SILKS. BLACK SILKS. - • 30. ADVANCE IN. PRICES: We aro itlll Belittle our Black Silks at the came prices as we did early In the season, notwithstanding the re cent advanotf. - MANTLE SILKS, ALL WIDTHS. Plain Silks, all colors, $1.3) to $5.75. Fancy Silks, $1 to $2.13/ Rich heavy, handsome Fancy Silks,s2.B7 to $6.30. Rich Cherie Silks, at C5.97,ig, worth 1t3.20. I d • I at i 3 24, N. " at $4.75, " at " $7. 10 pieces smell Plaid Sian, at i)1.25. worth $l.BO. H. STEEL ',lc SON. Nos. 713 and 715 N. TENTH Street. Q_4 WHITE. BAI.IEG,ES FOR SEIA.WLS, Circulars , &c. B:4'Wkilte . ifernani. • . • 64 White Gauze Maretz. • 8.4 White Crepe Murata. • 8.4 Black liernanl Baregea. 8-4 Black Tamartinos. 8.4 Black Ravages. ' 5.4 13Iack Crape Elarets. 6-4. BlucrDe-Laities. 6-4,Whlte Merlnoea. • 11-4-Black Matinees. EDWIN HALL & CO.. JeSO 26 South 'SECOND Street. EMAIL DE PARIS," FOR THE SKlN.—This delightful preparation is mo dally recommended to ladies about visaing the country or sea shore, for removiug the diecoloratione caused by sunburn or salt air. The 'Small de Paris" Is en dorsed and universallneed by the ladies of the French capital. Ei3oEn JOINN, No. 111 S. TEXTH Street, below Chestnut, Agent for l'Email de Paris. ien-lmil BARGAINS. sl.oo.Melton Cassimeres. E 2. eoMarseilles Quilts. .50 5-4 Damask Table Cloths, • • .00 810 Damask Table Cloths. 29.ccot neat.Piald Lanos. 50-cent 4 4 Plaid Memo atones. $l.OO Mullah's, colors and black. 50-cent Black Wool Potatoes. 62. cent Plain Wool Delaines. 83.00 Black Shawls. • 85.00 Plaid Lama COOPER ShawIs. & COWARD, 8. R. cor. ElliTYl and MARKET Streets. T_TARRIS' MIXED CA.SSIMERES. Light mixed Cansimeres, for boys' bolts. Melton and Plaid Carsimeres. Merino Caseinieres and Cashmeretts. Linen Drills; Satinets, and Cottonades. Ladies' Cloaking Clothe, choice shaded. Loom and Damask Table Linen. cheap. Towels, Towelling. and Napkins. 4,ftrge astortanent at JOHN K. STOKES', e 7. . . . . . 102 ARCH Street • The attention ofLADIES VISITING THE CITY, or those about "LEAVING IT for 'Watering Places,' or ' the Country," is respectfnliy invited to the extensive clock of NVUITh HOODS, suitable for SUMMER WEAR, for WHITE BODIES, MORNING WRAPPERS; &e. An extensive assortment to offered in Lace and Worked Edgings and Insertings Veils, Haudkerchiefs, Collars Sleeves , and in plain and fancy Plaid. Stripen,and Figured White OoodsAT PRICES MULH BELOW THEIR PRESENT RETAIL VALUE, 100 Printed Linen Cambric Dresses. 100 pieces Puffed, Tucked, and Striped dinslira. BRYANT, STRATTON.... & .BANNIS TER'S STATE AND NATIONAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, S. E. Corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets • '1 be comae Of Sustrnetion in this institution has direct reference to the require ciente of business. The princi pal branches pursued aro Bookkeeping In all its depart ments and applications, Commercial Arithmetic, Com mercial Law, Badness Penmanship, Easiness Corre spondence. and Telegraphing. THE TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT la fitted up with regular line instrumento, both for sound and paper.and is under the charge of an experienced operator, who devotes his whole time to this branch. Young men who desire to qualify themselves for busi ness are Invited to cull and examine our facilities for Commercial instruction. The now Clrcnlar fur 166.1 can be obtained by calling at the College, or addressing us by Mall. • j 3,2-21 T THE ORPHANS' . COURT .OF THE I N CITY AND - COUNTYof PHILIDELPFUL Estate of MARY QUINCEY ALLEN, a minor. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, softie. and adjust the acconut of HENRY W. A REY,guardian of the estate of MARY QUI NCEY ALLEN', minor . , and to eport distribution of the balance in the hands of said accountant, will meet the parties loterested, for the purposes of his apuointneut. on WEDNESDAY, July 13th, MI, at 4 o'clock P. 31 al lila office, No. 507 RACE Street, in the city of Philadelphia. jy2-stutbst. WOMB 'AND LIQUOI/t& 50 . 'BARRELS' YOUNGER'S LLB ' Bt. Anne's Breirory, W jug'. a store, sad for oak by WILLIAM H. YRATON & 00., sob 5101 Noah FRONT SOW. 100 CASES PINET, OLSTILLON, 00'8 COO/40 BRANDY, landing from Mg "Louis," from Bordeaux.. For ea se by WILLIAM 0. YliaTON & 00.. ap6 ., 1401 South. FRONT Strad a. LOOMNG GLASSES. 'JAMES S. EARLE & SON. ' dace now in store a very Jae assortment of LOOKING GLASSES. of every character, of the VERY BEST 111NUPACTOBB AND Letter STYLES. OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVIDTG9 I :. $D PICTURE AND PHOTOGRAPH PRANIN. • IVrONUMEN,TS AND GRA.VE wx BTONES.—A large meortment of Grave-Ekonse, or various designs, Tundoof the finest Italian and American .Marble, conk:lndy on baud at the Marble Works of ADAM STEINMETZ, RIDGE Avenue, below Eleventh street. Pbtladelals. . apIT-Sulif CARD.-W: G. BEDFORD WOULD reopoctfolly urge that MR old-establifthen Real Fatale OinC4), at No. 1913 CALLOWHILL Street, io GOOD PLACE, for the *eta or purchase of property and lbe collection of bons° and count rents, dm. Rood fur reference*, • JUST RECEIVED, TO CLOSE OUT E. M. NEEDLES. I LIP-* SA; t4-0,;-17L-47.741- EDIUCATIONAL". LEGAL. NEW PUBLICATIONS. BIOGRAPHIES BUCCESSFUL PIIILADE'LPHIA. MERCHANTS. rIIRMSE(ED BY JAMES K. SIMON, No. 33 SOUTII SIXTH STREET, PUILADELPRIA. TheaY MR:MAPS R.% are carefully compiled, ?eta Interesting inattlen to of the career of somo of tho fore xrsoet commerclui men of Ode community. Pirti-seven Pormouttl hketeboN are comprised in the Work, together with an Introduction and an Raga) , on "Thimioxah PROSPFNUTT re MrotomiNra." Illustrated:with coyeral accurate PON:LRAMs ON STIOn— "Every Philadelphian should main!, a copy of this WORK'. jyt-2t i i pATRIOTTC AND STIRRING." T 1 - 1 r, IiGT,E BT, A li-15 OR, tI)F TILE CONFLICT NAVAL AND MILITARY EXPLOITS, DASHING RAIDS. THRILLING ROMANCES, DEROIC DEEDS, DESPERATE CONFLICTS,. EXCITING CAPTURES, NARROW ESCAPES, SKETCHES, POEMS, INCIDENTS, ANECDOTES, and everythirM of itthrest connected with the war from the bombardment of Sumpter to the preeent time. By A DELIGHTFUL BOOK NOR SUMMER READING. Cloth, $1,50. Paper Cover Just published by JAMES (MALLEN 'st sON, 1308 UUNSTNUT Street. For sale ball Booksellers. AGENTSWANTED. BY THE AUTHOR OF BEULAH I*l.2ht lyfAcAitiA, ' 41.2 5 t 1.2.0.! MAOARIA, 81,2 51 1. Ei! AtACARIA. ' 1E.26! $1.26! DIAGAELA, A. 1.251 4.251 MACARtA, 11.'151 BY AUOGSTA .T EVANS. PITEITEE'a, SOS CHESTNUT Streak, Alt navy , books sold at a dloconnt. ja27-mws3t COBILIFISSION BOUSES. THE ATTENTION OF THE TRADE 4 called to OVE STOOL OF SAXONY WOOLEN CO. all-wool Frain Flannels. rwiLLED FLANNELS, Variorums:ken in Gray, Searle;, and Dark Bine. ?HINTED SHIRTING FLANisrus. PLAIN OPERA-FLANNELS. BLACK COTTON WAIF CLOTHS. 15. 16, 17, 18. 10, 29, 21. 'M os; FANCY CAESILIERES AND SATINET'S. BALMORAL SKIRTS, all Grades. 7.IOTTON GOODS, DENIMS, TICKS, STRIFES, SHIRT INOfii front various Mills. BE COVEUT„t HAMILTON, & EVANS, I,3 , LRTITIA Street, and feV-wsmtsett 32 South FRONT Strut SHIPLEY, HAZARD & HIITCHINRON, No. I.IS CHESTNUT STREP.T, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 70A THE SALM OP 301.4-6m3 PITITA.P7.I. - PHIA-MADS GOODS. ARMY GOODS. FROTHINGEAM & WELLS HEAVY:, MEDIUM, AND LIGHT SHEETINGS AND SHIRTING& STANDARD DRILLS. BEAVT CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND. VICTORY CA3IBRICS AND 1111.1121AS_ BROWN, BLEACHED. AND CORSET JEANS, No. 12 WORdTED YARN, &a PAPER. HANGLNGS. .ARCIE ASSORTMENT OF PAPER- Aa HANGINGS. T. J. COOKE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN, PAPER ITA_INTGrINGIS, No. 602 ARCH Street, Second Door above SIXTH, South Side. The attention of the Public Is Invited to ht, LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT Or PAPER gANGINGS, Embracini all qualities, from • OM CENTS TO TRIVPINEST GOLD AND VELVET DECORATIONS. • .Also, as entirely new article of . • GOLD AND SILK PAPERS, moilmwtr 3011? 111110BMID; GENTS' FURNISH:DIG GOODS. THE IMPROVED PATTERN SHIRT. WAR/LUMID TO PIT AND OMB SATISFACTION BUDS BY JOMIEN C. ARRISON, NOS. .1 AND 8 NORTH. SIXTH STREET, DEANUFACTDRER AND DEALER IN fiEVARKIIIPS FOE FOIIIOI6IILNO 000106. CONSTANTLY ON BAND, LINEN, MUSLIN, and. FLANNEL SHIRTS and DRAWERS, COLLARS, STOCKS. TRAVELLINO SHIRTS. TIES. WRAPPRRS, &c., OF MB OWN MANUFACTURE. ADO. sOSIRRY OLOirES, SCAB.FS. EMISPENDICES, HANDKEEM3I3II, SHOULDER BRAM 7ka, be , . Gold at ressotalle prise& sPIS-6m 825 411 CH STREET. 825 REMOVAL. G. L 1101 THAN, FIRST PREMIUM SHIRT •A:1111 WRAPPZII }LANUFACTORT, LIM GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING EMPORIUM, E/IMOTID 7.110 X we /awe aunt TO Tee law STORE. 825 - .A.llOll STRE E T. 825 framw6m F INE BURT. MANUFACTORY. The subscribers would Invite attention to thelf IMPROVED CUT OF Sanaa% which they make a specialty in their bnsinem. Also. soutantly receiving NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. . J. W. SCOTT 6 00., GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, lal7•tf Four doom below the Continental. tin JJ I CABINET FURNITURE Lxr• BIL LIARD TABLES. • MOORE & CAMPTON, No. 261 SOUTH SECOND STREET, In connection with their extensive Cabinet brusinese,are aow manufacturing a anperior article of BILLIARD TABLES, ind have now on hand a fall supply, finished with the MOORE Sr CA)3II"ION'S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, ,htch are pronounced by all who have used them to bianperier to all others. For the quality and finish of these. Tables, the manufacturers refer to their nutne cons patrons throughout the Union, who are (scatter with the character of their arctic. aulil-Rm EIILLIKERY,VOODS. )11138 1 A. 'BAKER, • • • Zit 1346 CHESTh VT STREET, Bu ()puled PARIS a large aNERY, 44, ssortment of apl4-Bm* • For the Spring and Slimmer of 11364. STATIONERY & BLANK BOOKS. OIL COMPANY DIRECTORY—CON tainIng a List of Companies, their °dices., President°, Treasurers, and Secretaries, we are also prepared tO furnish New Compatties with CERTIFICATES OF STOCK, TRANSFER BOOK, ORDER OF TRANSFER, STOCK LEDGER, STOCK LEDGER BALANCES, REGISTER OF CAPITAL STOCK, DIVIDEND BOOK, BROKER'S PETTY LEDGER, ACCOUNT OF SALES, Of good materials and at Low Prices. MOSS CO:, T HE "EXCELSIOR" HAMS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD NONE °BRUNE UNLESS BRANDED "3. 11. I. &_0(1.;711111.111. UCELSIOL" J. H. MIOXI.VNER & 00., GENERAL PROVISION ,DEALERS, CURIES DE THE CELEBRATED 46 VAX C S 0 " SUGAR-CMIED HAMS. Poe, 142 and 144 North FRONT Street. Between Arch and Race streets, Phlladelrhta. The jnellycelebrated "EXCELSIOR" HAMS an (ured by J. H. Id. (1( Co. (In a style peculiar to them •elees) expressly for FAMILY USE, are of delicious Pacor, free from the unpleasant tuete of salt, and are pronounced by (+pleura superior to any now offered, for sale. • • . . • . my26-tothsSm (4REAT CENITAL,TALII—STEREO ,-. scam pictures of the interior and exterior, viz: Union Avenue, Pine Art Gallery, Horticultural Depart ment. Anne and Ti nobles. - Firemen's Dettartment,. the Contested 'sword, the Class Engine. the Thousand-dol lar Baby House, the Union Vase, the Jacquard Loom. the Old Dutch Kitchen, the Penn Parlor, the Carriage Department, the Engine Department, Large Dining Room, Rubber and Ontta Parana Department, Philadelphie Rine Club, Furniture and Carriage De partment, Agricultural Department. the John Stevens, the first steamboat on the Hudson; New Jersey De• Imrtment, Photograph Department, Labor; Income, and Revenue Department; Autograph and Rolle De partment, the Indians. Children's Department, Dela ware Deportment, Exterior Views of the Entrances. &c., , Jen., &c., Ste hicALLISTEP. & BROTHER. Jyl-fit 728 CHESTNUT Street. gel DRUMHEAD CA.I3BAGE PLANTS, : - ..ll—hy the hundred and thousand. at DII,EF.WF. BUD WAR6ROUSE.7I4CHESTItUTStreet. WARIMOUSE. CHESTA UT Stm i t. YI-V David Evamts,pf the /I'M V' Etermq Irrtf arm: It 'would acorn front your late notice in ti, Telegraph and' other newspapers that you have opened a school of 'nett notion for testing Lillie-a Chilled-Iron Sare,acting,as pret anubla a two-fold capacity—first, as the inetructor of thieves !wood, tat the protectortbf tho people—two reryreeppnviNe POsitinatt, truly, „Now,as we are verY desirous to aid yow in every way in this important work, (important to the thief that he may not uselessly employ his time or criminally expole Ms per, on ; important to the people that rhoymay know and reel that their treasures are ceetire,P we propose, in the future, to warrant every Bank Safe that may be hold by our Agent at Philadeiphia proof ugainat your scientific attainments the art of birtiary, and yort have so dt,yintm'earedty volunteered tell/3track and enlighten the inirchm and protect the people M illie art, we shall take lip liberty to give volPilately noticed' the arrival of erten:Safe and we not r,rdy tusk lon to ten each Safe on rdeir arrival upon year new scientific plan; as publicit announced, but we claim that wo. have the right to insist upon rotr-q:94, Position as "a public teacher aMI' l'ameraotori and if'tlt;n. - Ss not a anllialtnt reason, wo Irave Kill another to tike. Your rre,.ent facilities for a .eatisfactory teet, efry deficient, as you have but one very imperfect Satee - by operate upon, end if you accept' our propoultion, your field of operations will be man enlarged, and your efforts may prove ranch more Ktiltract, - sry to the public. We now admit, an wo ever hare, if you succeed to . _ grind or drill a hole through the door to the front or the lock, at any point, it in fatal,nnd if done in any way practical to the burglar, the Ohio is nit burglar- The lint safe wo shall expout yorrto test, an above proposed, Isis Safe j - nnt salered fora , bank to the in terior of the State. We expect It to arrive in l'bikadel- Phia,.and to be ready for a ton, on Motr't'•e47, the 10th of Tut y„ at le o'clock A. M., and sheald there be an v.delay In its arrival it will be announced to titne. We tract You - will buyeatly for this test. iiespeatrally, LEWIS 'LILLIE 84 SON'. M. C. SA Diailt, Agent. jyl-It • 21 South SEVENTH Street- THE, COPARTNERSHIP fore existing between INSh.'ESP Ai TRUEFITT is this day dissolved by mutual coussul The-business of the lets firm willbe settled by -W.-li. Insiieep, at No. 241 CHESTNUT' Street, Philadelphia. W. IT. 3. C. TRUEFITP. PRILADZLPfirtc, Slay 1, 1564. • J C. TRUBFITT WILL CONTIMFE V • the Commission Business as heretofore; at. the same place, - .2-1-14 CH PSTPT UT Street; nage r the name of 3. C. TEUEFITT & CO. GADELPITTA; Ally 1, 1S&I. jy?;:tt ELTE PUBLIC WILL PLEASE TAIkE NOTICE that fliP Partnership bererofcrn exi4ing 'between NIMROD- WOOLERr JAS. CRAIG has this day been diesolv.toi bytnninal. etineeat.- The y..trt nership busineSB will be eettle.l by JAS CRAIG, at the Wtu Penn fietei r 831 MARKWP Street, where' the' .business will be continued- by JA`;.CRAIG. NIROD woo E.,swr,. - J52-2t. JAMES ORAL°. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETO= -A- FORE exiating botween C. C. LOWER and Fli W. RANK, in the Whoksate Tobacco linsines. under the Arm of LOWER & ANit, is this day dissoltiod by EMI.- tufi/ consent. The btteiness of the lat. nun will be set tled by either of the partneri at .N 0.1.10 North THIRD: PHILADELPHIA, July 1,. 1954., H. W. RANK, of the late firing 'Lower & Rank, will' continue the boAneso beretorose, at same place H. W. RANK, PRILADELPIITA, Ja17.3;•1513-1 jyl DISSOLUTION' OF COPARTNER: SHIP.—The firarofALTEMUS & COZENS was dis solved on the ith day allay. 1564, by mntaal consent, end WILLIAAt B. N. 00ZENS authorized is Pet tie np the busium he:dug parohmeed. G eorge W. Alternus' tereet. in said GEORG-E. W. ALTEM.U.i, WILLIAM 8.. X. COZENS. WILLIAM' B. N. COZENS continues the bnoineee end admits to an interest in his basins;, from this date, WM.. B. HENRY and- DAVID PILSON, trading UM WILLIAM B. N. COZENS Sr CO. WILLIAM B. N. .COZENS.. PHILAIN:LPUTA, June 80e3564. THE FIRM OF SHIPLEY: HAZARD, a HUTCHINSON. in thLs day diatailTed mutual connect, Samuel R. Shipley retiring. The business will he continued by the remaining partners ander the name of HAZARD & HUTCHINSON. The business of the lake Artu will be settled by L either HIP af the undersigned. • SAMUE R. SLEY, SPENCER IL HAZARD. PEMBERTON S. HUTCHINSON. PHIMSDELPATA, 31.1ty 1. 1564. jylrdt` THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE ASSO CIATED themselveti together under the firm of BOLTON. DYKESIAN,At CU.. and will continue the Car Building business-in all its branches at the old establishment, corner TWENTY-FIRST and TOR Streets. JOS. R. BOLTON, LUKENS & HAYNES HAVE THIS DAY DISSOLVED PARTNERSHIP 1, - ; mutual conFent. Settlements will be made, as heretofore, at No. 51 South YOURTII•Street. EDWARD LUKENS. June 21, 1564. fl7l-St•l HENRY H. HAYNES. PHILADELPHIA, ' JULY 1, 1864- PARTNERSHIP.—I have THIS DAY adulated CHARLES W. SCIIWARTZ, JOHN G. KELLEY. AL BERT GRAFF, JOHN M. SIMPSON, and OWEN F. HUBER to an Interest iamy business under the name of A. H. FRAXCISCUS & CO. jyl-6t A. H. FRANCISCUS, 513 MAREET Street. pc M. BROOMALL RETIRES FROM • the firm of S. I`. AUGE & Co., and SIMON SNY DER, formerly of Hamman , Snyder, dc Co., becomes a partner from this date. jyl-St* lIISSOLUTION.-THE COPARTNER SHIP existing between the enbecrib43rs, ender the name and style of BROOKS. SCOTT. & CO., Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. EDW. D. BROOKS. JAS. W. T. SCOTT. PRILADELYZIA, May 31, 1561. The cnde7slgned have this de., formed a Copartner ebip for the transaction of the DRT-000DS COMMIS SION, at 109 CHESTNUT Street, Philadel phia, under the name and style of BROOKS. SCOTT, S ORATE. EDW. D. BROOKS. JAS. W. T. SCOTT, EDW. GRATZ, Ja. Just 1. It6l. Ic2l-61.-m3l tiTla2 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE Standard Illstory of the War. 1. rare chance to make money. Agents are clearing from $lOO m VOA) per month. 209,003 volumes already cold. Send for circu lars. Address JONES, BEOS., & Co., Pablishers, BAL TIMORE, Md. iel3-Im* WANTED -TWENTY GOOD WHEELWRIOTS AND WAGON-MAKERS ; steady, reliable men wanted, and steady employment. Apply to HEART SIMONS, 11 S. National Wagon Works. je3o-31,* SECOND and CUMBERLAND Streets. • WANTED -A CUTTER ON PAPER BOXES; one that anderAtande the hnsineas: No. 13 South YOURTII Et. GEORGE BATES. jeSl-3t• ri TO LOAN ON MORT SI6,OOm.GAGE, at 53; per cent. S. W. _THACKARd & SON. 3030-St* 24-4 South THIRD Street. ge DWELLING HOUSE WANTED.— WANTED TO RENT. fiir the coming year. a well. furnished Hoare, situated between Chestnut and Pine and Tenth and Seventeenth Streets. Apply immediately to LEWIS. BOARDMAN, & WHARTON, '438 ROT Street STATIONERS, 432 CHESTNUT Street EIRE-PROOF SAFES. „i n LILLIE'S CHILLED IRON SAFE, "Not dead, but COPARTNERSTrirns... Jimrl,la4 COPARTIVBRSHIP WANTS. PSIIOEMANERS. —W A NTED— Gdod BANDS to Last and Finish on all kinds of work, men and women's; fair wages and steady em plo) moot. B P. ItIOLLNBABX. 40S COMMERCE Street, Fourth Story. N. B. —A man to rob down and turn Boot-legs. jyl-St* WANTED -A. BOY •IN A. CLOTH Store; reference required; 36 South SECOND Street. WANTED .-THE GEN'TLE3Ta who purchased a Hanging Basket at the Wm Penn Parlor. Great Central Fair, will please call fur hie property at '127 BROWN Street. . lt• WANTED -A SITUATION AS BOOK KEEPER or SALESMAN by a Man of bruiness tact and experience. with rood reference, Address "Frost," Press Office. jyi-2t• WANTED -A SITUA.TION AS AS, sistant Secretary or General or Corresponding Clerk. A Manufacturing Establishment or Printing Office preferred. Testimonials as to character and ability. Address "W. B. D.," this office. jyl.-2t` WANTED -THREE SUBSTIT U TES of good fighting qualities, for the Army of the Potomac, to represent a gentleman exempt from mili tary duty. Apply at 205 WALNUT Sl , Phila_ je3a•tf $6O A MONTH 1-I WANT AGENTEI at TM a meath.exPensee paid, s. !ell my EVZ&• LASTING' PENCILS, ORIENTAL BURNERS, and 15 other articles_ Fifteen etrenlare sent free. Address ap3o-dawBm JOHN F. LORD. Biddeford, Maine. WANTED—TO RENT, FURNISH =SD 11013611 Apply to R. B. GROESBECK; Conti nental Hotel. ' je3o.3t• FOR SALE AND TO LET. TO 'LET - TRH SECOND. THIRD, .FOITETH; :AND FIFTH Floors of the Speclone EnlhHes. #O. 221 STREET IIdhIEDIATS POSSESSION , GLEN. '.Apply on the premises to ' • • • i7l-2V • tees. 0. wIORTWN k • A ••• STORE STAND :;; -OW G t 5 ill health. I offer far male my entire stock of STORE GOODS AND FIXTURES, eltuated as VILLAGE GREEN, Delaware county, Pa.. four and a • bale miles from Chester, and two and a half miles from Glen Rid dle Station, on the Philadelphia. Media, and West Chester Railroad, where a good business has been, and can . be, done. Terms easy. 33,2-St•lp .TOS. E. SOHiSON. f el FOR SALE-A DESIRABLE RESI DENCE. situated on WOODLAND TERRACE. Also. a DeW DWELLING, with modern couvouisaeas situated at MANTUA, mar Jue Kelley's. Apply to RORT mica REGOR. • 4 W WALNUT Street.: •• a FOR SAL E-A - LAEGE 'AND Walwall-bullt DWELLING DOGES, slum° No. 915 Green street, three stogies front and back. having all the modern conveniences, stood, yard , Sic. Terms ac commodating. Possession given by the 10th Inst. For particulars apply at 600 N. TENTH St. ry2-4t• inFOR SALE-CHEEP AND HIGH- Iy-tmproved Maryland FARM, containing 1,01) acres, 400 acres of which are excellent timber; the bal ance in a high state of cultivation. Situate on the Chickamacomico river, Dorchester conuty,.eight miles from the county-town. Cambridge. Five seta of large farm Improvenieuts;. Store and Dwelling, extensive wharf. &a. Price only 445,000. For particulars apply to Ciii) E. PETTIT, 323 WALNUT Street. $5,000 TO $lO,OOO TO LOAN LT 5 if flue jTI-30 M per cent. FOURNII.Bc.,:-. BOARDING. OARDING:—TWO SECOND-STORY R town TO LET. at 132 North TENTH St. jag-tr PERSONAL: P • • ERSONAL -PATBNTP UNITED STATES and BURMAN, procured y j7^_ -3t• B. BROWN. 31.1 WALNCIP Straei. PERSONAL. -JET BALL EAR -a- DROPS, 60 cent& OILS RAOI Stiroet. J7l-21° LOST Al%'D -FOUND. T DST On MISLAID -A POLICY OF INSURANCE. issued by the Spring Garden inn illllol Company . No. 470, dated June 25,1 tl. By return- WARREN Nemo a callable reward will be paid. , 318 N. EtORTEENTR Street. ie22,waler IT EATON it DEN OKLA, HARDWARE . .COMIISSIOI , I DIERCIIAIiTS. 507 cORNBROP and MO NORTH Stream, offer for axle: Anchor Brand Balla; Plymouth Mil Rivets. .11 S. Butcher's Cant Steal; Style Cabinet Lollar. Platnam'a Hnree Nails; Locke's bebool Slates. Copper,Brays. and Iron Wire; Cotton Cards. • 11 aa ..ortmoet. n 1 imseleau Werdwava 14.631.11 /20:311.11ER COIIPLA.LNT, DiA2RIICEL., K-7 llyeentery, and all disordenfot the Bowels rolieted at once by the use or Jardetla's Syrup or Blaultterry Root and Rhubarb. Entirely r y e ? G rit, slit take% N- WlL ° . ' 4 ' . ` kr) r iNt s kaiS r i e Ni and Off BBL& PIJBE OLP...TERBEXATTLE WHISKY, fur sato bY •''. S P. MIDDLETON, tort FRONT Stroat. ART GALLERY, GRAND COLLECTION OF PICTURES ON EgTEDITION FOR d FEW DAYS LONCIM The Gallen' will be opened to the public an every :reek day. ;le ti.l fn ether notice, from 3 A. X. tole P. M. on and atter VI,E - .."0.18.DA1 . , June 2.4. Sea.on Tickets , to 3%1y B, inelnidve, 5.) cents. Admittance 25 oent. 1. Catalogues 25 ermth, To v Al g w envy br, AIN A Dti E, tents ftra A:drnittan co only at t'bi centre door on Vine C.jIWVER'S N'.-SW_ C; 11E S T.NIJ T - •••• STREET THEATR. LEONARD GROVEY ••• • • • ......... ••• • • MANA 0 Oda,' cf Grover% The. ltre, Virash:ngtori. 1). C..) COOL AND OOMFOR!, CABLE AT ALL TIYES. THE CENTRIFUGAL F.A.N. tri OPERATION NIG fi TUE CONTINUED AND EN' 711usra8Tro SUCCESS of ti ae„ CORO2OUSLY BRILLI AAT PRODUCTION, THE NEW SEV EN SISTERS. IMPORTANT EX`I 7 P-k NO TIC& GRAND DOUBLE P ERPORSIANCE, THlS . lBa,tvrd ay) AFTER NOON and EVENING, When the entire bpectecte at. 'I be presented, with au the flew Scenes, New Char act New Dances, &t.. e .which Ne ere recet ve, len theft - former Repre sentations Kith: unbounded Dc ma rntrations of Do: ecb.c. J. E. MGDOI.IOIr 6 H. In. bin , inimlte hie int PPr.Watttioit of MOTHi.P. P.LUI PRICES OF AD3 riSSI:92r: Dress Circle or Zareosc f..) Ornate. Family Circle. sl Csots. Orche. tra Sew, 7.5 Cure. Six of the Front. Seethes only a re rs..erv.,4 no Orahee. tra Seats. No exixa ohm ge for Se curing Seats. GRAND 4th, PAT )AN IO D LAST WRTD3 LAST NCE T"O3E : 5 7 MONDAY? ARCII-STREET T:HEA-TRE. NOTICE'EXTRAOR.DriYARY. - BENEFIT OF LOT! 'A. THE CELEBRATED CALIFORRNIA coxiirrraTrocir, Pronounced by Fife •RD tiTe yfrf.e^, and pobiic to be the moot versntile yonngacrrPPs of the pr...,ent YOUT11; 11 - EAUTT, TIVAtIITY. THIS (SA TIITRDAY) EVEN/ Nil. Jnl72d, . The performance 'mill commence wit e. ram's great Tragedy of --, BIANCA - .Mrs. C. ECIRR. 1iA7.10 C. BARTON RILE. After which Mies LOTTA will appear tit. her i. - 94' Bitift:TO , SOLO, - 3rld eing the Le,rtli 11re — ball ' ad of iA4I' vLS‘E E 1 To be followed by theS 3 r F amul zF" e S%N 4 THE 6r r-FoR•NOTH ' ' ING. romDIBBII STUART R.113.50,y :tax Ifie4' OTTA The whole to conclude with LOTTA'S groat pir7414:412,. :ton of TOPST, In which the will , dance a "Comic Hornpipe" an kaing "Coon lll:toting. - boar original with her. GO AND SEE CALIFORNIA'S GOLD -DROP. WALNUT STREET THE ziTRE.— Tweifthuittht or-the eminent Tragedian, SIR. J. ROBERTS. and the beautiful versatile actress. ALENIDd'PISRER BAKER. THIS (Saturday) SVDNIINIG July 2. a grand tionblo Eilterthipment J.S. ROBERTh as Sir Edward Mortimer. in Coleman's Play of THE IRON CHEST. ALEN/NA FISHER BAKER as 'Wilford, and the splendid Specta cular Drama of FA US7 AND MARGUERITE—Mr. J. B. Roberto as Menhistopheleot Atexina Fisher Baker as Marguerite. Supported h 7 the entir e cempac3,. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH- J- -a- STREET TITEATRE. BENEFIT OF MISS LOTTA. SIXTH-NIGHT 09 CECILE RUSH. TO-NIGHT (Saturday) Jay 2, 1.564, PATIO. GEO ft in - 0. W. CHILDS. jyl.•lni.• ._ _. BiRIICII Cecile lio.h_ Fazio Barton Rill. After which. THE GOOD FOR NOTHING. Nan. (with songs) ' AfiSs Lott& Tom Stuart Roboot TOPS! ONG I .arelcll i n th ad he BY MISS 1 KG THE COON. 1.101714 TA! P HILADELPHIA NATATORIUM AND PHYSICAL INSTITUTE, BROAD Street. below Walnut. . Ja.NeEN respectfully reminds Ladies and Gentle men. contemplating leaving for the Sea-shorn or Water ing places, that from 4 to 10 lessons in many C-2.8.36 hays been sufficient to enable his pupils to become good swimmers. To those preyentod by • business to leave the city, or who prefer home comforts to crowded hotels on the sea-side, he would say that the NATATO .IIIUM his always been considered the best snhstitute to any common-sized ocean. jeM-61' ART GA-LLERY, LAN SQUARE. FOURTH OF JULY. The ART GALLERY of the GREAT CENI4tAL FAIR will be open to the public, on July 4th, from S A. M. until 10 P. 31. Admittance, 25 cents. I'HE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, A- CHESTNUT htreet, above Tenth, is OPEN DAME. for visitors, from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. a dr oi t GRAND PLEASURE CURSiONS TO LAKE SUPERIOR. —One of the following splendid flnit-class esteamere, Ttl CLEVELAffIo, ILLINOIS, NOUTHERN T, IROD CITY, TRAVELER, SIISTROR, IKON SIDES_ LAC LA BELLE, and PEWABIC, will leave CLEVELAND, Ohio, at 8 o'clock P. M. each day of the week, escepi Saturday and Sunday, and Detroit, Michigan, on the following days at o'clock P. DI, through the months. of JULY and AUGUST, making Grand Excursion Trim. to the many points of interest on the Great Inland Sear of America,whicb, for utility. pleasure, and onsurpassed by any other on the Continent. This trip of over 1,000 miles embraces six degrees en latitude, and eleven of longitude, and includes in iz circuit Lakes Erie, St. Clair, Huron, and Superior, wilt tbebeantifttrivers Detroit, St. Clair and St. Mary', The man and extensive minearef iron and copper unequaled y any in the world, with the newly-dtr covered and inviting deposits of silver lead, witd and romantic scenery, combined with its pore and brooklet, climate, render the Lake Superior tripone of. far more. than ordinary attraction to the capitalist, the student the pleasure-seeker, or the invalid. The above-named steamers are elegantly. fitted nal with large airy Cabins and State-Rooms, while every precaution has been taken to provide, for the safety a.. comfort of passengers. Fare. including State- Rooms and Moals, abo at 2. 1 4 cants pesmlle.Time occupied in making the round trip, from S to 10days. Rooms secured, and further information obutined, application to proprietors. ROBT,HANNA S: HUSSEY Sr Moil/UPI:L.'? }Cleveland. Ohio. J.T WHITING Sr Co., } Detroit Vichtgaa. JOHN HUTCHINGS. - • je2l4 anti 2 7- KE: Lake Ontario, The Thousand Islands. The Rapids of St. Lawrence River, Montreal, Qnebec, &e., &e. Tickets for the above Excursions, which have beet so long and favorably known to the Philadelphia Pub lic, by varions routes to Niagara Pal for sale at tka PHILADELPHIA AND EL3IIRA RAIROAD TICICES OFFICE, northwest corner SIXTH and CHEST :MY Streets, where frill Information will be riven. N. VAN HORN, Ticket Agent. JOHN S. HILLES, General Agent. THIRTEENTH and CALLOWRILL Streets. mylo-tnthetiyl 186 , 4 CAMDEN AND AT- . 1864 LANTIC RAILROAD. &MIXER ARRINGEVENT-THROUGH IN TWO HOURS. YOUR TRAINS DAILY TO ATLANTIC CITY. Oa and after MONDAY. July 4th, trains leave TINS. street Perry as follows: Freight, with passenger car attached Express (through in two hours). Atlantic A CCoM od Idiot ...... Junction Accommodation....... RETUENINO, leaves. Atlantic . . Atlantic Accommodation 6.45 A M.. Express 7.05 A. M. Freight 11.50 A. M. Mail 4.48 P. IL Junction Accommodation 5.22 A. M. Fare to Atlantic. .$2.. Round-trip Tickets (good only for the day and train on which they are issued), 1.3. EXTRA 11A DDOIVFIELD TRAINS Leave -Vine street at 10.15 A. M. and IP. K. Leave Eaddondeld at 11.45 A. M. and 2.45 P. M. OX SUNDAYS, . . Mall train for Atlantic leaves Tine street at 7.30 A. N. Leaves Atlantic at 4.43 P. M. JNO. 0. BItTANT, Agent. The bar which formed last year has entirely disap peared, leaving the beach one of the most delightful 04 the coast. Je3o•tael FOURTH OP JULY AT ATLANTIC. will Tickets sold on the 2d SA, end 4th of July, will be good to return on any train on or before rho 6th. .1830-4 t SEA BATIIING. ar-fi..-.1„ 0 it 0 BRANCH—Faro St 00 Tickets sold and baggage checked through from Phila delphia to Long Branch. On and after MONDAY, June tr, passengers for tb.g above kelebrated watering ,place will take the Camden and Amboy Railroad line from Walnut street wharf, al 2 o'clock P. 11, every day, (excejot Sundays) for Free hold, from thence by_stages for Long Branch, arriving. about telt past 7 P. M. The road from Freehold to Long Branch baring been much improved, passengers will find this route pleassat aad expeditious. A new line of comfortable stages will be put on this route for the special accommodation or passengers for Lose Branch THOS. P. BARKALOW, Je27-Bt Stage Proprietor. aglat t at t i RARIT A.N AND - DELAWARE BAY RAILROAD —To Lung Branch, Atsion. Manchester, Tom's River. Bailment, Red Bank. &c. &c. On and after M, DAY next, July 4th. Trains will leave CAMDEN. for LONG BRANCH, at 7.45 A. M.. and 3.30 P. daliy (Sundays excepted). Returning, will leave LOG BRANCH at 6.r. A. M., and &SS THROUGH IN FOUR HOURS DIRECT BY RAIL. A Freight Train with passenger car attached. will start for Stations on the main line, daily, from CAR DEN (Sundays excepted). ark.% A. M. Stages connect at Woodmansie and Manchester for Barnegat and Tom's River. Stages (will also connect at Farmingdale, for Point Pleasant, WWI Village, Blue Ball. and Our Bonne Tavern. • For COLE, at Cooper' further informati s Polr.t Com on apply to den Company's Agent, B._ WM. F. GRIFFITTS, General Superintendent . WEST CHESTER .N • • n . : . JWAD y A MEDIA. FOURTH OP JULY EXCURSION. . Ronnd-trip tickets will be sold between West Chester and Philadelphia good from July Sd to Stls inclusive. Fare for the Round trip, $1 PI 373-4/ HENRY WOOD. Seperintoodent. isig r as t . FROM NEW YORE, FOR NEW HAVEN, HARTFORD SPRIINO- FiEL D. and BOSTON.—The steamers conliziENTAL and ELM CITY leave Peck Slip, But River, daily, eta 16 P. DI. and 11 at Distill je .9m sigth zt FOR ALBANY lasiti•TßOY —via DELAWARE AND RARITAN CA h AL.—The barge "S. FLANAGAN,' Captain W. Cor son. is now loading at the .ttret wharf below Rotate etreet..abd will leave for the above points on WED RESDIV. JULY 6th, at 6P. M. For Freight, which will be taken at reasonable rates. apulT to D. L. FLA NAGAN, Agent. ho. 301 E. DELAWARE Av. ST"--it" STRANGERS VISITING THE cur, eolietted to the facilities of the TINTIT anl MARKET SLEEPER UMBRELLA FACTORY. e24.12t. 404 MONEY TO ANT AMOUNT LOANED noon Diamonds. Watcher. Jawel • Ty, Plate, Clo th ing, Sto., at JONES St CO.'S Old Eatabliabed Loan ORM, ClJrner THIRD and GASKILL Streeta, below Lombard. aplit-Snait citfr) LADIES' TRUSS AND BRACE wroßs--conduetea. b L adies. TWELFTH. Street.. first door below Race. Every article In their line elegant. easy, and correct in mato. C. H. NEB., D LBW, Proprietor, tends to Gentlemen, M me tee corner of TWELFTH and RiCE StreOP!, B. —rolOnal. accuracy iniVed. • AMUSEMENTS CENTRAL PAIR, IT lIAS BEEN DECIDED To* ffmn. THE LOG_kli SQUARE SAN,ITARY COMMISSION EXCURSIONS. ELIGHTFUL BUM- • EXCURSIONS. Saguenay River, Portland, Wbite Monataine, Saratoga Springs, &c., &c., &a. 7.30 A. IL 9.15 A. IL •• 2 W P. Y. • . 4.15 P. IL •• 5.30 P. YL
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