rclul gum a If ho at. ts R♦ um( depul ipnnl , MUSLIN, sad 'FLANNEL SHIRTS and SS, COLLARS, STOCKS, TRAVELLING TIES. WRAPPERS, dm, Sm., OP MS OWN KANUFACTIINR. .11.180, .e come' he literal bnt for air ]Vint 11, "lin the Itch at 01 • that e , inefdo ftoi OtES. SCARFS SIISTIINDERB HANDRSRCHIRFS, .11111/01174118R BRACES. aso., (ilusonsbLe Wm. 3EIIRT . 311.4141firACTORY. mbecrtbers would Invite attention to their IMPROVED CUT OP 131111iTS • make a istrocialty In their business. ALIO, •ecelyins '.TIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. ,J. W. SCOTT 00., , z2l3oltElPs RIPISfING S TORE, • no. ma. curorsur STREET. Poor doors below th e Oontivertua. - nuvos.. itriAtjmoßmAKEß a Co., l a smarm ana Amman" ....:.; ,ESAL.IE PRIJCI6IST% IST ; MB" AID DEAL H 9 IN A '4l % ' 70111110 N AND DOMESTIC LWOW AND PLATE GLASS. I NAN11TA171011.1335 Or . - tia4 ' .'E LEAD AND ENO PAINTS, POTTY, as. Pau l li t ,, , t a a etzt auturre rot- VII OSMIUM Z4 /Ttlfe TRENCH ZINC PAINTS. tt o iv. tilr o thfurp r i era ' ‘J:id sasuseri supplied at "frog writ-Stu VI ET LOW PRICKS 7011 CASH. s ' Jai*, o r the, NET CASH DRUG 11011 ti%, . WRIGHT & SIDDAT T, Estweesi IBollll'and BSCOND Offsets. 0. R. PRIORS.. DHUGTILSTS, psy. rt - ExAL gf Crap of Im yo tent Pres° FATE FABENTIAL OILS. - Tor . Confectiti*l. 111: Pill Twisty,' and of th• Dftt Cochineal, neutral Indigo, Madder Pot Ask. Cud boar, Aim, Oil of Vitriol; Anna to, Copperae, OR OUL of U Lockwood, dm, • ' MB, • Always on land at lowest net cash prices. and du x 10 fah- SULPEaIF, OF LIME, for keeping cider tweet • ; a perfeetlybarmleaspre• nitration, tint milt with fall dixectione for ttligh is Lactates containing andicient for one barrel. ' Orders by 1411 or ally poet will meet with trmyt of vadat quotations will be w moaned. ~ WRIGHT it SIDDA_Livz WAIOMEIALE DRUG W.118340081.' • No, no, mniurwr strpos, exikstbikr.• 41M-tbstalv-fa • • the the Itenr GOODS. IMILLINF.' RV 4 0113.8 - ?AY. L BAKER, mr- • • ' No 13145 bIiESTDIRPT STREET, Oplt lame eseortraeat OL P 8 MILLINSItY, • Yor. the Spring and summit i1f,11%. 7:3 ~ to The dein, spl4-am' (him Dzsoovgar I to. Atte Azta. • MI of NO va ns A gar..Thias. , wiAiiiituz. •; 44. Sad and Shoe Saanfaoteuren. - *Ave 3 001. tWatei 1131 d. ue re*. yrs, Ib7 _employed II be MBAS [toe of the ' , 4„ - Teek PO e t o ,thoil , ifitztj OE,DsIi;OF BTOGE,:1111ft. ISTOCIt*DGER BALANOI43. (114. NANIII/10- from the , utter. BLANK }loop nrag, AND tiTATIONICRY L , All kind s fot teem rrojesekmat, an,Prteete use. tor sae et mte X • W1T4.1/41- *ANN, Btationer, Pthitet, Boot Idato.._2ost,,. myl.-2m k V l* 6°l" IC CLI: I = LOOKING Il# 4 41 1: ' It , JAMES 8. MA - • 14,0 %lir= • Orr" soajja state e.seAtaite • ol • . • t 5 t`l 6 10 . 41 Et. Islip! Irma& 4. 01 491" 1"4".- t 11A549fR -• • isZ e zZ i o li ll ia. /Ants. nz D DEALER 117 FURNISHING GOODS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND, Jo UP . zazgziir*Rti . H. *IIIDDAU.. AND GE: • EEGS • u.r ads bllehnent a fnll wow ?mind sod lkorwstle ,Drugs, Popular Pa rtials, Goal Oil, Window:VT/Iw. ' • good* am at be sold. a l s o d. w ;aloes se CEM I NT. USEFUL AND WOKE DISCOVERIts7 - : , ENDOLITBI.,B War tibia general :prudent uttlite! tuan'any. invention now befogs the public. It has been thoroughly tested during the last two gear!. by praoldoe9, men, and pronounOst all to be SUPERIOR TO ANY Aiheeive Preparation knoi► n . HILTON'S INSOLLIBLB.O*Of le a new thing, and' the remit of viatis o gutty ite combination is SCIENTIPIC PRINCIPLES, *Jul. smiler circamistattees. or oivolgo.ot temperature will it be- COMO 00 # IIIIt or emit an y ottenetri smell •—•• BO BOOT. ' . Oa' . 1144 , Minulacturere, • . will find it the beet artiolitibtOrk. for Geenenting the Ohannelei is it workswithont deltty, is not &Tided by any Change of tempetattutt JEWEX , _4I3,a Will Inditaiitncientir lahestye for • Weir rule, "LOIN belt/ Prined• ~reLL~; ~~CDePTI~o fiAT 4:*21 gyrle.-DAMB. and StationerWAS .LAM ALARM'S. •.Alaantactiper. • FOURTH stmt. PllEladelphiss; jOit AND:C4OT. AS MM./ a! i, dodtptjoyil, for twill - - . I w n UV 1, t o 6 D, r IT: , . . ift%, :. JoAgs,' • to ...... ..;:,...,,, .. : , ~ i, , 4., ~..., ~, ,:„.,:, .._,,,,,,;:. ~ •,,,i3. 7 ..„ ..„i ,, , ,: .:„. ,... 4.7 ,..... N.,, , ;!:.. , ,,,.., , ,;,, . ,. ... „ . 5.. . ,.. _ ..... ,„.....,,,.,,. , ~,, ,„;.,,.,, , ... ~ . i ,, ,,...;...x .... 4t ..„, v ,..., te ...,•.,..,.. . ~.T . ~„,....,„...„..-,%: . -„..; . ...,„„„,...,...,..-4 - 3 ; ,-,- , - ..„ .. --, 7 --;.... ,,, ....72. , ...t:../r..!„ - A2".....-..;-,. -- ;.. ..4.. ; :-...- ;! ...: ::: ,,i.: , : :::4 „,.....-. , , , ,, , ,, - , :: __ .. .*, ::: ,„:.,- . . 1 . 1,; ,.. , ,,,,,,,..- : ,- , , i. ,-..„ ., -..,,,-- 41.6•: , , ji: ,,,, ,:__:_____, .- -, '- 4 . 5 :. ,,, - 1 , 4 - ---.:A. -''. - .A. ,, : , - ,- •... :r :- ~ -...... •.. -_,-;-:. - ....i, A, r• - . -.- "': - --e— ......, '?4,1": - .. - " , ::• ~ - ---- ',.1-' ,. - ;4 4 4 4„ -:`, ': 4 ? . . ' ''' ''• - ' " 7. ..,; fi...r..• • •• ..' " •' ' ' ----' - t - .4.• '"" - 4 P.,,.,: : . ..... : :....;4 ~. ''?„:, ~ ;- , , i ,-. .;.. ' ... 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" L - 4 11 ..' - ':' ,- ,• , ...r . , 5, z „, -, , ~. _, ~#,......::.......,..› ~ "lisom , .. i , . it..: ... " ' i ' . .. ' - "›- , ."-!'.,.. ' + _ Tea ...... „... ... -. ~.---- ...- ... - - * r. ~ n 'fi' , : 7 !- :- ....r- . I , '' •11 -' ' _, i {fiv 1 : ., .L • .”' . - ...,--•.-';;•."' ~ ...„„er. . - .... . 7 ii, it L e n _a -..-.- -...- • .. , 1 .?.`e .- of - --- I ------- • s . . . .. .. • . lit ~-, . , , . . .1. . .. „ .., i, L , ~. I:4lP r_ .l -V. ~ At 111-.1 . . ~..---------'----- --'- , . - T ---- m 4 0a _ , . ..... ~ . ' ' -- . . - Pet i L 4il . '. , . „.. _ . . 1 • - 1 . .../noney - , tor . --. . - - ; . , ...1. -s., - at icao. NptEeArtto:c. TtAß.;:B,.vtour.Re_9,",lrv....i_ ia._._.ai.,:z-:rc_ildtnie:a:,,,,:;_:l:",,,r.4,n::.::;.,:oet:. :tatseoba:joutnanoeithe_rozaititiade,s.ertt:titrafeEtptenuitirinteljnyeyolia:.,l3lllistalti'vtatv:.lo4ie:stt:';.:'obT'at.,leur-hoce,b'gen.yess:..artirvb'wntis'.ui..era....o; tio._t.c-t:,w_,autvi,rtß'-"-:,,,s.,tb..,or.n2siw,nuk•TDndhp.heize—:i.i,.t4TlB,oe,.illi.l'::trnee.:,:a°gz,e:eait,anlOa:t.e;Ll::,ilthaf:s:to:tm,,e'rn;a, je"s.ooo-:df.::::;.trv:ro::tzb-tf--mtthai,:tznnd"--:24,f..tt'grttn,r-:sa',Hß:'taet„en::-:led,' ':" : ,. .1 7.. . 1.. , 1 object,:f:::l(4°B: tuintel with' Itr°rga; 8 "I:4' '1 ''-- JP" • .......,„ . - _ - lA. FRIDA - ~' .A, T , „,,.,,,, . : .. .. —.... 7. , :. . • PIIItAD - PH 1 - - . '",,,T, - -- - a' . ' . . .1.2.11 Y OF TH 0-. , ,_ - . nlou cspecK c ? ,, e spondenne a T ile Prle%gls2; I . :' .._ ,;./...i. ‘. '. ° : 1 , - ,Subdae ba e la n g ;: o n dio n:t 3 c e nh t e t ta t i alureg nin i xe th. pdi g t: du r el , hi a : tu t 4 i: , ~.,. 1. " , :e 4 t , BY r; P . : 7 ~ ~ ,__........,,.1 e_stin. : T i ta '' o t : ' •' 1:11br..: v ik: ~ :t .. - . . . - ~, i v.. t IP' ' t * c .., . . '. . . , ~. . , . , ....„..... ix , T . OW & )" ' - - --:-. ~ ~..t . . .. forcom 4 y - 1 . ,_1.._:6 4 . 0ie , ... 100,.... oi A te t i i i a "'es "tvisi:.llll-'ll4"4lll th it i e .l al e -- P :2:47111'': ' ' hili "' ini . : - ' , i, , ,,, : i . r n - I : 7 ,,, :ii l ioim tb tz r e e nT l ti ll o : reeiu:naia:te:ltreiTtf.intuaetiza:.. 4% ull:4l.,..z_°°;:tll:77.c.3l:gu'irmY., .ss .t r_d ins, l ff ly _ oe, a 4 l ,, nin et: t o . os t,, ,t, h twlti o : : . ....,in toa al no , :,,, ~juta t r itel 16; I ._ -, , n ~ . ' ninb e e d r f w rm ' . ll ~ ... '.. - . ''' ,...4 - - 6 , t ,, 3 7e n ts ; .._, ~. - .. ?...31 , ire ua. ieW er i y R . evi.t ,turibet3llea;S:Thethnsoellei-diriege.lVnerskilotreirttfirartilry:llll:we' r o t i 7 eoo ::: into t : ntlii. : % : ' , ' stioI :: '.e,eel,,eereertolon, suet the open: of 7 ve.remersort earetEl,,,acevirredl ana, ir we ~ ,aire._ f.tbe appearance et t.' • :::: ..... :;7 1.8gb : t, 8 : th tr0: t 7 ,3 :7 13 ho ero t r e l :: 1 . ....,, ... )artionlare Peri , ".,* he s - u no.istunbei 'e fi - e° • P ... . ',11. ,81 ,tes ; but it timeceedingly pro ieslAo744t2.4l:tined Am who w 4 ' A this history of Ge a l... ... : wrik t if ivee,,, . $. In 000arfamme t 1311kke d,"! 9 . 0 ' en i ,. men 1, , ..,,,r.e zee by this e d - 993,- 111, ig n:d binding, i . I: e o tetr' ts ,;: u a l i v ig: Ttl iir : n tllle- : ' 4 7: :: xu l dee t r t, l an : ok .tleilt d : l4 n r d a !: ol2 : e _ n° - 5 821.1 .. ) 14. .. o n further. changed, -a.‘,",,, of ~ eireePt to. at m it is 24 , 4 ~_ ;I n a gone, a pt e oty wh t en thev.. some. he jin supposed to e abe,!. Jounce's, the; , 1 ,,, • . . . - ' f ig u S t i r l ie terl re dl !l a :ti: 7 - -4:per aninittr,:wlt.ft .,. .. d eo t u o liaritiO . d n i t : 1 :11 ll .:'ibe:,'l:..ut. „,.., „.06„.,,,,,, , c-• ; -' 2O " ' ' - 0 i m p e d e eel! , . the; . „ . ,t,,ed rte id Which ert4a.„ P to ! k it l a k e lcsti.gr,.o7 ,;! , auto 7 - i tt ....7 iheo 'L i ts e te vi st.i , e d t e l h - c i , art iv ee dilarks . Of -. i t, .., ,euaers. kite on e wAtN b e. e x a r. e L Y .. t . : . % , : .. 747,:u011 ; , . i, ac l elinf r.: :;,t ,.. ed , ," - abroad; - stone . . ir--.,,,; , ' • ' irjted and' cumulating WIN1)0Ilt, . b-e.hr.:._. „a „th te , Nti niteti tbm l4 7:4 6B ° /131- 7' - ` 3 OOM . ',.',. , o , ' EI ~_ . t a w: de l i, and cruel 04 ; .litv , ' tibly the w . ~ C NJ la T .41. I. N 0 • "rt -f :' y • .. it e ,, ..' :;.... - i ' AT OLD PMTS. ft e oth„ 4 - ,s t ... su , bftt ,..,. . infeetd pro- a delight/ - , ....,,A.. , :w . ~ . . 11. . - t*"' f T ' ' LAID -.- :- . , nia,or „.; ~ .... ..... ....1 GAGE. /.t . 5 4,/T, Au-f• , 's.,a 84i , 4 f,f (l './nis general' 1.99 t, phi` ~,,.. - 7 , i,...... , , „„: etr` Command .. ..,11 ~. ford .A.T.,SE' , 'y en: it , ..;:, u. 07 ,..,..7:. ,„. + , 0 -..- y .,, , ~ .3 .l. l itte 027104 *foe re s. oa.h d un „o d,r in 9d shraanaecounts of Saida avray.......0w pl• ' ly if , 4 , aPreAder . b bi iht , tir 6 f A L P I, ,, O a _ i/is •9, hat and `;‘:.• o " . ' - ' ~.''.•.',"*;". ' .'"A . ,' 2 7,z, . .. ::att , ,', -T - ' ' " c.,` t. vile /and loathsome. The e 7 ~ ,L. , , t .. ~.'.: 7 41 r. yfe4Q„, , 1 , 1 ,:: ,. .7. - 7, , ,,,f,L.,. 1 .21 0r4 ; ,. ,-fg,... s . . P . 241 ~,i 3l;". ' aW 43 4 4, :., ',bB: riaeti,7pf our t;te. h ;do vs r vire .kl-41 hel „, ..., .1s The, , ,,, - s , -li -,- stipposed-ussusasa , - , e' . ,„. , 7- , 74: ..: '' .. .'R`f, '.. ' -1. " " Aced 1:1Y; g '.' "Y l s g s ii°n i '' 64: f ' ' ' , -- I°l°- " . P denote all ta • - ~,,cn , : 1 4. 4. - -..,.... - ","'''. , - 71 ..../e /4 . 1 :=7. -,;. 4 . 4 8 l a tO l eke -4 the - -......' ~ e. -.; '' a '. ma I. ' . "ale .feeest •- of lands; ' .4 Ur - ' eowardl ,„ son o, , n , ~ , ~..i, , - •:, t , :, -, c - i5•p . :..,,, , Q1 , 6 0. , , , 0 .. . "rofort, a l ., s ,'... , 1 .- " ; TO LOA ,' " "..'-'.... A. ----1vC 9 ,1- T.. ",. - - .• . - ~±44,.,.-bo:aturi- d. • '•;. M.. o ,r' . * l .ff , '-, ..-, -14 L - 21 mon .Th.,. 1 .'" /) 1 •1100. ) . - . k.: ' a• -•- .1- - ` -..---; (Im i '. „, ----' " Tra '* . atatia,4, , r 247 t, 2 !'.' ..`" '', •-• ... .',.r„: „„.-. .„....' .. I so l' ma . - divisi on, ernl ..13 - .f;- ~ - , ~, f. 0.„ 1 /.l72shr. -'''' 1 ....:... ..........oe,ttie -smiler - - .ides ', .ted - As - takdkot iroltalieez - ' lll . '0,." i OO, i tr. .. ' r - , ....e ev ok iterai k -, -- rn.. ' ••••••- -.,... i. . _ tips , whether,the 0- mita , !:ese are tritunpliandy, though , in6iitaisteray;adA ... tie l i , t err r 0 '''''' . . With the no ' • -- noint. ' , .....'4'-an'ds'aiii linniedialely adduced ae." - rare ex tr. t ' , IN , Of ahottlt . ' !it - - - I,htitleatrlwevii tin rule: , Ask wherefore ' - ,4 7 by dliP -.;e4et'sluied denote mical i turpittide, or =kr stanntim NEW , P 2 IM ' a n ' 21 t' SBI AP' :. . - a ' - I'.': - tlisr hiir,' , brutiatmesffnay be deduced, - • - . " efei.,::::i Alci.• t' laity.et cobl;.49ginatioreutterance '%. 'f* .. int ePareeteptitios-mental or mo- 'd A . s• e• - Pr s - . Totrarritetof the shallow depths 4•V5'.*,,,,'. ..• -0- A . :. -.. .111 ° , 4 . : tkiltos; He - nor= vfmt*ed to I ,`•-• "-- 0 , , ,,A ' I'',," k, , : eatie,s L i Tor. the same reason '1 '4.14404"'? A. 4 - -P the ',. ''. -Schoolmaster prohibited his :la ' V lola , ; ~m inglessons--the danger Or -1 2'er. Tip - • ,01- 4 al id t 6 ab _ egrephobleh ansathe.mie , tl d‘ ~..14.---- stnce's, t - : ;..",..ttlttltaately to nnin.oo . 4 '. . : -. )or 41' ' 9 l .A. , ii,a's i . • Ate and unskilfentiss 1. pc' •o• n ..i? ,, be enin , `", Currents of histOry 'trY ...v R.`;';,: .• .' 'PLIaI ' .- thee..' honied. .w . i .r. , f„;,- ;.-„,•.• bee. ". , ; • „ oak to shallow, end h --. that • tely ho must be ' "will s ' Was t afoot vihorti, -di° .'. . • c.. - ..w 6 7 1 ' , . - l y ~ - .1. ands,-us us u ' - . vision , .. sushi.. t re , ' ''. 1. . . ' Ulla . ,l i, `l * 1. di 7` --' - ‘t 4 .. : WALRAVEN, 719 CHESTNUT ST. FOX 1712 ARMY AND' *JoisAti-L. #IILITAAY...FtTBPIMUERS. Banners, Regimen* and Comnanyylagin' B!words,_ Sashes, Belts; ISiassitte, ElAuleta• Hair CON Oin ; teens, Haveisacka, Camp Kits, Fieldlilliumsee. Bring, and everything pertaining to the complete - 4AM of Army and Navy Ofnizeri. • , liberal discount allowed to the trade. je3ll4ta IRDWdiRD r. sEritir. JOSH Tz-R,Tray.; No. 612 caznmrr sivßxicir; (JONES' IiOTAL. I L.►T7l soirra rims) Fpstrr: Nava noir on hand a soraplata assortment et SPICING AND StrADLEB„C+OODS; - agas-tr 1864. cLomae; Lik.ms - r tom;lz-z,Eti!. WILLIAM S. MRS, IngraiLaT comga 07 slvarrnst AIWD iwanre WRESTS, PHYLA toglxgry. Seepoertfully Invitee attention to V 1 gessgaideent stock - or 11 lie, got up in superior style, by tastAL Woad experience a ..artists, and oft:pill. for Pao at exceedingly `. •-• Moo. to Mt largo and wholes Tarte* , of PUCE GOODS for CUSTOM WORK, emlG3lclW oblations frosa the - vioduottoits of both forelpthud Goa Inuits autitufactura. WILLIAM B. JONEW!, \ - %•esoo‘Oß TO ROBERT EL ADAM. 0.13.6641.0-.0 inivizrm ma awe= suvite. waft tT. 0 .T.'•,Y . 1..; .:714;:..6t.. gmtrant sois. Mind Wilb.MAISTl5l7rWs' niThADIOSiLL : . . . : fa ..‘'. 1 : !he Willits. of nig bitl4lo MAAS • Unhinge.. ' • ..., Y. ... • . I are Inch that they cat' ooltiontly ail* !Or if: 16, ~,, ths leading position among the Tailoring go.' ki 1 sl2dVibtHoents of rhiladelphia: - Ther. thonfore. 1 htiftai kb e attention of gontiomen of WA* to 1 1 4 . 1 ' .3 their. Verb stock of K BEADY-MADE CLOTHING, ~ - Z p act by 014' beet wild,. trimmed sad mid* eqsal. - 0 _, —; pl , to Outows, yr ork- - -AND AT 1 1 , . I'OriVIAA-11, PitiCIEJEC. [ Ow have &leo lately added a auvrom Ds- . • ?Arminian% where the liteet noTeltlee MAY in q E 'and. imbruing mat freei from Ito/idea lad °- .... , ZA ... • • • .• . I au .saa sob Amannivr . STAMM mnMl DWA!P.tll,ll(l'f,alwil.q=ZFM MEE ir . CASZET MED TABLES. MOORE OF 111411711 • • 210. 161 Kris SECOND 8 In connection wittatheir extensive Cabinet hilliness,. now m anufacturing* superior article of BILJAARD _ TABLES; and have novi on hand a fall s u pply ; finis - had with thi WOO* & OeMPIoN'S IMPROVED CIIERIo4B, which're pronounced by all who have need. Mein tc be'supor to all others: For the quality and inlet of tirade Tables, the wicaufactarerss refer to their acme• rOttff,PatTollB thronahonr the Union, who are familia With the character of their work. a419-0m 14118 . . Co., TATIONIES. luT. STREW. • , .., • • •v: • Ex.42E.T4.E10 - R " HAMS . A.1110411411V1.3! THE wthu.n. . , "JlH.l.=# (X).. YHi3,ADA. raciabilv J. H. IIdIOHBNHB , 4S-004 , gito*ol girarawfii, AMONZJAY. CifilaagB 0,11/1 CELID3I{AttI) , ist C 1.4 14' " Roe tis sa. 144 North "FRONT &best. -• , 'N. , lietween Arch and Rate, streets, PhiLtdclplai.: .:'s . --:-....- ~... . The inetly-ooli&ested " -i EXCELSI . 9II, ,i 's RAII3I-,.isriy :surest by J. H. IC k Co: (In i ,r, i , tels -peculiar to -thint• 4 4,&) onmosaiy:for PAW' ITEM. Are of delicious &mir, free from the unplistsant Mem of sat, and. are ofonbusteed.bripicroses superior to any now offered. for Ole. . mrEtt-tuttoito , MEIER • A moat *tractive and aiihrbtftil vrepargtion volt tax mita ja(D.EIDII£ 4 . Mindy recommendnd hi the most eminent Doe Mrs end Dentists. . It tis the result of thorough ranter of scientific eiDli• eintenne, extending through ri period of nearly thittY • 'To r extent in every case,snd entirely lemma, WTL PERTIOLit 'Pp_gt3AY Or TEETH. It will also WHIM TWO WH,A.S. 'GUMS. KEEP THE DiestIITIPDLLY c i Ft c a . AND MR BREATH SW*lll'. see Circulate . L .Prepared eotel S. ST CITISTICITT rtabadwa , ra. Tcz alto ltt Dmitlalak • • la 114" Am 'OMB tik. ARMY. GOODS. 418 Allcig-finiPT., WIRI):4A4:aI ct(Mimre. TAILORS, TAILOR AND OLOTKtRB. LOW PRICIA. Ett'ittbio OF t!Kki: ipmiziek co 3 NONE Oginntal IIKLESS BILARIAD • SIJOAR-CPMI):/EWIM. VIE ARMY `he army IS Mons it held al. The rebel works theu Army Corps were not ofinsive purposes. They served against the enemy nearer to Petersburg wore those our men now await the or watch for opportunities to Banns and advances. • ACTIN rt.Y OF THE Meanwhile, the artillery of both sidle tive ; whether - 0e service it does is coin. with the noise - it-makes, is -ts debatable poli. tainly;•if any observer of human nature short. sire to she the manifestation of contempt by dl.• ont ranks and classes of men, he could observe th phenomenon to advAntage in 'the Army of the Po tomac; when any pait - of it* is undergoing a heavy cannonade.. orkr. WZiREL GENERAL ELLIOT RELLED It has been hscertained that in the -attempt of Beauregard to retake the positkin-lost on the 15th, the rebel General Elliot - was killed. The event IS said to have happened on the 15th instant. MUMMY 01, 7 ,TEE 31) DIVISION 57rx CORPS. In the affi&of the fftb.• the. ad division of the sth Corps bore an honorable pia. General S. W. brawford, commanding the division, detailed Col. Carle, pf the 3d brigade to charge a position strong ly fortified. The order was promptly and hand somely filled, and reSultml.in the capture of the en tire 30111 North Carolina Regiment. , In this ebarge Colonel Patten, commandliag the fst Pennsylvania Ride Regiment, furnished im portant and distinguished aid. This bravo officer now lies wonndld in the hospital. at Annapolis. Re received , a shot through the lung -while gallantly leading ids regiMent to victory. A RECONNOISSANCE TO SURREY COURT HOUSE. , A detenbuient of 100 men, belonging to the 3d p ert mtpu L tb cavalry, under eosinnand .of Major . Walsh; .11N1Atiat returned from a reathimoissinie tOWarirtilirrey;Court House. They succeeded In clearing .Ant the guerillas that had Infested the neighboilitsid, and plokedrit aborit 'forty deserters -who rere - trying to escape active service—borinty jumpers all I_ " MY OF THE POTOMAC. . . Movements' Mt .41=tion's and Mautals - Cavalry—sk ItannonSliesanee to Surrey Court lloniearibelrtobe l Citizens De ssairing-4 00 Ain on 111 - 'IV ' ti . Dm `iSisiti in en . mond. ' • Nothing hell been beard - f rom Generals Wiiooll and Kautzfor several days.. •if their progress has . , , .. • not been impeded by infantry forces on their line of march they are probably near Lynchburg byLtids time, destroying the` only remaining railroad. that connecteßiolummd with the South. If mocessful - in doing this effectually, it will be•the hardest blow of the-orthipaign, and meat lead to" the immediate evacuation of 'Petersburg and ,Riohmond. It. Is', doubtful ' whether Lee pan . maintain his • position . _ . with even " the temporary - loss of the road' that in . partial destrintion would entail. He nee& it daily_ and heurlY, and fates Illy enough in the rebel- csapi '46l with this communication unbroken. ' • A RECONNOISSANOB TO' SHEET O. IR - • - • ' A .comsispondent of the New York Menhir gine . the r annexed account of ts,reqoppilsance' tO:fhirry Court Route : • " : •:- .; --.• . . • . On the 26th Captain Hill_, ortbe Ist I . l pw/York Mounted Ri fl es, returned to Feint of.ltoo after a reconnoissance successful connoissance sl along the ut bank of: the James to Burry Court House. Captainlfill left Bermuda Hundred on tbe 26th inat.ivrfth Troop •F of 'ads regiment, and, taking a trantrpoit landed- at' Fort Powhatan after dark and-•ginenfiniritedii. be troops: . • - - . „. TEe force immediately moved .foreard, tinff4ln a Yfew hours reached Brandon Churok. ' Hero it was SIMI/ 1.1 1 4148.-finn&-Orentibill 'o4eriaP.,iker, _raua*sia_. , ed obe in possession - of burr/AVIS:at Hesse) g daunted, Captakillill pushed ea thr the place, , Sletermined to fight if necessary. ,-.. 2 -. .- ... . _ ~Forclin:g.c.rceks and moving alongattititt ri rdir, '- - Claptrifii•Aill continued his march until e lied* 'Vie crossroad at Cabin Pettit. - Hero the inlorina-! . ties he bad received at Buirelon Church liiiis con firmed, and, with every.expectation of a fight, the -command contintoxitheir - rmuch. • r , - , • - , • Starry Courtliorme-iitnat length reaohed,.tid as' een as the diateritiplihneeyis were discovered Chip :UM Bill ordered Ids Anon to charge. At, z 'gallop 1. • they entered the'lffi dliie hut, to their great ditl.P• ton pointment, founnst y. It was discovered time, • the force that odfil . the•town, which the peofilii at a:distance had.ma.gbinhd into a largo. d etaehment .of rebel cavalry; really only a TOY Of gee- rifles. Upon diacoverin,g Captain tn ye - spoiknab they had left precipitately. - •„ ,z' .•-•-,- Numbers of the inhabitants who Isakbeeni- et ivith on the road, and at the - different plesw ere ' the cavalry had stopped, crowded around Va, In Hill, and bogged to have him administerthrOes 'of i allegiance and.give them safeguards: T u t!? , however, had no authority to act in this ... IS and referred them all to General Butler. ,IT vr , they were to reach the latter was not - a question that he explained. s The utter hopelessness of the rebel ca use seemed tq have entered the minds of the farmers in this neighborhood and great anxiety was manifested to be again considered • citizens of the Union as it,was or as it la. DISTRESS IN BI'CIENOI4I3---INHISES ; OF: THE . . s TWO ABM' Ek. ,- ' . The New York Weal publiiihea thk• following *tots, furnished by its 'Washington corieepondent. They aria based on accounts from•rebel soluces. - He ' The fortitude With which the rebels -have Verne theirsevere loses in the past two months seems to -be giNing- way. A wail- reaches here from Rich- Mond, telling of agony and - diatren in that capital, taxing - human endurance to He utinint. From an naive sympathizer with the-rebels—fine ~who is.-in their oonndencit is learaed that the - disarms in and aronnilltichmond cannot be expreseed 1 lir imagined. The forded Marches to defend important points against'ottrcavalry havensed up adargenuin ber of mon. -DitesseCof various sorts prevail to a fearful extent: It is estimated -that General Lee _has- .between forty and fifty thousand kick and veunded on his hands, whom be finds it impossible to remove beyond the scene of actual conflict.. Be sides.this, there N.& large.population ot non-cam; batants to be proviiledibr. It is estimated that Lee - lice &population pf .two hundred thousand depend-- pa on him- for food, and the Seoesh fear that if Grant keeps the renroads cat, while-the common , roads' were -impaired by heavy rata, *starvation would be. added to the-other calainities,of the be leagured cities. . Lee has .niside- an - urgent appeal to Yolinsfori for, assistance, especially Incavalry,: and they expected lo.day that the repulie of Shrew, man would permit Lee's request to be granted. -..•, 'The Secessionist M Secessionists contend that our lessee alt. double Lee's in the campaign, but say that he /Ms never had so many men, and cannot stand aloes so , well. liesidea; by means ofeur Sanitaryand Chris 7 tiari.Commisalons, our wounded are much better --red co , - ••nd;a greater properties o f, ttedll . retnrnto - le hay -sr sink' - ' "t: , • •1",. • aixt - tlitektens the-foitiin him at - the gate of the square. N ay Icaurx,, a , the hospltAL The old man me at ~the doer: ,himifurlough arm just a the elbow ; vvogok &and we home to•morrgyrinorn-*:. in g:" I shall not soo met the proud One-in hiil ,i voice, as he said t 'all right." ..: . - . i A. SAD Irma T.—The 119th - New ' , York -.fa in.,' Shermanes a V. and, on .the 3.7th,.wail , advancedrd alone op to It enemy so olose that:lt was ecinpelled . to halt fOr the time and Oro* up slight breastworks 0 of logs as a derange: • By BOrae untOwardisSistake a^ patty of twelve a* fifteen men were' ordered to ad.' r vanes beyond these works on picket &sty. Though knowing-that it was:almoid_certain death* to show - their heads ahoy, the walls of- their little fort, tieliy. obeyed withcnit question •or hesitation. They:: had advanced scarcely more than arod betsead their' =Comrades, when Leavy volley of mosketry sacs- . tasted to - the ground everyman save twp 1.• Two i were killed instantly, and the rest ` rounds . snore or lees severely. All of the wounded, 'how - viler, were: able to :drag themselves tack • ands escape, e x 7.. cent one . poor-, fellow, Sergeant Gruidor, was h i so .badly wounded that -he .eould not stir r frombia 'place. _Mier° he lay samba within arms.: length of his comrsideir,iiiia yet they . wers?' nowet4 less to rescue him or give him aid, so gelling was ' the rebel fire. Oise bolder than the rest mods this , hazardous attempt, but scarcely bad ho isot over.. -the breastworks when he fell severely rionaded:' They madeatered to allay his raging thirst by tardily ing to bim ifOlteentrof wateromileyen ono of these was pierced by a robot bullet. Finally , ';as they , could not go over the breastworks, they dng = a way. under them with no other Implements than their bap:meta, and throngh It two mess Orawled`and suo• ceeded in reaching • him unhurt, Jost as they reaohed ilduitheir* comrades in the rear gave an exultant: cheer, which . elielted from the . ~ rebels_ another volleys . A fatal ball pierced the istneir AA :,. :low's breast fo a sedopd time, and e had only - time to murmur feebly-to his resouois "Now I: die , neat/Pt i/NU W your 11,andli," and sussed, able -. : to D. Its v' versai faithful el existen berty may rebellion, b.. ing only*itt and to the lea, power shall not . We believe, sir, . men of the country ). ed than in this Convent. have to , be the overthroN field, and the security co union by liberty Oa Jostle'. That those results' are to be a plexitles,,thel t s i re Dilly Oar= reached only ough cordial . is undeniable. ~, That good men time Tometimes .. means and the time, they know. The. duet of all human antra the highest du., terming:, In the angry ei)ntliet el passion I. good may be practically accomplished,' ifs t care persuasion. They have -watobed your course, - therefore, with unflagging attehtion, amid the bitter ta.nnts .of eager. friends and \ fierce denunolation of enemies „ now moving too f for some, now too slow for , othirrs, they have sem. you throughout this tremendous contest patient, sa gacionsffaithful,,just•—leaning upon the great heart of thepeople, and satisfied to be moved by its mighty pulsations. l • . It is for this reason that, long before the Conven tion met, the popular instinct had plainly indicated you as the bandidate,.• and the Convention, there fore, merely recorded the popular will. Your cha racter and career prove your unswerving fidelity to the cardinal principles of American liberty-and of the American Constitution. In the name of that liberty and Constitution, sir, we earnestly request ' your acieptimee of this. nomination ; reverently commending ontsbeloved country, and you, its Chief Magistrate,. with all its bravo sena who, on Sea and land, are faithfully , defending the good old American cause of equal rights, to the blessing of Almighty od. . „ G We arq, sir, very respectfully, your friendn and 9alli3w-citizens: Wm. Disrusosf, Ohio Chairman. . JOESIiII DRII2netOND: Milne. • • Tztos..E:Sawv - sa, New liampshire., - :Baaarsair,Ramitow, Vermont. -.. 'A, iiii,DULLOOK, Maasaohneetts. . . . ....; A. M. Gamma, Rhode Island. ” vii• Ck Ratirtiiiim;s, -Connecticut. G. W.:Cuirrie, New York. - ,-: W.A. ThrwALL New Jersey. - Hemn• Jomersow, Pennsylvania. N.M. fiburmuts, Delaware. • • : • ';'. W; L, W. SBASHOOK, Maryland.. Teak F. Auras, Missouri. a. 4.. G, - ,W HITX, Rentuoky. • . . ' E. P. 'PIC Ohi " ^ , . • * xlitre M. Amra Indiana. . - .=. W. "Brnfinnum, Illinois. '•• L.P.' Ar.mrssrozn, Michigan. - -.- A. W. RaUDALL, Wisoonsin. • - ' ' 4.:Oitvzo., ToWa. '-' _ • . • - •..'•• 'Triolcas Srafpatur Minnesota. UOILN i. RIDWDLL, tiOalifoillii. ~ 'Pa s qua e It. Pildit2lll, Ore .pu. ,' LEROY KR.AII/1.13A Wait Vggrnia• A. C. WILD2,III, Kansas. . ; ' • •X M. altutTf, Tennessee, ••, • i 4 7 ,7,•.,P. Gitarrus, Nevado. - #l 7l2" Vt i t i M. l ' ". = . . 'MOO ''''""t . . .., arantirat DELI:, :Arkansas. • . • • A. Nva, COlorlfdo:..4„ .„ ,A. 1.8. Stocasemiut, Ptah. • f•-•...• - • „. . . . ' , Ildawirew, . . * Wasiirso.fon, pine 27,:1851. NM- Wallamajleintiaon ant oth,ers, a Civensittee ;,/ the /Yaiionat 1/sOn tenverition: 42 inninanann r letter,ot the,l4th that for . inally notifying me that shave been nominated by • the (lobvention• you fepieSeMt Tor the Presidency of : the - United. Statek for. four •yeara from ••the 4th of • March-heat, has boon twelve& The nomination LI gratefully accepted„ ae. the resolutions of the °on , vention-77 called the _platf;Fra-=are' heartily; ap.• ~•prOved, . While the resolution in regard to the supplanting of republicangoveniurent upon the Western,Gontt tent islully ooncutredin,theremlght.be misunder atanding were I nbt tO say that , the, position. of the. Government In relation to the 'action Of Franca in Mexico as assumed - through the State Department. : and endorsed-by the. Conventions among the me*. 'sures and, acts of the Ekeentive, will be faithfully maintained 80-3ong as the state of - facts shall Teel* that position pertinent and applicable. ' 1 . • • lam ospecily gratified that, thb soldier and the ' seaman. were not forgotten by the o,otiventlon,, as • they forever must and will be -remembered by the grateful country. for whose salvation - they devote their lives. • Thanking you. for the kind and complimentary ; tains ,in which youchicie...commlinfeated the ;Mini nation and other proceedings of the Convention, I subScrlbe myself, • •Inur obedient servant, • - AnseuAM LiaroOLll7 `-Tirl3 )31181tONT !CID COCJIRAILE. • . The Gersten - Union Club of Philadelpiia to- the Eve maive Committee of the German Organization, at bidianapOlis, ha t • • In the summer of 11363, the idea arose among - the' liberal Germans of the United States to Create an organization for the pirpriSe of promulgating radi oat 'prinotplee, ofifur Oaring the' cause of human 'liberty in this eountry; and - to obtain* thatliolltical influence dueletheGermiui element, which, owing • to different causes, had 'heretofore hem =attains. blo by them. ' . • The members of the German Union 'Club, always - ready to act. when the cause of our Country is Wife benefitted, favored the plan, and'electedthree „gates to the Convention called In Cleveland oti the •Iffth OctobeAlffiliat, for the purpose of effecting the • organization. • • - At this early period the .German Union Vita declared it to-be - essential for the success of the ganization that evbn the sembLance.of an ear' ly German pasty be avoided,"and that In the organizatiOn appear in feations the native-born element ; that "on the cor co-operation of - all loyal citizens I birthplace or language, is necessary ful issue of the present crisis. • The delegates to the Oonventtor instructed in this sense. ••, The result of the deliberai not; as is well'known, meP' and•the prottst whicihoi leftman Tinton 010 Of rnitsuowee. -- -ante - e . but to disoontinue its aonneoflon with Off (fir \Aar. orgentiatton. `. At, a special meeting - of , the Gentian Union Club' • ot Philadelphia., held last week, the; f9Uowing reso lutlone leers unanimoustsi adopted ;. , (-• • ItEsOIXITIOISB. • • Riutoletd, That we, accept , the decision of the -Bain more Pnion Coa,eention, comboSed BOX was of the dele gatee of the 'Union-mart*. of•the United States, elected and accredited.in.trult dela:Mersa° form '.by the people,, and' that we , unanimously ratify. the neminstion. of • ,s‘nrahansiducelninf President anji of 'Andrew Sohatton "`for Viceftesideoti.ana that we sled stuit,ort, to the full extent' of our .abi lity: the platform therendolited"the 'Meet radicaliptform ever presented by fulY-Plirt* in the United S . the _ Rescaved, That Cleveland Convexttiont'inasnincli as it did not emanate from ®ular election byZe pito. .pie, but owed- existence solely Uzi the pill umed - power of a sme ltsll numb of So-called Radical's.: was not_ competentto give an.eattueSsion!Of the sentiments - et - the loyal people of the United flttatesi and that-the nomina tion of John C. Fremont fer,,Presidont and johnrOoche • vane Tor Vice Preeldent,Land the organise/Oen of a TLX party within the great- Unlogsrtr , leultailse. lual o P unPatriotc; ,aull uttwo y ern.MWcan 'citizens. ; thicfittedeni In. oppoldtionto the clestrlrexpreeeed will of •an immense -majority of the : pecesteiis dotittlY re •pr s t the prekent time; wheat:be Tete Or t.t* lA-. flop, aye, - even U e liberty of the whole human gam, le . : 'dependent upon the united and undivided action 'of the Nnhsh alf h th av e e h p un il d e r d ed h th i o r u h s l a o n o d d . i o n f tvhaei n h i r n a tghees e ' o o f n t te he t • far the r eservation of the. bation ;- if the widows Mid -orphans of onrjefendere Flail De denied the peer cOn so ledderr that by Itio sacrifice of their husbands. fathers, sa ved; i f o f their countrY have been • KR - Veil 7,. if all the advadiWe - -Weo•-dentix ...bought in this contest for the olillt4attoe of the dark spot on the bright - escutcheon' of thiatrrest Republic are not to be - irrece. . verably 105t. , -Aben we cannot lend our assistance - SOW new Part/. adopts that .we deem it due to oursel. es as dot., Men aded ginseng to declare to our American-born fell that we have,no put in the traitof'ons attempt t 9 dpittoi tide 12111 1 1-4- 01 ., • Pal?.4, Plaii. and. - . • ....` . 03 for its _ Aurnsid e, after Du went through the cheering word as ho 1,. ris r heroes who have de l i leadep. " • , .... . DESEHTERS' Dose rs aro 871 , 614 w. their at lea it appears that la., with his corps, Ewell. in front of 1..- drawn ound IA ‘t, while I,ctigetreet ._ Corps Of khe rebel ; • ,thavaivinSehed Ileav_ within thb last two s: Thcatate r that the M r ing of our writllefy Is workably tic-citrate, and great astonishmentire , • ed in the nAellarmy , by the an; usual number-Al , f',,... V • •11,' . ' ,our Atlas, The,- greater parbb f .. . . ... .'t ....% IVanti'alliiitP from Georgia and SoutinGaroltna.regintentk. Corn, meal and • bacon'are Wawa Without stint, an . (l,oeca. atonally eelfee and flour,'• . - • .. THE 18rit coltro Arvringsur Jurekebrts MIA HEXIELSE. The early part, of last • SandaTpaaaed in_alannit monotehous silence. No wound Was heard save thht of the regular disehaliges of the,3o-poantiar Parton, , that. every five minutes speeds a shell op Its mission of destruction to the atty. Sc•rogulor has this firing been carried out tt i t the Ectizrezeoutlng• it, has re-.. cowed the-name of o .Petwittittiresa, About eleven o'cd. Ix the rebele,; t ired dl wltnale• ing suV rws those disco s,,auddenly. wedopened oh .thteleat , ten?' with their he gone on•the Other side of the Appomattox. The t sltpll 7 ed strut* the,paraq pet of Our battery. ple rebels; however, had cabal ated Without their Boat. The "heav_y thirties _-WO. neleptely turnedjupon it, and - ilowell f ahagsay IJames opened,,lblloWed in a fen minutes' by ly with his twenty-potinders. In' lie — nildteof 'ring Beecher earamenced a furious shelling of ity with his ten-pounder Parrott, at short • stoppinly onjr,iegovionallt.4 i viour, ahowera hot - aktrrn ta to. rm..- tan - _ ..L. tiLk Rzrulkner's ievelend did .of this, Club, , tn. conjunction nentlal Thnon -Pal of the , ld ME= amusing. instances of 'the ignorance of , sated , ' classes in England in his last lett*, of them occurred in the Rouee of Commons a CPI. Jervis affectionately alludedto our bent conntry;as he called it, saying that It had been "misfortune - ” to hair", _ travelled in America, a, that he knew., of and 'had seen many places that, where, if a gentleman desired wine or any kind of spirits on.his table, he was compelled to pull down the windirar blinds and to bolt the doors for fear of being mobbed . Another . occurred 'to -his "humble self,'" in.a conversation witkk barrister having the reputation of being intelligent. - He' presents it as :an illustration of the great ignorance of the ma- Wify of the , people there concerning our affairs. e give it in its own words : a, "Alter the :Usual salutattons the Marrister coin „PUMA yrAttkAookokliNkmdlt t lNVMOL)..Well, , my ooy, now are things in Am r . 8.1 , Oh,everything seems to be going on wellenough. ..,,over there,' ” says I. ,Vell,' says he "manly sofa, do you know, I have'about thought this thing iponslderable, and I i3aritt'see'for,payilfh why the-Soua don't let the Oen; federates go:They can't conquer them. They have tought for three t , yakra. and luxe made no progress, addlt's evident to ns in thisgenngy that a people who ' hive shown themselves so galla. tend courageousas the Uanfedelatcs, Can never be conOuiren.„_ilesides ' says he,, . you'in the South are becoming bairdn'opl t I and, we.won't • loan you any money ; and I think t &most Shaman' outrage that you - Southerners persist in trying to overrun and conquer's° brave and noble a people •as the North.' Re then entered into a long philosephieal disquisition on the constitutional rights of the'States, which was about as hensible and logical as 'thesge`marks I have quoted; He seklyhe intended standing for Parliament at tbanext glee- Ilan, .and that if he was sleeted ' wittoWhe hid no• doubt of, he intended'to use hie greatest, effort Sin the cause of peace, and that if , the South did not agree to stop the, war, and let the North go, he should advocate England ' s interfering; bidding him good morning." San . . . RIIIITHATIOk 10' CIALTVORRLSZ.—The S Frail eiseo Buititin.eays that the list steamer for Pa, nazis carriC away onlione hundred and ninety five pitmen ere, while every steamer which -IMS ar rived froin e States during the past four months has brought from night' hundrea to twelve hundred persons. Of thOse who lett these a large majority were visitors - to their friends in the East, whilst of those who arrived" there since January last, .a - jority have ,4101110 as- permanent -residents ; al the remainder three-fourths Intend to labo” tenn'of years in the mines or upon the lar Pacific coast, ':‘ ' ' - EsCASED hion.,(Leay.E.A.rpsais Act, —On Tuesdayithirty-ono persons, bloctuude-rtomer Thletle, , were del' Murray, New York, by their one' nation smarted themeel.- therefore; amenable onl.fe - Three of, them, howeve manner, and being Cl( .were Kentneldams, I. expedition of Morn et Camp ()had°. thence to Derr mln. 'T er " a gtcm nd were inf the bra, 'their they .1-starred o anirisiined anada, Jarhed for Wll- Leir old odien r:land liq they ;her* days were over for y ranch crest fallen. ' The. 'manilas. are Weeping their n'ort Lafayette. . ,Pea ()noet avow of aeon ASeittheCum bel ,ovel way of crossly placed their blether., Ilea' In a; ferry-lioat.' St. —....., over', and the Test , ) their horses , tails._ W ecr 'her earns in alkht..„‘a Borate a gunboat,',Wftrted \ .:lidenble4l,l4erEinie. Whe enough fo elk to:, see they w , and, when i tepee . bev opened Wpm Lou .1 . It,. A/Lowe EBOAPE. r..ae, are yeese ached • j . .02 1 , 1 4aa t i, ' Boa t'lpipging, Mite rys undo th . a win. _,-.4lCd. to in „are tno child wi ~, flu:: girl fell, ate .... and ithoeldere with • drivrn, but fortunatelY in. Injured. Had not Mr. Pe, was'at the time, the girt Wm eft: the stone door-steps and. Is TILICHI: We pi field Republican asks" We the names of some of our " Net Northern randsills, ..1 _ _ 11-, . en. resramsible for snob maize. _..11.- .. g Inc and hiatorical : •Redi •" - Snicker's Gap, slatighw e, lgoal tain, p 0... . Station, Gum Ree, Mob -.Tapir Nigger-foot... Road, : • • . , Roost Pass, Gook , elzmysyvveir,ii•mowulfinLete sr' li - : ' . . ' eels -- Neck , . , ardscrabole Town, Snake Toin, Jeri t',,m EN Piping Tree, Pumpldnvirdi ()reek, 0 401 i, Guinea's - Rranalc, Snake River Bollotr,l 6 ' w o , owledge that these names are not. melo puluo not. tiori smoothly from the tougse, . ' me will wear awayrnuch of, their clnalntriede utl vulgarity. Thermopylve. only signinad "Ha 1 G SUB" • in the vernacular of the Greeks ; ' end even noW Snicker's Gap Wailld pt Bugg:oat to, a• French.' melt inlthipg• laa.a (midi:lsta on.—Boston• After.' -Ts user,: wana,. liopiiiiirr.—Durinyr the casting of a large etiii-heaViit- Sibs . -Plerahantis foundry, in . Cleveland, 111., slew -days since, the mould exploded and collapsed- The. foreman, named I.urtop, fell headforemost Into the pit, being completely en veloped in sand iron-,•whlie a &cower - of NAM iron descended on him from the kettle, whioh•was blown into the air. lie ran ...baldly recover fluid hle,tarrt- , Ale. injuries. Mr`. IffinUlant, who triedle rescue atm, wasthe only otherpenon hart. 13.0 was badly burned in the face, rig,t ete,hand, and arta •gov., GiernutAX. Baum - GOT A atatinstrioir. --- A Petersburg letter, says: Late one 'night, after thq _redoubts had been daptared, an atrununi- -tion-filigette,traWabysiventilee, was driven up from the direction of Petersburg to a particular poblirbi th chain of fortillcatWns. General Birney, Bur-. pressedlo see it corning.•lrma that direction, asked a driver what.he had-Isi the JVagon 1 The anarter;,_ was, ..immunition. for ;Battery No 4 O." " Where ;did it come fronfrinutdredthe General, supposing: 1 that additienal, ammunition might have been sent i rfersame of the fieldideces he Ina. placed in tha 4 breastirarkb. • "Excan the arsenal," said the drivel% • " 01.4'very Wed 43, sald Bliney, "I'll take chargaef , 7 It." Ws vas a's:munition sent, fro:nth:o city to tice rebels,; but Pinierend Porno of his'troops' occupied Batte' No. 9 - - ... • : PERSONA. • ownorautoseorar is 'now in.obioinsikti on.a short vielt. On Tuesdayilaorlairig last-lma• Was pro- , Slanted with new saadle and horse innipaigents by the attenilants.at the life faliat the Catliatio Insti tute for Si. 'Karl's Hospital. It was voted for as similar 'articles were at the Sanity Fain in ilia city, and given to the Genecial in, preference to Qrant, litfel:7lellati, and Sigel.. , • Ga. Harker , reputed, wounded in the, latelaattle aglthlesaw blountatn, b i 7 years of age, is• graduate of igest l'otnt; and enteredthe, artily iri• 1858. At the opening of • the. war he ledithe 6Sttk Ohio into action, under Tien,: Buell; aux( particV. ok - with.his .:comwakd, in- the be t ttle at Stilloh and the' siege of Oceiratb. •He served and 'atlas Y:, diettnipaished hipaself-in. the , canapiiiign under Beak: crans,was made a brigadier gen - erti for goOdilactril ductat-OhiCkalnauga. th4,eampaign under & h em at -Rooky Face R . d$ "app other places, be pr0v44113 MON for tho' • 'Or. ipon Tress .4 i 1 ; 1 . 1114 4 1.17 augeh tip mot it is .01 nbw sac) it el/owl about•th needs the del:homed A. flie:•twonitit 'ewe y_et . ret : 1 0 6 criPt ion Quoted at - 1( _State wand' New :City flt• touci • Quotation. #Ntvvigalion 6e '69 at lOW. TI .Beading was - Weferreo were . only exceptiol I DZ. In amain ' kill.Nevigation 1%; Orion 'MT 30461 e weft dull: iliteir in gola.: to-dat. the debtivere ciirrozrot. Thfieiti principal as Calla ail( party will pay ' 18bY the Ponan,trh. . ita first moils* siictit end Wee ;' the North 14 bonds,and tho;Pihigth - kon its bon4s. resiitte MS:. Quote: .417teilfas bonds, 0. sits Cart* . 3-1.0 ' "Vouchers. • cresiiftesteti of In) numbered among them, though Jg reasons for believing that both once .erton ; but Roger Raison, Bradwardine, cam, have always been claimed as alumni; .1 later times Linage and Bodley, Hooper and Smile and HATIley, adorned this famous _Jeri* of great - rail recorded by Anthony Wood that eighteen arOhbildippli and bishops issued' from Merton Withins. hundred years, of the bun& er's death: Century seciieeiled century, the Wars of the Roses obliterated the memory of the Barons' War, and the Great'Civil War eclipsed by the mag nitude of ~its consequences the more sangulnary Wiwi of the Roses ; but the *great idea of Walter de ffieifon ski continued to bear fralL". • . Rev. (Eteerge Qildllan, well known In the religions and literary world as the author , of some eloquent sermons, and some approolativo,: but very d a critioisable critiose of the poets, lately delivere Nt his nyrn church,. In- ihindie,''before Into. VVALlELPitiesep, (PinuasiEND WEEELY.) TIM WAN rums will be Gent to aboo rlbe n nog (Der sioata•in advance). .•. • . • • -.42 inme opus-. . 3 DO O-044M* •••• • 9111.4. 0111. 8 OD Tea r ude. *IL 50 vet corr. Larger Cl ....... ukt than TO. 1113 be • slanted at thB Mos ,Pheneney inued atio4o ***pair Me order. and tamp ineta*eofnitheeetereoelfet et , f addfroot. Alford New Afitkporeetesi Oa excitof wpm *O. Pedals/dm iittAiderto ad, r no:18U Paso. far thotetter-lp of Otinkao extra OZO , or eit itwerwlab• - In Ism, itto.e44; slioWinekg .. , , $22,0Z1. Theinerease*lnee let The New York Pod or 1 440 Gold is eeilltig at 41147,, to $2,.; active at $l4O forbid.- The 70 ti_ye. and there -is considerable The-stoc market is stmedY. Rase stocks zo. railroad bead • stock del Nelbre t t session old W 4 New.Tork Gel at 134; _Mit/ 134' braigart- nthern at 1M; nuirv‘ al 111 ii; Northwestern at The appended table eibibits the ther: board compared With the late; da • - 'United States eb; 1881. reg.. • v., United States e 54,984 couri7, urdeed'stetet 713 i -- - ••ixv: "'Ate U nited -Slates 5- emir United Mates oue,yMat, Tetuiessee Bike Missouri Sbee:e3.,'" Nets, Yerk •r - , Olre- Iture If or Lis. IT IL4B BEEE DKCIDED TO KEEP T.EDI GBAND COLLECTION OF PI TUBE% X;W. LOGAN SQUARE , ; . A i l F.. en BXHIBrrioN FOE A PEW DAYS LONGER, • • P i.. tt l'i ' . BA:EirrARy COMMISSION. .7 .... • . •. •, ' ... The Gallery et to the public on. eyed •• ,2 ','. k day. untilAn t No. 1 ,--- '=IR 00. froze 8 A., H. tolo P. Le il 1000 1 . - At and lOV . BEESWX • June . *- ; , 44 -# . 06.7 l ' i ,;;' .: ilite at c erAlp ics , . ::I g. ttai si ve 2 , s spO ta en . ta. ,;...A , '`` , . '•. ; . " G a on - • 25 cen t e attn. -- • ' t . 81 G E OVI...— tk vsa s 9 •IP• " I '' - ` 4 l , r 021 * , etrolt .. - . . - • '• •-. . advanced reb Tyl 2 . l ' , „ d o i ~ 1, , ' . .. -. • - COFFSB. . . 0. - .:r , ,,0 ... - , , tthatnked; ani) 'Vs. .e.' 9 ".# BIC AFNIIT , '-...., . ~..:., .:, "-- v- eat 3 v ol V i., • " .-- - - t- - ve''' ' c* ' t oktsto - ;•—• , ALlar saga. ogir 4 0 1 / 1 1110 D. 0.) a i - , : ~ .• . - ° A.10 9 .t t,.. - tt.‘y, NPS. \ ..5 ) er'll NIGHTLY. .. et - .f, * • -'4‘4/1OL:15"-:,•-• • .....•••-•-----'---' - Z..t -.: .•., • • I ‘. • 4 : :,,' . • I . . \:;.. i -, , 4 ,4, -. . • AO • 4 , 41 9", •• , ..t o) „ . 12 1 , • 44 4 , a.,„.% ,fro' . e , o'. sO , IFNv ) . Z.elelik "4448.t"t'S' Old* IPt'if•V',2o ' 6 4 . V.e' eVitl-041'9c. 6 0 .1 1 . ' "VtOlf 6 4700.0.2 A t it 9 V . eV A lieT 0 4 ( o t .. * N O 4. 0 A vt . i3 4 ° V ifr-os6Nus V \ ... tltes . 11:1;6„. .„ArOV..e; V , si onr;k-„,t.,>vP 40,4,w..\•-„0...4. l ol a 4.t.. , . , -± , ,, , v.. _ A.-. #1,. 6 7,10;:i .D- c e:lso,w' - -....,- - k 'IPI't - _..b-0 0 .10 .v .. 4 ... we , . 0. 0 v 0 ,....., tt„,, , i, . 0 .- t „,, e ip:‘ s, • o'o,o tf , " eY * 0 1 •% 6S " t:yr- :A' . %IP ' 'k CS 4tVe. 4 1 •."‘. e 5 'I Vi ''' Se4VS'4*4l ' - ~., .0.,,...N.„,. , „,„3.0 .4,1 ; ,,.-0, . • 0p.,-t r . ii.L. 0)°,>=.,...,,,.0. .0 ' 9 •- V e ;" 1 . 1 I : 0 , t".ol>f,,p, 1 4i _ 4 4,4 l ffiss Lats. I,IIPcP 1 - 1 ,1- , 0 7 :4 1 -"' t N. 0 11 • - ,03e,°.s.coiN,0"of i 4isti:s'..V.• sei * 1 0 1 5 1 6 , 4 • % l i‘ s4° .l.• tgion .ougb. mdest .oniest grain. sOul 4C°l - eo ogy 'ites Jnly, by scholars; the - other , dranisfs . in plain -English, which were read by the - civilized world, and would be read after Calvantsin' 'Wag, to say the -least, no longer ,-as nom', abserdly identified by. ruany:with Cinlstlanity. He'ke'than of creeds,' and ex.-. pressed his delight a. t • Dr. faaridlish. had broken ground. on that , question by asserting, that junto rlllielefitSteilnellta In the Ckontesaio of Taith opposed Ontineto.ecience and, ure • . .' 4Consideradolifl AOlll A*tUlery , . Mike Editor of :The Press:- ._. - _ . :most. Sins: The artillort, which i 8 10 ;Eurtkie in e formidable Weapon that decides large battles,.seems• in' America, by its Uttlefraccoss, to be only the ne• cessery accessory of isn army, Ca iraptiiiirg_into the . causes of the nullity of; this. powerful meapint.lizthie - country, It will. be found in the fi rst' plaewttutt the .officersjara.-nely iiistrected; as in Enropean special . schools of .asillilery,„where_they here .to flkudy'for r, years themma_ranuflvionf,,trasawntiaiiinase=lool4, I d a e r tl c a i t t ,, , ,, t oeMtsure its 'effect, consequently, the-. 1 Principles of ballfstiaarenoilocted or relaunder!teeet, j here, forit is notstare-hanse or rt. miwt•bet. 1 this knowledge can be acanired. With therdoilars., In the pocket at ail:Wraps on theater:l4er, bravery, ' itself la not able tb supply sciencn.-this branoti.. This lathe reason thatin most engegementd expand , and sea the effect Of the cannon alnetults tua.grest .deal of , noise wasted powder, and font bells.. Y.: shall abstain frore!t Filipinos numerbits that might be made,"to arrive sooner to proeesattiglyer import:WA improvements. _ The principal rules of artillery that must be ob served in t trdet to lire with success, are: Ist. The choiee of position, to plant the battery., 2d. The : force of the powder. td. They. composition of the cartridgervand 4th. The <meet dishnee front the • .-, an, Thaalming is a mailer, of practlise, not only of these anus in general, but also of twerp particer ', lax firearm. The histal, three .points. are eaWy esta blished, but , the fourth (the °hoot distanco teem the 'aim), on which depends the result of the shot, t he ' 'entree long, :difficult operations ,of trigonomo- Ary, which are sometimes even iropible before the. enemy - Wire watt of bkatik Thus, tuf tosteturtant that would free artillary from this reel digt , :mit tyi would, be a preellousFabquialtion for An engaggs. went on land or sea: This has been p .roposed I:t.lne present moment to the Sahretary of the Navy ardor It la a t ar • eleacope,ltif iiiiktil of which, all WI. Of peatons' of geconetyr.end trigontantiWy ' WM(' be , made loithefur aurcalcubuion or measuring. whatever ' merely by reading a_ number. This - luatrataent, . :.while fuesuring'an eft - wily° sbot, voloA 4 mil al one time; save a greet deal of money, mill 'il•i' in astili'l ifyr:9 engagements: There f Annexed description or the insernineriV': ' witty the solving of different problems,iabdoinpent by very favorable reportf it inmalia ns cy . rranktia Institide, of the. ' 1-1.1, i the Observatory at Washialteitt 4 1 400.. 'ea' , that,with these docurnen . aaan?ontbl : Melee of War and the z cot limplc meausego4M,372l4l4 ia4atureo4 efite of ballts .--7.-- poet ' •• - •,- -- Tr ia ll • Ais Y . 1111111i2e 1 .0.• •, • ••••.....::•• It • • • t T 4 r,t , tll5 1110 • or, et, v.', rb 0 4if • aa=ty. o 2, . nr. La giros =NE Mill- '6ll O3J. B.IO B B E NTSt °I?.. Ns offered a dciuble enteTtata- ...—... _. Pa.R2d Res toff 315 ,i is iiti-st \ Little SR,- - ..... 493 i _ Rh & 19tb-st I /Morris 0 Cozi. •.. 90 90 Dorris C Pref. • -139 140 ,race &Pine R. ' Sell 31 Stork- BO i & Waist R. •- Seli Dar Pref.., 19% 40 Teat Phllad R. -.'79 . az* S N614132.int05. 96 95*.Aiek•st R NA SI. Rimini R: _:. ... 36 37. G e Vine-st R- -10 19 ELmise It 'Wet- 63 67 Gren & Coates-MX sidc trolnaNil AI 686 Shard C A- I ftr: le .3°4 North Pa D ". 32M 33XIMittet MB. .. :::: :: Drexel & Co. quote: • , . • New Dulled States b0nd5,.13131 -11 l @II2 Do. • New Certif. of Indelitedl9ll9--- 93 a 94 Do. • T 3-10 Notes Quartermasters' Touchers., Orders for Certificates o "Manses... .... - - • 2:6 eji Cold ............... .. . 102 Sterling Rubin . 960 263 FiretwentSollo3 Th e ad to of vial DI the * Consolidated Coal Con piu27 ermaylvanla. for the weekending . 1 ;were • . lowly ' ' • 99,646 Total for the season T 5.026 " The following is a statement of Coal transported ea ', • the Delaware and.fludaon. Canal, Iv the week ending :- -"11191126. DM: re and Hudson Wig Co . eono7lTtuno Cool. Co....... , . Total, tone • For the same .pirlod laet year: • Week. Sasseeir. Delaware and lindsen Canal Co 33,446 233.065 peoxii sylvards Coal Co 21,471 166.51 T --- . ,—,---- .S'atili•tens .66,917 SAMS' The follociing shows the receipts of the Delaware Dl- Thaw Canal Coronary. for week ending Acme 33: For li eek to date ' 66,131.6 67 Previously in 11364, ' 66.660 90 .. . •.---- is-gpo 47_ , ... correspconlingtiree lest year . • 54;350 95 , Increase ' ' 419,133 ill The erop aduices from the West this week irirof. a. - -rcorartrstsring tenor tha . n a week or ten daps ago. Tier • drought in 'Wisconsin and Illinois has been relieved b* copieuashoWers, and-the name has oieuirearig • portiona. of TiOrthern Ohio iindlis lhe 'southern . liar of countie‘'lfiar- the 'mare or the State there lif still. renchconaplaint of th'e*ant of rain. -Both the corn aid wheat trope to CeniFrel and Southern Illinois are rePogr , ed large and prom /A 4. - • The Familia gold and sliver -product of the reei#ll . Stites of the present year. iiyallablAfor.stliipent . ....San "Francisco since January I, &imolai- tO 34S 3r • 1. o May ; ity, es jigeinsl $1.9;42(i.iM '&l4ppecl. froiii - theW ' duet of. iffato same date. ' . "... . , . The news .from England, to the 17tli inst.; repiirirls, rednclion of the Bs* of Sienna re t te or, Interest tO s per °ant „ but an unsottled political , confidence in Lea -1 don. ndlower nubtations for consols. • . .... , , _ ... „ .;. 1.4 , • 'sake 4 4itiaettin e aivagabiadvan . Arm, het ther . - . 141 C, 1,98 LOTTA.. 60,861 414.1111. Philadelphia. Makkah& Imes 29—) ... . - ... . . ... _ is more:demand. for. Flour, and prio, ~ _ . _. • ve=2se Ifil bbl; sales comprise abOnt 6,00n\ thgl9:for extra; s9.2s@ff• i'S for extra family, %(iO9 hhla CUT Mille cm private terra. Thor and bakernare bay tug at from 86(48.60 fi- SS - 3580 for extra; 00.60(419.7 5 for . Aim_ . - - i t Silaklo-58* bbl for huitY brain% a 8 to. %Wit, ' Motor is scarce and., in. demand I%t• thi , „•s) fir bb a . ! ideal It taro scares. • 01141 IN —There to more doing lirtsfleat have adv;moed with sales of aboutlB,4W bas, : 22C0228e* bus for Perms and Southornrsdi ; helo' , •at 230(4235e * bus, as toA• mitt/. Itycei .small sales are reported at 160 e *bruf.- Corn is offered at lfe7c *boa afloat Oarslarain better about 5,800 bus acid at atfglBBa V has for Ifelv Penna. _ - BABE: —Chterediren is in deinant ,at, sO* to) No. 1. . COTTON. —Prices have,advagpad,•andthere more dairg•teith sales or abet.% •175 Wee to • 146141dric th, cash; for liiddle_ . ' „ • , SROC —There is veil; Bale , d,Ong , Sugar or -Caffein lmt -_holders,,ara Narth •fir views. sad sst'ds -posed. so •m •nte,l•:..- YET*OLICN i .--Thefroefithat hond•navadt• saerland ,gAoted, at 46@ftc,_ i_teHrm4l.e.. at Tnand - free Id front: IrSIWIMIAIOrr,„. ,• S S. —Slimmed. sells. on aritrai• at I Map yis eating in - 4.. smelt= at, .CWrer le in demand at.gdieirg 5q IN; ' - rsON:—There les dinner teeter in t nzirem.are better,. Amiga . sales 'at anthill, at from thi.i@N)* ton, TOr the Ulnae ntre." I; tared Iron IS in dematfd, and tealinf 'SILVA'. STUBS& contin &Arm: • of ••Turoentineara. at Swell sales of Bonn awe' 1^ • • 61YA110... _ __rtrvian. i.a. S . ISitailloirt q7l-114 Sups Plicigil • BA -1131 i and *atm at t 5....... -PRO si iwtil3.- I Vnasilest is stetted. . inSte - "st, yard tiusittno7; -SG tleriefs• Leßoy- Barna said at 255, _and IM,OOO La ialtlEttcabitirs ,16.... Latd..l4l" adarthesC , lttY, 'slams- sold st, ' , levi are ISenblg .at. SAW lb dima. WHISKY do - rather dun; malt Wes at at bl.bli gallon.. T li Tt i followin are the rteeiPte et vox thisemdeir:, ; . ~ .e, • , • Corn t.jii •• :_....,Paiee . ;X• .. • . . ablim'Kt • i •~, ":3 11 • ~4i, ), . _ • * - r '., \&: f ..., ''. ;•i'... '', - . . .„ .: 1 . 1.*1 e ' ,.... '. . '... .'''''''..;' -'''''l`.k t. ..K.47 ' - .. Al, e Week. &MOIL. ..82.228 smato 18,633 140,6 U . 1 \
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers