Cierrlt Smith on Mi© Presidency, A letter from tlerrit .Smith to .Mrs. B. Cady Stan ton, dated Peterboro, Juno 7, says: My ooncorn whether it shall bo Lincoln, or Pro mom, or Chase, or Butlor, or Grant, who shall reach ■the Presidential chair, Is comparatively very slight. But my concern to keep out oT it a man who would mako any other terms with the rebols than their ab solute submission, is overwhelming; for any other terms would not only destroy our nation, but lesson the sacredneSs of nationality everywhere, and sadly -damage the most precious interests of ail mankind. Since the rebellion broke out I have been nothing bnl an anti-rebellion man. So unconditionally havo 1 gone for putting it down unconditionally, as to make no stipulations in behalf of my most cherished objects and dearest interests. And so shall I con tinue to go. I love t'\» anti-slavery oauso. Never theless, 1 would ’flftVe the rebellion put down at whatever nr^ o£L q, iry oA-pcnso to that cause. Hove the ConsVittiUoiK and deprecate the making of any, the slightest, change in it. Nevertheless, I roSco infinitely lossjncoount of saving it than of do- Itruvitm tho rebellion. I love my country. But sooner than see bor compromise with tlio rebels I woulil see Iter exhaust herself and perish in her en deavors to defeat their crime—the greatest crime of ail tho agos-and all the world. Ido not forgot that many of my old fcllow-Abolltionlsts accuse mo of having been unfaithful to the anti-slavery oauso during tlio rebellion. My first answer to them is— that to help suppress the .rebellion is the duty which stands nearest to me: and my soeond answer—that in no way, so well as in suppressing it, can ttio anu ■-slavery eauso, or any other good causo, bo pro “oiou. There Is not a good oauso on , tUo . c f^ h J* l vLi!, o s S s Sf an enemy in the uumixed and mighty wiehedn ‘“orinstance of meddling their time Is this slnpp >%' «n*o face or 1 raaoo wi There is, ' wmhh. K whifst the rebels ESii*rss ssirsixi:K ludlS a piece of impotent bravado ft 3 W the world laughed at. , .■-;.- And stilt another instance or our foolish promnr turenoss are the big words in which wo threaten to punish tho leaders of the rebellion.* *Tt would bo ■ tthue enough for those big words when wo had sub dued the rebellion and captured the leaders. In the meantime thoro should bo only big blows. More- ; over, if wo shall succeed In 'getting' these loaders into our hands, it will bo a question for the gravest consideration whether wc should not Mg their pardon. Instead of punishing them. What was it that stirred up the rebellion 1 The spirit of slavory. That alono is the spirit by means of which southern treason can build up a fire in the heart, whoso flames shall burst out In rebellion. Slavery gone from the South, and thoro will never more he ' rebellions there to disturb the peaeo ami prosperity in which North and South will ever after dwell to. gether. KELI«IOl)S LNTEItIGKSOE, What Was Done by tlifi Late Methodist fleneral t’oulereiiee. Although full newspaper reports wore given from _ day to divy,oftho proceedings of the General Con ~ ference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, which closed its quadrennial session in this city a few days ago, a brief resume of the business transacted by this important ecclesiastical body-will be interest ing to many of our readers. - The relation of We Church to slavery occupied no small shore of Its attention, though little protracted discussion was'evoked respecting it, on account of . the marked unanimity which prevailed regarding .their duty, as a Chureh, to make an end of that . “institution” once and forever. Henceforth non slaveholding will he one of tho unalterable condi tions of membership in the Methodist Episcopal Chureh. A strong declaration of the immorality of slhveholding 'was entered upon the Book of Disci ■ pline by a vote of over two hundred against eight It is the design or the denomination to .reoeooupy the whole territory of the seceded States as fast as practicable, In order to gather churches of both white and colored members. " The Conference not only washed its hands of the pollution of slavery, but more fully,than has over been dene heretofore recognized the claims of the colored race in this country to the sympathy and benevolence of the Church. Practical measures wore, also adopted to extend the watchful care and beneficence of the Church to the colored people in : such a manner that they can accept it without any sacrifice of self-respect. Two Annual Conferences were projected, to be composed wholly’.or chiefly of colored ministers, one to centre at Washington City, and include the region west of the Chesapeake Bay, and the other to centre at Wilmington, Delaware, and to extend northward to Philadelphia and Now York. The question of such a fundamental change of polity as to admit laymen to seats in tho Genera! Conference occupied a-good sham of attention/but | cannot be said to have resulted In any advanced j action. The committee to whom the subject was j referred simply .reported the. fact-that hotli the ; laity and tho clergy of, the-Church had formally declared against the proposed’change, and that, therefore, no action could be taken toward It by tho General Conference, though the latter declared its readiness to consider the n3ked-for boon whenever .'the Church, as a whole, shall desire it. The ques tion thus returns to tho Church. ._ An Important part of the proceedings was the election of three additional bishops. Six venerable 1 men have exercised the office of general suporin-.- tendents. during the past four years, bat the in creasing years of some of them, and the growth of ;• the work devolving upon their hands; seemed>. ■quire an increase of the Episcopal force, and it was accordingly' resolved to elect 'three,additional bishops. The mode adopted rormavuig-ii.-.i--* was curious. No public canvassing or caucus -meetings were employed. The vote was taken by ballot, and without any open nominations; yet two. were chosen on the first ballot, and tho third was so. strongly supported as 'to receive hts election on the : second. We congratulate. the Conference upon their sagacity In having elevated to these rosponsi-; ble positions three editors. OKiO,.U religious.flndlfferary monthly of considera ble merit and large circulation. He is a native or the State of Maine, a graduate of Wesleyan Uni versity of the class of 1838, a member of the New York .Annual .Conference, and a little over fifty years of ago. Physically, he is a man of good pro portions, slightly tending to fullness of habit, florid complexion, and red hair. Dr. Edward Thompson, who received the next highest vote, has been, during the past four years, ■ editor of the Christian Advocate: and Journal. Ho was horn in England, but was brought to this coun try by his 'parents while an Infant, He is about fifty-five, in stature below themediumheight,spare, with a general aspect of physical frailty. * Calvin (an anomalous name for a' Methodist Bishop) Kingsley, the last chosen, has been since -1858 the editor of The Western Christian Advocate and previously, for a time, professor in Allegheny Collie, at Meadevllle,.this State. He is a native of New York State, about fifty, stout and compactly huiltj and of medium size, with a profusion of coal black hair. The three editorial vacancies thus created were* resupplied as follows: That of the Christian Advocate and Journal, was given to Bev. Daniel Carry, D. 8., of Now York. The Western Church Advocate, at Cincinnati, was committed tp Bev. Dr. Beid, presl dent of Genesee College, at Dima, New York 5 and the Ladies’ Repository yr as assigned to Bev. I. W. Wiley, of:Newark,-formerly,missionary, in; China, , afterwards principal of the Seminary at Penning ton, New Jersey. Increase on Sauaky.—At a Congregational meeting of Princeton; Presbyterian; Church, West -Philadelphia, held on Tuesday evening last, the salary of the pastor, Bev. J. Addison Henry, was increased fifty per oent. This Is an opportune act. Everything, that a 1 clergyman needs, to buy costs from fifty to one hundred per cent, more than before the war, and in many cases ,wo doubt not that an advance of pay is really necessary. GBESrAifToww Second pßßsnvTEßiAir Chtooh —Bov. Prentiss de Vcnve, pastor elect, has entered upon his .duties over this congregation It is the church of which the late Bev“ KoberfTavlor was pastor, and is beautifully; located. Air. de Veuve ■commences his labors auspiciously In an encouraging flclf. -Tho services of,to-morrow, wo understand,- wfll be conducted by him. v Hkugious Khception.-Tlio religious ceremony' of taking the veil took place on Saturday morning last , at the chapel of the Sisters of Mercy, attaehml to St. Peter’s Church, on Poppleton street. The young lady who was received was Miss Jane F ilil holiand, but who will hereafter be known in religion - as Sister Mary Francis Xavier. The eeremonveon slsted ol solemn high mass, during which, at dlf- - forent periods, tho young lady read "distinctly' her petition for admission to the order, and her promises and vows as a member. Bev. Dr. Folov of St Peter’s Church, preached a /discourse on the oc- : caslon. The officiating clergyman was the Bev. .Mr. Myers, of St. Vincent’s Church, assisted by Bev. Bernadine Wigget,St. John’s, of Washington, and Bev. Mr. McColgan, of St. Peter’s. There were also present the Her. IV. IVOiarfc, 5. J Bov Mr. Dougherty, Bev. Father Collins, <5. S. A.. and - others. The family and; a - largo number of the friends of the young lady were present.— Baltimore Sun . 1 PnOF. 'Roswell X). Hitchcock, 1). D., of New York, the celebrates divine and eloquent platform speaker, has been, engaged: to dclivef an address in this city, on the evening of the loth Inst., before the Philadelphia Collegiate Institute for Young Ladles The'LFES-nvki. -pon .St. John’s Orphan. Asy lpm, on the Ist, was quite a success. The touchlmr appeal of the Bishop on the matter was responded to with commendable liberality on tho part nr the Catholics of the city. Nothing is more pleasing to reflect on than public religions spirit of this kina.— The Universe.. , . BEV.;-pn.. aOTHßiE.—i?iie : Scotch newspapers contain a letter from this well-known “divine of the Tree Ohnrch, intimating with deep regret his re signation of his church, as his physicians have for bidden him ever again to appear in a pulput or on a platform. . It IS WORTH v of notice that tho Hev. Dr, R ice, •the well-known pro-slavery defender of former times, exchanged pulpits in New York recently iohcevor teat c “ an, Pi° n of Abolitionism, Dr. I, il’ kii A lit v. — Tlio Soots’ Preslivtorlan Obaroh : s PMadelphia reeentiy^handed its the Bov; D,.A. Cunningham, five hundrod .dollars, to assist : him in furnishing his house. ’ Thbius am .mow 101 Homan Ontholles In tließri-” tish Parliament, 08 being in tho liouso of PoorsS 33J8 tho.Housc of Commons. Boors and city oy EninßUitan is about to bo erbatod a ■ Boman Catholic Arehbishoprio, Hitherto tho bish ops of tho Holy See in Scotland have been of the grade of missionaries, or “in partibus,” Ac. CHURCH COJVMTIOX. GENERAL CONFERENCE Of THE ZION METHO DIST CHURCH. FIFTEENTH DAY. r . Tho Conforenob opened with the customary devo tional exercises, Superintendent UUnten In the Chair. LOOKING AFTER THE COMMiLT Ll' ON THE HOOK OONOEItN. Delegate Fulfness Introduced tho following, which passed: -;' ... Resolved, That the Committee on tho Book Con cony appointed by the last Ocneral Conference, who wore authorized to coiloet funds throughout the connexion for its support, report immediately to this Conference. l The report or the secretary of the Book Conoorn •shows that tiicro has been negligence on the part of the committee to whom was entrusted that object, and that the purpose of the General Conference lias failed. The. future state of the soul. •: ,Tho resolution declaring the discourse of Eider Butler, on tho Future State of the Soul,’ 1 unsound and notin accordance with Methodism, was called Elder .Tamos denied, on tho authority of Clark and Wosley, that there was any intermediate state for the soul aftor passing from earth. . “ “ 10 • Elder Coleman wanted all the authorities con sulted on tho together with Webster’s Dic tionary,Hi the presence of tho Conference. - Ex-Superlntendcnt Boss attacked'the sermon, but ialied to substantiate his resolution, or disprove tho •logic or the position of Elder Butler. • > .The resolutions on tho state of the Union, pub- Jished In this morning’s Press, wore adopted. Adjourned till nine o’clock this morning. ti-ie city. Hie Thermometer. JOKE in, 1881 JUNE W, ISM, *. M 12m 3p.m. 6A. M...... 12 M BP.M. ti... -S6 m 61K 66 wixr. WIND. W8W.... WNW-*. Why S NbyE;...NbyE....NbyW SANITARY FAIR. flag for tub Olympic olub, Tho ladies of the Oommfttce on "Labor, Incomo, and Fevenuo will havo on exhibition to-day a mag nificont flag, which is to ho presented to the Olympic Base Bnll Club. It will attract genorat admire tlon. Tho flag is to adorn tho grounds of tho club at Twenty-fifth and .Tofforson sfroots. THIS SWORD CONTEST. Tliovoto for the sword at tho close of the Fair last night was: Hancock... Meade Grant. McOlollan. Sherman.. Scattering, THE CAMP. CHEST. The voto for tho camp-chest, sJanO'j_ Maaae 3l Blinov, U; Hancock, 5 ; Grant, 4i- oii-oicUan/f. himtaf;-y7 AID -POU TJTg WOUNDED. One ot *'w delegates of the Christian Commission, writing from tiio nri' Iy_makes 1 y_ ma kes an urgent appeal for hospital supplie. ,of inherent kinds. He says: “Wo nri) nowout 0 f lint, bandages, rags, towels, liand noi slippers, and socks. . These aro not all the tulii r _ ;a we need, but those wo need most. Wo need Everything useful in ahospital, Including dried hh'a canned fruits,jellies, and wines.” In addition to the above, pleklos of all kinds are much needed. Tlioso things aro needed at oneo. Contributions of those articles,-or money to pur- Oliitso them, may bo loft at ll Bank street, Philadel phia. - . ✓ DEATHS OP SOLDI EU3. The following deaths were reported at the modi-; cal director’s office yesterday: Chester Hospital— Win. H. Bonsall, Company E, IStb Penna. Cavalry. Chestnut Hill— Peter Riley, 2d Connecticut Artii lory. on May 22d. West Philadelphia—Jazzes Upcraft,. Company K, 62d Penna., on Juno 6th; .lames S. Rick, Coin £any F, 46th Penna., on the 9th of Juno; .Marion .T. lontgomory, Company IC, 4th Vermont, June Oth. DEATHS OF iBRAVR OFFICERS. i Intelligence has been -received in the city of the death of Adjutant Wildey, of tho 69th Regiment P. V-, who was lulled during an engagement on Tucgd&y last near Cold Harbor,. Y»>. Captain Oharles H. Brightly, of tho 4th United States Infantry, died on Wednesday night,, at his father’s residence, of a wound received in tho battle of the Wilderness. He is a son of Frederick C. Brightly, Esq., a member of Soleot Council from the Twonty-seconu ward/. The deceased graduated at West Point in Juno, 1861, and was assigned to the 4th United States Infamry, , MISCELLANEOUS. OCR DOMESTIC MARKETS. The prices of moats, and vegetables of all kinds range about the same as last week. Strawberries are not so plenty. The Fair seems to monopolize a largo annntit-y of them. We annex the prices: Asparagus, per bunch . 20 @BO Beans, dry, per quart. 12K Beets, per bunch. 10 Butter, perp0und.............. ;.... .; 25. @ 45 Cabbage, per bead... • 6 © 15 Cheese, perpound..- 24 @ 23 Currants, per quart— *- ............ 15 Dried Fruits—Apples, per quart 12# Peachas.per.quart—.. ’ 25 Plums, per quart....... 30=-. Eggs, fresh, per dozen SO © 33 Fish—Black, perpound 10 Dry Cod, per pound-....-.. - 09 Halibut, perpouud 27 Lobster, perpound - • • 10 Mackerel, each......... 06 @ 15 Porgies, per p0und........ _ 03 Shad, each........................... 25 © 50 . Smoked Salmon, per pouud.. 80 Smoked Herrinya, per bunch ....... 12 © 15 Stripedßass.per pound-—-........ 10 Flour and Meal—Wheat, per pound OOS© 05 Hominy, per pound...,. . 07 : Indian, per pound ; 04 Rye, perp0und.......... 04>£ Gooseberries, per quart..........* - 15 Lamb, perquarier $1.50 ©1.75 Lard, per p0und.........18 © 20 Lettuce, per head —.- 01 © 05 Meats—Corned, per pound 16 ©.20 plate, per p0und...........-........ 15 ‘ , . porter-house steaks, per pound . 25 rib-roast, perpound.... 22 © 25 romp steak, per pound.... • *23 sirloin, perpound...... - 35. smoked, pe? pound-. 25 @ 28 soup nieces, per pound-.--*. ........ 16 round steak, per pound ........i. ... 20 Mutton—Hiudquarter, perpound.-. 12# forequarter, per p0und.......... 11. chops perp0und..........20.® 35 Pork—Corned, per pound-.....- IS hams, whole, per pound 22 ** 'sliced, per pound— 30' roast and steaks, per pound IS shoulders, whole, per p0und....... .. 16 Peas, green; per half peck; 25 Potatoes,'white, per half peck>. 25 Poultry—Fowls, per pound....; 27 . Spring Chickens, per pair-- —.... 75 ®2.QO . Radishes, per hunch. 64 ® 05 Rhubarb, par bunch..................... 05 ® 06: Spinach, perpeck 20 Sprouts, par half peck..*—- 20 . Strawberries, per quart. 16 ® 50 Turnips, per half peck... 40 Veal—Cutlets, per p0und....... 25 forequarter, perpound..— 12# hind quarter",.perpound. . 15 Water Cress, per bunch 05 ELECTION OF OFFICERS. An election. for officers of tlie Inland Telegraph Company was hold yesterday, at the office of the com pany. The following-named gentlemen were elected: T.-H. Willson, president. Charles Maealister, Chas. ,S, Borfe. John .D. Taylor, Charles Wheoler, Theo.' Adams, B. & Hawly, John H. Graham, Sami. L. Witmer, John Hume, W. O. Houston, Charles Cambios, S. Mum, New York ; D. Fleming, Har risburg; John-A./ Hiestand, Lancaster; Josiah; King, Pittsburg, were elected directors. ’X'XU. XIT X-crox'i- [BeforeMr.' Alderman Devlin.] ANOTHER STABBING AFFAIR, A man named Harvey Markwood was arraigned be fore Alderman. Devlin, yesterday morning, on the charge of having stabbed Robert Little. The “,??'* jjffi:. pened between seven and, elghfc_o clock on Thursday -night, on Cherrv street, above. Twenty-first. Mark nave been talking with a man, and wood that he ought ,to be sentSouth.' Lf trio is a milk, dealer, and has in his employ a colored boy whom he brought from Virginia. Markwood is alleged to have made nse of the'expression that “LittieVdaughter ought to marry.the nigger.” This led'to thequarrtl. Little, backed out, when 'Markwood followed. iaM; to ■ y' W , e s l S: BMO,id ? tree k w s era h « >8 alleged to hSlta'.'i dieted the wounds. The first one cathim in Jhesiffibf the neck, and took off part of his ear. The second'stab was m the lung, and, two cuts were inflictedtfcross the breast. . The wonnded man is lying in.a-dangerous con-- omon, and is not expected to recover. - After the affair occurred, Markwood went to his home* where he was arrested by Officer Weldon. T 3s®, committed him to await the result of Little’s injuries. , CEefore Mr. Alderman‘White.O . KUNAWAY WIFE OAUGH3V In The Pres* of yesterday was published the arrest of a sailornained Robert Coiton, on the charge of rnauine away with the wifeofaman named Wdlland, and takiu* money, and other valuables belonging to her.- He had a heanngbefore Alderman White, who committed him.-' Lieut. Uoldey.proceeded on to New York yesterday, and arrested the woman, and recovered the gold watch and chain, and about $7O in money.: She was also arraigned before Aideimau White, who committed her in $l,OOO bail, for a farther hearing thisafternoon. [BeforeMr. Alderman Good. 3 LARCENY 03? A HOUSE-BLANKET. - John Shell had a hearing before Alderman Good yes terday morning, on the charge of stealing a horso-blan ket from the stableof Albert E. Heiiig, on Main street. Germantown, fie was committed in default or $5OO bail to answer. . yf- - ROBBING A MONEY DRAWER. A young girl named Caroline Strong, aged 16 years, was also before Alderman Good, on the charge of rob bing the money drawer, at the store of Washington Gamble, on Main street, above Chelton avenue, Ger mantown. The alderman sent her to tho House of .Re fuge.:- • [Before Mr. Alderman Beitier. ] PROFESSIONAL THIEVES. . men,.riving' the names of John Harris,. Charles Anderson. George Watson, and Henry High land, were arrested, ou Washington Square, on the charge of being professional thieves. They were taken before Alderman Beltler, who held them on their own recognizance to leave the city by 12 o’clock in the evening. THE COURTS. Common Pkas-Judges Thompson and I.mllow. t The list of roa<l: cases was disposed of yesterday. £fo other business was before the court. Quarter Sessions—Judgre Allison. In the following cases for; petty offences convictions were had and sentences imposed yesterday • Catharine McKenna and Mary. Maguire, for keeping disorderly houses, were -sentenced to an imprisonment of six months each; : Catharine Haley, for larceny, was sentenced to five - months in the county prison, 1 John Mc&leer was convicted- of 'stealing a coat. He .pleaded intoxication, and, as a consequence, temporary mental aberration, in extenuation of tho offence. This did not seem to help his case much with tho judge, who sentenced him to nine months’ imprisonment. Catharine Conner, convicted of. malicious mischief, was discharged upon her own recognizance. Robert Davis, for the larceny of $l9 in money, was sentenced to eighteen months in the county prison. - If: - 4 ' JonesJarceny, six months in the county prison. The court then adjourned. ** Arrival and Mailing or Ocean Steamers/’ ■. TO ARRIVE. i‘ -SHIPS - nok FOR. X DATE. Saxonia.. ....... .Soutliainpton. Now Y0rk........May 31: O. ofWaskingtn.Liverpool New Y0rk.....'... Juno 1* Scotia ....Liverpool.....New Y0rk........ Jutfe 4 Afnca, Liverpool Boston Jane 11* SAvarta ...Southampton.New York, ..luuel« Washington Havre New York... Jnuo'lJ* Germania Southampton. New York....:.,.Juue23'' : TO DEPART. Ocean Queen.:..New York,...Aspittwan.....,.,June 13 Australasian ....Now York.... Liverpool ...June 15 v??. 0 I r LY„“""'"iw eW Y 0r ?. •••??”■ Orleans.... Juno 15 Yirsinla.........New York.... Liverpool June 18 Edinburg New York....Livorpool June 18 Bremen. .New lork....Bremen ..June 18 Corsica ..........New York.... Havana, &c June IS Geo Washington .New: York.... New Orleans.... Jane IS China............805t0n Liverpool June 22 Olympus New York—Liverpool.....^.Jane 22 IHETTJEK BAGS AT TUB MEIIOHANTS’ EXCHANOB, PHJLAPSI.FHIA. Skip Tuscarora, Dunlevy ....Liverpool, Boon. Bark Thomas Dallett, Duncan........... Laguayra, bood B»rk Linda, Hewitt ......Matauzas, June 15 : PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. James R. Oampbeli,, ) Samuel W. DeCobksey, > CoasUTrxa of the Month. Wim.iam a. Houi.tos, ) MARINE: INTEEEIGEBfCE. PORT OF FiinADELFBU, June 11. Sun Rises. ~4 361 Sdn Sets. ..7 M | High Watee.-V.-5. 41 „ ARRIVED, . Khip More Castle, Rois, .ID days from Key West, in ballast to Workman & Co. Brig Ellßworth (Br), Laurence, 21 days fromCienfue &oul i &Co OIa6SCB 0 S * > v Welsh-yessal io Isaac lumlrto ? E t A'koude. 0 S 0 & 20 Calais, with InhafialtO S”™' Bi Charl 6B ton Bar, Brig Alfred, Hutfnagle, from Newbera. in ballast to captain. t a f u ri B lmi^ v Norton, from Boston, in ballast toca>- Sciir Julia .NeweiU Cushing, 8 days from Portland, wit!) mdec to Crowell * Collins. Kcbr.D B Dosme, Knowiion, from Port Royal, in bal last to captain.. - Sebr A M Manchester. Nickerson, from St John River, Fla, jn ballast to captain. lumber vith ■■ Schr Eleanor T Faceioiro, from New London, inbal last to captain. . ; . . •: S L Crocker, Presbrey, 4 days from Taunton, whhTjulßetOrTwelU&Co. . Schr 51oU, 6 days from Fort Royal, in bal* •last to Workman & Co. : .< ballftat S captal^L rlall, an< * y ’ 6 days from Newborn, in Uoiir'tVK M Lert 6^6 ’ l day from Brandywine, Bel, with Schr John Whitby, Henderson, 1 day from Now Castle, Bel. with corn to James Barratt. ballast to o Tweflat c;,° ag<>l 5 days fr ™ CltyPoml, in . Schr Allan Downing, Rice, from Providence, in bat last to captam. » : Schr Lady Ellen, Doughty, from Boston, iu ballast to captain.'., - - . . - Schr John Rodgf rs, Taylor, from Providence, labal last to captain. •Schr-Evergreen, Potter, from:Newport, in ballast to captain.. v Schr Mary Anna, Gibbs, from’ Cohasaett Narrows, la haUaat to E A Quintard. • = >: .* . Scbr Express, Elliott, from Boston, iu ballast to C A lieckKchftr 5t Co.’ \ § c !* r SGastnor, Robinson, from Boston. Jn ballast, bchr Mary iialcy, Haley, frost Bostpp, iu bttUtyjt'. Sohr A B Cannon, Tlaley* from Boston, in ballast. Schr J C Baxter, Price, from Boston, in ballast. . Schr Mary Pflndsou, Hudson,from Boston,ln ballast. Sohr Caroline Holmes, Cr&mnor, from Boston, ia bal last Schr Frances Edwards, Babcock, fromßoatou, in bal last. „ , , Schr H Thompson, Sharp, from. Boston, in ballast. Schr L Dupont, Coraon, from Boston, in ballast, schr C Eddie, Coombs, from New London, In ballast. Sohr K nnisor, Penney, from New York, in ballast, Schr»Mary Patterson, Godfrey, from Providoace, in ballast. Schr J D McCarthy, Young, from Salem, in ballast. Schr Reindeer, Irwin, from Gloucester, in ballast. Steamer Fannie, Fenton, 74 hours from New York, with mdse to Wm 51 Baird & Co. Steamer Anthracite, Jones, 24 hours from New York, with nulso to Wm M Baird & Co. Steamer C Comstock, Drake,24 hours from New York, with mdse to Wm 51 Baird & Go. i> CI7EARED. Bark John Mathue?., (Br,) Kerlln, Pernambuco. Bark Speed, Salp,oury, Falmoath.. B' « Smw, Fort Spain. Jarman. 1 St Jago. ■ Brig ErVichetto, kuasoTLivorpool. s™* arcole, (Itnl,) Bintone. Falmouth, for ordara. Johu CbrystaUfßavnes, Sagua. . Brig Gilmore Meredith, Snow, Hampton Hoads, Brig Elmira, Norton, Bath. BrigEnrus, Parsons, Boston, Brig Edwin, Allen, Boston. : , Schr Laura Pride, Pride, St Thomas. Schr S L Crocker, Presbrey, Tauutou. Sohr GE Elmer, Mafton, Boston. Schr Hannaii G:aiit,-Howard, Newburyport. , Schr Bohemian, Young, Washington. .Schr.Freri Hoed, Frieud, Salisbury, Schr JC Baxter, P/ico, Salem. Scbr Hutli Halsey, Dowey, Boston. Schr J Rogers, Taylor, Bristol. Schr Mary Aim. Gibbs, Cohassot Narrows. .Schr Express, Elliott, Boston. : ; Schr Alary Clark, Disney, Newburyport. Schr James Bliss, Hatch, Boston. . Schooner Trade wind, Corson, Bostou. Schr SCastner, Jr, Rohiuson, Salem. Schr Reindeer, Ervin©, Salem, Blakistour : Schr A S Cannon, Haley. Boston. Schr J D McCarthy, Youug, Providence, SchrC Eddir, Coombs, Salem. Schr Lamot Dupout, Corson, Boston. Schr Eleanor T, Facemire, Providence. . SchrCerroGoruo, Buckaloo, Newport. Schr B 1 Wrightiugton, Baxter, Boston, SohrMaria Louisa, Foss, Boston. Sebr Thos Jefferson, Foss, Boston.. - Schr K M Price, Kelly, Boston. ■ Schr Crisis, Rose. Pawtucket. - Schr L Sturtevant, Price, Boston. Schr Flight, Gibbs, Somerset.- Schr Amanda, LAmson, Boston. Schr A M Hines, Blackman, Pawtucket. Schr,Charlie & Willie, Emery, .Boston. Schr C Moore, Hewitt, Providence. Schr W F Garrlsou. Corson, Roxbury. - Schr Trade Wind, Hill, Saco. . Schr Mary Nowell, CoviH, Cohassefc Narrows. SchrETl Atwoodvßieh, Boston; Schr G AJsearse,_Bear«e.JEfampton Roads. ■ Schr Ambition, Bearse, Hampton Roads. Schr E B Wheaton, Wheaton, Fortress Monroe. Schr Son of; Malta. Loye, Roundtop. Md. B Schr Evergreen, Potter, Fall River. Schr E Thompson, Sharp, Cambridge. Schr A Doughty, Narts, Boston. Schr D Willing, Burdon, Providence- Schr Fanny A Bazley. Crosby, Portland. . Sloop Seal, Higbee, Baltimore. , St’r J.S Shriver, Dennis, Baltimore. [Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange, J ; Lewes, Bel., Juned. Ship Onward, from New Castle, Del, for Vera Cruz, wenttosea yesterday: brig-J 51 Sawyer, from Phila delphia, went to sea 7thinst.. All the fleet before re ported hare left the Breakwater, except one steamer and 3 schooners. Wind S. I. Aaron Slarshall, SUMMER RESORTS. STATES- HOTEL/ LONG BRANCH, N J., is notr open for the reception of -visitors. Address B, A. SHOEMAKER, Prop’r, feS-2m* nEESTER COUNTY HOUSE,; AT- LANTIC CITY, N. J.-This private BOARDING* HOUSE (a! for Boarders), is now fnliy ar* ranged for the accommodation of Summer visiters The situation is one of the best on the Island, being in full view of the Ocean, and near excellent bathing ground. mySl-2m . JACOB KEIM, Proprietor. CHRP HOUSE. ATLANTIC OIT 7, N. J.—This popular HOTEL will be opened as usual, on.the 33th of JUNE, The house possesses advantage* that are enjoyed by no other hotel at Atlantic City. Its immediate proximity to tho ocean, the magnifi cence ot the bathing opposite it (which was never so fine as the present season), the certainty of constant cool breezes from!thesea, all combine to-render the house a most desirable place of summer resort. Tho undersigned need scarcely speak , to his old patrons concerning the table, attendance, Ac., and he will only remark that he is determined that the Surf House shall continue to maintain its well-established reputation. A band of music has been engaged for the season, and such of the guests as enjoy dancing Trill bo afforded fall opportnnity for hops. The railroad facilities between Philadelphia and At* laniie are full and complete, while a passeugef car con veys guests to and fro between the Surf House and the * ‘ inlet’' at short intervals. ' Persons desiring to engage rooms will please address H. S. BENSON, je4-lm Proprietor Surf House. : T>EDFORD MINERAL SPRINGS.— -M This popular Summer Resort is now open, and pre pared for the reception of visitors, until October next. The Hotel 'will be under the charge of the most expe rienced management in the country. ’ • The Bedfofd Railroad has been finished to within one hours? ride of Springs, over fine Turnpike road. Visitors will coroe by Pennsylvania Railroad to Hunt ingdon, thence by Broad Top and Bedford through. Ample arrangements have been made to supply deal ers and individuals with the BEDFORD WATER, in well-steamed casks, as follows: For Barrel, oak .» .......,...(40ga1)..53 00 “ Halfßarrei, oak 2 00 “ •“ .*.* mu1berry^.................... 400 All orders addressed to E,; L. ANDERSON, Bedford, promptly filled. • Persons wishing rooms, or any information about place,will address ESPY L. ANDERSON. je3-2m TTNITED. STATES HOTEL, v-' . CAPE ISLAND, N. J. JOHN WEST, AARON MILLER, '-, , . PROPRIETORS i Beg leave to call the attention of their friends and the public to the above magnificent Establishment, which will be open for the reception of visitors on ttft 16th of June. Besides a spacious Dining Hall and Parlors, it con tains an unusual number or large and well ventilated Bed Rooms, all handeomely furnished with new furni ture throughout. ■ . ’ The Proprietor's of this Establishment will spare nc care or expense to meet the wants of their, guest*, ifeWTShF hoping to Bhare liberally in- — vTs ~ , 't-A?P r , . ' —io subscribers, by letter tO'iijri»tf'ro«vitu»-ir«rreceiYe a prompt reulv je2-6w - WEST & MILLER. ’ TTNITED STATES HOTEL, U ATLAATit; I . • > ThK pftlabrated Hotel will be open for the recepv* —... . 4S B S StHOESDAT. Jon'EM. 1564. aud jr>U*.g-. ter the supervision of Col. Janies W . rowers, wun mr. -Edward Hartwell as assisvant. _ for each department, and every exertion will be made to. condnct the same to the entire satisfaction of th« public,- ■ ' . -. After July Ist, four trains will leave Vine-street Per rv, daily, Fast Line through ia two hours, without stopping at the way stations. : A passenger car.trill be ran from the Hotel to the Inlet '.every twenty minutes. - - \ Hosier’s Band, under the direction of Mr. Simoa Hassler, hasbeen engaged for the season. - Persons engage rooms will address BROWN dt WOELPPER, Proprietors, -w t» mi n , t, Atlantic City, New Jersey. , •t ?■*“ ,^ e Bar, which last year formed oppo site the shore, has entirely disappeared, leaving the beach one of the best and safest on the coast. . jol-lm COLUMBIA HOUSE, v - / - CAPE MAY. This Hotel will be opened June 15. The house ha* been pnim thorough repair, and nearly two hundred new and .greatly-improved BATH HOUSES will b* ready for the accommodation of guests. ~ Its capacity and each department will be equal, if not superior, to any. Hotel upon Cape Island. Birgfeld's Band has been secured for the season. Address GEO. J. BOLTON, ; . ■ ' • Proprietor,.' j ; . ; V Cape Island. N. J, s J«, ; - Or J-H. DENNISON, Jny26-lm a , Merchants’ Hotel, Philal . CONGRESS HALL, CAPE ISLAND. V£. HEW JERSEY. ' ' . ...; . ; This favorite Hotel will 1)9 opened fortha reception ei jaests on JUNE FIRST ■. The House has been refurnished and thoroughly rent.. .voted. Writing and Reading Rooms and a Telstra,! Office have been added for the exclusive nee of th, guests.' - .The proprietor feels warranted In'assuring the pubili that, with the gentlemanly and competent officers «■ cured, each department will be conducted to the satin satisfaction of the most fastidious. "■ _ Haßsler s fnil Band, under the personal direction cl Mr. MARK HASSLER, has been engaged exclusivelj fot Congress Hail: . ■ Any further Information will be cheerfully given, by Addressing J. F. CAKB, mvC-tf ; Proprietor. SUI PH HR AND CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, AT DOUBLING GAP, PA. _ - L G. CHADSEY, Proprietor, .Formerly of Old United States and St. Louis Hotels, ■ Philadelphia, and United States Hotel, Atlantic City. Season opens June 25th. , This delightful place is located iu Cumberland county, thirty miles west of Harrisburg. It is accessible from all the prtncipal'tjittes by railroad to Harrisburg, thence by the Cumberland .Valley Railroad to Newviue,' from ftewville eight miles good staging to the Springs. The stasreis always in waiting upon the arrival of the cars aiKewvilie. , .■ . . - ■, - ; Passengers leaving Philadelphia, Baltimore, or Wash ington in the morning, can arrive at the Springs the same evening, at p o’clock, . This Hotel is commodious and comfortable, (having been recently thoroughly renovated,) with hot and cola baths attached, and extensive grounds for walks and amusements. : , Th « experience of the present Proprietor enables h in to say that it will be conducted in a manner to please all visitors. N. B.~a fine Livery is attached to the establish ment. ; -;- ; jeB-lm* URE. Cabinet furniture and bil- MffLIARD TABLES. • MOORE <6 CAMPION, . . No. 261 SOOTH SECOND STREET, ifi connection with their extensive Cabinet business,are* v IOW manufftctnrlng a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, ■md have row on band a full supply, finished with the ’ MOOBB JtiCAMPION’S IMPROVBB CUSHIONS , irblcb are pronounced by all who have used them to OB superior to all others. For the quality and finish of these Tables, the manufacturers *refer to their nume rous patrons throughout the Union, who are familiar yltb the character of their work.} ai>l9-6m DEPARTMENT. Office of the Gomptbollbr of the Coreehct. „„„„„. Washington,-May 4,1831 WHERBAS.- by satlsfectory evidence preseuted to the undersigned,-it has been made to appear that THE seventh National bank of PHiLADELPHU, county of Philadelphia, andfState of Pennsylvania, haa beenaoly organized, under and according to the require meats of the act of Congress entitled *' An act to pro vide a National Currency, Becured by a r pledge of United SUites stocks, and to provide for the circulation and re demption thereof, * * approved February 25,1863, and has complied with all the provisions of said act required to be .complied with before commencing the ' business of Banking: Now,‘herefore, I, HOGH McCULLOCH, Comptroller Of-.‘MCprSekfiT* Jo ioreby oortify that THE SEVENTH NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania; ie authorized to commence the business of Banking under the act .aforesaid.' In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of . office, this FOURTH DAT OF MAY; I^. CSeal of the Comptroller of the Currency. 3 • HUGH MoCULLOCH my6-2m Comptroller of the Cnrreuoy. WATER PIPE t DRAIN PIPE!- " * Mohtgomeiy Terra 1 Cotta •'Works—Office and Warehonse, 1221AfARKET Street. . . - - UST OP CASH PBIOES: For joint of .8 feet, 2 inch bore, 30 cents. For joint ofS feet, 3 inch bore, 36 cents. ForjointofSfeet, 4inchbore, 48ceute. feet, 6 inch bore,'6o cents. : . For joint of 3 feet, 6 inch boro, 76 cents. All sizes, from 2 to 25 inch diameter. Also, Branches, Turns, Traps, Chimney Tops, Chim aey Hues, Garden Vases, &c. • MoCOLLrN & RHOADS, myl6-Btuth6m i X 221 MARKET Street. . pURE LIVE GEESE FEATHERS. Curled Hair, Husk, and Palm Mattresses, Iron Bed ■leads. . MATTRESSES REPAIRED. mylMm / wx gontb SIXTH Btr««v. TDMELLE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OP v BOCK is successful as a remedy, because those who use it pronounce it the best - COUGH BYRUP, . Purifier, the most efficient invigorator, and the best cure for Scrofula ever offered to the public Sold by the proprietor, ’ F. JUMELLE, 15»5 MARKET Street. « mnl4-8m • And all Druggists. TAYLOR’S ARNICA OIL OR EMBRO- A CATION never fails to cure Rheumatism,-Neuralgia, Sprains, Frosted feet, Chapped Hands! end all Skiu Dls-’ easeß, Price 25c, and wholesale and retail by H. B. TAY* LOB, Draaitist. TENTH and CALLOWHILL. mhs-8m nOTTON SAIL DUCK;AND CANVAS of,all numbers and brands. V ' v Raven's Back Awning Twills, of all descriptions, for Tents, Awnings. Trunk and Wagon Covers. Also. Paper ilanufactarare’ Drier Felts, from 1 to I feet wide. Tarpaulin, BolgggjS^l'T^riMjAic. ° Ll«*#oBK' A AUei,. TnE ri:Ess.-Piin,Ai)Ei.PHiA, Saturday, june 11. O IST I> ■© STATE OF NEW JERSEY. PUBLIC NOTICE rs PfEREBY GIVEN THAT BON#!? TQ AMOUNT OF 'frill be Issued in pursuance of the second section of an act approved March 24,1863, entitled supplement to “An act entitled an act authorizing a loan for the purpose of war, to repel invasion and suppress insurrection, and appropriating the same and providing for the payment thereof. ” Approved May 10,3864. These Bonds -will he issued of the denomination of 11,000, $6OO, and $lOO, with coupons attached, or regis tered bonds of the denomination of $l,OOO, to suit bid ders. The Bonds will be redeemable as follows—viz: $lOO,OOO On thO Ist JANUARY, A. D. 1887. $lOO,OOO On thO Ist JANUARY, A. D. 1888. $106,000 on the Ist JANUARY, A. D. 1889. $lOO,OOO on the Ist JANUARY, A. D, 1890. Bearing interest at the rate of SIX PER CENT, per an num, payable half yearly, and are exempt by law from taxation. ■ Vi- 1 f ■' PROPOSALS in writing for the whole or any part of these Bonds will bo received by the subscriber, at Me Office, in the city of TRENTON, Stato of New Jersey, at any time before 2P. M. on WEDNESDAY, the 15th day of June, A. D. 1564, on which day and hoar the Governor and Treasurer will bo in attendance at the State House to open and decide bids. The Bonds will bear date July Ist, 1864. The right to reject bids is reserved. I-t. M. SMITH, . , ' TREASURER, : Dated May 15th, 1664. . - je4-10t* JIBS T DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY This Bank has been authorised and is now prepared to receive subscriptions to the This Loan, issued, under authority of an act of Con frees, approved , March 3,1864, provides for the issue of Two Hundred Millions of Hollars ($200,000,000) United States Bonds, redeemable after ten years, and payable forty years from date, IN COIN, dated March 1,1864, bearing interest at the rate of per annum IN COIN, payable semi-annually on aU Bonds over $lOO, and on Bonds of $lOO and less, an nually.' Subscribers will receive either Registeredor Coupon Bonds as they may prefer • . Registered Bonds will be Issued of the denominations of fifty dollars (sso),one hundred dollars ($100), five hundred dollars: ($500), one thousand dollars <$1,000), five thousand dollars ($5,000), and ten thousand dollars ($10,000), and Coupon Bonds of the denominations of fifty dollars ($6O), one hundred dolors ($100), five hun dred dollars ($500), and one thousand dollars ($1,000). INTEREST ; , will commence from date of subscription, or the accrued interest from the Ist of March can be paid in coin, or, until farther notice, in U • S. notes or notes of National Banks, adding (60) fifty per cent, to the amount for pre miumi r ; . C. H, CLARK, ap3-tf President. B W Ij O A N. 11. S. 10-40**. JAY COOKE & GO. OFFER FOR SALE THE NKW GOVERNMENT LOAN, Bearing yi ve p er Cent. Interest IN' COIN. :• Redeemable an; time after TEN TEAKS, at the -plea sure of the Governmentrand payable FORTY: YEARS afterdate. Both COUPONS and REGISTERED BONDS for this Loan,'of .denominations as the yearly, trait all o(Shf> interest on anasioo jAyaWe TEN-FORTY BONDS are yearly Interest Tallinn do. Sentmnher iHmi xm n n i of . each year. Until Ist September, the aecrned interest from Ist March le, reanlred to be paid by pnrbhaaen In eoln, or In legal currency,. addin* SO per cent for premium, until further notice. •; All other Government Securities bought and sold. JAY COOKE & Ob., ap3-tf 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. ASSISTANT TREASURER'S OFFICE, INTEREST OK THE PUBLIC DEBT, WILL BE PAID IN COIN, ON PRESENTATION' AT g'ENNEDYj STAIRS, & CO., Sol. 130 and 132 IS'oitli Wharves, FICKLED AND DRY EISH. A large stock, in assorted packages, suitablefor Goon aryTrade, always on hand. ap2l-2m A RCHER & REEVES, £*- WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 45 North WATER Street, and No, 46 North DELAWARE Avenue, stock°o/° r ***** ** Lowest Market Price ef a large SUGAR, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEAS, , SPICES, .7 TOBACCO. And Groceries generally, carefully selected for the jountrytrade.- Soie Agents for the products of FITHIAN & POGUB’B lx tensive Fruit Canning Factory at Bridgeton, if. J. ap26-6m : JtfACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD. &c. 2,600 bbls Ms se. Noe. 1. 2, and 3 Mackerel, late* taught fat fish, m assorted packages. 2,000 bbls New Baatport, Fortune Bay, and Halifax Herring. - 2,000 boxes Lnhec, Scaled, and No* 1 Herring. , 160 bbls new Mess Shad. 250 boxes Herkimer County Cheese, St c. In store and for sale by . MURPHY & KOONS, ja!9-tf . -No. 140 NORTH WHARVES. v PICKLES.--100 BBLS. PICKLES IN *• VINEGAR. ' 60 half bbls. Pickles in vinegar, ‘ _ Also, three-gallon and five-gatlon-kegs do. Forgaieby ’ RHODES & WILLIAMS, *ah2B 107 South WATER Street 00 AL AT COST! effectual system of : OHEAPEKING COAL., JB*BT AVOIDING ALL MIDDLE: DEALERS-®* BROAD MOUNTAIN MAMMOTH VEIN COAL COMPANY, OFFICE, 131 SOUTH THIRD STREET, OPPOSITB’GIB ABU BANK. 7 Subscription open for . 7 . ,10,000 SHARES OF STOCK AT $lO EACH, payable AaV on subscribing, mi half on 2d August next. Each hhare enlltles tne'. holder to receive?for HU years. every year. . ’ • TWO HEAVY TONS OF COAL, AT COST. bOßides CASH DIVIDENDS FROM FROFITR „BW, of present, $5.35 tlio.hsavy ton (2,210 lbs..) dfo livered alike huusela Philadelphia; while the market price Is *lO, and over. This secures nearly 100 per cant dividend from this Item alone, to which a cash divi dend is added everyO months. Coal will be delivered on and after Ist October next. : , .The Company {commanding, In Sts mines, inexhausti ble ouantifles of the beßtcoal) soils farther, . 6,000 PRIVILEGE CERTIFICATES, at *lO EACH, payable half on subscribing, and half on 2d August next. Each Privilege Oerlijteale entities' the holder to receive, for 10 years, every year, FOUR HEAVY TONS OF fcOAL, AT COST, Inclnsi ve of ten per cent, of the market price in Phila delphia, as compensation lor the Company, This makes the test, for Certiflcateßolders, at present rates, *6.36 the heavy ton (2.240 lbs.), delivered at the house In Philadelphia. • At this rate, a saying of *l4. eg on 4 tons ofcoalforeach corHacatevor. in other words, a divi dond of 146 per cent, on the Investment, is realized, in the first year, commencing Ist October next; and every year thereafter. The Company is constructing works on a very large scale to mine and develop, tinder a Chatter from this State, one of the.richest and best coat holds in Schuyl kill connty, comprising the MAMMOTH VEIN (White! Ash) and ™EE ACCOMPANYING VEINS (White and Red Ash), having, together, a Sickness of 42 feet, and many thousands of feet In depth and length: being, in :deed, tnexhanstiWe for all practical purposes. Forotrcnlars and snbscriwton, apply early,as above, my26-lm HENRY SCHiIOfiLE, -froasnror fTPHOLSTERIHG. V ■ ■ H: B. ; BLANCHARD & GO*; Northeast comer THIRTEENTH and CHESTNUT flicJ • Carpets and Mattings made and laid. Bedding, Hair Mattroasas, Ac. • * i mnwUHip . VAFftndab itrnlDva T,ard oil, for lubricating IYo°'® E for sale at the Invest market * T‘ M «hfk.tarer.,WX North FINANCIAL, OF THE #400,000 NATIONAL BANK PHILADELPHIA. FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. 10-40 LOAN. NEW 60TEMMENT LOAN, FIVE FEB CENT. PHILADELPHIA, JUNE 7, 1864, THE COUPONS FALirsa iura ox thb FIRST OB’ JULY NEXT, THIS OFFICE. ARCHIBALD McIATIRE, ASSISTANT TREASURER U.. S. ABOVB ARCH STREET, WHOLESALE DEALERB COAL. FOB : THE STOCK AND PRIVILEGE HOLDEES OF TBS PROFOSAIS. PROPOSALS FOR LOAN. Treasorv Depautmrnt, June 6, 1864. To insuTe the greatest possible vigor In the operate as of the armies now moving against the insurgents, o’ a( j dp brave and skillful Generals, upon a vast theatre" jf rations, expenditures have been increased be* on( j P0 _ ceipts from revenue and ordinary subscript! oag to^ie National Loan. Sealed offers will therefore be received r Ai t j, jg D opart . meet, under the act of March 3, 186?, # Utl tu noon of WEDNESDAY, the 15th day of Juno, ism, for bonds of the United States to the amount of SEVENTY-FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, bearing an. annual interest of six per centum, payable sentf-Annually j a coin, 0 n the first days of July and January each year, and re deemable after tho 30th of Juno, 1831. Each offer must be for fifty or one hnadred dollars, or sornif multiple of one hundred dollars, and must stale the euro, including premium, offered for each hundred dollars in bona», C r r ° rfl fty, when tho offer is for no ndflre than fifty. Two per cent. the principal, ex cludingpremium, of the whole amount offered mast b§ deposited, ae guaranty for payment of subscription !/ accepted, with the Treasurer of the United States at Washington, or with the Assistant Treasarer at New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or St. Louis; or with the Designated Depositary at Baltimore, Pittsburg, Cincin nati, Louisville, Chicago, Detroit, or Buffalo; or with any National Banking Association authorized to receive deposits which may consent to trausact the business without charge. Duplicate certificates of deposits will be issued to depositors by the officer or association re ceiving them, the originals of which must be forwarded with the offers to the Department.. All deposits should be made in time for advice of offers with certificates to reach Washington not later than the morning. of. June 36th. No offer not accompanied by Itsproper certificate of deposit will be considered. ; The Coupon and Registered Bonds issued will be of the denominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, and $l,OOO. Regis tered Bonds’ of $5,000 and $lO,OOO will also be Leaned if required. - . All offers received will be opened on Wednesday, the 35tli of, June, by the Secretary ot one of the Assistant Secretaries, and notice of acceptance or declination will. be immediately given to the respective offerers; and, in case of acceptance, bonds of the descriptions and deno . minations preferred will be seni to the subscribers at the cost of the Department, on final payment of instal ments. The original deposit of two per cent, will be reckoned in the last instalment snccessfal of ferers, and will be immediately returned to those whose offers may not be accepted. The amount of accepted offers must be deposited with tho Treasurer, or other officer or association authorized . to act under this notice, on advico of acceptance of offer, or as follows: One-third on or befor\the 20th; one-third On or before the 25th; and the balance, including the premium and original two per cent, deposit, on or before the 30th of June; Interest to the Ist of July on the se veral deposits will be paid in coin on the 30th. of June, and interest on bonds will begin July 1, 1864. Offers under this notice should be endorsed “Offer for Loan, ’ ’ and addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury. • The right to decline all offers not considered advantage ous is reserved to tho Government. S. P. CHASE, je6-5t . . . Secretary of the Treasury. A EMY CLOTHING AKD EQUIPAGE OFFICE, Cincinnati, Ohio, June Ist, 1864. PROPOSALS are invited by the until WEDNESDAY, June 15th, 1864, at two o’clock i\ at., for furnishing this Department (by contract) with the following Books: • Company Order Books, army standard. - Do. Clothing Books, army.standard. . c .Do. Descriptive Books, army standard. Do. : . Morning Report Books, army standard. U. . . ovrxvtiuuKii. ... Post Order Books, army standard. Post Letter Books,- army standard. Post Guard Report Books, army standard.. Regimental Order Books, army standard. Do. Descriptive Books, army standard. Do. Index Books, army standard.' Do. - Order Books, army standard. Samples of which may be seen at the Ofilco of doth* Ing and Equipage in this eRy. Tobe delivered free ofcharge, at the U. S. Inspection. Warehouse, in tbtscUy, in good new packages, with the name of the party furnishing, the kind and quan tity of goods distinctly-marked on eacharticle and pack age. Parties offering goods must distinctly state in their bids the qnantity they propose to furnish, the price, and time of delivery, . ’ Samples, when submitted, musHm marked and num bered to correspond with the proposals, and the par ties thereto must guarantee that the {mods shall be, in every respect, equal to army standard, otherwise the proposal will not be cousidejed. , A guaranty, signed by two responsible persons, must accompany each bid, guaranteeing tliai the bidder will supply the articles awarded to him under his pro posal. Bids will be opened on Wednesday, Sane 15th, .1564, at 2 o’clock P. M., at this office, and bidders are re quested to be present. Awards will he made ou Thursday, June 16th, ISS4.r Bonds will be required that the contracts will befaith fnlly tulfiUed. Telegrams relating to Proposals will not be noticed. Blank forms of Proposals,contracts, and bonds may be obtained at this office. . The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is re served. By order of Col. Thomas Swonbs, A. Q. M. G. je3-llt C. W. MOULTON, Captain and A-.-Q.-hf, PROPOSALS FOR LUMBER. . Chief Quartbrhastbr’s Opficb, • " Depot of Waskinotox, Waskixotox, D. C., June 6, 1564. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this Office . until THURSDAY, June 16, 1564, at 12 o’clock SI., for . the delivery at this depot of Lumbor, of the following amounts, kind, and description, viz: 600,000 feet 4-4 orl inch white pine common culling?!, 300,000 feet of which, to be from 12 to 16 feet - * , long. 75,000 feet 8-4 or 2 inch white pine common callings. 100,000 feet 4-4 or 1 inch white pine selects, not less than 12 Inches wide, well seasoned and dressed on . both aides.- 26,000 feet % inch white pine selects, well seasoned . and dressed on both sides. 150,000 feet 3x4 hemlock scantling, 16 feet long. 60,000 feet 3x4 hemlock scantling, IS feet long. 60,000 feet3xsjoist, 16feetlon», (hemlock.) 25,000 feet 3x5 joist, 20 feet long, (hemlock.) 25,000 feet 3x9 or 10 joist, 14 feet long, (hemlock.) 800,000 plastering laths. 600,000 first quality 18 inch sawed white pine shingles. . 600,000 first quality 1G inch sawed white pine shingles. 600,000 first quality 16 inch sawed spruce pine shingles. 200,000 first quality IS inch sawed cedar shingles. Samples or shingles and laths proposed for will be re quired. All of the above described to be good merchantable lumber, subject to the inspection'oi an inspector ap (2s) days from date of contract. , The ability of the bidder to fill the contracfTsuvx— be awarded to him, must be guaranteed by two respon-. sible persons, whose signatures are to be appended to the guaranty. The full name and pest office address of each bidder must be legibly %vritten in the proposal. Bonds in a sum equal to half of the amount of the contract, signed by the contractor audboih of his guar- T a “Wra. will be required -of the successful bidder upon , Signing the u,uunu.- ••• S The right to reject any or all bids that may be deemed too high is reserved by the Depot Quartermaster. ! -Proposals must be plainly endorsed on the envelope, Proposals for Lumber, * ’ and addressed to the under signed. .. d: H. RUCKER, .. 1 Brigadier General and Chief Quartermaster, jeB-6t Depot of Washington. A SSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GE ■ ax NERAL'S OFFICE, - ' ■ ’- ' PimLiDKiraiA, Jtme 6th^lSs4. &BALED F3JO F be received at this office until 12 o’clock At., TUESDAY, 11th last., for two (2) I.lSiS'Mrfi srE 4S I , FIRE ENWNES, or approved build. _ Bidders will state 'the size of pumps, steam cylinder, length'Of stroke, weight of engine, Ac., num ber of feet of suction hose, with brass strainer attached, pipes, _and, nozzles, for leading hose, jackscrew, Wrenches, and such small tools as are necessary to use with engine when it is at work; gauges for steam, and -waterpressurej to be fitted so as to use the ** Jones’ cupiings, ■ which is to be attached to suction hose, and all other matters that is necessary in the working of the engine. Bidders will also state the price in their pro posals, wmoh must be. given in writing as well as in figures, and the shortest, possible time thev can be de livered.: By order Col. G. H. CROS'MAN, Assistant Quartermaster General. ■; . . . CHAS. D. SCHMIDT, >je7-<t Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. . POST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, FA. ' "~l ;• SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office, until 10o’clock A. M.. on the 15th of June last., forXOCALvMBSSBNGBS SERVICE for carrying the Wails from this office to the several stations named be low, for FOUR \ EARS from July Ist, 18 J 4. ; From Central .Office to Station D,i206 North Third *treet v above .Girard avenue: thence to Germantown and Norristown Depot, at Ninth and Green streets: thence to Station C, No. 1333 Ridge avenue, above Wallace street (or to another place to be selected in same vicinity) ; thence to Station A, 41 South Eighteenth street; thence io Station K, No. 502 Washington avenue: thence to Central Office (a circuit of about 7# miles.) hive trips each way daily, and one trip each way on Sitndav, or more frequently if required. The.lowest bidder will be designated as Wail Messen ger, and must he prepared to commence service on July Ist, 1664. The compemation will be subject to increase or reduc tion,%ro rate* as the distance may be increased or. almimshed, but no extra compensation will be allowed for more frequent trips (if required), than the number stated in the advertisement. . The Postmaster reserves the right to order the wagons to stop at any point between the stations to receive and deliver-mails. : Parties contemplating making bids for this service. Will be required to call atthis office, and inform them selves of the character of the service, and what will be required, in order that they may bid uaderstandingly, Mid prevent any misapprehension Jafter the service has peen let. . ~ The hours at which those trips are to be made, and the time consumed in each trip, are to be, in all cases, designated bv the Postmaster. The horses, wa gons, harness, anS drivers, are to bo subject, at all times, to his approval and control. By order of . M. BLAIR, Postmaster General. C. A. WALBOBN, . , . Postmaster. Phii.adbltitta, Jnna B, 1564. . . jet-lOt AND EQUIPAGE ~ „ . „ Cixoixsati, Ohio, May 25,18 M. ■ .PROPOSALS ARE INVITED BY THE UNDER SIGNED, until MONDAY. June 13th, 1864, at two o’clock p. M., for furnishing this Department (by oontract)- with AKiMY BLANKETS, wool, gray, (with the letters U. S., m black, 4 inches long. In the centre,) to be 7 feet long and 6 feet 6 inches wide, to weigh 5 pounds each,of domestic manufacture. To be delivered free of charge, at the U. : S. Inspection warehouse in this city, tn good new packages, with the namoof the party famishing, the kiadand quantity of goods distinctly marked on each article and package. Parties offering goods must distinctly state In their bids the quantity they propose to furnish, the price, and. time of delivery. - ’ Samples when submitted must be marked and num bered to correspond with the proposal, and the parties thereto must guarantee that the goods shall be. in every respect, equal to Army standard, otherwise the propo sal will not be considered. . A guarantee signed, by two responsible persons must accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will supply the articles awarded to him under his'proposal. Bids will be opened on MONDAY, Jane 13th, I m, at 2o clock P. M., at this office, and bidders are requested to be present. Awards will be made on TUESD AY, June 14th, 1864. fuUyfulfiLled b8required thafcthe contract will befaith- Telegrams relating to Proposals will not he noticed. . Blank forms, of Proposals, Contracts, and Bonds may be obtained at this office. -•■■■.. • • • The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable Is reserved,- By order of Col. Thos. Swords, A, Q. Sf. O. ’" . .... C. W. MOULTON. jo2-10t Captain and A.'Q. Mi CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE .’CraoikxATr. Ohio. Jnnel, IS6-I. are invited by the undersigned until' FRIDAY. June 17th, 3884, at 2 o’clock P. M., for fur „ ;::7. t Samples of which may be seen at the Office of Cloth ing and Equipage in this city, . _fo be delivered, free of charge, at the U. S. Inspection W arehousa in this city, in good new packages, with the nameof the party furnishing, the kind and quantity of goods distinctly marked on each article and package. Parties offering goods must distinctly stato in their bids the quantity they propose to famish, the price, and time of delivery. : ■ Samples when submitted must be marked and num bered to correspond with the proposal,, and the parties thereto must guarantee that the goods shall bo, in every respect,, equal to Army Standard, otherwise the proposal will not be considered. : A guaranty ..signed by two responsible persons must accompany.each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will supply the articles awarded to him under his proposal Bids will be opeued on FrtdajvJune 17th, ISM, at 2 o’clock P.TM.vat this office, and bidders are requested to be present : Awards will be made on Saturday; June 18th. ' . Bonds will he required thattho- contract will bo faith fully fulfilled. Telegrams relating to Proposals will not be not ced. . Blank forms of Proposals, Coatracts, and Bonds may be obtained atthis office. The right lo reject any bid deemed unreasonable is re served.- By order or Colonel THOS, SWORDS, A. Q. SL G. jo4-10t , O. W. MOULTON. Captain and A. a. M. ; A RMV CLOTHING AND EQUIP "■ PAGE OFFICE. • ' Philahki.phia, Jane6.lSM. EEALEE PROPOSALS will lie received at this office until HON DAY next, the 13th inst., at 12 o'clock M.. tor supplying the Schuylkill Arsenal with tho follov/ink articles, required in LARGE quantities, vis: Felling Axe?.-army Btandiukl. Felling Axe Handles, army standard* Spades, do.. do. Shovels, do. do. » Pick-axee,. do. do. •Pick-axe Handles, . do. do. . ■ Samples can be soon at this office. Bidders must stato la their proposals the price, which must he given in xoritiiig, as well as in figures, the quantity bid for and timeof delivery. Each bid must bo guaranteed by two responsible persons, whose sijriuUures must be appended to the proposal.- Bids from defauß contraotors will not bo received. .Blank forms, for uraposals can ba had on.apiilication at this offleo, and each bid must boon doreod wiii) tho name Of ths f.ariicalar article nrarti clcobid for. G. H. GROSMAN, j»7-0( :i . ; v Asst, q.}i, Oen’iU. B,_A- PROPOSALS. JJ OESES ! HOUSES i HOUSES 1 War DRPARrajRNT, CAVAJ-.RT Barba it. Office of Cjukf Qvautrumastbr, e «, T rn _ WASirr.vnTON, Juuo 8, 1.864. he received at this office P/olvSKo* MONDAY, Judo 30th, 1864, for two n«^P.ii 2 : (^) t C , aVRI . r X, Jl£ i , ’ stfi » tobe delivered at the R« V /^wi nfinl i^l l^t eW L a^y^sboro Oopot, near Washlug trac^^ ty * within forty (40> daya from tlio date of eon wft S rf l 'f„n°i rBC S to be Hound In all particulars, well bro & rt!?fV*w OUI fi rt *f£ *° sixteen (16) hands !n^nn^ r PI n t V n wto nine (9) yours old, in good con* X>Qh^i)9 , m every way to Cavalry pur rJid!vm, P r e ?>? € i a f lona wlllb< ? »\r\etly adhered to and n S« : y t ® : uf« ? rced inevery particular. iroaMntVr * ulVi!i°, rt , a!nQ 2 wnl * BS accompanied by a •X u i^ D i7 faithful performance, twSTJ} £ JH?T Uolt fd Statoa officer guarantee the ■B? p SS«SL a - b »*»iT ,f} '° sbaU prove to be Irresponsi- S?A h J Bname 8name will be reported to the Secretary of War, Se sery?ce° ntra6atiat 0a ttiatsucb oiScer be dismissed twmrrtors will U held to the strict-' ffUlSffil x i2si!}}P % ar f d MW, failure to comply with f r i j° wm *« contract when award followed by prosecution to the full extent of the taw. Form of bid and guaranty can bo bad on application to this office. - Successful bidders prepared to enteriato writ ten contracts, with good and sufllclent security imme diately ou the acceptance of their bids,. . The oath of allegiauce must accompany each bid. Tho undersigned reserves the right to reject all’bids deemed unreasonable. Bids for one hundred (300) Horses and upwards will be entertained. Bids for the entire number of Horses required are In vited. Payment will bo promptly made on completion of contract. No mares will be received. Proposals must be endorsed “Proposalsfor Cavalry Horses,” and addressed to Lieut. Colonel James A.. Ek in. Chief Quartermaster, Cavalry Bureau, Washing ton, t>. C. Auy other information, will be promptly given on ap plication, personally or by letter, to iAMES A. EKIN, Lieutenant Colonel and Chief Quartermaster, ...!•'•./'•■ , . Cavalry Bureau. 4JSF* Purchase In the open market will .becontinned at. Oiesboro Depot until tbe contract 1s awarded. Paymeut made in Certificates of Indebtedness for seven (7) horses or more. jelo-9t ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GE -CVtfEIiAL’S OFFICE, Pntr.ADSi.rirrA, Junes, 1564. SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received at this office until 32 o’clock M., SATURDAY, llthin'-t., for tho im mediate delivery at the U. S. WAREHOUSE, Hanover street wharf, oi tho following described Quartermas ter’s Stores : 150 Saddle Treea. 150 Wagon Saddles. : • 3,000 pounds Harness Leather, best quality oak tanned. 1,500 pounds Bridle Leather, best quality oak tanned. 600 Horse Collars. ; . 600 ATule Collars. 6CO Water Buckets, wood. 100 Blind Bridles. 600 Wagon Whips. SCO Tar Pots. SCO Saddle Blankets. 100 gross Ha rness Rings, assorted sizes. ' 60 Spiing Punches. 25 Hand Punches. w Sheep jkias, oak tanned. 600 gross Iron Screws. X inch to 1 inch. 600 gross Brass Screws,?-* inch to 1 inch. 100 gross Brass Buckles, Y* inch to 2 inch. 25 gross Centre-bar Buckles, 1 inch to 2# inch. 60 gross Halter Bolts, assorted sizes. 250 dozen Cast Butts, 1 inch to 3>j inch. 300 dozen Braßs Butts, 1 inch to 3lnch. 300 papers Cut Tacks, 20 ounce. • 2,000 pounds Round iron, H inch. 3,000 do. do. do., IJf inch. . 300 do. Iron, Iby % inch. . ICO gross Harness Rings, assorted sizea. 50 sets Saddlers'Tools. / 20 Portable Forees, .Nos. 2 and 3. : . 30,000 feet Yellow Pine 1 inch Boards planed* All. of the above articles to be of the best quality of their eeveral kinds, and subject to inspection. * Bidderswill state price boih in writing and figures, quantity of each article bid for, and the shortest time required for delivery; price to include packages and de livery.' •■••., - The ability of tbe bidder to fill the contract must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whose signa tures must bo to the guarantee, and said guar antee accompany the hid. ■* The'right is reserved to reject all bids deenied too highland no bid from a defaulting contractor will bo received. By order of . Cob G. H. CROSMAN, Asststaut Quartermaster General. . .. . ‘CHARLES D. SCHMIDT, • je9-3t Captain ami A. Q. M. fiUSTOM HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA, Collector’s Office, June 1,1564. ' SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until the 2Sth day of JUNE, for the supply of RATIONS to the petty officers and seamen of the United States re venue cutters WILLIAM H. SEWARD and VARINA for the tern of one year from the Ist day. of July next. The rations to good and wholesome quality, to be approved by the captain; and the different articles comprising the rations to be delivered on board the res seJs iD good and sufficient casks and vessels, to be pro vided by tbe contractor, and the contents thereof dis tinctly marked ou each. . It is to be understood that tbe contractor will be bound to furnish, upon reasonable notice, as often as may be required by the captain of the vessel, with the appro bation of the Collector (not exceeding, upon an average, one day in each week), such fresh meat and fresh vege tables as may be equivalent to the corresponding parts of the ration allowed in the naval service, Specifications will be furnished at tbis office. je2-thstut2s .WM..B. THOMAS, Collector. EDUCATIOm. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE ll*. J- STITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1530 ARCH Street, Rev. CHAS. A. SMITH, D. D., E. CLARENC3 SMITH, A. M., Principals.. : Ninth Year. Three Departments: Primary, Acade mic, and Collegiate.-, Full college coarse in Classics Mathematics, higher English, and Natural Science, for those who graduate. : Modern LanguagesLMusic,Paint ing, and Elocution by the best masters. For circulars, apply at the Institute* or address Box 2611 P. 0., Phi. laaelphia. ap2G-6m* • (DELECT FAMILY BOARDING. SCHOOL FOB YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, MOUS? JOY, Lancaster county,.Penna. Session opens onibc FIRST TUESDAY of May. ; For circulars, address . ap!7-2m* R. A. MORRISON, Principal. FEMALE INSTITUTE— A> A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. ■ This Institution, beautifully and healthful ly ioeatvd. . in the northern limits of ATTLEBOROUGH, Backs coun ty; Fenna., will commenceits Spring and Summer Ter* on the 19th of FIFTH MONTH next, and continue is im siou twelve weeks. The course of instruction is thorough and complete b ail the Elementary and higher branches of an ENGLISH CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION. TeacnFr/’nnh is taught by. a natiye Treuei Circulars, gi’HngTaii' plication to the Principals, AttfelJortS^Ashadon ay county, Penns, ISRAEL J. GHAHAM&“ tr - JAHE P. GHAHAME, Principal*. mhl9-3m jkEGAi„ T OST CERTIFICATE OF STATE "LOAN.—NOTICE is hereby given that application has been made to the Auditor General of Pennsylvania for the issue of* duplicate of the following certificate of five per cent, loan of the Common wealth,lssned by the Bank of, Pennsylvania, acting as transfer agent for the Commonwealth, inrhe name of JAKE HELL, which certificate has been lost, viz: •Certificate No, Sit, dated f' pril sth, IgO, issued under Act of Assembly of Decem ber Mth,-1828, forf lSO. , ANNA E. JONES, Adnumstvatrix d. b. n. c. t. a. of. Jane Hull, Dec’d. myl4-sBm TESTATE OF RA OREL PHIPPS, DE CB.ASED.-The Register of Wills of the City and County of Philadelphia having granted letters tes tamentary upon the Estate of KACHEL' PHIPPS, deceased, to the undersigned Executors, all persons in debted will, make payment, and those having claims will present the same for settlement to „ m JOHN R. STITELER, - Dwchlan Township, Chester county, Pa., H. BOCKWALTER, _ Westchester, Pa., • Executors, or to their Attorney, .. H. C.. TOWNSEND, my2B-s6t No. 811 ARCH Street, Philadelphia. TAEL A WARE COUNTY, SS. THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA r- 1 TO-f,- 1111 ?• °- rr ’ Susan Orr, Sarah A. Lewis, tn.s.3 William Lewis, Mary A, Bayard, William p! „ 3l , ll , bre „ a *; Springer, fib. Scanlan, Mary Scanlan. Kinaldo Scanlan, Surah Scanlan, John A Scanlan. iteria X, Scanlan. William Skill, Anna Skill, Edward E. Hall, Elizabeth F. Hall, Hannah S. B , Biaskie, Jffartha M Johnson, James M. ■ Johnson, Whilainina< Theresa Helvne, Augusta Lewis, Sarai Lewis, Jane Chew, Ann. Chew, Henry Brown. Martha Brown, William Phillips, Louisa Phillips, Charles Adams, Rebecca Adams, James. Cecelia Timroens,. Harriet Tayntor, Edward Farrell, Amelia Farrell, Eliza A. Dnrney, G. W, Siddons, Elizabeth Pj greyer, George Hall, Annie Londerback, Amanda Flanders, Geotge, Dickerson. William Siddons, George Siddons, James Siddons, Lardner Siddons, Sarah Elll ott, Hettie Siddons, Elizabeth Siddons, George Siddons, and .Eaehel Siddons, GREETING: each of you, are hereby cited to be and appear; Judges of onr Orphans’ Court, to be held at MEDIA, oa the Fourth • MONDAY of June last., A. D.186L at 10 o’clock-A M., then and TT e f?r r l fus6 take the real estate of 'WIL LIAM SIDDONS, deceased, situate in the borough of Chester, m said county, at the appraised value thereof, put upon it by a inquest awarded by the said Court for that purpose, or show cause why the same shall not be sold according to the act of Assembly in such case made and provided. Hereof fail not. . Witness the Honorable WILLIAM BUTLER, Presi dent. of our said Court, at Sfedia, this second day of June, Anno Domini 1854. et V „ ABRAHAMVANZaNT, Sheriff. . Sheriff’s Office, Media, June 3,18*4,. je4-s4t TN THE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS £POR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL- , Estate of JOSEPH RIPKA. The Auditor appointed by the court to audit, settle, and adjust tho second account of HARRY. G. CLAY, who survived OGLE, trustees under-a mort gage executed by JOSEPH RIPKA, dated the 20th or November, 1857, recorded m Mortgage Book R.'D. W , No. re. pago m &h,and to make distribution of tho balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the par^ foftbennrposes of his apooinlmont,. -4»i-of June, A. D: ISBJ, at 4 ocockP.M.,a his office, S,E. corner of SIXTH and WALNUT Streets, in the city of Philadelphia. je2-thstu-st* GEO. JUSKtN. Jr., Auditor. fN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE A CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. - _Estate of CHRISTIAN HEININGER, Deceased, The Auditor appointed by tho Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of WILLIAM F. HEININGER! Adramjstratorpfthe Estate of CHRISTIAN HEININ GMt, deceased, and to report distribution of the ba lance in the hands of the accountant, wilt meet the parties jmterested for the purposes of his appointment ou TUESDAY, JuneSHst, 1564, atllo’clock, A. M..athls office. No 206 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. ’ w je4-stuthfit BENJAMIN H, BREWSTER, Auditor. TN THE ORPHAN?’ COURT FOR THE J- CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of GERHERD LEiPIR and NEVILLE LEIPES, . Minors. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, K5B, a<3 ,! ust th 6 final account of ALEXANDER J. BAR PER.eoardian of GERHERD LEI PER and NEVILLE LEIPER, minors, and to. report distribution of. the balance_in the hands of Accountant, wilt meet the for the purposes of his appointment on MONDAY, June :13th, at If o’clock A. M , at his Office, No. South FOURTH Streeet, in t\ie city of Philadelphia. JOHN k'ANNA, je2-thstnst ; • Auditor. AIOTIOE.-APPLICATION HA SKEEN made to the PENNSYLVANIA OIL GREEK PE TROLEUM COMPANY for the renewal of CERTIFI CATE No«qSTfor, one hundred shares of Stock InTthe name of WILLIAM Ad RHODES, the same having been lost or mislaid. Any person finding the same will please leave it at the Office of the Company, No. 4tl WAL NUT Street. Phtladslphta, May.2o, 1864. my2l-stnthl2t* ESTEY’S COTTAGE ORGANS. isoc oajy UNEXCELLBD but UNEQUALLED in parity of Tons and Power, da&igued especially for Churches and Schools, but found! to be equally well adapted to the Parior ana Drawing Room. For sale only by E/ M. BRUCE, , - , No. 18 North SEVENTH Street. • Also, a complete asaortinentof the Perfeot Melodeox constantly on hand.. mylS-3m ife, THOMSON’S LONDON KITCH «| EKEIt, OK EUROPEAN RANGE. for families, nßjLhotels, or public institutions, in TWENTY" lily. SIZES. Also, Philadelphia Rangea, Hot-air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Eowdown Grate*, I ireboard Stoves, Batli Boilers, Site whole Plates, Broil era, Cooking Steves, &o. v at wholesale and retail, hr the manufacturers,- : CHASE, SHARPE, * THOMSON, No. 290 St SECON D Street. mb3-tutksfisa MRS. JAMES BETTS’ cfiLE BKATED SDPPORTBSB. FOE LADIES, Had tho~onlr Swrovters under'.eminent medical patronage. LBdiea and vlwiciaiis arerespectfully reouosiod to mil only on Mrs. BETTS, at Bor residence, 1039 WALNUT SOeot, Philft., (to avoid connterfotts.) Thirty thousand Invalidshayeheon advised by thetrphysician&to nso liar MOKonutnabearingHießnitod sht! laLala.ou the box, and sigttatures,ani also on theSupportere, with testimonials. oclS-tulhatf 823 k DR PINE, PRACTICAL DEN '«nXIJ TIST for the last twenty years, *l9 VISE St, below Third, inserts tho most beautiful TEETH of the age, mounted on flue Gold. Platina, Silver, Vulcanite. Coralne, Amber, < prices, for neat and substantia work, more reasonable than any Dentist in ibis city or .State, Teeth plngKOd to last for life. =■ Artificial Teeth repaired to suit, ifo pain In extracting. Alt w»*rk war ranted to fit. Reference, best families. mh2'J*Qnt Emtii EVANS & -\VATSON*S Igiil SALAMANDER SAFES, STORE, 10 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, • PHILADELPHIA; PA/ : A Urge variety of FIBB-FEO6K SAFES slwsy* «» ii&mL AUCTION SALES. JOHN B. MYEKS & CO., AUCTION v EERS, N 08. »33 and 334 MARKET Street. r.AROE PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH. SW7SS, INDIA,GERMAN, AND BRITISH DRY GOODS.&O. , OK MONDAY MORNING, June 13th, at 10 o'clock, will be sold, by catalogue,on four months’credit, about 775 PACKAGES AND LOTS ef French, India, Gorman, and British dry goods, Ac., embracing a large and choice assortment or fancy and staple articles in silk, worsted, woolen, Kuen, and cot* ton fabrics, of the Bame will l>s arranged for ex amination, with catalogue*, early on the morning of theeale, when dealers will find It to their interest to attend. L cSMtA P A o vt7£mfnt s 4y L ST^ P -TOKIfCH. GERMAN, lYs & &c AM) IIUT bH DKY GOODS, sCn UMBREL* in nnrtalft on MONDAY MORN' Ir»G, June 13th, at 10 o clock, will be found, in part, the following articles, viz: DRESS-GO.ODS. —ln pieces black ami colors, plain and fancy Paris mous delaines, plain and striped moram biques, plain and fancy poplins, chalUes, black and white mohairs, fancy burettes, printed jaconets aad lawns* ginghams, grenadines, &c., &c. SIJ KS.—ln black grosde rhino, lutnlngs, solid colors, and plain poult do ante,plaid poult de sole,armure silks, high colors gros de Naples, mareeline, &c. SHAWLS.—In thibet, cashmere, lama, mozambiques, hernani, borego shawls, mantles, cloaks, &«.. RIBBONS. —Plain and fancy poil do sole ribbons, and neck andVimmlng ribbons, black and colors t>Hk vel vet do. . UMBRELLAS. —37 packages silk and. gingham sun mn brellfts, parasols, &c. Also, black cranes, white tarletans, grenadine and ba rege veils, linen handkerchiefs, embroideries. Balmoral and hoop skirts, gloves, fans, silk cravats and ties, fan cy articles, &e. . ; Also, a stock of fancy and staple dry goods, to be sold without reserve. A -’ HMS- OF~ I; too TOKAGES - G00»«’ I” 018, B!iOGANS ’ ARM l’ GOODS, STRAW »n n MORNING, JDNE m™, : At 10 o clock, will be sold by catalogue, without re ?“ f ou>' mouths’ credit, about l,lot> packages boots, shoes, brogans, cavalry boots, See., embracing a ' prime and /resh assortment of desirable articles for men, woin6n, and children, of city aad Eastern mann faoture. Also, straw goods, in palm hats, shaker hoods, &o. N. B.— Samples, with, catalogues, early on the morn* Ingot'sale. LARGE POSITIVE-SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, ARMY GOODS, SHAKER HOODS, PALM HATS, TkAVEL ling Bags, &c.- NOTlOE.—Onrsnleofboots, shoes, straw goods, &c., on TUESDAY. MORNING, June 14, will comprise in part the following fresh goods, to be sold without re* serve, viz; cases men’s and boys’ goat-top half-welt calf Con gress gaiters. cases men’s and boys’ half-welt calf balniorals. cases men’s and boys calf Oxford ties. : cases men's due calf custom-made boots. ~ wises men’s cavalry boots. cases men’s gaiter boots. . cates men’s, boys', and youths’ calf} kip, and grain boots. cases worn On’s and misses’ city-made sewed i>ai morajs. • cafes women’s and misses’city-made lace boots. —cases women’s and misses’ city-mado lasting gai ters. —cases men’s and boys’ calf brogans. . —cases men’s and boys’thick brogans. cases men’s and . boys’ double-soles leather bat morals. cases men's and boys’ channel-nailed balmorals. cases women’s, misses’, and children’s goat aad kip beeU d boots. cases women’s, misses’, and children’s morocco and enamelled boots. . —cases men’s,-boys’, and youths’ calf, kip, and gram boots. —cases women’s and misses’ nailed boots. N. B.—The above will embrace a prime and general assortment, well worthy the attention of buyers.’' Open, for fxamination early on the morning of sale. Also, straw.goods, palm hats,. Shaker hoods, travel ling bags, &c., &c. _ LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF EUROPEAN, INDIA . AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, STRAW GOODS, carpets, mattings, &c. , We will hold a large sale of British, German,French, and American dn* goods, by catalogue, on four months’ credit, and part for cash, ON THURSDAY MORNING, . June 16th, commencing at precisely 10 o'clock, com prising 773 PACKAGES AND LOTS of British, German, French, India, and American dry goods, embracing a large, full, and fresh assortment of woolen, worsted, linen, cotton, and silk goods, for city and country sales. N. B.—Samples of- the same will be arranged for exa mination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale, when dealers will find it to their interest to attend. Also, ingrain, Venetian, list and rag carpets, Canton mattings, Ac. v W ERANF, AUCTIONEER, H. W. y • corner SECOND and BUTTONWOOD Streats. SALE OF SUPERTOR WALNUT PARLOR, DINING ROOM, AND CHAMBER FURNITURE, SPLENDID OIL PAINTINGS, KEDALLIiON CARPETS, VENE TIAN BLINDS, FRENCH PLATE PIER MIRRORS, BRUSSELS ENTRY AND STAIR. CARPETS, ARTIC REFRIGERATOR, CHINA AND GLASS WARE, SPLENDID ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTE, &c. ON MONDAY MORNING, At 10 o’clock, at No. 952 North FIFTH Street, above Poplar, will be sold the entire walnut parlor, dining room, nnd chamber furniture, splendid rosewood piano forte, stool, and cover, cost $5OO, made by Scbomuker; handsome oil paintings, &c., of a gentleman declining housekeeping. May be examined early on the morning of sale- FOR SAIB A3SB TO LET. A RARE CHANCE I— 4 ‘ THE REPUB -CMJCAN AND DEMOCRAT, M PUBLISHED IN WEST CHESTER, CHESTER COUNTY, PENNA. FOR SALE.—The death of George W. Pearce, Esc*., proprietor of this paper, makes it necessary to aiapoae of the ln the hands of a loyal, earnest, and enterprising man, this long-established journal cannot fail to be profitable. Circulating, as it does, extensively in' a county of seventy-four thousaudiu habitants, and in a Congressional and Senatorial Dis trict of one hundred and five thousand, prominent for wealth and intelligence, and where the Union party at the last, election had a majority of over four thousand votes, and with a constantly increasing popularity and patronage, it requires nothing but judicious manage ment to make it'alhcrarive investment. Persons contemplating a purchase should make that fact known at once, as it is desirable to sell at; the earliest day. JOHN T. WORTHINGTON, : Administrator of George W. Pearce, dee’d. West Chester, Pa., Hay 17,1564, myl9-thsiu tf ORPHANS’ COURT SALE.— • V / . Estate of MICHAEL CROUSE, dee’d. By virtue of an order of the Orphans’ Court for the City and County of-Philadelphia, will be exposed to public sale, by M. THOMAS & SONS, auctioneers, on TUESDAY, June 2S, ISiH, at 12 o’clock M., at the Phila delphia Exchange, all that two-story brick messuage-- and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Mount Pleasant street, in the Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Mount Pleasant street eighteen feet six inches, and in depth one hun dred feet, : more or less. Bounded on the north by ground of on the south by Mount Pleasant tbo oast by ground now or late of Louisa Bedwell. [B3igTrt-^W5®fiSiJSS2^! Market and Slorat Pleasant streets^in the plan oBfe?!" ns Guy, and being the same premises which John Kia ttne.&nd wife, by indenture dated March 11, ISSI, re corded at Philadelphia, in Deed Booh T. H., No 6S, p 466, iic , granted and conveyed unto said Michael Crease, infee.X JOHH M. HALL, .' - Administrator c. t. a., ' je7-t2B So. 14:37 Ixortli THIRTEENTH Street. TO LET—THE SECOND, THIRD, AND fourth Floors at 235 MARKET Street, through to Church alley. : . - - ‘ mh»-tf -SEA-SIDE COTTAGE FOR SALE —“•—One of the best located and most conveniently arranged COTTAGES at ATLAJfTIC CITS'. Apply to tnyavim ... . JOHH F. STARS. MB’ OR SALE—HANDSOME MO DEKK RESIDENCE, No. 710 North NINETEENTH street, above Coates; eight rooms, acd modem lm> proyementa. 'Sideyard. Price $3,100, clear. Also, 404 Eoath. KHSTH Street; fourteen, rooms, and very modern improvement.. Lot2o-byISS. Also, over 500 Houses, in all pasts of the city. Call for House Register— frbb, GEO. N. TOWNSEND & CO., 123# South FOURTH Street. je4-smws4t MFC® SALE OR TO LET—THE ;deslrablo EBSrDESGB, East corner of UiiELT&f Avctub and WAYNE Street, Germantown, with all the modern improvements. Also, two Cot tages, for sale on Ciielton avenue. -- For further particulars, apply te , ; jeS-thsiuSt* W. 11. STOKES, Germantown. - m FOR SALE.—FOUR-STORY DWEL “JiingS. E. corner Eighteenth and. Green streets. Ei hthtodJarS* alld iaU ’ * )r meeiiaKS - corner fkree-story dwelling, SU Geary street. Swelling, 36 feet front, with lot 70x185, 1727 Hamilton street., . _ Four frame houses and lots, 31x66 feet, S. E. side of Latimer street.: ss£,. h “ ” fM!t S ' W - ° f Asi KtrsBt - f « Several splendid properties on North Broad street. F'rst-classFarmofJOacres, inCecil Co., Md. , A F. GLENN, 133 South FOURTH Street, myBS- If and S. W. cor. SEVENTEENTHand GR^EN. M PEREMPTORY SALE OF- A VALUABLE PROPERTY IN THE' CITT OF ALEXANDKIA,YA.-OnWEDNESDAIVJitneirm! > I Trill offer at Public Auction, on the Premises. THE tAKGE AND t BEAUTIFUL ESTABLISHMENT IN ALEXANDRIA, VA., late the residence of / : ; CALEB S. HaLLOWELL, Esq.,. formerly of said city. . ■ Tie property is sold for no fault 'whatever, bat solely because of the removal of its owner to Philadelphia, v TH e dwelling was completed in 1559, is three stories, brick, covered with tin, and has Observatory, bay win dow, conservatory, &c. It is forty feet front by ninety deep, contains about forty rooms, is heated by furnaces, and supplied with water and cas. ... ■ The grounds have been fitted up without regard to ex pense, and are in excellent keeping ; they afford a large yield of fine frmt... The property is located in the choicest part of the city. The lot fronts on Duke street (just repaved), 123 feet 5 inches, and extends along Columbus street 244 feet 10 inches. IwootherloiswiYlbesoldatthesametimeand place, which very nearly complete the entire half square. . - The place, since the removal of its owner, in IS6I, has never been without a good tenant, and can at any moment be profitably rented or leased. Title indis putable; clear of all incumbrance. .intimation apply 'to S. FEKGffSOUf bLACH, Esq., Custom House, Alexandria, "Virginia, or to CALEB S. H4LLOWELL, Esq., U 26 WALLACE Street, Philadelphia. At the same time and place will be sold for cash, to the highest, bidder, a large amount of Household and kitchen Furniture. . je2.iksiu9t* WALTER Li. PENN. Auctioneer, . . Alexandria, va. Mfor sale—a mmoELY ms,. DBB AN MANSION,; situate ou the 8. B. corner of Frankford. road t and Allegheny avenue; House sixty feet by seventy deep,.built of brick i n the most substan tial maimer, rough-cast and painted pearl color, three stones, with two-story tower. Contains twenty-four rooms and twenty-six closets, finished-in oak and wal nut, and papered in first-class style; has all the modem conveniences, such as hofc.and cold water, bath and shower bath, water closets, rauges, heaters, stone set tubs, speaking tubes, belle, &c.j andall in working or der; -has beautiful piazzas front and back, and com mands a lino view of the Delaware and surrounding country. ; .. : ° The lot is 100 feet front by 320 deep to- Amber street, with stable and coaoh house on the rear* ice house and othernecessjtry buildings. Persons desiring to purchase con see photograph, and plans at office,.and receive cards of admittance to view the premises. GEORGE N. TOWNSMEN D & CO., jsO-thswSt 133% S- FOURTH Street m T© EXCHANGE.—VALUABLE -~8--FARM of 27? acres, near* MILTON, Northumber land county,; Pennsylvania. Good Improvements, 70 acres of oak timber,, balance under culdyafcionjsrood land f plenty of fruit. A : No section of country in the Union surpasses this neighborhood^us a healthy and fruitful region, Will exchange for city property. GEORGE N TOWNSEND & CO., jeNhswSf / 133% S. FOURTH Street. m FOR SALE Am> EXCHAH&E.—A —large number of farms in the adjoining* counties convenient to the city Also, a large mirahe ►r in the States of New Jersey, Delaware, and Maniand. Persons wishing to purchase first-class Farms'either for an investment or for their own use,-would do well to call aud examine my register of farms before purcha sing elsewhere. Apply to E PETTIT 333. WALNUT Street. ' ® FARM FOR SALE, IR ©HESTER County, 4 mUesnorriiweßt fromßowniugtown,on a good pike, 2K from: railroad*. ■B-pp Q t JOb acres best quality laud, well watered and di vided into fields, .wood, plenty of fruit* buildings new and good style, and plenty of them; erring water at iha aoorilawn in. front ornamented wiSt shade, &c. A beautiful place; will not suffer by comparison with any Inthe market. o.PAXSON, onpremises, Guibrieville* Post office,^^pSes/aN 0^11 104 North Sl3TH*Sireet, Philo. my!6-Im* gUILBING HABDWABE. STRAP HINGES, I T HINGES, REVEAL HINGES. ,1 SHATTER STRAPS, and all kinds of wrought Hinjage, large or small. SHUTTER BOLTS, - and many articles of Building and Carriage Hardware, manuftcfured and kept'pab&ud at JACKSON IRON 'WORKS. mhl3*3m HssJ*3® CHURCH. Alley, Vann factnran of Warr&n/cd BEAST and HAVSOALjM. B-J* ?C K S.—-PAYING, DARK AND "V Light Stretchers, Salmon, and Hard BRICKS, for eale in large or small quanta ties. The subscribers have facilities for supplying extensive builders with de spatch, and . for deilYering to any place accessible by water carriage. . W. * St. CHAMBERS, IiORKIS-Streat Wharf, above Ganner’e Ran, rnv2S-Irn* Kanstmrton. ■ pUEE PALM OIL SOAP.—THIS SOAP x ismaae of pure,fresh Palm Oil, and is entirely a vegetable Soap;,more suitable for Toilet use than those made from: animal fata. In. boxeajf one doisn cakes, for $2 per box. Manufactured by " „ .GEO. M. ELKINTON & SON, No. 1- 11 G MARGARETTA Street, betVffiSD Pront and aboye CallowhUl, . _ ACCTIOV SACKS;; BRINLEY & CO., JC Jfo. 615 CHESTNUT and 613 JAYNE Strwtf. SALE OF FRENCH AND BRITISH DRY GOODS. ON TUESDAY MORNING, June 14, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, on four month* credit, 400 packages and lots of fancy and staple dry goods. Samples and cataloging early on mornmgof sale, ft. FINE PLAID AND SATIN-STRIPE SOIE DE LAINES, &c. ON TUESDAY MORNING?, 4 cases rich plaid sole de laines. casee black and. colored grenadines, bareges, and amretz. BLACK GROS DE RHINE* AND GROS GRAINS. 24 to 40-inch heavy black gros de Kh:ne». 24 to SSincb heavy black lustrines. . 24 to 40-inch heavy Lyons black taffetas, 24 to 42 inch heavy Lyons black «ros grains. Also, 30 pieces rtrfne and check foulards. PARIS SILK GRENADINE SHAWLS. 200 14-4 Parig silk jirenadlne shawls. . y _ MOHAIR SKIRTS AND BALMORALS. 200 Paris fine mohair skirts. GOQ large size balmorals ______ PANCOAST & WAKNOOK. AUC- A TIONEEES, No. 2£o MARKET Street. SALE OF 7.% LOTS AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, &e., &c., by Catalogue, ON WEDNESDAY. June 15, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely. Includedwill be found a full assortment of desirable and seasonable goods, to which the attention of buyers is iuYitai. IVT THOMAS & SONS, J-SJ-. K OS . J3Q and Sotnh FOURTH StfMt REAL ESTATE, GROUND RENTS, AND STOCKS. _,*D\RD. Our sa eat the Exchange <m Tup-iLiy n‘‘rt. 14th lust., will comprise. ]ar<o amount niuljvartety »f properly , by order of Orphans’ Court, T'nitces.ard others, Including 14 acre., First ward, several other large lots, a uumberof very desirable moderate-sited, dwellings, first-class irredecmabHground rent, stocks, cemetery lo*s, &c. »;eepat±>phtetcataiogues. SALE FOR ACCOUNT 0. S. WOOL. COTTON, AND LEATHER CUTTING.! ON SATURDAY MORNING, June!!, at 10 o'clock, at the auction stejis a qaantitr of wool, cotton, and leather cuttings, baling rope, paper, &e. Rale at the Minnehaha Dining Saloon. BAR FIXTURES, MIRROR. BAGATELLE TABLE, LI QUORS, arc. W , t a MORNING. instant, at 10 o’clock, at No. 420 Library street, the Ptoek, good will, and fixtures of the Minnehaha DinmO Saloon, including French plate mirror, bar (with marble top and d iih. heaters), bagatelle table, cigar show case, liquors, tables, chairs, cooking uten** eus, &c. May be examined at S o’clock on the morning of sale. Administrator*’ Sale, N. E. comer Fifth aad Chestnut WATCHMAKERS’ TOOLsf LATHE. FIRE-PROOF CHEST, Ac. ON MONDAY AFTERNOON, juu. isth, at '1 ?'c!v c!r ; at U>e ccrner Fifth, and Chestnut streets (2d story), by order or Administra tors of W. E. Bertinger, deceased, lot of fine watch makers’ tools, universal lathe, fire-proof chest, by Farrell & Herring,’jewelrj', clocks, &c. , &c, AUo, thA lease and goodtwilf. May be examined at 12 o’clock on the say of sale. BALE ON THE PREMISES, GERMANTOWN. £3 32 BUILDING LOTS, Coulter street, between Green and Knox streets, Ger mantown, opposite the Friends’ Meeting House. On MONDAY, June !3th, At 4>£ o’clock P. M., will be sold at public sale on the premises. Three-fourths of the purchase money can. remain. The property will be shown by Mr. C. F. Ashmead. at Germantown, or George Ashmead, 601 Market street. Full descriptions ready in handbills. SALE ON THE PREMISES, CHESTNUT HILL, RE SIDENCE AND FURNITURE. ON TUESDAY HOUSING, June 34, 15CP4, at ll>a o'clock, will be sold afpnbtle sale, on. the premises, handsome modern RESIDENCE, stable, and coach-house, and YALUBLE LOT, N. E- corner of SU-SIMIT Street and PROSPECT Avenue, CHESTNUT HILL, 100 feet front, 25Q feet deep. JNVB.— I The improvements are a modern doable two* and-a-half. story brick frongh-cast) dwelling, 40 feet front by 62 feet deep, with three-story tower, and one- Story kitchen. Also, a coach-house, straw-room, and. stable, &c. It was built by the former owner (Georg® W. Watson, deceased.) Tot his own occupancy. HANDSOME ECRNITUKE. Immediately after the sale of tbe bouse, will bo sold, by catalogue, the entire household and kitchen furni ture, comprising French plate, mantel and pier mirrors, tapestry and Brussels carpets, piano, plated ware, beds, bedding, matting, oil cloth, &c. 48f* May be examined any day previous to sale, from 9 A, M. to 2P. M. and to 6% o'clock. ■' Full descriptions in handbills and catalogues. Sale No. 945 North Sixth street, SUPERIOR FURNITURE, MIRRORS, VELVET CAR PETS, Ac. , ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, 15th Inst., at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, at No. 945 North Sixth street, above Poplar, the superior furniture. fine French plate mirrors, fine velvet carpets, feather beda, mattresses, &c. May be examined at 8 o’clock, on the morning of the sale. PHILIP FOKD &CO. t AUCTIONEERS, -*- 525 MARNETaud 523 COMMERCE Street*. SALE OF 1,000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, &c., &q. ON THURSDAY MORNING, June 16, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely, will be sold, by catalogue, for net cash, 1,000 cases men’s, boys’, and youths’ calf, kip, grain, and thick boots, brogans, balmorals, cavalry boots, - Oxford ties, Con gress gaiters, &c. Women’s, misses’, and children’s calf, kip, goat, kid, and morocco heeled boots and shoes, side-lace and Congress heeled gaiters, balmorals, slippers, buskins, &c., from first-clas* city and Eastern manufactories. This sale will contain a prime assortment of goods, well worthy the attention of buyers. Open for examina tion, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale. PT HENRY P. WOLBERT, M 3 AUCTIONEER No. 203 MARKET Street, South Side, above Second &. [STOCK OF FINE READY-MADE CLOTHING, ON MONDAY MORNING, June 33th, at 10 o’clock, wilKhesold gents’ fine black and fancy cassimere pants, wool shirts, Ac. DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, SKIRTS, Ac. Also, dress and domestic goods, trimmings, skirts, hosiery, gloves, handkerchiefs, neck-ties, veils, rib bons, embroideries, shawls, cloaks, hats, caps, shoes, hoods, Ac., Ac. Sales of: Dry Goods, Trimmings, Notions, Ac., every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY Morning, *om mencing at 10 o’clock. T>Y SCOTT & STEWART, ATJCTIOTS BEES AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No*. 623 CHESTNUT Street and 615 SANSOM STREET. SPECIAL SALE OF READY-MADE CLOTHING. On WEDNESDAY MORNING next, 15th lost., At 10 o’clock, will be sold by catalogue 400 lots of now and fashionable ready-made clothing, manufactured expressly for best city retail sales, comprising in part gents’ and boys’ fine French, English, Scotch,and fancy cassimere, alpaca, drap d’ ete, linen duck, and Mar —“*ll3 City and country trade will do well to attend this sale, as n will afford them aa opportunity of making selections from one of the best stocks ever offered at public sale in this city. Open for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale. ... SALE OF FINE OIL PAINTINGS. On FRIDAY and SATURDAY EYESINSS next, : May 17th and ISth, at S o’clock, we will sell a choice collection of fine oil paintings. Particulars hereafter. CALB OF MISCELLANEOUS QUAR- M TERMASTEKS* STORES. Chief Quartermaster's Office, - __ Depot op Washinotox, ■nTTTT t>t. Washixgtox./D. c , Junes, 1S& TYILL BE SOLD, at Public Auction, at Government warehouse, situated in Square bounded by E and F and Twenty-first and Twenty-second streets, in the city e£ Washington, D. C., onWEDNESDAY, Jane 15,1564. atlo q clock A. M., a large lot of the-following named Quartermasters* stores; condemned as unfit for public service, viz: Axes, Anvils, Brushes, Bridles, Buckets, Saddle blankets, Blacksmiths’ Tools, Horse and Wagon Co vers, Carpenters’ Tools, Portable Forges, Grindstones. Harness, Lanterns, Scrap Leather, Paulins, Rope. Stoves, Saddles, Scales, Stable Fixtures, Iron Wire, and about 130,000 pounds of Scrap Iron. Successful bidders will be required to remove the ar ticles within five (5) days from the day of sale. Terms—Cash, in Government funds. ' D. H. RUCKER, . . Brigadier General and Chief-Quartermaster, jeS-gt Depot of Washington. AUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED HORSES. Wax Dbpabtxeitz, • - - CATAERT BUREAU, Opj?iob OP Chzhf Quartsssastke, . • Washington, April 25, 1864. will oe sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the time and place named below, viz; Newport, Penna. , Thursday, May sth. Gettysburg, Penna., Monday, May 9th, Altoona, Penna., Thursday, May 12th, • Mifflin, Penna., Thursday. May 19th, Reading, Penna.,.Thursday, May 26th, Lebanon, Penna., Thursday. June 2d, Northumberland, Penna., Thursday, June 9th, Scranton, Penna.. Thursday, June loth, Williamsport, Penna., Thursday, June23d, One hundred (100) Horses at Gettysburg, and Tww Hundred and Fifty (250) at each of the other place*. These horses have been condemned as unfit for the cavalry service of tbe United States army. For road and farm purposes many good bargains may he had. • Horses will be sold singly. . Sales begin at 10 A. if., and continue daily till all xr« sold. TERMS CASH, in United States Treasury notes only. JAMES A. ERIN. ap29-t|e2o - Lt. Col, and C Q: M. Cavalry Bureau. SHIPPING. BOSTON and'PHILADEIT STEAMSHIP LINE, sailing from each from first wharf above PIN! Street, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston. ■n?^ e J Et , ea ? lß^*p £ AXON, Capt, Matthews, will sail front. Philadelphia for Boston on Saturday, Juno IS, at 10 A. M . • andsteamship NORMAN, Capt. Baker, from Boston for Philadelphia on same day, at i o’clock P. M. These new and substantial steamships form a regular line, sailing from each port punctually on Saturdays. Insurances effected at one-half the premium charge* © Ivessels, Freights taken at fair rates. , SMppers are reqo***ted to send Slip Rooeipts and Bill* Lading witt tkeir goods. . a Y«r Freight or Pasea^h^n V *™ r^a U oh«^ mnlQ , 332 Soaih. DELAWARE Avenue. STEAM !WBEKLY TO LX YERPOOL, toughing at queenstowef (Cork HarberX The well-known steamers of the Liver pool, New York, and Philadelphia Steamship Company* are intended to sail as follows: ETNA SATURDAY, Jane IL EDINBURG...... SATURDAY JunelF city of Washington........ Saturday! juneasl and every succeeding’-Saturday at noon, from Pier 44 North river. . ' YtATES ; OF PASSAGE* / Payable in Gold or its equivalent in Currency. FIRST CABIN........SSaOO|STEERAGE V....f33 00 Do. to London... S 3 00 Do* fco Londou... 34 00 Do. to Paris 95 00 .Do,. to Paris 40 00 Do. to Hamburg. 90 00! Do. .to Hamburg- 37 CO Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, &c., at equally, low rates. -Faxes from Liverpool or Queenstown: First Cabin* |75,5&5,5105 : Steerage from Liverpool and Queenstown* w. Those who wish to send for their friends can buy tickets'here at these rates. For father ■ information apply at the Company** Offices. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, mySO-tjell - HI .WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. TO ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS.* -®- —By the act of May sth. an appropriation of Fifty Thousand Dollars was made for the Extension of fch» Capitol Buildings at Harrisburg. ARCHITECTS and. BUILDERS are hereby requested to present plans for said- extension, and the same, to the undersigned, by the FIFTEENTH day of JUNE. The mein object to be attained by the jpropoßod extension U tofurnieh additional Committee Room for the Legisla ture, and the extension is to conform as far as possible to the architecture of the present Building. A. G. CTJRTIN, Governor. ISAAC SLENKER, Auditor General BARR. Surveyor General. - HENRY D. MOORE, Stale Treasurer. HARKifiSPRQ. May 19. lfiSS. njy2MB* ODEEN OF BEAUTY. A=* WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES. A new FRENCH COSMETICjfo? beautifying, whiten ing, and preserving the complexion, it is the most wonderful compound of the age. There is neither chalk, powder, magnesia, bismuth, nor talc in its com position,it being composed entirelyof pure Virgin Waau hence its extraordinary qualities for preserving th* skin, making it smooth, fair, and transparent. IS makes the old appear young, the homely handsome, th* handsome more beautiful. and the moat beautiful di vine. Price 25 and 5o cents. Prepared only byEuaT & CO., Perfumers, 4.1 South EIGHTH Street, two door* above Chestnut, and 133 South SEVENTH Street, ahov* Walnut. mhaWta “"DEDFORD WATER.” INDITODU JD & i B an( i dealers will be supplied with ‘ ‘ Bedford ■Water,’’ fresh from the Spring, at the shortest aotloe. at ihe following rates: For barrel.4o gallons (oast) Half do , d 0.......... Half do (mulberry). The barrels are well steamed, so that purchasers m&jr depend upon receiving the Water as pure and fresh *• at the Bpring. All orders addressed to mblfi-5p B- h. JLTOERBPIff. Badford.lPa-_ riANADA LUMBER YARD. \J LUMBER DISTRICT, ALBANY, NEW YORK, i , The subscribers are now receiving large lots of PINH and HARD-WOOD LUMBER, which they ara prepare! to offer to the trade at- market prices: 5 per cent, off foe cash. . : - .■ > Je4-lm- JONES & CO. (\LT>¥Om WIHE.—SO GASES PURE ” OLD PORT? "WIKE,for mediclnayrntgososj foraalij (SOI ..a....... *OO SO®
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers