*3Sr- CIIIKCH OF THE COVES INT, * =S T al,olre Soventoontti.—Dlvlno Bjrvlce TO-MORROW (Snndaj-) at 10>5 A, M. and B P, M. The rector will (D. V.) preach morning and ere- lt« ,RKsTiTuKE<Tt(ON.-A. - & Jun i B l,, p S' ,t ?, r ' oa this subject, SAIJ- W&A. M, and .1)5 P. M., at the Church of the corner of ELEVENTH and WOOD lavued, It* P SWKI>KinJOB6UN.-THE REV. 3. F. BaARTtEET will preach at the new church Temple, Broad and Brandywine sts., below Green, to imorrow morning, at IoK o’clock, Subject—Love to ward enemies and the ways in which it may bo raunt tfested. rnhiic inyitod; It* ra* J WIUR€ir OF THE INTERCESSOR, SPRING GARDEN, below BROAD Street. - Rev. Dr. CARDEN will preach TO-MORROW at 10% A, M. and H before 8 P. M. Subject in the EVENlNG— 'TbeLeeeon*of the Street.’ 1 Young Men invited.. FIRST SERMON TO YOUSTU 51EN— <4 Their Duties,’* &c. -By Rev. S. M. L AND IS, M. D,. Pastor First Progressive Christian Church,corner ■THIRTEENTH and GIRARD Avenue, TO-MORROW, at 1% F.M. Ladles, bring intended husbands. Seats free. AH invited, It* m<S** THE CORNER STONE OF THE ZB? GERMAN REFORMED St. Stephen’s Church, . now building Oh CORINTHIAN Avenue, below Poplar street, will be laid on MONDAY AFTERNOON, June i;hh, at $X o’clock. The public is respectfully invited tobepTesent. . jell-2t* a^vg?* 3 THE YORNO MEN’S CHRISTIAN »=» ASSOCIATION will hold Puollc; Uniou. ‘raver Meeting in their Itoonis, 10 tl CHESTNUT St., on TUESDAY EVENING noxt, at 3 o'clock, to which our Boldiors and young men, strangers, and all ethers are earnestly invited to attend... jelt-stuSi*' rra*- &ICK AX» WOUXDED SOLDIERS. KS7 A meeting will be held TO-MORROW (Sabbath) EVENING, at 8 o n dock, in tho SPRUCE STREET- BAP TI9T CHUiIiRI, in behalf of onr nick aud wounded sot* liors. Tho Pti>tor, -Rev. J. WHEATON SMITH, and lev. ‘WILLIAM STEWART, recent delegates of the ’nUed States Chidsdinu Commission, wiU address the noting. - , It* ' PBIUDEIPHIA TRACT AJi'S) MISSION SOCIETY -The fmyeishth luaet'm? ,>ehnlfof this Society will be held m the Church of o Evaugoltsts, Catharine, nbove Seventh street, on Abbath evening, l‘2th instant S o’clock. , : Kev. S. Dnrburovr, Her. J. Long and Mr. T. Lnhraor ill take part in the exorcises. It* MEKTINUS FOR ITXITKI) I’KAY- EK daily at 6 o'clock P. M., at the Church of the piphany, ProaDytcrmn Church, BROAD, above.Chost ut, and Baptist Church, BROAD aud Arch. 'l'o he re* uned-MOIfDAY, June 13, in tho above order, ns be . ; jolQ~4t* riUUI>F.IiPUI4 SABBATH SCHOuL ASSOCIATION.—The tommy Mont . of the XMilladplphia Sabbath School Association will . held on-MONDAY EVENING, IHU Jana, in the hureh on .BROAD Street, below Spruce, (Rev, Dr. i'vlio’s), nt Bo'clock. Facts of Interest -vrlU be presented, ami aortressea iaito by various clergymen and other frleude of the .tune. The friends of Sabbath Schools are iuvlteJ to be 'recent. * . * The foliowiutr question -wilt be submitted: “What easuros should be adopted iu order to retain the-Liri'or tolars in orvr Sabbath Schools ?* 1 It* STKAWijERRY FESTIVAL AT MUSICi*. FUND' HALL., rtf AID OK TUB nsingtok mT e. Sabbatu-school, ou _wbd-. iSDAI EVENING, Jute IS, I s ? 1- Ee.T ,p{or of the Church, will * delivered by Jtov. Bishop aIMPSOtt. Trtore will iso be choice selections of Vocal Music during. *u® itertalmnßnt. Tickets $l. For sale at Gould s Mnsifl we, Seventh and Ohes nut streets, Perkenpino & Htg ts. Fourth, below Arch', and at the door on the even-; of the Festival. . '.S- H*. - A MKKTiXfi OF THE COMMITTEE J on the RETAIL Dlty ROODS branch ofthe Sanl ry Fair will he held THIS DAT, at iP. M,, h0.!30T IESTKDT Street. .uW *auciual atteutioa rectuestea. A MEKTKffG OF I»TE»S ASD . MANUFACTURERS will he held at thetftdiSMi mu, SECOND Street, ahore Market, os aiONDAT, me 13» at 3 o’clock, to complete the organization of the >iapanj for Buyiug, Selling,ami Mauafacturmg Brnga id Dyes. All arelnrlted to attend. A large amount stock has already boMrsabacnhed. : w : THO. J. MARTIN, Treasurer. . CUT FI.OWF.BS FOR THE UOlt- TICULTUKAI, DEPARTMENT GREAT CEN- F AIR. —Coutrllmtiuns of Cm Flowers are. and |J,tlaring;he-;continhance of the Fair,hermich needort. >r the convmiienceof persons residing in the suburbs, others to whom it may be Jn co uve niont to send to .jo Fair Building, Mr. H.A. DREBR, ilorist, So. 714 IHESTNUT Street, has Madly consented to receire 'lowers EACH DAY, which will be sent to the Fair at fated intervale daring the day. v ■ .... . The smallest contributions of this kind will be grata ully received; and will be acknowledged, if desired by l ie donors, who will leave tl^flowera. Chairman Gentlemen’s Committee. U Mrs. J. EHEABAKTON, . Chairman Ladies’Committee. : MERCHANTS’ HOTEL COM PANY.—A general meeting of the stockholders members of the “Merchants’ Hotel Company, mrporated by an act of the General Assembly of-this jmmon wealth, approved the 16th.day 01 March, AD. *4, will be held in pursuance of the provisions of the iid act, at the Merchants’ Hotel, In this city, on [ONI&r, June 20, at .It A. M.y Tor the. election of ’rnstees and Officers, and for the transaction of other msiness. And at the same time and place an ad -urned meeting of the Stockholders of the old Mer tents’ Hotel Com S mr^rn c b^U tQm presj(J(mt _ WM. 6. STEEL, Secretary. - . jell-stuili4t_ HOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEtf 1» that on instalment of OKS PER SHARE on each and every Share of the Capital Stock of ‘.he iETNA MIKING COMPANY, has thi|_day been called in, payable on or before the RS «E>SA3r /P JULY. 1864, at the office of the Company, No. 33* WAu* jfDT Street, Philadelphia. By order of the Directors. Philadelphia, Juno 8, 1864. ►3s= NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES *138? that an instalment of ONE DOLLAR PER SHARE «n each and erery Share of the Capital Stock or theMANDAN MINING COMP ANT, tosthi« djnrbeea railed in, payable on or b; e foto Gui TW HATV- 1 [F rH day of June, -1934, at the offlce of the Company, No. 334 AVALNOT Street, Philadelphia. By order of the Directors. -^Treasurer Philadelphia, June 9,15C1. jell-tje3s TISK 4JKBAT CENTRAL FAIR.— *3^The Committee of the , FIRE DEPARTMENT thankfully acknowledge the following donations: _ FraDklin Fire Insurance C0mpany,............■••5100 00 Appraisers United States Custom House. oa DO Dr R 8 Kenderdine....** •••• 10 00 Washington Engine and Hose, of Lancaster, Pa-- 25 00 Keystone Fire Company, of Easton, Pa * 333 17 JohnG. Craig, and employee *'• 17 <5 Norristown Hose Company, Pa ? gj: Sirs Keety- -».«».l w Members of Diligent Engine C0mpany............ ITS 80 Friends of Diligent Engine Company 91 00 Tame Hose Company....... 50 m Friends of Fame. Hose Company 54 00 Phrenix Hose C0mpany..........• • • • ■ • • ™ uo FrSndshlpFire Company, of Harrisburg, Pa--” ggj Gardner & Flendng””^.-— —””£””j^' sttrer _ THE WHEAT CEXTRAR E.VUt. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND DONATIONS, vvwai * * ®»* Philadelphia, Judo 9th, WA. Additional subscriptions Schuylkill Navigation Co. George Macalester & ; Co* - Samuel B. Thomas. —•«< Charles Taylor.. Henry C. Carey....... C. W. Churchman. C. H. Baker -—* Miss Ann M. Baker. —- Bindley Smith Lowber & Ralston ........ David Thain -• "W. A. Rhodes Frederick 8r0wn.... M. T.,8aker.............. ConodOQuinet Lodge,No. ip. of L - of o,i?. * of Newville, Cumberland county, 1 Mrs, Samuel Hart, proceeds of a doll, dressed and —* ' 103 00 - Collected by S. S. Shober, Esq; v\ cmA m Bpeare, Holbrook, & Morse. - IS Cochran & Rusaell i?Snn Bunting &/ones.... .... 7. no John H. Fulton, day’B wages.*—s2 50 JamesAPark. . do-.-.........."8M-v - Jacob Ritchie, d0....—..* 1^ M. Page. ' do.. - ■Win. Loweberryv.-d0... - HughCavanagb, do. .... iw WjS- McCrea, do _ ifil 340 17 ‘Collected by Mrs. Charles Harmer, of the First I Wm. fearmer, (additional) < Miss Mary Gibbon—*»•— CoL S. Buckley....- * Henry 80wer.....• • • * • * Eliza B Thomas (additional)-.• John Spear.. v John Hutchinson.. —— >irn. Chae. Banner (additional) 'Collected'bar' Mrs. manEx.vom. of West Chester, la. ■ r Fancy Articles in West Chester..... 65 35 Proceeds of auicUssold*.*-**- vv\7‘* ■ w 'r* Citizens of Hamorton and vicinity, ■ M through. Mrs. i3ratton..****«**«*«**«»; wUo Soilth Side School,'Bast Fallowflcld... 270 ■ Children of Public Scnool.W. Chester 871 galoot a Quilt hy the Ladies, through „ - / Mrs. Job Kay 05...... ....... TO W 4JO Previously acknowledged, m*ggr*> GREAT CESTBAL FAIB-OPESI Js? DAIRY, from 10 o’clock A.M. to 10 o’clock P.H. SEASOM TICKkTS, admitting to all parts but Child- Blagle * d (Cbtldroii aader ls'jjars half prico.) This admits to 81 ont of the "0 in the Fair, and to much more than’three-fonrths of the entire space covered by the building's. . _ Certain departments, ntnn in number, contalninsrar tides chiefly for exhibition, and not for sale, harejeea permitted to charge a separate price of admission, as follows: Art Gallery.....* Arms and Tr0phie5........... Horticultural Department.. Relics and Curiosities....... • Indian Department... .ElgnorßUtf’s performances ■William Penn Paidor Skating Pond.. Divan........ Ball Room*.* je9*tf 23 cents. «... 20 cents. ..... 25 cents. ...... 20 cents. ...... 25 cents. . ..... 25 cents. ...... 15 cents. ...... 10 cents. ...... 10 cents. ...... 10 cents, * 10 cents, HORACE HOWARD FORNBSS. GREAT CEIVTBAJi FAIR FOR THE COMISSION. • - • - * • Tbe Iron Committee have • great pleasure fn reporting the following additional subscriptions: : •* Pennsylvania Iron Works, Danville, Fa. • Tbomaaßeaver v ». v .v " ,,,? SSS . Book-keeper and Clerks. *• •••* 12?£? lllnerl..-.-- •** . . [Furnacemen ..§§<»-• Machine Shops and Foundries 93 So -. ISdd“ MU? »«• J Pnddle Mill Ko. 2....- WM Bloom.tmruTron Cttrapany.lilMiiiHtarK, Pa....),M)00 McCullough Iron Company, Ph 1iid01ph&........ «» 00 ■ flftTlion Iron Company. Parrrville, Pa........... oW uu 1) O Sc H S. HHner, Wm. Penn Furnaces.3oo 00 Catasaaqua Manufacturing Compkn jy CaUsau- J, Gillingham® Son, Philadelphia O. W. Barnes, Philadelphia. Hoopes & Townsend, Philadelphia■«• ■... McKelvy Sc Neal, Bloonmbnrg, Pa*”** C. E, Pennock & Co . Coatesrute, Pa*** A* Purges & Son, Phlladelphla***•*^*•• , Samuel Hatfield, Coatesville, Pa***.**.« William Dowlin* Downingtown. Pa.... Previously aeknewledgod. . *27,217 03 ANDREW WHEELER, Chairman. , WOTICKTO THfEPUBLIC-GREAT CENTRAL FAIR FOR THE SANITARY COM JIISSION.-—Office of the Committee on Labor, incomes, and Revenue, No, UStiouth SEVENTH Street; - The Treasurer of this Committee, JOHN W, CLAQ •EfOBN, Ejsq., will continue to receive -subscriptions at the Office, as above, of ' ■ W , DAY’S LABOR. 1 * “ONE DAY’S INCOME.” “ONE DAY’S REVENUE,” iibm Individuals, flrins. and corporations, during the pro tress Of the Fair, and throughout the month of June, at the Office of the Committee, as heretofore, A Olerk will also he in attendance at the Fair, In the Depart ■aent of the Committee; BOOTH BIDE OF MAIN (ONION) AVENUE, ; Kearert to the West Poor Exit. . .There are numerous i manufacturing establishment, .and workshops In the city sad Tier nit V whichhave not yet responded to the call of the-Committee, aud who weald, doubtless, tin so If their proprietors orTureraun ’'would move at onet in the matter.' ; we : beg ail such to •start subscription papers without * moment a delay- u •TOUEjßJiiployePs cannot afford to subscribe a whole day i«t them give what they can. Butdo not let.thp reproach arwtupouiany, that ihey have not 'coutributed to this gfe*t effort for the reliof of our poor boys now pouring oil their blood on the holds of the rebellion, when »fchla mighty war, waged by the ambition of disappoint ed men, shall have pawied Into history, the hnmbleai Citizen will be proud of the record of his deed? of de vp-. bob, if not In the defence of the nation’s Hag, at least In alleviating the tnfferings oHts dofendera. Subscriptions will bareceived ddring the whole o( the month of June, and each one will.be acknowledged in the, newspapers, .ofWillhdelpliia MONTGOMERY BOND, Chairman. MRS. E. W. HUTTER, . V ■ Chairman of Ladies’ Committee. No. lIS South.,SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia, t "Establishments or Individuals having subscriptions inftde ap or - in progress, will please have them for warded gs soon as possible # * Kgp* THE GKEAT CWrUAL FAIR.- OFFICE OF THECOMMITTEE ON LABOR. IN COME, and REVENUE, No. 118 South SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia, The undersigned, Treasurer of this Committee, ac knowledges the receipt of the following subscriptions, received within the last three days: Per Edward Miller, Chairman— -2564, May 31, received of A. 11, Thompson, Treasurer Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad Company. $2O 00 Employees Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad Company, per A. H, Thompson, Treasurer.. 13 12 Engineer Department Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Company, perli. Farris, Chiof Engi neer Officers and Clerks, Philadelphia and Roadiag Railroad Conzpauy and Schuylkill and Sus quehanna Railroad Company, at No, 227 South Fourth st , por S. Bradford, Treasurer. 107 42 Thomas Seahrook, Engineer Peiinsylyauia Rail road Company * ......... ' ” -»«snhia,W ! Philadelphia, Wilmington, ntul Baltimore Raii read Gomvaoy (for Pennsylvania), per Alfred Horner, Treasurer* 3,000 00 Employees Transportation Department Penrta. Railroad Company, Philadelphia Division, perG. C. Francbcus 1,025 00 Officers and employees BeUefonte and Snow Shoe Railroad Company, jor D, Rhodes, Su perintendent, viz: Road Department .. ...... ,$59 72 Mining and Lumber Department.... 62 50 152 22 Georgo Taber, Treasurer Harrisburg Railroad C0mpany............. ...... 10 00 Employees Transportation Department Schuyl kill and Susqutnamsa Railroad Company,per H. W. Tracey, Paymaster.. 93 53 Employees Transportation aud Motive Power ..Department Peuna. Railroad, Middle Divl ” sion, per S. D. Young, Superintendent. - Employees Little Schuylkill Navigation Rail road *nd Coal Company, Milling Department, per JohuP. Biaudy, Superintendent.;........ 154 IS Employees Maintenance-of Way Department Penna. Railroad, Philadelphia Division, per ■W. il. Wilson, Chief Engineer ........... 1,375 04 Employees .MauitaAnco oi Way Department,. P«ncsylvanla Ri®oad, Middle Division, per - W fl. Wilson, Chior Engineer.,*. ...... 1,630 75 Employees. Engineer aud Roadway Depart mtut, Malmnoy » v/ u uroad Mouu v\\s. Railroad, ~pcrC. 0. Treasurer 132 CD Employees, all departments, Lyken’s Yalloy Railroad and Coal Company, par Geo. E.Hoit man, Pre5ident.;.......... Cumberland Valloy Railroad Company, par E. M. Biddle. Trea5urer;......;,..:.. 1,000 O 0 Employees Cumberland Valley Railroad Com pany, perE. M; Biddle, Treasurer..;.-- Total Also, per Mr.. Edward Miller, Chairman. From .T, Brisbin, Esq.* President of the Lack&' wammand Western Rail road.. 2,500 00 Per. Win. H. Merrick,Chairman: from .It,. Whitney. & Sous, and Employees....'.. 3,W0 00 Per John J. Brock, Esq. , Treasurer of Commit tee of Bucks c0uuty............................ S.SI7 40 Per Mrs Mahlon K. Knowles: From citizens of Lower Makcfleld township Tvtal fur. Bucks c0unty.....*...'........ .$4,13S 10 See the full acknowledgment in the Inquirer to-day. Per li. 11. .Muhlenberg, Esq., Heading, Pa;,. Treasurer of Executive Committee of Berks c0unty—t0ta1............. - S2,SGS S 3 See special acknowledgment inJSt/enmp TeUqvajih of Thursday,: Per B, A. Glasfe: . Prom citizens of oley township, Berks county.. $156 25 Bev. ChaK 5). Cooper, Philadelphia 20 00 Kev. J. P. Sblndle, Lowishurg, Pa............. 5 00 Rev. Janies K Barnard, Promptou, K. J.. 3 00 Hev. Jos. D. Suiiih, pastor of biate Ridge Pres byteriau Church................................ 2 00 Sunday School of St. Mark’s Church, Prank ford, Phila;, per Mrs. Mary It. Welsh-....- 3 40 Per Dr. Walter Williamson, chairman: Dr. .InmesKitchen.. Dr, H. M, Guernsey...,., Br. J, M. Pier-soli Dr. Thomas C. Williams;.; Dr. C. R. Davidson. V'est Alexander, Pa...... Dr. C. H. Dana Dr. Thomas Conway. Per Hon. Oswald Thompson, Chairman on Legal Profession; Remitted by W. E. Whitman, Esq., Treasurer: From Couutry Districts.... ...» 365 03 Collected in city by Mrs. J. W. F0rney......... 522 00 S*e items in special acknowledgment in the Inquirer: Per A. McElroy, Chairman, $58.50, viz* James S. Leverand employees. —• Mayhew &'Dodd’s emp10yee5........ Charles H. Marct and emp10yee5........;., Farmer & Hamilton and emp10yee5........... Employees of Hammett, Van Dnsen. & Loeh mun, Ashland, Schuylkill c0unty....... Per Aim It. .Perkins, Chairman, Chester: From operatives of Crosbyville Mills, remitted by J. Washington 1rving*..*.................. 21 00 rer S. J. Sernil, Chairman, Darby: ’ Collected by Joseph Lewis, Jr., from. cltizen3 of Newtou, Delaware county IQS9O Collected by Chalk ley Harveyr Birmingham township, Delaware, county, from citizens in . . paid county.... 162 00 From employees of Upland Mills, Delaware coiinty,and remitted by Geo. K. Crozer, Esq.: From SIIII No. 1. $l2B-70 From Mill 114 00. Collected by Thomas Keece, from citizens of Up per Providence, Delaware county..l4l 50 Fulton Aid Society, Lancaster county, remitted : by Neal Bambletoa.— 100 00 James Aitken, Edgmont . 500 . IVr R. Shoemaker, Chairman:. . William Trimble...... - 10 00 . Ssmuei IS JasneJ. 5 00 George Peterson - 6 00 GeergeE Ashton..., 25 00 John C. Hurst - * - 20 00 Employees of Savage & Stewart.&c—44 37 Fred. Seheetz, per Mrs. George Dodd, Chairman / 200 Employees of w. Rogers per ditt0.............. 60 00 Per Mr. and Mrs. Yohe, Bethlehem: Proceeds of Tableaux given at Eagle H0te1....» S 3 50 From Saengerbund Musical Society. •WOO Per Jacob Taylor, from citizens of Fox town ship, Elk county... 62 50 Per w. F. Derringer/from citizens of Walnut Post, Northsimpton county.. 3150 Per George M. Troutman, Chairman: From Messrs. Elliott & Dunn Per K. A. Lamberton, from Dauphin Lodge, K 0.160, I. O. O. F. f HAfrisburg .. 1000 J. S. Crawford, Esq., Williamsport,Pa......... 5 00 Per John King, citizens of Newport, Del-. —-. .7 75 Per Isaac Strker, Esq., Milton, Pa., from citi zens of bis ward. From Clerks in the Commissary Department, Harrisburg, per Wien Forney, Esq.*...--..... 24 55 Proceeds of the Scottish Concert, given by eight Scottish Societies of Philadelphia, per Messrs. Daniel Mclntyre,-John Booth, and Hugh Rankin —.— , —— ISO S 7 Daniel Massey, Esq., Ma55ey5burg............. 5 00 Thomas Aikens, Tredyfiln t0wn5hip............ 2 00 H. R. Edmonds, Esq 3 00 Jaines Bowen, per d 0..—...— 3 00 Milton Clark, Esq-.--—— • 2 00 J. W. Early, Leac0ck............................ 125 John Noetling, New Berlin, Pa 2 00 Richard Cobbin. $2.40; James Caldwell, $1.... 3 40 A.* Hunter, $1; D. K. MC, $1 2 00 Mrs. M. E., $4; Miss R., SL3S 5 35 From Martha E. King (gold 25-centpiece).-.- 25 C. L. Smith, P. M—Chester Valley- • 2 00 S. W. Taylor. Burlington, per M. G. ♦*« 4 00 Per Mary J. P. Thorne, Black Horse, Chester-. 15 50 feubscriptions'frora various persons: From clerks in Petersons’Bookstore............ 10 00 From employees of Charles Stokes St Co-... .... 24 63 From J, M. Deibeit and employees, Schuylkill Haven/Pa—........ 34 25 Employees of H. G. Leisenring’s Printing House, Third street, opposite Dock street-..*. 40 00 Per Henry Wall, chairman: Wm. West, and Girard_aTemia«— — Seorge Biddle-.;. 2 25!J. ■— 2 -5 George Lipscomb— 225 Arthur Fisk -- -5 Cbas. McCartney.. 2 251 r Per John Murphy, Chairman; Murphy & Allison, car bunders Edward Cope & Son and employees...-• Per J.B. Hughes, Chairman; - . ..m Employees of Stephens & Whitaker, Manayunk 35 w Per Geo. W. Plumly, Chairman* GeorgeW. Plumly N. M.'Kerr.—••••»«»•• ••••••♦’• Per Miss Reed, Chairman: • ; Samuel Baines, $5; E, A, Barnes. 25c.-.--**«: 5 Thomas WatenUl, *1; J. .Waterall, 60c 1 M Per George Keck, Chftirmljn.. «* See full acknowledgment m Inquirer to-day. .... Per Henry D. Sherrerd, Chairman: ■ . Lorillard Insurance Company ofNewVork.re- mitted by Lancaster & Ga-skill, Philadelphia, FM&cii'r'ieiL' Wrigit,'Chairman'fov Le high county. Pa.: ; m ; Per ( fronftheemployers and employees of the Siatedale School Slate Manufactories • and Quarries, Lehigh county.-. v 100 g) Other collections by her--* *l'* Per Mrs. S. Z. Curtis, Chairman, .remitted by Mrs. StepbemSouder: Charles Knecht, Esq..— ..*.********* George I'lißg and Emp10yee5—........... r *•* . Per Johnii. RQey, Chairman: From thirty- two employees pf Philadelphia Works, Point Breeze, remitted by Joitn-Kop-. erts*.-.-* ................ Hon.. Leonard Myers- - • - - * • • •• -i'* • * *v Herman Kruger, $1 ; Sebastian Rapp, ChaS J- Lukfns, $5 1 W. J. Robinson, $3--.* J. A. Brobst. BerneviUe, Berks county.. CiHzenß Lycoming honnty. Pennsyjyania....,..-. i-’PTeUbimk..... % jg : Harvey; & Ford.eropioyees of do-... ; ®‘® l™m 0^ e CharUy,” Brady township...'••*••••••• J ® Mrs. Henry Warner, Great Bend; 16 00 Per E. Dunbar Lockwood, Chairman:’-- L-- Atkinson & Co.. Ko. 40} Appletree aUny tw C Carmony, Eighth and Chestnut streets—••• '* 00 Per GtorgeAY. Magee, Chairman: C* Prudden & Co-- Ca5h..*....... ••••*;:•■* ••••••*'-"* ••***• D. A. Vernon, Media-.... • v • Publisher of “American Advertiser PerL.-J,:Leberman, Chairman: f ino , n Employees of Arnold, Hnsbanm, & Nirdlmger. 108 « Office, No. 118 Sooth SEVENTH Street. Phila, Other subscriptions and remittances by mail duly re ceipted for and acknowledged in tfais paper.: -•_ Establishments or individuals having mace up or in progresswilllploaafe have tnem.forwarded as soon as possible- ; ? ~ - E. B. ErRE, SgereUry. B. A HOOPES,' Treasurer, jeli-tjul .* $1,500 00 3CO 00 .. 250 00 .. 250 00 .. 250 00 20000 20000: . 100 00 .. 100 00 100 00 .. -10000 . . . 100 00 .. 100 00 .. ' 50 GQ , 20 00 .$2OO 00 ,2<Ooo . 50 00 : . 25 00 ; .1000 , . 300 .. 500 .. 200 .. 600 v —— 500 00 $4,993 17 .69,634 57 ~...$74,527 74 A. E. BORIE, Chairman. 300 m 300 00 250 00 25Q0G 250 00 250 00 250 00 150 00 100 00 $5,947 03 .21,270 0Q THE TIPTON COAL COMPACT. idE? —At a meeting of the CORPORATORS, held 3d insfc,, the following persons were elected DlKELlUlth to^*H OI : JOSEPH D. ELLIS, - ; WILLIAM PARTIN. JR., ' ISAAC S. SERRILL, - MICHAEL RBINHARD. JCSHUA PEIRCE, GEORGE TRGMAN, Jr. , Subsequently the Board of Directors C. W. McCLINTOCK President and H. H. SiULLIMJFOKD Secretary and Tre g] l gJ- S HiLLINGFORD, Secretary. Philadelphia, Jane 10,1861. ..... 1* KSr- OFFICE WESTERN FESnSSFEVA fcE? KIA RAILROAD XJOMP ANY. _ • Philadelphia, May 20, 1864. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—A specialmeeting of the Stockholders of thia Company will bo held on M., at the Otllcii of the ‘'^^ii^Rri^OAp aylyanla Railroad Company, and for other purposes, approved 27th April, 1861, and a . ls o 1 n “nfiSv reference to a proposed increase of the Capital acock of *Jia HomnanT :By order of the Board. mySSK JOSEPH LESLEY; Secretary. HKts* TO AttTISTS.-01lEAT CENTRAL isS* FAIR FOR SANITARY COMMISSION.—SEA SON TICKETS will be issued to Artists, on application at the Entrance on Middle Gate on VINE Street, admit ting them to the Fine Art Gallery only, at One Dollar L. CLACIHORN, Treasurer. OFFICE OF 66 THE RELIANCE IN SUKANGE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA,” No. 308 WALNUT Street. T . ...... - iw. owa Philadelphia, June 6,1364. Theßoard of Directors have THIS DAY declared a di vidend ofSper cent on the capital of this Company for the last six months, payable to the Stockholders or their legal representative, free oftaxoso^deinaud^x^^^ je7-10t Secretary. NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL 3IEET -1=8? INO of the Stockholders, and election lor Pre sident and Directors of the k?-NM?CTING RAILWAY COMPANY, will he held at the office of the Company, on TUESDAY, the 14th day of Jane, 1864, at 12 o clock noon EDMUND SMITH, Secretary. Philadelphia, May.Bl, 1864.. my3l-tje!4 |*«§=■» lUVIJ>KNI>.-TJIE IHRECTOKS lfc=& of the OLMSTEAD Oil-COMPANY have Mb dar declared a dividend of FOUR PER CENT. on the capital stock of the Company out of the warnings of.the nionth of Slay, and an extra dividend of FOUR PER CENT., both payable, free of State tax, on the 11th Instant, at the Offlee of the Company, S. E. corner Of THIRD and CHESTNUT Streets, qp btalra. SMLAV * ,y geo, w. HUNTER, Secretary. je24Qi JilitE 1,1564. ffr-rsg”; OFFICE UNION IMPROVEMENT UNIONIMPROVE- ; *o“* SOTICE.-OFFICE PHIIABEL- I3IH PHIAAND OIL CREEK OIL COMPANY, No. ™ DT stiee ‘-r a r M o B u;Hr., J»ne7,isM The Directors hare THISDAY declared a diy-ldecd of ONE PER CENT, on the Capital Stock payable on and after the ttv.a in’.t j iUi TraahferßooßA will close oa WEDNESDAY, Ethinst , at 3 o clock P. M , for ten days. W; D, PAINTER, Secretary. jeB-12i* ■. . .. .. - ' ■ :'■ D GREAT CENTRA!, FAIR. fcs? TO THE LEGAL PROFESSION. t The members of the Legal Profeanlon . who have not yet contributed their daily income to the Central Fair Streot. ... _ OSWa£d THOMPSON. je4-stn2t Chairnian;Coromlttee on LeaaVProfeßiion. NOTICE.-OFFICE PENNSVI,VA |=g? NIA OIL GREBE PETROLEUM COMPANY, No 411 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia,'Juim 1,1864. .The Board of Directors hare this day declared a Divi dend or one and a hair per cent, on the capital stock of KM “osc S oa Inst, .at So-oiockP. M., Q , SacreUty . KSSf* KOTICE OF DIVIDEND NO. 3- The Trustees of tho BIifGGS GOLD COM PAN V Imvedcclnreda dividend of 1 par emit. out of tho net earnings of the Company for tlio mouth of May. paya ble at the office of too Company, No. 81 JOHN btrdot, New York, Juno 16, 1864. to Shareholders of record, at tno close of business this day. • „ „ WALTER E. LAWTON, Now York, Jnno 8, lfifi-l. fMM*I Tma-mrer, •5S* DIVIDEND.—OFFICE OF THE Al> -wEx? LBOIIBNY AND P» FTriBUKG OIL CO., No. I*B South THIRD Street, Socoml Story, The Directors of tho ALLEGHENY AND PITTS BURG OIL CO, have THIS DAY declared a dividend of TWO PER CENT, for the mouth of May, ou the capital stuck of tho company, char of United Statos and State tax, payable ou after thin date, WILLIAM S. LANE, Secretary. ThUL.ATHM.pnTA, June 10. 1864. ,jelo-2t* DIVIDEND.-TIIE DIRECTORS of tho NoBLE & DELAAIATEE FfiTItOLEUM CO. have this day dociavetLji Dividond of TEN PER CENT, from the earnings for tho pa*t month, payable »n and after 20th in-<t., at thoir oifleo, S E. corner of CHESTNUT and THIRD Streets, up stairs. Transfer Books close on the lf»Ui tnst. .. 20 00 June S, 1564. FASSESOEU RAIIAVAV NOTICE. —Jua'k 7thj 1864.-rAt a meeting of the Board of Presidents held this day, it was liesohed, That the price for a single Aire on ftU the City Bonds shall he SIX CENTS, and for an exchange ticket NINE CENTS,'.on and-after June Iflth. .JeO-St HENRY CHOSKEY, Secretary. BETA 11. DRY GOODS. Jg BEAK F A S T SIIA W L S FOR VISITORS TO TIIB FASHIONABLE SPRINGS AND SEASIDE RESORTS. Whites, with tho new Purple Border. Whites, with the new Blue Border.. ' . Whites, with Scarlet Borders. Whites, with Brown Borders. Whites, with Black Borders. Whites, without any Borders. Purples, with Black Borders. Biehest, Grenadine Shawls imported. . 1,000 Pure White Barege Shawls. GOO Pure White Hcrnani Shawls. 000 Bayc or Striped Barege Shawls. Shepherd Plaid Spun Silk Shawls. Bock Spun Silk Shawls—a new lot. Tamartinc Shawls; consigned to us. Travellers supplied with Woolen Shawls. Men’s Shawls, large size. El &• LAMDELL, FOUTtTII AND ARCH., j P. S.—Particular attention paid to Strangers visiting the city during the Sanitary Pair. ' N. B. —BLACK LACE PO f NTS, $5O to $5. jell* sin wtf SO 00 25 00 11) 00 5 00 5 OO S 00 5 00 J C. STRAWBBTDGE & CO., K. tV. CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET. GREAT CENTRAL DRY COODS STORE. SPECIAL ATTENTION IS INVITED: TO THE LARG- EST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF COTTON SHIRTINGS & SHEETINGS, TABLE AND SHEETING LINENS, NAPKINS AND TOWELLINGS, BLANKETS AND QUILTS, : CLOTHS. AND CASSIMERBS, DRESS GOODS AND SHAWLS. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. SO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. jell-tf ' A HOUSEHOLD WORD ! WANAMAKER & BROWN’S Popular Clothing House, Sixth and Market streets. The peo ple have found out to their great satisfaction that there is a place where a good article of Clothing, handsomely cut and carefully made, can be had at a moderate price. Wanatna ker & Brown have, by far. the largest stock of REAL NEW STYLES, FRESH, THIS SEA SON’S MAKE, of Fashionable Clothing, to be found in thin city, which they are selling in immense quantities, and at low prices for the times. • . : : ; The place, SIXTH and MARKET Streets. The name, "WANAMAKER^A Rp22-nnrs2mif |g| LILLIE* 3 CHIIXE3D-XRON SAFF —~*7 against EVANS & "WATSON'S S H R E T-I R ON SAFE TEE GUERILLA SMOKED OUT ! ... 25' 00 . v 25 00 HE SHOWS FIGHT-WILL HE STAND FIKF The SI,OOO Challenge Against the World Mk David Evaxs: Wehnvetliisdayreceived,ihrongh our agent. Mr. M. C. Sadler, your arucle,. which ap peared in The Press of the 6th i nst., proposing a test of Sflfpg. under theformof achallenge . Your proposition would certainly Rave the appaaranoe ot fairness to the unsophisticated, while tocho.-e familiar with the tactics and Bank movements ol Sheet- Iron Safe makersits absurdity is at once apparent. . •: you try to shield-Evans atson s present make of Safes - from barm,' As the Safe you offer for the test was, as yon indicate, purchased by the Cora Exchange Bank iulSsB (sis years since), if it proved unequal to thereat, it would immediately be contended by Evans & Watson to be a different Safefrom that now manufactured by them, and their Safes would still be in the market. On the other band, the Lillie Safe designated was manufactured by Lewis Lillie, and if it was unequal to tbe test, Lewis Lillie & Son (the present manufacturer*) could claim improvements, and still prove asformidable competitors as ever. Again, it is not to be supposed that the Corn Exchange Bank, or any other Bank, would as sent to the notoriety and disturbance which a Safe test would produce in their banking house. . AVe desire and claim an open, undisguised, and unmistakable test,ana we are entirely prepared to meet the consequence*. : Evans; briug out your best Evans & Watson Burglar-proof Bank Vault Safe, and- you; can take for the test either of two Safes we have made and shipped to the:Bank of the Northern Liberties-,of your city; r ’- ■Both of these Safes were made before either ofyour pub* lipatiouß reached us. V?ith these conditions, we accept your challenge in full. As ie well known, we very fre quently make our Bank Burglar Safes four (4) Inches in thJckness of met&l, and we might justly-in|ist on fur nishing such a Safe for a test. Bat we deem Safes of the ordinary thickness (two incheb), as they are placed in vaults, ample security as against burglars^ and conse-' ouently' we propose the above-named Safes for tho test, they being, two inches in thickness. . . , • Por years we have asserted what we shall maintain, that we have the only true method of constnictLDg a strictly burglar-proof Safe, and by adding thickness of met&l any desired security may be obtained at asmali SfdMonal Sense.*We shall. bold-Brans & Watson, accountable for the test, and if you hare assumed awo sition that eventuates In the entire loss to them of thsir Thief-proof Safe business, and of discovering ip bur glars a method by which any,Safe of their manufacture —vault doer, or other securities made of alternate lay ers of plate iron, hardened steelror crystalirad nron can he penetrated in a short time by any commonblack smlth°M hr the application of the first rudiments of a Practical mechanical education, and thereby prove con ?toi ve!y that all such securities are utterly unreliable, tb?n they munttake the responsibility and reap tho con- 52 80 25 00 3 00 800 7 00 6 fieing unwilling to fraternize - with or to become their tutor, we do. not now publish our method of operation. In this respect, wo .leave you alonein your glory, trusting yon may receive all the honors that may attach to so respeptabU a profession. The Tioga County Bank robbory-was not effected from 44 one of Little’s make of Safes,» ’ as yon state.as it was not manufactured by Lewis Lillie, or L. Lillie & son. It was, however, a Merchant No. 6 size Safe,, manufac tured by the World’s Safe Company, and purchased.by the Tioga County Bank, at second-hanu, from a mer chant iu Buffalo, N, Y.» in 1554 or 1555. . We will itate, . without fear of . contradiction, that there never has bean a robbery effected trom a Lilho s Psiient Chilled and Wrought Iron Bank Safe, although extensively used for the last twelve J’®* l !®* you con sent to the test as defined by us, you will please advise, either ub or our agent, Mr. M. C. Sadier, of your city. . Respectfully, &c., LEWIS LILLIE & SON. TO THE PUBLIC. t . , , .. In a future article I shall notice more particularly the personalities andothex outsido matter which, appear m the game article with David va c us ’ s “ u i J[ , ||« o ] 11 , ont ■- No, SSI South SEVENTH Street. QTEAM AMI) WATER GAUGES FOR O saLE. B. BItOWM, 311 WALNUT St. : rarll-2t» TK GRAM’S COFFEE, 40, 43, 45 50 A Ground, 35, 30. Heal good. Try them. -43 SouttL SECOND, below Market. ; , It THE BUSINESS OF W. ,T. BETTIN JL OER will be settled by Ills widow, at No. CHESTNUT Street. All indebted will please come for ; ward; all haying claims will present them at once, ir "PROCLAMATION OF FEEEDO M X AT THE GREAT CENTRAL FAlR—Fine Pho tosniulw, IS by 13 tnohos, oh PAlNE'Spani and ink dl awing of the EMANCIPATION: PROCLAMArIOS, beautifully illustrated, original donated to tboi Brook ••Ivu Sanitary Fair, aau sold for 3*500 and presented to PreMdlnt LlKCotif.; They will bo ;6old at retail at tKe GREAT CENTRAL Fa lit during ite.cnntion&nce. JSGS-Canvassers ■wanted for every section of the coun tryT ROWLAND .TOHNSON.IIU MARKET Si., l'Mla., and Si BEATER Street, New York. jo!0-3t JpNSEROO, A most effective aad doliiditfn! preparation. TOK THE TEETH AND GtTSIS. . Hiirlilr recommended ljy tbe most eminent Doctors ""HUtSewnlf'ofathoi-oush coup*' rlxncnts, extending through a period of nearly thirty b m-eat extent in. every case* and entirelyinjnany» ■IT"?v“I!fpH“vEKT-M#Y t O#TEBTHr It also STKKRGTHES AV BAK GOM&.KEEP' ■ THE TEbTH DEADTI POLLY CLEAN* AND TBh BREATH SWEET.. See Circulars. Price $l. Prepared and sold by bee circulars. s . T. BEALE, M. l>.,.Dentist..- 1113 CHESTNUT St., -Philadelphia.-Pa. hy Druggists, ; jell-stn TN GR AM’S FRESH IMPORTED X GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, justreceWed, Try them. 4:3 South SECOND Street, befovr Market. ' ; OTOLBN —THIS MORNING, FROM O the office of the suhecrihem, SEVENTEEN HUN DRED AND FIETY DOLLARS, of the three Tears CJ. S. 7-30 TREASURY NOTES, aefollows: • _ kSustW, 1861--No. 68,156, f0r...........,......;... ««0 So do -NOS. 11,415, 14,863,-22,768 : . do do ..Nos. 4,18*,. '4.IW, .do do ..No. 44,231, each ..............*lOO do do ..No. 4,1104. ...$5OO October 1id......N0a. 11,m ®,m2, 55,441 rfo ..Noe. 0/5,440, 447* 55,44 S do do '.NStssUsi', 55,452,'55,453 : ~ do do' ,*.N (j, 55,454, Oach-....*............. s.*o All end. »ed by «», Payable to the order of. tho Soore tair o AbVTreaauiT.for redemption; and are useless to a 'cTNTll'uN™RE» T Soi'l'AllS ItKWARD,wiII bo-paid been* 1 Sped, and all persons are catA tloned ABBTSEN, . jelo-3t fi. E. corner DOCK &WALNUT. THE PRESS-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1864. GEORGE W. HUNTER, Socrotarv. ; jelO-Ct BROWN. CLOTHING. Accepted. PUBLICATIONS. T'mONOOIRAPH OF TLIE TETIU ONINiE; FAMILY OF TIrlE GROUSE, BY D. Q, ELLIOT, F, X. S., AUTHOR OP A MONOGRAPH OP THlfi PITTIOAL ; OR, FAMILY OP ANT TI!RUBHJ£U3. The work is Imperial Fdlio in she, and will be Issued in Five Parts, oaeh to coutaln Six Plates, and will bo furnished to Subscribers only, at $lO per number. Theedition is limited to2oo copies, the drawings boiug erased from the stones as soon as tlie requisite number is printed off, thus making the work more valuable to those possessing it. . A SpecixnonXopy can now be soon at the Book Store of T. 33. PUGH, It SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. JJEADY, SATUKDAY, JUISE 11. DENISE. By the Author of “ Jlademoisollo Mori. ’' Two Vole., 16mo, Cloth.. <........ Price 75 cents per vol. “There is ao much reflaeineut auduuambUtoua grace in Ha composition, and it accomplishes so well the object which )i makes its special aim that It cau scarcely fail to please even those readers who profess that they.read ;no novels but really good onas.'’—Saturday if eview t {London.) THE STORY OF ELIZABETH. V By Bliss ANNA THACKERAY, (Daughter of the Novelist.) One Vol. , 16mo, Cloth. (Anew flue edition!. Prico 75c. ; "The English, no less than the substance of this little tale, indicates real genius. It is not only fresh and bright, but, what is not common in combination with; a fresh, sparkling style, it is rich and mellow, andro miuds. us of Mr. Tennyson's happy description of the old yintago” Ills rare', indeed, to flail a style which is. steeped in tho .colors of many literary goneratlons, and. yet so full of vivacity and youth as this."— London Spectator. “There is a mingling of light-hearted gaiety with, eierious tenderness, which gives this little tale a win ning charm pocuiiar to itself; the Trench household is drawn with life-like faithfulness, the head of it la par ticular. "—Westminster Review. “DENISE” and “THE STORY OF ELIZABETH” are the first and second issues of a new Library of tl\e best HOME KOVELS, published in small and elegant uniform volumes, under the general title of “ THE HO US EH OLE SERIES. ’ ’ JOSEPH Cr. CrIiEGORY, Publisher,; jell-stn 2t N 0.5-10 BROADWAY, New York. BOOK BUYERS AND TUB TRADE Arc respectfully’notified that the Books published by the LONDON MINTING AND PUBLISHING COMPANY, Jgg" Consisting offirst-class -©a : STANDAKD WORKS, HIGHLY ILLUSTRATED, Published in serial form, or complete and elesantly bound, may constantly bebad, wholesale Ana retail , jOg- At tub Compaxt's Warehouse,'©*' BROADWAY, NEW YORK, At the lowest cask prices, being mostly at the original subscription prices, at retail, while the trade obtain the most liberal terms.*** JB&ST All orders and applications must be addressed to , ; HENRY A. BROWN, Managing Agent. Cikcux.au List sent free on application as above. . jet-aw-ft ' : ■•; ' ' ' MBS. HOLMES* NEW NOVEL, KEA.DY TO-DAY DARKNESS AND DAYLIGHT. A splendid new Book fey Mrs. MART J. HOLSrES, wkoße excellent Novels are sought after and read throughout the land with such delight. Elegantly printed and bound in cloth, uniform with her other popular works. Price $1.50 each. LENA RIVERS. TEMPEST AND SUNSHINE. •MARLAN grey. MEADOW BROOK. ENGLISH ORPHANS. DORA DEANE. COUSIN MAUDE. HOMESTEAD ON THE HILLSIDE. V Next week will lie ready. HOTSFHRr a new_Nj>- vel. by tlie author of “Lulu.” —-OITT IN THE WdRLD, a new Novel liy T. S. ARTHUR A WO MAN’S PHILOSOPHY OF WOMAN, an answer to Sliclielet’s “Love.” ■ : ; niyS3-Bwtf V CARLETON. Publisher, New York. qbeapest store in THE CITY I PHOTOGRAPH AIBDMS, FOR 12 TO 400 PICTURES, &00.STYLES,PRICES RANG ING FROM 25 CENTS TO $5O. PHOTOGRAPHS, PLAIN AND COLORED, CARD, ME DIUM, AND IMPERIAL SIZES, 10 CTS. TO $4. FRAMES FOB PHOTOGRAPHS, 10 CTS. TO $l5. NEW, BOOKS, MAGAZINES, &0. $1.60 Books for $1.23. 1 1.25 Books for $l. 1.00 Books for SO cents. I LOWEST PRICES i: IN PRESS. 'UA KRETTs authentic LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, HISTORY OF lIIS ADMINISTRATION-, Presenting a succinct but clear and very Interesting. • HISTORY OF THE WAR. PRESIDENT. LINCOLN’S EARLY LIFE AND PO LITICAL CAREER ( Art) portrayedgracefully and concisely-Ms more ini jfwrtant Speeches being interwoven in chronological ordorr : KXBELWSHBD WITH AH ACCURATE PORTRAIT, ON STEEL, Elegantly Engraved by Ritchie,from a Photogr&pb by Beady, taken expressly For this work; One y6l. 12nto, 81S pages, cloth READY IN A FEW DAYS. The' early speeches of Mr. Lincoln, speak for them selves,and foi m a very important and int »r6|tmgrortlott nf this biotrraphy, anil ARE NOT GIVEN IN.-, AN x OTHER .ySIUM& The Historr: of Lincoln. ,s Administration haß been prepared from official docu ments and authentic materials, and embodies an accu rate and admirable outline history of the vrar_ to the : opening of the present active campaign under General Grant. - A general view'd! the.policy of President Lin coln is given, with his messages and proclamations complete; also his speeches, ana numerous letters and despatches not otherwise accessible. A marked feature of interest in tbe work, is the history of the celebrated Peninsular Campaigner General Was nai'inv this chanter. it is evident THb AuiliUK. UAo fIS ACCESSTO WDSEAL sources of inforha- TION. The work wi* be found to hare a permanent value as a contribution to the political history of. the present eventful times, and .to bo a reliable book of reference for all who are interested in Political or ry josEPH H- Bauuett, the author, extensively - known as an able political writer, is ‘Commissioner, of Pensions’ T at Washington, He closes his preface in these words: “It must suffice to say, here, that no pains have been spared—as no requisite foci lities for obtaining correct data have heen lacking-“to make the work not only trustworthy and complete m regaid to matters 5 of r salient interes--, but also as acceptable as possible to'all classesof loyal readers. 4S’*' Orders may be addressed to MOORE, WILSTACH, & BALDWIN - , PUBLISHERS, 35 West FOURTH Street, Cincinnat J. B. LIPPINCOTT & 00., ?. > MARKET Street. Philadelphia. JJKW SCIENTIFIC.-BOOKS. FRESEKHiS' MANUAL OP QHATITATIVE CHEMI CAL AKAI.VSIS. from the last; Engllrtr and Gertnaa editions, in one YOlume, octavo.; Pries 93.60. ■ MILLER'S ELEMENTS OF CHEMISTRY. .Part 1. CHEMICAL PHYSICS Irornttie third London edition. SUMMER'S ELECTRICITYAND MAGNETISM,for sale, with a General assortment of_ - saie, SCIENTIFIC BOOKS, BY • • • •• IiESBSAX-as BJrAKXSTOJTi- ••• itS . No. as South SIXTH Street. AiTRS. HOLMES' MW SOYEIi.-r lTi DARKNESS AND DAYLIGHT. HAUNTED BEAUTS.. By author of, “ The Lamp- MAINE WOODS. By Hoary P. Thoroaa, a«- th WAX FLOWERS. HOW TO MAKE THEM. With newmethods ofßheefcioewax, &c. An exquisite nook. STUMBLING BLOCKS. By Gail Hamiltoa.- POETRY OP THE AGE OF FABLE. By Thomas Bu)finch.; On tinted paper, elegantly printed and illus-. .‘Ik'mARYEL’S HEW BOOK. SEVEN STOKIES, WITH BASEMENT AMD ATTIC. Por %ILLIAM S. & ALFBBD-lttrafflS, _ je2 . 606 CHESTNUT Street. A SEMEAD & EVANS, 'V jtX . Snccoesors to WILLIS P. HAZARD, v / t TS4, CHESTNUT Street, Have received ... MRS. HOLMES’ NEW NOVEL. DARKNESS AND nATLIG HT HAUNTED HEARTS. By author of "The Lamp- WOODS. By Henry P. Thoroan, an tb?VAX* FLOWERS. HOW TO MAKE THEM. With new methods of sheeting wax, Ac. An exquisite book. STUMBLING BLOCKS. ByGail Hamilton., ; POETRY OP THE AGE OF FABLE. By Thomas BulSnch. .On tinted paper, elegantly printed and iI ‘“npMARVEL’S NEW BOOK. SEVEN STORIES, WITH BASEMENT AND ATTIC. . : - i BDSY HANDS AND PATIENT HEARTS: Or, The Btlndßoyof Dresden and his Friends. One of the nest “a NE#MAP S O?MO B MILES AROUND RICHMOND. A fresh supply received this morning. my2S THJTTRE’B PORTRAIT - PRESIDENT LINOOEN. This She steel-plate Engraving, from a recent Photo-; graph, is the only lh rK t siz ?l . ll ", l ? ng i, h published, and can only be obtained from the Pablisher or hie authorized agdnts, at the low price of MI per copy. This Bne Portrait will be sent by malt or.eipress, free of charge, on receipt of Retail Price. , 4®-Agents wanted in every county. . Address J. P. SKEILY, Sola Agent for Penna.,. myfi-thaatntf " 908 Street, Fhlla. the sunbeam stories, X Containing the charming, bright atorloß of TRAP TO CATCH A SUNBEAM, _ . CLOUD WITH SILVER LINING, cloud HOUSE OK THE ROOK, ONLY, OLD JOLLIPFE, MERRY CHRISTMAS, ' DREAM CHI&TZ, . STAR 1M %HE DESERT, Ste. > Kx beantifal . nWiah at South isIXTH Street. feae-tjyl PPLETON’S NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. The Agency for this invalnahle_Lihrair of Universal TnfoirmatlOß is at 33 South SIXTH Street, second story. S kIcOEJ) OF THE REBELLION. Byjmu* Moore. - ' : fell,,tf - nA. B D.— TO XTHB LAWYERS OF V Pennsylvania—l am now the Pnbllsher or the S tionlfiaw mylO-lm TVfEDI©AL' PURVEYOR'S OFFICE. iM Nbw York, June 0, 1864. ,i Importers and ileators in ModicloM, Hosnltal Stores, ,&c.y are invited to submit their Qaotatkms to the itriny Medial Purveyor, at his office, 4:00 IiKOOME Street, for bin information and guidance in the purchase of supplies ‘ ■ ; jelLrJw "PRIME BUTTER AND EGGS FOR X smlnliv ' H. P. MIIUSON. 3ql“s?* V - 128 Korth WAT SR Street. ]ypS. SOUTH WORTH'S NEW BOOK AUTHOR OF “THE FATAL MARRIAGE.” “THE' LOST HEIRESS,” “THE MISSING BRIDE,” “THE CURSE OF CLIFTON,?' ETC. CLOTH, *1.50. THE BKTDAL Soutiiwortit, in “The Bridal Eve,” has given to,the novel-reading public another of her entertaining storios, and one of tho most attractive bookawe have ever perused; Whoever read* the first page is sure to be carried on to the last. The author Is remarkable for her warm and brilliant inveu- tion, her wealth of imagery, her ready flow of ideas, her pathos, and her clear insight into the motives which govern the human heart; aud therein lies the charm of herpeu-paiutings. She gives you live characters, real men and women, so tangible that one almost feels the clasp of their hand, and hoars tho words they speak, never reflecting, till the perusal is finished, that these persons are not real, or either much better or much worse than the people one meets iu.every-day life. But %vhcn the book isclOaed, and the reader has time to coot off the fever, of his mind, he will still admire “The Bridal Eve” It is among thBbestof Mrs. Southworth’s novels, containing deeper thought and embracing a deeper meaning than any of Her preceding works, be sides being in plot more ingenious and elaborate, It is a work which all may read with profit. It abounds with ilie mott beautiful scenic descriptions; it displays an intimate acquaintace with all phases of human cha racter;' and, withal, contains amoral of inestimable value. The story- is. absorbingly interesting, every character being well drawn, and the incidents exciting.. It is a gem that will well repay a careful perusal. It must command large sale, as, indeed,; do. all the works of this accomplished author. It is published and for sale by T. B. Peterson & Brothers, Philadelphia. •• . It is published aud for sale by. MRS. SOUTIIWOKTII’S OTHER WORKS. Price of each $1.50 in cloth, or each one iu paper cover for $1.25. THE FATAL MARRIAGE, . THE BRIDAL EVE, . RETRIBUTION. A TALE OF PASSION, YIVIA. THE SECRET OP POWER,; THE DISCARDED DAUGHTER, - *• TIIE CURSE OF CLIFTON, THE GfPSX’S: PROP BBCY, . THE DESERTED WIFE, THE TWO SISTERS, INDIA. THE PEARL OF PEARL RIVER, -THE HAUNTED HOMESTEAD, " THE THREE BEAUTIE3, v THE WIFE’S VICTORY, / V: THE MOTHER-IN-LAW, ; ; ; ..THE LOST HEIRESS, • LOYE’S LABOR WON, THE MISSING BRIDE, : LADY OF THE ISLE. vßSgr Booksellers, News Agents, and all others, will please send on their orders at once for what they may want of either edition irf “THE BRIDAL EVE,” or of anj of the other new and uniform editions of the popu lar works of Mre, EmmaD. E. N. Southworth. Published anti for sale at the Cheapest Publishing and Bookselling Establishment in this country, which is at To whom all orders must come addressed, an&thsy will receive Immediate attention. Copies of any A of the above books will be sent to any one, free of pdstage,. on .remitting the price of the ones wanted to T..B> Peterson & Brothers, in a letter. It fJEN NEW BOOKS. .75 Cent Books, for f 0 cts. 50 Cent Books for 40 cis. 25 Cent Books for 20 cts. I PHILADELPHIA. PITCHER'S, 808 CHESTNUT Street. .Price $1 50 JVEW PUBLICATIONS. IS PUBLISHED THIS DAY. TUB BRIDAL EVB. BY MRS. E. D. E. BT. SOETHWOKTH, T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, 30G CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, To whom all orders must come addressed. TTEW AND BEAUTIFUL EDITIONS OF T. B.*PETERSON & BROTHERS’, 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa., HAUNTED HEARTS, The great novel by the author of 4 ‘The Lamplighter.” Published in England and the United States aimalta neously—May 25. OUDJO’S CAVE. This is themosfc successful American'Novel for seve ral years. Its rale continues unabated. It .is surely a book of intense interest, and will be valuable always a* a story .of the Rebellion. Pri«*. oi;ou. NEIGHBOR JxVOIOTGOD. . A splendid^story, by the author or“Cudjo’s Cava. ” Price, $1.75. ! *' v rv. ; ■ MARTIN MERR.TSI- ' .-.'.j- liy rmillg aU 11 "-'-' rrli: > * \ . WAX FLOWERS, AND now T a MAKE THEM. •With now method of alioettßg wax, moulding fruit, etc. Price, SI. 50. 'Vt. ■■ DREAMTHORP. By Alexander Smith. iEngUsh Reviews rank It with Goidsmtth’s “Besertod Yillaee," and "Vicar of ■Wakeflya:’;’: Price, SI.JS. . : . VII/ ■ SKELETON LEAVES AND PHANTOM FLOWERS, A complete and practical Treatise on the production of these beautifiil transformations.. Also,: Directions for Preserving. Natural Flowers in their freshbeanty. Price* $1.50. VIIT. • FLOWERS FOR THE PARLOR AND GARDEN. Indispensable to every person who cultivates flowers and ornamental plants, either in the smallest garden or the windotr only, or tbe conservatory and greenhouse, etc. It tells what to cultivate, and how to do it. Price. *3. IX. ' POETRY OF THE AGE OF FABLE. By .the authorof“The Age of Fable.” Elegantly illustrated. Price, $2. TOE LITTLE REBEL.. A new juvenile for boys and girls, by a well known author. Elegantly illustrated. Price, 75 cents. The above, and onr other desirable publications, will .be found for Bale by the principal booksellers in all parts of the country. J. 13. TILTON & CO., Tbe above arefor eale by J. B. LIPPINCOTT Jt CO., ASHMEAD ,& EVANS, and by the principal Booksellers in all partabf the United States and Canada, QIRCULAR HISTORY OF THE PENKSTLTIIfXA RESERVES, BY J. R. STI'IIER. BELIAS BARR & CO. respectfully announce that they hayein preparation a History of the Eonnsylvania Ro eerves from their organization to the expiration of tboir term of service. *' V - Thi& Hlstory \HII contain the naines of all the Officers and Privates of the Corps—their promotions, casualties, and discharges—also, graphic descriptioasof their camp life and their gallaut achievements in the many battles in which they have taken part, all derived from offlerol and authentic sources. ■ • , „ ’ , . The History of thePennsylvama Reserves willbe in One Volume of 600 pages, octavo size, neatly printed on .rood paper, and substantially bound, containing}} steel engraving of the lamented. Reynolds, and one of Gover nor Curtain (who first formation of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps), and will.be sold only by subscription- It willbe ready in Angustnext. Price Tnree Dollars per copy, in eloth. ; _ - • • ; Three Dollars and fifty Cents in Library stylo. Canvassers wanted for tlveabove work. Recommenda tions must accompany applications, . • . ,_ . , , l : The Publishers feel confident that the just pride which, every Pennsylvanian roust entertain »or the brave men whose gallant achievements and patriotic self-devotion it records, will secure for Tub History a generous : and appreciative reception. BARR * 0Q , ; Publishers, No GEaut Street. [ Lancaster, April 25,1864. , jelO-2t rPHE POLITICS OF THE WAR, J- ‘ THE ORATORY OF THE ra, _ THE DIPLOMACY OF MB WAR. _ THE RELIGION OF THE WAR, Aro all well chronicled in the COMPANION VOLUME OF THE KBOOR D, EDITED BY. FRAN K-MOORE _ ■■ It should "be. clearly understood that this Companion Volume 11 is a work distinct in itself, and not an es sential part o( tho Kkbbumox Record. It has been Binds uniform with tho KKCOBD in appearance, and .on thiß account, as well as because of its.subjeet,\ttis Stly called a " Companion Volume, ” ~»i» » deßt*bU a«-.. dltion to a set of the Rbcobd; though at the same time being a series of most valuable co!nmoatarics, ( ustor 1- cal essays and narratives, complete m itself , It is equally desirable lor persons not owning the larger volume is ilHistrated wUh_twelve_fineSte^Por^ ggISIES^M.-SDilrara?/®-"^^ TAMEY, Vm. H. SEWARD, &C...&0. C To the whole is annexed a fall Index. PRICES OF THE VOLUME: , C10th....,...;.- .per vol. ®| Slieep,lawbiudjßg.**‘r l 4 1 Half*Ant.» or Half l4 g n B p I pu'TNAM HENRY HOLT. “'Address THE REBELLION RECORD, , Add ’ , 4*l BROADWAY, New York.. N B—On nnd after done 16th the Prices of the volumes of THE REBELLION RECORD will he asfol j!'S: *1 60}Half Calf—. 'Sheep";—.* odd! Half Morocco . jelu-St pKOTHINGHAM & WELLS HEAVY. MEDIUM* AND LlUH't' SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. STANDARD DBn»LB. •• • • mSHmGTON O iND VIG”r6»T CAMBRICS : AHD beowKleached. and corset jkahs. f Hoi 12 Worsted TAto, Ac. «eaiif-tt 'O RAIN "'BAGS.—A LARGE ASSORT ur meht of graih bags, tn Tarlpn* »lie«, for sale bj BAKCROPT 4 GO ., Ho*. 405 and 407 MARKET Streot PERSONS OR 'PASTE AND .JUDa- X moiitvisit and patronize the PHOTOGRAPH OAL LERYofB. P. RKIMER, 03* ARCH Street, teget flue Style of IYORYTYPES, of most exquisite coloring. It* rpBE GREAT DEMAND FOR REI- X MER'SColorwl PHOTOGRAPHS la proof posttiva FHILADELPIKA AGAINST TUB WORLD ! A CHALLENGE ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS Ph iladelphia Against New York. ,PAPER, *1,2«. In HISS the Corn Exchange Bank of Philadelphia pur daaaed ono of Evans & Watson’Bßauk,arwl Burglar pzeof Safes, which is new. in usd in their vault, con structed in the manner that Evans & Watson's Safes are for that purpose, with their Patent Alphabetical Lock on. Since that time the above-mentioned Bank pur: chased one of Lillie'k (so-called) Burglar-proof Safes-” The officers of the Bank, in purchasing Lillie’s Safe, presumed that they were getting a better safe than those made by Evans & Watson for thatpurpose; and said Corn Exchange Bank officers having recom mended *this New York Safe, and in doing so have di verted many thousands of dollars to Troy, New York, instead of retaining it among whom they depend for patronage, I, David Evans, will now give--an opportunity of proving whether tho Safe they purchased from Evan*&Watson or the onopur chased of-L.'Lillie is the best Burglar-proof Safe. I will place One Thousand Dollars in cash, and’they (the Bank officers) or Lillie. or any other person in the United Stages who has confidence in Lillie's Safe, shall place the same'amount la the hands of a respectable person; and I, with one man to assist me, will operate on their (Lillie) Safe, and they may get any two men in the. United’States to operate on the Burglar-proof Safe made by Evans & Watsoni, and in use at the present time in the said Bank. . And if I Buceeed in getting into their Safe soener than they shall get into the Evans & Watson Safe, then I am to receive the two thousand dol lars;. but if: they succeed in getting into the Evans & Watson Safe sooner than I do the Lillie Safe, they shall receive the two thousand dollars. Provided that'they shall not make any more noiee thau I rnake in getting into Lillie’s Safe, as noise is what burglars dread most. Now, as I .have -given this opportunity of testing the qualities of the two. Safes, I hope the Bank officers will be as willing to have the - teat made as they were in re commending... Lillie's (so-called) Burglar-proof Safes heretofore: And-aa they are the only Bank having one of each of "ftse different make of Safes in use, I consider this Bank the beat place to test thorn. Let the trial be made, and thus demonstrate to the Philadelphia public which is the beßt Burglar-proof Safe.. Let there bea committee appointed from each of the Banka to see that there is fair play on both sides,: Iclaim the right to change the combinations of the lock on the Evans &.Waison Safe, and no person but' myself to know the combinations, and they to do the same with the lock oh their LUlio Safe before com mencing operations. I will bow state the manner la which I propose to operate: I first saw off the brass rim over tkalock dial; I then drill a hole through the door, directly over the dial, as close as possible,, and immediately over the centre. Tthen inserta piece of wire, about the eighth of an inch thick, through the hole so drilled, turning the knob of the lock dial to the right until the pin enters the first tnmbler, when it will pass in about a quarter of an inch; then turn the s knob to the left till the pin enters Into the second tumbler ; then to the right again till it passes through the next tumbler, and in ca3e of a large Bank Safe, again to the left until it passes into the last tumbler; I then throw the bolt, first pulling the pin out* CAUSE 0¥ THE SATE CONTROVERSY. Lillie’s agents have been iu the practice of going into banks and other places throughout the City and State, and if they found in use any other makoof Safe except his own,, would inform such persons or bank officers that he (Lillie’s agent) could either pick tbelockor break into the Safe in from five to ten minutes. Among others he called at the. Consolidation Bank, and told the President that be could pick -.their lock, made by EVANS & WATSON, in ten minutes; on Mr. W. H. Blumer, Banker,.at Allentown, Pa., told him the same; also, bn the Treasurer of the West Chester Railroad, and told him he could break into their Bank and Burglar-proof Safe in .five minutes.. When’the parties io whomhe made these assertions offered to give him the opportuni ty of making good Ms misrepresentations, he has al ways found some loophole to creep out. fftUify k 0 !? * n i m -vT lON IS CALLED TO AN ARTICLE THE EVENING TELEGRAPH OF APRIL 16, IS$4, i.jjr. 0. C. Saddler, agent for Lewis Lillie, of Troy, New York, asserts that the Burglar-proof Safes of the gaid Lewis Lillie, with its duodecagoa lock, with his autt-micrometerattackment, ar© the' only ones that af ford any protection to hankers and others who kaY© yaluables which they,wisli to leave in them, and pub lishes a long list of Safes which bare been opened by burglars and his agents; also, undertaking to describe the manner in which other makes of Safes, except his own, can be opened-his modesty forbidding him Jo bring before thepubUc the manner In which : his Safes can be opened, I have taken the liberty of doing it for. him , TIOGA COUNTY (PA.) BANK BOBBED. On the night.of theMthof May the Tioga County Bank of Pennsylvania was rohhed of twenty thousand seven hundred and twenty-fivedoUareandeighty-three cents. in United States bonds, gold, and greenbacks, and re tired currency of the bank. Payment of the bonds is stopped: Five thousand dollars of tk#amount is in special deposits of five- .twenty-bonds, and oyer three thousand dollars in gold. A reward of three thousand dollars is : offered for the recovery of the propertrfand : two thousand for the detection of the burglars. The Girard Bank of.Philadelphia.received a telegraph message, stating that it was one of BILLIE’S MAKE OP SAFES that was BOBBED as aboye stated. EYA2SS Sc ;•‘WATSON hare also received a letter from the Cashier of the ahoy© bank, stating that the Safe robbed was marked“ Lillie's Patent,’* and that they drilled a hole through the Safe, and blew it open with this is one of the Safes that Lillie asserts are the only Burglar-proofs made that cannot be drilled or blown open with gunpowder, as he asserts in his circular. .. v ; jeewt DAVID EVANS. WATCHES AMD JEWEMRY. henry iiarper, BOSTON. WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, AKD SUPERIOR SILVER-PRATED WARE. A large stock of fine goods, jelO-12i* AT REASONABLE TRICES, Jfe. JOHN S. WILSON, A MSd Importer and dealer In WATCHES and flue £|Jp ■“JEWELBY, mAnnfecturer of. ' *bFlyer"~waks. . • $£V - No. rW Norik NINTH Stroet. akoTfl Arck, Tie hisfiest price pfttd for old Silver. my6-6w j-.- 1864. 1864. “COTTAR’S” EAT,ROACH, ANT,&C., ■ ‘ * 15 years established In New York City. * ‘ Only infallible remedies known. ” * ‘ Free from Poisons, * ’ dangerous to the Human Family.* : : : “ Hats come out of their holes to die. *' JSF* Sold by all Druggists everywhere. . ■a- jl l Bewarb U l of all worthless imltaUons. ; : ** CoatarV* Depot* Mo. 488 Broadway* «. x. Bold by all Druggists, and by DYOTT &00., Ho. »33 SortU SECOND Street, ap27-tntbf@n- - Wholesale Agent.. CARD. The undersigned would t respectfully inform his friends and the public, that he has disposed of hie old FRTSiTINQ OFFICE, TO biEAal '° JAM][SS B . KODGEKS. . Who will continue the business in all its branches, with increased facilities and new material; He takee This opportunity to, thank his friends and customers for the patrnnago bestowed■ dnrfnß twenty-fire years, and hopes that it, may b® extended, to bis Friend and successor. . . All persons haYina cladmawill present them for aeU tlement, and alt indebted to Str^t settle, at the old stand, No. s!i North. SIXTH street, wliore hemay still lie found. WM. S. YOUNQ, Printer and Publisher.^; rYF PORTRAITS, N ONE ARE MORE U truthful tlianaflne artistic acdynaturallT colored llfe-sSi PHOTOGRAPH,' ia oil, M; 'mado by B F BRIMEB. 63d AUCH Street.; It 3 TO PRINT, BOOK, AND COIN COL- A; LECTOKS,—EDWAKD. COQAN,, No; IS North TENTH Street, Philadelphia, has for sale a large tniau-:: tity of line Engrarlngs and Books, purohas-d by.hliii at the famous ACLAN Collection, In New York. Algo on hand, a largo quantity of American atul Ell roptan COINS, to he eold at moderate prices. The highest premium gWenfor Hue and raro American Coins. -■ . V: d jefOtSt* _ •PHOTOGRAPH CARDS FOR GEN JL . TLEMEN.-Samples and -Catalogues sent for 25 cents. Enclose an enrelope, with your own name and ndilroßß D, jclO-lin 58K LIBERTY Street, Now Vork. PARS FOR THE HEAF.-INSTRU- DELANO’S INDEPENDENT fes & S ! svHiS; 8 i;& Harrows, &c., for sate ; & SCIN, Implement » D ' , .. S 'd S ' d ol , Y^fll I qfrMt ~r Nos; 561 and 163 S. StAlli street. SAFES. IS OFFERED TO TEST PHIEAUEI.UMIANS ! r»TlßT.iJsiix.n- 530 ARCH STREET, manufacturer of and dealer in SOLID SILVERWARE, AIWUSBJWEMTB. pROF. BOSWELL D. HITCHCOCK, D. « ,H' *°* W ’-H doJiver.at MUSICAL Et/ND hall, on Tinwsruf EVKNINA Juno 16. the Aimi verMiry Addresshofm-e the PHILADELPHIA COLLE GIATE INSTITUTE KOH TOUNO LA DIBS, nf which. Kev. CHARLES A, SMITH, D, !>., and E. CLARENCE SMITH, A. M., are Principal*. Tickets may be obtained, gratuitously, on and after Monday morning, the 13th, at tho Institute, 15J0 ARCH Street. Also, of Smith & Jacobs, 3226 Chestnut street, and Asbmead & Evans, 724 Chestnut street. je9-7t* WANTS. A YOUNGMAN, WHO IB -ENGAGED ■AA- through the day, wUhes copying to do In the ove nings; in a fair writer,and has had experience'. Address 4 ‘ Copyist, M /Ve#* office. JR* A /WOMAN OF MIDDLE AGE WISHES a SITUATION to sew In a hotel, town or country. Address *' Mary Amelia, * * Preaa Office. je9-3t* A YOUNG MAN CAN HAVE A -JA- situation that thoroughly understand* the CLOTH BUSINESS. Address “OloMn*,” Prmoffiw ie9-.*U* THE UNDERSIGNED DESIRES TO -l- engage the-services of a practical Drujffetleaniin. ri one olherH need apply, GEORGE A. MITVfVF.R & CO., Wholesale DrngglKts,soo MARKET St. THE UNDERSIGNED . D ESI RE TO ... euzztfn thq aorvicna of a practical BRUG SALES- SrAJi. 15oneolhflrnf>p<l apply. george a. MILLER & CO.. Wh*losa!« DrottcnaU,* 50© MARKET Street. WANTED—ALAD WHO HAS SOME TT knowledge of -BOOK-KEEPING.' Address in writingof applicant, elating salary, &c., “ PJurabor, 1 T atthlß Office, - - ; jeSbffi*' Wanted—a salesman in a ; TT: WnOLESALE CLOTHIXG HOESE;oqo whocora mauds a good trade. A resident of this State preferred. A liberal salary given. Apply to No. 110‘Novth THIRD 1 Street. . , •• jeS-6t* WANTED;. BY THE IST OF JULY, T.V a Situation as Bookkeeper la a Wholesale-Dry Goods, Grocery,-or Hard-ware Store,- by. a person of experience, faHy competent to keep books, single or doable entry. Satisfactory reference- given. Address “.Bookkeeper, >r .Pr€ffg oflice. . je9-3t* WANTED—3OO AGENTS TO SELL the great; natural WEATHER INI)ICATOR. Though only just’introduced, hundreds attest to Its ac* curacy in foretelling: changes of the weather from dry to wet, versa. It int< rests the scholhr and the ; man of science, and' awakens admiration In-the minds oi all who witness its wonderful functions. Send postage stamp for circular and particulars, or call upon FRrsiiHE. COOK, & eo., 60 Norik FOURTH Street. Philadelphia, Fa. A YOUNG SIAN n well known by ttfe BOOK TRADE, a. responsible position in a good ions© in either the West or North west.-Address,' for one week, ‘‘Northwest,” Press ' office* je6-Ct* wn non -to- s3o,ooo.—an .expe -4/\J RiENCED and* competent'business man is dtsirouß or investing eitbeT of these amounts in some highly respectable, safe, aad profitable business, with parties of undoubted integrity and business quali fications. Please address, stating character of business .and other particulars,. T. BURNETT, Philadelphia Post Office (confidential);. It* ton nnn to-s3o,ooo.—two yotjnq MEN, who can control a trade of 1*400,000, desire to form a copartnership with a mao having a capital of from $20,000 to $30,000, antkwho will keen thqjbooks and do the financiering, for the purpose of dealing in Silks and Fancy Dry Goods. Address, with real name, JaMES WARNER, care Union Ho* tel. ', ' ~• je?-st* ; (thCA A MONTH !—I WANT AGENTS 5jiUV/ at $6O a month,expenses paid, to sell my EVER LASTING PENCILS, ORIENTAL BURNERS, and IS other articles. Fifteen circulars sent/ree. . Address ap3o-d&w3m JOHN F. LORD, Biddeford, Maine, M WANTED—TO PURCHASE OR LEASE, fora term 'of-years, within easy distance of New York, either in Sew York New Jersey, or Pennsylvania, a - BUILDING SUITABLE-FOR A.FACTORY. Motive Power (water preferred) must be from 100 to 150 horse-power. Communications', with full particulars, addressed to Box 2919, New York P. O. : je7-6t* CAVALRY HORSES WANTED. War Department* Cavalry Bureau* Office op Chirp Quartermaster, WashingtonD. C., May 18,3564. THREETHOUSAND(3,OOO> HORSES WANTED. ONE HUNDRED AND SiXTY-YIYE <*lS5) DOL LARS per head will be paid for all CAVALRY HORSES delivered within the next thirty (30) days at the Go vernment; stables at GSesboro, D. C. - Said Horses to be sound in all particulars, not less than five (5) dot more than nine <9) years old; from fif teen to sixteen~bands high,- foil in flesh, compactly built, bridle wise, and of size sufficient for cavalry purposes. These specifications will be strictly adhered to and rigidly enforced in every particular. Payment made on delivery of seven (7) and over. : - JAMES A; EKIN', my2o-lm Li. Col. &C. Q. M. Cavalry Bureau. BOARDING. "DOARDING CAN BE HAD POE THE -O Summer at a pleasant “Farm House, near HADDON FIELD, New Jersey. "Please address “Home,’’ this iOffice. It* nOtTKTRY BOARDING—THE LARGE BOARDING-HOUSE AT-CONCORD, Delaware County, is now open, for- the reception of Boarders. It is situated on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad, twenty miles west of Philadelphia, in one of the mof>t healthy and beautiful localities of the county. The building is nearly new,- roomß comfortable, and. well ■ Accommodations will be famished for pleasant drives mornings and evenings. - . - ' Apply to JOSEPH fHORTLIDGE, CONCORDVILLE, Delaware County, Penna. ; jell-3t DOARDma.—TWO SECOND-STORY o rooms TO LF/F, at 133 North TENTH St. je7-tf TD CARDING—OK DUY’ S LANE, GER -L) BIANTOWN, sixth bouse from station., j@7-12t PERSONAL. -*• DROPS. COcents. 816 RACE Street. ..ielo-2t» pEESONAL.-JEWELBV SENT BY Mail, free of postage, to an, part of the United States, on receipt of the following prices • Single-stono lipifationDiainond Rtog. SI; Cinsterlmiiation Diamonl Ki Heavy-plated Vest Chains, *1: Magnificent Plain King, &1 j Heary Plain Kings (will stand the mond, $1; Imitation Diamond Studs. Slrßracelets, SI; Handsomely-chased Medallions, SI; Cornp! eta Sets Carbuncle Stodsand Buttons, *1; Complete Sets Black Enameled Studs and Buttons, D W>th pearl setting,. *1; fancT Watch Keys, 150 cents; Pen and Pencil,.with fx tnUßion case SI; Ladies’ Long-geared and Chatelaine rnSSs SI; Chatelaine Pins *1? Genuine Gutta-Percha Chains! SI; Ladies’ and Gents’ Miniature Puts, for likeness or hair. SI; Seal Rings, SI; Locket;Emgs, S 2;, Coral Armlets, 80 cents. & M ANN, icll-€t* No. 916 RACE Street, PhUadelphia. rYLD GOLD, OLD SILVER, ANDJDIA *- * MOXDS bought for Cash, at M .J. McSLVS& S, 20SK Kortb EIGHTH Street, for which the. highest prices will be paid. . jem-at QAMIJEL MAROT, DEALER IN LIMB, BUILDING STONE, and COAL. Yard* NINTH Street, above Thompson, (west side.) Orders received by William Marot, Jr., 811 Spring Garden afcreeivChas. H. Marot, 25 N. Sixth st. (second story), and b. Marot, 434 Chestnut si. (second story). „ *n im* N. B. —An experienced Salesman wanted. rayal-lm. FOK SALE AND TOXET. TO RINT—THE SECOND AND THIRD J- Story Rooms of Store No. 831 MARKET St.. Poa- SIBLEY, MOLTBK, & VOOPBOTF.' . A ’ VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY Jtx ion SALE. Chester county, Pa. Aiwly.tvttD. FLING. 4r1.7 MASKET Street. : ja7-5t -pOR SALE —FOUR VERY HAND- F some . PRENCH WINDOWS, ■_ - ■ in beautiful figures of variegated colored glass; the out side frames about 5 inches by 3 feet, in the clear. , Also, twoGLASS DOORS, to match. . At>olv nt the northwest corner of MERRICK Streetana SouffPBHNISrerouERIDAY and. SATURDAY, ta tween 10 and 12 o’clock A. M. jeio-iui rro LET— LARGE AND SMALL J- ROOMS, third and fourth stories, KctSM WALNUT Annlvto J. H. EDWARDS, : S t&-6t« • ■ ' . ' 534: WALNUT Street. AS. RARE CHANCE FORTH® COAL M BUSINESS. For Sale—Property (935) -North NINTH Street, above Poplar. Capacity for doing a large business. .Immediate possession given jeo-6t FOR SALE—A VERY FINE dark-bay HORSE, 16 hands high, Sjears old. Bound and kind in single or double tar oa«*=T»YfsY.Bf perior double horse,.Can be seen from Btolo o clock A. if , No. 1703 BRANDYWINE Street. - ■« INSURANCE. JNSURE YOUR LIFE IN TOUR OWN HOME COMPANY, ARN” , A-. OF PHILADELPHIA, S. E. corncivFouitli and Walnut Streets. Insurers In this Company have the additional guaraii- $250,000 CAPITAL STOCK all paid up IN GASH, which, to gether -with CASH ASSETS, now on hand, amount to OVER $BOO, O O O. INCOME FOR THE TEAR 1803 OVER $2 0 0,00 O . LOSSES PAID DUKING THE TEAK AMOUNTING TO $62,000. DIVIDENDS MADE ANNUALLY, thus aiding the in sured to pay premiums. The last DIVIDEND on aU Mutual Policies in force December 31, 1863, was FIFTY PER CENT. Of the amount of PREMIUMS received during the year. Its TRUSTEES are well-known citizens in our midst, entitling it to.more consideration than those whose managers reside in distant cities. SE Alexander Whilldin, J. Edgar Thomson,; George Nugent, Hon. James Pollock, Albert C. Roberts, . P. B. Mingle, Samuel Work, ALEX. WniLDIN, President. SAMUEL WORK, Vice President, JOHN S. WILSON, Sec. and Treas. " ■ • ' . Ti/f ON ¥MB N T S AND GRAY B -IYL rtoKES —A large assortment of Grave-Stones,tl variouSesigne.made of the f nest Italian and America* Wnrhifl constantly on hand at the Marble Worlwtrf KIDGB AY« a e. E«low ttroat. Philadelphia •.vn-x™ ■PERFUMED PARLOR MATCHES.- A Jußt received 25 additional cases of tb , e ®®s?l, ebraUd -Btor ; TURTLE AND CLAM SOUP served up DAILT (Snadaye ox«y ° R > O^KR CiySl-tf 'J'HE COLLECTION OF PICTURES BelobgiuE to Joseph Harrison, Jr., is c*vr open to the public, for a limited time, for the benefit of THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR At 335 S. EIGHTEENTH Stead,- Rittenhouse Swra, To be ba-Tat the Hotel*, Hookr Starts,, and at tha door. Entrance- it «3ifs. EIGHTEENTH* Street,- or through Park and Gird.-n, on SETENTEEBTII'Street. Qell-tf EVENT OF THE SEASON. A rRESm’ Fffl? BVEK¥BOF»T. gpjeat gift TOCAI. AND I3STKrf3IESfTAL CONCERTS; AT THE r ASSEMBLY- BU/LSINGS, TENTLI STREETS, : THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and* SATURDAY June 9th, 10th, and llifc; Igfcf. AS&r-H' PORTION OF TI3F, PROCEEDS wIU be donate# to the U. S. CHRIS TUN COMMISSION. * . w NOTICETHE MAIH FEATURES of thf* ENTERPRISE BOTH HALLS E.NGaGBD FOR THE PURPOSJS? One for the . ■ Disi'LAY GOODS, fJ-ALE OF TICKETS,- AND DISTRIBUTION OF PRESENTS.' The other • ' .* (LARGE HALL) FO R THE ENTERTAIN The Presents consist oC PIANOS, JEWELRY, And manyeSher-yalna.bT.earticles.-, . . EVERY PfTiiCEfASER OTA TICKET Will receive one of the ; SPLEND'fD PRESENTS ' ’ AT THE TIME OP PUJtrJHASING/ So presents efless value than ONE DOLLAR, AT THE USUAL SfiTAI'L PRICES, Will be distr2»uted. - All the " - . AYAEiABLB TALENT IN TB*B CITY Has been engaged for the enterummentev The public are invited to calTand view the goods toW * presented on aanhafter - . . MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 6ru, At wmeb-tima:^ THE SALE OF TICKETS' • • A N‘f) . DSS-TRIBHTION 0 '>'PRESR3TB Will commenae. The Ooncerta-wHI commence on* THURSDAY EVENING;. JUNE BTff, Ait.SJC o’clock. With: a Grand* Overture by BAND. TrCKESSy. TOA^RESENOV AJfl>*' ADMISSION TO THE ONE DOLJFAE To be lxad inly. a^theH&lL. {TJ.RO YE.R*B ‘HEW O’HESTHUT BTF.SST THEATRE, Leonard grot eh. ; manages*- (Also e£ Grover's Theatre,.W&slnagt<>B». 3>. C.) THE COOLEST AND MOST COMFORTABLE THEA TRE IN AMBRICA. ADMIRATION* WONDER,. AND- DELIGHT, STILL ' ON THE INCREASE. THE GRAND PATEY SPECTACLE OF THE ' SEVEN SISTERS, - Or THE BIRTH OF CUPID IN THE BOWER OF FERNS, CREATING A PERFECT FBRORE. THE LARGE AND ELEGaNT THEATRE Was again . - CROWDED TO OVERFLOWING LAST SIGHT. The entire audience was couvulsed-wilh laughter at the drolleries of the popular Comedian, J B. MoDO NOUGB, in bis great character of MRS. PLUT«», and. perfectly ecstatic in their;demonstration of delight at the new scenery, &c. The piece will be repeated THIS (Saturday)AFTERNOON and EVENING, June IX. Dress Circle or Parquet....socents. Family Circle.. 25 cento. Orchestra Seats. .75 cents. Six of the Front Beaches only are reserved as Orchea tia Seats. No extra charge lor securing. GRAND FAMILY MATINEE ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 2 o’clock, ■When the entire Spectacular Play of THE SEVEN SISTERS will be presented—making the Greatest Day Perform ance ever witnessed in Philadelphia, at the usual Ma tinee prices. MRS. JOHN DREW’S HEW ARCK- XtJ. street THEATRE. Kit Clayton.. Sixteen-String Jack. The0phi1u5.......... BENICIA BOX, And sth ACT OF RICHARD lIT., By FRANK DREW and STUART ROBSON. WALNUT -ST BEST- THEATRE.—* . » * THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, Jane 11, : LUCILLE WESTERN in Male and Female Characters,: The performance will cbmmence'witlrthe thrilling Drama of , - : - LUCREZIA BORGIA { Lncrezfa Borgia, the Poisoner Lucille Western Don AJphonao d’Este Whailay After which the be?ntifnl Serio Comic Drama of Don Cassar, Box Office openfrom 9to 3. Curtain rises at 8 o’clock^. ' )AN RICE’S GREAT f SHOW-, NOW ■ open, for one week only, on. the ACADEMY OF; MUSIC LOT, ■. June s, im. Performance every afternoon and evening, comment- noora open half aax Troupe is nnder the direction of DAN §M P.ewon. with the. co-operation of Mrs. DAN c eminent American Eciaerries, Lady, aod by the famons Ear hsh Animal Tutor, Mr. HENRY COOKE hi* troupe of EDUCATED DOGS andMONKRYS, fromPaiS ana London. r-rrirnn 8 ? iU the. blind talking horse SX- SiMlSffin.ft.xJhe wonder of the world: also the CO- Remember,j>in THE PHILADELPHIA ITTxnertrn*: -L Trill make itsTHIR.TIE.TJT; AKhTVERS ARY. EX CURSION on SATURDAY NEXT, the 18th lust. .lea-nn* the depot at Ninth and Green streets at half past eight. o' clock, and proceed to ROCKDALE. - • : . It ISJO W OPEN—THE FORTY-FIRST* ■DI ANNUAL EXHIBITION Or PAINTINGS AN& SCULPTURE, at the PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT Street, above. Tenth. Open from GA_ 1L till 7P. M.. and from 8 till 10, intha evening. -- Proceeds for the Sanitary Fair. . je9 u HEADQUARTERS PROVOST B MAESHAL THJRD DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVA fnsiA.-'WHEEBAS, It Is plainly for the interests of Jktlie people of each wand to hare stricken from ths list all namesimproperly enrolled, because an excess of names increases the quota; and- it as equally for them-, terestof each person enrolled to place upon the list all persons liable to do military duty, because the greater the number to be drawn, from the less the chances of each individual; therefore, ' ■ • The Board of Enrolment, upon application, will strut* off the names of all persons now over forty- five years of ace, all who are permanently disabled, all who hav* served in the military or navalservice two the present war, and been honorably discharged there- . from, and win add to the list the names i omitted or stricken off who are liable to do military du v tv, all who have arrived at the age of twenty years, aliens who have declared their intention of becomm® citizens. All other claims for exemption will be dia* , posed of after the draft. STKETGH, . Captain and Provost Marshal. Third District of Pennsylvania, No. 531 BROWN Street TO THE OBPBAINS' COURT FOH THS 1 CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA- Estateof AMANDA SUMMERS, Deceased. - The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adinst the account of JOHN SUMMERS, Adminisfcm tor of the estete o i AMANDA SUMMERS, deceased* and to report distribution of the balance in the hands oC '"'accountant, will meet the parties interested for thopnx~ nose of hits appointment, on THURSDAY, J 1 o’clock P. M., at his office. No. &OB South FIFIH Street, is DWIGHT, jell-fithtlist*. Anditor^ take Ontario, r . . The Thousand Maude. ... The Kapideof St: Lavrrenoa. River, for the above Excursions* V>ich i have botfi so long and f*TCluuir *B° wia to the Philadelphia rcA- Yic, Dy various routes to Igarara for sale PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA. RAIROADTIC™ OFFICE, northwest corner SIXTH and OtUSaiaux Streets, where full information will be given. ° * . ; N. VAN HORN, Ticket Agent. . • JOHN. S. HILLES, General Agent, THIRTEENTH and CALIkIWHILL Street*. mylO-tuthstjyl . •' ■" ' . ~ pHOTOGIUPHS QLD GOLD AND SILVER WANTED. ALSO, T>IAM O N D S AND ' . OTHER PRECIOUS STONES, : BODBHT POE CASH, BY LEWIS LADOMUS & CO', jeß~6t ■ , . No. SO2 CHESTNUT Street. rp FAMILIES RESIDING IN THK We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply families at their Country Residences with every description of ALBERT G. ROBERTS. mySO-tf Conner ELEVENTH and TINB Shi. FOE ALBANY AND TROY —VIA DELAWARE AND KARITAS CANAL.-The barga S. FLANAGaN, Captain W. Cor son,' isnow loading at Brst wharf belonr Street, and will leave fortheabove points on WEDNES DAY, Jane 15th, at 6 o’clock P. M. , n ,y.i B ra tea. For freight, winch, will b e takewat reaspnaWerea»,. WHITTEN AND VERBAL DE- Kyp@r ; R/ r Ri'PTIOKB Of Character, Constitution, &ad.T%» i£it with ADVICE on Business, Healthy Eduea* TV Sfn’ sllAmpmvemene, Management.andTrab^ and evening, by phrenologist and Bookseller, a tnth Ko. »5 S.TENTHEtreet,above Chestnut sSr'TIOGA COUNTY BANK BOB ■IBM BERT.— I have just received from Lewis Lillie sfet7£hefoUowmgieleKrJiphicdespatch: ' The Tioca County Bank Safe was not hit make. There hasueverbeena tILLIB BankS as f|g.bb|l. A . V »1 Sontb SBTJSSTH%|reet. Philadelphia, JaneS» 1564. j William J. Howard, Samnel T. Bodine, Jolm Aikman. Charles F. Hoazlitt, Hon. Joseph AlUeon, Isaac Harlohurs*. H E ctSio?SScSf<J^r R TO^^W Look* Nails; Locke’s School Slates. Co»w? bsbs. and Iron Wire; Cotton Cards. Al»o P a°fnll iesnrtnißnt of American Hardware. faT-Sml* rwn ladies tkdss and braob V STORE—Conflicted by L&dies, s^fe^^^rsc.^sg-spi accuracytßßnrea. _._- —= AMUSEMENTS* WORKS OF ART, OF THE SANITARY COMMISSION, TICKETS, fifr CENTS. WATCHES', • silverware. SUCCESS unprecedented; PRICES OF ADMISSION. FIFTH ■WEEK OF PRANK DREW. TO-NfGHT, SATURDAY, June 11. SIXTEEN-STRING JACK. MONDAY—FORTY THI! DON CiESAB BE BAZAN ! ..Miss Lucille Western LEGA3Ci. EXCURSIONS. DELIGHTFUL SUM; MEH EXCDBSIONS, . . {Saguenay Kirer, l Portland, . ; * White MonnUlns, Saratoga Springs, &C.» &C.| &C.l OF . UNEQUALLED STILE AND EINISE ABE TAKEN IK A TEW SECONDS AT REGER’S, 915 ARCH Street COUNTRY. FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, &c., &C. -money to any amouht LOANED wu-sair ...Frank Drew.- ....Barton Hill? • Stuart Robson.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers