TI-IE CITY. Tl>c Thermometer. JUNES,ISB3. I JUKE 6, ISM. 0 A. M 12M 3 P. 51. 0 A. M 12 3P. 51. 63 -76 X 63- 31 SSK WIXP. * WIND. SSE KKW......NNE,SSE WSW....—SW MILIUET. Veteran regimknts vixpectkd. The Ist, 2d, anil 7th Beglmonts or Pennsylvania Beserves are expected to arrlvo In the eityfrom Harrisburg tills aflernoon. The following route has been agreed upon: Form on Market street, east of the bridge ; thenoe along nrarliot street to Twenti eths thence to Chestnuts thoncc to Filth s thance to Hoce; thence to National Guards Hall, where they will bo received on behalf of the city by John Price Wetherlll, Ksq.; from this plaeo they wilt proceed along Race to Sixth j tlienoo to Walnut; thence to Third; thence to Pino s thenco to Fourth; thonoe to Washington, and tlienoo to the Cooper Shop Ee lieshulent Saloon, where theywll! bo refreshed, and aftorwards dismissed. The order of procession will no as follows: . Band. . Oommlttoo of Gounells, Citizens, Liberty Band. iSGtli Eoghnont Pennsylvania Volunteers. - veteran Reserve Corps. _■ Discharged officers and men of Pennsylvania Ho. ■. servos. Band, Ist, 2d, and 7th Kosorvos. . : Band. Flro Department, . Ambulances. •' imsur.Tun yrom at: my hospitals. The following soldiers wore reported at the nodi cal Director's office yesterday as having deserted from the Sattorleo United States Army Hospital In this city: Jas. Egan, Company F, 83d New York Regiment i Wm. Hopkins, Company H, 59th Mas sachusetts: Samuel Devils, Company 0,183 d Penn sylvania Volunteers; Daniel B. Mutholland, Com- Eany E, sth Pennsylvania Eeserves; Herman Holtz, tompuny K, 89tli Now York; John Richards, Com pany K, 183 d Pennsylvania Volunteers; John OarnesfuompanyP.llth New York; John O’Brien, Company O, 49th New York; .Sebastian - Searles, Company E, 51st Pennsylvania Volunteers; An drew Austerlow, Company K, 61st Now York; Jas, Anderson,i Company IFlOltb New York j Patrick McNamara, Company F, 88th Now York; Michael MoGlnness, 148th Pennsylvania Volunteers; John I). Ingalls j Company. D, 59th Massachusetts: J as. Gallagher, 2d Pennsylvania .Artillery: Frederick Smith, 121st Pennsylvania Artillery; Jus. Wright, Company K, "til Now Jersey; John M. Wiley, Company E, llfitli Pennsylvania Volunteers; David Leater, Company E, 125th New York ; John Koo nan, Company F,-16th Massachusetts; Geo. Brown, Company F, 13th Massachusetts; Adam Wolf, Com pany H, 13th Massachusetts, and John Finnegan, Company F, Dsth Now York; also, Thos. Hender son, Company 0, 6Dlh Pennsylvania Volunteers, from McClellan Hospital. : THE26TH lIEBIMEXT, P,V. The men belonging to this regiment, who have not re-enlisted, and Whose time lias expired, ar rived hi this city by the Philadelphia, Wilmington anil Baltimore railroad, at an early hour yestorday morning. There were over a hundred. men In the line, ana their dork faces gave proof of The work performed by them in a southern clime. They wore mot at the depot by tho Henry: Guards, Captain Spear, accompanied with a band, and wore paraded through a numbor of streets. Upon their arrival a saluto was fired at Wasbington-streot '.wharf. Col. Wm. F, Small, tho old commander of the regi ment, made a speech to the men in Independence Square. Ho was heartily cheered. The men -pa raded without muskets. MILITARY. DEATHS OP SOLDIERS. Tho following deaths wore reported at the Medi cal Director’s office : - - - , John O; Fnrlow, Co,. 0, 28th Regiment Pennsyl vania Volunteers, at the Germantown Hospital. John F. Goodhenrt, Co. F, 88th Regiment Penn sylvania Volunteers, at the Qhrlstian-street Hos * 1 Andrew A. H. Sanford, Co. 0,2 d Regiment Con necticut Volunteers, at tho Broad and Cherry street Hospital. ; THE ARMY HOSPITALS. During the week ending Saturday, June 4th, there ■were admitted into the army hospitals* in the De partment of the Susquehanna, 2,817 patients ; de serted 20 { died 17, and remaining 8,399. , EXPECTED HOME, . The Ist and 2d Regiments of New Jersey volun teers, whose term of service has expired, are ex pected to pass through the city during the present week, ■ ■ ■ .v . MISCELLANEOUS.' TE3IPERATUBE .OF h'HS WEATHER IH MAT. A comparison of some of the meteorological phe nomena of May, 1884, with those of May, 1883, and of the same month for thirteen years, at Philadel phia, Pa. Barometer 60 feet above mean tide in the Delaware river. Latitude 89 deg, 67>4 min. N.; longitude 75 deg. 10 K min. W. From G-reenwich. By JAME 9 A. Kirkpatrick, A. M, - ; •: May, May,,- i May, 1564, 1563. I for 13 yrs Thermometer. . : Highestdogree*«******''*« 87.00 90.00 90.00 Do; date....... 10th&3i. 23d. - 7 J 60;23’63 "Warmest day^-mcan—. , 78.17 79.83 7.9.83 Do. date ||»th.- 23d. 23d, 'B3.' Lowest degree " 41.00 40.00 35.00 Do. date....... 3d. 7tli. 7th,'54. Coldest day—mean....... 49.67 42.50 40.00 Do. date....... 3d. 6th. 3d, *6l. Meau daily oscillation..- 16.61 19.15 17.&1 Do. range....*... . 5.03 5.43 5.50 Mean at 7A. M- . 62.53 59.32 - 58.57 Do. 2P.31 73.35 71.76 69.93 Do. 9 1VM........... 65.15 <3*2,64 61.53 Do.’ for the month..... -67.01 64.57 63.36 J Barometer. . Highest, inches...- 90.000 29.975 30.338 Do. date- —-- . sth. 21st. 4th, ’52. Greatest daily pressure— - - mean. 29.978 29.962 • 30.273 Do. do, date- sth. 21st. sth, *52. Lowest, inches ,29.379 29.293 29.096 Do. date--- . 10th. 31st.' 27th,’61. Least daily pressure— ' . ■ mean. 29.437 29.343 29.243 Do. do. date- 10th. 31st. 27th, ’6l. Mean daily range O.IOS 0.055 0.120 Mean at 7 A.M. 29.663 29.783 29.812 - Do. . 2P. M.. 29.627 29.736 29.775 Do. 9 P.M.— 29.665 29;?69 29.799: Do. : for the month-.- 29.652 - 29.763 29.795 Force of Vapor. Greatest, incheso.7l4 0,/QQ 0.771: Do.’ date. 24th. 30th. 14th,’64. Least, inches, .202 .189 ’ .069" Do. date-.-. 3d. sth. 2d, *6l. Meanat 7 A. M- —.423 . 373 . 337 Do. 2 P. M—--..... .452 .365 . 375 Do. 9 P. M— - .461 .406 . 380 Do. .forthemonth--. .445. .352 .371 ; Relative Humidity. "• Greatest, per cent--.-. 97.0 91,0 . 100 Do. ydate.36th. 7th. often. - Least, percent-.—32.0 28.0 .16.0 Do. dato 28th. 22d. 5th,’55. Meanat 7 A. M 73.2 72.3 71.4 Do. 2 P. M 54.5 45.3 51.2 Do. PP. M 73.6 69.8 ‘68.5 ... Do. for the month-.- 67.1. 63.5 63.7 Clouds. Number of clear days*. 7 days. 15 days. 10.4 days Do. cloudy days->24 !16‘ 20.6 Meauofskycov’dat7 A.M :sl.o?lct. Do. do. 2P. M 69.0 165,5 60.3 Do. • do. 9P.M 58.4 33.1 * 46.5 Do, for the month 63,4 |45.2 , . 55.0 Rain. Amount, incheß 9.042. 4.792 4.609 No. of days on which rain 5e11......... 12 days. Ildars. 12.7 days Windft. Mean direction. Times in 1,000- S.22>fW 105., , * Less than one-third covered at the hours of observa tion. • •• " ' v ' ' GENERAL CONFERENCE OF 'THE ZION METHODIST ■ . CHURCH..'; . Eleventh Day,—Conference, opened at the usual hour, Superintendent Clinton in the chair. Letters.—Several letters were read from elders who could not be present on account of a variety of causes, which were accompanied with good wishes for all the brethren and prayers for successful legis lation. Returning Home,—A committee was appointed to wait on the officers of the different railroad nies for the purpose of obtaining, if possible, reduced fares. • illness of Elder Laws. —lnformation was commu nicated to the Conference that Elder Laws was un well, to the extent as to be helpless, at his boarding house in this city. The Conference made arrange ments to have this old veteran properly attended to.- Report of the Business Committee.—The business committee reported that, from the present in complete state of the discipline, it was necessary to make more definite provision for the accom modation of the four superintendents elect; that the different missionary boards should be consolida ted into one association under the direction of the General Conference; that the Conference take into consideration the propriety of purchasing a printing press forthe paper called the Anglo-African) ana make that periodical the organ of this Conference; that as the Conference fund, has been found in an unsatisfactory condition, the committee recommend the reorganization of the Conference fund, and con cluded by recommendingjto the immediate action of the Conference some difficulties between the Now England and New York Conferences in relation to the west India Mission. Referred to the Committee on Revision. Pram/m,—' The whole subject of tranferring min isters, with all the questions involved, .was referred to the Committee on Revision,' Adjourned till nine o’clock this morning. MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THIS STATE OF PENNA, This association will hold it&Jifteenth annual ses sion in this city on Wednesday, June 15, at 11 A. LI., in the Kali of the College of Physicians, N, JS. cor ner of Thirteenth and Locust streets. As the American Medical Association meet 3 in New York June 7th, it became necessary for the former body to postpone its meeting from June Bth, the day to TfhiciL it adjourned. The city delegates will therefore meet on the Bth. organize, and adjourn to the 15th. - The delegates from Philadelphia are Dr 3. D. H. Agnew, Samuel K. Ashton, w. L. Atloe, T. E. Eeesley, Joseph Carson, James M. Corse, T. M. Drysdale, A. H. Fish, A. Fricke, Lewis P. Gebhard. D. Gilbert, A. W. Griffith, S. D. Gross, H. Harts'. Jiorne, N. L, Hatfield, 11. Lenox Hodge,, Jacob Huckel, Wm. N, Johnson, R, S. JXenderdino, Wm. Ij. Knight, A. S'. McMurray, J. Aitken Meigs, G. H. Boblnett, E. Soholßeld, George S. Schivcly, .1. Henry Smaltz, Lewis S. Somers, L. Turnbull, El lersiie Wallace, Charles F. Wittig, Geo. B. Wood, J,H. Worthington. The ex-officlo delegates are Drs. Wmrß. Atkinson, John Bell, D. F. Candle, Leri Curtis, Wilson Jewell; A. L. Kennedy, William Maybury, A. Nohlnger, W. Sargent. BOARD OF SURVEYS, This body met yesterday morning. . Tho Board recommended an inlet at Poplar and Warnook streets, and authorize the building of a sewer on Fourth street, from Walnut street to Willing’s alley. . One on Market street, between Fifteenth and Six teenth. One on Twelfth street, from Market to Filbert streets. _One at Front and Coral streets. One on cast side of Broad Btreot, between Oxford and Thompson. ' One on Sixteenth street, between Thompson and Master.' ■ . • One on Brown street, between Third and Fourth. One bn’ Twenty-fifth street, north from Spring Garden- - ■ , And one on Hope street. Tho first-named thrpe and the last one are to be paid for by tho petitioners. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the Board of Surveyors reuuest Coun cils lo authorize the revisioiuef that part of the T wenty sixth ward which lies between Washington ayenue ana Tasker street and Broad and Twenty-second streets, so that the streets, lines, and grades may he made to con form to the plans adjacent, that have been confirmed by court - , . Several appeals from' surveys were heard, and re- ; ferrod to committees for examination. 'army contracts awarded. The following army contracts have boon awarded nt the Army Clothing and Equipage office, Jn this , city: Pratt & Dennison, 1,500 sides wax upper leatherat 33c. per ft.; 11, A. Colburn, 200 do. ataijje. do.; 400 do. at 32c. do.; Ohambors & Oattell, 400 do. nt 33C. do. : H. S. MeOomb, 2,600 do. at 33c. do.; 10,000 do. sole do. at 50c. do.; W. o. Dunlap, 5,000 do. wax do. at 32J£c. do.; 1,000 do. at 31>fe. do.; 1,000 do. at Sic.. do.; 1,000. at do.; 1,000 do. shoo skirting do. at 4014 c. per lb.; R. A. McCornb, 1,000 do. wax upper do. 800. per toot; 1,000 do- at flui?S n^ do o s rv^ 0 ? 0 do * at cents do.; 2,000 do. at ni^/in o .' 1 MM do. solo do. at 3d common white pine BoantfloS do d 0; tlo '> * 37 5 hemlock p°lne B i ; in h^^:^ s ; * 25 ’ - CASUAIsTIEg, About ten o’clock yesterday moraliurn. away, and In the neighborhood of /meonSMnd .Green upset the oarrlage, throwing the driver n,,t and seriously Injuring hfm. A ladyfwho was ffisia"! was also subtly Injured. 1 About five okfiock yesterday morning a man named Jacob McGarvoy; aged GO years, fell throusrli the railroad bridge at Shearer's lane, in ManayuiHc and had his skull :fractured4-He was conveyed to "his residence in Manayunk. 4 Jackson Bailey, aged forty-two years, was run over by one of the OatlowhiU-streetHestonville Pas eongeri-jßailrbadcarßiyosterdayi and had one arm pf9keh, the vther crushed, ana boSh legs inured, He was standing on tho front platform, and acci dentally fell Oil' while the oar was in motion. Ho was convoyed to the Pennsylvania Hospital, where he lies in a critical condition. "*•* MASS MEETING Of THE WOBKIKQMBX. A mass mooting of tho workingmen was hold at National Guards’ Hall last evening. Tho attend ance was very largo. Speeches were mado by officers of several trados unions In Oils city and Now Y'oric. The meeting was held under the au spices of the Trades’ Union Assembly. The object was to Tutvo tho trados united more strongly'to gothor. A NEW ROUTE TO WEST PHILADELPHIA. On* and after to-morrow ferry boats will mako trips across tho Schuylkill rlvor from South-street wharf. Citizens can thou roach Woodland Ceme tery and Almshouso from the lower part of the city by the cars of tho Lombard and South-street Passen ger Eailway. , By direction of tho Commissioner of City Frnpor ■ '\o Wostorn Hose, with, thoir steamer, vlsltod H lavement in front of the State Houso early on ay morning, for tho purpose of washing tho worms off tho trees. It proved a success, and will probably bo continued ut tho different squares. Three young womon, named Mary Tyler, Sarah Coffee, and Sarah Howard, wore arrested on Sunday morning, on the charge of robbing a soidlor of *125 at a house in Dook street. Eiguty-lour dollars of the money were recovered from one of tho prisoners, and tho balance of forty-one dollars is still unac counted for. The trio were committed by Alderman White, in default of *BOO ball oach, for thoir ap pearance at court. Robert Davis was also arrested on Sunday morn ing on the same charge, of stoaling : a pocket-book containing $l9, tho property of Wm. Oustis. Thoy were both drinking at a tavorn, near Sixth and St. Mary streets, and wdillo at the bar the pursowas extracted. The accused afterwards mot Onstls and offered to treat him with his own monoy, and at tho same Utno committee an assault and battery upon him. Davis had a hoaring before Alderman White, who committed him in default , of *BOO hall, on the charge of larceny, and *6OO hail on tho charge of assault and battery. .:. John McAleerwas beforo Alderman White yes terday on tho charge of stealing a coat, the property of Theodore Briggs, which ho pawned Tor *2.60. Ho acknowledged having taken it, and offered tho ticket to Briggs, svhon the latter person had him arrested. He was committed In default of $S0l) ball for his ap pearance at court, KMHhZZI.INO MONEY. Joseph A. Smilov, a lieutenant In tho army, was beforo: Alderman White yesterday, on the cliargo of appropriating $6O to his own use, which belonged to a young man nhmed Henderson. It appears that Smiley was. entrusted w-ith several sums of money by soldiers in the army, to bring to thoir friends -in this city. Among the sums entrusted was the *6O. from young Henderson, which was to be taken to his mother, at No. 20 Swanwickstreet. She knew, nothing of it * until a letter came from her’son, asking ner if she had received the $5O from Smiley. She went to Smiley, but he denied having received it, although ho afterwards acknowledged it, and said he would make, tt air right. Not making his appearance,.she got out a warrant and had him ar rested. He was hold in *l,OOO ball. A colored woman, named Angelina Hargust, was before Alderman Beitler yesterday morning, charged with the larceny of a basket of crockery ware, con taining sixty-eight pieces,' from a store at Front and Pino streets. She was committed in default of *l,OOO hail. A free fight occurred on Saturday night at Eleventh and Nectarine streets, In which, a man named James Chambers was stabbed, but’ not se riously injured. William Wrigley and William Owens were arrested upon the charge of having in-' dieted the wound. They were taken before Alder man Massey yesterday, who held them in $l,OOO bail each to answer. • : About eleven o’clock on Saturday evening a row occurred at Eighth and Spring Garden streets, during which knives were freely, used. It ended in the stabbing of a young man named John Ramage. He and another or the rioters named James Murray were arrested and; taken before Alderman Haines, who committed the latter, in default of $l,OOO bail, and held Ramage in $3OO ball. District Court—Judges Sbarswood, Hare, The court was engaged all day with the new trial motion list. Common Thompson and Tlio now trial motion list was before tliecourt yesterday, and was disposed of. Tlie oquity argu ment list will be taken up to-day. - Quarter Sessions—Judge Allison. Tho June term of the Criminal Coart began yes terday. James McManus was appointed foreman of the Grand Jury, who, having been, qualified, and instructed as .to their duties by the court, retired to act upon sneh business as may be presented to them by the District Attorney. ■ The returns of constables for. the various wards were then read, when the court adjourned till this morning. Arrival anil Sailing of Ocean Steamers. TO ARRIVE. - r . moM _/ fob bath. Virginia..-. Liverpool New York May 24 Belfona. .....London .......New York. May 25 Etna .-...Liverpool.....New York... May 25 Dama5cu5.......Liverp001.....Quebec............May 28 Minborg...... 1 .Liverpool..... New Y0rk...... May 2S China Liverpool New York May 23 Bremen.. Southampton. New Y0rk........May 2S Saxonia. v .......Soathamptoa,New Y0rk........May si C. ofWaslnngtn-Liverpool..,. .New Y0rk........ June I 5c0tia'............Liverp001... ; .New Y0rk...... June 4 Africa ........... Liverpool..... Boston June 11 TO DEPART. Columbia ...New York ....New Orleans;... June 8 L0nd0n.......... New York... -L0nd0n........... June 8 A8ia f .....v.......805t<Hr: Liverpool.. June 8 Matanzas ........New York.... New Orleans..... June S Havana..... New York.... Havana, &c.......Juae8 Nova Scotian.. ..Portland-... -.Liverp001........ June II Atlanta ..........New York... .L0nd0n.......... June 11 Teutonia .New York.... Hamburg........ June 11 C. of Baltimore.. New York-.-Liverpool ...June 12 Ocean Queen.... New York....Aspinwall ...June 13 Australasian ....New York.... Liverpool.. June 15 Etna .............New York.... Liverpool June 18 8remen..........New York.... Bremen .....June 18 Corsica ..........New York...-Havana, &c. ....June 18 LETTER BAGS. : AT THE MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHIA, Bark Thomas Dallett, Duncan .Laguayra, soon. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE. James R. Campbell, . > Samuel W. De Cooksey, > Committee of the Month. William G. Boulton, ) MABOE IJVMraGEiVCE. 105, •. ’ N.77W. 77, Srx Rises, 4 371 Soy Sets, 7 22 ( High Water, 328 Ship Nonpareil. (Br), Smith, from Liverpool,3s days to the Capes, with mdse and 43 passengers, to Thomas Richardson & Co. Towed up by tug America Bark R B Walker, Raynes, 3 days from New York, in btllast to J su Bayley & Co. Bark Kingston (Sr), Giasson; from Liverpool April 10, with mdse to John R. Penrose. v- . Bark. Good Return, Balch, 10 days from Boston; in ballast to £. A. Souder & Co. ; Brig Sampson, Delano, 3 days from New York, in bal last to captain. - , - Brig Ganges, Stephens, 3 days from New York, in bal-» last to Workman & Co; -»• Brig Warren, Smith, 7 days from Boston, in ballast to NoblerCaldweil, & Co. Brig Milo (Br), Smith, 14 days from Boston, in ballast to E A Sender & Co. - Schr DE Wolfe, Dole, 6 days from Saugua, in ballast to captain. . . v Schr Carthasreoa, Kelly, 4 days from New Bedford, with oil to J B A Allen.' SchrH N Farnham, Painter, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. • Scbr Rachel Jane, Roatb, 4 days from Norwich, in ballast to L Audenried & Co. Scbr Young America, Potter, 3 days from New York, in ballast to JR Tomlinson. > . Schr Navigator, Marston,3 days New York,with mdse to captain. * Schr Starlight, York,lo days from Portland, with mdse to Baker & Folsom. ’ -.Schr Mary Fletcher, Tracy, 5 days from Boston, with mdse to Twells & Co. • . Schr Lucy, Spence, 1 day from Brandywine, I>el,with corn meal to R M Lea. Schr Johnß Mather, Willard,7 days from Portsmouth, with mdse to Crowell fir Collins. Steamer Bristol, Charles, 24 hours from Rew York, to W P Clyde. Steamer SF Phelps, Brown, l day from* New York, With mdse to W M Baird. : Steam-tug. America, Yirden, from Delaware Break water, brought up ship Nonpariel: fcowed shipTona wanda, for Liverpool, to the Overfalls, where shere mainea atS A M, Sunday. Bark Pauline (Brem ), Osterloch, Falmouth, for or ders. • Brig Koret, Elliott, Boston. Brig Marshal Dutch, Combs, Boston. SchrG Morris, Artis, Boston, fichr Jos Maxwell, Majv Boston. SchrTT Derringer.; Blackman, Boston. Scbr American Eagle, McFarland, Boston. SchrFearl,.Brown, Boston. • SthrElliote, Cobb, Fortress Monroe. 4 ScbrJ B Austin, Davis, Boston, . Schr Exit, Corkran, Washington. , Schr, Jas Allderdice, Stiles, Boston. . Schr.W R Germ, Parker, Boston. ? Schr Flyaway, Davie, Boston. Schr J H Moore, Nickerson, Boston, fcchr Ceres, Timmins, Lynn. : Scbr O F Hawley, Clark, Bauversport. § c lw Clara. Morton, Magee, Cambridge. ’ ■ Schr Keokuck, Small, Boston. « Scbr Magnet, Sanborn, do. Scbr Majestic, Marine, Fort Monroe. Scbr L D Jerrarda, Fenton, do. . Steamer R Willing, Dade, Baltimore. ~ Steamer Alida, Denny, for New York, Steamer M Maßsey, Smith, New York. CANADA LUMBER YARD, LUMBER DISTRICT,vaEBANY. NEW YORK. The subscribers are now recelvlmrianrAinin nf prwi? aud UAHI). WOOD LUMiImI? they are pip fed to offer to the trade at : market prices; 5 per cent, off tor ie4-lm ’ - 1 , JONES 4 CO. WATER PIPE 1 DRAIN PIPE !- _J T - Montgomery Terra 1 Cotta Works—Office and Warehouse, 1221 MARKET Street. ■ MBT OF CASH PRICES: For joint of 3 feet, 2 Inch bore, 30 cents. For joint of 3 feet, 3 inch bore, 36 cents. . For joint of S feet, 4 Inch bore, 48 cents. * For joint of 3 feet, 5 inch bore, 60 cents. For joint of 8 feet, 6 inch hore, 7S cents. All sues, from 2 to 15 inch diameter. Also, Branches, Turns, Traps, Chimney Tops, Chim ney Flues, Garden Vases, &c. " _ , 4 McCOLLIN & RHOADS, myl4-Btuth6m . laai MARKET Street. : ■ ESTEY’S V COTTAGE ORGANS, Mot only UNEXCELLED but UNEQUALLED In purtts of Tone and Power, deetpied especially for Churche. and Schools, hut found to be eqnally well adapted to the Parlor ana Drawing Boom. For sale only by E. M. BRUCE, • . - - ... Mo. 18 North SEVENTH Street. • Also, a complete assortment of the Perfect Melodeor constantly on hand. : . , : my!B-3m JCs JOHN S. WILSON, -A* MIS/ .Importer and dealer In WATCHES and fine St» "——JEWELRY, manufacturer of ; > : ’ SILVER WARE. No. 1W North NINTH Street, above Aroh, Phlle. The highest price paid for old Silver. . . myd-6w* /BHL BR, FINE, PRACTICAL DEN- TIST for the last twenty years,* 319 VINE St., below Third, inserts the most beautiful TEETH of the age, mounted on fine Gold, Fiatina, Silver, Vulcanite, Gorolite, Aether, &c., at prices, for neat and substantial work, more reasonable than any Dentist in this city or State. Teeth plugged to last for life. Artificial Teeth repaired to suit. No pain in extracting. All work war raatedto fit. Reference, best families. . mb23-6m Bgw ; EVANS & WATSON’S i- 1 !!! „„„ SALAMANDER SAFES, STORE 1« SOUTH FOURt'h STREET, / . . PHILADELPHIA, PA. A large variety of FIRK-PEOOF SAFES always ob hand. - .• T ARD - OIL, FOE LUBRICATING -i-* Wool and Machlnery-foraale at the lo went market MAROT 4 STEEL, Manufacturers, 13lTNorth Brick presses and briok- MAKERS’ TOOLS. 300 South FIFTH Street. my23-In>* 8. P- MILLER. rjARD AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, V AtSttQWttSHMOWS, 111 B> FOVSTH gt. TItE WORM NUISANCE. THE POLICE. [Before Sir. Aldermaa White. 1 LARCENY CASE. .. A DOUBLE CTIAKGR. LARCENY OF A COAT. [Before Sir. Alderman Beitler. 1 LARCENY OR CROCKERY WARE. [Before 31r. Alderman Massey. 1 PEEK FIGHT, [Before ,Mr. Alderman Haines.] STABBING AFFAIR. THE COURTS. and Stroud. I.mllow, PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, ARRIVED. CLEARED. EDUCATIONAL. t>hiladblphia"collegiate^n- X 6TITBTE FOB YOUNG BABIES, No. 1530 ABOB Street, Bov. GHAS. A. SSIITH, D. D., E. CLARKSOI SMITH, A. H., Principals. . _. _ . ... Ninth Year. Throe Departments: Primary, Acade mic, and CoUeglftto, Fall college, course in Classlis, Mathematics, higher English, and Natural Science, f»: those who graduate. Modern Languages, Muslo,Paint ing, and Elocution by the host masters. For ciroolara, apply at the InsUtnto, or address Box SSOIIP. 0., Phi ladelphia, . • ap2o-«m* CELECT FAMILY BO A BDINQ, O SCHOOL FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, MOUITC JOT. Lancaster county, Penna. Session opens on fch« FIRST TUESDAY of may. For circulars, address . apl7-2m* K. A. MORRISON, Principal, TDELLEVBE FEMALE INSTITUTE -»-> A BOARDING SCHOOL FOB GIRLS. This Instltntion, beautifully and healthfully located. In the northern limits of ATTLEBOROUGH, Bucks eoun’ ty, Penna,, will commenooits Spring and Summer Ten. on the 19th of FIFTH MONTH next, and contlnne In <u Sion twelve.weeks. ' The course of Instruction is thorough and complete h all the Elementary and higher branches of an ENGLISH CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION. The, French Language ie taught by a native Fren.l teacher. Circulars, giving full psrtlonlars, may be had on ap plication to the Principals, Attleborough P. 0,, Bueki county,Penna. ISRAEL J ORAHAMB, JANE P. GBAHAMB, mhlß-am Principal,. LEGAL. TTNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS- U TIUCT OF PENNSYLVANIA—Scr. THE PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENN- S'SLYANIA-Gkkktiso: ' Wjibkkab, The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, hath decreed all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the sloop ‘'FORTUNATE, ’ ’ whereof is master, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden onboard thereof, captured by the United States vessel or war called the “Bermuda, * * under the commamLof Acting Volunteer Lieutenant J. \V. Smith, to be mouished* cited, amt called to judgment, at the timeand place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed, (justice so requir ing.) You are therefore charged aud strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not, but that by pub lishing these presents in at least two of the daily news papers printed and published in the city of Philadel phia, and in the Legal Intelligencer, yon do monish and cite, or cause to be.mcmishoa and cited, peremptori ly, all persons in general who have,or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the said sloop, her tackle, apparel, and furniture,and the goods, wares, and mer chandise laden on board thereof, to appear before the Honorable John Cadwalader, the Judge of the said Court, at the Distinct Court room, in the city of Phila delphia, on the twentieth day after publication of these presents, if it he a court day, or else ou the next court day-following, between the usual hours of hearing causes, thou and '.there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said stoop, her tackle, apparel, and fur niture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof, should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the saino, to the enemies of the United States, and as goods of their enemies or oth erwise, liable and: subject to condemnation, to be ajadged and condemned as good and lawful prizes: aud further to do and receive in this behalf as tojnstice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, gonemlty, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also inti mated,) that if they shall not appear at the time aud place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a . reasonable and lawful cause to. the .contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudica tion on the said. capture, and may pronounce that the said, sloop “Foriuuaic, V her tackle, apparel, and fur mture, and the goods, wares, aud merchandise laden on board thereof, did belong, at the time of the capture of the. same, to the enemies of the' United States of America,'and as goods of their eLemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as lav* ful prize, the ab sence, or rather contumacy of the persons so cited and intimated i n anywise notwithstanding, and that you duly certifyto the said District Court what you shall do in the premises, together with these presents. "Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this sixth day .of June, A. D. 1804, and in the eighty .-eighth year of the independence of the said United States. je7-3t Fff THE COURT OF COMMON PLEA.B FOR .THE CITY AND COOJSTY OF PHILADEL PHIA. ' Estate of JOSEPH RIPKA. - V The Auditor appointed by the court 'to audit, settle, and adjust the second account of HARRY 0. CLAY, who survived H. K. B. OGLE, trustees under a mort gage executed-by JOSEPH RIPKA, dated the *S}tb of November, 1857, recorded in Mortgage Book R. D. W., No. 79, page IDS, &c , and to make distribution .of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY, the 13th day of Jaue, A D, ISS4, at 4 o’clock P. M., at his office, f. E. corner of SIXTH and WALNUT Streets, in the city of Philadelphia. je2-thstu-St* GSO. JDNKIN, Jr‘, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE J- CITY' AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate of CHRISTIAN HEININGER, Deceased. , The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of WILLIAM F. HEININGER, Administrator of the Estate of CHRISTIAN HEININ GER, deceased, and to report distribution of the ba lance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment on TUESDAY, June2lst, 1864, aillo’clock, A. M.,at his office,:No.: TOG WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. ■je4-stnthst BENJAMIN H. BREWSTER, Auditor. iITTHE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA. - Un the matter of the Estate of DANIEL PASTORIUS. The auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the account of JOHN PASTORIUS and ELIZABETH 5. PAS TORIUS, Trustees of thh Estate of DANIEL PASTO RIUS, will meet the parties interested For the purposes of his appoiutment on MONDAY, June 6th, A. D. 1564, at 4 o’clock P. M., at his office, at S. E. cornerof EIGHTH and LOCUST Streets. my2B-stuth6t , DAR’IEL DOOGHERTY, . P: THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY 0Y PHILADELPHIA. • Estato of NANCY HONES WO-BTH, Deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of JAMES HORROCKS, Execu tor of theestate of NANCT HONESWORTH, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of accountant, will meet the parties interested for the pur fse of his appointment, on TUESDAY, June 14, 186L&1 o’clock P. M., at his office, No. 15» South FOURTH Street, in the City of Philadelphia; my3l-tuthsst WM. C. HANNIS, Auditor. r* THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of REBECCA P. MORTON, Deceased. , . The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, ana adjust, the account? of ROBERT F. MORTON, Ad ministrator ofthe estate of Mrs. Rebecca P. Morton, de ceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of : the accountant, will meet the parties in terested for the purposes of his appointment, on MON- June 13,1564, at 4 o’clock P. M., at his office, No. 153 South FOURTH Street, in the City of Philadelphia, my3l-tuthsst, .£. SPENCER MILLER, Auditor. ; PI THE ORPHANS’COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHIL ABELPHIA. Estate of GERHERD LEIPER and NEVILDE LBIPER, Minors. The Auditor-Appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the final account of ALEXANDER J. HAR PER, Guardian of GERHERD LEIPER and NEVILLE LEIPER, minors, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of Accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment on MONDAY, JuDe:l3fchY at 11 o’clock A. M.» at his Office, No. l£9>a South FOURTH Streeet, in' the city of Philadelphia; • JOHN HANNA, je2-ihstust - Auditor. XTOTICE.—APPLICATION HAS BEEN -hV made to the PENNSYLVANIA OIL CREEK PE TROLEUM COMPANY for the renewal of CERTIFI CATE No. 161 for one hundred shares of Stock in It he: mime of WILLIAM A. RHODES, the same having been lost or mislaid. Any person finding the same will please leave it at the Office of the Company, No. 4:11 WAL NUT Street. Philadelphia, May 20,1864. my2l-stuthl2t* PSTATE OF PERRY S. BROWN, JhJ DECEASED.. , Letters of Administration on the estate of PERRY S. BROWN, deceased, having been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands to make the same known to JOS. K. RHOADS. • my!6-tu6t* Administrator, 889 ARCH. Street. CEMENT. USEFUL AND TALUABLE DISCOVERT! Gbkat Discovbetl HILTON’S INSOLUBLE CEMENT! Is*of more general practical utility than any invention-now before the public. It has been thoroughly tested daring the last two years by practiced men, and pronounced by aUtobe Applicable to the Useful Arts. SUPEREOR TO ANY Adhesive Preparation known. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE GBMBNT. A New Thing. Isa new thing, and the result of years of study: its combination is ON SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES, And under no circumstances ot change of temperature will it be come corrupt or emit auy offensive > smell. ■ Its Combination. Foi WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, ELMIRA,.BUF FALO, NIAGARA FALLS, . CLEVELAND,* TOLEDO, CHICAGO, DETROIT, MILWAUKEE, CINCINNATI; ST. LOUIS, and all points in ilia West and Northwest, Passenger Trains leave Depot of Philadelphia and Beading Railroad, corner BROAD and CALLOWHILL Streets, at 8.15 A. M; and 8.30 P. M., daily, except I QOI(JkEST ROUTE from Philadelphia to points in Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New York, &c., &c. - •" For further information apply at the office, N.W.cor *ner SIXTH and CHESTNUT StrooK , . • N. YAN HORN, Ticket Agent. JOHN S. HILLBS, General Agent, . mrlS-tf : THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL Sta. IT IS ESPECIALLY ADAPTED | 1864.- 10 JjMIMaK, 1 BOOT AND SHOES Manufacturers, using Machines,, will Audit thebeßtarticle known for Cementing the Channels, as it works without delay,is not anacted by any change of. temperature. jewelers Will find H sufficiently adhesive for their use, as has been proved.. Boot and Shoe . Manufacturers. Jewelers. And we claim as an especial merit that it sticks Patches and Linings to Boots and Shoes sufficiently strong without stitching.'. IT IS THE ONLY LIQUID CEMENT Extant that la a sure thing for . .v jV mending Families. It in a Liquid. FURNITURE, CKOCKKRY, TOYS, BONE, IVORY, And articles of Household use. REMEMBER, Hilton’s Insoluble Cement la In a liquid form, and as easily ’ applied as paste. HILTON’S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Remember. Is insoluble in water or oil. HILTON’S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Adheres oily substances. Supplied in Family or Bianufactn rers* Packages from 2 ounces to 100 ifes. . ; '• . HILTON HBOS. A CO.. .Proprietors, PROVIDENCE. H. I. AQRNTS TN PHILADELPHIA— LAING & BIAGINNIS, No. 30 North THIRD St. JOSEPH GODFREY & CO., No: 38 North FOURTH St. Je27-6uthsly QUEEN OF BEAUTY; 2^I ITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES. : A newFRENCH COSMETIC for beautifying, whiten ing, and preserving the complexion, it U the moat wonderful compound of the; age. There is neither chalk, powder, magnesia, bismuth, nor talc in its com position. It being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax t nence its extraordinary qualities for • preserving the skin, making smooth, fair, and transparent. It makes the old appear young, the homely handsome, the handsome more beantifal, and the most; beautiful di ■vino. Pries 26 aud 60joonta. Prepared only hy HUNT \ CO -V? er { am . er9 ’ , 4r -M?H tl > EWHTH Btreot, two door, above Chestnut, and 133 South SEVENTH Btreet.ahove Walnut.- , ■ - ■ mh2o-3m THE BEAUTIFUL ART OF ENAMEL THE SKIN. —Pate de Toilet Franchise (French Toilet Paste), for enamelling the skin,hiding small-pox marks, wrinkles, burns, scars, &0., without Injury to the most delicate complexion. Its effects are truly ma gical. Sold in jars, price one dollar, with directions for use. HUNT & CO., Proprietors, 4l South EIGHTH Street, two doors above Chestnut,and 133 S. SEVENTH ;Street. ’ mylB-Bra 1> RI OKS .-PAYING. DARK AND Light Stretchers. Salmon, ana Hard BRICKS,; for sale in large or small quantities. The subscribers have facilities for supplying extensive builders with de spatch,; and for. aelivering£to any place accessible by water carriage. . w. &m; CHAMBERS. ; NOBRIS-Street WJiarf, above Gunner's Ron, mv2B-lm* a , Kensington.;. PURE PALM OIL SOAP.—THIS SOAP is-made of pure, fresh-Palm Oil, and is entirely a vegetable Soap; more sultablo ifor .Toiletuse thaa those , made from for per box.. VManufactured iby. * ' _L * M , 'Vv ’ 4 •* - GEO.'M, ELKINTON & SON. t a No. • 110 MARGARETTA Street, Front 'and gowiiJ, aI«Y9 OftUgwkJUi .jU^a THE PRESS.-PHII.ADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 1864. PENNSYLVANIA g gg CENTRAL RAILROAD, 1-M - PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSBURG 330 MILES DOU BLE TRACK. THE SHORT ROUTE TO THE WEST. Trains leave the Depot at ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, as follows: Mail Train at. 7,25 A. 51. Past Line at .11 25 A SI. Through Express at Io.SG P. SI. ParkesburgTrain, No. 1, at .........10.00 A. SI, Parkesburg Train, No. 2, at............. 1.00 P. SI. Harrisburg’Accommodation Train at 2.30 P. M, Lancaster Train at 4,00 P. M. Faoli Accommodation Train, (leaving West Philadelphia) * 6.00 P. SI. The Through Express Train runs dally—all the other trains dally, except Sunday, Fofe PITTSBURG AND THE WEST, The Mail Train, Past Line, and Through Express con nect at Pittsburg with through trains on all the diverg ing roads from that point, North to the Lakes, West to the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, and South and Southwest to all points accessible by Railroad. INDIANA BRANCH RAILROAD. . The Through Express connects at 'Blalrsville Inter section with a train on this road for Blairsville, In diana, Ac. EBENSBURG AND CRESSON BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Express Train connects at Cresson at. 10.45 A. M. with a train on this road for Ebenshurg. A train also leaves Cresson jorEbonshnrg at 3.45 P. M. HOLLIDAYSBURG BRANCH RAILROAD. The Mail Train and Through . Express connect at At- Soouawith trains for Hollidayshurg at 7.65 P. M. and t. 40 A. M. TYRONE AND CLEARFIELD BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Express Train cdnaocts at Tyrone with trains for Sandy Kidge, PhUlitfalmrg, Port Matilda, Milesburg, and Bollefonte. HUNTINGDON AND BROAD-TOP RAILROAD. The Through Express Train connects at Huntingdon with a traiu for Hopewell and Bloody Run at 6.56 A. M. NORTHERN CENTRAL AND PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROADS. For Sokbcrt, Williamsport. Lock Raven, and ail points on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, and El mira, Rochester, Buffalo, and Niaqara Falls. Passengers taking the Mail Train, at 7.25 A. M., and the Through Express, at 10.30 P. M., daily (except Sau days), go directly through without change of cars be tween Philadelphia and Williamsport. For YORK, HANOVER, and GETTYSBURG, the trains leaving at 7.25 A. M. and 2.30 P. 31.,.connect at Columbia with trains on the Northern Central Railroad. CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. The Mail Train and Through Express connect at Har risburg with trains for Carlisle, Chambershurg, and Ha gerstown. WATNESBURG BRANCH RAILROAD. The trains leaving at 7.25 A. 51. and 2.30 P. M. connect at Downiogton with trains on this road for Waynes burg and alt intermediate stations. .MANN’S BAGGAGE EXPRESS. An Agent of this reliable Express Company will pass through each train before ranching the depot, and take upchecks and deliver baggage to any part of the city. For further information, apply at the Passenger Sta tion S. E. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. JAMES CQWDEN, Ticket Agent. WESTERN EMIGRATION. : An Emigrant Accommodation Train leaves No. 137 Dock street daily (Sundays excepted), at 4 o’clock P.M. For full information apply to 1 FRANCIS FUNK, Emigrant Agent, 137 DOCK Street. FREIGHTS. : By this route freights of all descriptions, can he for warded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis souri, by railroad direct, or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. : For freight contracts or shipping directions, apply to JS.-E. KINGSTON, Jr., Philadelphia. A - . ENOCH LEWIS*: jftll-tf General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. PHILADELPHIA, WILMIHGTON, X AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD. •m. CHANGE OF HOURS. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, May 2. 1661, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FOR Baltimore at 4.30, Express, (Mondays excepted), 8.05 A. 31. ,12 31.; 2.30 and 10.30 P. 3L . Chester at 8.05, 11.15, A. M., 1.30, 2.30, 4.30, 6, and U P. 51. Wilmington at 4.30 (Mondays excepted), B.05».11.16 A. M,, 1.30, 2.30, 4.80, 6, 10.30, and 11 P. M. New Castle at 5.05 A. 51., and 4.30 P. M. DoveratB.os A. 51. and 4.80 P. M. ' -Milford at 5.05 Jl M. Salisbury at 5.05 A. 51. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA LEAVE Baltimore at 8.45, 9.40 A; M. (Express), 1.10, 6.25, and at 7.25 P. SL. Wilmington at 6.45, 9A. M., 12.24, 1. 1.45, 4, 4.33, 7.30, 9.10, and 11.12 Am. Salisbury at IP. 3L slilford at 3.35 P. 51. Dover at 6.30 A. 51., and 4.55 P.M. New Castle at 8.30 A. 51. and6.6sP. 51. Chester at 7.38, 9.40 A. 51., 1, 2.39, 4.40, 6, 8.14, 9.40, and 11.45 P.s£. Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and Intermediate sta tions at 7.25 P. M. . - Leave Baltimore for Dover and intermediate stations at 1.10 P. M. .. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE ' Leave Chester at 8.40 A. M.,3, and 11.55 P. 51. Leave Wilmington at 6.50, 9.25 A. M. , 3.35 and 11.40 P. 5L . - • FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attached, will leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate places at 7.45 P. Sf. ■■ SUNDAYS: - . . From Philadelphia to Baltimore only at 4.30 A. M., and 10. SOP. 31. From Philadelphia to Wilmington at 4;SO A: M. , 10.30 and 11P. 31. p From Wilmington to Philadelphia at 7,30 and 11.12 Only at 7;25P. 31., from Baltimore to Philadelphia. my 2 . . H. F. KENNEY, Assist. Sup’t. G. R. FOX, Clerk District Court, 1 Q(Z A ARRANGEMENTS'OP' 1 C)£? A 10U4. HEW YORK LINES. 18d4. THE CABIDEN AND ABIBOY AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY’S LINES. PROM PHILADELPHIA TO NE’fr YORK AND WAY PLACES, FROM WALNUT-STRBBT WHARF, WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS-VIZ; At 6A. Bf., via Camden 1 and Amboy, G. and A. Ac-' commodation *2 25 AtSA. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Express... 3 00 At S A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, 2d Claes : Ticket 2 25 At 12 M., yia Camden and Arabov* C.and A. Ac commodation....... 2 25. Afc2P.M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex press g 2$ At IP. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger). 175 At 6P. M., via Camden ana Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger)—lst Class Ticket. .. 225 Do. do. •• 2d Class d0,..*. ISO At 7H F. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda- - tion, (Freight and Passenger—lst Class Ticket... 225 Do. do 2d Class, d 0.;... 150 For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton. Lambertvilie, Flemington, &c., at3.3QP. M. For Flemington, Lambertvilie, and intermediate sta tions, at 6 P. M. For Mount Holly, Ewanaville, and Pemberton, at 5 A. M., 2, andsP. M. : - For Freehold at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco, Beverly, Burling ton, Florence, Bordentown, &c., at 6 A. JL, 12 M. t 1, B.SO, 6, and 6P. M. The 3.30 and 6F. 81, lines run di rect through to Trenton. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco, Beverly, and Bur lington, at7P. M. ’ ' . Steamboat Trenton, for Bristol, Burlington, Beverly,. Torresdaie, and Tacony, at9.SOA. BL and 2.30 F. M. LINES FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS; - . At 1.60 A. 81. (Night), via Kensington and Jersey City, Washington ana : New York Mail. •. At 11,15 A. BL, via Kensington and Jersey City, Express... $3 00 At 4. 30 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey Gity, Ex pre55......... 8 OO At 6.45 P. Bf., via Kensington and Jersey .City. Washington and New York Express. 8 00 Sunday Lines leave at 1.60 A. M. and 6.”45 P. M, There will be no line at 1.50 A. M. (Night) on Mondays.. . For Water Gap, Stroudsburg., Scranton, Wilkesbarre, . Bloutrose, Great Bend, Blanch Chunk, Allentown, Beth lehem, Belvidere, Easton, Lambertvilie, Flemington, &c. f at 7.15 A. 81. This line connects with the train leaving Easton for Blanch Chunk at 3.30 P. M. ForFlemington, Lambertvilie, and intermediate sta tions, at 5 P. M. For Bristol, Trenton, &c., at 7.15 and ILIS A. 81. , and 6 P. 31. » For Holmesburg, Tacony, Wissonomlng, Bridesbarg, and Frankford, at 9 A. M.,6, 5.45, andSP. M. 4®- For New York and Way Lines leaving Kensing ton Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train run from the Depot.: Fifty pounds of Baggage onlyallowed gach passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. Alinaggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, except by special contract. . Graham’s Baggage Express will call for and deliver baggage at the Depots. Orders to be left at No. 3 Wal nut street. WILLIAM H. GATZMEB, Agent. • May 16, 1864. LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA, WILL LEAVE FROM THE FOOT OF COORTL AND STS BET, Atl2M. and 4 P. M., via' Jersey City and Camden. At 7 and 10 A. M., and 6 P. M., and 12 (Night), via Jer sey City and Kensington. - From the foot of Barclay street at 6 A. M. and 2P.M., via Amboy and Camden. From Pier No. 1, North river, at 12 M., 4, andBP.M., (freight and passenger, ) Amboy and Camden. ja4-tf •fgaiawffCHHflPßßa PHILADELPHIA ELMIRA R. R. LrNR. IS64t. SPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGE- 1804. PHILADELPHIA AND.: ERIE BAIL. HOAD.—This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of E|ie, .on Lake Erie, • It has been leased by the. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL' ROAD COMPANY, and under : their auspices la being rapidly opened throughout ita entire length.. ft is now in use for Passenger and Freight business from Harrisburg to St. Mary’s (216 miles), ou the East ern Division, and frSm Sheffield to Erie (78 miles), on the Western Division, h1ai1Train.....*......7.3JA. M Express Train...;..••*,**•• *•♦•/*••• *•: *7 •* M. Cars run through without change both ways on these trains between Philadelphia and Dock .Haven, and be tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Care on Express Trains both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, tutu Williams port and Philadelphia. •' For information respecting Passenger business, apply at the S. E. corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. And for Freight business of the Company’s Agents: < 6. B. KINGSTON, Jr., corner THIRTEENTH and MARKET Streets, Philadelphia. J. W. REYNOLDS, _ - • * 11. H. ' HdcSTOK. 016, Oeneral P^ht^^Phy^tpUa. General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. . JOSEPH o, fOTTS, ■: mhs-tf * General Manager, Williamsport. NORTH : FENN SYLVANrA RAILROAD- For BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN. MAUCH Cfl ONK, HAZLETON, EASTON, WILLIAMSPORT, &c. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. : • Passenger Trains leave the new Depot, THIRD Street, above-Thompson street, daily (Sundays excepted), as foUowjK j{ xpreBg j f or Bethlehem, Allentown,Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, WUUamsport.&c. „ /. _ At 3.16 P. M/ (Express) for Bethlehem, Easton, Ac. At 6. 16 P. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch For Fort Washington at 10.16 A. M. aud6,lsP. M. White cars of the Second and Third-streets Line City p * BBeDger ¥I»ob Leave Bethlehem at 6. SO A. M., 9.30 A. M., and 6.07 M. and 3.40 P. M. Leave Fort Washington at 6.40 A. M. and 2 P. M. - T ON SUNDAYS. : Philadelphia for Doyiestown at 10. A. M. and 4.15 •p M' Doyiestown for Philadelphia at 7.SOA. M. and 2P. M. nol6 f ELLIS CLARK, Agent; Rg—gamma west Chester WM <g£ AND PHILADELPHIA RAIL- ROAD, tiaMEDIA. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT-CHANGE OF DEPOT. OiUand after MONDAY, May 23, 1864, the trains will leave Philadelphia, from Depot corner of THIRTY FIRST and MARKET Streets (West Philadelphia), at B and 13T0S A. M., and at ISO, 4.45. and 7 P. M. Leave West Chester at 6.20, 7.45, and 11 A. M., and at 2 /•Oh Sundays leave Philadelphia at 8.30 A. M., and 2.30 P M, Leave West Chester at BA. M. and SP. M, The trains leaving Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 4.45 p, M., and West Chester at 7; 46 A. M., connect with trains on the P. and B. C. R. for Oxford, and intermediate points. HENRY WOOD, apl . General Superintendent. •! the adams ex. iBBreiHCSBEEPRESS COMPANY, Offloa 3aO CHESTNUT. Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Mer chandise, Bank Notes, and either by ito own lines or in' connection with other Express Companies, to all the principal Towns and Cities in the United States. E. g. SANDFORD, fe27 General Superintendent. (COTTON SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS vJ of ill numbers and bwuid«.. X; Kavflii’s Pack Awning Twill., of ail- description., for Tout., Awning., Trank and Wagon Covers. Also. Paper Manafaotnrsro’ Drier: Kelts, from ltol feet wide. Tarpaulin, BoHlgß-San Tjrtoe, *o, ' prs-u' " ■ ’’ ’ p!»a TIME O? PASSENGER TRAINS AT PHILADELPHIA. ... Leave Westward. PROPOSALS. A miY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE X*. OFFICE, Cincinnati, Ohio. .Tunol, 1861. PROPOSALS are Invited by-Luo underpinned uutil FRIDAY. June 17th, 1804, at 2 o'clock P. M., for fur nishing into Department (by contract) with UNIFORM COATS—lnfautry. UNIFOK3I COATS—ArtU ery, FORAGE CAPS. Samples of which may be seen at the Office of Cioth ingfiiid Hnuipagoln this city. To hedoiiverod, free of charge, at the U. S. Inspection Warehouse in this city, in good new packages, with the niuneof the party furnishing, the kind aud qnantityof goods distinctly* marked on each article and package. Parties offering goods must distinctly state lit their bids the quantity they propose to furnish, the price, and time of delivery. • • ' . Samples when submitted must be marked and num bered to correspond with the proposal, and the parties thereto must guarantee that the goods shall be, in every respoct, equal to Army Standard,otherwise the proposal will not bo considered. ■ A guaranty signed bj'two responsible persons must accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will supply the articles awarded to him under his proposal. Bids will be opened on Friday, June 17th, 1864, at 2 o’clockP. SI., at this office, aud bidders aro requested to be present. t Awards will he made on Saturday, June 18th. -Bonds will he required that the contract will ho faith fully fulfilled. Telegrams relating to Proposals will not be noticed. Blank forms of. Proposals, Contracts, and Bonds may ho obtained at this office. / The right to reject any’bid deemed unreasonable is re served.' ' By order of Colonel THOS. SWORDS, A. Q. M. 0. jo4-iot C. W.- MOULTON, Captain and A. Q. M. POST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office, until 10 o’clock A. 31., on the 15th of June last,, for LOCAL 31ESSENGER SERVICE for carrying the Mails from ibis office to the several stations named be low, for FOUR YEARS from July Ist, 13?4. . From Central Office to Station D, 1206 North Third street, above Girarihavenue; thence to Germantown and Norristown Depot, at Ninth and Green streets; thence to Station 0, No. 1333 Ridge avenue, above Wallace street (or to another place iwftbe selected in same vicinity); thence to Station A, 41 South Eighteenth' street; theuco to Station K, No. 502 Washington avenue; thence to Central Office (a circuit of about 7>£ miles.) Five trips each way datb% and one trip each way on Sunday, or move frequently if required. The lowest bidder will be designated as Mail Sfessen ger, and must be prepared to commenco service oa July Itet.lS&l. The eompen«aUon will be subject to Increase or reduc tion, rota, as the drawee may be increased or diminished, but no extra compensation will bo allowed for more frequent trips (if required), than the number stated in the advertisement. The Postmaster reserves the right to order the wagons to stop at any point between the stations to receive and deliver mails. . . Parties contemplating making bids for this , service, will be required to call at this office, end inform them selves of the character of the service, aiuLwhat will be required, in order that they may bid uuuerstandlogly, aud prevent any misapprehension iafter the service has been let. ' The Isours at which these trips are to he made, and the time consumed in making each trip, are to bo, in all cases, designated by the Postmaster. The horses, wa gons, harness, and drivers, are to be subject, at all times, to his approval and control. - By order of M. BLAIR, Postmaster General. . C. A. WALBOKN, (Postmaster. jo4-lot Philadelphia. June S, .1801. OFFICE OF THE GIEARD ESTATE, PROPOS ALS W£e ASE-G i R ara'co AL% A&M. Is compliance wlth*a resolution of the Select and Com mon CouuciU of the City of Philadelphia, approved May 25. ISM, SEALED PROPOSALS will he received at this.. Office until FRIDAY, June 10,1864, at 3o’clock P. M., to lease such part of the John Brady tract not heretofore leased, the James Paschall and Nathan Boach tracts, la the present form of least ngthe Girard Coal Lands, except ing that thepartles shall covenant as lessees to pay—-—- of the market value of lamp coal as the same shall exist atPort Carbon, and- for Chestnut at the same stand ard and value; so, however, that the sam paid shall not b» less than twenty-five cents for each ton of coal mined not Chestnut, and not less than ten cents for that; and of other tracts ou the same terms to such other persons as mav be accepted in accordance with the provisions of a resolution to which tk is is a supplement, who shall pre sent sufficient evidence that he is a competent and skill ful miner, and fully able to fulfil the covenants of the Ijcasa. Said Proposals to be opened in the presence of the Committee on. Girard Estate, and the Lease to be awarded to the highest bidder. The acceptance of the bidder to be determined only by the execution of a lease in writing. CHARLES S. SMITH, ; - mySl-tuthßljulO , Superintendent Girard Estate. pUSTOM 'HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA, Collector’s Office, June 1,1564. . SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until ilie2Bih day of JUNE, for the supply of RATIONS to the petty officers and seamen of the united States re venue cutters WILLIAM H. SEWARD dnd VARINA for the term of one year from the Ist day of July next. The rations to be of good and wholesome quality, to be approved by the captain? and the different articles comprising the rations to be delivered on board the ves sels in good and sufficient casks and vessels, to be pro vided by the contractor, and the contents thereof dis tinctly marked on. each. : It is to be understood that the contractor will be bound to furnish, upon reasonable notice, as often as maybe required by the captain of the vessel, with the appro bation of tne Collector (not exceeding,upon an average, one day in each week), such fresh meat and fresh vege tables as may be equivalent to the corresponding parts of the ration allowed in the naval service. . Specifications will be furnished at this office. -je2-thstut3s ' WM. B. THOMAS, Collector. - PROPOSALS FOR ANCHORS AND A- HEDGES. . Naw Department, Bureau or Equipment and -Recruiting, . Washington. May 17,15G4. The Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting will, until the 14th JUKE, 1864, at 10 o’clock A. 51.» receive pro positions for the manufacture and delivery at such Navy Yards as may be designated, thefollowing iron-sleeked anchors and hedges: - 25 0f............ ...........2,000 pounds. 40 of l,Boopounds. 60 0f............. . .1,600 pounds. 60 of, ....I,soopounds. 70 0f.................................1,300 pounds. 60 0f....................T............1,200 pounds. -60 0f.................... 1,000 pounds. 70 0f................................. 800 pounds. 60©f..»*» 600 pounds. 60 0f........................... 500 pounds. 60 of 400 pounds. 60 of 300 pounds. 60 of 200 pounds.; The above weight is exclusive of the stock, which will be in the usual proportion, and they are to be made of the best scrap iron, of the form, dimensions, and finish of those made for the naval service, and he subject to such inspection as the Bureau may direct. One-half of these anchors,. of each of the sizes, from 1,800 to 200 pounds inclusive, must be delivered .in one hundred days from the date of the notification of the award of the contract, and the remainder in one hundred and sixtj days from the same date. The conditions of the contract will be similar to those' usual in the navy. - The bids must be accompanied by the guarantee re quiretLby law, that, if awarded, the contract will be -The proposals must be endorsed, “Proposals for An chors,” that they may be distinguished from other bu siness letters, ana be addressed to the Chief of the Bu reau of Equipment and Recruiting, Washington, D. C. my!7-tu4t - PROPOSALS FOR STATIONERY, &c. J- —Collector's Office, Custom House, Philadel phia, May 15, 1864. SEALED AND ENDORSED “Proposals for Books, Blanks, and Stationery for the Custom House, Philadel phia, ” will be received at this office until the 18th day of June, inclusive, for supplying the Custom House, for one year, from the 30th day of June, IS6I, with Blank Books, for Entries, Records, Abstracts, &c. Printed Books of Bonds, &c ' Printed Blanks, for Enrolments, Licenses, Reports, Permits, Accounts, &c. Stationery, vizi Pens, Ink, Paper, Pencils, &c. The whole probably not to exceed $3,000. - Liberty is reserved to accept such proposals for the whole or any portion of the articles therein named. It is also to be understood that all each articles as may be required, and which are not expressly men tioned in the schedules, shall be furnished by the con tractors at the usual market prices, or may, at the op-, tion of the Collector, be purchased in open market. ; Schedules.of articles and estimated quantities, with specimens and other required particulars, furnished on application at this office. ; Bonds, with satisfactory security, will be required for the faithful performance of the contract. my!7-tu4t WM. B. THOMAS, Collector. MEDICAL. T7LEGTHICITY.—WHAT IS LIE E JU WITHOUT HEALTH ?--Drß. BARTHOLOMEW & ALLEN, Medical Electricians,: haying' reraoyed their Office from North Tenth street to No. 154 North ELEVENTH Street, below Race, will still treat and care all curable diseases, whether Acute or Chronic,'without shocks, pain, or any inconvenience, by the use of Elec tricity, in its modifications, and Homoeopathic Medi cines. Consumption, first and se- Influenza and Catarrh. . cond stages, •* General Debility. Paralysis. Diseases of the Liver oi Neuralgia, -i • • Kidneys. Fever and Ajpie. Diabetes. Congestion. Prolapsus Uteri (Falling of Asthma. the womb). Dyspepsia. . Hemorrhoids, or Piles.; , Rheumatism, Spinal Disease. Bronchitis. Deafness. Testimonials at the office, 154 North Eleventh street. Office hours 9 A. M. to G P. M. Drs. BARTHOLOMEW & ALLEN, Medical Electricians, forth ELEVENTH Street. my26-tje29 T ARB ANT’S EFFERVESCENT J- SELTZEB APERIENT BEST REMEDY KNOWN FOR ALL BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, SICK HEADACHE,COSTIVE NESS, INDIGESTION, HEART-BURN, SOUS STOMACH, SEA SICKNESS, &C., &C. Ur. JAMES R. CHILTON, the Great Chemist, says: “I know its composition, and have no doubt it will prove most beneficial in those complaints for which it is recommended.” .Dr. THOMAS BOYD says; “I strongly commend it to the notice of the public. “ Dr. EDWARD G. LUDLOW says: “I can with con fidence recommend it. ’’ * Dr. GEORGE T. DEXTER says: “In Flatulency, Heart-burn, Cosiiveness, Sick Headache, &c., tne SELTZER APERIENT in my hands has proved indeed a valuable remedy. ” For other testimonials see pamphlet with each bottle. Manufactured only by TARRANT & CO. ; »78 GREENWICH Street, New York. 4B* FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. my23 r tno2C ELECTRICITY. WONDERFUL , SCIENTIFIC DIS ,* * COVERY.—AII acute and Ichronic diseases cured by special guarantee, when desired by the ; patient, at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, ; and, in case of a failure, no charge is made. No [ dragging the system with uncertain medical agents. • Ail cureß performed by Magnetism. Galvanism, or ; other modifications of Electricity, without shocks or [any unpleasant . For further informa ;£on, send and get a Pamphlet; which contains hun -1 dreds of certificates from some of the most reliable I men in Philadelphia, who have been speedily and ‘permanently cured after all other treatment from i medical men had failed. Over twelve thousand > cured in less than five years at 1220 WALNUT St. L Consultation Free. i Prof. BOLLES & Dr. BROWN, riiyl4-2m* 1220 WALNUT SC, Philadelphia. A CERTAIN CUBE FGRCANCERS, ■AA- 1 TUMORS, AND TETTER—By Misses M. and H. HINKLE, No. 254 b North THIRTEENTH Street, below Vine, Philadelphia, where can be obtained, at any time, the TETTER OINTMENT, which -has effectually 'Cured Tetter of 16 or *2O years standing. Salves for Rheumatism, Piles, Corns, /Erysipelas, Felons, and Pills for purifying the blood. A number of certificates can be examined at the above Place. myll-lm* ELECTRICITY.— DR, A, H. STEVENS -*-* is curing all Chronic Diseases, both of LADIES and •GENTLEMEN; by .a new method in the use of ELEC TRICITY, without shocks or pain. Board for a limited number of Patients from abroad may be had at reasona ble rates in the Doctor’s family. A Pamphlet of sixteen pages, containing certificates and other information, sentigratis to all orders accompanied with a stamp. Office and residence at 1418 SOUTH "PENN SQUARE, being central and accessible by street-cars from every railroad depot In the city. : ; my24-lm / TTJMELLE'S COMPOUND SYIiTJP OP v DOCK is successful as a remedy, because those who use it prououuce It tiw best v - • COUGH SYRUP, the best Blood Purifier, the most efficient invlgorator, and the best cure for Scrofula ever offered to the public. Sold by the proprietor. F.JUMELLE, 1533 MARKET Street. And all jPrnggistß. nihJ4-3m TAYLOR'S ARNICA OIL OR EMBRO CATION never fails to cure Rheumatism* Neuralgia, Sprains, Frosted feet, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Dis eases. Price 25c, and wholesaleand retail by H. B. TAY LOR, Drngglst, TENTH and CALLQWHILL. mh6-6m ■JREASURY DEPARTMENT, OmoE op the Comptroller op the Cprrbnot, - - : WasmsfiTON, May 4, 1864. WHEREAS, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that THE SEVENTH NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA,, county of Philadelphia,andiState of Pennsylvania, has beenanlyorganizea,under and according totbejrequire : ments of the act of. Congress entitled “ An; act to pro vide a National Currency, secured by a’pledge of united States stocks, and to provide for the circulation and re demption thereof;” approved February 25,1863, aud has complied with ali the provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking: • Now/thoroforo, I, HUOH MoCCttOCH, Comjptrollar of tbe’Currency, do hereby certify that THE SEVENTH NATiDNAL BANK OP PHILADELPHIA, county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorised to commence the business of Banking under the act In testimony whereof, witness and seal of office, this FOURTH DAY OF MAY, 1864./ : [Seal of the Comptroller of the Carrenoy.l HUGHMoCuLLOGH myC-2m Comptroller ofthe Cnrrency. pURE LIVE GEESE FEATHERS. Curled Hair, Haste, end Palm Mattresses, Iron Bed steads. V • - *'■ HATTKESSES REPAIRED. . jwW-ta f»? gwtit SiXTft stmt. PROPOSALS. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIF AX PAGE OFFICE. PIULADKT.PSMA, June 6,1964. SEALED PROPOSALS will 1)0 received at this office until MONDAYnext, the23th Inst., atl2o’doctc M., for supplying the Schuylkill Arsenal with the following article, required In LARGS quantities, viz: Felling Axes, army standard. Felling Axo Handles, army standard* •bpades, do. do. , Shovels, do. do. Pick-axes. do. do. , Pick-axe Handles; do. do. Samples can bo soon at thtp oflico. Bidders must state in their proposals the price* which must ho given In meriting. as well ns in figures* the quantity bid for, and tin le of deliver)/. Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible! persons, whoso signatures must be appended to the proposal. Bids from defaulting contractors will not be received. Blank forms for proposals cau be had on application at this office, and each bid must been* dorsed with the name of tbe particular article or arti cles hid for. G. H. CROSSIAN, jo7-6t M - pen’l U. S. A.__ OFFICE AKMY GLOTHIKa AND V/ equipage, PniTiAPBLPWA, June 2, lS&t. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until-TUESDAY, the 7th inut . nt 12 o’clock, M*. for supplying the United Stales with the following articles, V Dark Bine Patent Thread, Wo. 35, samples required. Tailors’ Crayons, samples required, Gujivas Padding, samples required. „ Black Alpaca, samples required. . v Brass Vest Buttons, samples required. Suspender Buttoniy samples required. Sb|ji Buttons, samples required. • Black Pant Buckles, samples required. Tent Slips, large, samples required. Tent Lacing Cora for water-proof shelter tents, sam ples required. Bidders must state In their proposals the time of de livery, and tho price, which must be given in writing as well as figures. Deliveries of all articles mast be made at the Schuylkill Arsenal, subject to rigid in spection. Each hid must be guaranteed l>y two re sponsible persons, whose signatures must he appended to the proposal. Bids from defaulting contractors will not be received. Blank forms for proposals can be had on application at •thlß office, and proposals must he endorsed.with, the name of the particular article or articles bid for. G. H. CKOSMAN* Asst. G. M.;Gen..IT. S. A. A RMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, Cincinnati, Ohio, Jane Ist* 1564. ' PROPOSALS are invited by the undersigned, until •WEDNESDAY, June 15th, 1864, at two o’clock P. M., for furnishing this Department (by contract) with the following Books:; - • Company Order Books, army standard. Do. Clothing Books, army standard. .. Do. Descriptive Books, army standard. V Do. Morning Report Books, army standard. Post Order Books, armystandard. Post Letter Books, army standard. Post Guard Report Books, army standard. Regimental Order Books, army standard. . Do. Descriptive Books, army standard. Do. Index Books, army standard. Do. Order Books, armyatandard. Samples ofwhich may be seen at the Office of Cloth ing and Equipage in this city. To lie delivered free of charge, at the U. S. Inspection Warehouse, in this city, in good new packages, with the name of the party furnishing, the kind and quan tity of goods distinctly marked on each artiele&nd pack parties offering goods mast distinctly state is their bids the quantity they propose to furnish, the price, and time of delivery. , Samples, when submitted, mnstlbe marked and num bered to correspond with the proposals, and the par ties thereto roust guarantee that the goods shall be, in every respect, equal to army standard, otherwise the proposal will not be consideied. A guaranty, signed by : two responsible persons, roust accompany each bid,: guaranteeing tliatthe bidder will supply the articles awarded to him under his pro posal. Bidß will be opened bn Wednesday, Jane 15th, 1864, at 2 o’clock P.-M., at this office, and bidders are re quested to be present. Awards will be made on Thursday, June 16th, 1364. . Bonds will be required that the contracts will befaith fuliy lulfiiied. Telegrams relating to Proposals will not be noticed. ; Blank forms of Proposals,contracts, and bonds may be obtained at this office. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is re served By order of Col. Titomas Swords, A. Q. M. G. "jeS-llt- C. W-MOULTON, Captain and A. Q. M. A SSISTANT QUAR TERMA S T E E -ajL GENERAL’S OFFICE. . Philadelphia, Jane 2, is&f. PROPOSALS will be receiTed at this office until TUES DAY, the 7th inst., at 12 o’clock M., for enclosing: eight acres of land upon Islington lane, and erecting a tem porary Hospital on the same. ' Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of JOHN McAItTHOR, Jr., Architect, No. 209 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa., where bidders can receive all necessary information. . By order of Colonel GEO. H. GROSMAN, Assistant Quartermaster General. PROPOSALS FOR ENLARGING THE A DELAWARE WATER WORKS. - SEALED PROPOSALS will be received arthe Office of the Chief Engineer, FIFTH Street, below Chestnut, until TUESDAY, June7thinst., atSo’clockP. 51. Ist. For extending the Wharf of the Delaware Water Works to the Port warden’s line. 2d. For constructing and erecting a Stand Pipe at the Delaware'Water Works. 3d. For casting, finishing, and delivering a 30-incli Suciton Main at the Delaware Water Works. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Chief En gineer’s Office. H. P. M. BIRKINBINE, je3-4t Chief Engineer, Water Department, Philft..... A RMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE AA- OFFICE. Ohio, May 25,1564. PROPOSALS ARE INVITED BY THE UNDER SIGNED, until MONDAY. June 13th, 1851, attwoo'clock P. M., for furnishing this Department (by contract) with - ARMY BLANKETS, wool/ gray, (with iheiettersU. S. ,in black, 4 inches long, m the centre,) to be 7feet long and 6 feet 6 inches wide, to weigh 5 pounds each, of -domestic mannfactare. ■ To be delivered free of charge, at the U. S. Inspection .Warehouse in this city, in good new packages; with the name of the party furnishing, the kind and quantity of goods distinctly marked on each article and package. Parties offering goods must distinctly state in their bids the quantity they propose to furnish, the price, and time of delivery. Samples when submitted must be marked and num bered to correspond with the proposal, and the parties thereto must guarantee that the goods shall be, in every respect, equal to Army standard, otherwise the propo sal will not be considered. A guarantee signed by two responsible persons must accompany, each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will supply the articles awarded to him under his proposal. Bids, will be opened on MONDAY, June 13th, 1854, at 2 o’clock F. M., at this office, and bidders are requested to be present. Awards will be made on TUESDAY, June 14th, 13W. Bonds will be required that the contract will be faith fully fulfilled. ; Telegrams relating to Proposals will not be noticed. Blank forms of Proposals, Contracts, and. Bonds may be obtained at this office: * The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is reserved. By order of CoL Thos. Swords, A, Q. 51. G. C. W. MOULTON, je2-10t , • .>. Captain and A. Q, M. A RMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE A OFFICE. ' • . v Cincinnati, Ohio, May 23,1564. PROPOSALS ARE' INVITED - by the undersigned, until FRIDAY, June 10,1564, at 2 o’clock P. M., forfnr- Department (by contract) with FIFTY THOUSAND SHELTER TENTS, more or less, to be delivered within (60) sixty day 3 from date, like sample made at United States Tent manufactory in this city. :■ ■ . . . KNAPSACKS—Army standard.* CANTEENS—Army standard. AX HELVES—Like United States samples Nos, 1 and 2, (the former preferred.) Samples of which may be seen at the Office of Clothing and Equipage in this city. To be delivered free of charge, at the United States In spection warehouse, in this city, in good new packages, with the name of the party furnishing, the kind ana quantity of goods distinctly marked on each article and package. Parties offering goods must distinctly state in their bids, the quantity-they, propose to furnish, the price, and time of delivery. . Samples, when submitted, mast be marked and num bered to correspond with the proposal! and the parties thereto must guarantee that the goods shall be, in every respect, equal to army standard, otherwise the proposal will not be considered. A guaranty, signed by two responsible persons, must accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will ; supply tbe articles awarded to him under his proposal. Bids will be opened on Friday, June 10, 1864, at 2 o’clock P. M, at this office, and bidders are requested to be present. ;• Awards will be made on Saturday, June 11,1864. Bonds will be required that the contracts will be faith fully fulfilled. : Telegrams relating to proposals will not be noticed. * Blank forms of Proposals, contracts, and bonds may be obtained at this office. - The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is re served... By order of Colonel Thomas Swords, A. Q. M. G. C. W. MOULTON, my3o-llt , Captain and A. Q. 5L PROPOSALS FQB FORAGE, Chief Quartermaster's Office, Washington Depot, DecemberB, lB63. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited by the undersigned for supplying the U. S. Quartermaster's Department, at Washington,.D. C., Baltimore, Md., Alexandria, and Fort Monroe, Va., or either of these places, With Hay, Corn, Oats, and Straw; Bids will be received for the delivery of 5,000 bushels of corn or oats, and 60 tons of hay or straw, and up wards.: Bidders must state at which of the above-named points they propose to make deliveries, and the rates at which they will make deliveries’ thereat, the quantity of each article proposed to be delivered, the time when said de liveries shall he commenced, and when to bo completed. ' The price must be written out in words on the bids. Corn to be put up in good, stout sacks, of about two bushels each. . Oats in likesaeksj of about three bush els each. The sacks to be furnished without extra charge to the Government The hay and straw to be securely baled. The particular kind or description.of oats, corn, hay, or straw proposed to be delivered mast be stated in the proposals. All the articles offered under the bids herein invited will be subject to a rigid inspection by the Government Inspector before being accepted.. Contracts will be awarded from time to time to the lowest responsible bidder, as the interest of the Govern ment may require, and payment will be made when,the whole amount contracted for shall have been delivered and accepted. The bidder will be required to accompany his propo sal with a guarantee, signed by two responsible persons, that in case his bid is accepted he or they will, within ten days thereafter, execute the contract for the same. With good and sufficient sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the contract, to deliver the forage proposed in conformity with the termß of this advertisement; and in ease the said bidder should fail to enter into the contract they to make good the difference between the offer of said bidder and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contract may be awarded. The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of a U. S. District Attorney, Collector of Customs, or any other officer under the United States Government, or responsible person known to this office. • * , Ail bidders will be duly notified of the acceptance or refaction of their proposals. • The full name and post-office address of each bidder mast be legibly written in the proposal. Proposals mnst he addresßed to Brigadier General D, H. Rucker, Chief Depot Quartermaster, Washington, D. C., and should be plainly marked, ** Proposals for Forage. M Bonds, in a sum equal to the amount of the contract, signed by the contractor and both of his guarantors, will be required of the successful bidder or bidders upon singing the contract. - Blank forms of bids, guarantee*, and bonds may be Obtained upon application atthis office. FORM OP PROPOSAL. (Town, County, and State; ■. (Date)—: . I, the subscriber, do hereby propose to furnish and de liver to the United Stateg, at the Quartermaster’s De partment at to the terms of your advertisement, inviting ? proposals for forage, dated Washington Depot, December 8, 1863, the following * articles ■ viz * busheis of Corn, in sackß, at per bushel offiO . pounds. bushels of Oats, in sacks, at per bushel of S 3 pounds. tons of baled Hay, at per ton of 2,000 pounds. tons of baled Straw, at per ton 0f2,000 pounds. Delivery to commence on or before the day of 186 , and to be completed on or before the —- day of , -166 . and pledge myself to enter into a written contract with the United States, with good and approved securities, within the space of ten days after being notified that my bid has been accepted. Tour obedient servant, ——. Brigadier General D. H. Kooebb, Chief Depot Quartermaster, v Washington, D. C. GUARANTEE. We, the undersigned, residents of—, in the county of———, and State of”".' - " ■ .hereby,' jointly and severally, covenant with the United States, and guarantee, in case the foregoing bid of —> —be accepted, that he or they will, within ten dayß after the acceptance of said bid, execute the contract for the same . with good and sufficient sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the contract, to farnißh the forage proposed in conformity to the terms of advertisement dated De cember 8,1663, under which the bid was made, and, in ease the wild ———- shall fail to enter into a contract as aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the difference between the offer by.the said - 'and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contract may be awarded Witness: f. Given under our hands and seals l this—day of - , 186 . [Seal.] ' [Seal.] X hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the above-named guarantors are good ana suffi cient as sureties for the amount for which they offer to .be security. ! ; "‘v m,,;,,; ■ - -To be certified by the United States District Attorney, Collector of Customs, or any other officer under the United States Government, or responsible person known tothiSOffice. . . . All proposals received under this advertisement will be opened and examined at this office on Wednesday and Saturday or each week, at 12 H. Bidderigare respect fa to be present at the they dell-tf Brigadier General and Quartermaster. Q.OLD’B IMPROVED STEAM WATER-HSATI A NO APPABATqS, For Warming and Ventilating Public Buildings and Private Keaidencaß, . OHI S ON f BTBAM 1 WAT|R-HEATIKO COMPAHT . OF PHILADELPHIA. ' JAMES P. WOOD, -i 41- South FQCRTH Street. i wW-W Pi M' TShlWfihii - JOHN B. MYERS* & CO., AUCTION v EERS, N 05.333 and 334 MARKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1.100 PACKAGE 5 ? BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, ARMY GOODS, STRAW 2P.?& B '. TKA ' E kJ*l'N<* BAGS, LEATHER CUT TINGS, Stc TIIJS DAY: A CARD.—we Invite the early attention of dealers to the large sale of bouts, sheen, Brogans, army goods, braid land palm hats, Shaker hoods, leather cuttings, &c, ,&(!.» embracing aboutl, 100 packages prime and fresh goods, to he peremptorily sold by catalogue, on foar months credit, commencing this morning at 10 o’clock precisely. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OP BOOTS, SHOES, PALM lIATS, SHAKER HOODS, Sea. . NOTICE-o»r Hale of boots, shoes, straw goods, travelling bags, &c., to he held on THIS MORNING, .Tnne 7th, will be round, in part, the following first class stock, to be sold without reserve * cartons womeu’s, misses’, aud 'children’s city made sewed Balmorals and gaiters. cases men’s fine dress boot*. cases men’s 24-tnch-leg grain cavalry hoots. cases men’s and boys’ nailed boom. cases men’s and hoys’ thick boots. cases men’s, boys', and Youths’ calf,kip,and grain boots. caees men’s, boys’, and youths' calf and kip Bro gans. cases men’s, boys’, and youths’, calf aud P. L. gaiters. cases men’s, boys’, and youths’ calf and kip Bal morals. cases women’s, misses’, and children’s calf and kip heeled boots, cases women’s, misses’, and children’s goat and kip heeled boots, . —cases women's,mlsees’,aud children’s morocco and enameled boots cahes men’s fine custom-tnrade patent boots. cases women’s, misses’, and children’s gaitera, Balmoral*, &<T. cases jnen’s and boys’Oxford ties' cases women’sand misses’ nailed boots!; : ~ cases men’s aud boys’ goat top Congress gaiters. Embracing a full assortment of men's, women’s, boys’, and children’s wear, of city and Eastern manu facture. ; • PALM HATS, SHAKER HOODS, &c THIS MORNING. . June7Hi, at precisely lOo’clock, 39 cases Palm, Leg horn Hate, braid, aid Shaker Hoods, &c LARGE POSITIVE SAGE OF 1,100 PACKAGES BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, ARM if GOODS, STRAW GOODS, &c. THIS MORNING, At 10 o’clock, willbe sold by catalogue, without re serve, on four months’ credit, about 1,100 package® boots, shoes, Brogans, cavalry boots, &c.< t embracing a prime and fresh assortment of desirable-articles for men, women, and children, of city and Eastern manu facture. - Also, straw goods, in palm hats, shaker hoods, Stc. . N. B.— Samples, with catalogues, early on the morn ing or sale. ■ LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF EUROPEAN, INDIA AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, STRAW GOODS, CARPETS, MATTINGS, &0.. We will hold a large sale of British, German, French, Bcd American dir goods, by catalogue, on fourmoutbs’ credit, and part for cash, ON THURSDAY MORNING, June 9th, commencing at precisely 10 o'clock, com prising of British, Gorman, French. India, and American dry goods, embracing a large, fail, and fresh assortment of woolen,,worsted, linen, cotton, and silk goods, for city and country sales. N. B. —Samples of the samo will be arranged for exa mination, with catalogues, early on'the morning of sale, when dealers will find it to their interest to attend. Also, ingraini VenUian, list and rag carpets, canton mattings, &c. < LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF SUMMER AND WINTER FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DBF GOODS, CARPETS, : MATTING, &c. Included in oar sale of imported and American dry goods, to he held on • THURSDAY MORNING, Jane 9th, at 10 o’clock, to be sold without reserve, by catalogue, on four for cash, viz ; bales indigo blue denims. bales heavy indigo blue tickings. bales heavy hickory' shirtings. bales bine Beverly twills. cases colored and black cambrics. cases brown and bleached muslins. cases Manchester ginghams, ' cases Utica, Brunswick, and Great Falls prints. .—cases Saxony flannels. cases plain and fancy satinets. cases Kentucky jeans and mechanics’ casaimerea. .TO CLOTHIERS-TAILOEING GOODS. Also, onTHUSDAY, June 9th— - pieces silk twist tricots. pieces French black and colored cloths. pieces spring color meltons. pieces mixed ragian cloths. pieces black and colored Union cloths, pieces black French doeskins. pieces black and fancy cassimeres. ' —pieces black drap d ’ ete. pieces Italian cloths and alpacas. . FRENCH,BRITISH, AND GERMAN DRY GOODS. Also, on THURSDAY, June 9th— — packages Saxony dress goods. packages printed lawns and jaconets. . packages French shirting prints. packages black and colored alpacas. packages lavelias and bareges. pieces black gros de rhines. pieces black gros grain taffetas. pieces colored gros de Naples and mousselines,. Also, silk ties and hdkfe., sewing silks, veils, sus penders, travelling shirts, hosiery, pearl buttons, hoop and balmoral skirts, fancy articles, summer shawls, patent thread. Also, a stock of staple and fancy dry goods, &c. Also, i 9 packages silk and gingham sun and rain um brellas. CHAS. D. SCHMIDT. Captain aud A Q.II. . SALE OF CARPETS AND MATTINGS. - THURSDAY MORNING, June 9th, at precisely 10 o’clock, with which the sale ■willcommence, an invoice of ingrain, Yenitian, hemp, list, and rag carpets, white ana check contract canton mattings,- for best city sales. LARGE IMPORTANT; JLINEN GOODS, '"'LAVrm bli£SS~6oobS; &«. Included in our sale on THURSDAY, June 3th, will be found in part the following scarce articles: Aiargeand general assortment oflinea goods, in Barnsley damasks, table cloths, andxfrapkuis, viz.: Towels, ' damasks, dia pers, tickiDgs, drills, duck linens. : Also, 2,700 dozen linen cambric handkerchiefs, in large variety. ' ' •' Alsuj72s pieces neat styles black lawns,mozambiques, lenas, ginghams, prints, mous de laines, bareges, alpa cas, platsans, &e., &c. LARGE PEREMPTORY SAXE OF FRENCH, SWISS, INDIA,GERMAN. AND BRITISH DRY GOODS, &c. ON MONDAY MORNING, June 18th, at 10 o’clock, will be sold, by catalogue,on four months’credit, about T 75 PACKAGES AND LOTS of French, India, German, and British dry goods, &c., embracing a large and choice assortment of fancy and staple articles in silk, worsted, woolen, linen, and cot ton fabrics. N. B.—Samples of the same will be arranged forex aminaiion, with catalogues, early on the morning of the sale, when dealers will- find it to their interest ; to attend. ■DARREL MACHINERY FOR SALE VERY CHEAP.—Crozier’s Patent, seven Machines, for making barrels; used a short time., Applyto my23-Ht» :. ; . STINE & ROSS, Lebanon, Pa. TO LET—THE SECOND, THIRD, AND fourth Floors at 335 MARKET Street, through to Church alley. • mh29-fcf A BABE CHANCE 1~-“ THE BEPUB axlican AND DEMOCRAT,” published in west CHESTER, CHESTER COUNTY, PENNA.- FOR SALE.—The death of George W. Pearce, Esq., proprietor of this paper, makes it necessary to dispose of the establishment. In the hands of a loval. earnest, and enterprising man, this long-established journal cannot fail to be profitable. Circulating, as it does, extensively in a county of seventy-four thousand in habitants, and in a Congressional and Senatorial Dis trict of one hundred ana five thousand, prominent for ..wealth and intelligence, and where the Union party at the last election had a majority of over four thousand votes, and with a constantly increasing popularity and patronage, it requires nothing but judlcious manage ment to make it a lucrative investment. ’ Persons , contemplating a purchase should make that fact known at once, as it is desirable to sell atihe earliest day. JOHN T. WORTHINGTON,' Administrator of George W. Pearce, dec’d. WestChe3tes, Pa., May 17,156 L . myl9-thstutf Mpeeemptory sale of a VALUABLE PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ALEXANDRIA, VA;—On WEDNESDAY, June 22, 1554, at 12 I will offer at Public Auction, on the Premises, THE LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL ESTABLISHMENT IN ALEXANDRIA, VA., late the residence of CALEB S. HALLOWELL,: Esq., , formerly of said city. The property is sold for no fault whatever, but solely because of the removal of its owner to Philadelphia. 'The dwelling was completed in ISS&, is three stories, brick, covered with tin, and has ObServatojry, bay win dow, conservatory, &c. It is forty feet front by ninety deep, contains about forty rooms, is heated by furnaces, and supplied with water and gas. The grounds havebeen Sited up without regard to ex pense, and are in excellent keeping ; they afford a large yield of fine fruit. The property is located in the choicest part of the city. The lot fronts on Duke street Gust repaved), 123 feet 5 inches, and extends along Columbus street 244 feet 10 inches. Two other lots.will be sold at the same time and place,; which .very nearly complete the entire half square. The place, since the removal, of its owner, in -IS6I. has never been without a good tenant, and can at any moment be profitably rented, or leased. Title indis putable; clear of all incumbrance.: For further, information apply to S. FERGUSON BEACH,-Esq.Custom House, Alexandria, Virginia, or to CALEB S. HALLOWELL,: Esq., 1126 WALLACE Street, Philadelphia. .. , . .ft the same time and place will be sold for cash, to the highest bidder, a large amount of Household and Kitchen Furniture. . WALTER L. PENN. Auctioneer, je2-thrtn9i* ... . .. .. Alexandria, va. M fob sale or rent, for the Summer season, "with furniture, a very desirable COUNTRY situate on fteshamony Creek, witbin five minutes' walk of Schenck's Station, on the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad. Has abnndance of shade, and a variety of choice fruit Ice house filled. Apply to WILLIAM H. PAXSON, Bridgewater P. 0., Bucks county; or to WILLIAM S. BOYD, No. 31 &3uth WATER Street. je2-thsta4t* M COUNTRY SEAT AT NEWPORT, K. 1.-FOR SALE.-The beautiful placeof Rev. Dr.. BALCH, situated on the promontory, beiween first and second Beaches, and fronting directly upon the Ocean, south. Thei*e are 634 ACRES of best laud, under high cultivation, Lawn, FraibETrees.Bath-houseontherocks, for hot and cold sea-water, large Grapery, well stocked, - Barn, Stable, and sundry out-buildings. The house is spacious, tastefully and substantially built, and has all the modern conveniences. The whole establishment ie in fine order, and is esteemed one of the most desirable in Rhode Island. For plans and full particulars, apply to ROBERT E. APTHORP, . Real Estate and Mortgage Broker, 31 CITY EXCHANGE, , DEVONSHIRE Street, mylfl-tuthslm BOSTON, Massachusetts, MTO .RENT—THE DWELLING part of the House, 1313 CHESTNUT Street, con taining seventeen rooms, with the .modern conve niences. First: story lias dining-room and kitchen; the second story has two parlors and. two: sitting-* rooms communicating with folding-doors, bath-room, and ; store-room, private stairway to kitchen; third story has six bed- rooms; fourth story, three bed-rooms. Rent, $5OO a year. Apply to THOMAS MARTIN, Real Estate Agent and Collector, Northwest corner of FOURTH and. PINE Streets. Juke 3 1564. .. . . jeL3t* MTO LET—TO A SMALL PRIVATE family, from June 16th to Sept. Ist, a FURNISHED HOUSE, with garden and lot attached, on Main street, Germantown, near the Railroad Depot. Address “W. D. 5.,” GERMANTOWN Post Office. : je4-St» Meor sale—a superior and beautifully-finished three-story Brick DWELLING, three-story back buildings, large iqt, with side en trance, parlor, dining-room, and two kitchens on first floor, with all the latest improvements, No. 2014? WALLACE Street, Possession soon. je4-3t* M THOMAS & SONS WILL, SELL. TUESDAY (noon), JUNE 7th, the handsome RE SIDENCE, Ho. 1440 North ELEVENTH Street, below Jefferson. ■ - je3~tt» ■'M- FO R S ALE—A THREE-STORY JEffiBKICK DWELLING, with a side yard, lot 33 by 90, HO.. W3S POPLAR Street. Also, two S-story Brick DvjiMlings, bos. MOl and 1405 OGDEN Street. Apply to R. K. McCfTRDY, je3-6i* . 1533 POPLAR Street. M SEASIDE COTTAGE FOR SALE —One of the best located and most conveniently arranged COTTAGES at ATLANTIC CITY. Apply to : my2s-lm . ... ; ...... JOHN F, STARR. m FOR SALE.—FOUR-STORY DWEL mailngS. E. cornerElghteenthand Green streets. ■-Three-story dwelling and hall, for meetings, corner Bighth-and Parrish. . Three-story dwelling, Sll Geary street. . Three-story dwelling, 36 ■ feet .front, with lot 70x185, 1727 Hamilton street. „ ~ . Four frame: houses and lots, 81x66 feet, S. E. side of Latimer street. ‘ , „ ■ , , , , , One hundred and twelve feet S. W. of Ash street, for * l ieveral'sple t nd > ld properties on North Broad street First-classFamof9oftgraftinCeoUOo.,3ffdw B F. GLENK, 183 Sonth FOURTH Street my 2S tf aid S. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. jfe FARM FOR BALE; IN CHESTER 23 County, 4 miles northwest from Downlngtown, <m a good pike, ,2K miles from . Pennsylvania railroad, aboot lOSacres bestiiuainy land, well watered and di vided into fields, wood, plenty of fruits buildings new and good style, and plenty of them; spring water at the door; lawn In. front ornamented with shade, die, A beautiful place; will not suffer by comparison with any in the market, 0. PAXSON, on premises, Guthrleville, Poet office. City references D.’FURMAN, royl6-lm» : 104 North SIXTH Street, Phila. - ‘ ‘ BEDFORD WATER.” INDIVIDU XI aig and dealers will be supplied with ** Bedford Water, n fresh from the Spring, at the shortest notice, at the following rates: «« For b&rrelr4o gallons (oak) « Half; do (mulberry).** 3 ofl :.The barrels are well steamed; so that purchasers may ■ depend upon receiving the Wator as pure.- and fresh ..at >atlh'e Spring., Allorders addressed to mUS-3» 8. It. AfiPBESOtf, Bedjwd.iPa, AUCTION SAUSS. 775 PACKAGES AND LOTS .AMERICAN DRY GOODS. FOSI SAFE AND TO JLET. AUCTION BAJLEB, “E'URNESS, BRINLEY & CO. f 5 A No, 615 CHESTNUT and 613 JAYNE Street* SALE THIS MORN TNG, TUESDAY, JUNE 7. AT 10 O CLOCK, A attention of t|io trade is requestedto our sale THIS MORNING, June 7. at Id o’clock, on four months’ credit, comprising about 450 lots fancy and staple British and French goods, of the newest and moat desirable stylos. NOTICE TO RETAILERS. The particular attention of retailers is requested to the large assortment of desirable shawls, dress goods, black gros de rbines, C. P. patent black taffetas, drap France, extra heavy gros grain, &e , Ac., to be sold THIS MOANING, at 10<rclock precisely. NOTICE TO DEALERS IN RIBBONS. Thn assortment of ribbons to bo sold THIS MORNING Trill be found worthy the attention of the trade, as it comprises goods of extra quality and choice shades. Also, white and colored edge velvet ribbons. SALE OF FRENCH AND BRITISH DRY GOODS V ' ' THIS MORNING. Jnne 7th, at 100 clock, by catalogue, on 4 months* 450 packages and lots of fancy and staple goods. Samples and catalogues early on morning of sale. DRESS GOODS. TIMS DAY. Alb woo! Paris-printed Moualta de Latnes. Do. 0-4 plaid Morarobiqaea. London plaid do. Do. Stripe Loros. Do. Plaid Challys. SHAWLS. ; Printed-border Stella Shawls. FarlH white and colored silk Grenadine Shawls. Do. plaid wool Bagnos. .BLACK GROS DE RHINES* GROS GRAINS, &o. Si° I?'j nc !‘ extra heavy black Gros Graiaa. *° #-*»«}* black Gros de Rhinea. to 2i'| uc l' black LuWtrini. 22-inch colored plaid Taffetas. • • C. P. PATENT BLACK TAFFETAS. 26 to 31-inch Lyons extra heavy C. P. Patent black i/J AI P MO ft AI S S TOT S AJfD BALMORALS. 150 extra quality Paris Mohair Skirts. 500 heavy London fancy Balmorals. SALE OP. 500 CARTONS BONNET RIBBONS, EX TRA QUALITY AND CHOICE COLORS THIS MORNING. June 7th, 1864, at 10o’clock, on fonr months’ credit: 200 lots of poult de soie ribbons, consisting of cartons Nos. 4 and 5 corded-edge poult de soie, Ani line Cuir, white, black* Eveqoe, HumboU,blue,&c. lOa 60ex. quality triple chain do. 12a40broche figured and plaid do. 10 a SO ex. quality white, black, cuir* and maia do. 4a 60 triple chain all-boiled black de. Comprising some of very high cost for best city trade. NOTICE TO RETAILERS. PARIS SILK GRENADINES, GROSGRAINS. SHAWLS, &C., FOR CITY TRADE. • THIS MORNING, dice iBCCB ex * luaUty Paris silk broche figured grena- pieces Sfozambiqnes, challys, mobair skirts, &c. 30 pieces Pans 6*4 japonaUe. SHAWLS. * ar * s a ‘*grenadine siyiwls for best city EX.HEAYY TAFFETAS, &c., - -. . " FOR MAKTJLtIaS.* 2-J@3S-mch C. F- patent black taffetas. .wy42-ioch C. P. heavy black gros de France. 23@304ncb ex. quality black gros de grains. 26@32-inch do Lyon* black taffetas. 30@4£Mnch best Quality black gros grains. ALSO, 2-J@SB-incb high lustre and heavy black lutstrines. 24@35-inch do do gros de Shines. 24-inch ex. heavy plaid gros de Frauce. NOTICE TO DEALERS IN RIBBONS. , THIS MORNING, . _ 23Q lots Nos, 4@SO black and R'hite mais, ctilr and co lored poult de sole ribbons. AJso, a fuil line ex. quality white and colored silk vel vet ribbons. 4 K. B. —The particular attention of the trade is reqnest ed , as the assortment comprises some of the highest cost goods offered this season. PARIS BBOCHE GRENADINES ;AXD GRENADINE SHAWLS. THIS MORNING, 100 pieces Paris silk, broclie, Sgnred, black and color ed ground grenadines. 600 14-4 extra Quality Faria silk grenadine sharrls. PANCOAST & WARJJ'OOK, AUG TIOIfEEES, So. 240 MARKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALE-700 LOTS AMERICAS AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS, MILLINERY GOODS, STRAW GOODS, &c., &c., I>y Catalogue. ON WEDNESDAY, y Jane 6tb, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely. In eluded will he found a desirable assortment of seasona ble goods, to which the attention of buyers is invited. M THOMAS & SOHS, «***-• Nos: 139 and I*l South FOURTH Street _ _ ETOCKS AND REAL ESTATE, JUNE T. CARD.— Oor sale TO-DAY, the 7th of June, at 12 o clock noon, at the Exchange, will comprise thirty six properties, a large portion peremptory sales, by order of Orphans - Court, executors, and others, in cluding valuable stores and other business properties on Aiarket street. Walnut street, Fifth aud Commerce streets, Broad street, &c.; handsome residences, Wash ington Square and other desirable locations; a number of genteel small dwellings; handsome country seats; two large lots, 27: acres, with several thousand feet front on Market and Arch streets, West Phildelphia; 8 acres'Hestouville and other large and valuable lots; irredeemable ground rents, bank and other stocks, loans, esc. JSSS*" See pamphlet catalogues for fall particulars. Sale 1836 BELANCY Place. ELEGANT PttKNITOEE, EOSEWOOB PIANO, MIB KOKS, GUETaINS. JELVKT CARPETS, So. THI§ MORNING, June ?, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, at tfo. 1536 DK LAaGY Place,, the entire furniture, comprising suits of rich drawing-room furniture and curtains to match; eeyen octave piano, by Keichenbach; flue man tel and pier mirrors, fine painting, Sevres china- vase, flue bronzes, cut glassware, china, &c. The cabinet furniture was manufactured by George J. Henkels, to order. May be examined the day previous to sale, from 10 to 2 o'clock, . SALE OF MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS FROM A LIBRARY. THIS AFTERNOON, June 7th, at the auction store, miscellaneous hooks from a library, a number of them English editions. Sale at Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, LARGE MANTEL MIRROR, BILLIARD TABLES, FIRE-PROOF SAFE, FIN& CARPETS, &c. v ON THURSDAY MORNING, At 9 o’clock, at the auction store, the superior furni ture, very large French .plate mirror, 3 saner billiard tables, complete fire-prooffby Evans & Watson, fine carpets, &c. - SALE FOR ACCOUNT IF. S. WOOL, COTTON, AND LEATHER CUTTINGS. ON SATURDAY MORNING, June 11, at 19 o’clock, at the auction store, a quantity of wool, cotton, and leather cuttings, baling rope, paper, &c. . Sale at the Minnehaha Dining Saloon. BAR FIXTURES, MIRROR, BAGATELLE TABLE, LI QUORS, &c. ON MONDAY MORNING, 13th instant, at 10 o’clock, at No. 420 Library street, the stock, good will, and fixtures of the Minnehaha DlninO Saloon, including French plate mirror, bar (with marble top and dish heaters), bagatelle table, cigar show case, liquors, tables, chairs, cooking uten sils, &c. • May be examined at S o’clock on the morning of sale. SALE OK THE PREMISES, CHESTNUT HILL, RE SIDENCE AND FURNITURE. OK TJTESDAY MORNING, June 14, 1564, at II?* o’clock, will be Fold at public sale, on tlie premises, handsome modem RESIDENCE, stable, and coach-house, and VALUSLE LOT, N. E. corner of SUMMIT Street and PROSPECT Avenue, CHESTNUT HILL; 100 feet front, 250 feet deep, N. B.—Tbe improvements are a modem doable two and-a-half story brick (rough-cast) dwelling, 40 feet front by 52 feet deep, with three-story tower, and one story kitchen. Also, a coach-house, straw-room, and stable, &c. It was built by the former owner (George W. Watson, deceased,) for nts own occupancy. HAJTDSOHE FDESmjRE, Immediately after the sale of the bouse, trillbe sold, by catalogue, the entire household and kitchen furni ture, comprising French plate, mantel and pier mirrors, tapestry and Brussels carpets, piano, plated ware, beds, bedding, matting, oil cloth, arc. J(SS> May be examined any day previous to sale, from 9 A. M. to 2P. M. aud 4K to g& o'clock. PHILIP FORD & GO. , AUCTIONEERS. 525 MARKET and 523 COMMERCE Strati SALE Of 1,000 CASES BOOT'S, SHOES, BROGANS, ON THURSDAY MORNING, June 9th, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, "will be sold, by catalogue, for net cash, 1,000 cases men’s, boys’, and youths’ calf, kip, grain, and thick boots, brogane, balmorais, cavalry boots, Oxford jles, Con gress gaiters, &c. . Women’s, misses’, and children’s calf, kip, goat, kid, and morocco heeled hoots and shoes, side-lace and Congress heeled gaiters, balmorals, slippers, buskins, &c. t from flrst-clas» eiiy and Eastern manufactories. This sale ■will contain a prime assortment of goods, well ■worth}* the*'attention of buyers. Open for examina tion, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale. "RY HENRY P. WOLBERT, •M - AUCTIONEER. No, EOSS MARKET Street, Sooth Side, above Second 3- Sales of Dry Goods, Trimmings, Notions, &c., every MONDAY. WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY Morning, eoia' mencing at 10 o’clock.' . SALE OP DRY GOODS, SKIRTS, TRIMMINGS, HO SIERY, HD KPS, CLOAKS, CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, &c, .. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, Jane Sth, commencing at 10 o’clock, will be sold from the shelves, a desirable assortment of seasonable goods, suitable for city and country sales. TJY SCOTT & STEWART, AUCTION EEHS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. So*. 633 CHESTNUT Street and 615 SANSOM STREET. LARGE SALE OF WHITE GRANITE WARE. ON THURSDAY MORNING NEXT, Sth inst.{ at .10 o’clock, will be sold, 500 open lots white granite comprising dinner and tea ware, dishes, plates, jugs, &c., to close a concern, to which the attention of the trade is invited. • LARGE SALE OF.CITY-MADE CLOTHING. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING NEXT, 15tb inst, at 10 o’clock, we will sell a large stock of city-made clothing, for best custom trade, comprising men’s and boys’ black cloth, fancy French and Scotch cassimere and alpaca coats, pants, vests, Ac. Open for examination early on morning of sale. A UCTION BALE OF CONDEMNED xx hoeses. i- War Department, Cavalry Bureau, Office op Chief Quartermaster, , Washington, April 26, 1961 Will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the time and place named below, viz: Newport, Peuna., Thursday, May 6th, . Gettysburg, Peuna., Monday, May 9th, Altoona, May 12th, Mifflin, Penna., Thursday, May 19th, Reading, Penna., Thursday, May-26th, Lebanon, Penna., Thursday, June 2d, Northumberland, Penna., Thursday, June9th, Scranton, Penna., Thursday, June 16th, •Williamsport, Penna., Thursday, June 23d, One hundred (100) Horses at Gettysburg, and Two Hundred and Fifty (250) at each of the other places. These horses have .been condemned as unfit for the cavalry service of the United States army. For road and farm purposes many good bargains may be had. . Horses will be sold singly. Sales begin at 10 A. M., and continue daily till all are sold. . TERMS CASH, in United States Treasury notes billy, • JAMES A. SKIN, ap29-tie2o Lt. CoL and CQ. M. Cavalry Bureau. SHIPPING. ,-sffEffc, BOSTON AND PHIL ADEL SBMfiaKpHIA STEAMSHIP LINB, sailing from eart port on SATURDAYS, from first wharf above PUU Street, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston. The steamship NORMAN. Capt. Baker, will sail from Philadelphia for Boston on Saturday, June 11, at 10 X M., and steamship SAXON, Capt. Boston for Philadelphia oh same day, at 4 o’clock r. M. These new and substantial steamships form a regular line, sailing from each port punctually on Saturdays. Insurance at one-half the premium chargsd o Ivessels. Freights taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send Slip Receipts and BiUi Ladingwith their goods. For Freight or Passage (having fine accommodations! apply to . • HENRY WINSOR & CO., jnhlO 333 South DELAWARE Aveaueu -dsfgfk STEAM WEEKLY TO LI . iiMMfgrfi YERPOQL, TOUCHING AT QUEENSTOWN . (Cork Harbor). The well-known steamers of the Liver pool, New York, and Philadelphia Steamship Company areintended to sail as follows: ETNAi... SATURDAY* June 11. ED1N8URG............. SATURDAY, June IS. CITY OF WASHINGTON. SATURDAY, June 25. and every succeeding Saturday at noon, from Pier 44 IS orth river. , RATES OF PASSAGE, „ Payable in Gold or its equivalent in Currency. FIRST CABIN. *****..s3o Kh5TEERAGE...........530 00 ' Do.-' • to London... S 5 00 Do. to London... S 4 00 Do. to Paris ..... 95 00 Do. to Paris..... 40 00 Do. to Hamburg. 90 001 Do. to Hamburg. 37 00 > also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, &c.» at equally low rates. • , Fares from-Liverpool or Queenstown: First Cabin, $76, SSS, $105: Steerage from Liverpool and Queenstown, $38.: Those who wisi to send for their friends can buy tickets here at these rates. . For further Company's °mySEtioil 411 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. npo ARCHITECTS , AND BUILDERS. I X —By the act of May sth, an appropriation of Fifty jfl Thousand Dollars was made for the Extension of the E Capitol Buildings at Harrisburg. ARCHITECTS and M BUILDERS are hereby requested to present plans for » said extension, and proposals for building the same, to iB the undersigned, by the FIFTEENTH day pf JUNE. The ■ main object to be attained by the proposed extension is B to furnish additional Committee Room for the Legisla- B ture, and the extension is to conform as far as possible Bf to the architecture of the present building. B A. - * -a K . ISAAC SLBNKsR, Auditor Gener&L Wt'- JAMES P; BARR, Surveyor General. » i ..i HENRY D. MOORS, St 4« Treasurer. ® , JteyW. p*. mySS-lfit m
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