Sleeper's Umbrella Manufactory, MARKET gtroot, otic* door rliotb Tooth. ja7-3t* MARRIED. CABWELL~SHEWELL.-Oa the 2d inat., hr the 3tev. Mr. Henson, Lieut. Chas. W. Caswoll, U. S. A., •to Mias Amanda E. BheweU, of Philadelphia. * -FLJTCKAFT—ELY. —On ihe 6th last., by the Rev. ■Charles D. Cooper, Mr. William H. Flilcraft to Mias Helen 0. Ely, both of Philadelphia. * X318X3. GlEBY,— OatheSOtb alt., at Kingston, Georgia, from “Wounds received the day previous, while in command ■of the 4eth Ohio Regiment, Major Henry H. Giosy, of Lancaster! Ohio, in the 27th your of his age, and youngest brother of the Rev, S. H. Glesy, pastor of ■Christ Evangelical Reformed Church, Philadelphia, * EWING.—On. Monday morulng, flth inst., Mary, ■daughter of the lato Thomas Ewing, In the doth year of borage. ** TOWNSEND. —Juno 4. ISG4. Amanda Clara, infant ■daughter of Rev. Homy B, and Amanda W. Townsend, •of CoushohocUon, Fuuoral to take place this (Tuesday) morning, at 10 O’clock. - ' * FINLEY.—On the 3d Inst., Mr. William E. Fluley. The male relatives ami friends of the family; also 'Washington Lodge, No. % and Ashland Encampment, No. 45, I. O. of 0. F., are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his lato residence, 311 Marshall street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 4 o’clock. To proceed to ■Odd FoUovtu Cemetery. COW DEN.— Suddeuly, on Sunday morning, the sth Instant, Edward G. Gowden, Us the 37th year of hm ago. Funeral from the residence of H. B, GUlinffhara.Esa-, No. S3B Lombard street, on Wednesday ovening, Bth Instant, at 5 o’clock. . „ BEIRNK.—At Lewlsburg, Greenbrier county, Ylr 'Ktnla, Elizabeth FonJke Btorne, in the fiftieth year of Her age. ' ■ ■ . , * rjXOSSY BLACK silks—just re- VJcEivm • m ' One case of Lyons Taffetas. 2/5-iuchoa‘wide Lyons Taffetas, 4£L W»" 2/Mnchoa-vride Lyons Taffetas, *l.B?J£, ai-inctiea-wide Lyons Taffetas, $2. 2&>laeheS‘ < wltle Lyons Taffetas, *l6O. ALSO, . • Poult do Sole Gros Grains, Tallies, &e. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store* 018 CHESTNUT Street. T7STIIA ATTENTION TO STRA.IT- GKRS DURING THE SANITARY FAIR. FulUtock of FANCY GOODS. Full stock of STAPLE GOODS. FulUtock of i-UMMER SHAWLS. Full stock of BLACK SI LlvS. • EYRE & LANDELL, ' je7 400 ARGH Street. THE Oil EAT ELXTRAL FAIR,- OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE ON LABOR, IN COME, and REVENGE, No, 118 South SEVENTH Btreet. Philadelphia. Per Edward fimler. Chairman-*' The undersigned, Treasurer of this Committee, ac knowledges tho tubsciipUor.s.received’Withia the lust three days; From the officers and employees of the Trans portation Department of the Philadelphia and RoadingßaUroad Company, perD. E. Stuart, Paymaster, remitted by Sain’ißradford,Esq.: • , thmiaaud two hundred and eighty- 1 four dollars and nineteen cents, viz.; G. A. NJc0115..,.,, . s . ..,,,...$5O 00 J. fi1u1h011and............... 5000 itf. S. 8aik1ey..,.,.,, 20 00 Dawaott Steinbeck 10 00 A. Patterson-C0nduct0r......... 10 00 D. E, Stout, Payma5ter.................... 10 00 Thomas H. Wi150n....;.........-.....-.... 10 CO A. J, Jfervine. 5 00 And moat of the employees of the Department,. being their subscription of one day’s salary and upward 5................. ...$3,234 19 Employees of the Philadelphia City Passenger BaHvray, Chestnut and Wa1nut............... 41 00 Per Mrs. Kate W. Thompson, Chairman, col lected by Mrs. D. Stevrsrt and Mrs. it. B. Pavis.... 57 40 Collected by Miss Mary Richardson. ; 32 00 ■Collected by Chairmau,Mrs. Kuto W.Thompson. 63 25 Right Rev. W H. Odenhchner, Bishop of New Jersey, .one day *s salary 11 00 Rev. C. A. Hay, D. D., Harri5burg............. 500 Rev. Gabriel Pape.....*. .. 3 00 Rev. J. Walter Jackson, Harrisburg 7 00 Rev. A. B Atkin5,Germant0wn................ 5 00 Rev. Edw. A. Watson, Philadelphia 20 00 Rev. Sheldin Davie, Brooklyn, N. Y........... .6 00 Rev, J. Frankies—Congregation Rodef Sho- lem—from: fil. Seidonbuch'. $5O 00 M. Gerstley. Jos. Einstein... 25 00 A. Haa5............... 2 00 ‘Wolf, Mayer, & G 0... 20 00 E. Jesuer 2 00 H. Suhsoq 10 00 L, Lip5er.............. 3 00 Frank Bros. & Co .... 10 00 M. Hoffman -2 00 S. Blum .... 10 00 J. Le0p01d............ 200 Greenwald, Wogel, & (K. Marx 2 00 C 0......... 10 CO A, RheUsteln.... .... 200 E. 5trau55............. 10 00 Jo?. Cohen 2 00 Jos. F01dnian*........ 500 Louis Pollock ; 200 y. Greeawald........ ff-DO'Jos. Geisenberger.... 2 (X) 51. Becker 6 QQ[M. Strauss.. 2 00 Ca5h................... S OQ;E. Mayer.............. 100 Ca5h.............. 5 00;V. Levi 1 00 Cafcn & Baas 4 00;M. .. 100 31. Hreeiiwald........ 3 oQ;lsanc 5a1ig.............,100 J, Blau 3 00 L. K05eiitha1.......... 1 00 Jos. Myers.. 3 00 M. Hoffman 150 J. Dreifu5a............ 3 Off Kev. J. Frankie fi 00 J. Hhciiiatrom. 300 . Cash 8 001. - T0ta1.... ........ J. Maas 3 001 . Dr. Jolinil. Austin, Trenton..*. Dr. E A. Everett, .Burlington, l*a Dr. H. B. Harris, Newtown. Dr. E, 3. Jenkins, per Mrs. Wm, Stockton..... Dr* Walter Wi11iam50n.......... Dr. J. M. Morrison, Waterloo, Juniata county. Per John M. Riley, Chairman: From the Market Department, per J. H. Pugh, Commissioner, and c1erk5...................... 29 60 From J. Fleteborßudd. Assessor Third District Internal Revenue and Clerks and Assistants.. 7103 From Col lector and Clerks Eleventh District In ternal Revenue’, one day’s salary, per E. T. Foster, Collector, 8eth1ehem........ 30 00 From Officers and Clerks in the Philadelphia Custom House, remitted by Wm, B. Thomas, Collector.. 602 93 32, H. Weildo, Lewishurg, Pennsylvania...... 2 00 .R. Q. Butler, Proth’y, Carbon county. Pa...... 6 00 Per Mrs. B. F. Ashton, Chairman: JohnW. Field, Esq,., remitted by Mrs. Town send Wh01cru...... r 25 00 <seorge W, South, Esq., per Mrs. W. G. Meniz. 25 00 Mrs. De Haven. 5 00 Mrs. Hampt0n.........52 00 Mrs. Ray... 200 Mrs. E. M. 5..... .....25.00MissH B 6 00 Sirs. H. A. H...-...... 20 00 Miss M. B. M 6 00 Mrs. S. M..... .V.. 20 00 MissN. M-... 6 00 Mrs. M. J 10 00 Mrs. R. J. G 5 00 MlssN.M.. ...10 00 C. H.v Jr........... 6 00 Miss S. A. ’H... ... 600 J. B.4fftfJr. 600 •Ca5h......;.:..... 5 00 CftsttfTOt.... 2 00 •Mrs. Antic Byerly. JDr. Jv T. SharpUss .... George Troutman, by Mrs. Guillen.... MigsVVethcrilJ, (total s27l} ...... ilrs. C. 0. Callaghan, one day’s income Prom several Young Ladles*. “Nameless” ....$lO 00,E. L. R. ....$5 CO •• J. B. ' 3 CO Lizzie Bowman... 1 00 “Central”. .1 CO J. B Mayer....... 1 00 Soldiers’ Friend.. 600 Mary Frink........ 80 Douglas Ottinger. 5 00 E. Simoaton 100 William Still 80 COiJoha Slugg.. 200 . _ From several employees on Third 5treet........' : 500 John Deyinhyijper Mrs. K, Hammett 5 00 C. Becker, N. Fotsdamei, and J. Hochstadler..’ 300 Employees of Aaron Jones, Wistar street Ger mantown, Philadelphia. From A. Osborne & son and employees, Hose Valley Mills, Providence, Delaware c0*...... 100 S 3 Per J. S. Serrill. chairman, Darby, Delaware -county, collected by S. Morton, Springdetd,De laware county: Moses Hey, Esq... S. Hey & Bro. (in addition to subscription to Committee on Manufacturer*) 300 00 Employees of £. Bey&Bro... 184 21 John Hey, (alad).. 1 00 From Mordecai Lewis and employees 32 75 Oliver Holt & Son, and employees...... 2072 Citizens of Springfield SO ?5 Collected by A. E. Leedom, Esq., in Haverford • - Township, Del. Co 400 00 Frcm citizens of Upper Darby Township, re mitted by J. H*. Jackson, additi0na1.......... r •Collected by citizens of Radnor Township, by ■ Capt, B. F. Brooke and Daniel Abrams. ...... 347 50 From citizens of Media, Del. Co,, per JohaM. Hall, Esq., 183 75 From citizens of Chester Township, Del. Co., per George K., E5q..................... 242 70 Collected by J. Hunter Moore, from citizens of • • Marple Township, Del..Co 136 00 Total for three days per J. S. SerrlU..s2l47 51 - From Hierophant Division Sons of lemperance, _■ perJ. C. Biaguighn. Jg? 2 From employees B. C, Fox,-per X. 8azin...... 12S 46 Per Edward Miller .chairman: ■ : From employees of Beaver Meadow Railroad, collected by H. B. Berryhili, remitted by L. ' - Chamberlain.... - V. 8119 Per Beery D. Sherrerd, chairman: _ The American Life Insurance and Trust Com pany of Philadelphia Per James ErfUon, chairman;- „ ~ Employees of Hadden, Porter, & Booth Per O. Byron Morse, chairman: Collected bv Miss Stokely.......;••.•**** -Received of Mr. Sftrgentso; Gash $1..... .. , • . From the Washington Public School, remitted v by Thomas G, Gentry, per Edward Shippen, BSO Collected by Mrs. Charles Cowley and Mrs. J. ■ - m K. Krehier, Winfield, Union county, Pa..... 136 15 From Ladies of the Convent of the Sacred Heart. Eden Hail, near Torresdale, cit-yofferlngs of thepupils of that school,per Jos. R Chandler. 112 00 Miss Famry Dugan, per Mrs. Fitzgerald 'lO 00 J. W. Ryerss, E5q...... • 120 00 Joseph J. Sharpless, Esq. ••*•**•** 50 00 MichaelF. Clark,Esq : 50 00 Charles J. Wood, Esq. *•«•••"•• 5 00 H. E. Hoke, Esq.,perO. W Eddy 5 00 Ja£o*HStU!, Esq.,Medford, N.-J................ . 5.00 PerW. H. Woodin; Et-q.* collected m Berwick : • < - borough, Columbia c0unty..................... .Per Sirs. Charles Knecht.. «««••■ g-00 Per do. (various sujns). *... • *■. •••« • •**•*♦* •* *•* • •« inu 00 Per Mrs. SarahL. Curtis, Chairman: Collected by Mias S. Smith, Lancaster 121 25 StephenT. Souder, Esq .......................... -25 00 Mrs. S. T. Sender 20 00 Theo. H. V. Souder...... 6 00. Capt. James H. Winchestor.. 10 00 Capt B T. Bncknam... ,*OO JofinH. Hapimett. * 5 00 Per T. M. Hammett, Chairman; ; , From Joseph Oat & Son... 100 £0 T. ft Hammett, Esq.. 20 00 Employees of do. ............................. • law From GiUender & Bennett, Glass Manufactu rers, Howard and Oxford streets* Employees of d 0........ * * • * • > • * • From Muldoon & Hutton, Machine Shop, M&- nayunk, and employees. ••..................... Per Mrs. Mary Weaver, Chairman*. . From the officers and employees of the Thomas . Iron Company, Hokendauqua, Pa.... .... 328 «o by T%. Weaver, \ ““ Per Win. H. Merrick, Chairman: Bement & Dougherty .................... "pascal, Chairman of Cominittoo on Hsttera amt Hatters'material: . . „ Kanee San uoi &Sons, Philadelphia...... $lOO 00 Marshall H. Smith. Oramse, N. J. || -VV. A. &A. M. White, ...... MOO M Brooks. Son, &Co., Philadelphia... 60 00 Employees o? John e’SniHh. Philada.. 12 00 W. H. Baton, Esq. * PhUadelphia....... 35 00 Mr. and Mrs. Pattti, et. al., bersnton.. 28 00 James Honig, Hew Y0rk........ 2a 00 H. I. Brooks* ,E«. i Oolumhla. 19 60 W. C. Dave, Philadelphia- 10 00 E. S. Walton, Philadelphia...... 10 00 O.W, Oittingham...... 6 00 B. A. C lenn, Berks county. • • gto E. L. Harvey....- 200 <O. W.Morris.... w M Per John M Biley, Chairman: CK, Reed hirer’s employees, Sur veyor’s Department, Custom- House. ?«V. $36 00 BighwayDoparlib 6l^ and Super visors, per W, W. Smedley, .■ Chief ComrolssiOTier.. 110 34] Samuel AJcllose, assessor of internal revenue* Sixth dlfctrict, and bis a55i5tant5............... 47 00 Per Mrs Benjamin Bannau, chairman, Potks ville; collections made by herself and com mittee In Schuylkill county, third contriba iyom cngincers on the Delaware Railroad, per James Morgan Simon Hibbard $2.50*.... 5 00 Samuel Barron $2.60, D. W. Strickland $2*00.. : 4.60 Fred. Redding, Jr. .2 59 PerJ. S. Serrill, chairman, Darby; k Collected by Mrs. H, Yearstey, Middletown, i Delaware e0unty.......10575 \ Geo, A. Steel, postmaster, Huntingdon county. : 5^ | hiiss C. D. Coward and Kale E. La5key........ 100 f Cyrus H0rne........ 600 ■ Thompson Westcott, Esq. G.'B. Benwn, Em. IMOO Mrs. Dr Junes, Eaaton...... 10 00 per Miss Shannon, Chairman — J. H. T Can ton Tea Company ■G. W. K., $n J. R. 8., $1 Per George W. Magee, Chalrmau— M. Maget’semployees...* MJbs Bockius. Henry Deamer.... A. 5cbi11itiger............................ iiessrH,' Moyen. - - Joseph 8eecher........ P. Dnbosn. Chairman— • E G. Baker, No. 125 North Third street Per Matthias Stratton, Chairman- Employees of George W. Robertson 0 27 Cornelius & Baker. 500 00 Employees of do 323 47 vSnkirk & Co. 177 Bi Tyarner, Miskey, itMemli*.. -40 00 ToSeiliCabot, E5q................. - 10000 jOßeimv , j5 iik w CLAGUORN.Treasurer, Office,No. UBS. SEVENTlbbtroet,Philadelphia*. Othe l, subscriptions and remittances by mail duly ro- fot and acknowledged in this papor. . It STATKMEBT OF FOURTH SfA ffldK MODAL BANK, as roquiiod by tile SMiti iiMti.m rtfthe Act of the General Government, approved the Sth dar of FEBRUARY, A. D. 1S03: Amount of Loans and Discounts, including U.S. • ■ _ , Do Duo from other 8ank5.................. 30,300 l Do of Notes In Circu1ati0n................. 800 Do Deposits, including balances'duo to ■■ other 8ank5................ 232,400 Do' U. 8. Treasury Notos-..60,000 pflpSAi>gi«PßiA, dune 6th, ISS4, PHILADELPHIA* 88, % - •r SAMUEL J. MAC MOLLAN, Cashier of the Fourth wltioual Bank, being sworn, depose- and say that SsJSS K mBßt 18 C °BA P i Slo o Uk k AIT ! fl 1 ® ““ thU HORTICULTURAL HALL, S. W. IvBMXHaf ata| 8 ggp** XHE .OBEAT CEISXKAX FBDS. THE OKDESIQKEB, TREASURER OF THE COMMIT- TOBACCO AND OIGABS, Ackowiedgesthe receipt of the following Subscriptions and Douatkns: . Buckur.r, McCammou, &Co.,,ooooo Vciterloin & Co. . d0............1,000 00 John J. Taitt, do.*...*—** 500 00 Hagan, Boyd, & Co., do.. ..... 200 00 3. & J. filooro, do 5500 00 ■filcDowell & Duncan* d 0...... 200 ®) Taylor & Hemphill, d 0... 200 00 Law.Herbort, d 0............ 100 00 C. M. Meyer k Co,. d0...*..•••*•• 100 00 L. Brenner & Son, “ d 0...... 100 00 W. H. Fuguet, - do 100 00 J. R. Sank. do.. 300 00 A, Sferino, d0..........*. 100 00 L. Bamborger & Co., ,do...IQQ'OO Russell Sc Woodruff, d 0............ 100 00 Teller, Anatlmn, k Co., d 0.19009 John C. Heiner & Co., do.. IjMOO William Waruer & Co.» do.* *9999 Walljenßro.. d0*.........*. 60 00 Wartmau & Kngelman, d 0... CO 03 Samuel W. Crowell, do.> 60 00 A. Ki Fougoray, do 60 00 Joseph B. Hanson, d 0............ 20 00 P. L. Tingley, d0......' 25 00, Joseph Cressmau, d 0............ 25 w Woodward & Oo.» • d0.',.....100 00 COLLECTIONS. Woodward & Co. ’s employees, Philadelphia.i.. 37 25 C. M. Crawford & Co. ,N. York.perT. K. Votterloin 100 00 Fredk.EsFettweia, do d 0............ 100 00 B, Vetterloin, do d 0.... 100 00 H. Thierman. do d0*........... 100 00 FrishtnuUt, Bro., & Co., Phila., per Taylor and Vetter1ein.................... .300 00 Bachelor & Bros, do : d 0........;... 25 00 Pintos’ompioyeeB»l day learnings do ...... 460 Keely, Philadelphia, d0..........*. 200 Laierd, do d 0... 100 Meyer ElehoU, -do do.. ..... 25 00 G. W,Hickman & C0.,U0 do 100 00 j. R. Tempest, do ' do 10 00 Levi Seller»» do d 0............. 25 00 Rushraau & Bros., do . d 0..... 25 00 IT. Davis, do d 0...... 10 00 E. A. Kern, do . do...*** 60G C. E. P!eis, do .. d 0............ 500 C. Lumboou, country, . d 0..... 400 John Strong, do d 0............ 2 00 Robert Fairlaimb, do do. 600 R. Athentoc, do do ... 4 600 F. fforvoll, do d 0.... 10 00 M. Thalkheimer. : do . d 0............ 500 W. E. Garrett & Sons,do Merino & Fuguet... 200 00 L. & O. Ulrick, do d 0....... 60 00 Win, Miller, Esq.,, do . do 50 00 S. W. Ayres, do - do 50 00 J. M. Eettew, do do ..i.. 50 00 Michael Long, do d0.31X) Jacob B. Howell, do - do 200 Hugh Harbeson, do do. 2 00 Jotiu do do 6 00 I*. B. Manning, do , do 10 <K> Walter McFarumd, do . do. 500 S. W. Ayres, from unknown, d 0............ 12*00 \V. Oilh* ' Philadelphia, do 100 J. W.-Hine, do Fite & 8eck....... 50Q G. J. Hare, - .do ' d 0............ 10 00 S. H. Bush & Co., do Mayer, Boyd, & Rank, 100 00 Cash, $l, $2, $7, do do 8 00 L.Scwarzenberger, do d 0...... 600 LewisPoh,; do do..** ,6 00 Win. F. Meuror, do d 0..... 50 00 Jos. Behr, do do. . 100 C. F. Elwcrs, do do 20 00 Levy Brothers, do ■ do.. 10 00 Chas. Ltitze, do do 5 00 Aug. F. Meurer, do per Daniel Herbert. . 50 00 Unknown, do do..••■•••*•»< lx Stern, Jonas, k Co. , do Warner,Steiner&Tollor 100 00 Jacob Mariner, . do do 2doo John Rolnhold, do d 0............ , So 00 Lower&Rank, do do 60 00 George Fite, do do 10 00 W. E. iross, do do*.«*»*••***» , 500 Abr. Koshland, do do. .500 H. Co., Baltimore, d 0............ 500 Charles Reinolds. Camden, per G. Cathrall.lfas sau, and Butknor, Jr ..... Ai. Sluizer, , Philadelphia, do.. J. Callahan, - ' do d 0... J. do do..i Cbas. W. Ketler, do - d 0... Jesse Bonsai, do do.v Geo. Countryman, do d 0... Ja«. Dougherty, do uo.. Jas. Simpson, do do.. John Gilke, do do*. W. Kingsloa and his employees, do.. Thos. Bond, Tucket-ton, li, T.» • do*' Pottsville—M F. Boyer and N. Wetzel A. Eshner, Phila., W. M. Abbey . ' : .-'v $<5,976 75 - Subscriptions in stock will be published as soon as the invoices are all received. TH. ft. VETTERLEIN, Treasurer of the Committee of the Tobacco and Cigar Department. jqgy~ SilE GREAT CESTRAI I V!lt. soo 200 5 00 2 60 30 00 2 00. TICKETS FOR OPENING CEREMONIES.. $3 SEASON TICKETS, NOT ADMITTING ; TO THE OPENING CEREMONIES S 5 FOB SALE A3 1 THE OFFICE, 1323 CHESTNUT STREET. On ana after MONDAY, May SO, at the CONTINEN TAL, end at PUGH’S, corner of SIXTH and CHEST NUT 10 00 50 00 20 00 5 00 10 00 900 HORACE HOWARD FURNESS, SECRETARY. CHEAT CEJSTBAE FAIR-HOUSE. •=» FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. —Contributions received to date CASH. Koblit, Brown, & Noblifc. Mrs. S. S. White-............... Mrs. George Cromelien *• Mr. John Grigg.......... Mr. S. J. Megargee Mr. John Wobitt Mutual Assurance C 0................. • Cooper k Conard- * ‘ *»* Mrs. Haven............................ Mrs. John Volkm&r ........ Mrs. A. G. Coffin ................. Scott & Stuart. B. L. Solomons & Sons, New York.. . Mr. A G. Carpenter..... ............. A. R. P. .through Cowell & Son ..... Wm. A. Baley... Wm. Drinkhouse • • * A. Parvin Isaacß. Mulock James Williams Herman Fuha........ F. J. Kroupa - Chas. Green .... .................. Mr. Ade1er....... From .uadryperso^m A. H Franciscos**'.". I*3oo 00'. I. E. Walraven..-.*- • M S Kelty, Carrington.&Co..-- SOOOO Hiram Tucker, Boston, Mass-, iron bedstead _ ■ maker.— 2ao 00 .. Sheppard/ Vim Harlingen, &. Arrison.. —.-... 211 50 New Y orfc Metropolitan Washing Machine Com pany, through K; 1«. Burnham, No. 27 South- ■ Sixth street. Philadelphia * J. V. Cowell&Son. Ito 00 Berger&.Butz 120 00 Goldthorp &Co--. 1& 8- Howe Si Bust on * • W . Haddon, Porter, & Booth In Whitney & rveston, 805t0n...-. .69 00 Mrs. E. Lewis. w W Beading Hardware Works. ; J* 0J V. Quarre, per (J, Wedekind 5i 54 Baris, Kempton, & Co-...- ........... 50 iQ Isaac Scblichter- COM B. Williams -- gS‘- Chipmnn & White--- j>o £0 E. S. Parson & C 0.......... * *•- Jg $ hi W. Nicholson-- 30 00 S. C. Dyke......... 3000 B. &E. T.'Jones *•*••• ?6 40 Frederick Zaiss- - A 5 0G ; GeorgeFoelker....... 25 00 Museelman & Kirk- *................... 25 00 GeorgeS Lovell & Brother. 2500 White iPeohin....... 25 00 Mrs.. W, J. Walker «« •T. B Townsend.... • 21 50. C. M. Stout &Co ; 21 00 J. B. Duffy. •■••• 20 00; D. B. 8echte1...... •••• • ••• .j» KG. M0rri5......... *•* 20 00 Wm. O. Brien ** Jim W J Fetters.— —» •... . io uu Mrs. Henry Bandenbnsh, Beading, Pa.......... ..-.IJ'JJj) Mr. E/S.ifiller, Beading, Pa..... IJOO Mrs. Jas. B. Lapaley- 10 00 Thornton & Ander50n............................ 10 00 J. &E. Bebniat- 8 75 H. Barptr 2-jg Chas. Burnham-.-.* i'fiL j Aaron Leib, Berks county, 2packages y -•- , 63 SI T0ta1.....;...- —'* ••• -$5,722 39 1. E. WALKAYBN, Chairman. I"TSF*> OBEAT CENTRAL 3FAIK.-TITE COMMITTEE ON WINES AND LIQUORS ac knowledge the following contributions * In Cask from -• _•: George Cromellea & 50a..«..». White & Rents... P. 8u5b0ng........ Henry Bohlen & Co* * • 15. Castillon. *••**» •*■•*•»••*'**« Kirkpatrick & Brother**** «•••• Charles S. & James Carstaira Walden, Koehn, & Co S. Alter* J. B. Peacock....... E. K. C0nk1in....... A. Robeno, 5r....... John Hertsler....... AdaoiMoffit-* John D, Norcrosa.. 3>nfour& Gardrat. . J N. K1ine...... ** Jno. H,: Hammltt.. George Whltely..*. H. Wallace.*.* Andrew Allison. •.. F. P. Seltzer.*.... . Charles H. Marpie Mitchell & Allen. • • W. H. Bitting...... S. A. Wertz The0d0re........... W. H. C00per...... A. J. W0rf......... Ballz AStiltz A. G. Wa1t0n....... L. Lane........••••* James K. Cantwell. Allen Mitchell-.-.. N; B. Mosaly ....... 0, P Collins** F. E. Gross--'. E. L. &Co Jno. Laren5........ 11. M. Daley*......* R. W. Sonthmayd C. H. Preyer. W. H. Ipls. In Merchandise from Win. Y0at0n........ T. H. Jacobs & Co. ..... It, E. Aminick & Co., NewTork, tfironuli Wm. 11. Yealon&Cq..-*-.-*.****'****..ii*.. 365 00 Win. H. Yeaton&Co..; 150 00 Johif C. Kelt’er 150 00 J. N. Kllno raoo T;T, 50 00 f. vt0.,..« 00 Walden, 43 00 General J. B. 1rick...... 00 20 00 200 : 2 00 ...... 20 60 :noo ...... 10 00 ...... 6 00 ...... 40 75 2O 50 ...... 16 00 - • $1,396 00 Any further donations will be dnly acknowledged by OBOP.GECKOMELI^airm^.^^ JACOB T. HOFF MAS, Secretary, No. 301 Soutti FKOKT Street. . , , ~ I'HUrADULPHIA, JaHO 4, 18&*. . *V jrts~' -THE COSfMITTEE OX THE WEST *=» vmi.ADEI.FniA TABLE acknowledge Iho ro celpt of the following donations since May 23d: Mr. John B. Heyl *5O 00 Sir. Baml Yewdall, goods worth.; *0 W Miss Janvier’s School, Mantna, goods worth.. .. *5 ou. Mrs, D. F. Southworth., 1000 Mr. Joseph Craig...... 10 00 Mrs. Ki11ian................. 10 00 MlssSarah M, 8r0wn...... 0 30 Mr. W. H. If. 5tewart............................ 500 Cavh. * * 5 00 Mrs. 5a0riate..................... 1 00 Rachel M. Broomall (little girl) 50 Previously acknowledged. . • , $1,057 03 It MKS; HENRY C. TOWNSEND, Chairman. the great cesthal fair— fas? Tickets for admission to the Iff AUGURAL CE rSeMONIES will be for sale at BOGAN SQUARE, at Eighteenth-street entrance, TO-DAY, after 9>£ o clock. A Alio, TICKETS, admitting on. and aftor B aoleto r, tee on SUBSCRIPTIONS. . 1 Oil . 5 00 . 200 » 2 00 /. 100 ' 800 .. 3 00 .. 100 ; 200 112 00 .. 10 00 60 oU .. 500 ... $2OO 00 ... moo ... 100 00 ... 100 00 ... 100'00 ... 50 00 . . . 50 00 50 00 ... 30 00 ... 25 00 ... 25 00 . 25 00 . .25 00 ... 10 00 , 10 DO , 10 00 . 5 00 5 00 .. 5 00 .. 3 00 .. 3 00 .. . 300 • 200 200 ~120 25 $5OO 00 ............. 600 00 500 00 .. 600 00 2OO 00 lOO 00 ............. 100 00 ............. 100 00 ............ 60 00 ............. SO 00 ............. 50 00 5 GO 60,00 5O 00 - 50 DO-. ; 6Q 00 . 30 00 SO 00 2500 ..... . 25 GO 25 00 ............. 25 00 .............. 2.100 ............. 2500 25 00 . . 25 00 2O 00 - 20 00 2O 00 ............. 12 00 12 00 ..... ........ 10 00 ............. .1000 .lO 00 ................. low ......... 1000 .lO 00 IQQO . 10 00 ................. 10 00 ................. 10 00 lO 00 ................. 10 00 iggp THE SWORD PRESENTATION— The COMMITTEE ON SWORD of the GREAT CEN TRAL PAIR has issued the following: Sir: The “Committee on Sword, in Miscellaneous Department of Labor, Income, and Revenue of the Great Central Fair,” to be held in this city on the 7th lust., beg leave respectfully to call your attention to the Sword Presentation which it is proposed to make on that occasion. Thesword is richly monntod with silver, gold, and diamonds; has two scabbards, a sword belt, gash, and shonldor-atraps to correspond, all arranged in a beautiful satin-wood case. The wbolo is valued at two thousand Jive hundred dollars, and has been gene rously given to the Fair by Messrs. EVANS & HASSALL, No 41S Arch street, Philadelphia. It has been decided by the Committee to prosont this Sword and its appurtenances to the Lieutenant General or any Major Goneral in the United States Army who ahall receive the highest number of votes at the Great Central Pair. It will be exhibited during the continu ance of the Fair; and a book to record- tbo names of voter*?, and fcho General voted for, will bo kept open, under the Buperiutondence of the Committee. The pay ment of more dollarawiU entitle the donor to one or more votes—one voto for every dollar—and bulletins will be issued at stated times giving tbo result of the voting. • • Every loyal and patriotic citizen must feel a deep Interest in tho success of the Fair, as a means of placing funds in tho hands of the hnmnno and bonevolent men who devote their tiinoand energy to relieving the suffer ings of the sick and wounded soldiers, stricken down while gallantly defending bn the battle-field the life and liberty of tho nation. In no bettor way can your money or efforts be directed than in dpiiig honor to those who have gained eminence in public esteem and gratitude in the hearts of all by fhoir courago and skill in conducting the movements of our armies. The presentation of such a sword will be; a fitting testimonial of the public appreciation of the service and merif of the recipient of it, and it will be tlio pleasing duty of the individual members of tbe Committee to interest their friends in behalf of tbe General they may wish to honor. Persons who will not have any other opportunity of subscribing and voting can send their subscriptions by mail to either of the uudersigued, stating the sum en closed, and the name of the officer they wish to record their vote for. JOHN THOMAS, Chairman, 1210 AHCEI Street JOHN S. JENK S, Sf creiary and Treasurer, 101 South FRONT Street the hock oil coJii'Aisy or *=» PESKS'in.VAPU. OFFICE, Sro. 409 WALNUT STKEET. PUESrDKNT, JOHN M. RILEY. SECRKTABT AKD TBKASCRKR, JNO. P. GRAfF. - BOARD OF DIRECTORS. GEORGE 0. EVANS, JOHN M. RILEY, SAMUEL BRADBURY, ' WBI S. HASSALL, DAVID R. JONES. : The property of Ibis Company consists of one-sixteenth ofall the OR produced from seyenteenaoros onlhece lel>rated Egbert and Hyde Farm. The openinkof tbe new ‘‘JERSEY ” WELL, wMch, on WEDNESDAY of the/present week, commenced Sowing PIYE HUNDRED, BARRELS OR OIL PER DAY, adds to the former produetof the Company oyer 31 (thirty-one) BARRELS PEE DAY.: Price of Oil alike Wells now, $7.50 per barrel. \ A meeting- of the BOARD OP DIRECTORS will be held at the office of the Company, on THURSDAY, the StbJnstant, at 4 o'clock P. Sf. Matte re of special importance to tho Company Wilt be considered. jet-4t . 1 t - GKEAT fKSTRAI. VAIK. ’ ■ #3B? APPEAL Of TUB „ COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE TO THE FARMERS,-STOCK BREEDERS, AND CITI ZENS OF PENNSYLVANIA, HEW JERSEY, AND DELAWARE The present sanguinary campaign is matting extraof. dinary demands upon the funds of the Sanitarj Com mission, and these funds must he replenished in order thst the beneficent ministrations of the Commission may keep pace -with the extended operations of our armies. - Agriculturists as a class, are prosperous and are more largely represented in the armies than any other. not then both a duty and a privilege to manifest our sympathy for onr gallant soldiers, by contributing to the fund provided for their relief? - , • > The Products of the Field, the Stock-Yard, the Gar den, the Dairy, and the 1 oke of fat Oxen, a sack of Grain, ora dozen of fresh Eggs—all will be ac ceptable. ; . ■' . Every donation, whether of articles or money, will be duly acknowledged and credited, and ornamental devices will designate, in conspicuous characters on the walls of the spacious building appropriated to the Agricultural Department, the name of- every county from which contributions shall be received. * . . ALFRED L. KENNEDY, Chairman. -John McGowan - , Secretary. Chas. W. Harrisgs, . . - • - -• Edward Settle, Camden,N. J.; Phila delphia; Geo.-Blight, Germantown, iPa.; H. Jones Brooke, Media, Pa. t H. G. Burton, New Castle, Del.; Samuel Canby, .Wilmington, Del : Jos. R. Clements, Smyrna, Del.; Hiram -Corson,- Plymouth Meeting,. Pa.; Thos. B. Conrsey, Frederica,Del. ;J. L. Darling-- ton, West Chester. Pa.; J.C.Deacon, BurLington, N.- J.; Samuel A. Dobbins, Mt. Holly, N. J. ; William Elmer, Bridgeton, JL J.; C. E. Hiester, West Chester, Pa.; Alfred L.Eiwyn, Philadelphia; Ed. G. Harrison, Hulmeville,:Ta.; Goveneur Emerson/ Philadelphia; Jonathan Ingham, Salem, N. J.; J. S. Iricks, YinCen. town, N. J.; Caleb S. Layton, Georgetown, Del.; Chas. R. King, Andalusia, Pa. * Chas. S. Olden, Princeton, N. J.|W.B. Roberts, King of Prussia, Pa.; Win. Robeson, Belvidere*:N. J.; A, M. Spangler, Philadel phia; Wm. Stavely, Lahaska.Pa.; Isaac W. Vanleer, Wallace, Pa.; Y, S, Walter, Chester, Pa. .■■■>' OPFXCK QF-THK.COMMITTSKOX AOKtCULTURRyG. L 1. , Poi.ttechxic College Bim.i>iJfG,Pinr.ADELPKiA. -. . CHAIRMEN .OB -SUB*COMMITTEES ON RECEIPT ASD arrangements. STOCK—C- W. Harrison. - . .if THOSE OF D jnIcELLAKEObS ARnCLES— Andrew 81. Spangler. PLANTATION KITCHEN-Mre. S. A. Gale. LADIES’COMMTTKE ON AOBICin.TIWK, Mrs. Job Hayes, Embreeville, Pa.; Bins. Richard Wlstar, Salem, N. J.; bliss Minerva Bennett, Wont Chester, Pa.; Mrs. John McGowan, Bridesbnrg,Pa. s Mrs. Dr. Corson, Plymoath Meeting, Pa. : Mrs. A. M. Spangler, Philada.; Bliss Kate GaUaber, Eddington, Pa.; Miss Mary Bryan.Vincentown, ,N. J.; Miss Sallte Comlsv By berry. Pa. Miss Ellen Knight, Tovresdale, Pa.; Bliss Margaret Breckinridge,Priueeton.H.J:: Mrs. A. D. Jessup. Pliilada.: Blrs. Mary B. Leiper,; Chester, Pa ; Mrs. Chas. H. CHeyner, Phiiada. j Miss B. F._ Willard, Hulmeville, Pa.; Bliss Charlotte Schuffer, Miss Jane Wlldman.Attlelioro.Pa.; Blrs. Sarah H.Hiti, Norristown,Pa. je3-6t ■ rrg® CITY WARIiS. GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. - ‘ RESTAURANT DEPARTMENT: FRIENDS OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS, Send in your Contributions to the, Depots assigned to your respective Wards before 9 o’clock A. M. on the days designated below We ask for BREAD, TABLES, MEATS, CAKES, .EGGS, BUTTER FRUIT, SPICES, COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, &e. : LET THE GIFT BE EVER SO SMALL, h will be acceptable, receipted for in the name of fcbe donor, acknowledged, and ac credited to juwkich itjs received: . • :'ois wedkesdayTinnes,\ ' ‘ Second Ward-WM. I'. GARBER, Ninth and Prime streets. 0! ,- THURSDAY, June 9, Third Ward-FITZPATRICK & HERATY, Swanson a! J'onrrt Ward—PKIEL, Eleventh amdFitzwater streets. 0 N Fill DAY. June 10, „ „■ i' Fifth Ward—WM, L. HADDOCK S Co., No. 115 South T sixth Ward—JACOB FRIED, Fifth and Kaee streets ON SATURDAY, June 11, , •■ . Seventh Ward— H. BROOKS, Eighteenth and Pme Eighth Ward—S- COLTON & SON, Broad and Walnut streets. . OK MONDAY, June 13, ■: Ninth Ward—THOMSON BLACK, Broad , and Chest- J "Ttnth e Ward—WM. H. WANNAMAKER, Sixteenth and Cherry streets. _ _ ~ ON TBESBAY, Jnne 14. y _ Eleventh Ward—S. E. GRAHAM, Second and Coates ■-■Twelfth Ward—MORTIMER NIPPES, Fourth and . Thirteenth Ninth and S fou?tSh n War e l-A. C. ROBERTS, Eleventh and Vine streets. ._ ON THURSDAY, June 16, , - Fifteenth Ward-JACOB BEIFF. Twenty-second and Mount Yemen streets; It , L. FISHER, Fifteenth and B Sixteenth Ward-A. M. FOX, No. 92S North Second Streep ON FRIDAY, Juno 17. , Seventeenth Yfard-WM. J. HEISS .it BRO., Front al Esghteenth T Ward—J. H. FLECKENSTINE, Frank ford road and lieaUtreet^^ : Nineteenth Ward—-E. D. BAOGHER, Frankford road M TtSn r tiSh t Ward--ROBT. RALSTON, Thirteenth and Gii-aid avenue. _ „■■■ „ • ON MONDAY, June 29, . . ■... Twenty-first . Ward-JAOOB Green lane, ; near Kuxborougb; Dr. WILSON, Falls of Schuylkill. Twenty- second Xv&rd-rJOHN-CLARK, Main street, next door to railroad, Germantown..... ON TUESDAY, .Tiineift, Twenty-third Ward—JOHN;McMULLEL, Unity and M fwent?-lonrth ail Ward—Miss PRICE, Thirty-eighth and Chestnnt^e^- ESDATi it.:;' . Twenty-fifth Wa:d—Mrs. KESTER, Frankford road, above Ann street, . 01;i> , rMa „. VEGETABLES, and all other articles destined for this Department, wIU he receded at any tune at theEap Ground Restaurant, Gate on RACE Street. 3e6-dt OFFICE 'WESTERN FEXSfSYJLVA* I=K? NIA RAILROAD COMPANY.: : . .. . ' Phiudriphia, May 20,1864. . NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. —A special meeting of the Stockholders of this THURSDAY, the 16th outlook, 51., at tho Office of the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COtaANY. lnPhiiadelphia, for the purpose of adapt ing or rejecting “An act relating to the. Western Penn sylvania Railroad Company, land for other purposes, approved 27th April, ISM,” and also To take action in reference to & proposed increase of the Capital Stock of thA fJor/inanv By order of the Board. . . my&S JOSEPH LESLEY, Secretary, OilfiAT CKSTRAI FAnt-OP£jr. ING CEREMONIES on TUESDAY, 7th instant,. at 4 o’clock, P.-M. - . . : * In the arrangement for opening the Fair, the Presi dent of the United States, not being able to be present, has made a special request to Bishop Simpson,-of the Methodist Episcopal Church, to act in his place. We are happy to anuonncc that the eloquent and . patriotic divine lias accepted the appointment, and will, in the came of the Army and Navy of the United States, accept the munificent offerings which the people of Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania will then present for the U6B of our sick and wounded soldiers and sailors, ■ jo6«2fc • KOtICE -THE ANNUAL MEET* iScy ING of the Stockholders, and election for Pro* indent and Directors of the CONNECTING RAILWAY »COS!PANY, will be held at the office of the. Company, PitiLAPBPPhiA, May 81,1661. v . . -my3l-tjel4 $3,359 00 ..$5OO 00 .. 200 00 O-rgf- NOTICE.-OFFICE I'ENNSYEVA NIA OIL CREEK PETROLEUM COMPANY,. No. 11l WALNUT Street, PHiLABSLPHtA, June 1,1864. The Board of Directors have tilts day doclarod ft Divi dend of one and a half per cent; on the capital stock of the Company, payable on the 16th Jnst. . , ■ ■ The transfer hooka will close on Thursday,2d Inst.,at 8 o’clock P. M., for five days. - . • je2 lQi* f . AuQ, C. LEIDY, Socret&D ■ DIVIDEND. - THE DIRECTORS iJ257 of the OLMSTKAD OIL COMPANY Bave this day declared a dividend of FOUR PER CENT.: on the capital stock of the Company out ; of tUe earuingft of the month of May, and au* extra dividend of FOUR PER CENT,* both payable* free of State tax, oUithe llth instant, at the Office of the Company, 8* E. corner of THIRD and CHESTNUT Streets, up atairf. '' GEO. W. HUNTER* Secretary, June 1, 1664, - je2-Iot OFFICE UNION IMPROVEMENT 1=8? COMPANY, Jukb2*lBW. NOTlCE,—TbeStockholdersofthe UNION IMPROVE- • WENT COMPANY are requested to meet at the Office of the Company, 358 V WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, on THURSDAY, the 7th day of July next, at 1 o’clock* P. M. By order, peS-Bl*J fe, BORDA* Secretary, MASaINIC NOTIC E.-TIIE OfficprH sand Members of EASTERN STAR t eiifii? No 186 .*A, Y. M., and. the Order generally, are fraternally requested to meet at the HrU.WEDNES niv n P.M . to attend thofuneralof tholr late hrtulc? - 1,7.a* * r ° f tUe V. LITTLE, Secretary. KS®- M FIUCA TL FIJK VEYOR’S OFFICE, »=» No. 7North FIFTH Street. • PHII,AT>KOFHrA» : NOV. 12, 1863. ■„ Impcrtcrfi and Dealers In MED ! |4I£ES, HOdViTAt, STORES, HOSPITAL FURNITURE, BEDpINO.' ICE, &0,, aro tnvttod to submit their Fries Hlstsiroiß i“de w time to this Office. , J. MURRAY, &»l&6VtaU Sorgeeß »a4Me4ic»l Ptuyeiet. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY. JUNE 7, 1864. Pmi.AmiLPiuA, Jtmol, 186-1. je4*stutU3t JOHN F. GKAFF, Secretary and Treasurer. ira** THE GREAT CENTRAL FAX*. WSSSf PLEASE TAKE NOTICE* The price of a single admission to the Fair Is FI FT If CENTS. Children under 13 yoars, half price. This admits to eighty-one out of the ninety depart ments represented In the Fair, and to much more than three-fourths of the entire space covered by the btiild inMH. Certain departments, nine in number, containing-arti cles chief!}' for exhibition, and not for sale. bavo boon permitted to charge a separate price of admission, as follows: Art Gallery..,., Aims and Trophies........ Horticultural Department Kelley and Curiosities Indian Department SSci-or Blitz's performances, children’s oxhl ; bilious . 25 4 ‘ Children * 35 “ William l’oun Par10r..... 10 " Skating P0nd...;.. .... .....10 4 * THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE the public that although the full money's worth will bo obtalued from a visit is the eigUty>ouo departments to which the entrance feo admits, yet it will bo found that the NINE others above mentioned will amply reward the visitors and satisfy them for iho additional outlay. All must bear in mind that by the payment of these extracharges tbo total receipts are increased, and that tho holy cause Is as much asfiutod as though the same sum wore ex pended by thorn in the purchase of articles exposed for talo. Tho Fair will open on TUESDAY, tbo 7th instant, at'4 P. hi., for the inaugural services and private view, on which day ivlimo the udmissiou feo will ho TWO DOL LARS to all parts of the building. On WEDNESDAY, aud daily thereafter, it will bo open from 9 A. SI. until "fog;: ‘ HORACE HOWARD FURNESS. ra*' CIIKAIU) MINTXNO CO.UPAXY OF MICHIGAN.-The Annual Meeting of tho Stockholders of the GIKAKD MINING COMPANY, of Michigan, will be held at their Otßee, No. 3»*lb WALNUT Stroet, on TUESDAY, the seventh day of Juno next, at 11 o’clock, A. M., for tho Election of Directors and other business. B. A. HOOPES, Secretary. Philadelphia, Slay 21, ISdt. tny23-tje7 (JDONATIONS TO THE FAIR OF all kinds of FANCY ARTICLES for the table of the ComiuitteobiiJiftbor, Income, and Revenue, thank fully received llB South SEVENTH Street. Please send articles AT ONCE, either there or to the President, Mrs. J. W. FORNEY, 618 S. WASHINGTON SQUARE. je6 3t INTERNAL BEVENUE-UiVITED mW STATES EXCISE NOTICE.-Notice is hereby given 16 all persons residing or doing business in the FOURTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT, composed of the Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Twentieth, Twenty : llrst, and Twenty-fourth Wards of the city and coUQtv'bf Philadelphia, that the ASSESSMENT ROLLS will, in accordance with the provisions of section 15th of the net of duly 1,15*2, to provide lutornal Rovoaue, &c., be open for exfiininnlion at this office from 9 A. M. to 3 P.-'M., for FIFTEEN DAYS from the da } e hereof, Sun days excepted, and that fortho FIVE DAYS nexteasu iag, 20th, 21st, 22d, 23d, and 24th June, appeals will be received and determined by mo». at this office, daily, from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M., any erroneous or excessive valuation or enumeration. . Ail Appeals must bo in witting, aud specify the par ticular cause, matter, or thing, respecting ivhieh a de cision is requested, and state the ground or principle of inequality or error complained of. ' DELOS P. SOUTHWOETH, Assessor Fourth District. Office 42T CHESTNUT Street,- (Farmers’and Mechanics’Bank Building.) June4th, 3864. je4-6t OFFICE OF “ THE REMANCEIX SI3HAKCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA,” No. 306 WALK DT Street. : : . • - Puji.auulphia, June 6,18 bi. ... . The Board of Directors liave THIS DAY declared a di vidend of 5 per cent on the capital of this Company for the last six months, payable to the Stockholders or their legal representative, free of taxG3 on demand. • THOMAS C. HILL, .•• Secretary. : flKvSr»:- I>STIBEXI>»—THE IJXIOX PE- TROLEQM COMPANY, Office No. 147 South FOURTH Street, PmnADEU’mA, Jnne3, 1864. 'The Board of Directors have this day declared the se cond monthly Dividend of TWO PER CENT, on the capital stock, payable at the Office of the Company on and after the 16th, instant,dear of United States and State tax. The transfer books will be closed on the Igftb. 14tli, and 15th instants. - Jo-i-Cf . , CHARLES A. BUT, President;- CKITTKKDEX .S; COJIJIEKCIiU, *3S> COLLEGE, G 37 CHEST NOT Street, cor of So veiith. Complete preparation for the Counting House. No vacations. Students received at any time, and in structed at such hours as best suit their convenience. Open from 9to 1, and from 3to7P. M. v Catalogues for the year ending April 15th, containing* terms, &c.» and the names of nearly five hundred stu dents, furnished gratis, on application. f je4-3t* SPECIAt NOTICE. : A HYMN, by OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES* writ ten expressly for the GREAT CENTRAL FAIR, and set to music, can be had for 10 cents a copy on and after the day of the opening at the table of the RETAIL GROCERY DEPARTMENT. v je6-2l* . . MISS E. H, HaVEN, Chairman.. miTABlf. ii HEADQUARTERS PROVOST MAR SSHAL FIRST DISTRICT* Pennsylvania. Til WHEREAS, It is plainly, for the interests of. the people of each Ward to have stricken from the list all munes improperly enrolled, because an excess of names increases the qnotataud it is equally for the' In terest of each person enrolled to place upon the list all persons liable to do military duty, because the greater the nnmber: to be drawn from tlie less the chances of each individual; therefoer. The Board of Enrolment, upon application,will strike off the names of all persons now over 45 years of age. all who are permanently disabled, all who have served in the military or naval service two years during the present war and been honorably discharged therefrom, and will hdd to the list the names of all persons omit ted or stricken off who are liable to do military duty, all who have arrived at the age of 33 years, all aliens who have declared their intention of becoming citizens. All o'ther claims for exemption will be disposed of after the draft. WM. - E. LEHMAN; 245 South THIRD Street, Captain and Provost Marshal, myifl-stathtf First District Penna. II HEADQUARTERS provost a MARSHAL THIRD DISTRICT. OP PENNSYLYA fjrKIA.— WHEREAS, It .is plainly for the interests of ilttke people of each, ward to have stricken; from the list all names improperly enrolled, because an excess of names increases the quota; and it is equally for the in terest of each person enrolled'to place upon the list all persons liable to do military duty, because the greater the number to be drawn from the less the chances of each individual; therefore, . The Board .of Enrolment, upon application, will strike off the names of all persons now over forty-five years of age, all who are permanently; disabled, alt who have served in tfc e military or naval service two years during, the present war, and been honorably discharged there from, and will add; to the list the names of all persons omitted or stricken off who are liable to do military du ty, all who have arrived at the age of twenty years, all aliens who have declared their intention of becoming citizens. AIL other claims for exemption will be dis posed of after the draft. 1 JACOB S. STRETCH, Captain and Provost Marshal Third Dlstrictof Pennsylvania, No. 511 BROWN Street; .■ PROPOSALS. PROPOSAL'S FO^-LOAN. Treasury Department, June 6, IS6L ; To insureiho greatest possible vigor in the operations of the armies now moving against the insurgents, under brave and skillful Generals, upon a vast theatre of ope rations, expenditures; have been increased beyond re ceipts from revenue and ordinary subscriptions to the National Loan. : Sealed offers will therefore be received at this Depart ment, under the act of March 3, 1863, until noon, of "WEDNESDAY, the loth day of June, lS6i, for bonds of the United States to the amount of SEVENTY-FIVE: MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, bearing an annual interest of six per.centum, payable semi-annually in coin, on the first days of July and January each year, and. re deemable after the 30th of June, ISBI. Each offer must be forfifty or oue hundred dollars, or some multiple of one hundred dollars, and must state : the sum, including premium, offered for.each dollars in bonds, or for fifty, when the offer is for no more than fifty... Two per cent., of the principal, ex cluding premium, of the whole: amount offered mast be, deposited, as guaranty for payment of subscription if accepted, with the Treasurer of the United States at Washington, or with the Assistant Treasurer at New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or St. Louis; orwiih the Designated Depositary at Baltimore, Pittsburg, Cincin nati, Louisville, Chicago, Detroit, or Buffalo;-or with any National Banking; Association authorized torec.eive deposits which; may consent to transact the business without chaise. . Duplicate certificates of deposits will be issued to depositors by the officer or association re ceiving them,; the originals of which must be forwarded with the offers to the. Department. AH deposits should be made in time for advice of offers with certificates to reach Washington not later than the morning of June 16th. No offer not accompanied by. its proper certificate of deposit will be considered, - 1 The Coupon and Registered Bonds issued wilt be of the denominations of $5O, *lOO, *BOO,. and *l,OOO. Regis tered Bonds of *5,000 and $lO,OOO wtltalso be. issued if: required. , __ , . All offers received wilt be.opened on Wednesday, the 18th of Juno, by the Secretary or one of the Assistant Secretaries, and notice of acceptance or declination will be immediately given to the respectlveofferers;and, la ease of acceptance, bends of the descriptions and deno minations preferred wilt be sent to the subscribers at. the cost of the. Department, on Snal payment of instal ments. The original deposit of two per cent, will bo, reckoned in the last, instalment paid bv successful of-, ferers, and willbe immediately returned to those whose offers may not be accepted.' . . . The amount of accepted offers must be deposited with ' the Treasurer, or other officer or association authorized to act Under this notice,bn advice of acceptance of offer, or as follows: One-third on or before the 20th; one-third on ovbefore the 20th; and the balance, including the premium and original two per cent, deposit, on or before the 80th of Jane. Interest to the Ist of July on the se veral deposits will be paid in coin on the 30th of June, : and interest on bonds will begin July 1,1861. Offers'nnder this notice should be endorsed * *Offer.for loan,” and addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury. The right to decline all offers not considered advantage ous is reserved to the Government. A S BI ST ANT QUARTERMASTER XV GENERAL’S OFFICE. ' T „ Fim.AMwniA, Jnne6, 1E64; SEALED PROPOSALS will lie received at tils ofllce, until 12 o’clock M., on EMBAY, 10th lust;, for the prompt delivery, at the United States Warehouse, HA &OYER-STREET WHABI’, of the following described quartermaster’s stores: - . . 12 seta Blacksmith’s Tools, complete. 1,600 pounds Horse Shoes.tessorted). 4io pounds Horse Shoe Kails, (0). . 6 coils Picket RowC ' • 25,000£eet best Oak Plank, 4inch thick. 15,000 do do ' . 3K do ; V 20,000 do do . 2 do 30,000 5 do Ash Plank, 2 do 10,000 S-inch Spokes, Much on tenon,. , : 500 Ambnlonce Bokesr IK and 7K-inch. : acOGum Buckets, (lor ambulances: samples re '"’’Wirross Tufting: Buttons, (samples: required). , ' 4,060 yards Enameled Cloth, (for ambulance) ; samples re ltolaucets, (for ambulance kegs); samples requires. 25 sets Bout Bellocs, 2-iuch. j 25 do do . lli-iuck. • . • ■ • 25 do do . IK do > ; 10 do do IK do 100 do do Hi do 10,000 pounds. Wagon Grease, (100*ih kegs); samples re- Handles, door and lock, with plated iSQpairs Ambulance llaincs, with trace catcli and ri- VCtH. • ■ '• •vf.-.'-x---: 160 Ambulance aoes,: 100 Wslp Lashes, Trour-in-hand whipd).. : - ; 6, ooopounds Manilla Hope, sizes to be obtomed at thm ° 1W yardsßiittinet. ftno and Green-, •2Qoualf Skins, oil tanned. • , ' : 600 Sheep Skins, blacksmith's Aprons,- oak inane a. i; 60 Jack Screws, (for army wagons), lOopairs Wood Stirrups. 4.000 Ambulance Spokes. - 10,000 2&-inch Wagon do 10,0003-inch do do . 8,000 2K-incli ‘ do do 6,000 2&-ineh do ido \ 8004-horse Ambulance Whip*. . - GOO 2-horse ■ <ln ; do ■ i . 2,000 Blacksaako Whips. - ' , t ~ t . ' 100 pounds Russet-teathor,light skirting. - ... AU of the above articles to be of the best quality of tboir several kinds and subject to inspection. Bidders will state price, both in writing and figures, auftutity ofeacb article bid for, and the shortest time required for delivery ; prico to include packages and do -11 The ability'of the bidder to fill the: contract wait lie guaranteed bytwo responsible persons,•whose signa tures must be appended to the guaranty, and said gua ranty accompany the bid, i ~ ; The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high and bo bid from a defaulting contractor will bo re ceivei, By. order «| C0L; ; .g. ckosmaK, . Assistant Quartemuiator General CHAS. P-.-SCIIMIDT, i Captain and A. Q. at. A SSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GE ■ : KEBAI ‘’ S Oi *^ Jcooud-daus STEAM FIBE, ENGINES, of approvod : bnhd, Bidders will state-the size of pumps, -steam cylinder, length of stroke, weight of engine, &«.* n«m l>er of feet of suction hose, with brain strainer ttttttchedi pines, and nozzles, loading' hose,, jackscrew, wrenches, and. such small tools as are uouossary to use witb evgiue wheu it is at work ; gauges tor steam, and water pressure; to be fitted so as to usotho Jones rupling.s” which U tabeutfached to suction hoso, and all other matters that is necessary iu the working vl the oiinlno. Bidders wtU also state the price in their pro* posals, which be; given In writing a* well as la. figures, and the possible: time they pan be de livered. By order ..Col, G.-H. CftOSMAS^, Assistant Quartermaster General. CHAS: D. SCHMIDT, Cstp&iawri AMUtwrtQafcrterm&irtsp. QURWBN STODDART & BROTSER, 430, 459, and 454 IV. Second Si*-., ABOVE WILLOW, PHIT.ADE l v n I A . On liand full linpfl in All tbs following Depart manta: SUMMER DRESS GOODS. TmvelUntf Dress Materials. Alpacas, Lustres, Mohairs, Ac. ' FaKCY DRESS SILKS. • Solid Colors Dress Silks. Black. Dress Silks 0/ all widths. IHack Silks of all grades for Mautnios, Sacq ties, and Circulars, from SI.W3 tos7.sopm- yard. S T-.f A W L S , Of all seasonable styles. Black Lace Point Shawla, Bournoua, &c., &c. CLOAKS. Our Cloak Hoom la stocked with the most desirable styles and beat workmanship. MEN’S ABB BOYS’ WEAR, Of all seasonable jkinda, MOURNING GOODS, la all gradoa, of tho best Colors and fabrics. FURNISHING- GOODS. -Damask Table Cloths, Linen Napkins, Toweling#, &c’ COUNTERPANES, BLANKETS, SheeUngsand PUlow*Caae Lineas, Ticking, &c. DOMESTIC GOODS, of the best makes. •Visitors to the city! are respectfully referred to the above Establishment as,one of the features of Phi ladelphia. . CUK.'WEN STODDART & BRO M 450, 453, and 454 NORTH SECOND STREET, - Above Willow, je7-3t : ... PHILADELPHIA.. - ; f ... 25 coats. .... 20 " .... % “ . AND MISSES’ CLOAKS. 8. BE lOUNG respectfnily invitee the attention of ladies in the city, jis well as strangers visiting here, to call and examine her stock of Cloaks before purchasing elsewhere. They will And the best styles, best work, and every attention paid to orders. Cloth Cloaks of all stylos. BilkSacqucs. : Silk Circulars. ! Gros Grain Silk Cloaks. Long and Short Basques. French Lace Points. Lace Bornous and*Barege Circulars. , All styles of. Children's Cloaks' N. 8.-~A great variety of Morning Wrappors. joB-6t TTARRIS’ MIXED CAS3IMERES. J-A Light mixed Cassimeres, for boys’ suits. Motion and plaid CasslmerOs. Merino Cassimeres and Cashmaretts; Linen Drills, Sattinets, and Couonades. Ladies'GloakingClotbs, choice shades,. Loom and Damask Table Linen, cheap. Towels, Towelling, and Napkins. Large assortment at JOHN H. STOEESV ie7 s TO3 ARCH. Of) CENTS t SO CENTS ! 20 CENTS !' &\j 20 CENTS ‘..July, Harper. July, Harper. PITCHER’S, 808 CHESTNUT Street. Books and Albums at a discount. . je7-3t TTJST • O THE BOOK FOR THE PEOPLE: THE HISTORY OF OCR FLAG* ■■■BY- ' FERDINAND L. SARMIENTO, A Book for Soldiers, . - • A Book for Mothers and Wives, . A Book for Boys, and • Every Loyal Citizen, THE HISTORY OF OUK FLAG, From the Earliest Period down to the Present Time. Beautifully Illustrated, and DEDICATED TO THE UNION LEAGUE OF PHILADELPHIA. Price 50 Cents. • A. WINCH, Publisher* 505 CHESTNUT Street. MRS. HOLMES’ NEW NOVEL ' XU. DARKNESS AND DAYLI3HT. , HAUNTED HEARTS.; By author of “The Damp- SIAINE WOOBS. : By Henry P. Thoreau. uu tborof “Walden. ” ' _ WAX FLOWERS, HOW TO MAKE THEM. With new methods of sheeting - wax, &c. An exquisite book. STUMBLING BLOCKS. By Gail Hamilton. POETRY - OF THE AGE OF FABLE. By Thomas Bollioch. On tinted paper, elegantly printed and illua tVfl Iprl ik marvel's hew book.- seven stories, WITirBASEMENT AND ATTIC. r For sale S . & ALFRED MARTIEX, je2 . 606 CHES7NUT Street. XfEW MEDICAL BOOKS. 1* LINDSAY & BLAKISTON publish this day— FULLER ON RHEUMATISM, Rheumatic Gout, and Sciatica, their Pathology, Symptoms, and Treatment. By Henry William Fuller, M. D., Cantab Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London, Physician to St, GeoTge’s Hospital, &e. From the last London edition, One volume, octavo. - ■■ ALSO, BT FORD ON THE UTRRUS. A Treatise on the Chronic Inflammation and Displacement orthe ynim pregnated Uterus.' By W. H. Byford, A. M. t 51, JD., [Professor of Obstetrics, stc., in the Chicago Medical College. In one volume, octavo.. 8 MEMfell, BOOKS. . , . . A large assortment always on band, and for sale at low Dncfis • ' LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. No. US Bonth SIXTH Street. A BHMEAJ) & EVANS, XV Successors to ■ WILLIS P. HAJSABB, . . . CHESTNUT Street,; Tfiitva * > • .MRS; HOLMES’ HEW*HOVEL. DARKNESS AND DAYLIGHT. , HAUNTED-HEARTS. By author of " The Lamp lisht6r * * 1 . j . THE MAINE WOODS. By Henry P. Thoreau, au- : t! ?WAX FLOWERS. HOW TO SLAKE THEM. With new methods of sheeting wax, &c. :An exquisite book. >' STUMBLIKG BLOCKS- By Gail Hamilton. POETHYfOF THE AGE OF FABLE. By Thomas ’ Bulfinch. On tinted paper, elegantly printed and il 10IK®MaRVBL'S -NEW: BOOK. SEVEN STORIES,: WITH BASEMENT AND ATTIC. ; BUSY, HANDS - AND PATIENT HEARTS; Or, The Blind Boy .of. Dresden and his Friends. One of the best “a I 'miles AROUND Richmond. a fresh snpply; received this morning. my2B s. P. CHASE, Secretary of the Treasury. RETAIL DRY GOOHS. SIS ARCH STREET. SEW PUBLICATIONS. the sunbeam stories, . . A ike cbarming, bright stories of . Wap M CATCH A smßjfm,- r . n . - CLOUD WITH SILVER LINING, HOUSE ON THE BOCK, ONLY, OLD .TOLLIPFE, MEEBY OHKISTMAS, dream chiStz, STAR IK DESERT, So. Hz beautiful volumes, illusta-Ated, *2.60. _ , -f WlblAs P. HAZARD. Publisher, 81 South SIXTH Street. fe26-tjyl HEW AMEBICA-K CYCLOPEDIA. V; ’Fha Agency lor this Invaluable Library of /Universal Information fs at 33 South SIXTH Street, second story. 4Jso, RECORD OF THE REBELLION 1 . Br Frank Moore,. ; • . .. fell-tf. •gtTTfiE’S EOBTRAIT PRESIDENT LINCOLN. ■ ' . This fine steel-plate Engcairlnc, flrom a recent Photo graph,, is the only lar*e-Bize, full-length Portrait yet published, and can only he obtained from the Publisher or his authorized agents, at the low price of *3 par copy. This fine Portrait will do sent by mail or express, free ■of charge, on receipt of Retail Price, ' ■ Agents wanted in every “Bfi Address J. P. BK.BLLT,.SoIe Agent for Penira., V myd-thsatatf . -- , : 908 ARCH Street, Phils. nA R D;—TO THE LAWYERS 0E \J Pennsylvania— f am now the Publisher of the 3 Volumes of GRANT'S CASES; the, 3d volume wiil he ready by the 14th met. I have also a numerous collec tion of Law and Miscellaneous Books for sale cheap. r°v°ft.lm JOHN CAMPBELL, 4:19 CHESTNUT St. riORN VINEGAR.—IN ORDER THAT V-t the public may know where our CORN VINEGAR can he purchased, we furnish a partial list of the Grocers that keep it for sale. ~ A trial will convince any housewife that it is the only pure article of manufactured- MNLGAR sold in this Samples can be seen at tbe Factory, NORRIS Street, below Second, or at the Office. MMTN g & ca , : ; No. 33 South FRONT Street. Messrs. ARCHER & REEVES, 35 N Water strt et. “ ROGERS & MeKBBVER, 328 N. Third street. “ WEST & BROWN, cor. 17th and'Market sts. “ LONG & MOOR®, Sixteenth and. Market ate.:- SAML Martin, cor. Thirteenth and Market streets. W. A. JENRS. VM Market street. . R. GRAHAM 4 CO., 10S5 Market street. T, M. KERR, 1107 Market street. . ■ W. S. SCULL, Second sml Federal, Camden. J. H. WAHL, 527 North Fifth street. GALLAGBR St BRO.,TenthandFederal,and.Wharton P GELEERS, 303 North Second street. C.-TOONG, Front and Wharton streets. VT'. THOM AS, 713 South Fourth street. W S McDOUG AL, Fourth and Shippen siroots. X R. WEBB. Eighth and Walnut streets. . T. R. PATTON, Thirteenth and Locust streets. : SPJLLIN & JORDAN, Eighth and Arch streets. G. B. BROWN, Ninth and Locust streets WE; McKITKICKi Twenty-third and Vine streets. J. SPILLMAN, Twenty-firsliand Viuestrdets. J. WILLIAMS, 2016 Cailowhill street. - . ■ . . H. REiFF, Twenty-second and Mount Vernon streets. M A HOFFMAN, Nineteenth and Coates streets C.'A. SNYDER, 1611 Coates street. W. BASH; Eighteenth and Mt. Vernon. • FRENCH &-BRO.-V Twentieth and Mt. Vernon. H. BROOK, Seventeenth and Brandywine. C. C. RICH. Sixteenth and Sansora. W. F. GAKBEK, Ninth and Prime ,streets. M. HENRY, Eighteenth and Lombard streets. B. OFF, 261 South Twentieth street. 1 : H. MILLER, S South-Eighteenth street.. F. FaIR, Thirteenth and Fitzwater streets. F.'WOhfiEK, 170 S North Eleventh street. SHEKF A SON, Eleventh and Parrish streets. E. STILL, Eleventh and Spring Garden streets. F. W. FISH, 1244 Girard avenue. J. STEWART, 13S1 Ridge road. . ' , B SMOLL, Nineteenth and Coates streets. F SHAEFER, Thirteenth and Parrish streets. . *E W GUKWOOD, T.nth and Greenstreete. : B. C.‘ MOORE, Twelfth and Green streets. H. A. WAGNER, Eighthand Green streets. . ir WOLF, Thirteeiitli and Parrish streets. ... .:B.TERCIVAL, SUPoplar street.* - • A LIPSBIT, Nineteenth and Hamilton streets. 0 P. LEEBOM, Sixteenth and Brandywine streets. D. MOORE, 2125 Ridge road., -t ■ : ; FALSTAFk At BROi,'Eighth and Oxford. ; :J. KRAMER, Ninth and Poplar. S. MULLER, Twelfth and >YuOd. „ , . . C. TONER, Twenty-sixth and CatlowhlU. . M. QUANTEELL, Eighteenth and Ridge road., ... M THUDELL, Fifteenth andVino.v . , - F. S.MINTZKK, 1315 Vine street.- C. BUCKNER, Thirteenth and. Race.: , : W. CLARK, Twelfth and Race. : t ' JAS. HARTLEY, Twoaty-ronrth and Spring Garden. C. BROWN. 1118 Fraukford road., . T. LAMBERT, Front and Race.. J. J, COOK & CO., Frout and Vine. , . J. FRAME, -HttNorth Socoudstreet. .1. WoHS, Seventh and Filbert. . i Hr HAINES, Seventh and Cherry. . J. GW YN, Thompson and Crease. ,'J. N. HOLT, 6-23Girard avenue. .. ,T. McKINLEY, Soventli and Master. J..DALEY, Philip and Coluinhia, , . , M. DONELSON; Frankferd road and Sergeant. D. BESWICK, Manayunk. J. KITTiNGEK, Mauaynnk. J. MoGINCUEY, Manayunk, It. PARSONS, Manayunk,, A. FOSTER, Manayunk. , . * ... . Jt. H. MoMUKN, Fourth and Diamond streets. F. GRIM,, Fourth and Diamond, H. JOHNSON & CO.,.Germantown. H. JtOJIER, Germantown. ~ N u CLOUGH, Germantown. J DELL, 837 Julianna street. F KIBFFER, 252 Julianna street. S'C. GRAHAM, Second and Coates. . J Fll HAS, Fifth and Race. : H. BUCHER, Norris and 'Memphis. C. BROWN, Nineteenth and Wood. \ J. CULBERT, Sixteenth and Vino. W. M LOWE, 21T1 Market. J ATKINSON, Twentieth aud Market. ■ J F HOFEK, 516 North Frout, Cnmdon, D SHIPPS, Twelfth and Locust; T OTTEY; Second and Jervis; E THORNTON, Twentieth and Wallace. D McCAFFEKTY, Richmond and William. NVALLEN, Willism-streot wharf, MUSSELMAN & FRANCE, Poplar and Lawrenoo. G SMITH, H 73 Richmond stroei. . EDWARDS& 8110., William street. : D. J, WOLF, Vineyard and Porklomen. GEO; BORST; Charlotte snd Poplar.^ J; KENSILL, St. John and Poplar, , G. LEVL Cbarlotteand Brown. J. WALTER, 928 Cailowhill. R DKYFOOS, 225 Coates; W, D. liusrfu, UlYNotth Thirteenth street. W. H. MARTIN, 605 Girard avenue. -JOB. BKOOMALIaSSS North Thirteenth/. W MoNUTT, Seventeenth and Sausom. W. B. MARTIN, Sixth aod Sylvestev.. ; J. SALSBURY, 779 South Front;.»■ .- ' W; WANAMAKER;: Sixteenth and Cherry. M. HUGHES. Third and Thompson, . ■ . W W BENNETT. 1019 Germantown road. . . . M.'GESMEYES, 252 Cailowhill.. - PRICE'S CARVER, Richmond add Rose, ; . It IVORY TYPES. - A PESTRB TO A please te.tta rule obsorvod at B . F. HEIMGR’S Gal lery, as AKlaiUMatlila Bnoly-amshea [Torytypes will prove. 624 ARCH Street. It*. PERFUMED. PARLOR MATCHEB.— JT joat received a&addittoual case* of these celebrated fAllvander’e) Matches, for sale to the trade only. »B*6BgbwiirBdSTOM.lit * I*B H.TAiaO 6L SUMMER RESORTS- QUEF HOUSE, ATLANTIC* CITr, N. O j,—This popular HOTEL will be opened ®s ontbe2othoi JUNE. The house possesses aavaataifes that are enjoyed by no other betel at Atlantic tw. Its immediate proximity to the ocean, the ntfiigntfi cencoof the bathing opposite it (which was fine as the present teason), the certainty of constant coot breezes fronrtlho sea, all combine to render the house a most desirable place of summer resort, The undersigned need scarcely speak to his old pat Tons concerning the table, attendance, &c.', ana he will only remark That ho is determined that the Surf House shall continue to maintain Us well-established reputation. A band of music has been engaged for the season, and such or the guests as enjoy dancing will be afforded fell opportunity for hops. The railroad facilities between Philadelphia and At; lantic are full and complete, white a passenger car con veys guests to and fro between the Surf House and the '‘inlet’* at short intervals. Persons desiring to engage rooms will please address * H. a BENSON, Proprietor Surf House. -OEDFORD MINERAL SPRINGS.— •*-' This popular Summerltesort is now open,and pre pared for the reception of visitors; until October next. The Hotel iwtll be under the charge of the most expe rienced management in tho coautry. The Bedford Railroad has been finished to within one hours'rido of Springs* over fine Turnpike road. . Visitors will come by Pennsylvania Railroad to Hunt ingdon, thence by Broad Top and Bedford through. Ample arrangements have been made to supply deal ers aifll individuals with the BEDFORD WAITER, in well-steamed casks, as follows: For Barrel, oak .. ..(40 gal).. $3 00 “ Half Barrel, 0ak.... 2 00 . “ * 4 mulberry..... —...... 400 All orders addressed to E. L. ANDERSON, Bedford, promptly filled. Persons wishing rooms, or any information abont place,will address ESPY L. ANDERSON, je3-2ra TTMTED STATES HOTEL, . CAPE ISLAND, N. J/ JOHN WEST, AARON. MILLER, - PROPRIETORS, f * Beg leave to nail the attention of their friends and the pnblic to tho Establishment, which will be open for the reception of vieitors on the 16th of June. Besides a spacious Dining Hall and Parlors, it con* tains au unusual number of large and well ventilated Bed Rooms, all handsomely furnished with new furni ture throughout. Tho Proprietors of this Establishment will spare no care or expense to meet, ihe wants of their, guests, thereby hoping to share liberally in the public pa tronage. Application for rooms made to the subscribers, bj letter to Cape Island, will receive a prompt reply. je2-6w ; . . WEST & MILLER, TTNITED STATES HOTEL, V . ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. •' This celebrated Hotel will be open for tho reception oi guests on THURSDAY, June 23d, isl and will be un der the supervision of Col. James W. Powers, with Mr,. Edward Hartwell as assistant. - • Practical and experienced persons have been employed for each depariment, and every exertion will be made to conduct the same to the entire satisfaction of the public. After July Ist, four trains will leave Vino-street Fer ry, daily, the Fast Line through in two hours, without stopping at the way stations. A passenger car wilt be run from the Hotel to the Inlet ev« »-y twenty mmutes. Hassler’s Band, under the direction of Mr. Si mot Hastier, has been engaged for the season. Persons wishing to engage rooms will address BROWN & WOELPPER, 4 Proprietors, - Atlantic City, New Jersey.. N, B,—The Sand Bar, which last year formed oppo site the shore,, has entirely disappeared, leaving tin beach one of the best and safest on the coast.; jal-lm pHESTER COUNTY HOUSE, AT LAKTIC CITY, N. J.-Tliis private BOARDINO HOUfrE (al ways open for Boarders), is now fully ar ranged for tho accommodation of Summer visiters The situation is one of the best on. the Island, being In full view of the Ocean, and near excellent bathing ground. mySl-gm . JACOB KEIM, Proprietor. POLOTBXA HOUSE, \J CAPE MAT. . This Hotel will be opened Jane 15. The honse ha» been pot In thorough repair, and nearly two hundred new and greatly-improved BATH HOUSES will b* ready for the accommodation of guests. ' _ Its capacity and each department will be eqnal, if not superior, to any Hotel upon Cape Island, BireJeld’s Band has been secured for the season. Adoress - GEO. J. BOLTON, . Proprietor, : Cape Island; N. J>; Or J. H. DENNISON. Merchants’ Hotel, Phila. xny'&'lm nONGEESS HALL, CAPE ISLAND, VA NEW JERSEY. v This favorite Hotei will be opened forthe reception oi gnestson JDNE FIRST. „ . v , : The Honse has been refnrnishdd and thoroughly rone- Vated. ‘Writing and Reading Rooms and a Telegrafi Offico have beea -added for the exclusive use of \&t guests. ~. ' . . . The proprietor feels warranted in assuring the pnbli* that, with the gentlemanly and competent officers c® cured, each department will be conducted to theeattft 6&tlßfactioh of the most fastidious^ Rassler’s full Band, under the personal direction of Mr. MARK HASSLES, has. been engaged exclusive!? tot Congress Ball. • ■ ■ L ;-‘ ■ . ,„ - . ■ , Any further information wOl be cheerfully given, to addressing o. F. CAKE, inyfi-tf , Proprietor. SAFES. CHILLED IKON SAFE AG AIK ATTACKED BY THE GUERILLA, BUT EVER IN LIKE READY FOR BATTLE. It is a fact well understood among sportsmen that a bird when bit always flutters; and if I may be allowed to apply thi3 rule to the writer of the article headed 4 ‘Lillie’s so-called Burglar-Proof Safes Exposed, ” and rubiished In The Press and othernapers of the 30chult., should judge be must be badly hit, for he seems in a terrible/itf/er. He appears much afraid that bankers as well as others in this city are all astray, and it may be inferred that bis mission ’s to set them right, and, no doubt, from purely disinterested motives. But I now propose to take up the points in this article in detail: First. The writer's-declarations as to what was said in the Telspraph, of April 16, 3861,1 shall not notice, as the advertisement speaks for Itself, and to that.l refer. Second. To correct false impressions, &c., he offers to prove to any disinterested person that Lillie’s Safe can be broken by a skillful person in less time, Ate., than any other Burglar? Proof Safe. : This is the very thing he has been, trying hard to do for the last three : years, aLd it would seem, from his own admissions, with very ill success. Third. He proposes to open any of Lillie’s Safes, sold in this city or State, with the duodeagon lock, in. sixhonrf-i or lefs, without much noise, &c. , or forfeit 81W) incase of failure. Let us suppose for the moment that he can bring to bear sufficient power to grind a hole through Lillie’s Safe in six hoars, does he presume to claim that bis or any other Burglar-Proof Safe, reme dies the difficulty in any way whatever? Not at all. Does he offer to place his Safe alongside as a test? Not at all. And the only contingency is. if he fails, he loses $lOO. Now, it is not denied that a hole may he ground iron or . hardened steel, two inches thick, having tuna enough, sufficient power, and the necessary accessories. But it is claimed, and can be shown, that: Lillie’s Ghilled Iron Safe has the hardest iron and the greatest thickness; that it requires a much longer time^.and a much greater power to grind a hole through itrtuan any other Safe made aud sold at much less prlce,makingit impracticable fora burglar, with the facilities he has, to succeed in this way, and that to drill through hard chilled iron, two inches thick, with a coimnon diilb and ordinary i>ower» is simply im jossihle, as any disinterested .iron worker will ac' tnowleage. ' ■ * v ; .x Fourth. The writer proposes to enlighten the burglar as well as the public, as to the way aud manner of opening Lillie’s Safe. He says, he simply saws off the top of the brass rim;.(this is quite unnecessary, as it Is . • fastened by three small screws ;) he them simply drills a bole through the door over the centre of the dial, and picks up the combination of the Jock and opens the door —all very simple, truly. Very much like the Paddy’s wav of catching birds. He said it was very: easy to catch birds: “ dust sprinkle ft little salt on their tails, and you had them. sure. ” So it is with Lillie’s Safe. Just drill a. hole through the door, two inches thick of hard chilled iron,: and tne door may be got open; but the • point practically is, to get the salt on the tail, or the hole through tliudoor. .. To say that any lock 13 secure when a punch or powder can be applied to its centre, or working pavtvia simply absatd; and it is no objection, to the lock to say that a hole in the right place will pick op the combination. Fifth. The writer says one of Lillie's Safes may be seen at Evans & Watson’s; store, drilled, , and the lock opened, as be pjoposes to open it, &c. No w suppose for the moment that one of Lillie’s Safes, is found at E. &>Y.’s with one or more holes ground through the door, and one.of them happens tobeia the right place to pick up the combination, what does it prove'/ Simply that with a hole through the door the' ockis.nofcsecure, audiftbe combinanon could not be picked up, the punch would destroy the workingpart of the lock, or powder would blow it off. and the Ssfe would be opened, either way being equally practicable for the burglar. Tu view ot aU the points made in the writer 5 * article, wbat is the conclusion ? Simply that a safe must be drill proof to be burglar proof. ■ Again, be’eause the writer shows holes through one of Lillie's Safe doors does this prove they are not drill proof? Not at all \ because it is understood that any iron ' or steel may be ground through; but if the writer will take up his drill and drill a hole through the door in the readers presence, this would certainly prove that Safe door not drill-proof, but H would not prove that Lillie’s Safes are: all or generally not drill-proof. That this point may be more fully understood, I now ask any party interested, to come to my store, No. 21 South SEVENTH.. Street, and hring . along the best drill amlihe best iron worker in tao city of Pluladelphm, and the party shall have the privilege of testing a great number and variety of Safes, and if they are not found thoroughly and uniformly drill-proof, L will bind myself to pay the expense of testing them and the:ex pense of publishing theresultof the examination, that the Public may have the bepefit of the investigation; aud if any of my patroms choose in this way to test their own Safes,aud itis found they are not thoroughly drill proof, they shall have a Safe that is, or I will refund the money , ,• , . • V - 1 would state, also* that I have just received oncof Evans & 'Watson* sioiddle*sized Safes which was opened and robbed at Gettysburg, Pa., last summer, by the rebels, (I am.informed in less thau five rniumes,) by cuttii gout a panel in the ,top of the Safe with an old axe, not disturbing the lock in thB least; and this is a modern Safe which the writer now offers as a mercantile safe and an improvement to,the sample of Lillie's Safe which he has on exhibition. * Parties interested are par ticularly requested to examine this Safe, that the cam.? parative merits may be fully understood.; I would also state that when the writer made the attack last winter, asserting that Lillie’s Safe was neither fire nor burglar-pr. of, I challenged him to,test with a drill his or E. & W. ’s Safe with Lillie’s, giving one* half ad vantage in time and labor. Did he respond? Not at all. Aud i now say that one of Lillie’s and one of Evans & Wataou’s Mercantile or Bank Safes shall be selected from those now in use of similar size, cost, and character, and a respectable sum shall be pledged that, with the KBine meaus and the satne amouut of labor. Lillie, or his agent, shall drill or grind through E. & \Y, ’g Safe in one-tbird the niae that ihe writer, or his agent, shall drill or grind through Lillie’s. : But to give a safe-maker six hours, with unlimited power and Übor, to grind a hole through a bate-door, is simply: preposterous*. Blit when the writer is disposed to have iig safe fairly tested by the side of Lillie’s, his success will entitle him to public confidence. In conclusion, I wish to impress upon the reader the following points: As has already been shown, a. aafa to be hnrglar-prooLmnst be drill proof; that a hole through the door into ihe lock is fatal. The . door, must ' be of sufficient strength and thickness to hold the lock in position, and the lock so attached to tho door that it cannot be driven or forced with a jack-screw from its position 'flip lock* must bo so constructed that it can not be. Picked .by the., micrometer or any other ap ullTnces y >* *•* .• Tho oiuer surface of the Safe should bo entirely froe from wrought iron. There should not bo even a rivet that any cutting implement can effect; but the wrought iron sfiouUi be < n the inner surface to sustain the chilled irou on the outer. : AU these advantages Lithe s Chilled Iron: Safe possesses thoroughly and substan tially. and all parties interested aro particularly re quested to call at iny Depot and examiuo for themselves. jil. o. bAiiuhit, Agent, . tNo. 31 South SEVENTH Street; P S —Since writing the above I notice in the Sunday its order and i» dua maa. SAJ>LERi AgMt ,_ machinery and iron. , PEN STEAM - ENGINE ' StMM* AND BOILER WORKS. -NEAFTE & LBVY, PRACTJCALAND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MA CHINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACKSMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having for many years been in successful operation, and been exclusivelyongaged inbaildiugand repairing Marine and River Engines,high and low pres sure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, &c.,-*c., respectfully offer their services to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for engines of ail sizes, Ma- Tine, River, and Stationary; having sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared, to execute orders TVith quick despatch." Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low-pressure, Fine, Tubular, and Cylinder BoUers, of the best Penn sylvania charcoaliron, Forgings, of all sizes and kinds; \ Iron and Brass Castings, of all descriptions; Roll-Tarn iug, Screw-Culting, ana all other work connected with the above business. , ■ ' V ' .. V , . ... Drawings and specifications for all work done at this establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. ..... The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boats, whore they can lie la perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, rails, So., &c., for raising heavy or light weights. * ■ JOHN P. LEVY, BEACH and PALMER Streets. J. VAUOHAK MERRICK. JOHlf B. COPE. QOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, O FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, - - PHILADELPHIA, HERKICK A SONS, ■’ ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, . , - Blacufaeture High and Low Preaure Stoam Engines, foi land, river.&nd marine service, ■ Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &o.; Cast ings of all kinds, either iron or brass. . , „.. fv» n-fracoe Koofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Ball-. Toad Stations, &c, • ltl , , , . Beiorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most im ptoyj d construction. . ■ „ _ „„„v. a . Evtry description of Plantation Machinery .each a* Sugar,* Saw i and Grist MttW, Vacuum Paw, Onea Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Panning Sob agents for N- Rillleux’s Patent sugar parai us \ Nesmyth’s Patent Btoam Hammer, and Aspin wall & Wolsey’a Patent Centrifugal. Sugar Drajnjag Mflri ina. ■■■■ ~ ■■•■■■ M&MStfS”' *" W TOOTED—3OO AGENTS TO £.ELL ’ ’ .natural WEATHER WDICA'i’CS. Thoughloan junt introduced, hundreds attest to its ac curacy fn foretelling changes uf the weather from dry to' Wet, audjjfce verfta. It inU r--*ts the scholar and the man of science, ami nwakous admiration In thn minds of all who witness ita wonderfnlfunctloks sUdUstaga stamp for circular and particulars, or call anon * JHHSttEE, COOK. & no 00 Hortk FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, !<a. WAITED—A YOUNG MAN, ABOUT *t eighteen, who has forae knowledge of business la . a Wholesale Sfofe. Address 0. M. f \Presa office. ■U* • WAHTEB-A FIRST CLASS WOOD- T V BTER. at CAMDF.iY WOOEMEf MIDI,, Camden, K J Roue but of sober steady habits need apply. ja7-3t WANTED—fi COLORED. WAITER, TI with good reference, at 000 Sorth FECrAD Street. , ■- ■ ' . . Je7-3t* WANTED—A SITUATION BY A "Tf. young man as' AssiEtjiht Bookkeeper,-,Clerk, or Salesman. Can give good c&y and country references. Address ‘* 8, M .rr&fl9 office, jo7>dt , WANTED TO PURCHASE —AN IN- M , TEUEB Tin a WHOLESALE DRUG HOUSE. Ad dress “ Drugs, u Box 3343 P. 0. jefi-ft* WANTED— i LAD 0 AB OtfT 16 : years of age in a FORWARD3NO: HOUSE. Ad dress Box 909 P. 0, jo6-2t* "WTANTED—BY A YOUNG' MAN * * well known by the BOOfCTRADE, a responsible position in a good house in either the West or Worth west; Address, for one week, “Northwest,” Pre.99 office- . , ' ~ jeS-fit* WANTED—BY AN ELDERLY MAN *T a SITUATION as Collector, Agent, or Book keeper. Reference—the Firm with whom he is at pre scntengagcd. Address “E. J.,” 80x2005P.Q. je6-3t* WANTED—A BOY IN A WHOLE *T SALE Dry Goods Store, to.learn the business. Ad dress Box 2524 Post Offico, in handwriting of appli cant. je-l-Bt* Son non to s3o,ooo.—two young MEN, who can control a trade of %4C0,Q00, desire to form a copartnership with a man having a capital of from $20,000 to $30,000, and who will keep the books and do the financiering, for the purpose of dealing in Silks and Fancy Drv Goods. Address, with real name, JAMES WARMER, care Union Ho tel. jo7-st* <rjjf*n A MONTH!—I WANT AGENTS t|pUv/ a a month,expenses paid, to sell myEVER LASTING PENCILS, ORIENTAL. BURNERS, and 13 other articles,' Fifteen circulars sent free. Address apS9-d3fW3m JOHN F. LORD, Biddeford, Maine. WANTED—TO PURCHASE OR JSaiLEASE,,for a term of years, within easy distance or New Yoirk, oitfter in Sew York State, or New Jersey, or Pennsylvania, a •••••• BUILDING* SUITABLE FOR A FACTORY. Motive Power (witter preferred) must he from 100 to ICO horse-power.- . Communications, with fall particulars, addressed to Box 5f139,--NewVorkP. O. je?-ot* CAYALBY HOBBES WANTED, War. -Department, Cavalry Bureau,. Office of Chief Quartermaster, Washington, D. C., Mavis. im. THRERTHOUSAND (3,000> HORSEs WANTED. . OWE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE ($165) DOL* LARS per head'Will be paid for all CAVALRY HORSES '.v delivered within the next thirty (30) days at the Go vernment stables at Giesboro, D. G. Said Horses to he sonnd in all particulars, notless than five (6) nor more than nine (9) years old; from fif teen to sixteen hands high, fall in flesh, compactly built, bridle wise, and of size sufficient for cavalry purposes. ’ . These specifications will be strictly adhered to and rigidly enforced in every particular. Payment made on delivery of seven (7) and over. JAMES A. ERIN, my2o-lro . Lt. Col. & C. Q. M. Cavalry Bureau. ; COMMUNICATING AND ; SINGLE -.V BOOMS FOK : PERMANENT AKD TRANSIENT BOARBEBS, OOP -WALNUT Street. . ie7-3t* DOARDING.— I TWO SECOND-STORY M rooms TO LET, at 133 North TENTH St. je7-tf ROABDING—ON DUY’S LANE, GER -*J MANTOWS, sixth hog?e from station. je7-Ht : ROABD.— TWO COMMUNICATING AJffiooms vacant, No- 1315 WALNUT Street, je3-6t« ROABDING —TWO CHOICE BOOMS J-f vacant in a few days, at 1403 WAXNTJT Street, Also, two on second floor, with private bath rooms. je2-6i* COUNTBT BOABD.—FOURGENTLE yy MEN can be accommodated with two fine Booms, with partial Board, in. a private family, about'l2 miles from the city. Accessible hourly by steamboats and cars. Good fishing and boating. Address “3L,” at the office of this paper. . : je6-2t* PIB S ONAL SPOONS PLATED A with Pure Silver on white metal,’ $1 per set, 916 RAGE Street. je7-2t* PERSONAL:—-JEWELKY SENT BY A MAIL PEEK OF POSTAGE to any part of the Dnited States, on receipt of the following prices: Single-stone imitation Diamond Bing, $1 Cluster imitation Diamond King, $2; Heavy Plated Vest Chains, $1; Magnificent Plain King, $1; Heavy Plain Rings (will stand the strongest acid), 60 cents; Small Round Black Enameled liar-Drops, 60 cents; Heavy Plated Black Enameled Sleeve Buttons; 25 cents; dents’ Pins; imitation dia mond, $1; Imitation Diamond Studs, slr Bracelets, $1; Handsomely-chased Medallions, $1; Complete^Sets Carbuncle Studs and Buttons, $1; Complete Sets Black Enameled Studs and Buttons, with-pearl setting, $1; Fancy "Watch Keys, ?0 cents; Pen and Pencil, with ex tension casei $1; Ladles’ Long-Ganrd land • Chatelaine Chains, 81? Ghatelaiue Pins. 81: Genuine Gutta Pereha Chains,-$1; Ladies’ and'Gents’ Miniature Pins, for likeness or hair, $1; Seal Rings, $1; Locket Rings, $2; Coral Armlets, §oceats. & MiNNi No. 91G RACE Street, Philadelphia. QA.MUEL MAROT, DEALER IN LIMB, O BUILDISO STONE, and GOAL. Yard, NINTH Street, above Thompson, (west side.) Orders received by 'William Marot,, Jr., SIX Spring Garden street; Chas. H. Marot, 25 N. Sixth st. (second Story), and 6. Marot, 434 Chestn-ut st. (second story). N, B—An experienced Salesman wanted/ my3Llm* ORPHANS’ COURT SALE?— . r V./ Estate of MICHAEL CROUSE, dee’d. : . By Virtue of an order of the Orphans’ Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, will he exposed to public sale, by M. THOMAS & SONS, auctioneers, on TUESDAY, June2S, 1564, at!2o’clockM., at the Phila delphia Exchange, all that two-story briek messuage; and lot of ground, situate on tbe north side of Mount Pleasant, street, in! the Twentieih ward of the city , of Phiiadelabia; containing in front on Mount Pleasant street eighteen feet six inches, and in depth one hun dred feet, more or less.- Bounded on the north by ground of on the south by Mount Pleasant street, on the east hy ground now or . late of Louisa Book, and on the west by ground now or late of George Bedweli. (Being the third house from the corner of Market and Mount Pleasant streets, in the nian of Mor ris City, and being the same premises which John. Ris tine and wife, by indenture dated March 14, 1853, re corded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book T. H., No. 6S, p. 456, &c., granted and conveyed unto said Michael Crouse, in fee.) JOHN M. HALL, Administrator c. t, a., je?-t2S No. 14:37 North THIRTEENTH Street f\lh STOCKS FOR SALE.—SOO V/ shares Great "West era Oil Co., 500 do. Watson Pe troleum Oil Co. , CHAS. M. SCHOTT, je3-3t* Stock Broker, 319 WALNUT Street. A VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY -£*- FOR SALE, Chester county, Pa. Apply to H. D. FLING, £I7MARKET Street. ; ■ : je7-st~ Tf'Oß SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR A CITY PROPERTY OR MERCHANDISE, 4 valua ble LOTS in Atlantic City.. GEORGE N. TOWNSEND, jel-6t* 133>£ South FOURTH Street. npo B E T.—FIRST FLOOR AND .A No. 41 North FIFTH Street. Inquire on premises.; . je6-3t* Mfor sale—a cottage, new Dwelling, situated pleasantly,near Judge Kelley’s, MANTUA. . Lot 50 by 175 feet. Price £5,000. Apply to __ ROBERT MAC GREGOR, je7 4J.9 WALNUT Street. M BABE CHANGE FOR THE COAL BUSINESS. For Sale-Property (935) North NINTH Street, above Poplar. Capacity for doing.a large business. Immediate possession given * je6-6t* -m. - FOR SALE —A DESIRABLE ■fi&Country Residence, .two squares from Tioga Sta tion, Germantown Railroad. Apply to T. L. LITTLE FIELD, on the premises? • . . je6-st* f * T O RENT —A FIRST-CLASS .STORE, Ho. 639 ARCH-Street, below Seventh; Sve .•dories high by ISO feet in depth, now occupied by Via Viti.Possession can be given immediately. Apply to MATTHEW KEWKIRIC office Ho. 320 WALNUT. Street. . -■ . je6-3t* H TO LET-COTTAGE S AT ATLANTIC CITY, CAPE MAY; MARCUS HOOK, BURLINGTON, . FKaNKFOKD, : LINE LEXINGTON, GERMANTOWN, ABINGTON, &c., &c. GEO. N. TOWNSEND & CO.,' je4-6t 133>g South FO ORTH Street. ££l‘ 'FOR SALE—A SUPERIOR FARM, 3u' contaiDinc llOacres, situated da the BALTIMORE CENTRAL RAILROAD, half mite from West Branch station, 3X miles from Oakford bdrough. Improve ments, atwo-and-a-bftlf-story brickdwelling, fourteen ’tooms; tenant house, tea-house, and all necessary out building., Apply to ROBERT MACOEEGOE> It *l9 WALNUT Street. m FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE,—A large number of farms in the adjoining counties convenient to the city Also, a large number m the States of New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland- • ... Persons wishing to purchase first-class Farms, either for an investment or for their iwn use, wonld do well to call and examine ray register of farms boforepnrcha- Ri nr elsewhere Apply to B- PETTIT, 333 WALNUT Street. *w for sale—a gray horse. jCKSS- Inquire of J. B. MILLER, : je-l-StV N. E. cor. TWENTIETH and FINE Streets. ■VTOTICE—THE SUBSCRIBER'S i-1 have this day entered into partnership for the term of one year, for the manufacturing of Military Accoutre ments and other leather work, under the name and firm -of A. A. GILBERT* CO^. :: rnn.APEi.miA,. hi ay 20,1564. je6-3t niSSOLTJTION.-THE COPARTNER xJ SHIP existingbetwean the subscribers, under the name aid Btyle of BROOKS, SCOTT, & do., ia this day dissolved hy mutual D, BROOKS, ! JAS. W. T. SCOTT. Philadelphia, May SI, 1564. > COPARTNERSHIP. v The x nderßigned have this dar formed a Coparluer sh)p for the transaction of the DRY -GOODS COMMIS SION BUSINESS, at 109 CHESTNUT Street, Philadel phia, nndor the name and Btylo of BROOKS, SCOTT, & graVz. EDW. D. BROOKS, JAS. W. T. SCOTT, BDW. GRATZ, Jb. June I,IS&i. je3-6t-m3t tjyl dtiyls I'M MISS M. A. BAKER, «(»& C Ko. 1346 CHESTXra-STKEET, Haß opened a iaree assortment op PARIS MILLIKERT; - »pl3-Bm* For the Sprtngand Summer or ush T EAMY’S CLOTHING HALL,No. 836 Li MARKET Street. GENTS' FINE CLOTHING. Leamy's, Ho r 838 Marketed»^ hSoMb i e Clothing. ■ Leamyis, No. 886 Market order. ; Loamy’s, No. SB6 Market sOoet. Loamy's. No. BS6 ar^Jy*, t, '|.|o 0 y Cassimore Suita, Leamy's, No. 536 Mavlrm Boamy-s, No. S3B Mar|et u? «reet. d BoyB , cmMbk . • Ready-made and made to order, JOHNC. LBAMY, No. 836 MARKET Street, 166-121* First door below Ninth street. WILLIAM M. UERHIOK. TTN^HESTIONABLY ' THE BE S T U suited to the wants of the masses, REIMER’ft Co lored Photographs for $1; fine quality, accurate, Uke nesses, moderate charges. SECOND Street, above Green. : . "" • • - . .. - . ■ *t .. CPLENDID PORTRAITS MADE O from life, or Amhrotypes of dpceiuio<i persons, at B. P. REIHEK'S. 824 ARCU Street. Sfaporh stylos life* sue r&otoiwMtaoU col®m. vr WANTS. BOARDIJV6. PERSOJfAI. for saie md jo let. copartnerships; JHIIEINERY 600 HS. AJUUSEMESTTS. (LBOYER 1 8 NEW OHESTNUT- V, STREET THBATBB. LEONARD GROVER* MANAGER (Also Of Grover’s Theatre, Vr'^hiK^ovT^O) THE COOLEST AND MOST COMFORTABLE THEA* TRS IN AMERICA. Si'Coni Night of th|Orznd f of th. Or ihe Birth of Canid ini he u ' BOWER OP PERNS, and «.«•* whose irrfmitable impersonation of AIRS. PLtITO wan the deligi.’t last evening of one of the' most CROW OED AND FASHIONABLE AUDIENCES Of the Season. The New and Beautiful Scenery—Tho EJega’nf OcVttrtm* ~The Aston i«hing Fairy TransforirmtiOD*—The Grand Drill,- by Forty L‘U-n| Beanttful xairj jmncpK- -Tfie 3Ne\v Local Sconesf WON 'I HE lIEOtTfEST APPIKK'Afi from tlm entire an dionre Tliffpiecr! „- m be nilSiUimsii v) Ev EMffO, Jens 7ib, 7851, BANCOrI.A MAffOtA, Br ■_ . . • U'ULK MEDIA,.’ Premier l>an«aw K-jmnpal EnropwUi PRIC.BS fV ADMISStMf Brasa Circfe or Parallel.— Fair.iTr Circlf /emttj Circle ■ Sis of the Front Benches roily are reserved as OrohS tra Scats. .Ho extra ct> rge for securing. GJV/saD FAMILY OS SATURDAY AFTERTfbOK When tlis e)jfem>Spcct3wrtilar Play of * ' THE SWVM' SISTERS "Will be presented—makio# tho Greatest Pay Perform ance ever tritnessed in PMJitdcipcia, at the ns-aul Ma tin 6e prices. ~ Tt/TES. JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCH «*■ STREET THBATBE. FIFTH WEEK OF FRANE'frBW. pEank drew nr three ohabactbes. TO-NIGHT, TUESDAY, JnnaTi-MM, rfASoy Ajriy, « Handy Aistiy, yiith poaar- ............. MOm , JACQUBx Mons Jacques. .Frank Drew. To cnnclnde with the roarinir ferde, THE DUTCHMAN'S GHOST. Haas Barth.;--.i..■ ----- Dr gw FRIDAY, STDAKT ROBSOK’S BESTBMf. IJHE EVEHT OF THE SEASON. A PRESENT FOS ETERYBC3T, GREAT GIFT. ‘ VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT!!' AT Tmr ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, . TENTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS, o* THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY EVENINGS, - . June 9ih, IDtli, and'TUh, ISM. m~ A PORTION OF THE PROCEEDS will he d<ms» led to the U. 8. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION. NOTICE THE MAIN FB'ATUBES-bftnls ENTERPRISE. BOTH HALLS ENGAGED FOR THE PURPOSE One for the' DISPLAY' OF GOODS, S,AJ,I . O'r TICH^TS, AND DISTRIBUTION OF I 'PRESENTS. The other ;LaKGI3 IXALL) FDR THE ENTERTAINMENTS, The rrebeata coaeist of PIANOS, watches; SILVER WIRE, * , » , ' JEWELRY, Ana many other valuable articles. . EVERY PURCHASER OP ATEICKET Will receive oneo? ibe SPLENDID JPRESEHTfr AT THE TIME OP POECJnSiIfO. I*o presents ef less value thaa~ ONE DOLLAR, 'AT* , TH*l? ■ IJpnal Retail Prices, Will be distributed. All the , AVAILABLE TALENT IN THECITY Has 1)6613 engaged for the euUrtaintneßt. The public are invited to call and view tfctrgooda to b* presented on and after .. MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 6tsv At which time ... THE SALE OR TICKETS ■ A>~D ‘ . DISTRIBUTION OR PRESENTS* Will commence'. The Concerts will commence on - THURSDAY EVENING. JUNE gWR. Afc, S>4 o’clock,' With a grand Overture by . BIRGFELD'S CELEBRATED BAND. TICKETS. ‘ ENTITLING TO A PRESENT, AKD ADMISSION TO TBE ENTERTAINMENT, ONE DOLLAR# To be had only at the Hall. 'WALN-TJT-STREET 'TfiEATR®.- "T : ; SUMMER SEASON. ‘ ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. Re-engagement of the able, young, versatile Actress, . LUCILLE WESTERN, LUCILLES'WESTERN, Who, assisted bv MR, W. H. WHALLF, F, - '■ Ana the entire Company, will appear on MONDAY and TUESDAY EVENINGS, June 6th and 7th, in EAS*T LYNNE, OR THE ELOPEMENT. -mcillb westers, Archibald Carlisle. .....Mr, W. H. WHALLBY. TYAIT RICE’S GREAT SHOW,' NOW ■A/ open, for one week only, on%ie ACADEMY OF MUSIC LOT,- • JUNES, 1361. Performance every afternoon and evening, commenc ing at % o’clock and 8 o’clock. Doors open half an hour earlier. This immense Troupe is under the direction of DAN RICE in person,.with the co-operation of Sirs. DAB RICE, assisted by , the eminent American -Bqaemes, Prof. S. Q.' STOKES and Lady, and by the famous Eng lish Animal Tutor, Mr. HENRY COOKE, with Ms tronpe of EDUCATED DOGS and MONKEYS, from Paris and London. - % . Mr. Sice will introduce the blind talking horse EX CELSIOR,‘Jr., the wonder of the woTid; also the CO .MIC MULES, andthegreatßocky Mountain BUFFALO, all trained by the Prince of Humorists, Dan Rice. Admission only 25 cent?; Reserved Seats, 50 cents. Remember; one week only. je6-6t xr(sw OPEN—THE FORTY-FIRST ANNUAL EXHIBITION OP PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURE, at the PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OT THE FINE ARTS,: CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth. Open from 9A. M. tUI7P. M. , and from 8 till 10 In, the -evening. BXCUKSIOVS. 'ELIGHTFUL SUHf — - -* EXCURSIONS. ' lake Ontario, Saguenay Elver,. The'Thousand Islands. Portland, - TheKapidsofSt. Lawrence White Mountains, River, . : Saratoga Springe,. Montreal, &c., &c., Quebec, he. , sc. - Tickets for the above Excursions, which have bees so long and favorably known to the Philadelphia Pub lic, by various routes to Niagara Falls, for sale at the PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA RAIROAD TICKS? OFFICE, northwest corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, where full information will be given. N. TAN HORN, Ticket Agent . JOHN'S. HILLES, General Agent, ■. THIRTEENTH and CAL&) WHILE Streets mylO-tnthstjyl IMPOBTiITNO.- —==i ON AJY.D ABATER MONDAY, SB ,6th, 1864, : Passengers from Philadelphia, Wilmington, or Balti* more to SEAFORD, LAUREL, DELMAR, OR SALISBURY* ■will be required by the Military Authorities to PROCURE PASSES AT WILMINGTON. Failing to do this, they may be detained by Provost- Guard at Seaford. An officer will be at WUmingiosr Depot for the purpose of issuing these passes a sufficient time before the Salisbury train, leaves. Passengers front Philadelphia for the'points named should attend to thi» immediately on arrival at Wilmington, and avoid do- E. a BE WALL, 3b... Superiifendent Dei. R. R. . 5e4-tf Jane 2.1554. WE S T JERSEY C HA NG E^OF'TIME, R CO M MENCING ■ .' ■ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1.1864, V ' ■From WALNUT-STREET? PIER, iot CAPE MAY, At 6 A.‘M. and 3.30 P. M. For Salem, Bridgeton, &c., 9 A. M., 4 P. M. Toar Glassboio,BA.M.,9 A.M.,3.30#. M., 4P.M. For Wood bury, Gloucester,'&c.,afc 6 A. M., 9 A. M., 11 A. M., S.3GP. M.,4P.-*M.r6. P. M. - ’ ...BETDRNING TRAINS LEAVE S Cape May, 5.30 A. M.,3.15P. ft.- Millville, V. 36A.iL, 5.50 r. M. lalem,-6 -A. M. Bridgeton, 6. U A. H.,1.30F. ML. TRAINS ARE DUE From Cape May, 10 A. M., 8.30 P. M. From Salem, Bridgeton, £c., SIS A. M., 330 P. M. Frost Glassboro, Ac,-, B.IS And 10 A. M., 8.30 and B.BDP. Sf. From Woodbury, &c., 7.5 Q, B.IS, 10 A. 51.,• 3.30,-6.45, ,and 3. SOP. U, k ■ - -The' - WEST -'JERSEY. EXPRESS. COMPANY,.Office 4 WALNUT Street,- LUDLOW; FLEMING, Agent, will call for and deliver Baggage, and attend to all the usual branches of Express business. FOR CAPE MAY. THREE DAILY .TRAINS will be run each way during the Bathing Season, commencing about 20th June. jel-if . . J.-VAN RENSSELAER; Superintendent. NOTIGE.—OK AK3>; AF WEDNESDAY, June. Stfc,.!£&*, FERRYBOATS will commence running from SOFTH STRKET WHARF across the Schuylkill. Passenger for Woodlands, Almshouse, and Darby road, by taVlng the Lombard and South-street cars can now.all points in West Philadelphia, and return by .thia route. ; je7;3i* FOR ALBAN Y. AND. TROY •lus&bSS* -VIA DELAWARE ‘AND . RARITAN CAN AL. —The barge HAPPY RETURN, Captain He Wil liams, is now loading at first wharf below SPRUCE. Street, and will leave fortheabove points on WEDNES DAY, JuueSth, at6.o’clockP. M.- For freight, which will be taken at reasonable rates, apply to D. L. SLaNAGAN. Agient, j€6-St* - . 304r:S. DELAWARE Aweuus. MBS, JAMES BETTS’ CELE- V BRAYED SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES, and the only Supporters under eminent medical patronage. Ladies and Physicians are respectfully requested to call only os Sirs. BETTS, at her residence, 1039'WALNUT Street, Phila., (to avoid counterfeits.) - Thirty thousand invalids bavebeen-advised by theirphysicians to use hex appliances. Those only are genuine bearing the United States copyright; labels on the box, and signatures,and also on the Supporters, with testimonials. oclS-tathwtf THOMSON’S LONDON KITOH <SSg ENEH, OR EUROPEAN RANGE, for families, ■BOLhotels, or public institutions, in,TWENTY DlP ir3-~FERENT SIZES. Also, Philadelphia Ranges, Hot-air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Lowdown Grate*, Fireboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, StewAole Plates, Broil ers, Cooking Staves, Sc., at-wholesale and retail,-by the manufacturers f THOMSON, . mhl-tntbsSm No. 209 N. SECOND Street. f WRITTEN AOT) YERBAIi De scriptions of Character, Constitution, and Ta lent, with ADVICE on Business, Health, Educa tion, Self-improvement, Management,and Train ing of CHILDREN, social adaptation Sc-* *** and evening, by _ ■ , JyH» L vAPEN, Phrenologist and Bookseller, mhl9-stnth No. %5 S. TENTH-Street,above Chestnut. C&&~) LADIES TRUSS AND BRACE V. STORE—Conducied by Ladies, TWELFTB Street, first door below Race. Every article in thei, lineelegant, easy, and correct iu make, . 0.11. ti RU BLES, Proprietor, attends to Gontiemen, on the corns, of TWELFTH: and RACE Street,. N. B.—Professional accuracy insnred. . ; ' my4-Bmlf y-w MONEY TO AMY AMOUNT 1 LO ANED upon Diamonds, Watches, JewaU A ry, Plate, Clothing, at JONES Sf CO. • W W Old Established Loan Office, comer THIRST and GASKILL Streets, below liombard. apll-Smw TURTLE AND CLAM SOUP- up DAILY (Sunday^ Putnaiu'e Horse NMle; Locke's Bckool Sirota OoS? BraM. aud Iron Wlrej Cotton Cavils AUo?a ftllaseortment of American Hariwara. faV.Smtt A UGTJSTIN MOST RESPFaffiTFHJiLY 1\ tafortne Ms bind patrons that ha. a,, REMOVED from Snnsom street to 1105 WALN fft Street, whera be hopes by Btrict attention to,merflia.contittuanoa of their favors as heretofore. o ' jel-wfmlt'* Tj'DWABD L. BROWN, IRON FOUN- Jj TEE,- MARKET-Street, abovr,,Tiurty.first. Phila delphia. All orders for iron Carifings promptly filled. je3-6t* ■ . .- .. . : ,■ : ----- TTNITED STATES 4SO EUROPEAN' 311 . r TWENTY-FIYB'DOiLLARS REWARD. A —T.OST afiOLITAIBEDIAMOND RlNG, % iaCheet« snt street, between and Thirteenth stress; _Th* almre reward will be given tko person retnrnin* it to 1315 T.OP.UST Stratti. , 301-3 - VjrfHST PHILADELPHIA RAG YV STORE, S93a MARKET StreeV The hlahest MarkeflMccwrl for M Cotton, Woolen, andiWer Wasteland oil kmda of Metals. jes-Bi. MONUMENTS and grave- JJX ST ONES.—A large assortmentof Grave-S4onAß,<4 various designs, made of the finest Italian and Marble, constantly on hand at the Worked! ADAM STEINMETZ, RXDGX Avenuev belowJgeratk. «twwt. PhiifuJfllTsW*. apya-arow A/TACHTUEHT OIL. —50 BARRELS and m^« 16 South DELAWARE AlfittM. ."Frank Drew.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers