THE Thermometer. APRIL 10, 1863. i APRIL 30, 1861. 12 A D1.•.•12 x. ..8 i.. x i ft a.. .x..... 18 16..•...8 IP. IL 85 66 ........ .69 i 4 B .63 63 Ar WIND. lAD. .ENE NE......E by N NNE....Eby 5.... WSW NAY 1,1863. 'KAY 1. 1864. 6a, it 9 m.... 2 P. N.. N M.....1 ....8 P. N. 64 .43 69 66 3 60 ..x...... 62 WIND_ WIND. WNW ENE.....19W WSW—NWbs , N. .N 3 l cV OIIII,MILITABY EloSPlTALs.—Abont f vie Thousand convalescents from the army 1 1 -.ldt:i n itt e the District Of Columbia and dleasndris. th e Department of North Carolina And V a irg e ln w l expected to arrive in this city within f stud will Ge orge te mong' the different hospi.- n has been appointed. a tale. DH. ellftbe .. contract surgeon and ordered t o o N tli s o d . d tg m , g , t m 3 e u ry ri c O o S tui pt- . tat, and Dr. W. Elwood f ty, has received a smiler spp . o b in o tment. and has been ordere d t o ytr a gefegten. The spited known as the Convalescent will hereafter be entitled the bert-street , ' The fpliOWinglS a complete list of the Army Hos pitals under the direction Of Surgeon John Camp. United States Army Medical Director, Depart ment of the Suequebanna McClellan, Nicetown, L. Taylor, surgeon, U. S. A. Turner's Lane, Twentieth and Norris streets, C. B. Alden. assistant surgeon, U. S. A. Filbert-street, sixteenth and Filbert [streets, S. A. Storrow, assistant surgeon, U. S. A. Satterlee, Forty-fourth and Pine streets, I. I Bayer, surgeon, U. S. V. Mower, Chestnut Hill, J. Hopkinson, surgeon U. S. V cuver, Germantown, 11. S. Schell, assistant SUN geon, U. S. A. Christian. street, near Tenth, B. J. Levis, A. A. surgeon. U. S. A. • South-street. corner Twenty-fourth, S. J. W. Mintier, Sniffles, U. S. V. Citizens' - Volunteer, Broad and Prime streets, R. S. Kenderdine, surgeon. U. S. V. Summit House, Darby road, J. H. Taylor, surgeon, U. S. V. 'York, York, Pa , H. Palmer, surgeon, U. S. V. Hadetegton, Sixty-fifth and Vine streets, George H. Mitchel!, A. A. surgeon, U. S. A. Islington Lane, near Twentieth street, J. V. Pat terson, A. A. surgeon, U. S. A. Camac's Woods, W. lg. Cameo, A. A. surgeon, U. S. A. Pittsburg, James Bryan, swgeoe, U. S. V. The following is a list of the medical officers on duty at posts and camps in the Department of the Susquehanna. John Neill, Burgeon; U. S. V., post surgeon, Phila. delphill. George Hex, surgeon, U. S. V., post hompited, Chester, Pa. J. D. Strawbridge, surgeon, U. S. V., Harrisburg, Penna. T. C. Brainerd, assistant surgeon, U. S. A, post hoepital, Broad and Cherry alieets. N. 0. Parry, assistant surgeon, U. S. A., post hos pital, Harrisburg, Pa. C. Wagner, assistant surgeon, U. S. A., post hos pital, Cham'oersburg, Pa. - W. H. King, surgeon 21st Pennsylvania Cavalry. 0. B. Freeman, surgeon loth New Jersey Volun teers. A. W. Greene, surgeon 186th Pennsylvania Vo lunteers, Philadelphia. G. S. F. Pfeiffer, assistant surgeon 1861 n Pennsyl vania Volunteers, Philadelphia. • • orge Huhu. A. A. surgeon, U. S. A.. Post hosPiial. Camp William Penn. J. H. Kurtz, A. A. surgeon, U. S. A., Camp Oros man, Philadelphia. A. Cheesman, A. A. surgeon, U. S. A., Camp Couch, Philadelphia. W. H. H. Mahler, A. A. surgeon Ti. S. A., Chimp Oadwalader, Philadelphia. W. B. Atkinson, A. A. surgeon, U. 7.5. A., Provost Barracks, Philadelphia. H. Pd. Bellows, A. A. surgeon, U. S. A. A. H. Halberstadt, A. A l surgeon, U. S. A., post Lospital, Pottsville, Fauna. I Luther, A. A surgeon, U. S. A., Heeding, Pe. • Mason. A. A. surgeon, S. A., chief mus tering office, Philadelphia. W. A. Blackwood, A. A. surgeon, U. S. A., Fort NUM% Pennsylvania. •T. Rosetauy, ,g.. surgeon, U. S. A., .Easton, 1 7 811111V11111111), T. R. Beebe, surgeon, U. S. V., Camp William Penn. THE POLICE_ (Before Mr. IL S. Commissioner L lip Smith.] flual Settlement Forgeries. A forgery case of more than ordinary interest le Pend ing before Mr Commissioner Smith, the parties to which have been committed in default of 35-000 bail each to await a final hearing. So far as the facts have been de veloped publicly quite sn interesting case of importance le presented. The prisoners are Police Will ia m hn Welde alias John Otto. Isaac Smith alias B. Blanch, Bichard Maian, Patrick Dunn, and Catharine Dunn. Times parties are charged with implication in forging Austria dement papers. and pasting the same even Major Taggart aid Major Riche. Paymasters. as the volume ones of soldiers discharged from the regular - army in the Department of New Mexico It seems, from the evidence that a man calling himself John titto. called at the office of Paymaster Riche on Anil let. claiming the min of 4410 as being due him from the United States Government. Otto represented that he bad served a full term of enlistment Of five Years in the regular army in New Mexico. as chief bugler of the 93 United Stater Cavalry. Tbe paper which he presented c aimed to be a final settlement of debts. credits, mile age. dm The mosey was paid him, and the applicant departed. It was ascertained the paper was forged. On last Monday, smith. alias Blanch. pretested what proferee d to be his final settlement paper, at the office of Major Taggart, and claimed about $4OO He repro resented him. elf as having served in the regalar army in New Mexico. Alter ebtaining the money he took his deparrore. Lentos. U. S. Nan hal Sharkey, crimes attention had been called to the fact that some forgeries had been pre viously committed speedily got on the track of the par ties. Be arrested Mr. Otto who turned out to be police officer Welde. a resident on Anita street, in the Pint ward. Mr. Blanch was recoanized as lease Smith,an employee in the Philadelphia Navy Yard. and a boarder with the police officer. At first he made a stout denial of the whole elate. but finery he admitted to Mr Sharkey that he had drawn the money, but that he had received the papers from a man named Richard Malan. This person was alto arrested. so well did Mr. S per form die pail in the affair, that none of the parties knew .of earl, othees' arrest uctil they were all brought together. his is the perftction in detective business There is another scene in this interesting act. It seems that on bunday night. a • eek ago from last night, a squad of U. S. Regulars. 4th infantry, passed through this city. from New York. In this body of men was one Patrick Dunn. On Thurtdav last. a gentleman. on en tering it aemaater Taggart". office. discovered some papers on the stairway, where they Led been droppW. by sone one a few moments before. ThesepaPers were presented to the clerks, and, upon being examined by Capt. Bright ly. were pronounced as forgeries. It was not known who dropped them there On Pricey. the following day. a woman called at the office and enquired for some lost Papua She was carefully questioned respectimr them, and nreasntly, to her astonishment. she found nereelf a prisoner On being taken to the office of the Ir. 8. Mar shal. she wee searched by Mr Sharkey. who found Upon her a letter. written by Patrick Dunn. In this docu ment the writer eels forth that he had deserted. ii. S. Deputy Marshal echnyler, who was acting in conjunc tion with Sharkey finally ascertained the whereabouts of Timm They found him at the temporary residence of the woman Catharine. in Cresson'e alley. He WWI. of course, taken into custody. All the prisoners stand committed to await a hearing, to take place in a day or two. Patrick Dunn had been in the regular army. In New Mexico. bet whether he was the one who had lost the papers foul das above stated, Te a subject for future disclosures Catharine has also been in the regular army, for a number of years. as a laundress. [Before Mr. Ald'rman Berner.] nuisance. Jacob Knoll. the owner of considerable property on St John street near Noble. was an Maned at sae ven tral Station. on Saturday afternoon, on the charge of maintaining a nuisance. He Was com claimed of by the neighbors, who charged him with cleansing a cesspool, temporarily, at times, for several months past, and using the inlet of a neighboring sewer as a receptacle. The Board of Health had not siren any authority The law in such cares is pretty revere The defendant was bound over in the ante of WO to 9.ll6WEir at court_ Again Arrested At an early hour on Saturday morning. a poste of police of Lieut. Henderson's Reserve Corps had occasion to make a descent on a house in the southern part of the city. Ivezybody at the place was taken into custody. Among the prisoners was George hia,,on, a deserter from Dar yea's Dew 7 ork Somme& This fellow was arrested 1101310 urns since, in this ci.y. on the su-plcion of being concerned in a robbery. The evidence was scarcely sufficient to holt him on this, 'lnt it was ascertained at ti e ma that be was a deserter He was placed in a cell to await a transfer to the military authorities. Daring the night be escaped, and succeeded in avoiding the police until arrested as above stated. he was safely landed in the barracks, on Saturday evening, to take his chance :or desertion. &c. Robbed In a Car. Sr. Rutherftrd. who arrived from New York on Eiatnr day earning. at Walnut-street wharf. took Dattaafte in a car on Walnut otreet On entering be bad to go through a crowd on theplatform. So me time after this he hap pened tuplaee ble hand on his bosom, and found that a valuable diamond pin had been removed therefrom Robberies on the Demeanors are almost of hourly. occur yeDlte: and as long as conductors permit the plat forms to be crowded. such felony. it must be experts& will be practiced. House Robbed The dwelling of Mr. J. B. Huhn, 1319 Lombard street, was robbed on Frldear night of the BIIM of SIMI A do mestic who had been employed there disappeared sud denly on Saturday moining. Fire Proof Blown. On Saturday morning it was discovered that thedre proof in the counting hones of Messrs. Thompson. Clark. .ll‘ Co.. on South Front street. had been blown open, by the use of gunpowder, note.. time in the night. The doors were for. ea from their ttstenings, the st4ve over turned, and glass sma bed generally Tim c waren obtained a few pennies, some aegara. and wortbi• as rail road scrip or bonds. [Before Mr_ Alderman Dougherty.] Malicious Mischief. Those people who attend to their own business pro perly. wit! out interfering, with that of others, generally escape the annoyance and loss of time they subject them ...lves to by des.rting from this rule. 'Chia was the ease an Is Saturday with a couple of Jerseymen. named Robert Ware and aac B Sty. They were both in a htkrry to reach home The facts. as elicited before the magistrate. are as follows: it seems a woman. living somewhere in Terse,. lad a handsome rocking-chair placed on the side-walk near Market greet e hart She was awaiting transportation with the indispensable article The de fendant. Were. backed his wagon over the curb. though warned that be would smaPh the chair. The crash came. and a police officer. who witnessed the whole affair. arrested Were. At this moment Kay. the driver of another wagon, called out to Were to knock the po lice officer down. For this interference he was arrested. The malt w. t that he was committed in default of $3OO bale to be of future good behavior. Were was held in the trim of MOO to await a further hearing, to take place to-day, at which time the Owner of the rocking-chair will probably appear. TUE COURTS_ Court of Quarter Sessions—Judge Thonip• The session of Saturday was mainly occupied in the hearing of ca. es under writ of habeas corpus. some of them were of special interest The defendant to one of them was charged. under the Ilith section of the penal code, with embezzlement as " agent " It seemed that a young man. a friend of defendant. bad deposited with him BIM and had afterwards loaned the defendant 1100 Of the amount thus deposited. Ma failure to repay w hi c h led to this prosecution on a criminal charge. Mier healting the by Jane Thompson bell not been offence. as &dined by the ac c t of assembly. had not been made oat. and ordered that the defendant be du charged. The cares where die charges are asked for certain children is the House of Refuge were continued. on accountof the absence of one of the counsel The CMS of Aaron Priest, convicted some wooksigo of counterfeiting Wiltberger's • • trade mark" for • ' Bar row's indigo blue." waslargued by David Paul Brown. Ben.. on a motion for a new trial. The motion was held under advi,cinent. In the District court and Court of Common Pleas tha usual Saturday's m o o n lie only were called and dis posed of. LATTER SAO& AT THRYZkOEL 2a' rHIELAraII.PREA /Lip OBWIPSO. Card.— Liverpool. SAIIMIL E. AMOKPILLLATIBLPI 'S& ni BOARD as WADI. BU GS M M H MN. TATHAM }COWIIITTIB 01. THE MONTI& ARS MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OP PELIMADELPIILIL May ise*. //vs .Rtsza« 61 Sul" 6411ftoia WATia.lO ARNIV Bark Ninavah, Sta.:koala, 20 1 da ys s from New Orleans, n ballast to Isaac Bough & Bark Annie & Lizzie (amb) Jamey. 2 days from New YBkEm bmalla Foul Workman &f rCm Key Arenas. With .11111110 to eaptain Behr Belle. Wood 18 days from Havana, with sugar to Geo C Carson & Co - Bebr Carthegena, Kelly, 8 days from New Bedford, with oil to captain. Scbr Rescue. Kelly 3 days from Providence. with mdie to Crowell tr. 001.1131.1: Behr 8 Dikkerman, Berry.B days from Proyldence.with =dee to Crowell & (Hollins, Bark Ann Elizabeth, iorgrave. 6 days from Natanns. With sugar and molasses to Wm. Cummings & Bark Andaman Otis. 17 day* from Bagged Island, With salt to Peter Wright& Sons. Bark idiots, Panne. 9 daps from Cardin's. With sa via tO John Mason Wat s on enal to fromßasis Bark Minnesota, l9 days New O r leans, in ballad to James Devereux & Son. Brig Matilda. (gyred.) Anderson. ll days from 81. Bartel with mdse to Janretche & Lavergne. Brig saranel G. Adams Holland. 6 days from Port - Boyar, in ballast to captain. b . Bohr J & C Bowen. from Fortress Monroe, in a to Tyler o. gebr .7 B austin, Davie. a days from Bestun. In ballast toNoble Caldwe ll . & Co. J Behr Winemore. Wanemore. 7 days from Boston. in ballast to kigniekson & Glover. sballan,x et a to zy Parsons. 8 Jays from Prvli.dsztaa. eirttath. _ froreßmyrea.Del.with S n o o p SP Chats, liowier.l day corn to A* &WHIT & CO. t.t'r C Comstock. Prate. 24 hours from New Tork.with matt to Wm M Baird & 0o St'r Tacony. Pierce. 24 hours from New jock, with ledge to Win M Baird & Co. St'r Ann Richards. SI hours from New York, with mass to W P Clyde. Jae Rend. Shropshire. 24 hours from New York, with aids. to W P Clyde. withmd Fai W h m il d X & B Tr r o d u & 2Co hours from Nee York. CLEARED Steamship Norman, Baker. B BarbadosiMOT & Co. B r i g BB & van (gr. ), Grant. T Wattson & Sons Brig H F Colthirst (Br.) Bmory, Barbados. B A Sander & Co. Fehr Win Mehra*. Haskell, Portland, C A Heasober & Co. Fehr B F Lewis. Wallace, Portland, L Andenried & Schr ./ Tinker. McDonald, Gloucester, do. Behr Mary Frances. Ferric, Norwich. do. Bohr C Merrick, Montgomery. Lynn. W H Johns. Bohr H W Benedict. Ring. Providence. Osalner.Stick nay. & Wellimtton. Bohr Mary Willits. Parsons, Fail River. do. Fehr Saratoga. Adams. Boston, Sinnickson & Glover. Solar Gov Burton. Peacock, Weymonth. do. Schr Sophia Godfrey. Mulford, Providence. do. Fehr .1 WUiiamson. Winsmore. Boston. do. Scbr Michigan. Saunders, Boston, Noble. Caldwell, & Co. Schr Waterloo, Pickering. Boston. Noble. Caldwell. & CO. Behr C S Grove, McKee. Hatteras Inlet, D S Stetson & Co. Rehr W H Dennis. Lake. B Cambridge, Walter & Bro. Rehr Wanderer. Chance. Providence, Camden Rolling Mill Company. Fehr 13 A Taylor, Dukes. Lynn. Hammett, Van Dimon. At Lockman Behr C Williams, Golding. Lynn, X R Sawyer & Co. Scbr Fpokane. Sawyer. Saco. do. Bohr S. Washburn. Thresher. Taunton, Blakiston. Omit & Co. Schr C M Rich. Brien. Boston, Crowell & Collins. Schr a C Reeves. Young. Fort Monroe. Taylor & Go. Ear Kate Kallaban. Henn, do do Far Geo W Krebs, Carlisle. St Mary's River, Md, A Adams Bohr W Kennedy, Christy. St. Mary's River, Md. II A Adams. Behr 0 F Hawley. Smith. Danveraport. Day & HuddelL Fehr H F Saunders. Russell. Providence. do. Solar S V W Simmons, Steelman, Salem. do. Si r J S Bhrlver. Dennis. Baltimore. A. Groves. Jr. St'r Hope Warren. New York. W. P. Clyde. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWES. Del.. April 29-4 A. M. A monitor, seven bride. and about twenty sehooners. MOO in last evening fcr a harbor, and remain in the roadstead. The unloading of the chip Sea Crest, and the launching of four schooners which are ashore in this neighborhood, are pcstponed by the wreckers in consequence of the boisterous state of the weather. Wird quite fresh from NW. AARON MARSHALL. WLROAD LIMES. 1864. NEAVINGIIKINTS OF YORK LENBiI. 1864. TES S O HOANDAMBOY AND PHILADILfiIIa AND RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINS__,_S FROM PHILADELPHIA. TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACE& non wAroorry OTRESS Waasr WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—TIE: JANA • At aA- . via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. le- It A. 31.. via ea - niden and Jamey City. Morning st B/. 11., pia Camden and jersey cur. Id Ones 111 it 12 If, via Camden and Amboy. O. and A. As sommodation .. ...... . 21 At I P. M.. via Camden andAmboy. C. and A. Ex press .3 00 At IP. M., via Camden and Amboy. AmoMMOda tton, ((Freight and PS6840111(14. • •••-•• •-•—•-••••• • •••••• 78 it 6 P. N.. via. Camden and Amboz.../011610MOda tiOn. ( Freight and Paesenger)—LA Olaaal M Do. do. 2d Class 110 At 7% P. If. via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion. (Preight and Passenger.) M Olase Ticket... N • 2d Class Tieket. 160 For Baugh Munk, AllentoWn, Bethlehem. Belvidere. Amkali. Lambertville, Elexeingten, at 9 P. IL For Monet Holly. Bwraureille. and Pemberton. at I A. M. 2, and 6P. N. For Freehola at 6 A. M. and 2 P. IL For Palmyra, Riverton. Delano, Beverly, Burling. ton. Florence. Ikxdsrntenrn. an.. at 6 A. .M.. 12 1. MA 6P. IL The and SP. linge ran direst thrilling to Trenton. For Palmyra. Riverton. Deleon.. Beverly. and Bar. Huston. at 7 P. N. Steamboat Trenton for Bristol, Burlington. Beverly. Torreedale and Taeony at 9.30 A. M. and 2 SO P. M. LIMES FROM KINSINOTON DE P OT WILL LUTZ AS FOLLOWS. At 1.90 A. IL alight). via Sanaladon and _Ramie Oily. Wasbnaton and New York at IL 16 A. IL. via Kensington and ISTSIIT City. NE- At L 90P. M. via Kensington and Jersey City, . Dress.... it 6.45 P. M.. via Kensisurtorr sna Jersey City. . . . Wag/tar%oo and llow York Norm • $ OS Sunday Lines leave at Lno L. M. and. 6.40 P. M. There will be no line at 1.60 A. M. (Night) on Mondays. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg. Scranton. Wllkesbarr_ B s, Montrose. Great Bend, Mauch Chunk. Allentown, Beta 'shorn. Belvidere. Easton. Lambertville. Flemington. as., at (7 A. M. This line connects with the train leav ing Beaton for Meath Chunk. at 6.80 F. M.l For Bristol. Trenton, as.. at 7 and UM A. X.. and 6 P. M. • For Holmesburg, Tallowy, Wissonoming, Bridesburs. and Frankford. at 9 A. N. 6. 6.46. and 0 P. N. 'a - For New York and Way streak leaving_ffensint Depot. take the ears on Fifth above Walnut. half an hour before departure. The oars run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train run from the Depot. cr t i' Poun gis 'f ale a lgitbfarfri a g°7.l d th eal ali t t an ything nape but their wearing apparel. All b aggage over illy pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their respowslbilltr for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond WOO, w- Gt by special contract. raham's Baggage Express will call for and deliver baggage at the Depots. Orders to be left at No. Wal nut Street. WILLIAM H. GATZMBR. Agent. April 20,1864. - LIAM FROM NEW YORK FOE PHILADELPHIA. WILT. 'ma rum TOOT OF OONTLANDT STAMM. At 12 M. and 4P. via Jersey City and Camden. At 7 and 10 A. IL 6P. N.. and 12 (Nigitt). via JOIWI/7 and Kenirluicton_ Prom foot of Barolay otroot at 6 A. 11. and 2 P. M., vis I,amboy and Camden. Prom Pier No. 1. North river, at II 81, 4 and BP. X. (freight and passenger) Amboy and Camden. my2-tt PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON, AIM BALTIMORE RAILROAD. G itil E gid ß' ON AM A MONDAY, May 2. 1864. PASSENGER LEA:P.P. PHILADELPRIA FOR Baltimore at 4.30, (Bayne. Mondafe excepted). &Of A AL. 125, 230 and 10.30 P. M. Chester at 8 03,11 15, A. N., La% 2.50, 4. SQ. 6, and 11 F Wilmington at 430 (Mondays excepted), 815, 11 15 A. M. 1.30. 130,4.30. 6,10 30, and H. P M. New Cootie at 8 C 6 A. sr. and 4 eo P. M. Dover at 9.05 A M. and 430 P. M. Milford at 805 A M. talisbnry at 8 (15 A. 83 TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA LE 6.1711 Baltimore at 8.45. 990 A. M. (Rxvreas). 1.10. 6 26, and 7.26 P. M. Wilmington at 6.46. 9 A.M.. 12.24. 1, 1.45. 4. 4.33. 7.30. 9.10. and 11 12 P. M. Salianry at 1 P. M. Milford at 3.85 P. M. Dover at 6 NI A. X. and 4.55 P. X. New Castle at 83 0 A. M. and 6 65 P. X. Chester at 7 38, 9AO A. M .1. 2.39, 4.40, 6, 8.14. 8.40. and 11.46 P. M. Leave Baltimore for gelleirnry and intermediate sta tions at 7 25 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Dover and intermediate shit/One at 1. 19 T. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave CI e.ter at 8.40 A. M . 3. andll.o3 P. N. Leave Wilmington at 6.30, 9.25 A. M., 3.35 and 31.45 P. M. FREIGHT TR/IN, with Pastanger Car attached, Will leave Wilmington for Perryrilleand intermediate places at 7.45 P. 31. MIND /LYS: From Philadelphia to Baltimore only at 4.30 .1..3f and 10.30 P. M. Prom Philadelphia to Wilmington at 430 A. M., 10.30 amd M. P. M. From Wilmington to Philadelphia at 7.30 and 1112 P.M. Only at 7.25 P. M. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. my 2 H. F KENNET, Assist. Sup's. EDUCATIONAL. CRITTENDEN'S COMMERCIAL COL LEGE. BET CHESTNUT Street. corner of Seventh. Established 1844 Incorporated ISM. Young Men fully prepared for tt e Counting Howe and Business Life. THE tiOURSE OF INSFEU iTION INCLUDES Book-heaping in all its different branches. Penmanship. Plain and Ornamental. Commercial Calculations. Business Forms. Commercial Law. Detecting Counterfeit Notes. &c Students instructed separately, and received at any lime. No vacations, but etudente snowed absence during summer months. In the practical value of its well-tried course of in struction. and in real advantages to business men, this institution is unequalled. During the past year nearly see hundreo students were in attendance many of them already engaged in our largest mercantile houses. Catalogue., containing. terms, gc., ft:unlike' gratis. on application. ap2B- It S. U. CEITTINDEII & 00. "[THE UNDERSIGNED DESIRES TO 800013' a few vacancies now existing at a select Hoarding Seminary. six miles west of Carlisle, Pa. Pa rents wishing to leave the city daring the months of July and August. can board with their children. Two Departments Pupils of both sexes and all ages re ceived at any time. Inquire at the Cumberland Valley Depot, at Harrisburg. for Tickets to Greason. Terms tiquite low. Instrumental and Vocal Music taught by e best masters. Circulars obtained of J. B LIPPIN COTT dt CO., 715 lIAIMP.T Street Address, imme diately. C. HIINTINCTON HAMMERS. ap2B Im Plainfield, Cumberland co., Penna. sz LECT FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNO MEN AND SOMA MOUNT JOY. Lao eager county Pa. Session opens oil the ?LW TUESDAY of MOM. ! o r circulars. address ap1.7.2m • R. A. MORRISON, Principal. To EN Is , LY ANI A. COLLEGIATE A.. AND MILITARY INSTITITER ALLSNTOWN. Pa.. charteredbir the state with fall powers and p ivilegea will be opened for Pupils on TOESDAY. Mc" 10th. he Educational advantages will be of the first order. The Military Drill will be incharge of Major BORBA BOWE. of Philadelphia, whore abilities are well known. Build. inn axe spacious. with modern improvements. and will accommodate One Hundred liadets. For *Maulers ad dress Rev. M. L. ROPPORD. A. M. President. atl2-12t pHILAD - Wri .PHIA. COLLEGIATE IN STITIOTN TOS. TONING LeDIV.S. No .1530 ARCH Street. Bey. CHARLES A. EMITS , D. D. , (MA MMON SMITH A. M., Principals. Ninth Year Three departments : Primary Academic, and Collegiate. Mull col en coarse in Classical Mathemh. higher English, and tratural Sclence.lo those who militate. Modern Latmases. hinds. Painting. and Elo. cation by the best masters. For circulars applrat the Insti tute. er address Bon 2111 P. o_,PllllAelelphia,PA apll-Bms MUSIC LESSONS I MUSIC LESSONS I Young Ladies. if you wish thorough instruction in muds, seedial opportunities are afforded at GIELBASOI SIIMINART, six miles west of Carlisle. Best of board. able talahere. Dlassaat home. Address . (I. 111111TINGTON flAtiffl7lllo6,_ gra ]m Plaiaaeld, Camb. so., Pa. BELLEVUE FEMALE INSTITUTE- A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. This Hatton, beaufffuns and hsalthrully located, In the neither& Hinge of ATTLEBOROTSIII, Reeks sans. PS. , Will commence its Spring and Slimmer Term oa the 19th of FIFTH MONTH next. and continue in swim twelve weeks. The source of instruction is thorough and complete is all the Elements _and ht her branehoo of an ENGLISH. CLASSICAL, AND NATEINNATWAL BDUSATION. The French Language Is taught by w BMWs Prom 4 teacher. Hircillars. giving fall partici:dare, may to had on ay e it eet t oo t o th e priseiceac Attleboro:tali P O.t._Thast , county. Pa. ISRAEL J GRANAian. JW, P. GRAHAMS. nibl9 am Frlneina/s. COPARTNERSHIPS. THE I I EBSIGNED HAVE THIS -a- DAY entered into copartnership, under the firm name of J. C. STRAWBRIDGE 1 00.. for the trainee non of the Wholesale and Detail Dry anode Duelnese. at the northwest corner of MOUTH and id &WEST Streets. LEWIS. 0 m WewEAl:ca VER.mas. PHILADILPHIA. March 9, 1884: avarclit THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY PUB DISH the terms of a Limited Partnership, which they have formed In compliance with the laws of Pefin sYlvania. First. The name of the firm under which the said part nerehip is to be conducted is GEORGE V. NEVILLE, Second. The general nature of the business lutes lied to be transacted by the said firm or partnership Is the COMMISSION PRODUCE BUSINESS. Third. The General Partner of the said firm is GEORGE V. NEVILLE. residing at Holmesletr& in the Twenty-third ward of the city of Phlladelphie. and the SPecial•Parteer is JOHN TIIIIIAN. residing at Re Smith Tenth street. In the 010 , of Philadelphia. _Fourth. The said special partner has contributed to fea common stock of the said firm :the sum of Ave thou sand dollars. Fifth. The said partnership shall commence on the first day of 311,1111.77, in the year of oar Lord one thou sand eight hundred and MEW-four a d ball terminate ea the girt Jar of Dece mber . In the . yeltr , of our Lord one thousand eight hund red and sixty-seven. 0110 V. NEVILLE, Witness at *Axing. JOHN WHITER AN. TORY Wens. Log set° DThiSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. munty W. KANAGA having Dnrcbused the in ured, o f TREVOR T. FOWLER and TIITLOW JACK SON, 1.11 the buthrese heretofore carried on in the Girard Nowa muter the style of KANAGA. FOWLER as thisDartnership is hereby declared to be aiesetve4. Ali Nines indebted to the said Arm are requested to Mks settlement with Henri W. /Canna. HOMY W. KANADA. V UT T OW N T ACK W ON. No PHILADELPHIA. JILDril 4. UK apmf 1112 UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS T formed a Copartnership for the earrying on of the JOB- PRINTING Business, under the firm-name of ITIBBN. GRAHAM, & MoPARLaND. 0. NUR& WY. .1", WUHAN, WIC IKOTARLAND. Arm W. 1814. ala‘ SHERIFF'S SALES SHERIFF'S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levee Facies. to me directed, will be ex p_osed to public sal c l oc k, onflict. on MONDAY Evening' , May 2. MI. at 4o' at Sansom-street Hall • No. I. A year y ground rent of seventy - five 'douses Payable by William Hannan. issuing out of a lot of on the south side of Swain street. ninety ogrellllfeed,SeilligUhatteteshee west from Sixteenth street In the rely of Philadelphia; containing in front on Swainstreet eighteen feet. and in depth about elghtY-One feet to Fent- In g,Vettyearly ground rent of seventy.five dollars payable by George S. Masan, issuing street oneot of ground situate on the south side of Swain Min ared an containingight lushes westward from Sixteenth street; ln front on Swain street eighteen feet. and in depth about eighty-three feet to Fenimore street. No 3. A yearly ground rent of seventy-five dollars payable by George S. Main, leering out of a lot of ground situate on the south side of Swain street one hun dred and twenty-seven feet eight inches westward from Sixteenth street; containing in front on Swain Arad eighteen feet, and in depth about eighty six feet to Feni more street. No. 4. A yearly ground rent of seventy-due dollars payable by Charles Jeanee, Issuing out of a lot of ground situate on the south side of Swain street one hundred and forty-Ave feet eight inches westward from Sixteenth etre et; containing to front on Swain street eighteen feel. and in depth about eighty-eight feet to Fenimore street. No. 5. A. yearly ground reel of seventy dollars. pay able by Hobert H. Wilson, issuing out ore lot of ground situate on the math aide of Swain street one bun died and sixty-three feet eight inches westward from Sixteenth street; containing in front on Swain street eighteen feet, and in depth about ninety feet to Fenimore street. .15c..6. A yearly ground-rent of seventy dollars. pay able by George a Bustin, tenting oat of a lot of ground Mutate on the south side of Swain etreet one hundred and eighty-one feet slat inches westward from Six teenth street; containing in front on Swain street eighteen feet. and in depth on the east line about eighty nine feet, and on the West line about seventy-five feet. No. 7. A yearly around rent of seventy dollars. pay able by Hobert H Wtleon, issuing out of 4 lot of ground situate on the South side of Swain street one hundred and ninety-nine feet eight inches westward from Sixteenth street; containing in front on Swain street eighteen feel. and in depth on the east line about seventy-four feet. and on the wind line about sixty feet . No. ft. Aye•arly ground rent of sixty dollare. payable by Hebert H. Wilson, issuing out of a lot of ground situ ate on the south side of Swain street two hundred and eventeen feet eight inches westward from Sixteenth street; containing in front on Swain street eighteen feet, and in depth on the east line about sixty feet. and on the west line about forty-five feet. [D.C. ;M. '64 606. Debt, $7 467. Norris.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William A Reed; :MON THOMPSON, BherifE Philadelphia. Sh fret.ollB3.4pril 20.1864. ap2l-St SHERIFF'S SAL .-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas. to me directed,will be exponed to public sale or -mane, on MONDAY Evening. May 2. 1264. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street All that certain three-story brick mesenage and lot of ground situate on the south side of Redwood stress. two hundred feet westward from 'third. street. In the city of Philadelphia; containing in front sixteen feet. and in depth fort, -nine feet, With the privilege of a two feet wide alley ,• subject to a ground rent of +IL payable drat of June and December. M '64 204 Debt. $24.70. Sorrell Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jonathan P..terson. JOHN THOMPSON. hbertff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. April 9.113.55. apll•at SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Yenditioni Expones, to me direeteot Will be M e to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY NVOIDIig. .May IRK, at 4 o'clock. at Sansometreet Hall. All that certain lot of ground situate on the south aide of York street. seventy-two feet west of Tulip street. in the city of Philadelphia;_ containing in ( hundredork street thirty-four feet. and in depth one and twenty-nine feet elm and onenalghth inches to Gordon street. EWhich said lot William F. Haden et al .by deed dated September 23.1847. recorded in Deed Book A. .. W. M., No. 71, page 407, &c., convened unto Reuben Rainer in fee-reserving a ground rent of AMA C. /". ra. , 214. Debt, Epl7. Taken in execution and to be sold as the prope r t r. of Reuben Zenner JOHN THOMPSON. She Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, April 9. DEL apil-St SHERIFF'S SALE.--BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditionillrpongs. to me directed, will be exposed to pablie sale or Vanden. on MONDIT Eve , ping. May 2, .1504, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot of around situate on the west side of Eighth street two hundred and forty feet northward from Dauphin street. in the city of Philadelphia; con. Seining in front on Eighth street twenty feet. and in depth ore ;hundred and ten feet two and a quarter inches. (Which said let Oh.- Wye. Wharton. trustee. by dew. dated June 23. 1866. recorded in Deed Book H D. W.. No. 90, page 11. he.. conveyed unto Alexander Christy in fee; reserving a around rent of thirty dollars. payable l e t January and July CC. C. P.: 11.. '64. Debt Wharton.) Talton In execution and to be sold as the property of Alexander Christy. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheri ff 's Mee. April 9. WC snit St SHERIFF S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of \rendition'. Expanse. to me directed, will be exposed to pn . blia male or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning. May 2. 1864 , at 4 o'clock, at Sancom-street Hall, All that certain lot of tionnd situate on the Booth wed corner of Seventh and Dauphin streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Seventh 'street eighty feet. and in depth of that width along Dauphin street one hundred and thirty-five feet to Franklin street [Which said lot Mary F. 'Riddell, by deed dated mebruary 1,1862, recorded in Deed Book A. C. R.. No .38. ge 249, conveyed unto Joseph EL Riddell in fee. ye notelet a ground rent of $lBO ] J. H 8. has no interest. CD. a ; M.. '64 211. Debt, S9O 82. Thorn.] Taken in execution and to be mold as the property of Joseph H Siddall. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadellarla, Sheriff% Mee. April 9.-1964. aptl-9t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF e„. , a writ of Venditioni Expense, to me directed will be exposed to public sale or vendee , on MONDA t Even ing. May 2.1864. at 4 o'clock, at Hansom - street Hall, Ail that certain lot of s round. situate on the north side of Dickinson street. one hundred and six feet two inches westward from Normalising avenue. in the city of Phi ladelphia; containing in front on Dickinson street four teen feet eleven inches, and in depth on the east line seventy-seven feet five-eighths of an inch. and on the west line eighty feet two and one-Quarter inches. C Which said premises Samuel H. McFadden. at nr.. by deed dated February Ist, 1860. recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8.. No. 102, page 186. lac., conveyed unto Thomas M. Btellwegren in fee; reserving a yearly ground rent of thirty-seven dollars and fifty ants. P : M '434. 216. Debt. gl9 N). Salter l Taken in execution and to be gold as the property of Thee &I Stellwagen. JOHN THOMPSON. Stterill Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. April 9. Mt apll-St SHERIFF'SSALE.-BY r • TUE OF a writ MVenditioni Expense. to me directed will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Bvening, May 2. 1064, at 4 o'clock. at Baneom-street One-tenth part of the following described three Proper ties: No 1. All that certain messuage and lot of around beginning on the west side of Third street, one hundred and twenty-three feet four and a half inches southward from Raee street. in the city of Philadelphia; thence southward along Third street twenty feet eight and one half ikehes; thence westwardly fi fty-nine feet; thence northwardly two feet six inches; thence westward twenty-one feet; thence northward eighteen feet ten inches; thence eastward seventy-two feet to the oegin ning. Bounded northward by premises No. 2. 21r). 2 All that certain mommage and lot of ground situate on the west side of Third street. one hundred and four feet ten and a half inches southward from Race street; containing in front on Third street eighteen feet six inches. and in depth seventy two feet. Bounded southward by premises No. No. S. All that certain mesenage and lot of ground, beginning at a poet standing at the intersection of the Wissahickon road. now called Ridge avenue. and Turner's lane, In the city of Philadelphia; thence ex ten ding along Badge road north 43 degrees west 89 65.100 Perches to a post; thence by land now or late of Blair MeClenschan.south 703 g degrees west 76 perches to a post, and aural 37 degrees wee, 221-10 perches to a stake, and south 63 degrees west one perch to a post thence by lend late of Godfrey Woelpper south 37 degrees east 34 9-10 perches to Turnees lane; thence along the same north mg degrees east 91 perches to the place of begin- Ling; containing eleven acres 101 perches. IS. C. ; J . '64. 3L Debt: $25,000. Phillips. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George W- Geisee. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. April 9.1864. apll-2t HERI f F'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levarl Facies. to me directed, will be ea -I°;sed to public tale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening _y 2.1864 at 4 o'clock. at &mom.. treat Hall. 45. L All that certain four-story brisk magentas° and lot of ground situate on the southwest corner of Bank and Lombard streets. in the cit. of Philadelphia; con taining In .front on Bank street fifteen feet eight inches, and in depth twenty-five feet. No. 2. All that certain three-story brick messiness and lot, of ground. situate on the west side of Bank street, fifteen feet eight liichee southward irons Lombard street containing in front on Bank street eleven feet eight inches. and in depth twenty-five fest No 3 All that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the west side of Bank street twenty-seven feet four inches southward from Lombard street; containing in front on Bank street thirteen feet eleven inches, and in depth twenty-five feet No • 4 All that certain three. story brick messnage and lot of ground situate on the south side of Lombard street, twenty. five feet westward from Bank street containing in front on Lombard street twelve feet four inches, and in depth fortv , one feet. No. 6. All that certain three-story brick mesensme and lot of ground situate on the south side of Lombard street, thirty. seven feet four inches westward from Bank street: cot taming in fronton Lombard street thirteen feet. and in depth forty-one feet ED. C. M. 164. 661. Debt. $2.248. Gerhart.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Patrick Mulgrew. dece as JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's 0;' a, April 20. 1864, ap22-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed. will be ex- Med to pnblki sale or ',mane. on MONDAY Evening'. May 2. 12U-1, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall • All that certain triangular lot of around. beginning on the south side of Swain street, two hundred and thirty five feet westward from Sixteenth street, in the city of Philadelphia; thence extending southward about forty- Iva' feet nine inches; thence northwestward about seventy-three feet to said Swain street; thence eastward about fifty nine feet to the place of beginning. C Which said lot H. A. Marshall. by deed .dated June 16, 12% conveyed unto William A. Heed in fee 3 ID. G. ;M. ,'64 608 Debt. 81.684 75, Norris. ..1 Taken in execution and to be. sold as the property of William A. Reed. JOHN THOMPeOS, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. April laee4 ap2L-at RHEBEFF'S SALE.-BY VIET I E OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed,_ will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Eyeninge. May 2,1864. at 4 o'clock. at Sansont-street Hail. All that certain lot of ground situate on the north side of Spruce street. thirty-eight feet westward from Twen ty-second street. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Spruce street fifteen feet, and in depth one hundred feet to Mary street C Which said lot James Lynd, by deed dated July 2,1847, recorded in Des& Book A. W. M., Do. 17. page 782, am.. conveyed unto Thomas Stewart in lie, reserving a4round of forty_ five dollars. CD. C.; ,64 557. Debt, $t93.60. Guinea.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas Stewart. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, SherlWe Office, April RS, 1864 ap2l.. 3t SHERIFF'S sAT.E.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditiont Parpoias, to me directed, will be exposed to_ public sale or vendne. on MONDAY Eve ning. May 2. 1664, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All tbat certain lot of ground situate on the wegt aide Of Park street. seventy-tve feet south from Warren street, in the city of Philadelphia ; containing in front on Park street fifty-dye feet, and in depth two hundred Yost. • ED. O.: 11.'64. 'Debt. last en Hever. Taken in execution and, to be sold ae the property of Joeeph.M. Dunnobeir. JOHN THOMPSON, Bhertlf. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Anrll7D. lked- al4l-3t- S HERIFF'S SALE VIRTUE OF a writ of Lever! Facies. to me directed. will be ex posed to public sale or vendee. on MONDAY griming. May 2, 1804, at 4 o'clock, at Elansom-street All that certain two-story stone ressenue, hams barn, and lot of land beginning on the west side of the Ridge turnpike road, in Roxborough. in the city of Philadel phia; thence down the same iIX pecchee and six feet to s corner; thence north 11l deg. 45 mtn. east 54 7-10 perches; thence south. 'l9 deg. 90 win. east 4 perches 12 feet 9 Who.; thence north 61 dog. ettat SS 540 perches; thence north 90 deg 40 min. west 10 040 porches • thence e,nch 02 deg. 15 min, west about 91 Perches to the place of be - Bnning; containing 311‘ acres 35 perches, more or I)ses. ounded by land - of the Roxborough Poor Howse. John Patterson, and others Excepting thereont a tri angular lot seven feet on the turnpike. and twelve feet on the line adjoining Snyder's land [Which said pre mises Aaron Carpenter et al , by deed dated Belabor 18, 1861. conveyed unto Miles Neely la fee.) CD. C.; ' 64. 647. Debt. 411.972.2 A B. A. Mitchell.) Taken in execution and to be sold as tt eproperty of Miles Neely. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, April 19. 1984. ap2.1.-31 SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Vendltioni Ezponan. to me Created Will be exposed to public sale or wade*, an MONDAY Evening. Mem . MM. at 4.o'clock. at Sansom-street Art. L All that certain lot of uound and buildings thereon. situate on the east side of Herrin street. two hundred and eighteen feet nine inches northward from Jefferson street. in the city of Philadelphia; containinE in front on Marvin street fifteen feet six inches, and in depth eastward seventy-seven feet. No. 2. All that brick neseueste and lot of ground. situ ate on the west side of Sixth street. thirtY , twc feet atX and three . quarter inches north from Wager street; con taining In front on Sixth street sixteen feet three and three quarter inches, and in depth ninety-aye feet to a threereet alley. 0. ; J.. 'B4. 4. Debt, 1810,(N10. Clayton 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the _property of John P. Tench JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philada., Merin; Office, a PM S. 1864. apll-dt R,HFBIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF 'L I a writ of Venditioul Dumas, to me directed. will be exposed to public kale or vendee, on SIOND LT Aveninit. May 2. HOC at 4 o'clock. at baneoni-street Hall, All that certaie lot of ground Rituals on the caulk aide of a forty-feet-wide street, (between Lxust and Spruce streets,) one hundred feet east from Fifty-third street. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front twenty feet, and in dap h southwardly eighty five feet (C. C. P,; M. 'B4 206. Debt, $7B 88 Thorn 3 Taken in execution, and to be sold ae tbe_property of Charles Master. JOHN- THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. April 9.1164. awl 3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Tenditioni Reponae, tome directed, be exposed to public sale or vendne„.on MONDAY Eve ning, May 2, 1824. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall. • f a D i l k t k h t e n t svoenr Strne e l L ot o n t ii n e r t o y on on d e si f l ee na t ie tw on o th in e o r e r s th w s e i s d: ward from Moyameneint avenue. in the city of Philadel phia; containing !aft out on Dice Mean street fifteen feet, and in depth on the west line test and flve-eighths. of an inch, and on the east line seventy-four feet one inch and one-eighth-of an inch - C Which said premises Bsmuel H. McFadden et ax,by deed dated tune 6th. 1859, recorded in Deed Book a. D 8., No. Bo. pans 3 24, &c . Conveyed unto Thomas M. StellWaten in ye.; r; nerving a pound rent of en 50 [ O . 0 r• 21 . 364 Ili Debt *l4. M. Salters 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the_propertv of Thomas M Stellwagen, JOHN THOMPEIOrt, &tariff. El4l44olvillit. §inalre QX4ce, eßill 9,1.0%. 004-0% THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA., MONDAY, MAY 2, 1864. SHFRIFF'S SALk-- BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Facisa, to me directed, will be ex irto pubic sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. 2, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at *sworn. street Hall. All that certain three story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the northeasterly side of Somerset street and southeasterly side of Diamond (late Coral) street. In the city of Philadelphia: cOntainlna in front on Somerset street sixteen feet, and in depth along Dia mond street eighty feet, more or less CD. 91 . '64. 616. Debt. 817 93. Zane.] Taken in execution and to be cold as the property of Thomas Stewart. owner. JOHN mitompaoN, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. April 19. 1861. apelAt SHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni directed will be exposed to public sale or vendee. on IND Ay l i ven i ng . Mal 2. 1864. at 4 o'clock. at Sancom-street ground certain three-story frame messuage and lot of situate on the sontheastwardty corner of fdelvaie (late Larch) street and Toronto (late Palm) street. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Toronto street twenty feet. and in depth one hundred feet. [Which said lot lilt S. Price et nu., by deed dated April 28. 1847, recorded in Dead Book O. W 0 No. 11_ niga 602. coirveyed unto Nathan Wightman, reserving a ground rent of $26, Payable first of January and July. [D. a • 21. 64.606. Debt. $lO2 67. Robins./ Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John G. Gaining and William B. Wightman JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelshic, Sheriffs Office. April 20.1264. up2l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-- BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Expense, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MON 9 alf Evening. May 2, 1864, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot of ground situate on the west side of lishth street, 220 feet northward from Dauphin street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on 12llitth street twenty feet, and in depth one hundred and ten feet W h arton quarter inches. [Whic November Ch. Wm., trustee, by deed dated 21.1816, recorded in Deed Boot B. D. W., Ito, 101, page 411, Ate-, eonwyed onto Michael W. Fricke in feet re. ser ring a ground rent of thirty-three dollars, payable let January and July CC. C. , P. M., '64: 218. Debt, $l6B 21 Wharton T a k en i n execution and to be sold as the property of !diehard W. Fricke. JOHN THOMPeON, Seeriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. April 9. 1864. spit 91 SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to m 9 directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue , on fdONDAY Even ing. May 2, WK. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-ecreet Hall. AU that certain lot of ground and dwelling bonus thereon.sitnate on the east side of Evans' avenue. sixty elght feet south from Vine street. in the city of Phila. deiphia; containing in front on Brans' avenue seventeen feet, and in depth sixty- fonr feet. 1. Which said lot Robert IV'. D. Truitt by deed dated January 26, 1860 re corded In Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 97, page 241. ace , conveyed unto SUMO Strain in fee; reettrvinB a ironed rent or Wm. payable let January and July r [O. D. 86.. '64. 213. Debt $64.01. Hopper. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Epees Strain. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. April 9. 1864. apll-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Vendltioni Exponas, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vemitte. on MQEDAY Eve ning. May 2, 1661. at 4 o'clock. at Hansom-street Hall. All that certain lot of ground agnate on the wes t side of Eighth Street two hundred feet northward from auphin street, in the city of Philadelphia; eoatatateg is front on Eighth street twenty feet. and in de pth one hundred and ten feet two and a quarter inches. (Which said lot Oh. Wm Wharton. trustee, by deed dated Dovemb.r 21. 1866, recorded in Deed Book B. D. W., Bo 101, page CS, . conveyed unto Michael W. Fricke in fee; reserving a ground rent of thirty-three dollars, payable let Janu ary and Jnly.3 W. C. P.: 26 '64. 211. Debt. $l6B 21 Wharton.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Michael W. Itricke. JOBE TEOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, sheriff's Office. April 9. 1164 apl2-3t sHERIFF'S SALF.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be extosed to public sale or vendue, on MON P alr May 9,1884. at 4 o'clock, at Santo ot.street Hall. Eighth certain lo hun d redgd situate onth nor thwa rd si ofstreet twoand sixty feet from Dauphin street, in the city of Philadelphia: con taining in iron; on Eighth street twenty feet, and in depth one bundled and ten feet two and a quarter inches. [Which said lot Ch. William Wharton, trustee. by deed dated June 23. 1856, recorded in Deed Book it D. W . No 90. page 16, Sto., conveyed unto Alexan der Christy in fee: reserving asround rent of thirty dol lars, payable let January and July.] (o. C. P.; M.. '64. gtO Debt, *BO el Wharton.] Taken in execution and to be sold at the property of Alexaneer Christy. JOHN THOMPSON. Sher.ff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, April 9. 1884./ apll 31 S E HEparrs sAT..—BY VIATIIE OF a•-' a writ of Venditioni me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee. on MONDAY Evening, May 2. 1284. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom.street All that certain three-s.ory brick mete:lnge and lot of ;;round situate on the month side of South street. Iffy feet eastward from Eighteenth street. in the city of Phi ladelphia; containing in front on South street sixteen feet (including the west half of a three-fee; alley) and In der th slaty-five feet. C Which maid lot Hannah Park. by deed dated October 12,1849, conveyed unto Thomas Bell in fee; reserving a ground rent of 855.60, payable let June and December.] (C. C. P. ; M.. 'B4. 212. Debt $99.18. Hopper ] Taken in execution and to be sold as of Thomas Bell. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs (Mace, April 9,-1864. IRBERIF'F'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Expanse, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MOND er Evening, May 2 1964, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain three- story brick meesnage and lot of ground situate on the north side of Depot street eighty fonr feet west of Eighth street, in tic city of Philadel- Phia: cets ing in front on Depot street fifteen feet, and in depth fi ft y four feet three inches. [Which said lot, Frederick Achternacht et nx, by deed dated July 1,1834, recorded in Deed Book A. AL, No 60, pago 2139, he con veyed unto Samuel Yeager, In lee: reserving a ground rent of forty-two dollars. payable Ist January and July [O, C. '64. 210. Debt, $21.25. C M. Husbands Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Samuel 'Yeager. JOHN THOSIT'sOff, Sheriff. rialedelptda. Sheriff's Office. April 9. 1864. apll-St sHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ Of Vend Mont Exponas, to me dfrected, will be exposed to public sale or vendee , on MONDAY' Eve ning. May 8,1864. at 4 o'clock, at Bansom-street Hall, All that certain lot of ground situate on the south westwardly Bide of Auburn street, onelhund red and sixty two feet eontbeaetwardly from Amber street. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Auburn street seventy-two feet, and in depth one hundred and Afty•als feet six inches to Rush street. [C. 4.1. P. tilL 'B4 208. Debt E 97 28. J. M. Thomas Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Sidney R. Pow. JOHN THOMPSON, ShorLff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. April 0, 1864. apll-3t, SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ex weed to public sale or yendue, on MOND ar Nyening. May 2, 7 264. at 4 o'clock. at Somoza-street Hall. All that certain three story brisk =assuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Front street, fifty .live feet northward from Morris millet. in the eity,of Phila delpble, containing in front on Front street thfrteen feet eight inches, including half of a one-foot eleven inches 'Fade alley, with the privilege thereof. and in depth thirty-nine feet two inches. Which said lot John Lan caster et em. by deed dated . January 1.113 M, conveyed unto Philip Trotter in fee; reserving a ground rent of twenty- four dollars. payable first of January and July.] [D. C. ;M. '64. FM Debt, $606.60. W. 12: Price Taken in-execution and to be sold as the_property,_of rhillp Trotter, JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff e Opine, 'April 18. 1664. aPID-St SHERIFF S SALE -BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Fades, to me directed, will be ex posed to pnblic.asie or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Key 2, 1864. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street HalL All that eArtain lot of ground eitnate on the south side of Swain street, sixty feet four and a onarter inches east from Sixteenth street, in the city of Philadelphia: con taining in front on Swain street eighty-nine feet four inches, and in depth on the east line sixty-six feet nine inches, and on the west line seventy-two feet three inches, and on the rear end elahty-six feet three inches. [Which said lot Philip S. Brown, by deed dated October 20. 1867, recorded In Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 21, pate 321, conveyed unto Hugh S. Black in fee ] CD. C.. M., '64 607. Debt, $4 089.26 Norris.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Eva S. Black, deceased. JOHN raoMPSON.Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, April B. 1864 apl9 81 SHERIFF'S BALE.-BY VIRIIIE OF s writ of Levari Facial. to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendne. on MOND AY Evening, May 2, 1e64, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom street Hall. All that certain lot of ground. with cellar walls there on. situate on the south side of Spruce street, sixtysix feet eastward from Seventeenth itreet, in the city of Phi ladelphia; containing in front on Spruce street twenty two feet, and in depth one hundred • and seven feet. [Which said lot John H. Curtis. et by deed dated March 23.166; conveyed unto Joseph Gilbert in fee.] [D. C. ; M., 64 523. Debt 88,875 41. A. Thompson. Taken in execution. and to be sold as the property of Joseph Gilbert. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff• Philadelphia, Sheriff.% office. April 18, 1864, arl9-3t RBEBIFFI3 SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of VenditioniPones. to me directed, will be mrposed to public side or vendua, on MOND VT Bveninir. Nay 2, 1264, at 4 o'clock. at Bansom.sireet All that certain lot of ground, with the building im provements thereon, situate on the southeastward", side of Queen street and southwestwardly side of War ren street. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Queen street thirty-five feet, and in depth sixty feet. [Which said premises William H- Ball et al., by deed dated November 16, 1848, ;orded in Deed Book G. W. G., No. 7, page 91, are.. conveyed unto Thomas Williams in fee- subject to a yearly ground rent of WM] CD. 0, '64. M. Debt, 3168 34 Spencer:l Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas wrillialoy. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff riln&ddlPlllB. Sarin Office. April 19. 1864. apZL 34 S HERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a Writ Of Yenditioni Expense, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne. on MONDAY Evening, Mar 2. 1884. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Han. No. 1 All that lot of ground at the southeast corner of Broad and Jackson streets. in the First ward of the city of Philadelphia; being thirty two feet in front on Broad street, by one hundred and seventy feet deep, to a twen ty-Ave feet wide greet: enigeot to ~mortgage for 58.700. given to secure purchase money, and advances to be made. on which there is due for the ground and ad vances made, with interest. the sum of four thousand two hundred and thirty dollars. NO. 2, A lot of ground next south of the above, being forty-two feet in front, or one hundred and seventy Ala deep to said street :subject to a mortgage for 17.700, given to merge purchas e money and advances to be made, on which *bete is due for the ground and advances made. with interest the sum of Ave thousand three hundred and twenty dollars No. 9. A. lot of ground next mouth of the last described, and of the same dimensions; subject to a mortgage for $7,7(.0, given to secure the purchase money and advance to be made, on which there is due for the ground and ad vances mad e. with interest. the sum of Ave thousand six hundred and ninety dollars. No 4. • lot Of ground next south of the above de mented. and of same dimensions ; subject to a mortgage of $7.700. given to secure the purcha-e money and ad vances to e made, on weigh there is due fort eh ground and advances made. with interest, the sum of 55,800. No. 6. A lot of ground next south of the last described, and of the same dimensions; subject to a mortgage of 57,700, given to secure the purchase money and advances to be made, on which there is due for the ground and advances made. with interest. $4 919. No. 6. • lot of ground next south of the last described and of the same dimensions; subject to a mortifies of $7,700. given to secure the purchase money and advances to be made. on which there is due for the ground and advances made. with interest, NM) No. I. • lot of ground next south of the above de- Scribed and of the same dimensions; subject to a mort gage of $7,700. given to ware thepurchase money and advances to be made, on which there is due for the ground and advances made, with interest, $4,949. No. 8. A lot of ground next south of the last described and of the same dimensiOne subject to a mortgage of $7.700, /Well to secure the purchase money and ad vances to-be made, on which there is due for the ground and advances made, with interest. $4,949. No. 9. A lot of ground next south of the last described and of the same dimensions; subject to a mortgage of $7.700. given to secure the purchase money and advances to be meat, on which there is due for the ground and advances made. with interest. 114 949 - No. 10! A lot of ground next south of the last described, and at the northeast corner of Broad and Wolf streets; being thirty-two feet in front on Broad street by one hundred and seventy feet deep along Wolf street to said twenty-five-feet-wide street; subject to a mortgage of $6 700, given to secure the purchase mons, and adoenee* Lo lbe made, on which there is due for the ground and advances made. with interest. ;13,869 No. 11. • lot of- ground at the southeast corner of Broad and Wolf streets, in said ward, being thirty-two feet in front on Broad street, by one hundred and seven ty feet deep along Wolf street to said twenty-live-feet wide strict: subject to a mortgage of 86,701 given to se. cure the purchase money and advances to oe made. on le hick there is due for the ground and advances made. with interest, $3.869. No 12 A lot of ground next south of the last described; beingforty-two feet in front, by one hundred and seven ty feet deep to said street; subject to a mortgage of $7,700 given to secure the purchase motet/ and advances to be made, on which there is due for the around and ad vances made, with interest. $4. 949. No. 13. A lot of ground next suth of the last described, and of the same dimensions therewith; subject to a mortgage of $7.700 given to secure the purchase money and advances to be made, on which there is due for the grand and advances mac with intend, $4.949. No. 14. A lot of ground next south of the last described, and of the Came dimensions therewith; subject to a mortgage of $7.700 given to secure the purchase money and advances to be made, on which there is due for the ground and advances made, with interest, $4 919. Ne. le. • lot of ground next south of the last described, and of the same dimensions therewith; subject to a mortgage of $7,700 given to secure the purchase money and advances to be made, on which there Is due for the ground and advances made. with interest. 54.949. Po. 16 • lot of ground next south of theta* deeoribed. and of same dimensions therewith; subject to a mort gage of 57.700 given to secure the Mintage Money and advances to .be made, on which there is due for the ground and advances made. with interest, $4,949 No. 17. A lot of ground next south of the last described and of same dimensions therewith ; subject to a mat- WIEItIFFS SALE.--BY VIRTUE OF A gage for riur,rr eteh:usrail'zits.- on Writ of Vendilioni ExpOnas, to me directed, wiU be No. 18 A lot of ground next south of the last de eribsd expo, ed to nubile sale or vendee. on MONDAY Beanbag. and of same dimensions therewith • subject to a MON litlay 2. 1864 at 4 o'clock, at Bansom street Hall, gage of $7,700, given to secure the urehase money, Olt No 1. that certain three-story brick mesenage. which there is due, with interest. t e e sum of 114 678. f ame kitchen , and lot of ground situate on the west No 19. A lot of ground next south of the last described site of New Market street, two hundred and thirty- and of seine dimensions ; subject to a mortgage of $7,7.0. seven feet ten and one. quarter inches northward from given to secure the purchase money, on which there is L9llrel !treat in the city of Philadelphia; containing in due with interest. the sum of 44,678 front on New Market street forty-Ave feet. and in depth No. 20. A lot of ground next south of the last described n the north line about one hundred and thirty four feet and at the northeast corner of Broad and Altar streets. ten inches, and on the south line about one hundred and being 32 feet in front on Broad street, by one hundred forty -Ave feet nine inches to Canal street. 1 and seventy feet deep along Ratner street to said 25 feet No 2 Lot of ground, and improvements thereon, eltu- Street; euteect to a mortgage for $7,700, given to secure ate on the west side of New Market dreg, two hundred "purchase money. on which there is due, with interest, and eighty two feet ten and a quarter inches northward the sum of 13. 488. Sr. in Laurel street; containing in front on New *racket N. B On premises No 1 stone walls are erected up to treat twenty feet. and in depth about one hundred and the third story ; on prenisse No. 2 stone Walla are lb WI feet on the north line , and about one hundred and fisited UP .o the second story on premises Noe 3 and thirty.four feet ten Inches on the south line to Canal and 4 three story stone buildings are roe sel in and partly etreet. f Which said promisee Andrew Pine et six.. by elated ;Os all the other premises, except NoS. 17. 18. 19, deed dated March 20. 1 conveyed unto Nathan lipen- d 20. cellar w re lira up to the first Boor of joists ; rev Thomas in fee; N 0 .866. 1 subject to a ground rent of one on Nos and 18 cellars are dug nut and partly walled 1., nettled and twenty-three dollars and seven; -Ilse up. and on awe le and 21 no improvements have been cents ; to a ground rent of Arty-Ave do ll ars. wade. est C. ; 111 134. 501 Debt. $3.000. J. W. litotes.] ; , 'e4 P 4 Debi. *ere) C Townsend 'Taken in mutation and to be se/4 tbe_propertg of Taken le execution end to he sold as the property of teethe', seener Thomas. Jong THolliegON, Shortie. - rh ug M neyd. SONY THOMPOON, Sheeler Au 4411046, ghtdirq Wico, UMW, gifii PP 3i - 41Bb 1 5 ilaea,r4 of cep Apzil ZVt WQ4I *MA SHERIFF'S. SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Facies to me directed. will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. May 2, IN4, at 4 o'clock, at Saneom street Hall, All that certain lot of ground, witirthe improvements thereon. situate on the northeasterly side of Morton street one hundred and one feet eight and a half inches northmestwardly from Girard (late Franklin) avenue. In the city • Philadelphia; containing in front- on Hor ton street fourteen feet six and three• quarters inches. and in depth fifty feet to a three. feet alley, with the privilege thereof. [which said premises John Rowlett conveyed unto Ezekiel B. Swans in fee CD. 0 ; 'N. 514. Debt. $1,623 63 Simpson 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Ezekiel B. Evans. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office , April 19. 1664 . apll-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, will be ax ppoeed to public sale or vendue..on MONDAY Svening. May 2. 1964. at 4 o'clock. at ransom-street Hall, All that certain lot of ground situate on the east side of Fortieth Street, ona hnndred feet northward from Green street. In the city of Philadelphia- containing in front on Fortieth street one hundred feet. and in depth two hundred feet to Sloan street; subject to two yearly ground rents of 880 and $240 CD. C M.. lit 596. Debt 162.726 06 Deohert. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William P. Mills and James W. Fly an. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. April 19, 1864. ap2l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE. ' —BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Pastas. to me directed, will be ez posed to public vile or venatze. on MONDAY 21/Illthir'cegarnctll?rsikie at TiTitTg r v ita d lot of ground. sitnate on the northeast corner of u Nrnm and Par rish streets In the city ot Philadelphia ; containing In front on Parrish street elableen feet, and in depth along Ninth street sixty -two feet eleven and five elghtn inches. and on the east line slittp-ely feet three lnehcs to three- feet al ley, on which said lots contains twenty-seven feet tour five eighth inelies.with the pdvilege of said alle (Which said lot Pheebe W. Thurston, by deed dated February 26.1640. recorded in Deed Book B. S L. No. 2s, page gm, Ao . , conveyed unto Benjamin Stunt in fee reserv ing a =mid rent of sixty-four dollars. which ground rent John Tyson assigned unto said Benjamin. Stout, whereupontbe same merg • CD. 0. ; M.. '64 ed 646. Debt, 31,603. Lex. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Benjamin Stout. J"HN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. April 18. 1964. acll-St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even. in g. May 2. 1864. at 4 o'clock. at Sansoro.street Hall, - All the right, title, and interest of Jones N. Casely, of and in No. 1. All that certain two-story brick manage - and lot of ground situate on the east side of Atherton street, one hundred and twenty-one feet Shx inches northward from Carpenter street in the city of Philadelphia; con• taining in front on Atherton street thirteen feet three inches. and in depth sixty-eight feet four inches, subject to *17.60 ground rent. No. 2 All that two. story brisk massnage and lot of ground situate on the south side of Denmark street. one hundred and seventeen feet west from Front street; containing in front on Denmark street fourteen feet, and in depth about forty feet. No. S. All that two-story brick meesuage and lot of groundsituate on the north Aida of Trellis street. one hundre d and seventeen feet westward from Front street; containing in front on Trellis street fourteen feet, and in depth about forty feet. Non two and three to• gether subject to *26 25 ground rent. No. 4 All that two-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the south side of Denmark street. one hnnfired and thirty-one feet westward from Front street; containing in front on Denmark street fourteen feet, and in depth about forty feet. No 6. All that two-story brick naessusge and let of ground situate on the north side of Trellis street, one hundred and thirty-one feet westward from Front street; containing in front on Trellis street fourteen feet. and in depth about forty feet. 800 four and five together are subject to 328 round rent. CD. C. M. '64. 516. Debt. 3149 24. Psirce.l JOHN THo iIPHOIN. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. April co. Mt mhil-St SHERIFF'S SALES SHERIFF'S SALES SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Pedal), to me directed. will be ex posed to public eels or venue, on MONDAY Evening. AMY 2 1864. at 4 o'clock. at Saneom street Hall, All that certain three.story brick mesmage and lot of ground situate' on the. north side of Oallo whin street sixty feet eastward from Fifteenth street. in the city of Pbiladelphia ; containing in front on Callowhill street twenty feel. and in depth eighty feet to a twenty feet street. with the privilege thereof. [Which said lot Hugh T. Black et nx.. by deed dated Jnly 29. 1859. m oor( ed in Deed Book A. D. B No. 92, page 223, conveyed unto Caroline O. Wilson in fee, subject to a yearlyground rent of $BO. O. ID. ; 134 ; 612 Debt, *2,460.04. Thorn ] Taken.ln execution and to be sold as the property of Hobert H. Wilson and Caroline C . his wife JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriffs Office. ADMI.I9. 7864. ap2l-St RHEBIFF'B BALE —BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Fleti Patlas, to me directed, will be ex posed to subtle sale or vendtte. on MONDAY livening, May 2,1864. at 4 o'clock, at Elansom- street H en, All that certain lot of ground with the improvements thereon, situate on the easterly corner of Oxford street and Tacirawanna street, in Fraakford, in the city of Philadelphia; con alning to front on Oxford street forty feet. and in depth. by Tackavranna street, one hundred and four feet three inches , and on the southeast line one hundred and thirteen feet three Inches. and on the rear end fifty-nine feet seven inches. (Which said premises Thomas Castor et nx., by deed dated December 1, DM recorded in Deed Book T B, Fo, 40, page 206, dm., oon- Ter ed unto Joseph Tallman in fee. ID. C ; M., 6.98. Debt, S UM. Woodward.] 'Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Joseph Tallman. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Offise, Arun 19, 1864. aP2631 SIjERIFF'S SALE.—BY VI aT LIE OF a writ of Levert Facies. to me directed, will be ex posed to public maie or vandal.. on MONDAY Evening. May 2.1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain steam planing mill and lot of ground beginning on the northwesterly gads of Mill street. two hundred and ninety-six feet easterly' from Cumberland street. In the Twenty-second ward of the city of Phila delphia; thence northwesterly parallel with Camber land street one hundred slid twenty feet. thence pa rallel with Mill street. northeasterly. to the side of the Philadelphia. Germantown and Norristown rail road; thence along the same eontheasterly to the northwest side of Mill street, and thence southweeterly along the same about one hundred and fifty feet to the place of beginning. (Which said premises Isaiah 1.. Shoemaker, by deed dated February 16. 1868, conveyed unto Spencer Shoemaker in fee (D. C. ;M . '64. 636 Debt. $3 000. T. D. Smith.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Spencer Shmmaker, with notice. 6m. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. April 20. 1864. ap2l,Bt SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Facias. to me directed, will be ex wed to with:. gale or vondne. OR MONDAY live• nine, May 2,1864. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hail. All that certain lot of ground numbered 16 in the plan of lots laid out by Henri B. Wallace in Kingsessing. iu the city of Philadelphia: beginning at a corner of a lot No. 14 ; thence in the middle of a lane leading over Cobb's creek by lot NO. 17 north ten degrees west la perches to a point; anneit north 19.6 dorms west.l6.l perches tO the middle of Cobb's creek; thence by the same the several courses thereof to a corner of lot No. 15: thence south 71 degrees east. 34 perches to lot No. 14: thence by the mid dle of a lane north 21 degrees 6 minutes east, 21.26 perches to the place of beginning; containing 9 acres If perches. [Which said premises Samuel Allen, sheriff by deed Poll dated eeptember 24, 1669, conveyed - unto Hoskrx M. Wal lace in fag.] [D. C.: M.. '64 624. Debt, $1,240. Osier. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Henry B. Wallace. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. April2o. 1864. stal-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni limonite, to me directed. will be exposed to public s ale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening. May 2 . 1864 . at 4 o 'clock, at hansom-street No. 1. Alt that certain lot of ground. with the build ings and improvements thereon. situate on the north side of Spring Garden street one hundred and seventy. three feet nice inches weetward from Fifteenth street. in the city of. Philadelphia ; containing in front on Spring Garden street fifteen feet nine inches. and in depth sixty. tw o 'eet e 1 ht inches. No 2. All the title, inter est. use, and privilege of a certain piece of ground atieintng the premises No. 't on the north; containing in breadth east and west fifteen feet nine inches, and in depth north and south eight feet to a four-feet-widealleir [D. C. M. '64 629. Debt. $108.04 - Boman.] Taken in execution and to be sold as theproperty of John W Massey. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff, Philadelphia, Sheriff's Ocoee, April 521. 1864 ap2t-St SHERIFF'S 13A_T_LE.—Vi r VIRTUE OF a writ of Yenditioni &trona& to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or 'Fondue, on MONDAY Evening, May 2. Mi. at 4 o'clock, ut liansom-atreet Hall. All that certain lot of ground situate on the east aide of Park atreet,:about ninety-four feet southward from Warren. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Park street Ilttytive feet/and in depth on the north line two hundred and fifty. two feet six inshee, and on the south line two hundred and twenty feet, and on the east line fifty feet CD O. ; M., '64. 640. Debt, S67A. OS. Myer. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Joseph 21. Dlinnohew JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Pidladelphia, Eiherire Office. April 20. ap2l.-8t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Lever' Facies. to ins directed. will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. May 2, 1864. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. en that certain three-don , brisk messnage and lot of ground situito on the northwest corner of Twentieth and Scott streets. in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Twentieth street fifteen feet ten and three eighths inches, and in depth lifty,seven feet six inches to a two-feet six inches alley. Which said premises Ja cob Jones et us., by deed dated Pebruacy 20, 1860. re corded in Deed Book A. C. H.. No. 104, pagan, dm.. con veyed unto Gott3ib Berg in fee: mad eat to a ground rent of.aLity dollars. yable first of April and October.] C .. '64. 61.8. Debt 5i.076.40 Thorn. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Gottlieb Berg JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. ft - Philadelphia. Sheriff's Ofilee. April 18. 1864 ap2l.-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Expense, to me directed will be exposed to public sale or vendue„ on MONDAY Evening, May 2, 1864, at 4 o'clock. at Saneom-street Hall. All chat certain lot of ground situate on the southwest side of Somerset street and northwest side of Gaul street, jn the city of Philadelphia; containing In front on So merset street forty-sevien feet, and in depth eighty feet. [Which said lot Benjamin S. Janney et ux. by deed dated February 10, 1849. conveyed unto Christopher H. Witte in fee; reserving a ground rent of thirty dollars and fifty-two cents, payable tint of January and July; subject to the restriction that no frame building should be erected. CD. C.: W. '64. 664. Debt. SM. Len.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Christopher H. Witte JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. April 20, 1864. ap2l-8t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Vend itioni }limonite, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Eve ning. May. 2. 11134. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that esitain lot of ground situate on the north side of Green street. three hundredad eighty -three feet east from Park street. in the city °I - Philadelphia ; containing in fronton Green street. seventy-five feet more or less. and in depth on the west line two hundred and twenty feet, on the east line two hundred and fifty-two }feet six inches, and on the north line fifty feet -P CD.C. '64. 641. Debt, $624.03. rfeyer. Taken in execution and to be sold as the pronerty of Joseph M. Dunnobew. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. April 20. 1864. ap2l 3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Voniiitioni ilarrionas. to mo dirootod, will be exposed to public sale or vendne. on MONDAY Eve. Wing, Mal 2. 1964. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot of ground situate on the southwest side of Somerset street, and southeast side of Gaul street, in the city of PhDadetphia; containing in front on So merset street one hundred and thirty-three feet six inches and in depth eighty feet. [ which said lot Ben jamin S. Janney et ux.. by deed dated December 39,1813, - recorded in Deed Book G. W. C.. No. 38, page 323, so.. conveyed unto John S. Hoffman in fee; reserving a ground rent of $3OlO, payable let January and July.] 11712 C.; M. 'ed. 531. Debt. 688.22. Lex.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John S. Hoffman. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. April 20.1884. ap2l-3t p„HERIFF 'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF i l / 4 -J a writ of Venditioni ffxPonas. to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee. on MONDAY Evening. May 2. 1869, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain three-story briek Mumma and lot of ground beginning on the west aide of Eighth atreet. about forty-two feet four inches southward from Arch street, in the city of Philadelphia; thence extending southward along said Eighth street fourteen feet, thence westward seventeen feet sin inches, thence southward four leet, thence westward seven feet three inches. thence northward eleven feet, thence westward - fifteen feet three inches. thence northward seven feet, thence east ward torty feet to the place of beginning. CD. C. ;M. '64 627. Debt, $lB5. Peirce. 7 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James Harvey. JOHN THOMPSON, ShertH. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. April 2D. 18841. ap2l.Bt SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY lIRTUE OF Writ.a of Levert Facies. to me Mlrected. will be exposed to public sale or Tondo°. on MON OAT Evening. May 2. 1884. at 4 o'clock. at Hansom street Hall, All that certain three-story brick mettettageand h un to ground situate on the east side of Ninth street. one dred and fourteen feet northward from Wood street. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Ninth street sixteen feet six inches, and in depthiabont seven ty-six feet. [ Which said premises Benjamin S. Bur ling et nx. conveyed unto jonae Wyman in fee [D. 0. ;" M. '64. 668. Debt, IR 000. Shoemaker. Taken in execution and to be sold as the properly of Jonas Wyman. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, April 20.1861. al3l-81 SILBRIFFIS SALES SHERIFF'S BALE,-BY "VIRTUE OF a writ of Lava!' Facies, to me directed, will be ex posedlo public sale or 'endue. on MONDAY Evening. 31 , 1 a11 2 tb l a t roel l i t ai i n i•O l itilt u sirat s e tr o e x c i t tli l e a ei l iinth side of Spruce street, eighty-eight feet east from seventeenth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front On Spruce street twenty two feet, and in de M/ one hun dred and seven feet ['Mich Bald lot JohnMeectrdy, by deed dated Huth 21, 1863, recorded in D e e d Book A. O. H.. So. 88. page 444. conveyed unto Joseph Gilbert in fee tD.. . • M ..' 64 687. Debt. $5.400. T. D. Smith.] Talmo in execution and to be sold as the_property of u pb Jorep_h Gilbert. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. adelphia, Sheriff's Office. Afill ID. 18 64 . a 521,96 SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF ika a writ of Venditionillxponas. to me directed will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY liven ing. gag 9. 864. at 4 °Week, at Sannom - etrast All that certain two-story messuage, slaughter-honse, and lot of ground, beginning on the west side of Somer set street, eight hundred and ilfty-two feet northward from Haverford road, in the city of Philadelphia: thence extending weatwarrd one hundred and thirty ells feet eleven and a half Inches to Chestnut avenue; thence along the-same northward fifty-four feet; thence east ward one hundred and twenty nine feet seven inches to Mary street; thence along the same nine feet eleven inches to Somerset street, and thence southward along the same forty. six feet nine and seven-eighths inches to the beginning. [Being part of the same premises which Hugh licllvaine et. nx , by deed dated July 28. 1861, ioeorded in Dead Book A. C. K. No. 19 rum 09. and Jerome Eagle, by deed dated March 11, 1861, re corded in Deed Book A. 0. H., No. a, page 401, &0., con veyed unto Francis B. Smith in fee.] No. 2. All that sertain messuage and lot of ground situate cn the northeasterly aide of Warren street, one hundred and seventy-ehr feet West from Thirty-seventh street; containing in front on Warren street twelve feet, and in depth eightv feet. [Which said premises Hugh Mcilvalne et ux. , by deed dated June Id, 1863, conveyed unto Francis B Smith in fee.) ID. C.: M., '64. 636. Debt, $4OB. Deohert.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the Property of Francis B, Smith. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. rhliadelsbia. Sheriff's Office, April le. 1861 ao2l-It PROPOSALS. OFFICE OF ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAOS. rinLADELFHTA, April 28.1284. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this ogles until 12 o'clock M on TilliaD AY. the 3d of May next. for supplying the Schuylkill Arsenal with the following articles; (Nuts ens, tin, corrugated, army standard. Shovels. do do. Slings for Pick Axes. To be made of black or rasset atchets, leather. • • .• H Willimantic Cotton. No 24. • Samples can be seen at this office. bidders =net slate in their proposals the price, which must be given in writing. as well as in Acuros Bids from defaulting contractors will not be received. Blank forma for proposals can be had upon apPication at this office. Proposals must be endorsed "Proposals for Simi Supplies." slating the particular article bid for 0, O. CROSILLISG aro 41 Asst. O. M. Oeu U. S Army. OFFICE DEPOT COMMISSARY OF SUBSISTING& _ .„„, WASHINGTON. D. 0 April ZI• uus. PROPOSALS FOR FLOU.R. --Staled liropotals are in vited until the loth of Kay. at IS o'clock M.. for furnish ing the 131711818TBAGB DBPARTSISOFT with NIGHT TROUSADID (8.000) BILEBILS OF FLOUR. The Proposals will be for what is known at this Depot as Nos. 1,2, and 3, and bide will be entertained for any quantity less than the whole. Bide mast be in duplicate. and for each grade nn sepa rate sheets of paper The Flour to be freak ground, and delivered in new oak barrels, head lined The delivery of the Flour to commence within Eve days from the opening of the bide. and in such quanti ties. daily. as-the Government may direct; delivered at the Government warehouse in georgetowa, at the wharves or railroad depot in WiehingtOn. D. G. The deliverx of all Flour awarded to be completed Within twentfdays from the opening of the bide. Payment will be made in martins; ,tes of indebtedness. or suck other fonds as the Government may have for disbursement. The must Government impaction will be made just before the Flour received, and none 11111 be accepted whic oathot fresh around. Anof allegiance must accompany the bid of each bidder who has not the oath on Ele in this aloe. and no bid will be entertained from parties who have pre viously failed to comply with their bide, or from bid ders not present to respond. Goyeroment reserves the right to reiect any bid for any cause. Bids to be-addressed to the undersigned, at No. 228 G Street. endorsed , • • Proposals for Flour." ap2B 10t 8. O. GRUBB. Capt. . and 8. V. OFFICE OF ABMY OLOTHINEI AND SQUIPAGS—TWILFTN and GIRARD Streets Prananar.rstra, April 25, 11184. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this aide untlll2 o'clock K.. on- WEDNESDAY, the 4th May next. for supplying the Schuylkill Arsenal with the .ollowhnt articles Army Blankets, wool, gray (with the letters TT 8. In Mash. 4 Inches long, in the centre.) to be seven fees long. Ave feet six inehes wide: to Welch Ave uoundo suit. 3.4 Canton Flannel. 7-8 Gray Twilled PlanneL White Spool Cotton, No. BO or 98. Samples of all the above articles will be required. Bidders must state in their proposals the price. which must be given in writing, as Weil as in figures: also, the quantity bid for, and time of delivery. Bids from defaulting contractors will not be received. Blank forms for proposals can be had upon application at this office. Proposals must be endorsed "Proposals for Army Supplies," stating the particular article bid for. 11. CROSH&IB, ap274my4 Asst. Quartermaster Gen. 17. S. Army. PROPOSALS FOR WHITE PINE -n• SHINGLES. CHIEF QUARTNRINASTNR - S OFFIGN. DRPOT OF WARRINGTON. WASHINGTON. D. 0.. 'April 21. 1864. inBALID PROPOSALS will be received at this office un til TUESDAY, May 10, 1264, at 12 o'clock If.. for the de livery at this depot of the following amounts of Shingles: One million (LOW OW) No. 1.18-inch white pine IShiII• kles. (sawed clear. ) The shingles to be made from good material. to be subjected to a rigid inspection before being received. and the whole amount contracted for to be delivered within thirty (30) days from signing of contract. Bonds in a sum equal to half of the amount of the oon dtrenorsts. will be required of the sucoes_sfra bidder or bid- Bids received for two hundred and fifty thousand (260.000) shingleil, or more. Samples of the shingles proposed for will be rewrired of each bidder. Proposals must be plainly endorsed "Proposals for White Pine shingles." and addressed to the under signed, D. H. BECIEBB. Brigadier General and Chief Quartermaster ' ap2s-tmy7 Depot of Washington. D. O. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER OBENBAL'S OFFIOB. PRuAronFiGrA, April IS, 1984. CAVALRY HORSES wanted immediately. One hun dred and forty-five dollars per head will be paid for all Ca valry Horses delivered at the William Penn Hotel in this city. Horses to be sound in all particulars. not leas than Jive, nor more than-nine years old: from 1436 to 16 hands high. full-fleshed. compactly built, bridle wise. and of elm sufficient for cavalry purposes. An officer will be in attendance to inspect am pay for the horses as delivered. 0. G e n OROSAIL tf Asst. Q. BL neral M S. A. n ART TED AT MCIILLERY HORSES 1900 v WAN CHIRP QUARTERAIANTEWS OPPION, DEPOT OP WASHINGTON, WASHINGTON, D. C.. April llth. DXG. 1,000 HOBBES. suitable for Artillery service, will be Purchased at this depot by: the undersigned. in open market. from date until MAY lith. 1801. in lota of to 40,, at one hundred and seventy dollars (GM) per animal. each animal to be snlbjeeted to the usual Government in spection before being accepted. Horses to be delivered to and inspected by Capt. C. H. Tompkins. A. Q. H. 11. S. A,. corner of Twenty-second and streets. Washington. D. C. D. H. RIICHBH, Brig. Gen. and Met Qnartermaster. apl2-Ott • Depot of Washington. D. C. pROPOSALB FOB,FORAGE. (Mier QUAMTIIIIIIANUriII Orries_ t _ WAMMIGTON Darer, December B. Wee FIOFOSALS are invited by the undersigned for sup the U. 8. Quaartermeetar's Department. at Washington, D. C.. Baltimore, Md.. Alexandria,_and Tort Monroe , Va.. or either of these plasm. with Hey. Corn. Oath. and Straw. Bids will be residua for the delivery of MOO bushels of corn or oats, and 60 tons of hay or straw, and ISP. Wards. Bidder' Unit state at which of the above-reamed points they 'propose to make deliverloo. and the rates at which they will make deliveries thereat, the quantity of each article Proposed to be delivered, the time when said de- Uveries shell be sommeneed, and when to be completed. Thimble must be written Out in Words on the bids. Corn to be put up in good. stout auks, of about two bushels each. Oats in like salts, of about three buahele each. The sacks to be furnished withouteztra charge to the Government.. The hay and straw to be securely Theparticular kind or deeeriptiOn of OWL corn' t ha 4 Pro or 'M yo aw. Propose/ Jo ha deliVered, must be stated an Au th is. e articles offered under the bids herein invited will be snidest to a rigid inspection by the Government Inspector before being meePted. Contracts will be awarded from time to time to the lowest responsible bidder. as the interest of the Govern ment may require. and payment will be Made when the whole amount untraite.i. forSA= have been delivered said Th=will be required to ageosmium bit proper sal With a guarantee, signed by two rerc e rmnions. that luaus his bid is aosepted he or will, within Wet days thereafter gemcde the contrast or the mane. with good and milehmt sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the contract. to deliver the forage proposed le conformity with the terms of this advertisement; and in ease the said bidder should fill to enter into the contrast, -they to make good the dialogue between the offer of said bidder and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the porn to whom the contrite may be awarded. monsibility oi the xurantors must be shown by the o e gr. eertbleate of aU. District Attorney, Col lector of Custom; or any other Meer under the United States Government. or responsible venom known to this ogles. ell bidders will 1)=1 noillei Of the IMMlllanie or ridection of their Pro The foil name and post *Mee addrow of each bidder mast be legibly written in the proposal. _ Proposals art be addressed to Brigadier General D. H. Bather. Chief plain ly r,Washipaton,_ll 0.. and should be narked, " naming for Fe jaltndik la gam equal to the amount of the contreet, signed by the contractor and bo b i dder guarantors. 1,111 he requited of the successfulor bidders upon sit=the embet orma of bide, guarantee and bowls may be Obtained upon analieletion at this ogee. evitit OF FitOPOEIAL (Town. County. and iDate)---. I. the mlbseriber. St a te.bY Propose to Danish and OP liver to the United at the Quartermaster's De sartment . agreeably to the thrms of „your advertimment, inviting proPoratbs for forage, Met Washington DOM, December I. MM. the folloWteg sr* ales. vie: bushels of Corn. in seeks. at per bushel of II pounds. bushels of Oats, in sacks, at per bushel M Poun tone of led AM at —per Me of LOOO peende --- tom of baled Straw. at per ton of & 000 pounds. Deliveryto commutes on or before the day of —• MO • and to be completed on or peen the Wa' /88.0141 *ledge myself to enter into a moue with the united State.. with goo& awl approved secu rities. within the epees of ten days After being aotlle that my bid has been aerretei. Your obedient servant._ Brigadier General D. IL /Morn. Chief Meat emartermaster. GUAWAlrymi- Washington, D. O. We, the undersigned, residents of la the moats of . and Rate of flambe'. olitly and severally. sr/Tenant%the Unit;pd Mete% and guarantee, in um the gores° bid of —be eepepted, UM he or th ey will. ten Oars same the semplanse of said bid , mem% the smarm* for same with good and sugleient iIIZIOASS , is sum eenial ur = amount of the contrast, to farad' the former) in eonformity to the a 7 of adverilormen De ember IL IM. under h the bid was made. and, in case the said fell to enter into a contrast as aforesaid. We guarantee to make good the difference be tween the offer by the said and the nest lowest responsible bidder. or the person to whom the contract may be awarded. Witness!! I Gives under our kends aid male the dry of Bl ] I heeler certify ULM to the best of my know s l ed belief. me Move.sareed gammon are good and snM be denserwrity t swetheri far ithe eon* for whisk they offer 10 . lobe eartiged by the United States District Attorney. Coll seer of custom, or any other °Mem ender ElnitedOtates Government. or responsible person known to this °Gm All proposals reeetvel under this e advertlemloot will be opened and examisum at this Me Oa Wedierae r el Warder of sash week at II Y. Mime are ly Wiest to be Pressai at the omaincof_te the; Mein. D. H. is dens , Brigadier General and Mustrommem BLACK HAWK • GOLD DILIVIDTCif COMPANY. , GREGORY lko., LOAS—GI/aP/PI 00/40BAL 0 0. CAPITAL, 50,000 SHAMS $lOO BACH. TRUSTEES. F. H. JUDD. New York. W. L. LEE, Colorado. ANTHOIII ARNOUX. New York GEORGE BLISS. 3R-• New York. 0. W. ORILI. Now York. J. B. WILLIAMS. New York. J HALL PLEASANT& Baltimore. LEONARD swzrr, Washington. CARLOS PIERCE, Boston. President—P. /I JUDD. Trea Tiessurer— WALT President—W Eß L BL E L B AWTON. Secretary—D LITTLICJOHN. Conned—JOHN S. WOODWARD. General Director—KlM° LEE, orriON, No. A 5 CLIFF STREET. NEW YOBY. aplB..lm BUILDING HARDWARE. STRAP HINGES T HINGES, NEVjAL Hfl NOgne_g. I SHUTTER STRAPS. andsalrprnaß E i lf ig Ailt i ngL e a,_ 4ll. and many artlessH of Building and Carriage ardwara. acianntactared and tent on hand at JACKSON DION WORKS.. mh12.31n Onu 5136 CHURCH Allog,_ Wastmiona st WIREAIIed ULM NA 40 Kik" AUCTION SALES• JOHN B. MYEBS & CO., AUCTION- S/OA Rah ala% and nal MAREST Street. LABOR POSITIVE BUM OF 670 LOTS FEBSOII GOODS, STRAW GOODS. SUN umBRALLse. B A CARD. —The early attentio i n t of dealers to Minded to the Choice and desirable assortment of French. Swim. Herman, and British dry goods.'palm hoods, sun um brellas. itc.. do., embracing 670 Lois of niney and sta ple articles, to be peremptorily sold by catalogue. on months' credit, commencing tat. morning at ten o'clock. yoecisely, to be continued without intermission the greater part of the day. LARGR PREEMPTORY BALI OF FRENCH. INDIA. GRAMM AND BRITISH DRY GOODS. &5 • FOR SPRING SALE& THIS MORNING. Nntayhs 24, at 10 o'cloc out k. Will be sold by catalogue , on four mo' credit. a bo ek. S5O PACKAGES AND LOTS Of Prerch, India. German. and British dry goods, bc embracing a large and chaise assortment of fancy and staple articles in silk. worsted. woolen, and cotton fa brics. D. B.—Samples of the same will be arranged for exa mination. With catalogues, early theirhe mornin att e nd. sale. when dealers end fled it to interest to LARGE SALE OF PRIS GLOVES AND 011IINTLE rI3 Will be included I noar sale of RONDA:IN May, Id. a large and choice assortment of genie ladies goat' de Suede, kid finish, black and colored silk. Union. lisle, and kid glove, and gasuplets, of a favorite and recent Importation. LARGE POSITIVE satz OF FRENCH. GERMAN, SWISS, AND BRITISH DKr GOODS. STRAW GOODS. dm N. NOTICE. —lncluded In our sale onNIONDAY MORN ING. May 2d. at 10 o'clock, will be found. in part, the following articles, viz ; DRESS GOODS. —ln pieces black and colore. plain And fancy Paris mous de lair's,. plain and striped MOZ/1111- biome. plain and fancy poplins. amities, black and white mohair,, fancy bk rages. printed jaconets and lawns. gingham. grenadine,. dm &c SILKS.—In black rem de rhino:lutetium solid colors and plain poult de sole plaid poult de ROW, armnre silks. high colors grog; de Rooks, mercelines. ni SHAWLS —ln thibet cashmere lama. moza slaloms. bernant, barego shawls. mantles cloaks. itc.. dm. RIBBONS —Plain and fancy poll de sole ribtrons, and neck and trimming ribbons, black and colors silk velvet do. thiBRAIXAS, —B3 package, ,ilk and gingham sun um brellas. pontoons. am. Also, block crapes, white tarletens. grenadine and ba. rege veils. linen bandkercbiele. embroideries, baimoral and hoop-skirts. gloves, fans. mink cravats and ties, fan cy articles .&e.. &O. Also a stock of fancy and staple dry goods, to be sold without reserve, in great variety. 41 cases blinker hoods; also, hats. dic. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1.100 PACKAGES Boors. SHOES. BROGANS. ARMY GOODS, bTRA.W GOODS. &a. ON TUESDAY MORNING. May 8,1, at 10 o'clock, will be cold by °galena& with out reserve, on four months' ores% about 1,100 packages boots, shoes brogans. cavalry boots, do.. embracing a prime and fresh assortment of desirable articles for men. Is., men, and children, of oily and Easters mantifactare. Also, Straw Goods. As in men's hats, Shaker hoods. 419, with N. B —Samples, Calareirlee• early on the morn ins of sale. NOTIOE.—Our sale of boots, shoes, straw goods, am. on TUESDAY MORNING. May 8, will comprise, In part. the following fresh goods., to be sold without reserve. vie: —carne MAWS 24 inch leg grain cavalry boots. cases men's and boys' nailed boots. eases men's and boys' thick boots. —canes men's, boy a', and y outhe calf, ItiP, and grain boots eases mens'. boys'. and youths' calf and kip brogans. eases scene. boys'. and youths' calf and P. L. gaiters. rases men's. boys', and youths' calf and kip bal - cases women's, misses, and children's calf and kip heeled boots. cases women's. misses', and children's goat and kip heeled toots. cases women's, misses' • and children's mbrocco and enameled boots. cases women's. misses', and children's gaiters, bal- Morals, dtc. cases men's and boys' Orford ties. cases women's and misses nailed boots. N. B.—The above will embrace a prime and general as eortment Well worthy the attention of balers, Open for examination early on the morning of sale Also, straw goods, palm hats, shaker hoods. Er. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF EUROPEAN, INDIA. AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, STRAW GOODS. CARPETS, MATTINOI3. We will hold a large sale of Eritieb, German. French, and eateries& dry goods, by catalogue. on fonr months' credit. and part for cash. ON THURSDAY MORNING, May sth. commencing at precisely 10 o'clock. com prising 775 PeCK&OES AND LOTS Of British. German,French, India, and American dry Suede, embracing tlarge, full, and fresh assortment of woolen, Wonted, linen, Cotton, and silk goods, for city and country sales. N- B.—Samples of the same will be arranged for era. ablation. with catahsgnes. early on the morning of sale. when dealers will And it to their interest to attend. Y ST T & STEWART, AUCTION -•-• ERRS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Nos 622 onEsnur Street end 616 SAMSON. A CARD —The balance of the line Rattan etatueis.bnets. Am.. Will be sold on WEDNRSDAT Morning, May 4th. together with a line assortment of vases. ornaments. and bronzes. now landing in New York from Europe Pal tielli&lS hereafter. LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE SALE OF ELEGANT ITALIAN MARBLE. STATUARY. A. AR ASPER VASES AND ORNAMENTS. FRENCH BRONZE, so. as ON THURSDAY MORNING MAY sTar. . . . At 10 o'clock. at salesrooms. 622 Chestnut street. will be cold a choice collection of Italian marble parlor and garden statuary, Including the flue busts of Clay and Webster. Baratta's great work of Fidelity, with other valuable pieces of statuary. Alabaster ornaments, com prising finely carved agate: Bardiglio and Casteliina vases of Grecian. Roman, and Gothic designs. an in voice of new deeignaliand elaborately worked French bronze vases; also genres and groupsof Jean and ye mien BOldai Bohlen, Becalms aid Adrianno, Collot and Lenore. Hamlet, &c.. &c.. Just landed from Havre. the whole the importation of Messrs. Vitt Bros Catalogues will be ready on Wednesday. May 4, at which time the collection can be examined. SCOTT . & STBWANT, Auctioneeie, will give their per sonal attention to Sales of MERCHANDISE aad WAR.III of all descriptions, and NUEVO URN of parties removing or breaking up housekeeping, on the premises of the owners, or at their elegant and spacious S eLES ROOM& Nos ONSI CHESTNUT and 615 SANSOM Streets. LEGAL. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COURT!' OF PHILADELPHIA. In the flatter of estate of JAMBS cOX. deceased. The Auditor appointed to audit the acconet of Elizabeth P. Cox. executrix of James Cox. deceased. and to re- Port distribution of the balance, will meet the patties in tereeted for the purposes of his apooictment on FRIDAY Afternotn. May 6th. 1864. at 4 o'clock, at his office. at 8. B. corner EIGHTH and LOCUST Streak. DANIEL DOUGHERTY ap2B 90.my2.4.8-8t Auditor. E STATE OF GEORGE F. WODIRATH, deceased Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of GEORGE F. WOMR AT deceased, having been grante undersigned, y gister of Wills indebted Iphia County to the all Daltilit o said &state are requested to make payment, and those having claims oridemands °gaited the same. to make them known with. out delay to HENRIETTA. W. WOMRATIEL Executrix. FrankfordL A. K. WOIKELT.II, F. K. WOHR APR, WILLIAM GAUL. FETLADA . April 6,1864. Executors, 415 Arch St. apd.m6t LETTERS OF ADMIN ISTRATION LETTERS the Estate' of THOMAS B. DAVIS. deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons in dented to said Estate are requested to make lc/Tull/1N and those having claims to present them at once. to HELEN N. DAVIS. Adminietratrix. 13Z3 , North EIGHTHEENTH Street,_Philada. Or to her Attorney. C T. BONSALL, apri.m6t 116 North NINTH Street. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION upon the Estate of WILLIAM FINK, deceased, baying been granted to the undersigned, all persons in debted to said Estate are requested to make payment. and those having claims to present them at once . SOPHIA PINK, Admtnistratrlx. 7221 CALLOWHILL Street, Philadelphia Or to O. T. BONSALL, her Attorney, 116 North NINTH Street. apll•m6t LETTEBS OF ADMINISTRATION upon the Estate of BERNARD MASS& deceased. having been granted to the undereigned, all persons in debted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those baying claims to pTesent them at once LOVINA hi Oise. Administratrlx, and ABRAHAM H. BRNNERS. Administrator, 513 RACHEL Street. Philadelphia. Or to a T. SMALL, their Attorney, /16 north NINTH Street. apll.met .IETI ERB OF ADMINISTRATION having been granted to the undersigned on the es tate of FRANZ ADAM LINK. deceased, all persons in. debied. and those haying claims, will pay or present the same to MARY ANN LIDS. Adminletratrin. aple met No. 118 GIRARD Avenue. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY HAV lug been THIS DAY granted to the undersigned as Executors of the last will and testament of MATIGARST HOFFMAN. late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased. all persons indebted to her estate will make payment, and all persona having claims against the same will Present them without delay to WILLIAM C. SMITH, Gray's Lane. Twenty-fourth Ward. JOHN SELLBHS. Upper Darby. Delaware county, Bxeentore. APRIL 6. 1884. aplit-mat* DELAWABE COUNTY, Whereas, at a Court of Common Pleas, held at Me dia. in and for said county. on Monday- the Wth day of March. A. D., 1881. before the Hon. William Butler. President, and his associate Judges of said court, upon the petition of amos Morris and William H. (leaner. adminisirators of Philip Morris. late of the township of Tinicum. in said county, deceased. respectfully showing that on the 88th day of March. A. ID. 1806 the said Philip Morris executed and' delivered to Lewis Rue a mortgage on all that certain piece of upland situate in the town ship of Tinicem aforesaid, bounded by the Amer Dela ware, by lands of David Bose , by lands of ti e heirs of John Taylor, deceased. by a drain, by the lands herein. after described, and by lands of Edward Meade. contain ing seventeen acres and twelve perches; and also on all that certain piece of marsh meadow situate in the town ship of Tinicum aforesaid • bounded by Derby creek, by lands of the said Edward Meade, by a drain, by the road leading from the Delaware river, by lands of David Rose. by another drain, and by land of the heirs of John Taylor, deceased. containing twenty-five acres and twenty-six perches, to secure the payment of a certain bond, dated the day and year aforesaid. conditioned for the, payment of seventeen hundred and sixty-nine dol lars. with interest: that on the 17th day of February A. D. 1807. that said mortgage.for a valuable consideration , was legally assigned by the said Lewis Hue to one John Odenhamer. Jr.* Which mortgage was duly recorded in the oflioe of the Recorder of Delaware county aforesaid, in Mortgage Book B, page 281 , and the assignment thereof in Mort gage Book B.page2B2. that the said John °denim mer.Jr..lbeing the legal holder of the said mortgage died without entering satisfaction upon the record of tne same: that payment has been made of all the money, principal and interest dna, and to become due on the sal t) mortgage, and bas so continued for two years and up wards; and that the said William H Gleaner. who was the committee of said Philip Morrie, who was a lunatic for about ten years. ending in 1862, says that during that time no demand was made upon him for either principal or interest of the said mortgage. That the said John Odenhamer, Jr.._ died intestate. unmarried. and Without issue; that hie legal representatives are Mary. wife of George Brinton, of the borough of West Chester. county of Chester. and State of Pennsylvania; Brinton, of the township of Thornbury, in the county of Delaware aforesaid: John H. Brinton. of the borough of West Cheater aforesaid; Catharine, widow of Septimus Ogren, late of the borough of West Chester aforesaid. deceased, and Henry Minton, of the township of Thornbary afore. said: children of Catharine Brinton. a deceased sister of the said dee:element ; Louisa Ross, widow of Henry Ker lin, late of Rahway State of Hew Jersey; a deceased eon of Margaretta Kerlin: a deceased sister of the said tie ceasent John Odenhamer. of the city of Burlington, State of Hew Jamey aforesaid; eon of Henry Odenhamer • a deceased brother of the said a/cement. and Mary De eimeg, sister of the said de:assent. that the said legal representatives of the said John Odennamer, deceased,. are the legal holders of the said mortgage, and therefore Praying the court to make a decree alltheriallf the Sheriff of Delaware county to serve a notice stating the facie above set forth, on the said legal representatives, requi ring them to appear at the next term of said court, and answer make to the said petition, and upon due proof that the full amount for which the said mortgage was given has been .id. to order satisfaction to be entered on the record of the said mortgale,..i.nd do such other things as are directed by the act or assembly in each oats made and Provided; whereupon the sa id petition having been read in open court. it was thereby ordered and declared that the Sheriff of Delaware county serge a notice, stating the basset forth in said petition on the le gal representatives of the amid John udenhamer. J r., if to be found in said county; and in case theparties aforesaid cannot be found in county. then the Sheriff shall live ',public notice, as aforesaid, in the Delaware Bounty American, a raper published in said county of Delaware. and in The Press, a newspaper published in the cit of four Weeks ones a week in each of said papers for Weeks successively, prior to the Ist of May term next. requiring the said parties to appear at said term. and answer the petition as aforesaid, and show cause. if any they have, why the said court. upon due proof being made. shall not direct satisfaction to be entered on the record of said mortgage by the Recorder of said county, ascot ding to the sot of Assembly in such case made and provided. Which nellee la hereby giesn to said parties to be and appear before the Honorable Judges of said court on the fourth MOO DAY of May next, to answer as aforesaid. A ITANZAIIT. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Media, April 191 h. 1864. aplti-met GOLD'S IMPROVED STEAM WATSR.HEATING AND APPARATUS, For Warming and Ventllatingeneee Public Buildings and Private Resid. MantitactruNd. bylhe UPION STEAM ADD WATB6-JI4aPIA6 OOMPAWF OP PHILADELPIA. JANIS P. WOOD. 41 Smith 10114711 Street B. M. TILTWILL. finontintandant ' 20n PAIRS PIVOT BLINDS. NEW, for sale chew. at Second: hand Depot. BYRN PH, above Thompson. cash paid for old Poore. Sash. Fix tures. de. Cap3o•Or.) - NATHAN W. ELLS. •TRON STAIRS, IRON DOORS AND I -IL 111110, for ails at Seoond..hand Daunt kIIVRNPII. W4 9 / 4 14411, OM - In MAO W. &WM. UTION SALEVS. FinII4I7BB'BUINLEY, & co., Ito, OZ OBBEIMIT and 012 SATIN 4t SALE OF IMPONRTM A ADNED LY M ME3YIa ci, )bi O DO ORNING. sa4: S. at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on font cre dit, 400 mirages and lots of fancy and ntam'o l lf goods.Gry PHILIP FORD & 00., AIIOTioN frAez t , tralls KAREET and 023 OOMMEROS Street s. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1.000 CASES Bo SHOES BROGANS. dm. THIS mommra. May 2d, at 10 oieloek preeklelV l inn be 6614 tRI loan., for cash. LOX) cases Men a. boys ' , and calf, kip, and grain boots, brogans, balinoraln, on;,"' ties, cavalry boots, eta_,. women's. rdiellee', and dren's ea% M kip. goat. C and morose°. heeled V. and shoe.. slippers, sailers, bosteltne, etc, ; l ob o t rti i, made goods open for examination, with entain i ,l. early on the morning of sale LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1,000 OMEN 1 /001.a , BROM BROGANS. , On THURSDAY MORNING, May bt Mane for c a mum% boye'• and y ith h , MP. and gratn boots, brogans , belmoralm, cue try 6.,';A dm. Wcmen's, misses!, and chtldren's calf. kip, and morocco hefted boots and Owes, slipper gaiters. Ac., frrm city and Madera nanntaci plights a general adortment of goods. pANCOAST & WABNOO TIONSERS, No. 140 MARKET Street LARGE SPECIAL ELLIS OF STRAW 00 CATALOGUE. VMS MORNING. May 2,11 commencing a t 11 o'clock prod. prising about 900 cues most fashionable colors bonnets and hats for Wiles', Wises , dren's Wear. LAE OE POSITIVE SALE OF 760 TOTS AI AND IMPORTED DRY (WOWS MILLINER WHITE GOODS. ko . by catalogue. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. May 4th, commencing at 10 o'clock. oompri,J t 4 neral assortment of seasonable goods. wide ;ra i l?' four d well worthy the Intaglios of bar ere. 4 POSITIVE SPECIAL BALE OF 2.001 DOZRI t io SKIRTS. BY OATALoGUE . ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, • May 4th, eomnsenciojz at 10 o'clock precleely e q i sold about 2 000 dozen hoop Mart , . nomnrining ti, ~e aof ladles' medium and wide tape skirts of bet ' i : A "'S and make. Also. a fail line 6@24 spring misses' woreetp. - „, superior quality and finish. Particular situates. ailed to this sale. which will be peremptory. to hi '" ccount. 'Y HENRY P. WOLBERT, itrciTioNßEß, pro. son MARKET Street. South Side. above Stu k Sales of D Goods. Trimmince. Notions, he, o '' . MONDAY, WEDNESDAY. and FRIDAY Moneta, Taoncin Ft at. 10 o'clock. .441. DRY GOODS, MBB, cr,opits, assauszti, THIS HOR NI NG. CL May 2d, at 10 o'clock. will be sold,dress and 1:140, goods, black silks , black clothe , cassimeres. pants, vests, neat hdkfa . hosiery, triaki,,, - * swim goods. skirts. be. Also stock of a shoe store. comprleing oconeresstaltut balmorals. luting gaiters. brogans. walking qt slippers, am 03,, M. NI THOMAS & SONS, 10. 139 and 141 South 70173 TH rut Sale at No. 152 i. Brown Street. ELEGANT FURNITURE. HOOK-OASES. vstxr PETE ac. Ofr TUESD AV MORNIIIG. Dietyld, at 10 o'clock. by catalogue. at No. 162 Bro. street, the elegant furniture, including suit of d room Whiten), line bmcatelle covering. Inner Wood book-ease. walnut book-ease with in rro handsome sideboard. suit of elegant chamber farn lp dna velvet carpets, am am. May be ermined et 8 o'clock on the morning of afit EXTENSIVE PEREMPTORY RALE—EXTRA. VAL BLS MEAL ESTATE. IREEDERMAI3I4 ( now RENTS. ato.. ON TUESDA. May 8, at 12 o'clock noon. at Y the Exchange, p. Prising nine Estates, by order of Orphans' Court ip eoutors. and heirs —32 properties—besides a large am tot from other owners. altogether 47 properties and pi of them very valuable,. 50 acres near sightli,;nth et Twenty sixth ward; 78 acres, Mlostown lane, Twe . fifth ward; 48 acres near Olney. Twenty-third 10 acres, Wheateheaf lane, Twenty-fifth ward; h some residence. Trenton. N. J.; valuable busingw fp parties. handsome country seat. and farm; hen li eat and plain city residences irredeemable Around re I,s, SMALL SAFE ID VESTMENTS. The twenty two aroma rents afford opportu br iar Persons of smell means to make safe investment abealre e See pamphlet catalogues for full deco Nu SALE OF VALUABLE THEOLOGICAL LIRE ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON. May .3.1. at the Auction Store. the valuable The , Library of the late Bey. Samuel B Dalrymple includes a umber of standard worts. Sale No. PM North Tenth. street. NEAT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANO O RPRTS, &a. ON WIGINSBDAY MORNING, 4th instant. at 10 o'clock, at No. MO North Tenth tree, above Poplar. the entire household and klichek lure. piano, carp( te. matting. &a. NaF.beexataiot et 8 o'clock on the morning of sale. Public We on the Promises ELEGANT COtINTRY SEAT, 8 LURES, DARBY BAD AND SUMMIT STREET. DARBY. On WEDNESDAY. May 4, 1884, at 3 o'clock P. IC will be sold at utilk rale, on the premises. al, elegant country mat, 8 ere corner of Darby road and Summit street, Darby.. tau mansion, 2 carriage holism wagon hone: tenant nee, ice house, &0., vegetable garden. fruit and shade tee hydraulic ram, good spring water, fish pond, &e. Its a valuable and bandeome country place. mar Will be ahovrahy the owner and occupant ceph B. Conoverd&c. Assigniax , Sale ASSETS OF THE BANK OF PERNaILyARIA ON THURSDAY. - - May &, at l 2 o'clock noon. will be mold at public tit at the Philadelphia Exchange, by order of the mites of the Bank of Pennsylvania. In pursuance of the who. city of the Court of Common Pleas of PhiladelphlPia rots ainlng riaßkie of said balik TAM. eanh. Ps4blt on or before Mos day. •IC a • 9th, at 12 o'clock Pillar. ttealara to catalogues. which may be had at the man rooms. Sale ISFo, 1826 Green street , 8171"BEIOR 11/19 ANT BOBEWOD PIAROBRTISSELB CARPETS. &e. DO FRIDAY MORAN% May 6. at 10 o'clock. by catalogue. at Ao. 11326 Chet street, the superior pineh parlor furniture, elegant )11. wood 7-octave piano -forte. secretary, and boohoo walnut chamber furniture. Brussels carpets, &a. Also. the kitchen &wafture and utensils. ART May be examined at 8 o'clock on the mornin ul sale. OD TUESDAY. May 10. at 12 o'clock M., at the Philadelphia Esc without revery°. . - Elegant Country Pent. Bristol Tarinike (formal Bowen's. and latterly Mr. Deallver a). large and did stone mansion, stable, and coach house. and 23 The mansion is elegantly finished. with all moder ',enigmas. and the grounds handsomely laid out highly improved Commands beautiful views. c nient to churches and schools. and accessible to steamboats atom. in. Sale absolute. Jeiir Full particulars in handbills. EXTENSIVE SALE FURNITURE AT ST. LOU HOTEL.' ON MONDAY MORNING, . . . . . May 16th. at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, the entire Lure of the St Louis Hotel, Chestnut etreet. bet Third and Fourth streets, comprising the parlor, di room. and the furniture of 100 chambers, fine hair tresses, beds, and table limns. Etc. Also. the Mile , bar furniture, fire-proof chest, gas chandeliers, &c. A BSOLUTE SALE OF THE VA 1.11. able Cosa Yotate at Wilkeebirre. Lnserne Co. PenneTlvanin, known es the KIMBEETON" I COMPANY." This valuable property, containing nearly 300 ac land. will . be sold at auction, at the PHILADEL • EXCHANGE, on WEDNESDAY. 4th of May. 1864, o'clock noon. It is known to be very valuable, the of coal having been proved. It is within a abort tance of Wilkeebarre. and is open to examination a time. 15•LUM==la= Oar - Sale absolute £61,000 to be paid when the "f perty is struck Off JANES A. FRSSbIAN. Auctioneer, 1 42% WALNUT Street. Above Yotircl ap2l- 6t, 28,80. m 72, 8,4 UNITED STATES MILITARY BAIL ROADS . . OFFICE OF ASSISTANT RIJARTNGILSYSA. WASHINGTON, April 15. 1334 AUCTION. —WILL BB SOLD. on WEDI3B3DAY, tht 18th day of May, at the Railroad Depot. in Alexandria. Viriltnbt 600 Tons of Old Railroad Iron. RIO Tons of Old Car I ales. 160 Tens of 66aet Scrap Iron. 100 Tone of Wrought Iron. 3 Tone of Old Brass and Copper. MO Oil Barrels. Terms: Cash in Government 'Funds. Ten (10) per Goa to be paid at the time of purchase, the balanae7on del very. The property must be removed within ten days free date of sale H. L. ROBINSON I Captain and d. Q. 1 AUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED HORSES. WAR DEPARTMENT. OAVALRY , BUREAtro OFPICE. Or CHIRP QUARTERMASTER. WASHINGTON, Aprll26, 19% Will be sold at publle Relation, to the highest bidder. t the time and place named below, viz: Newport, Penna. Thursday, May Mb,- Gettysburg. Pentat , Monday, May 9th, Altoona. Penns Thursday. May 12th. Mifflin. Penna.. Thursday, May 19th. Penns.. Thursday. May 28 h, Lebanon, Penes, Thursday. June 28, Northumberland. Penna.. Thursday, June 9th, Scranton, Penna., Thursday. June 16th, Witheinsnort. Penn. , Thursday, Jane Md. OVhundred (100) Horses at eettysburg, and Te; rad And Piny (2001 at each et the other Mims These horses have been condemned aa unlit for tti avalry service of the United Stales army. For road and farm purposes many good bargains MO . 0 bad. Horses will be sold singly. Bales begin at 10 A. M., and continue daily till all gra old. 'muds CASH. in United States Treasury notes oral . JAMES A SKIN. ap29-ije2o Li Col. and C. Q. M. Cavalry Bureau. GOVERNMENT SALF,--WILL BE cold. at public auction, on WEDNESDAY, 11111 2 4th, 1864. at Afdlegbeey Arsenal. nommenotng at .. o'oloek A At., to the highest bidder. the following pro. perty. Tin: I Draft Horse. 18,876 Cartrldia 8018111, Belie, Etc. 76.000 pounds of Ecrap Leather. 60.600 Jo de !tea. 7.726 boxes, barrels, and lteJte. Terns cash. H. H. WHITELEY. ap23.9t Lieutenant Colonel of Ordnance. COAL. GENUINE EAGLE VEIN COAL- , Ronal if not superior to Lehigh. Also, Hart's ID Plus Ultra Tamil, Rainbow Coal; lag and Stoma alma la SO. Large ant. SS. BO Der ton. Casa forfeited if not NB weight &kw tieket. Rook 11119 CALLOW - IHW Street, above Broad. 0114 111 lion% 70IIRTH. tow Chestnut. Call and eressOns. Orders by &Wk.' promptly attended. to by . soitent ELLIS BRISSON. O A L.-SUGAR LOAF, BEAM XRADOW. and apriii Mosatais Leah Coat ali bast Losil p Morda. %tin Sebny#lll: cavfloVeal tit? O k trEIVOND AbTO Jig M. BSIPPIIIA. ..... AM& STEAM WEEKLY TO LI. VBRPOOL. TOUCHING AT CIURRNSTOWI (Cork Harbor.) The well-known Steamers of the Lira pool. New York, and Pailadelphla Steamship Compact ara intended to sail as follows: CITY OF 8ALT1H0RR..........« SATURDAY. April la BDIRBUTIGH ........B.ITURDAY, May 7. CITY OF WASHINGTON. ..... .8 aTIIRDA.Y. May 11. and eve succeeding Saturday at noon. from Pier 4-0 NORTH River. RATES OF PASSAGE Payable In Gold or Its equivalent In Currency. FIRST CABIN WO 00 STS—.. ..... Ut Do. to London 80 00 Don a toLondon.... 3i Cri Do. to 96 00 Do. to Parte....... 40 0. Do. to Hamburg .90 00 Do. to Hamburg . .. • 91 ` lt Passengers also forwarded to•Havre, Bremen. .Kett"' dam. Antwerp 8, at equally to* rates. NUM fr om toysrDool or Cneenetowni Pint vaeln. BM, $96. S IGS; Steerage from Liverpool and Queenstown. . Those who wish to send for their friends can bill tickets here at these rat... For further information .apply at tieCOMP 11 / 1 °Zees. JOHN 0. DALE. Asiedtz spl2. /// WALNUT Street rbibaelPh'l .1:1M BOSTON AND PHILADEL PHIA. STEAMSHIP LINE, frou port orLISATUEDAIS. from first wharf above P btreet. indlagelphla, and Lona Wharf, Bootoa. The Steamship SOWN, 0/dpt. Matthews, Will nail kat Philadelphia for Boston on Saturday, May 7, at 10 I , abillaleamehip NORM ill. Ospt, Baker. Dom 8010 Midi:lloM on same day at 4 o'clock P. M. There new and substantial steamships form y elar line, alining from each port Dnnetnally op smv re , h• Insurances effected at one•half the memoir° Mid on sail vessels. Pretehte taken at fair ratan. Shinnays era musts& le send SLID MOW§ od Bnu Lading with their goods. For Freight or Panne (having fine aecommodat tuo, simply to lISSEY WISSOR C 0.., mt.) 33S South DELAWARS AVISIU picKLEs.—loo BBLS. PIOEI I vinegar. 60 bailable. Pieties In vinegar. Alio, three -[ alloy and tra l gaUon kegs dteg. ay Poi sale by RHODE& & w akIT 107 tivntli
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers