Pte, get r :la (SUNDAY/3 AXOEPTIUD y JODA W. FOR MAY. • rcj. yo , in 801:173 MIME STEM *ILO DAILY PRESS, _ _ paa Wass. payable to the earrler; .o.crlwribbrs eat a the city at DEVER DoLLnits P„ vinsli DOLLARS AND FIFTY ONSTB FOR 871 efa MIAS AND SBYSBTY•FIVB Cam's FOR ripolrA IsmarlablY irL advance for the time or• ork.- Meats tweeted at the fume rates. Sts of to a square. 4'RI-I.IIINICKLY . to Subseribere out or the mitts at For xeCtr,LABB ova, tr. arena,. AIM 1111Y..G00003 ERS. SPRING, 4 1 KENT, SANTEE, & Co., woman AND JOBBSI3B 07 lr OOOD E 0;9 Fait 111111 'MTH nun L. above saga ramADELPELL. 1„., on. ntom 4.7,n) CUSIPLETB STOOK OF zailD 7u'OITESTIO DRY 0130 DEL ~,Atandinz the assroi.ty of mazy kat` ag of inn stock is maw full and varied in &II AtterAloOL is baoltea to our soooriourot M . PRILADIWP I 3I6.:MADS GOODS. Cloths, CB9Blineros 4 aor. -ortmora of Prtoto, F= Loins& iko. worth:Wl:el Of Wei:loos, - Whao Goo•Ig. Arc. -..,,ortroant of Rhootints. AK- lel6 as. ,liscrtzemalt 0.)111gh Goods. Ge, f : ;141:4013 , , ASAINS, IS MELLOR* 0.; 44 "Id 415 NOZPIS THIRD STIRLT. rjeroAzrii.ol9 07 13."0-.5I)Wia . Ve WARES; E 1.71; rACTIIP.BES 07 'O.BIRT FRONTS trATZ , O I If PE .1.1 , 51.11 f /AMWAY. E -W BILIS. HOUSE. tv t refff i tAs J A inEY, id ItS43 ms.Rxxs• wrltssT, 1771 , 1415•1.3 WAIMEA II 49X3LIKEIc. 1 Sa egot].s, BRAWLS, 'WHITE EMBROIDERIES, *Ay', reeeettrally Invite the attention of SPRING, 0111:10 YARD CO., ARM "Ao. 614 TAWS STEASIS4, Eitork• ther 8I&IDiG atrovrvrittp, cf al : 115-1 :SD TAM fiCCIDEI, CONBIBITSG Or eaclior,s, OP AIL IlatiDB: AND FANCY ETLTSS, CMOVES, MITTS, RIBBONS, A.ND ;.):k. - I , V 7IMIDEIVIING.W. *Leo. - ft; Ciar;ts. 1113003. BMBRAIIIItZtratt, AND MACES. raj: hloir.ozae assorthiaset or 1 .iN*. AND SUMMEB 13.8.1.,M0.RAL SKIRTS, c.l-114112. c. WMIII, they alter to the Tiede 1.4 - " W =IV PRIG.V.S. fds-31s, DAVID 0171,7i3. 11R GUN° AMR TOM, BRO., & CO., Ippurtars and Dealers in 711311 01.333EILDES, LACES, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, 11TT8, GLOVES, THIREEMS, te„ sc. 4159 ULIMET &TENET 418 COMMERCE STREET. SPRWG DRY GOODS- I' =MAT EIaPUOIRLITE TO OAS E WYSE& BONBRIGHT, & Wholmile Dealers in FisZNION AND DOMBSTIO 'faYE' Gr04:301:00. liP WAIT Street. and US OOMILERCI Stmt. FIELTIADNAPHIL zer.seleris twine attention to their lAMB of ieltdmer DOWEBT/C33 DRESS GOODS, REF'S AND BOYS' WEAR, .::"i2Tir FOUNT 7103. 5 of YBILLRIII.IIII.A. ELUIPLIVAOTIME. 125-2 m [3,64. SPRiNG • 1864• DRY GOODIS zraria, WIEST, ERVIN, UtPOZT AID .TOBBlalit OF GOOD l3 ` xr.). THIRD S TARR T. PMDADELPHIA. tkre now in stora.and are daily in reeelvt of, all kind, or FRESH SPRING DRY GOODS, or YlEll VARY LATEST STYLES. Have a Full Rock of all the different kind* of PHILADELPHIA - MADE CfrOODB. Imamate 'Fill flora it to the& 'interest to call and ex itlime eta desk. as we can offer them UNJWITALLZD zohls 2za VEW ]ASH HOUSE. Li GOODS RODONT AND SOLD FOR CASH. LITTLE & ALBINISM, MARRET STREET. VA. attention to their entire new and Splendid Stook SPRING DRESS GOODS. i 3 LICR SILKS, - MOURNING SILKS, FANCY SILKS, POULT DE BOMB. SEASONABLE SHAWLS, LO.S.SYNO , CLOTHS, MANTILLA SILKS, NTILIJAS„ - I..nareaturea. by tbstaildves from late Pardo Style*. r:01-9.1 COMMISSION sous Es. THE ATTENTION OF TEE TRADII is litlied la OUR STOCK OF rk.r.owr wooLrat nO. all-wool Yisozois. MILLID 7141171r.L8. Various Gray. &Adel. wad Durk Blc.c. MIATIM FLAANBIA. 'atilt OPERA riwizzi.s. :Jam carrel/ WI.E,P GLOM& 15, 16, 17, IS, L 9, 2C. 28, II Qs ;.I.IIGY 011SMITABIL Ala) SA.TL6IIITTIS. titaom BETR'rg. all Grades. 9 '371701( GOODE,. DMIIIME, TICKS, STRUM, 6HIYT• =GS. acs.. from various Milli- DZ conszy, RAMILTON, & Via% Si LETITIA. Street, And. 32, South THOM' Strout. f'27-liramties PAPER HANGINGS. 564. PrHLADELPHIA 1864 . PAPER EfAN'GINGS- HOWELL & 1101311(1, 1 4 1 Ali ITFACTURBES 07 A I" F. RS AND VtaNDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, ( '•::OR.- FOURTH AND MARKET SIPS., PHILADELPHIA. N. N.—A Ana stock of LINEN SHADES consti.ntl 7 01 tsad. mb.2-2tri fp OIL CLOTHS, ar.c. G . W. BE A-BON a. CO. , MAKUPAOTHREHS 011 gi CLOTHS, Utik NORTH THIRD STEEST. PHILADELPHIA %.'e- to the Trades foil Stock of FLOOR, TABLE., AND CARMAJIA OIL CLOTHS. 7Ah.3- O RRIN-GLAZED OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW 2vn MADER. GEORGE W. Mrsinfaetarer and Whotenale Dealer in e 9 : I IPETINGS, MATTEKGB, RUGS. COTTON AElli WOOLEN YARNS. Al Tail Low Prices. NO BOWEL 'TRIED STREET. ABOVE ARM Philadelphia. en 1. 4 ‘,4 1864. GOOD. 1364. DEEM 33 PHILADFLPIJIA 1864. FANCY BASKETS. A, FRANCISCITS, 113 BIARIER.T ANTS me colinimucrk NATO lust opened a largo and well assorted stook aline GERMAN AND FRENCH FANCY BASKETS Or NIB OW IMPORTATION. GREAT INDUCEMENTS OP SEED TO THZ TRARIA' =AMA= • • 7. 1 4* . 1 1 .• . " • -- •• - ; •:? ks, . • . 11111 111 11 #/ r 1 4 ?.-1 c• N _,-• • • • ern •.9iyi ' - • VOL. 7.-NO. 23. MILLINERY GOODS. P. A. HARDING t CO., IMPORTESB /LAD JORTIBUti OP maw AND MILLINERY GOODS, No. fill ARCH STREW", I , IIILADRLPWLL. MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, No. 806 CHESTNU r STREET, Aro now receiving their Spring Importations of SILK AND MILLINERY GOODS, etroa AS FANCY AND PLAIN RIBBONS. GROS DE NAPLES—Allahada% MARCELLINES AND FLORENOES FRENCH AND ENGLISH CRAPES. LADES AND JOINED BLONDES. ILLUSION AND DI/ILENE NETS. &0., Also, a full assortment of FRENCH. AND AMERICAN FLOWERS. snhlG tuths2m 1864. 1861 WOOD C4RY, 725 ouzsTNVT STREET. STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. P. 5.--2DIRESANTB AND XILLINSIS aro !noted to ..zertta before purchasing. on our STOCK LS FULL and ISTOSS LOW. u},4 •2m WOOD a mom 4.7 SPECIAL NOTICE.—L. TIL 1 .;4i max. 2 - 12, RED dit WAY. N. Y.. Worms the A " ladle, of tot^ city that be bo.a. received hie assort ment of PPXINC BOOMPTtd, oed morn dun aver. the most erantqui Arid complete assortment or 1.11T11131,11. FLO Virßlr., PEAT.I3IALS, Btc., ever imported in the United Stoles. Tte loweat trade price will he elloweii to persons in the trade. 712 BP_Da.aW.a.v r . 14 R. --Piende remember, to prevaat TM MAN. it liRO DWAy, Th . 7121. iistalalirhea in 1855. 807 tit MISS M. A.. , BAICER, No. N 34.0 CHEbTINUT STRENT, Mu; opened a him roeortr.oot of PARIS MILLINERY. spl3-3m* For the 'spring gad Summer of ISM. BASKETS - AND WILLOW WARE. LitM4Er!.T AND BEST ASSORTED STOOK OP WOODEN-WARE COTTON - GOODS IA THIS COUNTRY A. EL. FRANCISCUS 9 613111AILKE'V AND 510 CONHERCIII WHOLESALE DEALER IN WADDING, BATTING, TWINES, WICKING, CORDS, CORDAGE, BTJOKETS, BROOMS, BRUSHES, BASSETS, TUBS, unutais, MILTS, wErres, TABLE AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, BIRD-CAGES, JAPAN WAKE, _ WINDOW PAPER AND SHADES, PUTNADPS (ThollihS-WRINGEB, LOOSING GLASSES, CLOCKS, FLY-NETS, FANCY BASKETS, So., ay. Eih3l J 864. 1864. Wi-1179120 WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, 425 MARKET bTREET. Brooms. Pails, Tribe, Wash-Boards. Baskets, Chß drgai'm Coaches and Claim Table and Floor Oil Cloths, Cloaks and Looking glasses, Tie Yarns. Wick. Cordage. Carpet Mains. Twines. Cotton Yarns, Wadding. Cotton Laps. Batts, Sia. FRENCH AND HERMAN FANCY BURET& • Agenta far the HALEY. ETORgig, Si BoiDES SELF-ADJUSTING ctorlizs WRINGER. ap.9.2m GIMA.T OPENING OF CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE. TEES LARGEST STOOK IN THE CITY. NOW SELLING AT BARGAINS. 1 000 DOZ. COEN BROOMS. 3.000 DOZ. FAI.IO - 1 PAINTED BUCKETS. 1.000 HMS O,PDAI4 WASH. TUBS. LOOO CEDAR. STAFF AND BARREL CENRAL 1,000 DOZ. WILLOW MARKET BASKETS. 3,000 BALES COTTON-WICK AND TIE TARN. 5,000 BALES BATS AND WADDING. RETICULE BASKETS, OIL CLOTHS. LOOKING 0Ld561.13. GORDIAN, as.. as. All Goods are sold at the Kannfactarer's Lowest gash Prises. Orders proutravf4ed- ROWS & RUSTOIV, MT and 159 NORTH THIRD Malt mbS•2m Three Doors below Etat GIVER WITRNIKEILYNG GOODS. 1864. 1864. NEW STOOK. MailTVOrt. , 3:l l jr. W. comma SIXTH AND CILESTNDT WRISTS. NOV OFFICES & LARGE AND ELEGANT NEW STOCK OF GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. All the choicest novelties in this department 0001411.107 On hand. TITS BEST-MADE SHIRTS IN THE CITY. ORDARS PE.OIIFTLY FaTiGIITED. PRIORS ILIASONABAN 0321-einthtr473l THIS, NATIONAL COFFEE ROASTER 'FOR, FAMILISE.—HT DIPS PATENT. Pah. 2. 1851. Is provided with Patent Trier, Patent Propel/ore, Patent Hinge, and Discharge. Iteaeta Coffee. evenly and snick's, se Mont toiling the aroma of the Dern' Or Luis g the patience of the operator: effects a great raving, se no e. Me is burnt and all the strength retained. Prices 42. 43. and db. Far hale at the Hardware. Hense-farnishing, and other +dome, and by the Coffee-Boaster end Mill Kann tacturieg Company. Rime. & BURMA. Agents. 1505 PENNSYLVANIA. Avenue, Philadelphia. A Liberal Dinonnt to the Trade. aplti•stlithlmlP TO HOTEL PROPRIETOMS AND GROCERS.—HYDE'S PATENT COMBINED STOVE AND COFFEE BO aSTEN place' it within your power to MLitt Tour own Caffein hotter and at leas expense than when done by the Professional Roaster. 'besides giving' you the satiefaction of knowing the article Ton use ird. Power Reactor, capacity from 00 to 100 pounds • W Band Boasters capacity from 26 to t PO ands. $25 t SM. These machines are now In BUCCPBFIIII operation in the Continental Hotel. Philadelphia. Achisnd House. • • Union Hotel, achbagton Hotel. St. Nicholas Hotel. New :Fork. Filth swans Betel. New Porn Botel. Richmond Monte. Chicago.Tremont Bongo. Celt Howe. Louisville, And many others. Manufactured and for sale only by the Coffee Boaster and Min sionnfactnring Conrcaor. rcil & BEE.PEIL Agents 1805 PENNSYLVINIA avenue, rniladelphia. arae.tuthur.fp PEPRIGEBATORS, WATER- 00014- BUS. Ice-Cream 'Freezers Washing Machines, Car pet Sweepers, Clothes Framee, Fol , :iug Camp Chairs. and a great variety of netfal Hnn..hold articige. at the Defiant the "lin:vvrue 011ogowhee )010047 Wringer." B. L. BURNHAM Manufacturer's Agent. No 21 ?oath SIX CH Street, _ap27-Irn getwepn Cnestlint and Market. picKix9.-100 BBLS. PIOKLES IN Tlllegoir. 63 hair bbl.. Miami in vingisikr. Mao. three•talloid and Elva-gal/on ketii do. Nor sae bi RHODES di WILLIAMS. lOW 107 Santa WATIR Stmt. CURTAIN GOODS. I. E. WILRIVIIII, (51JOOMOS TO W. H. CARRYL.) MASONIC lIKLII, 719 VIIESTNIIT STREET, HAS NOW OPEN AN IMMENSE STOCK OF NEW GOODS, SMBEA.OING WINDOW SHADES, LACE CURTAINS, CURTAIN GOODS, FROM AUCTION, EXTREIZELY LOW PRICES FINANCIAL. F 0 IMTH NATIONAL 13A.NK PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL 8100,000, THE PRIVILEGE OF INCREASING TO $500.000 PRESIDENT. WILLIAM P. HAMM. VICE PRESIDENT. ALBERT O. ROBERTS. CASHIER. SAMUEL J. M.AcMULLJIN DIRECTORS. i WM. P. HAMM, WM. BEnORS, A.l. BRRT C. k 0 ORM D. W. B S,AD far, JAS. O. MCA. JOHN' FAtt.EIRA, WILLIAM . SIOHLEY. THE FOURTH NATIONA.L BANK 18 MT oiler st.t NO. 7.33 A.rcla. Street, for the transsottom of & General Banda[ basiness, TEDOU the nsve-Iternis- C0i.1 ,- ..ctook .r.,od - a on all polots of the Re r, lowest ratog. Sabscriptions Amived, for :ha Ireited States Bend.. Wag% S. BAdMULLikig, avl7-12t Caeliew. TBEA: SURY DBPARTiIitiCT. OFFRIS of C . F.l 2 . 7ROLLEIL 0.11 TES CkritNENOT. Vir.keittlNGTol: Ist:re:WY 2dtb. tafft Mona*. by itatisfectory ecider.ol presented to the anderoigned, it hae been ulnae to appear that the Fourth Nati-nal Bann of Philadelph:e, in the county of Fbibtdeiphia, and State of Pent nyiSranio„ hag been day organized under and screarding to the pequironiente of the act of (301121111.5. tratirAid Mil Oct to' provide a na tional cernatcy, eecured by a pledge of Vnit9d Stater etocks.and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," Appioyed Febrtn.ry 26th, 1E6% and hag com plied with all the !progislone of raid act required to be compiled with before coI Inenciat the business of Ranking, Dow, therefore 1, lau g h MeOttilech. 00Mpiroligr of the Currency, do herob7 certify that the reuxru RG TIOSAL BaAK OF ERIIADBLPOIA, count* of Phila. delphia, and State of Pennasinanis, ig anMorized so commence Um business of flouting. wider the act afore said. In testimon7 whereof. Witztm4 ralr hand Pfi col of office. Ws twanty•serit day of Potruary,lCss. ETIOS MaGIILLOGII, soli2 2m anscrotrnliflY of the Carrel:Lay. RECOND NATIONAL BANK OF ANETCAI). CAPITAL 1111100,1303. THE r. 417.112103 07 oszAsuie To Tv.00.000. NATHAH MLLES, Preaideat. WILLIAM A. BRAWN, Cashier. (Late of the Philadelphia BkvA.) DIME OTORS )1 . HILLES. CHARLES N. NRNMER. iiNORGH w. Ea AWN, R2.N.1. Lcc WLAND &WAR R BAY YD3ER JOEN GuO D R & E C . a. LSWIS KEIALL , :ROSS, The &mend National Bank of Philadelphia the port' own. at No. 13&- MAIN SPelet, Prankford. for the trams action of a General diaiticlurßilldealie epee the nenrt tax:ma. Collections upon all seceellble White Will be made upon Liberal terms. Itespeettolly. rg4.Sxo W. Tr. 11.41.11. CasslOcr cpENNBILVANIA: GOLD MIZITIN COMPANY.'' BLAGE UAW POINT. near Central (AM OilPili Co., COLORADO rEssirogY. Incorponbad by the State of Pennsylvania, IS6L tit1,4EN:243,000. 100,080 .$/0 wr Sian, Subtoriptiort $5 per share to Ortsiztat Subecriborr. The Books for Subscription to the Stock of this floniou- Ey are no* open at chi' deco of the undersigned. and an opportunity is °Vexed to the public to subsoribe for a, limited number of Shares. The property Is In the richest developed part of the gold Regions of Colorado. and consists of right in fee on the following developed Lodes Fisk, Gunnell, Bugher, Calhoun, Gregory, and BimmonS• These Lodes are known to be rich in Gold Quartz, and are now ready for machinery. which will oe placed at the earliest posslble date. and of the moat improved kind. under the charge of a competent superintendent. sided by the cervices of JOHN ARMOR, .ESQ , Vrtese interest is identified with the Company, and wno b: well known in Iliew York. Philadelphia, and through- out the West as a man °thigh charaskr an ability. and a resident of Colorado. Also, claims oa the following undeveloped. Lodes: Portland, Novembago, 'Gilead, Vermont. Hoosier, Romantic, Keystone, Ket tle-Drum, and Warsaw. These are all valuable location,. Reference Is ,made to Deporta, that can be found ja our office, of Gee. FITZ JOHN PORTER. and Prof. D. N. 'MY% Jew York Aa• say Office, who were sent to Colorado 'to examine and report upon this property. and also letters from Dr. JUDD, of the Arm of Lee. Judd. & Lee. and others. The Company have also a vainest:a° Mill Site. with an abrusdance of water. They reserve the sum of $147,000 FOR WORKING Oh.PITAL. Which la an ample fund for the most approved ma chinery, and the best character of ennarlntandanea anti labor. The prospect of profits in Gold, based npon the calcu lation of intelligent citizens cf Colorado, is set farth in the prospectus at our ofllce. where the Dahlia are Invited to call and examine the treidencee of fix v+iiae• WITHERS it PETERSON, BANKERS, No. 33 South THIRD Street The CompanY is orianized as foIIoW R DAVID STUART. Preedent DIRECTORS. Slim Morris, Philadelphia, W. P. Hacker. Phila. a- W. Ado , ph. do. John G. Vicbord Ptttreon, do. Lewis C Ca&idy. do . Wm. H. Hassell, N. Y. J. armor, Cettral Cliv.Col COUNSEL. Platt. Gerard, Lc Buckley, Wakaly Er. Reed. Caartal black Yu: k. I Clty. Coiorado. WV! P. HAOKBF Saczetary and TNlSllter, rI3ILADELPHIi, April 19, 1294. ap9S-thota9t ARCHER & REEVES, wHousam. GROCERS. So, 45 North WaTiOt Street. and 4414orth.DELAAPAR.E Avenue. Offer for sale, at the Lowest. Market Prices. 11. large !dock of SUGAR. MOLASSERS, COFFEE. TEAS SPICES. TOBACCO. And Groceries generally. carefally aelectcd for the country nada kola emote for the oroduats of FITHIAN & FOGUB'S Extortive Fruit Canning Factory at Bildgeton. N •ecc. UPHOLaTERING. H. B BLANCHARD It co. , Itortheaat 'cornea. THJETESNTEf and CHESTlitrelits. oarmis ein4 itakting mad& and laid. Bedding, Bate, tee Verannia Awnings. mkBo-3m i 4 $ 4 . 1 TJRDAY APRIL 30, 1864. Ett Virt4ss. SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1864. NEW YORK CITY. CEptotal Correwpondenee of The Preen.] Nsw Youx, April 29, 1864. CITY TASTES AND FAsEIIONs. One cannot walk through our streets upon a sun• shiny day without being powerfully impressed with the tangible signs of a gradual but sure assimilation to the European capitals. It would, indeed, seem ES though the existence of the war had a tendency to force this process with hot-house rapidity. We have lost our angularity, our primness, our chinas teristic Americanism. The spirit of the Dutch fore fathers is departing from us, and for it we are suh stituting what Mr. Mantalint was wont to call "a dear, demnred, delightful spirit of Europeanism. Only a short time ago, a full-blooded &rmentan, in coarse robes, wearing a high pasteboard and calico hat, bevelled off' at the top like the mouth. piece of a whistle, as though one might play on him, stalked with imperturbable gravity through Broad way. Be was our foreign floating population, and though ocly a military, isolated barbarian, looking around, perhaps, for whom be might devour, he be. came a central unique in the vast perspective pie. tore of the promenade, reminding one very forcibly of come of the picturesque beings h 9 might have met with in the streets of Rome, rather than those of New York—providing "ono" had ever been in Home." From this statement it is not to be argued that 0- reign creatures tread our pavements in national cos tume, each ore grim, iLg hetet ly at ue unbelievers, and imagining himself a realization of the inevitable saint who never fails to appear in Jacques Callot's pic tures, surrounded by legions of demons. Fortunate. ly, transportation to this country is too dear for the heathen. But with civilized foreigners, educated according to sound doctrines, and inducted to the sublime utilitiea of pantaloons and broadcloth, we ate literally imitated, Our best sooiety is tinged with the trans-atlantic element. Bankrupt Freush• men who speak broken Beglish, and broken EP. &Joh men who speak bankrupt French, Russians, Ger mane, Dauer, everybody, in feet, stems to have ram bled into our metropolis for the purpose of making his fortune in speculations, or writing a 17mo. vo• lame upon Ameilca and the American war. Not only is the tone of society unmistakably com posite, but the general taste in all that pertains to the tasteful. Thorough iconoclasts, - at hot We are breaking our primitive idols, and forming our faith upon the models which Paris has endorsed. We talk about our Park, our statuary, our art gsileries which are to be; we dismiss our architeetural tastes, pointing to this buildiug or that, as a gem in its way. Our carriage manufActories no longer turn out the vulgar hack, the great, glaring, Puritanical coupe, and the spidery sulky, with wheels of mar. vellous periphery, like gcorcz,trieal webs, in which the round, torpid, silver spider ever sleeps. Now we have the Hansoms, the Dog-carts, and vehicles which may be Russian droskiss or Parisian affairs, name and general d,.portmert unknown to poor, un travelled. coirreponnento. Calt , it is, ho,vacrar, that our first•elsas vehicles are gems, graesl - zi in yodel, and of nit tints, from the faint flesh aokr to the heavy, mcgrifici:st maroon. The 1110IC Wi:itk/Wif absolutely glitter, where,• a Sear ago, 'amy only glimmered. Everythingts pale. fully costly, and, conarquently, painfully desirable. Here are the new vart"a ; not Ete.uec , ln, not Ilmr tian, not Grecian, not Byzantine: hut perfect apt tomer, st.e.hu2d, with dead, granular colors, without gloat: or 713rnit.13, hull'e•eyed with medallions of a:avian and .141 . .ptian he d., and halted with mp tholegicel or. battle-Mecca. Twisted, snaky hen. dltis Of silver or rartan hug their starved throats. Everything 'le new and foreign. It Is the same with' the silks, the shawls, the jewelry; the small trash. 'lntended for the corner whet-no:a, and even the chandeliers. Wothing is as it was betore the 'sear• IT supreme .Lmiury has- mniredly we have climbed into it, and are fleretly nudging Miler' and itlannseer for the most prominent p.3sition thereon. StLaT.2,B.I , ISCAR.CIC.F.ATIONS There mine to be a peenhar heedieseness of pro priety in Fort Eafayette mattera, about tee present time. A certain functionary, whose name is not Gen. Dire but something else, appears to hsve a weakness for - committing gentlemen to that uccomfortable brentioand-weterhig plecc, without waiting to meter. tainavbether they have rendered themselves liable to incerceration. Afew weeks ago, a gentleman holding an cMcial petition of much importance WAS role gated thereto ; much to his own surpriee and that of his Mende. The painful news wee conveyed to hint that he had been the habit of winking at contra band shipments, is consideration of sundry emote-. Copperheed papers in neighboring cities ar gued elaborately upon the ease, and found him guilty without mitigating eircumstanees. Tee fade were simply these : The prisoner had been employed ne a_ detective, touching matters of contraband Ishipmente• te the,South. Ilia plan had been to ingratiate him. self With empected partiee, and, by appearing to - adopt their peculiar view's, avert suspicion front him eat; and gain all desirable information. To this day :many an individual engaged in illegitimate ire Mc remains ignorant of the means by which tte Government became poseemsed of his secrets, never supposing for a moment that a certain eaavc and polished individual among his friends Wag the person who ultimately brought him to grief. Neseesarily, hewever t in some Isolated cases, the parties din.. covered to whose agency they were indebted for their tips to Fort Lafayette ; and, smart ing sander the pangs of misplaced ennadence, retaliated by charging the unwitting detectivewith complieity and the reception of bribes. Acting upon these ehargeo, the certain social referred, le , sent the detective to Fort Lafayette, without, it lc mild, even troubling himself to make out svarrant for the commitment. Exoneration followed almost imme diatelyl; and the victim was commiserated, with by hie superior oilleere, and has in his potgentiones ter of assurance from a leadieg functionary of the port. At present advice's, the certain ea dal is in danger of being sued for damages to the. amount of $61,000. There iff certainly a strew loose somewhere in Ma mattef of commitments. An insane enthe steam for the detection of fraudulent doings among subordinate Government employdi probably under lies' the long series of mietakes of which this iss but a solitary Instance, which fact affords only cold eon labor' to a man who is suddenly pilloried without reason or cause. The vindication of Mr. John W. Hunter, of the, before the United States Commis sioner, was thorough, the cotnrcissioner and the prosecuting attorneys voluntarily expressing their complete conviction of the falsity of the chargeit which had been somewhat foolishly made against him. AIRS. HOST. Mrs. John Hoey, the favorite dramatic artist, so long and favorably known as the 'goading lady" at Wallachia Theatre, has retired, temporarily, it is hoped, from the lame, Her plate it aupplied by Miss Jane Coombe. Mra. Roey has been for years the literal pet of the vablic, bearing a high reputation not only in the dramatic but the social world. Riehteoualy or •entighteouely the Uwe of society are Liollotsib/e hieveys, who rlgidip seclude those of the dramatic profession from the charmed circle of the aa3on, and it is a pleasure to record one instance where dignity in private life, and a merited reputation for all that Is truly womanly, have over come prejudices so seemingly inexorable. EIZEIEMIC! The diabolical is triumphing at present over the Intellectual. Mild lectures upon moral and political topics have undergone a voluntary extrusion from chapels and institutes, and professors of cliabierie have taken their places. The Davenport brothers, who profanely claim that spirits have no better occupation than untying hard.knotted ropes in these starvation times, at old prints, are M Uooper Insti tute. In connection with their entertainment, silences are UM. The exhibitions are attracting some notice from leading Spiritualists in the city. Heller still continues his feat. in magic, and Sim mons, the esesmoteur," summonses• an engage ment at the Broadway Theatre (newly liftmen), on. Monday next, Mrs. Avonia Jones produced, In the early part of the week, a grim and sepulchral drama of much percussive force, entitled "The Sorceress." Its texture is crape, and its ellest upon the audience the communication of a desire to purchase =meal ate death at any prise. Mr. Wheatley, of Niblo's, announces the speedy production of John Brougham'a spectacular, known as "Bel Demonic?' Loyalies," continues its run at the Olympic, and " ()LAWN Cave" at Ber num's and the Bowery. Literal fleets of small craft arc sailing hence for Fortress Monroe, in ballast. Government agents are chartering , everything which is available This of course means another expedition, and One which Will be undertaken on a grand scale. Taxpayers are festive over legislative interre• rem with the Common Council. It is proposed to give tax-payers the rights of cestui qus trust. In ease, then, of a misapplication of funds, any citizen may appeal to the courts. The Council will have to be dexterous in their doings, hereafter, if they desire to live fatly upon the leenucll Of the land. BALTIMORE. Important Speech by Inc Secretary of State. Mr. Seward, accompanied by a number of the fo reign ministers, visited the Baltimore sanitary Fair yesterday : • "Mr. Seward's speech was over half an hour in delivery, but no full report of it has been made. 'at said he feared be could make bat a feeble response to the flattering compliment bestowed upon him. There was one thing he loved more than toe freedom of the white man or black man, and that was his country. [applause.] "He did not know whether hit phtloiophy difrarod from that of others or not, but he was sure he was right. [Cheers J The question of human freedom is now settled, and nothing can change it. Our country came into peril in eatabliening the great tee n s now of liberty and human equality. Our bug. tees now is to serve our country, and in so doter we germ the cause Of hums pity and freedom for all timworicL "His principle was to give unlimited confidence to the Union now. everywhere, and especially in thd Border Stater, For - himself he would have sealed the great question of carmine between the North and South In tee beginning of the war—awing the Union without bloodshed, but it wan ordered otherwise. He had believed the Mader States, and perhaps all the States, might have been held in the 'Union, had Union men in them Yuen fully protected. But war we■ 'Rimed upon no, We aro now in it, and we Must restore our country and peace by former arra% and compel obedience. We have the power and the means, and we will do it. [Loud applause ] "It cur Government could have placed sufficient force in the Southern. States to protect the Union element in them at first, this revolution might not have heppeted. [sensation.] He said we were abundantly able to light all the power of the South, and finally conquer, and we would do it. We would have been able to tight Pdaryland, too, had be gone wrong. [Tremendous applause.] it He highly complimented the ladies and their friends for this sublime sanitary enterprise, anti promised them their reward from their grateful countrymen, the patriotic soldiers, and from Heaven. He also gave hopeful indications of our foreign re• latione, and concluded by saying the gift of republi can liberty from our Revolutionary fathom awl from Washington, with the Union of the States, must and obeli be maintained." General Wallace lies issued orders notifyiog all absolute rebels who have gone South, or Who Ofier.- ly assist the Southern rebellion, their property will be confiscated, regardless of any arrangements to the contrary, etthe original orders which may have been mode to prevent its confiscation ; that the in comes therefrom. past, present, and to come, WM be held for the baut43t of the Government. This has created a decided flutter in disloyal circles. Ms. Key Horvald has been sent to the Old Oapi• tol at Washington. XXXVIIIth CONGRESS-4st SESSION. WAnanyraTo.w. AprE. 28, 1864. SENATE.. A New Northweslera Canal Ilante. Mr. 0 RIMRS p3esented the memorial of Canton Penfield, Clerk of the Trearnry Department praying for the con stunt:on of reservoirs tl»• supplying tact Upper ellesissinet With a mediuoo ete go of water for navigation tbro tigho the dry summer months, and a canal from the head of Lake sopz,e, to the Red niv. , r of the North.. via duly Lake. a distance of forty miles. and thence via tir.oW ivir g. Leaf River. and Ottertail Lake. to Bretkinridge, a total di,..tance.of 240 Mite. 3. thus opening navigation by the Red River and Savea - ehawan for 2,010 111,103 to the base of Clot hooky Mountains. and fur/IL:blow an outlet to the Heaton 13-.. y ration. This would malt% im• prevenient of forty-three miles lsom than toe Pon and Wife:nein river canal ratite, and eighty miles shorter than the 11;1110iF and MICt.i,GIPIA canal. Mr. BA MIeX introduced a bill for the benefit and bet ter management of the In dlana, by which the President . 1, .1 LIT; S e d , cr i locateCt itp oas themivtxe the new r ,„ w r e e r , t el; t o T t n o s m , e a h t iebervstions, when the Preeldent can .1.004 W again and sell their lard. BOOLITILII presented a memorial of &Anne of Wisconsin aikbeg for an incrottee of ton nu" cont. in the duty on foreink-lisooL Referred to the Finance Carn otite& Lbw, a resoltition of the Legislat are of Wigenneln, ask ing for the Sionrovement of the locks en the Erie canal. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Mr. SPriatill% introduced the resolutions of the Luta blare of Rhode Wend. salting reimbursements by the Government of money paid by that State to oil/care and. men mneteredinto the service. Referred to the tdiiitary COMM htee. Mr. H.A., , :LAN introduced the resolutions of the lowa Legislature, itsßing for increased mail facilities in that State. rilajor General McDowell's Report. Mr. B EBSO.ti oneied a joint resolution to ptovide for the Priatiat of to o report of tl..e couunisston, of which. Major flenersl Virkd president. to soe a), the into cottou speculations and frusta on the part of officers in thn West. mcilification of Mr. GRIMES. requectlng the .itere. , tars of War .o transmit the report, was accepted' by Mr. Jat-ndercott. _ _ on notion of Me. LANE. of Kansas, the words "if net iecerapatible with the pnblle interests" were added. An amendment of Mr. GRIMES. requesting* all iti forts ation touct tag the etthjs . .c', or touch tug peraorte enp• poved to be implic3ted ie the report, wa , ., adopted. tartan , t1Y41.1-ON, F.F.ASENDfidN, and ethers thought the resr.latlen had beet not be a,do , :tod now. Mr. 133,111,tivUtOri said that iuformati,u on the etiMeet Noes desired now, as it would base on blur, cow p2r,A,41 before •bie h_ody: aadtitlewas the only authentic way to ohtatuft. w ar.te wet tho hill c Jneorcing negrots freed dueti,p; the "wen There was a v t Beat in the report of the commission hearing 'upon that subject !Another ?6 the bull rot cried from tPe committee on lommerae ratio it in the newer of the B..crrta , y of tar Toßnatri to purchase all the products of the Sontil,ra titatee. .r had read letters (letting the Jar , throe dun from the Rid riTer satins; that our defeat there Was uu ac count of , Peaujinton. "ho econlry in the a:iv...nee in that rcet.tot,. numbering F. 0.7,0 men, had 205 waglrls. hocanat• enlaugled and C , infaren the -- . - shole action, rid Mr. '011....i 1 21 -ittated to !thew if the Solator: charged. that 'the lied river ex: edition was undertakeu fox the ro,re rwp n'ath,rlog . Mr. bad tete no such thing. He nterel , t Wt. hod to hxzoW 'ht4 brinaao of cavalry warred. with 265 waion.s. - -7 , 41 , ,,. , it wai to gather up 61a mod acre Or the coomry. 3-.2:6 had merely 6ta•Eit that title extra erditiAry i.nrobel• of wag,ne wore, as cbar.rel by the terrepo.per let cop. Jr the purnoee of aathertor cottoa. Air. Cc. ota.c.a. on what ha con bidered the high est anthaiity, that ttee Waiter* Were part of ma ragniar trail% of tie and 'e'er tryer mitt heave boot" the de - ect of act:ono 1...ni0 brongcs there than., the clatement that they :sere intended to bring in cation wan not correct. Generai 8a13219 and A ilmt real Poe Mr. lIV.Iin.EIt)ON made no charge himself, hitt It was singurar that dt•a=_ter had followed the etatemente and pr<diclions of these neWsPaner Writers. fie read a letter from Grand Yecre, cated roar clays before the battle, aliening a cone ict or xuchority betwewn General Banks end admiral Porter. are stating that the latter was belying cotton en lance as a U 5,73,1 Drias, - . lnd predicting disaster. The predictions of the re,.ttl Le. In the ODinifla of rearm. seemed to confirm this. lio hoped the etate roenlS were iecorxect. end he hoped. if there had been uo dikURI6EATKOat between Admiral Porter and Gee. Banks it Nyonid he made kno:sn. tifx.oo. , :fireSSUccia're3 the atatern out road a cruel and base &Janda on Mull ral Porter. Ile Led the highest ate tt erj ty for e shying it. Mr. lIENDERE.ON was- glad the Senator could to au thoritatively deny the niateraent He Wag— norßanal acquaintance of the admiral. and thought highly of hum, hu - these Weenie:lts v7..143 having a hs.d effect noon the people. and, it untrue, should be refuted.. ho resolution. as amended was then et.lonfod. Mr. SMITH. called op the fi-nute bal to ash:Lb:l4h branch mint at Carbon City. Ifeva.f,a, and Dallas tlitY. Oregon. AD ernerdment, striking out Carson City, was alcy..ted, and the bill parsed. The National Currency hill came up in order, the tinee- Hen being on the rinar2e Committee's amendment to the fo:ty•firs t celtlon, es prorated to be am-mdel by bin Pomeroy. by the Interticn.of a Proviso exemption from tinte taxation that portion of the capital invocted in or based up^n Tinitaa. tqatee 'bona's. -••-- - . kir- CLARK wade an earnest speech against the amendment 01 fdr Pomeroy. as being calculated to in terfere with h,tate bankir.g laws. and array the bangs of the States against 'be National currency. Mr. L of Kansas, except in the present enter gonoY. would ecr.nt the idea of a United.titates banking lest "as a duty he owed, to his country and his con sdunency. Ile was now an'y indricad to anprort the rnelienre because his friends thought it a necessary nteasore in these Vnies of war. and because he would do everything to support his country. Sir. COWAN ferorel Elate taxation upon these banks. afr JOHNSO'N said a thousand dollars in gold will purchase eighteen hundred dollars in cnreency. and that amount inv.sted in United States bonds, bearA an in terest of six per cent.. with the interest payable in gold. The bank can loan thiE eighteen hundred dollars unt to its customers. and while it will receive one hundred and eight dollars interest, the representative of that eighteen hundred dollars is in the b shk lh bonds bear. ing interett during the whole period in which the loans are going en. The rate on the original . investment Will then be over 20 per cent, or $2OB per annum These banks are also authorized in this bill within proper limits to loan on their deposits to their full amount, recd! vial 6 Per cant., and the egg:eget° amount of interest is to be added on Sti• 810 of bonds. Tat) being the Una - eclat operation or the bill all the State capital will inevitably come into lb tee banks. It was a great .mistake to suppose that the credit of the Gcvernment depends alone upon our ability to meet our national obligatiome. It is as much' nvolved. in the ability of the Staten to meet theirs. If we are Unrtb:G to meet enr state cbligatione, It wilt he certain to prodoco an oe. the part of the dovernment to mod its own. The amendnle:at of Mr. POMEROY was rejected by s vote of 213 318.78.til 11 yeas: YEAS. Lsine. (Indiana), Pomeroy. RUMMY'. Sherman. NAYS, Bucka.Tetr. Grimes. estate, I Hale. Owl-, Harlan, Collaraer, enderson. (lowan, He ndricks, Howe. Dixon, Jobtason. ca a miler. Con woe, Hardin A, Howard, . . -. Fcsagndazt, 1 brne (131n.gria), root. !Moe 011451.1. Poste', MOWAIID offered an amendment to the commit tee-s amendment. providing that taxes imposed on mar ket Gains of Ebarefi by state authority. for Mate or other nurpeses.shall be in the Stale where the bank is situated. itfjected by a rote 0. , 27 nays to 11 rear.' as tollowe If:toward. Morrill. Pomeroy, I EMMY, BAT& Foot, s:acif view. I Tgo!sfor. Chastain.. enznens I a lan, He thicks, Clark.'Grimes. C.ivran. 1 Halo, clollainer. iHenderson, Davis, i Howe. Dirrm. Johnson.. D.,01111.14. (LIMB (illd- )4 Fesserden, (Lane (Kkneae). The Senate, at 5 P. M., adionrned HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The Charges agalhest Mr. flair. Mr. MIGDY, of California. chairman of the select COM =Wee on the charges against Mr. Blair ildiaeouril, moved that the evidence be printed. Mr xraLURGI, of Miesouri. reminded the House that when the report was made he waived his rernark9, in order that the tax bill might be acted on. He regretted tbat the military member (Mr Blair) was not now pre ernt. Tilie military member had the audacity to attack the four radical Members from Missouri in a clandestine marmo t and had inserted personal matter he novae uttered In hipprinted epeech. The Snalilialt reminded the gentleman that hie re. 73181 - $8 were rot in order. • . . • Mr. STEXENP, of Pennsylvania. said Mr. Blair had been allowed to go on in klb3 oViEI way, dud Mr. Mc- Clurg should have the same privilege. The BREAKER. replied--That waa by the consent ol the House. • oninoticn of Mr. gl'I.V.BllB, Mr. McClurg had par mission to proceed.. He denied that he had made a di rect charge against the military member of a Minor oreculation . The latter could not control his vladtoitre character, and had said that Powers was a treasuri agent, which was not the fact: nor was Mr. Bonner a beaanry agent until some weeks after the liquor trans action. • • • . He (Mr. McClurg) was a great admirer of Sacretary Chem, whom he compared to an iron-clad. plated with siyinch iron and the ludtvidnal pursuing him was a major solace!. Krieg paper wads frorn a pop.gnu, and the snit eel bad not been aroused from hie slombere. Mr. CLAY, of Kentucky, as a member of the select committee. reminded the gentleman 'bat there wan nothing in the evidence to show that Mr. Blair was in a liquor speculation. dir. MeULURG said be referred to the evidence Beall, and the Bence could craw their own conclusions. The military member and the eight officers of his sten Who signed the original orderlwore cognizant of the fact that it had been altered. They were not only =walls' but lt galy bound by the act of the forger. Michael rowers, who was their agent. He repeated that they yawed the act, and it would not now do to repudiate the act of their own agent. . Be was satisfied that the public would come to a similar concin lion. He quoted from and examined the evidence in me port of nit position. • Mr. 1110 BY. of California. obtained the floor ' bat V H e'ded to Mr, SCENCK, who from the Military Com mittee* /sported the Senate bill to equalize and increase the nay of soldiers, giving notice that lie will call it tir , an early day. Mr. IIARRIT, of 15faryIand, asked leave to record his vote on the Mx bill. but Mr. STEVENS objected, Mr. VOORHEES said there would be no objection to the Reitlenalin I'ro7ll : Pennsylvania recording hie own name. STUYVESANr. Mr. STEVENS replied be did. vote, whether his name was on the record or not. If it vt as not on the record, he did not care anything about It. Mr. DAWSON. hoped his colleague would be Permitted to record hia name. She SPEAK.= said the gentleman's name was not on the record Mr. STEVEES repeated that he had voted, whether it was there or not. Mr VOORHEES'. I would ask whether you did net vote for the bill with reluctance. Mr. STEVENS said the bill was so mangled that he almost 'vela/ed he was a Locofoco that ho might vote against it. Clory,lrter• Mr. HIGBY , Chair-man of the select committee on Mg. Blair's care, hoped the diacnasion would now come to an end. Be, and, doubtless, the House. had become dis gusted wlth this Missouri controversy. hadould not zove speak bat far the fact that Mr. Blair made the barefaced aesernon that Powers, who forged or altered the liquor order. was a Treasury agent. Mr. Blair maintained the charge of criminality against the Trea- Lary (Steers, and was not unstained by the facts. Mr. WAY. of Kentucky, a member of the select com mittee. said Mr. Blair was comparatively exonerated from the charge against him, but he did not agree with the gentleman (Mr. Hiffiry) as to the Treaarzry °Mears. lie concluded by easing Drat Mr. Powers was the forger. and Mr. Bonner furnished him With the work. The re port and evidence were ordered to be priyted. Mr. DAWES. of Massachusetts. offered a resolution calling upon the President to communicate to the Rome copies of all letters, notes, telegrams. orders. ant other documents which are referred to in his message of yes terday which have &lineation with the answer to the resolution whine whether F. B. Blair holds buy ap pointment or commission in the military service. Mr. BROWN, te . West 'Virginia, moved to lay the re= solution on the table, which was nega , ived by a vote of 19 scan to St Rays Tho Plintir.g Itsreauofthe Treatfitry De- partuteut. Mr. BROOKS, of Bew Rork, olrered an amendment. which was read for Information, namely. that the Presi dent communicate to the Douse. as soon as poasible. ail vouchers or esp,,sitions in, his or the wissersioa of the Treasury Department. respecting the fitting up uf a Bu reau in the Tuineurr Depp,rtinatt builditaz for 'printing AN 013DBA BY CIENBRAL WALLACE. The klat.iourA , Currency Mil money. bonds, s o r t e t t o lt n e c rzed i t t in o t u i ;Is t e tof the rr Feats Mr. DAWES bad no objeeepea. --- r u - e e ; D : (6, 7 0p - o - ns - a. " paratelv from the subject before th Renee Mr. BROOKS asked him whether he would enable him to dose. Mr. STAVENS replied he would agree to Asking general consent Mr. BOBER CK s mphatically objected. ageing the pro position bad nothing to do with the pending reeol mien. Mr. BROOKE eitoreeeed his surprise at the sensitive ness of the gentleman on the other Bide to hie making a few remarks in support of hie calling on the Pre sident for information Under Ohr forM of govern. meet we aye entitled to information from the Execu tive, which is not detrimental to the petite Interests. The information called for by the 'meet ation of the gen. Vietnam from Massachusetts is not deteinmatal to the public interests, but likely to be of pubis geed. w e have net only the right to k'nOW What P.: Kettle eu is. the Executive Derailment, but a right-to know what ie goiee on in other departments el' tha Ooverenient. in ereetmber or eannwry last. after the eleee of the hells deye, he submitted some allegations connected with the g of sh 7 i t i e g irtinl i o o n t y t e l e% Treeenry Deeartment. which 'were disregarded by the ed his nererise Mr. ORESRW EEL. of Maryland. objected to the gentle. ad men proceeding with hie remarks. t e e r c adne at t h tr e h s i . 13 h a d o male e e ;t r o m n 4 s 4 e 4 Mr. BROOKS remarked. the gentleman might se well anew him to proceed now as at eat ell , or time Re would go before the high come of the newspeper prose If the _Republicans would not hear him speak of the plundering and stealing of the pnblic Ow sure. Did the gentleman make a point of order on Waif Mv c.R.V.SAWELL replied he would make the ',tint one Of public morale. The remarks Of the gentleman were not applicable to the snlieet The IePEAKEI said the gentleman from New York wan not in order. Mr BROOKS remarked, the greater pert of today Was occupied in aiecuseing whether a cert,tia. weenie., of honor bed been 'endwed and paid for by seine• body's. money. The broadest latitude let tieimte had been el lowed respecting me member of :ha elbia6t,ana set. w ten be approached another Member of the e a u. net tee gentleman from Maryland objected as a matter of public morals. Ten years age. wb 40 a member of iritoiLniaftri.oEnrye. to he cz endeavored n:co: itoe ewith : t o t it : s e :e au - , F oal ti WhigPleads ancfkre i at ...hl Dem:mate. but now a general clamor wee raised the moment he approached the subject of the Prealarr. Several gentlemen on the -Republican aide called him to order. The SPBALIEBB. Raid the - gentleman was out or cv , der, adding that the Chair would continue to administer the rel.. impartially. Mr. BitOORB offered another resoirttion,•precsded by a preamble, calling for the appaintmentxf a committee to examine into and report en tilt condition er the Preasary fiepertmevt, and especially attc tbu rct"'svberstu are printed Dotes, Londe. and atherbh,igatitint or thelJal Led Rates, with power to employ em4rtei.' and that the com mittee Pugest or recommend each changes far fasilits, tie, bagmen and the prottotion of the public interests BR y be neeetearf. Mz GA.EFTELD moved a substitute. that the Commit tee en. the COMIIICE of the War inquire into. the saltiest. and that the Bon. James Brooks he summoned to Kiva teetimony as to any or all frauds of which.he has know k dye, in connection with the Treasury Drlparimest. Mr. BROOK 4 said be would accept that. Mr. aTitVEICS remarked, let ns decide one question be fore we take up mealier. Mr. BROORS rsnoaled he dkl not objdot to the reso lution of the gentleman from Ohio. and he would. now abandon the floor, it he were _permitted on publish hid allebrb in to-morrow's Gktc Ho ask ed this perfnieslun„ Mr. C.KeSIWki.L and *there obiected,•while Messrs. (30% and JOHNSON. of Penns3lvania, and others on the opposite side of the House, loudly called - them to oader. Mr. DAMPS. of Massachusetts. said the gentleman ficro Pennsylvania (Mr.ftsvens) bad chanced thus he had *Detect the floodgates of dissension He did not know what the get tieman meant by his remirk. He had found by experience that it did more hart to try to cover tin the faults of friends than to give the largest Marty to there 3.710 desire to Insostisate. If a man hrontht groundless charge, give him rope enough, and be will hare himself. If you do not, he will hang you. CLench ter.l Re was net to be governed in his line of condi:tot by the gentleman from Penne.? I y ante, Mr. BROOKS reacmsd his remarks. but was again in terrupted by Mr. CrEsswell, of Maryland. Mr. BROOKS. I r=o nokyieirl the door. r hiessre. COX, .1011NE019,. ol P:,ntr-vlvattitt, And oThera nailed hit. Cretp.well to order. and much tonfu,ion pro , valind all over the Hall. Id r. B/2 . 00115, after the noisy had some What salisided. said InAllow?, of public money hal hica sAvxifieed in the bureau of nrintinu, and mucu. P ,, Alued nv thD eon- Ncrklon of the tteneur7 buildmg SjiI.)IWEI Of OVtiV3 and haccuunt,le. If (hi g.„,.llgaios, were ulecfed, to East Innausge could be uttet“). not fit for female ears, he could nhow every word ho raid wa:4 morn than trlia. . . . . . . Mr BROOMALL, of fon .:sylvaz ia, Ale such remarka ia order ? . The IaPEARIIII mid the remark otlthe gentleman. frem New lark do net apply to he pending relolnuces. • Mr. BROOMALL. I ant tha4; the releibe enfare.A. Mr. tali:LIR. of Pennsylvania, wlebsd to know whe ther it vtr.s not in order to tea the truth, Tie .F.P.F.AIKEI: replied the gentleman might tell the truth about something itt California or. klaowliere. but it woald rot be applicable to the evbj:3tt before the Hou4e. Mt% JOS:117 SON. of VeilllnlYaltit, said tbo ybmircoeid net judge tmtter than any otner nwtober of tee anPro priatenres ef the remarks. BROOMiLL. of Pennsylvania. Silted whether it Teculd be in order for him to ink the sehtdematt from Nevi York to take hie teat? SP. Errnike trike saat. . . Mr STILE , _ , ,. of Few York, eala thy: , M. liroomei oh• jected to Ole gentlemar, from New York.celltnif the troth, !I hs 5P8...,11.111t. Ths gentlem.m muatkadie hie neat, nn lees he appeale. 32,11,13t00KS said be bad too ranch respect for the Chair to appeal. He had made hie um Arka in good f...icte, for the public good. Arr. WHEI{UIi, of Ohio. , Th ore ixmot be some deference paid to the order of the. Sptaker The remainder of the rentence was loft in the Tocirerations of ' Order' order r!, Pahl th , se who go lotglly ell]. to order Are thejn seiveg out of order. . . Mr. Sottis.siCir. ask that the nester be required to take his teat. Blewfs. iscHENCK. COX. JOHNSON, or Pfflitaylvt nla. and. others, on both rides. were ill talking at the same time. while the Speaker was hammering with hie gavel to enforce oraer. Mr, SatIZNO% on one side of the hill. and. Mr BRof-KS oil the other, indalged in a hurried and brief colloquy. but owing to the confri.ion. its purport was not heard in the reporter's gallery. further than that Mr. Brooks said to Mr. Schenck, " this is not 13..tliimore, bat the Capital of the United Mates " St.:4lS CK'o reply wae not heara. The ETBEahlidireuted Mr. - 84fifeuth and Hr. Brooks to tato their seals, saying Llkio was the secota lime he had w ordered. quiet was restored. Ou motioa- of Mr MILLER. (Pa.) lirr Brooks was allowed to proceed in order by a vote of SI yeas to 3G nays. BROOMS apologized to the Chair, slying be did lot take Ms mat whoa fiat requas 1, baaa , tee he did rot hear the request. ow:ng to the cokittelou Mr. 88L11.4.13, of Michigan, celled Mr. B2ocks to order. _ . Mr. BROOMS said he should not EAruggle mach far thor. t-her, bega.n to read from a raper in his hand "7 be qneetien belitgetded 11, whethsrwe abati can on the Executive f.z. Information. and whether a rolointion shall be peered BO the House may be Informed of the character of Spencer M. Clark, who has charge of print ing the public money." The SPf.A.TKEE. again reminded the gentleman he was not in Mi..likool , lS. I will contend no fn Char. but take DIY scat. Ur. I &WES, of Mas*aelittseits. apologized to Stevens and theZoneo for the Malmo he had applied to that auttemal. Itto man had more condthatae in the Seszatarr thltt hSm Sea. . . 'Lae SPEAKER reminded the gemtlemaa that the sub• iect oY tho booze. arr of the Treasnvy was not Inkfure the Hcaem. • - Mr. • Dawca' reeolution calling for information relative to Ph. F. P. Blair was agreed to. The Iteconstractien TOO Howe took np the bill se alive to pro riding a re ritiiiollll Rovers:meat for Seater subverted or overthrown bY the rebellion Mr. SOIIOF.T.BLD. of Pennsylvania, made e. speech, showing that slavery has been an element of discord in our republican system, and having produced the pre sent state Of affairs, it is right that it should be re moved. Proposed Resolution Relating to Seem- Mr. GARFIELD offered a preamble gent - biz a remark heretofore made by F. P. Blair, to the effect that Secre tary Chive to in thing 12E0 of tiza income from a.bandonad Plantations to carry out the programme of the Pomeroy secret circular, and mr as rig aitust the administrattm which candidatVo a r e t e lie tl i a r t e rd i g i c - fr. na il l (tio v u e aro a ll t r ae l aVoo ll in g. a letter; that he is working underground. and tieing his public position to promote his own political schemes, ihne zusnins the Pom eroy machine gpragao. Sqtaner, IV lkinzon, Morgan, Morrill. Weemith, Powell. Ten Eyck. Van Winkle, Willey, Wihon. . . . . The prea =bk. fur tb er quotes from the New Y orh and the Conctifoliona I which inners 00lititibel &Wales charging frauds in the fractional currency; etc. and as the Hon. James Brooke has today repeated the anlictince of these articles. therefore., R6so/tv.d. That a committee of five be appointed by t a temanertr lotttorvratetlrtrathgth: ronsa v ov gpo it ad g yoter l llegio. affecting the integrity of the Treasury Department, and that they have the power to send for poteons and pa pers. Mr. ANCONA objected to the introdnetioa of the reso lution. and general consent being reqaired by the Tales. it could not be entertained. The Hooke took a recess till 7 o'clock SESSION. Sherman, Seratter. WUkinson, A Substitute for she Reconstruction Bill- Vihe Seceded States to be made Territo ries. NOWELL Nesmith. ,Powell, Riddle. Sprague. Tea Eyck. Van Winkle Mr. STEVENS offered a rubstitute for the bill to pro. vide a 2 epublican govarnMent for States overthrown or enbvertad by the rebellion, declaring that the. Goa federate States, by waging an nein. t mar. have no right to claim exemption from the extreme rigors suit rights of ear. That note of the States whim have seceded with the content of a majority of citizens can be tolera ted sad considered as ' , within the Union, so as tots al lowed representation in Conarw3-4, 60 t 6 t 1 11.4 0 3 . 71 ie DO• Utical government. That they cannot participate in any amendments to the Constitution When amendments thereto are proposed. That they can be actor , ed by two• thirds or the non-seceding States. Wilfil/E4431. the Fede ral forces conquer they shall be regarded as separate Territories, and be represented in the House of Repro sentativee as other Torrittales are. 741 r. Dawson Hatiogizes the Democratic Party. Mr. DIWFON, of Pennsylvania. replied to a speech heretofore delivered by Mr. Moorhead, his eollesatte. He was sorry lie could not regard it as an argament The Democratic party had soled with a futignanirallY of purpose never equalled by any other orgauhttton. they endeavored to avert a civil war, the greatest of all national calamities. and opposed the fanatical move ments of both the Abolitionists and the Secessionists. but when hostilities broke out they freely gave their blood and tzeaaare lR defence of the censtrY. He main tained that the Democratic put, - was the true friend of the soldiers. and bad strangled with united abr.: to increase their pay and to supply their physical wants and comforts, as well as those of their wives and chit• dr= in their absence. As often as he, (sir. Dawson, )as chairman of the Democratic caucus, had offered such Propositions. they bed MA often been ztded out of ord., or defeated by the gentleman (Mr. bloorboad) and his friends Mr MOORHEAD (Pa ) Welly replied it was true he and his colleague were formerly politically connected, but since they had parted conpany, he was sorry to say his colleague, while our political fabric was bet:liming to fall. had associated among political mon wile ware now active in the rebellion. bte knew his colleague was a lin& hearted man, aid had hops sf his political lilics.tlen. Mr. 'WILLIAMS, of Pennsylvania, in the course of his rs marks. said: We have treated she seceded States as a government and put them under the ban of the u n i on AB e ll en ene mies. Thte Das become a public war. as between two different natinne. Those gtates atm no longer in the Union. excepting for correction, and that roust be reconetructed under the conquering power. history presents no parallel to this rebellton—so wicked, atrocious. and causeless. Its suppression had become pottale. without removing tne sense of strife, and by UK the slaves and amir sr them against the authors cf this war. There meet be a complete excision or this hell,born and hell-deserving spirit which brought on Ibis violence. While speaking of Massachusetts blood being shed in the sheets of Baltimore. Mr. KELLEY interrupted his colleagu e by. eam i ng that Pennsylvania blood Was itret sited is that city, and SAP colleague could. therefore, claim that honor. Mr. STROUSR had permission to say to his colleague that the first blood shed was that of a negro, who was in the very dist company which passed through lialtimere. Hr. KELLEY replied that the negro's name was Nicholas Biddle, a constituent 5J ',lir colleague. Mr. WIGLI/MS, conoladad his rams rka by expressing bM hopes as to the future and the establishment of our Union inn a Arm and enduring basis—a great republic, one and indivisible. Mr. BALDWIN. of Michigan. said the proi , pect may well appal the s tonteet heart The Administration which does not dare to have its acts discussed is un worthy of the support of freemen. If it had devoted itself wholly to the restoration of the Union, the happy result cf peace would long ago have been realized The Slalom the Republicans favor is not the Union of Washington and Madison. but one of their own devising He charged that party with violations of the Constitu tion. We shou ti abandon all: plans of reconstruction. and return to the original policy*, If we do not, the war will have been inst commenced. The Renee at 10 o'clock adjourned. rENNSYLVANLI Mr CONNELL introdueed the following_bills—Ylz : A supplement to the set establishing a Health Office, (making tbe Eatery of tbe Fort ph', simian $1.2.00): also. In not providing for the vacating of BO mach of Hamil ton street as lie a between Manatees and Thirtieth carnets. and so mush of Thirty Met (greet as lies between the roiw n e a lt e e t n e es a r b a i t i e n a g r t d .t H e a b in a i n it k o s n o r t rt e e t. c ommonwealth to form associations for the purpose of banking ander the rational law was coestdered_ a. FLEMI&G iffered as amendment, which was a dopted. providing teat ;be banns *hell not "%teat% their own notes for mere than one year After they' come under the general bsuking law; also, an amendment that such Tank as may deem it expedient. Instead of reducing its capital stock. may diepoae of the same to any person or pereona at the par value thereof. Adopted. The bill then passed—yeas 20, nays 72 An ac t lacceporating the Marina TrallaPariailan COM. pair of Philadelphia was passed. An act directing the entry of liens, for principal and interest due thereon, for lends held by virtue of kcation or other secs titles. moved that the bill be recommitted to the Judiciary Committee, with instructions to report a biU A Sem° of ConfnAion. MEL= Remark% cif Hr. Williams HARRIEIBIIPX. April V, /01 SENATE. THREE CENTS. 6 "artjpg 04 - 1:1*I,' of unpatented lands from Payment or In Unmet for one year. anreed to-90". 17. nay aII Mr. LOWE 3 , from Committee on Militia Spam. re ported as committed. an Oct for the organization, disci- Wino motiongulation of the the Renatee State. On of T. !LOWRY the proceeded to the consideration of the bill TLB gtvat•oTwont into Committee of Ile Whole. Mr, litor4rine in the chair. Adjo The ur bil nel was conaidered until the hour of adjournment. d until 3 oclock. AFTERNOON SIMON TII9 fon:ming btl is pasred.: racrva.ll4t aaptt d etook of the Alleelmwn Rank. Incorporating the Gottysbux g Battlefield. Associ4iten, Divorcing Titus and Estelle Cronies. An sat authorizing the Rending Railroad Company to widen their tracks. AdjoUrned. HOUSE. Various points of dieagreemerk: Worsen. the 'ends and Hoc to oa the rover ue bill torero considered. alio bill is rot yet tr. a form for publication.) Mr. OLa Ss: called op an act providing for the enlarge-. meat of the Pennsylvania Agency at Wasn't:MU/a. (the almOiutin ant of tiro clerks.) and for the appeinSgmat o f an agency the Southwest. The bill palmed. 2lrC., i.LAN called up an act to provide for the orphan children (education) of eoldiere. by commis:ion- Er., to be ISPAsiTt.d by the llovernor. Postponed. S' Itt&FIRLI) celled up an act declaring Washing ton p Birthday to be s. public hallo , . Famed._ u tray:Donee pri Tate co leader Was conataered. the Oral reading of the hale upon which occupied the entire morn lag swage:a. Ar ITANOON SESSION Mr. MOM offeredf oint ;crab:alone appointing a cm folttee of RV( roviee the tax laws, and report at the August session cf the Leguilatme. • A dimnssion arose - non a further supplement to an act to 'tempt:irate the city cf Philadelphia. passed Feb. 2, 1104. aPPOI Wolfing the city irto r a iie e e l eo t Cawood cte tt iota, • it tray nrre,: by literate. WATRON and LEE. and oP• posse by Meseta. ItAho.l3B. and. ii:JiraiNS On motion to suspend the rulee and read the bill to a third trod-- yeas 46. nays 40. Net agreed to. The prGposed act relative to Connecting Railroad will require the rozopany to conform to the Irene system of aMorai sem mt in OCCUPYIUE bnch lands as TYlly be niece eery for con airticii ,, rt of the road. This bill was um- Para. tcith the o,,neent of a committee of principal landholders en the route, the committee consisting or Messrs,Lea. Wrisbt, and Lyude. The bill provider for an equitable valuation of road which may ba needed for conatroction of road nye& The epprame^ meat is to bob?' freeholders aopoloted by court Any statemertv to the contrary by interested . parties are. therefore, not correct. Adjoarned. THE POST OFFICE DEPAETNENT. Awards or the Mon Contracts for Fenn , slivanich [Correspondence of the Press. The following is the remainder of the lit t of awards in Pennoimia, transmitted at their earliest . reception here: 2e61. From Jeffries to Clearfield. Martin Nichols. 1 02?9 2866. From (haw:myl.lle to Ausonville. Alfred M. Bead. $llO. - 2E66 Froin Ctirwineville to Lumber Caw . . Alfred M. Road. $125. 2037. Pvim Lothortbarr to Sinickabort. David Hoary, $383. From New Washington to Panzigawney. John Untobißou. 8:43. FioM'Aisonville to East Ridge. Too high °tier, *176. t 0 From Woodland to Grahamton. No bid. 1671 Prom Ilernoldwville t 6 Roeltdo.lo itifig. .11831'Y Mclntosh, *75 2672.Frmn Pmaxntswney to Illommermrille. Sohn n trb iron. *l7O. Frean Brookville to Marionville. David Henry', 2 - 674,.Fr0za Prooko3llE to Ehnitton F W. 8811. SOB" u fth r r e. From Brookville to Fattening, Wm. H. H. Piper - • - - - 2.676: From Brookville to Ridgeway. Robert W. Moor bind, Mia==i=llE=BEl 9146. tirmr, Kittaninst to Dayton. Watrous 6, Mar obt,ll. 61ZO. M 79. Fr. EittaninE to Clarion. Samuel V. Light- COP 41,410- 2ESO. Trnm irittaritiii to Brady's Bend. Wm. H Rper, 2EBI. Front %Mailing to Malioniug. Watrous S. Mar- IC 2ES2 From Rittating to Vanxtitavenev. John Hatalo teem, $660, i 683. From Freeport to Slate Lick. Geo. Traby. 5208 2f84 From Kelly's Station_ to Gockraa's Milis. Joosp.b. McAllister, WEL '455, Fio r e:140110 to Blder's Ridge. George 13.4.1 r, pre. rent contractor. S3CO 26E . 6. From Brads's Bend to Callensbnrg. Samos' Kiffr. $224. NSlE2M=i2=;= MS. From Clarion to Riogovillo. Robort its.rber. ritF9. From Clarion to rier.amatylll9. Thorax; GlsOra% WO. 2tlio. From Clarton. to Franklin. W. H. It: Flyer, V9O. 2001. Frem Strattonville to ttrarionvil/e. Robert Bar "l7r ?iom Strattonville to Cll , - 1 -gton. ',Cochran Ful ton • 1 - oe3 From ShippeneviSo to - , brtrtr. Jacob Lack. OF, FEOO. . 2t.94 . . Frnm Calletlrbarg to R:—. roborg. Alexander Colwell, vr,o, tbrtw Moen a week. EiM;l=== . 'ANIG. From New Bethlehem to Bur/169111e. John Trainer, $1.49 2CP7 'Prom Entler to East Banal. Sancralia Bfithir. $533. eci 2E 6O 9 . R. From Butler Lo Cross Heade: George TrubT, 76;0. From Butler to New Castle. John areg3r9. sg39l. 2700. From Butler to Lawreaceburg. John Gregory, 012. 2701 From Butler to New. Brighton. John Gregory, $222 i 715. From Harmony to Mercer. Wm. M. Thompson From Browning - ton to Franklin. Joseph Evans 5717:- Prom New Castle to West Greenville. Cyrne A. Clark,: $41.674 ; 271$ From New Caollo to Youngstown. James G. NI INIS. $3. 2711 . From Mercer to Meadville. Prank D. LEM% 27'4, From geroar to Cochranton. W. M. Thompson. $6:211 2721. Fran Mercer to E non Valley. Clinton. Yount a S i l og iSf r e y r , cz a to West Greenville. Samuel West 2;24 Prim:lEl'erCar to Warren. P. M. Utp $31 3 . From Mercer to Youngatown, 0. Wm. M Tlortipsori, MO. 2V28 Prom Emlenton to Brady's Bend. Thou. Ititehey $464 27P0. From Franklin to Mercer. James C. litrowo, sl. tlq3. _ . From Frmalilin to Irtrine. 'prank D. Lan:3.81,694. 2741. From Caledonia, to Northons. Michael Mallen. gm. From Bmithvort to Olean.. Con:Lonna. 2748. From Bradford to Carrollton. Chulesi Sent. 2763. From Sngar Gr. - ve to Jamestown. six times a peel Andrew B. Smith. VEO. 2751 From Pittetteld to Broken &raw. 11. 7.7., six times a waek. bavid Woodin. $5Ol. 27r0 From Tinley ?ooil . City. C. F. Smith. $1,21.9 GENERAI, KEW. BBNARNABLR EICAPE OP A PRISONER —A few nights ago a-prisoner named Cornelius Sullivan, be longing to the Ist New York Cavalry, and under semence by court martial, made a moat remarkable escape from the Atheneum. De had been guilty of some breach of the discipline of the prison, and was confined in one of the little cells recently built upon the stage of the else theatre. He managed to tear the bail Whim bucket, and with that dull instrument alone be cut and pecked one of the planks in the flooring so that he was enabled to lift it up, and make a hole large enough to let his body down from the stage to the floor underneath. He bad three blankets and a pair of drawers, out of which be constructed a sort of rope, and, passing back unobserved to the west of the building, he hoisted a window at least forty feet above the ground, and tying one end of his rope to a frail piece of frame-work, let himself down. In doing all this he made some little noise, and one of the guards called out that something was wrong ; but before the alarm was responded to, Sullivan was off like a quarter-beree. It is regarded as an toms& ingly hazardous undertaking Leaving out the fear of being detected and shot by the guard, there is not another sane man in the prison who would run the risk which proved so favorable in Sullivan , s cam— Wheeling Intelligeneer. WORKING GUNS BY STEAW.—TRO St. Louis Union describes some interesting experiments with a new invention in that any, devised for the purpose of working heavy guns by steam power. The plan was tested, lset week, on board the monitor Winne. ham The Union says: "As We are prohibited, by general instructions from the Navy Department, from giving a description la detail of this wonderful machine, we can only state that two eleverviech Dahlgren guns are cont. pletely wider the control of one man In it, and handled with as much ease by him, and with almost as much celerity as a pair of duelling pistols could be. Every movement of the guns is made by steam. They are run out of their ports by it. and their re coil is checked by it ; they are lowered into the hold by steam for lonciig, and raised again to be fired. and all these movements are made in as little time as it has taken to relate it." NARROW ESOAPR on THFC SRCRIITAILY OP WAR. —The Secretary of War narrowly escaped being drowned in the Potomac on Thursday. In crossing the ferry from Alexandria his horsesbecame restive, and horses and carriage were precipitated into the river. The Secretary happened to be out of the car riage at the time. Gab% SIIBELBV.—Brig. Gen. Shepley, late Mili tary Governor of Louisiana ' entered UDOR his new duties as commander Of the district lef Norfolk and Portsmouth on Wednesday. HillappoiEtnaent given eatiefaction. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL, TBS. MONEY MARKET, Furr.anaLrura, April V, MI. Gold and Matinees generally ea the street was dull to day. the roy roar article opening at 179 X, Aetna to 1.41. N. and falling Wore the close 4.6 17g. Government securities are the only things 'glitch maintain their firmness The money =mild is fast be- coming overrun with capital, and front the dull state of the stock market latex will probably sof ten materially. matters at tho stock Board are down to snout the low est ebb. for with one or two exceptions the roacitet MIA disgustingly 11st. Fulton Coal was the exception.rhilog to IOU; Berth Pennsylvania Railroad aold at 34; Read ing d own to 67k; Long Island - at TIM; 011 Creek was steady at 9; Maple Shade was In demand at 1271013; 17% was bid for New York and Middle Coal; Union Canal preferred was down to 4%; Susquehanna Canal to 22.1 Green Mountain sold at 0. The market closed very dull. Drexel & Co. quote 'niter' States ll_onde, 1....».........»......113 69 New Certificates of Indebt'ss. • 9$ _ 9 8:5" " " Old NMI of Indebtedness. Aar. •• " 7 10 gotes 110 Win Quartermastere' Vouchers 97 t 91. Or de 78 1 . 4 rs for Certificates of Indebtedness 134(99 734 11.4 Gld Sterling Satchange... 96 e. 4 97 United Wales 6.20 Bonds 100401(6.14 Jay Cooke lk Co. quote Government securities. dm. as follows: United States Gs. 1881 114 IMIIS United States 7 3-10 Notes. 111 0112 ClilifiCtiten Of Indebtednass. new 98,‘,;(4) 93.% Cleatlarn,a.stel'arollCharD. 97 On 93 Gold .- 9-20 Bonds 103 aka Quotations of mold at the Philadelphia Gold Exchange. No. 34 South Third street, second story: 939 M 17994 14 A tg 12 M.II 181 17914 ki 179 3 P. M 1.7634 4 P. kf 178 Market weak. Th e f o ll ow i n g le the statement of coal transported over the nezleten Railroad for the WOOl4 ending April 23, 1064, compared with the same time last year; Week. Previous. Total. Tons. Cwt. Tons. Cwt Tons.. Cw t Mines 3.728 CS 30 920 09 34 601 Cranberry 1.501 08 17. 492 10 19.300 18 Diamond 1,439 06 16...94 00 17.733 03 East Sugar Loaf e. 144 10 35.427 13 0,574 0.6 Council Ridge .. . . Lam 08 27,141 08 30,537 10. Mount Pleasant 818 03 12 241 13 13,063 16 Harlingh 2.070 01 16,407 10 18,434 11 dedde 4.140 08 18.792 06 42.932 14 Eberraie 1.470 13 13.808 11 /15.279 04 Milneaville 1.016 15 14,510 01 16,417 1 0 Bnek. Mountain. 2,41.9 14 10,572 13 21.982 07 Total 27,2(213 243.725 14..239,938 07 Correspondingperiod 2,54 758 04 last year 90,181 13 234 6 (16 31 Increase.... . ma. 00 8.11 0 03 /0370 0 3 The laintetions of Flour and Meal, is Phlladelnhia, during the peek enagg April 28. 188( were as follows: Barrels of anperftne 10.911 • fire '• —• • " ......... 53 I:adding's 11 1146- k 7 .. Co g's. - - 61 ' Coullosoned MO '— Total 11,814 The following is the *moat of End shlPPoil over the erytEfft BAR i a lfulfigna (PIIBLISEE)3 WEEKLY.) TEI Wes ?MS will be sent to subscribed by mail (per sum= In &device) Three —.---.. 6 Os Five CObil3ll NJ M......wMM. NA. 8 oil Ten copies,.... « ....mill el Lamer Clubs than Ten will be charted se the sasi rate. 01.50 per copy. The riwisev must a&aie videampang the order and to no instance can (bees tetts4 be ereviatedietmh air°. afford very /WU more than Ms coat ef MPH'. ifir Posta/Were are requested to set is Keats tilt! Tun WAS Passe. as- To the settee-eip of the Club of ton or twenty. AM =ins SOT of the Paper Will be riven. Huntingdon and Broad Ton Mountain - Railroad, for the weak- ending Thursday. Apra 23,1864, and since Januar,' 1, /NC together with theaorrespondina period. hot rear Week. Previously. Totah Tone. TOUR. Toes. 9.665 104. 687 119.852 7,398 89.03 08 48= 1864 Mb ' Increase 2,187 14.994 The rew York .RoPrting Poe trr - ci Ba n' : rh " ( I''ne." l Et r 1 ) - . r!..f', Bad after selling a 7E4 fell to 178 k • on 1 31:1078 that the legal. tend er currency is to be coat soNed by the withdrawal: oftbefft per cent. Treasure ;totes from Ell tßiatino, The ohmigg 1 1 4190 is •cra• .Excliacse is anti at /976167 X toaa mai ib Bahr aßd. i r gaftetiVß at 7 per cant closed sttck MafttfA opened without animation, and closed eten.av at the pri ces . Governm= t nts aro dull. Fire. 1 COED , by effee/ at 1113. and TACIB. tared 1891 at 111;4. Certificates eta quiet at former Mate tierks Lre steady; bank shares Quiet: railroad bonds wrong, rad TftaTed bli3Tel feverish and iffe- Thes pponded table exbibitp she chief movements at the board compared with the latest price r o r ye,tud ay r. 'United Staten 'Ge.„ 1881. recta Fri. Tha 111 11X . Adv . DN. . 'United States aides, 1891. conn• •..115 1.14 Y X Thshed States I/vetiver/ties, rouri.llllri rdivi United States seven-thirties lit 111 United States 1.-gear oar., cur 978( BB Anitricav Gold /BO ' /81 ~ 1 Tennee , ec sixes • • ••••• 69 68 Mistortri sixes 7o36 69 11 4 ••••• ....... . Pacific Mail 2273$ $27 eew York Central Railroad- —.— Br% 1:36 sh •.• Erie 114 X 114 X .. Rrie !preferred /0 8 ' Boater. River lAN 140 .. 14: nails= .................. 226 • , • . :Reading 137 138 X • • /X Rigid min Centel 142 141 • . di Jab I sun San.l,c-n 99 99 .• • • Michigan Boat am gazrantied...lSEX 8437 X 1 Illinois Central Ecrip ' 129 1X4.4 X Eittablirg • ••• tit • 1...4. OT•1412WI 11/X •%. • • 12014 134 • - T01ed0.... RFotWayne . e 14 1 d 6 g 17 Prairietn . s 17 Terre Sante ... r1•.1,. 87 6 . • .•: • A—E Terre Beale Preferred fin. 61 = — kforthweefera . 16X 74' Wabash 7ohi Wabash Preferred " 81 821 Canton.— . . . • 1 tnmbe.... ..... 71 7. 1 54 7071 i Ohio and Mississippi 66 '66,14 1.3€ . PhiLectit. etdck • Exi I,Relorl'd.o7 B.N7BL4S:HASE FIGeT t Girard Bank on 0001Vew Creek . 13; 360 Fulton Coal..lot - e.. 10 7 100 80 Mg do Mountain fl 9 100 55 011 Co Creek 0 UV do 9 60 Pcdnayl Nay 34% 100 Onion Canal, pref. 4% 15 Weet Branch—bs.l46 22 Pena R 7334 K 1(0 Reed It • 455m:taint 683.; O do 100 d0..............,68351 1 Delaware Div 40,1'1 100 44361 16 Little Sams' F.... 60 do 47% 13.13 , 111,10 f 1.00 Cil Creek ....• Philatla 8ank;.....3403i 60 Mineklll Y 03 I 260 N S .t Middle.. 113; HO Fulton C0a1.....130, 10 DM City Co new D 71 Llltle Echnyl f 1.... 4:30 613eacer 06._.'. 100 Green Mountain... 6 1 100 McClinteek 43; 1 Ito Fulton Coal E 6. In MO Reading N. 67Fa" • SECOII 100011: Creek 21C Reridlnsr E 53.1 100 do. ..... b6vm 0E.7: 210 Rig Mountain—. • • 9 I A.FI'P 1 Ifo Deadiza N . sco. 65? : .; 0(0 - I'enr, 6e . ICO Reading R. (8% 26 Farm & 01. /3k.oPg. 83 :4 100 A orth Carton.... 4 160 Conn Mine c&p. 1600 1) b 6 20s..•.2crys. 10 Catawieea row e.. 1036 100 Cetaceloa pref 135. 41!.; fic Nat' corn al3ll 100 corm teCoiag....l 81.10.11 60 Oil Crock kb.. 9 CLOW NG WASFIINGTON. April 29 det. rroM,. —IN 179 17 6 6-2.0; -- 19ti 1.654, Reading E. 88 634. Penns E. 78 7334 Ce.tavissa. K.. 19 7.034 Do • 41 4 LAI North Fatima E... 133.34 34 Piffle & Erie K 34% 34% Long Island 43 40 8:b nyl Nay 3434 34% Do pref... 4034 41 Caton Canal 2 3 . 56 Do 334 414 Rung (anal 21 2.9 Falzon Coal.• • • . 1034 1: ?F Bic Mount C0a1... 934 9%' ' Y &Mid 1734•' 1734 Greco Mount Coal 6 6341 Y. 'Carbondale—. 334 4X , Tamaqua P , • • I Feeder. 134 /in Otharn Coal -13: 1% American liaolin 13X 10 Pomo. Minima 3.36 034 . °bard Minima.— 3 63,1 Weekly Review of the Pli.ilada. Markets. APRIL 29 The Produce markets have been excited and n neettled ilk!, week, owing to the daily fluctuations in gold, and the protpects of a great increase in the tariff on many of the lee ding articles. for which higher prices are demand ed. and business is dull. Breadetaffe are fire, hat Loa active. Bark is in demand at fall prices. Cotton is wilier, and prices have advanced. Coal is in good de. mend. Coffee is firm. Fish are unchanged. Foreign Fruit is yeas' Arm; Domestic is selling at full iniCST. The market is very AM at former rates, Ifaraber is in good demand. Naval Stores are in demand, mad scarce. Petroleum has advanced. The Provision market is very firm, but the firmness of holders limits operations. Seeds are about former rates. Sugar is Arm. and Prices era rather bitter. Whisky is unsettled and rater ktirer. Wool is in fair demand at former rates. Tbe FLOVE market Lavery firm, but inactive. Sales comprine about 32.000 DUI:3 at $7 Pr superfine, $7.60 for extra. CFOS. ft , t 1 bbl for common to rood Pennsylvania and Western extra family, and 4,000 bbls City Mills ex tra rad extra, family, on private terms. The retailers and ballets are bnying moderately at from $707.2.5: for enrerfi oe. $7 6t@7 70 for extra. *B@B DO for ex , ra tangly. and *WO 50" A btl fur fancy brands. according to quali ty. Bye Flour is scarce and wanted at $7 "f bbl. Corn bleat in firmly bold at :$5 75 for Pennsylvania, and. WO 1 bbl for Brandywine. (4.1 a ,07.—Tbe reoelote of Wheat are light mid Fr104)50 are rather better, with sales of about 30.000 bombe a fair and choice 'Western and Pennsylvania reds at )59@q900 is bn, and wlite at from a t 2 Oac 7 . 1 nu, as to quality. Nye is sauce and in dert.ud ; about 1,300 bus Pennsyl vania sold atlaG@l6oc qs bn. Corn is more active and prices have advanced 26010 bra cold at 1.3101.35 n $1 bet for prlmareihrin in store and ntloat. Oats are firmer; ab0r.t16.0.0 bus cold at EMOtc bd, 3,000 bits Harley Malt cold at 170c'45 nu. The following are tbe receipts of Flour and Grata at Ibis port drain g the patt week: Wileat Corn Lts PROVISIONS. -The market is very firm, and prices have an upward teadmtay. hat the sates are limited. t roles of Mesa Pork are making at s‘74`2B City. pa ckt d Mess Bee! raDtles at from $l6OlB 1.100 bbla good co - untry Dices Seer sold at $l5 bbl_ Bacon is in Reed demand, and prices are very firm, vith sales of Hama at I.7@rtaa - tA lb tor plain sod fanny bagged; Mit* et 1:-..IM4c. and shoulders at 13014:. 6l lb. Green Meat. are Nekton' np: 400 casks Hams in pickle sold at 16340 lets c. aides izi tall at IFol3dic. and Shoulders at litgil2ifr d 1 lb. Lard Is 117111. 1113,1 in better demand: 1.2/0 !ibis and, tra r illd at 34,14%/50 r i3 lb. and 710 kites at 3 nl6:taa. cash. Ratter is dun and lower. With Sales of roll at 206124 e '4ll lb. New York Cheese is selling at 10@18c. Eggs are selling at 19c Vi dozen. METALS.-Pit Metal is scarce and very firm, with roles of 2.000 tons Hos. 1, 2. and 8 at astocrth ton, cash. 100 tons scotch Pl. sold at SU V ton, cash. Manfactured iron Is very firm. and telling at 'Tull prices. Lead galena Is heldat 12Me RI. but We hear of no sales. pormer-rinall salesof Yellow Metal are making at 11.0 a 'V II), earth and 6 months BASK.-(tnereltron is in good demand, with sales of SO ithde Ist No lat $4013 ton. CANDI, MI.-Them is not much doing; small sates of adamantine are making at 2134(dirSe Ib, cash. Tallow Candies ate Selling at from 1040 11 lb • COAL-The market continues very Him. and orders for future delivery are refused. We crate at $7. 7508. DS V ton on beard at Richmond. COFFEE.-The market is very firm, nod prices are well maistaine; .1 about 1,100 hags of Me sold at 41(4470. and 1:5c0 bags of Tleguarra at 4130*Ific 1 M. each and 4 moe. COT 7 O .- The market Se firbi but inactive. and Moen are rather better; about 174 bales of middlings sold In lore at f(©51.340 , D lb. cash. . DRUGS A N DY.EI3.Hode. at is in demand, with sales at 4.1044.111 a cash; Opham at $l3: Roil Brimatoue at 42“. cad 0 , 1 or Vitriol at 2k@*!. Indigo is 88llIllg at 133 002 60 lb for Buell. F 1414 -Mackerel are looking - up; sates from store are making at4I9.IT@A9 for Mn. I. No. 2 a11Yg14.60, and No as et *fla• 12 V bbl Pickled Herring are scarce at 94.6(07 V big. Codfish are Felling st lb. Phila.-Foreign are scarce and high; snug salea of Oranges end Lemons are ms.ktos at gegts box. A sale of Almonds was made at We 50 lb. Dried Apollo aye telling at 1(110)ic, and trimaran Peaches at 11010 it th YEATEERS are scarce; Western are worth 87673.1 V lb. FREKINTS.-The rates to Liverpool are without charge Fleur is leas t grain, in bulk. Id; and heavy soodeat lt@gle tog, We quote to New Orleans at $lO V ton for heavy goads! MAI 1111; xnatteurebient goods 20e 51 foot; and grain fib V bushel. The Govern ment rates for coal are $lO to New Orleans .137.40 to Pen sacola, 10 to to Part Royal, 06 00 to Charleston Bar, SI to Newham. and $2 74 ii ton to Fortress Monroe. CU Aro is scarce sales of Peruvian have been made at 4110 V ion. and Ichaboe 0548060 Tit ton. cash. Fiore- Flret.sort Eastern and Western are selling at 24@a0c 50 lb, MUSES. -Prices 11. well - maintained. and the da mend Is good. with miss of yellow pine Boards at inikel 27: white eine at $62004. and hemlock at $1262414 tbemoa,nd fret ; the resoling and stocks are light. alol...ifi:,EB - The tales are limited, and the stock is light: AO hogeheads, mostly Glared, sold at NOM 1 4 1 1 gallon on time. NAVAL STORES are Pearce, and firmly held at 381040 barrel tor Rosin. Small same of Spirits of Turpentine are snaking at $3.20g3.26 VI gallon. Oita-Lard Oil is. in steady demand at 115@120a. Llereed Oil is selling at from 16f@1620 Qi gallon. Pe troleum bar advanced ; 1 ow bide crude ;add at Itee t LOOO bids retried In bend al 67,14 c. and free at 0.1©35c la gallon. as to quality. The It Bowing are the receipts of Crude and Refined at this port during the past week: Grade x. 290 bblS Refined 2.040 PLASM is scarce, and in demand at EMI 24 -6 " 6 • RICE 'tenth:nes very scarce. and prices are Mime bet , ter, vas sing at from 1 iolll3fc all lb. S *LT. -The market is advancing, and dealers baws pit up their prices ffic s:ck; 900 tons Liverpool ground arrived direct to a dealer: SKIES fore in good demand a-sales of muskrat AFC making. at 2 @Met fl inu. 35 1 3 i OPlMigat Nelda; Mink l(i)5, sad Otter at ttiglao. SEEDS -In Clover there 1111 very little doing: about 4(0 timbale sold at 47507:60 bushel, as to quality. Ti mothy is doll. at $2 6(9 350 bushel. Flaxseed ill selling atnl@ii. 40 busbel. M. Su - GAIL-The roartet Is. very firm, and prices are rather bettor. with sates of 860 Mule. mostly Cubs. at 1830017%e 'V lb. on time SPIRY/13.-1n foreign there is Ye' little doing ,• holders ere firm in their views. Whisky is nuaettled, and lower: about 1.600 barrels sold at 1300184 c t'A Buyers at the close refuse to pay the lowest figure. TALLOW la rather quiet; sales of city rendered are making at 11334@14e. and Country at 1201 - slic th. TOBACCO. -There is no change to notice in either Leaf or Manufactured: the market is too mush unsettled to give qnotaliors. WOOL-There is rather store doing; the market is very firm ; the high views of holdera limit operations. About, 2t0,11/0 lie sold at from 75 to Sic, mostly at 320830 A 111 fir medium to line diets. New York Markets — April X 9. BrinabaTUFFS.—The market for State and Wasters' ?lour is Ven dull, unsettled. and 5019 cents 6,oootqlrer,, Sties of at $7 20947.55. .rt. superfine S tate. 57,1f(&7,55 for extra Mee, *7.6G67_Bl_f_or_o_holOo 4 13 4, 7 . 9 ff 5.7 45 f or 41:mo rn.° Western. 167 01(.g17.80 Mr common to medium extraW es te 11.70%9 for common to sood ga l -ping prop. de extra roTtc . d• hoop Ohio. and $8 0500 for ti age breads. Flour fe how" and drool:dna; salesl,Boo bbls at 417 7fAS. 15 for common. and 63. wall for fancy an& extra, Canadian Flour Is dull, and OWIO ceattEknirtr. Balsa 800 bhls at $7.5561.75 for common, and $7.80@9 for good to choice extra. Rye Flour is quiet at $&86.75. Corn Meal is quiet and steady: sales 150 bbla Brandy wine at $5. 60 Wheat le dull. and neneinally lower at $1.70101.71 for Mewl Spring; 411 7 k /4 for Milwonkee Oink: n1.74&51 79 for amber Mil mantes, Ir. 71291. 83 for winter red Western. V and $4.8118 for am or !chicon. Rye is firm at $1 6f @A.M. Barley la snit and nominal. Barley Malt IS nominally unchanged. The Corn market is dull And drooping;BBl@A 14,000 bus at 81. 3SOL 39 for mixed Western. Oate are dull and lower at SOX @OK for Canada, 8 6( 6 91 * for State, and !leggin for Western. Markets by Telegraph. BALTrtunts, April 29.—Flour firm at $8.50 roe OW extra. The pain market is eXelted ; sale , of choice Southern) white Wheat et IV:. 2802.29; red. $1.20@1.22; White Gore, $t.f..3 3 Telmer, $1.3%. Whisky dull andnerainsh /fame Salem!, April IV :R. Philadelphlß Szchangsa BoaRD.S. e.lllO 4 BEIiORA El) Ontonagbnblimitig, JAW). la) North Ponna 110 do. ...... . . 34 100 Catawista E pref.. 4134 100 do . 4134 - E 0 do prof.. 4 / 3 4' 103 do pref % 4136 100 deb 5045: of.. 42 100 do 1 / 3 0.pret.. 41 44 do pref.. OM 50 Long Is l an4l2 .. , „ 4731 100 Arch-street R. •blO 35 100 do b 134. 100 Race 4/ Vine. st R.. /5 25 Oirs.+4 College R.. 31 6000 U S 5 20 be ltsepar 10534- 84 57 Alle Co op 58 sort) BO 1000 Read dt Se 43 111 ICOS Gam Sr Attan Ist 31100 1i BOARDS, . _ . Iro Fielding R.— ....... 687‘ TOM Draw) Canal. bas... 27 11.0 F'ultou Clo 4 100 Connecticut Mining. IX loll:Rending ff.—. • 033 ti do bOdanti 683 i 110 Crapn None rain..., 6 1'25 Coal ... 703 i 1(1) Arch at R .1030. 35 5t 0 Clinton GO Spruce bt R....,.1)5.1.M. BO! RD. 5 11 achaulcillsink. 24 Lit Schuylkill R. 47,V 14000 Stata War L 10714 I EGO- do 1.07)6 DARDS. - KO ..... 9 210 riaole Abode, 1:3 299 M .plo Shade 121 i 200 Organic .b 5 1.3 f 100 do 136 100 Keystone Zi ne..... 2 100 Fulton Onso,l-•b3o. • 1.050 909 Ir vim( On • .... • M. 20) are-4 •-••••••-: 8 &BO IT S 5-206 108,10' L it ton prof.— 4114 ton Lit 6chuyi......b10.. 4734 - 6-3 K 0'4.11.00K. Md. Ask, gttut Minktor 14 16 Phila tk Botiton... . 3 3 5 MarquAtte 6 7 Conn ..... 1 1 81 Alse.ce Iron .. 3K Oil Ccllk • 0 °M. Maple 6harme Oil 124 McClintock Oil. •• 4:1". 8 Penns Pet. Co • ..• Perri 011 • • Miberel.llll Keyestone 011 . „ . venango 021 ;;;;;; I . 4 4 • I39xcon 011 . • .. Seneca 011 IX 2W. Ora ante on .. . ... Fraukitn 011 .. 13owe's O R iI EMY Oil 234 R Trvi4g 7 8 Pope Farm - - Rader Coal Key itniteZinc Lew Creek. • • 10,600 barrels. , .... 800 bushels. 22 no° bushels. "...18.00ON:111MM
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