• - APPEAL—UNION 'VOLUNTEER ircREFEksRMENT SALOON O r ig zetz Bof Philadelphia It wall be three , 8 9s on the - AM day of Bar. 1834 nee the tin on teer Refreshment Saloon commencrd its opera " u "? The Con mitts, never have pressed their eta ma r - '81 ' " her have they lost sight of the foot that then+ were Zoe:- inciltatio a equally worths of public coutile.nc: and rapport; azfa they have endeavo ed to oiecnorc a s n r.h e . defies entrusted to them In an hotiet ecolo noel. 1 lld unOstentations manner UP to tbi.."" f 7„l n n o l .Ty been generonely supported by contribuito r ni%. friends and aamrtion of the moues ed r. ladelph.a. ,We have tried to lessen drst was a sue th'erPh.drdeas of oar kind friends by annual fairs in Jruietrtp et. Awe; the tecond comparatively of the raid into Perin. ylvatia litttr;uttl'Mer and there Is no prospect of Matins one this ao ietenhd The and cmetanc high price. of provisions , e o ntZT,' dap h eav e our Tree. demand on our Saloon T h. times point to a ...arias of miry, and a 8 tbe „.' l4l" d 1. there wilt no doubt be still Protracted ba"%ctlimited mem:acne. ve a compelled further the liberality 0' the Citizens of to if "d'C'einity for assi•ta nee. other wise-our pntledrto an Seca 'l be very much impaired. locate were:uses. eh and l no b tice of Provisions and CcntrdL•rsrtoaa :” sanitary . StOreE for our ate wi t e received bY,the Rosins ger tie moo Rev. tr. 'Nitrites Braherd. No. 634 Pine tried. Tb c ,a,,Robein , , Sett . Prest:ent Ph ilete elphia Bank, Chestnut street. west of Ft:Forth street. P. R Cummir.e. Esq.. President of the Girard Bank, Third etreit neer Dock street s A. Mercer. lirq . President of the Farmers' and Re chenice' Sank. Chestnut street below Filth. J it A usils, Ftql . President of tile Southwark Dank, :second. below S. uth. street. 1 W. Wcod ward, Esq.. Ca tiler hianufatturers' and Met-betties' Bonk. northwest corner Third and Vine nitrate Themes T. Plrtit. Esq . Treasurer Pennsylvania Rail :road. Thira end WilliDa'S alley-. .ismes C. Nand di Co., corner Market and Decatur Pings Serena B Pale s.Nt q.. No. 51.4 Walnut stree'. ( who hle contented to act as General Financial Agent for our id stitation ) Or by any member of our coninites The Union Vomatter Refreshment St-oon is sPastsd at the southwest corner of Waelong7on snd Swanson streets. Tee citizens of Philadelphia end vicioit-. and sit... Shan' t ,, are x. 8.1- ctfally levied to cull the Saloon. end witness for ibewitelv ,, e the arra ne-oents made for the refreshment and corof.qc of Ins brave soldiers pass ing through the City of Brotherly L •ve. ARAD BARR," RS: Chairman. J. R W-4.D7.. SECTBEAry. a,,9 lit 'l - 1.1.V2 ii KIJ SOU fif TIES. —A meeting: oft ho ilo.lejimft. I nal the Bonny, Committees will be bold 013 Sa TPE.D 1Y EV cl u .30th inst . at want o'clock. in District C mrt-rooal. 5o 2. sow: Least corner oft:I X? end C CSTN r atraets. A foil attcadsmc: , 11 7FI Elef-ted as buslnsea of imp )rtanms still be b;augh: terfoe [he meeting DANIEL STELNMETE. PfeAlant AyriN VALENTINS. Secretary. ap29-2t MILTING S FOR PRAYRIR —THE judumeut. of God are apart us for our siaa: and be groat daagers whit beset us, as a people, cell for Fraser. 'VP 'arra or. onr fel ow•minidera and low-flhTls• - • —• •- .• . . uenzraily meet ill the tullowlng cent,. at Chiirches difierent denominations, in rotation. one hoar csuly, f; &Mock P. M. for nutted prayer, viz : For the Week commencing April IS. .331M031 OF TEE EPIPHANY, (Episcopal), AfrneDAY ,nd THURSDAY. ITZSBYYBRIAN OBI3ROII. PiFi N tt uARE, TUESDAY and FRIDAY. BAPTIST CHURCH, BROAD and 11. WIDNBSPAY and R ATITH DAY. 3. A. Boardman.Preebyt'n. T. H A Bomherfor.'i Set 'bre Brainerd: Pre, , byt'n. J. M. Crowell Pr.ebyt'is. reton, Spiee,pal, J Wheaton Smith. Dentist. . 7 1.-!.. 6.''1 1... V,, _Koinard. Baptist J. B. Dales. United Presto. BLrtine. MothodiAt. E. F. Adams. PreNbyteriau. F A Suydsm. Ref Batch- Denis W•irtman. R.. Batch. Bcdg•vm. Methodist. .1 A Vaughan Epleconal. 111.ThintiAst.P:E, thodiet. W. W Spear. Splempal, .lyt Bermes. Presbyterian R. C. Matted. EMecsnaL Oiepy. Presbyterian D. A. OnuninzliAm, j, hunch H.Presbyteriar.. T. C. Andsre , in. y S. itt a meeting of mints ere ilat,LoQing the alt-we seVitPlk it Was resolved. in conseqn- nes of the great Interest manifeettd, to continue the meetings another n-ea. commencing April 26, in the canto order. They -i.e.-Jest that notice may be given by mini iters generally. g°3-7: VrGB - 8.1.V CENTRAL FAIR. Tun Ladbu of , ho Vomnattee ou [Atom . . Luc une, ant S.teece. app , int.ti to collect frAn the B.t4ii Nalere in .;oetit, are about to call at feel: store rec.iv , , can builont, of OI Der's IN.° ,ati The proprietore tber&f.lre, rf-rpeCtrilll3,*(ll2..Stod to 114,-, prvpa , ed if btitin - er they or their employees de, , ire to cqntributo. 2p28-3t JUS. R. STOREKEEPERS AN 0 0 about giving' • 'One inim's R-von (le " to he "a`r a:; rlemae call for ,how Card'. at Oftie Na. 118 ,i'mth BkV.ENTH Street. PhiladelPlan- not.3.lAn THE FARIDE OIL COMPANY —A. 5t..7. Mesta 3 of the tobscrltters to the tb.o•tn . l lb,ek of y will be held at 309 Vir NUT Street, oil EATORLAY, the li3tlll inst., at 4o'clack P. hi, to hear .':•_ - _rerort. of the Committee. It• The :thipany 'were o.ne-thit Co day. and the eteek ell nab- I 1% - . PIIILLI Ps, Pr.sidant. 3f. CAE - E::, Seer/Ann , ana Treaearar. Pi!Lawavri , .a...3.olll 27. 1864. MOFFICE OF TTI E. AMR. RAC A.N FIRE 'LIMB 130 AP Ali I' Lie 41.0 VA L- S!reet —A general Meeting or tine Stock naders iu Fire lnattrance be h‘bi. .7arEeahly i - ..r,Arter, on MONDAY. the 2d. der Or MAY at ..'c',3ck Tbe An - anal Election. for Directors will take place thereafter. - A C Ca... , Arßilql.). apryz-Inawtzea2 Secretary. w.Q..• GREAT CENTRAL FAIR FOR h l / 4 .70 TEE UNITED STATES ksathre , ..lX <;OaIaIES- 510 N. eyricri OF THE COMMITTEE ON RE.T.IP TON Or GOODS, fOillia VC. WashiLgton Building,Street. PRILADELYRIA. April 1S Mil The Committee on "Reception of Go , •dit" are now pre nsred to receive any articles designed for the Pair, end the co operation of the stall us branches of Trade and Industry, as their labors must nAce.strily be cxy arduous Every package fhonl3 be prop4rty tillTkVd. tild sent to the 'Bierman or any member of the Committee, who are authorized to receipt and acknow iidge the sane. They are happy to inform the public that all of the :silt , ad and explese companies have generative' offered te deliver packages to tlt A. Committee free of charge. B. NRY. Cnairman. P. H. HOWLSY, Secretary. committee meet en Tuesday and :rig ay afternoons. At A. R. SicIREBRV. A. S. ROtlEecTE Jr . EDWARD et RowLgy, JAMES N. STONE. DAVID C. • 11c.;&51KON, GEORGE s atorilffiSTZY. b. S. MOON, 3. D. ELLIg. JAIKER B. M&E.TIlif, JOSEPH HARRISON', JR. Commi.tee. 111/AIELDWAILIC BRANCH Ott E CENTRAL FAIR —The undersigned 'lomni+ttee idniestly aollcit from all directly and Wit , lCtlY C 3 3- reeled with. • Our Trade : to send their Contrittatiqn,, be they large or small, money or merchandise, to either of the undersigned : JOSEPH C. GRUBB No, 236 711‘rket street WILLIAM H. tiOWERS. No. 412 Commerce street. WILLIAM. P. WILIiTACN. No. SS North Third street. AUG. B SHIPLEY, No 513 Commerce street. CHAIR A. ItIILLt.R. r..4l6Comi.tonnt. JOHN C. BURR No. 614 Mallet street. CHAS. J. FREED, No. 633 Market st:eet DANIEL STEINIIBTZ, No. 501 Commerce street. JOllll A. MURPHEY, Do. 922 Chestnut street. ISAAC S. WILLIAM.No 716 Bil,rk-t street. . LANDIS. D 0. 211 Market street. W. H. ALLEN. No. 115 Market street D. FAUST. No. to North Third street. JOS. S. Flblißß, N. B. corner Sixth and Commerce aireits A. N. T. WATSON. No. 612 Commerce street. a 919- mad lm GRTAT CENTRAL FAIR.--COI. MITTLE o FINANCE AND DONATIONS - !PHIL 23. 1864. ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS, Pronrylvanla Car tral Railroad limn Foamylvania EaWoad Ron T. R. Ingersoll IBbeaßarton Mercer. Attclo, a Co Solna! AeEnrance Company. Precident and Directors 06 farmers' and 11.,,c1La nice' Bank 625 Delftware Mutual Inanr^noe Company .... 603 Cbas. Camblos ac Jefferson NIB_ 25) Prey - lowly reported.... T o al. SCHITYLIKILL ANII) OIL !Off - FACIE On, CONFANY. -Certificates ot eteck of this Conran,. are now being tuned, end tranßfarp male at fre office cf the Cw:apany, I to. 524 . % V AUNT' V Street, Rom No. r_ ALEX aNDER G &RR& el", 8p27-St* Trealarer- Rir - PITTSBURG AND Olt CREEK PETROiA 01L COMPANY. —Certificates of stooK of this Company are now being issued. and transfers pads. at the oNce of the Company. No. 524 Wal. iln tircet. Roam No. tl. L. .7. dEIITT etl., ap2.7-31 - tocre'ary. THE GREAT CENTRAL". FAIR 5( Stik.crintions or donations for Oommi it.:e of One I : l 2r's Labor. lowa e. or Revenue. received TO D by B N AVC LAG finEN. Treasurer. office No. 118 Sloth SI+VENTII etr.et.Pl iladelpbla. bet all promptly re zi-al,rcrlT.tt,,i-rt: and remittances Or di-at duly re- Wiled for. and ficknewledlen in the newepapart. Mor• OFFICE OF THE VIII.CA.N ERSIING Coltralil OF MIORIGAN PHILADELPHIA. April 27. 1864. .The stated animal meeting of the cTOCKEIO hDliiiS of :OR Company will be hold on THURSDAY. Hay 12%. E , ti. at 12 o'clock at their office. No 324- WALNIJ r greet. An election for Directors will take place, to carve Company the ensuing year. ap2S-13t IP. K. WOMRATH. Secretary. IZVTHE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR PiloMeet end Natagete of the &LAURI AND WILLIAMSPORT RAILROAD COMPANY will be held at tieir Office. No. 308 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY. Nay IL at W. o'clock M. 1.. P. OBIGN.R. 427- wireSt BecreArY. MOPPICV. OF THE Plll/./aDY.Y.P.MA. HXORAgIOR COMPANY. Parmaxompatra. April 25, The Managers have this day declared a dividend of 11e0 DOLLARS per share, clear of all taxes, payable as and after sth proximo. 1, 527-tmss HENRY D. SHIMMIED, Treasurer. Iv NORTHERN VENTRAL RAIL WAY tionIPAIII. BALTIMORE. April 2.5. IE4I NOTICE Is hereby given. that GEORGE TABS% . No. 236 South THIRD Street. Philadelphia. hie aPpoimed Agent for the Transfer of the S ock of ;M s Company. and that he will be prepared to discharge tie duties an Transfer Ageat on the 2d of &fay nest. ar.27 6t J. S. L 13113. Treasurer. ► NOTICE —TUE GIRARD LIFE IN KURA NCI, ANNIIITZ, AnD 'MUST COMPANY PP PRILADELPHIA.—The annual election tor Fourteen Managers of the company will be held, agrees .1Y to the tarter . at their office., No 409 CEITOTNUT Street, on ROBDAY, the 2d day of May seat. between the hours and 12 N. J2lO. F. JAMEI, aP29-31.. Actuary. prc OFFI. , =NI OF THE LEHIGH COAL AND NAVIGATION COMPAAY, PIMADILPHIA. Urn 20, 1884. The stated -simnel meeting of the stockholders Of this t ° ll o 08 hy will be held. at the Board of Trade rooms. t,rtt side of CHESTNUT Street. above Fifth, on TUBS. DAT Morning. the 3d day of Nay next, at half past 10 1 dock; after which an election will be held, at the 'z to place. for 'Armors of the Company for the enening !ter. The election to close at 2 o'clock P 3S. of the ' l,o e ds9. Cap 22 lomat) JAMBS S. COX. President. PA SSENOKB. RAILWAY NO nom PHILADELPHIA. April 23. 1864 p .i a sleeting of the Board of Presidents of the City kr waier Railways. it was resolved :hat on a..d after li3t, next, will bolwohiblted on all parta th e Cam G140613' 67. sp26-6t Secretary. trOFFICE BOHEMIAN MINING COM PANY. iza WALNUT Street. Ftrmsrampto.s. Aoril 14, 1864. is 13 SZAT Aven,that an areoßamant dati SOLLAT4 AND FIF PT CENTS per Share on each and , lery Share of the Capital Stock. has THIS DAY been TtEled by the Board of Directors of the BOHISMI.AN idiSING COMPANY , due and payable on or before the daL of May. 38A. at the (Mice of the Company. 1371 WALNUT street. PHILADIMPELIA. BY Order of the Board of Directors. 1 444-tmyls L. MACTIER. Secretary. .11V• I4OTICE.—TILE ANNUAL, So e Stockholders of the At &11.4USTFE klenco COMPA.EY M a y IIIIOHIISF will be hell on ‘ I nSDAY.. the Bti of next. at their Mlle. No. 319 ALEUT Street. An Election for Directors will take ...ace, to carve the Company the ensuing year AVID IS HEIL, Secry. P RILADA., April 21. 1864 D reta tocicS PrGOI.cONDA MINING SGOINPANY ( 511CMGAN ) —The first ile-dind of the . itOLCOIiDt. tzilS G bONPANY. nimclar its Articles Alu 3 ociatlon. will be heldp MONDAY. the 9th dap of 4 .7 , I Sel. at is 324 WALIIIT Street Philadelphia. .1 o'clock A. H. H BIINTIKLA, B. A, Et iii)Pisti. Two of EI SLADELPIFIA, April th t le al9 .kasoelatoa 1864. of said Corpo 501 ration. , - SUN": YEKILY. AND SUS ifi,U 4ANA BAILLOAD 00., Office 8817 8. FOURTH Street. Pla/LADELPHIA.. April 4, 1964 141131 1e1 51.. ting of the fitocltholdera of Ma Com e:Sct:un for President and six Manager& .s,lalte place. at the Office of the Company. on MOS- Ole 2d dty o , May ne st at 12 o'clock M. att,tmv2 W M. B. WEBB. Secretary. TIOGA IMPROVEMENT COM- Nptice is hereby given that a Company w 9 be of the Moira Improvement •be 'held at 145 MBROMARTS' of neat.S. in Ee sib, or Philadelphia. on the 9d day of May be the hoar , . of 12, and 2 o'clock, to elect Managers. a %Went. and - Treaanier of said Company- WILLIAM ELLIS, Treasurer. No. 7MI MLEKSI Street. .IC,. A MEETING OF TEM STOCK.- ?As, HOLDERS OF THE BLOOMSBURG 1.1101 CON- N z WA be held at the Clorosztyst stave at trototsle , isqltsbta count,. P01211a., on WEDNESDAY . May :Etch, 4 0 1' the purpose et electing nine Directors to serve the and trammel?: o d fLthe a r t !i ry os . ineim No. 213 North '4ATEIi Street. 1811. ard.B-300 ' NORTHERN LIBERTIES A. N 7 1212 TOWNoHIP RAILROAD compAidir. N A niLLADELPILLA.. April 12. 1864. , w ;thnicsi Ideating of the Stockhol Phi l ad e lphiaom- NLI 44 be bald at the office of the and ztrtv. O RatirOad COMPally, No. 277 Sonth FOITATH OriDaY. the :id day. of elee nerrt, O at c t , s_a be rsakishich time and 'ENAMEL ....tlo.ono 1.000 1.000 ...• 1.000 .... 1,000 r 6,625 -- 24.303 W. 926 A. E. "BORIS. Chairman. M.inEKCANTILE LODGE, NO 237,L o. or 0- F —at a meeting herd Ttteeday iSve• nag, April 26, 18e4. the following resolution was anat. dopted and ordered to be onellsbed in the Press, and Bulletin.. signed by the proper offic.a: Rawircd, That the hear% thanks of Mercantile Ledge. 2,7. be, and thev are °robe'. tendered to the enter prising Drorrietore of the ST. Sarin EIGTHL, No. 421 IVALbLIT btreet, for the very bonnteorts and handloole Darner in winch they provided the enppar on the oc casion of the late Anniversary of the Lodge Thesaperior femlivies of the e.t.bliihment, together with the polite attention of the Hosts and Attendants, left nothing t i be wsehed- for, and demand our warmest ansnowleitt manta and recommendation to the favor of the oo munity. J. B FOUST, btc'ry. R M. MOOR& N. IL IMOFFICE OF THE CONNECTICUT MINING COMPATT, No. 40S WAL.NtIr PandiDELPISIA. April 1864. The Annual Meeting of the Mock hoidens of the "Con necticut Mining c empany " will be held at the Office of the Comm.". in Litelield, Conneak.t... MO 11 DAY. the 2e day of May. 1854. for the purpose of electing Di rectors to serve f r the ensuing year, in accordance with the Charter arid By-Laws of the Company The transfer Books of she Company wi,l be closed. on the Zbl daY of April, 1164, and reopened on the 6th day of MaY. 1864 at the Wilco Of the CoatpaaY, No. 408 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. W. S. STEWART. aplB-14t. President. pg. OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH ZINC COMPA.NY, No. 121 WALNUT Street. Tatra, Aprll IA 1564. the Annul Meeting' of tto otoot.lo,de , w of the Lehigh Zino Company will be held on WEi NESDAY. Hey 4ttpron . at ll o'clock A. itt.. for the electicn of seven i . iirectors to serve for the ensuing year, end for the transaction of G other betnee N .. ORDON HOORS, a ran.l4t S. crotery. viga. GOOD SPRING RAILROAD CO PHILADELPHIA. Sprit la. L 3 64 The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of Ulla Com pany will be held at the .41lee of the Philadelphia and Readingß. B Co.. go. 227 South FOURTH Street. Phi ladelphia on MONDAY. the 24 day of M'y next at U o'clock A. M.. at which time and Mane an eieetion for officers will be held. WM. Er WEII3, aele-let Secretary. * CITY BOUNTY NOTlClo.—OPt . 'irre. errl BOUNTY FUND COMMISSION, So. 4.1% PRUNB Str,.et, April 1,1864. The City Bounty will continue to be paid until farther notice. Bo applications for Bounty will be entertained from recruits who enlisted prior to the date of the President's Proe , smation, October 17, 1563. In future, powers of attorney for the Cityßounty, from new recruits for Pennsylvania Regiment•. mustered in after this date, must be endorsed by she officer in onarge of the Dun eke that the man has been received there. By order of the Commis.ion apl-tf Skrellßt. C. DAWSON. Secretary. MILITARY. COMPANY K, GRAY RESKRVES. —The members of COMPANY K . , 7th Reglin.at P. M (Oray Reserves ) mho were in ser vice September, 662, will in eet in Compel) y K Room. Armor* BEV) eD Street. below hate. on SATURDAY EVENING. April son. at 73 , ..; o'clock, to sign the Pay-roll parstory to beteg paid. 151. —Relatives of absent m inhere will animd for them. [O9ll-3t 1 9 IL D. WELSH. Cant. ATTENTION! COMPANY K, 20ra RT:I3ISIENT P M.—The members of the above Coin at F‘ a e r iir2l 4 .4(4ll , l73VETSVlS r ..b lS ltiv w ar "l h! . tiret Fey rod- on FRIDAY. April 2.9 th. at S e o'cloca c P. e Au , horixed 3 elstlves. or friends of deceased or absent members, will please report WILLIAM' G STEEL. (859 ti. ELF:VE.I3'TR street,) Sp2B-2t. Late Captain Corneas's , if. NEW PUBLICATIONS. How CONGRESS DEALS IN TWADDLE: WHY HAVE A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION? NE A YORK FASHIONS FOR MAY. THE.IINDIN RESTORED BY MATRIMONY. FISH IN SEASON-WITH A FEW LINES THROWN I L HE GAMBLERS CARNIVAL. ALL THE ART AND LITERARY NEWS OF THIS WEEK. SEE THE ROUND TABLE_ FOR SALE BY A, WINCH, T. R. CALLENDER, T. C. F.ISLER, W. B. ZIERER, J. TREK WITH. PUBLICIATI.:Pi" OFFIC3I aa4-2t 116 NASSAU Street. NEW YORK THE NEW NOVEL The North Alara;lenn R , !vilo. in !peaking of Mr. Trowbridge's new book, CIIDJO'S CkV B. says: "It is happily adapted to the excitement of the hour, and is entertaining from the rapidity of its incidents and the animation of its style." The New York correspondent of the BMW inp Gazette says thus : '` CUDIO'S C ITS" is residua as great an excitement in New York as "Uncle Tom's Cabin" did; and the demand for it is almost nn- Placcdontod.. Two versions of it Iv being produced. at sev-ral theatres—one. De Walden's:' that was produced in Bosbin, and a better one by John F. Poole." Sold by all booksellers. • J. E. TILTON ct ar29 BOSTON. PabUshers THE NEW BOOK, . BY THE AUTHOR OF THE LAMPLIGHTER, IS 111 PRESS. And a Large Edition Rapidly Preparing. The Malty of getting booke made, and the great tale ewe to be made on this " the author - a beat 'work." eb mild induce the trade to hand in their orders at as earl , ' a day asmossible. J. E. TILTON c% CO., ap`•g PUBLISHERS. EUROPEAN MOSAIC. BY - HOWARD PAYSON ARNOLD 16mo, Vellum Cloth. Price. $1.60 PUBLISHED THIS DAY BY LITTLE, BROWN, Se. CO., ar)26-newf St 110 WASHINGTON Street, BOSTON FOURTH EDITION. JUST RECEIVED BY C - 171 ALLEN, 1308 CHESTNUT STREET, BISHOP ILOPKINS' SCRIPTURAL, ECCLESIA.hTICAL. and HISTORICAL VIEWS OF SLAVERY. from the days of the Patriarch Abraham to the Nineteenth Century, addressed to the Rt. Rev. Alonzo Potter. D D.. Bishop of Pennsylvania. This great work. by one of the most eminent and learned livlng Divines, d iseusses the diteAlon Slavery in alt of its various phases. proving the la tofichinß and divinity of the Institution. its Chrittianizing and civil izing influence, as shown by the condition of the negroes in Africa and those of the Southern States. The views of Christ and the Apostles. as wed as the Prophets, of Aristotle and other Philosophers, and of the most emi nent Christian Fathers and Ecclesiastical Historian Commentators and Divines, are presented in full. The work exhausts the subject, and every one desiring to know facts on either side will find them in this, the greatest work on Slavery ever published in this or any °the, country. Price Si.IO. prepaid. Agents wanted, to whom a large discount will be al lowed. W. J. POOLEY & CO., Nal PEARL STREET. HARPERS' BUILDING, NEW YORK Cl rY. PUBLISHERS. JAMES CHALLEN & SON, 1305 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Also, and. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO.. H. BUTLER &.CO., T. B. PETERSON & BROS.' ap29.3t SPERMS SOURCE OF THE NILE. Win" MT:MI . 3AT CONS, A Journal of the DISCOVERY OF THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. By John Baunteg Spoke. Also. TICKNOR'S LIFE OF PRESCOTT. Library and cheap edition. ROBINSON'S SERMONS. A new volume. - TN F. NATIONAL ALMANAC for 1554 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY for Mt ALL NaW BOORS Of a standard character for sale as soon as published at low prices. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. , are 29 No. ES South SIXTH Street. ONE OF THE LARGEST 'AND BEST ASSORTMENTS 'OP PHOTOGRAPHS IN THE CITY. Having paid great attention to this part of our business,. we take_ pleasure in offering to the public a large and H varied sto ck of Imperial. O Medium. and Carte de Virile PHTOGRAPS. Colored and uncolored, from the beet subjects, and by the most eminent Artists. - PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. In great variety. bound in Muslin. Imitation, and Tar key Morocco, super extra. to hold from 12 to 100 Pictures. Also. handsome and plain Flames. of walnut And other Woods, bronze, composition, and gilt, For sale at the PRESBYTERIAN BOOR' STORE, 1334 CHESTNUT Street. ap2S , Opposite the Mint. MAP OF THE OIL DISTRIC V OF PENNSYLVANIA. For rale at No. :AT South SIXTH Street, above tlheatnat. ap27-3t. CHEAP EDITION OF THE LIFE OF W. H. PRESCOTT. By George Ticknor. limo. America and Her Commentators. With a Critical Sketch of Travel in the United Staten. Eve. The Discovery of the Source of the Nile. By Capt. Spas. Bvo. Bolbesterm's Sermons. Fifth series. limo. Christian Memorials of the War ; or, Illustrations of the Religious Faith- Patriotism. and Bravery in Oar Army. By Horatio B. Hackett. 12mo. Songs in the Right ; or. the Book of Sob in Poetry. By Prof. Adams. fro. For aale,by WM. S. & ALFDID MARTISIC ar26 606 CHESTNUT Street. NEW BOOKS 1 NEW BOOKS ! lost received by._ ASHMEAD & SVARS. Sneesssors to WILLIS P. HAZARD. TRA CHESTNUT Street. AM gEr I CAON G HEE F THE ENITLET ORS. By Tuck erMSAß D. OREFIELD'S REST, OR BEFORE THE STORM.. A novel. MEMORIALS OF THE WAR. By Hackett. SYNONYMS OF THE NEW IEBT/B/MT. Second Pert By RO. Trench, D. D. RoBIKTSON'S SERMONS. Fifth Series. THOUGHTS FOR THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. By Rev. J. Drummond MY CAVE LIFE IN VICKSBURG. RENAN's RELIGIOUS HISTORY and CRITICISM. TEN ACRES ENOUGH. A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF THE REBELLION. BY Thayer. MAN AND RATITES. By George-P. Mareh. PEESC...TT'S LIFE By George Ticknor, Svo. Uni form with hie works. PERsCoTT'S LIRE. By Geo. Ticknor, 12nao. Cheer, Edition. aD2S THE SUNBEAM STORIES, A- Containing the shun:slug bright st ories of— TBAP TO CATCH A S U NBEAM. CLOUD WITH SILVER LINING HOUSE ON THE Rock 01OLT, OLD SOLLIPPIL HEBEI CHRISTMAS ! DREAM CHINTZ. STAR IN THE DESERT. Re. EDS beautiful wolfram Illustrated. $2 60. WILLIS P. HAZARD. Publisher. fe2114 ivl Ni South SIXTH Street. APPLETON'S NEW CYCLOPEDIA. The gamey for able Invaluable Library of 'Nara:mai Information 1 at 13 Smith SIXTH Street. aecona ear?. Alto, RECORD ON THE REBELLION- By frank Moore. fen-tf EDUCATIONAL. - A GENTLEMAN RECENTLY AR rived from Prance would give lessons in French, Italian, Latin, etc. „.• or would undertake the education of one or more children. beet of references. Address J. COLLI,” No. 036 South FOIIETH Stre.t. ap292t. REMOVAL. -DR, R. J. LEVIS HAS removed to No. 1104 ARCH Street. ap2B-11t* B F. REIMER'd ELEGANT AND • accurate styles of Cartes de Visite are Staab` Si mired and patronized by tbe public See specimens. and obtain good pictures. at 624 LECH Street. 1V MONUMENTS AND GRAVE ALL. STONRS.—A larae assortment of Grave. fitones. of Various designs. made of the fined Italian and American Marbles. constantly on hand at the Marble Works of ADAM STEINMETZ, RIDGE Avenue. below Eleventh Etteide an/9 1=222 U. S. TEN-FORTY BONDS, These Bon dame Jailed under the Act of Congress of March Stb. 1864, which provides that In lion of so ranch of the loan authorized by the Act of March 3d. 1833. to which this is supplementary, the Secretary of the Trait or ry is authorized to borrow from time to time, on the credit of the United States, not exceeding TWO HUN DASD MILLION DOLLARS, daring the current decal year, and to prepare and issue therefor and Be gistered Bonds of the Unit.'d States; and all Bondsissued tinder this Act shall be BRBMPr PROM TAXATION by or under any Slate or municipal authority Subscrip tions to these Bonds are received in United States notes, or notes of National Banks. They are TO BE DEEMED IN COIN, at the 171sasitre of the Government, at any period net less than ten nor more then forty Years from their date. and until their redemption FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST WILL BE PAID, IN COIN, on Bonds of not over one hundred dollars annually, and on all other Bonds semi-annually. The interest is payable on the first days of March and September in each year. The send.annnal Coupons are payable at those dates, and the annual Coupons on the 30 and 'KO dollar Bonds are payable on the firer of March. Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Bonds, as they may prefer. Registered Bonds are re- I corded on the books of the U. S. Treasurer, and can be trar aferred only on the owner's order. Coupon Bonds are payable to bearer, and are more convenient for com mercial uses. Registered Bonds will be issued of the desLominations of Fifty DoHere (460). One hundred Dollars (1.!C). Flee Hundred Do.,lars (440../), One Thousand Dollars (11.600. Five 'fluittratd Dollar* (MOM), and Ten Thousand Dol lars ($10,000); and Coupon Bonds of the denominations of Fifty Dollars (W). One Hundred Dollars (COO), Five Hundred Dollars MM. and One Thousand Dollars (fl,foC). Fubsci ibers to this loan will have the option of having their Bonds draw interest from March let, by,paying the accrued interest in coin (or in United Statee notes, or the notes cf National Banks. adding lifty psr cent. for Pre mium), or receive them drawing interest from the date of subscription and deposit. A. tbete Bonds are exempt from municipal or Mate taxation, their value is increased from one to three Der cent. per annum, according to the rate of tax Livia's in various parts of the country. - At the present rate of premium on gold they pay over eight per cent. interest in Carrency, and are a wi g convenience as a permanent or temporary investment. It is believed that no securities offer so great induce 'alerts to lenders as the various descriptions of 11. S. Bonds. In all , other forms of indebtedness the faith or ability of private parties, or stock companies. or sepa rate communities. only is p'edged for payment. while for the debts of the United Batts the whale property of the couairy is holden to secure the payment of both Principal end interest in coin. These Bonds may be subscribed for in sums from $.50 TIP to any magnitude, on the same terms, and are thus made comity available to the smallest lender and the largest capitalist. They can be converted into us ney at any moment, and the holder will have the benefit of the interest. The fact that all ditties en imports are Payable in • specie fornislies a fond for like payment of interest on all Government Bends largely in Mess of the wants of the treasury for this purpose. Upon the receipt of subicriptionS a certificate of de posit therefor. in duplicate, will be issued, ths original of which will be forwarded by the subscriber to the Se ecstasy of the Treasury, at Washington. with a letter stating the kind (registered or coupon) and the denomi nation of bonds required. Upon the receipt of the original certificates at the Trea sury Department the Bonds subscribed fur will be trans mil led to the subscribers res,eelvely. Subscriptions will be received by the TREASURER. OF THE MIMED STATES at Washington; and the AS SIATANT TELASUREES at Philadelphia. New York. and Boston, and by the First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa.. First National Bank of Carlisle. Pa First National Bank of Danville, Pa., First National Bank of Erie. Pa. , • First National Bank of Marietta. Pa • First National Bank of Meadville, Pa , First National Bank of Scranton. Pa.. Second National Bank of Scranton, Pa., First National Bank of Strasburg, Pa., First National Bank of Towanda, Pa., First National Bank of West Cheater, Pa.. Second National Bank of Wilkesbarre, Pa , First National Bank of York, Pa.. First National Bank of Parkersburg. W. Va.„ First National Bank of Washington, P. C.. First National Bank of Newark, N. J., - First National Bank of Baltimore, First National Ihnk of Binghamton, N. Y., First National Bank of Elmira, N. Y. , and by all National Banks which are depositaries of Public money. All respectable banks and bankers throughout the country will furnish farther informa• tion on application, and• -afford every facility to sub scribers. ap2B-6tWit HAVE 1. OU PROVIDED FOR YOUR FAMILY AN INSURANCE ON YOUR LIFE? LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, MITTUAL;-7;- WITS AN AMPLE . CASII CAPITAL. WALTER 8. ORIFFITH, Passmarr. 0. C. RIPLEY, SEO. I. R. FROTIIINGHAM, TEXAS. PHILADELPHIA REFERENOES : Hon. William Strong; Rev. Mitthew Simpson. D.D.. Bishop of M. B. Church; Rev Albert Barnes. D. D. ; Rev. James M. Crowell; Thomas Robins. Bag. ; Lewis R. Ash burst. RN • Samuel Welsh. Bea. : James Dunlas.. Beg.; m W. R. Iso Bag : John Rice Esq_ ; Charles Humph rey.. Req. ; Jan R. Austin.-Req.; S C. Palmer. E9Ol- 4 C. B. Mount. Esq.; Samuel. C. Perkins. Beg. - John Penrose. Peg.; Samuel Field, Req.; Messrs. B. W. Clerk & Co._; Buckner. MeCammon. & Co ; John B. Myers & Co. ; Benjamin Bullock & Sons: Win. S. & Alfred Mar tian; George B. Reese, Sonots Co.,- J B. McCreary & Co. ; neolle Cookman & Co.: D. E. Neralaw & co. Kay & Brother. - JOHN H. PAOKAMD, M. D. MEDICAL REAMTNER. No. 1225 SPRUOE STREET. Sn attendance at Agent's Office daily from 1 to 2 P, H. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, CORNER FOURTH AND LIBRARY STREETS. B. K. ESLETt, AGENT. cal-mwom FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 406 CHEM= STREET. PHILADELPHIA. VIBE AID INLAND IREITIRAIOL DDLEOTOBIL John W. Everseaut. Robert B. Potter, John Kessler, Jr., B. D Woodruff, Charles Stokes. Joseph D. Ellie. BllHK,_Preebient. ISM Vise President. 1214.11 Yransis H. Tick, Charles Richardson. Henry Lew% 0. W. Davis, .lnetice. (Norge A. West, PRAACIIB N due. - Blot W. T. EL A NOW ART. Secret FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. EVANS Sr, IIEASSALL., MILITARY EiIJ]ELNPigFZEIVIgs, Fanners. IsOnantil and Company Elio. Swords, Bashes, Bella. Peasants, Epaulets. Hats. Cape. Can teens. Haversacks. Camp Kits, Field Glasses. Spurs, and everything pertaining to the somplete outfit o Army and Navy °facers. A liberal diaconal allowed to the trade, anl7-1m FURLOUGHS. Offieetz and Soldiers. visiting the City on Perlongh. - needing • SWORDS * And other MILITARY EQUIPMENTS. eye invited to the Ter7 extensive Mannfeeturian Zatablishment, of G.O. W. SLIVIONS 13R0.. PRESENTATION SWORDS Made to order at the shortest notice. which. for richness and magniicense, challenge oorswtitton. no other house In the country PRACTICAL MANOYACTURING JEW BLEB With the SWORD-MAKER. mhl2.2m FROTHINGETA NI It WELLS RUNTY. =MIL AJD LIMP! lIREITLICS AID SHIRTING& STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CA/TOM FLANNELS. WARR, IGZEON AND VICTORY CAMBRIC/3 LID BILECIAEL mown BLEACHED , AND CO IT JIAZIL Bro. us WORSTED YARN. &a. se24titt AMERICAN THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY entered Into copartnerahip, under the firm name of J. C. STRAWBRIDGE et CO., for the transac tion of the Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods Badness. at the northwest corner of EIGHTH and MARKET Streets. J. C STRAWBRIDGE. LEWIS WHITER. PHILADELPHIA. March 9. 1864. ap29 et NOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Partnership k erteofore existing between Morris S. Wickersham and Edward L. Brown, under the firm of EDWARD L. BROWN, tuts Oda day beandissolved by mutual consent. MORRIS S. WICKERSHAM, _ EDWARD L. BROWN. Philadelphia. April 28. 1864. The bushiess of the concern will be settled by Edward L. Brown. at the 'Foundry in West Philadelphia.. e.pkkfit pl - BaToN a DENOKLA, HARDWARE • • Commission Menabanta. 507 OOMM:6801 and 51111 NORTH Streets, offer for sale: Anchor Briadalb; Plymouth Mill Payola. W. & 8. Batalmes Cast Steel; 'Aisle Cabinet Looks. Pnlnaan's Horse Palle: Looke's Copper. Braes. and Iron Wire: Cotton Cards. £{w,/AU anonE94s fiLautox &Swam 61-641: I r Z I :11 ILi FRIDAY, APRIL 2,D, 1864. VINANCIAE. INSURANCE. - ROME WILLIAM J. COFFIN'. ACTUARY ARMY GOODS. 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. SANSOM•STEKET HALL. S/LISOM Street, above Sixth HANN YOZ SALL COPARTNERSHIPS. MILLINERY GOODS. P. A. HARDING fk, 00., IniMET I ERS AID JOBBERS 07 STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, go. 4 E13 .ARCH STIELMIEMP, I = 1864- 1864. WOO.D. t CARY, 725 en:Es-TNT:TT STREET, STRAW ANT) MILLINERY iOODS, r --- P. 13.—ADIRCHABF.V. AND' 1K1LL1N3.1.5 are Invited Fe irrutine before oure.leekrol Al our EITOOK IS FULL and PILICI3 LOW. uth4-Stm li9ool> & CART. 41)WE RE,SPEOTFITELY cuma. THE ATTENTION OF THE ar it A. lE TO OTTE STOCK OF SPUN HILLINAUIt -GOODEL vrs HAVE NOW OPEN BEAUTIFUL AaBOILTRIEDF7 FRENCH FLOWERS, RIBBONS, SILKS, LADES, VEILS,. ate. BERNHEIH, FM CHESTNUT STREET. mbsimn, • • 14 SPECIAL N 0 7.1 E.-L MAN. 71E BROADWAY,. N. Y.. Jerome- the I ladies of thin cite that he ham received hie assort ment of SPRING SONNETS, alai more than ever, the most beautiful and complete assortment of AREIFI3IAL FLOWERS. FEVERISH& am. e'er imported in• the llt ited States. The lowest trade price will be allowed to persons in the trade. L. TILMAN. 7.1 E BROAD WAIF. N. D. — Please remember, to prevent •aiatals, TIL MAN. in BROADWAY. No. 7.1113. Established ir..1665. ap27 6t 111 MISS M. A. BAKER, No. 1346 CHEST= STRAIT, Has opened a large ariortment of PARIS MILLINgRY. apl.4-9m* For the Spring and Bummer of 1984. BASKETS AND WILLOW WARE. LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK Or WOODEN - W ARE COTTON GOODS lii THIS 130tIZITRY A. 11. FRANCISCUS, 513 SIA_RKET AND 510 COMMERCE STS., WHOLESALE DEALER IN WADDING, BATTING, TWINES, WICKING, CORDS, CORDAGE, BUCKETS, BROOMS, BRUSHES, BASKETS, TUBS, CHURNS, MATS, WHIPS, TABLE AND FLOOR. OIL CLOTHS, BEM-CAGES, JAPAN- WARE, WINDOW PAPER AND SHADES, PUTNAM'S OLOTHES-WRINGER, LOOKING GLASSES, CLOCKS, FLY-NETS, FANCY BASKETS, fai l &o. mh3l lm FANCY BASKETS. A. 11. FRANCISCIT Sp 613 MARKET AND blO CONEEINASUM SWO.9 - Hare j net opened a large and well assorted stock ague GERMAN AND FRENCH FANCY BASKETS ' 4 3I)P HIS OWN IMPORTATION. OREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO THE TRADE. son3l-lm 1864 1864. WHITE OLD PIED CHIN, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, 4215 MARKET STREET. Broom, Falls, Tnbs, Wash-Board■, Baskets. Ctu• dren's Coaches and Chairs, Table and Floor Oil Clothe, Clocks and Looking Glasses, Tie Yarns, 'Ask, Cordage. Carpet Chains. Twines. Cotton Yarns, Wadding. Cotton Lars, Batts. be. FRENCH AND GERMAN FANCY B IBM& Agents for the HALEY, MORSE, At HOMBRE SELF-ADJUSTING OLOTGES WRINGER. ape 2re GREAT OPENING OF CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. NOW SELLING AT BARGAINS. 1,000 DOZ. CORN BROOMS. LOOO DOZ. FANCY PAINTED BUCKETS. LK* NESTS CEDAR WASH TUBS. 2,000 CEDAR STAFF AND BARREL CHURNS. 1.000 DOZ. WILLOW MARKET BASKETS. 2,000 BALES COTTON-WICK AND TIE YARN. 2,000 BILES BATS AND WADDING. RETICULE BASKETS, OIL CLOTHS. LOOKING GLASSES. CORDAGE. dm, be. All Goods are sold at the Mazinfaetarer's Lowest Cub Prises. Orden vromUls Slloa. ROWE & SIMON, 157 sod /59 If (Ma THIRD sTzawr. XOl9-1p Three Doors below Rae. PAINTINGS AND ENGRAVINGS. NOTICE OF REMOVAL- The u ndersigned would inform their fr iends and the public nerallyat they have removed horn their OR Rand. 1117 ARCH Street. to their SPLENDID NEW. WARM - I,OOMA No. 912 ARCH STREET, Where they will continue the sale of GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELLIERB, COAL-OIL BURNERS, &c. - Having associated with our house Mr. OBARLIII ?AGM (formerly the Prinsipal Designer for Consoling & Baker.) we are now prepared to execute orders for Oss fixtures of all grades and designs. from the se tensest to Me most mantas and etaborate. VAN KIRK db CO" fe2l-3es No. 912 ARCH STRBIT. LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE & SON, 81.0 CHESTNUT STREIT, PHILA., Have noW in store a very Sae assortment of LOOKING GLASSES of every character, of the VERY BEST MANUNACTHRE AND LAMM STYLES OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, ap29 PICTURE ARID PHOTOGRAPH THAMES. ICE CREAM. THE BEST SCE 4CI3FL3E.EN.MIX Brought into the City, made in Mature County. FROM PURE CREAM, and brought in FRESH EVERY MORNING. Hotels, Restaurants. Boarding Houses, Private Faint lies. Fairs, dm,. supplied on reasonable terms; at ehor notice. CALL AT EASTERN MARKET CHEESE AND ICE CREAM STAND FIFTH STREET. BELOW MARKET. ardtl di W, U. SLoooBill. CARTES DE VISITE.—REISIER'S styles attract universal attention. All admire the Mae and accuracy manifest to their execution. See specimena at gallery. SECOND Street. above Green. lts pEBFIIMED PARLOR 'MATCHES.- •&• Just received. 2O additional cases of these celebrated (Alixandey'sYNatches. for sale to the trade only. aps7.6sa BOWel & BUSTON. 107 & AMP H. THIRD St. UPHOLSTERING. • H. B. BLANCHARD & Northeast corner THIRTBRNTH and CHESTNUT C0.. 814. Carpet, and Matting made and laid. Bedding. Hair Mattresses. dm' lirdwandah earnings wohlin-Sm REFRIGEBATORS, WATER --COOL EBEL Ice-Cream Freezes% Wail/lug Machines, Car pet Bireepere, Clothes Frames , Folding Camp Chairs. and a great varlets , of useful Household - artielee. at the Depot or the "Universal (Co wheel) Clothes Wringer. E. L. BDIMILAM. Manufacturer's Agent,' No 27 gonth eIIXTH d,reet. ginatau 144 iga.;4o, 'RETAIL DRY GOODS. LYRE & LANDELL, -0O ARCH s - r EcE Have now arranged for sale a maJrntioent stock of SPIL;CING. 1311,3.7 GOOD 13• Adapted to flrat•claee sales. This Stock was laid In before the recent advance in gold, which enables as to offer great Inducements to the trade. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Black 511ka, Com ITO to $1 par yard. Brown Silks. r to $l. Moire Antiques. from $3 to $2.20. Rich Clients and Spring Plaids. Brown Figured Silks. d3uble face. India Plaid Wash Silks. $l. 100 pima Sunnier Silks. XOl a yaid. SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Man ificent Orgsiv.dy Robes. Preach Organdies, new styless. GB raccee Goats' llcAr'alacinas. Tan•colored Cliftlll6l3 and Delaines. Ilse Black Okallles and Bombazines. Good style Gret adinee and Fools; ds. SHAWLS AND MANTLES. Cloths, Cassimeres, and Cloakings. A fall assortment of Sackings. A fall assortment of Cloths and Casements. A Tall assortment of Boys wear. At Wholesale and Retail, N. W. Corner Eighth and Market Streets. mh2l•mwftlyl. TOURISTS' DRESS . GOODS. 1 SILK MANTLES London style Shawls, epon Centroe, Tamartine Ordered. shawls: Sea chore Bareqe Shawl& Black Rio/via, lull black. Fren ill Crape Pongees. Bummer Poplins. for snits. Van, Pearl, sod ModeLaxo: - Fall stock Maple Oioan. ap49-fin CIFEWEN STODDART BRCYPHER Inv to the attention of buyers to the large an*varioti. btOCk of SPRING , AND SUiliiirKEV D. It 30. S S G O OACYS-i, which hos been Darabased at the EISW YORK AID PHILADELPHIA AMMON% Prior to the recent advance - in ewshange.. as we meter a lame and active trade to exorbitant melte; buggers will flint decided advantages in our stock. BLACK. SILKS. FOLID coLosa SILKS, . FANCY %Ha& - - - . CHINTZ2I3. LAWN:, to. CIIRWEN kTODDART & BROTHER. 450,45%, and 454 North SECOND Street. ap2S-St above Willow:: JAS. R. CAMPBELL Ac CO:, VAT CHESTNUT STREET, HATE MIJ EXTSISIVE ADDITIONS TO -TRIM POPULIa STOOK 07 SHAWLS, MO Et .USS Cr 10 0 .1:0 134 Which they continue to sell at MODERATE PRICES,. NOTWITHWANDING THE ADVANGED 608 T 07 RECENT IMPORTATIONS. WHOLESALE ROOMS lIP STAIRS. apB-1m CIVIL AND ARMY <MOTETS. MIDDLESEX 6.4 LIGHT BLUES. ALL GRADES DARK DO. 3.4 AND 6-4 INDIGO FLANNELS. 3-4 AND 13.4 BLUE CASSIMERES. 3.4 AND 6.4 DOESKINS. FULL .STOCK OF morns. DO. DO. COATINGS. DO. DO. CASSIMERES. BILLIARD AND BAGATELLE CLOTHS. CLOTHS FOR. COACH.MAKERS. ALL KINDS TRIMMINGS, &a. W. Ir. SINTOEIGr Et ASS. an 23 Im 34 S. SECOND and S 3 STRAWBERRY Ste NEW STORE!!! S. i 3. Dor NINTH AND ARUN STREETS_ J. COWPERTHWAIT & CO. would invite the attention of our old Customers and the public generally to our stock of • FANCY ABD STAPLE DRY GOODS. Which we will sell at We haERY LOW PRICES. ve now on hand one of the largess and most complete stocks of FANCY DRESS GOODS Ever offered at retail in this city. embra:lng all the new styles and shades of FOULARDS. FIBS e•ILN GRENADINES, ALPACAS. ALL WOOD DE LAMES. PLAIDS. MOZAMBIQUE% MOR AIRS, GRENADINE BAREGES. popLINS. ORGANDIES. JACONETS, STRIPED AND PLAID LENOS dm A larae and well. selected stock of BLACK AND INDIA SILKS, Which will be sold low. 1 lot double width Mozambique& SOO yards, at Me, 1 lot Brocade Poplins, 400 yards, at 310. Shepherds' Plaids from 57.14 c. Fine Chalice at 35c. SHAWLS! In great variety tke new fabrics and designs for. Spring and Summer wear, ranging in price from $2.50 to $6O. Those In wept of bargains is this line should give no a call. _ LADIES'. CLOAKINGS, all shades. CLOTHS and CASSIMERES, for Mena' and Boy's wear, from $1 up HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. An immense variety, consisting of Table Linens, 1301111• terpanes. Napkin., Doylies, Towels, Toilet Covers, Russia Crash. Stair Crash, &c., &c. We would also call the attention of buyers to our stock of filnelins. Sheetings, Flannels. Calicoes. French Chintzee, Figured Brilliautes. Wool Table Covers, Co lored Damask Table Cloths. iu 6-9, 7.4. and 8-4 sizes, VERY CHEA.PI Our line of WHITE GOODS is now complete, comprising Shirting Linens, White Brilliantes, Cambric Mailing Victoria Lawns, Hain cooks. Swiss kluging, Plaid Muslin. &c., COWPERTJaWAIT cls CO , S. LORNER NINTH. AND ARCH 81 , 14. ap&mtm-tf PHILADELPHIA. BLACK SILK, $6. BLACK SILK; $5 00. BLACK SILK, $4 60. BLACK SILK, $4 00. BLACK SILK, $3 60. BLACK SILK, $3 25. BLACK SILK, $3 00. BLACK SILK, $2 60. BLACK MLR., $2 25. BLACK SILK, $2 00. BLACK SILK, $1 75. BLACK SILK: $1 60. BLACK SILK, $1 25. BLACK SILK, $1 1236:, BLACK SILK, $1 00. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 154 N. SECOND Si above Willow LADIES' AND MISSES' SPRING 4.1.4X0 - R IVE4S. 'Just opened, a large assortment of BEADTIFITL AND NEW STILES SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, CHEAP DRY GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, AND WINDOW SHADES.—y. E. ARCHAMBAULT, Northeast corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, will open this morn ing. from suction, Ingrain Carpets, wool 50. 58. 42. and 75e; Ingrain Carpets, all wool, 75, 870, $l, $1.1.8. $1.26, $1 87. and $1.60; English Brussels Carpets. only 62: Entry sad. Stair Carpet*, Pie to $1; Rag. Hemp, and Cottage Carpets. 97 to 65c; White and Red Check Canton Matting, 37 to 62c: Floor Oil Cloths. all widths. 02 to 137 c; Gilt Bordered Window Shades. 75c to $2 CHEAP DRY GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. ,„NelXOrk #lllO iinolloo. Irk; WilliogicYlll9: 1044 c; nueot Ea. 00c to la 20; Poplins, 87 to 57c; Alpacas. all colors, 97 to 75c; Bleck Silks, $1.25 to $1.75; Challiea and Delainee, 31 to 35c; Table Linens, 75c to 59; Napkins, 16 to 50c; Towels and TowelinAs. 19 to 37a; Shirting' Mus l in, 1 8 to 37c; Fancy and Plain Cassinieres. 750 to Ll. 75: Flannels. 50 to 137 c; Linen Handkerchiefs , 8 to 50o; adles' Cotton Rom. 16 to 600 t Gloves, 12 to 760 t Shawls. $3 tO $10; Lawns, 25 and MI Plaid Poll de °nacre. 37 to Cc; Spring Oloakings. 41.50 to $2; Coats' Cot:mc. 9s; Pinfrfic ; Needles. sc; Hooks and Eyes, 3c ; Wh ol eaid. 7c; windeor.soap; 6:c. : Colgate's Soap. Sc. sale and Retail. Northeast corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. ara• lawf lm BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. We are still willing our Black Mika at the came prices se we did early in the season, notwithstanding the re cent advances. MANTLE SILKS. ALL WIDTHS. Plain Silks, all colors, $1 30 to $5.75. Fancy Mika. $1 to $3 60. Etch heavy. handsome Fancy Bilks. $2 67 to $0.60. Bich Ohene Silks, at $2.3136. worth 86.50. • at de. 20. VS 41 GO at 54.76, '' . 7 • 18 pieces small plaid at M s ks.. at 81.26. worth $1.50 STEEL & O. ap23-11 Nos. 71.3 and TM N. TENTH StreeS. MANTLES AND OLOAKS OF UN umeil elegance. Taffeta Mantles and gittginell. Plain and Richly Trimmed Mantles. Chesterfield,. in Silk and Cloth Short SSCQUeII of handsome Clothe. • Trench Cloth Cloaks. MAMAS MADE TO ORDER. Spring Shawls in light colors. Summer Shawls of good quality. Onelot desirable Summer Shawls, SS. Black Thibet Square Shawls. $.l to $7. COOPSR es CON LSD, avl3 S a earner NINTH and MANKIIT DESIRABLE GOODS. FROM AUCTION. 25 pieces Russia Diaper, .2.75. 20 pieces Rcesia Diaper. 51.2 50. 55 pima Simla Diaper, wide, $4. ie pieces Russia Diaper. Tory wide. Se. Also 10 lots of Table Linens—all pease. wow open at JOHN H. STOKINP. wale 7011ABON Street. REST BLACK BILKS IMPORTED. Magnificent eavy Blast Corded Silks. Moire Antiques, 111. colors. Splendid quality Corded Silks, all colors. Rich Chores Stripe and Plaid Silks. Magnificent Grenadines and Organdies. New styles Spring Shawls. .lifew style Cloths for ladies' eloake. I COWIN HaLL & 00.. asb23, • 8910411100149 Stmt. FOULARDS. (MENA DINH. MOZAMBIQUBS: 4g, 1008 CH/IST/PIT Street RETAIL DRY GOODS. NNW. CORNER EIGHTH .AND • FLARE= J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & Co, (FORMERLY 00WEERTHW11T k CO.). HAVE NOW OPEN. Aline assortment of Black Silks. Small Plaid India Bilks, Plain. Striped, and Plaid Poplins. Superior Blaek and Colored Pink. Blue, and Buff Brilliants. Pink. Blue, and Buff Percale!. Striped and Figured French- Chintzes. SHAWLS. SHAWLS. SHAWLS. NM Lama Wool lifirawls. from 10 60 to *B. 100 Moaambio . as 1 61 to $7. 100 sliY Oheck to $O. 10013laelg Stella • $2.60 to $2O We still Dave an Immense etoek of CORWIN . AND LINE!! SBEETINGB AND DELIRTINGS. MO dozen Towels and Napkins. A fall line of Barnesly Table Linens. The celebrated Power and Band-Loom Tabla Linens fluckaback, Blrdaye, and Diaper. Lancaster, Manchester, and Honey- Comb Quilts. Pink, Bite add White Martelllee Gunnterpanee and Chim. 81= 1 '3E1.;X1\7CA- d=I.ICROANKS9I MlULlVa!L..=lkijatUA.Ul'Llnd GARMENTS MADE TO ORDER COOPER &- C3ONARD, S. E. tlorner NINTH and MARKET * Streets; apl3-vrfet FANCY DRES - S SILKS; SOLID COLORS SILKS. CHENE SILK. SOLID COLORS FIGURED ?MKS. CURWEN STODDART Sc. BROTHER, _ 450, 452. and 451 N. SECOND St.. above Willow, 1.041 CHESTADT STREET. • ~..1 EM. NEEDLES - Weald call special attention to his large IC pa! stock or LAOIS, EMBROIDERIES. II AND. rplO KERCHIEFS, VEILS. AND WHITE GOODS. 5..1 all bonsld before the recent advance. corn _7l prising many novelties, in fabrics Aluitabbi for &,. ladies' bodies and dresses, in striped, figured, 1 ,?, plaid. tacked. and pnffad =slims. &c F. ICO nieces White, Buff. and Figured Flows. w ,200 Printed Linen Cambric Dresses. M. '' • In view porede heavy . additional tariff about _,l to be ion all imported geode, ladies Would do well to give my stock an early in ,sit emotion. as prices must be necessarily largely 11, advanced in a short time. 0 1 lam still sellillg at old prices. I* r • 10114. CHESTNUT STREET HOOP SKIRTS 628. LADIES', MISEES'. AND CHILDREN'S. The Most camp' ate fi.@§teritnent in the city; every atria and Bite. For finish. duraoilitv, and cheapness, have no equal In the market. Manufactured at 648 ARCH Street. Skirts made to order, altered. and repaired. Also. bargains in Eastern made Skirts. kid padded, and rivsted ; 16 springs 65 cents; 20 syringe. 80 cents; 25 Wings, 96 cute; 30 epringe, V; 40 unite. 5L20; 40 springs, diamond tied. to cents. sad. M. WM. T. HOPHINS. WERLY CORSETS.-JUST BE ceived from Parts. beet quality elegantly fitting Welly Corsets. all kinds Corsets on hand. and made to oraer, at Hrs. STEEL'S, TENTH Street. below Cbestuct. ap26.50 LYON'S KATHAIRON. Kathairon is from the Hreek word "Malmo." or Ka. Metro, " signifying to cleanse. rejuvenate. and restore. This article is what its name signifies. For preserving, restoring and beautifying the HUMAN HAIR tt is the most remarkable preparation in the world. It is again owned and put np in the original proprietor. and is now made with the same care, skill, and attention which gave it a sale of over one million bottles per annum. It is a most delightful Hair Dressing. It eradicates scarf and dandruff. It keens the bead coal and e/ean. It makes the hair rich. soft. and MOIST 16 Prevents the hair from falling off and turning gray It restores hair upon bald heads. Any lady or gentleman who values a beantlfal head of hair should nee LYON'S SATINAIRON. is known Ana wed throughout the civilized world. Sold log all respectable dealers DEM&S S. BARNES & 00.. New York. HAGAN'S NAGNOLLt BALM. This is the most delightful and extraordinary article ever discovered. It changes the sun. burnt face and hands to a;pearly satin texture of ravishing beauty, im parting the marble Purity (,f youlh. and the distinpui appearance co inviting in the city belle of Rushton. It re• moves tan, freckles, pimples, and roughness from the skin, leaving the complexion fresh, transparent, and smooth. It contains no material injurious to the skin., Patronized by actresses and opera singers. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Prepared by W. R. HAGAN, Troy, N. Y. Address all orders to DIMAS S. BARNES & CO.. New York. HEIMSTREET'S INIMITABLE lIMICRESTO- RATIIIL-NOT A DYE, But restores gray hair to its original color. by srupplying the capillary tubas with natural sustenance, impaired by age or disease. All fnatantansoue dyes are composed of lunar caustic. destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of themselves no dressing. Haim strest's Inimitable Coloring not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy process, but gives the hair LII.X.ITRIABT BEAUTY. promotes its growth, prevents its falling of. eradicates dandruff. and imparts health and pleasantness to the head. It hag stood the teat of time. being the original Hair Coloring, and Is constantly increasing in favor. Used by both gentlemen and ladies. It is sold by all re spectable dealers, or san be procured by them of the sommenial agents, D. B. BARMRS di CO.. BOM BROAD• WAY. Mew York. Two alga% 50 cents and Al. MEXICAN MUSTANG LEINER. The partial; in St. Louis and Cincinnati, who have been eounterfriting the Mustang Liniment, under pretence of Proprietorship, have been thoroughly estopped by the courts. To guard against further Imposition. I have pro cured from the Veiled States Treasury a private steel-. plate revenue stamp, which is placed over the top of each bottle, Each stamp bears thejko enttis of my sig nature. and 'without which the article is a counterfeit, dangerous, and worthless imitation. Examine every bottle. This Liniment hag been in use end groWing in favor for many years. There hardly Inlets a hamlet , on the habitable globe that does not contain evidence oft is wonderful effects. It is the best emollient in the world.. With its prevent improved ingredients. Its effects upon man and beast are Perfectly remarkable. Sores are healed, pains relieved, lives saved, valuable animals made useful. and untold Ills assuaged. For bruins!, sprains, rheumatism, swellings, bites, outs, asked breasts, strained horses. ke. it is a sovereign remedy that should UMW be dispensed with. It should be in every family. gold by all druggists. Ih2e-uni rim/moment D. S. BARNES, New York. KENNEDY, STAIR/3, & CO., Nos. 130 and 132 North Wharves. ABOVE ARCH STREET, WHOLESALE DEALERS PICKLED AND DRY FISH. A large stock, in asserted packages, suitable for Cona kry Trade. always on baud. apl42m LONDON BROWN STOUT, SCOTCH ALE, BI TSB CASE OR DOZEN. ALBERT C: ROBERTS. DISALER IA FM auocarinia. Ink 19 Oernar ILIVINTR and 17118 L IFE-SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS IN OIL -`-• Colors roads at B. P. IMIKER'S in tuistirimesed style. Considered the moat messing, natural. and ar tistic portraits of the UM. ea* ARV H Strut. It* 4%. MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED npon Diamonds, Watches. Jewelry, Plate. Clothing. &c., at JONES 00 .' e Old. Established Loan Office. corner THIRD and GASKILL Streets. below Lombard. are sm OPHRENOLOGIUAL EX AMIN A TIONS. with fall descriptions of ch sractergl.oon - DAY and EVENING. lks• J. OAP/114. mbg-wfrinflin in K TUNTII7 saw.* CORRECT PIANO TIININV. —Mr. C. E. SARGENT% Orders for Tunies and Ite i r t airinninanoe are received at MASON di C 0.3 Store, T CHESTNUT Street, anis. Er. B. u had dem years' nistory„azaa„riskap is Neer ton . n d eye years' inaplo7nkrat In rada.40..16. 8111CIAL - - Pianos releathered to 'owl as sett ale meet-toned as new. witilosii rdevivini, tom (9: toga& N. 049 •Sail AMUSEMIgarrSO .B, OVER , S ogESTNITISTBENT THE4LTRE, —LEONARD GROVER, Manager. (Afro of Grov.er'e Theatre, Waehington.) Tars (FRIDAY) EVENING. AP,lt MOtIC I`OStTIVELT THE L 1 ET NIGHT RII7JE OMBRA. LAM apmaran ce GRAND Ot P HERR HERRMANN% tbe celebrated Basso Profando whole appeararreg' lett *Netting occasioned an ovation of the molt enthurhystic character. Last atpeeeence_or FRDINZ ioNLY TIME. Mu,? POSITIVSL.Y. Of B.ethoven Dia , terwurk and only Opera, FIDELIO, FiDEt.lO, FIUBLIO, FIDEL LO. ROCCO (Me lent appeal - anCr), HBRIi J't Hal : motors. FLvES , TAisi (Die last ann,ar,tare) M. FRANZHIIIMEB .FIDBLIo (her greatest at , oninotion) Diadem 3011ANwelEN MARCELLINE Mile. CARONA PIZARRO M. STEINACKE pftrillis OF AD atlssios Dress Circle and Farticet 60a 155 vomit. 45tti% Aft , Peher viag Orchestra Matra. referred SI. Fatally Girdle • 9 5c. Seats at Gould's and at the Flux Offlue. SATURDAY. AFTELNIJON AND BYRNING. 901 PITH BENEFIT OF THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR FOll TAR SANITARY commiscrort. GRAND opEae 3IATEN3E. And ro.t.itivOy app.sranco of the OBFKAN OPERA ..;OMIPAtflf. LA DAD'S BLANCHE BrirrisE. Receipts for the Benefit of the Cenral Fair Sanitary Critcreiviou Adnthsion to all parts of the house. including Private Br.xee, Ome Dollar. .•• • . Seats may be secured today and to-morrow. without extra. charge. SATURD kY NIGHT, Dramatic Performance DIE 0 riTnnoow. receipts for the benefit of the (Astral Fair Sanitary Ijommieeien. The entire services of the artists, orchestra, attaches, rtaverlieice. ;and theatre and iocidentat expenses, are Vre• tsn led to the Fait by Mr. G itOv ail, MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARUH STREET TR aA'TBE UNABATED FURORE. BENEFIT BENEFIT OF HRS. JOHN ThRW.W. TO-NIGHT (Friday).April if/:h, 1861, Twenty third avti 1. , ,t Night but Six of ROSEDALE: OR. PER RIFLE BAL.., With its GRAND SOENERV, FINE A , MING. MEGELANIOAL EFFECTS. and BRILLISNT DAMOINO. 308 A LEIGH. ER& JOHN DREW. Seats Secured one week In advance. Flay to commence at M tc 8; terminate at 11M• TAI. N UT- STRE T Et EATRIC , f THIS (Friday) EVBNING, April 'lg. BENEFIT OF MR. W,-J. FLOHSSIO9, On which ucceeion Mr and Mrs Viorenc, will appear to three mirth-provokine plow; and SEVEN DIFFERENT CHAR. aCTESS. • The performAnce wit I commence to the Farce ' THE RIz•H LION. To be followed by the beautiful comedietta of THRICE MARRIED. To conclude with the rooming Force of THE YANKEE HOU AtiBEPER. TERESA OAREENO, BY UNIVER SAL desire. take* pl.a.nre in annonnc ng a THIRD and FAREWELL COMYCIfI F. at MUSIDAII FUN!) HALL_ en SATURDAY EVENING_ Antil With. alit& the will be aided br the following dietingniahed talent: Madam. , ANNIE. 411XsBbL. Prima D nun iiourano; Mr. J FARLLY. Tenor. who will tender. in accordance with nnmeron4 requm la. the great ariaw from 'Faust " and Maroorneou." Mr DRAPER. Baritone ; and M. P. 1. BIITTLE Planist Ttcltete fit) rents. Reesrved ;eats 26 cents extra. To be bad at 3 A CiuULL'S Magic Store. corner Iia.VENTEE and CEIESTNTIT Streets. ap29.2c fI,ERMA - NIA ORCHESTRA. = LAST cOINCEBT OF.THt, SISAKILS—For the benefit of the Great Sanitary Pair ' PUSILIC REHEARS A LTSIAKXT SATURDAY, at 3 o'clock P. M.. at the MUSIOAL PUN D Magi+) tickets 25 cot :a Packages of Rix tickets. *1 Ta he had at A N DRE'S. 1104 CHESTNUT Street. J B. Gocays. ARVENTH ano CHESTNUT. and at the RAU doet. flag 7.A.NE-STREET GIRLS' 14RAMNIA_R 4 , - 4 SCHOOL CokiMtitT. at the AC %DEILY OF WISC', SATURDAY A FTE 'MOO N. at 3 o'clock. Door 4 open. at 2. Tickot& c. , 411 & e h: , ,d at the door. c.p23-3t* T wELFTII SE( 3T.T.ON.—GR A.N D VO. -ML A$D INSTRITSUMM COtk4;B4T, Crq the benefit of the SCHOOL FUN a of the GROS eir CENTIlikr, SAIL dill b. given at Handel and HaYdn Halt. N 8. come* of El 011 Ai and SPRING GARDEN Streets. on MONDAY EVEDUSG. MAY 2 1E64 AT 8 O'cLorat Mls-81 JoSEPH:NE 0 GO ANkLI., and aeveral amateara . will atMat on she occasion. wtit preside at the Pia tie F,ute. Tickets may be pr. - Taxed at the r ffice of Charles Wagner. No. HI North SIXTH Street • H. FI Davie, 1223 0 KEEN Street, and at the door on the evening- of the Cm -- .cert. a n 27 61" 623. RARE CHANCE FOR A GOOD CAN vest BR. One of the bast woks ever offered t , the public. B elneive PraiAlatelt riven. Lane Profile, Lad no risk Addre.ft CatlVAttear. at this office apra- 3P. WAN TED -BY A DIS ..11l AR 4.ED Soldier. a situation at some light business. Ad dress " W. O. H.," P 1.6.88 (Mae. lt* WANTED -BY A PACKAGE HOUSE. a BOOK-KEEPIat that writes a good band; accurate. quick. and well acquainted with ac counts. PoAllon permanent. Address "Box 6." Post 011ie/lb Sth raferance ap243t. WANTED- A SITUATION AS SIT fr ping Clerk in a Porwartrag Hone or Teansperta tion Company Office, by a young man who has been act ing in that capacity nearly three years. Cala give good reference. Address 'Shipping- Vieth," Office of The .Press. a 029 WANTED -BY A PARTY INTEND ING to trade in the Wirt thte Bummer, in the Pro duce business,saropl-s of light goode appertaining to the Grocery trade: to Bell on commiseion. Setiettotory re ference riven. Addreu, for one week, P.O. , Bog 340. sp23 6.* $75 A MONTH !.—I WANT TO HIRE AGENTS in mars Gonad, m sn a month, ex- Penises paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing ISa• shines. Address S. HADISON.AItred.Afe. Ifelld&Wnrs WANTED—FOUR OR FIVE BOOMS, or a moderate-siz.d HOUSE. fora Cbeial, cal school. Apply by letter to BOOtliss otatesrt• dor CHANT Street. Tenth above Cbett ant ao/7 Wrath."' 2 2 5 SOUTH BROAD S TRERT-- pswan BO G Handsome apartments now vacant, single and communicating. ap29.Bt* APLEASANT FRONT ROOM TO HEST, with Board to gentleman arm wife. Family mall and private Reference requirel and given. 113* brftUCII Street. WILL BE VACANT BY THE FIRST of MAY a handsome Second-story Front ROOM. furnished, at the N. W. corner of MATH. and SPRUCK Sireeta. aie2B-60, nOARDINO.-TWO HANDSOME SE COND.etory rcoms (furnished or unfurnished). with Board. communicating with back room, at No. 269 South FIFTH Street. ap27-9t• LOST AND FOUND. LOST -A CERTIFICA'i EOF 5-PEB GENT. LOAN OF STATE OF PEENSYLTAMIA, for P 1516. co, dated March 12. Ma. Se. 754. in name of WILLIAM' MEREDITH. Alen, a Ce;titicate of 6-per ent. Loari of State of Penncyleanta, tor the cum of WO, dated June SO. DMS. No. NM. in the name of ELI PRICE, administrate? of. William Meredith in trust. AP. plication has been made to the Auditor General for a re• newal of eald Certificates felo-1m ELI K. PRIGS. No. 511 AMOR Street. FOX SALE AND TO MET. LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT OF ORODPID FOR SALE—Sitnate at the_ corner of Thirteenth and Maker street': about 225 feet on Thir teenth street, and 160 feet oh Master. Apply to _ S. TAYLOR, ap2S 3t 141 North SIXTH Street. Xl5 ,000, „.,„ $lO,OOO, AND OTHER L um loan . , on mortgege, for tee years, at 6 Per cent . per t S r i Apply to LEWIS H. REDNER, 11.2:1-3t * 152 South FOC/Itrd Street. 860,000 -THIS AMOUNT TO • LOAN, In two or three enms on fiord Noripzes. Apply Immediately to E PaTTIT, alas , 3%3 WALIA Or Street 815,000 —FOR SALE, FOR CASH • ONLY—The Stock and Trade of a WHOLISAbn LIQUOR STORE, dein g a cafe bnainaris Stock worth from Ten to Fifteen Thoueand Dollars. Satisfactory proofs of the safety of the investment will be given, and to the parehaser an Introduction and recommendation to the customers of the house. Address, "S. B ." Box 2752 Poet Mee. ap2S4t* - an TO RENT—A VERY DESIRABLE Drenntore and Dwelling Howe at the N. E. corner of Thirteenth end Kantor streets. bein WALNUT clam loca tion. Apply to M. SPIEGLE. 434 Otreet. apl9 3t. ffil FOR BALE, WITH IMMEDIATE Posse ea ion, desirable COUNTRY Plains. 10 acres. 4 miles outi.orte 20 acres; near Old. Yorlr. Road. Station. RE' OtakSrs. Call and examine Register of Conatlrr B PSYTIT, avaz 323 WALNUT Etreet. DELAWARE COUNTY.—FOR SALE, 23 agree of LAND at MEDIA, with one of the t.;;zi Dwellings in the County. 40x48, Kitchen huh. Barn. Carriage-home. and every cle;:".:Jption of building; large Fruit Garden. Chickens. &c. ; dwelling beautifully located in a lawn covered with ornamental treee; supe rior view of river and surrounding country; improve monis modern; accessible from Media, etc., on Rail ror d. ap2B.2t* JAS. B. CUMMINS, Media. RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR SPE CULATION.—For sale. a large and valuable pro perty of Two Hundred Acres of Ground. situate in the First and Twenty-sixth wards. haying a front on each side of Broad street of twenty four hundred feet. with a front of twelve hundred on League Island or Second street road. about one mile from County Prison, and lees distance from League Island and Elver Delaware. ADDIY to J. H CiT&TI6 di SON, ap22-12t if. Real Betate Brokers. 433 W aLDIEPT AUCTION SALES. BAZAAR, NINTH AND SAN AINVen STRUTS. AUCTION SALE OF HORSES. CARRIAGES. &c ON SATURDAY MORNING next. At 10 o'clock, co mprieing SIXTY' H O RSES.RS Toll asecriptione at sale Including the entire Driving Establishment of a gen tleman removing to the country. vls ; A pair sorrel roan Ho; see. 8 years old • a coupe Rockaway. a shift ing-top box Wagon, doable Harness, dm Also, a handsome dark brown Stallion, by Trafalgar, Out of a mare by Black BaehaW. Also, a superior Maltese colored Spanish Jack. Also. an elegant get Double Harness, by Lacey & Phil lips, nearly new Also, new and second-band Carriages. light Wagons. As.. including A tbree•sested Wagon by Watson. A Donkey Cart to carry four and harness, Also, new and second-hand Carriages, Light Wagons, &a. Single and double Harness. Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Covers. dic Aar No postponement on account of wealber. *Er Sale of horses. ,ko . on Wednesday. *Er - Annual sale of cattle . he , 28th of May. ap29.lt if ALFRED X EMMA 888. Aactlonser. A lICIION SALE OF CONDEMNED HORSES. WAR DEPARTMENT. UATALRY BUREAU. OFFICE OF CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. • WASSINOTON. April 25. 1264. Will be cold at public auction, to the hlghmt bidder. at the time end place named below. viz Rampart. Penns... Thursday. May fib. tlettyebnrg. Fauna. Monday. May 9th, Altoona. Penns. ._Thursday. May 17th. Mifflin, PARMA . Thursday, May 19th Reading. Penns... Thursday, May 26 Is, Lebanon, Fauna Tbureday. June 2d. Northumberland, Penna.. Thnreday..Tune Mh. Scranton. Penna. , ThursdaY, Juno setht 'Williamsport. Penns , Thursday, June 2.9 d. One hundred (100) Horse. at Oettysbnrg and Two linndred and Fifty (260) at each of the other plums Therm born* Lave been condemned as Run for the cavalry service of the United Stain army, For road and farm purposes many good lbarlraing mss be had. Horses will be sold singly. gales begin at 10 M and continue daily till all are . sold. TIMMS: CASH, in United States Treasury Ot 44 _,_ —way. JalllllB A SMIN, 1 4028-tie2o Lt. Col. and OR. M. tumour Bureau. CIOVEBNMENT BALE —WILL BE eold, at public auction. on 1011DDIEBDAY.. Was 4th. 1804. at Allegheny Arsenal. commencing at 10 o'clock A NI.. to the higlseet bidder. tat following two. Perky. viz: 1 Draft Hove. 18,A76 Cartridge Boxei. Dens. dm MUD pounds of beret) Leather. 60.100 do do Iron. 7.720 boxer barrels, and kin To? Me each . ' R.. 1- R. WRITS/LIM F? tEi Ltqattilam 4;040; of 41.nanon. 11,9%.;HAliNN, WIVNTb. BOARDING.. AMUSEMENTS. MUSICAL FkISTIVAL INAITGURA.T.Iif THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR OR TNE BENEFIT OF TIN U. E. SANITARY COMMISSION. The entalnittse basins abate of the Musical Eider• tafnmsnts of the Great Central Fair have the honor to announce Alai, haring eon:Weed the arrangements or will comerien ea in the /Wapiti/If their department. Thar OF MIMIC, on WEDNESDAY NEXT. the FJURTH of WAY,: a ON ND MUSICAL FEETIVAI., to ha con tinned" throagli the ettcceeding fortitteht. In view of th e aaprecedended ecope of the Fdrll; and She magni tude of all Ito ilepartmente, the Commit*, have lsh wed to mete their tryta worthy of Its aegoolmttons and of the made purl one oe the enterfalse. At tha tame time they Lave , termed tho-apoortunity a pecullarly*favorab to one to (4141.9 !h4 it I of Si Mte) ta nit IWnqat popular forms tkrn a seal o - :iitherto unctiempted In title 01)1Iatrn and which will do justice to various eommeeltiona, as they are luterpretid ably in the chief capitals! CI Enrol". where the art le fockareet by Goveraments, Slid' where great institution s - ace 3w noted to Tis study amilexlithi- Hon. The entertalmnents of She FESTIVAL will consist of Operas In the 311(1101 Striding - a, Oratorios, and theeel laneotts Vocal a nd-Instrninantal Concerts. For the pro duction of the Operas and other woke , tl e Committee have made a contract with Mr. L. F. litami . f r iorf r .tos , of New York; and formerly of thIN city), 1,1,,, aimr ot the American Opera COMnanY. Who has evin ce d a mos t earnest at d liberal titsposition. to carry out the views of the Committee. The artiste and auxiliaries engaged bT Mr Harrison far exceed. in n neither and as/irreg.., any force over employed ',areal:Ye Lyrical triage of thin continent. The following are the names — the Principal vocalists of the list having^ performed of late with greet sucrose. in New York : Musical Director—Mr. Theodore-7h omen. of New York. Conanctorti or Oratorio — Dr, Leopold - Melon wad Carl Swim of Philadelphia Lenders in Afiscollaneons Concerts—Dr. W. P. Orin chat on and Messrs. C. C. Koppits and Charles Cod wot tit of Philadelphia. Loader of hblitary Band—Mr. Adolph Birgfeld, of Phi ladelphia. Plan let—Mr. J. N. Pattison. of'Nevr York. Organist—Mr Arthur E. DrOsoitc-t, of Philadelphia. - Harpist—Mr Alfred P. Tofilmsn, or New York. Operatic Stage Manager —Mr. B. A. Baker, of di. Operatic Prompter—Mr. Leopold , Rl:malice. of Phila.- drlphia, Pint Soprano—Mrs Comte Dnrcbard. First Contralto—Mrs. Jenny Itemptuta, Do. Miss Lontea Myers: Firet Tenor—Kr. William Castle. Second Tenor— Ir. Welter Bach: Flynt Baritone—Mr. S. C. Camd'aGC. Second Flarttone —Mr. Wm. Skaats Baes—ktr. Edward Seguin. The Opera Chorus conslets of one hundred a.3leeted singers, with a corps of accomplishel amateur VO/013- teem. rs.Tbe Oratorio Chorus includes members of Handel and Haydn Society, of the Harmonia Society, and of eleven Gentian choral societies of this city, and of the Mozart Musical Union, of Reidipir, forming an aggre gate of many hundreds of voices, The orchestra and military band far operas, and oil other divisions of the Festival, are oemPosed of nicety ve of the most distinguished instrumentalists of Phila delphia and New York. In the dramatic department of the -operas ift a Cone de Ballet, and other assistants, numbering one minaret and fifty. The Ope Ma ready for rppreeen tation are THE BOHEMIAN. GrIRL. MARITANA.. NOIRE DAME OF. PARIS, by Win Henry Fry, The tint Oratorio, THE CREATION, by Hayd a. On Wednesday Evening. the 4th of May. WILL 1113 PICISSMISTBD. - FOR THE FIRST TIME, NOTItE DAME OF PARIS, A Grand Opera, in four ads The subject tram Victor Rugo's great romance of the same title The principal parts by Mesdames BOROR /LED and KIMPTON. and Masers. CASTLE. CAMPBELL. SE GUIN, and SBAATS. Conductor. Mr. THOMAS. The Orabestra• Chorus, Corps de Ballet, and Auxin. arise as above enumerated The Stage Appointments are all elaborately illustrative of Paris in the Slices th century, the period of the drama. and are copied from photographs of building@ and histo rical pictures. The Scenery by Messrs Russell Smith. Richard Smith, Hawthorne, Grain, Retire, and Mohr- Weider. The Banners and Armorial Insignia by the Messrs. William. Charles, and Otto Kehrwelder, fresco artists, of this city. The Arms. and Armor by Messrs, Baser and Leteinger, The Eccentric Properties by Mr. Saunders. of New York. Costumes by Mrs. Corn well, of Philadelphia, and Mr. B. W. Williams, of New York. Mr. Joseph Buffington, organ builder. has kindly loaned and erected a church organ on the. stage of the Academy and a peal of full-sized , elitirch belle, from the lbell foundries of Messrs. Na ylor di Company. have also been loaned to give due effect to the Samna connected with the Cathedral of Noire Dame. The Committee. with all these resources.. are warranted. in promising rozformandeS num:wombed on any Ame rican stage, in verisimilitude. and in the magnificence and completeness of every musical and scenic depart ment. ♦ subscription sheet for SIX OPERA EIGHTS—the Performances to be on Mondays. Wednesdays. and Fri day, pf twp weeilne—wlll be openod at the Aemtemy Friday morning. the 29th Inst.. at a o'clock. sußsciurriom FOR THE SERIES OF SIX OPERAS RIGHT DOLLARS, which wlll secure a reserved seat In the Parquet. Par quet Circle. and Balcony. SUBSCRIPTION FOR THE. SERIES. WITH RE SERVED SEATS IN PANILN CIRCLE. POUR DOL• LeES AND A HALF. No admissions for single nights will be disposed of until ,he subscrSption sheet is.fall, and subscribers shall have selected their mate Ticlets for the first Oratorio, on THURSDAY, the 6th of May, at one do.lar, with twenty-five cents for re served seats, will be for sale on Monday next. The programmes of concerts win. be the subject of fu ture announcements. ap2B-2t, MURDOCH'S READINGS, AT SUM. A3A- MiT•HOUSE HOSPITAL. will be postponed on account of the illness of Mr. Murdoch. FOYER—AO ADEMY OF MUSIC. s SLITFROAT. APRIL 80. 1664. CABL WOLFSOHBI3 • CL Aperc AL MATIBBB. at 12K o ant.. PROGRAMME Sonata, op. IM, Piano and Violin Schumann, Wolfzohn and Thomas. Aria, from Don Gliovanni..•... Mozart. 'Theodore Habeiman. PIANO SOLO. (a) Traner (grim) - .Wolteohn. (b) Slumber Sons Wolfeohn. (a) Polonaise 0. Sharp fdinor., Chopin. Carl Wolfehon. Violin Solo, Fantaisie de Concert Theodore ' Yien m xtempa. thoaa. Yesict. Das Mitdchen am Fenster. . . Theodore Habelman. Trio, on. 99, Plano, Violin. and Violoncello, Sohnkort. WoMelia - , Thomas, and Ahrend. SINGLE TICKETS. ONE DOLLAR DOOTS open at 12 o'clock. SPECIAL ISOTiCE. —Subscribers to the Classfoal eon- Seas are rserestfralY informed of the shange loom &iris to Matinee, which was rendered necessary:by the PM occupation of the Academy of Music. 0.147.4 t SIGN OR N. PERELLI'S GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMBNYAL CONCERT For the Benefit of the MAT OANTRAL FAIR FOR THE SANITARY COMMISSION. AT THE MUSICAL PDND HALL. FRIDAY EVENING}, April 29, 1881. MISS TERESA CAREEN°, The Wonderful Pianist (aged 10). hea kindly volun teered her Tamable cervices for tltis occlusion. PROGRAMME. PART FiRST. Overture (Clarissa Hartwell Full 'Orchestra (cm. posed for the Imperial Theatre, Vienna 'Parent Duo (Sesniramide). B and W Rossini Qs - retina (Linda). H .-..........D0nizetti Terzetto (rattle) M . W. and D Verdi Romans& (Wanderer). W gehnbert Duey Vielo del Nt ODOM), 13 Mid AL" ,* t tte•Nalare nailed (The Three wieners). KO' D. D. Sin li Bolero (Vesper Sicilian) (by request). Miss H—tt..Verdi "Pinto Solo Miss Teresa Oarrono Sestetto (Brnani) Solo, A, Chorus and full Orches tra .......... ...- - Vend} PART SBOOND. Grand Overture (William Tell). Pall Orchestra—UMW Aria (Largo al Factotum). Orchestral Accompani ment. D. Bonin! Aria (Lucretia Borgia). Orchestral Accompani ment. of rionizettl Roman (Vaino hal , Idol Mio). Orchestral Aceom. paniment, composed expressly for Mr. A..Brignell Grand Scene from Norma (Caste Diva and Recita tive), by B and fall Chores, Orchestral Ac companiment Belilnt Duo (Blleire d' Amore). H and D Donisetti Finale (Slar•epangled Benner). fad Chorus of La dies and Gentlemen, Orchestral Accom paniment. CONCMOTORS. SIGNOR 'FERMI and C ARL BUTZ Tickets TWO DOLLARS each, to be bad at the princi pal Mud(' atom end at the door on the I/Toping of She Conceit. aide-that MUSICAL FUND HALL. TERESA CA.RESNO. This wonder/el Child Pianist will glove Farewell' CONCERT at the MUSICAL FUND HAL G. on SATURDAY EVENING, Lora Seth_ On Which owasion she will have the Rlidelllloo Of several eminent Professionals. This will positively ba ker list appearance in this city._ TICKETS. FIFTY CENTS. To be had at the Hall and at the Music Stores. ap2B-St ASSEMBLY BUILDING, OORNBR TENTH AND mnantuT. WOOPROFFE'S OLD ORIGINAL BOHEMIAN TROUPE or GLASS BLO WERB. With their celebrated Glass Steam Engine. "Monitor," _ Will shortly appear as above. ap2ll-80 R. M. GIARDINKR, Lgent. CONCERT HALL GRAND CON CRT. (oheetnot street. above Twelfth, ) DNOR DRIONOLUS SECOND AND POSITIVELY LAST GRAND CONCERT, On SATURDAY EVENING. April 80, 180. By the naprecedented array of Artiste. NM LAURA HARRIS 810. ERIONOLI. SIG. DRAGONT, MR. J. N. TATTISON, ME. H. MOLIANHAUEN. Conductor SIG. J. NUNO. An entirely new and brilliant Programme will be pre. tented. TICKETS ONE DOLLAR EACH . BEATS MAT BE SECURED WITHOUT EXTRA CHABGE at Pugh'e Book Score, corner of Chaa m tnn o t h a u nt Sixth dream and at Lerpoldt's Book Store. IS ap7611 sat street. D L. CARPENTER'S • GRAND PROMENADE AND PULL DRESS SOLE= MUSICAL FUND HALL. TUESDAY EVENING. May 17t14,301. Tickot. Owntlanniu anti Two Ladles. THP Esoirws TO BE GIVEN pox T 1 BEANYIT OP THE GREAT SANITARY FUR, • In aid of our Noble Soldiers, It is to be hoped that an friends and •tormer patrons will take an earnest interest la aiding D. L. Carpenter in Alvin* a Jiajeatantlal basset. Ticket are now ready. and can be bad of Idanatenkor of Mr. arpenter. 625 Arab 'Crest. Prot biffeld and Orchestra are engaged. ardliartto NOW OPEN-THE FORTY-FIRST ANNUAL IMBIBITION olf PAINTINGS AND. slOiTherual, et the PINIIIITILVANIE AOADIMT Ort TSB FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT Street, above Teeth.. Open from 9A. M. WI 7P. M,. And from .9 till 1015 tks: evening. &NOW ELEVENTH -ST. OPERA ROOM "TRS 7 1 411111 1111BORS" __SABIMEOES LID I 3 , 11 runigir i b I'HI 011.11 AT STAR 0 07 Tan • their slum argon - Ai Roues Splendid Sinning, Bwillfal Dancuii. up . _ We side e le. WTY L enit l itr EVERT • EVENING THIS flaksta sante. Doors osn 7 ealOok. hri - ltu 900 0 / o n4s. Pwavoi 11414191, by M. W. BAIN by W. V. WaHaft,
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