THE CITY. Thanatos'Wier . APRIL 18, 1863. 1 APRIL 18, 11189. Ili A. E1....12 34....8 r. at. 44 a. m..... 11 x..,,,,,,g it., N. 60 62 ....... .63 4854 57 3i.....58g wll D. l l NNE.. NE LI N.. N by E ESE. • "—ESE ESE APRIL 17,1863. .61PK1L.17, 064, •). mi. 12 x.... 11 P. X. 6 A. X 12 X.—.llp. M. 60 ....... .67 61 44 54 55. 4 i ....... WIND. ,S by Vir SW NW NN W .••-- NW 14uv. J. WALSER JACKSON'S LECTURE.— The inclement weather on Saturday evening aff:oiti ed quite sensibly the attendance at the Academy o Music, on The occasion of Rey. 117 x. Jackson's leci thin On his illustrious namesake and the patriot hero, "Andrew Jackson." The lecture, however, Eircelly t_fa afforded great satisfaction, and ita lisitrong prd enc ts w_ere applauded wi th much feeling. _ in vernor Curtin introduced Mr. Jacksona speech alike complimentaryto the _orator and his great mew, as well as lull of patriotic sentiment, as the Governor's speeches always are. The Governor said that the armies of the Repub lie were never so large as they are now, and never have they been in such good discipline, and ready tor the work in hand. AssociatiOns for the sick and wounded are springing up all over the land, and eve ywhete the soldier can - count his friends by legion. There is reason to hope, said the Governor, that the beginning of the worth year of this terrible war will be mote successful than the three years just past. The loyal people are becoming of one mind, and uniting upon a delicate and harmonious policy in the earrying out 01 the war- But we should not be too hopeful. Possibly our armies may be defeat ed again. Possibly we might not, in this campaign, succeed in driving the rebel iron his capital, and it is equal ly possible that thousands of lives will yet be Beetle heed' before another decisive blow is given to.the tottering rebellion. This to empnaticaily the time for every patriot to declare that every man and every dollar is at the eel vice of the Government for its de. fence. But be did not intend to speak discouraging ly, for he was full of hope and conlidenos. Pennsyl vania had given to the Government all it asked for. We had contributed as largely as ally other State to sustain the i fanniirs of the soldiers, and had shed as much blood as any, for we had as great an interest at stake as any. Pennsylvania was not yet ex hausted, but she would become exhausted before she would intimate a willingness to surrender without victory. The Governor then introduced Mr. Jack son, whom ne said he had known for many years as a true patriot, who subordinated his service to his country only to that service which he paid to his Divine Blaster. - • Jacksoil commenced his discourse with a feli citous allusion to an °canoe he bad witnessed in his boyhood in honor of General Jackson. No man who ever played a part in American history had en joyed so much the affection of the people. Yet he had in his lifetime many earnest enemies, who since then have done justice to the old hero, and acknow ledged bow erroneous bad been theirjudgmeat of a great luau. Jackson was descended from Seoteh- Irish parents, and received from them his earnest• nets, sincerity, liberality, and open-heariedness. fin himself was *coven as Scotch could be, and as Irish as Irish could be. He combined in his own charac ter the beat traits of both nations. He was born ..t a time when thin was a great revolution of ideas. Re was not strictly s soldier of the Revolution, bet tieing good service in his youth by harassing the To ries around about him, he emerged from the Revo lution without brother, mother, or father. He was early, amen orphan, thrown upon his own resources. Ile rapidly rote to power and influence. Ile was naturally a soldier. lie had, it was true, never gra onated at a military school, nor did he follow the strategy that liletilenan's friends so much admire, but his genius arose without previous study. It was all the more valuable in consequence, for it was equal to all emergencies. His success at. New Or leans was sufficient testimony to his military cape His administration at New Orleans wan ere peclally dwelt upon to show how little he oared for the wilts of civil courts when they came In contact with the/ornery law. In punishing thejudge who Interfered with the military administration, Jackson showed bil/311€11 a true democrat, and a friend of his country. The men who then applauded Jackson for ma act are the very men who to day call Better a beast , ' and Burnside a "despot." The Democrats :A that day argued that martial law was constitu tional, Burnside to day stands in the same position that Jackson was in then- The crime of opposing the commanders of - our ar mies is greater Low than then, for the interest at Italie is Fester ; mu hence the lecturer regarded all opponents of the war, and the object for which it was being carried on, as the purest kind of traitors, and the beat entitled to pun& scorn and punish ment. He descanted upon many of the principal events of PreSident Jackson's administration, and dwelt particulaily upon the course taken by him with regard to the euihtiers. However much men of the present day might differ with Jackson with regard to the rem power, the banking system, 3tc. no true friend of his country errUhl withhold his at fectionate admiration of his ni.Qna ihed devotion to the Union s*eintt all its enemies, foreign and do mestic. Had the spirit of the old hero been alive in the breast of Buchanan when South Carolina showed signs of discontent, the prevent war would have been averted, and the Old Public Frinstionary would not have had recorded against him the crime of permittirg the country to wage against itself so Ilene, bloody. and devastating a war as the present. It was a war, how. vet,from which we would emerge with new splenor, and undying honor, for the nation would be rid of the great curse which had always hung to its skirts and prevented its fullest development. GRADUATES OF THE FREE MILITARY SCHOOL.—Dnring the week jot passed sixteen stu dents of the Free Military nobool Tor appliaanta for command of colon d troops appeared before the Board 6 Examiners at Washington, were passed upon favorably, and recommended for the positions named below : John H. Lee, civilian, of New York, aged 20, for captain. Thos. J. Moloney, Jr., civilian, of Philadelphia, aged 23, for captain• Imlay IX House, corporal, Co. F, 3d Regiment Ve• Imam Reserve C ,, rps, aged 31, for captain, Geo. A. Pierre, c..rporal, F, 2d Regiment R. I. YOBlnteert, keen 25, for captain. Fmk Cbarman, private, Co. CF, 16th Regiment - Veteran Reserve Cm ps, aged 24, for first lieutenant. Charles Bentrick, Sr., civilian, of Philadelphia, age d 46, for first lieutenant. James E Harkins, civilian, of Philadelphia, aged no. for first lieutenant. Wm. A. Barnes, private, 00. 0, 169th New York, aged 23, for that lieutenant. Daniel H. Omer's'', sergeant, Co. I, 147th Penn sylvania, rival 21, for first ntutenant. Albert Y. Moore. civilian, of ➢lassaohusette, aged 23, for first lieutenant. Byron a. StetycLe, civilian, of Vermont, aged 22, for first lieutenso. t. Emmet Crawford. private, Co. F, 71st Penneyl -CAWS, aged 20, for first lieutenant. Iliathi•a P. Anderson, civilian, of Pennsylvania, rege4 IS, for arcood lieutenant. George G. Woodward, civilian, of Philadelphia, sged 20, for second lieutenant. Samuel 111. Thatcher, civilian, of Pennsylvania, aged 22, for second lieutenant. Richard A. Johnson, corporal company B, 21 Pennsylvania Cavalry, aged 34, for second lieu tenant. Since the organization of the School, 2,102 appli cations for permission to enter it have been re. ceived. Of this number 1,034 were passed upon lavorably by the Supervisory Committee, of which -532 have entered the qshool ; 125 have appeared be. Ore the Board at Washington, and been recom mended for COMIEMZIAOTa 21 3 5 nave been rejected, and 111 have withdrawn or been dropped for non•attend anee ; 225 now remain in the School. ABRIVAT., OF SOLDIERS. About two o'clock, on Saturday afternoon, the Bth Regiment. Maine VuluntEms, numbering 300 men, under the -command of Cod. John D Ruak, arrived in this city from Maine. They are re.eniisted men and were returning to their former field of active fabor. Bc• fore leaving they were entertained at the Rerreeh mut Saloons. About three o'clock, the 10th Regiment, New Ser aey Volunteers, numbering 200 men, under the nom. mend of Captain H. A. Peeing, arrived from their native State. These are also re. enlisted veterans, whose time of furlough has expired. They were led at the Cooper Shoe Refreahment Saloon, and then took the care for Dixie's land. Ninety men, belonging to the 12th Massachusetts Regiment, Captain A S. Hogg commending, arrived in the evening from Guiloup's Island, Boston har bor. They took the cars, after being fed at the Cooper Shop Refreshment Saloon, about 10 o'clock P. X. Two hundred at d two recruits, with a guard, ar rived from the draft rendezvous, at Albany, N. Y. 'They were under the charge of Capt J. M. Everett, .r.f the 120th New York Volunteers. These men were oleo fed at the o.arper.Shop Saloon. At the same time, thla 30th Connecticut Regiment, (colored,) numbering 295 men, under the command of Captain R. K. Woodruff, arrived. They were led at the Union Volunteer Refreshment Saipan. Also, a squad for the 20th New Hampshire Regi ment, Capt. Durgin commanding. SEAMEN'S FRIENDS SOCIETY.--TllB an nual report of the Pennsylvania Seamen's Friends Society, which was submitted to the society on Fri day evening, shows, that a great amount of good has been done to the sodlore through its iontrumentalits.. One of the provisions of the isoaiet'y in a Sailors' Home, in which they are cared for while on shore, and protected from rascally hoarding house keepers ; 1 : 276 sailors, of whom 30 were shipwrecked, were accommodated there during the past year. The society distributed among the mitten 3,450 religious books i 28,108 page. of religions tract., and 3694 Bibles last yerir. The treasurer reports the receipt of $3,321.75; and expenditures, $2 480 58 ; leaving a balance of $341.17 on hand. The Seilore' Home is being renovated and en larged, so as to aee'JmraGdate a greater number of -seamen. The number of these homes in the United. States is 15, at which 10 254. se amen have been taken ere -of during the year 1863. There are 86 regular a:nap htha, nOt inciuning those of the navy, and 4t Beth el", at which them is an average attendance of 4,- "'ASO every Sunday. A. NEW HOSPITAL.—The Homoeopathic Infirmary, at the last meeting of its Board of Managers, resolved to establish a hospital where patients requiring surgical operation. and cases of injuries by accident can be admitted, and where dis charged soldiers wounded in our country'. defence, who prefer this method of cure, can find a home. The building at the southeast corner of Eleventh and Coates street■ has been secured, and is now ready to be fitted up for the object designated. Do nations or 'tooth, hospital stores, and such articles as are needed to prepare wards for the nick and wounded, will be thankfully received at the office. Perscms may become members of the association by the payment of five dollars per annum, or they may become annual subscribers by paying three dollars. Malty of our citizens will doubtless feel it a pleasure to contribute to an institution of this character. ARRIVAL OF VESSR,LS SUPPOSED TO BB MOST.—Tbe ships Monitor and Recovery arrived in Delaware bay au Saturday morning. These vessels left Liverpool on the 29th of -Tannery last, and not arriving at the usual time, were given up as lost. The heavy storms which have prevailed on the -ccean this year were the cause of their not arriving. They will arrive off the city to day. DEPARTURE, OR A STEAMER.—The sup ply-iteamer Masaachusetts, Lieut. Win. H. Welt condnanding, left the navy yard on Saturday, With a large cargo for the different vessels in the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron. PUT BACK.—The U. S. steamer Shenan doah, which lett this port about two weeks ago. for the South Atlantic Squadron, put back on Satur• day evening, in an injured ante. .1' P'OIJIOU. [Before Br. U. S. Commissioner A. H. Smith. 3 . Fully Committed - Strange Developments. 'Henry Adair wee arraigned on Saturday on the ehorge of procuring men or minors to enlist, and then sueoseding in getting them to desert. The evi deuce developed an interesting allay of facts, as fol lows: James Brien, in the nineteenth year of his age, was the only Witness examined. He testified that Adair treated him and another young fellow named Zechariah Brown to so great an extent as in. totileation. While under the effects of the liquor he induced the two young men to proceed to Harris. burg to enlist. They started for that place and af ter reaching there were taken to the recruiting quar ters of the 184th Regiment P. V, where they were enlisted. At the suggestion of Adsir the two young men gave the fictitious names Of James Dougherty and George Dross. The parties were duly sworn in, and the sum of $llO each was paid them, making 1,220 as the awn total. Uniforms were furnished them, and they were told to go to camp and put them on. They proceeded to a tent where no one was - present and donned the uniforms without taking their citizens' dress off. Thus apparelled they left the camp, there being co guard to - prevent free rippers or egress. A.dsir was met, and the three took a walk toward the cars. While on the road they took their uniforms off and threw them into a cellar, and soon after this entered the CRS sad proceeded 10 Philadelphia. The sum or money received was divided equally between the three persons. Atter arriving in Philadelphia, Adair wanted Brien to go to another place in the country to do the same thing over again, where s' money was DrettY free-" The deserter recruit, who had by this lime become sober, refused, whereupon Adair • threatened to ictorm on blot for desertion. Brian, fearful of this, Went to the provost marshal's he sd. quarter, and informed on Adair. The latter was arrested. He was committed to await his trial at a re May term of the /Jolted States Court. These re It the facts of the case as developed at the h ea ring. /t is not imprudent, this connection, to Jay that the above belongs to a class of cases that are seldom prosecuted to conviction, and therefore the swindling scoundrels generally go clear, to do the same thing over and over again. The deserter, in the above case, may be demanded by the Govern. went as a deserter, and sent at- once to the front, subject to the fatal contingencies of his position. The day of trial comes while he is thus absent; and the party guilty of a gross wrong escapes. This subject is' worthy the attention of the Legislature. [Before Mr. Alderman Patchel..l Child lbw Over. The driver and conductor of a car of the Lombard and South•street Passenger Railroad Oompany were arraigned, on Saturday - evening, on the charge of running , a car over a little boy about seven years old, named Douglass Knorr. The accident happened on South street, near Thirteenth, in the immediate vi cinity of the home of the child. The conductor waft discharged, but the driver, was held to await the in. juries inflicted upon the little boy. It is said that both legs were fractured, and that death would Pro. bably result. THE COURTS_ Supreme Court at Nisl Print—Judge Wood- Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company vs. The Beaver meadow Railroad Company. In Equity. In this case, in which the Court a short time ago granted a preliminary injunction against the defend ants, Messrs. Campbell and Porter, counsel for de fendants, on Saturday made a motion that the order for the injunction be so amended: " That in the construction of the railroad of the complainants, by them proposed to be built, they shall so move the materials, to be need by them in making their em bankments, as not to wheel the said materials, or otherwise cross the railroad of the defendants there with at grade." The proposed amendment was opposed by Messrs. Gibbons and Wharton for complainants, aod, after argument pro and coo., the matter was held under advisement. The other courts were in session, but, aside from disposing of the usual Saturday's lists, nothing was done. EDUCATIONAL. CRITTENDEN'S PHI r, A.DE LPEI IA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 037 CHESTNIIT Street. corner of beventb. —lnstruction in BOOKKEEPING for wholesale or Retail Jobbing, Importing. Manufactur nipping and Commission Realness. Joint Stock Compa lite 8. and banking Business, dm PEN lAff SHIP in all i s branches. Commercial Cal culations. Commercial Law. &c. Suoents instructed separateiy, and received at any time. apl6.2:' IRRYANT, STRATTON, & B &N iIS TEE'S STATE AND NAT OB COMNIEBITIaL COLLEGE, S. B. corner of SINE !VI% and OHESTNIir Streets Instruction in Book. ireptur. Commercial Law. Commercial Arithmetic Basic:ape P,qinitinehtp, Susi- Mena Cron. epondencie. and Telegraphing. A fall prepare eion for t:m.lllonean be acquired by spending a snort time at, this Institution. Call or rend for a, circular. SRLECT FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG MEN aND BOYS. Arouvr TUESDAYam counts. P. SttlSloll Opens On the riasr of May. Fin circulars. uddrees 81116 /DI R. A. MORRISON, Principal PHILADELPHIA COL t,EGIATE IN STITVTE FOR YOUSG LADIES. No. 1530 ARCH Street. Bev. CHARLES A. SSILTAI. D. D.. Z. CLA RENCE RUITH. A. M.. Principals. Ninth Year Three departments: Primary. Academic, and Cotterlsle.lFalt eallAge eonrera in MIMICS]. rfriathina- Oral. higher Enalleh, .nd Eataral Science. for those who graduate Modern L,mgrages. Music. Painting. and Rio. tionby the best roasterP. For circulars apply at the lneti tnts.df address Box 2611 P. 0.. Ph.iosi apl36m. -A-USIC LEsSONS I MUSIC Lh SSONS Young ladies. If you wish thorough instruction in music, scecial opportunities are afforded at ORS\,OE SEMINARY, six miles west of Carlisle. Best of board. able teachers. pleasant home. Address C. HIINTINGTO fit SAUNDERS. son lm Plainfield. Cumb. co , Pa. REI,LE V u.u: FEMALE INSTITUTE -- • BOARDINO SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. This InFtitutton, betzurVic Up awl healthfully located. in the noithern limits Lf ATTLEBORO UGH, Bucks cou.n. ty Pa , will commence its Spring and Summer Term ox the with of FIFTH MONTH next, and sontixute in genic% twelve weal's. The course of instruction is thoronseh and complete it all the Elementary and higher branches of an ENGLISH CLASsICAL, AND MATHEMATICAL F,DUCATION The French Language is taught by a native Freud, teacher. Circulars, giving full particulars, may be had on app plies-don to the Principals, Attleboronab P 0 , %ski county, ISRAEL J GRAHAM'S, JaNS P. 0.12a11a WE, m 1313 3m VILLAGE GREEN SEMINAR - 5 - NEAR MEDIA. FA. —Pupils received at any Maxi jinglish Mathematice, Classics. and Natural Scienea taught. Military Tactics. Book-keepina. and Civil gineering taught. Entire expenses about IS per yea. Boys of all ages taken. Befers to Wm. H Kern. en Sheriff; John C. Capp & Co., No. 23 South Third street MA Thomas J. Clayton. Seq.. Fifth and Prune etreste. Address Rey. J. BAXVIT BARTOW. A. M.. Wise. Green. Pa 07-11 COPARTNERSHIPS. THE FIRM OF COX & CLARK. IS tbis day dissolved by mutual consent. wit. P. Cox, JACOB CLAIM April 11, 1864. The undersigned have this day entered into Copartner ship, under the firm of CLARK & McCORMICK. for the transaction of a general COAL hiainess. Office 305 WALNUT Street. Jal.lo 3 'MARK. FR CI3 Mc3OII.MICK. PRILADA... April 11. 1864. apl6-St DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. liaise Is hereby given that the partnership here tofore existing between the subscribers. tinder the Erni Of SALLAD3, & CO., has this day been dissolved by mutant conse O.B nt ORIR M. LAIMUN AISPIDREW 111 SALL LDP. J. u. BITLIRa. PHILADELPHIA, Arlin./ 1864. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the firm of LAThif b:N. SALLADE, & CO , Will present the same io LANMAN & 6 iLL ADS. in whose names the business will be sondumed in tatare. L MIRAN & BALLADS. APRIL 12, 1564 aplS•l2t DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP_ HENRY W. KANAGA having purchased the in terests of TREVOR T. FOWLER and Ttircovir JACK SON, in the business heretofore carried on in the Girard House. under the style of KANAOA. FOWLER & CO.. the partnership is hereby declared to he dissolved. All parties indebted to the said firm are requested to make settlement with Henry W. Kama. HENRY W. KANAGA, TREVOR T. FOWLER. TOTLOW JACKSON. PHILADELPHIA, April 4. 1864. ap7-tf NOTICE.-CHARLES C. KNIGHT IS 4-1 admitted to an interest in (pit . bneAness . ltort this date. • E6MBi Merch 'at - 63 Iron and - 6teel. ants. N. E. corner SECOr•D and VINE Streets, and 42 and 44 North FRONT Street. PHILADELPITIA, April 1. 1964. THE UNDERSIGNED HIVE THIS -A- DAY entered into copartnership. and having pur chased the interest of PETER T. WEIGHT & CO., will continue the Wholesale Drug business. tinder the name of STRETCH. BEENETT & CU.. at the old stand, No. 609 HAMM Street. AARON STRUM. JOSEPH S. B.I.NNETT. FHTLADELPHIA, April 1. If6l. apl•lm HOTELS. JONES 'HOUSE, HARRISBURG, PA.,, lORNER MARKET STREET 2ND KAIMET SQUAKE ff.t-attax hoax*. Yoram. $2 per day "AVENUE HOUSE," WASHINGTON, D. 0. The undersigned having leased the above Renee. ,ttnated on the corner of sEVENTEL Street and PENN SYLVANIA. Avenue, for a tern of years, he solicits the %mar natronage and the travelling Public generally, tad will at all tbass be happy to see as old friend& Respectfully, 0. T. JONSIII. WASHINGTON. D. C.. March S. Mt mbil•Om CABINET FURNITURE. CABINET FURNITURE AN,P BIL LIARD TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION No. *261. SOUTH SECOND STREET, is connection with their extensive Cabinet business, are now manufacturing a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, and have new en hand a full supply, finished with. the MODALS a CAMPION'S IMPELOVBro CUSHIONS, wh• eh are pronounced by all who have used them to be superior to all others For thequality and finish of these Tables, the manufacturers refer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who are familiar with the character of their work. ap6.6in co*.S GENUINE EAGLE VEIN COAL- Equal if not superior to Lehigh. Also. Hart's Ns Pine 171tra ilairtboW Cosh Big and Stove ging 20 00. Large Nut, 18.00 per ton. Goal forfened if no: full weight sinner ticket. Depot. 1419 DdLLOWIIILL Street, above Broad. Office 1111 Booth FOURTH. be. low Chestnut. Dail and examine. Orders / by diePatelt Promptly attended to bY nol2-OmBLLIB WEANSO.II Co AL.--SUGAR LOAF, BEA.VEM MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and beat Lomat Mountain, trout Selo:v.7MM ; Prepared ex tioarOlfair y n g e fiee p . e ir t ll4 naCitir) 11 1 md- tf Mlr AT.TO W h 11/11 6 6 HER MAJESTY" CHAMPAGNE. THE ROYAL WINE OF ENGLAND. A. limited quantity of this superior Wine has been se cured for the undersigned, and the first shipment of 60r cuss has arrived, by the steamship Olympus. dirs from the cellars of the well-known house of MESSRS. DS VSNOGE & CO.. at RpernaT, France. The present invoice will be intro. duced into this market at the very low price of TWENTY DOLLARS PER CASS OF QUARTS, payable in currency, which Is much below its first cost. The superior quality of thli Wine Is guaranteed. and it is offered with confidence of its approval by connois seurs. Orders for one or more cases may be addressed, by let ter or otherwise. to the undersigned. WI!. RUBY WARD, Wine and Fruit Dealer. No. 7 BROAD. Street. near Wall. apl-311t NliFif TORE. PAPER WAREHOUSE. FARRELL, IRVING, Jo co., 510 MINOR STREET. ManzStet - users of ROLL WRAPPERS, DOUBLE and MINGLE MBDIUM. CAP. and CROWN MANILLA, on tumid, or made to order. Highest Pries Paid for rope M large or small Quanti ties. fe2S-Bsi NOTICJE OF REMOVAL. The midersirned would inform their friends sad the public gartllk Walt= i t im e rroved from their Old SPLENDID NEW WAREROOMS, No. QIN ARM STELNNT I where they will continue the tale of GAB FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, COAL-OIL BUpERS, &c. Haying Amoelatad hone Mr. CHARLIE PAGE, (formerly the Principal Designer for Oornelina & Baker,) we are now prepared to execute orders for Gas Fixtures of all grades and designs. from the is/ahead to the most massive and efaborate. VAN KIRK & 18,19-9 re (1111 ARCH CO.,MT. BUIL.DENG HAanw MAP BING'S&. T HINGE& N.XVNALL RLNO 'N I S SHUTTER STRAPS. and all kinds of Wrourt Mum jamb°, ma ll. SHEITT3IN BOLT B ICH - BOLT& and many artleles of ailding and Carriage Eardware. manulagoued mid kept on hand at JACKSON IRON WORKS. zah.ll.Bsi Moo No. 238 CHU Allay. liaanfaatatava of Warranted MAN and RAYMALIN. MORGAN, OBR, STEAM RN. GINS BUILDNIIS. Ircin Founders, sad General Naehinietaaad Boiler Nakao, No. 1219 GALLOWHILL Street. Philadelphia. fe2041 CARD AND FANCY JOB PRINTING . at 11,11aWALI a MIMI W 11. NEW PUBLICATIONS. NEW BOOK FOR EVERY FAMILY 1 MIX THOUSAND COPIES SOLD ON THE DAY OF PUBLICATION! TENTH THOUSAND IN PRESS A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF THE REBELLION. BY WILLIAM X THAYBR. AUTHOR OF THE •• PIONEER BOT,” Ac. Five tull•pege Illtistrations......Friee cl.‘s. This "History of the Rebellion" containg the inflating:a of the larger works; so that families that do not care to Purchase the histories made large and expensive b 7 the introduction of public documents. long speeches, dm. which few, if any. care to read. will find the present a valualde and re/Little History for the elder portions of the fatally as Well as the younger. It is for sale by every Bookseller and. Newsdealer in the country. or will be sent by mail on receipt of d 1.25. Mail Orders solicited. WALKER, WISE. & .46r. This& a ..erden tint book for ealivasserS. as a copy can be sold to alone ,verylandly in the United , tates. .Terms liberal Apply at (Mee. For sale in ,pldiaarlplaa huT B LIPPINCOTT 8: Co., SMITH. ENGLISH & Co.. B. H. BUTLER & LU ,:AdLIALEAD & ..bI•ANS, and all Retailers. hplB-2t THE TWENTY-FIRST THOUSAND. TLIAYER'S LIFE OF PIrESTDENT Beery loyal citizen in the country should read this book at once. While the story of his history and career is true, it to at the came time marvellous , Hit having raised himself from poverty to the high station he now occupies proves his tudemittede energy and singleness of parpose. The book le for sale by every Bookseller and News dealer in the country. or sent by mail by the Publishers upon receipt of $1.26. A LITHOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT OP THE 20x25 inebas. Price 31. Bent by mail on receipt of price Canvassing Agente wanted to sell the Book and Pta h:me. WALKER. WISE. & CO., Por sale in Plailadelph!a by J B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., and all the Retailers, spl3-wfm9t A MEM CAN CONFLICT-A HISTO ry of the - Rebellion In two volumes. By Horace Greeley. Volume let will •be issued the let of Jane; volume Id immediately after the war. Each volume will contain upwards of 600 pages, abundantly illustrated with fine ettel engravings, maps, &c. Price $9 per volume. Two good canyarsere wanted immediately. Address "V Yell." agent for South and East Districts of Palle,- delphia. 415 South FIFTEENTH treet. apleet. NEW MAP! • NEW MAP!! MAP OF THE AMERICAN CONTINENT. Show ing the lew States. Railroads, &c.. extending to the Pa cific coast. The latest and most reliable map Published. The Soldier's Book. A Pocket Diary for Reenants. arc Templeton's Engineer. Millwright. and Mechanics' Pocket Companion. with mathematical tables. Re. A Catechism of the Steam Engine. in its Application to Steam Navigation, Railways,dtc. By John Bonnie. C. B My Cave Life in Vicksburg, with Letters of Trial and Travel. Round the Blcck. An Amor!can Novel. Illustrated. Wisp). An BIAC of the 011 en. Moorish Time. BY Eliza T. Porter Beach For sale by WM. S. At ALFRED MARTIEN, apl.6 606 C HES MOT Street. CCYCLOPEDIAOF COMMERCIAL AND BUSINESS ANECDOTES. COMPRISING INTERESTING REMINISCENCES AND FAITIM. IEMARKABLE TRAITS .Pb EITIMOROUs AND NOTABLE SAYINGS DEALINGS. EXPERIENCES, AND WITTiOISMs OF IMERIMANTS, TRADERS, BANNERS. MERU/047M8 CR LEBRITIIS. PGILLIONAIRES. BARGAIN MAKERS, &S., 11.1.17.TRATED WIIII 40 YORTRAITS ON MTEEEL, AND NU MEROUS WOOD ENGRAVINGS. To be published in two large vols., Bvo . over 400 hun dred pages each. Price $6. It is the first work of the kind which has ever appeared in this or any other country, devoted to the humorous ph s sea of trade and traders. The Anecdotes in this Cyclopedia pertain '0 the Ce lebrities of traffic in all ages and nations, such as Astor. Rothschild Girard. Baring, Let tte. Batter, De Mediate, Lorillard, Howqua, Sates, Peabody, Lawrence, Hope, Tonto, do. Every library of note in the largest cities of the coun try has been explored for the materials of the wore and the best private sources within the circle of men of let tars have also been resorted to. It has occupied the time of the autnor for fifteen years. In every case, an anecdote which could not stand a fair test of authenticity has been rejected. The work will be illustrated with forty steel portalts of noted merchants of Europe. Asia, and America. as wall aft wood.cnte of amusing incidents in their lives, and views of many business localities. Sold only by culP cription D APPLETON /4 CO.. Publishers. JAS. K. SIMON, 133 South SIX r a street. Sole Agent for Philadelphia. ard6 2Df Canrseeers wanted VrERIVALE'S HIS 7 ORY OF THE 44-a ROMANS —This valuable work is the history of Itome.frem the foundation of the city to the period when Gibbon commences, and is indispensable to every good library. Volume 3is now ready. To be completed in 7 volumes. Subecriptions received by the Agent, aa seem sure street. Office of APPleion'e aplaSt New American Cyclopedia. ipCTS:-LADY'S FRIEND, FOR MAY. PITCHER'S, SOS CHESTNUT St maRS.3t CATALOGUES OF IHE CELEBRA TED JOHN ALLEN COLLECTION. to be sold in New York. El May. can be obtained of EDWARD COG AN, 48 North TENTH West, Philadelphia. Price LO cants aol6 3t* THE ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DIS COVERY, and YEAR BOOK OF FACTS FOR 1881. !READY THIS DAY. CONTAINING The mast important Discoveries in Mechanics. Mann factnree. the Useful Arts. Philosophy, Chemistry. deo•_ logy. &c.. &c., &c. One volume I2mo. ALSO. THE NATIONAL ALMANAC. FOR 1884 For sale with all New and Standard MEDICAL, SCI ENTIFIC, and MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS by LINDSAY & BLAILISTON, Phsliehere and Booksellers. anl2 No. 115 South SIXTH Street. above Chestnut. O. H. MABB. P HOTOGRAPHS OF 100 GENERALS sent by mail on receipt of 25 cents. sent by mail on receipt of 25 cents: - PHOTOGRAPHi OF 100 ACTRESSES sent by mail on receipt of 25 cents A FULL CATALOGUE OF PHOTOGRAPHS FROM LIFE, &Mario Copies of Paintings, ac.. emit by mail on receipt of 6 cents. Address all orders to a W. PITCHER, SOS CHESTNUT Street. apl2•tf Philadelphia, Pa. APPLETON'S NEW The agency for this invaluable Library of Universal Information is at 33 South SIXTH Street. second story. Also. RECORD 07 THE REBELLIOR, By Frank Moore. fell-if THE SUNBEAM STORIES, Containing the charming, bright stories of— TRAP TO CATCH A SORBS AM. CLOUD WITH SILVER LINING, ROUSE ON THE ROCK. ONLY. OLD JOLLIFFB, MERRY CHRISTMAS. DRUM CHINTZ. SUR IN THE DESERT. fie. SIX beautiful volumes. illustrated. $2 60. WILLIS P. HAZARD. Publisher. fe4/34 ivl 31 Sonia SIXTH Street BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. STATIONERY AND BLANK BOOKS. Stock Brokers' Purchase and Sale Books. Stock Brokers' Receipt $1 Delivery Books. ORDERS SOLICITED FROM BANKS, INSURANCE, RAILROAD, OIL. AVD MINING contrA NIBS AND CORPORATIONS, EX MONT= PROMPTLY AND AT LOW PRICES. -MOSS SO Co, BLANK BOOK AND ENVELOPE !AI/STINGS AND ENGRAVINGS'. ELEGANT MIRRORS, FINE OIL PAINTINGS. EARLE'S GALLERIES, no2l-tf 816 CrINSTNIIT STMT. IMPORTERS OF wants AND LIQUOR& I.AUMAN & SALIAADE, No. 1%1 sours mum 848P.P.8. Between Chestnut and Walnut. Philadelyints. G. N. LAWMAN. A. M. SALLADB. CORNS AND BUNIONS. PETERSON PBTSRSON PETERSON PETERSON • color CORN CORN 130.1iN OINTMENT OINTMENT OINTMENT OINTMENT Will thoroughly enlll CORNS And BUNIONS. without any pain. Bold by Druggist's everywhere. Price 25 cents. JOHNSTON, soLLo WAY. & COWDEN.I4entg, m226-Lme S 3 North SIXTH Strad. GOLD'S IMPROVED STEAM ND WATER-MUTING APPAILLTDa. For WAMEM and Ventilating Public Buildings and iv Residantala 'Manufacture* by Pr lhe ate MAIM STEAM ABTfr WATER-HEATING comma OP PHILADELrIa. JalrEB D. WOOD. 41 South FOURTH Street. InhißinTlS B. M. VEI,TWELL. Sunerlntendona UPHOLSTERING. H. B BLANCHLRD & CO., Northeast corner THIRTEENTH and CHESTNUT 8t& Carpets and Kattitig made and laid. Bedding, Hair Mattres WWI & ses, W nts 'OW. PUBLISHERS, BOSTON 9LOOo TErE FIOBSIER BOY TA PRESS PRICE $1 2 ALSO, JUST BEADY. PRESIDENT, PUBLISHERS, BOSTON RY FRAZER KiRKLAND PHOTOGRAPHS OP 100 ARTORA AIIif.EBICAN CYCLOPEDIA. MANUFACTURERS. 113% SHINTNUT Street. A LIE GE /BSORTTOLIT. NEW ENTIBA.VING§, JUST RECEIVED THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1864. ELECTRICITY -ITS WONDERS AS A 'PP ERAPEUTIC AGSM% The elthrot of the following Advertisement is to set forth scmething new in the development of a new phi losephy : something true, having for its basis immutable facts; something reasonable. tweaking forth the lan guage of nature, and somas Sing important, as it reveals the only true rationale for the physical ille of man. Electricity is a'ways safe in the hands of an experi enced operator. "be currents are perfectly under con trot, and can be regulated to snit the delicate gems of a child without any unpleasant sensation. All those who have long suffered from painful and ob stinate diseases! All those who have been given up by other physi cians All those who have been dismissed as incnratle from hospitals ! ARE INVITBD TO CALL. Nearly five years ago, Prof. C. H. BOLLBS legated himself in the city of Philadelphia. at. 1220 WALNUT Street, and announced his great discovery in the then'. pectic application of Magnetism, Galvanism, and other modifications of Electricity for the cure of the moat ob stinate, acute, and chronic diseases. In announcing to the public a dtecovery so intimately connected With the well-being of our race. it may he deemed proper to make a fete prefatory remarks to prepare the mind of the reader for the reception of eri• den ces and Acts too incredible for belief. This discovery is the result bf more than ten years' bard and tclentifle investigation. It develops not only a reliable system for the diagnosis of dieesse test the only efficient and reliable meats of care. Its great dupe• riorily over all other systems for the care of disease has been practically tested for more than ten years. and for nearly five years in Philadelphia, where twelve thou sand invalids have been treated. suffering from almost every form and condition of disease common to all sec tions of cur country, who, after treatment by the most eminent medical men in Philadelphia, Boston. New York. and other cities. had been given up as insurable; anti in nearly every case a perfect cure•had been effected by Professor BOLLES. Many of the mot obstinate of the above cases treated. base been warranted by special contract, and net a fail tire has been made in any warranted case. As indubi table evidence of the foregoing statemeit. Professor BOLLES has adduced in the following advertleerftent. testimonials from citizens of Philadelphia. who had suffered from a complication of diseases, for four, ten, and even thirty year:, and had availed themselves of the best medical skill in this and other cities, and were given up as incurable. but afterwards were fully restored to health by a few applications of Electricity. Such an array of evidence as will hereafter appear in this adver thence. is not merely to show that Professor BOLLBS has made an important discovery in the application or Electricity as a therapeutic agent, bat empeatically to show that nearly all diseases which have been consider ed incurable. in all past ages, and are so coneldered at the present time by the most eminent medicat men. can be speedily and permanently cured by the different mo• difications of Electricity. when applied in harmony with his diecovery of the 'action of . Electricity through the cerebro- spinal axis. . . Professor B. has eared, is curing. and farther yr:edges himself to Cure a certain class of diseases acknowledged to be i incurable by any known proeese of medication. diseases that never hate, nor never can be controlled, only by his mode of applying the various modifications of Bleetileity , Be is often asked for what diseases is Blectrinity best adapted? In reply he would say, for all Ibeabss to which flesh is heir—acute or chronic inflammatory or purely tic. In all cases where medicine is beneficial, and In all cases beyond the influence and control of medi cine. Electricity has the power of arousing. the vital force by changing its polarities, thereby regulating SO' eittion, excretion. digestion, and circulation, and bring ing the eyatem back to a condition of harmony and health. Thousands of the most reliable individuals in this city who have been treated by ProfUssor 8., 1320 Walnut street, can and will vouch for the above statement or facts in their own astonishing cures. Be verily believes that he bas cured more obstinate diseases during the five years. or nearly, of his practice in the city of Pailadel phia, than all the medical men that hays ever practiced in this city, either allooathicallY. homosopaghleally, or by any other pathy. This assertion may look lige boast • leg, but it is true, every word of it; for who ever heard of such astonishing cases? As if by magic obstinate e. it eases.. Which have for man years resisted all other treatment, are often cured to t centy minutes, and often in less time; and in all cases a warrantee is given when the patient ds sires ILL Who snail properly estimate the incalculable blessing thus so speedily conferred on suf fering humanity. wnen. instead of bring drugged for months, and thrown on hens of languishing, health is restored by Professor BOLLIte treatment in mauf cases almost instantaneously? In Conclusion, we would say, for the encouragement of the dyspeptic. neuralgic, COX snmptive, rheumatic. paralytic, ept. eptic, and, in tine all those on whom medical treatment ever did and ever will prove a total failure, that there is still hope in your ease, and a fair chance for your recovery at 1220 WAL BUT street.' COM PLIMENTART REMILUTIONS.—Ftwat MEDICAL MEN ksn Ornsas —At the close of a Course of Lectures, delivered to ne, ms tubers of one of the many Classes of Profeesor C. H. kOLLES, who has been developing his discovery for nearly four years, at 1220 Walnut sing. in the city of Philadelphia, in the application of Galvanism, Magnetism, and other mndifications of Electricity, the following resolutions were unanimously parsed: Resolved, That as we have been eye witnesses for many weeks in the Institution of Prof Bolles. and have good reason to believe that be bag discovered new prin ciples in the application of the different modulations of Electricity to the various diseased conditions of the ha. man system; and that, in the treatment of different diseases., we have been convinced that, in his hand. as also his students, the application of Electricity is a relia ble therapeutic. and that he has taught us a new. ra tional, and ecientitio.Yhilosophy, and we believe the mils reliable theory of disease and mode of cure. Resolved. That in our judgment, the pailosophyad vanced. and so clearly demonstrated in the Course of Lectures, is entirely new and original with Professor Bolles. and not known to the Manisa Profession, and that the great success which has attended his practice in this city is alone the result of his scientific discovery of Electrical laws hitherto unknown to man, and that the many failures of other men in this city, using this mighty agent, is owing to their ignorance of the 'true principles of Electricity. .Resolved, That we, in duty to suffering humanity,and for the great progress of the human rare in approxi made gloa condition of health and happiness, commend the Professor and hie theory and practice to the public, and bid him God-speed, as we believe his Brea , mission is one of benevolence sad mercy. and calcutated to be ae ht humanity in the only scientific and reliable way to a Real restoration cf health and physical happiness. Resolved, That we tender to Prof. Bolles our thanks for his lucid instruction and kind attention tows, indi vidually and as a clam: that be has redeemed every pledge or tiontranco trade by him, and that in partmit from him he has our best wishes for his happiness and prosperity. and we heartily commend him to alt scion• title investigators, and also to the diseased of body and min d. dao, Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be elan ed by each member of the date, and pahltshe4 in the city papers By order of the Class. M. J. (lALLOVirar, M. D , Chairman. W. B. Brown. ThimasAlhn,three doom E. A. Steel, M. D. east of Fortieth street J. C. Reed. M. D. S. W. Beckwith. No 9 Wood- E. T. Elliot M. D, land Terrace. Phila. Frederick Wo..k..lllitthenv E. H. Nash. 3lt Noah iiixth House Phila. street Phila. Jasob Grim,122.9 North Mar- H. B Tuttle. M. D. shall street, Phila. J. H. Bartholomew, kite- W. H. Puller. M D. gheny House. Phila. Philadelphia. May 411, 19133. ASTONISHPNG RESULTS. The following report is not the result of hearsay. or far-off certifies es or reports of men of d kubtfol verscitr, but from reliable business and professional men in our very midst, whose report was arrived at after weeks of careful Investigation at 1221 Walnut street. where Prof. BOLLES has boon testing his discovery in the applica tion of Electricity, for the epeedy and perManent me of acute and chronic diseases, -for nails ten years. in which time he has treated more than seven thonsand in valids with success. FROM & FEW RELIABLE MEN IN PHILADEL PHIA. —We. the undersigned. having been treated tor obstinate diseases by Professor Bolles, at 1220 Walnut street, PhilstdelDbitt, which had resisted for a long time the treatment of the most eminent medical men in this y;ci and also having witnessed the results of his treat. meat on a g eat number or our acquaintances and friends, for acute and chronic diaeasea,' do therefore take great pleasure in recommending to the public hie important nit covery. Be has been located over four years at 1220 Walnut street, testing his treatment on many thousands of our most reliable citizens by his new discovery of applying Galvanism. Magnetism, and other modifications of Elec tricity, and having watched his success in the speedy and permanent cures of hundreds of our friends. as well as ourselves, and especially that ohms of climates never bensiltted by medicines; therefore. Relic lined, That we. the undersigned, regard the great success we have witnessed for months lathe treatment of Consumption. Rheumatism, Paralysis, Insanity, Dia betes, Bronchitis, all Nervous Die.ases. Catarrh. &matt reels, Aphonia, Asthma, Ague Chills. Contraction of Limbs,St. Vitete' Deane, Coldness of Feet. Heeds, or Head; Deafness, Dyspepsia, all forms; Epi °Fs's'. Hemor rhage, White Swelling. Mental Depression, Neuralgia Withered Limbs, Convulsions, Palpitation of the Heart. and Lockjaw. as indubitable evidences of 'rofessor B.'s scientific application of Electricity for the speedy cure of all eatable dioceses. E. A. Stsele,lll D. No 6 South Twelfth. street; Win. H. Shriven Baines street. Germantown; L. C. Stock. ten, 2 6 Market street, Philadelphia; John McCormick. 3220 Ridge avenue: Thomas Allen. Fortieth ant Chest nut. West Philadelphia; Charles H Grigg, Nos. 219 and 221 Church alley 'Emanuel Bey. 707 Sansom street, at torney -at. Law t Isaac D Guyer. 2 Woodland Terrace; B. N. Nash. 112 South Sixth street: H. Craig, 1720 Arch street. 118 Broad street; Robert D. IV, VA 61 Borth Third street; A. 11. Croll, northeast corner Tenth and Market streets Iy. B.—Professor Mlles takes pleasure in referring the sick to the above names, and the following, whose arr. tificates have been or will be given in fail for anti food of humanity Judah Levy. Bronchial Consumption. 814 South Front street. Edward T. Evans. preacher of the M E Demon, Dyspepsia of lend standing. Laryngitis, and Lumbago, 1605 Helmuth street William H. Shaine. Paralysis of lower limbs. Paraplegy. and Epilepsy. publisher of the National Merchant. 126 South Second street Thomas OWene. Congestion of the Brain. and severe Hemorrhage of the Lungs and Diabetes.. Americsn Hotel. Philadel phia. James Nugent. Deafness for nix years, and ring in g and roaring in the head, Fifteenth and Bedford its. William Morgan, General Debility. 401 Spruce street.. Thomas Herron, severe Diabetes, Rose Mills, West Phi ladelrhia George Grant, Rheumatic .Gout. long stand ing. 610 Chestnut street. H. T. DeSiiver. Chronic Neu ralgia and inflammatory Rheumatism. 1786 Chestnut street. 0. H Carmick Chronic Dyspepsia and Indam mation of the Kidneys. Chestnut and Fortieth streets. Oe.orge W. Frees, ispliepsy, 1492 North Thirteenth street. Anthony Carney. Consumption. 1217 Market street. Ed ward McMahon. Consumption. 1227 Front street. Mae. H. Grigg, Dyspepsia and Constipation, Tenth and Arch streets. J. Bickel. Chronic Bronchitis, Constipation, and Congestion of the Brain. 618 Callowhill street. Rev. J. Mallory. Aphonia. Philadelphia HEMORRHAGE —I find no difficulty in arresting all oroinery cases of Hemorrhage by the influence of Elec tricity. and in preventing the recurrence of the same. READ THE FOLLOWING.—For over five years I have been subject to periodical attacks of a nervous nature. so severe as to prostrate every faculty and function of mind and body. . Such has been the pressure upon the brain. that the most potent counteracting remedies have been employed to prevent apoplexy. During these attacks, which continue for severaljays, my sufferings are indescribable; so intense, in facer that I am nearly Anconecione of everything save my own agonies. The large blood vessels have been so distended that large quantities of blood have been forced from the re. enter channels. which I have vomited up. I have been during these attacks under the treatment of a number of the most eminent physicians, both in this country and üba and none set iced to understand my case, or at all events did nothing to relieve my sufferings About three months ago. I learned of the discovery of Pro fessor Bolles in the application of Electricity for the care of disease. At the time. I was so prostrate in body, also in mind, that I could scarcely Walk, or attend to any kind ofletteinees, or even recognize familiar frees In this condition, I called on him, at No. 1220 Wsittni, street, for conanitation, and atter an, electrical keet., hA informed me that my whole trouble grew out of a die turbanceof electrical polarities of the brain and nervous stem. I submitted myself to hie treatment. and found almost instant relief. It seemed at once that the electric fluid had bit the seat of disease. and was driving it from the sprier. He repeated the erteration a number of times. until I was restored to perfect health. My system seems entirely changed, and I have no doubt the care is permanent. I have conversed with several gentlemen who.have been long sufferers from obstinate diseases. and were restored to health by Professor Braise. I think he Its s made a great discovery—one that will ultimately super sede all other modes of medical practice. iFIOMAS OWENS. American Hotel. Philadelphia. Wonderful extra of Inflammation of the Lungs. performed by Protestor C. H. Bolles, 1010 Walnut street. Plata delpido. load tho following! I have been a great anfferer for the last twelve learn. which was contracted from a disease I took in Cali fornia gold mines, by great exposure to cold by working in the water; nearly lost my life from inflammation of the lunge; had several attacks After I returned to this city, I Bad several pulmonary attache here. some of acute inflaMlattllon upo n the lungs; was treated by the most eminent medics men. but the cause of my difficult.Y rtmalned unmoved. No medical man has been able to do me any permanent gocd by medical treatment- About three weeks ago. I had a most severe attack of inflam mation upon she lungs; my sufferings were hide art bable. I reported to medical treatment, which seemed to be nriavailing. and I seemed rapidly oinking in the arms of death. when I chanced to see J. J Bailey 219 Market street. woo had been cared by Professor Male% of 122, Walnut street. Mr. Bailee advised me to see Pro fessor Bolles at once. which I did, and In ten minutes. as strange as it may appear, I was perfectly free of my suffer tags. At the time i rofessor Balks treated me. 1 was safer g with ibe meet severe soasmodic couch withonCany . expectoration f oureemed I could not live an hour. He has [retard me times einci, and I am porfacilV re lieved. This cure to me Is Will a wonder of wonders No shocks given: all was pleasant and agreeable. I would cheerfully invite all the sick to avail thsm selyss of this new practice. I shall ever feel thankful to Mr. J. J Bailey for Informing me where I could he cured. JUDAH LEVY. 914 Forth 'Fourth street. Philadelphia. . . Owing to the anxiety Manifested by medical men and others, to learn the theory and practice of Medical Electricity. Professor C. H. BOLLES has consent" to Rive another course of lectures. and full laetrile 1 , 10 1 far applying Galvanism Magnetism, and other MOdilloatioas of E:cctrtoity, an a reliable iht,Parantia agent for the cure of Acute and Chronic diseases. 9 he c ent se of Lectures will commence MAY 17th. IE6I. at tke Institution, isioup WALNUT Street, Philadel . phia. apl.s-farg 6r." MEDICAL. TO TIIE DISELSED PROPOSALS. ASSISTANT QIIABTERMASTER omsneva ORRICE. PHILADELPHIA April IS, Mi. PROPOSALS will be revived at this office until SAITrItDAY. 28d Inst.. at 12 K. for the delivery. in this City. of— .. GOO etx mule Army Wagons, complete. GOO Sete six-mule Refutes. One-half 01 the above to be completed and ready for de livery on or before the ldth of May balance on or before 10th June next. The right le reserved to reject all bide deemed too high, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be received. 13y order Col Q. H. °ROSMAN. dust Q. hi. General. apse et HOYD. Capt. and L. Q. M. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER ISIENERKLII OFFICE. PHILADELPHIA, Aoril 16, 1864. . . CAVALRY' HORSES wanted immediately. One and forty dollars per owed will be paid for all Ca valry Homes delivered at thelVdliam Penn Hotel in this city. Horses to be sound in all particulars, not less than five. nor more than nine years old; from 1454 to 16 hands high, fall-fleshed, compactly built, bridle wise. and of size eufficient for cavalry purposes. ho r sescer wil weren attendance to inspect an, pay for the as deltd. EL R. CROSHLIN., apll3-tt Asst. Q. M. General U. S. L. I,OOOARTILLKWY HORSES WANTED AT ONCE. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. DEPOT OF WASHINGTON. WAsurgoTex. D. 0.. April iith.mos.. Loco HOBBES. suitabie for Artillery service, will be Purchased at thia depot by the undersigned. ht open market. from date until MAY Huh. 1861. in tote per ani mal. at one bundred and sixty. ve dollars OM) per each animal to be subjected to,the usual Government in enaction before being accepted. Hones to be delivered to and inspected by Capt. C. H. Tompkins. A. Q El. D. 8 corner of Tiranty-Second and G streets. Wasbiulion. D. C H wicxsa, Brig. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, anl2-24t Depot of Washington. D. C. 3,000 HORSES WANTED. WAR DEPARTMENT. CAVALRY th 1613.417, OFFICE OF CHIEF QUARTERMASTER WASHINGTON. D C.. Marsh 8. 1864. One hundred and fifty (6150) dollars per head will be paid for all CAVALRY HORSIIB delivered within the next thirty (10) days at the Govern. Ment Stables at Glesboro, D. Cl. Said horses to be soun d in all paYtienlars. not less than tive (6) nor more than nine CO years old; from 14% to 16 hands high, Mil fleshed, compactly built, bridle wise, and of size sufficient fur cavalry purposes. These specifications will be strictly adhered to and rigidly enforced in every particular Payment made on delivery of tea (10) and over. Room of inspection from 9 A. Ai. to 6 P. M. Jesum A. Incur. Lieutenant Colonel and Chief Quartermaster, mh24-30t , Cavalry Bureau. NOTICE TO CONTRA.CTORS. OFFICE OF TEM. COLUMBIA AND. PORT DS WAIT RAILROAD COMPANY, CoLostsre, Pa. , April 6. DAL Sealed Proposals fur the Graduation and Masonry of that portion of the COLUMBIA AND POET DEPOSIT RAILROAD, between Columbia and the bead of the Old Maryland Canal. a distance of twenty. nine miles (In semione of one mile), will be received at the °film. in MAW Biz set, below LooerA. until noon of the.:l6th in stant. Plans and Profiles., the work will there be ow. bibited for one week pr evious to that date C. F KAUFFMAN, President. J. A. SHEAFF, Chin 13011011.1% ap9 tap 26 npßicE ARMY CLOTHING AND O ' EQUIPAGE, T WELPTH and GIB I.IID Street. I.IIILADELPFILF A. April 12. IESI. SEALED PROPOS/ ES will be received at this office until 12 o'clock M., on MONDAY. the lath instant, for supplying the Schuylkill Arsenal with the following ar ticles: N Trousers for 'Mounted Mon. fary-blue. Army standard. Which are regain- d immediately. Also, Lacing Cord for water-proof shelter Tanis. - Bidders must state in their proposals the price, Which must be given in writing, as well as in Agues, also the quantity bid for, and time of delivery. Bids from defaulting contractors will not be re ceived Blank forms for proposals can be bad upon application at this utiles. Proposals must be endorsed. " Proposals for Arm/ Supplies," stating the particular article bid for. 6-. H. CROdMAN. ap14418 Colonel and Asst. Qr. M. Owl U. S. Army. LEGAL. Es AT E OF 808 RET DENNIS, deceased —Letters of Administration on said Estate I eying been duly emitted to EBBE ,C• DENNIS. of the City of Philadelphia, all persona indebted to said Estate are re.ittested to make payment, .91)/1 ill /*none haying ciatme against the same will present them, without delay, to REBECCA DE WIS. Administratrlm. 1434 WILEY edreet. _ TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -a- orrrAsilk giairont oy.RINLA.D4PHIA._ -_- - - Estate of JOSEPH HUN N RICER deceaed. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle. and adjust the account of HENRY S. HAGS/LT, Esq., Trustee, end to report dietr` button of the barauce in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment on TUES. AY. the 26th day of April. 1864, at 4 o'clock P. M.. at his Office, Vo. 131 senth FIFTH 'Street in the Ct yof phia. A. S. LETCHWORTH. apl4 mat* Auditor. TN '1 HE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND C .. ;0:1114TY OF,,PHILADELPHIA., rotate of JAMES S. WOOD WARD, deceased The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit.eettle,and adjust the account of aIiTHONY W. WOOD gradea, JOSEPH A. WOODWARD. and ISRAEL H. JOHNSON, Executor. of James a. Woodward. dec. aced. and to mabe distribution of the balance do the hands of the accountants, will meet the parties interested for the UnrPores of his appointment,fon Pi:WAD aT, Aptll 5.11. 1864, at 4 o'clock P. M., st his office, 131 South EIFTH !greet, in the city of Philadelphia apl3-wfm6t GEORGE M. CON/LIMOS, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THU crry...AND nOrttPrZ OP BIABGARET Wooik, deceased Estate; of MRS. Tie Auditor appointed by the Court to and% settle. and adjust the secennt of L•JCRI3Ii D WOOD, JOHN ROet-, and WILLIAM WORRELL. Executors of the will of Mrs. Margaret Wood. deceased, and to make dittribut ion of the balance in the bands of the account ant, tells west the partite Interested for the purposes of his appointment. on MONDAY, April 25th, 1861. at 4 o'clock P. M., at No. 128 Borah SIXTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. anl3-almst B E. WALLACE. Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR a THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PAIL&DBLPEIIi. -. ~ ~:. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle. and adjust the account of CHARLES F. ASH' HEAD. Trus tee of the Estate of ABRAHAM KELVIN. deceased. and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant. will meet the partien interested. for the our poeee of his appoiniment. on .1110 N D AY, April 18. 1864. at 4 o'clock P. bf.. at Me office, 2 2 corner of llghth. and Locust streets, in the city of Philadelphia. apß-fmnr6t DAAIEL DOUGHERTY, Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PEILAVEL-PirliA. Estate of WILLIAM PINCHIN, d«ceased , The auditor appointed by the Court to arulit settle, and adjust the account of wit kMJ. 0 A.E, Mt Et Me cutor of the will of WILLIAM PI NCHIN. dec.. ased, and to make distribution of the balance In the hands of the accountant. will meet the parties interested for the par- Potes of hie appointment, on TIIESDA.Y, Apra 26th. lama, at 4 o'clock ? M , at No. I:4S South Six Fa Street, in the city of Philadelphia. apllirflat H OGLER. Jr., Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE TN CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. DAM.; of M BT iAserrr. deceased . - - The J nditot appointed by the Gantt to audit, settle, and adjust the account of the Pennsylvania Company for Insurance on Lives and Granting Annuities, trustees tinder the will of Mary. Passitt. deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accon t aut, will meet the parties interested for the purpobes of his appointment, on MONDAY, April 25.1864. at 4 o'clock P. M bis office, S. S. corner 8-XP.II and WALNDT Streets, in the city of Philadelphia. apld fmvat D. W. O'BRISN, Auditor. STATE OF GEORGE F. WONIRA.TH, V deceased Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of GEORGE F. WOMR&TH. deceased, haying been granted by the Register of, Wills of Philadelphia County to the undersigned, all. persons indebted to said. Estate are requested to make payment, and those halting claims or.deruande ogalnet the same. to make them k rt-Lw a with out delay to HEN.RISITTA W. WOMSaT H. Executrix, Frankford. A.-$ WO MUTH, F. E. WOKE sTtl, WILLI. ittli Et MTh. April 6,1864. Executors. 416 Arch St. ap4-mot LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION upon the Netate of THOMAS.S. DAvra. deceased, having been granted to the undersigned. all persons in debted to said Estate are requested to make pannnit. and those having claims to present them at once. to HELEN e. DAVIS. Administratrix. 6Z3'North BIGHTHESNTH Planada. Or to hor,Attorney. 0 T. BON'lairr. m6r - 110 North NINTH Street. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION upon the Estate of WILLIAM PINIK. deceased. biotin; been granted to the undersigned. all persons in debted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those haying claims to present them at once . SOPHIA FINK. Admintetratrin. 1221 cALLoWHILL Street, Phimdelphia Or to C. T. EONSALL, her Attorney, 116 North DINTS Street. • apil-met LETI EB S OF A DMIN Ina ANION upon the E,tate of BERNARD MASSA, deceased. baying been granted to the undereisned. all persons In debted to said Estate are requested to make payment. and those having claims to present them at once. .LOVIVA MASSA. Admintetratrix, and ABRAHAM H. BERBERS. Administrator. 813 It ►CHBL Street, l'hUadelphia. Or to O. T. BONSALL, their Attorney. 116 North NINTH Street. apil-mat TN 7HE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOE THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHIL &DELPHI A. AMANDA R HARTMAN. by bar next friend, No.. ye. WASHINGTON C. HARTMAN. Dec. , Na Divorce. Yon.ill nleage Me notice that a rule hoe been grant ed on you to show cause why s divorce a vinculo matri nmii should not be decreed in the above cause. return able SATURDAY. April Md. 1864 To WASHINGTON C. HARTNAN. Reepondent In above case. H TOWNSaND. spll•mth2w Attorney for Libellant. MEDICAL. ILECTRICITY. WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT BLUTH 7—Messrs. ORIN $ ALLEN, Medical Sleetricianc, having dissolved partneniltip. the Practice Will be continued by THOS. ALLEN, at th e old established office. No. 792 North TS.NTE Street. between Coates and Brown where ho will still treat and care all curable diew wee(whether Acute, Chronic. Pulmonary orParalytie. without a chock or &llYpain.) With the va rious modifications of Blestrielty an CL Galvanism. This treatment has been found romaikohly eneeewthil in all wee of Bronchitis , Diptheria. and other aceasee of the throat and respiratory organs- Consumption. drat sad se- Winans' and Catarrh. eond stases. General Debility. Paralysis. Diseases of the Liver or Neuralgic- Ilidnoys„ Fairer and Agile. Diabetes. t Congesion. Plolaans Uteri .t (Palling oiL wov,- .iithini. - Dyspepsia. Prolapans Ant (or Illes ) Rhenmatisat. Nocturnal Emissions, . Sse. Bronchitis. Dearneso. No charge for sonenitation. °Bice hours 9 A. If to I P.M. Testimontabi to be mane at ones. 448 6m TARRANT'S EFFERVESCENT SELTZER APERIENT, Tor THIRTY YEARS has received the Favorable Ai* commendation of the PUBLIC, and been USED and P.EZ. 80111 BED lake PHYSICIANS IN THE LAND AS TRV. BEST REMEDY KNOWN ' FOR Sick Headache. Nervous Headache. Dysysia. Soar Stomash. Bilious Headache, Dizziness, Costiveness. Loss of Appetite, Gout. Indigestion, Torpidity of the Liver, OraYaL • Rheumatic Affections. Piles. Heart burn. Elea Sickness, Bilious Attaeks, Fevers. &s.. &c. For Testimonials. he.. see Pamphlet with sash Bottle. Manufactured only by TARRANT & CO., 21S GREENWICH Street, New York nos-ly FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. JUMELLE'S COMPOUND BIESUP ON DOCK is successful as s remedy. because those who nee it pronoun', it the best COUGH STEM, the best Blood Purifier, the most efficient Invigorator, and the beet ooze for &natal& ever offered to thepuha. Bold by the proprietor. F. JUBSE.LII, 1656 DIABNIfT fitment malS.Bm And CU Drussists. TAYLOR'S ARNICA OIL OR EMBRO CATION never falls to sure Rheumatism. Neuralala, Sprain. Prodded Feat. Chapped Banda. and all skin diseases Price 26e, and Wholesale and Retail by H. B. WMOl'l. DraulattlelliTTl and CALLAnnIIt.T.. tal+4,eia 66 B EDFORD WATER."-INDIVIDII aIs and dealers will be supplied with " Bedford , Water. ' fresh from the Spring. at the shortest 110100. at the following rates: For barrel. 40 gang (0RD....". uu Halt do do 2 00 Half do (mulberry) 3 33 The barrels are well steamed. so that purchasers may depend upon receiving the Water as pore and /ma east the Spring. All orders addressed to robl7-21m L. ANDERSON. Radford. Pa- PICKLES. -100 BBLS. PICKIAR IN vinegar. dO halt bbia. Males in vinegar.' Also, three-gallon and live.aalion'nera do. Tor sale b 7 RHODES at WILLIAMS. mate Um south WiTER. fitreet inn OASES PINET, OASTILLON, . CO.'B COGNAC /3114NDY, lanatns from brig Louts," from GordoAnx. For Bala by WILLIAM - YRATON A (10 5401 A South FILORT 81x443. PROPOSALS ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GSNERAL•S OPTICS. PHILADELPHIA. Aprint 18M. . PROPOSALS will be received at this om s until BA. TURD AT. 23,1 instant, at noon. for the tionetroct on of a Well or Wells. having a continuous flaw of whole some water. sufficient to supply the McClellan 11. e. A. Hospital with 100,U0O gallons per day- The tioniraotore will be required to furnish and net nri. complete not less than two (2) pampa of the Woodward or Worthington pattern. with all the pipes. stopcocks. and connection% revired properly to discharge the Water through the tanks and pipes now trines through out this Hospital. The 'whole apparatus. when completed.mud be work ed from the preeent eteam boil 001 The contractor to have the use of all the pipes. cooks. and valves. (including the fire-pninpa,) the property of the Hospital. which shall be thrown out of use by the propose new arrangement. Before the aw.rd of thelcontract a bond, with B&Bs &dory. security. will be required. guaranteeing a ...- start supply of not leas than onahundred thousand (100. - 0(0) gallons of .sater, ae specified. daring all 110101006 Plane or the Hospital can be seen. and. infdrciation received, at the office of J. Sic ARTHUR, Jr. , Architect. 209 South SIXTH Street. By order of Colonel O. H.. Crosman, Assistant Q tarter master General A. BO YD. apl6 7t Captain. and A Q. ef. O FFICE OF SUBSISTENCE DEPART MENT- FORT DELAWARE. Delaware. April 7. 1841. SBA LSD PROPOSALS, in duplicate, will be received at this office until 12 o'clock. noon. on MONDAY. April 26th. 1864 (at which time they will be opened). for fur nishing the post with Fresh Beef. to be deli vered at the expense of the Contractor. in such quantities as may from time to time be required, and on such days as the commending r nicer may designate. The beef to be of good quality of cattle weighing not lees than (603) six unwired pounds dressed. nect. shanks. and kidney tallow excluded. The betf of all Bolts. Stags. Oxen Co ws. and Heifers will be rejected. The necks of the Cattle slaughtered for see! to be deli vered shall he cut off at the fourth vertebralj Mut. and the breast trimmed down. The Awake of the forequar ters to be cut off four Inches above the - knee joint. and of the hindquarters eight inches above the gambrel or bock joint. he beef to be famished in equal propor tions or fore and hind quarters. The Government will claim the right to reject the whole or any pert of the beef feenished which may be of a quality inferior to that required by the contract. Each bid to secure consideration must contain a written guaranty of two responsible persons. as follows: - We. —. of the county of State of —, do hereby guarantee that is (or are) able to fulfil a contract in accordance with the terms of his (or their) proposi tion, and should his (or their) propositon be accepted. be (or they) will at once enter into* contract in accord. ante therewith. and we are preoared to become his +steel rities. giving good and sufficient bonds forits fulfilment. The resporodoility of the guarantors ranAt be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court, or of the United Rates District Attorney. to be en closed with the bid. The Government reserves to itself the' right to reject any or ail bids considered unreasonatite. Payments to be made at the expiration of each month in such funds as may, be on hand; if none on hand, to be made le soon as received. Proposals must be dialnctly endorsed "Proposals for Fresh Beet " and addressed to Captain Gilbert S. (nark. C. t. Vole , Fort Delaware, Del. If a bid is in the name of a Rini. their names and their postroffice address must appear, or they will not be con sidered. -" - • Bach person or member of a firm offering a rirmosal must accompany it by an oath of allegiance to the United States Government, if he bae not already filed one in this °Met% ell bide not complyinkstrictly with the terms of this advertisement will be rejected, GILBERT S. CLIRK. Captain and C. S. Vole. an' 1• mwrit ARMY CLOTHING AND -EQUIPAGE OFFICE, CINCINNATI, Ohio. April it. len. PROPOSALS are invited by the undersigned until WBOngsDAY. April 20th. 1864, at 2 o'clock P. M., for furnishing this Department (by contract) with: Blankels—Woolen Army etandard. Camp Nettles, do. Color Belie, do. Droms—complete. do. Felling Axes (first quality only. and to welch frotied.% to 53 . 4 pounds.), ado. Felling axe Bandies. do. Guidons (Omaha). do. Kersey. gay Blue, do. Piel Agee_ do. Pick axe Handles, do. spade, r do hhelter Tents. do.. Samples of which may be seen at the Office of/Moth/at and kw:image in this city. To be delivered free of charge, at the 11. B. Inspection Warehouse, In this city, in good neW packages. With the name cf the party furnisloing• the kind and quan tity of /weds distinctly marked on each article and pack age. Parties offering goods must In all cases tarnish sam ples, marked and numbered to correspond with their proposal, and distinctly Mate in their bids the quantity of goods they propose to furnish, the Price, and the time of delivery. A guarantee, signed by two . responsible persons, must accompany each bid. guaranteeing that the bidder will supply the articles awarded to him under hie proposal. Bids will be opened on WEDNESDAY, April 20th.1884. at 2 o 'clock P. 141. at this office. and bidders are re quested to be present. awards will be in ode on TH URSDAY, April 21st. Bonds will be required that the contracts will be faith fully fulfilled. Te!egraros iodating to Proposals will not be noticed. Blank Purina of Proposals may be obtained at this office. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is efierved. BY order of Oa Thomas Swords, A, Q. M. G. C. W. MN:TENON, Captain and Q. Si A SSISTANT QUARTEAMASTER. GE fIIEAL'S OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, April 7,1984. SEALED PROPOSALS will he received of office until WEDNESDAY. the 20th inst at i 2 o'clock M.. for the supply and delivery of all the Coal and Wood re quired for the use of the various Hospitals, Offices. store houses, and Public Braidings in and around Phira delphia, from the let of MAY neat until the ROM A.P.M. 1865, inclusive. Deliveries are to be made at rich times and in such qmintiriee at required, and to include Germantown, West Philadelphia, Ricsmown, Port Mifflin, Summit House. and atester. Pa. Coal to be of best quality—anthracite, stove. egg, or broken—ea may be deeired. subject to meoectinu, and to weigh 2240 the. to the ton. free from dirt.- Wood to be of best quality, oak or pipe, as required. The right is reservtd to eject all bids deemed too high, and no bid from a deLaulting contractor will be received. By coder. Colonel O. H CHOSHAN, •N Assistant Quartermaster General. A. BOYD. Captain and M .II SMALL STORES, &c. apS tap2o NAVY DEPARTMENT... BURRAC OP PROVISIONS AND CLOTRLND• March 26, MM. . . SEPARATE PROPOSALS, sealed and endorsed. 'Propoealmfor Small Stores. &c will be receivad at this office until 12 o'clock on the 26th dar,of. April mxt, for furnishing and delivering (on receiving ten days' notice) at the United States navy yards at Chas les town. blasrachusetts, and Brooklyn. New York, in such numbers and quantities and at such times as may be spseqied by the Chief of this Bureau, or by the com mandants of the said navy yenta, respectively. during the remainder of the decal year ending on the 30th day of June, 1814. the !ambers and quantities of the different articles, and. at the places epecitled in the following list, viz: Charlestown. Brooklyn. - Salt water soap, Cis 50,000 85.000 Thread, black and white, lbs.. .... . 200 1,000 Riband. hat, pieces....... 2.000 8.000 Tape, white, pieces 4.500 4,000 Tape. black, pieces 3.000 1,000 Spools cotton 6,000 . 12.010 81.1 k. sewing, Its 200 500 Raft handkerchiefa 8,000 21,600 Needles,caw in IL papers .. .. . . 1.000 14.000 Thimbles . ... ....... ..... 3.000 3,000 Jack-knives 2,500 Feist ors . 1,600 2 500 Razorssoo 6.0 0 Razor strops 15.000 2 000 Shaving boxes 1.200 13.800 Shaving btn , hes. —. 2.000 2,000 Shaving soaps, cakes. 6 000 20.000 Scrub brushes 2,000 2.000 Black ing brushes 1,000 3.000 Whisk brooms 1,000 2,000 Ea g. e coat buttons. dozes 500 ..... kale medium buttons, dozen ..... 000 Eagle vest buttons, dozen 1,000 D. E buttons, d0zen.......... . . 6,000 20,000 Fine combs 4,000 18.000 Coarse combs 4.01 20.000 Spoons. 2 110 0 15.000 Forks 2640 2,500 Blacking. boxes 6.000 42,060 Can openers 500 Stearine candles. .... ... 60 000 Offers way be made for one or more articles. at the option of the bidder, and in case more than one article is contained in the offer the Chief of the Bureau will have the richt to accept one or more of the articles contained in such offer and rued the remainder. The prices must be uniform, and Vera must embrace all of any one or more articles deliverable at all the stations. For the description of artiMen iu the above Bet, bidders are referred to the samples at the said Navy Yards, sod to the stivertimment of this Boman dated August 15, 1863, and for information a* to the laws and regulations (in pamphlet form) regarding contracts. to the aim of the several commandants of Navy Yards and Navy Agents. Blonk forms of proposals may be obtained On appZi cation to the Navy .Aaints at Portsmouth, New Hamp• shire; Bogen.. New York, Philadelphia. Baltimore. and at this Bureau. ... mhZ3.m4i, PROPOSALS FOR FOBAUE. Chap Querricelgatiellitl OP7lOll t WASIIIgoTOn DMMY December 8, 15011. 011.LBD PIOPODA_Lii are invite d by the undersigned. for stipplying the if. S. Gusrtarmaster'e DePartMiutt at Washington, D. 0.. Baltimore. Md.. Alexandria and Port Monroe, Va.. or either of these plasm, with Huy. flora. Oats, and Straw. Bids will. be received for the delivery of 8,000 bushels of corn or oats. and Ed tone of her or straw, end nib- Wards. Bidders meat state at Which of the ibOVe•nahled POWS they propose to make deliveries, and the rates at shish they will make deliveries thereat, the quantity of each artiste proposed to be delivered. the time when said de liveries shall be commenced. and when to be immolated. The price mast be written ouijn words on the bide. Corn to be put up in good, grout sacks, of about two bushels each. Oats in Me sacks, of about three bushels +cash. The seeks to be furnished without extra shwas to 'I the Government. The hap and straw to be earrmaly baled. The particular kind or description of oats, corn har. or straw. proposed to be de li vered, must be stated in the prz enle. the articles offered under the bids herein invited will be alibied to a rigid insysetion by the Government immolator before Leine eseer. Contrasts will be awarded from time to time to the /owed responsible bidder. as the interest of the Govern ment may require, and payment will be made when the whole amount contracted ior shall have been delivered and accepted. The bidder Will be required to affilosaimay hie propo sal with a guarantee, signed by two responsible ipersons, that in ease his bid le assented he or they will , within ten days therea ft er, execute the contract f or the same, with good and sufficient sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the contrast, to deliver the forage proposed is eenfermity with the terms of this advertisement: and is sue the said bidder should fall to enter Into the eontraet, they to Makegood the di ff erence between the offer of said bidder and the 'lent lowest responsible bidder, or the Potion to whom the contrast may 'be awarded. The responsibility 01 the guarantors must be shown by the racial certificate of a 11. S. District Attorney. Col lector of Customs. or any other Ulcer under the Celled Mates Government, or responsible perm known to this *Ls*. All bidders will be duly rtotiled of the aeseptanee or Meet - ion of their proposaie. The full name and post ones edam% of sash bidder must be legibly written in the siroposal. Proposals must be addressed to Brigadier General D. , B. Backer. Chief Dimot Ottartermasttr,_Washingtom D 0.. and should be plainly marked. Yroposals for To- Ira tinds, in a sum equal to the amount of the sentinel, signed by the eontrastor and both of his guarantors. will be required of the successful bidder or bidders upon signing the contract. Blank onus of bids guarantees and bonds may be obtained upon appusatiou at this egos. OP TILOPOSAL (Town. County. and St I. the subscriber, do hereby Propene to furnish and de. ?fiver to the United States, at the Quartermaster's De. 'ailment at, agreeably to the terms of your advertisement, inviting proposals for forage. dated Witablit4toll DOAN, DefeMber S. MB. the folloWing *rd. cies, 'bushels' of Corn. in seeks. at per bushel of U Pounds. -- bushels of Oats. in sash'. at Per bushel of 22 unds. -- to msof baled Ray, at par Ma of 1,000 pounds. -- tons of baled Carew. at Par ton of 2, 000101111dN. Delively _to commence on or before the ---- day of 185 . aud to be completed on or before Me --- day of 3811 with pledge myself to enter into written sontraid with the United States. with good and .Iproyed securities. within the ruses of tan days aver being swilled that my bid has been sompted. Your obedient servant,. • Brigadier General D. H. mama" Chief David Quarto:meatier. Washington. D. GUABJIETTOL We, the undersigned. reeidenta of---, the county of . and fitata of hereby. ointay and leYerallY, gOreinini with the united Staten. and guarantee, to ease the foregoing bid of 1.4% assented. that he or they will. within ten days after the meeptanse of said bid, emends the 'entreat for the same with good and anfleient sureties. in a sum eaual to the amount of the contrast, to tarnish the foragenroposed in conformit to the terms of advertisement dated De cember 8 , 18 1, under whisk the bid we. made. and, la we the said ---- shall fail to enter 11100 a entree. as aforesaid. we guarantee to make good the Offerings be. twain the offer by the said ----- and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the 'entreat say be awarded. Witness s I elven tinder our bands and aegis this der of ---. 128 [6eal.] (Sea I hereby entity that. to the best of my kaoWledse 3 nd belief, the above-named guarantors are good and sat anent as suzettes for the amount for which they °Der to be Tobe certified by the United States Diarist Attornii Coll ester of. Customs , or was other °Meer under. M.; tinitedfitatss Government or responsible imilion known to this °lmp All Prey eals resolved ander ?this advertisement will be opened and examined at this ogles on Wednesdaraed Saturday of eash week, at 12 M. Bidders are resPeatful ly invited to be prereat at the ope . of bide if they doers. 1 - )J arteiciar. &atlas larbradier severs' e a amartsrumwor. oJI BARRELS Y 0 UN GER ' 8 ALE, Bt Anne's Brewery. in Inge. In store. and for sale by WILL R. TEILTOM & CO. so 2 5101 South FRONT! CLARET—IN CASKS AND CA.BIIB, lJ to store pad for eat tty JikuRaTCHE & L&VERONE. aos-Ist SAM Ka 301 south F&OAIrr Stmt. AUCTION SALES. JOHN B. MYERS & CO., AUCTION EERS. Nos. 232 end 234 MAILICET Street. LARGE POSITIVE SAMS OF did LOTS FEENfili f SWISS. e. ER MAN. AND BRITISH DRY GOJDS, UMBRELLAS, STRAW GOODS, do . THIS DAY- A CARD.—We invite the early attention of dealers to the large and general assortment of French, Swine, Ger man. and British dry gade.ann umbrella. t trim goods, Am. etc., to be peremptorily sold by catalogs., on four months' credit. commencing this morning, at 10 o'clock precisely, to be continued all day, without intermission. LARGE' PREEMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH, INDIA. GERMAN. AND DEingff DRY Gomm. THIS MOILNILW. four m Apri lonth lath. at 10 i o t 'clock, Will be sold by catalogue , on e' cred. ABOUT 500 PACKAGES AND LOTS Of French, India. German. and ariti.h dry goods, Mc.. embracing a large and choice assortment of fancy and. staple articles in *ilk. worsted, woolen. and cotton N. B.—Samples of the same will be arranged for ex amination, dealerstalogues. early on the morning of the sale, when will find It to their Interest to attend LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF FREPiCifI. GEF.ILAN. SWISS, AND BRITIdH DRY GOODS. an NOTICE. —lncluded in our sale on MONDAY HORN ING. April 18th. at 10 o'clock. will be &an& in part. the following articles. Az GOODS.—In pieces black and colors. Plain and fancy Pails mpns de banes, plaid and striped. moaam bignes, plain and fancy Poplins. ramifies. black and while mohair., fancy Wage printed j.conets and lawns. eiaghams. grenadine.. A c . . Sec. BILKS.—In black grcs de rhino, Wei age. solid c3lors and plain pooh de tote, plaid p.wilt de BOW. armare silks. high colors STOB de Ne,plee, marcelines. he.. /M. SHAWLS.— hi thibet. cashmere. lams. morambinnes, herr MIL baregs shawls, manias. cloaks , dc.. Ac RlBBONS.—Plainand fanny Pell de sole ribbons. and neck and trimming ribbons, black and colors silk velvet do. UMBRELLAS. —l3 packages silk and gingham sun um brellas. Parasols, dm else. black crapes. While tarletaus, greoadhae andba regeyelle. linen handkerch, Oh. embroideries. balinoral and hoop• skirts, gloves, fans. silk cravats and ties, fancy articles, dm., dm. Also. a stock of fancy and staple dry goods. dm. . . . STOCK. OF STRAW 0000% Paßld FLOWBB.S. Included to onr s‘lp of biqnday. April That, Brock of fashionable bonnets. art finial flowers. &c. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1400 PACKAGES ROOTS, SHOES. BAOGANIS , ARMY GOODS. 6T.S.S.W GOODS. &C.. am ON TUESDAY MORNING. . . 0. April la, at 10 o'clock. will be sold by catalogue. with out reserve. on four months' credit. about 1.101 pooltagcs boots, shoes. brogans, cavalry boots, &c - , embrmint prime and fresh assortment of 4estrable articles of men, w men. and children. of city and Eastern manufacture. N. B.—Samples with catalogues early on the morning of sale. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BOOT 2. SHOES, ASHY GOODS.'STRAW GOODS. LEATHER. . . FOTlRB.—ltcluded in our sale of boots. shoes, bro. gaps. straw goods, &a.. to be sold without reserve, kV catalogue. on TtinDAY MORNING. APRIL lErre. at 10 o'clock, on four months' crest% comprising, in part, French linen gaiters, men's fine calf cmigre,s boots and shoes; men's and bola' calf and kip brogans; men's fine patent leather boots and ribose; men's and wome n's gaiter do ;long-legged grain boots; hishecut military shoes; youths' half welt sip boots; men's do. ; women's and misses' goat Balmoral boots; morocco boots; line city -made kid welt buskins; ladies gaiter boots; kid R. R ties; colored and black lasting basklus; hien's fine city made calf, morocco and kid boots; mgu's pamp„oje grsin boots; msn'o buff leather pump boots; maws pump sole calf boots; do seal puma sole boots; women's lined and bound boots; youths' kip brogans; grain ties; misses' grabs buskins; misses' spring' heel grain lace boots; women's grain lace boots; womeri's grain ties; boys' kin brogans; misses' /dazed =Arose:, boots. int n's ha f- welt calf do ; youths' half wait sill' do. cbildren's brogans; cavalry boots; carpetbags, and stock of leather cuttings, lasts, Cm LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF EUROPEAN INDIA., AND AMERI' AN DRY 0001 s. &c. We will bold a large oak, of Briti.h. German. French. and Lmerican dr;• goods, by catalogue, on four .montLie credit and part for cash Ol TIII3R3D tY MORNING. April 2:st, commencing at precisely 10 o'clock, com prising 775 FAMIAGE3 AND LOTS of British. German. French, India, and American dry goods. embracing a largo+. Pall and frogh aaorttacnt of woolen, worsted. linen. cotton. and silk goods for city and c .nntry sales E. B.—Eamtdes of the name will be arranged for ex amination, with catalogues. early on the morning of Sales. when dealers will find it to their interest to attend. SALE OF CARPETING 4 , MATTING 9, &c. ON. FRIDAY MORNING. - April 221. at precisely 103 o'clock, will be 'sold, with out reserve. by catalogue, on tour months' credit. an cc sorimer t of Brussels three.pir, eaperdne„ and ilne in grain. Venetian, hemp, and rag carpe4ngs ; w lat s an d red abed Cantor matting. dm, which may be ermined early on the morning of sale. BY SCOW & STEWART, AUCTION EERS AND C•MHiSSION MERCHANTS. Nos. 62.2 CEESTADr Street and 615 SANSOM. SCOTT & STSWART. Auctioneers. will give their per. sonal attention to Sales of MERCH AN HI.,E aad WARSS of all descriptions. and PETRII. URE of parties removing or breaking rip honseteWng. on the premises of the owners or at their elegant end spacious DALES ROOMS. Nos. 622 CHESTNUT and 615 SA.NSOM Streets. GRAND SALE OF FINE ITALIAN MARBLE PARLOR AND °ARDEN STa!vrARY 31 D kine're, let artel.2 AND ALABA , ;TER, AND S t'ONE FEDFATALS. Imported front Daly b 7 Messre. Viii Bros. (late Vito Viti & Sena ON TEDBEDAY MORNING. 21st hat., at 12 -o'clock, at our sa!ehroom. No 622 IILESINIOPF Street, we will sal a large assortment of the above. Among the collection will be found one fine "Eve," by Neill.. copied from the original by Eugene Le Boy. 1 exquisite group. • 'Fidelity. "by Barrette. 1 exquisite group, "The Faithful . Companion," by Chine!. 1 fine figure. • • The Coquette." by Salada;" front the French originaL 1 group, '' 'Bacchus and Ariadue." by Tolomle. 1 fine butt Hon. . Daniel Webster. by RocohL 1 fine bust Bon.'Henry City. by Rocchi. 1 figure, • ' Prayer," by Davide. 1 figure, • ' Flora, " by Davide I figure 'Cali 0 , 03;8 •'fidei Ity,” by Duce!. I Ulan Madonna ; 1 bust Zachary parlor group..... 807 and Dog; .1 "Divine Love" of ganova. 1 • Guitar Girt -of Palermo:" 1 figure. " The Mendi cant, " by Tashi. 1 Snore, "Prayer." or Samuel: 1 large garden figure. "Autumn:" 1 entailer do do; lane old bust from the antique " Cornelia, Mother of the Oralchl:" 1 oust of Garibaldi: 1 superb recumbent - figure on pedestal, over five feet in length, representing the "Flora of the 80. boll Gardens of Floren ce. 2 fine monumental flgares, reprefenting "Meditation and Grief." 1 Hanle. Ben Franklin, for garden. The whole will be open for examination with cata log - Ile on Tt' ESDAV next LARGE GOLLEOTION OF OIL PAINTINGS, On WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS, at 8 o'clock. April 21st and 22d, we will hell a lags number of valuable oil paintings, comprising a couple of rare cud choice private collections: among them will be found specimens from old masters, besides many of the pre tent times. . LARGE BARR OF 500 CASES FRGNC3 STRAW GOODS. ON FRIDAY MORNING next the 22d instant. at lu o'clock precisely. we Will sell: by catalogue about 500 cases straw goods of new and fashion able shapes, comprising English split straw. pedal. tibia o. and g ray hair boas.eta. Itrdal and Spanish hate. willow and color.d hor ds I.c. Country nt.. rchante. as well a. 4 the city trade, will do well to attend this Bile. as it will be the most attractive ever oifered in this market. sL BONSET EBONS. ke . . ... . . . Included in eats will be found 300 cartoons of French artiliciat flowers, Pout de note and tarots bonnet rib bons, crape-trlmminem' arc, TUB TE.tyIIIICOS. Also. one invoice of muff and cape trimmings, tas• ach. &a. The whole will be arranged with catalogues early on morning orcale. SH IP PING. . 40 417:1, STEAM WEEKLY TO LI VERPOOL, TOUCHING AT QUERNSTIWS Work Batbor.) The well-known Steamers of the Liver. YOClig New York, and Poiladelphla Steam/alai'? ComPAnY ma intended to WI as follown; ' CITY OF LONDON. SATURDAY, AprUJ.6 S ATV R D Y. April 23. CITY' OF .D1F.27 YORK SATURDAY. April 30, and every succeeding Saturday at noon. from Pier 44 NOET.EI River. RATES OF PASSAGE. Payab'e in Gold or its equivalent In Currency. FIRST CABIN $OO 00 Si RERAN& VA) 00 Do. to London S 5 i 0 Do. to L0nd0n..... SI 01 Do. to Pari5........95 00 Do. to Pari5........40 00 Do. to Hamburg .90 00 Po to Hamburg.— 07 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre. Bremen. Boner dem. Antwerp, *c., at equally low rates Farce from Liverpool or Queenstown: First Cabin, *79, $BO. *105; Steerage from Liverpool and Queenstown. 1235. Those who wish to send for their friends can bay tics eta here at these rates. For further information empty at 09 Company's Offices. JOHN G. DALE. Agent. nun 111 WALNUT Street. Phtladelphle. BOSTON AND PHIL cli.DEL fi'd" PHI& STEAMSHIP LINE, Ratline' from sash port on SATURDAYS. from first wharf above PINE ktreet, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston. The Stearmhip will sail from Philadelphia for Boston on Saturday. April— ; and steamship wan! krt. Capt. Baker. frost: Boston forPhilatelphla on Saturday, April /6, at 4 o'clock P.M. These new and substantial steamships form a regular line, sailing from each port punctually on Saturdays. Insurances effected at one-half the premium charged on sail vessels. Freights taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send Slip Uwe!pis and Bills Lading with their goods. For Freight or Passage (having flue accommodations) apply to HENRY WI sISOR & CO.. mina 334 South DALaWARS Avenue. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, Wheal:Nero:C. April 7. 1884 On the petition of THBODO as ALVIN Sr of Phi ladelphia. Pa., praying for the extension of a patent granted to him on the 16th of Jnty, 1810. for an improve ment in Joint. for Compasses for Measuring. for seven Wage from the espiratiort of such patent, which takes place on the sixteenth day of 3 , 11 Y. 13tH. It is ordered. that the said petition be heard at the Patent Office, on Wonday, the 18th day of Jane next, at 12 o'clock ht.; and all persons are notified to apsear and show cause. if any they hare, why said petition ought not tobe granted. Persons opposing the extension are malted to file in the Patent Office their object'ons, specialty set forth in writing. at least twenty days before,the day of hearing; all testimony filed by either party t ) be need at the acid hen• Mg must he taken and transmitted in accordance with the rules of the office, Which Will be furnished on application. ( Ph e 'mummy in the ease will be closed on the 27th day of June next; deposit lone and other DSpere relied a non as teginhony mud he filed in the office on or before the =coming of that day; the arguments. 1: any, within ten days theresiter. Ordered, also. that thle notice be published in the Chronicle, Wathingion. D. C.. and Preen. Philadelphia. Pa . once a week for three succeteitge weeks; the brat Of raid publicatione to be at least .Ixty daYy , . prriviens to the day of hearing D. P. HOU.° '. 1 7 e.Y. epll-gnat COMMIRSO otter of Pmentq. VLEC TBICITY.-WONDERFUL SCI- ENTIFIC DISCOVERY —A U acute and chroulz dis eases cured by special emsractso. when desired by the patient. at 11120 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, and In case of a failure n I charge is made. No drugging the system with uncertain medical -gents. Al/ cures per formed by Magnesium Galvanism. or 'other modiflca• lions of Electricity, without shocks or any unpleasant sen.ation. For further information send and get a pamphlet. which contains hundreds of certificates from some of tt e most reliable men to Philadelphia, who have been ',peed ily and rermanen ettrad after all other treatment from medical men had failed. Over twelve thonsand cured in leas than Aye years, at 1040 WAL NUT Street. N. B —Medical men and others, who desire a know• ledge of my new discovery. can commence a fall coarse of lectures May 17th, 3864, at the Institution, 1%20 WALP.IISI. Attest. Prof BOURN has analifted oter one thousand physicians, who nee Electricity as a specialty. consultation free Prof. BOLLES & Dr.NROWN 1220 WALNUT Street , Philadelphia. apIN Im. QUEEN OP BEAUTY. WIIITEVIRGIN WAX OP AN ILLS& A new FRENCH CONSIBTIC for besurlrying, whiten. Mg. and preserving the complexion. Ii Is the most wonderful compound of the age. There is neltner chalk. powder, mat nests. bismuth, nor tale in its com position. it being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax: Lance its extraordinary qualities for preserving the slim. making It eon. smooth, fair, end trevainarknt It makes the ol d appear 'V mut the homely handsome, the handsome more beautiful. and the m u st beautiful divine. Price 46 and 60 cents. Prepared curly by HUNT d: CO., Perfumers. 41 South EIGHTH Street, two doors above Chestnut, and 133 SouthISEVHNTH Street, above Weil. nut. mixll3-6m DOCTOR A H. STEVENS IS CURING ail Chronic Diseases. both of LADIES and GEN TLEMEN, by a new method in the use of ELECTRICITY. without shocks or pain. Board for a limited number of Patients from abroad may be had at reasonable rates in the Doctor's family, A Pamphlet of sixteen pages. con taining certificates, awl other information. cant gratis to all onion accompanied with a stamp. Office and rest• dente, at 1418 SOUTH PENN SQUARE, being central and accessible by s.reet-cars from every railroad depot in the city. PHILADELPHIA, April, DEL ano.lm DRAIN PIPE, DRAIN' FIFE, VITRIFIED TERRA COTTA DRAIN FlFE—all ates, from 2 to 16-inch diameter, with all that of branches. bends, and traps. for sale in any odangity. 2 lap bore per yet 36c. 300. • s 4 " 800, TER•• " RACOTTA OD IMN BY TOM_ For Cottages, Villas. or Cr M Houses, Patent. winds-card Tops: for curies' smokr c muses. from 2to 8 feet et- ORNAMENTA CUADRA VASES. Fountains. Pedestals. and Statuary Marble Bests. Breasts, 1 end Mantel Vases. PNILADELPHIOIO OREA TERRA.b 'TIRIT COTTA. Street, WORK& fel2-fmwtr 8. A. HAIIRtSOM. p ELIABLE.-lISE GALLAIIDETTI3 HAIR RESTORER. It 15 not -a d7o. It restores tba bair to It. natural onion It does not dein the Ada It needs no Bandellne or other droning. It Is a dressing of Itself Prise moderate m tt. Prepared only by PAUL a. own., knotaocarT, TOO-1W EIGHTJUIM end SPEWS -St. - AUCTION SAT,E§i BRINLEY, & o N o. E 6 HESTROT and 6111 ILTO FURSp s , 0 SALE OF IMPORTED AND D OUESTIP r '4ll ON TOR DAY 51(11iNiNu, ej,r , I )Di At 10 &chat. on 4 month.' credit. 400 pack alea and iota of Fancy and Eibpie r 1,., 101.LN C OAST & WARIVOCi.7--„; TIONSBEN. No. a*o NA IiKEV fitrftt, 40( LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 400 9 / %91, 2 GOODS. BY enTALOODE, sit THIS HORNING. April 18, 1881, commencing at 11 o'clock Included in sale thin morning will b er :). fasbionsbly-sbared bonnets. of madintu 'Pip straw. pedal braid, tan and mixed etratve,-,' t and lace do., Asc. , &c. Also, most d•ir.'4•4,l white and colored hats for misses and ;I, . hoods. tt homed 'bonnets, Arc . &a. LkSOF, POSITIVE SALE OF 750 1,01% WHITEPORTRD DRY GOODS. 2mBp,„; ,, AN. 100 De, &c.,_&c . by entulog us ON WZONESDA • April 20, commencing at 10 o'clock nreel. pricing a general aecortment of Feaeoatb , p will be found worthy the attention of bal;c4'''' PHILIP FORD & 00., ATIOTIO , Ii i F 525 MARKET and 522 GOMMEROF,o,4 k LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF I,o'o (;,I S ., A Wk' SHOES, BROG ADS. B•L MORAL.; THIS MORE LEG, April 18th, at 10 o'clock precisely. will be Foie, logne, 1.C130 cases ruan'a. boys', and vantlit., q , grain boots, batroorals. 0, ford Mc, ca v c r , women's. misses'. arid cbildran's and inoroceo beelad hoots and aboo, buskins, nod also clty made goods liatalnanee ready early on lb. morning of sole , LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1,000 fiks:va kitom. logo ie., VlALaitoolLi ON Ti-WitiDAY 1t101.01147i., April 2lst, at 10 oclock p-tci..9ly. be .. , 11 logne. for cask, 1 (01 c6B.e Mee 8 boys • Ind kip, and gait boots. balmoyals. Oxfor,r boots. Am ; Women's. mis,;es • and goat, kid. anti. InoroCeo heeled boom hal st ow , o! tern, bneli‘ne. and ate° ettx•msdo 400 as -Pa .85y. Open for examination, with tat,tiola . the morning of sale - 13 Y HENRY P. WOLBERT, AUCT;OIYEAR, No. 180,3 nuanirr Street. Sont:s. Side. abeTe Serni Sales of I),y Go:AA. 'T,:trantnice. Nottenr. A, , MONDAY, WEtr I:SDAY. and FRIDAY Alornitr. mencing all) CLOAKINGS, CA&STMERES. InlY GOODS EP • TRI 31/111 THIS MOR,ING. April ;Sal, at 10 o'clock, will ha zold, tram th cloulcinga, fancy e ,,, a,froar,s, wool ahirto drts. arli locaten Roods, lace and tnieteo" atlas, triad : shoot!. trurks, Sc. . AITHOMAS i !NM 139 and 141 aounra EXTRA VALUABLE RaIAL ESTATE—Me Arll CARD.—Our sale on TtlE-,DAY next ht 12 the Exchange. will c 'nom e su nnruelaily Of property n blark't estnnt. Prci3t, Sixth, Thirteenth, lie rer.teeztii,Plincter..l6 Lombard.. Canso:Phil,. • Ridge ' , venue, Delaware avenue. and. Swsnion Also, Sarnia:ton, Exec ors and road, dm: re,: of cirphans' Court,utors. and others. tire tonere of grr and and two large Rae Twenty-second, and Honig,, - nary streets, t 5 remptorilv. also,etocke. loans,. ‘Tric, tar Bee pamphlet Cainiollllols. PALE No. 2041 ONERN STRAET SUPERIOR FURSITU R.-. ifAuTE VELVET AND 13 RES 'ELS CARPErs, ac A Tait; MUSING. tlOo'ciock. at N.. 1 2041 C.reen sire u by caw The ruperior Walnut. parlor. and (Ening niture. tine chamier furniture. fine Frenca tel mirror, in rich silt frame; handihnne Ern.lele carpets. Sc Also, the kitchen utensils. May be examined at S o'clock on the morning -4. CAFIA. — Salon of Real Estate, St as. td : CHANGE ETISEY TUUSDAY. re.inntlet 1.1.1 each , aiurday previous. 44- FURNITURE at Auction S , ors TIIITEt;11 T.) SALE OF MISCELLAVEtifh SOOES FE'S*: SL: BR EY. 08 TUESDAY AFPARNOON, A mil lgtb, at th e aw.riati stirs, a evllactisn. ianeeu books from a library. &ALB FOE ADOW:INT OF usrTED WOOL AND COTTON CO eV NOS. ON eATORDAS ition,;4“ 23d that" at It o'clock, at the auction Ftom, jt. of Wool, cotton. and BOie leather catuno. batut Parer.. Am UNITED STATES MILITARY r 3l RO4 D 8 OF'F'I(I OL A3ISTATiT QrAR11111.111•?E5 Wi r k.lllLVia ADM „SUCTION —WILL BE SOLD. on WEDlliE ,, ).r 16 , 11 day of May, at the railroad. Depot, Virginia: WO TOW , of 0' et Eallroad Iran, 100 Tons of Old Car r xies, it,o Tens of Cast .crap iron. 100Tunxof Wronsrht Iron. 3 Tot x of Old Brat.( and Copper, 3,0 Oli Barrels Terrron I;aph fn Governrnent Fond,' Tea (I / to sbe paid at the time of parchste. the The proptrty mast be removed within it , dat- of cafe n aplf-ttuylS Captain and ?OB SALE AND TO 1,,C7 TO Sk.COND, 9.EIP and fourth flows at 235 51k3KEr Stlßat. !hr, to 4 - hutch a11A3. 5. et FOR SALE OR TO I,E!'-fl Large STONE BUILDINGS. suitable or Fsctory. Also ga BMWENT, Add: 80. 117.33 nicadoxlD itreat• aPi: in FOR S 4,LE-A THREE-:ST.. Mak BBICK EfOIIBB. with Mven with t end water closet. No. 1141 F 1 rZ Nang 6tr,t , seepion given irranecliataly, if rerrtir.d. ,71; OVER 200 ROUSES, ALL :;:z • for rale aria exchange, ItAignall EOci ?S 4 2,1 t) North TENTH Street. el' AN TO LET—A cordmoDlfi DWELLIdre, No. ma zrora. Fnincr moderato. Arolly to WEATERILL ocaktr 51/4 and 49 Iglrtb SErtirSl +. - ) IFOR SAL E-A HAN DS fonr•kors brown stone. DIVELL'Nf), LOGAN SQUARE, below Vine tieet. 92 f., 140 feet deep to a etrest. 110 000 of tte may remain for live years at live per coati Apply to DAvltt aol6-3t . 90.1 South FOON.173;:; F %.;R A ALE --No. 2821. Urte Da Street. one of those heneeotne COTTAGE'. large tarden In trout, the ru mt desirable , ael in 3 strPet. Lot 2.5 feet front by lee feet dam Pricar,„ Alto a well-built three-story HO flO.l,,witnau.,.. double back.bultdinet. with ally the reolern went.. Ye 1320 North Tblrseath at' abd re Th Price $4.000. Prsigebtion of thin can be bol at ply to J. MUTER, Dig 275 6 TIIiHU et itth FOR FACTORY OR LII - E Aral STABLN. a lot North SEV.BNTa Street.ah7a LAS Bireet, 32 feet front by 120 feet deep, wite feet 113 , 96 feet to an oat/et forming an ''L," brick dwellicga. a brewer, and vault now or tale low. Apply to BONeALL BR 1.18 North H I N PH se?- , :: GUSTAVUS esar;:,i'F. apl6 fm`w3t. LIBRARY i 7 C FOR SALE-IN NORTH WA: CABID SIC ton Brick HOUSES. and one Fr., on Market street. beginning at 809: x on C street, beginning at Si?. All weltobnilt: Tara; will readily re. t for ten per cent of aria+ , 7' chase them. Perpoos wishing a good home f ••'• to two thousand dollars had better cell ear f• COOT. B H. 88OWNINP, 888 fOOPER. g:ro , Office fool of 11011:CET t,ro apl6-1m• GIRARD HOUSE FOR SAL' AWL' Thin valuable Building', now in thoroul r containnig In front on c.i.gsTi.cme t. phis.tievegiy• Ave feet. and in depth to ORAPI ore hundred and enventi-aucht feet, under ally•patd rental of $:5,000 per annum. whits a considerable discount on Ito original c , at. . Appurtenant to it are an excellent SM. it F.s' TWO BoILEIIIi. with all the PIPE regni,l , 4* El eating. Cooking. NY asking, and Light:La the Antgl. TERMS —11100,01.0 can remain on Ground h. balance Coeb. Partlas wirbing to negotiate can taints me. HOUSE 2 Philadelphia ," or meet me there sty jit one to three o'clock P. M. TaTLOVir J. 6 i' PAILADB,PRIA. April 0, lgt. ALRO FOR PALS. 150 00151MODTOr 1 3 NEW D' LINOS, at from $3,2C0 to *4.600, situate et' H,!r- SPrlnk Garden, Idervine. Camas, Lieveata, and Thirteenth etreeta, Philadelphia apl4 12t• TALLOW et FOR SALE—A VERY DES( mial. BEE PROPERTY, the residence of lin Jacob Shan,lege. deceared, with highterh pm:parlor Land attached_ Ic 111 Bite Wed in the WI kWIiIIiGTOWN, Onside, county. within tea la'j walk of the Chester Valley and Penneylvanlail Stations. at which all tratne stop. The Otrairlt , g,.: conveniently and substantially built. with Houee. Spring House. and all net:assail Tbsre IN a great abundance of ShrnbbarY. shade 'Preen. Part of the land will be aola buildings, If desired. Apply to B. 1011313111 11 GF. DOWNI.NOIO,I eft FOR SALE— E "MA'S : Mill.110116E," at Animas City, with FT:l9.Na' everything complete. Also, two neat Cottages. 9 rooms each. Also. Building LOIN, near the Battling gr.'s.' The "Philadelphia Naomi' at CliPll withont Yoroltoro. very low. B 1 , 0 ,,I" ara, 163 Borah V 0,7 e GE UMANTOWN PROP Ert SALE —A ver3 desirable PROPERTY. I ,' minuie+ , 'walk of Wayne Station Oorinaatosva „ lento Dwelling-bonee. wittrail the modern "dente; Stable. Spring house, ree-howe dired. 3, Garden; plenty of Fruit and large Made Tr•e 3 , tozo W. W. bSO•tf 500 COMOISILC fa VALUABLE CHEBTNUT.ST PROPERTY.—The subscribers offer at rr:r , &property on CHESTNUT Street betwenn !To 't Eighth atr: runn ing ot Jayne s Chestnut streh feet deep. to treet. with OP of a lb rent pniouire• way running to Eighth elf. TY THOUSAND DOLLAINg of the parahana remittal on the property al a gronnd rent,or in mortgage. LAUSIari ZS SWI! 128 SOUTH NINTH St OON FARMS FOR BAIT.-52 A desirable country Residence. near Chose, Ef miles from Plailad elphia. 115 Acres. G reen townshno. Pike county. 60, 90. and 80 Acres. near Ohestant 13111. 640 Acres, near LOD/Us-tiototag, N. 1. 56 Acres. Wauconda, (Ake county, 1.000. 1.200 MO, 178 274, and others. iu Dela 9u acres near Media. Also, many others in various localities. , Alto. a large nnmbor of desirable Cottage" town. Ob ertant Kill, and other places, some will be exchanged for city properties For list of Dwellings sea North Americana , Gaz•tie. B F. GLENN. 123 S. Sorlitirrl ap.l6 and S. W. nor. SHVZNT SICNTI9 FOR S.A.LE,-.THE , .wertSCRIBIR offers for eale hieIIOUOTRY s , within half a mile of Wilmington. Delaw. o Newport pike, containing EIGHT ACRES of g o ` in the centre of which is a larue lawn, with rtety of SHADE TREEs, EVERHEESNS , SIAN Dii g, and others. in all over a r; trees. MANSIO N, prven3ents amidst of halfg dtona two stories and a high , rooms on a door. with a hall eleven by Myr- HYDRAULIC RAM forcee water fr Lomeri of the lots into the liner story of the modern imerovernenta There is also an lom Hydrant under a covered area at the klachea out -buildings eonelet t r ot a MULE and UP H 017613. sufficient for four horses and gaviral c' also. an ICIE. Bung. MORE. and EIEN-Uta i ' i Ice-house is filled with ice, and the stable bay In it. flood GARDEN, with several vartetirs .rt AR and GRAPEVINES, to full bearing Peraral YoritAlve 91 ArrioNp cgtigalt Ana f F. TiVabe. Terms accommodating. Possession given 4 !;"1 the Spring. LEVI O. felt mwftf Oa the PrP 1011 EVANS & WATSON'S , MORI 1$ solint YOuidEf KRIM • lam variety P H of L I DI S L -DROO P ps A YBS nod. • q 3 TION PHRE NO faII descrLOGl-IVAL FS AN S. with iptions of Wel DAY and 8VP.141 0 j 0 - 4 tokii-wfmorn 3 • 1 1L., gi s g 'TROT OW DR. FINE, FRACTIO TIST for the last twenty below Thirdinserte the moat beaniihg ate, Inoll2lloo on fine Glad. Fianna. nulL Goraltte, Amber, ego., at prices. for neat . work, more reasonable than any Dentist. IR, State. Teeth plumed to last for life. Atr.V repaired to s psdn entractint ranted to fit Referee... beet Inti ACEEREL, HERR 'NG' M me. zaoo We Mass. Nos 1,2, and 3 Mackere l fat Ash, in assorted package& ynJ Her 2.Cl g. bbls New Eastport, Fortur.e Bei% rin 2.500 boxes Labe& Rabid, and fr 9. • -- 150 bbis new Mesa Shad. 250 boxes Herkimer County Cheese. && In store and for isle by MURPHY 1.19-tf /Po. 146 AORTri
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers