• STATES co_RISTIAN COMMISSION_ bunimeity 4O JARULHY 1,1864. % c o rk now in Progress In the Army at Rest. z gjuSTIAO COMMISSION STAYIINS LARGELY IN CREASED IN NUMBER,. TILL WORK ABUNDANTLY PROSPERED , %any Eons Stations Needled to Meet the Wants of the Army. -.32IPRECEDENTED CALL FOR DELEGATES AND SUPPLIES 411RATION FOR TAE CCOONO rAMPAIIIN WITH TIE • MOVEMENTS AND BATTLES ode mainly upon direct The CihristianCommissloo depends eontributions, and mo st not he forgotten by Loyal C :tan Pe INUREA3iIio w.•:Nra PRILiND INCREASED LIBE RALITY. Ramo ,. of Money , Stores, &c to January 1. 18%, Slim fps el. Numbs r (Boren of Stores. &c., shipped to the field or distributed at borne, 16 :h•N Number of Delegates rent. I 6M... Copies of Scriptures distribute°. 668,7:10; Hvmn and Psalm Books. doe A 6: Knapsack Seeks. 1,8703}3; Lt. i,esey . Books tftlae: Pamphlets, 158.14 i: Religions pages of Tracts, 9 2,91.0.428; Silent Com payers, &Siff it ; !otters. 4.110 The United States Christian Commission has Paired the pTe , ent „ o lden opportunity of rest for the Army to ex :cud its work for the good of the Soldiers STATIONS have been multiplied, each with its chapel =red store tents. free writing tallies, and clothing, c oi n:. fOrtS. and readin DELEGAT E S,r atuitous distribution VOLUNTARY in numbere greater than era before. have been sent to preach the Gospel at the atrgiODß and in regiments, batteries, and camps without zhatdains , distribute reading matter and stores, and labor for the good or the Hrdiers A PERMANENT FIELD AGENCY has been suincientir „ g lee ded to establish stations and superintend the work. THE BLESSING OF GOD reete signally or all parts of . ts work. Many thousands have Peen el eared. hole .ited and saved. Still a large part of the Army remains rxreached. and double the number, bete of emtioes end relegates. are needed to - meet the urgent demaad for hem The Christian Commiesion offers to the people a Pat' :ectly reliable and wonderfully econewieel chAira.l to teach the entire Army in alt its various field.. The coney given goes in full measure. in benefits for body tea soul. directly to the So'diers. and stores also. InMe !lately hem the hands of (tolerates from home. who add cords and deeds of kind near to the gift. when bestowed. het the people gtve the Money and Stores, and the eork sill be done. • The large Corps of Deleentesnew in the field will Serve O a grand corps of relief yben the at !Moe shall move ItelbattleY be fought and the prewar their number the sore prompt and. effective will be e the relief they shall :ender. IA not the present work languish. Wait not for the itBeelite wounded and lag before providir g rolls? v:IWDed. sena ABUNDANTLY, both Money and , Rotes, end the Soldiers' blessing shall be upon you. ten d 100ney to JOSEPH PATTERSON, Treasurer. at Western Sauk. and Stores to • GEORGE H. STUAIIT, Chairman Christian Commission. 13 BANK Street. Philadelphia lc E. Banton/a., Heeretaty U. S. C. O. feik-uithte orOFFICE OF THE GREAT CEN TRAL FAIR FOR THE SANITARY CO el VHS ...ION—PriILAIMLYWIA. 1307 CHESTNUT STRT:ET. March. 'al —The Committee on Finance ana Donations of the Greet Central Fair appeal for contrilintion• in atosgY :3 those of their fellow•citirans who do not propose iodise to the Fair the products of their still and ludas :l. By far the tat ger portion of the money recs. red on suasion of the Fairs held for the benefit or the !taut commission in cincinnati, Boston. and Brooklyn. el. , derived from direct Donations In CASH. and not om the woceet sof the sale of a , ticles exposed. What :LT Sanitary Commission need. to afford relief to the sick divot:Laded Millers is money. in large amounts and ; at all sources. We call. then, upon all harmers. nOr vrations.. capitalists. persons living upon incomes, pro- Winel or otherwise; in sheet, upon all who will not ie npresented in the Fair by their productions, to inn s Etre example of those who will. and contribute t,,,ony in swear for this great object In New York. ,;though their Fair is not to te , held for two weeks, con leutone of mere than .14 ,tlfie in cash hare been ,Iteady Tett - Wed, a single department of half th a t of g, eds. having male up mOOO than half that sum re e otlyn and Cincinnati have eacb contribnt.d as much WilieT. and certainly the wealth. liessalittr. and entheism of Philadelphia can hardly be considered as ~,,msplcroua than that of these communities Goa e .ei_:ne will be thankfully received by any of the of the Committee AB. BORIS. Chairman. S. A MERCER. SAMUEL .AroLSIL THOMAS SPARKS. A. J. ANPRLO, CALEB COPS. Joakr m Laws . TttolieSKlHßFll. JR.. T. A. BIDDLE. B. W. CL IthK. WM. C KEST E. C. KNIGHII. iinkmwtT AGO FEABILY TO THE C /ILIA OF TECE LIMON STA.T6 COMMITT 38. the Loral it7tliS of ?initldflaiil. wbo ars favor Of a vivrans ire ntion of the r ar aui the speedy Annorqcsion of the il , 'Vett. will assemble it: their respect ye wards, on rata'. Aprills, at S o'clock P. bf . at each places as 5 r be de.igt ated by tise.”Theers of the Nationi.l Union z wintione. fur the purpose of placing in nomination s:Dlttes fer Delegates to the vs; lens Conventions to iei3 nr.aerilAs e lect a Judge nod two ,rector E. from each precinct, to conduct an election to :e143 la eald Tweincts on TUESDAY. April 1.9. 1354. Tweea 6 :rad S o'clock P. M. the elections held under this call. the citizens of i rrecirct will vote for one relegate to a Convention :ei,ring of 'marls ceonprising a Congressioaal. disiricl; A beleptes shall els ct two Delegates and two ►lter rei to a ;CATION aL CODIVENTION. to be - held at I:!reere. June. - 1.941 to nominate a PRESIDENT and PRESIDENT of the 'United States. _ _ _ ono Delegate to a. Representative and one Delo aa, a Seratrrial Convention, to elect Representative Senatorial Delegate: to a State Convention to be held r:arrisburg. April 25.1814. for the purpose of electing mien at Large to the Baltimore Convention, and the alon of an Electoral Ticket. The Niegatas elected. as above, to the Normal Con aloha Phan meet On THURSDAY. April 21;1864. it 8 r: , ck P. M . at such platen as a majority of their nnm rehall by advertisement designate, and transact the ime of their election. A Me meetings and elections held under this call, the governing the National - Union party will in all 71 , to adhered to, and he considered as decisive. Ey order of the City Executive Committee of the Ra ul - Erdal parts'. JAMES FREEBORN. President sx . I.F.. " KLIS. Secretaries 7 IRS B GARDINER. ITTIOX STATE ' She lolal men of Panzsylvanta comprieing the Z'IONAL UNION PASTY Will meet in State Con-rea r: in the Hall of the House of Representatives, at tis'ETSBURO, al noon, on. THURSDAY. Awn S. IS6I. xr district will be entitled to the same representa b now has in tae state Legislature, and the dale wabe chosen at such times and in sue a manner LP( be directed by the respeftive Conaty Com 'Tee!. r.. - . kato Convention le called for the purpose of OE In nomination an Electoral ticket. selecting goes alarm+ to the National Convention of the Unton r. to be held in B IlititriOre - Cai the 7th Jane, and fat tech action as it may deem proper In reference to *proachs..ng Presidential caavage. illietion of the dual , ct delegates from Porm.yl - the National Convention le left—where it pro• bilentu—te the psrple, assembled in their County seutions, but the different County Committees are zeEtly requested to adopt such measures as Will pro ,. full attendance at their respective convencions. [_ memo_ in the elloiee of delseates, a fell expreceion of the will of the people. ie CoLmittee cann,•s forbear to congratulate all En of liberty and the Union.upos the recent triumphs exoc..l cane to New Ehmmebire and Connecticut, ;c expreFs the hope. cleared by all loyal men,-that Are only the f.reroceere or more eplendid victoriee to be won in the same cane, alike by the bullet fneballnt. behalf o 1 the Union State Central Committee. WAYNE hicVEAGB., Chairman. EAMEKSLY, F. E Ay .s. :seer eta - nes. A MEE 1' G OF TUE STOCK ' BuLD.EIS td T.2.I3GOOMSBURGr . LEO .1 al.: be he'd at the Company a office at hondale. county. Penna.. on WE ONZaDa.Y. May i13..h, the purpose of electing nine Direct are to serve the yetr, and the trausactton Of other business.. WS, B, S, DdKp. Treasurer andßeeretarlr. . - . No 3 north WATiiit Street. April 16, OFFIC if. OF THE CONNECTICUT LOYPANY, Ige. 40S crAt.Nor d - reet, PHILADELPHIA. April la. 18S4. .ittudi Neelt La' rt - /111) ,toeiteollete Of the ' Con- Minhot (. +) ,l loab " w;] I bo held at the Office of :n Lrenfidd. Connecticut. on MO NUAI. c% 3' kr 3h y S4L for ahe Parpose of e‘ecting Di pen, r the eotuing year, in accordance with By- t pus cif the Coo•pany !transfer Boos .4' the Company arid be closed on -4 day of April. IsB3. and reopened on the 6th daw K 4 at the tlfire or the Company, -NO- 40S 3LT Strtet.Philadelphise - W. S. STEWART, President. ' CIOCULA R. TO LOA NI:IOI.DtiC OFFIKB t , P THE LEHIGH- COAL AND , COMPaNg.—eIirLAD.SLPHIA, Merck 19. 1861. 4 headers of Certingates of Loan or Fandad Debt Tke Lehigh Goal and Aravlgation Company..' de tbeir mortgage of March 7, i 842: 'L'high Goal and Navigation flompany having de "Ad under authority conferred by Legiamtive to issue a new Mortgage Loan. having a years to run. from the Ant of April. Mt and intireat at the rate of a per cent. per annum, siMaTterl• ' 1 is herebY evert. that holders of the present 1 Loan Of the Company will be permit they ea ;telt Certificates for Certificates ofnew Dar: Provided. notice of their intention to do even on or before TIIPesDAY, the ifi:h of April. zit E dike of the Company, where a staiscrintion tten. and where all information desired will be rdEr of the Bard of ilanaws. ED V 713 WALTER._TreasurEr, OFFICE BOITE.,CIAN MINING CO3I PAIY. 132 WALVOT Street. PHILADELPHIA. April 14, 1864• Etreby given, that eabeeement of OZfa 4R Als7ll FIFTY CBNTS per Share on each and .q , mie of the Callit.l Steels, has THIS D4Y been ,If the Boald of. Directors of the 130111tHIAN dae and vayable oa or before the Iter.lB4. at the tHllee of the Company, 132 4 1, Street. I'SrLaDsugai.a. ,t 7 Order of the Ertatd of Directors. "tom M&CTlllß, Secretary. ,TiOG o A 151 P OV JEN T CORl rAiitotre is hereby given that a Meeting of told en of the 'noga Improvement Company' el. et No 25 tIARGELLNTS' BXGELA.Niiii. in 2 . 61 ' Philadeipixia. on the 3d tts7 of May next, be '"llcittrs of 12 and o'clock'• to elect Manama. s , 41. and Treasurer or said Company- < - WILLIAM."ILIA& Treasurer. 111).4 No. 724 MA AST Street. NORTHERN LIBERTIES A, N D rZni TOW Nell It' RAILNO fLD COMPANY. AD PHILADELPHIA. April 12. MR I lif.Neelifie Of tha etookholdere of thle Com -1-1 be lie:d at the office of the Philadelphia and l Railroad Company. No. 227 Smith FOLIWYS ,q ODAY. the 2d da place y next. at ten !t, N., at 'which time andr= election of on. to. held. WM. H. WEBB. Secretary. xo - riu.B.-T ale .t °,olos of the Stockholders of PIEDSR. DAM ;OrPeNy hriii he held stilts Office of the Coln. 0 :11W Ws 1, - J1 btreet, on Ti7I3SD Kay a t 12 At ' .wheh an election 'will be held for Five ...VE - for the ensutuk rear. CHAS D KNIGHT_ fiedretnry_ 0 / 1 1;DUTION Ili THE PRICE OF' .Y , Q;. —ln accordance with a reach:Mon of the ".re , t€e, passed on the 25th instant. the Price %Troi a the Mar et-street and Sprint Garden tecc to 10 cents per bushel. and ` Point Breeze and Malloy - wok Worke to 9 CeIiZGEI t ` l " JOHN C. CROSON, ChildSllo.2l.6ll7_ Gmt Wnnirta. March 29. 1864. mh29 In punvirareit's OFFIGIC ;=ortli. FIFTH Street, PhmeormritrAy Nov. 12. 1883. 'rdDe..• .• in MEDICIMES. NosPLTAL • os.1.•:1:•.; e er . , ..l7ntrlßUß,B, BSDDYNO 108, remit •lteir FzieeLiete from time to - J. MURRAY. 90 11 , 1411111 and Medical Parvevor. 010 TRW. ll A.llllCRiCeii r. it it , h CH COMPANY, PEMainsi.PRIA, N 4. *hie day declared a Dividend of aND FIFTY CREW Per ahara the which will he paid to the l•tockhelders r epre,intatiyes, on and after the 2181 nut t• •LBERT C L. CRAWFORD , . Fecretarl. 4 11 . 1 % GRICAr CENTRAL. MAIM.— ,y, ( j_.cictuntee on MECHANIC ARTS wh at welJ to ascert a in from contribritora d o'l' Machinery or article they 'lntend to tend. to • n',e, Whet space it will OCCUPY. What p.iwer ,"0 1 11re to drive T those machines that are intended Is thEiratol.".EPenittliqlelheiell"jeirtlrepaatrilTioun t •ion or m c pennon Y. MERRICK. Chairman. , Wh el.Eit.. Si cretary 4, Nita , AMU 13. 196 t. TUE 0-11VIAT CENTRAL FAIR Roza SANITARY CO iiLMISSION. COMMITTEE FOR A DAY'S LABOR A , DAY'S WOKE. A DAY'S REVENIIII. OFFICE, No. 11S S. SEVENTH STRESI'. CORNER or SANSOM STRRET.s Second Story Ftunt Room. This office viol be open daily from 9 k. M. to 6 P. M. TO RECEIVE SUBSCRIt•TIONS OF ONE DAY'S LABOR, ONE DAY'S INCOME . ONE D KY'S lIIIVE'SDE. From all who Labor, or have Incomes or Doyennes. Even , family has some raative or friend in the ARMY OR NAVY! Lot all bring in their offe.rings to swell the greet tide cohtch is to culminate in Logan Square in the moan, of June next. WE WILL RECEIVE INDIVIDUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. HOUSEHOLD SUBS IRIPTIONS, ASSOnI &PION SOBsCHlenears, SUBSCHIPTIONS OF A DAY'S LABi.E. A DAY'S IliCollll3. A DAY'S BEY/NUE. IN HONEY. In MsrIUBACTURES. IN PRoDUCTS. The poor manor woman will thus have an oppertiunity to contribute to the particip at ion e Fair who would other wise be abut out of in It. Citizens are invited to call at the Office, where a rniktee will be eongtautly in attendance to consider their muleigioan an d to appoint Sub Committees for City and Country. L. MONTGONKRY BOND. Cir 151cOBEGOE J. MiTCHEj ha Orr, man StMrStalYt JOHN W. CLAOHOHN.. IM!ffEI!I2MMItMI CITY BOUNTY NOTICE.—OFFICE CITY BOUNTY 1P1110.13 COAtMfddlON. oto. 414 rislnifß Street, Aprill,ll64 TE.t. llonuty trial continue to be paid until further aotice. - No applications for Bounty will be entertained from recruits who enlisted prior to the date of the President's Proclamation, October 17, 1863. In future, powers of attorney for the City Bounty, from ew recruits for Pennsylvania Regiments. ran*toral in Mgr this date, mnet be endorsed by the offlear In charge a( the barracks that the mac has been received there. By order of the Commission apl•tf SANDAL. C 'DAWSON Secretary_ NEW PUB LICATION S. 44 AS F.ASOINATIY 0- AS A RO MANCE AND AS MARVELLOUS AS AN ARA BIAN TALE!" A HISTORY OF JOHN LAW, IMEEM MISSISSIPPI BUBBLE. BY ADOLPHE THIERS, THE DISEINCEEEISHED FRENCH .111,3TORIAg JOHN LAW WAS THE NAPOLEON OF FINANCE! NE IST RODUnED THE FIRST BANK AND THE FIRST PAPER MONEY INTO FRANCE .evolutionized the Financial Affairs Of the Country, ineanurated the widest speculation, by which gigantic fortunes were made in a day, and consummated hts pro - jects by a grand MISSISSIPPI SCHEME, which, exploding. caused almost universal Enancial lain and misery. The incidents connected with that era of remarkable expanelon are as strange and fasci nating as those of a romance. The circumstances catcalling JOHN loilTra career are almost identical with thoes which now mark this a eculati se era. and, hence should be universally studied. The fatal climax, it is true. has not been reached, but let every speculator be forewarned! One vol., 12mo, cloth. Price $1.21 JAMES G. GREGORY, PUBLISHER. apiS 2t 11 0. 4E WALKSE Street. New York. NV ILL BE READY APRIL 20_ A BRILLIANT' NEW-'AMERICAN NOVEL. 3D.II,2qtaEitM"XELI:) , ,S REST ; OR, EIFORE TR& STORK - I • • , • . - N $9 1 vol.. lane 1.4m0. Price $1.53 This will be a most interesting story. and will give a most powerful sketch of American Life and Manners previous to the Great Rebellion. It is the production of a polished and experienced pen, qualified by mach travel, experience, and literary Practice in other walks of literature, to attempt an elaborate story of American Life. Politics. Letters, and Factions. whose elashing led to the " Great Rebellion:' Title Work, we believe, wiil prove the most brilliant novel of the year. SHELDON &I CO., PUBLISHERS!, 335 BROADWAY, NEW YORK S. & CO.'S LATE PUBLICATIONS By MIBION HABLLtp, author of "A lone ," "Hidden Path,' and "Nemesis. " One volume, 12mio. Price $1.60 -Manion -Harlan& is now the most popular novelist in this country. °Yew 150.0(.0 volumes of her works have been sold.. The New York Commercial Adveraser says: She has struck upon the right path to literary success. She writes with a purpose. Her hooks have a meaning, and hence they make an impreeeikll. apIS St ATPW BOOKS! NFW BOOKS! J-1 Just received by ASHIREAD k IMANS. Successor/ to WILLIS F. HAZARD. 721 CHESTNUT , Street. RENAN'S RELIGIOUS HISTORY and CBI CIOISAL MAN AND NATURE. BY George P- Mar/h. NIESSaNTRII. A novel by the autaor . . f ' Otte " A YOUTH'S HISTOLY OF THE REBELLION. By Wm M. Thayer. MY CAVE LIPS. IN VICKSBURG;woih letters of trial and travtl. By a lath'. TEN ACRES ENOUGH. • practical treatise for the million; showing bow a very small farm may be made to keep a very large family aplB THE NEW PICTURE OF THE "HcillE OF WASHINGTON." • BY HO:Si — VAR AisiD ZiLIGNOT . . The rubliel , er announcer. with groat gati4faction. the completion of the engraving. by Barlow. of !Amine, or ire charming American r learn of • 4 TFIE F 04E OF WASHINGTON." commemorating Lafayette's visit to Mount Vernon in mi. It is an engraving of important size and linest character, and is published ONLY FOR. SUB SCRIBERS. Mrs. AISWE E. 15iEVINS is the authorized agent fur tlis city, or -orliorn only it can be obtained. and at whose residence it can be Peen, 1 4 324 SPRUCE Street. anlS WATCHES AND JEWELRY. GEORGE DEMERIT dc. 00., JEWELERS, 303 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. (CORNER DEANE STREET.) 160,000 WATCHEQ. CHUN& GOLD PENS. AND PENCIL% &c. ago.. WORTH $500,000 To he sold at One Dollar each. without regard to Takes, and not to be paid until yon know what you will receive STUMM LIST OP ARTICLES. ALL TO BE SOLD FOR ONE DOLLAR •EiCH ! 300 acid Bunting Cased Watel: ee —.4100 00 each. 30t Gnid Watches 60 00 each. 200 Ladles' 'Watches 35 00 each. itk Fflver Watches , ~,, 90 to 21 99 eich . . 620 Gold Neck and Vest Chaim.... 12 00 to 15 DO each. 1.0(0 Chatelaine and Guard Chains.. 500 to 15 DO each. -3 000 Feet and Neck Chains 4 00 to lt 00 each. 4,100 Solitaire Jet and Gold Brooches 400 to 800 each. 4. COO Coral, Lava. Carnet, &c. do.-- 300 to Bco each. 7.0(0 Gold. Jet. Opal. &c., Bar Drone 300 to 800 each. 5,( CO Gents' Breast and Scarfs Plus.. 300 to 800 each. a. COO Oval Band Bracelets 300 to 8 00 each. 2.000 Chased Bracelets 5 CO to 10 00 each. . . . 3, COD California Diamond Pins and Eines 260 to 900 each. 2,000 Gold Watch Keys 260 to 8 04 each. Solitaire Sleeve Buttons and Stade 2 C 8 to 8 00 melt. 3. COO Gold Thimbles 409 to 6 00 each. . . . . . &all iliniatureLokets—. . . ..... 200 to 700 each. 3 GO ldiniatnre Lockets. Magic 4 00 to, 9 00 each. 2. fmo Gold Toothpicks. Crosses, dm.. 200 to 800 each. 3 000 Fob slid 'Ribbon Slides 2 00 to 5 07 each. 6.0(0 Chased Gold Binge 200 to 6 03*.aela. 4 CCO Stone Set Rings 2 00 to 6 00 each. 6,500 Sets Ladies' Jewelry—Jet nod Gold 600 to 15 Ce) each. 6.000 Sets Ladies' Jewelry * varied styles 300 to 15 00 each. 6.000 Gold Pens. Silver Case, and Pencil 400 to 600 each. 4,100 Gold Pens. Gold Case, and Pencil 5 00 to 10 00 each. 6, COO Geld Pens, gold-mounted holder 2 00 to 8 00 each. All the goods in the above let will be cold. without reserve. for ORB DOLLAR EACH. Certificates of all the various aitieles are placed in similar envelopes, sealed, and mixed . These envelopes will be cot On mail. or delivered et Oar 9Ce, WlittOUt regard to chole.. on receiVing a certificate, - 0 , 1 MI what article it 'represents. and it le optiona l with you to send one dollar end receive the article named, or any other in the ltst of same value. • - • • - le all transactions by mail we charge for forwarding the certificates, paving postage. and doing the bneitesn, 25 cents each. Five certificates will be sent for eleven for ile ; thirty for did; sixty Bre for VD; and one hn - odred for &M. - - By this mode we give selections from a varied stock of fine goods, of the best make and latest styles, and of in tirlDMO Worth. st a nominal price. while all have a chance of securing articles of the very highest value We suarantee entire eadlefeettoo 7R everyiselmo, end if there should be any person dietetic fled with any arti cle they may ncelve. they will immediately return it, and the mice will be refunded; AGENTS.—We allow those acting as agents Ten Cents on each certificate ordered. provided their remittance amount to one dollar. Thy will collect 95 cents for every certificate, and re taining 10 cents, remit tone 16 cents for each. 43r - h ddresa GEO. DEMERIT eta CO., apl6-331014t 303 BROADWAY. New York VENEFIT OF THE GREAT OEN -Jo TEAL SANITARY FAIR. THE TOTAL peo"Frrs OF HANSELL'S FANCY GOOD E 211.P0R1.0 No. 6 South EIGHTH Street. . Wits be devoted to the MISFIT OF OUR NOBLE TOLIINTKIRA, ON TRES MONDAY, April 18th. The Stock sonnies of atoll and com_plete line of FANCY GOODS. COWES. 1311,115H89, TOILET ALOICLIS, PRILVIBIERY, PARASOLS, dm N —AN roods e dat the moue retnlar DPICAO. It. GREAT CENTRAL SANITARY FAIR—In accordance with the wishes of the Com mittee of One Day's Labor, Income. ke , we have de termined to give the.prolits of one day's sales for the above purpose. WEIDNIISDAY. the 20th inst.. is the day let apart for this worthy object. It is hoped and earnestly requested that all penman who are is want of any goods in cur line, and wishing to contribute to this nnbie came, will call on the above date, and pan:base liberally of the same. A correct account of all sales will ne hem. and the profits accruing therefrom will be ple.cen is the hands of the Committee Without deducting ar3 : '3 l 7 l s Oire h rriCa r ialuortmist 01 Ms Co/lowing gee& at the lowest cash prices! Golu and gllvet Watches. oold and Plated Jewelry. Silver-Plated Ware of every description. Ph •tograph Albums. °tete Glasses. 1 is yelling Base. Pocket Books Paella h oped Tame Cotton% oso.. ago. Ti b.• hoped and believed that all who are desirous of airing. encouraging. and making light the hearts of oar brave Soldiers, who are daily orating their lives for liberty and our country, wilt avail tuemselves of this OPPo , tottity. Persona cancan at any time previous to the 9feb and make selections. and they will be delivered OD tl 0 above data, and the profits therefrom will be cork tributei to thiejnst and noble sauce. D W (MARC. aril thm 2t 602 aassutur Street. RETAIL DRY GOODS. E. & L. EYRE & Luingu, EYFE & LANDELL. EY FIE & L ANDELL, EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARC H, FOURTH AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ARCH, AIIE NOW CLOSING OUT SUMMER SI &KB, SUMMER SHAWLS, BUMMER ROBES, FRENCH ORGANDIES, RICH GRENA.D INES, TOURISTS' DRESS GOODS, SUMMER FOULARDS, GRENADINE VEILS, SUPERIOR MITTS, INDIA PLAID BILKS, PLAID AIOZAMBIQUES, PLAIN MOZA.MBIQUES, BLACK SILK SACQUES 908-wfm. SPRING- DRESS GOODS. Waving completed .the improvement, at our stores, We have now greater convenieneee. additional light, and room for the dleplay of the LARGEST STOCK OF* DRESS GOODS we ever exhibited. purchased principally at the Phila delphia and New York Auctions. which Will be sold at prices to insure 4UI& sales. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Saxony-Woven Dress Goode. ranging from SO to 50 a ? , Printed MobbEtelitie De Leinee. Plain do do do. Do and Fancy Alpacas, in low, medium, and fine grades. Plain. Plaid. and Striped Poplins. Plain and YRIICI MOMMbignee. Plain and Figured do. Poi) de Chevree. Travelling Dress Materials. Em..dra. OILTRWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450. 452, and 454 N. SECOND St., • above Willow. VANCY DRESSS SILKS, IN DE- A- sIRAIILS styles, from recent selections. - CIIRWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450. 4:52. and 154 N. SECOND St.. above Willow RLACIC DRESS SILKS, nt.cu Giros de Iltdues, all vrtithe and trades Black Taffetas. Black Almures. Black Gro de •frigne. Blocs Gro Grains. double-faced fir:Eros. Brocades_ OURWEN STODDART k BROTHER, 450, 452. and 454 N. SECOND St.. above Willow. TRAVELLIN G DRESS MATERIALS, -A- of new and desirable stiles • OURWEN STODDAIZT & 131{0THER, 450, 452 and A-51 N. SECOND St., above Wiflow. MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR, IN NEW SPRING BMW. Ohoice and desirable goods for COATS! PANTS!! AND SUITS!!! CUR WEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450. 452, 454 N. SECOND St., Ekbrre Willow. CLOAKING CLOTHS, N." In all desirable styles, at low pries& OURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, 104 N, SECOND St.. 'bora Willow SPRING SHAWLS, IA DESIR&BLE STYILSS Lama Shawls. • livzsbibiwae glteerle. Cashmere Shawls. Grenadine Shawls. CDRWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 152, .151 N. SECOND St., a➢le•3i above Willow N EW EMBROIDERED S.L:IPPERSi PATRIOTIC DESIGNS, .NEVER BEFORE EXHIBITED IN THIS MARKET. BERLIN ZEPHYRS, EMD'D BRAIDS, SILK. FLOSS Alfghans and Fancy Work Made to Order. OFLOB.S.I3II.NZGAIMS ZEPHYR STORE, 103 SOUTH ELEVENTH - ST., BELOW CHB3TIiUT. aDl4•tbem3t IMITATION GUIPIIRF Will open to-day, several lots of 2 to &inch widths. 28, M. and E 0 cents a yard; excellent imitation of the real Laces at one-fifth the Cost. IMITATION BLACK THREAD LOSS, French fins goods._ exact imitation of the real , very likely to deceive a roo d of real geode. at 9 to 26 cents a yard. STRIPED WIN MUSLIN, for Bodies, dtc. —One lot of narrow str.pee. good Muslin, at 60 cents a yard; one lot 'of wider stripes at 600„. much less than present vsine. WRITEISILK LACES ADD EDGING. —A fail line of every desirable width, from 3b inch to 7 inches Wide, under regular price. DOD BRE OltutTPD matrastra NET for Bodies, Am.— ' Yard wide Net at 20 to CO cents, much better than usual fo. the • ams price WHITE "NETS worked with black. BLACK BETS p urked pith wh•te. A case of this dmdrable Net for Waists. at Sr,S $l. and Ei it; a yard. at. WORM'S Lace and Embroidery Store, 59 North tiotrrg Street. CHEAP PRY GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHe. MATTING, AND WINDOW SHADE=. - V. —V. E. ARCHASIBAULT, Northeast corner ELDVENTE and ,MARKET Streets, will open this morn ing, from auction. Ingrain Carpets, wool tllliag, a), 5 1 3. 62, and 78e; Ingrain CarnMe. all Wool, 76. 87c, *l, $1 26. *1 37, and $1.60; English Dragnets Carpets. only Hsi 62; Entry and Stair Carpets, 31c to $1; Rag. Hemp.- and Cottage Carpets. 37 to 65c; White and Bed Check Canton Matting, 37 to 62c: Floor Oil Cloths. all widths, 62 to 87c: Gilt Bordered Window Shades. 76c to $2. . . . , CH EAP DRY GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. New York Mills MtnUne. 44c; Williamsville, at 44c; Shsetinas. 50e to 20; Poplins, 37 to 57c; Alf,ess. an color., 37 to 75c: Block Siam, $1.25 to 31.75 ; Challi.es and Delaines, 31 to 35c; Table Linens, 75c to $1.65; Napkins, 16 to 5Cc: Towels and Towelings. 14 to 370; Shirting Muslin., 16 to 37c; Fancy and Plain Cassimeres. 75e to 141.76; Flannels . so to 87c; Lisen Handkerchiefs. S to 50e; Ladies' Cotton Hone. 16 to 50c; G.oves.l2 to 760; Shawls. 33 to $10; Lawns, 26 and_2Be! Plaid Poll do Ohovre. 57 to 620: spring Cloakings. 10 to 32; Coate' Cot on, 93; Pine. Sc; Needles, 6c; Hooks and Eves, Sc; Skirt Braid, 7c; Windsor Soap. Ste. : Colgate'e Soap, 6e. ,Wholesale and Retail, Northeast corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets.. apl-mwf PITEAP ORASII.—WILL OPEN, TEM mownwa, one bale extra heavy IlnefilwOra3l4 at aVillt u tg , B4t 1013 ISMITIEW:3I.BitbIgFiaIth. LINEN GOOl S -BAND-LOOM TA -a-, BLS LINENS. at 87 (e and SLI2K. Three are very heavlr. Brown Damasks, at 75 573;. and $l. Bleached at 574, $l, $1.25, and $l. Beal Barnsley. which are extra heavy, at *l 50, $1.76, $2. and $2 fa. Among these are some beautiful patterns. Towels of every description. from $2 per dozen up. One lot rod lsorderei. fringed ends, at 30 and 37,if cents each. Iluckabacks. in all the widths. Nursery Diaperlnge in various qualities. Linen sheeting. very heavy. at $1 50. $1 73. and $2 per yard; Pillow Liner ~.87.10161; Napkins at $2BO and 43, that are good; Richardson's Shirting Linens. from 50 cents up, and some of the handsomest %farsettlos (Mitts in the city, at prices far below what they would onto import now. All the above goods are lunch under the present market value; but as I believe in quick sales. they are to be cold. Housekeepers will End it to pay 11 they call and examine. GRANVILLE B. HAINES. aplii-mtuws4t 1013 MAREEI street. above Tenth. 628 H OOP SKIRTS-LA. g9B. • DIES'. MISSES', AND CHILDEEN'SIa ay' —The moist complete assortment In the city. every style and size. For finish. durability, and cheapness, have BO equal in the market. Manufactured at 628 A tte Street. Skirts made to order. altered, and repaired. Alto., bargains in lastemmads Skirts. kid.naddsa rlvetted. 16 springs. 65 'tents .• 20 SpritlifS, 1.0 cents ; 2 1 5 springs, 90 cents ;XI springs. SI 40 springs, $1 20 ;40 springs, diamond-tied, 50 cents. aPI2-6t5 DESIRABLE GOODS. PROM AUCTION. 26 pieces Danis Diaper. 52.75. 20 PIEICANI BMWS Diaper, $3 GO. 36 pieces Russia Diaper, wide, $4. 14 pieces Russia Diaper. very wide. 26. AiMat 10 lots of Table Linens—all prices. Now open of JOHN H. STOKES'. Rase TON ARCH Street COMMISSION HOUSES. T HE ATTENTION OF TB TRADE Es sailed Is 0138 STOCK OF SIMONY . WOOLS, CO. all-wool Plain YUmauls. !WILLED WLALWARTAS. Varian* makes is Gray. Rearlat. and' Dark Blue. rsurniD SHIRTING FLANNELS. PLAIN OPERA FLAMM& PLAGE COTTON WARP cLowrs. 15. 16. 17. 18.19. M. 11. 22 oa, TAROT DA5131211111151 AND SATINITTS. BALMORAL SKIRTS. all Grades. 3OTTON GOODS. DENIMS. TICKS, STRIPES. BHIRT• INOB. so.. from 'wallow Mills. DE COMMT, lIAMILTON, & EVAN% 33 LETITIA Street. and leB!•wemteeE 32 South FEONT Street. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFOR, -I- existing under the firm of DAY & BITER. COAL DEALERS. is trig day dissolved. ny Y. G EITIsE. will settle the business of the late nem. and will eontlane at the old stand. TWENTY-FIRST and CALLOWHIGL Etreits. April 1131b,1861. 1ri HA T MORE PLEASING AND railefactery Portralbt can be found than those Pplondid life size Photographs in oil colors. executed at a F . Esimyars Gallery. 6MIS Alt= street t THE PRESS. - --PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY. APRIL 18. 1864: NANCIAL. U. S. TEN-E'OIEVT - Y EIONDS. Th, 68 Bonds are issued under the Act of Congrem of March Bth, 1161. which provides that in lieu of so mach of the loan authoiised by the Act of March 3d, 1833. to Which this is supplementary, the Secretary of the Trea- MUT is authorized to borrow from lime to time. on the credit of the United States, not exceeding TWO HUN DRED MILLION DOLLARS, daring the current fiscal year, and to prepare and Issue therefor Coupon and Re. entered Bonds of the United States: and all Benda leaned under thin Act shall be EXEMPT FROM TAXATION by or under any State or municipal authority. Sub3orlo - to these Bonds are received in United States notes, or notes of National Banks. They are TO BE RE DEEMED Da COIN, at the pleasure of the Government: at any period not tees than teas nor more tears flirty wars from thair ds.te, and until their redemption FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST WILL BE PAID, IN COIN, on Bonds of not over one hut dred dollars annually, and on all other Bonne semi-MI=6IIY, Tbe intereet is payable on the tint days of March and September in each year. The semi-annual Coupons are nay able at those dates, and the annual Coupons on the 60 and 110-dollar Bonds are payable on the first of March. Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Bonds, as they may prefer. Registered Bonds are re corded on the books of the U. S. Treasurer,, and can be transferred only on the owner's order. Coupon Bonds are payable to bearer, end are more convenient for COIII - uses. Registered Bonds will be issued of the denominations of Fifty Dollars MR). One Hundred Dollars MOO. Five Hundred Dollars ($500). One Thousand Dollars (glom, Nye, Thousand Dollars (55.041). and Ma Thozwand Dol lars (1110.000); and Coupon Bonds of the denominationa of Fifty Dollare WM, One Hundred Dollars ($100), Five Hundred Dollars (OCO). and One Thousand Dollars (111.(09). Butecribers to this loan will havo the option of having their Bonds draw interest from March let, by paying the accrued interest in coin (or in United States notes. or the notes of National Banks. adding fifty per cent for Dre ll:aura), or receive them drawing Interest from the date of subieription aad deposit. As these Bonds are egemt tram municipal or State taxation, their value is inoXesed from one to three per cent. per annum, according to the rate of tax levies In parlous parts of the country. At the present rate of premium on gold they Pay over eight [per cent. interest in currency, and are of equal oonvenisnce as a permanent or temporary investment. It is believed that no securities offer so groat induce ments to land sea as the various descriptions of N. B. Bonds In all other forguT of indebtedness the faith or ability of private parties, or stock companies, or sepa rate communities, only is pledged for payment, while for the debts of tie United States the Whole property of tie. country is holden to secure the payment of both principal and interest in coin. These Bonds may be isubtcribed for in sums from 850 up to any magnitude, on the same terms, and are thus mate equally available to the smallest leader toad the lamest capitalist_ Thoi can be converted into money at any moment, and the holder will have the benefit of the interest. The fact that all d atlas on imports are payable in specie, furnishes a fund for like payment of interact on all Government Bonds largely in excess of the wants of the treasury for this purpose. Upon the teceipt of subscriptions a certificate of de posit therefor, in duplicate, will be issued, the original of which will be forwarded by the subscriber to the Se cretary of the Treasury, at Washington, with a letter stating the kind (registered or coupon) and the denoml nations of bond ersquired. Upon the receipt of the original certificates at the Trea sury Department the Bonds subscribed for will be trans mitted to the subscribers re*pectively. Subscriptions will be received by the TREASURER OF THE UNITED STATES at Washington, and the AS SISTANT TREASURERS at Philadelphia, New York, and Boston, and by the First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa., First National Bank of Carlisle, Pa., First National Bank of Danville, Pa.. First National Bank of Brie, Pa. , First National Bank of Marietta. Pa., First National Bank of Meadville, Pa., First National Bank of Scranton, Pa., Fecond National Bank of Scranton, Pa., First National Bank of Strasburg, Pa., First National Bank of Towanda, Pa., First National Bank of West Chester. Pa,, , Second National Bank of Wilkesbarre, Pa.. First National Bank of York, Pa. First National Bank of Parkersburg, W. Va.. First National Bank of Washington, D. 0.. First National Bank of Newark, N. J., First National Bank of Baltimore, First National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y.. First Natic nal Bank of Elmira, N. Y., and by all National Banks which are depositaries of Public money. All respectable banks and bankers throughout the country will furnish further informa tion on application, and afford every facility to sub scribers. apla et W-11 UNITED . STATES TEN-FORTY BONDS READY FOR DELIVERY. E= 6 lMilLUilatik=Lajai , UtlLAULLol . l E. W. CIA/VELA. db SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE TEN-FORTY LOAN RECEIVED _BY Tin SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, AT F13..11.1V5E431113.. This Bank has been designated by the SECRETARY OF THE TEE/IHW as as DEPOSITORY OF THE PUBLIC XONEYS, AND A. FINANCIAL AGENT OF TIM UNITED STATES, And authorized to receive subscription to the HEW UNITED STATES LOAN, bearing interest at the rate of FIVE I"3ol=fs CENT. Per Annum IN COIN. Bonds from SAO to 510.000. In terest to commence either with the date of the bonds. March Ist, ISM or at the date of subscription, at the option of the subscribers. WILLIAM H. REA.WN, Cashier. ALL THE 5-20 BONDS ARE NO W READY fia;lY~);ia:(.)A~~hCK•lo~i:d iH~ii~=■'.ll+l+l~~~fl=t-~ CALL AND RECEIVE THEIR BONDS 5-20 COU P O N S, DIM IST MAY, Mf. co ler oa iEr OEMS BS MAIL OR EXPRESS ATTENDED TO apl9-Im. DREXEL & CO. FOURTH NATIONAL SANH : • 7 •I :0: OF INC :E . Q U JI 111 CASHIER. SAMUEL J. MAcMULLAN DIRECTOR& WM. P. HAMM. WM. BROOKS, Al BERT C. ROBERTS. I D. W. BRADLEY. JAB. C. BELCH.JOHN PAREIRA, -WILLIAM . StOKLICY. THE FOURTH NATIONAL BANK foi the transaction of a Genera' nankin btteirtess. neon the neecaterics. Collections made as all points at the very lowest Mien., Subecriptions received for the United States le-We Bonds._ SAM'L J. MdcgIILLLN. cP16421 Cashier. Si.LE BY Ao. 315 SOUTH THIRD STREET SUBSCRISSD FOR THROUGH US FOR DELIVERY. JAY COOTIE de CO., 114 SIAITH THIRD @TRIM PHIL&DELPHIA.. CAPITAL 0100,000, PRESIDENT. WILLIAM P. HAMM. VICE PESSIMISM ALBERT C. ROBERTS. to now oven at No. 7;,e3 Arch Street, FINANCIAL. FIRS T M.T.t 2 121'101•J.E%..M. 33.Z1A.M.T32C. PHILADELPHIA. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY FINANCIAL AGENT MECO UNITED STATES. 10-4-0 LOAN. This Bank has been an thorlzed and is new prepared o receive BllbelpDtlo/15 to the NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN. This Loan, issued under authority of an net of Con gress. approved March 3, 1864, provides for the isone of Twe Hundred Millions of Dollars ($200,030.000) United I'state• Bonds. redeemable after ten years, mud payable forty years from date, IN COIN, dated March 1,11304, bearing interest at the rate of FIVE PER CENT. per annum IIY COIL paYable semi-annually' on all Bonds over COO, atd on Bonds of $lOO and leas. an nually. Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Bonds as they may prefer. Registered Bonds will be Irma of the denominations of fifty dollars (S6O). one hundred dollars ($100), five hundred dollars (GOO). one thousand dollars ($1.000). live thousand dollars (5,000), and ten thousand dollars (10,060). and Coupon. Bonds of the denomtuatione of fifty dollars OM. pile hundred dollars ($100). Ave hundred dollars (S6OO. and one thousand dollars 01.000). INTEREST will sornmense from date of subscription, or the ac crued Interest from the let of March can be paid in coin. Or. until further notice. In 17. S. note* or notes of Na tional Banks, adding (GO) fifty per cent. to the amount for premium. C. H. CL II • mh29-tf President. I. 0 A. N. NEW U. S. 10-10 s. JAY COORE dg CO. OFFER POE RAU Tan NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, 13taring Aye per Gent, interest, in coin. Redeemable any time after TEN YEARS, at the pleasure of the Government, and payable FORTY YEARS after date. Both COUPON ,AND REGISTERSD BONDS are issned . for this Loan, of same denominations as the 'Five- Twenties. The Intereet on $5O and $lOO payable yearly. on all other denominations halt-yearly. The TEN FORTY BONDS are dated March L 1884. the half-yearly interest falling due September 1 and March 1 of each year. Until let Sept emillSr, the accrued interest from let March is required to be paid by purchasers in coin, or in legal currency. adding 60 Per cent. for premium. until farther notice. All other Government securities bought and sold a.AL - sr 4c4ociairm ar, CO., 11l SOUTH THIRD STREET. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER OF THE CtIRRRNOY, WARRINGTON. February 26th, 1884. . . . . Whereas, by saticfactory evidence presented to the tindereitned, it has been made to appear that the Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia. and State of Pennsylvania. has been duly organized under and according to the requirements of the act of Congress. entitled "an act to provide a na tional currency, secured by a pledge of 'United. States stocks. and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof." aprn Dyed February 25th, 1883. and has com plied with all the iprovisions of'said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking, Now. therefore I, Hugh McCullooh, Comptroller of the Currency do hereby certify that the FOICIPH NA TIONAL BANK OF PHIL &HELPFUL, county of Phila delphia, and State of Pennsylvania. is authorized to commence the business of Banking; under the act afore said. • . In teskimony 'whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, this twenty•sixth day of February, 1864. HUGH MoffEiLLOCH, Comptroller of the Currency' JOHN HORN, JR., STOCR•COMMISSIOH DBOring, NO. 140 SOUTH THIRD STRISCr. (up STAIRS.) PHILADELPHIA. REFERENCES: Iffeesre.Thes.A.Diddle& Ca Mese.Galiclisealester.&oo. Messrs. E. S. Whalen Is Co. Messrs. Drone/ di co. Ileenze. Bnzby 4 Co. Ho - aZ, Williume,Nsq. Ales ander Biddle Beg . P. rT Hutchinson. MM. G. H. Troutman. J6sq. D. B. Cummins. Seq. Jas. G. Hine& Bona. New Turk. te2B-2m SECOND NATIONAL •--THILADBLYRI it, FRANKFORT). CAPITAL EOM*. WITH TO PRIVILEGE OR IN CREASING TO Sboo.ooo. 'NATHAN HILLES, President WILLIAM H. RHSWD. Cashier, (Late of the Philadelphia Bank.) DIREOTORS: NATHAN' HILLES °mom= E . Kwarmart, OBOROR W. BRAWN. BENJ. ROWLAND JiLi SiMON R. SNYDER. IiRSJ. H. Irs AcON. EDWARD HAYES, JOHN worm,. LEWIS SHALLOROSS, The Second National Bank of Philadelphia is now *Den at N 0.1214 MAIN Street, Prankford,' for the trans action of a General Banking Business anon the usual terms. Collertiong anon all ansulbla points will be made Won S• Rimb eral terms. Keened Cighlayfa l B LACK HAWK GOLD 3IININO- COMPANY'. MINES—BOBTAIL, GREGORY &c.. LODES—GILPIN CO., COLORADO. CAPITAL, 50,000 SHARES $lOO EACH. TRUSTEES: F. R JUDD. Now York. W. L. LEE, Colorado. ANTH*NI ARE MIX. Now York. GEOUGE BLISS. JR.- New York. 0. W. CHILE. New York. J. R. WILLIAMS, New York. J HaLL PLEASANT& Baltimore. LEONARD 6 WSIT. Washington. CARLOS PIERCE Boston. President—F. H JUDD. Vice President—W I. LEE Treasurer—WALTEß E LtWTON. SecretiwyD LITTLEJOHN. Counsel—JOHNO L WOOD WARD. MELEE, OFFICE, No. 25 CLIFF STREET, NEW YORK apIS-lm BRIGGS ROLD CO. MINES-BRIGGS & GREGORY LODES, GILPII COUNTY, OOLORADO. CAPITAL 10.000 SHARES-5100 EACH. TRUSTEES. S. SMITH BRIGGS GEO. M. WILLMAN Chicago. ANTHONY V New;york. HENRY COGGILL R. CORNELL warrE •. c. V. A L ES , L Hudson, N. T. WM. O . presId A e N n G ;, I ti L . L SII • ITH BRIGGS. Providence, B. L Treasurer, WAL cER Secretary, D. LiTTLEICHN. Conned, J. S. WOODWARD. Mining Superintendent. CHAS. H. BRIGGS, aP2.lm . Office 25 CLIFF Street, New York. HOPE GOLD COMPA•NY. MINES-" GOLD DIRT LODE. °Hybl county. Colorado. CAPITA.T., 80.000 _MARES, OE wk. TRUBTBIIB. JOHN SPANS. Colorado. N H. JUDD, New York H S. COHU, New York. WILLIAM MOLLS& New York. CEO. GEAFFLIN. Baltimore. BEEMAN FUNKS. New York. R. CORNELL WHITS. Now York. M. C TYLER. New York. B. G. ARNOLD. Providence. PRBSTDENT. His ErtgellencYliiliff 'EVANS, Governor of Colorado Territory. 171 CH PRZEIMBNTIL Non. S. 0. ARNOLD. Dr. R. H. REDD. Treesurer. WALTER B. LA.WTON. Secretary:J. P. DAVISS. 111142.1 m 01E No. ES CLIFF Street, New York. KENNEDY, STAIRS, & CO., Nos. 130 and 132 North Wharves, ABOVE ARCH STREET, WEf OLESALE DEALERS PICKLED AND DRY FISH. A large stock. In snorted packages. suitable for Coun try Trade. always on band. apls2m MONUMENTS AND GRAVE STONES--A large assortment of Grave. Stones. of various designs, winds of the finest Italian and American Marbles. constantly on band at the Marble Works of ADAM STEIVISIETZ, RIDGE Avenue. below Eleventh street, rhiladeinbta. aplB 3m if 8.-RADPORD'S POWDER WILL • sure Thptherta, Malignant Scarlet Fever. Putrid Sore Throat. Ulcerated Month and Throat Prepared only by SATTERTHWAIT, 957 North SIXTH Street; HEOMER, No. 903 CHESTNU T Street aplB-mwe3ts 11 - 13ATON & DENOKLA, HARDWARE -s-s- Commission Merchants. 59700M1L180M sad 610 BORTH Str ets. offer for sale: Anchor Brand )ails; Plymouth MM Rivets. W. dr S. Brasher's Cast steel; .Bagle Cabinet Looks. Pianam's Horse Belle; Leaks a School Slates. Copper. Brass. and Iron Wire:. Cotton cards.. Allo, s ftal alaartimant of Synarieran Hardware- WOW moon) SUCCEEDS SO WELL AS B. T T F. 1111riflill in the production of Irorrtypes ? those charming life•like and truthfully solored like nesses See specimens at 624 AECH Street. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL BIGHTS. ARTIFICIAL HUMAN lil<lO . In without pale, by .TAMSS W. WIWI & CO., 924 CHISTKIIT Street. OPERA GLASSES AND OFFICERS, FIELD GLASSES. Microscopes for Physicians and Students. A very large assortment for sale by .JAMBEI 4- &MIEN & GO.. 92 CREEMNUT treet. MATHEMATICAL DRAFTING IN STROMBNTS. Cbesterman s Metallic and liteel-tane Measures. For sale by JAMES W. QUEEN a Co_ 9E4 CHESTNUT sheet. Priced and Illnatratad flatalomas gratis_ ralde-1m ( - ,4.1t P E T 8.-NOW IS THE TULA they an fresh. and Yen but of colors. .Tnst tn. mtalars • WM. OBSAGMILM, Mo. 447 N. 6110311 D Moble.east idea. P. A. HARDING & CO., STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, 1864. 1864. WOOD & CART, -726 OLIESTMUT STREET, STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. P. 8. —MERCHANTS AND MILLINERS are invited to examine before purchasing. as our STOCK IS MILL and moss LOW, Eth3.2m WOOD a CARL , • SPRING. 1864. .BROOKS 4. ROSENBEIN, 431 MARKET STREET, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN RIBBONS, BONNE2 .I LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HATS, FLOWE:RS - , AND MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY. rah 23.1 m 44 WE RESPEcTFULLY CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE M I Mit A. LI E To OITA STOLE OF • SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. HAYS NOW OFBN A. BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH FLOWERS, RIBBONS, SILKS, LACES, VEILS, &c. BERIHEIIII, '726 CHESTNUT STREET. mh29•lm 41:1 MISS M. A. BAKES, No. 1346 CHESTNUT STREET. Haß opened a larga ageortment of PARIS MILLINERY. apl2.-Mn• For the Epring and Summer of 1864 ARMY GOODS, FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY.% EVANS & 111. A. S S La, * IVO 41 rPAIN ai OP ;4.:•• t=) r.. D•V ;41=',1td Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Sworde, Bashes, Belts, Penman, Epaulets , Hats. Caps, Con temn, Haversacks, Camp Kits, Field Glasses, Spurs, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit o Army and Eavy Officers. • A liberal diaconal allowed to the trade. . apls-Im. FURLOUGIIS. Officers end Soldiers, visiting the city ..eg Furlough, needing SWORDS, BANK OF •nd other MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, are invited to the very extensive Manufacturing Bstablishment of SANSOH.STREET HALL. SAIASOM Street. above Sixth. PRESENTATION SWORDS Made to order at the shortest notice. which, for richness and magnificence, challenge competiVon,ne other house in the country combirtinff the MAISUFACTUBINGt JEW. BLEB. with the PRACTICAL BWORD-IIIARRR. tablo.2m FROTETINGHANI dt WELLS lIEAV sHi T E XEDIUAL AND LIGHT SHEET/NHS AND th.TINOS. STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CAD TON FLANNELS. WASH. NOTON AND VICTORY OAMBNIOS AND sfraores. szoir. fiLBACMID, Am) Oman .13/11111. In. l it WOR S TED riBIL ielfaf LYON'S ICATETAIRON. Kathairon Is from the Greek word "Kathro." or " Ka. thalro," signifying to cleanse, reluvenate. and restore. This article is what its name signifies. For preserving. restoring and beautifying the HUMAN HAIR it is the most remarkable preparation In the world. It Is again owned and put up by the original proprietor. and Is now made with the same care, skill, and attention which gave it murals of over one million bottles per salaam. It is a moat delightful Hair Dressing. It eradicates scurf and dandruff. It keeps the bead cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft, and glossy. It prevents the hair from falling off and turning gray It restores hair upon bald heads. Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head of hair should use LYON'S HATHAIRON. It 18 known and need throughout the civilised world. Bold by all respectable dealers . DEMtS 8. BA_ENIIB & CO.. New York. This is the most delightful and extraordinary article ever discovered. It changes the sun burnt face and. hands to a pearly satin texture of ravishing beauty, im parting the marble purity of youth. and the &Mama appearance so inviting in the city belie of fashion. It re moves tan. freckles. pimples, and roughness from the Skin. leaving the complexion fresh, transparent. and smooth. It contains no material injurious to the skin. Patronised by actrseses and opera singers. It is what every lady should have. gold everywhere. • Prepared by W. N. HAOAN. Troy. N. Y. Address all orders to DIMAS S. BARNES & CO.. New York. HEENBTEEET'S INIMITABLE HUB REST°- BATIVE.-NOT A BY E , But Totems gray hair to its original color, by saPPlYiag the capillary takes with natural sustenance, impaired by age or disease. An instantaneous dues are composed of Zunar caustic. destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of themselves no dreasbag. Heim street's Inimitable Coloring not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy process. but gives the hair VIIXtrItigNT BEAUTY. promotes its growth, prevents its falling off, eradicates dandruff, and imparts health and pleasantness to the head. It has stood the test of time, being the original Hair Coloring, and is constantly increasing in favor. Used by both gentleman and Ladies. It is sold by all eo n:KAl:ado dealers, or can be procured by them of the commercial agents, D. S. BARNES & CO., 203 BROAD• WAY. New York. Two sizes, 50 cents and $l. IIELICAN MESTANG LINIMENT. The parties in St. Louis and Cincinnati, who have been counterfeiting the Mustang Liniment, under pretence of Proprietorship, have been thoroughly estopped by the courts. To guard against further imposition. I have pro cured from the United States TreagarY I Private steel- Plate revenue stamp. which is pissed over the top of each bottle. lash stamp bears thefac sanac of my sig nature, and without which the article is a counterfeit. dangerous, and worthless imitation. Igamine aver/ bottle. Tide Liniment has be en i n use and growing In favor for many years. There'hardly Wats a hamlet on the habitable globe that does not contain evidence of its Wonderful effects. It is the best emollient in the World. With its present improved ingredients, its effects upon min and beast are perfectly remarkable. Sores are healed, pains relieved. lives saved. valuable animals made useful, and untold ills esaavdied. For brniaegi, sprains, rheumatism, swellings. bitty cuts. caked bassets. strained horses. do.. It is a sovereign remedy that should never be dispensed with. It should be in every family. Sold by all druggists. men-me tamiteowem D. 8. BARNES. New Work, MLLE. SEVERIN REPAIRS AND Cleans all aorta of Lamm and Smbroideries, matins thew equal to new. A o. 307 LOMBARD St. .a 08.120 MDDLTNER Y GOODS. IMPOP.TILIte *ND 40710180 07 No. 412 ARCH STAMM. tHIL&DIII.PitUI. - 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL. HAGAN% MIGNOLU BALM. WANTS. A t PRACTICAL BOOK KEEPER AND Accountant desires a situation in 'a Wholesale Itozge l lpr .. l!lnr t uac . ta i l .. Best reference given. sittiltrus TO lIRNITURE DEALERS.- Wanted, a situation by a person thoroughly oornne tent to act as talesman and Rook-keeper. Beet of re forgers in this city and New York. Address •• EL A. It." this office. sulk Sts TO PIANO.? LINERS AND MUSIOAL -= IiffSTHRMENT REPAIRERS.—I wish to engage the bel Inst r ument s gene , al Repairer and Rrorksr on Had. cal that can be found. to go to Washington laity. to have constant employ and good psy , in oty es tablishment. lAddrrpo, for three days, stating your qualifications. care of LEN & ViroLK&E, 723 (klEnr- NUT Street, atving name. residen-e, &p., lOUN ELLIS, aplB.3t* wAsHINGTor. D. 0. T?AUCTIONEERS.—WANTED, A ituatiort by an ex-anctlonaer. Competent to act as 'gateman and boolt•keeper. Boot of reference+. Ad dreea "S. U. A.." ate office ap 6-:36. WAN '1 E D -20 WAGON-M A.KERS and 20 WHEELWRIGHTS Apply to HENRI' SIMONS-Tr. S National Wagon Work% Factory SECOG D and CI7IIISBEL LAD Streeto. aplB-20' WANTED -TEN SOBER, CAREFUL TEAMSTERS. Steady work. ♦nnly to NS ItliT SIMONS U. 8. National Wagon Works, Factory SSUOND and CUMBERLAND Streets. anlB-2c• WANTED --A YOUNG LADY BE TWEEN fifteen and twenty yeare of age, whO ban a ailed education Good referAntoe require& For Dint er rartientare address Peet Office, Box 2534. apl9-2t* WANTED—GENTLEMEN OF GOOD ADDR336. end acqnsinted with the mercantile community, to take erde'e for a ?RSVP BOOK, of tatoraot to mor.l.arit., c. OM at apl6-41 :33 fiouthSlXT EL Street. second dory. WANTED-A SITUATION BY A. T LAD of fourteen. in a Wholesale House, to leari the busireas—Hardware preferred. Address "3 M.' Pram office. apl6-3t* WANTED-A SITUATION BY A competent BOOKKEEPER. Bed reference Mvsn. Address B. P. ,"at this office. apT6-4t* WAN TED—A PARTNER WITH from VI OM to $10,007. in a nafo and proiitaMe manufacturing hivAinnia. whien hae been entnbii , ittei and in aucceil.thi operation for many Yearn Apply In person, or by note. irlyma raid name and addreln. to B. F. GLENN, 23 South FOURT3 Street apls 31• WANTEr---500 CHESTNUT "TOILE- T GRAPTI POLY A " Apply at the Police end *lre Telegraph Office, S. %V. corner YIFTH and cassriviT Stxeetr. same 875 A Ae r N ON TS 1. T.? , ..1 ,7 —. 0 1 . 14:AN t T ,75 T0 THE es pinto; paid. to sell ray new NWT; at *76 FeVtai chives. Addroes S. .t( &MOS. Altred.nre. d&W:ii in WA N TED—A WELL FURNIS E . O . M. in the country, easy of access to the city by cats, where a linalted number of ft ret-clasa boarder. can be accommodated. Address 1100 WAL NUT Street. aplP-2t. arn WANTED TO RENT—A, RE3l mk-Dnicz ON ARCH STREET. —A. three.etory dwell. lug, with hack buildices and modern improvements, wanted by tbelGth of May. Rent from sso+7 to $BOO. Ad dress Box 1(80 Post Office. apls-60 BUIARIDING. CAPE ISLAND.—SELECT BOARD• Dick in a large cottage Pleasant location. Apply at 608 SP aI3CR Street. Reference. exchanged. ante-60 To RENT-WITFI , BOARD, A 'PLEA.- -A- SANT PEWIT ROOM. firrat.bed or not. in a small private family. R t. eference venire& and given. No. CE Stree 225 SOUTH BROAD STREET.—VA cant to-day. an Megan: Parlor, newly faralebetl, and lame clamber commuMee.t.ina. second. derv_ - (niter vacancies for families and single persona anl-1-60 FOR SALE AND TO LET. $7,()00 FOR A stree F i li n N ea E r Ste E n B . ll2 ro E se N' es i Pio E n let of May. $3,600 FORA. RICE MODERN DWELLING on Nine. teenth greet above Green ALSO, OVER (CO DWELLINGS. LARGE AND SMALL Call for "HOME IIEGItTER. " GEORGE N. TOWNSE 12356 SoIITH FOITATEE STS SP THE BEST COAL YARD IN THE CITY FOR SALE. Inquire at OSI North 7 NIN PH St., below Olrard avenue. Terms easy. eaea FOR SALE OR RENT-A COTTON FACTORY, a few miles on of town, or a °artner would he admitted address Box 139 P. 0 ardB 61. eTO RENT—! HE OLD *B LIFEBD Beddtaa. Feather and Mamas Wall , Louse, ale Louth HOOD D. below Dock. Occupied for the above bIIODPPIS tor thirty gears Apolv to B. A. BiITCHBLL, N. E. corner FIFTH and WALNUT. aplB-2t' mmTO 'LET-A DESIRABLE DWEL MMILING. HOUSE on Price-atreet_ second east of Han cock street, Germantown. • REM $509. CH fill tie 3 ALBSICTSON. 1200 GIRARD Avenue. or claim street, beyondlGreen, Germantown. apiS st. en FOR SALE—A DESIRABLE RE .I=I•SIDBSCE. With-beck buildings and modern con veniences. situated at No. 16.33 *P.cII,;B Street. A , so, REaID.F..NCE on the north side M SPBCFC2 Street. above Broad. Also, two story BRICK, corner of SPRUCE and SUBURB. Lot 40 by HO feet . Ann', to 808 aRT MACGBIGOR, • It 419 wAratur Street. it TWO GERMANTOWN COT TAGER. VlOll located. will be em•ebe.ege4 for good City Property. B. F. GLENN. 123 S. FOUR St. apl6 fif DESIRABLE INVESTMENT.— FOR SAVE, on very favorable terms. a large and elegant BR.Orif N-STONS Sroßs. centrally sitnated on SST.NOT Street. Will Veld a net revenue of seven nee Mkt. Apply 4,6 E. R. JON SS, it* No. 209 South sucru etreet. $l5OOO $1.0,000, AND' SMALLER , A SUMS. TO LOAN at Ave per cent.. for a term of years. on Mortgage of City Property. by H. R. JONES, It* No. 209 South SIX !It Street. PERSONAL. INFORMATION WANTED —C ON CEENnve the whereabouts of ANTON and HER MAN BRINGS. born in Waidvelen. B. &when. R. IL Meineter, Sinadoni of Prussia. They emigrated to America in the spring of 1842: Masons by trade. and wien lest heard from were working in the vicinity of Philadelphia. Pa.. in the year 1814. zinc° whichl time nothing has been beard of them. Any information con corning them will be gladly received by their aged and afflicted lather, Who mourns for tient as dead. Address JOHN H. H. BRitgai, Waldvelen Kniee, 13orken, B Meleager Prussia, Or WILLIAM BRINGS, Co. H, Seth P.eg't 111. Vols., • apl6 Chattanooga. Tenn. LOST AND FOUND. LOST—A. CERTIFICAI E OF S.PER CENT. LOAN OF STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, for wrio. 08. dated March 12. 1830. No. 761. in name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also, a Certificate of 5-per sent. Loan of State of Pennerlvania, tor the sem of 3200, doted Juno SO, 1640, No. 1452, In the name of SLI E. PRICE, administrator of William Mere Genera l etust. AS TI/cotton has been made to the Auditoror re newal of said Certificate!: fela-3m STS N. PRICE. No. 811 Allen Street. AUCTION SALE, IMMENSE AUCTION SALE OF A -A- Large and Elegant Collection of Rare and Beautiful SEA SHELLS. At SCOTT di STEWART'S. 622 CHESTNUT Street. To be sold without any reserve or limit as to price, /fly cases direct from London, England, of come or the most splendid MARINE SHELLS ever witnessed in this country, with various other Natural Curiosities, oom prising Corals, Cameos. Pearls, dic., consisting of over OCO Specimens such as have never before bean offered for sale in Philadelphia, and a rare opportunity is now offered to the citizens. The public, and the Radios in partienlar, are invited to extend/le this magnificent assortment of CIINIOSITiEd from the dominlons of Old Neptune They are works of Nature, and no artist that ever Ilved could imitate them 111 shape or color—the wonders and beauties of the mighty deep. Also, a variety of Chinese Fans, Japanese Boxes. and rare Inkstand. The dint sale will take platoon MONDAY MORNING. ISth, atloA. Er_ and at P. M.. and dontinue TUEnDAY and W EDEESDAY, at the same hours. Terms Cash. By order T. 13011'.)N, spit M.* American Agent for the Coinnany. INSURANCE. HAVE lOU PROVIDED FOR YOUR FAMILY AN INSURANCE ON YOUR LIFEI II 0 M LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, MUTUAL, WITH AN AMPLE CASH CAPITAL. WALTER L ORIEFITH, hosanna. G. C. RIPLEY, SEC. I. R. YAOTHINONAN. TRE6I3 WILLIAM 3. COFFIN. ACTUALEY. PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES Hon. William Strong; Bev. Matthew Simpson. P.D. ! Bishop of M B. Chnwoh: Rev Albert Barnes, D. D. ; Rey. James M. Crowell; Thomas Robins . Ben ; Lewis B. Ash burst. Baq ; Samuel Welsh, Baci James Dunlap. Esq.; W. E. leiee Beg t John Elea Esq. ; Charles Humph reys. Req. ; John B Austin, Seq.; - 8 O. Palmer. Beg C. B. Mount, Esq.; Samuel C. Perkins Esq. • John ft.. - Penfose,"eva ; Samuel Field. Beg.; Masora. B. W. Clark MPCo. • Buckner. McCinnmon, & Co ; John B. Mteis CO. P.Objedniti Bullock & Sons ,• Wm. S & Alfred Mar- Men; George B. Reese, Son. & Co. ; J B McCreary & Co. ; George Cookman & Co. ; D. B. Kershaw & Co. ; Kay & Brother. JOHN H. PACKARD, N, Aq MEDICAL R xmcursa. No. 1225 SPRUCE STREET. In attendance at Agent's Office daily from 1 to 2 P. M PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, ~K~j :3 :! ~I:i y~Y + l w r:l _ iy Ali ~h i :~.~1:4 ;3~~~~ ~i» ~i ~Y y-~ B. K. ESLER. AGENT itp4-mosin NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE IN. KGRARCE. COMPINY. OF BOSTON. ESTABLISHED P 343. ACCUMULATED CAPITAL N.Ba SLY 58,000,000. A person aged 82 can insure $B,OOO on hie life in the New England Matual Life Insurance Company. by Pay ing 272.80 in cash. and note for the same amount. In all &IA companiee 104woiald Only insure AMOCO- The Note plan adds $3,080 at once. The Caeh plan adds only 81,8t0 in 17 years. In the hots Company the dividends are applied to can celling the notes, thus reducing the amount of both prin eiral and interest In the event of death. the heirs of the insured under the Note system, would receive 88, 000, less the notes un raid. Inste Cash Compan only 0.000 would be paid to the belt of the deceased... y Pamphlets and applications may be had at the BB,AACH OFFICE. No. 4;13 CHNSTOUT Street. WILLIAM GETTY. It Agent and Attorney for Pennsylvania. FAME INSUBAN iko. atm PHIMIND LADI 7IEJ6 AND /Dial DIUO numis N. Duet, Charles Richardson. Henn. 0. W. Davis. ' Dvs. P. D Justice, George A. 110 . 0 t. THANOID • - CEAS. RIO w. T. BLAWCTILARD. &WM CA RTES DE VISIT) .-IT IS EVI "--" dent, at a glance. that RIINER,B artists are Patna' taking and skilful. Hie Carte de Melte prove lt. Oat. tern. SECOND Street. above Oreen. YELLOW OR OHESTER-SPRINGS SUMMNE ESSOBT, CHISTSB COUNTY, PA.—The Subecriber wtll earn this beautiful Summerßesort for the reception OS Visitors on MAY 1,. thee For further infor• nation. inquire or Messrs. SARNIENTO & eicatiATEl, No. 120 CBEST/117T Street, or address the subscriber. at the Ewing'. aplMmyl A. U. SNYDER, Superintendent. CARP ETS, OIL CLOTHS, AND WIN., DOW MAIMS —Neer Mock of Noilleb Darpete_ iturt received. and for sale asap. at Wm. OBIAGUILLWEI. Mo. 441 North SNOOND street. below Noble. Beet lah.lll-ite CE COMPANY) =S TRUT. ILPHIA. ,ND INSURANCE none. Sohn W. Ivermaa. Robert B. Potter, John Roesler, Jr., X D Wooing. 1 Charles Stokes. seph D. BM Jo X, Presid Alli nt. e.DBOII. The President. AMUSEMENTS. R 0 V ER'S CHESTNUT-STREET THEATER LEONARD GEOPBE . MANAGSN. (Alto of Gums% naafi% WashimpitOo, D. C, MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 161, 1804. FIRST MORI' 0 P Tim ORAND OPERA. MARTHA: OR. THE FAIR AT RICHMOND. Grand Opera, by F. Von Flotow. Madame Jobannsen ..... ....as Lady Harriet. Mlle Frederic' ae .Nana{ M. Primmer. ...— as Lionel. Sr. Stained° ass...Pid,A,9:. M Graff ae Lord T. ii. M. Carl Lebmann. as Jails. - , CARL ANSCHLITZ ........ . ....... Conductor. SCA LI OF PRIOR - . During the Opera Season. Orchestra .eats 31_ 00_ No extra charge for securing. Drees Circle end Parquet 50 Cents Family Circle 25 seats extra for secnrinx. 25 Cents. A. BIR9FELD. 80.8111388 Agent. TUESDAY 'EVENING. APRIL IRrri IL BARBIEVE DE REVIGLIG. ET RIMAINT. WEDNESDAY EVENENCI, APRIL 2111 Ta FetIST. IiIiAND•OPEE/1 Si OCIUNAIIh, [wits can be proenred at the Box (mace of the Theatre. arid J. E Gould's Masie.Store. aptft MRS. our DREW'S NEW A:Roti. STREET THEATRE. Donets crowded In every per t , Third week of MRS. JONA DREW. Third week and strand ettccenl of ROSEDALE: OR. THE RIFLE BALL. With its GRAND SCENERY. FINE ADTING. - MECHANICAL EFFECTS, and BRILLIANT DANCING 'ROSA LEIGH Mlig. JOHN DEM FRIDAY. MRS. JOHN DREW'S BENEFIT. Play Secured one Week In advance. to commence at Mt k 9; terminate at JUL anlB3l UT• STREET THEATRE_ FOFITIVELY -L AFT FTX NIGHTS OF TFIS DAVY.I . IPORT-W A LLAG LLT A Sek, Another Week of Sterling Good Plays. Donee Nightly Crowded. An dinzcer Delighted TFITS (monde)) EVENING. Aorll 18th. will be performed the Romantic Drama. entitled ST. MARG. Tbe Boldif rrf Fortnee. St. blare. a gala IA? of Tfoi.v uo ,,, L. Davenport ! Gismondo. hie friend, J. W. Wallach; Dlenora. a rich Modenee Lady, Airs. Ferran. To con clude with the laugh We Farce. celled. bIISCIIIEF ifAkEtiG AOA - DE m r i orui g t F musi 0. ITT GRACE GREENWOOD, FOR THE BEIc'EFIT OF THECOMMITTEF. ON A LABOR, ISCOMES, ND REVENUE • OF TIAR GREAT tANTRAL FAIR FOR VIP SANITARY COMM/WON, OV THIS (MONDAY) LVENING. April 18th. SUBJECT, "LIGHTS OF THE WAR CLOUD." TICKETS FIFTY CENTS No extra charge far reserc.d seats For Pale at the Gook and ratite Ptorees . . . . Tickets also for sale Eby F. Leypoldt. N. F. ehruer of Juniper and Chestnut sired% and by Pugh, Muth and Chestnut streets. It ANNA E. DICKINSON WILL SPEAK "RECONSTRUCTION," AT TITE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ON THURSDAY BYRUM°. April Mat, at e o'Clook. - AdmiesSou 25 cents; Remerved Seats 50 cents. Tickete to be obtained on and after Monday, April IS. at Asbraead dt Evan.', 724 Cheltant etreat, and at the Acaiemy of apls•6t. SIGNOR N. PEItELLI'S GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUNIFNTAL corvosam For the Benefit of the GRees. MIN FAIR FOR TIFF SANITADY CoaI:USK - ON. AT THE MUSICAL FUND HALL. FRIDAY FY/TROTH. Ann! D. 15&4 SIGNOR PERELLI respe , t'ally informs Ma Mende and the pribiic that be will be aesisted oe the ah, F4 oceation he hie heat pnnile. veld babe kindly ionderiri iber valnable service n A large and effective Orchestra. and a fall chores of Lhdien and Gentleuien, will take part in the perform n r Ca. Tickets TWO DOLLARS etch, to be bad at all the principal Dintic Storer. an'l-mth4t• ELEVEN OPERA. HOUSit, "THE FAMILY 'RESORT." CAROCROSs aND MEET'S MINSTRELS. TSB GREAT STAR TROUP Etheir OE THE WOlidLT# In SELECT E.TBIOPItat SOIREES. Splendid Sineinv. Beantiftil Dancing, 14.11441. 4 ero.. by TWENTY TAI ENTER ARTISTS, EVERY EVENING THIS WEER, Tielmte2o milt,. Doom ~p on at 7 o'clock. te27-3m J. L CARNOROSS, Business EfanApte. THE GREAT PTCTURE AT COBCESVRTENHTG ALL L'llfintliE ROOM WEBI3. Commencing MONDAY &aril 11th. J. Insco celebrated PANORAMA OP THE BIBLE. This is the poet complete and finished Painting of the Sacred Scriptures in the world, comprising over fifty al the most SUBLIME AND THRILLING KRIM Of 'Melia three thousand years of Biblical History. forming altogether one of the finest exhibitions of tha age. OPEN EVERY EVENING at a quarter to 8 o'clock. Aernbision 26 cents. IS B.—Matinees on Wednesday. Thursday. Prided". ane Saturday afternoons, at 3 o'ilock. ' • Admission for Children 10 cents. fel9-ba PENNSYLVANIA. ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS. 1025 CHESTNUT STREET CLOSED to Prepnve for the ANNUAL EXHIBITION. Will open on the Asth of APRIL. By order of COMMITTEE ON SXlllllt Oit. ap9nf GERMA_NI A. ORCHESTRA.--PIIBLI 0 REHEARSALS evert SATURDAY . it 9 o'clock. V. M At the 114IISIOALL FUND BALL, Slues suk o pp, cents.' Packages of nix ticket,. MI. To be had at MG VIM'S. 1104 CEINSTAUT Street, J. B 00IILD. YENTH and CHESTNUT. and at the Hall door. fen-11 MILITARY. IWANTED -A FEW IVIEN FOlt , THE lead Nentnient. Penna. Vole., Clol. CleoreeP Hamm Also, one cvd Fife Nrajor and eeveral Fifers. Nogg but good ronalclana newt apply to Lieut. T. G KOHONY- IB3d Roe, P. V.. apl2.Bt* No. 41 North SIXT El Street. A NAVAL AND MARINE tSERVIOE. CITY AND WARD BOUNTY! ADVANCE PAY AN 0 PRIZE MONEY! MEN W4NTED for the NAVAL SERVICE and MA. RINK CORPS, who will be entitled to all the City Bonn. ties, in addition to Prize Money. Seamen will receive an advance of three months` pay as bounty. Application to he made at once to WM. E. LEHMAN Captain and Provost Marshal First District Patina., inh3d-tf 245 South THIRD Street. EDIUCATIONAL. 1r 0 N G MEN, WHO WILL NOT -a- blindly tread the beaten path; those who are pro gr,- salve; who believe in the possibility of improvement; and who are willing to lay hold of the best means in. their power to secure their advancement in the world. can, by spending a few weeks at the QUAKER CITY DINISIBIN COLLYAS, N. B. corner of TiffrlH and CHSSTIfin Streets, somae tbat wbicb. under all circumstance., will be an available capital—a thorongb, practical education for business. The progress which this inetitution has made is one of the beet evidences of Its superior advantages. It hat been establiebed less than eta months, and is contesseoly the largest and moet prosperotte Commercial School in the State. Nor Is title due to any fictitious C 18111155 or pretensions, but to earnest efforts to excel; to make the course of instruction thorough and practical; to spare no expense to mate the place attractive and plea sant; but, above all, to the fact that the managers have dared to inward worn•ont systems and introduce nth sienna' improvements on the old order of VW nge, Visitors are always welcome and we earnestly Invite those interested to call and Judge for thems elves. Send for a Circular and Illustrated. Compendium. showing complete interior views of the establish ment. aplS•it*r LEGAL. TN 7 HE ORPH A NS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COPNTY OF pal I.m)Fap}u/k. Estate of -- hreikrZ - 1:1) ;R . L WS. deFeiii d Notice ie hereby given 'hat the widr•vr of naid dece dent halt filed In said Court her petition, and an SD , prateement or the personal estate which she elects to retain, under the act or April 14th. 1851. and the sup- Plemt.nts thereto, and that the same will be approved on FRIDAY. the sixth day of May, MK nolese map• tons be filed thereto. vim. W. .ITIV&NAL. aplS-mth4L Attorney for MARY ANN LING. TN-TrtE ORPFIA.NS' COURT FOR THE -A- CITY AND . COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate . . . . Notice le hereby given that the widow of eaid dece dent boa flied lu said Court her petition, and an ap prattement of the pereoue/ Witte which she elects to re• WE. under tie act of inrlll4, 1851. and the mundementa thereto, and% that the same will be approved by meta Court on FRIDAY, the sixth day of May. 1854. unless exceptions be filed thereto WM. W. JIIYRN uplB mtb4t Attorney for A CINR HAUGH. T RTI RES OF ADMINISTRATION -•-• haying been granted to the undersigned on the es tate of PRA) Z ADAM LINs, deceased, al/ persons in delved. and those having claims, will pay or oresent the same to MARY Afill LINS. Ad mintstratrix. splB met . No. 116 GIRARD Avenue. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY HAV ing been THIS DAY granted to the undersiensd as Executors of the last will and testament of MANG atar HOFFMAN. late of the city of Philadelphia. deceased. all perscne indebted to her estate will make payment. and all persons having claims against the same will Present them without delay to Wit:Meld C. SMITH, grill'a Lane, Twentr.fonrth Ward: JOHN sELLSRS. Upper Darby. Delaware county. Executor,. aplB m6to APRIL 6, 1884 PROPOSAXIM, O FFICE DEPOT COMMISSARY OF ST/BSISTENOB WAMINGT9.N. D. C. PRi;tigag".iii s ir: SEALED FROPOSA LE3 ere la7ited Until tl3e 25111 inSi,t a t 12 o'clock M., for trirnishing the tinbaletence Depart ment whb EIGHT THOUSAND (8.0001 DAYMBLIEI OF FLOGS.. The proposals will be for what is known at ibis depot ar Nos. 1. 2. and S. and bids will be entertained for any onantTty lees than the whole Hide Nina be in duplicate. and for each grade on sepa rate sheets of paper, The Flour to be fresh ground, and delivered 111 new oak barrels. bead lined. The delivery of the Flour to commence within five days Irom the opening of the bide, and •in each gamin— tles daily as the Government may direct: delivered at the Government warehouse in Georgetown.. at th e wharves or railroad depot in Washington, D. O. The delivery of all - Flour awarded to be &Imitated within twenty dal a from the opening of the blds. Payment will be made in certificates of indebtedness. or such other funds as the Government may have for disbursement._ The usual Government inspection will be made just before the Flour is received, and none will be accePted which is not fresh ground. Ar oath of allegiance meet Adcompans• the bid of a"fr bidder who bits not the oath on ille in this office. and on bid will be entertained from parties who have previous ly failed to comply with their bide, or from bidders not present to respond. Government reserves the right to reject any bid for any cause. Bids to be addressed to the randiEsios . d..st 140. 3X3 street. endorsed "Yrrel e G aEla splB-7 Captain and G. S. V. Mc CORD'S PATENT AMERICAN RAITLE BATTON. The best instrument of Marin and defence in the world. Sold by the inventor. No. I.44 mithent en SIXTH, below Bees. ap il• houseke kaeperki should. be s. las _ _ _ ag og FOB' ALBANY AND. MOT, via Delaware and Raritan Canal. The barge NONTBRIY. Capt. R DARVIIIid. U Doe" loading at 14 Wbarf below SPRI7OIi Street, for the shore into. and will leave on WYDNBSDAY. at 6 P. id.. IPor freight, which will be taken at reasonable rates, aPplr to D L. PLANA.GAN, Agent. aplB-34 804 South Delaware Avenue. 06%MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LO a NED upon Diamonds, Watches Tewa/m. Plata. Clothing. &a.. at JONES & CO 'a Ola-' Established Loan Office, corner THIRD and OsESILL Streets, below Lombard, ate gm If OORREOT PIANO TUNING. —Mr. O. I. BAEGUT'B Orders for Tnnbil and Beriairins are received M MAWR is 00. w Store. 90T WV Street, cab, Ur, S. ha, had elepst Tears' radorrorpozioare 346. SM. and AT . OluPPTSlelit rathiarariu& OPBOIAL —rano' ressathered to maid as soi led sweet t for d one as new. wethost ressovbse. sautaug Terms Tts*. I.L Aprilli, 1884
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