yrki.V. CITY. Tharmoostevar APRIL U, 186S.APRIL 13, 1664. 6 A. M.... 12 31....3 r. 31 - .....12 r. 46 46 ,6o 41.... ..... 43 WIND. WI3D. NNW....N by E...NNW E E ENE UNTIED STATES ARMY, PAY DISTRICT OF pzriveyw r A NLA— 0 111ae or the Chief reytouter, Baltimore Put), APrii Itte4, Arrangement' for the payment Of the Pennsyl yam/ Emergency troops, called into service by the Governor in September. 1862, will shortly be com pleted. To facilitate the work, I have divided the State into three districts, with a supervising pay master for each, viz : Id District, Major David Taggart, at Philadelphia, embraces the counties IN Bergs, Buck., Carbon, Chester, Delaware, Lehigh, Montgomery, North ampton, Philadelphia, Schuylkill, and Wayne. 24 District. Major D. H. McPhail, at Harrisburg. The counties of Adams. Blair, Bradford, Cambria, Centre, Columbia. Cumberland. Dauphin ; Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Juninta, Ls:muter, Ittbanoll, Luzerne, Lycoming, Mifflin, Montour, Northum. berland, Perry, Snyder, Union, Wyoming, and York. • . 3(1 District. Major Russell Errett, at Pittsburg. The counties of Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, But ler, Crawford, _Erie, Indians, Lawrence, Warren, Washington, and Westmoreland, These, as appears from the returns to the ti.dju tent General of the State, are all the counties in which were organized any of the troops in question. Any information desired by parties interested will promptly be furnished on application to the proper supervising paymaster. Each of the named supervising Officer. Will ar range the details within his district, looking to the Convenience of claimants and the finishing of the work assigned him with the least practicable delay. tie will designate the points and dates of rendez vous, and the paymasters to officiate at each. These, at the proper time, he will have announced in the newspapers of the district, Where the officer or soldier cannot be present at his designated place of rendezvous, to sign the rolls, the payment may be made to his attorney upon power duly executed. Form Will not be exacted. The simple authority, in few words, to sign and receive, Will be i t ith o ient. This in all cases the power must be acknowledged be lore a notary,justice, or other magistrate. If the brat, his seal notarial must be affixed. If the others, the exemplification under the seal of a court of re cool. These conditions are indispensable to protest the GOVOIAMent against fraud. R W. BRICE, Chief Paymaster. As the above circular is a matter of general inte rest, the newspapers throughou: the first subdistrict are respectfully requested to give it publicity through their columns. DAVID rA4:3113-AR r, Paymaster, U. S. A. PHILADELPHIA, April 13. tiM. EXPLOSION OF STEAM Bormots. —The - recent disaster in the Second ward has awakened universal attention to the suojett of steam• boiler explosions, and in a number of instances the boilers of large and small establistonente are undergoing e thorough inspection, with a view to apply the pro per remedy, in case of any defects that may be as certained. This inspection, of course, is, attended with considerable expense, as the work in the foundries or factories is suspended for the time. In one factory in the southern section of. the city three days will be requited to make the nenemary exami nation. There are thousands of steam boilers used in Philadelphia for various purposes, and many of them are run at far higher pret sure than that which caused the explosion on the eventful morning of the sixth instant. The effects of the disaster are being more felt in the southern part of the city than in the northern ; and, therefore, there is mote anxiety in respect to this suhjeet down town. The excitement may not have remitted the northern or even the central part of Philadelphia, where thousands of boilers are , in daily use, and people may yet remain to some extent in fancied security. It would be well, however, that a thorough, uni versal inspection of boilers should be made in order to ascertain any leakage or thin places in the iron. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. There are some tall factories where several hundred operatives are continually emplosed, while the power to drive the machinery is derived from steam generated in the basement of the buildings An ex• plosion in such a place would be attended with frightful loss of life, and the public would again be appalled at another calamity. The proprietors of such places should order an inspection of the boilers. Such is due to themselves and those they employ, and to the community at large and to general hu- Inanity. THE NEW CITY LOAN. Yesterday at noon the proposals for the purchase of the new six per•cent. loan of the city of Philadelphia, for $l,- 250,000, authorized by ordt-ance approved Marsh let, and also of the loan for $3,000000, authorized by ordinance approved March 28th, were opened by the Mayor, in the presence of the City Treasurer, the City Controller, and Chairman of the Finance Court mittee. This was the second time since consolida -lion that the Mayor has received proposals for loan. The City Treasurer had recently paid nut in soldiers' bounty warrants the sum of $3.250,000, which was borrowed, in order that the ominous of recruiting should surfer no detriment. The new loan la to re pay those Individuals and eorporations from whom The money was borrowed. The bids amounted to $3,338,500, of which there were awarded : $2 . 160,000 to Drexel & Co, 3CO 000 to Philadelphia Bank. 150 MO to. Thomas & Di-:die & 30,000 to Cooper &r. rirafr. 30 000 to Franklin Fire Insurance Company 11,000 to Joseph Jones (trustee). $2,671,000 At premiums ranging from 106 03 to 109.09 and the balance of g 667,500, at lower brambling, teas declined. The average rate at which the loan was dispoaed was $lO6 463 , and the amount of premium realized is $173,237.60. The bids which were rejected ranged above par, but were not miff :Latently high to warrant the Mayor in acceptine them. On the market city loan sells at a rate somewhat higher, but this, it must be remembered, bears interest front the tat of January. The interest on yesterday's loan com mences with the day of its issue. The result is con sidered highly satisfactory, and will relieve the city treasury of a great embarrassment. DELEGATE ELECTIONS_—The loyal citi zen. of Philadelphia, agreeably tO the cell of the 'Union Stare Central Committee, will in their re spective wards elect candidates for delegates to the 'rations conventions to be held under this call ; also, to elect ajudge and two inspectors from each pre. Moot to conduct an election to be held in said pre cincts on Tuesday, April 19 1864, between six and eight o'clock P. M. At the election held under this call, the citizens of each precinct will vote for one delegate to a convention consisting of wards com prising a Congressional district; said delegates shall elect two delegates and two alternates to a National Convention to be held at Baltimore, June; 1564. to nominate a President and Vice Presided of the 'United States ; also, one delegate to a represen tative and one delegate to a senatorial convention, to eleet representative azd senatorial delegates to • State convention to be held at Harrisburg, April 28, 1664.10 r the purpose of electing delegates at large to the Baltimore Convention, and the selection of an electoral ticket. NAVAL COURT MARTIAL. A naval ccurt martial, of which Commodore Latimer is pre sident, has been convened at the navy yard, for the trial of Acting Master Charles Danenhower, of the United States navy, upon a charge of murder on the high twee, in shooting one mate of the bark Saxon, in October last, off the coast of Africa. The charges are preferred by the Secretary of State, upon tile in formation of Lord Lyons. The case Was submitted to a court of inquiry, after the return of the Vander bilt, on which the accused was serving, and ha was fully exonerated from tdaniei and justified for the act, and the finding, it is understood, was approved by the Secretary of the Navy. The British minister, not being satisfied with the result of the proceedings, has induced the Government to subject Air. Gauen hower to the ordeal of a naval court, and the casein now progressing. Tile accused is defended by A. Thos, Smith, Eig., of Washington, D. C. DIED IN A STATION-lIOUSE. —A man, about Ea years of age whore name is supposed to be William Wilson, of ' New Jersey, was found dead In a cell at the Eighth-weird police station, about '7 otabock yesterday morning. He was arrested the Pr_evious evebluX, while in a state of intosication. The deceased had gray hair and whiskers, and wore a blue blouse, knit jacket, gray shirt and high boots. The coroner held an inquest on the body, and ren dered a verdict of death from natural causes. DEATHS OF. SoLDIEE9.—The following death, were reported at the Medical Director's °Mee yesterday, from the army hospitals: Clonoalndent, Sixteenth and Filbert—Alex. McWilliams , CO. EN, 26th Regiment Penna. Vole. ; John B Muzzle, 152 d Regiment Penna. Vole. Summit House—James Waldron, Co. H, 19th Regtweet Mein Vole.; Henry H. Vamp, Co. B , 32,1 Regiment United States colored troops; Thom Coggtoe, Co. if, lame regi went. °BOBBED TO BE READY.—A7I order was received 'at the headquarters of the supervisory committee from Washington yeaterday, ineruoting Them to b ave the 43:1 Regiment United States Colored Troops ready to leave at a moment's notice. This regiment numbers at present nearly seven COM patiee. All the regiments at Camp William. Penn ale now under menhir% orders. Their destination we retrain from publishing. TEE PHILADELPHIA. YACHT Taoist Club of this city wilt take ponession of the new elub.house in Camden next week. The club house has been bandn,roely fitted up, at a cost of about $l,OOO The club now numbers over one hun dred and forty members Tdc first grand regatta of the season will take place on the Second Tuesday of June, and great preparations are making for the event. IN AID OF EAST TENNEssir.B.--Col. N. G. Taylor, of East Tennessee, is making a general tour throughout The slate, masking earnest appeals to the people in behalf of hit much abused notion of eOtustry. Re recently iniarersed large meeting' at Pottsville and Reading, and met with warm re. spouses. RAILROAD CASR.—The coroner's jury in the ease of George W. Stokes, aged two years, who was run over and killed by a Tie.tonville Pagemaker Railroad ear, rendered a verdict that the said Geo. W. Stokes came to big death by being accidentally run over by a Hestonville ear on the Bth day of April, 1864. FOUND IN A cIANSPO()L.—iin infant a,bout IMO weeks old was found dead, yesterday, in the cesspool of house No. 1564 Amboy street. The cow. uer held an inquest on the body. He ordered a post modem examination to be made. — PARADE PowrPolmo.--The parade of the colored troops stationer at Camp William Penn, which was to have taken place in the city yester day, was postponed on account of the bad weather. It will take place the next clear day. TEE PQLICIE. :Before Er. Alderman Dougherty 3 lobbing His Employer. A man nAmed Jacob Fisher was arrested by Officer Dever, and arraigned yesterday morning at the Fourteenth ward station-house, on the charge of the lereenyof tobacco. stolen from a store on Third street a bove Arab. Officer Dever testified thatm on Tuesday night he obeerved a man walking up and down in front of the store, and summated at Once that be was after no good. Theoftleer hid him self in a dark doorway, and Watched the movements of the StratigOP- -VreeantlY. WIVOR he thought no mortal eye saw him, he entered the cellar, and came out in a few minutes with a bundle or Mar tObaelle - valued at S2O. Ihe officer stepped up to him anti T said, "I'll take you." The man appeared to be somewhat dumbfounded, and yielded without an ef fort of resistance. He was oraered to enter bail to answer. Subsequently to the above proceedings the owner of the tobacco called upon the alderman, and stated that the prisoner had been suspected for some time. He Was employed by the info/want at the rate of *9 per week. and has purchased a house for which he paid et 000 cash, and, besides this, he employs neve" eel men at his house. Upon this statement the de lends= will have a hearing at eleven o'clock this --morning. Bounty Temptation and Bounty-Jumper. On the lath of February a man ceiling himsel Barney blelarann made application to enlist, but IMAM of Militia disability he was related. It is said that id a few days after the rejection his enlist. merit was procured by an individual named ArnsukL 'The last rained individual, it is alleged, received 'the bounty fo r- and paid $2OO of it to the recruit, " s erring geohinnell McGraw& deserted front the barraehs at Chester, in which. it la said, be was aided by AlllllO3 l Who bought Ma a mitt of elothes In Bedford *trees, the bountylumper leaving the uniform tirthe residence of the alder and abettor in the ser ialleg transaction. The subject well to gukv_e been Investigated at the °antral Station yes- Wda afternoon, but it wag not. Pickpocket. Garret B.Hytin, of Obto, was about to take par Ingo On one - of the Chestnut- street passenger ears, on Tuesday night, when he was relieved of Ms pookebbook. Two young men were arrested on sus• pielon of haying' taken the bOok, but WtfC stow guently discharged, the alleged stolen property hay jog been recovered. [Before Mr. ♦rderm*a Hatekleasej Juvenile Pilferers. Daniel Connor and William Crouse, boys, were arraigned yesterday on the ohargeof stealing emap• liege and other things belongteg to the Reading Railroad Company. The youngsters were held to ball to await a farther bearing. THE COURTS. District Court—Judge Shorewood. laallade vs. Work, PdelJoaah, Sr. Co. Before re• pelted. In this ease the jury were out alt night, and being unable to agree upon a verdict were die. charged from the ease. Mary 0. Hauptman vs. ;rota B. Wryer' & Co. A feigned issue, to ry the title to certain property 1e• vied on by the sheriff as the property of John Haupt man but claimed by plaintiff. Verdict for plaintiff. Erickson for plaintiff; Diehl for defendant. Johnson VII. McDowell. An action to recover for paving in front of defendant's property, on Fourth street, between Dauphin and Columbia avenue. De. fence, payment. Verdict for pl %Inuit $435.78. James F. Button vs. Edward W. Carr. To recover on a promissory note. No defence. Verdict for plaintiff, $870.08. ' District Court—Judge Hare Mary A. Wagner, administrator, St.c., vs. H. H. Myers. Arrears of rent. Verdict for plaintiff, $lOO. Catharine Herring vs Commonwealth Saving Fund and Loan Company, defendant, and Johnson, garnishee. Attachment execution. Verdict for plain. tiff, $169 13. Erma Sloop vs. Same. Verdict for plaintiff,s6s.Bo. Susannah Ashton vs. imam Verdict for plaintiff, $lOB 17. W. W. Kelly vs. Allen Bubb'. Defence, that the consideration for the note had partly failed. Ver dict for plaintiff, $175 Patrick Dailey vs. Matthew Dailey and wife. SM. fa. sin mortgage. Defence, pert payment. Verdict for plaintiff, $465.66. The court adjourned for the week. Court of Common Pleas—Judge Allison ANOTHER. LEGAL-TIMMS@ NOT@ GAGE. John Kroener vs. William Oalhouo. The petition of the plaintiff in this ease set forth that, by in denture dated August sth, 1852, William Calhoun, of Philadelphia, granted and conveyed to him a cer tain lot of ground on Franklin avenue. below Fifth street, a yearly ground rent of $7B 75, lawful money of the United States of America, being reserved to the grantor. It eras Also provided that if platesiffahould at any time thereafter pay to the grantor the`sum of 0,812 50, lawful money aforesaid under certain prescribed conditions, the interest of Calhoun in the property should cease. Plaintiff tendered to de fendant the sem agreed upon, viz : $1,312.50, the principal of the ground tent, inlawful nicety of the United States, and being the legal-tender notes thereof," which he refused to receive. The petition then alai the court to compel the defendant to ac cept the money offered and to execute the proper release.. The question arising in this case is somewhat simi lar to that decided a short time ago by Judge Alli son, differing only in ibis, that in that case payment of the ground rent, interest, and principal, was rove. nanted to be paid in "silver" money of a certain weight. The covenant in this case is only for "law ful money of the United States." The case came up yesterday. and ywas argued by W. L. Hirst, Er 4., for the plaintiff; and by George rd. Whaiton for the defendant. Mr. Hirst, in his argument, distinguished the pre. Sent from the other cases which had been before the court at various times, where the contract was to pay in "silver money " of a fixed weight, and the tender was made in paper money. In this case the covenant was entirely different. The grantor, by his own agreement, bound himself to extinguish the rent at any time after the date of the deed, on the payment of the principal in lawful money of the United States. Mr. H. made the following points: Ist. That that vested in the grantee the right of op tion or election, which he might exercise at any time, 2d. That the right of election, when exercised, is irrevocable, and created a duty to pay upon which suit might be brought. ad. That the contract con templated lawful money at the time of the exercise of the option to extinguish. 4th. That the amount tendered was the purchase money of the estate, in the manner specified in the covenant, and therefore the definition of ground rent was irrelevant. Mr. Wharton contended that the act of Congress provided that this paper money should be a legal tender for the payment of debts, and that a ground rent was not a debt, but an estate. and cited in sup port of this view the opinions of this court and the District Court, recently delivered. Tne act of Con gress, he thought, therefore, did not apply to this case. lie argued that in the contract there was no mutuality between the parties upon which a specific perfomance could be decreed, and cited decisions of the Supreme Court to this effect. He also contend ed that in this case thera,was a mere privilege in the grantee to extinguish if he chose : that he was under no obligation to do so ; and that as the defendant had no right to demand or enforce an extinguish ment, the ground rent could not be considered as a debt within the meaning of the law. The case was held Under advisement. LETTER BM; 4. AT THE . MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. PHTLADELPHTA Ship Wyoming. Barton Lworpood, April 26 Slip Empire Cinema, Moran Liverpool, boon Sam Dart, Conrad Barbados. soon PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. 080. L. BLIZBII. BDW. C. BIDDLE. IColorrrrins OF FHB MONTH THOMAS S FIENON. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. row. OF PHELADIMPHIA. April 14.1864 BEM SUES— . 628 6U N SKIL 32 man wwris ARRIVED Ste►mehip Helen Getty, Daly. 13 days from Port Roy al. in ballast to B&Sonde, & Co. - - - - Bark Aaron I Harvey, Fader. from Sierra Leone. March lei, with hide.. camwood. dtc, to Wm Committers & Son Itxperieuced very heavy weather. On the night of the 3d inst. while lying to in a tramectdone gale from the westward, waslstrock by heavy sea, which broke main rail and several stancheons, started deck, and did considerable other &mete. schr Win Creevy, Little, 15 days from New Orleans, in ballast to D S Stetson & Co. , . EcklNed Higgins, 15 day/ from New Orleans, with sugar and molasses to D 8 Stetson & Co. Solar Win E Tiers, Hamm 15 nays from Port Eoyal, in ballast to D s Btetson & Co. Schr B Watson, WillebY, from Port Ito] al, in ballast to Workman & Co. ••••- • - • . Behr Arens Bye, Towntsaid. 12 days f om New Or- Jesua in ballast to D S Sietson At Co Eebr Joseph. Crandall. Gage, S. dos from ChaTleston bar. in ballast to pap tan Reports baring padded is the bay, ear J J tinenaer, from Wen Indies. and a aldo ant , - posttl to bathe Majestic, from LiVE.TPOUI Schr t,layton & Lowber. Jackson. 1 day from Smyrna. with wheat to Jae L Bewley & Co. steamer S Seymour. Room. from Alei andrla, with rodze to rhos iffebtter. Steamer laida. Leant', 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde Steamer Anthracite. Souse. 24 hours from New York, mdseWiih to Win M Baird di Lio. BELOW. Bark Lollies Jewett. from Ardroefem—repored by W Feller, pilot. CLRABBD Brig B 1, ; :t Strong.Sitzter ,Bikeiten. J B Bazley & Co. Behr 0 Buxton. Pool, a,oxubta, C A llecaschor & Co. Schr Hannah Wiliatta, Famous. Providence, Hunter Norton & Co. Ear 13a . rriet Newell, Gould, S W rasa, J S Bazley a Co. lick''' . Viola, Actley,Gonla, S W Pass, J Buley &Go, sak , Ph,mond State, Carey, Newport Sewn, Com H A /dams Schr B F Reeves, Stamford. Fort Monroe, Tyler & Co. Schr Cl.cp Franklin, 'Tyler. Washington. K Jones. Schr Onatavla, Jameson. New Haven, Westmoreland Coal Co. behi Dk B Kelley. Kelley, Baehr' Noble CaLiwell & Co £cbrE W Perry, Elsley, Lynn, Harnett, Van Damen St Locb man. ger J S Shriver, DOMAIN Baltimore, A firoyea. Jr. St'rA Brsarley. Broughton. Washington, a' Webster. Sr'r Bnffslo. Jones. New York, V 1 P :Gorrespontence of the Philadelphia Hashemite. .I LEWES Del., April 1%. The light ship from Rive Fathom Bann came to the Breakwater ID,It inst., and remains in company with the following vessels : Bteamtug Ella; bark Holdall. for New Orleans brigs Breeze. for Port of Spain; Marie Louise. for Barbados, Sea Lion, Fr. ntier, James Byron, and James Neileon ; with schrs lra Laffrienier, Wi.,llam eConb, War Steed. Charm, Prank Herbert, Planet. Marl. B. A. Elliott, Carl Willeby Ozel. with Ante and orsnget ; Converse. Carthagena, Nellie Potter, York town' Mary Manton, B. N. Hawkins. D C. Hanks Pau line, Julia, St. Mary, Morris. Mary N. Pierson. and se veral others. A brig from Matanzas, with molasses, and the tchr Orel. with fruit, both 1.1"/ New York, put In 10th inst. for a harbor, and left this morning for sea with a Dumber of the above vessels, having a moderate breeze from N. by E. Weather Monde [Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.] LEWES, Del., AprillS The ship Echo, from Liverpool Feb. El, passed in on Funday morning and anchored above the Brandywine Shoat, near to where the ship Sea Crest is stink. The weather has been so unfavorable, with a strong wind. from B to ENE. and a heavy sea running, that the wreckers have been prevented going off to render as sistance to the stranded vessels in this vicinity. Font,' - five hogsheads of sager bays been taken out of tt e brig John Chevstal and re, shipped to Philadel ohia. The back Louisa Jewett, from Ardrossein, came in yes terday forenoon and stood u_p JOHN W. SAUNDICRE, Pilot. MEMORANDA. Slip Dating, Henry, called from Manila 28th January for Boston. Snip Thetis. Nhodia. from Shangbae for New York. passed Anger 31st January. Salto Emily A Hall. Hall. from Cardiff for Singapore. passed Anjier Februarr. Ship Banton. Cresswall, from Foochow for New York, pawed Aujim 6th February. Ship Conduceus. for New 'York, sailed from Manila 10th January. . Ship Starlight, Howes, Sailed from Calcutta 21st Feb. for Boston. Shit. Highland Chief. Harrison, from London. at Ak yab 10th Feb. Ship Lawrence Brown.Flerce. at Akyab lOth. Feb from Drumlin. Bark 8 D Ryerson, Realey.hence, sailed from Queue town. 28th nit for Antwerp In getting under weigh. grounded at Croeshayen Shoals. bat got 4,H wlthont any averment damage. Balk Queen of the Sgas *WA FoothOw 14th Dee. eras below New York lah inn - BarkiPearh Sparrow. sailed from gingaporenthreNfor Boston. Bark Benefactress, 'Eldridge, from New York 18th Oct. at BORE Kona Ist Feb. Bark Henning, Be.g. from Shanghae for New York, Famed Anjier 20th Jan. Bark II Mttekeli. Borfred. from Whampoa for New ".1 orig. passed Anlier Sth February. Bark Elise (bared). Peterson, 52 days from Rio Janei ro A was below New York yesterday. Bark Apollo (Brim). Hagedorn. 118 days from Shang ban. with teas. at New York yesterday. Brig Wilhelmina (Mack). Rnaack.„ from Slaanghae Way 24, and St Thomas March IS, with teas; &G. at New Verb yesterday. Brig Water Lily, Tilton. 22 days from New Orleane. at New York yeetsrday, with sugar and molasses. Behr Okolona. Wharton, 23 days from New Orleans, at New York yesterday, in ballast Ear TELEGRAPH.] Raw Yoga', APril 13. ARRIVED Ship Martha. from - London - Barks Chimborazo. Kimono; Pelican. Nueva; Dods, Port Slizabeth,_. C. 0 H Cardenas; Troiart. Car denas; John Carver. Matanzast,T.o R.liming.ffuevitas Brigs Sibyl, Matamoros; Dawn of Day. ktr leans, Harriet Clasen. Mayaguez; A it Biriow. La g eayra „ Maria. Manzanfil_,• charlottee. from Bordeaux; Hsiang, from Bordeaux; Wareriale, Mantanzas. Schrs W D Medford. Barbadose. J N Hatfield. Porto Cabello, Julia S Hammon, Baltimore, Superb, Arroyo, Ommelauder, Buenos Ayres, Tanro. Ida, arum Bahr Maria, at New York from Manzanillo on the 7th fell in with echr George Hoffman. of. Fall River, from Fortress Monroe for Philadelphia. in a gulden condi tion. and took off the crew. Behr Julia IL lEkammage. at New York from Baltimore. at 3 30 A. M. on the 13th April picked up a boat ClIltaill• lug Capt. Oriffeu and five of the crew of the bark Mars hal. from Barbadoes for New York. ennk by a collision with the ship Alice Ball. ontward boned. The rent. of the crew took to the other boat, and were doubtless picked up. The Marabal sank twenty. live miles froni Sandy Hook_ COAllk. pUBE "LEHIGH COAL.—H lIS - 111. 13113PRISS can rely tort getting a pure article at 8. a °Corner PEW r and ' , one& mhlB-bw. JOHN W. HAMPTON aENIJINE EAAILE VEIN Actual if not superior to Lehljh. Also, Hart's Rs Plus Ultra Family Rainbow Coal; Egg and Stove sizes. la 60. Large Nat, VAS per toga Coal forfeited If net fall wetiCht as !Wag Depot '1419 Ca bLO WHILI Week above Broad. Casa 111 south vouiera. be low uneatnat. and examine. Orders by disystsh rrozeptly attended to by nol2-603. ELLIS BE4IIBOX COAL. SUGAR LOBS`, BEAVER mail Dow, and Bering Mountain Lehigh Coal. and beat Locust mountain. from Sallueltillt prepared ex uded for family an. beat. EL w..oraer wears oat w pga, OEMs. /114 n South digOOND St. 14' A 17411111 nn &WU' GOLD'S IMPROVED STEAM AND WATIII-13BATING APP4II•Ttr par WlLPllatif Bantllatinit Pehlle Mahaima. and Private Beeldeneee. Msatufaetarad by the IINION STUN AND WATZ6-111ATING COMPANY Or PHILADELPIA JAMBS P. WOOD. 41 Sonth vOtrWra Street. mAiNtADIS B. W. ingurgrimr... miuwwtnuma..t. an BARRELS YOUNGER'S ALE, L. ‘" Bt. Anne's Brew ' In stook and for sale . 7v . in jag'. IFILIAN TEA lON & CO.. 1191 Noah 11.01 T Mont This Loan. limed under authority of an act of Con gress. approved March 3. SM. Provides for the issue of Twe Hundred Millions of Dollar. MO4000.000) United Rata Bonds. redeemable after ten rears, and payable forty yetirs from date. IN COIN. dated March 1,1884. bearing interest at the rate of per. annum IN. COIN, payable semi-annually on all Bonds over SM. and on Bonds of $lOO and lees, an• Dually. Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Bonds as they may prefer. Registered Bonds will be 'mild of the denominations of filly dollar' (IMO). Zone hnndred dollars (MOO). five hundred dollars (500), one thousand dollars (01,010), five thousand dollars (5,000), and ten thousand dollars (10.000). and Coppon Bonds of the denominations of fifty dollars (WO), one hundred dollars ($100). five hundred dollars ($500). and one thousand dollars (B 1.000). will commence from date of subscription, or tke so crned interact from the let of Merck can be paid in coin. or, until tardier notice. in N. S. notes or notes of Na tional Banke. eddine (do) Mr per cent to the amount for premium. C. IL CLARK, mil 4( Preetdena N3B NIT L. C3O A N NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, Redeemable say time after TEN TSARS. at the pleasure of the Government, and payable FORTY TILES after date. Both COUPON AND REGISTERED BONDS are issued for this Loan, of same denominations as the Five Twenties. The interest on $6O and SIM payable yearly. on all other denominations half-yearly. The TEN FORTY BONDS are dated March 1, 1884, the half-yearly interest falling due September 1 and March 1 of each year_ "Until lit Seeiember. the accrued interest from list Marsh is required to be paid by purchasers in coin. or in legal currency, adding ISO per cent. for premium, until further notice. TREASURY DEPARTIKENT. -IL OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER OF THE Cuuspoy. WASHINGTON. February Nth. 1664. Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned. it has been made to appear that the Fonrth National Bank of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia. and State of Pennsylvania. has been duly organised under and according to the requirements of the act of Congress. entitled "an act to provide a na tional currency, secured by a pledge of 'United States stooks, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof." apte oved February 26th, 1868. and has own- Plied with all the !provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking Flow. therefore I, Hugh McCulloch. Comptroller of the Currency do hereby certify that the vouttra NA TIONAL BA *H OF PHIL itBSLPHIA, county of Phila delphia. commence th e of Pennsylvani u n de r auth to commence the business of Banking. the actafore said. In testimony whereof. witness my band and seal of office, this twenty-sixth day of February. 1884. HUGH MoCULLOCEL mhl• 2m Comptroller of the Currency. JOHN HORN, JR., STOCK-COMMISSION BROKER. No. 140 SOUTH THIRD STREET, (131. mum) PHILADELPHIA. • REFERENCES: Mesera.Thoe. A. Biddle & Co. Mese.Ower, Maoalester, a 130. Noire. B. C. Whelan & Co. I Mears. Drexel & Co. Messrs. Busby & Co. Henry.T. Williams, Beat. Alsunder Biddle, Km. L P. Hutchinson. Rm. 0. N. Troutman. Esq. D. B. Cummins, Esq.. Jae. G. King & Sons. New York. te2B-2m SECOND NATIONAL PHILADELPHIA. YEARKPORD. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO, WITH TEIS rarrthson or IH• CREASING TO 8600.000. NATHAN MLLES, Precidant. WILLIAM H. RHAWN, Cashier, (Late of the Philadelphia Bank.) • .DLREOTORII : NATHAN HILLER CHARLES CHARLES E. KREMER, GEORGE W. RHAWN, BENS. ROWLAND. jilt.. SIMON E . sidyDRR,. BENJ. H. DE ICON, EDWARD HATES, JOHN COOPER. LEWIS SHALLOROSS, The Second National Bank of Philadelphia is now open at No. 134 MAIN Street, Prankford. for the trans action of a General Banking Businew ;won the tumid terms- Collections upon all accessible points will be made upon liberal terms. Respectfully, feS•itro Mu new. Mahler BRIGGS GOLD CO. MINES---.BRIGGS & GREGORY LODES, CAPITAL 10.000 SHARES-8100 EACH. J. SMITH BRIGGS.... .. .. .. . . .... Colorado. GEO. M. PULLMAN Chicago. ANTHONY ARNOUX..” New York. HENRY COOOILL • ' N. CORNELL WHITE C C. ALGEL Mateo. N. Y. WM l ANGALL Providence, R. L Presidaus, 3. MOTH BRIGGS. Treasurer, WAL PER B LA WTON. Secretary, D. LiTTLEJOHN. Connell, J. S. WOODWARD. Alining Superintendent CH, H. New Yo rk. lm 015ce 25 C L IFF S reet, New York. HOPE SOLD COMPANY. NINES—"GOLD DIRT LODE, Giloin county. Colorado. . CAPITAL, 80.12/0 SHARES, 126 each. asfrom nartssAr.L Hie Excellency JOHN EVANS, Goyeroor of Colorado Territory. VICE PRBSIDEPTO. Ron. 8. G. ARNOLD, Dr. F. H. JUDD. Tresenror. WALTER 8 LAWTON, Secretary, J. P. DAITINS. • rati2l.lm Once, No. RIZ CLIFF Street. New York. 64 HER MAJESTY" CHAMPAGNE. THE ROYAL WINE OF ENGLAND. A limited Quantity of this superior Wine has been se cured for the undersigned. and the first shipment of MY cans has arrived, by the steamship OlYmpui. diree from the cellars of the well-known house of MESSRS. DE VENOM!. di CO.. at Epernay, Prance. The present invoice will be intro duced into tbie market at the very low price of TWENTY DOLLARS PER CASE OP QUARTS. Payable in currency. whichia much below Its first coat. The superior quality of this Wine is guaranteed, and it is offered with confidence of its approval by connois- SMUT. Orders for one or more eases may be addressed, by let ter or otherwiee, to the undereigned. WM. HOMY WARD, Wine and Frait Dealer. No. 7 BROAD. Street. near Wall. api-mt NEW yoßs. pArEu WMAEROUSE. FARRELL, IRVING, do -CO., MO MINOR STREET. Nannbotarers of ROLL WRAPPERS. DOUBLE and SLUOLE MEDIUM. CAP, and GEOWA MAKILLA, on Lund. or made to order_ isheat prise paid for rope ill /AM or email 4111Allti kiex- fe95.9111 NOTICE OF REMOVAL. The undersigned would inform their Mends sad the potille generally that Cher have removed nom their Old Maud, 517 LECH Street, to their SPLENDID NEW WASEROOMS, No. 912 ARCH STRENr, where they will continue the isle of GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, COAL-OIL BURNERS, ac. Having antedated with our house Mr. GMAMIJIB YAWL (formerly the Primelpal De•lrner for- Cornelius it Baker.) we are now prepared to execute orders for Gee 'littoral of all grades and Ocelots, from 14 Wialttart to the meet maestros and elaborate, -•- • piroBTERS OF Wing AND LIGI7OIIB. LAYMAN & BALLADE, No. IM! 1301:1T11 NINTH STREET. Between Cheitnat and Walnut, Philadelphia. 0, IL BALLADS. A. X BALLADS. BUILDING HARDWARE. STRAP HINGES ,_ T HINGES. REPEAL HINGES, SHUTTER STRATI& end an kinds of wrotr Efinger. la miro or smaII. SHUTTER BOLT I RHOS BOLT& and man articles of rattling and Carriage gardWage. gum ed and kept on hand at JACKSON IHON WORK% inhilnine Ogles No. 536 IMBRUE( Ailey. Ifaanfacknrara of Warranted BEAK and HAY ankom CORNS AND BUNIONS. PE ET TERSON PERSON PETERSON PETERSON CORN CORN CORN CORN OINTMENT OINTMENT • OINTMENT OLNTICINT thoroughly cure CORNS and BIIN/ONS, Without snyrn. • bo ITT_Drautds everrhere. Plies 25 cents. onnsTort, HOLLOwAY. aillOWDlNOlirente. zah2s.bos Ma North SIXTH Stmt. ESE= NATIONAL 33.A.15T1C PIIILADELPHIA. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY FINANCIAL AGENT OP THE UNITED STATES. 10.2-1-0 LOAN. This Bank has been sothorissd and is n-OW prepared o receive subscriptions to the NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN. FIVE PERCENT. INTEREST F. S. 10-405. JAY COOKS & 00. OFFER FOE BALI TEE Bearing Ave per cent. interest, irk cola. All other Oovernment securities bought and sold J 9 Y cociacs. 114 SOUTH THIRD STRIIRT GILPIN COUNTY, COLORADO. TRUSTEES THUMB& JOHN EVANS. Colorado. P R. JUDD, New York H. S. COHU, New York. WILLIAM MOLLEE. New York. CEO. W. GRAFFLIN, Baltimore. HERMAN PUNKK. New York. R. CONNELL WHITE, New York. M. C TYLER, New York. 8. G. ARNOLD, Providenee. VAN KIRK clb C 0.., 141116.3 m No. 91.11 d,BRH IitTRBIT 100 OASES PINET, OASTILLON, & co. II COGNAC BRANDY. lauding &fin brit '` LOWY." &WA y nay by WILLIA ILTON & 00.. 11 Sdalii& mart snot. TAI PRESS.--PELLADEI.PHIA:; THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1864; GSMAr DIIKIOVISILY t Andfeeble to the Mete/ Arm ♦ New Thing Its Combinition. Boot mid Shoe Maanfaatuxera. Jewelers. ramtllea It la a Maui& Remember. Je4a•tethely DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSII3OIOI COMPANY, INCORPORATED BY THIS LEGISLATURE OF PENN. ia 4 ili n OFFICE S. B. ocnrtlli WALNUT or( VESSELS, CAB.OO To all parte of the world. vssicar. INLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by River. Canal, Lake. and Land Carriage, to FIR E p INSURANCES n. On Merchandise generally. On Stores. Dwelling Rouses, As. ASSETS OF TEES COMPANY, NOV. 1, 1863. inoo.ooe maw States Five per .ant_ Loan $ 97.050 00 75 COO United. States 6 per cent. Loan. A 20's.. 76,000 00 20.000 United States 6 per cent. Loan. 1881.... now 00 80.1)11)0 United States 73-10's per sent. Treasury Notes 53.250 00 100,000 State of Pennsylvania. 5 per cent. Loan 100,997 50 64,000 State of Pennsylvania 6 per cent. Loan 57.880 00 123,050 Philadelphia City Biter cent. Loan.... 127,628 00 80 COO State of Tennessee 6 per cent. Loan.... 15,090 00 20.000 Pennsylvania Railroad, lit Mortgage 6 per cent. Bonds • 22.900 00 60.000 Pennsylvania. Railroad, 2d. Mortgage 6 per cent. Bonds 53.250 00 15.000 300 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Com- • pany, principal and interest Kaaren tied by the city of Philadelphia.... 16,000 CO 5.000 100 Shares Stock Pennsylvania.Raltroaii COMMIT- ... • 7,226 CO 6,000 100 Shares Stock North Pennsylvania Railroad Company '2.66(1 CO 21.000 United States Certificates of Indebted ness —•• • • • ••-• 21.420 0(1 123,700 Loans on Bond and Norton. amply awned 121.700 CO $791,760 Par Coot. $702.737 12 Market Value...BM.= 60 Beal Estate 36.363 36 Bills receivable for Insurances made 107,947 61 Balances due at Agendas—Premium. on Marine Policies. accrued interest. and other debts dna the Company 19.919 97 Scrip and Stock cc sundry Insurance and other Companies. $6.902, estimated value 3,205 CO Cash on deposit with United States Government, subject to ten days '''' call $BO.OOO 00 Cash on deposit, in Banks ...... ...... 38,608 39 Cash in Drawer ..... ......----.. 200 20 -- 118 1 799 19 .. . DIRECTORS. Thomas C. Hand, Robert Barton, John C. Davis, Samuel E. Stokes, Edmund A. Bonder. J. F. Poniston. Theopilus Paulding. Henry Sloan. John 4. Penrose, William Q. Boniton, .1111908 'Pragnalr, Eduard Darlington, Henry C. Dallett, Jr.. H. Jones Brooke, James G. Band. Jacob P. Jones, William C.. Ludwig, James B. McFarland. ~. Joseph lt, Seal, Joshua P Eyre. Dr. R. M. Huston, Spencer bicllvaine, George G. Laiper. John S. Semple, Pittsburg - Gnat Craig, A. B. Berger . Pittsbnig. . Char ea Kelly, THOMAS C. HAND, Preoident. JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice President. HENRY LYLBI3EN. Secretary. Jag BANK OF THE RELIANCE INSURANCE COM -a- /WU oP PRILABRLPRIA. Ineorpo OFF I CEB4I. Charter Perpetual. No. 308 WALNUT STRRIT. Insures against loss or damage by PIKE, Rouses. Stores, and other Buildings; limited or perpetual; and on - Pnraltare. Goods. 'Wares, and Merchandise_ CAPITALI3OO,OOO, ASSETS 5a87.311 EMI• Invested in the following Securities, viz: First Mortgage on City Property, well aecnred VA 900 00 United States Government Loans 110.000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent Loans ..... • 60.000 CO Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 6 per sent $3,000,000 Loan MOM 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds. first and second Mortigage LOMAS ..... •••••-• .... •• •• •-•., • ' lli , WOO 00 Camden and Amboy 'hothead Company's a Per cent. Loan 0,000 00 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company's 6 per cent. Loan . 5,000 00 Rtuttmgdon and Broad Top Railroad 7 per sent. Loans 661 00 Commercial lank of Pennsylvania Stock.-.... 10,000 00 Mechanics' Bank Stock COB MI County Fire Insurance Company's Stook 1.050 00 Union Mutual Insurance - Company's Stoeh—o SW 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia's Stocb., . . , ... ...... , ...... . 3,5(0 00 Loans on Collateral, well 2,260 00 Accrued Interest.. 6.982 00 Cash in bank and on hand. . WAN 86 Wet El SO Worth at menet market e9Bhe64 Clem Ttaxley, Wm. B. Thompson, Samna; Bispham. Robert Steen, William Meager, Charles Leland, Beni. W. Tingley. CLEM TINGLEY, Freiddent, THOMAS C. HILL, Secretary. PHILADELPHIA. January 4, 1888. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. —The PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE CON" PANT. Incorporated 1825. CHARTRE PERPETUAL, No. 510 WALNUT Street. opposite Independenes Square. This Company , favorably known to the community for nearly forty years, continues to insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on Public or Private Building,. either Permanently or for a limited time Also, on Furniture k Stocks of Goods, or Merchandise general/T. on liberal term Th s eir Capital. together with a large Surplus Past, is invested in the most careful manner, which enables than to over to the insured an undoubted. seeurlty In the ease of low DIRBOTOBEL Jonathan Patterson, Daniel Smith, Jr, - Alexander Emma, John Deverenz, I.ese Hasleharet, Thomas Smith, Thomas Robins, Hen Lewis. J. Gill_ in g ham Fell. JONATHAN PA'FTIJISON, PTOrldAillt. WILLIAM 0. CROW LL. SOClretarY. ANTHRACITE INSURANCE 0031- PANT. —Authorized Capital 11400.01:0-011ARTIN P O EPS No L 311 WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loss or damage by Tire, on Buildings. Turnitore. and Mershandise gene. elle, Marine Insurances on Vestals, Cargoes. and Freights. Inland luswenee to all parte of the Union. DLEBOTOBS. William licher. Davis Pearson. D. Luther, Peter Seiner , Lewis Audenried. Z. Baum, John R. Illackieton, Wm. P. Dean, Joseph Maxfield. .Tobn Ketcham. - WILLAM ESHER. President. WM. F. DEAN . Vice President. W. B. Burin. Seeretarr. apn-tf INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE 01P PENNSIELVARIA.—OPPIOS Boa. and * X0H4.108 BUILDINGS, North stag ol WA114171 bstwoon DOOB Ala TIMM Strata. Philadelphia. lICORPOR AMID in 1794--MAILTBI PBEPBTOSIa asprrir. $200.000. raorwirrna 07 THB 00 93. WAAT. THBETJAH7 L 114 MARINE. SIBS. ABD INLAND S2O.67e BILAJISPOS.TATION /11031TRANOL D I ZOTOBIL Henry D. Sherrerd, Tobias Wagner, Charles Maeshistem. Tomas B. Wattaon, William S. Smith, Henry Gt. Freeman. William B White. Charles S. Lewis. George H. Stuart. George 0. Carson. Samuel Omit, Jr. l Edward G. Knight. robs B. Austin. • - HENRY D. WLLLIAN HARPER. Helmets AM ER ICA N FIRE INSURA..NOE A COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHARTBR PRE. PETTY ILL. No. B 11) WALNUT Street, above Third. Phi ladelphia. • Having A large paid-np Capital Moth and Surplus In vested in sound and available Securities, sontlnues to insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Teasels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Pregerty. An losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRBOTODJI Thomas IL Marls, James M CothiPbell, John W.alelk, Edmund 0. Dutilh, Samuel C. Morton. Charles W. PoiiltneY, Patrick Brady, Israel Morris. John T. Lewis. THO AS E, MARIS. President. Ammer O. L. CitAl/7011.D. Seeritars. raft-IN Joy EOUBF, HARRISBURG Pe. • ookins 1111111317 MUM AND MANZI! BglleliE • drat-slug haulm teams. •2 par day. 106411 in O. IL KANN. AVENUE HOUSE," WADIIIDOTON. D. O. The undersigned haling Amain the above. Hoes% situated on the corner of DIV/INTH Street and .Pllflrf- SYLVANIA. Avenue. for a term of years. ha solicits the former patronage and the trave ll ing public gensralln and will at all times be hap to see his old frien ILds. _ W.tentrevort. D. 0., h /1 , 261. o• T. JO QUEEN OF BEAUTY. Warn VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES. • A new FRENCH COSMETIC for beautifying. whiten ing. and preserving the complexion it le the most Wonderful.- compound of the age. There is neither chalk. powder, InannesisObierentn, nor tale in its own. Ferniest. it being comPOM Mina) of ouzo Virgin Waxi usher, its extraordinary qualities for preserving the shin. making it *Oft, smooth. fair, and transparent It makes the old appear song. the homely henoaome. the handsome more resautiful. and the moat beautiful &vino. Price X and 50 cents. Prepared only by HUNT & Perihmers. 41 South EIGHTH Street two doors above Chestnut. and 133 SoothisivioNnt Sired, above Wed. mbltham pICKL ar ES.-100 EELS. PICKLES IN -a- vinigr. BO hall bblo. nag lea lig vinegar. AU%r. g 0,11031 Ana flti:p3lon ken do. p or y auODllll wizzikme. rigs% - On% WATiiii CEMENT. NEM AND VALIUM'S DISOOTERT t HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT I la of wore general nreatteal attlitY tban any Invention now before the emblie It has been thoroughly' twa• ed daring the last two years bY ereetteal mea, angpronotrneel by all to be ■UPIRIOR TO ART Athedva •rniaraldoit UMW& antOiril DiSOLMSLI OMEN? aini Masi and the 'emit of I TOM of shift: go amaldnation olOrilliT/7/13 rwasintLon. er no ennimmanw shill, Or lomlwroiazo. will It o boOr wino m 'onion or oinit otworivo 011. BOOT AND SNOB Ksantutnrork, ash= 1114011BW/1. Will Mud B the but article knows foe Cementing the Waynels u It works without delay. le yetaireetal by say shame of temper:twee JEWELERS Will Ind it sulftelently adheldwo tot their muss. as hi. bean wove& IT II sePacuara ADArratv TO MATRIX. Azad we claim as an earesial mar% that it 'tisks ratchet and to Boots end Shoes nal= strong Without wkitehilig. IT IN rui oeria LIQUID CEMENT Bidast. that m is su a d sure thins for Lug PRIMITIT cR RE 401 1 % M AZY. *ha artistes of Household use.. REMEMBER, Illten's Insoluble (lenient Ir is it liquid form, sed as wily awned aa paste. =MOWS lIIIIOLITBLI CIBUIDENT basolubl• la water or oil. suLTOSIS IlirSol.l7llL3ll COMM Ashsrss stabstanses. X 510,11041 in Pamir or Itionotostit• rots' Pottage, trots I mato* to 100 BEOL & 06.0, troortotors. PROVININON. N. I. llgoolita lia Plkilaudelplila— LAING a MAGIWNIS. No. 30 North THIN,D St. JOSEPH GODFREY £ CO. No. 36 North POORTFI St. INSURANCE COMPANIES. PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE. DIRROTORI. - - Hobert Tolstoi, William Stormont, rtomptoa L. Canoe. Harahan Hill. J. Johnson Brown. Thom H. Moore. PresidanL try. . tiolatt HOTELS. PENNSYLVANIA 00 co° EN TB A L KAILICOAD.Z pRILADELPHIA TO PITTSBURG a D MILES DOUBLE TRAM THE SHORT ROUTE TO THE WRgT. Trains lease the Depot at lieneath and Market sirsees. as follows: MU Train hOO A. M. ine at.. ..... 40 A. N. Tart u gh pTh rough ZziLreie at so K . ryesbnrg 1.00 P. M. HarriebtirgAsconunodation Train g so P. Uneasier intin at. ............. 44.4 4.00 P. IL The Through Ezirs d nala runs daily—all the other traindai krAlTtabl i g AIM THE WEST. The Mail Train, Fast Line, and Through Express MM. nest at Pittsburg with through trains on all the diverg ing roads from that point. north to the Lskaa. Wort to The Mlseiwipni and Nimodri rivem and South and Southwest to all eoluts aseassible INDIANA BBANCgRAILROAD The Through Express, fountain.. at Blairsville Inter section, with a train on this road for Blairsville. In •Malin MDR° CRESSON BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Express Train col:meets at Cresson at 10.46 A. M.. with a train on this road for Ebensbnrg. A train also Jiisve? 02scson for Bine:lurk at 6.46 ,E B. HOLLIDAYBBIIRfI BRANCH RAILROAD. The Mail Train and Through Express connect at Al towith trains for Holliday, brag ak 7.66 P. M. and 8. 40 IL TYRONE &.CLEARFIELD BRANCH RAILROAD The Throu_gh Express Train conned' at Tyrone with trains for Sandy Ridge. Phillipsburg, Port Matilda. Billesbnra. and Bellefonte. HUNTINGDON & BROAD-TOP RAILROAD. The Through Express Train connects at Huntingdon with a train for Hopewell and Bloodyllun 6.66 A. ti NORTHERN CENTRAL ILRO & PMIADS. LADELPHIA & ERIE RA FOR SUNBURY, WILLIAMSPORT. LOON HAYNN, and all ratite on the Philadelphia and Erte Railroad. and Br, MOGNESTBR. BUFFALO, AND NIAGARA ratan. Passengers taking the Mall Train, at 800 A. Ar,., and the Thrown Bataan, as 10.30 P. IL. daily. (except San days.) go directly aroma without shame of cars be tw.en Philadelphia sno williamsport, For YORK, aarovzß, and t*ETTYSBURO, the trainaleaving at 8.00 A. M. and 2.80 P. K.. connect at Columbia with trains on the Northern Central Railroad. CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD, The Mail Train and Through Express connect st Hair. risburs with trains for Carlisle. Chambersbnre. and Ha gerstown. WAYNESBURO BRANCH RAILROAD. The trains leaving at 8.00 A. M. and 2. SO P. M. connect at Downington with trains on this road for Waynes burg and all latermediate stations. MANN'S BaGOACE EXPRESS. An agent of this reliable Express Company Will pass through each train before reaching the repot and tate up checks and deliver baggage to any part of the city. For truths* inforsnati___,on apply at he Passenger Sta tion. 8. IL corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. JAMES oownwir. Ticket Agent. WESTERN SAITORATION , An Smigrant Accommodation Train leases No. WY Dock street daily (Sundays excepted). at 4 o'clock F.M. For full informations pply to FRANCIS PUNK. Emigra.nt Agent. lk 137 DOOR Street. IPHT By this rotttik freights of of I ii EL desortptionui r 44101 bofor.. o warded to and from any point on the P yeas of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Illts sonri, by rat /road &root, or to any port on the naming"- bin &rent of the West, by steamers from Pittabnnu For frets ht contracts or ehippine direotiona, apply to B. B. KINGSTON, Jr., Philadelphia. ENOC H I.KWIS, Jl.ll-tt general anaortatendent. Altoona. rL P HILADELPHIA, WIL MIN GT ON, AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD. CHANGE OF HOUR& ON AND AFTER SUNDAY. April 10. 1683, &la PASSENGER TRAIN.. LEAVE Pelf I.AIIaLPHIA. TOR Baltimore at 410, (Express, Mondays excepted). 8.06 A M. 12 M , 2 30 and 10.30 P. M. Chester at 806 A. M., 1.16. 2.30. 3.60,10.30. and 1L45 PM, Wilmington at 4 30 (Mondays excepted), 8.16 A. M.. 1.15. 2 SO. 3.50. 10 30. and 11.45. P. M. fleW Caetle at BUS A. if. an d 9.60 P. M, Dover at 6 00 A M. and 3.00 P. M. Milford at 605 A M. kaliabnry at 806 a. 24 TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA LE AVE Baltimore at 8.95. 990 A. M. (Express), 1.10, 466. and 7.15 P. M. Wilmington at 7.15, 9 A. M.. 12-24. 1, 4 35. 630. 6. 55, and 11 12 P. M. Sallthrtry at 12. 06 P. K. lifilford at 2.76 P. M. loover at 630 A. M and 3.65 P. M. New Castle at 835 A. M and 5 66 P. IL Chaster at 810.940 A. M. , 1, 6. 7.14. 9 13. and 11 45 P.M. _ Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and intermediate sta tions at 7 25 P M. Leave Baltimore for Dover and intermediate citations at 1.10 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE • Leave CT e• ter at 890 A M 3. and 11.05 P. M. r Leave Wilmington at 6.30, 9.25 A. M.. 3.35 and 11.40 P. M. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attached. will run as follawa: Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate plates at 0.40 P Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate places at 7 20 P. U. mum CM: Only at 4.30 A. M and 10.30 P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. From Philadelphia to Wilmington at 430 A. M.. 10.30 and 11 46 P. EL From Wilmington to Philadolphig. at I) 20 and U 12 P.M. Only at 7.26 P. M. hem Baltimore to Philadelphia. ap9 H. F K.BSiNEY. Ambit 1864. NEVI e nrifkgs. 1864. Tag CAMDEN 'AND RAILR O AD PRILADNIMBIA AND TRENTON COMPANY'S LINES. FROM PHILADILPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. SnOY W.LLICUT irraltitT WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—FIE As it 6A. Si— via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. As- aaa. sommodation.... At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City. Morning Express NI At A. M., via Camden and Jersey CRY, Id Clam Ticket-- ... • ... . . . —...... U At 12 M. via Camden sad Amboy , O. and A. A.- commodation Tv," ....' '.... oft s • t 0... e• I 2i At 2 P.M., via Camden andAmboy, O. Intl A- EX press 00 At IP. if., via Camden and Amboy, AccomMOda- 3 tion, (Freight and Passenger)• • •—• • • 1 76 At 6 P. 8.. via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion. (Freight and Passenger }-Ist Class Ticket... g 116 Do. do. 2d Claes do--- 1 10 At 7M P. M. via Camden and A_mboy, AccOrOMOda tkon, ( Fre ight and Passenger,) let Olaas Ticket. • . f 216 1 60 For Mauch Ohm*. Allentownßethle hem , Belvidere, Easton. Lambertville, Flemington, dm. at 3 P. N. For Mount Dolly. Ewansville. and Pemberton. at 8 A. M. 2, and 434 P. M. For Freehold at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delano, Beverly. Bnrilus t toe, Florence, Bordeutown, an at 6A. M. 12 M.. S. and 4.30 P. M. The g and 4 . 30 P. B. linen rui Or through to Trenton. For Palmyra, Riverton. Delano , Beverly, and Bur. iington. at 6.34 P. M. LINES 111021 KENSINGTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS' At 1.50 A. M. (Night), via Kensington and - TerseY City, Washington and New York Mail. At 11.16 A. At— via Kensington and Jersey City. U prose .... At 4.30 P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, lix oreu . ....... .. . . ...... ...... g 00 At 6.44 P. M.. via %engineer and jersey City, Washington and New York names!. • • g OD Sunday Lines leave at 1.60 a. M. and 0.45 P. M. There will be no line at 1.60 A. M. (Night) on Mondays. For Water gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkesharra, Montrose, Great Bend, Manch Chunk, Allentown. Bain- Inborn, Belvidere. Easton. Lambertville. Flemington, As.. at 17 A. M. This line connects with the train leav ing Easton for Mauch Chunk at 3.30 P. M. For Bristel,.Trouron. Aar., as I atm 11.16 A. IL, and 8 and 5 P. M. For tiolmestrarg, Taeon7, Wissonoming, Eridesburg. and Frankford. at 9A. M.. g. 6.46. and BP. M. s Oar Rakeew York and Way Line. above g_Henen Depot,the cars on Fifth street, Walnut, bill an hour before departure. The cars Ina to the Depot, and on the arrival of each train run from the Depot. ritx.Dvands of Baggage only allowed each Passim. ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. All be over lit pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will raft be liable for any amount beyond $lOO. ex. see by special contract. raham's Baggage Express will call for and deliver baggage at the Depots. Orders to be left at No. 3 Wal nut street, WILLIAM B. GATEMEN.. Aggit, January 20, legs. 1111,099,4215 $52 LIES BROM NEW TORN FOR PHILADELPMAt WILL LBAVB FROM FOOT OP OORTLANDT RTRBRT. At 12 M. and 4P. M. eta Jersey City and Camden. At Y and 10 A. N. , P. N. r and /2 (Ninitt). eis &ma City and Kensington. From foot of Barclay street at 6 A. N. and 2 F. N.. VA Amboy and Camden. From Pier No. 1, North river, at 12 N, 4 and BP. N. !freight and naseenger) Amboy and Camden. ia4-11 WEST CHESTER AND PRILADELPRIA RAIL ROAD vre AMU.. SPRING ARRANGEMENT—CHANGE Of DEPOT. On and after FRIDAY, April 1. 1864. the trains will leave Pniladelphla, from Depot corner of THI STY FIRST and MARKBT Streets. (West Philadelphia.) at 8 and 11.06 A. M. and at 2 30.4 30. and 645 P. M. Leave West Chester at 6 20, 7.46. and 11 A M. , and at 2 and 445 P. M On Smidaye leave Philadelphia at 930 A. 111 A, and 2.90 P. M. Leave West Chester at BA. M. and 4.30 P. M. The trains leaving Pardelphia at 8 A. M. and 4 30 P M connect at Pennelton with trains on the P. and B. 0. R. for Concord. Kennett, Oxford. dtc.. Ac. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as baggage, and in no case will the Company be liable for any am ount exceeding $lOO. rtaNitlr WOOD, apl General enperintendent. 1863. :T 1863. PICT!, A DE'LPIEL4. AND ERIE RAIL ED/M.—This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest donating of Pennsylvania to the city Of Briip. on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY. and under their 'maples' la being rapidly opened throughout its entire lentil. It is now in use for Passenger and Freight business from Harrisburg to Emporium, OM mile.) on the Eastern and from Shegield to Brie, (78 miles) on OS Western Division. MB 07 PASSENOBA Teams AT PEIThADILTILL Leave Westward. . Mail & 00 A. X. - Jr...einem TrainP. M. Cars run through 'without ch ange both ways on these trains between Philadelphia and Lost Haven. and be. Iwoon Baltimore and Look Haven. lilegant Sleeping Cars on Tisprolul Trains both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, end Williamsport and Philadelphia. For Information respecting Passenger business apply at the Southeast corner Eleventh and Market Streets. And for Freight loudness of the Coinigin's Agents: 8. SINOSTON, Jr.. corner Thirteen th and Market sweets Philadelphia. I. W. itiIYNoLDB. Erie. DRILL. Agent N. 0. E. E. Ealtimora H. H. HOUSTON, Genera l Lsvris Freight Agent Philadelphia. adurr. Geneva Ticket li_gent,_ Philadelphia. JOS. D. PORTS sang-il General Manager. Villilantsport. aw i smig PHILADELPHIA. AND SLNIRA R. R. LIN'S. ISO& /ALL AND WINTSR asaaitts- ISSN, _ wINT. Vor WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, ILMERA, DdLO DRAGANA FALLS, and all Points in the Wed and northwest. Passenger Trains leave Deoht of Philadelphia artil Reading Railroad, loner BROADAsd CALLOWRILL Streepted.t., at 8.11 A. N. and 9.90 P. 11 - .. daily, Sundays aqin li __aIECSST RouTn from Philadelphia to potato Is Northern and Westin' Pennsylvania. Western New • fork, Re.. dm. Baggage chested through to Builalo, Niagara Palle. or intermediate points. For further luformation apply to JOHN a BILLER, General Agent,_ TNIRTSINTR and CALLOWNILL. and oNse N. w earner SIXTH and OMMIOT Streets. laBl4 WiIkvNORTH PENNRY36 AFL RAILROAD—Tor BETH LEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, MUCH OHIINH. BASLE TON. EASTON WILLIAMSPORT. km WINITER ARRANGEMENT. ralessger Trains leave the new Depot. THIRD Street. Orly a Thompson stsSst. daily (Sundays exeepied) as At At A. M. Ulawress) for Bethlehem. AUentoWs. Yana Chunk. Hasletozu Willisamsport. an. At g P . H. (Express) for Bethlehem. Easton, We. At 6 16 P. M. for Bethlehem,_Allentown„Mansh Chunk For DopIeOVVII at 0.151. aa4_4.16 P: M. For Fort Washington at 10.16 A._ i ll said ills T. IL White oars of the Second and mud streets its. City yeeeenger ran directly to the new Depot. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA LASS Bethlehem at& SO A. EL_, 9. 80 A. X. ,_and & Of T. M Leave Doylestown M 6.301. AL and It 40 P. H. Leave Tort Washington at S. IO T A . H. and 3P. IL Washington SUNDAS. Philadelphia for Doylestown at ID A. M. and 4.16 P. EL Deyleetown for Phlledelpide at 7.30 A. M. and P. M. Role ELLIS CLAIM Agent. NOTICE IS HEREBY (MVEN THAT the Annual liDethur of the Stockholders of the OBSTRAL TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. of Penn anisa_ will be held et ths: Office. corner of yuniTifiga and NAMUR omens. West Phiiadelphia. on NONDaY. the 18th day of April ncr , at 10 o'clock, A. N., for the purpose of electing nine Directors, a Treasurer, and .&cretsary, to serve for one year. Notice is also given that at said Stockholders' Meeting it is proposed to increase the Oapital Stock of said Contra Trangmortation Company by adding thereto one hundred pod gmr thousand dal" fpf to pompom Of Ofitondint its presoak behaves. -By order of the Board of Direetors. O. W. OMlLoli,_ President. rshlg.lgt J. Y. OOTTEIMOSM. Secretary. MRS. JAMES BETTS' OBLEBRATRU J•val- 13IIPPOBSZER Mt /ADM. mad Moonily Kins w s ander eminent medial Datretuas. Latta asi irmisas are riarasallity reansatal to ea H i lo g at hur raildant t lrg T art, hla, (to avoid Goan tho dalalqahaldWasbArdslamWmalte farm t, yr t r e a w aitttaarli gu igastql OM 11111 , 11 , 91M01111Migga9MI• gtie•g .11M RAILROAD LINES. PROPOSALS. OFFICE ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE. YSE PH T I M A DSL G R I I RA . RD pr I Sr S s M . t SEALED PEOPOSI LB will be received at this office n eppl Schu y lk ill y2ing'ch. M A O r N se DA a Y l wi th t l h B e h oiaowinng aor Heise : 'bowers for limited Men, shy-blue. Army standard. wbiei, are required immediately -111801 Lacing Cord for waterproof libeller Tente. Diadem aunt Mate to their propoasts the price. weneh IDUBt Ir see - fring. as well as in Ames, also the anantity id ( or, and time of delivery. Bide from defaulting contractors will not be re ceived blank forms for proposals can be had upon application at this Proposals mint be endorsed, "Proposals for Army etatiag the particular article bid for. °ROSMAN, 5p14418 Colonel and Amt. Qr. AL Gen'l 11. B. Army. I,OOOARTILLERY HORSES WANTED AT ONCE. CHIEF GWARTERMAFITER . O OFFICH. Dnrov or WAnntioStost. Wesurnavoir. D. a.. April itth, PIM LOCO HOBISP. suitable for Artillery serviae, mill be purchased at this depot by the undersigned. in open market. from date cfntil MAY llth. 1811. In lots of 1 to W. at one bundred and sixty-live dollars ($161) per Rut mat. sea animal to be anbjected to the usual Government in emotion before being accepted. Horses to be delivered to and Inspected by Capt. C. H. Tompkins. A. Q it. 11. 8 A. corner of Twenty-second and 0 streets. Washington. D. C. D. H MICKEL • Brig. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster. spl2-24t Depot of Washington. D. G. 3,0 00 HORSES WANTED. WAa DIMPAUTIGIAT• CAVALRY 1:101telt1h OFFICE OF CHIEF QUARTERILDITInt, WASHINOTON. D. U.. March 8. hum One hundred and fifty ($180) dollars per head will be Paid for all CAVALBY HOBSIS delivered nrithin the next thirty (VD days at the Govern ment Stables at (llesboro, D. C. Said harms to he sonnd in All Dartlenlam. not less than five (8) nor more than nine (9) years old; from 14% to IS hands high, fleshed. compactly built. bridle wise. and of size sufficient for cavalry purpose& *we spectfications will be strictly adhered to and pity enforced In every particular. Filament made on delivery of ten (l 0) end over. !MIES of inspection from 9 A. M. to 6 P. X. JAMID3 A Eglll. Lieutenant Colonel and Chief Onartermester. mh24-80t Cavalry Bureau. N OTICE TO CONTRACTORS. • OFFICS OF Trig COLUMBIA AND PORT DE POSIT RAILROAD COMPANY, COLUMBIA. Pa , April 6, 1664. Sealed Proposals fcr the Graduation and Memory of that portion of the COLUMBIA AND POST DEPOSIT RAILROAD. between Columbia and the head of the Old Maryland Canal. a distance of twenty-nine miles On sections of one mile), will be received at the OM 30, In FROST Street , below Lowest, until noon of the 'Pah in- stant. Plane and Profiles of the work will there be ex hibited for one week proviouo to that dote• C. a KAUFFMAN. President. J. A. SHEAFP, Chief knit/Reel. ape tap2B ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE. CINOINNATI. Ohio April 6,1864. PROPOSALS afe invited by the undersigned mitt) WNW) &MAY. April 29th. 1864, at 2 o'cioek P. M., for furnishing this Department (by contract) with: Blankets —Woolen Army standard. • Camp Kettles. do. • Color Belts. do. Drams—complete. do. Polling Axes (flret quality only. and to weigh from ato s'd pounds). ids_ Felling axe Handles. do. Guidons (Cavalyr). do. Kersey. Sky Blue, do. do. Pict Axes. Pick. axe Handles. do Spades. do. hneiter Tents, do. Samples of which may be soon at the Case of Clothing and Squipsso in this city. To be delivered free of charge, at the U. S. Inspection Warehouse, in this city, in good new Package% with the name of the party furnishing, the kind and quan tity of goods distinctly marked on each article and pack- Parties offering goods must in ell cases furnish sam ples, marked and numbered to toerespond with their proposal, and distinctly state in their bide the quantity of goods they propose to furnish. the price. and the time of delivery. A guarantee. signed by two responsible persons. must accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will Supply the articles awarded to tam under his proposal. Bide will be opeued• on WILD& EISDAY, April 20th, /864, at S o'clock P. gl.. at this *glee, and bidders are re quested to be 'present. Awards will be made on TDI7RSDA.Y. April 2 lat . . Bonds will be required that the contracts will bifaith fully fulfilled. Telegrrams relating( to Proposals will not be noticed. Blank Forms of Proposals may be obtained at this office. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is reserved. By order of Col. Thomas Swords, A. Q.. M. G. C. W. MOULTON. apl2-Bt, Captain and A. Q. M. OFFICE ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE. TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets. PHILADELPHIA. April 11. Mt MUD PROPOSALS will be received at this Wilda until 12 o'clock it. on FitiDAT. the lath instant. for supplying the Schuylkill Arsenal with the following articles: Trumpet Cords and Tassels, cavalry, army standard ' Brass Crowed Cannon. One.half inch sky blue Worsted Lace. " " One-eighth inch red and yellow Worsted Braid, !! BEginßnial Oider Books, army, as it Letter Books, s Company Clothing Boos s, ' • • - Morning Report Books, Bidders must state in their proposals the price, which must be given in writing• as well. as in 'figures, also the quantity bid for, and time of deliver.. Bids from defaulting contractors will not be received. Di a na forms for proposals can be had upon application at this office. Proposals must be endorsed " Proposals for Army Butplies." stating the particular article bid for. G. H. CROSSUrif, apl2 4t Aest. Q. M. General U. S. A. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GE. EBEAVS OFFICE. PHILADBLPInd, April 7.1864. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until WEDIME DAY. the 20th inst. at i 2 o'clock H.. for the supply and delivery of all the Coal and Wood re quired for th Pub l ic the various Hospitals, Offices, 'Store houses, and Baildings in and around Phila. dolphin, from the let of Alia next until the 30th Arsm. 1865, inclusive. Deliveries are to be made at uch times and in such quantities as required, and to include Germantown, West Rbiladelphla, IficeLown, Fort Mifflin, Summit Rouse, and °teeter. Pa. Coal to be of best quality—anthracite. stove. egg. or broken—as may be desired. subject to inspection, and to weigh 2240 Ms- to the ton, free from dirt. Wood to be of beet quality, oak or pine, as required. The right is reserved to , eject all bide deemed too high, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be received. By order. Colonel G. H CROSMAN, Assistant Quartermaster General, A. BOYD, apB tap2o Captain and A Q. ffi ,U. B. A. PROPOSALS FOR FORAMS. OHM QIIAILTNIMANNIIk'S OTNION. WASHINGTON DPpor December 8. 1861. SY.AbBD IrMOPOSALIII are invited by the undersigned for supplying the 11. S. Gnartermester's Department, at Waehington. D. C., m ßaltimoee, Md.. Alexandria,_snd Yon Monroe, Va., or e i ther ofse ,arias , H with ay, Corn. Oats, and Straw. Bids will ht received for the delivery of 6,000 bustle]; of corn or oats, turd 60 tons . ef hay or straw". and up wards. Bidden must stets at whfith.of the above-named points they propose to make deliveries, and the rates at which they will make deliveries thereat, the quantity of each article Proposed to be delivered, the time when said de liveries shall be commenced, and when to be completed. The price must be written oat in words on the bids. Gornto be put up in good, stout soaks, of about two bushels each. Oats in like sacks, of about throe bushel* WO. The seeks to be furnished without antra shared to the Government. The hay and straw to be securely baled. The particular kind or description of oats, co hay, or opostraw. Proposed to be delivered, musk be state rn, d in the pr sals . All the articles offered under the bids herein invited will be subject to grigid Inepostion by the Government inePector before being accented. Contracts will be awarded from time to time to the lowest responsible bidder. as the Interest of the Govern rent may require, and payment will be made when the whole amount contrasted for shall have been delivered and accepted. The bidder will be required to issompany his propo sal with a reptrantsc, signed by two responsible persons, that hie Ma is amtepAad hest,. that yelliocithia seh days thereafter, entente ...a tionalte...,c sue same, with good and selffelent sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the contract, to deliver the forage 'proposed in conformity with the terms of this advertisement; and in gam the said bidder should fall to enter intothesontrast, they to make goad the difference betweenthe o ff er of said bidder end the next lowest umPOneibla bidder, Or the person to whom the sentraet may be awarded. The responsibility of the guarantors must bs shown by Owen gni certificate of a 11. S. Matelot Attorney, tic:- Lector of Customs , or any other *Seer under the United States Government, or responsible person known to this ne& o All bidders will be duly notilled of the aerntanes or rejection of their Proposals. The full name and teat ease ecidrese of each bidder mast be legibly written in the proposal. Proposals must be addressed to Brigadier General D. H. Bucker, Chief Depot Quartermastor. Washinsten,l) 0., and should be plainly marked, Proposals for Po. ini Cx:ds. Ina sum equal to the amount of the contrast, signed by the contractor and both of his guarantors, will be required of the sneeessful bidder br bidder, 'spore eiciA t the contrast. orms of bids scaranteee, and bonds may be obtained upon application at this °Mee. YOBaf OY PROPOSAI. (Town, County, and €lll4lll---. fDato) 1. the subseriber. do hereby Prowse to furnish and a.. liver to the United States. at the Qnsrtermeater's De- Pertinent at agreeably to the terms ofyour advertisement, Inviting proposals for forage. dated Washington Depbt. December 1963. the following arti stes. viz: bushels of Corn, in sash% at per bushel of Id Pounds. bushelsunds of oats, In mks. at L — per hottest 4 :n bo. tons of baled Hay. at per ton of 2 000 , pounds. tons of baled Straw . at per ton of 2.000 pounds. Delivery _to commence on or before the day of ----• lea , and to be completed on or before the day of 1138, and pledge myself to enter into a written contrast with the United States. with good and approved securities. within the emcee of ten days after being mottled that my bid has bees ifeillited. Tour obedient servant, --- Drigadler General D. H. ffiroffee. Chief Depat Quartermaster. Washington. D. C. AILLATHS. We. the undersign ed residents of ln the *county ofand State of . hereby , feint], and severally.. covenant with the Halted States, and guarantee, in mar the foregoing bid of be lamented, that be or they will. within ten days alter the aseeptanse of said bid, (manta the contract for the same with good and sufficient stunties, in a sum squid to the amount of the contraet, to furnish the forage _proposed in conformity to the terms of advertisement dated De cember R. IBM ender which the bid was made, end. to gam the said —shall fail to enter into a contrast as aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the difference be tween the offer by the said and the next lowest responsible bidder. or the person to whom the contrast me, be awarded. Witzesa - Givel under oar hands and acid* I this 4117 Of —. IE4 CC LEktal.3 I hereby fortify that. so the best of my knowledge and belief. the above named guarantors are good and snit sient ai burettes for the amount for which they offer to be security. To be sertiled by the Dotted States District Attorus:y. Coll ester of Customs, or any other offleer under the Erniteaffiatee Goserantent, or responsible person knew* to this one*. AJI proposals received under Side advertisement Will be opened and examined at this office on Wednesday and Saturday of each week. at 12 M. Bidders are respectful ly invited to be Present at the opening of bids if the/ desire. D. H. sucks". dell -tr ltrisedieg senersi and onearterwaster. BEDFORD W.A.TRIi."—INDIVIDII sus and dealers will be mipplied with "Bedford Water. " fresh from the Spring, at the shortest noties, at the following rate": • For barrel. 40 innoßs(os) . so 00 Half do d 0... ..... ....... . 200 Half. do (muberry) - 800 The barrels are well steamed, so that purchasers mar depend upon receiving the Water as pure and fresh as at the Spring. All orders addressed to nib 12.8 in R. k ANDBRSON. Bedford. Pa. DOCTOR IL STEVENS IS CURING all Chronic . Diceases, both of LADIES and GEN. TLBIEIIII, by a new method in the use of ELECTRICITY. without shooks or pate . Board for a limited number of Patients from ahroad may be had at reasonable rates in the Doctor's family. A. Pamphlet of sixteen Pitgail• con taining certificate§ and other informative. sent gratis to all oiders accompanied with a stamp. Office and reel• dense, at 141E18017M num SQUARE, being central and ageesei el° by street-cars from every rat/road depot in the city. PHILADELPHIA, a prII, lax MACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, ao. 2.100 bbla Nava Non 1. 2. and S Haokerol. late-caned fat Eck In ',sorted packages. 2.000 bbls New Eastport. Fortune Bay. and Halifax Hallam 2.600 boxes Lubec. Sealed, and No. 1 Herring. 160 bbls new Hess Shad. 260 boxes Herkimer County Cheese, dm. In store and for sale bx MURPHY lb KOOKS _, i 532.11 . No. 1443 BORTH WHABVHII. EVANS & WATSON'S lILLAXII.IIDJUI ffrolfjl 16 601:P111 FOURTH 6711111 T, PHILIDELPRIA. Pl • Lora varlet, of 1 . 122-nOQ7 BAIBB alway. n g i THOMSON'S LONDON aTrauorm OR lOROPSAN mi meo. hotels. o_rablis institutions in Twurry r DIFFRRENT FOSSIL Also, PhMadeira& atiß Range% Hot-Mr Varnacea. Portable Heater*. Low own Gral, fly/board Siovgs, HMV BOUM Siewhole PlateA ßroil. Cooking 860Y014 as.. at. wholesale and Mali. the wanntiotarers, MAIM SHARPS. & THOMSON. mbl.tutheitm No. 1100 A. EISOOND Strait CARD AND FANCY JOB FEINTING, L WNW& AU 1114911N1S AUCTION SALES. ...o,W6rk.net,"""eVN"n.e.,",*•,n, JOHN B. MYERS & ATIOTION . MRS. Non. 22.2 arid 234 MiRKET Int LARGE IMPORTANT POSITIVE SALE OF 815 PAIS- A 4E13 AMERICAN. BRITISH FR KROH. AND GEN lAN DRY GOODS, tn 601.8 ING,BTR a.W 00058. Oc. , TE DAT. A CARD —We invite the early particular attention of agleam so the valuable and extensive assortmeireof Ame rican, Nritieb. French. and Germandry goods. orlitlllitE. palm hate end hoods, etc . etc.. embracing MO PaiEttrall and iota of staple and fancy articles, to be peremptorily sold by catalogue. on four months' credit, and part tor cash, commencing this morning, at ten o'clock precisely. to be continued all day. and part of the evening. without intermission. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF EUROPEAN, INDIA. AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS. 80. We will hold a large:vale of Dritiok. German. French end Amerlean dry geode. b 7 catalogue, on four months . ' credit and part for g oo a MORNING. April 141 h. commencing at precisely 10 o'clock. com prising 775 PACKAGES AN D LOTS of Britibb. German. French. India. and Araerlean dry noollll, embracing a large. foil. and freak assortment of woolen. worsted. Linen, cotton. and silk gazes for city and country sales. N. B —Kamp es of the same will be arranged for ex amination, with catalogues, early on .the morning of sale, when dealers will And it to their interest to attend. • LARGE PEREMPTORY BAL3 OF immix" AND DO &IMMO DRY GOODS. dic. NOTlCE,—lncluded in our rale of foreiguana domestic dry goods. Thursday morning. April 14th. at 10 o clock. will be found in part the. following desirable articles. to be sold withouo reserve. ott ftrar months' credit and for cash packages standard packages corset jeans. packages fancy prints. packages twine and bate. cases neat styles American prints cases neat styles American gingham& cases knglian and German gingeams. cases apron checks. cases blue denims. cases tickings - oases bine tartest!. came black and colored !Meese. caste brown and bleached trmline. cases fancy cottonades. cases isms and mixtures. COMB Saxony dr. se goods. cores fancy lawns and jaconeta, cases periling and mozemblanoe. cases fancy retre ano poll de chimes. eases on begs and mons de laines. 110 pieces French plaid flannels. 100 maces mode and black aloacee. LINEN GOODS. THIS MORNING. April 14th, will be sold - nioees 7-4 and g 4 Barnsley damasks, places white and brown dam sake and cloths. pieces damask and heck towels. pieces diaper and plain towels. 'daces bleached end brown linen husks. piece, elastic canvas. dozens 3fi and I linen cambric handkerchiefs. TAILORING GOODS—TO CLOTEHEBS AND OTHERS. TElla 1110tittliae. April 14th, will be included in our sale— About 240 pi. cee woolens and casrimts. nieces Belgian and French broadcloths. in blue. black, and fancy colors. pieces English li:scrimp and cloak cloths. pieces ftogliall mottoes, in (ski ilionshis shades, r pieces fancy French eanimeree. Pima bract doeskins. pieces black and fancy satinets. pieces black Italian cloth. pieces black drag date. Also, black satin and fancy silk vesting., Barges, vel- vets, hosiery. gloves, spool cottons, patent thre.d. silk cravats and ties, hoop and balmoral skirts shirts and drawers: linen bosoms, buttons. Cotton hdkft weelea, thibet. and stella shawls, fancy articles, am . Also, stock of American dry goods for cash: HOSIERY, GLOVES. e.HIRTS. CLOTHING, An. Included in oar sale of Thursday, April 14, will be found: 1.100 dozen cotton hosiery. gloves, gauntlets, shirts, Sc. 800 heavy new-style balmoral skirts. A stock of ready-made clothing, LARO_V ATTRACTTVE POSITIVE SPECILL SALK OF SOFT HATS, BY ORDER OF TES SHREW, FOR CAUL On FRIDAY MORNING, .. . , .April 15, at Dredge'', 10 o'clock. will be peremptorily sold at the auction Store, Noll. aII dud 234 MARECIIT Sheet. by ostelogue, by order of the I:lberia% for cash. 1184 cases Men's and BOY'S Soft Hats, Including every variety of steno—quality. colors, and style. recently manufactured f,,r Spring sales to which we invite the attention of dealers. as the sale will be peremptory. B.—Samples, with catalogues, early on the morn ing of sae. LARGE PEREMPTORY BALE OF FRENCH, INDIA. GERataN, AND BRITISH DRY 'IOODS, Mo. ON. MONDAY MORNING, April nth. at 10 o'clock, will be sold by catalogue, on four months' credit. ABOUT 500 PACKAGES AND LOTS Cf French. India. German, and British dry goods. &e.. embracing a large and choice assortment of fancy and staple articlea in silk. worsted, woolen, and cotton fabrics. N. B.—Samples of the same will ha arranged for ex amination. with catalogues, early on the morning of the sale, when dealers will find It to their interest to attend LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1,100 PACHIG ES BOOTS, EHOES, BROGANS, ARMI 00ODS, STRAW GOODS. 80. ON TUESDAY MORNING, Aprillo, at 10 o'clock, will be sold by catalogue, with• out reserve, on four months' credit, about 1,110 pookages boots, shoes, brogans, cavalry boots, ac ,- embracing a prime and fresh assortment of desirable articles of men, carmen. and children. of city and Eastern manufacture. N. B.—Samples with catalogues early on the morning of sale. EALS OF CARPETING 4, MATTING% Sro. ON FRIDAY MORNING. April 22d, at precisely log o'clock, will be 'sold, with out reserve. by catalogue. on four months' credit. an as soriment of Ernspels threm ply, superfine, and line in Vene, ma t t i ng and rag carperrnie; white and red check Canton , ate., Which may be examined early on thv morning of sale. BY SCOTT & STEWART, AUCTION EERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Non. 622 olissfinur Street and 6t5 SAMSON, SCOTT & STEWART, AnctioWere. will give their Der• eonal attention to Sales of td&FIGLE !MOINE aid WAR , SS of all descriptions, and DEIRMAD'RE of parties removing or breaking np housekeeping, on the premises of the owners or at their elegant and spacione z0k1.146 ROOMS, Nos. 622 Cii.E3 MUT and 615 SANSOK Streets. TRADE SAL& OF 125 000 PIECES OF 'FRENCH. ENG LIsR, AND ASIERICAN PAPER. HANGINGS. THIS IHORNI Di G. Aprill.4, at 10 o'clock, on a credit, we will sell by cats logne. over 125,100 pieces French. English., and I.rn4rl can paper hangings. comp' Ming gold and velvet papers. leaf and stamped gold papers, tine hand-print papers, borders, mouldings. gold, velvet, and gay dec4radons. French and English fancy and gold papers, machine satins. white and brown blanks, fire boards, yes. ibnle and dining• room ornaments, with a lafas aselrtment of French medailtose, Celakree, circles, statuss. Etc.. in fact.. the 'lnsist and largest assortment of WALL, PAPERS ever offered in this country at public sale being the stock of manufacturing and importing houses. To be continued daily, until the whole is disposed of. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock precisely. Vatalogneeready three days prevlone to sale N. B —All papers warranted one shade, and same making as sample. - GRAND SALE OF FINE ITALIAN me - inris PARLOR AND GARDEN STATUARY AND BUSTS, MARSLS AND ALABASTER, AND S fONS PEDniTALS. Imported from Italy by Masers. Viti Bros. (late Vito Vitt h bone). • ON THURSDAY MORNING. 21st Irk.. at 12 o'clock. at our salesroom, No 622 I.,FIESTNUT Street. we will sell a large assortment of the above Particulars hereafter. WOW SALTA AWD TO LET. C EXECUTOR'S SALE. The modern-built dwelling, No. 407 South EIGHTH Street, below Pine. containing in front 19 feet, and 114 feet in depth to a. three-feet alley. The Honse le built in the beet manner, with all the modern Improvements, having always been occupied by its owners; is in perfect order, and calculated for a family to take Immediate poseession, without any ex pense. PRICE, $9,500. Terms accommodating. Inquire on the Premisee. , apl.2. tnths 6t TO L E f T SECOND, THIRD, and fourth floors at 9135 MARKET Eltraat i :li mn. Chvach ailer. • ma 2941 SMALL GROUND RENTS.--SEVE eOO,RAT.d. i i mie o llts a eargi o. ol f t . sa GROUND A fiENTS . of 8400. TAMA ' at ihseTlir of St* 115 South FIFTH Street. dk FOR SALE—HANDSOME NEW Ma modern Dwellii g. CALLO W7HILL Street, above SEVErina street. thirteen rooms. with every convent. same. In complete order and a splendid re gidence. Lot 22 feet front by nearly 100 feet deep. Is offered low and on very reasonable terms. 13 MEL T. FOX, rinl2-20 NINTH and WILLOW. TO RENT- DESIRABLE R ESI ABNGE on MAIN Street. GERMANTOWN. two sonares from depot. Large garden and modern con veniences. SAMUEL T. FOX. apl3 2t. NINTH and WILLOW. el FOR SALE-DWELLING NO. 513 •= ll . PINE Street, with back buildings. Am. OHARLSS RHOADS. spl2.st• ' 36 &nth 66173 NTH Street. de FOR S LE—A THREE-STORY FOR HOUSE. with seven room. with gag. bath. and water closet. 80. 1141 FITZ WATSR Street P.a. session given immediately, If required. apl2 61* f r OVER 300 HOUSES, ALL SIZ&I, Ma for rale and exchange, NANbON ROO3BB, Ja , 240 North TIINTIN Street. mh26-1m" di TO LET-A COMMODIOUS Jwaz DWBLLINO. No. 1 North FRONT Street. Rohl moderate. Apply to wErionina. & BRO.. 0c29-0 41 snd 44 North SECOND Street. FOR SALE—A VERY DESIRA gbIe and handsome modern four-story brick RIM MING* with three-story back batidinin and lot of ground. Ito. front and 11135011 Street (north aide). 26 feet front and over 126 feet deep to Lemon street. • • . lt le flniabed in modern style, and is in complete order. having been mama) thoronghly overhanled and repaired. handsomely. papered and painted through out; gas introduced (with bantherue gam mum and chandelier& which will be included in the sate); bath. hot and cold water, furnace. cooking range. dic. Will be sold at a very reasonable price, on accommo dating terms, ard Immediate possession given. Apply to s W. 'MACH &RA & EON. apS• 6VI` No. 244 South THIRD $t root, FOR SALE-A VERY DES [RA MA. BLS PROtERTY, the residence of the late Dr. Jacob Sharpies!, deceased, with Richton Acres of superior Land attached. It is situated in the borough of DriWRINGTOWN, Chester county. within ten minutes' walk of the Chester Valley and Pennsylvania Railroad Stations. at which all trains stop. The Dwelling ie Very conveniently and substantially built, with Bern. Tenant House. Spring Rouse. and all necessary out buildings. There is a great abundance of Shrubbery. Fruit. and Shade Trees. Part of the land will be Sold with the buildings, if &oiled. Apply to ABM S ASDBRIDaII. DOWNINGTOWN P. O. FOR SALF-A THREE-STORY wig Brick HOUSE, with back buildings. No. 412 &RC El Street; 20 feet front, 80 feet deep where it widens t; 40 feet. and extends 44 feet deep of that width; whole depth of lot 124 feet, with the privilege of a four-foot alley run ning into Arch Si, eat- Apply to A. A uultizy, 4p2•etnthTt' No. XII) South eSVXN rid Street. et VERY FINE AND ELIGIBLY -wealocated Germantown residence, worth .16.000. /leo. neat residence at cheiten Bine, near DI P. Eat/read, worth 56.000. for sale or exelkaave for farm °ratty house. Apply at Ul3O OFFURn d Also. a nest henna in Germantown !onset. tnrniebed or unfurnished, mh3l shetal2L• fa FOR SALE— THE "MANSION MG/L.IIOIMR, " at atlantic City, with FURNITURE, and everything comvlete Alto, two cent Ovtlages, Y rooms each, eibo, Building Lote, near the Bathing. ground. The • • Philadelphia Bowe. at Cape Island with or without Furniture, very low. B. F. GLENN. apt ISt South FOURTH &Yee GERM.A_NTOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE —A vet desirable PROPERTY, within ten Minute.' walk of Wayne Station Der inantoornllaiirord; lame Dwelling-house, with 'all the modern improve ments; Stable. Spring house. toe-honee Ailed. and good Garden; plenty of Fruit and large Shade Tr.ne. Apply to W. W. ICNIGEir. inhae-tf 509 C0M511501 Street. VALUABLE OffEBTNUT-BTBEET -m - LP2OPIRTY. —The subscribers offer at private sale, a property . on CriBSTEET Street between Seventh and Eighth Weds: 41 feet front on Chestnut street, and CS feet deep, running to Jayne street. with the privilege of al5 feet pastime. way running to Eighth street. FIF TY THOIIBAND DOLLARS of the purchase money may remain on the property *. a ground rent,or by bond and mortgage. LAMMAS & BALLADS, - 125 SOUTH NINTH Street tither: Philadelphia. is FOR PALE-B rOHLY IMPROVED Farm. containing 116 awes, twelve miles oat. and One. half mile from station, Pennsylvania Railroad. First class farm Ireprovements. Possession this spring, Alm man, others that can be alv6n this kprithy by par• chasing the stock, Am PaTrIT, ar6 • 323 WALNUT Street. a l FOR SALE—SHE FOLLOWING Ws; FARMS: 93 acres on Media Railroad. 9 inilse from itilerat Si. 4i acres near Fort Washing&On Station. North Norm. Railroad. 70 acres Dear Sellersville, North POUXIL. Railroad. 36 acres at Holmesburg, river front.• 3'6 sores at Bridgeville, Del. 200 acres do. With many others in •arioua localities. B. F. 01.1251 g, Dia 69;19% NUM% Ma* 101 l MA BRINLEY, FURNESS, 31 . 9, 61b CHZ3TI4IIT and 612' AYR LARDS BPSOIAL B&LB OF KENN; G IMPORTATION OF MEEISIts gas )• 1, ON FRIDAY MORNIgit April 16. at 10 o'clock, on tom prising a Dame and general assortmee• 't er elit and fancy goods • co Included in oureale on FRIDAY nank.t4,3 WIII be round 100 pieces Litpla's bombazines, tins to ext ra 6,4 eOO pieces plain colored monasetinei , gra4as. Ito pieces 8-4 bit& monaseunoi, extra analt-nes tut JOO pieces 64 colored monaselinco, u . t orantras. 100 pieces blase and colored °bialys, h;, e „,, to P o l onaise, a new and Narita 11 ki l ?.' 11 :1 blOO pieces Velontinee, Lentos. and JazAzials:3l l/ rim, 2f.1) Balmoral skirts. 200 pleats plaid berate Barna nt. ILO p i e ces silk striped Oremtdine Pgrisnisaz 160 plain and "strived silk Bret:as Berens's., 160 pieces plaid and striped 0-4 Mozambl 100 plecee black figured Mike 1:0 pieces foulardsilkeenew atria. 60 pieces black taffetas. bonnets. and Doll ed widths. 11119 b 1500 black mode and high colored 'Phi hit Ni ta and wool fringes. lino to anti , . sup@ alp A fi no very fine plaid hiowanliVetne and 1.,A4gh1:„.11 new styles. 100 extra floe velour centre Brocbs Square St, 200 Grenadine Barge Shawls, silk and wont WO superfine white and black Baregs ' n fringes. 4tu • OMAS BIRCH & SON, .00, 1 I&ENS. NO. 914 CHESTNUT Street. SHARE IN MIECI6NI ILE LIBRAPY On PSI DAY MoiI:Q.:NU, abrtan, 12 o'clock. Will be cold one 'mare In Afereaw,4, MAHOGANY %MUTER. At §,,,,, c L 00 k, oitH be 0014 (min matmug.ny c oqin 13ab. Igo 1-112 rilir EN k t ou or HOUSEHOLD PrIHN 1711.3 On WEDNESDAY April 20th. et 10 o ' clock , at Po 11,d (arm . Rill eold the farnitere of a faam y rMinn walnut parlor, choMber , an' r0b1.,,s /z g e tt rue lt.,, ingrain. end Venetian n;rr"nl ruiture. &a. kit4o Can be examined at 8 o'clock in tbemerntu FAN COAST & wAnNourc, Auo TIONBERS. No. 2io LA: R.FCET otra LARGE POSITIVE SALV. OF .1110 r.AS9 GOODS HY ek rel.rn - qTE,SfA 05 MON April 18.1864, commencing xlll 0'c!.,ck1,r.,1401,, LARGE POSITIVE SALK OF 750 LOT`I AYER• AND IMPORTED DRY 0000 g. E.5r,8,91 1) u 4 WRITE 000710.43E0 .by flotah,", 4HE! 014 . n bliSebe Y. April 20, commencing at 10 WeloCk precis.l7, Wising a general assortment Of PenbOunhie Will be found worthy the attention of bay.n. P HILIP FORD & CO., AUCTION I; % Ili 525 MAILEST and 522 COMMERCE stay! ! LAWS POSITIVE SALE OF 1,000 CARES 80% SHOE% 8R0GA.194. BALMORAL% et THIS MORISING. April 14, at 10 o'clock precisely, will be .old ctn. logne, 1.000 tepee men's, boys', and yontht' cdf kl and slabs boots, baimorals, uxford ties, t.r.'ry 1, 3t 5 , Wornen'a. Melee. arid ammvae'e cal?, km, lime . v d and morocco bael,d boots and shoes, slippers, 40,7 , butting. and also city Mafia Oman Catalogues ready early on the morning of sale LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF Loll CASES BOOTS SHOES. BROG ANS. B.LMoltaLs, & a. 4 DI MONDAY MOnNEVO. ADM] lkh. at 10 coolook precise/ y. will bo acid. by cwt. loans. 1.000 cases 113013',.. boys', and youths' cal f kip. ti grain boots. balmorals. 0 ford ties. cavalry boots be a , and Women's, misses'. and chl)dren'a lep. goat kida, morocco beefed boots and aboes, Wippern. althea buskins. and also ally made goods Catalogues read, early on tn. morning of nate, BY HENRY P. WOl.ll AUCTIONEER, Ilro. SOX MARKET htreaL South hide, alhova Smola At Sales of Dna , Goods. Trimming% Notions, MONDAY. WiDDESDAY. and FRIDAY Norwag, mencing at 10 o'clock. GLOAKINGS, CASSIMERRS. %KIST'S, DRY 0(005, ROcIERIr. HUKSS , TRIMMINGS. SHUNS, asc,On FRIDAY MORNING, April at 10 o'clock, will be Bold cloaking ciathe, casaimeres muslin tibias. *atria, dram, ftll6 dOLIVIVIc, goods, cotton horiery, handkerchiefs, trimming' hate. &c. M THOMAS - 41; SONS, was 139 and t3l South IMIIRTEI ERMA' SUPERIOR FURNITURE. MANTEL AND PIER Mr ROM!. PIA +GE., PRINTING P.l/ESS. IRON tidESTa, CARPETS, &e.. THIS MORNING At 9 o'clock, at the Auction Shkre, pier e anDerlor lard. lure. 2 large plate mantel mirrort. pier LIAITOr. tare aortment E lie carpets, &c. Also. an eiegant rosewood bookcase, with secretary, Also, a large mahogany do. Also. a mahogany pianoforte, Iby Scharr. Also. for account of .whom it may concern, 31 host' unclaimed seeds. Sale at 1705 Wainnt FUNGI HANDSOME FURNITURE. PHs E OIL PAINTINOi, CARPETS. OIL-CLOTHS. aw. ON _FRIDAY MORNING, April 16th. at 10 o'clock. at No. 1706 Walnut titres:, 67 catalurne, the handsome rosewood and brocatelis 01u for furniture, walnut and morocco dining-room feral. tura. extension table by Moore &Campton; &wet chi.e. her furniture. tine oil paintings. including an oil/last Boyle, fine engsayings. parlor organ, &c. May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of 04 sale. SALE OF A VALUABLE LAW LTBRARY. OR FRIDAY AFTIIRDTOON, April nth. at the auction Mom cmcmasctsc o'clock. a vainable law library. which includes a ante. ber of the rennalivania and other reports. elementary works, &c ; a number of them boadoa editions. Also, legal paper, boxes, stationery, Sale for account United States. FRENCH. ZOUAVE CLOTHING AND GAITERS. ON SATUE., Al" 140/WINO, April DEL at t 0 o 'clock, at the auction store, withott reserve. 4,170 infantry privates' coats. zociave. 4 Olt vests. 57 trumpeters' coats. 4 94t leather gaiters. 12,0 linen gaiters. 26 forage caps Terms cash. air The above are a portion of the French nuiform imported. In the early part of the war. and are solo an account of being too small to issue to our troops. Ma be examined three days previoua to sale. SALE No. 2041 GREEN STRRET, SUPERIOR - itiRBITURg. it A si•Er.. MIRROR. FIRE VELVET AND BP.I7S , ELS CARPETS. , to. On moivnAY MORNING, Mk instant. IP dt 10 o'clock, at No. 2U41 Green street by catalogue, The enrierior walnut, parlor, and dining room far• nitizre, fine ceamter furniture, fine French plate man tel mirror. in rich kilt frame; howler:me velvet and BruNsele Carpets. &c. oleo, the kitchen utensils. May be examined at 9 o'clock on the morning of male. CARD. —Raise of Real Estate, Meeks. &a . at the EX. CHADOR EVERY TUASDAY. Pamphlet Gaialcanee each .arnrday pre , iona. .111311.11 at ¬ion Store TEIIIIISD AUCTION SALE OF NAVAL STORES. AT NAVY YARD. NEW YORK. By order of the Commandant of this Yard. I shall oder for sale, at onblic auction, on THORSDAY, April 21, al 12 o'cleck`M., the tollowiug articlta. About 2.0f0 Ws of non Turpentine. 300 bbls of Am. Spirits Turpentine. 33,0! 0 tbs Oakum Shakings. 11. 01 1 0 lbs old Manilla Rope. " 10,000 lbs Oakum Dust. in bales. " 6.0001 h, old Raw Hide Rope. " lbs Brady's Compressed Hair, in bales. Twenty per cent. of tbe purchase Miley must 06 do rno.itta at the time of sate, and ten days will las allowed to remove the goods from the yard; and. if not 60 re. moved. the depoeit will be forfeited to the Government, All payments to be made in Government currency. and before the goods are removed from the yard. D. D. T. MARSH aLL. 11. S. travel Storekeeper. NAVY YARD. NEW YORK, April 0. 188.1. ap7-thetutapo MARSHAL'S SALES. MARSHAL'S SALE. —BY 17 . r ry ThE of a wril s of sale. 1 7. non Tohn Cadivelacier. S tu k te t r . b : .tristrict Court tns United states. in and ror the Eastern Dietriet of Pennsylvania, in admiralty. to ate directed.will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest ana beet bidder, for oath. at Patterson's Str re (P.) P E. corner PROEM and LOMBARD Streets, on WBONES. DAY, April 13th. 1564 at 12 o'clock M.. the tackle. aP• parel, and furniture of the wrecked ship Sea Llreet. Now in my custody. by virtue of a writ of altacbmani lately ironed oat of thxe c ' , art at the snit of Corbett et at, and to be sold as perishable WILLIAM MILL WARD, S, Marshal E. D. of reansylvardt. PRILADISLPHT.I. April 7. 25th apS- SHIPPING., STEAM WEEKLY TO LL VIDIPOOL. TOUCHING AT QIISENST , AVS (Cork Harbor.) The well-known Steamers of the Liver pool, New York, and Poilade!phis kraal:l:whip Company are Intended to earl as follows : CITY CrttLONDON. EA CORDAY, Aprlll6. . . . STWA. SATURDAY April V. CITY OF DEW YORK. SATURDAY, ►pril3o, Dim. eV 6 ..t"airW eriturtlay at noon. from Pier ►f NORTH. Myer. . _ . . . . RATES OF PASSAGE. Payab'e in Gold or Its equivalent in Currency. FIRST CABIN 001 S i &BRAG E 230 Do. lo London S 5 CO Do. to L0nd0n..... Oi Do. to Paris.... -... 92 00 Do. to Parts 40 03 Do. to Hamburg • 90 00, Do. to Hamburg... 1, 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Branum. Rotter dam. Antwerp. he., at equally low rates Pares from Liverpool or Queenstown: First Cabin. *l9, $25. $106; Meerut. from Liverpool and Queenstown , $35. Those who wish to send for their friends can bag tic/ etc here at these rates. For further information apply at t) a Company's Offices. JOHN G. DMZ, igeut. apl2 111 WALNUT Street, PhtladelPhtee AM BOSTON AND PHIL A.DEL. PHIA. STEAMSHIP LINE. sailing from sash port on SaTURDAIS. from first wharf above PINE Street. Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston. The Steamship -- will sail from Philadelphia for Boston on Saturday. April —; and steamship NORM Capt. Baker, iron. Boston for Philadelphia on Saturday. April 16, at 4 o'clock P. M. These new and substantial steamships form a r•aniar line, sailing from eaoh non punctually on Saturdays. Insurance! effected at one , half the IlfeMitiM Charged on sail +week.. - Freights taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to aend Slip Receipts and Bib! Lading with their goods. For Freight or PllMage (having tine-aceoremodationsi apply to HENRY WI 513Q_E & CO.. Jute 33111 Son , h DiILeWAHE Avelino. MEDICAL. ELECTRICITY. _WHAT TB LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH f—Meams. GRIM & ALLEN. liedisal Meetricians, having dissolved partnership. the ;mattes will be continued by ?HOB. ALLEN, at the old established °Mee, No. Tki North TENTH Street. between Goatee and Brown, where he will still treat and c are All sc.rable diseases 4110:Let/Kw Acne. Chronic., nalmonerr ar rant/tie without a shook or anypain, t with the cu rious 13/OdiffeltiOng of Ileatrisity and Galvanism. This Treatment has been found remarkably enceassful in all MUM of Bronshitis, Dlptheria, and other diseases of the throat and respiratory organs. ClonsuraPtion, Arai and se- Inlnensa and Catarrh. Bond stages. General Paralysis. Disease. of the Liver or Neuralgia, Kidneys, Peter end Anna Diabetes. Congestion. Prolaaus Uteri (Falling of Astluna., the womit). Dyspepsia. . RhOILIBMIIOI7 Brottshitin No what'll, for consult& P, TootimontaLs to bs TARRAN T'S EFFERVIVEMINT SELTZER APERIENT, F or Timmy ygiats has received the Favorable Ito sommendation of the PUBLIC: and been lIOND and PRIV ii 8T trhe PHYBIOIANS 'M:11 LAID As TUB BEST MUNDT KNOWN FOE Hick Headache. Servous Headache. Dyslisala. None ntoniaek. Billow Headache. Disclueee, Costiveness. Lou of Apnetite. indigestion. Torpidity of the Liver, Gravid. Rheumatic Affections. Pilee. Heart. burn, Bea Sickness. Bllione Attacks.. Fevers. 410. • !or Tootimonislo. •e., non Pamphlet Mikh erten 1100. 0 - Manufactured only bi TARRANT & 00.. n O 2-11 FOZZ I A V LE IMBArnitatlebiTlew Tori jIIMELLEI3 COMPOUND SYRUP ° Y DOOR ebeeeeetat an a remedy. bemuse ULM ' , OA 11114 St pronouns, n the beet COUGH STEM'. the beet Blood Purifier, the most eilelent Inviiter , “`'r' end the beet sure for Berofeln ever offered to the ROMs Bold hr the 'proprietor. I. zumisfiLs. Issi nienSirr litres'. trible-flm • Mid all Druilif ts ' .... TATIOR' ARNICA OIL OR EMBRO CATION never tails to OUTS Rhenmatiem. Nanta i r igti i tpraina, Proatad Peat, Chapped Handa_,_ and all s ell eases Frio:4lll6e. and 'Wholesale and Kean by' g• • TAYLOlLDrnedilid-TONTR and CIALLOWITILL. Inhl-312 ow DR.. FINE, PRACTICAL DHN TIBT for the last twent7 years. 319 VINE Bt. below Tbird,thaerts the moat boantlfni TEETH of the Oorallte, Amber, age, mounted on fine Gold. Silver. Vulcanite, wort, more reasonable than any Dentbd We 0111 AUL. at prices, for neat and 80420 04 oe State, Teeth plodded to but for life. Artificial Mutt relibla 10 I nit. No Deft in entreating. All Wort Wm ilaStile ittgemet bed Waite. gaSs'ela Yrelassin9lAl (or Piles Noetnnuil Emissions. AA Deafness. n a t OMnah ours 9 a A m Xe n g
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers