MASON se NAN.LIN'a mlo CABINET OEGANS SIIVSNTH PUT.AR OLornixoßousz or 01PEST, SIMPLEST, AND BEST. , r .„ in s. 704 Chestnltt tared above 7th. sigLii-1300213. 18ih. by Rgv. - C ' t • otAltdo:Dhla. T. R. Wiuttititeeo Si., to r-ier M Bonne, only daughter of Jeremiah ~ all of Port HarbOtt, Pa. .4 (1 hki —intim telt'''. April lgth, by the Ray.. Wm H. Knelt, of Suflicki.Cona., to nettle „F„,mpre. Conn I..rYBR —On Wednesday. rich ingt., In at. New York by the Rev Dr. Tintr 65- gay: Dr. Dyer, father of the brute. the E inn to Helen M. Dyer. —At Wanbazo. Mass , April 4th, T.eodere itm of the 4Ph Regiment Nfaqs ichnietta and formerly of thl. city. aged 27 yeare and V Ai - PACAS.—J?. ST OP PINED _ ...roar_ of Alpacas lind Glossy Mohair Lantree 41 00 •yobagmeii_ • Samm-r Bomi 9211159. • Chaqs• THlllifzeg Mouskelities. p.,4rege Hernan9. Crave Maretz. and other Summer Goods. BESSON & SOX IIoURNIIGO No MS FoiTNErr Street. r&B YArn), BE.3T BLACK s:LK IN TB& CITY. Wide enonsh for 2a ;vro seams. Best Brown Silks in the City. ttks of Fzettedve Styles. Pill Stock of Ordittacy Mike. )31Eel( Silk), from st to $ Cdored Silks, from /81 to BYRE & LA.NAILL. LECTI7RE BY THE HMV WM. . bye. on 'Our Coautry'e Flag.!' choice If t ,-je by the Choir. 'ander the direction of Allah. for the benefit of the Pen , Widows' the Fira Preebyttrlen Conrob, Kensington, Terme, ab. Colombia SWAIM% onTUORSOAY Apri, 11th. 1561, at 7% o'clock. Tlctrete for deer. ap.PAts FIFTH WARD NATIONAL UNION ;•..00IAT.10 11 tf-vtiat of the A•tsocbt.tion ,d on FRIDAY RVR *DIG, April 15th, IF6I, et the Hail of the G.ted 'me a t, R os e Com .Aß:g Street. above Sixth. rlec , will be nade for Delegates to the Con , ,:ict Dational Dolegates. and also L,r De:e 1-inir.s3ntative end enatorial Co -ventions .AlnPpeetor.. a 111 be selected for tb. perry .se z - - at the election ko lie held oa ITSSDaY. i.eiweeu 8 end 8 o'clock P m is tae aft along citizers .4 the w-,rd who are in favor of Admiaistrat;oa are tart ed to at- R. P, SING, FRANKLIN. Secretary. apti 2t MR. LORD'S. LECTURES—THE Lecture of this Con-se criq b. give., in UDIVIMITY. o? FRI DeV gVI NO. s o'clock . Sobj , ct— The Ruin of the Re : Violence. Barbarism. the Catastrophe VINCENT'S _TYO3IO —_PAI Ks IN of the Orpliaue, Wiii contiune sp rfitjti.S. 12-V' ;REA CEN ritekT. FAlEL—am.s -1-itADIT DEI &R 7 4113 • T.—T, e &marmot i‘et leave to acknowledge :he receipt of the from Jos Lsa & o o_ 00 Temple Sc Co , aplthae, from 13rativide broke& da Jo ph. Cooper. do Sheppard. Va. Bar Hagan.% Ar. lee. from Cnrwen groddart k Co. .rsine, from Lea & Reed arkizg Ink. from A crithbert. from Mr. Tobey. in sash, from a gentleman, through Mies r. C 4rbon. Is:atone are attended with considerable ex :alone zhanirfolly received 0 T LBWI6, Chairman. MARY ItIcHE%IIY. Chairman Ladies' Committee. ITT BOUNTY NOTIC.E.—OPPICIC rk 1301MITY FUND commies/ox. ,p o. *IA met, 4pril t IEB4 . _ continue to be paid until farther ....t;ots for Bounty will be entertained from to - eolisea prl or o the date of the PrasidanVe .Du, October 17,1563 ,ware of attorney for the City Bounty. from for Pennsylvania Regiment.. mustere4 in :te. mast be endorsed by the 'Meer in charge es t that the max has been received. there. fthe Commistion _ _ _ ' Slit/URI; C DAWSON Secretary ,XTII WARD—NAI - lONAI. 'UNION ,11'. —All loyal citizens are requested to meet EVENING. April 15th. 1864. at lama's MRS htreet. between Third and Fourth o'clock. for the purpose of placing in nowt -datep for Delegates to the various L'ouven , elect Judge, and Intvectore to conduct said Ey eider. wrwAx - H. BARDISS, President. ECTLER, Secretary. - apl3-31 .IGHTERNTII WARD —THE ter - A.- 0 5AL UNION ASt.(3O 114:PION of the Ward om_FEADAY EVENING the 15th lost., at S Thrliead gnarterp, corner or MARL BO Ft!VET:.III. Streets. for the Dar Done at app toting 1./Teeters for the Delegate Sibettue to be , Atty the 19th Inst. Ville City Ex.eutive Committ.e WILLIAM LINKER, Pr - s. Ass° TWENTIETH WARD —MI AD rhITED meting of the Cairene or the Ward 'VHS 'MINING, at g o'clock. in the .;• FITH street above Haoter. The donamit . ,erfral Precincts are requested to retake re ,r3ennt of money cotlected and subscribed. want of frlds_ . - t,z the men, if those liable to the draft will 27. o_tee. BENJAMIN HdRPEE. TWRITY-FOIT RTEIE W&LID TiETINCL lance with the call or the City Executive Col:ti bial eitiaen, of the , Twenty. fourth Ward wilt HEadquartere of the NATIO X it.L LIMON over the Market Hence, on south Bide of treat of Thirty- third. IIPAY EVENISG, April I. at 8 o'clock, .ose of electing one Judge and two Inerooton ',Eebact to conduct an election to be held in OrTIIESDAY. April 19th. :lc bents of six aid eight o'clock P. X.. at the to (4' holding precinct elections. in nomination Candidate. for Deieuatea to Conventions to be l-ld under the can of toe e Committee; said Delegates to be Voted. for .tz;•al to be held awn 19, an anove. THtO P VirILTIMIGETi o Ch'n fix. Corn. Twenty-fourth Ward. SORTEKURN taßirwri.ES AN D En' IV WaS.HiY RAILKO 00.11YANI_ PHILADSUPSIA. &wit a. MX Meetinz of the ato.khoidere of this Com le held at the office of the Philadelnilis and t - ,llroad COUIPMIY. Uo. 227 South FOURTH MONDAY. the 2d day of May next, at ten 3!.. at which time and place tux elec•lon of oln• WM H. WEBB. Secretary. NOTICE.—TUI.V. FIRST ANNUAL of the SloakiLulders of VIEDSR D 1-PAI y wilt be held at the Office of the 2 Com .4^A.L r 0? :rfISSD "tss 31 Irltn _ a. be he.:22.1.r Piva - erve for the.eresrrhagv.p, 1,;31:141-jr, BEDUCTIOZ_ 711. Ki —ln accordance with a resolution a the :,ragtee!, passed on the 25th instant. the urine the Mariet-street and Swine Garden been reduced to 10 cents par bushel. and ?d.= Breeze and Manavona Worn. so 8 cants JOHN C. CRURON. Chief galaneer. -.1.. arc Gas WORKS. March 28. 1864. mh29 1M NEW CREEK COMPANY. T M .oral meeting of the *mock holders will be held April7l4th. at 12 o'clock. at their office, DT street. A. general attendance is requested, [brit business. WI& HOLLING6WOIMI, Secretary. NOTICE —THE STOCKHOLDERS :be BOWS'S EDDY OIL CO kfallY are here iseo that the Certificates of Stock are ready for V. at the office of the Coltman, . 410 WeiLkillT PETTILT. Secretary. Alva n, ap1241. TRICASURER'SDR PART KENT OkTRERN CENTRAL IlltbWa.l CALVERT STATION. BALTIMONE. April I,IEBI. I, hereby given, that the qaoital emelt of the Central Railway Company. for the puroolse of a double track to eunbury. Pa. , win be EA to an amount equal to that of the 4324 Sting eftring it to the public. those who appear as Sera on th e Company's books on the 6tb. Will be allowed the privilege of sub eerlbing. to an amount equal to the Stock by aP held. nili be opened for that purtere at this office. 1 4-to from the 6th day of APRIL. anal the ?" 1864- _ _ '"'crififoitiTeiii be re , eived for lees than par, pay e wove: Twenty (20) per cent. at the time of and the remainder in inetalmenes of each ' at inch times se may be ordered by the Direc 016- _ yak,. will be doooa. from 5 P. M on the 4th of 10 A. M. on the 6th of April. and no tranefere orthe 6th_ By order: -u.stalmys J. B. LEIB. Treasurer. YELLOWSTONE 3IININ G. CO5l - OF MIORIO%III.—.NoTICIL —The Ikea or the Yellowstone giant Company of Alicni it,""krffoloa of etororotation. will be 11411 d at W.A.Wr Street. Philadelphia. on BialiALY. of /mil. 1864. at ID o'clock A. M. CHAS C JACKSON. MA NM &DIMS MOON. Tim of the sOelates of said Corporation. laumie, March O . HR. =WI-Motet aolS* - - VONI2'OB, MINING COMPANY OP 11,111 0/.11.-30T105 —The rivet Meeting of 1,03" moms Company of Michigan. nodes it. Ar iA,sociation, Will MONDAY . No. 319 WALIBT PlNadelphiA. on the tBth of Aprilf te2. o'clock A. M. CHAS 0 JAI7OE,IOII. MARIKAOIIKR MOORE. Tw o of the Associates of sahl Coroooratlon. 'EI MA: Karol! '3O. MM. mnSI-titsititaplir . 1 7 , 91EG0 MINIMG COIMPA.NY OF fIuRIGAN.—NOTIGS.--Therizet Meeting of, he 197 s of the • Northern " (now eh.ageti to '•0 -- PLO s Company of Michigan. under its articles held at No. 319 WALNUT 'l.tia. on MONDAY. the 113th of &mil. 1861.5 t • 151. C 11.9 C. i4nl/301.. NANSADIIKE MOORS, Two of the Aggociatee amid , lorsieretton- N.L.F...HIA. Mareh 30.1861- fatal- thatataraV LCONA ail ING COMPANY OP ifiGAIL —NOTICE the first mac ti n 4 of t ne }Qr.. of the .. .gxeol.for" (now changed to 1p LI rie Company. of Mlchrgan, ander its artic!en will be held at N. 389 weLigurr Street, e•DI moNDAN, the 18th of Anil- 18g, at .4A iff. Chat. C. ZA.CHSON. WARKkOTIKE MOORE. Two of the Apeociates of said FlOrPmatt ol2 •,.,„ Lput.s, March M. 18b4. mb.3l-thetntanio- StJ•FICIA OF TOE Ffiriff MAIN FIRE HAI CK GOMA DT PHILADELPHIA. April 4. 1851. JPF'ing of the Board of Mr/mime of the COmpanY. dnr. a send-annnal dividend of Mx per cent.. B =i - t dividend of ten per rent., was declared on hal ;took, payable to the stoat, olden. or their q :l . 6 entativve. on demand. J. W. MceIIiSISTBR. Secretary Pro tem. HEDWALT..IPIIRVISTIOIVIS OICIPICIN So 7 north FIFTH t3treet. PHIGADSWIIEM NOY 17. 18115. all; and Dealers in MIDICIBISS. HOSPITAT. rr,e t - , LHOSPITAL PURIM DEB, BADDING IC l. l v O e% M. submit their Prise Lists fr om t i me ta - ,Itpal RIPIAIM and J il M eaP H AY.V6P. 11 OFFICE OF THE ANEMIC AN NB IASI:IBA/NCB COMPANY, PHILADuLPIIIA s 'n!g. 1861, b-wctora have tbic day declared a Dividend of boLLARB AND FIFTY MIR% per share for the feral the which will be paid to the tocaholdere rehreeentativee, on and :her the Met hut . taxes. ALBERT C. D. caswportn. Pwrotari. ,A tUNLIKILL AND SIIPAiIII ND ANNA GaMAD co.,olßee 247 d rOURTH Btreet. PHILADELPHI4. p 4. 1814 4 t at! Mother of the Woo holders of ttle Corn. 1 1- Wootton for Free Meet and six mantugers. ' l ,!irret. at the ONee of the co m oaor , ore rao.ll , dal of Mar next. at 12 o WM H. WINE. B.l:ratan% !IIFICIft COALUE TAW YOR.lir. 2/ IDDLBPIIILD RAILROAD AID s' gpeciai Keating of Ilia Stock nolde,a Sotthe JV be held at their Wiles. N . RIO* ah on TKIKIDA.I. evitril Nth. at it oclock •.! ,t,e, .anagetlon of bumps*. of imp ' , flume. 141,1 K LANDIS. ftwet//7 It AZ/118. /854- Or GREAT OENTRAL FAIR PIANOS. POR TH2 SANITARY CO eillitSSION. COMidITTES POIt A DAY'S LABOR, A DAY'S coma A DAY'S RRVIIII63, Mice. 119 South SNVENTR Street, rimer of SUMS Street, awed Rom Front Room. This Office will be open daily from 9 A. K. to 6 P. M.. to receive Subecrintions of ONE DAY'S LABOR ONR DAY'S MOO ONZ DAY'S RSV ME. From All Who Labor. or Bays Incomes or Revenues. Ryer! Family hale some relative or friend in the ARMY t) Et fIAVY Let all bring in filth °Menge to swell the great tide which is to culminate in Logan Square in the month ut June next. piaAoB. g Gormn. ud ofigsrmor • INDIVIDUAL U L H E R h E PTI INS. HOUSEDOLD PAMSCRIXTIONS. ASSOOLITIott sr! Berm prIoNS. SIISCRIPTIONS OF A BAY'S L4:6011,. A BAY'S INCOME. A DAY'S REVS/ROE. IN MONEY. IN P.aODDOT MANUF &O S WES% The poor matt or woman will thus have an opportn nit, to contribute to the °Woo aor the Fair. who would Otherwise be abut out or participation in it. Citizens are Invited to call at the (Moe. Where R. UOM ranted IP ill be conetaatl, in attecdance to consider their suggest' one. and to appoint Sub committees for Oity or Conran". L. MONYGOMIMY BOND. Chairma HRGHEDOR MITOHNSON. n • g JOHN W . °LAG HORNametal, Treasurer, apS.6t 118 South SEVENTH Street VliIIVE•10 STAIDNIS CHRISTIAN COMMISSION_ Workflow in Progress in the Army at Rest. casisTrAis commissiox STATI•INS LARGELY IN• CIIINAb&D IN EIIaIBEIL • THE WORK. AMINDANTLY PROSPERED. Many More Stations Needed to Meet - the - Wants of the Army. lINPEECEDENTND GALL . FOE DILLECIATZB AND ?AiSreVRATION FOR Ting comma CAMPAIGN WITH ITB The Christian Commission depends mainly upon direct contributions, and meat not be forgotten by Loyal G kris dam' People. 31'4 litlia.SlNG WANTS DIftUND INCREASED MBE- - - Receipt,. .of Money, Stores, &c , to January 1, 1864, 81 148 1:03 linnibsr of Boxes of stores. atc- • shipped to the field OT distributed at home, 16 839. rumber of Delegates sent. 1.563. ropies of Scriptures distributed, 666,275: Hymn and Psalm Books , 602 5!6: Knapsack Books. 1,370.318; Li brary Books 0.163; Pamphlets. 156,145: Religions Sews papers, 3,316,20; rages of Tracts. 22,980.428; silent com forters. 4.115 The United States Christian Commission has seized the present golden opportunity of rest for the Army to eX tend its work for the good of the Soldiers. STATIONS have been multiplied, each with its chapel and store tents. free writing tab;ee, and clothing,.com forts and reading matter for gratuitous distribution. VOLLINTLEI DELEGATES, in numbers greater than ever before. have been sent to preach the Gospel at the stations and in regiments, batteries, and camps without Chaplains, distribute reading matter and stores, and labor for the good of the So,diere FiBLD AGIINCY as been sufficiently extended to establish stations and superintend the work. THE BLESSIPG OF GOo rests signally on all parts of the work. Many thousands have been cleared, bene fited and saved. Still a large part of the Army remains unread:led, and double the number, both of stations and delegates, are needed to meet the urgent demand for them. The Christian Commission offers to the people a per fectly Tellable and wonderfully economical channel to Yearn the entire Army in all its various fields. The money elven goes in full Measure, in benefite log body and soul, directly to the Soldiers. and stores also, imme• &lately L om the hands of delegates from home, who add words and deeds of kindness to the gifts when bestowed. Let the pet-pie give the Money and Stores, and the work will be done. The large Corps of Delegatesnow in the field will serve us a grand corps of relief when the aiming shall move and battles be fought. and the'greaier their number the more prompt and effective will be the relief they shall render. Let not the present work languish. Wait not for the cry of the wounded and dying before providing relief. Mend NOW and Bend ABUNDANTLY, both Money and 'Stores and the Noldiers' Messina- sball be Upon 3,,n -t.enci money to JOSEPH PAITARSON, Treasure; at Westorn Bank. end Stores to 03011613 H. EITUALIYr t Chairman Christian Crmambeion.. 13 BANK Street. Philadelphia. W. 3. BOARDMAN. Secretary U. S. C. C. fe7-mthtf MAGREEABLY;: TVIP. C &ILL OF THE TIMOR STATE COMMITTEE, the Loyal Citizens of Philadelphia, who Are favor of a vigorone . Prosecution of the war and the speedy suppression of the rebellion. will assemble in their respect we vrards, on FRIDAY, April 15, at S o'clock P. M. , at each places as may be desigoated by the officera or the National Union Associations. for the mimosa of plating in 11.0111111114011 candidates for Delegates to the Vb3/0114 Conventions to be held 'under this call; also, to elect a Judge and two Inspectors, from each precinct, to conduct an election to be held in said precincts on TUESDAY, April 19. 1864. between 6 and 8 o'clock P. X. At the elections held wader this call, the citizens of each precinct will vote for one Delegate to a Convention consisting of wards comprising a Congressional district; said Delegates shall elect two Delegates and two Alter nates to a NATIONAL CONVENTION- to be held at Baltimore, Julie 7. 1284 s to nominate a PRBSIDBDIT and - YIDS PRB,SIDSINT of the trailed States. Also, one Delegate to a Representative and one Dele gate to a Senatorial Convention, to elect Representative and Senatorial Delegates to a State Convention to be held at Harrisburg, April .23,1554. for the purpose of electing Delegates at Large to the Baltimore ConYeatien, and the selection of an Electoral Ticket. The Delegates elected, as above, to the several Con ventions shall meet on THURSDAY, April 21, 1864. at 8 • o'clock P. X , at such places as a majority of their num ber shall by advertisement designate, and transact the pwp06436 of their election. At the meetings and elections held under this seal. the rules govarning the National Union party will in All cases be adhered to, and be considered as decisive. By order of the City Executive Committee of the Na tional Union party. Joalc J. Faettar..Tr, 22Secretaries RE... WRY B GARDINER, rets• UNION STATE. CONVENTION.— The loyal men of Pennsylvania, comprising the NATIONAL ITNION PASTY will meet In State Commit in the Han of the genes of ReprasentativeS, Bt HARSISBITECi, at noon, on THURSDAY, April V: 1564. Each district will be entitled to the same representa tion it now has in the State Legislature, and the dele gates will be chosen_ at such times and in sac x manner as shall be directed by the reepective County Com mittees. iecreiiry. The State • Convention is called- for the purpose of placing in nomination an Electoral ticket. selecting delegates atlarge to the National . Convention of the Union Party. to be held in - Baltimore on the 7th Tune, and taking - such action as it may deem proper in reference to the approaching Presidential canvass. The selection of the district delegates from Pennsyl vania to the 'Stational Convention is left—where it pro perly belongs—to the people, assembled in their County Conventions, but the different County Committees are earnestly requested to adopt such measures as will pro cure a full attendance at their • respective conventions, and thereby secure. in the choice of delegates, &Inn and fair expression of the will of the people. The Committee cannot forbear to congratulate all lovers of liberty and the Union upon the recent triumph* of the good cause in Hew. Hampshire and Connecticut. and to express the hem shared by all loyal men, that they are only the forerunners of more splendid victories. so. n to be won in the same cause, alike by the bullet and the ballot. In behalf of the Union State Central Committee. Walttln MoVilaall, Chairman HBO . . W. HamEnerv, 2 Secretaries, W. W. HATS, fm. FOR sAirrraity. PAIR.-REV. GRO. W SMILIY'S Lecture on "Mammoth Have of Itentucky_" b_y request of Hancock Hoy.' Grammar school. at HANDAL AND HAYDN He.lib, on TRURA DAT SVENI24G, A2Oll kith. at $ o'clock. Tickets. 'ffi cents each. apt -2t. MTHE FAREL. OIL COMPANT.— IL D:meting of the Subscribers to the Capital Stock of the PARSE. OIL COMPANY will be held at 309 warmer Street, THIS DAY. 4 o'clock P. M. ltt mg. THE owNiens OF Tlig 'UNITED GOLD COMPANY OF COLORADO havi-m ac quired possession of the Windsor property, thus monitor an addition of 2.000 feet on different lodes. 'have altered the title of said Company to the UNITED WINDSOR GOLD COMPANY. Subscriptionllist can be seen at DINVILLIERN. ' IL Muer THIRD and DOCK Ste. splS3t r GOOD SPRING RAILROAD CO., Ki . AVLAkarApT4., April IN t 864 The Annual Meeting olirli; -- irt&"itloReT•iOf pally will be held at the (Moe of the Philadelphia and lloadinall R. Co.. Na. 227 South YOU &TR Mreat, Phi ladelphia, on MONDAY. the 2d day of May next. at it o'clock A. M., at which time and time an election for eScers will be hold. WM. H WES 3, apl4-16t Secretary. ParTIOGA IMPROVEMENT COM- PeMY.—Notice Is hereby given that a Meeting of Stockholders of the Tinge Improvement fkenpanY willne held st No RS MBRCHAFTb FOCCIELAACia ‘ in the city of Ph il adelphia. on the 311 day of Hay nest, be tween dm hours of 12 and 2 &Mock, to Meet Managers. a President. and Tressrurer of said Com:aim WILLIAM ELLIS. Treasurer. No. 71d* MaRKSP Street. InIAL tma DC. PEUX.4I.II9IIIINIFIXA. AND ELIMA_DIMIS CrSILAILROAD COMPARE, Office 11%1 South TR Street. Ywrbannbrata. fleytomber 2, usea. DIVIDEND DOMICIL—The following-named POISWIJI Ire entitled to a Dividend on the Common Stosk of this Company. The residence of neces sary f them is lom. known, and it is, therefore. that the wall sates of etoek shoal& beJeERS' NAMES.reeanted on sellin g MR the STOCKHOLD Dividend. S. BRADVORD, Treasarer. S. Lancaster, BOIITY D. Shore:, John Mclntyre, Andrew Turner. Beni. P. Newport. Mrs. Rebeeos Illirjek latit•stethtf ALL THE 5-20' BONDS RE NOW READ Y PERSONS HOLDING OUR RBOSIPTB WILL PULSE CALL AND RICEIVE TUTUS BONDS 5-20 COUPONS, ORDERS BY MAIL OR EXPRESS ATTENDED TO pORTBAITS, FINISHED IN THE - 11 - beet style of art. accurate In outline. features. and expressioz.--enonialtely 'colored B. F. ILRINSIre lite eiee Paotograpbs in oil colors. 013 it ARCH Street 1t• F. WASHBURN, D. D.--A. - 1 - 1 ' very line Card Photograph of Rev. Z. Washburn, D. D, Justpubliabed. RoALLISTER & BRoTEENR. 798 ORBEIrKFT Street. RitIPLIRR'S C OLORED PHOTO GE. APRS for 161—likeneeeee of rare fidelity to AC ture—patronized and appreciated by thousands: mare one without delay, at the popular Gallery, MOND Gt., above Green. It,* MLLE. . EEVERLN REPAIRS A - 6ID Glean all sorts of Laces and lbabroldorlos, making thorn *anal to new. Do. 301 LOMBARD 10.. aoB 12L* McVORD'EI PATENT AMERICAN IWITIJI BATTON. The bast Instrument of alarm and defence in the world Bold Irr the layout". N o. lob N. SIXTH, below Man honaokeePor o h "la be without ens. soli- sash& lste THE CELEBRATED "NEW HOPE" CIIMBIELAND COAL. For sale ty THBo. IntioßY ac Ofßao. No 209 South FOURTH Stile GREEN BAIZE AND WOOLEN FLOOR CLOTHS, of all widths, at Carrot Mato of WM ORBARRILIL /to. 447 North SZOoND Street, Wow Nob?" by" eau 10311-lir STIMMARY TO JefillfOlY CMGMEI3 JAMBS FABBBORN. Preeident. SIIBBORIBBD FOR THROIJOR FOR DELIVERY JAY COOKE & CO.. 114 SOUTH THUD STENS?. DUE IsT MAY, 13 0 i.. 7" 4G- IX T DRE,x 1 4 % &CO MILITARY. WANTED-A FEW MEN FOR THE ma Regiment. Penns Vole., 001. (# sore P. McLean. Also, one go( d Fife MSljOr nod several Fliers Pane but good lIIIIBICULUS need &POW to Lieut. T. 0 KORONY. 183 d BAIA. P. ord2..6t* No. 41 North SIXT3 Street 1 NAVAL AND MARINE SERVICE. CITY AND WARD - 110TINTY t ADVANCE PAY AND PRIV; MONET! IfBN WANTED for tbe N VAL SISHVICE tend MA RINE CORPS, who will be entitled to all the City Boun ties,. in addition to Prize Money- Beaman will receive an advance of three months' ortS As noway. Application to be made at Once to D. M Lanni, °apt. and Provost Marshal Fourth District. Penna., apt- la BR dAD and SPRING ARIAN Streets, I CITY AND WARD BOUNTY ! • • ADVANCE PAY AND PRIZE MONEY( NEN WANTED for the NAVAL S awn° II ►and At IL RINK CORPS. who will be entitled to all the MY Bounties In addition to Prize Nosey Seamen will receive an advance of thrte months' MY as bounty. AnDlteation to be made at once to EDWIN PALMER. Captain and Provost Maridtat Second District P.. asyirania. =hit) tf 256 South TWELFTH Street. ' Philadelphia. A NAVAL AND MARINE SERVICE. CITY AND WARD BOUNTY! ADVANCR PAY AN ts PRIZR IWO NET MBN W ANTED for the NAVAL ifiR.R . VbiE and If t• RIN COR}S, who will be entitled to all the City Bonn ties. in addition to Prize Money. . Seamen will receive an advance of three months' Day as bounty. Application to be made at once Jo id. B. iramerir tlfintain and Provost Marshal Pint 'Adria Penna. trial-ft 245 South THIRD Street. COPARTNERSHIPS. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. er ouca Is 'hereby glven that the partnership here tofore existing between the subscribers. under the arm of L AVMs 11% SaLLADS. St CO., has this day been dbssotved by mutual consent. GEOR7E M. Lai:Miff ANDREW M BALLADE. J. O, PICIADUPiiia, April IE. 1864 ALL PERSONS. HAVING CLAIMS against the firm of LaEWAN. BALLADS, & CO . will present the same to 1.t.1711a1l & BALLADS.: in whose names the business will he /abducted in future. LAURA/V . dc BALLADS. Aram 12, 1914. 5D13.121 THE, FIRM OF CHRIST & WHITE 4i- J. this day. by mutual consent. Massive& GRORUE U. CHRISTIAN haying purchased the interest of JU LIAN WHIT therein, and assumed the liabilities thereof. The Commission buena.e will be se imptotore at. No 2151BIST.NUr Street. by OSORGS H. CHRISTIAN & CO. Owo. H. erialli MAN. JULIAN WRIT& Philadelphia. April 1.-1884. apl2-445 DISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP, HENRY TA!_RANAGA having purchased the in tspests of TREVOR T. FOWLER and TurLoW .14,011- SOB, in the business heretofore carried on /1/ the Girard Home, under the style of KAHAGA. FOWLER di GO., the partnership is tetchy declared to be dissolved. All parties Inoebted to the said erre are requested to make settlement with Henry W. Renege, HENRY W. .11114A0A., TREVOR T. FOWLER, TUTLOW JACKSON. Pamanstatra, April 4. 1884. er7-tf NOTICE.-CHARLES O. KNIGHT IS admitted to an interest In our bustu ess from this date. C, D. ROBBIAS dt CO.. Iron and Steel Merchants. N. E. corner iiECONDa nd VIAB Street s, and • 4A and 44 North YMC Street. PIIIIADELPRIA. April I. Mt ard-lat. TEE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY entered into copartnership. and havine pur chased the interest of PEERS T. WRIGHr & CO., Will continue the Wholesale Drag business. ander the name of STRETCH. BIiNNATT & CV., at the old stand. No. NUN MARKET Street. A&ROlf EITMTOII. JOSEPH 8. BaNNSTT. PHILADELPHIA. April L ea-1m NOTICE OF LIMITED PAL TNEE.SHIP. —The nudereigued hereby give notice. nnder the provisions of the Asti of Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania elative to Limited Partnerships, that they have formed a Limited Partnership; and pat- Itch the following as the terms thereof: -blvd. The name of the Arm ander - which said partner ship shell be conducted, shall be JOHN ABBOT r. Seerntd The get entl nature of the hostess', intended to be L....c o ke& le the Menufeetarine of Wcoien and cotton Goode. and selling the same: the place of Dual. nets to be in the city of Philadelphia Third The name of the general partner is JOHN A.B. Buff: the name of the special partner is FRANCIS LO:RINS. Both said General and Special Partners re side in the city of Philadelphia. - Fourth The amount of capital Which the said Special Party Ea has contributed to the common stock; is the eam of FIVB THOUSAND DOLLARS. in cash. Said partnership shall commence on theMd day of Pdareh.lB64, and terminate on the 23d day of March, 1867. JOHN ABBOTT General Partner, nih'24-th6ts FRANCIS HOSKIN& Special Partner. LEGAL. TN THE ORPHANS' COpRT FOR THE -2- CITY mr.p COUNTY oN.IIIIL6..DRIAPHIA... - igiitaTeWi HUNNEKER. decea.ed. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. cattle. and' adjuet the account of HENRY O. RAWEST, Seq., Truttee, and to report distribution of the balance is the hands of the accountant. will meet the parties interested 'or the purposes of his appointment on TUE% AT the Oat day of April. 1864, at 4 o'clock P. M.; at hie Office, Ito. 131 South FIFTH. Street. in the City of Philadel phia- A.. S. LETCHWORTIE4 - aplt MU * Auditor. IN IHE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS FOB THECITY AND COUNTY OF PHIL &DELPHI!, AMANDA B. 111.11TMallt, by ber next friend, &c., vs. WASHINGTON C. HARTMAN. Dec. T. ,1663. No. 28 Divorce Yon Will please tate notice that a rule has been great. eel on Von to show cause why a divorce a veneulo tnatri -27,092,ii should 001 be decreed in the above cause, return able SATURDAY. Atorll 2311. To WASHINGTON C. HARTMAN. Rc.pondent above case. H C TO WIVS ?al). apli-intb2tv Attorney (or Libellant. EDUCATIONAL. pHILADELPHIA• COLLEGIATE IN STITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES. No. 1530 AECII Street. Bev. en.admss A. SMITH, D. D., E. CLA. , ItEDICE SMITH. A. Principals. Muth Year Three departments: Primary. Academic, ar d Collegiate. !Full college course in Classical. Mathema tical, biinerEngltah, end Natural Science, for those Who graduate. Modern Languages, Music, Painting, and.F.lo.. cation by the be, t masters. For circular's &molly at therlastt-' tate.or address Box 2611 P. o.,Philadelphia,Pa• api.g-Sul* LOLLER ACADEMY-A •S E L-ErC 72 BOARDING SCHOOLTORBOTS—M now open fox the receptum of Pnpile, itoe'scselon of sash pupil corn , rimming when he enters upon the duties of the school. Terms moderate. For Circulars address H. MORROW. Principal, Hatboro, Montgomery Cm. Pa. sobtut b sl2t• MUSIC LESSONS! MUSIC LESSONS! Young Ladies, if you wish therm* instruction in music, special Opportunities are afforded at GlVlcsafir SRIMMAECY. six miles west of Car ßele. Beet of board, able teachers. pleasant home. Address C. HIIIIVIINGTON SAITNDBRS. lm Plainfield. Cnnxb. co . Pa. BELLEVUE FEMALE. INSTITUTE-- ♦ BOARDIEIG - SCROOI. FOE GIRLS. This Institution. beautifulho and hasitltruiblongted. ln the am therm. limits of ATTLBEOROUGH, Hacksaw:lV ty. will commence its Spring and Summer, Term on 19th of FIFTH MONTH next. and continneln session twelve weeks. ne course of Diet/notion, is thorough and com.Flete Ia su the Elementary and hi . r.ber branches of an...BROLISH CLABRIOAL. AND MAXIISMATICAL waerceviox: The French Language b -taught by a native Freneb teacher. Circulars, giving fell "articulate. nuty to% had on sp• plication to the Princi , ntlei Attleborongh ir ,_Bnola counts, Pa. ISItABL S GRAHA MS. JeNS P. GDATIAMS, Principals. Mllle 3m VILLA G.E: GREEN BEIAINA.RI, • Ina MEDIA. YA.—Pupils reselciad at any Lim '!Angliah. Mathematics, Clank% and Ifabnal &dens% taxight.wsMilitary TE , 451C73, Book-keel:ODA. and Civil Ms , thiamin/ taught. Paths expenses about $3 Der week, ltoya of all ages taken. 'Refers to Wm. H. Kara. ex. EhariffeJohnitk O&M 411.00.. No. 25430 nth Third Arcot: and Thomas 3. Clayton. Sad_ Than and llama streak, Address Rey. J. HAMBY BARTON. A. M.. Villags Areas. Pa KEFINEDY;. STAIRS, & CO., Nos.l3llrand 132 North Wharves, ABOVE AEON STREIT, WHOLESALE. DEALERS PICKLED AND DRY A large stock, innworted packages, suitable for Coun try Trade, always on band. apla•2m GREAT CENTRAL SANITARY FAIR.—In accordance with-the wishes cf the Com mittee of One Day's Labor, Income. dfc t we have de termined to give the profits of one dare- sales for the 'shove purpose. WEDNESDAY. the lath tint., is the day let apart for this worthy object. ga I. hoped and earnestly requested that all persons who era is went of any goods in our line, and wishing to contribute to this noble cause, will call on the above date, and purchase liberally of same. A correct account of all sales will be 'kept. and the profits accruing therefrom will be plitced in the bands - of the Committee without deducting any expense whatever. We shall offer a full assortment of the following Goods at the lowest cash r ites: Gold and Silver watches. Gold and Plated Jewelry. Silver. Plated Ware of every description. Photograph Albums, Opera Glasses. Travelling Bags. Pocket Books. Pocket and Table Cutlery. ite.. an. It is hoped and believed that all who are desirous of a i d leg, encourag i n g, and matting light the hearts °form brave Soldiers. who are daily offering their lives for liberty and our country, will avail themselves of this oppnrtnnity. Persons can call at any time previrue to the 20th and make selections, and they will b e d el i vere d on the above date, and the profit* therefrom will INS &M -t/IMM a to thin just and noble canes. D W. CURL apl4-tbm It 002 CHESTNUT Street. INJUOTION ON HENDALL'S AM- - - - - - [From Ir. Y Dairy Timey.3 SOPRICH.P. COII.IIT—CHAIKBReta—Amnr. 6. Before Justice Barnao•d_ THADir MARES INFRINGEMENT . Henry H. Sterling TB Edward Kendall And Albert Kellam. The plaintiff's counsel, E. W. Dodge, Esq. applied for and obtained a preliminary injunction against the de. fendants t prohibiting item from manufacturing and sell ins an al.eged cyturioctil imitation of an article invented and owned by the plaintiff, and known as " &mamma's A MBROSIA. " under the designation of "detobitcs." the plaintiff claiming, as a ground on which he based his motion, that lie tad expended a large amount in ad. Yertising his compound, and bad suffered great damages by the action of the defendants in imitating the trace marks and labels of the plaintiff. ar- The public will take notice that there is no other nreparation of tbeatennine AMBR OSIA.the original STE auNcrs apl3 FOURTH NAZ lONA L BANK OF PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL, $lOO,OOO, with the__pristlego of i nor w i ng tO .5 1 X) 000 WM. P. NAMM,President, ALBERT C. ROBERTS. Vice President. BAWL MAcidIILLAIL, Cashier. DIRKTORS. _ _ Wm. P Paroles, Albert C. Bober% Jae. a Mich. vfm. 13. 4,;111 - ei The FOURTH NATI , PNAL Belfry le now open at Bro. 723 ARCH Street, for the transaction of a General Bank ins business. upon the nenal terms. Collections made on all points at the very lowed woes. Sulacriptlons reseiyed for The United States 10 6 40 Bonds. BAN'L J. Mao HULL an, Cashier, SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS. ARTIFICIAL ROMAN BTU Inserted without Pala. byi AMse W, COo WM* ORBEITNOT Street OPERA. GLASSES AND OFFIOERS' FIELD OL/038103. Ifieroseopea for PhYedoinne and Students. A vary largo assortment for sale by JAMBS W. QIISSA at 00.. 9114 [marvel. st reet. MATBEMATICAL DRA.FfING IN . STIIMMISNTS. Otesterman's Medallic and gteel-ta_pa Measures. For solo br , JAMBS 11BN dli 00_ 9 W. 24 O 1)1 RBSTMIIT Street. Priced And illustrated Catalogues vatic ITEATON ' & DENOKLA, HARDWARE Commisoion llorenants. WOW COMINERROB and SIO IfORTH innate, der for tale: Anchor Broad /mu; Plyzoootla 11011 Rivets W. Sr S. Butchers Cut Kola: Norio Cabinet Leeks Putnam's Hone Xidla; Looko's Reboot elate* comer. Braes. sad Iron Wirer Cotton Garde. Abu. s fail MINI. 411416.44 4 1 .4•4 4 ,0 1 4 14 Wfrey *NW /0 Kr so • Page. _Birth of President Abraham Lincoln. and his ances tors. Jr 21 Bit grandfather killed by ,lee Indians and scalped— DsecriMon of bit parents 22 "Abe" goat to set ool—rhe Lin min Fatuity remove to Indiana 23 Death et Mrs. Lincoln—" Abe" learns to wri:e —His tether marries again— " Abe" finishes his acirmillon 26 He becomes a hired hand on a flatboat, and goes to New Orleans 27 The family remove to Mime% -..".sini" casks his far- ' 2g tune among etrar gers Re takes snottier trip to New Orleans—Becomse a miller and. salesman—Hie services in the Black Beige war Is nominated for the Legialature and is defeated:— Becomes a merchant: nd surveyor—ls elected to the Lagislature—btudieS law A thrilling incidsnt in his legal career 31 A protest as anis" slavery—ls *candidate for 'Fred den tial Elector—Bit Lincoln is elected to Congress —His votes and speeches during his Congressional. term - -SZ Decorate, a delsgate to the National Convention of 1148—Ele is nominated for United States Senator, but withdraw. 4(1 De is again nominated' for the Senate —Rig speeches - in the celebrated Lincoln-Dauglas campaign—His tribute to the Declaration of Independence -. 41 Pen-Portraits of Abraham Lincoln 43 Mr. Ltncoln is defeated by Mr. Douglas—ls then named for the Preeidency—Rvidence-of skill as a Rail splitter •• • 47 B nominated ch President toPer Illlilillla. New fort. 48 b for of the United States by the Republican Convention Si He is not.fied of his nomination by a Committee ap pointed by the Convention 65 Speech of the President of the Convention—Reply of Mr. Lmcoln—Correepondence between the Conven tion and Mr Lincoln...,, -• 60 Is e•ected President of the United r ;Mee 61 I e leaves Spiingterld - for Washington—Ovations on the route 68 His arrival at Toledo and Indianapolis —His speeches at each place ' - 69 He at rives at Cincinnati. and addressee the citizens from the Burnet house 70 His arrival at Columbus. with his smelt 71 his arrival at stenbenville. and his address to the PeOple—Arrives at Pittsburg. and makes a speech to , the citizens - 72 Proceeds to Cleveland. and from thence to Buffalo. with his speeches at each place ._,, 74 Gots next to a litany—Hie arrival tbere, and speeches at the Capitol and to the members of the Legislator° 76 Proceeds le New York_ and on his way makes a speech at Poeghkeepste—A: rival in New York. • with his speech on being welcomed by the Mayor of the city to that place 78 Goes next to Trenton—His speeches to the Senate and to the Chembers of the Assembly of the Stateof New Jersey. - .. 79 Primes de to Philadelphia—ls welcomed by the Maker of that city—Mr I incoln'a speech in mit , 81 Be visits "Old Independence Hall "—His speech eirthere Si He raise- the jeatioeitt Flag of the country to the top of the Bag-ttaff on "Old Independence Hall " on Washington's Birthday 83 He haves for Harrisburg—Ble arrival there—ls wel comed by both Houses of the Legislature.. and. his speech on that occasion 84 A plot is made to apaitatilnate him—How it was thwarted 86 Returns to Philadelphia in a special train. and pro ceeds lo Wash ingtoo In dlsgatee—Hie arrival there —l6 welcomed to Washington by the authorities— His speech is reply---- 86 Addr.seee the Republican Agraciation 87 lie is inangnrated President of the United States—ln ensure' Address of Abraham Lincoln 88 President Lincoln's interview with the Virginia Com missioners, with hie Address to them on that occa sion The Bret Proclamation for troops—Congress sum moned to aist eroble on the Fourth. Of Jtuy A block ads of southern ports ordered h. The President's communication with the Mary] and Authorities 99 Blockading of Virginia and North Carolina 101 A call for additional troops. 102 Has an intei view with the Maryland Legislature.... 103 A special order forYlorida—President Lincoln's first AlEntall4l to Congress.... 104 A oay of Feuding and Prayer appointed 117 Commercial intercourse with the Rebellions States Prohibited... ....... ...... . ..................... --, 118; He modifies an order of Ben. Fremont's—His Second Message to Congress. 119 The Friel& nt's Message recommending Gradual Emancipaticn lee He msumes active command of the Array and Navy 122 of the Mama States He orders Thenksiti rieeefor signal victories—Slavery Abolished in the Clietriot of Columbia 123: Reopening of some of the Southern ports—Repudi ates an emancipatior_.order of Major Gen. limiter. Be The President's Conference with the Loyal Govern ... ore -Big , eterview with the Border Congresgmea. —lto reads to tb F tb pewee fnl Appeal 126 Tnetructions to Military and islaval Commanders 128 A Draft for Three Hundred Thousand Men ordered— - The President Sneaka at a War Meeting in Wash ington . 129. the Emancipation ProoMmath n of Sent. 22d, 1882.... 1.31 The hreenoipation Proclaro-Lion of San_ l.t, 1883-- 133 Snatension of the Writ of Babette Corpus 131 Be issues an Order.for the Ooservanee of tee Sabbath. 198 Dis Annual hies/alga of December, 1362—Important Reeorernelidationeio Congress 137 I aceives a Complitaextaty Ad dram from Manchester. 1S Deland .0H .. 158 The l'reeident Visits the AMY of the Potomac-8e- views the Troops. etc 'The Ifzurolfaeng sot and roe Bights of Aliens .k Nationtl ThzaksgArims ordered letter from the:President, on the Igmaucipation. Pro clamation: tokheffinion men of Illinois • ..... •••-••• 14.5 Suspension of the Wilt of Habeas liorput in, ceitsin. - - cases .148- . A Proclamation for a National Thanksgiving 149 Three Hundred Thousand more men called for . 161 The President's Dedicatory Address at the Col:tem:zit ' Oaa of thallational Cemetery at Ilettyetarg .• ••• • ~152. Ile issues another Thanksgiving Proclamation—His - Annual - Message of December, 1888—Fall. Pardon offered 3 . 0 the Rebels 152 Ise nee a 1. - rociarnation for Seven Hundred Thouaatid more men 1513 ]explanatory Proclamation of one hared December Sib, IESB . 157 do Imnartial IttlrieW of the President's policy 11,8 Address of President Lincoln at a Pair bald at the Patent Offl,e at Washington, on MarchlBth,,lBBl—_. 174 Pie Address to the Committee of tho_Workingmee's Democratic ROTAiblitBll Aeeoctation of New York, on March 91st, 1864 175 lie it the Choice of the Legislatnreaof :fifteen States, end-of the American People for another 177 Retaliation. of the Union League of Philadelphia 179 r. 4 itorla I a from Leading Loyal Papers in the Union.' recommending the renomination .and re-eloction of Abraham Lincoln for the mat Presidert of the United States.. • , 180 Wm. Brooks. D. W. Bradley, Johz Pareira, NEW BOOKBI NEW BOOKS 1 Jart received by AhEillfgAD & EVANS. Emccessore to Willie F. Gazed* No 1514 orNUT etrret A YOUTH'S lIMITOEY OP THE IMBELLION, from dumpier to Roanote. By"Wtn. H. Thayer THE LAST CAMPAIGN OF THE N. 1r 22D SECT. N. O. F. N. Y., JUNE AND JULY. 1363. Containing matter frtersEMlDg to all who were M active service du ring ar Ise! r.bel il/VII.EIOIIof our t.tate . • • • (+BF 04" P. The dr. By the anther Of "The Vill Agent." Diy CeVis LIFE TB VILMSBURG. With. Letters of Trial are Travel. By a Lady GIB ESA'. (.BABY &NU RIB CAMPATON3 B_y K Lark.. With Steel Portrait. Views of Vicen te's. &c . bo. fl ACRES ENOUGH A Practical Treatise Air the Militia+, &limit' bow Bleary smolt farm may be made to keep a crry large fsmiin. BACPBABSON. The Omit Confederate Philosopher and Fonthern Blower. By Alfred C. Sills, editor of Orleediegoll • • . . aP4 NEW PIUBLWATIONN. LIFE OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN' IS PUBLISHED THIS DAY, BY T. B. PETBROIT & BROTHERS, 305 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Paper 60 Cente....Cl.:th 7%:3 Canto THE LIFE, s_pEEcaris. PROCLAMATIONS, LSTTERS, 141/89143E1E4 E7Ert - VICEE3 PRESIDENT LINCOLN.. lI=EM WITH HIS PORTRAIT, Is published at the Cheapest Book Howie hi the world to buy or send for a stool of books, which is at T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS', No. 3U6 CRESTIUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa THE LIFE, EPFECREg.PR3CLEVATIONS, LETTERS. MESSAGES. AND PUBLIC SERVICES OP ABRAHAM LI NC( , LN. SIXTEENTH PRESIDENT 0B THE UNITED STATES., With a fall history of his Life; his career as a Lawyer and Politician; his services in Congress: with his Ppeeobea. Proclamations. Letters. /1,1 eBsagee. Acts. and Pablie Soroleas as President of the United States, and Commander• in-Chief of the •Aymy and Navy of the United States, up to the present time. Complete one large volume of MO pages, with a Portrait of President Lincoln. Price Fifty Cents in paper. or Seven y live Cents in cloth. and copies will be sent free of postage everywhere on receipt of re mittances. at these rates READ THE TABLE OF CONT'ENT'S: WA NTF.D AGENTS. CANVASSERS, and - PEDLRES in every town and village in the United: States, who can easily make TEN DOLLARS A D AF. at it. to engage in selling • THE LIFE, SPEECHES. PROCLAMATIONS, LET- Twits, MESBAGES. AND PUBLIC SERVICE'S OF PRE SIDENT LINCOLN," and • `THE LIFE. CAMPAIGNS. AND =POETS OF GENERAL McCLELLA.N." both of which are just published and for sale in rump covers at Fifty Cents a copy each, whowill be sapplWVlth them, assorted, at Three Dollars and a. Half a dozen. or Totten ty• Pive Dollar, a hundred; or the cloth edition. which retails at Seventy-Flve. Cents each, will be supplied at Six Dollars a dozen, or Forty-tive Dollars a hundred. Apply in person, or iddress your orders, with cash en closed. for whetevar quantity you may wish to start With, to T. B, PURESON St BROTHERS, GOO CHEST. NUT Street, FhindelPhia * and yorir orders will be flied at once, and the. books sent you per first express after receipt of order. We have agents, now making Fifteen and Twenty Dollars B. day selling them. All in search of work or money should engage in Belling these books at once, and give them a trial. . OTHER BIOGRAPHIES NOW READY. Life and. Campaigns of General U. S Grant. Life and CCM of General G G Meade. Life and Orders of General B. F. Butler. Life or the late archbishop Hughes. of New York. Prim 26 mate each. $1.76 a dozen, or $12.50 a hundred. Life. Campaigns, Services, and Reports of General G. B. 'McClellan. Price 60 cents 1n paper. or 75 cents in cloth Paper edition 83 60 per dozen. or $25 a hundred. Cloth edition $6 a dozen. or 1246 a hundred. CanValifferS, Booksellers, Rears Agents. Sutlers, Ped lers, and all others, Will please send on their orders at once for -what they may want of either or all of the above hocks, which will be packed - and sent to them within an hour after receipt of the order Copies of either or all of the above books will be sent to any On. free of postage, on remitting the price of the <Mee 'wanted to T. B. Peterson & Brothers, in a Letter. Address all orders and letters to the nnblishera Published and for male at the Cheapeet Book House in the woad to buy or send for a stock of books, which is at T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS', 306 CHBeT/Wr Street, Phtladelphia, Pe MAINSTONR'S .HOUSEKEEPER ••••••.- )igie , Proved the most successful book that has been brought before the viblioa havttigAlready reached its --- folialtfrir It te uniform in awls with i that o f t g her remarkable novel. **PINE," a Tale of the English Aristocracy, the EIGHTH edition of w hich Is now printing fIIAINSTONAII HoIIgsKBAFBB Is a novel of avert power and vigor, perhaps is the best se yet produced by a Woman's pen.. The characters in it are numerous, and all are strongly drawn. There Is life in every nage. The heroine's character is one of mingled strength and tweetnese. and merits unqualified earnmewtation. Bichard W anionic is a mod el, a second "John Halifax," end cominamos the admiration of every reader. The Wooer; it wroight up to vividnem. and is admi rably meta:nod to the close. e e a whole, for beauty of style and diction, passionate earnestness. effective contrasts. distir amiss of plot, unity and ton,pkteness we think this novel unrivalled. One thick 12mo oedema. Price $l. 75. J. B. Lippincott & Co. Peterson & Brothers, Ashmead & Swint. Inglieh. & Co . and F. Leypoldt, sup. ply them in Philadelphia. _ LOSING, Publisher. spl2-tuth2t 319 WASHIBGTON street, BOSTON. CLOTELLE,-A TALE OF THE SOUTH, army illustrate-4 10 ceDis Bee Hed path'. § Boas for th• Cenm-Ilres E. W l / 4 CH 4 CO. eeU them. • It TEE ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DIS COVERY, and YEAR WWII OF FACTS FOR 1.864, !BEADY THIS DAY, CONTAINING The =Oat Important Diseov-rlas hl Maehanies. Mann feettuss, the Usefnl Arts. Philosophy, Chemistry, Oto logy, ay., dm, de. One AL volume 12mo. • SO. THE NATIONAL ALMANAC. FOE 1684 For sale with all New and Standard SIRDICAL. /INTIM. and MISCELLAN Mors BOOKS by IaNDSAY a BLAHISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, No. ED South EIXTEI Street. above Chestnut. THURSDAY; APRIL 14, 1864: NEW PUBLICATIO247S• pHOTOOBAPH3 OP.IOO GEKERALS -. 4 - sent lry mail on receipt of 25 Cents. PEOTOGRAPF . IB OF 100 enrol's seat hy mal2 on receipt of R 6 cents. PHOTOGRAPRI 01 , 100 ACTRESSES sent by mailon receipt of 25 auto. A FULL CATALO DUB P a t hROTOOAFS FROM tyvß, statuary. Oolnge ofings. Cm. Bent bY niat on receipt of 6 cents. Address all orders tio Q W. PITCHER. SOB CHESTNUT Street, a 042- st Philadelphia, Pa NEW BOOKS, NEW BOOKS.- Ont. of Prison. A new and interesting book. Brother Reginald's Golden Secret By F. M. S., author of Hope On, Martha's Home, &c. School stollen: or. some Coats that Fit. By Mrs. Phtebe Harris Phelps. author of Home Stories The National Almanac and Asthma Essord for thri War cowalning Interesting and valuable information. Conneel and Comfort spoken from a City Fu ,pit. By the author of the Recreations of a Country Parana For Bale by _ .W S. &60LFBHDfTNMET ENe et. A PPLb VoN'S NEW AMERICAN ' GTOLorBDIA. The money for this inaaluable Lib:JUT of Universal Informaston is at 33 South SIXTH Streak second story. at Al som.. HBOORD OV THE REBELLION. By Frank __ felLtf THE SUNBEAM STORIES, Containing the charming, bright stories of— TRAP TO CATCH A MIAMIAN. CLOUD WITH SILVER, LINING. HOUSS ON THE ROOK. ONLY. OLD TOLLIFPH. MERRY CHRISTMAS, MOAN( OHIATz. STIR IN TEN DESERT, Sig beantihil volumes, illustrated. $2 60- WILLIS P. HAZARD, Publisher. few-t 1,1 31 Routh 1 4LXT 11 St*PO. SILK AND DR'Y••GOODS JOBBERS.: MOUE YOIII.IO. DAVID rouse, H. O. MOORS. ARMAR YOUNG, BRO., & CO., Importers mad Dealers is ] 3 i1. 4 01DE111.135, LACES, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, MITTS, GLOTRS TRIMMINGS, &c,, No. 4J9 MARKET STREET, .4.18 COMMERCE MEET. PST►,ADELPEtA. RETAIL DRY GOODS. NEW EMBROIDERED staPPEns; PATRIOTIC DESIGNS, NEVER BEFORE EICRIBITRD IN THIS MAIIKST BERLIN ZEPHYRS, - .K.IIBYD BRAIDS, SILK FLOSS Affgbans and Fancy Work Made to Order CIR.CIM33II.R.C+A.Mt'S ZEPHYR STORE., 103 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST., BELOW CHESTNUT apl4. theinSt MILLINERY GOODS. P. A. HARDING & CO., IMPORTERS AAD JOBBERS OP STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, No. 41.3 ARCH STUMM& PHILADIILPIIUL. 1864. WOOD & CARY, las CHESTNUT STREET' STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. 9.-MBRORANTB AND KELLINSES are Invited to trazdno before purOhaolui. Al our STOCK IS PULL and PRIOId LOW. mb3.2m WOOD At CARY. MILLINERY GOODS-. JOHN STONE & SONS,, No. 805 CHESTNUT STREET, saw receiving their Spring Importatione of SILK AND MILLINERY GOODS, BINE As FANCY AND PLAIN RIBBONS GROS DE NAPLES—Allehades. MARCELLINES AND FLouraccEs. FRENCH AND ENO - L/SLI.ORA,PES. LACES AND JOINED BLONDES. ILLUSION AND NA.LINE.NETSt &0., &o. Alio, a full aosortment of FRENCH AND AMERICIAN,FLOWERS. mla6tuttus2m 1,0 SPRING. 1864. BROOKS & ROSENIIEDI, 433 MARKET STREET, WHOLESALE DEALERS /N RIBBONS, 33011tzs - Pro, LADIES' AND OHILDREN'S.HA.TS, FLEtWERS, AND MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY. mhSim WE RESPECITFUTALY CALL THE ATTENTION OF I 3 `"l' Mit 313 TO 01Y8 STOCK OP SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. WE HAYS NOW OPEN A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH FLOWERS, RIBBONS, SILKS, LACES, VEILS, BERNHEEII, 726 CHESTNUT STREET. sat29-lat 41 MISS M. A. - BAKER, No. 1346 CHESTNUT STREET. Hae opened a lerge assortment of PARIS MILLINERY. apl&9m• For the spring and Sommer of 1964. • ' ARMY GOODS. FURLOUGHS. Moms and Soldiers, visiting the eity on Forlongh. needing SWORDS. And other MILITARY EQUIPMENTS. are invited to the very extensive Blanufaotnrint Establishment of 1:31-E4a. W. lEirevicoms aYG 13110., 9ANHOM•STHS&T HALL, SAMSON Street, above Math. PRESENTA'T'ION SWORDS Made to order at the !shortest notice. which, for richness end'magniheenee. challenge oonmetition, no other honse In the country combinty the 1111.111:17.10TUSING JAW ELBA wish the PRAM Oat SWORD-Ma WAR anhlo-2m FROTHINGI3.AIII & WELLS HAINII PDX NALL HR~ Stuß TINOS. IfilDll7ll, AND LIORT BEISITIMOS AND STANDARD DRILLS. MUNI OA)TOI FLANISSLL WASH,MOTON AND VIOTORT OANDRICS AND SILROIAS. NEOWN L _BLIACIIND. AND COBSST JEANS. No 19 N." 1 1017111> VARY. &.. .412sif tt LONDON BROWN STOUT, • SCOTCH ALE, BI TRE'OARK OR DRUM ALBERT 0: ROBERTS': DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, mb2l Comer ELEVENTH and VIER Mine& LATOUR OIL-500 BASKETS LA TOIIR OLIVE OIL, received per Ship SHIA and for sale by JAUENTORE & LAVSSONI. Sl-19t Bole Agents. mb BOX and 510fre el FRONT Rt. gWRITTEN AND VERBAL DE. SCRIPTIONS of flharaoler, Conathntion, and Ta lent, with ADVICE on 811.9111088. Health. Educe- Lion, &If- im_provement. Mangeentent. and Train. ineof CHILDREN. nodal adap. Bookse tation. Int . dal and evening, by JOHN L CAPER', Phrenologist and inhl9-stnth. No: 25 B. TENTH Street. above Chestnut, MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT COINED noon Diamonds Watches Arabi, 4 le 11Taal:rag. '6iti?...VVTlntiana erAhaNUX 00191 f 180111*44. •pg sal 11 WANTS. A PRACTICAL BOOK KEEPEt3 AND £_ Accountant desire's a situation Wff closets 144er RiTylfaotorir Bed reror ence given. Acid re MS tale Office.apl4 tie LIFE INSITRANcE 0 A NVASSEII6. .--., Compote= and active persons wanted. to canvass oity or country for tan established first•elass Mntnal company. Address Box Po. 1412, Post Oillos, with name and refereneee, ROW' SALFSMAN WANTED-IN A STA TIONBRY and Blank-Book Shore. from 22 to 30 years of age, of good filminess qualifications and no bad iabife One with prorer testimonials may address "Ifismael ." at this office. anls it' TiTAN TED-A SITUATION AS EN- T OLBRK unhando taut MIA-keeper, by' young gaan.Lline possu correct at figures. Ad dress ' G. W. D.," Press' Office. WAN' TED—BY A YOUNG M A.N. A Sltaatlom is a Dry tiotele ,Yobbiug or Goramts Ape noTISE., or large Retail Store:, l 113 years of eve. acrd a good penman. Adores!' ``F C.," tioa 2213 apl4.2E. 'WANTED TO PUBOHASA—A. PRo. v. RUM" for business purposes, situated between Market eta Walnut streets. and between Tbied.and Fifth streets. Apply to ROB'Eff.T . srerm ttben.R. It 419 wer.orwr Street. WAN TED—BY A GENTLEMAN and Wife the Dwellins part of a House in the, vi cinity of Independence or Washington Squares, on or before June let Would take the care of office. Very beat or refereinea &trim. Address, Box .I.4olPoct Mese. PAM-theta tf WAN TED-IN A PACKAGE, flown. a young LAD to sestet in wrlttne tip bookr ; wrist write a good hand and be correct !a dirares. A odrei e Box A. Pout Office. apl3-2t• WANTEr -500 CBESTNIIT "TELE GRAPH POLES." Apply at the Police and Vire Telegraph Office. S. W. corner .FIFTH' and CHESTNUT streetp. • aptlfit" WANTED -AN EXPERIENCED Life Inel:trance Canvasser. For an efilaient man a literal eatery will be paid. Gil). F. WILLIS. Anent Maeseebtnetis Mutual Life Inattrande Company. 449 WA 1.1411 T Street. ang 6t* WRITTEN APPLICATIONS FOR Female Colored Servants, to 0 007 k CERH BEFIILLIDS, be , will be registered and anewered from time to tin a, as applicants can be supplied. Letters ad dressed to 13.0digieT 7i. CLIO2.BON, Philadelphia P. 0., Box No. g 62, aparstuthgt 85—W ANTE D—A PART ,OOO• NEL with the above Genital, to extend A Profitable Manufactnring Bnaineee, Wita Comb 84es. Addreen • Partner." Prom office an-13-&" 875 A MONTH WANT TO HIRE &OMITS in every Conn.y, M SY6 a month, en- Denies paid. to sell my new cheap Family Belding Ma chines Addrew K. YraDTSOrt. Altron rf.l2 d /kw:lm BOARDING. WILL BE VACANT ON TUESDAY scat several large. handsomely furnished ROOMS. at 906 SkthIEME Sbeel. as:l4 3t* 22 6 sot 1117 BROAD SME it 11.—VA cant to-day. an elegare Parlor, newly farnighed, and ate chamber commaateating. teanad story. Other y . ccareim for Camille,. and etuale persona. apl4-6,.* FOR SALE AND TO LET. TO RENT-SEVEN BOOMS , BEING Da , tof a house 956 North ELSVESTEStreet. Call from 10 A. Al.' to 4P. M until after the 16th instant. apl4-2t. T IM BF R LAN D.-A TRACT OF L A.ND containirn 260 acres. situated in Delaware-60 acres arable. with DWELLI la El HOUSE AND Fait If BUILD INOe therermt the remainder HEAVILY TIMBERBD WITTY HEART PIIR. YELLOW PEPS, WHITE OAT, CYTIDISIS. &c. Will be sold cheap or exebanged for a good•paylng business in4hts city Address " TIMBSR, Prase Deice. spit 2rs VOR SAIE-THE BROWN :STONE conta , ned in the front of ST. MAIIIrg NVOIGNI,T CAL LIITHE CatIIVOH, about being altered and enlarged, situated on' Spring Garden street, above Thir teenth The Building • Committee will ba in attendance at the Church between the hears of ) and 8 o'clock P M. anti) Monday. )Bth bat., to give further Informatton and native Seated Preprreale. wnich may aim be ad-• dressed to Mr. CHARLSS , BIRD, Superintendent, fro; 859 Borth FIFTH St..-until MONDAY noon. apl.4-at. DRUG AND PRESCRIPTION STORE FOR MLR —One of the beet payine stores in tne clay for sate. if I. Old within two weeks of cash calms from $l2 to $l4. day. Cash price ett.6oo Ad dress -111 D..' north( Garden Bab Poet Office Give fult name and port oface.addreee. aoI3 St* GOLD! GOLD ! ! .GOLD !! ! 2CO iu GOLD.—w,e 4 l Ts o. a Modern Dwelling in gond location with all the modern improvements, the Drina of which will best:mad 113 NOLO. GEO. N. TOWNSEND di CO m39-6t 1g133i South FOURTH Street. AM GIRARD HOUSE FOR SALE.- mai..rhie valuable Bending. now in thorough repair. Containdig in front on CHESPIsIIP &net, Phitadel phia seventy. live het and in depth in GRAPE Etraot one hundred and sevente•eight feet, under ;a punctu ally-paid _bents' of 85/5.00T per annum , will be sold at a considerable discount on its original cost. Appurtenant to it are an excellent SPUN ENGINE. TWO BOILERS. with all the PIPE requisite to the Heating. Cooking, 'Washing, and Lighting purposes or. tire Hot.l. TEEMS —C.00,000 oan remain on Ground Rent; the balance Cash. Parties wiphing to negotiate can addrecs me. "GTE &BD ROUSE. Pb Iladelphla," or meet roe there any day from one to three o'clock P. M. TATLOW JACK 017. PHILADELPHIA, April D, ALSO FOR BALM 150.00H6t0D1M13 NEW MWSL LISGS, at from 1.3.2(0..t0 54i500, situate on Hamilton, Spring Garden, Mervine. Comae. illeventh, Twelfth, and Thir.senth stmeta, Philadelphia apl4 12t- TATLOW JA.OH3OIi. DESIRABLE RES I DENCY -OE lc- TOCatioll. Three-story Brick Dwellings. No 249 N. SIXTH St. Pelee, No, 812 N SIXTH St. Price. a 6.600. Aptly to BUNSALt. BROS. 116 N. NINTH Street. apl-t•6t* FOR SALE OR TO LET—TWO Large STONIL BUTILDINOS. 6111t3ble for Found ry Pockory. Al.° a la•ga BILSWESI. Addre.e BRICK, lfo. 1233 itICHMOZID Street. apl3-I.m. ei TO RENT—A COUNTRY RESI- AraDISDICB. with Pasture. Stabling. and Garden. with in ton minutes' cral' of the Media Railroad. about 434: IPlief+ kora the Market- street Bridge. Apply at Yo. 1231 DiaIIRET Street. ardS ift FOR SALE OE TO LET-GER ..w 6l . MA NTOWI , Hense. PRICE Street. lower gide, se cond east ofßititattek. CHAS. •LBERTSON, 1200 GI HARD avenue,.or Queen above Green, Germautowst. apl2.3t. A VERY DESIRABLE REST DENeE, situate in the village of WSLDON. w hat mile from Abington Station, North Pennsylvania, Railroad, is For Rent for the summer months. Terms, *MO. iamb, any time this week. to apl3•R6` WM. MILLER. at. Weldon. FOR SALE-A THOROUGH BRED TROTTING STALLION. 6 years old. 16 hands Slashes high, a half brother to Gilt. the. great TI own, Mare; he hat! pokl in fifty, and promises.great speed. seen at Stetson's Stables. in LOCUST Street, below Twelfth. Price, *1.600. Address owner. X. A. L Conenohocken, apl3 3V• Montgomery county, Pa. PLANTATION BITTERN. WERAVE LEARNED, NOT TO BE astonished at anything. Years of experience, and a correspondence extending throughout all nationalities of the habitable globe, have turned theories into facts and established a basis from which, we' need not err. We are not ettrprised at much rams as the following. although the pereens who write them are. We know the person, and circumstances, hence feel at liberty to endorse their ste)ements: " NEW BEDFoyu. Maas., Nov. 21. 1863. . . . "Dais SIR!: have been elided many mre, with severe prostrAnsf cramps in my limbs, cold feet and hands, and a general disordered system Physicians and medicines failed to relieve me. While visiting some friends in !few York, who were using Plantation Bitters. they prevailed WWI me to try them. I commenced with a small wine-glassful after dinner. Polling better by de. trees. in a few days I wee astonished to find the coldness and cramps bad entirely left me, and I could sleep the night through, which I had not done for years. I feel like another being. My apatite and strength have also arsost/7 improved by the pee of the Plantation-Bitters. "Bseraetfttlly, JUDITH RUSSEL" Itzspessu, Wis., Sept. It 1888. • * • • I have been in the army hospital for four teen months—speeehless and nearly dean. At Alton. 111., they gave me a bottle of Plantation Bitters. • • • Thsee bottles restored my 'mach and cured me, * C. A. FLAME. The following is from the Manager of the Union Home School for the Children of Volunteers: " HAVIINSYNK MANSION. PIPTY•SSVEIGTN Nsw Zona. Angnst 2. 1822. "Da. Dwelt Your wonderful Plantation Bitters have been given to some of our little children. suffering from weakness and weak lunge, with most happy effect. One little girl, in Particular, with pains in her head, loss of appetite.. ant daily wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, has been entirely restored: We commenced with but a teaspoon ful of Bitters a day. Ber appetite and strength rapidly increased, and she is now well. Respectfully, • Mn.s 0. M. DEVOB." " • • I owe much to you, for I verily believe the Plantation Bitters have saved my life. - Rim. W. H. WAGGONER.. Madrid. N. Y." " * * Thon wilt send me two bottlei more of thy Blantation Bitters. lay wife has been greatly benefited by their use Thy friend, *OA 01711EIB, ratadelphia, Pa." •" * • * I have been a great sufferer from DysPepsia, and had to abandon preaching. • * • The Plantation Bitters have mned me. Rap. J. 8. CITBORN. Rochester. N. Y." • • * I have given the Plantation Bitters so hun dreds of our disabled soldiers with the most aetoniehinz effect. G. W. 1). ANDRIWIL Superintendent Soldiers' Home, Mariana', 0." " ' • • The Plantation Bitters have oared fine of liver Complaint. of which I was laid no prostrate and had to abandon my business. S. B. lartosLEY. Cleveland. 0." "'m* The Plantation Bitters have eared me of a derangement of the kidneys and urinary organs that has distrested me for years. It acts like a charm. O. C. MOORS, No. 264 Broadway." ac. 6e., dc, ke.. Ate.. ad. The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong. the lan gold brilliant. and are exhausted 'minutia great restorer. They are composed of the celebrated Calisaya bark, win. tergreen, sassafras, roots, herbs, se., aU preeeryed In Perfectly pare fit. Croix sum. Persona of sedentary habits. troubled with weakness. lassitude. paipltation of the heart. lack of appetite, dis tress after eating. torpid liver, constipation ac.. deserve to suffer if they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical autho rities., and are warranted to produce an immediate bene ficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pare; and harmless. NoTios.—Any person pretending to eell Plantation Bit ter* In hulk of b 9 the eellee IB s swindler and impostor. It is put up only In our log-cabin bottle. Beware abet- ties refilled with imitation deleterious stuff, for which several Persons are already in prison. See that every bottle has our United States stamp over the cork, 1470A24. Mated. and our signature on steel-plate side label. Sold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable globe. P. H. IiRAKE & CO.. fe•Z9-tuthaSm BOW BROAD WAY. WHERE F HAI L I GET GOOD TEAS? V Try INGRAM'S, 43 South lIECORD Street, below Market. for freeh. pure Teal. lt* nA RI ES DE VISITE.—B. F. REINER `..- 0 furnishes all who patronize him with tine and taste- Mil executed steles of Cartes Se Vielte. tiee specimens. at .01d4 ARCH Street. /t* T1R13014.-13 BALES ARNICA FLOW -BNts pales ,hort Bachtt Leaver. - .SS es. ea anal India Fano, fresh. • ID bblr London•blesoord Jamaica Ginger. bales Florida Sheeik.we , l grionta. in Moro and for guile bY ' WM MIA & tlO. Drorgist. arolVA Talk 01411111 f pp/it. AMUSEMENTS. ORATORIO SINGERS ,VOCAL SOCIETIES olnelit rehearsal of HAYDN'S CREATION, Preparatory to. the tergormauce for the SANITARY FAIR, win take SSare at NATION Y AL GUARD' HALL, RAZE STREET. below Si2th. On ?RID k y gym the J6th. .Instant, at half Dant & levim TN, punctual A tte ß ,ibnce of all Singers proposing to take part in the perforinWace is earnestly rettweetec oaf, cars of Vocal Societies w tWitlease notify their members. ) 7. R. FRY, Ch aimrian of the Committee - On Krunc.a;LEntertainrnents for the - Great Central Pair CARL GAERTNUR WILL GIVE • A CLASSIC A.r, SOIREE, AT TEM rinniCAL FUND MALL, On FRIDAY MINING. APRIL 150 at 8 o'eteek, .Itelklsted by Dito era. CIIAS. 11. Se ItVIM R, C.ROSP. • A. BOODENBURCADre _ And'a vocal Double Qttarlette. .I:O4ELAM ME Quiptette, Inetrunante, lA. Mentdeleeohu, 2. Ontfftette. vocal, 'Abendlrieden." Or Pit3' ALA. g Grand Duo, two e ls? toy request)....Falltbrenuer. 4; Quartette;Nrocal, •' Wie hab Icn bievalteEgr Op. 24. Bedorlng. .... Beethoven. ...ONE DOLLAR. 6. Qatntette. instruments,. O. TICHETS To be bad at the Music Stores. Reserved Seats to be had aV.Y. E. GOULD`G, ESTPHISTEE and CHESTNUT Streets asoltr-at THE FIRST GRAND AMATEUR VOOLL AND INETRUHRAPAL CONCEET. - toidor the Enrolees of the Committee-on Masical Entertainments of the Great Central Fair for-the benefit of the ltaol tarY Commission. will lairs - place at the MIMICAL POND HALL. on the EVEDING. (tB' EATITEDA Y. April 16. 1684. at '8 o'climi. The An.phion Amateur Band Mae offered its services, and the - following neutlemen have also volunteered to assist ;on this occasion: ._,W. It Angler; A; Molten. P. C. Bullard. AL D., W: Moab ring, J. A Brown- 3; T. Mitchell. W. Cameo, M. Lk; . S P. Murray, B. Carson, Y. :taibtana, J. Cochran. A. , Page, J. R Carkenrer, - C. Pace. L Duhrius, P .- W Ralston, W A Luhring. , H ;Richards. H. Duhrtng. I': Rogers. A B. Purand, S D. Smith g R. Pty, J Sullen - der, ft. Godley. it Tiro, - - ' V. Gardrat - C Vanier.: H. Gross, 0. Wain, G Gilpin. F. Well*, W. 1B vivo , . J. R Welsh. C B Bupfeld, R. G ; White. Al, Beelines, J. Whin near,. J. L. LefHtle.- I R Willing. TICKETS ONE DOLL AR 'each. Portal@ at the Mimic stores of Messrs. Lee & • Walker, Andree, and Gould. Alto. ar the \Bookstore of Mr. Leypoldt, and by the above named gentlemen. PROGRAMME. reur-sumr. Nobrico—Band 800 Veknfale—T. and B C b 01115--Fanet Solo—B Solo—T Cnornh and Tenor Solo—Brnani Solo—Bßerbiere—B Attila—Band PART SECOND Solo—Maria di lieban—R Chow,. and 8010 Basso—Norm Solo—Balt° in Masabera—B 'Verdi Solo and Churns—Viva 1' America .Millard Mr Joseph Fizzo hue offered his services to preside at the Piano. which is from the factory of Stech & CO.. and furivabed by Mr. J. E Gould. ard3-4t THE FIRST GRAND VOCAZ,. AND INSTRUMENTAL GONG/MT. In aid of the . GREAT CENTRAL PAIR. Will b. given at HANREL AND HAYDN HALL, EIGHTt. t{1.1.1 T . MING GARDEN Etyma*. FRIbAlf EVENING, April M. The followin■ artists have kindly volunteered' tO2S. Bit: Mint McCaffrey. Mr. M. M. Warner, Mr. J. A. Getze, Mr. Theo. Abrend, Mr. Simon Hassler, Mr. E, B och, Mr. John timetead, and others. Concert to commence at 8 o'clock, precisely. Tickets. El: can be obtained at Gould'e. FrEVENTH rod CHRBINET: at Retry A. Bower's Drns• Store. N. E. corner SIXTH and GREEN. and at the doer on , the evening of the Concert.. - apl3-9s* S IGNOR N. "PEEsELLI'S GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT, For the Benefit of the ONSAT Cilf MAL YAM FOR THE SANITARY COMMISSION. AT TAB • MUSICAL FUND HALL, 'FRIDAY EV1,1 , 100. April 29. 1865. SIGNOR PERELLI respect , rilly. informs Mb friends and tbe public that be will be assisted on the above occasion by his beet pupils, who have kindly- tendered their valuable services A large and effective Orchestra. and a full chorus of Ladies and Gentlemen, will take part in the performance. Tickets. TWO DOLLARS etch, to be had at all the principahMusic Storer, autitmth4t* A LF_CTURE - WILL BE DELIVERED by the Rev. Joan •fa , AURA JACKSON at the ACADEMY_ OF 1111J,I0 on SATURDAY EVENING. April 3S. at 8 o'clock. Snifiect—" ANDREW JACKSON." For the benefit of the FAMILIES of Captains BOOTHBY and WIIII.E. and the CREWS of the Schooner CoqUErra and TWO BROTHERS. who were captured in the Rap- Paltsanock riv., lust Asuzust. and aro now confined In rebel dungeons in Salisbury, North Carolina, Governor A. O. CURTIN will preside at thaLecture. Tickets to be bad at PUGH'S Book Store, Ss W. cor ner ef SIXTH and CHEER NUT Streets. • Jefferson Cornet Band will be in attendance, GEORGE THORNTON. Treasurer. GRAND SOIREES, FOR THR DRNRFIT GP VTR GREAT CENTRAL FATE. Two Enuartainmente. combining MLISie and Caliathe• nice, will be given by 500 Pnolls of the FIFTEENTH WARD PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Under the eirectitys Or Mr. wej..;g, FEMMES% at the - ACADEMY 0? ill3;10. _On FRID AY EVENING. Aprill6 at S o'clock. and SATURDAY AFTBRIgoON, April 16, at o'clock. Tickets, admitting . to either Bntertainment, 2.5 coats. to be obtained at the Music stores and at the door apli 6t. LOST AND FOIUND.. _T STEWART DEPITY, c• • at M Mai:UN'S, 253 South SSCOND Street. above SPRUCB. would inform those who would pur chase Carpsts. Oil Cloths. Hattings,.ci Window Shades. ffic , that he is now selling . from the. largest and best stock that he has shown Tor many years. ap 2-Autbet. Ofor—A CEII,IIIIOA9 E OF S•PEB CENT. LOAN OF STATE 01 , PEIIESYLVAMIA, for 5t16.05, dated March 12, 1600. Do. 754. in name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also, a Certificate of sent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania,. for the sum of 8200, dated Jena 30. 18.15, Igo. 1452, in the name of ELI K. PRICE, administrator of William Dierodlth in trust. Ap plication Lee been made to the Auditor 41eneral for A ro• newel of aid Certificates felo-.lm ELI MIMS. 1510. 811 AKCH Street. PERSONAL. pERSONAL-JEWELRY BY MAIL, free of postate. to any part of the United States on receipt of the following prices : Single stone imitation diamond ;thee. $1: Master 1 ation diamond ring., *2; heavy•p ated vest chains. *1; heavy plain rings, will stand the str Ingest acid. 900 ;. small round black-enamel ed ear drops, 600.; heavy-platen black.enameled sleeve buttons, be ; gents' Imitation diamond studs, $1; gents' imitation diamond pins, 1 151: bracelets, $1: liandaordely chased medallions, $1; complete sets carbuncle studs and buttons. $1; complete sem black-enamelled etude and buttons with pearl setting. $1; fancy watch keys. Mc; pen and pencil with extension case, $1; ladies' long geand and chatelaine chains, $1; chatelaine pins. V; ge nuine grata perch& 34111111/64 Si; ladies' and gents' natruc , bare pin afor likenede3.oe hair. 111: seal rings. $1 Direct to - 613TLIST & KANN. apl3. et* 916 RACE Street. Phila. AUCTION SALE. 54 k , BAZAAR, NINTH AND SAN SOM STREETS. AUCTION SALE OF HORSES, &e ON SATURDAY MORNING next, At 10 o'clock, co SIXTY IS SIXTY HORSES. ' Including A pair feet trotting mum coot Two excellent saddle horses; a top wagon. by Watson: a ni -top wagon, made in 5 ew•York ; harness by Gibson; two saddles, doh—the whole comprising the eetabliett ment if a private gentleman. • ALSO, A handsome dark. brown saddle horse. A pair dapple gray coach horses. cost 51.100. An elegant. black Ydlistilnn-top wagon: by redakill Bro., and ho rneee by Phillips. ALSO. New and second•band carriages. including an elegant coupe rockaway for two horses, built to order by Watson. A French coupe by Wagner, coat $550 Also single and double harness, saddles. dux No poetponem ant on account of weather. MP- Sale of horses, &c . on Wednesday 1®- sale of cattle, & c. , 20th of Hay. /51 - Carriages and harness at private sale. apl4-21 if ALFRED 14 DERR CMS. Auctioneer. INSURANCE. INSURE YOUR LIFE IN YOUR OWN HOME COMPANY, .AIVIMTLIC S. E. corner Fourth and Walnut Streets. !tearer* in thle Coinpany hare the additional Rea rantee of 8250,000 CAPITAL TOE all paid np Ihf CAM, virhish, Ur nether with CASH masts, now on hand, amount to OTTE 6800,000 INCOME FOR THE YEAR 1863 OVER 6200,000_ LOURS PAID DURING THE YEAR ASIODITING TO OVER 86,Q,000. DIVIDENDS MADE ANNUALLY, thus aiding the ha cured to pay Premiums. The laat DIVTDBIND on all Mutual Policies in forcer December MUM was FIFTY PER CENT. Of the amount of minuets received during the Tear. Its TRUSTSIII3 are well-known citizens in our midst, entitling it to more consideration than those Whose managers reside in distant cities. Alexander Wl3llldin. J, lager Thomson, Oeorge Bon. Jainec Pollock, _Albert 0. Roberts, P. B. Mingle, Samuel Work. ALEX. WHILLDIN. President. SAMUEL WORK, Vice President. JOHN B. 'WILSON, S9e. and Tress ap4-13t FAME ENSURANI Mo. 400 ORES' rrias AND PHILADI 011.a] num CE COMPANY. TB= STRUT. D IDSDRAMON. = John W. Branum Robert B. Potter. John 1C4,, Jr. Franca N. Bask. Charles Richardson. Eren , Lewis. . 0. W. Davis. r., B. Justice. otome A. FR ahrOili I, CHAS. MeV W. I. Nr4ugazarah D woodiellit7 Chivies Stokes. J 0,11824 D. MU. rielarteut. IRDBOA, Prialiblit 47. +. Verdi. Misreadarite. ..... Borde.e. Gottschalk. Verdi. -Howe. Verdi. • Dorilzetti, tie William J. Howard, Samuel T. Bodine Johu Atkman Charles F. Heasiiii, Hon. Joseph Allison, Issas Hsalehrust. AMUSEMENTS. THE Tl U-CENTENAEY JIIBILE4 op WILLIAM SI - lAKSPEARE, AT TEIS AnADRAIT OF MEW°. 7.R.r.DAY BVSNING, APRIL Nap 1884. HAMLET." • HairLET DAN BANDIfiIII4 Nag. The other part s by distinsuiehed ;worn Dem of the country Mimic by the Gezmants Oreheetra, 418,-Partlentere will be published hereafter. SATIIRDAY IVIININO. APRIL 'XI, 1884. firld IPIPJRA RE Jr BILIII. JAMES Ivrtirtrfrocu s Es- ( 4. Will deliver an Ode to Shale , peare and the °remote:elf Brutn. and Marc Antony over the dead body of c a ,t,,,, r. The following gentlemen and eoeiree anoint, 8 variety or oratorical. clam's% RR magical entertaln-• men,. And performenefle B &smartly S. 8.e.. E , ft. • of the German o_pera, the 0 Stilir9 o anass • TRA. DERN N 11Lait °urge. and' Me Phliadel.' phis ARTISTS,' eLUB. Particular. i pahllehed hereafter PriOnA of adtelemon for either day ; Para net. PArener • and Hwe koy, 4%1 Fatuity Circle, 60 ciente Ain phitbr titre. 2i cents. No extra charge for reserved relax W v ILDB . I RGEeNa d 3tl t h o u n l h er e fRD dtTrae uod aP. the' 3 ook ore of l Ltvnoldt 9 orneroflteetnciatd .aper.rd ca f er a li , 7ad.sw.oorneryoirh and Wood Streets. „„ TE E NET prrifIEEDS WILL BF., ITAWDRO ryforxrrrEm Tag THE SANITA.I2 GREAT ' fi r) E D I O U T R I di. Pa n: CONJIIBBION. TcoramBl tha above to the favoraLle ennui ierati oat of ED WA 4flippgg , all eoticell, rrpl3.4t Chairman of Comminse %choola, _ _ ACADEMY OF MUSIC. CELEBRATION or THE THIRD ANHIVERSARY FIRST RE . GIAIRNT INFANTRY, (Gray Remervee.) GRAND AIILITARY Af.'D CITIZENS' DP.IIS4 50 IR E_E__A FRO IR ED et. 1 d0N02?.?, TUYODAY EVENING. APRIL 19:1954, Proceeds to be devoted to the GREAT CEITRAL FAIR RANI H A E UNITED STs TES VARY CONsfIgnON. COMMITTEE OF ARRANUENENTR MU. P Bliehetlatsli. I LI.At, A. it. PoSYNEE, Maj. Kern, IMAM Cherie. K Ide. c apt. J. LondenainAer., .Lient Geo. F DeLlaker, C•'t William W Allen, (Liam Jas. C. Virruy , Cant George W Gardner, Lieut. - B. M. DusembOri7.: Capt. J. Par)or Martin. TIT THREE O Cor.cedrto comm CKE ence S. at 9 o clo DLLARS:ck. Lancing-at 10 'o'clock. Committee Alsorocued from any of the abovenamed member.. of the Regiment, d (1 Oak lord render Hotel, and at Fmning di CO 'a, Ho. IF Y..rzu Second street apiLlt ACADEMY OF 11 1 3810. LEcrusis GRACE ohEitgrorocitt. PON BENEFIT OP THE TER COMITTTEE ON LaBOE. 111COME4 AND HAVENUR or TUE . OZEAT CENTRAL FAIR, &&11/TAIIIr 6014188103, MON:DAT EVENIN G. April 18th. MK SUBJECT, "LIGHTS OF TELN WaR CLOUD." TICHETS FIFTY calm. No extra cheratibr reserved seats, For sale at the Beak sad Mask stores Ticketa also for- sale by F. Le, veldt. 11. 8, corner of Inaiper and Cbethat *treats, and by Paglt, Obeetaut etteete Giwv En'S CHESTN UT -STREET THEATRE. LEONARD GROVER... Manager. {A]so of Grover's Theatre, Washtagtort.') mars EVENTIVG. The Director RTITI onn cell, with rezret.. the coming foar nights as most positively the last foar of THE OCTOEO(.N. TEE And Dramatic soaeon. OCTOROON. THE ihntEDEri SUCCBStiI Till! IMMENSE RITCORMI OF THIS RFAITTIFTIL DRAMA.. Which. during the pent two weeks. was reeetved with. every demonstntion of by and ie goes that FILLID THE THEATtiE iN EVERY PART. THIS MAGNIFICENT SCENERY. SDPERR AuTING. AND eir.r.rxi; EFFETFIS, Says heen the theme of gerterou, praise from both the Press and the Public SYNOPSIS. OP SCE Act I. —Terrehonue Mansion and Grounds- by John R. Smith. Act 2—Wharf and. float shed on the Hanks of the A. chatalay a by John R. Smite. Act 3—apartments in Tr rrebenne Mansion. by Smith and 8,-reng Act4—Night —Landing in t Atchaalaya—The Barning Steamboat. by D. a. strong Act 5. Feting Jet—Tba Slave (Diener— Pote's Cabin. by John E. Wraith. Scenes 2d and 3d—ilane brake—A Bayou—Red Cedar F‘wanip—Night, by D A. Sirens. scene 4—Apartment at the hlinsion—Apotheida of Yang , arm. - SaALE OF FRITES—Dress Circle and Parquet. 50 cents - Family Circle. 25 centn. Orcheetra Seat., 75 cent!, Five of the front benches onlr are reserved as °rebe l "- tra Seale. Xto extra charge for securing Seats. Doors open at 7 o'clock Curtain rises at 8. MONDAY, pill 18. 1884. Brief en gagemen t of Orcnd jOnsra. FLOTOWIS " MARTHA.". Fate of Seats commences to morrow. G R OVER'S CllgSlNtrt-STalCrr THEATEN. LSONARD GRONIM lel Urea& (Also of Drover's Theatre. Washington, D. 0.) EXTRA A N p NO U + o NC E t ME a N T n . co Th o eMu wi r h as pe he ed l y a expres o ed n d o nineehea t. h a s s arranged A BRIEF SEASON GRAND OF OPER A. To commence at Drover's nbe.tunt otrimet Theatre MONDAY, APRIL 18, IS6 MME, BERTHA. JOHANIREN. Prima Donna Dramatlaue: MLLE. LOUISE FREDERIC'. Prima Donna Lyric/tie; MLLE. PAULINE CaIiNISSA. Prima Donna Legera; M. La IioCHE. MLLE. R.:PELLE PICA.RDE. MLLE. MARIBITA /NOEL& M FRANZ HIMMEL Primo Tenore Rol:gusto. M. THEODORE. HABEGRATIT, PrirnO Tenore Grants, AL AN toN SEEINECRE. Primo Baritone X FREIDRII)EI ORAFF, 80.8110 Dmirante N. LOUIS ITRUHe', Bane° Protrude; CAUL ASK RUTZ, . POWREECI. CHORUS Chef d'Orchestre. AND GRAND ORCHESTRA! From the Academy of Music. New York. The season will colTimence with • PLOTOW'S GRaND OPERA, MARTHA. DE Tuesday—"lL BARRIERS SEVIOLIA. " Wsddal/-0001SOD'S "F , IISP." Sale oileats for Monde', „ • • Martha," commences to morrow morning at the Box OMee of the Theatre. eta at 3, R. Oonlo'o music score. Although the expenses of this engagement are quits equal to tho‘e of Grand Opera at the Academy of Music. the following trifling excess of the regular dramatic price alone he imposed SCAM OP PRICES FOR OPERA. Dress Circle and Parquet JO Cents. .46 cent. extra for scenting Orchestra Seats OSI. No extra charge for securing. Family Circle 25 Cents. in view of these very liberal prices, and the well known excellence of the Immense company engaged, the Manager confidently anticipates the most liberal patronage. apla A. EIP.GFELD, Agent. WA LN UT. STREET THEAIWIE. Unabated spacer , of the DAVENPORT-WALLACH ALLIANCE. MIS (ThnredaT). EVENING, April 14th, Wilt be presented the startling Historical Romance, ins tilled 'THE IRON KASE, fontibla on historical facts. and performed by Hr. J. W. Wailack npwarss of 300 tinvas. To ioncinde with the Comic Drama of ROBERT MACAIRS. To-morrow evening benefit of E. L. Davenpprt, who Will appear in • Wild Oats and the "Scalp Bantam,' MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ABM STIeBET 'MUTES. SECOND WEEK OR MRS. SOHN DREW. inIiMIALIPIED SUCCESS ROSEDALE. n./ THB RI o FLE BALL, With its SPLENDID Scl DNS RT. FINE•ArITING. MECHANICAL EFFECTS, and BRILLIANT DANCING. ROSA LEIGH. MRS. JOHN DREW. Sante. Secured one week in advance. Play to comrnenct. at X. to 8; terminate at 113 g. snit tr V,ON CERT HALL, CHESTNUT ST., ABOVE TWELFTH J. W. WILDER SECOND ANT) LAST WEEK OF SIM TEE GR E A T ZOSCANS. MOTEUR and Incomprehensible BASILCONTH ATIMATURGIST. who, In compliance with the wishes of thousands of per sons. who have not hqd an opportunity of attending hi. SEANCES ItiAGIQUEId during the past week, will commence a second eerie. of , wro t e ram taetiques ON Mott DAY EVENING, APRIL Ilth, in the course of which he will exhibit A CATALYSIit OF WONDERS of an entirely novel and unfathomable description, in cluding. in conjunction with THE BLOOD BED CALIGRAPHY and fite ILLUSION. ART MIRACLES which have already created so great an excitement in. hpiritual Circles—a series of new and unparalleled. TOURS D'A DIMES% constituting an Astounding Expose of the frauds prim.. Used by the wicked and Blasphemous Pretenders who. have sought and found their VICTIMS AMONG THE CREDULOUS by their impudent asaumm ion of SUPERNATURAL POWER II Among these he will expose and perform the celebrated. Spiritual Fraud known as THE ROPE TYING. in which be will allow himself to be tied by any person. in the audience. with any number of ropes- and IMMEDIATELY ERSE HIMSELF! He will also perform hie GREAT PARADOXICAL PEAT, called LE TOUR DA sr. DENIS; or. SELF- BECAPITATIOdf. of which due notice will be given. Be will also, for the Aron time, do his great PI-O TOFtAL FEAT of producing VASES or H ANu WATER, FaOht NOTHING. and go through with -a great variety of interesting TOURS DE PRESTIDIGITATION, an performed by the SORCERERS AND NEROMANCERS OF CHINA AND JAPAN. SPBC/AL NOTION. 111 order to Live erery peraon an npporianler ef naliflinf th e laysrmir, • O W 11E9 OF THIS &MOOR. affl OF THE REALMS OF SUDIO, the Kammer begs leave to announce that he has made a REDUCTION ADMISSION. PRICE OF in ADMISSION. which will be but • TWRIEDY , FIVE GENTS to all parts of the house. Doors open at 7P. M. Realms at 8. MATINEE on SATURDAY. AT 2 P. M. SEE SMALL BILLS ELEVENTH -BT. OPERA. HOUSIL "THE FAMILY RESORT." CARNCROSS e,ND DIXBY'S MINSTRELE, THE GREAT STAB TROUPE ON THE WOELE. ID their _ SELECT ETHIOPIAN . SOIREES, Splendid Singing Beautiful Dancing, Langhabia sow lAgangli 1/antatton Sent% ka, bi TWENTY TALENTED Ann T& EVERY EVENING THIS WEIS. Tickets 26 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock. J L. CARNOROSS, Business Mutant:. THE . GREAT PICTURE AT COECERT HALL LECTURE BOOM Commen MUT O HW AY R p ril Ilth. J. Immo Williams' celebrated PANOB•HA. OF THE BIBLE. Thle le the most complete and finished Palntimrof Sacred Scriptures in the World, comprising over fifty et the moat SUBLIME AND THRILLING BONNE Of the fret three thousand years of Biblical fifeto forming altogether one of the finest exhibitions of ttie OPEN EVERY EVENING at a caarter to 8 o'clock. At mission se cents. xr —m at ma,„ ozr eped..s.lay. Thursday. Prides. and Betnrday afternoons. at 8 o'clock. fen , TEA Admission for Children 10 sante. pENNEM LVA NIL ACADEMY Or • THE FINE ANTS!. 10*5 CHESTNUT sTussr. CLOSED to Prepare for the ANNUAL IMBIBITION. Witi open on the 25th of A Pan. By order of COMNITTNN ON EXHIBITION. ep9•if GERMANIA. ORCHESTRA.—PIIBLIO BRELEARBALS overrBATITIIMAY, it o'olollt. . M , it the BUSIOLL Milt HALL. await We eeeeh Peekeiree of six tlekets. SL To be nad DUI. 110* 00ISTKIIT Street, J. N. eOUL A _ " NTT( R ua crigsTNl7T. and el the that dear ern- VARYETS, OIL CLOTHS, AND WIN. ••••' DOW ARAM -Hew stook of4aglish Oameta L E received. and for side ahemD, at WM. MAHE' No. 441 North MOND Wrest. below Robb,. mhEllne TT P B OLSTERING. H B ELAM:MA.IW & CO.. Northeast corner THIRTEENTH and HEITETNET Carnet* and Matting made and laid. Boum, filar Mattrowell. Re. IWO-3a yokagin. AMOUR Ch Airman' oVZllnmAliitee Manager
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers