THE 40'IT'Ir. Thermozartor APRIL 6.1868. APRIL 6, 1861. lA. X 12 x.... 3 P. w. BA. Y..... 12 18....8 8- Y. 36 .6234 51 40- ....... .52 OS Nvlsi... Wn,113. SW WSW 0W NE ENE ENE CALAMITY IN THE SECOND WART) Steam Boller Explosion at Messrs. tier rick & Co.'s Foundry. Appalling Scenes and Incidents. LIST OF THE KILLED AND WOUNDED Investigation by the Coroner. At quarter before nine o'clock yesterday morning m e new, exploded, with fatal steam boiler, effect, at the extensive foundry of Messrs. S. V. Ker rfa & co., on Washington avenue, between Fourth and Fltit, Second ward. Ol course the most phren tied and extended excitement prevailed in the en tire southern section of the city. The most Immo. bable rumors were freely circulated, which simply added fuel to the excitement. The reporters of The PTCSS were early upon the ground, and gathering all the facts and incidents thereto, present the follow ing interesting narrative : The boiler- house was built of brick, Jousted near the centre of the yard. It was surrounded by the various shops or department. incident to an eaten five establishment for manufacturing purposes, and the only wonder is that so little damage was done to this property. The boiler that exploded was coo. meted with en older one, both being under the same roof. A duisky engine, used for pumping the water into these boilers, was in front thereof. It was en tirely demolished. The exploded boiler seemed to have broken into two or three Mews, one of them weighing many tons, being hurled to the eastward to the distance of thirty feet. Smaller portions, and the Ines were whirled in every direction, with great velocity, scattering death end destinction in their course. The bricks of the building were tluown with-great violence to the east, the west, north, and south, doing more or less damage. The boiler that connected with the exploded one, was forced about ten feet from its bed, and partly canted over. It is 9 feet high, 8 feet wide, and 12 or 14 feet long, the came in size as the one that in a moment was torn to pieces. The smoke stack, about two feet in diameter and thirty-five or forty feet long, weighing probably a ton, was pro. Jeoted in a northwestern direction. In its descent it crushed the roof of the pattern shop, in the third story of the main building. There were sixteen men and boys at work in this shop. The smoke stack crushed to splinters one of the benches at which a boy named James Marotzer was at work. Amid this crash of material, of falling beams, Or splinters, the lad found himself on the roof, and was so astonished at the unrevealed method of his ele vation, that be called down to Kr. Richard New- Sam, who was yet in the shop. "Say, ale. New som," shouted the lad, "how in the did I get up here, anyhow I" This little incident had the et feet to restere the dumt-founded, half inclined to be panioatricken operatives, to something like propri ety, and they left their epartments. The boy de scended on the smoke.stack to the floor of the shop, and then hastened down stairs. Under the appropriate head in our narrative will be found a list of the killed and wounded of this ter rible disaster, that has shrouded many families in -deep gloom. Some of the deaths were instantane ous. and though their mutilated bodies presented horrifying spectacles, yet it ls naturally consoling to know that the poor fellows did not suffer. One or two bodies seemed like moving masses of human pulp, but not a groan to indicate suffering arose from them. Others less, though severely wounded, were taken away bleeding, and groaning, and dying. One Of the killed was standing in conversation with a fellow workmen, named Morris Agan. In a moment he disappeared, and yet Mr. Agan escaped without a scratch. Another man, work iug at: an anvil, hammering away, suddenly found himself grasping a window.frame, the glass from which was smashed to atoms. He • cannot account for his wonderful escape. His hand Was somewhat cut, and for a few momenta it was hard for him to reabse the fact that he was not at the anvil. The experience of this man, and the boy Marotzey, on the roof, is indicative, no doubt, of the feelings of many others who made very narrow ea :tapes_ One man was wheeling a barrow near the boiler house ; he fell dead between the shafts of the barrow. There were only one or two persons killed by being buried in the falling ruins. Quite a number were caught amid the falling wreck of shed Mid. tugs and roofs_ but they either extricated them selves, or were assisted by their fellow workmen. Beneath a sten not far distant from the boiler house, were a number of employees. Upon this a terrific shower of briekr, iron. and other missiles, fell- Tne shed roof was crushed in, and this gave rise to a stun ning report that forty people were killed beneath the rubbish. The fact is, that the interior of the shed or building was so well filled with material, that the force of the falling fragments was misted. We believe that none of theme's, here were seriously injured. "THE ALARM, EXCITEMENT, AND . OTHER SCENES-- OIITSIDS AND INSIDI In a few minutes after the explosion, the Marlon - Home bell soul. ded an alarm of dre southeast. This brought out the various are COMoanies in the First Castile% and ttey were ;speedily at the Beene of de• emotion. 'When the facts became known, the tire. men promptly repaired to the place with their am bulatces, to take away the dead and wounded. Foremost among the medical or surgical gentlemen, were Drs. William B. Atkinson, surgeon in the army, and Dr. Andrew Nebinger. Dr. iAtkinsois had been attending a little boy, con of ai - r. Mc. Laughlin, the engineer who wan killed. The doctor was in a railroad car, on his way up Fifth street. The explosion occurred just as the oar reached the tipper aide of Washington street. He sprang out and ran to the entrance of the foundry, feeling maimed that he might render some professional -assistance. He was recognized, caught hold of by Mr. Baatian, one of the workmen, who exclaimed, "Oh, Doctor, come in—come in I' l At this time the steam was yet escaping, but it had lost its expansive power. The interior of the machine shop was set Oiled with the dense warm fog. The doctor was conducted by Mr. Bastian, to near where the boiler house stood. There lay the corpse of Mr. McLaughlin, his head partly shatter ed, and his brains running out. Near him was an. Other workman struggling amid the wreak. His head was badly injured. This man pertly extricated himself, but tell, and would have perished there, but for the exertions of others, It is supposed this was a laboring man. named Deadly, a coal smasher. Not tar distant lay Doughtey. dead upon his wheelbar row, and a few rocs farther the unfortunate Mr. Nebb, with his skull dreadfully fractured by a piece of iron weighing ten or twelve pounds. A piece of service-pipe, four feet long, with a valve on one end, was whirled through thedoorway of the machine shop, and over the kends of several persons. It fall harmless en the flour. Some of the (-Mots upon property on the outside were curious. The concussion incident to the ex plosion caused the door-bells to ring violent y in houses for squares distant. Denim!lee near the scene of disaster were shaken as though a natural earthquake bed occurred. People, of amine, rimmed into tne streme, to ascertain the cause of the con vulsion. We beard many stories, how cradles reeked, how conaelsbras tingled, how doors were ,slammed, how children were thrown down, and how people geeeraily were frightened. There are small or minor incidents which cannot interest the general leader. We have several occurrences, bow. ever . , that are errikingly interesting. Rome Net. Ills Finn street, occupied by Captain Washington Sims, master of the [steamship Jupiter, suddenly received a very unwelcome visitor id the shape or an non co,necting valve, such as is gene. Tally attached to a steam drum. It weighs twenty lour pounds. This initiate struck the top of the show sill of a window in the second story, smashed the sash into splinters, and then glancing upward struck the partition that separated the front and beck bed chambers. The plastering was considerably broken. In rebounding tee heavy missile broke a chair, and did some Other slight damage. The projectile in its course passed over a bed. The bed-clothing was filled with atoms of glass, and the bedstead, a hand some black walnut one, was rlisfieured with many particles of the same. House number 1116, adjoining the above, is occu -pied by Officer Ameme t of the police fere& An iron valve, weighing eleven pleads, entered the third-story wincow, shivered a bed-post, and, glan cing across the bed, stuck fast in a plastered parti tion. A little chile had just been lifted from the bed by its mother, who was passing through the doorway to go down stairs. The particles of glass were showered upon the bed. The dwelling of Mr. John Jolley, house carpenter, 1136 South Fifth street, also received the must un welcome visitor of all. This was the man-hole plate, as supposed. It weighed at least one hundred pound,. The dwelling recesses from the street line, there being a little garden spot in front, and is dire tent from the spot where the boiler exploded about One hunceed vale's. Some idea May be formed Of the fotee with which this piece of iron was hurled when we state that it Struck the front wall of the duelling of Mr. olley under the first-story window, and earned with it nearly a wheelbarrow load of bricks into the parlor. The children were in an al joinir g room at the time. Mrs. Jolley had a feW 1110- melds before gone to a reigebortng store. She was on the return home when toe explosion took place, and was Watkins on the pavement of the adjoining house when tied, Incati native man-hole plate whizzed by, within a few feet of her. The Washington school-house, a recently-com pleted structure, eseaped injury, The front door opens outward. It was forced inward with such violence as to push the rabbit stripe from the jambs. A few panes of gleam were broken. The scholar, were more or less frightened, and eo were the teachers, but no one appears to have received any serious injury. Little Miss Minton, daughter of one of the eirectors, had one of her legs slightly injured, The houses on the south side of Federal Street, extending from No. 422 to 430, came in for a share -of peppering of mud and brickbats, but no serious damage resulted. A panel et the iron fence of Jefferson Square, on Fourth street, south of Washington, was broken ; also, several bars. A. pretty large piece of wail of the boiler-house was thrown to the eastward, re cuffing as stated. Several persons were walking along Fourth street at the time, but none of them, BO far as we could authentically learn, received any serious injury. The doors of one or two houses on Washington avenue and Fourth street were struck by flying bricks, and more or less injured. As soon as it was reported that "Merrick's foundry had blame up, and all the workmen were billed," the people came from every quarter. Ito therm, wive., and daughters, rushed like an impetu ous torrent towards the terrible scene. The human tide poured out of the streets, lane., courts, and alleys, arell air flowing to one place, made a scene Of inCeacribable commotion. It Was well known by the parents of the children of the Washington school, that this building was near the foundry. Anxious mate nate, of course, without regard to propriety of deers, rushed there to save their chil dren. But their worst fears were not at all realized, and the throne became calm, and evinced a desire to render whatevrr assistance was necessary to the unfortunate of the Muller.,. The most painful part Of the narrative is the following list of the killed and wounded so far as we have learned : jahtei W d i i ner, employed in the blacksmith shop. 'Frilled instantly. lie residen ILlarpenter street, above Seventh. Charles Webb, house carpenter, who resided at No. MI Parham's alley. Klima instantly. Daniel McLaughlin, the engineer, Who resided at NO. 1318 Juniata street. Instantly killed. He has left a wile and three little boys ; one of them sick. John Dougherty, a laborer and assistant in the `boiler house, who.reelded at Ellsworth and Tenth. streets. Instantly killed. Patrick Brannan, who resided in Carpenter street, 'between Fifth and Sixth, acting fireman. Instantly killed. John McGowan, No. 720 Federal street, almost - Instantly killed. Edward allialall, wbo lived at Eighth and Croat streets, was so ba dly injured that he expired In an hour and a halt LIST OP THE WOONDBD _ . Andrew Bradley, who lives in :darker street, in the - First ward, was shockingly injured about the head. He was removed to the residence of Mx. Clampoell, in Redwood street, where he was attended by Dr. _Andrew Ifebiuger. Bernard Roden, living in acre Street, a boiler• ' maker, was cut in the side. He was conveyed to the Coopenahop Hospital. The followiog•named sufferers were removed to the Pennsylvania Hospitals : Michael Hickey, aged 46 year.. laborer, bully scalded and head cut. Not expected to recover. Alexander Inclanighlio, aged 40 year; helper, ribs broken and arm crushed. Not expected to re cover. Jacob Tabeaux, colored, 60 Neon or age, arm Draken and skull fractured,. Edward Brannan, both arms fractured, and ta• jured about tbe body. Since died. Patrick O'Neil, helper, ribs broken and bruised. Not dangerous. Matthew Mickelly, lived 27 years, botter.maker, arm broken and bead injured. Alexander Terris, aged 21 rem, foundryman, back injured. Peter McGuigan, aged 30, laborer, skull fractured- Sir gle man. Joel Sappin, aged 27, depression of the skull. Sin gle man. George Ward, aged 37, married, injured inter nally. CORONER'S INVESTIGATION. Coroner Taylor empanelled the following.named gentlemen as the jury of Investigation. A majority of them are well versed in science Professor J. F. Frazer, of the University ; Prof. Henry Morton, John Agnew, Esq., tire engine builder and machinist; Jonathan Chapman, Esq., an old retired machinist ; Coleman Sellers, EFq , of the firm of Wm. genera S. Oo s , s engineers, and Ga vin H. Woodward. The jury were empanelled at half past three o'clock yesterday afternoon, and then proceeded to the place of explosion, there to view the bodies of the deceased, in the following order as named: John L. Webb, aged 34 years. Daniel McLoughlin, aged 35 years. Patrick Brannin, aged al? years. Jahiel 0-. Wisner, aged 25 years. John MoGciwan, aged 35 year. Edward Bannon, aged 47 yearn. John Dougherty. aged 48 yearn. After viewing the bodies. the jurors examined drawings of the boilers, then took another view at the scene of explosion, and then adjourned to meet et half past three o'clock this afternoon. Several theories are entertained in regard to the explosion, but this part of the subject should be left to the consideration of the gentlemen who compose the jury. NEF.TIN6 OF THE AGRICULTURAL SO CIRTI%—The regular meeting of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Society was held at their room, Wel. nut street, above Third, yesterday morning. A communication was received from Jas. Gowan, of Mount Airy, returning his thanks kw eleotlon as an honorary member. Mr. A. S. Roberts presented grafts of the Berry apple, from Delaware, and of his Seekle and Logan pear., the latter being a new variety. Samples of segars were exhibited made from to bacco raised by John McGowan, of Bridesburg, from seed of four varieties received from the Agricultural depot. Also, a sample of corn raised by Joseph W. Gregg, of Chester county. A report made by Baron Leibig, to the Agricultu ral Academy of Munich, on the food of plant., was reed. Mr. A. S. Buck was elec , ed a member of the so. olety. Dr. McClure, veterinary s,rgeon, stated that Pro. f.1380r Leidy had been presented with sonic of the virus of glanders, for the purpose of determining, by Analysis, a vexed question, as to whether said virus contained fungi. Some remarks were made and resolutions were passed relative to the decease of Charles Kelly, late a vice president of the society, and the meeting ad jouxned. Oint readers will notice in another column the advertisement of the soiree gymnastique, at the Academy, on the 12th instant. The entertainment will ultimately benefit our wounded and suffering veterans, being one of the happy conceptions of the 'United States Sanitary Commission. This alone Should secure a crowded house, but the character of the exhibition itself, will prove exceedingly attract. tive. Dr. Jansen, whose classes perform, was one of the first in our city to digest a complete system of "free exercises" for ladles and children. Ms young ladies and masters are delighted to exhibit their fine drill for the sacred object of the entertainment, and will be stimulated to their best ellorts. It is hard to find a prettier sight than a crowd of roe children moving together through these dances of health, in the bright and becoming bloomer suits they wear. Dr. Jansen is assisted in the management of his pu pils by a young lady graduate of Dr. Dio Lewis' Phy - sical Academy, of whom we may be permitted to 26y that she presents, in Ler own movements and poses, the very best testimony to the value of the system she professes. Some amateurs of the heavier gymnastic* and beautiful acrobatic feats, will also be. in attendance, while selections from the tmost classical operas, such as Yoetot and Tannhauser,will be performed by a line orchestra of about forty wind instruments. We predict for the worthy doctor and his accomplished young friends, and for the glorious " Sanitary," one of the successes of the season. THE POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE.—The fol lowing graduates of this college are in the United States service: Lieutenant J. R.Bets has bean recently ap pointed inspector of fortifications for the district of Nashville, Tennessee. Lieutenant Henry N. Harrison, Torrisdale, who graduated in the class of '62, and who, during the winter, has been engaged under General Kelly in making a military survey of the department now commanded by General Kelly, has been attached to General Averill's staff. Captain George E. Ford, of Olney, of the class of MS. wounded et the battle of Ringgold, Georgia, has so far recovered as to be able to resume his position in Sherman's division, Charles D. Law, of Carlisle, Penna., of the clue of 7 63, and now attached to the Engineer Depart. went. Nashville, Tennessee, has arrived at Fort Negley and entered upon his duties. HOSPITAL ITEMS.—The following persons were admitted into the Pennsylvania Hospital yea. terday James Barnes, aged 56 years, bad his face and head badly burned by the premature discharge or powder , while blasting a rock, at Lombard.street wharf, Schuylkill. He is in a very precarious state. Charles Smith, aged 6 years, was run over by a furniture-wagon, at Fifteenth and Vine etreeta, about six o'clock last evening, which fractured hie thigh. WE WOULD CALL special attention to a very flne collection of oil paintings now on exhibi tion at the sales rooms of Messrs. Scott & Stewart, No. 622 Chestnut street, to be cold this and to.mor rour evening., at 8 o'clock precisely. Among them are some of the most btantirul and meritodous pro ductions ever offered at public sale in this city. Those about to adorn their parlors with pictures will find an opportunity to embellish their walls with choice and masterly productions. CENTRAL PRESBYTERY OF PITILADEL rnie.—This ecclealastical body has just finished its sessions in Princeton Church, West Philadelphia. The attendance was large, and much important busi ness was transacted. Rev. Drs. M.usgrave and Nevin, and Elders Powell and Hastings, were ap pointed delegates to the next General Assembly to meet in Newark, N. J., in May next. The ladies of Princeton Church provided a handsome entertain ment for the members of the Presbytery. DEATHS OF SOLDIERS.—The following deaths were reported at the Medical Director's offioe yesterday : Citizens , Volunteer Hospital—Henry .Roth, Company C, 1911; Regiment Pennsylvania Vo• lunteers ; Sergeant Erssill, Company 0, 26th Regi ment Pennsylvania Volunteers; Summit House Rospital—James Betides, Company 0, 321Reglment -United States Colored Troops; Joseph Johnson, Company D, same regiment. • MARINE DISASTER. The well-known Philadelphia stearnahip Saxon, Captain Matthews, which left this port on the 4th instant, for Boston, ran against Pollock's rock on Tuesday evening, and lost her rudder and the sheet anchor. A. large part of the cargo was also thrown overboard. She was repnrted, yesterday morning, as lying off Dennis', waiting for assistanee. ARRIVAL OF MOLASSES AND SALT.—The following vessels arrived at this port yesterday: Baik Maria, Captain Killam, front Liverpool, With 850 tons coarse salt. Also, brig Faustina, Cap. twin Griffin, from Liverpool, with 482 hogsheads, 35 bairels, and Si tierces of molaavea. •• ELECTION' or A PROPESSOB.-.We learn that the trustees of the Philadelphia college of Pharmacy have unanimously elected Mr. Edward Parrish to the professorship of materia medical in their school, made vacant by the death of the late Dr. Robert P. Thomas. ACCIDENT.—A lad named Albert Heber ling, aged nine years, was run over yesterday after noon at Third and Coates streets, by a farmer's We gin, and badly injured. He wan taken to hie home, OR Third street, above Coates. METE POLIOE. [Before Mr. Alderman Denier.] Rouumd Over. Joseph B. Elliott had a final hearing at the Cen. tral Station yesterday afternoon, on the charge of having caused a minor, named George Gormley, to be enlisted in Company A, 115th Regiment P. V. The lad was examined, and said that he met Elli- Ott§ and told him that he was going to enlist. Elliott asked him if he was of age, to which the youthful aspirant to military honors replied, "No P , He stated that he lived in Baltimore, and his father and mother were dead. Elliott then said to the lad that he would "be hit guardian." The boy re• ceived his bounty. The father appeared at the hear ing, and said that neither he nor his wife bad given their consent to the enlictment ; that the lad would not be seventeen years old until next June. The defendant entered bail in the sum of $1,500 to an swer at court. The boy will remain in the custody of the military until lull restitution is made to the Government for all expenses incurred. Attempted Robbery. Frances Turner, a yellow woman, was arraigned on the charge of attempted highway robbery. It seems that a colored man, named John Wilson, who resides at 113 Lombard street, went into a house near Sixth and Lombard streets, on Monday night, to get a $lO note changed. He called for a drink, and laidthenotellOwn onthe bar. He exhibited $5O. The defendant was in the place, and observing him put his money into his pocket, followed him into the street. She gave a signal to a man standing not far distant, who sneaked up behind Wilson, and striking him on the head with a blackjack, felled him to the side. walk. He then ran away. The woman then felt for the pocket-book, but did not get it, because, as Wilson had, unseen by her, placed it into another pocket just as be had stepped into the street. The accused .had nothing to say. She was committed to answer. Alleged Larceny. Thomas Overbury, a shoemaker in the employ of E. F. Idolineau ' was arrigned yesterday on the ehargeof lobbing his employer. Is is alleged that he has been selling to Israel Jones, on Second street, outside and inside soles, and on one occasion a dozen of uppers. It is said that he has been sell. lug from one to live dollars' worth of such things per week, for a period of three years. In his own defence he says that all he sold was "cabbage." The alderman failed to " lee it," and therefore mom. mined the defendant to answer. THE COURTS. United States Circuit Court—Judge Cad- I=CEI Mattison k Co. vs. Stinsidor et al. An Ration of trover and conversion. Before reported. The ease is still on trial. District Court — Judge Sliarawood. Consolidation Bank vs. James Murray. This ac tion was to rr cover against • defendant as bail for stay of execution. Defence that the party prima rily liable had paid the debt, and that thereby de fendant was released. Verdict for plaintiff; $2,080. This being the last case on the list for the week ready for trial, the Court adjourned till Saturday. District Court—Judge Stroud. Christiana Weller, widow of Martin Weller de ceased, vs. The City of Philadelphia. In this case, which was an action for damages for the death of plaintiff's husband, occasioned by the negligence of the authorities of the city, and reported yesterday, the jury returned a verdict for plaintiff for $l , BOO. M. J. fditeheson and Robert D. Cove for plainiff F. Carroll Brewster and David W. Sellers for the city. Jos. R. Reim, assignee of Benj. H. Pitfisid, tot W. E. Park, defendant, and John McKee, terre tenant. This was an action to recover on a bond for $4,500. The defence was that the bond in question had been satisfied and paid by a quit claim deed, and also by the SOnveyance.of property the e Jersey. The case was submitted to jury, who left the court room in charge of an officer to deliberate upon their verdict. The officer. after proceeding par tinily across the rquare, on his way to the jury. room, near Filth and Walnut, discovered that he in h agd t h hiril)ll Theeleleven officer W j e e o n t i ti t d:a e z m w s , h e o l r trth whicht lim:se, hoping the missing man would , not having done, the eleven '° and their custodian returned to the court-room, and reported the fact to the judge. The, parties not being willing that the Cale should bemhasaed upon except by a fall jury, they were discharged from its consideration. William H. Brooker vs. Archibald Ritchie. Am action to recover the sum of $4 000, as purchase mo ney of the furniture, good will, am, of a tavern known as the 4 . Clock House," I%l arket street, be tween Fifth and Sixth streets, Philadelphia The defence was that Ritchie, the defendant, made no eontreet for the purehaseof the property in ques tion ; that he went thereunder an arrangement with B. O. Brooker, father of plaintiff, on a trill of three months, at the expiration of which time, if he liked the business, he wns to buy out the place ; if not, he Was to surrender possession. The defendant, it is alleged, did aurreilder poneseion before the stipule. ted the expired and deolined to buy. Jury Out. Thorn and meta for plaintiff; Dantol Dough4rtinnd Crawford for defendant. Court of Quarter Sessions—Judge Thong" A few trifling cases were disposed of before noon yesterday, and the court adjourned. Hugh Dougherty, charged with having 'nominated an assault and battery on James Moljann, with in tent to kill, was convicted of assault and battery only. The weapon used was a knife, and McCann Was severely out in the arm. Dougherty was son• tented to five months' imprisonment. George De Forrest, convicted of larceny, Was seII• repeed ionise months linprimonment. John Matthews pleaded guilty to a charge of lox aeny, and was sentenced to an imprisonment of four months. FINANCIAL. FIRST • isTATION.E&X, 33.11:T1E PHIL4.DELPHIL DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY FINANCIAL AGENT 08 PHs UNITED STATES. 10-1-0 LOAN. Thbe Bank bee been anthorired and in now prepared o receive oubsorintiono to the NEW GOYEENEENT LOAN. This Loan. Issued under authority of an set of Con gress. approved /larch 3, 1664, Provides for the tame of Two Hundred Minions of Dollars' (110.000.000) United States 'Bonds, redeemable after ten years. sad payable forty years from date. IN COIN. dated March 1.1664. bearing interest at the rate of PIPE PER CENT. per annum IN COIN. payable semi-annually on all Bonds over $lOO. aid on Bonds of $lOO and lees. an nually. Subscribers will receive either Registered or. Coupon Bonds as they may prefer. . Re g i st ered Bonds will be issued of the.denominations of fifty doge. (SSO), one hundred dollars ($100). Ave hundred dollars (600) one thousand dollars ($1,000), live thousand dollars (6.000), and ten thousand dollars 000), and Coupon Bonds of the denominations of Ally dollars (150), one hundred dollars ($100). tive hundred dollars ($6OO, and one thousand dollars ($1,000). bubsoribers will be required to Pay. in addition to the amount of the principal of the bonds in lawful money. the accrued interest in coin. (or in United States notes. or the notes of National Banks. adding fifty per Cent. for premium until farther notice.) from the first day or March or September. as the case may be. until the day of anbeeription and payment. NE W LOA N . U. S. 10-40 s. JAY COOKE & op. OFFER FOR SALE THE NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, Beating live per cent. Interest. In coin. Redeemable any time after TEN TELE% at the pleasure of the Government, and payable FORTY YE &ES after date. Both COUPON AND REGISTERED BONDS are issued for this Loan, of same denominations as the Five- Twenties The interest on $5O and SUDO payable yearly. on all other denominations half-yearly. The TEN FORTY BONDS are do ted March 1, 1864, the half-yearly interest falling due September 1 and March 1 of each year. Until let September, the accrued interest from let Harsh is required to be paid by purchasers in coin, or in legal currency, adding 60 per cent. for premium, until further notice. AU other 4)ocorameat seeruritioe bought and sold. JAI." CCOCOICE 114 Bourn' THIRD STREET T REASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER: OF THE CHIIIIHNOT. WASHINGTON. February 26th, ISM Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that the Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia. In the county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennegavaina, has been d.n.17 organized under and accordin g to the reonirements of the act of Congress. entitled 'an act to provide a na tional currency, secured by a pledge of 'United States stocks.alid to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof. ' approved February 26th, 1863. and has com plied with all the iprovisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking, now, therefore I, Hugh McCulloch, Com_p troller of the Currency , do hereby certify that the FOUNTH NA TIONAL BANK OF PHIL ILDELYEIIA, county of Phila. deiphia, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the business of Basking, under the act afore said. In testimony whereof. witnass my hand and seal of aloe, this twenty.sixth day of February. 7884. HIIOH MoCULLOCH. mhllm Comotroilor of the (Marone'''. JOHN HORN, JR., STOCK COMMISSION BROKER. No. 140 SOUTH THIRD snow. (UP STAIRS.) PHILADELPHIA. REFERENCES: Messrs.Thos. A. Biddle & Co. Mess.Gaw, Macalester. & Co. Messrs. R. S. Whalen & Co. Messrs. Drexel & Co. Messrs. Buzby & Co. Henry J. Williams, Req. Alexander Biddle,_Esq. I. P. Hutchinson, Esq. G. M. Troutman. Esq. D. B. Cummins. BM- Jas. 0. King &Sons. New York. fe24-2m SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA. FRANEFORD. CAPITAL SlOO,OOl WITH THE PRIVILEGE 07 IN CREASIN TO NATHANHILLES, President. WILLIAM H. RHAWY. Cashier, (Late of the Philadelphia Bank.) prusc,ccaer NATHAN HILLES._ 'CHARLES E. KREMER. GEORGE W. RHAWH. BENJ. ROWLAHD_, SIMON R. SNYDER, BENJ. H. DEACON. EDWARD HAYES, JOHN COOPER. LEWIS SHALLOBOSS, The Second Nations./ Bank of Philadelphia Is now nen at No, 1351- MAIN Street, Frani:ford, for the tram action of a General Banking Business upon the ulna) terms. - • •• • Collections neon all secescibls point. will be made npon liberal terms. llespestrally. fia-Sm W. H. RIZ AWN. Cashier BRIGGS GOLD CO. • MINES--BRIGGS & GREGORY LODES, GILP.T.N COUNTY, COLORADO CAPITAL 10.000 SHARES-11100 EACH. TRUSTEES • J. SMITH BRIGGS - - Colorado. GBO. M. PULLMAN Mimeo. nIiTBONY ARNONE. New York. HENRY COGGILL R. CoRNELL WHITE, .... " C. C. ALGEL . Hudson. N. Y. WM G. A.NOI , LL • Providence. B. L Presid.frt,. .1 SMITH BRIGGS. Treasurer, WAL , 'ER B LAWTON. Secretury. D. rATTLE/OHN - Connell. J. 8. WOODWARD. Mining Supaintendent. CHAP. H. BRI WS. ap2 l m Office MS CLIFF Street, New York. HOPE GOLD COMPANY MINES—"GOLD DIRT LODE. Giicin county. Colorado. CAPITAL, 80.000 SHARES, SW twat. TRUSTEES. JOHN EVANS. Colorado. F H. JUDD. New York H S COHU. New York. WILLIAM HOLLER. Hew York. GEO. W. GRAFFLIN. Baltimore. - 4 1-: HERMAN PURER. New York. R CORNELL WHITE, New York. er. H. C TYLER. New York. Eh G. ARNOLD, Providence. PR ESIDENT- Hie Excellency JOHN EVANS. Governor of Colorado Territory. VIDE PRESIDENTS. Hon. El. G. ARNOLD, Dr. F. H. JUDD. Troaanrer. WALTER E LAWTON., Secretary. J. P. DAVIXS. mh22 1m Office. No. 25 CLIFF Street. New York. TO HOUSEKEEPERS. In match gour spring purchases, be sure to pro. vide 'yourself w ith the beet—the only EELIABLE and WARRANTED CLOTUEIi WRINGER THE UNIVERSAL WRINTZE. with !the Patent COO. WHEEL REGULATOR. which POSITIVELY prevents the rolls from BREAKING Or TWIST ING on the shaft and tearing the clothing, an all Wringera without Cog Wheels Will do, however strongly it may be asserted to the contrary. No family can be without THE UNIVERSAL MUNGER_ It will pay for itself in six months, in the saving of garments alone, in the smallest family. The 'family sizes are gl and 210, and are WAN. ANTED in every Partieuhlr- RFor . sale wholesale and retail, b E. L. BURNHAM. Mana sactnrer's Agent, No. 27 South SIXTH Street. between Chestnut and Market, Philadelphia. mlll3-Int CORNS AND BUNIONS. PETERSON PETERSON PETERSON PETERSON CIORN CORN CORN CORN. . . - - OINTMENT OINTMENT OINTMENT. OINTMENT Will thoroughly cure COR/Q8 a O nd BIMONS, withont any Pan. bold by Druggieie everywhere. Price 25 cents. JOHNSTON. HOLLOWAY. & (30WDEN.AAelde. inh2s-Im. 213 North SIXTH Street. PAPER WAREHOUSE. FARRELL, IRVING-. & 00.4 MO MINOR STREET. Manufaetturera of ROLL WRAPPERS, DOUBLE sad SINGLE MEDIUM, OAP, and GROWN MAXILLA. on hand, or made to order. Bithost Miss Pala for rope In Um or small (mann. ass. fsm-Sos GOLD'S IMPROVED STEAM - WATBB-BBATIN AND G APPARATUS For Warbling and Ventilating Public Buildings and Private Besideneee. M.onfAcinred by the trAION STEAM AND WATER-HEATING COMPANY OF PHILADELPIA.- - JAMBS P. WOOD. 41 South FOURTH Street. rehlittap2) B. M. FiILTWSLL. Superintendent. MACE EBEL, HERRING, SHAD, ace.. Ae 2,500 bbls Mass. Nos 1,2, and S Mackerel, late-eamght fat ash. in Jimmied packages. 2.000 bbls New Eastport. Fortune Ban and Halifax Herring. 2.500 boxes Lubec, Scaled, and No. 17:terrine. 150 bbls new Mess Shad. 250 toboxes Herkimersale COTISH/ Ch Cheese k &a. tstore and for MERPHY KOONS, jal9-tt No. 146 NORTH wniayss. LATOUR OIL.-500 BASKETS LA TOUR OLIVE OIL. received par Ship &lies and for rale by JAITRETCHE & Lsvasotira. SO% Amite. Lah3lAt 404 MA Ntil S. FO= dk THE PRESS. - PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1864. NEW BOOKS 1 NEW BOOKS! ! THE FORTY . DAYS APT% OUR LoRD'S RESUR. RECTION. By Rev Wm Hanna. LL. O. T Eth CEDA R CH SISTiAN, and other Pra:tical Papers and Personal r ketches. By Theodore L CRyler. A WOMAN'S RANSOM. By rtedertuk William HO- Mason. LA GAVIOTA; A Spanish Novel. By Ferman Cabal lero. RED-TAPE AND PIG 1101f•HOLE GENERALS, as seen from the ranks during a Campaign in the Army of the Potomae. By a Citizen-Soldier TALES PROM TOE OPERA& By Geo. P. Pardon. THE ART OF COEVEKSATION, with Directions for Self-Education. ror sale by WILLIAM B. sr ALFRED HARTIEL Sue 606 CHESTNUT Sweet. NKW BOOKS I NEW BOOKS!! Just version& by ASHMEAD At EVANS. (Successors to Willis P. Hazard,) PIGEON!Mt CHESTNUT Stmed. RED•TAPE AND . HOLE GRITHAALi. As seen from the Banks by a Citizen Soldier. THE VEIL PARTLY LIFLTID. AND JESUS BE colifiNO VISIBLE. By W. B i sh o p VIEW OF SLAVERY. ByHonkins. THE CAMPANER THAL. and other Wri lags. From th REDEEM E R Jean Paul Richter. AND REDEEIIIED. An Investigation of the Atonement and of Eternal Judgment. By Charles Beecher. VIGOR. A Novel. By Walter Barrett. Clerk. WORK AND PLAY,. or Literary Varieties. By Horace Bushnell. douim. AND COMFORT. By the "Country Parson_" mh2B NEW BOOKS ! JUST PUBLISHED: UNIVERFAL PROGRESS. By Herbert Spencer. CLEVELAND'S HINTS TO RIFLEUNN. Illustrated. PARSONS' SATAN'S DEVICES AND THE BE LIRVER's VICTORY. JEAN PAUL. The Campahnier that, &c. YURPINSIA The Veil Partly Lifted BARNES' LIFE AT TARP.E SCORE ALL NEW AND STANDARD BOOKS Received, or procured to order, as soon as published, and for sale, at low prices, by LINDSAY & ELARISTON, and No. A 5 South :LETA Street. T HE SUNBEAM STORIES / Containing the oharnsing. bright dories of— TRAP TO CATCH sumszem. CLOUT) WITH SILVER LINING HORSE ON THE Rook. ONLY. OLD JOLLIFFE. MERRY CHRISTMAS. DREAM CHINTZ. STAR IN THE DESERT. die. Six beautiful volumes. ilinetrattei. WILLIS P. HAZARD, Publisher, te2B-tjyl 31 South SIXTH Street. APPLETON'S NEW CYCLOPEDIA. The Keeney for this invalnable Library of Uniyarsal Information is at SI South SIXTH Street, aeoond story. Hoorn /Imo. RECORD OF TEE REBRIZIOX. By Prank BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. STATIONERY AND BLANK BOOKS Stock Brokers' Purchase and Sale Books. Stock Brokers' Receipt & Delivery Books. ORDERS SOLICITED FROM BANKS. INSURANCE. RAILROAD. OIL. ADD MINING COMPA NIES AND CORPORATIONS. EX ECUTER PROMPTLY AND AT LOW PRICES. BLANK BOOK AND ENVELOPE 0.1. CLARK. President. pRAOTIC AL INSTRUCTIONS IN -A- Rook-keeping for Wholesale or Retail, Jobbing. im porting, Manufacturing. Commission. and Company Speculating Business; Foreign and Domestic Shipping, Joint Stock Company and Banking Badness. dm. Penmanship in all its Branches Commercial Calculations. Commercial Law, die., at CRITTENDEN'S Commercial College, No. 637 CREETNIITISt., corner or Seventh. Students instructed separately, and received at any time. mh6.3t* LOLLED, ACADEMY-A BELECT BOARNNO SOHOOL FOR BOYS—is now open for the receptien of Pupils, the session of each pupil corn • mewling when he enters upon the duties ox the school. Terms moderate. For Circulars address H. MORROW. Principal, artetuthsln* Hatboro, Montgomery Co . Fa. RELLEVIIE FEMALE INSTITUTE.- Jr•-• A BOARDING SCHOOL FOB GIRLS. This Institution, beautifully and healthfully located. In the now them limits of ATTLE BO ROUG Becket:ma. E.. Pa. will commence its Spring and Summer Term on t 12th of FIFTR MONTH next, and continue in ReMlO2 twelve wee) e. The course of Inetructiou le thorough and complete 17 all the Elementary.p and higher branches of an ENULIEH, CLABRICAL, AND MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION. The French Language, is taught by a native French teacher. Circulars, giving full particulars, may be had on ap plication to the Principal., Attleborough P 0 Bud kt county. Pa. ISRAEL J GRAMME, ribl7 3m JANB P. GRAHAMS. Principals. GEORGE A. NEWBOLD HAVING leased EATON ACADEMY. NENNETT SQUARE, Chester county. expects to commence a Spring Seesioi there the 11th of Fourth Month (April.) For etioniere address Gleo A. Newbold. Jenkintown Montt. Co .Pa., till the 4th Met.i: or Wm. Chandler. Kennett Square. Chester county. Pa. mhl2.lm* VILLAGE GREEN • SEMINARY ; • NEAR MEDIA, PA. —Pupils received at any Gam English, Mathematics, Classics, and Natural Mensal taught. Military Tactics, Book-keeping. and Civil za , ginecrini taught. Entire expenses about OS per week. Boys of all ages taken. Refers to Win. R. Mara, es , Sheriff; John O. Capp Co.. No. 23 South Third street; and Thomas J. Clayton. Esq., Fifth and Prune streets. Address Roy. J. HARVEY BARTOK. A. IL, Village Green. Pa. n os-tf ORM DISCOVERY! Applicable to the Useful Ante - ♦ New Thing Its Combination. Boot and Shoe Manufacturers. Jewelere, Families` It is % Liquid. Remember. 1e25-tntheli CABINET FURNITURE AND BIL LIARD TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION 9 No. 261 SOUTH SECOND STREET, in connection with their extensive Cabinet business, are now manufacturing a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, and have now on hand a fall supply. finished with the MOORS a CAMPION'S IMPROVER CUSHIO3S, wh , ch ate pronounced by all who have need them to be superior to all others For the quality and finish of these Tables, the manufacturers refer to their nnatereras Patrons throughout the Union, Who ate familiar with the character of their work. api 6m ESTATE OF MARGARET BARG LAI . Notice is hereby given the Register of Wills for the city and county of Philadelphia has granted to the undersigned LETTERS OF AD MINISTRATION upon the estate of MARGARET BARCLAY, late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased. All persons haying claims against the said estate are hereby requested to make known the same, and all persons insiebted to make payment to GROROE G7B6.B.CLAY, 11.35 ARCH Btreet, or to JOAN B. STEVAGSON, 439 and 441 YORK Avenue. mll3- th6t IN Tli E COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR TB I CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Jonathan B. Barnes vs Daniel B. Smith. December Term, 1863; No. 219; Ten ex., on ()covenant. The Auditor appointed to make distribution of the fund arising from the sale under the above snit of all that lot or piece of ground, with the buildings thereon erected. situate on the north side of Hamilton street (formerly Greer street). at the distance of 233 feet westwa d feom the west side of Twelfth street, in the city of Philadel phia; front on Hamilton street 14 feet depth northward, between lines parallel with Twelfth street, 4 . 5 feet. will attend to the duties of hie app ointment on MONDAY. April Th 141154. at 4 o'clock P. ~ at his office. No. 325 North bIXTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia, when and wh ere eh persons are required to prevent their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon said fund ap2-stuthst. JllO. L. SHOEMaKER, Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR IN THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHIGADELPHIL Estate of WILLIAM H. KENTON. deceased_ The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the second account of THOMAS S KENTON. Admiciatrator of the said WILLIAM H. KENTON. de ceased,-and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant. will meet the pertieetntereeted :or the mamma of his appointment, on TURSDAY, spoll2, 1164. at I o'clock P M., at his office. NO. 829 ARCH Street. In the city of Philadelphia m1.28-tutbs-6t. JOSEPH D. RHOADS. Auditor. iNTHE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY ADD COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA' ketate of JAMES C Emir - I'ON, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjeet the account of EDWARD HOPPER Bag." Administrator of the Estate of JAMBE 0. HEMPIVS. deceased. and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accounts" t, will meet the parties itverested for the purpose of his appointment. on MONDAY, April 11. A. D.. )864. at 4o clock P. M . his Office, No. 429 Wd LNUT Street, in the cit of Philadelphia. mh29.lntba.nt , JOSEPH v. MAMAS Auditor. PICKLES. -100 BBLS. PICKLES IN vinegar. 60 bait bble. Pickles in vinegar. Also. throe-gallon and avolgallon keno do. For eau by RHODES WILLIAM. Dl/126 JUT WO WATETA qtawitt,. NEW PUMLICATIONS. MOSS Sr, CO., MANUFACTURERS 432 SIIIMUT Street. EDUCATIONAL. CEMENT. USEFUL AND VALUABLE DISCOVERY! HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT 1 Ia of more general practical utility than any invention now beforo the Public It ha* been thoroughly test ed during the last two years by Practical MIR and pronounced W . to be NITPITIOR TO AIM Adhesive ffreraratiois know-.. _WILTON% INSOLUBLE 01131SX8° Is a new thing, and the rOeffit of rears of sindv; thing, combination to ON V43III.IITIPTO PSIDiIIYI.T B. Alan antler no olrounnomi. els or shone* of tionparatinv. will n be come eorront or molt any offensive sandL BOOT AND SHOE mininfaetteem. mint Klemm*. will And it the best snide know for Cementing the Channels _am It works without 30127, is not siesta& asy shams of temperature. JEWELERS Win And It snlEstenily adhesive to: thair us% as has been proved. it It ASPEGIALLY •DAP'CAD LEATIIIII, kad we dela am an eiseelal meth. that tt stioiso Fetches and 15ininso to Boots and Shoes onnsionue atone without otitshine. IT IS THE ONLY :LIQUID CEMENT Sztaxt. that to a sant Uttar kt rtiondixta 7112111713E_L1 OXOWIBra.. TOYS, BOIL And exhales of Honsahold use , REIIIEMBER4 Xilltores Insoluble Cement Is la a liould lorm, and as easll7 al/4;IW as eagle. IJSOLUBLI 0831113117 Is insoluble In water or oIL HILTON% INI3OLITSLI CBMBAT Adheres oily anbetwasei. eramitod rarnily or Narmada. coral ?admires iron 1 mums to 100 Obs. Intel( BROS. * CO., movrossoi. Jr- I. Agouti M. PlalladelplOa-- - LAING & MAGIENTS. No. 30 North TIRED St. JOSH.FII GODFREY &Co. No. 38 North FOURTH St. UARINET FURNITURE. INSURADVB CaMPANIERE• DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSI7E &NCE CO IifF'ANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEUISLATIIRE OF PESIN IsYLVANIA. 1£66. OFFICE 8. E. 00419 M TAIRA AND WALNUT BTB., PHILADShrff HARM IlitittßANOß. ON V3SSELS, CAEGO_ To all parts of tha world. TESIGBT. ISLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by River, Canal. Lake, and Land Carriage. to alirts of th. Union. FIRS pa ixsußanza 1::on. Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, /Fs. ASSETS OF THE CONPANY, NOV. 1. 1863. $lOO United States Five per sent. Loan . . ... $ 97,080 02 75 000 United i•tates 6 per cent,Loan, 6 211'5.. 75,000 00 20.010 United States 6 per cent. Loan. 1881.... 22,000 00 60,000 United States 73-10's per cent. Treasury M 63,260 00 100.000 State o f penneylvanla 0 per vent. Loan 100,997 60 54,000 State of Pennsylvania 6 per cent. Loan 57.80) 00 129.050 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loan.... 127.528 00 BS 000 State of Tennessee 5 per cent. Loan.... 16.000 (D 20.000 Pennsylvania Railroad. Jet Nortnage 6 per cent. Bends 22.800 00 60.001 Pennsylvania Railroad. 2d Mortgage 6 per cent. Bonds .. 63.250 00 15,000 800 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Co.m pany, principal and interest guaran tied by the city of Philadelphia.... 15,GX1 00 COM 100 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Railroad Company ... 7,225 00 6,000 100 Shares Stock North Pennsylvania Railroad Company2. 6so 00 21,000 United States Certificates of Indebted ness . 21.4111 00 112.1.700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage. amply secured 123,700 00 5791.760 Par Cost. 57613.757 12 Market Va1ue....5794.200 60 Real Estate 36.913 35 Bills receivable for Insurances made 107.997 61 Balances due at Agencies—premium. anMartne Policies.: accrued interest. and other debts due the Company 28.910 87 Scrip and Stock or sundry Insurance and other Companies. $6.303 estimated value 3.205 00 Cash on deposit with United States Government. subject to ten days can 00 Cash on deposit. In Baal 38,588 88 Cub In Drawer 000000 ...• •••An. •* 0 • MO BO .---.--- 118.789 18 DIES Thomas 0. Hand, John 0. Davis. Edmund A bonder. Theopilus Paulding. John R. Nnrose, James Traquair. Henry. C. Balled, Jr.. James 0. B and William 0. Ludwig, Joseph R. Seal, Dr. R. M. Huston. George G. Leiner, Hugh Charles Kelly. AMERICAN THOMAS JOHN C. HNNHY LYLBUB.N. Sacral THE RELI.A_NOE INSUBANOE OQM PANT oP PEIMADII/111A, Incorporated in len Charter PerPetWlL OFFICE No. 308 WALNUT STREET. Inures Latina loan or damage by FIRE. Noway Stores, and other Buildings; limited or perpetual; and on Furniture. Goode. Wares, and Merchandiae. CAPITAL 1300,000. ASSETS 1387.11.1 86. Invested in the following Securities, as: !First Mortgage on City Property, well secured MAO 00 United States Government L0an5..........119.000 00 Philadelphia City 5 per cent Loans 60,000 00 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 6 per cent. $3,000,000 Loan 18,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, Seat and second Mortgage Loans 36,000 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad ComPanY'l nor cent.. an 6.01 Y) 00 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company's 6 per cent. Loan • 5.000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad 7 per sent. Loans 4,560 00 Commercial lank of Pennsylvania Stock.....' 10.000 00 Mechanics' Bank Stock ..........».:... 4,000 00 County Fits Insurance dimpini's 1,030 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company's NO 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia's ' Stock ...... 2.500 00 Loans on Collateral, well secured.. 2.250 00 Accrued Interest. 6,992 1:0 Cash in bank and on :16,687 BS Worth at pnumnt market value- Clem Tingley, Robert 'Poland, Wm. R. Thompson. William Stevenson. Samoa Bispham. Hampton L. Carson. Robert Steen, Marshall Hill. William Bruiser, J. Johnson Brown. Charles Leland, Thor EL Moore. Beni. W. Tinnier'. OL I AH TINGLEY, President. THOMAS C. HILL, Secretary._ PITILADEILPHIA, January 4, ma. Jab-tf VIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVMLLY. —The PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE CON' FANY. Incorporated BM. CHARTER FREFETUAIa No. 510 WALNUT :Street, opposite Independence Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for nearly forty years, continues to insure against Lou or Damage by Fire on Public or Private Banding., either permanently or for a limited time Also, on Purnittme,_ Rocks of (bode, or Merchandise morally. on nand Their Capital, together with a large Surplus - Fund, I. invested in the most careful manner, whichensblesthera to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the ems of Lou. DIBEOTOBS. Jonathan Patterson, Daniel Smith, Jr.. Alexander Benson, John.Devereux, isms Harlshurat. Thomas Smith. Thomas Robins, Henry Lewis. J Gillingham Fell. JONArHAPI PATTERSON. President. Wristax O. Citowsm,. Secretary. ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COM PANY.—Authorised Galata 11 40 0. 000— IMARTBZ PERPETUAL. Office No. 311 WALNUT Street. between Third and Fourth streets. Philadelphia. This Oompany will insure against loss or damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture. and Merchandise Milo Also, Marine Irigurances on Vessels, Cargoes. and 7teights. Inland liamtranas to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS, William Esher, Davis Pearson. D. Luther, 'Peter Beim, Lewis Audenried. J. E. Baum, John. R. Blackiston, Wm. F. Dean, Joseph Maxfield. John Ke President, WM.AM ESHER WM. F. DB&N. Vise Frealdent. W. IL extra. Beeretary. ateNtr INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—OFFICE Nos. 4 and 5 EXCHANGE SUILDINGS, North side of WALNUT Street, between DOOR and THIRD Streets, Philadelphia. INCORPORATED CA I PITAL n 1794—C 41 HAR pas PERPETUAL. 200.6. _ _ _ . PROPERTIES OE 18 63 THE C 0193, X - PAWL 7/IBBI7ABY 1. . 8047. K * LEINE, FIRS. AND TILLEEPORTATION INSIIRLEGE. DIRECTORS. Henry D. Sherrerd, Tobias Wagner, Char/es Masslamas, Tomas B. Watteon. William EL Smith. Ranh G. Freeman. wunam E. Whits. Charles S. Lewis, George H. Stuart, George 0. Carson, Simnel Grant. Jr, Edward C. Knight, _ John B. Aust in. HENRY D .WILLTAX HARPER. Secret AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated IMO. CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Having a large paid-up Capital Stook and Surplus in vested in sound and available Securities, sontinnes to insure on Dwellings, Stores. Furniture. Merchandise, Vessrehs in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Dteperty. All leases liberally andkoromptly adjusted. DIRECTOS. Thomas IL Marls. James R. Campbell, John Welch, Edmund G. Dntilh, Samuel C. Horton. Charles W. Portitney. Patrick Brady. Israel Morris. John T. Lewis. - THOMAS N. MARIS. President. ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD. SegrelisY. feZt4f NOTICE OF LIMITED PARTNER. SHIP. —The undersigned 1 , ereby give notice, under the proNleions of the ads of emembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania! elativeto Limited Partnerships, that they have termed a Limited Partnership, and pub lish the following as the terms thereof: First. The name of the firm under which said partner ship shall be conducted, shall be JOHN ABBOT P. Second The get oral nature of the bnainese intended to be transacted, is the Manufacturing of Woolen and Cotton Goode, and selling the same- the place of anal taws to be in the city of Philadelphia Third. The name of the general partner is JOHN AB BOTT: the name of the special partner is FRANCIS B OrKINS. Both said General and Special Partners re side in the city of Philadelphia. Fourth The amount of capital which the said Special Partner has contributed to the common stock, is the sum of FIVE THoINIAND DOLLARS, in caste, Fifth. Said partnership shall commence on the Z3d day of March, 1854. and terminate on the 2.3 d day of March, IEB7. JOHN ABBOTT. General Partner, mh24. th6t* FRANCIS HOSKINS, Special Partner. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY PUB LISH the term of a Limited Partnership, which they have foamed in compliance with the lawa of Pena eylvania. ieirst. The name of the firm ander which the said Part. nership is to be conducted is GEORGE V. NEVILLE. Pecond. The general nature of the business intended to be transacted by the said firm or partnership is the COMMISSION PRODUCE BUSINESS. Third. The GlF , nsral Partner of the said flrm is (MOWN V. NnYILLS. residing it Holmesbarg, in the Twenty •third ward of the city of Philadelphia, and the Special Partner is JOHN WHITSMAN. residing at 316 Sonth Tenth street. in the city o t Philadelphia. Fourth. The said Special Partner has contributed to the common stock of the said firm the sum of five thou sand dollars. Fifth. The eald partnership shall commence on the first day of Janury. in the year of our Lord one thou. sand eight hundred and stzty-four. and shall terminate on the Slet day of December. in the year of oar Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-say en. ORO V. NEVILLE. Proartatois. Witness at signing, JOHN WHITS. COPAR3.I‘ RESHIP NOTICE. -- THE undersigned have this day entered into copartner ship. for the transaction of the wholesale Boot and Shoe Commission business, under the firm of E. L. PULLER & CO., at 401 COMMER.Cs Street REWARD L. FULLER, RDOAS T. LIN - DzLtilr. PHILADELPHIA, April 4,1664. ap4-6t• NOTICE.-CHARLES C. KNIGHT IS ' 6 ' admitted to an Interest In our businese from this date. 0, D. BOBBIeB & CO.. Iron and Steel Merchants. N. E. corner SECOND end VINE Streets and 411 and 44 North FRONT Street. PHILADELPHIA. ADM], 1663. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS -a- DAY entered into copartnership. and having pur chased the interest a PETBR T. WRIGHT & CO.. will continue the Wholesale Drug business. under the name of STRETCH. BENNSTT & Cu., at the old stand, No. 609 MAIMIT Street. AARON STRETCH. JOSEPH S. B.ON/ISTT. PrIMADELPFITA, Awn 1, 3E64. apl•lm 40 CENTS PEE POUND TAX ON TOBACCO. The Government is about to nut a tax of 40 sentLyse pound on Tobaeso. yon can save 50 per &Int. by You can save 50 per conk by Yon can own!. El per oelq. 127 Yon eau save 60 per Inying now at DEAN'S, No. Buying now at DELI A, No. Nualog now at DN4Ar_li• !fp. bn ini now at Prime .ClitVr Tobacco. 70. 75 and 80c. per A. Prime Cavendish Tabun.), 70. 75 and 80e. per Prime Flounder Tobacco, 70. 76 and 80e. per Prime Congress Tobacco. 65, 70 and Me. per L. Prime Fig and Twist Tobacco. 75 and &Ss. per b. DEAN sells Old Virginia Nary. DEAN sells Old Virginia Sweet Cavendish. DEAN sells Old Virginia Rough and Ready. DEAN sells Old Virginia Plain Cavendish. DEAN sells Old Virginia Congress. DEAN sells Old Virginia Fig and Twist. DEAN sells Old Virginia Smoking Tobacco. DEAN'S Kanawha Fine Cut Chewing Tobatuso DEAN'S Kanawha Fine Cut Chewing Tobaloo Cannot be Equaled. Cannot , be Equaled. DEAN'S Cigars are superior to all others. DEAN'S Cigars are superior to all others, He raises his own Tobacco, on hls. own plantation in Havana Ho nails his own Cigars as his own store, No. .185 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. DEAN'S Minnebaha Smoking Tobasso is manufastured €rom pure VlrziLlit Tobacco, and contains no dangerous toncoctions of Weeds, Herbs. and Opium. Pipes, Pim, Dieerachanm Pipes, Erier • EON Pines, Rose Ms.. IdahoganY Pipes, &boy Pipes, Arnie Pipes. Cherry Pipes, Outta Pipes. Clay Pipes. and other Pipes. And Pipe down and get y our Pipes. Tobacco, Cigars. &a. at DRAWS, No. -M5 Chestnut Street. And there you Will see. his Wholesal• and Retail Clerks go — piping around waiting on Customer.. The Army of the Potomac now order all their Tobasso— Cigars. Pipes, &a.. from DRAWS, No. 336 CHESTNUT &reek a( They know DEAN 'Qs the beat and sheepish taig QUEEN OF BEAUTY. WHITEVIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES. A new FREIgCsf COS MEDIC for beautify62i, -whiten ing, and preserving the complexion. /t is the most wonderful compound of the age. There is neither chalk, powder, mai nests, bismuth, nor talc in its com position. It being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax; hence its extraordinary qualities for preserving the skin. making it soft, smooth, fair, and transparent It makes the old appear Young. the homely handsome. the handsome more beautiful. and the most beautiful divine. Price 26 and 60 amts.,Preisitrod only by MINT & Perfumers, 41 South EIGHTH Street. two doors above Chestnut. and 133 SouthiSSVANTH Street. above Wal- nut. mhll3-Sm GREEN BAIZE AND WOOLEN oOlt CLOTHS. Of all Ifldtlia. at (IRMA Btore of WM. OREAGMILI. No. 447 NOrth SECOND etre , * b9I9W VOW* EIVA 44q, TOES. Robert Barton. Samuel E. Stokes. J. F. Penieton. Henry Sloan. William G. Boniton. Edward Darlington. H. Jones Brooke, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland. Joshua P. Eyre Spencer ofonvolus. John B. SemnlePittsburg A. B. Berger. ritteburt. t G. HAND, President. . DAVIS. Vice President. tarp. jal4 DIRBOTO!IS. rililtt:RlP.D. President. r 7. n 01341 COPARTNERSHIPS. JOHN WHiTEH ap2 ea* _ 336 CLUISTAIN. 836 if) 1 - f r li M EN CHESTNUT. pßorosAt S FOR THE ERECTION OF FIFTY DWSLLING HOUSES. HAREIBBURS, March 11, 1884. PROPOSALS are Invited for the building of five blocky of tee houses each, of wood or brick, to be located on the grounds of the Lochiel Iron Mill Company. Plane and specifications EMT be Seen at CISCO of William Polder. Proposals will be received for one or more blocks until April 12th. Address propoeshe to 4111 1 10 LLIAM COLDER. Chairma Wln Building Committee. rb2&dtspl2 3,000 HORSES WANTED. WAR PRTARTMENT. CAVALRY BUREAU. OFFICE OF CHIEF QUARTERBIASTEN. WASHINGTON. D t . Marsh 8. 18 64. One hundred Lod ally ($160) dollars per head will be paid for all CAVALRY HORSES delivered within tie next Thirty (y 0) ;jays at the govern ment Stables at Eiltothoro. D. C. Said horses to be sound in all particulars. not loss than five (5) nor more than nine (9) years old; from 143; to 16 hands high. fall fleshed. compactly built. bridle wise. and of size sufficient for cavalry purposes. These speci f ications mill be strictly adhered to and rigidly enforced in every particular Payment made on delive of ten OD) and over. ry Hours of Inspection from 9 At. At to 6 P. N. SAMS A.. HEIN. Lieutenant Colonel and Chief Quartermaster. mh24-300 Cavalry Bureau. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, CrNOINNATr. Ohio, Marsh 22, 1261. PROPOSALS are invited by the unders igned _ until THII/kolte7. April 7th,1861, at 1/ o'clock 11., for fur nishing this Department (by contract) with: National Colors Army Standard. Regimental Colors—Artillery. do, Do do Infantry. do. Garrison Flags, do. Storm Flags. ',.: p do. General Hospital Flags, do. Company Order ROOM do. No Clothing Books. do. Do Dessriptive Books, do. Do Morning Report Books, do. Poet Order do do. Poet Letter do do. Poet Guard Report do do. Regimental Letter do do. Do Descriptive do do. 1.0 Index do do. Do Order do do. Hat Feather Sockets. ' do. ostrich Feathers, for Hats. do. Chevrons—Service, do. Do Ordnance Sergeants, silk, do. Do Hospital Stewards, do. Do Cavalry. SergoarteMaiors. de. Do do Qr Mr. Sergeants, do. Do do let Sergeants, do. Do do Sergeants, • do. Do do Corporals,. , do. Do Artillery , Sergeant Majors, do. Do do GI M. Sergeants, do. Do do Ist Sergeants. do. Do do Sergeants. do. Do do Corporals. do. Do Infantry, Sergeant Majors, do. Do do QIL Sergeants, do. Do do let Sergeants, do. Do do Sergeants. - do. Do do Corporals. do. Dram Heads—Batter, • do. Drum Heads—EkLsre. . do. HaFifes,ve . . reacks—Palnted_, 1?: Colton Duek-10 mind 12 or.. de Samples of which may be seen at the Office of Clothing and Equipage in this city. To be delivered free of charge. at the 11. S. Inspection Warehouse. in this city. in good new packages, with the name of the party furnishing, the kind and quan tity of goods distinctly marked on each article and pack age. Iv Parties offering goods must in all cases furnish sam ples, marked and numbered to correspond with their proposal, and distinctly state in their bids the quantity ofgoods they propose to furnish, the pripe. and the time of delivery. A guarantee, signed by two responsible persons, must accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will simply the articles awarded to him miller his proposal. Bids will be opened on THURSDAY. April 7th. 1281. at 2 o'clock P. M. at this office, and bidders are re quested to be present. Awards will be made on S !MURRAY. April 9th. 111.089.455 52 Benda will bai:eq - uired that the contracts walla faith fully fulfilled. Telegrams relating to Proposals will not be noticed. Blank Forme of Proposals may be obtained at this The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable Is reserved. By order of CoL Thomas Swords. A. Q. M. G. C. W. MOULTON. mh26-12t ' Captain and A. Q. N. PROPOSALS FOR FORAGE. CHM QUARTMUSTER'II 0,11471), WAratINOTOI DEPO ,T December B,IBM. BBALSID PAOPOSALB are Invited by the undersigned for supplying the 11. S. Quartermaster's Department. at Washinalon. D.C.. Baltimore, Md., Alexandria. sad Port Monroe. 17a.. , or either of these places, with Him Corn, and Straw. Bids will be resolved for the delivery of COW bushels; of corn or oats. and SO teas of hay or straw, and us wards. Bidders must state at which of the above-named points they propose to make deliveries, and the rates at which they will make deliveries thereat, the quantity of each &Aisle proposed to be dellvered, the time when said de- Heavies shall be eommeneed, and when to be completed, The price must be Written out in words on the bale. Corn to be put up in good, stout sacks, of :bons two bushels each. Oats in like sacks, of about three bushels sash. The seeks to be furnished without extra charge to the Government. The hay and straw to be securely bated. The rarticeilaz kind or desevietion of eats, tern hap.. or Straw. Premised to be delivered , nand be stated i n the proposals. 11 the articles offered under the bide herein invited Will be subject to a rigid Inspection by the Governmeat Inspector before being attaePW.. Contrasts will be awarded from time to time to the -.lowest responsible bidder, as tee interest of the Govern ment may require, and Payment will be made when the whole amount contracted for shall have been delivered en accepted. The bid.der will be required to accompany his prose. eel with a guarantee. signed by two responsible Persons, that in ease hies bid is accepted he or they will, within ten days thereafter, execute the contrast for the same. With good and sufficient sureties. in a min equal to the amount of the contrast, to deliver the forage proposed SOnforMitl with the terms of this advertisement t and le ease the said bidder should fail to enter into the contrast they to make _good the difference between the offer of sald bidder and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contrast may be awarded. The responsibility of the cuarantora must be shown by the official certificate of a C. S. District Attorney. Col lector of Customs. or any other officer under the United states Goverilmeak, or reconethls person known to thin Oise. All bidders will be duly nettled of the asseetanee or rejection of their proposals. Tho full name and post oleos address of cash bidder Must be legibly written in the proposal. Proposals must be addressed to Brigadier General D. H. Busker, Chief Dertnt_Quartertaastpr.„Washington,ft should be plainly marked. Yropouls for Fie ri Cde, in sem equal to the amount guarantors trail, signed by. the contractor and both of his , will be required of the successful bidder or bidders upon signing the contrast. Blank once of bids guarantees & and bonds may inc obtained upon application at this Ales. FORM OY PROPOSAL. (Town. County. and /Rate I. the subscriber. do hereby propose to tarnish and de. liver to the United States, at the Quartermaster's Da. partment at agreeably to the terms ofyour adyertlsement. Inviting proposals for forage, dated Washington DOpbt, Die•Mber 8.1109, the following esti elec. else bushels of Dom In sake, at per bushel of H pe bushels of Oats. In seek'', at per battik,' of .15 pounds. tons of baled Hay. at par ton of f, 000 pounds. tons of baled Straw, at per ton of 2,00.7 poondi.. Delivery _to commence on or before the du, of fug . and to be completed on or before the day of—, 126 , and pledge myself to enter Into a written contr ac t with the United Status. with _good and unmoved securities, within the ease of tan daps after being notified that my bid hes been aesopted_ Tour obedient servant. Brigadier Oeneral D. H. Hoorn. Chief Depnt Quartermaster. Washington. D. D. eUARABTSS. - • We. the tindersignod. residents of in the sountY of and Mato of hereby, 'anti> and iseverally, covenant with the Unit:tie! States, and otarantee, in ease the foregoing bid of -- be assented, that be or they will, within ten days after the acceptance of said bid. excrete the contrast for these:ma with good and sufficient sureties, in a cum equal to the amount of the contract, to furnish the forage _nrot-ocut In conformity to the terms of advertisement datea➢ D. comber d, IM, under the bid wax , made, and, to ease the said -- snarl fail to enter into a contrast as aforesaid, we nrarantee to make good the difference be. tween the offer by the said -• and the next lowest responsible bidder. or the parson to whom the sontraet may be awarded. Witness : f Given under our band. and scale this - deg Of -, . Neel. I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the above named guarantor. are good and gril oient as sureties for the amount for which they offer to be security. • . Tobe sortbled by the United States District Attorney, Coll ester of Onatores or saw other officer wader the UnitodStates floyensp:.erst, or responsible person knoira to this °aloe. . . All proposals resolved under mils advertisement will be opened and examined at this oillso on Wednesday and Satorday of oath week. et It M. Bidders are re3ooCtit2• ly invited to be Present at the OPEILIIIII of bids if they desire. B. a suoksz. +1.611-4f Brie*Allsr Amami an Cirrartarxamster. PLR:ITEM:Tr - IL—WHAM IS LIFE -&-• WITHOUT HEALTH f—Xesers, OEM ALLEN, Mattel Electricians. baying dissolved partnership, the practice will be continued by Taos. ALLAN, at the old established office. Dfo. 723 North TEETH Street. between Coates and Brown, wbeca he still treat and c are all ( curable diseases whether Acute, Chronle, Pulmonary or Paralytic, without a shook OF any pain,) with the va rious modifications of Electricity and Galvanism, This treatment has been found remarkably miss:veal in all eases of Bronchitis, Diotherle, and other diseases of the throat and respiratory organs. Consumption, lest and se- Influenza and Catarrh. send stages. General Debility. Paralysis. Diseases of the Liver or Neuralgia. Kidneys. Fever and AVM Diabetes. Congestion. Prolants Uteri (Falling of Asthma. the Womb). . . . 15 Ya - PePala. P;;liipsii.s7inl (or Piles ) Rheumatism Nocturnal Emissions.. 61r. Bronchitis. Deafness. NO shares for eonerltation. Office hours 9A. 91 to I P. M. Testimonials to be seta at ales. de2s 6m TAIARAN T'S EFFERVESGBITT SELTZER- APERIENT, For THIRTY YEARS has received the Favorable He. SC commendationßl ßEDby of the PUBLIC, and been USED and PEE. the 'LEST PHYSICIANS IE THE LARD AS THE BEST REMEDY KNOWN FOR Sick Headache, - Nervous Headache. Dyspepcia. Sone Stomach, Raton' Headache. Dizziness, Cestivenem, Lore of Appetite, Goat, illaigedloll. Torpidity of the Liver. Gravel. Rheumatic Affections. Files.- Heart burn. San Sickness, Elliott* Attache. Fevers. dm.. &o. For Testimonials. dm.. see Pamphlet with sash Bottle. Manufactured only by TARRANT & 00.. MIS GREENWICH Street, New York. 1302-/Y FOR SA LB BY ALL DBUOGIBTS, ITIPELLE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OP )0 1 6.11 le successful as a remedy, because those who use II pronouns. it the beet COUGH SYR'P, the beet Blood Purifier, the most efficient Invigorator. and tbebeat cure for Scrofula ever offered to tbepalate Sold by the proprietor. F. SMELLS. mblO•Sm TAYLOR'S ARNICA OIL OR EMBRO CATIONnever fails to cure Rheumatism, Bennie'. Sprains. Frosted Feet. Chapped Elands, and all skin dresses. Price 250. and Who oasis and Retail by 11, B. TAlTT.OR.Drnatriet. , Pßlertf and CIA lirao WFf mb1,40 PURE LEHIGH COAL. - HOUSE. RREPERS can rely on getting a pure article at S. N. corner FRONT and POPLAR. JOHN W. HAMPTON. aENIIINE EAGLE VEIN COAL- Nqual if not superior to Lehigh. Also. Hart's Ns Plus Ultra Family Rainbow Coal; Egg and Stove sizes, 58 80. Large Nut. *7.78 per ton. Coal forfeited If not full weight sar ticket. Depot. 1419 CALL° WHIRL & soot s above Broad_ Wise 1911 llontic FOURTH, be. !ow Chestnut. Call and examine. Orders by dispatch vromptly attended to by nol2-6te (1 O A L.—ST.IOAB, LOAF, BEAVER •-•" MEADOW, and Swing Mountain Lehigh Coal, and beat Lomat Mountain. from SaMmikillt prorarad or maas for rxmtl, use. Depot, N. W. corner EIGHTH end WILLOW eta. OMea. Ho. 11% South dEGOND lava tf J. WALTON & on. NOTICE IS 'HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Annual Meeting of the &octal°ldere of the CENTRAL TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, of Penn sylvania. 'will be held at the! OSlce. corner of THIRTIETH and MARKET Streets. West Philadelphia, on MOND aT. the 18th day of April next, at 10 o'clock, A M., for the purpose of electing nine Directors, Treasurer, and Secretary, to serve for enactor. N o ti ce it also given that at sold Stockholders' Meeting cr a dra, by for ad tt l e tU p g u t rpo b ree o l n it la proposed to increase the Capital Stock of eitta Central f l t m halg u ll he present business. .T . r d an a s i v i t h e o ti . o . n . o By order of the Board of Directors. 0. W. CHILDS, President. J. P. HOTTRINGER. Secretary. mh2B•ISt MM. JAMES BETTS' OELEBIUTED SUPPOBTSBB POB LAMAS. and the _only IMP* porters under eudneht medleal Datronaga. ladies and Physician* are respestfoll7 requested to *alloCrttit a re . BapTS, at her residenee, 1089 !TAM= Philadelphia. (to avoid eounterfeita. ) Th irty tho r iaM luxe been advised - bp their physisians to lumber aordhutsea Those only are genuine bearing the United 1 3 1,k. 4 , o ,7tightt labels on the be:. and rtraainirt alit on tno SonlP944l%hllA son- PROPOSAMM. MEDICAL. isms mia,kßldtraet. And all Drualens COAX.. AUCTION SALE% JOIIN B. MYERS & CO., AUCTION EMS, Nee 232 and 234 MARKET Street. LARGE lutroltraliT PO Wri VE .5.0.. E 7.: PACICAGE3 AtrEItICAN. FIiENQH, BdlfieH, /IND GEdlt Mel Goons, PALM HOODS, &d , THIS DA 4. A 2: AO.O -- We invite the early particular attention of dealers to the large and general assortment of kmorican. Brittrb. French. and German dry goods. palm hoods, and hale, & c. • an. embracing about 700 Package s and lots of staple and fancy articles. to be peremptorily sold by catalogue, on four months' credit (and part for cash). commageing this morning. at 10 o'clock precisely;to ha continued all day, and part of the evening, without tormi.lon. LaBcuravtsktr.pißrA4vr. OF EIORPEpf, --- 1195iitidifeeirEttciob7)17 We will hold a large bate of Britl,h , Gerznan. 'French. and Ameliman dry goods, by catalogue, on roar months' credit and part for each. THIS April 7th, commeociag at ptecisely 10 o'clock, coat 10111111 g 775 PACKAGES AND LOTS . ..... _ • of British. German. French. India. and American dry goods. embracing a large. full, and fresh assortment of woolen. „ rom a, li nen , cotton, and silk goons for city and cmntry sales. N. B —Baum es of the same will be arranged for' ex. anination. with catalogues. early on the morning of sale, when dealers will and it to their interest to attend. • LARGE IMPORTANT SALE OF GLOVES, GAUNT- Lea& Am THE IMPORTATION OF MESSRS. Juan B. ENGLI SH & CO.. Who will sell through us— THIS MORNING. by catalogue. on fear months' medlt, a large and com plete assortment of their choice importation. conciliating of genie' buck and beaver military giallatiat*. bock, Coster kid beaver gloves. lisle and Thaws Rifle Com pany do.. ladies' black and colored Paris kid. slat. Bele. and brogans° gloves. Gantode. Swede. and Muscatine gloves, and beaver, lisle, and silk gauntlets. Also. English silk and cotton hosiery, silk and lisle vests and pants. LARGE PEREMPT EgT ROY SALE O GOOD F FO REIGN AND DO- MIC E. NOTICE. —lneirtardlri ont gale of foreign and dome:Ale di, floods, THIS MORNING At 10 o'clock. will be found in part the following de. arable articles, viz :- - cases neat etr lee American prints cases neat styles American ail:may-ma. cases English and German gingham. cases apron enact& cues blue denims." cases Unhinge cases bine maws. cases black and colored Siloam,. cases brown and bleached mnslins. cases fancy cottons des. cases jeans and mixtures. cases Saxony dr es goods. cases fancy lawns and jaconets. —cases.poplins and MOZaMbiQUOS. - 7 cases fancy reps and poil de chevres. cases de begs and mous de lalnes. 100 pieces mode and silk alpacas. LINEN GOODS. THIS MORNING. -- pieces 7.4 and 8 4 .1317118143 Y daintiSha. pieces whits and brown dam sake and cloths. Pieces damask and hum towels. pieces diaper and plain towels. . Pieces bleached end brown linen hacks. piecee ebeese cloths pieces elastic canvas. dozens % and 4.% linen cambric handkerchiefs. TAILOgtNG GOODS. ... THIS 301117Ihta. pieces See French cloths. P'eces heavy beaver and plot clothe. places black doeskin and cassia:tares. pieces dark and mixed doeskin. pieces fancy eattnete. Also. wool shawls, silk ties, sewings hoop skirts. shirts and drawers boetery, ruffled collars and cuffs. cord las eels, gird es. fancy trimnungs, chenilles. fringes. but tons. spool cottons, cotton twine and laps, An „ BLUE CLOTHS AND THIB&T SHAWLS, SIGHS, Included in our sale or THURSD &Y. April 7th, an invoice of indigo blue cloths ; 300 double-twilled black thibit and eathmere shawls; an assortment. Of black and fancy ?aria silks ; 11l packages Shaker hoods and palm leaf hate. SALE OF CARPETINGS. MATTINGS, dm. ON FELD dY MORNING, April 81b, at precisely 10% o'clock. will be sold without reserve. by catalogue, en four months' credit, an asaort meat of Brussels. three-ply. superfine. and line initrafn. Venetian, hemp, end rig Carpetbag, white and red check Canton matting, dm, which may be examined early on the morning tante LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH. IND/A, GERMAN, AND Burma DRY GOODS. &c.. FOR SPRING SALES. On MONDAY MORNING. April 11th, at 10 o'clock, will be Bola, by catalogue, On four months' eraelt. nbr.nt 150 PACKAGES AND LOPS of French, India, German and British dry goods, dtc,, embracing a large and choice assortment of fancy and staple articles in silk. worsted. woolen, and cotton fabrics. B. B —Samples of the came will be arranged for exit. minatien, with cataletcree. early on the morning of the eale.w hen dealers wilt find it to their intoreer to attend. I ARGE POSITIVE SALE OP 1,100 PACKAGER BOOTS SHOES, EROG.APS. ARMY GOODS, StRA VT GODS, 6c, . . . TUESDAY MORNING, April 12, at 10 o'clock, Will be sold by catairgue, with- Ont renervo. on four months' credit. about 1.100 packages boots. shoes, brogans, cavabysboots. Sic.. ombr4ciag a prime and fresh assortment of desimbie articles for mon, %semen, end Wither', of city and Ras:ern manufacture. Alec. Straw Goods, ate, N. B.—Samples, with catalogues, early on the morn ing tf Kale. LARGE ATTE sCrfIVB YOSITIVS SPECIAL B.IITiS OF SOFT HATS, BY °RABB OF THA SLUR,IIF, FOR CASE. On FRIDAY MORNING. April 15. at precisely 10 o'clock. will be peremptorily sold at the Auction Store. Nos 232 and 234 MARKET Street. by catalogue, by order of the bberltf. for cash, 554 cases Men's and Boy's Soft Hes, Including every variety of stabs,. enolity. colors. and style, recently manufactured Spring sates. to which we invite the attention of dealers, as the sale will be peremptory. N B. — Samples, with catalogues, early on the morn ing of sale. SCOTT & STEWART, AUCTION E'ER'S 6R.3 GRIOT/313T and 615 SaNdOll Screeta. THIRD ANNUAL SALE OF -A LARGE AND VE81" VALUABLE COLLECTION OF OIL PAIN (INGE. ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS NEXT. 7th ant Bth laletant, at 8 o'clock precisely, we will sell a large collecTon of very valuable OIL PADA TIRO . ; S. from the atudloa of eome of the moot eminent artists of ibe day. Thie collection is by far the finest that has bean offered at any sale this season, anal ',entente many choice gems of art. Amorg them are productions frcm the pencils of the following artiste: Chardon, De Luce, WiMem John, Hartwick, Paul Ritter. R. Reeve. U. Niehol.lti. 6- P- Dyke. Clint, F. Meade. finny, Kuppendort, Bechtel, Bchlaza, and others of ability. The Paintings will be on exhibition on Tnesday, 6th inst.. at d open in the evening until 9 o'clock. Descriptive Catalogues on Wednesday. ap7 21' IN NEW YORK. REFRY H. LEEDS ' _& CO., ALTO TIONEERS AN EXCEEDINGLY CHOICE AND IMPORTANT COL LEGTION OF uRIGINAL AND VALUABLE eArar- RENhY 11 LEEDS di CO. will sell at auction. on SATURDAY .1117.gtolNG. April Sib, at 7}4 o'clock. at the thd Dusseldorf Galley, 51 BBOADWAY, /mit door below Tiff4ny e, AN EXCEEDINGLY CHOICE AND IMPORT eNT COLLEGa lON OF ORIGINAL AND VALUABLE PAINTINGS, by the greatest artists of the French and German echoola not one of which has ever bee a seen on this side of the Atlantic prior to the present exhibition. collected during several years' residence in Paris by an American gentleman of wealth and Well-FM.IWe taste and liberality. The, have been nominee& to Mr s.ADITTEL P AVERY. of this city, tinder whose dl rectien and advice tbey have been collected, and will he offered for sale. The name of this gentleman is a suffi cient guarantee of the high quality and genuineness of the works pr.!, anted. The works of many artists will no w be seen for the Brat time in America, and also others most difficult to obtain. In brief. we may mention fine examples of EDWARD FREER, I 'MERLE. TMOYON, ;ISLEIII.IIT. WILLEME, OCILIHMEN. - ,DtlrEitilES. ITERBOECKFIOVRN, LANFANT DE METZ LE POITTAVIV. E OEN KOEK, A NNER, IBRILLOVEN, COMPTE CALIX, RrBXER and others. Also, the old favorites The American Trroar. PATAOTS, GASTAN. BOtrirPine, 110L - TOCRIEII. 5,91 - 1310 N, CAILLS. MUNI FALLZT. LemBERT, TRAIEN.. OR,WFIWILLER, BORNSCHLEtiEL, LASA.I,,LE, ate , Etc. The Landscape Department will vossese unusual in terest and merit several of the artists being for the fleet time represented. including specimens by DAI7BIO.Ny, I COROT, VgYIiaSsET.ANTEROCRIL }lomat. 1 CRAP+ NEAL'. A few choice 'WA= COLOR DRAWL:4O, by the popular artiste. DAVID. Maarrox, BAS, MARELK All of these fine works cf art hare been selected especially with the view of getting representative word of the artiste, and have been painten at the best period of their lives, a nuniber dating back several years, and' some being ere exhibition works of the artist ;or 1851. All are in excellent condition. having been submitted to the ertists for revision previous to shipping The frames are nearly ail new slid elegant, the choicest rec tures being ',tweeted with cases and heavy plate-glass. They will be on exhibition from March Mat day and evening. until the evening of sale, with catalogues, and line photographs of the principal picture, can be seen at the art emporiums anti bcok stores on Broae way. it IIN)R SALE AND TO LET. ... CFOR SALF -A THREE-STORY . Brick Homs, with back bsalhop, No. 412 ARCH street; 20 feet front, 60 feet deep. where it widens t t 40 feet, and extends 44 feet deep of that width; whole depth of lot 124 feet, with the privilege of a four-foot alley run ning into Arch Steeet. Apply to A. A HURLEY. apt ttnth7l. No. 219 Senth FED EN PEI Street. fft VERY FINE AND ELIGIBLY 15,2, located Germantown residence, worth $14,000. also, neat residence at kthelten Bills, near N P. Railroad, worth $5,000, for sale or exchange ror farm or city house. Apply at 236 OHMIC d. alley. Also, a neat bone in Germantownto r.nt, tarnished or unfurnished. mh3lthstal2ts im FOR SALE—HOUSR No. 1516 w•fi North TWELFTH Street, 11 rooms; lot 17 by 118 feet to Fawn et. Apply on prenitsee. Price 40,900. ap2-7t. ab FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE, ...A—a well-improved FARM, in Cheater county. near Paoli, twenty-flue miles cal. coutainiag 78 acres. Also, several other Mac Neil farm, with pomeeesion this spring, by purchasing stock. &c. S PETTIT, arta 8113 WALNUT Street. en FOR SALE— THE "MANSION a- ROUSE," at Atlantic City, with FURNITURE, and everything complete. Also, two neat Cottages, 9 rooms eaeh. Also, Building iorte, near the Bathing•gr7nnd, The " Philadelphia Rouse." at Cape Island, with or without Furniture, very low. B F. GLENN. ara 1513 South FOURTH Street, F FOR SALE-THE FOLLOWING 93 scree on Media Railroad_ 9 miles from Market st. 44 acres near Fort Washington 6tation, north Penna Railroad. 70 acres near SellersvMe. North Penna. Railroad. acres at Hohnesburg, river front. 316 acres at Bridgeville. Del. 200 acres do. With many others in various localities B. k. GLENN, ap2 lgil3 South FOIIRTFI Street fa GERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR -mat" SALE. -A very desirable PROPERTY. within ten zninnie.' walk of Wayne Station Germantown Railroad; large Dwelling-hones. with all the modern improve ments; Stable. Spring house. lee•honse Oiled. and good Garden; plenty of Fruit and large Shade Tree. Apply to W. W. KRUM r. mb:3o-tf SOD COsfrilifiGS Street eti OVER 300 HOUSES, ALL SIZES, for Pole and exchange.RANSOM BOG S. 240 North TENVR Street. di TO LET—A OOMMODIOMII DWELLIA 0, No. 13A North FRONT Street. nll/9 moderate. Apply to WE rEERT LT, .tc BRO., oc2A-tf 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. AM FOR SALE-A VERY DESIRE:- .mg RLE PROPERTY. the residence of the late Dr. JACOB SEARYLECE, deceraced, with Eighteen Acres of enyerlor Land attached. It la ;situated intho borough of DOWEInOTOWN. Gilmer county. within ten minutes' walk of the Cheeter Valley and Pennsylvania Railroad Station. at which all trains sten. Tie Dwell ing is very conveniently and subatantially built, with Barn. Tenant Renee. Spring Hones. and all neceesary oat-buildings. There le a great abundance of Shrub bery. Fruit andtihnde Trees Part of the land will be sold with the buildings, II desired. dual,' to ABM. S. aliOlultlDGE. atVALUABLE CHESTNUT-STREET PP.OPERTY. —The subscribers offer at prlyste gale, a property on CHESTNUT Street between Seventh and Eighth streets: 41 feet front on Chestnut street, and 178 feet deep, running to Jayne !street, will/ the privilege of ald feet parrage- Tray running to Eighth street. Fig -74 THOUSAND DOLLARS of the purchase money may, remain on the property as a ground rent,or by bond and mortgage. LAUBLIN & SACCADE, 125 SOUTH NINTH Street, Philadritihta. TROMSON'S LONDON SPITHENER. OR EUROPEAN RANGE, for ta ct s mines. hotAs, or public institattoss, inTWRNSY DIFFERENT StZtf.B. Also, Pbiladelphia Ranges, Hots Air Furnaces Portable Heatrrs. Lowdown Grates, Pireboard Moves, 'Bath Bollyrs. Stewhole Plates, Bran ore, Cookime Stoves, dm. at NO:kola-41as and retail, by the manufacturers, CH: SE ZWARPS, THAUSON. No. 200 N. SZCO Strmet. iobl•tnitts6m TitIELIABLE.—USE GALLAUDETT'S HAIR RESTORER. It Is not a dye. If restores the hair to Its natural color. It doos not stain the etrin. It needs no Bendalino or other dreesing, th a &wan. of Welt: Prise moderate. Try It. Prepared only by PAUL 0 OLIVER. Apothecary, =bed) IgrOHTEKNTIA I er and &MUCH l STILLON & 1 0 CASES PINET; ri ( v ) A i from ' brig • •Loult, ' trout iortelax. "for isaie br ing wILLI $1 - B, TIATON SL co.. 201 Sea% VONT Street. AO VPIiIDiOTO WPi P. O. AUCTION MAANISI. VIIIINESS, BRINLEY, & co,, No. 615 CEMSTINIIT and 612 lA.Ta BALE OF FRENCH 000113. ON FEIDAY MORNING. 1 April Bth. at 10 o'clock. by cataingne. On t o , credit. 6CO psekages and lots of fa acy and 4tari %I rY d good pr 4 Bamples s. and catalogues early on morning Of gale ,k DRIRErOOODR. ON FRIDAY MORNING. Black and colored alpacas and mohair'. obevres, silk plaid canarneidas, moramblettles, 11 poplin, itc PLAIN AND PLAID POPLINS AND Jacc),yorB 00 meces Paris 6-4 fins plaid poplins 60 pieces 6.4 plaid poplin". 2CO piece. 9.8 flue printed iseonei. Also. back and colored dress silks: Thibet. Labe and mozambique shawls; French flannels, whice linen cambric bdkfe, ve•vet rtbbons. BAL hOBALS, more2oo) large size new style fancy clan and eoramb ls. AN COA ST & WARNOCK, P TIONBERB. No. 240 MARKEr Street. LARDS POSITIVE SALF. OF STRAW 000DS. 8 C ATALOGU. On MONDAY MORNING% April lltb, commencing at ll o'clock precteeir t sinned lad l es , found a ful ch i ldren, of most fmbi,) aii ,L It goods for misses, and PHILIP FORD & CO., A.UOTIONEIii; SRS RAREST and 522 COMM - sun fit:eetg POSTPOD MORT OF SALE OF BOOTS AND 98 ) ., In consequence of the non-arrival of Bosom 9i.3, onr sa , e of Thursday will take place on FRIDAy 4 0 14 : ING, the h inst. LARGE POSITIVE SALE lIOF L WOO ci.SE3 g AND HORS. ON FRIDAY MORNING, Aprillith, at 10 o'clock preolaelY. will be n3ld fugue, for ce, h, 1,000 canoe mores. boys - and you 4,1' b kip, and grain oots. brogane. balmorale, ClWlllry in; 4 • SIC . V omen's misses'. and children' boots, 5h0, 38. morals, gaiters, Are., c , mprislng a general est , m. of gr ode. Open for examination , with catalcsa, 3 Plc .0(1 , on the morning of sale LARDY. rObITIVE, AND PALN OF 1,0:0 CASES &MT SHIN. ON MONDAY MORNING, April 11th. at 10 o'clock precisely. . we will gall by :Ma loans, for molt. cocoa mane', boys', and calf. klp, and grain boobs. brogans, habnorats, boots, ac. ; womens'. miasea and childrea'a b, oboes. balmoraia. gaiters. Arc , from city. and &ill - manufacture comprising a general assortment to Which the attention of bayou la invited. 4' B Y HENRY /E‘GOTWI0(4!1"141' SOX KIEKST btreet. South Side, Above Sosoal Sales of Dn.. Gods. Trimming% Notions, 9p91.1 NolipAY, WiiIMESDAY, and FIIIDAy Morning, tne, menving at 10 o'clock. RARE OF DRY 000 DR. On FRIDAY ktoRRING. April Bth. dress clock, will be Bold !rem the sheikm, caesimeren. end domegiic goods, ekdrta. homiarp grime/Inas. sheep, hoc. MTHOMAS & SONS, • Mos. 139 and 141 South POCUrril Strtka CARD.—Saes EVER Y Real Estate, Sticks. &c . et alo et. CHANGE EVERY TUSSDAY. Pamphlet CaiN each t teurday previous. Aro- PUERITURE et Auction. Store THURSDAYS Salo at Nos. 139 an d 141 South Fourth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PIANO,FORTS 4. FR8313 PLATE MIRRORS. IRoN SAFES. FINE CARPUS. i‘; THIS MORNING. At 90 9 0100 k. at the auction store. superior farnicars, fine French plate oval and pier mirror, oarisrior nom tare. tine carpets,: Ermines fire-proof. dm. Also. a superior parlor billiard table Also. a superior 7-octave grand piano. Also. =parlor sewing machine. Also. gt. clothes mangle. Sale—No. 151.8 North FIFTH Street, SUPERIOR FURNI CURB. 13.mX-CaBE, PaR .11013., VisLVET CA.rSTS, ON FRIDAY MOhNING, Atirll Bth. et 10 o'clock, by catalog.e, at No, 518 *nth FIFTH Street, above Buttonwood street, the ettper,y, furniture, rosewood secretary, book.oollB. French pike pier mirror, feather beds, matressee. velvet carpets, &4 ear- May be examined on the morning of eels, at I o'clock, "Executor's Sale. No. 17 South Ninth street PISENITt7IIB: OltanD PIANO. aliftKOßt CANTON CHINA, rum GaRPSTS, CHADrDisLuss. gm. ON WRDNESDAY MORNING. April 13th, at 10 o'clock. by catalogue, at No. 17 Romiti /Cinch etree. the entire furniture, including an sterna rosewood 7-octave grand piano, made by Ghickering. enperlor plueh parlor furniture. dining room and churl. bar furnitnre Rte ruktresses, elegant carpets. etc ; atnz the k lichen utensils. 41011- May be examined at eight o'clock on morning yl sale. Bale No. 407 Walnut Ntroot STYPERIuis OFF/Cs FITR.VITOES .-• • • HATIIIIDAY AlO KNINLI, At it o'clock. at STo 407 Walnut weer, (3d story, r NATI No 6) two superior Walnut donb.o desks. case mb.s, letter press, carpet. &e. Fale for account United Maim. FRENCH &WAVE cLorwr N AND GAITER'S ON RATUR. AY MORNING', Apri/ nth. at 10 o'clock, at the Suction store, sr - Riven reserve. 4.770 infantry privates' coats, maitre, 4:11 vests, 67 trummiters' coats, 4 046 leather gaiters, 12,311 linen getters. 26 forage CUPS Terms cash. 49r- Th bov earl y a portion of the French ani'srap imported in the part et the war, and are so a t as account of being too small to issue to our troops. Mar be examined three days previous to sale. AUCTION SALE OF NAVAL STORES. AT NAVY YARD NEW YORK. By order of the Commandant of this Yard. I shall If* for sale, at public auction. on TailliSDAY. April ft. a: 12 o'clock M., the following articles, vir ; About 2. Oft bbls of heft Turpentine. •• 300 hble of Am write Turpentine. MOM His Oaknm Shaking'. 11.060 Ms old Manilla Hops. 10.000 Ihe Oakum Dust. in bales. 6,000 Ms old Raw Hide E 0,30. " 100, MO lbs Brad's Compressed Hair, in baled Twenty Per cent. of t he purchase money must be de. posited at the time of sale, and ten days will be allowed to remove the goods from the yard; and, if not so re. moved. the depoolt.wlll be forfeited to the Govern:mai, All payments to be" made in Government currency, sal before the goods are removed from the yard. D. D. T. MARSHALL. U. S. Naval Storekeeper. Nal,' YARD, NEW YORK, April 6. Mt. aP7-thUutaWil RALE OF CONDEMNED WAGONS. CARTS, BUGGISS. AND WARBLE. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, DEPOT OF WASHINGTON. WASITINIITON, D. C., March 31, 189(. Will be sold at Public Auction, at the smith end o TWEDTIIiTH Street. near the Government Corral.. la the City of Washington, D. (J., on JEONDAII. Aotll Ilth, 1864, at ll o'clock A. Jag , a lot of-- Government Fonr-Horse:.Two-Horse. Spring. Mandl* acd Flay Waionarearte, Buggies. Wagon Waaals gun Bede, together with a Dumber of articles pertaining too wegon traosportatioa. the same haying been con demned tie unfit for public service Successful bidders will be required to remove the arti cles within five (5) days from day of sale. Terms—Crush in Government funds. D H. RUCKER, Brig. Oen. and Chia (lannennaster. Den )t of Waihington. QALE> OF OLD lINSERVIOE ABLE GRAIN SACKS. STOVES, COPPER, CAST umsr. snovELs. 14c., Ac . hir CHTEF QUARTERMASTER'S OEMS. DEPOT OF Asal/40TON WA - HIVOTOT, . , lambi 31, 1661, Will be sold at Public Auction. at SIVENTR.STKEET WEARY. In the city of Washington. D C., on FRIDAY, April Bth. 1864, at 10 o'clock A. IL 40.000 old and un serviceable Grain Sacks. Also, .at 12 o'clock N. of the same day. at Government Warehouse. No. 5 NE i 7 YORK AVENUE, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets. will be sold Staves. Range.. Camp Kettles, Coal Hods. Mess Pans. old and new genet) Conner. old Cast Iron. Stove Pius, Eitovde. Sales. Wheelbarrows. Desks, Sm. dta Succestful bidders will be required to remove the arti cles within five (5) days from the day of sale. Terms cash, in Government funds. D. H. RUCKER. Brig. Gen. and Chief Real ternnsier. apl-6t lepot of Waal:lit:gigot', D. C SHIPPING, A•alk STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVER FOOL, Washings.: Queenstown. (Cori: Ha a• hot- J - The well-known Steamer* of the LiTargool, NeW 1 . 0 7 k.*11d Phllade7PAl6 kit-mm - Ilb Company in it tend io eail as follows: CITY 07 DIA.LiCHIBTEF, . Saturday. APTI I9 - CITY OF L0ND01F...........—.........-.BAtards7. April 18. ETNA...L.......Saturday. Aiar:l 3 And every endseadl.P.3 Stay at noon. from Pier No. 44 North River. . . MA.T7IB OF PASSAGE; f's-jell', in Gold. or its equivalent in OurresosY. EAST CA.IIIN, .80 00 STEER-WA, vs.) .13 Do. to nondoa. GI 00 Do. to London, 0 4 30 Do. to Faris, 96 00 Do. to Perla, 40 10 Do. to Homburg, 90 00 Do. to Bambara. 37 Pessengara also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Hotter• dam, intweno ke., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: lit °abb., irs. ,f4.M. $lO6 . Steerage from Liverpool and Queenstown 'DA Those who wish to send for lhitr friend, esti htt) Hags here at these rates. boy further Information, apply at the Company's offices. JOH?* G. DALE, Agent. *PS ill *Alarm" Street.Whijadelphia. 41 - c BOSTON AND PAIL &DE L - PHIL STEAMSHIP LIRE, sailiug from each port on eiATORDATB, from first wharf above P.U.TIS Street, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston. The ateamship NORMaN. Capt Baker, will sail from P.htlladelphia for Boston on Saturday, Aprll P. at Id o'clock A. M.: and .teamsbip SAXON, Cam Matthews, from Boston for Philadelphia, on same day at 4 P. M. There new and rnbatantial steamships forma rscalar ne, Eniling from each port punctually on Saturdays. on lr t is a tra v n es eme l ffeeled at onaltalf the premium charged. Freights taken at fair rates. Shippers ere requested to send Slip Receipts and Bills Lading with their goods. • For Freight or Passage (haring line accommodations) apply to HENRY WI SISOR St CO.. Int a 33it South DBI,4WARS Avenue. MACHINERY AND IRON. gifgft, PE NN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORK'S. —BEASTS & LEVY. PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MA. CHI/tISTS, BOILER-MAREEE, BLACKERETHS, and FOUNDERS, having for many years been in successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Engines. high and low pres sure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks. Propellers, ans. do.. respectfully offer their services to the publis, as being fully prepared to contract for engines of all sires, Marine. River. and Stationary ; having sets of patterns of differ ent sizes, Ever y pared to execute order* With tid; made e annuli. description of pattern-making a' the shortest notice. High and 'Low-pressure, Fine. Tu bular, and .Cylinder Boilers, of the best Pennsylvania sharcoal iron, Forging's. of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings, of ail descriptions; Roll-Ternins, Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and SpeciAsations for all work done ai this establishment free of charge, and work guarantied. The eubecribere have ample wharf-dock room for re start' of boats, where they can lie falls,ct safety. and are provided with shears, blocks, dm . do., for raising heavy or light weights. JACOB O. NEAFTE, JOHN P. LEVY. BEACH and PALMER Streets- J. yardman MEILILIOI. WILLIAM X. :ORS I. OOPS. ROUTHWARK FOUNDRY, N./ FIFTH AHD WASHINGTON STREETS. iriLADBLyNIA. amitittc/a& sons, ENGINEERS iarD MACHINISTS, Hannfaittire High and Low Pressrun Steam Engines,Vor land. river and marine aerviee. Boilers. Gasometers, Tanks. Iron Boats. as. ; Castings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron- frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, iliAilroad Stations, die. Retorts cad Gas Machinery of the latest and moot in t , Proved construction, Every description of Plantation MaehinerY, such as Sniper, Saw, and Grist Mills Vacuum Pans. Open Steam Train., Defecators, Filters , Plimning Engine, &a. Sole Agents for N. Rillienzh Patent Sugar . Boiling As- Pitratne ; Neernyth's Patent Steam Hammer. and Aspin wall & Wolaey's Patent Centrifugal Sonar Draining NA an.l24l A ORGAN, OBR, & CO., STEAM EN "6I-8- GINE BUILDERS. Iron PonjideT and General Machin i and BeileiMakera, No. .1219CALLO WH tW Street. Philadelphia fe2041 EXPRESS COMPARLES. angliwia THE ADAMS E fIRESTSIEIT Street, fu PRESS coicearrr. :office 380 rward s panel s , packages Mei' shandissi, Bank Motes. and Speole,_ either by life own lines or in am:aviation with other mammas OonsPau. o l to all the privaleal Towne and Gitlin in Ws Unit ed6lo2,4". nalars ig i finAtlrrillenandient. • EVANS & WATSON'S silanit.tuaß fun tITOII6, 16 SaDTEL rOURT H STRUT. PAIL/6311.1111k. PA. omi A Jerre 'variety of YIIIII-PROOY SAFES alaltYl SIM DR. FINE, PRACTICAL DEg - TIST for the last twenty seam. Wim VINE gb • below Third, lngerte the mast beautLfel MTH of ih) age. mounted on fine Gold, Patina, silver, Vulcanite', Cloralite. Amber, &c.. at prices. for neat and substarill•! wolk, more reasonable than any Dentist la this citfP! State. Teeth plugged to Ise t for life. Artificial Tom repaired to S nit Ito pain in extracting. All work cgs , ' ranted to At. Defeseuce, best ramble's. wb.W.Gvi CARD AND FANCY JOB PRINTING , At RiarawALr A BROWIV& 111 & FOUATU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers