pratioaal—Rare street. above Third. v( svrfinsim. Lnzerne co .1" J . B 6 - rehm. Lebanon T r T Weaver. Penns W I Wagner. Lebanon 31 Bhalter. Reading J D Irish. Pennsylvania J Blainley, _l3 S A II Bittenbender.Bloomenttrg C 0 Fritz. Beading Dr W F Christ, Snyder co 3 Thompson. Doi letdown Mrs a 8 Christ, Snyder eo W D F Stilwell. New York C A McGregor. Os A II L Reinhold. Ohio G W Brewer. Ashland A Sot:wheel% Safe Harbor - lifI if Bensinger. ashi... l J A Aon. Reading 5 a Rhoads. Williamsport - 0 D althouse. Reading P Uhler. Pe1111.1511111,11,111 Vines "Barley Sheaf-Second otreet.ittelow 11.-JB Walter, Bucks co !Stephen Connell.l3nake co 3 S Carolne. Easton 11Wm S Ilamoton. N Y J 3 Greiff, Mortroee,Pa IA .1 Lame. DOYIestOWII T. Itlcbardeort, Byberry W %dal Frencbtown w il li g, p annhortou r. lin" 417 . MOD roe co !Geo Slocum. Abington aohnlAi Mach. Monroe co !John Hibbs, Newtown .3 3 . 1! T g e w 3dlr g r gi •B i r kacrne rainn. Centreville John HaliowelLWaph it,t as er. aping on Joe Buck man. Yankton Joe Hamptonaatilleyrille. John Eisler,. Lumberville 131aielt Bear—Third at. above Callewhill. W Llchenwalner. Penns- I Allred Road& Southampton Chas Werrul. Allentown IT 0 Gabler. Reading 1 31 Van Horn. Al Chunk H D lisiatchlet, Fauna Chas Finney , Hartsville W Enders, Sedansllle 7 M Diehl Onekey town Dli Bechtel. Bechtelsville jire Dieu, Quakertown SPECIAL NOTICES. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR ERSTORATIPS Burrs HIAWATHA'. HAIR REsrosiTrvs. HOYT'S HIAWATHA. HAIR RSSTOR►TIVS. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RSSTORATIVS. In Longfellow% Poem Hiawatha was adjudged to have conferred the greatest boon on his tribe because he hromcht to its notice soya Every one will admit thsg our nrenaration is worthy of the name, for the henet ti it oontwa When it is known• WHAT THE HIAWATHA DOM It reatores faded and gray hair and whiskers to their /original color. itbrinks up the natural shading of one inn With another• thus giving the hair a life an. *mane& so that the most critical observer cannot de tect its raw It mat es harsh hair soft and silky. stops its falling out. cleanses it and the scalp from all {aimed... - tsar readily applied and giprd from the akin as any hair dressing, and entirely overcomes the bade effects of pre vious nets orfaranarations containing Eltaphui. attar of Lea. gm The proprietors of the Hiawatha imblished the follow ing the:lenge to teat in the New York dailies three weeks. which WAS NEVER ACCEPTED Let some well known and disinterested-Defame 8D• . NAM one to the proprietor of each prepaY Arlon for the &air to bring yip the color, SverT proprietor to use no thing but kts own preparation, and the person nothing ohm during the test. A certificate of the result to be widely publiam' rd at the expenze of the unsuccessful wm• Petitors. told everywhere JObEPH HOYT & CO.. Puhl9-ly 10 University Place, New Yam. HAIR DYE! HAIR DIE!! • BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR DYE is the Best in the World. The only Harmlees. True. and Reliable Dys known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect—changes lied, Rusty, or Gray Hair Instantly to a Glossy illaTk or Natural Brcton. Without injuring the Hair or stain• ing the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful: itn• parts fresh vitality, frequently restoring ita. Pristine eolor, and reclines the ill effects of bad Dyes.e The genuine iR signed WILLIAM A. BATCHELOV. : all others are mom Imitations. and should be availed. Sold by all Druggists. &c. FACTORY. Sr. BARCL AY Street. New York. Batchelor's new Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair_ iris iv Etuwir & Co's AtAson RAMLiN'S OABLZiST ORGAN& 'CRICK i CO.' THE POPULAR. CLOTHING Harms OF FRILL., •OAS TALL- Seat.slua tools .8,11 moderate Prises. 'Ma:NAM/X.IIR lc SWAIN 8 B. noruer SIXTH and BLSZIKET StiTeer, opoom Department (to make to order) Po. 1 S. SlXili COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP. This eelebrated TOILET SOAP. in such - aniversal ds mud. Is made from She CHOICEST materials, is MILD and EMOLLIENT in its nature. FRADRAISTLY SCENT• ED. and EXTREMELY BEBEFICIAL in its action upon the Skin. For sale by all Dniggists and Fancy Gonda dealers. . ia23authsl7 FAMLY SRWIWG, EMBROIDERING, BRAID INO, Quilting. Tucking, Arc., beautifally exeen:ed on the GROVES Sr BAKER SEWING nucaisrE. Ma ehineemith the &ay or week,73o OEMS r- MIT Street. apt stath3in ONE PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST STYLES.inade in the Beet Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. Ail Goods -made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our ONE-Par/AZ STSTEM is strictly adhered to. .All are thereby treated alike. de2fay .TONRS CO , SDI MARKET Street. WHERT.PE. & IlesOrt't4 HIG-IrEST r.v.F.:struN THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AND BEST Salesrooms. 7O Chestnut &red above 7th. MA_ELLIE3Z). ALLEN—INERETT. -- March 24th, at the Continental Motel, by Mayor Henry. Mr Joseph E. Allen. of Bar- Minton, N. T.. 'o Nis• Elizabah Everett, of Bristol. - Boobs county. Pa- - WHO'S—HERTZ LER —On Thursday, the 31st Starch, 1864. at 8t Asoxew'e Church, by the Rev John IL Onion. George Alfred Guinn to Anna. Mary, only daughter of john Bertzler, Ertl. , all of this city. DIED_ IMRE —On the 4th inst.. John P. Burr, in the 72d Tear of bit; gm The relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral. from his late residence. No. 1309 Lombard street, this (Thursday) morning, at 11 o'clock. To proceed to Olive Cemetery. CLIMES..—Near Morrisville, Bucks county. Pa-. on 11miday evening. the 4 h indent. Francis Clymer eLlt BIER. —Fourth monitt.4th instant, Sarah Clymer, aged 65 y ears. Her relatives and friends are invited to her funeral * from her late residence. No. 1019 Wallace @tree). on Fifth-day morning. 7th inst.. at 10 o'clock. without further notice Interment in. Friends' W e:.torn Ground. BaGINNIS. —On the .5.11 instant Lydia W. Magian's, wife of Edward J. ... The relatives and friends of the family are respectfnlly invited to attend the funeral. from the reAdence of her husband. No. 1733 Pine closet, on Friday, the fliainstant, at 11 A. M. PIIDDLE.—At Terre Haute. Ind'ana. on Wednesday evening, March 30th, Lime H. , wife of CliAries H. Ped dle. formerly of this city Funeral from the residence of her mother-in-law, Mrs. Wm. A. Pee die. No. 621 Marshall street, on Tiatirsdly meaning, April Stc, at 10 o'clock. PAY9E —On the evening of the 4111 inst., of scarlet *fver, Carrie Barton m-in ilangnOiir of liktern W. and Helen H. Payne, in the 7th year of her age. Funeral services at the he use of her parents, SOO North Eighth street, on Thursday afternoon tt 2 o'clock, to which the friends of the family are respectfully invited. Interment at Woodland Cemetery. 55 111111.L12 . —On the 6th inst.. Mr. Samuel Mullin. Sr., aged 51 years- - The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to at +era the fut.-ere'. from. Li- late residence. No SIB Callow hill street. tilts f r,d .3 1 afternoon, 7th instant, at 3 oclock.' LVTLE.—On Sunday, Id instant, Edward H. iLYtle. formerl'g of Cilleit tau. I) Funeral front his 'ate re4idence. No 1320 Sprnea street. thin (The.r.,3e7 cf.e,n,,,n ." j JUNES.—Oo f , atnriav, the 23 instant. H muah Wife of JO' The - relative , . nn , ' of tho family are tnitited to attend the ftuer-.1, iesidence of Ler La sand. near Centreville, Chester county, Pa, this ( rhursdaY) morning, at 10 o'clock. with, lit farther mince. Femoral to proceed to the Lutheran tit:larch, Lower Marion LEWIS —on Saucay ,orning, 3d lust Anna Karla. 'wife of George /L. Lear Li. aaa BESSON & 'SON SLAVE COMMENCED receiving thelr Spring and Summer Stock of MOURN- Alf G GOODS. and bnve now in *tore Blink Byzaniines.English Bombazines, Viorentinet, I French Bombazines. Branca Berr.ani, Summer Bombazines. Crape Harem, nhallr. Bareges, Monsceianes. •• Sill Grenadine*, Tamises, Biala. and Bieck. and White Foulards, Ste. MOURNING STONE. fen Igo. 916 CHESTNUT Street. 2flo BLACK AND WHITE STRIFE tor FKIRTS Mack and White Stripa fiklrtinge. Spring Style 8%1 tenr4tp. Misses' SMati Balmoral& 3,C00 flew Spring bhawle. an 6 ' ETRE & LANDELL. L.E.CTD Ils; AND -CONCERT,—THE Rev. W. T. EVA will repeat hie Lecture on OUR. COUNTRY'S FLAG; ltn im..tory, eignificance, end desti ny, In the Centre I Frosty tPrien Church, CoATES Street. below Fourth, THIS F 0.7 SMOG. at 7% o'clock. Also. a choice eelection of Mneic by the Choir of the Caarch. Proceeds for the besefit of the Sabbath School Tickets. Twenty. E ve t e t te. May be obtained of W R Bald. N. W. cor. Of tieccrid and Poplar ate., and at the door It* GERMA N TO WN.— AN ADJOURNED SIP MSS, 1h (3 of the Ladies and Gentlemen.. to form a Committee on Res:an:ant Depa tment. for the DRS aT MISTRAL FAIR. in behalf of the Sanitary Commission. will be held at the rigs of Chas. Ashmead, MAIN Street above Fcbool Street. on FRIDAY iail . at 4.1.1 P. M. All d-are invited to attend. . _ . . C, 1 C. G. CHILDS. Chairman. WILLIAM H. Eerie.E, Secretary. ap7 2t. MTWENTIETH WARD CAN FILL ULE Qtro re. oilier the call tor 200,(00. if those 'who are in the Draft will enbacribe to the Fond An Adjourned Meeting el' the Citizens will be TEES 8V.111118131 at 8 o'c:od, in the Couren,EIGEITEL Street. above Master. to hear the Reports of .iommitt.ree. god. Receive fubscetrulons :o the WARD BOUNTY FUND. let every one do his .hare. and there will be no draft in the Ward. We have ahead,' 160 men towards the last call. and we want the money to pay them. B. HAREM. Secretary, MI. DRY JOHN LORD'S LECTURES OD THE FALL ••F BOMB. The Era Lecture of nla new eourse on the Grandeur. the Shame, and the Fats of The Roman Empire, with the inquiry why at clent civil , zation could not avert the Bain, will oe in the Hal lof the University. H Street, on THULSDAY FVENING. April 7. at 8 o'clock. SUBJECT—The Material Greatness and Giory of the Ancient t ivilizaticu The remaining lecture:. sr.— Lecture I_l—Tr, e IL lei LAI Hollowness and Defects of the Old Romer Civil' z.ti , ta— the Shame and Allseriee of So ciety—the Vices .4 Self- Interest, and Preparation for Viotenie and Iv. vitabh Ruin- Lecture —The Fall o f the Empire. and. the Desaia hions produced by the Barbarians—the Destruction of the Old Ferric of Eicc!ety. Lecture IV —Tice why the Old Conservative Influences of Pasantim din not Airest the hnin —the Fail. are of Art Literature, and Science, and the Mechanism of Ocrserranent! Lecture V —The Rea• ons why' Chrittianity did not save the Empire, and the Mews which the Church incorpo rated with Subiecinent Civilizations — the Foundation of the /Sew Teutonic Structure Tickets f..r the Ccur.-e $2- Schools and Ladles SI adzatetion 10 cents. ap7 It* SCHIf Lula. T. ALND SUSHU EH 4NNA, RAIL.I.OAD ttlike 247 8. YOUBTH Street. PHILADELPHIA. April 4, 1864 I' The Annual Sle, , tice of tb Stock holders of this Con:i -nn/IY. and an e:ef , er President and six Manasers, will take place at the Office of the Company. on 31031- tbe ad dey of Alay n-xt. at 12 o'clock M. aNS.tms2 W.ll EL WEBB. SexetarY. TWO& . 1„11 ROV E ! 1 ENT CO3l- PANT. —2.1 °Lite . is hoseby given that a Meeting of the Stockholders, Lt tr..) TiOlja Improvement Company mill be held et 1C.3 25 MEll. l 32eArS' EXC.' E1A.5106. in the city ce Philadelphia on she :id day of May next. be tween the hours of 12 ard 2 o'clock, to elect Managers, a ?resident. and Treat:we*. f Paid Company- WILLI eM 'ELIAS, Treasurer. !io 724 niesa - ar . street. ralal h. 5,2 . . RErvIr'ARZ7ENT - CALVEnT STATIoN. BALTIIIOII.E. April 1, 1861 Notice is hereby siren, that the qapital Stock of the 31orthern Central hallway Company. for the purpose of • completing a double track to Sunbury. Fa., will be .stooaugmenteak. to an amtunt tonal, to that of the existing Befor e offering it iv tte public. tbote who appear as - .Stockholders on the Company's books on the Stu of April, 1861. will be /Viewed the privilege of sabicriblna. at the par value. to an amount equal to the Stock by them I. spec tively held Books wilt frommne for that plat - pose his office, and kept open the lth day of APRIL, 16 6 4 , unlit the iSch day of MAY. 1564. No aubscription will be waived for less than par. Par able as follows: Twenty CIC) Per cent. at the time of subscription, and the malodor in instalments of such amounts and at such times as may be ordered by the Board of Diree ors The boots will be doted from 6 P. IC on the 4th of April until 10 A. M. the 6th of April, and no transfers allowed on the sth By order: a pt - d2t - 11.stuttar5 J. 4. LAM, Treasurer. f i r ir THE GREAT SANITARY COMMISSION. Rie Excellency ANDREW G. CURTIN. Olvernor of Pennsylvania. His Excellency JOEL PARKER, Governor of New JerreY. Hie Excellency WILLIAM CANNON, Governor of Delaware. Hon. ALEXANDER HENRY. Mayor of Philadelnhia. Ron. CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS. Minister to Eng. land. Ron. WILLIAM L. DAYTON. Minister to France. Hon. THOMAS . H. DIIDLIFY. Consul at Liverpool. Hon. JOSEPH R. INGERSOLL. Pennsylvania— Hon. Judge CARPENTER, New Jersey. Hon. Judge HARRINGTON, Delaware. Major General GEORGE G. MEADE. Army of the Potolcac COMO LITE. Right Rev Bishop Potter. Wm. Backusll. Most Rev. Bishop Wood , C. U. Grant. Rey. Bishop Simpson. John R. &At. Rev. Dr. Ittainerd, Abraham R. Paul Bev. W. P. Breed. tir P. Mitchell. -.. _ . Rev. 3 W ' ft it . tt sr. Wm. H. Merrick, Rev Isaac Leaser. .. John .P. Verrea, Samuel M. Felton. Matthew Baird. Jobn Edgar Thomson. Wm. B Steahans, Gem. R. F. Stockton, Samuel A. Closer. Frederick Fraley, Archibald Campbell. Join Bingham. George Bullock. George Williams, Charles Spencer. W. P. Westervelt, Peter Crime, James Merrihew, Henry kuhring. Rae. W. buddards. D. D., Robert 0. Cornelitte, Prof. Henry Coppee,, Thomas H. Powers. C. Pendleton. Vitt, M. D., John M Marls. Dr. Walter Williamson. S. H. Horstman, Hon. comae Thompson. W. P. Wlletach, H on. 3- 12. Ludlow. Gilbert A. NAVINISLII, H. B. Browse. Charles EL Harkness Daniel lionghertY. Henry Simone, Frank Drew, H B Benner.. Gustavus Rckendorff, W. C. Allison. George 111 Troutman, F. P. Dnboso. Clarence H. Qark, I George N. Tatham, Henry D. Sherrerd,a. It Cope. L H. Redner, B. Fmk. Palmer, S. G. Wmalow. Jules Reuel, Geo. W. Ghillie,John Rice. WW. Harding. I Frank !Carpenter. Archibald McElroy, Charles 11 Cramp. Charles F. Abbott, Amos Buse. Robert Boast, Jr.. Abraham Diffenbach Alexander Whilldin. W. C. Bober, John Mason. tasorge 'Taber, Peter Williamson, George Doad, R. W Learning, J. B Kingsley. E. C. Anis lit, John M Riley. IF'd ward 13 Orne. Major Taggart, Evan Randolph.. Stria lam: Snes.W. - William S Stewart. IS G. Ruggles. James G. Hand. D. M. Lyle. Henry E. Garrett, TZ Hare Powell, J. H. Chambers, El ward Roberta. C. H Garden. B Hammett, Solomon Smucker, , George Canby. E. A. \bonder. !John Hunker. John S. Stairs. 'John Crump. Isaac Jeares. fJames T. Alien. Israel Idiclonter. J. B. Nicholson, Joieph F. Tobias.i Jonathan Watson, Thomas Allman. IC arneline Curtis, Frank +in Feu, ; Evans W Shippers. E. H. Fitler.'Jeremiah Rhoads. Joseph N . Chandler, !Seth tjra•ga. Pt.k)ros PIANOS . 3. GOULD. =id afiILSTMIIT. MRS. REV, B. W Mrs. George 111 Dallas. Mrs. John Sergeant, s. John M. Scott, .Mrs. General Meade. hire. J. EditarThomson,, Mrs. Jo. Harrison, Jr . Mrs. Robt. W Learning. Mre. L Montgomery Bond, /firs. George F Weaver, Mrs. George W. Harris. Mrs. F. A Drexel, Mrs. M. M. Ballyr Mrs. John W. Forney, Mrs. ham's' A. Crozet, Mrs. Enoch Turley. fdra W, J Chaplain. Mrs William Helms. Mrs. .H. C. Lea. Mrs Augustus Emeriek, Imre Caroliae Yarrow, Mrs. Thns. Fitzgerald, Ills. John 8 Stairs. litrW. Ifooihead, Mrs A. Bartol, Mns. Thos. M. Hamilton, MI S. GOMA Dodd, Mrs. A_ ilieNeeles. Veibfs N. No. US SOUTH SEVENTH Street, Philaia. MGREAT CEN ritAir. FAIR:-THE undersigned have been appointed a Committee to represent the IRON INTEREST in the Great Central Fair for the Sanitary Commission. to be held in Philadelphia early hi Jane, and her to commend the object to roar generous confidence and support. The resources of the Sanitary Commission are likelyto be drawn on more largely than ever during the coming summer, and in the effort now making ti replenish its treasury, the friends-of the soldier throughout the coun try look with confidence for a large and liberal re • tponse from the iron Trade; let ne see to it that we do not come short of their just expectations. We ask a contribution in material from every Ore Mine, every Furnace. Forge, and Rolling Mill in Penn sylvania. New Jersey. aid Delaware; and we also call upon every Iron Dealer and Importer to aid the cause by a contribution in Money or Goode Dom- bons of Pig iron, Blooms, and articles of this claracter, may either be coneign , d to us here, or held subject to cur order at the place of production. Donations may be forwarded by any railroad or steam boat line, and should be adaressed to ANDREW WHEELER, Chairman Iron Committee. Great Central Fair. Phitaielphia. A. bill of lading. or invoice, describing the articles shipped. with tLe aims of the donor, should be mailed to tne above address, and each donation will be drily ac kniviedged. The tune of your Committee will necessarily be mach occnried with the reception of goofs and general ar rant °molts, and - they may hays no opportunity of re newing this application; may they ask. therefore, that YOU will in some measure share their labor with them, and not only forward your own contribution promtly, but encourage your neighbors to do the same Samuel j, Reeves, Phira, Benj. Hay wood, Pottsville, else Wood. do Ed. Brooke, Birdsboro', Batt an Rowland. do obas L Balliev, Garriebtg, Percival Reberte, do John McManus, Reading, Joe u Whitney, do Jas. Hooven. Norristown. its Wheeler, do Hugh E. Steele, Coatesville,• Ch pries Cabot, do Danl J. fiL rreil. Johnstown. Elliston Perot, do J H Scranton. Scranton, eta,. Robb!ns. do Thomas Beaver. Das vibe. Henry C 3 Morris do David Thoulas.Carasactaa, Wm. K. le cG Is es, do P. R Brunet. Pittebarg, Cbss witt,Trenton.N. J.. Beni F. Jones Pittsburg, la obt C. Nichols, N. Jersey. Ell Garrett. Wilmington. ANDREW. WHEELER. Chairman, 16(S Market Street, Philadelphia. PRILADELPRIA. March 10, 11361 11 MFAIR, IN AID OF THE LOYAL - SU F- EtRERS IN itabT TENNItshEE.— rhe sad and touching amorists that daily reach us of the shire:in of the residents of East Tennessee, whose trials are cowls- Orient upon their loyalty to all we hold dear under the name of Onion, appeal to every heart and ealt :or nailed effo,te tor their retie!. To this end the ladies of this c.ty are holding a Fair, at the ASSISIBLY TIMM and CEIF.MICI2 Ste., commencing en the 4th of April. and continuing, this week. to which the aid and patronage of the public are respectfully. solicited. Donations of money, fancy articles and goods. and ar titles for the refreshment tables. are earnestly solicited. Mre. I . OcF.PIT CANEY. Prelident, No. S3l Arch street. Nre 'llo,s. WATERMAN. SeCTetETY, No. 2038 Vine St. Mrs. CALre W HAILo WELL, treat , No 2121 Arch St Mrs. EDWARD H OODEN. NO. 1032 Arch street. 51ra MARY J. D. SAMPSON. No. 1814 Arch street. 511 s. Sons CARDOW. No. 2015 Arch street. lays M AN.NAII MITCHELL. Tioga street. Germantown. a 1)7. 3t" OFFICE OF THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, March 31 IS6I 1 1 ;r1cALED PROPOSAL'. Will be received by the Mayor of Philadelphia until 12 o'clock noon of WEDNESDAY. April 13th. for the purchase of the whole or of any part of the Si X-PER-CINT. LOAN of the city of Philadel phia for one million two hundred and fifty Mouse,. d dolleze, anti:tm ized by an ordinance of the Select and Common Councils of the said city. approved March Ist, ISdd, and likewise of the bix-per cent. Loan of the said city for two millions of dollars. authorized by an ordi nance approved March 98th, 1864, Such proposals mast be addressed under seal to the Mayor, marked "OfferforCity Loan "and will be opened by him in theloresence of the City Treasurer and gtY Controller at the time above designated, the right being reserved by the Mayor to reject any bid for insufficiency of price. There loans are redeemable at the expiration of thirty years from date; their repayment is secured by Sinking Funds provided cotemporaneonsly with their issue, for the maintenance whereof the faith of the city is specially pledged. Their interest will be paid half yearly, on the first Jaye of „Tannery . and .Tnly,iat the office of the City Yresenrer. without deduction of, or liability for. Rate or City Taxes ALEXANDER NVNEY. apt-etnthst Mayor of Philadelphia. pr. PETROLEUM STORAGE COM PANY OF PHILADELPHIA —The subscrtoers to the Stock of this Company will meet at 10. 341 WALDIUT &net. second BoOL - RoOm N. 2, in the city of rhiladeiphia. on TUESDAY. the 12th day of April. A.D. 2664. between the hours of 12 o'clock M. and 2 o'clock P JL, for the purpose of chosing. Dir. ctors and o:ganiz in[ tsid company in accordance with the provisions of its charter. TITUS S. EMERY. J M. DUNDeN, JOHNS-.TA/ELLS, SAMUEL Durroa, Corporators. Philadelphia, April 6th, 1854. ap7-51. itzfr. UNIVJERSPTY OF PENNSYLVA ne—DISYARTMENT OF ARTS. —The Thin]: Te, m of the College Year will open on FRIDAY. the 6th inst. Candidates for admission will appear at the UM- Territy. for exam inatlon, on that day, at 10 o'clock A. M. Tni 'kJ.' for each Term, thirty -flys dollars. GEORGE ALLEY. ali6 &if Secretary of the Facalty of Arts. MCITY BOUNTY NOTICE.—OFFICE INTY BOUNTY PUi•D COMMISSION. No. 41A ?N:MB Street. April 1.1861 The City Bounty will continue to be paid until further notice. Ns applications for Bounty will be entertained from recruits who enlisted prior to the date of the President's Proclamation. October 17. 1863 In in tura, powers of attorney for the City Bounty,from at w recruits for Pennsylvania Regiment*. mastered in after this date, must be endorsed by the officer in charge of the barracks that the man has been received there. By order of the Coromirrion SADMIL C DAWSON. Secretary. mt. OFFICE OF THE FRANKLIN FIRE PUBANCE COMPA NY. PHILADELPHIA. brit 4. 1861. At a meeting of the Board of 'Memo's of the Company, held this day, a semi. annual dividend of six per sent.. and an extra dividend of ten per cent., was declared on tte capital stock, psyable to the stockholders, or their legal representatives. on demand. aps-9: J. W. BicALLISTB.R. Secretary pro tem. ASSESSOR'S OFFICE, 431 X WA.11.• stisk,ET.—uarezu sravrEs INTERNAL RLVESI3B, FIRST DISTRICT PENBEILVANLA. PHILADFLPHI a. AMU 6. 1861 IINAL NOTICE — DelinenentTax-Payelss e her eby DottSod to mate application to the undersigned ' WCII - IN SIX DAIS Pkom THIS DATE. for Livenee, wider tbe Ylcelee Lawa of. the Called States, ands thus avoid the penalties prescribed by law for transacting bneittess withcut License. WASHINGTON KEITH. Assessor, First District Pennsylvania. orREDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF CORE. —ln accordance with a resoicoion of the Board of Trustees. passed on the 25th instant. the price ct from the Marlet-street and Swim Garden Wotks has been reduced to 10 cents per bushel, and rom the Point Breeze and Hansel:ink Works to 9 cents per bushel. JOHN C. CRESSON. Chief Engineer. PHILADELPHIA GAS WORKS. March 29. 1864. mh29 im IZ3*EXCELSIOR RISING COMPANY .' or nIICEIIGAB. NOTICE —rhe tire mervng the r-xctider 3ii.ime Company of Mlehi/an. under lte A rile ea of Association, will be held at Igo. 3L9 WALNU r Etreec, Philadelphia. on MONDAY, the 18th of April. 18f4, at 10 o'clock A. IL CHAS. C. JACKSON. MAXISIA.OIIKE 111009. g. Two of the .desociatea of said Corporation. PHILADELPH lA. March 80. lEd4. roh3lthetatilotB. PP.YE.I.I.OWSTONM. MINING COME- Pahl OF MICHIGAN. —I , 4OTICIL --The first meeting of the Yellowstone ldinins Company of Might -12 ark. ender its Articles of Sego/dation. will be held at No 319 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, on MONDAY, the ISth of kezil. 1864, at lo o'clock A. - 86 CHAS C JACKSON. MOM PittillKS MOORS, Two of the Associates of said Corporation. FFITLADELPHIA. March 30, 1064- mhBl-thstatApl9* CENTRAL FAIR COMMITTEE LABOR, INCOME, AND REVENUES L. MONTGOMERY BOND, Ohairmaat JOHN W. CLAGHORIX. Treasurer ENt E. W- IIaTTEIG, Gor. Secretary. Mc:GREGOR J. MITOHESON. Secretary HONORARY MEMBELCS MITER. Chairman. !Mrs. Archibald Camphoil, Mrs. Hector Tyndale. Mrs H G Lel.enring, Mrs. S J. }lards, Mrs. John M. Riley. Mrs. Win U. Stephens. Mrs. Andrew BaHada. (Mrs. Sarah Z Cards. Mrs. C 13. Mount. Mrs. Janes C. Pritchett, Mrs. Victor A. Sartori. Mrs. -M. P. Fraley. I Mrs. John B. Hey'. Mrs. Theodore Wilson. Mrs. Clarence Des Granges. Mss Adeline Sager. Dii.e Margaret Sager. Miss Anna St Clair. Mies Elizabeth Howell, blics Susan Bliss Sallie 4 cott, Miss Jane ff. Hirst, Mies Louisa E. Claghorn. Mies Fanny M. Mlcheson. Miss Jane ehannon. Miss •nute Blanchard. Misr! Mara H. Toby. I Miss Carrie Wright, OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE, Mr UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN COMMISSION bUMMABY TO JANtriRY 1.1884. Work now In Progress hi the Array at Rest CHRISTIAN COMMISSION STATE INS LARGELY IN CREASED IN NUMBER THE WOES 4 NEUNDADTTLY PROSPERED. Many More Motions Needed to Meet the Wants of the Army. 17NPREOZDENTED CALL FOB DBLEGATBS AND SUPPLIES• PRNPAFIATION FOR TRH OOHING CAMPAIGN WITH LT MOVSYRNID AND DATUM. The Christian Commission depends mainly upon direct contributions * and must not be forgotten by Loyal Chris tian PPCIIIOB. INCREASING WANT& DRILLED INCREASED LIBE RALITY. Rosati:4o of Money.- Stores. &a . to January L 1884, 1111.148,093 94, Numbi r of Boxes of Stores, dat., shipped to the add or distributed at borne, 16 S. Slumber of Delegates diet l.s63. Copies of Scripturesibuted, 568,275; Hymn and Psalm Books. 6025:6; Knapsack Sooke. 1,370 346; Li brary Books 43.163; Pamphlets. 155. 145 ; Religions Dews papers, 3.316, KS; Pages of Tracts, 22,930.428; Silent Com forters. 4.116 • • • The United States Christian Commission has seized the present golden opportunity of rest for the Army to ex tend its work for the good of the Soldiers. STATIONS nave been multiplied. each with its chapel and More tents. free writing tables. and clothing, com forts and reading matter for gratuitous distribution. VOLTIETARI DItiMATES, in numbers greater than ever before. have been sent to preach the GOSMiI at tne station, and in regiments, batteries. and camps without Chaplains. distribute reading matter and stores. and labor for the geotbbf the El:idlers A PIMA ANENT FIELD A GENOT bas been sufficiently extended to establish rtations and superintend the work. THE BLESSIUG OF GOD rests signally on alt parts of the work_ Many thousands have been el amid_ bene fited and saved. Still a large part of the Army remains onreached, and double the number, bets of stations and delegates. are needed to meet the urgent demand for them. _ The Chri.tian Commission offers to the people a per fectly reliable and wonderfully economical channel to rata the entire Army in all i ts various fields. The money given goes in full meastire. in benefits for body and soul, directly to the Soldiers. and stores also, imme diately from the hands of delemates from home who add words cad desde of kindness to the gifts when bestowed. Let the re.ple give the Money and Stores, and the work will be done. The large Corps of Delegates now in the field will nerve es a grand corps of relief when the armies sha ll move and battles be fought. and the'rreater their number the more prompt and effective will be the relief they shall render. Let not the preeent work languish. Wait not for the " len tr Pi e oV7ttl e Are rat b Arl f tf ro b v o i r Bto r n e e n y e f ind Stores, and the Soldiers' blessing shall be upon you. tend money to JOSEPH. PATTERSON. Treasurer. at Western Bank, and Stores to GEORGE H. STUART, Chairman Christian Commission 13 BANK Street. Philadelphia. W. E. BOARDMAN, Secretary U. S. C. C. fe7-mthtf CASH CONTRIBUTIONS RR ciEIVED FOR LOYAL' --DINTITUTE °HERO RENS. by Hon. JOHN RoAS. Frinoiptil Chief of the Che r...ken Nation Jan Tatum. from Friends of Wilmington, Del... 3300 00 R•mtiel Finns and Wife •• 60 00 Elizabtth Hillis • •• •••• • 20 00 Two Ladies. members Society of Friends 100 00 John Grigg 100 00 L. A. Godey. Lady's Book 1040 MrB ( Qynelia Bomb. Kew Yuri( 20 00 Airs. Mimes, New Yolk. 10 00 Miss Bessie Casey 10 00 Lady 100 Met. Rtizzard 15 00 Miss Kettori, from Friend 6 60 Aire. Bolen 5 - 00 Mrs. R. A. IlteleeS. 600 He T. 7b013. 13ra3 nerd, 13 om tho following persons A. Whildin, $2O; W. Whilidin, $2O; F. O. Riser. $10; R Colburn,ss; Samuel Hoeh.slo; Mrs. Huber. $2. 72 03 Total Pro T m Presbyterian (Pine-street) Church— s7s3 60 ]. box Barden seeds, by Hai. T. Forth ...• • .821) 03 ineorge Vonng R Btudt Total and 226 Ilarrcentp. M. FIRST QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE TILLED NATIONAL BANE OF PHILADELPHIA. APRIL t!...T. 11461, ••• REbOUBLES. Loans and Discounts *A 609 97 United Sta es Bonds, deposited to se- .. - cure circulation 30 000 00 Epee% and Legal-Tender Notes 82,873 29 835,559 97 Bit a of Solvent. Banks 1,288 CO Cash items. &a 87 03 Due from Banks and Bankers 11.170 69 Furniture and Fixtures 1,181 25 Expels° Acetate 1.677 80 -- 98,151 92 LIABILITIES. Capital Stork $01,740 00 Pt oldt and Lots 31225 Due to Banks and Banknrs 15 907..53 Due to DepoeitorD . 85,70.1 OS ERR I 99 Corr meaced brollies; March lOrh ar44.r, P. OLIO DINNING, Cashier Or. MONITOR MINING COMPANY OF MicHiCAN. MIK —The First Meeting of the Monitor Mining Conmarrs , of Michigan. under its Ar ticler of tilieocibtion, will beheld at tr. 319 WALSOI. btreet. Fhilacelphla on MONDAY. the 18th of April, 1864, at ten o'clock d. M. ChAS C JACKSON. • MARMADUKE MOORE. - - . ..... . Two of the Associates of said Coroooratton. PHILADEI PNIA. March EC, 1864. mll3l-thetutaplS• ilryanas Pi OH-THEM( MINING} VORIPANY OP MICHIGAN —NOTICAL—The plrat Meetinitof the Northern Minirc Company of Michigan, under its Article= of ANscelation, will be held at No. 319 WALNUr street. Philadelphia, on MONDAY. the 18th of Ain% 1884, at ten o'clock A. M. CH /a Cl. ACHBO 7f, MARMADIIKE MOOIIL Two of the Associates of said Corporation. PHILADELEHIA, March 30. 1964.Inh31.thetntap18* 112 C. OIL COMPANY, NEW —A RESPON- Bible party. Two goals , now vutnping on the lax d. Apply at once for Sharee awl a Prospectus. B 31i 2550 P. 0.. Philadelphia. apl3-6tit. 1MN0T1C.V....--TUM ANNUAL NUEVAP— MO of the NOblitE ASSOCIATION Or Phila.. tiorPbla. will be held at ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. TENTH and OHESTB UT, on THURSDAY AFTERNOON, April 7th, at b3G o'clock, when a Board. of Managers will be chosen and the usual business transacted. ALI ladies are particularly invited. mh.2.3-3tkap6 6 7 -6t* PHILADJELPHIA A.MD ELICADIPIM , EAILBOAD COMPANY; Once WIT South OITITH Street. PHILADELPHIA. September 2, ISM. DIVIDEND NOTION—The followitm-named Persona are entitled to a Dividend on the Common Stock of this Comnany. The residence of several of them is un known. and it is. therefore, nesessar3r that the sertil sates of stook should be resented on Galling for the Divid e nd. S. BEL F ORD, Treasurer. STOOKEOLDEDIP AMEN _ . S. Lancaster, John Mclntyre, Benj. F. Newport. MILITARY. A THE _NI COAL BOUNTY FUND COMMITTEE WILL CONTINUE TO PAY 'I WEN 1 1 - " Sr.:" DOLL AIMS TOR EVERY . RECRUIT MUSTERED INTO HANCOCK'S SECOND ARMY CORPS apt tf ALFRED DAY, Chairman. IVOLUNTEERS WANTED FOR VETERAN REGIMEN tS. Twenty men for the 6let Pennsylvania Volunteers wantel now, at the office, No. S south FIFTH Street. ROBERT L ap7-st. Captain and Recruiting Officer. I NAVAL AND MARINE SERVICE. CITY AND WARD DDIT,ITY ADVANCE PAY AND PRIZE MONEY ! MEN WANTED for the N = VAL SERVICE and MA RINE CORPS, who will be entitled to all the City Boun ties, in addition to Prize Money Seamen will receive an advance of three months' pay as bounty. Amdioation to be made at once to D. M Capt. and Provost Marnbal Fourth District. Penna.. apl 12t BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets. CITY AND WARD BOUNTY ! .ADVANCE PAY AND PRIZE MONEY! MEN WANTED for the NAVAL SERVICE and MA:- EINE CORPS, who will be entitled to all the City Bounties in addition to Prize Money. Seamen will receive an advance of thrte Moniha' pay as bounty. Application to be made at once to EDWIN PALMER. Captain and Provost Marshal Second District Pennsylvania, 2156 South TWELFTH Street. mill - If . Philadelphia. I NAVAL 'AND MARINE SERVICE. CITY AND WARD BOUNTY! ADVANCE PAY AN tr PRIZE MONEY! MEN W all; TED for the NAVAL SERVICE and M It IN E CORI& who will be entitled to all the City Bonn tie, in addition to Prize Money. , . . Seamen will receive an advance of three months' pay 8.8 bounty. Application to be raade at once, to WIT. S. LEHMAN Contain snd Provost lifarsbal First District Penna.. zub3ii-tf 245 South 'FELLED Street. READQUA_RTERS DEPARTMENT k 01" THE SaQUEWANNA, CHAXBERSI3I7II(I, Pa.. March 21.1861. - UMW act. - * * OBS ERAL ONDBES NO, 20, Authority having been granted by the War Depart ment to the Cc =mending General of the Department of the Susqnehenna, the Ist Battaii m three years' Penn sylvania Volunteers (formerly six months' volunteers), consisting of six companies, mustered into the United States service for three years or during the Walt. is au thorized to recruit to ten companies of the maximum strength. This Battalion is on Provogt duty In this department. and it offers a good* opportunity. to those persons who have been in the eervice and- liaresheen honorably dis charged. to re-enter, and to those of good character who have not been in the service to enter the same. Only those known to the recruiting officers and persons an thorizsd to recruit as being reliable and trustworthy will be received, as the nature of the duty this Battalion is called upon to perform is such that it requires soldiers in whom the commanding officers can place confidence. Persor s taking advantage of the benefits arising from enlistment in this Battalion will receive the bounties Paid by the Government as authorized.% existing orders. The efticsrs must be men who have had some experi ence in the military eervice, intelligent, and of good character, and only those bringing the requisite number of men and possessing the above qualifications will be recornmendea to the Governor of the State for commis stone. - • . Reunite and persOne having rounds Of recruits will report to Captain t3EO. W. MERRICK. let Batt*iton and. Recruiting' Officer for the threesnoe. at y I D: i ß z isß v tf o ß )B 6 .. Pa. • • • • • • • • By command of Major General COMM JOHN 8 SCHULTZE, Ault Adjt. Genera , . Official: J. N. POTTER, Aid-de-Camp- Wad lOt Nu n ANDERSON CAVALRY, (15TH PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY-) Suitable young men will be accepted as Re cruits for this Regiment, now on. service in Beet Tennsysee• - j Will. I PALMER, Colonel Commanding_ Office in WASHINGTON BUILDING, It • No W 74 South THIRD Street. COPARTNERSHIPS. DISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP. BEERY W KANAGA having purchased the in terosts of TREVOR rt. FOWLER and TurLow JACK -8014, in the business heretofore carried on in the Girard House, under the style of Kerreo4.. FOWLER & CO.. the pertnership is 11 e r el) 7 declared to be dissolved. All parties indebted to the said firm are requested to make settlement with Henry W. Kanaga. HENRY W. KANAGA, TREVOR T. FOWLER, TUTLOW JACKSON. ruiLAnyi.rntu, April 4 186.1. ap7-tf PRESTON COAL AND IMPROVE MENT 00.—A limited number of the shares of this company will-be disposed of at the office of JAY .00086 & Co.. at par. (CO dollars) on THURSDAY, April 7th. from 10 to 3 o'clock. The prospectus and report of the company can be ob mined at their office. apo-2t GLASSWARE.—B, H. SLEEPER & a Co., No. 515 MINOR Street, have jest received& large invoice of Glsssware, consisting of roaad••honl dered Prescription Vials, 2 4 6, and. Boz , 0 , 78.03 Fancy Panel Bottles, together with a fine assortment of Glass Syringes, Boxurcrytill , c Vials. Tumbler., Lager Beer Mugs, Prererving Jars, Stc.,which we offer at the lowest market rates. ap6 3L* THE MOST RELIABLE PORTRAITS urade..scoling in accuracy and life life coloring. are B. F. 11.81 MEWS splendid enectmens Of life size Pho tographs In 01l colors 644 ARCH Street. 11* M°CORD'S PATENT AMERICAN BATTLE BATTON.—The boot Instrument of alarm and defence in the world Sold by the inventor. No. 1.45 M. /SIXTH. below Race Zto housekeeper should be without one apd.tuthe im. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, AND WIN DOW SHADES -blew stock of Inglligh Carpets net received, and for sale chea t ., a t WM. cinuatuf,ws, No. 447 North SECOND Street. below Noble. But atria. nak.U-toi. THE PRESS:--THILADELPHLi, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1864: ... 25 CO . 6 22- $5l 90 $'033,663 RI Henry B. Sherer, Andrew Turner. Mrs. Rebecca 131riel sos-strithtf NEW PUBLICATIONS. Al MAR D'S NEW BOOK IS PUBLISHED THIS DAY PRICE 50 CENTS THE REMO, ati-xio RED TRACK. THE ICED ouß[c. BY GUSTAVE ALWARD Author of the “Prairie Flower." THE RED TRACK By GUSTAVE ALAMO, author the • • PRAIRIE FLOWER," " THE INDIAN SCOUT." "THE TRAIL HUNTER." eta.. is published this day by T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, 206 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. and is for sale by all Booksellers and News Agents every' here, complete in one large octavo volume, large type, doable caumn, and pint ed on the ilaest and beat white paper. Price Fifty cents a copy. NOTICE. —Gustave Aimard was the ad opted eon of one of the most powerful Indian tribes, with whom he lived. for more than lif,een years, in the heart of the Prairies, sharing their dangers and their combats, and accompa nying them everywhere, rifle in one hand and toma haw k- in the other. In turn squatter, hunter. trapper, warrior. Gambneino, or miner, Gustave Aimard has tra. versed America from the highest peaks of the Cordilleras to the ocean shores. living from hand to month, happy for the day, careless of the morrow. Hence It ia that Gustave Aimard doss not write romances, brit deeerises his own life. The Indiana of whom he speaks he has known—the manners he depicts were his own. AIMARD'S OTHER WORKS THE INDIAN CHIEF. By GUSTAVE AIMABD Puce BO cents. THE PRAIRIE FLOWER. By GUSTAVE AIMARD Price 50 cents. THE INDIAN SCOUT. By GUSTAVE AMATO. Peen 60 cents. THE GOLD BEBE:BBB By GUBTAVK ALVARO. Pries 60 cents. THE TIGER-SLAYER. By CHUAN& AIDIKED Price SG cents. TILE TRAIL HUNTER. By GUSTAVE AMMO Price BO cents. TSB PIRATES OF THE PRAIRIES By GUSTAVE AIMARD. Price 03 teats. TDB TRAPPER'S DAUGHTER. By GUSTAVE AIMARD. Price tO cents. . Arip All of Gustave Aimard's other works are to press by us, and one book a month will be published in future, until the who le s,ries is faened. The Smoo t/ ter." and • 'The Border Rifles," wilt be - the next rub- MURRELL, HARE, AND TURPIN SERIES. LIVE OF JOHN A. MURRELL. the Great Western Lard Pirate. with twenty-one elegant and spirited en. graving's. By editor Jew York National Police Ga zette. and the author o f •' Life of Joseph T Hare ." • • Life of Monroe Edwarda, "Life of Helen Jewett," "Lives of the Felons," etc. Price 20 cents. LIFE OF JOSEPH T HARE, the Bold Bobber and Bighwayanso, with Sixteen spirited ilittetratiorw. By author of " Life of Murrell.' " Hare," etc. price 25 mg I- LIFE OF IRIAN JEWETT, and RICHARD P. RO BINSON. with Thirteen h inanition@ of the principal scenee in the hook. By the author of " Life of Harrell.' • Hare," " Edwards," " Felons," etc. Price 2.5 cents. LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF DICK TURFIN. the Bighwayinan, Burglar, Murderer, Robber, etc., fall of illustrative engravings. Price 25 cents. LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF JACK SHEPPARD. the most noted Burglar, Bobber, and Jail Breaker that ever lived. With Thirty. nine illustrations. Price 51 Cents. NEARLY READY THE LIFE, SERVICES. SPEECHES. PROCL LAU. TIoNS. AND ACTS OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Preel dent of the United Mies. Price 00 cents in tanner. or 70 cents in cloth. 11. THE DEFORMED. By MRS. M.S.RSEI. One - volume. octavo. Price 25 cents. FAMILY PRIM By the author of" Pions." One large duodecimo volume, price $1 60 in cloth, or $L 25 in Paper cover. 'IRE WOMAN IN BLACK. A companion to "The Woman in White. " By WILKIE COLLIMS. Price $L 60 in cloth, or !1.26 in parker. Y. THE BRIDAL EVE. By Mre, EMMA D. E. N. SOUTHW ORTH. Price $l.lO in cloth, or $1.26 in paper. PETEESONS' NEW COOK BOOK ; or Useful and Preekeal Receipts for the Housekeeper and the Unini tiated. Containing Eight Hundred and Fifty New and Original Receipts. none of which have ever before been published. One large duodecimo volume. bound. Price */. THE LADIES' COMPLETE GUIDE TO NEEDLE WORK AND EMBROIDERY. With One Hundred and Thirteen illustrations. Being the beet work on the Sub ieet ever printed. One volume, cloth. Price $1.50. TILL • THE LADIES' GUIDE TO UWE POLITENESS AND PERFECT marivßas. By MISS LESLIE. Cloth. Price $l. GO. Ix. LIFE AND PIING SERVICES OF GENERAL FRE- M.taa. Price 25 cents. Copies of any of the above books will be sent to any one, free of postage, on remitting the retell price of the ones wanted to T. B. PETERSON dt BROTHERS in a letter. All of the at ove are published and for sale by T. B. PETERSON & BROMERS, 306 CHESTNUT Street. Flatailebtae, To whom all orders must come addressed POEMS BY HENRY PETERSON: 1 VOL. 11010. CLOTH TINTED PAPER. GILT TOP PRICE &1..;"25. [From flee American Literary Gazette and Publishers' Cireutar. • This volume appears without preliminary announce. rent, and without any accompanying efforts to catch applause It modestly places itself Upon its owe in trinsic merits; and after the reader shall hare perused it, he will agree with us that, although it comes un heraided, it deserves to be heartily greeted. The author is a member of the edil oriel profession. " who," as he truly states. "make so many reputations for others and so few for themse•ves. " We trust the latter part of this sa) inn is not destined to be verified in the case of Mr. Peterson, for many a poetic reputation, of temporary popularity and brilliancy, has been made imon far lees merit than is here exhibited In going through the volume, we are everywhere struck with the welt-•mtained excellence of its contents, and we not want/windy meet with stanzas of the most effective power. In tact, the entire collection is marked with far more real ability than is disclosed in mach of the Poetry which is mope. days so obstreperously and clamorously lauded. In its simplicity and naturalness. in the utter absence of alt etraiuing after mere verbal effect. and in the quiet, equable, and unobtrusive vein or true poetic rentinient which pervades it, the volume must be regarded as indicative of 'Sr more than ordinary ability. "The exile's Ad tress to America," is fail of vizor of expression and loftiness of conception; "Only a Woman's Hair" is extremely touching; the sonnets are chi titnlly constructed; "Laurel Hill" bait a local interest to Philadelphia; " Cora " is flowing and melo dious; and so we might go on specifying one piece after another until the entire contents were exhausted. We heartily commend the volume as a specimen of genuine, natural. unaffected poetry. [From the Philadelphia, Fuming Bulletin 3 The poems are all good; to e meiricat flow. in all cases, being musical and graceful. write the play of fancy is liberal and elegant. Moat of the poems are of short oc casional verses, such as are suitable for the columns of a periodical. The exception is in the poem of "The liivels," a well- sustain, d story in octoayliabic verse, which sea eery needed the apologetic note prefixed to it by its author. Mr Peterson's volume deserves to have many readers. • [From Arthur's Home Magarine There lea test of true poetry which most of the pieces in this volume' will bear; yon may read them a second time with an increasing interest The author's fancy is chastened by reflection, and he strives to make song the ek qoence of truth. We speak advisedly when we say that Mr. Peterson has given us a volume of poems with better and more enduring stuff in it than is to be found in two. thirds of the new books of poetry that have ap peared in the last five sears. J. B. LIPPIICOTT Sr Publishers, 0n7.2t 115 and 717 MARKEL" Street. ARMY GOODS. FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. I E.VANS Bz , klr. A_ S L. 1.4, VP k't•VNI NLO ; • DI 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Banners. Regimental and Company Flags, Swords, Sashes, Bette, Peasants, Branlotto& Hata. Caps, Can teens, Haversacks. Camp Kits, Field Glasses, Spurs, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy (Weer& • A liberal discount allowed to the trade. mhlo-1m FURLOUGHS. Officers and Soldiers, visiting the city on Furlough, needing SWORDS, And other MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, are invited to the Yen , extensive Manufacturing Establiahment of GEO: W. /SIMON S 33X10., SANSOM•STREE? HALL. SkNSOM Street, above Sixth. PRESENTATION SWORDS Made to order at the shortest notice. Which, for richness and magnificence, challenge competition, no other house In the country combining the MADILIFACTUgING JEW ELER with the rESZTIOAL SWORD-MAKI& m1a.0.2m FROTHINGFI3AIVE & WELLS NAVE VON SALE. HEAVY HEDIDAL AND LIGHT SHESTINGS AND SHIRTING'S. STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY 'DAYTON FLANNELS. WISH ROTOR AND VICTORY cumßitras AND SILECIAB. DROWN,_ELEACHED, AND CORSET JEANS. No. IN WORSTED . YARN. aus. calif tt A IDTER'B HAIR-DYEING ROOMS, 53 THIRD Street, above Chestnut. ap7 SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS. ARTIFICIAL HUMAN EYES Inserted without pain. by JAMBS W. QUERN & CO., 924 CHESTNUT Street. OPERA GLASSES AND OFFIDERS' FIELD GLASSES. Micromcopao for Physiclnes and Students. A very large emortment for sale by JAMES W. QUEEN At CO.. 924 CBES fNIIT dtreot 1/IATREMATICAL DRAFTING IN STRUMENTS. Cbesterman'a Metallic and Steel-tape Measures. For sale by JAMES W. QUERN do CO., 924 CHESTNUT Street. Priced and Illustrated Catalogues gratis. ruh.ffl-int RETAIL DRY GOODS. JAS_ R. CAMPBELL CIO, 727 CHESTNUT STREET, NM MADE EXTENSIVE ADDITIoirS To THEIN POPULAR STOOK OF fix,ics, SHAWLS. DRESS GOODS, Which they oontinoe to sell at MODERATE PRICES, NOTWITHSTANDING THE ADVANCED COST OF ILECENT IMPoR TATIONS. WHOLESALE ROOMS UP STAIRS. ap7-3m NEW MOURNING STORE. OPENING OS SPII.ING STYLES , MOIIRNING MILLINERY, AT 9M6 CHESTNUT STBERT. THURSDAY, APRIL 7_ M. & A. MYERS & CO. aD4-4t NOW OPEN, PARR-MADE MANTILLAS AND SPRING CLOAKS. Also. Garments of our own manufacture. OF THE Levier nTYLES, and in GREAT VARIETY. J. W. PROCTOR dr. CO., ap4-tap24 9740 CHESTNUT Street SPRING GOODS FIRST OPENING OF SPRING- DRESS GOODS, I=l J. F. YOUNG, (successor to T. FISHER), No. 70 North FOURTH Street JOHN F. YOUNG is now opening one of the most complete selections of LADIES' DBMS STUFFS that can be found In this market. Special attention is directed to the styles and 'prices. mh29•tathstf A T RETAIL." JAS. B. CAMPBELL & CO., 727 ORESTNUT STREET, Invite attention to their stock of STAPLE AND FANCY SILKS AND =MUMS El Gt-40001:NIS, Of very recent importation, embracing the most exten sive and desirable assortments that they have OYU offered. COURVOISIER'S KID GLOVES, BLACK. WHITE. AND COLORED. MOURNING - Gl-4343.331ii1. 34 and 8.4 BAREGE HERNANI. 3.4 and 8.4 CRAPE MARETZ. 3-4 said 8.4 TAMARTINES. 34 and 6 4 DELAINES. BYZANTINES and FLORENTINES.— FRENCH and ENGLISH BOMBAZINES. ALPACAS, in all qualities. MOURNING JACONETS. BLACK SILKS in great variety. All widths and best brands. mh9-1m B RIGHT PLAIDS. Polls for children, 31 and 88 cts. Drab Wool Delaines, finest qaalitv. 82% cts. Black Wool Delaines, 98. 50, and 62.34 cgs. Double width Wool Delsines. $1 to $1.31. Fine Drab alpacas, 62. 75. and 81. Superfine Black Alpacas, 31c to $1.31. Trevelingfifirese t• tuffs. Large stock Black Silks. Bowe bargains in Dress Goods COOPER Is CONKED, S. B. corner NINTH and lif 4111KICT Streets. DESIRABLE GOODS. PROM AUCTION. 25 V . eces Russia Diaper. $2 75. 20 pieces Russia Diaper. $8 60. 36 pieces Russia Diaper, wide, $4. 14 pieces Russia Diaper, very wide. $5. Also I 0 lots of Table Linens—all prices. Now open at JOHN H. STOKER', Rib2s NOS ARCH Street. 628.H00P SKIRTS—LA. 628 DI ES', MISSES', AND CHILDREN'S —The most complete assortment in the clt•. every style and size. For Snieb, durability, and cheapness, have no equal in the market. Manufactured at 028 Ascii Street- Skirts rondo to order. altered, and repaired. Also. bargains in Eastern-made Skirts, kid-padded and rivetted, hi springs. 65 cents; 20 springs. 80 cents; 25 springs 95 cents; i 0 springs, VA 40 springs, SL2O. 40 springs, disznond-tied. 80 . APS-60 PANE- CHESTNUT STEENT. BPRINIi TRADE. E M. NEEDLES Is now receiving, and offers for sale below present merit et rates. many novelties LACE AND WHITE NOODS He would eall " spacial attention" to hie assortment of over 20 different new fabrics and styles of White Good e , suitable for " Ladies Bodies and Dresses . " in stripes, plaids, and figured. puffed and tucked Muslims. 100 pieces of figured and plain Buff and White Piques. bought before the recent ad 'Tanga /AN , invoices of ilinipnre and Thread Lime, Thread and Grenadine Tens, Menge. insert lugs. Flonnoinger&c. Broad Hem-Stitcbed HANDKZROHIM ail /Dien. good quality, from 26 cents up. B ESTR BLACK SILKS IMPORTED. Wide and heavy Black Corded Silks, Magnificent Moire Antiques. ail colors. Splendid quality Corded Silks, all colors. Rich Chorea Stripe and Plaid Silks. Magnificent Grenadines and Organdies. New styles Spring Shawls. New style Cloths for ladies' cloaks. EDWIN HALL & CO.. Inl2l MG South SECOND Street. TT STEEL & SON HAVE NOW OPEN • a choice assortment of HIM SILKS.I Moire Antiques. roi to $5 Plain Corded Silks, $1.6231 to $8.50. Figured Corded Silks, $1.6231. Plain Poll de Soles. $126 to $3.25. Fano Silks. 750. to 115. Black Gros Grain Silks. $1.25 to 13.25. Figured Black Silks. $1.25 to $2. Plain Black Silks 417360. to $6. Plaid India Silks. 870. Light-ground Rich-flgared Foulards. 151.25 to $1.62. fe2o-tf Pos. 713 and 715 N. TENTH Street. 44 HER MAJESTY" CHAMPAGNE. THE ROYAL WINE,OF ENGLAND. A limited quantity of this superior Wine has been se cured for the undersigned, and the diet shipment of 5T cases has arrived, by the steamship Olympus. dims from the cellars of the well-known house of MBESRI3. DE 4.ll;cOGiR & CO.. at Epernity. France. The Present involve will be intro duced into this market at the very low price of TWENTY DOLL aREI PER CASE OF WARTS. Payable in currency, which is much below its first cost. The superior quality of this Wine is guaranteed, and It is offered wish confidence of its approval by connois seurs. Orders for one or more cases may be addressed, by let ter or otherwise, to the undersigned, WM. REERT WARD. Wine and Pratt Dealer, No. 7 BROAD, Street, near Wall, 1151-.40t NEW lONS. ANOTHER TERRIBLE DISASTER !- Why not learn wisdom ? When there is a Prevents- U. re to steam-boiler es plosions. why does the trifling cunt prevent its application? This great loss of life ant des. traction of property can be prevented by using PARRY'S PA's EN? ELRUTRIC ROD. a sure preventative to steam boiler explosions. For sale by A. J. PORTER, .421) WALNUT Street. 1Z EIMER'S COLORED PHOTO GRAPHS for $1 only are nianyea of rare merit, fine quality, pleasing Styles, and artistically colored; secure one without delay, at the popular Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green. -lt• WILLIAM WHITALL. No. 1119 FILBERT street, COLLECTOR OF RIMS. 01101311 D RENTS, &c. Also. Agent for mini County Mutual Insurance Co. Refers to Tho. S. Powers. William B. Thomas, T. B. Wood, Algernon B. Roberta. Whttall. Tatum. a co. , and others apt-7t' CARP ET 8.-NOW IS THE TIME they am fresh. and VSI7 best of colors. AM is. m 1122. lm.* WM. catsitaMlLS, Vo. 447 IL SBOOZID baL Mobla.east aide. CLOTHING. 1864. CLOTHING LATEST STYLES. WILLIAM S. JONES, MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SEVENTH AND MARKET STRESTEI. NELADELPIIIA Bespectfally invitee attention to his magnificent stock of FINE CLOTH ING, got op in impeller style, by taste• ful and experienced arilete, and offered for sale at exceedingly LOW PRIORS Also. to his large and choice varlets of PIECE GOODS for OM rom WORK. embracing selections from the finest productions of both foreign and do mestic manufacture, WILLIAM S. JONES, SUCCESSOR TO ROBERT H. ADAMS. Southeast eornar of SEVENTH and MARKET Stisots sta. 3mo CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE. 1864. 1864. • WtIITS Aka C MN. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WOOD AND WILLOW:WARE, b 425 MOM nun. Brooms. Pails. Tabor.' Wash-Boards. Baskets. Chil dren's Coaches and Chairs, Table and Floor 011 Cloths. Clocks and Looking Classes; Tie Yarns. Wick. Cordage. Carpet Chains. Twines. Cotton Yarns. Wadding. Colton Lam Batts. be. FRENCH AND GERMAN FANCY B issErm. Agents for the RALEY. NORSE, & BOYD= SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER. Bp7-2m PLANTATION BITTERS. WE HAVE LEARNED NOT TO BE • astonished at anything. Years of experience. and a correspondence extending throughout all nationalities of the habitable globe, have turned theories into facts and established a bards from which we need not err. Ws are not surprised at such facts as the following, although the persons who write them are. We know the persons and circumstances, hence feel at liberty to endorse their statements: `• NEW BEDFORD. Mass, Nov. 24, 1889. "DEAR gra: I have been afflicted many years. with severe prostrating cramps in my limbs, cold feet and hands, and a general disordered system Physicians and medicines failed to relieve me. While visiting some friends in New York. who were using Plantation Bitters, they prevailed nvonme to try them. I commenced with a small wine-glassful after dinner. Feeling better by de grees, in a few days I was astonished to find the coldness and cramps had entirely left me. and I could sleep the night through. which I had not done for years. I feel like another being. My apetite and strength have also greatly improved by the use of the Plantation Bitters. "Respectfully, JUDITH " REEDSEGU. Wis., Sept. 18, 1883. • • • • I have been in the army hospital for tone te•n months—speechless and nearly dead. At Alton, 111., they gave me a bottle of Plantation Bitters. • • • Three bottles reetored my speech and cared me. • O. A. FLAME. " The following is from Die Manager of the Union Home School for the Children of Voltmteere : " HAVEMEYEE MANSTOrf, FIFTY-SEVENTH ST.. NEW Yoair. Angnet 2. 18139. "Da. DBASE: Your wonderful Plantation Bitten have been given to some of our little children. suffering from weakness and weak lungs, with most happy effect. One little girl, in particular, with pains in her head, loss •of appetite. and daily wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, has been entirely restored. We commenced with but a teaspoon ful of Bitters a day. Bar appetite and strength rapidly increased, and she is now well. Respectfully. Bias. 0. M. DEVOE." " * * * I owe much to You, for I verily believe the Plantation Bitters have saved my life. Ray. W. H. WAGGONER. Madrid. N. Y." " • * Thou wilt send me two bottles more of thy Plantation Bitters. My wife has been greatly benefited by their nee. Thy friend, ABA MIME, Philadelphia. Pa." • • • I have been a great sufferer from Dvepepeia. and had to abandon preaching. • • • The Plantation Bitters have cured me. Ray. J. S. CA.TBOBN, Rochester, I. Y." " • • * I have given the Plantation Bitters to hun dreds of our disabled soldiers with the most astonishing D. W. D. ANDHSWit, Bnnerintendent EQ1,11.3110 Home, Cincinnati, O." " • • • The Plantation Bitters have cured Ime of liver complaint, of which I was laid up prostrate and had to abandon my business. H. B. NINGSLBT, Cleveland, 0," " EN* • Tha Plantation Bitters have eared me of a derangement of the kidneys and urinary organs that has distressed me for years. It acts like a charm. C. C. MOORS, No. 261 Broadway." &e.. &c., dm, Sm., dm. dm. The Plantation Bitters mate the weak strong, the lan guid brilliant. and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are composed of the celebrated Calisays bark, win tergreen, sassafras, roots, herbs. ac., all preserved in Perfectly pure St. Croix rum. S. T.-31360.-X. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weakness, lassitude. palpitation of the heart, lark of appetite, dis tress after eating, torpid liver, constipation &c., deserve to suffer if they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical autho rities, and are warranted to produce an immediate bene ficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and harmless. ROME.—Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bit ters in bulk or by the gallon is a swindler and impostor. It is put up only in our log-cabin bottle. Beware of bot tles refilled with imitation deleterious stuff, for which several persons are already in Prison. Bee that every bottle has our United States stamp over the cork, unma n/00d, and our signature on steel-plate side label. Sod by respectable dealers throughout the habitable globe. P. H. DRAKE ea CO., fe23-intlis3m DOD BROAD RAY. INSURANCE. INSURE YOUR LIFE IN YOUR OWN HOME COMPANY, A.IVIEJEtIC OF PI-lI.T_AA_IYE.I.I".IFIIA, S. E. corner Fourth and Walnut Streets. Insurers in this Company have the additional gust ratites of $2t.50,000 CAPITAL STOCK all paid up IN CASH. which. to ilther with CASH ASSETS, now on hand, amount to OVER 6'800,000 INCOME FOR THE YEAR 1863 OVER 5.200,000. LOSSES PAID DURING THE YEAR AMOUNTING TO OYER .G 2,000: DIVIDENDS MADE ANNUALLY, thus aiding the in sured to pay Premiums. The last DIVIDEND on all Mutual Policies in force December 31,1861, was FIFTY PER CENT. S PR: 117 6 ece V• • • • • : • • •.. Its TEITSTRES are Well-known citizens in our midst. entitling it to more consideration than those whose managers reside in distant Cities. Alexander Whllldin. J, Edgar Thomeou, George Nugent. Ron James Pollock, Albert C. Roberts. P. B. Mingle. Samuel Work. ALEX. WIIILLDIN, President. SAMUEL WORK, Vice President. JOHN S. WILSON, Sec. and Treas ap4-I2i FAME INSURAN4 -`• No. 4 06M PHI C L H ADI VIBE AND INLAI Mae rraneis N. Back, Charles Richardson. Henry Lewis, 0. W. Davis, P. S. Justice, Gteorge A. West, FRANCIS N. E COMPANY, DDT STRUT. LPHIA. D IbiSURANOL TORS. - John W. Ilvermaz. Robert E. Potter, John Kessler. Jr.. R D Woodruff. Char/es Stokes. Joseph D. Ellis. BIICIN, President. ARDSON. Vise President. ar.1.14-t1 MIAS. W. 1. ELAWCHARLI. Secret UPHOLSTERING. H. B BLANCHARD At CO., Northeast corner THIRTBENTH and CHESTNIIT'Iits Carpets and Matting msde Bedding. Hair Mattresses, die. Verandah awnings. STEWART DEP - IJY, • at M MaSOX'S. 253 South SECOND Street. above SPIiIICE.. would inform those who would pur chase Carpets, 011 Cloths. Mattings. or Window Shades. . that he is now selling from the largest and best sto a ok p-2-stato that hthO e hag, shown for MIRY years. _ COTTON BAIL DUCK AND CANVAS of an numbersand brands. Raven's Dusk Awning Twills, of all descriptions, for Vents. Awnings. Trunk and Wagon Covers. Also. Paper Meafsetrizars' Drier Pelte, from Ito a feet "lit Tarpaulin. Bolting. nail Twine am Jona W. ays>t J CO. g 11941 11IS William J. Howard. Samuel T. Bodine. Job. /*Hnan Charles F. Heazlitt. Hon. Joseph Allison. Isaac Hazlehnrst. 'AMUSEMENTS. EAST LYNNE DM WOOD. the Authoress of this most Popsies. Novel, hastlramatized h peclally for MISS LAURA KEENE. who has received it from England by the "CRY of "4. don." THE EARL'S DAUGHTER OF MST LYNNE, A PLAY IN 5 ACTS lb. fret Dramatic Work of DIRS. WOOD, will be croduccd by MISS LAURA IiEENE FRIDAY NIGHT, APRIL Bth, FOR RIR RRNIFIT, At the WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. anG4t MRS. HENRY WOOD, arti-Et EnT LYNNE. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF M. 11610. 4--x. SOIREE OYMNASTIQUE. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE GREAT CEITRAL FAIR OF THE SeNiTART COMMISSION. By request of the Committee on Exhibitions, Banefita, and Entertainments. A SOIREE OYMIASTIQUB. AND LT GRAND RE•IM1011 of the (Sawn eoe A n S eetod with the PH ILADELPHIA NATAToRIInd AND PHYSICAL iatsiTruTE, wut be he!d at the ACADEMY OF MllBlO, TUESDAY EVENING. April 12th. The chases of Masters and young Gentlemen. under the direction of Dr WM. JANSEIT. The classes of lonus Ladles led by Mies S. F. MOPHENS. The classes; of Gentlemen conducted by Messrs HARI3I34ON and 01130 A. The whole rerformance being a fall and practical il lustration of all the branches of modern Gymnastics and Physical Culture. and executed entirely by amateur/3p m• mho,s et the Institution The Grand Orchestra of thirty-six fltst class perform ers wilt, tu itself. pr ,, rs a `real attraction Tirecb r of the General Music Kr. HAWAII Director of the binge for the "Light Oymnastles. Mr LOSSE. F. LEY.POLDT, corner of CHESTNUT and JUNIPER Streets, has been appointed Treasurer, and Agent fur the sale of tickets. PRICE OF ADMISSION: *1 Parquet and Balcony Family Clrclo and amphitheatre MI cents No extra charge for reserves seats. Sale of seats to commence on Tuesday. April 12. Doors open at 7 o'clock. The performance to commence pnactuall y 8 o'clock. he sale of tickets at Mr. F. LEYPOLDT'S Book Store Will ciao at 4 o'clock P. M. on luceday. the 12th. ap7 fit GRAND SOIREES FOB THE - GRAND CENTRAL PAIR EiATERTAINNE ITS COMNININ" X ic ÜBIO AAD ALI BY pp v. sralsN ios • • - Pupils! of tho FIFTEENTH WARD PUBLIC SCHOOLS. AT ME ACADEMY OF MUSIC. FRIDAY EVENING, Aprill6tll, atB o'clock. and SATUR DAY AFTERATON. April 161 b, at 3 o'clock. Tickets 21 cantut adroit to otther antartainmant AO' WANTS. PAM:TT SALESMEN. WANT ED. V in a Wholesale Carpet Hones. in New York. one or tiro experienced and competent Salesmen. Tireee Laving an acquaintance with bayere pre 'erred. and will be libe• rally treated with. For particulars apply to JAMES. A. ELLIOTT at CO. Do 403 MANNET Bt.. Phila. ant-Sae '`}'NOR D B ABS.-FIRST-0 LASS Artists desire Situations in a quartette choir of some first•CillE6 Sniscopal Chureit. They are well acquainted with the Inisconal cerviees, and can elve first class re ferences. Address '• 'loner and Baca, " Stlft SADI.IOId Street.apo.3t* WANT ED.—AN ENTRY CLERK, v not (Iv: r 22 bears of age. > Address, with rbfs mice. Box 698. P-0. WAN TED.-A COMPETENT BOOK Y REEFER wants a permanent situation in a Nap candle, Commission. or Manntecturing Route. G)od reference. Address • "IL." Box 2il P. 0. apT WANTED—AN ASSISTANT MALE 2EACII.Efi In a Clapsical Academy. Permanent. Veasant position Phila. Teachers' lustitute. :417 S. TBIBIt Street. Its WANTED-A SITUATION BY A Young Ml N. at Clerk in a Railroad. frourance. Broker, r Leal office. Good accountant, and correct at fi Rules. Can give good reference. Addreee "P. 6 D," P 7,4,4 office. &P7-2c* N TED—AS FOREMAN IN. A CAR Factory. one Machinist. with some experience la Drafting; one Blacksmith. and one Moulder- None will be accepted without eatiefactory references ete to goolifi cationn. Bapecially most they be reli , c4te Union TIZ*7I. Apra, personally, at 945 Ridge avenge. oetween 10 and 11A. M .on Wit 9N:in/AY& the Bth and 13th, or by letter until the 13th, addressed as above, " Union." Alto, two or three good Moulders. ape-It. W AN TED-TO RENT, BY THE tint August. a large ROUST. with modern conveniences. situate between Chestnut and. Sprint) and east of Sixteenth St. Address Immediately, Box 1708 P. 0. aYB-26" WANTED-A SOBER, INDUSTRI ous MAN, to take charge of a Tatloilng Establish ment. Be must be a good Crater, and practical busi ness man. One who can come well recommended can have a good situation by calling immediately. It T. 0 tliitg. sp1•Bto QUAKERTOWN, Bucks county. Pa. WANTED-BY A GENTLEMAN • • and Wife the Dwelling part of a House in the vi cinity of lndependecce or Washington Squares, on or before June Is;. Would take the care of office. Very best of references given. !adzes , ' Box 1401 Post Office. mbl7 theta tf 86600 -AN .ACTIVE BUSINESS • Man. dogirous of changing his present business, would invest the above amount in a good tiom mission or Manufacturing concern "fa welt known in Philadelphia." Address , in real name, •• C B. S." at this office av - 3t.* -A BUSINESS WANTED, 86, 000 wbere energy, integrity, and capital can be safely and profitably employed—either office, commis sion, mercantile, or manufacturing. Address, with par ticulars, • Draco, ' Press office. r ape-tau:if 31. S 5 000 ANTED, A PARTNER 9 •-W with the above capital, to extend a safe and p rofitable Manufacturing Business. Address "Part ner. Preen office. mhs-3t. 876 A MONTH 1-I WANT TO HIRE AGENTS In every County, at *75 a month, ex penses paid, to sell _MY new cheap Family Sewing Ma chines. Address S. MADISON. Alfred. Me. [felt darWEin at WANTED TO RENT, FOR THE Summer months. a Raub bed Country HOUSE. within an hour's ride of the city by cars. Address- with fall particulars, `• W." office this paper. ay7-3t4 egg WANTED TO PURCHASE OR 1..4 RENT—A HOUSE AND LOT at or near CHESTP NUT HILL, or TO RaNT, for the summer. a place at CHELTEN HILLS. near the line of the Nurth Penn ey lvaide. Railroad. Adams •W. M. L.." No. 8 1 1 ARCH Street ao7-st* FOR SALE AND TO LET. T RO LET.-TH SRCOND, -A- and fourth floors at 235 MARKED Street, through to Church alle7- m 029 tf REAL I STATE, DESIRABLY SITU -a-a, ATED. le offered. et a fair mareet value. for - Stock °lithe BACK AND VINIF,-STRRETS PASSISNGIBR RAIL ROAD, at &liberal price. D REINBOTEI, apVdti' 4:36 WALNUT Siieet. Fon SALE- A DPSMA.BLE PRO -R- P.1311T7 in Eecond Ward. on MAItIOTIog LANE. near Fourth St.. will be sold on accommodating term's. For Particulate. nppir to CHAS. W. ziaiIIERMAN. Real tie tate Agent, 926 MOYAMBNSING aveuue.Zap7thst-3t* in FOR SALE OR TO RENT-A small COTTAGE on SIIIIINIT Street. CHESTSIIT RILL, with sae bath. and water. Apply at No ttO9 tooth 'FOURTH Sheet. ap6-6t• F 0 It RE N T-A VALUABLE MG& Store Stand In Burke comity. Pa.. 26 ranee from the city. near a hallroad: convenient Salesroom and Dwell. in g djoir g. Rent moderete. dreee B. J.."80x ern, Y. 0. ap7-4,0 L FOR SALE-AN ELEGANT RESI DENCE ON LOCUST Street, opposite St. Usrk's Church Thi. is one oz the most eligible and desirably situated houses in Philadtlphia. Apply to J. M. GU.IIVIBY & SONS, aP7-3t 508 Walnut Street. eit FOR SALE—A VERY DES MA MA BLE PROPERTY, the residence of the late Dr. Jacob bbaipless, deceased, with Eightstm Acres of superior Land attacked. It is situated in the borough of DU W/4114 GTOWN / Chestetcounty, within ten minutes' walk of the Chester Valley and Pennsylvania Railroad Stations. at which all trains stop. The Dwelling is very conveniently and substantially built. with Barn. 'Maul House. Spring House. and alt necessary out- building's- There is a gieat abundance of shrubbery. Pratt. and bbade 'hoes. Part of the land will be sold with the buildings, if desired. .apply to ABU. S. ititIBRIDaE. ap7.lm • DOWNINGTOWN P. 0. de GERMANTOWN PROPERTY AsEeLFOR SALE. by Thomas & Ron, on TUESDAY. April 12 —A large and convenient HOUSE. on CHURCH LAN S, in the country, yet near to railroad station. markets. stores, chnrchee, ac. It has heater, hot and cold hydrant water, and a well of excellent water, gas, and long porches Lawns on three sides, well sbaded with line old trees. A. good E tone stable and large kitchen garden, The pro perty will be shown by the tenant- Tents easy. ISAAC ap6-6tif" Ito. 407 WALNUT Sueet.3d story. do TWO LARGE NEW THREE STORY NAP SION'S, one with four and the - twelve acres of arena& all In complete order: also. one of eight zoome. TO RENT—Darby. Apply to B hIID DLETON. Darby. ap7 3G. .2;i FOR SALE—A THOROUGH Bred Trotting srALLToN. six years old, /5 bands 3 innhes high. a half brother to GILT, the Lteat Trotting Mare. To be seen at bteteon's, stables, in OCUST Street. below Twelfth street. ap7.2t* LOST AND FOUND. LOST- A CERTIFIOAI E OF S•PER CENT. LOAN OF STATE OF PENNSTLVANIA. for 0/4518.06. dated March 11 IKM. No. 764. in name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also. a Certificate .of o•Der cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, for the sum of faxi, dated June SA 1846. Mo. 1462, in the name of SLI PI M& administrator of William Meredith in trust. AP nlication has been made to the Auditor General for a re. naval of said Certificates felo-bn SW K. PUIOR. No. 811 ARCH Street. AUCTION SALE. BAZAAR NINTH AND SlN som. • SPECIAL SALE OF HORSES. THIS (TRIIRsDAY) MORNING. CORIMMICIDg at Il o'clock. comprising about FIFTY HORSiI. Full descriptions at sale Also, a pair of excellont mules. - INN- No carrisaes will be otTprad this dlr. ap7-2t if ALFRED II HERKTIESS, Auctimser. BAZAAR NINTH AND SAN ECM STREETS AUCTION SALE OF HORSES. CARRIAGES, A , ON SATURDAY MORNING next. At 10 o'clook, conwrisi of about SIXTY HORiES Full descriptions in catalogues Also, new and second• hand carriage. light wagons. single end double harness. saddles, bridles, din. r No postponement on account - of weather. Anr - kale of horses. An on Wedne.div next. Jai - Annual tale of rata . , 25111 of May. Rai - Carriages and harness at private sale. ap7.2t it ALFRED hf RESKaLESS. Auctioneer, YOUR CARTES DE VISITE ARE admired and popular: ever•body has them; do as cthers do. ao to B. F. REIMER'S ballery. 62F Alteg Street, and obtain a eet. lt* 'WI EATON & DENCKLA,HARDWARE _LA_ Commission Merebants, 507 COMMERCE And 510 NORTH Streets. offer for tale: Inclor Brand It alb.; Plymouth Mill Rivets W. & S. Butcher s Gag Meal; Seale Cabinet Looks. Patham's Horse Nails; Losko's School Slates, Copper, Brass. and Iron Wire; Cotton Cards. Also, a full assortment of imerlean Hardware. BUILDING HARDWARE. SPRAY HINGES,. T HINOML REVEAL f 61317T1'8R STRAPS, and all kinds of wronsht illmnifa large or small. SIILITTBR BOLTS, 11BOS BOLTS. and marry articles of Building and Carriage Hardware. manufactured and kept On hand at JACKSON IRON WORKS. mbll43m Office No. 2136 CHURCH Ails ffian nfeotnrso c of Warranted BgAbf and HAT WU-WM g WRI'LI'EN AND VERBAL DE , tuition and T Mrels'srfignit of lu sl e riefle i g t ; Health . Billet tion. Se/I. improvement, Management, and Train - ingTor CIEiILDUEN. social adaptation. 14., dal and evening, by JOHN L. Ch.Pll3l. Phrenologist and Bookseller. mhl9•etUth No. go B.SIINTEI Street, above Ch.estnd. AMUSEMENTS. MISS EMILY SHAW'S READING IN AID OF TH3 GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. AT THE MIMICAL VIED HALL On FEIIMY Emma. April Bth. 1884. Ar 8 o'cLOog. CORREiPONDIISCE. PICLADam , grl, April 2, 1854. farts Emmy Straw ; at airing heard hoW Ltd, vll . _,dtir: •• Readlnas " have peen aPOrd oll aug NeW agmla''"" &embers, we beg leave to Your kind Maces in aid of the Funds of the Private and Public School Depart ment of the Great Central Fair. We will be much Krell. fled even will favor the project by naming an early con venient dap, when we may have the pleasure to an nounceice our citizens the privilege of hearing that Yeu en will r Y ßecitat R lens or Readings. With sentiments of regal d, we ale ry respectfully, your obedient 'advents. Edward Shippen, Wm. H. Furness. C. J. GM& Theo Cnyier. J T. Thomas, Constant Quills% semi. J. Hooves, Wm, F. Judson, Geo. Jim kin. Jr.. Edward Hopper. Horace Binnoy, Jr.. Jos B. Townsend. LA PIERRE HOtran. April 4. 1861. Tr, Edraird Hhipren, Uharles J hum and, Jos. T. Lacks.rnaa. E+y ; tR !. I acknowledge, with Dlettenre, the taxi• tenon r °Moly extended to ere by II one:401M! and Oih er gentlemen of Philadelphia, to arra a Reading in aid of the School Department of the Oreat Central Fair. serum YOU t am meet happy to have title opportunity t, e mite Into the ttel.erons Fund your Fair will dernhtleen co:Arlin:as to the Sanltary canes. and all/ sec apart Friday Evening. April Bth for the propooed rot ig. Vence elncerely. EAU LT SHAW. nem MONIALS Alba SNaw's Readings have been the alibied or high enconicons, as will be Porteiv.d by the foltowlrur mon/a,e from tbo, e moat gnali fled to judge - Viz : FROM BR. OLIVER t r Vitem.:. est S! Ro-rros. Miss /thaw b a , much grace end dignity, a very Meet. empathetic voice, a line enenulatb,n, and, to my e ar, an almost faultiefre pronunciation. 1 !mini eo itale to criticise, that I feared I mug be wanting. In the 01 , 1 which detects faults. Fiume REY, JNO. MIRA' WATewrottru. Miss Shaw poeteAueo , power enough for the Popular ezargeretionn of some famous lisederi, be much sense and 'implicit, to give it the' d iyection. gibs is !aspired with the desire to remain , natural In tone. gesture, and expression, waste she preserves every dra ma:lo oy tender elemeatof tie author There is ul tack et, energy acd passion which libakepeere or Browning esquires: but the feeling of the page le delicately abated. and the true grace of woman c othes the/OWe: Mies Show use been kindly permitted to refer to the following gentlemen: Hon. Selmon P. Chase. Secretary of the Tr/Mum Hob, A. Buckingha. Governor of Connecticut. Barnes Sears D U.. President of Brown University. R. P Dunn. Professor of Rhetoric in Browh.Unlverelir. ht, pilau AL Decatur. U. S. N. ..Ino, b Dwlirbt, Editor of Journal of Music, Boston, Gilaa W Slack, Not . Boston. Hen. S. Rt.ckwood Hoar, Concord. Mans, READING PROGRAMME; Oa Plckat Duty' 3 G. Virb'llor. Charlie Zdae't rpo . Death of Joe (Bleak Roam) C W hasj:D i l f et P a l e a : yam ded W. E. Mtiler. Sam Weller'aValentlae Ohm Diclenn. INTERMISSION. • The Vagaboade lady Jonathan to Jr , hn The Hams& Lediklene More Elnl,abaloo Beading to commerce at 8 o'clock. Tickete to cents. with reFerved Reate. to be bad at GOULD'S. SEVENTH and CHESTNUT stn. apl4lt AURA KEENE, •-■- 4 ap6.2t KIST LYNNE. ACADEMY OF MUSIC CELEBRATION OF THE THIRD ANNIVERSARY F/EST REGIMENT "'PANTRY". (CRAY REiRRYES) GRAND MILITARY AND UITI3.ISNS' DRESS SOIREE AND PEONES DS CONCERT. TUESDAY EVENING. Aprll.9th, 1864. Proceed, to be day , ted to the GREAT CENTRAL FAIR FOR THE UNITED S/ATEW rra.RY COMMISSION. .. coMMITTEB OF ARRANOEMENTa Mn. F. P Nlobolson, I Dent. A It. Pm•la7s. mmi. Win. H. Morn, ; Lieut. Charles 8. tde. Capt. J. Londemlader, Lieut. Cleo. F. DCleaer, Capt. Wm. W. Allen. Lient h.. C. Wrsr. , rapt. Oeo W. Gal./oar, Lieut. B. fd. DusenberTF Capt. J. Parkecifartin. TIC RE CS, 9rEfr COnlert to carman At 8 t; Tickets can be procnred fro CeturnitDet oleo. member,. oir & bens. under the. C..nttnent, Co,. 173 Borth Second etreet. nyry OF LONDON, ap6 2t EAST LYNNE CONCERT HALL J. W. WILDER SIMMONS I SIMMONS: EIMMONS I THE GREAT LI.L.USIONIST AND BASILICOTRAuHATITEGIST. Maiticeo AND FLATTERING bUCORSS. THA IMMENnE AUDIENCES. CHARMED, MYSTIFIED. B 4NS AT .ONIZED, AND TEIRILIAD BY THS AIITONiAT OF THE REALMS OF MAGIO, Whoa WONDERFUL PERFORMANCES Surpass belisf. and "MARE ONE'S EIrES 1TF.......Fp0L 0' THE OTHER THE SPIRITUALIiii% WORELY PERPLEX /D By the astoutadt.g expoco: of their frauds am etiyeu by THE tAitkAT SIktMODIS. Intl; grand tour of . . THE BLOW). RED WRITING ON THE AE ILLUSORY MIRACLES Will be contintifd EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. New Tricks every night, in addition to the most beau tiful and mysterious of the feats performed by THE SORCERERS OF CHINA AND JAPAN. Including THE GREAT JAPANESE PAPILLIONAGEOUS MYS TERY: OR THE FLIGHT 0 .? THE BUTTERFLY. The most pleasing, graceful., and beautiful feat ever witnessed, and LE SABOT JAPANESE; ou t TOY-SPINNING ON a SINGLE THREAD, AND THE CAT,IGRAPHY OF THE. DEAD For further particulare see pamphlets. Admission.-- Gallery Children under ten years. Doors open al 7i &awe at 8 o'clock I GRAND MLT.iiES ON SATURDAY. apB-4t. ADY LAURA. J ap6.2t LADY ISABEL MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW Aiwa- STREET THEATRE. REAPPEARANCE OF MRS. Jo DREW. ROSEDALE, OR THE RIFLE BALL. Tbis great play, by Lester Wallach, Es% , will be pro duced. for the first Sate in Philadelphia, on THIS (Mon day) EVENING April ith 1854, and played EVERY BS SUING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, WITH EVERY SCENE NEW, BY Charles J. Hawthorne and R. S. Smith. Machinery by. John Forza, New and appropriate Music by Chas. N. Dod worth. filthier). Co,turoes by Vrannemaker & Brown. Fropertier and Appointments by George Barrie. , Dew Orient eller by. Cornelius & Baker. Upholstery by. B F. Milligan. Maitre de Dense. George Smith. EVERY MEMBER OF THE COMPANY IN THE DISTRIBUTION, AND MRS. JOHN DREW AS ROSA LEIGH. CHANGE OF TIME. —Doors ODOR at 7: commence at 8. Seats Secured one week in advance. without extra charge. FP.IDAY. Bencill of MRS. JOHN DREW. ROSEDALE. aPISt LADY ISABEL. -&- 4 ai.B-2t EAST LYNNE. WA L N UT. STREET THEATRE. • THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, April 7, T act night bat two of the engagement of Riga LAURA REEVE. and Comedy Company, from New York. Revi val, by particular request,< of the grand spectacular drama of THE SEA OF ICE, Pioducad with the same magnificent effects ae performed at Lsura Keene's Theatre. New York, upwards- of 100 nighto, introducing the entire Double Company. as also the principal members of the Walnut street Theatre Corn mar. The performance will conclude with the fare% WHICH sHa.r..l, I MARRY? LADY LAURA. apda E &ST LYNNE. aROV ER'S CHESTNTJT-BTREET N." , TREATER. LEONARD GROVER. .MANAOEM. IMKENSe SUCCESS IMMENSE SUCCESS of Benviertult's gnat American Drama, the OCTOROON, OCTOROON, hkh will he Tettttft:l . 11=11 - B . EVENING with all its Re ink:lp sis a GREAT CAST, SU.PRRB MUSIC. Acc., Acc. Regular Family Matinee. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, apt-6t .gpril 9. LADY ISABEL; ap6.2t LADY LAUBA ESSSI S. CROSS AND JARVIS AAA- Will give their Third WIRES in the Foyer of the Academy of Mimic on FuIDAY EVFISUNG, April Stlt, at S o'clock, assisted by Messrs. CARL GAERTNER. A. ROGGEN BURGER. THEO. AHRERD. L. BUCHNER. Tickets $l. each. .To be had ai the Untie &toren. ap1.24 COI CHI. SI ER (N 0 -HUMBUG) Writing on the Arm. without turning the back to the audience, a. la , lharlatam. COLCHESTER. THE OREAT TEST MEDIIDI. . . Will remain in town to convince partiee of. the truth of Spiritualism, when comvared with the Wicks of Ka cramancy and second.hand Jugglery. N. B does not cut off his own head or those of kQe yatrons. Call at 917 CHBSTIVIT Street, over the store. apfr2t• LADY LAURA LiDY IeABEIL GRAND LlTE s ß o A i l l ii; AND "MUSICAL HT THE ALUMNI OF THE GIRLS' HIGH AND NORIdAIs SCHOOL, AT THE ACADEMY OF MIJSIC. . MONDAY EVENING. Aorllll, 1964. At Bight o'clock. Tickets" 50 cents. Reserved Sestsitan be obtained at Gould's Musts Store, corner' of Seventh and Chestnut, without extra coarse. Proceeds for the Sanitary Commission. ELEVENTH -ST. OPERA HOUSE. "THE FAMILY RESORT." 'CARNCROSt4 h.ND BIXBY'S MINSTRELS THE GREAT STAR TROUPE OP THE WORM In their SELECT ETHIOPIAN SOIREES WendLl si ng i ng , Beautiful Danetne. LstiihaLS leagues, PlantAtion Runes. ke—Ate., by - TWENTY TA' SNTED ARTISTS. Tickets 2.11T1V,7 . Efolf aTFAMI.". fe27-3m J. L CAtcrouROSS. Bastian Mlneair. THE GREAT PICTURE . AT COP - CERT HALL LECIPULB ROOM Only a few days longer. Commencing TUE3DAY. April 6th. J. limo Williams' celebrated PANORAMA OP THE BIBLE. This Is the most complete and finished Paintingof the sacred Scriptures In the world. comprising over fifty of the =oat • -•- SUBLIME Al 9 THRILLING SCBISS% of the first three thousand ',ewe of Biblical Ristory, forming altogether one of the finest exhibitions of the age. OPEN EVERY EVENING at a quarter to 8 o'clock. Admission 25 cents. El B. Wanness on Tuesday. Wednesday. Pedal.. and atnrday afternoons. at 3 o' . lock . Admission for Children 10 cents. fele Ma LADY ISABEL Of BAST LYNNE. and LADY LAURA. p r li ERMANIA OaIIESTRA.—PUBLIC N." HERBARIUM , every SATURDAY, It 9 o'oloak. P M. at the IttUoicAL IPODTD 11111. L. steal* GAM* PP sent.. Package. of tteket.. 411. To be had at Ai. DEBT. 1104 CHESTNUT Street. T. B. GOULD, VENTH and CHESTNUT. and at the Hall door. fert. PENNSY LVA NI & ACADEMY CI , THE FINS ARTS. 10n5 CHESTNUT STREET. OPEN DAILY (Sundays (adopted) from A. K tiD B.• . d M. miesion 26 cent.. Children half wise. jal2l-kt r4 ,4= 44 , FOR ALBANY AND TROT. via Delaware and Rat.llan (lanai_ The barge bTACICTOLR, Capt. HUBBARD. le now loading at let Wharf. below STRUM, street, and will leave for the above points on SATURDAY. at 6 P. 111, For frelaht, which will be taken at reasonable rates, apply to D L FL ATIAGAN. Agent. 30A South Delaware Avenue. ICORRECT PIANO TUNING.. —Mr. 0. E. SAMGRIT'S Orden for ThklS and Reptlens_ Pianos are reoeived at MASON .111 00.3 Store. 907 CHEST/MT Street, onto'. Mr. S. has had eleven years' factory experiense tai am. ton. and Ave y ears employment in Philadelphia SPECIAL —Pianos rehmtherad to sound as eott anilA sweet-toned as new. wittwat rnaootaff. larmafor 141-9/9/1 J. T. Trowbildge. Tentyson: J B. Lowell. .thorgo H -13osor. T. kiwid, KEE DOLT,AH3. Veloeh. Deflator( at 14. rom any of the above-named .f the Regtmen (i. 0 aktore tal Hotel, end at Fot ring as ap3. tune Manager 60 cents
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers