Powder Magazine at Nashville. The Nashville Thous of Meech 29 contains the fol. /owing description of the magazine now being erect ed at that place The large magazine, which has been for sometime Eder litofielia of construction, is rapidly approach ing completion, Coo wio be, when finished, the moat capacious and most thorough magazine in the conn ery. The magazine was planned. and built by Lieutenant Wil/ett, of the 38th Illinois, who has been in command of the engineer depart ment at this post for a considerable time past. The .magazine is built on the alto of the old city hos : petal, which was destroyed by fire in February. 1863, and Is situated in the centre of a yarn of eight sere., which is surrounded by a stone wall. When completed St s ill be With. vrc or. and will be covered with at least 12 feet of earth. The riegazine is over two hundred feet lone and sixty-live feet wide. It is lighted by mean. of re iloottile lentos woieh are placed in fire-ptuof chambers outside of the structure, the light passing through windows into the magazine. It is thoroughly vrntilated, having fourteen ventilators, 'besides high and large double doors at each end. There is an air space around manning. flooring ; sea ceiling, and the ground. waffle, *no roof. This space connects all round, and la also provided With venti /Mora, so that dampness cannot reach the magazine. Resides th ree there are lance drains running under the entire work. A Manch railway is being built to conn ect the magazine yard with the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, and is nearly finished. The structure has been named " itlagazlce Gran ger," in honor of our popular post commander. AU Of the immense quantities of powder and Axed sin munition, which has for a irdig note jeopardized the Tires of our People and the existence of the town, has been transferred to the structure abovemen- Mote d. Patents to Peousylvaulans. Tee following patents were issued from the United States Patent Office during the week ending March To Wm. Adamson, of Philadelphia, Penna., for improvement in pulverizieg m‘eubles. To John Cannon, of New Richmond. Penna., for improved mode of conferment! on surface of rivers. To Henry B. Chess, of Pittsburg, Penna., for proven sinew bead. To William Henry, of Wyoming, Pa., for Improve. went in ploughs. To George Shepherd. of Philadelphia, Pa., for len proved liniment for thellmatiain. &O. To Hamilton E Smith, of Pittsburg, Pa , for bib proved washing machine. To Jacob J. :quirt'. of Philadelphia, Pa., for im proved bedstead fastening. To JaMell Smith and Allan Greta', of Terryville, Pa., for improvement in apperatus for separating gas from petroleum. To Frederick McKee and Chao. Ballinger, of Pitts burg, Pa., assignors to McKee & "Brothers, Of thB same place, for improvement in glamepreilaing ma chine. To George IL Sellers, of Phoenixville, Penns. , assignor To the Phoenix Iron Clompnag, of the same place, for Improvement In the manufacture of bar links. To Henry T. Staines, of Scottsville, Pa. ' assignor to Robert Baird, of Sburlessburg, Pa., for improve ment in revving machine. RHIFIBUISD.—To H. K. Parsons, of Harrisburg, Pa., alnignee by melee assignme n ts of Jacob H. Mamma, of The same place, for strew cutter. Pttented Janet. sup 26,1868. Reissued September 6, 1859. EXTENDED.—To Ar:dtew Fulton, of Pittsburg, Pa., for compound bard and loft metal packing. Patented March 26,1850. To Daniel Bias, of Punesoeville, Pa., for im proved attachment of thetas hammer to BS helve. Patented April 2, 1860. THE FINE ARTS. The "Monastery of the Madonna de/ Sasso," -which the Borten critics term the masterpiece of Mr. Paul Weber, is still on exhibition in that city, by consent of the public }limited Bostonian who hat purchased it. All of Mr. Weber's pictures have had great success in that peculiar metropolis. Ball's equestrian Statue of Washington, now finished, will Noon be exhibited. The Boston Tran. senpl remarks: " The statue seems to us the best of the kind ever moulded in the United States, and as a work of, art will place Mr. Bail in the (rout rank of contempora• r 5. sculptors. Rere. almost or the drat time, we have a statue of Washington which gives us the beauty and grace as well as the agony, endurance, torn tude, and fidelity of his character and life. Tito air of unmistakable commund in his countenance and bearing is the effect of no strain and effort, but is simply the natural exptession of those inherent qua- Mien which have drawn to him the love and venera tion Of the world. Byre we have the commander of himself as well as of the American forces here the glorious repose after great action, the rest of facul ties used for the country's service, and matured in it; and here that perfection or manly beauty which shows in every feature the mouloing influence of great principles and great experiences. The dignity and grandeur of the lase are hardly more impressive Than ill sweetness and bun hnityi to that it attraeis as well as commands, and intones affection as well as reverence." A mirrrest from Rome says Miss Hosmer has now in clay a teautitul model of Columbus, In the atti tude of holding the tiller in the "one more night" which, tradition says, the crew allowed him to ?earth the New World. The position in good keeping with the story, the figure not peering much into the distance, but self-reliant and earnest. THE statue of the late Hon. Horace Mann has been executed at Rome. by Miss Stebbins. a young American artiste, and a protege of Miss Charlotte (Adamant A correspondent says "it Is a very ar tistic 'deduction, and would do honor to any sculp tor. The statement in foreign journals, copied into some American papers, that this statue was the work of Miss Homer, is an error," Lawrence VT- Peyton, one of Morgan's (Ahern, 6021 of tic-CongreSiman Peyton, shot at Camp Lot - kaot, by Sergeant Young, an assistant of the provost marshal, a few days ago. The drawn :tams are related by a correspondent of the Beat more American, MI follows: "The rebel asked Young to get him a bottle of whisky, and when he refused, aisying it was contrary to orders, Peyton denounced him as fit companion to the negro-guard, a !toward who did not dare to shoot, &a. The sergeant pulled out his revolver and started toward the gate. Peyton attempted to kick him, and he turned and shot him dead. Peyton was about thirty-five years old, a private belonging to Company I, 2tl Kentucky - Cavalry. The shooting occurred when the prisoners were being assigned to their quarters.” N.— Through the instrumentality of Dr. MaoGowau, casts have been taken of the heads of three of the Minnesota and Dacotah Cniefs, now la Washing- ton. There was some hesitancy when it tame to the point, but their fears were removed by witness. ing the operation upon one of their half-breed inter.. preterit. Qu&wish-an.se-iah, which, being inter preted, we are sorry to say, means "Bad Boy," was the first to submit to the process. The can is em cellent, he having very striking features. Dr. Mac. Gowan, on measuring "Bad Boy's" head, 'found that in every direction it was one inch larger than any in Dlr. Wills , collection—the one next largest to this Indian head being that of Secretary Chase THE CI 91"1" Thermometer APR/1G 2, 1863. 1 APRIL 2, 1864. 41 .6.... M.... 1.12 X__..B P. 11. 6 cit..... 16 711.• .6,3 P. li. 5934 4934 BO 39 40.. 4 .. .... 35 WIND. WII.II. S.. SSW. SW by S ENE ENE NE APRIL 3.1565. I APRIL 3, 1864. 6 A. h . 12 11.....ir. IL a A. M..... 12 h.... 3 P. IL 1 41 .15% 51% 32 WIRD. WIND. - WNW. • • .NW NNE N1VE...... NE .NE Shocking Tragedy at the Continental Theatre. THE CORONER'S INQUEST_ On Saturday evening, about 9 o'clock, a murder was committed in one of the private boxed at the Continental Theatre. A- young woman, named Margaret Baer (otherwise known as Maggie Mitchell), formerly of Pottsville, Pa., WOO shot and instantly killed by a young man, 20 years of age, named William Howard Mitchell, who say. that be was formerly employed as a fireman on the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad. There were many rumor. mewling the afrair proximating to romance. Toe reality of the terrible occutrenee wag elicited by the Coroner'. jury, yet ter day afternoon, at the Central Station. THE SCENE AT THE CENTRAL, The vicinity of the station house was crowded by a dense mass of citizens, and toe %Aka wee in filled that some time elapsed before the °Moen of the law could proceed. The jurors were seated in the rear of the platform, the coroner occupying the main Tar. EVIDSROM Sallie Price, sworn. --I live in Fifth street, above Spruce atrett Redw the young man (Mitchell) Ye& teiday, at the Robin, Hudson's alley and Chest. nut streeßaerht ; tere were sevl otherarties there Maggie and Mitche ll era were pres e nt; all that I he ow, he seemed to treat her well enough; when I went in they were playing euchre for drinks; he seemed to have been drinking rather freely; she did not drink while I was there ; him beard ask her not to forget what she had profaned ; be made no threat at the time; he told her once that if she did not do as he told her he would whip her; he threatened her once in Burlington to shoot her she did not do as he told her; this was two or three months ago ; yes terday they only conversed in a few word s ; so far as- I heard a it was about four o'clock in the afternoon ' the left . the Red Robin to go to the theatre, and he remained behind; when I left to g o . to the same plate, then he left toz gi t t here also ; wheal got to the theatre I saw le seated one of the he house s ate pri boxes to the eft hand side of ts oo in ; I there, and but a short time y e l ap s ed beforewent in the shooting took place; when he flint came la he did not speak; he pushed, and I told him to atop that ; he said, " wait a little, and I will talk to you ;" he them spoke to Noggin he asked her if she WAS going. to ao what he wanted ; she kind of hesitated a n e ttle • I spoke to her in German to say yea ; he repeated 'the same queftion, and Maggie replied yes ; ne then Area the hiatol three time*, and the fourth time it snapped ; e had one arm on a chair, and the pistol in his other bud inliii pocket ; the deeeased was not mar ried ; she was twentp.two yeah of age; see lived in the same house where I do; I never saw Mitchell at the borne; she often told me that she did not care mush for him, but only for what she could realm ell bin; she was roiled in Germany; have known her nine month' ; the Red Robin is a drink ing saloon. to Question by Coroner Taylor. Would you be able Answr. identify hint it you saw him. ertiny, sir. Coroner to Lieutenant ftendersou, of the Reserve OHM Will YOU be iced enough to send a couple of °Mars to bring the prisoner betel. Tfarsoner was introdused, in a few minutes, by aco of officers . Quite a eensation took place, Incident to that fee/leg " attletlf tO see him, The prisoner stood tip; he was calm. Witness. This is the elan who fired the pistol. The prisoner was handed a chair and seating him well therein, buried bin hum in a ierdte hanekeratilef And remained silently in this oosition, indicating • deep grief. Benjamin P. Sparks sworn —I reside at sto Clark O a Second ward ; aft employed ofileer at the Continental theatre; I teas there last night ; all I know of this affair is , that this young man wanted Ma to go to the bar and take a drink; i declined, and he put his hand ont-and said, "Ocol bye; I'm going to York to-night, or maybe to Columtus;" I knew that he had some difficulty with a woman ; he want. ed to go back whet" she was, and asked to go into the box; I told:hfan that he knew nobody had a right to go there Wen be hole eheek ; be then said, " Oh, I only want to go for a minute, to bid her good bye ;t I still thought that probably he wanted to make a fuss with some one of the young men sitting in the box, and, supposing that he might have a black jack , I telt him, and he said, "Do you think I am a.— fool," or something to that effect . ; he then went back, and the next minute or NO heard the repott of lea l ; Went there, and - found that she had ke over ; by the lime I at. rind there I saw two lashes as I wear:UMW back; -be made no threats to me ; he bad the pistol in his • hand_(ristol shown); I cannot identify the pistol, but this looks like the one he used ; I had seen both 'the prisoner and the deceased at the theatre even. : Inge before ; I was aware they had some dIIIIOIIIIY I Immo lama love ankle; I think the prisons!had been , but abaft say that he was drunk I .I eh* he knew what he was doing; I did not see Lim him take a drink at tbe theatre left night ; I did not a the pinto' when I made a grab for him; some eearlied for it. body Ole Beside at 407 North Seventh Jae tow swore.— etreet ; was at the Oonlineatal Theatre /ad night, on the strripegan,or,Stme box, when the Out . tuned and saw two gashes; did not shot Was see who emir -ibbm SAW the : pistol when , it was thrown ddowntkinitudgigAMpletolApietolftiown) iwo • Salli G swoin.—r live on Fifth. .t; ru e se street ;/WY In the privet° NM ge Meer tro hut n i g ht ; wan owed on the young lady'. lap ' who was killed ; she was teeing me ; he elm° in and m a m a h es if she WAR going SO do what she had pro mised, for he was going Wed was tired three times ; she pushed out of the box ; the i t s vas yell iti " o th t, man who fired the pistol ; I have Prisoner tbe seen him several times at the Red Robin ; Saw him then pistol them y a .terasy playing euchre ; I did not hear him make any threats; he hew some talk with me; he evoke kindly about Maggie; this was about an hoar before the shooting meturred at the saloon; he said that he lied had a long talk with Maggie, and was smielled ; I had been sitting on her lap but a short time when he came into the box ; he did not sit down ; he pushed himself into the box, and the whole affair was over in the space of a minute; he had drank freely at the Red Robin during the day; the parties pixy euchre there for drinks ; young ladies and gentlemen play there for drinks; no rooms are kept there; I don't know Whether the two ever lived together or not ; I never saw him at our house; saw him four weeks ago at the Red Robin; Maggie used to see him there; never heard him say he would whip her; never heard him make:any threats ; the house where I live is kept by an Old Frenchman ; two girls will mit a room and sleep there together ; I have been there two or three months; when we took the room, he said we should not relative the visits of gentlemen. [lt may be proper to state In this plate that the landlord who rents these rooms out was bound over by Pollee Magistrate White, about two or three months since, for keeping a disorderly house.] Mary Davis sworn.—l live at Twelfth and Loma streets; I was seated in the opposite private box at the Continental Theatre, Jest night, when this affair took place; I saw a man rush into the box, and push some one aside who exclaimed s• take acre Irs it was Sallie Price that was pushed ; I saw him go to Maggie, and kind of bent down a little, as though he was talking to her; I saw him pull a plated out, and put it to her temple, as I thought, and he tired; the ball struck the box at my feet; I exclaimed, "Oh, Wi ll ie has shot Illoggle t" I had seen him at Koombs' place, the Red Robin ; never heard any threats made ; Maggie asked me to go to the post r ince for her as a favor; I asked her why she did not go herself ; she said she would tell me after- Wards • linked her to tell me now, and she said that Willie had threatened that be would kill her tettigirt or to-morrow night; I said to her why site did not make up with him; she said the could not love him; I don't know anything about the place where the parties live in Fifth street. . Clara Snyder sworn.—l live at the Frenchman's, on Fifth strut, above Spruce; I was in the entry of the Continental Theatre when this occurrence took place ; I did not see the shooting ; as he was going to the box he said to me, "Clara, Rood bye." lie said he loved her, and if she did not toys hint nobody else ever should, as he'd have her tot. This was said VS me at the Red Robin ; this place is a drinking saloon ; have seen the prisoner there different times, some times in her company ; don't know whether she was in the Red Robin at the time he said he'd have her /ire • I never saw him at the house on Fifth street, above Spruce* it was on Thursday when he made the threats; the man who keeps the house where I live allows, no gentleman to come there ; have been there about six weeks ; we pis board ourselves. Annie Slayer sworn.—l live at Fifth and Prune ; I was in the private box at the theatre ; I saw pri. sorer come in and say to Maggie, do yeu intend to do as I asked you, and I think he told her that he was going to York tonight; she said yes ; the con versation attracted my attention; the firing then took place; I have seen him once or twice at the Red Robin ; three shot, were fired ; I saw the pistol, but cannot recognize the weapon. James Coition sworn.—l live at Hartford, Con. nectictit ; I was at the Contineetal on Saturday night ; this young man (the prisoner) came rushing into the private box ; there was a waiter-girl at the door; as he passed her he almost knocked her down ; she said something like this " Can't you go in without knocking a person down'!" he said some. thing to this effect to one of the females seated'in the box " Are you going to do what I asked you to do taday 1" she replied? " I don't know" he then repeated the question, and she said " Yes fn he then shot her ; she was seated in the extreme corner of the box; he was within two feet of her; about as far as he is from me now ; he fired three shots, and the fourth time the pistol snapped; when he had done this he exclaimed, hilted tier; take me out and hang me;" he was taken in charge by cams ; this pistol [weapon shown] looks like the oue he used ; I had no conversation with the man ; never saw him before, nor since until this morning, abodt two o'clock, I happened to be at the cell door when the Officers took him out to wash himself; I did not speak to him ; there was no one with him when he came to the box at the theatre; he then appeared to be excited and in liquor. John Sherry sworn.—l live in New York city, St. Mark's place ; I was in the private box when this matter occurred ; when this young man (pri soner) came in I was sitting or,rather etanding,olose to a young lady ; she got back to give him come room; he asked a young lady a out doing some- , thing; first she said ai I don't know," then she said " yes ;" I turned around to look at a ivaitereso when the shots took place ; I saw the second and third shots ; the fourth attempt the pistol snapped ; I never saw him before ; think he was slightly In toxicated ; he did not stagger ; I was not to com pany with the girls ; he was not so much intoxicated as motto know What he were doing; I do not think that I can identify the pistol. James Milligan, a soldier, residing 616 South Thirteenth street, was near the private box; heard two shots ; I sprang into the box the third shot was then fired ; a girl grabbed him ('prisoner) by the breast,- heard no conversation; she said nothing when she was shot but " oh !" The young Tau was drunk. _ Joseph Barclay sworn.—Live in Bedford county ; belong to 138th Regiment; was seated In the box; the young women on the left and myself on the right ; heard no conversation ; heard the report of the pistol and thought it was on the stage; heard other shots, and lookingiisw the prisoner with tile pistol; she made no remark when she was shot ; the young man threw the pietol away just as some one arrested him. Charles P. Charlton (soldier) sworn.--1 reside at 616 South Thirteenth street ; I was five benches from the private boa heard the reports of the pistol; thought the , reports were on the stage; heard three shots;• heard some one am With an oath, "Don't re;" heard some one exclaim, love her! done! Arrest sne!" From the appear. ance and action oft he young man, I should auppose be was under the influence of liquor. George W. Ettinger, soldier , sworn.—l reside at 1702 New Third street, below iitilumbia avenue; was at the Continental on Saturday evening ; Was sitting in an orabestra.chair, not far from the private box; heard the shots ; sprang into the box ; grabbed him; ending the young woman was shot, I let go of him and picked, her up, and asked for help; tne officers took the man, and with some help we carried the woman back on the stage ; she wee dead; the man, when be shot her, was standing a little to the right, and rather back of her; S don't think I could 'wog• nize the man. James Dobson, soldier, sworn.—l live at Camden, N. J.; belong to Company B, 6th Pennsylvania aim valry; was in an orchestra chair• this man (prisoner) I i came in and spoke to the lady; saw a flash at the ! same time; .1 jumped up; a second shot wee tired; • heard some one cry out, "halloo ! what are - you doing ?" then a third shot took place ; then the ids , tol snapped ; I sprang into the box and helped to i take him out; I then as/Wed in carrying the de ceased back ; I saw a man pick up the pistol, where it bad been thrown ; should know him it I saw him; this pistol looks like the one used on the mansion. William Brown, soldier, sworn. —I belong to Berke county; was in the private box; this man (prisoner), to the beat of my knowledge, rushed in, but I paid no particular attention to him ; beard the report, then saw him with the pistol In his hand ; I think the man was in liquor. William Miller, sworn.—l live in New (Menne ; was under tbe private box at the first shot ; I looked up, and saw the man fire the second and third shot ; be then threw the pistol away ; it struck the wall, and fell; never saw the man ioefore; the prisoner looks like him ; I did not get into the box. a Thomae Moore (police officer), sworn—Officer Rice and myself, hearing the reporte, went to the box and fetched the prisoner out; he said he loved her ; I asked him it he had been drinking anything; he said "No ; only a soda cocktail ;" he said he told her that nobody else should have her; this was a voluntary statementon his part. Officer Rice corroborated the above witness. Dr. H. B. Shapleigh, gworn,—ldec ea se d ; ost-mor tem exataination ot the body of I found three wounds—a slight one on the thigh, another above the arm-pit, another in the back part of the split,' the ball which ma b e tw e enn in her head I one part lodging he scalp and the I bone, and the other Part penetrating the substance I of the brain to the depth of one and a half to two i inches; of the other wound, in the arm-pit, the I 1 ball entered between the first and second ribs, and passed directly through the aorta, within three inches of the heart this ball was fdund in the thorax ; either of those two wounds w oul d have caused death ; the wound that severed the aorta Would cause death sooner than the other; there was no clotted blood around the wound on the , brain, but there was some little around the other • 1 this last wound was evidently the cause of death,' which must have been instantaneous. 1 Mr. Romba, the proprietor of the Red Robin, was Ii sent for. On being placed upon the witness stand, and duly sworn, he said: I a drinking saloon on , Chestnut street, between Tom and Fourth streets; I my place is allied thel Red Robin ; I have seen the about fe ris air bten u tli n geto a n c le s r a at h y i f m or i t h ere telifs e L terli onll f; have seen the young lady there, too, talking with him; they were always quiet ; much more so than Many others Who some there; the prisoner drank some there yesterday; I did not see him with a pia tol ; don't know how many times he drank ; never keep count bow many times people drink; I drank with him once myself ; we drank whisky ; I went away at 6 o'clock, leaving hint there; can't say whether she drank anything or not ; I never pay attention to what people drink; young men and wo come there, play Garde, and get a drink, then go out ; if the prisoner and the young woman ever did any quarrelling in my place they did it very quietly. Tile evidence here closed, and the jury retired into the detectives' room. After a short eonsulte tion, they adjourned to meet at four o'clock this af ternoon, to make a verdict. We were present on Saturday night when the prisoner was brought into the turnkey's room, lie was drunk and excited. He made use of some ex• preasioni about loving the young Woman ; that he abet her • desired to know if she was dead. "Oh, is she dea d ' l" The polioe officer, to ease his mind, replied "no ;" the young man then burst out into a drunken cry, and said his father and mother lived in Poplar street, Wilmington, and desired a telegraphfs despatch to be sent to them. He said something about hanging on/the nearest tree; whereupon he was placed into the cell. Upon his person was found 1 a letter, the orthography of which Wag had. Tins epistle was directed to " Dear Maggie." It gave her _ . some suttee about not drinking ; said he was going to send her some money, he. It was dated Merck 30, 1864 and **nod William Howard rditohon. OFFICERS Ppit COLORED Titoors.—DUthig the poet week twenty-three students of tha Free Military School for applicant, for commuted of colored troops, established by the Supervisory (Ow mittee appeared before the Board of Examiners at Washingiten, Were paned, and recommended for the positions named below : For Colonel—Henry W. Barry, civilian, of Louis ville, Hy., aged 22 IFor Lieutenant Cokmer,--Clharles J. Wright, of Ver moat, civilian, aged 24. For Mojor—Robert E. Stewart, civilian, of Pitts burg. Pa, aged 22. , For Captalns—John W. Taor L eivilian, of Harris burg, Pa., aged 38; Henry V. martin, eivilMn, of Vermont, aged 29; Horace F. Burr, civilian, of Maine aged 20 ; George Miller, private, 148th Penn sylvania Regiment, aged 19; Samuel J. Shoop, corporal 149th Pennsylvania Regiment, aged 23; Albert D. Wright, sergeant, 149th Pennsylvania Regime n t, aged 28; Alpheus Clark, private, 14th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corm aged 28. / For Find Lieutenants—Edwin Walton, Jr. civilian, of Philadelphia, aged 14 ; Wm. Baird, private, 6th Michigan Cavalry, aged 23 ; John P. Hawahurst, Private, ha Ti. 13., Sharpshooters, aged 19; Edward, Boden, civilian, of Spring fi eld, MAUL aged 20 Philip Di Corp. °Milan, of BhOde Wand, aged 20; , Daniel Iliteheock, private, 2d New TOM Artillery, aged 35. For Second Lietelenesifs—George Orttik.hank, germ, 4:b Ohio Cavalry, aged 21 ; Walter D. Work, 8341 Pennsylvania Regiment, agedßu les Dercierton,_private. 107th New York Reel merit, aged 9.0 uriah R. Burkert, sergeant Bth Pennsylvania Reaervea, aged 27 ; Frank Y. Rich 19ond,pe, rat Gonstrattent Heavy Artillery, aged ; JAMBI X. Kintner sergeant 143 d Pe - lir nia Regiment, aged 22; Ph ilip ga g a Connecticut Cavalry, aged 25 -- "* ..111 " 1 Up to April 2d, oinety'studenfs of the sebool have appeared before the board, and been recommended an follows : 2 for colonels, 4 for lieutenant colonels, 6 for ma jors, 28 for captain., 24 for first lieutenants, and 26 ifor iteeond Rentenant..— Two-third. of.the above havir been somminioned, and are now in command of colored troops. FIRK ON PROW, STAXwm-mkbotm half peat seven &sleek >on._Eiatiudasmaorniag, afire broke out in the eottom waide= , warehouse of F. Lodge & Co., on Front - street, above Market. The damage that ensued le not vemheavy. Au humane. of $2,000 in the Royal will greatly sealed the loss. A girl, t seem& had made Bra la,the Motu. •A heavy Olt of wlod mom Ake northeast osfiliod a. beak draft, whisk blew theheck* into the roam, moor some loose waste on = Ofir. Male Ignited, and the flames spread.quiskly. The basement of Am store of_ blooms. Fitter, Weaver. & do., On Wan' street, same In for an unavoidable flow of WOW; Width dlllikkP4 the INkw 01l Ow" BPRING. OPRIVING AT POINT BARIZZB Pertk.—The preliminaries to some egotting rages at Point Breeze Park are being made. The trotting meeting will take place early in May, at which the most liberal premiums will be offered. Tne time is also fixed for the running meeting. In the latter pert of May a aerie. of entertainments of the most elevated character will be inaugurated for the benefit of the United States Elanitary Fair. Rome* from the States of Kentucky and Tennessee, and from a large number of the best stables In the country, have been promised, and, therefore, it is likely that the approaching season will be gay and attractive in the lively and exciting scenes of the turf. The Point Breeze Park Association . possesses Cu elevated character, such as the gentlemen Who Onion it can impart to anything they engage in. A MAGNIFICENT FLAG.—The committee on "Labor, Income, and Revenues" of the great Central Fair for the Sanitary Commission, acknow ledge the donation, item Messrs. Evans ar fluesll of a magnificent flag for the use of the committee al /to office, No. 118 South Seventh street. It will be extended over the street tomorrow (Tuesday), and we hope will more generally attract the attention of contributors to the work of the oommittes, wbiah reaches every branch of industry in the community; every bank, railroad, express, and teiegrnai coat pan, down to every working man and woman in the country. SIXTY SEVENTR REGIMENT P. V. —TIIII3 gallant regiment is expected in this city this morn. ing, and will parade through the priniipat 'treat*. The men have re-enlisted as veterans, and the regi. Colonel John F. Staunton, onset our fellow citizens and well trained officer. the 67th his seen much so. wentab ifilt 350 larnOlf. Under the command of tive service, and whelk Milroy was detested at oheiter, cut their way out, directly through the midst of the enemy and came into Harper's Ferry. Almost every county in Pennsylvania is represented in their rar ka. Major Harry Whits whose shame in. Libby Prison caused the dead lock in the State Senate, was attached to this regiment W 11612 %skew a prisoner. Let the boys have a hearty welcome. Sol Dims PASSING THROUGH —Between 8 and 4 o'clock, on Saturday afternoon, the MA Re giment Connecticut Volunteers arrived in tubs city, from Newbern, N. 0, by way of Fortress Monroe and Baltimore. They numbered tat men, and were under the command of Colonel Onset. 1.. Upham. This regiment has been doing attire 'c i rri"' ia North Carolina, and, baying re enlisted, were grant. ed a furlough TO return home. They were fed at the Cooper Shop Refreshment Saloon, and then pro ceeded by rail to New York. About 11 o'clock, the same evening, 260 men of the 12111 Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, commanded by Colonel A. Farnsworth, arrived from Elmira, N. Y., where they have been doing provost duty. Alter being entertained at both Refreshment Saloon., they took the cars for Washington. At 15 o'clock, yesterday morning, the 75th New York Veteran Cavalry, numbering 800 men, under the eommand of Colonel R B. Merritt. arrived from Auburn, N. Y., on their way to Washington. Their time of furlough having expi red , they were ordered to the seat of war. Before leaving they partook of a good breakfast at the Refreshment Saloons. GAO TRIMTBR.S.—A third meeting of the Beard of Trustees of the Gas Works was held on Saturday afternoon for the purpose of electing a chief engineer to flit the vacancy occasioned try the resignation of John 0. Cresson. The Beard did not succeed in electing any body. After the &Inurement, the president, Mr. Anthony Mi•key, appointed rho• teas S. Stewart as the chief engineer. This gentle• man wee me moue nominee of the Opposition member,. Mr. F. Graelf is the caucus nominee of the Union members. FIREMAN KILLED.—Mr. George Bobb, a member of the Washington Steam Eagiue Company, Was run over on Saturday morning, at Third an d Chestnut, from the effects of which he died at half past eight o'clock on Saturday evening, at the Penn Hospital. The Washington was going down Chest nut street at a rapid rate ; llr. Bobb was driving. The Southwark Engine steamer was going up Third street at a fast rate of speed. The apparatus col• Tided—Bubb was thrown to the ground, and died as above stated. DEATHS OF SOLDIERS.—The follOWing deaths were reported at the medical director's office on Saturday: Islington.lane Hospital —Thomas Lewis, Oornosny B, 48th Regiment Penna. Toll ; &. R. Richardson, Company A, 43d Regiment United States Oolong Troops. Summit House Hospital.—A. Robinson, Coin any 11., 26th Regiment United States Colored Troops. LtratennAricrr.—We call the attention of lumber merehante, and other' Interested, to the advertisement In another column of the lumber branch of the Great Central Fair for the benefit of the U. S. Sanitary Commission. The lumber men. chants are endeavoring to procure donations in cash and material for the erection of the buildings in Logan Square. DROWN - ED.—A lad named Wm. Doody, aged six years, fell overboard yesterday, at Almond street wharf, and was drowned. The coroner held an Inquest on the body, and rendered a verdict of accidental drowning. THE POLICE. [Before 111 r. Alderman Seider) Old Shoplifters Arrested. Louisa Sentz and Jacob Sentz, reputed to be mar ried, were committed on Saturday afternoon, on the Charge Of robbing 40 less than dye tailor stores, on Market street, near Ninth. The likenesses of the prisoners have been in the rogues' gallery for some years. Of course, the parties are known so the older members of the detective force. On Saturday morning, as Mr. Edward' Carlin was taking a pro fessional stroll along Market street, he observed the parties standing in front of a tailor store. He recog nized them at once, and watched their movements. They visited five stores, and then proceeded to a lager beer saloon in the vicinity, where they re mained for some time. A messenger was sent to the detectives' quarters, and Mr. S. Henderson re sponded. In a little while the two unsuspecting thieves emerged from a narrow alley on Market street, and proceeded down this wide thoroughfare. The two officers followed until .reaching Second street. The parties then evinced a disposition to separate. The man was about to take a well .filled valloe ; the woman an empty one. "No you don't," said the officer., approaching them. "How are you, Louisal" said Mr. Carlin, empha sizing the word " you." .Louisa looked as though struck with wonder " Good morning, Jacob," said Henderson. " Yon may bring the swag to the station house." The two thieves did not show any desire to resist. so they proceeded in advance of the officers until they reached the Central. Here the valises were made to yie/d their contents. Louisa seemed to have an extraordinary amount of clothing upon her per son. This was examined, and it was ascertained that she had two petticoats on sewed at the bottom, and thus a very large bag was formed. Upon a fur. ther investigation two frock coats and a pair of pantaloons were found within them. The goods were arranged on the long desk in the office, subject to the inspection of the storekeepers generally in Market street, from Eighth to Tenth. The articles were identified by the proprietorsyr at. I tech& of five stores. The prisoners were coOmit- 1 ted. One of the parties, in a conversation in the 1 private room, made use of an expression signitlolll/1 of the adroitness of the thieves. Re said he saw them above the store front, and watched them closely, and though they stole a coat that he identi- fled, yet he did not see theni do it [Before Mr. Alderman Brazier -3 Alleged LareellY. William Badger was committed on Saturday, on the charge of the larceny of a buffalo robe. It is al. leged that he hired a pair of horses and wagon, and took a couple of ladies riding. Dozing the trip he became drunk, and the ladies had to make the bast of their way home. The buffalo robe disappeered, and the horses were finally returned, mush jaded and broken down from harsh treatment. ,The fast young man was therefore bound over to answer the charge 01 the larceny of the robe. THE COURTS. Supreme Court at Nisi Prins—Judge Wood.- A few unimportant motions and orders were made Saturday in this court, and disposed or. Nothing of the slightest public interest Was done. Court of Quarter Soulons — Judge Ludlow. Geo. W. Clark and David Kelly, enlisted soldiers, who have been in prison for several months, on a charge of having caused the death of a substitute at the barracks Twenty second and Wood streets, were on Saturday discharged, under what is known as the two-term rule.' , which provides that a man or Men charged with crime than be entitled to a dis charge if two terms of the court are allowed to elapse before the ease is called up for trial. In the ease of these men no indictment had been found by the Grand Jur y, and they were, of course, entitled to a discharge. - A few other habeas corpus cases Of a trifling cha racter were atterWerde heard, when the court ad journed for the term. The February term just cloned has lasted continu- Ously for eight weeks, during which time many came have been tried, the large majority of them, however, being of the most trivial nature. The April term of the court, beginning to-day, will be held by Judge Thompson. LETTER. ittliGA. AT THE MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHIA Bark John Bonbon, Davis ' Larnayra, soon. Bark David Law&ley. Brown ~.Port Spain. soon. Bohr Dart. Conrad Barbados. soon. PHILADELPBTA BOAED OF THAI% ONO. L. BUSBY. EDW. O. BIDDLE, COMMITTBS or TOE MoNTM THOMASS FARNON./ MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ti ;I II er,s!) - .) ; clinr-fg sr 1 SUN RISES-. HIGH WAT811.7.7-...° 40 I °UN °MI ...... 44 ARRIVED. Bohr America, 111lwell. 6 daps from Boston. with mdse to Crowell k Collins. Fehr Wm k' Orr, Chambers, 1 day from Lewes, 'Deb with 600 bbls pondrette from the awaken brig George L Buckman, previously reported ashore. far Leesburg. Blake from Portland, 16th alt. with .111520 to Crowell A Collins • 22d nit, 15 miles south of Absecom, experienced a heavy NB gale. ith ball and snow; was compelled to haul off shore with close-reefed foresail and jib: at 3 A M. 23d. 50 miles south of Hen lopen was struck by a sea which carried away .libbileint haw•prit,. and all attached, causing the statement to break off_rust above the deck; on the 69th. 67 miles neat of Cape Henry. wan taken in tow by the steamer Hud son, as before reported. and towed to Delaware Break water The Leesbnrg is not damaged In her hull Fehr FSingh istt, Owens. 3 days from Laurel, Del, with lumber to J W Baco. Bohr Merohent, Moore, 3 daVe from Laurel Del, with railroad ties to J W Bacon. Schr Exchange. "Patterson. 3 day, from Pooorooke river. Md. with yellow Pine Umber to .1' Yr Bacon. Fehr Wm Short. Chance. S days from Lanrol, Del. with lamberto J W Bacon ear Lancet, Bayard. 1 day from Christiana. Del, with main to Christians Co Behr Vendetta. Cooper. 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with corn to Jas t ens.. wley de Co. Fehr Clay Frame, 2 days from Milford. Del. with torn to J Hope arrett .Steame Warren, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W P 013 de Steamer C Comstock. Drake. 24 hours from New York. with mare to Wm M Baird it Co. CLlAlturr. flfeamehip Saxon, Matthews. Boston. M. Wiper CO. rteamship Diamond, !Moore. New York cap tain Brig Condors, Perkins. Somerset , J . B bilizio7 a Co. Fehr Anvil. Pine. St John, N B. 11 A Bonder& Co. Bohr Pacific, Parrots. Newborn. Tyler & Co Sebr Horizon. Plum. do do Behr Alliance, Hoffman. Fort Monroe, U S quarter master. Bohr H Mangum. Hilts. Rockport, Noble, Caldwell, Saw America, 'Dwell. Frovideoes. de Schr Nary Fletcher, Tracey, New Bedford. Twills di Co. • Bohr S A Hammond, Paine, Boston, Wanuemacher & Maxfield. . . . Sam Ambition. Barrow. ebontaak. Md. captain. Bt'r B Willing, Dade, Baltimore, Grovel, Jr, Eit'r Buffalo. Jones, New lurk. W St'r Lizzie Wallace, Wallace, do do. [Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. - LBWS% Del, April 1.. • Nearly all the fleet reported at the Breakwater went Mill ie L.7axi ate d rd i r ar ; y *" BLO na n, th al el f wftlam barke Be6kjaireirosi Boteffcridaria. for ^ ; bap Nellie alsowe, from Phi ladelpliia for Lemosyra, and Ulla. d from do for Heir Wan. The bark 2ednda. fro Baran • via Hemoton Roads. for Philadelphia. is at the Breakwater ; the brig W Sawyer parest np—The steamer D H from- Hatteras Inlet maffew Pork. went le' Sta this //awning ' Wind N antmoderato. _ April 2 — Thotollowinereisele were among the fleet at hb. West water7eatinday; nteaninca vroteeer . sh ii i Ginn ollnd. bark Bradford fr ca Philadelphia for B brig Victoria% eehra igrtia,fromPhiladelphiafor . Boston B Oaarm. (ran do:for do 4_,A Thrall, from, d_ofor_. - not A lianobeeter.-frow do for Port Bora; Pare. mom Baltimore-for New If oar; -John .Darnad; from do for • . Portland sldeD owellii i ftrimitemfforksff Beedrfrons Bal timore for limitienb •.ibiliwinida.•frelmitordtlastit.fo Alexandria; Karr Nihon front Baltimore. John .remes. from Fortress- konsser Witok the - whei- - dir- Haw York. Alia. Minn Mdtplat; loam A r+TollLin Ditiars-riimait Mil- and Aul ithininames unknown. The' bNif.B }lnc =twat t ' eahr S Vann Wale Pi off butt areas& and..lareAtirr anchors , off the beach We have this niornifitsard storm of wind and rata from NB. Te& aok. _go ask, THE PRESS. — PInELADELPHIK MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1864: W. CORNER EIGHTH AND eiWilatr. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO, (Postunnzy CO IPPEP.PIEW/IP k CIO.). HAVE NOW OPEN, A fine assortment of Black Silks. Small Plaid India Bilks. Plain, Striped. and Plaid Poplin/. Superior Black and Colored Alpacas, Pink. Bine, and Buff Brilliants. Pink. Blue, and Buff Percale/. Striped and Figured French Ohiniaas. SHAWLS. SHAWLS. SHAWLS. 100 Lama Wool Swamis, from $l 6O to •S. 100 Mozambique " $S to $7. Ito Silk Check " $4 to $9. 100 Black Stella " $2.50 to $2O We still have an immense stock of COTTeN AND LINEN !MEETINGS AND SHIRTING S. 41 1, 600 dozes Towels and Napkins. A fall Bee of Barnesly Table Linens. The celebrated Power and Baad-Loom Table LW= Huallabaok,l3irdeye. and Diaper. Lancaster. Manchester. and Honey- Comb gains. Pink, Wee. and White Illareeilles MuntetPiteee end Quilts. Cloths, Cassimeres, and Cloakings. A full aseoriment of Sackloire. A full assortment of Clothe and Oseelinerea. A full assortment of Boys' wear. At Wholesale an Retail. N. W. Corner Eighth and Market Streets. BAIL mul tjyl E. & • EYRE fit LANDELL, FOURTH - AND ARC wiz Tun POLLOWING DEPARTMENTS WELL . SPOOKED FOR THE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SPRING TRADE 1864: BILK DEPARTMENT. SHAWL DEPARTMENT. DRESS-GOODS DEPARTMENT. WHITE-GOODS DEPARTMENT. POINT LACE DEPARTMENT. MOURNING DEPARTMENT. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT.. MEN'SWEAR DEPARTMENT. HOUSEKEEPING STAPLE GOODS. mlO.O-wfm ctAT RETAIL." JAS. B. CAMPBELL & CO., 727 CHESTNUT STREET, Invite attention to their stook of STAPLE AND FANCY SILKS 3curitmeses. ak-crioacoss, Of very recent Importation, embracing' the most orten. sive and deeirable assortments that they Lim Mr 001:MVOISIER'S KID GLOVES, BLACK. WHITS. AND 430L0#811 1X017111.471NG1- 431-003136. 34 and 84 BELEEEFE HERNANI. 34 and 84 CRAPE DIARETZ. 3-4 and 84 TANARTINES. 34 and &4 DELAINES. BYZANTINES and FLORENTINES. FRENCH and ENGLISH BOMBAZINES. ALPACAS, in all qualities. MOURNING JAOONETS. BLAU/ SILKS in great variety. All widths and beat brandu. LINEN CAMBRIC DRESSES. We have now open a fresh stock o PRINTED LINEN CAMBERS, The designs are very pretty, and the prices Quite moderate. Ladles should make their selections While the aseortment le complete. S. MILLIKEN as CO., 828 ARCH STREET, and 33 SOUTH SECOND MEW. LINEN GOODS , CHEAPEST IN THE CITY. —Will open, this morning. 10 pieces Rand Loom Table Linen, at_B7M; same that is being sold at V other places. 1 lot extra heavy. at $1; Worth more money. Bleached Table Linen. at SM. 90 and di. Extra quality and width, at 4126 and er.510. Also. a large lot of double satin Damask Barneley that are extra heavy and beautiful patterns. some of them the most desirable ever imported; and a great variety of other Table Linens. in various qualities and patterns, that 1 am now selling' for below; he market prices Barnsley Linen Sheetinga Ten' harm at 4L60.11,76, and $2. in all the widths. Pillow Linens, 1%. 1.3 i; and IX yards wide. Napkins and Doylies, in various qualities, of the very best makes and patterns- Huckabaoke. both bleached and half-bleached, in large quantities and every quality. Towels of every description, with or without fringed ends, in red and blue borders. Creel, et 111.4. 14. 18. 19E. and 20e. / lot Richardson'. Shirting LITWIN. at Gk.—those are a great bargain. being under price. Narseillee Quilts. that cannot be surpassed for quality and beauty by imp In the city. GRANVILLE! B. RAMA 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth. BRIGHT-PLAIDS. roils for children, SI and 88 eta. Drab Wool Detainee. finest duality. 8236 eta. Black Wool Delaines_, 4s. 60, and 62% eta. Double width Soot Detainee. $1 to 61.81. Fine Drab Alpacas, 62. 76, and $l. Superfine Black Alpacas. Slc to 101.81. Traveling Drees bluffs. Large stock Black 61Dre. Ems bargains in Dress Hoods COOPER & CONAND, mll3l S. B. corner NINTH and MLIZIEST Streets. DESIRABLE GOODS. ' FROM AUCTION. 26 Dieeee Bonin Diaper, $2. TS. 20 pieces Russia Diaper. en W. 36 pieces Dingle Diaper. wide. *4. 14 pieces Ulnae, DiaPe,r Yen , wide. $6. Alen, _lO lots of Table Linens—all prices._ Now open at JOHN JR. BTOKBB' TON ARCH Street. RTr STEEL & SON HAVE NOW OPEN e a chola" assortment WSW BILKS. Moire Antique& $3 to $5 Plain Corded Silks, *Lek% to 193.51 Pawed Corded Bills, $16236. Plain Poll de Soles. *196 to $126. Pansy. Silks. Mk to 46. . Black fine Grain MUM 51.215 to 11611. Pia - urea Black Siike, *126 to 52 Plain Black Silks, 117361. to 86. Plaid India Bilks, Light.groand Blch-Aintrad Poniard'', 0.26 to VA. 33/41 Poe. 713 and 715 N. TRITEI Street. (LT iittzt=t=l4,l.6.4,o4:l 1 SPRING TRADE. E M. Ist.V.,EDLE. - 1 1 .3 . , Is now receiving . and oilers for side beloW ; 'Present =aril et rstmannovelties In LAOIS ANA . . WHITE HOODS. - He wenid eau epecinl attention "to his amertme Whiteer 20 aiworent new fabrics and ~ styles ofGoas, suitable for "Ladles Bodies and Dresses . " in strives. plaid., and ;. pteo pallit o di a t r i ii n gtklul n t hr v ue u ltut Buff and White Pique., bought before the mead ad vance. . ... . . Dew inrotose of etutydre ana Timm/ Thread and Grenadine Veibb Sagiara. Insert -1110, glonnoine_e, dre, Broad Hem-Stitched RAinnatimararg. , all Gruen, good (audit,. from WI smite AM tl3. r WO:0:!:) , CV/k1:YV: it 4 B EST BLACK SILKS IMPORTED. Wide and heavy Black Corded Silks. Magnificent Moire Ant!res. all colors. Splendid Quality Cord Mks, all colors. Bich Chums Stripe and Malt Silks. Matraleant Grenadines and Orlinad New styles Spring Shawls. New style Cloths for ladies' cloaks. BOMB HALL & MO South 8114.10 ND Street. DIANN DOORS AND STATIONERY. BRYSON & SON, NO. S NORTH SIXTH STREET, PRINTERS AND STATIONERS, BLANK BOOKS, PAPERS, PAN% AND INZ OP STIPEDIOR Corporationa. Banks. and Business Men supplied with everethine leeeeeary for the COnkilnit - rooni. 1kk12./gi NOTICE OF REMOVAL. The unders4zed would batons their Meads Mid the =r u t Timm= he►e removed from their Old SPLENDID NEW WARIRROOMS, . No. Ms ARCH HTRRRT, where they will eontlees the We of GAB FIXTURES, 'OHANDRISIRS, • COAL-01E. BURR - ERIN dba. gain raged th ,etu. hone NE CHARLIE ' RGS. Oh ee the eft Vedette, for = i tli ...lbletteat *Akre worm:: Ito exesetaprdees be . 'literal • all cadet dodges. Avis they to the moot taatotat atm • . .. ' VAN KIRK lii 00; ,• , • , •• 4 „ isa ,„ Lr - 1 _ , • No. 91011 Amos insisr. , , GIIBBNi ai A N D OLEN , ' war I FIVErr anitrek e turriV i rini s b•I9W 9kis. /WI it UM- RETAIL DRY GOODS. FOR DRESSES QUALITY. A THE COAL BOUNTY FUND COMMITTDE WILL 0011TINIIR. TO PAT WENT' 1:1C01...1.A.1Etf4 POR BYBRY IMPAUT lallaTaß.BD INTO HANCOCK'S SECOND ARMY CORPS. ap/ tf ALFEZD DAY. IThairmais. A NAVAL AND MARINE SERVICE. CITY AND WAND ' BOUNTYI ADVANCE PAY AND PRIZd SIDNEY! rt KEN WARTED for the N OVAL SERVICE and MA RINE CORPS, who will be entitled to all the City Boun ties, in audition to Prize Money Seamen will leash's an advance of three months' pay ae bun sty. Application to be made at once to D. M- LANE. Capt. and Provoet Marshal Fourth Di•triet. Penna., &pint. 101...1AD and SPRING G sal) RN Streets. CITY AND WARD BOUNTY! ADVANCE PAY AND PEIZE MONEY! MEN WANTED for the NAVAL nIiNVIGE bud MA RINE COI Pd. who will be entitled to all the GAY BOMlLitit in addition to Prize Money. &amen will receive an advance of three months' pay as bounty. Application to be made at once to EDWIN PALMER. Captain and Provost Marshal Pw.cond District Pennsylvania. 258 Routh TWELFTH stmt. Philadelphia. I NAVAL AND MARINE SERVICE. CITY AND WARD DDIINTY t ADVANCN PAY AL) PRIZE MONEY! MIS W aNTED for the NAVAL bBRVIOE and CORES, who will be entitled to all the City Boun• ties, in addition to Prize Money. Seamen will receive an advance of three months' pay as bouhty. Application to be made at once to R LERMAN Captain and Provost Margbal First District NMI. whao.tr 245 South THIRD Street. I HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT ;OF THE KreQUEHANNA, OneinsEaszerrna, Pa., March 24,1864 Etixtracit.3 OBJSBEAL OBDBBS NO. 90. Authority having been granted by the War Depart meat to the Csmmanding General of thr e eeport of the Swum)henna. the let Rattail on years' Peon sylvenis Volunteers (formerly els months' volunteers). consisting of six COMPaoiee. mustered into the United Stales service for three years or during the war. is au thorized to recruit - i to tin comPardes of the maximum strength. Tht. Battalion is on Provost duty in this department. and it offers a good opportunity to those persons who have been in the service and have been honorably dis charged, to re-enter, and to those of good character who have not been in the service to enter the same. Only those known to the recruiting officers and persons au thorized to recruit as being reliable and trustworthy will be received. as the nature of the duty this Battalion is called upon to perform is such that it requires soldiers in whom the commanding officers can place eonfldeuoe. Perso , . e taking advantage of the benefits arising from enlistment In this Battalion will receive the bounties paid by the Government as authorized in extetingordera. The °Moen must be wee Who have had some experi ence is the military service, Intelligent, and of good character, and only those bringing the requte.te number of men and possessing the above qualifications will be recommenden to the Governor of the State for commis sions. Recruits and persons having squads of recruits will report to Captain ezo. W. MERRICK. let Battalion thr- , e years' Pa Vole.,and Boorolting Officer for the e, Cam at NABBISBUB. Pa. • • • • • By command of Major General COUCH JOHN 8 SCHULTZ% Last. Adjt. Genera', Official J. N. "rowan, aid-de-Camp.' • mh26 lot AANDERSON 0 ALVALRY, (15TH PSNNSYLVANIA, CAVALRY.) Smiable Voting men Will be mooted Cs Re. omit; for this Regiment. now on service in Rest Tennessee. WM. I. PALMER. Colonel Commanding Office in WASHINGTON Brii.LNING., rett294t* No. 274 South THIRD Street. NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW. No. OWL—You APRIL. 1864. EDlTyp BY PROF. JAMES RUSSELL LO WELL, - CHARLES ELIAPNORTON. Bea. OONTENTS AB? I. —Theodore PRAM ll.—Shakspearian Pronunciation. 111--The Sanitary Commission. IV. —ht. Louis wed Joinvilie. V.—The Navy of the United States. VI. —The Future Supply of Cotton. VII. --Carl Bitter. VIII —West —Loyal Work in Missouri, IX. X.—General McClellan% Report. Xl.—Critical Notices. Editorial Note: Letter from the President. THE Norma AMERICAN REVIEW Ie pablished quarterly, on the first days of January. April, July. and October. in numbers of about three handrad pages each. 'contain ing matter equal to four ordinary octavo volumes. TERNS —Five dollars a year. or one dollar and terenty five cents a timber. * * *The first edition of the January number having been almost entirely exhausted. the publishers have stereetYPed the number, and are now prepare hers upply orders. CRosET & NICHOLS. Publis 11.7 WASHINGTON Street. BOSTON. *** May be had of all Dookeellere and News Dealers. app -St BISHOP HOPKINS' OREAT WORK ON SLAVERY.— A Fariptaral. Ecclesiastical, and Historical VIEW OF SLAVERY. from the days of the Patriarch Abraham to the Nineteenth centaty. by BISHOP tie eRogS, D. D., LL. D This is the most complete and escinsive Work on the enbßet ever published, and should be read by those who differ as well as by those who agree with its learned au thor. Also, Card Photograph. Wholesale and Retail. MALLEN, Publisher's', S Bookseller, 1308 CHESTNUT Street. WEDDING CARDS. ENGRAVED AND WRITTEN. VISITING CARDS. LATEST STYLE. FASHIONABLE NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES. MATCH PERFECTLY. INITIALS STAMPED GoATIS. MONOGRAM ITYPELER CRESTS. Coats, of Arms engrayed and printed, in colors or plain. in the highest style of art. RrooRNING PAPER AND ENVELOPES. MOURNING CARDS. written or engrayed. All kinds of fashionable Stationery. MULLEN, Bookseller and Stationer, 93141 1308 CHESTNUT Street. LIFE AT THREE SCORE. THE FIFTH EDITON. Ready this day. A Sermon delivered at the First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, by the Rev. ALBERT BARNES. Price SO cents. Also, New Edition of BARNES' WAY OF SALVATION. 1 VoL BARNES ON THE ATONEMENT. 1 Vol. BARNES' PRACTICAL SERMONS. 1 Vol. LINDSAY & BLAMIsTON, Publishers, 112130 No. 25 South SIXTH Street. 'UNABRIDGED EDITION. THIS . IS PUBLISHED. COMMENTARY OmTHE ROMANS. By Charles Bodge, D. D. Unabridged Edition. Revised. and in a great mesonare rewritten. 1 vol.. Sy°. POlLthed by WILLIAM B. es ALFRED MARTINI. ap22 606 CHESTNUT Street. NEW BOOKS ! NEW BOOKS H - • dent received by ASHMEAD do EVANS. (Successors to Willie P. Hazard.) Lo. T 24 CHISTNUT Street. RED-TAPE AND PIGEONHOLE CHINE KAI% AA seen from the Bankikbya Citizen Soldier. - - THE Vail. PARTLY LIFTED, .AND JESUS BR OOM/RH VISIBLE. By W. H. Farness. 'WSW OP SLAVERY. By Bishop Hopkins. TBB CAMPARER THAL. and other Wridnaa. Prom the German of Jean Paul Richter, B3DhilateN .aND BBDIIIMID. An Investigation of the Atonement and of Eternal Adamant. By Charles Beecher. Pi OCR. A RoveL By Walter Barrett, Clerk. W ORR AHD PLAY, or Literary Varieties. By Horace Badmen. 001:1N§BL AND COMFORT. By the "Country Parson. THE SUNBEAM STORIES, Containing the charming bright stories of— TRAP TO CATCH A SUNBEAM. CLOUD WITH SILVER LIRIAQ HOME ON THE ROOK. ONLY. OLD JOLLIET'S. MERRY CHRISTMAS. DREAM OHINTZ 4 _ STAR IN THE DESERT. Re. Six beantife yoltimeeillnetrated. II 60. WILLIS P. HAZARD, Pnblisher. fe26-ti7l 81 South SIXTH Street. APPIATONTI NEW AMERICAN OYOLOPBDIA. The &MCv for this invaluable Library of Universal Information is st Si South SIXTH Street, Bell second atom. Moore. Also. BBOOILD OY THB BBBBLLION. -t1 PROPOI9AI,I". PROPOSALS FOR THE ERECTION OF FIFTY DIMMING HOUSES. ElAntizsg buil d ingarch 11, UK PROPOSALS are invited for the of five bloke of ten houses each of wood or brick, to be located on the grounds of the Lochlel Iron Mill Company. Plans and specification] may be seen at the office of William (raider, PoppeeeaJa will ket received for one or more blocks until April rota. Address propose/a to WILLIAM COLDER, mh.22-4itapl2 Chairman Building Committee. OFFICE ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE. TWELFTH and GIRARD Street'. PMILADELPIITA., April laS, Sinn! PROPOSALS will be received at thincage until 12 o'clesk H. on WEDNESDAY, the 6th Inst. , for ennplying the Schuylkill dieenal with the fO/19A/n= articles: I.inch crimson silk lace. Army Standard.. -inch scarlet wonted lace, do. do. capital tent pins, large, do. do. Hospital teat pine , small, do. do. Wall tent piss. /Me, do. do. . Com mon tam Dine , de, do. gpades. do. do. bidders must state in their proposals the price, which mutt be given in as well as in Snares, also the quantity bid for, and time of delivery. Bids from defaulting contractors will not be received. Blank forms for proposals oaa be had upon application at this office. Proposals must be endorsed, "Proposals for Army SaltPll.l." stating the ratrtionlar article bid for. G.. H. asoAN, apt Amt. Q. AL Genera U S. A. CLOTHING} AND G. CLOTHIN MA . T181A1.13. NAVY DIPAIIVIERNIT Buszan of Pm/Tram/Ts Are Onornixe. Mara). 14. 1894. ii.BPABATE PROPOSAI.S, sealed and endorsed "Pro• peseta for Nati Clothing and Clothing Materials mill be received at this ogles mail 12 o'clock M. , on the 12th day of April next , for furnishing and delivering (on re ceiving forty days' notice) -at the United States flavr lards at Charlestown. Naseachosette, and Prooklya, New York, in inch numbers and tuantitioe, and at etch them as maybe apeelled by the Chief of this Bateau, or by the coMftandanta of the said - Navy Yards, respec tively. during the remainder of the Ircal year ending on the 90th day of June. 1661. the numbers and quantities of the different articles , and at the places spec ified in the following Let. yin n. Blue sloth trowsers. pairs Be 719.y0rk..2.1100 Blue satinet trowsera pairs 6,600 609 Canvas duck tremors, palm 1,600 1,000 Barnsley sheeting frocks .... 9,000 Blue flannel overshirts 6,000 6.000 Blue satinet, yards 1,000 18,030 Blue fiaimel.yards 60,000 110,000 Barnsley sheeting, Yards .••• 16.000 Canvas duet, yards .... 3000 Blue nankin, yarde 0. 000 7400 Callekin laced shoila,,pairs. •.• • 21.0 W) K ip-ekin shoes.pairs . 9,000 Woolen socks, pairs . ..... 1.6.1 — )20 28.= mastres&te. oink two covers for eaeh.)... Ott 6 . 000 Blankets .. 20.000 6.000 Black/silk handkerchient• •.• OOO Offers may be made for one br more articles , at theop tion of the bidder, and in ease more than one article to contained in the offer, the Chief of the &nem Will bays the right to accept mew more of the artteleneontained in such offer, and rejeorthe remainder. The Pricernmet - be uniform and rem must embrace all of any one or -more artielee deliverable at all the etatimur. For tba aseeotption of, articles in tho above list. bid ders are referred to the samples at the said Wavy Yards, and to the adverwsement-or this Bureau dated Stay 9, 1863. and for information wr to the lawn and regulations (in pamphlet form) regardingt contracts, to the otiose of the Dew ral commandants o f Navy Yards, and wavy Aponte Blank .forma of 'proposals may be obtained on AMON" cation to the Navy .4pente at Portsmouth... Yew amp shire- Boston; New Ora, Phflad,eawltia, Baltimore. and td th Bureau. • - • mita-met - - - 3 000 HOBEIEB WANTED. ^ . Wan DlPWinona.. CATALIIT ' OFFICI OF CHIEF QtrAILVAIWTRE, WASHINGTON, D. 0., Kant On. hundred Sad Aft. (5 760) Aollo t rener head will be a n 131, a-f--ar CAVALRY noun • delivered within the neat tbirti (K) days at the Govern meat Stables at Obtabovo. D. C. • . Said boseei to be SOUZA in all pmtlenlan t not lees than Ave (6) nor more than ante (9) years old front 1436 to 16 hands full lieshed. compactly, , balk bridle and of eize,enliolent for cavalry PRVO Theveo win be etrW- i M watered to and ' cfed /if ' , vetoed in event .pdf6fOtaar. , • ; i rzyment made on delivery of ten (10Lend over. Henn of inspection - fan BJ!. Id. to 8 r. , . - JAMBS •-• • Lieutenant colonel and Chief Qatuterzneater. 0i1at4.401 GMAT! WAS. MILITARY. raoromAsEs. N AVY SUPPLIES DIAVT I.)raafelettleff7. BUREAU OF PROVIEMIS AMP 4,lr,,Tiii Ha. fd.ralt 19.1881. SEPARATE PROPOSALS, reeled and oude.reed Pros Po.a , for Rawl bupplie ,s " will be received at this 8a- Aprilntil for fu K. on TUESDAY. the 19th day a next, for furnishing wad delivering. (en marring sea a. 7 . , ,,biAtee.) at the United Melee Envy Mir& Its Charlestown, lifassasbusetta. Brooklyn, New fork_ Ise Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, in much quantities onfr iltdd at such time', as may be required or ordered by the Chief 01 this Bureau, or by the Commandant* of the said Navy 'garde, respetoively, during the , remainder of the fiscal year ending June SO. BBC the qn &utilise dt the different artieles and at the places specined In the ibilemlnit Charlestown. Brooklyn. Milled& Elea, the 60,000 75.030 Zried Atmld •... 66 MO 6,1.000 Baanr. 3250300 260.000 Tea, Et 3.000 . L7OO Coffee. me 300,1130 Beans. ............. 80.1100 30 000 13 /HO ilieleeFes. galls 16 Ono 7,000 Vinegar. Rape 12,000 . ,•• 111111• Separate offers most be made for each article at each of the aforeeaid navy Tams. and. in case more than one article is contained in the offer, the Chief of the Bureau will have the right to accept one or more of the articles contained in such offer. and reject the remainder. For the description of articles in the suave list bidders are referred to the samples at the said Navy Yards. and to the advertisement of this Doreen deted June U. MS. at d for information as to the laws and regnlations pamphlet form) regarding_ nankeens, to the offices of the several Commandants of Navy Yards and eery Agents. Blankfornze propowale rutty be obtained on (gnat:- cation to the Navy Agent* at Portsmouth. New Hann. shire. Boston. New York. Phactedelpteka.tkcitinvere. and at tate Bureau tooltmit A BNY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE A OFFICR. CINOINNAYI. 0 March 24 1864 PROPOSALS ABB IN VITED BY TEE UN DB ESIGSBD moil TUESDAY. April tith. 1864. at 12 o'clock IC. for fur nishing this Deportment (by contract) with— Cavalry Standards—Army Standard. Bugles, with extra Month:Pleces —Army Standard. Trnmpsta with extra Crooks. do. Trumpet Cords and Tassels. do. Forage Caps, do. Letters, from A. to 11". do. Figures from Ito 0.. do. Canteens, do. Bobber Poncho Tent Blankets. do. Trcwsers—Footmen. do. Trots sere—Norsemen. 'de. Samples of which may be seen at the Office of Clothing and Equipage in this oh,. _To be delivered free of charge, at the U. 8. Inspection warehouse, in this Oily. in good new packages. with the panic of the party furnishing, the kind and quan tity of goods distinctly marked on each oracle and package. Parties °Stilt g goods must, to all eases furnish sam ples. marked and numbered to correspond, with their proposal, and distinctly slate in their bids the Quantity of delivery. of goods they propose to furnish, the prise, and the time A guaranty signed by two responsible persons. must /101301DP0117 each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will supply the trd Lim g g u openedßids will be aVIVStT. i 4. two o'clock P K . at this office, and bidders are requested to be present. Awards will be made on WEDNESDAY. April 6. Bonds will be required that the contracts will be faithfully fat filled. Telegrams relating to Proposals Will not be noticed. Blank forms of rrotweals may be obtained at this office. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is reserved. By order of-Col. Thomas SWORDS. A. Q if G. ... C MOULTON, Mb24.11t Captain and A Q. K. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, Curourgarr, Ohio, March 29, MIL PROPOSALS are invited bi the uuders l red anill THIIM2DAY. April 7th.16134„ at 12 o'clock , for far .nishing this Department (bT contract) with: National Colors Army Standard. Regimental Colon-111111am do. Do do Infantry. do. Garrison Flagg, do. Storm num. • do. General Hospital Flags. do. Company Order Books,. do. do Cleating 800 k& do. Do Descriptive Booka. do, Do Morning Report Books, do. Post Order do do. Poet Letter do do. Guard Report . do do. Regimental Letter ' do do. Do Descriptive do do. lio Index do do. Do Order do do. Hat Feather Sockets. do. ostrich Feathers, for Hate, do. Chevrons—Service, do. Do Ordnance Sergeants. silk. do. Do Hospital Stewards. do. Do Cavalry, Sergeant Majors, do. Do do Qr Mr. Sergeants, do. Do do let Sergeants, do. Do do Sergeants, do. Do do Corporals._ do. Do Artillery. Sergeant Majors. do. Do do Q w . _ Sergeants. do. Do do let Sergeants. do. Do do Sergeants. do. Do do Corporals. do. Do Infantry, Sergeant Majors, do. N Do do QM. Sergeants. do. Do do let Sergeants. do. Do do Sergeants, do. Do do Corporals, do. Drum Heads—Batter, do. Dram Heade—Snare. do. Fifes. do. Haversacke--Dainted do. Cotton Dtwk-10 andma z y . de Samples of which b; teen at the 0200 of Olothing and Equipage in this city. To be delivered free of charge, at the U. S. Inspection Warehouse, in this city, in good new package., with the name of the party furnishing, the ktnii...and quan tity of goods distinctly !narked on each artidlii and pack age. a Parties offering d goods must In all eases hirnish sam ples, marked an to correspond with their proposal, and distinctly state in their bide the quantity of goods they propose to furnish, the price, and the time of deilvery. A guarantee, signed by two responsible persons, must accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will supply the articles awarded to him under his proposal. Bids will be opened thisHUDA, April 7th, 1 0 8 4, at 2 o'clock P. at.. at °Moe, and bidders are re quested to be present. • Awards will be media on SATURDAY. April 9th. Bonds will be required that the contracts will be faith frilly fulfilled. Telegrams relating to Proposals will not be nolicsd. ' Blank Forms of Proposals may be obtained at this office. The right to reject any bid deemed nnreaeonable to recerved. By order of Col. Thomasworde A. R. M. G. M 1126-121 C. W. MOULTON, • Captain and A. Q. M. SMALL STORES, ,&&c • NAVY DYPARYIisNy, - Ecru - see or PROvisiolfs AND CLOTHMG, March 28, 1884. SEPARATE PROPOSALS. sealed and endorsed • • Proposals for Small Stores. &c ," wilt be received at this office until 12 o'clock K. on the 20th daviof April next, for furnisliing and delivering (on receiving ten days' notice) at the United States navy yards at Charles town, Maseachusetts, and Brooklyn, New York, In such ralmbere and quantities and at such times as may be speolied by the Chief of this Bureau, or 'by the com mandants of the said navy yards, respectively. during the remainder of the fiscal year ending on the 30th day of June, 1864, the numbers and quantities of the_differeat articles, and at the places specified in the following list, viz: Charlestown, Brooklyn, Salt w ater soap. lbs. 60.000 86.000 Thread, black and white, lbs 200 1,000 Riband. hat, pieces. 2,000 8,400 Tape, white, pieces 4,500 4,000 Tape, black. pieces. . 3.000 1,000 Spools cotton 0,000 lg.ooo Silk, eewing, lbs 200 603 Pocket handkerchiefs -- &800 21600 Needles, sewing. papers. .-.....-1,000 14.000 Thimbles 3 DX 3,003 .Jack-knives .2 - 2'• 2 . 600 Oisso.- -. •Soisrors - -- 1,500 2 600 Razors ....... 600 . 5,010 Razor strops 16.000 2 000 Shaving bozos 1.200 13.800 Shaving brushes.. ... 2.000 2,000 Shaving soaps, cakes. 0. 000 20.000 Scrub brushes 2,000 2.000 Blacking brushes 1.000 3,000 Whisk brooms 1,000 - 2,000 ''- Eagle coat-buttons, dozen 500 . ... Fagle medium buttons. dozen 600 ..... Nash. vest buttons. dozen 1.000 .... D. B buttons. dozen."... 6,000 27), 000 Fine combs -r4.000 is,cao Coarse combs 4,0,10 M. COO Spoons 2 600 15.000 Forks....- • . 2.5(0 2,600 Blacking, boxes 6,000 40,000 Can openers 600 Steams candles. Ms 60 000 ..... Offers may ba made for one or more articles. at the Option of the bidder, and in case more than one article is contained in the offer the Chief of the. Bureau will have the right to accept one or more of the articles contained in such offer and reject the remainder. The yr fees moat Sc uniform , and offers must embrace all of any one or more articles deliverable at all the stations. For the description of articles in the above list. bidders are referred to the samples at the said Navy Yerde, en d to the advertisement of this Bureau. dated August IS. ISO. and for information as to the laws and regulations (in pamphlet form) regarding contracts, to the offices of Y the several commandants of Navy ards and Navy Agents. Blnnk forms of proposals may be obtained on anzo/i -cation to the Nam , Agents at Portsmouth. New Ramp ehire; Boston. New York, Philadelphia. Baltimore. and at this Bureau,. mh2B.m4t pIiOPOSALB FOB FORAGE. Own Quaimaneergit's °mow WASHINGTON DEPOTDeIIaIIONST 8, mot. n IiALDD orosais ire invited by" the undersigned ' it r W E I i =1 t . e t 11 s . e,.. Nia,GuN=.-ifi v., rAltrecila Tort Monroe. cc. or either of them pit.. . . Witha, ay. Corn. Oats, and Straw. Bids will be received for the delivery of it 000' bushels of cern or Gate. end SO tons of hay or straw, and up. wards. Bidden anal state at which of the above-named point* they pr se to make deliveries. and the rates at whin they will make deliver's& thereat. the Quantity of sub article prop :mad to b• delivered. tke time when said de liveries Shall be sconmenetd. and when to be completed. The price must be written out in words on the bum. Cora to be put up in good. stout sacks, of about two bustem sash. Oats in like mart of about three bushel. each. The theirs to be tarnished withoutextra shame to the e GOTtirnMent. The hayhay and stair 19 be weasel, bidd - . The partieulm kind or deseription of oats, worn. heY. or n.....u straw, proposed to be delivered. must be stated in the Pr Wffr ertieler offered wider ihe bids herein invited win be snidest to a rigid inspeetion by the Governntent Inspector before being asserted. Contrasts will be awarded from time to time to the lowest renewable bidder, maths interest of the Govern. Meat may require, and payment will be made when the Wild hole amount eontraethd for *haft have been delivered a assepted. The bidder will be reouired to aesmiemany his ProPo gra with a marmites , signed by two responeiblePSTlOWS, that in ease his bid is monied hp or they will. within ten days thereafter. emirate the sontrast for the same, with' ood and suftelenl manalles, in a SUM eqUILI to the amount of at e°. ItPlost... to deliver the forage proposed is 'poniard', with sae Terms oL u this advertisement; and be sass the said bidder should to enter lido th.li sontraet, Day to suate good the dilemma between the offer of said bidder and tne next lowest responsible bidder• or the Pelson to when:tit* stentrard maphs awarded. . The responsibufty of the marantora must beehown by the Whew certificate of, a u. & Dietnet Atkeney, Col- Stator ef Onstems.. orate ether akar under the United Govenniumt; Or responsible person known to this dirbblders h eir =Wafted of the ameptiume or askartion of their p 'rue foil name and poet °Rai address of each bidder mast be ladbly written in the woresal. Proposals must be ad to ,Brigadier General D. H. Ducker, ; (mar s DhAt_ tim_lFUlibuftol,D 0.. mg! should be plainly mar ed. ' Trawls/a for re , onds. hi a sum Keil to the amount of the eonlraet, n T. signed by the eontrastor and both of his guarantors. will be re a ired of tat sneseseful bidder or bidders inson * e seats vii.im , ono' of Am matranteak and bond/1121SY be obtained 113.°51 e ßla 81 pzoiSslt. (Town. County. and State thate)---:-.. I. the subscriber. do hereby propose to furnish and de. Liver to the United Rates, at the Quartermaster's De partment at --;----. agreeably to the tams of your advertlssmor inviting Iyoposals for forams, dated Washington DOOR , Desember I. 111111 , the following at* des. viz : ------ Wilhelm d of Gors e In seeks. at per bane/ of NI - - pouns. ---- bushels of Oats. In map. at per bushel a Its .•-•---tows— of baled Hay. at per ton of 11,000 NOSIMI WWI of baled fitricri at -- per ton of 3.oooponn Delivery to commence on or peter* the ass .Bs . and to redple on or Wore the into of ---- IN pledge myself to maw written eontrait with the waited Mates. with good and =red sesuritles. within the imam of ten days a ft er mooed that my bid has brim aesepted. Your obedient *sneak_ Brigadier General D. R. Ream. Chief Daptit Quartermaster. Washington. D. O. CingliAmi, ' We. the 10.240140111d s THIMISTeIf Of ia the 'HOHNST Or --`-""*. sall State of 'obit& and wenn?. earenant 411 to i lk* Unite dlWa: and guarantee , in Mfie the form bid of - seemed, that he or they trilL al tat daps after the B G lIILDIN HARDWARE. nspeptaneepf said bid, enemas the seatrast for tits same with geed aad colletent enretles. Ins sum ean:lie4mt STRAP HINClig I T MIN amounted noe 'outmost to thrush the forage . • iIEvN A L inDrairi, i SHUTTER in eonformitir te I.he term. of advertisement Do- end all kinds or wrought Hinuseasme or small. ember &dm under widish the bid wee mad& anA 1* MUTTER SOLTB_, I HACK BOLTS. • Use the mid slnal WM to enter tw o mimeo se and many an of Building and Carriage Hardware aloresablewe euensttee to maim good tha cumennee be- manufastured and kept on hand at . twain the oPer by tbp_osid -- and theAszt Myna , JACICCOH mom WORKB. responegge Pidgin. or stk i penspir to wheat IHN awns* - whil•inn _ Ofily,No. IPS CHURCH Allieff. reg i li k i i - ens wiz oar buds _ Hassietatenta of Warranted BRA Ilf and FIAT MAUR sae nix habil --- ftin 0I --••• WiF • ' R ELIABLE ...: 4788 GALLA.IIDETTS Etti BAIR RESTORIR It is not a dee It restores v on sm. to en o b e n o f my k wow i.a... w a - tb e hair tolls natural color. It does not stain the skin. neliane di mam m on an on e ei -r o m; It needs no Bendaline or ottic r tsiming. It we a drawing .1 for th e meg* ft/maw ' they opp i r , s o , t eflterilt Prism moderate. . it. . . .. J prepared only by PAUI. G OIdTBR, Apothecary. ... oaii i- a s ". s i ks endo w enim. enuin er „' -- --- sonft.lsol.: li/GEITRiNTH and immix st. AND b tot LaVit ei f Y itel ven=k. 4 %***6' atu rtiitt==l ,, lWYEET vAIIIBIT,RV FRUIT . . . A-• Ornamentig. Trek. titatiW•erileiwilwett. sag lin Au yorepred r a il %ode esdfir preens, at more nußsiar.putry load' nuke very" wiiiiMad silMn s wint , lowest ram. lisereine the stash, or addreel B. Ilffigp - °fowl at in netted be be - t - ne 4 p0., .... L . - DARBY ROAD. Pluisdelrhia: - '':-, -: - pa.o.' Ued % i Brigalleir Gegen' mil I%ig .4.IIIO`ILLIAM WHI'PAI&• , • J TY 10. 1119 111.1119 t '711 . 6t1.110P011 OP •a•triairre. onoinfo, sawn! serroalm tont ly • cA t i pA ND misorms.piuwar; reggov i rutif &Aar crits'aio.2, nowarsau r 9 /14 - Ana. Mor i ilgo T .; orkgi4All. AIICTIOIf DALES. JOHN B. MYERS &AUOTIO ABM, 23% wad 224 LNLASECIrr Btre44. LARGE POSITIVE tia WS OF St, LOTO rEmstni• a g lit MAN. SWISS AND BRETISFI DR ifkoo OS. PA Id COKSBTs, lIMBBBLEA% do.. THUS DAY. - • CARD. —We invite the early attentiom of dealers to the choice and desirable assortment of Fre ash. German, bwies. and Brltisb dry goods. Paris corsets, umbrellas. dm., mobilising about 623 lota of &UST and staple articles. to be peremptorily sold by octal,. lets on roar months' credit, CONIMOBC/Ilk 7"14I8 ktitUNINCI. at Id o'clock Precusely• e . to be contiatied Without hateraalssion the Isrger part of the day. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF raavan. INDIC GERMAN. AD RALITISE DRY GOODS. do., FOR SPRING SILLNES. T 1316. MORNING'. Apsil 4th. at 10 o'clock. will be cold, catalogue,. on lbar stiontbs , cretin. o'clo ck. 'NO PACKAGES AND. LOTS Of French, India, German and MICAS dry goods, Stc;.. embracing a large and shales assortment of fancy anigi staple articles in silk, worsted. Wbelen. and cottom fabrics. N. If —Samples of the same will be artnenged for exit-. mitation, with catalogues, early on the morning of the sale. when dealers will And it to their istacest to attend. LARGE SALE OF FRENCH. 8 Ltd. Wit 8, HERMAN. AND BRITISH DRY (100 Included in our sale of French goods. du on MON. DAY nOhNINGI. April 4th, will be found , lN Part BLACK artx3.— pieces black grog de rkine. lute. strings. taffetas, poult de eole, mareeliues..4lm, ate. FANCY SILKS. pieces solid colors plaid and fancy poult de sole and Bros ae Naples, Fureleoss. dom. As. DRESS GOOD pieces Parte plaid andfiney MOMS• biomes, crane, umet% plain and fancy motto delaities. poplins. foulards, alpacas, ginghame. lawns, jacelltlte. baregeo organdies. Ac. BRAWLS.—Merino. cashmere. thibet. stellm organdy. in blacks. modes, high colors, striped. no. RIBBONS —boxes black and solid colors peutt de mole bonnet ribbons, terninings, black silk velvet ribbons. BRBROIIogRIne AND LINES El DEEPS —Boole and ,jeronet banded , colas. in sets and pieces ; filittiocing% laces. insertir es, millings, hemmed and embroidered linen cambric Mktg. &a SUN OMER, sLLAS. packages silk and gingham min umbrellas. Also. lens and grenadine veils. black craps. balmoral and hoop skirts, kid and lisle gloves. bareges, COreets, black silk cravats and neckties, fans, beltinge, fancy articles, Ac. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1,100 PACKAGE% BOOTS. SBOES,:BROGAISS, ARMY GOODS, SPEAW' atiOrrel, ON TU ESDAY MORNING, April 6th, at IQ o clock, will be sold by catalogue, withont reserve, on four months' credit, about 1,100 packages boots. shoes, brogane, cavalry boots. Arc., em bracing a prime and fresh a , sortment of desirable arti• else for men, women, and children, of city and Eastern manufacture. A leo. /straw Gtoods, dm. N. B. --Samples. with catalogue. early on the .MOlll - of sale. NOTICE—Oar sale of boots and shoes. hc., on Tinifi- DAY MOBBING, April Sib, will comprise, in part, the following fresh goods, to be sold without reserve, yin : cases men's Elklnch leg grain cavalry boots. eases men's and boys' nailed boot.. cases men's and boys' thick boots. cares men's, boys', and youths' calf.. kip,, and grain boots: , • cases men's. boys', and youths' calf and kip brogans, -- cases men's, boys'. and youths calf and P. L gaiters. cages men's, boys', and youths' calf and kip balmo- Ws. caves women's, misses'. and children's calf and kip heeled boots cases women's. Missal'. and Children'e goal and kid heeled boots. cases women's, misses', and children's morocco and enameled boots. cases women's, minces' and children's gaiters. bal morals. etc. • eases men's and boys' Oxford ties. eases Women's and misses'_ nailed boots, If. B.—The above will embrace a prime and general assortment. well worthy the attention of buyers open for examination early on the morning of sale Also—A stock of a dealer in boots and shoes. LARGIDPRREMPTORY SALE OF EUROPEAN. INDIA. AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS. &o. We will hold a large sale of Itriti,h. Garman, Theca. end American dry goods, hi catalogue, on tour months' credit and part for cash. On TP ORSDAY MORNING. April 111 L, commencing at precisely 10 o'clock, com prising 775 PACRAGRS AND LOTS of British. German, French, India, and American dry goods. embracing a large, full, and fresh assortment of woolen. wonted, linen, cotton, and silk goons for city and c(mntry sane .N. B —bamp es of the same will be arranged for ex amination. with catalogues. early on th, morning of sale, when dealers will And it" to their interest to attend. BALE OP OAIIPETINGS. MAPPINGS, &o. ON FRIDAY HORNING, April Bth , at precisely o'clock. wtil be sold without reeerve, by catalogue, on four months' credit, an assort• ment of Brussels three-my. gape: tine, and tine ingrain, Venetian, hemp, and rags caruetings. white and red check Canton matting. Am., which may be examined early on the moraine ornate EDITCATIONAL. A LADY, WHO HAS BEEN A SEM cessful Teacher of Music, desires to form an en tiaffert ent to teach MUM m a school, or to give lesvons at private residencve. Befereices given. Adam's Teacher. " at this office. ap2.31 B ELLE I E FEMALE INSTITUTE- , A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS: This Institution. beautifully antibealthfully located. ' in the no: them limits of ATTIABOROUGH, Backs cam. ty. Pa , will commence its Spring and Summer Tenn oz the 19th of FIFTH MONTH next, and continue in 'session twelve weals. The truction is thorongh and complete Is all the Ele m entary and higher branches of an ENGLISH. CLASSICAL. AND MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION. The French Language is taught by a native French • teacher. Circulars. giving full particulars. may be had on ap• plication to the Principals, Attleberongh P 0 , Basin county, Pa. ISRAEL J GRAHAME. inhl7 3m JANE P. GRAHAMS. • . Principals. GEORGE A. NEWBOLD HAVING leexpectsAD. KENNETT SCITTARL Cbester conel7.to commence a kiporLim Sendai there the 11. th of Fourth Month UM!. ) for circular& address Geo A. Newbold. Jenkintown Mont[. so .Pa., till the 4th hest, or Wm. Chandler, Kennett Square, Chester county, ra. mhl2-lne ILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY, BEAR. MEDIA. PA.—Penns received at any Maga English. Mathematics, Classics, and Natural Soleness taught. Military Tacties, Book-keardlig. and OWN gineering taught. Entire expenses about 1113 per week Boys of Johnges taken. Eaters to Win. N iKarn. az• Sheriff; (I Capp & Co., No. kg South Third street: and Thomas J. 0/effton. Sew, Fifth and Prune Uremia, Addrese Rev. J.MdlaFinf BARTON. A. . areas. Pa. ' .nog -t1 COPARTNERSHIPS. NOTICE. -THE LIMITED PARTNER SHIP heretofore existing between DAVID SCULL. Jr.. and WILLIAM BtXTER - , as general partners. and DAVID SCULL, special partner, rinser the erm of DA VID SCULL,. Jr. expires this day by ILmitatlon- the aignature of the late firm will be need by either of the general partnere in liquidation. Xenon 31, 1864.. DAVID SCULL, JR., AND GIDEON D. SGULL. will continue the WOOL baslnama ae heretofore, at 125 ar.srm Street, wider the firm of DAVID SCULL. JR , do BRO APRIL Ist. 1864 apl• furor& THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE Fancyog between Mimes NUTT & WALSH, Straw and Millinery, No. 160 North NINTH &reel, is this day Dissolved by mutual seminal. naiads., March 31, 1864. L. NUTT apl.3i* M. WASH. NOTICE.-CHARLES C. KNIG.HT IS admitted to an 'lnterest in oar bradawls from this data. D. D. DOBBLIS & CO. ! Iron and Steel Merchants, N. E. corner SNOOD D and VIAE Ntreete, trand 42 and North FRON T Seet. PETLADELPRIA, Aprlll. 1884 4 . THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY entered into copartnership. WRI G HT having Will continue the Intereat of DETRE. T. WRIGHT & 'CO. . will continue the Wholesale Drng business. under the name of STRETCH, BERNITT & 00.. at the oid stand. No. 609 RABBET Street. AARON STRETCH. PHILADELPHIA. AWL' JOSEPH 8. 8 / 1 /MITT. /EU ard•im THE COPAIVENERSHIP HERETO FORE raiding between Messrs; B. P. IFILL & 00. is this day dissolved by mutual consent, in Abe with.. drawal of SAMUEL P. IFILi. therefrom The business will be continued at the old stand, N E. corner of TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets , under the title of C. N. STOUT & CO. C. it STOUT A. Co. Philaaelphis, April let, Mt it* NOTIOF.—THE FIBM OF READ & , co Bankers, is this day dist (solved by mutual con sent The business will be eettled by either of the an derailing& H A. BRAD. .IA I 3IIIB H. Broke= undersigned will continue business as Broker, at No. 42 Scram THIP.D Street, Philadelohla. JAMBS M. PATTER. Philadelphia. Pa , April 1. ladt. ap MARSHAL'S SALE. MARSHAL'S SALE,-BY VIRTUE Judie it °Me by Courtn JOHN thaDiYAD/L -DER,of the D i etricof the United States lu and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admi rality, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale. to the ttee e . 6l4 ". n l d42l golth b le r irr i rtr:e a t ah Ou ' ll t iOYMAt a rril 's 4th. 1864, at 12 o'clock M.,_ nine babe of Cotton, now in my custody by virtue of a writ of attachment lately %pried out of this court at the suit or Chance bowel/ and othere, and to be sold aspejlkhable. LLIAM MILLW&RD, U. S. Mar 14. D. of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, March 28.-Is64_ mh29-6t pAPEB WAREHOUSE. FARRELL, IRVING, & CO., 510 MINOR STMT. Mannfaotiirert of ROLL WRAPPIRS. DOIIBLR and &ROLM 155DIUM. CAP, and CROWN MANILLA, on hand. or made to order. 11 Jihad Dries DIN for rune In lam or MO Midi. dee- AMAMI DO YOU ADVERTISE? JOY, OQE, & OBRZITAL ittartiPaPlCS movaßminie AND NIIDSOKIPTION A11315N0Y I W. N. COSNER FIFTH AND CEEKSTRIIT.STERIT& PHILADEPHIA. - By means of the system of conjoint Advertising ren dered p_rastivable by &rewire JOY, COB. & CO . thronek then' leWsPaPer agency, the Mends to each Adler neer is - ereatly relined. • Advertisers save the postage and avoitl,the labor of correspondin g • with publishers , risk of remittance.. unseasonable and repeated calbrof strangers with separate bills, the vexatious deceptions of journals of dubious character, and losses from son - Wanting with incompetent and irresponsible persona - Bushnell men may learn through this games iv* wba, journal, to advertise in to • reach effectively Ind cheaply , the seetiona wherein their trade may be ex. tended. S. lournat. • Sir Advertisers receive copied of Journals 11 1W/doh. their advertisements are inserted. • fat. °Pat? CORNS AND; BUNIONS. PETERSON_ FITIRSOB - - - CORN • coRN CORN CORN O INTMENT OINTMENT OINTMOINTIONTT EN Will thoroughly ewe CORNS and BUNIONS. Wino:fat any pain. hold by Druggists everywhere. Price StS oents. .101108 TON, HOLLOWAY. dr COWDIN.Agents. za h 25. lIck• ma North &YAW Street GOLD'S IMPROVED STEAM ADD WAYBRMNATINO APPARATUS,, For Warming and Ventilating Public Buildings end Private Resi dences. Manufactured by the Cajole MUM AND WAPIIR-FINATING COMPANY OF PHILADILNA , 1 d n AIICM P. woort, viiilB.tardS B. M. TierwilLZYligigsjlintenidtliV. DAVID 130171.& Ja WILLIAM' BA XTBA. 11.1.V1D SCULL. SALE OF CONDEMNED WAGONS, CARTS, OUGGINS. AND WBEDLS. CHIEF QITARMOINA9TER'S OPTION. DISPOT OP WASHINGTON. WASHING/v.2e, D. 0.. March M. 1804. Will be gold at Public Auction, at the loath end of TWERTIRTH Street. near the Government Corrals, in the City of Washligtori, D. 0., on MONDAY, Arai! llth, 1954. at 11 o'clock A. M , a lot of— Government Pour-Horne. Two-Horse. Scring.ffetallic, and Hay Wan one. Carte. Boggles, Wagon Wheels We gen Bede, together with a number of articles pertaining tot wagon transportation. the same having been con demned se unfit for public service, eincreenful bid dere will be required to remove the arti cles within Ave DO days from day of gale. Tenne—Cash in Government hinds. SALE .OF OLD IJNNEBVIOEABLE GRAIN SACHS. STOVER, COPPER. CAT? IRON. Swims, Am, ac., Age CHIEF QUARTEIMASTRR'S Oppiog. DEPOT OP VrASHINGTOM. L. C. ,March 81 ASHINGTON", , Will be told at Palate Auction, at SEVENTEGSTeSECT WH ABP. in the city of Waehinglon. C. on FRIDAY' April Srh. NW, at 10 o'idock A. 10,000 old and un aerviceable Grain Seeks. Also, at 12 o'clock M. of the same day. at Government Warehouee. No. 6 NE W TORN AVEII, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets, will beeold Stover. Ranger, Camp Kettles. Coal Rode, Meat Pans, old and new Serpi, Copper, old Cast Iron. Stove Pies, Shovels, Scales, Wheelbarrows, Desks, Ac.. Arc. Successful bidders will be required to remove the arti cles within five (6) days from the day of Bale. Terms cash. in Government hinds. R. RUCK - 1M • apl-et Brig. Gen. and Chief Quarternusster, Lepot of Weehinaton. D. G ESTATE OF • PETER CRAIG. DE- C SID. —Lettere TeetamenterYlMOll the Sedate of PST= CRAIG. deceamed. having tents granted to the undersigned, sll persons indebted to said estate are re• quested to make payment, and those having claim to ereeent these. without dem, to GIORGI LOCKWOOD. or RANDALL PLUS AGIT, Ireentors Frankford. JOR BRALLososs., mhY•met• Attorney for E x ec utors. Frank f"'' .1: It THE OSP/lA.lga' 0013.11 T FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Same of illlCHalni MOLLOY'. deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit: setue , and adjust the account of ItlAitY AIM MOLLOY. Sawa' trin of the last will and testament of Michael Mello% deceased. and to report distribution of the balance La the Lands of the accountant.. will meet the parties interested for the pines of hie appointment on WSDIEBSDAT. April 6th . 1 at 4 &clear P. Al, at Me Moe. Noi 14 South WORT Street. In the city of Philadelphia. mh26.lknev6t • JORN B. COLAILiN. Atiditor, L N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE: CITY AND COUNTY OF PRILADBLPRIA, estate of MARY WILLY, deceased. The andikm appointed by the court to audit. BOW. and of the account Ba nd WAM O. QUIN, adminir trator mild decedent. make dietribntlOn of the lA' lane* in the hand, of aeconetcnt, will fleet the partiot intensted for the pnrpmes of his appointment, on .NBSDAY, Ajoril 6. A. D 1864, at four o'sloek P. Si his oaks, S. B corner of THIRD and CHISTNUT Snead. (second door.)PhUndelPhin. WILLIAIII B. HANNA.. mh26.llner6VP Auditor AN THE COURT OF COMMON - 1 - PLEAS FOE THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PIMA JOSEPH HENDERSON t December T. leN. ire No. Tit JOHR ECERVITE S Vendltionl BXPOIM Covenant. The the nu tter to distribute the toed vistas f from the eels nutter above writ (Wan " that lotlor Piec e 6 ! ground. with buildings. on the southwest corer of ibi,u . dolph and Thompson streets, in the city of Philadelimil front on Randolph street forty. two feet three and s half inches .• depth westward ' on the south line filtrAlue 1. 1% and In breadth on the rear and of said lot thirir pi a ; feet eleven Inches, " will mein the parties interested. c..., 1 1" the leafteeen of his atipointtheni. on - Ttnl 4 D 61r * oh dth, OIL at 4 o'clock in the a ft ernoon, at his 0 and southeast corner Eighth and Locust streets , when where all persons are requested to present then ciabt or be debarred from coming in on said fund. mhilt.fmw-Lit D *ADM .DOUGHILETY. Au dit or NOTICE Is HEREBY RIVEN VIA • the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders P e nc e OINTSAL TItaNSPONTATtON COMPANY. 0 i i d • erlonnia. will be Ittid. at the : Office. corer him TRIRTISTEI and MAD ST arse% West Phiiadet e t o „ on MONDitY. nth. ay of Apra nen , . 01 Itl rs, 6 A 1. 1 , 11 .," for Ur =Pas*. T ieos of , sleeting nine Mode liven their:dTarelarde eaT a , Nse7,l wsosssei to mem the Capita Stotikotselde o n d one bead Trrimortellon Compeny by adding thereto r „t o adies et any thentand dollar'. for the MINH 0 s• any aldness. .•'DY older of the Beerd.of Director% O. W. CSILD Prod ell • . . 7 - COTTRIIVOIS: BeirOw, L EximiNA .-.rairtzw2A. TlO/111.,w1 DAY and 13. bpi EtZfrs t ab, ALB lILtDIE~ 119. SO 5. Tailvl AUCTIOIII %Amiss FURNESS, ERIN LEY .8c CO.. ,_ Mo. OM CaIIeTSITT and 61.2 /ATM S Btr SOO PIRCNi SA/to SY- TROPES' DRegta Goo D4 03 TUESDAY AlOarlIEU, 800 piece' , Faxon' , waren dress gouda, Main. maid sad broche BLACK AND WRIT% CBSCEL4. Re pieces piain and Jacquard figured book and whi t Saxony checks. ALPACAS Argo MOHAIR'S Black, brown, one tan atpaeaa Emilie figured eatin stripe IMPBSSA • Rtgh-eoiored stil he grar*raise. AV PIECES PARIS POPLINS, FOB CITY T Mans Nitre quality Paris plain copliaa. Extra triunity email plaid PoPlint Ext.a quality b oebe danced poplins. 2 000 BAL6IORAL3 JUST LANDED. CAPS extra quality Dew PPY le sprin ANDerae. ITALlhbi CLOTHO, COTTON/A.4Di. NEGT3gt ior• pieces One to extra One black I utilan.elothe, 160 pieces heavy cotteeades and Melton'. coTro s 11031.11 600 dozen 34bread wblie and brown cotton boas, .DOMESTIC GOODS. FOR CASS. --- bales and twee brown and bleached mashes. FEBOCH F itANN Roe. • lat won. 100 pieeeg French all- wool flannels, extra tine. SALE OF IMPORTED AND DGMESTIO DRY GOODE ON TITESDAY MORNING. April 6. at 10 o'clock. by catalogue, on 4 months' credit 60u packages and lots of fancy and staple 1430d4 DAMAGED GOO D, On acconnt of Underwriters. S for Gash ON TUESDAY MORNING. April 6, at 111 o'clock, for cub. cased-4 black alpacese • 6 races fancy dress Fonda. tojediadamaged on voyage of importation, tax steanters Lonlslaaa, Penncylvaole. p .4,1 4 1 COAST At WARNOOK, TIONNEB% No. 840 ICARZIST Street. LARGE POSITIVE SPROUL SALE OF STRAW 0 001:13. !THISN caTA OR Well& THMA% Commencing at 11 o'Clook preci.o.iy. Included will t% found about 400 C.PIIII r t ttlhiOnable. styles for ladies' misses', and children's wear. LARGE POSITIVE &ALE OF 754 tors riltE‘lailf AND IMPORTED DRY GOIMS, MI LLINEfir aim& wain; GOODS. &aBY CATALOGUE Commencing m 10 o Mock preolsefy, comprising aa attractive seam - fluent of seasonable a we, Included will be found: N'tc: EBIES'. An invoice of rich M and ß new OIDER siyies embroideries. inet landed. comprising 1(0 ir , to of medium to very fl oe mode being full line, of autism. sets. infanta' waists and robes fluerringe. edging, &.. Ac. LINEN . cA3113111.0 FIANDEBEGEDEFS. Alio. a full line of ladles' 5 8 add ttonteB.4 412 i iii plain. Damen! died. and hemmed linen cambr.c bud • kerchiefs. from low to car, fin. numbers LADS VB , LS AND I, ACM. Aieo, an invoice Paris embroidered Mask lace voile, black eLd wite milk lacen. Ac.. a fall lineal widths, Bid , INET EIBbONS AND NM LINSEY G OODS. Alao, 100 cartons choi r e pprieir 6tyleseoild caters plaid find fancy poult de Foie b.mnot libboue *ha, rich rpring sty Ise NA. artiflchiii. powers. Wm& and white nem. joined blonde. Ac. PHILIP FORD & (JO., A IRITIO!,iIiKR2r ..- MO MARKET and lIIIIS onlifmnin —______ LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 19000 CASES BOOTS AMP nHo al THIS HORNING. April 4th, at 10 o'clock precisely. will be sold by citta eau. loans. for sash. 1.000 cases of raen'o, boya', and youth's hooter, 6e. . : worne kip, and anonn po ets , brogans, balmnrals, cavalry m ores,' and children's books. an one. balinoral a. gaiter,,. am , from city and Eastern If aLaactiire, comprising a general asaortmant of Roods, to Which the attenzion or bnyera is invited. Opaa for g e ale. xami nation, With natal ogees. early ea the morning et LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1.000 016E3 BOOT* ND IMES. ON THURSDAY IitORNING, April 7th. at 10 o'clock preetgaiy, will be Sold by saint lease, for ea, h, 1,000 eases men's bona and yon ma' ealt, hip. and grain boots, brogan,. balmorale. cavalry blow. ao ome, misses'. sod children's' boots shoes, bat morals. gaiters. &a.. C .mprieing a general' astottment of goods Open tor examination, with cataleenes, early on the morning of slae IY HENRY P. WOLBERT, AUCTIONISR._ io. AO! SWUM Street South Side. above Besoae SKIRTS. DRY GOODC, Stc, 6101 1 / 5 1ING. April 4th. at IC o'clock. will be sold. Skirts. draft as.l domestic goods. trimmings, fancy chills, catettowy abawls, caps, hats, he Also, sofa, chairs, blinds, dm MONDAY. Dn. Good& Trimming& Notion& dco ev er , WS NSDAY. and FRU:lilt Morning, evm. nlenCiElg at In o'clock, m THOMAS & SONS, +La-. Nos. 139 attd 141 south FOURTH St, 012.1).—Sales of Seel Beate, Welus. thc. i the IVA (MANOIi SVERY TUBSDAY. Pamphlet NatalOgret *ash Satarday_pi±wioua. lir PUEN/TUB.I At Auction Store THICTRIMATS. FALB Fl Btu. 1710 CEIRSFNUT STREET. NOTION —Catalogue** of the anuarror furniture t, be sold Tuesday morning. at No 1110 Ches'nut street. are Dow ready. Included in the sale, a superior rosewood Piano. 7 octaves. made by Schomaoker. ptanas made by Gale, a large number of superior hair ruaitressos and fine feather beds. blanket.. elegant mouth, and mir rors*. handsome chandeliers; also, a ilasatay of flag Preserves. REAL ESTATB AND STOCKS. Lth Aprll. CARD. — Our ea% on Tursday next. RE 12 o'clock, at the Exchange, will comprise a large amount Of properly, In• molding several large and valuable lots; one of 10 urea, 2 4 .‘ miles from Market-street bridge; several on 9 76Inat week Twenly•second street dm City dwel,tags azd stores. Alao. firgt.clase bank and other Was. See pamphlet cetalogde Peremptory Sale on the Premises. ELEGANT RESIDENCS AND FIIENITURE, GERMAN THIS MORNING. Aril 4th. MC at 11 o'clock. will be gold at public Sale. , withont reserve, on the pFemisee. Batt Walnut lane. Germantown. ELSGANTMOPERN MANSION, STABLE, AND COACH HOGS% and lame lot. 375 feet front by MO feet. to Hermes street. • Air- Full descriptions ready t h e e,dlla. Immediately after the eale of honee, will be sold. commencing at precisely 11 o'clock. the entire elegant drawing-room, dining-room, and chamber Minicar% superior bookcase, grand Piano, fine satin curtains, line carpets. chandeliers. &c , &a . air Sale peremptory, owner removing from the State. Catalogues now ready. Sale No. 1110 Chestnut street. STYPEN/DE FNEINITIIRS, mertra, AND PEEK WE EOM, ruao. FMB GASPET'S, OBANDDLIRRS,Ac. ON TUSSDAV MORNING. April 6th. M 10 o'clock. at No 1110 Chestnut street, by catalogue, the entire parlor, dining-room, and chamber furnikitcheture. fi ut ne ensil hars. matrasses, feather beds. tke. A/so. 4 the n 41F8r• May be examined at 8 o'clock on morning of sale SALE OF RARE AND VALUABLE MISONI.LAILEOUB BOOKS FROM A LIBRAiIL ON TUESDAY AFTEttblooN. April 6th, at the auction store, commencing at 4 o'clock. a collection of rare, valuable, and interesting books from a library. SALE OF A VALUABLE LAW LIBRARY. ON W SOMEDAY AFTERNOON, •pril 6th, at the 'suction store, come:Letting at 4 o'clock, the valuable law library of the late Colonel R. E. Lee, which comprises a number of the Pennsylvania and other Reports. Sale—No. 518 North FIFTH Street, SUPERIOR FURNMRS. BOOK-oalo3, FINE MIR ROR. 171iLVNT CiiiiPSTS, 50, ON FRIDAY MORNING, *tail Bth. at 10 o'clock, by eatalogae. atffo. 618 ' Forth FIFTH Stunt, above Buttonwood street, the superior furniture, rosewood secretary, book. cone, French plate pier mirror, feather beds, matreases, velvet carnets, Arc o'clock aar May be examined on the morning of sale, at 8 . Executor's Sale. No. 17 South Math street. SUPERIOR FUSEITURS. ORADD PIANO. MIRRORS. CARTON CHINA. FINE ()ARMS, CHANDELIERS. ac. ON WEDNEDAY MORNING. April 13th, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue. at No. 17 Reedit Ninth 'Area. the entire furniture, including an elegant rosewood 7-octave /rand Mono, made by Chiskeringi superior plush puler furniture dining room and chma bar furniture Ilse metreeeee, elegant carpets, etc. also, the kitchen utensils. salmi Hay he examined at'eight o'clock on morning of Fele for account United States. PION= ZOIIAVE OLOMINO AND UAITERS. ON SATITR. oAT MORNING. April 16th. at 10 o'clock, at the anstion store. without reserve. 4 770 infantry privates' coats. zone,., 4.044 vests. 57 trumpeters' coats. 4 942 leather vagina, 12,6 D linen gaiters. 26 forage cape Terms cash. itir The abov earl y a portion of the French uniforms imported in the part of the war, and are sold on account of being too small to issue to our troops. May be examined three days previous to sale. Brig.-Gen. and Obtfitte ll te tr im ir edt Eß 4 Depot of Wa.h r ington, Dr:C LEGAL.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers