nrtbk. St. below Arch. H. nese. CawCredi Cunt bl li one. . Ohio 8 0 W Hahn. Allegheny City 3 H Papuan New Castle W Kraft, Wheeling 0 Latta. Et.u.livi lte, 11l W J Caudell. Oecatn - , 11l Eder F Brevets' . Bridgetes J J Via Horn. TrentJe. NT P Remedy Nyt Wbeellag B Heogeiand Hare.kbmt. W A itipiey. New -Terser C Ellio t. Newburg. fa Dr i wilam rrd Thee C Nessed7. N York Tee ree4taileash Hans. New Jens/ a Narfsagres , Joha J 'hue t eWn r N.,b11.00. Firgtran s Gray . Pitt.ibn'g a w Alverd. Towealde. TT 1. W‘gbarn. Tennessee, A II Sloan roam ". Hotel Fe ol,gr Ohio t. Cincinnati 0 2 .8' FlanklfA Franklin e.crinton. Pa BA 6 , r., Harrisburg u fissusti, Harrisburg W kiddie. Harrisburg oeu G rowel %Paoli iseiy. W ashington b.rber 0110 • riason lean Douglasvilla Williarasport,Pa font Maryland faleby, Nana IST 311'1110kt, Mercer. Pa Str a, New o.kio k or m Jr . Scranton ,ive. Scrant onn Rum.ay. Portsmonth.o t street, above Sixth W Eimer. Rantingdca R W Wayneebarg J W liiriott. Carlisle Mr+ 4 1reer. PThebart P Mcßiney ki Cr.4a. Maryland J K N..wvtlle &N • lame Delaware J Wil, Lel J R Lab._ r-antlyn A Pierce. Prot', R. I 1' Yates. New York I Gn..n. New York 0 F T. te, New York vies !Talon. hlarke l Gsmpbell. Johnstown ohm..a h la. Trenton acabs, RenAiDa r Martin. York, Pa Thom. Harper's FerrY cTay, Jr. Delaware Bas-ail. Fort Monroe E Carew. Boston 'VETrUZ. New York ,sting. Chester co sav Cha*. Chester co co Faster. Columbus. 0 ioesson. W Chester rd. street, above Rae /3 if Smith W Har it ris. York. Pa 800 Bowman, Virginia Bah. ell«ntown l3eo Paff. York, Ps B J Wilson. New Berlin W Krait, Wheelint, Va 6 Kibler. Trenton W Gime Kinker. Penile n's Hotel—Tit if. Jr. U IS A Rest. 118 A F Balta. Hew York $ FLITME , 7 I . M.ryland „ m e t ,. Delaware ,13cleper. New Tomei ,r 1 Douglas . Is - Thompson Bally 'oven. AM York and, above Blerbtet. Philip ettemota Pettus C K r ontker. Monroe co TOroM4 Selzer. Monroe CO H B:"etzer. Monroe co j ii VC,,i,e. Mocroa co W g Ware., Monroe CO B A Smith. hit Holly. NJ Dirt. Chandler. Penna. ladison -House—So ' Kugler, Maryland Kitchen, Backs co Kilcb.-n. Sucks co aka. U S -A 'nyder. ITS A Yr A .10. Greer. US A ielTict-norn. Lewistown Prrrt.Z. Lewistown jog Ler. Walkll 8 er. A. 17 A • Smntt. P ew Jeillei ir Bechtel & . on meet, above Chestnut W Cnn.rad. Erie. Ohio C 9 Pierce. W;lllamano:t Mite F Colton, New 'sr.** , Cleo F Howllett% 11 - Jorsel , Chat PriAkl,Warrington.Va B differ. Warr - ngt F. fitousr. eottwtown Henry 131drelf. LIALGGIJ . a, John Howell. Tre oton. 11 - J Jos B P.M lips. 'Minnesota 1W P Lincoln. II S ~yior. is S . New York 4a....New York Bs Denville.Pa Foy ...New York B-ban. ZiewYork poduvon, Oxford. Pa MOMS% Oxford. Pa Jaci ton. Oxford. Pa W Scott. Norristown 'Butt. Wash. D C Potter d street. above Arab. Geo El Stone. Centre co, Pa V Martin Carrick. Media, Pa S Dnnl.p Poarce Ct Barton it Vermont—Seca erell. Trenton "v. New York New York tuton. New York Wiirs , x. New 7 ork Tarce• Pittrlburir rittebarg • street, below Vino. Z o r ei, n li z ill, Germantown g Nel‘en S W Yeager. 17 S A. P Pa , ,el. Williamsport ?hoe L Bennett, CS 8 A 13. Er. W "tidings, Baltimore in" Shear—Secorti !1... hems Maryland g VdLantter, Penns icidson. Penns lay nard Scranton loft - angle. Hew Elrpe renbrook,Witaltington )scita Tamaqua , Onakt New Hope vet, above Ca Lowhlll IF Almond T C Flock. Doylestown D Har , zog. &IMAM k Frey. Easton 1 bbi'L Y Walter. Easton ll:Nagle—Third OM liner, liellertown Wertman. Penns A Green, Palma nith. N Jersey ir'aTds. Penns iE15113. - tlitoll. eet. above Third. R F Crocker. New York j..b it Weitzel Elbridge idles J Reading J Feeler. Maryland National—Race St k & art Harrisburg' ebi won, Catawissa , o !Ira . Easton enTli;roriery Co wntend. Virginia , ranke. BURS CO SPECIAL. NOTICES- :HOYT ' S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE EDIT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RRSTORATI,VI. ROFT'6 HIAWATHA HAIR REgTOR BOY='S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. BeT HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORANVE. t Lem:fellow's Poem Hiawatha was adjudged to have ' fe r mi the greatest boon on his tribe because he ioght to its notice corn. Every one will admit that , rtcparstion is worthy of the name, for the benellig Wert When it is known. WHAT THE HIAWATHA DOES. I restores faded and gray hair and whiskers to their glail color_ it brings UP the natural shading of one with another, thus giving the hair a pergct life ap mce. to that the most critical obcorrar cannot de- Litt, toe. It males harsh hair soft and silky. stops its ht no. cleanses it and the scalp from all impurities, rosary applied and wiped from the skin as any hair cc, had entirely overcomes the bad effects of pre ps ate of preparations containing sulphur, anger of dic e trci,vrietore of the Hiawatha published the follow• cbEilente to test in the Hew York dailies three kt, which WAS NEVER ACCEPTED: vme well-known and disinterested persons ea 10:,6 to the proprietor of each preps.) ation Tor the to bring up the color. Every proprietor to use no but his own preparation, and the person nOthinil ir,..1;-4 the test. A certificate of the result to be Td:Atesb e,d at the expense of the unsuccessful core. :is Old everywhere JObEPH HOYT is 00., 19.1 y 10 university Place. New Yore. Ali, DYE! HAIR DTE!! 7,CP_LOR'S celebrated HAIR DYE ie the Best PS The only Itartnlesa. True. ana Relinble km,u7n. This splendid Hair Dye in period—changes • or'Gray Bair instantly to a Glossy _Biagi • Brown. without injuriag the Hair or stain ke leaving the Hair Soft aad Beautiful; im• L..ifitality, frequently restoring its pristine eau ieclillea the in of of bad Dyes. The GF it Fined WIT,Ta 41X A. BATOILLELee: au others ere .initatione..ated should be availed. Sold by rzty,..ts, &c. FACTORY, St BARCLAY Street, To..k. Batchelor's new Toilet Cream for Dressing 7y2t ly B.—RA.DFORD'S POWDES WILL CIIRE oh. :MsliglaguaL Scarlet Fever, or Putrid Sore I Ulcerated Mouth or Throat. Prepared by C , 57 J. Sixth et.; Kromer, 403 Chestnut et. .E.PRION CLOTHING, O; rsde in the Beet Mennen. aT LVWS,ST Selling Prices All Goode made to Order 0-4.7 Osa-Psicrs Byer= is at &Araby treated alike. JONES & CO.. 604 MASON HABILIII93 1ffr 2 771 I CABINET ORGAMS. SEVENTH PaPIILAS CLortaxo BOUM or Pan,A., OAIC HALL." goodeand moderate prism. WAITANAISSR & swim. 3 corner SIXTH and HARHIIT Streets. Del,artmant (to make to order) No. IS. Sixth et. :LER. tit WrEsoN's HIGHEST rE.Emrc:u SEWING-MACHINES. CHEAPEST, B/M:E.DEST, AND BEST. lesrooms. 764•Mestrtut• Street above 7th iF• —On the 2d instant, of disease c mtracted , c.n , P. Charles Woodruff, remember of amipanY rum. Cavalry. only son of A. J. and the late r in the 21et year of his age. I.ert, Red friends of the family are respectfully to attend the lanersl from the residence of his cab (get, N 0.121 Spring Garden street, on Tivs. noon at one o'clock. To proceed to Odd-Fel ttn. T - On TosEdaY, 221 tilt., in Memphis, Tenn. , him II Norris. aged fiL 141 ;vet and male friends are respeatfnlb invited la , funeral, from the residence of his son in - Potter. 2925 Walnut street. on Monday, Aprit4. ek P. ii. 7 - Suddenly, on the 2d instant, Joseph K. Lf, nth year of hie age. -r hie late resideßce, near Attleborough. v. this morning, at U o'clock " .4 ddelllY. on the morning of the 3d. inst.. .• st:o of Joseph HemPle. aged 40. `r,s are Invited to attend the fonerel. from • 'nee No. 906 Nectarine street, on Tuesday .t IS o'clock. 66 the 2d inst., Elizabeth. Rowland, wife of an‘tos and friends of the family are invited to funezall, from the reeldenee or her hashand. 6 ` , ..1h eleventh street. on Taosday, 6th !net at ,rthent farther notice. es. -On the let of April. Lockerman Heber ,r.S. fi ) eldest son of Robert and Arabella the With year aids ass. trine the residence of hie father, No. 2126 uzon 'street. rails - o n the let instant, Lavinia Williams * ar.yee and mesas of the family are respectful) ai y attend her funeral, on Wednesday. the 6t h e.'clock A. M. from the residence of her "r• ar 0- Williams, 916 Walnut street. Inter eel es Flret-daymorning. 3d instant, Oliver ty. it the 37th year of his age V.t" and friende of the Lenin) are invited to .srret, from the residence of his father, 84. •' I6 V. N 0.216 north Twentieth street on rhird.- = j a the 6th instant, at 3 o'clock. To proceed ~1 11. -On the 3d inst.,Ann I. Pereira, wife of aced Mt years. ...t:vss and friends of the family are respectfully ,;...d the funeral from the residence of her • J. Sonth 'eleventh street, on Tuesday, the 15th q tA• without farther notice. • •- • - ibi March Mat. 3864. at 4 o'clock A. IL , 1 4s ce , B eiN d ey * E . poet, R. J., Samuel Ash !' • formed merc hant of this city, in the 60th a , Y ;MI will t a ke place onMonday. April 4th • at the -an li l t ., in the 63d year of her age. a u Cue, the relict of the late Richard .A: services will be held at the Church of the '• on Monday morning, -the 4th Inet, at 11 sse ' i n the evening of the SOth nit.. John T. 634 year 5.16 age- • ead of friends of the family am invited t funeral. from his late residence, on If on , at 10 o'clock A. Y. ‘ . ¢ .. .rhnveday, 31st nit.. in Brooklyn, alter a 4 "B. Miss Harrlot Amelia Game, aged 46 :tee and friends are invited to attend the .. .honday. 4th Intant, at 3 attack, from the i.fter brother, Dr. 0. B Gauss. earner Twelfth It %h. without farther once. Interment in Cemeter7- li addenlY, on the 31st rat., Mrs. Amanda °'2d year of her age. n. end lliends of the familk are o e cti smi:h h . e ?it iZ al N orth Ile e vlMth street, E T'as on Monday, April A. inst., at le o'clock. -:,tdechanies' Cemetery. tTroY. Whitecap, tiers please copy.] & SON HAVE COMMENCED ,J 1 their Swing and kinmzemlitock /1017H11- ~ and have ROW 111 WOrt tOIIIIOS. English Bombazines,. Prima. Bombazine% t Hatmadd. Stunmer Bombulam . e pi ant, OhanY r e . i oh Monmellszted. • and BIN& an Whits ronlards&f. MM° MEL Ito. 918 CaIIOSTIMT Stmt. LANDELL,- 400 ARCH -ST., Vted this season, tor their best custom, g v t Sills imported; ih gririVallat m ger; i! —nuns. IMotti an o Blot. nth SS ENGLearozzis. AND ALL d,c., 0 favor the planting of $ Cloagrealt 17.qlladelphia. re - Inviteg FBA on APril at gllO l APS-St 1r3.0 FAIR FOR, ::. S . s 'D WI/ A b ETIFFEBBS• , .A- .N ' : iisp, how op at the amsoalalv Bulldogs, TBA.ra „,, CHBSTriI3T areete. It. mcSECOND WARD AND TRIG DRAFT. —en Adjourned Neet%nt , of the tlittsene of the N a G o . v a e t the t E±: ‘,: n ß it i u- ke ld b. w h i o ll oi tir ou h se el . d si T x ti r l a dE d V ir g ee N t l . ter. Id 734 o'clock. It. WW.F.I.NTI-1. WARD. —TUE la , l. - ZEN of the ward are requested to meet THIS (Monday) EVENING, Atoll 4th, at 8 o'eioett, ai.Einnesi Bail. N. E. corner of FOURTH and GREEN Btr•eta. at which time the Diebureinu Committee of Bountm Fund will wake their dual Rep_ort. It. Wat. B. CONNELL Secretary. MI" CITY /MUNDY NOTICE.—oFFIOIII caT4 BUDwry Moro GOisiMESSION, So 414 , PRUNB Slifer, Aprill. 1864 The City Bounty rail continue to be Paid until further notice. ' - - PPriCStiObs for Bounty will be entertained from rcernitt- who enlisted prior io the date of the President's Proc.Atostion, October 17, 1863 In future. Dowers of attorney far the City Bou ate . , from navy recruits for Pennsylvania Regiment.. mastered in after Oils date. must be endorsed by the ..tracer in °new/a of the harracks that the man has been received there. By order of the Commis.ion apl-tf SAtnITTSG C DAWSON secretary. OFFICE. OF THIO BUTLER. COAL. COMPANY. No. 11.98 Sauth FOU St re 79 MASC43t. 1964 VOTIOD.-4 tneetletr of the Storkhol dere of the B LER GOAL costraN7 will be bald TiIUR4D April 2let, at 3..'010ck P. N.. at their Dike. No. JOS PoU.STßiStreo. to consider the proprteldr of iee.ann the unite! Stock of the Company to the ULM of Five Hundred Thousand Dolla*s. R N. BNRROTORS, President. Z. fl. HoWELL, JOHN DERBYKUIRE. apt-sinwelt • CIEI&E.LE6 W. TROTTER. orTREASURER'S DE PA R T RENT NORTHERN CENTRAL RAJ LWA 11 CO. CALVERT STATIOIt BALTIMORE. April L 1864. Notice is hereby given. that the pitsl stock of the N..rthern Central Railway Company. for the parcels of completing a doubm track to Sunbury. Pa.. Will be augmented to an amount equal to that of the existing btock. Before °farina it to the public. thole who IMPLY as Stockholders on the Company 'a books on the 6th of April, 1864. will be allowed the privilege of subscribing. at the par veins. to an amount egaal to the Stook by them r,-spettively held Rorke 'wilt be opened for that purpose at this office, and kept open iron, the 6th day of APRIL. 1564. until the 6th day of Mar. 1864. No enheoriptionwitl be re , elyea for loss than par, pay able as follows: Twenty (WI) per cent. at the time of tubecription, and the remainder in instalments of such amounts and at such times as may be ordered by the Board of Directors. The books will be closed from 6 P. 111'. on the 4th of April until 10 A. M. on the 6th of April, and no trantfare allowed on the sth. By order: ap4-d2t-thetutmyB J. Littft, Treasurer. OrAT A MEETING. OF TUE A KT ISTS' FUND is OCIBTY, held March 30, the fol lowing resolutions Were adopted: se-soloed. Thetesch member of the ARTISTS' WIND SOCIETY be requested in present to the fIENT . RAL FAIR for ther4NITARY COMMIB3ION.if he be a pa‘nter, a Me trite, in sire ten by twelve inchee, more or less; and, if he be not a painter, then, work of Ms own to an equal value. 2 That a Committee of three be appointed, by ballot. to collect such works of art as may be eabssribtd for this purpose. 3. That the Committee be intrusted to convey, such works to the Pine Art Committee of the ventral Sanitary Fair, as a gift from the ARTISLW MID 800 1 / S TY. W T. BICHAIWS. 0130 C. Committee. • erl.3t* ALEX. LAWRIE. GREAT CENTRAL FAIR—TO BE HELD IA PHILADELPHIA, JUNE. MSC—The unaereigned Committee of the LUMBER B RANCH, invite the vconapkand Ir...ergot - loco-operation of par ties engaged in the manufacture or Bale of LUMBER. in the States of Mew Jersey, Pennsylvania. and Dela ware and refer you to the address of the SANITARY COMMISSION, enclosed, for what is proposed to be accomplished_ it is set mated that it will require about one million fret 0! Dumber for the erection of the buildings. most of which wiL be in White Pine culling homes, which may be consigned to ether HENRY CROSKEY & CO.. on tee Delaware, or HARBERT. DAVIS. & GO.. on the Schayl kill. The freight, either by Boats or Railroad, when Shore ie a chaise, will be paid by the Committee. Salecriptions are solicited in any kind of Lumber or Cash, and will be acknowledged through the news papers by the Treasurer_ ICED C. DAVIS. Chairman, Twenty fourth. and Locust streets. CEittitLEA P. PEROT. Secretary: 901 South Broad et. BEERS CRObERY, Treasurer, Delaware avenue, be- low Green street heed A. Williams. Broad and Green streets, Phila. Wm John Mame. Twenty- first and Rice as., rah, Benj. IL grown. Richmond and Ash streets. Phila. George Craig_ Poplar-street Wharf, Phila, Watson Malone. Noble street Wharf. Phila. Samuel B. Bailey, Catharine-street Wharf, Phila. Joseph H. Collins. Eighth et , ab. Girard ay. , Phila. Fish & Green. Trenton, New Jerse. Bassett & Lawrence, Salem. New Je y rsey. P. J. Mulford. Bridgton, New Jersey. lI Voorhees. Princeton. New Jersey_ a. K Hall. Milford, Delaware. Drink/sou & Bunting. Chester, Pa J. D. Stryker. *ambertviile. New Jersey. J. B Roberts, Burlington, New Jersey. Wm. S Boughton, Camden. New Jersey. Jesse Lane. Wilmington. Delaware. Wm. Townsend, Frederica, Delaware. 0.14. Pithier, West Chester. Pa. J. Seiler. Lancaster. Pa. James Duffy_ Marietta. Pa. H. Small & Sons. York, Pa. .1, George. President, Lebanon. Pa. tharles Pittman. Pottsville. Pa. James McKean. Eamon. Pa. B. Chiles, White Haven. Pa D. S. Miller. President, Stroudsburg, Pa. Reed Brothers. Bedford- Pa Win It Hughes, Wilmore. Pa. Edw. Trump, Jersey Shore. Pa. • James Bowman, Wines, Pa. H. S Davidson. Ulster, Pa. James Graham. Clearfield, Pa. R. R. Phelps. Burlington. Pa. E H. Smith, Columbia. Pa. George Middletown. Daniel D. Boas Harrisburg. Pa. Jacob H. Deysher, Beading. Pa. Bolton. Christman. & Co.. Norristown. Pa. D H Taylor, Bethlehem, Pa. Stacy Brown,Brownsburg. Pa. C Munson, illipsburg, Pa- J. Gardner. Hollidaysburg, Pa. Craig & Blanchard. Lock Haven, Pa. P iturdie. Williamsport, Fe. J. D. Montanye.Towanda. Pa. Charles Wells, Athens. Pa Wm. Irvin, CLIIWiIIIITiIIe Pa. Hall & Co., Pittsburg. apt-mwfat Mom OFFICE OF THE GREAT CEN TRAL FAIR FOR THE SANITARY CO *Lind- SION — PHILADELPHIA. 1307 CREsTRUT STREET. Marco, —The Committee on Finance and Donations of the Great Cearral Fair appeal for contributions ill MO :lIRY to those of their fellow-citizens who do not propane sending to the Pair the products of their skill and indas try. by far the larger portion of the money race ved on the occasion of the Fairs held for the benefit or the sani tary Commission in Cincinnati. Boston. and Brooklyn. was derived from direct conations in CASH, and not from the proceeds of the sale of a, ticles exposed. What the Sanitary Commission needs to afford relief to the sick and mounded soldiers is money, in large amounts and from all sources. We call, then. upon all bankers, car norrilottS. caplialiets. persons living upon incomes, pro fessional or otherwise; in short, upon all who will not be represented in the Fair by their productions, to imi tate tie example of those who will, and to contribute liberally in RONEY for this great object In New York, although their Fair is not to be held for two weeks, con tributions of more than $200,000 in cash hare been already received, a single department of trade, that Of dry goods, having made up more than half that tom. Brooklyn and Cincinnati have each contributed as much In money. and certainly the wealth, liberality. and patriotism of Philadelphia can hardly be considered as less conspicnons than that of these communities. Con tributions will be thankfully received by any of the Members of the Committee. A. B. BORES. Chairman. S. A. MEMEL SAWING WALSH. THOMAS SPARKS, A. J. Arun°, CALEB COPS. • JOHN T LIMN. THOMAS KHMER, JR., T. A. BIDDLE. M. W. CLARK. WM. C KNIT roh26-6tlimwtf B. C. RNIGITI4. F TEZ LATass —reasly for !WAIL marked in Plata warranted eatiafae• gristly authored to KARKSIT fitrask PIANO®, Vir FIRST QUART-REMY REPORT THIRD NATIONAL Bl l N T le z OP PHILADELPHIA, APR 1S R IL SOU T RCES.. 11, E 196 Loans and Discounts 09,909 97 Dnited Sta' es Bonds, deposited to se care circulation 90 000 00 609 97 Specie and Lezal-Tender Notes 82.873 28 885. Bibs of Solvent Banks. 1.286 00 Cash Items. &c Sr 00 Due from Banks and Bankers 11,175 59 Furnitnre and Fixtures 1.194 25 Expense Account 1.577 80 -- amos 92 PIANO& . N. GOULD, and OEBEVM37 LIABILITIES_ --:_. - Capital Stock $61,740 00 Plait and Lola 3)2 25 Due to Banks and Bankers. 16.907 68 Due to liepoeitora $5,704 06 166 t £0 Commenced business March 10th ap4-St P. GLEDDINIIING. Cashier far ITIIIRD QUARTERLY IMPORT OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, APRIL 1. 1864 RESOURCES. Loans and. discounts 31.120,828 42 United States Bonds deposited to secure circulation 6.00,000 00 United States Bonds deposited for otherpurposea 200,000 CO Baited States Bonds and other United States securities on hand 1.187,77A33 002,652'10 , Special and Legal Tender Notes. 011.480 4560 Bills of Solvent Banks 4,783 00 United States Five per cent. Le gal Tenders 030.000 00 Cash Items. aic 34.368 53 Due from Banks and Bankers... .314,44 17 Beal Berate. .. 51.098 18 B.penseasootuit —..... 17.188 07 - 1.412.375 49 . . Capital Stock . ... ~ ... ~.s.Loco.oio 00 Cirsnlating Notes Issued 518 000 00 Profit and Lose.... ....... 54 8! , 9 4t s - Due to Banks- Bankers 557.832 01 Due Treasurer of the united States......-- 1 328, 647 02 Due Depositors on demand ......... 1,157,&59 73 rerTHE GREAT VENTRAL FAIR- Office of the Sommittee on Labor. Income. and Revenue. No. 115 South SEVBN'IgI Street, ehas delphia The - undersigned, Tretwurer of this Committee, ac knowledges the iollowing subscriptions: From B. J. R.. one &Ws labor 113 00 • • The Claim and Workmen of the Perfumers Liisorssory Or J. Diiii. one day's salary.. 84 17 • • Tour TotingLadlei, same establishment, one dey's salary 2 76 .. The Teachers and Children of Swedes' Church. one day's collection —.... 30 00 " A Widow, a Peruvian dollar 100 *. A Widow, Whose son is in the army 3 00 - " A Lady, two days' earningsl 00 " A Poor Woman —. 100 " Bev. Edward Mitchell 166 Billet Dethington, one day's salary 2 01 " A Forme Lady two days income 300 " Yonne Men's Bible Class of Second Reformed Dutch Ch arch.... 10 DO , Hall W. Mercer.Bsa 50 00 • • Mrs. T. Id Mercer -...-... 10 00 • • Bobt. James (farmer) and wife • Martha Drury and Annie Spotten 200 ~W illiam Gibson i 00 " An Eplecopal Clersyman. 300 " President, Officers. and Employees of the Bar men' and Mechanics' Bank of Philadelphia, one day's salary. 162 92 • • Eight Rev. dames F. Wood. Catholic Biehop of Pennsylvania 100 00 " Capt. Theodore Kitchen. Philadelphia ..... ... 50 00 • • W. L. J Rinderlin 50 00 .. A. Working Girl - . 1 00 Donation or handsome Flag. from Evans is Hassall, for office. Fr' a Lady 60 261ffi P ricers son. and Keepers of Philadelphia Conn •• The Philadelphia Bank 600 Od • " The Clerks, dm. . Philadelphia Bank 100 00 Join( W. GLAGHOII.II, Treasurer. Other enbetrintions and remittanees by mail duly re ceipted for and acknowledged. ap2-2t airTHE GREAT CENTRAL PAIR The Committee on Benefice. E.nhibitione. and En tertainments requests that the proceeds of all Benefice. Exhibitions. Ate . public or private. given for the ORE ILT CENTRAL FAIR. be remitted to Mr. GEORGE am ear. Treasurer. MaiT DOCK Greet, by whom they wilt .be properly acknowledged. GEORGE TROTT. Chairman, 321 South ELEVENTH Street. FnAncie WELLS. Secretary. 124 South THIRTEENTH Street. mh3l-4t Mir NOTICE TO STOCWROLDWAS The Annual Meeting of the- Stoekhoidera of the JUNCTION RAILROAD COMPANY will be held on MOND+ T, the 4th day of April. 1881. at 12 o'clock in Philadelphia, at the Once of the Pennsylvania Rail road Company. Annual Election for President and Directors will be held eame day and place. mhl6 14t JOSEPH LESLEY. Secretary. CARD.—THE -SUBSCRIBER, master of the late British bark FALMOUTH. which foundered at sea on the 28th ult., in latitude 98 19 north, longitude 2.9 SO west, Is called upon to struisss hie gratitude. and also that of hie ofilpers and crew; to Cam. B. 0 MOBAN, of the Br. thl ' EMPtte GtMell." who rescued them from the sink ing vessoL and who treated them with unbounded kindness arkllson board his vessel. THOMAS b a rkOk. Master of late Br.FaLMouth. Philadelphia, April 2,1884 its SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE.— The annual meetin of the members of the Int, stnte twill be held Let the ir r Hull. Northeast corner of BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets. on THI74IOAIr Was ING. the 14th inst.. at 7)4 o'clock. at which time an Election will take place for Officers and Managers for the ensuing year. Punctual attendance is particularly rw. Quested. as alterations In the Constitution trUl be SOW dewed. JAL IL OARRIGUIL Raeretare ?mows& ma ii la % splefiawo44 111187.663 80 4 415,218 18 LIABILITLES 31.416,883 18 MORTON MoMICHAEL. JB., CashLer. pp Wilk GREAT CENTRAL FAIR I=EM SANITARY COMMISSION. OFFICE NO. 1323 OHESTBUT BT., YRILADBLVILA. EXECUTIVE CONDIITTEIL JOHN WELSH, Chairman cALER COPE. Tressnrer CHABLIS J. STILLS. Corresponding Secretary. MORALE HOWARD FURNR;I3, ReeOraing Sees. GEORGE W. HUNTER! Assistant deeretarY• A. 3 Antal°. Wm. V Keating. M. D William H. Ashhoret. Robert K Lewis. ' , on Berg, Charles Maalester, TE.. , nee BinreY. Jr.. Samnel V. Merecg. Adolph E. Rorie. Broomfield IT Moore, E. B. Browne, James H. Orne. George W. Gbilde. John Rice. John C. Cresson, John Robbing, Daniel B Cummins, William Struthers. Tbeoli Ore am er, William M. Tilghman, John Devereng, . George Trott. ' Frederick Fraley. Thomas Webster. Fxederiek - Greff. George Wallace,. Joseph C Gmbh. George A. Wood. Joseph Rairitoa. Jr.. CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. Accommodation for Strangers. John Robbirss, 917 Shackamason street. Agriculture. Prof. A. L. Kennedy. AL D.. No. 1136 Girard street Agricultural Implements. David Landreth, 120. 29 South Sixth street. Architectural Designs for Exhibition and Sale. 0. S. Bethel, No. 620 Walnut street A MILS and Trophies. Colonel Croernan, I itre. General Meade, 11514 Girard street. Mo. Sfb7 Pine street Arrangements (General). - Jolra C. Grenion, Go. 1702 snumer street Arrangements (Internal) and Reception of Goods. J. S. Orns.INTL GOOTSEe Plitt. No. 626 Chestnut E treat. I Ito. DLO Walnut street. Bakers. Jolla C. Mosey. No. 1426 Vine street Benefits. Entertainments, and Exhibitions . _ George Trott, I Mra Aubrey H. Smith, 1\0.3?..6 b. f.leventh street. Mo. 1616 Pine street Booksellers J • B. Lippincott, I Mrs. Robert X. HOOPer. No. 7th Market street. No. Ism Wrainet street Boots, - Shoes, and Leather. Samuel Baugh. 'Mtn Dixon, Aix 122 0. eacol d Meet. Al 702 Walnut taunt. Brewers and Beaters. Beannel Huston, N. W. street&corner of Filbert and Tenth Builders. Wm. Etratlien. 1022 Markat street Blandings and Decorations. John Bice. Be. 129 S Seventh street. Cabinet Ware. Thomas Thompson. gars. Seth B. Stitt. Mt. 288 il: Second street, Ile. 212 W. Logan Snare, Canned Fruits. Mre. Theodore Curler, No. 1826 S. Rhienhonee square CarpotS, Oil Cloths, and Matting. Benjamin Orne.'Mrs. Dnembet, Mg. 804Chestaut street I Mo. /406 airtwd street. Varrisiges. W. D. Rogers, No. 1009 Chestnut Street Charities esblio) tutio and Benevolent Insti ns. W. L. Reim.Mrs Irvine Shnbriek, Se. 61!) Walnut street. I 90.9 Spruce 'street. Chemicals. Wm. M. Uhler, M. D., Falls of Schuylkill Children's Department. A.ll. Belrwarz, IMrs. W. H Farms", 1066 Chestnut etreet I 1426 PuLe street. Clothing and its Sulbdivisions L. J. Leberman, No. 22 N. Third street. Children's Clothing- Mrs. John C. Cresson. No. 1702 Summer street Coal Operators and Dealers. J. Gillingham Fell, No. 307 Walnut street.. Confectionery and Foreign Fruit. . . Stephen Y. Whitman. I Mat. E. 3.. LOWIIS. o. 121 U Market street No. 1332 tiheetnat street. Correspondence with. the State of Pennsyl vania Bon, James Pollock, Mre. Bloomfield H. Moore, United btatee Mint. I No. 1718 Walnut street. Correspondence with the State of NeW Jer. sey. 13. V. Merrick. 'Mrs. P. EL Clapp, No. 30 N. Merrick street. I Mo. 44 N. Sixteenth street. Correspondence with the State of Delaware Charles Gibbons. Miss Elizabeth Phillips. Do. 242 b. Third street 'Clinton. below Tenth street. Dentistry. Artificial Teeth, Gold Foil, Den tal and Surgical Instruments. Simmer S. White. Po. 62:8 •reh street. • Drovers and Victuallers. A. R. Paul. No. 921 North Sixth street Dressmaking and lifillinersr. liks Adeline Thompson, No. 1609 Pine street. Drugs. W 111 1 am Erns, No. 744 Market street Dry Goode, (Wholesale.) David R. Brown. 'Um John C. Farr. 80. 44 is. Front street.' 110 1810 Spruce street - Dry Goods, (Retail. ) H. H. G. Sharpless.Mrs. Joshua Tevis. NO. 1:6 S. Thirteenth street . I No. 1403 Lo, street Eighteenth Ward Committee. Mrs. Dr. Claridge, Palmer and Richmond streets. Fancy Goods, and Jewelry, silver, and Plated Ware. James E. Caldwell. 'Mrs. J L. Claghorn. No. 822 Chestnut street I N 0.15,4 Arch street Finney Artieles—(Home-inede) - Mrs Ephraim Clark, 240. 247 S. Eighteenth street Fire Department.. David M. Lyle, Chief Engineer, 7 Goldsmith's Hall. .Vlnemsee and Donations. A. E. Corte, No. 1.53 DocE aired, Fine Arts. Joseph Harrison, Jr., 'Mrs. Henry D. Gilpin, No. 274 S. Third street S. W. cor. Spruce it lltlr ste. Fire Arms. Buxton H. Jenks. Nos. 66 and 67 W. FroAt 'street. Florists and Horticulture - D. Rodney Mug. I Mrs. J. Rhea Barton. No 723 Chestnut street. S.W. cor. Ches. &Janiper at. • Furs, Hats, and Caps. B. Morris, .1 Mrs. John Butler, Mo. 36. Fifth street I N 0.1424 spruce street, Gas rimitures. W. F. Macey, It(o 716 Chestnut street Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. W. lk Martin, I Mrs. Perkins. No. 706 Chestnut street. Mo. 617 Walnut Meet Glass and Glassware. Wm. N. Mozzer.Ws J. H. Towne. I No. 414 Commerce street. No. 1618 Locust street. Grocery (Wholesale). poi Clark. " IThos. Caws._latter. 130 and 132 S. Front at .E Uhestnut and Twelfth. Grocery (Retail). A. O. Roberts, l Miss Haven. N.B. Vine and Eleventh Ms. I No. 1428 Lombard street Hardware: Joseph U. Gruel'.!Mrs. C. J. Stills, No. 298 Market street. 1 N 0.1505 Walnut street. Harness. Samuel IL, Phillips, Noe. Seand 32 South Seventh street Hollow. Ware and Stoves. W. P. Cresson. Mo. rin ISPrace street. Hospital., (Work from Invalid Sailors. ) Mrs. George Harris. 1716 Locust street. Douse F'urnlshing . Goods. I. R. Walraven. 'Mrs. 8 . Bmlen Randolph. No. ID Chestnut street I No 321 S. Fourth street Importations. Rene Mallon. j Mrs- Prof. Frazer. No. 16 Bank street . ' No. 1517 Walnut street. India Rubber Goods. Sohn Thornlnv, tin. all Chestnut street Iron, Wrought and Gast Andrew Wheeler. Mo. 1608 Market street Labor, Incomes ` , and Revenue. L. IL Bond. Mrs. (Rev.) B' P e wutr. B. A, Front and Chestnut. I Mre. No. so street. Local Transportations. Michael Trainer, 316 Reed street. Looking Glasses. Picture Frames, and Gilded Ornaments. James M. Marla, I Mrs. Samuel Field. No. 816 Chestnut street t Fortieth at and Balt. ay. Lumber and Lumber Merchants. John 0, Davis, Twenty fourth and Locust streets. Mechanic Arts and Machnery. S. V. Merrick, No. 30 N. Merrick street. Medals and Badges. John Sartain. Silo. 72b fitansom street Military Goods. Wm. Borstman t I An. Edward 11. Trotter. E. E. th and Cherry. Ito. 1824 Chestnut street. Miscellaneous. Craig D. Bitable. MI Walnut street Strum:tem:dd. Joseph B Trr. I Mrs. Biddle. No. 1348. Third street. S. W. cor. Locust and 16th Newspaper and. Publication Committees. George W. Childs, Nos 026 and 630 Ohelitatit street. Editing Committee—Newspaper. Charles 0 Leland. 1 Mrs. L. H. Hooper. No. 1626 Locust street . l 1335Wainutstreet. Alexander McHenry.- Dia. 112 Walnut street Optical and Mathematical Instruments. Geo. Davidson, AssistGermantownant United States Coast Stumm Orations and Lectures. J. W. White. No. MB Arch street Paper Hangings. James 0- Flan, IBirs. J. Edgar Thomson. Chestnut, ab. Sixth st. l E. Spruce and nth ets Paper Manufacture and Stationery. B. H. Moore. No. 27 N. Sixth street. Perfumery and Toilet Article% H. F. Taylor, IMre. B W. Clark. No. 641 N. Ninth street. No. MP Spruce street. Photographs. Fred. aria I Mrs. John Bohlen. No. 1337 Arch street. Ho. 1510 Walnut street. Plumbing- John O. Hunter. No. 900 Walnut street, Post Oftice. 0. A. Walborn. (Mrs. Gillesnie. Postmistress, Poet Office. 1 N 0.1604 Loenet etree6 Produce. A. 0. Cattail. N 0.26 N. Delaware avenue Railroads and Transportation S. M. Felton, P. T. & B E. R. Office. Receiving Committee. Alemiler N. McHenry, No. 112 Walnut attest Relies. Curiosities, amid Autographs. Manilla Peale INN. Thomas P. James. no. MI dirard street. 1 No. 41 . 8. Ninth sheet. Rostaurant Tierce T. Lewis, I Mae litallenui nt0.931 S. Front street. n 0.1902 Chestnut street. Schools (Public and Private). Edward Bbippes, I Mrs. P. M. Olspp. EL Z. corner Aslant sad N 0.44 N. ilizL•sath stabet. Math gammas. Wonies. Mrs. Clolman:Taeobs: No. 1898 Pins street Hering Meichlnes. st „,D r . Gros. 6. g. Cotner Walnut and Woven* its. Ships and Ship Building. 0 0 449 11 Ship THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1864: Jobn D. Tas ;or. E. 337 St. ;fella street Tobacco and Scsars. D. C. liteCemeion, No. n N. Water street. Robt rt t. 151 , 2 well, B. B cor,.*,ir. ElavEnth and Madan!. Umbrellas, Parasols, and Calms Win. A Drown. 7S o. 246 Market street. Upholstering H. S., A. B. G.T. ebeetnut and Thirteenth fits lArsgobe, and Other Heavy. Wheeled Vehicles Henry Simone. 625 New Market street. Wax. Paper, and Artificial Flowery. and hanging Baskets. fin. Dr. JaMee Darrach, Green street. Germantown. Winos and Liquors. George Crimeloin. No. 125 Walnut street Woolen end Cotton Manufaetnrere, and Wool and Cotton Dealers. G. Morrison Coates. do. 127 Market street. It rm. UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN COMMISSION. SUMMARY TO JANUARY 1.1884. Work now In Progress in the Army at Rest. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION STATI INS LARGELY IN CREASED IN NUMBER. THE WORK ABUNDANTLY PROSPERED. Many More Stations Needed to Meet the UNPRECEDENTED CALL FOR DELEGATES AND PREPARATION FOR TUB COMING OAMPA/ON, WITH /TN AIOYDATENT6 AND EATMLes The Obristian Commission depends mainly npon direct contributions, and mast not be forgotten by Loyal C tuis- Ran People. OREaSINO WANTS DEMAND INCREASED LIES RALITT. • - - - Iteceipte of Money. stores. to January 1, /Hi, 161.146 Cll6 .61. dist r Num ut bs r ed of 80% tek o 16 r Stores. shipped to the field or ib at borne, 339. Number of Delegates sent. 1.663. rOpleS of Scriptures distributed, MB, 275; Hymn and Psalm Books. 502 51.6; Heapeack Eto,ks. 1,370348; Li brary Books 41163; Pamphlets. 155.141; Religions News papers. 8.316 . 210; Pages of Tracts. 22,550 429: Silent Com forters. 4.115 The United Stales Christian Commission has seized the present golden opportunity of rest for the Army to ex tend its work for the good of the Soldiers. STATIONS have been moltipl led, each with its chapel and store tents, free writing tab4i. and clothing, com fo•te and r. , ading matter for gratuitous distribution. VOLUNTARY DELEGATE& in numbers greater than ever before. have been sent to preach the Oospal at the stations and in regiments. batteries. and camps without Chaplains. distribute reading matter and stores, and labor for the good of the So' alert. A PERM ANSNT EMU) AGSSICV has been suilicientlY exter ded to estabtlab -tatione and euperintend.the work. THE BLESSIN G OF 000 rests signally oe all parts of the work. Many thousands have 'been al eared. bene fited and saved. Still a large pert of the Army remains unreacbed. and double the number. both of stations and delegates, are needed to meet the argent demand for them. The Christian Commission offers to the people a Per fectly reliable and wonderfully economical channel to reach the entire Army in all its various fields. The money given goes in full measure. in benefits for body anti stool, directly to the Soldiers_ and stores also, imme diately ft om the hands of delegates from home. who add words end deede of kindness to the gifts when bestowed. Let the people give the Money and Stores, and the work will be done. • . • - • • • The large Corps of Delegates now in the field will serve as a grand corps of relief when the al mho shall move and battler be fought. and the'greater their number the more prompt and effective will be the relief they shall render. Let not the present work anguish- Wait not for the cry of the wounded and dying before providing' relief. Pend NOW and send ABUNDANTLY. both Money and Stores, and the Soldiers ' blessing shall be upon you. Fend money to JOSSII PATTERSON, Treasurer, at Western Bank. and Stores to °BOSON H STUART, Chairmen Christian Commission 12 BANK Street. Philadelphia. W. B. BOARDMAN. Secretary U. S. 0. O. fe7-mthtf Irk. THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. - . TO TDB LOYAL CITIZENS OF DEL.AWARE: It is proposed to hold a Great Fair in the city of Philadel ale, in the first week in June next, for the benefit of the Sanitary Commission. The citizens of Delaware have been cordials invited to co-operate with the citi zens of Pe: neylvania and Sew Jersey in this patriotic and humane purpose. The regulations added hereto have hose adeple4 with reference to tine ewe, and will exhibit the details of the plan of management It is rot necessary for me to commend this great and good work to the !oval ueop!e of Delaware Yon have already given with a liberality and labored with a fideli ty worthy of all praise. Yon have been willing and as live; and what you have done is the best indication of what yon can and will co_ "Let every clergyman an nounce this Lumens undertaking to his veeple: let the press, give it the widest publicity and the most earnest encouragement; let every factory. workshop, and milt contribute a specimen of the beat thing they can turn out; Ist all lo.yal men and women exercise their taste an industry." In this way the result may be an honor to our State, a great comfort to our andering heroes. - and an c..ffering well pleasing to the Almighty, whose bless , lug and assistance 1 humbly invoke upon this work of Christian charity. WILLIAM CANNON. By the Governor: SAMI7VL M. HARRINGTON. JR.. Secretary of State Gov. Cannon has announced the following general ar rangements for the Delaware Department: 1. Executive Committees for Delaware in Philadelphia have been appolot,n as follows: Hon. Charles Giboons, chairman Daniel D. Cummins, Esq., Dr. (I Emerson, B. B. Coreegys, Eng.. Lindley Smyth, Esq.. and F. A. Oodwln. LADIES' EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE IN PEILLADEL- PHIA. Mis. Irvine Shnbrick, Miss Elizabeth Phillips, Mrs. George Blight. Miss flaroline H. Gibbons- Mrs. John K. F.ndlay. Mrs. John F. James, Mrs. Charles A, Lyman. Mre. J. D. Moorhead. Mrs, Thomas E. Aehmead, Wes Louisa k. Bre, dy, Miss Anne L. Austin. • Mrs. Edwin Mitchell. 1239 Walnut street. hay been ap pointed Directress of the Department of Art, and will re ceive contrihntionsfor that department from Delawareans rmiding in Philadelphia. 2 An Executive Committee of ladies and gentlemen from Delaware will be appointed, to whom will be (in tim led the general management of the Delaware De pertinent S. hub committees of ladies and gentlemen will be ap pointed for each department of industry and art, whose business it will be to solicit contributions for the Fair. and to work under the general direction of the Execu tive Committee, each in its own special branch. 4. All committees for the management of the Delaware Department will be appointed by and from this State. 5. The Delaware Derailment will be directed need con ducted by - Delawareans. It will keep its own aCcoants, and. at the close of the Fair, pay over to the general fond its profits, which will be credited to the. btate of Delaware Arrangements will be made by which the proceeds for tickets of admission sold to Delawareans will be duly credited to this Mate. These tickets will be sold near each exigence to the Fair. and in Philadelphia. Wilming ton. and other places to be hereafter announced. It la earnestly requested that all parsons from this State will purffiase their tickets at such platys as may hereafter be announced by the Delaware Executive Committee. so that the State may have the credit to which it will fairly be entitled. 7. It is earnest y requested that all parsons thronghow the State who desire to co-operate in this work will im mediately, and until April 1, co, re spond with the Secre tary of State, at Wilmington, ann will indicate the com mittee or committees upon which they can be most efficient A a far as practicable their preferences will be recognized. 8. The Committee on "Labor,lncomes and Revenues" Will endeavor to obtain the contribution of the proceeds of "one day's labor" from every person willing to give it, and one day's revenue from all corporations' firms, and one day's Income from all persons of fortune and from DrOfemilonia men. 9. There to no department of industry or of art that may not be need efficiently for the purpose of raising funds for the Sanitary Commission. There is not a man, woman or child, who is willing to aid. who cannot make hie or her ability and willingness available. Almost every article of manufacture, amusement, curiosity. or sale will he acceptable. All varieties of needle-work. goods. food, - fancy wares, old documents, books Patna iets, engravings, caricatures, ornaments, carvings, re , lies. autographs of distinguished persons (single or bound together). official copies of proclamations, contri butions of poetry or prose for the p'et office or for the Fair newspaper, articles for the soldier or the citizen, drawings, paintings,, modeling, leather work, may be contributed every mechanic or laborer may contribute come article of his own manufacture, to be marked in his own name, and exhibited and sold at the Fair. 10 • All contributions from Delawareans will be made to the appropriate Delaware Committees. Those made within the State will be sent first to the General Head quarters at Wilmington, to be hereafter announced, where they will be properly marked and forwarded. dpi frowlf Mrs PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION IN BOOK•ls,BSPIDO for Wholesale or Retail, Job bing. Importing, Nannfactnring,Commission. and Com pany, Foreign and Domestic Shipping, Joint stock Company, and Banking Business. tkc , arc. Pen menship it, all its branches; Commercial Calculations, Commercial Law. dic,fic,. at cRirTIOIDIN'S Corn. mercial College, 637 GUSEITPIUT St . corner of Seventh. tim Students instructed separately. and received at any e. mh3l.4t OFFICIM BICILVM.R W RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY. DeLPIDA. March 28. 1864 —A Quarterly Dividend of two aid a half per cent. on the capital stock of this CoMpally has been declared thie day. payable on and after Thurs. day, April 7th. L. CHAIdI3IIILAIN. Treasurer. int. 29 ASTATE BANE. AT CAMDEN. N. J., PRIL 1, 1864. —The Directors have this day de clared a regular Dividend . of FIVE PBR GEST. for the last six months. and an Fairs Dividend of 1117.11 PRE DINT.. both paystixe to the Stoekholdera on demand, clear of taxes. ap2.3t' J. TOWNSEND. Cashier. ll s. PHILADELPHIA. AND READING RAILROAD CO.. Office. ADO South POUBTti Street. PITILADELPHIA, March 17, 1864. Notice is hereby alai% that the Transfer Books of the Common Stock of thls Company will be closed on the Met inst.. to be reopened on the 14th of APRIL next, at which time the Stockholders of this Company. who have New York cm titivates. are requested to return them to the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company. No. 56 Wall streets New York. who will give a receipt for the same. and furnish in a few days thereafter certificates front the Philadelphia office. in esehanee for raid receipts. The Transfer Office for the Preferred stock of this Coin pony at New 'York will be closed permanently on the Slit last ghat for both the Preferred and Common Stock in Roston will be permanently closed on the Slat MARCH. B. BRADFORD. rohlB fmwtillapl4 Treasurer. PirREDUCTIOiII IN THE PRICE OF LORI.—In accordance with a resolution of the l of Trusteer, passed en she 2bth instant, the Price of Coke from the Mars et.street and Spring darden Works has been reduced to 10 ciente per bushel, and rom the Point Breeze and Sinnavenk Works to 9 cents per busbel. JOHN C. CaltbSi3N, Chief Engineer. PHILADELPHIA. Gds WORKS. Match 2S, 1864. mh29 lm MIIIOGA R OV MM. COIN PANY.—Notice is hereby Liven that a Meeting of the Stockholder., of the 'bogs Isoprocorocut GorePenT Will be heir at No SS 1 1 / 1 11CHANTS' SXCHASUS, in the city 01 Philadelphia. on the 3d day of May next. 'be tween the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock, to elect Managers. a President. and Trenswar of eafd &impala's , WILLIAM ELtilS. Treasurer. nibM-twa3 No 7214 MAIIKST Street. pE NEW YORK STORE Nos. 35 and 37 South Tenth Street, IS NOW PREPARED TO SHOW HIS SPRING Of- FRENCH FLOWERS, STRAW GOODS, PARIS-TRIMMED HATS, FRENCH AND NEW YORK BON NETS, FRAMES, and other GOODS. ap4-6i MRS. M. A. KING WILL OPEN OA THIIIIBDaY, April 7th. a handsome assort ment of Spring sad Summer MILIAINEXY. Also. a few t cease of French Bonnets. at lonaa lIP4 Ossvm:72 St. Ito MILLINERY OPENING;---13. T. MORGAN, No. 408 ARCH. Street, will open this w irdWday. a large and splendid assortment of ?um' and Sh immed Bonnets. Dress Cape. Can Crown Bonnet Frames and Ruches. Also. a fall line of straw Bonnets . Bitbons. duke French Flowers, and Million uOO4ll generally, for the wholesale Whiner, trade. ap4 CARTES DE VISITS.-THE VARI OUS natural and beautiful specimens of Cartes de Vette made at REIMIIIVI3 Gallery cannot fail to please all buttes. BSCOMD Street. above Green. PH. LAUBER'S WINE HOUSE, 24 S. FIFTH Street. above Chestnut. —The beet brands of Blaine Wines on hand at reasonable prices. wholap2-Iresale and retail. PIAIOVAL.--.13. LIEBEB, nstroßrEn spa Clan. hen roomed to 1111VVOIPM mop *mt. pp, N o, oprcom *or Sugar Rettaing Irrtinminga and Llngerles Mrs. J Warner Johnson. Do. DM Chestnut street Wants of the Arn►y. SUPPLIES STAPP. OP DELAWAIia, iXECITTPirg DEPARTMENT . DOVER. March. 1881 MILLINERY GOODS. GEO. NV. MILES, ABOVE OTIESTNUT, PORTATIOSI OF RETAIL DRY GOODS. GLAOIND ! 1 I A-NEW MATERIAL FOB WdtMJ/KING- DREBFIES AND SUITE, _ 1.4 WIDE. JUST OPENED THOS. W. EVANS & CO., 818 and 820 Ukestnat Street: ap4-3t NEW MOURNING STORE OPENING OP SPRING! INP71:138 MOURNtNG MILLINERY, TRORSDAY. APRIL VA, M & A. IktvEß4 & np4 4f 930 CHESTNUT Street OPENING PARIS-MADE IWIE A- 14 - rr 1. A„ S SPRING, C1A00.&.13.9, ON TUESDAI, MAROH 2.9 Ta. J. W. PROCTOR & 00., THE PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM. mh24-ti 990 CIIMEIVNOT STREET. NOW OPEN, TARN-MADE IKAMTELLLS AND SPRING CLOAKS. Also. Garment' of our own manufseture. OF THE LAMER nTYLES, tiod in ORRA I ' V &RIRTF. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., ap4-tap2.l t&O lIEUSEITkiIIf &rest OWEN EVANS & CO., NO 45 NORTH RIGHTD Street. en.,.censore to J. A. CASSEL/MP-- EY, will open on MONDAY next, from the French:Sale of Moser.. Van Wyck, Townsend. & Co., of New York, and the Cheap Auctions of this city, ItAIIFFAMS FN MANY RIDIDS OF GOODS. 4 rots double width all wool DeMines, cheap, com prising all the new fashionable colors. 4 lots sublime black all wool Delathes, 62 to 75. The shove are the finest imported. Fine block Bombazine. 191.25 up to *l-132.34. 4 tots handsome highland Mohair Poplin Phtide. rich doolgos. 55 65. 75 87l e . Double width, have been sold as high as N. 25, choice for children. . . Dress Goods, all kinds, from 18% up to 623 j, large as sortment 1 lot Menai Mohair Zenas. 3736, doable width. - SLaCIi BILKS. PLAIN SILKS. . We havejust opened another purchase of 6,000 dollars' Worth of those rich and superior makes of the full oil boiled Silk. Which we intend selling at bergains. Black Silk, at all prices. $1 up to $3.62%. Black figured Silk, $1.28. oho's° style Rich figured Cnir color Silk, Z. handsome. if Poi de Sot ellif color Silk, $1.40. Hard to get. Cuir color Poi de Soi Silk. the new shade that is so much sought after foi Ladles' Bonnets very scarce; We have it cheap. MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. . • - - - - - We have a large assortment of men and binge wear, oohing them cheap. All wool Cassimeres, from $1 up to X 1.76. CLoAHINGCLOTHA. CLOAKING CLOTHS. Will open on Monday handsome new shades Cloaking Clothe. all prices. Cloaking Clothe 24 tip to 832; double width. RID thIioVES—KID GLOWS. I recommend ec me of you to come early, as the latter part of the day always finds the crowd so large it is im possible to wait on the customers with the satisfaction we wish. Our trade for the Cloves has become immense, se the Gloves are of the finest quality, so low in price, and then the guaranies besides Beet Kid Gloves. 31 35, stitched Beat quality Kid Dloves. Ii 26 We guarantee each pair of the above not to tear. In case they should, we give you another pair without charge. Hence, you run no risk. Best guality Hid Gloves. SIM, stitched. Jonvin Sid Gloves, 31 CHEAP SHAWLS, HANDSOME Ea &WU! haveWe opened a new assortment of (Mean Spring Shawls. Stella Shawls, all prices, handsome. Rine Black Thibet Shawls a bargain. AUCTION LOT—ORRAP CARPETS. We have new open cheap Carpets. bought low, from 40 cents up to Se cents PUlrCif 021IN72.1_,CEIBAP CHINTZ! . Peat new at 'le Chints..lB,4 3 fast colors, Plaid Gingham Chintz. 18,1 t, Shirking Chintz, best quality. 25 cents. We have at our USUAL LOW PRICE the best makes of Flannels and binding on band; Willianevlile, Wam snits. Hew York Mills. Am, Rm. which we sell less than others do. IT IS THE CHEAP SHOP THAT GETS THE BUSINESS, and we have the business because we do gall cheap OWEN EVANS & CO.. Successors to J. E. Casselberry. 11l North EIGHTH Street. P. B.—Hoop Skirts closing out cheap to sell them. ap44t CA*ISELBEERY. TILAOK. AND WHITE CHEOK SILKS atX 87c. White and Black Check Silks at $1.123k. White and Black Check Silks, 22 inches wide. Black and White Check Silks. 22 inches wide. ••r Green and White Check Silks, 22 inches wide. White and Green Check Silks. 22 inches wide. White and Brown Check Silks. 22 inches wide. INPurple and White Check Silk., 21 inches wide, at $1.8716. worth $l. 6234. White and Blue Check Silks, very heavi. Rich, Heavy Fancy Silks. $2 to $4 50. Fancy Silks at 87,1 c. $l, $1.12. $1 .25• very cheap. Plain Silks, choice colors, $1 25 and 41.30 Do. do. $1.40 and 81.50. Do. . do. $1.62 and $1.75. Do. do. $1.87 and $2. 28.1neh Plain Silks. choice cols *2. $2.50. $2.75, 63 25. Heavy White Corded silks at 2.62. Heavy Green Corded Silks at $2 62. Heavy Green Corded Silks at $2 50. Heavy Cuir Corded Silks at $2.50 Heavy Brown Corded Allis at $2.60. Heavy Brown Corded Silks at $2 62. - H e avy Cuir •Jorded 811 e• at $2 62. Heavy Blue Corded Silks at $2 62 Heavy Purple Corded bilks at $2 62. Heavy Mode Corded Silks at $2 62. Heavy Gray Corded Silks at $262 - Extra Heavy Violet Corded Silk s at MOO. Extra Heavy Mode Corded Silks at $350. Heavy Rose color Poult de Solt at $2 Flatired Silks, Plain and Corded, at $1 37, $1.50. $L 62. Bich styles Printed Pongee Silks at $1 12, $1.37, SL 62. Plaid Spun Silt at 879.0. Wor THE BEST BEARDS OFBLACK SILKS. Black Silks at 873n'0, 900. $l. 24-inah Blasa Gros de nines at $l.lO $1.15. 26 ' do. do. $1 25, $1.50. 28 " do. do. $l9B. 32 " do. do. $1.8734. 34 •' do. do. $2 25. 24 " Heavy Black Taffetas at 11 50- 26 " do.. do. do. 16335. 28 " do. do. do 180. 32 " do. do. do. $2 26 • Heavy Mask Ponit de Boit at $l. 75. • 28 " do. do. do. $9O. a ß do k C ord ed Bake a c tsl 62. k Blank Corded Mike at 11l 70. Heavy Black Oros Grain Silks at 25. $1.40 Do do. do. o. $61.50, $1 61 Do. do. do. do. $2. 26• Inch do. do. do. do. $2 25. 28 " do. do. do. do. $2 50. - 28 " do. do. do. do. 82 75. 28 " do. do. do, do. 112. se 1 do. do. do. do. 03.21 26 " Extra Bonny Taffetas at $4.75. 40 e Extra Bonny Taffetas at $6 HEAVY 'IL ACK VELOUTINES. 40 inches vide, at $6.50, worth $B. These silks have all the richness of a handsome velvet. Heavy two.faced Figured Black Sake at $125. $1 373„ $1 40. $144. Extra Heavy Flowed Black Taffetas at $1.75. Our stock of Silks is one of the largest and best that. can be found in the city, and none of it having been pur chased early in the season we are able to sell at prices FAR BkLO VP IME PRESENT COST OF IMPORTATION. 5.4 Bich Broken Plaid Poplins at $1.50. 20 pieces Bilk Plaid Spring Poplins at Sic worth 191. ]CO ALEXANDRA. ROBES at $8 50. These are handsomely BRAIDED, and are worth $l3, 60 pieces Shepherd Plaid Poll de Oheveres at 260, all% wool filling. sort to import 8734 and 4230 PLAIN, STRIPED. AND PLAID DRESS GOODS. 01 every variety and quality. at very low prices Tally receiving new Dress- Goods. A NEW AHD CHOICE STYLES FRENCH CHINTZES . CO. Dam S 75 TYLE$ aMEXICAN CHINTZES. 25e. 100 PIECES NEW STYLES OF CHINTZES, WSJ/RANT- E Domest icoLo. ao.. A Full Line ofGoode, LO W. Cheap Black Alpacas. 31e to $l. 6 • 4 Lupin's. Black all-wool Delaines, 8734 s to $1.50. Black Silk Harnannles at 90a usual pries $l. Heavy Black Tarrartines ope a pcicaet 6235c. Wehay sP w xa Ax ho UMME BRAWLS. All-'wool Plaid Shawls, $9 to $7.60. All-Wool White Lama Shawls, $8 50 to $7. liforanibiane Shawls, $4 so $7. Silk and Wool Challis Shawls. $8 to $lO. Gray Grenadine Shawls. $4 to $lO Black Grenadine Shaw's $4 to WO.' DEW SPRING CLOAKS. Made of the newest shade! of Oloths.4o Osls. H. STEEL & NON. ap4-mws6t Noe. 7111 and 715 North TENTH St. WIDE INDIA SILKS. ;get received at JOBS WILLIAM' Dry %ode glom Mo. vase ABM St.eet, 4 doors below ATOHTH One case. 6v pc. 1400 yards extra wide INDIA SILKS, good quality. price Id Pat yard. apt WP WEBLEY CORSETS.—MRS. STEEL, TSNTH Street. below Cheetr i nt. Me jut reoelinid best quality. •legouttelattiNg wauksir GUSIUMS. Alt kind, of Comets mode to order ap2-3to UPHOLSTERING. • - H. B BLANCHARD & Co. Northeast corner TBIBTENNTB and CHESTNUT Sts. Carpets and Matting m_a de and latd. Baddlis:Hatr Mater es, ass. m 144134 - • V'Awaligo. tIFITAIL lIRT GOODS CHEAP DRY GOODS. OARPEI I B, OIL CLOTHS, and WINDOW SHADES V. B altcHalaBABLT. Northeaet corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, wilt open on THISONIM from auction. English tcpcstry, Exassel M g e ß arP 9t g• only $1 62: Ingrain Carpets. all - woo), at 7co, 761, 870 : El. 1112. *1.75. and El 9f; Ingrain Carps % !W aal at aoc. 66e and 620: Entry and Mali . aTP 6 ta• 25 azt00. 1 17 0 , 750 and $ I: Rag. Hemp, and ilettage Car- „.,.. 31. ~ .... 60 . and 70o: Floor Oil Clotho . 62 to 87c; Gilt Bordered Window Shades, 73c to $2: Walla Can t o n Matting. 450. DRY GOODS. HOSIERY. AND TRIMMINGS. Mnallos. 16 to 40 mints; Sheetinga, 60 cents to E 1.20: Sprint De Lainea and 31 to 37c; iipacas,all colors, 31 to 75e; Black Silica. $ 1 to - $l. 78 Poplins. 37 to 87c; Plain and Palmy Cassinares. 76a to $2; Clothe for Ladies Spring Cloaks, $2; Chintzes, 16 to 2fis; Table Linens. 760 to $1.60: Towelings- 14 1 0 nag Ladles' and Gent's Cotton Hose. 16 to 500: Linen Handkerobeffe. 8 to 87c: Costa' Spool Cotton. 9o: Skirt Braille. 7c; Pirts.bc; Hooke and Rem. So: Cloth Table Covers. $2; Tabu Soap. 13c: WindsorlSoarc. Sc Whole. sale and Ileball Dry Good., Carpet. and Trimmings Store. Northeast corner SI.SVSaT.I and MARKET Eiveta and- mwf lm MEDICAL. LYON'S KATHAIRON. ffatbairon is from the Greek word "Kathro." or "Ka. Maly)." signifying to cleanse, rejuvenate. and restore. This article is what its name signifies. For preserving, restoring and beautifying the HUMAN HAIR it is the most remarkable preparation in the world. It is again owned and put up by the original proprietor, and is now Made with the same care, skill, and attention which gave it a sale of over one million bottleeper annum. It is a most delightful Hair Dressing. It eradicates well and dandraff. It keeps the bead cool and clean. • It makes the hair rich, soft. and glossy. It prevents the hair from falling off and turning gray. It restores hair upon bald heads Any lady or gentleman who - values a beautiful head of hair should use LYON'S KATHAIRON It le known •na used throughout the civilised world. Sold by all respectable de.lers DIMAS R. BARNES & CO.. New York. HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM. This le the Most delightful and extraordinary article ever discovered. It changes the eon- burnt face and hands to a pearly satin texture of ravishing beauty. lot. parting the marble purity of youth. and the distingui appearance so inviting in the city belle of fashion. It re, moves tan. freckles, pimPlee. and roughness from the skin, leaving the complexion fresh, transparent, and smooth. It contains no material injurious to the akin. Patronised by actreseee and opera singers. It Is what every lady should have. gold everywhere. Prepared by W. R. IiALCILN. Troy. If. T. Address all orders to DEMAS S. BkitN3B & CO.. New York. IWIMBTREET'B INIMITABLE HAIR RESTO. RATIVE.-NOT A DYE, But restores gray hair to Bs original color. by supplying the oaPillarY tubes with natural sustenance, impaired by age or disease. AB instantaneous dyes are composed of tunas caustic. destroying the'ritality and beauty of the hair. and afford of themselves no dressing. Heim street's Inimitable Coloring not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy process. but gives the hair LITXURIABT BEAUTY. promotes its growth. prevents its falling off, eradicate* dandruff. and imparts health and pieasantnees to the head. It has stood the teat of time, being the original Nair Coloring, and is constantly increasing in favor. Used by both gentlemen and ladies. It is sold by all re spectable dealers, or can be procured by them of the commercial agents, D. B. BARNES & CO.. i4Oi BILOAD WAY. Mew York. Two sizes. 60 cents and $l. ' lOWAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. The parties in St. Louis and Cincinnati, who have been counterfeiting the Mustang Liniment, tinder pretence of proprietorship, have been thoroughly estopped by the courts. To guard against further imposition. I have pro cured from the United States Treasury a private steel plate revenue stamp, which is placed over the top of each bottle. Each stamp bears the/ac simile of MY alit nature, and without which the article is a counterfeit. dangerous, and worthless imitation. Examine every bottle. Tble Liniment has been In use and growing in favor for many years. There hardly e. lets a hamlet on the habitable globe that does not contain evidence of its wonderful effects. It is the best emollient in the world. With its present Improved ingredients, its effects upon man and beast are perfectly remarkable. Sores are healed, pains relieved, lives saved, valuable animals made useful, and untold ills assuaged. For bruises, sprains rheumatism, swellings, bites, cats, caked breasts, strained horses, Sea. it Is a sovereign remedy that should never be dispensed with. It should be in every family. Sold by all druggists. fe22-mw famdteowem D. S. BARNES. Dew York. -INSURANCE.- HAVE YOU PROVIDED FOR YOUR FAMILY AN INSURANCE ON YOUR LIFE I HOME LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, STOCK AND 36rUTUAL, GREATEST PRACTICAL -ADVANTAGES TO THE ASSURED WALTER S. GRIFFITH. PRESIDENT I. H. YROTICINONANI, TREA9 G. C. RIPLEY, SEC WILLIAM J. COFFIN. ACTUARY PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, CORNER FOURTH AND LIBRARY STREETS. B. li. ESLER. AGENT. an4•mwt3m INSIT \ RE YOUR LIFE IN YOUR OWN HOME COMPANY, AMERICAN, OF S. E. corner Fourth and Walnut Streets. Insurers M this 'Company have the additional gua rantee of 8q50,000 CAPITAL STOCK all paid np IN CASH. which. to gether with CASH ASSETS, now on hand, amount to °VIE 6800,000 INCOME FOR THE YEAR 1863 OVER $200,000. LOSSES PAID DURING TEE YEAR AMOUNTING TO OVER 86Q,000_ DIVIDENDS MADE ANNUALLY, thus aiding the in sured to pay Premiums. The last DIVIDEND on all Mutual Policies is fosse December 31,1864 was FIFTY PER CENT. Of the amount of PREMIUMS received daring the year. Its TRUSTEES are well•known citizens in our midst, entitling it to more consideration than those whose managers reside in distant cities. Alexander Wk.llldin, J. Edgar Thomson, George Diluent. Hon, James Pollock, Albert O. Roberts, F. B. Mingle. 511=81 Work, ALEX WHILLDIN, President. t SAMUEL WORK, Vice President 64 HER MAJESTY" OHAMPAQNE. IRE ROYAL WINE OF ENOUND. • A limited quantity of this superior Wine has been se cured for the undersigned. and the first shipment of Sir cases has arrived, by the steamship Olympus, direct from the cellars of the well• known house of MESSRS. DI 7BROOR & at Epernay. France. The present invoice will be intro duced into this market at the eery low price of TWENTY DOLLARS PBS OARS OTQUARTS. Payable in currency, which is much below its first cost. The superior quality of this Wine is guaranteed, and it is offered with confidence of its approval by connote sears. Orders for one or more cases may be addressed. by let ter or otherwise, to the undersigned, WAL HBAR7 WARD, Wine and Fralt Dealer, No. 7 BROAD, street, near Wall. NIW YORK. TTEATON & DENOKLA., HARDWARE •A- 1 - Commission Merchant% Del COMICIRCI and 510 NORTH Streets. offer for We: Anchor Brand Pails; Plymouth Kin Bleats. W. did. Butcher's Cut ftpel: Eagle Cabinet Looks. Putnam's Horse Nails: Loelm's Ekshool Copper. Brass. and Iron Wire: Cotton Cards. aim. ~ fall assortment of Amadeu Hardware. • 61 rARYETS, OIL CLOTHS, AND WIN. 1. .. 1 DOW WAD'S—New stook of Mullah Oarioo_ts_ net received, and for Salo cheap. at Ws. CRESuimil, No. 44IPT North SECOND Stmt. below Noble. - Mot odd& mh2l-Im* TDB GEMS OF ALL -MINIATURE AL. uncutzsess an B. V. REINIZ'S Ivorytimei. me* -ple style; life-like expression. and exquisite adoring combined, render them purest Portraits. Gallery Gq* *RAH Street. (AB P E T S.-440W IS THE TIME, Ivamp an freak. ma very be WM. d of s ORWIE oIop.. 1432-120 LL EN UT I, MEP IL bia, mows"; . Banners. Regimental and Company Flops Swords. Seabee, Belts, Peasants, Branlettes, Hate, Cape, Can teens. Haversacks, Camp Hite, Field Glasses. sours, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy Officers. • liberal discount allowed to the trade. mhl0•Im William Jt Howard. Samuel T. Bodine. Jolla /Arnim Charles F : Heaslitt. Hon. Joseph Isaac liazielnuat. NEW PUBLICATIONS. NEW BOOIEC!t iosi PmmisElED: PEPPER. AL PRoGilt.l4.. By Herbert Spencer. . CLEVELAND'S HINTS rt) tIIPLENisN. Illustrated. PARSONW EATAN"S priTiClie AND TELS SE - Llhir. vlcTokey, JEAN PAUL. TbeCampstiner that, &c. The Veil Partly Lifted BARNES' LIFE AT TAKEN isCORE ALL p r ocu r edD SPANDARD BOOKS Received, or to order, as soon as published, and for sale, at low prices, by apd LINDAT & BLAKIBTON, *0 south o-lxTa errs WITH THE ISSUE OF THE Sixth Edition of " • PiGug. Fourth Edition of" fdp.iNsVON4 , l3 HOrtallnitEppac.” Seventh Edition of 'FAITH GArelifEY'S GIRL HOOD." the retail price of each is increased to 81.75. The rates of discount will be the same as heretofore The advance in paper. printing, and binding renders this increase abtolutely neeessart.. A. lk" LORING. Publisher. spat 319 WASHINGTON Street. Roston. HOW WE GOT IN—HOW TO WON OUT.—TWO LECTURES. delivered at Temper ance Hall Trenton N. J.. on Tuesday evenings. Feb. Pah and 28d, 1E434. b_y Bev. 3. W WILEY. Book' For Pala at PaRKENTINE HMO Sc o re. FOURTH Street, below ARCH. Price 213 de. am 22' NFW BOOKS I NEW BOOKSI WORK AND PLAY ; or, Literary Varieties. By Ho. race BriehnslL THE OAMPANER THAL, and other Writings. From the German of Jean Pant Predeirich Richter. MABRL'S 11XPRIZIEDiC8; or, Seeking and Finding. Br Marlon Eliza Wetr MARJORIE FLEMING. A Sketch. Being the paper entitled "Pet Marjorie." A stc•ry or child-life. FIFTY yPa RS AGO. By John Brown. M. D. CHRONICLES OF THE SCHOMBERG-COTTA FA MILY. By Two of Themselves. GILEAD; or, the Vision of All Soul's Hospital. An Ll legor9- By J. Hyatt Smith.. For sale bY & LFUED aitTLEN, Inh2B 808 CHESTNUT Street. WANTS. A STEADY, ACTIVE YOUNG MAN, a graduate of the 43entriil High nchool, desires a si tun Hon in a a ore or menufaaturingsetablies meat • Gould keep the books, as ha understands book-keening. and make hinnee4 generally useful. Beat of reference given address, stating, business and locality, "D, E," dace of The Pr,. 88. ap2 3t. A PARTY HAV ING , FROM THREE to Five Thouliand Dollars would like to it vest it in moo safe business, where he would glee ilia Damonal attention. Any (MP wishing such an amount will please address Box 582. P. 0., with iirst•class references. 110.3E* CARPET SALESMEN.- WANTED, in a Wholesale Carpet Home. in New York, one or two experienced and competent Solemnest. TllOBO MINUS an acquaintance with buyers pte'erred. and wit ha Jibe rally n-oated with. 'For particulars apply to JAMES. A. ELLIOTT & CO. Bo *O3 MARKET St.. Phila WANTED -A MAN TO TAKE charge of Two Hones at Chestnut HilL None ned apply except well recommended. Address Box 1184 Post 011 ice. ap4. 3r* WANTED -IN THE RETAIL COAL business, fully established, a SALESMAN or PARTBEE. who can command a large city trade. To a competent party. liberal inducements will be offered. Address, in confidence, for three days, COAL," at this offices WANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN, • • who understands Book-lutenist. gni who can come well recommended a SITUATION in some bast ne, a. where he can make himself useful. Balsams? or Book keeper to a retail hoes° preferred. Address • f.. S. ' Press office. ap4-2t* WANI ED-A SOBER, INDUSTRI one MAN. to take ensue of a Tailoring Establish thent. He must be a good Cutter. and practical bust nets man. One who can come well recommended can have a good situation by calling immediately. B T 0 MS, apl-8t• QUAKERTOWN. Bucks counry. Pa. wA N TAD -DECENT AND RE spectable citizens as subscribers for a Club (leaden at Beglesileld For particulars see preface of sub scription. books laid out at Egalesileld and at Library street Hall. back of the Post Office. tab:3o.6t* WANTEr-TO RENT OR PUR m:i.- CHASE. by lath June next a large BOMB, with modern conveniences, in a central locatlon. Address, stating locality and terms, Box 2071 Phil P 0. aplfia ,t7F, A MONTH )-I WANT TO HIRE .tv • AGENTS in every Comity. at 576 a month. ex penses paid. to cell my navy - cheap Family Sewing Ma chines. Addretut S. MADISON_ Alfreil.lNE , rf-19 .3.10 Ma. FOR SALE AND TO LET. TO CA PITALISTS.---THE SUB .& sCEIBER offers for sale. on favorable terms, a very valuable tract of develosed COAL LAND. iu Schaykill eoun.y, containing about 600 acres. with good improve ment& The property is !al of Coal. has the readiest as peas to market. and Is admirably adapted for profitably working by a Company to be formed for the parpope. For particulars, address "W. ASR, " Press Office. S -- MALL GROUND REIN TS.SEITE- K- , RAl,nred old ground rents o' At4oo. $5OO, $OOO, $7OO, and SAO, for sale. Apply at the Office of JAREN H. csems, ea-9t* na South FIFTH Street. TO LET.---THE SECOND, THIRD, -a- and fourth floors at 235 MARKET Street, through to Church alter. mule. tf FOR SALF-30 ACRES OF LAND eligibly situated on the Haddonfield Turnpike three miles and a ball from the city. adjoining Miller's Hotel. Will be sold at the WEST JERSEY HocEr,, on the THIRTEENTH instant at 2P. M From its proximity to i the city, this property s well worth the attention of pur chasers. apt FOR SALE-LARGE STOCK OF ICE and bush:tete complete of an old•establlsbed. ICS COMPANY. It to offered for sale on account of the pro prietor attesting' LlFEother business Inquire corner office of the BOMB INSURANCE COI! PANY. Ft , TIRTH and LIBRARY Streets. mh29•Bt PERSONAL. Fa UTI ON.-ALL PERSONS ARE cautioned against paling gory money to any can. vasser on our account. BiINERSIA.II dr WILSON. Publishers ''Ploladelpeta notorreober.," lt• S. W. corner BEVIOITH and CHEESY Sts FERSONAL -JEWELRY SENT BY mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States. on receipt of the following priceni Single stone imitation diamond rings. $1.00; cluster imitation dia mond. S2.CO; heavy plated vest chains. *1.00; heavy Plain rings, (w ill stand the strongest geld,) 60 cts. ; small forted black enameled ear-drops. 00 cos ; heavy plated black enameled eleeve -buttons, 25 cM ; bracelets, 51,00; harthomely chased medaill MI. *1.00; complete setts carbuncle stnds and buttons. $1.00: complete sett. black enameled sands and buttons. with pearl setting, $1.00; fancy watch keys. 60 ate ; Pen and pencil, with exix,eiou case, 4,,00; ladles' long guard and chateline chains $l, CO; genuine antis percha chains, $1,00; ladies' and gt , ll 8' miniature pins, for hair or likeness, $1,00; seal rings. SI,DO. ,Direct to ESTLLN dt MANN, apt-2P , 916 RACE. Street, Philadelphia, LOST AND FOUND. LOST -A CERTIFIOAI E OF 5-PEE MINT. LOAN OF STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA„ for MEL 08. dated March 12. 1830, No. 754. in name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. also. a Certificate sof s.Pel cent. Loan of State of Penneylvania, tor the mom of 5200. dated Jane 80. 1896, No. 1462, in the name of ELI N PRICE. administrator of William Meredith in trod. Ap plication has been made to the Auditor General for a re• newal of said Certificates felo-3m • BLI K PRICE. No. Sll ANON Street. AUGTIOII SALE. WV- BAZAAII,--NINTH AND SAN SOM STRUT. 250 CARRIAGES AT AUCTION. 35TH TRAMThis s SALE AT PHILADELPHIA. • ale will Mite place on WEDNESDAY, APRIL Cirrif, 1864 AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. The assortment will be very extensive and complete comprising at least two hundred and fifty carriages, from the best manufacturers of this city,- and Wilmtng. ton. Delaware. Mr Merricg's invoice alone will include near one.hnodred carriages. The carriage. Neill be arranged and opened for exami nation several Jaye previous to sale, which will pod. Lively take place on the above day. without regard to weather ALFRED Id. HERKNESS. AO &if Auctioneer. „ g isg „ BAZAAR—NINTH AND SAN BOM STRUM SPECIAL SAL I I OF ROHM, THURSDAY NEXT APRIL, Ira, Commencing at 11 o'clock. _ . . In conseaucnce of the trade rale of carriages on Wed nesday, we shall bold a special sale of horses on Thurs day next. XS' /To carriages will be offered on this ds y. ALFRIID HISRSCITS. ar2•Stif Auctioneer. COPARTNERSHIPS. CIOPAR?P• ERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have this day entered Into copartner- Alp. for the transaction of the wholesisie Wet and Mhos Cornmiasion bnetness, under the grin of B. L. FULLER, & CO., at 421 COMMERCE Street BD WARD L. WILLER, IDGAE T. LINDeIIY. PHILADELPHIA. April 4, MIL apt-6t• ARMY GOODS. F OR THE ARMY AND NAVY. JEVA.NS ac. HASSALL IVIII.I7VELRY FURPTI6IIERk€I, 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA FURLOUGHS. Officers and Soldiers. visiting the city on neonate. needing SWORDS; And other MILITARY RQDTPMENTS, are invited to the very extensive Manufacturing Establishment of 4G-MO. W. ISIDLOWSI iNG 1311.43, SANSOM•STEHET HALL, Ramat Street, above Ms% PRESENTATION SWORDS Made to order at the shortest notice. which. tor richness and magnificence, challenge other house in the country combining the MARIMACTRKING jBW. m IL h.lO.2mtEX wish the 'PRACTICAL SWORD-MAKER FROTHINGBANI 0 . WELLS NAM/ 701. SALL HEAVY. MIIDIIIN. AND LIGET ICINNTINOB AND CBLETINO& STANDARD DRILLS. ILIAVY CANTON WARILNOTO I N AND VICTORY CANBNICS AND BROWN,_BLNACH3D, AND CORSET JEANS. IS WORST= TANN. Ao. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS. ARTIFICIAL HUMAN nlia boatel withoat pan. by JAMBS W. OMEN & C. 0.. 994 ORISTNUT Street. OPERA. GLASSES AND OFFEJERS' • FIELD (LASSIE. Moronism for Physicians and Students. A Very lam assortment for solo by JAIIMB W. QUINN 9 1 44- OUSSYNIIT Street. MATHEMATICAL DRAFTING IN UREMENT& Gbesternian's iletallts_And Bakel-tays_Keasares. For sale by • Jamme W. Winn 00., . OW& OHJUITAUT Waves. Prised andltutrated Catalonian trans. =Mediu OMCORRECT PIANO TUNING, —Yr. 0. Z. SARGENT% Or4ffofe awl BIC Ptsno• - arcraarivea at assort I n a l l Mg% V 0 r weei ie xtr. .a. atoms zoo= ohltratlO Itit_ twand sv• nireemplonnakt In eiskts. ormolu. —Slas voioaaorm to toonil thoit. sweet-Soma se am. ratlaast notsoaalaa - - - brae for Tula& 11, MRS- JOHN DREW'S NEVi ARCM STREET THEATER REAPPEARANCE OP MRS. JOHN D-RXW. ROSEDALE, on THE RIFLE !MEL. This great play, by Lester Wallack. laq . will be .?"2" dated. tor the Brat time in Philadelphia, on THIS (EV" dayl EVENING ATM 4tll 18a4, and played EVEEY EVENING UNTIL FURTHER NOTION. " WITH EVERY KANE MM. ar Charles J. Hawthorne and R B. Bmtth Me cbinery by John Parse.. New and appropriate Mimic by Mae. N. Mslworth. Military Costumes by Wannemairer dr Br rivil• Properties and Appointments by Gleams Harris'. New Chancellor by • Cornelius & Baker. 1703 °lilt wry by. Er F. sdinispna. Mourn de Dante, Henrits saints EVERY taIiMBER OF TEE COMPANY IN THS DIMINUTION, ar MRn. m JOAN DREW AS ROSA LEIGH. LEA s , .a. OF Ti ME. - Dora open at 7: commence at 3 , 4 to 8 Seats Secured one week in advance. without extra, 'charge. YRInA"Y, BannHt cf MRB JOHN DREW. io:s2DAIE R 0- V EIL'S CHESTNUT-STREET "kiln/ant& LBONARD GROVaR 'irsitsen. immENsy , SUOURSS lAlAtralsE SI7OIIBSS of Motteteattit's gnat AmericB n Drama, the OOTOROoN, OCTOROON. rnr.l4tBl EvitaTlNO with all Itet • MaGNIFLUSINT ticaNgßy GREAT OAST, SUPERB 6111,0,0, 9cc. A cc Regular Family Matinee, SATURDAY AFTIANOON, pl-St April A LNLIT. ST BElcri Tft EATRE. OLD ENHLIYH CO3 Env - THIS (MONDAY) HVBNING, April 4, MISS LAURA KERNS At d Debbi* Comedy C....1:m..7, from Net , ' York. will ap. year in Gold uni th's splendid Comedy of HEM 6T(..0 Pei TO COSIQUER Miss Laura Keene as Miss Ilardcaetle. Mr J. DI ott se Mr. Harivi4(lo. The rerforrus nee will eonc!nde with the roaring Farce of AViralt WITH ,sigt.etiowetLY! Performance Will commence at Quarter to 8 o'clock. KaPIR ITU AL SKANCES. —BLOOD RED. WRITING ON THE ARM. in the autoiftePhY of the ! COLCIIESTEIi, the world renowned Test and Business Medium, has consented. at The earnest emiciretloa of his many frende, to return to Philadelphia for a short time, Gunmen clue on Tussahs: l r, April . The public CAt. then have a fair opportnulty or jodging between tree Spiritualism and Necromancy and Charla tanism; as practiced by its opponents. Tb oae who wish to i nvestiaate, call at Reception Rooms, over 91T CHESTNUT Street. ap4-2t• VrESSRP, CROSS AND JARVIS sY-Li WILL HIVE THE R THIRD SO/RSE OF CLASSICAL MUSIC! FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OF BIRS/Rt o TRInAT EVENI2O3, APRIL 8 GRAND LITERARY I tND MUSICAL BY THE ALUMNI OF THE GI hLs' HIGH AND NORMAL SCHOOL. AT THE NONDIt C Y A UFICTIg.Torn, 1384. At Eight o'clock. Tickets. 60 °eats. Reserved. Seats can be obtained at Gould's Muria Store. corner of Seventh and Chestnut. without extra ProCeeds far the Ranitarr CAhitMetient CONCERT BALL J. W. WILDER FOR ONE WEEK ONLY! COMMENCING MONDAY EVSNI NG. Emil 4. 1961. SIMMONS. MIRACULOUS ILLUSIONIST, THE NESTOR OP ART, AND AUTOCRAT OF THE REALMS OF MAGIO, FROM TER OPRRA HOUSES AND TITRATRES OP LONDoelf, the Chi..e and nouns of flontluentst Buf ova. Aus. Italia, China. and from the ConotA of the TYCOONS AND MIKADT OP JAPAN, From Which to hrinss testimonials which inconteett hly demonstrate him to be the GREATEST MASTER OF OCCULT IiTHENT Who has ever visited the shores of America. In order to Rive full effect to the WONDERFOL PERFORMANCES of this most extraordinary Artist, r wilt be converted int..tO NCERT HALL ONE IMMENSE IiftEADLOR, from which will be seen the Ilinsory Miracle(' awl of the NOV GRE E AT L Tt U SIM RN MO D'ADNS. DRESS aided by NO GLITTERING APPARATUS. abetted by OMIDER &TO.o C hi The repertoire o N r Ts _ . . sONIPOTENT ARTIST A THOII3AND ILLUSIONS, which will defy the comprehension of the moat astute,. nullify the perception of the shrewdest. and bean the knowledge of they most scientific. in cluding the most beautiful and mysteri., One of the fest, performed by THE SOECERBRS OF CHINA AND JAPAN. including the GREAT JAPANESE PAPILIONACEOUS MYSTERY: OR, THE FLIGHT OF THE BUTTERFLY. the west pleasing, gracefnl, and beautiful feat ever Witnessed; and LE SABOT JAPANESE; ` OR. TOP-SPINNING. Obi A SISGLS THREW. Together with en expose of STOMIDING DECEPTIONS practised by MODERN SPIRIUTALISTS AND CHARLATANS, including the BLOOD•EED WRITING ON THE ARM; OR. RONOTOBRACIIICLRAPHY: AND TIER WRITING ET THE INVISIBLE HAND, seemingly traced by NO MORTAL FOUR% and apparently THE CALIGRAPHT OF THE DEAD. For further particulars see pamphlets Admission Gallery..— Cunder ten Nears Doors open at 71 S G at 8 o'clock, embraces ••- .25 •• mh3l-64 nARL WOLFSOBN ``..• Respectfully announce% his FOURTH CLASSICAL, SOIREE, To take place on TUESDAY EVENISIO, April 5, 1864, AT THE FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OF musro, When he will be assisted by THEO. THOMAS. THEO. KAMMERER. A. HOGIORNBURGER. THEO. AEI REND. Single tieb eta, I. Can be had at the door on the eve ning and previously at the adagio Stores. Dews open at 7; commence at 8. WASHINGTON HUBS COMPANY'S ANNUAL BALL, MU .ICAL FUND HALL, NM DAY BV.KNI NG, April 4, 1864. Tickets. 81 Muter of Ceremontee—Thomas M'Cullough. Floor Managers—George Warner. William Boughton. A.ciotent Fllor Managers—John T. Duckett. Jesse Bon sall. George W. Allen. John Clark, Joke Kenney, Frede rick Breyer. Tre.aeurtr—James E. krk-der. 40.31* JOS. J. RYAN, Secretary. ELEVENTH -ST. OPERA HOIIBII. - "THE FAMILY RESORT." CARNOROSS aND DIXEY'S MINSTR THE GREAT STAR TROUPE OF THE WC I MB. In their SELECT ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, Splendid Singing, Beautiful DDI/OIDC Laughable Nil. lesgues, Plantation Scenes. tke„. tka. bY TWENTY TALENTED ARTISTS. EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. - Tickets It cents Doors open at 7 o'clock. ._--- fe27-3m J. L. CARNOROSS. Busr7 - d Ase. 40 0. 1 THE GREAT PICTURE I ' AT CONCERT HALL LEOTURE ROOM For a short season. .OPEN EVERY EVENING FOR A SHORT SEASON. J. Tosco Williams' celebrated. PANORAMA OF TH.E BIBLE. This is the most emulate and. finished Fainting of the Sacred Scrintnrse in the **rid, comprising over lila as th e moat . 131)BLIME AND THRILLING SCENES Of the first three thousand years of Biblical Blatant. forming altogethe EV EN IN G t finest exhibitions of the affilM OPEN EVERY at half past ° 7 o'clock. Admission 25 cents. N. B. Iliatinses on Wednesday and Saturday liner . - noons. at 3 o'clock. Admission for Children 16 cents. fel9-Ida ERM ANIA ORCHESTRA.-PUBLIC REHEARSALS evory_BATURDAY. at S o'alook. M at the BIIIBIOAL FELEID HALL. Single ticket" 10 cent", Packagerof RIZ ticket". SI. To ha had at A 11- DEE'S. 1103 CHESTNUT Street. J. B GOULD. VENTH and CHESTNUT. and at the Hall door. reEl-af pENNSYLVA NI tt ACADEMY OF THE FINE Aim, 1O 5 CHESTNUT STESIT_ OPEN DAILY (Sunday@ excepted) from 9 A. M. 1W P. H- A dmiesion 25 cents. Children bell price. EDUCATIONAL. 1 1 ,031MERCJAL EDUCATION,. BEY ANT. STRATTON. & BANNISTER'S STATE' AND NATIONAL COBIEERCI AL COLLEGE. B. E. Cor. of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. one of the nine teen Colleges comprising the Internatioual Chain. This institution affords to young men and ladies the facilities of a Business Education. which will enable them to enter at once upon the fields of usefulness and honor. The new system of Actual Business Training, Intro duced into this College last October. has proved an emi nent success in fully preparing_ our graduates for the duties of active business life. Hundreds of young men and many ladies have availed then salves of its advau laces, and the favor and success with which they have n et in obtaining honorable and lucrative employment. upon graduating. ere anfiletent to form en important consideration with those who are about deciding between Commercial Schools, with a view to enter the oue which offers the most advantages; while the same fast furntehas additional and conclusive evidence of the superior facili ties of this institution to theronghly qualify its gradu ates to manage the affairs of business with system and despatch The course of instruction Is whet the age de mands, thorough, practical. and so systematized and practically taught as to enable the student to master it in the shortest mantra time possible. The favorite Spencerian System or Penmanship is taught by a gentleman trained by the author, Kr. B. R. Spencer. Telegraphing is taught by an experienced operator. Scholarships purchased at this institution are good for an unlimited period in all the nineteen Colleges compd. sins the "Chain." Students can enter at any time. Call or send for a Circular. ZIEGAZ. ESTATE OF GEORGE F. WOMBATH, deceased Letters Testamentary upon the Rstate of °SORELY. F. WOMBAT 14. deceased. having_ been granted by the Register of Wills of Philadelphia Counts , to - the undersigned all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment. and those having claims orAemands ogatast the same. to make them knows with- out delay to HISNRIATTA. W. WOMiller hueetttrix, Prankford. A. $. WOKRATIL F. K. WOWfi ATE. WILLIAM GAUL. PRILADA.. April 6,1864. Executory. 415 Arch St. apent-et BRIGGS GOLD CO. MINES—BRIGGS &GREGORY LODES, GILPIN COUNTY, COLORADO. CAPITAL 10,000 STIATIMS-5100 EACH. TRUSTEES. J. SMITH BRIGGS Colorado. 080. K. 'PULLMAN Mileage. ANTHONY New York. HENRY COGOILL •• CORNIILL WHITS . C. 0. ALGEL Hudson. N. T. WM. G. ANGELL Providence, R. I. Preeident, I. SMITH BRIGGS. Treasurer, WALTER E. LAWTON. Secrelary.,D. LITTLEJOHN. • Conned, J. S. WOODWARD. Mining Superintendent. OHM H. SWIGS, apt Im Mace 25 OLIFF Street. New 'Port. riorE GOLD COMPANY, MINga—"GoLD DIRT LODE, Cliivln county. Colorado. CAPITAL, 80.000 MUM OS auk. - TRUSTIES. JOHN EVANS. Colorado. - F H. JUDD. Hew York H. S COllll. New TOM WILLIAM MOLLER. New York. GEO. W ODAPPLIA, Baltimors. zinliiAN PUNKS. Sow Yolk, B COBNELT.. WHITE. New York. N. C TYLUR„. Dow y or k . a 0. ARNOLD. Providoswii. PRESIDENT. Nis Ezoollonoy JOHN NYANII. Governor of Colorado Teittlery. VISE PRESTDENTIL Hon. B. O. AlitioLD, Dr. Y. H. JUDD, Treasurer, WALTIN K LAWTON. Swootovy, J. P. DAWNS. akin 1m Office, No. H 5 CLIFF Enrol), New York. THOUSANDS •OF PATRONS RAVI notified their odmiration of tho _ biaMgoonraor. wad freshness of"ocaoring of B. F . liffroixo 010T90/40414,441891QP. tTAt Ana MOON && ...... Maaspee
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