THE CITY. ThermomeMr. MABUH », 180*. I MAKUH 2», 1884. SA. M....3F. M »A. *•—•**• *• 33 «% 46« 40 45 45 wiiro Wfan< WHW...WKW...WNW Eby S....ESE Spkcijii Meeting of thb Bchool Con ♦tboilbbs.—A i peoial 0)66t10s or the Board o Softool Controller* was held yesterday afternoon, President Fletcher in the ohair. Several communications were read and referred. The Commiteeon Grammar, Secondary,and Primary Schools, presented a preamble with resolutions an nexed, which were adopted. Ur. Shippen offered a resolution authorising the {Controllers of the Twenty-fifth Section to expel from his position the principal of the Carrol Bay* Grammar School, for intoxication, and also turn* profane language before members of this Boaru. The xeiolution was unanimously adopted. The re port of the special committeesPß°J n *!j And SSft,2J wa» then re»fl We wteacyne fo|iowln * th( £ B tho f^JSSi f cSSi*e* e is contended, the ad- Vi7niftT*tioT?of tbe High School is affected, and the thereof i* charged to the principal of that institution; _ _ , _ First Under the general charge of inattention or mismanagement, it waa alleged that no arrangement was made by which the grammar school teachers could obtain the examination paper*. We do not think that the charge, even if fully proven, is one whioh should affect the principal of the school, unless it is proven to be his duty to make such arrangement. Nevertheless, we think that mere courtesy requires that all proper facilities should be afiordee those who desire to see the ques tions and answers thereon at seasonable times Second . Under the same general charge, it is al leged that the teachers cf toe High School or the graduates, or both, at the examinations indulged in talking. laughing, eating, seizing or knitting, to such sit extent as to interfere with and distract the at tention of the candidates from their duties. In support of this charge, very many principals testify ihat it is a common and usual complaint with pupils of their respective schools, and a large number of pupils give similar evidence. One of them states that she got part or the conversation mixed up with her written answers. On the contrary, however, the lady teachers of the High School, and a number of graduates, state that, in their judgment, there was so such talking, laughing, &c., which .would so interfere, and doubtless they honestly believe so; and yet it must be remembered that even trifles will distract attention, especially with chil dren. The introduction of a box of- sardinei, for instance, though a small matter of itself, would, without question, attract attention and disturb a chile’s train of thoughts, and such was proven to have been done on one occasion. Third. It is charged that the examinations are ad vertised to commence a.t nine o’clock, and that they are net commenced until ten o’clock on the first day. This fact is proven, but the delay ii sufficiently ac counted for. No blame can be attached to theichool on this score. Fourth. Graduates of the High Sohool were in at tendance at the examination who were acquainted with the different schools. This is as stated, but little weight is to be attached to the charge, because it was shown that it was a matter of importance to have the assistance of the graduates at the examina tions, and besides, the number in attendance was considerably reduced at the last examination, &0., &o. Fifth “Cards of candidates have been changed.” This has been accounted for to the satisfaction of She committee. Sixth. Queatior s have been read differently in dif ferent rooms. This is proven. Sevinlh. The word “ appellate” was given in one room and “ appellant” iu another. This is proven. Eighth In one room The interrogation mark was given, in ar other the mark of exclamation, materi ally affecting the parsing. This was proven. JSinih. The woid “ area ” in one room, and “ alti tuoe ”in another. This waa proven. Tenth The word “b*rqu*t” was given in one loom, ftba the wo<u boquei ”in another. This was proven. Ehventh. The word “calendar” was given in one room with definition to distinguish it from t( calen der,” and Id another no such definition was given. This is denied by the teacher who gave out the word. The evidence ia conflicting. These last six charges, except the eleventh, are proven, and show carelessness. They may seem to cue unacquainted with the rules for conducting ex aminations trlfliog, and would be so, but for the fact that they, in many instances, materially affect the question to be answered, and to a corresponding de gree aflect the relative standing of pupils, or at least the amount of thought and work to be per formed. It ia certainly not fair to give verbal expla nation to one, and fail to give it to another. Still, tbevommittee Las no reason to suppose the omis sion waa anything but accidental. It is charged that there is scarcely a High school examination at which some objectionable questions are not given,, such as 'he following: Twelfth. “Dtfiiae a plane Angle.” This is objected to because the term 11 plane angle” is not found in text-books in use. On the other hand, it ia stated, that the term is found in “plane rectilineal angle.” It is charged, likewise, to at the Principal of the High School admitted that he did not know what answer was required, implying that he did not know What the answer was. He explains, however, that he merely admitted That he rid not know what answer would be taken M the teacher who should mark the paper. We think the objection to “plane angle” is sus tained, ns it shows that proper care waa not takeh in piep«nrg the question. In the judgment of the cctsmutte exactitude should mark all 'questions given. The term “plane angle” ia not given in the it xt-bocks, while “planerectilineal angle ” isgiven, &c. Thirteenth . The next objectionable question charged is found in the first set of mensuration : -• How do you find the diagonal of a rectangle whin you have the proportion of its sides, and the area of a tquare having the same perimeter”’ It seems that the principal oi the High Sohool ad mitted that he had given verbs! explanations of the question. The ladies of the grammar sobools con tend that if verbal explanations were given, that fact is evidence of ambiguity; and, besides, it is proven by nearly all the principals that the pupils were in doubt as to the meaning of the question. One of them, however, says it was cot ambiguous to her pupils. It follows, as a matter of the simplest justice, that a very great regard should be paid to the forming of questions so to be given. One of the male principals states that the question is compli cated, yet lair, and all of them declare, that their large boys would not do any of the questions. There are forty.three charges made, all of whiah are approved or disapproved. The above charges go to show their nature, ana how the committee acted upon them. The remaining ones are somewhat rimiiar, and develop facte to prove the inability or carelessness* of these who conduct the High School examinations. The icpf*: t concludes as follows: In tiuth, gentlemen of the Board] a decided] prompt, and efficient remedy is demanded. You cannot close your eyes to charges made, and allow them to pass by unheeded, any longer, unless, in deed, it Is tour desiie to allow the institution to go to decay for want of support. You must be fully aware that sections have decided not to send more pupils to the school, and others are ready for similar action* unless a change is made in the and this brings us to the most painful part of the <<uty you have assigned to tnis committee, namely, The recommendation of the committee. In the per formance of this public duty we are compelled to lock only to the public good ; we must not allow meie sympathy for individual* to away our judg ment. We feel compelled to say that there has not been exercised that full, ample, and increasing vigi lance over the Girls’ High and Normal School, in acme of its departments, which you have a right to expect, and the public a right to demand, at the hands of the administration of the same, and we are well satisfied that the true interests of the sohool require a change in its chief officer, the principal. We have not arrived at this conclusion without a careful consideration of the evidence. We know of no other remedy ;we believe there is none. The committee therefore offers the followiog resolution for your consideration: Resolved. That the position o? principal of the Girls’ High and Normal School be declared vacant from the 'first day of Stay next, and until a new principal shall he duly elected; and further, that the secretary be dl reeled to tarnish the present principal of said school with a duiy-atteeied copy of ibis resolution. All of which ia respectfully submitted. ED. SHIPPEN. Chairman. CHARLES WELSH, JAMES FREEBORN, W. O. KLINE. Mr. 1L W. Cushman, who was one of this com mittee, refused to sign the report. He agreed in part with the report, but was not in favor of declar ing the present principal’s position vacant. He thought he should nave another trial. A motion was then made to postpone the conside ration of the report, and have it printed, which was agreed to by a vote of 13 yeas to 10 nays. The Board then adjourned. What is Most Needed. — A circular re cently issued by the United State* Christian Com* mission gives some important information relative to what articles ought to be sent for the use of our sick acd wounded soldiers, to the Commission, Every one who gives for this purpose should see that his contributions are as serviceable as possible. The following directions, prepared by persons who have bad piactioal experience in the duty of re* iieving toe wants of the camps and hospitals, are of great utility: What to Send. —Money, by all means, if possi ble. To invest money in articles to send is un wise. The Commission can purchase exaotly what is wanted at the very moment when needed moat, ard, as a Commission, at wholesale, cheaper than others. Uotkm<ji etc —Cotton shirts, cotton drawers, ban ton flannel shirts and drawers, surgical shirts and drawers, (with tape strings to tie instead of seams at the sides,) large cotton drawers, (to wear in-doora as pants,) dressing gowns, slippers, (if of cloth or carpet with stiff soles.) sheets, pillow*cases, bed ticks, (single for tilling with straw,) pillows, pads for fractured limbs, ring pads for wounds, fans, net ting to protect from flies, housewives stored with needles, thread, buttons, pins, Ac., handkerchiefs, wash-rags, old linen. Food, etc.— Oat meal, farina, ooru-starch, dried rusk, jellies, soda biscuit, butter, crackers, Boston crackers, good butter in small jars, jams, onions in barrels, apples in barrels, cranberries, piokles, dried fruits. In special cases, eggs, bread, cakes, Jto., are needed, but not generally; they should, never be sent unless specially called for. For Bivtrageg —Good black tea, cbooolate,-lemons, syrups. All preparations of the blackberry are of double value. Stimulants—Good brandy, Madeira wine, port wine, cordials. Domestic wines are excellent in winter, but are apt to spoil in summer. Good Heading Matter. — trash. Soldiers de ceive the best. A library is avaluable hygienic ap pliance. For the able- bodied, good publications are mental and spiritual food. For convalescents, live ly, Interesting books, the monthlies, the pictorials, works of art, science, and literature, as well as those for moral ana spiritual culture, such as you would put into the hands of a brother recovering, are wanted. Stationery U much needea— Paper, envelopes, and ptneils. Societies and committees will do well to secure free transportation for their stores by any re liable line not too alow, if possible. If not, then to send without prepayment. Better to send all the money they can, and Jet the Commission settle for freight, as special arrangement! have been made with many lines. Church Cohbkcratkd. —Yesterday morning, the church of “ Our Saviour,’ 1 looated on Heed street, near Seventh, was dedicated with ap propriate ceremonies. Rt. Rev. Bishop Stevens officiated, and the dedicatory sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. Goddard, and Rev. Messrs, Bringhurat, Donnell, Eiben, Parker, Dutborow, Quick, 'and others, participated in the ceremonies. The reotor* Rev. Mr. Shinn, was formerly assistant pastor of St. Paul's Church. Valuable Collection of Portraits. —A large and elegant collection of photograph pic tures oi the Catholic Bishops of the United States, with the prominent clergymen of this and other dioceses, has been procured by Mr. John R. Downing, No. 139 South Eighth street, above Walnut street, forming quite an interesting group, which cannot fail to prove of great value to the large num ber of persons of the Catholic persuasion. New Counterfeit.— A new counter feit or the denomination of $lO made Its appearance yesterday on the Valley Bank, Hillsborough, N- H, altered from a genuine $1 or $2. The big cattle in water is genuine; the name of the bank and other reading upon lower portion is done by a chemioal process through the red tint. To Be Reorganized.— The officers of the lit Regiment of Wuhington Guard, will Bold a meeting to-morrow evening, for the purpoie of f uc k a Organization of the regiment as will plaee it In a condition for active service in the State “ -y-- g eno y which may arise during the spring MmTAßY.—eaptein George W. Durell, of Dwell’. Independent Penn.ylvanla Battery, h» been teUeved from duty .t the barraehaatßroad »nd Cheny .treele, and ordered to rejoin hi. com mand, a portion ol General Burniidehi force., now jit Annapolis. ’ NfiW Apparatus.—A handsome rgw hose carriage has been housed by the Assistance Steam Fire Engine Company. w Hospital Items. —The following persons were admitted into the Pennsylvania Hospital yes- Prevoat, aged twentvetght yean, Cell down s* Sixth and Shippen .treat., and fraetured h Anna Helner, .Red thirty year., tumbled downs flight of «t»ir. a> m Coates street, and badly bruised MePtyan, aged twenty-«tx years, had his left leg fraoW®' 1 by one of the Market-,treet Pm ■enger Hallway ear. running over it, at Tatrtleth Mid market streets, on Monday evening. He was setting off the car at the time the accident occurred. Win* Worrall, aged thirty-two years, was kloked by a mule, at Broad and Prime streets, causing a compound fracture of the left leg. Thb alterations in the railroad depot, Ninth and Green streets, are nearly completed. The roof has been rsised some fifteen or twenty feet, and the ventilation is greatly improved. It is the intention of the company to place several new oars on the road within a few weeks. Death of a SoiiDieb.—-The following death was reported yesterday at the medical direc tor’s office from the Convalescent Hospital, Six teenth and Filbert streets: C. McDonnell, Uo. Ej 72d Regiment Penna. Vole. THE -POLICE. Rebel Oatn-Tatting Swindlers. On Saturday afternoon, the I9th inst, a number of “rebel oath-takers” were at the Cooper Shop Volunteer Refreshment Saloon. They all seemed anxious to obtain work. It was not to be expected they were all honest. It may be safely Inferred there is always one Judas in every twelve men. It seems, however, that a worthy farmer, Mr.-E, Mid dleton, of Delaware county, in agreeing to give work to three of the repentant rebels, happened to select three Judases. He desired to have one hand to woik on his farm, but three of the released pri soners prevailed upon him to give them employ ment. He paid their passage to the country, and on the following morning, Sunday, they appeared satis fied. One of the party, giving the name of Wilson W. Maiden, hailing from North Carolina, remarked that it was Sunday morning, and suggested thstany bargain, of a business character, made on such a day might not be exaetly legal. Mr. Middleton said that, so far as he was into* rested, he would waive such a technicality. The men were satisfied. They were fitted out with a change of garments in place of .their butternut cloth ing, and a substantial dinner was served to them. Some time after this gaatronomioal exercise the trio started away and have not been heard of since. One of the men gave the name of John Murdoch, and said he came from North Carolina. The name of the third man is not known. In a conversation that ensued between Mr. M. and the party, Malden said that he had fought under Stonewall Jackson, and thaf Jackson was a praying man. Whether he meant by using the word “praying,” devotional exercises, or preying upon the vitals of the country, of course cannot be transmitted to posterity through the medium of The Press. One thing la morally certain, tho deaciple of old Stonewall oertainiy preyed upon the property of Mr. Middleton. [Before Mr. Alderman Beltler.j Receiver. William Splane, the keeper of a junk shop on Cherry street, near Seventh, was arraigned at the Central Station yesterday afternoon on the charge of receiving stolen goods. When taken into cus tody by Mr. Levy, of the detective force, the accused admitted voluntarily that he had purchased some iron osstings from three boys. These castings were identified by Mr. John Clouds, foreman of a ma chine shop at 918 Cherry street, the said oastiogs having been stolen therefrom a short time since. Mr; Levy, in searching the establishment, seized quite an amount of things supposed to have been stolen, among which we notice type metal, broken stereotype plates, one of tbe pieces having on it, in capital letters. “ Listen to the Mocking Bird.** There were also pieces of lead pipe, dentists’ casts lor teeth, a box of piano keys made of copper, and other articles, which may be seen at the Central Station. Tbe accused was held in the sum of $1,603, to await a hearing to take place on Thursday after noon. [Before Mr. Alderman White. 3 Alleged Embezzlement. A case has been pending for several days before Police Magistrate White, in which a young man li chargid with embezzling the funds of his employer. A considerable mass of evidence has been given in, but very little, however, as having a bearing upon the accused. It seems that he was employed in the store of the prosecutor at the rate of nine dollars per week for a number of years. At the present time he has a store of his own, and his employer cannot, by any force of his reasoning powers, exactly com prehend how it is possible for his employee to have such a well-stocked establishment. At the hearing, yesterday afternoon, a fact was demonstrated that pointed like an index finger to the whole transac tion. A lacy had purchased a twenty-five-dollar rocking chair, paid tbe cash for it, the said transac tion not being recorded on tbe-books. The defendant defied her io produce a receipt for the money. She admitted that she could not, as she paid cash for the chair, and did not get a receipt The case has been returned to court, to be sifted out, as it most essen tially will be by District Attorney Mann. Police Patriotism. The police force of this city have cheerfully sub mitted to the proposition to appropriate one day’s wages on behalf of the great Fair of the United States Sanitary Commission, to be held In this city in June next. Other associations will probably do the same thing. [Before Mr. Alderman Devlin. 3 Brutality. James Sweet and James Wildy were arraigned, yesterday morniDg, on the charge of beating a co lored man, at Fifteenth and Filbert streets, on Sun day, as he was returning from or going to church. There was no provocation for the outrage. Such wan ton attacks upon persons, simply because of color, is so mean that, though the assailants may be white skinned, yet they are the most contemptible niggers, in its tiue meaning. It is further alleged that the defendants entered the house of Henry Correll, at Race and Juniper streets, broke the windows, and assaulted the occupant. They were committed to answer. THE COURTS. Supreme Court—Before Woodward, C. J., and Justices Thompson, Strong, Read, and Agnew. LIST von THB COUNTIES OV 8818, CRAWFORD, WAR BEN, AND M’KBAN BEFORE THE COURT-CASES ARGUED. Sunderland vs. Strutters. Argued by Willard and Comity for plaintiff in error, and by Wetmore and Brown for defendant in error. Road Commissioners vs. Morgan. Erie county. Submitted on paper-books. Cocro ys, Conro. Court of Common Pleas War ren county* Argued by Wetmore for plaintiff la er ror; and by Lacey for defendant in error. Hertzell vs. Kimball. Court of Common Pleas of Warren county- Argued by Brown ior plaintiff in error, and by Curtis for defendant in error. McKinney vs. Martin. C. P., Warren county. Submitted on paper books. Biistoe vs- Brown. O. P., Warren county. Ar gued by Lacey for plaintiff in error, and by Brown for defendant in error. Benedict vs. Forsythe. C. P. Warren county. Argued by Brown for plaintiff in error, and by Wet more for defendant in error. Kennedy vs. Johnson. Non pros. Tbii oaie vu tbe laat on the list. The court ad journed till Saturday. Supreme Court at Nisi Prlui-Judge Ag Barnes vs. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Counsel are still speaking to the jury in this case. Mr. Scott spoke all day yesterday for defendants, Mr. Cuyler and Mr. W. L. Hint are yet to speak, the former for defendants and the latter for plaintiff. The other courts were not in session. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. GEO. L. BDZBY, > EDW. C. BIDDLE, > Comiottbb oy thb Hohth. THOMAS S FEBNON.) LETTER BAGS AT THB MERCHANTS’ BXOHAITOB, PHILADHLFHIA Bark Linda, Hewett Cienfuegoe, March 27. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Mar. 30,1964. SUM 6 47 I SDN BETS.. 6 13 HIGH WATER... 34 _ ARRIVED. Brig Lagrange, Whitney, 4 days from Hew Tork, in ballast to Curtis A Knight- Schr Fremont. Paine, 6 days from Provtocetown, with mdse to Geo 3 Kerfoot. Schr Margaret Powell, Fenton, 6 days from New Ha* yen, In ballast to captain. Schr Navigator,' Robinson, from Providence, in ballast to captain. Schr J P Wilkins, Cole, 9 days from New York, with marble to captain Schr Garnet, Norman, from Lewes. Del, with goods from wrecked ship Bea Crest, to Jobs R Penrose. Schr Pird. Duffell, from Lewes, Del, with goods from wrecked ship Sea Crest, to John R Penrose. Schr Lucy, bjpence, 1 day from Brandywine, Bel. with wheat to R M Lea- Schr Ruby, Richardson. 3 days from Bt Martins, Md, with corn to James L Bewley & Co £cbr Packet, Ttoux, 1 day from Leipsic, Del, with corn to Jas L Bewley A Co. . Steamer Vulcan, Morrison, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird A Co Steamer Brietol. Charles, 24 hours from New York, ■frith mdse to w p Clyde. Steamer 8 F Phelps. Brown, 24 hours from New York, with mdee to W M Raiid A Co. CLEARED SbipGen. Williams (Br), fiatfleld, Liverpool, P Wright A Sons. Baik Geo 8 Hunt, Woodbury, New Orleans, E A Bonder A Co. Brig Agnes (Br), Hewitt, Martinique, Jauretche A Lavergne. Schr Velma, Stanwood, Cardenas, E A Bonder A Co. Schr Sue gomera, Somers, Port Royal, Tyler A Co ■ fcchr Jonfathan May, Cobb, Fortress Monroe, do. Schr AM Edwards, Harisou. Newbem, do.- Schr Csrthagena, Kelley, New Bedford. Pliny Fisk. Schr Pauline. Freeman, Wellfieet, Geo B Kerfoot Schr Sarah Cullen. Cnllen, Beverly, Hammett, Van Dneen A Lochman. . Schr Jag Barrait, ’Nickerson, Saco, Hammett, Van Dneen A Lochman. Schr T Borden, Wrlghtinglon, Providence, Castner, Stickney A Wellington. fcehrß S Dean, Dean, Providence, Noble* Caldwell A Co. . Schr BHHuntley, Nickerson Boston, do. Schr War Steed. Cash, Boston, do. S«hT Geo Edwards, Weeks, Boston, do. £chr Navigator, Robinson. Boston. do. Schr Standard. Garrison. Salem, N J, do Schr J Newell. Trot, Portland, L Audenried A Co. Schr J Allderdice. Stites, Boston, Bepplier A Bro. Schr G L Vandervort, Baker. Boston, K N Rathbun. Schr New Jersey, Morris. Providence, J <* A Q S W Mary A Taylor, Bacon, Salem, N J, Day A Aud dell. Schr 8 Washburne. Thrasher Taunton, Twells A Co. Schr Henrietta Williams, Jackson, Baltimore, Baugh A Sons. St’r A Brearley. Broughton, Washington T Webster. tt’rß L Saw, Iler. Baltimore, a Grovei, Jr. St’r Allda, Lenny, New York, W P Clyde. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) Lswbs. Del., March 27 The ship Sea Crest (Br], from Liverpool, before re* ported aground n*ar the Shears, has so settled in the sand, during the gale of Friday last, that her rails and hatches are under water. Two or three schooner loads of goods have been got out, and it is thought the balance ol the cargo will be lost. The brig George L Bachman, from New York for Phila delphia, loaded with pouaret, came ashore last night, during a strong blow from NB. ... . The schooner Somerset, before reported ashore, has gone to pieces; her spars, anchor chain, rigging, and Sails will he sold to monrow at auction. She was from Baltimore, loaded with coal, and hound to New York, One bark, four brigs, and about twenty schooners are at anchor in the roadstead. Wind HJ^mathcydondy, F S —The schooner Samuel A Appleton, from New Bedford, In ballast, bound to Philadelphia, was driven ashore (luring the gate on Tuesday night last, about ten miles south of Cape Hen'open The captain and crew succeeded in gelling on shoie. Some of tne ciew are so badly frostbitten that they wiU probably not recover. The schooner maj be got off. Portions of the wreck of a brig hailing from Boston, and supposed to be from the Nantasket (before reported), came ashore in the same vicinity. am. r TO HOUSEKEEPERS. In maklt g your spring purchases, be sure to pro • vide yourself with the best —the only RELIABLE and WARRANTED CLOTBSs WRINGER ... .IV ,? HE UNIVERSAL WRINIEB. _ with fthe Patent GOG WHEEL REGULATOR, whitfl positively prevents the rolls from breaking or twist* ft® ansftaiiaiaarin* the clothing, as all wringers 2? 111 however strongly It may be asserted to the contrary. , No fftmilycan be without THE UNIVERSAL WRINGER. It will pay for Itself in six months, in the saving O' raiment, alone. In the emaUeet family. The lamUy elze. ue *7 and «10- and am WAS ANTED in every particular. ' BFor sale wholesale and retail, by ho. Market. Philadelphia. mhs-lm *« REDFORD WATER"—INDIVIDU -U aß d dealers will be supplied with *' Bedford Water, ” fresh from the Sprint, at the shortest notice, at the following rates: For barrel. 40 gallons (oak) ....S3 00 Half do do 2 00 Half do (mulberry) v 3 9) The Darrels are well steamed, to that purahaeera mar depend upon rece Mna the Water m pore and been ae at the Spring- *ll order* addreeeed to „ „ t „ mU7-9m £. It. 4JDSBSOS, Bedford, Fa SHERIFF’S SALE. SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to mo direoted. will bo SE o i£ l l*V 4 1 S.^“t n s e iMSm“?r?Pt A H.lf. TB ' All that certain three-story bricl* m Ind tMrV-fl “ feet nortli'rJZ Ponlar street 6 city of Philadelphia; containing la fcSSt o» r itreJt «lxte.a feel, aid In depth 6iT'!XriSafJe execution on * elalm tor *lB 22. for Urn,, flledbvtbe (la 0 KP.. AW. No. fWwZJK x p!,h«dnlnliia. Sherira Office. Match 22. 1861. mh2d-3t QHEBIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF „ writ of Levari Facias, to me directed. wilL ba ex rosed to public sale or vendue, on MOND lY Evening, xcril 4.1£G4. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain three story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Twentieth street, se venty feet northward from Bace street, in tbe city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Twentieth street twenty-three feet four inches, and In depth forty feet. [Which said lot Mary Roberts, by deed dated September lfitb, 1840. recorded in Deed Book ALL., No. 03. pace 21 Ac, conveyed unto Richard Shields in fae.l CD. C.: M . ; 64 873. Debt $2,4i6. W. B. Wlater.3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the proueriy of Richard Shields JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office. M arch 22. 1861. mhli»3t OHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VJRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me Affected, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. April 4, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sanaom- street Hall. All that certain three story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the west side of Hutchinson street (No. 908), seventy-one feet north from Poplar etreet.ln the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Hutch inson street sixteen feet, and In depth sixty.four feet. Taken in execution on a claim for 828 22, foi taxw, filed by the city cf Philadelphia* (in C*. C, s2* 80. 41. Adams.) audto he sold as’he property of Free man Scott JOAN TH >MPSON. Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriff > Office. March 22 1861. mh24-3t CHEBIFF'S SALE. —BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facia», to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MDiIDAY Bveniag, April 4, 1534. at 4 o’clock, at Saneom street Hall. All that certain lot of ground situate oa the south side of Poplar street fifty feet westward from Fifteenth street, in the city ©f Philadelphia: containing in fronton Pop. lar street twenty feet, and in depth ninety feet to Lex street [Being part of th* same lot which Thomas Bewett et ox . by deed dated September 7,1841. conveyed unto Joseph Montgomery In fee. ] CD. V i M.. ’64 403. Debt. $2.25LP0. Drayton.] Taken In execution and to be sold aa tneproperty of Joseph Montgomery JOHN THOMPbODu Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office. March 22,1864 mh24-3l CBERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a -writ of Venditioni Bxpooaa, to mo diraotei, will be exposed to public sale or vendne. on MONDAY Eve ning. April 4.1684. at 4 o’clock, at Sannom-straet Hall, All to at ceit.ln three, story biick meteunsj, back buildings, and lot of gronnd Bitnate on the east aide of Twelfth street aevtnteen feet northward from Wallace street, in the cltj of Philadelphia: containing in front on Twelfth street seventeen feet, and in death on the north line eighty-three feet eight and oie-half inches, una on the south line eighty- two feet five and three-fourths Inches to a three-feet-wide alley, with the privilege thereof. Subject to a ground rent of seventy-six dollars and fifty cents, payable first of January ana July Sub ject, aUo, to certain building and other repletions, fully set forth in said writ. *- P - ta c S D BO (5“’«4 354 Debt. *267.10 Waln.J S^eTp??? eCUUOn “ 4 “ Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, March 21. 1864. mh24-3t OHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to m, directed. wiU be exposed to pobiic eelo or vendne. on MONDaV N*o ninx. Airil 4. JSB4. at 4 o’clock, at Saneom-eireet Hall, Ad that certain three-etor, brick meaenaxe and lot* of ground situate on the south side of Marriner street, two hundred and sight feet west from Thirteenth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Marriner street sixteen feet, and in depth forty-seven feet one inch, more or less. [Which said premises William S. Belmuth et al. * by deed dated December 31.1839, recorded in Deed Book A. M . Ho. 68. page 647. &o. 4 oonveyad unto Jonas P. Fair-lamb, in fee; reserving a ground rent of thirty t wo dollars, payable first of January and July. ] CD. C. : M., ’64. 382 Debt s£lBo. Heyer] Tat en in execution and to be sold an the property of Jonas P. Fairlamb. JOHN THOMPSON, Shtriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, March 22.18?4. ' mh24 3t CHEBIFF'S SALE. —BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public eale or vendue on MONDAY Evening, April 4.1864. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Hall, Alt that certain three story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the west side of Hutchinson street (No. 918). 161 feet north from Poplar street, in the city of Phi ladelphia; coutaii lug in front on Hutchinson etreet six teen feet, and in depth sixty-/our feet. _ Taken in execution on a claim for $28.22 for taxes, filed by tbe city of Philadelphia (in C. O. P., S. • *62, No. 38. Adams), and to be sold as ihe property of Free man Scott. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office. March 22 1864- mh24 3t CHEBIFF’S.SALE. —BY VIRTUE OF U a of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex pceed io public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Bvening, April 3, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Saneom BtTee- Hail All those certain two brick messuages and lot of ground, situate on the nor hweet side of Richmond street, one hundred end eighty feet northeast from Ann street, in the city if Philadelphia; containing in front on Rich moud street forty feet, and in. depth two hundred feet to Salmon street. . , . a Taken in execution on a claim for $69 47, for taxes, filed by the city of Philadelphia (in 0 C. P . S. '63, ho. 76. Adams), and to he sold ai tbe properly of George M. Snow JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. March 2i,1864. mh24 3t CHI RIFF’S- SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O a writ of Levari F&tias. to me directed, will be ex posed to public tale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening, April 4. 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Samom-street Hall. AU that certain two story brisk messuage and lot of SrcucH riiuaie on the northeast corner of Ninth and ’arrlsh streets, in the city of Philadelphia ; containing in front eighteen feet, and in depth seventy feet. Taken in exeention on a claim of $3l 9i, fer taxes, filed by tbe city of Philadelphia, (in C C- P.; M - ’63, No. 163 Adam*.,) and to be sold as the property of Mary E Rue. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, M&rah 22. lfiSi mh2i 3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY* VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on' MONDAY Evening, April 4.1864 at 4 o’clock, at S&nsom-Btreet Hall, ail that certain lot of ground situate on the south, side Deshong street, ninety one feet westward from Twenty seventh street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Deshong street forty-five feet., and in depth thirty feet [Which said premises David McNeill, by deed dated December 18.1862. recorded in Deed Hook A. C. H., 80. 79, page 356. Ac., conveyed unto the said Jane Dunn in fee. 2 IS) C.; M., ’64. 409, Debt, $672. Blackbarne ] Taken in exeention and to be sold as the property of Francis Dunn anfi Jane his wife. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff, philada . Sheriff's Office, March 22. 1864. mh24-3t CBEBIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will ba exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4, 1£64. at 4 o’clock, at Sahsom-street Hall, ~ „ All that certain lot of ground Bitnate on the east side of Second street, one hundred, and twenty-nine feet five and a quarter inches south of Norris street, iu the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Second street eighteen feet, and in dep;h t crossing Perry street) two hundred and eighteen feet, to Hancock street C Which raid lot John A. fllkinlon et ux. by deed dated June 13, 1835, recorded in Deed Book A. M. No. 61 pace 621. dec., conveyed unto* John W. Moore in fee; enb.isct to a ground rent of thirty* six dollars, payable Ist of January and JniyJ [D C.; M , ’64. 337. Debt. $229 35. H C. Townsend 3 Taken in execution and to bs sold as the property of John W. Moore. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22, iB6l mh24-3fc OHEBIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4. 1864. at 4 o’clock, at hansom-street Hall, All that certain threa-story brick messuage aud lot of ground situate on the east side of Fourth street, twenty nil: e feet north from Columbia street, in the city of Phi ladelphia; containing in front on Fourth street fifteen feet, and in depth fifty-two feet, more or less. Taken in execution on a claim for %3G 97. for curbing a.nd p&fisff. filed by the city of Philadelphia fin 0. C. P., D. 68. No. 41, Cornman). and to be sold as the pro pel ty of Frederick Gentner. __ JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office. March 22, 1864. mh24-3t OBERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4.1564, at 4 o’clock, at SaQaoiu-vtreet Hall, All the right, title, and interest of John Neff of and in No 1. All that certain lot of ground situate on the north side of Vine street a nd west side of Eighth street, in tbe city of Philadelphia; containing in front onVine street twenty feet, and in depth seventy feet. Subject to a ground rent of fifty dollars. No. 2. All that certain lot of gronnd situate on the north side of Vine street, twenty feet westward from Eighth street; containing in front on Vine street twenty feet, and in depth seventy feet. Subject to a yearly ground rent of forty dollars. No 3. All thatcertain lot of ground situate on the west side of Eighth street, seventy feet north from Vine st) eet; containing in front on Eighth street twenty feet, and in depth eighty feet. Subject to a yearly gronnd rent of sixty dollars No. 4, All that certain two-story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the south side of Jamei street, one hundred feet west from Charles street; containing in front on James street fifty*eight feet, and in depth sixty feet. Bounded westward by Rugan street. Sub ject to a yearly ground rent of thirty-three and one third dollars. - CD. C ;'M., J 64. S6L Debt, $1,466.67. Guillon.3 JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. March 22,388*. mh24 3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BT VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Farias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale oj vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4,1864. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom- street Hill, All that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the southeast corner of Second and Market streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Market street sixteen feet, and In depth alone Second street forty-eight feet six inches. Taken in execution on a claim for $6 88. for paving, filed by the city of Philadelphia (in G. C. P.; D.. ’62, 140, Cornman) and to be sold as the property of C. F, Gebler. IJOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 21 1861. mh24 3b {SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me' directed, will be ex* posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4 1864. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot of t round Bimate on the east side of Gaul street, one hundred and sixteen feet north of So merset street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in fronton Gaul street one handled and eighty feet eight itches, and in depth eighty feet. Taken in execution on a claim for $31.62, for taxes, filed by the Ci»y of Philadelphia (in G G. P.; S. ,’63, No. 176, Adams), and to be sold a« the property of R. 6methnr»t. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff.. Philadelphia Sheriff's Office, March2l,lB6l mh24-3t CHI BIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUEOF a writ of Levari. Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4,1864. at 4 o’clock, at eansom-street Hall, All that certain lot of ground situate on the southeast corner of Twenty-fourth, and Virginia streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Twenty fourth street twentv six feet, and in depth sixty-seven feet nine and five-eighths Inches. Taken in execution on a claim for $26.07 for curbing and paving, filed by the city of Philadelphia (inO. G. F., D.. ’6O. No. 2, Cornman), and to be sold as the pro* perty of Patrick Conner, JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, March 22,186 t mh24-3fc QBERIEF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OP a writ of Levari Farias, tome directed, will be ex* posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4.1564, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-itraet Hall. All that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of around, situate on the south side of Melon street, sixteen feet six inches east from Preston or Stlner street- in the city of Philadelphia, containing'in front on Melon street sixteen feet, and in defth sixty-two feet. Taken in execution on a claim for $36.61 for taxes, filed by the city of Philadelphia: (in C- C P. * M. ’63, No. 14. Adams,) and to be sola as tbe property of Heaton Wal ton. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriffs Office. March 22,1884. mh24-3t SHERIFF'S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will he ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4.1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom street Hall, - All that certain lot of g* ound Bituate on the east side of Twenty-second street, twenty feet north from Race street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing In front on T-wenty-second street twenty feet, and In depth one hundred and eighty-eight feet. Taken in execution on a claim for $33 54. for taxes, filed* by the City of Philadelphia (In O. G. P ; M.,’63, No. 133. Adams), and to be sold as the property of George Dobson. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Phllade’phla. Sheriff’s Office, March 22,1894 mh24-3t OHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4,1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot of ground* situate on the southeast corner of Twenty -fourth and Arrell streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Twenty-fourth street fifty-three feet two inches, and In depth one hun dred and sixty feet to Pagoda atrsat. Taken in execution, on a claim for $89.01 for curbing and paving, filed by the city of Philadelphia (In G. C.P.; M.. 61. 80. Cornman), and to he eoid as tbe property of Richard W. Steel. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Phllada.. Sheriff’s Office, March 22, 1864. mh24 3t {SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4,1664, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-streat Hall. All that certain lot of ground situate on the southwest side of Oak street one hundred and ninety-five feet southwest from Thirty-fourth or Moore street, in the eitY of Philadelphia ; containing in front on Oak street ten feet and in depth about eighty feet. _ Taken in execution on a claim for $17.02, for curbing snd paving, filed by the city of Philadelphia, (in 0. O. P . j ’eo 36 Cornman.) and to be sold as the property of fienrv McKeon ) JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff PhluSelphia, Sheriff’s Office. March 22. 189*. mh24-St CHEBIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed-will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on Evening, April 4. 1864. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom street Hall, All that certain lot of ground situate ou the north side of Hullstree. thirty five Jeet six and three- eighths Inches east from Evans street in the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front on Hull street thirty- two feet and in depth on the east line twenty feet, and on the west line fifteen fret nine Inches. Taken in execution on aolaim of $43 82, for taxes, filed by the City of PntladelphlaUn G. G. F.. S. ’69; NO. 161, Adams), and to be sold as the propertv of H Bmethnrsi. v, «. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. PttJatfelpbtar Sheriff s Office |fo E ch 32,1904. iah34 3k THE PKESS.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 30, 1864. CBERIFF’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OP a, writ of Levari Fac'as. to me directed, will! be ex posed to public sale or vendue, oa- MONDAY Evening. April 4, 1861, at 4 o'clock. atßan&om-street Fall. All that certain three-story brick messuage aod lot of ground situate on tae east side of Tenth street (Mo 903) eighteen feet north from Poplar street. In the city of Phi ladelphia; containing in front on Tenth street sixteen feet, and in depth sevecty-seveu feet. Taken In execution on a claim for $53 99, for taxes fifed by the city of Philadelphia (In C- 0. P., J ’§ j- 2fo 42, Adame), and to be sold a* the property of Freeman ScoH JOHN THOMPSON. Shat iff Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, Match 22.1334 mh34-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BE VIRTUE OF ►J a writ of LeTflri Facias, to ms directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY KvAninir April 4. 1864. at 4 o'clock, atSansom-streetEUU g * All that certain two-.tory brick ehop and lot of ground situate on the south*aet corner of Towar and Washing ton streets, in the Tenth ward of the city of Philadel- Dhia; containing in front on Tower street thirty feet, and in depth forty- six feet eight inches. Taken in execution on a claim for $28.93 for ravin r filed by the city of Philadelphia (in C.cTpYd “ 1 19 Commas)) and to be sold as the property of John Damn min. , . . JOHN THOMPSON. BWlflT Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22. 1564 mh24-3t CHEBIFF’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF a will of Levari Facias to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on Monday Evening. April 4, 1884, at 4 0 clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot of ground situate on the northeast Orly aide of York street, one hundred and twenty-six feet northwesterly hrom Emerald street, in the clt> of Phila delphia, containing In front on 1 orit street one hundred ana twenty-two feet, and in depth sixty feet more or less. T»ken in execution on a claim for $77.27 for curbing and paving, filed by the city of Philadelphia, ClnC- CT P.. M. ’59 84. Oornman.3 and to bo sold as the property orWilllam Griffiths, JOHN TH tMPfIO J. bheriff Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, Marck.22,1864. mh24 3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4, 1864, at 4 o’clock, at Satsom street Hall, All that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the south side of Locust street, one nndred and Dr y-six feet westward from Twentieth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Locust street sixteen feet nine inches, and in depth, eighty feet to a twenty-feet-widestreet. [Which said premises George Northrop et ux. b> deed dated July 28. 1862. conveyed unto John Mitchell in fee; subject to a yearly rent of sixty dollars, j CD. C.; 393. Debt, $665 75. Dougherty.) Taken in exeontlon and to be sold as the property of John Mftchell. JOHN THOMPSON, sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office. March 22, iSS4 mh24 3t CHERIFF’S SALE. —BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Venditioni! Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning. April 4. 186 L at 4 o’clock, at Sscsom-street Hall, No. 1 All tbat lot of ground, and hotel and stables thereon, situate on the north side of Market street, and west Bide of William, or thirty-ninth street, In the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Mamet street one hundred and fifty feet, and in depth two hundred feet to Green street. [Recital in writ.) . No. 2. All that certain lot of ground, with the stables and buildings thereon erected, beginning on the north side of Filbert street, one hundred and seventeen feet westward from Eighth street, in the city of Philadel phia; thence extending northward One hundred and thirty-five feet; thence eastward eighteen fees; thence northward thirty- three feet; thence westward eighteen feet; thence southward eighteen feet; thenoe westward forty-one feet; thence southward ona hundred and nrty feet to Filbert street; and thence eastward along the same forty-one feet to the place of beginning. [Which said premises Owen 6heridau, et nx., by deed dated October 17, 1864, recorded in Deed Book B. D. W,,H0.1, •page 279. conveyed unto Patrick XeUev in fee. 3 CD.CTjM., ’6l 402. Debt $6,000 Bicook. 3 NT. 8.—5200 to be paid at time of sale on each Taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Patrick Kelley. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff s Office, March 22.1884. mh24> 3t CBERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF writ of Venditlo&l Exponas, to me directed, will he exposed to public sale or vendue, ou MON D AY E vening, April 4 1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot of tround, beginning in the south west lifie of ground of the Fhil&delpal* and Heading Railroad, at the intersection of said line and the middle of Amber afreet, in the city of Philadelphia, thenoe ex tending along the middle of said Amber street one hun dred and sixty feet nine and a half inches to the middle of Lehigh avenue, thence along the middle of Lehigh, avenue nine hundred and eeventy-fivefeet, thenGß north easterly one hundred and seventy-seven feet eleven and one- quarter inches to said ground of said railroad tbenoe along the same one hundred and seventy-five feet ten inches to the place of beginning. • • [O. D., M. ’64; 865. Debt, $157.19. Thorn. J Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Francis Riley. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, March 22.1664. mh24-3t CHERIFF’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or rendue* on MONDAYEvenlng, April 4. 1564. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-Btreet Hall, No. 1. All that certain lot of ground situate on the southerly side of Delaware avenue, twenty-seven feet five and five-eighths incheff westerly from Clearfield street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Delaware avenue sixty-two feet, and in depth two hundred and fifty feet, more or lees, t > low-water mirk in the river Del&wi re. No. 2. All that certain lot of ground sitiate on the southerly side of Delaware avenue, ninety-two feet five and five-eighthi inches westerly from Clearfield street, containing in front on Delaware avenue sixty-five feet, and in depth two hundred and fifty feet, to low-water mark In the river Delaware. W hich said lots Charles Noble etnx.. by deeds dated respectively March 4.1853. recorded in Deed Book T H, No. 9f, page 420, Ac., conveyed unto Elam F. Witmer in fee; reserving ont of each of raid lots a ground rent of three hundred dollars. [D. O ; M., ’64. S6B Debt, $3,685 90. Longitreth.] Taken in execution and to be cold as the property of Elam F. Witmer. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Jrhiladelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March22,lBB4 mh24-3t {SHERIFFS SALE-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4,1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street HalU No. 1. All that certain three story brick meißnage and lot of ground situate on the northeasterly side of Sellers street, two hundred and twenty five feet northwestward from Leiper street, in Frankford, in the city of Phila delphia ; containing in front on Sellers street twenty-five feet, ana in depihone hundred feet. [Being the same sremises5 remises which Nat: an Hilles et ex., by deed dated uly 18. 1(62. conveyed unto said Samuel K. Chamber lain in fee 1 v No. 2 All that .certain lot of ground situate on the southwesterly bide of Hidge street, two hundred and four feet northwestward from Leiper street, in Fraekford aforesaid; containing in front on Ridge street seventy five feet, and in depth one.hundred feet. [Which said lot William Overington etnx., bv deed dated July 18, 1862, conveyed unto Samuel K Chamberlain ia fee. *i CD. C. ;M.,’64 401. Debt, $3 750. Potts J Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Samuel K. Chamberlain. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office. March. 22.1864 mb 91 3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on Monda-« Evening, April 4, 1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot of ground, with the buildings thereon, situate on the southwest corner of Lombard and Twenty fourth streets, lathe city of Philadelphia; containing in fiont on Lombard street forty feet, and in depth on Twenty-fourth et teventy-eight feet [Which said premises James Kerr, by deed dated November 15, 1864. convened uutoThomas Naultyinfee; reserving a ground rent of one hundred and thirty dollars ] [D. C, M. 5 64. 400 Debt. $137 05. Potts 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas Naulty. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office. March 32 1884. mh.24 9b CJHEBIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OP writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing, April 4, 1864, at 4 o’elock, at Sansom-street Hall, . All that certain three* story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the west side of Third street, one hun dred and thirty- one feet six and one- half inches south ward from Buttonwood street, in the city of Philadel phia; containing in front on Third street twenty feet, end in depth one hundred feet.' ■ [Which said premises William Deal, Sheriff, by deed dated January 24,18-52. recorded in D. 0. Deed Book Y, page 277, Ac, conveyed unto the said Joseph A. Freund in fee; subject to a ground rent of sixty dollars payable Ist March.) [D.G.;H.’64. 390. Debt*s2lo.97 Wagner.] Taken In execution and to be sold ae the property of Joseph A. Freund. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Phliada., Sheriff’s Office, March 22, 1861. mh24 3t QHEBIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of LevarisFaciae, tome directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4,1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain building and lot of ground situate on the west side of Livingston street, forty three feet and five-eighths of an Inch north from Hull street, in the city df Philadelphia; containing in front on Livingston street three hundred and sixty* eight feet, and in depth one hundred and-aixty-nine .feet Eve and a half inches to Evans street * * * *- ; Taken in execution on a claim of $545.85 for taxes, filed by the City of Philadelphia, (in D. C.; S.. 63. No. 1. Adams.) and to he sold ae the property of R Smelboret. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22, 1864 mhSLSt (SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex po eed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. April 4.1864. at 4 o’cloek._at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot of ground situate in the Twentieth. Ward of the city of Philadelphia; beginning at the in tersection of the northeast line of Stomp lane and south east lice of Timber lane; thence north. 61 deg. 18 min. east, 19.42 perches; thence north. 7 deg. 46 min. east. 17.66 perches; thence north. 28 deg 48 min. west, 35 34 perches; thence south, 61 deg. 18 min west, 39 perches, to the northeast line of Stump lane; thence south. 28 deg. 48% min., to the beginning; containing 8 acres ill perches* • Taken in execution on a claim for $277.18, for taxes, filed by the City of Philadelphia (in C. G. P.; J.. ’62, No. 34 Adams), and to be sold as the property of Free man Scott. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, March 22,1864. mh,24-3t CHEBIFFB SALE.-BY VIRIUE OP a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, AU that certain two-story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the southerly side of Holeman (late Parker) street, sixty feet northeast from Wood street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in fronton Holam&n street sixteen feet, and in depth on the southwest line one huidred-and- forty-one feet two and seven eighths Inches, and on the northeast line one- hundred- and rorty three feet eight-and-a-half inches, to Trenton avenue. Taken in execution on a claim for $9.41 for curbing and paving, filed by the city of Philadelphia, (in C. G. P. S, *6O, 43 Coraman.) and to be sold as the property of William Coi le. JOHN THO HPSO N, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, March 22, 1864. mh24-3b OHEBIFF'S SALE,—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will beex poced to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4, 1864. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-etreet Hall, All that certain messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Seventh street, fifty- nine feet six inches south of Callowhill street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Seventh street sixteen feet, and in depth fifty feet. Taken in execution oh a claim for $57.60, for taxes, filed by the city of Philadelphia (in O. C. P.» J. '62, No. 19, Adams), and to be sold as the property of Freeman ficott JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, March 22, 1864. mh24-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias* tome directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4,1864, at 4 o'clock, at Bansom-street Hall,\ All that certain lot of ground situate on the west side of Eighth street, eighteen f«et north from Depot street, •in the cite of Philadelphia; containing in front on Eighth stree- eighteen feet, and In depth fifty-three feet. Taken in execution on a claim for $23 82. for taxes, filed by the city of Philadelphia (in C. C. P.. S*. '63, No. 3. Adams), and to be. sold as the property of "■ Achternacht JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, March 22, 1864. xnb24 3t OHEEIFFS BALE—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Apri14,1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the south side of Melon street, thir- y ihreefeet east from Preston or Stiner street, in the city of Philadelphia; costaining in front on Melon Btreet aix* teen feet, and in depth sixty -two feet. Taken in execution on a claim for $36 31, for taxes.filed by the city of Philadelphia, (in C. C. P.. M. '63. No“s7 Adams,) and to be sold as tie prom rty of Heaton Walton. JOHN7THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff'a Office, March 22,1861 mh24-3fc QHP RIFF'S SALE.—BY IBTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4.1864„ at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain frame messuage and lot of ground, si tuate on the north side of Market street, between Thirty ninth and Fortieth streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Market street twenty-five feet, and in depth one hundred and ninety -five feet to a twen ty-five feet wide street. Hounded east by ground now or late of Henry Pleasants, and west by ground now or late of Theodore M. Wiltberger. (Which said premises Peter Coyle et ax, by deed dated May 28,1859,recorded In Deed Book B. D. A,No. 132, pace 246, conveyed unto Peter Purcell in fee (D. C., M 61 389. Debt, $2,200 Mitchell.) Taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Peter Purcell. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriffs Office,March 2i,1E64. mh24 21 SHERIFF'S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF a Writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will-be exposed to public sale or vendue,on MONDAY Evening, Ap» 114, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All those two certain three-story brick messuages and lot of ground situate on the southwest corner of Tenth and Ogdtn ttreeta, In the city of Philadelphia: contain* lif infiont on Tenth street eighteen feet, and in depth on the south line seventy three feet four Inches, on the north line along Ogden street about seventy feet, and on the west line twenty-eight feet eight and three eighths inches o a fouT-feet-wide alley,with the privilege there of. (Which raid premises Thomas Thomas conveyed unto Samuel W. Caldwell in fee ] (DC. ;M."64. 394 Debt. $1,847 40. McAllister) Taken in execution and to be sold as thepropertv of Samuel W. Caldwell. JOHN THOMPSON? Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, March 22, 1864, mh24-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.— BY VIRTUE OF a Writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONO AY Evening, April 4. 186 s. at4o’o)ock. atSaneom. street Hall, Ail that certain three-story messuaie and lot of ground Bitu&te on the north side of Master street sixty feet east ward from Franklin street, in the city oi Philadelphia; containing in front on Master street fourteen feet, and in depth fifty feet more or less (Which said premises George Bag* e, Sheriff by deedpol I dated May 2,1857. recorded In D. p. Deed Book K , No. 2, page 438, con veyed unto Farah A. Dickerson In fee.) CD. C ;p, ’62. 407 Debt, $724 90. Brety. ) . Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John A. 1 iokersen and Sarah A., his wife. , Ji'HN THOMPSON. PhUad,ipiij». ayi-Jt SHERIFF’S SALES. PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR THE ERECTION A OF FIFTY DWELLING HOU3BS. Hakrisbubs. March 11. 1864 PROPOSALS are Invited for tbs building of five blocks of ten houses each, of wood or brick, to be located on the grounds ol the Lochlel Iron Mill Company. Plans and specifications may be Been at the offioe of William Colder. ~ , Proposals will he received for one or more blocks until April 12th. Address proposal* to WILLIAM COL HER. mh22-dtapl2 Chairman Building Committee. 3 nnO HORSES WANTED. jvvv War Department, Cavalry Bureau, Opftcb of Chief Quartermaster; ■Washington, D C., March 8. 1864. One hundred and fifty CSlfiOJ dollars per head will be paid for all CAVALRY HORSES delivered within the next thirty (30) days at the Govern* went Stables at Giesboro, D. C. „ , Said horses to be sound In ell particulars, not less than five (6) nor more than nine (9) years old: from 14tf to 16 bauds high, fall fleshed, compactly built, bridle wise, and of also sufficient fer cavalry purposes. .... . These specifications will be strictly adhered to ana rigidly enforced in every particular. Payment made on delivery of ten (10) and over. Homs or insMcdoi. from 4 a. Lieutenant Colonel and Chief Quartermaster. mli24-30t Caralry Bureau. A RMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE ajl OFFICE, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 22, 1864. PROPOSALS are invited by the undersigned until THURSDAY. April 7th, 1864, at 12 o’clock M., for fur nishing this Department (by contr&et) with: . , ■ National Colors Army Standard. Regimental Colors—Artillery. do. Do *9 Infantry, do. Garrieon Flags, 4°* Storm Flags, do- General Hospital Flags, do. Company Order Books, do. 1 o Clothing Books* do. Do Descriptive Books, do. Do Morning Report Books. do. Post Order do do. Poet Letter dO dO- Post Guard Report do do. Regimental Letter * do do. Do Descriptive do do. .]*o Index do do. Do Order do do. Hat Feather Sockets, M do. ostrich Feathers* for Hats, do. Chevrons—Service, . do. Do Ordnance Bergeants, silk. do. Do Hospital Stewards, do. Do Cavalry, Sergeant Majors, do. Do do Qr Mr. Sergeants, do. Do do Ist Sergeants, do. Do do Bergeanta. do. Do do Corporals. do. Do Artillery. Sergeant Majors. do. Do do QM. Sergeants, do. Do do Ist Sergeants, do. Do do Sergeants, do. Do do Corporals. do. Do Infantry, Sergeant Majors, do. Do do Q M. Sergeants, do. Do do Ist Sergeants, do. Do do Sergeants, do. Do do Corporals, do. Dram Heads—Batter. do. Drum Heads-Snare, do. Fifes. . „ , • , “O- Haversacks—Painted, do. Coiton Duck—lo and 12 os., do Samples of which may be seen at the Office of Clothing and Equipage In this city. To be delivered free of charge, at the U. 8. Inspection Warehouse, In this city, in good new packages, with the name of the party furnishing, the kind and quan tity of goods distinctly marked on each article and pack age, v* Parties offering goods must in all cases furnish sam ples, marked ana numbered to correspond with their proposal, and distinctly state In their olds the quantity of goods they propose to furnish, the price, and the time of delivery. A guarantee, signed by two responsible persons, must accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will supply tbe articles awarded to him under his proposal. Bids will be opened, on THURSDAY. April .7th, 1884, At 2 o'clock P. M., at this offiee, and bidders are re quested to be present. -▲wards will be m«de on SATURDAY. April 9th. Bonds will be required that the contracts will be faith fully fulfilled. Telegrams relating to Proposals will not be noticed. Blank Forms of Proposals may be obtained at this office. The right te reject any hid deemed unreasonable Is reserved. ‘By order of CoL Thomas Swords, A. Q. M. G. 0. W. MOULTON, jnb2s-12t Captain and A. Q. M. OFFICE ARMY CLOTHING AND " EQUIPAGE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets. Philadelphia. March 21. 1984. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o’clock M. on WEDNESDAY,the 80th inßt .for supplying the Schuylkill Arsenal with the following articles: . . , , Common Tents, of linen or cotton dack, to weigh not less than 10 ounces to the yard, of 28K inches wide; sam ple of th e material required. Iron Pots. 6 gallons. 36 pounds, bail, army standard. Petroleum and Tarred Paper for baling purposes; sam ples required. Bids from defaulting contractors will not be received. Blank forms for proposals can be had upon application at this office. Proposals must be endorsed, '* Proposals for Army Supplies, ” statiny the particular article bid for. G. H. CBOSMAET, Col. and Aset. Q. M. General XT- S. A. PROPOSALS FOB MQLE3. Chief Quartermaster’s Office, Depot of Washington, Washington, D C. , Match 28, 1864 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until MONDAY, April 4, 1864. at 12 o’clock M., for fur ntshing the Government - with Two Thousand (2,000) MULES, to conform to tlie following SPECIFICATIONS, All to be in good flesh. All to be fou: teen (14) hands and over in height. All to be sonnd. serviceable Mnles for draught pur poses. to be over three (3) and under nine (9) rears of age, and jo weigh not less than seven hundred and ten (UO)tpouads each PROPOSALS. Proposals to be for five hundred (600 )and upwards. The fell name and poet office address of the bidder must appear in the proposal. If a bid is made In the name of a firm, the names of all the parties must appear, or the hid 'Will he considered as the individual proposal of the party signinglt. Proposals from disloyal parties will not he considered, and an oath of allegiance must accompany each proposi tion Proposals must he addressed to Brigadier General D. H. Bncfe er. Quartermaster United States Army, Wash ington, D C.» and should be plainly marked ** Propo sal s for Mules. ” _ GUARANTY. The ability of _ the bidder to fill the contract. Bhould it he awarded to him, must be guaranteed by two respon sible persons, •whose signatures must be appended to the guaranty. The responsibility of the guarantors'must be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest Dis trict Court, or of the United Sfcstes District Attorney. Bidders must be present in person when the bids are opened, or their proposals will not be considered. Bends in a sum equal to the amount of the contract, signed by the contractor and both of his guarantors, will be required of the successful bidder or bidders upon sign ing the'contract. ab the bond must accompany the contract, it will be necessary for bidders to haye their bondsmen wi<hthem, or to have bonds signed in anticipation, and ready to be produced when the contract is signed. Blanks for bonds can be procured upon application be ing made at this office, either personally, by letter, or by telegraph. _ FORM OF GUARANTY. We, the undersigned, residents of , in the county of ——— , and Statfcpf -■ ■ , hereby jointly and severally covenant with the United States, and guarantee in case the foregoing bid of ■ be accepted, that he or they will at once, after the ac ceptance of said bid. execute the contract for the same, with good and sufficient sureties, In a sum equal to the amount of the contract, to furnish the Mules proposed in conformity to the terms of the advertisement, dated March 26, 1864, under which the bid was made; and in case the said Bhall fail to enter Into a con erect as aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the diffe rence between the offer of the said and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contract may be awarded. - ( Given unde' our hands and seals Witness: \ this day of ,186—. CSeaL] [Seal. 3 I hereby certify that, to the belt of my knowledge and belief, the above-named guarantors are good ana suffi cient as sureties for the amount for which they offer to he security. To he certified by the United States District Attorney, Collector of Customs, or any other officer under the Uni ted States Government, or responsible person known to this office. INSPECTION. DELIVERY, BTC. All Mules contracted for under this advertisement will be subject to a rigid inspection, and those not conform ing to the specifications will be rejected. The Mules must be delivered in this city within twen ty (20) days from the date of signing the contract. Payment to be made upon the completion of the con tract, or so soon thereafter as the Depot Quartermaster shall be in funds. ... Any informality in the bid of non-conformance with the terms of this advertisement will ensure the rejection of the proposal. These Mules will be awarded in lots <i five hundred (600) each, unless the Besot Quartermaster ihould deem it for the interest of the Government to vary the number. The Depot Quartermaster reserves to himself the right to reject any or all bids that he may deem too high. D. H RUCKER, Brigadier General and Chief Quartermaster, mh2B-6t Depot Washington. PROPOSALS FOR FORAGE. flimrr QUAXTBXKASTO’S OIFIOX, Washington Depot, December 8, ISM. EIATiID PROPOSALS are Invited by the undersigned for supplying the U. S. Quartermaster's Department, at Washington. D. 0.. Baltimore, Md.. Alexandria, ana Fort Monroe, v*., or either of thee# places, with Hay, Corn, Oats, and Straw. Bids will be received for the delivery of 6,009 bushels of corn or oats, and M tons of hay or straw, and up wards. Bidders must state at which of the above-named points they propose to make deliveries, and the rates at whieh they will make deliveries thereat, the an entity of each article proposed to be delivered, the time when said de liveries shall be commenced. and when to be completed. The pries must be written out in words on the bide. Corn to be putnp in good, stout seeks, of sbont two bushels eaeh. Oats in like sacks, of about three bushels cash. The seeks to bo furnished without extra charge to the Government. The hay and straw to be teeurcly baled. , The particular kind or description of oats, corn, hay, or straw, proposed to be delivered, must be stated in the proposals. All the articles offered under the bids herein Invited will be subject to a rigid inspection by the Government Inspector before being accepted. Contracts will bo awarded from time to time to the lowest responsible bidder, as the Interest of the Govern ment may require, and payment will be mads when the whole amount contracted for shim have been delivered end accepted. The bidder will be required to accompany bis propo sal wish a guarantee, signed by two responsible persons, that in case his bid is accepted he or they will, within ton days thereafter, execute the contract for the same, with good and sufficient sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the contract, to deliver the forage proposed in conformity with the terms of this advertisement; and in mm the said bidder ihould fall to enter Into the contract. they to make good the difference between the offer of said bidder and the next lowest responsible bidder; or the person to whom the contract may be awarded. The responsibility ol the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of a U. 8. District Attorney, Col lector of Customs, or any other officer under the united States Government, or responsible person known to this often All bidden will be duly notified of the acceptance or rejection of their proposals.. The full name and post office address of each bidder must be legibly written in the proposaL _ Proposals must be addressed to Brigadier General S. H. Bueker, Chief D6pot Quartermaster, Washington. D G..ud ihould be plainly marked. "Proposals for Fit run n Bonds, in a sum equal to the amount ol the contrast, signed by the contractor and both of his guarantors, will be required of the successful bidder or bidden upon signing the contract, Blank orms of bids, guarantees, and bonds may be obtained upon application mt thU offlcc TOBM OF PROPOSAL (Towai County* and State (Date) I, the subscriber, do hereby propose to furnish and dfr liver to the United States, at the Quartermaster’s De partment at ■■ ♦ agreeably to the terms of your advertisement, Inviting proposals for forage,, dated Washington D6pdt, December 8.1968, the following arti fin, vis: brnhels of Corn* In sacks, at per bushel of M pounds. bushels of Oats., in sacks, at per bushel of a pounds. tens of baled Hay, at per ton of 1,000 pounds. - - tons of baled Straw, at per ton of 2,ooopounds. Delivery to commence on or before the day of ■ . 186 , and tobeeompleted on or before the day of , 186,. and pledge, myself to enter into a written contrast with the United Statu, with good and approved securities, within the spate of ten days after being notified that my bid has been accepted. Your obedient servant. ■ . Brigadier General D. H. avom, Chief Dbpbt Quartermaster, Washington. D. O. GUABAMTKB^ We, the undersigned, residents of ""■■■■« to the county of —■ ■ , and State of • hereby, ’ointly and severally, covenant with the United States, and guarantee, in ease the foregoing bid of ■ be accepted, that he or they will, within ten days after the acceptance of said bid, execute the contract for the same with good and sufficient sureties. In a sum equal to the amount of the contrast, to furnish the forage proposed In conformity to the terms of advertisement dated De cember B,lBM* finder whieh the bid was made, and. U ease the said shall fail to enter into a contrast as aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the difference be tween the offer by the said and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to-whom the contract mar be awarded* Witness: I Given under our hands and seals (this - day of ——. 196 . m l busby <*rtUr tb*t> to th, bat of My tamrMa u< belief. tli, above-named tuiuton in ,ood ua «h«. eleit u inntlw for th« imoont for vUu they offer to b* sMnitty. - -■■■■ . To be wtlM by tbe United BtaUs District Attorn.., doll Mtu of Go,torn*, or say other oiwr ud« tu Unltedßtates OovernMent. orreooasTblebersonknom to tu. «lt* All nropoeali irnlnl min Kbit idyutliimiat will b» owned and examine! it thle oßee on Wednesday'ind Saturday ofe*«h week, It UK. Bidden ire resyertfol- J/yJnylUd to be yreaenl it the bld^TTthiy dOll-t, Brliadlsr Omni am’d OurterMUMl, rjBEIN BAIZE AND WOOLEN UiSPS.£&PI H §» 01 widths, atOarpet non of yM. CBKAOHILj, Ho. *4, {forth, SHOOED Street, Hefei*. fcwt 44* tusq-lA* PROPOSAIA. ■PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED X at tbs TBBASOKT DBPABTHBBT. Ofßct or tbs fnDsrW&b Architect. WAPHIMarOK. D C„ until lZ th»tftbAs* cfMny. VB4. for all ths Bra ana burn “r-prsof sIFBS and VAULTS re,aired by tbeTreasary cifiraUonßcan bs sbtalnsd by application to ßldlto ffl bs™"^PiJrfici r alfoo e “inclpdln E door and all !übs° boat Wbarf. for transportation, In good order ana con “flSlXtfgivZS or Safe, will be faraMsd by tbs Department, but must be properly pat on by tne con traotor without charge. , . , « f _ A - A . All bide muet be accompanied by tne bond or two re econsible persons In the sum of five thousand dollars that the bidder will accept and perfo m the contract, n awarded to him; the sufficiency of the security to be certified to by the Collector of Internal Revenue of the The department reserves the right to rejeet an? or all the bide if it be considered Its interest to do so, and no bid will be considered that does not conform to the re quirements of this advertisement Bids to be enclosed in a sealed envelope, endorsed ■•Propoa&ls for Safe, and Vaults mhSO-wslOt Supervising Architect. A fcSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GE J\- HBliAL’d OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Bta., Philadelphia, March 23.1861. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office toctll 12 o’clock M., on THURSDAY, the 31st instant, for supplying the Schuylkill Arsenal with the following ar- Boots, Nos. 7s to 10s, army standard, for cavalry. Boots, Noe, 9s to 14s, - do do. Bids to b« made separately, as follows: so much for 7e to 10s, and so much for 9s to 14s -not for any single 61 A* these Boots are required as soon a« possible, only those bids which guarantee sieedjr delivery will be con sidered. Brass Numbers, No. 6—sample to be seen at this offioe. Linen Gaiters, do do do. Leather Legglns. do do do. Light-blue Mousde Lalne, X all wool—sample to be seen at this office >4-inch Yellow Worsted Lace, army standard. Scarlet Facing Cloth, % to 6-4 wide—sample required. Brass Ball Buttons. do. do. Bids from defaulting contractors will not be re ceived ■ Blank forms for proposals can bs had on application at must be endorsed, “Proposals for Army Supplies,” stating the particular agUfo C3RO3MAN, mh24-t3l Asst. Qr. M. General U. 8. Army. A BMT CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE il OFFICE. Cincinnati. O , March 21, 1861 PROPOSALS ABB INVITBD BT THE UNDERSIGNED until TUESDAY, April oth. 1864. at 12 o’clock M.* for fur nishing this Department (by contract) with— v Cayalry Standards—army Standard. Bugles, with extra Month Pieces—Army Standard. Trumpet®- with extra Orooks, do. Trumpet Cords and Taßsels, do. Forage Caps, _ do. Letters, from A to a, do. Figures. from 1 to 0. do. Canteenß, do. Bobber Poncho Tent Blankets. do: Trowseie—footmen, do. Troweers—Horsemen. do* Samples of whloh may be seen at the Office of Clothing .«mp]es of which may bo seen m. - and Equipage is thlß city. _ „ _ To be delivered free of charge, at the IT, 8. Inspection Warehoute, in this city, in good new packages, with th« name of the party famishing, the kind and quan tity of goods, distinctly marked on each article and package. Parties offering goods must. In all cases famish sam ples. marked and numbered to correspond, with their proposal, and distinctly state In their bids the quantity of goods they piopose to furnish, the price, and the time of delivery. ▲ guaranty signed hy two responsible persons, mast accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will supply the articles awarded to him under his proposal. Bids will be opened on TUSBD&T. April 6,1861, at two o'olock F M. 4 at this offioe. and bidders are requested to he present. Awards will he made on WEDNESDAY, April 6. Bonds will be required that the contracts will he falthfally ful filled. _ _ Telegrams relating to Proposals will not be noticed. Blank forms of Proposals may be obtained at (Ms office. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is reserved. By order of Col. Tsou&s Swobps, A. Q Bf G. C W. MOULTON. mb24-llt Captain and A Q M. LEGAL. TN TEE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR J- THE CITY AND COUNTY OS' PHILADELPHIA. B> tale of MICHAEL MOLLOY, deceased The Auditor appointed by tbe Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of MARY ANN MOLLOY, Execu trix or the last will and tastament of Michael Molloy, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, -will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment on WEDNESDAY, April 6th, 1864, at 4 o'clock I* • M., at his office. No* 14 fft South BIOHTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. mh2s*fruwst JOHN B. GOLaHAN, Auditor. rtf THE ORPHANS 7 COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of ELIZABETH GLARE, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account' of JAMES G, CLARK. Executor of the Estate of Elizabeth Clark, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the bands of the account ant, trill meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY, April 6, 1864. at 4 o’clock P. M., at his office. No. £O3 South FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. THOS. BRADFORD DWIGHT. Auditor. mh23*wfmflt rff THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY Air D COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, Estate of MABY KELLY, deceased. The auditor appointed by the court to audit, settle, and adjust tbe account of EDWARD 0. QUIN, adminis trator of said decedent, and make distribution of the ba lauct in the hand, of aacoait<nt, will meet the parties Inter*sled for the purposes ofhii appointment, on WED NESDAY, Apiil 6, A. D 1864, at four o’clock P. M., at his office, S. E corner of THIRD and CHESTNUT Streets, (second floor, Philadelphia. WILLIAM B. HANNA. mb2s-fmwst* Auditor. TN f J HE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE A CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHtA. Estate of MARY ANN CONNELL, a Minor. The A aditor appointed by the C«urt to audit, settle, and adjust the account of GEORGE FLING, guardian of MART ANN CoNNELL, one of the children of JOHN CONNELL, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in his hands, will meet the parties interested, fog the purposes of his appointment* on TUESDAY* the stb day of April. 1564, at 4 o’clock P.M., at his office. No. 4-39 CHESTNUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia. mb23 wfmst* . WM. W. LBDYARD,Auditor. TN 1 HE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE A CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of GEORGE BILLINGTON, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the third account of GEORGE N. TATHAtf administrator de bonis non of the estate of George BilliDßton, deceased*, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the porpores ofhi* appointment, on MONDAY. April 4th»A. D. 1664, at 4 o’clock P. M., at his office No. 439 WALNUT Street, in the city of Philadel phia. JOSEPH F. MAROER. mb23wfm st* Auditor. FT TBE ORPHAN’S COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of CommodoreGßOßGE C READ, deceased. Tie Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of EDWARD C. DALE. Adminis trator d. b. n e. t. a of Commodore GEOKGk C READ, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands or the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY, April 4th, 1864. at 4 o’clock P. M., at No. 153 South FOURTH Street, in the ctty of Philadelphia. B. SPENCER MILLER, mh23-wfm6t Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, Estates of WILLIAM SCHIVELY. deceased, JOHN BCHIVELY, deceased, and ANN SCHIVELY, de ceased The auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the first accounts of GEORGE S. SCHIVELY, administrator dbn.c.Aa., of William fcchively, deceased, of John Schively, deceased, and of Ann Schively, deceased, aud to make distribution, will attend to the duties of hie appointment on MONDAY, the ELEVENTH DAY OF Ai-RIL, A D. 1864 at 4 o'clock P M., at his office, No. 271 SOUTH FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadel phia. mh2l mwfflt FT THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOB THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Trust Estates under will of WILLIAM SCHIVELY, de ceased, of ANN SCHIVELY. deceased, and of JOHN SCHIVELY. deceased. Tbe Andltor appointed to andit, eettle, and adjust tbe First Account ol GEOBGE S. BCHIVELY, Trustee of Estates of WILLIAM, ANN. and JOHN BCHIVELY. and to make distribution, will attend to the duties of his appointment on MONDAY, the 11th day of April, A D. 1864, at 4 o’clock F. M.. at his office, No. 271 South FIFTH Stree , la the city of Philadelphia. mh2l-mwf»st rtf THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAB FOB THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHIL A JOSEPH HENDERSON) December T., 1863, vs > No. 228. JOHN SCHUTTE 5 Yenditioni Exponas Covenant. The Auditor appointed to distribute tbe fond arising: from the sale under above writ of all “ that lot]or piece of ground, with buildings, Oh the southwest eover of B An do] ph and Thompson streets, in the city of Philadelphia; front on Randolph street forty-two feet three and a hair inches: depth westward on the south line fifty-nine feet, and in breadth on the rear end of said lot thirty-nine feet eleven inches, ” will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESD AY, April 6th, 1864, at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, at his Office, southeast corner Eighth and Locust streets, when and where all persons are requested to present their claims, or be debarred from coming in on said fund. mh2s-fmw»6t PaNXBL DOUGHERTY, Auditor. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS THE CITY AND COUNTY OP FHILADEL In the matter of tbe Trust of , THE UNION CANAL COMPANY. The Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the third and final account of J BODUAN PAUL. R. BUN DLE SMITH, and O. THOMPSON, trustees under a cer tain indenture of mortgage of the Union Canal Company, dated October 28, 1867, and to make distribution, will meet the parties in interest for the purposes of his ap pointment, on FRIDAY, the Bth day of April. A. D. 1»4-at four o’cloek P. M., at his office. No. 371 South FIFTH St.eet, in the city of Philadelphia « JOSEPH A. CLAY, mh2l»mwfst . Auditor.'-, "NOTICE.—LETTERS TESTAMENTA , ET to tho Estate of MARGARET EMERY, decanted, haying been granted. to tbe nndersigned, all persons In debted to tbe Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims will present them to JACOB P. JONIB, Ext., go. 1608 MARKET Btreat. mhl6-r>6t« "|\XOTICE OP ADMINISTRATOR D. B. A” N. CUM TSSTAHEHTO AJtNfiXO.-LeUorS on the Estate or GEOBQB_CLAY, late of the city of Fhiiadel pMa, deceased, having been granted to the subscriber Wllle or the eity 01 Philadelphia, all persona indebted to t aid Estate are requested to make payment, and thosehavlng claims or demands against the same to present them without delay to POTTSTOWM. Mo® gom£ T L Go A Fpa., Or to hi. attorney. CHARLES E LBX, mh!6 -w6t* 81 Worth SIXTH Street. Philada. medicab. TTLEOTBICITT— WHAT 18 LIFE dlaaolyed wturAb. the EJlSiiffkSH.Su.* » thos. aclbb, at tfieoid ruft b Ji\ h^? S®“’*orthTß»TH street, between 2?~Sf/Sf h ? wlll >tiU treat and core aU A*® 4 *- Chronle, Pulmonary orrtniytit* without a ihosk t>r any pa.f n ,> with tk« ▼»- fl m S« w «ltT attfoalTaiilsixi* This A** remarkably saosewftailix all s?St MdSiSSSik^ssag*-—* «*" dueaße « »f «*• Co J!^™yi o “' #w * »»* «- Inlneua and Catarrh. pSf I ®JW [ “- general Debility. »SSiJmt D ms^,, of the Mver or Col™tw AfTl * DlaMlw”’ ArtlSS! W "I (Falll,, «of rKSSKh.-, , |SSS!£Br-|? , f or . Hl «> BroMMtU. ✓ IwXSf 1 BmU810na » *«• P-H. h M.t.B rpABB ANT’S „®t?BRYESCKNT SELTZER APERIENT Tor THIRTY YEARS lu wmlv«S S,. V.L™ui » •ommendation of the PDBLIS?nd h*itna*n°Jsa SCRIBED by the ’ ana 00611 USED end PK|> FIEBT PHYSICIANS IN THB LAND best rbudFehown • n . . VOK Blek Headache, _ Nervous Headache. 85 _ B°ux Stomach, Headache, DluinaM, Costiveaess. Loti of ATmatits «t ludl|eetlou. Torpiffltyof \E?Llver7OmtSL burn, Bee Slokneu, BUitms Attacks, Fevers. «e., No. For ToitimonUa, *«., »ae Pimphlet with u*h Bottl*. rtaswmfleawbt TUMBLLiE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OP SoS^fno^itrSS "“**• •>*»«» ftOM who ud off S’gfafta Bold hr the proprietor. P T d n«p?T ff* 1 ’ 11 *' 15M MARKET Stmt. mhio-gm And m p Taf^jgߣS££S£gsK: t&taßMaasft»aat C' A^?t^?tF4? 0Y JOB PBINTINO, V At WB9WAM A Bi( Vfm% IU Mourns#. fSiNirMYERT* S!2vJ?Tauwl 0i *' ** SSKS. Boa. 33* And 33* MAKKI.T StrM LARGE PEKEMPTOttT SALE OF Hn,IA ’ AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, *0- Sranob We will hold a lane sale of Britlah. German, arenoo. and imerieoA Dry Goods, toy catalogue, on font credit and part for essfa. __ . , On THURSDAY MORNING. . m March 31st. commencing at precisely 19 o clock, prising PACKAGES AND LOTS of British. German, French, India, and American drY goods, embracing a large, foil, and fresh assortment of woolen, worsted, linen, cotton, and silk goods for olty and conntiy sales. N. B —Samples of the same will be arranged for ex amination. with catalogues, early on the morning of sale, when dealers will And it to their interest to attesd. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF F3E‘H spring and FUMMBB FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DR I GOODS. HOSIERY, Ac . .. NOTICE —lncluded In onr sale of imported anl Ame rican dry goods to be held on THURSDAY HORNING, March 31st. at 10 o'clock, to be sold without reserve, by mogtW c^^oro^-^ : oackaaes Wamsntta and. Toseorara mnaline. packages 10 to 12*4 sheetiDga* . nukuei book andcthar make muellßß. 25 bales Saginaw 4*4 brown shirtings. = hll«4^‘S.te? B andA”ai,tlo brown ebeettaks. bales S-4 Allan tic and Pocayet *he«tin*e. - bales heavy Indigo blue tickings* bales heayy hickory shirtings. bales blue Beverly t wil e cases colored and black cambrics cases brown and bleached muslins. cases Manchester ginghams. cases Utica. Brunswick, and Grew Falls prints. cases Saxony flannels. casts plain and fancy satinets. cases Kentucky jeans and mechanics' casnmeres. TO CLOTHIKRS-TAILORING GOODS. 325 PIECES. Also, on TfaUfigDAY. tfarsb kl*ti pieces French black and colored cloths. pieces spring color meltons. pieces mixed Raglan cloths pieces black and colored Union cloths. pieces black French doeskins. pieces black and fancy ca&simeres. pieces black drap d’eie pieces Italian cloths and alpacas. Also, a stock of dry goods for cash _ FRENCH. BRITISH. AND GERMAN DRY GOODS.— Also, on THURSDAY, March 31st: packages Saxony dress goods. pack ages printed lawns and jaconets. packages Fiench shirting prints. packages black and colored atpaoas. -packages lavelias and bareges, pieces black gros derhines. pieces black gros grain taffetas. puces colored gros de Naples and moasseiineß. Also, silk ties and handkerchiefs, tewing Bilks, veils, suspenders, travelling shirts, hosiery, pearl buttons, hoop and balmoral skirts, fancy articles. ot« 1 SALE OF 11NBN GOODS. Included in Bale on THURSDAY, March 31st, will be A foil line damask table eloths. all sizes and best ana* llties forcityeales. pcs 4-4 shirting llnenß. pcs drills and bley linens. pea crash and towels. „ , , pcs damask and diapers, sheetings, linen cambric hdkrs, Ac., Ac MJBLTONS, _H0SIBRT, JIND atOVBB.' Included in sate of THOESD AT, March. Slat, 2*.0 pcs meltons* choice colors. dozen cotton hosiery and kloycb. • SALE OP CARPETING*?. M4TTIIOS, Ac. ON FRIDAY HORSING, April L At precisely K'% o’clock, will be sold without reserve, by catalogue, on four months’ credit, an assortment of Brussel’s three-ply, superfine, and fine ingrain, Vene tian, hemp,and rac carpetings, while and red check Can ton matting, &c. irhien may bo examined early on the the morning of tale. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OP FRENCH. INDIA, GEBMAH. AND BRITISH DRY GOODS, &c., FOB SPRING Sales. mondathobnihg , , April 4th k at 10 o’clock, will be sold, by catalogue, on four months ’ ere i it-about ____ 950 PACKAGES AND LOTS Of French, India, German and British dry goods, Ac.* embracing a large and choice assortment of fancy and staple articles In silk, worsted, woolen, and cotton fabrics. N. B —Samples of the same will be arranged for exa mination, with catalogues, early on the morning of the sale, when dealers wilt find it to their Interest to attead. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1.100 PACKAGE'S BOOT'S. SHOES, :BKOGAHS. ARMY <SOODB, STJBAW OOOP3, * C ' OH TUESDAY MORNING. April 6th, at 10 o’clock, will be sold by catalogue, without reserve, on four months’ credit, about 1,100 packages boots, shoes, brogane, cavalry boots, Ac., em bracing a prime and fresh a* sortment of desirab 'e arti cles for men. women, and children, of city and Eastern manufacture- - Also, fctraw Goods, etc. N. B.—Samples, with catalogues, early on.the morn ing cf sale. SHAKER HOODS. BLANKETS. AND SILK HDKFB - THURSDAY MORNING, March Slst, will he sold 19 cases shaker hoodf, 1 bale heavy gray blankets, per order of underwriters, for cash. .00 pieces prlntfd pongee silk hdkfs. FOR SAKE AND TO KET. M FOR SALE—A VERY DESIRA RLE PROPERTY, the residence of the Late Dr. JACOB BHABPLESS, deceased, with Eighteen Acres of superior Land attached. It is situated In the borough of' DOwNISGTOWN, Chester county, within ten minutec’walkof the Chester Valley ana Pennsylvania Railroad Stations, at which all trains stop. Ti e Dwell ing is very conveniently and substantially built, with Barn, Tenant House. Bprlng House, and all neeeuary out-buildings. There is a great abundanee of Shrub bery, Fruit, and Shade Trees. Part of the land will be sold with the buildings, if desired. Apply to ABM. S. ASHBRIDGE. feB-2m DOWNINGTOWN P. O. m TO LET—A COMMODIOUS *3. DWELLING, No. 1316 North FRONT Street. Beni moderate. Apply to WETHERILL A 880., 0c29-tf 4Y and 419 North SECOND Street ~ M VALUABLE CHESTN UT-BTBEET PROPERTY. —The subscribers offer at private sale, a property on CHESTNUT Street between Seventh and Eighth streets; 41 feet front on Chestnut street, and 178 feet deep, rnnning to Jayne street, with the privilege of al6 font passage- way rnnning to Eighth street. FIF TY THOUSAND DOLLARS of the pnrehase money may remain on the property a? a ground rent,or by bond and mortgage. LAtTMAN A BALLADE, 138 SOUTH NINTH Street. mh4-tf Philadelphia, m ELEGANT COUNTSY SEAT JHh JBSafor SALE.—On the Bristol Turnpike, near Bolmeeburg, about eight miles from Philadelphia, very accessible* by'Steamboat and Railroad, convenient also to Churehea.and Schools. For healthiness and beauty of situation, as well aa Burroundinc advantages, this pro perty is unsurpassed in the suburbs of Philadelphia. The Mansion, of brown stone, commanding fine views of the Delaware River, built and finished in the most thorough manner, is spacious and replete with all the modern conveniences .for both summer and winter. The Grounds comprise about twenty three acres, beau tiluily laid out, And ornamented with a great variety of old and young Forest Trees and Shrubbery. A large Garden, with abundance of Fruit, Orchard. Ac. On the premises are also erected a Gardener’s Cottage, Lodge, OrcbardiHonse,‘Green House, Conservatory, Gas House, and extensive Stabling. No expense having been spared to make this, In all respects, a first-class residence. ✓ Apply to C. H. MUIRHBID, ml-SOt Jo. 203 South SIXTH Street, M a SNUG HOMSSTEAD FOB in SALS.—A FARM, of abon. 97 acres, eUaated «*- in a healthy, rolling country, and good neighborhood, in Heir Castle County. Delaware. The dwelling hoase, barn, and out-buildings are of comfortable and suffi cient character, and in good order; the soil fertile and productive, with an excellent well of drinking water at Ue house; farm lands properly irrigated; about 40 acres are in valuable timber, white and black oak; the remain der judiciously divided into flve’fielde. well fenced in, hedge and post and rail. The Delaware Junction Station, on the Delaware Railroad, is within, five mlnates’ wa*k,- wlth easy access by railway and steamboat to Philadel phia. Good roads, with churches-*and schools; also, grist and saw-mill in the immediate neighborhood. The title is -valid, in fee simple. ' For farther particulars address. L J. VANHEKLR. and ABRAHAM S MOO&H. mh23-wfm6t* Trustees, Delaware City. MFO.B SALE.—THE SUB-Ui SCRIBE & offers for sale his COUNTRY SSAT,-*- within half a mile of Wilmington. Delaware, on the Newport pike, containing EIGHT ACRES of good land, in the centre of which is a large lawn, with a fine va riety of SHADE TREES. BVBBGBEBNB. MAPLES LIN DENS, and otters, in all over a hundred foil-grown trees. The improvements consist of a large and commo dious MANSION, two stories and a half high, four good rooms on a floor, with a hall eleven by forty-two reet. A HYDRAULIC RAM. forces water from a spring in one of the lota into the npper story of the house. It has the modern improvements. There Is also an Iron Pump and Hydrant under a covered area at the kitchen door. The out-buildings consist of a STABLE and CARRIAGE HOUSE, sufficient for four horses and'several carriages; also, an ICE-HOUSE. SMOKE, and HEN-HOUSES. The iee-honse is filled with ice, and the stable has a hydrant in it. Good GARDEN, with several varieties of DWARF PEAR and GRAPEVINES, in fall bearing There arealso several varieties of APPLE* CHERRY, and CHESTNUT TREES. Terms accommodating. Possession given at any time in the spring. LEVI G. CLARK, fe!s- mwftf On the Premises. Jfe THE SUBSCRIBER: OFFERS FOR —*-gale a fine tract of 25 ACRES, situate on FISHER'S LANE, near the interieetion of BROAD Street, as the same is to be extended and opened. The Ground is high and finely Bituated for improvements, and would be a desirable investment. Also, a Lot of 4 ACRES, situate on STENTON Avenue, within 3 minutes walk of Fisher’s Lane Station, on the Germantown Railroad, beautifully situated, with, old trees and fine springs of water. Apply to LEWIS H. BBDNBK, mh2B-8t» No. 15% South FOUBTHfßtreet. g|b FOB SALE—VALUABLE AND ■■ 1 highly-improved Maryland FARM containing Boo acres, 400 of which are heavily timbered, the balance in a superior state of cultivation, with excellent improve ments, situate on a navigable river, Somerset county. Kd. Price only $15,000. Also. Maryland Farm of 1,030 acres, with three sets of first-rate improvements, '4OO acres of which are heavily timbered, Dorchester county, situate on a navigable river. E. PETTIT, mh26 383 WALNUT Street. . SFOR SALE—A VERY DESIRA bis Country Seat, with 52- acres of Land, near Mill town, six miles from the city, one-quarter mile from Se cond-street Road, two miles from Oak Lane Station, on North Pennsylvania Ralroad. Large stone home and barn, spring house, milk cave, Ac. B F GLENN, Jnhl9 INN South FOURTH Street, MS FOR S4LE—AN EXCELLENT r»rm of 80 acre,, on tie Media Ballioad. ten mile, from the city, affording handßome Bites for cottages. Also, a large number of farms in Delaware, well situ ated B. F. GhENN, mhl9 123 South FOURTH Street. MARSHAL’S SALE. TLTARSBAL’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE of a writ of sal., by tbe Hon JOHN CAD WAHA BI ER. Judae of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Fenn.ylyanla. in Admi ralty,, to me d irected, will be sold at Fnblie Sale, to tbe highest and best bidder, for cash, at MICHBNEB’S Store. No, 143 North FRONT Street, on MONDAY. Aorfi 4tn, 1864, at 13 o'clock M., nine bales of Cotton, now in my custody by virtue of a writ of attachment lately issued out of this court st the suit of Charles Sewell and others, audio be sold as perishable. „ „ WILLIAM MILLWARU. U. 6. Marshal R. D. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, March SS. 1861 mhffl-fit A/TARSHAL’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE ■“ a writo! sale, by the Hon. JOHN CADWALA DES, Judge of the District Court of the United States, In and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admi ralty, to me ditecUd, will be sold at public sale, to the bigbsst and best bidder for cash, at MICHENER’g STORE. No. 14a North FRONT Street, on MONDAY? -April 4, 1864, at 12 o’clock M,, the cargoes, and parts of cargoes, of sloops Perils, Buffalo. Sylvanus, andSsehoo ner Mary, consisting of 1 bag Sea island Cotton, 121 bales and bags of Upland Colton, 11 bbls Whisky. 53 cases Gin, 9 demijohns Rum, 3 cates Cotton Cards, 2 boxes Horse- Shoe Nails, and 4 coils Manilla Rope. WILLIAM M>LLWARD, ~ _ , . , U- S. Marshal B. D. of Pennsylvania. . Philadelphia, March 24.1861 mhog-gf TTOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT “■JV the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the CENTRAL TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, of Penn sylvania. will ce held at the- Office, corner of THIRTIETH and MARKET Streets, West Philadelphia, on MONDaY. the 18th day of April nex>, at 10 o’clock! a M., for the purpose of electing nine Directors, a Treasurer, snd Secretary, to serve for one year. -Notice is also given that at said Stockholders’ Meeting it is proposed to Increase the Capita: Stock of said Central Transportation Company by adding thereto one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, for the purpose of extending its present business. * By order of the Board of Directors. Q. W CHILDS. Pm»W»»L J. g. COTTBIBOBB. SMtetarr. mhSS-XSt OF BEAUTY WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES. ' Anew FBENCG COSUETIC for beautifying. whiten ing* end preserving the complexion It is the most wonderful compound of the ace There is neither chalk* powder* m&mesia. bismuth, nor Ulo in its oom> pomion. It being composed entirely of pore Virgin Waxi hence its extraordinary qualities for preserving the ekin' making it soft* smooth* fair* and transparent It makes the old appe&r j oung the homely handsome* the handsome morebeautiful. and the most beautiful divine. Prise 25 and 50 cents. Prepared only by HUNT fc GO.* Perfumers. 41 South EIGHTH Street* two doors above Chestnut, and 133 SouthJSBVANTH Street* above Wal aat. rahlB«3P piCKLES.—IOO BBLS. PICKLES IN vinegar. CO half bbls. Pick lee in vinegar. Also* three-gallon and live* gallon kegs do. Forsaieby RHODEB &WILLIAM 3. mh26 IQT SouthwATKS^h-eet. POTTON BAIL BUCK AND 0 ANY AS of all numbftrs and brands. «» JN? Sf -« ‘ WminS TRON STAIRS,' AND IRON DOORS— A Pot uls at Swud-haad D«n«L .u Tm>mwn«tMt. CttW» «'3“ WImSS” AUCTION SAIBI T7UBNESS, BBINLEY, & 00., J- No. 615 CHESTNUT and 613 JAYNE ftr * BA.IS OF FRENCH DRY GOODS • ON FRIDAY MORN I S(J, April Ist, at 30 o'clock, on rmr montbv cr<Hii packages and lots of fancy and French goods. ' v.*, B^D°BO^MOT^BBOIIS, O OFSaPimo\ T QOA l a ,' l '3 JM , landed. fbis>at mobbiso *-***. April let. at lOo'eloek. an four months’ credit Inclnded lnonr tale of ribbon* wi 1 be found— — Cartons Nos. 4 and 5 c )rded*edg* pouU da bju .. t “^r.’l^lo k -cagfe e o°o l rd.w d hi l «. bta*. bl.^ * f - Ca?K>i ttSWltrlpla chain black and whit, 4 „ “ lt<&6o broths- danc'd, and plaid do. lcffieo triple chain blask do ■« 10@60Waok. white, and male do Cc ffi prl.^ah| fi g 8 ort ? an t off Y| d«h, ri ,, a Superior make. Nos. I#@2o Lyons clack Bilk velvet ribbons. PAN COAST A WARNOOK, *- TION2EES, So. »40 MARKET Strait. SPECIAL POSITIVE SALE, OF POUR. ffiW»EKn OASIS STRAW GOODS. BY CATALOGUE THIS MORNING. , 3 Commencing at 11 o'clock precisely. Inclnded will h. fonnd a ruJl line of lacfles’ bonnets, of mos* faehlonahil shape, of medium and fine split straws, pedal braid, hair, Neapolitan and colored straws, sc , &c. gw b«w shape farcy hats, for ladles, misses, and colored.and white palm hood*, men s hats, Ac. LARGS POSITIVE SALE OF Y5O LOTS AKBKtCAS AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS. RIBBONS MILLr MERY. WHITE GOODS. &o .BY CATALOGUE. 1 THIS MORNING. Commencing at 10 o'clock precisely,comprising a gijg*. tal OAfioitment o; seasonable and desirable goods. MILINERY GOODS. Also, this morning, bo? net and trimming ribboai fancy trimming, dress buttons, nets, bonnetjsllks, maliae*, BOBIEKY If LINEir & CAMBEIO HANDLER. Also, ladies, gent's, and children's cotton hoie avl half hose, lisle and silk glove*, notion*, spool cot ton. tapes, gent’s silk ties. Ac., handkerchiefs. mu*u o and fancy shirts. 118, * o ‘ CCO dozen ladles’ and misses’ woven taps and finer tU steel spring hoop skirts. ..... STOCK OF GOODS. Also, the stock of a retail hosiery and notion star?, comprising the usual assortment. PHILIP PORI) & 00., AUCTIONEERS sn* MARKET »ad »»» COMMEBOB Str**to. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OP 1,050 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. v Vm -o, * ON THURSDAY MORNING. i«»/iblT, ai i W rJi, cl ° c * precisely, will be sold bycata ’si®*® c * B «* men’s, boys’, and youths’ calf, kip, and grain, boots, brogans. balmorals, cavalry boot*, dec., women e, misses . and children's boots, shoes, ba], morale, gaiters, «0., comprising a general assortment of goods 1 Open for examination, with catalogues,early oath. morning of sale. us fJY SCOTT & STEWART, AUCTIONEERS AWD WMMISSIOS MESOHAjST* 033 CHESTHUT St. and OMt 8 4NSOK StrS* GREAT SALS OF UNCLiIMBD EXPRESS-OOHPanv PACKAGES. 1 ON THURSDAY MORNING, .April 28th, at 10 o’clock, at our sales rooms. No, o%i Co set aat street, and 618 Sansozn street, we will eeQ ail the unclaimed packages of the following Expr*u Companies—viz: Howard & Co ’a Express, Barnden'e Express, and Howard Express Company. LXBGE SPECIAL SALK OF 1.000 CASKS BTR&W __ UOOD3. OH FRIDAY MOUSING HEXT. April let, at U o’otoik preci.-ely, tha Onent aaiortms,' ever offered in this market, comprising ladies’ and miss ee’ bonnets otww and fashionable t-hapaa. Bunn should delay (heir purchases for this sale, SCOTT * STEWART, AUCTIONEERS, Will give their personal attention to sales of 5m CHaNDISI and WARKS, of all descriptions, FDBfl. TUBS of parties removing or breaking up Houseke** Ing, on the premises of the owners, or at their elenai and roaciow SALESROOMS, Nos, CHS&TNUTtS Qio SAJSOM Streets, ■RY HENRY P. WOLBERT, AUCTIONEER. No. NONMARKET Street. South Side, above Secom STOCK OF A COUNTRY STORE. THIS MORNING. March 30th, at 10 o'clock, will be sold a stock compris ing clothe, cassimeres, clothing, drets and domain* /roods, skirts, shawls, trimmings, hardware, lampa ewelry, Ac., Ac. Sales of Dry Goods. Trimmings. Notions, Ac , evarr MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY Morning, tS men cing at 10 o'clock. __ THOMAS & SONS, Nob. 130 and 141 South FOURTH Streir. CARD.—Sales of Seal Estate, Stocks, 4«.. at Vh» Tjv CHARGE EVERY TUESDAY. Pamphlet Ceswotup each Saturday previous. 4W FURNITURE at Auction Store THURSDAY* Bale No. 1110 Chestnut street. n SUPERIOR FURNrTUR*. MANTEL AND PIER M[R. RORS. PIANO. FINE CARPETS. CHANDELIERS,** ON TUESDAY MORNING. April 6th. at 10 o’clock, at No 1110 Chestnut street, by catalogue, the entire parlor, dining-room, andcliarahar fnrnitnre. fine hair matrasses, feather beds, Ao.‘ Also, the kitchen utensils. AM* May he examined at 8 o'clock on morning of ssla. Sale No. 1402 North Eleventh street SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD PIANO, TA PESTRY CARPETS *o. THIS MORNING. March 30, at 10 o'clock, at No. 1462 North Eleventh street, below Jefferson street, the superior furniture, flui toned rosewood pianoforte, seven octaves; One tapaetrj carpets. Ac. 4QF* May be examined, with catalogues, at 8 o’clock on the morning of the sale. SALE OF RARE. VALUABLE. AND ELEGANT BOOKS, THIS MORNING. The valuable private Library of a gentleman of this city, which Includes choice and elegant London sad American editions of desirable authors; ulbo, a number of beautiful and pictorial works, the chief portion io fine bindings. Also, book-cases, fine engravings; Ac. Sale at Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. PIANO. ROSEWOOD HAR . MONIOM. FINE CARPETS, Ac. I ON THURSDAY MORNING, At 9 o'clock, kt the auction store s also, a large uufthtt fcy of new parlor £hd chamber furniture, also bona&t pressing machines, also 2 kettle drums, baas viollucel lo, Ac. Sale 2009 Walnut Street. HANDSOME FURNITURE, MIRROR, PIANO, FINS VELVET CARPETS. Ac. On FRIDAY MORNING, April let, at 10 o’clock, at No. 2009 Walnut Street, by catalogue, the entire furniture, including suits of haaA some walnut and green plush drawing-room forniCWs. handsome mantel mirror, 84x50, piano, fine velvet' car pets, superior chamber furniture, Ao. Also, the kltcne." utensils. ASp- May be examined on morning of sale at S o’clock. Sole No. 417 North Fourth stiaoL HANDSOME FURNITURE, BRUSSELS CARPETS. Ac. ON WEDNBSDIY MORNING. April 6th. at 10 o’clock, at No 447 North Fourth street, by catalogue, the handsome parlor, dining room, and chamber furniture, secretary bookcase, flue beds and mattresses, fine Brussels carpets, &c. S Sp" May be examined at S o’cloek on xaoraing of sale. SHIPPING* BOSTON AND PHILAD2I* ■SmUMKphIA STEAMSHIP LINE, sailing from port on SATURDAYS, from first Wharf above ?:ha Stmt, Philadelphia, and Z«onr Wharf, Boston. The steamship SAXON. Capt. Matthews, will sail from Philadelphia for JBoston on Saturday. April 2, st 1C o’clock A.M.: ana steamship NORMAN, Capt: Baker, from Boston for Philadelphia on same day at 4P. M. These new and substantial steamships form a regale line, sailing from each port punctually on Saturdays. Insuransee effected at on*, half the premium shargs* on sail vessels. Freights taken at fair rates. „ Shippers are reauested to send Slip Receipts and Lading with their goods. For Freight or Passage (haying fine aeeomxnodattcau apply to • HENRY WINSOR A 00.. mh9 tt* South DELAWARE Avenna STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVER ■■■■lMKpoOL, touching at Queenstown, (Cork Etr box.) The well-known Steamers of the Liverpool, Estf York, and Philadelphia Steamship Company are lnUad* ed to sail m follows • .-Satnrd&y, April 2d. —........Saturday, April 9. Saturday. April 16. CITY OP WASHINGTON CITY OP MANCHESTER,— CITY OP LONDON*- And eyery snooeodins Saturday at noon, frost no* B* 44 Korth Birar SATES or FASBAGE: Payable la Gold, or Its equivalent in Ouzreney. PrSST CABIN, 980 00 STEHRAGI. fSQft Do. to London, 80 00 Do. to London, S 4 ft Do. to Fsriii 98 00 Do. to Fftriii W Do. to Hamburg, 90 00 Do. to Hamburg.!? Of Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Bottsr 4am, Antwen?. &«., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cabin, efi 956, 9106. Steerage from Liverpool and Queenstown, •&>= Hwim wlo wish to Msl for thslr friends ean bny Uitili here at then rate*. For further information, apply at the Company’s o1B<k?. JOHN G. DALR Irani, la!9 111 WALVfTW Street. Phil artslvM*. COAK. PUBE LEHIGH GOAL.—HOUSE *■ KBEPBBS can rely on getting , pnre article at 8. £. e»n«r FBONT and FOPLAB. * mhlB-lin* JOHN W. HAMPTON. EAGLE VEIN COAL— _ Bqnal lr not auperlor to LeUa-h. Alao, Hart’. #• Pine Ullra Penally Halnbow Coal; Egg and Stove n [ tu \ 18. 80. Large Nut, ,7.7 ft per ton. Coal forfelied If not 'fall weight as per tleket. Depot, 14111 GALXOWHILL Street, above Broad. Offlce ISI South FODBTH. be low Cheetnnt. Call and examine. Ordera by dlapatoa promptly attended to bv nol2-8m BELTS BBAPBON. . f)OAIi.—SUGAB LOAF, BEAVEB MEADOW, and Sprint Mountain Lehigh -Coal, and best Locust Mountain, from Schuylkill; prepared presriy for Family nse. Depot, IT. W. eorner EIGHTH end WILLOW St«. Oflee, No. 119 South SECOND St at>6ly J. WALTON A CIO. Aft CENTS FEB FOUND TAX ON TOBACCO. The Gtorenunent la about to ant * tax of 40 *e»tsper pound on Tobacco. Ton can eaye 50 per cent by Ton can eaye 50 per cent, by Ton can ear* 50 per cent, by Ton can «aY» 60 per cent, by Saying now at DEBITS, 80. 836 OgBSTIfS?. Buy las bow at Bnyjn* now at HBAITS, _ Saving now at DKAN’B, So. 536 CHBSTHUT. Prime Havy Tobacco, 70, 75 and BOc. per ft. Prime Cavendish Tobacco, 70, 76 and 80c. per ft. Prime Flounder Tobacco, 70, 76 and 80e. per ft. Prime Congress Tobacco, 70 and por D. prime Pig and Twist Tobacco. 7fi and 80c. per ft- DBAS selle Old Virginia Mary. DBAS aelle Old Virginia Sweet Gayendlth. DBAS sella Old Virginia Bough and Bead?. DBAS sells Old Virginia Plain Carendlsh. DBAS sells Old Vlrglnia-Gongreia. DEAtf aelle Old Virginia Fig and Tvriit. DBAS sells Old Virginia Smoking Tobacco. DBAS’S Kanawha Fine Cut Chewing 7oba«*° DBAS*B Kanawha Fine Gut Chechnc Tobacco Cannot be Bqualed. __. - Cannot be Bqualed. . _ DBAS S Cigars are superior to all others. DBAS*S Cigars are superior to all others. . He raises his own Tobasoo, on his own plantas.eaia He sells his own Cigars at his own stor*» »o. from pure Virginia Tobacco, and contains no dangerous concoctions of Weeds, Herbs, and Opium. Pipes, Pipes, Meerschaum Pipes, Brier Pipe*.®.. Pipes, Kose Pipes, Mahogany Pipes, Seboy Flpe*t *BE} Pipes,Cherry Pipes, Ontta Pipes. 01s y Pipes. *nd etjjr Pipes. And Pipe down andjfet yonr Pipes, Cigars. As., at DBAM’S. go. 886 Chestnut Street A“J there yon will see his wholesale and Retail Clerks V Piping around waiting on Customers. The Army of the Potomae now order all their Cigars. Pipes, As.. from DBAJI'S. Ho. 33» OHfSfFJJ Street They know DIAH sells tke best and chose***' T\RAIN PIPE, DRAIN PIPE. „ A* YffJBIFIBD TBBBA, COTTA DRAIN W •lies..from * to lfllncb diameter, with all kl««* “ lmtut*. bends, and trass; for sale In any Q’laaUir 2 inch bore per yard SOo. I l! 1. “ 48a “ : ;■ •• ■*• boo. Tope, for enrW amoltv eblmiey“ fcom”to Bfeet tub „ OBNAK*NTaL GJJIDBN VABBS _ RaJ „. Ponntalna, Pedestals, and Statuary Marble W Braskets, and Mantel Tssm. “ PHILADELPHIA TEEHA COTTA WOBKS. fela-fmwtf Stmt. HER BING, SHAft , 2. COO bbls Mass. Nos 1,2, and 9 Mackerel, o ‘"sorted packages. . 2,000 bbls New Esstport. Portnae Bay, and -£e Herrins. ?«5 t &5 OM, Sealed, and No. 1 Herrins 160 bbls new Mess Shad. 860 ko»S Herkimer County Cheese, be- . J»'Store and for sale br MURPH7 b K00»|. ]»l9-tf No. 146 NORTH HTHABggi— PHRENOLOGICAL ExlST^' r-f Jloys. with tail description! af claracMfuJ JX SVMTIHa, Iff J _6;,2n«r»it taha-wfrmem no. b. TBMTH MOBGAN, 088, & CO., STEAmT^*' ■** OIHE BUILDERS. Ira* Eonna«rs, ML&giH mh29-iuit Wo.' 33S CHESTNPT Wo. SSS OHESTHB7.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers