SPECIAL NOTICES. „ jjot a Dye, bbi a perfect Hair -SI.«0 AS® BBHTORER OJ COLOR COMBINED. :1 t nn Hair-Color Reatorer and Drawing." •Lotion Hair-Color Restorer and Dressing." ■‘London Hair-Color Restorer and Dressing." , certificate of Mrs. Miller, 730 North Ninth street, iriscin* proof. Her hair was Terr gw- ® onced liana®, now dark and Te J tl s^'? f .l a rrrd B. Garrifttes, Druggist, Tenth and Coates iacovery for the preservation of ‘J’®. I'”™JJ3 1 '”™JJ 3 « the lead of b*™ .< the color ana mahi>* th 9 ha(r soft, emooth, beanurol fretting. ap nr e diseases. Itchtue, nexlhla. «n>°J® mny w ho were bald and gray V D j“<£jf'hatr rermanent Jr restored Only one h f/ i n i “ta*le bottle., fiOeents; six bottles. s'2 50, S jSS: SWATHE a. SON. Ho. 330 Horth BIXTH Philadelphia It Hott's Hiawatha Hair Restorative. HOYTS HIAWATHA HAIR RKStOKATIVJB. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR BESTORiTIVB. HOYT’S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. , LongfeHow’a Poem Hiawatha was adjudged to hare ferred the greatest boon on his tribe because he %ht to Its notice 90ISL Every one will admit that /epaT&iton is worthy of the name, for the benefits ifere when St is known. WHAT TBB HIAWATHA DOBB. rscto.-es faded and gray hair and whiskers to their ;sl color. It brings up the not oral shading of on 6 “itlt another, thus givint the hair a perfect life ap ice, so that the most critical observer cannot de nse. It mak es harsh hair soft and silky, stops u» i out, elean&ea it and th* ecaip from ail ixapnriiles, readily applied and wiped from the fifcin as any hair •ng, and entirely overcomes ifce had offsets o* pro ‘ i use of preparaUons containiag sulphur, sngar of , ic proprietors ol the Hiawatha published the follo-sr challenge to test in the Hew Tork dliUes throe \s, wl,;;i wigJrsvßß ACCEPTER: some'- well known and disinterested persons ap* itoce to the proprietor of each prepaiation for the .to bring ap the color. Every proprietor to use no ig hot his own preparation, and the person nothing * dnil?£ the test. A certificate of the result to be ids!] published at the expense of theunsnccessful com* jtitors. fold everywhere. JObEPH HOYT 4 GO, f jnhl9 ly 10 University Place, Hew York. Fob SO Yeaks Df. Swatks’s Com- jSD Ftrhp Wild Cherkt has been a standard raMd* y, at all times reliable in effectually curing Coasts, Co'An, Sore Throat. Bronchial and Asthmatic Affections. Sr.ori Bzeath, Bight Sweats. Fains in the Side and Breait, Nervous Debility, Blood Spitting, all diseases of the Air-Passagea and Lanes. It strengthens, heals, puriflee, promotes expectoration, and for the enfeebled and broken, down constitution, its wonderfal medical prcpertiea are without a parallel. Prepared only by Dr. SWAY3E ft SOW, 330 North SIXTH Street, Phila delphia- . It Hits' Dt* S Haib Dvs 11 SATOHILOX’S Mlabrated EAIB OTB U tte But tf, tin World. Yh» only Barailtga. Thu, and MeliaSU Bye known. This splendid Sadr Dye Is perfect—chance* X*d. Rusty, or Ony Hair* instantly to a Gloss* Sktcl or Satnmi Brown* without injur inf the or stain buthc Skin* leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; la> parti {ran vitality. fteouently restoring its prisons •olor, and nettles the ill oxTeetc of bad Dye*. Tbs genuine is aimed William a, £atohbi<oss all other* are mete imitations* and should be avoided. Sold by ail Druggists, *l. FACTORY, 81 BARCLAY Street. Hew York. Ba&thtlor’s mew Toilet Cream for Bzexsima tbeHalr. iy»-lv Oks Psiob Clothing, of thh Latest Srn.se* made In the Beet Manner* expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. AU Goode made to Order warranted satlsCee' lory. Oar Ojts-Fkicb System is strictly adhered*' to All are tharsby treated alike. deSS ly JOBES A CO.. 604 MARKET Street Mason Sysch & Oo 9 s HAMLIN'S ITTTf» CABINET STACK A GO.’ OEGAJSg. The Popular Clothing H< **OAH HALL.” Seet-clM* foods and rooder; WANAMAKEI S R. corner SIXTH and Custom Department (to make to orde: The Cheapest) Simplest, and Best. Salesroom*, 7W Chestnut Street above 7th. -MARRIED. DAVIS-LEE.—In West Chester,Penna.,on Tuesday •morniiig.ilaich 59. at the reside* ceot the bride's mother, by the Key. John Bolton* MUg Fannie H. Dayis, daugh ter of the late James Davis. B q..to Captain J. Lee Lnglebert, Third Pennsylvania Cavalry, of Philadel phia. * INCLSDON —McCORMICK. —ln this city* on the 25th of January* by the Eev. W. M- Rice* Mr. William J. Intledon to Mlbb Sarah McCormick* all of Phila- * HA3HE3-BILXARD —ln this city, on the 24th inst., by Friends’ ceremony, in the presence of Mayor Henry, Benjamin D. Haines to Lizzie W. Hilyard, both of Bar liaZton county, Hew Jersey. * JJbWEN—GKEBNBANK. —ln Green-street M. F. Church, on the morninf of the 28th, by Rev. JH. F. Hum, Lieutenant Alex L. Bowen to Laara R.. vnnnyeat daughter of Rot. Dr. Greeubank, of Philadelphia * VAN LEER—COLL ADAY —On the 16th last , in Chi cago, at the Church of the Holy Communion* by the Bey. E. W. Hager. William Archer Van Leer to Miss Jo sephine L Colladay* both of Macon county, Illinois, formerly of Pennsylvania. No cards. * PIED. the 27th instant Anna Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. william 'and Amanda B. Mayborry, in the Bth year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited t-s attend her funeral, from the residence of her parents, northeast corner of Seventh and Vine streets, on Thursday, the 3let instant, at 10 A. M., without far thtr notice iaterniect at Laurel Hijl. '»• KAIBBIE.—On the 28th inst., Mrs. Lydia Van 3>. Bainnie, wife of Wm, J. Kainnie, ased*2S years and 7 jnonths. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfally invued to attend the funeral, from the residence of her mother, Margaret Van Oußen. 1308 Beach street. Eigh teenth ward, on Saturday afternoon next, at 2 o’clock. DOBBLBY —On. the morning of the 27ih inst.. Theresa !F., -wife of Ferdinand' Doebly, and eldest daughter of Uathias and Catherine Schlecbt, in the 30th year of her n latives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband, No 437 Wildey street. Eighteenth ward, this CWedu*Rda.y) afternoon, 30th Inst . at 2 o’clock. * EfiLLlun Sunday evenis g,27th inst., Charles Kelly, Sled 61 years. Bis relatives and friends, and those of the family, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, Kellyiville, Delaware county, on Thursday morning. March 31, at 9 o'clock. ***■ WOOD —Oe the 27th inst , James D. Wood, eon of Alan Wo< d. irlthe 33d year of his age. _ The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral from his late residence. Bo 2C41 Green etreet, this (Wednesday) morning, 30th inet., at 10 o’clock, without farther notice. To proceed *** PAXSOX —On the morning: of the 27th. Inst., of typhoid pneumonia, Edward Paxton, in the 73d year of his age. His relatives and friends, and tnose of the family, are Yespectfuily invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, 713 ‘Wallace street, this (Wednesday) after- Sioon, 30ih. inst. at 2 o’clock- without fnxthtr notice. ,u am- HIBBBKIAM SOCIETY.—The members of this Society are requested to meet at the residence of their president, General EOBBKT PaTTERSon, Thirteenth and Locust streets, on THURSDAY MORIfIcfCJ 31st in stant. at 7H o’clock, to proceed from there to the fane iral of their iate fellow member, CHAS. KELLY. Car riages will be in attendance. mh3o-2t JAMES li. TAYLOBi Secretary, "DESSON & SON H-i _ receiving their Spring an 2KG GOODS, and hare now Slack Byzantines, ylorentines, 1 ‘ Barege Hemani, * ‘ Crape HareU, Bareges, ** 311* Grenadines, Blaq£. and Black ah< feis Be PYRE & LANDED, 400 ARCH ST,, Have ordered this season..for their bestcastom, Richest Silks imported; Shawls of exclusive sty les; D;eea Hoods, Paris styles: Spring Mantles, Cloth and Silk. mb26 9ISHBBRS OF STAR OP ABB* RICa LObGE, Mo. 62.1. O. of o. P. . please call this quarter night and pay yonr dnes. , It* B. HERITAGE, Sec’y. A STATED MEETING OP THE Incorporated Pennsylvania for Promo tin* |ne Abolition of Slavery will be held on FlFra dat EVENING, 31st inst.* at 8 o’clock* at 109 north TENTH Xirset. story. . _ DILLWYN PABBIBH, President IMOS HILLBORW, > _ Jos. M. Truman, Jr j Secretaries, AWAKE, AKOUSK, MLLT. RAL |KS*» LY TO AVOI D THB DSAPT—SKVEtI rH PRK CI2TCT, FODSTSSKTB WARD—a mas. meeting of of the Seventh Precinct will be held at the ££‘•*<l Hose Honra. BKOWS 8 reel. below Twehth, IBIS (Wednesday) BVJQIISG, at 8 o’clock, for the par ies of adopting measures to avoid the draft under the Jan call of the President for 200 000 men. . JOSEPH B. BANCO JK, Chairman Com. Jeremiah J. SpuavAK. Secretary. It* fc? ORDER OF THE SOUS OF TE«- PBBANCB.-The members of FRIENDSHIP Dl* ViblON, No. 10, together with those of the National vrand Divisions, and the members of the Order in sene jai. are respectfully invited to meet at Friendship Hall, w, W. comer of TWELFTH and FILBERT Btreeta, at \% P cloek, on THIS (Wednesday) AFTERNOON, to attend -he funeral of onr late biothex. EDWaBD PaXSON. _** JOHN F. CLIME, R. S PROF. O. C. SCHAEFFER WILL open a new Course' for Instruction in GERMAN, by a Lecture in Public, to be given at the Law Room of Street, above OHReTNUT, on MBich 31, at 8 o’clock P. M Seats for Ladies. Admission free. it* Y 0 OFFICE BEAVER VIADOW RAILROAD AND COAL OoifPA-NT, Phila delphia, Hatch 28* 1881 —A Quarterly Dividend of two «nd a half per cent, on the capital stock of this Company Aaa been declared this day. payable on and after Thurs day, April 7th. L. CHAMBERLAIN. Treasnrer. _Mii29 6t» BOTICE.-THE SUBSCRISERS have thU day entered late Partnership, under Firm of HOLLIWBHEAD & GRiVSS. for lie par c; 1 * °f transacting the bnsiness of Insurance Agency, •Brokerage, and Adjusting, vrn.™ FORMAN P. HOLLINSHEAD. WILLIAM H. GRAVES. ISC’ ,KKI)UCTIOJ» U THB PttICE OF 1 Ka**j accordance with a resolution of the ©r r?*U Trustees. nasßed on iha 2fiih instant, the price Mariet-street and Spring Garden frc.R, reduced io 10 cents per bushel, and S>«rbSSttT oillt B frtDw^? 4 «¥£ nav,ialc Works to 9 cents r,vw. J /? HI L C ' CRE'iSON, Chief Engineer. Gas Wqbks. March 28, 1864. 1m 4 - " Inform*- tm *«s pSSSS33SsS«*^SS VSHBKgg II * Pianos. pianos. . B. GOULD, and CHESTNUT. IouSE ON PHILA-, rate price*. SR A BROWN* l MARKET Streets. >r) No. 18. Sixth it A.VJS COMMENCED idSummer Stock of MOURN in store— English Bombazines, French Bombazines, Summer Bombazines, Monsselanes, Tamises, . White Foulards, Me. MOURNING STORE, >. DlB CHESTNUT Street mh3o-2i* YjKOHGK^THOMPSON, OF ENGLAND, The Orator of Freedom, the distinguished coadjutor of John Bright and BUhard Cobdoa in the def«nn of Kxm rican institution,, -will, by Invitation, deliver AN AD DS ESS, in the ACADEMY OP MUSIC, on MONDAY EVENING, the 4th of April, at 8 o’cloek-the net pro ceede to go to the benefit of the COOPER-SHOP and UNION BEFEBSHHEHT SALOONS Subject— ll AN ENGLISHMAN’S PLEA POE DEMO CRATIC FREEDOM.” Admission, 26 cents. Secured seats, 53 cents—to he had at THB UNION LEIGTJE. national union club. SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE RO DM3* No. 1210 Chest nut street PUG H’B. corner of Sixth and Chestnut streets. ANTI SLAVERY ROOMS, Tenth a free t, above Arch. REFRESHMENT SALOONS, and at the BOX OFFICE OF THE ACADEMY. mh2B-6t g*ga»> AMERICAN ACADEM Y OF MUSIC. REV. HENRY WARD BEECHER, ox POWER-THE law of its DISTRIBUTION.” THURSDAY, March 31st* at 8 o'clock. This will be the only opportunity to hear Mr. Beecher tt e present season. \ Admission 25 cents. Reserved seats 60 cei ts. Tickets for sale at ASHMEAD & EVANS’. T 34 CHEST NUT Streets mh26 fit* THE GREAT . CENTRAL SANITARY FAIR COMMITTEE ON “LABOR, INCOME, AND REVENUE,” Office No. 118 S. SEVENTH St. This Committee liaa a special work, to wit, to obtain a day’s “labor,” a. day’s “income.” and a day’s “re venue” from every citizen of the three States or Penusyl ania. New Jersey, and Delaware, for the benefit of our sick and wounded soldiers The Committee is now fully organized at the above address, and calls for the co-operation of all classes in the community. want to chew what the Industrial classes can do for tl.e)r soldiers! Whatthe people can do in their separate trades! What Pennsylvania can do! What New Jersey can do! What Delaware can do 1 W hat each county can do! What each city and town can do l What each profession, can do l What each trade can do! W hat each occupation can do! What each manufactory can do! What each bank,'insurance company, and railroad can do! . . . . What each mine can do! What each, workshop can do ! Ws at each family can do l What each man can do! What each woman can do ! s What each boy and girl can do! We want to show the world what American freeman are ready to do for their soldiers WAf't labor can do for human* t;/! Ibis is a great work and the time is short. The way to do it is to ORGANIZE!!! Organize in your workshops io your families. Let the meh organize. Let the women organize Jjf-t the trades organize Organize *veeywliere. Lt-t the workmen live with their employers the em ployers with th»ir workmen, Ii is easily done. If the workmen will authorize their employers to deduct one day from their week’s or month’s earnings, and the employers will add to it a day of their profits, the whole will be acknowledged together to the creditor tre establishment. We cay to all, go to work, at once with us In this great work. Hurry forward your contributions. Every acknowledgment will stimulate others to foliowyour example. Circulars, with fall instructions* will be sent upon ap plication. by mail or otherwise, to tne undersigned. To work! To work! v L MONTGOMERY BOND, Chairman. MRS. B W. HUJTBR Chairwoman of Ladles’ Committee. M. J- Mitchesox* Secretary. m j3O Btr OFFICE OF THE GREAT CEI TRAD FAIR FOR THE SANITaRI COtftfiS- SlON— Philadelphia, 130? Chbstkut strebt, March, IS64—The Committee on Finance and Donations of the Great Central Fair appeal /or contribution* in UdHSi to those of their felLow-cltizens who do* not propose sending to the Fair the products of their sbtll and Indus* try. by faT the larger portion of the money received on the occasion of the Fairs held for the benefit of the Sani tary Commission in Cincinnati, Boston, aed Brooklyn, was derived from direct donations in CASS, and not rom the proceeds of the sale of articles exposed, what he Sanitary Commission needs to afford relief to the sick and 'wounded soldiers is money, in large amounts and lom all sources. We call* then, upon all bankers, cor porations, capitalists, persons living upon incomes, pro fessional or otherwise; in short, upon all who wilt not be represented in the Fair by their productions, to inn ate tee example of those who will, and to contribute iberally in money for this great object In New fork, although their Fair is not to ba held for two weeks, con tributions of more than S2OO,GOu in cash ha re been already received, a single department of trade, that of drygeods, having made up more than, half that sum. Brooklyn and Cincinnati have each contributed as much In money, and certainly the wealth, liberality, and fiatriotism of Philadelphia can hardly be considered as esß conspicuous than that of these communities. Con tributions will be thankfully received by any of the members of the Committee. A. B. BORIS. Chairman. 8. A* BfEBCSR, SAMUEL WfiLSH, THOMAS SPARKS, A. J. ANTBLO, CALEB COPJS. JOHN T LEWIS. THOtf A 8 KIMBEB. Jr., T. A. BIDDLE. S. W. CLARK, WH. C. KEBT, E. G. KNIGHT 5 . fjg U S. INTERNAL RKVSNVK- Second Collection District of Pennsylvania, com prising First, Seventh, Eighth., JUnth, and Tenth, wards of the city ofThiladelphia. NOTICE. The annual assessment for 1863. for the above-named district. of person* liable to & fcflA OH Ca.ttia.f6B. Pleasure Y achli, Billiard Tables, and Gold and Silver Plate, and aito of persons required to takeout licensee, bavins been completed, • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE* That the taxes aforesaid will be received dally by the undersigned, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 3P. M., (Sundays excepted.) at his office, southwest corner of THlfcD and WALNUT Streets, on and after MONDAY, the 7th Inst, and until and including SATURDAY, the 2d day 0/ April next e pg^^ j^I gg All persons who fail to pay their annual taxes upon Carriages, Pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables, and Gold or Silver Plate, on or before the aforesaid 2d day of April, 1564, will Incur a penalty of ten per centum additional of the amount thereof, ana be liable to costs, as provided for in the 15th section of the excise law of Ist July, 1862. All persons who in like manner thall fall to take oat their licenses as required by law. on or before the 2d day of April, 1564. will Incar a penalty of ten per centum ad ditional of the amount thereof, and be subject to a pro secution for three times the amount of said tax. in ac cordance With the provisions of the G9th section of the law aforesaid. , „ _ All payments are required to be made in Treasury Notes under authority of the United States, or in notes of Banks organized under the act to provide a na tional currency .known as National Banks. No frnther notice will be given- _ JOHN H. DIEHL, Collector. mh7 24t S.W. cor. THIRD and WAt-MPT Sts. |9> USTVERSITF OF PENNS VLVANIA (DEPARTMENT OF ARTS). —The Examination of the Junior, Sophomore, and Freshman Classes, at the close of the Second Term, will be held in the following order: MONDAY, March 21st.—From 9 to 11, Juniors , by Professor Kendall (Differential Calculus). and So&ho morM.by Profeisor Frazer (Chemistry of the Metalloids), written. From 11 to 1, Freshmen, by Professor Alloa (Herodotus), oral. TUESDAY, 22d. —From 9 to 11, Sophomores (Trigo nometry), and Freshmen (Algebra), by Professor Ken dall, Written. From 11 to 1* Juniors , by the Provost (Intellectual Philosophy), oral. WEDNESDAY, 2Sd.*— From 9 to 11. Juniors (Juvenal), and Sophomores (Olcerede Senectnte), by Professor Jack* eon, written. From 11 to 1, Freshmen, by Professor Cou ple (History), oral. THURSDAY, 24th. —From 9 to 11, Juniors., by Profes sor Frazer (Dynamics), oral. From 11 to 1, Sophomores, by Protestor Allen (Thucydides), oral TUESDAY. 29th —From 9to 11* Juniors by Professor Allen (Demosthenes), oral. From II to 1. Sophomores , by Professor Conp4e (Loxic), oral. WEDNESDAY, 80th. —From 9 to 11, Freshmen, by Pro fessor Jackson (Horace’s Satires), oral. _ _ _ GEORGE ALLEN, mh2l-9t Secretary of the Faculty of Arts. |*s Sp* MONIJMEMT CEMETERY.-NO TICE —An assessment of SIXTY CENTS on each and every Lot in the Cemetery (not heretofore exempted from taxation) will be due and payable at the Office of the Cemetery, No. 141 North SIXTH Street, on the first day of APRIL next. The payment of FOUR DOLLARS AND FORTY CENTS on any one Lot, together with the assessments now due, will exempt the same from taxation or assessment for ever hereafter If paid before the first day of April next. If paid after that time, the assessment then falling due must be paid in addition. mhsi-tapi - E. TAYLOR, Secretary. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the JUNCTION RAILROAD COMPANY will be held on MONDAY, the 4th day of April. 1864. at 12 o’clock M., In Philadelphia, at the Office of the Pennsylvania Rail road Company. Annual Election for President and Directors will be held igme day and place, mhl9l4t JOSEPH LESLEY, Secretary, PHILADELPHIA. AMD READING RAILROAD COMPANY, Office 237 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, March 21,1864. To avoid detention the holders of conpons of this Com pany, due on the Ist proximo, are requested to leave them at this office on or before the 31st instan, when re ceipts will be given, deducting three per cent, for United States tax and checks, will be ready for delivery on the Ist proximo, in exchange for said receipts. mh23-8t 8. BRADFORD. Treasurer. |9» PHILADELPHIA AMD READING railroad co., office. 221 south fourth Street, Philadelphia, March 17,1864 Notice is hereby given, that the Transfer Books of the Common Stock of this Company will be doted on the 31et inch, to be reopened on the 14th of APRIL next, at which time the Stockholders of this Company, who have New York eei till cates, are requested to return them to the Farmers 1 Loan and Trust Company, No. 66 Wall street, New York, who will give a receipt for the same, and rarnieh in a few days thereafter certificates from the Philadelphia office, in exchange for said receipts. The Transfer Office for the Preferred stock of this Com pany at New York will be closed permanently on the 81st inst lhat for both the Preferred and Common ftock In Boston will he permanently dosed on the 31st march. s. Bradford, mhlB JmwUllApl4 , Treasurer, QUAY'S PATENT MOLDED CXSLLA.RS Have now been before the public for nearly a year. They are universally pronounced the neatest and beat £ttinff collars extant. The ripper edte preetataa perfect cure, free from the -angle, noticed in all other collars. The cravat canes, no puckers on the Inside of the turn down collar-they are AS SMOOTH INSIDE AS OUT SIDE—and therefore perfectly free and easy to the neck. The Garotte Collar has a smooth and evenly’finished edge on BOTH SIDES. These Collars are net simply flat pieces of paper ent in the form of a collar, bnt are HOLDED AND SHAPED TO PIT THB HECK, They are made in * ‘ Novelty” (or torn-down style), in evsrybalfshte from 12 to 17 inches, and in “Enreka” (or Garotte), from IS to 17ineiie., and packed in ‘ ‘ solid sizes."in neat bine carton*.containing 100each:also, in Biialler ones of 10 each—the letters very handy pack age for TraveUers, Army end Navy Ofllcers. Ah'- EVERY COLLAR Is stamped GRAY’S PATENT MOLDED COLLAR.” Sold by all dealers in Men’s Jnrnishing Goods. The Tr&de supplied by ' VAN DUSEN, BOEHMER, & CO., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Men’s Famishing , „ ' ear chestnut street, mh3o-wfm 3m Philadelphia. Tie universal favorites are REIMS'S COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS made for »I. only; are tine In style and exeentfonSid “!Jsx colored. Gsllery. Second-street, aboYe SrMn. tn< lt« ly PA OB ING BOXES FOR DRY GOODS and all other sizes, constantly on hand and made to order. For sale by J A. TIMPSON, . . Steam Packing Bon Manufactory, mh3o-st* Corner GIRARD Avenue and Vi-nnn ATB. F. BEIMER’S GALLERY, 624 aA ARCH’STRESTj yon will gat exnnlsite styles of CARTAS DB VISITS of wonderful esenraoy. clear, dis tinct. and natnral. Go early. It* rpHE MOST SUCCESSFUL POR- I traits of the age are B. F. EBIMHR'B LIFE-BIZ R PHOTOGRAPHS in oil colors. In accnraoy an i trnthfnl coloiing, they are without equal. Gallery, 824 Arch street; ; It* r'ARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, AND WIN- DOW SHADES -New stock of English Oarp«ts met received, and fox eale cheap. &t WM. ORBAGICILS'B. No. 447 North SECOND Surest, below Nobis, Bast eidft. mh23-lm* Q-OLD’S IMPBOVED STEAM _ WATER-HEATING APPARATUS, For Wanning and Ventilatinr Pnblic B nil dings and „ _ „ . Private Beeldcncee. M&nnfaetnrsd by tbs union steam and water-heating company . OP FHILADBLPIA JAMBS P. WOOD. „. „ 4, „-Sonth FOURTH Strut mhl3-tap» 8. M- PBLTWBLL. BaMristaad»Bt MILITARY! fTHE COAL BOUNTY FUND COMMITTEE, »05K WALNUT STREET. WILL PAT TWENTY DOLLARS FOB EVEBf VOLUNTEER HUATIKED INTO THE PHILADELPHIA SEDIMENTS OF EANOOOE'S 2d army corps, Vic 69th, 7 let, 73d, 106th REGIMENTS P, V.. FROM THIS DATE UNTIL APRIL Ist. - Sdh2B 4t ALFRED DAT. Chalrmm SCITY AND WARD BOUNTY! ADVANCE PAT AND PRIZE MONEY! MEN WANTED for the NAVAL SERVICE and MA RINE CORPS, who will be entitled to all the City Bounties in addition to Prize Money • Seamen will receive an advance of thrte months'pay as b.unty. Application to be made at once to » ED WIN PALMES. Captain and Provost Marshal Second District Pennsylvania, v - 356 South TWELFTH Street. mhS&tf Philadelphia. SNATAD and marine service. City AND WAUD BOUNTY! ADVANCE PAY ANo PRIZE MONEY!" MEN Wanted for the NAVAL SERVICE and MI BINS COBIB, who will be entitled to all the City Boun ties, in addition to Prize Money, • Seamen will receive an advance of three months pay as bonnty. . „ Application to be made at onevto „ w . „ WE B. LEHMAN Captain end Provost Marshal First District Peona,. nb3iMf 345 South THIRD Street. V HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT ■ IOPTHESUfeQDSHANNA. _ w fjl Chambersdubg, Pa,. March 24,1361. dm Ctfxtxact. 1 . , ******** GEHERAL ORDERS NO. 20. _ Authority having been granted by the War Depart ment to the Ci mm an ding General of the Department of the Sut-quebanna, the let Battailxn three years Penn ey Ivanla Volunteers (formerly six months’ volunteers), eoueieting of six companies, mustered into the United Elates service for three years or during the wax, is au thorized to recruit to ten companiee of the maximum strength. .... Thl> Battalion is on Provost duty in this department, and it offers a good opportunity to thoee parsons who have been in the service and bave-been honorably dis charged. to re-enter, and to those of good character who have not been in the service to enter thejama Only those known to the recruiting officers and persons au thorized to recruit as being reliable and trustworthy will be received, as the nature of the duty this Battalion is called upon to perform is eueh that it requires soldiers in whom the commanding officers can. place confidence. Persons taking advantage of the benefits arising from enlistment in this Battalion will receive the bounties paid by the Government ae authorized in existing orders. The officer* must be men who have had some experi ence in the military service. intelligent* and of good character, and only those bringing the requisite number of men and possessing the above quaunsations Will be iTccmmendea to the Governor of the State for commls- Becruite and persons having Fqnads of recruits will report to Captain GEO. W. MERRICK. Ist Battalion three years' Pa Vole., sad Recruiting Officer for the isms, at HARRISBURG, Va. „ . . • * » . - - - * By command of Major General COUCH JOHN 8 SCHULTZS, Vest Adjt. Ge««ra\ Official: J. N. Pottbk, Ald-da-Camp mh2B 10t S WANTED—-TWO INTELLIGENT,' VOUDff. hearty COLORED MEN, to enlist in the&3i cr, b. Colored Troops, now ii Camp Casey, near Washington, D. C., for the po® tof QUARTERMASTER’S SERGEANT AND ADJUTANT’S CLERK. They must have a fair common-school education. The highest bounty will be Kjven _ m Apply early to ROBERT R- CORSON, Agent of Supervisory Committee. 1310 CHESTNUT Street mh2B-3t « GENERAL RECRUITING OFFICE, No. 611 CHBSrNUHStraet.—EECBUITS wanted for 1111 CAVALRY?ARTILLERY. and INFANTRY BEGIMESTS now in eeryice. not already full. . ALL THE BOfTHTIBS GIVEN, CHAS. N. CIDWALLADEB. Captain 2d Artillery. 112 m Regiment TV., mh26-6 * Gegeneral Becrnitlng Officer. ANDERSON CAVALRY, Sky (ISTH PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY) /pnu Suitable young men will be accepted as Be ■> ■■ cruits for this Regiment, now on service In E.st Tennessee. Colonel Commanding. HOfflee In WASHINGTON BIJILDIBG, mbS9-6t* No. 587 A South THIRD Street. NSW PUBLICATIONS* fpBREE PRICES FOR A NOVEL! SPSS SARGENT’S GREAT BOOK, PECULIAR. , Which continues to be the leading novel of the year, Is selling at the following “peculiar” prices: NOT ONLY are thousands and tens of thousands of copies being bought in this country at'-91,G0, AND IN ENGLAND. Where it has been reprinted by the London Publishers. Hurst & Blackett, in the usual .three* volume style, price £3 Is fid., and where even at that “peculiar” price the demand is enormous! BUT IN DIXIE, where the English copies are (not) blockaded throught the selling price in gold is somewhere about $!B7. and even at' that!"peculiar” price it is no wonder the Rebel aristocracy rush after the book and make up clubs to bmy it, for they read everywhere of its marvelous merit, and hear everywhere of its wonderful success, and MUST HAYS IT at anvprice, even if paid in /‘greenbacks.” ANOTHER EDITION is just ready, and it will be swept off before half the orders are supplied. Every one who desires to keep up with beet fictions of the day is reading or will read . PECULIAR, A handsome cloth-bound novel at *l-50. „ , mh£6-sws3t CARLETO*. Publisher. New Yorks THREE w NEW books; WALTER BARRETT'S new work, entitled VIGOR:. A powerful matter*of fact novel.founded upon events-in.- the history of this City. By the author of “The.ol4; -Merchants of New York.” 12mo. Cloth, &L6O A spicy and gotsippy sketch of camp and military life is tie Amy of the Potomac, entitled BED TAPE AND PIGEON-HOLE GENERALS. A capital work, humor* oub and pathetic, by a citizen soldier. 12mo. C10th,51,26/ . One of the beet volumes of poetry that has recently ap peared! entitled LYRICS OF A DAY, embracing by one author, many of the best known, most quoted* and most popular annonymous contributions-lo the press of the day. 12mo. Cloth, $l. %* Sold by all booksellers, and sent by mail free, on receipt of price, by CAKIjETON. ■ PtrabrsHßß, NEW' FORK. « mh26wstf TNIEEESTING.- PORTRAIT’ AND A CHARACTER of the Rev. Dr. BELLOWS, do. Lieut. W. Pittenaer, Dr. JohnS Darcy. Human Faces, illus trated by likenesses of Napoleou. Menchikoff, Queen Catherine, 4 hzrlotte Corday, Louis Eighteenth, Richter, Biuhop Eastbum, etc. News from Dreamland: Our Social Relations; A Happy Woman; S andards of Beauty; Wisdom in Lovemaking; Savage Warfare; Lines on Noses; Stutdav Schools, by Bishop Clarke, of R. I . and other Good Things* in APRIL NO. ILLUS TRATED PHRBNOLOGICaL JOURNAL. 15 cents, by firttpo&t, orsL 60 ay ear. Address FOWLER & WELLS. No. 308 BROADWAY. NY. or J. L. CAPEOT, 95 South TEETH Street, Philadelphia. mnSo*2t Life at three score. THE FIFTH EDITI IN. Ready this day. A Sermon delivered at the First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, by the Rev. ALBERT BARNES. Price SO cent*. AlsotNew Edition of . „ . BARDESVWAY OF SALVhTfON, 1 Vol. BARNES OK THE ATONEMENT. 1 Vol- BARHES’ PRACTICAL SERMONS. 1 VoL LINDSAY & BLAKI3TON, Publishers, mhSO No. 95 South BIZTH Street. (CHOICE ENGLISH B OOKS.—THE subßcribrr invites the attention of literary gentle men and amateurs of fine books to his collection of Standard and illustrated Works, largely increased by recent importations, and now comprising the best as sortment offered for sale In this city* His lone acquaint ance with the trade, and superior facilities abroad, enable him to offer to his customers a choice class of books at unusually moderate rates. Priced catalogues of a select portion of the stock may be had gratis on application. ... Foreign books and periodicals imported weekly by steamer. C. J. PRICE, Importer of Foreign Books, Periodicals, die., mh29»3t* No. 31 South SIXTH St., above Chestnut. ■VTEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! WORK AND PLAY; or, Literary Varieties. By Ho raceßusinf 11. . „,,, _ THE CAMFANSR THAL, and othur Writings. From the German of Jean Paul Fredeirich Richter. MABEL’S EXPERIENCE; or. Seeking and Finding. By Marion Eliza Weir. _ , „ _ . MARJORIE FLEMING. A Sketch. Being the paper entitled** Pet Masjorle.” A story of child-lira. FIFTY YEARS AGO. By John Drown, M. D. CHRONICLES OF TBE SCHONBBRG-COTrA FA MILY. By Two of Themselves. GILEAD; or, the Ylt ion of aU Soul’s Hospital. An Al legory. By J. Hyatt Smith. For sale by WM. 8. & ALFRED. MARTIBN. mh2B • 606 CHESTNUT Street. ATKW BOOKS I NEW BOOKS!! Juit received by ASHUSaD & EVANS, (Successors to Willis P. Hazard,) RED-TAPE AND seen from the Ranks, by a Citizen Soldier. THE VEIL PARTLY LIFTED. AND JESUS BE COMING VISIBLE. W. H- Furness- . VIEW OF SLAVERY. By Bishop Hopkins, THE CAMPANEB THAL, and other Wii ings. From the German of Jean Paul Richter. REDEEMBR AND REDEEMED. An Investigation of the Atonement and of Eternal Judgment. By Charles Beecher. _ ** , ViGOR A Novel. By Walter Barrett. Clerk. W ORK AND FLAY, or Literary Varieties. By Horace Buehnell* COUNSEL AND COMPOST. By the •*Country Parson.” mh2B r T'HE SUNBEAM STORIES, Contatata*thecharmlnr.brlghtstorlwof- TRAP TO CATCH A SUHBBAM, CLOUD WITH SILYBB LINING, HOUSE ON THE HOGS, ONLY, OLD JOLLIFFB, MBBBTOBfiStm DBBAM CHINTZ, STAB IN THE DgSBBT, Be, Six beantlftil ▼olnmea, illustritad, $2 60. WILLIS P. HAZARD, Publisher, f026-t jyl 31 South SIXTH Street \ PPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN OFCLOPBDIA. The agency for this invaluable Library of Universal Infonnarion to irt BE South SIXTH Street, second story. Also, RECORD OT THE REBELLION. By Frank Moore. ftll-tf UPHOLSTERING. _ H. B BLANCHARD & CO., Northeast corner THIRTEENTH and CHESTNUT Sts. Carpets and Matting made and laid. Bedding, Hair Mattrenes, ftc. mh3o-Sm Verandah. Awnings- jgFEOTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS. ARTIFICIAL HUMAN EYES Inserted without pain, by JAHKBW. QUEEN & CO., -■ OEM: CHESTNUT Street. QFERA GLASSES AND OFFICERS’ FIRM) GLASSES. Htcroecopes for Fhyeloiana and Btad.nts. A very large assortment for sale by JAMBBW. QUBBN &CO., 9a* CRimrnnT street. ■a/TATHEMATIOAL DRAFTING IN -BTRUMBNTB For M 9‘SSSI Bnd W S, Priced and lUnstrated OaUlo^tf(i?°it STHTr^.hM??m Aff AT b EMATIOAL INSTRUMENTS, B^is^F^^rfcnrW^a^ssr! fe^^Ko^XKlP| P B B EOT^ l oS.u!i m '' ■Jus* t*» oawrJrot stSit. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 18641 jyjOURNING GOODS MOURNING STORE, “ •' Summer Balmoras. 44 44 Skirting Cloth- Black and White Striped and Plaid Silks. “ Fonlard Silks. B’ack Poult tie Sole or Mourning Silk. 44 Gros de Bhines * * Lyons Gros Grain Silks. * * Lyons Taffetas. * 1 Gros de Sens. Modes. 44 Senshews and SarsneU, 44 Marcellns and Lustrines, v 44 Water Moreene. '* Book Hnslines and Crinolines. *' Sunshades. Parasols, Son Umbrellas. 11 Belt and Oordedßdge Ribbons. ** Collars and Sleeves, all kinds. White Collars end Sleeves, in every variety. Purp e and Pt arl PJain Poplin*. Black Thibet Long'and Sonars Shawls. * 4 Cashmere Square Shawls. * * Monasel ine ae Lalne Shawls. “ Barege Shawls. ‘ ‘ Grenadine Barege Shaws. * 4 Silk Grenadine Shawls. * * Silk. Crape, and Bombazine Bound. “ Thibet Square Sh&wlfl. * 1 . Mousse! Ine de Laines. two yards wide. 44 Shawl Thibets. _ 44 44 Alexandre’s and Jouvins Sid Gloves. * * Black Silk Taffeta Gloves. Black English Trimming and Yell Crapes. “ Italian Crapes. “ English Crape Yells. 44 Round Crape and Grenadine Yells. 44 Bound Lace Yeils. 44 Mode or Love Y*iis. . - “ Barege or other YeU materials. Plain and Embroidered Linen Cambric Hdkfs, Mourning Bordered ** ** '* Black low-priced Balzorines, Ac. JJDWIN HALL Sc CO., 36 SOUTH SECOND STREET, 'WILD HATS THEIR FIRST SPECIAL OPESING OS' QPEN I N G 6n TUESDAY, MARCH 29th. GAMBBIO DRESSES. We hare now open a freak stock of PRINTED LINEN CAMBRICS, FOB DRESSES. The designs are very pretty, and the Prices Quite moderate. Ladies should make their selections while the assortment is complete. s. milliken <fi c 0 .4 8/38 ARCH STBBBT, and mhS9-6t 33 SOUTH SECOND STBBBT, TYESXRABLE GOODS. FROM AUCTION. 25 pieces Bostia Diaper, $2.75. 20 pieces Russia Diaper, $3.50. 36 pieces Russia Diaper, wide, $4. 14 pieces Russia Diaper* very wide, $5. Also, 10 lots of Table Linens—all prices. sow open at JOHN fi. STORES* mhSS 703 ARCH Strdet. ■pOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. EVANS Sc HASSALL, MU.ITABY FCRNIBIIERS, Banner*. Regimental and Company Flag*. Swords, Sashes, Belts, Fasiants, Epaulettes, Hats, Caps, Can teens, Haversacks. Camp Hits, Field Class.*, Boors, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy Officers. FURLOUGHS. Officers and Boldiers, visiting the city on Furlough, needing SWORDS, And other MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, are Invited to th, very extensive Manufacturing Establishment of GBOi W. SIMONS «fe HILO., BANSOM-STBEET HAI^L, BANBOM Street, above Sixth. PRESENTATION SWORDS Hade to order at the ehortest notice, which, (or richness and magnificence, challenge competition, no other honse in the country combining the MANUFACTURING JEW ELER with tho PRACTICAL SWORD-MAKER. mlilo-2m JiROTHINGHAM dk WELDS TXEATON & DENOKLA,HARDWARE -AA- Commission Merchants, SOT COMMERCE and 810 NORTH Btrsets, offer (or tale: Anchor Brand Fulls; Plymouth Hill Rivets, W. AB. Butcher’s Cast Steel; Bagle Cabinet Looks. Putnam's Horse Nalle; Locke's Sshool Slates. Copper, Brass, and Iron Wire; Cotton Cards. Also.'a (nil assortment of American Hardwar*. fiaSfimlf {GRIFFITH & PAGE, 600 ARCH ST., Sell the Universal Clothes Wringer. Do. Eureka Clothes Wringer. Do. Union Carpet Sweeper. Do. Rubber'band Carpet Sweeper* Befrigeretoxq end Meal Bare a. itthSO St* T lEUT. GENERAL GRANT, WE publish this morning a very fine card photograph, of Lieut* General Grant, taken daring his late visit. _ „ rfoALLIBTRR A BROTHER ( mh2B St TQB CHESTNUT Street. V pOL. DAHLGREN.— NOW READY, '«'** very fine card picture of tho late Col. Dahlgren. . ModLLTSTBR & BROTHER, . mh3B-8t Tas CHESTNUT Street. EMANCIPATED SLAVES prom -A-t LOUISIANA. —Card photographs o( the Km&ncl paled Slaves. MaALLRITBE & BROTHER. mh2B-3t T»8 CHESTNUT Strait, PAPER WAREHOUSE. FARRELL,. IRVING, A 00., - 810 MINOR STREET. Haunfitetver* of .ROLL wrappers, - double and BIN OLE MEDIUM, CAP, and CROWN MANILLA, on hand, or mad* to order. Hlghsst prira paid lot rope la large or email auanti ttag- (*33-3* RETAIL DRY GOODS. FOR BALE BY BESSON & SON, 916 CHESTNUT STREET. Black All-wool ftouseline Delaine. 44 3 ouble-width 44 44 44 English Delaines. ‘ 4 and White All-wool Paris Moueselinea. “ and Pnxple 44 ** * * White low-priced Delaines. 44 Purrlfl 44 ,• Gray Mixed Woolen Taffetas. * * 41 Mousreline de Bege. 44 ** Mohair Lustres. 44 44 Arabian Glace. 44 44 Poplins. White and Black Plaid Poplins. > • 4 * * Plaid Mozambique*. 4 * “ Plaid Silks. Black and Purple Broche Grenadine Bareges. * 4 44 Plaid Mozambique*. Black and White Mozambique*. . 44 Mohairs. _ 1 44 Plaid Poplins Lew and Mode-colored French Poplins. Black Tamlseer 44 Silk Chaiy*. 41 Foulard Silks. 44 English and French Bombazines* Summer Bombazines. 14 Alpacas and Mohair Lustres. “ Alpacas, bombazine finish. 44 Grenadine Bareges Black Barege Hemani, 3 4 and 8-4 wide, 44 Bareges, “ Crape Maretz, 44 4 44 Florentines. 44 44 44 Byzantines, “ Tamartine*. 44 Tammatins. 44 Silk Grenadines, “ Paramattas. “ Cashmeres. 44 Brocade Mohairs Black and White English Lawns and Organdie*. 44 4 • Paris Lawns and Organdies, 44 4 4 Chintzes. 44 44 Ginghams White and Black Paris Organdies ana Lawns* 44 *• Paris Cambrics. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CLOAKS, MANTLES, BASQUES, SAOQUES, HADB OF FANCY CLOTHS, PLAIN FRENCH CLOTHS. RICH CORDED SILKS, AND BLAOK TAFFETA SILKS, TO-MORROW, THE Slat. mhso-zt - - - PARIS-MADE m: a-jv till as SPRING CE.OAKB, Ji W. PROCTOR <6 00., THE PABIB MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 930 CHESTNUT STBBBT. ARMY GOODS 1 , 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. A liberal discount allowed to the trade. mhlO-lm SAVE von SALS. AND~ LIGHT SHEETINGS AND STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY OAETON FLANNELS. WASH. NOTON AND VICTORY CAMBRICS AND SHiECIAB- BROWN.BLEACHBD, AND CORSET JEANS. No. U WOBBTBD YARN. Ae. seMlf tf MILLINERY HOUSE. GRAND MILLINERY OPENING! Oil THURSDAY, Maroh 31, STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, FRENCH AND AMERICAN FLOWERS, LACES, RUCHES, ORNAMENTS, Ac. mhSOSt fIHS WE RESPECTFULLY CAUL THE ATTENTION OF THE TRADE TO ODE STOCK OF SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. WE HAVE NOW OPEN A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH FLOWERS, -RIBBONS, SILKS, LACES, VEILS, &c. . BERNHEIM, *26 CHESTNUT STREET. mhS9'lm SPRING. 1864. BROOKS & ROSENHEIM, 431 MARKET STREET, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN RIBBONS, BONNETS, LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S HATS, FLOWERS, AND MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY. mh&lm ■ ■ • , 1864. _ 1864. WOOD & CART, 736 CHESTNUT STREET, STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. f F. S. —MERCHANTS AND MILLINERS are Invited to examine before purchasing, a* our STOCK IS FULL and PRICES LOW. mhS-Zm WOOD tit GABY. CIRCULARS, F. A. HARDING & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, Mo. 413 ARCH STREET. THTLADEI-PHI*. fgrk MBS. H. WEIGHT, &»Jt) No. 137 PINE Street, II w WILL OVEN FASHIONABLE millinery mhSO St* On THURSDAY, March 31,1864. flTh MISS E. CALDWELL, NO. 824 JMMaBCH Street. PhiladelpMa*will exhibit her Mil- to customers, on TUJSSDAT. April 6th, 1804* mh3o 6t* ' ffjn\ YOUNG LADIES’ AND CHIL- JjajlDREN’B MILLINERY OPENING, March 81st, IT - 'lBB4 Mrs. M. C. NICHOLS, No. 108 South EIGHTH street, below Chestnut. mh3o-2t* BASKETS AND WILLOW WARE. AND BEST^ASSORTED WOODEN-WARE 313 MARKET AND 510 COMMERCE STS., WADDING, BATTING, TWINES, WIOKING, COBDS, CORDAGE, BUCKETS, BROOMS, BRUSHES, BASKETS, TUBS, CHUENS, MATS, WHIPS, TABLE AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, BIRD-CAGES, JAPAN WARE, WINDOW PAPER AND SHADES, PUTNAM’S CLOTHES-WRINGER, LOOKING GLASSES, CLOCKS, FLY-NETS, FANCY BASKETS, &0., &o. ~mh29>lm __ - ]?ANCY BASKETS. / A. H. FRANCISGUS, 513 MARKET AMS 510 COMMERCE STS., Have just opened a large and well assorted stock of fine GERMAN AND FRENCH FANCY BASKETS OF Bie OWN IMPORTATION. GREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO THE TRADE. mMS-lnr BLAIk books and stationery. JyJOSS & CO., 432 CHESTNUT ST., BLANK BOOK & ENVELOPE STOOK BROKERS’ PURCHASE AND SALES BOOKS. STOCK BROKEBB’ RECEIPT AND DELIVERY BOOKS. COPYING PRESSES. COPYING-PRESS TABLES. COP! INC BOOKS*AND FLUIDS. SOLDIERS’ POCKET PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. SOLDIERS’ WRITING AND SEWING CAS3S. CLARK’S INDELIBLE PENCIL, (or Harking Linen. Also, a large assortment of Rote and Letter Papers; together with a fall and complete stock of counting-house fancy and staple Stationery, at low prim mhz2‘ti JJKYSON & SON, \ NO. 8 NORTH SIXTH STREET, PRINTERS AND STATIONERS. BLANK BOOKS. PAPERS, FENS, AND INKS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. Corporations. Banks, and Business Men suppllsd with everything necessary (or the Counting-room. mhl3*lm PEOPLE’S TELEGRAPH. NEW FIRST-CLASS LINES. PHILADELPHIA OFFICES: No. 411 CHESTNUT STREET GIRARD HOUSE, MERCHANT’S EXCHANGE READING-ROOM, (BIGHT HAND BIDE, HARE "RELIABLE.—USE GALLAUDETT’S I , HAIR BEBTOBBR. It Is not a dye. It restores the hair to Its natural color. It does not stain the skin. 1. needs no Bandoline or other dressing. It Is a dressing oljtselt Pries moderate. Try it g^agdonlySy MILLINERY GOODS. P. A. HARDINO & C 0„ No. 413 AROH STREET, WILL OPBN. A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF Comprising 260 eases of all the latest styles HATS AND BONNETS, Together with a large assortment oi STOCK OF COTTON GOODS IN THIS COUNTRY. A. H. FRAACISCIS, WHOLESALE DEALER IN MANUFACTURERS. CORN EXCHANGE, FINANCIAL. r£ HE NEW GOTEENMKNT loan. By direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, I hereby live notice that I am prepared to receive fcubsoriptlons on account of United States Bonds authorized by the Act of March Sd, 1361, bearing date March Ist, 1864, redeemable at the pleasure of the Government after ten year*, and payable forty years from date, hearing interest at live per centum a year, payable on Bonds not over one hun dred dollars Annually, and on all other Bonds, semi annually in Coin. Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Bonds, as they may prefer. Registered Bonds will be Issued of the denominations Fifty dollars ($6O), One hundred dollars ($1Q0), Five hundred dollars ($500), One thousand dollars ($1,000), Five thousand dollars ($6,000). and Ten thousand dol lars ($10,0C0); and Coupon Bonds of the denominations of Fifty dollars (ICO), One hundred dollars ($100), Five hundred dollars ($600), and One thousand dol lars ($1,000). Subscribers will be required to pay, in addition to the amount of the principal of the Bonds in lawfal money, he seemed interest in Coin, (or in United States Notes, or the Notea of National Banks, adding fifty per cent. for premium until further notice.) from the 4rot day of March Kt September, a* the case may be, until the day of subscription and payment. Upon the receipt of Subscriptions I willtissuemy Certi ficates of Deposit therefor, in duplicate, the original of which will he forwarded by the subscriber to the Beere taxy of the Treasury, Washington, with a letter stating the kind (Regieteied or Coupon), and the denominations of Bends issued. - Upon the receipt of the Original Certificate* ftt the Treasury Department, the Bondssubscribed for will be transmitted to the subscribers respectively, as booh as the same can be prepared. It is expected that the first deliveries of Coupon Bondi will be made not later than the fourth (4th) of April. ARCHIBALD M'INTYRE, ASSISTANT TREASURER U. S. 2? I R S T ItLA-T IO TsTA-L, BAJXTK: PHILADELPHIA. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY FINANCIAL AGENT OF TBB UNITED STATES. 10-40 LOAN. This Bank has been authorized and la now prepared to receive subscriptions to .the NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN. This Lean, Issued under authority of an set of Con gress. approved March 3, 1864, provides for the issue of Two Hundred Millions of Dollars ($206,000,000) Untied States Bonds, redeemable after ten years, and payable forty years from date, IN COIN, dated March 1,1864, bearing interest at the of FIVE PER CENT. per annum IN COIN, payable semi-annually on all Bonds over $lOO, aid on Bonds of $lOO and less, an* nually. Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Bonds as they may prefer. Registered Bonds will be issued, of the denominations of fifty dollar* ($6O), one hundred dollars ($100), five hundred dollars (600), one thousand dollars ($1,030), five thousand dollars (6,000). end ten thousand dollars (10.0C0), and Coupon Bonds of the denominations of fifty dollars ($6O), one hundred dollars ($100), five hundred dollars (foot), and one thousand dollars ($1,000). Subscribers will be required to pay, in addition to the amount of the principal of the bonds in lawfal money, the accrued interest in coin, (or in United States notes* or the notes of National Banks, adding fifty per cent, for premium until farther notice,) from the first day of March or September, as the case may be, until the day of subscription and payment. E W L O AN. V. S. 1040 s . JAY COOKE Jt CO. OFFER FOR SALE THE NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, Bearing five per cent. Interest, In coin. Redeemable any time after TBN YEARS, at the pleasure of the Government, and payable FORTY TEARS after date. Both COUPON AND REGISTERED BONDS are issued for this Loan, of same denominations as the Five- Tvren ties The interest on *5O and #lOO payable yearly, on all other denominations half-yearly. The TEN FORTY BONDS are dated March 1, 1864, the half-yearly interest falling due September 1 and March 1 of each year. Until Ist September, the accrued interest from Ist March is required to be paid by purchasers In coin, or in legal currency, adding 30 per cent, for premium, until fnrther notice. All other Government securities bought and sold. - JAY COOKE & CO,, 114 SOUTH THIRD STRRRT. A Nblsoit. ' W. L, MtTRFRRE. & MURFBEE, GENERAL AGENTS, NASHVILLE, TENN., Will collect all Claims entrusted to their care on par ties in Middle Tennessee. They refer* by permission, to the following gentlemen: Hon. John Catron, U. S. Supreme Court. Hon. Andrew Johnson, Military Governor, Tenn. Haddock. Seed ft Co., Heaton ft Denckla, J. B. Lip pincctt & Co.« Philadelphia. Sawyer, Wallace ft Go., Thomas Eakin, Gox ft Wright. D Appleton & Co, , KewYork. Nimick ft Co. • Pittsburg. Davis ft Apple. Cincinnati. Bobert K. Woods, Cashier, Merchants’ Bank, St. Louie, Mo. irih3owfm6t ■TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Office of Comptboller of the Curbenoy* Washington, February 26th, 1864. whereat, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that the Fourth Rational Bank of Philadelphia, In the county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania* has been duly organised under and according to the requirements of the act of Congress. entitled **an act to provide a na tional currency, secured by a pledge or United States stocks, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof,” appioved February 26th* 1863,' and has com plied with all the {provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the badness of Banking, , Bow. therefore I, Hugh McCulloch, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that the FOURTH NA TIONAL BaNK OF PHILADELPHIA, county of Phil*- delphia, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorised to commence the business of Banking, under the act afore said. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of Cffiog, Ada twenty-ilxth <%%™MS&LLOCH, mhl-Sn Comptroller of the Currency. TOHN HORN, JR , V BTOCK-OOMMIBSIOB BROKER, 80. 140 SOUTH THIRD STREET. (UP STAISB,) PHILADELPHIA. references .* Meesn.Thos. A. Biddle ft Co. Hess. Gaw* Maealester, ft Go. Messrs. B. S. Whelen ft Go. Messrs. Drexel ft Co. Messrs. Buzby ft Co. HeuryJ.Willlame.SiQ. Alexander Diddle. Beq. L P. Hutchinson*K*a. G. M. Troutman. Esq. D, B. Cummins, Bsq. Jas. G. King ft Sons, Hew Tork. fe26-2m CECOND NATIONAL BANE OF X/pHILADBLPHIA, FBANKPOBD. CAPITAL *190,000, WITH THB PRIVILEGE OT IN ORSABING TO *OOO,OOO. NATHAN BILLS#, Pr«*!d«sA WILLIAM H. RHAW», Cashier, (Late of th* Philadelphia Bank.) PIBICTOKR : NATHAN HILLBS, CHARLES K KREMER, GEORGE W. RHAWN, BBNJ. ROWLAND, J*.. SIMON B. SNYDER, BBNJ. H. DEACON, EDWARD HAYES, JOHN COOPER. LBWIB SH ALLCROSS, The Second National Bank of Philadelphia la soir ODfia at No. IM MAIN Street, Fraukford, for the trasa aetlou of a General Banking Business upon th* umal Cafieetioß* upon iUI a*e**slble point* will ha mad* upon liberal term*. Respectfully, fsS-8m W.H. RHAWN. Cashier Hope gold company. HINES-** GOLD DIRT LODE. Giijsin county, Colorado. CAPITAL. 80,000 SHARES. , *33 each. TBUBTBB3. JOHN EVANS, Colorado. F H. JUDD, New York H, S, COHU, New York, _ . WILLIAM jfeoLLER. New York. GEO. W. GBAFFLIN, BQttmor*. i.^CffISNELL^VHITK.'IIewYork. r-G c . MMTItfIWfU PUP’S’ His Bxoellencj JOBB IVANS, Oovernor of Colorado Territory. VIQB FBSSIDBZTTB. Hon. 8. G. AMOLD, Dr. F. H. JUDD._ Treasurer. WALTIRB. LAWTON, Seeretary, J. P. DAVICB. mh22lm Office* No. CLIFF Street, New Tork. pABP ETS.—NOW IS THE TIME V/ they are fresh, and v*ry beat of solors. Justin. ' ““NTwN.swowstTgS.S?ffiSßfc.. COPItANO AND CONTRALTO.— ~ Waned In a QTTAETSTTK CHOIR; good and oomp*. t-nt Addrcee •• b C. ” Press office. mn29 3t« "WANTED TO BEN T—A LARGE * » koom. .nltaM. t- r li.bi Manufacturing. Addraaa Bon 262 P. Fnlludelpbi. Poet OQca rahg-31* "W ANTE D—A GOOD COLORED 11*1 POPLAR far 1 H °«°WOlk. AjffirtjlO. WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN, A '' a Dry. Good* More. His had four gswras feKßf&a?"- -"■"■sMta.*- "W A N TED —DECENT AND BE- S I spectable cit zenaas tubscribeis for a Club Garden at Elgleefle,<l For particulars see prelacs ofiub” eerlption booka laid ont at EnejetfloNl and at UWy street Hall, back of the Post Grace. rnh'iO. fit* WANTEI —FODR CARTERS; SO '* BEE, steady men only ne-a apply also . PAINTEBS. on rough work. HSRRr SIMON s. U S National Wngm- Works. IPb3O-2t* BB r ONP and CIMBEHLiSP Streatg^- WANTED—A COMPETENT YOUNG I 1 T MAD, to take charge of a set of books In a whole- - sale hon.e on MABKEr Street. Reference required Address?ln own handwriting, “C. 8.,” Boa 211 Post Office. ■ mhgfl-gt* "WANTED—A SITUATION BY AN 11 experienced Salesman: one that hae a good city and countty trade? will travel and eell by cample. Best of c'ty reference. _ . Address “J. 0., ” Press office. rahm-e** nnn wanted for five Tea -a, at five per cent.; amply secured CD mortgage of a Ohee*nut-Btreet *iore pp.-»p^i*!V. It* E. B. JONBB. No. gO9 South SIXTH Street. s7* A MONTH)—I WANT TO HIRE v u AGENTS In every County, at $75 a month, ex pense* paid, to cell my new cheap Family Sewingjfia- Chinee. Addreaa 8. MADISOH. Alfred, Mo. Cfel2 d&W3m M WANTED TO RENT—FOR SIX months, ora year, ajenteel HOUSE and FURNI TURE. Location, north of Vine and west of Broad streets. Apply to B. F. GLBNN, 133 South FOUR PS Street - K mh29-3t“ fljf WANTED TO RENT—BUILDING •■Ba-With Steam Power. Must he within the city limits. Address Box 2823 Philadelphia Post Office mb29 ot* M WANTED FOR THE SUMMER Months, a furnished or unfurnished House In the country, -with easy communication to the elty. Address Box ©36 Philadelphia Post Office. mh2B-6t* POE SALE —AN OLD-EBTA £■ BLISHED PAINT AND VARHISHIBnSINBSS, wllh Goodwill, Fixtures, Sc. Applj at 1908 North TBIBD Stieet. Philadelphia.. mh3l),3t* TO LET.—THE SECOND, THIRD, A and fourth floors at 1935 MARKET Strast, through to f hmcb alley. mn29-tf T?OR SALE—LARGE STOCK OF ICE A and business complete of an eld- established ICS COMPANY- It la offered for sale on account of the pro prietor engaging in another business Inquire at the cfflceof the BO ME LIFE INSOBANCB COMPANT.comer Ft URTB and LIBRARY btreeta. mh29-6t a TWO LARGE NEW *1 HREE TORY MANSIONS, one with 4 and the other 12 acres of aroued. all in complete order—Darby, apply to K MIDDLETON* Darby. mh3o m TO LET—A SMALL COTTAGE, -KiS-on StTUMIT Street. Ghestnnt Bill, with Gas. Bath, and Water. Address ** Box 981. ”Poatf Office. mhBo’6t* Mfor sale.—a large house, With TEN ACRES OF LAND, on SCHOOL HOUSE Lane, teu rntnuUs’ walkVrom the depot, Oil tho N. Rail. road. Inquire IQII CHESTNUT Street, mhSO-3t» m GERMAN TOWN, PROPER TY FOR RSat-SALB—A very desirable PROPERTY, within tea minute*’ walk of Wayne Station Germantown Raiiroxd; large DwplHßg-honse. with all the modern improve ments: Stable* Sprlsr houre, Ice-house a led, and good Garden: plenty of Fruit and large Shade Tr«es. Apply to W. W. KNIGHf, mh3C-tf 1 809 COMMERCE Street. Mover 300 houses, all sizes, for sale and exchange, RANSOM ROGERS, Jr , 240 North TENTH Street. rah2s-lm* AND OTHER AMOUNTS loan, on mortgage, at 5 per cent, per annum, for a term of years lewis H RBDNER, li* No. 153 South FOURTH Street. SADDLE MARE.—-A SU- Af?-i perior SADDLE MARS, anitable for an officer iv the army, is for sale, and to be seen at the stable in CORE Street, (between Spruce-and Pine,) above Seven teenth. mh29-2t* (GENTLEMEN WILLING TO PAY liberally can be accommodated with two hand* somely-furnished communicating PARLORS, on first floor, with suit of furnished Chambers, in vicinity of BROAD and WALNUT Streets. Breakfast if desired. Address ** 8. M., ”ti Is office mfa29 st* Absconded from the sub scriber. THOMAS FARREL, he having thus broken his indenture. I therefore give legal notice to all persons* that I am exonerated from any responsi bility respecting his actions or eontraets. Norristowx 3d Mo.. 25. '64 mh2B.3t* J. THORNE. T OST CERTIFICATE No. 181 FOR 1 AJ share Is the POINT*BRBEZB PARK ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA, in the name of BBNBY D. LENTZ. As application will be made four weeks from the date heieof for a renewed certificate, notice is hereby given. JACOB S. LENTZ, jnh9 w»Bt* Executor of Henry D Lentz, deceased. TOST—A CERTIFICATE OF 5-PER -Li CENT. LOAN OF STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, for 8516. OS dated March 12. 1830, No. 754, In name ol WILLIAM MEREDITH, Also, a Certificate of 5-pel cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, for the sum of $2OO. dated June 80, 1845, No. 1452, in the name of ELI K PRICE, administrator of William Meredith in trust. Ap> plication has been made to the Auditor General for a re newal of said Certificates felO-Sm ELI K. PRICE. No. 811 AROH~Straet. C. H. CLARE, President. KATHAIRON. Kfttbalrofi le Aron the Greek word “ Kathro.” or ’* Ha th airo, ” signifying to cleanse, rejuvenate. and restore* This article is what its name-slgnifies. For preserving, restoring and beautifying the HUMAN HAIR It is the most remarkable preparation In the world. It is again owned and put tip by the original proprietor, and is now made With the same care, skill, and attention which gave it a sale of over one million bottles per annnm. It is a most delightful Hair Dressing. It eradicates scurf and dandruff. It keeps the head cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft, and glossy. It prevents the hair from falling off and turning gray. It restores hair upon bald heads. Any lady or gentleman who valneß a beautiful head of hair should use LYON’S KATHAIRON. It ie known and used throughout the civilised world. Sold by all respectable dealers DEM AS S. BASHES ft GO., Hew York. This is the most delightful and extraordinary article ever discovered. It changes the sun burnt face and hands to a pearly satin texture of ravishing beauty, Im parting the marble purity of youth, and the distingui appearance so inviting in the city belle of fashion. It re move* tan, freckles, pimples, and roughness from the skin, leaving the complexion fresh, transparent, and smooth. It contains no material injurious to the skin. Patronised by actresses and opera singers. It is what 9Y9F7 lady should have. Sold everywhere. Prepared by W. B. HAGAN, Troy, N.Y. Address all orders to DEMAS a BARNES ft CO.. New York. HEEMSTREET’S INIMITABLE HAIR RESTO- RATIVE.—NOT A BYE, But restores gray hair to Its original color, by supplying the capillary tubes with natural sustenance, Impaired by age or disease. All instantaneous dyes are composed of lunar caustic* destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of themselves no dressing. Helm street’s Inimitable Coloring not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy process, but gives the hair LUXURIANT BEAUTY, promotes its growth, prevents its falling off, eradicates dandruff* and Imparts health and pleasantness to the head. It has stood the test of time, being the original Hair Coloring, and is constantly increasing in favor. Used by both gentlemen and ladles. It is sold by all re spectable dealers, or can be procured by them of the commercial agents, D. S. BARNES ft CO., SOS BROAD WAY, New York. Swo sizes. GO cents and $l. The parties in St. Louis and Cincinnati, who have been counterfeiting the Mustang Liniment, under pretence of proprietorship, have been thoroughly estopped by the courts. To guard against further Imposition, I have pro cured from the United States Treasury a private steel plate revenue stamp, which is placed over the top of each bottle. Each stamp bears the/oc simile of my sig nature, and without which the article is a counterfeit, dangerous, and worthless imitation. Examine every bottle. This Liniment has been in use and. growing In favor for many years. There hardly e» lets a hamlet on the habitable globe that does not contain evidence of its wonderful effects. It is the best emollient In tbe world. With Its present improved Ingredients, its effects upon man and beast are perfectly remarkable. Sores are healed, pains relieved, lives saved, valuable animals made useful, and untold ills assuaged. For bruises, sprains, rheumatism, ewelllngsl bites, cuts, caked breasts, strained home, fte.. it is a sovereign remedy that should never be dispensed with. It should be in every family. Sold by all druggists. fe22-mv* i3m&eow6m D. S. BARNKB. New York. r>ORNS AND BUNIONS. KJ PETERSON PETERSON PSTBBSON pbtekson cobn COBS CORN CORN OINTMENT OINTMENT OINTMENT OINTMENT Will thoroughly cm. CORNS and BUNIONS, without any pain. Fries as cent,. JOH»BTUir, HOLLOWAY. & OOWDBN.Agents. mhSS lm* S 3 North SIXTH Street. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, -A-AND FARM MACHINERY of the most approved manufacture. A foil stock in store, and for sale at manufactureri’ prices by - EOBBBT BUTBT, J*r, Implement and feed Warehouse, Nos Paa and 9N4-MABKBT Street, above Ninths gfe BUIST’S GENUINE KITCHEN ZEg ARDEN BEEDS. Gardeners and all growers of vegetables, who wish pure and reliable seeds, should purchase their mppll« “ROBERT HOIST'S, Jr., Seed and 1 mpiement Wanhotue, Noe 03# and ?#• MARKET Street, aVor* Ninth. , mhiOU WAN*®. FOR SALE AMD TO LET* BOARDING, PERSONAE,. LOST AMD FOUND. MEDICAIi. HAGAN’S MAGNOLIA BALM. MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. GROVER’S CH ESTNUT-BTREET THSATBR LFOHAKI> GROVBB MiWiGSB. ALSO OF OEOVEB’B THB»TJ»E, WASHWGTOS „ TONIGHT, Frodnc-ionof BondcanJt’s great American Drama, Th* OOTOHOON, OOTOKPOIT, with NSW alf I) MiGNIPJCBtfT 80UTEBT. ORIGINAL music, CAST OF ORgAT Evlnnlsb AND STRENGTH. Dlr,nr°, D S nT?.?RiX AFTERNOON. AprU2. r,?*/ J £tAP J„* M 'r-F MATIRfiE NNTARTAINMBNT. tk<i beantlfnl Drama of FAN IHON will be prodnoed. mh jg at CIMMONS ! SIMMONS I O SIMMON? t SIMMONS' SIMMONS-? SIMMONS? SIMMONS? WALNFT-BTBBET THEATBF THIS (Wednesday) EVENING. March 80 Third apoearance of the LAURA KEENE'S DOUBLE COMPANY FROM NEW Y ORK» iThe new Irish drama, entitled „ , WIVES OP IRELAND. ; A compute snccess. . Owing to many BOTeliirs immediately to *>« produced, ir.® m S D . E Eement regret* to announce the last represents tion of the thrilling and effective Irish drama, ceiled Tt, i. t WIVES OF IRELAND. M^ h im^ aura Keene and the New York Doable Gom th?faSL I lfF^ ar T l T,l^sJ ,Brformanc ® wUI conclude with rneiaTcoof tb« BRftWt»B A»D SMITHS. OIMM.ONSI SIMMONS 1 K-fTMMORS! SIMMONS! BTMMOMg ! S1MMOBB! SIMMONS I r)RKW ’ s ABOB STREET? TO-HIQHT. WJpja^T*m£^V Body O’Conner Mr Barney wiiituna Kitty Killeen, •«•■•••■*•■**••■• •••.Mrs lii•-ty » y WilUamt’ Latest from ksw tosk u * m ’- Widow Sprout Mrs. Barney Williams Phil Mnlligan ■ • r , Barney William,,’ Toomclodewili -1229 t.3 Wop * >S ' FEIDAT, FAKE WELT. BBNBFIf OF MB AND MRS. BAHNRY WILLIAMS 09 MONDAY. ROSEDSLE ’’ SUMMONS! SIMMONS 1 SIMMONS ! SIMMONS ! B)li2f>2t FIMMOHSI SIMMONS! SIMMONS! T3BV. HENRY WARD BEECH BE AT the AO»DEMY THURSDAY EVENING. A low eboil c £ f . eat * : may be nbtaired by calling early at ASM MEAD A EVANS'. 73* CHESTNUT Street. mh3o 3P TOM KINO’S EXGELSIOB CIRCUS, •*- MARKET, aboviaTWELFTH Street Tee great Spanish Artiste SENOIUTA LOLA LBH 1 appear during this w«ek in some of the moat attractive scenes of classical equestrianism. A rich pro gramme abo. by tbe entire Excelsior Tronpe. Matinee on WEDNESDAY and BATHRDAY ArPERNOONS, commencing at 2>s» o’clock ; Evening, quarter before 3 o'clock. Admission 25 cents; Stage Seats, 60 cents. mhEB Iw A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS.—GRAND Exhibition of the Mammoth „ , RTBBROPTICOR. IN AID OF THE GKBAT CENTRAL FAIR, on . TO-NIGHT, &t 8 O’C] OC*. splendid views.}net received »rom Ibfopc Tickets 28 cents. Children 15 cents For Benefits, apply &t the Ticket Office. mh29-4t SUMMONS ! SIMMONS! SIMM OKBI SIMMONS' SIMMONS! SIMMOhS! S1MSIONB! CT. JOSEPH’S CONCERT AT THB MDBICJIL FVNO BALL, on THURSDAY BVB KING. March itlst, 1864. Proceeds for the Poor. Tickets. 50 cents. mh29-3t* rj.RAND ORCHESTB AL AND VOCAL CONCERT.—The Directors announce to their friends and the public the Second Concert this season by the HABMOjfU MUSICAL SO-lET?, to tabe place at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, on WEDNESDAY RING, March SO. accompanied by the fall GEE MANIA ORCHESTRA A food selection of MUcella* n*on» Maslc will be given, and from the best composern. TICKETS, at FIFTY GENTS each, will be for sale at Gould’s, Andre’s, and Lee A Walker’s Music Btor*s, and at the flret-rained a Committee will sit to distribute tick eta on th e day of the concert* from I to 6 P. V, mh24 6t T7LEVENTH.BT. OPERA HOUSE ■*“* ‘‘THE FAMILY RESORT." CARKCROSB »HD DIXRY’S MINSTRELS. THB GREAT STAR TROUPE OF THE WORLD, In their SELECT ETHIOPIAN 80IBEES, Splendid Singing, Beautiful Dancing, Laughable Itat* league*. Plantation Scenes, Ac.. &c., by TWENTY TAIENTED ARTISTS. EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. Tickets 26 cents Doors f pen at 7 o’clock. fe27-ftn • J. L CABNGBQSB. Bailnese Manager THE great picture a AT CONCERT HALL LECTURE BOOM For a short season. OPBH EVERY EVENING FOB A SHORT SEASON J. Ineco William*’ celebrated PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. This Is the moat complete and finished Painting of 4Jm tieor*** Seriptnns in the world, •omyrielng over fifty thomoit SUBLIME AND THRILLING SCENES Of the- first three thousand years of Biblical History, forming altogether one the finest exhibitions of the ace. OPEN EVERY EVENING at half past 7 o’slosk. Admission 25 cents. N. B. Matin Sen on Wednesday and Saturday after noons, at 8 o’clock. Admission for Children 15 cent#, MO ft* rjERMANIA ORCHESTRA.—PUBI^C 'A BBHBABSALB every SATURDAY, *t S o’clock, ?. M, at the MUSICAL FOND HALL. Single tickets ft cents. Packages of six ticket*, $l. To be had at AST DRE’S. 1104- CHESTNUT Street. J E GOULD. ££• VENTH and CBEbTNUTt and at the Hall door. fe2&-tr PENNSYLVANIA. ACADEMY v OS A THE fine arts. 1095 CHESTNUT STREET. OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M. UJi BP. H. .Admission 25 cents. Children half price Ja33-if - EDUCATIONAL. tSrYANT, STRATTON, & BANNI3- AJ TBR’S STATB AND NATIONAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 8. B. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets—Designed to impart a sound Batiueee EdPWiloa to theyonng men of the ejuntry The principal branches pursued are; Book-keepinr, Commerc) al Law, Commercial Arithmetic, and the higher Mathematics, Business Penmanship, Business Corre spondence. and Telegraphing. Young men. who desire to qualify themselves for the dnties of active business life, are invitedio call and examine thefaeiUties afforded at this institution. _ mh3o ws2»* PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION IN BOOK-KEEPING, in Its different branches: Pen manship, plain and ornamental; Commercial Calcula tions, Commercial Law. Forms. Ac.. at CRITTEN DSN’S Commercial College 637 CHESTNUT Street, corner of Seventh. mh29&t* CJELECT FAMILY BOARDING. tx'SCHOOL FOB YOUNG MEN AND BTYB. MOUNT £QX2.£ ai lS &B !3& cotlot .7' P*' Session opens on the FIRST TUESDAY of May. For circulars, address mhl9»l2i* B A. MORRISON, Principal. RELLEVTTE FEMALE INSTITUTE— *-* A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. This Institution, beautifully andhealtltfully located, in the noi them limits of ATTLEBOROUGH, Backsoon tv. Pa , will commence its Spring and Summer Term on the 19th of FIFTH MONTH next, and continue in session twelve weeks. Tbe course of instruction is thorough and complete In ail the Elamentaryaad hitcher branches of an ENGLISH, CLASSICAL, AND MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION. The French Language is tanght hr a native Frenoh teacher. Circulars, giving full particulars, may be had on ap plication to the Principals, Attleborough P 0., Basu county, Pa. ISRAEL GRAHAHB, \ znhl? Szn WEST GBOVE BO ABDING SCHOOL * * FOE GIRLS, at West GKove Station, Chester c6unty, Pa., on the Phila. and Baltimore Gen. E., 40 miles from Philadelphia and 10 from Oxford The Sum mer term will commence on Seeond (Day, the 24 of oth Month next. The course of instruction is extensire and thorough. Terms reasonable Send fora circular. THOMAS P. COftARD. Principal Waet Grove, Chaster county. Pa. Address felo-w2m rjJIORGB A. NEWBOLD ‘HAVING *** leased BATON ACADEMY, KBNNETT SQUAB!, Chester county, expects to commence a Spring Session there the llth of Fourth Month (April.) For circulars, /address Geo A. Newbold, Montg. co ,Pa, till the 4th Inst* or Wm, Chandler, Bennett Square, Chester county, Fa. mh!2-lm* VILLAGE GBEEN BEMINABY, * NBAS MEDIA, PA. —Pupils received at any time. Bngltsh, Mathematics, Classics, and Natural Sciences taught. Military Tactics, Book-keeping, and Civil Xn riueerin* taught. Bntiie expenses about S 3 per Week. Boys of all ages taken. Befers to Win, B Ken. ax* Sheriff; John 0. Capp 4* Co,, 80. 23 Sooth Third etreett and Thomas J, Clayton. Bsq., Fifth and Prime streets. Address Ber. J. HAKYBY BABTOJI, A. M., Yillais Green, Pa. no6.kf insurance: companies. T7ORMAN P. HOLLINSHEAD’S A INSUBANCJB .AGENCY. No. 319 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. IXBVRAXCBB—. Fire. Marine. Inland, ani Life, effected In responsible and ‘Well-known companies. Without charge to applicant for services. nine years of practical experience and extensive A6> Qn&lßtavc* id his basinets is & guarantee that all matters entrusted to Mb care will be correctly attended to Aaent for the following well-known and reliable com panies: M Howard Insurance Company, of New York (1825); Sami T. Skidmore. Fres’t; Henry A. Oakley, Sec Irving Fire In* turance Company, or New York (1852); JffaSOH Thompson. Pres’t; MartlnTL. Crowell, Sec. Adriatic fife Insurance Company, of New York (1959); William A. Seaver, Pres’t; Frank W. Lewis, Sec. Commercial Fire Insurance Company, of N-iw York (lSfiO); Joseph Petit, Pres’t; M V. B. Fowler, Sec. Mercantile Fire Insurance Company, of New York (1862); William A Thompson, Pres’t; John Baker, See. Albany City Fire Insurance Company, of ALbany.New York O&oO); William Tillinghaet, Pres’t. John H. Sloe, Sec. “• Statement of Affairs of MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York December SI, 1863: 5200,000 00 31,360 52—5282,360 69 Invested as follows; Cash in bank and onh&nd. mn» $11,260,52 Bonds and mortgages, first liens on real e5tate.,...... 164,950 00 Unites States bond*. 7 3 10 and certificates - 67,000 00 Csll loans, secured by bank stock. 800 00 Interest accrued 350 00—5234,860 Si Losses unpaid—none. FOEMAN P. HOLLINBHEAD. Agent, mb2l*mwf6t No. 319 WALNUT Street, Phils. Gash capital..** Surplus "FAME INSURANT A Vo. 406 OHSS 1 PHILAD] FIRS AXJ> UTLA « « ' PI»BO Francis V. Back, Charles Richardson. Henry Lewis, O. W. Daris, P. 8. Justice, George A. West. FB*NGIS V. _ CHIB. HlCfi w. I. Blakoeabp. Becrel OF REMOVAL. The undersigned would Inform their friends and the ftom ®“ SPLENDID NEW WABEBOOMS, No. 918 ARCH BVREETf where they will continue the sale of GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, COAL-OIL BURNERS, &C. associated with our house Hr. OHABLH (formerly the Principal Designer for GomaUus • Baker,) Wear. now prepared to execute order, for G«» Fixture, of all grades anddßsUn., from Ore Dtatnut to o>t meet massive and elaborate. VAN KIRK * 00., felfl-Sm Ifo. 91* ARCH STRBIT. BBOWN STOUT, SCOTCH ALE, B 1 THE CASK OE DBZKN. ALBERT CL ROBERTS, DEALER IN TINE GBOOBKIBB. Corner BLBV2NTH And VTSTB fttreele mm 08. FINE, PBAOTIOAIi DENT BHHff TIST for the last twenty years. iUS TINE Bt.. below Third, inserts the most beautiful TEETH of the age, mounted on fine Hold, Piatina, Silver. Vulcanite, Ooralite, inter, etc.» at prices, for neat and substantial wotk. more reasonable than any Dentist in this city or State. Teeth olunaed to lait for life. Artificial Teeth repaired to suit Ho P»)u la extraottui, AU work war. ranted to at. Boforenee, best families, mhhs-fim tgafej GOBBEOT PIANO TUNING. n ITT I *-Mir. O. B. BABGBNT’B Orders for Tuning and Rensjrinn Ptauoe are received at MABOjiiOOt Btore, IHtT OHBStrNIiT Btreet, onto. . _ Hr. 8. has had eleven rears'factory experience In Bee>. TSrmi'&r '“**** Hl«f j£kb“p. ~gsa.ha.hl; __ Prinelpali. iCE COMPANY, 3TNUT BTBRET. >BIiPHIA. __ usd iHsmuircß. OTOBB. John W. Erernuut. Robert B. Potter* John geaaler, Jr,. H. D Woodraff* Charles Stolcea. Joaeph D. Bllle. BUCK.-PreMdent. jLßDgoifi Vlee PnalduA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers