Tiew Jersey Annual Conference of the 91. E. Church. CKepoxted for The Press ] FIFTH DAY. BuidqbtoNj March 7j 1864. For many year* it has been cuatomary-to hold a temperance meeting on Saturday evening, at the •eacioa of the OoufpMßMj to D 8 iUUTCIICd by IQ6!Qi ben of the Conference. The one arranged for Satur* evening last was held in Grose up’s Hally which was filled to overflowing. It was addreued by Rev#. Gr. K. Snyder. K, V. liawrenoe. J. F. More 11, and S. Faiker. The good cause of temperance was ably advocated by these reverend gentlemen, and many vent away not only with their convictions deepened, but their purpciti renewed to wage war against tae giant evil of intemperance. The Sabbath cervices were extremely interesting and ben* fieial. At 8# o'clock a meeting lor the relation of Christian experience, under tne blessed influence of which the tide of feeling rose V At IOK o’clock, in the Comiuarce-Btrect Biiliop Slmp«m pitched » “It the “S* Mimon&omAeUS, chHp.3j,Md ofl Qf deMunß elution ol o , K M . Strat . took pLee.woeu the B«nop Hawltt> a!!ll Rl sh*rd Irai, S G B“ three local ministers—to thlt otliie or <5 . M>« building m not only Snfbut n‘ii!itedcß were obligeil to go away unable “fetnernoou, to the Trinity MLE. Ohuroh, „rr /; Hughts preached ineffective discourse from H.h 7 “5 after which the tolemu serviced the Aroinstioa’ of eiders took place, the Biahop, by the !,7So,ition or hands, setting apaitto this holy office p fisriranflt, W. Beevea &. K. Morris W. Bsr natt I). Moore, and W. J. Abbott. A very high order of religious ieelieg prevailed throughout the service, and. indeed, haa attended all the services from the biguining, ruing higher and higher with each tenure, Horn day to day, very materially aided by the excellent music of the choirs in these two chmebt s, under the leadership of Messrs. Maul and Call The members of the Conference are very oleasantiv enteitained here. In a truly catholic and friendly rpirit me members of other churohe. “ye come forward, with those of the M. E. Church, .nri invited the members of the Conference to share during their .tay here. Minister, of other rommunlons invited memOers Of the Con ference to till their pulpits, and yesterday several of them preached in the different churches ol the town and surrounding country. ’Conference openEd tnis morning in the usual man tier bv S- Rueling. U J r tLe election of trustees of “Pennington. Se mteary,” “Ceuteanaiy Fuad and Preachers’ Aid Society,” and other officers of various Conference societies, aud the reading and adoption of various At 10 o’clock the Conference proceeded to the solemn service of tne administration of the Cord’s Supper. The service was conducted by the Bishop, assisted by Revs S. Rusliog, E. Page, W. A. Wil der Dr. Browu, and various other ministers. The services were sr-lemn and impressive* At the cGßclueion, the obituary of the Rev. G. W, Batchelder was read amid the tears of the aaaem blv and commecdatciv remarks and remizriauences were indulged in by various ministers. Rev Dr. Porter, of bew York, agent of the Book Concern, fiddreared the Conference ia a very happy manner on the publishing interests of the Church, representing the flourishing state of the Book Con cern doing the trying season through which the country to j^sing. THE CITY. Tlieimoiuctcr MARCH 7. 1563. MARCH 7- 1864. fl A. M ISM.M.aP. M. 41 „ ,40 43 36K --46 53 W.SD. WIND. ,KK NE NKW Nff NTT MNW... A Comparison of some of the Meteoro logical Phenomena of the Winter of 1863-4, with that of 1862-3 anil of the same season for thirteen years, at Philadelphia, Penns., Barometer 60 feat aboye mean tide in the Delaware riyer Latitude 39 deg. K- : longitude 73 deg. 10>£ min. W. from Oreenwicb. H'S ,T»ne» A. iiirupstnck, A. M,. 1 • Winter. Winter. Winter. 1562-41562-3 1863-4 1862 3.. 13 years. Tliermartititr- Highest degree 65.00° 64 00® 71 «P Do go. date...• Jar.29th. Dec. 15th. Dec. 2 iS'9. Warmest day. xte&n-.- 54.17 5S 33 62 89 Do do date-**- Dec l3th. Jan Usth. Dec 19.1550. lowest degree i. 06 5.00 5.50 Do do date..... Feb.l7ih. Feb. 6th. Jan. 23.1557. Coldest day. mean 7.00 11.17 1.00 Do do date Feb. 17th Feb. 4th. F. 7.‘55; S,’6l Mean, daily o c,lt»tion. 14 10 13 07 12-84 Do. do. range 6 52 6 53 g > t Do at7A fit 59.44 32.22 29-74 Do'at 2PM 89.06 S 9 47 37.33 Do" at 9P. 51 33 89 35.13 33.19 Do! forthe -winter.-- *4-46 35 6i 3-3.69 Hi*hest?*inches I 30.495 In in. I SO. 704 in. *Do date Dec. 7th 4th- Jan.2S.iSs3. Dreatest daily iu. pree. SO 423 3u 663 [ Do do do. aat* Dec. ith Jnu JbLh. Lowest, inches 29 167 29.127 Do date Dec 14th Jen. 16th. Least daily dtanpies.. 29.341 ii).2PS Do. do. do- date- Dec. 14th Jan 16th. . Mean daily rcrjrs.**"- G.2£4 0.24.3 Mean at 7 A. M. 29.692 2* PS} Do at2P- X 29.841 29 913 Do! at 9 P. M -29.897 <9.955 Do. for ihe winter. -- 29. >77 29.944 29.933 Force of Vapor. Greatest, iccius 0.456 in 0.462 in. 0.551 in. Do cate Dec.Hib, Jan.lSih. Dec. 2,1659. Least* inches- - ---•—.■ -*2il .127 -013 Do. date |Feh.l7th. Jan 4th. Feb. 6.1855 Mean at 7 A. M ••••; .154 .130 Do. Bt2P M - 1 *139 .162 .160 Do. at9?.M I -l-U .160 .US Do. for tee wlattr- .j .139 .IK) .151 Relative Hvrniditj/. ! •3reateet, per cent { Do- date ;Jan iSth. J 21.F.19 often. Least, pst cent i ■20.0 29 u 20 0 Do Sate !F*b. 22d. Feb. 16th. Feb 2U534. Meanat7A. AJ 1 72 4 *77 9 75.5 Do atSP-M | 54 7 '63.4 65.5 Do. at 9?. M 167.3 -73 5 75 6 Do. for the winter... j 64 8 jVI.6 7.3.2 Cfova#. ! * I i Number of clear days*, i 33 days. j 27 days.! 56 2 days. Do cioTiaydaTsi 6S do. r 63 do. i 64.1 do. Mean eky c< vd7a.m. ■ 55 Do do. 2D. If. |J7 6 ;6S 0 62.2 Do. d->. 9P. M. 145 5 ]RS 7 47. S Do. do.for Winter:s2 9 |6L4 57.4 Rain & Melted Snow, j j Amount in inches i 7 446 in. [10.0771a. 9 599 in. No. of days on which j ! rain or snow-ell j 25 days. jSS days, j 30.6 days. Win ie- Mean direction—from TMynes in 1000. N.S6°W. ! 306 * Less than one-third covered at the hours of observa tion. ■ Guardians of the I^oor.—The regular meeting Of the Board of Guardians of the Poor was held yesterday afternoon, President Dickinson in the chair. The ceceus of the house was reported to be 2,638; same time last years, 2,740; decrease, 102. Daring the past two weeks there were admitted 172; born, 9; died, 30; diechaiged, 119; absconded, 43; indentured, 6; lodging was furnished to 23, and meales to 46 per* tons- The out door relief board reported that the tots) expenditure* for the p»st month. h&d been $7.659.88; number sent to almshouse, 235; the whole number necessary outdoor relief is 12,746, of whom 2,397 are native boro *, 2,831 foreigners, and 7,618 chil dren. The credential! of Joseph B. Townseod, appointed lo fill the place or John *9l. Maris, Esq., resigned, -were presented, and Mr. Townsend was sworn in. Mr. ServeT stated that the president of the Board, having accepted the office of street Inspector, which is a salaried cfllco, un*!er the city government, it would be well to consider whether he was entitled to his seat in this Board, and he also questioned the validity of any acts of toe board, during the occu pancy of the chair by Mr. Dickenson. The Pretid; m stated that he had had the matter under consideration and had taken the advice of counsel on toe subject, that he was informed that there was nothing contrary to law in his holding hi 3 present petition. He had been appointed guardian without solicitation; thatitwasnotoneofemolument and did not interfere with any other position he might bold. He would cheerfuUy vacate his seat if he was cleailj not entitled thereto. The outdoor agent reported the collection of $479.63 for support cases. The commitreo to whom was referred the matter <of the increase of saiaries reported that henoeforth preference be given lo disabled soloiers for employ ment in the houre. The original report of the committee, asking Councils lor an extra appropriation of $6,374 to in crease the salaries of employees of the Almshouse, was taken up. Mr. Lee submitted a substitute declaring it inex pedient at this time to apply to Councils for an ap» propriatlcn for increase of salaries, except those at $2O per month and under. Loat. Mi. Dowry moved that Councils be applied to for an appropriation sufficient to increase all salaries under $5OO per annum forty per cent. Not agreed to. The original resolution, providing for asking Councils for An appropriation of $6,374, was finally agreed to. Mr. Dowry moved that hereafter disabled soldiers be employed by the Board to fill positions ia its charge. Agreed to, Adjourned. The Medal to General Grant. —Mr. John Antrobus. a distinguished artist of Ohioago, is at present in this city superintending the completion of the gold medal to be presented to Major General Grant, under the joint resolution of Congress ap proved December l?»h, 1863. Several designs were received by the committee appointed for the purpose by the President, and that; of Mr. Antrobus was ac cepted aa btiegthe most appropriate and suggestive. The design is completed, aud the engraving will probably be executed in this city. The medal will be of gold, three and a halt inches in diameter. The revert* represents the Goddess of Liberty seated upon a cpneife. A flag drapes over the sphere, and the folds are Jifted by aD eagle in Sight. The right hand of the Goddess holds a laurel wreath Within a shield, upon which is inscribed kt Doasl «on.” The leit hand holds a cornucopia, from which issue the various fruits of the country. Beneath all this are two scenes, representing Vicksburg and Chattanooga, separated by a pyramid of trophies, Hags, ard spears supported on a cannon as the base. Encircling the picture is a wide space representing the Mississippi river, on which are floating com mercial steamers and iron clads. The outer rim contains thirteen stars. On tfle obverse of the medal is a profile bust of Genet al Grant, surrounded by a wide spaoe, in which appear, at tbe bottom, two American flags crossing each other, the folds of which encircle the products of the States over which Grant has carried triumph antly the stars and stripes. The sugar cane, cotton, rice, and tobacco are flourishing under the shadow of the flag. The medal, when completed, will cost about $3,000. The engraver has not yet been chosen. Mr. Antrobus has painted a life-size portrait of General Grant, which row holds a conspicuous place in the collection in the Capitol, and is said to be a very faithful picture. Passed Examination.— The following students of tbe Free Military School for the in stiuction of officers for colored troops have passed a successful examination before the bOArd of ex aminers at 'Washington: Andtew J. Krause, late first lieutenant, Ist Dela ware Yola., lor major. Edward Dc Buck, late flrat lieutenant, I18!h Penn sylvania Yoib., tor major. Woodward, civilian, for captain late first lieutenant, 85th New “ lTU1 “. for captain. Oo J^f, e for°fif.t 14tb L». H*Parbtmst, civilian, for first lieutenant. Morris J. btaffoid, sergeant,l4th Regiment Invalid -Oorps, for second lieutenant. v u William Jt. West, sergeant, 119fch Pennsylvania Voll.l for second lieutenant, y an ' a Milton Im Allen, private, 27th Indian* Vols for second lieutenant. * “ M ,or This makes thirty-seven students that have been before the board, all of whom have passed. The Firemen and the State House Bell. —A meeting will be held to-morrow evening at the hall of the Phoenix Hose Company, Seventh and Filbert streets, by members of the fire depart ment. to fake action relative to the order of the Mayor prohibiting the ringing of the State House bell in case of fire, except when necessary for a ge neral alarm. The order of the Mayor is distasteful to a large portion of the fire department, though a blessing to the general public. The fire companies now require a man to be at each engine house con stantly to wait for alarms. From Foreign Ports. — The bark Blon del, Captain hlilliken, arrived at this port, yester day, from Calcutta, bringing 900 bags ginger, 1,152 bags saltpetre, 5,974 bags and 2,000 pookets linseed, 100 bales goat skins, 76 bales cow hides, 75 bales but* ifclo hides, 102 cases shellac. 101 case* lac dye, 359 bales gunny ban. The brigßer.j.mln Carver, Captain Perry, alto ar. rived, yeatercay, non Mayaguez, p. R , with 236 tihrta., 100 bblr. sugar, and 60 hhds. of molasses. The Sanitary Fair.—There will be a large meeting, on TO*P”d»y evening, at the acade my of Hullo, of the friende of the United state# Sani tary Commlsßlon. The meeting i. called to take into OOMMeratlonthe pniimta.ry rtepu r o r holding a gnat Central Fair In w» “v.“Jnext, tbs object has tbe sympathies and best wishes of every j>miantmopiivt gaa Si'ORTiKO Match E> d rno in ADiBaKACK • pul Kow.—The locg-'Mkea-ol pigeon .ehootlpß matoh between John Taylor, th~^}?r Jereev Bov of Philadelphia, commenoed at the 6>uf folkFartr in the eoulhern part of the Twenty vMferday afternoon, but the whole affrdr^nded^in^a disgraceful row. ’From a gentle who w*« prerent we learn that aeveral hundred wwoea were prelent, many of them being £Uly interested in the sport. The judge. “"4 ail appointed and properly stationed, and the exciting game commenced; The shooting was excellent, but, towards the last, the Jersey*Boy missed three or four straight birds, when the ory of “fcul,” “foul,” was raißed. This was reiterated with the additional cry of, “he is selling out.” The friends of both parties beosme very much excited, and ** confusion worse confounded ** increased every moment. It was not long before the parties as sumed more belligerent positions, and they entered into a few personal or individual fights, which speedily became entirely free. Such a scene was not expected. The contending parties were not in terfered with j but the struggle did not last long. The result was that about one hundred, men had their eyes clothed in the habiliments of deep mourn* icg• their faces lacerated; their nasal protube rances flattened and phlebotomized; their heads swelled and their ribs punched. During the mutual pummelling of devoted sconces, two pistol shots were fired, but nobody was hurt from this effort to give eclat to the occasion. . . . The shooting match was arranged for onehunarea bird*, the amount of-mone? Staked being $5OO. An* other match had been made to t*ke place between Meaarr. William Carton and John Taylor, for the tame amount of money and fifty birds, and the time fixed wa» thia afternoon. Abmy Hospital Report.—The following report of the Army Hospitals of the Department ef the Susquehanna, for the week ending Maroh sth. was received at the Medical Director’s office on Mondavj HOSPITALS. West Philadelphia Germantown Christian street—*. South street Broad and Prime . Summit House CouTa-lescent, 16th and Filbert. Fv*rt Mifflin.. • • Officers’, Catnac’s woods. Chester........ • • Sixty-fifth and Vinestreeta..... Islington Lane****.* Post at Chambersburg Cpir.p Curtin. McClellan York, Pa Turner’s Lane Relieved from Duty.—Tie following older was received at the Medical Lireetoi’. office vealerday: Hbadqttahtbrs Dbp’t of thk Susquehanna, Ohamuhnsbuko, Pa , March 1. 1864. Suectal Orders, No. 46 —Wallace M. Purcell, M. D., an acting awiatallt surgeon, i« hereby re lit vtiKrom duty in the Medical Department of the Department of the Susquehanna, for endeavoring to compel a wounded officer under charge or Surgeon H. Palmer, United States volunteers, in charge cl York Hospital, to pay for medical and surgical treat ment, when he was receiving a salary from the Government for hi. services as a surgeou and phy sician. By command of Major General Couch. * ■ JOHN L. SCHULTZ, Assistant Adjutant General. A true copy, furnished to surgeuns in charge of hospitals, who aie dnected to publish the same in their respective hospitals. JOHN CAMPBELL, Surgeon U. S. A., and Medical Director. Arrival of the 69th Regiment P. V. —The 69th Regiment P. V., Colonel Davie command jpg, arrived at the depot, Broad and Prime streets, about ten o’clock yesterday morning, from Brandy Station. There were nearly two hundred in the re* giment, all of whom have re-enlisted for the war, and received a furlough for an indefinite period of time. They were met at the ddpdt by a committee of Councils and the Henry Guards, Captain Spear, accompanied by the Liberty Cornet Band. The line was formed on Washington avenue, and then pa raded to the Tolunteer Refreshment Saloons, where a collation was set out for them, which they heartily indulged in. When this was over the line was again formed, and they marched over the following route: Dp to Third street, up Third to Tine, up Vine to Sixth, down Sixth to Chestnut, down Chest nut to Fifth, down Fifth to Walnut, where they were dismissed. Mayor Henry reviewed them from Fifth and Chestnut streets. They carried with them the regimental flags, which bore the marks of many a hard*fought battle. iDef isMsM. ' Dbpabtjient op thk Susquehanna.— 25.941 Surgeon Jno. Campbell, United States Medical Di ' 3 ‘ rector of the above department, has his office at No. 1 T 1103 Girard street, and is assisted by Assistant Sur -o*l7 geon Jno. R. Grier, U. S. A., and the following boa -29 949 pital stewards : George S. Maeser, Edmund Ford, 29 906 Jno. Lyman, George Becker, and Wm. McDonald. 29.935 Officers’ orderly, Wm. G. Rhlnehard. Deaths of Soldiers. — The following deaths of soldiers were reported yesterday: •datterlee Hospital—James McOaipin, Co. I, 109ih. Begiment P. V., died March 7th. Filbert-street Hospital—Jno. Jones, Co. I, 112th Regiment P. V., died March 7th. Anniversary.— The Good Intent Hose and Hook and Ladder Company will celebrate their sixtieth anniversary by a ball, this evening, at the Sansom street Hall. This company has always borne the reputation of being among the most worthy of our fire organizations. Accidentally Shot.—Yesterday, a co lored girl named Emetine Johnson, aged 16 years, was accidentally shot below the right knee, by the falling of a pistol from the hands of a youDg man. She was taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital. [Before Mr. Alderman Beitler.l Single «r Case of Larceny. Morris Neelis and his wife were arraigned at the Central Station, yesterday afternoon, on the charge of the larceny ol $100.12, belonging to Margaret Bromley, recently of Trenton, N, J.j but now resid ing in this city. The facts or this case are some what complicated, though interesting. It seemß that cn FrldajMftemoon Mrs. B. stopped at a shoe store on Second street, above Arch, to purchase a pair of shoes for a little child she had in her compa* ny. On feeling for her pocket-book, she discovered that it was gone. An advertisement was inserted in the Ledger, and on Saturday morning a little boy, named John Campbell, called upon the loser, at her residence, on Twenty*third street, between Locust and Spruce, and informed her that a little boy, named Johnny Neelis, found the pocket-book on Second street, near Arch. The woman hastened to the parents of the finder, and made known her loss. The father and mother, who are defendants in this case, were insolent, and drove Mrs. Bromley away, alleging they knew uotoirg about the money. The little boy who found it has been kept out of the reach of the police. 9QIt seems that Mr, Neelis purchased a barrel of flour, and when questioned as to the kind of money be paid for it, replied that he had sold a flve-dollar gold piece at 6?>£c premium, and thus obtained enough to pay the amount required. The person from whom the article was purchased was subse quently found, and on being questioned, remembered telling a barrel of flour to Neelis, who tendered a $lO note Trenton Banking Company in payment, and received his change. Mrs. Bromley had accumulated the amount lost, by economy 7 and industry, and had placed it in the Trenton Banking Company. Desiring to reside in Philadelphia, and wishing to start a little cake and candy shop, drew the money from that institution in its own issue, and arrived here on Thursday or Friday, we believe. N. 64)1° W. 295 Another interesting point is furnished by the little boy Campbell; he says that Johnny Neelis picked the pocket-book up, and halloed out “ all my owns,” and then ran into the house; he then paeped through the window, and saw Johnny’s mother counting out the notes. These are tbe main facts in brief. The defendants were committed for a hearing to take place to-morrow. [Before Mr Alderman Malicious mischief. Two men and. two women were arraigned yester day on the charge of malioious misobief, in breaking things generally in the room of a “tenant house,” on Fineatreet, above Sixth. It seems the husbands of the two women are in the army. On Sunday afternoon the two male defendants called to see the female defendants, and, from all accounts, indulged in various acts of illegality. The entire party drank so freely of intoxicating liquors that it seemed to be rare sport for them to smash doors, tear down shelves, rip up carpets, and throw ohairs and other things out of the window. The principal occupant of the house is a German, named Chas. Whiteman. He was almost frightened to death at the outrageous conduct of the defendants. The latter treated the proceedings before the magistrate with a great deal oflevity, but ebaoged their demeanor entirely upon being required to enter bail in - the sum of $1,200 to answer at court. [Before Mr. Recorder Bnea. 3 Serious Case 0/ enlisting Minors. William H. Martin was arrested yesterday by De tective Adam Trefts, on a process issued by the United State* authorities, charging him with enlist ing minors, by forging the parents’ written consent. There were four minors enlisted. The parents of two of them, John P. Campbell and Martha Barber, entered the proceedings to have" their childdren released. The ages of the boys are from 14 yeaTs to 17. The defendant was ordered to give bail to await a further hearing to take place at half past 12 o’clock to-day. [Before Mr. Alderman White. 1 The case of Mr. Kelly, charged with the larceny of ahorse, the property of John Speakman, before re ported, was finally disposed of yesterday. The counsel for the defense, B. H. Brewster, Esq., con tended in a forcible manner that tbe charge of larce ny, under the circumstances, could not be sustained, and felt quite sure that the defendant would be dis charged upon a Writ of habeas corpus. The magi strate, without expressing his opinion as to the merits of the case, returned the case to court, rather than assume the responsibility of dismissing it. The defendant entered bail. [Before Mr. Aldermen Devlin, j Pickpocket in a Cliurcli. John Anion is the name given by a young man who was arraigned on the charge of pickiug the pocket of a lady in St. Michael’s Church, at Second and Jefferson streets. The amount of money missed by the lady is sixteen dollars. The defendant was ordered to enter bail in the sum of $2,000 to answer at court. [Before Mr. Alderman Jones. 3 Larceny*of a Horse and Wagon. Charles Moore, a colored boy*was arraigned yes terday, on tne charge of the larceny of a horse and wagon, the property of a countryman. The accused was required to enter bail in the sum of $5OO to an swer at court. CBofore Mr. Alderman McMollinJ. Alleged Robbery. Elizabeth Johnson, one of the residents of the classic locality of St. Mary and Seventh streets, was arraigned yesterday morning on the charge of steal ing the sum of $35, belonging to a man who hap pened to take a stroll in that neighborhood. The accused was committed. THE COURTS. / Supreme Court In Banc—Woodward* Chief Justice,and Thompson* Strong, and Read, Justices. The Berke-county list was taken up yesterday, and the following cases thereon argued : Zimmerman vs Zimmerman. Argued by J. J°m»i Esq., for plaintiff in error, and by J Req-, lor defendant in error. " ,“ an i y»- Becttel. Argued by J. Hoffman, *»&££ bJ Georse X continued °»™? e ,Ju ent t5 6 ' 1 ic a few eaiea, other, were ooSH 110 n ibe 1M bsin * 'posed of, the Supreme PHns-Judge The Commonwealth v*. j. Brook.. The m.i this eaae, In which the defendant l« charzert* counterfeiting and u»ing the tiade-mark in' ented aud uied by Aaron Priest for an article known ai‘‘Bari low’. Indigo Blue,” wa« continued and concluded yesterday. Prieat claim, the right to use the trade mark, by virtue of purohaae and transfer of the same from one Oscar Francis Barlow, and the pa pers to that effect executed, a few years since, be fore Alderman Devlin by a man named Barlow, were offered and admitted in evidence to sustain the claim. The defence denied that aoy such man as Oscar Francis Batlow waa ever in the city, and in fact that there was any sueh man; that tbe p sper relied upon was executed by Barlow, and alleged that it was a forgery and spurious. Witnesses were also produced to show that Prieat and his two brothers, who were witnesses Mi behalf, and wore alleged to have been connected with him at various times ia bull* ness, had made many contradictory and Incompati ble fftatementi in regard to the maufiK la Wbi3ir hi THE POLICE. had become possessed of the right to use the partiou lar trade-mark In controversy. . Tl „,„ After very full and explicit instructions by Judge Ludlow as to the law of “ trade-marks »*'’ *he rights of those inventing them, the oll, ° '?.*! to the jury, who had not rendered a verdict when the court adjourned. ... John Brown, a very old mxn. ployed in the “gunner’a depArtmonlj «thfl atvy ‘yard, was oonvfcted of the larceny ol Mae compo sition gun. tackle blocks, whlcn he pawned at a junk shop. Brown stated that he had been In toe naval service for more than forty-four years, bentenoe deferred. Adjourned. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. ISRAEL MORRIS. I JOS. <l. GKUBB. JCOKfiITTEB Or THE MOUTH. EDMUND A. SOPPBB.J Arrival and Sailing of the Ocean Steamers. TO ARRIVE SHIPS . . T. VEON FOB DATE. City ol Limanck .Liverpool Now York Fob SO Bavaria-. .. Southampton... New York Feb. 13 City of N. York. Liverpool New York t ab. 21 Peruvian.- Liverpool Portland Feb. 25 Australasian Liverpool New York Feb. 27 Teutonia. . -Southampton. ■ New York Mar. 3 Nova Scotian Liverpool Portland Mar. S Arabia.. Liverpool.*... .805t0n*......... Mar. 5 Germania bouthampton..New York...... Mar. 8 . . .. TO depart. Asia. New York Liverpool ..Mar. 9 New York Havana Mar. 9 York*.,.,.j?ewdrl-an* — .Mar. 9 Matsu zap New York JBav. AN. 0.... Mar 10 Geo. Cromwell.. Sow York .New Orleans.. .Mar. 12 j»tha... New York Liverpool .Mar. 12 Bremen New York .Bremen Mar 12 Illinois.. New York. Asplnwall* Mar 14 Canada... Boston Liverpool Mar 16 Bavarra New York Hambnrn Mar-19 Morning Star.... New York Hav. & N 0.... Mar. 19 Oi uiader ~Bew York. *. ■ King aton, Ja•.* Mar, 21 LETTER BAGS AT THJS MBRO HANTS’ EXCHANGE, FHILADBLPHIAi Brig Cygnet. Croscnp Barbados, soon. Brig Albert Adams. Cammine.. ..Martinique, Ac., soon. bchr Responsible (Bt), caville St. Thomas, so^n. Scbr Henry Nutt, Baker Port Spain, toon. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHIIdU>EIiPHIA,MarcIi 7* 1804. SUN RISES-.,... HIGH WATER.. .6 16 * SUN SETS.. ..♦***.»—~s 41 .2 15 ARRIVED Bark BJondel. Mnlliken, 156 davs from Calcutta, with, saltpetre, linseed. &c. to Cartis * Knight. Bark Champion,Tracy, 6 days from Boston, with, mdse loTweUs&Co . Bark Geo S Hunt, Woodbury. 15 days from New Or leans, Is b&U&it to 5 A Souder & Co. Brig Beoj Carver. Perry, 24 days from Mayaguez.P R, with sugar. &c. to John Mason & C*. Brig G F Geary, Ward. 4 days from Alexandria, in ballast to captain. * fcchr Brandywine, Corson-6 days from New York.wlth mdse to 9 Cooper. Scbr Clara, Me gathlir« 7 days from Boston, with mdso to Crowell * Col lins. Scbr B. B Dean, Dean, 5 days from Taunton, in ballast to?welis&Co. Scbr 8 Wa»bbnrn, Thrasher, 5 days from Taunton, with mdee to Tw6l)s A Co. Scbr Mary Fletcher, Tracey. 6 days from Boston, with mdse to TweHs ACo - - • Schr Responsible. S&vitie, 5 days from Baltimore, with rocse to C C Var>Horn. ' . . . Schr G H Hynson. Shaw, 5 days from Beaufort, In ballast to captain. „ , _ . _ , - iChr Focabontaa : Berry, 7 days from Port Soyal, in ballast to captain. • _ ’ _ Schr E C Howard. Raymond. 7 days from Port Royal, jp ballast to captain Schr Eliza Neal, Weaver. 5 days from Foil Monroe, in ballast to captain Schr Frtemason Furman, 1 day from Indian River, Del, will corn to James L Bawley St Go. Scbr Mantua. Maxou. 1 day from Frederica, Del, with corn to James Barratt tchr Liberty. Williams, 2 days from Milford,Del,with com to James Barratt. £chr Lucy, Spence, 1 day from Brandy wine, Del, with corn meal to R M Lea. CLEARED. Brig Olivia (Braz). Marinho, Rio de Janeiro, John Mason & Co. Brig J W Drlsko, Bachman, Matanzas, John Mason 4r Co. Scbr Typhoon, Orcutt. New Orleans, E A Souder A Co. Schr l\y. Clieeseman, Norwich, L Andenried Sc Co. Schr BRiott, Ccbb, Fortress Monroe. Tyler a Go. Schr Aid. Ireland, Poriresa Monroe, Tyler Se Co. Schr Buena YLsta, Lynch, Alexandria, Tyler St Co. Schr £ H Sharp, May new. Port Royal, Tyler St Co. Schr J B Allen. Allen, Nantnoket, Castner. Stickney, & Wellington. Schr R H Wilson. Mall. Fall River Reppllsr & Bro. Schr Thomas Potter. Backett, New Bedford, Repplier St Bro. Scbrtfarr CBr). Tobin. Halifax, Kennedy. Stairs.&Go. £cbr New Jereey, Morris, Providence, L Andenried & Co. Schr Bolivar, Adams, Fall River, Castner, Stickney, & Wellington. Schr Nightingale. Beebe, Providence, Baumgardner St Co *chr C Atwater, Backett, Boston, R N Rathbun. Schr N Tyler, Ogden, Alexandria, Tyler & Co. tchr Geo Henry, Shute, do. do. . St’r J S Shriver Dennis, Baltimore, AGrovee, Jr. St’r Leader, Callahan. Alexandria, Phos Webster, Si r Beverly, Fierce, New. York, w P Clyde. MEMORANDA. Ship Kate Prince, Libby, hence via Acapulco, at Cal lao 2Stb Jan, and sailed POth for Chinchas. Ship Lhzie Oakford, Rncke, at Callao sth ult from Chinchas. and sailed 11th for England. Ship Harry of the West. Cotton, at Callao 2Sth Janu ary, from Ban Francisco, and Bailed sth nit,Tor Ohin chas. ShipAstrea. Simpson, from Chinchas, at Callao 31st Jan, and sailed 6th nit for France. Ship Frank Flint, Colley, at Callao Ist ult, from Chin chae. and sailed Stb for England. Ship Piinctton, Wainack, at Callao 10th ult, from Pa nama. Bark Linda. Hewitt, sailed from Saeua 27th. ult for this port. Bark T:pto (Br> was chartered at Valparaiso 31« t Jan to load nitrate at lquique for this port. Bark Paladin. Brown, from Rio Janeiro for New York, was spoken Sunday off Cape May. Brig A G Cattell. Wat&on. hence at Sagua 26th ult. Biig Anna Wellington, Johnson, hence at Cardenas 26th ult. ~ Brig Jaboat&o (Br&z). Cnnha, 28 day s from Pernambu co. with cotton. &c. at New York on Sunday. Steamship Geo Cromwell. Post, from New Orleans 27th. u'fc. at New York yeeteiday, Qa the bar at SW Pass, saw ship John CJark, bound in. Schrs Nan ilas. Filisbury; Active, Fisher, and J Ac horn. Gregory, herce at Boston 6th iu«t. LEGAL. A BMINISTBATOR’S SALK—A PUB LIC-Sale of Household Goods—Furniture, Beds. Bedding. Linen, China—belonging to Estate of HANNAH! HEDCOGK. deceased, will be held at E. R- HEDCOCK'B. HOOK L&ne, b.low Darby, on 6th day, 10. h inst:, at 1 o’clock. Terms, cash. mh7*4t* A DMINISTBATOR’S SALS. WILL be sold, at public vendue. *t the residence of Jacob T-Bunting, deceased, at JULIUSTOWN. Burling ton county, N. J., on THURSDAY next, the loth of March, 1664, the foliowiog described STOCK, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, Ac.; 3 horses, (one of tbem a superior St Charles horse, coming 6 years old); 2 brood mares. 3 Patchen colts, (one of tbem coming two years old; two of them coming one year old); 2 mules. (3 and 4 years old); 3 superior cows, 1 heifer, (2 years old): 7 yearling heifers, (Orange connly stock): 2 two*horse carriages, with pole and shafts; 1 flail-top carriage, 2 light market wagons, 2 two boree open wagons. 1 one-horse do., 1 cart and harness, stalk cart. 2 sets double carriage harness, 3 sets single harness, I ret leather work harness, 1 set raw hide do., ploughs.harrows cultivators, forks, hoes, I root cutter. 1 hand cider mill. 1 patent straw cutter, 75 bushels buck wheat, 300 bushels corn. Alto, about 7 acres wheat and Vi acres rye, is the ground- Also, household goods and kitchen furniture, in their usual variety. Also, 4 shares stock of the Mount Holly and Jobstown Turnpike Company; and 6 shares stock of the Burlington* county Railroad Company. Pale to commence at 12 o’clock noon. Terms—Under s2o,cash; over $2O. a credit of 6months, with approved security, will be given. A. S. LETCH WORTH, roh7-3t* Administrator. T ETTERS TESTAMENTARY UPON -*-* the estate ef JOHN PhSCHALL having been granted to the undersigned* all persons Indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment* and those having claims will present them to GEORGE HORNS, Darby Township. HENRYH PASCHALZi, Brat-dywine Hundred. Del. BBNJ. PASCHALL. Twenty-fourth Ward, PhiU. Or to their Attorney, £ S PASCHALL, 715 WAL3UT Street. fe-9-tu6t T ETTEBS TESTAMENTARY UPON the Estate of CONSTANTINE CLIFFORD, late of the city of Philadelphia* dec’d, having been granted to tne undersigned, all persons indebted to the Estate are requested to mafee payment, and those having claims against the same 'will present them without delay to MARI CLIFFORD. Executrix, No. 1107 WALHU - Street. Or to her Attorney* J. BLODGET BRITTON, fe!6-tn6.* No. 430 WALNUT Street. NOTICE LETTERS EXEOUTO RY upon the Estate of ELIZABETH CHRISTMAN, de ceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons having claims against said Estate are requested to make known the same* without delay* to SARAH C. SAUEBBIER* ? *»«*.«*/*»» WILLIAM CHRISTMAN,} «ecutor3. fe9»tu6t* Oia RACE Street. XTOTICE—LETTERS TESTAMENT A RY to the Estate of JOHN BhOCK, deceased, having been granted io the undersigned, alt persons is* debted to the Estate are requested to make payment, and. those having claims against the said Estate to present them to ± P- BROCK, B. S.' BROCK, , »58 South TtllKD Streat. fel6.tr6t* TTNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS- U TRXCT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SOT. THE PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OP THE EASTERN DISTRICT 07 PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: WHEREAS. The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, hath decreed all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the sloop LIDA, whereof J. Q. A. Bailer was master, her tackle, apparel, and furni ture, captured by the United States ship Seminole, a vessel of war of the navy of the United States, to be monished, cited, and called to judgment, at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed, (justice so requiring.) Yon are, therefore, charged ana strictly enjoined ana commanded, that you omit not, bnt that by publishing these presents in at least two of the'' daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Philadelphia, and iu the Legal In* telligencer, you do monish and cite, or cause to be monished ana cited, peremptorily, all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or into* rest in the said sloop LIDA, her tackle, apparel, and furnHure-'to appear before the Honorable JOHN CAD WALADER, the Judge of the said court, at the Dis trict Court room* in the city ofPhiladelphia, on the twen tieth day after publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day following, between tbe usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said sloop LIDA her tackle, apparel, and furniture, should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of ihe capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, aid as goods of their enemies or otherwise liable and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prize*; and further to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall ap pertain. And that you duly intimate, or cause to be inti mated, unto all persons aforesaid, generally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above men tioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudication on the said capture, and may pronounce that the said sloop lid A, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, did belong, at the time of the capture of the same,, to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to con fiscation and condemnation, to be adjudged and con demned as lawful prize, the absence, or rather contuma cy. of thepersous so cited and intimated m anywise not withstanding, and that you duly certify to the said Dis trict Court what you shall do in the promises, together Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this third day of MARCH, A. D. 1864, and in the eighty-eighth year of the Independence of the said United States. mhs-3t G. R. FOX. Clerk District Court. THOMSON’S LONDON < 7 >a kitchener, or European range, for fa ■EHramilleg. hotels. or public institutions, in TWENTY DIFFERENT SIZfSB. Also. Philadelphia Ranges, Hot Air Furnaces, Portable Heaters. Lowdown Grates, Firehoard Stoves, Bath Bolters. Stewhole Plates, Broil* ers. Cooking Stoves, &c., at wholesale and retail, by the manufacturers. • „ GHi.SE SHARPS. St THOMSON, No 300 N. SECOND Street. mhl-tnthsfim mm DR. FINE, PRAOTIUAL DEN. TIST for the last twenty years. 5119 VINE St., below Third, inserts the most beautiful TEETH of th< ace, mounted on fine Gold, PlatUia, Silver, Vulcanite, Coralite, Amber, &c , at prices, for neat and substantia] work, more reasonable than any Dentist in this - city o» State. Teeth plugged to last for life. Artificial Teeth repaired to salt. Ho pain In extracting. All work war> ranted to fit. ■ Reference. oast faralliw jyl-fln TAYLOR’S ARNICA OIL OR EMBKO -•“CiTION never fails to cure Rheumatism, Heuralgia, Sprains, Frot-Ud Feet, Chapped Hands, and all skin dileases Price 25c. and Wholesale and Retail by H. B. TAYLOB.Dragtist.TBHTHandCAbLOWHILE,- mhl-.Sm TUMF.LLE’S COMPOUND SYBUP OF DOCK is successful as a remedy* because those wbc nae It pronounce it the beat - , (70UG8 BTRUP. „ , ta« best Blood Purifier* the most effieieak and the heal cure lor Scrofula ever offered to tee public Bold by tbe proprietor. Jt. JUMBLLs. 153* IUBKBT Street. And all Druwlcta. rjOITON SAIL DUCK AND OANYAS „ of all numbem aud brands. r^ Te ?« I } aci Twjjls. of all descriptions* for Truck aad WEujoa Cover*. _A lso * f »per w&nfacturers' Drier felts, from l to 0 feel riie. TarpaaUa. Bokla*. Sail Twins, A*. _ k , JOSH W. BVKHMIN & 00.. Art-t? Ui JQSKg' 4iUf, THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY. MARCH 8, 1564. nrSURAKCH COMPAWIM. t^elawabe^adtuaiTsafety ■*-' INSURANCE COMP AWT, INCORPORATED BT THE LE3ISLATURK OF PENN- SYLVANIA, IB3S. OFFICE 8- E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT STS., PHILADELPHIA. _ MARINE insurance. ON VESSELS, ) C ARGO. > To all parts of the world. _ ' * INLAND INSURANCES , On Goods, bp River. Canal, Lake, and Lana Carrlace, to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. On Stores. Dwelling Houses. &o. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, NOV. 1, IBBS <lOO,OOO United States Five per cent. L0u>.....t 97.0 M 00 70 000 United States 6 per cent. Loan, 0 20V.. 70,000 00 20,000 United States 6 per cent. Loan. 1881.... 22,000 00 00,000 United States 73-10. percent Treasury Notes 63.230 00 100.000 State of Pennsylvania 6 per cent. Loan 100,097 60 Slate of Pennsylvania 6 per cent. L0an......*. - 67,880 00 123,000 Philadelphia City 6per cent. Loan.*-.* 127,628 00 30.000 Slate of Tennessee 6 per cent. Loan.... 16,000 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, Ist Mortgage 6 pejr cent. Bonds 22,80000 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mortgage 6 per cent Bonds 63.260 00 16,000 900 Snares Stock Germantown Gas Com* pany, principal and interest goaran* tied by the city of Philadelphia 16,000 00 6*ooo 100 Shares Btock Pennsylvania Railroad C0mpany............ 7,220 00 6,000 100 Shares Stock Worth Pennsylvania Railroad Company 2,650 00 21,000 United States Certificates of Indebted* ness * 21,420 00 1123,700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, amply secured 123,700 00 9791,760 Par Cost, 9766,737 12 Market Va1ue....5794,200 60 Real Estate 36.363 36 Bills receivable for Insurances made 107.947 61 Balances due at Agencies—premiums on Marine Policies, accrued interest, and other debts due the Company ~ 28,919 67 Scrip and Stock o? sundry Insurance and other Companies. 96.803. estimated value 3,206 00 Gash on deposit with United States Government, subject to‘ten days caU ...950.00000 Cash on deposit, in Banks.. 38,588 39 . OMhlnl>rftwer«. 2ooBo 118,789 19 DIRE' Thomas 0. Hand, John C- Davis, Edmund A Bonder, Theopilti s Paulding, John R. Penrose. James Traauair, Henry C. Dallett. Jr.. James 0. Band William C. Ludwig, Joseph R, Seal, Dr. &. M. Huston. George G. Leiper Hugh Oraig. Charles Kelly; James 6. Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer Mcll value. John 8. Semple. Pittsburg lA. B. Berger, Pittsburg. THOMAS 0. HARP. President. JOHN C. DAYIS, Tice President; HENRY LYLBPRN. Secretary. J aM rpHE RELIANCE INSURANCE COM PANT of PHILADELPHIA, T«*Amnrat<>4 in 1841. Charter Perpetual. Incorporating No. 308 WALNUT STREET, Insures against loss or damage by FIRE, Gooses, Stores, and other Buildings; limited or perpetual; and on Furniture. Goods. Wares, and Merchandise. CAPITAL 8300*000,"* ASSETS 9367*1811 80, Invested in the following Securities, vis; First Mortgage on City Property, well secured $106,900 00 United States Government L0an5.......... 119,000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent Loans 60,000 00 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 6 per cent. $3,000,000 Loan . 16,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first and second Mortgage Loans.... ►. 86,00000 Camden ana Amboy Railroad Company's 6 per cent* Loss hm. 8.000 00 Philadelphia and Reading Rail road Company's 6per cent. L0an........6,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad 7 per sent. L0an5....... 4,66000 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stocks*. 10,000 00 Mechanics'Bank Stock. ...,♦♦** 4,000 00 County Fire Insurance Company's Stock.. 1,060 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock.*** SSO 00 ReliancelnsuranceCompany of Philadelphia's Stock *♦ 2,600 00 Loans on Collaterals, well secured... - 9.260 00 Accrued Interest,»■,,ioo Calk in bank and on hand* 16,e875$ Worth at present market valuer. Clem Tingley, Wm. R. Thompson, Bamnei Bispham, Robert Steen, William Muster, Charles Lelaud, Benj. W. Tingley, CL] THOMAS C. HILL, Secret Philadelphia, January 4 T7IBE INSUKANCE EXCLUSIVELY, j- -The PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COM PANT. Incorporated 1826. CHAKTEB PERPETUAL. No. 510 WALK OT Street, opposite Independence Square. This Company. favorably known to the community for nearly forty years, continues to insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on Public or Private Bnlldings, either germanently or for a limited time Also, on Furniture. tocksof Goods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, la invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted seeuritrtn the case ° n °““'. ; DIBECTOHS. Jonathan Patterson, Alexander Benson, William Hontelins. Isaac Hulehnrst, „ Henry JONATHAN William Q. Crowell. Be American fire insurance COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT’ Street, above Third, Pkl l&delphia.' Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus In vested in sound and available Securities, continues to Insure on Dwellings. Stores. Furniture. Merchandise, Vessels In port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses promptly adjusted. DIRECTORS. Thomas R. Marls, James B. Campbell, John Welch. Edmund GK Dutilh, Samuel G. Morton, Charles W. Foultney* Patrick Brady, Israel Morris. John T. Lewis, THOMAS 5, MARIS, President. Ilssst C. 1,. Orawto&d. Secretary. faß-tf a nthracite insurance oom- PANT. —Authorized Capital *400,G00-CHARTER PBRPETCJAL. Office No. 311 WALNUT Street; between Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. Thl* Company will insure against low or damage by Fire* on Building!. Furniture* and Merchandize gene* "S&. Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parte of the union. DIRECTORS. William Esher* Paris Pearson, D. Luther, Peter Seiger, Lewis Audenried, J. E. Bairn,. John R. Blaefcistott, Wm. F. Dean, Joseph Maxfield, John Ketcham. WILLIAM ESHER, President. _ WM. F. DEAN, Vise President. W. M. SEira, Secretary. ■_ ap3-tf INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE A STATS OEpPENNSYLVANIA-OFFICE Nos. 4 and • EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North aide of WALNUT Street, between DOCK and THIRD Streets, Philadelphia. INCORPORATED in 1794—CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $200,000. PROPERTIES OP THE COMFAAT. PRBKUART 1. 186 S, *493.829.67. MARINI. PIRN, AND INLAND TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. Henry D. Sherrerd, I Tobias Wagner, Charles Maealester, I Tomas B. wattson, William S. Smith, I Henry G. Freeman, William B White, | Charles S. Lewis, George H. Stuart, I George C. Carson, Samuel Grant. Jr.. I Edward O. Knight. Johnß. Austin. HENRY D. SHERRERD, President. William Harper. Secretary. . nolB-tf QUIT DISOOTART I Applicable to the Useful Arts. A New Thing. its Comblnatlon- Boot and Shoe ManuCMturers. Jewelera FamUlea ft is a U«oU. Xamember- WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF AN TILLEBI—A now French Cosmetic for beautify- Inf, whitening, and preserving the Complexion. It 'ft the most wonderful compound of the ate* There it neither chalk, powder, magnesia, bismuth nor talc In its composition, it beint composed entirely of pure Virgil Wax—hence Its extraordinary dualities for preservlAi the shin, makinjrit soft, smooth, fair, and transparent. It makes the old appear young. the homely handsome, the handsome more beautiful, and the most beautiful divine. Price, 26 and 60 cents. Premured only by HUNT k CO.. Perfumers, 41 South EIGHTH Street! two doors tboTa Cbafamt and, lift South SEVENTH ft dclft-fm MBS. JAMES BETTS’ GELEBBATET "A BCPFOBTEBS FOB LADIES, and the only 8w Mrtere under eminent medlcnl patron...- Ladle, an. lyelclana are respectfully reauestedto .all onir 01 Hr.. BETTS, at her ro«ldenee,lolß WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, (to aTOid connteWelt*. > Thirty >hon»a»i in valid, nave been advised by their phyelgiane to UMhu appliances. Those only are aenulne bearing the United States coprrlfht; label* on the box, and sijpiatures. ani also on tot Bnyporterce twlth i—iiroonl»J«. AtH-iWMt- TTNION STEAM AND WATEB HEATINO COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. HOLD’S PATENT STEAM AND HOT-WATSB HEATER. THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHBNBB. and all other Improved COOKINa APPABATUS. , . _ , Boiler, and Water Basks. Parlor and other Gratae. R«(later, and Ventilators, Eaeke and Jamba, and all things eonneeted with th. above branch of bnatnsaa. _ JAMBS P. WOOD. No. *1 South FOURTH Street. 1. M. FBLTWELL- Superintendent atW-l. REBEL, HERRING, SHAD, A’d- Ac., Ae. -2.500 bbla Maee. No. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, lata-eaught (at flah, in a**orted package.. „ 2,000 bbla New Eoetport, Fortune Bay, and Halllta Lnbec, Scaled, and No. 1 Herring. ISO bbla new Mae. Ebad. 250 bows Herkimer County Cheese. Sc. fo stare and for tale by murpht a kooms. UU tl NO. 149 JOBTa WSABTU. $1,089,425 62 irons* {Robert Barton, ! Ramuel E. Stokes, J. Y. Penlston, Henry Sloan, i William CL Boulton, iEdward Darlington. H. Jones Brooke, Jacob Jones, . *387,211 SS . 399.664 J*6 DIRBOTOBB. Robert Toland, William Stevenson, Hampton £>. Carson, Marshall Hill, J. Johnson Brown, Thos R. Moore. EM TINGLBT* Prwldent air. i, m Thomas Robins, Daniel Smith, Jr. John Devereux* Thomas Smith* Levis. PATTERSOJT. President, leretary. CEMENT, UiSTUIi AID YALUABL2 DISCOTCRY! HIIiTON'B INSOLUBLE CEMENT 1 Is of more general practical utility than any invention now before the public. It has been thoroughly test ed during the last two years by pvaetUal men, and pronounced by all to be SUPERIOR TO ANY Adhesive Preparation knows. HILTOKE INSOLUBLE CEMENT I, a newthlnc, and the reanlt of yesrarof atndr :1 ta aomhinatlon le on SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES. And under no circumstances 02 .bans, of temperatnra, will it be* earn# eorrapt or emit any offensive small. BOOT AND SHOD Manufacturers, using Machine*, will End It the but article known s>r Oemeiitlns the Channels, a. it works without delay, le uot affected by aayehanie of temperatnra JEWELERS Will flnd It sufficiently adhesive for their use, u has been proved. IT II ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO LEATHER. And wc claim m an especial merit, that It stick* Patches and Llnisn to Soots and Bhoec sufficiently strong without stitching. IT IS THE ONLY LIQUID CEMENT SKtaut, that le a sure thins for mendlns rrtNITCBB. CROCKERY. TOTS, •ONE, ivory. And articles ofHousehold uee- BEMEMBEB« niton’s Insoluble Cement I* la a Unuld form, and as sully applied as pasta. HILTON’S INSOLUBLE CEMENT la insoluble In water or oil. HILTON’S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Adheres oily substances. Supplied in Family or Mannfretu rers* Faskages from 2 onnsss to 100 a. aiuro* bkos. « u,, Proprietors, PSOyiDBXCI, N. L Agsats fia FMlladolplila-, LUNG A H&GINNIS, JOSKPII GODFREYACo. No. 38 North FOUBTH St. KAIIiKCAU PENNSYLVANIA railroad.^ Philadelphia fro pittsbubg sso miles double THE SHORT BOOTH TO TUB WEST. Train! leave ihe Depot» Eleventh ml Market etreete. U follow!! ■ |U. » ]| Mall Train «t~~ ■—i S' Test LlneaU... * -IJr *) J- “ S: AceoininodatlonTrtia at*»♦♦*♦“** V> L nf?ThTra*RE«rM» trkln rdjjrajlliV— »U the Other tnliu ANDTHH WEST. The MaU Train. Part Line, and Thioutb Sxvtu* eon ,Af Zt pSttabnrc with through train! on all the dlverg- i n»lnt. B «^blebT l g|^ad. The Thronxh Krpresi. eoD oecte. at BlairoTiUe lntjur •eetion. with a train on this road tor BlalnrlUe. In ““BfeTOBUBG * CRESSON BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Egprera Train oonnwta at C reason at ICUfsA. M., with a train on tMi road for Ehenebnry. A fcr&ln also leavei Creinon for Ebensbi£C At 8.45 P. M, HOLLIOATBBUKG BRANCH RAILROAD. The MaU Train and Throu«a Exprefisconnßet at Al toona with trains for Hollid»TBburi at 7. M P. M- and 8.30 & CLEARFIELD BRANCH RAILROAD AWdWMMSStIffi MU “HONTING»ON f i?BROAD-TOP RAILROAD JfOKTHEKH PgJIjADRLPHIA & RBIS For Sdnbitry. Williamsport, look hatch* and all points on the F&lladelphla and Erie Railroad. MIRA. SOOHBSTRR. BIWFALO. AND KIAGABA FAM.B. Pfl.fcnenrera taking the Mail Tratne at 8.00 A. M»e and the Through Express, at 10.80 P. M.*.go directly thJOTlh without chance of cars between Philadelphia and WiL- Uam»PMU HANOVER, and GBTTTSBDRG. the train! leaning at 8.00 A. M. and 2.80 P. M.. connect at Cdnmbie with train, on the Nor them Central Railroad. ■ “OOMBRBIAND VALLBT RAILROAD. The Mall Train and Thfcugh Bzpieaa conned at Har risburg with trains tor GarUale, Chambersbnrg, and Ha- BRANCH RAILROAD. The trains leaving at 8.00 A. M. And 2.30 P. M. connect at Downincton with trains on this road for Waynes* bare And ail intermediate stations. _ D * FOR WEST CHESTER. . , _ Passencera for West Chester taking the trainsleaving »t 8 A. H., and 1 and 1 P. M. io directly through without chance of cars. , _ Q . JAMES COWDBN. Ticket Agent. WESTERN EMIGRATION. _ Aw Emigrant Accommodation Train leave* No. 157 Poole street dally (Sundays excepted), at 4 OclQCk r. a. FREIGHTS. By this route freights of all descriptions can be for warded to and from any point on the Railroad* of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis souri, by railroad direct, or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by steamer* from Pittsburg. For freisht contracts or shipping direction*, apply to S. B. KINGSTON, Jr., Philadelphia: . ENOCH LEWIS, jall-tf General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. 1 CIO A ARRANGEMENTS OF 'a oo A 1004. NEW YORK LINES. 1004. Rg«l. HWT T3N CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY’S LINES. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW TORE AND WAY PLACES. TBOK WALNUT BTBBBT WHARF, WILL LEAVE A 8 FOLLOWS—VIE: rtu. At BA. M., via Camden and Amboy, O. and A. Ac sommodation.-.....,...-.-.......-..—.-.—92 34 AtS A. M., via Camden and Jersey GUt* Morning Express».. w.«» *-* m....,> £OQ At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City, 3d Clan Ticket-. « 3 U At 13 M, via Gamdgn and Amboy. G. and A. As tommodation tt l l trt»?-*•*■*--**•- • ••*++•■*•+*+++•+** 3 3S AtS P.M., via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A, Ex press »—» 3 00 At IF. M., via Camden and Amboy. Aceommoda tlon, (Freight and Passenger)....—l 71 At 6 P. M.. via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger)—lst Class Ticket... 3SI Do. do. 3d Class do.—. .110 At 7X P. M„ via Camden and Amboy. Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger,) lit class Ticket, • • 321 2d Glass Ticket,, „ ~ 1 80 For Maueh Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belviderc, Easton. Lambertvilld, Flemington, Ac., at 3 P. M. For Mount Holly, Ewansville, and Pemberton, at f A, Mm 2, and 4k P. M. For Freehold at 0 A. M. and 3 P. M. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delaneo, Beverly, Burling ton, Florence. Bordentown, Ac., at 6A. M.»13 M., 1, 8. and A3O P. M. The 3 and 4.30 F. M. lines ran direct through to Trenton. .For Palmyra. Riverton. Del&neo. Beverly. andßur linston, at 6** P. M. _ LINES FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS* At 1,50 A.M. (Night), via Kensington and‘Jersey City, Washington and New York MaiL At ILIS A. M.» via Kensington and Jersey City, Ex press ~ .MM... | OQ At ABO F. M.. via Kensington, and Jersey City, Ex press Ut. lUll4ii 3 00 At 6.45 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City. Washington and New York Express.... 3 oq Sunday Lines leave at 1.50 A. M. and 6.45 F. M. There will be no line at 1.50 A. M. (Bight) on Mondays. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkesoarre, Montrose, Great Bend, Maueh Chunk, Allantown, Beth lehem, Belvidere. Easton. Lambertville. Flemington, &«., at 17 A. H. This line connects with, the train leav ing Easton for Maueh Chunk at 3.30 P, M. > for Bristol, Trenton, Ac., at 7 anaiLls A. M., and 3 and 6F. M. For Holmesburg, Taeony, Wiasonomlng, Brldesburg, and Frankford. at 9 A. M, 5. 5.45, and k P. M. 49* For New York and Way Lines leaving Kensington Depot, take the ears on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The ears run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train run from the Depot. - Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passen ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything ae baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond 9100, ex cept bv special contract. Graham’s Baggage Express will call for and deliver baggage at the Depots. Orders to be left at No. 3 Wal nut street. WILLIAM H. GATZMER, Agent January 20,1864. . LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA. .. WILL LEAVE PROM ROOT 09 COETLAKDT BTRBBT, At 12 M. and 4P. M. via Jersey City and Camden. At T and 10 A. M., 6F. M., and 13 (Night), via Jersey City and Kensington. From foot ol Bsrelay street at 6A. M. and 2P. M., via Amboy and Camden. From Pier No. 1, North river, at 12 M, 4 and BP. M. (freight and passenger) Amboy and Camden- Ja4-tf RfaMUtttfitgSßßa PHILADELPHIA IM W ‘H l ßr_*SlgiLAirP BLMIHA B. K. LINE FALL AND WINTER ASSANGE- 188 Si MBNT. Tor WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, iT.imu, BUT PALO, NIAGARA PALLS* And aU points In the West and Northwest. Passenger Trains leare Depot of Philadelphia and Reading Bailroad, corner BROAD and CALLOWHIU* Streets, at OIU, and 3. SO P. M., dally, Sundays KOfIT-B from PUUdolnili to point* in Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New Tork, As., &e. Baggage checked through to Bofiklo. Niagara Palls* or Intermediate points. Por farther information apply to , JOHN 8. HULKS. General Agent, THIRTEENTH and GALLOWHIIiL, and oflse N. W •enter SIXTH and CHESTNUT street*. jsSl -tf WEST CHESTER & PHILADELPHIA, TTA THB PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD* Passengers for West Chester leare the dOpdt, eomer of Eleventh and Market streets, and go through WITHOUT CHANGE OP GARS. FROM PHILADELPHIA Leave at 8.00 A. Arrive West Chester 9. BO A M. •• “ 1.00P.M. “ " 8.00P.M. ” H 100P.M. ” '• 5.00P.M. PROM WEST CHESTER. Le*TeAt 6.60 A. H>-**»*Arrire WeacPMU.-8.35 A. M, “ “10.45A.M. “ " 12.36 P.M. “ “ S.6OP.M. t _V A __ _6.»P. M. Fassencersfor Western points front West Chester com seek at the latere ection with tho Mail Train at 9. 17 A. , M., the Barriabnrc Accommodation at 9.SS r. M., and the Lancaster Train at 5.30 P. M. Freight delivered at the d6pst, corner of Thirteenth and Market streets, pterions to 11.80 A, If., will befor* warded by the Accommodation Train* and reach West Chester at 3.00 P. M. i«9-tapl ELEVENTH and MABKET Strwlg. 1863. JSMSWK 1863. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL BO AD,—This great line traverse* the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Eric* “’u'hM bem leased by the PENNSYLVANIA BAIL. .BOAD COMPANY, and under their auspices la beint rapidly opened throughont Its entire length. It 1c now in nee for Passenger and Freight bnsinaM from Harrisburg to Emporium,(l96 milec) on the Eastern Divisions and from Sheffield to Brie, (78 miles) on the Western Division. TXKB OF PASSEKUBn TRAIHS AT TEUiADBIiVKIg. Leave Westward. Mail Traine...«..~...e~~~Av™- 8.00 A. M. Express Train .10.30 P. M. Cars ran through without change both ways on these train* between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and be tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. _ , ' „ Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore* and Williamsport and Philadelphia. _ . . . For information respecting Passenger burinecc apply at the Southeast corner Eleventh and Market Streets. And for Freight business of the Company’s Agents:■ 8. B KINGSTON, Jr., corner Thirteenth and Market ttanktvMr- General Freight Agent. Philadelphia. LEWIS L. HOUPT* General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. JOS. D. POTTS. whfi-tf General Manager, Williamsport fS»cMP NORTH PENNSYL- BAILBOAD—For BETH LBHBMe DOYLESTOWN, MATCH CHUNK, HA2LI TON, EASTON, WILHAMSPOBT. *o. " . WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Passenger Trains leave the new Depot, THIRD Street, ahjve Thompson street* daily (Sundays excepted) as At 7 A* M. (Express) for Bethlehem* Allentown, Maueh Chunk, Hazleton, Williamsport. Ac. At 3.16 P. M. (Express) for Bethlehem* Easton* Ac. . At 6.16 P. H. for Bethlehem. Allentown,ManehChunk. For Doylestown at 9.15 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. M j/jf Fort Washington at 10.16 A. M. and 6.15 P. M* White cars of the Second and Third streets tint CltF Leave Bethlehem at 6.30 A. M. •9.SOA. M. .and 6. OT P.M. Leave Doylestown at 6.80 A. M. and 3.40 P. M. Leave Fort M. and 2 P. H. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 10 A. M. and 4.16 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.30 A. M. and 2 P. M. MOlfl ELLIS Agent. BSMUiunrom west ohestkb WWF mfggturo PHILADELPHIA XAlfr- SOAJ>, TIA ARRANGEMENT. On ud Iftu MONDAY, -December 7th. 1863, the Tralna will leave PhUadelrhle, from the de-pdt. north- Sat corner of EIGHTEENTH end MARKBTStreeia, at 8 end 10.46 A. M., end et 2and 4 P. M. ■ Tralna leave the corner of THIKTY-YIRST and MAS SET Streets(Weat Philadelphia), 17 mlnuteaiafter tha ■t.rHn, dm-wnm UTOIITItBHSH Md M t Rlt Ct* A Freicht Train, with Passenger Gar attached, will leave the eomer of THIRTY-PIRBT end MARKET Streets fWeat PhUed«tohie) o .tl» Leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 2 F. M. Leave Weat Chester at 7.60 A. M. and 4F. M. The Train* leaving Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 4 P. M. • eonneet at Pennellton with Trains on the P. and *• o. kit *—* Ofs&#Vooi>. de7-tf General Superintendent EXPRESS COMPANIES. ■BBrinmrama THE AC AMS vrrKsta nflWPinT. ol» psti OHBBTKUT Stmt, forwards Paresis, Fasksass, Uii ehandlse, Bank Holes, and Snaele, either by Its otr, lines orw eonnestlon with other Express Comnanius to all the Kinelval Towns And Cities in tht nalte States. E. 8. SAHDPOBD. fS27 general Superintendent. ®n EVANS & WATSON’S |! BALAMAMPEs sa» STORE. 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. PA. A lane variety of FIEB-PBOOF SAFES always on sand. ; PENN STEAM ENGINE 22ua&y£ and boiler works.—neafie a levy. PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL .EXfOIMEBBS MA CHINISTS, BOILBR-MAKEBB, BLACKSMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having for many years been in successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in building. and repairing Marine and River and low pres sure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, *«.. &c., respectfully offer their services to the public asheing fully prepared to contract for engines of all sties, Swine, RdverT and Stationary; having sets of patterns of differ ent sises, are prepared to execute orders with, quick, de spatch. Bvery description of pattern-making made aJs the shorteet notice. nad-Xoir-presettre* ©u«. Ta bnlar, and*Cylinder Boilers, of the oest Peawltjals eharcoal iron. Forgings, of all sixes hinds; Iron and Brass Castings, of all descriptions; Roll-Turning. Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected wfth the **Di?wtnff?aSd SpecUcationi for all work dor e at this establishment free of charge, and work gunranMed. The subscribers have ample wharMock room for re pairs of boats, where they eau lie ijaperfecs safety, and are provided with shorn, block&.faU*. Ao., Ac., for JOHN P. LEVY. BEACH and PALMfiK Streets. PROPOSALS. OFFICE ABMY CLOTHING AND U oonrp.fJß. TWELFTH and (HR.RD Street.- v EOOIFAUB, I ' , *‘ pg, IjADE , J p HI A. March 3,1884 nu.Tltn PROPOSILB wtu be received at this office articles: ... simple required. Canvas Padding. do do Cotton Wadding, black, ,i 0 Vest Button,. gj do ' chineThread,blank.No7o, (: OZ-.POOlB.) do do White Willamantle t-otton. Ho. 24. do 9® had upon application ft VropoMh?'ntußt be endorsed *‘Propo.ale for Arm, Supplies.” Btating the particular artiste mh4-6t Aaat. Q. M. Pen, U- S A. OFFICE, DEPOT COMMISSARY OF SOTSUIfowg ttr* *h, 186!. proposals fokfloob." SEALED PROPOSALS are invited until the 19th Inst., at 12 o’clock M , for fnrnJßblnir ihe Subsistence Depart* ment with ran Thousand (10,000) Bartals of Flour. The proposals will be for wha* 1b known at thU D6p»t aa flos. 1,2, and 3. and bids will be entertained lor any Quantity less than the whole. Bids must be in duplicate, and for each grade on sepa- Vlour to commence within fire days from the openin* of ihe bids, and in such quanti ties daily as the Government may direct; delivered at tw«' Government warehouse in Georgetown, at the wharres orraUlOSd deootiu Wsshiustou. £ a •Tha delivery Of all Flotit awarded tA M COmPldtfta within twenty days from the opening- of the bids. Payment will be made in certificates of indebtedness, or each other funds as the Government may have for dia '’The'nsufit Government inspection will ha mada just before the Flonris received, and hone will be accepted which is not Leah ground. _ _ _ An oath of allegiance must aecompanv the bid Of each bidder who has not the oath on tile in this office, and no hid wlh he entertained from parties who have previous ly failed to comply with their bids, or from bidders not present to respond. ... . Government reserves the right to reject any bid for any cause Bias to be addressed to the undersigned, at No. *33 G street endorsed, * Proposals for Floor. 1 * w mb7-12t S 0- GREENE. Captain and C. S V. ORDNANCE offjce. V/ War Department i Washington. February 21, 1864, PROPOSALS will be received by this Department until TUESDAY. March 15, at 4 F M., for the delivery, at the following Arsenals, of HORSE EQUIPMENTS, United States Cavalry pattern, as hereinafter specified: At the New York Arsenal, S 000 sets. At tee Frankford Arsenal, 6. COO sets ? At the Alleghany Arsenal. 6 000 seta. At the Cincinnati Depot. 3.000 sets. At the 6t. Don!® Arsenal. 3.000 sets. These sets of Horse. Equipments are to he furnished complete, except the horee-brush, curry-comb, lariat. Eicket-pin link, and blanket. The enrb and watering its, the malleable iron hardware, and stirrapv are to conform strictly In pattern and finish to those deposited &l the Arsenals above named. The .rees are to be of the regulation pattern, assorted sizes—not iess than 3^inches between the bars on the Inside of the pommel, the side bars of hard white wood or beech, tbe pommels and cas tles of beech, well put togethertfall the irons on a tenth of an inch ibick. ana all let into tho wood; to he covered with the beet slaughtered cow-hide; all other covering to be rejected. The trees are to be subject to inspection during all stages of the manufacture, but the equip ments will be inspected at the Arsenals where de livered. Deliveries must be made in lots of not less than fifty sets per week for all contracts of 500 sets or under; one hundred sets per week for all contracts of from 500 up to I.OCO sets; two hundred sets per week for ail con tracts of from 1,000 to 2 000 sets; and five hundred sets per week for all contracts of from 2,090 to 6,000 seta. The first delivery to be made on the 2d day of April. 1661. Failure to make deliveries at a specified time will subject the contractor to a forfeiture of the number he may fail to deliver »t that time. No bids will be considered from parties other than reguiar manufacturers, and such as are known to this Department to be fully competent to execute in their own shops the work proposed for. Didders will enclose with their bids the written ac knowledgments of iheir sureties, over their own sig natures. Each party obtaining a contract will be obliged to enter into bonds, with approved sureties, for its faithful execution. Upon the award being made, successful bidders will be notified, and tarnished with forms of contract and bond.*' The Department reserves the right to reject any or all bids, if not deemed satisfactory. . ' . „ Proposals Will be addressed to Brigadier General George D. Fame&y, Cliitf of Ordnance. Washington. D. C.. v and will be endorsed V* Proposal! for Horae Equip ments. ” GEO. D. RAMSAY, fe27- stutbBt Brigadier iGeneral. Chief of Ordnance. Proposals for cayalby HORSEB. WABPEPAHTMEifT, Gavalrt Bureau, Office of Chief Quartermaster, WaBsiuotou. 0. <’., Much 1. 1864. SEALED PBOPOSAL» will be received at this office until 12 o’clock M., on MONDAY. Much fourteenth (14th), 1864, for Two thousand (2,000) Cavalry Horses, to be delivered at Syracuse, N. 1., within forty (40) days from date of contract. One thousand (LOCC) Cavalry Horses, be delivered at Ogdeneburgh, N. Y., within thirty (30) days from date of contract. bald horses to be sound in all particulars, not less than five (5) nor more than nine (9) years old; from 14X to 16 hands high; full fleshed, compactly built, bridle wise, and of size sufficient for cavalry purposes. These specifications will he strictly adhered to and rigidly enforced in every particular. . .. jjfo bid Will be entertained unless accompanied by a guaranty for its faithful performance. 49* Should any United States officer guarantee the proposal of a bidder who should prove to be irresponsi ble, his name will be reported to the Secretary of war, with a recommendation that such officer be dismissed the service All bidders and guarantors will he held to the strict i est accountability, and every failure to comply with terms of contract, or to make the contract when award ed, will be.followed by prosecution to the full extent of the laxo. , , .. . Form of bid and guaranty can he had on application at tbistffice, , ..... Successful bidders will be prepared to enter into writ ten contracts, with good ana sufficient security, Imme diately on tbe acceptance of their bids. The oath of allegiance must accompany each hid. Tbe undersigned reserves the right to rejeet all bids deemed unreasonable .... .. „ _ . No bid will be entertained for less than fifty horses. Bids tor the entire number of Horses required are in vited Payment will be made on completion of contract, or «s soon thereafter as funds may be received. Proposals must be endorsed •* Proposals for Cavalry Hones,” and addressed to Lieut. Col- James A. Ekin, Cbitf Quartermaster, Cavalryißureau, Washington, D.C. Any further information will be promptly riven on ap plication to James a. ekin. Lieutenant Colonel, Chief Quartermaster, mh4-9t Cavalry Bureau* PROPOSALS FOR FORAGE. Gam QoaktbeicabtbkT} Ornoi, * Washington Depot, December 8,1863. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited by the undersigned for supplying the IT. S. Quartermaster’s Department, fit Washington, D. C.« Baltimore, Md.. Alexandria, and Fort Monroe, va., or either of these plates, with Say, Com, Oats, and Straw. , „ „ • . , . Bid* will be received for the delivery of 6,000 bushels of corn or oats, and 60 tons of hay or straw, and up wards. Bidders musk state at which of the above-named points they propose to make deliveries, and the rates at whisk they will make deliveries thereat, the quantity of each article proposed to be delivered, the time when said de liveries shall be commenced, and when to be completed. The price must be written out in words on the bids. Corn to be put up in good, stout sacks, of about two bushels each. Oats in luce sacks, of about three bushels each. The sacks to be furnished withoutextra charge to the Government. The hay and straw to be securely baled* The par titular kind or deserlption of oats, corn, hay, or straw, proposed to be delivered, must be stated in the proposals. All the articles offered unde? the bids herein invited will be subject to a rigid inspection by the Government Inspector before being accepted. Contracts will be awarded from time to time to the lowest responsible bidder, as the interest of the Govern ment may require, and payment will be made when the whole amount contrasted for shall have been delivered will be required to accompany his propo sal with a guarantee, signed by two responsible persons, that In ease his bid is accepted he or they will, within ten days thereafter, execute the eontreet for the urn*, with good and sufficient sureties, in a ram eaual to the amount of tho contract, to deliver the forage proposed in conformity with the terms of this advertisement; and in case the arid bidder should fail to enter Into the contract, they to makegood the difference between the offer of arid bidder and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contract may he awarded. The responsibility ol the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of a U. B. District Attorney, Col lector of Customs, or any other officer under the United States Government, or responsible person known to this office. All bidders will be duly notified of the acceptance or rejection of their proposals. • • - The full name and post office address of each bidder must be legibly written in the proposal. Proposals must be addressed to Brigadier General D. H. Rucker, Chief D6pdt Quartermaster. Washington, D C., and should be plainly marked. * * Proposals for Fo- ln a sum equal to the amount of the contrast, signed by the contractor and both of his guarantors, will be required of the successful bidder or bidders upon h guarantees, and bonds may be obUined »po» (Town. County, nd Bt.ia- . (D&ta) I, the subscriber. do hereby propose to famish and d» Utw to Oitt United States, at the Quartermaster’s De partment at , agreeably to the terms of your advertisement, Inviting proposals for forage, dated Washington D6pdt« Decembers,lBB3, the following arti * *** bushels of Com, in tasks, at per hnshel of M pounds. travel, of Oat,, In u:ki. at Mr bneh.l of a pounds. tons of baled Hay. at per ton of 3. OCC pounds. tons of baled Straw* at per ton of2* 000 pounds. Delivery to eommenee on or before the day of . , ftncL to be completed on or before the a.r of , I*B . and pled,. mnslf to taker lato s written .ontmct with the united State., with cood and approved eeeniittei. within the .pace of ten day, after belnr notified that my hid has been accepted. Tour obedient servant, Brlndier General J>._H. Bwn». Chief D&pst Quartermaster, Washington. D. 0. GUABASTBX^ We, the undersigned, residents of ■■ . in the sounty of . and Slats of —-» hereby, ’olntly and severally, covenant with the United States, and guarantee, in ease the foresoing bid of —bs accepted, that he or they will, within ten days after the acceptance of said bid, execute the contrast for the same with good and sufficient sureties, iu a cum equal to the amount of the contract, to furnish the forage proposed Is conformity to the terms of advertisement dated De cember 8.1883, under which the bid was made, and, in ease the said- shall fall to enter into a contract as aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the difference be tween the offer by the said ■ and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contrast may be awarded. , _ „ Witness: 5 Given under our hands and seals \ this day 0f— ,186 . CSealJ /[Seal.] I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the above-named guarantors are good ana suffi cient as sureties for the amount for which they offer to be security. ■ » —, To be certified by the United States District Attorney, Coll ester of Customs, or any other officer under tne UnitedJßtate* Government, or responsible person known to this office-, . ... All proposals received under {this advertisement will be opened and examined at this office on Wednesday and Saturday of each week, at 13 M. Bidders are respectful ly Invited to be present at the opentnyf^idSfrt^ther **dill-tf ' Brigadier General and QuartermsaUr. Af\ CENTS PEB POUND TAX ON TOBACCO. The Government 1« abort to nut a Ux of 10 centaperpoundon Tobacco. Ton can cave 50 per cent, by Ton. can cave SO per cent, by Ton can cays 00 per cent, by Yon can save 60 per cent!.by Buy)** now »* IRAN'S’ No. 885 CgESTNOT Sayins now &t DEAN’H* No. 536 CHESTNUT, Bnyin* now at DEAN’S, No. 335 CHESTNUT. Buying now at DEAN’S! No. SSS CHESTNUT! Trim© Navy Tobacco, 70, 76 and 80c. j*r lb. Prime Cavendish Tobacco. 70. 76 and_BCc. per *• Prim© Flounder Tobacco. 70, 75 and 80c. per ®. Prime Congress Tobacco. 85. 70 and 75c. per m. Prim© Fig and Twist Tobacco. 76 and 80s. per »• ©BAN cells Old Virginia Navy. . DEAN .alls Old Virginia Sweet Oeveadlrt- DEAN eells Old Virginia Bough and BsadT. DEAN .ell. Old Virginia Plain Cavendish. DEAN sells Old Virginia Congress. DEAN sells Old Virginia Pig and Twist. DEAN sells Old Virginia Smoking Tobaeeo. DEAN'S Kanawha Pine Cut Chewing Tobaeeo DEAN'S Kanawha Fine Cat Chewing Tobaeeo Cannot b© Baualed, Cannot be Equaled. ... DJLAETB Cigars arc superior to All OtnVJ DBAN’B Cigars arc superior to all other*. He raises his own Tobacco, on Ms own Havana He sell* bis own Cigars at his own store* No. 835 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. BEAN’S Minnehaha Smoking Tobacco Is manufactured from pure Virginia Tobacco, and contains no dangerous concoctions of Weeds, Herbs, and Opium* Pipes. Pipes, Meerschaum Pipes. Brier Pipes, Box Pipes? {lose Pipes, Mahogany Pipes. Seboy Pipes, Apple Pipes, Cherry Pipes, Gutta Pipe*, Olay Pipes, and other Pipes! And Pine down and get your Pipes, Tobaeeo. Cigars. Ac., at OBAN'S, No. 335 Chestnut Street. And there you will see his Wholesale and HetaU Clerks go Pining around waiting on Customers. Tb© Army of the Potomac now order all their Tobacco, ciSmfpiws. *o.. from DEAN’S, No. 33» CHBBTND* Street. They know DBAS sella the best sod cheapest. laM-tf , J. TATOBAir MHRBIGJC, WILLXAK V. KERBIcK, JOHH B. COPB. OOUTHWABK FOUNDRY, K 7 fifth and Washington btbbets. BKH.IHCK *L som, ENQINEEBS AND MACHINISTS. Mnnnbetnre High and lorr TMtun Steam Engines, lor land, nrer and marine serrlee. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks. Iren Boats. As. ■ Castings of all kinds, either faron or brass. „ Iron-frame Boob for Gas Works. Worksbons, Stations, &«. Retorts and Oas Machinery of the latest and most Im proved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, such as Smear, Saw, and Grist Mills. Vaounm Pane, Open Steam Trains. Defeeaton. PilUrt, Pompln* Engine*. 4w. Sole Agents for N. milieux’* Patent Sugar Bolling Ap •aratnsjNearnYth.’« Patent Steam Hammer, ana. Aspln* wall & WoUer'e Patent CWBtrltaf*! Bai»r Draining Ka •iLlaSe aalz-u APOTIO* JOHN B. MYEES & CO,. AUCTION- V bbrb, Ho«. 1133 and 93*MlHB3r Street. LAKGB POSITIVE SALK OF BOOTS, SHOEB. Sc. A Card.—Wednvtts the early attention of parchasora to the large and valuable assortment of boots, sboe?* brogans. &c., embracing sample* of 1.100 cases, forming a prime and fresh assortment, to be peremptorily som by catalogue, on four months' credit, commencing tms morning at 10 o’clock, precisely. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1,100 PACE AGHB BOOTS, SHOE*. BROGANS. ARUf GOODS, &e., THIS MORNING, ' March Bth, at 10 o'clock, will be sold, by catalogue, without reserve, on four months' credit, about 1,100 packages boots, shoes, brogans. cavalry boots, &c., em bracing a prime and fresh assortment of desirable arti cles for men. women, and children, of city and Eastern with catalogues, earlv on the mom t’amgb'pekemptory sale op l.ioo packages 1 ROOTS SHOES. BBOGAHS. ASMI GOODS, Ac. TCOTIfiE —lncluded in oar larze sa’e of boots and l Ac TUESDAY MORNING, March Bth, at 10 “viock, to Ijeeold without reserve, will ba found in part ,v. follnwina *rosh and desirable assortment, viz: men s .rained Tavaliy boot a: wax and kipbrogans; men’s Balmoral and Congress boots; youina half welt Rip boots; men's do.; flnecltr-made kid welt bu»klns; ladles gaiter boot*; flue kid £. R tie*; colored and blacklastmg buskins; men's fine city-made calf, «aoro©oow boots; men's pump sole grain bootß.: men « buff leather pump boots; men's pump sole calf boots, do. eeal pump sole boots; women « lined and bound boots, youths kip* brogans; misses’ grain tlqp; misses* grain buskins, misses’ spring heel grain lace boots; womens grain lace boots; mis»ea' grain. lace boots: women 8 gfftin bnrkins; women's grain lien; boys’ kip brogans; misses glazed morocco boots; men’s half-welt calf do; youths Saif-welt calf do; children’s half brogans; men's half welt kip boots; men’s euper calf brogans; men's slip pers; misses' super kip ties; misses'euper kid buskins; chile’t> super colored tox bootees; child's supar colored fox ties; men’s lined and bound brogans; men’s and boys’water-proofboots; men's and boys' wax boots, Ac. LAEQE PEREMPTORY SiLE_OF SOHOPEA.IT, INDIA, AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, &c. We will hold a l*Tge sale of Britt?h, German, French, and American Dry Goods, by catalogue, on four months 1 March 10th, commencing at precisely 10 o clock, com prism* , go PACKAGES AND LOTS , of British. German. French, India and American dry good), embracing a large, full, and fresh aaaortmennt of woolen, worsted, linen, eotton. and Bilk goods, for city and country sales- .... . . w B.—Samples of the same will be arranged for ex aminatton, with catalogues, early on the morning of the sale, w hen sealers will And It to their interest to attend. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OP FOREIGN AND DO MESTIC DRY GOODS, CLOraitfG, &c. NOTlCE.—lncluded in our pale of foreign and dqmas- Hc. dry «oe>ds. on Thursday Mornlnj, March 10th, at 10 o’clock, will be found in vart the followingdestrablear ticJee, to be sold on 4 months 7 credit ana part for cash— viz ca»es neat fty ea American prints. cates American ginghams cases English and German ginghams. cases aor«n checks. casses blue denims. cases tickings. cases blue stripes. cases black and colored eileeias. cases brown and bleached muslins, esses fancy cottonade*. cases jeans and mixtures. oases Saxony dress goods. case* fancy lawns and jaconets. cases poplin* and mozambiques. cases fancy reps and poll de chevres. cases de bege and mnus de laines. LINEN GOoDs. On THUKSDAT, March 10th. Will te sold; . . pieces 7-4 and 8 4 Barnsley damasks. pieces white and brown damasks and cloias. pieces damask and hack towels. . pieces diaper and plain towels. pieces bleached and brown linen hacks. pieces cheese cloths. pieces elaetle canvas. cozens % and H linen cambric handkerchiefs. dozens and % linen cambric handkerchiefs, hem stitched TAILORING OOm On THURSDAY, March 10th, Will be sold— About 300 pieces woolens and cas'nets. pieces Belgian and French broadcloths. pieces T&ijgJish black cap and cloak cloths* pieces English meltons. pieces fancy French cassimeres, pieces black doeskins. pieces black ana fancy satinets. Also, black Batin and fancy silk vesting, serges, vel vets, hosiery, gloves, spool cottons, patent.thread, silk cravats and ties, hoop and balmoral skirts, shirts and drawe;?, linen bo*oxns, buttons, cotton handkerchief*. Woolen, tbibet, and Stella shawls, fancy articles, &c., &c» Alto, etock cf American dry goods, for cash. A stock of ready-made clothing and fine knives. SALE OF CAKPBTIHGS. MATTINGS. *«. ON FRIDAY MORNING. March 11. At preclsely.lo44 o’clock, will be sold, without reserve. 1)9 catalogue* on four mouths’ credit* an assortment of three-ply, superfine; and fine ingrain. Venetian, hemp* and rag carpeiings, &c.» which may he examined early FINE CARPETS. FEATH URP, &c., FOE. CITY SALES. Included in our tale on F BID AY, March 11th, will be fc lo n pieces Lowell aad Hartford companies’ extra snpo ricr ingrain carpets. 100 pieces canton mattings. 2 cases feathers, for upholstery. LABGE PEEEMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH, INDIA. GEEMaN, AND BRITISH DRY GOODS, &0., FOB SPRING SALES MONDAY MORNING, March 14th, at 10 o’clock, will he sold, by catalogue,on four months’cred t. about , 950 PACKAGES AND LOTS Of French, India, German, and British dry goods, Sc., embracing a large and choice assortment of fancy and staple articles in silk, worsted, woolen, and cotton fabrics. N- B. —Samples of the same will be arranged for ex amination, with catalogues early on the morning of the $a e, when dealers will find it to their interest to attend. M THOMAS & SONS, • JToa 139 and 11-1 South FOURTH Street. CARD.—Sales of Beal Estate, Stocks* Ac., at the MX CHARGE EVERY TUESDAY. Pamphlet Catalogue each BaturdaypreTiou*. _ 49* FURNITURE at Auetlon Store THURSDAYS. REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS, BTH MARCH, Onr sale on TUJSSD aY next, *th mst,, at 12 u’clock, at the Exchange, will comprise a large amount of property, including first-class Sawing and Flouring Mills, iu sue cestful operation: valuable business stance, handsome residences, plain dwellings, country seats, &c.*by order of Orphans’ Court, executors, and others. Also, stocks, loans, &c. See pamphlet catalogues for full particulars. SALE OF VALUABLE MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS FRO& A LIBRARY. _ THIS AFTERNOON, March Sih, at the auction store, an assortment of va luable miscellaneous books from a library. Sale at No?. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. ROSEWOOD PIANO, FIRE PROOF safe, fine carpets, &c. ON TBUkSDA! MORNING. Aid o’clock, at the auction store, the superior furni ture, rosewood piano with melodeon, large fire-proof safe by Evans & Watson, super sewing machine by Ladd & Webßter, Ac. 8al« No 1302 Pina Street. SUPEBIOK FURHITURB. BOSE WOOD PlijifO, FINE CABPETa, Ac OH MONDAST MOBSISTG. 14th lust., at 10 o’clock, at No* 1302 Piae-etreefc. by ca talogue. the superior walnut parlor furniture, walnut and mahogany dining- room and chamber furniture, fine toned rosewood piano, fine tapestry and other carpets, &c. Also, the kitchen utensils. May be examined on the morning of sale at 8 o'clock. VOK SAKE AND TO I.RT. VALUABLE DELAWARE WHABF * PROPERTY FOB SALS.—This property, cen trally located in the EIGHTEENTH WA_BD of the city of Philadelphia, has a frontage on the river Delaware, extending to Beaeh street, of 156 feet, with a superior 80-feet-wide pier into deepwater; capacious docks, 200 to 300 feet long, on both sides—the whole embracing an area of over 66,000 square feet, with privileges of exten sion equal to a total axes exceeding 80.000 square feet. For further information* apply personally, or by letter, to SaMUBIi b. griok. fed-tf 1340 BEACH street, Philadelphia. GTEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS FOB SALE —1 pair of low-pressure, double acting vertical beam ENGINES, with 36»inch cylinders, and 7 feet stroke, having a 20-feet-gear fly-wheel, with IS4 cogs. Length of cog 18 inches, and 4 inch pitch. Also, a jack- gear of 62 teeth. These Engines are rated at 400- horse power, and were built by Corliss & Nightingale, of Providence, and are exceedingly smooth-working and substantial machines. The two cylinders can be operated as one machine, or separately. They wonld be sold singly- or together. 6 Return-Flue BOILERS, 22 feet long, with 75-lnch shells. Each Boiler has 20 lines, 6 and 10 inches in di ameter. The Boilers ate made of ?£-inch iron, are in good order, and will be sold with or without fronts, pines, valves. &c. The above are to'he sold for no faults; Engines of double the power befog required for our present • work. They are now standing, in good working order, and can he examined at anytime, upon application at the NAUMKEAG MILLS, Salem, Mass. feS tuthtf JOHN KILBUBN. Agent. Mtwo neat cottages for SALE—Situate north side of HAMILTON Street, Vest of Thirty thtid street, one at $2,050 aud one at $2, zffO dear < f all incumbrances —street it? paved, and gas and water in front Apply to SAMUEL HUTCHINSON. Corner of THIRTY-FOURTH and HAVEBFORD Streets. _ mhG-etuthSt «FOR SALE.—THE FOLLOWING desirable properties: Dwelling 1727 at Vernon street, 162 1 Wallace street. 633 North Tenth, with deep lot and stable. 1818 Wallace street. 202 Franklin street 230 H Green street 1800 Green street. >• 2029 Wallace street. 404 South Eighth street 430 North Fifth street. 2(15 Brandywine street, 614 North Sixteenth street. 38 feet front. 536 North Thirteenth street. 1517-Poplar street, lot 60 by 167 B, F, GLENN, 133 South FOURTH Street, feS7 Or S. W. corner SBVBNTBENH aud GRBBN St», Mfor sale—a very desira- WfrE PROPERTY, the residence of the late Dr. JACOB SHARPLESS, deceased, with Eighteen Acres of superior Land attached. It Is situated in the borough of DOWHIaGTOWN, Chester comity, within ten minutes'walk of the Chester Valley ana Pennsylvania Railroad Stations, at which all trains stop. Tie Dwell ing is very conveniently and substantially built, with Barn, Tenant House. Spring House, and all necessary out-buildings. There is a great' abundance of Shrub bery. Fruit, and Shade Trees. Patt of the laud will be sold with the buildings, fe6-2m - DOWNINGTOWN P. b. Mfor sale, or exchange fob CITY PROPERTY—A handsome Country Seat and well-improved Farm of 90 acres. It is one of the most desirable properties ever offered for sale. Will be sold with or without-stock aud furniture. No money re quired. Immediate possession given. For fullparticu fars, apply to J. M. GUMMEY A SONS, 508 WALNUT Street. fe24-lm *■* VALUABLE CHESTNUT-STREET PROPERTY. —The subscribers offer at private sale, a property on CHESTNUT Street between Seventh and Eighth streets; 41 feet front on Chestnut street, and 178 ftet deep, running to Jayne street, with the privilege of al5 feet passage-way running to Eighth street. FIF TY THOUSAND DOLLARS of the purchase money may remain on the propel ty as a ground rent,or by bond and mortgage. LAUMAN A SALUADE, i 138 SOUTH NINTH Btreet. xnh4-tf Philadelphia, Mfob sale.—THE SUB-m SCRIBE & offers for sal, his GOURTRY SEAT.-*- within half a mile of Wilmington, Delaware, on the Newport pike, containing EIGHT ACRES of good land. In the centre of wh*ch la a large lawn, with a fine va riety of SHADE TREE 3, EVERGREENS. MAPLES LIN DENS, and ot&ers, in all over a hundred full-grown trees. The improvements consist of a. large and commo dious Mansion, two stories and a half high, four good rooms on a floor, with a hall eleven by forty-two feet. A HYDRAULIC RaM forces water from a spring in one of the lots into the upper story of the house- It has the modern improvements. There is also an Iron Pump and Hydrant under a covered area at the ki.chen door The out-buildings consist of a STABLE and CARRIAGE HOUSE, sufficient for four horses and several carriages also, an ICE HOUBE, SMOKE, and HEN-HOUSES The ice-house is filled with ice, and the stable has a hydrant in it. Docd Q ABDBN, with reveral varieties of DWaRF PSAS ud GRAPEVINES, in fall bearing BS»amAlm varieties of APPLE. CHERRY, and CHESTNUT Terms accommodating. Possession given at any time In the spring. LEVI G. CLARK, fels mwJtf - On the Premises. m ELEGANT OOUNTSY SEAT A **FOR SALE.-On the Bristol Turnpike, near Holmesburg, about eight mile' from Philadelphia, very accessible, by&teamboat and Railroad, convenient also to Churches and Schools. For healthiness and beauty of situation, as well as surrounding advantages, this pro perty is unsurpassed in th© suborns of Philadelphia. The Mansion, of brown stone, commanding fine views of the Delaware River, built and iiaUhed in the most thorough manner, is snacious and replete with all the modem eo&reniences for both summer and winter. The Grounds contrite about twenty three acres. bft&tt.- tifully laid out, end ornamented with a great variety of old and young Forest Trees and Shrubbery. 'A large Garden, with abundance of Fruit, Orchard, Ac. On the premises are also elected a Gardener’s Cottage, Lodge, OrehardlHouse,'Green House, Conservatory, Gas House, and extensive Stabling Ho expense having been spared -to make this, in all respects, a firet>class tesldence. Apply to ml-SOt _ c H. mttirheid. Wo. 303 South SIXTH Street. £h FOR SALE—HIGHLY IMPROVED .3-F ABM. 95 acres, near Fort Wasbiniton station. N F. K. 8.. 12 miles out; superior F»rm7ll6 acres, near Korean's Corner station. Penn'a R. R., 13 nlls j onf flna Farm. near station on PhUada aed Media B. R . 4 miles thl. side of West Chaster. 112 acres, fee. Per sons wlsliln* to purchase a Farm to get possession this spring, or for an tnvoatm*Bt. would So well to «aU and exnmtue my Register gl Taras. 8. I’ETTiF. ana wALaargtJeet. AUCTION SALES, -pURNESS. 3BINUEY A CO." r MO. 01* CHESTNUT »ati 518 JAtirg SALE THIS MORNING. TOEBDAY. AT II) aj'aKD —Tb6 attention of the trade is wnna,/ R»la of TMt'ORTFD AND DOMESTIC DkTo ! 1 ’’ ?o be sold TBIB MORNING. March Bth. at U o’ci Jw ‘• 1 catalogue. part on four months credit, and part SmyrUinVa lares, assortment of Fancy aui V.«“ O NOMCE ALSO-SO IRAQIS DOMESTIC 0 J, s ',' THIS MORNING. FOR CASH. Whthrop 0 SSK Ch’eX. fet * C * NOTICE TO JOBBERS AND RETAILER* avriva. TH g MOBSINO 1,000 Pieces Saxony Woven Dress Goods, 00 eases British b Gaodfl. w Consisting of Plain and Embr’d Mobftlrs.MOf.jJ tun-,, Ginghams* Chambrays, Lenas, Poplin, o.ripe ' black and colored Alpaca De Beges, Lustres, Checks, figured Alpacas Also. .Paris Prlnisi Plain Delaines. Also. Linen Damasks, Whits Shaws, Toilet Quilts. Ac. ’ TO MERCHANT TAILORS. Melton,. Eenellantfi. Tweed,. Italian Cloths, kc 1,200 PIECES SAXONY WOVEN DRESS GOODS. THIS MOBNING. Consisting of wool filllnw plaid poll de oherras; w.w filling Germanise; all wool-fiUlt# plaid challys: wool filling neat plaid Germania*: all* wool prtpa l( ' Bavanne*; all-wool black and white pull dechevra all-wool high-colored plaid royals* poll ds i,,' i 5 CASES BRITISH DRESS GOODS. JUST L AJfDSn Also, on 1 ueed&y : au Cases London embroidered mohairs. Cases striped and figured mczamblanei: piaM ... hairs- , Cases plaid neat silk check lij Casea mohair de beges; plaid ginghams Cases mode mohnirs; fancy mozambirjnes- . alpacas; figured oriental lustres; fancy silk o 0 n«7» ss«saifiis£ «5 : e p?Kls‘rtkS''AJ?D PRINTED MOO’S. ha!, i: j gs 100 pieces Paris all-wool mous. de laine*; mu,® Paris richpripted sii priij. — ~ SHAWLS ANJ) MOHAIB BALMORAL* SCO Paris Lama shawls. 200 all-wool Berlin zephyr shawls. 600 etripe-ribbfcd mobair balmorale t „ , . L HDON MELTOK3. 60 pieces 7-4 London fi ae meltons. i.inmi damasks anjl> whits goods. with ey-brown damask tabieUnea. 10-4x12-4 ttMby &bd aliUe iiima damasks. Also, Alia to enperfina jaconet, cambric, mall, aai Swiss mnslins. white pliueta. &c. 1 j I tS I ?j ILET Q i' l K rs f’ 0K BKST CIT 7 TRADE patterns l * 4eK Qttailty London white toilet qallia. user Also, 10 case* German white cotton frinsca* ___DOMESTIG3 FOR CiSR Foreetdale. Wivokeiraa, and otb«T makes. Brown and bleac&sd mnalius. Wlnthrondriik f a u> and Franklin prints. ot “- Also, diQFS goods. alpacas, bareres. lutres. Also, Ko. 1 a 2i Lyons black silk velvet rlht>.>ua \ ON FRIDAY MORNING, March Uth, at iO>£ o’clock, at tiie n, 5 «•», Chesnmt and 612 Jayne street*. VERY SAXOJSY WO VAN DRESS GOODS, On a credit cf four montns. 3. ouo pieces SAXONY WOVEN DKESS GOODS, Of tha well known mannftctu-e and importation of Afersrs. Scfcmeider Brother*. N. B. —The above offering consists of no other thu goods which are warranted to bo superior in quality aui stylos to an> Gemun goods imported. Catalogue* and samples on morninx of sale. pKILIFFOBD & CO., AUOTIONBBEii »*» KAEXBT »n« essMl'/MMSSCi Shkv. LARGE ALE A 3D 330 SS Ov THURSDAY MORNING, March 10. at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold l> y C i t 4 logue, for cafcb, 1.500 cases mon>, boy*<?, and y.jarh ■* boots, shoes, brcgavß. balmorals. cavalry }>.*-»♦, * c Also, a large and daslrable assortment o* misses’, and children’s boots, shoes, oalmoraU ani gaiters of every variety, suitable for spring sales. * Open for examination, with catalogues, early ou l h 4 morning of sale. ' Fr SCOTT & STEWART, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MEROHArrs 633 CHESTNUT St. and 615 8 ANSOM St BALE 850 CASES STRAW AND MILLINERY GOOD* THIS MORNING, Bth Inst., at 10 o’clcck. we will sell by catalog* m oases s. raw and millinery goods,comprising new and U citable goods for best city trade SHIRTS. HOSIERY, &c. Also, on Tuesday morning, 4 Sth in&t., 4 of men's and boy’s gauze merino shirts, hosiery, & Also. 10 cases 4-4 bleached muslins. Catalogues ready early ou morning of sale. Included in our sale of Tuesdsv morning. Mar;<i will be found. 100 cartons French artificial fljwen ml buds. ladies'and misses' 7 and 11 braid, white, blijk and drab; pedal, Intis. Madeira, Milan, C*ot<>a. Suj Uih pe^ r l and DunHabl* bonnets and hats, Fiy*l »ap 4 gents'straw hats, &c.» &c. LARGE SALE OF FRENCH CHINA, AMERMAN AND ENGLISH GRANirE AND C. C. WARE. ROCK INGHAM WARE, Ac., (By Order <rf Administrators), On WEDNESDAY MOSSING, 9th Inst., at 10 o’clock, we will sell, by catalogue abort 8,000 open lots, comprisicg gold-hacd. French China tea seta, cups and saucers, tureens, boats, jugs, rUata* &c., white granite dinner ana tea wars. J si dishes. Also, C G , edge, painted and lustre, together wUh % general assortment of QueenfiWare.br order of the id ■ ministrators. Catalogues read*? on Monday previous to sals GRANITE WaRB. Ac-SILVER-PLaTED WiRS Also, on Wednesday morning, 9th Inst , a full line triple plated eilyei ware, comprising tea eew, travi butter and vegetable dishes, forks, spsont. cebUti' Ac., Ac. SCOTT A STEWART, AUCTIONEERS, Will give their personal attention to sales o! MRS. CHaNDISE and WARES, of all descriptions, FURNI TURE of parties removing or breaking up Hoa?ske*a> ing, on the premises of the owners, or at their elegant and spacious SALESROOMS. Nos. 633 CHESTNUT aad 615 SANBOM Streets, RY HENRY P. WOLBERT, " AUCTIONEER. Vo- BOV MARKET Street. South Side, above Seeoadlt; CASSIMEBES, DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, SHIRTS SHOES FELT HATS, Ac ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, March 9th, at 10 o’clock, will be sold casslmeres, fett hats..boots, shoes, ski/ts, muslins, delatneß, bereg«, plaids, wool and cotton hosiery, neekties. handker chiefs,ribbons, trimmings. cotton fringes, gloves, ruilJitu, shawls, table cloths, brushes, thimbles, knives aal orks, Ac. Also, men’s satinet pants, boy’s jackets, Ac. Regular Sales of Dry Goods, s'rimming*. Notion*. &*.. every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY MO3S INGB, at 10 o’clock precisely. City and country Dealers are requested to attend ifcasj i&le*. Consignments respectfully solicited from Manuteit* rers. Importers. Commission, Wholesale and Johhiu; Houses, and Retailers of all and every dewriptica v Merchandise. PANOOAST &-WAKNOOK. Aufi -A- TIONfiEES, No. 340 MARKET Street. latGe positive sale of American and im ported DRY GOODS, WHITE GOODS, MILLING BY GOOD>, &c.. Ac. By catalogue, on WEDNESDAY, March 9, Commencing at 10 o’clock, precisely, comprising ab»a; 720 lots of seasonable goods. CLOTHS, CLOAKINGS, CLOTHING. An invoice choice shades all-wool and Union ololtu pndclcakings. fancy c&Beimeres, satinotts, Ac, Alec, (.0 iO<B gents' read-r-z Dade clothing. SHAWLS AND DRESS GOODS Also, a line choice spring styles shawls, black aul fdncyalpaccafl, black gros de rhine, dress goods, prints. EMBBOIDBBIES.LINEN CAMBRICHDKFS,YEIL3.A: An invoice new style embroidered .iaconet, colters aa i sets, bands, edgings Ac. Also, a line of ladles’ ?e~wide hemstitched linen cam brie hanokezchief*. Also, a lice of new de«iffns Paris black lace and nadine veils. RIBBONS AND MILLINERY GOODS- cartons new spring colors and styles poult de son bonnet and trimming ribbons, black silk velvet ribbon* aid trimmings, Paris artificial fiowers. stiff nett, lace*. Ac., Ac. HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND TIES 100 lots ladies 1 , misses 1 , and gents’ white, brown, aal mixed cotton h< se, lisle and silk gloves. Ac. Also, a full line gents’ Paris fancy and black silk lias, muslin and fancy wool shirts, Ac. HOOP SKIRTS. CORSETS AND NOTIONS. SCO doz ladies’ and mUses’ woven, tape and fancy 4 )ri steel spring hoop skins, of best style and quality. Also, ICC dos. ladies’ whalebone mechanical and anotu* der-bxace corsets. Also, hair and cloth brushes, American, pins, spool cotton, pocket wallets, travelling bags, hair nets, head dresses, Ac. FIRST POSITIVE SPECIAL SALE OF STRAW GOODS FOR SPRING OP 1864, By catalogue, on MONDAY, March 14, comprising 501 cases, and embracing a variety of new and desirable goods. A UCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED A*- HORSES. War Department. Cavalry Btobad, Office of Chief Qcartebwastss, Washington, D. C , February 19, ISJL Will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder* at the places and dates named below, viz: At Mifflin, Penna., 300 Horses. Friday, 4th March. At Williamsport, Penna., 300 Horses, Tuesday, Bth Kerch. At Altoona. Pema., 300 Horses. Friday, 11th March. At Few Brunswick, N. J., 300 Howes,Tuesday, 16m March. At Easton. Penna. • 300 Horses, Friday 18th March. At Newark, N. J,, 300 Hotbss, Tuesday, 22d March. At Lebanon, Penna., 300 Hor«sen. Friday. 25th March. At Wilkesbarie, Penna., SOo Horses, Tuesday, 23th March. These Horses have been condemned as unfit for the Cavalry service of the United States Army, For road and farm purposes many good bargains m IT be had. Horses will be sold singly. Sales begin at 10 A. M.» and continue dally till all are sold. Terms Cash, in United States Treasury Notes only. , JAMES AißfflN. fe22-tmh29 Chief Quartermaster Cavalry Bureau. SHIPPING. BOSTON AND .PHILaDEL riMBJNiStaPHIA STEAMSHIP LINE, sailing from each Sort on SATURDAYS, from first Wharf above PIVS treat, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston. The iteamehip SAXON, Capt. Matthews- will sail front Philadelphia for Boston on Saturday, March 0, at l o’clock A.M.; and steamship NORMAN, Capt. Baker, from Boston for Philadelphia on same day at 4 P, M. These new and substantial steamships form a. renU/ line, sailing from each port punctually on Saturdays. Insuranfes effected at one-half ?h* premium ehargsd "oa mall vessels. Freights taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to sead Slip Receipts and SIUJ Lading with their goods. For Freight or Passage (havingfine aMommodattosi Apply to HENRY WINSOfi & CO.. m'hd IW South t STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVES ■"■hhfcPOOL, touching at Queenstown, (Cork Hat bor.) The well-known Steamers of the Llreraool. H.w York.end Philadelphia Bt.un.hlp CompenTuelntoni ad to call ae follow.: BTHA- - - ■■- -. Saturday. March 11 CITY OF NEW YORK SatuKajr. March la ECINBUKGH . .BatnrdaJ: March 3d, . And every enoceadinc Hatnrdky at noon, from Flar >O - North River. BATES OB PASSAGE- Parable In Gold. or It. eonivalent In Cnrrener. riBST CABIN, *BO 00 STEBBAOB. ” *3O M 80. & London. 86 ou Do. to London. Si « Do. to Faria, 96 00 Do. to Faria <0 04 Do. to Hambur*. 90 00 Do. to 'Hambark.X' 91 Fueenaere alio forwarded to Havre, Bremen. JSoliM dam, Antwerp, &e. , at .anally low ratal Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist OiMb ftU here at these rates. For farther information, apply at the Company’s ofiD* JOHN G. DALE. Anni Ul9 111 WAT.NTTT Street. PhAirfSKU _ MEDICAL. ULECTBicrry.—what ia lips -*- 1 WITHOUT HEALTH I —Measre. OBIU A ALLS?- Medical Electrician.,' bavin* dissolved nartnembt. t-t eractico will he continued by THOB. ALLEN? attac cl= : established office, No. 723 N orth TENTH Street betwtt-i Goatee and Brown, where he wlu etill treat and. cunih curable diseases (whether Acute* Chronic Pnin-o&tfr' or Paralytic, without a shock or any SilS;) srtthfhf rlous modldcatlons of Sleeirlclty andOalvanUm, TM treatment ha* been found romarkahlv snceassffll In »H Sttsaa of Bronehltle. Dlntherl*. and otLr’dLuaua of throat ud respiratory or*ana. «r*ea«s “assfssa flr *‘ » nd “• fsssat D te,.? f UT,t " Fever and Ague. Ttt&hatm* Aatbnfa.’ 011 ' P^«SnS* ri <F * UiM<l groUpsn* An! for PUuL ItofeMSf*- DStoS? 1 8mlul0 “*' pH? * ‘Ohonltanon. Office honre 9A.» W * r. M. Testimonials to be seen at oflUe. TARRANT'S _ APERIENT, For THIRTY YEARS has received the YaroahlgS: of the PUBLIC, and been USED attifPE* - QVrKIBSD by the * FIRST PHYBIOIANS IV THE LAND AS THE BEST REMEDY KNOWN _ POE Sick Headache, _ Vervous Headache, .Dyepepeia, Sour Stomaeh. „ Bilious Headache* Dlnlaees. CoativeneM, Loss of Appetite, Gout, , Indigestion, Torpidity of the Liver* Qxavfe, Rheumatic Affections, Plies. Heart* burn, Bea Sickness, Bilious Attacks, Fevers* Ac.* Ac. For Testimonials, Ac., see Pamphlet with each Dotti* ' Manufactured only by - • 978 GREENWICH Street, New no2-ly FOR SAZ.R BY ALL DRUGGISTS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers