FAKSorr Browklow’s Kbburreotiok —ln the ELnoxvffle Whig we find the following quotation and comment: It vm currently reported upon our streets, yes terday evening, that Faison Browniow, editor of the Rebel Fenfftator, died a few days ago, at his home inKnoxville.” “We clip the foregoing from the Nashville Frew, and now enter our solemn protest ng* ins" bem r dis posed of in this way. If dead, the Rebel Ventilator of this week will be regarded as a pretty fair pro duction for a dead man. But toeFrew may have intended to say that we are politically dead. This is to be determined hereafter. But u* ha\ a a chance at one of your Middle Tennessee in f COBtCBt for Governor, and we will have this issue settled! _ Avotbsb Escape of Richmond Prisoners.— TV? are informed, through the Richmond Examiner of the 23d ult. f that between 3 and 4 O’clock the pre ceding afternoon the Yankee prisoners conhoed in the destriers’ prison, opposite Castle Thunder, cut through the partition of their quarters, and enter ing the basement, wrenched away several of the iron bars eeouflng the window. Twenty-two ot them succeeded in escaping through the aperture before the discovery was made. An exoitiug chase ensued on the part of the guard and citizens, and sixteen of them were retaken within sight of the prison. They were confined ia the cells, and extra -precautions exercised. The guard were in uurauit of the others. „ 1 THBExRmioN OP a Murderer.— Streeter, the murderer of the Coy family at Medina.Ohio,paid the penalty of the law at that place on Friday last. He protested that he was innocent of the crime for which he was exeoutod to the last moment. The extraordinary circumstances of the case, the peculiar atrocity of a treble murder of a married couple and aheir only child, a boy of seven—the attempted •arson—the bold robbery—the curious, romantic, and wonderful identification of the murderer—the ?tory of the trial—the incidents oi his cunning escape and extraordinary recapture —ami, above all, the character and bearing of the prisoner, "Whole life was a romance, and entire de meanor, though inconsistent, extravagant, and un accountable. was collected and drsn—aJ ««nuea to •produce the most intense excitement in »nei commu nity where the fact)? were known tiie hour of execution, a crowd of over 15,000 persons had collected to witness tae horrid details. The fence about tne gallows was torn down and burned, mnd the vz*w was unrestrained. The prisoner spent She night previous iu writing letters to his wife* another ant! meter, ail of whom believe him innocent. The Cleveland Leader's account contains the fol* lowing of the scere on the scaffold: •* Whrn Ivr Foote, the murdered woman’s father, approaches Mm, he asks: “‘ls this lvtxs. JVleCoy’s father? 5 and when an af firmative answer is given, adds: ‘As there is a •God in heaven, I am innocent of your daughter’s snurdei.' “Tolleltig, who recaptured him, he said, almost playfully, alluding to bis capture: 41 4 1 assure you that 1 regret having met you under certain circumstances. Ba kind to my wife, as you always have been, 1 ” Streeter stood up to speak on the scaffold. The Jjeader says: “ Summeniug all his physical powers for the task Of standiser uptighl, he riset, fitciug the south, where 2fche greatest concourse is gathered, wipes his face carefully with a pocket-handkerchief, then, stand ing there in his ghastly robe, his oiear face calm &s ever, and his eye seeking the outmost verge of his audience, he speaks—deliberately and distinctly, sot loudly, though all hear him : 441 Of the dime for which lam about to die lam entirely innocent, May God forgive all those who have wronged*me.* ” These weie his last words. CITY ITEMS. Tlie Coulter Mining Company. In anotice yesterday of the prospects and present condition of the “Bohemian” and “Pennsylvania” (copper) Mining Companies, we omitted to state 2hat the ‘ Coulter 55 Company, which owns a con siderable section of one of the richest veins in the Xake Superior region, is now being rapidly deve loped, and that the stock of.it is intrinsically as valuable'as some others iu the market now com- Snanding from nine to ten dollars per share. We Jaave just read a letter from a well-known and intel ligent citizen in that region. Mr. J. W. Crozer, edi tor of the Lake Superior Miner , Michigan, in which khe “Coullez” property is spoken of (in connection with seme others) in the most flattering manner; land if a speedy advance in the stock of this com pany should take place within a few days, no one jaeedbe surprised. 44 Our First Bauy.”— This is to be th 9 BUbject of -Oordovft’B next lecture, to be delivered at Concert Hall, on Thursday evening. The marked success of She two already delivered we feel assured will result 3n a rousing house to night, as everybody who at tended bis last will not willingly forego the pleasure of hearing this, and the fame which he has kindled ns culminating into a perfect blaze. To secure seats it will be necessary to go early. The Superiority of the 44 Florence ” Sewing Machine, sold at G3O Chestnut street. haB been so fully and clearly demonstrated that all that is re quired to make it supersede all others in use is for its merits to become popularly known. In view of 3his, we would invite our readers to visit the * 4 Florence ” Rooms, in order to inspect the machines fin operation. They perform more than any other Sewing Machine has ever attempted, are more Simple and easily operated, and every machine sold 5a Warranted to give entire satisfaction or the money Will be refunded at the expiration of three mouths’ trial. Gtcbat KBDUCTHjIh in Pjuoes. Great Seduction in Prices. Ladies’ and Misses’ Pine Cloaks. Ladies 2 and Misses’ Pine Cloaks. Also, Rich Pure of all kinds. Bich Purs of all kinds. In anticipation ol tbe close of tbo season, we are now prepared to make a large concession from for mer prices on all our stock. J. W. PjSOOTOB k. CO., The Pari* Cloak and Fur Emporium* 920 Chestnut street. The Pen.—The pen in the hand that knows how So use it is one of the most powerful weapons 'known. As the tongue of the absent, how charm* leg! When virtue guides it, hew beautiful! When honor directs it, how respected! When wit sharpens St, how fatal! And how instructive and .truthful when it writes in praise of the elegant garments for gentlemen and youths made at the Brown Stone Clothing Ball of Kockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 805 Chestnut street, above Sixth. The Pen, in the hand that knows how to use it, 3s one of the most powerful weapons known. As 3he tongue of the absent, how charming! When self-respect gives it a new vigor, how pleasing! When virtue guides it, how beautiful l When honor directs it, how respected! When used to guide all men to Granville Stoke b’ Great Emporium of Fashionable Clothing, No. 609 Chestnut street, how useful! Congressional Proceedings East Night.— 3lr. Wilson introduced a bill to extend the bounties. Mr. Carlile suggested to add to the bill forty cents 2ax on whisky on hand. The President sent in a message in reference to our prisoners in Richmond. Mr. Cox moved to refer it to the House Committee, and couple with a reduction on the whisky tax to twenty cents. Mr. Sumner* on freed men's affairs, moved that the Freeman's Bureau also inquire into the propriety of raising the whisky tax to eighty cents. Judge Kelley moved to present Lieutenant General Grant with a new uniform of the make of ■Charles Stokes & Co., under the Continental. After further debate on the whisky bill the House ad* jouraed. Send the soldier a box of “ Brovm's Bronchial Troches,” which will relieve the distressing affec tions of the Throat, and Cough produced by cold and exposure. Ninth Ward.—We call attention to the offleia statement of the Ivinth-ward Bounty Committee. More money is needed to cave the credit and honor ol the ward, as will be seen by the advertisement among the special notices in to day’spaper. A Notice prom the Ordnance Oppice.—War Department, Washington, March 4.—The time for opening of proposals for Horse Equipments, is •postponed until the 20th instant, anti the first deli* very until April 9ih, 1364 George D. Bamsat, Biig. Gen., Chief of Ordnance. S. B. Battde &. Co, 100 Almond street and 123 Cottage street Philadelphia, Drillers and Borers of Artesian Wells, mhS»i2t* -Prospecting for Minerals, &9. Deafness, Eye, E&t, Throat Diseases, Catarrh, treated by Dr. Ton Mosohzisker, Oculist and Auiiit, author of the work. “ The Ear. its Diseases, and their Treatment." Office, 1027 Walnut street.' mh3>9t Corns, Bunions, Inverted Nails, Enlarges .Joints, and all diseases of the feet, cured without ipain or inconvenience to the patient, by Dr. Zacha* tie, Surgeon Chiropodist, 021 Chestnut street. Safer* lio physicians and surgeons of the dtp* ja23»if ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS TO TWELVE O’CLOCK. LAST NIGHT. Olrud- Cliestmit street. Below Ninth. W W Reed, Harrisburg -David Davis A wf, Chicago Lieut Hashers, D c A Thos Carter Illinois RCSilles Frank Worth, Baltimore R P Shinn Wm Bell, M&Ttineburg.Va >W Asbmesd. New Torb ■ His Jane Dunbar. Newport Xieutß WMcCourt &la,hY G H McCabe, Tamaqna US Wield er. New Y.-rfc ! J Hagerman, Beading JH Samuel, New York G F emith, Covington, Kj JHall, u&A Dr Woodbniy, N Orleans Capt T Boston Arthur Hiller. Fhilada JJraM Harshall. Baltimore! Joseph Marshall, Baltimore John Thompson. Delaware G W Horner. Delaware Smith. Few York DanielG»rrett Wash DC AW Wayne. Wayntsb^rg Simmon*. Wayue*l>u r s , -2? ilacdtapld Portland, Me AG Beading J Butcher-, New Jersey J£ Ryan. Ohio N orri&town •f AWhiinpy, Pott-viily vLvomeoy. Ptnna 7HStore, u? *. Harrisbnrsr • « JaofemHhw. Harrisburg fiAft* 6 - fcarriebnrg fJTßttten*. l ew York BilkwilS. U S A • JNBMei.tiuoliiu. Lex. Ky Wa*cer. L*x. Ky 1 T *xu;-.qai I JPHear on. Ashland P Ml. Reading : T n x»4 Norrirtown! vv ?iV :er ' York j 3?® MB. li fc A : §*uß“* *’-rt '■ ctc . F , oc * Baltimore i * M Aibavkie Thos McC&iidlt?, Mess Adi Geo 1-. USA -r? a J JScoii a Lfewees. USA .rank 6U-> vtr WEDeatv. P.ura kTHyi».-n & son. Balt Hiram sms vf-ly i In, K*.]j A L Delapihiu. Wfceeiiug * SL Louis—CheKtuut J HSneider. Windsor. O W M Dicfrwjsn. Csaciarati G KneselJ, New Tvik Jones, Beverly Thompsoo, NewTcik , c g Cloßthr. Jersey Cny g&awklcs, Chicago jSS'M la. Albany l vr>i>e i ' l7 - New York 5i^ 111,/ New York L Sew York Cfx - Waehiniiton ■W tj.S* ots. A wf, Lebanon G„V? t: s'sntirg Ga; < ’l" sfßbnrs Oattyi-bart i '.'- N <iW York . Bt*" 1 K York Hew York “ u * Hagerstown A H Latham & la. L Island Mr# David Davis Baltimore E M Smyssr, Morristown J Seitz, Eaaton ;G M Sceinman, Lancaster ll £ Lernan. Lancaster Samuel Borrows, New Tork H G Carson L Honseal, Marietta. Fa Jos Cocking Fhceaixville J J Carter, FhcenLxvllle airs C F iiudiam New York «i Senaeman. Kozharv J WiliiamHon, Cambria co W Stellar, D S A G R Fasets. Baltimore C Jones. Cincinnati C Carile. Pittsburg J Martin. Pittsburg J Sack. Hagerstown J Campbell. Hagerstown H T rsmom, Eredariok L D Heron, Frederick D Rankle & wf. N Orleans Miss Capman, New Orleans G Capman. New Orleans ;s williams. Pennsylvania ; H Qarrenbangh, Penna IK £ Spencer. New York • F C Arms. Pittsburg - ' Jirorrison, Baltimore ; Paulin, New York : S Parker, New York [ WT Stewart. New York [ J L Glover, Penna Ohag Burns, New York f M Mortimer, Jersey City *rm J Sneden. New Jersey* «* B 2r r %l we ll* Brooklyn iv r . linger, Penna W K Thomas, USN CLnton. At IBs Wm J Ross, New York Hams, u S JV Gazette street, above Third, j S Robinson Loniaville Erie. Pa Elmer. Tnnkhannock • Hre Morris, Pa i.Tg'ftnklaod, Washington iJilWUlet. DSN Eldrldga. n S A S«kA^ 8,1 &- :ia cinnati {gfa.s3K&° v f/AT3\^ b o r 3 U Brown, Penna D B Linn. Penna MCB o eb" d6a-HB,rTark H N Samson, XJ S A F Wolf, Penna S F sule> Uarlatt, Continental-Winth a: E H Raich, Kew York A E Warner. Maryland S N Bierce, Kew York H A Llndvars. A ew York r Idler, Hew York G I> Bayard. Kew York B t Dodge, Little Bock J B Jordan. Bogton IS Loyd, flew York W H Eveieth, Cincinnati WHHShinn. Ohio D T Webster, Kew York Miss B Curray, Kew York JMiee S Bowen, New York J G Stephens. N Jersey SI T * ’ole, Chicago A Gerthon, St Louis bsmcs, St Lcnie J M uuier. New Jersey S Jsccard. St Louis BP Brown, Washington Thos, J Muslin,Washington M li Wilson, Now York •Jo> u L Peake, TJ SK W filcGilvery, Maine J G Bimey, USA W M Taylor. USA Brig Gen H Prince, USA B A Belger, USA J Gilroy & wf. New York J Antrobus, Chicago GC Welrmn, Massachusetts J B Stuart S la. Kew York JlßeCair. Wailnnaton J Couiiau, Wa.muston I, S W»te. Ohio A Wol h 4r(.S Jari«y JHeb w«l»l., Kew Jersey J P Copollo, st Lome J HMcOob. Baltimore . Joe Martin. Baltimore Chiis Tobey, Chicago W W Strong. Chicago M ,T Hatlup, Baltimore 1 I cobelt, Baltimore W A Dauskxn, Maryland Chas Vail. Detroit LM Gottpcbalk' N G Taylor & son.E Term G M Bra wnei\ E Tennessee J M Wilcox. Potts ville J C Roper. Boston Capt H C Mason M D Anger A dan. Spain 1 R Bavis. New York J D Davis, Kew York 1 A C Kingeland, Jr, N Y 1 Mrs A C King' land, N Y J Kiss Kingsland & sis.N Y < P D Brown & wf, Montreal B R Stevens & la, Newbnrg ' A Post & la, Newbnrg Mrs Moore, Newbnrg K K&minaii & wf. N York L M&tteon, Port Carbon F a Lutz s la, Washington < M Nava, Mexico ' > Arriofa, Mexico 1 E D GiitwoM. New York P Bngbee, KH 1 I, Lavnvande. New York W SI Ffc-rrill, New York Merchants’ Hotel—Fo Lieut J 3» Kunp w „ Jobs Prydo* it da, N York A B.Xeliogg M P Raudman. New York Chafe s. Mercer NVG&thart Louisville Robert Runs on, New York Mrs Runyon. New York Mrs Smith, New York John Hawthorn Ohio Michael Barry. Lancaster EcbeitSuUcnv Indiana. Pa Geo M Millet, Pittsburg T M ’"odd. Wheeling, Va M J Krflm=r. Allentown Coleman Keck. Allentown F s as. ReadiDg,Pa B O J Carmanr-New York GMcCU'ionah A sister A W Orr AJ&, Cincinnati, 0 ji Bockbaum. Chicago j EnTcUinfeon, New York V. Rowe, Straaburg D W Clecorger. Burl’ton. N J Lieut Col J Weddle. USA V Freeman, Boston ! J S Grant- A wf, JHxou, 111; Ron Asa Packer, M Chauk j M Birckhead, Maryland j American Hotel—Che, P Grant, New Yoik ! J W Bf-an, Marietta S J Torbert, Jr. Coatesville JB F Morris, Washington J K Eivans, Washington AK Hainan. Washington I) kelson, Washington. _ J *1 Krooni. USA James Weller USA Wm Brown, New York F Webb, New York Wm H MiJleri Baltimore John Taylor, Baltimore Drtli«pm»a. USA J A Geib Alexandria, Va G Miller* Huntingdon C Davis, Reading * W M Shakespear, Dover G Kennedy D 0 Luc> enbach, Bethlehm Capt W H Stetzenbach, USA N btller. New Jersey H Van Reed, Reading 11 TEing, Springfield, O J P I.attomus - Clayton, Del 11 B Farren. Baltimore Je&se Garrett H W Crist, New York The Union-Arch gi Solomon Boyer. Altoona,Pa D Donne. Pottsville Alex German, Palo Alto John GaUigan J b lirlckhonse & wf, U S N AHlonner J S Day, Trenton, N J Dfinl Spencer, Piqua, O John J L >dge, Madison, Ind Tobias Barto, Reading C b Conkling, N J S E Schindej, Hagerstown H H Long, Hagerstown P Conrad, Mahoning City C W Robinson. Ohio M Guisenberger, Lane. Pa l B F Henderson, Philada itreet, above Third, L Kucbmason, I’enn* Here, Penua H Deals New Jersey A B Lyman, New York S LBurnham.Mascaatlne.la itleet; above Chesuut, W Rowland, Maryland i O DGraves, New Jersey G F Birkhead. New Jersey Jaa T JH-Ljiey. Oxford ios Weil. Easton G R Clark, Pottstown > J L Townsend > J W Woodside, Del co Z Hoffmaster, Reading John McClure F Fillmaa. Pottstown E E fiewlin. Pottstown «t Johns. Cheater co I Jos S Evans. West Chester E J Pennock. Cheater co Chas P Tnatcher, Il.iaois J S Pugh, Oxford, Pa G W Short, Buffalo Jos McMnliin, Chester co E W Shippen, Oil City C B Thomas, Pofcreville Commercial—Sixth si James F Leys. Media, Fa John J Rowland, Media,Pa Alfred Cox, New York Jas Nelson. New York J G Moses, PhojtiisviUe T F Schaeffer, Ha; risburg Joel Scarlet a w/.Chester co LB Chandler. Delaware co R P Clayton, Darby, Pa Isaac Richards, Cheater co J O Rhoad?, Pottstown R E joces. Reading Aaron Baker* Chester co J 8 Conovar. Freehold, N J John Gilfillan* Chester co D H Holmes. Chester co D Chester co F Steiner. Cheater co John M Hasßan. USA W A Johnson. Oxford, Pa F Jordan, Pottstown M W Fulton, Maryland States rnion-Markel E W Belts. lowa George W &h»fier« lowa Georce H Sinclair, N Y Jas Fitchhom, USA A B Taylor, Delaware Jas H t tevens, Delaware J W Parkinson. Penn a - John Cole. Latrobe, Pa G MrKav, Baltimore E A Shotf, Bainbridge, Pa R Brickaid. Bainbridge, Pa J S Stoner, York, Pa »t street, above Sixth, B Emanhisel, York, Pa H B Miller, Danville H Cope, Oxford, Pa L Cope. Oxford, Pa John Brazer, Potter’s Mills Jaa Armstrong, Potter’s M W H Kacy, Eiliottsburg Lieut T Evans, USA John S Appleton, Delaware J Rutherford* BarrivjboTg G nope. West Chester B W Thompson, Sew York A street, below Vine. Thos Holmes, Hew Jersey Holcomb Brittan, Zion, Md John S Smith, Hew Jersey Ales B Johnson, Hew Sope Faxson Panel!, Hew York I John Kirby. Penaa Je*se B Feil, Backs co T O Heal, Chicago J B Asnewy Brooklyn Craig Moffitt, New Hope D Malay. Elmira Barley Sheaf-Secom G« o Bachman. Bustle ton B. nj Sliaw, Washington Hies Smith, LambertviUe Chas Kiri bride. Attleboro Jaccb Welnert, USA Johi» L Pifer, CJ S A I John Kheil, USA Jas Cascey, New York John Gibbs, Newtown R W Beckman. Falls Benj BDggs, Falls Frai-ciB Collins, Falls treet, abore Third. .Cyras Schofield, Ohio Wm Eves, Muncy L Mrs H Eves, Williamsport F J Troxell, Lock Haved W T> Hyde, Minersville S M Barr Wm Keller, Lebanon Ifational-Race sti Simon Lyon, Danville S P Appleton, Pittsburg T Wiilett.New Cumberland £ P Baber, Lebanon £ T Bnrkert, a shlnnd W G Stoever, Lebanon co T Flicker, Reading John Hoff, Reading Bald Eagle—Third sti B Lambach J A Quimby Israel R Briggs, M Chunk Aliis C Hrrbert, Allentown Jno Allentown T Siegfried & sen. M Chunk Peter Ruhlman, M Chunk £ Elotz, Hunch Chunk Edw Klotz, Blanch Chunk O B Keller, Reading W C Beck, Koitoampt«n Baraum’s Hotel—Till: 5 F Hale. Salem. Jf J ' Isaac H Little, Peuna £ W Hayden, Allentown H Child#, Hew York A H Lord. Maryland C Hoder. Hew York 6 Johnson, Delaware .7 Johnson, Delaware P Johnson, Delaware ird street. Above Race. 5 Johnson. Delaware W H Spencer, Gambertville 0 A Parsons, Lambertrille O S Prick, Montg co, Fa 3 Galvin, Jnnlatta co A B Young, Juniata co H W Shaw, Mew Jersey F R Hammond, N J O S Briggs Mount Vernom—Secoj Jas P Eibbe.New York Jno Smith. &Ja. New York Wm Godfrey. PhiJa F BliandaU A la, Phil a G Rican, Muncy, Pa H MuJlin, Salem N J Black Bear-Third st , above Callowliill. Joel Mi*ier, Hamburc Miss Miles. Fox Chase B M Bidman. Zionaville Jacob Lengel W Stahter, Zionsville N N Brown, Womelsdorf Thoa BlJle-s Fox Chase Geo Bickert, Potteville Hadison House —Sei Wm Gogan T W Gilbert, Backs co MrsT W Giibert, Bucks co SPECIAL NOTICES. Coloate’s Honey Soap. This celebrated TOILET SOAP, in such universal de mand, Is made from the CHOICEST materials,' is MILD and EMOLLIENT In its nature, FRAGRANTLY SCENT ED. and EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL in its action upon the Skin. For~sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods dealers. ja26-tuthsly One-Price Clothing, of the liatest SrrxES, made in the Beat Manner, expressly f&r RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods madjMo Order warranted satlsfao lory. Our Ohb-Pbic* Ststbjc is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. d«23 ly JONES & CO., ©O4 MARKET Street. Electricity carefully applied by Dr. A. H. STEYSNS, at 1418 SOUTH PENN SQUARE, Phi ladelphia. _ mhfrtf Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment cubes Bums and Scalds Immediately. Mason Steck & Co’s HAMLIN’S CABINET STECK A CO. ’ ORGANS. SEVENTH Tee Popular Clothing House or Fhila., "OAK HAU.” Beet* claet good, and moderate prieei. WAN AM AKER 4 BROWN. 8 E toner SIXTH and MARKET Street.. Custom Department (to make to order) Ho, ig, sixth it. [Keleb & Wilson’s Highest premium The Cheapest, Simplest, and Best, Salesrooms. 704 Chestnvl Street above Ith. ]VI A- • firm i?t TTS —Jan. 2Pfch« by Bar. W. B Grejyz. at A£an Loiabard atreet. Mr AUxjßdMWeid to Mug Mary Ellis. both of Philadelphia. _ . HAMILTON—MoNIELL -Marc* l«c, bin lesionce, 2219 Lombard street, Mr. John Hamilton to Jans McNiell, both of Philadelphia. _ tHABFFER—GWTHH*.—March. 3d. by K#». w. o. Groce at hia residence.22l9 Lombard'street Rsr. Georae S Shaeffer. of the Philadelphia A“0 o jL C “? J|, t h the M g. Church, to Mias Hester B. GUrynne, toother On the Wth of Pebraary- hy Hev John T. Chaplain. Mt. Frederick Engel ana Miss K'yf-* Ann Clarke* both of Philadelphia. DIED. „ STEVENSON. —Fell asleep in Je3us, , on Monday. Marca 7th, after a lingering Ulnae*. which she w met Chestnut streets* W_S Sillcoeks, New York LP Noble, New York JC Ludiow, Newark J Colby, New York fW laller,-Hartford. Conn II Nebenger, New York HSchwanz, Cincinnati J H Hoi&fchaimer, Cin Glncinaitl MC Beebe Harrisburg J Mpook, Baltimore H Wilton, Wnghtsville AG Anderson, StLoais C F Hager, Lancaster F W Thayer, Boston MaxStrakoscb, New York Theo Satorgue, St Louis J A Rlestand. Lancaster AF Zimmerman. Harrish’g J Leloenrinc & wf, E Overton, Jr, <J S A .T S Richards & wf, Penns E J Lewis & la. DO . Mta S Lewis. Washington Mies Jones, Bristol, Pa - Miss Boose. Bristol, Pa Gen Council, Philadelphia Mies B Kay, Westchester Miss M Chapniao.WChes .er A A Ashforto, West Chester Carlo Patti t» Preston. Pittsburg W G Hamilton, Wow York F A Dana, New York B F Amos. Massachusetts R B Thompson.Waihinffton E V Greene & wf.Montre&i A B Warford & la. Penna NB Watson. New Jersey Lt Col F L Hitchcock J Watenseller & la, Penna Mrs Freeman, Boston Miss Waith, Boston G A Brooks. N*w York W .T Sweesy, Omaha, N T B. It H a-* a USA Gen M H Fenno 1 F Jenkins, New York F N Kcapo. Washington Mr'& MrsWßKirkland,N Y 1 Miss liacic. New York I)rO H Bowen. Washington WDHawler, Chicago Mrs R Dorall, Baltimore Miss Post. Baltimore Mln» Markoe, Baltimore E P Hawthorne, Baltimore i- H Haswell.New York J P Taylor, E Tennessee W Vail. NeWYork Jas T Hind. New York .T Brand? & wf. New r ork W M Betts, Coo.u •J P w McMullen, N York G W Steele, N Jersey T Carnwell, New York (JD Pitzipio, New York 9 W Pectee, New Ynr?< P Hammond. New York S Hills, Madison, Wis lurtli St ; below Arch Lieut Jas M Gondy, U d A Capt J W Daugherty. tJBA W H Levan, Bchuyl Jlayen L Levy, Kokomo, lad J P Evans, Fort Wayne T W Phillips,NewCartle, Pa J N Phillips, New Cascle, Pa A.F. hloan. New York C Peck, he ~r York W G Case. Columbia Pa W G Patten. Columbia Pa. S G fitter, Chambersburg J Bressler. Ottawa. O A M Ludlck, Boil ’g Spr’g, Pa John Miller. Carlisle, Pa B Plank, Cumh co, Pa D bhiseler, Carlisle, Pa Geo C Thompsjn. N York A L Bnlihoeffer. Penna’ r. Miller & wf, Altoona Mrs Boynton, Clearfield W D McKinstry Mercersh’g ThomasP Davis, USA H J Christ, U S a . G J Bolton, Harrisburg H Gutermaa, Schaylco.Pa ! P J BAth & sister jZ Stem, New York i Horace Saunders, Kauaas sstnnt at., above Fifth A N Hood, Norristown TG Montgomery, NurrisPa : J M Brown, USA J S Hayes, New York A A Hessar, Schuyl Haven R H Cunningham. Cairo,lll b A h-teel. Penna J M Cox, Delawar-a C B Evans. FotUville C Holmes & 1, Pottsvilla T Baldwin, New York a s Alston, lowa C B Alston, Newark, N J A W Fellows, Luzerne co Thos Watson, Milford. Del V G Gaylord. Penna S Silvar, Delaware H H silver, Delaware Chas Parr, Kckley J H Jefierson, Smyrna, Del D Burton, Delaware £ C Wapie, Delaware W H Commegy. USA Kelly Goottr, USA Geo Crook, Snow Hill, Md H M Fnnston Howard Jackson. Virginia Jos Frick. Allegheny Isaac Ocha Wheeling,Va Simon Galt. WheftUng, Va Philip Winter, Wheeling, V Isaac Fails, Pomeroy. 0 J T Bechtel A wf. Allentwn R AThaver, Allentown Wm H Oby, Peana W B Shaffer, Pittsburg W H Newman.Greencastle E Beney, Trsnton, N J •eet, above CaUowbill. 3 P Hartzell, Northampton Mrs Kaufman, Allentown Rdw H Miller W E Reifanyder, Reading GMF&ick* Miller! bar? Martin Wahl, Schyl Haven Geo Hauseman, Bch Haven 5 H llader, Pennsbnrg L T Rodder, Springtown D Diekel, X*ebanon Ld street, above Arch* in McDonald W Mariner, Harrisburg Wash. Brown, Baltimore Geo P Deichier,lfancastsr I Jno MacNa.ngh.ton do IJ H Harned, Dorer, Del :ond, above Market. IF WhUlack. New Jersey O Faw, Ties ton, JTJ [Mrs Faw & Bon .Trent an. NJ Pianos. PIANOS. J. B. GOULD, and CHESTNUT. enabled to bear with Christian fortitude, Mr«. Mary hteyenaon, in the 41st year of her age. . B©r relaitves and friends, and those of the family, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the resi dence of her husband, John Stevenson. 80. uibCatha rice etreet, on Wednesday, 9th Inst , at 1 o clock, with • ont further notice. To proceed to Mot ument “BJeseed are the dead that die in T, from their labors, and Ibeir workftdofollow them. .** PIERCE.—On the tth inst.. Sarah L-, wife of J. Lormg Pierce, M D.. in her 29th year. , .. The relatiree and friends of the family are reapeeti oily invited to fitterd her funeral, withmit 'urther notlje, from the residence of her husband, Mill street, Bristol, or Third-day-the Btb ittst., at 2M o'clock * ° BASSINGER.—On Monday, 7th inst., Mary, wife of J. IC Darsinaer JOHNj-ON.—On the 6th inst., Wm B. Johnson, son of the late Topliff Johnion, in the 33d year of his age. £ is male friends are invited tu attend his funeral, from bis late reridenco. No. 1828 Wallace street, on Four'll day morning, at 11 o’clock, * CL aV.—On-ft 6 6th inst,, George Clay, in the 75th year of his age Die relatives and male friends are invited to attend his funeral, fiorr his lare rusidenfe. No 1207 Saco street, on Wednesday morning, 9th inst., at 10 o’clock. ** WHlTAftfiU.—On the 6th inst., fiarah E.« wife of Robert Whitaker* aged 55 years. The relatives imd friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, without further notice, from her buj-hand’s residence. No. 610 Locast street, on Wednesday, 9th inst., atlOo clockA M Ir.tftTiupat at Oxford Church, Twenty-third ward *** SNYDER. —Oa tbs 6th instant, James W. Snyder, in the S7ih year of hie age. . The relatives and friends of the family are resnactfirly invited to attend his funeral, from his mother’* resi dence, 535 Catharine street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, the Bth instant, at 3 o’clock. * CHAMPION--On Sunday, March 6th. fttaryC.,daugh ter of John B. and Nancy Cou ter Champion, in the 7th year of her age. The relatives and friends 3re respectfolly invited to at tend her funeral on Wednesday afternoon 9th iafitanc, at 3 o’clock, from her parents' residence, Walnut Lane. Germantown.*- ** T>E£SON & SON HATE COMM BNCEO receiving their Spring and Summer Stock of AIOUEN ING GOODS, and have now in store — Black Byzantines, English Bombazines, Florentines, French Boiobitziues. *• Barege He.-jsaat. Summer Bombazines, Crape Mfcrets* r bally. ” Bareges, Moueselanes, “ Silt Grenadines. Tamises, Black, and Black and Whire Foulards, Ac. « MOURNING STORE, !als No. 018 CHESTNUT Street. 4.A LYONS BLACK SI Lyons Velvet yards wile. Magnificent Spring Silks Stoutest Black l>refig Silfcs. Richest Spring Organdies. Shawls of newe&t styles fe24 KYEE A T.ANDSLL. BORTICCLTUKAI. HALL, S. W. corner BKOAD and WaLNUT Streets.—Discus sion THIS EVENING, “Heating of Giass Houses.” It KIMTB WARD NATIONAL XJJfIOS ASSOCIATION.—ReguIar *t»:ed Meeting of Wiath "Ward National Union will be held TH IS (Tuesday) EVENING, at <rcock, at Hall TWELFTH atdIViLBEETSts. [lt*3 JOHN. O. HILL, Secretary. THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE IN* EURaNCB COMPANY, March 7,1864. The directors have thi* day declared a Dividend of SBYhN ror.iiAFS AITD FIFTY GENTS per Share on the Stock of the Company for the last six months, which will he pa d tc the stockholders or their legal repre sentatives after the 17tli instant. mhB-10t WM. G. CROWELL, Secretary. FOURTH ANNUAL COMMENCE &C3p» MENT of the YjBTERIN aRY COLLEGE will take glace *t DILIGENT HALL, at 7H o'clock on TUESDAY KENSINGTON LITERARY IN* IK5* STITDTfi. —The Annual Meeting of the Members of the Institute will be held on THURSDAY EVENING, March 10th, at o’clock, at the Hall of the Kensington Engine Company, RICHMOND Street, above Marl boioueh street. An Election will take place for Officers and Managers to serve for the ensuing vear tnbfi-at* GEORGS W VAUGHAN, Sec’y. COMMENCEMENT.-THE annual Commencement of the PHIL ADOLPH l a COL LEGE OF PHAEMACY will be held on THURSDAY BVBFJNG next. 10th inst . in the MUSICAL FUND HALL, at 8 o’clock. The Valedictory Address will be delivered by Prof. PROCTER. The public are respect fully invited. , , Gtnnaria Orchestra will be in. attendance. mhS 3t JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE. —The Annual Commencement will be held at MUSICAL FUND HALL, on THURSDAY next, 10th in stant, at 12 o’clock. The Charge to the Graduates Will be delivered by Prof. LUNGLIJiON The public are in vited to be present. P.OBLEY DUN GL ISON, mliS3t Dean. WILL BE MADE TO the managers of the MERCANTILE LIBRARY COMPANY for the renewal of Certificate of one ah ire of Strc>. No.-ITT 4-, standing in the name of NATHANIEL C. SHUFF, the same having been lost or mislaid. It* ggg&*- EIGHTH WARD TO THB 1D,500 CITIZENS OF THB EIGHTH WARD who ha vs xor vrcr aipep in the effort to AVOID THE DRAFT. Lets than five hundred of your fellow-citizens, generouelv coming forward, have contributed nearly S2O,CCG. Look over the list recently published; yon will find there the name* of many ladies and old men, not theimelvee liable Of the three thousand men. now subject to the draft, but few have done anything. Five dollaTß paid by each of these men, or by their wives and mothers, would furnith the balance required, and thus secure them against conscription The names of all who contribute prior to the Ist of March, (including some who were omitted in the list above referred to ) will be pnb ished. Thus a record will be had of those whoso patriotism is evinced by asts. and not by woTds alone. Ten thousand dollars are needed. You are eppepded to to raise it • _ mb2 St By order of the Executive Committee, MS* EIGHTIIWAKD BOUNTY FUAD.- Bl*sP >t All men mustered in to tlxe credit of the Eighth ward will be paid their bounty on presenting their vouchers at No. J 31- LOCUST Street, daily, from 4 to 6P. M. Vouchers of men absent in the field or else where must be accompanied with powers of attorney. The bounty of men credited before the 4th of February is Fifty Dollars—of all ethers, since that data,is Twenty five Dollars. • • - mh7-5f TO THE CITIZENS OF THE NINTH Ward. The Treasurer’s report to this date is as follows: From Citizens’Bounty Fund......... 9*59 38 From First Precinct 1,090 00 From Second Precinct 832 50 From Third Predi ct. ..»* 2 83S 50 From Fourth Precinct. **++ 1,822 00 From Fifth Precinct 3, 740 60 From Sixth Precinct . 1.779 00 From Seventh Precinct 2,422 50 From Eighth Precinct 658 00" '' Bounty has been paid to 355 volun-' - tears, at a total cost of. $12,833 00 Caeh on hand .... ......... 2,729 88 —. —. —515,412 88 Great exertion was made by the Committee, In having men accredited to the Ward, withoas pay in* brokers' commissions, and they now find a cumber have been accredited of whom they had no knowledge, aud are ret Without the proper legal evidence, but which they are satisfied will be produced. As far as they can learn, about ICO men are accredited to the ward in addition to those already cain, costing $5,880. We have an espsnee Of printing and publishing, say #3O?. which will require about $1,300 ye> to be collected. There may be more credits to enr ward, o (veterans, who ate now re-enlist ing, which would require a rather larger amount. It has been pxblpbed to the world that we would pay every man accredited to the Ward, and we are in honor bound to do so. . Some of the Precincts have answered the call most freplv, and if the others would do as well, we would both infure onr Ward from this draft aud have no one to reproach us for having deceived them, fhat we have filled our quota at the expense of honesty must never be said of ihe Ninth Ward. WM. STRUTHRRS. Treasurer. DANIEL &TEINMETZ, Chairman- Toward H Cgdf.k. Secretary. March 4 Ifc64 It *O. twelfth ward -cash Botin- TV $.95. —This -ward having entirely filled its quota under both calls of the President, will still con tinue to pay the Bounty to all Volunteefb accredited to Twelfth ward until the unexpended balance in the hands of the Treasurer is exhausted- Committee sit daily at Ladner’s, THIRD Street, below Green, from 2 till n **. m. chas. m Wagner, jnh7 6t* Chairman Disbursing Committee. TWENTY FIRST WARDBOUSBY FUND —A Special MestLPff of the uommlttee wi;l h» held at ARNOLD’S HOTEL. Falls of t chuylkill, on WEDNESDAY EVENING nest, March*, at 7/tf o’clock. Tbe collecting committees will have all subscriptions dosed up by that time, and return tbe books to tbe Chairman cf the several precincts; also, to bare pre pared a revised list of all eub&crlbers- By order of the Executive Committee. _ GEO. A. SMITH, Secretary. LORBBBRY CREEK RAILROAD COMPACT. —Philadelphia, .ran 29, 1583. The annual roeeiin* of the stockholders of the LOR BERRY CREEK RAILROAD COMPANY will be held at the cfflce of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany, No. U 27 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia,on WE'DSBSTAY, March 9fch, 1864, at 1 o’clock P. M., for the election of a Presided and six Directors to serve for the current year, and until others shall be elected. fe2G-tmh9 W. H» WEBB, Secretary. »» HESTONVILX.E, MANTUA, AND FaIRMOUNY PAeSENGfBR BAILROaD COM PA NY. Philadelphia. March 7 1861 NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—The Annual Election for President and Five Directors will be held on FRIDAY, the 18th dav of March, 1564. at No. *O9 WALNUT Street. The P. Us will be open from 12 M. until IP. M. K. T. FBAILEY, Secretary. n>h7-13t THE ELSVfiNTH ANNIVERSARY fiCS*' of ihe fcodo rd-Bfreet IMiasion will be held oil WEDNESDAY EVENING, Match 9th, in the «, K. Uiiion Church, FOUJiTH street, below Arch.at 7,i o clock. Addiestea will be delivered by Bev. Bishop Simpson, and Bev. G. W Smiley. Singlngbyfbe choir of Green- Street M. E. Church, under the direction of Prof. Fischer. D. H. LOUDEKSLAGEB, Ch. Com. “ORATION ON RADICAL CHRIS TIAN ITTZ.”—Radicalism in all tiuns*. So Slavery to Man, nor to Appetite Benefit for thn First Progressive Christian Church, at SAHSOM-STREBT HALL, next WEDNESDAY BVENINO. March 9th, at 6 o’clock. Rev. ft. M. LANDIS, M. D., will deliver (first time in this city) his celebrated, practical, and tumorous Oration on Badical Christianity, which de lighted and drew together crowded houses In Washing ton and other places. . Curious Letters will be read from Bishop Alonzo Potter and other clergy. We hope the pablic will lis ten to the starlir g eloquence of Dr. Landis, whilst they aid cur cause. Tide’s 25 cents. A small quantity yet to be had at Mr. Gould’s, corner Seventh ancTChestuut, and other stores. % x JOHN WARRINGTON, \ Lecture mhO 4t* JAMES MILLEK, 5 Committee. K 9» IT S. INTERNAL REVENUE-* Second. Collection District of Pennsylvania, com l prieing|?ireti Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth wards of the city of Philadelphia. NOTICE. , ... - The annual assessment for 1863. for the above-named district, of person* liable to a tax on Carriages, Pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables, and Gold and Silver Plate,and alio of persons required to take out licenses, having been completed, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the taxes aforesaid wiU be received daily by the undersigned, between the honrsof 9 AM. and 3 P.M., (Sundays excepted.) at his office,southwest comer of THIfeD and WALNUT Streets, on and after MON DAY, the 7th inst , and until and including SATURDAY, the 2dda,ofAprilne X temuln ?iTiKg All persons who fail to pay their annual taxes noon Carriages, Pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables, acd Gold or Silver Plate, on or before the aforesaid 2d day of April. 1864, will lncnr a penalty often per centum additional of the amount thereof, ana be liable to coats, gs provided for in the 19th section of the excite law of Ist July, 1832. All pevtons who in like manner ihall fall to take out their licenses as required by law. on or before the 2d day of April, 1864, will incar a penalty of ten per centum ad ditional of the amount thereof,and be subject to a pro secution for three times the amount of said tax, in ac cordance with the provisions of the 59th section of the law aforesaid. All payments are required to be made in Treasury Notes under authority of the United States, or in notes of Banks organized under the act to provide a na tional currency, known as National Banks No fnither notice wiU be given. _ JOHN H. DIEHL, Collector. mh724t S. W, cor, THIRD and WA '.NUT Sts. PHILADELPHIA MUTUAL REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION.—The Committee ap pointed to wind up the affairs of this Association notify those having fully-paid Stock to present their Certifi cates, with receipt, at the Office of B. feCHREINER, NOBLE Street, above Ninth, on or before the Ist day of APRIL next. H. VAN BBIL. E. SCHREINER, ALLAN W. RICHARDS. jaB-ftn3m* Committee. PITTSBURG} FORT WAYKE. AND IC£TCHICAGO RAILWAY COMPANY. _ 0 F FICE OF THE SECRETARY, Pittsburg. Pa., February 12th, 1861 The Annual Meeting of the Stock and Bondholders of this Company for the election of Directors, and inch other business as may come before It, will he held at the Office of said Company, in the city of Pittsburg, on the THIRD WEDNESDAY OF MARCH, A. D. 1894* at 10 A. M. The Stock and Bond Transfer Books of the Company, at their Office In the city of Plttsbnr*. and at their Trans fer A nency in the city ofHewXork. will be closed on the let day ot March, at 3 o’clock F. M., and lemain closed until the 17th day of March thereafter. fel6-tml7 W. H. BABHBS, secretary. RS-,, FBBUOKunnA AMD KBAOIXa BAILBOAB COMPANY, Office ffijSytkSlS FOURTH Street, Pmi,ADKi,piriA, September 2- isaa. DmDEND.N’O-rcCE.-Tiie foUowtniSSSSd %£££,, an entitled to a Diyldend on the Common Stock of tliti Company. The rMldenee of ssTcral of thim Is un- DlTld9 “ L stockholdbrs-^nameh' s. Lancaster. I Henry B shorer. John Mclntyre, 'Andrew Turner. Deni. F. Newport, iUrs. Rebecca Ulrish fSSS^iF&VrSt v ® B 8 Philadelphia, Nov. 12.1863. Importers and Dealers in MEDICINES. HOSPITAL STORES, HOSPITAL FURNITURE, BEDDING, 108, Ac,, aieinvited to submit their Price Lists from time to i time to this Offioev . J. Murray, i no!3-6ta»tf Surgeon and Medical Purveyor. 1 THE PEESS.-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MARCH 8,1864. TUE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE o drat central fair to be held in this city in the mouth of JUNE next, beg leave to announce that a in behalf of the Fair, will lake place at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, OH THURSDAY EVENING. March 10th, at 8 o'clock. Addresses; explanatory of the objects of the Fair, will be made by Eight Rov. BISHOP CLARK, of Rhode Island: Rev. Dr BELLOWS, of New York; Hon. Judge SKINNER, of Chicago, aad others. THE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA WILL BE IN AT TENDANCE. On and after Monday next, tickets may be procured gratuitously at the Agency of the Commission, No. 1307 Chestnut street, Union League Home. at the principal book stores, and at4be Academy of Music. mh4-6t fr2“COMMENCE«IENT-THE JBLE •*3**’ VEN'J'H Annuel Commencement'of theP£J<»N MEDICAL UNIVERSITY will be held at CONCERe BAI-L. on WfeDNBSDAY, Kerch 9bh at 8 o’clock P. M- Vtsledictorr address by Priif.CHA.RLES MURPHY The public iDvited. J. S. LONGSHORE, M. D., Dean. mh7-3i* ,K VELVET NOTICE.—THE FIRST MEETING K3S» ol the Corpuratorn of the RJ£SuL.U'JE MINING COMPANY, nnr-er their Articles of Association, will be hold J>t No. 324- WALNUT Street, in the city of Pnila delphia. on the 21st day of MARCH, IS6I, at 11 o’clock A. M-. for the purpose of completing the organization of the and transacting any other proper busi ness. JOHN K. GIMUP, B. A. HOOPES. ’ Two Associates under said Article*. Philadelphia, March 2,1864. mh4lfit MEDICAL BOARD-HEADCtUAR tees Pennsylvania JUjutia, Hospital De partment, Harrisburg, Pa., March 1. 1361. The 1 ta-te Medical Board of Pennsylvania will meet ix> Philadelphia on THURSDAY, the 10th ol March inst., and continue in session at least eight days, to examine candidates for appointment as Assistant burgeons in Pennsylvania regiments. The object is to provide for vacancies in the recruited regiments, which may re qnii e additional Assistant Surgeons Phyj-icians in good health, furnishing satisfactory tes timonials of their industry, sobriety, and loyalty will bead milted to the examination. Th a rr ctoe in which the ex ruination will beheld will be indicated in the city papers oh the day of meeting. By order of the Governor. mha-flt JAMES KING, Surgeon General Pa. ALLENTOWN RAILROAD COM- FAN Y. — -Philadelphi 4, Feb. 19, 1864. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the ALLEN TOWN RaILROAD COMPANY will be held at the office of the Pailadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany, No. 22? South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY. March 9th, 1864. at 12 oVlock M , for the election of a President and Director* to serve for the car rent year, and until others shall be elected. feSCMmhS W. H. WEBB. Secretary. VULCAN MINING COMPANY -THE flrtt meeting of the VULCAN MINING COM PANY, under its articles of association, will be held on SATURDAY, the 12th day of March, 1864 at No. 331- WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, at ll o’clock, A. M. JOSEPH H. TROTTER, B. A. HOOFES, Two of the Associates of said Corporation. Philadelphia. Feb. 28.1864. fe24-ist f*slo EXTRA CASH BOUN7Y.— To Recruits joining Co. I, 183 d Regiment F. V.« 4th UNION LEAGUE, Colonel GEORGE F, McLBAN, Three men yet wanted to complete the Company, Which will receive $345 C-sh Bounty. Apply to PENN&YLVAN i A BANK, SECOND, above Walnut, To JAMES FREED, It* Captain Co I, \TBW WAR MAPS! NEW WAR MAPS! A MAP OF SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI AND ALABAMA, shoving the approaches to Mobile and the movements of Gen. Sherman’s army.. Prepared by the U. S. Coast Survey Office Price 1 0 cts A MAP OF NORTHERN GEORGIA, with portions of Alabama, Tennessee. North Carolina, and South Caro lina. Prepared by the 0. 6. Coatt Survey Office. Price CO cts. For sale by mh3 TVTERIVALB’S HISTORY OF THE AvX. SOMA 2*6. —“ This Bistory is the most thorough and philcsopb-cal analysis of Roman events whio* has yet been produced. Mr. Merivale is a scholar who is &s in dustrious and painstaking as he is brilliant ” Merivale’s Bistory terminates at the point where the narrative of Gibbon commences. and Ib therefore indispensable in every library. 12mo, cloth and hp.lf cill binding. Subscriptions received at the Agency, 33 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut, mkS-St Office of Appleton’s Cyclopadia. A N AGREEABLE BOOK FOR THE ADMIRERS OF "WASHINGTON IRVING.—The National Edition of the Life and Letters of Washington Irving. 4 vole., to match the Subscription Edition of his works, bound in black cloth, bevelled boards. Every one having the Works of this delightful American author will need the Life. For sale at the Agency. 33 Sooth SIXTH Street, above Chestnut, mkS-3t Office of Irving’s Work* aad Rebellion Record. \T)':W BOORS ! NEW BOOKS!! -L* Juet received by ASBMEAD & EVANS, (Successors to Wiisis P. Hazard,) • No. 73* CHESTNUT Street. A WOMAN’S RANSOM: by Frederick William Robin eon. anther of *’ Grandmocher's Money,” &c., &c. KBBINA. A new novel. BOBA DI BOMA; by W. W Btory. 2 vole. 81l GUJOS TO THE ART OF DANCING. THE ART OP CONVERSATION TALES FROM THE OPERAS. Edited by G. F. Par dFULLER f S HOLT AND PROFANE STATES. LeWs AND PRACTICE OF WHISTt explained and illustrated by means of hands played completely through. By Cavei-diKh. THE WIFE’S fEVIDENCE; a Novel by W* G. Wills. GENERAL MCCLELLAN’S REPORT. 50 cents. T>EADY— * OFFICIAL.”—THE ENT- D EOLMENT ACT.—Passed February 20, 1864, Pocket Ediiion. Price Ten Ceuta. Postage Free, J. W. FORTUNE. Publisher, 103 CENTRE Street, New York, Or at any Bookstore. mhS-6fc TV/PL** EE’S ELECTRICITY AND MAG* XTA NETISM JU&T PUBLISHED. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM, being Pari 2 of Elemestfe of Chemistry. Theoretical and Practical, By William Allen Miller* M. D,, LL. D.. &c. In one volume, oclavo. The subscribers 'will keep on hand the Scientific publi cations of* JOHB WILEY, New York, which, they will supply to the trade or sell at retail. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers* mhs SIS South SIXTH Street pATBNT HINGE BACK PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. The most indestructible ALBUM made. It lies open perfectly Hat, without injury or strain to the Book* For tale by T. B PETERSON & BROS., H. H. HEN DERSON, and others. ALTEMJS & CO., nr, vr. CORNER FOURTH AND RACE, IeSO-lm Entrance on RACE Street. POLEY’S CELEBRATED GOLD PENS -1- and Penholders, all sizes.- These are the very beat Pens made, and are so commended by all bankers and business men generally. CHALLEN, Special Agent. mh3-10t 1308 CHESTNUT Street. THE SUNBEAM STOBIES, -■* Containing the charming, bright stories of— TRAP TO CATCH A SUBB&AM. CLOUD WITH SILVER LINING. HOUSE ON THE ROOK. ONLY, OLD JOLLIFFE, MERRY CHRISTMAS* DREAM CHINTZ. STAR IN THE DESERT, dec. Six beautiful volumes. illustrated. $2 60. WILLIS P. HAZARD, Publisher, fe26-t jyl 31 South SIXTH Street. NEW AMERICAN The ftgency for this invaluable Library of Universal Information i* at 33 South SIXTH Street, keeond story. Also, RECORD OF TEE REBELLION. By Frank Moore- fell-tf BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. JJOSS &, CQ., 433 CHESTNUT STREET, COUNTING HOUSE and * OFFICE STATIONERS. ENVELOPE, BLANK ACCOUNT, and MEMORANDUM BOOK MAEUFATTUREBS. An extensive assortment of Cap, Letter, and Note Pa pers; Copy ins Books, Pre&res, and Tables; Letter Press and Lithograph Priming; BID Heads, Notes. Drafts.and Cheche made to order —ail at the lowest pricss a,nd of the ifolielted. and executed promptly and satisfac torily. feldlm pEOPLE’S TELEGRAPH, NEW MRST-CLASS LINES. - PHILADELPHIA OFFICES: No. 411 CHESTNUT STREET, GIRARD HOUSE, MERCHANT'S EXCHANGE READ ING ROOM, (RIGHT HAND SIDE. MAIN ENTRANCE.) mh*2 61* f)F CARTES DE VISITE, RBIMES, SECOND Street, above Green, can furnish you with various kinds, tasteful and natural, *ll executed in the highest style of art. It* TYEATON & DENCKLA, HARDWARE I- 1 Commission Merchants. SOT COMMERCE and #IQ NORTH Striets, offer for i&le: Anchor Brand kails; Plymouth Mill Rivets W. AS. Butcher’s Cast Steel; Eagle Cabinet Looks* Putnam’s Horse Nails; Locke's School Slates. Copper, Brass, and Iron Wire; Cotton Cards Also, a foil assortment of American Hardware, feft-ftnlf gPEGTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS. ARTIFICIAL HUMAN EXES Inserted without pain* by JAMBS W. QUEEN A GO.. 934 CHESTNUT STREET. QPERA GLASSES AND OFFICERS’ V FIELD GLASSES. Microscopes for Physicians and Students. A very large assortment for sale by JAMES W QUEEN A CO., . 934: CHESTNUT Street. ■MATHEMATICAL DRAFTING IN- STRUMS NTS. Chesterjn&n’e Metallic and Steel Tape-measures, For sale by JAMBS W. QUEBN & CO., • , ai „ , , , 934 CHESTNUT Street. Priced and illustrated catalogues gratis. fe23-lm VOC CAN HAVE PORTRAITS OP any style ypn please colored in the most artistic and life-like manner 6eeß. F. REIMER’S life-size Photo graphs in Oil Colors- 634 AEOg Street. .. It* TYOBYTYPES—TO THOSE WHO -I- desire pictures of this style, we call attention to B. F. BBIMER’S graceful, natural, and life-like specimens, unquestionably the best. 034: ARCH Street., It* TBBNOH’S PATENT IRON BED- J- STEAD. TO MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS. This bedstead combines strength, neatness and dura bility, and Is Maying of 26 p»r sent In Iron and labor. Good judges pronounce U the best for , HOSPITALS OR DWELLINGS ever offered to the public. Inducements offered for RIGHTS OB HOSPITAL SUPPLIES. Address JAMES M. FRENCH. Uh&tatha 6t EAST CAMBRIDGE, Mass. Be6-stnthtf FOP- THB SANITADY COMMISSION, PUBLIC MEETING, MIHTARV. NEW PUBLICATIONS. TO S & iLFBKD MARTIEIf, 606 CHESTNUT Street. CYCLOPEDIA GLOVES. QABD TO THE LADIES. ~ | We beg to inform the ladies we have - juet received a large assortment of OourvoUier’s Alexandra’s, and Jou vin'sFiench Kid Gloves; also, lad-es* French Beaver, w ith single and double bu'ton. An assortment of ladies’ Buck skin Gauntlets and Traveling Gloves onka»d. Fourth and Chestnat St,- RETAIL DRY GOODS. JUST RECEIVED, IN CHOICE AND ELEGANT DESIGNS, FRENCH ORGANDIES, ' JACONETS, AND PERCALES. RICH AND HANDSOME NEW STYLES SPRING AND SUMMER SHAWLS. M, 1., PALLOWELL & CO,, 615 CHESTNUT STREET. J£MBROn>ERED PIANO COVERS, FINE PrKK, BLUE, AND WHITE MARSEILLES QUILTS, DIMITIES AND COUNTERPANES, At very low prices. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARKISON, mbS-tnUts6t 1008 CHESTNUT Street. JIE NEW DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SPRING SKIRT, In all sizes. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, mhB-tutM6t 1008 CHESTNUT Street. IMPORTERS. A LEX. WBAY & CO., »39 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia, Importers of British DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, Ac., &c , have just opened, in addition to the above, a very >arge and vailed assortment of JttSM’S SPRING UNDERSHIR i'B* confuting of Merino. Imitation Me rino. India Gauze, and Brown and White Cotton, to which they most respectfully ihvite the attention of buyer*. fe 29-1 in* CLOTHING. 1864. FINE CLOTHING AT WHOLESALE. We are now prepared to show to cash buyers as exten sive a piock of medium and flno Ready-made Clothing, for Spring sales, as can be found in the United States. Buyers can save their expenses to New York, and find the goods they want five and ten per cent cheaper In Philadelphia. An examination of our stoek is solicited. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL. fell-lm if S. E. corner SIXTH and MARKET Sts. MILLINERY GOODS. 1864. _ 1864. WOOD & CARY, 725 CHESTNUT STREET, STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. F. S. —MERCHANTS AND MILLINERS are invited to examine before purchasing, a* our STOCK IS FULL and PRICES LOW rub3-2m WOOD & CARY. P. A. HARDING & C0 M IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, No. 413 ARCH STREET. PHILADELPHIA. ' # \ mli3-2m CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE. O.REAT OPENING OF •CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. NOW SELLING AT BARGAINS. 3.0C0 DOZ. CORN BROOMS. 3, COO DOZ, FANCT PAINTED BUCKETS. 1,000 NESTS CEDAR WASH TUBS. 2,000 CEDAR STAFF AND BARREL CHURNS. 1,000 DOZ. WILLOW MARKET BASKETS. 3,000 BALES COTTON-WICK AND TIE YARN. 2,C00 BALES BATS AND WADDING. RETICULE BASKETS. OIL CLOTHS. LOOKING GLASSES. CORDAGE, Ac., &o. All Goods are sold at the Manufacturer’s Lowest Cash Prices. Orders promptly filled. ROWE & EUSTOH, 157 and 159 NOETH THIRD BTSBST. Three Doors below Race. JJARKLEY <£ SHAFFNER, SUCCESSORS TO SHAFFNER, ZEI&DER & CO., CONTINUB THB WHOLESALE HOSIERY Am VARIETY BUSINESS, At the eld stand, feSMßt* No. 36 NORTH FOURTH STREET. OF REMOVAL. The undereitned would Inform their friend, ftnd th, Snblic .er.ralJy that they have removed from thoir Old land, 517 ARCH Street, to thoir SPLENDID NEW WAREROOMS, No. ®ia AECH" STREET, where they will continue the sale of "GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, COAL-OIL BURNERS, &c. Having associated' with our house Mr CHARLES PAGE, (formerly the Principal Designer for Cornelia* & Baker,) we are now prepared to execute ordeis for Gas Fixlureis of all grades and designs, from the plainest to the most massive and elaborate, VAN kirk: & CO , fel9-3m No 913 ARCH STREET. Tk/TAGEE’S ENVELOPE MANUFAC -DA TORY AND PAPER BTORE, 316 CHESTNUT St. Envelope Manufactory. Envelope Manufactory, Envelope Manufactory. ... , , Envelope Manufactory, SiG Chestnut street, 316 Chestnut street. 316 Chestnut-street, 316 Chestnut street. 316 Chestnut street, 3i6 Chestnut street. Paper and Envelopes. Paper and Envelopes. . . Paper and Envelopes, , _ Wholeiale and Retail, Wholesale and Retail. Wholesale and Retail, Wholesale and Retail, Wholesale and Retail, Wholesale and Retail, At the lowest prices, At the lowest prices. At MAGEE S, 316 CHESTIfOT Street, between Third and 1 ourth. corner of Hudson. mhs 3t J)0 YOU ADVERTISE? JOY, COE, & CO., GENERAL SEWBFAPKR ADVERTISING AND SUBSCRIPTION AGENCY, B. E. CORKER FIFTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. “ By means of the system of conjoint Advertising ren dered practicable by Messrs. JOY, COE. A CO , through their Newspaper agency, the expense to each adver tiser is greatly reinced. Advertisers save the postage and avoid the labor of corresponding with publishers, risk of remittances, unseasonable and repeated calls of strangers with separate bills, the vexations deceptions of journals of dubious character, and losses from con tracting-With incompetent and Irresponsible persons. •‘Easiness men may learn through this Agency just What journals to advertise in to reach effectively and cheaply the sections wherein their trade may be ex tended, —t/. B. Journal. JtSr Advertisers receive copies of journals In which their advertisement* are Inaerted. fe6*a ntutf PINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. E- The subscribers would invite attention to their IMPROVED GUT OF SHIRTS, yhlth they make a speciality in their business. Also, tonitantly reeelvlng KOVRLTIBB TOR GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. ’fSSShinS STofiP"* 80. Bl* CHESTNUT STREET, , ialg-tf Four doors below the Continental. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. A Office of Comptroller op the Currency, Washington. February 26th, 1834. Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned* It hFs been made to appear that the Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia, In the county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized under and according to the requirements of the act of Oongreea. entitled *‘ an act to provide a na tional currency, secured by a pledge of United States stocks,and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof,” appioved February 26th, 1863. and has com plied with all. the [provisions of said act required to he complied with before commencing the business of Banking, Now. therefore I, Hugh McCulloch. Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that the FOURTH NA TIONAL BANK OF PHILIDELPBIA, county of Phila delphia* and State of Pennsylvania, is authorised to commence the business of Banking, under the aot afore said. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, this twenty-sixth day^f^Februar^^SM^^ Uhl 2u Comptroller of the Currency* Pt^TATIOM^mTTERS. WK HAVE LEARNED NOT TO BE ’ " astonished at anything. Years of experience, and a correspondence extending throughout all nationalities of the habitable globe, have turned theories into facts and established a bash from which wo need not err. We are not surprised at such facts as ttte following, although the persons who write them are. We know the persons and circumstances, hence feel at liberty to endorso their statement* ; ..to e * New Bedf>rr . Mass., N0t.24, 1883. Dear Sir: I have been afflicted many years, with severe prostrating crimps in my limbs, cold feet and hands, and a general disordered system Physicians and medicines failed to relieve me. While visiting some friends in New York, who were ating Plantation Bitters, they prevailed upon me to try them. I commenced With a small wine-glassful after dinner, pealing better by de grees. in ft few days I was astonished to find the coldness and cramps had entirely left me, and I could sleep the night through, which I had not done for years I feel like another being. My apetite and strength have also greatly improved by the Use of the Plantation Bitters ’‘Respectfully, JUDITH RUSSEL.” RfiEDsßtmv, Wk, Sept. 16, ISttj. • * * * I have be9n in iho army hospital for four teen months—speechless and nearly dead. At Alton, IIL, they gave me a bottle of Plantation Bitters. * * * Three bottle* restored my speech and enred me. * *rs C. A. FLAUTE.” The following is from the Manager of the Union Home School for the Child ren of Volunteers: * “Havemeyer Mansion, Fifty-seventh St., New York. August 2,1861. "Dr. Drake: Your wonderful Plantation Bitter.- have been given to some of our little children, suffering from weakness and weak lungs, with most happy effect. One little girl, in particular, with pains in her. head, loss of appetite, and dciiy wasting consumption, on whom ail medical skill had been exhausted, has been entirely restored. We commenced with but a teaspoon ful of Bitters a day. Her appetite and strength rapidly increased, and she is now wall. .>. Respectfully, Mr?. O. M. DEVOE.” “ * * * I owe much to you, for I verily believe the Plantation Bitters have saved ay life. Rev. W. H. WAGGONER. Madrid. N. Y.” “ * * * Thou wilt eend me two bottles more of thy Plftntation Bitters. My wife has been greatly benefited by their nee. Thy friend, ASA CUBEIE, Philadelphia, Pa.” <•**«! have been a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and had to abandon preaching. * * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me. • Rev. J. S. CATBOR2I, Rochester, JT. Y.” “ * * * I have given the Plantation Bitters to hun dreds of our disabled soldiers with the most astonishing effect. G. W. D- AHTDE3W3, Superintendent Soldiers’ Home, Cincinnati, O.” u * * * The Plantation. Bitters have cured Jni9 Of liveT complaint, of which I was laid up prostrate and had to. abandon my business. H. B. KINGSLEY, Cleveland, O.” M * # * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of a derangement of the kidneys and urinary organs that has distressed me for years. It acts like a charm. C. 0. MOORE, Wo. 254 Broadway.” &e., &c., &c„ &c.» &c., &c. The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong, the gnid brilliant, and are exhausted nature’s groat restorer. They are composed of the celebrated CaUsaya bark, win* terjrecn, sassafras, roots, herbs, Ac., all preserved in perfectly pare St. Croix ram. 1864. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weakness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, dis tress after eating, torpid liver, constipation &c., deserve to suffer If they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical autho rities. and are warranted to produce an immediate bene ficial effeef. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and harmless. Notice.— Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bit ters iu bulk or by the gallon is a swindler and Impostor. It is put up only in our log-cabin bottle. Beware of bot tles refilled wilh imitation deleterious stuff, for which several persons are already in prison. Sea that every bottle has our United States stamp over the cork, unmu tilated, and our signature on steel-plate sidft label. "Sold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable globe. P. H. DRAKE. <6 CO., fe23.tath.3ia 203 BROAD NAY. J?OR THE ARMY AND NAVY. EVANS lIA@SAX.I-., MILITAItY FURNISHERS. 418 ARCH STREET, Banners, Regimental aad Company Flags, Swords. Bashes, Belts, Fassants, Epaulettes, Hats, Caps, Can teens. Haversacks, Camp Kits. Field Glisses. Spars, aad everything porta'nine _ to Ihe complete oatflt "of Army and Navy Ofiicers. A liberal discount allowed to the trade, felO-lm Jj'R.OTEtINGHAM A WBLLB HBAVT. MEDIUM, AND LIGHT SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CAB TOW FLANNELS. WASH KGTON AND VICTORY CAMBRICS AND SILECIAS. BROWN. BLEACHED. AND CORSET JEANS. No. 19 WORSTED YARN. Ac. eeSHtfit - insurance: companies. STATEMENT OF IHE K 3 HOWARD -INSURANCE CONPANY, OF NEW YORK. OFFICE NO. 66 WALL STR2EP. CHARTERED 1835' January Ist, 1864. Cash Capital $250,000 00 Gross assets 411*770 84 Consisting of— Cash on hand and on deposit In Phoenix and Manhattan Bants $14,035 86 Special deposit with United States Treasury Department. 10,003 00 Beat Estate owned by* Company unencum bered — In New Tort city* premises No. 66 Wall street.... $65,000 00 House and lot in Brooklyn 2,000 DO 67,000 00 Stocks owned by Company at mar set value — Bank Stock $43,730 00 United States, New York State, and New York city stock $129,950 00 173,700 00 Loans on Mortgages, on Real Estate, being first liens, (worth in the air- _ gregate $316,6 0.).... 139,940 00 Balances due from agents, premiums unpaid, interest accrued, and rents on Seal Kata: e . 11,194 98 LIABILITIES. Claims for looses unadjusted*.*. *’"*«•<,«n«M»sl3 1 659 00 Unpaid Dividend** .♦.* .*» 236 37 Hexbt A. Oakley, Secretary. Tlo above old- established Company are now prepared to issne policies on merchandise generally* vessels in port, ana cargoes, furniture, dwellings, Ac. ,at current rates, through their agent in this city office ct Agency No. 315 S WALNUT Street. Phila. mhl-tuthsl2t FORMAN P. HOLLIFSHEAD. Agent. |>EFORT OF f i HE MASSACHUSETTS Ai MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. JANUARY Ist, 1864. Loans secured by bond and mortg ige $232, JW) 00 TTnited States and Bant Stocks - 133,890 50 Loans to Policy H01der5.*....... .............. 207,371 47 Stock held as trilateral by the Company•»•»»* 20,060 00 Interest on deferred premiums 50,264 76 Cash on hand and deposited, and in course of transmission 14.187 36 Guarantee Capital...... 100,000 00 Real Estate 12,000 00 Cash received in past year * $167,480 77 Loan Notes 68 430 00 Interest received from Investments 35.756 68 Income from other sources 6,100 00 Amount paid by Death • • Returned Premium 11 Returned Interest . “ Dividends ** Expenses . Lease* reported, $17,000 No Claims Con.e.ted by the Company. U. RICE, President. F. B. BACON, Secretary. GEORGE F. WILLS, Agent and Attorney, mbs etnth6t* Office. <409 WALNUT Sfc, Phila., Pa. T7OBMAN P. HOI/LINSHE AD, A No. 313 WALNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA, INSURANCE BROKER AND ADJUSTER. Marine Losses Adjusted. Marine. Fire. Inland, and Life Insurance effected in the most reliable Companies at reasonable rates, with out charge to the assured. All business relating to Insurance attended to promptly and carefully. , FORMAN P. HOLLINSHBAD’S ‘ INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 3)3 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Agent for the following flrst-class Companies: HOWARD INSURANCE Co . OF NEW YORK. (Organized 1825.) cash capital, $250,000. ADRIATIC FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW YORK, (Organize! 1858 ) CASH CAPITAL $300,000. COMMERCIAL FIBB INSURANCE CO.. OF K. YORK. (Organized 1850.) CASH CAPITAL, *200.000, MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE CO.. OF ff. YORK (Organized 18i>2 ) CASH CAPITAL- $200,000. ALBANY CITI FIRS INSURANCE, OF ALBANY, N-Y. (Organized 1860.) mhl-12t CASH CAPITAL. $200,000, "Fame insurance company, r {fa. 4C3 CHESTNUT STBBBT, PHILADELPHIA. FIRE AND INLAND INSURANTS. DIRECTORS. Fransls N. Buck, I John W. Everman, Charles Richardson. Robert B. Potter, HenvV Lewis, 5° b 1 O. W. Davis, «D Woodruff* P. S. Justice* Charles George A* West. I „ Joseph D. Elltf. FRaNCIS N- BUCK, President. CHAS. RICHARDSON, Vice President. W. I. Elanchari>. Secretary. A ial4-t< TOHN HOBN, JR, V STOCK COMMISSION BROKER, No. 140 SOUTH THIRD BTRERT, (UP STAIRS.) PHILADELPHIA. REFERENCES: Messrs.Thos. A. Biddle ft Co. Mess.Gaw, Macalester, ft Co. Messrs. E. S. Whelen & Co. Messrs. Drexel ft Co. Mes Bis. BuzhyftCo. Henry J. Williams, B*q. Alexander Biddle, Esq. I. P. Hutchinson, Esq. G. M. Troutman. EtQ. D. B Cummins, Esq. Jas. G. King ft Bons. New York. fe26-2m SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF _ CAPITAL WOO,OOO. WITH THB PRIVILEGE OP IN CREASING TO #500.000. If ATHAM HILLES. Proliant. WILLIAM H. RHAWB, Cashier, (Late oftiia PMladelDhta Bank.) HATH AH HILLES. dibeOT ShlrLES S. KRBMER, GEORGE WRHaWN, BENJ. ROWLAND, Ja.. siw?nllny||b. ?^i c H doPEH 0^ EDWARD HATES. JOHN COOPER. 1 Sewnd B&nk of Philiwlelphla la now span at No. 13* MAIN Street. grankford. for the trans action of a General Banking Boslneu upon tile uattal U cSSeetlon» nron all aecsulble rointe will be made upon liberal terms ReapocttaUy, f#B-3u> W.YL RHAWNa Cashier T> E MOVAL.—JAMES H. CASTLE, A\> Attorney and Conveyancer, has removed his Ottos to No. 119 9. FIFTH Street, below Chestnut. fehj-lm* S. T.—TB6O.—X. ARMY GOODS. PHILADELPHIA. HATS FOR BALB, $13,895 37 SAMUEL T. SKIDMORE, President .... 7,609 26 .... 36,606 94 FINANCIAL, WANT'S^ AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE " ajgTOET OF THE WaE. A nn -~&ace to make money. Agent* are clearing from <lOO to MOO tier month. 200 000 volume. already *«ld. Sial for *m&£j.*i?. 4re " JOWJSS - Fabler,. SALESMAN WANTED IN A WHOLE ,5 A D E k °TIOK HOUSE. To one who can Influence iffiri Pe^ >s .I lTail 5 a lrade ' salary will be paid. &fl.e “ real aame and reference. T^ B Z OUNa MEN,—THE MAGNIFT Teie™bi? rt TS.n t »; I . f^ lli,lß,)s '."'" l " J *» ‘awrht in the CIT-FcoliwjS^“■iffiSVn e< iS!f ,, S?SW ßll; b ‘be OUAKAK tbi a Tnnr rill.J.n T„ 4 UITP.STKtTT Streets, no resular licalu two n:™thv tim" I’Aa 1 ’Aa exparb tice. constitute some of the features which hi"V this Itepsrtmeot so notable, ana which has bean ih« menus of opening up toTnw Men a profession whiri? has been so ionic a sealed hook to the majority of man. hind. t |_* WANTED, AN ASSISTANT, AC »* qnnintcd with the Retail Drag bneinets. Tlnux cepttnndble reference will be rtq.uired. Apply at Oil SPKIJCB Street. mbB-;if WANTED.—A YOUNG MaK, AGR A f * DUATE of Crittenden's Commercial College, want* a SITUATION as Assistant Book-keeper or Entry Cterk. Be?*'of reference given Address “Dale,” Press office. mhB-3t* ■w ANTED TWO JOURNEYMEN It POTTERS, at M. LiKKTH'S POTTERY. S. W. corner FIFTH and CHRISTIAN Streoln. mh7-2t* WANTED —THREE PERFECT' *» copiesof “THE PRESS” of August 29th* 1863 A good price will be paid for them at this office mh6»tf XKT A & T E D—THIS HAY- FARM Hnds and Gardeners; a-Ino* German, French, ir frh, bun American Girls, White or Colored, to fill Minfitioßs in private and public hrmsaft, restaurants, &c- Bu-inessj Agency, E 053 and 804 LOCUriT Street, above hi«btb. mbs-Bt* TO ANTED—AN ACTIVE BUSINESS . * M*-N who can influence consignments in the Pro dnce Coiuinission business (about to be started), for Which a imeral galaxy v?illl>A tfiven Bonebmexpevi ejscfd oafsi* need apply. Address '* Easiness, ”at thin office, with real name, stating where an interview can be bad. mbs s.* WANTED—AN ACTIVE OB SPE CTAL PARTNER, with *10,090 to *i5,(XO. : in a pr«ifilabia net manufacturing business. Address *‘K. T thin office. mh3 6fc* WANTED—A YOUNG MAN AS ** CLERK; a riulck. ready writer, and a good pen man; a graduate of the High- School. One who under stands Phonography preferred. Address, with refe ree ce, - Box 2714, “ Post Office. mh2-6t WANTED CDOTHING.—PERSONS V T having Clothing to dispose of will please call on or aadress . C. MILLER. j&6-tutbg3in* No, gQS CHESTNUT Street. WANTED—A GENTLEMAN, QUA ** LIFIED to tench Infantry Tactics and Armv Re gulations. a» an ASSISTANT INSTRUCTOR in a Military School. An officer who has seen service, and thoroughly posted in Casey’s Infantry Tactics, preferred. Apply in person, or by letter enclosing testimonials, to JOHK H TAGGART, Preceptor Free Military School, No. 1210 CHESTNUT Street. mh2 at WANTED—AN ACTIVE OR SPE II CIAL PARTKBR (latter preferred) with cash capital of *25,000, to engage in a profitable wholesale net cash business. Address “J. T. U. ,”Bos 1006. Phila. Post Office. A MONTH!—I WANT TO HIRE >P ■ *-* AGENTS in every County, at §75 a mouth, ex penses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewiag Ma* chlpea. Address R. MADISON. Alfred,Me. Cfsi2-dftw3m 4£f£f) MONTH!—I Want Agents at %?\J V/s6o a month.expensos paid, to sell my Everlasting PendLi } Orier.ta l Burners, an dl3 other article s. 15 circu lar* sent.rtrve JOHN F. LORD. Bldd6foTd. Me. ja27 2m m GERMANTOWN RESIDENCE.— *aL WANTED—A commodious DWELLING, faraithed or DDfarsished, in. or quit* near to, Germantown. mhW' J. I). RBINBOTH. 43fi WaLNUP St. TNFORMATION WANTED OF WlL ■*- L3AM WILSON, a boy of about twelve years of age, light hair, fair complexion, blue eyes, and large for his age. He left home in October, 1863. Any person know ing of bis whereabouts wonld confer a groat favor by informing his parents Address PETER WILSON. Dan ville. Montour eonntr, Pa. mhB-ot* Heirs wanted.—james old. HAM and THOMAS OLDHAM, brothers of the late Airs. GARB. of Belfast, Ireland, will hear of some thing to thei* advantage, on&pplyihxto RAMCTSL BLACK, No. 3 CASTLE BUILDINGS, Bslfavt. Ireland. Further particulars on application at the office or J. H & W. CREIGHTON, 11 and 13 STBAWBSRRT Street. mb4 6t* LOST AND POUND. T OPT—A CERTIFICA7 E OF 5 PER CENT. LOAN OF STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, for &nIS. o®, dated March. 12. 1830, No. 754, ia name of "WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also,' a Certificate of 5-per cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, lor the sum of $290, dated June 30. 1815, No. 1452. in the name of ELI K. PRICE, administrator of William Meredith in trust. Ap plication has been made to the Auditor General for a re newal of said Certificates felMm BT=I K PRICE. No. 811 ARCH Street. FOR SALE AND TO LET. TAEGE BOOMS TO LET—SECOND and third stories of Tl 4 CHESTNUT Street—the best location in the city. miiS-St* POR SALE.—STOCK FIXTURES, X and Goodwill of an old-established Paint and Var nish Store. Address Box 1338, Post Office. mhg 3t* pOAL YARD FOB SALE—THE BEST fitted np yard in the c : ty. Capacity for doing any amount of bnsiness. Inquire at No. 057 North NINTH Street.below Girard avenue. Terms easy. mP 6t» IPO PRINTERS—ARABS CHANCE.— X The owner of one of the oldest and most profitable PRINTING OFFICES in the city of New York, owing to impaired health, offers hi* establishment for sale. The business is in the most prosperous condition, and wiil pay the mrrentyear a net profit of *15.000 over all expenses To one or &wo practical printers, or to a man With means to invent, a fine opportunity is here offered to embark in a safe and profitable business. The terms of sale will be made easy. Applicants will address a{‘i. B. C.,” Care of JOHN HctOPER * 00., Advertising Agents, No 4:1 Park-row. New York, Giving city reference as to their responsibility, in 7 2t WHABF AT GREEN STREET FOR SALE —Tie Lehigh Coal and Navigation Com pany offer for sale, on accommodating thMr wharf property on the Delaware front. at Green street, now in the occupancy of JAMES S. WATSON. A Plan of the Property may he seen, at the Company’s office. No. 188 South SECOND Street, mh7-3t PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PRO PERTY.—'WiII be sold at public gale, on WEDNBS- D AY. March 9, 1661, at the residence of the subscriber* on CHURCH LANE, Darby township. Delaware county, near Blue Bell: Six horses: two colts, one 2 the other 3 years old sired by Pilgrim Patches, dam by Morgan; one pair of Red York State oxen, superior quslitj; twelve cows, nowin prelit; two carriages and harness; two market wagoae, pole and shafts; three sets double harness three do single harness, robe and blankets; three sets can har ness; leading and ox chains; two broad-wheel or carts; two do horse carts: one do road wagon; one dump w aeon; one stone cart: two Buckeye mowers ; one Prate hay rake; chain fan grindstone: set of quarry tools, and a gna. variety or farming utensils, each as plows, har rows, cultivators, Sic. Q BICHaKD. Auctioneer. A lull tetof miik dairy fix tuaes, consisting of churns, cans, pans, measure*. Ac. Household furniture, conslseing of bedsteads, tables, chairs, waehstands, ingrain and rag carpets, two stoves, two clocks, crockery and queensware, sidy-saddle and bridle, and a variety of articles not mentioned. Sale to lommence at l2o ! clock. Foar months’ credit on all turns over $3O. JOHN J. HOTFES. - mhS->tnat» MARGARET MAKEMOON. MTO LET—a GENTLEMAN HA VIKG a comfortable HOUSE, centrally located, in vi’es three or four gentlemen to join him in housekeep ing. and share expenses. Address 4 'o. D.,” office of The Prew?, mhS-2t* $111,770 84 Jm TO LET— A HOUSE WITH -A. eight looms and stabling. Apply to mfcS-3i* E. MIDDLETON, Sr.. Darby. 45 FOR SALE—A NEW THREE •KuLSTOHY HOUSE, stabling and 4 acres of ground. Darby. Apply to E. MIDDLETON, Sr. * Darby, mhB-St* Mto let, STORE 509 MARKET STREET. Possession Ist April. • MFOB SALE—VALUABLE DWBL LINGS and lots pleasantly situated on Chestnut, Walnut, Spruce, and Pine streets. West Phitade'ph'a. Apply to Robert m*c gbesob,*io walnui* st.: resideree, N. W. corner of THIRTY-SEVENTH and LOCUST Street!* West Philadelphia. mhS M PLEASANT RESIDENCE, N. W. corner of Eleventh and Filbert Sts., 20-feet front, with back buildings and tunal modera conveniences; lot 127 feet deeps and suitable for many kinds of business. Early possession given. For sale by A. P. &J. H MOU NTS, 816 ARCH Street. mhs-4t* 0i GERMANTOWN PROPERTY JSaI.FOR SALE by M Thomas & Son. on TUESDAY. March 15, —A large and convenient HOUSE, on GaUK.CS LANE, in the country* yet near to railroad station, market's, stores, churches, &c It has heater, hot and cold hydrant wate£ and a well of excellent water, gas, and long porches. Lawns on three aides, well shaded with fine old trees. A good stone stable and large kitchen garden. The pro perty will be shown by the tenant Terras easy. ISAAC PU3H, mhB-6tLl* No. 407 WALFUT fctreet. 3d story. 52,990 00 . 16.35595 326 12 MTO LBT-i. COMMODIOUS DWELLING, No. 132 North FRONT Street. Rent moderate. Apply to WETH3BILL & BRO., 0c29-tf 4tT and 49 North SECOND Street. jaft FOB SAL E—ONE OF THE ■ Handeomest location*. and best Improved -country seats, on CHESTNUT HILL, with about 9 acres of land. Address Box 920, Philadelphia?. 0. mhB-tuths3t* THE CHEAPEST, MOST CONVENI- A ENT. THE SAFEST. AND VEHT BEST PORTABLE LIGHT FOR HODSEHOLB BSE, BAILBOAfiSi *O., &C„ EVES INVENTED! • THE ARCHER & PANOOAST CONVEX REFLECTOR LANTERN, (PATENTED APRIL, 1863.) FOR BURNING COAL OIL OR KEROSENE WITHOUP A CHIMNEY. * In brlngiog this article before the public* the proprie tors do so with entire confidence, inasmuch as it pos sesses many qualities which highly commend it, and is pronounced* by all who have tested its merits, Altogether the MOST DESIRABLE LANTERN they have met With. 1 Jt gives a pnre white light—without chimney. 2. It stands quick motions tn any direction, 3. The llame is regulated from the outside. 4 It is neat and compact in form and size. 5. It is substantially made, PRICE ONE DOLLAR. Tnr sale by Coal Oil, Crockery, Hardware, Wooded ai.<l WDJow- wnr« dealers generally. Mad 6 by ARCHER & PANCOAST, Manufacturer. of Gas and Coal Oil Fixtures, Lamiu, *c., Nos 9. 11, 13 MERCER STEEET. The ARCHER * PANCOAST CONVEX REFLECTOR LANTERN, For burning Coal Oil or Keroßene without a Chimney. - Forsake by MUSSELM *N & KIRK. No. 18 Norcf FOURTH Street. • _ «_ . - _ Philadelphia. Dealers In Colton Yarns. Carpet Chains. Wood and Willow-waro. &e. mhs-6t* JyJATSRIALS FOB MINOS PIES. BUNCH. LaYSS, AND SULTANA RAISINS. CITRON. CURRANTS, AND SPICSS. CIDER, WINES, A* ALBERT C. BOBEKTS, Demlttr In Flue Grw.ri«. 4.1’ Gonu.l ELEVENTH and VINE BirwU. Sfe JOHN L. CAPEN, PHRSNOLO may be consulted DAT “d EVENIffG, ou /adaptation to Business. Trad”s k on the improvement of health, correc.ion ot b-- fa-niis fo) mat lon of friendships. Ac. Full de- fiv HORSES taken at livery iW?at 2224 SPRING GARDEN Street Good SUbl. and plenty of straw. Apply to BD. H. RADCLIFF.93U hfARKBT Street, orontne premises iuh7*Ji* PERSONAL. NEW YORK. AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF MUSia GRAND GYMNASTIC EXHIBITION PCPILS OF HILLEBRANDS & LEWIS* OYMNASIUM, TUESDAY EVENING. March 8, at o’clock. r*y??£ r 0t '‘' ni . r . l,r of Oeneral nyulh!i H ‘[cjj \, T RMUrro of both Boxet-Mn.lc by tha OrSoaLra- Fencln.-SDarrlai. DrlUloo s c 1 Acrobauca- Tlcketß,2ocepta; raforved saat. Wcanta r.iubaha.l at the Gymnasium, corner NINTH end a tb GOULD*f». SEVENTH and CHP.feTSU7.tud at *he Ac?' demy of Music, coxier of BROAD andLOQPST. ‘ mbs \ jyjIJSICAL FUND HALL MASTER I. RICE, PUPIL OF CAEL WOLFSOHIf, informs his friends and the public in gena. rsl that ho will Rive a VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT, OH WEDHERDA7 EVBJfIIfG. MARCH B. 1881, ATTHB ....MpSICAI. FUND HAUL, M. 3 ‘ 4 H L /HK'lVvK’B£6SETs ,!e,,t j4rt ' ,t " ° f Mr. CARL WOI.F‘OHH, door. Doors opes at 7oV?n;vli« oa Eventn at the 8 o’clock v ' o ctock - Oonsestto cotnm«‘-oe mbr-St JpOUBTEF.NTH ANNUAI."" FANCY AND CITIZENS' DtiESfj BALL ACIOItS’ OKBBK OF FRIESTSIfIP. To be*&lven at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. TUESDAY EVENING, March 8. 3854. Master of Ceremoniea*..*....CHAßLES DURAVG, Eho Fi«;oj Manager.... PETER E. ABEL, Km . DIRECTOR!?. Win. Wbeatify. !LfWi« Baker, [John lVui. Benj G Kobartf,! W. H. Bailey, jAlex. Fisher, JanifKli. Koberle, iH, L. Bapcomb. - I rirket#. I }. For fta eat aJI the Hotels and Bookstores. Jfi w* Rter.d, Continental Hotel, Ac, Supper will be t erved from 11 tills o’clock. mhs Bt* K()TH ANNIVERSARY. COMPLL . T ‘2 th.Oood : mem Hase Book !. to ta.elvin ii both ealoouH of |AMS,M.ST. HALL, Ol TOBSOAT EVBKXSO, March ata. luhT-^f T ‘HE THIRD AND LAST LECTURE a or th e double Will be'given by MR- DE CORDOVA, AT TOWfIERT HALL, OH THURSDAY EVEHIIIG), MAECH lflMt subject; OUR FIRST BABY. mi . t a tale of homjb. - Tiiese Uctßren have been Attended by the elite of tb* city, ana by crowded Houses. This wiil be the most anint ing one of the <Jour->«. • “* ww Doors open at 7 Lecture at 8 o’clock. TSTAL N UT-STBEBT THEATSS ”» THIS (Tnesday) SYKNjNO, March" 8^ MISS ETTIK UEIUjebS 'H In two reraaliJe chanuteia. Fourth and 3a*t time of the new Trieh Drama at kathlkbn maVOurneen ma or Kathleen Mavourneen * Ettle After which the excellent Comedietta of CaPTaIN charlotte. To conclude with the beautiful Drama of the ADOPTED CHTLD. Box Office open from 9 till 3. Canain riaes at 71* o’clocfr, B OVER’S CHESTNUT-STEEBT THEATRE. LEONARD GROVES ...■MaantM COMTIJiUED POPULARITY v ~, COLLEEN BAWN. which will be presented with a.l the BEAUTIFUL tiCERERY, “•'{* GREAT cast of charaotbrs voslG ’ PURE GOLD uni TICKET-OF-LEAFE MAS will b. shortly repeated. MkS. JOHN D.ttEW'B NEW AKOH STREET THEATRE BOUSK* CROWDED NIGHTLY LAST WEEK OF MrtS. JOHS DREW TRI6 (Tae?dci) EVENING, Muroli S 18S4. „ „ THB JEALOUS WIFE. Mrs. Oakley Mrs. John Brow Mr. Oakley Bsrton Bill, Major Oakley. Mr Griffiths Sir Barry Beagle Stuart Robson To conclude with SOMEBODT ELSE aoDson. Minnie...... Mrs. John Brew. Hann M0riir...................5tuart Retook. FRIDAY. BENEFIT OF MRS. JOHH DREW, Prices as usual Curtain rises at o'clock. pONOBBT HALL—GOTTtCHALK— Vy MAX STRAKOSCH respectfuily informs the pnblie that MB. L, M. GOTTSCHALB: Will five in Philadelphia, prior to hi% departure fas Europe. TWO GRAND FAREWELL GottCESTS. Oh MONDAY and TUESDAY EVENINGS. Haroh. 7th and Sth. When the greatest living Piima TJonna Contralto. M ? MIS Ri.K&a D'aKOBI. Mme. HENRIETTA BEHRENS. the fivorite .Soprano, A*id the young and highly talented Violinist. MG. CARLO PATTI Mr. CHARLES M. fcCS2tIT2. Violoncello, Will assist Mr Gottschalß Miss J. A SELZS and MM. WARNER, ills distin guished Pianists., have kindli consiiiti-u to Mr. Gottschalk in Richard Wagner’s - Grand March fro ti “Tannhauser,” arranged for POUR PIANOS by L. M. GoUt-chalk. Musical Director and Conductor s Behrens. Admission, 60 cents Reserved Seats CO cents extra. Seats may be secnred for sicker of the two 0 ncerts at J. £ Gould’s Music Store, corner of Seventh and Chest nut* commencing Friday morning. March 4ib, At ft A. M, Doois open at 1%,. Concert to commence at 8. mh3*6s T?LEYENTH-ST. OPERA HOUSE,' AA “THE FAMILY RESORT.” CARNCROSS AND DIXEY’S MINSTRELS, THE GREAT STAR TROUPE OP THE WORLD. .SELECT ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, Splendid Singing, Beautiful Dancing, Laughable Bax» lesque*. plantation Scenes, 4c . 4c.. by TWENTY TALENTED ARTISTS _ , EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. Tickets 25 cents _ Doors < pen at 7 o’clock. fe27*3m J. L CARNOROSS, Business Manager. *THE GREAT PICTURE A • AT CONCERT HALL LECTURE BOOM For & short season. OPEN EVERY EVENING FOR A SHORT SEASON. J. Ineco. William*’ celebrated PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. This is the most complete and finished Painting of U« Sacred Scriptures in the world, comprielng over fifty o* the mo«t SUBLIME AND THRILLING SCENES Of the first three thousand years of Biblical History, forming altogether one tho finest exhibitions of the an. OPI N EVERY EVENING at half past 7 o’olock. Admission 2d cents. N. B. tt'atlnses on Wednesday and Saturday aflat* noons, at 3 o’clock. Admission for Children IS cents. /2J.ERMANIA ORCHESTRA..—PUBLIC VJ BEHEAEBA.LB every SATURDAY, »t 3 o'clock, r. M, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single ticket. B cent?, Packages of nix ticket*, $L To be bad at AJf‘ DRE’S. UO* CHESTNUT Street, J E GOULD, 8E TENTH and CBESTKUT : and at the Hall door. fe22»tf PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF A the FINE ARM, 10A5 CHESTNUT STB BET. OPEN DAILY (Sunday* excepted) from 9 A. M. tIU 6 P, SI, AdmUtion 25 cents. Children Half price. ja23-tf EDUCATIONAL,. pBITTENDEN'S COMMERCIAL COL- LEGE, 637 CHESTNUT Street, comer of Seventh. Practical Instruction in BOOK KEEPING in its dif ferent branches. PENMAKSH r P—Plain and Ornamental. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS, COMMERCIAL LAW. &c —Studenta Instructed separately. Catalogue* furnished on application. inhs3tlf» RORDENTOWN FEMALE COLLEGE, A? . BOBDEKTOWN, N. J. This Institution Is pleasantly- located on the Delaware river, IX hour’s ride from Philadelphia. Special atten tion in paid to the common and higher branches of ENGLISH, and superior advantages famished In Total and Instrumental Music. FRENCH taught by native* and spoken in the family. For Catalogues, address Kqt. JOHN H. BRAKELBi, A. M.» Jal4-2m* President, VILLAGE GBEEN SEMINABT, * NEAR MEDIA, FA.—Pnpila rtceived at any time. English, Mathematics, Classics, and Natural Sciences taught. Military Tactics, Book-keeping, and Civil Ea glneerln* taught. Entire eypen.es about VS per week. Boys of all aces taken. Refers to ffm. H. Earn, ex- Sheriff; JohnU. Capp & No. 23 South Third street; and Thomas J, Clayton. Esq., Fifth and Prone street*. Address Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON, A. M., VilUtt Green. Pa. no6-ti COPAKTSEHSHIPS, TYISffOLCTION OF PARTNERSHIP. A' —The firm of Warner, Gillin, &Co is this day dis solved by the withdrawal of Michael Gillin- ' WILLIAM WARNER, Michael gillin. The bnaineBS of said firm will be conducted under the same and style of WILLIAM WARNER S CO. All per sons having claim** against, or due to, the above firm will present or pay them to WILLIAM WARNER* CO.. PhB-2l» No. 770 South SWANSON Street TYISBOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. A/-The FirmMof HULL. CORLIES. * Co., of Phila delphia, and GEO. K SMITH & CO , of Yorktown, Carbon county. Pa , are this day dissolved by the with drawal of Sami. W Stockton aud Wm P. Corlles. THOS, HULL, „ _ SAML W STOCKTON, WM. P. COBLIfiS. Mabch 4, 1564, The business of the above F-rms (Mininr and Shipping Lehigh Goal) will bo conducted nuder the name and sole, of TJIOS. HULL & CO- All parsons having claims against, or due to, the above Firms will present or pa j them to THQS. HULL * CO., 333 WALNUT Strek. mh7-3t* March 5. 1864. pOPAHTNERSHIP.—THE SUB. J3CRIBERS have this, eighth day of February, 1884. entered into Copartnership, under the name and stylo of BPNNBTT & SNYDER* for the purpose of transacting m WHOLESALE COMMISSION LUMBER BUSINESS. J.F. BENNETT A J. P. SNYDER. Office 5»9 COMMERCE Street. 6AMIWIT FUBMTUEB. CABINET FUBNITUKE AND BIL- LIARD TABLES. MOOBE & CAMPION, iro. 961 SOUTH SECOND STREET, ■onnectlon with their extensive Cabinet business, til ow manufacturing a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, nd have now os hand a lMlsuppl?, finished with the MOORE & CAMPION’S IMPROVED CUSHIONS. irhUb are pronounced by all who have used them to ha for the quality and finish of these Tables, the manu facturers refer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who are laminar with the character orthelr vork sel7*6m WINES AND LIQUORS. niPOSTEBS OF L WIMBB AND LIQUORS. lauman, sallade, <s oo.; Mo. IMS SOUTH KINTH STREET. Between Chestnut and Walnut. Philadelphia. 0. V. T/Auauff. A, M S4LLAOB. nolOßru J. D BITTING. HOTELS. JONES HOUSE, HARRISBURG, Fa., OOKSSE MARKET STREET AMD MARKET SQtJABB,' ASr*t-cls6»houa«. Terms. .2 per day. ■ NOTICE.— THE PHltA .fjfnaßHß; DEDPHU STEAK PROPELLER CO win resume their transportation via Delaware and. Raritan Canal to New York on MONDAY, March 7, 1861. The Steam Propeller* of this Company are of the First Claes, leavingdaily at 12 M and 6 P. M. Delivering their cargos* in New York In 24 hours. For 'Si 1 * be taken oa accommodating SSSPIh^in 7 *° WM * M * BAIRD & CO., Agent, 1328. WBAbYSb. • mbit 6t COKBEOT PIANO TUNING I , Mr --5 E. SARQSNT'd Orders to Tnola* S? 4 E Sai ri J}SSS2SS reeetyed St MASON StOO/f Store. 90T CHESTHUT Street, on/p, Mr. B.hae had eleven years' factory experience to Mo*" ton. and Eye years’ employment In Philadelphia - BPEOIAX,—Pianos releathered to sonnd as eoft aed sweet-toned as new. vrtthexet rsmooin*. Terms tor Tania*. »I. Mtse/oU 0. H. HAMM.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers