THIB CITY- VJitrinomettr. fBBBtTABY 27,18*5. ' lEBHUAKY 2T, 1854. TO®. WHO. sw . ssw....wsw|nww NW w FEBRUARY 28, 18W. [FEBRUARY 28, MM, aav 12 *B3?* A. M.***.l2 K.... 8 P, V. * mini), I WiHl). KE I WJfW..,WSW. ..WSRT TjADißs’ First Relief Association.— Thim M «oci*Woz! of p»triotio ml wxrm-heuted la- W 55 organized about throe month* ago, under rather adverse oiioumitances, but la now In excel lent working order. The object ot this auooiatioa is to care far and make csmfortable the families of those discharged soldiers who are disabled and not in & condition to provide for for the widows and orphans of those who have fallen in defence of their country’s honor and hive at the present time about one hundred per anm tn sunnlv constantly, moat of whom have five vhKo. sTd thrie, likewise, are well at tended to. Among those who, some under the nn- Mediate care of these benevolent ladies is an old 2£rtl?Sa£Bo"ea» of age, and hi. wife, aged 75, both living in Budo'ph street. Their two eons, on whom they depended for support, enlisted and were hilled on the battle-held* When the news of their ueath reached the old gentleman, he became per feetly deranged, and had to be taken to Rirkbride’*, wfceie he iemaioed a short time, and his mind being partially restored, he was sent home again, where he now is, but in a rather melancholy state. Dif ferent articles of food and clothing are sent regu larly to both of them. The association is in want ot fucds to set them up a small notion store, so that they can earn sufficient to support themselves. Other incidents of a similarcharacter have been discovered by these ladies, and ia every case their wants were fully supplied. , Persons desirous Of this aid should make application, when a committee visit the house for the purpose of ascertaining whether they are actually the wives or widows of soldiejs, ana if such is found to be the case, taetr names and places of residence are registered in a book, (which is open to public inspection,) and they aie permitted to gjipiy i™ “•* J 5i rti $SL.£SE stand in need of. Wednesdays and Saturdays aie the days set apart fur the delivery, of the various things, which uur.iEt of provisions and gro. series of every hind, clothing, fuel, shoes, Stocking*, soap, brushes; combe, gloves, and everything neoßi, sarv to make them happy and comfortable. It might be well to state here that their baok renta are paid, and when sick medicine is provided for them. Very often they give them money to redeem the clothing which they pledged to buy themselves food. The Association i* sustained by voluntary contribution, but of late they h&ve not succeeded in collecting ecGUfih money to puichate a large stock of the va rious articles needed. It is the duty of every per son in tills city, whom God has blessed with a suffi ciency, to contribute liberally of their meaas to wards the maintenance of this association. The families of our soldiers are in a Buttering and pitia ble condition, and must be sustained, and whom does their sustenance devolve on more th*a those whom the calamities of this has not fallen upon* If you contribute to the poor And needy God has pros lied to return thB same in greater fold after many days. This war attotds a blessed opportunity for every one to cast their bread upon the waters, and the association We allude to should receive a portion of tbit breed. A lecture will be delivered to morrow evening in Hairdel and Haydn HaU, Eighth and Spring Garden streets, for its benefit, by Enoch H, Supplee, Esq., on « The World of Fact and Fan cy.” Purchase ticket* forit even if you have no de sire to attend. The association comprises the following officers and managers: President, Kira A* C. Benson; Seoretary, Mrs. Jco. A. Lane; Treasurer, Mrs. Alexander Hart, AT. D.s Managers; Mrs. Monroe Patfcee, Reed, Wegeair, Boyd, Early, Hunter, Volkmar, and Miss Eisegood. Contributions may be sent to their office, in Eighth street, above Spring Garden. Officers for Colored Ragiments.— The following letier from Col. John H. Taggart, precentor of the Free Military School for applicants for command of colored troops, in tbis city, shows a most remarkable success: JPh i l at> el/p hi a, Feb. 27, 1864. T&aau* Wibsler, Esq . Chairman of Supervisory Gam* 7iiittce: s3ib; I have the honor to inform you that of the sixty-one student! recommended by me to you, as qualified for examination at Washington, and for whom you obtained permission to appear before the Board of Examiners, twenty-seven have been ex amined) passed, and recommended by the Board for the following appointments, to wit: George W. Baird, private, 13th Regiment Invalid Corps, colonel. „ , Edward O. Geary, sergeant, 149th New York Regiment, lieutenant colonel. James H. Ease, of Philadelphia, late private of 69th Pennsylvania Regiment, lieutenant colonel. Arthur M. Green, colonel. ( v— jsmea Butler, civilian, of Philadelphia, captaia. Charles prissy, civilian, of Philadelphia, captain* William B. Wright, sergeant, 26th Pennsylvania Regiment, captain. _ _ Frank Holsinger, sergeant, Blh Pensylvania Re serves, captain. Edward W, Bacon, civilian, captain.. Christopher McKey, civilian, captain. Arthur J. Smith, private, 71st Pennsylvania Re giment, captain. William W. Burke, civilian, of Philadelphia, captain. Eben Whitney, civilian, of Philadelphia, captain. Delos X. Stiles, civilian, captain. George D. Moore, corporal, 140th Pennsylvania Regiment, captain. Joseph T. Pratt, of Philadelphia, private, Inde pendent Company of Engineer*, at Fairmouat, West Virginia, captain. Thomas G. Bennett, civilian, first lieutenant. Charles McGinlep, corporal, 16th Pennsylvania Cavalry, first lieutenant. James C. Nelson, private, 12th New Hampshire Regiment, first lieutenant. Albert Henry, private, 145th Pennsylvania Regi ment, first lieutenant. William Swearingen, private, 140th Pennsylva nia Regiment, fir st lieutenant. George Mahaffy, civilian, of Pittsburg, Fa., first lieutenant. John Reed, civilian, of Philadelphia, late private, 72d Pennsylvania Regiment, second lieutenant. Martin I>. Warson, private, Bth New York Heavy Artillery, second lieutenant. James Scully, private, Company IC, 10th New York Regiment, second lieutenant. Wm, P. Roberts, civilian, of Montgomery county, Pa., second lieutenant. HeLiy Whitney, civilian, of Philadelphia, Becond lieutenant. Total, one colonel, three lieutenant colonels, twelve captains, seven first lieutenants, five second lieutenants. All the ft talents who thus far Have gone before the Board have pasted. About twenty more will be sent on during the coming week. I am. respectfully, your obedient servant, JOHN H TAGGART, Preceptor. The Soldiers’ Contention at the Citizens’ Volubtsbr Hospital— A large and enthusiastic meeting of the soldiers connected with the Citizens* Volunteer Hospital} Broad 'and Prime streets, was held in the dining ball, on Saturday evening- The room was tastefully decorated) the tri-colors, hanging in rich festoons, forming a canopy over the speakers. In the back-ground was the motto “Let us sustain the Government by our voices which we have defended in the held,” which was displayed in bold letters the width of the zoom* At half past seven the meeting was organized by electing sergeant Hicks, of New York, to the chair. Eleven vice presidents were chosen, being one from each State iepresented. Eloquent speeches were delivered by tho'worthy T. w. Olmsted, Sergeant Matthews, of Michigan, Corporal Taylor, of New Hampshire, Privates • Ela, of Maine, Eaton, of Minnesota, Ewart, of Pennsylvania, and others; after which the following resolutions were unanimously adopted? Whereas, The approaching contest for the Presidency Is one fraught with weal or woe to oar beloved blood bought land, involving the mighty question Whether we shall treat with treason and admit that for three year* we hare pursued a myth; that the monuments erected to the memory of the brave and honored dead hare bean reared in vain; shall the millions of money so freely expended be but a nation’s tribute to the base ingrati tude of the South, whose pampered leaders have heaped insult and contumely upon uuraelvee as d comrades ? Or shall we trees nobly forward to victory and crush tbs nuiaiur&l rebellion now desolating onr land by a de termined prosecution of the war, and show all enemie* that we ere determined to support the Government, and to maintain unimpaired the glorious privileges of free Institutions handed down to as by our forefathers? Therefore, the soldiers who. by reaion of wounds re ceived in battle, are now in the Citizens’ Volunteer Hospital, having assembled in mass meeting for the in terchange of opinion on the political aspect of affairs, do Ee&alve. That in reviewing the course of the preseat Administration we do not perceive what more comd have been done than has been accomplished by oar able Pre sident in advancing the objects for which the war is waged, and that we deem it impolitic in tae present na taos»l crisis that any change should be made in the ad ministration of the Government, except such as may be shown to be necessary by the subsequent course of events. Sesolved, That we recognise in Abraham Lincoln the guiding star of onr hopes—one whose wisdom, aided by sage counsellors, will eventually bring us from under the lowering cloud that now shadow* oar national pros pects to the mors perfect day of glorious peace; and his re-election to bis present position will best accomplish the objects for which the war is wage-, and be a jaafc tribute to his wisdom, integrity, and patriotism- Sesolved, That we earnestly recommend Abraham Lincoln for renomination, and call upon our friends at home, and companions in the held, to aid ns by voics and vc-te to secure his renomination and re election, ba lievicr, by such a course, we shall show the rebels we are determined to crush their infernal schemes and to maintain the Integrity of ear free institutions. Setohed. That the officers of the meeting be directed to publish thepioceedings, signed by a delegate from each State represented. The resolutions having been adopted, the meeting adjourned. JOd. H. HICKS, President, Jos. S. Eaton, Secretary. Messrs. J. A. Lamt, E. H. Shbppabd, and Jos. Shaw, Committee on Resolutions. Parting -with an Old Soldier.—On Saturday evening a number of the friends of Captain Funston met at Col. Berry’s Marquee, on South Sixth street, and after partaking of some of the good things of life, the meeting was called to order, and Col. Reynolds, late of the l4 Soott Legion ” Regi ment, was called to the chair. Mr. Charles A. Jones, late quartermaster of the same regiment, in a few remarks offered a aeries of resolutions, expressing the sense of the old Scott Legion toward Ih air friend and old comrade in arms, Captain Funs ton,, who was about embarking for California, Col. Reynolds referred eloquently-to the scenes through which he and Captain Funston had passed as soldiers. The memory of fallen braves was not forgotten, and the Colonel paid a beautiful tribute to one whom he as cribed the honor of both gentleman and chivalrous soldier—the late Major Hawksworth, In wishing Captain Funston * God speed on his journey,” there was an audible response of amen from all present. The Colonel said “that though separated by sea and land, they still were under the same dear old flag, and that their hearts would be united and their memory dear.’ 11 Other addresses were made, and Captain Funston replied, in a few touching remarks, to the good wishes of his friends. Pointing to the medal o? the “ Scott Legion” on his breast, he said it would be a daily xeminder of the brave associates with whom he had been connected as a fellnor.ln. *rm» iff TVTaviwa and on our own dear soil, Colonel Berry made a few parting remarks, con ceived in excellent taste, and delivered with the ac customed spirit for which be is proverbial. After singing the “ Star-spangled Banner,” led by Charles Jones. Eiq., the meeting adjourned. _ Yacht Association.— / i BOOO with us in all its freshness aad tomorrow the young Queen will step ttme » ftnd thus inaugurate yj'h its advent will come new scenes to cheer and delight mankind. Among the many arrangements of a sportim?the Philadelphia Yacht Association owupiS SnfomL pent portion. Thu. club i. com S oiTe o the moat influential bnaineu men who RlveoW.iT ter and tone toihe »lty ol Philrtelphli for Sifte and worth. It i. probable that on name ttveln ay. when iklei are bright, and the breeze genial the citizen, will have an opportunity of .eeing a marine panorama of forty or more yaoht», zprevl ing their .now white Mil. to the gale on the Dela ware. It 1* the Intention ol the auoelation to make the day sn epoch in the hiatory of yachting, that the participant, may revert to with .atiafaetion. The gentlemen who form the elub, or at leait moit of Mem. are wealthy; all have energy i and the spirit they have thu. far evinced to make the forthcoming inauguration a pleaaorable one 1* commendable. The .porta and p.itime. in afore for ladle, and gen tlemen, famllie., kindred, invited gue.ta, at home and abroad, are being looked forward to with hope, pleasure, and anxiety- We feel assured, from all that we have learned, that neither paina ner ex pense will he spared to make the day one that will eelipM anything of the kind heretofore happening jrgmany of the watera In .any part of the United This branch in the life of the .porting world neuar rose to the degree of dignity in our city, and in this reapeet Philadelphia ha. been behind other eitie, in this oonntiy and abroad. The Idea of ladles skating U almost considered an innovation upon the oonven- Uonalnaagnof society; and so it will be, perhaps. With the indulgence in yachting. But as gentlemen of refinement have taken the initiative, the ladles may lnok forward to some rare .port during the coming spring, that they have never enjoyed before. The Twenty-ninth Veteran Regi jcxxt.—This regiment will proceed to Cheater this' mo a iyvlng been In this city since the 231 of Arrival op Soldiers. — The following detachments of soldiers arrived in this city on Saturday evening, and were fed at the Oooper*Shop Volunteer .Refreshment Saloon: One hundred and thirty new recruits from Elmira, N. Y.. bound for the Army of the Potomao, under the command of Lieutenant E. M. Dudley, 111th New York Regiment. TbJrtj-two prisoners of Companies A and E, 12 kh Regiment Invalid Corps, guarded by twelve men of Company D, 6th Regiment Invalid Corps. They came from Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and were on the way to Washington under the command of Captain William R. Riddle, Company D, 6kh Regiment In valid Corps. Ten colored men from Geisboro Point. D. O, also arrived acd were fed, v About two o'clock, yesterday afternoon, the 14th Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers, numbering eight hundred and eighty-nine men, arrived from the army. This regiment has been performing duty for some time in the fortifioations around Washington, end lately in Western Virginia, which aooountsfor the large number of men which they brought back. They go to New Hampshire on a furlough of four teen days, and frcftn there to the Department of the Gulf, under General Banks. Colonel Wilson Is com mander of the regiment. The offloers and men be longing to this regiment were entertained at the union Volunteer and Cooper-Shop Refreshment Saloons before taking the oars. One hundred and eighty-two men belonging to the 183«1 New York Artillery Regiment, Lieutenant E. Downer commanding, alio passed through on Sa turday evening, bound for Washington. The Coming Draft. —The order relating to the approaching draft has been issued. It is as follows: Wab Dbpa&tment, Pbovost Marshal Gene ral's Oppicb, Washington, Feb. 25, 1864 —Cir cular No. 7.—1. Hoards of enrolment will at once commence to prepare cards for drafted men enrolled, including the second class. The cards will be uni form in shape, size, and color with those of the first class, sod will contain the name and residence of the person enrolled, with the number which is oppo site his name on the enrolment list. 11. The names of prisons stricken from the lists, either of Class 1 or 2. under the provisions of Circular No. lot,dated November 17,1863, for manl iest permanent physical disability and non-residenoe, will not be placed in the bos or wheel, nor the names of those who were drafted and held to ser vice, or paid commutation) or furnished a substi tute under the preliminary part of the draft in 1868. The names of those known to be actually in ser vice at the date of reoeipt of the order for the draft will also be left out of the box or wheel. The names of all other persons enrolled will be put in the draft box. JAMES B. FRY, Provost Marshal General. Departure of United States Straw. ebs.'—The United States steamer Bermuda left the navy yard yesterday morning, with a large cargo of supplies for the veisels in the Western Gulf Blockading Squadron. The side-wheel steamer Wyalusing left on Saturday. The injuries sustained by this vessel in a collision on the river last week have been repaired. She sails with sealed orders. The followingia a list of her officers: Lieutenant commander, waiter W. Queen (commanding) j sot* isg master and executive officer, W. B. Hathaway; assistant paymaster, Arthur J. Pritchard ; acting assistant surgeon, C. W. Sartori; acting ensigns, James G. Green, L. H. Fasset, H. G. E. Kruse, J. P. Perkins; acting master's mates, James U. Green, W. H Brown, Henry Watson; first assistant engi neer (acting chief), William H. Miller; second as sistant engineers, J. N. Case, John McCoart; third assistant engineeis, J. Donahue, E s. Heddeu; gunner, Thomas Carpenter} paymasfcar’seterk* D. C. Wallace: captain's clerk, George H. White, Jr. Presentation to Chief Lyle.—David M. Lyle, the chief of the fire department of Phila delphia, was wailed upon by a committee of the Hibernia Engine Company, on Saturday, bearing with them a handsomely framedlithographio picture of the house and apparatus. The design is, of couise, very appropriate, representing, as it docs, torches, axes, books, ladders, .steamer, &o. The frame is surmounted with a spread eagle, holding in its beak a green scroll, containing the motto of the company: ” Assist the suffering and protect the wetk.” This testimonial of esteem entertained by the venerated company was to have been presented at the celebration of the last anniversary, but the Chief was not present, because of sickness. The formality of presentation, therefore, took place at the office of the Chief. Polytechnic College Examination. — The usual winter examination at the close of the session, which has been occupying the Faculty and students of the Polytechnic lor a week past, termi nated on Saturday, and the duties connected with the reorganizing of the classes for the spring session, which begins tomorrow, will ocoupy to-day. TA9? Technical Schools, which, together with the « Scientific School," compose the college, viz, those of Mines, Architecture, Chemistry, Engineer irg, and Agriculture, have been unusually well pa tronized this winter. The last-named school is still unprovided with a model farm, which is alone want ing to complete the thorough-organization of fell the departments of . the college, and this event we are assured there is every prospect of having supplied before the close of the spring session. Marine Disaster. — The ship Harpswell, CaptMn Roger*, left thla port for ttfontevieao, Not. 28tb, 1863, and arrived there Deo. 16th. On the fol lowing day, during a terrible thunder storm, she was stiuckby lightning, which carried away the main and mizzen top-gallant masts, splitting mizzen mast and fore-top-mast and spraog head of foremast. The lightning came down the mizzen-mast into the cabin tearing everything to pieces, and then passed through the hold, starting off a number of planks on the outside, which ceuted the vessel to leak two inches per hour. Every one on board was rendered senseless for several minutes, and one sailor lost his sight for two hours, Death of Col. Fribley.—By advices received in this city on Saturday, we learn of the death of Gol. Fribley, late commander of the Bth Regiment U. S. Colored Troops. Col. Fribley was formerly in command of the 84th Pennsylvania Regiment, and on the 16th of last month was or dered, with other colored regiments, to Florida. The Colonel lately passed an excellent examination before the board at Washington, and was appointed to the command of the Bth Regiment, Arrival of Sugar and Molasses.— The brigs Cygnet, Moonlight, and Altevela arrived at thia poit on Saturday with the following cargoes: 496 hhes., 35 tierces, and 7 barrels of molasses, and 470 hhds., 316 boxes, and 80 tieroes of sugar. The brig Nameaug, Capt. Davis, brought 316 hhds and 60 boxes of sugar from New York, and the bark St. James, Capt. Wayne, 256 hhds. of sugar from New Orleans. The above artioals were consigned to dif ferent parties in this City. Duck Shooting.— Mr. George De Binder, of Southwark, one of our best marksmen, succeeded In bagging sixty ducks between Chester and New Casile in four days last week. This may be consi dered mb excellent for one person. The ducks obtained were of the ‘following character: thirty three blacks, ten sprigs, nine mallards, three bald pales, three teel, and two gooseanden. Death of a Well-Known Chemist.— Frederick Brown, Esq., a well-known chemist and druggist, died at his residence in this city on Satur day mornibg, after an Illness of two months. He was popularly known in all parts of the country as the manufacturer of “Brown’s Essence of Jamaica Ginger.” He was a very enterprising citizen and successful business man, and was one of the most efficient members of the Board of Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane. 'Effects of a Gale.— lt seems that the eddying gust of wind on Friday afternoon did more or lets damage in different parts of the city than was supposed. During a heavy Mow, which came as a big wave, not lasting over a half a minute, the framework of the steeple of the Tabor Presbyterian Church, at Christian and Eighteenth streets, was blown down. In its de&oent a part of the church building was crushed, and the spire was demolished. To "Soldiers Credited out of the Citt.—Those who, induced by high bounties, are leaving the city of Philadelphia and permitting themselves to be credited to other localities, should remember that the city must, of course, refuse to per mil the families of such persons to be supported out of the fuod for the relief of the families of volun teers. Pabade Ground.— The lot of ground in the rear of the Academy of Music has been rented for a parade ground for the members of the Free Military Softool for applicants to command colored regiments. The first drill took place on Saturday, and quite a large concourse of spectators were pre sent. Condemned Horses.—Between three and four hundred condemned Government horses passed through the city on Saturday. They were miserable ana lanky* looking animals, and were sent up Jersey to be sold. THE POLICE. (Before Mr- Alderman Beitler. 3 Assault and. Battery and Robbery* Three men, jgiving the names of James Conning ham, Samuel Hamm, and William Yeager, were ar raigned on Saturday, on the charge of committing an assault and battery upon Edw. H. Warrick, and robbing him cf the sum of s67s. Mr, Warrick be longs to Chew’s Landing, Camden county, New Jersey. He arrived in Philadelphia with a squad of colored men who desired to enlist in the service of the country. Sometime after hia business had been attended to, he went to a restaurant near Twelfth and Chestnut streets, to obtain some refreshments* The defendants were present, and Warrick being somewhat under the influence of liquor, a row was soon inaugurated, evidently at hit expense. He was knocked down and beaten dreadfully. During the m&lde he was robbed of the sum ol $675. The three defendants were arrested some time afterwards. It was in evidence that Cunningham struok the first blow, and that Hamm was seen shortly after hand ling a pocket-book, which he threw away after hav ing taken Its contents. Yeager, it seems, was in company with these two, and it is alleged that he had some knowledge of the affair. The defendants were committed to answer. Satwday Evening Scene* in the Central Station Seated in the detective 1 * office of the Central Sta tion, on Saturday evening, discussing matters and things in general, with a number of officials, we were not a little amused at a scene which occurred. A man with a shawl thrown over his arm, and a pair of kids In his hand, suddenly entered and lodged in* formation that he hsd been robbed of his valise at the music hall, opposite the station. The stranger Hid lie bad jut arrived from New York and Hopped in to bear tbe muaio, and that somebody bad itoleu his valise. An officer proceeded to tbe music hall, made inquiry about the valiae, and it waa produced. Ac be waa about to take it away, tbe proprietor re* marked that “the eum of fifty centa waa due upon it.” “What’s that 1” replied the officer. Tbe proprietor repeated the acaertion. "Wby,* l said the officer, “the owner lodged in* formation at the office that he had been robbed of hla valiae, while treating bla friend.” The proprietor became decidedly indignant, and informed tbe official that the owner or the value had deposited it aa collateral for half a dollar’a worth of drinkc. ... . , Presently the party in tbe detectivea* room had tbe addition or several persons, among whom were the proprietor of the music ball and the officer with the valiae. The scene that now ooourted, though rich and raoy in the extreme, does not juatify the occupation of aa muoh room aa would be required to fully describe it.' Suffice it to any that the stranger was recognized to be a fiequenfer of aalooni, one who was never known to refuse a drink when asked. He was of that class of genus homo who may be seen standing at times in front of hotels, picking their teeth with a quill, and staring insultingly at the ladies as they pass by. The music half in question is perhaps one of the best of the cheap eoncert saloons; at least, we learn that some regard is paid to morality within its walls. The scene at the station finally concluded with the tableau of the impostor leaving the office amid the ecorn, eontempt, and derUlon of the pro* misououa party that had by this time congregated therein. Abvbbtibbmbht o t a Runaway Mabtek.— The following advertisement, which we copy from the Memphis (Tenn.) Bulletin of tbe 12tb instant, af* forda a striking illustration of the ruin which the rebellion has brought upon slavery:' Piety Oentb|Rewabd I— Ran away, the subscri ber’s master, about the 6th of June, laKh Ete hid 09, when he left, a suit of black clothes, but fre quently wears gray clothing. He l« about five feet eleven inches in height, weighs about no pound: has light hair, blue eyes, and light complexion: i* quick spoken, and of good address. He was ucuallv called Col. Ray; his name Is J. E. R. Ray; was formerly Secretary of State undfer Gov. Harris, and it is supposed he may yet be in his company. When he agreed to become my master he bound blmself to take me for bettor or worse, and to support me in sickness and in health; but he having absooudea, without making any arrangements to do so, I offer, and will pay, tbe above reward for hla apprehension, and committal to any jail, where I oan secure him, or half that sum, for any information that will lead to his arrest. He is supposed to havegoneSoutt, in search of the “last ditoh,” »* PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. ISRAEL MORRIS. ) „ JOS. O GRUBB. foomarras of tbs MOfiff. EDMUHD A. SOUP BE.) TO ARRIVE SHIPS proh fob date. Asia. .Liverpool Job- 13 Pd nr Rylvania.... Liverpool New York £eb- lt> Bremen.• Southampton• -New Yo?rf*,,««»?eb. i 7 Canada Liverpool*. * * -Boetoa. Fob. 20 Bavaria Southampton-. New York Feb. 34 Australasian MXS&S&Yfcff** Yo,k * Feb. 37 TO DKrSAT. Corsica .New York Nassau & HaT. .Feb. 29 Africa Boston. LlrerDool Mar. 2 Evening Star.---New York...... Havana, Ac Mar. 5 City of Loudon. .New York Liverpool .......Mar. B Hammonla New York*..*. .Hamburg Mar. 0 LETTER BAGS AT THB MERCHANTS* BXOHANSB, PHILADELPHIA* Ship Tutcarora, DtiuUTy LWerpool. soon. Sohr Francis Cousins ..Barbados, soon. Echr Henry Nntt, Baker Port Spain, soon. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. polt * OFI PHIbADItUIIIA, Prt,B9,lMt moHWATBis::::::::.. 8 .. 27 ::r1 S „ , _ ARRIVED. Taaifn * Elbe, (Ham. ) Ba»dua, 3 days from New York, in ballast to H L Foster A Co. nark Bnliote, Panno. 10 days from Cardenas, with su gar to 8 & w Bark fcberwood. (Br) 15 day* from Sombrero, with CTaao to J B Baziey at Co , . ... ... Bark Ocean Eagle, Lewie. 20 days from Matanz*B,with hiotafrees to Harris. Hevl. <& tio. bark St James, Wayne. 15 days from New Orleans. With sugar, Ac. to Grant A Eon . ...... • Bark Petrea. Hull, 7 days from Port Royal, in ballast to Workman A Go. _ , . w _ . Bark Lamplighter. Morris, 6 days from New York, with angai to Ticken & Williams: vessel to D S bteteon *Brig Cygnet. Crovcuv. 13 days from Cardenas, with molasses to E C Knight A Co. , _... . , Brig Wicopeo (Br ) LeKaud. from Hillsboro, NS, via Boston, with plaster to K A Bonder & Co. Brig Neva. Smith. 20 days from Matanzas, with sugar atd molasses to EC Knight A Co. BrlcOHvia (Bras). Hariuho, 3 days from New York, in ballast to captain , Brig Nameang. Davis. 5 days from New York, with enter to Ticken A Williams; vessel to D B Stetson A Go. Brig J H Kennedy, Smith, days from Port Royal, in briJait to captain Brig Lydra, Hantaan* 17 days from New Orleans, with sugar, molasses. Ac.. toJE Bazley A Go Bchr Jesse Willtama, Wlnaniore, 6 dayefrom New York, With barley to captain. . ■ • , , , Schr Mary H Banks, Cannon, 5 days from Beaufort, la ballast to captain* Schr EF Ltwls, Wallace, 10 days from Portland, with headings. Schr JH Moore, Nickerson, 6 days from Boston, With mdaetoCrowell A Collin*. „ ~ . . , _ ~ « j?cbr Wbj Arthur, Haskell. 14 days from Portland. W fch ba»iey toL G Mylioiier & Co . Schr Carthaaena, Kelley, 5 days .from New Bedford, With oil to J B Allen. . _ ' w . #chr George A Bears*, Bears©, 4 days from New York, with salt to Wmßumm &*on. • , ... Schr Sam CoU, Hilliard, 3 days from. New York, with mdse to captain. ~ _ _ „ w _ , tear Navis«tor. BobUron. 8 days from New York,* with mdse to J E Bazley A Co. ... Schr DAE Kelly. Kelly, 7 days from Boston* with mdse to Crowell & Collins , t , _ Schr N A B Gould. Crowell, 3 days from Baltimore* Crowell ACoUlns. __ Schr Margaret Reinhart, Petenon, 15 days from New Crleans. with sugar. Ac., to A Heron, Jr. sOo, Sebr War Eagle. Kelier, Sdays from New York, wilh mdse to CrO well A Collins. _ cleared. Steamship Norma u. Baker. Boston, H Winsor. Brig Edith, (Dan) Brlchfon, Rotterdam, - A Stephanl A C< Bng Evelyn Cisn. Ginn, 8 W Pass, J B Bazley & 00, Brig S G Adams, Holland, Port Royal. Tyler A Co. Schr J A Griflln, Foster, Trinidad, SAW Welsh. Schr J B Mather, Willard, Boston* via New Castle* Crowell & Cohins. Schr Greenland, Evans, Pert Eoval, D S Stetson A Co. Schr Charm, StaT. Alexandria, Tyler A Co Schr J H Wainwright, Mulford, Fort Monroe, Tyler A Co. gclir Husk McFadden, Sharp. Washington, Oom H A Adams Schr MB Mabosy, Macomber,Boston, Blaktetou.Graff, A Co. S<hr Searsville. Saar*. Boston, Twellft&Co. Scbr C A Stetson, Rich, Boiton, Geo B Kerfoot. EohrßVa-tix, Powell. New York. John R White, Steßluer J 8 bhriver, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. [Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. 3 Lewks Del., Feb 37. Ship Frank Boult, for Portland* bark Sea Eagle, for Port Spain, and brig American Union, for New Orleans, went to sea yesterday. Two brigs (one from New Or leans) and ten sobGoner* are at the Breakwater. A schooner, name not ascertained, came ashore on the Cape yesterday, and is fall of water. Wind W. Yours, Ac , AARON MARSHALL IBSDBAKCB COMPANIES*. ■nELAWAEE MUTUAL. SAFETY XJ Insurance company, INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OP PENN SYLVANIA. 1835. OPPICE S. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT STS., PHILADELPHIA. MARINE IN3BBANUB. ON VESSELS, > CARGO. > To all parts of the world, FREIGHT. ) INLAND INSURANCES. On Goods, by River, Canal, Lake* and Land Carriage, to atl parts of the Onion. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, do. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. NOV. 1, 1863 $lOO,OOO United States Five per cent. Loan $ 97.060 00 75 000 United Mates 6 per cent. Loan, 5-20’s.. 75,090 00 20,000 United Stales 6 per cent. Loan. 18SL».». 22,000 Q 0 60,000 United States 73>10’s percent. Treasury Notes- 53,250 00 100,000 State of Pennsylvania 6 per cent. Loan 100,997 60 64,000 State of Pennsylvania 6 per cent. _ _ Loan 57.880 00 123.050 Philadelphia City 6per cent. Loan.... 127,628 00 30.009 Slate of Tennessee 5 per cent. Loan..,. 15,000 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, Ist Mortgage _ 6 per cent. Bonds 22,300 00 50.000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mortgage • 6 per cent. 80nd5......... 63.260 00 16,000 SCO Shares SiockGemantcvrn Gas Com pany, principal and interest gnaran- tied by the city of Philadelphia.... 15,000 00 6,000 100 SfceresStockPennßylyanla Railroad Company 7,225 00 6,0C0 100 Shares Stock North Pennsylvania _ _ Railroad Company. 2,850 00 21,000 United States Certificates of Indebted- , ness 21,420 00 8123,700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, amply _ _ _ secured** 123,70000 $791,760 Par Coat, $768,737 18 Market' Value..,.s794,2oo 50 ' Beal Estate 36,363 35 Bills receivable for Insurances made... 107,847 61 Balances due at Agencies—premiums on Marine Policies, accrued interest, and other debts „ due the Company.... 28,919 B 7 Scrip and Stock 01 sundry Insurance and other Companies, s6.Bo3,jßstimated value * 3,205 00 Cash on depotlt with United States Government, subject to ten days call ...$BO.OOOOO Cash on deposit, in Banks Gash inDrawer..*,.•»•»•**+*«»**♦-*♦♦*« _ '* " 115,789 19 Thomas 0. Hand, John C. Davis, Edmund A. Souder, Theopiltia Paulding-, John E. Ptnrose, James Tracraair, Henry C. Dallett, Jr., James 0. Band William C. Ludwig, Joseph R, Seal* Dr. a. M. Huston, George G. Leiper, Hugh Craig, Charles Kelly. , THOBA JOHN C, HENRY LYLBURN, Secret »THE RELIANCE INSURANCE COM- A PANT of PHILADELPHIA.' Incorporated In IS4L Charter Perpetual. OFFICE No. 308 WALNUT STREET. _ Insures against loss or damage by FIRE, Houses, Stores, and other Buildings; limited or perpetual; and on Furniture, Goode, Wares, and Merchandise. CAPITAL 9300.000, , ASSETS 9387.311 86, Invested in the following Securities, vis: First Mortgage on City Property, well secured 8106,900 GO United States Government Loans 119.000 Ou Philadelphia City 9 .per cent Loans • < 60.000 00 Commonwealth of Pennsvlvania 6 per cent. __ *3,000,000 L0an....... 18.000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, urst and second Mortgage Loans— 35,00000 Camden and Amboj Railroad Company’* 6 pci , _ cent. Loan **~* 6,000 00 Philadelphiaand Reading Railroad Company's 6 per cent. Loan *♦♦ 5,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad 7 per cent. Loans.*. .....*** 4,660 00 Commercial Basic of Pennsylvania Stock.***. IQ, 000 00 Mechanics* Bank 5t0ck..*..4,000 GO County Fire Insurance Company s Stock •. **»* 1.060 00 Union Mntiml Insurance Company’s Stock***. 880 00 Reliance Inauranw Company of Philadelphia’s „ Loans on Collaterals, well secured************ 12S0 00 Accrued Interest.*...... .*************** ws*s3 22 Cash in hank IT>J on hand* jb,067 so *BB7, SU 86 Worth at present market yalue*. «,»»*,.«**** 899.664 88 pmßOToas. Clem Tingley. Eoberfc Tol&nd. Wb, B. Thompson, William Stevenson, gj&nraei Blsnham, Hampton L. Canon. Robert Steen, Marshall Hill, . William Mtuaer, J, Johnson Brown. Charles Leland, Thos H. Moore. Beni. W. Tinnier. „ _ ■ CLEM TINGLEY, President. THOMAS G. HILL, Seoretarr. Philadblphia, Jannarr i, ISfIS. Tj'IRE insurance exclusively. i. —The PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COM* PAN 7. Incorporated 1826. CHARTER PERPETUAL. No. 510 WALNUT Street, opposite Independence Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for nearly forty years, continues to Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire onPublie or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time Also, on Furniture. Stocks of Goods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal Capital, together with a large Surplus Fond, is invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the ease ° no “' DIRECTORS. ■, Jonathan Patterson. Thomas Robins, Alexander Benson. Daniel Smith, Jr, • William Montelius, John Devereux, Isaac Haxlehurst. Thomas Smith, Henry Lewis. JONATHAN PATTERSON, President. Willi ah G. Crowell, Secretary. . American fire insurance COMFAHT. Incorporated 131 a CHASTER PER PETUAL. Ho. 310 WALHUT Street, above Third, Phi*. Havin* a lam paid-up Capital Stock and Sonin, in vented In .omul and available Seonrltlea, oontinue* to Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessel* In port end their Garcoes, and other Personal Piepertv. AR losses promptly adjusted. Thomss R. Maris, I James B. Campbell, John Welch, Edmund 0. DutJlh, Samuel C. Horton, Charles W.PonXtnev. Patrick Bradr, f Israel Morris. John T. Lewis, I THOMAS B, MARIS, President* Albert O. L. Crawford, JSscretary. feg-tf A NTHBACITE INSUBANCE COM ■ji. PAST.-Authorized Capital $400,000-CHABTKB P^TtPyTITAT* Office Ho. 311 WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth etnets, Philadelphia. , , . . This Company will insure against loss or damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Mer*handl*a none- Marine Insurances on Vessels. G&rfoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIBBOTOBS. William Esher, Baylß Pearson. I>. Luther. Peter Seiger, Lewis Audenrled, J. E. Baum. John R. Blaefeiston. Wm. F. Bean. Joseph MAXfleld, John Ketcham. WILLIAM ESHER, President. WM. F. DEAN. Vise President. W. M. Smith. Seeretary. . *p3«tf TNSUKANCE COMPANY OP THE 1 STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA—OPPICB Hot. * and # EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North aide of WALNUT Street, between DOCK and THIKD Street,. Philadelphia. INCORPORATED In 17M—CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL *200.000. PROPERTIES OP THE GOMFAAY. FBBBUABT 1. 1963, *493,829.67. MARINE, FIBB. AND INLAND TBAMSPOBTATIOF INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. „ Henry D-Sherrerd. | Tobias Wagner, Charlea Macaleeter. ] Tomas B. Wattson, William S. Smith. I Henry G. Freeman. William B White. 1 Charles 8. Lewie. GeoraeH. Stuart, I Georg. G. Carson, gunnel Grant. Jr.. . I Edward 0. Knllht, John B. Austin. HENRY D. SHBRRBKD, President. WznLfAM Habpkb. Seeretary- nol&tf COAB. ■DUBE LEHIGH COAL. HOtJSE- JtT KEEPERS can rely on getting a pore article at sotub *SoMT pW jlhn w. HAMPTON. n_ENUINE EAGLE VEIN COAL— 'J Banal If not superior to Lehigh. Alao. Itart’eNe low Chestnut. Call and ftrdcra by dispatch promptly attended to t»y * ‘ f noll-Bm mjiTS BStfBQJ. rjOAL.—SUGAB loaf, beaveb j-'MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and andjjLLOWSU. G.„. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY. FEBRUARY a 9.1864: $1,089,425 62 JTORS, Robert; Barton, Samnel E. Stokes, J. F. Fehiston, Henry Sloan. William CK Boulton, Edward Darlington* H. Jones Brooke, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland* Joshua P. Byre, Spencer Mcllvalne, John B‘ Semple, Pittsburg A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. } 0* HAiro, President. , DAVIS, Vice President, itary. ja!4 SHERIFF’S SALES. SHERIFF'S salk~by Virtue of , a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will pa esrnnsed to public sale or vendue.on MONDAY Eve blhff* March 7,1864, at 4 o’clock,at Sansom-street Hall, Ail (lirtr certain half s«wry eloue «*<iSs4uatf6 and lot of ground slta&te on tho westsiae of Jams* airier, in the Tventyfirst w*-rd of the cltv of Philadelphia: containing in front on James street sixteen feet, and lu dt-pth ninety feet. Bounded nor.hward by ground now «r ijitA of McDevitt. southward br ground now or late of McCook, • CC. C. P.; M., *64. 23. Debt, *lOO. Dechert. 1 Taken in execution and BoM.ajtbe pronartv of Patrick McGuire JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff, Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Feb. 13,1864. fel.VHt SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even* ink, March 7. 1864. at 4 o’clock, at S&nsom-street Hall, All Ibat certain three-story brick store and dwelling and lot of ground, situate on the southwest corner or Can enter and Dorrsnce streets, in the city of Philadel phia: containing in front on Dorrance street sixteen feet, and in depth along Carpenter street fifty feet (including a two-feet eight-inches-wide alley, with the privilege thereof)- So Meet to a ground rent of thirty-three dollars. [C. C. P.;M. ’64.6. Debt. $3O 34. Celahan.3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Dennis Gr*en. , JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff, Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office. Feb 13. lflM. felß-8t SHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Fieri Facias, to me directed, will be ex- Soeed to publio sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Earch 7, 1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom street Hall, All that certain lot of ground situate on the east side cf Garden street, one hundred and sixty-eight fret six ir.cken .southward from Callowhlli Btreet. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Garden street twenty feet and in depth one hundred and twelve feet. [Which ra'd premises John Penn, by deed dated March 25. 1818, recorded in Deed Book M. it., No. 23, page 7<*« &c , conveyed unto John Casey, in fee. reserving a ground rent of twenty dollars, payable 25th March and September 1 CC. C. P. 5 Ml. 11- Debt, $55.20. Brinckle.J Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Casey. JOHN THOMPSON, sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Feb is, 1864. fe!s-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O a writ of Venditioni Exponas, tome directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, March 7* 1864. at 4 o’clock, at Saneom-street Hall* All those certain two brick messuages and lot of ground situate on the south side of Arch street one hundred and eighty-four feet eastward from Twenti* th street in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on ATch street twenty feet, and in depth ninety feet. [Which said premises Linus W. Dexter, by deed dated May 1,1854, recorded in Deed Book T. OU, No. 145, page2ls, Ac., conveyed unto Jacob Carrigan in fee; reserving a ground rent of one hundred and twenty dollars 3 [C. G. P. i M., ’64. 8. Debt,s6).s6. B. S. Campbell.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jacob Carrigan __ JOHN THOMPSON; Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office. Feb. 12, 1864. fels-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, March 7,1864, at 4 o'clock, atSansom-etreet Hall, All that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the north side of Huntingdon street, sixtv-tfaree feet six inches eastward from Clinton street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing l<\ front on Huntingdon street sixteen feet and in depth sixty feet including part of an alley three feet wide, leading into Waterloo street, with the privilege thereof. CWhich said promisee Thornton. Conrow.ei oA.. by deed dated May 21. 1856. recorded in Died Book R D. W.. No. 78, page 390, AC • conveyed unto .Henry HoSlia»#eT-ia fed, retervinffa gontfreatcr**!^ bt _ , lom QaUloa.] Taken La execution and to be sola as the property of Henry McShaffrov. JOHN THOMP3ON, Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, Feb. 13. 1864. fe!s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF fp a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale-or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. March 7.lfioi, at 4 o’clock, at Sanßom-strect Hall, All that certain lot of ground eltaate on the southeast erly side of Duke street one hundred and twenty two feet eleven inches northeattward from Ash. street, In the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Dnke street forty-nine feet six and three quartfr inches, and in depth etjhty-nine feet eleven.and a half Inches, and on the rear end fifty-two feet two and a quarter inches. C Which raid premises Thomas Williamson, et. al., executor, by dated December 22,1819, recorded in Deed Bonk G. W, C.. No. 86. page 123. Ac., conveyed unto Christian David Beneeman. in fee, reserving a ground rent of thir ty-two dolla*s and twenty-one cents, payable let March and September.] - _ CC.C. P.;M.,’64. Letchworlh.] Taken in execution and to he sold as the property of Christian David Sensexnan. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. Feb. 13. 1864. fe!s-3c SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, March 7, 1864. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-atreet Hall. All that certain.tbree-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the west side of Eleventh street sixtjr eiglit feet northward of Master street, in the City of Philadelphia; containing in front on Eleventh street seventeen feet and in depth one hundred feet to a three-feet wide alley, with the privilege thereof. [Which said lot Qh&s H. Muirhead etux, by deed dated February 39,1854. recorded lu Deed Book T. H., No. 67. page 379, Ac.. conveyed unto Arthur Morphy in fae ; re* serving a ground rent of $99. ] [C. 0. P. M. ’64. 22 Debt, $269 79. Shoemaker.] Taken in execution and to be Bold as the property of Arthur Murphy. __ JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Feb. 13.1864. fe!s-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, March 7,1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-Btreet Hall, All that certain tbrea-ot'ry brick messuage and lot of around situate on the north side of Huntingdon street, forty-eight feet eastward from Clinton street, in the city Of Philadelphia; containing in frost on Huntingdon street fifteen feet six inches, and in depth sixty feet, with the privilege of a three-feet-wide alley leadlnc into Waterloo street. [Which said Thornton (lon row et al., by deed dated May 21, 1856. recorded in Deed Book B. D. W , No- 78. page 375. conveyed unto Henry Mcßhaffrey in fee; reserving a ground rent of fifty-four dollars. * >■ CC’ c. P ; M., ’64. 14. Debt, $lO3 15. GuUlou.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of BVnry McSh affray. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Feb. 13, 1864. fels-3fc SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will he exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, March 7, 1864. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that ee?taia three story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the we&t i-.ide of Adame street one hun ts red and fifty-three feet northward from Columbia street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in fronton Ad ams street twelve feet, and in depth of that width forty eight feet to a four-feet alley with the privilege thereof* andof a certain three-feet-wide alley Cwhichsaid premi ses Oliver Pan y et al., by deed dated March 20, 1850, re corded in Deed Book G. W. G., No. 41. page 196. &c , conveyed unto John Bethel! in fee, reserving a ground rent of thirty-six dollars, payable first of April and Oc tober. [C. C. P.; M.,’64. 13. Debt. $76.96 MaTecr.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John BethelL JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, Feb. '13,1864. fe!s-3t SHERIFF’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be S :posed to public sale or vendue,'on MONDAY Evening, arch 7, 1864. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-Btreet Hall, All ttat certain lot of ground situate on the east aide of Marshall street, twenty-three feet northward from Ore an street. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in fronton Marshall street twenty-five feet six and one-half inches, and in depth eighty feet. Which said premises Geo. G. Williams et nx, by deed dated June 11, 1841. recorded in Deed Book G. 8., No. 31. page 105, conveyed unto WiL liam Kinsey ard Nathan H. Taylor in fee, reserving a ground rent of $137.60. EC. C. P. M.’64. 20. Debt. $69.40. -Hood 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William Kinsey and Nathan H. Taylor. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Feb. 13,1864. feis-3t QHERIFFS SALE—BY VIRTUE OP a writ of Venditioni Exponas* to mo directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY-fi veiling, March 7, 1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-s+reet Hall- All that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the northwest corner of Seventeenth and Brandywine streets, in the olty of Philadelphia.; containing In front on Seventeenth Btreet eighteen feet, and in depth along Brandywine street eighty'five fast ten inches to a four-feet alley. [Which said premises Jonah L. Haines et ux, by deed recorded in Deed Book R- D. W.. Ho. 45, page 416. conveyed unto James W. Bowman in fee 3 C. C. P. ; M. ’64. 17. Debt, $97.22. W. J. Budd. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James K. Bowman. _ JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Feb. 13.1864 Jels-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OP a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, March 7,1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot cf ground situate on the south side of South street fifty-four feet three inches westward from Twelfth street, in the City of Philadelphia; con* t&lning in fronton South street twenty-one feet three inches, and in depth one hundred and twenty fast to Small street. C Which said premises Edward by deed dated August 12 1816. reoordedin Deedßook A M , flo. 23, page 476, convened unto William Cordon in fee; reserving a ground rent of forty * two dollars and fifty cents. CC. C. P.; M.’64. 4. Debt, $2l 9L Gowen.J Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William Gordon- JOHN THOMPSONToheriff. • Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. Feb. 13, 1864. fe!s-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, tome directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, March 7. 1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All those certain two three-story brick messuages and lot of ground, beiinning on the Bouthwest corner of Thirteenth, and Poplar streets, in the city of Philadel phia; thence extending southward along said Thir teenth street forty feet four and seven-eighths inches; thence southeastwaTdly fifty feet inches to a point; thence northward on a line at right angles with said Poplar street eighty feet five and three-quarter inches to said Poplar street; thence eastward along the same twenty-four feet four and one-eighth inches.v [Which said lot John H. Gavender et ox, by deed dated Augu t 32,1844, recorded in Deed Book B. L. L . No. 22, page 554. conveyed unto Thomas J. Orrell in fee we serv ing a ground rent of forty-eight dollars, payable first of April and October 3 [tl. C. P;M.’64- 9 Debt. $2l 78 B. S. Campbell. 3 Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas J. Orrell. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. Feb 13. 1864. iale 3t SHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Fieri Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Marchk7, i 864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Trail, All that certain lot of ground situate on the east side of Garden street, one hundred and forty-eight feet six inches southward from CallowhiU. street, In the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Garden street twenty feet, and in dentil one hundred and twelve feet, [Which sald'lot John Penn, by deed dated July 12, 1821, recorded in Deed Book J. H-, N 0.2, page 249, conveyed unto Patrick Scott, in fee reserving a ground rent of twenty dollars, payable Ist March and September. 3 C. C. P.; M., ’64. 10. Debt. $58.20. Briakle 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Patrick Ecott. _ JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff, Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. Feb 18.1864. j feld-St SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning. March 7. 1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain three story brick messuage aud lot of ground situate on the north side of Huntingdon street* seventy-nine feet six inches eastward from Clin ton street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on. Huntingdon street sixteen feet, and in depth sixty feet* including part of an alley three feet wide, with the privilege thereof. Bounded eastward by Wa terloo street, [which said premises Thornton Gonrow, et nx. by deed dated May 21, 1856, recorded’ In Deed Book B D. W., No. 78. page 394, conveyed unto Henry IfeShafErey in fee, reserving a ground rent of fifty-four dollars.] CO. C. P.; Mm *64. 16 Debt, $103.16. Gnillou,] Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Henry Hcßhaffrey. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office. Feb. 13,1861 fel6-3t MARSHAL’S SALES. TMTABSHAL’S SALE,- BY VIRTUE a •writ of sale by the Hon- John Cadwalader. Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed* will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash* at Miehener’s store, So. 143 North FRONT Street, on MONDAY, March 14.1864. at 12 o’clock M., the cargo of the sloop ANNIE THOMPSON, consisting of S 3 bales and 19 bags of cotton, 42 boxes of tobacco, and 8) barrels ol U. 8. Marshal H. D. of Penna. Philadelphia, Feb. 26,1864. fe26-6t MARSHAL’S Sf, LE.—BY VIRTUE ATX of a writ of sale by tbe Hon John C&dwelader 3 adge of the District Court of the United Slates* in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest end beet bidder, for cash, at Miehener’s store. No. 143 North FRONT btreet, on MONDAY. March 14th. 1861. at 1? o’clock M , the residue of the cargo of the steamer CHaTHAM»conslsting of 90 bales of cotton, 12. boxes of tobaccoo. and 10 barrels of roeln WILLIAM MILLWABD. U fi. Marshal E. D. of Penna. Philadelphia, Feb. 26. 1864. . fe27-6t HOTELS. JONES HOUSE, HARRISBURG, Pa., CORNER MARKET STREET ADD MARKET SCtUAM A first-class house Term.. »2 per (lay. PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINE • Y TIONB, with fall descriptions of character, DAT and EVENING, by J. L. CAfSJi, as4-fmw6n» Vo. SB South TENTH Strati. TTNION STEAM AND WATER v HEATING COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA GOLD’S PATENT STEAM AND HOT-WATER HBATIE, THOMPSON’S LONDON KITCHENER, and Ml Othei Improved COOKING ifFAUVOA i Boiler, ut Water Basks. Parlor and other. Orate*. Register, and Ventilator., Bask, and Jamb., and all VMao aowaated with fha aboaa rfinujinia. *O. *lBouth mniTH Street. «. K. nunn&b Swertateadwt. »»-!» OFFICE ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE. „ . . Pmi.ADELPHrA. February 24.1864. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o’clock M. on MONDAY, the 29th insta air for supplying the Schuylkill Arsenal with Skirting Le ***«*» oak-tanned, from slaughter hides, to weigh from 12 to 20 Pounds per side, original weight. Dark Blue Thread, No. 85. „ Proposals must be endorsed .“Proposals for Army Supplies. ” G. IT GROSMAN. fe26-4t Col. and Asst. Q. M. Gen. U 8 A. A BMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE **• OFFICE, Cincinnati, Ohio. February 15, 1864. PBOPOSALS are invited by the undersigned until MONDAY, February 29, 1864. at 12 o’clock M., for famishing this Department with— Blouses, Lined and Unlined—Army Standard. Blouses, Flannel, do. Bootees, Sewed and Pegged, do. Jackets, Cavalry. do. Stockings,. „ „ do. Drum Heads, Batter. Drum Heads, Snare. , To be delivered, freeofeharge, at theU. 8. Inspection Warehouse, in this city, in good new packages, with the name of the party furnishing, the kind and Quantity of goods distinctly marked thereon. , _ Parties offering goods must, in all cases, furnish sam ples, marked and numbered to correspond with their proposal, and distinctly state In their bids the Quantity of roods they propose to furnish, the price, and the time of delivery. Bids will be openod on Monday, February, 29 1864. at 1 o’clock P. M., at this office* and bidders are invited to be present. Awards whl be made on Tuesday,March lst,lB64,when bidders, or duiy.authorlzed agents, are expected to be B repared to give security that the goods will be furnished an award Is made. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is re* "'BrordarofCoi. THOMAS SWOBDS, A. Q M. G. fel7-llt O W. MUPETON, Captain and A. Q. M. ■PROPOSALS FOR RAISING WRECKS A AT NORFOLK, VA., AND IN THE VICINITY. PROPOSALS Will be received at the Navy Department until the 3d day ot March, 1864 for raisin* wreaking and removing the materials, and delivering at the United Slates Navy Y*rd, Gosport, Va.« the wrecks of ” and * ‘ Congress,”at Newport News, and * ‘Merrimack.” near Craney Island. The small steamer * Whitehall. ”at Old Point. Frigates • 4 Raritan ” and ’'Columbia,” and Line-of batileships "Pennsylvania ” "Delaware,’’and "Co lumbus, ,r in the vicinity of the Navy Yard. Bidders for this contract will take into consideration that the Government requires the Frigate “Camber land," and whatever may be on board of her, either public or privat« property, to be delivered at the Navy Yard, Gosport, Va., or at any other convenient place which the Government m»y designate, without any further mutilation than may be absolutely necessary to raise her. , It will be required by ilie Government that the con tractors commence as soon as practicable on the ' Cum berland," and not to engage or ccmmance on any other wreck, without permission from the Government, until e *The wilt also claim the right of designa ting the order in which, after the " Cumberland, ” the wrecks are to be raised; also, to determine whether a wreck shall be blasted or raised whole. . No sale or appraisement can be oiaimei by the con tractors on any wreck until all the vessels named shall lave been removed, and duly, received bv the Com mandant; unless by authority of the Navy Department. »*> wreck will be considered removed while any por tion of keel or fl99i timbers remains. - _ AUthe wrecks, as well as fragments of timber and other material, (which may be the result of blasting,) most he deposited at the Navy Yard at such place or places as the Commandant may designate. And each property, after having been received by the Com mandant, shall be considered in charge of the United States Government until disposed of agreeably to the specifications of the contract to be made. * , All the appliances need in raiding the wreoks must be furnished at the expense of the contractors. The offer must state the rate per centum, or salvage, for raising and delivering each vessel, also for Wrack ing, the value to be ascertained and determined by KWO persons to be appointed by the Department, and one per son to be appointed by the contractors, or on the actual proceeds of a sale at public auction, for the whole or any part, as the Department may elect The offer must be accompanied by the guarantee of responsible parties that the contract will be executed if awarded- The Depart ment reserves the right to reject all bids of parties who have not the proper means provided for executing the work, and of annulling the contract if the work Is not executed in due proportion to the time fixed for com pletion. The proposition must also state the time re quired to do the work. . , . . . Proposals will be marked “Proposals for raising wrecks at Norfolk,” Ac., so as to prevent them from being opened with other letters. ; feB mwot rYFFICE COMMISSARY OF SUBSIST- V ENCE, So. 838 WAL3TTT STREET. fHiLAPfILFHiA, February 27,1865 SEALED PROPOSALS, in divplicate, will be received at this office until 12 o’clock M., on FRIDAY, March 4th. for supplying for the use of the United States army the following subsistence stores (delivered in Philadel phia). viz: _ 300 barrels first quality PRIME MESS or MESS PORK, (which to be stated) of the pack of 1853-4, in toll hooped oak ban els, with iron master hoops; meat to be free from rust or stain, fall weight and tho roughly salted. Bidders will state when th9ir pork was packed, ana the brands. To be ready for delivery within fifteen days from date of ftWsrd 50,000 pounds first duality thoroughly smoked BACON bHOULDERS, in tlg&t tierces of uniform size. 39,2C0c00nd8 first quality lain dried CORN MEaL, iu head-lined barrels. _ , 80,000 pount s new WHITE BEANS In well coopered head-lined barrels 26.C03 pounds PRIME RICE, in well coopered head -■ lined barrels 10.000 pounds PRIME RIO COFFEE (green) Bidders will state the price per pound forroastlng grinding and packUg In right paper-lived barrels;and the parties furnishing it will be obliged to ttate on oath that the coffee furnished by them is of quality equal to the sample of green coffee submitted by them, and that it contains no .adulteration or ad mixmre of any oreign substance. 60.0C0 pounds dry, light yellow COFFEE SUGAR, or choice dry RAW SOGAR; barrels to be ofthe best in use for the purpose, fully headlined. O.CCfi gallons pare CIDER or WHISKY VINEGAR, in fctrooß, well-coopered barrels; the vinegar to be of uniform strength, taking 28 grains bicarbonate of soda to neutralize one flaid ounce; test to be made at espen&s of tie Par 10,COO pouede ADAMANTINE 0? STAR CANDLES, fall weight (twtlvep). 20. CCD pounds good HARD SOAP, In pound bars, full weight. 26,C00 pounds clean, fine, DRY SALT, in well-coopered, strong, dry barrels. 4,C00 gallons MOLASSES Or SYRUP, In Strong, well coopered barrels. The above stores to be delivered within twenty days from date of award ‘ Samples of all articles, except meats, must be deliver ed with proposals, and referred to therein, but the pro posal must not be enclosed with the sample. Samples of corn meal, beans, rice, coffee, sugar, cau dles, soap, and salt roust be in boxes of card board or tin. and not in paper parcels. The meat* will be examined and passed upon by John G T&jlor, Inspector on the part of the United States. Separate proposals in duplicate must be made for each article enumerated, and bidders may propose for the whole or any.part of each. A printed copy of this advertisement most be attached to each bid. and proposals mu*t be specific in complying with its terms Each bid, to have consideration, must contain the written guai&ntee of two responsible names, as follows: "We the undersigned, guarantee that should all or any part ofthe above bid be accepted, it shall be fal fiUed accovdixigto its true purport and Conditions; also, that a wrli ten contract, with bondg to the amount of one fourth the value of the stores proposed to be farniahed, shall be executed if required. The seller’s name, date of pnrehase. and placa of busi ness, with name of contents, gross, tare, and net weights, must/be marked on every package, and all old marks must be obliterated. Bids will include packages and delivery at any point in this city, and any inferior packages or cooperage will be considered sufficient cause for rejection of con tents. Payment to be made in each funds as may be farnisb ed for the purpose Proposals must be endorsed * * Proposals for Subsist ence Stores,” and directed to F. N. BOGS. • fe»7-6t Capt. and C. 8. Vole. Proposals for cavalry HORSES. War Department, ■ Cavalry UcußAtf. Office of Chief Quartermaster, Washington, D. Co Febraaryzi, 1854. SEALED PROPOSAL* will be received at this Office until 12 o’clock M. MONDAY, March seventh (7th), 1864* °S*HKBE THOUSAND CS.OCO) CAVALRY HORSES, to be delivered at Montpelier. Vt., within fifty (50) days from date of contract. ONE THOUSAND. (1,0*0) CAVALRY HOBBES, to to delivered in Washington, D. 0., (Gieeboro’Depot) within thirty (30) cays from date of contract. ONE THOUSAND (1.000) CAVALRY HORSES, to be delivered in Elmira, N. Y„ within forty (40) days from dale of contract. Also, sealed proposals will be received at this office until 12 o’clock M. on THURSDAY, March tenth (10th), 1864, for TWO THOUSAND (2 OOOf CAVALRY HORSES, to be delivered in Wheeling, West Virginia* within thirty (80) days from date of contraot- Eaid horses to be sound in all particulars, not less than five (5) nor more than nine (9) years old; from UK to 16 hands high; full fleshed, compactly built, bridle Wiee* and of size sufficient for cavalry Purposes. These specifications will be strictly adhered to and rigidly enforced in every particular. No bid will be entertained unless accompanied by a guarantee for its faithful performance. VS** Should any United States officer guarantee the proposal of a.bidder who should prove to be irresponsi ble* hie name will be reported to the Secretary of War, with a recommendation that such officer be dismissed the service. All bidders and Guarantors will be held to (he strict est accountability, and every failure to comply with terms of contract, or to make the contract when award ed, toillbefollowedby pro-ecutionto the full extent of the law. Form of bid and guarantee can be had on application to Captain ttcEim, As. Q. M at Boston Mass.. Captain J. G Farnsworth, A Q. M., Wheeling, Va., or at this office. Successful bidders will be required to enter into writ ten contracts, with good and inffleient security, imme diately on the acceptance of their bids. The oath of allegiance must accompany each bid The undersigne i reserves the right to reject all bids deemed unreasonable No bid will be entertained for less than fifty horses. Bids for the entire number of horses required are in vited. ~ ' Payment will he made on completion of contract, or as soon thereafter as funds may be received. , Proposals must be endorsed Proposals for Cavalry Horses.” and addressed to Lieutenant Colonel James A, Bkin, Chief Quartermaster* Cavalry Bureau, Washing tosny‘further information will be promptly given on application to JAMES A. BKIN, Lieut. Col. and Chief Quartermaster Cavalry Bureau. fe26-9t •• - - ■ pBOFOBALS FOR LIMB. Chief Quartermaster's Office* Depot op Washington, Washington, D. C.< February 13 1864. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until FRIDAY* March 4. 1864, at 12 o’clock, for Ten Thousand (10.0G0) Bushels of good merchantable UN SLACEED LIME. The whole amount to be delivered within thirty (30) days from the date of contract, at such points in the city of Washington as the D6pdt Quarter master may direct. The Lime to weigh not less than eighty (80) pounds to the bushel. .... , The amount offered by the riuccesaful bidders will to subject to a rigid inspection, by an inspector appointed by the Government* before bein^ accepted The price must be written out in words on the bid, ae must also the full name and post office addiess of the bidder. Proposals from disloyal parties will not be considered, and an oath of allegiance must accompany each proposi tion. Proposals must be addressed to Brigadier General D. H. Backer, Chief Quartermaster, D6pot of Washington, Washington, D.C.. and should be plainly marked ** Pro posals for Lime.” GUARANTEE. The bidder will be required to accompany his proposi tion with a guarantee, signed by two responsible per sons, that,in case his bid is accepted, he will at once execute the contract for the samo, with good and suffi cient sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the con tract, to deliver the articles proposed In conformity with the terms of this advertisement; and in case the said bid der should foil to enter into the contract, they to make Sood thetdifference between the offer of said bidder and ae next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contract may to awarded, * The responsibility ofthe guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court, or of the United States District Attorney. Bonds in a sum equal to the amount of the contract, signed by the contractor and both of his guarantors, will be required of the successful bidder or bidders upon signing the contract. Biaiuua FOBM OP GUARANTEE. We, the undersigned* residents of , is the county of , and State of , hereby jointly end severally covenant with the United States, and guarantee, in ease theforegolng bid of be accepted, that he or they Will at once exe cute the contract for tbe same, with good and sufficient sureties. In a sum equal to the amount of the contract, to fnrnlsh tbe articles proposed in conformity to the terms of the advertisement, dated February 19* 1864, un der which the bid was made, and In case tbe ssid shall fall to eater Into a contract as aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the difference between the offer made b» the said and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contract may be awarded. «... Given under our hands and seals this day o; • 186 * [Seal 3 Witness; [BeaL3 (To this guarantee must- be appended theojTfciaf oerU* ficate above mentioned). > The right to reject any or all bids that may be deemed too high is reserved by the D6pdt Quartermaster, as well as the right to select worn each bid such quantities at the price therein named as Is required by the Government: D. H. RUCKER, Brigadier General and Chief Quartermaster. fel6-15t Ddpdt Washington. WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF AN " » TILLEfII—A new French Cosmetic for beautify lug, whitening, and preserving the Complexion. It U the most wonderful compound of the age. There i* neither chalk, powder, magnesia, bismuth nor talc in it: composition, it being composed entirely of pure Virgis Wax—hence its extraordinary qualities for preserving the skin, making it soft, smooth, fair, and transparent It makes the olff appear young, the homely handsome, the handsome more beautiful, and the most beautifU' divine. Price* *5 and 60 cent*. Prepared only by HUNT k CO.* Perfumers, *1 South EIGHTH Street, two door* above Chestnut, and I MM South BSVWTH fit. d«l8-Snv C. H. MAMV< TV/rAOCARONI and vermicelli.— 200 whole and half boxes Italian and American Mac caronl and Vermicelli iust received and for sale by RHODES fit WILLIAMS, fta W grata WATHi&Mt. proposals. Nxvv Department, February 4, 1864. PROPOSALS. /■"IBDNANGE OFFICE, V/ IWar Department, Washington. Feb. 23, 1664. „ £ toriMfiSd Armorr, MM,., of «.000 »t, of TOongW Iroa woik. for United Btetee ArillW Har- Ple s pairs long Hames, complete. 5 pairs short Hames, complete. 6 pairs medium Hameß. complete. 48 Trace Clips, with 144 riveta. 4 double Loops < r eyes. .. 12Saddle Loop*, (bent for eantle.) 24 Trace Eyes. 24 long Chains, with toggles* 4 Breast Hooks. 2 Leg Guards, with 10 rivets. . 6 Saddle Loops, straight, for riding saddle pummel. Theße Harness Irons are to conform strictly in pattern and weight to the model sets to be seen at this office and at the Springfield Armory; are to be smoothly finished, are to fill the standard gauges, and eaoh piece is to be made of the size and kind of Iron prescribed in the offi cial bill of Iron, copies of which can be obtained at this office, at the New York Agency, and at the Springfield irons are to be well jspanned—the japan to be of the. beat quality, and .well baked on. They are to be subject to inspection at the factory where made, before and after.iapannlog The Hames are to be marked with the maker’s name, the size, and the letters U. 8. A. The latter letters one fourth of an inch high. ' All the pieces are to be pnt np in proper bundles, pro perly labelled, and each box is to be carefully packed, ae prescribed by the inspector The packing-box to be paiA for at the Intpector’s valuation. Deliveries are to be made at the rate of not lens than sixty sets per 6 ay. commencing on the 22d day of March next Failure to deliver at the specified time will sub ject the contractor to a forfeltuie of the number he may fall to deliver at that time. No bids will be considered except from parties actual ly engaged in the manufacture of this or similar kinds of Ironwork, and who can bring ample evidence that tlifT have in their own shops all the machinery and ap pliances for turning out the full amount of work speci fied per day. " Bidders will be required to famish proper securities for the proper performance ofthe work, and will en close with their bids the written acknowledgment of their sureties over tbsir own signatures. Each party obtaining a contract will be required to enter into bonds, with approved sureties, for Us faithful Upon the award being made, successful bidders will bo notified! and furnished with forms of contract and bond. • The Department reserves the light to reject any or all bids if not deemed satisfactory* „ Proposals will be addressed to " Brigailer General Geo. D. Ramsay, Chief of Ordnance, Wainington City," and will be endorsed "Proposals for Harness Irons ” t „ , , GEO. D. RAMSAY. ft-26-fmwgt Brigadier Central, Chief of Orduauce. PROPOSALS FOB FORAGE. Oanv Qtfiftvguuuu'i Ovnoi. Washixotox Depot, December 8,1861 SHADED PROPOSALS are invited by the undersigned for supplying the U. 8. Quartermaster's Department, at Washington. D. 0., Baltimore, Md. t Alexandria, and Fort Monroe, Va, or either of theee places, with Hay* C^& l wtM?receiv2sf for the delivery of 6,000 bushels o/coraor octe, and 60 tone of hay or straw* end up- W Bidd6tt amt ftfeto fit Which tf the above-named points they propose to make deliveries, and the rate* at which they will make deliveries thereat, the quantity of each article proposed to be delivered, the time when said de liveries shall be commenced, and when to be completed. The price must he written out iu words on the hide. Corn to be put up in good, stout sacks, of about two bushels each. Oats in luce sacks, of about three bushels each. The aaeks to be furnished without extra charge to the Government. The hay and straw to he securely baled. The particular kind or description of oats, corn* hay* or straw, proposed to be delivered* must be stated in the proposals. All the articles offered under the bids herein Invited will he subject to a rigid inspection by the Government Inspector before being accepted. Contracts will be awarded from time to time to the lowest responsible bidder, as the interest of the Govern ment may require, and payment will be made when the whole amount contracted for shall have been delivered and accepted. The bidder will be required to accompany hit propo* sal with a guarantee, signed by two responsible persons, that in case hU bid Is accepted he or they will, within ten days thereafter, execute the contract tor the same. With good and sufficient sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the contract, to deliver the forage proposed in conformity with the terms of this advertisement; and In ease the said bidder should toil to enter into the contract, they to makegood the difference between the offer of said bidder and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the eonixaet may be awarded. The responsibility ot the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of a U. 8- District Attorney, Col lector of Customs, or any other officer under the United States Government, or responsible person known to this office. All bidders will be duly notified of the acceptance or rejection of their proposals. The full name and post office address of each bidder must be legibly written in the proposal. Proposals must be addressed to Brigadier General D. H. Backer* Chief D6pdt Quarterma»ter, 'WAihlnstoa, D Q..«nd should be plainly marked. 1 ‘ Proposals for Fo rage. ” Bonds, in a sum equal to the amount of the contract, algned by the contractor and both of his guarantors, will be required of the successful bidder or bidden upon signing the contract. Blank orms of bids, guarantees, and bonds may be obtained upon application at this office. FORM OF PROPOSAL. (Town, County, and Stato ■; . (Date)— —— I, the subscriber, do hereby propose to furnish and de liver to the United States, at the Quartermaster’s De sartmontat —. agreeably to the term* of yonr advertisement, inviting proposal# for forage, dasea Washington D6pst, December 8,1863, the following art I .' eles, viz: bushels of Corn, In sacks, at —> per bushel of 68 pounds. i ■ bushels of Oats, in sacks, at —— per bushel of SS pounds. —— - tons of baled Hay, at —— per ton of 2,000 pounds- tons of baled Straw, at per ton of 2,000 pounds. Delivery-to commence on or before the day of -——. J2B , and to bo completed on or before the —— day of , 188 , and pledge myself to enter into a wriitencontract with the United States, with good and approved securities, within the space of ten days after being notified that my bid has been accepted. Your obedient servant, "■ 1 . Brigadier General D. H. Rttokbb, t Chief D&pot Quartermaster, Washington, D. C. GUARANTEE. , We, th* undersigned, residents of - , in the county of ———, and State of ■ - 11 hereby, tointly and severally, covenant with the United States, and guarantee, In case the foregoing bid of —■- - be accepted, that be or they will, within ten daye after the acceptance of said bid, execute the contract for the same With good and sufficient sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the contract, to furnish the forage proposed in conformity to the terms of advertisement dated De cember 8* 1663, under which the bid wa* mode, and, in case the said ■ ■■■■■■ shall foil to enter into & contract as aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the difference be tween the offor by the said - ■ •—and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person te whom the contract may be awarded. . . _ . V, . witness: 5 Given under onr hands and seals tlhis -dayof ■. 188 . « [Seal,] [Seal.] 1 hereby certify that, to the best of uy knowledge and belief, the above-named guarantors are good and suffi cient as sureties for the amount for which they- offer to be security. ■■■■—n—— . n-—■ . • To be certified by the United States District Attorney, Coll ecter of Customs, or any other officer undsr the UnitedStatos Government, or responsible person known to this office- AU proposals received under ’this advertisement will be opened and examined at this office on Wednesday and Saturday of each week, at 12 M. Bidders are respectful ly Invited to be present at the opening- of bids, if they desire. D. H. BtFOESB, dill-lf Brigadier General and Quartermaster. lEGAI. FI THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. In the matter of Estate of JOHN IS. THOMPSON, deceased. The Auditor appointed by,the Court to audit settle, and adjust the account of JOHN M. READ. CHARLES HACALESTER. and ALEXANDER H. THOMPSON. Executors of the. last Will and Testament of JOHN R THOMPSON, deceased, will meet the parties Interested for the purposes of his appointment on MONDAY, March 7th. A. D. 1864, at 4 o’clock, in the afternoon, at his office, at 8 B. corner of EIGHTH and LOCUST Streets. fe26-ftnwßt DANIEL DOUGHERTF, Auditor, F\ THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA In the matter ofthe Estate of HARRIET K., MARGA RET 8., ANNA F.* and ARTHUR W. HOWELL, Minors. , The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle* and adjust the account of JOSEPH K. HOWELL,.Guar dian of the Estate of HARRIET ET., MARGARET S., ANNA P., and ARTHUR W. HOWELL, Minor children of ELIZABETH G. HOWELL, deceased and report distri bution of the balance in his hands, will meet the parties ii terested for the purposes of his appointment on MON DAY. March 7th, A. D. 1884. at 4 o’clock P. M.. at his Office, 8 E corner of THIRD and GHESTNUT streets, Philadelphia. O. WILSON DAVIB, fe2s thstußt ‘ Auditor. Fr THE ORPHANS’COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. In the matter of the estate of JOHN BUBHTON, de ceased. Tbe Auditor appointed by the Court to report distri bution of the fund in Couxt, to or axnoag lien creditors, arising from the sale, by the administratrix de bonis non of Die said decedent, of all that certain lot of ground, with the four-story brick messuage' or tenement thereon erected, situate on the south side of Pine street, 236 feet east of Sixteenth street, containing in front on Pine street 20 feet, an*) extend inr In deptn southward 130 feet to Stone street, will attend to the duties of his appointment on MON DAY. the 7bh day of March. 3864; at 4 o’clock F- M , at his office* QOS SOUTH EIFTH Street, when and where all persons Interested are hereby notified and required to be present and present their claims, or be forever de * barred from coming in on said fund. THOMAS BRADFORD DWIGHT, feg4-wfin3i* • Auditor. TETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on tbe Estate of Mrs. DEBORAH BROWN, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons in debted to ssid Estate are requested to .make payment: aud all persons having claims asa inst the same will make them known to the undersigned • __ SAMUEL NORRIS, - „ 1903 WALNU T Rtreet. g. Dawson coleman, fe£2-m6t* . * IB3g SPRUCE Street. Letters of administration upon the Estate of ROBERT P. THOMAS, H. D.. late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased, having been granted to tbe undereigeed, all persons having claims or demands against the Estate of the said decedent, will make them known to him without delay; and all peißoni indebted to eaid Estate are requested to make payment. WM. H BACON, Administrator. 35 North FOURTH Btreet Philadelphia, Feb. 15,1861. ie!s-m6t* Xf O TICE.—IiEI TERS T! STAMEN , tary to the Estate of HANNAH WILLARD, deceased having been granted to the undersigned, all persons in debted tdtfce said estate are requested to make payment, and thoec having claims against the same to make them known without delay. GEORGE 8. HOBENSACR. fel»m6t* JSxecutor. 18QQ.COATBB Street. copartobbships. GOP ABTNEBSHIP.—THE SUB. gCBIBEBS l»ve tills, eighth day oPPetiraary, ISM. entered into Copartnership, under the name and style of BBHSMT St SNITDER, for theimrpose of transacting a "WHOLESALE COMMISSION LUMBER BUSINESS. J-1. BENNETT &J. P. SNTDBB. fcft-lm' pace sag OOMMBHOB Street. pOF ABTNIBSIIP.—NOTICE.—I have this day anoelated with me in hnslnesa my son, BROWN, Jr., under the name and style of FREDERICK BROWN. Druggist and Chemist. EREOEKIOK BROWN. Philadelphia. February 1, ISM. The said firm will continue business at the old .tend (established In northeast corner of Chestnut and Fifth streets. Philadelphia. .. FREDERICK BROWN. M lm FREDERICK BROWN. Jr. AH CENTS PER POUND TAX ON TOBACCO. The Government Is about to put a tax of 40 eenteser Pound on Tobacco xou can save 50 par cent, by ' Ton can sa-ro 00 per coat, by Yon ean uti 60 per cent, by You e&iiftave SO per cent*- by *nyißf«ow at S3S CgESWfUT. Bnylni now at BBUPR,' So.’ 336 CHBBTNUT! BnTtna now at IJBAIJ’B, go. 386 QHESTH77T. BuSininowat DKAN’Sj N<>: 335 CHESTNUT. Trims Navy Tobasco, 70, 78 and 80c, per fl>. Prime Ca-venalah Tobacco, 70, 75 and 8P«. per Ib. Prime flounder Tobacco, 70. 16 and 80c. per lb. Prime ConarenjTobacco, 86, 70 and 76c. per ib. Sitf SS4S M il* 914 VlrKiula Plain Oavendlcb- DSAN sells Old Virginia Congress. DEAB-mUi Old Virginia Fig and Twist DBAN sails Old Virginia Smoking Tobacco. DBAN 6 Kanawha Fins Cut Chewing Tobaseo PBAN’S Kanawha Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco Cannot be Equaled. 4 we - Cannot be Equaled OlgaTß are superior toi&U others. pEAJf 8 Cigars are superior to a»l others, Be raises hU own Tobaoeo, on his own plantation In Horan* He sell it his own Oigara at his own store. Ho. 335 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia DEAN'S Minnehaha Smoking Tobacco is manufactured from pure Virginia Tobacco, and contains nodancerons eoncoetlone of Weeds. Herbs* and Opium. n Pipes* Pipes, Meerschaum Pipes, Brier Pipes, Bon K * lau o! “ ta «° The Amy of the Potomac now order all their Tobacco. Cigars. Pipes, Ac .from MAN’S, No. 335 OHBSTNUT Street. They know DIUB sells the best and cheapest, C * HE-E.SE .—THE LABGESf AN! fllil plache^^ 19 “ a bot * :e9 At Kstera Vuk»t Ob««u BUul. L 6*-61 ?Kia S f .r«t. below Ml^KSt. anntlOK 8*1W» TOHN B. MTBBS & °®?wAF£ TloN * V £BBS< Nos. 833 and g3* MABIUTF Street. PIRBT LARGE SALE OF FBEHCR GW9M FOR SPRING OF 1861—AL80. PATENT THREAD. A** l ® ACa'kD -We invite lh«MrlyAltttttoa of dMIfIJJ to the extensive choice assortment of French dfF good » Ac , embracing 687 lota of fancy and staple be peremptorily acid, by catalogue, oa, four JJjnjtM credit, commencing this morning, at 10 o clock precisely* and to continue all day, without intermission. NOTICE TO JOBBERS, RETAILERS. AND SMALL; WARE DEALERS-LaBGK SALE OF SCARCE AND DESIRABLE ARTICLES, THIS DAT Included in our sate, this day, will be found, in part, the following desirable articles. v’Z: 2.C00 latest spring style shawls and cloaks, for city **llo pieces cros de rhlnes, taffetas, gros grains, fancy #ilks, roarcelines, Ac , Ac. . ... . Aline of drees goods. Paris kid gloves. embroidered umbrellas, parasols, silk ties and era -7^* 8 7fae o?bare«e yells. English crapes, ribbons, trim embroldjrlei. toncy article,. Sc. Also, 2.000 lbe bept duaUtr patent thread. 230 dozen hoop skirts. Sc. FIRST POSITIVE SAGS OF FBSOTH 00008, Sc. 1 We will hold onrflrct sale of French Good*. Sc., for tbo season, moBNISG, Feb. 29. four month,’ credit, commencing at 10 o'clock, precisely, comprising. In part, the following desirable articles, viz: _ pieces choice Color. 1 ? Paris marceiines. -\pieces rich black gros de rhino. _ pieces heavy black gros grain and taffetas. pieces t-olid eolots and fancy posit dO'SOle. pieces high co’.or* and plaid do. A pieces Faxvny dreso goods, • p'eces plain and fancy raous delaines. pieces check Roub&ix, poplins. pieces neat style brocaae*. pieces black and white check poplins. pieces plaid poll da cbene gl&cla. cartons bonnet and velvet ribbons, cartons pongee bdhf* and eUk ties. Also—26o dozen lateßt style best make hoop, skirts, for ottr taler* ... with Donna Marla and barege veils, shawls, Incas, nnbroiderteß, trimmings, English crapes, bead nets, fancy articles, Ac LARGE SALE OF SHAWLS. FOR SPRING "8 ALE 1. Included in our sale on MONDAY MORNING, Feb. * 29, will be found: 1.000 plsid lama shawls. fitO silk border Mozambique shawls. 1,000 extra and superb quality do. 600 all-wool spring •’laids. l. 000 Silk bordered block Stella shawls. m. n — l The above comprises a lata importation or new designs, for spring salt*, and are well worthy the attea* tlon of the trade. ’ POSITIVE SALE OF FRENCH DRY GOODS AND rwiuv FANCY ARTIO r .ES. » ON MONDAY MORNING, Feb 29th, atlo«’olcck, will be sold, by catalogue on four months’ credit, about 076 lots of French, German, Swiss, and Britten dry goods, fancy articles, As., era bradpg a general assortment of fancy and staple goods for sprlngsaUs. „ ’ LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1,100 PACKAGES BOOTS, SHOES. BROGANS. ARMY GOODS, Ac, ON TUESDAY HORNING, March lit, at 10 o'clock, sold,Jby catalogue, without reserve, on four months' credit,about 1,100 pack* ages boots, shoes, brogans, cavalry boots. Ac., embra cing a prime and fresh assortment of desirable articles for men, women, andchUdren, of city and Eastern »a lufaetwe N. B. —Samples, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale. LARGE SALE OF BOOTS. SQOBS, BROGANS, ARMY GOOD*, Ac. NOTlCE.—lnclnded in our sale of boot?, shoes, Ac, to be held on TDESDAY MORNING, Harehlst, At 10 o’clock, will be found, in pari, the following prime and fresh goods, to be sold without reserve, com prising, in part: / Men’s Jtae calf congress hoots and shoes* man’s an! boyß l calf and kip brogans; men’s fine patent feath«r boots and shoes; men's and women’s gaiter do.; long legged grain boots; high cut military »boes;youtn’s half welt kip boots; men’s do; women’s and iui#s*e’ goat Ba moral boots: morocco boots; fine city-made kid welt buskins; ladies’gaiter boots; kid R.R. ties; colored and black lasting buskins; men s fine city • made calf, nnroc co. and kid boots; men’s pump'soie grain boots; men’s buff leather pump boots: men's Dump sole calf boo;s: do seal pomp sola booth; women * lined and bound boots; youth’s kip brogans; misses’ grain ties; misses’ grain buikins; mitse*’ spring heel grain lace boots; women’s grain lace boots: women s grain ties: boys’ kip brogans; mines’glazed morocco boots; men’s half weitcaU do; youth’s half welt calf do; childrens brogans; travelling bags. • LARGE PEREMPTORY EJILB OPJSJJBOPBAN, INDIA. AN n“XMERI<3 AN'jTbV GOODS, lie. Wa wiUhold a Large Sale 0/ British, German, French, and American Dry Goode, toy catalogue, on four months* credit and part for cash. _ mN THURSDAY MORNING, March 3d, commencing at precisely 10 o'clock, com prising TOO PACKAGES AND LOTS of British, German, French, India, and American Dry Goods, embracing a large, full, and fresh assortment of Woollen, Worsted, Linen, Cotton, and Silk Goods for city and country sales H. B. —Samples of thelsame will be arranged for exami nation. wltji catalogues, oarly on the morning of sale, when dealers will find it totneir Interest to attend. SALE OF CABPSTIHGS. MATriNGS. Ac. 09 FRIDAY MORNING, March. 5. At precisely 10% o’clock, will be sold, without reserve, by catalogue* on four mouths’ credit, an assortment of three-ply, superfine, and fine Ingrain, Venetian, hemp, and rag carpetings, Ac. * which may be examined early on the morning of sale. M THOMAS & SONS, •' Nos. 139 and 1-11 South FOURTH Street. BEAL ESTATE AND STOCKS, let MARCH. Our Bale os Tuesday next, let Mai-cli, at 52 o’clock neon, will comprise a large amount of valuable property, including elegant Chestnut-street Residences, rarge and valuable Residence, Fourth street. Country Seat. Chest* nut Bill* Inedfetmable Ground Rents, haodsome aad plain'dwelling*, Filbert, Vine Teeth, Eleventh, and other streets. Valuable business properties near the Ex change; valuable Farm. StoekS. Loans. Ac , Ac. See pamphlet catalogues ready. 45T* Lithographic Maps ofVamaVe Coal Lands and three iquares of ground, to be sold 22d March, now leady. ~ • CARD.—Sales of Beal Estate, Stocks. Ac., at ttil XS CHANGE EVERY TUESDAY. Pamphlet Catalogue each Saturdar pr* vions. FURNITURE at Auction Store THURSDAYS. Sale for account United States. WOOL, GOTIOE. AND LEATHER CUFTINGS. ON SATURDAY MORNING, March 6th. at 10 o’clock, at the Auction 3tore will be sold, without reserve, a large quantity wool, cotton, and leather cuttings, baling, rope, paper. Ac. May be examined tbe day previous to sale. SALE-OF A VALUABLE MRDIOML LIBRARY. ON TUESDAY AFTERSOGN, March Ist. at the Auction Store, the valuable medical library of the late Prof. Robert P. Thozza*. which 'ln cludes many valuable st&udara works Also, surgical instruments, cabinet of specimens of materia rneiica, large book-case, office table, Ac. FOR SALE AND TO LET. pOAL YAHD FOR SALE—THE BEST fitted up Yard in ibe city. Capacity for doing any smount of business, Inquire at No. 957 North ninth Street, below Girard avenue. Terms easy, fe27-6fc* VALUABLE DELAWARE WHARF V PROPERTY FOR SALE. This property, cen trally located-in the EIGHTEENTH WARD of the city of Philadelphia, has a frontage on the*river Delaware, extending to Beach street, of 156 feet, with a superior 80-feet-wide pier into deepwater; capacious docks, 200 to SOO feet long, on both sides—the whole embracing an area of over 66,000 square fee t, with privileges of exten sion equal to a total ares exceeding 80,000 square feet. For further Information, apply personally, or by letter, to SAMUEL B. GRICE. fe9 tf , 1340 BEACH btreet, Philadelphia. WATER POWER TO RENT ONE » * of the beet WATER POWERS la the State of Delaware, healthy end pleasantly situated, having about thirty Cottages for hands, and a very desirable residence for manufacturer or manaaer. The Water P<s wer has IS feet fall, 2 overshot wheels, each 20 feat breast, 10K feet diameter: said to be 70-horse power. Util recently burned down, will be rebuilt by the owner for either cotton, wool, or paper manufacture. The property has unusual advantages for paper-making. The owner, who resides on the property, would prefer joining some party who would furnißh capital to put ma* ciileery into factory and carrying on the same as a wool en manufactory, or would lease lfae same for a term of years. For further particulars apply to DAVID GHILLAS, fe4-Im* Newark. Delaware. FOB BALE.—THE FOLLOWING ■■ra desirable properties: Dwelling 1727 fit Vernon street, 162/ Wallace street. 633 North Tenth, with deep lot and stable. JSIB Wallace street. 202 Franklin etreet. 28034 Green street. IEOO Green street. 2029 Wallace street. 404 South Eighth street, 430 North Fifth street. 2( 15 Brandywine street, 614 North Sixteenth street. 36 feet front. 636 North Thirteenth street. 1617 Poplar street, lot 60 by 167 B. F. GLENN, „ „ I»3 South FOURTH Street. fes7 Or S. W. corner BEVENTBENH and OR BBN Sts, ee FOB SALE—A VERY DESIRA- PKOPEETY. the leaidence of the lete Di. JACOB SHARFIiEBS, deceased, with Eighteen Acres of superior Land attached. It is situated in the borough of DOWNI*GTOWN, Chester county, within ten minutes* walk of the - Chester Valley and Pennsylvania Railroad Stations, at which all trains stop. Tx e D well ing is very conveniently and substantially bum, with Earn, Tenant House, Spring House, and all necessary out-buildings. There is a great abundance of Shrub bery, Fruit. and. Shade Trees. Part of the land will be sold with the buildings, if desired. Applv to , on ABM. S ABHBRIDGB. fe6-2m DOWNINGTOWN P. O. MFOR SALE—A COUNTRY SEAT on the Birmingham Road, about three miles of West Cheater, in Chester county. Pa s beautifully located on Osbourne’s Hill, near the Brandywine. The House is modern built, in cottage style* ana of commo dious size. Water introduced from a hydraulic rain. Ice house. Barn, &c ..attached. The tract contains FORTY ACRES of Land; Well supplied wlthFruit and large Shade Trees. The property is near the summer residences of Issao Norris, the late Henry Pepper, deceased, Wm Parker Foulfce, and Samuel J. Snarpiess, of Philadelphia. Apply to _ OH ABLE* RHOADS, fe23-I2t« No. 3B S. SEVENTH St., Philada. m TO. LET—A COMMODIOUS MSI DWELLIffU, Ho. 133 North PKOHT Street Bent moderate. Apply to WEPHJSBILI. St BRO., 0c29-tf , *7 and •*!> North SBCOHD Street. MFOB SALE.— THE SUB-flfc SCRIBES offers for sale his COUNTRY SEAT, within half a mile of Wilmington, Delaware on the Newport pike, containing EIGHT AGEES of good land. In the centre of which is a large- lawn, with a floe va riety Of SHADS TREES, BV2BOHS 3NS, MAPLES. L(N- DbNS, and others, in all over a hundred falt-grown trees. The improvements consist of a large and commo dious Mansion, two stories and a half nigh, four good rooms on a floor, with a hall eleven by forty-two feet. A HYDRAULIC RAM forces water from a spring in one of thelots into theupper story of the house- It has the modern improvements. There is also an Iron Pump and Hydrant under a covered area at the ki.chen door The out-buildings consist of a STABLE and CARKTAGB HOUSB,sufficient for four horses and several carriages; also, an ICB- HOUSE. SMOKE, and HEN-HOUSES. The ice-house is filled with ice, and the stable has a hydrant in it- Good GARDEN, with several varieties of DWARF PEAR and GRAPEVINES, in full bearing There are also several varieties of APPLE, CHERRY, and CHESTNUT TREES. v Terms accommodating. Possession given at any time in the spring. LEVI G. CLARK, felfl-mw/tf " On the Premises. M SUPERIOR NORRIBTOWN BE SIDENGB3 FOB SALE, corner of MAIK and WAL NUT Streets, near “Oakland Female Seminary, ’* largo three*storied BRICK DWELLING* with double back buildings. Steam Heater, and all modern conveniences: Ice House, Spring House, Barn, and Stable: one large lot, with Garden and Lawn; Ornamental. Fruit, and Shade Trees. Also, a large three-storied Brick Dwell ing, pleasantly situated on AIRY Street, having all mo dern conveniences; one large lot, considered the most de sirable in the town, and will be sold very oheap Apply to the subscriber, at aiB WALNUT street (up stairs,) between 10 and 3 o’clock, or direct to him at Nor rhtown. Pa. ISAAC ROBERTS. 1%26 6t* m Be al Est ate Agent. MFOB SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY—A handsome Country Seat and well-improved Farm of 90 acres. It U one of the most desirable properties ever offered for sale. Will be sold with or without stock and furniture. No money re quired. Immediate Possession given F<*r fall particu lar*. apply to J. M, GUMMEY & SOUS, 008 WALNUT Street. feSi-lm FOR SALE—HIGHLY IMPROVED 96 acres, near Fort Washington station, N. P. R. R., 12 mileeraU; suttrior Farm, 116 acres, near Morgan's Corner station, Fima's R. R.« 13 miles out; fine Farm, near station on Philada at d Media B.R , 4 miles thi* side of West Chester, 112 acre*, Ac. Per sons wishing to purchase a Farm to get possession this spring, or for an Investment, would do Welt to «au ana • Wn, my taMtr of **n»»- 3a3 w VimrS M t. EDUCATIONAL TJORDENTOWN FEMALE COLLEGE, X> ♦ BOSDENTOWN. N. J. _ , This Institution Is pleasantly located on the Delaware river, IK hour’s ride from Philadelphia. Special evtem* tins le paid to the common and higher branches 01 iSGLIhH, and superior advantages furnished la Vocal and lueirumental Music. FRENCH taught by native, and .po,.a in m,U f n Sil ■ JaU-Sm- Prertawd. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY, V BEAR MEDIA. PA.~Puplle r*eelved at any time English Mathematics, Classics, and Science* taught. Military Tactics, Book-keeping, and ClvU Bn gl nee ring taught. Bntire expense* aVmnt A 3 per week Boys of all ages taken. _ Refers to Wm. H. Kara, eg. Sheriff: JofanO. Capp A Go/. No. 49 South Third street; and Thomas J. Clayton. and Prune streets, dddraui Rev. J. HARVEY 4 ASTON, A. JL, VUlage Green. £a> .. . . AUCfIOB SAXES, 'C’UBNESS, BRINLSY A 00., JTo. dll CHESTNUT and CHI g. ( POSTPONEMENT, NOTICE,—Onr sale advertised for FBIDAT p is postponed until TUIbDAY, March Ist, at 10 it’d SPECIAL SALE 0? DB7 GOODS ON THEBDAT MOBNINB, March Ist, at 10 o'clock, on four months' eredi packages.and lots of fancy and staple dry (tools. 1 1,800 pieces Saaony’woven dress goods of th< pcrtatlon of Mr. Henry Schtnledsr, consisting ofjiu-r around dorldast satin, stripe,“ 4 P' a M ground ffo> black and white poll de c wh,,5 u l a * «1 hlKfa'Colored plaid do. • black Md checks zambique« : flanra- ground chene. aatlaplaldf <io„ quality Brittania moueeliae a sole, faroritae, ev&i '° ,a, ’fiiXONT QOOD * casts black and colored alpaccas, 8 4 ro a ! Schleswig checks, poplins, alpaccas. strlpe ftnd r lenoo, mozainbtqaes, new-style is 1a 1 d rorrt 1« h; che vre",' B®Tln, 1 8l J rlpe B do j e*)?, s® fl r^ na «E k WOOL PXLLIBO. 5 cases superior quality blaolc ana white p( chevres 'D&JLLB. BLBACHBD MU&LIITS, LINM ©BILL! bales Wtjstbrepbrown drills. . cases Waurequa and Forestdale bleunea mnal cases Spanish linen drills *£<* duck, etc BBTBTINO FLIffNBLB. 2 cases all-wool Pails •hinlua. all-woolflanneU. t fiBAWLR . 40f* 14 4 new-style Mlk -borderedJama shawls, SOOI4 4 new-nivle Paris moiamblqaeif do, 5OOalP-w< ol Berlin Zephyr do* ICO all Wool cofared plaid wool ao. MNBN TABMS GLO7HB. I WHITE GOODS* THBBAi Linen, BDOW-drop, and damask table olotn*. Jaconet and c> mbric mußltn. .... . Nos* 30 and sn»xrra ciuility patent thread. Dltr GOODS FOR GASH* . An invoice ooTaesdav, fur cash, consisting de jfllnee, alike, shawls, ehallles, lawns, lustres* U yellas prints, brown and b'eacbed muslin* FIRST LARGE SPECIAL SALE OF 1.200 POULT DK ROIE BOS MET ABD TBIMMIH? 818 BONB, ABB STEAMBOAT VELVET RIBBOWB, , AII new booJb, jast landed, of the Importation 'H Metier e. Solellac A Freres, __ On FRIDAY MOERIBO. ... March 4th, at 10 o’clock, on four months credit, con -61 RiuF 4 to 80. plain cordeded*e pottlt da no;, ribbons. in various qualities, choice colors. A foil lino of black cord*d edge ribbons, all boiled s»!k. extra quality. Nos. 4 to SO . , , . At pie no id assortment rfbroohe Plaid, raye* quadrtil*, Geotshbiftfd. a«d hrochci figured rlnbons. _ A fall line of steamboat brand blihck Bilk VOIVBt Ti I>. DODH ’’■N. B. The attention of the trade in called to this sale. which all the new styles for the spring business will h, found PHILIP FOB!) & OO. p AUOTIONJSKIi j 591 MARKET and 899 OOMMBRC B Street*. LARGE POSITIVE CASES BOOTS On MONDAY MORNING, February 291 h, at 10 o’clock precisely, will be sold by ca talogue, for cash, 1, &C 0 oases mens hoys and youths cair kip, and grMn boots, brogans. balmorals. and cava,ri boots, &e. y Women’s miss, and children’s boots, shoes, bal morula and gaiters of every variety adapted to spring sa.U& Open for examination, with catalogues, early on ih mowing of sale. ; LARGE POSITIVE SALS OF 1.800 CASES BOOTS Af( 0 bHOSS. On THURSDAY MORNING. March 3d. will be sold by catalogue, for cash, at u Q o’clock, precisely, I.COO caaes men’s, boy’s, andyotub'. calf, kip. and grain boots, brogsns, balmorals, cav&ir* boots, Ac. Also, a large and desirable assortment Q r women e. mis’es’, and children’s boots, shoe*, balia*. rale, and gaiters of every variety, adapted to Butin Open for examination, with catalogues, early on morning of eale. Fr SCOTT & STEWART, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANT* 629 CHESTNUT Bt. and 015 SANSOM Street SALE OF A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF MODEM Otn PAINTINGS. ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVENINGS, March Ist *nd 2d, at 8 o’clock precisely, we win sell, by catalogue, a very choice and valuable col lection of oil psiatints, of varied and pleasing subject, from the studios of eminent artists, embracing choici American landscapes; lake,mountain, and riversceaery figures, fruit pieces, Ac., among which will be fotu4 subjects by Bechnel, * Nicholes, a, Boose. Paul Ritter, Duffay. Meade, Dyke. Atwood, Johan. Ac. The palatines are now arranged for examination, with descriptive catalogues, at*our Gallery. No. 622 Uhestnm street. • SCOTT A STEWART, AUCTIONEERS, Will give their personal attention to sales of KEfi. CHaNDISE and WABBS, of all descriptions, FORSj- TURE of parties removing or breaking np Honsekesp. ing. on the premises of the owners, or at their elegant and spacious SALESROOMS, Nos. 699 CHEBTNUr aotf 015 RAJSSuH Streets, RY HENRY F. WOLBERT, ** - AUCTIONEER, No. 909 MARKET Street South Side, above Second ct. STOCK OF BOOTS._SHpBB A B4LMpR&I,S, Sc. 'a ON MONDAY MORNING. February 20th, at 10 o'clock, will be sold a stock, com prising inert's and boys’ boots, brogaus, walking show, women's calf and morocco balmorals, lastings. gaiterj, mi&ses’tnd children's shoes, felt hats, caps, &c. DRY GOODS. TRIMMINGS. SHIRTS, &c. Also. Coburgs, delaines, ducala, plaids, prints, mm- Jin*, linen table clothe, bdkfs, neckties, hosiery. giov9* sewing silk, spool cotton, trimmings, gimps, fringe*, milling, ladies’ collars, shirts, &o Also, cloths, oust* meres, satinets, flannel shirts, cricket jackets, &c. Secular Sales of Dry Goods, Trimmings, Notion*, &r. every MONDAY. WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY MO&« INOB, at 10 o'clock precisely. City and country Dealers are requested to attend that ‘Consignments respectfully solicited from Man xtMn* rers. Importers, Commission* Wholesale and Houses, and Retailers of all and every deseriplioa Merchandise. Aar A BOY WANTED atthe Auction Store. PANOOAST As WARNOCK, AIK TIONSERS, No. 340 MARKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE S4LE OP I AMERICAN l AND IK PORTED DRY GOODS. WHITE GOODS, &c.. &t, . By Catalogue ON WEDNESDAY, March 2d, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely. Com prising about 760 lots seasonable Goode, which will be found worthy the attention of buyers. AUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED HORSES. War Department, Cavalry Bureau, Office of Chief Quartermaster, Washington, D. 0., February 39, 3584. Will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the places and dates named below, viz: At Mifflin. Peuna., 800 Horses. Friday, 4th March. At Williamsport. Penna,, 300 Horses, Tuesday, sth March. At Altoona, Penna., 300 Horses, Friday, 11th March. At Dew Brunswick, N. J. t 300Horses,Tuesday, March. . _ At Easton. Peine., 300 Horses, Friday 18th March. At Newark, N. J,, 300 Horses, Tuesday, 22d March. At Lebanon, Penna., SCO Horses, Friday, 26th March. At Wilkesbane, Penna., 300 Horses, Tuesday, 2*th March. The&e Horses have been condemned as unfit for the Cavalry service of the United States Army, For road and farm purposes many good bargains mar be had. Horses will be Bold singly. Sales begin at 10 A, M-, and continue dally till all an sold. Termß Cash, in United States Treasury Notes only. JAMES A. BRIN. fe22-tmli29 Chief Quartermaster Cavalry Bureau. SHIPPING. BOSTON AND PHILADEJU SaaBaC.PHIA STEAMSHIP LINE, sailing from euh port on SATURDAYS, from first Wharf above PI2F£ Street, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston. TheetesmshipSAXON, Capt. Matthews-will sail from Philadelphia for Boston on Saturday, March 6. at 10 o’clock A.H.; and steamship NORMAN, Capt. Baker, from Boston for Philadelphia on same day at 4 P. M. These new and ihbitaatt&l ateamahlps form ft regulf; line, sailing from eaeh port punctually on Saturday*. * Insnranses effected at one-half the nromlus ehara** on sail vessels. Freights taken at fair rates, Shippers are requested to send Slip Receipts and BUZ* Lading with their goods. For Freight or Passage (having fine accommodations apply to HENRY WIffSOK A CO., mh9 1M South DELAWARE Avenue. STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVER- touching at Queenstown, (Cork Har bor. ) The well-known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia Steamship Company are intend ed to sail as follows: CITY OF MANCHESTER Saturday, February 27 f CITY OF LONDON,**,**-.,..*^.Saturday, Marche. ETNA - March 12-. ,And every succeeding Saturday at noon, froa Pi** NO. USotih Elver. BATES OP FASSAUB: Payable in Cold* or Its equivalent in Currency. JIKST CABIN, $BO 00 STEERAGE, $3O 00 Do. to London. 80 00 Do. to London* 34 0) Do. to Parle, 96 00 Do. to Parle, 6> 00 Do. to Hamburg, 90 00 Do. to Hamburg, a? 00 Paecengera aleo forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Hotter* dam, Antweip. Am. , at equally low rate*. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: life Cabin, $75- age, $lO5. Steerage from Liverpool and Queenstown, $& ttoaa who wish to send for thalr Mends ean bUT ticket* here at these rates. _ . •_ • . _ For farthor information, asplyat th* Comrmny’aoaaM. JOHN G. BAI.JB. Kent. lal9 111 WAI.NTTT Streak. PMladelaiAft. MEDICAL LEGTBICITY.—WHAT IS LIF« ", WITHOUT HEALTHI-Messrs. GRIM* ALLp. Kediokl Electrlolana, harins dissolved partnership,Tfcf practice will be continued by THOS. ALLEH, at t£« olf established office, Ho. 723 JTorth TBHTH Street, betw»» Coates and Brown, where he will still treat and enresh etuahle diseases, (whether Aente, Ohronle. Folmour? or Purely tic, without a shock or any pain,) with the w rlona modilicatjoai o( Electricity ana GalvauUm* 7kis treatment has bean fonnd remarkably sTLoeessfol la ai* fwwof BroneWti*, Bjptlieri*, and other dieoMM of cz? throat ana respiratory. organs. Consumption, first and se- Inflnsnxa and Catarrh. cond stages. General Debility. Paralysis. Diseases of the Live? Menralcia, Kidney*. Fever and Ins . Diabetes. _ Congestion. Prolapsns Uteri (Palling & Asthma. the womb). Dyspepsia. Prolapsus An! (or Fils*)* Rheumatism. Nocturnal Emissions. Bronshiti*. ti __„ Ueafaess. Sfo for 40nitLlUU« PJK. Toallmonltla to besei Tabs ant’s X EFFERVESCENT SELTZER APERIENT, For THIRTY YE ARS has received the Fa vorable Be commendation of the PDBLIC, and been USED and FEB* ed fiSst physicians nr the, land AS THB ' BEST REMEDY KNOWN FOR Sink Headache, * Nervous _Headaehe, . Dyspepsia. Sour Stomach. Billons Headaohe. Dlzslness. , Costiveness. Boss of Appetite. Gfonfc. Indigestion, Torpidity of the LlVer, Gravel. Rheumatic Aifeotlone, Piles'Heart- ™ burn. Be*. Sickness, Billons Attacks, Fevers, . Ac., fee. Fer Testimonials. So.. see Pamphlet with eaeh Bottla Mannfactnred only by TARRANT & no; _ »Y 8 GREENWICH Street, New York. no2-ly FOB B* LB BY ALL DRUGGISTS? TUMEIiLE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OP ** BOCK is successful as a remedy, because those -who use it pronounce It the heat _ L _ couea syrup, the best Blood Purifier, the most efficient Invicorator, and the best cure tor Scrofula ever offered to the nubile. Bold by the proprietor. P. JUMELLB, 15»5 MdBKET Street, And all Oranitta. __ CARRIAGES. tiFBSr CARRIAGES. 1863. WILLIAM D. ROGERS, CoMb u« tight Carriage Builder, »oa 1908 »nd 1011 CHBSTtTDT Sinai- Phujjjblpsia- BEST-FINISHED STOCK -(*nil#M&£ H T C A R*B I Aa « 8 J. S. COLLIHQS * SONS, 635 ABOH Strict. ££B& . GEO. W. WATSON A 00., > poiTON SAIL DUOK ANP OANVAS >Z ot all anmlMn »n« brads., - 1 _ Bayss's Dnok A» nine Twills, of *ll daastlptloiia fir T *aul; 6{ “' .. joh* w. Snß 00.. ®I9« UMJOjnB' .filial. lan.- OSes bstut 9A. M. ts S ■en at oaUs. dsW-6i*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers