A Touching Letter* We translate from VEco d’JioH* the letter sub joined, written to his wile, immediately before his death, by Colonel Stauisl to Beabi, a Florentine in the Polish National Army. He was taken prisoner by the Russians, in one of the many engagements, and shot. His wife, or widow, rather, is an Ita lian: “Mr Poos GiutißTTA: When you reo9ive this letter your unhappy Lao will have ceased to live, for he will have been shot by the Russians. I bless you, together with my beloved oblldren. Death in spires me with no fear; I weep only that I die in * foreign land, far from those I love, and unable to embrace them for the last tune. You are now a widow; but I would COUnatl lou wot to marry again, unless you should consider it necessary for the interests of our children *o to do. A.nd my ii*«e ones now are orphans, and by mv fault f at*y*J-oa have mercy on my soul I I forgive my enemies Guido, my dew F«uy>. o&ildreu. Bid /.r.well to jour iiitber and all my fnr h.rire »tood arm at my r-o.t, when all nr n.a'rlv all the other leader, had fled to foreign eountrir. I h.ro sir. umy Mood for Poland; may Po“S?d not ii..ndn£ my family in W. mi.ery. ‘■l rend you a lock ot my hair, damp with the sweat of dfsthi ... ,«I jjnpe you will receive my watch, my ring, and the locket with your hair. I bequeath these as an iDbtiit*£«e to my dear Guido, together with my decorations' have bo more than three houri to live. Courage, my beloved Giulletta, we shall meet again n heaven I Pray for my soul! My last thoughts are upon God, and upon you, whom I bless. May the blessing of one at the ,/Oint of death bring you happiness! , . _ « Farewell, farewell l A thousand last and tender kifres toyou, my Giulretti*, to my little ones, and to all my othtr relatiors. ** Wioclawecb, 16 December. 1863, “At a quarter before seven iu the morning, “Thy husband on the verge of death, “BECHI.” Tu the fine comp<fsiHnn« of fine writers we remem ber nothin* more exquisitely simple and pathetic. Yet the ruffians who relentlessly hu »t to death thou sands of such men as this Colonel Bfichl find their elib'toDsued spolovis’s among the public lecturers Si this America l—Albion. TBUK CITY. FEBRUARY 15, 1863. FEBRUARY 15, 1864, 6A.M.....US 3P «. 6 a M .12V 3P.M. 40... 45.........47 27** 36 38 wurn wurn. SSE< SbyW..,. ..SW NNE SE ..SW The Coming Anniversary. —l he next celebration of Washington 3 * Birth-day will, !a a military point of view, eclipse anything of the kina in tbit city for many years Id the absence of (Major General Cadwalader. the ti oopi will be under the command of Brig. Gen O. s. Ferry, Military Com mandant of Philadelphia- Organizations not named in the list, who aTe desirous to unite, will report to Captain Haldcman, Assistant Adjutant General, be* fore the 17th in at., at which time detailed orders and the route of the parade will he siren The following organization* will|parade: Gray Reserves, <lol Chat, S. Smith; Blue Reserves, Col. Wcq. W. Tarlor; 4rh Union League Regiment, Col George P. McLean; Provost Guard Battalion, Lieut. Col ff A Frink; Brideiborg Arnoir Gu*r(l*. Col Barton H Jenks; Battalion of Navy Yard Marines, o*ptain Stribliog; Bth Pennsylvania Cavalry, 01. diorama ; I2ch Re giment Pennsylvania Reserves: B*h Pennsylvania Battalion, Captain J T. Ptesott; 99‘h Regiment P. V., Col. Asber S. Leidyj 98 h P. V, Col John F. Ballier: 91st P. V., Col E. M Grecory; BStb P. V., Captain J. S. Staples; 73d P V- Major Charles C. Cresson; 29tb P, V.. Col. John K. Mun»hy; 231. P. V., Col. Glenn ; detachments o< 21th. 28nb, and 95th P. V. ; rquadron of New York Cavalry; squadron of CAVBliy ; Captain Bavington ; l»t Citv Troop ; In* City Guards, Captain Wm. Willard | Henry Guards. Capt Spear; Philadelphia Guards, Capt Wm. B Mann; MlntGu*r.)a. Arsenal Guards: Hospital Guards Battalion ; West Chester Cadets. Col. Theodore Hyatt; Courland Saunders Cadets; Blatko’s Battalion of Cadets; Keystone Battery, No. 1, Capt. Hastings; Keystone Battery, No. 2, Capt. Edward Fitzkie; Capt. 33. Spencer Miller's Battery; Capt.Landis’ Battery; Capt. Marks John Biddle’s Battery. HOMEOPATHIC Infirmary.— The annual meeting of the Board of Managers or the Homeo pathic Infirmary, 1106 Cosies err*-et, was held on Saturday evening, at which the following gentlemen were elected to constitute the board for the ensuing year: Wm. H. Boyer, Rene Guillou. D James, John Welsh. Chas. Vanhorn. Amos PrriUint, Wm. Harris, X). R. Posey, Chas. C. Carman, Col. E. M. Gregory, Charles Parry, and B. W. James. The election of officers resulted as follows: Amos Phillips, president; John Welsh, vice president; Cbas. Vsmhora, secretary; Wm Harris, treasurer. The election of a medical staff* for the institution resulted in the election of C. Heiiog, M. D.; D. James, M. D.; Richard Gardiner, M. D.s and D. Kitchen, M. D., as consulting ph> sicians. Bush rod W. James, M. D., was elected surgeon in charge of the surgical department; and David R. Posey, M- D., in charge of the obstetrical depart* rcent. The medical department being continued, for the present, under ihe supervision of the latter two phys ? cUrs. A resolution was adopted by the managers em powering the medical staff to select such assistants as they may need from time to time. A committee was appointed to secure a large building suitable for carrying on the operations of the institution in a more extensive manner. Judge Steoxjd’s Opinion of an Alien. —The Jmors of the District Court number one, the termcf which commenced yesterday morning, ap pealed, with few exceptions, in answer to the sum mons issued by SberifTThoropaon. A number hav ing piessing duties, begged to be excused. Those who were very deaf received a passport to libera tion. Others, not having legal excuses, were re tained, as the business of the court must not be Interrupted. Among the applicants who were ex empted, was a British subject- He presented a cer tificate of alienage. The Judge looked at thepaper, and then at the applicant. “ Howlong have you been in this country,- 3 asked the Judge. “Nine years, 3 * responded the man. “And not a citizen yet? 33 replied the Judge. “ No, sir, not yet 33 “Take your certificate— leave ihe country as soon os possible,” was the reply ot his Honor. The fellow did not hesitate leaving the court room, but whether he will leave the country before a cer tain contingency may force him, is another matter. Fighting Editors.—Captain Henry A. Jj&nlz, formerly editor of tie Reading- Daily Times, arrived io ibis city yesterday, and la stepping at the St. Ha wren ce Hotel. At the outbreak ©f the re* bejlion, Captain Lentz laid aside the pen and took up the eword. He has used it gallantly in the Army of the Potomac, under General Burnside, in hie famous North Carolina expedition, and lately under General Grant. Captain Lmtz recruited, last week, nicety men in the city of Readies f.»r Ms regiment, the 60th P, V. He is for the suppression of the re* hellion, and will never lay down hia sword until that is accomplished. Colonel ¥m, B. Sipes, another fighting editor. i« now in our city. He also thought the s<?ord as mighty as the pen, and, therefore, laid by the latter. He has since been on a number of fields of glory, and has done the “ State some service.’ 1 Cam. Accepted—The call extended bv the Germac-street Presto terian Church of this city to Mr. DeWitt, late of Hoosac Falls, New York, has bees accepted. The church, we understand, ie at present in a flourishing condition. The sum of $15,638 28 has been collected for the purpose of pur chasing and finishing the edifice. The title of the property has been conveyed to the trustees of the Presbyterian House. The expenditures have been €ol3al in amount to the receipts. They were for sheriff’s sale, repurchase, ground rent, contractors, insurance, tower bell, carpenter work and painting, conveyancing, recording deeds, &o. The church is now entirely free from incumbrance. From Foreign and Domestic Ports.— The bark Sea Eagle, Cftpt. Howes, arrived at this port from Matanzas yesterday, with 473 hhds. and 70 tierces of molasses. The brigE. A. Bernard (Sr.), Capt. Crowell, ako arrived yesterday from St. Ste phens, N B, with l 800 bbls. calcined, and 800 do. land plaster: 50 000 laths, and 14 000 buckets. The bark Iddo Kimball, Capt. Ulmer, arrived from New Orleans. She brought 278 hhde. suear. T7O bbls, and 149 hf. bble. molasses, 175 bblß. and2shf. bbls. syrup, 10 Sorter bbls. of golden syrup. 2 bales of cotton, ana 135 empty casks. Chestnut Him, Hospital. —The chap lain of the Chestnut Hill Hospital. Key. Henry S. Spaceman, desires us to acknowledge the noble <onat:cn of $1 000. received by him from Mrs. E. W, Hutter. Miss L E. Claghorn, and the Misses Aoehne and Msrgaretta Sager, ladies in charge of table b.o. 14 at the late “Floral Fair.” This sum has applied to finishing and furnishing the ex of tbia hospital, ? to the social happiness and religious welfare of it* numerous inmates. Religious Collections.—From the an nual report of the managers of the Theological Semi nary of St. Charles Bonurer, we learn that the re ceipts ;n aid of the institution amounted to the large sum Of $l7 55 2 .35 of which $14,971.23 wag ob» tained by voluntary contributions from the Cut ho* iKwofthis Dicceee, given m«ttlv in sums of one collar or less. The contributions from the churches -wllbir the limit, nr the city o! Philadelphia amount ®6 IWKI3 2 °’ * C<I flCt>l !L ° Ee 13 ttlc oouutty place., Hew Severs.—At the stated meeting of the Boaid of Surveys, yesterday, sewers were re* oc*mmfT:o#d tR be erected on Brown street, from -Ridge f-TCDiifi to Seventeenth $ on lombard street, from Fir h to Sixth j on Hurst street, between TjOm bard and Sc*Mh; on Ninth street, south of Vine: at Barnwell and Spruce streets, and Kershaw ana Cheny streets. They are all to be constructed bt private expense, with the exception of the'first named, which, is to be at the expense of the city. NiEW COTTNTERFEIT P. —T Wo new coun terfeits were put into circulation yesterday. Thaw «te 2<to, Bank of Gettysborg. Pa Well executed the vignette being pasted on. The signatures on counterfeit are R. Smith, President, ty m® USSS^SSuS^ t w d SSJSSTjSJS? ” IgQ ' ed »•' The demand lor tickets to the SYeed nicn’s McetiDg at the Aascieruy of ftiu.ic this eve* Ding having exhausted the supply, all persons having ticJrets wbieh they do not expeat to cue are enneatly requested to leave them at the room* of the Association, No. 434 Walnut street, this morn ing, at as early an hour as possible. Ti CHJ.BTBB.—The members ordered by Colonel Grego <tence Sauare hl ?„nS ri ' !r ‘ 8 “* 11 in lodepen to theS ienatzvoMScWe? equ,pi>ed ' *°P roce6d Bounties Paid.-—Last veek thp sum nf $225,000 ffu paid by tbs City Tr e -T tlie BUm 0t torolunteer*: yT »*«u*r M D oaaty THE POLICE. [Before Mr. Alderman White.! Larceny. John McDonnell wm arraigned on Sunday morn, ing* before the police magistrate or the Fifth ward on the charge of the larceny of a watch chain, ana attempted larceny of a watch, the property of John Mullover. It teems that, on Saturday evening, iVXr. M. and a number of hla fellow-men held a meeting in a public house at the northeast corner of Water and walnut streets, to oonoert measures relative to a standard rate ot wages. McDonnell entered the tavern, and became very familiar with the men, feeling their watch chains, and asking the time. Presently Jilr. fiT- felt a sort of jerk at his watch, and the nest moment the defendant started out of the dooi. He was speedily arrested, and a part of the chain waa found to have been taken, the watch remaining stfely in the pocket of tne owner. The defendant said he came from Newark, N. J», four days bifcie the traßinction, and was in search of employment. He was committed in default ol $l,OOO. Emitting a Minor. Joseph \otkfig was arraigned at the Central sta tion yca!fiday, on the charge of enlisting* minor jiamed Dougherty, "Owing to the noise, crowd, sod want of proper accommodations, we are only able to give the pith of the affair. It seems, as near as we could undeistsnd theevwenca, the minor was an apprentice to the defendant. The lad wanted to go to the war, and said if defendant would agree to St, he would give him $375 The defendant did agree, the lad was regularly enlisted and instead of paying tbe amount promised, rent $175 <we under stood) to defendant. In the meantime, the mother of the young soldier got wind ofthe affair, and this revolted bringing defendant, if not to the bar of iutUee, at least to the bar of the Central Station, preparatory to being sent to the other. Tbe counsel for defence went into quite a labored aigument, or rather an elaborate repression of pu opinion that defendant h»d done nothin? wrong. The msgi.trate did not agree -Mb ttwL*®™® 4 *•* Uimnn. end therefore ordered the derend.nt to enter ball In the »um of anno to .ntwer ot court, A. the .übieot of eolutio* minor, moy daily some before the mogi«tr*c? of thli city, It moy utit be Im proper to .tote the ruling of the eourt In each eoiei. The Judge, of court, hove decided time and ngoln, on writs of habeas corpus, that a minor cannot be enlisted into the service of the country without pa* rental consent. In every tuoh Initamrihuinors have been discharged, with the proviso, however, that restitution be made of all property or money ob tained by them by enlisting. [BefbreMr. Alderman T>outherty.] Selling Liquor without a LlOsttie. Robert Fox, the proprietor or Fox 1 * Cssiao, was arraigned on Saturday evening on the charge or sell ing liquor without a license. The evidence as to the selling of liquor was positive. The aooated was held to bail in the sum of $l,OOO to answer at oourt. It is said that proceedings have been instituted against defendant for using a drop-curtain and shift ing scenes in his establishment, witnnut having taken out a license. The fioe for the violation of this law is $5OO. The suit is neoeissrily a civil one. tßeftro Mr. Alderman Battler*! Another Arrest. Henry Jeffries, charged with being concerned in the recent outrage upon Casper M. Berry, at the Railroad Hotel, Germantown, was arraigned at the Central Station yesterday afternoon Mr. Berry testified to the facta of the attack, and stated that be wished to be distinctly understood that be iden tified most positively the defendants, Samuel Jef fries and Sam. Smith, as beiog foremost iu the out rage. Mr. Berry has not yet'fully recovered from the effects of the attack that was mads upon him. The defendant was required to enter hall in the sum of $l,OOO. This amount was entered ny a man who was bound over at the Central Station on the 22d ult , onthe charge of larceny, growing out of the robbery of the 5*20 bonds stolen from the Pennsylva nia Railroad building. THE COURTS United States District Court*r Judge Cad* walsder. The February session of this court began yester day Samuel C Ford was appointed foreman of the Grand Jury. Petit juriors haviog answered to their names, were then discharged for the day, and the court adjourned till this morning. Supreme Court—Before .lutlcei Thompion, and Agnew Opinion* were delivered yeaterday Id the follow ing caaea: By Woodward, O. J.—Pounder va, Fooa’ Exeou tori. Judgment affirmed. By Thcmpton, J. Fetter va. Wilt et el, G. p.. Union couniy. Judgment reverted and a venire de new) awarded. WeJtzel va. Griffin. C. P., Northumberland c nm. ty. Judgment reversed and a venire de novo award ed. Pollock et el vs. Rxeitzer et el. O. P, Northum berland county. Judgment reverted and venire de novo awarded. Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Company vs, David Man & Co, Northumberland county. Judg ment reversed, and a venire Ae novo awarded. By Strong, J—Murphy vs. Bussell; Bussell vb. Murphy. O. P M Schuylkill county. Appeal of Michael Murphy dismissed) with onsts, and decree of the court below reversed and set aside, and com plainants bill dismissed, with costs. By Bead, J.—Brolatky vs. Thorne. D. C-, Phila delphia. Judgment affirmed, Rayner vs. White. It. 0., Philadelphia. Judg ment affirmed. By Agcew. J, —Lodge va. Barnett. Nisi Prius. Judgment affirmed. Appeals of Kicbard Williams and wife and Ruth Ann Moore, (Jesse Morris 1 estate.) 0. p., Chester county. Decree of the court below confirmed, and appeals of Williams and wife and Ruth Ann Moore dismissed, with costs. In this case, Woodward, C. J., delivered a con* cuiring opinion. Haalettvs. Foster- C. P. Cleai field county. Judg ment reversed, and the record remitted for further proceedings in the court below. Detitia White’s estate. Morris* appeal. C. P., Philadelphia. Ordered that accountants be credited with the sum of one hundred and forty-eight dollars and six cents, and that the same be deducted from the sum if five hundred and twelve dollars aod seventy-four cents, the balance found against them, leaving the sum of three hundred and ninety-four dollars and eighteen cents, which is now decreed as the true balance in their hands. Costs to be paid by the appellee. Geddes vs. Jenkins. O* F., Northumberland county. Opinion by Thompson, J. Jadgaeat &f. firmed. v IMPORTANT TO STOCK AND LOANHOLDER3 OP THE LEHIGH COAL ANo NAViGATiON CO Ashton and others vs. The Lehigh Coat and Navigation __ Company. The pltintiffs are composed of stock and loanholdera* and the question before the court w»b (he right of the defendants to convert $1,800,G00 of scrip into the stock oi the company tix year* before the maturity of the mort gage loan. The effect of such a conversion was alleged to be*lst, the increase of the capital stock of the com pany $1 SOO.COO; 2d, to tbke from the sinking fund pro vided by the terms of ihewaoitgage, for the payment of the bonds, the yearly sum of Hi- B,las, st. a<-yrge F. Campbell and John G Kuos, for the plaintiffs, eonieuded" I t. That the act of 24th of Starch. 1863,}does not autho rize the use of the bonds to be secured by tne mortgage in pursuance of the powers it contains* to be applied to the purpose proposed. 2d. That the proposed arrangement would he a viola tion of the expre s contract made by the company with the holders of the bonds as set forth in the mortgage 0f1&42_. ” 3d. That even if such an arraugeihent were lawful. Ifc is not shotsn that adequate provision is made for the die* charge of the bonds when due 4th. That the proposed conversion would greatly im* pair the value of the stock, and prejudice the rights of theexistinK stockholders, and cannot, therefore, legally he made Without the assent of all the stockholdeis. It was farther argued that by the terms of the mort gage the company stipulates with its creditors, that it will make no dividend of profits to its stocknolders, Whilst any loan secured thereby shall after demand re main unpaid, and that the profits shall, in the first place, be exclusively applied, after the completion and repairs Of the Works, to the interest and then to the principal of such, loans and other debts which shall be from time to time due and unpaid. That after this is don*, or pro vision made therefor, six per cent, may annually be divided amongst the shareholders Ali excess Ilf any) to be put into a sinking fund to be held for the benefit of bondholders, so far as their security may require, and afterwards for the benefit of the stockholders oi the said company. This is the mortgage contract. Gan ihe security be changed, modified, or lessened by the action or the mort gager, without the as&ent of all of th.B beneficial mort gage? That the addition or $l,BOO 000 to the capital stock of the company* and the annual payment of s?x per cent, dividend thereon, would lessen the amount which otherwise would be applied to the sinking fond, annually f 108.C00. cannot be denied. In answer to the position taken by the Company and by the counsel fer the scrip holders that the Company had abundant means to provide for the security 01 such IoEU-holdeis as objected to the conversion, it was ar gued that when it was considered that the singing or contingent fund had actually been daring the year JS62 decreased by the sum of $310,000, whilst toe floating debt of the company was increased In the same time by the sum of $372.572.45; that the whole contingent fund at the close 01 the year 1882, twenty years after the crea tion ol the mortgage, was but $667 490.00, Walle the floating debt .was $725,180 81; that the cost of rettoiing the canal to its condition before the flood of June, 1562. would be $900,000 01 ti» substi tute a railway from $600,000 to $660.000, sure-y no one could safely predict, that the distribution of the profile amongst the eh*re>-old*rs instead of applying them to the sinking fond, would not Interfere with the prompt payment of the mortgage debt when due It was utterly unsafe to take the business of 1863 as a test for tuiure pro fits. for it w*s well understood that the coal carrying improvement companies have, within the last year, done sn amount of business. and received profits are illy bs» vend what can reasonably be expected for the future But withont regard to what has been actually accent pliabtd in the pastor what is hoped for in the future, the bondholder has an undoubted right to claim the se curity contracted for, without change, alteration, or sub- motion. To say that the company may increase the stock, because it has lessened its debt, was to render inoperative that clause in the mortgage which de clares that the profits shall- from time to time, be ap plied to the payment of the debt as the sam~ shall be come due and payable. As regards the scrlph old era. it was contended that the contract between the company and the scripholder was, tk&c the company will pay its folded debt when dae. or if it was not then demanded it will make adequate pro vision for its payment and will thex re ieeoi its scrip by the Issue ot new shares of stock t<j an equal amount. £ji K. Price and G. Mallory, on behalf of the tcrip htldexs argued that the act of March 4,1893. authorize d a new loan and mortgage ' for the general purposes of the business” of the company. This incuded the right of the company to take up the existing mortgage loan, and thereby release the company from the peculiar re strictions of the mortgaged 1842 The company would then have the funds raised by the proposal mortgage of *3, fOO,OOO, and besides these ether sheets amounting to fl 779,551 29. . B This mortgage of 1842 is not so inflexible in Us terms as to aefr all equitable arrangements for the relief of the company snd stock and scrip bold erg The process of inventing profits, and of impounding and compounding them, is not one of inexorable r-qubi tion by the loanholders. but only “ so fvr as their eecu rity may require. ” And so far as their atcurUy mar require, it n. the desire of the eciiphoJdera that the managers and the court shall take care of them. For this, the stockholders’ third resolution amply prorides, namely, that the managers shall app >i»fc trustees, **to whom a sufficient amount of good money securities of the company shall be assigned, amply to secure all the holders of certificates, secured by tne mortgage of 184 i. remaining unpaid or unsatisfied as aforesaid, when their securities shall become payable.” It is only after ail this that tbe fourth resolution asks that tha scrip oe made stock certificates, and not then until the Supreme Court shall sanction such convertion- Will that court er join the defendants from doing what they prop se to do. but v» ith the sanction of this court 7 Bui what will be the ability of the company to pay this mortiage debt in 1870 ? It is f-hown at p. 4 of company’s answer, in available asse:s to tbe amount of $3,390,450 00 Add to tbit* from Exhibit F.. £9. moveable tfiects. billsreceivable, ...... 1, .. 900,84119 Cash on hand 83.095 73 The nominal contingent fund is not the company's en- I tire resouice for the purpose It is the resources of tne company as there shown; and beyond those all the vame-of all their work s.coal lands. wfcu>ves.and properly 5?.? 9-escripuoa, franchises and improvements, that are the security for thou debts. Their works and -properly eost $7,454,365.63 (Company s Answer, 4), and are worth alUheir cost and more; for though a portion ol the woiks have been swept sway by the floods the essential parts have been renewed and r paired out of < revenue, and. bearing ay sari? increasing tonnage, have ; become on that account more valuable, while the coal j fends have largely enhanced in v“.lue- Itwas snbmtued that the rcripholders are pro ra f a owners with tbe fctcckholdeis as to all the property and profits ofthe cotporation, only excluded from receiving their share of profits in cash becaase at oresont im pounded by mortgage contract as security for creditors, yet equally with ttockholaer* entitled to share the • profits-but having to wait (he actual receipt of them nnjjj liberated from a temporary suretyship. Such we** to be the import of the scrip resolution letting aciipnolders Hsto a. participation of the profits of the company. It beccmeß an article of assvciatloß between the two classes or owners; and as partnership accounts must be taken and adjus ed according to the articles of their association, so must be the accounts of t> ese asso ciated owners under their charter. <-*ollyar, 166. > On bthaif of the company, William tf. Meredith argued that the stockholders -have no right to ask »he court to enjoin the managers against setting apart funds to secure the Joanholaers, or determining that adequate provision has already been made for them, nor against converting the scrip into stock, for none of these eniogswete al leged to be in violation of the charter; they concern jn*-Tely . the bntlnees and ftfftirs of the compiny.” of that the “ Board of Manners” shall have the direction. 2 As loanholAers the complainants have no right to ask an opinion of the court on the legality of the prv pcsedl use of the bonds, if they think that the proposed nse of them is illegal, or for any other reason d -i not de sire to have them, they have only to Ceclioe receiving them. nobody has ever heard of a bill filed by a credi tor to restrain his debtor from offering to pay him in bad money, or to give him a bad security in exchange for a good one for a debt not yet payable. BTo- can the loanholders object to the setting aside of aay fuuds for their ultimate payment, or t> tne mere conversion of tie scrip into stock; for the first cannot ini are them and in the second they have no direct interest. In the consequence of such conversion, to wit, the payment cnt.of the profit, of the company of an anmul dividend Of fix per sent, to tu«. holders of such, ttock, tn« In an - holders have a direct interest, and thus hare a rigijt <o contest the c inversion on the grouni th*t such payment of dividend s will diminish tee fanes provided for their security. There are then for tha consideration of tha coart two questions—viz: ]. Is tfcepropoeeamse of the bones (to bs i»»aed and-r the act of 1863) illegal ? And this question is presented by ihe complainants as ilockholaers. II- 'Will tbe payment of the annual dividend of *lOB,- «*>• to tte holders Of stock, into which it is pr.-m ,eed to convert the tewp. bs in violation of the rights of the loan holders under the mortgage of 1842? And this question is presented by the complainants as loanholler*. „ _ Pm.iDKI.PHIA BOARD OF TBADB. 8. W. Da COUBSKY, ) gbohob i, B bozby. < Co * ,MrrrEß «® ™b Kosth Llfi'l ,l l , lr.l> PafiQ AT TUB XBBCHAXTS* kROHAHGiL pmT.AT«T Pwta Bchrßenry Knit, B.t.,■■■■-■ MARINE INTELLIGENCE. POWP OF iPHILAPELPHU, Feb, 16 lgft* 5318 UH SETS. --......a : . SUIT RISES high water. ARRIVED. Bark Sea Eagle-nowaa, 11 days from Matanzas, wit-> molasses to Thos Wattson 4 Sous 1 Bark G » tarrett, Gregory, 6 days from Providence, i \ ballast to Workman & Co. . , fcchr Charter Oak, Crowell, 6 days from Boston, with merchandise to Crowell & Collins. gchr D H Bills. Bich. 6 days from Boston, with mar chandiseto Crowell fi Collins w , it fehr Typhoon, Treworgy 4 days from Baltimore, with msrehardlseto E A Bonder* Go. .... gchr C E Elmer. Mason, from Alexandria, in ballast h captain. Bchr Diamond State. Still, 2 days from Milford, Del, With corn to James Barrstt Sehx Georalanna Pretty man, 1 day from LflVd I, Dtl. with corn to James L B«wley fi Co. Schr Packet. Truox, 1 day from Lelpßio, Del witi t<? /ajae? h» fywlw fi Bek. Oakaa Akm, Bmltk. bmlTiiU>|tM> (aMtett to WptfttD. . „ - , n Behr Aid, Banker, Mil B*ltt*or*< A. Bonder* Co. . City ICS Boat. K«Ur. from Bailbsr Hoofe brootht as ba>k &a Baals: towed dowa Sara Bt> “^* ra *9*?' Jt'fi from wUim Nie proceeded k r i* 8 Thar*tou, from HnTMtii off Bombay Hook, boat' log op. Bark Roanoke. ÜBr.) Cooksey. Lartuyr*. DaUstt ft Am a D Tort er. Grlfln, Sagoa, J 8 Bailey ft C Brlg American JBaale.SxnUk. New Orleans. D & Stet eon * Co . Scbr>lb* i rt Stacy, . do do Schrt'OTl** Maul, Frambes. Port Royal. Tyler ft Co. Bcbrbpray. A-iacos. Key West. ■ 00 Schr James Magee* Lynch, Pine? Point. do Fohr H G Ely* tf«AUfet*r, Alexandria do Poi'T Active. Fisher. Boston. Biaklitoa, Graff, ft Oe. S-br Miamond, Brown. New London. K Rather reel, ii St’r J 8 bhriver. AGrww, Jr. Steamship Corsica. Le Hecanrier, from New York, via ffas.-au, atHa>aaa7ihinst. Stesmship Arago, from Baltimore, at Hew Orleans Din mat Fri« P (.co 18*h ta« 4Bld ' ft<> “ Bj “ on «**“«•• »* «»* fcafsssfft^raMSsgj** fron c ‘ iu °- saii94 «P??ed foTß’ew TolW #lBareii atlfB ' r Bi ,nrt ' ttom Hew Tork 15th 8 «ivv « tan J^ rancl co Wth Inst Scandinavian Friend, cleared at Hew Orleans4th lnst for New Tort uark Florence Ohipman. Jones.- from Liverpool, at Boston on Sunday Bark ttarigo. Merrill, at Bio Janeiro 2dult. for Hew York neat day. Bark Brem*>rin. Jackson, sailed from Rio Janeiro Ist Hit. for Hew York. Bark Apple Sherwood. CBr.) Padelford. sailed from C rnfnegof 6tb Jnf*fc A>r N«w V^rfc. Bijg Faustina, Griffin, cleared at New OrleansCthlast. for t-ardenae. . Brig a Horta Washburn, cleared at Hew Orleans sth its fit. for New Fork. 6cbr Julia Hen elLTmtt, cleared at Portland 12th Inst, for this port. Frbr Wm Loper, Robinson, sailed from Providence 12th ins!, for this port. fccbr ('• A Hechecher, Smith, cleared at Hew Orleans sth Isrt. for this port. - Schr* H P Passe i» Nickerson, and George. Rogers, from New York, were below New Orleans 6th inat Fliip Charles and Jane <of Ro*tnn). Rarnmao, sailed f« m Cardiff Aog6. ligi, f. r R-rmnda with a cugo nf coal w»e epoken Sept % latSs4o lon 45 SO, and has not been heard of since. COPARTNERSHIPS. XTOTICE—THE PARTNKR3HIP EX •’*“ B ISTIHG ander the firm n&mss of KIRK ft BaUM. and BAUM- OGLE. * CO., was diM*o’ ved on tQe3i»tof January, I*4- by the devh of Henry s b Ogle, one of the partners. The affairs ot‘ the firm, will oe settled by the undersigned. The Mining and Snipping Business of the said firm will, hereafter, be conducted nnd*-r the firm names of KIKE ft BAUM, and BAUM, GROSK, ft CO . by th* following Copartners. F. EIRE. JOHN* BaU*. HSBRY S ii OSS, fe!3-6t» . JOJfATBAHCL ittK. pop a BTNEBSHIP.- I THE SUB SCRIBEKS have this, eighth day of February* 1314, entered iuio Cepartnerfeiiip. ander the nano and style of B* NNfitT ft SNYDER, for the_pun>o#e of transacting a WHOLESALE COMMISSION LUMBER BU4 * BSS. J. F. BENNETT ft J. P. BNYD6R. fefi'lm Office g‘49 COttMER IS street. TVTOTIC B.—EDWARB MA‘IA.B<*E IS ’ sdniiitad to an Interest in our business Irora J .on ary l.i 1864. CHA.S. MiG AKBS & GO PHn.ADBUHiA,.Teb.I2. 1864 few lot poFABTNERBHI P.—NOTlOfc—l have tils day associated with me in business my son, FREDERICK BROWN, Jr., under the name and style of FREDERICK BROWN- Druggist Ohemlst. !».» a 1 V. v , PBBBjEbIjK BfiftWH, Philadelphia, February 1,1864 The said firm will continue business at the old stand (e'tabl shed In 1822). northeast corner of Chestnut and Fifth streets. Philadelphia. FREDEBrnE BROWN. fe2lm FfiBPBRtCg BR«iWN. Jr. NOTICE.—JOSEPH LEA & CO. H \VE THIS DAY admitted JOSEPH TATNALL LEA as a general partner in the House. Tbelr business in the city of New York will be conduct* ed under the style of J. ft J. T. LEA ft CO., ,v. t, l l * TOAD* Street. Hew York. PbHadelpbia. February l»»t. 1864 INStrRANCB COMP AM IB*. TYELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY -*■ INSTTKANCB COMPANY. IBCOKPOBATED BY THE LEJIHCATOKE OF PENJT bYLVAHIA. 1830- OFFICE s. E. COBSBK FHiBD AND WALNUT STS.. PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE. ON VESSELS,) CAKGCX > To all parts of the world, 1 ISLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by River, Canal, Lake, and Land Carriage, to all pans of th* Union, FIRE INSURANCES/ On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, &o. AS?ETB O? THE 00 HP ANT, NOV. 1, 1863 •100.ogo Baited States five per sent. Xe>an ft 97.060 00 75 000 United ttates6percent. Loan G3o's. < 75,000 00 20,000 United States 6per eeut. Loan 1881.... 22,000 00 50.000 United States 73*10'® per cent. Treasury _ Noteß. 63,250 QQ 100,000 State of Pennsylyania 6 per cent. Loan 100.997 50 64.000 State of Pennsylvania 6 per cent. Loan 57.830 00 123.050 Philadelphia Cit? 6 per cent. Loan.... 127.528 00 30 OO.i State of Tennessee 6 per cent. L >an.... 15,000 00 20.000 Pennsylvania Bail road, Ist Hortaace 6 per cent. Bonds 22,300 00 50,000 Pennsylvania .Railroad. 2d Mortgage _ 6 per cent, Bonds 63.250 00 16.000 300 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Com* pany,principal and interest gaaran _ ..tied by the city of Philadelphia.... 15,000 00 6, 600 100 Sb ares Stock Penney lyania RaUroad Company-. . 7,225 00 5,000 100 Shares Stock North Pennsylvania __ _ Railroad Company 2,650 00 21,030 United States Certificates of Indebted ness —...... 1123,700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, amply 5ecured.............. 123.700 00 *791.760 Par Cost, *768,73712 Market Va1ue....*794. 200 bo Beal kf-tate 36.363 35 Bills receivable for Insurances made. 107.947 61 Balances due at Agencies—premium* on Marine Policies, accrued interest, and other debts due the Company 29,919 87 Scrip and Stock o sundry Insurance and other Companies, *6.803, estimated value 3,205 00 Cash on deposit with United States Government, subject to ten days call *«oooo oo Cash on depoßit,in 8ank5............ 38,588 39 Cash in Drawer....... 200 80 118,789 19 ITORB, Robert Barton, Samuel E. Stokes. J. F. Peniston, Henry Sloan. William G Boulton, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joahua P Eyre, Spencer Mcllvaine, John 0. Semple, Pittsburg [A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. DIRE* Thomas C. Hand, John C. Davis, Edmund A bonder, Thsopilcs Paulding, John R. Ps-uross, James I’raqnaiT, Henry C. Dalletti Jr., James 0. hand wuiiam C. Ludwig, Joseph R, Seal, Dt. R. M Huston, George G. Leiper, Hugh Ciaig, Charles Kelly, THOMAS 0. HAND, President. ttwmttvw t ttt G. DAVIS, Vice President- HEHRY LYLBUBN. Secretary. jali THE RELIANCE INSURANCE COM rtsj OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated Ui 184 L Charter Perpetaal. OFFICB No. 308 WALNUT STRBBT. inenrea winst lota or damaea br FIRE, Honiaa. Stores, and other Buildings; limited or perpetual; and on Furniture, Goods. Wares, and Merchandise. CAPITAL I3U0)(K>0, ASSETS 9387,211 86, Invested in the following Securities, vis: First Mortgage on City Property, well secured *106.900 00 17 nited Statea G overnment Loans . 119, 000 oo Philadelphia City 6 per cent Loans £O,OOO 00 Commonwealth of Pennsvlvania 6 per cent. _ S 3, CKO, 000 Loan 18,000 OQ Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds,first and second Mortgage Loans * 85,000 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 per cent. Loan 6,000 00 Philadelphia and Reading Rail road Company’s _ 6 per cent. Loan 5,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad 7 per cent. Loans..... 4.560 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stocks-. 10,000 00 Mechanics’ Bank Stock - 4,000 00 County Fire Insurance Company’s Stock* 2,060 oo Cnloa Mutual Insurance Company’s Stocks. 380 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia’s _ Stock 2,600 00 Loanson Collaterals, well secured 2,2fi0 00 Accrued Interest...... 6,93-2 00 Cash in back and on hand* .16.587 £6 Worth at present market rains..., fie 4 Clem Tinsley, Bobert Tol&nd, Wm. S. Thompson, William Stevenson, Samnei Bisphatn, Hampton L. Carson. Robert Steen, Marshall Hill, . William Mnsser, J. Johnson Brown, 1 Charles Leland, Thos H. Moore. Benj. W. Tinkler* rnnr^^r. « CLEM TINGLBY, President. THOMAS C. HILL, Secretary. Philadelphia, January 4, 1863. jas-tf A ME RICAN FIRE INSURANCE lncorporated 1810. CHASTER PER PETUAL. Ho. 310 WALNUT Street, ebore Third, PE!- ladelpbia. Having a. large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus in vested in «oi»d and available Securities* oontutnu to yasaro on Dwellings, Store#, Furniture, Merchandise. Vessel* In port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property, All losses liberal promptly adjusted- Thomasß. Marls, James R- Campbell, John Welch, Edmond 0, Dntilh, Samuel C. Morton. Charles W. Poultaey, . Patrick Brady, Israel Morris. John T. Lewie, THOMAS E, MARIS, President. aurert C. L. Crawford, Secretary. feg-tf PIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. f: -The PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COM* PANT. Ineoiporated 1825, CHARTER PERPETUAL. No. 510 WA.LN HT Street, opposite Independence Sautre, This Company, favorably known to the community for nearly-forty years, continues to insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time Also, on Furniture, Stocks of floods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surolus Fond, la invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the Insured an undoubted security in the case ofloss. . - • DIRECTORS. _ Jonathan Patterson, Thoms* Robins, Alexander Benson, Daniel Smith, Jr., William Montelius, John Devereux, Isaac Haslehnrst, Thomas Smith, __ JONAfHAN PATTEBSON. PrMldent. WnjjAM q. Crowkh, Secretary. A NTHRACITE insurance COM ■A*. PANT. —Authorized Capital »4f10,000-OHABTRB PERPETUAL. Office No. 311 WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. ••=■••• . 'This Company will insure against lose or damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Her«handl» gen* Marine Insurances on Vessels. Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insuranee to all parts of the Umon. . DIRECTORS. - William Esher. i Davis Pearson, v D. Luther, I Peter Seiger, Lewis Audenried, ) J, E. Baum, John R. Blacklston, Wm, F. Dean, Joseph Maxfleld, - I John Ketcham. WILLIAM ESHER, President, WM. F. DEAN, Vice President. W. M. Smith. Secretary. snS«tf TNSURaNCB company of the STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—OFFIC* Nov * end A EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North lid* of WALNUT Street, between DOGE and THIRD Streets. Philadelphia. INCORPORATED in 1794—CHARTER PERPETUAL PROPERTIES OF FEBRUARY 1. 1863, $493,888.07. MARINS, FIRE. AND INLAND TRANSPORTATION insurance DIRECTORS. Hennr D. Sherzerd. I Tobias Wagner, Chariei Maealeiter. Tomas B. Wattaon, William 8 Smith, I Henry G. Freeman. William R White. 1 Charles &. Lewis, OeorgeH. Stuart, I George 0. Carson, Samuel Grant, Jr., m | Edward G. Knight, „ Austin. xx HWBY d. BHIRBNBD, President. Wiluiam Harder. Secretary. v nolfUf T INEN THBEAD. ■Li BAUPBOH’B ABQYU. VIfICKHT nUA MoDOSALD’B. SATIS FI Si»B BOOKBIHDBBS', CARPET TtHOAD. For B»l«br HORACE H. SOULB* 3» Worth FRO WT Street CTEAM engines and boilebs 8 A LB "1 pair of low-pressure, doable actiu* vertical beam BHGIfIBS, with &lmch cylinders, and 7 re«t Btii-ke. hs.vln* a 20-feet-cear. flywheel, With 184 eoi>. Length of cog 1$ Uttbee.and 4 Inch pitch. Also. tjKtgMrvf Stteeu. TbOM fengtnee ere rated at 400- power, ana were built brCorlies A Nighttasaie, and ezoeediaflr smooth-working machines. The two erlindera can be « ° r "W""* l * «“* would ameter. Tie BoUiw «. £535.- of _*oo aboTa Vn to'b. bom f or n 0 ft™!.,.; blln . ': d °T°S?^^.^W»^fc7r”oWfea a titt&sfc a&wfirar - aasr& ® M rtiW *<>W RBWW, A*«t, THE PREBS.-PHTT, A DKT.PH PROPOSALS FOR_HOBSBS. Chib* QuAnTsauAsTSA's Oppioe, _ IfxpoT of Washington. I QVATVTk D C . Feb. 10. 1884. Wsli b# received at this offloe 23d. 1864. at 12o’clock M..for hSesss'.’h, Government with 6,000) two thousand uujtßhS. 01 the viz: „.F or Artillery. (2-000) two thon-and Horses, from (I.VO S2f?s? ail d onelialfio (16) sixieen hands high, between ®ve <?. evd elsht (8) years of age, of darh oolore free hnio H v ’TS 11 b .™ k en to harness, comp.ctlr d?«d lh “ OM thoasandonehnn- _ PROPOSALS. m^ta?pea?i“th*S?o^sal“ fflcB a<JdraM 0,1,19 ««" If a Hd u made In the name of a Arm, the names of all the parties mnst appear, or the bid will be considered as tee individual propose) of tee party signing it “ ftopoeais from; disloyal parties will not be considered falb H dd;“e hefo?o rfgSir C | c"n-!rac 8 t, re ' 1 '" rea ,r 0“ tofaSrH*® l ' d honld be pialn * marked. ‘‘Proposals be required to accompany his dtodob&l aß Ls a \? 4 j C ? 0 * H ttfned bv two resp.mHible persons? that h* I f. accft P t « d te or tbey w \l\ a fc once execute in a *?m f { h ® "W™ wttb good and sufficient sureties amount of the contract, to deliver ;£? r.? 1 **?! P r °P°*eda in conformity w<ch the term.* of rfn ‘•vvertisement; and, in the said bidder should rati to enter into the contract. *hey to make good the oifftroiice between the offer of said bidder and the next lose t renponeiole talaer, or the person to whom the con tract may be awarded ,wu A Thcrespontdnilrtvof the guarantors murt be shown bv the official certificate of a United states District Attorney Collector of Cuftome, or any other officer under the Unitedofflcl B GoyBrjUKont ' or rocwmelbie person known Bonds in a sum equal to the amount of the contract signed ly the cunti&otoT and both o; nit* guarantors will b*> required of the successful bidder or bidders upon elirn iug the contract. sa GUARANTEE. We, the undersigned, reMdente of ■■ ,in the coun ty of . and Mate of , hereby jointly and se verally covenant with the United Stages, and guaran tee in easel_ae foregoing bid of shall be accepted. that he or they will at "d«« «xaoata th<> contract for the same, with good Rod sofficleut sureties, in a sain canal to tie amooiit of the contract; and that, in case the a&ld ■ shall fall to outer into a contract as aforesaid vr guarantee to make good the difference between the ofle> piade by the said and the next lowest re sponsible bidder, or the person to whom the contract mny be awarded. 1 Witness: f Given under our hands and seals i this ——— day of ——lB6-. CSeal.] I berrbT certify that, to tlie boat of my know) edge aud belief.ahe above-named guarantors are good and suffi cient as *ur«tiee fox the amount for which they offer to lb* security. —_ ____ Tob certified by Ihe United States District Attorney. Collector oi Customs, or any other officer under the (’Sited Kates Government, or responsible person known to this office INSPECTION, DELIVERY. Ac. All Horses 6ouiracte>> for under this advertisement Will be>ubject to a rigid inspection, and those not coa fuMßiDi to i be specifications will be rejected. N > Mares will be received. The Horses must be delivered in thi; city within twen ty- five das * /rom the date of the comract. Payment to he made upon tee completion of the con tract. or&o M>on thereafter as the Chief Quartermaster shell be in funds. *1 heee Horses will be awarded in lota of (200) two*htt&- dred each. ntles* the Chief Qaartet master should deem it for the interest of the Government to vary the number The Chief Quartermaster reserves to himtelf the right to reject any or aLLb'ds that he may deem 100 high. „ a a „ P. R. RUCKER. , Brigadier General and Chief Quartermaster, fe!2-9t . P6p6t of Washington. A BMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE. -**■ OFFICE'TWELFTH and GIRARD Btreets. AT..WW.WV _ PhUiADBIzPHiA. February 8,1864. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until i l2 o’clock M,, on TUESDAY, the 16th instant, for •applying the Schuylkill Arsenal with the following articles* hky-blne Kersey, X and 6 4, army standard. Blanket*, gray woollen, army standard Greatcoats sky-blue, for mounted men, army stan dard Great-coats, sky-blue, for foot men, army standard. Flannel back Coats, indigo-blue, lined and Uidined, army standard. Drawers, white cotton flannel, army standard. Shirts, gray twilled flannel, and gray knit. Army standard. Booieee, army standard, Hoikisgs, army standard. Great-ooat f traps, the United States famishing the buckles, army standard. Brass hum here, Nos. 1,2, and 4. for hats and caps, army standard. Brass Tulips, for light artillery caps, army standard. Sashes, scarlet worsted, for non-commissioned officers, army standaro. Tents d’A brie, or shelter touts, cotton or linen, samples of the kind of. material to be used must bo submitted Uniform Bata, felt, army staedard. Uniform Bat Feathers- army standard. Camp Kellies, army standard. Wees Puls. *rmr standard. . Mosquito Bars, single or double, army standard. National Colors, silk (infantry) army standard. Guidons for Cavalry, silk, army standard. Knapsacks complete (the United States famishing the buckles), army standard. Haver-ackf. complete, army standard. Casteens. tin (corrugated), army standard. Drums complete, foil size (Infantry), army standard. Drum Coids, army standard. Endoi cement and Memoranda Books for brigade and division be-dqnarters, army standard. Burlaps, 66-inch, for baiingrarmy standard. Tent Flips, large, for wall tents, army standard. Flax Sewing Twine, army standard. Twine for canteen corks, army standard. Staffs for ambulance flags, hard wood, 4 feet long, 1 inch In diameter, army standard. , Staffs for guidon flags. hard wood, 4 feet long, 1 inch diameter, army standard. Suspender Buttons and Fez Caps, army standard. Bidders must state in their proposals the price, which mnst be given in writing , as well as in figures; also the quantity bid for, and time of delivery. Ihe ability of the bidder to fill the contract must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whose signa tures will be appended to the guaranty, and said guar- ; anty accompany the bid; and in case the said bidder should fail to enter into the contract, they to make good the difference between the ofbtr of said bidder and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the’person to whom ‘he contract may be awarded. Bidders, as well as their sureties, or guarantors, Who may not be known at this office, will fnrninh a certifl ■ catelrom the United States District Attorney, Postmas ter, or other public functionary, at the residence of the bidden. °r guar* r tors, sorting forth dearly the fact, that the bidder and his sureties are responsible men, who will, if a contract is awarded theta, act in good faith with the United States, and faithfully execute the same No bid will be entertained unless properly guarantied by two responsible parties as above described. Bids from defaulting contractors will not be received. Blank formß for proposals can be had upon applica tion at thi* offiee- Proposals must be endorsed “Proposals for Army Supplies,” Btating the particular article bid for G. H GROSMAN. fe9-7t Assist. Q. U General, U. 8. A, 21.490 00 SUPPLIES. OFFICE OF ARMY CLOTHING AND 7 BQTTTPAGI, 503 BROADWAY, , New York. February Btb, 1864. SEAI/BD PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o'clock M. on FRIDAY, the i9th instant, for fur nishing by contract at the Ddpot of Army Clothing and Equipage, in New York city; Unif< rm Goats, infantry, uniform Coats, artillery. Uniform Jackets, cavalry. Uniform Jackets, artillery. Trowsers, footmen’s. Trowsers, horsemen’s. Great Coats, footmen’s. Great Coats, horsemen’s. Flannel Rack Coats, lined. Flannel Sack Coats, unlined. Drawers, Canton flannel. Drawers, knit. Shirts, cotton and wool flannel. Shirts, knit. Stockings. 1 Blankets, woolen, domestic maaufocttire. Blankets, mdia rubber. Ponchos. India rubber. Forage Cape. Unifojm Hats, trimmed. Bootee*, sewed Bootees, pegged. Boots, sewed. Boots, pegged. Leather htocks. * Great- Coat Btraps. - Bva*6 Letters, . Braes N ambers* “Worsted hashes. Brass Scales, for N, G, S. Braes Scales, sergeants’ Brats Scales. co. s por&B ’ and privates’. Chevrons, ordnance sergeants*. Chevrons, hospital stewards’. Chevron*, service. . Chevrons, (infantr?,) sergeant majors’, quartermas ter sergeants’- Ist sergeants’, sergeants’, ana corporals’. Chevrons, (artillery.) sergeant majors’, qnarfsrmas ter sergeaiits’, l*t sergeants 1 , sergeants’, and corporals’. Chevrons, (cavalry,) sergeant majors’, quartermas ter sergeants , Ist sergeants’, sergeants', and corporals’. Hospital Tents Rad Files. “Wall Tents and Flies. Common Tents. Hospital Tent Poles, sets* ■Wall Tent Poles sets. Common Tent Poles, lets. Hospital Tent Pius, large. Bospitax Tent Pins, small. Shelter tents. “Wail Tent Fins, lane. Common Tent Hut, Camp Efcttlee. Iron Pots. Hess Pans, Pick Axes Pick Axe Handles. - Felling Axes. Fellin g Axe Handles. Axe Slings Csmp Batchets. Camp Batcbet Handles. Hatchet Slings. , Spades. Shovels Bed Sack s, d ouble. Bed Sacks- single. Mosquito Bars, double. Mosquito Bare, single. Stable Frocks Engineer Overalls. National Colors, artillery and infantry. Regimental Colotb, artillery and infantry. Cavalry Standards Camp Colore, artillery and infantry. Color Cords and Tassels, artillery and infantry Guidons. ' Ga*rbon F:acs« Storm Flags. Garrison and Storm Flag Halliards, Recruiting Flags. Becrnuing Flag Halliards. Knapsack s. complete. Baverracks. complete. (tin, covered ) complete with straps. Bu*ie*s with ext>a mouth pieces. Trumpets, witn extra crooks Bogle Cords and Tassels, artillery and Infantry. Drums, compete. ■ Drum Heads, batter. Dram Beads, scare. Drum Scares, sets. . D»um Curds Drum Slings Drumsticks, pairs. Drum Stick Carriages. D um Cases. Fifes. B. 4L and B. Company Order fco^ks. Company Clothing Account Books. Company Pe-criptlve Books. Company Morning Report Baoks. Regimental General Order Books. Regimental Letter Books. Regimental Descriptive Books Regimental Index Books? Regimental Order Books. Target Practice Books. Bky-Blue Kersey. 8-4 or 6-4. Dark-Blue Coat Cio*.h. 3-4 or 3-4, 8k y -Bio* Facing Cloth. 6-4. Fcarlet Facing Cloth, 6-4 Duk- Blue Cotton and Wool Flannel, twilled, 8-4. White Cotton and Wool Flannel. 81 inches. Canton Flannel. 27 do. Heavy Coat Canvas (for overcoats,) 24 inches. Coat Canvas, (Tor body coats ) 24 do. Cotton Drills, unbleached, S-4 Cotton Muslin, unbleached, 36 inches. Black Twilled Sile&U, S 6 Inches. Black Alpaca Brown Holland Button Hole Twist. Black (machine) Bilk. **A»” Black Sewing Bilk, (6keln*<) “B.” Black Linen Thread, (machine;) 70. Black Linen Thread, (machine.) 60. Black Linen Thread. (ttkelns.)4o. Basticg Cottan. S-yaM eivioli. TeJJow Cotton (machine) Thread, 200-yard spools. Scarier Cotton (machine) Thread. 2uo-yard spools. Coat Buttons. Test Buttohs.- Shirt Buitous. Suspender Buttons- Hooka and Js*es. Wadolns Cotton. Worsted Lace, yellow, s£+ and inch. V orsied Lace, tcarlet, yi- and H tuch. Worsted Lace, sky bine. \bi, H. and % inch. Worsted Lace, dark bine, l>t. %■ and % loch. Samples oi which can he .seen at this office. Bidders will submit with their proposals simples of the articles w hich tbeyjpropoce.to deliver.or of the materials of whioh the articles <ere to be made- In the latter case, at least one yard of the material should be submitted. Bidders will state the quantity they wish to famish, the shortest time in which they can make deliveries and how soon they can complete the delivtry of all they bid for. All bids must be accompanied by a proper guaranty, signed by two vesposelhle parties, setting forth that if ft contract is awarded to the party named therein he wui at once execute the same, and give bonds for Us faithful performance The United States reserves the right to reject any part or the whole of the bids, as may be deemed for the in teres* of the tervice. Proposal* should be endorsed * ’ Prop'sslsfor famish ing (here insert the articles bid for), ” and addressed to « . Lieut. Col. D. H. VIHTON, feio-6t Deputy Quartermaster General. U. 8. A, $1,069,425 62 fgft? EVANS & “WATSON'S WfH . 6ALAMAIIDBBDAFE 16 SOUTH FOURTH BTBKST. PfilL 4 PA. A large variety of FIBBPKOOF SAFES always ol hand. DR FINE, PRACTICAL DEN- for the last twenty yean, a 19 TINE St.* below. Third, inserts the most beautiful TEETH of the age, mounted on fine Gold. Platlna. Silver. Valoahite, ConJtte. Amber. Ac . atprioes. for neat and substantial work, more reasonable ftban any Demist in tuu city or Swt* Teeth plowed to last for life. Artificial Teeth repaired to sell. Jio pain In estnettnc. AU work war* b*t ftwlUw. J7l-8« PROPOSALS, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16.1864. PROPOSALS. pBOFOSALS FOB LIME, Chief QvAtvYBftMASTBB’a Opyroiz. __ Depot op WAamwaTOflv D. U. February 18 1B«. SEALED PROPObALH will be received at this afltes unill FRIDAY, March 4, 1864. at 12 o’clock for Ten Thousand £lO WO) Bunhela of good merchantable UN SLACKED LIME. Toe whole amount to be delivered wilbin thirty (30) days from the date of contract, at such points in the city of Washington as the D6put Quarter* master may direct. The Lime to weigh not less thaw eighty (80) pounds to the ba»hel. Ti e amount offered by the successful bidders will be subject to a rigid impwctloo, by an imipeocor appointed by the Government, btfore being accepted PROPOSALS. The price most b© vrittei <mt ia words on the bid. as mnst also tne full name and post office address of the bidder. Proposals from disloyal parties will not be considered, and an oath of allegiance must each proposi tion. Proposals must be addressed to Brigadier General D. H Rucker, Chief Quartermaster, Depot of Washington, Washington, D. C., and should be plainly marked “Pro putals for Lime.” GUARANTEE. The bidder 'Will be required to accompany hie proposl tion with, a guarantee, planed by two responsible per* sons, that, to case hi* bid is accepted, he will at od-© execute tbe contract f«r the »au>©. With good and suffi cient sureties, la a earn rqaal to the amoant of the con tract, to deliver the article* proposed in conformity with the term* of thus &dv*iti»em-nt; and in case tbe a aid bid der should fait to enter into the contract, they to make good theLdiflereLCP between the offer of said bidder and tbe next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to Whom the contract may be awarded. The responsibility of the guarantors mast be shown by the official certificate of tbe Clerk of the nearest District Coart, or of the United States District Aftornsv Bond* in a bam eqaal to the amoant of tho contract, iltßid by the contractor and Oolh of bis guarantors, will le required Of the succtssfui bidder or bidders upon signing the contract. Fi>hM OF GUARANTEE. We, the undersigned, residents of , in the county of , and State of . hereby jointly surf severally co venant'with the United States, and guarantee. in case thefore«oing bid of be accepted, taet ne or they will at once axe. cate the cont act for the same, with good and sufficient sureties, in a sum *-qu«l t>» the amoant *-f th* contract, to furnish tbe articles proposed <a conformity to the tprrns of tbe advertisement dated February 13. 1861, un der which the bid was made, and in case the s*ld rbft'l fail to enter Into a contract as aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the difference between the oner i’ade bj tbe said and tbe nest lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contract IL&y be awarded. Given under our hands and seals this , 166 [Seal 1 Witness: [Seal.! (To this guarantee muei he appended (koojjiaial oertl fleate above mentioned). The right to reieot any or all bids that may be deemed too high is reserved by the D6pst Quartermaster, as well as the light to select from each bid each qa&at Ties at the price therein named as is reaaired b'* tbw Government; t>. a. KUOKBR. Brigadier General and Chief Quartern! ister. feld 16t Depot Washtogtou. Proposals for cavalry HOBBES. „ CAVAI.RT BOBEAtT, Office of uhief Quartermaster, *WASHiifHTOW, D. 0., February 10. SEALED PROPOSAL• will be received at tats Office R9&U& 0 l?L 0ck M PRiOAT. F«bru*ry 19. 1864, for ONE THOUSAND (1,010) CaVALRY HO*SBB, to be delivered at Camp Me’ns, BeadvUle. near Boston, Maes., within twenty (20) .* a>s from cate of contract. . THREE THOUSAND (3 00) CaVALRY HORSES to be Delivered in Washington (Giesboro’ Depot) within forty (40) days from date of contract Said horses to be sound in all particulars, not less than Jive (6) nor more than nine (9) years old; from IS to 16 hands high; fall fleshed, compactly built, bridle Wise* and of size sufficient for cavalry Pu’pos *s. These specifications urill b» strictly adhered, ft) and rigidly enforced in every particular. So bid will be entertwiDtd unless accompanied by a guarantee for its faithful performance Fo)m of bid and guarantee can be had on application to Captain John W. fficKim, A. Q. M. at Boston Mass., or at*hle office. Successful bidders will be required to enter Into writ* ten contracts, with good and sufficient security within four (4) day s from date of acceptance nf bids. The oath of allegiance must accompany each bid The undersigns i reserves tne right to reject all bide deemed unreasonable Wo bid will be entertained for less than fifty horses. Payment will be made on completion of contract, OF as soon thereafter as funds may be received Proposals must beendor-ed ''Proposals for Cavalry Horses,’' and addressed to Captain Tames A. Ekin, Chief Quartermaster, Cavalry Bureau, Washington D C. Any further information will be promptly given on amplication to JAMES A. JSKffil, lell-St Chief Quartermaster Cavalry Bareau, PROPOSALS FOR ICE. v Medical Purveyor's Office, Washington. D. C-. February 1, 18&4. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 M , February 25th, for furnishing Ice to the Medical Department of the Army during the. present year, at the points herein design ited The 136 to be stored by the contractor in properly constructed ice houses at each point of delivery, on or before the I6fch day of April next; the ice not to be receipted for until its quality, the fitness of the ice-house, and the manner In which it is packed shall have been approved by a medical officer appointed for the puip ise, or by a Medi cal Inspector, and fpayxnent will be made only for the amount thus actually stored and receipted for. The proposals will be for the quantities Indicated be low as required at the respective places, with the pro viso that should more be needed at any time for the year’s supply it shall be .furnished at the same rates and under the same conditions; QUANTITY TO BE DELIVERED AT Annapolis, Md.—lce-house owned by the United States —l5O tons. Fortress Monroe, Va.—lce-house, owned by the United States—<2Bo toes. Point Lookout, Md. -Ice-house owned by the United States—2oo tons. Portsmouth, Va.—lce-house not owned by the United State*—loo tons. Wewbcrn, WI G—lce-house not owned by the United States—4oo tons. Hilton Head, S. 0, -Ice-house owned by the United States- 400 tons* Beaufort, & C.—lce-house owned by the United States —3OO tone. Proposal* will also be received for tarnishing Ice dai ly, by weight, for the year 1864, in such quantities as may be required by the surgeons in charge at United States General Hospitals, upon the following annual estimate, in and near Boston, Mass., 30 tons. Hew York, 800 tons. Hew Haven, Conn., 50 tons. Portsmouth Grove, R. I , 130 tons. Philadelplia, Pa., 1.300 tons. Newark, N. J., 100 tons. Washington, D 0., 2,500 tone. Baltimore, kid,, 600 tons. Frederick. Md.. 76tons. All additional amounts that mav be required at these places until January Ist, 1865, are to be furnished a* the same rates. FORM OF PROPOSAL. „ The undersigned propose to famish - tons of first quality of ice. carefully packed in substantial ice houses, at the within-named points—namely ; at the following price per ton of two thousand pounds— namely, at tons, at $ per ton. The ice to be subject to the inspection, measurement, and approval of a Medical officer, or other properly ap pointed inspector, before beinx receipted for, - Psyjpeiift to be made from time to time upon dUpUc&to bills, certified to by the Medical Director, . L . . FORM OF PROPOSAL. The undersigned proposes to furnish'daily, or other wise, alt the ice required for the hospitals, upon approv ed requisitions of surgeonb in-oharge, at or near the Within named points, at the following price per hundred pounds— namely t $ etc, per hundred pounds. The lee shall he of the heit quality, and subject to the approval of the surgeon in charge, who will receipt for the actual amount delivered at each hospital. . Payment to be made from time to time upon duplicate bills, certified to by the Medical Director. Signed, The above form of proposals will be adhered to as closely as practicable. Other forma will be received by the Department and duly considered. A proper guarantee that the bidder is able to falfil’the contract, certified to by the clerk of the nearest District Oourt or a United States District Attorney, must accom pary the proposal or It will be rejected. An oath of allegiance to the United States Government must also accompany the proposal. The contracts will be awarded to the lowest responsi ble party or parties, who will lbs duly notified, by mail or otherwise, that their bid is accepted, and they Will Immediately be required to enter into contract, under bonds to the amout of $5,000. Bonds to he properly cer tified to. Bidders may he present in person when the Proposals are opened. The Post Office address of the parties proposing must he distinctly written upon the Proposal. Proposals must he addressed to Henry Johnson, Medi cal 8. K,, and Purveyor U. 8. A,, Washington, D. 0. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all bids deemed us suitable. HENRY JOHN SON, M. 8. K., and Purveyor, U. S. a. , Washington, D, c. Printed forms of Proposals can be had at this Office fel!9t pBOPOSALS FOB FOBAGE. _ Chief QuA&WKAßTiik’g Offiob, »^JS A I HIKaTO3ir J>kpot, December 8.1861 SEALED PROPOSALS are lnvitea bribe undersigned tor supplying the XT. 8. Quartermaster’s Department, at Washington, D. 0,. Baltimore, Md., Alexandria, and Fort Monroe, Va ,or either of these places, with Hay, Corn, Oats, and Straw. . Bids will be received for the delivery of 5,000 bushels Of com or oats, and 00 tea* of fc*y or ctr&w. and a»~ wards Bidders must state at which of the above-named points they propose to make deliveries, and the rates at which they will make deliveries thereat, the quantity of each article proposed to be delivered, the time when said de liveries shall be commenced, and when to be completed. The price must be written out In words on the bids. Gorn.to be put up in good, stout sacks, of about two bushels each. Oats in like sacks, of about three bushels moil. The sacks to be furnished without extra eharge to The hay and straw to be securely Thepaitlsular kind or description of oats, corn, hay, or straw, proposed to be delivered, must he stated in the proposals. -At 1 *. 111 ® andar the bids herein Invited Will be subject to a rigid inspection by the Government Inspector before being accepted. Contracts will be awurded from time to time to the lowest responsible bidder, as the interest of the Govern ment may require, aud payment will be made when the whole amount contracted for chail have been delivered and accepted. • The bidder will be required to accompany his propo sal with a guarantee, signed by two responsible persons, • that In case his bid is accepted he or they will, within ten days thereafter, execute the contrast for the —n»t. with good and anffldent sureties. In a turn canal to the amount of the contract, to deliver the forage proposed in conformity with the terms of this advertisement; and In case the said bidder should fall to eater Into the contract, they to makegood the difference between the offer of said bidder and, the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contract may be awarded. The responsibility ol the guarantors must be shown by ' the official certificate of aU. 8. District Attorney, col lector of Customs, or any other officer under the united States Government, or responsible person known to ««*- office. omTiy i pr h oP«iS' 10tUle4 * b * ” w ‘“" » The foil name and post office address of each bidder must be legibly written in the proposal. Proposals must be addressed to Brigadier General D. H. Rucker, Chief D6p6tQuartermaster, Washington,]) C,,and should be plainly marked, ** Proposals for Fo "Tend, . In a sum equal to the amount of the contrast, ] signed by the contractor and both of his guarantors, will be required of the successful bidder or bidders upon signing the contrast. Blank orms of bids, guarantees, and bonds may be obtained upon application at this office. FORM OF PROPOSAL. (Town* County, and State ’ (Date)—- I, the subscriber, do hereby propose to famish and d*» liw to the United States, at the Quartermaster's He pertinent at ——.agreeably to the terms of your adTcrtlsement, inviting proposals for forage, datAi Washington Dfipdt, December 8,1863. the following art*- - ’ bushels of Gom, in tasks, at per bushel of s? ponnds. bushel* of Oats, in saeks, at per bnihel of fia ponnds. tons of baled Hay, at per ton of 2.OUU pounds ■ tons of baled Straw, at per ton of 1000 pound? Delivery to eomzaen.ee on or before the ■ day o' , 186 , and to beeompleted on or before the day of , 188 , Wad pledcs myself to eater Into u written contract with the united States with good and approved securities, within the space often days afto r being «otifled that my bid has been accepted. Tour obedient servant, ■ Brigadier General 0. fl. Buoram, OhleJ Dtpdt Quartermaster, _ Washington, 0. 0. m GUABAHTXB. We, the undersigned, residents of ———. in tfc» county of ■ - ■ and State of '■ ■ ■■ hereby, 'olntly and severally, covenant with the United State*, and gouaxiUe, In case the fores oing bid of bi< accepted, that he or they will, within ten days after the acceptance of said bid, execute the contract for the earn* With good and sufficient sureties, In a sum equal to th» amount of the contract, to furnish the forage .proposed In conformity to the terms of advertisement dated De cember 8, 1868. under which the bid was made, and, fc» ease the said ■■ shall IMI to enter into a contrast a* aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the difference be tween the offer by the said and the next lowe* . responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contract may be awarded. witness • 1 Given under our hands and seal?* fthJs—-—day of , us . CBeal.] CSeaLJ 1 hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge an< belief, the above-named guarantors are good and soft elent as sureties for the amount for which they offer tu be security. ■ . Tobe certified by the United, States District Attorney. Coll ester of Gtutoms, or any - other officer under the Uaftedßtates Government, «r responsible person known to this office. All propoealareoelved nftder this advertisement will be opened ana examined at this office on Wednesday and Saturday of eeeh. week, at IS M. Bidders are reepectftil - lylnvHsdtobfipresent at the 4ril'-H 9tU*4m On«*l w4*nMrt«9Mt«r. KAIIROAD PENNSYLVANIA BAILROAO.g _-■ ■ * PHILADELf HIA TO PITTS BDRO 830 MIDAS DODBIi • TRaCK. DHB SHOBT KODTB TO THE WBST. Train. 1«t« rii, Dwot.(Blmsth u(d Market itrwMi ufoUowa: ■ „ . „ Mail Train at—---»>»«»- m-aOBA Ax. Fast Line at 1140 A. M Through Express at..—«lo-.30P. M. ParkSburg Train—► LOOP. M. Harrisburg Accommodation Train at- —2.90 P. M Lancaster Train at 4.0 G P. M. The Through Expreu train rune daily—all the other AND THJB WMT. The Mall Train, Fast Line, and Through Express con nect at Pittsburg.with through trains on all the diverg ing roads from that point. North to the Lakes, West tc the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, and South %n& Southwest to all points accessible by Railroad. _ INDIANA BRANCH RAILROAD The Through Bxprese, eon nects, at Blatrsrllle Inter section* with a train on this road for Bhairsrille, In diana. &e. EBENBBUIK* * CRESSON BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through. Express Train eon seats at Gresson at 10.45 A- M., with a train on this road for Ebensborg. A train also leases for Bbensbarc at 8.45 P. M HOLLIDAYSBtJEG BRANCH RAILROAD. The Mail Train and Through. Express connect at Al toona with trains for HolUdarsbarr at 7.65 P. M. and 8.40 A M TYRONE & CLBARPIRLD BRANCH RAILROAD The Through Express Train connects at Tyrone with trains for Sandy Ridge. PhllUnsburg, Port Matilda. Milesburg. and Bellefonte. _ HUNTINGDON & BROAD-TOP RAILROAD. The Through Exprow Win connects at Huntingdon SJ& JL&S& for Popewell and Bloody Bun at A 5$ A. M NORTHERN CENTRAL a PHILADELPHIA & BRIR _ RAILROADS. FOK SUBBtrRT, WILLIAMSPORT. I/O OK HAVBV, Slid all points on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, and El mira. Rochester. Buffalo, akd Niagara Falls. Pai-sentera taking the Mail Train, at 8 00 A M., and the Through Express, at 10.30 p. M.. go directly through Without change of cars between Philadelphia and Wil liam sport. _ __ __ For YORK, HANOVBB. and GETTYSBURG. the trains leaving at A. M. and 2*Bo P. M., connect at Columbia with trains on toe Northern Central Railroad. CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. The Mail Traia.and Through Express connect at Har risburg with trains for Canute, Ch&mbsrsborg, Ha g*rrtOWWAYNESBUBG BRANCH RAILROAD. The trains leaving at 8.00 A. M. and 2. SO F. M. connect at Downington with trains on this road for Waynes bnrg and all intermediate stations. FOB WEST CHESTER. Passengers for West Chester taking the trains leaving &«§o&«&i£ d of 1 »£ d * P - M - “ “"!** Far forth., lnfomuilon, awply »t th. Primhc « BU. Mon.* 8. B. toair of ELEVENTH and MARKET Strata. JAMES GOWDEM. Ticket A sent. . ‘ WESTERN EMIGRATION. Aa. -Emigrant Accommodation Train leaves No. 187 Dock street dally (Sundays excepted), at i o’clock P. M. For fall Information apply to FRANCIS FUNK, Emigrant Agent, 137 DOCK Street. - FREIGHTS. By tms ronw iraigiUß m all ueavripiloos can be for wardedto and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, lllinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis souri, op railroad aired, or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. For fwsht contrasts' or shipping directions, apply to S. B, KINGSTON, Jr., Philadelphia. x „ ' ENOCH LEWIS, jali-ti General Superintendent, Altoona, Fa. iQCd ARRANGEMENTS OF i O /,i 1004. NEW YOEK LINES. 1«04. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY’S LINES, FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW TORE AMD WAY FLAOBS. *ROK WALNUT STREET WHARF. WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS-VIE: At 6A. M., via Camden and Amboy, O. and A. Ae eommedation, «***is At BA. M., via Camden ana Jersey City, Morning Express g qjj At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City, 2d Class Ticket..,...* a gg At 12 M, via Camden and Amboy, O. and A. As eommodation , 2 %S At 2 P.M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex press 3 qo ■fit IF. Camden and Amboy, Accommoda . Won, (freight and Passenger) x 71 At 0 r. M„ via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion* (Freight and Passenger)—lst Glass Ticket... 225 Do. do. 2d Class do.—. Igo At 7* i%, M v via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger,) Ist Class Ticket... 225 _ „ . 2d Class Ticket.. 150 For Maueh Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Behrldore, K V^2wr^i a ? l^ B^YlL1 e‘ Fleming ton, Ac., at 8 P. M. m 1 KwRDBTUie * I2I4 Pemberton, ate A. ¥cv FreehoJa at 6*A. M. and 2 P. H. .* For Palmyra, Riverton, Delasco, Beverly, Burling ton, Florence Bordentown, *«., at 6A. M., 12 M., 1, ?^S?i Th9S “ d r - *■ For Palmyra, Riverton, Delaneo, Beverly, and Bur lington, at 6« P. M. LINES FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE .. . __ . _ .AS FOLLOWS* via Kensington and I Jersey m* ABd New York Mail. At 11.15 A. M„ via Kensington and Jersey City. Ex press,] no At 4.30 P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, Ex press g (JO F* M.» via Kensington and Jersey City; Waehinrton and New York .express. 3oo Lines leave at 1.60 A. M. and 6.45 P. M. S. 11 } be no at 1.50 A. M. (Night) on Mondays °Wi Stroudsburg. Scranton, Wilkesbarrs, Great Bend, Mauch Chunk, AHantown, Bath lehem, Belvidere. Easton. Lambertville. Flemlngton, fcl** a H* This line connects with the train leav ‘aS„Easf?.n/°,r Mancli Chunk at 3.38 P. M. > and 6 P r M° ! ’ Tlenton ’ *t7 and U. 15 A. M., and 3 - Tacony, Wln.ouojn'.iia. Drldesbnna, and Yranhfoid. at 9A. M., 6. 6.« t and 8 P. M. vvE®* For New York and Way Lines leaving Kenaingtou Depot, take the cars on Fifth, street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars run into the Depot, find on the arrival of each train run from the Depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passes ter. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fllty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility, for baggage to Cue Dollar per pound, find will not be liable for any amount beyond tIOO. or ient dv special contract. Graham’s Baggage Express will call for and deliver baggage at the Dlpsts. Orders to be left at No. 3 Wal nut street. WILLIAM H. GAT2MBB, Agent, January 20,1864. LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA, a a -SW* bBAVR FROM FOOT OF OORTLAHDT STRBBT. • Pin 1 ; a isr 4 4J>- m. via Jersey City and Camden. At LdKeMta&i. P ‘ M • “ d U j4r *W 01 *» . From foot of Barclay street sit 6A. H. and 2P. M., via Amboy and Camden.* From Pier No. 1, North river, at 12 M, 4 and BP. M. Cfrelaht and passenger) Amboy and Camden. ia4-tf SfflKra PHILADELPHIA ITTWHWaHiI AND ELMIRA R. B. LINK 1883. FALL AND WINTER ARRANGE- 18SSt _For WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, ELMIRA. BUT. I^l* And all Mint* In the Weni PM«ow»r Treine Inure I) Spat of Philadelphia J onle l *nd CALLOWHILL Streets, at 8.16 A, M. and 3.50 F. M., dally, Sundays excepted. QinCKBBT ROUTE from Philadelphia to points in Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New Zork, As., file. Baggage cheeked through to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, or intermediate points. For further information apply to JOHN S. flllfLES. General Aged, THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL. and office N W earner SIXTH and CHESTNUT streets. WEST CHESTER & PHILADELPHIA, TIA VHg * PENNSYLVANIA OENTBAXi RAILBOAD. ' Fu««,|en for West Chester leaye the d6pdt. .ornar of CHANOB OF CARS 8 * and *° thron * h WITHOUT , . FROM PHILADELPHIA. Lmt, at J.ooA.M....».ArriveWs«tCh«rt,r 9.50 a. m. “ “ I.OOP. M. “ “ 8.00P.M. " “ 4.COP. M. " “ 8 OOP M _ , FROM WEST CHESTER. Leayeat B.OOA. M...... Arrive West Phi1*...8.88 A. M. •• ;; b.*p. m. _ B.OOP. M. ** *• ff.JOP. M. Faeeencera for Western point, from West Cheater eon nectat the Intersection with the Mail Train at 9.17 A. M.. the Harrisburg Accommodation at 3.65 P. M.. and the Lancaster Train at 6.26 P. M. * * - Freight delivered at the d6pst, corner of Thirteenth and Market streets, previous to 11.30 A. M., will be for- SSgaS ?7 the Accommodation Train, and reach West vHviiw as o, oo p, El, Per Heksta and farther Information, apply to ■ . JAMES OOWDEN, Ticket Aienl, Ja9-tapl ELEVENTH and MARKET Sreek 1863. g—B 1863. PHILADELPHIA AND EBIE TCATT^ S2A?^T^ h!B eat traverses the Northern and Northwest (mantles of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. * «.««*, n/fanW/SSSMSS 1 * 4 V MNHSYLVAHIA RAIL BOAD COMPANY, and under their auspice# Is being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It is now in use for Passenger and Freight basinets from Harrisburg to Emporium, (196 miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Brie, (78 miles) on the Western Division. * TIME OF FABSEITGBE TRAINS AT FHI&APBhFSIA ~ „ „ Leave westward. Mail Train,... *.•*»,.*«** 8.00 A. M, Express Train... io.so P. M Cars run through without change both ways on these trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and be tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both wavs between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport SHU Palißa elphia. w For information respecting Passenger business finely at the Southeast corner Eleventh and Market Streets And for Freight business of the Company’s Agents * 6. B KINGSTON, Jr., corner Thirteenth and Market streets, Philadelphia: J. W. REYNOLDS, Erie. J. M. DRILL, Agent N. C. R.R., Baltimors. H H. HOUSTON. General IgdpM A„at, GeneraljTlcket mhfi-tf General Manager, A^niiauisport. ns. MiMm NORTH PENNSYL- RAILROAD—Faf reitij e DNK ® _ WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Fuasunr Tr.lns leay« the new Depot, THIRD Street. Srflow,: “ I *°” **'“*• 4,117 ‘Sbmwl Ch^fcm.ht^w’imJ^itf^*^ Allentown. Hurt mu?: ft-ffisaafiiadiask^gags-fc Tor Doyleatown at AWAR*ad 4 M/andk W> M. White cars of the Second and Third streets llns Gitv Passenger run directly to the new Depotr TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethlehem at 8,80 A. tf., 9 80ATH uuds arm w Leave Doylestown at«. 30ArM m£A % 'pm B, Leave Fort Washln^on^dfi.^l M. M. and 4 16P. M. Deyleatown for Philadelphia at 7.30 A. M. and 2P. lL -*235 ELLIS CLARK, Agent fsrjnyipsa west CHESTER RoTd” lM"mA A;n> PHILADELPHIA RAIL WINTER ARRANGEMENT On and fifter MONDAYTdSKS yH. im *w 8 end 10.48 A. M., and at i and ip ff ”*■ ” rrrr ri*r I r?,t *ri n n r <*THIBTY-FIBBr end MAX Sumr**" I*' 1 *' (West Philadelphia) at e. j» MARKET Stress Leave Philadelphia 2 P M £ “■ tWttsr’Meo® I si,** «-* d,7 ~ U G«e»nO^?i>CTlnMd«t. EXPRESS CONPAEIES. THE ADAMS IX CmEBTJUT °R-« *» wMjjHohwiSfo^KwhwnS to all the frinsieal Towns and Cities In theoute* „ B. 8. BANDFOSD. General Superintendent 4 KLECTKICtTY. l I WOSnBKVBI. DIBCOVEBT WORUjSKJOI, 3 j .. BRBOLSBI | ! fi'triSS&'SisigK f dssiSi a cation* of Electricity, without shocks or env no i * pliant sensation. farther infSmatiS 1 1 and get a pamphlet, wWeh contains o* a ff certificates from seme of the most r<3t££ilw?,r tJ 9 1 sgjgm t J f fail course c£ lectures at any time. Prof. 9&ZjLffS s a is tsJSxsr*««\ 2 CoHMuttation. free, % V TRO». BOUJB * ttJLU.GWA.I. 1 T naU-fim IUSC »Al,Wfiy H. Phlladelubta. I T)FAF MADE TO HEAB.—INSTBU-- -A-'- meats to assist the hearing at P. MADURA’S Mo. 11* Bouth TEETH A. below Chestnut. fafl-iat* rjABD AND FANCY JOB FEINTING, v Mw»aw«,T*wvninsiotswS: ACrCTIOW SAIESi TOHN B. MYERS & 00.. AUCTION v EBBS, Nos. »3» and a?* MARKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF X PACKAGES BOOTS. SHOE&. B ROG a ffB ho, 4 T a lb MOKNfNG. A CARD.—We invite the early attention of dealers to our sal*-of boots, shoes brogue- ; travelling bags, ic., me . embracing sunples of 1100 packages ~fprt<ne and fresh manufactured goods, tobeparemtortiy sold by ca talogue, on four months’ credit, commencing tbls morn log, at 10 o’clock precisely. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BOOTS. SHOES, BRO- , . . GADS, ho NOTICE. —Included in oar ♦'Hie of boots, shoos, &e., to be held on Tu- sday Morning-. Fab. 13. m3-be fouadl in part the following prime and fre- h goods, to be so d witfcoot reserve# via: Men’s fine calf Congress boots ftnd shoes; men s ana boys' ealf and kip b,ogau»i man’* fine patent teethe* boots and abose; men’s and women's gaiter do.: lonjr-lem&d grain boot'; high-cat miiicair shoes; youths' hair welt tip boors; men a do.; wmoa'e and misses' goat Balmo>al hoots; morocco boots-; fine city-made kid welt buskins: ladies* gaiter boots; kW r. R. ties; colored and black Ustin* buskins; men'e-flnc city-made calf, morocco and kid boots; men s pncap-sole grain boots; men's bnff leather pumpboots: men s pump sole calf boots; do. seal pamp sole boots; women s lined and bonnd boots; youths' kip misses gram ties; misses' grain buskins; mis*es spring heel grain lace boots; women’s grain lace boots: ffOlQfiflS grfti# ties* boys’kip orogans; mteees' glazed' morocco boots % men’s half welt calf do ; youths' hair wait calf do.; chil dren's brogane; traveling bags, Ac., &C, LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF l.ino PACKAGES BOOTS, SHOES. BROGANS ARMY GOODS, die., Ac, „ . THIS HORNING. February 16th, at 10 o'cloca, will be sold by catalogue. Without reserve, on four months’ credit, about I.un pack ages boots, shoes, brogans, balmorils, army boots, and shoes, gum shoes, Ac., of city and Eastern manu facture. embracing a fresh and prime assortment of desi rable articles, lor meat iromea &&d children. If B —Samples, with catalogues, early on the morn ing of sale. ,tAFGB POSITIVE PALE OF BRITISH, FRENCH. GERMAN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS FOR SPRING SALES. We will hold a large sale of British, French, German- and domestic Dry Goods, by catalogue, ou four months' credit and part for cash ou _ . TBDRSDAY Mi>Rf»XNG, February 18. at 10 o’clock, embracing about # • „ 700 packages and lots, Offtaple and fancy articles in woolens, linens, cottons. Silks, and worsteds, for city and country sales. N. B. —Pacnpleß of the same will be arr&uod for ex amination with catalogues early on the moroing of sale, when dealers will find it to their interest to attend. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF DOMtSTtC AMD- FOR „ . E)GN DRY GOOD*. CARPETS, Ac. Included. in our * ale of Thursday, ve«»ruary 18th, will be found fn part, the following desirable articles, to be sold on four months' credit, part ter o-ish—viz; cases ann bales bleached and brown, muslins cases and bales blue drills and flannels, “ capes fancy madder prncs, cases indigo blue tickings and etrlp&S. —cases Kentucky jeans and p&ntalooning. cases fancy casaiftisi-s and sattlnets. cates English hemp carpets. cases fancy dre-n goods. cases silk btrlp*d mohairs. cases alpacas and coburgs. . cases Italian cloths. CLOTHS. CAsSIMEBES, BATTINOTS Ac. ON TBUBSDAY. February 18 will be sold about 325 pieces French cloths. cßßsimeres, meltons, coatings, linen ducks and anils, bteyn, vestings, serges. &c , Ac., LINEN GOODS. A fall assortment of linen furnishing goods. In skirting linens, printed and plain linen handkerchiefs, woven shirt fronts, lablo cloths and diapers Large bale op cotton hosiery, gloves. • , , . HOOP SKIRTS, Ac. included in our *&le on Thurso ay, February 18th, will be found about 5100 doz*n cotton hosiery and gloves of a celebrated and favorite rnnke. in great variety, well Worthy the attention of th* trade. Also—2oo doztn fancy travelling shirt 3. 200 dozen best quality hoop skirts. White good*, spool cotton, sewing silks, silk ties, pearl buttons, trimming*, hat,- brushes, kid g'oves. embroidered collars and sleeves, vest chains, wallets, pipes, Ac. w Also—A stock of fancy and staple dry goods, to boso’d for cash. LARGE POSITIVE SPECIAL SALE O? soft hats. On FRIDAY MOXNISG, February 19th. at 10 o’clock, Will be peremptorily sold by cata ogae on four months' credit, 675 cases Men’s and Boy’* Soft Hats, inoludius every variety of shape, quality, colors, and stvie. re cently manufactured for Spring sales, to which we in' vitethe attention of dealers, as the sale will be peremp- Samples, with catalogues, early on the mornlns M THOMAS & SONS, • Nob. 139 and Idl South FOURTH Street. CARD. —Sales of Real Estate, Stocks. Ac . at tha ES CHAhGE EVERY TUESDAY, Pamphlet Catalogue each Saturday previous. * FURNITURE at Auction Store THURSDAYS. LARGE BALE OF REtL ESTATE, STOCKS Stc THIS DaY * 16th iu?t , at 11 o’clock* at the Rxcliaigs, a large amvmnt«freal estate,by order 6f Orphans’ Court execu tors, and other* ; including 3 valuable business ’stands. Nos. 46 48 and 472 South Second street;6o acres valuable land Ablngton fetation; elegant residence corner Tenth and Spruce; valuable store. Soring Garden street* gen teel dwellings, Vine street. Eighth street. &c : tavern afid stables. Filbert street, between Seventh and Klahih; also, first class bank and other stocks, loans, <xc See pamphlet catalogue. / ■ SALB OF MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, FROM A LI THIS AFTERNOON. February 16. at the Auction siore, an assortment of miscellaneous books, from a library. SALB OF MISCELLANEOUS. SCHOOL, AND MEDICAL BOOKd. „ , • ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, Feb. 17tb, at the Auction Store, an assortment of mis cellaneous, school, and medical books. Sale at Nos. 139 and 141 Pouth FOURTH Street SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ELEGANT PJANOS ME LODKON, MIRRORS, FIRE-PROOF 81FSS. BAGA TELLE-TABLE, FUSE VELVET CARPSTS&c On THURSDAY MORNING, at 9 o’clock. The superior furniture, elegant rosewood 7-octave piano, by Chambers & Gabler, New York; one by Scho maker; one by Gilbert, &c ; mantel mirror, 2 fire-proof safes by Herring, fine velvet carpets, Ac. Also, 18 wine and brandy casks, gin and port wine pipes, suitable for store fixtures. 4 , AT PRIVATE SALE. . •-* large and splendid collection of fine oil paintings, oi the American. English, Belgian, and French schools of art. comprising the names of well-known artists fro* Jioth hemispheres, is now on exhibition and for sale fot one toeeis. 13Y HENRY P. WOLBERT. _ „„„ •^TJCTIONEfiR, No. 303 K South Side, above Second CLOAKINGS, CLOTHS. CASSIMERES. SATINETS. DRT GOODS, Ac „ ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, Feb. 1/tn, atlO o’clock, will be sold mixed cloakings, tweeds, black cloths, casilmeres, eatiiietfl, flannels. Si aids, ducals, print muslins, wool jackets, merino rawers, gauze shirts, steel-spring skirts, ribbons, trim mings, handkerchiefs, neckties, cotton hosiery, gloves, veils, spool cotton, wallets, knives and forks, carvers, silver-plated forks, chains, combs, Ac. Also, men’s and boys’ boots; women’*, misses’, and children’sb&lmorals and shoes; felt hats, &c. . Bpgiti&r Sales of Dry Goods, Trimmings, Notions. &* every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FffIDAY MOSH ING3, at 10 o’clock precisely. City and country Deslers are requested to attend fltfe sales. Gonsirnments respectfully solicited from Manufict*. rers, Importers, Commission, Wholesale and Jobbing Houses, and Eetailers of all and every description at Merchandise. 49“ A BOY WANTED at the Aaction Store. pHAS. C. MACKEY, AUCTIONEER, No. 336 MARKET St., bet ireen Third and Fourth. 600 LOTS WHITE GRANITE ANO COMMON WARE. GLASSWARE. LAMPS. LAMP WICK, Ac THIS^aOItNIBO, At 10 o’clock, at Macks?’■ Auction Room. No. S2O Sfarkei street, in lots suitable for dtv and country retail trade. _ Administrators* Sale. ENGLISH AND FiiJSNGH CHINA WARE, WHITE „ GKANITk ANDO. 0. Wire, &c 7 Also. French and English China Tea Sets, gold band and plain: whit© granite plates, dishes, bakers, cans and saucers, soup and sauce tureens; C. C. and edge ware, chair pans, printed ware, &c , from the stock of a wholesale house, to be sold for account of the eitate of a person deceased. 49*’ This will be tiielargeat and best assortment offered at auction for a long time, and will be found deserving the attention of city and country trade. It IBGAIi. pALEB CUSHING EYRE vs. AM AM BA D MERCIER BT AL. p District Conri. Dec. T.. 186 a No. 44. Order of Saleiu The Auditor appointed to report distribution of the iffnev h T ord ? r of sal ? in above proeoed- Ibis of all that lot or pleoa of ground with the two brick messuages thoreoh erected, situate on the east side oi P'oot striet, between Catharine and Queen etreets, lit tbe Third ward or the cityof Philadelphia, containing in front H 4 feet and in depth 120 feet, wiU meet the pa * ties interested for the purposes of Ms apoointment at his office, at the southeast corner of EIGHTH and LOOIIST Sheets ““ i’tfSSDA? AFTERNOON. Feb™™ 21A I) 18»4. at 4 o’clock. DANL. DOHGHRR^y, felslot Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE C I T I A? B COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. 1-1,1 of FELLOWBS. deceas&. The Auditor appointed to audit settle, and adjust the third account of SARAH FELLOWBS. WILLIAM T RDaNE. and JOHN HULHE, Executors and Trustees of tbe Estate of CALEB FELLOWBS, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the ac countants, will meet the parties interested. for the pne- K B *,,??, 111 ? appointment, on MONDAY, February 22. RtSLf t Phn£d°,u lt m' M " his office. No. 706 WALNuf St l e ®;-S,% l , adBlphU - B. H. BREWSTER. feibtnthsdt _ Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND OOHNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate or JOHN T. RICKETTS. Decoae-d berebp alyen that ANNIE RrCKECTS, the S « said decedent. haR filed In said court her petl- H™ and an appraisement of the personal estato which ihe elects to retain, under the aet of April 14, 1851, and the supplements thereto, and that the same will be an. proved by said court on Fridsy. the Wsh dayof FebrEl ary, 1864. unless exceptions thereto be filed. BBr feO ftn4t >UN B ' c °hAHAa, Attorney for Petitioner. T El TERS TESTAMENTARY UPON WbUpMient feStf « d GEORGE HORNE, Darby Township. HENRYH PASCHALt Bra> dywina Hand red. Dal. „ bbnj. paschall. Twenty-fourth Ward. Phlla. Or to their Attorney* R 6 RASCEALL. 718 WALM7T Street. ‘ATOTIOE —LETTERS RY JWM the Estate of ELIZABETH CHRISTM4* de ceased, having been granted to the undersea tied, all per sons havisv claims against said B- tate are requested to make Known the tame, without d«lav. to H v SABAH 0. SACTERBIBB. > M . •WILLIAM CHRrSTM a»W Sxecutora. 913 ftAHB Street. fr9«tu6t» TT S INTERNAL BE VENUE, m_ T w.l ß s n < i or,LßCTrotr DISTRICT, PA.. wiSSSfiS? Thirteenth, Sixteenth, Heventeenth, jjjhtejnth, *nd nineteenth wards of theC city of Phlln _ , NOTICE, aJ*£* J*?? 1 *! assessment, for the above-named dis trict, of all mwom liable to a tax on carriages, *plea yacht*, billiard tables, and gold and silver plate, all required to take out licenses, having been completed, .. _ 4 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, uat the taxes, aforesaid will be received daily by the un* designed. between the houra of 9A. M. and S P M (Bun w?TTf.^! d) \ ftt hie office, S. W corner of THIRD and WILLOW Streets, on and after MON OAT, February Ist. 1964, and until and including MONDAY, the 23d dav of the same month. „ PENALTIES. All persons who fair to pay their annual taxes unon carriages, pleasure yachts, bfmardtables, and goldsnd on OT be/ ?£* the aforesaid 221 of Februarv 1864, Wwl incur a penally of ten per centum addUlonale'f the amount thereof, and costs, as provided for in thsieth section of the excise law of July 1; 1862. w - lue All persons who. in like manner, shall fail to tav-a F.hrni?l ,l ish a 4t?i q f l I aa bTlaw v onpitMfoxi tlSffid?; THSEI’TWiS Thl E&I8F&W LIOBSSB iS.SWSKr ,UIOM of «- B£S??A2SirtV^lt d Stat “ aad not « of n» National »o fnrthtr noHce (tl-yen, h w '/_s'A I ,J J ’WBIGHT, Collector* com » < *”™> *° a Wlb^,aTA W H . ITE VIRGIN WAX OF AN »„«. !—A new French Cosmetic for beautify* ts?* •“4 preserving the Complexion. Ills L,tiv Inop \_ wonderful compound of tne age- There is ftfcJtiicr chalk, powder, magnesia bismuth nor tale In Its composition, it being composed entirely of pure Virgin y*nx~- hence Via extraordinary qualities for proper ▼in* s r fe«ktn-saakln*it soft, smooth, fell, and transparent! It makes the old appear yonng. the homely handsome! toe handsome more beautiful, and the most beautiful 43 Tine Prf**, » and 60 cants. Prepared only by HUNT i 00., perfumers, 4-1 South BTOHth Btreet. two doors «h/>™ n>>A»t«TTt *77/1 13* PonAh fiXVUVTR fil licHLflas "MRS. JAMES BEITS’ CELEBRATED BUPPORTBRB BOR LADIES, and the only Bu nortete undtt eminent radical patronage. Ladlea uui appliances. Those only are genuine bearing thirutSfi State, corTrt.ht; labeli on tlfe fiJSLS?JJ n iS4 aUe on tbaanppor&wi. with t*stlmoalala^SlßSa*^y MAOXHB.L, herring, shad, B 2 r ao bola Hew Kaetport, Fortane Bay, andHalifx* !^bfcw I fiMat a - attd 1 H.rrlo,. m k . fc,. m aoxwtfi jMTOTION SAK.K9. t?URNESB, 'SKINLEY It 00., T ITo. MS OH&STtnTTaiidß 191 JAYSH «»***, LARGE BALE T Oy WPOR7SD DXT OOOB& Tuoriar. *el> is. commencing at 10 o'clock, ami to be sold on 4 months’ creejt _ ... „ . A CARD TO TfcE TRADR-’We wiU»eU, Ing, at our new store, No Street, a and very desirable astortmenftt of Dry Good*, comprls ing 000 packages and late . , . .. . _ The Goods are all of this season *importation, audilm attention of tbe Trade is requested. as the goods are of high grade and in exteiMve variety. DRESS GOODS. . ...... The particular attention of buyers to celled eortment of Dress Goods The line Is verr large. ana tbevsnety oompii-es the different falxncs of Engiim ana Continental manufacture catalogues and samples now ready. NOTICE.—BALE OF 100 CASE? SRWTSH NStilS GOOD*. Just Lrtude L THIS AfOR TflfG Ffthruarr IBth. at 10 o’clock"-lfO coses Sfdtiek 9***? Goods, all new styles, ju t landed: comprising smm nigh costEUk warns; goods for City Trade; , PARIS DRBBS GOOD S. 100 pieces 0-4 *illr warp Brilliant Terltues. fiJS ‘,L 8 4 “ Goteleene Facoudo. .. »„ 3W 6-4 Stripe and Tartan. Plaid 60 Q 4 neat Maid Valencia*.,.- . . . linen table cloths. _ An In voice of heavy and super quality'ilfteW irw Linen Damask Table Cloths. _ Balmo k ,l" AND CLOAKS. 2000 new style Balmorals. 1001) new «P'ing Cloaks, BLACK GEOS DB RHINEB AND GROS CWFAHTK 24 to 40-inch black Gros ds Rhiues and Gres Gratae SHAWLB 200 broebe stella shawls. 600 fancy L»ma shawls, wool fringes. FIRST LARGE pa;kagb sale of spring* »gy GOODS, AT OUB NEW taTORR, CIA OMSSTNuV ■£ AND OiA JAYNE ST., BKfTIRN GOODS, THIB MORNING, cases 6 4 black alpacas aud mohairs. cases 6 4 silk stripe reginas, cases worsted bmehe -ancles. cases fancy cheeked mohair lustres. cases small check mohairs. cues mozami-'iqtie*, printed bareges. '. _ Also, checks, arlnabams. aemt-strtpes, tMnlUAdb LINEN DRILiB AND MABSEILLEfiT VESTINGS MEBOHaKT TAILORS, 160 pieces French fancy linen drills. ' 1200 pieces French ncy- floured Marseilles TMtiaiA pieces London flue Valencia. pieces fancy silk venilnss ' LINEN D&'LLa, BLRys, aND LINEN DAMASK.. •—pieces brown linen drilis. pieces 4-4 and 3-4 fine bley linens. pieces 7*4 to 10-4 brown lioen damasks. BLACK ITALIAN HEWING 81LK. SO ca«e» ltaHat. aUk. One invoice of fancy and black ai<k nock ties. ■*-<» PIECES aOOBS -I.COO pieces super new style Saxony worea dree* ,ood ’i>ißis ALL-woor, MonsLiir bs lain**. 100 pieces superior quality mode, higa coleced* «H biaokmonßlin^etaines^aUwool^pg (Justlaoded ) thus morning. —• esses London 6 4 black alnacas aud Pdf® mohairs - cases choice col’d .. v® - cases newest ►tylenlaid check Mud stripe linens. cases solid colors fine mohairs, cases silk stripe do oases 6-4 printed alpacas; PARIS 6 4 MOZAUBIQGEB. 8 oases Paris 6-4 mode col'd Mazambiquee. 2 ” Paris high-col’d pi bid do DAMAGED DRT GOODS FOR CASH. THIS MORNING. , _ ' . « Feb. 16th, for Cash, a large invoice of Domestic wry Goods, slightly dan aged at a late fire, conetstlug of— — Brown and bleacher mnslin cottonades, tweeds, jeans, indigo-blue checks, print-, fianuels. mouelln d# lalces, printed drills, woolen H nose. Ac , «e. PAN COAST * WaRNOUK, AOa TIOPHEKB. jro-MOMABKKT Stiwt SSP®>SSP wlip^ST &o..&...b,cntM S^gl)[fß , l)AT> Feb. 17.1864, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely* com prising about.76o lots fresh andldesirable goods for epriag sales. "PHILIP FOBD & 00.. AUOTIONBBUa, A- SS» MARKRTnnd BBS GOMMBSCJS Stmt' LABOR POSITIVE BALE OP 1,600 GABES BOOTS. SHOSB, BKOGANB, AOj. O* THURSDAY MORNING, Feb. 18, will be sold, by catalogue, for cash, com mencing at 10 o clock precisely, 1.610 cases boats, shoal* brogans, belmorals, gaiter*, slippers, &e-« embracing a prime wsortment of goods direct from ad aptfrd to spring sal-s. Goode open for examination, with catalogue, early oft the morning of sale. • Fir SCOTT & STEWART, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS* jed lm 6313 CHESTNUT St. andO >5 S tNdOM Street. QALE OF CONDEMNED HOKsiJSS AND KJ MULES. Chief Quabtervastbr's Office, Dep >t of Washinqtou. WASHiyoroy. Feb. 6, 1804. Will be sold at public auction at the Corrals, near the Observatory, in tbe city of Washington, D. 0., on Wed ne.<Uy, condemned as unlit for public service. TERMS—Cash, in Government funds, gale to commence at 10 o’clock A_ Bf. D H. RUOKBR. Brigadier Gneeral aud Chief Quartermaster* feB-8t DOp&tof WaMblnatcni. SHIPPING. BOSTON AND PHILADEL- S&alfiHtoPHlA STEAMSHIP DINE, sailing from east Km on SATURDAYS, from first wharf, above PINS reetr Philadelphia, aud Long Wharf, Boston. The steamer SAXON, Capt. Matthew*, will sail from Philadelphia for Boston, on Saturday, February 20, at K o’elock A. M; and steamer NORMAN, Capt, Baker* from Boston for Philadelphia, on same day. at 4 P. M. , These new and substantial steamships form a regains line, sailing from each port punctually on Saturdays. Insurance effected at oae-half the premium charged on call vessels. Freight* taken at fair rates. Shipper* are requested to send Slip Setalpts and Bill* Lading with their good*. tfor Freight or P&m&co (h&Yim fln« &i«ominodatlo£i&% apply to HBNfi f WiNSOE & 00.. MSI South DELAWARE atohuo. ” STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVBBs tooehlnc at Qaeen.WiWn, (Cork HtT* hor. I The well-known Steamers of the Ltramdol. Maw Toik.and Philadelphia Steamship Company ara intend* ea to sail an follows: ED INBTTRGH ■*. - •.. Saturday. F.buarr 13. Saturday;'FebruS? & CITY OP L0ND0N......... bsturday, February 37, And e-ver? succeeding Saturday at noon, from Pier 80. M North Hirer. „ ~ , BATES OF PASSAGE: *oGold* or Its equivalent in Currency. IIKbT CABIN, MO 00 STEEBAOB. 830 00 Do. to London. 80 oo Do. to London. SI 06 Do. to Paris BS 00 go. to Parla. ffi 8) Do. to Hamburg, 90 001 Do. fa, Hambnrs.SS 00 Passenger* also forwarded to'Havre, Bremen. Sorter dam, Antwerp, Ac., at equally low rates »« a *i!uf ro^ tsv6Tp SL ol or Queenstown: Ist Cabin, m ASS, $lO9. Steerage from Liverpool and Queenstown, MB. Those who wish to send tor their friend* can buy ticket* here at these rates.. ” For farther Information,apply at the ComMny ’* offices, iai9 mw,MigJ}^Sida»W MEDICAt. QLD STANDING CHRONIC DIS. „ . EaSEB, In their worst forms, cared by special rua iaan' wWnW »t the Institution of ProfBJLLM, aXi! street, Philadelphia, where he hu S t , blls fe ed .“T. e t r loar yoat". and has eared thoa *H*2,*?f °nr beet citip us of diseases which had reiUtai t'oatment for years. rrof. BOLLES, foamier and teacher of the only trn* 7. 1 •F.?Ssi“ apply!”* Maanetleiu, Galean .an4 ottM modifications ol Elactrloity. om a coratlv, ■JCfJt;. takes pleasure. In referring to the following taT* beenenredor obstlnatedlseasoa. street C ' ShurliBff ‘ Cancer In Stomach, 3723 Uarket IS23 Sonth Broad street. street 1 LTr ' Bro “ ci »lal Consumption, 817 South float Bdward T. Evans, preacher of the M. B. Church, Dys. £b!imuth Lar ynmu»,and Lumbaao, lffi H, Shatne, Paralysis of the lower limbs CPa. M^FlVlfo otth *«**”»«* **. Thomas Owens, Congestion of the Brain and seveH ‘he Lunas and Diabetes, American Hotel! -ji B ? l ® ,??*%*• Deafness for six years,and ringing and s in tne bead, fifteenth and Bedford streets Phtmfe“h?a MTOP ' MTera Diabetes, Bose Mills? Wert Chesta at swart' BhBam,tl ° Goa ‘- lon* standing, BO “ d *“•*■**» otfhiKte'^ L^mbSoT!a6Hn?it,‘lit. D • »»* «»«• mnlS 11l “ I l, (!ra ‘ ,I,n i lll ®-1227 front strest. »«"«“»DobiUtyand Dj.pepsta.lOl “ d °«‘ etand^l^fch ß^SS 1 . a i 1 r«t onStt,aDtlOn - 0t 4T * *“» M a M Apkonla. Philadelphia “• Herrons Prostration, Cadbury aw *e'ttf^eet.^,D *“ Pallaoa * rr Consumption, HtflUf. by T h!£^n'th?fXwlL n , e dl l .e^**' fol ’ wj ““ iEr Isl”"- gasiee™. !&-■ Bronchitis, LwM^ mPUt,lta ’ Constipation, LarynStt*. °i?^ ptlott * *» tte Losa of Memory, n^* 8 *®?! Liver Complaint*. Coa section, Lumbago. r IS?£Js*®»* M«r*nrlal DUeow, Catarrh, _ Senrai*i», uataneon* Dluaui, VeiroiuMn Contraotlona of Mnaclo*, Hols* in tha ;Ooidn*Mof Foet and Hand*, Old Sows UUA * m Dimness of Bight, Piles. m.’tehjofLlmb.. tS3Kf*SSSa l!§“' ofttSWOlQb ' Ijne^JeS"!^ 011 ** 1 ' l|“- SgCL H Sk«on rasa. SSSSff^ jalstr F,ohßl IS^LIF* SSSH«SIf? lolai “A dtSolved practice will be continued by TffOß Ab£Ss p ®Hrfc. established office. Ho. 728 Horth. TBSTH StraA Ssi??assa *?<v« without ft shock op any pain* ) viUuuTaSr #nd FatoPMd Asai Diutata*. ' iL*£Stuß. Bronchitic. DeafaS? 1 **, P.M. Tabs ant’s ___ —EERsevescbitp SELTZER APERIENT TE»KB ha* racawSi S eomanendatlon of tU« PUBLIC iin]s?iL5 ll V?-S ,,OM W» *•• SCBiBSD by ths aB4be ®“TSE» »nd PM- MfeT PHYBICIAHB JW THB LA»J» best bbmeoy KKOWN 8!ok Headache, nervous Headache fttomaoiv. 3o i ? l ' . Eh somatic Affections,* HI&L Hi.?,**™ 1 ' *O. ‘ 1 *Z *«., sob Pamphlet with e*oh MBnufectßted tarraht ft 00 . 5°2-It Eogg?A fe #^ggO D H ggffigjfrgW, J COMPOUND SYRUP OB' ™»wonra2i*Ttft\s£? nmei r, bec^thowwt* lavVor^r. Sold by the pio^)rtt t orf ofal * ever o (fared to t*e nabllt delO-Sm lSaaitißKHTgtrSfc, And all DraMbto. M ? qO,-STEAK , iOLLKS Ji GA.LLOttti<f lijjlp WALBTPr BtaraMa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers