CITY ITEMS. ■ ct , B rAEi9OK Ikvitbd.—The agent for the .ale of oelebrated “Florence” Sewin; Machine*, 630 i.itnut ctreet, la dally reoeivlng the mort fl'rtef tistimoniali of the great latlifooiiou these Mv huiea are giving wherever they have been ■ noeifwnd experience warrantc him in »»y °® ■ ,Str C Tf ari,on f tt pre “recce in 0 nee will cecum for them a decueu 1 in contrast ?X”i Other leading maehine. before making their .election*. JSvery machine i.ohl i. panted to give rtisfactiotitOr themoney u’ m l>e refunded. tub Nbw PHoro.MißtaTnßH.-Me™™. Wendo otb & Taylor, 912, 914, and 916 Oheatnut etreet, are lOtr executing the new etyle of picture (which we biplr destined to unusual popularity), entitled the rMe-Mlnialure." For artistic meiit this picture anything that Photography has hitherto pro iiioed. The specimens at their galleries are much jmired by the best judges of art. Great Bkduotios in Pbiobs. Great Beduotton In Prlcea. Ladies’ and Misses’ Fine Cloaks, Ladies’ and Misses’ Fine Cloak*. Also, gist Furs of all kinds. Blch Furs of all kinds. In anticipation of the dose of the aeason, we an icw prepared to make a large concession from for ger pnees on all our stock. J. W. Pbootoe fc Co., The Paris Cloak and Fur Emporium, ©2o Che** na * CHAKLZB STOTCEB & Co.’S n,r.CBTBATBI> AXMA ,.ko op fashion romsu-TW opular publioation Is now ready ft* distribution at te celebrated Clothing House of Charles Stokes & ■«., under the Continental, where they may be had rttuitoualy. Persons abroad can have a.oopy lent 4 them by maU by writing and enclosing a two- Jt stamp. ______ JjQTil SCIT QUI MAL Y PISKBS, ** OOmpatilOU ftTC dioux,’' 5a a trite and sometimes true saying; still piop&ihons are necessary, or we could form no Direct judgment of the diflfeence between good and ril- iVr instance) we compare horses* watches, ischujcry, wines, wom«n f and politicians; so, also, Aiions works of art, works of the great masters, -jfh their imitators. But no comparison strike us o fcjTcibty-ae those of the elegant and fashionable Armenia made at Granville Stokes’ Celebrated joporitun, TJo. 609 Chestnut street, with others ificJe in this or any other city. Tub information that one of the most splendid •egimeuta of the battle-field, the 99th Regiment, P, bas ar;ived, and made their headquarters at the *»t. locality in tbis city, No. 633 Chestnut street, tept by our well-known friend, Dir. Henry Becker, t it no doubt that the same, with their mo it amia rieasd experienced offisers, will dad suosesi ia re ;aid to enrolment* Every friend and every young a»n cl Ability will find inducement to step in such . regiment with pleasure. It* Brgwk’s Bronchial Troches.—These Lozenges re prepared from a highly esteemed recipe for alle latir.g Affections, Asthma, Hoarseness, ’ougbs, Colds, and Irritation or Soreness of tne most. - T>bavke3B, rts, sab, throat diseases, catarrh, >ested with the utmost success, by Dr. Von Mosoh itbcT, Oculist and Aurist. Testimonials and refe acces can be examined at his office, 1027 Walnut treet. * 3t The Kyn, its Diseases, and their Teeat irnt —Messrs* Martin & Randall, publishers, 29 jcuth Sixth street, announce that this great popu iriuci ieal work, by the eminent aurist, Dr. Von loEcfczb-ker, is now ready for sale. fe!s-3t jfOTiCB.-i-Dr. E. B. Lighthill, from 34 St. Mark** iscs, New York, author of “ A Popular Treatise iQDeAmefie, rf on Catarrh,* 1 Ac,, See., wifi jor‘iy make a professional visit to Philadelphia, hen he can be consulted on Deafness, Catarrh, iaeharges from the Ear, and all the various disease* [ the Ear, Throat, and Air Passages. fe4-Ut CO2NS, Bunions, IwVBBTBD NAILS, ESLABGSI [a?TB, and all diseases of the feet, cured without kin or inconvenience to the patient, by Dr. Zaoh* i, surgeon Chiropodist, 921 Chestnut street* Refer? physicians and surgeons of the city* ja23*tf MASON rECK & CO.'S lECK & OO.’S PECK 6l CO.'S TECH & CO.*S PECK. & OCX’S TECK A CO.’S rECK & CO.’S rECK & oo.»s DECK A CO.’S PECK & CO.’S PECK A CO.’S TECK A CO.’S HAMLIN’S CABINET ORGANS. J. E. GC Sevenl ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS TO TWELVE O’CLOCK LAST TfIGHT. einud'Ghevtant al in Cobb. Boston [Mayers, Louisville Iteab, Hew. York r b , He w York Viiwaii. Penna Cocoia . ; Richmond, V a in Shanks,Richmtnd,Va 3d Bowers. Richmond. Va BBlincbard, Kentucky F Paitt-rec u, Hew Jersey >gc XcKclty, Sew Jersey G V Ruauley. Wash Coca. fr prim field, 111 Hctthegbfl. Wash. D G i.Fwwjer. Tam aqua 0 Mercy, Baltimore . i’.sUer, Baltimore Wkorh. Baltimore .«p<l A wf, Penna > Sbobinger, Maryland learbait. Maryland ] SiucSma®. Baltimore tick, Baltimore ?fcD'bu i n. Pennsylvania ioberis, Balti caore riu yioouci, Fort deposit 1 Bi<Uie Penna bane & wf. Columbia il Strieker, Columbia Kauffman. Columbia Bancvait Harrisburg f Knox & son, Banisb'g Wi< ;xuan. Harris burg *T Wiertnan, Harrisb'g aterett, Lewhtown 5 A aterett. Lewistown rs H Bardwell, Fenna S' Jacobs, Pittsburg ‘5 JaCUOf. Pittsburg ‘il> Jacobs, Pittsburg .2 MiJiiieo, NewYOjk .arri.~* n, Penna ws bt'«u, Penna vcSstman. Penna I E*yer, Pottsville •" 'wntain, Pottsville F " rontman, PottsvlLe IV Grots. HarrUbuTg icflcan, Gettysburg KXia«SktAl —math i aatvey, Baltimore 3 (&mi>'nell, Baltimore Parr, Baiiimore Newcomer, Baltimore Farmer, Cleveland >Conner New York iv Soul fcd*. New York ! Mnart, Jr, Springfield,lll fs V L Stuart, Illinois Black, New York 1 ' on Croning, Virginia rspiar Ala, New York - .(-onftttt, Indiana ; Juc-b*. New York j SVail, New York itcher, Boston,. . io Fagle, New York cGee. New York ■m H Dodd. 0 8 A taken, New York i Armstrong, Jr, lowa lubb&D. New York Stewart, Paris ;st]acfc, Cincinnati \-iritb- fit Lonis iiriorv, U 8 A „ A 9lr« Delano. N Y Biag*o. Philadelphia j lesh, Philadelphia ] Mi o.ssman, Chicago I pJYoung.Boston Fol w H reward & wfcNY Eniun&n A la, Maes I w Finley. Cincinnati bsippen. Pottoville ISbippen, PottsyUle R Baltimore I I'icoll, Beading IFusrer, N«w York Ukarsh New York I McKinney, Washington [> Burton Ifirf-aay , p Mokes _ _ tT Joses Yorke, N J broder, Lac caster IL Manser, Penna NWhllerlrock NY r ‘?homp«on,Brlc gept, Ct Foi Saiivey Pi Alderson __ , p\est Bill *wf. Wash Is J= ill, Washington,D C lohin-', Albany _ Is Mary Bice. Albany r Gurrie A Bush, Albany wLibbie M’Clure, Albany [McClure, Albany BtCa-h, Jr. Albany p 0 Babcock. kYWtUIe I IStciolF, Boston. ■olbeaatiß. Jr. N Y Pwett. New York • Bird. New York I Williamson,Cincinnati [McClure ... P Prather, louieytlle [Conley. Columbia, Mo I Sbaner. Columbia, Mo IColier. New York |>idiaan, Chicago [ere hants’-Fourth Montague. New York [SIOK.II tab I‘ookaagh. Berlin |Bay», Indianapolis kcConyille. Steubenville Itbran, Steubenville, O [Haines, New York/ RGlsgett. Dayton, O per ÜBi Steubenville,O [Poetar, Philada btian Hess, Pitieburg Rfi'Wn. Pittsburg [Vogel, Pittsburg kUfchoß. New Y ork lenn s anley, Penna pbswancer. Penna [hinstMa, Hairisbnrg U*£i»n. (.Lester co P Barney, Mass [Hay. Ma-e _ [Hajney, New York I Baldwin & fam. Penna fchwam, Elmira, N Y Li cbiiieon, N Jereey r Lobbies, Btoom.bnrg ISiean.New York Ikoraon, N Jersey Urwin- New ? ork [own. Pittsburg fSwltf&ett, Indiana licAM-Chectm >, Few York , Washington >Heo. Delaware i« & son, Delaware i bsi Few Jersey :ing, Rhode Island iddißeld cb»)d, DBA Uj7\t--rl Delaware .new Jersey Trott* U S A? r.IebTUSA *k«. Easton f r. Taxaaqna iu!f«-ra. Salem* XT J in. Bikton plea. Eikton **ht» I willlamaport $i T - Williamsport Dew York ".Mount Holly *oc.,Tn*r & wf. Pa 4r « hthl co, pa . s '•Uonnl-Hmce , 51? i£fr,w Wife,' * ’ • : *WoaJ PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS: >ULD. sh aod Chestnut. treet. below Kiatk A C Denton, Alton Mr a a gnes, Alton Miss Cromer. Alton EG Garrison 81mira.1T Y .T Tuung, Middletown a C Laughlla, FUi'a PR Weitzel, MauchChunk Jfi Hendricsb & wf N f J J Dull, Harrisburg Riehard Hann, Mnsa ThosSorden Cincinnati S A Bank?, Unloacown W H Amey* Allentown R F Baird* Louiavilla “ A b £vams Ft VFayoe G O Smith. Sc Aa. Maryland W Crothers J Simpson, Pennsylvania I. bhober, Penns? ivaaia A Middleton* Pennsylvania T Thomas, Capt W USA Mrs A Kent & 2 ch, Chicago Mrs a Felty, .hicago H Pennypacker, Oh o J Coa;*, Ohio W Fisher. Onto H McConelly, P#»nna H H Stanton, Wash, D C li O Colvin Mrs MartheU* sister, 311 sh P McEvoy, Lancaster OF Brenneroan* Lancaster JLYoaugtnaiL Lancaster 8 8 Pinkerton, Penn* K Few. Elizabethtown Well Stackpuie, Hew York •T 3f-nroe,Chicago S White, Chicago W Kennedy. Ch’caao Smith, Chicago Mrs B A Hinale Lancaster Miss Carrie Berry, Lancas’r C Mills & la, Hew Jereey W Dennv* Jr Delaware John A Hazzard, Alilford W James, Hew York- R R Cochran, Delaware EE Cochran Delaware D 6 Pittsburg F Clifford. Hew > ork W B Davis, Hew York H W 8 wezdy, Port Jefferson CheitMMt itu«ta. Henry C Jarrell, Baltimoia Oh as Snyder, USA PH Brahe. New York _ H R kaeass, Penna W H Trego. Baltimore E Bolden, Washineton A S Barry. Alton. 11l ffScovel, Watertown OOG Robinson. USA HOB Defrees, Washington Mr Allen. Fortress Monroe Mr Oriseomo, F Monroa3 LtFSchaller, Washington H W Snow. Alexandria. Va Jas McQaiston. Plttfcbnrg EH Locke. J r . Locke’s Mills J F Nelson A da. Pittsburg T J Hill. Provideace, st I W L Beal. Boston J R Phillips. Ohio B Carples, New York T Palmer E W Ftuler, Boston I» M Gottech&lk, N 7 J T Stuart, Baltimore W X Jones, Tamaqna j Mr Patterson. Potrsville | John Cryder, New 7 ork B F Heal, Boston [ toe Meyer A wf, Boston W L Rolston, Marietta. O P P Scott, Baltimore G W Bweti, Boston G A Goddard. Boston G A Wendon A wf, £1 York C f Hager, Lancaster G SanmiQ, Lancaster W Me Tonkey, Wrightsv'e Mr A Mrs Gurtaer*, Balt Mrs M Bnyle A son. Penna Mrs W E Boyle. Indiana G M Mull in. Penna Cha» Pelrson. Ves York Mr A Mrs A H I»*weu, N Y Mr Woodbury- * S J S Hand*. Wm a Port Amos Walker, Maryland R GJenday Benj Haywood, Potts rule G Tower A wf, Potts viU* Mies Tower, Pottsvtlle oapt A F Steltzar. USA Alfred Conger. New York J«* J Tayior. Baltimore WHR-icsfellowA wf. NY John Middleton Jr, N Y J a Nichols Boston J Walton, New York P Tlllenhar&t, New fork C T Davenport. Nmv York SB Allen, New York S S Austin. Boston , T H Callin. New York t W B Bheperd, New York G L Trask. New York H L Ayres. Ojnuectisut J H Beveridge, Illinois > G H Spang. Fittsbarg Baml Lewis. Al*»utowa DrC Ever Held, USA Street below AriA« N H Jay. Scranton JEverftart, Peaoa Br W £ Barnes. Penna Samnei Straub; Penna Q W Mitchell. Onio R O’Con'.or, Michigan J M Smith. Milford. JV H G P Sloan A wf, Bloomshnrg Lt Col FI» Hitchcock USA Jno Sburta, New Jersey Jos Jenks. New York A Herman Hanover, Pa JDGlesaman. Shippensb’g B J Snoddy. Shippansbarg J Wilsojd. Pittabnr* , Lt C W Chapman. USA Lt FRMcFall, USA I B Robison, USA, J Schwab, New Yvrk C R Early. Blk, Pa W £ Walton, New York C Fanning, New York M A Jones New York Maj F tzpatrick, Penna Capi J D Amer. USA J if Waggoner, Penna A 8 McDowell, Pfnna V W Blymire A son, Penna J M Shoeruek*r, Bradford J J B*rndoilar. Bloody Run Jasv Bean. Chester co i street. «boT«]FITUL W H Child, IT S A W tyre, Jr. U S 1 i I williams, Delaware r S?* Potts tUie J W Muffiy OHE-ldle. New Jersey Wm Latelear, a«w Jersey J Rnabb. Reading Wm D Fisher. Baltimore a j Mo?gaa. Bilclmore L CWallace, Baltimore » J 7 Gannon, Delaware ro£ D ■? De aware *cliards, Delaware £ Johnson, Maryland nr» 4808 ’ Delaware Gao Derrick son, Delaware Cha. Cuora He« Y o "k R H Post, New York Miß? Mey, Philadelphia J Pilliman, Hazleton AH Richmond New York Geo P Bead Bley, New York J W Corey, Boston net« aboTt Third J Shaltor, Barks co J HcOlintock, Penna H G Ford, Toms* River J McKinley. USA A J Shim >, U 6 A W Hoffman, USA A J Arnold, USA ■treat, above VkthL A L Crowinshieli, U 8 N O C Lewis, Reading F PearßOQ. Reading CIB Robbins, Baltimore Urej J Sperry, Lebanon A A Downing, Boston W Gasklil. Near York 1 W J Oheyney Delaware o» W F-aherty, Tor into. 0 W A « Brown, New York J P G ask ill. New York F Bonneau. Jr, tfew York J Bonne an. New York C H Ha mo a A lady 3 Honpt.Tenn S H Buttrick, Hew York SC Lottie —CbMtnnl C H Hamm. PbUadx B W Bodaers, Phllada T P J ! hnson, Hewark, h J B U Johnson. Hewark, A J Mrs kvans. Hew > ork C *t«»re. Hew York^ H C Wilson. bo*t< nl J Store, Havre de Grace J < C Byrne. Hew Y«rk G Bites Ala Hew York F G Hr-or, U o W W W Maclay. U 8 V y F Pa.terson. New Jersey T Glenn, ' r roy, H Y sßarnes, Troy, N Y * T Barnes Troy, N Y W B Rosenbaum, HT Th« CnloA-Arcb a ? B8 & B<«n,Sa'eiD,NJ Mrs J R Carpent-r, Salem Col Jas Stew bit, Jr* Ya R battenhwait, Phlla .IT »ine, PhiJa W N S*evenBoQ» Indiana W W Hamersly &wf. Pa A WoDerti'Wc, Allentown Samuel Beihlbliem J w Brows Bethiebetn H Forrey New York fl Gane, Port Carbon FrancU Briffbt. Hazleton J» Pchertle & wf. PotisviUe Hatces Lee, Beadlek W Fnzbee, Woor* Jas B. rber. Coinmbla, Pa tre«L above Chetuaut . John Lockiaud, Maryland Jas M Campbell, Maryland l H wf. MarrUnd Lewis Wilii-mi. New York T B <7raia, l>el J E Shuster Sl wf. N Jersey J A Barnett. US*. H Buckwalter. W Chester Ho*»co Gray, Michigan J R R »yle, USA E M Borie Tbeo P Pott* A Lyon. Maryland W G Ra-'asey, Lai c co J W Sevens Jnniataco John Way. Chatham, Pa Robt B McCoy, USA **l i' <’ short. wa»n, u O ic f' A’Jn’ftQ, Wash, JJ C G F Foroway .7 EBarVins Poston. Doylestown W S * o-js Ctirvenmile W McCnHooKb. Cedi, Md J T Mct'ulioush, Cecil, Md Ml>* L McCullough, Cecil D Armstrong, Chester co J a Batler. Chester co w i> pei. n* 11, Delaware co Jos B Miller, Ponna W Chester co John Yannart, Maryland Emiea GnlOA —Harm WHPhifipa J W Parkinson, Peuna LLd M Kmerly.Penna WiiJiam R White. USA CharleH Read. U S A H W Whitaker. USA h.of'npy -anford, Lancaster Barney Kline. Huron. O B P-li J V Fivans. Boston J M Lu-'z, Hdfilfebarg <harltaCorey USA. Pawl Yanderslice. Penna P J Traves, Altooua, Pa Wm C Cope, Pniladelphia B*i;i Eagls-Thlrd at PA B»a.up- Allentown H M Hcisch, Kiinesville <- Dr ce. Pt'nna Mr, I> race Fenna Mi si- HuntksrKer. Penna P O H uner. Allentown EJS srner. Richlaud, Pa B Lilly, Oh cajjo J Walter, Easton H Ph«iJy Bethlehem FL Timber, Bethlehem P Brown, Lancaster co 7 »p.rJey Sheaf-Secom D Rfcm gf.Horristowh • ohn Brvon.Wa-hingtou L Clayton, Montgomery h Tan PPrf rc-ell, Bucks co John Jonei. Hatboro J TiwiiMM-n. -Philadelphia G B Yandike, Lock Haven ('apt t; B Frrnksrfield’.Pa Mrs L Clayton, Cheltenham 3Sou)it Ver»ou-Sew W»n Thompron. H Jersey Et 11 ckens. Salem. N J J B llinVie. Rahway. N J L'put J B Hinkie. Rahway EM Woo-1 & wf. US A W P HiUnun, Hew York B A Kii giley, Salem, N J Slack Bcar-ThlrdS Henrj Fahl. Auburn W Gas'Ort, Tamaqua JR Fe berolf, Lebigh co, P Lewis B Oswalt, Lehigh, co John B Barnet, Knhre*bnrg David Weirb2ch,Qaakert ! s SiftdUon—Second street, above Market* AW Well on, Connecticut fJohuTocker, Norristown James P Pollock John Davie, Nsw York GMFreeburn, Lewletown | SPECIAL NOTICES. OsePeice Clothing, of the Latest ttijbs* made in the Beet Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked In Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted xatislac tory. Our One-Prick System is strictly adhered to. Alt are thereby treated alike. de23 ly JONES A CO., 60A MARKET Street. Colgate’s Honey Soap. This celebrated TOILET SOAP, In such universal de> mand, ia made from the choicest materials, is mild and emollient in its nature, fragrantly scented, and extreme- ly beneficial in its action upon the skin. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goode dealers. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment ih truly a 1 * friend in need, ’ 5 and every fiua&ily should have U at hand. Electricity, by a Physician of long experience, and who gives his whole attention to its proper application, at 14-18 SOUTH PENN SQUARE, Philadelphia. Certificates, references, and examina tions/rs*. J ja3o-tf ThePopvlab Clothing House of Phila., “OAK HALL.” Best-elan good, and moderate prices. WANJffII&KER & BROWN, S. S. corner SIXTH and MABKEUtreeta. Cust-om Department (to make to order) Mo. llCTSixth st. Wheeler & Wilson’s Highest Fiiemicm The Cheapest, Simplest, akd Best. /Salesrooms, 701 Chestnut Street above 7th. MAEBIBD. K’LLINGEK—PLEI3 —On Thursday, the 11th Insi., by the Rev. A A. Retake. Charles H. Kidinger, Esq. .to Mi*e Cornelia R. Pleie, of this city. No c&rde. * 3DIEID- JOFES. —On firs: day. the 24th lust , Charles Jones,in the S2d y earofhis axe ' ' The relatives and friend* of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from his late residence, C o Pholiocken, &fcntgmnery counvy, Fa., on fifth day, the 16> b inst.. at 10 o’clock. *** LAWS.—At Libby Prison, Richmond, January 233, Lieut William L. Lai* b, ISth Penna. Cavalry. ** TiMiilNS.— on the 14th ir slant, of congestion of the lunfcs Emma- daughter of Thomas A. and Rose Tim mins, in the 7ih year <*f her age. „ ~ The relatives and Wends of the family are respectfully invited io attend the funeral from her parents* res dence. No. 314 South kifth street, below Spruce, this ( Tuesday) afterxioo:, 16tb instant, at 1 o’clock. Funeral service at bt. Joseph’s Church. Interment at Cathedral Ceme tery, ** Ei KY.—Of congestion of the brain, on the 13th instant, Edward Bagner, son of John H. and Anna Eoky, aged 3 The* relatives and friends of the family are Invited to attmd'ihe funeral, from the residence of his grand mother, 604 South Slnth street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, the 16ih instant, at 2 o’clock. ** tJEfcrSON & SON HAVE COMMENCED -D r pceiyiug their Spring and Summer Stock of MOURN ING GOODS, and have now in store— Black Byzantines, j English Bombazines, " Florentine*, j French Bombazines, ** Barege Hemani, j Summer Bombazines, •’ Grape Marete, ; Chatty, ** Bareges, Mousselanea. " Sili Grenadines, ! Tamises, Black, and Black and White Foulards, Ac. MOURNING STORE, fe!6 Xo. 918 CHESTNUT Street. ifin PIECES OF $1 FANCY SILKS -lVi VI Blue, I/llac, and Brown Plaids. Black and White, Brown acd White do, India Plaid Bilks, $1 per yard, $5 best Brown Pilks. 85 beet Black Silks, lloire Antiques, best goods, foulards, newest *tylee, riendly Foulards, EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and AKCH Streets. PENNSYLVANIA. HOHTICULTU BAIj SOCIETY, 8. tV. cori!«r BROAD and wal- NUT Streets.—Matfid Meeting THIS EVENING, at eight o'clock. ; ±L w*jm WILDEY LODGE. NO. 14-, L O. OP O. F- -a stated Meeting of the Lodge will be held on SATURDAY, the 20th inat., at 7 o’clock P. M.. to consider a proposition to Increase or to Reduce the W«*lt Benefit,. By order <rfU.gLo.jgk fel6-tuf2t* Secretary. TO RECRUITIJIG OFFICERS. —OP flee City Bunmy Fond Commission. No. 414 PRUNE Street, February 15, 1884 —ln future all Ceuift cates of Master of new recruits filed with the Bounty Fund Commissi, n; must specif; the company and reji* ment in which the volunteer has enlisted. Bv order of the Commission. fei6 3t BAffiL. C. DAWSON, Secretary ■». 9SS -FIFTH WARD BOUNTY FUND HEAI&UABTBRS, 406 WALK UT Street. Office Bouts from 11 to 3. The Treasurer is now paying TWENTY FIVE DOL LARS WA kD BOUNTY, Cash in hand, to ALL VOLUN TEERS c uly credited to the Fifth Ward. Three-hundred men will be taken at once. ' The Division Colkctina Committees meet every MON DAY* ai «fc THURSDAY EVENING >, at 1% o’clock, at JBl3 Bouth 'FIFTH Street, to make returns to the Trea surer and transact business generally. _ _ E. C. KNIGHT, Treasurer. Attest—John J. FKAyguy. Secretary. feis 6t PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COM FANY. --l ~ Department. rjtii.AWsf.PSiA, February 15,18*4. The Board of Directors have this day declared an EXTRA DIVIDEND OF FIFTEEN DOLLARS hnare of the present Capital Stock, as registered on the b«f>hs of the company this day. The said Extra Dividend to be payable in Stock of the Company, at its par value of Fifty Dollars per share, the shares to he dated May 2, 1894, and to he entitled to dividends parable in November next, and thereafter, as the present stock of the company. Stock Certificates for tlu extra dividend will be de linked ab and after May 9-ISB4 fel6-tmhl THOB. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. Wfa m KOTICB IS HfiRSBT GIVM, that a Special Meeting of the Stockholders of the BiSTONVILLE, MANTUA. AND PAISMOUNf PAS SBf G> R RAILROAD COMPANY will be held on MON DAY. the 29ih instant, at 12 o’clock, noon, at No. 409 WaLNOT street, (first floor.) for the purpose of taking into consideration an Increase of the Capital Stock of the Com pany. B. T. PBAILBY. Secretary. TO STOCKHOLDERS OF iO* THE OIL CHEEK AMD KIDGWAY KiIuROAD cum PAN x. —An adj onraed a?nual me eti □g of the Sfcoek bolder* of >Ma <'nmp»iiy will be held on TUESDAY, the 1864, &t half past 10 o’clook A. M., at No Alley, in Philadelphia. fc*B44t JQ3BPH LSBLBY, Secretary. I^bSSSSS^SE™” I'™ 1 '™* 1 * Phii.ahrlphi i, 25. IB6L NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The Annual Msetlngof the stockholders of this Com pany will be held on TUESDAY, the 16sh day of Pebrna rvT 1864, at 10 o’clock A. M., at HAN3OM-STRKET The Annual Election for Directors will he held on MONDAY, the !th day of SSESt, 1 !?- at the Office of the ComoanT Ho 1338 South THIRD Street i 5« tfll! EDMTTND BMITH. Secretary. OFFICE OF THE ALLEGHENY £&? railroad and coal co mpany. ■ J Fhiladslphta, Feb 4ih. IBM fpv. Annnel Meeting of the Stockholders of the iLLR. pwviw RaTT.ROAD aND COaL COMPANY will be btldat the Office of said Company on SAT^ at 12 o’clock M., for the purpose of electing twelve uififewand thetraiißßctlon or,neb other ba.b.o„ os “t y n. f?St tefote the m g? w n *BPBROBBHB. Pra«ldflttt. Pinr.AH'KT.pyflA AKUTVAL RBAJj ■JSS"ESTATE ASSOCIATION. —The Committed BP* pointed to wind np the thls Ajisociation notiTy those havlD* fiiliy.paid Btoek to Present their Certtfl cate», with receipt, at tho Office orE.iCHBBI.Hiik SObLb street, above Ninth, on or before the Ist day of APRIL next. f . S Vhß&}£k. D „ a ALLAN W- aiOHAEOS. a Committee.' jsB-ftu3m* awl CORN jexcha I3> DBLPHIA. Noyeml At the Election held 18th ll •merer* dnly alerted Dim ■auk: Alexander AuaeaEtwL ■ Robert Brrlan. - William P. Cox. SunU.l T. Canby. DhllleßMlnnle. John P. OroN. , A-nd at the meeting of (he TOE BEY . Cashltr. MStta itnet, above Third, L Morris. Fairfield, O J Downey. Ohio R U Norton, N«w JersaT Mrs Bttzb»e, New Jorser Jacob H Forney. nosb o A B Schwartz Alabama W Wallace, Chamwrcburg ]l b GtfflJn. Great Bead, Pa Jos Gu-i>r, Brooklyn rsaftc Scranton A Srakely. New Hope r j Svlve* f 3r, Ma*«s John Orr. Pa S Hellen A la. New V ork fl Polki üborn ei&.W-tsh Miss Polkinhorn, Wash J R Carpentar, Salem, N J n street above Sfxt&u ,T J Pennypacker, Peuna Wm T Cobb Delaware J«v» n S Appleton, Delaware RH Bull & sister Illinois W C Brown. Penna A Taylor, Westchester Peter Bchwam. Peona Frank Schwartz Poona - Henry Leman. Peona "dinon Oaoey- Aususta, Mo Sidney K bmith N J J Vincas. New Jersey Mrs S A Wicgeish&m, Pa s a Weld Ermine Case. Newark, N J eet, above Caliowlkill. H F Aims, Hamburg Mrs J M Aims. Hamburg .1 Weidel, My*r*t>wn Bothlehem J**. Bethlebem W Feather, Peuubburg H Yeager. Lubiahco C Dotts. Lieut A A Heseriil. N J Lieut H F Smith, N J J A Quimly, New Jersey Street, below Vi*.^ Mrs Price, Cheltenham Job Scoit, Hatfaoro Mfißter &f Scost, Satborol H Clayton, Jarrettown C J Martin, Reading JBuckmin Fitzw-ttertown GeoEnglemau, Chicago DeW 0 Fretz; Dubuque W C Rush. USA F C o : Heal, Ireland md St- 9 above Arek R W Drisley, Pottstown H H Tbamm, DaaviLlQ W H Mu'lln. Downlngtowa MUsSßatss Downingtown J H Miller. Wilm. Dal Chas C Davis, Boston it., above CallowblUL John Weidel, My era town Wm Kamalt, Hverstown S C Stienmetz. Lebanon A StonfFer, kxeter JohnH Kuhns, Lehigh ca ja26-tuthi |OK BARK. PHIIA. Mowing Stoekhold ton of the Cora Exehangr O. CatteU. Christian J. Hoffman H. W Catherwood. Edmund A. Bonder. Charles & Wilkin*. . Dasld Vandsrrser. Jonathan Knight. Board this day A&IX. .B SS^^S’ Oaehl*r. PEnBmVdHU FRBHDNIBir'S BBLIBF ABBOOIATION. A. PUBLIC MEETING of th, A»«ocl»tlao will be held loth. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, ' On TUESDAY EVENING, Feb. 16, AT HALF-PAST SEVEN O'CLOCK. BUhop SIMPSON will preside. BeT. PHILLIPS BROOKS. Her. Hr. BHUNERD. Eev. Br FURNESS, Bst. Dr J. WHEATON SHITH. J. M. McKIM. Ebl.. will take part in the proceedings. Tickets can bo obtained on and after WEDNESDAY* Feb lOtb« free of charge, at the office of the Association, No 424 Walnut street, at the Union Lea me Boose. No. 1118 Chestuot street and at T, b. Pngh's Bookstore. S. W. corner Chestnut and Sixth streets. fe6»Bt IBF. TTMIOM BENEVOLENT AS bO lATiON—The Poor and the deacon —On ee hnlf of the poor of the city the Managers of the Uaioa Benevolent association are comptlied to makes recood , appeal for the season for fnnds It was hop-id that he uiidnest. of the winter »nd the activity of trade would have maaea second appeal unnecessary; bat the eaor m«>utly icc. e sed cosi of every article «.f living, and es pecially of fuel, has i -id burden* apou the uoor which call? for greater liberality 'owards them: and our treat,' &v ryitt tmply. D'owithj-'atidlug the appo-ent prospe *»ty aa there is an undercurrent of suffering whioh if our tutj to search out and re l ieve. Tne laoor of wors ing 71 eu is we>l reunnerated ; bat that of poor sowing w< men 1s n»t. except in special ca'es Weknowoftho e who. wort in* late aod early. earabats2r>er week; who Bake ccnm.on shirts forsl 25, and drawers for 41 per <toz*n Men control their wag?* by banding together ax d dixoanding an increase of pay, bat there seems to be no redress for women, who are wholly In the power of the 1 v employers. When it is aaserteo, therefore, that la bor is abundant, &c.. we point to this class of sufferers, and bsh fur them and those dependent upon them the eyn pa hie** of the patl c. *'he public mast be remind ed, however that it is not for tho*e who vre able to labor that orn c> aTity is intended, bat for thoee who are loca pfci‘ine< bv reason of >-icbue>-« or iudrmiti-s, and np.-n whom the high prices work an immense amount of saf ferilis. Thl* class "we have always with ui. ”no mat ter low mild the win or or favorable the timed. They are inOf»>iyjv* jnen. often with families of small chil oren It co*tstbem from 18 tu $lO for a ton of coal, or rather sixteen to twenty dollars, for they are compslled t > buy it by the bask* t, at dongle the comm >n price. <>nr Society las one hundred and forty female visitors who ditcover more of thin kind of suffering than they have mean* to relieve, and it is for them that this appeal is made Onr whole receipts i«lmoney per annum is not over $10,(00- (A ftintilar society i» JVeio York motives $70,000.) More tb*n half of this Is expended for coal, leaving less than $5 000 t-be divide 1 among ouehundred and fo*ty ladies, making the annual nucnfor-.'Hs riba tun by each tw ntv five dollarH. or fioo dollars v «*■ m foitfi. Withtbisth®*e ladies relieved, last year, 4.i50 fimiiis*. They made 11,(46 visits to tbe poor. Th.-y tonnd employment ti*r9so persons They ministered to 791fick. They sent to school 138 children They die tributfd 1.224 ions of coal, 1.477 garments, 300 stove9,and kept 30 wou»er 1 t; sewing for tneir st.»re, besides a dtntri- - bnt'on of over $4,000 in ntonoy. This winter cue demand is greater and the receipt-* smaller. The Society, there* fore. XQfakea tbla appeal /orfartSer aid, at the clo-e of the sessoD. when sn£fe>ing is always greatest The collec tor* of the i*oci*-ty. Messrs. Hooper and fir ms, pnU m the @n early call np«-n thw citizens, and they are earnestly commanded to iheattention of rhftebaritabi»: or eoutri but on* may he *-*»nt tu the Treasure-*, Edmund Wilcox Esq., 40£Chestnut street, or to tbe Agent of the SooUty at ti.e office, Lorthwe.-t corner of and fiansom Btreot*. - SAUL H PERKINS, President. JohNH. ATWQQiy, Secretary. fal6-tnf6t rc?» MERCANTILE LIBRA BY» — T HE! Ai>nani Election of Officers of this ln^titatioa till h. held at the LIBKAKT. on rDRSDAT. February 16th, between the hour* of 4 and 8 P. M. The aoj turned annual meeting of STOCKHOLDERS, to consider the proposed alteration in ihe Charter, and other business, will be held on WEDNESDAY EVE* KING. February 24, at half past 7 o’clock. „ . fell-fit JOHN LARLNfcB, Jr., Recording Sec’y. Mw EMPIRE COPPER COMMEY (OF MICUiGkN) —The fist meeting of the Empire Copptr Compsnj under its Articles of Association, will be held onTBUnSO *T, the third day of March, 1844 at No. 3»4r WALNUT Street- Phi ud->lpM&:- a« 11 o’clock A. M. SIMON Mh*DLEBAUM, B. A. HUOPBS. Two of the Associates of said Corporation. Philadelphia. Feb. 13 1864 lels-ist AMERICAN LIB'S INSURANCE |C& AND TRUST OOMPa.NI, WaLNUT btreet. Southeast corner of FOURTH. Philadelphia, February 4 1864 The Tmp'.ees have this day declared a dividend of FIFTY PER ChNT on all premiums received upon MUTUAL POLICIES during the year ending December 81,18 : 3, and in force at that date, tne acove amount to be credited to said Policies; andhave also ordered the divi dend of 1860, on Policies issued during ih-tt- year, to be paid as the annual premiums on *aid PoLclae are re ceived. JOHN 8. WILSON, feio- 6t . Secretary. PITTBBURG,FORTWAYNE. AND Chicago Railway company. m Office of thb Secret art* Flttsbvro. Pa.. FeDraarv lath, Jti6i » The Annual Vetting of the ttock and Bondholders of this Con puny .for the election of Directors, and »nch other business as may come before it, will he held at tbe Office of *aid Comcany, in the ci*v of Pittsburg, on the THIRD WEDNESDAY OF MARCH. A. D. 1864, at 10 A. M. The Stock and Bond Transfer Books of the Company, at their Office in the city of Pittsburg, andac ihetrTrans for Agency in the city of New York, will be closed on the let day of March, at 3 o'clock P. M , andiemain closMi until the 17th day of March thereafter, felg-tml7 ■ W, B, BaRNES, Secretary. Map* PHILADELPHIA AND READINfi RAILROAD COMPANY, Office No. South Philadelphia, December 2, 1863 DIVIDEND NOTICE. —The Transfer Books of thir Company will be closed on THURSDAY, 17th instant, end reopened on TUESDAY, January 12, 1864. 4 a A Dividend of SEVEN PER CENT., elea.r of State tax. has been declared on the Common Stock, payable is Common Stock on and after tne 31st December next tc the holders thereof as they shall stand registered on the books at the close of business on the lVth mat. A Dividend of THREE AND A HALF PER CENT., dear of State tax. has been declared on the Pre ferred Stock, payable In Cash or Common Stock, at tns option of the holder, on and after the 31st December next, to the stockholders as they shall stand registered on the books at *he close of business on the 17th inst. _ Holders of certificates which have been discharged from this office, or either of the Transfer Agencies, are particularly requested to have them duly registered on the Transfer Books to which they have been transferred, prior to the 17th to*t. , .. _ Stockholders whose names are registered on theKew York books will be paid at the Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company, and those whose names are registered on the Boston books will be paid at the office of Messrs. I. S. Thayer A Brother. 8. BRADFORD, dos-tf Treasurer. |*OS» MEDICAL PURVEYORS OFFICE, »*> No. 7 North FIFTH Street. M Philadelphia, Nov. 12.1863. Importers and Dealers in MEDICINES. HOSPITAL STORES, HOSPITAL FURNI2 URE, „ BEDDING, ICE, Ac., aie invited to submit their Price Listi fratn «me to time to this Office. J. MURRAY, noi3-6tamtf Snrgeon and Medical l^trveyor. ■kOto PUILADHUfmA. AND RBASEHA E 3» HATT.TtfIAn COMPANY, -Office -South rOTJJBTH Street, Philadelphia, September 3, 1863, DrVIDEITD NOTICE.—The following-named persons are entitled to a Dividend on'the Common Stock of this Company. The residence of several of them is un known, and it is, therefore, necessary that the certifi cates of stock should he presented on sailing for the XHaridend. S. BBADFOBD, Treasurer. - STOCKHOLDERS’ NAMES. Mrs. Mary Bishop, S. Lancaster, Timothy C. Boyle. Percy M. Lewie, Clement Biddle. Fanny Mary tfitcherco*. Ann Copeland, John Mclntyre, A EmsUe and J. Sfewbold, John S. Moore, Trustees, James McKnight, Debbie A. Hughes, Benj. F. Newport Sami T. Harrison, Beni. Pott. James Hallowell, W B. Bodman, James W. Hallowell, Sarah Ann Richard*. Catherine C. Koppele. Benryß. Snarer. Daniel Klapp, Maria L. Sadler, Mary Kuhn, Andrew Turner, ,r Chas. Kahn, Hartman Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich, Kuhn, and J. H. Kuhn, Ex, Asher M. Wright, of 8. Kuhn. William Young, B. V. B. Leisse Bxtrx., W. H. McVickar, and-James G. Sehaff. Ex. of Austin Smith, John 8 Triiltt*. Hw’fl ACo CtOTHIAG. 1864. 1864. FINE CLOTHING AT WHOLESALE. We are now prepared to show to cash-buyers as exten sive a stock of medium and fine Ready-made Clothing, for Spiing sales, as can be found in the United States.! Buyers can save their expenses to New 1 ork, and find the go< ds they want fiva and ten per cent cheaper in Philadelphia. An examination of our stock is solicited.' WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, fell-lm If S. B. comer SIXTH and MARKET Sts. JJOSS & CO., 432 CHESTNUT STREET, COURTING HOUSE and __ OFFICE STATIONERS, ENVELOPE, BLINK ACCOUNT, and MEMORANDUM BOOK MANUFACTURERS. An extensive assortment of Cap. Letter, and Note Pa pen; Copying Books. Presses. and Tables, Letter Press end Lithograph Printing ; Hill Heads, NotSS. OlftßAAtti Checks made to cider—all at the lowest prices and of the hes» quality* , Oroers solicited, and executed promptly and satisrac torily. felc-Xm £BYSON & SON, No. 8 NORTH SIXTH STREET, PBINTERS AND STATIONERS. BLANK BOOKS, PAPERS, PENS, AND INKS OP SUPERIOR Q.UAJATY, Corporations, Banks, and Business Hen supplied -with everything neceesaiy for the Counting-room. ’ f.6tf ■' r . jyO YOU ADVERTISE? JOY, COE, & CO., GENERAL RRMiPAPKR ADVKRTISING AND SUBSCRIPTION AGENCY, N, S. CORNER FIFTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. PHIL A J ELPHXA, "By means of the system of conjoint Advertising rem* derCd practicable by Messrs. JOY, Ct)R. A CO . through their fewepapar a gency. the expense to each adver tiser is greatly reduced advertisers save the postage and avoid the labor of corresponding with publish era, risk of remiu&nces unseasonable and repeated calls of strangers with separate bills, the vexation* deceptions of journals of dubious character, and losses from con tracting with incompetent and irresponsible persons. * Easiness men may learn Ihrongb.this Agency just what journals to advertise in to reach effectively and che&p-y tbe sections wherein their trade may be ex tended. V. S. Journal. 4®- Advertiser* receive coplee of journals tin which their advertisements are inserted. fafi-e atutf WILLIAM M. WILSON, ?? J»uB MARKET Street True Turkey Myrrh, eeroens. Coriander Bee*s, bags. Corrawav Seeds, bags. Unb. Jam. Ginger, bbls. Grain Ergot, new crop. bbls. Ber. Arrow Root. kegs. Union Salad Oil, bbls. OUSasAafras. cans. ** Citronel'a. Winter's, cases. •• Citronella, native, cases “ Xemox. new crop, eases. ** Bose, Commercial, cases “ Orange, cane _ •* Bergamot N. C~ cans. Pow’d Antimony. 100 lb cases. Rad Gentian, bales. Canary Seed, bbls . „ _. , In store In this port ana New York, and iur sale as Wanted. fe!6 tf NEW LIGHT. . '* b e crib ers would inform tb e public that t hey have'' introduced in this city A NEW LIGHT, pegs sting advantages over all others In use. viz: PIO> TTJJ--Hi taken by thu Light aranmre life*like and na-“ tm»l. Children are taken almost inst&ot&neon.Kiy, gay in two seconds. Iho superior aad arileiic fiaiah of the Pic tues takes by this Li«ht defy competition WEiBMaN ft CO « Photographers, 81* A.HO g street feC lmif* PHOTOGRAPHS OP LIFE BIZ@, OIL * colored, are much snpprior to other stylo por trait*, and a* execntenat B r RSI ME i'g receive nn- praiseiromalil ARCIH st. u* D FMOVAL. —JAMF3 H OASTLE, l» Attorney a*d Conveyancer. lias removed his Oill :o to I'Q, 115 8. FIFTH Street, below Chen mat tam lot* jyi ATEBIAI-8 fob mince pies. Atrsce. laias. and sultana aaisiba CITRON. CD BRANTS, AND STICK, CIDER. WINIS. fc,.. At nJ-BEBT O. ROBERTS, I iRaF MADE TO HEA.H.— INSTlfU mtntstoaetistthahea'in* In every variety aatl of :Se*UriaFUMOroMrua. tb» most approv.d construction, «t P. MADEIRA'S 110 RLSTMTH And VIMI Straw. { South TKK rH Btrwt, bsiow Chestnut. MS St THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1864.' J?OR EVERYBODY. ■’Aaricutiureisthe Host Healthful, Most Uarful, and Most Nokle Bmvloyment of Man WAsaiHflioir. AGRICULTURIST, Farm, Garden, and Household. Orange JnDB, AM.. 1 Esl.blltOisd S *■ Year, la Fioprintor.— Office > ). |o,a < idruaoe -- Oae At 41 PARE ROW. ) 111 IH * 4, t number.lO cents. VOL. 33 —No. 1. NEW TORE, Jan. Ist, 1864. Dr. Hall’s Journal of Health, Jan » 1864, says: * * There, is no journal published* on this or any oihtr ** continent* on agriculture o any other subject* which gives one half as much valuable* practical, and reli’ “dbleinformationfor one dollar a year, as the AME “RICaN AGRICULTURIST, issued by Orangs Judd, **at Humber 41 Park Row, New York City." The above*is strong, uhsoltclted, and unexpected TESTIMONY, FROM HIGH AUTHORITY. HaNY OTHER JOUR* SALS HAVE PPOKKN ALMOST AS STRONGLY. Among ths*9 are the H. Y. Observer, ihe/ncfc pendant, the Christian Intelligtncer, the H. Y Evangelist, the Christian Ad vocate, the Mtthvdist, the Baptist Chronicle, and, in deed* almost the entire religions and secular presi of the country. For example • The Methodist, of Feb. 6.1864. we: “The Amsei “oan AGRiouLTUßiSTundoahtedly stands second io no “other similar journal in this country or in the world' * * A dollar can hardly be better invested by any family, “than in securing this journal with its large amount of tl really practical* useful, atd reliable information. * ‘ Its Household and Youih’a Departments are suec.aUy “valuable^aside from its Farm and Garden Depart* “menU,” YOUR CHILDREN WANT IT BECAUSE it is a very large, very beautiful, very CHEAP PAPER, FULL OF GOOD TSING3, Bach number contains hundreds of useful, reliable articles, binte. and suggestions, on the labors of the HOU4S HOLD. the GARDEN, and the FARM, with a very inte resting and instructive department for CHILDREN and YOUTH. Bach volume also contains hundreds of beau tiful and instructive EN3BAVINGS, manyof them large. E-re.y line of the Agriculturist is prepared by thorough going, intelligent vracticalwonKUsa men and wombn, WHO KNOW WHAT tKET TALK AND ABOUT. Each number contains 39 large double-qaarto piges, beauti folly printedon clear white calendared paper, and every yearly volume has 3,000 or 4,000 useful articles and items, which no one, whatever hii or har occupation of location,can read without getting some hints, each worth more than $l. (The great circulation, nearly 100* 000, enables the Publisher to still furnish the paper at the old piice of only $1 a year.) CHILDREN want it, because it contains so many things to both please and instruct them. It has good Pictures, Parties, Stories, etc-, which teach good mo rale. good manners, kindness of heart, and instructs the mind. Thousands of parents have written that this department is alone worth many times the cost of the paper. HOUSE-KEEPERS want the Agriculturist,' beca use it has a desartment on Houeewosk, which wilt give them much re:lly useful informations this Is not a mere re-hash of stale recipes, but a thoroughly prepared series of talks about in-door affairs, which will help to lighten and facilitate woman’s work, aid in seeming in door labor-saving implements, and make one’s work less toilsome, by telling the how and why of this and that household operation. MECHANICS want this jiuraal for the general practical information it affords, and if they have a square rod of ground for a Garden, for a Vine, or a Tree, it will help them make the best possible use of that ground. MERCHANTS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN want it for the same reasons as Mechanics, FRUIT- GROWERS want it for its great amount of reliable information about different fruits, their value, mode of culture, preservation, etc. STOCK-RAISERS want the American Agricul turist for Us abundant information on all that pertains to the selection, breeding, profitable raising, diseases, and marketing of all kinds of Domestic Animals, Horses* Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, etc. FARMERS want the Agriculturist, for, as its name indicates, it was originally started to promote their interests, though it has been doubled in size, to embrace the entire departments of In-door and Out-door life. Nowhere else can there be found so much really useful, common-sense information about all that per tains to the FARM WORK. ~- THE CALENDAR of the Agriculturist, given the first of each month, tells what is to be done in that month on lhe Farm, in the Orchard, and Garden, etc. This is very valuable, and, greatly helps to a systematic arrangement of one’s labors. HUMBUGS don't want It. Every person who has heen humbngged by swindlers shonld taka the AGtRI. CULTURIBT. The constant exposures in this ionrnal, of the hnmhngs of the day, have saved its readers hun dreds of thousands of dollars* EVERWODY, no matter of what occnpation, or place of residence, will find much interesting and nsefal information in the AGRICETLTUKIST. TRY IT A YEAR. IT WILL PAY ENGLISH AH D GERM AN.—The AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST Is published la separate English and German Editions. Both are of the same size, and con tain the same matter and engravings, and are famished at the same price. NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE AMERICAN FOB THB YOU WANT IT, YOIJR WIFE WANTS IT, TERMS IN ADVANCE: Ons copy one rear for $l. Six copies ore year $5. Ten or more copies one year /or SO cents each. N. B -~The paper is always promptly stopped when the subscription expires. ORANGE JUDD, PUBLISHER AND PROPRIErOE, 4=l Park Row, New York City. P. S: —THE GREATEST STRAWBERRY, both tor size and'9M« lity* ever yet produced, was bronchi ont last June, by Seth Boy den, Esq., the noted inventor of Pa tent Leather, Malleable Iron, etc. The plants were all purchased by the Proprietor of the AMERICAN AGRI CULTURIST, and are being multiplied tot free distribu tion among his Subscribers for 1864. Any Subscriber adding 9 cents to his subscription to covar cost of post- age end oil-cloth will be entered on the list of those to receive plants by mail. «rhNE of nr he pleasantest di versions of the last month has been the perusal of a novel of the English Aristocracy, called PjQUE Its well-laid plot, well sustained Interest, finely drawn characers. and excellent moral tone, muse com mend It to the favor of all. *’ i THE FOURTH EDITION attests to Its popularity and appreciation by novel readers. The demard for It this week is alm>st as large as tbonKfe it was a newly-tseoed work. Everybody roast read It One thick 12mo. volume Price $l. SO. Ul'Pi*nOTT & OO , PETER & BROS, AS3- MEA l> & EVAX7S, wholesale it. kvtiy Bookseller retails it. felG-2t CORING. Pabltßhftr, 319 WASHINGTON Street. Boston, EDUCATION All. P~i£TRTTCTION IK FRENCH, GER MAN. LATIN, AND MTTSIC will be given by ft Gei>tlenias t p< ssess’n* high. Testimonials and deferences, in exchange for a Bedroom and B *ara to a private family, iiiisiopatian preferred Address *A. N..caieof Sfesirs. 1104: CHEbTNUT Street. fei6 2l* SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN" will be opened on MOSDA.I. FabTaarv Is»h. 1864, at tbeb E. corner <>f NINTH and fePPJNG GAK liN TbnPBIMaBY DEPAtt'* ME ?T will b* conducted an a Kindersanen* upon the Q irman (Freeborn) system, and will include Beys and Girls under ten years of clans of '■ld er pnpi s will be received. In-boili departments, GYMNASTICS, tinder the system of Dr. Dio Lewis, will be taught. ° - GSBTEUGB W. FULTON, HARRIET B. DAEMSTGTON. fell’ 6t Address 315 MAR •!§ALL Street. H EATON & IXENCK LA., HARDWARE nommUelon Merchants. SO* COMMENCE and SlO NOfcTH fctr. ets, offer fcr ► ale: A sicbor Bran ti- alls; Plymouth Mill Rivets W &b. Batcher’s Cast Steel; Eagle Cabinet Locks PtitDnin’bHorse Mails; Locke s School Slates Ci-ppee* Brass, and Iron Wire; Cotton Cards »> o e fail assortment of American Haraware. |ir.6mif rjET YOOR CARTES T>B VISITE Iff \J liny style you prefer at RBI USE’S. BKCO Tt> Street. ab< ve Given All executed with skill and finished in an frtietic manier. • • s - ? It* ■ NEW PUBMCATIONS, IJUB GREAT WAR NOVEL. (SCENB IK EAST TENNESSEE.) 13th Thoanad la Pres, la tea* than Six Days after PnbUcstlon, WHAT IS SAID OF CUDJO’S CAVE, FROM THE SPRINGFIELD (MASS.) REPUBLICAN. 44 Boslbn is not prolific In novels, perhaps not In novel readers, and we therefore give the warmer welcome to that lively war-story, ' Cndjo’s Cave ’ The book has the elements of a successful novel, life-like sketches, picturesque sceniru. a plot of thrilling interest , and a lofty and beneficent purpose. ” FROM THE BOBTON EVENING GAZETTE. •'Mr. Trowbridge’s new romanoe. “Cudfo’s Cave,* Will jusilfy all expectations. It is the best thing be has wiitten and in all respects the superior of bis * Neigh bor Jackwood. * The story is one of unqualified inte rest,” &e», &o. THB NEW YORK INDEPENDENT Calls “Neishbor Jackwood” a powerAl story, second only toUncle Tom’s Cabin, and that ' ‘Cudjo’s Cave” bee (be same masterly humor and felicity of description which appears in all Mr. Trowbridge writes: that as a drama it would produce a thrilling effect. THE BOSTON TKiVILLER. 44 That it is worthy the well-eetabJehed reputation of that very-able writer, and justifies the warm reception which it has met with from all classes. ” And so the best isviews all soeak. It is thus far the most successfal novel ever issued from the American press. Elegant 12mo. muslin, over 600 pages. Price, $1.60. J. E. TILTON & CO., fel6-2t PUBLISHERS. retau. ukv bwm fWEN ETANS & 00., 45 NORTH EIGHTH Street, rucces&ors to J. tt. CASSELBERRY, the store where yon can *p*>nd your money and never feel sorry, because yon always get the full value for tt, SELLING OPF STOCK. ' TWO WEEKS OF BaRGAIVS. No one thinks of polling »s ch«ap &e we do UOW. ; BARGAINS IN MUSLINS New Ybrk Mills Marlin. 43 cents. Williamsvilla Muslin cheapest tn the city, ljard wide Muflias, 2$ cunts, giOd.- Bea*y Bieacbed Mtu.lin,22c, worth 26. Good Muslin for 1 fc# cents. White R«ick, Semper idem, and all leading makes on hand, at prlcaf the same as before th*» *lse. hi cent per yard allowed to castomers wanting a whole piece, ax amine our Maelins and you can see for yourself how chfcep ihey are. BARGAINS IN BALMORALS. Balmorals, $1.95. warranted full size, h&ixucrals, 60 Ladies say they are the beßt In the city for the price. Balmorals, $2.60 up to s3'6o, handsome. Come in and look at onr Balmorals, and you will know whore tney are to he had ciieap when you wish to pnrehate. BARGAIBg IN BiiAOK gu, Eg Bought bt-fore gold went up, consequently can sell cheap. Biacl Silk that is good for $l. Black Sitka from $1 ‘ 2’a an to $2 69, very fine. Black Silks from $2. CO up to $3.76. BaRGAINB IN KID GLOVES. Best quality Kid Gioves $l2O. Stitched Krd G.ovessl.^6 We gnar&utee every pair of the above Gloves from tearirg; give yon another pair jif they do t9±r. so yon ran no risk. We sell them so cheap many think they are dot. tbe best, glove. Buy a pair soon, and try them; they will he higher next mouth. -i u-.-** - Kid Gloves $1 10, best quality. Kid Moves *ll6, best quality. We have a rare bargain in a lot of White Kid Gloves, ben aht for cash. Whit* Kid Gloves 62K; best quality. bankrupt stock of counterpanes. Still selling those cheap Counterpaoes at bargains. BARGAINS IN OBICiTZSS. New style G>un'ZF»* 2> cents, warranted fast colors, bargains in flannels. Sbirtlnc FlanreU 60 cents. The above are a lot of Magenta Figured Flannels, and Worth much mo« money- _ BARGAIN? IN DRFSS GOODS. All kinds of Drees Geode closing out at prices to suit cnsiomtrs but we have opened RL H PLAID MOHAIRS only 37K- worth 60. hICH PLaID POPLINS only 37K- worth 44- The »bov** will Interest any ond wanttas cheap Dry Goods, as the) are new styles, choice qtulUv, at a very low price. o WEN s vans * CO., Successors to J. B. Casselberry, Cheap Mwonm *th Dry Goods, 45 North EIGHTH Street. P. B. Selling off HOOP SKIRTS at low prices, to quit the business, including those new Patent Tab, made to op*»n. so as to pm the Hoop Skirt off and on «asv . fe 15 2t CASSBLBEgRY. TfDWIN HALL & CO.. NO. 26 SOUTH -I-J second Street, are now OPENING new Goods In every d epartment: New French Chintzes and Brilllantes. Percale Robes, new designs, Organdies and Jaconets. Splendid quality and Styles of Grenadines* Fine all-Wool De L*ines, beautiful shades. New styles of Drees Goods of various kinds. Colon a Alpacas and Poplins. Fine Black Alpacas and Mohairs. New Gtods opening dally- _ fe!6-tf "FURNISHING DRY GOODS.—ONE -»■ lot very handßome double size White Bar»eillee Quilts, at sl6each: these were imported five years ago. and ere warranted at the lamevrices (two only sold to one person); also Marseilles Quilts from $9 to $25: Fink do.; Blue, Pink, and Purple bordered Eng lish Dimity do. ; Honeycomb do ; AUendale do.; Lan caster do. ; Woolen Quilts; heavy colored Cotton’do.: CrmfoxtabJee; Table Linens of every quality made, in bleached, half bleached, and unbleached, from 66 cents per yard up to $4 per yard; Cream double Damask Table Linen for tea; W,nv Cloths, N&psina, Doy les, Towels, Nursery Diapers.- Birdeye Diapers, Shirting Linens, Wheeling Linens and Muslins in every width; Pillow Linens ard Mnslinain every widtn. Blankets.etc.; also, every make of Muslin Shirtings at theL.weet prices. Wp a*k an examination and comparison r-f prices of onr Furnishing Goods, many articles of which could not now be replaced under a very great advance. R D StW. 0. PENNELL. fel6-2t. 1031 MARKET Street, below Eleventh. SILK AKD DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. 1864. sfbinu, is 64. JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, & C 0„ IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, No?. 330 and *4l NORTH THIRD ST., above Race. PHILADELPHIA, Have now open their usual LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK op FOBEIGN AND DOMESTIC DRV GOODS. Notwithstanding the scarcity of many kinds of Dry Goode, our mock is now full and varied in all its de partments. L . - Special attention Is invited to onr assortment of PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. A full assortment of Clothß, Casslmeres, Ac. X full assortment of Prints, De, &c, A fn ; l aeeor>ment of Notions, White Goods, «c. A full assortment of sheetings. Shirtings, Ac. A foil assortment, of Ornish Goods. Ac fell 3m MIILIIVERY GOODS. NEW MILLINERY *GOODS. P. A. HARDING & CO., Respectfully inform the mercantile community that they will open, FEBRUARY lOtb, 186*, AT NO. 413 ARCH STREET, A COMPLETE STOCK OF STRAW ABD MILLINERY GOODS, Baited to the trade, and trust that prompt and careful at* tension, moderation in prices, good assortment, together with their long experience in business, (having been for the last seven years with the lymse of Lincoln, Wood. A Nichole* and their successors. Wood A Cary.) they may merit a share of the pnblic patronage aa» Orders solicited by mail and promptly executed. fel-lmif AKMY GOODS. QOFFIN & ALTEMUS, No. 830 CHESTNUT STREET. Have on hand and for sale ARMY DOMET ALL-WOOL BLUE FLANNELS. fel66t JPOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. SVANS A HASSALL, . ' \ MILITARY, FURNISHERS. •k 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ■ Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Swords, •Sashes. Belie, Pageants, Epaulettes, Hats, Caps, Can teens Haversacks, Camp Kits, Field 01 usee, Spars, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit lof Army and Navy Officers. A liberal discount allowed to the trade. felO-lm 18154. 1864. F ÜBLOU GHB. Officers ai-d soldiers, visiting the city on furlough* needing SWORDS And other MILITARY EQUIPMENTS are invited to the very extensive MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENT OF GEO* W* SIMONS <& BRO., sansom-stbeet hall, BANSOM Street, above Sixth. PRESENTATION SWORDS Made to ortf ex at the shortest notice, which for rich nets and magnificence challenge competition- no other house in the country combining the MANUFACTURING JBWBi ER WITH THB PRACTICAL S WORD MAKBR ja22-lm . Q W. SIMONS A BROTHER, 8 ANSOM - STREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA, HANZ7PACTZ7REBS OF JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS, aid MILITARY goods IN EVERY VARIETY. gctf'ifßm pROTHINGHAM <* WELLS HATH FOB ,ALB. AND EIGHT SHEETINGS AND i WASH NGTON AND VICTORY CAMBRICS AND BILECIAB. BHOWN .BLEACHED. AND CORSET JEANB- .. «-j. IK WORSTED YARN. *O. wWf« PLANTATION BITTBR*. ftoa tiiauurjiMvttal-tti bloody bittlo-toM—Hit mwuloß of tho ilob ml lnunHo obode of tbe poor—froa the oflee end the leered desk—from tlm motmuln top. dlatut Toiler* ml fer-oIT talaud* of th* oeeon—from •tbit nook end corner of tho clTUlxod world—U ponrlu In tho oTldosco of tho utonlehlnx effect. of DRAKB’S FLAHTATIOB BITTERS. Thonunde upon thouendo or letter* like the following mar bo aeon atonroffloo: Rbbdsburt, Wib., Bextt. 16, 1863. •*•*** I haTe been in the army hoipltal* for fourteen months—epeechles* and nearly dead. AX Alton, 111,« they cave me a bottle of Plantation Bitter*. * * * Three bottles restored my speech and eared me. * * * j* 0. H, FLAUTB. ” . South Warsaw, 0., July 28, 1863.* “** * * One young man* who had been sick and not out of the house for two yean with Scrofula and Ery sipelas, after paying the doctor* over 9100 without bene fit, has been eared by ten bottles of your Bitters. * * * EDWARD WOUNAI.L.” The following I* from the Matron of the Union Home School for the Children of volunteers: Hatbmbtbk Mabsiob, Fiptt-sbvbktb Sr., J New Yonx, August 2. 1863. J 11 Djl Brass : Tour wonderful Plantation Bitters have been given to some of our little children suffering from weakness and weak lungs with most happy effect. One little girl, in particular, with pains In the head, loss of appetite, and dally wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, has been entirely restored. We commenced with but a tea spoonful of Bitter* a day. Her appetite increased; strength and health followed- * * * * Respectfully, "* * * lowe much to you, for I verily believe the Plantation Bitters haye saved my life. BBV. W. H, WAGGONBB, Madrid, If. T.” •»* * * Thou wilt send me two bottle* more of thy Plantation Bitters. My wife has been, greatly benefited by their use. Thy friend, ASA CURBIN, Philadelphia, Fa.” ***** I have been a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and had to abandon preaching. * * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me. REV. J. S, OATHOBN, Rochester, N. Y.” ***** Send us twenty-four dozen more of your Plantation Bitters, the popularity of which is daily in creasing with the guests of our house. SYKES, CHADWICK, A CO., Proprietors Willard’s Hotel, Washington, D. C. ” ’•* * * I have given the Plantation Bitters to hun dred* of onr disabled soldiers with the most astonishing effect. G. W. D. ANDREWS, Superintendent Soldiers' Home, Cincinnati, O.” ■•* * * The Plantation Bitter* have cured me of liver complaint, of which I was laid np prostrate and had to abandon my business. H. B. KINGSLEY, Cleveland, O.” * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of a derangement of the kidneys and urinary organs that has distressed me for years. It acts like a charm. \C.C. MOORE, Agent for Colgate A Co., 254 Broadway,” Ao., Ac,, Ao„ Ao.» Ac., Ao, The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong, the lan guid brilliant, and are exhausted nature’s great restorer. They are composed of the celebrated Cliasaya Bark, Wintergreen, Sassafras, Boots, Herbs, Ac., all preserved in perfectly pure Si Croix Rum. m 8. T-—lB6p.—X. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weakness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, dis tress after eating, torpid liver, constipation, Ac*, deserve to suffer if they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical autho rities, and are warranted to produce an frpmedfofc bene ficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and harmless v JTotiob.— Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bit ten In bulk or by the gallon is a swindler and impostor. We only put It up lu onr log-cabin bottles. Beware of bottle* refilled With Imitation several person* are already In prison. See that every Bottle has our United States stamp over the cork, and signature on steel-plate side labels. Bold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable ‘ 1<,,,8 P. H- DRAKE A CO; o«13-*tnJrtMn> SO!* BROADWAY. N. T. FINANCIAL. (COUPONS OF 7 3 10 TREASURY NOTES DUE FEBRUARY 19. 7 3-10 do. do. do. APRII. 1. 6-20 BONDS do. MAY 1. HIGHEST MARKET BATES PAID BY DRBSEL & CO., fel2lot Ho. 31 South THIRD Street. £JLABKSON & 00., BANKERS , • • - ’ -p ~ No. 11l South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. Government Securities of all Issues PURCHASED AND FOR SALE. STOCKS, BONDS, AND GOLD BOUGHT AND SOM) ON COMMISSION. Interest Allowed on Deposits. I®-COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. feg-lm JAY COOKE & CO., BANKERS AND DEALERS GOVERNMENT LOANS 6-20 BONDS 6 PBB CENT. IEGAL TENDERS. T-30 TREASURY NOTES. 1881 DOANS. ONB-YBAB CERTIFICATES. aU.BTBBMASTBRS’ VOUCHSBS. QUARTERMASTERS' CHECKS. “CITY AND STATS STOCKS. BANK. RAILROAD. AND ■ CANAL STOCKS AND BONDS. Stocks Bought and Sold on Commission ▲ fall supply of all Unde of GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Including the New Five Per Cent, (legal tender) TREA SURY NOTES. Always on hand. Collections made and deposits received. JAY COOKE ifc CO., Ho. 114 Sofltb THIRD STBP.BT. ja27-lm _ IQTH FEBRUARY, IST APRIL, 1864. IST MAY, ; COUPONS V 3-lO >: Aivo 3-30, WAN tS-D. DREXET. *z CO INSURANCE COMPANIES. "DETIRN OF THF. ROVAL INSU +t ranch company of Liverpool, Jess 00,iM3. CAPITAL STOCK *10,000,000. - ■ Of which paid*** »• ..81.418 325 Cash on hand nd in Bank 155.587 Bfal Estate Jg.9§7 Ca*h in hands of agents....... United States Stocks held in Hew York 520,715 Loan*secured by Bond*..••»••••• *»?5“ S 3 Loans secured by Life Policies.l9 K 2OO Sundry investments in Great Britain.***** 770,685 -Loan on Stocks with margins of 18 to 20 per cent 1.776 027 Total assets. Fire Insurance Premiums, 1862 Losses paid. 1882.*--. Lowes not adjusted, about Dividend declared, about Expenses, about - - - Liabilities, besides losses mentioned above, sundry small accounts, and three months duty to Government, not yet due« 30,855 fels*eatu>l6t insuran a Ho. 406 CHBS 1 PHILADI fIEE AHD IfiLAl _ DISBO' Frauds K Buck, Charles Richardson. Hei<ry Lewis. O W. Davis, P 8 Justice, George A. West.- FRsNOIB 11. C£IAS. RICHA W, I. Bt.ANOHaRP- Secretfti trußNiruKE. - bare change.—* A To those wishing to purchase FIVE FORNIfUBE I would sft> thet i shall offer ray eutire stuck, at the WaKRJ OOMS, Ho. *5 South cECOHD Street, above Chestnut. at the cost of manufacture The Fornitare must h« sold before the 10th of March, as the store is to bn used for other purposes. The work and materials are of the very beet quality, and every article will be war ranted &6 ed, Th« stock comprises some of the ffnestpatterns or solid BOSfcWOOD an 1 W eLWU T PARLOR SHITS, covered in Sann, Brocatelle, ** Plush, ” Reps, and Hair Cloth, ever offered for sale. Also, solid Walnut Bound coruerißed stead*. splendid Dressing Bureaus and Bncloeea »«“■ stands to match; Parlor tables, OhatTS, Biegeres. Kaay- Arm and Stuffed Rocking Chaim- Sideboards, grtensloj- Tabiee, Dining Chairs, in Reps; Lounges, Racks, Bsil Tables; in fact, etery TarifltT rfg&rlor. Dining Room. Hall, Library. and fc Chamber Furniture. ... o« tii. statement■ willeasily »t co»t. and wm jranafactarer. Hipes AND TALLOW AT public AUCTION -Will b. offered at Pnblle 18 o’cloek M , on TIIBBI>AT,-tbe 23d dejr at February. at the MoßMnent Tard .Jn-the oil* of Waehlngton. about sf«OTaLTBD BUB HIDES, and 60.000 ftaoTTAHLO W, Inaood condition. ‘ • Term. CAfcH, in Government fnnde. fe!67t OBBEL, Llent Col. andC.S /TIABTES BE YIBITE.—B. F. REIMER’B styles combine the merits essential to popularity, truthfulne**. and beauty. Go early to 684 ARCH St. and obtain good pictures. It* MBS. 0. M. DEVOR.” ss 198 040 .. 1,544.240 738 980 12,435 165.120 486,065 OB COMPANY, .TirUT BTKKBT* ELPHIA ,ND IfISURAHOK. ITOBS. . _ John W« Brennan, Robert B. Potter, John Kessler, Jr,, E. D Woodruff, Charles Stokes, Joseph *l>. Ellis. ‘BUCK. President tRDBOtt. Vice President. ITT- Ul4-tf WANTS. A LADY WISHES A SITUATION A 8 TEACHER OP (Piano! MUSIC. Best references. Address “TEACHER Op md JC, "thin offlse 1£ A SITUATION AS BAX.B-SMAN IN A , 6 *o r **bT* fan who lias a larae countiy acqnainiancfi, BefereacQ aiy«a. Address “D. «»•» Mngptßnlly. W ,T. felfrSt* A FIRST-CLASS BOOR-KEEPBB „ a JOttDK married maa-desireß a.ituet enia a good Mercantile or Maim factoring Establishment Han had several year*’experience on Market etr»et Can irive the best of reference to prominent business m->n bask f fflcers and pre»ent employers. Address 4 *R..’»■» l arA „r Wm W. Key*. Bo* 2 ; 35 Post Office* A N EXPEBIENCBD BUSINESS MAN A a ge ( to travelling and who baa a large trade inch's Ptate and all through, the West, desires a orsitlon in a first-clasr Grocery, Tea, Prodace, or o<her Hoa«e deslr Irk to increase or introduce their business. Address “A. Z*" ihlscfflce. faliit* T ACQUBBEB AND DIPPEU WANT JLJ ed —Highest wages and steady employenent. ” rp A W lt * SEVENTEENTH and QOATBS dt*e»tg. TO BOOKBINDERS.—A X FORWARDER, who has some knowledge of finish ing, would like to make an arrangement with some re tpomib-e pari> by the Ist of April, to serve some months order instructions »t Finishing Would h*v« no objec tion* 10 Forwarding occasionally. A Job-shop will be preferred. Address “Finbher.” Pres* Office. It* "Wanted-a boy, in a commit SION HOUSE. Address “A. B. C-,” thisloffle*. fe!6 St* W ANTED-SALESMAN IN A HO . feiery and Notion house One who can Influence trade, and one with some experience in the business to a»Eist in store. Address, with reference, “A. B this office fel6-3t* WANTED —IN WHOLESALE NO TION ROUPE a competent BOOKKEEPER; one Who is willing tom*k« himt-elf generally useful. Refer ences required. Address 4 * B ~ TP rejta Office Also, a smart, active LAD, from 16 to 18 years of age. Address as above. rei&Bf WANTED—AN ASSISTANT SALES " » MAN In a Doire*tlc Commission Honse. Address 4 * P. 0.. ” Box No. » 683, with references. fel6 6t* WANTED—IN A DOMESTIC COM ** mission Honse, an active LAD. 15 or 18 years of age Addretß “P. O.Box No. 13413* in hand writing of applicant, with references. f«l6-3t* WANTED—TWO OB THREE BOYS * r to work on Gordon and Baggies l power presses, principally card and clrcalar work Apply U toe LO'IK* WOOD MANUFACTURING CO., 300 6. THIRD Street. fe!s-2t* WANTED—IN A DRY-GOODS 0054- * * MISSION HOUSE, a young man with some ex perience, to assist in the Counting-Room. Mast be qu : ck and correct at figures, write a good baud, and Rive satisfactory references. Address Box 1583 P. 0. ftl3-Bt* • WANTED—IN A FEW WEEKS. BY »* a Gentlemen a-nd Wife, with two Dau*hters, per manent BOARDING on a pleasant street, not over eight squares from Chestnut and Seventh; three room* in second or third story- with erwithont furniture. Rafer erce exchanged. Address, statingUocation and terms per month. Box 1032 Post Office. f«l3-6fc* WANTED—A SALESMAN* IN A Dtp Goods Jobbing House, Address Box No 2091, Philadelphia Post Office, feH6t WANTED, BY A MARRIED MAN, ** a situation as Pale r man or Assistant Bookkeeper, in a Wholesale Jobbing Honse. Brought op in the dry goods business in the country. No objection to keeping books in a manufacturing es tobUsbment. Address 4 ‘8.D.,” PostOfficd, BORDGY TOWN. N. J. fell-St* WANTED— AN INTELLIGENT BOY. about 18 years old, iu a Wholesale Hat and Straw Good* House. Addrem, in handwriting of applicant. VBox 2,842. Philadelphia Post office. fe!3 sta;h3t* WANTED CLOTHING.—P SRSONS * » having Clothing to dispose of will please call on or address 0. MILLER, jafi-tnthsBm* No. 303 CHESTNUT Street. ■WANTED—A FEW ERIE CITY f “ and County BONDS. Erie Car al Bonds of Erie, Pennsylvania. Also, 10,000 North Branch Canal Bonds, for which the highest price will be paid by - „ C. B. WRIGHT & CO., . South THIRD Street, f<p 9 • 12t Opposite the jtxch a n ge. ®7fj A MONTH!—I Want TO HIRE nP * AGENTsT in every County, at 4t75 a month, ex pellees paid, to sell my new cheap Family SewlnirWa* chines. Address S. MADISON.AIfred.Me. [Pel2 d&W.'jm SsHO X MONTH I—l Want Agents at 60 a month.expenses paid, to sell my Everlasting Pencils , Oriental Burners-, and 13 otheT articles. 15 circu lars aent/rie JOHN F, LORD, Biddeford, ale ja27 2m m WANTED—ON OB BEFORE •Ekgept. lot — to pnrcbaie [or rest, a desirable HOUSE, situate on Chestnut. Wainut, Locust, or Spruce street*, east of Broad street. Address Box 517 Post Office. A furnished house would be rented if desirably located, lelc-at WANTED TO BENT—BY THE ■■fill Ist of March, a three-story DWELLING.With three ktorv back«bnildings situate between Tenth and Twen tieih and Spring Osrden and Brown streets. Address, giving location and rent. Box 1476, P- O. fa4*thstal2t m WANTED—FOB THE SUMMER. ffiUL a moderate* sized FurnishedDHousd at CHE iTNUT BILL. Addres* HENRY G. SMITH, fe!s 6t* No 605 WALNUT htreet, (second floor.) jm WANTED TO BENT—A SMALL, \flciL drw HOUSE. Address Box 1007. Philadelphia Post Office. falO-fit* BOARDING. rjOAREING— A SMALL PRIVATE XX family, livingln Walnut Street, near Twentieth, would receive several single Gentlemen, or Gentlemen snd their wives, without children House first class Addreas, foroneweek, * 4 West Walnut Street,” Press Office. fp!6-2t* S.OST AND FOUND. t OST—A OEBTIFIOATE FOR ONE L Share in the KENSINGTON BANK, In the county Of Philadelphia. The finder will be suitably rewarded if left at aland IS STRAWBERRY" sstreot. ja26-tuthSt* MDSES WHESLEB. T OPT—A CEETIFIO A'l E OF 5 PER JU CBST. LOAN OP STATE OF PE3NSYLVACTIA. for SBI6 OS, dst«o M.rch 12 18S0. Ho. 754. in name of WILLIAM MBHEDITH. Also, a Certtflcate of 5-per cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, fov the aam of *2OO dated Jane 30, 1845, Ho. 1452. in the name of ELI EL PRICE, administrator of William Meredith la trust. Ap plication has been made to the Auditor General for a re newal of said Certth :ates felMm BLI K. PBIOE. No. 811 ARCH Street. FOR SALE AND TO IET. gjjj HOUSES I DWELLINGS!! , STORES ! 1 1 FOR SALE HOUSES, STORES, and DWELLINGS, In all parts of the city of Philadelphia. Cl 11 or send your address for a copy of House Register* GEO. N. TOWNSEND & GO., fe!2-6t l»3 hi South FuTTRTH Street. pOAL YARD FOB SALE—THE BEST fitted-op Tard in the city. Capacity- for doing any s mount of business. Inquire at No. 957 North NINTH Street, below Girard avenue. Terms easy. fe!3>6t* CTEAMBOAT MACHINERY FOR SALE, on wharf of Port Richmond Iron Works, Phi* ladelpbia. One Marine Return Fine Boiler. 20 feat long, 7 feet wide; one Boiler, 20 feet long, 7 fee; wide; one boiler, inti able for propellor-tug. 12 feet long, 6 feet di ameter; two skeleton Walking-Beams wit a wrnuvht iron shafts- 12 and 14 feet long. Address Bux 969, Pui ladrlpMa Poet Office. fel3-3t* VALUABLE DELAWARE WHARF T PROPERTY FOR SALE. Thin property. cen trally located in the EIGHTEENTH WARD of the city of Philadelphia, has a frontage on the river Delaware, extending to Beach street, of I*6 feet, with a superior 80'feet-wide pier into deepwater; capacious docks, 200 to 600-feet lone, oo both sldas —the whole embracing aa area of over 66,000 square feet, with, privileges of exten sion equal to a total are* exceeding 60.000 square feet. For farther information, apply perso-ally, or by letter, to SAMtTBL 8. GRICE. fe9-tf 1344) BEACH t tract, Philadelphia WATER POWER TO RENT.—ONE "L of the beat WATER POWERS la the State of Delaware, healthy and pleasantly situated, having about thirty Cottages for hande, and a very desiranl* residence for maoufacturex or manager* The Watv Power has 13 feet fall, 2 overshot v?he©J», each 20 feet breast, 10>s feet dip.rarter; said to be 70 horsepower. Mill recently burned down, will be rebuilt by the owner for either cotton, wool, or paper manufacture. The property has unusual advantages for paper* making. Tiit owner, who rerides on the property, would prefer joir-ieg seme party who would furnish capital to put ma chinery into factory and carrying oa the same as a wool en man* factory. or would lease th? same for a term of years for further particulars CSILLA* fe4*lm* Newark. Delaware. nnn to loan on mqrt »lp4t,UUU GiOE. Alio, th« sum of *7.(100. As pl» at the office of JAMES H. C ASTLS, 1 ft* No. 115.Souti FIFTH Strest 4* FOR SALE—A VERY DESIRA •KaLBLB hoergg, ceattflUy located, for #12,000. Addrese “House,” Press office. • It* MFOR SALE—A YEKY DESIRA -3LE PROPERTY. the residence of the late 2>r. Jacob SHaRPLESS, deceased, with Eighteen Acres of enperior Band attached It is situated in the borongb of DOWNInGTOWN. Chester county, within tea’ walk of the Chester Valley and Pennsylvania Railroad Stations, at which all trains aton. Tj«D well' log 1b yen conveniently and substantially built, with Bars, Tenant Bouee. Spring House, and all necessary out-buildings. There is a great abundance of ShrUb* bery. Fruit, and Shade Trans. Part of the land Will be sold with the buildings, if desired. Apply to ABM S ASH BRIDGE, DOWSING TOWN - P. 0. MARCH STREET DWELLING. B HI LOW EIGHTH Street. 21 feet 6 Inches front, HO fert deept Tfitk back bui,din«s. sta-bling, &c. , and suit able for a Store for tale by fe!3»3t* a.P & J H. MORRIS, 910 ARCH Street. MSI 800 FOR DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT (20 by 16 feet 4in ). No S3l Crown street, near CaHowhill Will rent for $ll per month. Clear of incumbrance. For sale by _ J. B M'TOHELL, 310 YORK avenue. MFCB SALE VERY LOW.—THE *«<?liable 'HOUBE No. 614 North SIXTEENTH sin et, 36 feet front Priee. only $9 000 Also, the large and substantia iy built DWBLIJNG No. 202 FRAU LIN Street delightfully situated. oupos'te tbeSqnre, containing twenty rooms, and suitable for a large fmoUy or Jfrst-class Boarding-H jusb or Semlmrj. GREEN STREET! GREEN STREET! Tboee wanting Houses on Gr«ea street, or fa that vi cinity. had best go straight to Headquarjera R W. corner SSVBHTEBNHaudQBBJ» fel3 OrlaSßonth FOJBTg Street.. MTO LET—A COMMODIOUS DWELLING, No. 13» North FRONT |tr«et. Kent “agg*- 40 NoXsEPOND Stmt. «for sale cheap labge FARM, containing 1.020 acres 4*o of which Ire flSetlSber land divided into three Farms, with three teU of g«od bail dings; besides a large store* bouse, one or the best stands in the county for busi- ess; wharf, grain bouses, «c., «©.; situate ia Dorcbetter county, on a navigable nw. For full • particulars ap- SJ to A PETTIT; 3*3 WALNUT Street price only EL TOO. Indisputable title. Term easy. fe!3 ifw FOB SALE-HORSE, CAB- AND HARNESS—The property of a. Physician recently deceased The H*o*ba >s a handsome bob- tail bay, and is a perfectly safe FAMILY HORSE . Apply lo WH. H. 6aO'>N» lel6i3t* * 35 North FOURTH Street. CL CO ND NATIONAL BANK OF FhANBFORD. - T „ CAPITAL *lo*6oo. faITH THE PRIVILEGE OP IN CREASING TO «00 000. - t . Nathan HILLBS, President, wi LLTAM H. RHAWB. Cashier. (Late of the Philadelphia Bank ) NATHAN HILLEB. DI »? CT g^aBLES R KRBMMt. GEORGE W. BHaWN. B|»J- BOWL aND. Jr » SIMONB. SNYDER, BEf£• H. DEFCON. BDW ABD HAYES. - JOHN COPrlsK. oSMSSBF4et SJS®*® aa»“alßiMlEltisßMiMW a poll the anal :t “™UeetloM opou all aoMMlhls polite wIU be made TBS?* BHiWN, Cashier, FUND H.^' JAMES E. MUaPOQH Will Rive a coaise of THREE readings. MUSICAL FUND HALL, consUtlngof Soriptaral and choice eelsotlma. on the following evenings: TUESDAY, Feb. Wth, THURSDAY, Feb. lSCfc, SATUBDAT, Feb. MMI. To comtnencfl at a quarter cf eight o'clock Mnsle Tickets, Reserved Seat, Fifty Cento. Course Tickets Reserved Seat, One I'eilar May bo bad at AftSMEID « STABS'. Wo. Mt OHBSiniUrStrMti. OF MUSIO, mTHmGHTOF|M^^ 8 When, tty particular reqneet v: nnmer.ras oatrone w«t' beprodnsed the romaQUc aof Auei,> * B Porous, Witt LA DAME bLANCUKfrbe by Boieldlen, with th, followln* aoeanai»4 oL I ,'. Oavestnn ....7 - ~HL.w a’Siranna * MB "‘M.O ••*••0.00000 00 0 . 0... J)i cijson, Deri* Krjj'eid. Jenny*••••• ••••*• • • Milo C'-vutnea, Mac Irton Herr Graff ScAie. Scotlaad, Castle of the Connt of av upl. Conducti-r ...CaRL ANS.OaOTS. 'llcketn of Admlspion to Parquet. pA-qaet Circle, end Balconv, $l. Po extra charge for fißcored Seat*, Fami ly Circle. 60cento; Amphitheatre 25 cents. Doors ope aat o’clock. Performance to commeuse at 8 o clock • FRIDAY EVENING. Februaryl9. fclxih Wigtb i f tliM 'easou. GRAND MATINGS , ON SATURDAY AFTER !»00N. Tickets can be obuined at GoaW’e Mtttffl Store* Seventh and Chentnut streets, and at the Academy of M'pblc* fe 16-fit* AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIO* **RATTLE OP GETTYSBURG *» By reaueet of «ev<?ral c’tizeas. tee above iuteraetliic Leciure, graphically and ibriiliuglv deonriblagthe groat Battle of the W«r will be KE -E vTE I) by Rev. JOHN R WaRNBR. of Gettysburg, OuTUAbD*? EVENING, tae23diost. Ticket o ♦... .25 cents, Reserved Befits. * .Forsale at MaJRMEN’S DOG CHESTNUT Street, and at the Academy only on the day and eveniug ofthe tare. Xoore open at I'm Lecture to commeac-* at § o'clooh. fo!9 9h NEW CHESTNUT- STRBBT THBATRB. LEONARD GROVER LAST NIGHTS, LAST NIGHTS, a « . last NIGHTS. Of the delightful drama, ••TICKET OP.* LEAVB..«.~..MATf ** “•TICKBT OP EhAVfi MaN.” "TICKET • ...*OF LKaVB........MAN.** THIS EVENING, Pebraary 16. The great t nccene of the TJCKrtT OF-LBAVB MAN Iu London. New York, Boston, Washington, and tU great sneeze* at the CHESrOUT-STREBT TNEiTBE, Constitnlee ;t beyond a doubt ihe moat wonderful DRAMATIC SUCCESi tfF THB AGE. The public should bear in mind that this beautttal Drama can only receive a few more represeutailoaeiA this Theatre. FRIDAY HBXT, FIRST COMEDY NIGHT OF TBB . SEASON. “THE FINE OLD ENGLISH GENTLE if AN.” Reappearance of Mr. C BARSOV and Mr T. H. KNIGHT. Several members uf the company will make tneir first appearance duriug the week. In preparation, the great Irish. Drama. COLLEEN HAWN', with new scenery and appointments. SATURDAY AFTERNOON NEXT. THE SECOND > AMILY MATiABB. KOPPITZ AND THE GRAND ORCHESTRA play this week 4 Overtures to Hungary Laxlo, ” oem posed by Erkel FereLZ. performed fur the first time tu America; “Union Armada Polka,” C Koppltz, with Comet Cbllgato. by Mr. Dnan; “ Anden Abeadsteru 1 * (to the Evening Star), Aria from the Opera of Taanhaoßer. fel6 WALN UT-STBEET THBATBH ,T Lepsee MRS M. A. GARHETTiON. PROLONGMEKT OF IHE ENGAGEMENT OF LUCILLE WESTERN. Who. at the request of hundreds of families, will ap pear cn THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, Feb. 16. In tne Thrilling Moral Emotional Play of EafeT LYNNE. . « OR. THE BLOFfiMENT, MISS LUCILLE WESTERN appearing as LADY ISABEL and MADAME VINE. M*S. JOHN DREW’S NEW ABOH* AU RTREBT THEATRE. SECOND NIGHT SECOND NIGHT OF MIS 3 CAROLINE RICHINGB, AND ENGLISH OPERA TROUPE THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING. Feb. 16. 1864. the Daughter of the regiment MARIE MISS CAROLINE RIOHINGS. Cartouche....* Mr. B. Regain.. T« »io Mr. o.wtU. Bcvrtenslae ......Mr. Griffiths.. To conclude wßh JOHN WOPPS. John Wopus Stuart Robson. FRIDAY BENEFIT OF MISS RLCHINGS. Prices as usual. Curtain rises at 7}£ o’clock. fel6 HALL. CHESTNUT Street, -above TWELFTH. M»»NDAY EVENING. February 15th. AND EVBRY EVENING DURING THE WEEK. SECOND WEEK—TRIUMPHANT HUCOESa. Three changes of Programme ag-»ia this week. TWO NEW STABR Mr. CHAS. MELVILLE, the fityorite balladht, Mr. OTIS H. CARTER the astonishing Tenor. MORRIS MIN&TBSLS The best band in the world. From their Op«r* Honse, Boston. Patronized by the elite of BEAUTY, FASHION AND RSSPBC7IBILITY. The Hall Is crowded sightly. See for yourself* COME EARLY TO OBTAIN SEATS. Look out for the laughable biulesqaes this week, THB BOYS FK4>M DaVENPORT, lOWIA. THE VETERAN AND THE STRANGER. New Songe, Jokes. Acts, and Faroes. CardAPf Admission Ocean's. Hoars oper at.B4( o’clock; to commence at 7511. CHARLES A. MORRIS Manager. fe!s-6t* fiREAT NATIONAL CIBOUS 'j TROUPE. MARK vr Street, above Twelfth. LAST WEEK BUT ONE. Directress, Mrs. CHARLES WARNER, formerly UnL DaN RICE. POPULAR ENTHUSIASM still attends thepi-rformances ofthe GREAT CLASSIC SHOW, and there is no doubt that the institution would retain its popularity th oushout the year, but lt must close in. a very ehort time. Tbnee who like a PALATABLE DHH OF FUN should not fall to avail themselves of the pT«eent oppor« tanlty- ,a Be wise to day. ’tie madness to defer. ” MATINEES ON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AF TERNOONS. Admission 25cto; stave seats 60c; private boxes $3; gallery 15 cts Commencing at 2)£ o’clock each Afternoon: Evening. 7.40 Benefit of Mr. and Mrs WHITTAKER on THURSDAY EVENING, 18th tost. felS 6fc TEMPLE OF WONDERS. A assembly buildings. TENTH And OHEBTNUT Streets WILL SHOKTLY CLOSB. MAGICAL and PHILOSOPHICAL BXPEttIHERTS; Great Powers of VRNTBILOQUIBH. and the LEARN** CANARY BIRDS. SIGNOR BLITZ will appear in his popular Entertain* menta EVERY EVENING, commencing at 7X and WEDNESDAY and SATURD AY AFTERNOON at 3. _ Admission 25 cents; Children Ifi cents. iai-w PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF r _ THE ranSABT 0 i. jaxj mid AKTB, 1695 OHBSTWOT STRICT- „ M OPEN DAILY (Saudi** «xtdpt«d) frox* 9 i H> tIU fF.M. AdmisMoo SSeeuks. OMldren half »ri«* ja2Mf MIUTABY. S 100 MEN WANTED, TO AVOID THE DRAFT, and join anT Old Pennsylvania ARTILLERY, CAVALRY, OR INFANTRY. REGIMENT, am? get the HIGHEST BOUNTIES. VETBRANS- .... NEW RECEOITS $573. SA7S Cash paid before they are sent to Rendezrons. 75 “ “ “ leaving Rendezvous for Regiment. Eetrareof unauthorized Agents, irresponsiblerunners, ■who are on the alert to take advantage of von. Come to the General Recruiting Office, N £ corner BRO *D and SFBIhG GARDEN Streets. M. WAN&SR, IT. S. Recruiting Agent. fe:6-2t** Fourth. District Pa. t ATTENTION I CO. D, BLUE Bfi- SERYIS!-The members are particularly requested to attend a i«p«cial Meeting at the Armory, on THIS (Tueiday) EVENING, 16th, at o'clock. ' Business of importance on hand. It* Lieut. WM. J VOLKMAB, S3C*y. u PROVOST GUARD.—TiI W RO'. LS ■ft OF THE FIFTH COMPANY ARK NOW OPES. Do Ilf not ml'B this opportunity. Goo- • intelligent man ■<» cprnot siet<mbett«r <-U’y. From thej »aT#e number defeiiiif lb come from the differed tpartß vf the sate th* entire force will be filled before tin day* have elapsed. Come, well to the Pav et Marsh*’ s office, FIFTH aid streets. Captain JOBS H. JA'JSC, Captain fUURLES KEBtf. Jtecruliio* officers a GENERAL RECRUITING OFFICE, fl| 611 CHKSTHUT Sitfek ' , . W Kecrnitß wanted for all the grtlantoid Cavalry. m Artillery, and Infantry regiments now m service raised in this State , , .. - A Hmlted namhorof men can yei te enlas ed for the 2d ‘-AjviMery .Rationed In the fortifications tor tli* de feat® ©f Wellington: and for the Artillery,'stationed at Fortran Monroe, Va bvappying at this office Imma diately,. BOONTiES. Veteran Volunteers All other Volunteers *. *MB t-ASH IN HANT>. Pew&re rf unauthorized acents, irresponsible raiinari. and scoundrels. who are on the alert to take advantage of yeti, but come direct to t> e authorized recruiting office. No, 611 Chestnut street, aad select a good old resfi secure the bounty* serve under officers of expert' enc« and avoid the impending draft. . _ _ CHAB. N. GADWALLADEB, Capt. 21 Ait. P.V., felfr 6t* General Itecralting Officer, AVOID THE DRAFT. HOW OK MEYER IS THE TTttß TpBNLI&T. Recruits wasted for the IBth ■iP « PexuasylvanlaCavalry, not* is the Held AU Benoits receive 'he tame fconsties as other Kecrttits re ceive row enlisting: pay commencing from tne aateor enrowent.. Apply . frBOK ZAKR4OaBR At Ho. JOfi routb hlXPHSfreet# Major 0. Berry’s Marquee. fell 4t 0. S. Geobok W. lEvrtf COrABTHGBSBIPB. r'OP A ETNEBSH IP. Philadelphia Pebraary 1.1@64. The nuderMffDeq me_tbi> ddyjusooUteii ond*rtbe Arm of BOLDIN & Watti'll tN, a* fobacce nod General Commission Merchants, at No. 105 tf WA TER Street, and No. 100 N. DELA.W’IfIB Avenue. ®E£RGEBO* 4 DIN, (late of Boldin & Penrose.) , WaATMaCf, (Late M. Wartraan ft 00. > IEGAL. T ETTEBS TESTAMENTABY UPON the Estate of CONSTANTINE OUFFOBD. lata of tfae city of Philadelphia. dec T d, Having oeen granted fcfr tne undersigned al' persons ind bted tome astute ari requeued to make payment, and those having claims against tie same will present wtthoat delay i to T B “dOBT BKITJOJf. No 4:30 WAI.WPT Street. Or »«her Attorney, fer» tr.6* KTOTICE LETTERS TESTAM>NTAe W ry to tlie Estate or JOHN BtonE. decoac-d. V„ sSStedto the nnrlerslMffS »!' P'tW! i»- t« 1 1, ait «i”.t n are recto. »'6d to matte par in-at aid SKUrt&toS the .aid to Dreaeot then to B s B800k! S Kxocuturrc, 5*58 tonth TdIRO Street. A t/JER’SHAIKDYEt (i 800, No. J\ 53 THIRD Street above Chest ant. lt» 4ssa correct piano tuning nrTTT* - Mr. C fi. SARQEST r < Orders for Ihialbt tod Rapttrlni Pianos are received at MAtjOff 4 00. * Stor*. 90t OHESTWu f Street, only, •-'IHr 8 baa had eleven years'feetory experience in Bo* ton rad five year*’employment in PhUadelpb-i* . SPECIAL —Pianos releaihtred to Bound as soft an* ewwMoned as new, without rt.mrr.Hnp. for Tnnlne. Urt § JOELS JL OAFBN, PHRUiNOLO GIST, mar bodonaoltod, DAY andBVSNING.on adaptation to Buaiaaa* Trade, and rrofainon. on tla* Improvement of kealth, correction or (Anita- formation of frianduitva. Ac. Fa>l(oo sarlrtiona of character glyen whan Toaoirad at no. Jf# S/TtNl'H fctmS, abOTa ChsitMt. mS-Uli'-oSibU •MANAGES. s67s 675
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers