The Gettysburg Cemetery. To the Editor of The Press: - Sin : Numerous inquiries and suggestions are made through the papers and by letters in reference to the publioation , of the proceedings at the come oration of the National Cemetery. For the informa tion of the public you will please publish the fol lowing : There is in course of preparation a brief description of the National Cemetery, and a litho graphic map of the grounds, and these, together With some 'of the correspondence in reference to the consecration of the grounds, the order of exercises, the prayer, Hon. Edward Everett's oration, revised with care by himself for publication in perManent form, the dedicatory remarks of President Lincoln, and the consecration hymn and dirge, will be pub lished in a neat and durable forma The copyright will be secured, and the proceeds realized from the sales of the publication will be added to the fund for the erection of a monument in the cemetery to the memory of the noble dead. The publication will be before the public in a few weeks. I remain, yours truly, DAVID WILLS, Agent Apr A. G-. Curtin, Gov. of Penna. GETTYSMIRO 3 Nov. 24,-1863. THE CITY. The The NOVEMBER 26, 1862. NOVEMBER 26,,1363. ' 6 A. M. 6 A. ht..... 12 ai 3P. Y. 43 45 :45K 36 4234 .45 WiNID WIND. WSW. W by S NW .....WN W ....WS W LArren.—The fine, , tar new steamer Liberty was launched in admirable style from the ship yard of Mr. Lynn, below the navy yard, yesterday afternoon. Quite a large crowd of per sons, were there to witness the event. After the vessel had beautifully glided into the water, a re bounding wave, several feet deep, surged over the wharf, and nearly all standing thereon, men. women, and children, were speedily submerged. They. became very unexpectedly the recipients of a first class cold ducking. Three young ladies were washed over the wharf, and came very near being drowned. The greatest excitement prevailed in the Southern section of the city, among those who had relatives end friends whom they knew had gone to see the launch. Fortwately, however, no one was drowned. As the new steamer rounded to, she came in contact with the receiving ship. A flag-staff was carried away, but no further damage was done. A TRIP TO TER BRIDRSBURG ARSENAL.— In response to :a kind invitation issued by Major Laidly, in command of the,Bridesburg Arsenal, the Artillery: Corps of the University of, Pennsylvania visited, yesterday, the works at that , point. The dif ferent particulars of the manufactories, from the in teresting and beautiful " powder test," to the finish ing of the;delicatefused ' were all clearly demon strated to the students by the gentlemanly command ant. After. going , through with a short drill, the gentlemen returned to the city in cars, specially chartered for the purpose by the trustees, highy gratified with the day's entertainment. The Corns, under the efficient Capt. Hayes, is attaining a high degree of .eiticiency. It was accompanied, on this occasion, by Professor Copped, who has charge of this department of the University, and who is so favorably known in military circles for his skill and patriotism.. In this connection, it may be dated that the University is in a very prosperous condi tion, as it justly deserves to be, with so honorable a record and so distinguished a faculty. DEATH. OF AN ESTIMABLE CITIZEN.—We feel pained to record the death of Mr. `Win, Geisee, one of our oldest merchants and most estimable citizens, at biz late residence, No. 116 South Front street, at 6 o'clock yesterday morning. Hie illness was brief, but painful, which be bore with Christian fortitude and resignation, Mr. Celine has been a resident of this city for upwards of sixty years, and actively engaged in commercial pursuits. WOMAN SEVERELY' BURN - ED.—ars. YO tenheimer, residing in Race street, above Front, was severely burned, yesterday afternoon, about five o'clock, by falling into the tire at her residence. She was so severely injured that it was thought she could not possibly recover. Her husband, in the attempt to extinguish the flames of her burning dress, was severely burned about the hands. ACKNOWLEDGMENT.—The Ladies' First Union Association, for the amelioratiorrof the con dition of disabled and discharged soldiers and their impoverished families, gratefully acknowledge the rectelpt of twenty-five dollars and some coal, from Owen Jones, Esq., 604 Market street. • F THE., WECCACOE ENGINE BALL.—The ball of this great Fire Company, at the Musical Fund Hall, was very largely attended last evening. There were about five hundred ladies present. It was season of Thanksgiving rejoicing for a gay and hap py party. BITrLDING DESTROYED.—A very] large frame unoccupied building r lootted near the race course at Chestnut Hill, was entirely destroyed by fire on Wednesday night. - DEATH OF AN INVENTOR.—Mr. Lewis C. Short, the inventor and proprietor of the cele• brated Greek Fire, expired yesterday morning, at hie residence, on Pine street, after a brief illness.. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE THOMAS REVISER, JR., / ISRAEL MORRIS. ComirrrEE OF TRE. MONTS JOSEPH C. GRUBB. - LETTER. BAGS AT. THE MERCHANTS' EXOHA2I9E, PHILADELPHIA., Skip The Craigc, Baker... •••• • ••••• • • •••••Liverpool, soon Bark Linda, Dewitt &Lena la Grande. soon Bark kleaco, Clark Rio Saneirrr. Decl2 Brig Lille, Day Matanzas. soon. Scbr Greenland, Evans Havana, soon 31 MUNE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PRIGADELPFRA, Nov. 37,1853. 7 14 1 SUN SETS...» SUN RISES . , HIGH-WATER ARRPTED Brig R S Hassell. Shute, 17 days from Havana, with soar ; n S i c at , W e € 7 l '7 E :l a ? : 1 day from Odessa, Del, with grain to Christian & Co. „Sal. Ceo Fates, Nickerson. 4 days from Providence. With mdse to Crowell &Collins. Steamer Vulcan, Morrison, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. Steamer C Comstock, Drake, 24 hOurs from New York, with mdse to Wm M Baird & Co. (COrrespondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES. Del, Nor. 25. Ship Charles D Merwin. from Valencia for Philadel phia. In ballast; bark E Williams, with granite, for Baltimore; brigs Glendale, from Key West for Phila delphia; Anrote, from Somerset for do; Randolph, for do: Elizabeth Strom/. from Philadelphia for Havana. with lumber; Orozimbo. from Philadelphia. with coal oil for Boston; ears Sarah Callen, Trade Wind. Kate Field, 'C W Dyer. Chronometer, (with lumber for Phila delphia). New Jersey, Henry Farnham. D Glfford, R Whildem Jesse Williams, Sarah Cole. J H Hamlett, Ra .chel Seaman, and several others, with coat for Blatant porta, left the SI eak water this morning. A large steamer came in last night, also left this morning for a Southern port. At this writing (7 A dl) there are no -vessels in harbor. Wind NW, TOCI/11. VINANCIAIb. U. S. 6-20. The undersigned, u (Jamul Sabssription. Agent, is authorised by the Secretary of the Treasury to continue the sale of this popular Loan, and TEN DAYS public notice will be given of discontinuance. ABOUT TWO RUNDRBD MILLIONS remain unsold. and this amount is scarcely suilicient to famish a basis far the circulation of the National Banking Associations now being formed In every part of the oountry. But a short time must elapse before this loan is whollY ab sorbed, the demand from Ellrolgt. Germany especially, being quite active. As it Is well known that the Secretary of the c Tres sun has ample and unfailing resources in the duties on imports, internal revenues, and in the issue of interest beariu Legal Tender Treasury Notes, it is nearly Sar tain that it will not be necessary for him for a long time to some to issue further permanent Loans, the interest and principal of which are payable in Gold. These considerations must lead to the prompt cousin. Mon that the time is not far distant when these Five- Twenties" will sell at a handsome premium. as was the result w ith the "Seven-thirty" Loan, when it was all sold, and could no longer be subscribed for at par. This is a KIX PER 'CENT. LOAN, the Interest and principal being payable in cola, thus Yielding about ILIGHI ( Der cent. per annum at the present Premium on gold, It is called " Five-Twenty, " from the tact that whilst tke Bonds may ran for twenty years, yet the Geyer-- mail has the right to pay them o' in gold at par, at any time niter fine years. The interest is paid half yearly on the drat days of No. vember and May. Subscribers can have Coupon Bongs which are DETA bIe to bearer and issued for $6O, $lOO, $6OO. and $l,OOO, or Registered Bonds of similar denominations, and in addition $6,0X00 and 110,000. These "Five-Twenties" cannot be taxed by States. cities, towns, or counties, and the Government tax on them is only one and a half per cent, on the amount of Income, when, the income exceeds six hundred dol lars Per annum. Income from all other investments. gush as mortgages, railroad , stooks, bonds, dm., mug pay from three to five per cent. tax on the income. Banks and Bankers throughout the country will con. Mane to dispose of the Bonds, and all orders by mall or otherwise properly attended to. The Treasury Department having perfected arrange ments for the prompt delivery of Bonds, Subscribers Will be enable/to receive them at the time of subscri bing, or at farthest In FOBS dart. This arrangement will be gratifying to parties who want the Bonds on pay. ment of the money, and will greatly increase the sales. JAY COOICV., lIBBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, STERLI.NG EXCHA.NGE, SOUGHT AND SOLD. ~a2B•m&t ft '_MICHAEL JACOBS, BANK.ER, No. 46 Smith THIRD Street. Pnatanzunza. j • GOVERNMENT asotrßivras-iirpEcux, AND lINODN. i • RENT_MONEY BODthorE AND SOLD KOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD . ON comwriislON.. v ar ti cu l a r attention paid to the tierettation of Time roar. Gym liveßs,Airs 0.16-3ra A LOT OF VERY FINE PENNSYL tutu LEISIOBA(700, in store and for sale by • JAS; W. CROWELL, ts4.2i,* s. SECOND and CALLOWHILL Stn. F, F I # llll4B7 '' branch &Ikea O 1 MUM VITeTS 11 80 4 01 ititqcSiko L EAU .4c C. SALLES, DRESSING and SHAVING SA. atat LEVENTH Street, (an Biafra.) /reporters in 'vrlk idea, 0799 Fri. °meter BURLAP BAGS, Of all Slam for Corn, Oats, Bone-dust, Coffee, are manufactured and for sale, for net cash, by CHARLES H. GRIGG', Men% No. ISI MARKET Street (Second Story). oclB,lm Late of 219 Church alley. RHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HIITOHIN sox. 10.11% CHESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, oaf •tim BAGS 1 BAGS 1 BAGS 1 NEW AND SECOND HAND. SIA.1113813„ lann.AP. AND 00111 SAGS. Conatantly on hand. JOHN T. BAILEY 41; CO; Jo. 115 NOR= FRONT STUNT. AIN" WOOL BACKS JOB BALL an9l4ms CABS HOUSE. RIBBONS, KID 4141rES, ike. Bought exeluilyely for cash, and whish will be soli At i swan adysttee. se6-3a 1863. Offer for sale a largo Lad toell-selected Stook tot rano 114 Staple -4 46 41 PrinolipsMY of their May of which an sonlined to their sales. and cannot be found elsewhere. All of which the,' over on the most favorable terns fOB OaVE. or to approved short. time buyers. ea7-9M THOS MELLOR Con we Invite the attention of the trade to onr large stook of HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, SERNULNTOWN FANCY WOOLENS, LINEN CAMBRIC , 331YEFS., 4.4 LINENS, AND WHAT FRONTS. gamut . - AARON MARSHALL 5-20. ARMY LININGS. FARNHAM, KIRKHAM, Se, CO., ARMY WHITE DOMEIS FROTHINGT:IAM at WELLS G W. SIMONS •So BROTHERO EARSOM.STREET HALL, PHILADRLPHIA, MAXCIPACITIIRERS OP JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS, AND MILITARY GOODE IN WERT VARIETY. an.2B-ifew W 0 0 <L WOOLEN YARNS,._,. 1B to so cute, ftne,"on hand, and new euppilee coming istaLEN WHO" MILLS, SAIMIACTIIZIRL liePORTERS, AND DEALIUM WAREHOUSE, 509 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA TO SPORTSMEN. PHILIP WILSON dr 00.; it-ou CHESTNUT STREET; DREXEL Se CO equal, 11 not superior, to any of the folloWine Makes, which we keep constantly on hand : William Greener. Westiey Richards. Moore di Earrla. end other makers. - Also. Powder Shot. Wads , . Caps, dm We shall be 'constantly aupplled, during thit NUM With every variety of SKATES- se26.3ra WRIGHT'S NE PLUS ULTRA. - MINCE MEAT, ___ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,- SPRING GARDEN AND FRANKLIN STREETS Tio7.3moa Philadelphia. IMPORTERS OF WINS, ANN LIQUORS LAUMAN,SATILADE, & 00., No, MB SOUTH NINTH STRBIT, Between Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia. - , G. M. LAIIMAN, A. M. BALLAD, no9-6m ' J. P. 41TILK0f. COMMISSION SOUSES. 01.10TI181 CLOTHS! WILLIAM T. SNODGRASS' • BLOUSE. Noe '34 SOUTH SECOND STREET. FRESH 'STOOK LADIES' CLOTHS AND MEN'S WEAR. vELouRA., NEW ' STYLE COATS CHINORMLAS, INGS, FROSTEDS, BASKET VELVETS FANCY MIXED, 1310SCOWO L BEAVERS, ESQUIRAUX, PILOTS, SCOTCH TWISTS, CASTORS, &O. Our stook is 'full of the very choicest styles in tne sountry. With this lot we close our annul) for the sea son. Come promptly, as the best will soon be exhausted. THE ARMY AND NAVY continues to receive our special attention. , We now have in store all shades and grades. n025-lm THE ATTENTION OF THE TRADE IS CALLED gib OUR, S'l'oo 3M OF SAXONY WOOLEN 00. all-wool Plain Flamm/H. TWILLED FLANNELS, gliwk Various makes, in Gray, Scarlet, mark Blue. PRINTED SHIRTING FLANNELS. PLAIN OPERA. FLANNELS. It PREMIERE QUALITY, II - Square and Long Shawls. WASHINGTON MILLS Long Shawls. BLACK COTTON WARP CLOTHS, 16, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 oz. . FANCY CASSIMERES AND SATINETTS. BALMORAL SKIRTS, all grades. BED -BLANKETS, 10.4, 11-4, 12-4, U-4. COTTON GOODS, DENIMS, TICKS, STRIPES, SHIRTINGS, &a., from various Milli. DE COURSEY, HAMILTON, Sa EVANS 33 LETITIA Street, and ocS3•fmWSm 32 South FRONT Street. NOTICE TO GRAIN DEALERS AND A- 1 sELIPPRZE 20,000 'UNION A, SEAMLESS BAGS, AU Linen, weight 20 otmeee. The Beet •nd Cheapest Bag in the market. Also, URN AND DRY-GOODS JOBBERS* 11. L. HALLOWELL & 1116 CHESTATIT 191711111% NATI NOW IX STORE, DRESS GOODS, BL.A.OK AND FANCY SILKS, SHAWLS, BAMIORALS, CHOICE 1863. FALL AND WINTER DIW GOODS. ROBERT POLLOCIIE co., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, to. ill KAMM STREET. DRY GOODS, Owl IMPORTATION, funding the 'Mat Styles In • SHAWLS AND DRESS GOODS, IMI'ORTERS, Ilion. NO and 4N NORTH THIRD STREET ARMY GOODS. PLAIN AND TWILLED BLUE ALL-WOOL LININGS, SUITABLE FOR ARMY ditlikT COATS, In store and for sale by 230 and 232 CHESTNUT Street SKY-BLUE KERSEYS, In store and for sale by FARNHAM . . KIRKHAM& Co., 230 and 232 CHEST WT Street. EZEIMEMES HISAPT L _NEDIIIM, AND LIGHT SHINTINGS AND SHi.s.TINGS. STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND . VICTORY CAMBRIOS' AND . SLLECIAS. BROWN BLEACHED . AND CORSET JEANS. No. 11 WORSTED YARN. &o. 181.9-if H YARNS. On hand, and coneigrments daily arriving, of TUB AND FLUKE Common to Full Blood, choice and clean. COTTON :YARNS, NOB. 6 to 30s, of first-class Maim, In Warp. Bundle, and Cork N.B.—All numbers and deacriptions procured at once, on ordern ALEX. WEIILLDIN 84 SONS, IS North FRONT Street, Philadelphia no9-mwftf CARPETINGS. GERRANTOWN, PA. MQOALLUM 00$ 0 ARPSTINGS, OIL CILOTHEii &Cs .• OPPOSITE -IrDEPLIWENOE HALEr. pe-thst • , Ifinutadorers of stiperior DOUBLE GDNS. NEW PUBLICATIONS. ASHMEAD EVANS, succEssioss To WILLIS P. HAULED. 724 CIiIJSTNUT STR_U,E.T, NAYS :DST RECEIVED LONGFELLOW'S NEW POEM, "TARS OF A WAYSIDE INN:" THE VAGA.T3ONRS, BY .T T. TROWBI3.IDGE MOST. EXQUISITELY LLUSTRATED BY F. 0. C. VARLET. CFIPISTDTAS POEMS AND PICTURES, A collection of Songs. Carols; and Descriptive Poems. relating to Christmas. Profusely illustrated. LITTLE BIRD RED AND LITTLE BIRD BLUE. THE PET LAMB AND OTHER STORIES. ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF SONGS. FOR LITTLE BOYS AND GIRLS. TIIREE BEAUTIFUL NEW JUVENILES Alt , o, a large asoortment of BIBLES AND PRAYER BOOKS, Ornamented with elegant clasps and - corners: bound by Heyday, of London.- Same in velvet, Wand in Parte. NEW ENGLISH BOOKS, elegantly bound and illus trated. arriving daily. no`.Xi•3t PROBABLY. EVERY BOY WHO DOES NOT ALREADY OWN THE DRUMMER BOY, Expects to during the Holidays. It is without doubt the most attractive volume in every respect fora the young that has been issued. But boys, at tbe Present time, it is almost impossible to get them made ea fast as they sell. What can we do during the holidays? Ask your fathers to buy the book and lay it away. It is better than "The Bobbin Boy." It is better than "The Printer Boy." It is betier than even the new book. Dick Onslow's Adventures Among the Red Skins," and the publishers do not wish to have the boys disappointed. SOLD BY ALL BC OKSELLERS. no2swfm3t COOKERY AS IT SHOULD BE MRS. 000DFELLOW'S COOK BOOK, A Manual for Dining• room and kitchen. Practical, Economical, and Intelligible': Ten editions have been-called for, an evidence of its merits, and that it is the BEST AND MOST USEFUL COOK BOOS: CC lI.LIS P. HAZARD, Publisher, No. 3 South SIXTH Street. 2 5 CENTS! COLORED PHOTO GBAPHS, 25 cents. One half the nenal price! Over 1.000 different kinds. PRICES REDUCED TO 25' cents! 25 cents! 25 cents.? PITCHER'S Album and Picture -Depst, SOS CHEST NUT Street. nol6-tf BOOKSBOOKS!U !O} PASTORS FOE PEOPLE, POE SUNDAY-SCHOOL FOR BRIDAL PRESENTS. FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS, and SOUVENIRS OF FRIF,NDSICEP QUARTO BIBLES, elegantly bound, with clasp and rims, with embossed edges, from $l5 to $35, Oxford edi tions. Do. do. American editions, from $6 to $lO. Also, a large assortment of BIBLES, POCKET edi tions. in various styles of Binding, and at diffarent PRAYER BOOKS lat The elegantly bound qsmo. MINIATURE PRAYER 8E01 , 1.0. witn Star Edges, bound in Calf, $1.75. Do. do., in Velvet, with SII,VER MOUNTINGS and ORNA MENTS. =Something perfectly new and unique. Prices from $5 to $lO. Do. do.. Velvet and Gilt Mountings, 80.50. Do. do Bevelled, $2 50. The 4SM:o. PRAYER in two 4011113103, with Propsr. Lessons to match, put up in a neat case, very small, .$l. 4Smo. CHURCH SERVIUES, $2.50. All the various editions of PRAYER BOOKS AND CHURCH SERVICES in use will be found on our • helves. Also, THSOI.OOICA L BOOKS, suitable for Clergymen. NEW AND STAND ARD BOOKS. of a Miscells neous character, for famitiei„ with an ex tensive stock of " • JUVENILE BOOKS. for. Children. such as are suited for Holiday Gifts, among which area number of neat LITTLE LIBRA RIES, from 60 cents to $6. Also, gotten up esnecially for the Little Folks, is the MINIATURE PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM, holding 12 Pictures with a beautifully colored title page and index, with clasp. Cloth, 60 oents; Turkey Mo rocco, $l. 20 Pictures $1.50 Also. Pictures to fit, among which are Bishop Potter. Bishop Stevens Revs. Drs. Newton, Leeds. Ocddard, Sadden. Mortotit• and others. A large stock of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. all sizes and styles of bindings, at various prices, to suit al/. ALM. PHOTOGRAPHS Or CHOICE PAINTINGS, Of Different Sizes. CARTE DE VISITES, Both Plain and Colored. BOOK-STANDS, BOOK-MARKERS, TOY-BOOKS. G ADZES, &co suitable for gifts, from the oldest to the youngest, to be found at the PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL BOOK SOCIETY, 12 CHESTNUT Street. All new Books (of unexceptionable character) received as soon as published . „ no2l-tuflm LONGFELLOVV - '8 NEW POEM . . TALES OF A WAYSIDE INN. By. Longfellow. THE N MILL AGENT. By the author of " Opposite the LETTERS TO THE JONESES By Titcomb; CLAUDE. THE COLPORTEUR. By the author of `MaryDARING N P a N o e 1 SUFFERING ; . A History of the Great Railroad Adventure. By Lieut William Pittenger. THE RUSSIAN BALL. By a New York Editor. THE ADVRETBRES OF - DICK ONSLOW AMONG THE BED - SHINS. By W. H. Gt. Kingston. ' For sale by WM. S. Sr ALFRED MaRTIEN. n 026 606 CHESTNUT Street. THE NOSE OF A NOTARY-ED MUND ABOUT'S NEW SENSATION NOVEL, has run through 12 editions, and is the latest rage in Paris. Truly translated. it is the wittiest book of the season, and, like a glass of sparkling champagne, is delicious. Everybody must, read it and enjoy a hearty laugh. Pavel covers. price 50 cents. TWICE LOST. is acknowledged by the critics to be a work of a very high order of merit. The characters in it are characters indeed, and take rank in the memory wish persens we have actually seen and known. - "Altogether, for spiciness, for raiiness, for a spirited plot, and rapid, skilful development, the book has not its equal Ski , season." Paper covers, price 50 cants. PIQUE—A TALE OF THE ENGLISH ARISTJCELACY— is a novel that is immensely popular with the Ladies. Not in the least ' sensational ; " often renninding you of the 'lnitials," though not in the leant copied is destined to be as popular and have as great a run as that charm ing novel. The greatest co upliment that can be paid it is, that it has run in England 13 years, which is the highest praise that can be bestowed on any novel One thick volume, price 00 cents. LIPPLNCOTT. PETERSON, LEYPOLDT, HAZARD. SMITH & ENGLISH, and all the retailers, sell them in ladelphia, LORING, Publisher. noI6-2tA 310 WASHTNCIVIN Street, Boston. NEW BOOKS-JUST RECEIVED BY J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., 715 and 717 MARKET Street. SOUNDINGS FROM THE ATLANTIC. By Oliver Wendell Holmes. - TH.ODGIITS OF THE EMPEROR. M. Aurelius Auto ninus. Translated by George Long. JEAN BELIE; or. The Adventures of a Little French THE NOSE OF A NOTARY. From the French. By Edmund Abbott. SVHITTIER'S POEMS. 2 vole Cabinet Edition. HOLME'S FORMS. Cabinet Edition. RACHEL RAY. A Novel.By Anthony Trollope. CHRISTMAS POBBISIAND PIC*TURES. A • Collection of Cords. Songi. relating to Christmas. THE VAGABONDS. A Poem. By Trowbridge. Illus trated by Daley., THE CRUIsLIST WRONG OF ALL no2l SHMEAD & EVANS, 43.- Successors to Willis P. Hazard, 7Wt- CHESTNUT STREET, HAVE JUST RECEIVED. THE ARTIST'S EDITION Or THE SKETCH. BOOK OF WASHINGTON, The most superbly Illustrated Book ever issued in this Coantry. "OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES"' Nev Book SOUNDINGS FROM THE ATLANTIC. THE THOUGHTS OF. THE EMPEROR H. AURELIUS ANTONINUS. CABINET EDITIONS OF OLIV ER W,ENDELL HOLMES' POEMS. CABINET EDITION OF. WHITTIERS' POEMS. TRE EUSSI i r BALL, Or the .Adventures of ill Clementine, Shoddy. LETTERS To THIS 40 NES S. By Timothy Tibcorab. PECULIAR. By Epes Sargent. ALICE OF AD , NMOUTFI; an Idyl of the Great War. By 'Edmund Stedman. ROUNDABOU r PAPERS. By Thackeray. BREAKFAST IN BED. By George Augustus Sala. SKETCH-BOOKOF IRVIP G. Blue & Gold. HAG AR LOT: being a sequel to "The Poor Girl." HARPER. ATLANTIC, and GODEY for December. 20 cents each - LINDSAY & BLA.KISTON, Publishers and Booksellers. %3 SOUTH SIXTH Street. above Chestnut. JUVENILE LIBRARIESFOR THE HOLIDAYS; Beau tifully Illustrated. THE GIRLS' LIBRARY. By Mary Hewitt, and other six volumes. THE LITTLE BOYS' AND GIRLS' LIBRARY. Six volume'. MRS. HUGHES' AUNT MARY'S LIBRARY. Ten volumes colored plates THE- YOUNG AMERICANS' LIBRARY. Twelve vo lumes, nearly ICO illustrations. All neatly put tip in Boxes with Illuminated Tops. no2l LYPOLDT'S LIBRARY AND 800 K STORE,- 1323 CHESTNUT Street. . Ready on Tuesday. the 17th of November ; HEINRICH HEINE'S BOOK OF SONGS. Translated by Charles G. Leland. On tinted paper, I vol. ISmo, vellum cloth, top gilt. Price 81.25. HEINRICH HEINE. An Eeeay, by Matthew Arnold. 16mo, paper. Price 25 cents. go. 6 _ Of LEYPOLDT'S FORBIGN . LIBRARY. The most emasing noTel of the ,season. •- HIIMAX • . • FOLLIES. By Jules Bovine. From the sixteenth Paris edition, by Geo. Marlow. 1 vol. 16mo, paper. Price 60 cents. For sale by all Booksellers. Sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of price. F. LEYPUBT. Pablisher, n014.3m 1323 OHESTBUT Street. ALBUMS CHEAPEST AND BEST U moo Albums for 12 Portraits, 26 cents to $4. 600 do do 2/1 do SO do to 4. 600 do do 60 do $2 to 10. 300 do . do SO do 3 to 12. 2:0 do do 100 do 4 to 36 An immense stock, the largest and best in the World: PITCHER'S low: priced Book, Plaine, and Album Store. nol6-tf SOS CHESTNUT Street. DRUGS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER 4100. i ' mortheiutt (lonia FOURTH and RACE Strode. PHILADELPHIA. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC' WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. iffAraPACITURERB OF' WRITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINT& PETTY. am AGENTEI FOR TEE CELEBRATED' FRENCH ZINO PAINTS.. • .Dialers and OORIMIROVE atwlled at VERY LOW' PRIORS POE CAM ma26-Ibn - SHOTW ELL'S CELEBRATED SWEET CIDER. OUR USUAL SUPPLY . OF THIS EXCELLENT - , CIDER' ' Jut Jut received. ALBERT CJ ROBERTS, Dealer In Fine Groceries. no23•tt Corm of IiT•EV/i*Ta and 'FIX& Streets 11TE PRESS. - PHILADELPHIA, NOVEMBER, 27, 1808. ARMOR PLATES NAVY DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, November 21, MK THE DEPARTMENT will, until the 21st day of DE- C EMBER next, receive PROPuSALS for the delivery, at each or the Navy Yards at Portsmouth, N. R.z.; Charles town, Mass.; Brooklyn. New York, and Philadelphia, of the following described bide Armor, Stringers, and. Deck Plating for one vessel at each yard. The propo sition may be separately for the Side Armor, Stringers, Deck Plating, and may be for one or more vessels, but it must embrace the whole of each description of iron for a vessel; that is, the beck Plating, the Stringers, or the Side Armor, may be bid for saparately : - DECK 6.11.M0 A. Eleven hundred (1,100) wrought iron plates, more or less, ten (10) feet long, thirty-two (32) inches wide, and one and one-half ( L 5) inch thick A portion of these plates will be sheared to salt the curvature of the side line of the vessel; also, to tit around the turrets and hatches, for which plans will be furnish ed to the contractors. To be of the best iron, ends and edges square, sttaight, and planed true to the size given. The whole to be delivered within ten (10) months flora the date of contract. WROUGHT IRON STRINGERS. Three thousand and twenty (3,020) lineal feet of iron stringers, eight (8) inches square, except at the stern and stem, where they will taper one way for the length of about forty (40) feet on each end of the vescel to about three (3) inches. These stringers to be in length twenty three (3:3) feet SIX (6) inches. the ends to be fitted tog.tther with a proper ecarph One (1) foot long; one.half of the searph to be taken from the end of each Them will he four ranges of these stringers on each side of the vessel To he made of the best iron, ends and edges square and straight. true to the sizes given. The whole to be de livered in eight (8) months from the date of the contract. - - • . One hundred and forty-six (146) plates of wrought iron, thiee,(3) inches , in thickness, of the following lengths and widths, viz: . 1 plate 18 feet long by 39 inChes wide. 23 15 feet long by lt) inches' wide. 1 66 10 feet 6 inches long by 33 tunnel wide. 24 ' 15 v" '• 33 • 2 " 16 " 2 " " '6 1 " 16 " 2 " 54 " 7 " 7 '' 45 1 " 76, 4 4' " " 1 "' 7 " 19 •• 1 " 7 " 6,Cri " " - 11 2 " 7 " 6 " " 45 2 " 7 45 2 " 7 " 63rs ' " 45 1 " 7 "8k; " 15 • 1 " 7 " 6 " " 45 1 " 7 " " •45 1 4 1 7 " 17 " " 45 1 " 7 3 , 4 " 45 1 " 7 " 3 " 46 "• 1 r •2 t 45 1 " 7 45 1 " 7 '' 2 " " 45 2 7 " " " 45 / 7 45 7" " " " 1 ' 7 v" 45 1 " 7 " o,k; " " 45 " 1 " 7 " " " 45 10" 7 " " 45 2 " /0 " " 26 " • 1 " 10 2 " " 32 The whole of the side armors to be made front the best iron, ends and edges to be square and straight, and planed true to the sizes Riven. To be delivered in nine (2) months from the date of the contract. The whole of the iron to be of a quality that will bear a tensile strain of twenty-two ($2) United States tons to' the square inch. ,No bids will be received except from Parties having eatalatahments capable of doing this work, and their establishments will be examined before a contract will be awarded. Particulars will be given on application to the com mandant of the Brooklyn, New York, Navy Yard. The contract will embrace the usual conditions arid the Department reservee the right to reject any or allthe proposals ti at may be made under this advertieement if. in its opinions the public interests require. The proposition must state the price per pound for which each class of the iron will be delivered in the re spective navy yards, and must be accompanied by a guarantee that the parties will execute a contract if awarded to them. n025-wfml2t PROPOSALS. OFFICE CHIEF CiOMMI ART OF SIII3F:ISTENCE, DEFARTMENT OF THE StitiQUERANNA. FIARRISBUR 11, PA.. Nov. 2,4.- 1863. SEALED PROPOSALS are respectfully invited until 12 M. on TUESDAY. Dec.- 1,1863, for furnishing to the U. S Subsistence Department, delivered in Philadelphia or Harrisburg. Pa.. (which to be stated in the proposal, ) the following subsistence stores, viz: . 3,000 barrels fresh ground extra FLOUR (2.000 of brade No. 1, 1,000 of grade No. 2); name of rands must, be stated in the bids and marked on the samples; to be packed in good.well coopered-barrels; both neade to be fall lined. To be delivered within ten days from date of award. 5,000 pounds prime RIO COFFEE, to be packed in good stout oak barrels, both heads fully lined. To be delivered within ten days from date of award. 96,000 pounds (60 pounds to the bushel) new POTA TOES, Peach Blows and Mercers preferred. To be delivered in sacks or good strong barrels, both-heats lined. To be delivered within fifteen days of award. Samples must accompany every proposal, and be dis tinctly labelled with the name of the bidder. Proposals must not be enclosed will). the samples, but be delivered separate, endorsed " Proposals for Subsistence stores." and directed to Captain J. H. Gilman, C. S. U. S. A.. Phi ladelpnia, Pa, Bids will includeaekages and delivery, and any in ferior packages -will be considered sufficient cense for rejection of contents, -All stores will be carefully inspected and. compared With the retained samples. - Each bid must be accompanied by the written guaran tee of two responsible persons. as follows: " We the undersigned hereby gnarantee, should all or any part of the accompan) ing bid be accepted, that it shall be duly fulfilled according to its true purports and conditions " Each bid must have a. printed cony of this advertise ment posted at its head,"and must be specific in comply ing with all its terms. The proposals. addressed as above, with tit's samples. can be delivered at the OffiCi of Commissary of Subsist ence, No.-slO2 GIR &RD Street, Philadelphia. Captain F. N. Back. C. S. V. S , up to 12 o'clock4f. December'', 1€63 at which time and place the proposals will be opened. J. H GILMAN, n 025-611 Captain C. S. U. S. Army. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. ....-, . 'WASHINGTON DEPOT. Ifovember 17,:18511. SEALED PROPOsil,e will be received at the : office of Captain C. H. Tompkine. A. Q. M., II: S. A. at thh corner of Twenty- second and G streets, in this city. until. MONDAY, December Met, 1863, at 12 o'clock M., for the sale of all the manure now on hand, or that may be pro duced at slables and corrals of this Depot within the nest twelve months succeeding the date of the letting of the contract. The manure will be awarded to the highest bidder or bidders, who will lea required to take it away at his or their own expense. The quantity now ou hand to be taken away within six months from the date of contract, and that which may accumnl..te, within . six months from the date at which it may be produced. Bide must be made at so much per cubic yard. Bide will be received fora the quantity on hand. and the subsequent product at each stable and corral, sepa rately, or for the whole together. If a bid is made in the name of a firm, the names of all its the parties t appear. or it will be considered as the individual oposal of the party signing.* -- ' The full me and post use addrea of the bidder Mai; appear the proposal: Proposalsbust he addressed to Captain C. H Toiap kins, A. Q. M., IT. S. A., Washington, D. C.,.andshould be plainly marked, "Proposals for Manure. •' Payment will be required to be made in Government funds, at the end of each month, for the manure removed daring the month. An oath of allegiance will be required from each suc cessful bidder. Good and sufficient bonds, in the sum of ($1,000) one thousand dollars, willbe required of each successful bid der for the faithfril performance of his contract. The Quartermaster reserves the right to reject all bide that may be deemed to the interest of Government not to accept. D. IL ItiIGKER, Brig Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, no2o-tdel9 Depot Washington. pROPOp i f : I OI LS FOR ARMY TRANS- _ OFFICE OP THE DEPOT VII.VARTERMAR, FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kansas, October - ha BM SEALED PROPOSALS will - be received at this ofilce until 12 o'clock 61., on the 10th day of December, 1863, for the transportation of military supplies during the years 1864 and 1865, on the following routes: Route No L From Forts Levenworth, Laramie, and Riley, and other denote that may be established daring the above years on the west bank of the Missouri river. north of Fort Leavenworth, and south- of latitude - 42 de grees north, to any posts or stations that are or may be established in the Territories of Nebraska Dakotah. Idaho. and Utah, south of latitude 44 degrees north, and east of longitude 114 degrees west, and in. the Territory 01 Colorado orth of 40 degrees north. Bidders to state the rate per 100 pounds for 100 miles at which they will transport said stores in each of the months, from April to September. inclusive, of the years 1364 and 1365, Route No 2. From Forts LeavennThrth and Riley, iu the State of Kansas, and the town of Kansas. in the State of Miesourt, to any posts or stations that are or may be established in the State of Kansas, or in,the Territory of Colorado, south of latitude 40 degrees north, drawing supplies from Fort Leavenworth, and to Fort Union, NY 11l , or other depot that may be designated in that Terri, tory, to Fort Garland, and to any other point or points on' the route. Bidders to state the rate per 100 pounds' for 100 miles at which they will transport said stores in each of the months, from April to September, inclusive, of the years 1864 an years Route No. 3. From Fort Union, or such other depot as may be established in the Territory of New Mexico, or to any posts or stations that are or may be established in that Territory, and to such posts or stations as may be designated in the Territory of Arizona, and the State of Texas, west of longitude 106 degrees west. Bidders to state the rates per 100 pounds for 100 miles at which they will transport said dorms ineach of the months, from June to November, inclusive, of the years 1361 and 1866. The weight to be transported each year will not exceed 10,000 . 000 pounds on Bowe No. 1, 15,000.800 pounds on Route No. g. and 6,000,000 pounds on. Route N0..3. . .. . . . ..- . -, ..., ... . . ... .. ... . .. ' No additional per tentage will be paid( er the trans- Portation of bacon, hard bread, pine _Cumber, shingles, or any other stores. 1. Bidders must give their names in ftill, as well as their place of residence; and" each propleal must be accom panied by a bond in the sum of ten thou Sand dollars, signed by two or more responsible persons,t guaranty ing that in case a contract is awarded for the rontO men tioned in the proposal to the parties proposi_ag, the con tract will be accepted and entered into, and good and sufficient security furnished by said. parties,in accord ance with theterms of this advertisement. ' < . The amount of bonds required will lie as follows : On Route No. • • 4160 , , • `` 2 ..... 2006 000 00 ' `• s - 1 ao. 000 Satisfactory evideice of the loyalty and Solvency of each bidder and person offered as security.ivill be re quired. Proposals must be endorsed. "Propoaasfor tirm'y Transportation on 'Routes Nos. 1. 2. or 3," the csrse may be, and none will be entertained nudes they fully comply with all the requirements of this advsrtisement. Parties to whom awards aro made must be repared to execute contracts at once, and to give th . required bonds for the faithful performance of the sam Contracts will be made subject to the appr al of the ( I .v. Quartermaster General, but the right is resery d to reject fury or all bids thatanav be offered.. i Contractors must be in readiness for service ty the ant day of April, 1864. and they will be required to have a Mace of business, or agencies, at Or in the Vicinity of Forts Leavenworth and Union, and other .d.pfstst that may be established, at which they may be poinniuni cated with promptly and. readily. I L. C. EASTON, oc3l-tdelo - Major and Quartsimaster. pROPOSAIS FOR LEAD.I .1- ORDNANCE OFFICE, WAR DEPARTMETr, WASHINGTON. flovemberl7, 1861.' SEALED PROPOSALS will be received atris office; until 4 o'clock P. M., on the 15th of Decembe next, for the delivery of 2,CCO or more tone of pare, soft ead, suit able for ordnance purposes, - The lead is to be of approved onality, and fo be deli vered at any time within [ninety days from the--accept ance of the bid or bids. It is to be delivered at thattnited States Arsenal, Governor's Island, New. TOrir; and at the United States Arsenal, St. Louis, Mo., 1,000 tons or more at each place, free of all charge for tra:naportation or handling, and will .be paid for in regular certificates of inspection and receipt. by requisition on the Treasury Department, in the usual form. ,Bids 'will be received for any portion Of the quantity not less than 100 tons Bids, with approved sureties, will be required for the fulfilment of any contract that may, be made in narsu ance of this advertisement. The Department reserves the right,to reject any or all bids, if not deemed satisfactory for any cause: Proposals will be addressed to Brigadier General George D. Ramsey, Chief of Ordnance, Washington., D. C., and will be endorsed. "Proposals for Lead." ' GEORGE D. RAMS LT, noffil-fmrolit . Brig. Gen. Chief of Ordnance-- TiRAIN PIPE.-STONEWA.RE -DRAIN PIPE from 2 to 12-inch bore.. 2-inch3 do 25 bore cents per yard.. 30 do. do. 4 do 40 do. do. 5 do 50 do. do. 6 do 66 do. do. Every variety of connections. bends, traps, and hoppers. We are now prepared to furnish Pipe in any quantity; and on literal terms, to dealers and those Me hailing in large quantities. ORNAMENTAL CHIMNEY TOPS. Vitrified Terra Cotta Chimney Tops, plain and orna mental designs, warranted to stand the action of coal gas, or the weather in any climate. ' GARDEN VASES. - A great variety of Ornamental Garden Vane in Terra Cotta, classical designs, all - sizes, and warranted to stand the weather.: Also, Fancy Flower Pots, Hanging Baskets, and Garden Statuary.. -- Philadelphia Terra Cotta Works. _ , Office and Warerooms 1010 CHESTNUT Street. ' mh4-mwftt ' S. A. HARRISON. WATER - VV HYDRAULIC RAMS. WINDMILLS, 8rE466 and iron Lift and Force PUMPS; Country residences supplied with porta ble Gas Works, and: every convenience of Gas aad Water. Plumbing,'Gas. and Steam-Fitting. M'COLLIN & RHOADS, se2B-xnwtam . 1221 MARKET Street. Philada. - BRASS STENCIL ALPHABETS. • m. J. METCALF & SON, ' 45> SALEM STREET, BOSTON, 'MASS.' __ The only manufacturers in the United States. of Brass Alphabets and Flllllll4, to any great extent or in any Variety. Sold at Wholesale at"the' LOWEST OMSK PRICE& Abe; the BEST OF INDELIBLE STENCIL INK, very chessi. Stencil Dies and all kinds of Stencil Stock: Inquiries or orders ionomotlY attended to. - 057 -ere A.O K ERE L, I HEN G., SHAD, M &a., &a. . . - %IVO bbla Mass. No. and 8 gackerel. late-sanght fat fish, in assorted packages. . - • . 0001bbls 'New -Eastport, Fortune Bay, and .Hallfee Herring. 2,800 boles Lnbee. Sealed, and No tHerrjEL ISO bbis new Mess Shad. • WO boxes Herkimer County Cheese &a In store and for sale by MURPHY k KOONS. No. - 11-43. XOBTIC WHILEVIO. PROPOSALS. SIDE ARMOR 1,1 i , ai:, p i PENNSYLVANIA r m a DO CC) CENTRAL RAILROAD. C a • THE GREAT DOUBLE-TEACH:SHORT ROUTE TO TEI WEST. NORTH WEST, AND SOUTH WEST. - Equipments and feetlitiee for the safe, speedy, and comfortable transportation of passengers unsurpassed by any roots in the country. Trains leave the Depot at Eleventh and Market streets, u follows: Mail Train at ....... 8.00 A. M. Fact Line at , 11 40 A. M. Through Express at 10:80 P. M. Parkesburg Train L OOP. M. Harrisburg Accommodation Train at 2.30 P. M. Lancaeter Train at 4.00 P. M. Through paesengers, by the Tad Line, reach Altoona for supper. where will be found excellent accommoda tions for the night, at the Logan House, and mar take eltber the Philadelphia or Baltimore Exproee, each of which makes connection at Pittsburg for all points. A daylight view le thus afforded of the entire line and its magnificent ecenerr. The Through Express train runs daily—all the other tratne da except Sunday. OR PITTSBURG AND THE WEST. The Mall Train, Fast Line, and Through Express con nect at Pittsbnrg with through trains on all the diverg ing roads from that point, North to the L 8 kea, West to the Miseissipi andr Missouri rivers, and South and Southwest to all points accessible by Ptallroad. Through Tickets to Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, St. Paul. Colum bus, Indianapolis, St. Louie, Leavenworth, Kansas, Wheeling, Dayton, Cincinnati, Lordsville, Cairo, and all other principal points, and baggage checked through. • INDIANA BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Express, leaving at 10.30 P. X • con nects, at Blairsville Intersection. with a train on this road for Blairsville, Indiana,"&c. EBENSBURO & CRESSON BRANCH RAILROAD. The Ti: rough Express Train, leaving 10.30 P. IL . con. nects at Creseon at 10.4.5 A. M. , with a train on thta road for Ebensburg. A train also leaves Cresson for Ebens burg at 6.45 P. M , HOLLIDAYSBI7RO BRANCH RAILROAD. The Mail Train. at 8.00 A. el.. and Through Express. at 10. WI P. M. connect at Altoonawith!tr a ins for Holl.daYs burg At 7. 66 P. M. and 8.90 A. M. - . TYRONE dc CLEARIIELp BRANCH RAILROAD The Through Express Train, leaving at 10 30 P. M.. connects at Tyrone with a train fur Sandy Ridge and Phillipeburg. and by Bald Eagle Valley Railroad for Port Matilda Miltiebtirg. and Bellefonte. lITTNTIIIODON & BROA_D-TOP RAILROAD. The Through Express Train, leaving at 10.30 P. Per, connects at Hantingdon with a train for Hopewell at 6.00 A. M. ' . NORTHERN CENTRAL & PHILADELPHIA & ERIE RAILROADS. FOR SUNBURY, WILLIAmsPORT, LOCK HAVEN, ELMIRA. ROCHESTER, titiFFALe, AND NIAGARA FALLS. Passen gers taking the Mail Train. at 8 CO A. M.. and the Through Express, at 10.30 P. M., (daily, except Sun day.)" go-directly through without change of care be tween Philadelphia end Williamsport. For YORK, HANOVER, and GETTYSBURG, the trains leaving - at B.IV A. Ai. and 2.30 P. M.. connect at Columbia with trains on the Northern Central Rellreed. - ` - ~~~CUMBERL AND VALLEYS RAILROAD... The Mail Train, at 8.00 A. M. and. Through Express. at 10.30 P. M. connect at Harrisburg with trains for Car lisle, Chambersburg, and Hagerstown. WAYNESBURG BRANCH RAILROAD. The trains leaving at 8.00 A_ M. and 2.30 P. M. connect at Downington with trains on this road for Waynes burg and all intermediate stations. FOR WEST CHESTER Passengers for West Chester taking the trains leaving at 8 A. M., and •1 and. 4 P. M. go directly throngs Without change of cars. COMMUTATION TICKETS For 1. 3,6, 9, or 12 months, at very low rates, for the accommodation of persons living out of town, or located. on or near the line of the road. COUPON TICKETS. For 26 trips. between any two points, at about two cents per mile. These tickets are intended. for the use of families travelling freqnently , and are of great advan tage to persons making occasional trips. SCHOOL TICKETS, For lor 3 months, for the use of scholars attending school in the city. For: further information. aVnly at the Passenger Sta tion, S. B. corner of ELEVEis TH . and MARKET Streets. . JAMES COWDEN. Ticket Agent. MANN'S BAGGAGE EXPRESS. An agent of this reliable Express Company will pant through each train before reaching the depot, and take up checks and deliver Baggage to any part of the city. Baggage will be called for promptly when orders are left at the Passenger Depot, Eleventh and Market streets. The travelling public are assured that it is entirely reeronsible. WESTERN EMIGRATION. An Emigrant Accommodation Train leaves N'o. 137 Dock street daily (Sundays excepted), at .4 o'clock P.M.. offering a comfortable mode of travel to families going West, at one-half the usual rates of fare. Particular at tention is paid to Baggage, for which. checks are given, and baggage forwarded. by. flame train with the nasaen ger. For full information apply to FRANCIS FUNK, Emigrant Agent, 137 DOCK Street. FREIGHTS. By this route freights of all descri ionscan be for warded to and from any points on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois. Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis souri, by railroad ctirect, or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg . The rates of freight to and from any point in the West, by the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, are, at all times, as favorable as are charged by other Railroad ComPa- Ties. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transporlA don of their freight to this Company can rely with coma dence on its speedy transit. • For freight contracts or shipping directions apply to or ad dress the Agents of the Company: S. B. KINGSTON, Ja., Phi-lade/Phis- D A. STEWART, Pittsburg. CLARKE & CO., Chicago. LEECH. & 00., No. 1 Astor Rowe, or No. 1 South liam street, New York. LEECH . CO.. No. 77 Washington street, Boston. WM. BROWN, No. 80 North street, Baltimore k Agent Northern Central Railway. - H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Philadelphia LEWIS L. HOUPT, General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia ENOCH LEWIS, jag-tr General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa ARRANGEMENTS OF 1863. NEW YORK' • LINES. 1863 THE CAMDEN AND MIBOY AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S Llrgs, FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES, witost WALNUT STREET WEARY, WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—VIZ: FARB. At 6A. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ac commodation 25 At 8 A. M. , via Camden and Jaren , City, Mornini Express 3 00 At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City, 2d Class Ticket 2 25 At 12 M, via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ac commodation At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy. C. and A. Ac- • conimodation, (Freight and Passenger, ..... 175 At IP. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger) 1 75 At 6 P. M.. via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tlon, (Freight and Passei ger)—lat Class Ticket.... 2 26 Do. do., ad Claml 60 At 7N P. M„ via Camden and Ainboy, Aceonaindda lion, (Freight and Passenger.) let Class. Ticket... 2.25. 3d Class Ticket. ... .150 For Manch Chunk. Allentown. Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton. Lambertville, Flemington, btc.. at 3 P. M.. For Mount Holly. Ewansville. and Pemberton, at 6 A. 2, and 434 P. M. Yor Freelioat at 6 A. 3L and 2 P. M. For Florence '-B .Delanco, Beverly. 'Burling ton, Florence, Bordentown, skc., at 6 A. M., 12 M., 1. 3. and 4.901'. M. The 3 and 4.30 P. M. lines ran direct through to "Frenton. . Fer.l;almyra. Riverton, Delaneo, Beverly, and Dar lington, at til t " P. M. - lams FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: At 11.15 A. PS., viaKensingtonand Jersey City. Ex press 3 00 At 2.:15 P. via Kensington and Jersey City, Washington and New York Express 8.00 At 4.30 P. m., via Kensington and Jersey. City, Ox- press 3 CO At 6,45 F. M., via Kensington and Jersey City. Washington and New York Express 3 33 At 12.50 A. bf,, via Kensington and Jersey City, Washington and New York Mail At 3.12 A. NC, via Kensington and Jersey City, Washington and New York Express.. , .... 3GO The 6.95 P. M. and 3.12 A. Id. .:lines run dally; all others Sundays excepted. ' • For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, , Wllkeebarre, Montrose, Great Bend, Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Beth lehem. Belvidere. 'Easton, .Lambertville. Flemington, &c., at t 7 A. M. This line connects with the train leav ingEaeton for Mauch Chunk at 3.30 P. M.) Yor Bristol. Trenton. &c . at 7 and 11.16 A, M., and 3 and SP. M. For Holmesbarg, Tacony, Wissonoming, Bridesburg. and Frankford, at 9 A. M., 2,9, 5.46, and 8 P. Mr For New York and Way Lines leaving Kensington Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The . cars run into the Depot,. and on the arrival of each train run from the Depot, Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passen ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing ,apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The company limit theirreeponsibility for baggage to One Doll sr per pound, . and will not be liable for any amount beyond 15100, ex cept by special contract. WiLLIAICH. GATZAIER, Agent. November 23. 1863. ' LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA, WILL LEATH FROM FOOT OF CORTLANDT STREET, 412 M. and 4P. M. via Jersey City_ and Camden. At 78, and 10 A. M. 6. 7X, and. 12 ( Night ), via Jersey City, and Kensington. • From foot of Bartlay street at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M., via Amboy Fi a ili d e e Camden. 1, North rive at 12 M, 4 d P.M. (freight and passenger) Amboy and Camdn. . . 1863. 1863' PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD. —This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie. on Lake Erie. - • It has been leased by the PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY, and under their auspices in being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It is now in use for Passenger and Freight business from Harrisburg to Emporium, (195 miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie, (78 miles) on the Western Division. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT PHILADELPHIA. Leave Westward. Mail Train " S 0.) A. M. Express Train 10.30 P. M. Cara run through without change both ways on these trains, between:Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and be tween Baltimore and Lock. Hagen. Elegant Sleeping'Cars on. Eipress Trains both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia For information respecting Passenger business apply at the Southeast corner Eleventh and Market Streets. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents: S. B KINGSTON. Jr., corner Thirteenth and Market streets. Philadslphia. J. W. REYNOLDS, Erie. J. M. DRILL. Agent N. C. R. A , Baltimore. H H. HOUSTe)N, General Freight Agent. Philadelphia. LEWIS L. HOUPP. General Ticket Agent. Philadelphia. JOS. D POTTS. mh6-tf General Manager. Williamsport. iwitm NORTH PENN SYL. VANIA RAILROAD—For BETH LEHEAL DOYLESTOWN, AIAUCH CHUNK, HAZLE TON, EASTON. WILLIAMSPORT. ate. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. - - - . Passenger Trains leave the new Depot, THIRD Street, above Thompson street, daily (Sundays excepted) as follows:_ • . - At 7 A:. M. (Express) for Bethlehem. Allentown. Manch Chunk. Hazleton. Williamsport, &c. Al 3.16 P. M. (Express) for Bethlehem. aaston, &o. - At 6.16 P. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown. Mauch Chunk. For Doylestown at 9.15 A. M. and 4. 16 P. M. For Fort Washington at 10.15 A. M. and 6.16 P. M. White cars of the Second and Third streets line City .Passenger run directly to the new Depot. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethlehem at 6.30 A. hf.. 9.30 A.M.. and 6.07 P.M. Leave Doylestown at 6. MA. M. and 3.40 P. M. Leave Fort,Washington at 6.40 A. M. and 2 P. M. - ON SUNDAYS. - Philadelphia for Doylestown at 10 A. M. and 4 15 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.30 A. M. and 2 P. M. nol6 ELLIS CLARE, Agent. WEST CHESTER & PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA TI 6E I M . RAL 'RAILROAD Passengers for West Chester leave the dopot, corner of Eleventh and Market streets. and go through WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. FROM PHILADELPHIA. Leave At .8.00 A. M......Arrß;re West Chester 9.r , A. 74 : 1. 00 P. M. 5 " " 4, 00 P. M. " " 6.00 P. M. FROM WEST CHESTER. . Leave at 2:00 A. M Arrive Wesi Fhila...S. 35 A. M. de. &A 10.65 A. M. - ' 12.26 P. M. ''4.00 P. M. .. .. 5.20 P. IC - Passengers for Western points from West Chester con nect at the Intersection With the Mail Train at 9.17 A: M., the Harrisburg Accommodation at 3.65 P. - M., and the Lancaster Train at 5.25 P. M. . . Freight delivered at the .deped, corner of Thirteenth and Market streets, previous to 12.30 P. M., will be for warded by the Accommodation Train, and reach West Cheater at 3.00 P. M. ..For tickets and further information, apply to 'ELEVENTHE Ticket Agent. lag-tf and MARKET Streets. Ninspw.PHILADELPAIA AND ELMIRA R. E. LINE. 1863, FALL 'AND WINTER ARRANGE- 186$, MENT. For WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, ELMIRA, BUP. PALO NIAGARA FALLS, and all points in the West and Northwest.-, Passenger Trains leave Depat of Philadelphia and Beading Railroad, corner BROAD and GALLO WHILL Streets. at 8.16 A. M. and 8.30 P. M., daily, Sundays excepted. QUICKEST ROUTE from Philadelphia to Points in Northern and. Western Penneylvaniao-Western .New York, dm, dm. . Baggage checked through to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, or intermediate points. For further information apply to JOHN S. MLLES, General Agent. THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL„ and office N. W. corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT streets. ia3141 apioNwiitEOPENING OF HE la'Al 13.11 TIMO AND .OF RAILROAD.—This road.. being fully. REPAIRED and .• effectually, GUARDED, is now open for the transports. tion of passengers and freight to all points in the GREAT WEST. For through tickets and all other information. applLet the Company's Oflice, corner of BROAD Street and WASHINGTON'Avenue. S. M. FELTON, • aPS-tr ' President P. W. LAB. 14. R. elo. RAILROAD INNER. alimpo WEST CHESTER ROAD. VLA MEDIA. AND PHILADELPHIA RAIEr. FALL ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, September l4th, 1863, the Trains will leave Philadelphia, from the dapNt, north. east corner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 7.46 and 10.30 A. M., and at 2 and 4.15 P. M. A Freight Train, with Pasaenger Car attached, will leave the corner of THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Streak (West Philadelphia) at 6.46 P. M. Trains leave the corner of THIRTY-FIRST and MAL KET Streets (West Philadelphia). 17 minutes after the starting time from EIGHTEENTH and MARKET. The Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.60 A. M. and 4.16 P. M. , connect with Trains on the P. and B. (1. R. I. for Concord. Kennett. Oxford, as. sel4-tf General HNRY WOOD, Supuperintenden. =g;=MlZ= THE RELIANCE INSURANCE COM PANT OF PHILADELPHIA • OFFICE No. 308 WALEVF STREET, Insures against loss or damare by FIRE, on Fromm, Stores, and other Buildings; limited or perpetual and on Furniture, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, inflows or Country. • CASH CAPITAL 8300,000—ASSETS $377,410.70. Invested in the following Securities, viz: First Blotto ge on City Property, well secured. $126,400 00 Ground rents 2,00000 United States Government Loans 60.0)0 00 City of Philadelphia 6 per cent Loans 60,030 00 Pennsylvania, *3003,000 6 per cent. Loan.-- 15,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Comany's Stock 0,000,00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first and second Mortgages 36,600 00 Allegheny. County 6 par cent. Pennsylv ania ßailroad Loan ' 10,000 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 per cent Loan 6.0^000 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company's 6 per cent. Loan . . _ , 6,00000 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 per cent. Mort gage Bonds . 4,560 00 County —. Fire Insurance Company's Stock... I, via aa Mechanics' Bank Stock 6,000 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stook-- 10,600 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Scrip...., 360 70 Loam on Collaterals, well secured 2,500 00 Bills Receivable en 0,3 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia's Stock 0:760 00 Accrued Interest 6,829 41 Cash in bank. and on hand 24,795 66 Worth at present market value DIB3CTORS. Robert Toland. William Stevenson, Hampton L. Carson, Marshall Hill, J. Johnson Brown. John Bissell, Pittsburg. ,EM TINGLEY. President. nary. 1883. inh3-tf Clem Tingley, Wm. R. Thompson, Samuel Bispham, Robert Steen. William-Mumner, Charles Leland, Benj. W. TingleY. C THOMAS C. HILL, Secret L: PEITLADELPHIA, March 1, A NTEIR.A.OITE INSURANCE COM PANT. —Authorized Capital $100,601--CHARTER PERPBT CAL. Office No. 311 WeitNl7T Street, between Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. • This Company will insure against lose or damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Merclkandize gene rally. Also,_ Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes. and. Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS. _ William Esher, D. Luther, Lewis Anaemia& John B. Blackiston, Joseph Maxfield, WILLI W ry F. W. M. SMITH. Secretary: PIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSITELY. —The PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COX ' PANT. Incorporated 1a95. CHARTER PERPETUAL. No. 510 WALN 0 T Street, opposite Independence Sutter% This Company, favorably known to the community for nearly forty years, continues to insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for ali milted time Also. on Furniture, Stocks of Goode, or Merchandiee generally, on liberal terms. . . Their Capital, together with a large. Scuplva Fund, is invested in the most careful manner , witch enablea theta to offer to the insured an undoubted security In the case of loss. ... DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, Thomas Robins, Alexander Benson, Daniel Smith, Jr., William hlontelins. John Deverenx, Isaac Haslahnrst, Thomas Smith, Henry Lewin. JONArHAN PATTERSON, President WILLIAM G. CROWELL. Secretary. AMERICAN FIRE _INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street. above Third, Phi ladelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus In vested in sound and available Securities, continues to insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise. Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other. Personal Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRECTORS. Thomas R. Math, James R. Campbell. John Welch, Edmund G. Diann, •,. Samuel C. Morton, Charles W. PoultneY Patrick Brady, Israel Morris, John T. Lewis, THON ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD, INSURANCE COMPANY OF - 1 - STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—OFFICE Nos. 4 and 5 EXCHANGE SCILDINGS. North side of WALNUT Street. between DOCK and THIRD Streets, Philadelphia. INCORPOR iTED C 'ln pri 7 l ,4l-9 / Fr oc T O ER PERPETUAL. PROPERTIES OF LtiE tti ?4: 3 lllk . i.. 6 /Y. FRITRUART 1, MARINE, FIER, AND INLAND TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. Henry 10. Sherrerd, I Tobias Wagner, Charles Macalester, Tomas B. Wattson, William S. Smith, Henry. G. Freeman, William R White. Charles S. Lewis, George 13. Stuart, George C. Carson, Samuel Grant. Jr., Edward C. Knight. John B. Austin. . • •-- HENRY D WILLIAM. HARPER. Secrete THE ENTERPRISE _ INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. (FIRE'INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY-) COMPANY'S BUILDING, 400 WALNUT STREET. DIRECTORS. F. Ratchford Starr. George H. Stuart, William ltfcßse, John Brown, Nalbro Frazier, J L. Erringer, John M. Atwood, Geo. W. Fahnestock, Benj. T. Tredick, James L. Claghorn, Mordecai L. Dawson, William G. Bonlion. F. RATCHFORD STARR, President. Thos H. MONTGOMERY. Secretary. fels COAL. ENUINE EAGLE VEIN GOAL— '," Equal, if not superior to Lehigh. Also, Hart's Ni Plus Ultra Family Rainbow Coal Egg and. Stove alarm, Elsa 26. Large Nut $5.50 per ton. Coal forfeited if nol full weight as per ticket. Depot, 1419 CALLO WHIM, Street. above Broad Office, 121 South FOURTH.. be, low Chestnut. Call and. examine. Orders by despatch promptly attended to by nolo-6m C 0 Al"-SUGArt LOAF, REAVLIT MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best Locust Mountain, from BohnyDrill; preparede Dreesly for Family use. Depot, N. W. corner of EIGWa and WILLOW Streets. Office, No. 112 South BEOOE4 Street Cap3-1y) Wa_LTON & CO .11110.DICAlf.. ELECTRICITY. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY AND WONDERFUL RESULTS ! All acute and chronic diseases cured by special roarautee, when desired by the patient, at 1220 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. and in case of a failure no charge is made No drugging the system with uncertain medical agents. AU• cures per formed by Magnetism, Galvanism, or other modifi cations of Electricity, without shocks or any un pleasant sensation. For farther information send and rget a pamphlet, which contains hundreds of certificates from some of the most reliable men in Philadelphia, who have been speedily and perma nently cured after all other treatment from medical men had failed. arklr eight thousand cured in less than fear years. at 122:1 WALNUT Street. N. 8.--Medical men and others, who desire a knowledge of may new discovery, can commence a fall course of lectures at any time. Prof. BOLLES hail qualified over one thousand physicians, Who use Electricity as a specialty. Genstatation free. PEOP. BOLLES & OALLOW.L.S. ocL5-tf WALNUT St., Philadelphia. TARRANT'S -a_ EFFERVESCENT SELTZER APERIENT. For THIRTY YEARS, has received the Favorable Re commendation-of the PUBLIC, and been USED AND PRESCRIBED by the FIRST PHYSICIANS IN THE LAND AS TEM BEST REMEDYM KNOWN FOR Sick Headache, Nervous Headache. Dyspepeia, Sour Stomach. Thibaut Headache. Dizziness. - Costiveness, Loss of Appetite, Ooni, Indigestion, Torpidity of the Liver. likaNdl, Rheumatic Affections, Piles, Heart burn, Sea Sickness, Bilious Attacks,' Fevers, &c., &c. " " gaB •c. ..oth ..c. t Manufactured only by 'TARRANT di CO.. 91713 GREENWICH Street. New Tart ocSI-ly FOR SALE BY ALE. DRUGGISTS. MRS. M. G. BROWN, METAPHYSI CAL PHYSICIAN. Professor on the Bye, Ear, and Throht. Permanent office, 410 ARCH Street, Philadel phia, from November 1. Associate office, 25 BOND Street, New York. Ketaphysical,Discovery, price IS Per box. Poor Richard's Eve Water. Scalp Renovator, law? bottle sea. ne26.1r0 WHAT IS LIFE 'WITHOUT ti.EALTHT GOOD NEWS FOR THE SICK AND 'FOUNDED. . Messrs. J. GRIM. and T. AILE - 21,MEDICAL ELEC TRICIANS (formerly associated with Profs. Bolles and Galloway), having removed to No. 72,3 North TENTH Street, between Coates and Brown streets, are now pre pared to treat and cure all Cnrable Diseases, whether acute or chronic, PulmonarY or paralytic, without a shock or any inconvenience. Poor Soldiers will be treated gratuitously.• The Ladies will be treated by a lady. Among the diseases for which we will give special guarantee, when desired, we mention the fol lowing: Consumption,lit Id stages Hemorrhage Paralysis, General Debility, Diseases of the Liver or Kidneys. Diebetes, ProlApsns . Uteri. (Falling Neuralgia, Cothran, Fever and. Ague Congestion, la_ ----__ ViPsa).- r"ltt o nu- Prolapsus Ani, or Piles. Bronchitis, 'Nocturnal Extission,U,lsc, No charge for consultation. Office hours: 9A. M. to 6P. M. - . jelo-610. TOOTHACHE CURED IN AN IN STANT. by FIECHER'S . CELEBRATED TOOTH ACHE DROPS. Price 12 cents per bottle. Manufac tured at his LABORATORY. TWENTY-THIRD and .LOMBARD Streets. Philadelphia. and for sale be Drug gists in general. coN-lm* j - UMELLE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF 'E.' DOCK is successful as a remedy. 'secants tholes Who use it pronounce it, the best COUGH SYNITP, the best Blood Purifier, the most ebb:dent Invigorator. and the best Cure for Scrofula ever offered to the publia Sold by the proprietor..7lllMß T LL lISRS MA.RIKE Str ß iat. and all Druggists. THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAO bny their Chewing and Smoking Atacco it DEAN'S. No: 335 CHESTNUT Street. „ . . Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco, in Tin Foil, $4.40 per gross, or 4 cents singlepapers. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco, In Tin Foil, $4.40 per gross, or 4 cents single papers. Eine Cut Chewing Tobacco, in Tin Foil. $4.40 per gross, or 4 cents single papers. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco, in Tin Foil, $4,40 per gross, or 4 cents single papers. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco, In Tin Foil, $4.40 per At e or 4 cents single papers. DEAN'S. No. 335 CHESTNUT Street. - - - - - All kinds of Pure Obi Virginia Chewing and Smoking Tobacco can be bad. at DEAN'S, No. 335 CHESTNUT Street. All kinds of Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco, In bulk. al 6 and 6 cents per ounce, at DEANS. No. 335 CHESTNUT Street. Killickinick and Lynchburg Smoking Tobacco for 26 Cents a pound. Also ' Turkish Tobacco for per pound, at DEAN'S, No. 335 CHESTNUT Street. imported and Domestic Cigars, at about one-half what others sell for: at wholesale or retail, at DEAN'S, No. 335 CHESTNUT- Street. AU kinds of the beat Plug Tobacco for 60, 60, and 70 cents per, pound, at 'DEAN'S. No. 335 CHESTNUT Street. -tdeS HORSE FEEDER! HORSE FEEDER! This new invention is for feeding horses; while stand ing in harness or otherwise._ It is made of heavy Buses Duck, and so constructed that the horse cannot waste any feed; the bag is ventilated by the insertion of eye lets, giving the horse plenty of air. I,For durability, convenience, and economy this is un surpassed. By remitting *2 a sample will be forwarded to' any address. dinette's of inoniry must be addreesed to GLO. T. DALTON, Sole Agent and Manufacturer. 1010-1 m 1 COMMBROIAL Btreet„Bos ton. Mass. COTTON SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS Of all numbers sand brands, Raven's Duck Awning Twills, of to , descriptions. for Touto,-Awnio—, and l ' it:Folfrfrouri to s soot Also, Paper annfacturer . a r_ l ie Wide. . TWIJI JOHN W. BVEIiASN'a; 00., 10% ioNss , Inv74f CARD AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, At RINGWALT 4 IMOWWEI. 1118. MOOR St, $377,410 70 1k3.313 bJ Davis Pearson, Peter Seiger, J. E. Baum, Wm. F. Dean, John Ketcham. AM ESKER, President, D.EAN. Vice President. ap3-t! AS R. MARIS, President. Secretary. fetl-tf gliEiilt.llllD. President. nolB-tf ELLIS BRANSON. AUCTION SALIN. JOHN B. MYERS & CO., AUCTION. Noa. 23X and 234 MARKET Street. ~ LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH, INDIA. GERMAN, AND BRITISH DRY GOODS. &c. ON MONDAY MORNING. Nov. 90th, at 10 o'clock, will be sold by catalogue, On four months' credit, about 750 PACKADES AND LOTS of French, India, Gera an t and British dry goods, embracing a large and choice assortment of fancy anti staple articles in silk, worsted, woolen, linen, and cot ton fabrics. N. B.—Samples of the same will be arranged for ex amination, with catalogues, early on the morning of the sole. when dealers 'will find it to their interest to VERY ATTRACTIVE SALE OF FRENCH DRY GOODS. ON MONDAY MORNING, Nov. 80th, et the Auction Store of JOHN B. MYERS & CO., Messrs. L. & R. COnTIS & CO. v 701,3611 the follow ing choice assortment of new and seasonable goods, now landing, consisting in part of— DRESS GOODS. pieces Paris colored MERINO CLOTHS, of very Rupee rior make, of 'various qualities and in choice co lors. pieces plain colored MOUSSELAINES DE LA INE. In desirable colors and assortments. pieces extra super quality new style Parts corded co lored MODSSELAINIiii DE LATNFL pieces plain colored 'WINTER PoPo,INS. pieces extra fine quality Paris Raye WORSTED POP. LINS, choice shades. pieces Paris WORSTED RAYS POPLIN'S —pieces magnificent quality, high cost Paris silk and wool EPINGLINES. -pieces high cost Paris silk and wool plain colored POPLINS. very desirable pieces Paris printed CASHMERE D'ECOSSE, on extra cloth s pieces enperior qualities Parse colored FLANNELS, in the most d esirable eh Ades. pieces Paris VEIL. BARE° lib, of very superior make. SILK GOODS. Pieces black GROS DII pieces Lyons bleck TA RFT:FAS. pieces fancy DRESS SILK'S, SILK. VELVET RIBBONS. ON MONDAY. November 10th. A full lina of Noe. 1 -8 to 100 best St. Etienne black silk VELVET RIBBONS, of most approved-quality and brand, white and colored edges ditto. all silk scar let ditto, in all widths now in demand. TIIRS. FURS. FURS ON MONDAY AFTER - 14001C November SOU , will be sold, a valuable assortment of fashionable furs. BARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1.100 PACKAGES BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS. ARMY GOODS,,kr. • ON TUESDAY MORNING. Decemberlst. at 10 o'clock, will be cold, by catalogue, Without reserve, on four months' credit, about 1.100 Packages boots, shoes, brogans, balmorals, army boots and shoes. cum shoes,Sm., of city and Eastern manu facture, embracing a fresh and prime assortment of desi rable artichs, for man, women, and children- N. B.—Samples, with catalogues, early on the morn ing of cale. LARGE •POSITIVE SAL'S OF BRITISH FRENCH, GERMAN, AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, arc. We will hold a large sale of British, Branch, German and Domestic Dry Goods. by cs.talogne. on four months credit, ON THURSDAY MORNING. December tid, ' , at 10 o'clock. embracing about MO pack ages and to of staple and fancy articles. in woolens, linens, cottons. silks, and worsteds. to which we invite the at ten tion of dealers. B. B. —Sampler, of the same will be arranged for ex amination, with catalogues. early on the morning of the sale, when dealers will and it to their interest to at. tend. SALE OF OARPITINGSs die. ON FRIDAY MORNING. December 4th. at precisely 10.35 o'clock. will be sold wfthont reserve. by catalogue. on four months' credit, an assortment of three ply, superfine and line Ingrain. Venetian, hemp. and rag carpetings, d s., which may beeismined early on the morning of sale FOR SALE AND TO LET. - 1 - 4 1 XECUTORS' SALE OF BROAD TOP COAL LANDS —Several tracts of valuable Goal Land, en Broad Ton Hountain. late the property of Capt. John McCan]ea, deceased.: are offered for sale. Haile and denriptione can he tom at the office of H. D. Moore, `3213 WALNUT St. HENRY D MOORE, t 5 Executors. GEO. P. 51cLhAN, PITILADELPITTA, Nov. 24. 1833. n024-Int fIOAL YARD FOR SALE.-THE BEST fitted-up Yard in the city; capacity for doing any amount of business, Inquire on the premises, Ito.- 957 North_ lIINTH Street, below Girard Avenue. ne2l.6tv FOR SALE -VERY DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS on the north side of GIRARD Avenue. east of Eighteenth street- 165 feet deep, two fronts. LIDDINS &MONTGOMERY. Conyeyancere, no3-Im* 1035 'SEMI Street, above Laurel. O RPHANS' COURT SALE.-ESTATE of WILLIAM PINCHIN, deceased. Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, will be sold at public sale, on TUESDAY, December Ist, 1863, by M. THOMAS & SONS, at the Phi. ladelphia Exchange, at 12 o'clock noon, the following described real-estate, to wit; , Ali that three-story brick dwelling-hot:we, with base ment and three-story back building and a lot of ground. situate on the south side of Filbert street, between Six teenth and Seventeenth streets, in the city of Philedel. Phia.. No. 1612: containing in front on Filbert street 19 feet, and extending in depth 195 feet to Jones street, 20 feet wide. N. B. —On the rear end of the lot is a substantial two story brick stable. MARY'S. PINCHNI., WILLIAM J. CARTER, no7•tdel Executors. e l VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. AT . 011 ' PUBLIC SALE. —On TUESDAY. the first day. of DkCEMBE a, 1.963,'1 will offer at Public Sale, at the Court House, 'in the borough of Carlisle, on the above• named day, that well-known and juetly-celebrated pro:. perty known as the STNS. - BET - 6 GAP PROPERTY. Thie Property is situated on the top of the North Mountain. on Sterret's Gap, and commands one of, the grandest and most lovely views of the great Cumberland Valley, reaching fromonountain to mountain across the Talley, and from twell'i v to thirty miles in extent east and west along the great channel of one of floe richest tracts of land in the world. The location is one of the most healthy in the country, arod in tee summer is resorted to by great numbers of invalids, on account of the purity of the at mosphere. ' There are 271-acres of land in the tract. between - filly and sixty: cres of which are cleared. The other is in fine timber, and a great quantity of Chestnut and. Oak Bark might be peeled on the property. The buildings consist of a two story frame Hotel. with stabling and barna attached; a large two-story frathe d welling house, in which there is a good store rcom. The eland is an excellent one for a store There are also two other dwelling houses on the premises. This is certainly one of the most desirable properties that have been offered for sale within a longtime, and those wishing to purchase such a property should cer tainly visit it, to see its advantages. It is within seven miles of Carlisle, and .within two miles of the Carlisle Sulphur Springs- Terms made known on the day of sale by n025-3r MARY A. MIDDLEKAUFF. STABLE AND COACH HOUSE TO RENT—In rear of 247 South Sixth street: Stalls for eight horses. Carriage room, 'Loft, Am : suitable for a Club Smble. Rent, $250 per annum. Ingaire at 247 South SIXTH Street. n025.3t. E/FOR SALE-A SPLENDID FRO - at Kennett Square, Chester County. built and specially arranged for a large - BOARDING SC Ef.oo with every possible conyenieoce capable of accommo dating sixty -boarders. Delightfully situated. Has, also, tenant house and 73 acres of land. Would also make a first-class Slimmer Boarding house. Terms Of payment will be made easy. B. F. GLENN, 123 South P6llllTil gt;eet ta FOR RENT.-THE PLEASANT Residence, No. 588 N, FOURTH - St.. bal. Green; 20 feet front ; lot ISO feet deep to a street, 'with all city con veniences, and stable in rear. Apply to A. P. Sr I. 11. NORRIS, 016 ARCE.Street. n025-3t* -F 0 R "S &LE-WHITENT A RSH HOTEL —Situated at the forks of the Bethlehem and Skippack pikes, Whitemarsh township, Montgoraar.'• county. Pa.,one mile from Fort Wastonec.i-eattion. on the Berth Pennsylvania Railro.a, - with one acre of good land. Has att necessary Out-buildings . Stables, Sheds. ice House, Wagon House, &c. For beauty of le cation and advantages to do an extensive business this Hotel has few ea uhls in the State. Caller address . . . WILLIAM S. HAINES, on premises, or GEO. N. TOWNSEND, n 024 tums4t 123;4 South FOURTH Street. FOR SALE—OHFSTE TT R OON AZ Man FARM AND HOTEL STAND, SITUATN;A; IN DOE•RIIN VALLEY. 192 acres of Land; 27 acres of Woodland; large stone Mansion and Hotel; large and substantial. Birn, with extensive Stabling and all other necessaryoutbnildings. Stream of water through the farm. - The improvements are in good order. and the land, among the beat of the valley, is accessible from railroad at Avondale. This farm can be d ivided advantageously into three places, having excellent improvements on two of them Sold by order of Executors of HAYS CLARK. deceased. Apply to. JAS R CUMMINS, Media, or .GEORGE N. TOWNSEND. n025-wfs 3t 12334 South FOURTH. Street. eIFOR SALE-A COUNTRY SEAT and due acres of good land. three-story stone dwell ing. and a frame store-house attached. situate on the forks of the Bethlehem and Skippack turnpike, White marsh township, Montgomery county, Pa., one mile from Fort Washington station, on the North Pennsyl vania Railroad. This is a splendid site for a store stand. Will be sold a great bargain. Call, or address William S. Haines, on the premises; or, - GEORGE N. TOWNSEND, no2l tnws3t • N0.,,,123R; South FOURTH Street. el VIM ATTENTION OF CAPI m,/,TALISTS. BANKERS. BROKERS.. INSURANCE AND RAILROAD COSfPANIES is recpiested to the pro perty situate on the northeast corner of DOCK AND THIRD Streets. , The prominent situation of this property, with attrac tive FRONTS ON BOTH DOCK AND THIRD Streets, and its proximity to the EXCHANGE, and being the cen tre of thii B ANKH% 03. - INSURANCE, AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS LOCALITY make it highly desirable, and worthy of special attention The BUILDING was erected by the PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, and for a number of years occupied by that Company. and is of the most sub stantial character, with heavy IRON FRONTS THIS PROPERTY IS OFFERED FOR SALE ON AC COMMODATING TERMS. If desired, three fourth; of the purchase money' may remain upon mortgage for a number of years. J. D RE[NBO no3ll-6t No. 436 WALNUT Street. Sip FOB SALE=,HIGHLY IMPROVED . Montgomery conrit,Y FARM, containing 125 acres, nicely watered; all undo , st-rate post and rail fencing; situate near Wissahinito tation, N. P. R. R Large a Stone Mansion Honed, 3 9ms; cwo tenants houses. spring -home, large and'e sive barns, 3cc , .tc. Also, two large and superior Fa* —one in Penn Bianor. con taining about 200 acresoinai;itobbins' wharf, on the Delaware river, and two miles from Tall yin urn Station, Philadelphia end Trenton RairtK the other, 200 acres, with large and tine improvemen mear Penningtonville Station, Chester-conuty valley. , 'Call and examine register of farms._ E. PETTIT, n 024 3%3 WALNUT Street de FOR SALE-A VERY DESIRA mr-a hie three-story BRICK DWELLINEF HOUSE. on the east side of HOWARD Street, aboye York street. Lot 18 feet front by 310 feet deep to Hope street. The Manse is in a superior condition, and well built. Will be sold upon reasonable terms. Immediate possession can be given. Apply to LIMNS t MONTGOMERY, • 1035 BEACH Street,. abOy.A2: nob -Im' Or to MARY LUKENS. upon the Pr et A VALUABLE WA! mta PL ACE AND SUMMER RESORT at PUB . r —Will be sold, by order of the Orphans' Court of Berks county, on-SATURDAY, the 280, day of NOVEMBER, 1863, at 1 o'clock P. M., on the premises, at the Wontels d. rd Station. Lebanon Talley Railroad. all that highly improved and well-known Watering Place lately kept by John Manderbach, deceased, known as the SOUTH MOUNTAIN HOUSE. The improvements consist of a large three-story brick 'Boarding House, large frame kitchen attached, bath house, ice-house, bowling alley, commodious stabling, and other out-bnildings. On these premises, near the main building. is the widely celebrated Mineral Spring known as the INDIAN SAND SPRING. The tract contains eleven acres, well shaded, and laid out In walks. During the past season the House was crowded with visitors. Terms and conditions made known on the day of sale, by EL H. MA.NDERB AXEL no2l-71 Administrator. tri TO LET—A `C 0 bIINIODIOUS DWELLING, N 0.1.33 North FRONT Street. East moderate. Apply to WETNERILL BRO.. oc2S-tf 47 And 19 North SECOND Street. HORSES FOR SALE, "-elonz-a- At BUSH-JELL STABLES.. NORTH Street, near Eighteenth, between Coates and Wallace streets. JAMES NUGENT,. n0194m• Proprietor. WRITE VIRGIN WAX. OF Ali. PILEES-4 now French Cosmetic, for preserrin_ Whitening, and beautifying the complexion. Tale preparation is composed of White Virgin Wax, of the Anest Quality, giving the complexi be a uty,lt s aare Whiteness and the most bewitching w hil e s component parts render it harmless - to t* skin, pre serving it from tan and other impurities. II one of the - wonders of the age, and must be seen be appre ciated. A bottle will be OPOII for Ladies to try its effeet before purchasing. Price 26 and 60 cents. HUNT dc Perfumers, 41 South EIGHTH Street, two doors abois Che lnu stnut, and 133 South SEVENTH Street. l74te abOVII Wat. se Rlll OIT L.-JOHN 0. BAKER, AL Wholesale Druggist , has removed to 718 MARKET Street. Particular attention Is asked to JOHN 0. BANNS. & CO.'S f:OD-LIVRE. OIL. Having increased facilities in this new establishment for mannfactnriuS said bottling, and the avails of fifteen years' experienee in the business, this brand 'of Oil has advantages over all others, and recommends itself. Constant supplies are obtained from the fisheries, fresh, pure, and and, receive the most careful personal attention of the original proprietor, The increasing demand and wide. spread market for it make its Agues low. and afford great advantages for theta baying In large onus, [Wes.. an7-d0 OLIVE '01.L.-AN INVOICE OF eel, PurO Olive Oil just received per Ship Mee, S. I, JAS. CARSTAIEtS, Sole Agenie, 1216 WALNUT. and OrtelAITS Street. D ita 9, 2 .1.1 1 inveiCe Of the 11813/8 Just landing, ocSS AUCTION SALIN. PURNESS, BRINLEY Sr 00., ••- No. 429 MARKET Street BALE OF IMPORTED DRY GOODS. ON - TUESDAY MORMING. Dec.. Ist. at 10 o'clock, by catalogue. on Cour months ° . credit, 300.packa_gee and lots of fancy and stale dry goods. LONDON' WBITE TOILED QUILTS—JUST LAUDEV, ON TUESDAY MORNING. .An entire invoice, coneletlng of - 10 4 extra heavy white toilet guilts. —11.4 a 12-4 do do do do. 13-4 STATE ry b eavy do AND BAY MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. 9 XO dozen' Bay State merino shirts and drawers. -THOMAS & SONS, IS- 1 .• Noe. 129 and 141 South FOURTH Street BALES OF STOCKS AND REAL ISTAITI. At the - .dant ante. eyery Tuesday. at 12 o'clock apart. Sir - Handbills ofeach Property Issued separatels.And on the Saturday previous to each sale, Lew widr o seme In pamphlet form, giving fall descriptions. zar- FURNITURE SALES, at the Auction Stara, smog, Thursday. Sale at Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PIANO Fortier, MIRRORS, FINE CARPETS. 4C. THIS MORNING, At 9 o'clock, at the Auction store. superior Waiters, =began) piano, French plate mirrors, fine carpels.. 3r.c., from families declining housekeeping. removed be the store for cony, a fence of sale. Also. a patent-sole leather cutter. Also, 3 Egyptian marble mantles. Alec,. IS great coats and 13 infantry watt. SALE OF MISCELLANEOUS AND LAW Soon. N the A ovember 27th. T at the Auction 'T Store. an assortntant cr rolt.cellaneons and law booke, from a library. , pAN COAST & WARNOCIK, AUO - No. 213 BUR= Street. 'UBE ATTRACTIVE, SPECIAL SALE OF GERMAN. TOWN FANCY KNIT GOODS, WOOL HOSIERE, by catalogue, - THIS MORNING. Nov. .27th, commencing at ID o clock precisely. Comprising a very attractive assortment of heeds. Sontags, nobias, jackets, scarfs, Sic., for ladies, misses.. and children.:.. Also, an invoice of lad lea', misses', and children's white and fancy wool hose. BY HENRY P. WOLBERT, No. 20.9 i MARKETEtt U rest. I Lth sida, above %coact. Regular Sales of r Trlinminvs_ , Notions, every MONDAY. W E DNESD AY, and FRIDAY MORN INGS, at 10 o'clock precleen City and country Dealers aro requested to attend Mos sales. Comisnmentarespectfnlly solicited from Manufactu rers, Importers, Commission. Wholesale and lobbing Houses, and Retailers of all and every description et Merchandise. • BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, BLACK cLorus. Plus MORNING. November 27th, at 11 o'clock. will be gold. black cloth% cassimeres. wide black dres, cake, stilt robes. plain colored Silks, silk and worsted dreas goods, alt. wool flannels, prints, linens, linen table cloths. plaids. akc. Also. Germantown knit wool hoods, caps, forts, coats, merino shirts and drawers. fancy ~wool over-shtrts, cricket jackets, wool and cotton hosierr. gloves. shawls, trimmings ribbons, handkerchiefs, fine worked collars, neckties. suspenders. &c Also. ready-made clothing boots. shoes, gaiters, fag. muffs and capes, gum toys, hats, caps, /go, GILLETTE & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, Jayne's Zfarble Rand: 61.9 CHESTNUT Street, and 616 JAIME ~ treet,m 4 Phila4einhts. P HILIP FORD & 00., AUCTIONEHRS, 525 MARKET and 522 COMMERCE Strada. LARGE SALE OF 1,000 CABEB BOOTS, sawn, BRODANS Am. ON MONDAY MORNING. Nov. 30th, at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold by oats. logne, 10130 , cases boots, shoes, brogans. balmorals. ca valry boots, &c. ; also, an assortment of first-class city'. mode goods. Sir Open for esamination, with catalogues, early Oil the morning of sale, to which the attention of bayers is invited. MARSHAL'S SALES. MARSHAL'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE{ MARSHAL'S of a writ of eale,.bY the Hem JOHN HAD wAr, ABER- Judge of the District Court of the United States in and for the Faatern District of Pennsylvania, in,Adinlraity, to me directed, will be sold at Public sale, to the hioleat and best bidder, for cash, at the SAVANNAH STEAM SHIP COMPANY'S WHARF, above Vine street, on WEDNESDAY. December Pth, 1863, at 12 o'clock M. the Steamer JUPITER, her tackle, apparel, and furni ture, as she now lies at said wharf. t The steamer Jupiter is a side wheel boat, about eight years old, built on the Clyde, of iron; engine by Messrs. Tod 3t Macgregor, of Glasgow, 40-inch cylinder, 43f feet stroke, 110-horse power; boilers about one year old, all in`good condition. The hull is divided into four water tight compartments: length madam ]B4 feet; breadth, IS feet :depth, 8 feet; 108 Was carrying capacity. The Juinteria of very light draft of water„-very sharp, and is represented to be very fast. Persons waffling t,s purchase the steamer, can examine the vessel and. en gines before the day of sale. " . . . WILLIAM MILLWARD, 11. S. Marshal E. D of Permsylvanla. PHILADELPHIA, November 2,5. 1863. u 053-18: LEGAZ. JN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THII CITY. AND , COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JOHN F. RAALS'EI ER, deceased. Notice is hereby given that EhislA RAMSEIER. widow of said decedent, has filed in said cnnrt her petition: and an inventory and appraisement of the personal property which ehe elects to retain under the acts of 14th Apra, 1551, and Bth April, 1819, and that the samewill be ap proved by said court on FRIDAY, the fourth day of De cember, 1863, unless exceptions are filed thereto. MAURICE, BLACK, no2l, 27, 8.0d2-41 5 Attorney for Petitioner. FSTATE OF MAJOR CHARLES F. . 4 - 4 TAGGART, dec , ased. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY upon the Estate of Major CHARLES F. TAGGART, deceased, having been grant ed to the undersigned by the Register of Wills, all per sons indebted to the said Estate are rectueeted to make, payment, and thoee having claims or demands are re quested to make known the same Without delay., to RICHARD LUDLOW. Executor, No. AO4 South FIFTH Street. Room No.ll. no2o fro6w MACHINERY AND IRON. ti 14, PENN STEW ENGENII • AND BOILER WORKS.—NRAPIE &LE U. PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS__, ,KA CHINISTS. BOILER-MAKERS, BLACKSMITHS. and FOUNDERS. having for many Wars been in snc ceeefal operation, and been exclusively engaged in build= ezd repairing Marine and River Engines. high and low prase sure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, Arm, dm., respectfully offer their services to the Public. as belled fully prepared to contract for engines of all. sizes. Marine. River, and Stationary; having sets of patterns of di ff er. vet sizes, are prepared to execute orders with quick de spatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Lour-pressure, Fine. Ta. bnlar, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Pennsylvania charcoal-iron,Forgino, of all sizes and kinds:lron and Brass Castings, of all descriptions: Roll-Taming. Screw-Cutting, and all other Work connected with the above business. Drawings and Specifications for all work done at thds establishment free of charge, and work guarantied: The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room far re• pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety. add are provided with-shears, Mocks, falls, dr.c., des„ for raising heavy or light weights. JOHN ATS P. G. ZTEL LEVY, Ak-la, BEACH and PALMER Streets. a2l-tt _-.-. I. VAIN/HAN MEHEICW. WILLIA3i M . DINESION. lONIC E. COPE. ' ' gOTJTIEWARK FOUNDRY, • K.' FIFTH AND WOHINGTON MEM PECELADELPIELL. ITERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Mannfacture High and Low Preserve Steam Stens& ible land, river and marine service. . . Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks. Iron Boats, &c. ; 0614111410 of all kinds, either iron or brass. _ . . . Iron. frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Beitrosit Stations, &c. . - Rotor ta and. Gas Maelaxtery et the latest and most ha "proved construction. Every description: . of Plantation Machinery. such Li Sugar, Saw. and Grist Mlle, Vacuum Pans, Open Simi Trainee. Defecators. Filters. Pumping Engines, &a. B Sole Agents for N. Rillieux's Patent Sugar oiling Ap. paratns Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer, and: Asia: wall & Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drall t s u chine. UNION STEAM AND WATER la • HEATING COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. GOLD'S PATENT STEAM AND ROT-WATER HEAT= THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER, and all other Improved COOKING APPARATUS. Boilers and Water Backs. Parlor and other Orate{, Registers and Ventilators, Backs:and Jambs and in things connected with the above branch boSinesi. TAME S P. WOOD. No. 41 South FOURTH Street. B. M. PELTWELL. Superintendent. sp4B-I1 Mo' GAN, ORR , CO., STE.A.X4 A-v-a- ENGINE BUILDERS: Iron Founders. and Ganarl7 Machisista and Boiler Makers. No. 1210 CALLOW/Ma ST,Cret. SHIPPING. aga STEAM WEER - TN TO LIVES: POOL, touching at Queenstown, (Cork Haw. bor.) The well-known Steamers of the Liverpool, NW York, and Philadelphia Steamship Company are intend ed to sail as follows: CITY -OF LONDON ' - Saturday. November 28. CITY. OF BALTIMORE._ ...... Saturday. December 6. CITY OF NEW YORK ..... ......Saturday. December 12: And every succeeded Saturday at noon, from Pier No.. 44, North River. RATES OF PLSSAGE. Payable in Gold, or its equivalent in Currency, FIRST CABIN, - $BO 00STEERAGE, ' sgs og I Do. to London, SO 00 Do. to London, 34 00 Do., to Paris, 98,0 a Do. to Paris. -, 40 00 Do. to Hamburg, -90 00 Do. to Hamburg= 00 Passengers also forwards to Havre. Bremen, Botts& dam, Antwerp, &c., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: let Cabin, $ll, $B5, $lOB. Steerage from Liverpool. `s3o. From Queens. - ' town, $3O. Those who wish to send for their friends can bny their tickets here at these rates. For further information, app J ly at the Commmy's aloes; OHN G. DALE Agent fe26 111 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. gialk BOSTON AND PHUADstIi• "PTITA STRASSISHIP Lnim sailing from mak' port on SATURDAYS, from first Wharf abolrollti Street,•Philadelvhia, and Long Wharf, RoMon: The steamer SAXON. Capt. Matthews, will sell-fret Philadelphia for Boston on SATURDAY. November NI at 10 o'clock A. M.; and steamer NORMAN, Captain Raker, from Boston, on same day, at 4 P. M. These new and substantial steamships form a reedit line, sailing from each port punctually on Batardsya Insurances efeeed at one-half the primal= sharing orlsailyesselt. taken at fair rater PBiiilOt9r ' s are requested to send 81Ip lteselots aid NUN - radineivith their goods. For Freight or Puna* (having toe suommodallogitt &DPI,' to HENRY WINSOR & CO.. uth9 113% South DELAWARE ATOMS: EX - PRESS COMPANIES. ADAMS 81; PRESS COMPANY, °Mai IR. CHESTNUT Street forwards Parcels, Packases, t, News shandies. Bank Notes. and Specie„ either by .1 011V1? lines or in connection with other Express Co to all the principal Towns and Cities in the States. E. S. SANDFORD, 1147 General StmerintePdlSL PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA TIONS, with full descriptions of character, 'IWO DAY and EVENING. by J. L. CAPRI'''. see4=firm6m No. 25 South TENTH Street. THOMSON'S LONDON KITCHENER OR EUROPEAN mums, for families, hotels. or public institutions. is TWENTY DIFFERENT SIZES. Also.. Phila delphia Ranges. Not-Air Furnaces. Portable Heaton.. Lowdown Grates , . Fireboard Stoves. Bath Bollers..Stew hole Plates, Broilers, Cooktng Stoves, Sm., at wholesale and retail. by the manufacturers. CHASE. SHARPS. SECONDSON. No. 5400 N. stmt. aml9-ledta-exo DR. FINE, PRACTICAL DEN. UST for the last twenty year's. 219 •VDIE St. balOw Third. inserts the moss beautiful TEETH of the age, mounted on fine Gold. Platina, Silver; Vulcan'te . Coralite. Amber. Stu.. at prices, for neat anti anbateallal work, more reasonable than any Dentist in thia city or State. Teeth plugged to last for life. Artificial Teeth refired to snit. No pain in extracting. all work war ranted to fit. Reference. beat families- 3yl-9te em EVANS & WATSON'S SALAMANDER HUM STORE, 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADBLPHIL, PA. A large Twriety a PIM-PROOF SAYE.F3 tallvyrs en MACHINERY -CF ALL KINM.Si BE CEIVED for Exhibition, Sale, or Storapeat the blanufacturers' and Mechanics' Supply Warenotitse. N. E. corner THIRD and WILLOW Streets. • • noM.-.l.m* ALBERT POTTS. l oggp WILLIAM S7T.JARD, lINDIRTAKBEL No. 919 COATES Street. keeps constantly or hard COFFINS of superior quality and finish- -- LOTS in Glenwood Cemetery for sale. ma-1W SCOTCH 'WHISKY. 2 -GRAH A M'3 celebrated Scotch Whisky for sale. in bonded Wade. kens% by - CHAS. 8. & JAS. CIARSTAIItd. 0527 MIS WALNUT% lad 31 GRIMM fitraid,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers