THE cal Ty. The Tharmomiter IDETOBEE 1 9, DM.°EMBER 19, 1863. - 6 A. a1....12 X 8 3. ra. 6 A. X 19 P. X 49 94 M., 64.... ..... 67 WIND. I . 'wreak. Eby W...$ S ;SE • NNE. tiIIARDIAN2 OF THE POOR.-A. stated meeting of tbe Board was held yesterday . afterdoon. The house agent reported the number in the Alm house at 12 o'clock on . . . , .... .2,408 same time last year - ' .... 2 361 Increase ,Admitted within the Met two weeks Bhths Deaths Dleoharged... Eloped 39 Bound 3 Number of persons granted lodgings 36 It St meals 72 The surd of $533 44 was repdrted as having been .collected and paid to the City Treasurer. Mr. Maris moved to postpone the election of chief apothecary of the Almshouse. Mr. Field offered an - amendment to deolare the - Office vacant, which was not agreed to, and the original motion passed. The election of physician for the Tenth district was postponed. Dr. It X. CI-Irvin was elected physician for the _TN , . district. Mr. Maris having -paid tribute of regard to a laSF rcember, Jas. Linnard offered the iopriwirgt which was adopted : • Whe,,in, it has pleased Divine Providence to re move Slum this life our late moat highly-esteemed cuitee.gue, - ;famete M. Lionard : therefore, .11tsched,.-That-the Board of Guardians for the re lict aul-Seteployment of 'the Poor bear their testi- IL GOY to the high character of their late venerable et.oeague, - SHMte 117. Lionard, and that, in our esti mate, tto no other le more credit due for unflagging err rgy and devotion to the public interests, as , ea aibt , ed in the ifrformance of the duties of a guar elan. -Reaohyd, That it is our pleaeure to bear in remem-, Mance .the many virtues of our late friend, and r our duty to emulate him in those which placed him so high in the estimation of his colleagues and hie other fellow. citizens. The Board then adjourned: COAL AND WOOD CONTRACTS.—The Board of Guardians of the Poor have awarded contracts for supplying coal for outdoor relief as follows : Districts. Names. Priee. Ist John nelson. $6 34 2d. Do. 3d...... Donaghy & Watt... 4th :E. Schreiner 6th ....Kohlenkamp & Soo 6th ..; .E. Schreiner 7th ....Kohlenhamp & Son Bth ....Jan O'Brion The northern part of the Eighth district, and the Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh districts, were referred to the respective Guardians. The contracts for wood were awarded as follows Districts. Names.' Ist John Hetzell. $8 00 7 75 4th .... Jae. Galbraith ' 7 85 sth . DO. 6 90 6th Do 785 Ith .... DO. 745 PRIZE FIGHT FOILED. —QUite a large number of the prizefighting fraternity proteeded,,at an early hour yesterday morning, to a particular spot in "Ely Maryland," to. 'witness a ditto encounter, which was to take place between Charley Lynch, a welbknown English prize. tighter, and another; "pug," better knowp as the "Dublin Youth." The -ground -selected for the purpose was the 13511113 which McGool and Coburn fought, some, time back. The farmenrin 'that neighborhood, on see: ing the populace oomin, and being perhaps under the impression they were some of the "Johnny Rebs" after plunder, immediately armed themselves, and were drawn up In line to reneiVe the fistio gentle men who, upon perceiving the reception that was awaiting them, skedaddled in all directions, thit the two pugilists and a number of the principal men were arrested. However, they succeeded in ob-, twining money enough to pay all lines, and were consequently , set free, whereupon they , started for : thin city, where they arrived at a late hour last eve , ming. -- Another plane will no doubt be selected as soon as possible, when they may punch each other's Aleuts to their heart's content, and thereby prove' which one is entitled to bear toe palm of the cham pionship of light weights in America, which honora.. ble position they are each anxiously striving for. A LIVE VILLAGE.—Since the rebellion : began many instances have come to our knowledge of extraordinary efforts, on the part of the patriotic; citizens of the North, to alleviate the su ff erings and minister to the comfort of our brave soldiers. At the rooms of the Christian Commission, yesterday, we heard of a fact which goes to show that some of, our neighbors of New Jersey can do other things besides raising sweet potatoes. Paulsboro is the name of a small village near Woodbury, N. J. Its population consists of about four hundred -persons. The ladies of Paulsboro held a fair recently for, the benefit of the soldiers. They labored under many. difficulties, but they were beat on making it a sue, cess. The proceeds amounted to the neat sum of Jour hundred and fifty dollars', which is a little more Than nne dollar to each inhabitant. The money has been distributed as follows : United States Christian COMMialliOn; $200; bene fi t of soldier& families in Paulsboro, sloo;. Volunteer and Cooper- shop Re• treatment Sploons, each, $6O; to buy underclothing for soldiers, $BO. This noble example is worthy of imitation by other towns and villages in New Jersey. THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND MORE ! Recruiting, for some time past, has not averaged over seventy-five per week. Under the present call of the United States for three hundred thousand more, we may expect again to hear the squeak of the fife and the rattle of the drum in all our streets. The inducements now offered for volunteering , are exceedingly liberal, and should be sufficient to obtain enough men to till the quota of the State previous to the lit of January, 1864, at which time a draft Will be made to meet any dedoiency that may exist. Muth the melte that hate already peen made were violently denounced by certain of the Secession sympathizers, who contended that by'an appeal for volunteers thousands would have sprung to arms. They nowhave an opportunity to test theirsincerity between the present time and the next New Year's day. In case the President!s views are promptly met, there will be no draft; if his views are not 'met, a uraft will be lei:Kama to. The Government wants men, and will have them. VALUABLE INSTITUTION.—The twentieth anniversary of the Howard Mission School took place on Sunday evening. We learn from the an nual report that educe the organization of ithe Mls siOn 3,936 scholars have been admittedfas members, 200 during the past year'; present number 470; ave rage attendance 216. Number of classes 24 ; teachers, 9 male and 19 female. .Libiary 300 volumes. The Missionary, during the Sear, visited 257 families, and expended for food, clothing, and fuel $13,072. The current expenses of toe school amounted to $257.11. This is one of the most useful schools ever established in this city. Named, as it was, after the great philanthropist, it has quietly and unos tentatiously done a vast amount of good. PRESENTATION .OF. Two EAGLES.—T WO young 'eagles, male and female, measuring about two feet irom tip to tip, were presented yesterday by Captain Worden, yard, and Captain. Wells, of the gunboat Galena, to the UniOn Volun teer 'Refreshment Saloon.= Theie fine specimens of eagles deserted the territory of the rebels and landed on board the United States supply . steamer Bermuda, off the coast of Texas, and were taken possession -of by Acting Master Smith of that vessel, and presented to Captains Worden and Well., who in turn presented: them to the saloon. They seem very tame, and are at, present confined in one of the hospital rooms. A fine opportunity here offers itself to curiosity-seekers who have never as yet seen alive eagle. , THZ FALL MRABOR FOR RACES.—Today the races at the Suffolk Park wilt commence, and, from the arrangements made, these trials of speed will be conducted in the most admirable order. The premiums are most liberal ; one of them reaching as high as $2OOO. These races will be highly exciting and attractive and no doubt large numbers of our citizens will present. Last evening the friends of the turf of New York, Rhode Island, and Mama• chusetts, arrived in Philadelphia to take part in the exciting scenes of tee day. Races, besides this afternoon, will be given tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday. ACCIDENT TO 'A HORSE.—As one of the ears belonging to the Lombard and South.streeta Passenger Railroad Company, was crossing the gutter at Front and. Lombard streets,' yesterday afternoon i one of the iron plates which are used to cover the gutter broke, and a horse attached to the car fell in, and was cut badly about the legs. Re was taken out, but it is thought will not be lit to do Any work again. To BE PAID. —The men attached to Lan dis' let Philadelphia Battery, which performed good service in defence of the State during the recent raid, will be paid this evening at the armory, No. 1733 Market street. They will receive the Government pay and allowances, city bounty, and bounty' frpm the Committee of Safety and Defence, amounting in rtil to over fifty dollars. HONORABLY DISCHARGED. —Mr. John Du . bree, who was arraigned some time since before one of the United States Commissioners, on the charge of (aloe measurement of leather at the United states Arsenal, was heard on a writ of habeas corpus, on Saturday, before Judge Cadwalader. The Judge, after patiently listening to all the rmaterial points, discharged the defendant, there being nothing against him. True TONAWANDA.—,The mammoth iron steamer which has, been building, at our,n avy :yard for some time, it is thought, will be a - failure; there being too much iron used in.its construction. Some people may wonder why this was not thought of be fore. It in laid that the vessel will have to be re lieved of much of its iron to keep it above w_ater. SALUTE TO 'BE FIEED.—A. salute of, one hundred guns will be fired to , day, at noon, at Point Airy, in honor of: the election of Andrew . G. Curtin as Governor of our State. -Vas affair is in the hands of the inspectors of customs and their friends; Who wish to show their gratification at the success of the party who upholds the Administration. ROBBBRY.—EarIy yesterday morning it war aecertatned that'store of ffleari. Wyatt & Lackey, iffthi Twentrfirat wArd, had been forcibly entered ,niad, roblied of 'twelve pain' of boots and shoes yaltied at :$3O: >A chlael,,with which an ed trance.wal. effected, had been :stolen from an -ad• jacent wheelwright•sbop. , , . .L'AETRIDGE 'bIIOOTING.—.The Season for this kind of exciting and 'healthy sport has arrived in Pennsylvania. The season in ,New , Jersey does not commence until the first of', November. The birds, are in good order, though,, perhaps, in the northern counties of the State they,4are matron the run, . • • ALTBRED TEMA/MEV rmyrEs.—A.L. man . is ..theenstody of pollee Officers for Mining a one . doilar,Treasury note that had been altered to a ten. These altered notes can easily be detected. The one. dollar 'notes have a likeness of Secretary Clhase on them ; the genuine tens have a likeness of President Llneoln. mawluxe UASBS.—A man named Kelly, 'who resided on Cuthbert street, near Twenty-seoond, -was acCidentally drowned in the Schuylkill yeiter ay afternoon. Ills body was recovered. • The body of an unanown man was found drowned :In the dock at Ohristian-street wharf last evening. DEATH OF A SOLDIEE.—The following death was reported at the medical director's office I , sterday, from the V. S. Hospital, at Sixty.flfth and Vine streets : Jaoob G. SW/dB, Go. I, 2otnßegitnent l'Vlassaohusette Volunteers. . . (Correspondence of The Press.)IREADING.. Octo le. The following boats from the Union Canal passel into the Schuylkill Canal to-day, bound to Philadelphia. laden and consigned tie follows:. . : •__ • J W Harris, lumber to R W Adams L . Florence. do to J Hey Dstier ; Gold Eagle to Norcross - a Sheets; Elmira do to J Keeley; Lebanaou Valley, do to S Bolton & Co; Mai Anderson, ti.o to Jae Haley: raft of timber to 3 _Keeley. [Before Mr. Alderman Battler.] .(Correspondence of TI Press.) _ - ' All About a Set of Teeth. ' - - . RAwkihE GRACIE - Oct lit • , The steamer Wyoming len here this In ruing with the Mrs. Lucinda Jones, a colored woman, stopped at Kerman Beitler's °Moe yesterday afternoon, on following b_oat in tow lad a- ° ' : Col Donelson a- and J k DalAs a . -n lnitrer ig e - yrevar:g sevei m atreet. - She was evidently lingiOtig to oh- - Mary, do to H. droskey ;.. Homewood. and Emma, do to - taw "‘"•-101 . :Int patiently awaited her turn . At - ' J Crai_g CY Coleman, do t o Norcross di Sheets; Niagara. loot' it o f life She MN A woman past the middle - do to 11, Wolverton; Wm 'Allison. coal to Carter : - Sarah „ ag e 0 • whit...... ~ ..t. _• . Edith , do to Delaware City ;C J Brubaker, do to Onesa " riaridsms iiistrate: a-, 7 " Wen, alderman, I *lb.:. '....warrant. i ' MEMORANDA. 0 what for 1" Barks Ranson Gregory. for Southwest Pass: Quindaro. "For diems Johnson." ......., . " . for IC Orleans, and Bahr Ellen Forrester. for Port ltoTal, , 46 what did .Jeems do 1" , .....,,,,, . went to sea Sunday morning: ship Oinvingo, Cara, from " He broke my teeth." Liyerpool,was seen on Sunday in the bay. coming up . , . oported by Mr John Wilson, pilot . . is That is, he committed an assault and tie., did het" replied the alderman, Molting ~..„. ' B Bark Victoria (Sr). Christian , hece at Port-au-Prince you, . - __ r _ -. L. ~ . „loth ult.-,,____ _ . from Somerset . pen and a bionic war su Bah . but he did on' Sally Ann --- Wig Sea Lion, Wickham, from Somerset for this port. ~ LOT . , Wens Yon, nO, a 1,. !import 18th inst. ' _, . ,-... .r - 1,14 WTI ht, Smith. hence at Boston 17th Inst. • 112111°,11.0wn..di4 he come to breah,your„teetli, thenr A BasTr, Likhek l iranneman.Vanneman, and reitionn9ok, alderman, dot on Alight 0 ' ' 4 ° this port. -- ,_'-'. kEalem Nth inst. .IA( WelliyOgrele ....,. 4 e t .,,4, ve s i pperty,;. S ally Behr OldEaCK7ene, sailed from Dightonleth bud for 1 tipri,!‘ l 7 !!„ . .,,C 1 . ,, ,.. ' t ,..',- ` , ..C7 f ld ire.l i te:. 1. 0 r.i ittkiiodi ....... 7, - ,......., ' . - • yO l l ..L-F.,..Y=74,11 , -i k d • yetite li, editEiandifrrtne , Ft S .this port Ballet from Hart ; ilt '. 4. ' Y (4 ' a - - 'itlf - e tivt iisfilidi3( tbisVolt. ' ' • '„,,,, ' -'• - - t i you want-to' ow 0 W a THE POLICE. you batht !mann Jem, she'd like to borrow em. jis for tonight, kill she was giving to 'a party that was eelbrating a kind ob jUbitee." "They were false teeth that you loaned hert" in terrupted the alderman. " lee soh they was, but I gin fifteen dollars for 'em•' the Maths four front teeth, lot in gold."' " Didthey fit her mouth'!" • • "Yes, lab, jis the same as if they was made for her." " Well, go on ; how did Seems Johnson break " Well,- sah, you observe,=seh; ' thet atter :-the dance had been gwang on for some time,- a colored man said, what pretty teeth Sally Ann Johnson's got e this kind ob made Jeemisjealous, ksse he was afeared the observer might Sprees hisself more than that to Sally Ann ; Jeems got kind of olroumilanti cated, and - a great fuss was kicked up, and he hit Sally Ann in the mouth, and ebry one of de teeth was smashed right out, and. Pee got 'em here, to show for demseives." Here the complainant exhibited the dilapidated specimen of broken ivory. They were a complete Avreck. " I'Ne lent them teeth," said she, "to More than a. dozen folks to go to balls, and they were neber sorbed dat are way before." "Won't Jeems pay you for them?" "Pay me'? No, cab; kase I went to him, and he druv me clar out, and said if I eber lent hisavife any more teeth to catch a beau he'd kill me sure." "That's poor satisfaction, indeed," replied the, alderman, as he directed the complainant to proceed to Mr,Buolcley, at the Central, to make her affidavit.' [Before Mr. Alderman Hutchinson.] Suspicion of 1-lorse-Steating George Washington Davis is the name given by a young colored man, who was arraigned yesterday , morning, on the charge of stealing a horse that-he' had been riding a considerable distance. The ani mal answers the description:of one that had been , stolen. The suspected individual was committed to await a further hearing. [Before Mr. Alderman Lutz.] False Pretence. Mary Taylor, who was employed for some time as a domestic, in the family of Mrs. O'Donnell, on Reed street, above Third, was committed to prison , on Sunday, to await a hearing, to take place this afternoon, on a charge of obtaining goods under, false pretences. It seems that for some time past she had been obtaining groceries at the store of Mr. David Risley, on Reed street, above Fourth, in name of. Mrs. O'Donnell. She made several Galls, and each • time took away a clever-eized basket, well filled with a choice assortment of groceries. The grocer, himself, thought the family of Mrs. O'Donnell was increasing rapidly, and he mentioned the fact, giving his reasons, &o. The lady was surprised, and, to the consternation of the grooer, informed him that she did not send the girl after the articles ; - besides this, she had left her house some time since. On Saturday night the girl came again and purchased a basket-tull of articles, such as tea, coffee, sugar, and even went gofer as to obtain a salmon. The grocer pleasantly talked with her. It was a regular fishing expedi tion on his part. After obtaining as much evidence of the girl's duplicity as he thought necessary to satisfy the law, he had her arrested: It is not exactly known how much , groceries she obtained, probably . twenty to twenty-five dollars' worth. The interesting details will be made known at the hear thg this aiternoon. ... 6 10 . 545 ... 653 ... 6 60 ... 5 63 ... 5 70 ... 6 80 LE(3 AL INTE LEIGFENCEI United State. Circuit Court—Judges Grier and .Cad walader. THE JNIMIRSONLiN NEWSPAPER OASE-MOTION TO REMIT THE CASE TO THE SUPREME COURT OF . THIE 'STATE. Hodgson vs. DlUllwakul et al.—This casocameupbe. fore the United Stabil Circuit Court, yesterday, on a motion to remit it back to the Supreme Court of the State, from whence it originally came. It win be recollected that it was an action brought agaiust the United States Marshal of this district, and his, deputies, for the alleged unlawful seizure of The Jeffersonian newspaper, published weekly at West Chester, and the jury rendered ` a verdict for the plaintiff for $5OO. The counsel for' the 'United States, then,"under the'provisions 'an'act of Con gress, providing in certain eases for the removal from State courts into the United States Circuit Court of actions brought against the officers of the United States, moved for its removal into the United States Court for this district, which motion, after an elaborate argument before Justice Strong, was allowed, the opinion of the court affirm ' lag the constitutionality of the act. The argument., yesterday morning, on the motion- to remit the cause to the Supreme Court, was based on the as sumption that the act of Congress does not, Spply to cases where there have been trial and verdict. District Court—Judie Sharsisrooil. THE RECORDING OF THE BILL OF SALE OF A. VESSEL NOT ALONE NOTICE OS DICKIES. Samuel Grant and William S. Grant, trading as Grant &Son, vs. John P. Bruce. This was a feigned issue, to determine the ownership of the bark St. James, which was levied upon; on an execution, as the property of another party, and claimed by plain. tip as their property. In support of the plaintiff's , claim, it was alleged that the vessel was` sold to them, and the bill of sale recorded on the 23d of February, 1863, in accordance with the act of Con gress of July, 1850, which provides that "No bill of sale, mortgage, hypothecation, or conveyance of any vessel, or part of any vessel, of the United States, shall be valid against any person other than the grantor or mortgagor, his heirs and devisees, and per sons having actual , notice thereof, unless such bill Of sale, mortgage, hypothecation, or conveyance be recorded - in the office of the Collector of Customs where such vesselis registered and enrolled." After giving the transfer and bill of sale in evidence, the plaintiftir closed. The defence contended that the, mere recording of the bill of sale was not evidence of delivery. Judge Sherwood was of opinion that, while it was evidence of delivery as between the parties, it was not as to creditors, and accordingly entered a non-suit. Kirkbride, executor of Spencer, vs. Gault. An action on a bond. Before reported. Verdict for plaintiff for $104.06. • • I •VI • = = • .6" Catharine Vanhorn v. Albert McElroy, administra tor de Sonia non cum testament° annex° of Isabella Mc- Elroy, deceased. This was an action to recover on certain due-bills, and also for plaintiff's services as saleswoman. On the death of Mrs. McElroy, it is alleged that her husband, since deceased, took charge of the store, and employed the plaintiff as principal saleswoman, and that from time to time she loaned money to assist in carrying on the busi ness. lltir.McElroy subsequently died, and his sqn, the present defendant, became adminietrktor. The de fence set up wae, that the plaintiff was simply in the .store by permission, that 'site was not employed as saleswoman, although she drew money from the cashier of the establishment, and took goods on her own account when she desired, and that no conside ration ever passed for the due-bills. Oa trial. Oehlechlager and Hart tor ; B. H. Brewster and Joseph C. Townsend for defendant. District Court—Judge Stroud Albert Brecht v. Albert Holding. An action to recover a balance alleged to be due on book account. Jury out. The Court of Common Pleasaudge Allison, was engaged with jury trials also. In the Court of Oyer and Terndner and Quarter Sessions, Judge Thompson; there were a number of 'assault and battery and larceny oases disposed of. The following sentences were. imposed: Gustavus Belt, for the larceny of $290, was sentenced to 12 months' imprisonment; Mary Ann Miller and Emma Woodward, for larceny, were sentenced, the one to six months and the other to S months' imprison- PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. kLGERNON S. ROBERTS. JOHN R. PENROSE. tiONINITTEN OF TH3 MONTH. ISAAC B...WATERMAN. LETTER BAGS AT - THE MENCHANTG , EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHIA. Ship Saranak, HoWland Liverpool, soon Ship Fairfield, Paine ;Melbourne, (Australia) soon Brig &lb, Reed, Jarman navana. soon Brig Keoka. Burns St Domingo City, soon Bohr Fannie, Vance Havana, soon Schr St Lawrence, Kinch Port Spain, soot MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 20 t 1863. SUN RISES 636 I SUN 24 HIGH WATER • , - 9 19 . - Steamship Norman, .Baker, 48 hours from Boston., with nidse ann paesenrers to Renry_Wineor - at Co. - Sawa 'bark and brig off Cape - Henlopen, standing in; two barks and one brig off -the Buoy of the Middle, coming no; a -bark, in tow, supposed to :be-the Sea Eagle: from West Indies was off Morris-Liston's. • Ship Oswingo (Br), Card, 34 days from Liverpool, with mdse to John R Penrose. , • ' •••-••• • • • - . Bark Trinity,Nickerson,4 days from Boston, in ballast to Peter Wright & Sons. Brig Nellie :Howe, Pike, 6 days from Eastportfer i th plaster to - E - A - Sonder* Co. Brig Ballic,•Hooper,-17 days from New. Orleans, with Molasses to captain. . . ' Brig Alfaretta, Stowell, 21 days from New Orleans; in ballast to , J B Bazley & Co. . - Brig Concord," McLoon, , 6 days from Port Royal; in ballast to Workman & Co. : - . . . - . Brig J if:Kennedy, Smith. 6 days from Port Royal, Di ballast to J E Bazley & Co: Brig Renshaw, Smith, 14 days from Tortugas, in bal. last to J E Bazley & Co._ •• Brig Leonard Myers. Mundy, 12 days from N Orleans. in ballast to H. Simons. Oct 8.• Tortugas bearing NE by N, distant 81 miles, spoke II S steamer Clyde, cruising, `all well. - schr Mary:Eawyer.B days from New York, in ballast to J Barley & Co. • Bohr Okolona, Wheeler, 19 days from New Orleans, -in ballast to captain- from ' • • Scar A Bartlett. Bartlett. 6 days - o Port Royal, in ballast to captain. . Scbr Onward Higgins days from Calais. wits laths and pickets to Claskill & , Schr E J Tolbert, Amebury, 7 days from Portland, Scbr Argus Eye, Townsend, 20 days from N Orleans, in ballast to D S Stetson & Co.. Bohr lit Sewall, Hoyt, from Boston, in ballast to cap- Schr Horizon, Plum, from Lynn, in ballast to captain. Schr. Wit ter Shrub, Marsh, 3 days from Pocomoke river, with lumber to J W Bacon- Schr Criterion. Phillips, BdaysfroinLaurel,Del,with lumber to J W Bacon.. • • Bohr Virginia Tomlinson. Barton, 2 days froui Draw bridge. Del. with corn to Jasßarratt & Son, - Schr Lucy, Spence, 1 day from Brandywine, Del,Pith flour to R M Lea. _ • Steamer Vulcan, Morrison. 24 hours from New York, :with mdse to W6l Baird & Co. • . -Steamer Ruggles. McDermott, 24 hours - from N York, with =dee to W P Clyde . - - - . Bark David Lapsley, Bishop. Port Royal, 'Com H A Brig Charles Hiller, BreWer. Boston 4 B Barley & Co. Brig R R Curtis; Tucker. Portland. do. Brig J Means, Wills, Salern e C A.Reckscher & Co. Brig Charlifta, Means, Portland, , do. Brig t ßenry Leeds, hinith, Portland, Hammett, Van Dimon: dt:Lochman. • Brig Ambrose Light, Stahl, Boston, L Andenried &Co. Brig Burns, Parsons, Boston, - - -. do. Brig GeoAmos,__Treat,• Boston,' • - do. Bahr Emulous, Waller. Baltimore, do. • Bohr Lien, Farbieb, Boston, Captain. • .., `Behr W G, Bartlett, Connelly, Boston, Blikiston, friar , Bar Z Stratton, Blaelman, Lynn, s Schr Halo. Newman. Newburyport, Bancroft, Lewis Schr J Femurs Hall, Providence. do. - Schr Herald , 'lfnignt, 'Ziewbitryport, C A Heckscher Bohr •Rocitingham, Taipei. Portsmouth; do. Bohr Grecian, Dow. lioston, - do. Schr D P Thompson.: Newt= 7 port, • do. Fehr 31 Sewall, Hoyt,-New Castle. N A, E R sawyer Behr Julia & Martha, Bennett, Portland, Castner, Stickney, & Wellington. Bohr Francis Edwards, Blaokiaan, Handitoi Roads. Com H A Adams. Bohr Sohn Compton,Smith Providence, John R White. Bohr C Newkirk, 'Weaver, Boston, R N Rathbun. Schr Deborah, PO - well, Georgetown. D C; B Heat. Bohr EScott, Winans, Norwich, Milnes &Co. Behr R H Wilson. Davis, Providence.Repplier & Go. Schr Mary Ellen. Case ,__Newport, Sinniokson & Glover. Bohr F Tyler, Tyrrell, Washington. Tyler. Stone, & Co, Soh; C A. Heckscher, Stubbs. Boston; Sinnickson &: Glover. ' Schr Sas Allderdice. Stitee, Boston, Day k Midden. Sir Farmer, Collins. Baltimore. A Groves. Jr. Str Buffalo, Jones, New York. W P Clyde. • Sir Beverly, Pierce, New York, W P Clyde, ARRIVED CLEARED cs .•.1/DUCIATION'AIIa MRS. 0. A. BIIIMINSBOHOOL'FOR ALA- YOUNG L ADIS& Nii.'11.637 WALNU Street.' A few Pupils can be received for th 6 study of Frenohiand German. 00134ie LADIES MAY .REOEIVE INSTRUC TION IN WRITING in the afternoons from 4to 6 o'clock. at CRITTEND ME Philadelphia. Commercial College; NoI.O3I , CHESTNUT Street. corner of Seventh. ocl6- St' ......THOMAS W. MOORE, Teacher. CRMENDEN'S'' PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 031 onssrimr. Street (corner. of Seventh). Instruction. in Book-keeping. as Practised by, the best accountants, 'Penmanship, Plain and Ornamental, Commercial Calculations, Forme, Mercantile Law, and Phonography. Catalogues furnished grads, on application. 0016-4 t. P.RYANT, STRATTON,` & CO.'S NA; TIONAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, S. E. 'corner SEVENTH -and-.CHESTNUT Streets. Open DAY and -EVENING for instruction in Bookkeepi PennnisishiP. &a. SCHOLARSHIPS are issued at th ng. is 'lnstitution which constitute the student a life•member dour fifteen Commercial Colleges,-located in the leading cities of the United States and Canada. • • REMEGT== r b L. CARPENTER, TEACHER OF L, • DANCING. 825 ARCH Street. Call at bli Room. Daily and every Evening. ee223m' PHILADELPHIA COLLEGLANE. IN STITUTE FOR YOUNG L &DIRS. 1530 ARCH St. Rev. C. A. Smith. D. D.; Rey. B. C. Emith. A. , Asso ciate Principals. Boarding and day scholars. sad-1W • YOUNG LADIES' 8011001., AND CLASSES FOR HOME STUDY, No. 903 CLINTON Street. Established by Prof. 0. D. CLErSLAND in 1534. Fall Term commences September 14 an44.2m *. - PUNY E. CHASE. B ELLE V U L FEMALE INSTITUTE. A BOARDIRG-SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Th le Institution is located in the northern limits ofAT 'MB BOROUGH, Middletown township, Bucks county, Penn's, —a rural district, 'unsurpassed - for beauty and healthfulness. The Fall and Winter term will open TENTH MONTH let 1863,; and continue in session 28 weeks. The course of instruction is thorough and complete in all the elementary and higher branches of an ENGLISH. CLASSICAL, and. MATHEMATICAL education. For terms and other particulars see circadas, _which maybe had on application to the Principals. ATTIABO ROUGE Post Office, Penn's, or from H, PARRISH, cor lie? of EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. Philadelphia. ISRAEL J. GRAHAM& JAMS P. .GRAHAME, Principals. CENTRAL' INSTITUTE, N. W. corner TENTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, will REOPEN SEPTEMBER let. Boys prepared for any-Di-, vision of the Pubis Grammar fich.oolk_for College_, or for Ensineee,Can`24-2m*) H. 0. MaGIIIRE, H. Prin. MADAME MASSE AND M'LLE BIN will reopen - their FRENCH' AND ENGLISH BOARDIDO AND DAY SCHOOL FORYOUNG LADIBS.I MAI SPRUCE Street, on the 14th of ESPIED:BBL For circulars or other, particulars apple' at the above', mn b Ar. . auS4-2m • VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY-A MINT BOARDING SCHOOL .NBAR la.—Thorough course in Mathematic% elusive, Eng-1 lish Branches, Natural Sciences, ,atc. Military Tactful taught. - Classes in Book-keeping,_Barveyluir , and Engineering. Pupils taken of all ages. School .openg; September lst. Boarding, per week, .126.4 Taftfen,per Aukrier. $6. For eataloaues, or infomation,_ &davit Rey. HERV BARTON, -ITSV-Sm VILLAGE GREEN, PK.; • ipoBILAD — ELPHIA.- • PROFESSIONAL' 1 - INSTITUTE,- S. B. corner of - THIRTSPOTH allot 011BSTIIIIT Streets, te now, open, with a complete GYM HARM for the exclusive ; use, of the pupils. see its peculiar modes of instruction and its advantages. ' Send for circulars. , sel3-tf IorIiWTOW P 11133411, Principal. L A'S SIOAL INSTITUTE, DEAN! "-I Street.. above Spruee.—The &Mee of the Olaseleal; Institute will be rammed SIIPTEIKBEETtIi. an87..210 J. W. TAIBBS; D. , 10.. Principal. LENW 00 D MATHEDEA.TIOAL AND CLASSICAL EICSHOO_,L_ - - .DELAWARB WATER GM°. . . .. _ . . . The above institution will reopen on SECOND-DA:lr (Monday), the 22d of the' NINTH MOD(TH (September). For particulars apply to SAMUEL ALSOP, Principal, '2 0-2 m Delaware Water Oap. 'Monroe county, Pa. , MISS BROOKS AND MRS. J. R HALL J-T-a- will re-open their Boarang and Day School, for: Yogis' Ladies. at 1218 WAL N U T . Street, on the 14th ofd Bß EMBER. - an3l-2m MISS ELIZA. W. SMITH'S SCHOOL Ax-• 1708 YOUNG LADIES, No: I'2lo SPRUCE street, will be reopened on Monday, SEPTEMBER 14 The course embraces the elementary and higher branches of, a thorough English education, with French, German,` Music, Drawing, &c. HOTELS. NATIONAL HOTEL, - WASHINGTON, D. G. H. B. BENSON, PROPRIETOR, Formerly of the Ashland -House, Philadelphia. He is determined to merit,' and hopes to receive, a fall share of public patronage. 3elo-8m METROPOLITAN HOTEL, (LATE BROWN'___E PENNSYLVANIA - AVENUE, iEetiveen Sixth and Seventh Streets, WASHINGTON CITY. • ' A. E. POTTS, m743-Gm - Proprietor. REMOVALS, Bhi OVAL .-- JOHN 0. BASER,: ..a-V Wholesale Druggiat, ha.s removed to 11S MARKS/ Street. Particular attention Se asked to JOHN C. BAEHR & CO.'S COD-LfVER OIL. Having increased facilities in this new establishMent for' rnannfacttuing and bottling, and the avails of fifteen years' experienee in the badness, this brand of Oil has advaastages over I all others, and recommends itself= Constant supplies are obtained from the fisheries, fresh, pure. and sweet, '- and receive the most careful personal attention of the original proprietor. The increasing demand and wide. ePread market for it make its figures low. and afford :titles:. - - advantages for .. those buying in larir u _ 6 q_unn• MI . MACHINERY AND IRON. • a/a PENN -STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. —NEAFIE k LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MA, CHIN ISTS, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACKSMITHS. and FOUNDERS, having for many years been in successful operation, and been exclusively ensaged in building and ; repairing Marine, and River Engines. high and low pr.*. sure. Iron Boilers, Water Mule, Propellers, kn., &s.. respectfully offer their services to the public , - as being hilly prepared to contract for engines of all sizes, Marine, River. and Stationary • having sets of patterns,of differ- ant sizes, are prepared to execute orders with ninick snatch. Every description of pattern-making made at I theahortear notice. High and .Low-presenre, Fine, Ta bular, and- Cylinder Boilers, of the best Penn.sylvanis • charcoal iron, Forgings, of all Miss and kinds • lron :I and Braes Castings, of all descriptions; Roll-Turnink, Screw• Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and Specifications for all work done at this ' eatablishment free of charge: and work guarantied. The anbacribera have ample wharf dock room: for re: , ! Pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety. and ! are provided with shears, blocks, falls, dm, lic., for; raising heavy or light weights. -' a; • . JACOB C. NEAFIE. JOHN P. :LEVY, ie2l-tf BEACH and PALMER Streets. J. VAUGHAN IWZRZICK, -WILLIAM M..1117.11.111.0X. SOUTHWARK . FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STRATirS, MERRWIE & SONS, ENGINEERS AND. MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, fog land, river and marine service. . Boilers,Gasometers, Tanks. Iron Boats, ; Castings ; of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron. frame Roofs for Gas Works; Workshops, Railroad Stations, Sm. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most ' proved construction. - Every description of Plantation Machinery, sac& as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacium'Pans, Open: Steam Trains. Defecators. Filters.-Pumping Engines. " Sole Agents for N. Milieux's Patent Sugar Boiling Ap paratas ; Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer, and Align- I wair& Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar.Draininfi Ma. UNION STEAM -AND WATER; HEATING COMPANY OPTHILADBLPGLL GOLD'S PATENT STEAM AND HOT-WATER HEATER. ; illialllPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER. and all other Improved COOKING APPARATUS. Boilers and Water Backe. Parlor and other Gratis. Registers, and Ventilators, Backs and lambs, and all things connected with the above branch of business. TAMES P. WOOD. No. 41 South FOURTH Street. 411. PEINWSLL. Superintendent. are/9-13P ORGAN, ORR,,& STEA.M-1 M ENGINE`BUILOERS,'Iion Fonideis. and General Mikildnieta and Boller/dakere, No. 1210 c4Lownua, ah-Pat. - . COAL. OAL .-SllO-Alt LU 13 F, .E.A.VEB ; C 0 MEADOW, and 'Spring Mountain Lehigh - 0684 and . best -Locust Mountain. from Schuylkill; •prepaa rreedd ez- Reedy for Family nee.- Depot, N. W: corner of EIGHTH • and WILLOW Streets:.: 114 South , SECOND • Street. Cap2-Iy] S. WALTON & 00. CARRIAGES. :1 1863. D.'ZOGERS Coach and Light_ Carriage Nos. I.oo*siA Mn CRESTNZT RV EVANS & WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAPS 16 HOME FOURTH STREAM. PHILADELPHIA. PA. A largevariety of FIRS=PROOF SAFES always ois triTO COUNTRY -MERCIT A NTS PARTIOULARLY,;AND TO BAN . KEID3'AND BUSINESS MEN . GENBRA.LLY. Do you want to be and to feel secure both against FM AND BIINGW9f ?... Then bay LILLIE'S WROUGHT AND CHILLED IRON FMK ARP. BURGLAR•PROOF SAFE. It is much the cheapest, and, indeed, the only really and thoroughly Fire" and Burglar-Proof Safe made, and' much superior all others as a Fire Proof. - - • Do you want a BURGLAR PROOF mainly Then buy LILLIE'S WROUGHT AND CHILLED IRON BURGLAR PROOF, which is much cheapr, and far stronger than. any other." and admirably ad apted'to the wants of the Merchant, as well as Banker.. 7.- Do yoliwantmegelv IisFERE PROOF? LILLIE'S WROUGHT IRON.SARE is warranted fully equal, in all respects. 'hi any - of the most approved makers, and is sold at fully one-third less price. Do yen want SECOND-HARD SAFES? • .- - -Ton will find a general assortment of Herring's, Evans & Watson's, and other makers, many Of them almost new, which are sold at; -and - even - -below auctiorimices. these Safes being received daily, in exchange for LIL LIE'S WROUGHT AND CHILLED IRON SAFES. If you want VAULT DOrIES and PRANG, that are Burglar Proof, LILLIE'S WROUGHT AND! CHILLED IRON are much stronger ' - and far cheaper than' any other. - -All parties interested areparticularly vequested to call upon the undersigned : at . his Depot. where he feels fully prepared, like the Seven Wise Men, .. '-' to render a satisfactory reason -for the truth of the above state ments. •O,BADLER..Agent,.. P. st —I have jeer received 21Sorith 13111711NTir@reiit. four of AVANS WWI% SON'S . BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES, "from'the - Oity T B e a ry nkf o ht w e p a r f e h e a e n . Rotor FLLIE'S, which I will sell at se22-tuthkitt THE REBELS, REPULSED. • LILLIE'S W3IOI 4 .6I I 4.I7;OI I 7aFCHILLED LEON PAIMFA3 LAWRENCE, MUNRO Sept leet DEAR SIR:' We own the only . Lillie Safe in'-town. Qnantrel's guerillas tried to open it, Augnst , 2lst, but could got. Every other safe was broken open. The Re bels tried to force. but their hammers and bars had no effect on ours. We would like to obtain the agency for this vicinity. ...:, - :Yours truly * SIMPSOX BRarans. Lzwis Li 's, Troy. N. Y.' A GREAT CONFL iGRATION. ' LILLIE'S WitOUGHT - AND - CHILLED "1R0N... VICTORIOUS.. _ BUFPALO. Elpt, V% '1953 LEWIS Lfrairs, Troy, N. Y.=Dear :I suPPose you have seen the account In the papers of the conflagration we had here yesterday morning about one o'clock. My office was located about the centre of one of the burned buildings, and all we bad in the'office loose was burned .up. Our books, papers, and currency were in the Safe, and came out all. right. The Safe :was exposed to 'a terri ble heat for about eight hours. - The.itre took in the lower part of the building of a grocery store. Yours truly, R. E MOE. M. 0. SADLER.. agent. No. 211 S. SEVENTH Street.. ocl-thstiGin Philadelphia. . BRASS :STEN ALPHABETS: M. J. METCALF & SON, 45% SALEM - STEM, BOSTON. MASS. The"only zosaulastnrers in the United States. of Braes Alphabets and Figures. to any great extent or in any variety.. Sold at wholesale 9.S the LOWEST CASH PRICES:: AM% the BEST OF INDELIBLE STENCIL INK, very 'cheap. Stencil Dies and all kinds of Stencil Stock. Inquiries or orders DrOniDtly attended, ocbalp 1"-"ALMON, LAYD:iLO.ipSTER.- 200 cases, in.l, - 9. and Aisq, Oysteri; 1 and 2-pound cum- RHODE& 0 0 37 • , . . 101 floath .WATEN. Wei& BE SUP..?1 . 11I011:.INOM - FER 'OOP J" rA from the eared"oid IMO: la Ikon find for Ws fa QuaMille' to'init. WOMRATH'S _ /004410. - „ AgAvenii, nft HIL A SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY 'VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Expellee. to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendee. on MONDAY Evetung, MOVember 2.1863. at 4 o'clock. at' Sansom-street Hall, All that certain two-and a half-story frame dwelling and lot of ground situate on the northwest nide of Nelms avenue, Holmesbum in the city of Pciladelnhia; con taining ID front on Hoime avenue..sixty-one feet. and hi depth one hundred feet. Bounded by ground of Same C. Peacock; James Carman Erasmus S. Berger, and Gso.- W. Holmta. _ (Which said premises Bernard Devlin, et" nu., ccnveyed unto John Harrold in fee.) • • (D• C.; 4713; S. T. .'63. Debt. au3l6 B.P. Hall.]' Taken in execution:and to be sold as the prcrierty of John Harrold. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. ' Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office. Oct. 19, 1863. Nal SHERIFF'S. SALE.-BY VIRTUE 'OF . a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed,..wilitle expoeed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening: November 2, 1863, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-streetlfeill,: • l One undivided sixth part of all that certain meesuage and lot of ground situate on the northeast side of Crease (late Crown) street, No 330, six hundred and forty-two feet eleven inches northwestward from Girard avenue, late Prince street, in the city of• Philadelphia; contain ing in ft out on Crease Street nineteen feet, and in depth one hundred and one feet. . . (D. C., 479: S . T., '63.. Debt, $1:778 19. Nlppes. ' Taken in extontion and to be sold as the property of David FOW. JOHN THOMPSON; Sheriff. PhiltidelTthiß, Sheriff's OffICP. 00t. 16, - 1883 oe2o-St, SHERIFF'S • SALE.-BY VIRT U E OF a writ of Venditioni Bxponas, to me ifected,will be exposed. to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Even ing, November 2, 1889, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street All th a t certain lot of ground eituate on the north side of Pouleon (late Stammer) ttreel, one hundred. and: twenty feet eastward from Moyamensing avenue. in the city of Philadelphia ; containing in front on Poulson street fifty-four feet. and in depth on the west line one - hundred and ninety-eight feet, and on the seat line one hundred end ninety•eur. feet six inches., [Which said , premises Edwin Ford, by deed - dated September Bth, - 1e66, recorded in Deed Book A. C. R., No. 40, page 224, &c., convoyed unto' Amos Burton infee ,• reserving a ground rent of one hundred and sixty-two dollars.] CD. C.,485: S. T., '63 Debt, Md. J. A. Barton...) Taken in execution and to be sold aFI theproperty of Amos Barton. JOHN TH.t3MPSON - , bheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, October 19,;1863. 0020.3 t SHERIFE'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Pastas, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendne, oil, MOND 4.Y Evening, November 2, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at 's[o2 , mm-street • .101 that certain meesuage and lot'of ground situat a en ` the northeast corner of Florida street and Eagle street,. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Eagle street one hundred .and eighty feet, and in depth one hundred and eighty feet. [Which said premises L. N. Brognard and wife,. by ,deed dated . Jane '2d, 1856. conveyed unto Marla Louisa Welk in tee; subject to the Payment of a mortgage of. two thousand. five hundred dollars.] CD. C.. 481; S. T. , '63. Debt, W. 672.66. Edwd.Shippen.l. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Weik and Matia L. , his wife. . JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia; Sberifra Oct. 17, 1863. 0020.3 t SHERIFF'S -SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facial: to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY 'Evening, November 2,.1863. at 4 o'clock, at 843180 m-street Hall, tfo. L All that certain lot of ground 'situate on the west side of Twenty- third street seventy feet southward from Lombard street, in the city of , Philadelohis f containing in front eight feet; and in depth fitly-six feet, [Watch said let James Kerr, by deed dated November 3d, 1865,! recorded in Deed Rook R. D. W. fro. 93. page 313. cort veyed unto - A. Dell. Tarr and Abigail 8., his wife, in; No. 2. All that certain lot of ground situate on the northwest corner of Twenty-third and Meredith streets.. in fhe said city; containing in front on Twenty-third street fifty feet, and in depth forty-eight feet [ Which said lot Charles McCaffrey and wife, by deed dated 29th' Jane, 1857. recorded in, Deed Book; R. D.. W:; No. 132,, page 542, itc., conveyed unto Abigail B. Tarr in fee. Jed to a ground rent of *tidy. dollars; and which said ground rent Elizabeth Baker et• al.. by demi dated August —,-1857, assigned. to said Abigail B. Tarr in fee, whereby the same merged. ] - No. 3 • All that, certain lot of ground situate on the' north' side of Meredith . street; forty-eight feet west of Twenty-third street, in the raid city ; containing in front twenly•on e feet. and in - depth 11f ty feet. Which said premites - George Magee, sheriff. - .by deed poll dated' Septe.nbEr 13, 1856, convoyed. - unto Abigail B. - Tarr in. Pe; subject to'a ground rent of twents , six dollars and' twenty , live cents. which ground yent Michael V. Baker. by deed dated August Bth, 1E57; consigned unto'Abigail B. Tat r in fee, which thereby reergea • 3' [D. C.. 477: Sept. T ..' 63. 'Debt. 51.844. G. W. Biddle.] Taken in execution and to be sold. as the property of A. Deßalb Tarr and Abigail.B. Tarr. , - • JOHN TROMP : O..ON; Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office.. Oct. 19, 1863. 0c20.3t N OTICE IS HEREBY Giv.EN THAT. "THE COMMERCIAL - BANK OF PENNSYLVA NIA" intend to apply to the Legislature of Pennsylva nia, at their next session, for a renewal of their charter. Said Bank is located 'ln the city of Philadelphia, with an authorized - capital of one million - of dollars—a re- , newel of which will be asked for, with the usual hank ing privileges . - - y order of the Board. S. 0, PALMER'. June 29. 1863. ie3o-tu6m - Cashier. ESTATE OF THOMAS S. DARLING, Letters of Administration to the Estate of TRONAR G.. DARLING. Deceased, having been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted to said Estate will Please make payment, and those having claims to present them without delay to JOHN K. HAMLIN, Aduiinistrator, Wissahickon Station, Twenty- first ward. Or his Attorney,n HENRY M. DEC:REV, se29-to. '209 South FLETH Street. vir HEREAS, LETTERS'TESTA MENTARY - MENTARY upon the Estate of TRANCE 3 J. GRUND, deceased, -have been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against the same. to present them to . - . . ocl3-tntb . at• NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN THAT application has been-made to the Trustees of the Fire Association for renewal' of a Policy of - Insurance. No. 146, for $BOO. issued May 25th. 18M,namethe of NARY and SARAH PROPS. which has been lost or Any information thereof Will be received by PARAH PHIPPS. Yo. 1121. CALLOWR ILL Street. 0 , 10-stutbnt .GREAT DISCOVERY! Appli seful cable Art toa. the U ♦ New Thing. Ito Combination. Boot and shoe Manufacturers. It le a Liquid -47440;?t -je2s,tlithiii. ~.. ELECTRICITY. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY AND WONDERFUL RESULTS I -, . All - acute and chxonic diseasei cured by special guarantee, when desired by the patient, at 1224 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, atieLin case of a failure no charge is made No drugging the system with uncertain . medical . agents.: All cures per -1 • formed by Magnetism; Galvanism, or other modit cations of Electricity, without shocks or any un pleasant sensation. 'For further information send and' teat. a, pamphlet, which contains hundreds of certificates from some of the moat reliable men In Philadelphia, - who have been speedily and_perma nanny cured -After ail other treatment from medical men badialled. r. Over eight thousand cured in lees than-four years; at 1220 WALNUT Street N. R.--Medical men and others, who desire `a knowledge of toy new discovery, can • commence a full course of lectures at any time. Prof. BOLLS., has qualified over - gone - thousand 'physicians, who , use Electricity as a - specialty.:i ~. :..-. . consultation ?res.. . . V , Fll,l , ilk. crizoCßoilas a GALLOWAY;' . . 0013-tf 15120 WALNUT. St.,,Philadelpliis; WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH? T T `O6OONRWS4OR THE SICK Alift .WOUNDRD. Messrs. J. GRIM and T. ALLEN, MEDICAL ELEC. TRICIANS (formerly associated with Profs, Bolles and Galloway), having removed' to No. 7213 'North TENTH Street, between Coates and Brown streets, are now pre. pared to treat and cure all. Curable Diseases, whether acute or chronic, pulmonary or paralytic, without a shock. or. any inconvenience „Poor: Soldiers. will treated,uatuitenaly. , 1 The Ladles will be treated`by s lady:tong the 'diseases'. for which' we will-give a special guarantee, when desired. we mention the PM. Consumptionaat at 2d stages HamOrrhaxe, • Paralysis. General Deouity,', • Neuralgia, Diseases, of the Liver or . Asthma Kidneys. - Fever and Arne, ltlabetes, • Congestion. Prolapses Uteri. (Palling Dyspepsia, Womb), . Rheumatism. Prolamine Ani; or Piles! Bronchitis, Nocturnal Emission,Bl4dre. No charge for consultation. OM, hours: 9 A.' M.' to MRS. :JAMES. BETTS' CELEBRATED SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES. and the only, Sup porters under eminent - medical patronage. • Ladies' and Physicians are respectfully requested to call only on Dirs. BETTS, at her residence. 1038 WALNUT, Street, Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits .) Thirty thousand invalide have been advised by *eir physicians tckuse her appliances.. These only , are genuine bearing the United states copyright; labels on the box; and signatures, sad also on the Supporters.twith testimonials. call-Whet JUMELLE'S COMPOUND SYRUP. OF DOCK is successful as a ramedy because thoseeche use it pronounce it the best • • , - • - the beet Blood Pur C ife l i r • s lte S t r n i o l et . efficient Invigorator. and the best Cure for Scrofula ever offered to the_ mblis, Bold by the proprietor. - F. JDMSLt~ 11625 And ell D Dr ruqgists. DRAIN PIPE. - . - MONTGOMERY. TERRA COTTA WOR1i8: per S fe et lengh, 2L • . *. 4 W e are prepared to furnish RTONEWARE /IRATE PIPE, side and outside, from- 2to 15 Inches la Fdiamglarel n eter, in or smalltinantitles, with all variety of traps, bends, and other connections. Liberal, t? the trade ~ M I COLLIN & REMADE, segetotbsseu MEE MARKET Street. PhUadabase, fIH.A.MPACipIE.7 - INVOICE OF %.0 " - add 1116r1. "Oh 1i 'aril lad pinto; tpst recebribigiir Prenekship •••Lbie A = 4. Ibr WO" , • Mtn'MAL B. IiVJAS. ULMIFURAIB IS. r• 8 4 ':* ta )li. wAutv si A umnrui. sonzitirVss - Armi'w; LEGAL. BITST.ILIt. Attorney at Lai'', 7 A F.. O G G R "WA D LN E TatIpit. LAMSS CEMENT. VSKIIITL ADD = yaiIiVADLI DISCOVERY! HILTON'S INSOLUBLE omixisrr le of more general practical - utility than any invention now before dui public It hen been thoroughly test ed daring, the'last two years by Practical men, and. pronounced by all to be SUPERIOR TO ANT Adhesive Pri3omi.tion lULTONB INSOLUBLE OEM AIL Is a neW think. aid 'the result of Years of study; its is on 130.171NT1F10 PRINCIPLES. . . •nd under no circumstances or change of temperature. will it be come corrupt or emit any offensive BOOT AND SHOE Maaufacterers,' • using Maihhies, will find it .the beet article known for .Cementiag the Channels, as it works without delay. is not Moots& b anychange of temperature. Jewelers JEWELERS Will find it sufficiently adhesive for 1 their use, as has been prove& IT IS ESPECIALLY •ADAPTED TO . . And we claim as an especial merik that it sticks - Patches and Lininp to Boots and Shoes sufficiently strong without stitching. Familiee NIB TEM ONLY LIQUID CEMENT Beard. that ie a sure thing for mending , ITIENITITRE . IVORY. And artiOles of Honaehold tun. REMEMBER, itonN Insoluble : Cement Is Ina liquid form. and as easily &POW Ita paste. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE onnurr Ili water or oIL Remember HILTOk'B INSOLIIBLE ONMESIT Adheres ells enbetanswi. Supplied ti Family or Mannhatu rare. Packages from 2 once' to he MILTON BROS. & Proprietors, moynnows. B. L A g e" ! 4 7 111a l el PV 11— - A/71, &A I M* . iNN/S. MEDICAL. TT B 1 ..e,,54DA11,1 A) : ~/►ILItOAD y~ EIIfEb. rEtakNYLITANIA: .00 coCENTRAL RAILROAD . - TITS GREAT DOUBLE-TRACK SHORT ROUTE TO THE WEST. NORTH WEST.,, AND _SOUTHWEST. -2 Eanim.nis , and - facilitlea tor, the safe. ePeedY. -$ll4 comfortable transPortation of paemengers mum:passe& by any route in the count'''. Trains leave the Depot at Eleventh/and Market streets.' as-follows . Mall Train at • T... 9) A. M. Fast Line at . . .....• 1.30 P. M. Through Express - at • ' - 10.30 P. M. West Chester Accommodation.- No. 1 " 6.45 A. It. ... ff ..... arrisburg Aecommbdation Train at 2: SO ... .. P. M. Lancaster Train at 4.00 P. M. - Parkeallorg Train (from West Philadelphia). 6.50 P. M. Through passengers, by the Faat.Line, reach Altoona for supper, where will be found excellent accommoda tions for the night, at, the Logan House, and mar take' either the Philadelphia or Baltimore Express,. each of which makes connection at Pittsburg for all points. A daylight view is thus afforded of the entire line and its magnificent scenery. Tke Through Express train runs daily—all the other trains daily, except Sunday. -FOR P/TTSBITO AND THE WEST. The Mail Train, Past Line, and Through Express con nect at Pittsburg with through trains on all the diverg ing roads from that point, North to the Lakes, West to the M 1,381,0111 pi 'and.. Missouri rivem.and South and Southwest to all points accessible by Railroad. Through. Tickets. to Cleveland. Detroit, Chicago:. St. Colum bus, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Leavenworth, Kansas, Wheeling, Dayton, Cincinnati. Louisville. Cairo, and all other princrpaoints. and baggage checked through. • • INDIANA; BRA.NCH. RAILROAD, The Through Express, leaving at 10.30 P. M., con nects, at Blairsville Intersection, with•a train on thin road for Blaireville, Indians, &c. EBENSBURGIT CRESSON BRANCH 'RAILROAD. The Through Express Train, leaving 10.30 P. M..-con nects at Cresson at 13.40 A. M. witha train, on this road for Ebenabul A train also leaves Cresson for Khans burg at 8 P. HOLLIDAYSBURG BRANCH RAILROAD. The Mail Train, at 7.30 A. M... and Throngh Express. at 10.30 P.M. connect at Altoona wittaraine for Holidays burg at 7.15 P.“ M. and 8 A. M. TYRONE & CLEARFIELD BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Express Train, leaving at 10 30 P. K. connects at Tyrone with a train for Sandy Ridge and Phillipsburg', and I” Bald: Eagle • Valley Railroad' for Port Matilda, Miles - burg, and Bellefonte. HANTIRODON.& BROAD-TOP RAILROAD. - The Through Express Train, leaving at ln 30 P. li>, connects at Huntingdon with a train for Hopewell at 6.22 A. M. . . NORTHERN CENTRAL & PHILADELPHIA &. ERIE RAILROADS. FOR SUNIDMV, WILLIANBPOR_ J T LOCH HAVEN, ELMIRA. ROCHESTER, BUFFALO, AND NIAGARA FALLS. Passen gers taking the hiall. Train, at 7.30 A. M., and the Through Express' at 'lo_3o P. M.. go directly through without change of cars between Philacielohia and Wil liamsport. POI.TORT/. HANOVER, and GETTYSBURG. the trains leavin at 7.30 A. M. and 2.30 P.-M . ...connect at Columbia with trains on the Northern Central Railroad. COMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. The Mail Train, at 7.30 A. M. and. Through Express. at' 10.30 P. M. connect at Harrisburg with trains for Car lisle, Chemberaburs: and Hagerstown. WAYNESBDRG BRANCH RAILROAD. - The trains leaving gat 7.30 A M. "and":4•P. M. connect at Downington with trains on this road for Waynes burg and ell intermediate stations. FOR WEST CHESTER. Passengers .for West Chester taking the trainsleavin at 8.95 A. M. and 12.30 and. 4 P. M. go directly through without change ,of cars. ' COMMUTATION TICKETS For 1, .3,15, .9,!0r 12 months, at very low rates, for the accommodation of persons living out of town, or located on or near the line of the road._ • COUPON TICKETS, For 26 trips, between any two, .points; 'at about two cents per mile. These tickets are intended for the Ilse of, families travelling frequently, and are of great .advan tage to persons making occasional trips. SCHOOL TICKETS, For 1. or 3 - months,- for the nee , pf - scholars attending' school in the city. ^ • • ' Foil further informatie_,n • supply at the Pasitenaer Sta tion, S. B. center of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. CONDEN, Ticket Agent. WESTERN EMIGRATION - • . • . An. Emigrant Accommodation • Train leaves No. 137 Dock street daily (Sundays excepted), at 4 o'clock P.M., offering a comfortable mode , to families going West, at one-half the usual rates of fare: Particular at tention is paid to Baggage, for which cheeks are given, and baggage 'forwarded by same train with - the passen ger. For full information apply to FRANCIS FUNK, Emigrant Agent, • . 137 DOCK Street. ... MANN'S BAGGAGE EXPRESS. An agent of , this reliable Express Company will pass through each train before reaching the depot, and take np checks , and deliver Baggage to any part of the city. Baggage will be called for promptly when orders are left at the Passenger-Det, Eleventh' and Market streets. The travelling public po are assured that it is entirely reavontale. FREIGHTS.' By this route freights of all - descriptions can be for-- warded to and from any points on the Railroads , of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, WisCODAIWIowa, or Mis souri, by railroad direct. or to any port on the Ike's - lira.' ble flyers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. The rates of freight to and from any point in the West, by the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, are; at all times, as favorable as are charged by other Railroad Compa nies. Merchi.-nts and shippers entrusting the transporta tion of their freight to this Company can rely with cond.- dence on its speedy transit. For freight contracts or shipping directions apply to or ad dress the Agents of the Company: . - S. B. KINGSTON, Jrt. ~ Philadelphia. DA. STEWART, Pittsburg. - • - CLARKE & CO, Chicago, - - LEECH. & CO. , No. 1 Astor House, or No. 1 South liam viieet, New York. . • ' LEECH & No. 77 Washington street Boston. • NorthernWM. BROWN, No. 80 North street, Baltimore. Agent Central Railway. - 11; H HOUBTON General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. LEWIS L. 1101.11-k, General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. ENOCH LEWIS, Jag-tf General Superintendent, Altoona. Pa. 1863. NE 4 4 PA l s amir T r,lgEs. 1863. THE' CAMDEN AND 'AMBOY AND. PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINES, FROM PHILADELPHIA' TO NEV YORK AND WAY-PLACES. PROM WALNUT. STREET WHARF AND HENSINOTON DEPOT. WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS-VIZ:. At 6A. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ac- commodation 42 26 , At 6 A. M. , via Camden and Jersey City, -N. J.Ac- commodation -J2 25 At BA. M., via. Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mail' .-. 800 At B Ti A. M ;, via Camden and. Jersey City, 2d Class cket 2 25 Atli A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Mr- press - 3 00 At )2 M, via Camden and Amboy, C and A.- Ac commodation 2 26 At 2 P.M., .via Camden and. Amboy, C. and A. Es- _ . ' presii At 3-P.- M , ; via Kensington and Jersey City, Wash. 3 00 and New York Express . 300 At tif P. K. , via Kensington and Jersey City, Eve . zdiaMan -300 At P. via Kensington _ and Jersey City, Boni ern- Mail 3 0) At 13i (Bight), via Kensington and Jersey City, Southern E. xpress 300 At O.P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger)-Ist Class Ticket... 2 25 Do. do. -2d Class do 1 00 The 6.15 P. M. Evening Mail andl:3o (night) Southern Express will run daily; all others Sundays excepted. For Water. Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Viglkesbarre, Montrose, . Great Bend, _ . &c., at 7-A from Kensing ton Depot, via Delawre, Lackawanna. and. Western Railroad. _For Mauch Chunk Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere. Easton, Lambertville, Flemington, &c., at 7A. M. from Kensington Depot, and &30 P. M. from Walnut street wharf. (The 7A. K. line connects with the train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk at 3.20 P. - M.) For Mount HOII9, • Ewansville. and Pemberton, at 6 A. M. 2, and 43i.P. M. For Freehold at 6 A - Mr and 2 P. - M. - • • • -• For Bristol, Trenton. ale, at 7 and 11 A. M. and 6 P. M. from Kensington, and 2X, P. M. from Walnut street wharf. • • - For Holmeatmrg, Tacony, Wiasonoming, Brideahnrg, and Frankfort, at 9 A. Id., 2,6, 6:46, - and BP. M., from Kensington Depot. , - For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco, Beverly, Burling ton, Florence, Hord entown ' am., at 6A. 123., 43c, and t 3 P . -AL The 3.80 and 434 P. M:lines run direct through to Trenton. Steamboat .Trenton, for Bordentown and intermediate stations, at 23i P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. ifir , For New York and,Wav Lines leaving _Kensington Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars run into the Depot, and .on thearrival of each train run from the Depot. : , . Fifty Pounds'of Baggage only allowed each Pasien ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel: All baggage over duty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility forhaggage to One Doll sr per naand, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, ex cept by special contract. WILLIAM H, GATBMBH, Agent. September 21 " - .4:57 -LINES FROM NEW YORK FO3ll. PHILADELPHIA, . WILL LEAVE FROM FOOT OF CORTLANDT STREET, ,At.l2 Id: and 4 P. M. vlit.jeriey City and Camden. At 7 ane4o-A.- ,- 6,7,3 i, and 1134 =P.- M., via Jersey City . From foot of Barclay. street at 6 • A. M. aad 2 Amboy and Camden From Pier,No. 1,-Nerth river, at 1 and 5 P. 31. (freight and passenger) Amboy and Camden. ials-tf • aggi‘PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA R. Rs LINE. Ibo 3. SUMMER. ARRANGEMENT. . 1663. For WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, ELMTRA, and all points- Ic. the IV; and N. W. Passenger-Tratus leave Dopht of. Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, corner BROAD and' GALLO WELLL Streets, at 8.16 A. AL. and 3.30 P. M.', daily, Sundays excepted. QUICKEST ROUTE from Philadelphia to .points in Northern and Western Pennsylvania, :Western ' New York, &c., &o. Baggage checked through to Buffalo, Niagara Falls or intermediate Points. ,- tilt For fartherinformation apply to . _ JOHN S - MLLES, General Agent, THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHIEL, and office of How ard's Express Company, 607 CHESTNUT SI. ja3l-tf 1861 m 1863. :PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE:RAIL ROAD. —This great line traverses the -Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, It has be leased by the PENNSYLVANIA--..RAIL ROAD COAIPANY, and 'under their auspices is being rapidly opened throughout its. entire length, It is now in use for Passenger and Freight business from Harrisburg to Driftwood; second fork, (1;7 runes) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield ,to Erie, (73 miles) on the Western Division. ' '• TIME OE' PASSENGER. TRAINS AT P NIL ADELl'lltt. Mail Train SO A. M. Express Train - " ' 10.30'P. M. 'Cars' run through without change both WaSE on these trains between Philadelphia and Look Haven. and-;be tween Baltimore and Look Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars_ on Express _Trains boti ways between Williamsport and Baltimore; and•WilliamePort and Philadelphia. re, . • _ For . information respecting Passenger' business apply at the Southeast corner Eleventh and• Market Streets.- • And for • of the Company's Agents : B. B KINGSTON,;•Jr., corner Thirteenth , and.Market' streets Philadelphia. J. W. REYNOLDS;rErie.. • J. M. EMU, Agent, N. C. R. R .Baltintore. ' • General Fr*lit,Agent. Ptiiadelphia; - General Ticket Agent •Philadelnhia. • General Manager, Virllllanisport,, WEST CHESTER & PHII4DETAIIIIA; PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL Passengers for Weereheater leave the 4150t,_ I !'ciiriter of Eleventh and Morlret streets, and getkrongh WITHOUT CHAPOE OF CARE FROM PHILADELPHIA. Leave ,ap 8.46 A. West cheater 10.30 FROM WEST CHESTER_ Leave at. 6.90 A. M......Arri ‘ ve West2b '. i1a..800 A. M. 10.50 A: M. ' ' 12.25 P. M , --" '3.46 P. M. "• 5.00 P. M. Passengers for. Western points from West Cheater con ned at the Intersection with the Mail stain at 8.45 A M., the Harrisburg •'Accommodation at 8:46 P. M. and the Lancaster Train at 5.25 P. M, - Freight delivered'. at the ddpOt,. corner of Thirteenth and Market streets, previous to 12 K., will be forwarded by the. Accommodation Train, and. reach West'Cheoter Per tickets andluither information apply apply to ' • 1 - • JAMES COWTOEU,.Ticket Agent .. 3a- tf REEVENTH and MARKET Stree aglitiNMEi v NORTH PENNSYL t ARIA RAILEOAD—ForBETB. LEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, MAUCH CHUNK, HAELII - EASTON, WILEESBARRE, WILLIAMSPORT. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Paseenger Trains leave the new Depot, TIM M Street, above Thompson street, daily.(thandays excepted) „as follows At 7 , A.. M. (F.ucosa) for Bethlehem. Allentown, Mauch. Chunk, Hazleton, Wilkesbarre, do. At 3.15 P. M. (Expreas) for. Bethlehem. Boston. ate. At 5.15 for Bethlehem, Allentown,Manch Chunk. For Doylestown at 0.15 A. N. and 4.15 F. Mr. .? For Fort Washington at 10.33 As M. and Et 30 P. ' White care of the Second and Third streets. line City " Passenger run directly to the new Depot. TRAINS FOR PEILADELPIIIA _ Leave Bethlehem at 5.45 A.M.. 9.80 A. M.. end 8.07 P.M. LOST. Doylestown at 7.85 A. M. and 4 P s M. Icave Fort Washington at 8.40 M. and 2 P. M. ON SIINDAYS. radeaphis for Bethlehem at SA. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 8 P. M. oyleetown for PhD &details at 7 M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 P. M. ap2o ELLIS CLARK, Anent. BALTIMORE .AND OHIO RAILROE.O.==Thia. road, being tally REPAIRID:and, effectually, OBARDBD, is now open for the transportat tion ofpeasengora d freightto all points !lithe GREAT WEST. ,l'or,throngictiekete and all other information , anpliit Dui' Company's PIRO, oOrner of BROAD Street. and WADIIINOTOR Avenue 160141' rx•Biolatv.m:.,a9lll.l.:ErVfkl, tt,z._ tor .12ual BAlLifoi'ilzmOot AND'',PHIL'AiIIu s .C4 II 4;/.OBAIL L * _ROAD, VIA MEDIA, • WEST TEB PALL ARRANGEMENT. N t On and after _MONDAY,. September 191. h. the Trains will leave Philadelphia, from the dapb‘. north' seat corner of EIGHTEENTH and - MARKET Iliti`eate. 7.96 and 10.60 A. M., and at 2 and 4.'46 P. A Freight Train , with Pas s enger Car, attached, leave the corner of I rHIRTY-EIRST and MARKET Stele. (West Philadelphia) at 6.96 P. - L Trains leave the corner of THIRTY-FIRST and MAR ., HET Streets( West Philadelphia), 17 minutes after the sarting time from EIGHTIE.NTH and-MARKET 'The Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.60 A. M. sad; _ 4.16 F. K , connect with Trains on the P. and B.G. R. for Concord, Kennett, Oxliard - . . HENRY WOOD, . General Superintendent. - PROPOSALS. A SSTS TANT QUARTERMASTER A•• • • GENERAL'S OLFICE, PHILADELPHIA, lath October, IE6. PROPOSALS will. be received at this office until THURSDAY. 22d instant, at 12 o'clock M., for the immediate delivery at the U. S. A.' Hospital, Chestnut Hilt, of the following articles: 33.010 feet 9d Common Boards. 22 000 Sd Common Flooring. , „ . 69.000" Hemlock Scantling. EIEH" IB4 - 14,01:0 " Hoofing Felt, of proper thickness. 12 Knob Looks. .50 pairs Ittitt Hinges, :3-inch. 14kegs Halls: 7 kegs Sd, 7 kegs 10d. Elgross Screws, 50 Saab Fastenings. • s:to lights of Saab, flxl4. Bidders will state the shortest time for delivery. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. By order. A BOYD. ocl9-t22 Captain and A. Q. M. EIDREVir TIIG•I3OATS: •- NAVY DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON', Oct. 14, 1863. PROPOSALS will be received until the. 20th day of October for the complete construction of iron screw tug boats of 150 tons and of 170 tons, The vessels to be delivered at a Navy Yard complete and ready to receive on tio , ,rd the crew, provisions, store, and coal, in ail reepects ready far service, except the ordnance, ordnance - stores, and nautical Matra- The proposition'must state the gross sum for which the vessel will be delivered complete ani the time within which she will be delivered. The bid most be accompanied by guarantee that, if awarded, the par ties will execute the contract ; end the names of ail the parties interested and of the sureties mast be stated. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all the propositions if. in its opinion, the public intsrest re quires, and no proposition will be considered except from parties actually engaged in building iron vessels. 'I be plans and specifications of vessel and machinery can be examined ouly, at, the navy Department in Wash ington. ocIT-stathfit ORDNANCE OFFICE WARDEPART MENT. WASHINGTON, Oct. 7, 1881—M1SO PROPOSALS will be received at this of ce until '4' P. ht., on the 25th of the current month of. October, for 100,000 sets of infantry accoutrements, calibre 58. to be deliver ed in the following Quantities; at the andernamed arse nals, viz: 311.(00 eats at the New York Arsenal. Governor's Isl MOM , • Frankfort Arsenal, Brldesbarg. 20,f00 • Allegheny Arsenal. Pittsburg. P • 20, COO " St. Louis Arsenal, St. Louis. Mo 10 000 " U. S. Armory, Springfield. Mas Timm accoutrements are to be mule in strict con ty with the tegnlation patterns, which - can be s t either of the above named arsenals, and they are subject to inspection at the arsenal where deliver fore being received for the Government; e ac cepted or paid for, but such as are appr spec tion. The belts to be of grained teat . alt the stook to be the hest oak-tanned. The sho der belt will be included ir the set, . Deliveries must be made in lots of not leas than 1,000 seta per week for all contracts 'of 10,000 . sets or under; and not lees than 2,000 sets-per week on all contracts for over 10,000 este; the drat delivery to be made within fif teen days from'd ate of contract Failure to deliver at a ' specified time will subject the contractor to a forfeiture of the amount to be delivered at that time. The an. • boxed in the meal meaner; the boxes to be_ charged at cost, to, be determined by the in Bidders will state explicitly the arsenal or arsenals Where they propose to deliver, - and the number of sets they, propose to deliver at each place, if for more than one. • • • Bo bids will be considered from -parties other than re gular manufacturers of the :LAMM, and such as are known. to the Department to be fully competent to exe cute, in their own shops. the work proposed for. Each party obtaining a contract will be required to enter into bonds, with, approved. sureties, for its faithful fulfil ment. _ The Gapartment reserves to itself the right to reject any_ or all bids, if not deemed satisfactory. Prot:orals will be addressed to " Brigkdier General Georpe D.. Ramsay. Chief of Ordnance, Washington." and will be endorsed "Proposals for Infantry ecoatre ments. " GEO. - D, RAMSAY. octlo-stuth7t Brigadier General, chief of Ordnance. ORDNANCE OFFICE, ‘•-• WAR DEPARTMENT. WASHINGTON. October 2, 186.3. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received" at,this office until the 30th - day of October next, for B aNDING and BUSHING the 42-pounder Guns. at - the Forts and Ar senals of the United States in the Atlantic States, amount ing in number to 200, more or less. The guns will be, delivered at, and removed from, the establishment where the work is to be done at the cost of the Butted States. Proposals for those on the Pacific Coast-about - 50 in number—will be received until the 13th of December next% and, in the case of these, the guns will be de livered at San Francisco or ite"vicinity. The guns are to be turned down to a true cylinder for the length of twenty= seven inches from the rear of the base ring, prepared to take a band of the best wrought iron, the interior diameter of which will be twenty incher, and itt thickness three inches. . • . The vent is to bridled with a new‘ Bash of pore in got copper, one inch in diameter and abontmine and a half inches long, and bored with a Tent of two-tenths of in its ' f band put on can be seen at this office, at the Watertown Arsenal. Mass ; at the Watervliet Arsenal; and at the New York Agency, No. Worth street, city of New York ; at the Arsenal-at Bridesburg. Pa. ; and at Al legheny Arsenal: Pittsburg, Pa.: at the 'Fort hfoitroe Arsenal, Va. ; St. Louis Arsenal, Mo. ; and'Benima Ar senal, California: _ ' The work is to be done to the entire satisfaction of the officer who will be appointed to superintend it ,• and pay ment will be 'lade in fall for each gun upon his certi ficate of inspection and receipt. • Proposals will state the price per gun for the whole operation; describe in detail the- manner - in which. it, is proposed to put-on the band; the number they will band per month; and the time which will be required to do the whole work. .The method and time required for doing the work, as well as the price, will be import ant elements in considering the bids and awarding the . . ho Ws will be considered from any parties but such as are actually engaged is the manufacture of iron and heavy machinery, ands who. are, in the opinion of this Department, fully, prepared to execute the work. In the case of parties not known to this Department, evi dence to the foregoing effect must accompany the pro posal. Bond, with satisfactory sureties, to the amount of fifty per cent. of the bid, will be required for the fulfilment of the contract; and the Government reserves the right to reject any or ell bids, if deemed unsattsfsotory. Proposals be endorsed 'Proposals for Banding 42-Pounders." and:will be addressed to Brigadier Gene ral George D. Ramsay. Chief of Ordnance, Washington City • _ GEORGE BASIS ar, oce-tuth &slit Brig. General,. Chief of Ordnance. P ROPOSALS FOR BEEF.. OFFICE. OP NAVY AGENT • 1:12, South Third street, Philadelphia PROPOSALS will be received until MONDAY NOON, October 26th. for furnishing ON g THOUSAND B AIME t. , S 0 r N A.V Y . BEEF, to . be delivered at the UNITED STATES NAVAL INSPECTION OF PROVISIONS -AND CLOG RING, within thirty days from the date of the acceptance ofpropoeal for the same. The sail beef must be from well fattened cattle, slaughtered since lot Octo ber, and -packed in accordance with the require ments of the Navy Ptand ard. One-sixth is to be delivered. in half-barrels. The barrels shall be entirely new, and be made of, the beet seasoned heart of white oak- staves and headig,' the staves not to beless than five-eighths of an inch thick, and the headings not less than three fourths of an inch thick; they shall be three-fourths hooped over wi , h the best white oak or hickory hoops; each barrel shall be of the internal capacity of thirty two (32) gallons. and be branded on its head by burn ing " NAVY BEEF," with the contractor's name. the weight, and the year when packed, and on the bung stave with the letter !,` B." The barrels to be delivers" at the United States Naval Inspection of Provisions and Clothing, at PRIME-STREIT WHARF, enbiect to in spection; the expenses of such 'inspection, if any, to be borne by the contractor. Security will be required for the faithfill performance of tee contract. . - No proposals will be considered unless accompanied by a guarantee. JAMES S. CHAMBERS, . , Bidders will direct their Proposals, Navy Agent - H. BRIDGE. &let of Barian of Provisions and Clothing, Washing ocl7-6t ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets.. PHILADAPRIA. October 14, . 1883. - SEALED PROPOSALS are invited at this office, instil 12 o'clock M.. on TUESDAY. the 20th instant; to furnish promptly at the SCHUYLKILL :ARSENAL the follow ing articles Bratis Eagles for Light Artillery Caps, army standard. do Tulips do do do do do Canteens. , Tin. Corrugated, do do Cavalry Guidons, do do Great Coats for Morinted Men,- . do . do Engineer Fatigue Overalls,Jinen or cotton. Samples of the material to be used must accompany the bid. Bidders will state in their proposals the price, quan tity bid for and time of delivery. . • The ability . of the bidder to Ell the contract mist be guarantied y two responsible:persons. whose 61111.1, tures must be appended to she guarantee, and said ens rantee most accompany the bid. . Bidder's. as'woll as' their sureties or guarantors, who may not be known at this offlce.will fandsh a certificate from the United States :Dietrict Attorney, Postmaster, or other public functionary, at the residence of the bidder or guarantors, setting. forth clearly .the fact that the bidder and hissureties are responsible men who' wi'll. if a contract is awarded them ; act in good faith with the United States, and faithfully execute the same. Samples can be seen at 'this Office.' to which all arti-. clesmnst conform . Blank forms for Proposals can be had upon. tipplicatidn at this office.` Preposals must he endorsed Proposals. for Army SaPPlies," stating the particular article bid G. H. CROsH2A.N. ocIO-St Asst. Quartermaster General U. S. A. SEALED PROPOSALS ARE INVITED . till the 22d day of OCTOBER, 18433, it 12 M-, for for- Dishing - O? hubeiatenee Department with 20, 090parrels • • . . Bids will be received for what isknown as Nos. 1,2, and 3, and for any portion less than the 20,000 barrels. Bide in duplicate for .the different grades should be upon separate sbeeta of paper. • - The delivery of the flour to be commenced within one week from the opening of the bids, or' as soon , thereafter as the Government may direct, at the rate of 800 barrels daily, delivered either at the Government warehouse in Georgetown, at the wharves, or at the railroad ddpot, Warbington. 'D. C. Payment will be made in certificates of indehtediess, -or such othir furl& as the Gevernment may for disureement. The usual Hovernment inspection will ha made jiist before the flour is received. An oath of allegiance meet accompany each bid. No bid will be entertained from parties who have pre viously failed to comply. with their bids, or from bidders not pre+ent to The barrels to be entirely new,. made very strong, of new materials, andheadlined. - - No flour will be`received which is not fresh ground. Bide to be directed to Colonel A. BECKWITH. A. D. C. & C. B. B. fr., Washington, D. 0., and endorsed C. Proposals for Flour." ' ' -001.3-9 t (WICK SALES, SMALL PROFITS I-L. 'O5 At DEAN'S CIGAR STORE. 335 CHESTNUT Street, Ton can buy EDIWIIyt .7c/L4qc9,.26 ; per aent. less than anywhere else. • •••-• Anderson's Solace, rHbyt a ;Sunraside,„=;Lilienthars Standard;`Old Continental, Yourig America; and' Goed win's •N. Y. =Patent .Pressed, for eight cents each., = Plantation. - Cornish's- Virgin: Bea& Bank;'Hol ney Dew, Amulet, National, Heart Ys =Delight, Savor!, =Medallion, NonPareil. and Mrs. Miller's Fine-ent Chew ing Tobacco. for four cents each. _.• FINE COT ' IN' YELLOW- PAPAWS: Lillenthare. Backus & Campbell'S. Yellow Bank, Grans, for, three cents each. FINE-CDT CHEWING TOI3ACDO IN El:MM.—Ander son's•goisse;„ Hoyt's EnnaysideL„.liattan's Golden Prise. Dean's Philadelphia Fine Cat, Money Dew. Michigan' and Pride of.Kentuchy. for six cents.per ounce. __ Fine-out Chewing ,Tobacoo by e law pound, 45..00, 75,. H IMPORTED HAVANA AND VARA CIGARS, and a.; Insctle Cigars of all kinds. 25. per cent. leest than others sell, at wholesale ‘or retail at DEAN'S caeia. STORE. • 335 CHESTNUT Street. Wilmington and Newark Corporation Notes taken at WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF. N. ILLEGZA:neivlrenCliCOsinekle;lor trine " whitening, and beautif O ng,the ,complexion. . This preparation is' oomposest'of White Virgin Wng, of the tined Auality, giving the,bomplezion a transparent whiteness. and the mast. bewitching beauty. while its component parts renter it harmless to the. skin;.pre• serving it from tan aziotherThts Is one of the wonders of the agm. and "UMW be seen to ab 6 appro. elated. bottle will ha open for=Ladies to. try its,effest before Purchasing. Price 26 and 60 centc HUNT es CO., Perfumers, 41 South EIGHTH Street, two doors above Chestnut, and South SEVENTH , Striver.;:atio* fipk T i DR: FINE,. PBACTI.CAI,DEN. foatise last twenty 1ea;13.. below Thirii, , inserts time 'most beatdiful TEETH H onks age, mounted oa:fine ,Gold....Platine. Wier, Vnblian.ttek Corallte, Arttber, die, - at prioes. forneat and substantial work, more reasonable bliate,any Dentist in this city or Slate. Teeth Vingged to last for life. Artifleiel Teeth repaired to snit. *No pain in extracting All work. war. ranted to fit: ">,. Reference. best females. 1899.4bn vILL'IAbf.`H 'No. 201 South • *gents for the sale of the - ORIGINALHEIDBIRC4 CO. OHLIGVAGINIL Offer' that desirable Wine' to the bade. •• • Also. 1;0011 eases line and medinmirradal . ' • 91 BOILDBAITIC CLARBTB.' • 100 amiss "Brandenlberg Freres" COGNAC BB.ANDT. Vintage 1848. bottled in France. 7 • GO eases finest Tascan Oil. in dasks_.• Sidemen hi WNW' GO bbls finest quality Monongahela ' WM*7. • SObble Jersey Apple brandy-: - 80.000 Rapine. Cigars, extra fine. • Meet diCh andel Grand . " Green emu" 'ohan,p agli c , _ ' Together with a. line sasortment:of.Madeirg; ImERNAN, R cicanKti, ALATEA ymaar,scgßipiry aiqr 'WELSH' BUTS& 211.41". ``) " All WAVArtiltre4 w~~ri©'~r~s~~s. J OHN B. MYERS & AUCTION. . UR& 7lkoc ina -n( A 34 swzgar_strait. - LARGE POSITIVE .RALE -OF BOOTS. SHOES, SOLE LEATHER CUTTINGS: TRYJEKut Ms- CARD.—We invite the early attention of• piarcha sera to the large and yalnable baStnIMATIt:Of•bOOtg, shoes. brogans, &c embracing samples of.ElOO eases. formina , a Crime and fre h afrortment. to be perempto rily cold. by catalogue, on four monti s'. credit._come mencing this morning at 10 o'clock precisely. • LARGE PEREMPTO.BY sera OF BOOTS. SHOlfkle THIS MOR BROOelf S,NING dm. - October 20th. at NJ o'clock, willbo sold by catalogue %Without reserve, on four months' eredik about Lid. ,oshages boots, shoes. brogans. balmorale, OM shoes anni goods, &c.. of city and Eastern manufacture, em, brelbre' a fresh and prime assortment of deeirablo ar gichd.c, for men, women. and children. which' will be open rogirgaminatirm early on the m..roing of sale. LARGE POSITIVE SAI I )LOF BOWS, SHOES, BRO . cietis. . - NOTlCN. , 4noluded in OILY begs peremPtory Fall sale o f b oo tg., f aze,s carptt bags, ac., to be held THIS MORNING, October 20th, at TO o'clock. on 4 - months' credit, will he found, in part, the following - fresh goods, to be sold . withomt reserve.viz : Men's steel shod and tap soled cavalry beets: heavy gratned boots; heavy doubts soled thickwaxicather boots; men's nailed Hungarian thick boots and UP:mans; men's prime thick bouts; men's -Napoleon thick boots; youth's half welt kip boot's; men's ladies' gaiter - boots; kid It, R. ties; colored and' black lasting buskins; men's fine city-made boots; bon" thick boots; men's and begs' balmorale Scotch ties; quilted' soled boots: women'alined and boundhode ; youth's kip brogans; misses' grain ties: misses' grain buskins; misses' spring.heel grain lace bootsl.women's grain lace boots; women's grain buskins; women's grain ties; boys' kip brogans: misses' glazed morocco. boots; menus half welt calf do,; youths' half welt calf do.; - children's half brogans; men's calf welt kip boots; men's super calf brogans: men's slippers; men's war brogans; boyar steel- thod boots &c. . . . 2,000 I'OIkiDIi3SOLIIstIIATIIIIR OUTINGS: THIS HORNING. ' • October 20th, at precisely TO o'clock, 2.o4opotide sole leather cattizge. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BRITISH FRENCH, GERMAN.-'AND DOMESTIC DRY GoODS, Ac. We will hold's large sale of British. French, German and Domestic Dry Goods , by catalogue . on fear months'. credit. ON THURSDAY MORNING. October 22d, at 10 o'clock. embracing about 750 pack ages and lots of staple 'and fancy articles In woolens, linens. cottons, silks. and worateds, to which we- invite the attention of dealers. N. B.—Samples of the same will be arranged for ex amination. with catalogues, early on the morning of the sale, when dealers will And it to their interest to at tend. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF FOREIGN AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS. dm. NOTlCR.—lnaluded in our sale of Imported and Do mestic Dry Goods. on THURSDAY MORNING. October 22d, to be sold without reserve, on four months' cre dit, will be found, in part. thelellowing de/arable and tresb articles. viz -215 pairs bed and army blankets. Packages choice balcony dress goods. packages dart check German gingham.. packages fancy and plaid moue detainee. packages 6-4 black and colored merinoes. packages 6-4 colored and black Coburg+. packages' 6-4 figured and brocade alpacea, packages 6.4 plaid and dotted alpacas. —packages 6.4 black silk• and cotton warP aiPacas. — Packages 6 . 4 and 3 4 black colored worsted swots. packages black and colored tabby velvets. —packages super 4 4 Irish linens. packages woolen plaids. bales heavy bed and horse do. packages Italian cloths: packages men's ana wemen'a cotton hosiery. packages men's and women's woolen hosiery. Also, plaid stripe mualins. book and mull do., cotton handkerchiefs. dark table cloths. linen burlaps. woolen and buck gloves and gauntlets, Russia diapers. guilts. AMERICAN: DRY GOODS, ON THURSDAY MORNING. packages plain and fancy cambric minis. packages Blanchester gingliams. packages brown and bleached muslins. packages colored and black mnslins and sellaias. packages black and mixed Kentucky jeans. ckages blue and - fancy satrinets. . packages brown table discern. packages woolen comforts and palatines. -- packages eingbam umbrellas. • ICO bales milon balls. FlitiaNCH, ITALIAN,- AND INDIA DRY GOODS. Also, on THURSDAY MORNING, Oct. pieces wide edging black groe de Rhinos. cases black and fancy Italian silk cravats. cases high dye and black Italian sowing. cases printed, Cashmere. brocbe and chenille shawls cases bodkin, buck, and silk gloves. cases plain colors and black French merinos. cases 6-4 silk and cotton reps, Aleo. plain and fancy wove delaines. colored bonnet silk valve's. green barege, linen cambric han dkerchiefai bror be. ooit n. and cbenille shawls and scarfs dm. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, COATINGS, SATINETS, dic: ON THURSDAY MORNING. - Oct. 22d, about 615 pieces woolens. as follows - - - Pieces superfine and fine Belgian black, blue and fancy colors broadcloths. Pieces heavy milled cloths,. beavers, and pilot clothe. Pieces black and fancy doeskins and French nasal , "Pieces fashionable colors broadcloths for ladies' cloaks and cloaking's. Also cap cloths, frosted beavers, die. Also, kerseys, satinets. satin and silk vesting% silk velvet yestings, worsted se rips satin- stocks and ties, ready-made shirts, drawers, . SALE OF CARPETINGVMATTINGS. &c. ON FRIDAY MORNING. . . Oiteber TM at precisely 10,3; o'clock, will be sold, without reserve, by catalogue. on four months' credit. an assortment of three ply, superfine and fine ingrain. Venetian, hemp, and rag carcetings, mattings, &c., Which may be examined early on the morning of Baba LARGE PREEMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH. INDIA. SWISS, GERMAN. AND BRITISH DRY GOODS. Aga. ON MONDAY MORNING. . . October 26th, -at 10 o'clock, will be sold,by•a11100111. on four months' credit, about - - 750 PACKAGES AND LOTS of French. India, German, and British dry goods, gcs., embracing a large and choice assortment of fancy and staple articles in silk, worsted. woolen, linen, and sot too fabrics. N. B.—Samples of the same will b ranged for el imination, with catalognes early o n e the morning of the sale, when dealers will find it to their interest to at- pAN C OAS T & WARNOCK, A.1:10 TIO.NRIES. No. 213 MARKIIT Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALE Ol AMERICAN -AID-IM PORTED DRY GOODS.NILLINERY GOODS, WHITE GOODS. &s.. by catakme. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. October 21st. commencing at 10 o'clock precisely— Comprising about 800 lots , seasonable goods, to which attention is invited. BONNET RIBBONS AND MILLINERY GOODS. ON WSDNEsDAY, MORNING. cartons choice colors and styles Paris fancy and plain Nos. 4 a 60 poult d e t oie bonnet ribbons. Also,— bonnet velvets, silks, and mallnes, cf fa,shion able shades. Also, cartons Paris artificial dowers and feathers._ Also, bonnet , ruches, tabs, blondes, nets, laces, dic. VERY - ATTRACTIVE SPECIAL POSITIVE SALE OF *GETIMANIOWN FANCY GOODS,' by cata logue. . ON FRIDAY HORNING October 23d commencing at 10 o'clock precisely. Comcrisizo a most desirable.assortment of choim new style gooc?, ich will be 'ound well worthy the atten. lien or city jobbing and country trade. FOR SALE AND TO LET. TO LET- TWO .THIRD-STORY COM NIINICANINO ROOMS. together or singly. Best accommodations terms moderate: 268 FOURTH Street, below Walnut. References exchanged. ocl9 6t• 0A L YARD FOR SALE-THE best fitted-up YARD in the city; capacity for doing any amount of bmineas. Inquire on the premises. No. 957 north Nib TH St. , below Girard avenue. - ooL7-60 FOR S ALE.— - VERY DESIRABLE- TROD MRS ACE PROPS 3.TY, situated at hieVey town. Mifflin county, Pa , within EL short distance from • the Pennsylvania Railroad and Canal. The freehold property comprises a Furnace, with machinery of ample power aboutw it, using either charcoal or Anthracite coal; 1.300 acres Timber Land: also the celebrated Greenwood Pipe Iron Ore Bank, containing about 17 acres, which produces in abundance the same oar from 'which John A. Wright, Esq, . makes his renowned. and , Justly celebrate i Locomotive'l ire and Car Axles. This is the only available property in the State which pro• daces the Ore recnisite for establishingabutine. , s of like - character. There is also about MO acres of Land within half a mile of the Furnace. held ander long-leases, from which abundance of excellent Hematite Ore can bola • ken, at a cost not exceeding $2 per Eon. = delivered on he Furnace Bank. and on.which shafts have recently been sunk. and which wilt produce 'sufficient Ore to supply the Furnace. Soft Fossil Orals also abundant in the neitibborhor d Charcoal in any quantities can be had delivered at the Furnace, at 6 to 6% cents par bushel. This Furnace is well. situated for the markets. having water and rail communication with Philadelphia. Pitts burg, - Baltimore, Harrisburg. and other important manufacturing towns. For price, terms.' and farther particulars. apply to H. N. SHRS.ORGRS. 0c19.1m - - • Philadelphia Pa TO LET---A - -..C.O3IMODIOUS 1 " . DWELLING, No. 132 North . FßONT,Street. - Real moderate.:-' Apply to WETHEBILL & BRO., -. 062741 . - • - '47 and 49 North SECOND Street.- el TO LED- , GERMANTOINS HOUSE Mat ON .RITTENROI7BE. West of GRERN Street, Gag, Water, Bath, and-Range.. Applyto H. BA. CON. Dortb FOURTH Street. oel7-60 }OR SALE . CHEAP', THREE. lIMIL STORY Brick DWELLING'. 1438 North THIR TEENTH Street; all the modern conveniences; good yard, &c.; will be sold: considerably below its real value. Also, 2014 WALLACE Street. with side yard Also, 2023 MOUNT VERNON Street,.with side yard.. Together with a mat variety of properties, in-various localities, and at prices ranging; 000 t $50.000. • B. F. GLENN. 123 South 10 - thrillstreek ocl7 and S. W. corner SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. I FOR SALE-A DESIRABLE SITE FOR AM INITFACTORY.,-All that premises known 'as CLARRON HALL,. situate on the north side of CHERRY Street,. between , Sixth. and , Seventh streets. containing in front'on Cherry street S 6 feet, and'ex ten dingin length or depthmortewat&of.that evidthllti feet to Cresson.(late Haines) street..' - This property being eo centra4 and.having- the adieu tags of two fronts, &o. is- especially-worthy the atten tion of those who may wish to parehme a site for erect ing a mairsfactory,.public - school,. or any other large building. - Apply to WIT.LaN M LEVICK. ocl7-s to th 6t* No. 331.-North SIXTH: Street. dia VALUABLE. ' ,, IRON WORKS IN .mirfHESTER COUNTY: AT PRIVATE SALE, known as WARWICK FURNACE—The subscribers offer at Private Sale the valuable IRON WORKS. known as Warwick Purnice,.tlikproperfrk °Mlle late „Dav,id. Potts, Jr. , deceased, eituated-partly im Chester, partly in Lan caster, and 'partly in Berke counties, conta,niu r unwards of 5.t.00 ACRES of Land „togetheriwith FIVE-WORTHS of all the Iron Ore on,the lands,and aIeoFIVE-EIGHTHS of. - .all: the iron Ore on_ the Jamie _ln _the neighbor hood, that have been sold where Ore Aights hare been reserved: - • . persplis wishing to, examine this. extensive and va luable 2prcpetty, with a. wievuof snrchasing3he -came, will call upon the, subseribere. 12L4THANISL POTTS,. ,oce-trat - , - Executors... DELA.W.A,RE. COVNTY _COTTON FACTORIES' FOB"SeLS the Valiiable Cotton War , tortes, known as AVOIMALIi and dTRATIf &VMS, situ. ited't on Crum Oreekillelaware' County, 4net.ndle 'froze Weetdale, Station., Wed Rheeter ..11Ailroadl-two froni.LeiPendlle, and thnmy'fromOheitti; now ' occupied by Simeon Lord, are offend lei sale. .'Avondale' in cludes a atone mill' 8S by gf feet,- Si ',toile* high. With dry-hence; rider house.- twenty-twol stone tenements; and about St acres of laid, In Springfield and Nether Provident* Winn:whine. 'Strati:avert ' includes a frame cotton mill; 82:by...80. - feek 23Cetories high, with' picker h. 011136, Ilya frame and. done tenemeate,_and about . 91, acres Of land; in. Maar 'Provi.deneei- Thelam:side& Will be shewalyy at rend, on the Pfuluisec. uni7l7 Pen session can be given.' ,Fpg terms k -BAale of . . . W. eorner . otPlitOlNT 'old 'WALNUT , 13 Phlladalli, TO' OAPITALISTS.:-LA :FIRST . -11ra clue IATORR. PROPERTY, volt: centrally. situated, FOR BADE, to pay about eight percent - clear. For sale by E. IL SOMIS,..Na. aO9 South, SIX.TH St. . 0019-Sts NOTI CE- TO MANUFACTURERS mt,-TO LET, the.well-lightea building. - 116 teat, by 56 feet, known as Aramingo- Hills, lately OCIMP" as a cot ton factors by William B&W, situated on the Frank ford creek, yard fronting on. Philadelphia and Bristol turnpik e. Wtithm three- and• adialfmllee of tile city, two and-a-half stories high, basement under park, dge. house, dry-woome, There is in the. building. a 60- horse-power.engine, with holler nearly new. _Coal can be landed by boats on thopremises. Terms reasonable. Forfurtherpartionlare, aunty to late ocenPant,William , Baird, or on the premises, to HENRY M. TAYLOR, - oelhott* ' - Frankford, Penns. • • FOR SALE—A DESIRAMLE Tenth-straet Residence. No, 314; 10a22x.n0: Thir teemili-street Residence:-- below 19X1.36.* litunber of others fro different localities. ocls E. PETTIT. 323 WAtiiIIT Street. FOR SALE DESIRABLE_ .AND htehix-improved COUNTRY PLACE, 10 sines; large Mansion. 14 rooms; bath. - heater, -cold and hot water,-duo: , teach-house, barn, carriagg-lionee, fge.„- eituate on the,Od York turnpike, a few miles from the city. Apply ao E. 'PETTIT: oc3 323 WALNUT Street. DELA.WAR . E-COUNTY..PROPER. TY FOR SALE.-4 number of large and. small FARMS, several fad class. Send for catalogue. JAMES. R. CUMMINS, Eurveyor,_* Media': Delaware ' county Pa. ' M- AOK ERE li, -HERRING, SHAD, MOO bbla Diass..Nol 1,2, and S Mackerel,.lsite-oanght fat .081,-in assortetrisitkages. , • vr 2,000 bias Atetport. Fortnne'lltir, Hann - I.7ootexes loaban, Scaled, and No . 1 Herring. 160 bbis new Ness Shad. • , < . t 260 boxes Herkimer County Cheese; . In store and for sale by_ • biTIRPHY, avICOONS,.. isik4t l l,4o:NORTH„Sqfkltvre, . fIARD!.ANDTANCY JOB At-RINGWALT BROWWfieiri IL VONA H Bt ; AUCTIOII. . • FURNESS, 'BRINLEY &`OO., xo. *29 MARKET' Stmt. PALE THIS (Tneadai) MOBV11.1(1. at 111o'clgate., ealtl).--Tbe attention of Parch9eats fa tea one male of importAd and domestic drr goods. I chiePdaio 3101iNING, Oct 2.kb, at 16 ' o clock, by clot. logne. on.fonr months' credit,. octal/631ns a large ointment of fancyand staple geode - LE:OC landed. 1 4 0TIC.11—TO SOBBSREI . HATAILESS. THIS MOHNING.7 • 7 . 0 pieien Saxony WO7Oll. drew tome. of the bitaxst*e• Lion of Mowers. Solaimieder.Btotliere: Parie 6.4 reps. brocade domed and plain rover mokafte. ai 'cobtirge, black alike; broebe. thibet. and-ar 00l laog. sbatele Jacenet. cambric, and check =alin. am dos real kid gloves, neckties. ico - 60 pieces beau ,, re„ - ssalskins. and contiatrs. • NOTICE—TO OPALS RS IN Rr31400. THIS MORNING. &O cartons Noe. 4 a 60P latn,plald. and crochettssoun de sole bonnet ribbons. -- -white and colored edge cbainette velvet ribbons. SALE OP IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS THIS MORNING. October 20th. MID o'clock, by catalogue,on four m:.4 credit, SOO packages and lots of fancy and staple initiated and domestic dryvode, PLAID WOOL •LONORAWLS—ALL WOOL. THIS HORNING. 600 mill-wool plaid long shawle, new and dardraide patterns PARIS STRIPE EDYTHE LOO AND SWARM' SHAWLS—FOR CITY TRADE. THIS HORDING. - 20014-4 Paris super quality stripe broche shawls. 100 do silk framed 'do do do. 80. do ' do long shawls- KO do broehe stripe do. PARIS BLACK i%RRINO LONG SHAWLS. MO 14-4 fine to extra, superfine black merino lOW bawls. CASTOR BEAVERS. PILOTS, SEALSKINS; &e. An invoice of French castor beavers; London beavew, sealskins, Mask doeskin. cassfraeres: eaßit nets. Arc BALMORAL SKIRTS. DV new style London Balmoral skirts. SALE OF SAXONY DRtS:, ROOD', OF A FAVORFER IMPORTATION, ABD JIIST ' , ADDED. , THIS litijltNlNG. 1,000 pieces new B . ty,e Saxony dregs goods, comnritslie entire new stylee , mat landed from steams.. 64 PARIS COLORED _REPS, FOB CUFF RETAar 40 places 6 4 Paris cboice colors reps. WHITE GOODS. An inyoics of 6 4 jaconets,. cambrice, and check seene , line. Also, brilliants, "mnll9, he,„ BRITISH DRESS GOODS. ' —capes plain and floured scald colors reps. Plain mohair% plaid mohafra, tartan checks. Alapacs coin:trim. &c. , - PARIS KID GLOVES—.TUST LANDED. f , MO dozen owtra go alit. Paris kid glovcp.for city treAa SALE OF SOO CARTONS RIBBONS —JUST LANDS). THIS BiOßT.iiri 5. -- cartons Fos. 1:4 a 8 extra quality chainette Waal[ silk velvet cartons ealloons. colored velvet ribbons. cartons If os. 4 a ifwhite. black, and colored corded edge pnnit de sole ribbons. . . . - cartons Nog. 10 a4O antra qn al itv cord ed. edge white. black, and colored ponit de ante bonnet ribbons. cartons 12 a 30 plaid milt de sole ribbons. cartons crochets plaid ribbons. cartons 12 a 40 extra 'hem, black groe gra% ribbons. cartons 16 a 00 scarlet and black corded edge ribbons = cal tons 4 a 00 splendid black grain ribbons . cartons 10 a 90 splendid back and white cord ed-edge rihbone. P. B: The attention of the trade is requested to tba above sale of ribbons, as it will comprise the newest styles, inet landed. THOMAS 41r SONS,. Noe. 139 and 141 South FOURTH Strut STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE—THIS DAY. Pampblet catalogues now ready, containing tall de. ecriptions of all tbe operty to be sold on TDVADAY. 20th in, t.. with a list of sales 27th inst.. and &l and 11113, November.• earlycomprising a very large amount et valuable real estate. The four Pales con:wise upwards of 1041Propetier. including ilret- Claes Business Stand% einem_ t andplain Dwellings. ler, e Lots. Farms. Co= Beate, As. catalogues, handbills. . and lithog SALES or STOKES AND REAL ESTATE.. At the Exchange, every Tuesday. at 1.2 o'clock noon.. gfa- Handbills of each Property tined separatelymil on the Saturday previous to each sale. 1.003 "satalogsgas in pamphlet form. doinjt fall descriptions. TUREITURE SALES at lbe - Anotion Store milt Thursday FALL SALES STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. Eighth Vail Sale 20th October. Moth Fall Pale 27th October. Tao th Fall Sale Sd November. Aar Part of the handbills each sale now ready. EXTRA. LARGE PERIeIfIiTORY SALE ESTATE AND STOCKS. THIS DAY. 20th October, by order of Orphans' Court, execgdoxig, t , ustees. the sheriff,. sad others, including vslaabi• Market-street store, and other businers properties, ele gant and plain residencmlarge vacant lots, small dwell ings, valuable coal lands, farms, country seats. „ al together, upwards of 30 properties, besides stocks, merit' gages, &e. REAL BWATE-27th October. Also a very larre sale, inclriainz first-claee prom*, to be sold peremptorily. - 11 - aTadbills part ready. REAL ESTATE-3d November. Also a very large sale. Handbills psrt ready SALE OF MISCELLABTOTTR BOOKS FROM A LI BRARY. THIS A.FTRIINOON. . . ' October 20. at the Auction Store,' a collection of remit 'anemia boolra from a library: - E 'ale—Nn . 12 1 )7 Walnut Street. HANDSOMEent"N FuRT nAi..PErs. &c. RORS. TAPISTIT Olf DNESDAY MORNING_ • . . . • . October Mat at 10 o'clock,. by catalogue. at No. MI Walnut street.• the handsome furniture, comprising' an Parlor furniture. covered with broeatelle; superior oak diving-room furniture, bookcase . French plate manteil and pier mirrors, gas chandeliers line ormola and bronze candlebras, vase.. tine carpets. oil cloths. sm. May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning' of the sale. Executor's Yeremptorysale—E!tate of CoL Davenport; deceased. WALNUT-STREET RE9IDEI , CE AND FURNITURX. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. -- Oct, 21, at 10 o'clock. on the premises, No nyr Walnut street, the valuable brick mese - nage and lot of groan& IR feet front 149 feet in depth_ For hill descriptions, see hsnAbills. IML. lirm.diately after the real eetate will be sobi tits household furniture. SALE OF RARE AND - VALTIAME LONDON . 1309KE. ON WEIDNEADAY AFTERNOON. October 214 at the Auction Store. an interestinceol lection of rare and valuable Lind , n books. on vatioas subjects; a number of them beautifully illustrated. Also, a number of chromo lithozraphs. Sale at Nos. L' and 141 South Foorrh Strew SUPERIOR 'FURNITURE. LARGE FRENCH PLATE MANTEL MIRRORc. ROSEWOOD PIANOS, RAGA TELLE TABLE. FINE CARPETS. Am . . .ON THURSDAY MORNING. 'At 9 o'cloCir. at the Auction Stem the superior far* tore :elegant rosewood piano by Schomacker, three row' wood and mahogany piano Efortes." two grand action pianos. two very large French plate mantel mirrors In h An dponie fre mes,.Fronch pl ate mantel and. oval" mirror*, iron chest, a large assortment of fine carpets: beds. bed ding, &c, Also, a very fine musical-box-. Also, an invoice of wall 'papers. GUALETri & SCOTT, 619 cr ____ollll73_.iantys_lllrAe s ßuildtag. fflrmu ' r -3•2 616 LARGE POSITIVE SALE 500 LOTS OF 2011111117 .. A$ AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, FDENTSffING: 0001 A MILLINERY GDODEt, STRAW . GOODS; GERM TOWN ENIT - 000DS &c . by catalogue. - TITIg MORNING. October 20th; at 10 o'cluck; to which attention isiz vited. Included in to=day's sale - will be found— . 600 dozen ladies' and misses' merino and cotton hose 200 dozen men - s merino and'cotton bait hose, Also, 100 cartons of poult de soie and velvet bonnet rib- . bona. 06 dozen men's fancy travelling shirts. 100 do excelsior and imperial hoop skirts. 100 cartons French velvet artifitial Rowers and bads. NO cases ladies' and- misses' Spanish. Rydals felt and beaver bats. - - 100 cartons of feathers, coquettes, pinmes, &c:, suitable for fall sales. GERMANTOWN SNIT GOODS: Also, 600 dozen Uermanto wn knit hoods, saarfs,nubtast. goods ,Arc SALE OF STOPS OF A RETAIL DRY•OOOD3 AND FURNISHING STORE. FIXTURES,. &a. Also. the entire stock of a retail dry-goods aid furnish ing store, comprising embroideries. moslias, spool-ea ton, thread, linen sheets, woolen and merino under shirts and drawers. hosiery, gloyes,"notions. Also, the good will and fixtures of - store No. 910 Tine street I. LEGE SAIR OF 500 CASTES BOOTS. SHOT& • BROGANS. &e. - ON FRIDAY MORNING. • October 28d, at 'lo3i o'clock, to wbieb.the attention: of the trade is invited. ' 113.1111,17 FORD & 00., AIIOTIONFkKES, -s- 525 MARKET and 522 COMMERCE Streets. • r LABOR SALE -OF 1.500 OASES-BOOT% SNOBS, BROGANS;-&a.' ON THURSDAY MORNING October 22cVat 10 o'clock procbsidycwill be sobisky blcgae. 1;000 cases men's, boys', and. youth's. calf, Idit o . and- grain boots , - brogans, balmoralS, cavalry boots, hod women's, misses; andNikildren.n. calf. him . 0 4k. and kid heeled-beets sad-mhos& Also. city-made anodic ICENRY P. WOLBERT, -•-• • AUCTIONEER. 510 . 1i1 MARKET Street. Smith side, above &woad INC Regular gales ofDry Goode, Trimmin every molrDey, wEDNESDAT, and FRIDAY MOEN: LIIOB, at 10 o'clock precisely._ . City and country Dealers are requested to attend. threw Consignments respectfully solicited from Manufasti rers. Importers. Commission. Wholesale. and Jobbing@ Houses. and Retailers of all and every desert:don dr Merchandise. . DWI Goa 6% TRESTMINGS, HOSIERY, GLOVBSi " I : October 214, at 10 o'cl,.cla, willhe sold, dross and' do mestic goods, wool hoods. wool and' cotton hosier gloves and.ganntlets. 'linen and cotton handkerchi .neckties and cravats, suspenders,. patent thread. spoor cotton, diced , nets. worked collars, ruffling, colloret, muslin drawers.. chemise. trimmings: - Also,. satinets,. eassitnere and , satinet - pants, fancy overshuts: inerrno shirts and drawers,. parsesi soap. boots, shoes, skirts, etra,w-flats. feltita.ts.-kc: MOSES -NATHAN'S, AIICTIO Southeast aornar of SEKTH and RADE StrasiST]n AT PRIVATE SALE, FOR LESS-THAN FEATLY TI) MEWL SELLING MOBS. : Fine gold andellver English, American. and audwitillk tent leverwatches, extra full-jewelled and plain. of MF most approved and best makers. in heavy hr.nting. eases; double.. cases. =de cases. double bottom •add open.face; fine- gold• chronometers;- in heavy h eaten line gold and silver lepine watches. in Ing l l eases :and , open facet silver gnar li er watches; do n case English: silver watches, and-ethers. Diamonds' line gold "vest: neck, guard, and chatalien chains; old pencil: cases an&pens; silver do .: setts of- tine-uold elry.: meda ll ions. , gold and silver specks, English- plated 'vest she'll! t- double and single fowling:pieces. 601E18 of them very superior; revoly_hgr field-glasses: &c. : :. N., - N., NATHArint SHIPPEM. • . . BOSTON; AND PILILADK4 PBLk STEAMSHIP ;LlNE.sailing from oimi port' 'on' SATURDAYS. from 'first Wharrabova PEIR Street. Philadelphia, nnd 'Long Wharf: Boston. The steamer NoIfMAN, OttotatO' L lb.r. , Will R au nrali Philadelphia. for Boston on SATITRDAY, October 2 It 10 o'clock.k. M.; and steamer sAXON,C4 . 44rdriIiMPLIME: Boston,frork ,on saxes day.- at 4P. AD . . . These new and anbatantfal - steamatelys form a rataina line; =Meg from each port onnetually sa Saturdays. Inenraasea effected rt one-half no womb= abate/ on, sail vessels. Fratakte taken at fair , ghlopero are reqoosted to sezegaSitip Bea*lyto ANA Ladbig with their , goods. -For Freight or Passage Mild= line secommodatbotoOl itt.3/3 , to HB,MY WINSOE at 00.. nah9 SW South DELAWARE Avenue. AiIL STEM& WEEKLY - TO.uvicu. POOL. tonal:lin& at Queenstown, - (Cork Week bar:. )", The 'well-known Steamers of the Liverpool, SW York, and Philadelphia Stsaalsh l D.ColafallY are b"k . ' ed ideal]. alt follows: , , .. ~_.•coic, • .„‘ CITY 101? BEATIMORS „ Saturday. octobtr. mt. CITY OF •HEW Y0RK....:,—.--,Satarday, October SL ETNA.—..Saturday, Nov ena,* ? j And everysucceeded Saturday at noon, from Ptiir No? 44, North River. ' -- • • •' • ...- _ TUTSS. OF PASSAGE. .: ° Payable in old, oa its esiniveJent in Clirrealgt. .- - FIRST CABIN, 90 09STSEEAGB, Mid I P Do. to Loudon. - -9 5 00 -- Do. to London, SE ••-D0. ,7 to• - Paris , - , -.96 al • ' Do.' to Faris, , • -A= Do. to Razollum, 90 00 • Do.' to litautlounm ur Paeienaers also forwarde to Havre, ravimen. Emir. dam, AutW.erp..age.. at equally low rates. ', '. • i'. Pares from Liverpool or Queenstown:let Citi=l6 led: Idigs_ ~.. Steerage from Liverpool, sidc- Pxons, town,_ WI lame who wish to mend forthelr Winds eat buff their-tickets here at these =tees. . .1 • •,r •For furtherlnfonuation,apply at tha.GOEWleaL TOMi G.. DAL -t, " . fe2B • 11•WAL.N1PY Street.; D . imxPRESS. CONLRA 9. THE -ADAMSE oar_somm.--o-mmiloss-coatEutarr, office Fir crosnvatiiiiilorwado Parcel': ether t s“ ,3o 4, 11 Z chandise, 'Bank Wotes;',l4,-wli. tie lines or 1n "connection. With Other MrPreall. n 0 0 , 116,, . to all the principal Towns and citie s i n twa States. - s ow .b.. , ,u n a m o fe26. • COT' sAtt,•VErdt.ANal iiiVAs _ , of ;d and, brandif: . ..; -Y ~ .y -, . :.... . 7 Rayon's Duck - AWILIZ if TIVIMW I'ZIUW' dew ript:ionis; ` .Ipi Tioits, liArnilmq. Trunk and WlLifeMi toveng.. , -.-. ~., ,Also;-'Par.or Mamintorarero' : D•zior Fete from !. to tiftsi widm' Terl;4l4l its' 80D 13 6 0" ./ITwh iitsijg a . OO 4 -•---,- , Jortimt wl ., ultat - . - 109 JOillir -LBW, M08J11341
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers