ARRIVALS AT TITE 110TFLS, grr TO TWELVE VOLOOK LAST NIGHT. ®emirtal—Nbath roating, II 8 A . .11`Itufas, New York Thicker. Boston .1-Mebley, Now York ohn G Mengel, Baltimore' L'lheipaport, Mass ' N. C Jarrett, Baltimare J F Calder, Troy N Y 1 1 3.triEtc, Washington, D C 0 n Shalloross, Louisville Shirld. Cinn, 0 :111oh'd Manna Indiana 1411cPbail. Barrlshurg IthreJ Botdonagle. N ;Roams MerrittWilkesba'e 'VTiryon. New York. . _ 4 0 0 Rockwood , Newark, Somerndyke, New York Stafford, II S A Aire histiord Wm Pirmstone &mf,F,aston P Smith -The Smith M Simonson .hlre P lhrie, Easton .Mitig Roberts. Easton • J F Gilchrist, Jr, N York Mrs J Ct Wason, Naiads G St. els. New York John Coffee. New York LIVIDNbtOD, New York -John A I Breton W Armstrong, New 1. ork W C Potter & WI, Memphis Jas A I,' sob. New York Leonard K4is, Alla,vey Br 0 E An seniors & N NEro W S Clapp, New York Afire L N Kelly, New York 3.liss I. Kelly. New York. W.W Everett, New York NT-T Imes & la. New York it S Mon - Bon & wf I BEBoIton,USCS' W Lowlier, Penne "J RN Mallory V 110helfleld,Clocinnati J L Smith, New York K kh Now York J N Bolt. Wash D C Cannon, New.ialhany J Eat, Drew York D Conk & wf, Wash, D C ElouN Lawless 10 te. Roche. MD ldlse J Rudolph, Chester Z E Simmons, New York W Potter, Maseachusetts R T Anehrouty, New York Cleveland, New York Edw Jordan. Wa,hington JOin WMIBIIII , , Baltinp re -Sas S Kama wf, NY lr & Mrs Mallory, N Y 8P Willieton. Welhboro -7 A Barton. Springfield S %800, New York . . D R Prait, Elmira .4mm gel:lowan, N Y Roe, Ikw York — W.E.Gardner, Williamsb . g 3 BecketwP, Ne w York .1 New 'York '•T S emits. u S N e C M Norcroes. Trenton Mrs Wilkina -31 r Stevenson tairard—Chentinut I W Abel, New Orleans RPorterceld, New York -.A.-Alexander. New York B Masters, Brooklyn Ti KR no, Parkersburg -.lirsßarns. Parkersbnrk - W CEarns, Parkersburg Vent B ()Porter I.Tohn Lawrence, New York Butler D Price D L Pia negaw , R &Vann. Georgetown • 40 Redoes drwf, Brooklyn Jos Bedews, Brooklyn Wm A Or liltli,Brooeiyg ~j7ohn Roche, New York - - 'MissllFH Glats. York, Pa AB Olarz,'York. Pa ' , VII Walker& wf, Maryland D 0 Goodrich •dc wf, Boston Miss It Fchenrk, N J J D Bilding, Reading Bauman. - Reading Barris. Reading MBellada:Reading Hon J 8 Black, 'York, Pa Hon D Dickinson F A Whitney- • 3118/3 )iloyd. Altoona Mrs Reynolds, Penna .111"s_j_B Cameron. II S A A W Bolt rads.. II S A Barra Martin, 'Lance, ter Dr Van Valsy, Lewistown" J D Benton. New York C F New York W B Reaney, Chester, Pa Jen D Diemann, New York Dr Conover. New York. M Godwin, New York Dr Anderson, New York John Gordon, New York Jae Scott &oil: New York W Polh stick 3 0 James. Burlington Geo T 14)101, New ork Merchants'--Fourth W Rogers. Hartford, Conn M Collo, New York Chas 0 Biume.Pititburg B B Freer, chic A Roberts, Banisburg LOWS B Jacobs', New Yolk Pam' floats. Allentown - Jas Healy, Downingtown B Gimmell, York co, Pa lire Jay, -York co, Pa A Miller &dm. Berwick, Pa Oeo Sweeny, Easton -kr B H Siegf, led, Easton ' l, Tbes 8 Fenton J V Gibbons. Penns Thee Coleman. Lancaster Dr Oeo E Dare. Baltimore Mrs OTTCHITHASOII & ch, Ohio Chas rilrrh. Lancaster M Kaufman, Reading W Sboriledge, Bellefonte B Rammer, orwtgsburg PMcEvoy, Lancaster N Barry, Lancaster B. McGee (high. Iliewville 'L /I Bandar! , Newirille &uteri tian--Ch eatiau Oen W Finn. Maine W B Toro) inson, Delaware , Tbos Wellace, Delaware MTh Rutre, We. tTroy D Utak & wt. Danville CF WeFIOII, VOW York Thos A. Robinson LW 31111ei., Washington "W Iwo. Washington Geo Gibson, New Jersey A W Marcy, Lockport D syer Few York .4Yhilhps Princeton.A J Vapt Joe - Newburgh, 1J 8 A -w Y warner, Wilm, Del 3 Hai ver, Penna Win Heinen Milton Jae De Kay:New York - J'Prett..New York 'J M 141.1, Penna. W 'Robinson wt, Balt W B Bubb, Jersey Shoie `ll McNicl.en, Jersey Shore Miss M Flynn. Lancaster Miss Flynn, Lancaster John W Barton, W Chester P Sherman, St Louie Chas Sebum, & la B L Bollweod, New York DAJlalston, Armstrong St. Loubs—Cheetnat J Collins. - Jersey City .B. Brest, U 8 N ' C lisdhom. Cambridge W H Johnson, New. York A Vet Cant J C Oberteaffer & wf 'W Coberteoffer J B H.liuefeller. Baltimore W B Shattuck, Baltimore C Meden, Baltimore Bdw J llswns. New York J Reed & f, New York Charles Martin, Boston J 8 Van Repaalear, Albany `Harkin, New York *B H Smith ' The llnlon—Areh a T Lindenhanr, W Chester JB.Proctor,Fitobbnrg,Mass Yingling, Maryland J-G , Warnock, At pestilen t 0 Geis, Johnstown Lt A R Painter;U 8 A J B i hOmpson & la, N J J Lawson,Jr, Salem, N - Mrs M L Carpenter, IC J .1 . Painter & Ron. M Chunk F Brown & wf, Chicago 'W li Balliet, Pennsylvania Miss Moker, Allentown Jas B Goodman, 11 8 A Ertl Pottsville • A Faust, Pottsville -'J 0 Walton, Lancaster en - JA IticLenegan, Beading National—Ram it . lient'S G W Bossier, ti 8 A F A BoselEr, New. York . duo T Bard, Butlsr Co. Pa Chas Klickner, Harrisburg - Cyrus George, Lebanon ri` Rockwell, Bradford co C W Easley - Joel Fink, Penal. , . . . A Shirk, Lebanon 7 v7 H Waver. Lebanon r I S C Greenawalt,•Lebanon Pfleger, Lebanon Josiah Hkaring, Heading James Lord; Minersyllle Miss R B,Lord, Minersville Frank Myers. Myerstown John S Bossier Commercial—Sixth st John B-Cirvin, Lane co W C Glareow. Maryland B Parry, Wilmington, Del S 111 knits & la. Mt Union Sattle & la. McVeytown. D P Hobart, Pottstown Jl3 Hobart, Pottstown ' L H Davis, Pottstown I G Clarke, Pottstown Gee 8 Garrett, Cheater co N P Brown, Doylestown John Vanderslice. Penna Saml Miller, Mt Union B R Foust & la; Mt Union David Naar & la; Penna. Isaac Robinson, Lana - co Pude' Union—Narks S Lathrop & la, Alexanthla 0 h Oilbonb,Alexandria, Va W Franklin .7 A El agarty S Glansey, Doylestown B Harrisburg _ Jas L. Bryan, Lowell, Mass John Dayer..Lancester e Bender. York, Pa AM Rs mbo, Columbia, Pa L Strohm. Cumberland co Chas Banks. New Jersey , Mendenhall, Chester co JW Manning. USA. 8 M Sellers, Pennsylvania Jatarnum% Hotel-- - Geo L Jaeolry, Hanover John 1311110; Hanover II Stair, York, Pa D Hatfield, Pennsylvania J Cresman, Michigan John George, lillottigan Hiram Fleet, - New Jersey . Jonas - Shiner, Pike co, Pa John Marshall,New Jersey Oscar Maokerly, N Jersey Simon Vanness, Penns James Raub;_' Trenton John Me.' NOW Jersey lient Cleo Bell, 'Pena , .'gr Stemma ' • Illadtion—Ssond 'es dB Waterbury, Delaware 31 Samson, threvesport Aaron B Large, Seaford, Del Dr .1 H D Knowles, Seaford lient J H Miller, Beaufort H C Titus, Meadville II Bow. Newark, N I Geo W Thomas, Lewistown I J H Boozer New Jersey .tHeo M Had, New Jersey Beankidc la, Johns Tine Rodman 13111168 Maid Eagle—Third. S Ibiza Ziegentue. Carbon co igilge Biers, Lehigh co Thoeltnniz, Schaylkill co IBntz & en, Carbon co Xd_w Gamp, Lehigh co 33 X Schell. Lehiah co Z Btauffer,?Lehigh CO P C Xinber, Allentown reubterwaguer ttc wf, Pa John C Mortz, - Penns Mies L S ajortg, l'enna aftss Mary Monte, Fannie Nowa Vernon Hotels Wm Murphy, Pittsburg Sir Phillips Whttlp Thlorolf. Becks Co Beckler, New York ' El_ A. BergHi Holly; N J Williams. Harrisburg ; B Savory. Delaware S Morton. Northamp'n co Thos Martin. Ohio. Xtobt All en, Ohio 6 ; 'Sidney Shwa—Seem Wm Berry . Lewietown,Pa 2' Hibbs, iowtown jihtieete. New Jersey Vert btaleman, Penne, Levis, Dopj_iiiitewn S Hales. White Marsh tille r Diewtown T Lyme' • V Wakefield. listboro Black Bear—Thlrd x 1 :Efiiirard.; 'Himburgig Brown, Pennoylvanle i P_l. Grim, lynanylvania Thompson. Jenkintown Nhaff.tier. F . , anustlitn.x4a, , sehlostium . Rea din g, : Knabb klik...:', 4 CI iltirtiqv 46044111ut ' . . . . ~ oneattuat artrasta. John Ruction, Marietta, Pa B L Funuestook & wf, PAS S L alien. J F Parrett, Baltimore • John Hough, - Penne Mrs B R Fulton,,i'eana Mict M A Haugh:Nana Wm 1-1 illy war: Reading Meru B Reilly, Pottsville P doff, New York Wm J Deegan. B timore IVfrr fi S bek.rt. Reading Mies P. El Nes art, Beading J P Brad Inv, Slracace F C Tucker. Now York R Fosdick s ' ,, ,Stamford A C Rileetiß,Ft no, lad R W t,+wle•,u..Kiddleton .1 W 8/4 ey, bew York F H Archer, Wein, N S • S•inpp+on wf. N Y %Value AleVen ah. W ilbeiter • elzeor & wf, Now York W Ticheaor, cir,•trige L robe, New Yolk J L vorwauris, lowa Jain Hector, New York Goo L Trask, New York ' .113 Cornell & wt. N York R C Com.4tock & wf,Wadh. MAN Moo tV P FALIOTHOft & wf, Boston 0 Row, v wf, Boston - D do Vivo & wf, Now York 11Am , B•e•coa Mr Ahreo, New York Mr Mirrisou, Low York - I' H ahoy, New York JSJ.eselia, Lexington D crawford 0 W H 4.1, CoonPcaont .1 Mk & wf, WHsh, DC T Sotto., Wotce-ter W H Jon rd 4.12, Worcester I C a_ Loglithips. New Jer‘ey 1 Jroibf, Now York J P Moitgol , t, Beklmore .1 R. Have", ELLrri.•••barg Stover, Now York W Wright, New York. J r. M .ritreal M KW - mob, Cincinnati N,Vl.o..rtor. Nswtoa, L .1 IS ft iloNam, K Colby. Now York W roa.delo & w, Sc Logig Wm A Huebert, glow York R Prico, Boston • W Alien • .1 Jo:hob. New - York J 'r Crowell, 14 . Cornell: Now York N•i w York M Meohall, Now. York G W Boer , : & lady Mr Dn YOte.lrtri E S et:Cullom. Now York P wore er,.fc-sw York II a iquea, ,Yowerk •,v,rd, Julius, N.B Sir H •v, B moo •M,o Mayer, Boston MalringlrY IP A Starr, New York • J 1' K-rby. Now York riapt.lSeAhrook ~irFckert, retina treat, below Ninth. 44e, ) 1,1 Wilson. Now York C Watkins. o.leNsa Del Jas IliWA.Octoesa, Del P,DE. t,latrare H Ei vay, Porro.c Ayn C K:Con-. Ad, N.3W York Coo, Cr+roho. US N - - - MArietti.Pa A Houeeel, MArie:ta, Pa A 'AIWA, bauutritar PetAr C.lumbla IR Eby,-Harrisburg • P Doa4q, , rcy, .4 4.rrinburg Sby,SlizAbAchtown, Pa Arr, a o , a.z. York, P.r. A B4nevart, Harrisburg W trrocb, Harrisburg S a , 44llsorber, U o & P M Dr. 134.0 r,, tVosblogtort. Yll.toA & la, New York J 8 Ga[braith di "dan. Penns N s Mc fC4e. LEMISiOrAII Dr ft W Christy, Parma Mho. Ff E Coristy. Porton Mai I W Hicks, Morris lard BaY4r & 14, Allegheny co Mr, W M Altoona, A M Saltada St 14, Beading Deo B 4 014'1. Alleatown (. I nlar,-cb, Dover, Dol T w SuPocer St la, Wash 11 - 59 seemer, Nlzllff York D Ff VT, New York AC fer-e:g L Gamble, Pena% S M ot4rta .?..ona J Schal , z, Now York Mien Wzilitte, New York Eitithory F Kafmen, Ed.nsas Dolty J 13n11. Delaware T K DAW.ildan, New York John I,awrence, New York F R F Brown, New York esreet. below Aural'. Jag K Ki Newville 1.4 mei Leo's goads Dr Baged, New York H B ~only, Now York I.ivmq•aoa, Cariiale si 11,,t0t0 non, Jeffereon co T S 000. Btxur co D L Chapin, Peona Miss d A ate eons, Penns M K,lncknnn, Berwick; Pa P.M 'Crane:, Berwick. Pa B. S Printer, Erie, Pa E S Edelman:. I - lam...burg Wi.rd El EMIIIOII, Wash M I en,entwe e Mahon, Washinaton Mine Gibtmai, Washington poi II < Mott, Plk, co David Ihl, Cemberland co W Croft. Pecan JOhn D Allentown `itz-tcOrnari , , Poona Mre - X Martin, Oratvebnrg J . EH- ekeulierg. Milton, Pa L 11 Malanwr, Wheeling P J Bath, Felton, Del garnet. armoire tritaba, H !Lips, J Geo Lsrch. Reading awl L kip tve Evstori Cwpc A NE Zsearrou, Wr Del Lleut fosnMeCaiiley,Ft Del tlex wets, .datitsin John er9lan Newark, NJ C Indlow, New York H C ichayl Haven Jaw C Brown, Holding Eprahlinsr, Reading; Wm , xr msns, Pottsville Brown & ta, N MN A W Lynch, Dslaware Thos J Yorke, Jr. N J ,C McCanlsy, Mama J. hn Y. nun. Montrose. Pa H Uhler, Harrisburg Geo A Park,r, Ewan, Md R C Han. Delaware Tas Prettymln, Delaware D Truitt, M D, Md Chas Yellott, New York L Lswis, Delaware J W R.dy„ D-laware C H Stokely, US A Jun %•uistoll, ArrlNCollg CO L T Moors, D , lawarej F . C Trebein 0 to Chas H Shipman, N J street. above 'MLitt W F .hattuck, low York G K Graham. Baltimore F F Patterson. New Jersey W B Bumenhaem. „ . . , Jame. Long, 13 S C W Potter, Toms River W H Lurd, Toms River Toeo Lord. Toms River J W "Ford, Trenton, N J J Wheeler B 0 Mose, New York J Furlong New York W Holt & la, New York 115 Carroll & wf. Conn _ J B •irnrion, 21ew York CK Cos sr, New York [zees, &bore Third. J R SE Nal DFing eenna Mod A Rica Wria; Peana Mies-C Heuders4n, Pertna Jos-Bleock,York co - • T Wright, It ork co. • - Wlt Staw.r - dau, Parma . T A 8010, Washington Masi:Stewart, ffasaingion. IBBZeiglor, CI 8 A ' R F Franke, Wilkeebarre B Bireehow. Turk Sprint Bl•Densmo,Set-w,f Jas Spore Sc wf, St Louis J H Bryan, Massachasetts G H Fowler Fowitr&ville B Johnson, Washington emit, above Third. C Davis, - Pittsburg D Wilcox, Penn% W H Shammo, Byron, 111 W Shs mum, Halifax, Pa edam Dobson, eenaa W C Thompeon. Penna. D Wisherd, Maryland J B Bruner, Jr, Haney W Dornback ttingtown Thos Hear. fdinera►ille 11 R Mallet, Golan bia eo A J . Brawn, New Columbia lamea Moore, Pottsville C S Erneardt, Pottsville H W Creasy. Light street .158 Brown, Mittlinville, Pa reeit;' above Chestnut- M Hobart, Wseh'n, D C Jos Mintzer, Pottstown Mrs E Mintzer, Pottstown Mrs Sallie Mintzer, -Potttt'n N Shurtz R is New Jam.) , Suydam, Columbia Jae A Hayes. Maryland 'Geo - Pearson. New Jersey J n Horror, Smyrna • S D Coansiler, Penna J E W,odworth J swift, Lancaster co J W swift, Lancaster co John Boyd. Coaster co John H Walker, Franklin co it. street, above Stith. Martin Bender, York, Pa J Hammond, York, Pa Geo Till. Cott' abla J C Bucher, Cofumbta A PI Cleland Mint. Del maj Lu.k, Harrisburg. vies L Kirk, Williamsport N Hencb Perry Co. Pa - Tobn H Bryner, Penna Dr Gardner, Delaware Brawn,' W.snington co J Strong, Mifflin co Drake, era ,rd co Pll , Pennayl, Bradford W H. Hodgson, W Chester ' street, above Rasa Cot a .7 Madill,' Penns Capt J P Einbeah, Patina Limit NV Rate, Poona W II Barlow, Schur! 00, Pa Hamnel Pfleger, Penna. , -eo Lon g, Penna. John Rice. Warren co, 0 B R Huntzberger, Wash H Vass, New ism,' W Jacoby. W‘lbamsport L James & la New Rork H Levis Bucks co, Pa SAMaloney. Penna Lient Jos Atkinson, U 8 A Lient Dasher, Penal roil. *boy* Market. L H Newdeeker, Penns E Caro]] J F Koren, Pittston, Pa )., re Dr Romt,r, Allentown isles hi J Henry,Doyiestown T H Bedioe, ndancic City Jo e silvers. New Jersey Win Ent, flew Jerdey Goo rase', Stroudsburg J B Mors in & id, Stroncisb'g 0 Sherwood. Newtown W H Waiter, Wyoming co t.., above Callowhila, Frank Sh [mar, -Lehigh co Isaac Beaver, Lecanon co Rev GP Weever sr. wf, Pa Mrs Kaalbacn. Reading Mine Karabin:h. Reading Peter Spangler, Mr . ..mown T 8 Lsiennring. Pittsbarg Chas Dotta. Penasbnrg, Pa Jacob Seaman, Penuenorg Cleo Dim nick, r'enaebnrg Mre Dimmick, Pennsbarg Second St.above Arch. L Cooper, Allentown Thos T Boyd, Wayne co L W Haber, Centre co D B-Miller.• M Chang Chas Hamilton, Money, Pa W Blaud..fleading P A' Sharron Reading Simon Deseb Harrisburg A Page, Williamsport. Pa street; below Vino. T H Hirt& la. Backe co'` SnAth & la; Hartford C F Sohnsondv la, .1' Poster & la, Delaware' Mr Rowland, Bunke CO Joseph Lynn. Backs co - N. Corderey,Ab4esoni N J R Eastburn &la, Bucks co - W J Gunn, Bucks co & J Lane, Bucks co above ballov!hui S W Miller & la, Bernville MrelScheetz, Entztown E S Frey, inachaville S Schlenker, Bmiaayili e D'Poirel; Ngekville 'I L. &faiaiall, Blackwooi J SIMON-41HRIVER.--Ootober — Pith, by Rev. K. 11. Kurtz, - at the parsonage of the Twelfth•street OIL E. (thoreh. 1313 Poplar street, Mr. Samuel. W. Simon to Miss Sarah Jane Shriven both of this city. • DIED. WRIGHT.—On the 18th inst., Mr. Samuel Wright, in the ffOth year of his age. Funpral from the residence of his nephew, No 411 Franklin street. this (Tuesday) morning, et-10 o clack.* PYLE. t Wei t Chester, suddenly, on the 17tk Mary Lapeley, wife of B. Franklin Pyle. SMITH —On the 16th that., Annie M. Smith, daughter of Huston and Susan B. Smith. OBIISA F.Y Death of Assistant Engineer WILLIAM F. LAW, an Alurenns of the Polytechnic College. At a mated meeting of the students of the Polytechnic College, held in the lecture room ou afonday, October it. for the purpose of expressing their sentiments on the occasion of the death of William F Law. a geminate of tbe institution, Mr. J. Fred. Scott, of Philadelphia, was called to the chair, and Mr. O M. Dallas Bolton, of Norristown, was appointed Secretary. The object of the meeting having been stated by the chair,Atesers. J. Madison Kreamer, of Pantos ' , rani*, Jobrl. Hendrickson, and John S. Bough, of New Jer se Y. were appointed a committee on reso (co ions The committi e reported the following preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: l hhenne,. the sad intelligence of the death hy pesti lence at New Orleans, on the 'ffich nit., of Wi.LLIA.II F. LAW. Assistant Engineer of the gunhost Pinot% has assembled us to c o _honor to the memory of anuthsr alun:nus of the College, fallen in the discharge of his first and highest duty—that to his ceuntry Therefore, Resolved. That we deplore the calamity watch has ( 6. Paved us of one who, as son, brother, and fellow-stu dent, Wee so fondly and deservedly beloved, who in tee first hour of his c,untry's peril, stepped gallantly for ward in her defense, and who earned, and. who, as en gineer. enjoyed the respect and confidence of officers ReBo.eied, That to those who ministered to him in hie brief sickness, and who bore Me remains to their litA resting•phice among strangers, we tender our ankri tyr ledsn,entt, and to his relatives and friends our pr.,found sympathy in this sudden sad severe dispensation. Resolved. That the shove preamble and resolutions be pubii, bed in the newspapers of Philade.phia and liar. Aisle, and that copies be transcribed by . the Secretary. and transmitted to the parents of the deceased. and to the officers of the Pinola.. " 7 - - J FRRD. SCOTT. President G. M. DALLAS DOLT6N, Secretary. its -SUPER BLA.O K_ BLACK. SILKS! -•-• BILES! Lyons A mores, Low-priced Poult de Soles, Lyons Cloaking Armures, Gros des Indies. Lyons Ponit de Boles, Glossy Gros de /Wiles, Lyons Gros Grains, Gros de 6a. z, Pooh de Sole Mat, L roes Taille. Bischoff's Mourning Silk, Mareellines Lustrines. Lyons Bonnet Taffetas, Modes senshewo, BESSON St ,ON, o, 918 CHESTNUT >treat, Mourning Stor, NAVY-BLUE CLOTH FOR LADIES' CLOAKS. 64 Scarlet Opera Cloths. Purple and Amain° Blue. Black Mixed Water-proof. • EYRE & LINDELL. EYRE & LINDELL, FODRTII and ARCM have a coin. plate assortment of Children's Shawls. • BRAWLS WHOLEiALE MPENNSYLVANIA. HOWProurine RAL SOCIETY. —Stated *eating THIS ( Tuesday Lt a..14111G- at 8 o'c..ock. FRIENDSHIP DIVISION, NO. - 19,' SONS OF TEMPERANCE, MEETS AT FRIENDSHIPLIALL. HORNER OF TWELFTH AND FILBERT STREETS. THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING at 7,1 g o'clock. se22od4tnt,Tal THE ANNTJALMERTING OP THE BNuIN'BENEVOLENT .ASSOGIA PIM( wijt be held on RUESDAY, Oct. 20th inst , at 4 o'clock P fif , at their rooms, northwest corner of SBVStiT 3 and S 'ONO Atreele, for the election of officers for the ensiling year, EPA. LA.TIMSR. oel9-2t Se:retary. NOTICE.—IN ACCORDANCE WITH LZ a resolution of tne CATIZENS BOUNTY Filet ourtiMITTEE OF PHILADELPHI k. I am directed to give notice that all claims for BOUNTY be presented before the tivitt day of Novemhe• next. Photo previous to June let to . • -MICHAEL V. BAKER, ' No. sll3lk South THIRD Street. Those since June let tome WILLIAM VIII.TCH, Paymaster, Wasbington Buildings, South THIRD Street. PHILADILPHIA, Sept. 30, 1863. , oat tneyl PENN WYLY/USX& RAILROAD COM PANY, TItIia.SORER'S DRPAR rAIKNT PHILADELPHIA, October 11, 1863. The Board of Directors have tine day declared a semi.. annual dividend of FIVE per cent, on the capital stook of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, pay able.on and after November 15.1863 Powers of attorney for collection of dividends can be. had on application at the office of the Company. No.' 238 Smith THIRD Street 0m.7-tdel THOS. T. FIRTH. Treasurer. MR. DEMPSTBR (APTER. AN A2B - of several years) will give a Musical Ea teitainment at MUSICAL FUND HALL, on TUESDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS, October 2 th and.r3d, when he will introduce his new songs in the • 'Princess " and "Idyls of the King," together with the ' ' May Queen." Tickets, 60 cents. Reserved Seats. SI; may be secured. with numbers attecned. at MY, J. E. NOULD'S. where a diagram of the Halt may be seen. oda St. CONSOLIDATION BANK.. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. - 6. 1863 -elction for Directors will be tit id at the Backing Route, on MONDAY. the 16th of November, between the hours eflO A. AL and 3 P. M. - ii he Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will ba held on TUESDAY. 3d of November. at 12 11l oc6.tur tnol6 JOS. N PEIRIOL. Cashier. 11. OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN FIRE IN di:TANGS COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA; 00 . ober 12th, 1861 . „ . . The Directors have this day declared a dividend of SIX PER CENT. - for the last six months. which will be paid to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, on and after the 22d inst., exclusive of all taxes. 0613-9t* A. C. L afIAWFORD. Secretary.. iks-. CORN EXCRAN LA G D R ELp t A A N OCG 12, 1663 The annual election of DIRECTO ,-fS will be held at - the Banking House on MONDAY, the 16th day of November next. between the hours of 10 A. Ed and 2 I'. 1.1 The anneal meeting of the Stockholders will be held on TIJEt-DAY, the 34 day of November next, at 12 51. oel4tnol6 J. W TORREY. Ila,lOßr. 11:3'FARMER Sr AND MEC AKIO St . BANK, PHILADELPHIA, October 2. 1162. The annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking Houle on MONDAY, the 16th day of NoyecabK next, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P. EL: and on. TUESDAY, the third day of November next, a get eral meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House at 4 o'clock P EL agreeably to charter. W. RUSHTON, JR , oc3-tnol6 Cashier. FM. N T I.CE.—THE ANNUAL MEET ING of the Stockholders of the PHILADELPHIA, ERMANTOWN, AND IfORRIATOWN COMPANY will be held, at the Office of the (Inmoany, corner of NINTH and GREEN Str4ets, on MONDAY, the second day of November next, at 10 o'clock A. If. An ELECTION, to choose four Managers to serve three .years, and one , o serve two years, will be held the same day, at the tame place, immediately the close of the aforementioned meetinw, and close at 2 P °ni3h:Ube-M:10 W. N. WILSON, Secretary. Im. S MECHANICS' BAH, PHIT..d.DEL PSIA. October 5 1569 • The animal meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held, at the Banking. Home, on TUESDAY, the third day of November, at 12 AL The annual election for DIREOTORS, to serve for the ensuing year, will be held on MONDAY, the sixteenth day of November, between the hours of 10 A. E. and 2 P. M. J. WEIGAND, Jr., oat baths tnoll3 Lathier. IMCOMMERCIAL BANK OF PENN SYLVANIA. PRILADELPAIA, october 12, 1863 The ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders of this Sank will be held at the Banking House, on TUESDAY, the third day of November next. at 12 o'clock .11 . . The annual BUZ PION for Directors will be held at the ,Banking Douse, on MONDAY, the sixteenth day of November next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. ocl3tuths-tl6no THE PHILADEPHIA. BANK, Oct. 9, 1869. be Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held at the Banking House, on TUEIDAY, the 3d day of November next. at 12 o'clock 31 The Annual Election for Directors will be held on MONDAY, the 16th day of November, between the hours of. A. M. and 2 P. M. B. B. CONEGYS, oclo-strith-tnol6 Csehier. BANK OF COMMERCE, PHILA DELPHIA, October 6, 1863. Tie animal election for DIBBCTOBS will be held, at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the sixteenth day of November next between the hours of 10 A M. and 2 P A general meeting Of the Stockholders tvil be held at th e t ame place, on TUESDAY, the third dayof N ovem her next, at 12 M.. J. A. LEWIS, ocMuths tnol7 Cashier. PHILADELPHIA 'AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY, Office 14217 South FOIPATH Street, PHILADELPHIA. September 2,-1863. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The following-named persons are entitled to a Dividend on tbe. Common Stock of this Company. The residence of several of them is un known, and it is, therefore, necessary that the certifi cates of stock should be presented on calling for the - Dividend. B.BRADFORD, Treasurer. STOCKHOLERS' NAMES. Mrs. Mary Bishop, , S. - Lancaster, Timothy C. Boyle, . Percy M. Lewis, Clement Biddle, Fanny Mary Ititchereon, Ann Copeland,, John Mclntyre, A. Smalls Bain'. Newbold, John S. Moore. Trustees, James McKnight, Debbie A. Hughes, Ben.l. F. Newport, Saml T. Harrison. Bent. Fott, J ame s Hallowell, W R. Rodman, Teams W. Hallowell, - Sarah Ann Richards, Catherine C. Koppel.% B enry B. Sherer, Daniel Klapp, Maria L. Sadler, Mary Kuhn. Andrew Turner, Chas. Kuhn, Hartman Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich, Kuhn. and J. H. Kuhn, Ex. Asher M. Wright, of S. Kuhn. William Young, R. V. R. Leisse Extrx., W. H. McVickar, end James G. Schaff. Ex. of Austin Smith. John S. Leiese. dec'd. Willis & Co. UNIVERSAL` WRINGERS WITH • COD!WHEELEI.. WARRANTED. IRON BEDSTEADS, DIATTRESSES, SPRING BED-BOTTOMS, Jac I iVALCKYTT.Bc 13URNHANrs,, . -27 KIM SIXTH STREET, (Formerly at 721 CHESTNUT Street. ) • JOSEPH MANTON & SON GUN.— A mperier GUN, made bye Joseph Manton & Son. with Sue case complete, price $2OO. for sale by PHILIP WILSON & co, 0c921-Bt ' 499 CHESTNUT StreeL7'6l_ ERC.A.NT ILE LIBRARY COM PANY. Eliares of Stock, which by a recent resolution of the Board:will have the dues for the balance of this year remitted. may now be purchased at the Library for TEN DOLLARS... lach share if purchased before January 1, 1884, may be duplicated at any time during that year, Great improvements in the building, and, large addi tions of both foreign arid - domestic works, have recently A share of this stock Would constitute a useful and ap propriate Christmas Present. oc24tuthe lm THE PHILADELPHIA' NATATORI UM AND PHYSIC AL INSTITUTE, BROAD Sheet, below Walnut .— Dß. W5l. JANSEN' has entirely refitted his Institute for Physical Education. and it was reopened for the Winter Season on the 15th of October He has se cured the services of Miss SARAH F. HOPKINS. a gra duate of Dr. Dio Lewis', Normal Institute. Boston, and classes in the new system of-light Gymnastics having been formed, Mies Hopkins will be pleased to welcome her former patrons. Particular attention will be given to ihe'careful training of classes of Children, Misses. and Young Ladies. Were is also forming a social clasA for Lsdiee and Gentlemen. 0c20.6t 4 RE I ER' S COLORED • PHOTO. . G EAPHS abound with beauties of an artistic and truthful character. A fine likeness at moderate charge— only $l. SECOND. above Green street. lo' F OR SALE---4,00 0 YARDS' OP EXTRA. heavy English CANVAI To he seen at A. SOU DER'S, Dock-street 'wharf. 'Apply 103 G SOUTH Street. ' . LEECH PINE APPLE CHEESE.--50 cases Leech brand P. A. Cheese, lb , ' ea' e by RHODES & WILLIAM?, can 107 South WATER Street. - • CONDENSED: MILK.--1 ON.. DOZEN Condensed Milk, for sale by' RHODES & WILLIA.MS, ocl7 101 South WATER, sireet. ATTENTION -OF GROCERS HAND I OTHERb is in idted to the NEW LIQUID SUCKLING manufactured by BROWN & 'BROTHEL Boston. This Japan Blaelclng,'crith half the usual labor, im parts a most intensely rich lustre and jet black. equal,to the b igb est 'Japan Varnish , - 'produces a most ported smooth surface. so as not to soil the finest linen. Tendon the leather easy and pliable, and wilt - retain its virtues For sale by the case THAYER di COWPERTHWAIVS. 417 COMMERCE Street- se7A-Imif E D. MARCH.A.NT, - PORTRAIT . . • PAINTER, has removed t 0.601.9 LOCUST Street , w h ere h e mill be. glad to see his friends and those of the Public who may be interested in his line of art. oc6 HBO if . CHOICE ISABELLA GRAPES, Pears, Apples, Sweet Potateee , Onions, Cran berries; (teen:mei 'anti otnerprodnete, in elm and ae. miag forward and for,sale by PRETTVI LW di SONS.' • 4N14.1V! & Gcor cotkAT AMU' Ots 43, EIGHTH.ST. RIBBON STORE, I • No. 107 N. EIGHTH STREET, We-have received from the late New York and Philadelphia Auctions the following most desirable and -fashionable goods at very reasonable prices: Scarlet Bonnet Velvet, at 43 perard. Do. do. do. Lyons width and quality, $4 50 per yard. LEATRER- COLORED VELVET. —IIn cat Velvet. Cord ed Silk and Bonnet Silk, all ol the most beFhatifal shades, with Ribbons, Feathers and Flowers. to match. BLACK BONNET RIBBONS.--A splendid line, from 16 to 44 cents per yard. At the latter price we sell a very wide and heavy Ribbon. Extra heavy, all boiled. Ribbons. narrow and wide, loWer at retail than they can be bought else where by the piece. BLACK, DRAB AND BROWN FELT HITS, from the manufacturers direct. All the new shapes for ladies' and children's wear, very cheap. A complete afsortment of Black English Crapes, pur chased before the late heavy advance in gold, from 65 cents a yard upwards. - BONNET RIBBONS in endless variety. Velvet Rib bone block and colored the beet make imported; at a great redaction. Trimmingßibbons, - every shade and every other article need in making or trimming a ; bon net, or that can be found h ue at less than wholesale prices A liberal reduction made to wholesale buyers., .Country orders promptly attended to. SICILEV & .NUEY - 11, ocl4tnoll No. 107 North EIGHTH Street. S. C. PALMER, Cashier. se6. stnth-tt MERIXI'ARY JIOTICE. MILITARY.-THE MEMBERS Q Company B, 44th (Merchants') Regiment F. V. it.. are rtiintsted to meet at the Wetherilt Hones. ed hOM ritrees, above Sixth, THIS (Tuesday) SPE- D ING, at 7.); 0 Mech. (11.1 H. H. 61101TZ. .tICOMPANY G, BLUE RESERVES —Pereons desiring to reorganize. this Company will meet at the Armory , Jefferson Hall. cor , of eIX CH end CHRISTIAN Streets, on WEDNESDAY AM INO Dent, at 756 o'clock.. _ JOHN H. DYE. NeamLY.P. . Late First Lieutenant. WANTED---ABLE-BODIkD MEN, between the ages of 113 and 45, for the 12ryt UNITED STATES INFANTRY, in which there have been twenty commissions given to enlisted men. floaduearters, Fort Hamilton. vow York Harbor. A few MUSICIANS also wanted. Pay sat per month. For ftirther termination. apply at the Rendezvous, No 11:119 t•onth FRON Street FRANK. WISTER. Capt. ,12th P, B. Sof men.. oc2o-2t* Recruiting Oflleor. t LANDIS' FIRST PHILADEILPHIA BATTERY. (Order No. —)—The 0111c3re and Men or this Battery will assemble at the Armory 1733 MARKET Street, on I'DEbDAN, October 20, at 7 P. M., to receive Pay and Bounty. Every man matt be present. By order of HENRY D. LANDIS, Cantata. E. fl iitTbLABD First Pergeent. 0c1.9-2t. - CORPS OF HONOR, U. S. A. BEADQUANTERS RECRUITING Eisuvros. • INVALID CORPS Pqrs....t'IMLAREP.III/4., 243 Sontb 7 faltiL - gtree - t, - Plaiaselob7iii:Wa. SOLDIERS honorably discharged. on account of dis ability will amply INVALIDtion for enlistment in the CORPS ' ' Lieut. HUBER BASTIAN, Invalid Corps, 243 $. Third street. Philadelphia, Lieut. J. W. DEAN, Invalid Corps 611 Brown street, and ... . . . N. E corner Broad and Spring Garden eta., Phila. . Pay and fallowancee, excepting bounty and Deneion. name as in U. S. Infantry. W. MATT HEWS, Major let Pa. Art. and Supt. Invalid Corps for,Philadel aus-tt HEADQUARTERS OF PROVOST MARSHAL, TRIAD DISTRICT, PA., rIIILADISLPEIIA, October 16, 1863. FOTICE is hereby given to all Ds...FTED 51E01 of this Tiht Oct tin t they most REPORT TO TORSO HEADRUARTEREI FOR DUTY ON OR BEFORE Ttiu RSDAY. October 2.1 d. 1663. alcr whicb time no Substitutes will be excepted er Muloptiote granted for having paid commutation. And all 'ailing to - report as above will be Immediately pab- Itched as DESRATEIW. and Liable to arrest ae such. JSCOB S. STRETCH. Captain and Provost IffarebaL FRANKLIN. D. STERNER. Commissioner. ALEXANDER O. HARI% oaf bt - Surgeon. LADIES' FURS. LADIES' FANCY FURS. aox-r_N b. 71111 ARCH STREET, BELOW EIGHTH, Importer and Manufacturer oe LADIES' FANCY FURS. My assortment of FANCY FIBS for Ladies and Chit• dren is now complete, and embracing every variety that will be fashionable daring the present season. All Bold at the manufacturers' prices, for cash. Ladies, please give me a calL oca-lm OPENING OF FANCY FURS. JOHN A. ST ANIBICH, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTIIRER OF LADIES' FANCY FURS, NO. 826 ARCH STREET, BELOW NINTH, Has now open a splendid stock oC LADIES AND CHILDREN'S EIERS„ Which will be sold at the _ LOWEST CASH PRICES. oc2-8m FURS! FURS! GEORGE F. WOMBAT'', NOS. 415 AND 417 ARCH STREET, HAS NOW OPEN A Fllll,l, ASSORTMENT. OF LA DIES' FU RS, To which the attention of the public is invited. eel?-Sin MILLINERY GOODS. IN) FRENCH FLO WERS, 1863. FEATHERS, LACES, RIBBONS, & NEW - STYLE HATS, JUST OPENED AT THOS. KENNEDY & BRO.'S, No. 7119 CHESTNUT Street, below Eighth. ite9-3m MILLINERY GOODS. BROOKS & ROSENREIN, 431 MARKET STREET, have now on hand a complete assortment of new !styles RIBBONS, BONNETS, VELVETS, BONNET-SILKS, MISSES' HATS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, LACES, AND MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY, to which we invite the attention of the trade. oa7 lot FALL , 1863. WOOD Sr, CARP, y S.cKESTNDT STREET, Rave now open A LARGE STOCK OE STRAW AND FELT GOODS, • FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS, And a general assortment of MILLINERY GOODS, To which they invite the attention of THE TRADE. sel7-2m ARMY GOODS. FROTHINGHAM & WELLS HEAVY,_MEDWEL AND' LIGHT SHEITINGEI AND SKIRTINGS STANDARD DRILL& HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CAMBRIOS AND BROWN BLEACHED, AND CORSET JEANS. No 1.2 WORSTED YARN, &a. solBMtl FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY :E_s .1!_11)0TARY FIIRNISHEIN, 41.8 ARCH STREET. Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Peasants, Epaulettes, Hato, Caps, Canteens, Haversacks, Camp Chests, Field Glasses, Spurs, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy Officers A liberal discount allowed to the trade. sel3-tt G w. SIMONS & BROTHER. • aiiSei . .STREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA, MAROYAOTURBRit 011 JEWELRY, FINE SZV D ORDS, MILITARY GOODS IN EVERY VARIETY. a124-116m' FINANCIAL. .90 0 Ism NOVEMBER .5 20Q . . IJ• COUPONS WANTED.. EARLY CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS WANTED. STERLING EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD BY -DP.EXELA -ea CO. oclo-Im South THI r RD Street; MICHAEL JACOE.S, No.' 46 'South THIRD . Street, OCyEENVENT SECIMITIES, SPECIE. AND unqufr,- ... NENTAIONEY BOTTWIT.AND STOCES.BOIIGHT AND SOLD ON CfpIifMISSION. - - Particular attention paid to the Negotiation of Time * Paper. CITY WARRANTS BOUGHT. r r ocsr.3rn OLIE TION. OF -13. _ OERTIFI CATESS OF.;INDEETEDNESS.—The„ ADAMS' EL PRESS COMPANY; are now prepared to collect, at the Treasury Department, Washington, with despatch, and at reasonable rates, the ; On-Year . Certificates of In debtedness of . the United States now due or shortly gnaturing. . Terms made known and receipts, given &Übe (ace, No. 320 CHESTNUT Street. - my6-tf NOTIOE.---NOTICE IS ECEREBy GtIVSN" that the cER YIFICATZ No. 29,824, 290 by the New Yor k Transfer Agency of "the' 14 u Iladelpkfa and Reading itaiboad .has. been LOST. and that application has been made for.the 'nub. stitntion of a eertileata Lu place thereof. - A' O. HIMINWAY CO.. • 901 1 X', I. ea exougiez.rwo, 88.7 - PHMADnrIitA, FIRST SPEOIAL EDWIN HAS eSZ CO, NOW OPEN PARIS, LONDON ANt) AMERICAN RICH LYONS VELVETS, INDI& GROS GR&IN, MATALBA SILK, PARIS-MADE VELOUR CLOTHS, PARIS WOOL CASHMERES, FANCY CASHMERES, PARIS-MADE FROSTED BEAVERS, DIAGONAL CASHMERES, CHINCHILLA CLOTHS, BELGIAN TRICOTS AND DOESKINS, ENGLISH PLUSHES, ENGLISH MELTONS, CLOTH HOUSE WILLIAM - T. SNODGELISS' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOVE(' HOUSIP., No. 31 South SECOND St., and 213 STRAWBERRY St. A FULL STOCK OF ARMY CLOTHS. NAVY CLOTHS. CASHMERES. NOBBY COATINGS. CHINCHILLAS. VELVET CLOTHS. FROSTED'HEAVERS. ESQUIMAUX. BILLIARD CLOTHS. BAGATELLE CLOTHS, &c. 0.1424 JB. OASSELBERRY, No. 45 NORTH • EIGHTH Street, is the place to find an immense stock of all kinds of Dry Goods. allot which were bought before the lecent great and are being offered whole sale and retail accordingly: 4.4 Poplin Reps, choice shades. French Merinoes, choice ..hades,- Figured 31 Poplins, 31 cants. Plaid Poii de Chevres, 37.54 cents. Choice shades Alpacas. 4-4 all•wool hhepherds' Plaids. Figured BL-..rinoes. 5-4 wide Black Cashmeres. $1.37. Black Silk Mantilla Velvets, cheap. 'Pack Silk, 20 per cent. less than present rates. Plain colored Silks. all shades, $1 25. Brown figured Filks, $1.25. Black Mourning silks.. $1.26 to $3.12. ;Vt/J.. - Broche Long shawls, $lO to S,O. - • Blanket , - 1.6.76 to $lO. Black Stella Shawls - Brocbe Square Striped Shawls. $5, worth $B. Baimorals, superior quality, $4.75. Balmora's, $2.75 ti $7. - Balmoral Asps black and white, 62Y,.. cents. Very fine Black Alpacas, 6.4 wide. 1 bats red twirled Flannels, 60 cents. 1 hale gray - twilled Flannels, 60 cents. White Welsh and Shaker Flannels. 3-4 Table Linent, 75 cents. 1 case Bonev Comb Quilts. A full-line Marseilles Quilts, old prices. kfuslins of every description.' Drillings, colored Cambrice, and Paper MUslins. 4 Scarlet and Blue Cloths. 6.4 all wool Black Beavers,. $2.75. - 6-4 Black Beavers. $2 25 ' Cassime) as and Cloths, under present prices. 1 case super quality striped Alpacas. something new. choice shades, 4-4 wide, at 68 cents - J. A. C ISSELBERRY'S, Mammoth Dry Goods Mouse, 45 North EIGHTH Street. below.-erelt. P. —The only place where a real Parls."l3ld Glove can be bought at $1 and $1.12X, every pair warranted, ialten back if Choy tear or rio in patting on, in all cases where the purchaser bays - the proper size,' ,having effected this arrangement with the manufscturer. ocl9-2t C aSSEL BERRY. BLANKETS BLANKETS 1 BL A NK. BETS? • The Largest Assortment of 13 IA A_ INT MC S AT THE LOWEST ERIOES, OFFERED WHOLESALE' AND RETAIL. BY CIOMTPERTEIWA.IT COR. EIGHTH AND. MARKET STS. selnde3l LADIES' CLOAKING CLOTHS. Black Beaver and Tricot Cloths, Brown and Black Water-proof Clothe, Dark Brown and Mode Cloths, Fine Black Broad Clothe, Superb quality Scarlet Clothe, Chinchilla Cloaking% Also, Cloths, Caseimeree, and Satinets for hien and Boys. Veetings, in Great variety, at JOHN H. noires, 702 ARCH-Street.- N, B.—Jack Straws, made by and sold for an Invalid. A enw invokejnet received. . ocls ONE CASE OF THE BEST HEAVY quality real Water-proof Cloths, received this day. Beet quality Frosted-Beaver Cloths. Chinchilla Cloths, magnificent quality. Heavy Plain, Brown, and Leather-color Clothe. Miodlmex Clothe, dark colors. Fine French Scarlet Clothe. Blue and Scarlet Chinchilla Cloths. French Fcarlet and .Sine Flannels: - Frooted-Beaver Cloths, from $3 to $3. N. 13.—nomiificent quality Lyons Silk Velvet, at $l5 and $16.50 per yard. EDWIN - HALL & CO., ocls - 116 South SECOND-Street. SHAKER FLANNELS. Ballardyale and Wisbington Flannels. _ Gray, red., blue; and white Twill Flannels. .Ned. gray, and white plain Flannels, cheap. BACKIDE 'LA nbELS— • Scarlet. nines. _nodes, Browns, ,Ice. Cotton' 'Flannels' Pickings, &c. Table Part mks, bleached and brown. • - Ora sb, fine Towels, Nursery Diapers. Good stock of Shirtings and. Sh.etings,- Desirable sizes and makes I:Rackets. COOPER & COLO% ocl4-tf 8. E. corner NINTH and ILL M3:111. A T RETA7r , JOHN F. YOUNG, No. 70 NORTH FOURTH STREET, _„. Has now in store an, excellent assortment of DRESS GOODS, Sic. ,consisting in part of Black Silks, Al ase& from the lowest to the finest quality, - Merinos, Wool de Laines, Plain and Striped Poplins, choice style Plaid .Cashmeres, Reps. Shawls, and Scarfs. Also, a full line of:.Flannels; including Silk Warp, 'Shaker, .810., gm. To•which the special attention 9f th.e retail trade is in- F ROSTED BEAVERS. SHARPLESS BROTHERS offer FBIOSTED BEAVER at s2to. FROSTED BEAVERS at W. FRO •TED BEAVERS at SA. VELVET BE AVERS at $6 FROSTED BEAVERS at $B. And a large anortment of PLAIN and RIBBED BLACK BEAVERS. ocS • GB ESTBUT and EIGHTH Streets. FANCY ARTICLE!; -• : • • ' W - • D GLENN, IMPORTER OF . . Offers to the trade a full assortment, including , Hair; Tooth, Nail; Cloth, and Shaving Brushes. • . Camel's Hair Pencils andlfarking Brushes. Combs in shell, ivory, horn, and India rubber. • • Perfumery and Toilet Soaps of alrdesoriptions. Pare Bssenttal Olin r- Bose Water, and Orange Flower Water in cans. Powder Boxes and Puffs in great variety. Bound Filtering Paper, all sizes. Cachous lsomatise, Hooper's and Arnaud's. English .Pinreaucers, Reeves' and common. New Zealand and Pink Linen Twine. • - Flasks, Tooth Picks, Violin Stomp', Ate., AG., all- at lowest market prices. - - sefff-lralf . . TO SPORTSMEN. .. PHILAIIBLYHIA. equal, If not , superior, to any of the followlag makea, which we keep constantly on hand: .William Greener, Westley Richards. Moore &•Harris, and other makers. - . Also.- Powder.,Shot, Wade, Caps, grc... - We ,shall be constantly supplied, during the Beason, with every variety of p CHAPOIITY, P • BEAL,EITATE BROKER. r•• • - No. 149 South • EIS Ca Street, Philadelphia. Rowe-rents and other claims collected. ocl6-12tv O ITRAITS.-LIFE-SIZE PHOTO' T P 1 GRAPES in oil colon made: at RE(1111111'SGall9ry ri v e n . l , l2 c r t l u ce r d es b c . r f.t ir i i e ur i o rn is e er. iii.lBl6lLogit.gorryeec Green, lt+ "pe EIMER'S. IVORYTYPES. EVINCE -Rou in their execution the highest order of artistic abili ty„-„natural nd pleash.g in style and position; warm,' impressive coloring. Gallery, SECOND Street, above WHITE . PRESERVING. BRANDY, ' PURE OIDED, " AND WRITE WINE VINEGAR. eini GEIGER. IdIISTaRN - SEED, SPICES, age ALL THB FOR PRESERVING. AMY PIOK.I,ING , PGRPOSES. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, Dealer in Eine Groceries, . sel6-tf Co mar BLIMINTH 41111 , 1 Eit!fatit. PHEENOLO•' L. OAPENI Pnlißd vitENING.Tin JOHN,‘,_ consulted. Dia:. and .- prOf° DiST' B1,211'6" correc tion u de• to ,„.nt of Eta. ta .7.140.,the friendithiposuire. irlottofa:_sul,9.tBftr:o:67Trleinabatyro:gl(jvhillantlw4h47re 116.1b"W" TIARA RETAIL DRY GOODS. OPENING OF 26 SOUTH SECOND STREET. THURSDAY, THE 22d• CLOAKS OF FROSTED BEATER CLOTHS. CLOAKS OF OHINORILLY CLOTHS. CLOAKS OF MOSS BEAVER CLOTHS OLOAKS OF TRICOT BEAVER CLOTHS CLOAKS OF PLAIN BEAVER CLOTHS. CLOAKS OF WATER-PROOF CLOTHS. OLOAKS OF VARIOUS KINDS OF CLOTHS SCARLET CLOTH CLOAKS BLUE CLOTH CLOAKS. CLOAKS FOR CHILDREN AND MISSES • N. B.—Superior quality 4-4 Silk Velvets, by the yard . oad-St CLOAIIS AT THE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND 920 CHESTNUT STREET, J_ W. PROCTOR & oclOstathtf IIItIIGGOTIP .FANOY GOOD% 1VO.;28 S OUTH F0 . 1111T,11 STREET,' PHILIP,WILSON. ea Co., 409 CHESTNUT STREET. lilasufaciarers of superior DOUBLE GUNS, SE ATEE4 iTV,FI3 - ,T)AX'4: - 1..R - , , ' , ...'.:;,.0 13'E PLANTATION BITTERS. Prom the army hospital—the bloody battle•field-the mansion of the rich and bniztble abode of the mor—from the t:lce and the sacred desk—from the mountain top. dietant valleys and fsr-off islands of the ocean—from every nook and corner of the civilized world—le pouring in the evidence of the antoniohing effaCts of DEARS'S PLANTATION BITTERS. Thoneande upon thousands of lettere like the following may be peen at our office: Rilensmnir, Sept. IS, 1863 "* * * I have been in the army hospitals for fourteen months--speecbless and nearly dead. At Alton. 111,, they gave me a bottle of . Plantation Bitters. * *. * Throe bottles restored my speech and cared me. * * * * t C. FL FLAUTE." 8015TH WARBAW, 0.. Sttly.29, IS.V. * * One young man, who had been sick and not out of ihe house for Iwo years with Scrofula and BrY siPebth. after paying the doctors over *l5O without bene fit, has been cured by ten bottle• of your Bitters. * EDWARD WOUNALL." The following is from the Matron of the Union Home School for the Children of volunteers: • HAMMER MANSION, FIFTY•SETEETfi ST., FEW Tom, Anguelt 2, 1863. '`Da. DRAicR Your wonderful Plantation Bitters have been given to some of our little children &Waring from weakness and weak lungs with most happy effect. One little girl. in particular, with pains in the head, loss of appetite, and daily wasting consumption. on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, has been entirely rertored. We commenced with but a teaspoonful of Bitters a day. for appetite increased; strength and health follow.d. * * 5 * Respectfully, 0. M. DEVOR.7 "*. * I owe much to you, for I verily believe the Plantation Bitters have saved my life. REV. W. H. WAGGONER, Madrid, N. Y." * Thou wilt send me two bottles more of tby Plantwi4m Bitters. My wife has been greatly benefited by their use. Thy friend, ASA CURRIN, Philadelphia, Pa." ••* « - f I have been a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and had to abandon preaching. * * The Plantation Bitters have eared me. REV. J. S. - CATHORN, Rochester. N. Y." *- * Send ne twenty•four dozen more of your Plantation Bitters, the popularity of which is daily in. creasing with the guotts . of our house. SYKES. CHADWICK, & CO., Proprietors *illartl'e Hotel, Washtngton, D. C." * # * I have given the Plsntation Bitters to him diMis dour disabled soldiers with the most astonishing effect. d ;. G. W. D. ANDREWS, Siberintendent Soldiers' Home, Cincinnati, 0." "• * The Plantation - Bitters have cured me of liver conirlaint, of which - was laid up prostrate and had to abandon my business. B. KINGSLEY, Cleveland. 0." * • The Plantation Bitters have cured me of a derangiiiaent of the kidneys and urinary organs that has distreseed me for years. It acts like a charm. C.C. MOORE, Agent for Colgate de Co., 254 Broadway," 546.; sio.. dio , ato. The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong, the lan guid brilliant, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are oompoded of the celebrated Cliasaya Bark, Wintergreen, Sisettfins,'ltoots, Herbs, &c., all preserved in perfectly pure St. 'Croix Bum. S. T.-1860.-X. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weakness, bmitude. palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, dis tress after eating, torpid liver; ouustipation, &c•, deserve to suffer if they will not try them. They are recommended by the bighest medical autho rities, and are warranted to produce an immediate bene ficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and harmless. NOTICE. — Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bit ters in bulk or by the gallon is a swindler and impostor. We only put it up in our log-cabin bottles. Beware of bottles refilled with imitation deleterious stuff, for which several persons are already in prituin. See that every bottle bas our United States stamp over the cork, — and signature on steel-plate side labels. Sold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable globe. P. H. DRAKE ez CO., oclo-studzth4m 202 BROADWAY. N. Y. COMMISSION HOUSES. SHIPLEY, :. HAZARD, & ITITTCHIN ! bON, N 0.112 CHESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION DIEROH A.NTS, -FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-`MADE GOODS 533 WESTERN DRY. SALTED MI ID E S, AVERAGE 33 POUNDS. 4CO sides rough' slaughter LEATHER 110 sacks PLASTERING HAIR. Finished CALF and KIP SKINS. TUB, MERINO, AND LAMB'S WOOL, ON CONSIGNMENT, In store and for sale by B. N. JONES 45 CO., NOTICE TO GRAIN DEALERS AND SHIPPERS. 20,000 UNION A, SEAMLESS BAGS, -Al) Linen; weight 20 ounces. The Best and Cheapest Bag in the market. BURLAP BAGS, Of all Sties. for Corn, Oats, Thine-dust, Coffee, Sic., are manufactured and for .ale, for net cash, by CHARLES H. G-RD:3-43-, Agent, No. 137 MARKET Street (Second Story), ocl7-3m Late of 219 Church, alley. N. BERRY & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 26 RUE BERGERB, BMUS PLATZDIANN, BERRY, & CO., LYONS, ST. ETIENNE, AND (*ENNOBLE selo.thatn2m BMW YORK. 15 WARS STEM. All3lY\ S ND AR . p - . "SLUE F LANNELS, qFT HAND•AND 7Cort, SALE EX: FARNHAM, KIRKHAM, & 0:d.a.3.2E -Noe. 230 and 232 CHESTNUT Street. BAQS . I BAGS 1 BAGS 1 NEW "AND SECOND HAND, _ SEAHLBSS, BMILAP, AND GUNNY B A '0 S Constantly on hand. JOHN T. BAILEY & CO., 113 NORTH FRONT STREET. ./Flr WOOL SACKS;FOR SALE. an2o-15nt GENTS; FURNISHING GOODS. 606. ARCH STREET. 606. TINE SHIRT AND WRAPPER DEPOT. AN BLEGANT d/33011TKRAT 01 g ZNTB , TUBNISHING Goons AT MODERATE PRICES. FOUR PREMIUMS AWARDED FOE ,SHIRTS, WRAPPERS, AND STOCKS G: A. 'HOFFMANN. stumettor to , W. W. atnowr. 006 Luau erassr. 11011. JOHN O. ARRISON, NOS. 1 AND 3 N. - SIXTH STREET , A.FINE ASSORTMENT OF , . . . GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS FALL . ,AND WINTER WEAR. Also, Manufactures from the Best Material and In a Superior Manner by HAND: Fine SHIRTS and COLLARS. Shaker Flannel SHIRTS and DRAWERS.. . ' Heavy Red• twilled Flannel SHIRTS and DRAWERS. English ,Canton Flannel SHIRTS and DRAWERS.' Buckskin SHIRT'S and DRAWERS. • OlOth TRAVELLING . SHIRTS. o' - WRAPPERS. STOCKS. TIES, &c. And sold at the most moderate prices. , ocS GEORGE .GRANT, aro, 610 0666TNIFT STRAIT. ass now ready . 0. LARGE AND COMPLETB STOOK GENTS' FURNISHING GOOPS. Of 3li own Importation and manufacture. Ms celebrated "PRIZE MEDAL SHIRTS," N I sui fig t io'Lz:i:i d iinder , iho B,izierilitendeniso of , .. - - '- JOHN F. TAGGSET , (Formerly of OldiTieri = 4 , Tanert,l' U. the melt perfect-fitting Shirts of the . agi. ),, iI a r • • 0 ide i i promptly etteedeiLto.': ' , ',179 , -thetsvaill ' FINE .BHIRT MANUFACTORY. A• The enbeoriber would invite attention to his • IMPROVED CDT OF SHIRTS, which:he - wakes - a specisiti. in his:busilll 36 L Also. 4 ° ) l 44111 1 U ITO re viru csivi ßka J. -SCOTT, • aINTLSMEN'S.:FIIHNISHINO STONE. la - •L• Vnur dorms balm', tau. wHittope i utal.' , . CIPEIt."7 NEW PAI3riE j ,IDER,, , Of,a superiotquality, by the barrel hogshead. For Bale by 7 111 k. • Sam,sTHlStr,_ 003-jakf, 439,121)11i andof* - X,OXBAKi), Bt, 20, no: "Unquestionably the binit' Riding inter 011 :Pdthical Economy. "-Professor Lauren.. DAPPLETON . 8c CO.. • Nos. 443 and 443 BROADWAY, PUBLISH THIS DLE MINOIPIA 8 OF eoLT MA I, ECONOMY, WITH SOME OF THEIR APPLICATIONS . To SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY. , BY'JOHN STUART MILL. . 4 - 2,ToLs., Bvo Printed on tinted traitor.. Cloth, .46. That there has heretofore been no American edition of a :work held in sueh high estimation may, perhaps. be owing in-part to the foot that sinee_ite pabiteation our politico have hinged on an ongroesing question, which ,belongs rather to the domain of humanitarian philoso phy than to that of political economy, and potty to the facility with which a European work not r.tquiring Aranslation can be .sumplied to Americas leaden from the 'original publishers. The present state of oar currency noes far to remove- both of those obstacles to Ike success of an American edition. The most im tportant `economic discussions which have ever taken place in Greet Britain grew out of the condition into 'which that country was brought by its protracted strag gle against Napoleon. Oar politics are - likely to pass through a similar- phase, in which- we shall need all the liaht shed Upon economic questions by the most ad vanced science. In the a ole lenge of extant authorship on political economy there is no writer. except Adam Smith, with whom John Ftuart Mill can 'without injustice. be corn- Pared. In originality, Adam Smith, as being the H.C. knnwledgt d father of the science, takes tue precedence, as he does also in exuberance of apt illustration. But in rectitude of understanding, cleartoss aad sagacity, 11111 is fully his peer; in precieinn of method, range of topics, and adaptation to the present state of society, he is alto. gather his maperior. The "-Wealth of Nation" now belongs. indeed, rather to the hi itory of the science than to its exposition. But the "Principles of I'OlWe:A Economy " is an orderly, symmetrical. and !maid expo rition of the Fciecce in its Present advanced state: In sxrent of information, breadth of treatment, Derttnenee of fresh illustration, and accommodation to the present ants of the statesmen. the merchant, and the social philosopher, this work is unrivalled. It is written in a Io urinous and smooth, yet clear cut style, and there is diffused over it a soft atmosphere of feeling. &rived from the anther's unaffected humanity and slightenediutereat in the welfare of the masses. IL A. at CO. HAVE JUST PUBLISHED: ALBUM FOR POSTAGEAND °Tact STAMPS, LYE RICA/9 .613 D FOREIGN. One volume, 4to. Illnetrated Ninth rape and Printed in Coiora. *260; French morocco, $4: Turkey morocco. -96 DIV CLASS BOOK OF CHEMISTRY. By Ed ward L. Youmans, M. D. 960 p,gee. 12ino, with 330 illnptretionu. Price *1 26. PALMOI4 . ; or, THE NUMERALSOF lIIIRIPPEIHE a. p"oof of inspiration A Free Inquiry. By M. Mahan, D.D. Iva , 12mo. sl' - HEAT CONSII.a.RED AS A MODE OF MOTION. Be ing a emirs° of Twelve Lectures. delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. By John Tyndall, F. R. S. 1 thick vol.. 12mo. 101 Illu.trai ions. b 2 - - A SUPPLEMaHT To URE'S DICTIONARY OF ARTS, Manufactures, and Mines. Containing a cmAr Exposi tion of their Princiolee and Practice. Edited hr Robert Hunt, F. R. S., F. L. S., etc. 1 - very large vol., po, 1046. Illustrated with 700 Engravings. Cloth, $6; Sheep Binding, 47. WAR PICTURES FROM THE SOUTH. By B. Eitll9,o, Coionel of Cavalry In the Confederate Army. 1 vol.. WEI AT TO EAT, ARID HOW TO conil IT. Contain ing 1, tcPcpiptH. Br Pierce Blot. 1 vol 12mo. *l. THE NATURAL LAWS OF HID 43 +RORY By Jaltus Von Debi g. Edited by J 41. n Blyth. 1 v01..12m0. SLOO. TWO PICTURES; 'or. What we Think of Ourselves and What the World Thinks of Ue By Maria J. Mclntosh. 1 vol.. Milo : $t 60 - - - - - - - - - - Prof.HE HISTORICAL SHAKESPEAREAN REAPER. By P Seim W. ri Howe. Author of "The Shakespe irean Ruttier." 1 vol. amo. Half-bound. 5.33 pp. Price, $1.50. hither of the above sent by mail, free of postage.oti re ceipt of price- oclo-2t 20CTS. 1-0 ODEY FOR NOVEMBER ! PITCHER'S Bookstore, _SOS CHESTNUT Street. All new Books et a discount. . 0c20.3E BO OK AGENCY, 33 South SIXTH Street. Office of . APPLETON'S NEW CYCLOPEDIA. WASIINGION IR VINO'3 WORKS. WAVERI EY NOVELS. Household, edition. RESELT.ION RECORD. BAYARD TAYLOR'S WORKS. COOPER'S NOVsLS. Illustrated edition. DICKENS' WO.B.KS. Household edition. GEMS FROM r'Ef II; DUSSELDORF. GALLERY. . BRITISH POSTS. Boston edition. MERRIVALE'S HISTORY OF TEO ROMANS, ago..&c. NATIONAL QUARTERLY REVIEW. $3 per year. 0t.20-tuthea3m RIHVALE'S HISTORY OF THE ME +. 4 - - 1101,1ANS.—Vol. Ist. Now Ready. 'This valoable wink terminates at the point where the narrative of Gibbon commences, and is therefore indis pent able in every libt an". Orders received at the Agency. 33 south SIXTH Street, Office of Appleton's 0% clonmiia, oc6o-3t • 33 R. SfXrd street. NEW BOOKS— , Just received by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., 715 and 717 MARICET Street. PRINCIPLES OF POLITICAL PION' /MY. withsome of their applications. By John Stuart Milt. 2 vole, POPULAR Li/MORES AND ADDRSSSES. By Rey. A. Campbell BOILER AND BASTILE. By George Livingstone. FRUIT, FLOW ER, AND Th OR N PIEC 3e, from the Gem en. By Jean Paul Richter.- 2 vols. EXCI'BSIONS By Henry D. Thoreau. - DOTES ON THE REBEL INVASION OF PENNSYL VANIA and the Battle of Gettysburg. By Prof. M. Jacobs. WITH A. MAP. PIGUE. A NOVEL. - THE SHADOW OF ASHLYDYAT. By Mrs. Wood. MOSLEY. A ATORY or TO DAY. ANNALS OF. THE ARMY OF THE CUMBERLAND; with many illustrations.-- - THE PENINEULA CAMPAIGN IN VIRGINIA. By Rey. Mr. Marks. LEVANA; or, The Doctrine of Education. From the German of Richter.' 0020 JUST PUBLISHED; BY J. R. _LIPPINCOTT & CO., MRS. RHOADES' POEMS. POEMS : A series of Tales in Verse, with a variety of lyrical prod notions on chosen themes, intended to please the many and offend none. By MRS. RACHEL RHO &DES, (The American Harp,) Authoress of "The Minstrel Lyre.", 'Zimlnka," Stc., &c. 12mo. $1 25„ F °r . BalebY T. H PETERSON & BRO., 306 CHBBVIBT Street. WM. S. & A. ALARTIEN, 606 WILLIS I'. HAZARD, 7'3I. " " G. W. PITCHER, 808 T. B. PUGH, 600 oeS-thsta6t. MILLS' PRINCIPLES OF POLITI— CAL ECONOAIY, 2 volumes octavo. FLOWER, SRUIT, AND THORN PIECES. By Jean Paul. EXCURSIONS. By Henry D. Thoreau CHOICE'S'S MEDITATIONS ON LIFE. GALA DAYS. By Gall Hamilton. IN.,SIIINGTON IRVING'S LIFE AND LE rms. THE DEAD SHOT -rßya Ala, ksman. AWTRORNE'S'OLD HOME. -- FREEDOM AND WA..-- By W. Beecher. "AB NEW and STANDARD BOOKS for sale as soon as published by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, - " Publishers and Booksellers, oelo '25 SOUTH. SIXTH Street. above Chestnut, MAP. OF GETTYSBURG - BATTLE, 4A-a-. prepared by Wm. H. Willcox, Captain and A. D. C. OD Mater Oen. Reynolds' staff. 40 cents. - FLOWER, FRUIT. AliD THORN PIECES, or the mar- DEATH. AND WEDDING OF THE ADVOCATE OF THE POOR; FIRMIAN STANISLAUS SLEBENKAS, by .1 P F. Ricbter. 2 Tots. $2.75. EXCURSIONS, by Henry D. Thoreau $1 25. HOSPITAL SE ETCHES, by L H. Montt. 50 cents. ART RECREATIONS, being a complete guide to Pencil Drawing, Oil.Psinttng. Vic. $2 00. FREEDOM . AND WAR Discourses on Topics sug gesteda the Times, by Henry Ward Beecher. $1.50. For WILLIAM S. - 5z ALFRED mAiprEnt, ode 606 CHESTNUT . Street. 512 MARKET Street 11AZARD'S BOOKSTORE, FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, Will akwaye be found on our shelves .AT THE LOWEST PRICES. sel2-6m MC ) SS 4 '? 4- C°!, Respectfully info= the public they have opened a BRANCH at. where will be found a complete stock of Fancy, Staple, Counting House, and Office STATIONBRY, 13LA2IT , BOOKS, AND.. ZNVEI4OBEI3, of their own iaanniaCitife. of the finalities, and in groat 'variety. The business will be conducted on the principle of SliliALLPlicf . FltS AND (111ICII SALES.. = - By piNupt x.n.d careful attention, uniformity in prices, eitensive gajir s i,_nents. together with their long experi ence in that line.ol business, they ask a share of public patron e: Blank Books ruled to any. pattern. Bnvelopes. of any size or shape, made to order at short notice. •They will continue their Wholesale business of Book sellers and Stationers at the oict St md. - No. 430 MARKET WritEET. 8023-1 m if _ ,- -PAPERPHILADELPHIA HANGINGS. HOWELL & .13OURKE, - FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS, PAPER HANGINGS • AND WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS. Offer- to•the trade _a large and elegant aysogtment of Decorations. from the cheapest Brown Stock to The finest Decorations: N. N. B. CORNER !MIRTH at MARKET STREETS. N. B.—Solid Green. Blue. and Buff WINDOW PA. PERS of every grade. . !ell-fin KER,R,'S 4 _ Furnishing China & Glass Establishment, aBINA HALL, 529 CHBSTLWT STREET, 'l2l' I s th e cheapest (for the quality) and most extensive as- AND,..DECORATED CHINA IN THIS CITY. . . 'Just opened, of our own Importation, eighty-one casks very:einperior plain WHITE FRENCH CHINA. in any quantity to snit purchasers. Also, a splendid assortment of Fashionable _ . . . Ateo plain white. English Stone Ware, Dinner and Tea Ware. Also, Toilet bete, -in - great variety, some very elegantly decorated:.-. agi- Double thick China Shine Ware, and Glass, ex- HOTELS, SHIPPING, AND RESTAURANTS. INigITELL 'AND ROSEWOOD CASFA, can Vair ea tom floaan a riii3 t h o V E Vera and Atherl sel•em 334. CHEST:RIZ Street. ieltrgnh. Q. RUSSELL, FINE AMERICAN 4 nkpilLwAvnuars, Fins :Jewelry; 'Silvia :tea4,25.....4.„ 0-, FINE - WATCH .REPAIRING attended te;.by the most experienced workinen. :ever? 7c.: l7 ,rigult(4. fo . r,one e yea s • sE th... s. north ATIVIIF treeß ing-em NOTICE. -THE MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANOX COMPANY, OF UAW YORK. having transferred 'their Agency., to • the undersigned, applies.; Mons for,lnsurenee, and renewals of Insurance, must be made at,his Offis, N0..4 tfli %WALNUT, Street.., Woks enolainingzAho , advantayseOffarsO`by this Company had on application at titcOttice., , • • ar .• •!••,- JAMlia•fl 9416-Spi," t Sole Agent for Philadelphlw `1 NEW PUBLICATIONS. 724 CRESTIAITT STREET, Between Seventh and Eighth Streets All 'Books usually to be had In a STATIONERY. No. 432 CHESTNUT STREET, Sew:C:4 Door above the Poet Office, PAPER HANGINGS. CHINA AND. GLASSWARE. .DIRECTLY, 017.fiSITIS:1_,RDRITICDSNOB HALL., WHITE, FRENCH, GOLD-BARD CUT AND BNGRAVBD TABLE CRYSTAL GLASS Jur French. Chins decorated to order in any pattern. Jar Initials engraved on Table Glass. . China and Glass packed in a proper.manner. seg.satnrh-em:. WATCHES APED JEWELRY. MUSICAL BOXES., 111111 - North'SIXTH Strew, I T I E D T, INTDIISTRIOUS Ali Business. Addroda Box /t Pckt PIK7a6 WANTS: A louNG MAN FROM THE Co Hri.. Tity rstg. W nitration fox o , nd shipping or !lout rnimdon Flnol.o +eters ho rrn Inaba h•moelf u=wfal. Would take charge aim set of Books. address 11.114.2 bOTITTI StrePt." . - oo9fmt* ANOPPORTU II NITY IS OFFERED TO • A PARTNII, with, ilar $10.009.t0 SLO,OOO, to loin two Tonne men with& taro trade, and a keowledtre of the business, who are about to open a house on January let; for the transaction of the cash Joobing Dry Goods trade'. ..eddrAss • Jobber," this office. 0,14,3 V pRTCKLAYERS AND CARPENTERS wA2iTF.D at the FR N .;Foßt) AltigNAL Also, :a Mathematical Instrument Maker ami Brass Finieher. ncl9-3t WANTED-A SITUATION AS DAL- T LY or re, , ident Governess, by a Lady comontent to teach the English bratiche , ‘ and Mcislc. Address "Teacher," Peet Office, Philadelphia onln WANTE})--TO - TAKE CHARGE OF ". a Retell Book Store. In this city, a YOIING 51'1Nof expefienee In the brreineeß, and who can Rive good refetences. unntualt..—des!r,..hle nnonrtnnitv, Apnly io Rev. TORN W. DULLER, 0e1.9-6t 1334 CHESTNUT Street, socond tor,. WANTED -A YOUNG MAN TO A. 3 MT in a Dry Gooda Commission .ft,nee; one wbe ban bad Pomo experience preferred. Addroan " D X. P.." hie office. 0017-3t* TODRUG GTST S.—WA NTED TO P [TR crr E, *DREG and PRE- ORIP! lON STORE; wl.l pay cash for a good location, where the httstuPeß rild be inrrraped. Ad dr eRA 213%P. O. ocl7 W ANTE D- $l5 PER DAY.-Wk, want reliable. energetic calvaesere and agent. in every county, for a genteel bneineea, at a clmmieelor of from *5 to *lb per dey. No humbug gaperienced canvaseere preferred, but rum tor all Addreee C. 31 DrNN & CO . Publisher,. At either Cincinnati, Ohio; Chicago, or LSJ READE *trek, New York. jv23-31n• T OAN WANTED.- .$50.000 WANTED for five years. on inside briefness property- in the city of Chicago, which cannot fail to be , atisr-Kito , y . sc antily. Address, with real name and terms, "Drawer," 5,380. P. 0., C, icago, 111. . Aegii A MONTH! WE' WAN`i' 9.P.--"AGENTS at is a month. expeneos paid, to seili our EVERLAtTING PENCILS, ORIENTAL BURNINICE. and thirteen other articles. Circulars free.. SW a & CLARK. Biddeford, Maine. sell-d&eere, AliN k , DEPUTY QUARTERMASTAC CrENERAL'S OFFICE. -EHTLADBIXHIA. Feb. I 1863. VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL. k. the following points: Tortugas. Key West, Fla. Fort Monroe. Va. Alexandria, Va. Nowhere. N. C. Port Royal, S. C. A. BOYD. Captain and Assist. Quartermaster. LOST AND FOUND. 8300 BRizEy,fiAlifti,ig;;LsoTSATTE3OßBo.NSTos?LofEsN, each, nempons attached; dated June 23d, 1863. numbers from 21,289 to 24.294. inclusive All persons are can-- tiorr agai net receiving or negotiating said bonds. Three hundred dollars will be pa'd f.r their recovery by LE WI9 SONNSSORI. .AMBRR Street. above Wood, Kens' c sten. PITTLADELPHIA. "July 18. 1863. os2o-13V0 R E - W-A ft D.---LOST-ON THE - 6th inst., a BLANK NOTE, gruel. N. N. STORES • Above eward if left at VW ARCH. &rack All pereone are cautioned against neotiating any noise of N. N. STOKES. ocl7-8 th 3%. ST-a 'CERTIFICATE FOR - ONE rO - 1 - 1 ' share ID the Kensington Bank. in the county 01 Philadelphia, No. 1808. 'I be finder will be suitably re. warded If left at 11 and 13 EITRAWB BRUT 5...trs et. eetd-tuthlm* MOSS:6 WHEIV,SE FOR SAME AND TO LET. BCH• ST MET DWELLING-8 Am& FOR SALE—No. 915 and 1317 and exrlyDo.ewaslon given, by . A. P. and J. H. MORRIS, 916 ARCH-St. oe2o-31.* • /El FOR SALE VERY LOW-THE mu , four. stcry DWELLING. with thr ,, .-etory hack bruildinas,lio. 122 NEW Sreet. ttpp.y to WDL R , ISgELL ALLEN. eoutheast corner FOUKTH and VirALN iT, second floor oc2o St* aFOR SALE-SEVERAL HAND SOME DWELLINGS on ELEVENTH Street, below Coates, Apply to WM RO.4SBLL ALLEN, eel:tamest corner FOURTH and WALNUT, 21 floor. oc2o- 3t. fq FOR SALE -1` BE• ELEGANT miZa• modern RESIDENCE No. 957 FRANKLIN Street. Acp , y to W5l. Rt),SELL ALLEN, soitthea,t corner FOURTH and WALNUT, secon.illoor oc2O-3t. GERMA NTOWN.- FOR SALE. A Mk BARGAIN—A large atone !ANSI N, with stable and carriage-Louse, and ahc acres of land, elegantly shaded and handsomely improved ; situate within twa minutes' walk from Churcklane station. Mansion has every city convene nce, and a well of superior water at the kitchen door. Also, excellent vegetable garden. oc2o 6[2. J. BE GIIIIIIIISY & SOnS. 5011 WALNITC St. FARM AND MERCHANT MILL ROL AT IMBLIC SALK —Will be exposed to public eale on THURsDAY. Nov. 5,-1563, at 2 o'clock P N., on the premises, all that valuable property known as BIOORE HALE.. In Schuylkill townehip t Chester county. Pa., situated at the junction of Pickering creek and Schuylkill river, en the Reading Rath oad, twenty-five miles from Phila delphia, and three-quarters of.a mile southeast of Pace nixvide. containicg about 187 AURE4 OP LAND. in a high state of cultivation. unsurpassed in fertility by any ip ths county The improvements are a large stone mansion, stone barn, wagon house. ii large spring. home. with other Lenses try outbid id Inge, - Also a stone and Trame tenant he use. On- the premises-i. a large stone merchant mill, with bee , y water power. The locality is healthy, and beautifully situated, overlook ing the Schuylkill. cot venient to schools, oh arches- &car is well supplied . with springs - of good water. Would divide into three properties. The mirl and water Power, with about 12 acres of land, and two farms divided by the State road, with about Si acres each, , Will be sold together. or divided to snit purchasers The Reading- Railroad passing through the premises; makes Wit desira ble property for country seats, or the establishment of a manufacturing business It is welt worthy the attention of capitalists. Also, at the same time end place. will be sold several WuOD LOTS. well timbered with chestnut, Pee containing 5 acres, and the other 6 acres and 121 per Charleston township. Also, the m.dety of one-half of 2 acres and 47 perches in TredytEn town shi.' Chester co.. Pa. Persons wishing to view the properties can' do so by applying to ABIJAH STEPHENS.", on the premises. or to E. T PENNYPACKER. Ph cenixville A plan of the Property cat, bs seen. and farther information obtained. at No. S North SECOND Street Philadelphia. Condi tions made known at the time of eale by JOSEPH WOOD, oc2o-15t IS tA.O SCULL. MILLS AND FARMS AT PUB al WALIC SALE.—WiII 'be sold at public sale. on ••••••• THURSDAY, October 29. 1863, on the premises, that valuable property known ac SHRLMIRR'S MILLS, - in Montgomery county. Pa., five miles from Abington Station, on the North Pennsylvania Railroad, two and a half miles from the 'village of Abington, Willow Grove. Hatboro. and Huntingdon, and fourteen from Philadelphia. No 1 contains about forty-five acres of superior land, in a high state of cultivation. The improvements con flict of a founetory stone merchant mill. with three ran of burrs, and all, requisite machinery for an extensive business. Also, a four-story stone grist mill, with two run of burrs, for country w ,rls. These mills are propelled by the Pennepack, a constant stream, with a fall of 18 feet, having ovsrabot wheels Large stone mansion, having thirteen rooms and hall; three stone tenements, large atone barn, and other out buildings. No. 2 contains about twenty-four acres of A No. 1 land, highly improved The improvements are a large stone mansion, containing ten rooms. hs I], and kitchen; frame barn and carriage house; altogether, a very desirable lib le pre party. The above partially-described property is well worthy the attention of the manufacturer and persons seeking a home. as it is seldom so valuaele a property is offered. at public sale. Terms - easy. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., When attendance will be given by oc2o fit DAVID dEBLMIRE. FOR SALE-VALUABLE FARM acres. with good plain farni buildings, situate one mile from Morrisville Station. Bucks county. - Also, -a fine Farm. 196 acres, in Penn Manor. Bucks county. Valuable Farm near Darby, 8 miles from the city. 70 acres E. PETTIT, oc2o ' 323 wALNur Street. Mi. FOR SALE-M ONT GOM ER Y COUNTY FARM, containing 2125 Acres, in a high state of cultivation, with excellent farm improvements. situate near Wissahickon. Station, via North Pennsyl vsni Rsil road. Also, a fine farm near Radnor Station, Pennsylvania Rsilroad-80 Acres. Call and examine Real Pier of Farms. N. PF;Verr (1020 143 WALNUT Street. rCIBIAO SALE.-WILL BE EX lo Public Sale. on FIFTH DAY, (Thursday;) the Twenty. second of TENTH MONTH, 1863, on the Prile: inisee. all that VALUABLE FARM„ - late the prop.erty, df ELIZABETH MATHER de tested situate on the Boyles ' town tornpike. 12 mills from Bbiladelphia„_Aljoining the village of Willow Grove, in MOORELANE TO W. SHIP, Montgoineyy county, Penn= ylvanim adjoining lands of Dr. William 'Hallowell, the late (Merles Efel Jewell. and others. containing about 01 E HUNDRED AND TERSE ACRES OF. a/D. 6 acres , of woodland. and 2 acres of meadow; the remainder in a fair stc+ e of cultivation. The improvements &Insist of a s rONE DWELLING, 21 by 65 feet, stone Barn. 42 hi 55 feet. hay and wagon-house adjoining. a spring home over a never•failhog sprit g of ticcellent water near the dwelling. young apple orchard, dm It is desi, able itsu of its pleasant, high, and hi althful. situation. convenience to the city by way of the North FeJnsylvanie. Railroad. being:within three miles of Abington Stall ro. - Perecom Wishing to view the premises previous i o the del of sale, will be shown the same by. calling on HENRY MAXWhJL. residing thereon. For forth ..r information ac dress either of the subsc fibers, who will give attendance, and malre the conditions known on the day of sale Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. THt7vAS T. DIATHSB, .. -WILLIAM TARTAR., • se2o Oak. BROAD and WALLACE Ste :Pliflads. Aft PUBLIC SALE.-- , VALUABLE ...A— FARM Atin 'RAILROAD PROPERTY AT CHAR b LI3R'S STATION. PERR SYLVA NIA RAMBO aD. X 43 miles west Philadelphia, on SATURDAY, Novena- No. 1 —A Farm of 67. a ores of prime land in a good state of anltiVation ; a large Stone Mansion. containing 15 Rooms; large Barn, and neee sary out buildings. • l Sore with large Dwelling attached•, also a large Warehouse for, the transaction of the Forwarding and Grain business, with Lumber and Cud Yard, rail road siding, m all necessary fixtures for the above Sale to commence at one o'clock _ . . . The above Properties will' be sold together, or sepa rately, as TORY be desired: • Persons wishing to view the above. can do so by Call ing on the subscriber on the prembes. - N:- B. —All- the way passenger-trains on the Pennsyl vania, Railroad stop at this station. • cc91:24,28.51.n0v5,6 . WARRINGTON . YATE3. • 5)4 „ FOR-SALE-A PAIR OF SUPE. rier and stylish Family FlorseP.ls3,' hands high, eight years old. brown,bod• tails ; sound and gentle.fear less of locomotives. and very line drivers, single and double Price, $BOO. Apply to ' RA.CIEDINBBRGER i 94,3 North:FIFTH. Street. dun 111111—FOR, SALE, A WELL-SE. 9'OOO —FOR MORD:UDE of Nine Thousand Dollars, payin g six per cent interest. C. S. CLOSE it J. H csEn3B, No. 331 REED street. $5 000 7.4) INVEST IN AN EST-AB. .9 LIMED Manufacturing or Commission buslrier.s. None but responsible parties need auswor. 0c.19-3t* • " .f. S. ilia office. INSURANCE COMPANIES. FAME INSITRANI 403 CHEanitiT Stret MLA))) MB AND IDILAI EL 3t PHIL ND INSURANCE. ;TORS. .-E. D. Woodraff.'. Gem A West, , Jan Kessler. Jr.. Chas. Stokes. A. N. Roesoheixa, Joseph D. Ellis ICE. President. tRDSON. Vice President.' Secretary. Francis N. Buck.' Chas. Richardson, Henry Lewis, Jr., John it Rverinan, Philip S. Justice, , 9. W. Davis, FRANCIS N. BO CHARLES RICH • ' WILLIAM T. 'PLANCHA A' ME - RICAN .INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated Mo. CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Phi ladelphia. ~ Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplue in vested in sound and available - Securities, continues to insure on. D.wellintrs, _Stores, Furniture,. Merchandise,' Vessels in Port and their Cargoes; and other Personal Property. losses liberall and promptly adjusted. Thomae it Marls, James R Campbell: John Welch - , ' : Edmund'G. Samuel C. Morton,;* Charles W. Pooltnei, Patrick Brady, .. Israel Morris John T. Lewis, ALTihT a' L. CaAeipoaP..l rHE ENTERPRISE AS R.. 'AJAR'S, Preeident. Seiretary. te22-tf . , INSURANCE - COMPANY - OF - PHILADELPHIA..; (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY),.... COMPANY'S BUILDING 400 WALNUT. SPLI. F. Rattilikrd Starr. George S. Stuart, - William IOcK. a,Job H. Browriolli ro , . at Nalb Frazier, , -2- . ..Y. L. BrringeoOM.. &lbw M Atwood', Goo. ottltoaL.. Beg.h.T..Tredick, Mordacal Daweaa, •t!i Trini -11-.'Morrexpuisy- PROPCSALS will be received at this Mice 1111a1. . 1 1W WAY- 2,d in t, at noon, for the immediate deli: yen, a, the limited States Medical Laboratory, SIXTFi RD 4 OXFORD Sireetr, Philadelphia; of the following sr - 26 Refterr, _Hemlock, 23 feet lone, 3 by 16 inches. 24 Poets, ;White Pine; 16 feet long, 40 6 by 6 inches; - 4-4 by 6 incies - 4 Tiep, White Fine; 2] feet lonA.-4 by . 8 inches COMPANY, NO ..,... --7 . , , 3R - II SSES ~ 13 :RACES;-• &c. ' . skilfully i Sall:posted by - C. : R.:, NEEDLES.* corner of 7 WELFTE. and. RACE Streeta.-, LIMBOS' Department foraame.ittonducte&•trY Litdces, , TlVELFTH.ntreet.dht door • Wow, .Race:i The 'Moat complete.-and varled:atottit on tkniul.„soustititur . lb, Rart , Of Trwilea. Sipporterik- Shorlikek,- 8.!:„6.9..;- - 13.1v5. b ndageai_ lanalle, bt 061 0.11*5.1CY414 6 : pyrifas4.l. 7 , tides tot DI ninery . . 7 b4ok Boobt;k4 it 4, : ~ - , a1:14-gla if . . . =Zg= MRS. JOHN Dh'EW'S NEW ARCH. STREET THEATRE— tRCEI Street ab. , e. Rix*. Acting and Stage Ratingen::: ••WIL S PREDEONV. Badness Agent and Treeenrer. JOS. D. ROETRT. The Great Drainatk' J. W. WALLACE' _ .r L. DAVENPORT. "end MhS . FaESO .IS . TO-RIGHT, U&SD o,ot , 20. 1863. MACBETH. L. Davenport; Farren. Mr. A!b•oct. "" .. tNrr. Griffith. Miss "...lan' Carr. Craig. bletebAth Mackinff Lady' Kacatiff . Ranqurv..;;;, - .• Pirrt: Wltcb SPcond Wj±ch• Hecate neketa, 26, d 76 cents. No extra charge fdt eesaref nes ta at the Box Office. from JO A • .63..t0 3P. .M. i oal9 WALINTUT:STItEET. • • Lcaccc Mrs Al A_ GARRF.TTAN. 1.T43 (T.L'ESDAY),RVFNIN.O. Oct. 40.1863, ASPASTA. APpasfa' ' —. —.-. CIIf wilier dr Bury Matilda Ilrmik.-t. Marcola deVillair.... Mr. E G. Tiltort t M ViACWIlte de LoirP.... ...... ii . .. ... _ .... W L. B B a. ' 1 1: c 1:L 4 1 .4 1 Tti conclude with the aid. y o , o f _ _ _ GO n . D 1:01i. NonTiNG. . . B ox ogle,. (pen dany from 10 till a o'clock, when nmy fie Aecorad ocIP NEW CHESTNUT-ST. THEATBAC.— ienes Prd Afensurer Mr WM WHEATLEY. NIBS. LUCILLE WENTERN, In her great I mpers ,, nation of LADY THE ERRING. YETPENITENT WIFE, • Rae crested the inn 4 PRISE AND GENUINE , NENAATION; Which he. affected the public heart for years, her der li n pelf on of thepaesionate cc frcri n g nstn, which the the. racier illustrates, being sufficient of itself to stamp the absolute _ GREATNESS OF THE ARTISTE. ON MONDAY EVENING. October lath, at d until further notice, The great Penoational Play, entitled EAST LYNNE, Lady Mabel-- } MISS LUCILLE WESTERN, Madame Vine Supported by the entire Company, RECITATI NS, AND DECLAMA. Ns, by the Pnpils of Frionds • Gentml 8 , .th00l Lvetore o roxnEHT 'HALL, TUESD&Y EVE 51 , 4 Cr, 0... b.- 10th, 'I sa, Doors open at 7,14: to commence at 8. p-eltf to VC; Claloren 16c. lA-2e (IERIVI ANIA ORCHESTRA.- PUBLIC! NJ" EYHEARgALS .vor. SATTTRDAY. aX o'clock. P. M., at the MII,ICAL WIND HALL Elf ague tickets. 2.5 cents Packages of eix tickets. V_ To be had a AFILMIVS, 1104 CTIE•O NUT Street; S. E GO/DD, r EVEN TB and CHM NUT, and at the Hall door • . . . ocl2-3al TEMPLE OF WONDERS-ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH AND..CI3 ESTNUT EITREBTIL AritimeMent for Old and Yonng Mirth and HaPP I II, I 6I , open for the season. Constant change of Entertairimant. • SIGNOR' BLITZ. EVERY - FOTBNING; • commencing at 73d o'clock, ant Wednesday ant Saturday-at-S. consieting of liew tortes in flecremanoy, great success In Ventriloquial. and the Learned Canary Bird.. - Aidroiraloo %5 rents: Children 15 cents. PENNSYLVANIA ACADEPEY THE PIDTE ARTS, ... — 1625 CHESTNUT STREET. • OPEN 'D'A.ILY (Sundays excepted) from 9 Admission 95 cents. • Children half price. THE . TURF. z ... POINT BREEZE PAR *A K . TO-DAY (MONDAY). at 3P. AL . .Cii.lll3lll Reds, 3 in to Harness. D, Pifer, br. a. . SanaLang*in. ba. h. "Lancet." Adizatta tier - • - TIT ESD 94th inst.. at IP. M precisely. Premium $2OO - Mile Beate, .3 in 6, to Harness. S. Clark, b. b. "Dtichy." - M Goodin. b. b. "Point Breeze " John Turner. m. " May Qneen:" Admittance 4tIISDAY, 22d inet.,atl P . - M precisely. Premium s l—Mile Heats, 3in 5, to Harneea. JoYn Gilebril4, b. m. J.Wb.oler. b " john Henry " Jos Henley, b h. " Johnny." 7. Clerk, b. m. " Mountain Maid." Sam McLaughlin, b. m • Lady Thorne " • Admitiance 50 centi t ,t arm!,Torosr - , APii hasten. ante on tle promisee o . . SUFFOLK PARK ASBO- crAroY, B FOR THR IMZIT '''lo o— •-• OF TB%BID 0 ? HORSEPROVKMHR, The Fall M eeting over the Suffolk Pali( Course will commence on TORSO A.Y. Oct 20th, ea& continue four days. The following Premiums will be. offered: .... . _ • • . TUESDAY, Oct. 20—First Da.y. Great Match between ihrogsc<ck ani Trovatore Four mile beats for $2.000. 'AKE DiY. Continental Stakes—For Three Year Alile—Subqeriki tjon *2f 0, Forfeit *loo—Two Mile Heats. The Coati, nental Hotel pre,eatina the winner with a Purse of lOW PUTWI 1 J. S. Watson's b. c Capt. Moore, by imported Bal- Townie, mit of Jennie Bose 2 P. C. Busb's b. c. Ben Bruce, by Lexington, dam. by Altorf. P. J. W. Woldon's b. f Lizzie W.. by imported &r -attan. out of Priscilla. •. • . 4. R. P. Field'ii) f... Lettie Shannon, by Lexington. out of Sally Shannon. 5 Also, b. Lexington. out of Magdalene. SAMR DAN, Premium e2l3o—All Ages—Mile Heats. wEnts:ESDAN nut - Premium for All Ages. s6o6—Three Mile Heidi': TEITASDAY, Oct Preminut for. Three Year o , ds, s'llo—Mile Heats. sex E DAY, .Premium - for All Agee, $3OO- Mile Heate—Three in Five. LAST LAY, FRIDAY. Oct - 23, Handicap—All dges--Preminm ssoo—Four Miles. Fo horse can strrt for this Premium unless liavirnr started during the Meeting. The 3udges will handicap the horses at the termination of the third day's race . . Entrance money will not be required for this Pre mium, but those aho &sire to avail themselves of the privilege of starting must deposit .$2O with the Prez': Purer on the day previous to the race. If they s 'art the money will be returned: if not, the amt nnt will be for feited, and go to the second in the race. The Entrance Money will be five per cent. upon the Premiums each dam, and 2 , to the second horse The Premiums a ill be hung up each day at the Judges' The following weights must be carried: 3 year olde, 90 : 4 year, 104 lbs ; 5 year, 1141b5.; 6 year, 121 Ile. 7 and upwards. 126 The Rnles'hf the 11 enfo.cky Association, at Lexington, to severe the ejneeting in all other respects. Races to commence lIVD dimity: at hnlf past 2 o'clock_ Traine for the Perk leave Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore R. R Depot, corner Broad and Prime streeie, all 15 and 2 o'clock P. N., '2,2d return after the races are over PRICES_ OF ADMISSION Badges admitting a Gentleman and Ladies, gocid for the ,n•ii.e Meeting, $5; Tickets to the Race Field and Stand, $l. *sr lickels bought at the Depot admit to the Racist, and !secure pastake over the railroad to and from the Track Rennes AND Tracers for sale at the Continental Hotel. and Girard House ho Ladies admitted to the stand un less accompanied by Gentlemeri. The arraysef thoroughbreds in preparation for the ap proaching contests is without a parallel in the history of the American Turf Nearly fifty Horses are upon the ground, "Armed for the fight and ever for the fray.," comprising selections of the best stock of Louisiana. Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia. New York. New Jer sey, and the Capadas The Paterson Races, which pre cede those at Philadelphia.. will enhance the interest here by bringing fresh victors into the arena. • he Continental Stakes, which come off on the first day, bring together the best Three Year Olds that ever - figured in the North.ln short, it is hazarding but lit tle, in promising to lovers of the exciting sport and Se vere contests, the best - opportunity ever offered to the citizens of Penns) lvania. C. DUFFY, Treasurer and eee'v, CONTINENTAL HOTEL, PhDadelohla.. PROPOSALS. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, 19th October. 1869. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until THURSDAY, 22d in it.. at noon- for the delivor" , in this cite, on oi before theist November next, of ONE HUN DRED PAULINE , . 20 b.-20 feet, to be well made of 15-oz. Cotton Duck, army standard. . The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. By order- A. BOYD. oc`io.3t Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, ASSISTANT QUART-ERMASTER, NERAVS OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, 19th 9etqber. 7863 PRO 'ORALS will be received at this °dice rata THURSDAY, 22d instant. at noon, for the delivery in this City ot all the Stove-pipe required' for Hospi tal, and other purposes, until let of January next. To be of best quality American Sheet-iron. No. 24 wire gauge. Bidders will state the price per pound, includ ing such number of &bows as may be required. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. A. BOYD, Capt. and A Q. K O(VI - ICE OF ASSISTANT TRFAAISII ‘,' g? , 4 UNITED PATES, PHILADELPHIA, OctOber 19. 1933.. To save detention in redemption of COUPONS for interest doe NOVEMBER Est proz., holiitirs of twenty five or more may deposit the AMA tr MlMl:nate!: sr stsdkfter thellst inst. They should be enclosed, with their schedule,- in an envelotiv, endorsed with the hoider's name. This envelope rill be numbered, and a card of corresponding number issued to the holder, chitlins him to a check for the interest after 2P. M. on the 31st inst._ Blank echedules, with instructions, may be had at this office. ARCHIBA.LD MCINTYRE, Assistant Treasurer IT. S. S S IST AN T QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICR. ./"KlT4int.?ll:lA- Oct. 19. tea 2, 400 feet '?d e°rposit'onVoof Boards. 1. rif 0 feet Bra y.,1 Roo_fing 3, ER) feet Pbelvir e, Boards, White Pine. 1 leg Nails. 10d, . . _ The right is resei yed - i"G" Weer all bids deemed . 100 high. By o_rder, . , - A:. BOYD. ne9e-4t ' • - .. - esmfain a nd, A_ 4. M. . . LEGAL. TTNITED STATES, EASTEBN TRICT - rT PENNSYLVANIA. SOT.- THE PRERIDENT OF THE-lINITED WANES. TO THErMARFAT. OF THE .EASTERN DISTRICT, PENNSYLVANIA. - - GREETING: WHEREAS: The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and `duly proceeding on alibel, filed in the name.of the United States of America, bath decreed all persons in general who have, or pretend to have,- any right, title, or inte rest in the steamer SPAULDING whereof dapt. Samuel E. Dexter is.master, her tackle. apparel, and furniture and the goods` wares, r_mi , march accuse laden on beard thereof captuled by the United States steamer. Union. under command of Acting Volunteer Lientenaut Edward Conroy. to -be Monished, cited, and called "to kid (meat. at the time and 'place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter. expressed, (justice so: requiring.) You are _therefore charged, and strictly enjoined and commanded, that yon omit not, but that by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and pub lished in the city of. hiladelphia, and in the Legal In telligencer. yen dOmonish and cite: or cause to be mo nished and cited. peremptorily, All persona in general who have, or .pretend to 'have any right, title, or-inte rest in the said steamer SPAULD [NU, her tackle, ap parel, andfurnitnre, and the goods. wares, ' and merchan dise laden en board thereof to appear, befere the Hone 'able JOBN CAD wAL AMER, the Sage of the said Court. at the District Court Room, in the city of Phila delphia, on the twentieth day after publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or, else'on the next court day following, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and'there te - show, or allege, in due form of law, . a reasonable and lawful excuse. if any they have, why the said steamer SPAULDING. her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and mer chandise laden on board thereof, should not be pro nounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same. to the enemies of the United States, and, as goods of their enemies. or otherwise, liable and subject to condemna tion, to be adjudged' and condemned as good and lawful prizes: and further to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly inti mate, or cause to be intimated, unto , all persons aforesaid. generally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents' it is also intimated.) that if they shall not appear at' the time and place above mentions or appear and shall not show-a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary. then said District Court doth intend and will pnineed to ad j., dication on the said cantina, and may pronounce that the said steamer SPAULDING 'her tackle. apt are). and furniture, and the goods, warm. and merchandise laden on board thereof, did , belong, at the time of the capture Of the same, to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and ndenination, to be adjudged and condemned as law ful prize, the absence, orrather contumacy, of the persons so cited and intimated in anywise notwithatand and that von duly certify to the said District Coast what you shall do in the premises, together with these witec.e the Honorable -JOHN ,CADWALADER Jude_ of the said Court, at Phile delkihisi, this seventeenth of, eff OCTfiSalt, £ D. IS&3,- and iist the eights-" 4 "'"' yeas of the Independence of the said.l.lnited Gan- G. R. FOX, Clerk Dist- CORRECT . F - .. . r5 , 0 TUNING. orders for tininei F l —Mr. C. E. S 4.}l.falved at 116.50 N dr CO. Trz and repairing 'Pianos' a*.et, only. Btore; 907 CHEBTNWYears'f.ctorY experience In Mr S. bas bad .o.thployment In Philadelphia. • ~. t , D. ~, , ,a f i ve ..-os releathered to gonad as son an& .. new, without remauiztio. meet i PEcT-Ait Timing, $l. • - - •...E0 cent& oal%Smit
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers