CITY COUNCILS. The vomiter stated meeting of both branches of CORR CilS was held yesterday afternoon. SELECT BRANCH. President LTNI/ in the chair. Petitions and Communications. A communicatlon from the se - perintendent of the Ed& aburg Arsenal was read in regard to paying Bridge street, from Vtankfot d creek to the river Delaware. in the Twents•Bfih ward. Mr. iiatairms moved to take tip the bill, which was Agreed tc, and after much discriksion it was passed. Severe/ other minor communications were received, and referred to epprepriate committees. - - Rs-ports of Committees. no ofThe Committee ouißailroads reported in favor ofki action in regard to the bill referred tomhe relative to taking op the track in certain portions of the city railroad. Agreed to. The special committee to whom was referred a resolu tion relative to the grading of Green lane, at a cost not exceeding *VA 0, rr ported in favor of said resolution. The bill was discussed at lens th, and a motion made to refer it to the Committee on Highways, which was agreed to, , The Committee on Law reported that possession had. been obtained of Hart's lane, in the Second ward, for the erection of a 'Municipal Hospital, and asked to be dis charged from the further consideration of the subject. Agreed to. The same committee also reported in favor of changing the place of the eleotku inthe Scventh division of the - Fifth ward to the house of Patrick McCrosson, S. 11. cor ner Fifth and Prone streets. Agreed to. The place of election in the Seventh precinct of the Twenty.fourth ward was also changed to the 5, E corner of Thirty fourth street and Lancaster avenue. Mr. Kum presented a communication' from the secre tary of the Commission -for the erection of a Municipal Hospital; stating their intention to commence the work at once, according to the ordinance passed by Councils for the building of said institution. Referred. The Committee on Schools reported a resolution au thorizing an expenditure of SU IA for the payment of ad ditional school rent in the Twenty-fourth section. The same committee also reported an ordinance ao nroprie.ling the sum of MO for grading a road and bridge at the Forrest Grammar School, in the Twenty that ward. Passed, Gil and Coal Lands. Mr. Davis offered a preamble and resolution instruct ing the Mayor to withhold his signature from the le ISOR mum en ey taw parties in the Girard Goal Lands. until kquiry might be made as to the ability of said parties to fulfil their lefties. and whether any undue influences - were used to obtain such leases. , - Mr. GIN.NODO, chairman of the Committee on Girard Rotates, defended the committee from any connection with a matter of this kind Mr. BRIGHTLY said he had at first intended to vote for the resolution, but, as no direct charge of fraud bad hero wade. he would vete sgainrt it. If no charges are made, why should net these leases be confirmed? 'Those gen tlemen who a higher price, did not do so until after the bids bad been opened. They should have done so before, and not after the bids wore opened and the leases conferred. 1t is very easy for a disappointed pith , to come in after wards and offer an advance of ten per cent. over his former bid. . Mr. Mthragt said that if he were on that commitceele Would ask that this thing be examined. and that there be a special commit tee appointed to inquire into it, as an investigation would tilt ow light upon it. -- Mr. WWII Hutu. spoke at length in favor of the bill. On maim the resolution was linally_ . referred to a special committee of live for investigation. Purchase of the Delaware County Turn pike Road. Mr. Fermi:Pi offered an ordinance y tor the purchasing of a portion of the Delaware Count Turnpike for $9OO, in cash, and a transfer of twelve shares of the same ' stock now hold by the city. He said the part of the road alluded to extended from the Woodland Cemetery gate to Forty fourth street. Valuable property is in course of construction bare, and. unless the pur chased, the residents there will have to pay toll. The company will give up all the right they have if the city will purchase said portion of the road. The ordinance passed, and warrants were ordered to be drawn for the payment of said road. Mr. WrreERILI, called ma a resolutton,postponed since the 16th of June. providing for the extension of the Southwark Relined. on Delaware avenue. Passed. Mr. ARMSTRONG offered a resolution authorizing the Pennsylvania Railroad to fill in a slip north of Wash ington avenue, in the Delaware, for the purpose of ex tending the wharf. Referred to the Committee ou 'What yes and Landings. _ A bill to pay the police magistrates for ISO was re ferred to the Committee on Police. Mr. ARMSTRONG offered a resolution authorizing the Chief Commissioner of Highways to pave Bradford street, between Broad and Thirteenth streets. With drawn finally. A resoln:ion. was offered authorizing the payment of Mr. McN ichol extra compensation for the paving of two squares of the Girard Estate, on Delaware avenue, he being detained in his work by the city laying water pipe at the same place. It was reciimmitted, on motion of 'Mr. We herill, to the Committee on Girard Estate. A number of bile from Common Council were then read and concurred in. among which vas one authori zing the Mayor to extend the hospitalities of the city to the otlicers of the Russian fleet, now on a visit to _New York. Adjourned, COMMON BRANCH, President WlLsox Kana in the chair. A communication was received from F. Carroll Brew ster, City Sdicitor, announcing that Robert 11 Smith, late city contractor, had commenced a snit against the city% Various petitions were presented for gas-lamps, for the ' paving and repaving of streets, etc., which were read ,stnd referred to appropriate committees The Committee on Finance reported an ordinance an impriathog SICO to each of the Mayor's clerks for extra services. The ordinal ce was passed. . . . . . Mr. BApan, from he same committee, reported an or dinance appropriating i252,2Ze for the payment of the salaries of school - teachers . Ordered to 100 printed. Mr. HARPER offered a resolution that the Mayor be 'authorized to offer the hospitalities of the city to the offt cera of the Russian fleet now in the harbor of New York. Mr. CRESWELL moved to lay the resolution on the table. Not agreed to. The resolution was adopted, tic. Creswell alone voting in the negative. The bill to anthoriz- a loan for the further extension of the Water PPrwl• s. vcoo,ted by the Committee ori May last. wasthen taken np, and discussed at length, principally on the question of setting aside a large amount to supply the Twenty- second ward with - water. The bill was advocated by Mr F. W. Adams and Idr. Simpson, and combatted by Messrs. Harper land Creswell. Mr. 'HARPER moved to refer the bill back to the Water ing Committee. Not agreed to. • Mr. HARPER moved to amend by adding a proviso that no contract for work on the extension should be entered into before the 10th day of January. 1864. Lost—ayea, 12, noes 20. Mr: HARPER moved that the bill be advertised, accord ing to law. On this the ayes were 23, noes o—no qaorum voting. A call of the House was made. On agreeing to the second section of the bill, the vote stood ayes 28, noes 0. No quorum voting. the Chamber was declared adjourned. THE POLICE. [Before Mr. Alderman Battler.] Democratic Assessor Arrested William W. 'Keyser, the Democratic assessor of the Eleventh ward, was arraigned yesterday on the charge of misdemeanor in office in refosing to assess a soldier named Robert McAllister, who is legally qnalified to vote. The evidence adduced developed the following facts: Mr. McAllister resided in the rear of 712 St. John street for two years before enlisting in - the army; - two years ago he voted from his residence; be left ou August 4th, 1.991. and has been away ever since he was wounded in the battle of Gettysburg,. and was brought to the Military hospital at Broad and Chbrry streets on the 15th of last -July; be has been in the habit Of visiting his residence at intervals since his admission into the hospital: . be has received a twenty days' fur lough, and now lives at his home aforesaid; he has made three applications to be assessed, and the defendant re fused to assess him each time. Thomas Anderson, a citisen, testified that he knew Mr. Mc Allister, and used to see him bef we he joined the army. going to and from his work daily, and that he lived at the place above stated. The assessor. throush his counsel, Mr. Lewis C. Cas sidy, alleged that the prosecutor in the case does not live there; that his (prosecutor's) sister told him so. Wm. B. Mann, District Attorney, spewed for the Commonwealth. It being desired that the sister should be heard, the case went over until 9 o'clock this morn ing. The defendant - was held to bail in the sum of $5OO to appear at that time. -- Larceny Case Anna Maria Anderson, a mulatto woman, with a cut or scar on ber upper lip, was arrested - by Detective Levy 'yesterday afternoon, on the charge of the larceny -of quite a number of artielea, such ae drefses and dress patterns. the property of Miss Dorsey, residing at 615 Clifton street. A silver cup was also stolen. The goods were recovered by Mr. Levy. The %permed has already carved a term of eighteen months !ft the county prison for stealing.- A. number of robberies have been com mitted of dd, by 600 her recently. She was sent to prison in de fault - [Before Mr. Aldtarman Moore. Disorderly }louses. Two women, one 61 years of age and the other 51, were arraigned yesterday on the charge of keeping disorderly .1) owes on Murray street. above Twentieth. Sixteen dissolute POT6OIIS. of both sexes, were found in the houses. The whole party were committed to prison. [Before Mr. Commissioner Smith. ) Demerter Reimed. A couple of young men, named John and Wm: Ban busheimer, w 11 have a final hearing today. on the charge of rescuing D. F. Sambusheimer. an alleged de serter from the 109th 'Regiment P. V. The =prisoner had been arrested by a civil olllevr. It is alleged that the de 'fendants. assisted by their mother, beat the caner and rescued the prisoner. bone to Saxony. Frotog Mueller. - who was arrested some time 'since under peculiar circumstances. and who was afterwards 'charged with fraudulent bankruptcy, forgery, Ste, as having been committed in Saxony. was taken to New York last evening, by Detective Edward Carlin, who will accompany him to Hamburg. and thence to Dres den. The prisoner and hie present keeper wilt take passage at noon today, on board the steamer Bavaria, - which starts from New York. This is the first case under the extradition treaty, that the United States courts in tide district have ever bad brought before them. The transportation of Mae alleged criminal after a long and labored defence of eminent lawyers before the United States.cetut, will have a tendency to relieve the minds of all on :the other side of the Atlantic, from the many misstatements as to the horrible condition this country is in. because of the war. Police Statistics. . The arrests roads by the police force of Philadelphia, , during the mouth of September. foot up as follows: .District. District. ...... 12th.... 13th... 11th.. 15th., Nth: 4th 6th . 432 • 141 ..... 175 185 191 207 7th 2th 10th 11th LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. flourt of Common Pleas—Judges Thompson and Allison. ICE HXVIA. AS9EBSMENT - PBINSYLVASIA• SOLDIEM CAN An opinion from the Court was solicited yesterday on the POl9O/13 and duties of the assessors of the several wards, now sitting for extra assessment. The Court, after listening t., the application, and the various questiocs raised, said that the assessors were obliged to exercise a sound discretion as to the qualifica tions of a person claiming to be assoutd ; that a soldier was not disqualified from being assessed and did not lose hie citizenship by becoming a soldier, but retained his residence in the election district from which he enlisted; that being an inmate of a hospital or a calnp did not dis qualify him, provided at the time of his enlistment his residence was in this city that there, was a difference between enlisted soldiers; and surgeons' officers and nurses, 'and other employees of hospitals, as the latter had gone into these establishments 'voluntarily, and could resign or leave at pleasure, and thisextra assess ment did not of itself qualify a voter—it is only one of the requisites to a qualification for voting. Court of Oyer 'and Tenrriluer and Quarter SeShlollllll — Judge Ludlow. CONCLUEI(ON OF THE. AUGUST TES2i. -- - • . The August term of the court was concluded yesterday. and the jurors Were discharged, and the court adjourned until Saturday. Judge Ludlow addressed the jury. before discharging them, saying that, during the term just expired, the court and jury had tried cases of almost every grade of !lance known to the law. They were as follows: Assault and batterY, 108; lar ceny. 43; burglary, 2; nuisance. 7; robbery; 1; passing counterfeit money, 3; indecent exposure, 1; riot and as sault and battery, 1; receiving stolen goods; 3; perj ary. 1.; furious driving, 1; reread,. dog, ; arson, 1; mur der 2; adultery, 'l. Total, 170. Th e indictments, charging assault and battery really disposed At, would reach altogether probably 200; but, in many cases. two. and sometimes three bills, growing out of the same dilliculties, were tried together; on the above enumeration, they are counted as one case. The term lasted forty two days.. PHILADELPHIA - BOARD OF TRADE. ALGERNON S. RO BEETS. } JOHN R. PENROSE; COMMITTEE Or THE MONTH JSAAC S. WATERMAN. LETTER BAGS AT THE MERCHANTS' BXOSANGE, PHILADBLPHIA, Shipp Baranak, Rowland Liverpool, soon Mark Ann Elizabeth, Norgrave Barbadoes; Oct 3 Brig Ella Reed, Jarman......, Havana, soon Eris Keoka, Burns St Domingo City. soon Bohr St Lawrence, Kinch Port Spain, goon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 2, 1863. SUN- RISES.... HIGH WATER 612 I SUN BETS.. ..`. OSteaniship AR hland; (U 8 transport) Ealing, from Point Lookout, via Port Dela,ware, in ballast to U S Quarter master. 29th ult, Chincoteague Light NW. Lye milos distant,' spoke steamer Kate Dale, hence for Ne Or leans; Jaw a number of vessels in' the bay bountl-up.. The A Is coaling, and will proceed to Chestor to receive a number of prisoners:to be conveyed to Point Lookout to be exchanged. Bark Thomas Dallett, (Br) Duncan, 19 days from La anayra, with coffoe,..entto,n, So, to Dallett & Son. Brig Barmah, Sherufaidays from St John, NB, with laths to Brig Mary B Mitrihrtne rtoltofrOmPort Royal, in bal last to captain. 4 Brig 111 Horton, (Br) Card,.o days from Halifax, mil th mdeo to E A Bonder a Co: -. • 7 ° Brig H C Bazley, Pavan, from Turlalsiand, , with salt , to Wm Bimini & lion—vessel to JE Baxley dr Co, Brig Matilda, Lunt, 12 days from St John 'Hilt' with)? lathe Gaskill & Calvin—vessel to EA Bo Echr. Hiawatha , Disney, 6 days fro9,with guise to Ono B . Behr Star, Baker, G days (rout zrovidegoe:. With mdse to Aroivell & CoPus. Bcbr Joseph Turner, Crowell, S days from Gloucester, Mass, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. Scbr Summit, Freeman, 5 days from Wel!fleet, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. Scbr Horace Staples, Gibbs, 3 days from New Bedford, in ballast to captain. Schr Julia Maria, Eaton, 4 ,Inys from Nowburyport, with mdse to Geo B Kerfoot. Fehr G W Lewis. Masson. sdays from Proyincetown, with mdse to Geo B Kerfoot. Sehr FJ3 - ing Dragon, Daniels, 5 daye from Weildeet, with mdse to Geo B Kerfoot. Schr Red Jacket. Packard, 12 days from Bangor, with lumber to Gaskiii.& Go yin. Schr Sim Somers, Somers, from Port Royal, in ballast to captain. Sehr Vandalia, Cooper, 1 day from Smyrna' Del. with wheat to Jae Barratt & Son. Behr Mantua, Maxon, 1 day from Frederica, Del; with. oats to Jas Barratt & Boa, Sehr Lucy, Spence, I day from Brandywine, Del, with dour to 11 )1 Lea, Steamer Bristol, Charles. 24 hours from N York, with mdse to W P Clyde. Steamer Jos Hall, Hall, 4 days from New York, with mit to Win Bumin & Son. - 123 30 23 43 94 ,9 to 27 Z 3 Harbor Chestnut Hi 11.... Park Reserve Total ......... 3,195 • CLEARED. Schr E J Scott. Willets,Nerwich, Blakiston; Graff & Co. Schr Reitless, Vanzaut. Boston. -do Schr C A Heekscher, Stul•bs, Boston, Mil nes & Co. Fehr D Floyd. Hackett, New London. E A Qui ['lard Schr A Corder! ,Doughty,Boeton, C A Heckscher & Co. Schr Frolic. Kenned y. Rockland. Si nnickson & Glover.. Echr Jelin Itice, Nickerson. Boston, Hammett, Van SchrParait. Clark. Boston, Bancroft. Lewis & Co. Fehr Bttelah, Hanson, Providence, Cashier, Stickney & Wellington. Schr Williams, Golding. ttayeriport. J C Boyce & Co. Schr Wm Peters. Smith. Anoapolis.Tyler. Stone &C o. Schr Effort. Doughty, Fortress Monroe. do Schr Problem, Tyler, Washington, Penn Gas Coal Co. Schr Joseph Turner, Crowell, Boston, - Noble, Caldwell & Co. - Schr Geo Twibill, Miller, Washington. • do Fehr S A Hammond, Paine, Chelsea. B P. Sawyer& Co. Schr Maria Fleming. Shaw. - New Haven, It H Powell. Str H L Ottor, Her. Baltimore. A (troves, Jr: Mr New York, Fultz. New York, W P Clyde. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES. Del. Sept. 29. Ship Harpswell, for Montevideo; one brig, one schr, and the II S ship Saratoga, are the only vessels at the Breakwater this afternoon. Yours, As, AARON MARSHALL (Correspondence of The Press.) . HAVRE DE GRACE. Sept 30. The steamer Wyoming left here this morning with the following boats In tow. laden and consigned as follows; Conrow dr Baker and Thos liicriurdY & Co, with Inns her to Patterson & Lippincott; B B Campbell, do do Dol by t Sarah Jane, do to °rumor' & Son; M Gibbs, do to R. Wolverton; Carondolet, iron to Cooper's Creek. MEMORANDA . . Brig 0 W Barter, Gilchrist, hence for Boston, was spoken .9th nit, 25 miles south of Barnegat Brig J Means, Wells, hence, at Boston 30th ult. Scbr Chas A Greiner, Young, hence, at Bator's Land ing 2Sth nit .!.:chr Ida P Wheeler, Drer, hence for Portland, was spoken 29th nit, 25 miles south of Barnegat. MARINE LOSSES FOR SEPTEMBER The marine 100805 for September ehow_an aggregate of twenty. nine vessels. Of this number six were ships. two were barks, six were brigs, and fifteen were schrs. Of the. above two were captor ed and destroyed, three were abandoned at sea. three foundered, and one is miss ing, supposed to be lost. The total valve of the property lost. destroyed, and missing, is estimated at seven hun dred and sixty thousand Ave hundred dollars. NOTICE TO MARINERS. The annexed letter shows that the Frying Pan Shoals light-vessel has been restored to her proper station, - GEO. W. BLUNT. Treasury Department, Office Lighthouse Board. Washington City, Sept. 26,1863- Sir: In reply to your letter of Sept 23. f inform you that the Frying Pan Shoals light-vessel, - placed erroneously in the first instance, has since, by the kindness of the Navy Department, been restored by Admiral Leo to her proper station. Very respectfully, W. B. SHUBRICK, Chairman. ' Geo W. Blunt, Esq.. Neuvrork City. COPARTNERSHIPS. PHILADELPHIA., SEPT. 30,1663 The Firm of LOWBER St WILMER is this day dis • solved by the withdrawal of JOHN R. WILMER. W M. T. LOWBER. JOHN R. WILMER, F. W. RALSTON. PHILADELPHIA, October 1, 1863. WILLIdbI T LOWBER and FRANCIS W. RALSTON will continue the business of the late Firm of Lo wber Wilmer, under the name of ccl St* LOWRER & RALSTON. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-THE undersigned members of the late firm of Smith, Williams, & Co., bare this day entered into copartner ship under the name and style of H. P. & W. P. SMITH. -for the transaction of the Dry Goods Cor . nmission busi ness at No. MMI. CHESTNUT Street / HENRY P. SMITH, WM. P. SMITH, Jr. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 15t,1863. se7-1m EDUCATIONAL. DL. CARPENTER, TEACHER OF • DANCING, 62 ARCH Street. Call at his ROOMS. Daily and every Evening. SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YODNG NFN AND BOYS, corner of SMITH and BUTTONWOOD Streets. Reopened Monday, September 7th. se29-r2t CHESTER. FEMALE SEMINARY.- Thie Institution offers superior advantages to those who wish a thorough and systematic education. Fall term opens Sept. lst. Pupils received at any time during the session. For circulars, address the Principals, - -F. 0 GM - RP:KT. 11IIS4 M. E. BOSWORTH. se29- CHESTER. Delaware county, Pa. ELOCUTION TAUGHT TO ANY AP PLICANTS. by Professor PHILIP LAWRENCE, THIRTY-NINTH and MARKET Streets, in the Institute of Rev E. D. gaundsrs, D. D. se7B.6c* TENNENT SCHOOL" FOR BOYS, -a- FIARTSVILLE, Bricks county. Fa. The next Heston will, open on WEDNESDAY, tif ov. 4, to continue five months. Reference may be made to Rev. Albert Barnes. tnoP M. LONG, Principal. THE MISSES CHAPMAN'S BO.A.BD ING AND DAY SCHOOL- FOR YOUNG LADIES will reopen SEPT. L Circulars maybe obtained of Mr- RILL, 304 Walnut at.; of Dieser& LINDSAY & BLACK. ESTOP .25 South Sixth at., or by application to the Prix. cipale at Holmealrazu Pa.. iyl3 mwf&W, THE MISSES ROGERS', ENGLISH -a- AND FRENCH BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL for Young Ladies will reopen TUESDAY. September Ist, at 350 South FIFTEENTH Street. att26-wfmlBt PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN STITUTE FOR YOUNG L ADIES. 1530 ARCH St. Rev. C. A. Smith. D. D. 14v. C smith, A. di . Asso ciate Principals. Boarding and day scholars. selS-Ims MIE3EI v O. A .' BURGIN WILL REOPEN ."- 1 - her SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. No. lon WALNUT St., SEPTEMBER 14, 1863. an2s-3at. YOUNG LADIES' SCHOOL,' AND CLASSES FOR HOME STUDY, No. 903 CLINTON Street. Established by Prof. 0. D. Caavar.Arm in 1834. Fall Term cola/maces Septernber.l4- • azi24-2m PLINY- S. CHASE. BELLEVUE- FEMALE INSTITUTE. A BOARDING-SCHOOL FOE GIRLS. This Institution is located. in the northern limits of AT TM BOROUGH, Middletown township, Bucks. county Penn'a, —a rural district, unsurpassed for beauty and healthfulness. The Fall and. Winter term will ()Pen TENTH MONTH let, 1863, and continue in session 28 weeks. The course of instruction is thorough and complete in all the elementary and higher branches of an ENGLISH, CLASSICAL, and. MATHEMATICAL education. For terms and. other particulars see circnlar, which mar be had on application to the Principals, ATTLEI3O - Post °Mee, Penn'a, or from 5, PARRISH. cor ner of EIGHTH and ARCH Streets, Philadelphia. mum, J. GRAHAMS, se2•Tm JAN P. GRAHAME, Principals. - MR. WIN T R 0 P TAPPAN'S AJ-a- School for Young Ladies removed. to 1939 CESSTNIPT Street, re-opens Sept. nleth. se9-1m VENTRAL INSTITUTE, N. W. Iv corner TENTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets. will REOPEN" SEPTEMBER Ist. Boys prepared for any Di- vision of the Public Grammar Schools. for College, or for Business, rau24-2n1 5 1 H. G. Neel/IRS, A. M. Prin. MADAME MASSE AND M'LLE MO BIN will reopen their VERNON AND ENGLISH BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOEYOUNO LADIES( 13491 SPRUCE Street, on the 14th of SE fIEMBER. For circulars or other particulars apply at the above number. , au24-2m VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY-A SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL, NEAR MEDIA, PA.—Thorough course in Mathemaics, Claselos„ Eng lish Branches, Natural Sciences. & c . Military Tactics taught. Classes in Book-keeping, Surveying, and Civil Engineering. Pupils taken of all ages. School opens September LA Boarding, per week, $2.26. Tuition, per quarter, $6.- For catalogues, or infonnation,.. address' - - BAT. J. HERVEY BARTON, 13 , 24-3 m VILLAGE OREEN,tPs... THE MISSES CASEY & AIRS. BEEBE'S -m- French and Nnglish Boarding and Day-Schdol, No. 1703 WALNUT street, will reopen on WEDNBSDAT, Sentemlberl6. - ang7-1m OXFORD FEMALE SEMINARY, OX.. FORD, Cbester county. Pa., will begin its next session OCTOBER 21. For circulars address Miss BA RER, Principal. . sed-lm SELECT FAMILY SCHOOL FOR os--' BOYS, AT CLAYMONT. Delaware. The Winter Term will open SEPTEMBER 9. aeB-Im* Rev. JOHN B. CLEMSON,R:D., Rooter. PHILADELPHIA PROFESSIONAL INSTITIITS, S. E. corner of THIRTSENTH and CRESTS tiT Streets, is now open, with a complete GYM • NASIUM for the exclusive use of the prmils- Call and see its peculiar modes of instruction and. its advantages. Send for circulars. seS-tf L 'NEWTON PBIECB. Princi • GEORGE R BA.RTCRR'S FNGLISH and CLASSICAL SCHOOL. PRICE Street. Ger mantown. The Tenth Academic .lear, will open on MONDAY. September 7th, 1863. se6-1m ( - ILA SS I CAL INSTITUTE, DEAN • Street. above Epruce.—The duties of the Classical Institute Will be resumed SEPTEMBER 7th. att27-200 , J. W. FAMES, D. 8., Principal, MISS M. W. HOWES' YOUNG LA DIES' BOARDING and DAY. SCHOOL, No. 4525 CHESTNUT Street. will reopen WEDNESDAY. 9th September. se3-Im S. B. BLANCHARD'S SCHOOL MR ."-a- for MISSES and young LADIES, at No. %S South EIGHTEENTH Street, will reopen September 14. _ Cir culars can be had on application. se7-usto COTTAGE- SEML.'sTARY FOR YOUNG. '—' LADIES. —This pleasant and thorough School is accessible by Reading . Railroad, and within less than two hours' ride of Philadelphia. The next session will open the FIRST TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER. For Circulars. and particulars, address the Principal. REV. R: CRIIIKSBANK. POTTSTOWN, Montgomery County, Penni. NORMAL MUSICAL INSTITUTE.-- No. 644 NoriILELEVENTH.Straer. • sel9-Im' JOHN BOWER, Principal. aLENWO OD MATHEMATIOAL AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL, DELAWARE WATER GAP. _ The above institution will reopen on SECOND-DAY (Monday), the 22d of the NINTH MONTH (September). For Particulars apPly, to NSAMUEL ALSOP; PrinciPal, eel-2m Delaware Water Gap, Monroe county. Pa. MISS BROOKS AND MRS. J. R:HALL will re-open their Boarding and Day School, for BripTEMBER Young Ladies, at 1,2118 WA-UM Street, on tile 14th of auSl-2m urnALLA3sti FEWSMITH'S CLASSI, • Ir‘ CAL' AND ENGLISH SCHOOL, No. 1008 CHESTNUT Street. The Fall Term will commence SEPTEMBER 7. se4-Im. MISS .BLIZA W. SMITII.S.,SCHOOL FOR'YOIING LADIES; No. 1210 SPRUCE street, Will be reopened on Monday, SEPTEMBER 14 The coarse embracee the elementary and hisherbrauches of a thorough Englieh `education, with French, German, Kuala, Drawing, sel-2m* PENNSYLVANIA:' MILITARY ACA DEMY. AT WEST CHESTER. (For Boarders only. ) The duties of this Academy will be resumed on THURS DAY. September 3d. The .following gentlemen compose the Board of Trustees Don. JAMBS POLLOCK, President. Capt. N.i M. APPLE. Vice President. W. E. BARBER. BK.. Secretary. . JAMES H.. ORBS, Eaq. Treasurer. Rev. Thos Newton, D. D., James L. Claghorn, Rev. , Thos. Brainerd, D. D., Charles B. Dungan, Hon Oswald Thompson. Geo. P. Russell. lion. Chas. O'Neill, ' Wm. L. Srings. Hon": John Hickman, ' Geo. L. F a rre l.' Rom W. B. Lehman, • Addison May, Col? Wm . Bell.Waddell, T. B. Peterson, Jas. B. Townsend, Theodore Hyatt. The advantages afforded for the acquirement of it tho. l rough Military_ education are second only to those og West /Point. The • Academie Staff is composed of the. roughly ;competent instructors. The Educational , De. rartment embraces - Primary, Collegiate, and Scientific courses.'c'The , Mathematioal and Military Department is miiderthe - charge of a Graduate of the United, States Military Academy of the five years' coarse. Carefulattention is paid to the moral 'instruction of the cadets: a Circulars may be had of JAMES H. ORNE. Esq.,No EMS CHESTNUT Street. Philadelipla, or of, West Cheater. a. I,M:O_IIGA N. 13 R, & 00., STEAM-, '-rLT-P , '",SSMNFIIIIILDERS, Iron Founders. and general I 4tiallniateandrßolleillaketia,Dlo.'lll.o CALLOWHILLi c.Staet: EH td4a,X c a."'" • • febytir SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF ,••-, sundry writs of Leviarl Facies, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October G, 1863, at 4 o'clock. at Sansomotreet Hall, • All that lot of ground situated on the southwest corner of Wellington and Caul streets, in the Nineteenth ward Of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth eighty-three feet six inches. and extending in. length or de_pth two hundred and sixty-seven feet. P. 6.—This writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained ill the case of the City of Philadelphia re. Joseph S. Li rd. owner or reputed owner, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, of Jane term, 1863, No. 100, for taxes. CC. 'P., 25: Sept. T.. '63. Debt. 833.23. F. M. Adams.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the properly of Joreph S. Lord. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Sept. 24.1863. se2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY. VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies. to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or- vendue, ou MONDAY Evening, October 3. 1363. at 4 o'clock, a t Sansom-street Hall. All that lot of ground situated on the southwest-cor ner of Caul andsClearfield streets, in the Nineteenth. weed of the - city of Philadelphia: containing in front or breadth two hundred and ninety five feet, and ex tending in length or eolith. one hundred and eixty-five P. S.—The writ by virtue of which the above proper ty will be sold has been issued on a judgment obtained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. Joseph S. Lord, owner or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of June Term, 1863, No. 101. for taxes against said property. CC. P.. 126: S. T.'63. F. M. Ada,ms..l Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Joseph S. Lord. JOllll THOMPSOI3, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Sept. 24. 1803. se26-31 SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Facies, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, October D. 1863, at 4 o'clock at Sausom-street Hall. All that lot of ground situated on the west side of Front street. in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Pmladelphlat „Jot commencing at the distance of two hundred and six ty-six feet south of . Huntingdon street. ninety feet front on Front street, by one hundred and nine feet deep to Hope street. P. S.—This writ has been issued 'on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. E. Atkins, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, of. March term. 1663, 294. for taxes against said property. CC. P., S. T. '63. Debt. $90.92. FM. Adams.] Taken in execution and to be sold as The property of E. Aikin, owner, or reputed owner JOHN THObIPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Sept-24,1563. se2s--3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 5. 1563, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that lot of ground situate on the west side of Han - cock street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Phila d,lphia; commencing at the distance of three hundred and four feet south of Huntingdon, one hundred and forty-two feet by one hundred and nine feet. P. $ .Thi.e writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. C. A. Vette, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Common" Pleas of Philadelphia, of March Term, lliCat, No. 296, for taxes against said property. , 2.9 Sept. T.,'63. Debt, $l6O 14. F. M. Adam% ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of N. A. Pulte JOHN THOMPSON . , Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Sept. 24, 1863. ae2s-3t SHERIFF'S - SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari. Facies. to me directed, will. be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Octobdr 5. ISO. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that lot of ground situated on the southeast corner of Sixteenth and Swain streets, in the Fifteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front thirty-six feet, and in depth fifty-seven feet. P. b. —This writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. E. A. Marshall, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, of March Term, 1863, No. 297. for taxes against said property. CC. 1".. 30: Sept. T., - '63. Debt NM 86. F. K Adams.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the _property of E. A. Marshall. SORE THOMPSON, Sneriff, Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept 24, 1863. se2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to - public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 5,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. . . All that lot ofamend aisuated on the south aide of Swain street, in the Fifteenth ward of the city of Phi h. delphia . commencing at the distance of one hundred and nine feet eight inches west of Sixteenth street—one hundred and seventy by eighty-two. P. s. —This writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. W. A. Reed, owner or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of March term, 1563, No. 229, for taxes against said property. [C. P. , 31; Seot. T., '63. Debt, $62 93. F. af. Adams 1 Taken in:execution and to be sold as the property of W. A. Reed. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Mee, Sept. 24, 1663. se2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.--BY VIRTUE OF a wr it o f Lagari Facies, to - me directed, will be exposed to public sole or s-endue, on MONDAY Even ing, October 5.1563. at o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that lot of ground situate on the south side of Me lon street, in tr. e Fourteenth ward of the city of Phila delphia, commencing at the distance of fifty feet west of Bankson street, seventeen feet by sixty ; feet. P. S.—This writ has been issued on a j udgment obtain. ed in the case of the City of Philadelphia 'vs. C. Ritten house, owner. or reputed owner, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia of March term, 1363, No. 303, , for taxes against said property. -CC. P., 32; Sept. T, !63.-Debt $34 08. F. M. Adams. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of C. Rittenhouse. JOHN THOMPSO N, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Sept. 25. 1563. se2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A KJ writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public Bale or vendee. oil MONDAY Evening, October 5, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansone street Hall. All those two lots of ground situated on the south easterly side of Weavermill road, or Shoemaker's lane. in the Twenty-second ward of the city of Philadelphia. that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the southeasterly side of Weavermill road, or. Shoe maker's lane, beginning at the northeasterly corner of the Bristol township line road and a thirty-feet-wide street extending from Danenhower's mill road to the Bristol township line road: containing in breadth-to gether, on the said Weavermill road, or Shoemaker's lane; 'three hundred and twenty feet, - and extending from thence in length or depth southeasterly, at right angles with the said Weavermill road, two hundred and thirty-two feet. • No. 2 Situate on the southeasterlY side of said Weaver mill road, or Shoemaker's lane, at the distance of eight hundred and ninety-nine feet northeasterly from the said. Weavermill'road and Danenhowers mill road: contain ing in breadth - on said. Wes vermill road-forty feet, and extending that breadth= said Weave rmill road in length or depth two hundred and thirty-two feet. P. S —Thie writ has been issued on aj lodgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs J. Simp son, owner, or reputed owner, in the Gout of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of March term, 1863. No. 336..f0r taxes against said property. [C. P.. 33; S. -T., '63 Debt, $36.13 F. H. Adams.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of J. Simpson. MEIN THOSIPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept, 24, 1863. Bell-St SHERIFF'S SALE.—jiY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies. to me directed, will be ex -Posed to public sale or vendue..en MONDAY Evening, October 5, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that lot of ground and the three-story brick dwel ling house thereon erected, situate on the south side of Melon street. in the Thirteenth ward of the eaidtity, beginning at the distance of sixteen feet six inches east from Preston or Stiner street; containing in front- or breadth sixteen feet,- and extending in length or depth sixty -two feet. : P. S.—This writ . has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia ye. Heaton Walton, ow ner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Com- - mon Pleas ,of Philadelphia, June term; 1663, No. 28, for CC. P.. 35: S. T.. '433. DebL $35.51. F. M. Adams. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of „Beaton Walton. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff, Philadelphia, Sheriff's - Office. Sept. 24, 1863. . se2s-3t- - SHERIFFS SALE.—BY IVIRTU - EvOF l's." a writ of Levan Facias, to me directed, will be ex- Posed to public sale or vendee. on MONDAY Evening, October 5, 1863, at 4 o'clock. at Saneom-street Hall. All that lot of ground, and three-story brick dwelling thereon erected, situate on the south side of Melon street, in the Thirteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia, be ginning at the distance of thirty-three feet east 'of Preston or Stiner street; containing in front or breadth. sixteen feet, and extending in lengtn or .depth sixty- two feet. "" , t. - P. S.—This writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained in tne case of The City of Philadelphia vs. Heaton Walton, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, of Jule term;No. 1553, 29, cc. p., 36; Sept. T., '63. Debt $35.51. F. M. Adams.] I Taken in execution and to be sold as theproperty.of Er aton Walton. JOHN THOMPSOI4, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 24, 1663. se2s-31 SIiERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE -OP a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ex= posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 5. 1563, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that lot of ground, and the two•story brick dwel ling thereon erected, No 781, situate at the northeast • corner of Bonneville place and Russell street, in the Fourth ward of the city. of Philadelpniat.contaming in. front or breadth thirty-two feet, and extending in length. or depth eLety-six feet. ' P. S.—This writ has been issued 'onset...judgment ob tained in the °ate of the City of Philadelphia vs Daniel Morgan. owner, or repu - ed us. net, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, ofJnne term, 1863, No. 31, for, taxes. IC. P., 37; S. T.. '63. Debt, $22 02. F. M. Adams.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the nroperty of Daniel Morgan. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Sept. 21,1863. se2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF" a writ of Levari Facias. to Me directed, will be ex posed to,public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening, - October a, 150, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that lot of ground. and one story brick factory thereon erected, Noe. 1036 and 33. situate on the north west corner of Canal and Front streets, in the Sixteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth forty feet, and extending in length or depth one hundred and ten feet, to Hope street. P. S.—This writ has been issued on a judgment 'ob tained in the case of the City of P.iladelphia vs. James Porteus,owner, or reputed owner. int he Court on Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, of June term, 1563, No. 32, for taxes. IC. P., SS; S. T..'63. Debt. $4l 23. F. 3L Adams.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of amea Portals. JOHN THOBOSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, Sept. 24, 1E63. se2s-3t HERIFF'S SALE.—BY. VIRTUE OF a .writ, of Lev - ari 'Feels.% to me directed, will be exooned to public sate or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, October 5, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that lot of ground situated on the west side of Front sliest, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Phila delphia, commencing at =the distance of - ninety-eight feet north from -the north side of Cumberland street; containing in front or breadth on said Front street ninety feet, and extending in length or depth one hundred and ten feet to Hope street. P. S.—This writ has been lamed on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of -Philadelphia vs. David - Aikens, owner. or reputed owner, in - the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, of. June term. 1863, ,No.- 27. CC. P., 42; 8. T., '63. Debt $26.44. F. H. Adams.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the-property of David Aikens. JOHN THOMPBON, Sheriff. - Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 24,1863. se2s-3t sHERIFF'S'SALE.BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levee Facias, to me dixected, - will be ex posed ' to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, October 6, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the southeast corner of Allegheny avenue and kliller street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of - Philadelphia;' containing in front or breadth-on:said - Allegheny. avenue, sixty feet, and ex tending in length or depth along said Miller street one hundred and ninety-one feet. P. k.—This writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City , of Philadelphia va. Joshua. Bethel, owner, or reputed Owner, in the Court of Com mon Pleas 01 Philadelphia, of Jane term, 1863, No. 74, CC. P.. 43; Belt '63. Debt, $43.76. F. M. Adams. Taken in execution and-to be sold as the property of Joshua Bethel. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. laPhiladelphia, Sheriff's Office, kept. 24-1863. 84325-3 t SHERIFF'S SALE.-R,Y VIRTUE OF , a writ of Levari Facies, to lie directed, will be es:- posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 5, 1963, at 4 o'clock.utSansom-street All that lot of ground situate on the north side of rid :pBt street, in the Thirteenth ward of, the city of Phila delphia, be at the distance' of seventy-two feet west from the wee: side of Eighth street; containing in front or breadth'iliteen feet, and extending in length or depth fifty feet I'. 8. This writ has been issued' on' ujudgment obe tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. Moore & McFadden, owners, or reputed owners, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of June term, 183, No. EC. P. , 44; Sept. T., '63. Debt, $17.38. F. M. Adams.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Moore & McFadden TORN ,Tifo MPSO:N , Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 24,1863. se2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY 'VIRTUE OF writ of Levan Facial,. to me directed,. will be ,exposed to public sale or .vendue, on MOPIDAY E've '.ning, October 6,1863. at 4 o'clock, at Sausom-street All that lot of ground situate on the north side of DO , POt street. in „the Thirteenth ward of the city of Philadel phia, beginning at the distance of fifty-seven feet west from Eighth street, containing in front or breadth fifteen feet, and extending in length or. depth fiftzleet. P. S.—This writ .has been issued:on a j adgmertt Ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia ye. Moore A; McFadden, owners. or reputed owners, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of June term, 1863; No. S 7, for taxes. CC.P.46; S. T., ° ,63: Debt. $17,38 F. If.' Adams.) -- Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Moore & McFadden. SOEIN.TROMPSOPT; Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 21, 1863. 5e25.3t SHERIFF'S SALE.BY -VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Pacing, to me directed. will be exposed to Public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 5. 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All the t block of; ground, bounded bYTorpin, Lam: bert. Ontario, and Wensely streets, in the Nineteenth , 'ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in-front:'or 'breadth on Torpin and Lambert streets three hundred and twenty one feet, and on Ontario and Wensely streets one hundred and forty feet; " P.. —This writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City:of Philadelphia vs. John S. Griffith, owner. or reputed owner, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of PhiladelPhia, of -.Tune term,- ISO; N0.r98, for taxes. (0. P., 46: S. T. ,'63 Debt. $32.80. F. M. Aden:F..ll Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John J. Griffith., - JOHN' THOMPSON, Sheriff..:, Philadelphia, Sheriff's Wane. Sept. 24, 1863. se2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.--BY VIRtIIE -OF, .9-writ of Lent' 'Facias, to autdirootod, will bo ex THE PRESS.-PHILADELPIRA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1863. posed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening. Octobers, 1863. all o'clock. at Saneom-street Hall. AU that lot of ground situate on the west side of Twen ty-firs[ slreet.Nn the Tenth ward of the city of Philadel phia, beginning at the - distance of twenty feet live and a half inches north from Race street; containing in front or breadth twenty-four feet fonr and a half inches. and extending in length or depth ono hundred and eighty eight feet. P. S.—This writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. George Hobson, owner. or reuted owner. in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, Gf Juno term, 1863. No. 99. for taxes.. . . • . CC. P., 47; S. T.,'63. Debt. *32.19. F. IL Adams.] Taken in execution and to bo sold 'as the property of George Dobson.- JOHN THOMPSON , Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Sept. 24, 1863. se2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MOND A.Y Evening, October 6,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sammie-street Ball, All that lot of ground, and the three-stbry brick dwelling thereon erected, No. 1933, situate on the south side of Cambridge street, in the Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia, beginning at the distance of ono hundred' and seventeen teat eight inches east from Twen tieth street ; containing in front or breadth on ttam bridge ttreet sixteen feet, and extending in length or depth eighty -four feet. P. S.—This writ has been issued on a judgment ob tainel in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. Daniel Haviland, owner, or reputed owner. in Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, of June Term, 1863, No. 23, for taxes. CC. P., 98; Sept. T., V. Debt, 8t236L P. M. Adams.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Daniel Haviland. JOHN THIIIIP.3ON, Sheriff. Philadelphia.Sherlfra Office, Sept. 24,.1863. se26-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed. will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. October 2, 1863. at 4 o'clock, at hansom-street Hall. All that lot of ground situated on the southeast corner of Frankford road and Allegheny avenue, In the Nine teenth ward of the city of .Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on Prank ford road one hundred and thirty feet, and extending in length or depth alone Alle gheny avenue three hundred and nineteen feet four inches to Waterloo street. . I'. B.—This writ has been issued on a judgment Ob tained in the Case of the City of Philadelphia vs. N. F. Campion, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of Jane term, 1833, No. 48, for taxes. CC. P., 99; S. T., '63. Debt, $116.19. F. M. Adams.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of N. F. Campion. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's ()Moe, Sept. 21. 1963. se2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Loved Facies. to me directed, Will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 0.1863. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street-Hall. - All that lot of ground situate on the southwest corner of Wellington and Salmon streets. in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia, beginning at the south west corner of Wellington and Salmon stree.s. contain ing in front or breadth on Wellington street seventy-live feet, and extending in-length or depth one hundred and sixty- seven feet, mord or less. . . . F. S.—This writ has been issued on a judgment obtain ed in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs William Runyan, owner, or reputed owner, in the (Mart of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, of June term.lB63, No. S 3, for tai!es. CC. P.. 50; Eept. T .T. 3. Debt. $24.10. M. Adams.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the:property of Runyan. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Sept. 24;1863. se2s-St SHERIFF'S SALE.--BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue on MONDAY fireplug, October 6, 1863, - kt 4 o'clock. at hansom-street Hall. • All that let of ground marked in a plan of North Penn Village No 428, situate on the east side of Twenty-ninth street or Landing avenue, between Dauphin and Her man streets, in the Twenty- first ward of the city of Phi ladelphia, beginning at the distance of ninety-three feet nine inches southward from the south side of Herman street, In the late township of Ne-rth Penn, now in the city- of Philadelphia: containing in front or breadth on said Twenty-ninth street eighteen feet nine inches, :and extending in length or depth eastward, between parallel lines, at right angles with the said Twenty-ninth street, one hundred and ten feet. • P. S —This writ has been issued on a j udgment ob tained in Ole case of the City of Philadelphia rs. George Raab, owner or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of June term, MN, No. 104, for taxea._ CC. P., 51; J. T. '63. Debt. $ 62. F. M. Adams.] Taken in execution and to be sold as theproperty of George Raab. - JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Sept. 24.1883. se2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale' or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. Octoter 5: - 1663. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street All that -lot of ground situate on the north side of Adams street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Phi ladelphia. beginning at the distance of fifty-four-feet Went from Emerald street ;containing in front or breadth seventy feet, and extending in lengtn or depth one hun dred and fifty feet, more orless. P. S. —This writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. F. EL Smith, owner or reputed owner, in tee Court of Common .Pleas of Philadelphia, of June term, 1863, No. 109, for t xes. CC. P., 52; S. T.,'63.. Debt, $17.68. F. M. Adams.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of F. H. Smith. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 24. 1.863. - 5e.2.1.3t , SHERIFF'S SALE; BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ex. posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 5,-1863. "at '4 o'clock. at Sa.nemit-street Hall; A certain three-story brick messuage or tenement arid lot of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the south. side of. Prune street, between Fourth and Fifth streets from Delaware river in the city of Philadelphia: con taining in front or breadth on the said Prune street fifteen feet four inches, and in length or depth 50 feet, be the same more "or less.. Bounded northward by Prune street, westward by a lot formerly of William Shippers, de ceased, southward by an alley. about three feet Wide Which communicates with another alley formerly four feet wide, nowaimut three feet wide, which leads north - - wardly into said Prune street, and eastward by a lot of ground formerly of Peter L. Berry. P. S.—This writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained hi the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. Ophelia Aiken, owner or reputed owner, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, of December term, 1862, No, 197. for taxes against said property. CO. P . 53: S. T. 'B3. Debt. 19191.9 L F. M. Adams. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Ophelia Aiken& JOHN THOMPoON, Sheriff_ Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Sept. 24,1863. se2.s'St SHERIFF'S `SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, -to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale 'or vendne. on MONDAY Evening, October 5, 1863. al4 o, clock. at Sansom-street Hall, An that certain three-story brick messuage or tene ment, kitchen, and lot or piece of ground thereunto be longing, situate on the north side of Powell street and west side of a certain ten-feet. wide alley leading from said Powell street to Clover;elley or Buckley street, between Delaware Fifth ann Sixth 'streets, and between Sptuce and Pine streets. in the clay of Philadelphia containing in breadth on Powell street sixteen feet three inches, and in length or depth sixty-four feet. Bounded on the west by ground late of Samuel Barden, on the north, by ground granted to Thomas Eastwick, on the cast by said ten-feet-wide alley, and. on the,south by eaidPowell street. Together with the nee and privilege of the said ten-feet-wide alley at all times hereafter forever; under and subject -to the payment 'of a - certain yearly rent charge or sum of twenty-seven Spanislemilled dollars and nine cents, when and as the eamo may grow due and payable. - P. 12,—This writ has been issued on a judgment ob taired in the case of the City of Philadelphia ye. Judge Hepburn, owner,. or reputedrowner, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, of June term, 1E53, No. 62, . for taxes on, . (C. P., 64; June T., 63. Debl, 8167,90. F. M Adams.) Taken in'execution and to be sold as the property of Judge Hepburn. . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 24, 1863. se26-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.: BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me , directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendne. on MONDAY Evening, October 5, 1563. at .4 o'clock, at Sansoni-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, beginning at the northwest corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Pennock street, in the Fifteenth ward, thence exten Dug, north westwaid along the northeast side of said. Pennsylvania avenue seven feet two and five-eighths inches, thence eastward on a line parallel with old Manor street five feet nine and one•quarterinches to said. Pennock street. bend - 4 southward along the ,west aide of said . Pennock street flvo feet four and seven eighths inches to - the Place of beginning; being a part of alot running through from Bushill street to Canal !V&A. P. S.The writ by virtue of which the above property will be sold bas been issned on a judgment obtained in the case of the City of Philadelphia, to the use of D. and C. Kennedy. vs. F. Wolbert, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Cm:onion Pleas of Philadelphia, of March term, 1861; No. 350. for work done in front of said-lot. CO. P., 55; S. T. '&l_ Debt, $5.56. Sellers.]- Taken in execution and , be sold' as the property of F. Wolbert.. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff; .Philadelphia. Sheriff's OfliCe:Sept..i4:l.W.,:3 SHI.RIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendee, on MOND aY Evening, October 5, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the southwest side of Pennsylvania avenue, at the distance_ of thirteen feet eight inches - -northwestward from the north side of Hare street, in they Fifteenth ward; con taining in front on said avenue forty-three feet three and live-eighths inches, and extending in depth west ward, between lines parallel with old Manor street, on' the north line thereof, twenty-one feet one inch, and. On the south line thereof fifty feet seven and one quarter - inches to Canal street; being part, of a lot running through from Bushill street to Canal street. P. F.—The writ by, virtue of which the above pro perty will be sold has been issued on ajudgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia. to the use of D. and 0. Kennedy, vs. F. Wolbert, owner, or re puted owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Phila delphia. of March term, 1861, No. 353, for work done in trout of said lot, to wit: for culvert. CC.- P., 56; Sept. T. '63. Debt, $34.07 Sellers. l' Taken in execution and to be sold as `theproperty of F. Wolbert. JOHN THOMPSON - , Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's 'OffiCe. Sept. 21.180. se2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY "VIRTUE OF a writ of Leiari Favias, tome directed, will be exposed-to public sale or vendue: on MONDAY-Even ing. October 5_1063, at 4 o'clock, at • Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of - ground situate on the northwesterly side of Belgrade street, in the Eighteenth ward of the eaid city. at the distance of sixty-eight feet northeasterly from Capewell street; containing in front or breadth on the said Belgrade street seventeen feet, ex tending in length or depth northwesterly between lines parallel to the said Capewellatieet seventy-five feet six inches, more or less. - : - - N. 8.--The above-described lolls vacant: s.—This - writ has-been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. Cape well,-owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of .Philadelphia, of ,March term, 1863, No. 66, and claim. December term, 1859;No. 233, for water pipe. [C.P: - ,fg; S. T. , :63. Deht 39.6. 60_ F. C. Brewster. Taken In' execution and to be sold as the property of Cepewell, - JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. .-.Philadelphia, Sheriff's Mee, 5ept.:23.'1661 se26•St . • SHERIFF'S SALE.- . -BY VIRTUE OF a writ of 'Levert "Facies; to the directed, will/. be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, October 8, 186.3. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, • that certain lot or piece of groand, with the build ings and imprOvemente thereon erected, situate on-,the south side of Scott street, at the distance of eighty feet -westward from . thli westside of Twentieth street, in the . . . . . . . Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on ' said:Scott street sixteen feet, and extending in length or depth of that width parallel with said Twentieth street eighty , one feet to Poplar street. r ' N. 8.-On the above-described lot there is erected three-story brick'house. with two-story back building. P. S.-Ibis writhes been issued on a Judgment ob tained in the case of the City of -Philadelphia vs. = Button, owner or reputed owner. in the Court 'of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia. of March term, 1563, N 0.62, and claim December term, 1059, No. 239, for water-pipe. [C. P., 58;S. T., !63. Debt, $l4 64. -2'.-C. Brewster.] -L Taken in execution and to be sold as the _property of -- Sutton. '• JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 21; 1863. 5e2.5-St - SHERIFF'S - SALE-BY VIRTUE `OF a writ of Levan . Facies, to me' directed. will be exposed to public sale or vend ue, on MONDAY Evening, October 5,1863. at 4 o'clock. at Sensom-street All that certain - lot or piece of ground situate - at the southwest con er of Twenty-first an &Hamilton streets, in the Fifteenth"ward of the city of Philadelphia, be ginning a t the southwest corner of said Twenty-fret and Hamilton streets, and thence extending westwardly along the south side of Hamilton street one hundred and thirty-nine feet eleven inches and seven-eighths t f an inch; thence smithwardly along Pennsylvania aye , - nue one hundred and forty-eight feet. six inches and -five-eighths of aninch; thence northwardly along the west side of Twenty-first street ninety-two feet three inches and five-eighths of an Inch to the place of begin- N. B - The above described lot Is vacant. P. S -This writ has been issued on a judgment Ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. -- Griffith, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of March term. 1963, No 74, and: claim December term, 1859, No. 250, for water-pipe. CC. P. 09; S. T., '63. Debt. $78.12. F. C. Brewster.) Taken' in execution and to be sold as the property of Griffith. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office: Sept. 24, 1863: se2s-31 SHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Leven Facial, to me directed, will be ex, rc s to e ti l ei o 6, 7 l2 4 , B 4 al o l cl ' o r ci r c e , sale - O st N re D effla E ll v , e -_ ning, All that : certain lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of American avenue, at the distance of one hun dred and nineteen feet live inches southward from Ox ford street; containing in front on American avenue . eighteen feet, 'And in depth extending eastward, as right angles , with-said American avenue; one 'hundred-and -twentY-one feet nine inches to Philip street. :' N. 8.-Thstabove described lqt is vacant. P. S.-This writ has been issued on a judgment Ob-. tainedintheCMlo otthe City of Philadelphia vs. John' Owner, oireputed owner. in the Court of Com; mon Pleas of Philadelphia. of March, term, 1863. No.i 77, claim December term, 1659, No. 274, for water-pipe; CC. P. ,86 .S. T., '63. Debt.sl6.s3. F. C . . Brewste'r. Taken in execution and. to be sold as theproperty of John- Ballet .- JOHN THOMPSOX, sheriff. - Philadelphia, Sheriff '6 Office. Sept. - 21, 1 ea.5.3f SHERIFF'S -SALE.-BY 'VIRTUE OF a Writ of.Levari Facies; to me directed, will be ex= Posed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening, October 5, 1863, - at 4 o'clock, at Sansoin-street Hall, All that certain lot - or piece of ground situate on the south-side of Fernon. street, one hundred and two feet west from Eighth street, in the First ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said' Fernon Street seventy-rune feet and one half of an inch, an d. ex tending in depth southward forty-eight feet. Bounded east. and west by ground late of S. F. Fisher. and DO/ th by said Fenton street. N. 8.-The above-described lot is vacant. . . P. S. - !-This writ has been issued en a judgment ob tainedln the case of thefCity of Philadelphia vs: Mc- Quillan. owner. or reputed owner, in the Court of Com.' won Pleas of Philadelphia, of March term, 1803, SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALES. and claim December term,19.59, No, 279, for paving done in front of said lot. (C. p., 61; B• T. '63. Debt, $9.78. C Brewster. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Quillen. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 24,1863. se2s-3t STIERIFF'S SALE.-By VIRTUE OF t•-.' a writ of Levari Facial, to me directed. will be ex posed to public sale or vendus, on MONDAY Evening. October 5. 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Stumm street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the south e'de of Taster street (late Franklin street), one hundred and tufo feet east, from Ninth street, in the First ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Taster street sixteen feet, and ex tending in depth southward about tiny feet. N. Et,—The above-described lot is vacant. P. s.—Thisewrit has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case Of the City of Philadelphia vs. bon ahery, owner, or reputed owner. In the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of March term, 1863, No. 80. Clairh D. '69, 28.1). for paving. (C. P. , 62; Sept. T., '93. Debt, $9 31. F. C. Brewster ] Taken in tilt ecution and to be sold as the property of Lcughory. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 25,1863 • se.S 31 stfERIFF'S SALF.-BY VIRTUE 'OF a writ of Levan Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or marine, on MONDAY livening, October 5. IE6B, at 4 o'clock, at Sancom.atreet All that certain lot or Piece of ground situate . on the east Eide of Eighth Street, north front Morris street, in the First ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Eighth street three hnudred and seventy-four feat three inches, and extending in depth eastward one hundred feet. Bounded east by ground of the said Dr. Vandyke, south by said Morris street A and west by Eighth street aforesaid. -- ii. B:—The above-described lot is vacant. . . P. 8.-This writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. Dr. F. A. Vandyke; owner or reputed owner, iu the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of March term, 1863,N0. 81, and claim Dec. term, 1859, No. 232, for paving, Et; P„ 63; Sept, T.;-'63. Debt. *252 96. F. C. Brewster.) Taken in execution and to be cold as the property of Dr. F. A. Vandyke. JOHN THOMPSON. bheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff 's Office. Sept. 24, 1863. se2s-3t REMIT'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of .Levari Facies, to me direoted. will be ex pot ed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. October 5, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom• street Hell. all that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the north* ast angle of Seventh and Morris streets, in the First ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the Said Seventh street sixty feet. aid in depth eastward about thirty-two feet. Bounded north by ground of . -- Young, east by ground of Hutchinson, south by said Morris street, and west by Seventh street aforesaid. N, B.—The above described lot is vacant. P. S.-3 his writ has been issued on a jo/merit ob tained in Us case of the City of Philadelphia vs. Isaac W. Potts, owner. or reputed owner, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, of March term, 1863, No. 111. and claim December term, 1&59, bio. 377, for paving done. [C. P., 84; Sept. T., 'M. Debt, $38.01. F. C. Brewster.) Taken in execution and to be sold as- the property of Isaac W. Potts. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 24, IEB3. se2B-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRT UE OF A writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or Nanette, on MONDAY Evening, October 6, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom.street Halt All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the north side of Scott street, at the distance of one hundred and seventy-two feet westward from the west side of Twentieth street, in the Twentieth ward of said city; containing in front or breadth on the eald Elmtt street sixteen feet, and extending in length or depth north ward of that idth, parallel with Twentieth street, thirty-five feet N. B.—On the above-described lot there is erected a three-story back house. P. S. —This writ has been Usneci on a judgment ob tained in the ease of the City of Philadelphia vs. Hanna, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of March term, 1863, No. 42, and claim December term,-1366,D o. 183, for water pipe. [O. p.. 66; S. T. '63. Debt 111,470 F. G. Brewster. Taken in execution anti to he sold asthe property of George W. Hanna. JOHN THOMPSOII, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 21, ISO. se 26-31, SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A writ of levari Facies, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, October 6, 1863. at 4 o'clock. at Saneom-street Hall, • All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the southeasterly corner of Sepviva and Townsend streets, In the Nineteenth ward of the said city; containing in front or breadth on the said Sepviva street ninety-one feet three inches, and extending in length or depth-south easterly of that width, between lines parallel to and along the said Townsend street, thirty-two feet, be the same more or less. - ' N. B.—The above-described lot is vacant. P. S —This writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City 01 Philadelphia so. Wm. 11. - Witte, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, of Meath term, 1863, Ho. 41, Claim D, '59, 216, for paving done. [C. P., 66; J. T.. '63. Debt, $613.03. F C. Breweler.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Wm H. Witte. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. - Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Sept. 24, 1863. r se2s-3t Q'iRERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facial!, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Bye , ning, October 9, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sausom-street Hall. eAll that certain lot or piece of ground, with the two story brick and one-story frame dwelling adjoining thereon erected, and the one story frame dwelling also thereon erected, situate ^on the northwesterly side of Salmon street, extending from Ann to Birch street, in the Twenty-fifth ward containing in front or breadth on said Salmon street ninety-live feet five and a half inches, and extending in length or depth northwesterly, between lines of said Birch and Ann streets, one hun dred feet, more or less. . , . P. S.—This writ has been issued or. a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. Samuel Sallada. owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, of June term, 1863, No. 2..0, for paving and curbing. [o. P. , 57; Sept, I'., 63, Debt, $1.98 51. Stover.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of. Samuel SaHada. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sep . 24, 1553. BEOS-31 SHERIFF'S SALE -BY VIRTUE OF A IL/ writ of Levert me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 5, 1863. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the two story frame dwelling and two-story frame kitchen ad joining thereon erected, situate on the southwesterly side of Somerset street and southeasterly side of Chatham street. in the Twenty-fifth ward containing in front or breadth OIL the said Somerset street forty feet, and ex tending in length or depth southwesterly bet wean lines parallel to and along said Chatham street eighty feet, more or less. Y. S.—This writ has been issued on a.j adgmontobtained in the care of the City of Philadelphia vs. Frederick Fisher, oWner, or reputed owner. in She Court of Common Pleas of-Philadelphia, of June term ' 1863, No. 211, for paving anti Kling work done is front of said lor. CC. F.. 68; Sept. T.. '63. Debt, $165.02. Stover Taken in exe eution be sold as theproperty of Frederick Fisher. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 21,1863. • se2s St • , 0111 SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Feline, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale otvendue, on MO NDAY.Evening, October 5, 1563, at 4 o'clock, at Sam om- street Hall, All that certain lot of ground situate in - the southeast ly side of Ed gemont street, and, southwesterly side of, Fremont street. in the Twenty- first ward; containing in front or breadth on saidldgemont street twenty feet, and extendin of that width southeasterly in length or depth g between lines parallel to and along said Fremont street: one bundled and seventeen feet six inches,.more or less. P. S. —Thts writ has been issued on a Judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia VS. Maty Kennedy, owner. or reputed owner, in the Court °Worn- , mon Pleas of Philadelpnia, of Jane term. 1863, No. 213, for curbing and done in front of said lot. - CC. J.T., '63. Debt; $3O 34. Stover.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Mary Kenxedy. - JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff: Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. f2l,' 1863.. se2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIETHE OF a writ' of Levert Pacias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, October 5,1863, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on" the southeasterly corner of Belgrade and Somerset streets, in the Twenty•Eith ward; containing in front on said Somerset street fifty one feet, and extending southwest erly,-of that width; between lines parallel to and along said Belgrade street, one himdred feet to HEINVfiOII. street. P. S.—This writ has been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs, John C. Davis, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of June term, 1863. No. 212, for work, paving. and muting done in front of said lot, [q. P., 70; T., 'M. Debt. $151.03. Stover.] Taken in execution and to be sold as . the property of .Tobn C. Davis. JOHN THORPSON,Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 29,1863. 5e25.3t RHERIFF'S - SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me dire.tted, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 6,1563, at Sansom-street Hail, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the northeast corner of Coral street and the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. in the Nineteenth ward of the said city; containing in front or breadth on the said Coral street two hundred and twenty-nine feet four and three-quarter inches to Isabella street, and extending in length or depth southeasterly along the said rail road seventy feet three and. a half inches, more or less. and along the said Isabella street seventy feet, more or - I'. S.-Thishas been issued on a judgment ob tained in the case of the City of Philadelphia'vs. John Smith, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of June term, 1863, No. 217, for work done in front of said lot. [C. P., 71; J. T., '63. Debt, $604.28. _O. P. & S. A. Cornman. Taken in execution and to be sold a* the property of JobnSmitb. JOHN THO UPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Sept. 24, 1833. 8525-31 SILERIFF'S SALT: ByVIKTTE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will he ex posed to public sale or -vendee, on MONDAY Hvenjng, ()debar 5, 1563, at 4 o'clock, at hansom-street Al that certain lot or piece of ground situate at the southeast corner of Fourth and Norris streets. in the Nineteenth ward of said city; containing in front or breadth on said Fourth street one hundred and sixty six feet one inch, and extending in length or depth east ward oh the south line thereof about,ninety-nine feet nine inches, and on the north line thereof along the south line of Norris street twenty-Epven feet four and three-quarter inches. - • . N. B.—The writ of Levari Facias, by virtue ' of which this property is to be sold, was issued on a judgment entered June 21, 1862, in a Beira facies enr claim filed in, the-Court of Common Pleas to December term, 1861. No. '216. for paving footway, measuringand filling up in front of the lot describe.' in the writ. . . . CC. P., 72; S. T., '63. Debt, $295.27. Wm. M. Smith.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, .Sheriff's Office, Sept. 24, 1383 se2s-3t LEGAL. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY TO THE Estate of GUY HENDERSON, deceased having been gran ted•to the undersigned, all pirsons indebted to the "said Estate are requested to make payment, and those baying claims against the same to present them without delay to • GEO. R. HENDEE' ON, seal•l6t* , No. 842. WIARTON Street, Executor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE cm' WAND C9IIN_TT OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of IIXT12111S13:Bikao E.. &ceased. Notice is hereby given that ANS A. BISHOP, widow of said decedent, has filed in said Conrt her petition and appraisement of personal property of said, decedent, amounting -to $3OO. claimed to be kept and retained by her, as his widow, for the use of herself and family, under the act of April 14,1851, and supplements thereto, and that the same will be approved- by said Court on -FRIDAY, the 16th day of October, A. D. 1663. hereto unless ex ceptions ereto be filed. H. C. TOWNSEND, WHAM:Mt. , Attorney for Petitioner. ESTATE OF LINCK DE . Letters of administration upon the estate of Mary Linek, deceased,-having been granted to the undersign ed, all persons indebted to the said-estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims topresent them to ALLEN C.ATICHENER, Ho. 50 Sou th THIRD Street, . WM. W. GIiLLA. ER, - sell. f6tr 731 WALNUT Street. VSTATE OF JAMES H. RANDALL, DECEASED.—Letters testamentary upon the estate of James H. , Randall, deceased. having bees granted to the undersigned by the Register, of Wills, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make imme diate payment; and those haring claims or demands against said estate are requested to make known the eame,withont delay, to SUSAN C. RANDALL, Executrix, No. 142 North TWELFTH Street. Or to her attorney. • GHORes a. WESr.. - se4f6l s N0. , 419 PRUNE Street. MARSHAL'S SALE.-BY - VIRTUE of a writ of sale, by the Hon. JOHN CADWALA DER,' Judge of the District Court of the United States in a nd for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admi •ralty. to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the .highest , and , best bidder, for bash, at tong Dams Store, No North FRONT Street, on WEDNESDAY, October 7, 1663, at 12 o'clock M, the residue of the cargo of tbo steamer Kato Dale. consisting of. SOS bales Upland . Cotton, comprising the usual grades. WILLIAM MILLWARD, Philadelphia; U. S. Marsbal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, September 25..1883. se2S;let MARSHAL'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE of a writ of sale, by the flon. JORN CADWALADER, 'Sage of the District Court of the Unitoct States, in and for the Eastern .District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me - directed, will be sold at public, sale, to the highest and. best bidder. for cash, at Samuel C. Cook's Aootion Store,.No. IA4 South FRONT Street, on MONDAY, Oc tober fitle, 1E63. at 12 o'clock M.. the residue of the cargo of steamer LlZZlE.'consisting of. OS cases of Brandy. and 12 cases of Gin. WILLIAM MILLWARD 11. S. Marshal, E. D. of Pennsylvani .- a, - Philadelphia, September 26, 186.3. 5e23.6t COAL. fl 0A L .-SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER IitEIDOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and beet Locust Mountain; from Schn_.y.lkill: urepared,edc weedy for Family use. Depot, N. W. corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets: Ofitoe. No. US South SECOND ,Streak_; [ap2-1y) . WALTON C HAMPAGNE.—AN INVOIO-E OF _ . . ' - Gold Lae," and '.'" Gloria " Champagne, hi quarts. and pinta, lust receiyAlly French]. ship "Lies Amalie: for sale by ~ vans. , S. dr JAS. GARSTA.O3B, .. - .. Sole ..k augsmt.oaer:‘ . . .. 'NM. 'l2l ' NW 8 wialSin main .rTs Sta, . PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS FOR -FUR NISHING the Subsistence Department with (000)11,6 hundred tons of baled HAY are invited till the 15th day of October, 1863. The Hay to be of the beet quality. and to be delivered at the wharves at SIXTH Street. The Hay to be weighed at the time of delivery, and the weight so determined to be the purchase weight. Bide will be required in duplicate, and no bid will be received from parties who are disloyal, or who have previously failed with contracts made with the Government. or from bidders not present to respond. Payment will be made in "Certificates of Indebtedness." A contract with a good bond will be required to be entered into. Bide to be directed to Col. A. BECKWITH . . A. D C. and C. 8., 223 Street, Washington, D. C. se2Btocl4 ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE °mu, TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets. PHILADELPHIA. Feptomber 30,1889. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited at this Office until 12 o'clock M on SATURD AY. 10th October next, to fur nish promptly at the bCIUGYLKILL ARSENAL the fol lowing articles, viz: Blankets, Woolen. Army standard. ronohos, for Cavalry. Painted. India Rubber or Gotta, Pet ch a. Trumpets, plain, with extra mouthpieces. Bugles, with extra mouthpieces. Drums. complete. Infantry. Drum Batter Heads. Drum Snare Heads. . .. ... . . .. Bugle Cords and Tassels. Infantry Hat Cords and Tassels, Cavalry. Hat Creased Sabres. Rat Feathers. Cavalry Standards. Beerniting Flag Halliards. One and - one-half inch Sky-blue Worsted Lace. One-half inch Yellow Worsted Lace. One. h alf inch Scarlet Worsted Lace. Pickaxes. Pickaxe Handles. Felling Axes. Felling Axe Handles. hhelter Tents. Linen or Cotton; if linen. equal to 8 ounces to the yard of 26 inches wide; If cotton, equal to 7 ounces to the yard of 28 inches wide. Samples of the material to be need must be submitted with the pro posals. Uniform Hats, Army standard. Bidders must state in their proposals the price, gnarl.. City bid for, mud time of delivery. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whose signa tures meet be appended to the guarantee. and said gua rantee must accompany the bid. Bidders. as well as their sureties or guarantors', who may not be known at this office, will furnish a certifi cate-;rout the United States District Attorney. Postmas ter, or other public functionary, at the residence of the bidder or guarantors; setting forth c.early the fact that the bidder and bie sureties are responsible men, who will, If a contract is awarded them, act in good faith with the United States, and faithfully execute the same. Samples can be seen at this office. to which all ardcles must conform. Blank forms for proposals can be had U n pe application at this office. Proposals must be endorsed 'Proposals for Army Sup plies," stating the pat Ocular article bid for. G. H. CROW AN, Asst. A. M. General U. S. Army. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, PIEILLDELPETA, 28th September, 1663. PROPOSALS will be received at tnis Mike, until MON DAY, 6th October. at 12 o'clock EL , for the delivery in thir city. on or before the let November next, of 2.000 pairs Male Eames, 17 inches from top to bottom hole. 60 Small-size Dirt Carts. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. A. MPID, se2o-6t. s Captain and Assistant Qaartermaster. A SSISTANT Q UARTERKASTER 3E,8 O,E. - - - • - • - - PHILADELPHIA- Sent. 28. Ma PROPOSALS will be received at this °eke until FRIDAY, 2d. October, at 12 o'clock M. for the delivery at the 11. S. A. Hospital. West Philadelphia , on or before 10th October next. or the following articles: 6, W 0 feet of Lumber, 3d common. 8 Posts, 4x6. 12 feet long, hemlock. 12 do 4x6, 20 do do do. 99 do 3x4, 12 do do do. 10 do 3x6, 00 do do do. 60 do 3x4. 74 do do do. 3 kegs Nene, 10d. 1 do do. Bd. The tight is reserved to reject all hide 'deemed too high. By order, A. BOYD, se2o-9t Captain and A. Q. M. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OLFTCE. BITILADELYWIA, 28th September,...lB63. PROPOSALS will be received at this olltne until SATURDAY, ad October next, at 12 o'clock M., for the delivery et. the 11. S. A. Hospital, Chestnut Hill, on or before 10th October next, of the following articles: LOCO feet 3-inch Hemlock Plank. 6.600 Hemlock Scantling. 7,500 " 3d Common Boards. 4 kegs is.tails 10 A. 1 Spikes, 5-inch. 6 parrs Hook and Strap Hinges. 6 Door Locks. • 20 pounds Wrought Nails, 10 A.. 24 lights of Sash. 2,303 feet Felt Hoofing. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. By order,- A BOYD, se29-toc3 Captain and A. Q M. ' ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE °EPICS, CIIIICINNATI. 0., September 2/, 18S8 PROPOSALS are invited by the undersigned until WEDNESDAY noon. October 7, 1863, for furnishing, by contract, the followina articles, via: Sky-blue KerseY, 3-4 and 6.4: Blouses, (lined). Gray Flannel Shirts. Parties offering goods net in all cases furnish sam ples, and must distinctly tate in their bids the quantltir of goods they propose to furnish, the price. andghe time of delivery. A g - narantee, signed personally by two re sponsible parties, and agreeing that the bidder will enter into a contract if an award is made to him, must accom pany each proposal.. All stlPPlies must be delivered in good new packages, free of charge, at the United States Inspection Depot in this city, Written contracts will be entered into with parties to whom awards are made. and bonds required of them in sums equal to one-fourth tee value of the goads Con tracted for. Bids will be opened on WEDNESDAY, October 7,1883, at 2 o'clock P. D1.,-at the Inspection Rooms, and bidders are invited to be present. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is re served. Blank forms of Proposals. Contracts, and Bonds may be obtained at this office. By order of Col. Thomas Swords, A. Q. M. G. seEO-5t C. W. MORLTOZir Captain and A. Q. AL ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets. PHILADELPHIA. September 29, ISM SEALED PROPOSALS are invited at this office until 22 o'clock M., on MONDAY, the 6th proximo, to fur nish promptly at the Schuylkill Arsenal.— Havers acks, army standard. F , z Cape. peculiar pattern and style. White Flannel, all wool. Red Flannel. all wool, Linen GOters. peculiar pattern and style. Also, for altering Leather Leggins or Jambiers. Bidders must state in their proposals the price, (than thy bid for, and time of delivery. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whose signa tures must be appended to the guarantee, and said gua rantee must accompany the bid. ' Bidders, as well as their sureties or.guarantors. who may not be known at this office, will furnish a certificate from the United States District Attorney, Postmaster, or other public functionary, at the residence "of the bidder or guarantors. setting forth clearly the fact that the bidder and his sureties are responsible men, who will. if a contract is awarded them, act in good faith with the United States. and faithfully execute the same. Samples can be seen at this Office. to which all delive ries must conform Blank forms for Proposals can be' had, upon application at this office. PrOposas must be endorsed • Proposals for Army Supplies,"stating the particular article bid for. G. H. cßosmka. se34st Asst. Quartermseter General U. S. A. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER OENERAL'S OFFICI3, PHILADELPHIA, 24th September. 1563. PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until TUES DAY. 6th October. at 12 o'clock M., for the delivery in this city, on or before the 15th October next, of the following articles : 1,750 lbs. Octagon Punched Nuts; 500 lbs. % inch, 500 lbs.% inch, 250 lbs. %Inch. 500 lbs. 1 inch. 1,710 lbs. Square Pouched Rats, 500 lbs. a inch, 500 lbs. 31 inch, 250 lbs. Inch. 500 lbs. I inch. 550 lbs. Square Washers, 11 inch. 2,050 lbs. Round Washers: 400 lbs. 3.1' inch. 300 lbs. inch. 400 lbs %inch, 400 lbs.-I inch. 500 lbs. 134' inch. 1,1300 lbs. Boiler Bolts, small heads; 500 lbs. VI inches long, 500 lbs. 234 incheslong. 700 Bolls for Deck Beams. I, OCO lbs. Boiler Rivets, inch diameter. 6 bars %-inch Rottnd Iron, weight 90 lbs. 5 do 1-inch Round Iron, weight 200 lbs. MI. to be of thebest quality of their kind. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. By order-. A. BOYD,' selaj-6t - Capt. and Ass't Quartermaster. MIEDICAM. CLEANSE THE BLOOD.-WITH C OR rapt, disordered. or vitiated Blood, you must be sick all over. It may burst out in Pimples, o Sores, or in some active disease, or it may merely kee'you list less. depressed, and good for nothing But you cannot have good health while your blood is impure. Ayer's Sarsaparilla purges out these impurities and stimulates the organs of life into vigorous action, restoring the health and expelling disease. Hence it rapidly cures a variety of complaints which are caused by impurity of the blood, such as Scrofula, or Sino's Broil, Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches. Boils, St. Anthony's Fire. Rose, or Erysipelas; Totter, or Said _Rheum, Scald Head—Rinzworm. Cancer. or Cancerous Tumors, Sore Eves, Female Diseases, such as .Reten tion, Irrevalartly, , Suppression, Whiles. Sterility, Syphilis, or Venereal Disease*, Liner Complaints, and Heart DiBB , Bes, Try AYER'S SARSAPARILLA. and see for yourself the surprising activity with which it cleanses the blood and cures the disorders. . . . . . . . . . AYER% CHERRY_ PECTORAL is so universally known to- surpass every other remedy for the cure 'of Coughs, Colds, Injtuenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchi tis., Incipient Consumption, and for the relief of Con sumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease, that it is useless here to recount the evidence of Its vir tues. The world knows them. - AYER'S . CATHARTIC PILLS, for Oostivemes, 'Dys- Pepeia, Indigestion, Dysentery. Foul Stomach..rann dice, Headache, Ream burn, Piles: Rheumatism, Dropsy, Worms, ana, in short, for all the purposes of a purgative medicine. - -- Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers witicruther . preparations which they make more profit on, --'l3„inimend - AYER'S, and take no others. The sick want tlin,C there is for them, and they should haVe it. - Prepared by Dr. J. C.. Al ER 'a CO., Lowell, and sold by J. M. 'HARRIS de CO., at wholesale, and by FREDERICK BROWN'. entr-mwf2sa JOYFUL ANNOUNCEMENT TO SUFFERING HUMANITY. Prof C. H. BOLLES, well known discoverer and teacher of applying Galvanism, Magnetism, and other moditcations of Electricity as a reliable the rapeutic agent for the cure of acute and chronic diseases, with Dr. M. J. GALLOWAY, his former partner. have returned to their Establishment at 22291 Walnut stmet. Philadelphia, where they have resumed business. They have added two new operating rooms to the Establishment, which will enable them to treat at least one hundred .patients per day. The fact that Prof. B. has been in Philadelphia, at 1220 Walnut street, four years, and has in that time treated over eight thousand invalids, considered incurable by all other treatment. many of whom have been warranted by special contract, is evidence the most indubitable of the superiority of his system over all others. He has also instructed more than one thousand Medical men, and others, who use Elec tricity as a specialty in acute and chronic cases. PROF. BOLLES & GALLOWAY. 1220 WALNUT Street. W. FAIRLAMB, MEDICAL ELECTRICIAN, Office No. 1131 CATHARINE Street, continues to apply. with' much success, the Gal vanic Battery. and has effected many cures of Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Affections. s Rheumatism. and diseases of the Kidneys, Liver, or Nerves. I inite give attention to this mode of treatment, and will gladly information to those who may call on me, whether for treatment or not. Patterns unable to visit my office will be attended at their residences. Oftice hours, 13 to 10 A. M., and 1 to , 1 P. DI. eels&twin. NVHArT IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH?. T I GOOD NEWS FOR THE SICK AND WOUNDED. Messrs. J. GRIM and: T. ALLEN, MEDICAL ELEC TRICIANS (formerly associated with Profs. Bolles and Galloway), having removed Ao•No. 723 North TENTH Street, between Coates and Brown streets, are now pre pared to treat and pulmonary brable - Diseases, whether acute or chronic, or paralytic, without a shock or any inconvenience. Poor Soldiers • will be treated gratuitously. The Ladies will be treated by a lady. Among the diseases for which we will give • a special guarantee, when desired, we mention the fol lowing: Consumplionast &2d :stages Hemorrhage, Paralysis, General Debility, Neuralgia, Diseases of the Liver or Asthma, Kidneys. Fever and Ague. Diabetes, Congestion, Prolapses Merl. (Falling Dyspepsia; a Womb), Rheumatism, Prolapsus Ant, or Piles. Bronchitis, Noetnrnal Emission,&c„ &o, No charge for consultation. Office hours: 9A. M. to LLE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF Jr ri ligiK is successful as a remedy, because those who use it pronounce it the best T,013G - Et SUMP, the beet Blood Purifier, the-most, efficient Invigorator, and. the best Cure for Scrofula ever offered to the public Sold by the proprietor, F. JIIMELLE, , 1515 MARKET Street, And all Druggists. 625 GOLDTHOAP & CO, 62,5• • Manufacturers of Tassels. Cords, Pringes, .Curtains, and Furniture Gimps, Curtain Loops; Centre Tassels. Pictures and Photograph Tassels, Blind Trimmings. Military and Dress Trimming_s E Ribbons,_Neck. Ties, eta. No. ; 68 .5 MARKET Street, my6-6m Philadelphia. WILLIAM H. YEATON 00., No. 201 South FRONT Street, Agents for the sale of the ORIGINAL REIDSIECK , Sc CO. CHAMPAGNE. Offer that desirable Wine to the trade. 1.000 cases fine and medinmxrades BOE.DEAUX CLARETS. 100 cases '"Brandeuberg Freres" COGNAC BRANDY. Vintage IMS; bottled in France. 60 eases finest Tuscan Oil, in flasks; 2 dozen in case. 00 bbls finest oaality Monongahela Whisky. 50 bbleSersey : Apple Brandy. 60,000 Havana Cigars, extra fine. • Most dc.Chandon. Grand Vin i m p erial. "Green Beal" Champagne.' - - : :- Together with a fins assortment of Madeira. Sherry, Port, dm, - • ' • fe24-4 AUCTION SALES. JOHN B. MYERS & CO., AUCTION REEK Nos. 232 and 234 MARKET Street. SALE OF CARPRTINGS COCOA MATTING. &o THIS MORNING. A CARD —The early attention of purehaters is re quested to the general assortment of ingrain, cottage, - hemp, and list carpeting& matrings Jto., to be peremp torily sold, by catalogue, on a credit of roar months. POSITIVE SALE OFCARPETINGS. MATTINOS. STAIR . RODS; dec. THIS MORETTI°. October 2d, at precisely 1034 o'clock, will be sold, without reserve, by catalogue, on four months' credit, an assortment of three ply, e anodize and fine ingrain. Venetian, hemp, and rag carcetings, stair rode. matt ings, which may be examined early on the morn ing of aale. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF A STOCK OF DRY GOODS. ON MONDAY MORNING. October 6th. will be sold, by order of administrator. a valuable stock of fancy and staple dry goods, being the entire stock of a first. class city retail establishment, comprising the most desirable assortment, for best city sales. which will be found worthy the attention of dealers. SPECIAL ATTRACTIVE SALE OF LONG AND SQUARE sakwLs Included in our sale on MONDAY MORNING, October sth. will be found, in part, about - 12610 ts of French and Scotch shawls. of a favorite importation and manufac ture embracing - black thibet and merino long and square shawls. wool plaid square and long shawls. —Paris striped broche shawls. Which will be found worthy the attention of the trade. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH DRY GOODS. Arc. NOTlCE.—lncluded in oar' sale of French, Garman. iss, India, and British Dry Goode. on MONDAY lIIORNING, October 6th, will be found.. In part, the fol lowing choice and desisalf.e articles. viz : DRESS GOODS—Rich printed Cashmere and mous de Mines, mesh o cloths, poplins. ginghams, :Agony dress goods. poll de chevres. Atc. SILK VELVETS—Of the moat fashionable shades and blacks BLACK SlLKS—Glossy black dress silk of all widths. SATIN DE CHINES—Of blacks and colors. BLACK GROS DE RIIINES—A fall assortment, from 22 to 30 inches wide. DRESS SILKS—A choice assortment of fancy and solid colors poult de bole; colored flounces, Poniard eilke, Asc. BONNET RIBBONS—PIaid, fancy, and plain litres de Maple bonnet and neck ribbons; black silk velvet and trimming ribbons - , &c. SHAWLS—Broche long and square. rich chenille, woolen. and reversible shawls; scarfs and cravats; tra velling shawls and mends. &c EMBROlDERlES—Parisjaconet and mull collars and sleeves, frock bodies, linen handkerchiefs, cambric shirts,„mrislins, insertions, laces, Ike. Also, black crapes, lace veils, silk cravats and ties, baregee. chenille scarfs. kid and fancy gloves. knit goods. Silk gizelles, buttons, linen bosoms, fancy ar ticles, &e. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF BOOTS. SHOES. BROGANS. &c. ON TUESDAY MORNING. . _ . October 6th, at 10 o'clock, will be sold by eataloan• Without reserve, on four months' credit, about 1.100 packages boots, shoes. brogans, balmorals, gum shoes army goods. &c,, of city and Baden, manufacture, em bracing a freah and prime assortment of desirable ar ticles. for men, women. and children, which will be open, for examination early on the morning of sale. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BRITISH. FRENCH. GERMAN. AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Brc. We will b °bra large sale of British, French, German, and Domestic Dry Goods, by catalogue, on four months' credit, ON THURSDAY MORNING. October Bth. at 10 o'clock, embracing about 700 pack ages and lots of staple and-fancy articles in wooiens, linens, cottons, silks, and worsteds, to which we invite the attention of dealers. N. B.—Samples of the same will be arranged for ex amination, with catalogues. early on the morning of the sale, when dealers will find it to their interest to at- BY kIENRY P. WOLBERT, AUCTIONEER. . No. 202 MARKET Street. South side, above Second St. Regular Bales of Dry Goods, Trimmings. Notions, Stc. , every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY. and FRIDAY MORN INGS, at 10 o'clock precisely. City and country Dealers are requested to attend these sees. Consignments respectfully solicited from Manufacta revs, Importers. Commission. Wholesale. and Sobbing Rouses. and Retailers of all and every description of Merchandise. DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, lIANDKER CHIEIS FS, MORNING &c. TH. October 2d, at 10 o'clock, will be sold, dress and do meat= goods, trimmings, buttons, wool and cotton ho siery gloves. mitts. handkerchiefs, cravats, neckties. ladies' and misses' skirts, hair nets, mu. lin chemise and drawers, worked collars, hands. insertlngs. laces, yokes and sleeves, aprons, combs, brushes, needles, lasting gaiters, shoes, felt hats, &c Also, fancy wool nver-shirts. merino shirts and drawers, ready-made clothing &c. Sale at No. 963 North Tenth Street 110136EROLD . F TRNITURE &c, ON SATURDAY MORNIIN G October 3d, at 10 o 'clock, wilt be sold, velvet carpets, Bair seat tete, chairs, tables, gilt frame mirrors, what not, hat. stand, oil cloths, bedsteads, blinds, shades; curtains, glees and china ware, kitchen utensils, Atc. Also, shell-work tables and work-boxes, Cape May dia mond pyramid ; boxes, ch ildren's playhouse, Sm.; lemon trees, plants, ,tc. FOR SALE AND TO LET. E FOR RENT, GRANITE STORE, -No. 723 CHESTNUT STREET, NOW OCCUPIED BY J. M. RAYLEIGH. Apply to THOS. MELLOR, se7-lia 40 NORTH THIRD STREET cA_PITALISTS AND BUSINESS MEN—ORPHANS' COURT SALE. 'will be told peremptorily, by M. THOMAS 4 SONS, - - - - - - • 0n OCTOBER 6, at 12.o'ctock, The valuable Frcpe;ty No. 219 FRONT btreet and 143 DOCK Street. _ The estate of Tames Rant , Sr,, deceased.' It might be advantageously divided int, two stores, on Front and Dock streets. - seal-6t* FOR SALE-A VERY SUPERIOR _DOUBLE GUN, made 'by Westley Richards, in fine Walnut Case, complete • price, "al Any one in want of a superb Gun will find this equal to any in the conn try. PHILIP WILSON Sr CO., se2S-6t 409 CHESTNUT Street. COAL YARD FOR SALE.-TH best fltied•np YARD in the city. Capacity:yor doing any amount of business. Inquire on the premises, 110. 957 North NINTH Street.below Girard avenue. se26 A MA R E OPPORTUNITY !- THE snl;seriber, intending to go abroad: desires to dis pose of a MANDFaCTORISG BUSINESS Paying over ODO hundred per cent. Particulars can be had by addressing F. R. .1., office of The Press. ocl-3V e t WEST PHILADELPHIA. FOR SALE, a very convenient and well arranged HOUSE, with all the modern conveniences. Size of lot. 00 by 020, on the south side of Chestnut street. east of Thirty-eighth' street. Apply to - S- A. HARRISON, ocl-3t* 1010 CHESTNUT Street. HOTEL FOR SALE.-A FIRST. CL aSS HOTEL, modern conveniences, with a good run of travel, as well as country trade, at Lebanon, Pa. Inquire of S. J. STINE, Lebanon, Pa. oel-12t• VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, AT CHELTON HILLS—SHERIFF'S SALE:—By virtue of two write of Levari Faciae, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, of Montgomery county, and to me di rected, will be exposed to tale by pnblic venal's., on MONDAY. October Lth, A.D. 1261, at 2 o'clock P. M., in the Sheriff 's Office, at the Court nonce, in the Borough of Norristown and county aforesaid,: the following de texibed Real Estate; All that certain tract of piece of land, situa tofu. the township of Cheltenham and County at Muntgomery, bounded by "Rock Lane," " The Serpentine," and lards of Thomas Mellor, being lots Nos 46. 52, 52, and 54.• as laid out 011 the map or plan of 'Chen= Hills," containing about Filty.five acres of land, more or lees. This property is beautifully situated in the most improv ing part of `` Chelton Bills," seven miles from Phila delphia, and near Cheltori Hill station on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. The larger portion of the above tract is Woodland, and the remainder under cul tivation. A stream of water paces through the pre mises and several excellent springs of water. There is also an Apple Orchard in prime of heari. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Francis N. Buck, with notice to Terre Tenants, and to be sold by FRANCIS MILE, Sheriff. SITERIFFS OFFICE, Norristown, 5ept.15,1663. 5e32.5t i r t FOR SALE OR TO LET ON A. LE SE—A. handsome medium-sized DWELLING'. with the modern conveniences. situated in ooe of the most desirable neighborhoods in the eity. Apply- on the premises, 121 North TWENTIETH Street. opposite St. Clement's (Episcopal) Church. - se3o-3t FOR SALE-FIRST-CLASS FARM AND.-GRIST MlLL—Farm containing eighty acres, 'within five minutes' walk of station' on North- Pennsyl vania Railroad, fifteen miles from the city. Excellent improvements; most desirable neighborhood. also. COUNTRY SEAT and Fe_RM. eighty acres, within ten minutes' walk of station on the Pennsylvania Railroad, eleven ladles out. ..konly to E. PE,TTIT. No. 323 WALNUT Street. Call and examine Register of Farms and City Pro perty. se%lf CHESTER COUNTY FARMS FOR -:One of 74 acres, 1 mile from a station. One of 64 acree - 11ii-milea from a station. One Of SO acres. near:West Gneeter..,One of 160 acres, near the Brandy wine, and-'one 0f:76 aeres. 2 miles from a station. These are all goodlarrhl3, - well watered. ri ith good buildings. Also, several:Others, well located. • - se26-6t D. S. CADW&LL.ASR: WS S. I'd I B.TH FARm FOR SALE IN CH 4 STER ..A—County, four miles from Downingtown, containing 108 acres, well watered, buildings new, drc: This it alto. I farm - in every respect, Apply to , D. FIIP.M.AIg, -.11.041c4rth SIXTH Street, orsto., 0. PA'X'SOH, "•,:.3% . 1134W` on the premises. * ll' FOR SALE 'FARM, 32 ACRES, good:buil' dings, at Sender Station, North Perinsyl . yenta railroad. Farm; 24-acres, near Station. . Farm*, - :37 Uses, it Lansdale. Farm, 31 acres, Tausboro. near Atlantic Railroad, New JerseV Also, a large variety of large and small farms, country seats,. building sites, in different parts of this and other States, B. F. GLENN, W. 123 South FOURTH Street, sel9-tf and S. W. corner SEVENTEENTH and GIVIBIEI. et PUTNAM MILL' FOR SALE.-A JEW- most excellent FLOODING MILL, containingsix run of stones, on the Muskingum river. at ZAIVASVILLB, Ohio, together with the WATER POWER, and about two acres of (Around surrounding the mill. While other mills here have to pay the State some $l,OOO per annum water rent. the water power for this mill is, and the whole premises will be sold for the value of the water power. Apply to ALFRED MERRICK, seIS-Ims Zanesville, Ohio. aft DELAWARE COUNTY COTTON .firssFACTORIES FOR S Ala—The valuable Coiton.Faci: tories, known as AVONDALE and STRATRAVEN, situ. ated on Crum Creek. Delaware County. one mile from Westdale Station, West Chester Railroad, two miles from Lelperville, and three from Chester, now occupied by Simeon Lord, are offered for sale. Avondale' in cludes a stone mill 82 by 47 feet. sg stories high, with dry house, pick er house, twenty-two stone tenements, and about 9 acres of land in Springfield . and Nether Providence twnships. " trathaveir" includes a frame cotton mill, 82by 30 feet, 234 stories high, with picker house. flue frame 'and stone- tenements. and about 24 acres of land, in Nether Providence. The properties will be shown by Mr. Lord, on the premises. Early pos session can be given. For terms in nire of SAMUEL FIELD, N. W. corner of FRONT and WALNUT Streets, mySO-tf Philadelphia. da TO ? LET-A COMMODIOUS .nL DWELLING, No. 132 North FRONT Street. Rent moderate. Apply to WRTHERILL & BRO., 0c27-tf 47 and 49 . North SECOND Street. RLOCOMOTIVE FOR SALE. OVE FREIGHT LOCOMOTIVE, of the following description: Six•wheel wood-burner Engine. all the Wheels connected; cylinder 16 by 20 inches: wheels 42 inches diameter; wrought tyre; boilers 35 inches diame ter. with 120 flues; weight about 40,000 pounds—in good repair and working order. Engine made by Messrs. Baldwin 5; Co., and is offered for sale on reasonable terms, not having any further use for an engiine. Also, 15 fonr-wheel COAL CABS. Apply to C GABRETSOM. se2s-finwtit* nig WALNUT Street. DRAIN PIPE. DIONTGODIERY TERRA. COTTA WORKS 2-inch pipe Par 3 feet • length, 25. 3 5 G 60 We are prepared to furnish STONEWARE DRAIN PIPE, glazed inside and outside, from 2 tort inches in diameter, in large or small quantities. with all variety of trans. bends, and other connections. Liberal discount to the trade. M•COLLIff k RROA.DS seiffuthr3m IA2I. MARKET Stieet, Philadelphia. AIN PIPE.—STONEWARE Ir)R - 1 --"" DRAIN PIPE from 2to 12-inch bore. 2-Inch-bore . 25 cents per yard. 3 do 130 do. do. - 4 .do 40 do. do. 5 do ' • . 50 do. do. 6 do 65 do. do. Every variety of connections. bends. traps, and hoPPers. We are now prepared to furnish Pipe in any quantity. and on liberal terms. to dealers and those. Purchasing in large quantities. ORNAMENTAL CHIMNEY TOPS. . Vitrified Terra Cotta Chimney Tops,. plain and orna mental designs, warranted to stand the action of coal gas, Or the weather In any climate. GARDEN VASES. A great variety of Ornamental Garden Vases in Terra Cotta. classical designs. all - elms, and warranted to stand the weather. Also. Fancy Flower Pots, Hanging Baskets. and Garden Statuary. - Philadelphia Terra Cotta Works. Office aria Warerobras 1010 CREST A . Strest7 S. A. mataisorl, VLU*P.""" , . AUCTIO FURNESS, BRIN SALE OF IMPOETED AND o nr TUBA er 2 ici t t. obe_r G It. at 10 o'cloSck D. &RlPackages and tots of ft THOMA. 9. • Noll. 139 and 1• . EXTRA LARGE PERM REAL EST.kTE. 1 Our Bale on TUESDAY, E very large amount and vs.. Peremptory' sales. by orde tors, . includri g some and plain city regd. country seats, &c. Also. B Sir:Pull descriptions rc catalogues on Saturday. SALES OF STORKS AND.RRY_A. ESTATE. At the Exchange. every Tuesday, at 12 o'clock noon. 4M- Handbills of each Property issued separately.ani on the Saturday previous to each sale. 1.000 cataloguer in pamphlet form. xhing full descriptions. Mr — FURNITITRE SALES at the Auction Stone cum Thursday ORPHANS' COURT SALES, 30Ih and 27th October. Hier Part of the handbills now ready. Executors' Sale. GOLD JEWELRY. FRENCH PASTE. Qte ON SATERDAY IffORNDSI9. . . October 3d. at 11 o'clock. at the Auction Store. wilt he sold. by order of the executors of Sohn B Gauchier, de ceased.-an assortment of sold pine, ear-rings. finger rin es. 170 gross French paste, gold watch. die. sir- May be examined, with cataloging, two hours previous to the sale. Sale No. 1314 Pine Street ELEGANT FURNITURE. PIANO AXMINSTER C PETS. MANTEL AN]) PIER MIRRORS, HANDSOMR VANES, CHANDELIERS, FINE ENGRAVINGS, &c. ..... TUESDAY filo - N . M 451 --- October 6th, at 10 o'clock, at No. 1614 Pine street, by catalogue, the entire frank - are, including suite of ele gant rosewood drawing-room furniture, covered win 4 brocatelle; elegant enclosed estagere; superior rosewood. piano, 7 octave, made by Minns & Clark; large Franck plate mantel mirrors, pair large pier mirrors. handsome gilt chandeliers and gas fixtures; fine engravings, richly framed, tine mantel vases and ornament', elegant Ax minster and velvet carpets, superior chamber furniture. IMe wardrobe, secretary bookcase, fine hair mactressen. be.: also, the kitchen furniture, Full particulars in ca tal au e The furniture was made to order, and is in excel lent condition. May he examined the day previous to sale, from 10 till 2 o'clock. "IDO ANC 0 A_S T B.WARNOCK, AUC TIONEE3S, Re. 213 MARKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF AMERICAN AND I'M PORTED DRY (MODEL MILLINERY GOODS. WHITE GOODS. &c. , by catalogue. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. October 7th, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely— Comprising about 700 lots of fresh and desirable roods. which will be found well worthy of att•ntlon_ (I.IIILLETTE it SCOTT, ...A AUCTIONEERS, Jayne'slihrble Eadidirta. 619 CHESTNUT Street. and 616 JAYNE Strew Philadelphia. SALE OF A VA_LCIABLE COLLECTION OF OIL PAINTINGS. ON FE/DAY AND SATURDAY'EVENTIVGB, October 2d and 3d, at 3 o'clock, will be sold. bircata logue. a large and valuable collection of oil paintings., from the American Art Gallery, New York. embracing choice pictures from the studios of some of the moat emi nent artists of the day. among which will be fount the works of Paul Bitter, E A. Somers, - Kippendorf. Palli eade, Brecken, Seymour, Baker. Saunders, and others. Also.•several very fine copies after Jeneirs. Landseer. and others. which will be found. well worthy the atten tion of connoiseeurs. ADZ" The store will be open until 9 o'clock P. M.. td afford an opportunity of examining the collection._ PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, 525 MARKET and 522 COMMEROEStreate. • 0 1.1 ' • : 00T: ..•p : e 4: ON MOIfDAY MOBNUW; October sllt, at 10 o'cit ok precisely, will be sold, by cataloirae, 1.000 cases men's, boss', and 3 oath's calf.ktp. and grain boots"- brogans. Balmorals, dm. ; women's. misses', and children's ealf , kip, goat, kid, and moreces heeled boot. and shoes. MOSES NATILANS,- Southeast corner cf SIXTH and RACE Streets: AT PRIVATE SALE, FOR LESS THAN HALF T 1 lISCAL SELLING PRICES. Fine gold sad silver English, AMerican, and Swiss pa. tent lever watches, extra full-jewelled and plain, of Out most ap bottom proved and best makers, in heav hunting cases, double cases, magic cases, double mat open-face; line gold chronometers, in heavy hunting casesr fine gold and silver lepine watches, in lipetimg.., cases and open face; silver guarder watches; dental. case English silver watches. and others. ' Diamonds' fine gold vest, neck, guard, and chatalien. chains ,• Egg pencil cases and pens, Silver do. setts of flne elry. medallions, gold and silver specks, brace English plated vest chains; double - and single- ' fowling pieces, some of them very superior; revolving field-glasses, Sc:.111. NATHAN& REMOVALS. RE MO VAL JOHN C. BAKER, Wholesale Draggle., has removed to 716 Mara= Street. , Particular attention is asked to Off O. BASER & CO.'S COD-LIVES OIL. Having increased facilities in this new establishment for manufacturber and bottling, and the avails of fifteen Sears' upsrieneer in the business, this brand of Oil has advantages our all others, and recommends itself. Conitant eriPPlfus are obtained from the fisheries, fresh, pare, and sweet. and receive the most careful personal attention of the original proprietor. The increasing demand and-wide spread market for it make its figures low, and &Fond grtieeat advantages for those buying in large gtteu.- .- Als. atet-dtf HOTELS. NATIONAL HOTEL, WASHINGTON, D. H. H. S. BENSON, PIItiPRIBTOR, Formerly of the Ashland House, Philadelphia. He is determined to merit, and hopes to roomy's, a anti share of public patronage. ]el9-6m METROPOLITAN. HOTEL, _L (LATE BROWN'S. ) PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, !Between Sixth and Seventh Streets. • • WASHINGTON CITY, A. s. Proprietor.. m522-6m SHIPPING. A IM BOSTON AND PECILADEL . PHIA STEAMSHIP LINE. sailing from week port on SATURDAYS, from first' Wharf shove Street, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf. Boston. The steamer SAXON. Captain Matthews will aafl front Philadelphia for Boston on SATURDAY, October & et 10 o'clock A. M. ; and steamer NORMAN, Onitetzt.„Acerer. from Boston on same day, at 4 P. X. These new and snliatantial stsamshlos forma regale line, salting - from each port reinctually on Satan:law. 2nenrances effected at ono-half the premium obautosi on sail Teasels. Freights talten at lair.zatea. Shippers are requested to send. Slip Receipt( mid 111thi Lading with their goods. For Freight or Passage (having flue asco •• - • apply to HENRY WINSOR & PAS ' 332 South DELAWARE-Avensui. itiNtSTE A Ttlf WEEKLY TO LIVAIL POOL, touchhur at Queenstown, (Cork Hari bor. ) The well. known. Steamers of the LiverpoOl. York, and Philadelphia Steamship Company :are Wok" - ed to sail as follows : CITY OF WASHINGTON Saturday. OctobeiL CITY OF INIANCBESTF,R -Saturday..October l(L CITY OF LONDON Saturday, October 14. And every succeeded Saturday at , noon, from Pier 44. North River. RATES CF. PASSAGE. Payable in Gold, or its equivalent in CurrencY. FIRST. CABIN, ,$6O .00 STEERAGE, SU 46 Do. to London, •85 00 Do. to London. 315 40 Do. to ,Parie, 95 .00 Do. to 'Paris, 49 118 Do. to Hamburg, 5 00 Do. to Hamburg.6l 651 Passengers also forwarder. to Havre, Bremen, Roger dam, Antwer &c., at equally low rates.- - Fares from Liverpool or . Queenstown: let Cabin. MI. $B6, $106.' Steerage from t opLivool, $4O t h ei r m town, $3O. Those who wish send for friengenan bey their tickets here at these rates. • For farther information, apply at the Company's °MN& JOHN G. DAL ,Th'• Agee.4 fs26 II WALNUT Street, PhiladelPUL EXPRESS COMPANIES. THI4I ADAMS BX REISS COMPANY; office 36111 CILF.STPDT Street. forwards Parcels. Packstgef, Ken , oliandise, Bank 'Votes, and Specie. either by its owe i lines or n: connection with other Express Com= to all the principal Towne and Cities in - the States. B. S. SANDFORD. te26 General Superintended. EVANS Sr WATSON'S , ' - ' I SALABLUWER min STOB.E. • • r 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. - PHILADELPHIA, R.l. A large variety of FMB-PROOF SAFESAalwags4 hand. , • WTEETE VIRGIN WAX OF- AN ILLES—A new French Cosmetic, for presetirtii4 whitening, and beautifying the complexion. .Tht preparation is composed of White Virgin Wax. of t} finest guality," giving the complexion a transparo; whiteness and the most bewitching beauty. *Weal component parts render harmless 'to theskit. . 3 serving it from tan and other imturities. Thie itiP• he wonders of the age, and must be seen to be ars' ciated. - ' A bottle will be open for Ladies Wry it oem before purchasing. Price 26 and 50 cents. EU - 1W 6'0.. Perfumers, 41 South - EIGHTH Street. two doors' snra Chestnut, and 133 South SEVENTH St;eet, ems Walnut. STEAIII ENGINE:-ONE S E - C 0113. RAND YertiOal Steam Engine, 30-inch cylber,.. 5 feet etroke,with large Wrought-iron shaft and beim-. wheel, 20 feet diameter, and weighing, 2f) tone. -hood. order, ATOT now in - operation at Reading. Pa. roala by . REMIT W. GARDNER. Providence, EL ee29-12i - WATER 'WELEELS, .ITYDRAILIC RAMS, -WINIAITLLS, Brass and. Iron - Lift' 'net Force PUMPS. Country residences supplied with - ble Gas Works, and every convenience. ofci Water. Plumbing. Gas. and Stearn Fitting. - L WCOLLIN k RHOS se2S-mwf3m 1.221 - Ar A IIBBT Street. Phil DR. DU "BOUGH NT. DEMIST, No. 1533 ARCH Street. N. 3. car. Sixteenth- eagle CPHRENOLOGICAL EXAM:A TIONS, with fall descriptioas of cbaiactioi4as DAY and EVENING. by ' .1. L. CAM -go4-fmw6m No. 25 South TENTH Btrs TR 04BON'S - IfOlsrDiN KITCHENER OR EUROPEAN RANO] ' PNI families. - hotels, orpublic . institution. fat TWENTY DIFFERENT SIZES. Also. h delphia Ranges, - -.Hot-Air Furnaces. Portable - : - , Lowdown Grates, Fireboard Stoves, Bath Rolla- ....• - hole Plates, Broilers, Cooking Stoves, &c., at wkil and. retail, by tke manufacturers. - , CHASE SHARPE, & THONSO auln-Wfm-Sm , No. 5100 N. BECOME:Ik ! .. _ HERMETICALLY SEA Lill pgurg AND VEGETABLES.— • II 2,000 dozen cans fresh Peaches. 2,000 do do do Pineapples. • - 000 do do do Strawberries.. 500 do do do Blackberries. - SOO do do do Whortleberriea. • 2CO do do do Cherries. - 4,000 do - do do Tomatoes, &e.. des On hand and for sale by ERODES & wtrArsms. 107 South WATER . WOTTVILLE GLASS - WORKS *F. • . haves FURNACE IN BLAST, and are prepared to attend to orders for BOWL*/ OC every description. H. R. tc G. F RONTE 27 SoutN Strpt. 14.4 lm. • S. VAUGHAN MERRICK, WILLIAM M. MB Is JOHN COPE. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, , FIFTH AND WASHINGTON ST • PERIADELPITIA. .1 151FuRILICIE. sONg .. . ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam. Engirlyi., fog land river and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks. Iron Boats. am. ; of all kinds,.eitheriren or brass. Iron. frame Roofs for Gas Works. Workshops, it Stations, Sm. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest At. of Plantation Medi ry P s urOger Every. tle S cd w n 4 ter a r3u n Pc d ttl ii n ri n. st Vacuum. Pans, OPen:Gteint Trams, Defecators. Filters. Pumping Engine& pastasgents for Itillieux's Hammer, Boiling ; Nesnivth's Patent Steam oh wati Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drajnws . , UNION STEAM AND WAT:E)I HEATING COMPANY OF PHILADELPHW, GOLD'S PATENT STEAM AND HOT-WATER BRAT= THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCET.ENBItcand An. gthst I m proved COOKING APPARATUS. f -- Boilers and• Water Racks._ Parlor and otheiAtr ' Batitt Regitters and Ventilators, acks:and Jambs, things connected with the above branch of' hrisiness.m- JAMES, P. W0.0.1)0: No.-41 Sonth FOURTH Street: B. M. EELTWELL. Superintendent. anStely.. AMERICAN. ROOFING SLAM FULLY EQUAL TO THE BEST WELSH-F4e/B. T. THQMA6. 2.17 WA - ErtAia ja26-4ro °ABB AND FANCY JOB FRI „ t 1 .-/ At RINGWALT- BROWN'S, FOQB
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