Y ITEMS. at « Op en in g" Day. today, the first of October, was remembered by the ladies of our innual "opening' , day, and scores retail establishments sought to in the race for popular approval. exceedingly auspicious for such too warm to render autumnal .le nor toe cool for the moat dolt- Leta. The stores in general, along our leading business avenues, looked "gay and happy," 'with elegant goods and fair customers, whilst the several houses in the fancy Dry Goods, Fur, Cloak, and Millinery departments, that had ht.:Tially announced their openings for yesterday, present." , such an array of "new fall goods of the lateit (Wine" as has never heretofore been wit iu this city. In the latter department, the opening of "new bonnets," in which the ladles ;seemed' to be preeminently interested, the magnifi cent display of Messrs. Wood az, Cary, No. 725 Ohest nut street, was the "lion" of the day. Thele spa cious and elegantly.furnished salesroom became a popular resort early in the day, and when the tide reached its flood, it would require a more graphic pen than ours to describe its bewildering surges ,of adored beauty. The " openings" of this well-known firm, (having lung since acquired a reputation for bringing out the styles to be universally adopted,) •are always looked forward to by the ladies with •pleasure, and we are quite sure that the most san guine expectations of their visitors yesterday were more then realized. Their display of faahionable new Bonnets, both -oil - heir own manufacture and importation, 1 , 711.9 de cidedly the richest, most varied, and tasteful that we remember ever, -to have witneased in Phlladel _ We may state, at the outset, that the unique leather Lomas, which. Messrs. Wood & Clary exht. kited in so much taste and profusion, constituted the raging 71 ovelly in their display. These beautiful mew style hats are shown in various slmges and Modes of trimming, and will unquestionably be ,popular. Various lateriale are, however, employ ed. Among the Mori attractive individual novel ties we observe an exquisite new bonnet with box plaits of velvet, confined with a band of ribbon, and rich black feathers coming out at the tip and falling gracefully over a crown of cuir•oolored The face trimming consisted of a scarlet loop and a bunch of hawthoins, softened down with white il lusion. A plain coif-colored silk casing also at tracted much attention. It was tastefully set off with three rosettes at the side, made'of velvet to Match the ;ink, while from each rosette there waved a► tuft of grass in the different shades of tan. A pe oulliarly of this hat is that it has also a casing cape, Which, by the way, seems to be a popular appendage this season to casing bonnets. A real leather - bonnet, of light shade, that we are now tonl:dice, struck us as a perfect specimen of plain tichnesis. The bonnet was trimmed with a fluted fold of crimson velvet across the top, and fastened in the centre with a bunch of leather flowers; face trimming of leather flowers. This hat appeared to AMA more admiration from ladies of taste than any of its rivals. We must also speak of a leather bon- MR in'the " Havana" brown shade, trimmed with a Fall knot of velvet on the crown, fastening, a long ostrich plume of the same shade falling over the crown. The face trimming was a scarlet-knot and full bunch of fruit matching the leather. We notlee that scarlet velvets are much used this season for face trimmings. -The flowers employed are usually large, filling the face of the bonnet. The shape of the new bonnet does not differ ma. terially from last seasonlnstyle, the difference being mainly that they are not so high over the face, and zarrowek at the sides, • ' To our own taste there was no more exquisite hat in the entire " opening , ' than a white royal velvet, with an open lace edge, and trimmed tastefully on the side crown with a bouquet of fine tan flowers, partiallyfrosted, having the appearance of the toss ing spray of a playing fountain. Strings matching the flowers were fastened on the side with steel or staments, the latter having, in a measure at _least, taken the 'place of jets. The face of the hat is cm ibelliahed with fine pink flowers mixed with illu sion. There will be few bonnets worn this season of more elegant taste than the white velvet here 'referred to, variously trimmed with scarlet and blue let off with long white plumes. A. Royal Purple Lyons Velvet was also greatly .. "Sidmireil. The body of the bonnet was made, of plititei,`rich plait being fastened with a jet button, with two rioh black ostrich feathers falling from the face on each side of the bonnet; the face-trimming unique and beautiful. Black velveti will also be very popular. We observed particularly, among a variety of others, one made of plain, rich, Lyons black' velvet, with a band of black ribbon running directly across the middle of the bonnet, and fasten ing at the sides a bouquet of blank silk flowers. The lace-trimming is of black and brown silk flowers, Same style as those on the outside. In the medium grades of bonnets the felt hat holds .st prominent place. One especially appeared to -us - as pretty. It was a drab felt, with a`casing, cape of scarlet velvet, the top being trimmed with f: double box plait, crossed over the top from the face to the crown, entwined with feathers. In ladies' walking halm and abildren'A headgear .there are as yet but few new things offered; though we, may state, in -conclusion, that the regular " fall opening" by this firm, hi this department, Will take place on Thurs. relay of next weelc. , ,ENGLISH CitA.CrirsTELS AND WINE BIS ,CIuiT, just received by Davis & Richards, Tenth and Arch Weds, 'CM= AND SAP-SACK!. '691135E. Davis k Richards, Tenth and Ar ch streets PRETTY COLD !—lce in the 'gutters four , Inahes thick. Up Cheatimt street, yesterday morn ing,. opposite the " Continental Hotel," in the early paredf the morning, hie was noticed in the - gutter 'which measured over four inches in thickness. This we have on the authority of a gentleman employed `Charles Stokes & Co.'s Clothing Store, hefore Whose front it was seen. It was supposed to have fallen from one of the ice tarts. " Nonni% sits so gracefnily on a man of birth and fortune as affability; without it he is not a gentleman, though his riches were inexhaustible." We clip the,above from an exchange, and might add to iomplete the picture, that next to " affability" a suit of clothes from the palatial store of Granville Stokei, 609'Chestnut street, sits most gracefully on any man. . THE COMING ELECTION. The great event of the day is the election which comes off on the second Tuesday of the present month. All psalms are musteringtheir forces for the struggle, and we can only say, may Heaven defend the right. We would state, however, that the Brown Stone 'Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 0306 'Chestnut street, above Sixth, is still open for Conviction, and that those of our readers who would procure elegant and comfortable Fall and Winter Garments cannot do better than to make their purchases at =the popular establishment Clamed, ONE TVOILD TO THE LADIES.— I iVe sup posed that the Ultima. Shale in the art had been reach ed months ago, when we saw, for the first time, a Grover & Baker Machine in full action; but now, a /tidy friend, well posted in all matters pertaining thereto, informs us that an important part of the performance escaped our notice, and in proof there of, exhibits to our astonished gaze her little hors freak embroidered with tasteful and fanciful designs Which she informs tii was all done, stitching, em.- brolderyoand all, on the same Machine. This is \ ' certainly remarkable, but nevertheless true, and if All the purchasers of these celebrited Machines are as enthusiastic as is our friend, the proprietors must rhaving one continual " hymn of praise" ascend ri gin their behalf. .. Gramaninx's HATS.—AII the newest and styles for Fall Wear, in Felt, Bilk, and Oassi. -, will be found at Warburton's, No. 430 Chest itreet,,next door to the Post Office. selTim ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, TO TWELVE O , OLOOIC. LAST- NIGFIT. r fraril--Chestreut, or A Wetmore, New York .1 3 W McDougall, Cal IttOonnor, Michigan .TlMurray, Ports month, 0 04rCrinkle & wf. Penna kßayner,New York i Beaten, Carlisle n Tobin [ core, M D,. Penns n Thomas, Harrisburg D Haines, Shippefisburg Lougal & la B Chase, New York es A L - Smith Maryland. I, Smithadaryland . ogue & la ,T le Robinson & la. Wash Haven, New" York 3 Peck. Indianapolis CB C Rieetand t.i 'Poulson , .Grovz& tt Z ir N y e o y k Y o rk Pianos, U 8 la Hendrickson Indianan S YAW California easter S lark; !New York rc A en, Ba tlinore Laci Devine _ Ira attliews, Del co ' /I"Lowentb al, " Baltimore .Tlistokaw. Baltimore D Egan, New York ' Rudolph, New York L Orabam, Bloomington , liss Y Graham, Bloomt'n •Sargent, Davenport 1B Spencer & la. Lancaster i H Manderbech, Penns, Iti • Irlitudiarn.W Chester' ube,Baltimore Aj eo H Sterling. Penna.! 1 Clo Reirri , New York 31S ieder,_Now York ClClyde. Delaware C Shoener, Tamaqua C Sbindle. Tamaqua Eckert, Lancaster co limy Eckert, Lancaster co T Richards, Pottsville 2Ob Dean, Peuneylvanla naldson. Ackland Pratt; Baltimore Henbane Waehiligton lilmaLl. Harrisburg by, Harrisburg . VeZtly• Harrisburg, J Atm , Middleton: t eh: NOW rk do Wood ;Jraianis; Towanda ,7 TJohnson AS I/ Hoes . ZI /1 Wiles, Heaeton Al litolf. New York Arnerlenn—Zhentnut ..,,. . _ P - Bodine, New Jersey' C Allen Z IV IRtIntI l a , e a e li?irg i to n 4 3 B Beaten, New Jersey ND Bockwelf, Bala - mon Wallace. Delaware Stover & d; Jersey Shore L /4:Knrepeedt, New York . 114A. K RAIrt . . "Airs nrGraham ..7 M Priohett & wf. 1.1 S N J it Chapman, II S a J Homer & la, Delaware Brown. York, Pa - , Pllser & wf, Ben d Amine Ir , Malfent,.Falrville A Sheppard New Jersey 1 'W,_s. Crisp, `Newtown, Pa, . W Winn. New York t r W Woodruff, New Haven - • Haider. Tamaqua Conroy & la, Maryland paid F6agle— Third s 'star Forney. Lebanon co no Forney, Lebanon co Xd_ ward C;01.11UP, Scranton Oa° Taylor, Scranton treet, below Ninths IS W McFarland. Ohio . Him L CauseV,Dalaware B.F Cs.usey,jr. Delaware ' NT Hayes, W Chester - C Yohe,Dethlehem R H Sayre, Bethlehem L T Lewis, Baltimore H P Johnson J Loughlin. Newville J F Bodine, New Jersey T N Rogers. Penns C H Johnson,Maryland. E Evans, Ne w Yor k J W Smith, New York -. SIT Judge J H Rodney, Delaware • DH. Weis. Indiana . . C Bird: Derma. J L De La Cour, IVaih Mle. Sargent . - Mr Jenkins, Boston Corn T Crabby IFS N C Mclntosh, St Louis I Donaldson. Ashland . „ ..... A D Maryin,Washington J 0 Reid. Baltimore Mrs SY Rutherford, Fenna, Miss Rutherford, Ilarrlsb'd R Williams, Delaware Miss Sanderson, New York II Wallace Sr la. Baltimore D Miller, Boston 61. Williams, Penna P Mainrphins. Boston B D Forester, Baltimore P F Bovine. Maine G Harvey. Trenton Fall 3 J Henderson, Frederick G Slavxnaker, Frederick Mrs Dr S Sumner, Pittsburg Maj J H Dewses, Penns L J Albertson, Parma H A Wade, Lancaster co H Altoona J Fleming, Harrisburg C H nougat, Milton A Stern & la, New York 1 8 W Oakley & da,FtVi'ayrie IT C Bowen, 17 N F-Picking, 13 B N Jos Cocking, Ph renixville Major Simpson,U S A Mr J Wood & la, N Jersey Chas Edwards, New York B L Forster, Harrisburg L B'Aldricks, liarrisburg H 8 Osborn, Bel rid ere, N .1 GreenwalLEllaabethtown .1 P Pepper & wf, Wash T SY - inks, Sr. Salem, N C W Walker, New York Miss E Walker New York Hon Al B Lowrey, Erie A 0 Cattell. New Jersey S A Paxson, Trenton. N J Burgess, New York M BCOMS ay. Washington streets above Fifth. kLivingston & la. Lanc W B Camp,- Pennsylvania. H C Beldon, New -Jersey J D Van Bomar. N Jersey H 8 Myers, Baltimore Boron Von bbakelhamer, - 13elgium It Edwards ; Illinois H P Bootee. Delaware J R Ladd. New -York A H Hamilton, Kansas J M Liming. Bridgeton • 8 & Beers, Brooklyn . W A Pltzer ' t- Bigman, Easton H ltoekbanm, Afaryland Mrs BLewie, Panneylyania if E Abbott, CarbonC o D Pettengel, II N 11p Payton. Providence, BE C Marll, New York S Schreyer, Middteport W C Dermot,_Plitsharg M Dryfoos, Fremont. o t., above Cailowhill Henry Winterg,Lamp . co BF Klopploger. Bammit Ft Borba% Botbleborct Continental—Math C D 'Rockwell. New York F. S Walton, Wilmington A Cartien. A ew Albany George A Phoebus B Gee & wf. Pitteburg T C McDowell, Penne . _ . . Pangborne, New York 0 Wendell, New York T Wendell, New York S A Allen, New York 0 Trotter & wf, Philada Mre Hammer!, N Jersey. Miss Hanitell, N Jenny Dr Campbell, U S A IC Warren, Boston J P Bradley. Newark R Emerson & la R tratiferd, Medford Lieut. H Holt. Morris Isrd H Fox. Forms Peter Kern. Permit Mies E stocker, Penna .M. Stocker. Penna Mies C Stocker, Penna . , Theo Ayers. Penns 4.li.etcheledge, Penns - . S Gulrick, Penna " JO5 S Patterson & la, Minna CH Shriner, Union co; Pa P with, Maesachusetts Mr, Cameron & cb, N York Mins Fuller. New. York Miss Wright, New York J F Ortb & wf, Vanua M Quillman Reading D D Elder, Phileda W B Chapman & wf, Conn Jim Hulcoinson England .1 E Unseen & wt', Nicaragua H T Harrison & wf. Wash Robt Wylie & Wf, Baltimore M C Graham, Nashville W. W Craig, Nashville Mrs P craw, Louisville R Et Ceryell. Si Clair S Miller. Maryland J U Dennis & la,Mnryland Mien C Dennis, Maryland C E Baker, BSA " liffss Lewis, West Chester Miss McKean, West Chester Ad:it Montgomery :: JiG Dudley,' Bnlfalor , if-i. .1 H Robinson:.-Mercor; Pa, D lieorietter. Pittsburg . M COTtie, Mt Vernon JL Crawford & wife. Wis W MeLelan St lady, Penna 0 J Brownell Gen 'l' Lewis. Clarksville .7 13 North. NY'asbington Pev isir A Paniiim & ty, Del J M. Brown, Ohio J W Amee, USA It W Sherfeldt. New York J Van Nest St lady. N Y riles A Seeco, New York It 0 Delbert, New York 13kierchanta'—Fourt Thos Penney, McKeesport Chas C Baer, Pittsburg John Hays, Pittsburg H H Hopkins, Tyrone City. John &Robinson, Wash. 'rhos O'Connor, Wash, J N Moffat, Orange co, N Y K Galway, Pittsburg W J White. Pittsburg Hare, Pittsburg G 1y Morton, Pittsburg Theis Rees, Pittsburg Jobn Paisley. lt/ttsburg R McClure, Pittsburg jos llamili, Pittsburg John Hamill, Pittsburg John -blanker, Pittsburg Jas S Williams, Pittsburg J Gumbeit. Pittsburg Jar Scott, Pittsburg. • , John C Wall, 'Pittsburg John IT Rocker, Money ' Miss Sarah S Dimro, 31uncy John Dimm, Mutiny Albei t D Lundy, Williamspt D David, Ohio J Middogh 31e, Juniata co .Tohn K White, Baltimore W S Rutherford, Harrisburg G N Wagner, Penna. S 11l hnan, Norfolk, Va C J Prownell,Bingliamton J S black, York Wm Beam. Ohio John S Branner, Penne, Brown, Somerset, 0 St. Loulg—Chestiat D Potter, New Jersey - Geo A Bodenharn, Malaga, 0 Judge Noble street, above Third.. T S Samwaat & ia, Balt WAlanson, Newport, R. I 0 Sturdevant, Boston . . - A Garverick, Harrisburg B Roth, Cincinnati, 0 J G Tom:nand, Mass _ . C G Ideginnis, New Y ork C D Nocewell, Scranton R A Campbell, Newark, 0 P Hall & la, Woodbury Woollen, Woodbury _ . John Irfayher, New Jersey James Igo, II S N Mrs lir Listead, Harrisburg Mrs L Henri, Harrisburg H. II Courpertnavait, Dovey, Pottsville li' Gregory, Bridgeport I Shinn, New Jersey L S Paine. Lewisburg J Wils9n, Waaitingtou J Wilmot: Indiana 0 0 Pratt, Woodbury Gldonton, Jr, Reading T u Van Alen, Danville S I? Pries St la, New Jersey Ci A Klugh, Harrisburg The Unlon—Areh T S Luccock, Ohio treat. above Third. H W Sparta', Reading,- Pa Col R Ratelifi, Tnmagna Geo Voorhil, aapl Arnold, U S N Mrs Arnold ENIZZEDIS J W laughlin „Perrysville Thos Fergus, Elizabeth C Phile.cm, Berlin, Pa Miss E C Philson,Berlin,Pa Miss A J Philson, Berlin, Pa C Deiceroth. Penna. . . iti Lf. Shultz, New Lsbori. 0 Johu Culp, Gettysburg G E nobermou, Salem. N J Mrs Akers, B•oody Ran Cans C Ford & la, N J C 31t) der & wf, oertton, 0 L Davie, (Denville 1., 43 Marshall & Is, Ohio JTitman, NEW Jersey Geo Titroan New Jersey. Sam; Diair,'Wisconsin - S 1; Winter, 'Wisconsin W Blair. Sparta N J _ Mrs A Baker, 811ippenslyerg Miss J S Lloyd, Wooster, 0 G W Heebner, Port Carbon H Green . • • Mrs Gaston, New Jeriec - W G Dino, Wash'mco,l Ensx, Blair co, Pa A di Walker :1112, ohlo J Griffith, Ohio . _ Lewis Heilman, Reading John MOlCaigin, Reading JOh a D Swartz, Hagerstown J G Foust, Martinsburg ' Gen B Rice, Martinsburg CD Wilson, (Milord, Pa - It B Hartley, Clertwood,Pa F I Herr, Lancaster co John M . Prauti,Lancaster co A 6 Landis, Lancaster co rasa] Pltilson, Berlin, Pa M Lam:Dan, Middleton Capt Berton, U S A MIT It 'WHIP, Middletown Barr, Delaware States Union—Marke W Chambers, Indiana co Capt D Henkel. Juniata co It Forsyth, Lewistown J D Milligan, Ichestown James Ogden E J Ford, Dtlaware • t street. above Sixth. H Stewart & la, lowa Murray,O Lt Baltimore W B Wilkins, Virilm,Del C'T Blair, Carlisle W R Dais,' Cincinnati G W Faatek; Mifflin William Wise, ltrifilin J a Rridaharn, Tyrone jaceh Stehman, Lancaster F J Weaver, Inneaster John K Weaver, Lane E A LewiE, U S L G Getz 4SI eon, Lancaster J3S Dlegratton, Wllm, Del J Slianer, W ki.bester . _ _ . L W Perry, Columbia ;Pa T Keasy Jas W Smitb. Jr, A J Sowers, Wayneabmg Clark IVhitineycr Jos Megratten, Wilmington A S Kinzer, Lancaster co 1' A Kinzer, Lancaster co J 0 McMeen. Milesbarg H K Stoner, Lancaster . Jonas W Raub, Lancaster J illeCnrily, Harrisburg II Shultz, .Elizabethtown L Brenemau, Elizibettit'n G W Forrest, Lewistowt, W Hoover, Lowi,t own 11 Murray, Landisbnrg J A Wilson, LundiAborg Mrs J A Mason dr eh, Penne National—Raze at J R Hoffer, Mount Joy lone c Adams, Reading J S Goble & la, Lancaster Clement Foster. Ashland.. Edw Shissler. Minersville -E Moss, Allentown S SEanway, Lebanon • eet, above Third Miss E.Krebs,Pottaville M S Stein, Pottsville Miss 'V Myers, Potts villa H G Wolt & da, klifilineburg J V Barber & da, IVltffl R. W Smith, Middleburg Miss K need, Middleburg- W Lerch, Jr, Plaegrove P Harley, Backs co 0 A Jacoby, Bloomsburg TasLet-s, Bloomsburg J H Hefter, MifflinviUe] R Thompson-,Doylestown. -8 R Bear, Mount Joy Miss Julia Ross, Lebanon John B Smith, Reading Honsum, Washington Josiah B Myers, Pottsville Commercial—Sixth St J M Blair, Centre co W J Smedley, Delaware co G Wilson. Chester co B Thompson, Chester co T Dilworth, Chester co J Henniee, Chester co B R Hatfield, Chester so Ident 3 R Hayman W C Adams & wi P Fagan,Mauch Chunk R L Pile Chester co H Lee, Cleveland, Ohio J Gnire, Downingtown reel, above Chestnut R T Wilson, Newark C P Wickersham, Choate.) J Cloud West Chester T Walter, West Chester Dire W Wiley, Maryland H C Nesbitt, Maryland D B Meredith, Weet Cheater C Darlington, West Chester Powell, West Chester J J Stsdiger, Schuylkill co W 42bWarfoid & Penne • street, above Race. Jno A Weiser, York, Pa Isaac T Hamilton, II S II 3 Hamilton. Blair co James Adair, TT S Chas P Smith, Ashland John Fowles, Newtown Saml - Forney, 'Penna Edw Allen, t'enna L J Smith, Reading Henry Van Reed, Reading A R Montgomery, Lock Ha Peter Killinger. Palmyra Miss C Hanes, Palmyra Barmurt's Hotel—Tit JD lluesell. Delaware ..--- -- • - Rev J H Dubbe & w, Pottst W Bartlett, Cbicago Paler Wilson. Centre co"' Jno Wilson, Wilson, S R Capp, Jaclisonv. 11l J P Dunham. Northumb'd. Jno Abrams & la. Ponna 1) ri Clement, New York R 111 Pike. Boston Sarni Stay, Litrleston W F Crouse, Lirtleaton S B Bowman, Berwick Second Stadinve Arch. W Parks, Easton F Hallowell, Harrisburg S Hayden, Wilhamspo t A Burgamout, Wmsport W C dills, Williamsport Ti It Hibbard. litoluxtVernon Hotel, Jim C Boyd, Wayne co Mrs Frankelbury, N 0 F. Salmi], Dauphin co 0 Corbett, Dauphin co John Van Leer, Fenno. Saml Craveling, Penna Aug Everhart, Penna J D Hawks, Mass Miss 1t - !f Hawks, Masi L Maderson T S White T Simons, Salem V L Wilson, Bridgetown H Pearson, New Jersey J B Harrison, Rahway d street, below Vine. G W Hoofnagle, New Hope Miss M A Bnekle9, Lane W Ent, Lancaster. Penna. W H Blank, Hammendton W Baker. Hammendton H S Brownell, Virmsport G Rogers. Bradford co Barley Sheaf—Secon H J Martindale, Stockton A Chambers, Newtown- J.Laro b, Northampton co J Beryls, Doylestown M Erekin, Germantown Nathan Pealing, Chester co Michael O'Neal. Chester co 0 W WorEtall,Thickingham B F Howard. Illinois D Cooper wf. Richmond Joe Willard, revrtOwn Joe E. Leland, Higployir.n. oo; e, PenneylC"ania I °At. above Dlakket. B C Hamilton, Lewistown Mrs Patten. - Lewistown H Wildman, Yardlerrille Hart, Doylestown Lient A Meted, Harrisburg D;Zeigler &lady,Lewistown H McCord, Lewistown. Mrs Adams or sister,N York II P Xisenbise. Lewistown Mrs G W Adams & Y Madtson—Second as ST Jennings, Wyoming o Col Wm Butler, Lewistown Peter Htses At lady . • Jas B Lambert, DoylestoWn Lukens. Thomas, Lumber's J Quimly, Lumberyille Charles Heritage nos Harley, New York C F. Freeman. New York Capt D W Fox Black Bear—Third. St., above Cal lowhW. M Reichard, Hambnrg I Ryan Hellion, Allentown N T Oebr. Reading Chas Loan:Lan, ,Carlisle Aaron lirdman,Millerstown 3i Eteitter; Harrisburg SPECIAL NOTIO.ES. EYE, EAR, AND THROAT DISEASES TREATED with general Mimes by Dr. VON MOSCHZISKER, au. thor of " Guide to Diseases of the Eye," Observations on Diseases of the Ear," and the . only, legitimate Eu ropean Oculist and Aurist in this country. •-Oredentials from the. very highest authorities, and acknowledgments of the most satisfactory cures, from responsible persons, can be examined at his office. No, 1027 WALNUT Street. . se26-6t,* ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST STYLES. made in the Best Manner, expressly for'-RE TAIL SALES.• LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order. .warranted 'satisfac tory. Our ONE-PRICE SYSTEM is strictly adhered to. are thereby treated alike. deMly JONES & CO., 604 MARKET . Street. S . HAIR DYE! HAIN DYE! -BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR DYE is the Best in the Wor/d. The only Harmless True. and RellaWe Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect—changes Red, Rusty, or Gray Mir,. instantly Lola Glassy Black or Natural Broten, - without injuring the Hairor Stain ing the Skin, leaving the Heir Soft and.Benutiful; Parts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its.` pristine color, and rectifies the. ill effects of Bad Dyes. The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHELed; all others are mere imitations, and should be avoided_ Sold by all Druggists, &c. FACTORY, SI BARCLAY Street, New York. Batchelor's New Toilet Cream for Braising the Hair. Je23-17 ELECTRICITY CPT A Nnw SYSTEM, AS 017- ILATIVE by Dr. A. H. STEVENS, Na. PENN SQUARE, Philadelphia. 81314-tf• — .DR. SWEET ' S INFALLDTLF. LINIMENT AFFORDS Immediate relief for Piles. and seldom Tails to cure:.- MARRIED_ RBDIFKR—HOBB.--On Wednesday, Sept. if th,by the Rev. J. Ntrnarid, Redifer to Si. J. Robb, alt of this city. Chicago papers please copy. BUTTAR—BLACK.—At Philldelphlit, Thursday. Oct.. 1563. by the Rev. John Thompson. of the M. E. Church .llon. Joseph Butler, formerly of Mauch Chuck, to Miss Rebecca T. Black. of Philadelphia.. COV , ADAY—WILTBSRGER.—On the let inst., at St. Mary%e Church, }Vest Philadelphia, by Rev. Thomas C. Yarnell, William It. Colladay, of New York, sad Lizzie D.,daughter of The ,dare. M. Wiltberger, of the former Place.. BRICR—LEWIS;--On Thursday, Oct. Ist, at the' feei deuce of the bride's father, by the Rev. WilburY -Fad dock, Mr. Nicholas Brice to Nellie, YOungesi.daolijltof of .7 Mr. A. J. Lewis. - ROYBR - PIGOTT. —At Glenwood. Frankfort, at the residence of the bride's mother; Sept. 20th, by- ey , H. A. Hunaicker, J, Warren Royer, Al D.. of the TraPPe- Montgomery county, and Anna Herbert Pigott,- of the Butner place. DO WLIN G — IIBBRON. —On Wednesday, Sept.. 30th:1.W file Rey. N. Cantwell, Mr. John Dowling to M 1133 Mary. Herron. . ok faR — SANDBRBON.—Sepi. 30th, by Rev. Samos Mlichell,'"Joseph Grice. Bsq.,of Now Poik dity, to Balla It daughter of Wm. Sanderson, Sr., Bak., of Philadel phia. DIME). GRUND.—On the 29th ult., Stancie J. Grand, in the 20th year of his age. The male relatives and friends of the family are reepect. fully invited .to attend .the faneral, from his late resi dence, No. 1719 Spruce street, on Saturday MOrnilic a t 10 o'clock; without farther notice. . . TALMAGE. —October lst. Harry Talmitge. 1 hio notice will be given of the faneral: i , VAI,III.SLIY.--On Fourth-day afternoon:the 30 Jo , rx.h Walmsley, in the 80th yearothis age.;_, The relatives and Mende of the "family are invited to a item l hi% falters!, trim 104 late reektonm - ZZortli MMIIIMIKMM el Chestnut streett nine M B Winne, ?Malt W B 'Hooper, Baltimore Mrs J J Henry, PdaryPd 8 l Merritt. N Jersey Sites Belle Carhart, N J Miss Mary Onnut, Jersey Niles S Vanatter, N Jersey Hebert Osman, N Jersey Peter Mater, New Jersey Sties A Garrison, Penne J Miller, Penna S C Rosenberry, Penna K Shinier, Penna Jas P. Gardner, Penns Bush, Penns S Gardner, Penna Irvin Penna Miss H Rash. Nana EIZEM=M .. • • R Ferguson. N York W fI Romaine. N York GR Rotchki, , , NAIV HiVOll .1 F Mickenzle, Wash. 1 . ) C W H Meson, LoLdon , 6Gratz &is, Lex'n, Ky W S Langford, Baotou 1111 Kellogg. Columbus. 0 It Benson, Jr, New York Jno 0 Priest, St Lonis Master A L Priest, St Louis blhe MA Oliouteau, St Louts Mime S H Watson tit Louis V Jenkins St la, China John Fad Inn 91e.CoDlr, Ohio Mrs McCook. OLIO Miss Stanton. Ohio miss M Lindsay. Pittsburg Miss B Lindsay, Pittsburg J 14 - Lindsay, Pittsburg (1 F Porter,liew Orleans 0 J Dobbins, IsidlV York 0 M Read & wf. Wash, D C N Thayer, Boston Mr & Mrs Day, Detroit Miss Dwight. Detroit A J Upson.. Isiow YO is C M Bomoisler & wife A Hall, Boston A lI Bigelow & son,Grarton B B htgelww & sou, Grafton S H Hammond, New York. H God rich. r ow Jer,,eY J"C Adams, Towanda J 61 Hollings worthSzta Bost W Shreve & wire. N I dire R M Wampolc, N J ,S M Green, Penna Ang .1 Brown 5-„ladv,N Y Mien Brown, New 'Vora L F Judd, Connecticut . .... . 8o yd M colt. Ciaclauatl L C Campbell & wife, Wash W Bennett & wife' _ . W B Elcath. Bristol, R I LP Richard+. Bristol. R I B R Biddle, NW York sit.reet. beloiet Arch. Jos Brown, Pittsburg hheridan Pittsburg P Wilson, Centre co. Pa • John Wilson, Rendeville R Capps. Jacksonville, 11l Hon Al ti 'Caput, Mercer co Tilos ELwav, Altoona„ Pa Mrs Kerr- Pittsburg J (5 Davidson. S oubenvillo Ler,nae, Indiana Thos Slaughter. Dover, Dal Mbs Murdoch. Milton. Pa Edw Duster, Bethlehem • J E Otrvin, Strasburg, Pa C .11)we, Stra-burg. Pa B F B roan fie' d, M D, C Miller, McKeesport J . IV Long. Pittsburg D P Bosworth SE wf, Ohio LB Slater, St Lords , W B Posey. Jr. Pittsburg S Reynolds, Lock Haven. Noble Kelley, New Concord A B Erhart. uentre. co, Pa J V Forster, Centre co, Pa Miss Briggs, Columbus; 0 Miss Young, Mifflin burg. Pa Joe L Wild tic wf, Wheeling J M Krester, Harrisburg S New Jersey S Palmer, Penna J B McClelland, Pittsburg Thad Banks, Itollidaysbg R Banks Hellidaysburg Robt S Davis, Pittsburg , L F Gilkeson Boston - Edward Swain, Boston Mrs E. Winter a, Hamturg Frank-A Smith, Philada 6 W Hoinss. Pkitada H Ladd, New York - I 11ISARPEARED =INFORMATION Is -- wanted of HOWARD LBEDOM, of Rinks county,: , who is aged eixteen years, about five feet ten inches high, light comnlexion, light hair. and-light eyes. He disappeared from his home on the 23d of September. Anyinformation concerning him will be thankfully re ceived. and suitably rewarded. Add rest ' • ' .JOS. H. LSBDOM, 5e30.31* Brownsbnrg, Bucks county, Pa. Fourth street, on Soventh•day morning next. at 10 o'cloc . l . t. •withont further notice. GIBBONS. October Ist, Mary Kenderton. eldest daughter of Jolla B. and the late Francid Cilbbone. aged 8 yeere and 1 months. FLOY —Sept. 20th, at tho rodif.once of her mother, near Willow Grove, Annie J., wife of W. E. Floyd, aged 82 roe rd. BLACK CORDED MOUSSELINES.- All-wool black corded Mousseline Balaluse,.62;c. Lead French. Mahatma. Lead Poplins and Reps. • Black armure and Groa Grain Silks. Black Thlbel; Long Shawls,. Black and white Scotch Wool Long Sha who. Black Parin Cloths. Black and white Striped and Plaid Paha Mona saline Delainee..iust received by BESS() N & StlN, se% Mourning Store, 01.8 CFLESTNITY Street; iLYLIVC K. MIXED WATER-PROOF CLOTHS.. Brolvn Mixed SEPELLANTS, - - EVIe6 & LANDELL. SYRk Sr, LANDELL, FOURTH . and AIM, have a Sue gear of Shawls, PoPling, uud Merin"B* 6.4 Scarlet Opera 010 Purple Opera Clothe. Blue Opera Clothe. eel miss ANNA E. DICICINSONMLIAL, address the people of Pennsylvania on the NATIONAL CRISIS. At WILNESBARRE - Friday, " 2d. At DANVILLE Saturday, At SIIASIONIN ..)Eouday. sth. At POTTSVILLE Tuesday. . " 6th. At LEBANON Wednesday. 7th. At CARLISLE Thursday, " Bth. At GETTYSBURG " Friday, 9111. At YORE'. Satarday. 10111. At Cif litzTilt .Monday. • 12th. x itrt .a vop t pu, — f ACCORDANCE WITH CITIZEVS e IOVAY I'I7SD nO }MITTEL OPPIIILA- DELPPIA. I ant directed to give NOTION that all claims for BOUNTY bo presented before the flret day of November next. Those previous to June Ist. to MICrUEL V. B &EEL - No. 234 South THlllll Street. Those Blue June Ist. to WILLIAM VEIToH, PaymaBter, Washington South THIRD Street. Plifl,3l)7l.PlfLl. O. 35&4 -- - ocl-3t TILE COOPER SHOP COMIRITTEE respectfully acknowledge the receipt of On IiD.NDDED DOLLARS from the. Committee of . Finance Of the Merchants' Regiment, .I.4th Parma Militia: It THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CONTRIIWTOES to the YOUNG MEN% INS LI- T - UTE will "be held at. No. 232 WALNUT Street, on I.llo.EDn'i, October lith. at 1234 o'clock, when the &lineal Report of the Board of Tru tees will Uri subinitted and an Election for Trustees heId.RERN. oc2 Secretary of the Board of Trustees. TEN PER. CENT. COUPONS of the North Pennsyavania Railroad Company, due October 1, l£M, will be aid on presenta tion at the office of the Company, No. 407 WALNUT Sheet: focl.3t) ' WILMA 51 V6'ISTER,. Treasurer. u A s —miss LIZZIEI roTEL Massaclinsats, will Lecture at SAN SOM. STREET HALL, on SUNDAY nest, at 103, I. M., and 73 P. 141. Admittance 5 cents. se3o-3t. WEST PHIL B,DELPIIIA STREET LO —Ths attention of capitalists is called to the Sheriff's advertisment of- a large lot 'on. Market street. West Philadelphia; to - be sold as the proierty of Edward 'Burnham, on Monday nest, at SaIIROM- treet The title, derived from the old West Philadelphia illailroad C..enpany, having . barn confirmed by act of the. Legislature, is now in ,, ispat, able.-.5.31-3t. OFFIC EEE AVE R EAD OW RAIL ROAD LED COMPAN Y. rIIILADELPHIA, September 28, 1993. A Quarterly Dividend of 2,!- ‘ : per cent. on the Capital Stock of this Company has been declared this day, paya ble on and after October 7th. clear of Government tax. se29 L. CHAMBERL UK, Tres. wen PHILADELPHIA. COLLEGE HP I'HARMACI • lie' Forty-third Coarse of Lec tures in this Instizotion will be delivered in the College Building, FILBERT Street. above Seventh, during the Winter, on MONDAY. -W RDNESDAY, and FRIDAY EV BIM INGS, commencing wi tb a general Introductory, by PROFESSOR PROCTOR.. on FRIDAY EVENING,. October 2d, at o'clock. Matriculation Tickets may be obtained of ALFRED B. TAYLOR. Secretary, 101 - C ESTNUT St. se29-4t PITTSBURG PRAM soni3 holding Railroad Bonds Issued by the OW, of Pittsburg, are hereby notified that I will be at the office of Ithas D. Kennedy, Ito. 333 WALNUT street, Philadelphia, prepared to exchange comprotni4e bonds for the old issue of Railroad Bonds from THURSDAY, 24th instant, to October let, both..days included. _ _ OF THE FRANKLIN FIRE INS. CO., PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 25, 1853 —Au election for TEN DIRECTORS. for the ensuing year, will . be held. agreeably to charter, at a general meeting ot the Stockholders. for that purpose. at the aline of the Cool - acs. on MONDAY;Oct. 5. ISOI. at 10 o'clock: A N. seW-10t J. W. MUILLISTDR, Sec. pro tern. y:~ ST. LUKE ' S.AUX[LIIRY TO THE U' SANITARY COMMlSllONearnestlyeolieitefrom zucmhers of the congregation and others contributions for the benefit of SICK and WOUNDED SOLDIERS. Ar, ticies of Diet. Flannel, and. other Goods, may he sent to the Scciety'e Room, in the basement of the Church (THIRTEENTH Street. below Spruce,) every FRIDLY, between 9 and 1 o'clock. and Money to the Treasurer, CHS. W. CUSHMAN, No. .1.2 S S. DELAWARE Ave - sell-thfint NOTICE.—TIIIE TENTH 'V AL &CP. MENT on the stook of the 11ESTONVILLE, MANTUA, AND FAIRMOUNT P. R. R. CO. will I.a due and payahle'Oetober Stb, 3963, at the office of the Trea surer, J. 0. BYRNE, No. 116 .onth SIXTEE Street t e22-incs4,l6t. R. T. FRAILEY, Secretary. OFFICE OF TI-11e. 0111LA:DELPIII.14 GERMANTOWN, AND NORRISTOWN RAIL ROAD COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 1-1,3563. The Board of Managers of this- Company have de clared "a dividend of FOUR PER GENT., clear of Na tional and State Tax, for the six months ending. 30th inst.._ payable on and after the FIRST DAY OF OC TOBER Next. Transfers of Stook will not be made for ten days aflor the list inst. sell.mwftol W. S. WILSON, Treasarer. DICIMITAR Y 'NOTICES. •F'o H UNION LEAGUE REGIMENT Under authority from the War Department, endorsed by the Adjutant General of the State, the undersigned, constituting a Cominittee of the Union League, propose to raiee REGIMENT OF INFANTRY FOR THREE .YEAS THE WAR. To all recruits 1111161.43Te3 into the realmout A , BO):TNTY ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS Will be paid by the Government. - And to all who have served in the army nit lees khan Nine Monfir, A BOUNTY FOUR HUMORED AND TWO DOLL IRS, of Which, with the mouth's pay. Forty Dollars will be paid at the time of being mustered into eervice. The Regiment will be commanded by Colonel GEORGE P. MeLEAN, late, of the pinkneylvaniti Eighty-Eighth the and Third Eldon Lea:gne Regiments, Headquarters, No. 132 'CHESTNUT Street All business of the Regiment will be conducted exclu sively at these Headquarters, and no applications ad dressed elsewhere will receive attention. A CAMP will be immediately formed in the neighborhood of the J. R. FRY. Chairinatt. JAMES L. CLAGHORDI, Treasurer._ CoL GEORGE H. CROSHAN,3I S. A.. HORACE EINNEY, IifORTOI MeMICHAEL, ELLERSLIE WALLACE, M: D., J. I. CLA.TiIi HARE, Committee. The Committee will employ the funds now in their hands, and such as may hereafter be raised, in:facilita ting the raising of the Regiment; but are not authorized, and have not authorized any one, to contract bills or debts, and will not be collectively or individually re sponsible for any debts which maybe contracted. • CORPS OF 110;NOR : 11. S. A.. , HEADQUARTERS RECRUITING SERVICE, INVALID CORPS FOR eiTILADELPAIA. 243 South THIRD Street; Philadelphia, Pa. SOLDIERS honorably discharged on account of dis ability ' , Arlin apply for information for enlistment in the . . . . . . . INVALID CORPS "- Lieut. HUBER. BASTIAN, Invalid Ciirps, SIS S. Third *Areal, Philadelphia, Lieut. J. W. BRAN, Invalid Corps, " 61.1. Brown street; and N. E. corner Broad and Spring Carden eta., Pay and 'allowances, excepting bounty and Pension same as' inl7. S. Infantry. )3- W. IfIATTHE WS, Major Ist Pa. Art. and Supt.'nvalid Corps for Philadol - HEADQUARTERS OF . PROVOST MARSHAL, THIRD - DISTRICT. PA. = PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 28, 1893. NOTICE is hereby given that the time for elaiming'ex emptioxt; and furnishing' substitutes - for the drafted men of the Nineteenth ward, will expire on TUESDAY, Oda= ber fitb. after which, all have then. failed to report in the Third Congressional District will 'immediately be liable to arrest as deserters. By order otthe Board of Enrolment. .' _ CHARLES P .' CLARKS. • Captain and Provost Marshal. FRANKLIN D. STERNER, Commissioner. ALEXANDER. C. HART. se2-4t • surgeon. - • STATIONERY. Moss 6.1 co •-• • • • - -Reiesetfully. inform the public they have opened a BRANCH ; At . • . No. 432 CHESTNUT . STREET, Seevid Dool.above the Post Oleo, , where will be found a complete stock of Fancy, Staple, Counting House, and Office • . , STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, AND ENVELOPES; of their ovn manufacture, of the beet qualities, and in great variety. The business will be conducted on the principle of SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES. By prompt and careful attention, uniformity in prices, extensive assortments. together witlilheir long experi ence in that line of business, they ask a share of public patronage. Blank Books ruled to any pattern. Bnyelopes, of any ; size'or shape, made to order at short notice. They will continue their Wholesale business of Book sellers and Stationers at the Old St ,01,1, No. 430 MARKET STREET ge2l-1m if- FANCY "ARTICLES: W . D. GLENN R IMPOTER OF DRUGGISTS' FANCY GOODS, NO. 2.0 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Offers to the trade a 'fall assortment, including in part—' . Hair, Tooth. Nail, Cloth, and Shaving Brushes.'„--; Camel's Hair Pencils and Marking. Brushes. , .Combs in shell, ivory, horn, and India rubber. .. Perfun3ery and Toilet Soaps of all descriptions., • Pure Essential Oils. • • • Rose Water and Orange Flower Water in cans. Powder Boxes and Puffs in great variety. ' Round Filtering Paper, all Cachous Aromatise, Hooper's and rnau English Pink cancers, Reeves' and common. `New Zealand and Pink Linen Twine. _ Flasks, Tooth -Picks, Violin Strings, &e., &c. all-at` lowest-narket prices. • seitimif OIL- COLORED PHOTO G R APR , 0 Y zliftaeize„ executed et REGIIBII.'S Gallery. are 03.; teamed the moat truthful, mildly, and pleasingportrattif made. flee naeattnoas at sgcourk fit,. above, Greeu, It. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHI NATIONAL UNION ~ NOMINA non. CITY conrursatoyntt. HAMILTON. • BY order of the City Committee of Summintexideacs se94l • G=RAND RALLY FUR 71" N Co. Dir 'JOHN 11t. CARGO, City Controller FRIDAY EVENING, Albin favor of, the re•election of the Patriot and Soldier's Friend, Governor ANDREW G. CURTIN, All in favor of the c'ection. of the eminent TuxMt, DANIEL AGNEW, and. the whole Ticket, Al in. favor of sustaining the noble efforts of the .Nu.- Administration, ALL OPPOSED TO TREASON! COME! COME! COME! All Come_ to Swell the. Chorus for an .Undivlded - Union. THE FOLLOWING EMINENT SPEAKERS WILL AD . . picas THE MEETING: • HON. A. K. McCLURE, HON. WIC B. MANN. HON. HENRY D. moils, • HON. ISAAC HAZLEHITItSr; - • - HON. 'CHARLES O'NEIL; • - HON. , MORTON McMICHAEL, HON. JAMES I'OLLOCK, -COL. THOMAS FITZGERALD, . COL. W.R. MAURICE. - • JOHN DAVIS WATSON, Esq., . GEORGE A. COFEEY,. Esq., SAME J. REA, ,Eq., • THOS. C.' STEEL. Esq.. • - AND OTHEES. • gel St TENTH -WARD: HON. ISAAC lIAZLEHURST AND JOHN GOFORTH, E§(l., WILL ADDRESS . THE LOYAL CITIZENS _ or TENTH WARD, THIS (Friday) EVENING, at Lic. o'clock, at the HALL OF THE UNION_ LEAGUE, N. - E. corner of BROAD and RACE Streets. ' It. TWENTY:FOURTH WARD UNION MASS MEETING AT THE HALL OF THE PASSENGER RAILROAD DEPOT, IN - _ HESTONVILLE, • ON SATURDAY EVENING, 0011 AT. S O'CLOCK. All Loyal. Citizens in favor of SiipPressing the Rebel lion, Surporting - the Government, and. Maintaining the Union of the Stater, are invited to attend. Addrerses will be delivered by J. B. CALAHAN, Esq., Hon: N. B. RhOWNE, Esq , GEO. INDIAN RICHE, JAMES MILLER, Esq., the "BUCKEYE BLACK, SMITE," and other distinguished Speakers. RALLY IN SUPPORT OF THE UNION. oc2-2t* THIRTEENTH .WARD, SEVENTH PRECINCT (BROWN. to POPLAR, and eilx:rd to 'MONTI' Streets. )—Adjourned Meeting of th4r Friends of ANDREW-G. CURTIN will be held at Blevler'e, N. W. corner .SIXTH and BROWN Streets, THIS EVE- Mile, 2d inst., at S o'clock. lt. MASS MEETING, GERMANTOWN. The UNION LEAGUE, of Germantown, will hold. a MASS BIESTING in suppport of. the Union. the-Go vernment, and the War, on their grounds MAIN Street, opposite Chelton Avenue, ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3n, AT 7 P. M. Hon, R. STOCKTON MATHEWS, of Baltimore; and others..will deliver addresses. - oci..3tv UNION MASS MEETINGS. UNION STATE .CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROOMS, COMMONWEALTH BUILDINGS, On CHESTNUT St. SEPTEMBER 9, 1833. Governor CURTIN, in company with distinguished orators from adioining,States; will address the people `of Pennsylvania at the times and places' named in the following schedule: • • At TOWANDA. Bradford county, SATURDAY. Octo ' At BELLEFONTE. Centre county, TUESDAY, 0ct0...: ...: • ber titti. At YORK, York county, WEDNESDAY.' October 7th. At READING, Barks county, THURSDAY, October Sth. At POTTSVILLE, Schuylkill count*, FRIDAY, Octo ber 9th: `"At PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY. October 10. - We have reasonable hopes of having in the pending 'canvass the aid of • ; • . •• Governor JOHNSON, of Tennessee; Governor PHIRT'ONT...of Virginia; . , . Governor BRADFORD, of Maryland; . • • JOHN BROUGH, the next Governor of OW: Hon: DANIEL DIORINSON. of New York t. • . Gen. LOGAN, of Illinois; •- . Gem BUTLER, of Massachusetts. And many other distinguished gentlemen, - including many eloquent advocas of the Union Cause' in Penn, sylvania. No possible efforts will be spared to secure as Dill and thorOugh a diseussion of the momentous issues now submitted to the people as the liriefyeriod nowre maining will allow, and it is enjoined Ilion all friends of the Union Cause to secure the attendanee of their fel low-citizens upon the occasions. • , WAYNE Mo*EAGH, Chairman. Gao. W. HAMERSLY, anes. e ' • 7... W. W. B Ars, ere seio UNION MASS_MEETING. - - HON. WILLIAM D. KELLEY, at the invitation of the State Central Committee, will speak in behalf of thei Union, at the times and places named in the annexed schedule. Our friends are earnestly desired to have' a full attendance of voters at these meetings: - TOWANDA. Bradford county—Saturday, Oct. S. WEILSBORO, Tioga county—Monday. Oct. o. MONTROSE, Susquehanna county Wednesday , Oct 7. FOTTOVILLF, Schuylkill county—Friday, Oct. 'O. - FBILADELPSIA=Saturday, Oct- 10. • - selB • WAYNE AIoVEAGH, Chaliman. TTNION CANDIDATE FOR THE 'LE. gislature (3d district), THOMAS T. WILLS, Hatter, 605 South SECOND street.. .6: good assortmentnt Hats and Caps constantly on hand. se24-17t* 1 • • • . • SPECIAL ' • "'' . . , ITARTELL'S ALL-GLASS FRUIT JARS: - .e.st2olW- CAPSULE TRUISIARS - '"AMERICAN AND FRENCH. GLASS SHADES. BEAUTIFUL FERNERIES. HARTELL & LETCHWORTH, - se2B-tde3l 'No.:l3:North FIFTH Street spEcui, WALCOTT & BURNHAM, - Manufacturers' Agents. have removed from 721 CHEST NUT Street to 27 South SIXTH Street, bstWeen Market and Chestrint, - where can be found a large atock of the celebrated (warranted) ' UNIVERSAL COGOVHSEL CLOTHES-WRINGER." Also, --a great variety . .of HOUSEHOLD 'FURNITURE AND IMPLEMENTS. at very , low prices, including Iron Bedsteads. Umbrella Stands. Spring_ Bed .Bottoms. Mattresses. Carpet Sweepers,. &I.; ANN.Jolavioree (4111:8 l'itteat Witallingliachittes. 646-61.- POLITICAL. STATE -OFFECERS FOR GOVERNOR, ANDREW G. CURTIN, FOR JUDGE OF SUPREBIE COURT, DANIEL AGNEW. SENATOR-FIRST SENATORDLL DIBTRIGT. JEREMLA rizoat)Ls. REPRESENTATIVES, 13t DietIot—WILLIABI FOSTER. 2d 11 THOMAS J. CHOATE. ad 1 . THOMAS. T. WILLS. 4th 1 . JOHN D. WATSON. 6th " WILLIAM W. WATT. 6th " ' ISAAC H. O'HARRA. 7th 11 THOMAS COCHRAN. Bth " JAMES N. KERNS. 6th " CHARLES THXEY. 10th " S. S. PANCOAST. 11th " ISAAC A. SHEPPARD. 12th " 'LUKE V. SUTPHIN. 13th - " WILLIAM Y. LEADER 14th " S. FREDERICK GETZ. 15th " WILLIADI F. SMITH. 16th " EDWARD G. LEE. 17th JAMES MILLER. COUNTY OFFICERS. 11110ORDVM OF DEEDS. LEWIS E. BROOMALL PROTHONOTARY OP DISTRICT COURT. GEORGE KELLY. CLERK - 08 COURT Oil' QUARTER SESSIONS. GEORGE H. XOORE 011ROUIR. WILT:IAX TAYLOR. CITY OFFICERS. CITY TREASURER. HENRY BT_TBIAt. "AO PARTY BUT OUR COUNTRY." THE CITIZENS OF .THE ]IRST WA_IZEO WILL ASSEMBLE ON THE SPACIOUS LOT, CORNER OF SIXTH. AND DICKERSON STREETS, OCTOBER 2D, AT 7X O'CLOCK, COME FROM- YOUR FACTORIES! COME FROM YOUR ,LOOMS! COME FROM YOUR WORKSHOPS! COME FROM YOUR ANVILS! ITNION STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROOMS. PmLADELpittA, Sept. 17, ISBB. - " „FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1863. POLITICAL. UNION Al EP:TINOS. ti FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2d. DR iSTOI, Backs county—Aforton McMichael, Ran.. and Chwiles Gilpin, Esq. CARLISLE, Cumberland county—Col. Montgomery and A. H. Chase, lORBE fTVILLF, Northumberland county—C, H. Shriner, Ern. and Rev. Mr Hunnicutt. QUA KA ftTOW N, Bucks county. AWR EIS CBVILT, 5. Chester county—P. Frazer Esq.,-Cot. James Worral], and Col. F. C. Hootea. EASTON, .Northampton county—Gen. Bruce, of New York. NoRRISTOWN. PEDLABBLPHI A, TWenty-Second Ward--- , Col. Wm. B. Mann. KENN EQU ARE; Cheater county—las. J. Creigh.• El:A.': and. Capt. Win. Ai Hinkson • sATriRDAY, OCTOBER 3. • TOWANDA, Bradford county—Governor Curtin. Go• Vernon Randml, Hem P. C. Shannon. Hon. Geotge A. Coffey, Bon. Wm, D. Kelley. FALSIN GTOAI, Bucks count', —Hon. AL Ritssel Thayer. . LEBANON—Coy. Pollock, Col. Montgomery. A. H. Chase, ESQ., Hon. Jas. If. Campbell. • LAN CA iaTER. MBADVILLE, Crawford county—Hon. James M. Scovel. - CENTREVILLE,. Books county. DORTIII7MBERLA ED —Hon. W. W. Ketchum, Rev. Mr. lfunnicutt. and C. H. Shringr Fan. MERCER, Mercer county—NM. Comae Adams and Prof. Ifegernan. - .DARBY, Delaware county—Hon. John M. Broanaal and J. N. Valentine, Esq.. HEST° aIVfLLE. TAM ACM I, Schuylkill county—Jolua•C. Dfyers, Esq. PHI LA DEL PH I a.— eneral Brace. OBRMAIN.TOWN—R. S. Afatthews, -Rae:, .of Balti more • .. COATESVILLE. Chester conuty—Cnl. Worrall. P I'n:stet Smith, Itcci., and Waehington Townsend, Esq. oc2 LADIES' FURS. LADIES' FANCY FURS. • No. 013 micEr. STREET. BELOW EIGHTH. ilimaorter and 31anufacturer or LADIES' FANCY FURS. • mr assortment of VA NCY FURS for Ladies and "Chit.- _ dren is now complete, and embracing every variety that will he fashionable during the present season. AU sold at the manufacturers' prices. for sash. Ladies, please giveene ft ' oc2-4m ORENINcrOF FANCY FURS. JOHN A. STAMBACH, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OP LADIES' FANCY FURS, NO. 826 ARCII STREET, BELOW NINTH, Has now open a splendid stock of LADIES M H CIIILDIEN'S FURS, Which. will be sold at the' LOWEST CASH PRICES. ocl-3m FURS! FURSI GEORGE F. WO-NH.ITO; NOS. 415 AND 417 ARCH STREET. HAE NOW OPEN A .FULL ASSORTMENT OF ADIES' Y . IT lEt S, To which the attention of the public is inyited. se22-3m HATS AND CAPS. OPENING DAY. THURSDAY, OCTOBER Ist. MISSES AND CHILDREN% FANCY HATS . AND CAPS, LADIES, HISSES, AND CHILDREN'S FURS. CHARLES OAKFORD & SONS, - Nos 834 and 835 CHESTNUT Street, , . ee.80.4t • CONTINENTAL HOTEL. FINANCIAL. COUPONS is 3-10 IST OCTOBER W.A. E 0 DREXEL & CO. FOREIGrN AND STERLING E 'X.,O I .A. N G BOUGHT AND SOLD DREXEL ea 07-mf Im 34 SOUTH THIRD stREEr AMERICAN COLD ` 330M70-HT 801.4 D. DREXEL & 00.; 34 13017TH TREED STRE3T 5-20. IET " S ' 6-20. The undersigned, as General Subscription Agent, is authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury to continue the sale of this popular Loan, and TEN DAYS public notice will be given of discontinuance. ABOUT TWO HUNDRED MILLIONS remain unsold, and this amount is scarcely sufficient to furnish a basis for the circulation of the National Banking Associations now beingjormed in every part of the Country. Bat a short time must elapse before this loan is wholly ab sorbed, the demand from Enrope, Germany especially, being quite actiire. As it is well known that the Secretary of the Trea sury has ample and unfailing resources in the duties' on imports, internal revenues, and in the issue of interest bearing Legal Tender Treasury Notes, it is nearly cer tain that it will not be necessary for him for a long time to come to issue further permanent Loans, the interest and principal of which are payable in. Gold. •These considerations must lead to the prompt conclu sion that the time is not far distant when these Five- Twenties" will sell at a handsome premium,' as was the result with the Seven•thirty" Loan, when it was all sold, and could no longer be subscribed for at par. This is a SIX PER CENT. LOAN, the interest and principal being payable in coin, thus' Yielding about. EIQHT per cent, per annum at the present premium on gold. - It is called ." Five-TWenty," from the fact that whilst the - Bonds-may ran. for ttoentg years, yet the Govern ment has thenightto pay them Orin gold at par, at any time offer free years. The interest is, paid half yearly on thatirst days'of No vember and May. _ - Subscribers can have Coupon Bonds which are paya ble to bearer . and issued for' $5O, sloo,'sooo. and' $1,030, or Ilegleteied Bonds - of similar . denominationi, and in addiliodss,ooo and $lO,OOO. these "Five-twenties" cannot. be taxed by States. cities, towns, or counties, and the Government tax on them is only one and a half pernent, on the amount of income, when the income exceeds six hundred dol lars per annum. Income from ,all other investments, such as mortgages, railroad stocks, bends, &c., must Pay from three to five per cent. teal on the income. • Banks and Ban.kers' throughout the country will con tinue to dispose of the Bonds, and all orders by mail or otherwise properly attended to. ~ The Treasury Department having, perfected arrange manta - for the prompt deli Very of. Belida Subscribers will be enabled to receive them at the time of subsoil bung, or at farthest in FOUR days. This arrangemept will be gratifying to parties who want the Bonds on pay ment of the money, and will greatly increase the sales. JAY COOlOO, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT., 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, STER,LING ,EXCIIANGE, • 1301.7GUrr AND SOLD. • D - REX.EL & CO. JBe2B•m&gym `ALM V F., r'IIiONAS, • • STOCK:AND BILL BROKER. No. 31.21-• WALNUT Street. - - .• Stocks Ana. Leann bought and sold on Conamtoson at the "-, • ' - BOARD: OF. BROKERS. - Subscriptions to. the 5-20year,sin percent. LOAN still received at par.. 7 7 • No charge for Commission.` . j34-3id fIOLLECTION OF U. S. CERTIFI •—• CATES OF INDEBTEDNESS.—The .ADAMS' EX PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to collect, at the Treasury Department, Washington, with - despatch: and at reasonable rates, the One-Year Certificates or In debtedness of the United States now dun or shortly :Terms made known and receipts given' at the office, No. 320 CHESTNUT- Street. , • , , IT YOUR• PICTURE'S AT REEVIER'S. n's :Colored PhOtograidal Itkeuessee of flit& .quatityvnaturally colored, "durable a - ILO:cheap Only , SXCONI) .s,tteet, a'bere Greey, RETjUL DRY GOODS. " 'NINCP TUESDAY, OCTOBER 0,18;13. CLOUTS FOR CLOAKS. Frosted BeaverE, low price. Frosted Beavers, fine quality. Blank Beavers, ntediuki attd heavy. Black Cloths, all qualities. Black Cloths for Riding Habits. Drab French Cloths for thoaks. SAAR PLEBS BROTHERS, • oc2 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH btrt etS p, HA R.PLESS BROTHERS OFFER • A LARGE ASSORTMENT'of NEW STYLES of RALMOR.ALS. YARDS WIDE. 44 Inif Es LONG. • 'LOW PRICED. IdaDIUM and FINE QUALITY, oc2 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. JOHN C. ARRISON, NOS 1 - AND 3 N. SIXTH STREET HAS NOW IN STORE AN ELEGANT AND EXTEN GENTLE*EIS FURNISHING GOODS FALL AND WINTER . WEAR Also, Manufactures from. the Beet Material and in a Superior Manner by HAND: Fine SHIRTS and COLLARS. Shaker Flannel SHIRTS and DRAWERS. Heavy Bed• twilled Flannel SHIRTS and DRAWERS. English Canton Flannel SHIRTS and DRAWERS. Buckskin SHIRTS and DRAWERS. _ Cloth TRAVELLING SHIRTS. WRAPPERS,. STOCKS. TIES, &C. And sold at the most moderate prices. ocd SILK AND DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. 1863. ROBERT POLLOCK & CO., Offer for sale a large and well-selected Stock (of Fancy and Staple Principally of their Incuding the latest Styles in Many of which are confined to their sales. and cannot be found elsewhere. . . All of which they offer on the most favorable terms FOR CASH, or to approved ehort time buyers. oc2-tf AuTumN. • 1863 . DAWSON BRANSON & C0.,9 N. W. COP. MARKET'it FIFTH STS, (501 MARKET STREET.) INVITE THE ATTENTION OF CITY AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS TO THEIR STOCK OF FRENOJEE AND ENGLISH DRESS GOODS, • SILKS, SHAWLS; &c. Cough Buyers will ririd it to their Interest to Examine our Goods. R. DAWSON 0. BRANSON T. G. BOMGARDNF.E. sell 2m • THOS. MELLOR % qO., IVEPORTER'S, Moe. 40 45 NORTH THIRD STREET. We invite the attention of the trade to onr lane stock of HOSIERY, GLOVES, .SHIRTS, D - RA.WERSI GERMANTOWN FANCY WOOLENS, LINEN CAMBRIC HDEFS., 44 LINENS, AND SHIRT FRONTS. se-3m 1863 FALL DEPORTATION. 1863 EDMUND YARD a: co.; DEPORTEES AID JOBBERS, SILKS AND FANCY DRY. GOODS, OTT CHESTNUT and 614 JAYNE Street. Have now opened their Fall Importation of Dress Goods. vis: rfiERENDS A CO2 URG% REF'S, ALPACAS, HELAINE'S, - PLAID AND STRIPED POPLINS FANCY AND BLACK BUZ& Also...lino assortment of _ _ SRAWLS t BALMORAL, SKIRTS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, _ EMBROIDERIES, &Li Which they offer to the trade at the . LOWEST MARKET PRICES. stal-tf TO WHOLESALE BUYERS. THOMAS W. EVANS. CO. INVITE THE A.TTENTIOR OP WHOLESALE BUYERS TO THEIR LAEGE ARD WELL-SELECTED ASSORT. KENT OP "Jr.A..Welr DRY. GOODS. FOR FALL AND WINTER, SALES. This Stock Li principally of T. Vir. E. as CO.'S own Ili- POETATION, and will be offered at the 'MOST REASONABLE PRICES. ZIIYEES are solicited to call and examine. 524:3 CHESTNUT STREET, • . UP STAIRS. . CASH HOUSE. DRESS GOODS, • • , . ' - BLACK 'AND FANCY SILKS, snAmis, BALMORALS, RIBBONS, KID GLOVES, &0., &o: ' Boaftlat excicusively for cash, and which will be sold it a small advance. eel-3m FALL STOCK SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS. A. W. LITTLE tt id-sm No. 325 MARKET STREET. 1863. FALL 1863 . DRY GOODS. ROOD. BONBRIGHT, & Co. • WHOLESALE`DEALERSII FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC . DRY GOOD& NO: 435 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. The attention of the TRADE is invited-to their Urge Rost of ' STAPLE AND FANCY GOOD& Among which are choice brands of Bloxl ing and Shirting Ittioli Madder Prints, De Lathes, Gmghams, an d BRASONARLB DREAM GOODS. ALSO, MEN'S WEAR ORBAT,VARINTY. GREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED;TO - • ' GASH 13 1 VVERS, sinM-Ssn PHILADELPHIA WIN rr ICTZ C LOAJFKS FTYRS, LADIEMISSES, AND CHILDREN. J. W r . PROCTOR 15:1 CO., 920 CHESTNUT STREET. GENTS , VIIRN iSil ING GOODS. PHILADELPHIA, SIFE AESORTMENT OF CHOICE FALL AND WINTER 4G-CDODS. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, No. 311 MARKET STREET, 31317.717 Gl-0013S„ OWN IMPORTATION, SHAWLS AND: DRESS GOODS, M. L. HALLOWELL & 615 OHESTNIIT STREET. HAVE - NOW IN STORE, NEW PUBLICATIONS. NAIV" BOOKS AT REDUCED PRICES. - , 1 Gala Day a By Gail Hamilton ta2s Preedoro and War, By Beether 125 Blum:lea Victory. By Alm. Braddon 4J Aurora Floyd. Nionr edition 20 Lady Audley's Secret 90 Bbouldc.r•bil spa 80 New Octgel of Peace 15 Companion to do do 15 equire Trevlyn'a Heim 80 Bemola 1 00 Live it Down 40 Army Regulations. New edition 121 PiTCHERE BOOKSTORE 003,3 t SOS CHESTNUT Street. pEVELA,TIONS, A COINIPANIION TO ithe Now Gospel of Peace according to Abraham; Wholeutle and Ratan MALLEN, No. 1308 CHESTNUT Street. All the NEW BOONS and MAC AziNgs. 00.9 E POLITIOAL MAP OF PENNSYL VANIA, exhibiting the vote of every County at the Governor's Election in 1,460, in figures and colors. Just published, and for sale (price 12 cents) by T. B. PUGH, ocl-3t.* S. W. corner of CHESTRITand SIXTH Sts. COLORED CARD PHOTOGRAPHS.- - 1,01)0 Beautifully Colored Photographs for sale whole- Rale and retail, al PlTellklt'S Bookstore, SOS CHEST NUT Street. 'ocl-3t ORTS SIMIPTER AND WAGNER. —MAP showing siege OPerations against Forte Sarno ter and Wagner. between Jlll9 13th and Septemb 7th: c P e u p b t l s t a hed by permission of General Gilmore. Price 10 VIEW OF THE RUINS OF FORT SUMPTER on Au gust 20th. By authority of General Gilmore. Price 10 cents. ODE FOREIGN RELATIONS. A wed' by Hon. Charles Sumner. Price 25 cents. For sale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIED.T. seo3 606 CHESTNUT Street. G. OV LT RA' IsT PORTR Biography and. Phrenological Description: lute-- resting to all union men of Pennsylvania. October Phrencaogica/ Toiernak' - se.3o St J. L. CAPES, 26 South TRiVTII Street. I\TE W BOOKS! NEW BOOKS!! .4- , LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, 215 SOUTH SIXTH Street, : above Chestnut. Have now for sale. HAWTHORNE'S OUR OLD HOME, a series of English Sketches. GALA-DAYS. By Gail Hamilton, author of "Coun try Living." _ AG AS METHODS OF STUDY in Natural History. HENRY WARD BEECTIBR'd New Volume, entitled. FREEDOM AND WAR. set) NEW BOOKS- - Just rec.ived by J. B LIPPINCOTT St CO.. 718 and 717 lII&RREP Street. THE PENINSULA CAMPAIGN IN VIRGINIA: or, Incidents and Scenes on the Battle Fields and in Rich mond By Rev. J. J. Marks. PETER. CARRADINE: or, The Martindale Pastoral. By 'iIFrNI I I I PT C MIT I VPS' SPEECHES and LECTURES. THE SAFE COMPASS, and How it Points. By Rev. Richard Newton. OUR OLD HOME; A Series of English Sketches, By Nathaniel Hawthorne. METHODS OF STUDY IN NATURAL HISTORY. By A gassiz. STANLEY'S SERMON IN THE EAST. PALMONI: or. the NUMERALS OF SCRIPTURE. By Prof. Mahan. se2S HAZARD'S BOQICSTORE, 724 CitESTIIIIT STREET, Between Seventh andfEighth Sawa All Books usually to be had in a FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, Will always bo found on our shelves AT THE LOWEST PRICES eel2.6m 1863. CARPETS! CARPETS!! alkm - Es gam. c))E{,N., CARPET WAREHOUSE, CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW SEVENTH STREET, I have received, BY LATE ARRIVALS FROM EUROPE; NEW STYLES CA.RPETING, Comprising some new kinds of goods never before offered in tbis country, for parlor furnishing. Included in our variety will be found the FRENCH AUBUSSON CENTRE CARPETS; FRENOR IrOLAIYTE TEMPLETON'S ENGLISH AXMINSTER CARPETING CROSSLY .& SON'S WILTON VELVET and TAPES TRY. Do. R. CROSSLEY & CO.'S celebrated. BRUSSELS Do. With a-large 'variety of mbar makes of BRUSSELS and TAPESTRY CARPETING. HENDERSON'S CELEBRATED TENIITIANS. With a full variety of American molies of three-ply ant Ingrain goods, all of which can be offered at considera ble reduction from last reason's prices, CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW SEVENTH STREET. sen-am ARCH -STREET CARPET WAREHOUSE. Dr3SW All the leading styles of . VELVET, BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY, INGRAIN, AND VENETIAN C A.TCPEPING-S, Rasa hs store, and selling at THE REDUCED PRICES for Cash. J. BLACKWOOD 832 ARCH STREET, selS-Sur Two Doors below NINTH. South Side. REMOVAL. J. F. & E. B. ORNE HAVE REMOVED FROM 410 - CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite the State House. to their - NEW WAREHOUSE, $O4 CHESTNUT STREET, is the "SURD _ BUILDING." and have now open their FALL STOCK OF ' NEW C.A.ELPETXING. 904 CHESTNUT STREET. sed-bn (1 W. BLABON era CO. • ILLNUFAOTDRERE OF OIL C.T—a4Clorr.lEEM, to. 1.14 WORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Offer to the Trade a full stock of FLOOR, TABLE, AND CARRIA.GE OIL CLOT~i, aItEEN-GLAZED OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW ia2-2m SHADES. . 6 6 GLEN ECHO" MILLS, GERMANTOWN, PA. McCALLUM & 00_, rT•r= . MTZIIM CARPETING-S, OIL 01, T S & WARETTOUSE, .509 CHESTNUT ST., - OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE HALL sel-3m ARMY HATS, ARMY HATS. - - ADOLPH di KEEN, No. 62 North SECOND Street, PHILADELPHIA. . Manufacturers of all kinds of FELT HATS .have on. hand a large assortment of all the various and most approved styles of - - _ ARMY -FIATS.. Orders by mail front sutlers or jobbers willbe prompt ly filled at the lowest rates. . je3o-3ra Ty R4OTIIINGII.A.M & WELLS HEAVY' MEDIUM, AND LIGHT SHEETING'S AND SHIRTING'S STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VIOTORY CAMBRICS AND . SILECIAS. • BROWN, BLEACHED,' AND CORSET JEANS. No. 12 WORSTED YARN.- &a. 8815-itti FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY E - v - .1:12.1 - s sr, mmsl.ss.p.rmi, MILITARY FURNISHERS, Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Swords, Sashes, Belts, rassauts, Epaulettes, Hats, Caps, Canteens, HaversaCks, Camp Chests, Field O4isses, Spurs, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit' of Army and Navy Officer& `A liberal discount allowed to the trade. sel.o.tf. G - W. STIVIONS - & BRUT : It:L.6IN • RANSOM-STREET HALL; PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACITURERitOP JEWELRY.: FINE SWORDS, • AND , • MILITARY GOODS IN 'EVERY VARIETY. •sA-if{m . R E! MER'S PIC TURES ARE WIDELY k - nown for accuracy and beauty.: His Colored . Photographs, for truthfulness and pleasing style, have no superior. 9aly dfl, §rigOND s,treqtt e• 12.471 Cirtni, It CARPETINGS: A large assortment of JAMES H. ORNE, ARMY GOODS. 418 ARCH STRERT. PHILADELPHIA. atiII'USEMEPiTg. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW" ARCM/. STREET THEATRE—ARCH Btr,et ablr° Sixth. Acting and Stage Manager WM. FENDERIOES, Business Agent and Treasurer ..... —JOS D. Moyorgy„ THIRD WEEK OF EICHINGS' OPERA. TROUPE. BENEFIT OF Mit. PETER income's. TO-NIGHT (Friday), last time of THE PIITSTI'LION OF LONJUMEAtL Mad olaine Miss C. Etching% Marcinis de Conroey Mr. Peter Mating& To conclude with the grand allegory of WASHINGTON. We ph in eto n Mr. Peter niobium The Goddess of Liberty Mies C. inching% In which she will sing the national anthem of TEI2 STAR-SPANGLED BANNER. Tickete, 25, Go, and 75 cents. No extra charge for secured. set is at he Box Office. from 10 A Bt to 3 P M. oc! WALNIIT-STREET THE A_TRE. • • T.essee Mrs. MA. GARBETTSOL THIS (Frida") EVENING. Octobpr BENEFIT OF MR. EDWIN ADAMS. WILD OATS. Rover - - - Idwir Adams. To conclude with the nautical drama of BLACK-EYED SUSAN. William Edwin Adams. Box Ofllce open daily from 10 till :3 o'clock, when Saar. niav be secured. without extra charge Ili" Change 01 Time—Boors open at^o'clock. Curtxtn rises at oc2 ITEW CBESTNUT-ST. THEA.TRE.— Lemsea and Manager Hr. W.M. WHEATLEY. LAST WEEK but ore of the engagement of The '' .ll 3 J: L li ff ra S ina. entitled grandlE Dim% MOTTO. in which ME.. WM. WHEATLEY _ . will sustain his original character of "Lagarders," ki* achieved thegreateht success of any MODERN SENSATIONAL DRAMA, having already been witnessed by • TWENTY-EIGHT THOUSAND PERSONS, and still attracts largo audiences. It will be pr9santol EVERY EVENING DIMING THE WEEK. MR. COLLINS AS C..i.MBIORI , BREWS.. EtWorte...l the ENTIRE DRAMATIC COMPANY. ae2MA ONCERT HALL. 11tONDAY EVENING, October 5 And continue every afternoon and evening-, 'for a chart season only. EL - LINGER & NIWCOMB'S GREAT MORAL E.XIIIIII . TLQN, lIIE THREE fIELEBRATED DWARFS, Coma Fon e, Miss Eliza Nestel, and Col. the three rmallest human beings in the whole world, with out exception. In eoniunction with &lone. .C. - LAVALLEE'S . PARLO.ft OPERA TROUPE, Ten in nember. All appear-in this mammoth doubts entertainment, landed with the most brilliant en cominms by the clergy, prone, and public Doors open at 2.!4', and. 7,";.:. Begins at 3 and 8. "Pickett 25 cents. Children under twelve. to &nen:men matiniies. 13 cents. J. D. NEWCOMB, ocl-13t Business Manager. TEMPLE OF WONDERS-ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH At2D CHESTNUT STRETErnt. Amusement for Old and Young. Mirth and Happiness open for the season. Constant change of Entertainment;. - SIGNOR BLITZ, EVERY EVENING, commencing at 734 o'clock. and Wednesday and Saturday at 3, consisting of New nye teries in Necremancy, g - reat eaccoaa in Ventriloquiza. and the Learned Canary Birds. Admission M cents; Children 15 cents. sell-tr. pENNSYLVANTA AOADE.M.Y OP THE FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT STREET. OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M. 6 P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children half price. Je29-tt WANTS. .19V - ANTED TO RENT-A ROOM ON the second or third floor. situate between Tenth and Fifteenth. and Arch and Sornce Ntreetp, for a reve rend gentleman's studio. tI. M. GIIS IST & SONS, oel-3t 508 WALNUT Street. WAN tED-A MILITARY PRECEP TOR.--An experienced (-Meer. competent to In ''- struct in the School of the Company," and in battalion. drill and movemonO, who is willing to devote his mornings to the instruction of young men. may hear ot' good employment by addressing Box - 2C03, Post Office. WANTED-BY A YOUNG MMU who has had six (6) years' experience in Mer cantile Business, a SITUATION to go to South America or California. Address T. N.. Box 272 P. O. se3o 2t.d&w' WANTED- - A RESPONSIBLE .POS'I TION, by a competent and experienced Book keeper. One were faithfillness is appreciated. Afbirgn li. BARTON, "Press , ' office se26-9t• WANTED -$15 PER DAY.-WT want reliable. energetic canvassers and swats. in every county, for a genteel business at a corondadois of from SS to Atib per day. No humbug. Thrperiettest canvassers preferred, but room for all. Address C. N. DUNN ac. CO.. Publishes:. At either Cincinnati. Ohio; Chicago. Ilinole• or WA RRADE Street, New York. is2o-Sre 83000.--A PERSON Wrill 111183 amount wishes to engage in come ear* nuSINEFS with another having equal capital. Box 1962, P. 0. oat 31* S6OA "MONTH! WE WANT AGENTS at $6O a month. expenses paid. to eall. our EVERLAbTING PENCILS, ORIENTAL BUR and thirteen other articles.Cireularefree. BM* & CLARK, Biddeford, Maine. .sell-d&Wana WAN TED---A FIRST CLASS FUR NISHED HOUSE by a small Devote family. Libe ral rent given. Address 'V. B. 1012 _ W ALNUT Street. • se3o-3t. DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE. - PHILSDELPHYA, Feb. 1. 116 A VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry °Okra la the follo - uringpo:ults: Tortugas. Key West, Fla. Fort Monroe, Va. Alexandria. Va. Newborn. N. C. Port Royal, S. C. A.. Bora. felf)4l' Captain and Assist. Quarterutaltst. BOARDING. - MEW BOARDING HOUSE.-NERS DUFFY bavtng just opened the house No. 269 6. FIFTH fitreet, below Walnut, has a few handsomer Rooms ni engaged. Besides permanent Boarders, -that can accommodate a few Gentlemen 'with. TAB BOARD. ee2B-6t. THE IT A NDSOME RESIDENCE 1031 WALNUT Street, will be opened for reoentiOn Boarders in a.few days. selS=bie FIRST-CLASS BOARD, HANDSOME comnianicatiaz and. Single rooms; private. table. If desired, No. 1315 WALNUT Street- selli-lm. FOR- SALE ANT) TO LET. ICE HOUSE FOR SALE -SlTU ated upon a lame fiPRING-WAT.SR POND that has never failed to produce Ice from 9 to 16 inches in thick ness, and within HO yards of Paiiroad Track; said House is )OS festfloufr. CO wide, and (So) thirty to sonare; three pears old. - Apply to or address oc2 : Bl.'s S. THOMAS, Pottsville. Pa. AUCTION SALE. AND BAZAAR-NI N THAND SAN. SUM Streets. SALE OF HORSES. CARRIAGES. HARNESS. Bsc,,, ON SATURDAY MORNING, October2d, at,lo o'clock, comprising nearly 111 SIXTY HORSES. Including fifteen late in use by the City Troop, along which are several valuable mares. Full descriptions in catalogues. ALSO, New end. second hand. Carriages, Harness. &c.. com mencing with the Carriages punctually at 9. 1 4. o'clock. and Horses st lei; o'clock.. Rae- No postponement on account of the weather. _ ros-TRADE SALE OF 100 CARRIAGES, October "fth.. ocl-2tif ALFRED M. HERMTESS. A.nctioneer. WILL BE SOLD, AT THE BAZAAR. ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30. A FINE BAY STALED:IN, 7-sears old, a splendid SADDLE HORSE. suitable foe an officer. A ..... FOR CALIFORNIA. M. 0. ROBERTS' LINE - SAN FRANCISCO: O AND OREGON, VIA PANAMA RAILROAD. The Steamship ILLINOIS, 2,600 Tons, Or, SATURDAY, October 3, at noon. The finest, fastest and strongest Steamship ba tb, California trade will sail as above, from pier foot elt WARREN Street, North river. For freigit or passage apply to D. N. CARRINGTON. Corner of WARREN and WEST Street& N. B. —Attention is called to the change of the rouba. se23-tocS " STE AMER WAW ASET -- For SMYRNA, PORT PENSI.'DELdt, WARE CITY; NEW CASTLE, and CHESTER. frotitilrek vr-lowif below ARCFI St. every MONDAY. WEDNESDAY_, and FRIDAY . at 9 o'clock. :Returning. leaves RONDA/ HOOK Landing • every TUESDAY,' THURSDAY,. and SATURDAY, at S o'clock. • - • •- • • _ Stages connect with the boat for. Tina; Dover; an& Leipeic: • • • • ; • ee2s-12t. kVA . CARRIAGES::.::I B63 „ WILLLIN. D. ROGERS, •• • CiriaeliCaind Light . Garrliifie Builder s Nos.-1009 and -1011 ,CELESTNII.T. STREW PRIMADBLPEIELL. TO SPORTSMEN. PHILIP WILSON •Szi 409 CHESTNUT STREET. Manufacturers of superior DOUBLE GUNS, equal, if not superior, to any of the following ma.kee. which we heap constantly on hand: William Greener, Westley Richards, Moore & 'Harris. and other rgakers. Also, Polider. Shot, Wads, Caps, &c. _We shall - be, constantly supplied, during the maim, with every variety of SKATES NOTICE.-APPLICATION WILL . made by Israel Roberts to the Department of High ways, for a contract for the paving of Edwin street:te tween Ridge avenue and Grape street in the Fifteenth ward, in the city of Philadelphia. The following-own ers of property on said street have signed an agreement for the same: Rosanna Mellor, 56 feet; John Maurer, 14 feet; Witham Moorehouse, 14 feet; John Atkinson, 14 feet; Fakes Moreland. 14 feet; Jacob 'Peters, 14 feet: Charles F. Jones, 28 feet; C. F. Folwell, agent for C. Lee, 14 feet; William Folly, _l4 feet ; Stuart Benson, for J; Benson, 14 feet; Matthew- Conner, 14 feet; Catharina strayliae; 14 feet; George Newman, 26 feat; William Brown, 14 feet. Owners of property on said street, having objection to the contract being awarded, will make them at tha Department of Highways, on FRIDAY, October 16,1868. at 11 o'clock A. M. TOMA NUFACTURERS. CAST-IRON BEATER PIPES, of various sties. 'for sale in quantities to suit purchasers. J. W. & J_ F. STARR. No. .125 South THIRD Street. DR. FINE. PBA.CTICaI, DEN TIST for the last twenty years. 219 VINE St.. below Thir I. inserts the molt beautiful TEETH of the age, mounted on fine Gold. Platina, silver. Vulcanite. Coralite, Amber, Sm., atrices. for neat and substantial work, more reasonable than any Dentist in this city-or Slate. Teeth plugged to last for- life. Artificial Teeth. repaired to - snit. No pain in extracting. All 'work war ranted to fit. Reference, best . 9m: . - . L____ .TRUSSES, BRACES;-;& ~ skilfully 'ad iusted - by C. -H . NEEDLES. . corner of TWELFTH and. RACE, Streets.— • Ladies' Department for same. condric:ed by Ladies. TWELFTH Street. first door below , Race. The. . -most complete and varied stock on hand. consisting in. part of Trusses. Supporters; Shoulder . Braced,. Belts, Bandages. Elastic Stockings, Crotches, Syringes, Ar- . titles for Nursers.-Sick Room. &c. se29-3m. If 'i'LiE ATTENTION OF GROCERS AND OTHERS-is invited to the NEW LIQII110• BLACKIAO manufactured by BROWN :& BROTHER. BoshisJ ton ball Tapan Blacking, with h the usual labor. Parts a moat intensely rich metre and jet black, equal to the highest Japan Tarnish, produces a most perfect. smooth surface, so as riot to soil the finest linen, renders the leather easy and pliable, and will retain its virtues in any climate: For sale by the case at THAYER 84 1 7 WPERTHWArr COMMERCE Street. Ea% lmif WHITE PRESERVING tilr BRAN, PURE CIDER, AND WRITE WINE .VINEGAR_. GREEN GINGER, MIISTARp, SEED. SPICES. ara.. 811. ALL TES ICEQUIIIIT/113 FOR PRESERVING AND PICKI.IIki PURPOSE& It ALBERT` C. ROV.ER'Is4., Vcialer in Fine Grooeris. • 047aar. - 4./AYSIN,TS eri4 Trtra Wm:Wu.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers