rr MEI CITY. The Thermometer. AUGUST 28, 1862. 1 A.UGUST 25,1863. 6 A. m.... 12 II 3 P. M. 61,.. a 12 ht.....32..m, 76, 66,q -86 I 65 70.. ..... ..73 WIND-.. I WIND, *.. S by W...,SSW ENE NE • POLITICAL—THE NATIONAL UNION No- WINATING CONVENTION.—The City Convention of. the National Union party reassembled yesterday morning, at Sandom-street Hall, and proceeded at once to ballot for City Commissioner. The ballot. ings were continued unremittingly from 10 o'clock until 41in the afternoon. The balloting% were as follows : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1.2 13 14 t 5 Dunlap 10 fic i.. , 11 6.5 7 7 s , , .. ' - .."Baleutork .... 2 2 0 16 2:i 12 1 , 14 2.7 4 1? i 29 ii .47 57 101 r-= . ;Shaw I 6 21 .!1 IS 29 29 38 77 75 29 32-29 42 41 . Thomaf 11. 112 m eri , n 0 . i . g ... r ... .. 14 11 , II 6 15 11 ia 6 .. .. .. .. .. ..... Phee ......... ;6 'i '4..:::: ' :;:: ~*:: Hinkle 12 17 1. is. ,:., „8 -51 19 9 22 30 36 35 43 47 Davenport.— It. 11 14 10 38 15 30 9 18 22 21,23 .. .. ... , Urwiler 16 16 . - .. - .1 .Merrick 11 16 15 20 18 ii iis 20 ii 2i 28139 4 . 52 61 M0ney......, 6 6- 7 4 8 8 2 - • .. .. .. ~. McLaughlin. 8 311 7 911 10 12 21 2229 19 .. ... 1 :Middleton ... 3 2 9 4 10 .. .• .. .. . .. . .. .. ... Rickarde..... 19 18 19 12 20 25 :10 10 .. ~ ... .. .. ... s t 1101 - - anilton received 156 lk m ; whereupon Mr. inee, and the nomi- On the cixteenth ballot Mr. Hai votes, and Mr. Merrick 48 votes Hamilton was declared the nomi. nation was made unanimous. Several ineffectual attempts were now made to adjourn for the day. The majority, however, were in favor of proceeding with the nominations. The President then read letters from Messrs. Mahlon H. Dickinson and Samuel Schafer, declining the honor of being candidates for City Treasurer. Mr. Henry Bumm was then nominated for City Treaiurer by acclamation. The Convention then proceeded to nominate a candidate tor the office of t;lerS of the Quarter Ses sions. Two ballots were taken, as follow; " George 11. Moore James Barber.... Bayard Robinson Lewis Bitting... George K. Wise. Mr. Moore was declared the nominee, and the Convention adjourned, at 6 P. M., to meet, again this morning at 10 o'clock. WATER WORE'S IN THE TWENTY-FOURTH WARD.—Many of the inhabitants of the Twenty fourth ward justly complain that they do not receive a supply of water, for which they have paid in ad vance. Even in that section of the ward, on a level with the grade of Thirty. sixth and Locust streets, the residents have not bad a supply for some time. They are, therefore, annoyed. Many of the dwel lings have all the modern improvements, such as hot baths, for which water.baoks and circulating boilers have been introduced, and in order to prevent an accident, the faucets have to be kept open to prevent explosion. Complaints have been lodged at the office of the IMpartment, but no satisfactory explanation has been yet. elicited. The people are told that the works are kept going at their full ca pacity. This, of course, is simply a downright fa, brioation, because the fact was well established when Mr. Dirkinbine was the engineer, that the head of n.,-NiVer,nalklulkin.thewhole section of country that is not sUPplied at all The works-have,recent ly been put in order. and they ought to be as good as ever. If, in the attempt to put them in order, the workmen ruined them, then it is the fault of the Department certainly, and the people.ought to have their money refunded, because they have paid in ad vance for a necessary article they do not receive. The works have never been so shamefully mis managed, and the people of that ward never so grossly misrepresented in the City Council by one man who persistently holds Ms seat there at the ex pense of election officers, who are now paying the penalty for perjury, owe it to themselves to hurl into merited insignificance that party or men who have not intelligence or honesty enough to deal with them fairly. The present water works, when full, are sufficient for an adequate supply of water, or else water does not reach its own level. The "lacteal fluid in this cocoanut" may be accounted for as follows: The present vultures, who hold the power in the City Councils by base forgery, desire to prevent a supply of water so as to induce the inhabitanta of the ward to petition for extensive works. This will require a heavy outlay of funds, and it is desired that the contracts shall be given out before the next Council comes into power. The jobbers of the present party have an eye to this business, but it is agarcely pro bable they are smart enough to enshroud the optics of the people of the Twenty-fourth ward. If it is desirous to testthe distributing power of the stand pipe, we can furnish an engineer from The Press de partment alone who can make it supply the people who now complain. RIVER' SCENE.—Standing yesterday on one of the long piers that extend considerably So wards the stream of the river .Delaware, we could not help feeling gratified at the panoramic scene before and all around us—ships, brigs, schooners, sloops, barges, steamboats, large and small, tugs, rafts,'Pcc., all passing to and fro, conspired to make a picture that could well gratify the most enthusiastic commercial man in the metropolis. All along the ,wharves were many evidences of prosperity and in dustry. Everybody was lively, for everybodys eemed to be up to his elbows, or his head and ears, in busi ness. Low down in the river, from - the place we took our view, the back ground was filled in with ships.of.war, lying off the navy yard. Five steam boats rounding. Greenwich Point at one time, gave a lively finish to the scene. Watermelons, can telopes, and peaches, were on the bosom of the river, in Jersey "smacks," destined to supply Phila delphia with the luxury' which God's own bounty has given to all. One, in looking upon such scenes, could scarcely realize that war had desolated any part of the land. THE WEATNER.—Wheneyer n sudden change takes place in the weather, or whether the weather is intensely hot or cold, the people seem with one accord to look at the thermometer. Those of our people who did not consult the instrument yesterday may know that at noon yesterday the mercury in dicated a temperature of 73 degrees. The wind was ,raw,,from the northeast, and sort of Scotch mist prevailed. The season at our sea-side resorts will soon be over, and people will return refreshed and ready to renew business with alacrity. .The algae of business in the coming fall are very encouraging indeed. AN ExcuitsioN TO THE SEA.—,-The great - excursion to be given by Mr. Mundy, an old and re liable conductor on the Camden and Atlantic Rail road, will take place this evening. The advertise ment in The Press sets forth the particulars. This is the sixth excursion given by Mr. Mundy, and there is every likelihood that the one of this evening will be as well attended as any of the former ones. Tickets may be obtained during to day of Colonel John. G. Bryant, at the office, Vine-street wharf. Parties, large or small, will be provided with special cars in the train, so that all can enjoy themselves. Mr. Mundy is au fait in such matters, and knows well how to cater for the public. A MOONLIGHT TRIP TO THE CITY BY THE SEA.-Mr.. Mundy gives another of hie delightful moonlight excursions to Atlantic City this evening. Theaars leave Vine-street wharf - at 7.30 P. M., an d returning leave Atlantic City on Monday at 4 A. M., thus affording a tine opportunity for our citizens to enjoy a day and two nights at the sea•side with. out neglecting their business. The bathing at At lantic City cannot be surpassed. The low rate of tickets places it within reach of all classes, and we can assure the excursionists that Mr. Mundy will make all necessary arrangements for their comfort and convenience during the trip. THE SIXTH. WARD DEMOCRATIC NOMI 31ATIONS.—The two tickets for ward officers in the Sixth ward, by the Democrats, have not been amal gamated as yet, and both sides aver there will be no compromise. Mr. Schriner, who was amnia sted for Select Council, received the votes of the bolting -.l;;legataz-thr.t.asseilibled at Fourth, above Arch • street. Mr. Robert J. Barr was previously nomi nated for the same position by the regular Conven tion of the ward. DEATIrS AT ARMY HOSPITALS.—The fol lowing deaths were reported yesterday : Broad and Cherry—Thos. G. Yale, Co. D, 27th Connecticut Volunteers. - Satterlee—Jacob Schlicher, Co. C, 20th Massa chusetts Volunteers. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN A.SSOCIATION. —The Young alen , e Christian Association will make an excursion to Atlantic city on Tuesday next.. Should the weather be favorable; the associa tion will have a most agreeable time. Admirable arrangements have been made by the committee for the convenience of the excursionists. ,„ EXCURSION. TO CAPE, MA .—There Will be two excursion trains to this favorite watering place to•day. The price of tickets has been placed at $4, good to return on Monday. A delightful trip may be anticipated, as the trains pass through to Cape May without changing cars or taking stages. POSTAL ARRANGEMENT. The Depart ment at Washington has issued an order that the postage on all letters from parties directed to any of the Departments, or officers of •said Departments, mustbe pre-paid. LUMP WILLIAM PENN.—There will be a lag presentation at Camp William Penn to-morrow afternoon. This camp has already sent away one colored regiment that arrived safely at Morris Island. BURGEONS FOR THE SOIITIT.—Twenty surgeons have been detached from the military hos. pitals, and sent to the army of South Carolina, THE POLICE. [Before Mr. Alderman Balder. ] A Knock Down and Robbery. Two young men, George and Frank Morris, bro. - there, were arraigned at the Central Station yester day afternoon. The following evidence was elicited : 'On Thursday night, Mr. W. J. Stephenson, while quietly seated at Filth and Spruce afreete, was suddenly assailed by a person who knocked. him down and robbed him of his gold watch and chain, valued at $lOO. Officer Levy, of the detective force, arrested Geo. Morris, on Locust street, near Eighth. At the time defendant and his• brother Frank were in company. The latter broke the hold of the 'officer, and George dashed off at the top of his speed, down Acorn alley, thence into Spruce street, and finally took refuge in a store at the corner of Eighth street. During the race officer Levy discharged his pistol, not at the fugitive, but into the air ; but it had no intimidating effect. He might have shot George, but this he did not desire to do. The alarm attracted general attention. Several officers arrived, and one of them, Mr. John Lindsay, of the First division, arrested Frank. Mr. Stephenson testified that, to the best of his knowledge and belief, George Morris is the one who committed the assault and battery, and stole the watch. The defendants dtaried the charge. George said that the witness was entirely mistaken. " Why did you runt" asked the magistrate. "Because I didn't want to be arrested," -replied the prisoner. "Arrested for whatl" rejoined the alderman. " , Why, I didn't want to be arrested for nothing." " But the officer was arresting you for something and not nothing." The prisoner somewhat equivocated, but insisted on not having done anything to i'dr. Stephenson. Frank" Morris desired to say that he was innocent. Ile said he was merely walking with his brother 'when the officer, whom he did not know, came up - to arrest him. Re had been away two years, and had just got back last'night. The parties were com mitted, George in default of $2,000 and Frank $l,OOO hail to answer at court. Robbery on the Cars. Franl Costello, whose photograph has been placed in the detectives' gallery, was arraigned at the Cen tral Station on the charge of robbing Mr. Alfred Fit ler of a gold watch and chain, valued at $365. 'The robbery took place on the evening of July 3d, on one of the passenger cars. Detectives Taggerc and Levy have been on the qui vine for Costello ever since. They succeeded in arresting him yesterday.- Mr. Fitler, who is rather hard of bearing, testi fied that on the evening of July 3d, he took passage in a oar at Fifth and Chestnut streets, to go home ; he resides in the vicinity of Second and Poplar; the defendant was already in the car , ; at Market street another fellow got in, who seemed to be acquainted with him ; at Fifth and ;Race streets an officer and a lady got in the car, and the defendant, who had a seatinside; arose and gave it to the lady, and came outside and stood close to me on the hind platform.; we were all , talking about the news free). Gettys burg ; I was robbed somewhere between Callowhill street and Green, but I did not miss my watch until I reached home ; , I am satisfied the defendant is the man who stole my watch, or else it must have been his ghost. d " Why o you think soh" inquired the magistate. "I will tell you," replied the witness, pleasantly. "While on the platform I carried my hat under my z. ' , arm. 'One of the men said to me ',Sir, you have dropped your hat.'" ' Woolly, I have not," replied the witness ; "I • , InfVe it here. Ass . I turned to reply to,the individual who hail thus accosted me, the defendant, I rernem; ber, got closer, if possible, but I did not even dream my watch was taken. When I discovered my loss, at home, I remembered the circumstance, and am almost as certain this man took it as though I had seen him do co.,' "You are sure he la the person 7" "Yes, sir ; I have no doubt about that fast." " When did they leave the earl" "Shortly atter the man Said I had dropped my bat. Three got off the car and went away to gether." The prisoner denied the charge, and said that he could prove he we not on the car at the time speci fied. The defendant was committed in default of $l,OOO bait to answer at court. [Before Mr. Alderman McMullin.] Disorderl y House. Thomas and Emma Holland were arraigned yes terday on the charge of keeping a disorderly house on Dock street. This place was the scene of a great disturbance a day or two since, that required the attention of the police, who made a couple of ar rests. Mr: and Mrs. Rolland were held to bail to answer at court. A Trio in Trouble. - Mary Hughes, Mary Johnson, and Bridget Han ley were commit tedted by Alderman McMullin to an swer the charge of the },larceny of a watch, taken from an individual who made his appearance on Bedford street on Thursday night. United States District Court—Judge Cad , walader. CHARGICD WITH. PASSING ALTERED TREASURY NOTES. Charles Wallace and George Williams were put on trial, yesterday, charged with passing an altered ten•dollar treasury note. From the evidence, it an• pears that one of the defendants Went into ;a dry goods establishment in Pdanayunk, and purchased some muslin, for which he offered in payment a ten dollar treasury note which, it was discovered, had been altered from a onedollar note. Both parties were arrested in the neighborhood, and near where they had been standisg.a roll of altered notes was discovered. It was also in evidence that one of the defendants had passed an altered note purporting to be a fifty.dollar treasury note on a tavern•keeper in the neighborbbod. The defence did not offer any testimony, but con tended that the defendants had no knowledge of the spurious character of the notes. Jury out. Leonard Fletcher, Esq , appeared for defendants, and United Stites District Attorney J. tiubley Ashton for the Government. _ lit Balta. 2d. Ballot .. 00 102 ... 34 27 Covert. of; Oyer and Terminer and Quarto? The court *as engaged during yesterday's session with desertion cues. PHILADELPHIA BOARD Or TIRADE. TAMES R. CAMPBELL, 8. W. - DE COURSEY. COMMITTEE OF FHB MONTI! JAMES O. HAND, AT THE MERCHANTS' =ORANGE, PHILADELPHIA, Ship Saranak, Rowland . Liverpool, soon Brig Keoks, Burns .St. Domingo City, soon Brig B F Nash, Ramsdell St Thomas, soon Schr St Lawrence, Kinch Port Spain, soon PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 28, 1863 SUN RISES,. . ... 6 28--SUN SETS 6 40 'HIGH'grATER 2 30 Bark Annie C Norton, Price, 10 days from Por. Royal, in ballast to captain. Brig Abby Thaxter, Coombe, 22 days from Aspin wall, in ba/laet to J E Barley & Co. Brig Marine, Cook, 13 days from St Thomas, in ballast to captain. Schr Mercy Taylor, Nickerson, 8 days from Port land, with ice to Wolbert & Bro. Schr John Jones, Rooth, 3 days from New York, with mdse to captain. Schr Sophia Ann ' Smith, 12 days from Boston, with ice to Thos E Cahill Schr 7 W Early, IVlicknitt, 1 day from Frederica, Del, with oats to Jae Barrett & Son. Schr Horace, Higgins, 14 days from Rockport,with ice to captain. _ . Schr Star, Baker, 4 days from Providence, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. Sehr Carrie Wells, Brown. 4 days from Province town, with mdse to Geo B Kerfoot. Steamer Pierpont, Green, 24 hours from N York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. . . Steamer Tacony, Pierce, 24 boom from W York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. Steamer C Cothstock, Drake, 24 hours. from New York, with =dee to W Di Baird & Co. Steamer Fairchild, Trout, 24 hours from N York, with mdse to W N Baird & Co. Bark S L Bryant, Lane,`Point Petre, D S Stetson & Co. Brig Saml Welsh, Cunningham, New Orleans, US Quartermaster. Brig Gilmore Meredith, Snow, Pensacola, J E Bazley & Co. Brig Orizimbo, Foss, Port Royal, Com H A Ada ma & Bug N Stowers, Shute, Port Royal, E A-Souder. Co. Schr S N Smith, Bedell, New York, do Schr Flying Oloud, Hardenbrook, Boston, T welle & Co. Schr Colorado, Sheppard, Providence, Blakiaton, Graff & Co. Schr Edward, Weeks, Boston, Costner, Stickney & Wellington. Schr Emma, Ives, Newbern, H A Adams. Schr Pequonnook, Barnes, Boston, W H Johns. Schr D S Mershon, Croupier, Providence, Milne& & Co. .Schr D C Smith, Long, Providence, Richardson & Co. Seta 0 A Stetson, Rich, Welfieet, captain. Schr Gun Rock, Wilson, Fall River, Repplier & Bro, Schr Batavia, McFarland, Portsmouth, Baum, Ogle & Co. • Schr H G- Ely, Donnell, Alexandria, Tyler, Stone & Co. Str Swan, Rose, Sassafras river, captain. Str R Willing. Dade, Baltimore, A' Groves, Jr. Steamer H J Devinney, Bristow, Alexandria, T Webster; Jr. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exdhange.) LEWES, riel, Aug. 26. . Mr John W West, pilot, landed to-day, and re ports that the following vessels went to sea to-day at noon: Brigs Aroostook. for Bangor; Geranium, for St Thomas, and achr Kate Carleton, Matanzas. Wind NNW, and blowing very fresh. Yours, &c. AARON MARSHALL. The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal to-day, bound to Phila. delphia, laden and consigned as follows : C Lawrence and .1" 13 Wagner, lumber to S Bolton; D Blanchard, do to captain; N Star, do to H Oros key; Eleanor, do to captain; D Webster, bit coal to D E Hance. (Correspondence of The Press.) 'HA VRE DE GRACE, August 27. The steamer Wyoming left here this morning with the following boats in tow, viz: . Emma & Rebecca, lumber to H Oroskey; Emma, do to John Craig; Old Speed, do to Dolby & Myers: Martha & Still, coal to J Street; Dolphin, do to or der; Sarah Edith, to Delaware City. • Ship Cavalier, Brown, from Buenos Ayres, at Thomaston 23d inst. Brig JP Ellieot, Deverenx, cleared at Bangor 25th inst for this port. • • Schr Ephraim & Anna, Jones, sailed from Baker's Landing 26th inst for this port. Schre N B Borden, Sears; Saratoga, Adams, and E P Newcomb, Camp, hence at Gloucester 25th inst. Schr Henry Perkins, Wilson, from Newburyport for this port, at Gloucester 24th inst: Schr Spray, Adams, sailed from New Bedford 26th inst for this port. Schr John B Allen, Case, hence at Nantucket 235 instant. Scbr T P Cooper, for Me port, cleared at N Haven 26th inst, Schr Fly, Rix, from Nantucket for this port -at N York 27th inst. ' Behr Isaac Rich, Crowell, hence at Portsmouth 25th inst. _ _ Schr 0 Hawley, Hanle, hence at Providence 26th inst. Sohn Isabella Thompson, Harvey; D G Floyd, Hackett, for this port, and Sarah Elizabeth, Kelley, for do or New York, sailed from Providence 26th instant Scbr Alex Henderson, Kenyon, hence at Pautuake 26th inst. Schrs F J Cummings, Lunt, hence for Newbury port; T Lake, Doughty, and Ann S Cannon; Haley, from Boston for this port, and A. Haley, Haley, from Salem for do, at Holmes' Hole 25th, and remained 9 A PIE 26th. Schrs Pavillion, Harper, and John Stoakham, Smith, hence for Boston; Lejok, Whitmore, hence for Rockport; Win H Rowe, Harris, ilrom Boston for this port; Rachel Vanneman,Varmeinan, from Port land for do; and Percy Heilher, Grace, from Lynn for do, at Holmes , Hole 26th inst. Brig Monica (of Bangor), Phillips, fm Baltimore, came to anchor 24th mat, and when about to enter the Rennebunk riverparted chain , and before the se cond anchor would hold had drifted nearly on the beach, where she lay much exposed, thumping hea vily during the- night. She was held from driving further up by extra anchors, and next morning was taken off and into the river, leaking badly, but not bilged or crooked. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! PHILADRLPHIA, May SO, WA, O. Sadter, Bee., Ntent for Lillk's &tree : DEAR Bra: During the night of 'Hay 19, 1863. our GTO sery and Provision Store, at North Second and Willow streets, took fire at about 2 o'clock A. N.. and as the store was a two-story wood building it burnt rapidly. and before the fire-engine could act upon the fire, oar whole stock of goods, including much combustible ma. terial, and amounting to over $2.000, were wholly de stroyed. We had one of year No. 11 Chilled Iron Safes, which was in the hottest part of the fire, andjit came ou t of the fire not In the least injured, except the melting off of the name, plate_a_nd paint. The contents inside were not affected in the West, and we consider the Safejust good aprotection against fire now as before, and. shall use- it hereafter with increased- confidence. The lash Works as perfeotly ae before the fire. Yours truly, HoMAICUS & CROFT. Late 4-20 North SECOND Street. Attention to the above certificate is particularlre quested, as it is the first trial of I,ILLIE'S SAFES In as accidental fire in Philadelphia. I would say to all parties who want s Tire and Burglar-proof Safe that LILLIE'S WROUGHT MID CHILLED SAFES are much the cheapest and the only reel Fire and Burglar-proof Safes now made; and to those who want simply a Fire-proof, I would say that LILLIE'S. WROUGHT IRON SAFE is fully equal in all respects -to any.. of the most-approved makers, and is sold at fully- one-third less price. I also am receiving daily in exchange for Lintel Wrought and Chilled Iron Safes other Safes,: and k.l sonstantly on hand a general assortment of HERRING'S, EVANS & WATSON'S, and other makers, many of thug almost new, which I offer at, and even below, auction prices. All parties interested are particularly req uested to amine the Safes above described at my d epo t. M. O. SADL Agent, let-tf No. Al South SEVENTH Street DRAIN PIPE.-S T O - N EWA R B A-' DRAIN PIPE from 2 to 12-inch bore. I 2-Lneh do bore ... 20 wints d per ya do rd 30 o . 4 do. 40 do do. 6 do 60 do do. 6 do 66 do • do. Ivory variety of connections, bends, traps, and hoppers. We are now prepared to furnish Pipe in a n y anantitY, and on liberal terms to dealers and those purchasing Is large quantities. ORNAMENTAL CHIMNEY TOPE: Vitrified Terra Cotta Chimney Tops. plain and orna mental designs, warranted to stand the action of coal sac, or the weather in any climate: GARDEN VASES. A great varlet y of Ornamental Garden Vases in Terra Cotta, classical designs. all sires , and warranted to stand the weather. Also, Fancy Plower pow Ranging lia.nkete and Garden Statna-. Philadelphia Terra Cotta Works Office and Warerooms uno ontertruT Street. mll4-dtr a. A. HARRISON. WILLIAM H. YEATON & 00, No. moi South FRONT Street. Agents for the sale of the ORIGINAL FIBIDSTECK & CO. CHAMPAGNE. Offer that desirable Wino to the trade. , Aliso, 1.000 cases fine and medium grades • • ' BOBDRAUX CLARETS. 100 cases "BrandenberB Freres " COGNAC BWEDI. Vintage 1648, bottled in Frunce. 80 eases finest Tuscan Oil, in desks• 2 dozen in east . 60 bbls Rued quality Monongahela'WhiskY. • 60 bbla Jersey Apple Brandy. 80,000 Havana Cigars, extradite. Most & Chandon Grand VIA Imperial, " Green gasp Champagne. Together with a dna assortment of Madeira, Shaun Port. gm fa 24-17 lIML DR. FINE, PRACTICAL DEN. m l = l l7 TIST for the last twenty years, 219 VINE St., below Third, 'puerto Goldost be alibi' TEETH Vulcan thi age, mounted on line Platbl, Silver, Vulcanite, Coralite, Amber, Re. , at prices, for neat and substantiad work, more reasonable than any dentist in this city or State. Teeth plugged to last for life.. Artificial Teeth repaired to snit. No pain in extracting. All work warranted to fit. Reference, beat families. le6-3ta EYE AND‘ EAR-PROF. J. ISAAOS, Oculist and /Wrist formerly of :LeYdau. Holland, now at ;No. 511. PINE Street, where pereenS afflicted with diseases of the Eye and Ear will be solar• . tifically treated, and oured,jf curable. Artificial Eye inserted without pain. ;.-If. 1.-710 charge made for eta! minatior. 1.1141 fit LEGAL. INTELLIGENCE. Sessions—Judge Ludlow LETTER BAGS MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED. CLEARED. ((:orrespondence of The Press.) READING, Aug. 26 MEMORANDA PROPOSALS. NOTICE TO MANUFACTURERS. . . ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFRICH. Crncingsn, 0.. August 19. 1863. The undersigned invites PROPOSALS for furnishing this Department with Material for the •manufacture of Shelter Tents. The material should be thlity-three (R 3). inches in width, and should not weigh less than six (6), nor more than seven (7) congests the yard (running measure). atal. may be either linen or cotton. Persons making proposals are regosated to state the minimum and maximum quantities they will supply. the time within which they will commence delivery, anti the Quantity they will deliver each weelethereafter. and to send a sample of the material proposed to be for nished to this office By.order of Col. THOS. Swoops. A. Q. M -G. C. W. MOULT( T. an26.4t , Captain and A Q W. rrO CONTRACTORS AND BUJ LD FIRS. L —Sealed Proposals, endorsed "Prom:mats for Braiding a Public School -h ouse iu the Tweety-fou,th ward." will be received In the undersigned at the office, senth.ast corner of SIN TH and ADELPHI Street% until WI3DNES AY, September 26,4883; at 12 o'clock' M., for buildings Public School. house one lot of ground situate on the south side of Venongo street, and east side of Wyoming street, in the Twenty-fourth ward. - ' Said school-house to be built in accofdanco with the plans of SOF IN FRASER. Architect, to be Been at the .effice of EDWARD SHIPPItaI, Chairman of Com mittee OM Property, southeast corner of SIXTH and W A LNUT Streets. No bids will be considsred unless accompanied by a _certificate from the City Solicitor that the provisions of an ordinance approved May 20th, 1860, have been com plied ' Byprder of the Committee on Property. - - JAMES D. CAMPBELL, Secretary Controllers of Public Schools.. NOTICE IS - HEREBY GIVEN . A.l That Plans and. Specifications for School-house will be received by the unders , goed at the office of the Board of Controllers, southeast corner of SIXTH and A DELPHI Streets. until WEDNESD tY, September 2d, 1863. at 12 ''clock H. The school-house to be erected on a lot of ground situate at ;he northwest corner of Coates and Sixth streets, about one hundred and twelve feet on sixth Street, and one hunared and thirty-nine feet on Coates street. Seven thousand five hundred dollars have been aP preprlated for ;he erection of the building, including Architect% fees. By order of Committee on Property. • - JAMES D CAMPBELL. ari27-them3t Secretary Controllers of Public Schools. PROPOSALS FOR FLOUR. SEALED PROPORS,LS are invited till the thirty-first day of AUGUST, 1363, at 12 K, for furnishing the Sub sistence Department with 20.000 barrels of Flour Bids will be received for what is known as No. No. 2. and No. 3, and for any portion less than the2o,ooo bar rels. Bids for different grades should be upon separate sheets of paper. The delivery of the Flour to be commenced on the 10th day of September, or as soon thereafter as the Govern ment may direct, at the rate of 800 barrels daily, de livered either at the Government warehouse in Grorge town, at the wharves, or at the railroad depot, Washing ton, D. C. Payments will be made in certificates of indebtedness, or such other funds as the Government may have for dis tribution. The usual Government inspection will be made just be fore the Flour is received. ,An oath of allegiance must accompany. each bid. No bid will be entertained' from parties who have pre viously failed to comply with their bids, or from bidders not present to respond. The_barrels to be entirely new, made very strong, of new mgterials, and head-lined. No Flour which is not fresh glerind will be received. Bids to be directed to Colonel A. BECIIVirITH, A.D. C. end C: S., 11. S. Washington, D. C., and endorsed `Proposals for Flour.' , an 19430 ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GE NERAL'S OFFICE. PHILADELPHIA, 24th. August. . . SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until TUESDAY,ISth September next, at 12 o'clock for furnishing Anthracite Coal for the'War Department, to be delivered during the year commencing Ist October, 1863, and ending 30th B.eptember. 1831. Coal to be of the best quality anthracite, for u.e of steamers, to weigh 2,240 pounds to the ton , and to be subject toinspection, - Tb e Coal is to be delivered on board vessels in the ports of Philadelphia and New York, in such quantities and at such times as may be required, furnishing, if de manded, one thousand tons per day. In case of failure to deliver the coal in proper qnanttty and at the proper tune and place, the Government reserves the right to make good any deficiency by purchase, at the contract or's risk and expense. The price must be for the coal delivered on board ves sels, on the terms and conditions above stated. Twenty five per cent will be withheld from the amount of all Payments, which reservation is not to be Paid until the contract shall have been fully completed. Payments of the remaining eighty per cent.,or balance due, will be made monthly. or when the epartment is in funds for that purpose Each offer must be accompanied by a written guarantee, signed by one or more responsible parties, that the bid der or bidders will, if his or their bid be accepted, enter into obligations, with good and sufficient sureties, to furnish the supplies proposed. No proposition will be considered unless accompanied by such guarantee Two or more sureties in the sum of one hundred thou sand dollars will be required to sign bonds for the faith ful performance of the contract. and their responsibility will be certified by a United States district judge, United States district attorney, or collector. The right is reserved to reject all the bids, if considered to be the interest of the service to do so. Proposals must be endorsed, "Proposals for Coal for the War Department." A. BOYD. an2s-tsels Capt. and. Assist Q. M. U. S Army. OFFICE OF THE SIGNAL OFFICER, WABHINEFTON, D. C.. August 8,1863. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until SATURDAY. August 29. 1863, at 4 o'clock P. M. , for furnishing for the Signal Department the following arti cles : 250 Two hundred and fifty sets Signal Equipments: 30 Thirty barrels Turpentine. 100 One hundred bales Wicking. 200 Two hundred Telescope Holders. 25 Twenty-five gross Wind Matches. 20 Twenty pounds Linen Thread.. 2 Two gross Needles. 10 Ten Tap Roeerc -2sl Twenty Spiggots• The first delivery to be made about the 15th of Septem ber, 1363, or as soon thereafter as Government may di rect. The -11.1 name and Post Office address of the bidder must appear in the proposal. If a bid is made in the name of a firm the names of all the parties must appear. or the bid will be considered as the individual proposal of the party signing it. Proposals from disloyal parties, or where the bidder is not present to respond to his bid, will not be con sidered. Proposals mast be addressed to "The Signal Officer of the Army," Washington, D. C.. and should be plainly endorsed, "Proposals for Field Signal Equipments." The refponsibillty of the guarantors most be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court,or of the United States District Attorney. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract,shoold it be awarded to him, must be guaranteed by two responsi ble persons. whose signatures are to be appended to the guarantee, and said guarantee must accompany the bid. Bonds in sums of double the. amount involved in the contracts, signed by the contractor, and both of his guar antors. will be required of the successful bidder, or bid ders, upon signing the contract. FORM OF GUARANTEE. -,-of the county of--. and State of -• do hereby guarantee that -- is able to tram G.. contract in accordance with the terms of his proposi tion, and that should his proposition be accepted he will at once enter into a contract in accordance therewith. Shouldlhe contract be awarded to Mtn we are prepared. to become Ms securities. (To this guarantee must be appended the official certi ficate above mentioned.) The right is reserved to reject all proposals if the Prices are deemed too high,- or if, for any cause, it is not deemed for the public interest to accept them. Models will be on exhibition at the office of the Signal Officer for twenty (20) days from date. anl2-16t AMT CLOTHING AND EQITIP . Ael OFFICE, - TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets, ' PHILADELPHIA. August 26, 1363 SEALED'PROPOSALS are invited at this office until 12 o'clock M , on the 2d day of September,next, to furnish promptly at the Schuylkill Arsenal—viz : f 8.900 yards 31 dark blue Flannel, for blouses. Army 3,950 do. X: white Flannel, cotton and standard; wool, for shirts. - - 3,450 yards 39 Canton Flannel, for drawers. 20.040 white metal Badges, for employees of the Quar termaster's Department, a sample and description of which can be seen-at this office. Bidders must state in their proposals the price,-quan tity bid for, and time Of delivery. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whole signa tures must be appended to the guarantee, and said guarantee must accompany the bid. Bidders, as well as their sureties or guarantors, who may not be known at this office, will famish a certifi cate from the United States District Attorney, Postmas ter, or other public functionary, at the residence of the bidder or guarantors, setting forth, cleaffiz , the fact that the bidder and his sureties are responsible men, who will, if a contract is awarded, act in - wood faith with the United States, and faithfully execute the same. • Bidders are invited to be present at the opening of the Propostcla must' lie endorsed. "Proposals for Army Supplies. 'stating the particular article bid for. . • G. H. CROSMAI4, au.27-7t Asst.4l. M. General U. S. Army. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIP AGE OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets, PHILADELPHIA, A l igust 24th, 1824. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited at, this office until 12 o'clock M.', on TUESDAY, the let September next, to furnish promptly at the SCHUYLKILL ARSENAL viz: Waterproof Blanketa for Footmen—grata percha, India rubber or painted. Water- proof Ponchos for Horsemen—gutta percha, India rubber or palm ed. Drums for Infantry, with cases, slings, and sticks. White wool IFlannel for Zonave turbans. Light blue Mons de Laing for Zonave sashes. Bidders must state in their proposals the price. quan tity bid fora and time of delivery. The ability of the bidder to fill- the contract must be. guaranteed two responsible persons, whose signa tures must be appended to the guarantee, and said guar antee must accompany the bid. Bidders, as well as their sureties or guarantors, who may not be known at this office, will furnish a certificate from the Malted States - District Attorney, Postmaster, or other public functionary, at she residence of the bidder or gurantors. setting forth clearly the fact that the bidder and his sureties are responsible men. who will, if a con tract is awarded, act in good faith with the United States and faithfully execute the same. . Samples can be seen at this office, and bidders are in vited to be present at the opening of the bids. Proposals mast be endorsed "Proposals for Army Supplies," stating the particular article bid for. G H. CR05314,11, an2.5-7t, Asel Quartermaster'Ganeral 17. S. A. OFFICE CLOTHING AND EQUI PAGE, CINCINATI, 0., August 24th,1863. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited by the undersigned, for the following articles, to wit: Boots; - • Bootees; Shelter Ten ts • Gray Flannel'Shirts; Knapsacks; • _a rtill ery Jackets; . Cavalry do; Trowsers; Footmen's; _Foi age Caps, (like sample at Inspection Depot Di this city. ). Bids musk explicitly state the quantity it is proposed to furnish, the time of delivery and the price, and a glt. antee agreeing that the party making the bid will enter into contract if an award is made to him, and signed by two responsible parties, must accompany each proposal, and guarantors must sign their own names All bids must be accompanied with a sample of the article offered. The supplies Must be delivered in good new packages, free of charge, at the United States Inspection Ware houses in this. city. Written contracts of which this advertisement shall be made a part, wilt be entered into with parties to whom awards are made, and bonds required of them in sums equal to one-fourth the value of the goods contracted for. Bidders are respectfully-notified, that samples of goods offered, and left at the inspection Warehouses. Unless removed within ten (10) days after awards are made. will be considered as belonging to.the United States, and sold at auction or asnt to the Government Warehouses for issue Proposals will be _received until THURSDAY NOON, September 2d., 1863, and the awards will be madebn Sa turday, September 6111. 33,63, upon the completion of which successful bidders will be notified of the accept ance of their proposals. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonablh is re served. By order Col. THOS. SWORDS, Q lit. G. C. W. MOULTON. t au27--it ' Captain, and A. Q. M. 1)IIICK SALES, SMALL PROFITSI— At DEAN'S CIGAR STORE 335 CHESTNUT St.. you can buy FINE-CUT CHEWING TOBACCO 26 per sent. less than anywhere else. , Anderson's Solace, Hoyt's Sunnyside, LilienthiPs Standard, Old Continental, Young America, and` Good win's N. Y. Patent Pressed, for eight cents each. Plantation.Cornish's Virgin Le af,Yellow Bank, - Honey Dew, Amulet, National, Heart's Delight, Sayoryylledal- Hon, Nonpareil, and Mrs. Miller's Fine-cut Chewing To bacco, for four cents each. • FINE CUT IN YELLOW PAPERS.— tilienthare, Backus & Campbell's, Yellow Bank, Grape, for ;three sents each. FINE-CUT CHEWING TOBACCO IN BULK.--nAndor son's Solace, Hoyt's Sttnnyside, Dean's Golden Pax., Dean's Philadelphia Fine Cut, Honey-Dew, Michigan. and Pride of Kentucky, for six cents per ounce. Fine-cut Chewing Tobacco by the pound. 4 6 , 60, 76. 90 se .WR I TID HAVANA AND YARA CIGARS, and do- mestic Cigars of all kinds, 26 per cent. less: than, others sell, at wholesale or retail, at •• DEAN'S CIGAR STORE, • 335 CHESTNUT Street. Wilmington and Ifewark Corporation Notes taken. at DD WILKIN, . ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR - AT LAW, NASHVILLE. TENNESSEE. . Has been constantly engaged is the practice of hie pro fession, min ..the collection of Claims; atliashville, for the past FOURTEEN YEARS. • REFERENCES: Messrs. Sibley. Moulton, & Woodruff; Messrs. Bar croft & Co. E. WILSON'S WATER-CURE OR D HYGIENIC ESTABLIVIDIENT, No. 665 North THIRTEENTH Street, Philadelphia. Thii Institution is located in a healthy and pleasant part of the city, and provided with the necessaries applicable to the comfort of patients and boarders. All Acute and Chronic Dis eases are treated on strictly Hygienic principles. Fe male diseases treated successfully. All forms of Surgery. attended to. The Swedish movements also constitute one of our remedial agents. Address - - R. WILSON, M. D. au24-6t. 665 N. THIRTEENTH St PhiladelPhia. A MERICAN`R 00 F IN - 0 SLATES, 4 - 1 - EMU WHALE TO THE BEST WELSH SLATES. . 'T. THOMAS. 142841X0 :WALNUT .Stoat- THE , PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 29,, 1§363. SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VI trr U E 0 E a writ of Allan Venditioni Exponas. to me dimmed. will be exposed to public aate or voluble. rgt MONDAY Evening, September 7. BM at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-etreet All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the south side of arcertain thirty -one-feet-wide•street called Small street, at the distance of one hundred and forty feet westward from the west side of Delaware Twelfth street continued, in the late Township or hioyamonsing, in the county of Philadelphia; containing in from or breadth on said Small street fifteen feet, and extending In length or depth southward sixty feet Bounded on the west by ground now or late arenas Beneath on the south by gr. and now or late of James Hill, on the east by ground wanted or intended. to have been granted to Joseph Serridge on sunned rent. and on the north Sy said Small street. [Being rte same tot of gre nd which. James Bill, by indenture dated the 7th day of April, A. D. 1830, and recorded at Philadelphia. In deed hank R. L. L, No, 34. page 803, & c., granted 'and conveyed unto John Lipsey in fee; reserving therenut the yearly ground rer t or sum of twelve dollars, lawful silver money. etc., payable yearly fin .the ' of the month of January in every year forever, clear of taxes, etc., unto the said Jsmss Hill, his heirs and assigns ] C P.. 371; June T. '63. Debt 1640 50 J. B. Town end.; Tsken in execution and to be sold as the nropytv of John Lipsey. - JOFIN TROMPS° !P. Sheriff. Philadelphia Sheriff's Office, August 14, 1563. anl7-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.— BY VIRTUE OF rt writ of al tea Vendi tioni Exponas, tome directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue. MONDAY Rye ping, September 7,1863. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground Situate on the southwest side of Anthracite street. at the distance 'of seventy. fi so feet south of Browne street, in.the late dis trict of Richmond in the county of Philadelphia; con= tainlng in front or breadth on said anthracite street fifty one feet, and extending in length or depth'westwardly of that width eighty feet. Bounded nortwardly and east. wardly by ground now or formerly of Benjamin S. Janney, southwardly. by a lot granted or in' ended to-have been granted to John Garber. and outwardly by said anthit cite street. [Bairn the same lot of ground which the Reid Benjamin S. Janney ands Lydia a , his . wife, bv inden ture dated the 28th day of October. a. D. 1817. the coun terpart 'whereof is recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Back O. W. C., No. 88. page .226, &c ' granted and con veyed unto Christian M. Garber and Benedict G ocher, - as tenants in common, in fee; reserving thereont the yearly ground rent or sum of twenty dollars and forty cents, Jawful silver money, etc payab'e half yearly, clear of taxes etc., on the first day of the months of January and July in every year forever, unto the said BenjaminJanney. Janney. his heirs and aesigns 3 [c. P. 37a; J. T.. '63..Debt. 813 62 J. B. Townsend.] Taken in execution and to be solo so tbenronerty of Christian M. Garber and Benedict M> Garber. BERIFF'S S ALE -BY . VI RN CrE uF R a writ of Vend Word Exponas. to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or veudue. on MONDAY E yen ing.September7,lBefl. at 4 o'clock. at eausom-street Hall, All that certain tot of ground situate in the late district of Kensington, in the county of Philadelphia, on the northerly side of York,-street, commencing at the dis tance of fifty-four feet east from the easterly side of Eme rald street; containing in front on said York '-treat thirty six feet, and extending of that width in depth parallel with said Emerald street one hundred and fifty feet three inches' to a forty. feet- wide street called Taylor street. Bounded northerly by saj.d. Taylor street, southerly by said York street, and , easterly' and westerly , by ether ground intended to be granted to the said Francis Freel ing on round rent. Together with all and Magni-Ix the ways, do andi paying therefor and thereout unto the said Henry Norris, his heirs and 'assigns; the yearly rent or sum of forty-three dollars and twenty cents, lawful silver money of the United States of trio I rina. each dollar weighing 17 pennyweights and 6 grs, at least, in equal half-yearly payments on the first days, of tbe menthe of January and July in eich and every year forever hereafter. without any deduction, deft ca-' tion, or abatement, for or on account. of any taxes, charges, or assessments whatsover, to be %stmas& either on or for the said hereby-granted lot andimildings thereon erected, or to be erected, or ,OD and for the said yearly rent hereby and thereont reserved. . ' IC. P.. 354; J. T.. '6B. Debt. 551 68 Wain.) Taken in execution-and to -be sold as the property of Francis ?reeling. - JOHN THOMPSON. Sheritt Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. August 15.1863 aul7-$t SHERIFF'S SALES. . _ . . JO ROT TH 0 M.PSQ N. Sheriff, Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Angust 14, iSr3. a,nl7-3t p„ HERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponaa, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing. k eptember 7.1863. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street All the right. title, and interest of Aaron Jones of,' itt, and to No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of gronnd, with the messnages or tenements then eon erected, situate in Ger mantown, iu the Twenty-second ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid, bsginning at a stone by a forty feet-wide street called Wistar street, at the distance of one hundred and forty-five feet three inches northeast om Germantown High street; thence by ground granted by Peter L Berry to Henry Frailey northwest seven teen feet three inches to the end of a stable wall; thence from the middle of said wall west-southwest sixt,.en feet one inch toa. corner of land of said Frailevt•thence by said Frailey . e land. northwest ninety-three feet to a stone; thence by lea, now or formerly of Jacob Weiss northeast seventy feet to a past; thence southeait. seven yerches and two feet to a past, being a corner of a lot sold by Jacob Weiss to John Draglee, and thence by said. Wistar'street southwest fifty-four-feet nine inches to the place of bekinning. No. Also.- all that rectangular lot or piece of ground. situate in Germantown aforesaid, beginning at the dis tance of one - hundred and twenty-nine feet six inches northeastwardly from the northeasterly side of Germ in town Main street aforesaid, measuring along the line dividing land of Jacob Knapp from land of Michael Stargeis; containing in breadth three feet, and'extend ing en length in a northeasterly direction twenty. eight feet six inches. Bounded on the southeast partly by ground now or formerly of J. Michael Steiger. and partly by the above-described lot and on the northeast, northwest. and southwest by ground now or formerly of Jacob Knapp CS. C., 1; Jan. T W.. Debt, 156,215:-Theo. Cuyler..l Takes in execution and to ne sold as. the property of 'Aaron Jones. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. August 1.1. 1913. saurSt SERIFF,'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF - a writ of Fourth Pluries Venditiont Exponas, to me directed.will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, September 7, 1163, at 4 o'clock, at Saneorc-street Hall . - . - All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the two story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected. situ ate on the north westwardly corner of Richmond street or avenue and William street, in the Nineteenth (now the Twenty-fifth) ware of the City of Philadelphia; contain ing in length or depth, between lines at right angles therewith, two hundred feet to salmon street. [Being the same premises which Jacob M. Douglass and wife, by indenture bearing date the twentieth day of Decem ber. Anon Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty two, granted and conveyed unto Richard Coe in fee. un der and subject to a mortgage of three thousand dollars.] B. —The improvements on the above lot are a two story brick dwelling house end a one-story frame shop. CS. C.. 2; Jan. -Term, '6l Debt, $l,OOO. B. Woodward.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property , of Richard Coo. JOHN THOMPSoN, Sheriff Philadelphia. Sliertirgol3l4, August 15, 1863. aul7-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue. MONDAY Evening, September 7, 1563. at 4 o'clock,at Sansom-street All that certainlot or piece of - ground, and messnage thereon erected, situate at the southwest corner of Lom bard and Schuylkill. Front (now called Twenty-second) street. in the city of Philadelphia; containing In front or breadth on the said Lombard street forty-six feet, and in • length or depth southward seventy-eight feet. =Bounded on the east by said Twenty-second street, on the north by the said Lombard street, on the west by other ground late of William Phillips. and on the soutlli by. around of Kichard Ashhurst and - others. [Which lot orplea° of ground William Phillips, by indenture bearing date the 10th day of March, A. 11. 1810, recorded in the office for recording deeds. &c., for-the city and county of Phila delphia, in Deed Book.G. S., No 15, page 576. granted unto James Buck in fee, reserving a yearly ground rent of one hundred and thirty-eight dollars, payable in equal half-yearly payments on the first days of July and January in everyyear thereafter forever.] N. B:—On the above lot of ground 'are erected five three-story brick houses on the west side of Twenty second street. the corner house being - eighteen feet six. inches in front by thirty feet deep: the second sixteen feet fonr inches in front: the third sixteen feet in front; the fourth and fifth each thirteen feet seven inches• in front, and all, except the first, being twenty-eight feet in depth. f.D C., 8; J. T., 'O3. Debt. $192.4.5. McCall. T Taken in execution and to be sold as..the property of Anna E. Buck, adminietratrix of James Buck. deceased: JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, August 12,1863. aul7-3t R i ll ERIF F' S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditioni ExpOnas. to .ine directed, Will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MOn DAV Evening, Septempter 7, 18ff,s, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain: lot or piece ot ground, situate on the north side of Elm street, at the distance of one hundred drsd and sixty feet westward from the west side_ of Seventh street, in the late district of West Philadelphia, now the Twenty-fourth ward. of the city of Philadel phia; containing in front or breadth on the said Elm street one hundyed .feet, - and extendingin length - or depth northward between lines at right . angles. there with one hundred and sixty five feet- to Grape or Cherry street Bounded northward by said Grape or Cherry street, southward by said 11m-street. eastward by ground now or late of Richard Peters, and westward by other grormd of Elizabeth Klapp, of which this was part. [Being the same lot of ground which Elizabeth _DI. Klapp, by indenture dated the 26th day of March, A. D. 1882. recorded in Deed -Book T. Ef.. No. 13. page 180, granted and conveyed Tinto the said Patrick Rafferty in fee; under and subject to the restriction that no, slangh ter•]iouse, soap, or candle, or glue factory, skin-dressing establishment or other building for offensive occnpatidn shall ever be erected on-thee above described lot of ground; and subject also to the payment of a yearly rent.charge of one hundred dollars. payable half-yearly on the first of April and October forever;.for arrears of which the judgment was obtained on which this execu tion was issued. 1. Et% P.,3673 June T., '63. Debt. $4 - 11.4-0. Jon.H. Campbell.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Bernard Rafferty, adm'r bf the estate of Patrimt Raffer ty. deceased. JOHN THOMPSON.Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Angugit 14. 1863. aul7-3t RHERIFF'S'SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF N- J a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on .1111NDAY Evening, September 7. 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; be ginning at a corner formed by the intersection of the sontbeastwardly line of the .Frankford road and the northeastwardly line of William street; thence extend-; ing northeastwardly along the sa'd Frankford road thirty-seven feet; thence sontheastwardly on a line 'pa rallel with said William street one hundred and larty five feet nine inches, more or less; thence southwest warly along the said Coral street thirty-six feet seven and a balf inches to said William street; and thence northwestwardly along the said William steeet one-hun dred and fifty feet nine inches and seven-eighths of an inch to the ;dace of beginning. Subject to a yearly ground rent or sum of fifty. five dollars and fifty cents No. 2. All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadetnhia; be ginning on the southeastwardly line of the Frankford road, at the distance of thirty-seven feet northeast.. wardly from the , northeasternmost line of William street; thor ce extending northeastwardly along the said Frankford road thirty-seven feet; thence southeast- Wardly on a line parallel with said William street one hundred and forty feet eleven inches, more or less, to Coral street; thence sonthweetwardly along tbe Coral street thirty-six feet seven and a half inches; thence northwestwardly on a line parallel with said William street one hundred and forty.tive feet nine inches. more or less, to the place of beginning. _ Subject to a yearly ground rent or sum, of fifty-five dollars and fifty cents. [C. P., 260; Jane Term. '63. Debt, i:l9. 75- McCrea.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Simon S. Jones. JOHN. THOMPSON, Sheriff. - Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Angtist 12. 1863. anl7-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-By VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditiont Exponas.,to me directed,will be exposed to public sale or vendue. on - MONDAY Even ing. September 7.1863. at 4 o'crock. at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate in the late district of Belmont now within the city of Philadel phia, beginning at a point on the south side of the _Ford road and on the east side of a certain new street tiftyleet wide, laid out and opened for public use by Chutes E. D'lnvilliers, - extending from the said Ford -road to the old line ofthe State railway called D'lnviiliers'street; thence extending, southward along the east side of, the said D'invilliers street south seven 'degrees;-forty-five minutes east, three hundred and one feet two inches to a Pettit; thence northeastward on a line at right angles with said D'lnvilliers street one hundred and fifty-five feet nine inches to another point; thence by other ground of the said Charles' E. D'lnvilliers north seven degrees forty-five minutes west, two hundred and fifty-seven feet nine inches to the south eideof said Ford road, and thence along the south side of the said Ford road north eighty two degrees live minutes west, one Ilandred and sixty one feet eight inches to the place of-beginning; contain ing one acre. Beinglhe same Premises which Charles E. D'lnvilliers and wife, by indenture -dated the 10th av of April, A D recorded in Deed Book T. H., No. 133, page. 439. &c. ' granted .and conveyed - to Mark Canning in fee, ashy reference to said recited indenture will more fully appear; reserving thereout a yearly ground rent or sum of thirty dollars. payable half-yearly on the first day of the months of -May and November forever. . CC. P., 372; J. T.'63. Debt, $51.75. J. B. Townsend.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the nroperty of Mark Canning. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. August-14. 1563. anl7-3t R,ELERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF wi lt of Vendltioni Exponas, to me directed; will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. September 7.1663. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall. No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of a certain thitty-feet wide street, (extend• mg. from Norris to Diamond streets, west of Fourth street.) called Leithgow street. at the: distance of two hundred and sixty-six feet five inches northward from the north side of-Norris street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philiffielphia; containing in front -or breadth on the said Leithgow street thirty-six feet, and extending in: length or depth eastward between parallel lines, at right angles with "said - !Leithgow street, forty feet. Bounded northward by ground now- or . late'of William B. Fling, southward by ground now or late-of Hiram -Chester, eastward by ground now or 'late of Owen Jones, and westward by Leithgow street.: [Being part of a larger lot of ground which Owen Jones by in denture dated the 13th day of January, A. D. 1862. and recorded.in the .ollice for recording deeds' in and for the said city. in Deed Book. Page &c., granted and conveyed unto Francis U. Ryairan fee.] No. 2. 'Also, all. that certain lot or piece of, i;round situate on the east side of a certain thirty-feel-wide street, (extending from Norris to Diamond streets, west of Fourth street ) called Leithgow street • at the distance of fifty feet rive inches northward from the north side of Norris street, in the city of Philadelphia,: containing in front or breadth on said Leithgow street thirty-six feet, and extending in length or depth eastward, between parallel lines at righ t : angles to said Leithgow street, thirty-eight feet. Bounded northward by ground now or late of Owen Jones, southward by ground; now or late of John Carson, eastward by ground now dr late - ,of Francis M. Ryan, and westrgard. by Leithgow. street aforesaid. [Being part of a larger lot of ground which Owen Jones. by.indenture hearing date the nth day of October, A. to 1861, and recorded in the office for re cording deedi in and for the said city, in Deed Book" - , No. page &c, granted and conveyed nr.to Francis - . [C. p„ 383; J. T, V. Debt. 91134.16. Bonsall.] Taktn in execution and to be sold as the property of Francis ht RyanJOHN THOMPSON' Sheriff. FhtladelPhis,Sheriff's Office. August 15,/863.! atil7-3t . , SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE.:-BY VIRTUE OF an order of Sale in Partition to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vondue, on MONDAY Eve ning, September 7, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hell. No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground and t wo story brick messnage thereon erected, situate on the south side of Fears street, in the First ward of the city of Phlladeiphia, at the distance of one hundred and twenty roves feet westward from the west eh]) of Sixth_street; containing in front a breadth on said Sears street thirteen feet. and extending of that breadth southward parallel with the said Sixth street in length or depth fifty-nix f ee t t o gr o o nd now or late of James Ballenger. No. .a. also, all that certain lot or piece of ground with the brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the west side of Fourth street. in the Second ward of the city of Philadelphia, at the dh.taoce of forty feet southward ft ern the south side of Christian street; con taining in front or breadth on said Fourth street twenty feet, and in length and depth on the south line thereof about one hundred and thirteen feet ten inches more or lees, and on the north line thereof about one hundred and eight feet eleven inches. more or less. ' No 3 kw, all that cer Ain lot or piece of ground with the three story brick mes<mage thereon erected, situate on the west Mlle of Forth street, in the Second word of the city of Philadelphia. at the disance of sixteen feet eouthward from the southaide of Carpenter street: con taining in front or breadth on said Fourth street sixteen f' et. and exending in length or depth westward ninety four feet seven inches to Newton street: nu the rear of paid lot there being erected -a three-story brick MARRIIISO fronting on Newton street. where said lot contains in breadth sixteen feet eight inches. No. 4 Also._ all that lot or piece of ground with the two-story frame front with brick back building thereon erected, situated on the northwest corner of Fourth street' and rarrenter street. in the. Second ward of the city of PhiladelPhiat containing in front or breadth on said Fonrth street fourteen feet five inches. and extend ing westward in length or depthon the north line thereof fifty-three feet, thence southward fifteen f-et `we-and a bel f inches to Carpenter street, thence east ward fifty-five feet five inches to the aforesaid corner of Fourth and, Carpenter streets, - CD. C.. 12; . Sr., '63. Dollman. To be sold as the property of John Towell, William Towell, James Towel!. din. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Aug. 12, 1863: au.l7-3t SHERIFF'S . SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditioni EXporias, te me directed will be exposed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening, teptember 7,1863, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street All that certain lot or piece of ground situate lathe dis trict of Spring Carden. beginning a't a point on the south side of Parrish street, as laid down on the plan of the said district, at the distance of one hundred and seven feet ten and one-quarter inches westward from th a south west corner of said Parrish and Warder streets; thence extending southward by ground formerly of Horatio B. Pennock seventy feet and one-eighth of an inch to the middle of Centre street, now vacated; thence westward along said middle forty feet to ground of Charles Fischer; thence northward by said Pitcher's ground two hundred and thirty-two'feet eleven inches and seven-eighths of an in ch crossing said Parrish street to the middle of Perry street. also vacated: thence eastward along said middle forty feet to ground formerly of Horatio B Pen nock. and thence Boutbwandly by the same crossing said Parrish street one hundred and sixty-five feet eleven and, three-quarter inches to the place of beginning. (Being the same premises which Horatio B Pennock, Jr., by indenture dated the %tit day of February. 1811, recorded in Deed Book It, D. W., No. 53, page ill, &c , granted and conveyed' unto Charles Fischer in fee, re serving thereout a yearly ground rent of one hundred and thirty-two dollars. payable half-yearly on the first day of January and July, for arrears of which this pro ceeding is bad- _ (C.P..161 June T. NZ. Debt,. $882.17. T. D. Smith.] Taken iri execution and to be sold as the property of Charles Fischer. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. August 12. 1863. anl7-3t QIIERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF :A writ of Alias VenditioniExponas, to me directed, cc ill be exposed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evenirdr, September 7, 1863. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street All that certain lot Or niece of ground and messnage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the east side of Charles street, at the,diatauce of one hundred and fif teen feet eight inched northward from the north side of Federal street, in the late dsstrict of. Southwark. now part of the consolidated•oity of Philadelphia: containing in front or breadth on the said Charles street thirteen feet, and extending in length or depth eastward between parallel lines at right angles with the said Charles street, -on the north line thirty-four feet seven and a b elf inches, and on the south line thirty-two feet nine inches Bounded northward and southward by ground granted to the said William N: King, eastward by the Union Burial Ground, and westward' by the- said Charles street. [Being the same lot or piece of ground which James A. McCrea and Ann, his wife, by indenture dated the eighteenth day of September, A ii 1817, recorded in Deed Book A. W. M.. No. 82, page 118 granted and con veyed unto William N. King, his heirs and assigns: re serving therefor and thereout unto the !said James A. McCrea, his heirs and assigns, the yearly rent or sum of twenty-two dollars, in equal half-yearly payments. on the first day of the months of January and July in every year. Together with the free and common use and pri vilege of the said Charles street. as a way, passage, and watercourse at all times hereafter forever. [C. P., 177: June. T., 1383. Debt, $34.80. Flood.] -Taken in execntion and re he sold as the property , of William N. King JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. August 14, 1863. aul7-31 SHERIFF'S SALE-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Even ing, September 7,1863. at 4 o'clock, at Sansoro-street Hall. All that certain lot of ground situate in the District of Remington, in the county of Philadelphia. on the north erly side of Daughin street, commencing at the distance of two hundred and fifty feet two and seVen-eighths irches east from the easterly side of Amber street; con tainine in front on said Dauphin street eighteen feet, and extending of that width in depth parallel with said &m -bar street one hundred feet to a twenty-feet-wide street called Clymer street. Bounded northerly by said Cly mer street, southerly by said Dauphin street, easterly by lot granted to - Andrew Henderson on ground rent, and westerly by lot granted to John 0. Hughes on ground rent. [Being part of the Pair-le ill Estate, which Charles 'Norris, Samuel Norris, and lassie Norris. execntsrs of the last will and testament of Joseph Parker Norria, de ceased, by indenture bearing date June 20th, 1846. and. rorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book A. W. 31 „ No. 15. page 101. granted and conveyed,to Henry. Norris is fee Together with all and singular the ways. ste.; yielding and paying therefor and thereout unto said Henry Nor ris. his, de., the yearly rent or sum of eighteen dollars, lawful silver money of the United States of America, each dollar weighing seventeen pennyweight six grains, at lead, in equal half-yearly payments, on the first days of the months of January and July, without any deduc tion, defalcation, or abatement for or on account of any taxes. charges , or assessments whatsoever, to be asses sed, either on or for the said hereby granted lot or build ing. thereon erected, or to be erected, or on and for the said yearly rent hereby thereout reserved. [C. P., 379; June T.,'63:Debt, $59.56. Waln.l Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John S. Ritter. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Once. August 15, 1863. anl7-8t SHERIFF'S SALE-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponft, to me directed, will • te. exposed to public sate or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. Sept • 7, 1263. at 4 o'clock. at Sansorn-street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground in the district of Richmond, in the county of Philadelphia. now in the city of Philadelphia. situate on. the northwestwardly aide of Tulip street, and the southwestwardly side of a certain thirty-feet-wide street called Jackson street, leading from Sepviva street to said Tulip street; con taining in. front or breadth on said Tulip street sixty feet. and extending. of that breadth, in length or depth northwestwardly, _between lines , parallel with said Jackson street, one hundred and six feet to a certain .twenty--feetrivide street. [lining the same premises which Samuel Townsend and wife, by indenture dated Bay 11, A. 11. 1852, recorded .in Deed Book T. 11., No. 27. Page 475, granted and conveyed to Nathaniel Ledyard in fee; reserving a ground rent of $56 30 per annum.) 0fC..1'., 357; June T .,' 63. Debt. $92.40. Longstreth Taken in. execution and to be sold as the property of Nathaniel Ledyard. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. • Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, August 12, 1863. anl7-31 SHERIFF'S SALR-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, 'will be exposed to public sale or vendue . on MONDAY Evening, Eeptember 7, IS6S, at 4 o'clock, at hansom- street Hall. _ . • All that certain lot or piece of ground and improve memta thereon erected. situate on the north side of Reed street, in the citY . of Philadelphia; beginning at the dis tance of sixty-two feet westward from the-west side of Delaware Sixth street ; containing in front or breadth on the eaid Reed street thirty-two feet. and in length or depth northward,parallel with Sixth street. one hum drettand thirteen feet two inche„ Bounded on the .east and west by ground of Ferdinand J. Dreer.on the north by Bays street, and on the south by Reed street afore said. and partly by the Point of ground late of the estate - of Morris. [Being-the same premises which Philip sit bert and Maria, his wife,. by - indenture dated the 94th day of October, A. D 1862, recorded in Deed Boole A. C. H. , No. 66, page 356, granted and conveyed unto the said John Huston, his heirs and assigns; reserving therefor and theteout unto the said Philip Silbert, his heirs and - assigns, the yearly rent or sum of one hundred and ~twelve dollars, in equal half-yearly payments, on the first day of the months of January and July, without any deduction for taxes. &c. [C. P., 375: J. T. '93. - Debt, EMS ql). Flood:1 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of- Jobs Huston. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's °Bice, August 14,1563. aul7-3t • QHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, September 7,1863, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of piece of ground situate on the north side of Ogden street at the distance of ninety feet eastward from the east side of Thirteenth street in the city of Philadelphia; contain ing In front on said Ogden street sixteen feet, and extend ing in depth northward of that width at right angles to said Ogden street seventy-seven feet two inches to a six feet-wide alley, leading westward into a four-feet wide alley, which leads southward into said Ogden street. [Being the same lot which Charles Henry Fisher and wife, by indenture dated the 7th day_ of June. A. D. 1547, recorded in Deed Book A. W. ilf.. No. 49, page 303, , granted and conveyed to Ashton Roberts in fee; re serving thereott a yearly ground - rent of fifty dollars. ] N. B. —At litou Foberts has no interest. • [C. P., 374; June T.. '63. Debt, til.lo. Coma:roe.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Ashton Roberts. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Offlce, Augnst 14, 1963. - aul7-St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a, writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening. September 7, 1563. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, - that certain lot or piece of ground situ ate on the southwesterly side of William' street, at the distance of three hundred and. fifty feet northwehtwardtm from Tulip street, in the Nineteenth.ward of the city of Phila delphia: containing in front or breath on said William street sixteen feet. and in length or depth of that width fifty •one feet.' (Being the same premises which Samue) Zepp and wife, by indenture dated august 27, 1354. and recorded in Deed Bools, A. - D. B. ' No. 34. page 215, Arc., granted; sold and conveyed unto James Neeld, his heirs and- assigns: reserving thereout unto him the said Samuel Zepp, his heirs and-assigns, a certain yearly ground rent of fifty-four dollars, payable ou the first day at the months of January and. July in every year thereafter forever; for arrears of which ground- rent the said lot is sold.) P.. 356 June T. , 1563. Debt, 535.35. O. W. Davis. . . . , . . .• Taken in execution 'anti to be sold a- • the. property of James Neold. JOHN THOAPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. An guk t P 2,1.963. aul7-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.--BY VIRTUE OF ' K-Ja. writ of Alias VenditioniExponas, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Eve ning:September 7,1863.. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, • -Alrthai 'certain:lot or piece of ground, with the Lun flnished three- story brick mesFuage, with back build -:logs thereon erected, situate on the west side of Sfershall street, at the distance of one hundred and fifty feet two incher'north was d from the north side of Thompson street, in tile Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on the Said Marshall street eighteen feet, and extending in - depth westward of that width, between lines at right angles with said Marshall street. teiglitT-fonr feel; ten inches,. more or less, to the rear end of the Seventh-street lots. [Being the same lot of ground which Edwin- Shields and James Shields, by indenture dated the seventh day of July. 1560. recorded in Deed Book A. D. B. , .110. 113 pae 326 &c.., granted and-con veyed unto Henry Krips, - his heirs and assigns, resetv in g a yearlygronnd rent of one hundred and'thirty-two dellara. rovahle.on the first - of Janusry and' July in each y ear, trithent deds ction for taxes, &c [C. P.. 362; j T., '& 3. Debt. - $36.49 Serrill.] Taken in execution and to be sold as tne property of Henry Krips: t JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. . Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. August 12,1563. - anl7-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed Will be exposed to public sale or vendue.on MONDAY Eve ning, September 7.1869, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain triangular lot or piece of around. Mtn ate in the Dlneteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia (late in the district of Kensington and county of Phila. -deli:ads), on the easterly side of Palethorpe (late Perry) street ; beginning at the distance of fifty feet northward 'from the north side of Columbia avenne-(as reduced to the present width of fifty feet); thence extending north ward, along the east side of said Palethorpe street twen ty-eight feet one inch, more or less, to Montgomery street (now vacated); thence a southeasterly course along the southerly side of the said Montgomery street (now va cated )sixty -two feet two and one half inches, -more or loss, to a point.where the said Montgomery street (now - vacated) and the said Columbia avenue (before the said Columbia avenue was reduced in width from one -hun dred feet to fifty feet) interie Add each other c and thence weetward along the north - side of the said Colum bia avenue (before the same was reduced in width ftS aforesaid) fifty-five feet four and one-half inches,more or less, to the piece of beginning. [Being the same pre mises which George . Brintem.-trustee -of the estate of Mary C. Phillips, by indenture dated the lath day of February. A. D. 1840. and recorded in Deed Book —, No. page Sm., granted and conveyed unto Christopher Rex in fee; reserving thereont the yearly ground rent or stun of twenty dollars: payable half-yearly, on the first days of Match and September. as therein mentioned. For arrears of which said groundrent the judgment was fibtained on which this execution was issued.] 1." . (0. P.. 864; June Term; 268 - Debt, *l4O. 56 Gratz] Talc( n in execution and to thenroperty of Christopher Rex. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's (dee, August 12, 1663. anl7-St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF P.- , a wriffof Alias Yenditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public. sale or vendue, on MONDAY - -Evening, September 7,1261. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground with the un hnished three-story brick messuage with back buildings .thereon erected, situate on the west side of Marshall street at a distal ottof one hundred,and eighty-six feet two inches northward from the north side of Thompson street, in the Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Marshall street eighteen feet, and extending in depth westward of that width between lines at right angles with said Marshall street eighty-four 'feet ten it chee, more or. less. to the rear end of the Seventh-di cet - lots. (Being. the-same lot of ground which James Shields and-Edwin Shields, by indenture dated the 7th day of July, 1860, recorded in Deed Book A D. 8., No. 122, page 319, &c., granted and conveyed ...unto Henry Bins, his here ands mallets; reserving thereout ayearly ground rent of one hundred and thirty tw o dollars, payable semi-annually on - first of January .'and July; vithout any deduction for taxes. 61c 3 ' P. - , 263:, J. T., '63. Debt, $36.49.". smut] " Takeo execution' and to be sold as thepproperty-of Henry hrips; JOHN THOMPBON. Sheriff, philadelrhia. Sheriff's Office, August 14, 1863. au,l7-3C . . SHERIFF'S SALES. RifERT.FF'S SALE.-BY VIittITE OF a writ of Alias VenditiontExponaa to MA directed,will be exoosed to public sale or vendee. on MONDAY Ev ning. sentember 7,1863. at 4 o'olook, Saveron-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, wtlh the un-' finished three-story brick me , suage with back build ings thereon erected, situate on the west aide of Maretiall street, at the distance of two hundred and four feet ton inches northward from the north et& of Thompson street, in the Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Marshall street eighteen feet, and extending in depth westward of that width between lines at right angles with said MarAhail ~ treet Ai ghtv tour feet ten inches, more or less."to the rear end of the seventh street lots. Melee the saw lot of ground which Edwin Shields and .Tames Shields, by indenture dated the 7th day of July. 1666, recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8.. NO 122, page 316,.&c.. granted and conveyed I unto P enry Bring, his heirs and Assigns. in fee; re.erv.- ing thereont a yearly ground rent of one hundred and thirty. two dollars, payable semi-annually on first of January and July.without any ded action for taxes &c.l [O. P.. 361;'J. T..'63 Debt, 1836 49. Serrill. Taken in execution and to be sold ae theproperty ef. Henry Rritn. • JOHN THO HPeON. Sheriff., • Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. August 14. 1863. aul7.3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF. a writ of Vonditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue,on MONDAY Evening,. September 7, 1863. at,4 o'clock. Sansom-etreet Hall. all that certain lot or piece of ground, with the t hree story brick mesenage thereon erected. situate on the north side of Anita street. in the first ward of the city of Philadelphia, at the distance of one hundrel and sixty. two feet westward from the west Bide of. Tenth street; containing In front or breadth on said Anita street teen feet, and extending of that width northward sixty six feet three and a half inches. - Bounded on tit% no,th ward by ground now or late of James Robb. eastward by ground of . Ellen Weeks,'"w e stward by ground of Adam ranker, and eonthward by the said Anita atceet. Sub ject to a yearly ground rent of fifty-two - dollars.. Payable on the first day of the months of June and December. CO P.. 869; June Term, '63. Debt, 40.95 J, A. Burton.] Taken in execution and to be ao , cl as the oronertv of William 1.. Ernst. JOHN THOMP 30N, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, August 12.1886. anl73t RHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or 'endue, on MD AY Eve ning, September 7. 1863. at 4' o'clock, at Saneom-street Hall Al 'that certain one-and-a-half story stone and log silage o, tenement and lot or piece of ground ei!nate in Lower Dublin township, in-the. Twenty-third ward of the city of Philadelphia, lounded And described a. 9 fol lows, to wit: Beginning at a corner:in the middle of the Pennepack creek; thence by land of Samuel Swift and others, partly along the middle of the old road leading to Bustleton, south seventy-seven degrees and one- half east to a stake at the side of, said creek; thence on the same course thirty-nine perches and thirty six hundredths of a perch to a stake for. a corner; thence by land of Tessa Duncan and others south fort Y-seven degrees east nine Perches and seventeen-hundredths of a perch to a corner; thence by the same south forty degrees west, forty eight Perches and twenty-eight hundredths of a perch. to the side of said creek ; thence to the - middle thereof. and thence up the middle of said creek the several courses about sixty-eight perches to the place of beginning; con taining ten acres, more or less. [Being the same premises which Robert EWillfC, High Sheritrof the city and county of Philadelphia, by deed poll under his hand aud seal, bearing date the flrsk day of September. A. D.,1862. for the consireration therein mentioned, did by virtue .of dne d- legal process issued out of the District Court of said city and county grant and confirm unto Evert J. Wendell, in fee. [C. P., 282. June Term, '64. - Debt, $2OO. Waxier.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Evert J. Wendell. JOHN TFIOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, August 15. 1863. aul7 3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of an Order of Sale in Partition, to me di rected, will be exposed to public sale or yendue. on MON DAY Evening, September 7, 1363, at 4 o'clock. at Sansora street Hall, Be. 1. All that certain three-story brick messeage or tenement, with the two-story brick kitchen and lot or piece of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the south side of Reed street, at the disteece of two hundred and fifteen feet five inches eastward from the east side of Fifth street. in the First ward of the said city, lately the district of Sou liwark ; containing front or breadth on the said Reed street sixteen feet. and extending in depth southward, between lines parallel with Fifth street, on the east line thereof seventy , eight feet. and on the west line thereof seventy-four feet eight and one-hale inches. more or less. to ground now or late of John Brlnton. and In breadth on the rear end about sixteen feet four inches. No. 2. All that certain lot or piece of land, with the two-story frame inessuage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the northeastsvardly side of Church street. in the borough of Bridesbtu - g, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a corner in the middle of a thirty three-feet-wide street. called Church street, being also a corner of John C. Schneider's land : thence extending along the side of said land, north thif;y-three degrees and three. quarters cant. one :hundred and nineteen feet and fifty-two hundredtlfs of a foot to a corner of land granted and conveyed, or Intended so to be. to James 'McCormick; thence along the enft of said laud south. ftfty-one degrees and fifteen minutes east, fourteen feet ten and a half inches to a earner in the middle of a two a-half- feet-wide alley,left open for thejoint use and benefit of this and the adjoining house; thence along the middle of raid alley south thirty-eight degrees and three quarters west, one hundred and nineteen feet and fifty two hundredth of a foot to a-corner in the middle of Church street aforesaid. and thence along the middle of the lame. north fifty-one degrees "and fifteen minutes west, fourteen feet ten and a half inches to the place of beg N inning. o. 3. all that certain piece of ground, with the two and-h alf-story brick house therem erected, situate in the district of Southwark; containing in breadth on Queen street eighteen feet, and in length or depth fifty-four feet: bounded on the east by Charles WoolfalPs ground,s on the south by Queen street aforesaid, on the west by ground granted or intended to be granted by Thomas Penrose and wife to Isaiah Jenkins, and on the north by ground late of John Knowles, deceased; together with, the appurtenances. - (D.C. 21; S. 1 1'. '62. E. M Pa - ison] To be sold as the property of the heirs of James Sparks. deceased. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, August 12,16023. anl7-3t • P`-'HERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale r vendne, on MONDAY Evening, September 7,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the brick messuage thereon erected, situate on the northeast cor ner of Broad street and Wallace street, in the Fourteenth ard . of tie city of Philadelphia, late the district of Spring Garden; containing in front or breath on tne said Broad street twenty feet, and extending in length or depth eastward along the north side of said Wallace strget, keeping the same width one =hundred feet to a fifteen-feet-wide, court running northward from said Wallace street. Bounded northward by ground now or late of George Randolph, eastward by the said fifteen feet- wide court, southward by said Wallace street, and westward by said Broad street. (Being the same pre mises which Sarah Davidson. by indenture dated the fourth day of December, A. D. 1850, and recorded in Deal Book G. W. C. , No. 77, page &e, granted and conveyed unto the said Edwin J. Westcott, his heirs and assigns forever; reserving therefor and theieont unto the. said Sarah Davidson, her heirs and assigns. - the yearly ground rent or sum of one hundred and twenty dollars, lawful silver money,in equal half-yearly PaYments, on the first day of the menthe of January and July in every year forever, clear of taxes.) To gether with the free use and privilege of raid fifteen-feet - wide court as a passageway and watercourse forever. Note —Mr. Westcott has parted with his interest. CC. P.. 358; June T., '63. Debt. B{6o Wagner.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the pproperty of Edwin J. Westcott. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. August 12, 1311. aul7-3t SHFRIT'F'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF "--" a 'writ of Yenditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposeit _public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing. t epteffireer V 1863, at 4 o'clock. as Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in tha n late District of Kensington and county of Philadelphia, beginning at the northwest corner of Columbia avenue and Hancock • sheet, thence extending westward along the north. side of the said Columbia avenue one hundred and eight feet, more or less. to a twenty feet wide alley called Palethorpe- street (lately called Perry street): thence northward along the east side of the said Pale tb orpe street fifty feet. more or Jess, to the line of ground granted by George Brinton. Trustee, dte., to Christopher Rex on - groundrent; thence eastward along the same. parallel with the said Columbiaavenue, fifty-five feet four and one-half inches, more or leap, to Montgomery street (nowlvacated]; thence southeastwardly. along the southerly side of the said Montgomery street fifty-nine feet one and three- quarters inches, more or less, to the said Hancock street; sad thence Southward, along the - west side of the said Hancock street, twenty-three, feet three inches, more or less, to the said - Columbia avenue, and place- of beginning. (Being the same premises which George Brinton, Trustee of the estate of Mary C. -.Phillips. by indenture dated the 12th day of February, 'D. 1853, and recorded in Deed Book No. nage &c. granted and conveyed unto George W. Burr in fee; reserving thereout the yearly groundrent or sum of forty-six dollars, payable hall-yearly on the first day of the months of July and January, as therein mentioned. For arrears of which said ground rent the judgment was .obtained on which this execution was issued.] [C. P., 365; - Juo e r. ' 'S3. Debt. V 7.98. Gratz.] Taken in execution . 'and to be sold as the property of George W. Burr. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, August 12, 1863. Iyl7-3t R i EtERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening, September. 7, 1863. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Ali that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the southwest side of Somerset street and northwest side of Tulip street, in the late district of Richmond. now city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said Somerset street fifty-four feet, and extending in length or depth sonthwestwardly of that width between parallel lines at right angles with. said Somerset street one hun dred and twelve feet, to a certain new street forty feet wide, called Thomas street. Bounded northwestwardly by - said Somerset street, southwe.stwardly, by said Thomas street. southeastwardly by said Tulip street, and northwestwardly by other ground late of Walter Laing. [Being the same premises which Walter Laing and wife. by deed dated theist day (Friday, A. D. 18.50. and recorded in Deed Book G. W. C . No. Si, page 437, con veyed unto the said Henry Schmidt. in fee, reserving thereout the . yearly ground rent of forty-eight dollars and sixty cents, payable in equal half-yearly payments on the first day of the months of June and. December in every year. CC. P.. 385: June T.'63. Debt. V.5.Th Harkins.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Henry Schmidt. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. August 17.1863.-anl.B-3t FURNITURE, &c. fIABINET FURNITURE AND RM. `-• LIMED TABLES. MOORE CAMPION, 4., No. MIL South SECOND Street, in connection with their extensive Cabinet busing:is. are 2011 manufacturing a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES * ma Wive now on hand' afull supply. finished with the MOORS ft oufriows IMPROVED OUSBIORS, Which are pronounced by all who here need them to be mperior to all others. For the quality and Inlet of these Tables. the 711=2. Wan:ex' refer to their auxoerouspatrons throughout the Itnion, who are Waller with the eharaster of their wor k. rah9-the MEDICAL. JU~ELLE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OP DOCK. As a safe and effectual remedy for. Cough, Pain in the Breast, Spitting Blood. Scrofula, and in all EMU where a Blood Purifier is reouisite. it is the Med.f. clue above all ethers.. Try It. Sold by Proprietor. F. JIIKELLB, 1525' MARKET Street, And all Druggists. lylo-tse4 . WAT IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH? HAT NEWS FOR THE SICK AND WOUNDED. Messrs. J. GRIM and T. ALLEN, MEDICAL ELEC TRICIANS, (formerly associated with Profs. Bolles and Galloway,) having removed to No. 723 North TENTS street. between Coates and Brown streets, are now pre- Pared to treat and cure all Curable Diseases, whether acute or chronic, pulmonary or paralytic, without shock or any ineonvenienie. Poor Soldiers will be treated gratuitously. The Ladle, will be treated by * lady. Among the diseases for whish we will give a spa slat guarsntee.when desired. we mention the followir.s Consumptlonast dt 24 stages Hemorrhage, Paralysis, General Debility, Neuralgia. . Diseases of the Liver or Asthma, Kidneys, Fever and ACM. Diabetes, Congestion. Prolarens Uteri, (Falling Dyspepsia, Womb,) Rheumatism. Prolapses Ani, or Piles onefhitis, Nocturnal Emission, as. 4s. No charge for consultation. Office hours: 9A.M. w e P. M. teS-Ste ATRS. JAMES BETTS'. CELEBRATED SUPPORTERS POR LADIES, and the only Sap sorters under eminent medical patronage. Ladies and physicians are - respectfully requested to call only on Hrs. Betts, at . her residence; 1039 WALNUT Street, Phi. ladelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand ta. randxhave been advised by their physicians to use.hor appliances. Those only are genuine bearing the United States copyright, labels on the box, and signatures, and also on the Stroicortera. with testimonials oelg-tothati COAL. flo A L.-SUGAR LOAF, BEAVBE lieadow, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal. ant best Locust Mountain from Schuylkill; prepared ar • namely for family use. Depot, D. W. corner of EIGHTM and WILLOW Streets. Obis.. Mo. 11.1.% South SECOMD Street. NO -Iy] J. WALTON & CO. TO THE DISEASED OF ,ALL I ex./Eng.-All mute and chronic diseases eared. gil l a P d e :l l F a l l da r . t i ' v ' rentsitd. i rid, W m A its l i T of E a tr f e t: 1 are, no ensue is made.. Extensive and commodious arrangements hay. been recently made for boarding patients from a • distance at reasonablgrices. . .. Prof. C. H. BOLL the bin der qf CASs swap LLO CY.. : .i. n ha s a.:n is phle i teon i tiging a Br. M. SC, Mesta.' of those sued ; also Totters and somyll• monthly revolutions from me nsal - tees and others. will be riven to any person tree. N. B.—Medical men and. others who desire a knowledge of my die/ovary, us ester for a full tonne of leetrutes er any line. • Ooneultation free. . . {DU. BOLLES At GALLOWAY. di, 1111110 WALNUT Btreet. P. SCHULER'S SUPERIOR brand seerstrung square PIANOS from 1490 rpward. per sale by the maker • 9011 MARKET Street bafl-Erni - LAX E SUPERIOR INGOT COPPER, Irom the Anrysdalold.lllne. In store and 13 fowls S 1 'imuitittes to sail . It. . . wo:anEr2 .. E! I+l4lo-I** 1.1,a • - . AUCTfOIF MILES. JOHN B. MYERS & AUOTION EERS,Nos. 232 and %in MASZET Street. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH, INDIA, GERMAN.. AND BRIT, s'4 DRY GOODS, ac. ON MONDAY MORNING, Au anst gist. at 10 o'clock, will bo sold by catalogue, on four months' credit -1500 PACKAGES AND LOTS ...... . of French, India, German, and British dry geode, acc., embracins a large and choice ass mtment of bawl and staple articles in silk, worsted, woolen, linen, and cot ton fabrics. N. 8.--Sarnples of the same will be arranged for ex emination, with catalogues, early on the mOrning.of the sale, when dealers will find it to their interest to at tend. _ _ _ _ . - Included in our M ONDAYch Geode, - ONMORNING • August Mt, will Abe found a full lice of very rich BRoCHE AND CHENILLE SHAWLS AND EICSRPS. of the latest importation of Messrs. OSCAR PROBES & CO. - . AISO, an extensive assortment of long and square black all-wool thibet shawls, fancy and praitPd; and wool plaid black arena shawls, of a favorite and recent importation. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF BOOTS. SHOW. BROGAN. &c. ON TUESDAY MORNING. _ . . September lat, at 10 o'clock, will be sold by salamis, Without reserve, on foar months' credit, about 1,100 Packages boots, shoes, brogans, balmorals gam thoes, army goods . & c., in men's, women's, and children's, embracing a prime and fresh assortment of first class city and Eastern manufacture, which w ii be opened for examination early an thorning of sale; LARGE- POSITIVE SALE OF BRITISH. FRENCH, GERM&N, AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. dm We will hold a large sale of British, French, German, and Domestic Dry Goode, by catalogue, on four month.' credit, ON THURSDAY MORNING. September 3d. at 10 o'clock, embracing about 750 Pack ager and lots of staple and fancy articles in woolens, linens. cottons, silks, anti worsteds; to which we invite the attention of dealers. . • N: R.—Samples of the same trill ha arranged 'for is amination. with catalogues, early on the minable' of the sale, when dealers will find it to their interest to at tend. POSITIVE SALE OF C &RPETINGS, MAPPINGS, STAIR RODS. Aw. ON FRIDAVMORNING, September 4th at precisely 10% o'clock, will be sold. without reserve, by cstalogne, on four moats.' credit, an assortment of Brinsels, three-ply, superitn. and tine Ingrain, Venillan. hemp, and rag carpetings. stair rode, mattlngs, which may be examined early on the morning or sale. AN COAST & WARNOCK, AU°. a- TIONEERS, Ile. 213 MARKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF AMERICAN AND IM PORTED-DRY GOODS, WHITE GOODS, MILLINERY GOODS, &c.. by catalogue. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, September 2, commencing, at 10 o'clock precisely— Comprising about 750 lots of fresh and seamnable koode, to whirl the attention of buyers is invited. P HILIP FORD & CO., A.IICTIONEERS, 5215 MARKET and 522 COMMERCE Streets. LAEGE SALE OF 1,000 CASES BOOTS SAD SHOES. ON MONDAY MORNING. August 31st, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold by catalogue, 1000 cases men's, boys', and youths' calf.kip, and grain boots, brogans dm.; women's. misses', and children s calf, kip' goat. kid. and morocco heeled boota and shoes, balmorals ; LARGE SALE OF 1,000 CASES BOOTS AND SHOE.. ON TRERS DAY MORNING, Septeniber 3d, at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold by ca• talogne,l,o9o cases men's, boys', and youth's. calf, KW. and grain boots, brogans, be ; women's. misses', and children's, calf. 'kip, goat, kid, and morocco heeled boots and shoes. gaiters, balmorals, be. CEMENT. Gr.a& D 11300931171 USEFUL AND TKIJITABIit DISCOVERY I HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT 1 Applicable to the metal Arta. Ia of more general practical utility than any invention now before the publiclt has been thoroughly test ed during the last _two years by practical men, and pronounced by all to be SUPERIOR TO ANY Adhesive Freparstlon known. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is s new thing, and the result of years of study; its combination is on SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES, & how thins. Its Combination And under no circumstances or change of temperature, will it be come corrupt or emit any offensive emelt BOOT AND SHOE Boot end Shoe laanoteeturers. I Mann&starers, mins Manillas'', will find it the best article known for Cementing the Channels: as it works without delay, is not affected by any change of temperature. Jewstare JEWELERS Will And it enfficientiyadheeive for their We, as has been proved. IT IS ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO LEATHER, ism.Ulak And we claim as an especial merit, that it sticks Patches and Linings to Boots and Shoes - sufficientlY stronz without stitching. Ca Licadd, LIQUID CEMENT Extant. that to a Bare thing for mending' 117RSTTITRE. 031.001KEItY. TOYS. BORE. _ IVORY. and articles of Household MO. REMEMBER. Hilton's Insoluble Cement Is in a liquid form, and as easily applied as paste. Zeneabir. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Ie insoluble In water or oil. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE csmFax Adheres oily' substances. Surldled in Family or Manufactu rers Packages from 2 ounces to 100 WILTON BROS. & Co., Proprietors, PROVIDENCE. R. L Agents In Philadelphia.— LAING,A.ApINNIS. jasl-bithel7 HOTELS. NATIONAL HOTEL, WASHINGT 0. H. S. BENSON, PROPRIETOR.ON. D. Formerly of the Ashland House, Philadelphia. He is determined to merit and hopes to rarely., a hill share of public patronage. rel9Ass METROPOLITAN HOTEL, (LATE BROWN'S,) PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, Eetween Sixth and. Seventh street., WASHINGTON OITY. A- It. rows, Proprietor. m122-6m LEGAL. ESTATE OF HENRY BERGESON, deceased. Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of HENRY SERGESON; late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Wills for -the city and county of Phila delphia, all persons indebted to said Estate are hereby requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same. to present them without de lay to MARIA SERGESON, JOSHUA THORP, DOVE"( SQUIRES, CHARLES bf, LUKENS, - Executors. 1035 BEACH Street, above Laurel. N - OTICE.-LTVITERS OF ADMINIS. TR herioN of the Estate of WILLI Of H. DENNIS, late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased. haying been c a nt: d a re t e t 4 h u e i s re ur t ej m ib E lt a ra l . / . 3 m e r e s n o t !a , s and i e t lnd e sful claims to make the same known to THOMAS l . BARLOW, Administrator, anls-s6t 4 No. 1332 Fonth FIFTH Street. T E ITEES TESTAMENTARY TO THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM WASHINGTON, deceased, haying been granted to the undersigned, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said Estate to call and Pay, and these having claims against it to Present them for settlement, to me HUGH MoILVAIDI. THIRTY-FOURTH and 11/E.KIIT Streets, anl6-e61 5 Philadelphia. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of SAMUEL MULLINEAUX, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that MARY ANN MUGU. NEAUX, widow of said decedent, has filed in said Court her petition and inventory, and an appraisement of the personal estate. which she electe to retain under the act of April 14, 1851, and the supplements thereto, and the same will 'Pe approved by the Court on MONDAY; Sep tember 21; 1863, unless exceptions be Sled thereto• B. A. MITCHELL. Attorney for Widow. an224&w4t* TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -a- CITY AND COUNTY- OF PHIL ADEL MIA, Estate OF. JACOB F. FEALL..deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit,, settle. and adjust the account of JOHN. SMITH. Administrator of the estate of Jacob F. Frail. deceased, and- to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his aco pointment, on. WEDNESDAY. September Id. 1.5€3. at 11 o'clock A. M. at his office, 136 South SIXTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. au2o- thstnst JOHN DOLMAN, Auditor. TN THE COURT OF CHANCERY OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE. WILLARD A. SHUMWAT, and others, vs SARAH ROBINSON, and WM. A. ATKINSON, Sheriff of Kent county. Petition and Affidavit for Injunction Afterward% Bill Med. Subpcenas as to defendant SARAH BOBIRSON . _ returned "Non est. " (The object of the Bill in this case is to prevent the ap plication of tile proceeds of the sale of Potter Griffith's real estate to a judgment of Sarah Robinson, charged by the complainants to be 'fraudulent. ) 1883. March 26th; Affidavit of Geo. W. White filed, that the defendant, Sarah Rcbinson, does not reside in the State of Delaware, but resides in the city of Phila delphia. (COPY OF ORDER.) . . And now, to wit., this 3d day of April, in - the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, this cause coming before the Chancellor, upon the mo tion of Jos. P. Comegys,Esquire, the complainants' solici tor, and the writs of subpcena aforesaid, and the Sheriff's returns thereon being seen and examined, and the affi davit of the aforesaid G W, White being heard, it is ordered by the Chancellor that the aforesaid defendant, Sarah Robinson, appear in this cause, on MONDAY, the 28th day of September next: And it is ordered and di rected by ; the Chancellor, that a copy of this order shall, at least thirty days before the next Term of this Court. be inserted in The Pres.& a newspaper published in the city of Philadelphia, in the States of Pennsylvania, and shall be continued in said newspaper for the space of thirty days next after its publication; and also, that a copy of the said order shall, within the said thirty days. be posted up in the office of Register of this Court, and at the Court-Honse door of this county. STATE OF.DELIWARE, KENT COUNTY, SS: [SEAL.) I. William R. Cahoon, Register, in the Court of Chancery for the State of Delaware, in and for Kent comity aforesaid, do hereby certify that the move is a correct abstract of the proceedings alsohe before-named snit in Chaacery, and a correct copy of the order made by the Honorable SAMUEL M. RARRIS GTON. Chancellor of the State of Delaware, in said case. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my, band and affixed the seal of said Court. this 15th day of August, in the year of onr.Lord one thou sand eight hundred and sixty-three. WM. R. CAHOON. Register in Chancery. V . XECUTORS' SALE OF COAL ." LAND. —A valuable tract of Coal Land, containing about 650 acres, situate in BLYTH township. Schuylkill county, Pa„ known as the Catherine Barger " tract. Bounded by the Valley Furnace lands, and the Big Creek lands. On the lands adjoining and contiguous to this tract are several _Ara-class Collieries, which mine annually from 20,000 to 125.000 tons of superior White Ash Coal.• This tract has been shafted in two or three places, and the veins of coal proven on the same. The title is per fect. For further particulars and terms address the un dersigned, No. %RS WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. HENRY D. MOORE, or GEORGE P. hfoLEAN. Executors of the estate of JOHN MoCANLES, de ceased. au3-1.10 625 - GOLDTHORP & CO., 69.5 Msomfaotnrors of Tassels. Cords. 'gringos, Curtains, and Turnitrini amps. Curtain Loons. Centre 'Pamela. Plotare and Photops_ph Tassels, Blind Trimmings Military and Dram Trimmings. Fibbons Nook Ties C ic Mo. S ph , Stmt. inifiqrs AUCTION SALES. FURNESS, BRINLEY, & (30. • No. 411 MARKET EITTLEBT FIRST FALL SALE OF ERITLiR. FRENCH, ANil SAXONY DRY 00e t. R. ON TITSBDAY-MORNING. September let, at 10 o'cloelt.by catalogne. an 4 months' credit— 400 packages and lots of fincy and staple French Dry Goode. --- - _ September let, at 10 o'clock. cemprising— WO Vienna broehe square shawls: being a complete as eortment of entirely fresh goods, of the newest approved styles and colorings. • 1.500 Vienna broths long shawls; newest stiles and choice colbrs. - NO black thibet and merino long•shawls, wool fringes, from low to the best grade imported. R. B. —The particular attetvion of zhe trade is requeatn , ed to the above sale, as it will com eds. the best assort ment ever offered d , this importation BLACK Gat)E DE RHItEA OSOS ORLIN, A:ND S. ON TUESADA RM Y U M EE ORNIIITG. . 24 a 40-inchiiiihrGir; bla+k urns de Rhinss. —24a36-inch do do heavy gros grain. —22-inch double-face ftgure armures. ALL-WOOL PLAID LoNG SHAWLS. 300 high colored plaid long Pbawlr, air wool. ON TIIE-DAY, September Ist. 1.200 PIECES OF'S). RAINY WoVlrg DREcROOODEI. OF A WELL.KNOWN MaLTUFACPURER; Comprising - cases choice styles and qualities reps cases do do rdp velours, cases do . do lastings. ' cases do do poll de chenes. 20 CASES ALPACAS. COBITROS, GLNGEEMILI, AND , DRESS GOODS —64 London black coburgs and mode abaC Manchester gingbams and prints. fancy rens; mohaire. lancies. black and white mobairs, brocbe fig'd reps, &c. EXTRA QUALITY FHITITING LINENS—YOB FINEST An Invoice of -6-4 jaconeta. cambric, .nalnsook, aad tans check gaPllna, SALE OF 6,000 DOZvIi REGULAR-HARE COTTON HOSIERY AND GLOVE 4. ON TUESDAY HORNING. . • • • I'CO lots regular make super. white. brown. and mixed Gotten hosiery; do. half hose; do children's hose fltectd chamois. line& and plain. cotton. &Mil. cashmere. and silk gloves ;70mprieing a full assortment. M THOMAS & SONS, Noe. 139 and 141 South FOURTH Wink FALL SALES STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. Ferand Fall Sale. Sth September I Third Fall Sele,lsth September. f Atif• Pare of tbe handbills now ready. TEE SIXTY - FIRST PHILADELPHIA TEADX-SACS TO BOOKSELLERS will commence 15th September: Catalogues now ready. GILLETTE et SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, Jayne's Marble 619 CHESTNUT Street, miti. el 6 JAVVE Street, Philadelnbla. THIS (Saturday) MORNING, August S tfi , at U o'clock CHOICE AND 8 o'clock P. M. A VERY CHOICE ANDVALUaBLE COLLECTION OF OIL PAINTIff() S. Of varied and pleasingsnbjects.by Currie, Thidd.Bakeg a Bechtel, Somers, Harrington, Devoe, Woodside Riier, Alverez, Villiers. Roberts. Cooner. Bartlett. Dexter, Ecblessinger, Sturges. and other celebrated artists eluding choice km; rictus landscapes, river and moruatatu scenery, fruit and figure pieces, all richly mounted Is. gold-leaf frames. aiir• Open in the evenings until nine o'clock. zer The paintings are now arranged for examination. with descriptive catalogues. YAIENRY P. WOLBERT, B . stir'mow AMTIONSER, 20.4 . 3fA1MET Street. South side. above Salmi' Bk. Bevan? Sales of fi' Goode. Trimmings, Notions, iss.; every MONDAY. WEDNESDAY, and IFRIDAT MOM DIGS. it 10 o'clock precisely. City and country Dealers are relegated to attend them sales. . , Consimments respectfully solicited from. Mannfasts rere, Importers, Commission, Wholesale, and Jobbtas Howes, and Retailers of all and every deseriatitia of Merebezdisa. Amrcist 31st, will be ssld. bla , k cloths, meltons, CU simeree, sattinets, merino and fancy wool over-Rhine, muslin shirts, suspenders. neckties, patent thread, sow ing silk, ribbed merino drawers. - fslt hats . shone, See DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, HOKE'S., SKIRTS. &c. Also, dress gdoes. prints. tickingr;. — cotton I;ase and half hose, shawls. linen and cotton handkerchiefs. la dies embroidered collare.boy's jackets.muslin. drawers, colleret ruffling, hair brushes, dressing and round combs, bracelets, trimmings. Sm. also, a./arge assortment of leaks', misses', and child ren's n'hite and colored broad tape and cord skirts, 3 to 50 springs. rr Is THE ONLY LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE 4ALE OF WAVLE OF 711 E IMPORT/41'10W OF MESSES I, aDE MIG dc fIAY.DTER, ON MRSDAy MORNING. CITY TR kDE • • • • 6 cases extra fine sbirting linen damasks, diapern, and towelling. 21 BALES PICKINGS, STRIPES, AND BILECIA.B 8 bales heavy indigo blue ticking& 9 bales heavy skirting stripe.. 4 cases black and color.d WHITE GOODS, CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, SATTINETS. SUS PBNDERS_, &c. ON MONDAY MORNING. MOSES NATHANS, AUOTIONBiIIt 4 46.. A • southeiurk corner of SIXTH and RAGE Straws U. AT PRIVATE SALE. FOR LEES TRAIN RALF YWV USUAL SELLING PRICES. Pine gold and silver English, American, and Swim pito tent lever watches, extra fall jewelled and plain, of Ike most approved and , best makers, in heavy hunting cases, double cases , ' magic cases, double bottom UN open-face; fine gold chronometers, in heavy hantlaw cases; line gold'and silver loping watches, in hunting. cases and open face; silver gnarlier watches; donhlit. case English silver' watches, and others. DialAOlLdili fine gold vest, neck, guard, and &Mahan chains; geit pencil cases and pens, silver do. ; setts of. fine gold jewel. TY. medallions. gold and silver specks, bracelets,Englisk plated vest chains; double and single-barrel townie pieces, some of them very superior; revolt 1 , 1%-6 01. 1•111. glasses, As. M. NAT MONEY TO LOAi. in large or small amonnts, from one dollar to ttionsandal for any length of time agreed on.= diataeadalwatikail jewelry, gold and silver plate, pianos, Mirrors, funi. tare, dry geode, groceriee, hardware, elltieTY, cigars, fowling pieces, fancy articles, merchandise- nue rally and of every description, on better terms than nt any other establishment in this city. FOR SALE AND TO LET. DESIB.ABLE INVESTMENT.- FOR SALE—Two three-story BRICK . DWELLINGS. five rooms eachom HOWARD Street, above Master. Nos. 1425 and 1427. Also, two three-story ERICH DWELL INGS in the rear, on HOPE Street; all in excellent order. Will be sold at a low price, noon accommodating terms. LUKENS St !MONTGOMERY. Conveyancers, anls-so,wl2t• 1035 REACH Street, above Latirel. ft TO LET-THE SECOND, AND m-TAtlyird- story BOOMS over the Store. No 24S ',North EIGHTH Street, below Vine. separate or together , These Rooms are 97 teething and 20 feet wide, with 15 large windows and notthern light, each having the hydrant water and water-closet in; being built very strong, and suitable for, any kind of manufacturing business; such as a Shoe Manufactory or any 'other business that re quires a large room and good light. No person having a hazardous business as to risk of fire need apply. Apply at No. 16 South FOURTH Street, at the Sala mander Safe Store of au25.6t al FOR SALE OR TO LET.-THE W.Alarge four-story STORE, with marble front, No. 902 ORF-STNIFT street, about 34 feet front by 235 feet deep, to George street- , -being the centthl store of the Bard Block. As no effort has been spared to make these stores unsur passed by any in the country for beauty and complete &se. an opportunity is now afforded to any large busi ness house to secure the most ,eligible location in the c ity. For sale on easy terms of payment, or to be let by the year, or for a term of years. Apply to ELI K PRICE. 811 Arch St.. - J. B.TOWIISEND, 813 Arch St. Ex re of B. S. Bnrd, deed._ TO LET---THE DESIRABLE STORE ".415 CHESTNUT Strciet,. nearly opposite - NEW POST - OFFICE. Poseeesion, given. August let. Inquire at the store. . jy2t-tf AI FOR SALE— A DESIRABLE PRO -.IL-ItERTY of about 14 acres of highly improved Land situated on the - OLD YORK TURNPIKE, sbr miles from the city, one third mile from Oak-lane Station hn the North Pennsylvania Railroad, and one and a half miles from Dery's Station on the Germantown Railroad. . . . . . . The Dwelling is of stone and brick, two stories, six rooms on a floor: with furnace, hot and cold water, &c. The ample yard and garden have been carefully-prepared by deep trenching, and is profuiely planted with a view to shade, and fall succession of fruit and flower .in va riety during the season of each. Amongst the fruit trees which enrich the harden are some SOOpenrs; stand ard and dwarf, comprising the ,choice of modern varie ties. A lake of one and a' half acres occupies the 'centre of this property, which, fed by springs and shaded by forest trees and planted, is entirely secluded, and fitted for bathing, Sm. A ram from this supplies the house and barn with water. The -whole is situated in a neighborhood noted for health and longevity. The property may be examined at any time by application on the premises, and further information obtained.of the subscriber at 2915 CHURCH Alley. or on the premises at MILESTOWN. after BP. U. WM. MORRIS DAVIS, SDELAWARE COUNTY COTTON PACTORrES FOR SALE —The valuable Cotton NA. toriee, known as AVONDALE and ST.RA'PEEAVEN. si tuated on Cram Creek, Delaware County, one mile from Weatdaie Station, West Cheater Railroad, two miles from Lelperviße, and three from Chester, now occupied by Simeon Lord, are offered for sale. " Avondale" in eludes a stone mill 82 by 47 feet, 336 stories high, with dry house, -picker house, twenty-two-stone tenements, and about 9 acres of lan d , in Sprintfleld andrNether Providence townships. •' Strathaven includes a frame cotton mill, 82 by 90 feet, 2X stories high, with picker house, five frame and stone tenements,: and about 24 acres of land, in Nether Providence. The properties will be shown by Mr. Lord, on the premises. Early pea session can be given. - For terms ing - c,ire of SAMUEL WELD, N. W. corner of 'FRONT and WALNIJT areas, my3o- tf Philadelphie. FOR SALE, VERY CHEAP- Neat COTTAGE. at ATLANTIC CITY ; and also several Splendid Cottage LOTS, near the beach. Also. the PHILADELPHIA HOUSE. at CAPE ISLAND, with Furniture. This is a very pleasant House. and will be sold a bargain.' City Properties. in large variety, some at exceedingly low prices; and Building Lots, Farms, and Cottages, for sale very low, or exchange for other Properties. B. F. GLENN. 123 South FOURTH Street. al TO LET-A COMMODIOUS DWELLING, No. 13 * North FRONT Street. Rent moderato. Andy toWEIS:BRILL dt BRO., 0c27-tf and 49 North SECOND Street. FOR SALE-ONE OF THE MOST beautiful 'sites for a country seat between Phila delphia and Media. fronting on the rallrlad. and only a few hundred yards from a station. The surrounding scenery is beautiful. L small stream of water runs across the lot. and there are two never-failing springs of best quality of water on it. For particulars apply at 213 North THIRD Street.. an26-12t SHIPPING. i tM BOSTON AND PHILADIM PHIL STRAMSRIP LINK, nailing from snit pork on SATURDAYS, from Arid Wharf 'above PIM latrost, Philadelphia, and Long linagiv Bogen, r 4he steamer NORMAL Captain Baker. - front Phila delphia for Beaton.- on SAT..D.a.Y. August V. at 10 o'eloek A. L t and steamer SAXON. Cantall Matthews Wu. sail from Bolton. on the SAME DAX. at '4 P.: X Them new and mbatantial ateamihips roads lino. sailing from *soh port prumtually on SaturaMri: . Inaursuess clotted at eno-half PrOrchUil /that*" NB sall vessels. /PreJetta fake" at fair rah* Shippers are requested to send gatp Xessipta mid ssm, Ludiog with their goods. Per Freight or !'aisato thomimiLne aseommaglialeadil to ply to REMCY . WEINSOR & /30.. mh9 Us Eolith DELAWARE Ave 39997 i tlia STEAK WEEKLY TO LIVER POOL. touching at Queenstown , (Cork Har bor.) The well-known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York. and Philadelphia Steamship Company are Intend ed to sail as follows t CITY OF WASHINGTON Saturday August 89. And every succeeding Saturday at noon, from Fier Jo. 44, North River. RATES OP PASSAGE. Payable in Gold. or its equivalent in °wrens'''. FIRST CABIN. $BO CO STEERAGE, sfil 10 Do. to London. 'B5 00 Do. to London NI 60 Do. to Paris, 95 00 - Do. to Part*. 40 60 Do. to Hamburg. 90 00 Do. to Hamburg,37 $0 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen. Dotter dam, Antwerp are., at equally low rates. Pares from L iverpool , or Queenstown: let Cabin, $7l. $B5, $lO5. Steerage from Liverpool, $4O, M From gluons town, $BO. Those who wish to send for their ends sail bu_y their tickets here at these rates. For farther information, spoil St the Company's JOHN G. DALE. Agent, fe2s • 111 WALNUT Street. P hiladelphia. FOR NEW YORK-NEW DAILY LINE—VIA DELAWARE AIM s►srrAN CANAL. , Steamboat 00 im Ph y ti r g d el thi rrel a 61 4 1 11 1 A IgiVErr A t, 2P. M.. don I" ' in 1 2 their car_ e goes in Mew York the fat day. Ireighte taken at reasona4l4 . rlies etypickd silk xo. 14 SOUTH WHARVES, P elentl JAMES H l MArnt, rorio ' and-tf Piers 14 and EAST EXPRESS COMPANIES. altaiMik'THE ADAMS Rll PRESS COMPANY. case Mt CESSTNIIT . Street.. forwards Paroels.:Paekairee, ehandise,..Bank Notes; arid Specie . either by its OMR lines or, la connection with other Express Comsta to all the principal Twin and-Cities in the States. E. S. , SANDIFO General Sri.. .t dent atilD AND FANCY JOB F 'itf at lIIIIMALT al WWI% ZIA MEV EVAIS & WATSON
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers