ARRIVALS; AT THE uoireLs, lIP TO IS OIOLOOS LAST NIGHT. nd Chestnut streets. Mrs Bagley & 2 ch Theo Bagley H B VALllams & WI Pitk~bg H &Assort & la, "83 , galore Mrs 1, &Thomas, Ila.t JP Williamson Jas B Murray & wf Pittsbg Miss Murray, Masher; B. 0 MRldrnm & Madison Miss Kitty Lodge Madison .1 Richards & wf Miss E R Taylor, Pottsville Miss L W Parsons. Pltql W Par-ons. Pottsville Thos Devecmon,....ll,xyLana. Mrs Devecnion, Marylaod Mrs Bove, Maryland Mrs gorley iii ch, Wash Mrs Dorsey & re, Wash'coe Mrs Nutt, esoreeto gm, 0 C Osboarn Bailey, Bvsasville T Payne: nun •caow B McCreary. M Chunk. I N Knapp, Washington B Clark, Wash' Levi 'Why, Ns v-Jarsey T Corey, Boston D Pratt, II B.k Miss Macall . Baltimore Continental—Ninth Zahn K Dodd, Et Loots 1$ Brook, Et Louis J Sehaenman, Wioaeneln 3P:O - "Dyke, WI , a 00Si Shugert, Warhington •XrDattyrd _ 1001 - Hyatt. West theater A Given, Kentucky J Hawkene,' Indiana Aiir I Kuhns. Columbus - 1) C Haskell. Lout villa 'Theo B Howitz, - Baltimore R Wallace, Michigan lioht Awl, Haft. ew York W Harrisburg Ceo Deck, Harrisburg a5l Moody. St LOU* .Mrs Col WhaTtoll•Pitt9hUrg 'Be Whalton,Pittshurg O F Whatton,Pittsburg .J B (Melina. Mass It D Clark, New Haven Rollbaus, Jr. New York P Hutchins, U S A MK Judge Whitaker, N , Washington .Copt West & wf, U N W .Frick, Chester, Pa W H Norton. Cheater. Pa C Nise, Lafayette J Leon, Lafayette B Wetzell & wf, bt Louis W M Wiley, Nana H le Muhlenberg, Pa J J Wood, Coinuams Jae L Babcock, Washington -James Baskin & family. J B Hamilton, New York S Benson, Washington L Ripley, Connecticut .J A Matson, New York P W Slices, New York W N Barton, Baltimore James W Tyson. Baltimore Major B Baldwin, jr Charles J Werke, Pittsburg', :Coo J Townsend. Pittsburg *IC C Davis & wf, Chicago Davis, Louisville„Ky Mr Entwine, Lbninville, By ..eIB Bregham, Boston A 13 Biggins, Boston El B Chapman, New York 'Miss Mills, New Yore Capt S Ei Oilman, U S Mgoat°, Bern villa iss Salem, Bernvil 'a M It Millman, Pottsville 'BD Manse d, Cincinnati C Davies, New York; J D Wi SOU'. New York At.. B Arthur_ New York A Koenig. New Orleans E Culver, Jersey City 'Smith (3 A Mills, Baltimore B E Hurrah al, New I ork / Murdock, Mass J R Rankin., Bra , klvo. J 1) Woolter. New fork R T Nfoa'rqz,Donis Dr B wf. Witah J B fiensly L kladdnx ar.arf, flinclnnati A itrritel. galticanrA Girard—Chestnut. s W Glover, Harristnp g 'W Campbel l b la, Ky Tates J 11ktn, Lexington Nies M C Campbell, Ky Miss K Cochran. Lexington's AT -AnseL ukens P . Lexsi a ngton W iscon . _ . . . . . . It Col. 8 T Granger. Ma L Clayton & wf, Ohio A B Boston, Illinois C Hufll ogion. Maryland P Hunt, Pittsburg . P Ad i G itzw en N orristown aterSterling enns . J T Murtle, Mexico V P Robeson, New Jersey B Loeb John P Bruce, II S L labarlee Beardslee, N Y .13 0 G Yates, Penns John Chambers, N Y it 8 McCall, Pittsburg 'ff, W D T L Smitruh, itt, Ph Pitteb isurg Reynolds, Lancaster .M Malone, Lancaster ?Br & Mrs Merlin, Halifax Mrs Glasgowfax John Beano, New :York Kilday, New York H Newhouse. Phila. JR Andfews, New Jersey 751 Fgolt, New York XI Phelan. New York 11 Kavanagh, New 'Fork "W B Paul, New York MB Percival, Cleveland James 0 Keene, Clarion iMrs A R Adger & ch, Tren'n K Leonard, Muscatine T Rl:Easel. Burlington il/r & Mrs Carma' , Memphis - 31erchants'—^Fourtii S.I.H Reynolds, Kingston .1114 Bogg Lock - Haven 08 Bickford, Lock Haven dohn 1) Boyle. Washington John Wood. Ohio R 0 Hunt. Vicksburg .A Hemingway, Vicksburg Deshler, Allentown J Walden & daug, Ohio Miss B Barre., Mansfield SV Daizell, Hanover, 0 L Creigler, Paris, 0 F Black, York. Pa saxol A Bealey. Brooklyn H Richard, Hillsboro, 0 Lewle MoKibbe n. Hillsboro Befoold. Louisville 71 Welsh, Bristol, Conn lA'S Young, Allentown C Thomas. Baltimore "Are Ward. New-York Nre 0 B Markle, Jeddo, Pa A Bell, Canton, D Cole, Albion American—Chest - nu 311 Jefferson. Delaware • A B Lynchpbs, Delaware Camil Di Christ. Nevr York J W Barton, Harrisburg C Fairer Bethlehem "7" tiilva. '0 A :I? Betts, Ohio S.Tarr dl Mover. New York H Yerkee Norrlstown T Dubois, New Jersey s3.Dubois. Few Jersey 43 B chalet. Allentown 43 W Wilhelm. M Chunk 43 B Easton & wt. Ohio Airs B E Gettings Sr d. Wash P Cunntnghsm, Delaware iH J listeourE, New York St. Lonts—Mheetssut NitY DJilton. Baltimore B Peri:Lain, Net York B Chase Brooklyn H S Jones, i s enum lvania dos Luther, Massachusetts :AD Bailie 'Rising. Lancaster: 0 Stewart Allan, New Jersey 31enr, Quillman, Pa Geo Searing, 13 S N lBergt Davis, 13 ei Sergt Williams, II S John B Douty. Shamokin 31 H Burton. Nicaragua Chasnroe. 13 8 A !dishonor W Chenery Del co, Pa 3ffrs T Bedloe & dau, N W S Ackley. New Jersey ]Niel Adele Segourney, Y 31 Segourney wf. Y The Union—Arch ei B Lowenstein, Memphis W Wright. Pence IC Shiner Allentott n Mose Simonson • Miller. Alliance, Ohio :E W Feeders, Alliance 0 Geo B Bates. Alliance. 0 B King, Wooster. Ohio Andrew Ohio hio J Fischer, VT Enos, Perrysville, Ohio Jae P Bowman. Ohio Jos Pollack, Baltimore lewisPoliack & NO, Vs. R Itt LI Sa Ed y er gert , Monanch ; We Chunk Chests 41 White & wf, Boston C N Herter & af, Indiana Thomas Browne, New York J`Coftln, Biamond, I n 'Barley Sheaf—Seeon Capt - C H Frankesfeld, USA Vent G Young, 1:1 8 A 3 Hand, Point Pleasant Hough. Point Pleasant .J Hough. Point Pleasant 31'011, Backe co 731H M00 re Haub, Washin. Taylors gto nville J .A Krotz, New York • P Tomlinson, Taylortiv'e Merrick & la. Bucks co Beckman, Willow Grove W Johnson, Attleboro H Bye, Buckingham d Watson, Buckingham M Bellows, -Boston rCbas Dubree, Moretown C Ktrkbride, Attleboro J A Kirk,' Buckingham I" Ely. Bucks co 31 Blair, Horsbam 31" Wyley, M D. Carvorev'e C Olosson, Point Pleasant r Madison—Second street,- above Market. W D Morgan Backe co 11 SStieppa.d & la, Wilmt'n M Davis, Bnoks county. Me qmyser yo rk, Ca 'John L Davis. Bucks 00 7 S Palmer. B enmity Joseph H Cook iamrcil Rozkar. P 4011.11 Scott Brain, Bridgeton %Ire W D Large. Panto, W Yardley. Patina - P S Ken4erdine. Patina *John A Ellis, 'Perna Wm Coffy. Pea la 3411. Nendecher, St Louts W H Cone, New York J M Vimaredalea, Penna John C Reese, 1 1 .0 w Jersey MW Hopkins, New Jersey G T Smith, MonroJ co, Pa W BWataon, Wilmlngtoni National—Race at jobn Booth, Pittston Jacob Noll, Lebanon G A Bergstrasser- &brain:L - 1w jas Mantange, Pittston A 8 Brown, Lebanon. W Giddings, Pittston Black Bear—Third h J Tomlinson, Byberry • Trexler.Yarilley villa Roads, Southampton John Lukens, Jr,South'pton ;Alfred Roads, Southampton • W Wolf Penna B Roye, Lebanon j:L•Greenewalt & la, Penna • Ott,Lehigh co enry Smith, Allentown athan White, Yardisyy'le DI V B Vanardsdalen,Penna Vomutercial--StAth st I ' Beifanyder, Washington 11ton Smith Henderaon. 17 6 A G Mimi, U S A 7W H Vandeford, Maryland HI 3 Baldwin T Riley. Reading 'State* Union—Mark B Walker, Iowa" JS Berketesser & la, Pa Schultze. Virginia SIR Greene, Brode Island CI Johnson, Rhade Island AN 0101 and, Delaware llWeld Engle—Third S !Anderson Calvb, gaqton Levi I'Mubm3, Penn - ...Yhoe ?if Leeher. Bectln .Chas Beane, Backe county Schoch, Montgomery co SPECIAL NOTICES_ *OOIIIPARI6ONS.-. BY THE BARD OF TOWBR HALL; To find good similcs has puzzled The best poetic apprehension: In all such ,traits; Lord Byron guzzled Strong gin to help hia weak invention. "But I good illustrative phrases Obtain with ease at any hour; Quite sure, no matter what the case is. To find enough at Bennett's Tower. BnPpose. for instance, my . discourse Is Of armies rushing on to battle: don't, like Homer, say the forces Remind me of vast herds of cattle: Vol I declare that, to my notion, Such mighty hosts resemble nothing :go mulches eager crowds in motion To'parchase Bennett's far-famed clothing. If I of Beauty should be treating, Why Bennett's coats exemplify it: it Honor's praise I am repeating, To 'rower Ball I most apply it. Is Strength the subject of my story? Those well. made pants afford a sample. And when I speak of well-earned glory, Lo I Bennett's "goods are.the example. Valance of Summer Stock selling at reduced prices. TOWER HALL, No. 518 MARKET Street, It BENNETT 8r CO. gAIa DYX ! HAIR DYE!! BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR DYE ie the Best OS ohs World. The only Harmless. True and Reliable COve known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect—changed 'Sged..Husty or (anti Hair. instantly to a glom Black yr &tura/ Broton, without Injuring the Hair or Stain fingthe Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; int' Itettts fresh '.vitality. frectnently restoring ite prietine Anolor. and rectifies the ill effects of Bad Dyes. The - - whew = le A.-11 A. It_ATOHBLON, all others tere'mere indtattoste; and should be avoided. ".Sold by all 'Piusatite. ha , 71.01 1 02:1"-8LBAROLLY Street, New Nark. Batenelorn New Toilet :tretun for Dressing the gab - feM-/Y S P Zanharie kt Yates,.NPr, York L S Poncd~.~. dew York W B Watkins & Ayr, N York Mr & Mrs Cohonloy & faro ITkos H Bu oho. NOW York Goo P B mion L Dorsbeititer kwf. 4c Lords ,Tames Flurry. Now York vir Lewis. New York • B S Sevmonr. vew Jarsev .Sir & Mrs W W St. me, Di Al 3 Farrel., Msss J S Braman. Lonisville J x Braman, Locos tie Miss L Rra,an. L iniaville Mies S Urania. l.+ni.•ville .miss A. Da.via4, Loniwille Alias L Da vies,.L 'llll4 dile W B Larmonr, - Blitimore A R Smith G F_Palley, Chicago , W Torapkln , , w k C E Biking .11 w, Ratttraore NV Skinner & la. Nana ,T Nir Low Seer York M ['Otte.. Da. ilinicies J P Hartman di wire S Holman, ' J M Motley, 1.4.17 York E Rowe. - Brook], E V Rowe, U E reef. below Ninth. G NW keea T Barton, oktrent J Mente'emery Mrs Von t•teiuweer G owen , p,,rtiville Maj Menem:, U 5. Lieet IHcßlnir, U • • • C Wriat 61 M i.. Dalaware AID 'Chose. Sfaryl , ud J H gerryhbl, Harri=burg R Jones, Lartyette. Ind L Pflenihnut, lowa Capt E Bx z tdwin 3 la. IT S A .an nco.nn At Bs, Lane S Mirh, 13;11.timore J 1 / 1 Lice, Baltimore Henry a-. ohio John Kilmn.h, Ohio Samuel Chas Ohio James Fisher, Ohl.) James Carpenter, Penna. W S Nova, ihthimore S Cox, Virgil:4... • Henry Pettr i ktrevii.-N Y vir a Si* J Williamson. INneinnati H tlineintut John White, .iincinnati Mr Sr Mrs Cowan_ P. nna Master Cowan. Peana J Carson, Lake Superior S Jones. New York S Landis. Middletown Mrs H Smull, Harr4sharg John A Small, Harrisburg E M.Thomis, Cheater C 3 Alex Poindexteo, Lex'n,Mo T S Levering, B 'sten Geo Kennedy ' M.tryland W Orifli , h,Mtryland wr. Boston HAN Hitchcock, Mass street. below 'Arch. J B Miller, Chamhersburg Casoman, Chstnbsranurg A V Barth°lomsw.Valpor'o Gel :P retina, silent° wu J L Pillinger. onto cvn Geo W allPppard, N Jersey Joh Bacon. New Jersey Philia G shenpard, N Jerkey J W Bain at lady, Ohio S H Clark. New Y.u.k McKibben, Jr , US A Geo I. Browning U i A rd II Angell, Columbus. 0 Mrs Austm Smith. N York TN Roy, New York ' , targets, Washington E C Honk, ,-toughton,Mass JZ Collens. St Lortis F ArmAtroog, Ohio W D Sheohard, W4shinen Nliss Cotting,,sm, Easton Louis Goodman, Ihicago E B Kachlin, Bucks co street s above Fifth. J i Cr•ven, Salem, Di J Hon S Arnold. Coin 3 Real, Harrisburg. Mrs Hartin. New. York E P Bowman, M Ctin ak W Swarm, Elunttng,don O Underwoo G M Boker, Baltim4re Forbes,Forcrese Monroe Lyman 1. 1 0:11111: Port Monroe R C Swan, New Y•lrk E T Tiffany Penn.' G D Rempgtoad, Penna A Elnkaid J OL faoing, New Terse¢ B F Brewster, New Jersey W Donohn Chambreld R di Jones. Dower. Del A A Mason, dew York street, above Third. Orm Allen, Washington Roney Femme', Na rt York A Holland. New York R A Clark, Baltimore Captll , tiaon !Ms. M Rmith • • WC Wilkin4,Ballmore w Thompson. New Jersey T 13nrket- Cincinnati J 6S Vandenberg, 4 Y IA Bproall, New York Irlinoly. 14,14 YOrk W P spencer, Baltimore T D Witter & ia, Trenton W W Arthur. Baltimore CO Hutzler, Baltimore J Lynch. Baltimore W 0 Towson, Baltimore W White W W Davis, Boston Alfred Crist Levet, above Third Teeteis, Ohio _ . Baotou. Pa n A &P-Ple. Oliver, Easton, PO M Meeker, Easton, Pa Giant Good ma n. Penna John 8 Wallace, Lancaster Meat Col Di, on, Patina Joseph. T Ontinor, Penna C A Lane, Cincinnati Mies R C Lane, Cincinnati Wash Richarr s. Washingtn W Moore, Greenville, 0 W Rimy, Cambridge, Ohio D B Retdei, Pottsville J A McGinley, Penna G W Backofer Pittsburg Geo Handel, Wheeling W Graham J Ran street, below Vine . K Smith, Backs co F Barns, 8110 CO , 1' Coambers. U 4 A J Palmer, Edgewood D McNair, Southampton Longshore, Books co J Reigel, Point Pleasant F Thornton & wr. Byberry E T Bette, Abington. W Watson. Byberry I Jones. Chicago T W F agers, Sharon G Sh.rcross, Sharon G Hughes, Buckingham Z Polk. Bonham C Auld. U 8 A B Myers, AyberrY J M Yllis, Centreville &Moore, Washington W Fell, Biickingham W Davidson, Cheltenham J . Blockhouse, Bucks co eet, above' Third. D D Alder, Pennsylv itoa Tos Tinsman. Pittston 3" Prick. Pittston C L . . Ai P Boyer. Reading Master W Boyer, Reading t., above Callovvhill Jahn Willard, Peana • • • • - Chas Roads & la, • Feaster( ddstr Roads, 9oinerton Thos Headman, NEL aa J T Whital;Northampton T Beans,Yardley villa Geo Clemene,Ohester"Valley Wm Brumbach, Exeter Semi Trombower,Doylest'n Chas Schomaker, Allentown Chas Greenewalt,Lehigh co eet, above Chestnut. George Scott; Pennsylvania Geo It Udine. Pennsylvania Jacob Moses, Pe a no' lyania James Keeler, Phrecixville Jacob Accent. Phoenixville M Wrtght, Pennsylvania A K Hanna, Oxford, Pa • .t street, above Sixth. A Robinson, Delaware S S Racket, k hippen, Pe, W McVey F M Kintee, Tnliana. Pa W Moffett, Cin , inrtatt G L Plitt, Pittsburg t., above Cailovvhill. Sas Schoch, Backs county Rind Smith, Bucks county Wm Beans, Bucks'county P B Weiser, Pennsylvania ELECTRICITY, PROPERLY APPLIED, IS NATURE'S BEST REMEDY.—The office of Dr. A. H. STEVENS, No. 1418 South PENN SQUARE, in this city, for the reception and treatment of patients. will reopen MOND AY, September 3d. The Doctor's la tor experience - in the use of Electrical Currents, in this city and elsewhere, has been thoratghly tested by the many who have been cured at his rooms, se their certificates in his Possession testify—the same being open for pera•al by any one who may choose to call. A limited number of patients wilt find pleasant rooms, with board, in the Doctor's family. His location on the Square is not only central, but also a very pleasant and healthy one. Office hours from 9 toll A. M., and from 2t04 P M. an29-tf THE BALD, AND THOSR WHO ARE THOU . bled with dryness and falling off of the hair, shotdd use JAYNE'S 'HAIE TONIC. It excites the scalp to new and.healthy action, removes dandruff, causes a free cir culation of blood through the scalp, n mrishing exist- Ing hair, alk! 1 causin Onew hair to grow on heads that have been bald foryeare. Here is some of the evidence: Mr. A. B. BRYAN. of. Jackson, Tioga county, Pa., writes : "My wife, through sickness, lost the greater Portion of her hair. and tbe little that remained turned aritY. By a faithful application of Jayoe's Hair Tonic her hair has been restored, and has rammed its natural color." Mr. N. MONEY, of Delaware county, Ohio, siys Two Marabou of my fatuity lost their hair through typhoid. fever ; but by the ,coutinued - use of .Jayne's Hair Tonic they have now good heads of hair. Mr. P. 'PATTERSON. of Buena Vista, Allegheny 'comi ty, Pa., writes : "My .head becoming full of dandruff, my hair at last began falling out, until it was quite title in: places. After using two bottlee of Jayne's flair Tonic these symptoms were removed, and my hair be gan to grow and thrive as usual." Mr. J. B. ViraLen, of Grayson, Carter county, Ky.. writes: "About ono year ago my head became fectly-bald, and, after waiting in vain for some indi cations of my Bair - growing again. I procured two hot ties of Dr. Jayne's Hair Tonic. and after wing it strictly According to directions, a new coat of ,bair came out. perfectly natural and glossy, and hae continued to grow well ever since. " . . . . Prepared only by Dr. D. JAYNE & SON, 212 CHESTNUT Street au2strahs3t MESSES. 11. C. PHILLIPS. & BRO, at N. W. corner Ninth and Chestnut streets, are executing Photographs of all sizes in the finest style of the art. Raving purchased the "Old Root Gallery," they have all the negatives of that long•established insti tution, from which they are prepared to execute or ders at the shortest notice. au22-mws $275 to $325 will gat an elegant 7-octave rosewood over-strung Piano, warranted five years. J. E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut. jy2.5-asttf ONE-PRIGS CLOTHING, OF ,THE LATHS'? ;TYLER, made in the Best Manner, expressly for _RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Sellink Prices marked in Plain Fi rums. All Goode made to Order warranted eatistacters. Our ONE-Fawn SYSTEM is etrietly adhered to. All are !hereby treated alike. dell-1y . JONES At CO.. GO* MANN= Street. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, is the author of "Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment." ~'iARRI~D. TOMLIN—STANFORD.—On the 24th inst., by Rev. Dr. Clay, William J. Tomlin to Miss Helen Mar Stanford,•both of this city. ITOSBURCI—NORCROSS.—On the 22d inst., by Alderman A. H. Shoemaker, Mr. Charles P. Vas burg, of New York city, to Josephine Norcross, of this city: 3DTPOD. SCOTT.—On Thursday, !nth from the effects of a wound received at Carlisle, July let, 1863, WM." ter Scott, in the 23d year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the resi dence of his parents, at 1907 Green street, on Sunday afternoon, 30th inst., at 3 o'clock, without further notice. HENDERSON.—On the evening of the 26th inst., Charles Henderson, in the 29th year of his age. Hie relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his bro ther, Wallace Henderson, in Upper M.erion, Mont gomery county, on Sunday afternoon next, at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Swedes' Church. * COMLY.—In Byberly, on the 27th inst., Ezra Comly, In the 82d year of his age. His relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral, horn the residence of his son, Dr. lead° Comly, on First•day afternoon next, 30th inst., at 2 o'clock. s SMITH.—At Saratoga Springs, August 24th, after a brief illness, in the full triumph of Christian faith, Matilda Lasell, wife of Rev. Charles A. Smith, of this city, and daughter of. Chester Lasell, of Sono harie, N. Y. Funeral at Schoharie, where her parents still live to mourn their irreparable loss. . * MITCHELE—On the 20th inst., at her residence in South Camden, N. J., Maria Mitchell, widow of the late William Mitchell, formerly, of London, England. NEALL.—On the 27th inst., William D. Neall, in the 27th year of his age. His relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, 639 North Twelfth street, on, Monday, 31st inst., at 10 o'clock. To proceed to IVlonument Cemetery. *ot HAAS.—On Thursday, the 27th inst., Rachel Pd. Haas, wife of Daniel B. Haas aged 46 years. The friends and relatives oethe family are respect fully-invited to attend the funeral, from the resi dence of her husband, 1224 Coates street, on Sunday afternoon next, at 3 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to South Laurel Hill. . BALEY.—On the 26th that., Lloyd Raley, in the 76th year of his age. GRlFFlTH3.—Swidenly, at Remsen, Oneida co , N. Y., on the 12th inst., Mrs. Margaret Soby, wife of John R, Griffiths, of Newark, N. J., and daugh ter of Eire, Win, Soby, of Beverly, N, .1., in the 4411 s year of her age. .• PLACE BARk GE HERNAN IS.-JUST . ..LI opened, a ease of LUPIN'S BAREatHERNANIS. Lupin's Black Crape Marets. Do. do. Tamartinee. Do. do. Barogea. • Do. do. Snmmer Bombazines. . Do:" do.' Chally Tsnitsee. • - : Do. do. Striped and Cheek Bareges. Do. ' do. Mousseline de Laines. Do. r ~do. Bombazines, Shawls, &a. BBSSON Sr. SON'S Mourning Store; No. 918 CHESTNUT Strad!: 'RYES & LANDELL, FOURTH AND - 1 - 1 ARCH Streets. open to-day one case FA - LI. DAM SILKS. Solid Brown Figured Silks. Solid Blue Figured Silks. Solid Mode Figured Silks. Solid Green Figured Silks. PYRE LANDELL, FOURTH AND -A- 4 ARCH, are opening for Fall sales, g olor l F = c PVA l r e es}lusSs Black Silks all prices. Flannels for . Fancy Skirts. MFIRST .REF ORME D CHURCH, RACE Street. below Fourth.—Services will be re sumed TO-MORROW. et loy. A. M. ; Sunday School at 9 A.R. Dr. BOMBERGER will conduct the Services. it* SECOND REFORMED DUTCH SEV3NNTH Street, above Brown.— Rev. T. DE WIT I'TALMACE. Pastor. preach c AB BATH MORNING. aLbalf-paat 10 o'clock. us CHURCH ON WASHINGTON SQUARE. —The First Presbyterian Church. on Washington Equare, will be reopened TO-MORROW. Service at 1O) and 4 IMTHIRD HEE' 111 H DUTCH CBUROII, corner Tenth andTilbert streett..--Rev. Charles S. Porter, of Boaton. will preach in this church. TO-MORROW. Service in the morning at 1.0 o'clock.* MC, CHURCH OF THE INTERCES SOR.Sprinr. Garden Below Broad street.—Divine service TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 183 A. &t., and BP. M. The Rector (Rev. Dr. Carden) will preach morning and evening. Strangers Will be accommodated with seats. 11* MST. ANDRMWS SOCIETY.—A meeting of V is SoMety will be held on MOND A.Y . IVRNING, slat inst , in the CONTINENTA.L HOTEL, at 7.34 o'clock. Members will please attend without far ther notice. . GEO.IIOII YOUNG. au29 2t • . L-ecretarv. THE NINETY-SIXTH SOLDIERS MEETI.DIG. of the Army Committee, •• Young Men's Christian Association, connected with the Christian Commission, will be held. TO-MORROW EVENIN'4, August 30th, at a quarter before eight o'clock, in• the Tenth Baptist Church, Eighth street, above Green, Rev. Joseph H. Kennard. D. D., Pastor. Interesting state: ments will be reads by several delegates of the Christian Commission, lately returned from Gettysburg. Rev. MAURICE C. &MYREN will preside. Remember the Soldiers! tn. SPIRITUALIS THERE' - WILT. be no meetings during Septemtnr ac SA.N6OM STREET HALL on account of painting. On Sunday. the 4th of October, the winter course will be commenced by:Miss LIZZIE DOTES, of Massachusetts. lt* IC3"FOURTH REPRESENTATIVE . DISTRICP—NATIONAL UNION PARTY.—The Delegates elected to the Convention from the Ronrth Representative District (Fifth and Eighth Wards) will meet on MONDAY next, August 31, at, th Wetherill House, RANSOM Street. above at 8 o 'clock P. AL GEORGE W. STONE, - PENROSE TERRINE. GEORGE W. GILLINGHAM, Jr., B. FRANKLIN PARIS, CHARLES H. GOOD. GEORGE C. TURNER, SAMUEL MACMENEY, Jr., JAMES W. PALMER, GILES RIVEL. MNOTIC N—ELEVENTH MG PRE SENTATIVE 9Th4TRICT.—The DS BGATES elected to the National Union Representative Convention for the Eleventh Legislative District are reciaested to meet at.the house of Robert Wardell, SECO ID Street, above Beaver, on MONDAY EVENING, the 31st instant, at 8 o'clock. Signed . WILLIAM R BALD. Ist Div 20th Ward. JOHN E. RORER, Sth Div. 16th Ward. IL G. HERIGES, 6th Div..l6th Ward. JOSEPH ASH. 7th Div. 16th Ward. E. Y. SRELIIIRE. 7th Div llth Ward. BENJAMIN BURRAS. 4thpiv 16th Ward. CH AS. B. HARTNACK. b Div.l6th SAMUEL W. MILLER, 2d Div. - 16th iMTWELFTH WARD NATIONAL UNION PARTY.—The Delegates elected to the Ward. Convention mill meet on MONDAY EVENING, Anwast 3'184 . at Lewis & • Dai , ger's. corner IFIFTH and BUTTONWoOD Streets, at 8o c ocic. _ PETER ROVOODP, A. H. DUNLAP, B. W. THOMAS, SAMUEL SIMPSIN, TAMES ticPERRAN. JOSEPH LEWIS, " w. MYERS. J. B. WAGNER. lts r*. CRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA. COMMERCIAL - COLLEGE,.' 627 CHESTNUT Street, (corner of Seventh.) Young Men fully prepared for the duties of the Couni in House. Evening Sessims after September 15th. M" CONTINENTAL HOTEL CO."— The Coupons due September Ist. MS. en the eight Tier cent. Mortgage Bonds of "THE CONTINENAL HO TEL CO." will be payable on and after that day noon Presentation of the came at the COMSIER (HAL BANK in the city of Philadelphia. J. EREGEANT PRICE, auM 5t t Treasurer. MTHE PRESENTATION OF A large Silk Regimental Flag, to the 6th S. Troupe. will take place at CAMP WILLIAM PENN, on MONDAY Afternoon, August 31. at 5 o'clock. A special train will leave BEMIS Street at 3.313 P. M. Returning will leave CHELTON HILLS STATION at 7.15 P. IL IM, THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS of the DUNCANNON IRON COMPANY will& held at the Company's office. in Phi ladelphia, on WEDNESDAY. September 2, 1863, for the purpose of electing Directors to serve the ensuing year, . JOHN WISTER, Treasurer. "WM E. S. BAKER. Secretary. an24-mware3t* MTHE SE A SHORE. BY SPECIAL request, the YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSO CIATION will have the SECOND EXCURSION of this season to Atlantic City on TUESDAY. September let. To insure the comfort of all who purchase tickets, the number will be restricted to the .capaoity of the Passen ger Cars; all will have comfortable seats. Tickets only *1.26. Children half price. For sale -at the ktooms. 1000 and 1011 CHESTNUT street; Tract House. 949 CHESTNUT street. end at the Boat. Last Boat leaves Vine-street Wharf at 6A. N. - au24-mars4t* ,r3m. NOTICE,—THE PENNSYLVANIA PINE INSURANCE COMPANY. Ananst 28th, UM/. • • • • . • The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Penn sylvania Fire Insurance Company will be held at their Office on MONDAY. the 7th day of September neXt, at 10 o'clock A. when an election will be held for nine Directors, to serve for the ensuing year au27•tse7 Wfif. G. CROWELL. Secretary. AVIS AUX EIJEGANTS.-31. 30- SEPH ZACKEY, de Paris, Gerant de la Matson GRfaiDVILLE STOKES, Marchand Tailleur, No. 609 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, a lihonneur d' aviser des nombreux antis, et connaimances Mind quo l'hono. cable public) qul l'on deja favorise de leer clientele. qu'il 'lent de resevoir de Paris et Londres, les modes les plus recentes et les mienx_portees pour la Batson d'ete. M. GRANDVILLE STORES a mill a ea disposition les eteoffes les Pitts belles at lee meillenres qualitee. doe Pre mieres manufactures d'Europe. • Lee officieres et soldate de tout grades y trouvront les meilleures qualites d'etoffes, a des prix tree moderes L'elegance de sa coupe, atwe'que le oachet de distinction quo la caracterise, est dem trop aman du public pour en leßiSiTtier bun surtteli. j 728431 THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA,; SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1863. oTIRE QUICKSILVER SIINI.NG '(OMPANY.—The Transfer Saks of this Com ['any will close on MONDAY, August 31st, and re lies MONDAY, September 7th. By order. S. B. RANDOL. Secretary. NEW 'TORS. AMMO PA. 1F46.4. OFFICIO Oil TUE HA1L1t1.4131./ PORTSMOUTH., MOUNT JOY, AND. LANCAS TER RAILROAD 00,TPANY, ITILADELPITIA, Augnst 21„ 1861. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held on FRIDAY, September 4. 1863, at 11 o'clock - A M., at the corner of THIRD Street and WIL LING'S Alley, at which time an election will be held for thirteen Directors to serve for the emitting year. au22l2t* GEORGE SAR it,R. see.retary , . OFFICE OF THE LOCUST . 3100N— WIN COAL ANDIRON' COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA.' August 11, ISIS. At a meeting - of the Board of Biroetors of the above Company, held this day, a DIVIDEND OF ONE BOL- Lal FEB SIiARE was declared on the -capital stock, payable 'to the Stockholders or their legal repramnta lives on and after the 31st inst. The transfer books of the Company 'will be closed until the Ist day of Septem ber next. au22.tsel SOS. C COP . PIIMK. Treaenrer. MILITARY NOTICES. LANDIS' BATTERY.—THS MSNE bers of this nonapany , are invited to attend thA fune ral of their late comrade, .WALTER CO TT, at the esicence of his parents. 1907 GREEN Street. on STIND AY AFTERNOON, 3,th instant, at 3 o'clock, in citizens' dress. it; -ATTENTION I COMPANY A, 20T11 REG MOTT. P M. —ID mbors will meet at Fraoklin BAP, SIXTH Street. below ARCH. on MONDAY Ere - Ing, the - 91st inst.. from 9 to 10 o'clock. to sign rolls for City Bounty. P. V. SMITH, coploto, vaola 2t* co. A, 20th Regiment, P. 31, HEADQUARTERS R ENDFZ VOUS FOR DBAFTED MEN-1230 WALNUP Street. ,PHILADELONTA, Velma , Angu.4. 27th. SM. 'The following named officers having Mimi to report to Co). J. H. KELLOGG. m 221 CeLLOWEILL Street. iu c•mpliarco with- orders heretofore issued. they are herehl notified that unless they report at these Head. quarters on or before the Mat inst, heir names will be sort to the Secretary ofWar. with a recommendation for di.rnis , sl from the service of the United States: Captain .1. A. McPlierran. Ist Peuntylvania. lt V. O. J. J. -Baird, 76th Pennsylvania Volunteers. Adjutant G. W Wilson. 61st Edward Schwatto 98th' First Lleut. J. J. Ross, 2d 1. R. V C. • C. W. Crowdale.l.2th P R. V. C. A, J. Marshall, 76th Penna Volunteers. . " Lucas Truman. Ist Penna. Rifles. Thr.s.M. Winslow, let Penna. Hines. By order Brig. General Hatch. 1101EADQVA - BTERS -OF PRO POST sL.-a- MARSHAL, THIRD DISTRICT, Pa , 511 BRO kVN Street, PHTIADIMPIFTIA. august 23,1863. Notice is hereby given, that a reward •of *lO, and the reasonable expense incurred, will be paid to any peregn for the apprehension' and deiivery of a deserter at the Headquarters of the nearest Provost. stargh al. - JACOB SYRBTOR, ' Captain and Provo it Marshal. Third District of Pennsylvania. HEADQUARTERS PROVOST MARSHAL. SECOND DISPRIC. PA.. August 24, 1863. DILUTED BIEN from this Di trict, • claiming exemp tion. are requested to bring withfhem their witnessei. and any failing to appear on the day notified will be deemed DESERTERS. and be subject to the . Tymalties Prescribed therefor by the Rulee and Arf War. EDWIN Pa ce Eß, Provost Marshal and PreSident of the . Board of Enrolment. WILLIAM 11(..•BITLL, Commissioner of Board. R •W. RITCHIE, Surgeon of Board. TTEADQUARTERS OF PROVOST • • MARSHAL, FIRST DISTRICT, PA., 2115 South THIRD Street. _ - PITTLADELPRTA. Augnst 19, 1983. This ()Mee will be open daily. from 6 A. AL to 2 P. M., except Saturdays, when the Milne will close at 1 P. M. SECOND WARD—AII Drafted Men of the Second ward who have not reported, and whose time has not been ex tended, will be apprehended forthwith as deserters THIRD WARD—AII drafted men of the Third ward (being the Second Sub -A 'strict). who have not reported, and whose time has net been extended, are notified to appear or be deemed deserters . The FOURTH WARD (being the Third Sub-District), will bn heard in the following order: MONDAY. Aug 24, Noa,l to 100 incln*ive. TUESDAY. Aug. 25, Nos. 11l to 000 inclusive. WEDNESDAY, Aug. 26, Nos 201 to 300 inclusive. THURSDAY, Aug. 27, Nos 301 to 400 inclusive. FRIDAY. Aug, 28, Dos 401 to roo inclusive S ATURDAY, Aug 29, Nos. 601 to 5',N inclusive, and hearing cases generally. N. B.—Substitutes have preference. WM, E LEHMAN, Provost Marshal and President of the Board. CHARLES MURPHY, Commissioner of the Board. N. H. MARSELIS. Snrgeon of the Board. T_TEADQUARTERS OF PROVOST • • MARSHAL, 'THIRD DISTRICT, PA., PHILADELPHIA, August 23, 1863. NOTICE is hereby given to all drafted men of the Seventeenth Ward that their time for claiming exemp tion, offering substitutes. or reporting" for duty, is ex tended until the 29th day of 'August inst.% after which 'time all those persons failing to comply with the above notice, will be liable to arrest as Deserters. - -Notice is also given to those drafted men of the Six teentit ward who have not as vet reported themselves, that failing to do so. by the 24th day of August inst • they will be Pnbli tiled as deserters and arrested as such. The time for the Eighteenth and Nineteenth wards is extended until further notice. By order of the Board of Enrolment JACOB 8. STRETCH. Captain and Provost Marshal. FRANKLIN D. STERNER, Commissioner. - ' ALEXANDER C. HART. an24-6t- . Surgeon. CORPS OF HONOR, U. S. A. HEADQUARTERS RECRUITING SERVICE. INVALID CORPS FOR PamoyamparA. 543 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SOLDIERS honorably discharged on account of dis ability will apply for-information or enlistment in the INVALID CORPS Lieut. HUBER BASTIAN. Invalid Corps. 143 S. , Third street. Philadelphia. Lieut. J.-W.-DEAN. Invalid Corps, - - Brown street and N. E. corner Broad - and Spring Garden- eta , Phila. Pay and allowances. excepting bounty and pension. save as in tr. S. Infantry. R W. MATTHEWS, Major :IstPa. Art. and Snpt. Invalid Corps for Fhiladel- Pala. aus tf EDUCATION AE. SPRING GAIMEN INSTITUTE, FOR YOUNG LADIES, N 0.611 141,11511,1 LL Street, re opened Sept. 7th. GILBERT COMBS,. A. M., - a059.1m Principal. MISS HOOPES WILL REOPEN HER BOARDING and :D AY SOHO nr., for Young - Ladies, at 14-119 LOCUST Street, on TUESDAY, the 16th- of Soh ten-ber. , auk-Im* AUGUSTUS SIMON, TEACHER OF Ancient and Modern Langnages, has resumed the Practice of his profession, at No. 1231 CHESTNUT Street. - aura- 3t. MISS ROBB WILL REOPEN HER SCHOOL for Young Ladies and. Children. No 3L Beutb ELEVEIiTTH'Street, below Spruce. on sEPrim BER 2d, 1863. - . . au.23.Bt* CALEB S.:HALLOWELL, A. M., WILL ^ reopen his SCHOOL on the 7th of Ninth Month, eePtsinber ) Rooms. No. 110 North TENTH Street. Residence. 1126 WKLLACE Street. an2S-11t* SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE (MILITA K- , RY) rPopens 7th SEPTEMBER. ddress Pro rektor E. D. SAUNDERS. D. D., MARKET and THIRTY NINTH Streets, Philadelphia. attlq-lOt ANA KAIGHN WILL OPEN HER SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, At No. 2044 MOUNT VERNON Street, au`2B-..Bt* On the 7th of Ninth Month, (September.). A GRADUATE OF THE UNIVER SFr/ OF 'PENNSYLVANIA, • already engaged in teaching, - wishes farther engagements to teach Latin, Greek; or the English branches. in one or more Schools in or near the city. Address " Graduate," at this office. • . an 27-615 TIMAIOIINT ST MIN . i:RY, NORRISTOWN, PA, FOR) OUNG MEN AND BOYS, Twenty-third Year. JOHN W. -LOCH, PrineiPai*9t* IPRYA.NT, STRA.TTON, & CO.'S • . NATIONAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, S. E. Corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT - -Sts. Those desiring a sound business education should Mite advantage of the superior facilities now afforded at this institution. - Tuition at the present. low rates for a short time. . Evening Sessions commence September 15th. Call or send for a circular. . lts pOLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, 1863-64. z —The SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL for the general Stu dent of Mathematics, Experimental Science, and Natural History, beeins September Bth. The' ECHNICAL SCHOOLS for professional training in the minciples and practice of Civil. Mine, and Me chanical Engineering. Analytical and Industrial Chemis try.Metallnrgy, and Architecture, beam September 15ch. The Labora =les for Practical Chemistry have been refitted during the year, and large additions to the Mo de!s, Instruments. and apparatus of the College made by importations from France and Germany. Catalogues at College Building, WESe PENN Square. ALFRED L. KENNEDY, 11. D President of Faculty. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY-A w SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL, NEAR MEDIA. PA.—Thorough course in Mathematics, Classics, Eng lish Branches, Natural Sciences, dm Military Tactics taught. Classes in Book-keeping. Surveying. and Civil Engineering. Pupils taken of all ages,. School opens September let. Boarding, per week, $1T..6. Tuition, per Quarter, SC For catalesues, or information. address Rev. J. HERVEV BARTON, VILLAGE GREEN, Pa. D LACROIX'S SYSTEM OF FRENCH --FOR GROWN PkRSOES ONLY.—.N9 committing to on FM cry ,no home studies; all must be learned with the Teacher. Etudents will be received in September ; Ladies in tne forknoort ; Gentlemen, afternoon and evening. .An early beginning in the Fall insures a satisfactory result in the Spring. Igo one w ho practices Mr.- Delacroix's _combinations of rational, syntactic, and idiomatic exercises deliberately throughout, can fail of acquiring a competent nee of the language for all the purposes of business and social in tercourse. Learners of French who - have been disappointed in the effects of the memorizing methods. will land the clearly explained practice ofMr. - Delacroix's csurse amply suffi cient in itself to impress a rational habit of more of the language, for their own ideas, than is usually the result of double the time devoted to this study of , the books in common nee. Applicants are requested to call on Mr. DEL A.CROIX, between 12 and 4 o'clock. Strangers are never received in the Study during prac. ticin g home. The French Study, 907 FILBERT Street. " It FRIENDS' SCHOOL S - OSLE AVE -a- NUB. north from Noble street, below Sixth—will Teepee 9th mo., (September ) Ist, under of the `School 7 Corporation. composed_ cf members of the "Re ligious Society of Friends." The building_ is particularly adapted to Educational purposes, the Boys occupying the first floor, and the Girls the second. - The course of instruction embraces all the branches of a good English and Mathematical Education, and the constant endeavor of the Principals will be. not only to instil habits of thoroughness and self reliance in their Pupils, but to give particular..attention to their moral training. Charge - for tuition, $l2 per term of five months,for Boys, and $lO for Girls. All denominations admitted. T. C. EAKINS has charge of Writing Department in both Schools. THOS. SMEDLEY:Principal of. Male Department. 31. SMEDLEY, Principal of Female Department. au26. - w thsm acw3t* THE SUBSCRIBER MAKES THE opening of another 'Scholastic year the opportunity of announcing to hie friends and the public that he will this fall resume the duties of his profession in the chan nel in which they were originally undertaken. It may be remembered that, live ,ye are since, he began life by devoting himself to the education of boys, but that, at the expiration of a year, he was compelled, by. impaired health, to abandon, temporarily, his School, begun under the fairest auspices. Be is now happy to state that, with health and strength fully restored and confirmed, he takes up his work masipnuw purposes L e as: a n; makinga e ng w of uthey wietr were; f L r e a4i i e e n w t i regarding the influences that should shape the school education of boys have only received additional con firmation from further reflection and experience; and his best hope is that he may be able so to realize these views as to make his labor contribute a real value to the educational interests - of the city with which he feels himself identified. SAMUEL fd. CLEVELAND. Boys will be prepared for any of oar Colleges or for - Commercial life. In either case the aim will be to de velop, from the details of ordinary school routine, 'a' high and generous school culture. No boys will be received under twelve years of age. TERMS—One Hundred Dollars per year. payable in November and April. This sum will include the use of all Text-Book's and Stationery. Application to be made al No. 307 South THIRD Street, between 9A. M. and 2P. M. ' aulB-tuths2w 0 S T—Ok RTIFICATE No. 12; FOR --s-i FIFTY SHARES OF STOCK in the DELAWARE MINING COMPANY 'OF MICHIGAN, in the name of W. A. NEWBOLD. All persons are hereby cautioned against negotiating the same. as application has been made to the Company for Its renewal. - an296l2t* LOST . AT, THE KENSINGTON DE POP or left in one of the Trankford city Cars, a CARPETBAG, with card attached, marked McFarland, Collins, & Co.. Pittsburg. Its contents are of no value except to the owner. A. suitable reward will he Riven It left with L. W:-Leslie, at W. H. WOODWARD'S. No. 51.8'MARICET Street. au2S-Sts DISSOLUTION 'OF. PARTNERSHIP. —The cowtnership heretofore existing under the firm of BORDEN & WALKER, Iron Founders, No. 111) Craven Street, is by mutual consent this day dissolved : TEIOS:D. BORDS,N,_ . .104 1 24 l Ana 6,14 4 4. 1 t* WOOS em iirapata • 1 THE N.EW .UldMEtt BOOisS I NOVELS, TRAVELS AND BOOKS OF HUMOR. OARLETON, PUBLISHER, NEW YORK - - Told by a svitoes (Madame Ruiro.] This magnificent work. which has just apneared in Paris. and a transla tion of which is now offered to the american Public. is one of the most delightful of all Biographies, and one which every reader of "Les misccables " will devour with avidity• indeed, the Great Romance Baca' is a part of the life of vieror Hugo, and cannot be fully understood without this—its completion. one handsome octavo. cloth board. Price $1.25. Or, The Science of Human Development through Dile rimed Tendtnciee. An attempt to collect. coadAttee, and into popular form some of the great truths contained in the recently -published Works i mended exelnsively for tbe 'Led ice! protection or for the natural ptaleeopher. Cloth bound ; price $1 26. 6 new end ittensely interesting, novt9. by the Rattier of." liutleoae" enl "The Satherlan& A fiction of eirbrfdling interest, and one that will be eagerly de voured by every modern novel reader. The Rite of tine superb wok le rapidly increasing; nearly 7.000 coplea ere,alreedv swept off. and the demand it unceasing. Cloth bound; price $1.60. A new book by Edmund Kirke, author of " Among the Pines." " A work of abborbing and vivid in erect—all the excitement of a novel, pervaded by tissue of facts, the painful truthfulness of which stirs the blood of every reader.' Cloth bound; price $l. paper cover. 750. A charming now domestic .noyel by. Mrs. Mary J Holmes. author of ' Lena RiVere," " Meadow Brook," "Homestead:" "Dora Dean." etc. *g* The works by this delightful writer aro road and re-read by thousands of families throughout the country. This new volume is the author's last and best. Cloth bound; price $1 25. A sin gularly interesting book on Tropical Life and Ad ventule, written with a impunity absolutely fascinating. iited by Richard B. Kimball. Cloth bound, 51.75. By P. 8 Cozzens. A new and elegant library edition of this rich and racy book, printed on tinted paper and beautifully bound in cloth, price 81-25. ISAAC MOSES,_: Major and Ohief of Staff. Or, Sunkhine and Storm. A dramatic and akiltnlly-ma caged new novel. By- Mrs. Lillie Dev.reux tustead., author or - Southwold " Cloth boned, $L or, Whet "Seems Pjpee, ofPipesyille." Saw—and—Did. By Stephen Masset. Comically illustrated by Mallen, of Vanity Fair. One of the moot original, comic, ex. citing, witty, miraculous, amusing, and entertafning hooks ever.published. Cloth bound. $1.21. X.—LIKE-9-ND 'UNLIKE. • A delightfal new novel by A. S. Itoe. author Of I're Been Thinking," etc. Cloth bound.. $1.50. - The great book of D D Home (or Hume) the celebra b d Spirit Medium. With as introduction by ludgo Ed monds. Cloth bound, $1 Kn.—ORPHEUS 'C. KERR PAPERS. One of the most laughable and satirical books on mili tary and political criticism ever published. Cloth bound, *** These Books are sold by all first °las. Booksellers, and will be carefully Rent by Mall, POMADE PREPAID, on receipt of prices, by auil9-s3t CARLETON, Publisher, New York. A REMARKABLE BOOK-JUST IS -LA- sued by CARLETON, Publisher, New York. HUSBAND AND WIFE ; The Science of Human Development through Inherited. T 3 enlenciee. One handsome cloth-bound volume. Price s t An at' eMPt to collect, condense, and put into popu lar form some of the great truths contained in the recent ly published a orke, intended exclusively for the medi cal profession or for the natural philosopher. NEW PUBTACATIONS. 1.- - vlcroß ROGO—A LIFE IL-HUSBAND AND WIFE; 111.-FRANK WARRINGTON: IV.-MY SOUTHERN FRIENDS. Y.-MARIAN GREY YE-IN THE TROPEJS VIL-THESPARROWGRASS PAPERS VIIL-ROOK.FORD ; IX.-DRIFTING ABOUT ; XL-INOIDENTS IN MY LIFE Dedicated to the Mothers and Dane tere of the Human Family,- to whom is entrusted the continuance of tne race, and who desire that it should be dose most wor thily. an29-taths6t •IP THE LIFE OF VICTOR 111:19-0 • TOLD BY A WITNESS. [Madame Hugo/ Elegant octavo, cloth bound, Price $1.25 This magnificent work, which - has just appeared in Paris. and a translation of which is now Wired to the American Public, is, to all intents and purposes, an Autobiography, for its equivocal title-page is but a mask to conceal Abe real author—Victor Hugo himself—the creator of that masterpiece ''Les Miserables." THE LIFE OF VICTOR HUGO "The story of such alife as M. Victor Hugo's, told by a Witness ; can hardly fail to be a tale which. will - make Europe Mt still to listen. "—London Athenmant - " One of the most en tritnein girolames that have isened from the French press, since Hugo signed hi. bona tirer to the proof-sheets of "Les Illiserables."—.Paris Correspondent. "Charming in freshness, dramatic in incident,:aband.nt in detail, graphic in description, and livsiy in anecdot4 we bays read the book before us with unflagging Ml rest. "—London Literary Times. : [EN= THE LIFE OF CHRIST. Tramlatml from the French of Henan. THE LAST DAY OF A CONDEMNED MAN. Frorn the French of VICTOR HIMO. everywhere; and sent free by mall on receipt of price. kyr an22-w&stf CARLETON.:Pablisher, New York SAYE 15, TQ 40 PER OEN!. 1--BUY vonrPIIKITOGR G. CARD FR CM, and: PHO - TOG RA PH ALBUMS, of G. W. PITCHER, tOS CHESP NUP Street- Over 000 different dries of Albums,' and over 6,000 different finbjects. of Card Pietnr.,s. - al:091ot • SOS CHESTNUT Street, above MOM. NTEW BOORS AT REDUCED, FRIO ES. 1 - 1 Romola. 1 vol. Sao $lOO Should.r Straps By Morford SO Social Condition of the English People: By Kay... S 5 2..b.rge Tears in Japan ' 250 Fanny Eerable'eDiary 1 00 Frank . 26 - Life of Victor Hugo ; 100 Les Bliserables, complete ' ' 80 Harper, 4,tlantic, Hodey, and Frank Leslie,' for . September Petersons' Magazine 15 an23-3t —PITCHER'S, SOS CHESTNIIT..Street. NEW BOOKS- .NEW BOOBS; THE' CAPITAL OF THE L TYCOON. A. Narra tive of a three-years Residence in Japan. By.,Sir , -Rutherford /amok. S. C. B. 2 vols. 51. - - -- NUE SOC AL CONDITION AND EDUCATION OF THE PEoPLE IN ENGLAND. By Joseph Ray, Esq. A M. A. $l. THE BIVOUAC AND THE ,BATTLE-FIELD.; or, Campaign Sketches in Virginia end Maryland.; By Cap tain George F. Noyes. 51-25. SOLDIERS''DIaRY AND BOOR FOR LEISURE MO MENTS. 40 cents. STORIES FOR BED-TIME. Vols 4 and 5., 40c.each. lIEN AY' ROBERTS ; or, Incidents of the War of 1861- 62-63. By the author of "Elfle Grafton," &d 3d cents. For sale by WM. S. Et ALFRED MARTIEN. an2l 606 CHESTNUT Street. NEW BOORS- ;- just received bp ••••• J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., 715 and 717 MARKET Street,. THE CAPITAL OF THE TYCOON. A three years' re sidence in Japan. By Sir.R. Alcock. SOCIAL CONDITION AND EDUCATION of the reo ple of England: By Joseph Kay. LIVE IT DOWN. A story of the Light Lands. By J. C. Seafferson. Wendell Phillips' Fpeeches. Lectures. and Let`ers. _ A MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR ENLISTING AND DISCHARGING SOLDIERS; &c. By Robert Bar tholow. M D. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, and WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS. in one vo lume. SHOULDER STRAPS. A story of New York and the Army of 1562 By Morford. VICTOR HUGO. By a witness of his Life, Madame Hugo. HIISBAND AND WIFE; or. The Science of HumAn Development. ATLANTIC MONTHLY MAGAZINE for September. SOUTHERN OFFICIAL REPORTS OF B ATTLSS— Made to the Confederate Congress • THE BIVOUAC AND THE BATTLE-FIELD . ; or. Cam p_aign bketches in Virginia and Maryland. -By Capt. ..Noves. TH E PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL FOR. SEPTEMBER now ready, contains: Physiog nomy Illustrated: Family Likene'ses, with Portraits; Sketches of Gen. Grant, Wm. L. Yancey, and Thomas Addis Emmett. with Portraits; Phrenology of the Riot ers, Illustrated; Wedding Rings ; Choosing a wife; The .American Aborigines ; Doings in Dahomey ; Curosities of Phetograell; Flogging; A Wonderful Child; Grow ing in Once; Ines the Idiot; Errors of Education; Cri noline:Phonographic Reporters; The Country Girl. etc.. Only 16c.. by first Post, or Nl. 50 a year. Addrem FO W. LEE & WELLS, N. Y., or J. L. CAPEN, ,75 TENTH b/reet, Phi' adelPhin• au2o-fit NEW COUNTERFEITS' ARE 4 1 / 4 , Q fully described in PETERSON'S COUNTERFEIT DETEC rcat and DREXEL'S BANK-NO FE LIST, for SE P TEMBER, which will be ready This Morning. at T. B. PETERSON, SE BROTHERS', No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Tnnms.—One Dollar a year monthly, or Two-Dollars a year semi-monthly, or Ten Cents, a Number. AdverlDements Inserted in it at low rates. an27,-3t SCHOOL BOOKS . PUBLISHED BY—: -LINDSA.Y4 BLARISTON. 25 South SIXTHE•tre4, above Chestnut. MRS. TUTHILL'S MY LITTLE GEOGRAPHY • • GERHART'S PHILOSOPHY ARV LOGIC. • WILLEMENT'S C ATECHISM or FAMILIAR THINGS. IESOP'S FABLES IN FRENCH SFRON'S NEW MODERN FRENCH READER. vowLmvs DRAMA.TIC AND ORATORICAL EX PRESSION. RUSSELL'S SERIES OF SCHOOL HISTORIES, with. Questions for the Examination of Students, Illustrations, &c. , &c. . an 2.7 20 CENTS 1-HARPER FOR SEP. TEMBER! !—PITCHER'S, 8.08 CH B STN U T Street. an2s-6t 0 ill CFI% TS I-ATLANTIC FOl3 SEP TEMBER. PITCHES'S, ar124.6t POE CHESTNUT Street. WINANCIA36. S HARVEY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKAW,. 3121 WALNUT Street. Stocks and:Loans bought and sold on Commission at the BOARD OF BROKRRS. Subscriptions to the 6-20 year six per cent LOAN still received at par. No charge for Commission. COLLECTION OF - U. B. OBEITIFI CATES or INDEBTSDNBSS. —The ADAMS' =- PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to soiled at the Treasury Department, Washinden. with despatch; and at reasonable rates. the One Year. Certificates of In debtedness of the United States now die or shortly Ma. Terms made known and reeeipts given it the due. No. lIMO OMEN= Street. p 0 K-A XE S, SHINGLING HATCHETS, BROAD HATCHETS, AXES, NAIL HAMMERS, SHOE HAMMERS, RIVETING HAMMERS, find ENGINEER RABIRCERS, MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE BY C. HAMMOND & SON. 629 COMMERCE Street. Phila. aul7-1m• EVERYBODY ISSTRUOK WITH , . the flue character,and coniinced of the accuracy of RIBIBBIPS Colored Photographs for SI. Better pictures cannot be produced for the price. SECOND titrcet, above Green. 14E111E11'S IVORYTYPHS SURPASS all o,onmetltore. They are rmqueationalOy of more natural , and life-like appearance :Flesh-tints agraea.., ble and natural poeltlea easy and uatural. - ,SECOND §irevt; abQya'Qr9e/a. - • IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS. JAMES. KENT. SA NTEE.. & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS of DWI( GOODS, Noe. 239 and 241 N. THIRD STREET, ABOVE RAM PHILADELPHIA, Have now open their non 4 I LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK or FOREIGN AND DOMES TIC DRY GOODS. Among which will be found a more than nenally attrac tive variety of LADIES' PRESS GOODS; Alen, a full assortment of MEREIMACK - .AND COO DECO PRINTS, and PET F.I.AIALPHIL-MADE GOODS, To 'which they invite the SPECIAL ATFENTION - OF clam l.tS.. sml7-3m COMMISSION HOUSES. THE ATTENTION OF THE TRADE Is'aer,LED To OUR STOOK OF SAXONY WOOLEN 00. all-wool Plain Flannel.: TWILLED FLANNELS, Varioue make", in Gray, Scarlet, and Dark Blue PRINTED SHIRTING FLANNELS. PLAIN OPERA. FLANNELS if PREMIERE QUALITY" - 0 ' ; , Square and Long Shawla WASHINGTON MILLS Long Shawl!. BLACK COTTON WARP CLOTHS, 16, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Oz. FANCY CASSIMERESAND SATINETTS. BA,LMORAL SKIRTS, all grade'. BED BLANKETS, 104, 114, 12.4, 13-1. COTTON GOODS, DENIIVIS, TICKS, STRIPES, SHIRTINGS, Ace., from various Mills. DE COURSEY, HAMILTON - & EVANS, 33 LETITIA Street, and 32 South FRONT Street. aul7.mws2m BAGS I BAGS 1' BAGS I NEW AND SECOND-HAND, • SEAMLESS. - BURLAP, AND GUNNY BAG-S, , Constantly on hand. JOHN T. BAILEY do CO - .. No. 113 NORTH FRONT STREET, WOOL SACHS FOR SALE, DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. CASH BUYERS, AT WHOLESALE; Are invited to examine our FLANNELS, BLANKETS, MERINOES, POPLINS, • BLACK SILKS; FANCY SILKS, IRISH LINENS, WHITE GOODS; DRESS GOODS, and other articles adapted to the season. JAMES R. CAMPBELL & CO., an26-if CHEBTNLIP STRUT 1863. FALL 1863. DRY GOODS: 1100 D, BONBRIG HT, et CO_ WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. No. 435 BLARKET STREET. PHILADELPHIA, The attention of the TRADE is invited to their large Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS. Among which are choice brands of Sheet ing and Shirting Muslins, Madder Prints, De Laines, Ginghams, and SEASONABLE DRESS GocDS. • , . ALSO, • MEN'S WEAR rs GREAT VARIETY. GREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO CASH BUYERS. art2o-2tri - 1863 FALL IMPORTATION. 18 63 'EDMUND YARD & CO:, - . APORTERS AND JOBBERS, SILKS AND FANCY ' DRY GOODS, 617 CHISTICIT and 616- JAYNE Street, Have now opened their Fall importation of Dress Goods, viz: . MERINOS, - • COBURGS, . REPS, ALPAOA.S t _ DELAINES, PLAID AND STRIPED POPLINS, • FANCY AND BLACK SILKS. Also, A large assortment of • • SHAWLS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, WHITE GOODS EMBROIDERIES, atc., whielt they O'er to the trade at the . • LOWEST MARKET PRICES. anv-tr SEWING MACHINES. LONG -LOOKED FOR, 0 NI,F, 4,1. T LAST i PERFECTION OF SEWING MA.- CHINES.—SAMPLES OF THE CELEBRATED FLO RENCE SEWING MACHINES can be seen at No. '139 CHESTNDT Street (second flow% where all persons in terested in sewing machines are invited to call and exa mine this wonderful Machine. It has been the object of the FLORENOE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY to sapply a machine free from the objections attached to other tint-class machines. and after the patient, untiring, labor of i ears and a liberal expenditure of capital in securing the first mechanical talent, their efforts have been crowned with success and they are now offering to the public the MOST PERFECT SEWING MAC JNE IN THE WORLD. Among its many advantages over all other machines, may be roam- tioned: Ist. It makes four different stitches on one and -the same machine, each stitch being Perfect and alike on both sides of the fabric. 2d. Changing from one kind of stitch to another, as wed as the length of the stitch, - can readily be done while the machine is in motion. - 3d. Ezerestitch is perfect fa itself, making the seam secure and uniform, combining elasticity, strength and beauty. 4th. It has the reversible feed motion, which enables the operator to run-the work to either the right or left, or stay any Tart of the seam, or fasten the ends of seams without turning the fabric or stopping the machine. 6th. It is the most rapid sewer in the world, - making five stitches to each revolotion, and there is no other machine which will do so large a range of work as the FLORENCE. - St.b. -It does the heaviest or finest work with equal fa cility, without change of tension or breaking of thread. 7th. It heins. fells, binds, gathers, braids, quilts, and gathers and sews on a ruffle at the same time. Sth. Its simplicity enables the most inexperienced to operate it. Its motions are all -positive,. and there are no fine springs to get out of order, and it is adapted to all kinds of cloth-work, from thick to thin, and is a/- mos/noiseless. 9111. The FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE is unequal led in beauty and style. and must be seen to be opine - Dieted. Call andsee the FLORENCE, at No. 439 CHESTNUT Street, up stairs. au29-3t OUR LETT.E•R "A" FAIIIiiY SEWING EACIIFNE, With all the new improvements, is the bes t and cheapest, Sid most beantifal Sewing Machine in the world. No other Sewing Machine has so much capacity for a great range,of work. including the delicate and ingenious pro. Moses of Hemming, Braiding, Binding, Embroidering, Felling, Tucking, Cording, Gathering, dim , die, The B r a n ch Offices are well supplied with Silk Twist, Thread., Needles. Oil. am.. of the very best quality. 1 Send for a pamphlet THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 45S BROADWAY, Now Yong. Philadelphim Office -81- CHESTNUT .STREET. SEWING MACHINES. THE . SLOAT" MACHINE, With ULAN FREBSEE FOOT, NEW-STYLE HEMMER, BRAIDER. ►nd other valuable Improvements. ALSO. • THE TAGGART & FARR MACHINES, Aseney-99% CHESTNUT Street. • rohB-t! . UMBRELLAS. UMBRELLAS ! UMBRELLAS!! WM. A. DROWN 63 CO., NO. 246 MARKET STREET, PRILADELPHIA, Manufacturers of SUPERIOR. lIMBRELLLS. a OR STYLES OF PORTRAITS, SUCH F • as have no equal, get Life-size Photographs of REIMER, colored in oil, in an artistic and. impressive wanner, by most able artists. SECOND Street, above Gram LA 'OUR r OIL.H-486 BASKETS LA TO R OLIVE OIL, ;net received Per brig Pandora and for sale by JAME STORE & L aVERGaiIi, an29•St 202 and 204 South FRONT Street HERMETICALLY SEALED FRIJITS AND VEGETABLES. — 2,000 dozen cans fresh Peaches. 2,000 do do do Pineapples. 500 'do do do Strawberries. '. 500 do . do .do Blackberries. 800 do - do do Whortleberries. 2(0 do do do Cherries. 4,000 do ddo Tomatoes; dm., sc., On hand and for sale by • RHODES & WILLIAMS, 107 South WATER Street. . CHAMPAGNE. -AN INVOICE OF Gold Lao," and. Gloria OhampAKne, in quarti and pints, just received per French ship idee Amalie.' for sale by . :CHAS. 8. & JAS. COISTAMS. • . ' . tiole . A.gints MIN : A0 1 44/0 WALlfiln Asill wit uiturrx at*. RETAIL DRY GOODS. EYRE & LANDELL; E• & L. 9 FoURTH AND, ARADH, AEI OPENING VOIR , roALT, TRADE, FRENCH MERINOES, GOOD BLACK SILKS, DARK FIGURED SILKS, NEW PLAID SILKS, NEW FANCY. FLANNELS, BALMORAL PETTICOATS, RED, WHITE, AND BLUE • FLANNELS, &c. an27-theintf FLANNELS, FLANNELS. SCARLET, BLUE, AND CHERRY OPERA FLANNEL SAXONY, BALKAEDFALE, and BE AL WELCH FLANNEL. DOMET, SHAKER, AND WASHINGTON FLANNEL. • GRAY, BLUE, AND RED, both twilled and plain. SHEPPARD,YAN HARLINGEN, & AHRISON, 100 S CHESTNUT STREET anl9-tu sl2t FRENCH MERINCER. Browns, Blurs, Greens, Purples. All-wool RPM, in choice shades. Wool Delaines—Modes and Blacks. Alpacas—Browns, Modes. and Blacks. ,FALL CL.IAES. Water-proofs, of Black and Brown Cloths. Cloaks made to order. New Check square Shawls. - Black Thibet long and:square Shawls. COOPER Ai OUNALED. ftn2.l3 *wenn NINTH and MARIKET Stream CLOTlig AND 0 ASS - MERE& ‘-!. Opening Black and Fancy Cassinieres. Opening Black Broadcloths. Opening goods for Boys' wear. is ORDERS Taken for Boys' Jackets, Pants, and Overcoats, for fall and winter wear. Also; a select - stock ready-made Boys' Clothing. COOPER & CO BARD. an 29 d. it. corner NINTH and MARKET !Streets. 'LAWNS, LAWNS. LAWNS.- Fine Brown Lawns, with small Unreel, at 25C. Fine Brown Lawns, with small figures, at 25a. Fine Brown Lawns, with small figures, at 25c. Cheap, scarce, and desirable, Cheap, scarce, and desirable, Cheap, scarce, and desirable, JOHN H. STOKES', TONS' A.RCH.Street. S HARPLESS BROTHERS ARE STILL "•••• offering: Their Immense Stock at Prices ranch Lee Than the Coat of Importation, Consisting of. Lawns, Silks, Challis, - Coatinge. Cassimeres. Vestings, Sareges, Shawls, Delainee, Chintras,Poplins.&c. tad CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. SUMMER SHAWLS. Grenadine Shawls, $4 and $4 50. Plaid Spun Silk Shawls, $.3.75. Lace Points. $6 50. $lO, &c. Crepe de Paris Shawls, $6. _Cloth Cloaks, Silk Mantles, Sic. Also, a Large assortment of - Summer Dress Goods selling out At very low Prices. BIT ARPLESS BROTHERS. Sub CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. 10144 CHESTNUT STREET E. M. NEEDLES OFFERS FOR SALE, At prices generally below present coat of Impor . fation, WHITE GOODS, all descriptions. EMBROIDERIES. do LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, do VEILS, atc„ •nd reapectfally Invites impaction of hls stock. 1034 CHESTNUT STREET STILL FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN the Prices of all our SUMMER DRESS-GOODS. To close out, we have reduced our stock of Black and Gray-ground Silk Grenadines to 75c. They cost from SLI6 to 31 60. All our Gic French Bareges to 25c. All our Wand 62c French Orttandiaa to 3734 e. All oar French Lawns to less than cost. All our American Lawns as low, as the lowest. 1430 pierce Choice Styles Chintzes to lac. Willlamovals and Wamontta Muslin& 350. Best English Cotton Flannel, at 373f0. R. STEEL & SOH, No. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. IDWIN HALL & CO., 26 SOUTH 13E1- OOND Street. are now offering BLACK SILKS AT REDUCED. PRICES. Black Silks at 411. 1.123, man. 25. - - summer Siikerat reduced prices: - Foulard Silks at reduced prices. Silk Grenadines at reduced prices. Fine Organdies at reduced prices. Fine Dress Goods. all reduced. Fine Modes; -Blnes..and Pearl Bareges. Plain Blues, Buff, and Pink Percales. or French Chintzes. lust received. . - N. B.—Just received one case of superior quality Plain Silks. The colors are Browns, Mites, Modes, F'urple. and Green: price, $1.37%; been selling at £lll. 75. .iy2o-tf ARDTV GOODS. ARMY CLOTHS ! ARMY CLOTHS 1 WILLIAM T. SNODGR&SS' ARMY, NAVY, AND CIVIL CIAOTI-1 EEOUSE, Nos. 84 SOUTH molar and .513 STRAWBERRY Sts. ARMY AND NAVY : • ALL SHADES AND GRADES. CIVIL : ALL STYLES AND PRICES. OUR MOTTO! " QIIICIL SALES AND 0001) PROFITS." an22-teeM G. W. SIMONS eo BROTHERi SAHSOH-STREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA, - HANITFACTITRERR SEvirELRY., FINE SWORDS, AND MILIVARY GOODS IN EVERY VARIETY. anTI-G43m ARMY GOODEL Diatx-Bura COAT CLOTHS, DARK-BUIE CAP CLOTHS. SET-BLIFE CLOTHS FOR OITICIES. ARMY BLABBETS. STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OIINCE DUCK. DRILLS. STANDARD WRIGHT. WAVY LINEN DRILLS AND MOIL BROWN AND BLEACHED SNIZTINOR AID is 1105. lor Baas by FROTHINGIIAM & WELLS. ARMY HATS, ARMY RAM ADOLPH ds RERNi No. 6A North SECOND Street, Philadelphia, Manufacturers of all kinds of PELT HATS, hays on hand a large assortment of all the various and - most approved styles of - ARMY IlArr,S. Orders by mail from sutlers or jobbers, will be Promptly Riled at the lowest rates. le3o-Sni 1776. 1863. A G S - 1.1! SILK FLAGS !•t BUNTING 71146111 ' 7 PENANTS. UNTON J..A 0 K:l3. STREAMER* IT N T. T. . Q I RED, W HITE, AND BLUE. EVANS_ els HASSALI4 MILITARY FURNISHERS, bmtf No. 4115 ARCH STRUM Philadelphia. ICE. ICE. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, BY THE CARGO; DBLIVBRED AND PACKED ON SHIPBOARD. IN BOSTON. For sale by TUDOR COMPANY, anl4 •ISE BOSTON. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. AMERICAN WATCHES IN 2. 3, 4. and 15-es. SILVER. CASES C.-.& & A. PEctrriGliror, Manufacturers of Watch Cases, No. 32 S. FIFTH Street, Between Chestnut and Market. au2s-tuthi3-Im* G. RUSSELL, FINE AMERICAN and Inorteci WATCHES, Fine Jewelry. Silver an ate 4 ware, ite. .1923.6 m . Ha North SIXTH Street. FINE WATCH REPAIRING attended to , by the moat experienced workmen , an every Watch warranted for one Year. G. RUSSELL. Ma North SIXTH Street. FAQ_ LIES RESIDING IN TUB -s• RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared. as heretofore, to supply randliee at their Country Residence, with DISCRITTION OF FINE CiROCIERIES, TEAR, 4110. ;:F ALBERT C.ROBERTB, moos - .f:;;CORALS ETIMITH UP. Viii= na.. - PLANTATION BITTEII... The Cale of tho Plantation Miters le without precedent hi the history of the world. There is no secret in the matter. They are at once the most speedy. strenatheir !mg health-restorer ever discovered.. It requires hut a mingle trial to understand this. Their rarity can always be relied upon. They are composed of the celebrated Cal !soya Bark, Oascarilla Bark, Dandelion, Chamomile Flowers, Lavender Flowers, Vtintercreen, Anise. Clo ver-buds, Orange-peel, Snake-Dr% Caraway, Corian der, Burdock. B.—T.-1860-IC.. Ica. They are especially recommended to - ctorgymen, pub lic speakers, and persona of literary habits and seden tary life, who require free digestion, a rein& for food, and clear mental faculties. Delicate females and weak persons are certain to lind n these Bitters what they have so long looked They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. Theyare an antidote to change ocwater and diet. Thai overoome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen ihesystem and enliven the mind.. They prevtnt miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation 7' They Sure Diarrhcea. Cholera, and Cholera Morbas. They core Liver Complaint and NerVons Headache' They are the best Bitten in the world.. They make the weak man strum and are exhausted nature's xreat re; storer. Thelollowing startling and emphatic statements can be seen at onr office: Letter of Rev. R. F. CRANE, Chaplain of the 107th Mar York Regiment. NEAR ACQIITA CREEK. Marsh 4th. 1863 Owing to the greit exposure and terrible decomposition after the battle of Antietam, I was utterly prostrated and very sick. My stomach would not retain 'medicine. An article called Plantation Bitters, prepared by Dr. Drake of New York. was prescribed to give me strength and an appetii a. To my great surprise they gave me immediate relief. Two bottles almost allowed me to join my regi ment. * * I have since seen them need in many cases, and am free to say, for hospital or private purposes I know of nothing like them. BEY. E. F. OBANS; Chaplain. Letter from the Rev. N.E. Gruos, Bt. Claire rklte; Pa: GENTLEMEN : Yon were kind enough, on a former oc. casion, to send me a' half dozen bottles of Plantation Bitters for $3.60. My wife baying derived so much bane• flt, from the use of these Bitters, I desire her to continua them, and you will please send us six bottles more for the money inclosed. I am, very truly, yours, N. E. GILDS, Pastor Ger. Ref. Church... BOLDIEHIe HOME, SUPERINTENDENT'S oprraal CINCINNATI, OHIO, Tan.lSS3 # I have given your Plantation Bitters to hundreds of our noble soldiers who atop here, more or less disabled rom various causes. and the effect is marvellous and gratifying. Such a preparation as this is I heartily wish in evert family, hospital, and at hand on every battle field. G. W. D. ANDREWS. Superintendent, Dr. W. A. Cmina. Surgeon of the Tenth Vermont Regiment, writes " I wish every- soldier had a bottle of Plantation Bitters. They are the most effective, per fect, and harmless tonic I ever need. " WILLARD'S HOTEL, WASHINGTON, D. C., May 22d. 11363. GENTLEXER ; We require another supply of your Plantation Bitters, the popularity of which daily in creases with the guests .91 oar house. Bespectfully, • 13YKi9, CHADWICK, & CO &e., &c., &c., &c., atc Be sore that every bottle bears the fac-slmile of onr signature on a steel-plate label, with our private stamp over the cork. P. DRAKE- di CO.; 202 BROLDWAY; N. Y. Sold by all respectable Druggists, Physicians. Oro cars, Hotels, Saloons, and country dealers kr23-thstnif2m WANTS. WANTED -ONE OR TWO GOOD BOYS, resPectably connected, who are not afraid of work, in a Wholesale nry-Goods.Store on bfarket street. Graduates of the 'nigh School preorred. Ad dress "A. 8.," at this office aur-th.sm3Po WANTED-A:-GOOD IRON SAFE IN in exchange for Board And Taition in a first-class Female Boarding Senora. Also, two gon , l PIANOS on the came terms. Address "8.," Box 2282, Philadolohio, Post Mice. aur6%),t, TWO .TEACHERS -WANTED: AN examination wilt 1.3 held in the. Bernard-street School. WEST CHESTER. -Penna. on SATURDAY, September 5. 1853. at 10 'o'clock A. M. for one First As sistant Female Teacher in the High Department, quali fied to teach French and Mathematics; salary 5450. Also, one Female Principal ofhitermediate department. By order. ran2s-10t*]' L. LEVIS. Secretary. WAYT D _ _ want reliable, energetic canvassers and agents in every county, for a genteel business at a commission of from $6 to £615 per day. No huliiiing. Experienced 'awn:mere preferred,but room for all. Address C. M. DUNI( at CO.. Publishers, At either Cincinnati. Ohio; Chicago, Illinois: or 1.831 RUDE Street, New York:- 3310.3 m. .0 WANTED TO RENT—A - OONVE ism nient. ROUSlLbetween Tenth and Twentieth and Pine and. Green streets. Abent tall Address B 183, P. 0.,• ait2n.2t* et WANTED TO RENT, A OONVE NIENT DWELLING-ROUSE, between Pine and Chestnut. Thirteenth and NinP k keenth streets, at a rent not over $500: Address Sax 1805: Post Office an27-3V DEPUTY - QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFlCE.—PiaranemorrA, VESSELS WANTED immediately to earn COAL t• the following points : Tortuga& Key Weet, Els. Tort Monroe, Vs.l Alexandria, Vs. Newborn, N. 0. - Port Royal, 8. G. A. BOYD; cooloio end 4r.14. Onart.rrnsmbp, BOARDING. ANTED -BY A GENTLEM AN T and his wife. one large ROOM, or two communi cating ones, with BOARD, in a pleasant locality, within the bounds of Chestnut, Spruce, Tenth, and Eighteenth streets; best of - reference given. Address, for one week, L. M. R.," Press office. . an2.7-3t* FIRST -GLASS BOARD, ILANDSOMI conininnicatine and single-rooms; private table if desired, No. 1315 FrAT.,NUT street:; ie2s-2m. FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOR SALE—ONE $4,000 GROUND -a- BENT and two $3,800 MortzazAs. Anpkv to' CAMPBELL k PIT &RD. BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets. COAL YARD FOR SALE.-T H E hest fitted-up YARD in the city. Capacity for doing., any 9MOTInt of business Inquire on thepremises. No. 957 North NIRTH Street. below Girard ave nue. an29-6t5 $4OO -w ELL-SECURED GROUND • VENT of this amount for sale. Address "J. F.," at this office. N.* T 0 LET—THE LARGE AND eli g ibly-sitnated STORE, NO. 519 ARCH Street. having a front of - 25 feet on Arch street, and extending back to Cherry street. an2.9-6t* in FOR SALE—THE ELEGANT double-front HOLiSE, No. 1715 GREEN Street. Large yard and all the modern improvements. Imme diate possession given att29-3t. in FRANKLIN STREET—FOR SALE:. several large and handsomely finished HOUSES on this Street: in splendid neighborhoods. Also, others of less size and price, D. S. GELD TT &MAID gR, 105 sousouthFOUßTH triet. N.B.—A variety of Bash Hill residences for sale - an29-6t. GERMANTg o WN.— TO RENT—A. Araicomfortable three-story HOUSE, on -Rittenhouse street, in good order, with water and gas. Rent 8300. WST. MOON, 25 North FOURTH Street. ea TO RENT—THE UPPER ROOMS .wal , of 432 CHESTNUT Street, second door above Post Office. Apply to MOSS .CO., au27-3t No. 430 Xi &REST Sireet. r FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL COUN TRY- PL ACE. containing 10 acres of beautifully located 'ground. fruits of every kind, large and conve nient-built improvements of all kinds, nicely shaded. Situate about 4-miles from the city. Also, another of 6 acres. within three minutes' walk of Railroad Station, 1 mile from Steamboat Landing, 13 miles from the city. APPIy to E. PETTIT. 309 WALNUT Street. gri FOR SALE: r -CHEAT - FARM. -aa— Containing 149 Acres, near the Moorestown turn pike, 6 miles above Camden • large and substantial im provements nicely Watered . ; three superior Apple Or chards, Poach Orchard, &c. The Stock, Crops. and Farming Utensils will be sold at a low fiance, and pos session given immediately. Price only $26 per acre. Apply to E. PETTIT,. au2B 309 WALNUT Street. LEGAL. TN THE ORPHANS'. COURT FOR - a- THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate 'of SUSANNA LUNGREN, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Conri to audit , settle. and adjust the account of WILLIAM BUTLER, Executor of busanna Lniigren, deceased, and to make distribu tion of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties-.interested for the purposes of his ap pointment on TUESDAY. September 15.1663. at 4 o'clock P.M., at his office. No. 131 South FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. an29-stu>4tbsl GEORGE HI. CONARROE, Auditor. PROPOSALS. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, PRILADELTIFfIA. 2Sth August, 15611. PROPOSALS mill - be received at this office: until WEDNESDAY. 2d September, at 12 o'clock M.,.for the immediate delivery M this city of Eight Psnlins, 20 feet by SO feet, 15 o z. c o tton a noir, Your Pauline, 15, feet by feet, The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. G H. CROSHAN, an2g-tse2 Ass't Quartermaster Gummi A BMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE -LA- OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets. PHILADELPHIA, August 26. 1863. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited at this office until 12 o'clock M.. on FRIDAY. the 4th of September next, to furnish promptly at the Schuylkill Arsenal— • x or 6.4 dark blue Wool Flannel. indigo dyed, army standard. . Linsey Body linings for Blouses (samples required). %• Ealing Rope. Bidders must state in their proposals the price, quanti ty bid for, and time of delivery. _ The ability of the bidder to fill the contract must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whose signa tures must be appended to the giutrantee,and said gua rantee must accompany the bid. ' Bidders, as well as their sureties or guarantors, who may not be 'known at this office, will furnish a certificate from the United States District Attorney, Postmaster, or other public functionar3r, at the residence of the bidder Betting forth clearly the fact tioiti the ?LW:r ar er/31 r - nreties are responsible men. who will; if a contract is awarded execute good faith with the United States and faithfully the same. Samples of tne Flannel and Baling Rope can be *min at this °Mop. and bidders are invited to be present at the e lTotp n cfsgs th nlita le he endorsed "Proposals for Army Supplies," stating the particular article bid for. G. H. CROSNAN. an 29 6t Met Q. M. General D. 8. Army. AFRICAN GINGER-40 000 POUND* au,isvn,4iitstadireardild.urtiu!atil.twitienr AUCTION SALE. BAZAAR-NINTH AND SAN. 4.4"1446 SOW STRUM SPECIAL PRPT , '"ey'ro'vv Toz rt.rTY TIOBSES. IshitiNtSDAY WOWING. September:ed., at li 0 cioul pracktely, at the will be told, • . These 'Gorses were eelee.tedlP the State of New York, by parties who have beet SllioKcontracts for the Go vernment, and are adapted for all kinds of•work: and fire now to be cold, to olo.e a partnership concern. P SALE PEREMPTORY. T47 1, Z17:77 ,,, t, Anctto•-oor. - . ANIUSIEIMENTS. A MFBICAN ACADF.Zer OF' Ml3BlO, - " L. Under thß management of MR. J. 8 CLARII TFIB LAST NI - GAT TOE LAW NIVHT THE'LAFir NIGHT AND • EMIT 0 , 5.1.-N Boma , 3:D IN BOOTH, Who Will pertorth Two cur NIS Dllfilipinsmo cHiolearkstf. And, for THIS OCCA,SOI , ONLY. MR. • CLA.RICR will aprpa r IN TWO GLORIOUS PARTS. TRAGEDY! OOMEDY!: Fe.s.Okt• THIS (Saliiiday) MUTING. Ankuet 28. The celebrated Fourth act, embodying the fame= trial scene of Shakepea re's ~ - 'MEECH &NT VENICE. , OBSERVE THE N amEi I EDWIN BOOTH. in hie peat 'role of SHYLOC EC. Mr. 6infidt .3ita — fF 614, Mr.:..kP BARR.ETT, bfr'LEWT. BAKER, as OR.~TisgO, - Mrs. ALEXI N F. BAKER. as - Pe r .ll l 'r Mrs. T. G. gARRETT, as- NEELIESA.. - The most I.augbabi of all comic dramas, cai , ed HOBERT MACAIRE . Mr. J. E. CLAriKE. ad .7..kt;l4frpg STROP. ShakspearP's _three Acts; TAMING THE SHRBYr:- .- OR, RATA ARISE at D PE CRUCHIO. EDWIN — BOOTH, i 1 his celebrated enm-d I , character of PETRUCHIO. BuckstoDp'., lITAAtORt farce of COUSIN JOE. COUSTN . JOP by Mr. J. S CIAINCE. Box Buok open at 9 o'clock this-morning. Parquet, Parquet Circle, and Balcony, fA coats: Fend ly.Circlea. 25 cents. No extra charge for rmerved seats. Box Office open Daily. from 9 till 4, where heats can be secured to August Tab- Doors open at quarter past 7. Overture begins at quarter before 8 wit 23. WALNUT STREET THE A.TRE. Lessee. Mrs. M A. Gi RRETTSOki". • . _ . . ..... . _ . _ . . ENLARGED, GR AND REoPENING, MONDAY. Aug. 31st. ISO. THE THEA.TRE RE-DECORATED, AND ENTIRELY REMODELED, AND - ELEGANTLY UPHOLSTERED. New Scenery' by Decors , ions Ly Minard Lewis, Thomas Murray. New Wardrobe at Immense cost. On. which occasion THE RENOWNED SPANISH ARTISTE, SENORITA CUB AS, Will essay, For the first time in America, a speaking character in a new Diem& in four acts, written express/* for her, entitled LATAINGrRO. TSB OTPSY BROTHER Henry De. Lacy, (son of Countess) • SENORITA de la Fleur) IS 4BEL . Lavangroln Bohemian) ' CIIBAS. Sopported by the strong and efficient CoMPANY ea. gas ed for the session. . Box Office will open on Saturday, August 29, from 10 tut 3 o'clock, when seats may be secured. Prices as usual. 'MEW CHESTNUT-ST. THEATRB, Lessee and Manager - Mr. WM. WHEATLEY. LAST NIGHT OF THE SUEMv.g. SEASON. Last AlioParance 'of the MARTINETTI FAMILY AD MARZETTI. BENEFIT OF MMR MAREET rf and MLLE DESIREE. ENTIRE CHANGE PRODRaMskE. SATURDAY EVENING. kunst 29. MA.RIETTA. ZANFRETTA as LA BOUQUETERE on tke TIGHT RO2.E. After Which the RRAUTT FUT. BA.LTAT. To be follow K e A d T l3 = the Comic entitled. VOL AII I VENT. e. To include with ITALIAN BRIGANDS SPECIAL "NOTICE The regular Ti LL AND WINTER SEASON of this est•blish men t will commence on SATURDAY EVENING, September 5, on which occasion THE DUKE'S MOTTO will he prodnced, the extensive preparations for its Proper rendition canainz • - A POSTPONEMENT of itsproduction to that date. MUSICAL FUND - HALL, LOCUST Street, between. EIGHTH and NINTH IMMENSE SUCCESS AT LENGTH ACHIEVED THE GHOST! THE GHOST! THE GHOST! brought to highest point of perfection, gave last night the greateet satisfaction to an IMMENSE AUDIENCE. A new arrangement of the Hall gave a better opporta nity for working THE STEREOPTICON. and, taken altogether, a - more delighted audience never departed from a Place of amnsennot than left Mnstcal Fund Hall after last night's Exhibition AGAIN. TO-NIGHT, Will he presented THE WONDERFUL. THE ASTOUNDING, THE MAR VELOUS APPARITION! Together with the nnequatted ROSS' STE . REO'F'TTCO't , . - . w - fistic ^ W A GRAND MATINEE AT'S' O'CLOCK THIS AFTERNOON . Admission; CMAR. Iteaerced Senta. 25 cents extra. Fora ante at GOULD'S. corner Seventh and Chestnut streets, and at the CONTINENTAL HOTEL. Also at the Door. atiN CONCERT HALL.-CONCERT HALL. ' l / 4 " Commencing on SATUED 4Y EVENING. August THE PHANTOM! THE PHANTOM! OBSERVE . THE OHO 3T! THE GHOST! THE GHOST! THE GHOST! THE GHOST! The Great Original and GRAND SPECTRAL ILLUSION, Pronounced by all the Professors and Swans of London. and Paris. to be the greatest scientific Wonder the world has ever beheld STARTLING MARVELLOUS APPARITIONS. by costly Scientific Apparatus, adapted from the inven tion of H. Dircke, Esq.. by Professor Pepper, Hon. Di rector of the Polytechnic Institute, London. Will be produced. REGARDLESS OF COST. ender the personal supervision of MR H. WATKINS. who was the first to introduce it to th e American Public at WALLACH'S, New York. Mr. Watkins will present to the citizens of Philadel phia THIS mosr ASTOUNDING PHENOMENON. which has SENSATIONIZF.D EUROPE, AND STARTLED AMERICA, AS STALKING, SPE AXING E , DEAD AND SINGING 'VISIONS OF TH, in thesame o STYLE OF EXCELLENCE.- that won from the lG H entire EST SNC of MI ew MS Press N York the HOU Tickets 25 cents. Secured Seats 50 cents, which can be obtained at the Hall, from 10 A.. M. to 3 P. M., on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. A GRAND MATINER on WEDNESDAY at 3 o'clock. REMEMBER CONCERT HALL. au37.3t FASHIONABLE DANCING AC ADE MY.— D. C IRPRNTER. will open his elegant Rooms, No. 6915 ARCH Street, for the reception of scholars, on TPESDAY,Sentember let. Circulars can be had at No. 625 ARCH Street. au.29.3t* pENNSYLVANIA_.,&I3ADBXY OF I'VE TIMM 1.056 CHESSTNITY STREET. OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M. tIB 6 P. M. - Admission 29 manta Children half price. 1.329-ti EXCURSIONS. FLAG PRESENTATION , ~~ - - AT CAMP WILLIAM PENN On: North Pennsylvania Railroad, ON MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 1563. Extra Trains will leave BERGS-STREET STATION for he Camp, on August 31st, at 2P. M. and-3 30 P. M. RETURNING . Leave Chelton Hills (Station nearest Camp) at 615 P. aUd 7'30 P. M. Fifth and Sixth-streets line of City Passenger Cars connect at Berke street. ELLIS CLARK, AGENT. SATURDAY EXCITE , at 9 and 4 P.1g.1 good to return on Monday at 5 30 or 10.30 A.M. Yarn 54.00 -rip tickets s'.), GO: must be purchased at the office, on WALNUT-Street Wharf. Through in 4% hours. ..u29tf MOONLIGHT TRIP TO THE MTV BY THE SEA." MUNDY'S. SIXTH' ANNUAL COMPLIMENTARY MOONLIGHT EXCURSION TO ATL ANTIC CITY [N 7 - -;.,:,,, will take place on SATURDAY EVENING - , Ang - tist 29th. 1863. Last boat leaves Vine street Wharf at 7.30 P. M; re turning. leaves Atlantic on MONDAY at 4 9. H. FARE FOR Tint ROUND TRIP. , El. 50. Tickets for sale at all the principal Hotels. and at the Ticket Office, at Vine street Ferry, one hour before start ing. SPECIAL .NOTICE . Small parties engaged in Machine Shops and Factories. or Convalescent Soldiers, can have a car to themselves. by applying to the Agent at the wharf. if they wish to spend TWO NIGHTS AND A DAY AT THE SEASTDE. at a low rate of fare. fan.24 - So t l T)AVTT) H. WINDT. SUMMER RESORTS. CONGRESS HALL,_CAPE The public are respectfully informed that this e r a- Cifl.l4 Hotel will continue open until the 20th of SEPTEM BER The railroad IS. now comnletedigrom Philadelphia to this unequalled watering-place. and 3 -trains run daily to and from Philadelphia. Accommodating terms for families at this house can. be made on and Ow the let of Sentember. MELEE Au WEST. anl6-12t Proprietors. THE SEA _ SHORE. ammoCAPE MAY AND PI:qtrAVELPHIA.. BY RAM ROAD._TBRoUGFI FROM , OA. M.n E•N WITHOUT CR ANGE Until farther notice,. from.WiTATIT-STREET Wharf. at 9 A. IS. and 4 P. M. Fare through], S 9 ock Excursion Tickets. by 4. P. M. train on Saturday, good to return on Monday, *4; Tickets must be purchasedat the Offise. on the Wharf, before the boat leaves. YAB RENSSEL &1311, ann. -tf Snot. West Jersey Railroad. FOR THE SEA. „ Am-_ . WORE t t SUMMER ARRA,NGEMENT. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY, Innartith, 1883. trains for AS , 'antic City will le:l*e Vine-street Ferry as follows: Mail train leaves 2 .30.30 A. t _ Express train leave!" 3P. Freight train, •with pasaangeroaar attached— 9.06 A. Retorning. leaves Atlantic-ONY : Nail train.. .. .....‘ ........ . —..--- 4.35 F. Express train 6.00 A. 12.05 P. 'Freight train , Fare to Atlantic. - 542. )Nand-Sri p Tickets, good Io the day and train only. or &Own on Saturday and np 051 Monday. morning. SS An Accommodatiosit to R. and D. R. R. ki n g tlon will leave Vinat 5.15 F. N. ; rat:irmid morning at 6.15. EXTRA 'HADDONFIELD TRAINS Leave Vine dreg at 13.15 A. H. and 1.45 P. 25- Leave Haddonfield at 12.15 P. M. and 3 P.M. 1e73-tf IRO. G. ERYAAT. Agent J ar m o DAILY LINE TO OAPH MAY; —On and after WEDNESDAY nortmt 5, the steamer MANHATTAN. Captain Robert Kirby, will leave Arch street wharf at a o'clock A. IL. every TUESDAY, THURSDAY. and SATURDAY, for tirE MAY. and the steamer WILSONSIEALT,Captebi H. SMITH BRIGHT. every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY end FRU) AY: Returning, will leave. Cape May at eg, osclock, stepping at New Castle, connective with the Baltimore lines daily. going and returnithg. Fare from Philadelphia. e 2. 1 0. New Castle. INA " 'Carriage hire included: Meals extra. Children mg Servants half price. Carriage hire foptharvaitts extra. No freight received after slat &cloak. asd-td WAFTED MEN CAN BE FUR NISHED with SUBSTITUTES and have them mus tered in immediately 011.. application at 442 WA tarn Street. second floor. an2B-6ev PL AB E Ts-1,200 OASES OF PIF- A-I FERMI` Analturepr . ehloketla rAnts. alai. De 146 st. 7 and RiIORMAITS MikMkt A N PUNto. BASI &NO
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