SHERIFF'S SALES. CHEBIEF’S SALE.—BY VIBTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to mo directed, will be GKpoßed to public Bale orvendu*. on MOS DAY - Evening, . August 3, 1663, ut 4 o'clock, at Faneom-street Hall. ’ Uo. 1. All that certain lot or piece of groand, with tbe three-story brick meseuaße or tenement tliereon. erected. Situate on the cast aide of Mervtue ►treat, at the dhtauca of 172 feet northward from ihe oorti* side of Columbia avenue, in the late district of Penn, now t> e Twentieth Ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing'in front or breadth on the said Mervlne street 16 feet.and extending in length or depth eastward of that widih at right an gles with tne said Mervine street 73 feet. Bounded north ward by a messuage and ground qow nr late of Wiltlam K. Deacr-n, southward by ground uow or late of Win li. Barney, eastward by ground la e of Charles Henry Fisber, and westward by {nervine strppt aforesaid. [Be ing the samn nr-mises which WiliiamK. Deacon, bvin denture dit«-d the Ist day of July, A. D. 1851, recorded at Philadelphia in Deed booh G W. O , No, y 3, page 416. Sic. , granted and conveyed to Jeremiah. Stall in fee; subject to’he payment of a certain vearlvraut or snm of $42 in eqnal ball’yearlv payments on the first day of the months of January and July m every year forever j Mo. 3. Also, ali ihatcertain tliree-story brfok messnare or tenement, with the tnree-story back building and let or piece of ground, situate on the east side of-Lawrence (latB Apple) street, at of 132 fept northward from the north sice os' Poplar street in »k« late Northern Liberties, now the hixleeath ward of said city of Phila delphia; ctuiaining in front or breadth on the said Law rence street p 8 feet, aud extending i» length or depth 65 feet. Bnnnded northward by the next-described mes suage and lot, eastward by gronnd once of Benton Oos ton, southward by a nipssuHge and- lot late of John Swink, and westward by Lawrence street. Mo. 4. Also, all that certain three-story brick mes suage or tenement with tbree-rtory back buildings and lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of I.'iW rence (late ’Apple) street, aforesaid, «t the distance of 150 feet north warn from the north ssde of s<rid Poplar street, in the late Northern Libt-rtie», now the Sixteenth ward of the said city of Philadelphia: containing in front or breadth on arid Lawtencs street ISfoet. and extending In length or depth 55 feet. Bounded nouhw-u’d bv ground now or late of Levein M. Coston, eastward by ground once of Benton ifoston, southward by the Jast describod messuage and lot, and westward by the said Lawrence street. , Mo. 5., Also, fill that two-story brick m°ftfuage or tene ment with one-siory kitchen and lot or piece uf ground Situate on the west side of Leitbgow (late Mechanics) street, at the distance of about 166 feet northward (along the line of said Ler.hgow str-et). from the north side of Poplarstreoc atoresaid; coutaiuing in front or breadth 12 feet, and extending iu length or«:epth 45 feet. Bound ed on the.north by greuun now or late of Levein M. Coston, onthe east by said Leitlmow street, and ou Ihe Bonti and west bv ground once . f Beaton Coston. Mo. 6 Also, fill ihat certain tw’-otory brick messuage or tenement with one-story lutcheuaud lot or-piece of ground, situate on tbe west sideof said Leitheow (late Mechanic*) street, at the distance of about 17S feet north ward (along ihe Bop of raid eitbgow street), from the north side of Poplar street afove-aid; containing in front or breadth 12 fo*t, and extending iu'length .or depth 45. feet. Bounded on the north, south and west by ground once of Benton Coston.and on -the east by LeitUgow street aforesaid. Mo. 7. And also, all that certain two-story brick mes suage or tenement with one-story kitnhea aud lot or piece of ground, situat**-on the w- st Ride of said Leith gow (late Mechanics) street, at the distance of about 190 ieet northward (along the hue of said Laithgow street), •• from the north side or Poplar street aforesaid; contain- ’ ingin front or br* adth I2>feet, and extending in length or depth 45 feet. Bounded on the north and weft by ground once ofsaid Benton Coston, on ihe eistby said Leithgow street, and on the south by orouud late of John Swink. [Mote.— Tho said five last mentioned messuages or tenements.and lots or pfoci-s of ground, being .the same premises which Joseph Wood by indenture dated the 31st day of.Decouiher, A. D , 1853, recorded at Philadel phia, m Deed Book T. H , No. 123, page3s6 £cc., granted and oonyeyed unto the said Jeremiah Stull In fee. ] Mo. 2. Ali-o.'lali that certain Jot or piece of ground with the two four* story and eight three- story brick mes suages or tenements, constituting a court, thereon erect ed, situate on the south side of Lombard street »t the dis tance of 45 feet eaatwaid from the ease side of Twenty first (late Schuylkill Senoud) street in said citr of Phila delphia; containingic front or breadth outh'esaid Lom bard street 46 feet, and extending in length or depth of that width southward 78 feet Bounded northward by said Lombard street, eastward by ground now or late of Jonathan Johnson, southward by ground now or late of Barron and Hum, and westward partly by grouud now ; or late of .John Beatty, aud partly by ground now or late of James J. Spencer. [Being the same premises which Joseph Wood by indenture dated the 3lst day of Decem ber, A*D. 1863, recorded at Philadelphia in Deed Book. T.H., Ko. 123, page3s9, &c., granted and conveyed unto Jeremiah Stull in fee. J N. B. —Mo. 2 will be sold as follows, to wit: 1. All that cettain fo.ur-story brick messuage or tene ment with frame additions on the rear and eastern side thereof, and lot or pfece of ground situate on the south side of Lombard street at the discaace of forty-ttvs feet eastward from the east -ide of Twenty-first street, in the said city of Philadelphia ; containing in froat or breadth onthe said Lombard straottweucy-tlirea feet, (including therein the weßternmOft moiety or half part of a seven feet-three-inches-wide passage or alley way leading southward into a conn known as Spencer’s aonrt,) and in length or depth southward of t hat width eighteen feet to the northern line of siid court. Together with the privilege of building .over the adjoining privies in the rear of said lot of ground to the depth southward ef eight fett as thesame are now built over, and subiect to the free and common use and privilege of said passage or alley way by the owners, tenants, and occupiers of tbe lots of ground and premise* bounding on or forming part of said court, at nil times hereafter forever, as the game is now opened and used. 2 All-that certain four.-story brick meesnage or tene ment, with frame additions *>n the rear and western side thereof, and adjoining lot or piece of ground situate on the south side of Lombard street at tho distance of sixty eigbt feet eastward from the east side of Twenty-first st> eet. in said city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the siid Lomnard street twenty-three feet, (incluaingtherein tho easternmost moiety or half part of said eeven-ftet*three;inches-wide passage or alley way leading southward into said court known as SneucerV court,)and in length or depihsoulhward of that width eighteen feet to iht northern lino of said court. To gether with the privilege of building over the adjoining privies in the rear of said lot of ground to the depth southward ch eight feet, a* the same are now built over, and subject to the free and common use and privivileg-i of said passage or alley way bv rim owners, tenants.and occupier* of tho lots of ground and premises bounding on or forming part of said court, at all times hereafter forever, as the same is now opened and used. * 3. -All certain adjoining lot or piece of ground, with the throe story brick messuage and tenement, and .four privies thereon erected, .jitaate on thewestsidebf Spencers court aforesaid, beforeitig at the distance of about eighteen feet southward from the south side of Lombard street, in eaid city of Philedelphla; containing in front or breadth on a line running north and south through the middle of said court at the distance ofsixty ejght feet eastward from the east sideof Twenty-first street aforesaid twentv-one feet, more ot less, to a line running east acd west through the middle of the party wail between these and the premises adjoining bn the south next described,- aud extending in length or depth westward of ihat width twenty-three feet to the western line of said lot. of grouud on which said messuage aud court are built, including tnereiu a part of the western most portion o 1 said court. Together wish the free and common use and privilege of said court and the hs-draat water thtrein, aod said seven-feet three-inches-wide passage or alley way leading into said court from Lom bard street, at all tines hereaftor.for- ver, and subiect to thetree and common use ano privilege of said privies, aud tbe eastern portion of saidjo* of ground as apart of said court, as now used by the owners, tenants, aud oc cupiers of the lots ot ground aud premises bounding on or forming, part of said court, at all times horeafter for ever. and to the privilege of building over said privies by the owner or owners, for the time being, of the ad joiningpremises on tbe north, to the depth southward of eight feet, as they- are uow built over. 4. All that cert in adjoining .ot, orpiece of ground, with the three story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate.on the west sideof Spencer’s court afore*inning at the distance of about thirty-nine feet southward from the south-.sideof Lombard said city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on a. line running north and south: through themiddle of said court at the . distance of sixty-eight feet eastward from the east side of Twenty-fire.t street aforesaid, thir teen feet, more or less,-to a line running ’ ease and west through the middle of the party wall between these and the premises adjoining on thejoutli next described, and extending in length or depth westward of that width twenty* three feet to the western line of said lot of ground on which said messuage and court are built, (including therein a part of the westernmost portion of said court.) fiqgetner with tbe free and common use and privilege of said court and the hydrant water therein,and saidseren fef t-three-inches wide passage or alley way lea* ing into said court from’Lombard street, aud said privies at all times hereafter forever, and subject to the free and com mon use and privilege of tne eastern portion of said lot of ground, as a part of said court, as niwused by the .owner?, tenant s,* and occupiers of the lots of ground and premises bounding on or forming part of said court at oil times hereafter forever. * •6. All that certain adjoining lot or piece of ground, •mtii the three-story brick mi *>suage or tenement tliereon erected, situate on the west side of Soencer’s court afore said, beginning at the-distance of about fifty-two feet southward from the south side of Lombard street, iu the said city of Philadelphia; containing In front or breadth on a line running north and south through the middle of said coan, at the distance of sixty-eight feat eastward from the east side of Twenty first street aforesaid, thir teen feet, more or less, to a line running oast and west through the middle or the party wall between these and the premises adjoining on tne south, next described, and extending m length or depth westward of that width twenty three feet to the western line of said lot of ground, on which said messuage and court are built, (including therein apart of the westernmost portion of said court,) together with the free and common use and privilege oi said court, and the hydrant water thsrein, and said seveu-fest-three-iiicbes-wide passage or alley way lead ing into said court from Lombard street,and said privies, at all times hereafter forever, and subject to the free and common use and privilege of the eastern portion of said ground as apart of said court, as now used by the owners, tecanls, and occuoiers of the lots of ground and premises bounding on or forming part of said court, at all times hereafter forever. certam adjoining lot or piece of ground, With the three-story brick messuage or tenement • here on erected, situate on the west side of Spencer's court aforesaid, beginning at the distance of about sixtv-five feet southward from the south side of Lombard street, in the said city of Philadelphia;.containing in froat or breadth on a line running n„rtb and:south through the middle of said coart, at the distance of sixty-eight fset eastward from the east side of Twenty-first street afore said, thirteen feet, more or less, to the southern line of the said lot of ground on which said messuage and court are built, and extending in length or depth westward of that width twenty-three feet to tha western line of.said lot (inclnding therein a part of the westernmost portion of said.conrt). Together with the free and common use and privilege of said court and the hydiaut water there in, and saiu seven-feet-three-inches-wide passage or alley way leading into said court from Lombard street, and said privies, at all times hereafter forever, and sub ject to tho free and common use and privilege of the eastern portion of said lot of ground,^as a part of said 5 court, «s now used by tbe owners, tenants, and cccu piers of the lots of ground and premises bounding on or lonrtvng part of said court, at all times hereafter torever. 7. All that certain lot or piece of ground adjoining the second above described, with the three-siory'brick mes suage or tenement and four privies thereon erected, situ ate on the east sule of Spencer’s court aforesaid, begin ning at the distance of about eighteen feet southward from the south side of Lombard >tieet, in said city of Philadelphia: containing in front or breadth, on a line running north aud south through the middle of said court, at the distance of * ixty-elght feet • eastward from the eaßt side of Twenty-first street aforesaid, twenty-one feet, more or less, to aline running east and west through the middle of the party wall-between .these aud the pre mises on the south, next described,-ami ex tending in length or depth eastward, of that width, twenty-three ftet to the eastern lino of sa 5 d lot of ground on which said messuage and court are but It, (including therein a part of the easternmost portion of said court.) •together with the free and common use and privilege of -eaid court and said seven-feet three-inches- wide-passage < 2i , , a i, le ?;' w ?i y .- lcai i aK 'S 10 co-art from Lombafd -street, at all times hereafter, forever: and subject to the free and common use and privilegeof the hydrant-water upon said lot of ground, and said privies, and the west •ern portion or said lot of ground as a part ofsaid court as aowusedby the owners, tenants, aud occupiers of the Jots of ground and premises bounding on or fomLugpart ofsaid court, at all times hereafter, forever, and to the privilege of building over said privies, by the owner or owners for the time being, of the said adjoining pre mises on the north, tothe depth southward of eight feet, as they are now built over. . 84U certain .adjoininglot or piece of ground, with the three- storynirick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the ea.3t side of Spencer’s court afore said. beginning at the distance of about thirty.nine feet southward from the soujth side of Lombard street, in said city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on a line running north and south through the middle ofsaid court, atthe distance ot sixty-eight feet eastward from the east side of Twenty • fire j street aforesaid r thirteen feet' t 0 a , lme running M aad west through the e #£t rty bet . w .o«a these and tht premises ?ir?2!£a? 0 ? *u B<mt ]b next described, and extendingin . fH&th or depth, eastward of that width, twenty-three feet to the eastern line of said lot of ground on which Raid messuage and court are built, tteS pa?t of fraa portlon Ofsaid court. Sosether with tile hvdrant W??S 0 .S ,15 1 and P rivl leße ofsaid court, aud the wide oubSvo and !'““!> seven-feet three-inches Lomhiid sire J ll e J ""iV P to said court from fbKWM ■ andZbiSiWs at aU times- hereafter , itZf T af? c 1 the free and common use and pri- Tilege of the western portion of said lot of <rroundMa and OMui?ier 0 s U of th?°(7o ,1 i se . a by tle tenants, 3* ll ' l occupiers ot the the lots oi ground and nrpmisßß hereafter^forGver.° l mJnR of, MS erected, situate on the east side of Spencer’s cour^afnrft 1 said, beginning at the ; distance of afey-two feet southward from the south side of Lombard straeMn Hir said city of Philadelphia! containing in front “bread tit on a line running north and south through the-middf* of said court, at the distance of sixty-eightfeet eastward from the east side of Twenty-first street aforesaid, thir teen feet more or less, to aline running: east and west through the middle of the party wall between,these and the premises adjoining on the south, next described, and leng® or depth eastward, of that width, twenty-three fterto the eastern line of said lot of ground on which said messuage and court are built, (including >nw£i a paT f ‘it easternmost portion of said court). / iogether wuh thefree and common upe ani,privilege of' water therein, and said seven* i Passage or alley way leading into said court nom Lombard street, and said privie*. at all times: hereafter. • forever;'and subject to tbe free and ■common.use and privilege of the westernmost portion of eaid lot of ground as a part of said court as now used bv the owners, tenants ana occnpiers of the lo'b of ground and premises bounding on. or forming part of, said court, at all times hereafter, forever. 10. All. that certain adjoining lot or piece of ground, With the three-story brick mesnage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the east side of Spencer’* court afore said, beginning at the distance of about sixty-tlve feet southward from the south side of Lombard street, i a the said city of Phihdolphia; Jront or breadth on a line run Ding north and south through the middle of said court, at the distance of sixty-eight feet eastward from tlie.east Bide of Twenty-first street aforesaid, thir teen feet more or less, to the southern line of the said lot of ground on which said messuage and court are built, anu extending in length or depth eastward of that width twenty-thrco feet to the eastern line of said lot, (inclu ding therein a. part of the easternmost portion of said court ) Together with the free and common use and pri- Tilege of said court and the hydrant water, therein, and •said sevea-feet-three-inches wide passage or alley way leading into said court from Lombard street, and said privies, at all times hereafter, forever, and subject to thefree and common use and privilegeof the western portion ofsaid, lot of ground as a part of said court, as now used by the owners, tenants, and-occupiers of the lots of ground premises bounding on or forming part ofsaid court, at all times hereafter, forever - CD.C.,676} JuneT.,’63. Debt, $5 290.91. C M. Husbands.] Taken in execution and to be said as the property of James Johnson and Joseph E. Potts, executors of tbe last will and testament .of Jeremiah BtuU. doceasod, et al„ widow, heirs and devisees of said JeremlaU tJtull. deceased.- . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, July 22,186 i.' ’ iy2>’si SHERIFF'S SALES. QHEBIFF'S^SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF ~a writ of Alias Veuaitioni Exponas to me directed. Will be exoosed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAr Evening, August 3, ISSS.atio’ Bausom-street Hall, Alt that certain lot or piece of ground, with the brick building; stable, and sheds thereon erected, situate on tbe southwest side of Callowhill street, formerly the Upper Ferry road, beginning at the distance of two luudreil and sixty-seven feet a .nth west from .the north.- West corner of a former public landiog'of the district of Spring Garden, opposite to the southern end of Pair mount or Twenty-fifth street, now occupied by the city of Philadelphia as a gas works; thence running northwest along the southwest side of Callowhill street in front o» breadth one hundred and eight feet to ground granted to Franklin Miicbetl and S N. Bitchie, and extending southwer.twardly between parallel lines at right angles to Callowhill street in length or depth, two huadred and forty- two foot five iuche*. more or less, to low water mark of the river Scliuvlkill. Bounded northeastwardly by Callowhill street, by ground.granted to Potter, McKeever.. and'Conrad, southwestwardly by the river Schuylkill, and north westwardly bv ground warned to Mitchell and Ritchie. [Beingthe same premises-which Henry J. Williams and wife, by indenture dafod the lOth day of March A. D. , 1867, recorded March 16fb, 1663. in Peed Book t. C H., Mo. S 3, page 214, &c., granted and cotivejed unto the snid George B. Frick and Joseph (J. MiClnre: reserving thereout: a yearly ground rent of eight hnndred ana sixty-four dollars, paj'ablc on the first cKys of January and July in encli and every rear thereafter forever. 1 * LD. C.. 60S; June T.,/63. Debt, $5 002.60. Judsou.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George B. Frick and Joseph H McClure. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Pliilada.. Sheriff’s Office, July 21,1863. je23-St SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ oLAliaoTenditioni Exponas, to me'direct ea .will be exposed to pob’icsale or vendue, on MONOAT Evening, August3.lB63. at4o’clock. atSau«om-street Hall, No. 1. .Mi that certain lot or piece of grniua, with, the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate'at the northwest coimei’ of Ceda*" m* South street and Tenth : street-, iii the‘said city of Philadelphia; containing iu from or breadth on said. Tenth street eighteen fes»t and extending of that breadth in length or depth westward between) parallel lines along, said South street eighty seven feet, to a three-feet-wide alley laid out by Eli K. Price, and leading southward into said South street. Bounded northward by other gronnd granted to the said. Quintus C. Brown on ground rent, eastward by said Tenth street, southward by said South street, and west ward by said three-feet-wide alley. Together, with tho free use' and privilege of the aforesaid three- fe u t-wide al-- ley as a passage-way and water-course at all times here after forever, in common with S. F. Corlies, his heirs and assigns. No. 2. Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, - .situate on the wed side of Tenth street, at the di<tance of eighteen feet northward of Cedar (now called South) street, in the said city of Philadelphia; containing in front or .breadth on said Tenth street eighteen feet, aud extending of that breadth in length or depth westward botween pa Taller lines at right angle-* with sa'd Tenth streot,: eighty-seven feet to the above mentioned, three-.. . feot-wide alley. IBounded on th e north by ground granted, ot Intended to have been granted, to William .3. Richards ♦n ground rent, on the east by said Tenth street, on tho ' granted to thesaid Quintus C. B own on . ground Tent, and on the:west by said three-fe-»t-wide. alley. Together with the free u?e and privilege of said thr»e*feet-wide alley above mentioned. I Which said lot orpiece of ground firet above describ ed. Eli K. 1 Price, guardian of Samuel- Fisher Corlies. by •indenture dated the 6th day of April, A. D. 18’0, and recorded in Deed Book G W-C,, No 44. page 416, Ate., granted and conveyed unto the said Quintus 0. Brown in fee; reserving thereout untothe said Samuel Fisher Corlies, his heirs and as-igns, the yearly ground rent or sum of one hundred aud eighty dollars, payable half yearly, on the first days of January aud July in every year forever, clear or taxes, &c. And said lot, second above described, the said Sli K. Price, gu-irtliau as aforesaid, by indenture also dated tbe sixth day of April. A: D. 1850, and recorded in Deed Book G. W. C., No. 44, page 410. &c., granted and conveyed unto the said Quintus C. Brown iu fee; rosorviug thereout unto the said Samuel Fisher Corlies, his heirs and assigns, the yearly ground rent or sum of ninety-nine dollars, payable half-yearly on the first days of January aud July in every year forever, clear of taxes, &c. j . N. B—The above premises will be sold as one proper ty. The improvements upon it are as follows—viz: a three-story brick dwelling oil Tenth street and seven one-story stores facing on South street. [D. 0., 696; JuneT., ’63. Debt, *5,393. Bullitt.] Taken in exeention-and to be sold as ths orooerty of Quintus G. Brown- - JOHN THOMP3ON, Sheriff. Philadelphia.. Sheriff’s Office, July 21. 1.363 ie23-3t QHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, onWONOA7 Evening,, Augu«t3, 1863. at 4 o'clock, at S-tnFom-street Hali, ■ All that certain lot or piece of grouud. with the throe story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situ ate on the west side of Front street, at the distance of about twenty-one feet nine inches northward from the north side of Prime street, iu-tbk city of Philadelphia; containiugin front or breadth on thesaid Frout street sixteen feet one and a half inches, iuclndiwg the half of an alley on its north Fide, and extending that, width westward, parallel with said Front stre'et, fifty-five feet, more or less. Bounded on the east by the said Front street, onthe south by ground now or late of Michael Freytag, on the west by ground late of Michael-Freytag, and on tho north by ground of Maria Whitehead. [Be ing the same premises which George Copeland, almiai strator. Sic., by indenture- dated the 4th day of March, A. D. 1831, recordsd in Deed Book A. M.. No. 11; page 475, granted and conveyed unto Michael Freytag in-Tee.]' And the said Michael Freytag died seized in his demesne as of fee of and in (inter a lia) said above-described ’ premi ses, having first made and published bis last will and testament in writing, dated the 12th day of September, A- D 18SS, duly proved on the 20th dav of September, A. p. ISIS, by which, as a part of tbe rest and residue of his real estate, he gave and devised the abo re- described premises, with the appurtenances, unto his wife, Chris tiana'G. Freytag. in-fee. And the said Christiana G. Freytag died seized in her demean* as of fee of aud in (inter alia) said above-described premises, having first made and published her last will and testament iu wri ting,dated the Ist day-of November. A. D. 1353, duly proved September 13th, A. D. 1854, wberebs' she gave and devised the said premises unto the above-named “Mrs. Elizabeth Schriver for and during tbe term of her natu ral life, and from and immediate! v after her decease, then to all and every the child and children of the said Eliza beth Pcliriver, then living, aud the lawfal issue of sash of them as shall then be deceased, tlieirrespoctive heirs and assigns forever, in equal parts and shares so. hie vertheless, that suen lawful issue takes and receives such partand share only, a? his, her. or their deceased parent-would have had and received if living.”' And the said John B. Morasso aud Christian Esler are the only childsen of the said Elizabeth Schriver.- [D. C., 620; J. T.,’63. Debt, $712.50. D Weatherly, Jr. 1 • Taken m execution and to be sold as the property of Elizabeth Schriver et al.. John B. Morasso, George Es ler, Jr., and Christiana his wife. • • JOHN THOMPSON, Slieriff.- , Philadelphia. Sheriff’s office. July 21. 1863. i v23-3t QHEEIFP’S SA.LE.—BY YIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on. MOND AY Even ing, August 3, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-etreot Ilall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the un- : .finished three-stovy brick building thereon erected, situate on the south side of Christian street, at the dis tance of ono hundred and thirty-five feet eastward from : tbe east side of Nineteenth street, in the First ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth’ on the said Christian street sixteen- feet, and extending ill length or depth southward of that- width seventy feet, including pn the rear end the soil of a tliree-feet-wide alley (which leads eastward and westward and com municates with another three-feet-wide allev, laid'oat and left open at the distance of one hundred and sixty seven feet eastward from tbe east side of the said Nine teenth street, and running northwardly into thesaid Christian street.) Bounded northward by the said Christian street, eastward .by other, ground of the said Jbhtt B. Bodgers, westward bv ground also of the said J. B. Bodgers. and southward by ground now or late of Isaiah Y. Williamson. [Being-part of a larger lot of ground which the said John P. Persch and wife, by in denture hearing date tho first dav of April, 1862, recovdsd in the office for recording deeds. &c . for the citv and county .of Philadelphia, in Deed Book A.' O; H., No. 4C, Sage 83, &c., granted and conveyed unto the said John' ; Bodgers in fee.] Together with the free and common . use, right, liberty, and privilege of the said mentioned alleys respectively, as and for passageways and water courses at all times hereafter forever. [D. C , 599; June T., ’63. Debt. $1,169.67, Heyer.] Taken in execution and to be sold a« the nronerty of John B. Bodgers. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office. .Tnlv o/i. CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale ov vendue, on MONDAY .Even ing, August 3,1863. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground with the three-story brick messuage or tenement thereo n erected, situate on the north side of Christian street, commenc ing at the distance of two hundred and sixty feet east of Broad street, in.the Third ward of the cUy of Philadel phia; containing in front or breadth on said Christian street sixteen feet, and extending in length or depth northward,- of that width, fifty feet. Bounded, west ward by ground granted to Jostph Robb on ground rent, eastward by ground granted to George L, Sharp on ground rent, northward by the Jot hereinafter de scribed, and southward by said Christian street. - No. 2 All that certain lot or piece of ground with the" three-story brick messuage ov tenement thereon erected, -situate on the south side of TCates street, commencing at the distance of two hundred and sixty feet east of Broad street, in the Third ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said Ivatea street six teen feet, and extending in length or depth southward of that width forty-seven feet six inches Bounded west ward by ground grauted to Joseph Robb on ground rent, eastward by ground granted to George L. Sharp on ground rent, southward by the lot hereinbefore de scribed, and northward by said - Kates street. [Being the same loi or piece of ground which Michael Kates, by. indenture bearing date the 17th day of September. A. D. 1860, the counterpart thereof recorded in Deed Book G. W. C., No. S 2, page 347, drc., granted and conveyed unto Joseph Eobb in fee; reserving thereout a yearly ground rent or sum of sixty-eight dollars, payable in equal balf-hearly payments on the first day of the months of January and July in every year. ] •• [D. C., 594; June T., ’63. Debt, '$108:61. A: Miller. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as-the property of Joseph Robb- .'. • . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, SheriffVOffice, July 2?, 1863. ‘ iv23-3t • SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, August 3, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the south side of Christian street, at the distance of two hun dred and two Teet eastward from the east side of Nine teenth street, in the First ward of the city of Philadel phia; thence extending eastwavdly along the south side of said Christian street forty-two feet eleven inches to themldd-e of Long lane (now vacated); thence south weetwardly along the same seventy-nine feet oueinch, more or less, to ground now or late of Isaiah V. Wil liamson; : thence extending westward by the same ground six feet to other ground of the said John B Rod gers, and tbenco northward along the same seventy feet to the south side of said Christian street, the place of beginning [Being part of a larger lot or piece of ground which John P.* and wife, by indenture dated the Ist day of April, 1862, recorded at Philadel phia, in Deed Book A. C. H., No. 46, page S 3, &c.» granted and conveyed unto the said Johu B. Rodgers in fee. ] Together .with the free use, right, liberty; and privilege of a ihree-iect-wide alley; laid out and opened atthe distance of sixty-seven feet from the south side of the said Christian street, which runs westwaTdly and communicates with another three-feet-wide alley, laid out and opened at the distance of one hundredand sixty severt feet east of the said Nineteenth street, and running northwardly into the said Christian street, and of the free use, right, liberty and privilege of the said last mentioned alley as and for passageways and water courses, at all times hereafter forever. N. B-—On the above lot is erected an unfinished threa- Etory brick house or,building. [D. C„ 603; JuneT.,’63. Debt, $1,169.67. Heyer. Taken in execution and to be sold as the oropertv of John B. Rodgers. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 22, 1863. . jy23-3t CHERIEE’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF a writ: of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY' Evening, August 3.15C3, at 4 o’clock, atSansom-street Hall, ‘ . No. 1. All that, the undivided sixth part of all that • certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the southwest side of Marlborough, street, at the distance oi six-hun dred and: sixty-one feet eleven inches northward from Prince street, in the late district of Kensington, now at the distance of eighty-nine feet northwestward from Thompson street, in the Eighteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Marlborough street twenty feet, (on which front-is erected a two-story brick messuage or tenement,) and extendingin length or depth that breadth south west ward two hundred and two feet, to Grown (now called Crease) street, on which front is evocted a two-story frame messuage, or tenement. Bounded northwest wav’d by the next hereinafter described premises, southeast ward by ground intended to have neen granted to John and Benjamin. Nagle, souibwestwardly by Crease street, and northeastwaidly by Marlborough street aforesaid. [Being the same lot of ground which John Baker, et alia, by indenture dated January 26th, A. D. 1825, and recorded in Deed Book A. M., No.'ll, page 597, Ac., granted and conveyed unto John Fow. the father of the said David Fow, in lee.] No. 2. All that, the undivided sixth part of all that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on ne southwest aide of Marlborough street, at the distance of six hun dred and eighty-onefeet eleven inches nortbwrrd from Irmce street, in the late district of Kensington, now at the distance of one hundred and nine feet northward . from Thompson street, in the Eighteenthward of the city.of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said,Marlborough street thirty feet, on which front is erected .a two-story brick messuage Or tenement,.and ;in lengtk extending thence southwc-stwardly,,keepiug the same bread th para'lei with the said Prince street, two hundred, and two feet, to Crown (now called Crease) street, on wnicli front ie erected a two-story frame mes suage or tenement. Bounded northwestward by ground or John Reap southeastward bj-gi-onnd intended to be ,Wn,.?vT c ,° John Sauoders, now the premises first above oSKIJSm* fi °uthwestwardly by tne. said Crease street, SS4 n^ ast war ? Marlborough street aforesaid!' 10 l of ground which Clayton Bari and wife 'i )^i^ e r 4 tuv ? T Jane thelSth. A. D. 1811, and recorded in Deed Book A M.. No. 11, page 559, Ac.. granted and conveyed unto John Fow, the father of the gain David Fow, in fee; and t lie said John Fow, by his last, will and testament, dated the 20th day of April, A. B- 1842, and registered, m the office for the probate ef wills.Ac...for gje city and county of Philadelphia, in Will Book ISo- .SO, pa„e 290, Ac. , devised and beq.ueatk.ed lus real estate, of-wbich the above properties are part, uutoihis six children, ol whom the said David Fow is one. their heirs and assigns. J CD. C., 643; JuneT., : 63. : Dcbr, 51.778. H Ninnes ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of David Fow."j _ _ jOHN THOJfPsoN. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, July 22. 1563. SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Ijevari Facias, to'meidirecteil, will bo exposed to public sale ov vendue, on MONDAY 'Eyg uing, 3, 1563, ! at 4 o’clock, at Sansoro-street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate at the northeast corner of Sixty-fourth.: street and CallowhiU glreet, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Phila delphia in' frout'.or/breadth. on said Sixty fourth street five hundred feet- aud extending in length or depth eastward of that width two hundred and twen ty-flve feet to Montrose street. Bounded northward by Hamilton Rtroct, eastward .by Montrose street, eoafch ward by. Callowhill street.' and westward-by. Sixty fourth street atoresaid. [Being the same lot of ground (intor alia) which waldron J. Cheyney, with Fanny P his wife, by;deed- bearing dato - the first'day of-April, anno Domini 1861, intended to be therewith/recorded, granted and conveyed unto the said: Joseph H. BoiAall in fee. - 1 - . [D. C. 079; JuneT,v!63;.Debfc, $3,000. J.B. Townsend 1 ./ Taken inexecution and to be sold as the property of' JosephH.fßonsall.; M JOHN THOMPSON Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriffs oflics, • July 22, : 1363. ' jy23-dt SHERIFF’S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF k- 7 a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or veudue.on MONDAY Evening, Auttu&t 3.1863, at 4 o’clock, at Saneom-street Hall. Mo. 1. The undivided moiety or half-part of all that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the south side of York street, ore hundred feet wide, at tue di -t-ance of fifty-four feet westward: from the west side of Lemon street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city .»f Philadel phia; containing in front on said York etreet thirty- 1 wo ; feet, and in depth the same width, southwardly at right angles with said York street one hundred and twenty- Dine feet six and one-tightb inches to G&rdsn street. [Being the f-amo lot of grou« d which'Joseph M. Thom-is and wife, 5 by deed dated May 6. A. D. 1848, and recorded in Deed Book A. W. M.. No. 71, pae«226, Sic., granted unto Christian J. Fell and George M. Kreslerin fee, as tenants in comihon, subiect to a ground rent of *l2 ] Mo % 2. Tbe undivided jnoiety or half part of all that certain frame or tenement aud lot or piece of ground, situate in the city of Philadelphia, on thesonth westwardly side of Ann street, at the distance of two hundrid: and sixty'feet norihwe-twardly from Bath street; containiugin front or breadth on said Ann street forty feet, and in length or depth, extending theace eoutbwestwardly, talcing the same breadth at right aa gles with said Ann street one -hundred ar.d eight fe*t. [Being the same lot of ground which Hiram Chester, by deed'dited>September 14, A. D. 1846. aud recorded-in Deed Book A. W. M , Mo. 19. page 205 : &c., grauted unto Christian J. Fell and George M. ICinsler m fee. a 3 common, subject to a ground rent of $4 l ] 3. Tbe undivided moiety or half-oart of all that certain ground rent of $l5, chargeable on half-yearly is suing, payable out of .all that cprtain lot or pieca of ground situate on the south side of Thomason street, be ginning at the distance of fifteen feet westward from Hie west side of Alder street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets, in the city of Philadelphia; conCaiuiog iu front orbreadtn on tx-id Thompson street fiftpeu foet, and ex tending of that breadth iu lenKtn or depth Koutu ward forty feet. [Being the same grouud rent which William fi. Paul aud wife, by deed dated .Tulv 29th, a. D. 1346, and recorded in Deed Book a W M., No. 14. p\ge 519. &c., granted and assigned unto ChvUtiau J Fell and George M. Eineler in fee, as tenants in common. ] No. .4 he undivided moiety or half-part of all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the cisi sideof Sixth street, comm# ucingatthe distance of one auadred and seventy five feet north frem the north line of Dau phin street, in the late district of Kensington, now iu the city of Philadelphia; containing in frmt on said -Sixth, street seventy-six feet, and extending in dep.h waTdiy of that breadth, parallel f o said Dauphin street, one hundred and thirty-six feet tenaud a- quarter inches to Fairhill street. Bounded on the north, ny ground of James Grar, on the south by ground of Phillip Leh:*, on the east by said Fairhill street, and ou the west by sixth street aforesaid. [Being the same lot of ground which Henry P. Leeß, by - deed* dlten Ma' 24, A D. 1852, and intended to be recorded, granted and convoyed unto the eaid Christian J. Fell ana George M Kinsler in fee, as tenants in common. ] Ko. 5. The undivided moiety or half-pert of all that certain three-story brich messuage or tenemont and lot or piece of ground situate in the city of ♦'hiiadelphia, on the.south west sideof Ann street, at the di«t*.oce of two hundred; and twenty feet northwestward from Bath street ; containing in front or. breadth on the said-Aau ftreet for.y and in length or depth extending thence soutbwestwara keeping tbe same breadth at right angles with taid Ann street one hundred and eight fest. [Be ing the same premises which Ashton J . Davii and wife, by deed dated August 9, A,.D; 1841, and recorded in Deed. BookG-S , N0..30, page ISI.-&C.,.granted unto Chris tian J: Fell and George M. Kinsler m fee, as tenants in common.] ' ; Mo. 6. The , undivided moiety or-half-part of all that brick building and lot ot piece of gtround situate at the northwest corner of Front at d Coatei streets, inrihe city of Philadelphia; containiugin front or breadth on said Front street thirty foet on*- inch, and in longtu or d*pth on ihe north line thereof eighty feet four inches,laud on th* south line thereof along the said Coates Btreet eighty two feet two inches, more or loss, aud in breadth on th.B rear end thereof thirty feet five inches and *.-half; also, tbe undivided moiety or half-part of all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on-the north sideof Cottes street, at the distance of eighty-two feet two inches west ward from the northwest corner of said Coates street, and Front street; m the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth'on the said Coates street eighteen feet, and extending in length or depth northwardly between parallel lines at right angles with st>id Coates street on tbe east line thereof thirty feet fiveioches anda-half,aud on tbe west line thereof thirty feet six inches aud three-- quarters. CBeing the same premise*, which John B. Buddand wife, iby deed dated Novembers, A D/18U, recorded in Deed Book G 8,,-Ko. 34, page 94 &c ', grant ed apd conveyed unto Christian J. Fell and George M. Kinsler in fee, as tenants in common.] Mo. 7- The undivided moiety or haif-part of all that certain lot. or piece of ground, with the meesuag-or te nement thei eon erected, situate onthe southerlyeid.4of a ten-feet-wide alley or court left open bv Henry Briis star, deceased, called Binsstar’s alley, at the distance of about two hundred and fifey-nine foet eastward from Queen street, in Kensington, city of Philadelphia; con taining in breadth eaafand wret nineteen foet, and m length or depth, extending southward at right angles with the said alley, parallel with Queen street, about forty feet, he the same more or less [Being tho fame premises which Thomas Brusriarand wife,by deed daied March 4. A. D. 1844, andTrecorded in De?d fc Book R. L. L., Mo. 16, pages9o, &c., granted unto Christian J. Fell and George M. Kinsler in fee. as tenants in common. J s [D. C. , 553; Junt Term, ’63. Debt, $4OO Dolman.] fiaken in execution and to be sold a« theorooertv of Christian J. Fell. • JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff • Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, July 22,1863. iy23-3t SHERIFF’S" SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A-' a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, August 3, 1863, at 4 o’clock; at Sansom-street Hall. No. l. ; : All that certain three-story briok messuage or. tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Vine street between Eighth street and Ridge ave- : nue, late WissaMckon road, in late Penn township, in the county of Philadelphia, and now in *he Thirieenth. wardof the city of Philadelphia; containing in breadth on said Vine street sixteen feet nine inches, andiniength or depth one hundred and fifty feet to Wood street, on which front is erected a two-story brick messuage or tene ment. Bounded westward by a messuage and lot allot ted to Sophia 31. R. Wager; northward by .the said Woodstreet; pastward by ground now.or late of John - Lawrence; and southward by Vine street aforesaid. - rNo. 2.; And also all that certain two-story brick mes suage or.tenement and lot.or piece "of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the south side of Wood street, be tween Eighth and. Garden streets, formerly in the dis-• trictof Spring Garden, in PenatownshUvm th 6 count}- ' : of Philadelphia, and now in the Thirteenth ward of the ‘ city .of Philadelphia; containing iu front or breadth, on the said Wood street, sixteen feet nine inches, and in length or depth, of that breadth southward, sixty-five feet. Bounded eastward by ground allotted to Mary R. Wager, (being the first above-described lot,) south ward by the remaining part of the larger lot whereof this was formerly apart, westward bv ground of , , and northward by the said Wood street. [The three-story messuageand lot of ground, first above de scribed, being the same which William Baker, ad ministrator of all and singular, the goods aud chattels, - rights and credits, which were of George Wager, late of the city of Philadelphia deceased, by indenture bsaring. date the twenty-first- day of March, 1817, recorded in the office for recording of deeds, &c , for* the city and county of Philadelphia, in*-Deed Book M. R., No. 13, page 238,' Ac.,' granted and conveyed unto the said : Peter Wager in , fee:,sub.iect to the payment of one-third part of the net ' income thereof, payable to Hannah Wager, for and <1 nring the term of her natural life; and the said Hannah Wager has since departed this life. 3 [And tba -lot of ground, last, above described, Sophia M. R Wager of, the‘city of Philadelphia, gentl«womah. by indenture hearing date the twenty-second day of November 1831, recorded in the aforesaid-office,'in Deed Book U. No 49, page 319. Ac , did grant and convey unto the said Peter .Wager, his heirs and assigns, forever, (upon which said lot, and that adjoining on Wood street, the said Peter Wager hath erected the said two two-story brick messuages.) as in and by the said above-recited inden ture, reference being thereunto had, may. more fall y ; and at large appear.] Together with all ,and smgalar, other the buildings, streets, alleys, passages, ways, water and water-courses, ..rights, liberties, and pri vileges, &c.‘ 5-'""’ [D. C.. 629; JuneT..’63. Debt. $7,240. Hopper ] Taken in execution and to be so } d as the property of Peter Wager. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 22, 1863. , jy23 3t CBEBIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, August3,lB63, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. No. l. All that certain lot of ground, with the brick beer vaults, stone brewery, aud other buildings thereon erected, situate on the west side of Thirty-first street, at the distance of three hundred and eighteen feet north ward from the north side of Thompson street: in the Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Thirty-first street fifty feet, and extending in length or depth westward between lines parallel with said Thompson street two hundred feet. Bounded north ward by ground of Eli K. Price, eastward by Thirty-first street, southward hy ground granted to Louis Talman, and westward by ground of Charles Bergner. [Being the : same premises which George Megee, Esq High Sheriff of the city and county of. Philadelphia, by deed poll under his seal and name dated March 8, A: D. 1856, acknowledged in open Court of Common Pleas and en tered among the records in Book 2, page 629, granted'and conveyed unto Christian Schnitzel, hisheirs and Assigns, forever. Subject to the payment of a certain yearly ground-rent ot $6O. ] 'No. 2. All that certain lot of ground, with the four-story brick dwelling house thereon erected, situate on the east side of Delaware Fifth street, formerly called Old York road, at the distance of two hundred and twenty feet southward from the south side of George street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on said road thirty feet, and extending in depth eastward between parallel lines at right angles with the said road one hun dred and forty feet eleven and one-quarter inches on-the north side; one hundred and forty-one feet six and a half iDcheson the south side thereof. Bonnded north ward by ground granted to Adam Griffith on ground rent, southward by ground granted to John Knott on ground rent, eastward by the rear end of the Apple-street lots, and westward by the Old York road aforesaid. [Being the same premises which Henry Grove,et nx, by indenture dated 3lavl, 1E43, recorded in Deed Book A. W. 31., : N 0.67, page 36, &c., granted and conveyed unto the said Christian Schnitzel m fee.] - No 3. All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the southeast corner of Jefferson and Mifflin Btreats, in the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; containing in front or breadth on said Jefferson street forty-four feet, and extending in length or depth southward of that width, along the easi side of said MijfiiD street, fifty-two feet eleven and a half inches: Bounded eastward by ground now or late of Jeremiah Willits, southward by an alley two feet six inches wide, westward by said 3liflUn street, and northward by Jefferson street aforesaid. [Being the same lot of ground which Jeremiah Willits, by indenture bearing date July 16. 1855, recorded in Deed Book R. D. W.,N0.34 page 267, &c., granted and conveyed unto Christian Keanzla in fee. Yielding and paying therefor and thereoutunto the said Jeremiah Wil lits, hisheirsand assigns,theyearlygroundrentofsllB, lawful money of the United States of America, iu half yearly’payments, on the first day of the months of Janu ary and July in every year thereafter forever, -without any deduction for taxes, and George Megee, Esq., High Sheriff of the city and county of Philadelphia, on due. legal process, issued out of the District Court for the City aud County of Philadelphia, seized, took in execution, and sold the lot or piece of ground above described, (in cluding the two-foet-six-inches-wide •alley, making a depth of fifty feet five inches and a half,) as the property of the said Christian Keanzla, and by his deed poll near ing date, and entered among cue records of said court in Book 2, No. 2, page &c.; granted and conveyed unto Christian Schnitzel in fee; subjeetto the aforesaid yearly gTound rent ] Together with the free use, right, liberty, and privilege of the said two- feet-six inches wide alley, as apassage-way and water-course at alliimes hereafter forever, in common withthe ownors arc! occupiers of the other ground bounding thoreon, with the privilege of building over the same, leaving at least eight feet headway in .the clear above the level of the pavement. - CD C.. 604; JuneT. , ’63. Debt, $1,200. Heyer ] Taken in execution and to be sold as tho property of Christian Schnitzel- JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia,Sheriff’s Office, July 22,1863. jy2l-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A *•? writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, August 3, ISG3, at 4 o'clock, at Facsom-fitreet Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with tneun furnished. three-story brick building thereon erected,. situate on the south side of Christian street, at the dis tance ? of one hundred and sixty-eight feet six inches eastward from the east side of Nineteenth street, .in the First ward of the citv of Philadelphia; containing in ■ front or breadth on the. said,Christian street seventeen feet sis inches (including ou the west line thereof the easternmost moiety or half part of .a three-feet-wide alley, laid out and left open, at. the distance of one hun dred and sixty-seven.feet :east of the said Nineteenth street, and leading northwardly, into the said Christian street), and extending in length or depth southward of that width eeveuty, feet, including on th e rear end the soil ofa three-feet-wide alley which leads eastward and west ward, andcommunicates with said firstmentioned alley. Bounded, northward by said Christian street; eastward by other ground of the said John B. Kongers, southward by ground now or late of Isaiah Y. Williamson, and westward by the middle line of the said Urst-mentioned alley. [Being part of a lirger lot of ground which Johu P. Persch. and wife, by indenture dated April Ist, 1832, recorded in the office for .recording deeds.&c., for the ciiy and county of Philadelphia, in Deed Book A C.H.. No. .46. page 83, &c. .granted and conveyed unto the said John B. Eodgers in fee. ] Together >with the free and common use, right,.liberty.’ and privilege-of the said mentioned; alleys respectively as - and. I’oi.v passage ways and water couraes at all times hereafter forever, [D. C.,;601; June T., ’63. Debt,.51,169.67. .HeyerJ Taken in execution and to be sold as the properly of John B. Eodgers. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. . Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. July 22,-1863. jy23-3t CIIERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, August 3,1863, at 4 o’clock.'at Sansom street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of grouiid, with the un finished three-story brick building thereon erected, situ ate on the south side of Christian street at the distance ofonehundred and eighty.-six/feet eastward from the east side of Nineteenth street,* in' the First ward of the • city of Philadelphia.; containing in front or breadth on the said Christian street sixteen feet, and extending in length or depth southward, of that width seventy feet, • (including on the rear end the soil of a thres:feet-wide alley which leads eastward and westward, and cc mmu nicates with another three -feet-wiile*alley, laid out and opened at the distance of one hundred and sixty-seven, feet eastward from the east side of said Nineteenth street, and running northwardly,into the said Christian street.)' Bounded northward by ihe said Christian street, eastward and westward-bymother ground of the said Jobn-B.'Bodgers, and southward by ground now. or late of. Isaiah y. Williamson.' [Being part of a larger lot or piece of ground. , which /JohnP. Persch and wife, by indenture dated.thefirst day.of April, 1862, recorded at Philadelphia in Deed Book A. No: 46, pageB3,, Ac., granted and conveyed unto the said-Johur B. Rodgers in fee.] Together -with the; free and,common .use, right,' liberty; and privilege of the taidmentioned alleys respectively, as and for a passage-way and water course atall times hereafter forever. CD. C;, €O2; June T . ’63. Debt $1,109 60. • Heyer,] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John B. Rodgers. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff *s Office, July 21,1863. *Jy23-3t SHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of AliasVenditioni- Exponas, to me directed,, will be. exposed to /public sale or vendue. on MONDAY August 5,1863. at 4 o’clock. at Sansom-streefc Hall, AU that certain two-story brick messuage ana lot or - r , . l ece > of ground, situate in the Fourteenth ward-of the city ot Philadelphia, on the westerly side of Thirteenth street, commencing at the distance of eighteen feet from the noithernmost line of Ogdon street; containing in front or breadth on said Thirteenth atreev sixteen feet, and ex m&i width,between lines at right angles with Ba lr vJ.mQhtb street weg t W £rdly forty-eight Yeefc. . . * N. B;—<rhe building on the above is a two-story.brick dwelling;,;, about twelve feet front by twenty-six feet deep, bunt back.from the west side of .Thirteenth, street* about sixteen feet •.. .... rD; C.;645; Juno T.'63. Debt, $250,- v ; ' Samuel. ] v . v Taken in execution, and to - bo sold as-the ' property of Henry Savidge:---'. VJOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. : s Office, July 22,1363. ie2s-3t •' THB rBESS.—PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY. JULY 23, 1863. SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to mo directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evoaing, August 3; 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-stroot Hall, fro. 1. All that certain three-story brick musmago or tenement and lot or piece of ground thereunto belonging, Bitoate on the north side of Drowo street, at the distance of one huudredaod seventy feet three laches westward from the we*t side of Twelfth street, in that portion of the late district of Spring Garden, now included in the Fourteenth; wird of the city of Philadelphia; contain ing in front or breadth seventeen fonr inches and three-eighths of an inch on the said Brown street, and extendingin length or oeoth northward, between paral lel lines at right angles with said Brown street ninety feet. Bounded northward by ground now or late of Josiah and'Rebecca Dawson, eastward l by ground of Ulysses Blaker, southward by Brown street aforesaid, and westward by ground of Samuel RobK 'No 2. And also all that certain lot or piece of ground, with the improvements' thereon erf*cted: ; *itnate in the .Fourteenth ward of the>aid city, beginning at a point at the distance of ninety feet northward from the north sicleo Brown street, measnrinar, on alline which run* atnght angles with the said Brown street, from a oniat on the north side thereof, one hundred and seventy f*«t three inches westward from the west side of Twelfth street;, thence westward on a line parallel with said Brown street, by other ground of the said: David Gold man (being the iirt-t above-described lot), seveut-en feet four and throo-eighthsinche<; thence north ward at right angles with said Brown street, by ground now or late of Charles Robb, forty-six feet and three-eighths of an inch: thence eastward along the south sidenf a twenty feetwido co'rt or alley ranning eastward into said Twelftn street sevenieen feet four and three-figuthn ißt-hes; and thence southward at rightangles with said Brown street, by ground granted or intended to have been granted to Charles E. Jordan, forty-six feet eleven and one-eighth inches to the- .place of beginning. [Which s«Vd premises first above described Uivsnes Bla ker and wife, by deed-poll hearing date the 29th day of August. A. D , 185’, recorded in, D,eed; Boole G. W, C., No. TO, page 13?, granted and convoyed unto the said David Goldman in fee. Under-ah'd siibject,tu»vHrtha less to the payment of a certain yearly gronnd rent or sum of sovonty three dollars and eighty-six cent*, when ana as the same should thereafter grow due and paya ble; and wlnchsaid.yearly gvouhd'reat Josiah Dawson and Rebe?ca Dawson, by deed poll-dated ihe 30cli-day of Oct ober, a. D 1852. recorded in'' Deed’ Book T. H . fro 52, page 175, granted released, and extinguished unto the said David Goldman in fee; .and which said lot or piece of ground last above-described George ‘W.Con arroeand wife, by indenture bearing date t.ho 6th day of March, A. D., 1854. duly oxecuted>and acknowledged, and intended to be forthwith recorded,.granted and coa veyed unto the said David Goldman in f**e.] Together with the free use and privilege of : the said twenty-feet wide court or alley as a passage way and water-course at nil times hereafter forever. N. B.—The above premises will be sold together as one entire property, having a front ron--Brown street of seventeen fe«t tourand three-eighth, inches, aniin depth one hundred and thirty-six feet'eleven'and one-eighth inches, to a twenty-feet-wide court- or street. The messuage on Brown street has double brick ba ik build ings. - . ‘ [D 80., 618; June T. '63. Debt $303;53. D. Weatherly, Jr.] -Taken in execuiion And to be sold as the nropsrty of David Goldman : JOHN THOMPSON. ttheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 22,18?3. jy23-3t. SHERIFF’S SALE.— BY,- YIETUB'OF M.., a writ of Alias Levari Facias, to in‘e directed.will be exposed to public sale‘or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Augnst 3, 1663. at 4 o’clock. at Sausom-street Hall- All that certain lot or piece of ground with the three- Btorybmk messuageor tenement thereon erected, situ-: ate on the west side of Sixteenth. : street,- at the distance of one hundred and feet south ward from the somh siae of Master street, ini the Twentieth ward of the city.of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on the said Sixteenth street seventeen feet, and extending of that width in r westward between-parallel lines at right angles with said Six* teenth strept sixty feet;, also, with the right and privi lege forever, with the free use of ingress, egress and water-course of a three-feet-w.ide v alley leading south ward into Eliza street. Bounded northward by ground granted to Joseph M. Thomas on ground rent, westward y ground now or late of “Tbe'Farmere' and Mecha nics' Land and .Building Association,” southward by the said .three-feet-wide alley,'and by. ground granted to John R. Brace on ground rent; and eastward by Six teenth.street aforesaid. CBeing the same premises which Pbineas 'F Hager and wife by deed endorsed, dated September 7, A. D. 1661, recorded at Philadelphia in Deed Book A. C. H., No. 27, page. 40, granted and con vf yed unto GeorgeG. Evans, his heirs and alignsun derand subject to certain restrictions in the above reci ted deed referred to; and also, uncer and subject to the payment of a certain yearly ground rent- or-gum of $9O, in equal half-yearly payments on the first day of the months of April and October in erory year forever.] CD. C., 592: J ; T., ’63. Debt, $1:642.75 Logan.] Taken in execution and to be-sold as the property of GeorgeG. Evans- JOHN;THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s OCice.'Juvl22,lB63. jy23-at SHERIFFS SALE/—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, ou MONDAY Eve ning. August3,lB63, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Ha 11,.„ All that certain three-story brick messnage or tene ment and lot or piece of ground, situate on the north, side of Dickinson street, at the distance of one hundred and twenty feet three inches eastward from the east side of Fifth street,- in that part of the said city of Philadel phia lately called the district of Southwark; containing in front or breadth on ;; the said Dickinson street fifteen feet, and extending of that width in length or denth northward between lines parallel with the said Fifth street f-ixty four feet. Bounded northward by ground late of Samuel EL McFadden. eastward parti/ by other ground granted to the said J&me* Balleager.oa ground rent, and partly by v the. head, of a two-feet-wide alley leading eastward and communicating with a two-feet six-inches-wide alley, laid out at the distauce of oue hundred and fifty feet east of and parallel wth the said Fifth street, andleading southward into the said Dick-/ inson street, southward, by the said Dickinson street, and westward by other ground late of Samuel H. Mc- Fadden.; [Being the same premises which James Bal lenger and wife, by indenture dated the 11th day of De cember, A. D.-lSsB,and intended to he forthwith record ed, granted and conveyed unto the said Hannah M P. Allen in fee; subject to the payment of the yearly rent or sum. of forty-four dollars, in equal half-yearly pay ments on the first day of the months of October and April in every year. 3 Together with the free and com mon use and privilege of the said alleys as passage-ways and water-courses, and with the right to introduce ws ter pipes under the same at all times hereafter. ED. 0., 621; June T., >63 Debt, $254.49. F. G, Brewster. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the. property of Benjamin Allen and wife - JOHN THOMPSON* Sheriff. ' Philadelphia, Sheriff’s. Office. Jaly 22/1863. . jy23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF K? a writof Alias Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendna. on MOND AY' Eve ning. August 3,_ 1863, at 4 o’clock, at,Sansom-street Hall, A‘l that certain lot or piece of ground composed of four contiguous lots, marked on. a plan of lots made for the said Edwinß Cope, andnuinhered twenty-two, twentv thiee, twenty-four, and twenty-five, situate on the ef-utbeastwardlv side of Amber or Waterloo street, laid out forty feet wide, in the district of Richmond, in the county of Philadelphia aforesaid,- beginning at the dis tance of one hundred and eighty-six feet six inches and three-quarters of an inch southwestwardly from the southwesterly side of Allegheny- avenue, laid oaf one hundred and.twenty feet wide, on the of the unin corporated Norihern Liberties; containing’in fronton said Amber or "Waterloo street seventy-five feet, and in length or depth at right angles with said. or Wa terloo street southeasterly ninety feet. -Bounded north essterly. by Virginia street, laid out on said plan ililrty feet wide, southeasterly by ground intended to be con veyed to Joseph D. Thornton, southwesterly by ground intended to be conveyed to Harper Hellermau and Ro bert Sprowles, and northwesterly by Amber or. Waterloo street aforesaid. [Being the same premjses which the said Edwin R. Cope and Ann Eliza, nis wife, 1 by- inden . ture bearing even date with the ‘sStd mortgage, but exe cuted before the same, for the consideration in the said indenture namfed, the whole of which, is by the.said mortgage Secured, granted and conveyed unto the said Rachel Harris in fee. ] ’ Together with, the free use and privilege of the said Amber or Waterloo‘'street and the said Virginia-street, in common with the owners or • occupiers of other lots adjoining thereon, forever. [D. C., 591. June T., >63. Debt,. $682.64. Logan.] Taken in executiomand to'be sold as the property of Rachel Harris. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff, Philadelphia,-Sheriff’s Office, July 22, 1863. jy23-3t . CIIKIUFFS SALK.—BY VIRTUE OK a writ of Alias Veiiditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. August 3,1863, at 4 o’clock: at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the two story frame house, thereon erected, situate outlie north westwardly side of a certain forty-feet-wide street, laid out at the distance of two liuudred-and ninety-two feet four inches and a quarter, northwestwardly from Tulip street and running parallel therewith, called Janney street, at the distance of two hundred and sixty-two feet oue inch and a half northeastwardly from Rich mond lane, in the district of Richmond/in the county of Philadelphia; containing-in front or breadth on said Janney street one hundred and twenty-six feet, and ex tending northwestwardly, between.’ parallel lines at right angles with the said Janney'street, one hundred and ten feet, to a certain thirty-feet-wide street called Witte street. Bounded northeastwardly and south westwardly by other ground intended to be this day granted to Edward D, Johnson on ground rent, north westwardly by the said-Witte street, and southeast ward! 3' by Janney street aforesaid. [Being the same premises which Benjamin' J.. Janney and wife, by in-, denture bearing date the third day of January, A-D. 3850, recorded in Deed Book T- H., No. 67, pagesol, &c., granted and conveyed unto Edward D: Johnson in fee;. reserving, thereout a yearly ground rent or sum of ninety-four, dollars and fifty cents, payable half-yearly on’the first day of the,months of January and July, in every year hereafter forever.] ’ [D. 0., 577; June T.,’63. Debt. $125.88. J.B Townsend;] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Edward D. Johnson JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. * Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. Jul3 r 22.1563- ’ j y23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY. YIRTUE OF A *3 writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be’ exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, August 3, 1853. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain three-story brick messuage or tene ment. and lot or piece of ground thereto belonging, situate on the east side of Marshall street, formerly called John street, and north side of. Spring Garden street, in the district of Spring Garden aforesaid/ Be-, ginning on.the east side of- said . Marshall street, at the distance of two hundred and thirteen feet five inches southward from the south side ’ of Green street, and ex tending thence eastward at-right angles with the said Marshall street seventy-one feet one inch - and a half to ground granted to James Laws on ground rent; thence by the same southward parallel with Marshall street thirty feet one inch and three-quarters’ to the north line of Spring Garden street aforesaid: thence ; along/the north line of the said; Spring Garden street westward seventy- one feet four and a half inches to the northeast corner of the said Spring Garden street and Marshall street; and I hence northward along the east line of said Marshall street thirty-six feet to the place of hezinning. Bounded northward by a messuage and lot of , eastward by said James Laws’ ground, southward by Spring Garden street aforesaid, and westward by said Marshall street. [Being the same premises which John Borden, trustee’for-Julia B. Borden, -wife of Samuel Borden, and Julia E. Borden, by indenture bearing (late the fifteenth day‘of July; A. D. ISol; aud intended to be forthwith recorded,, granted and conveyed unto George W. Conrad in fee; 3 CD. C., 653;’ June T.. ’63. Debt,s9,7l3. Spencer. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of GArgeW. Conrad. JOHN-THOMPSON,.Sheriff. - Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 22, 1863.. jy23-3S SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed topublic sale dr vendue, on MONDAY Evening, August 3,1883, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, with.tbe un finished- Ihree-story brick building; thereon erected, situate on the south side of Ch risttan street, at tlie dis-: tance of one hundred and fifty-one feeteast of Ninetieth, in the First ward of the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front.or breadth on, the' said Cliristian street seventeen feet six inches, (including on the east line thereof the westernmost'moiety or half part of a three feet-wide alley, laid out and open atthedistance of one hundred and sixty-seven feet east of the said Nineteenth street, and leadingmrthwardly into the said Christian street,) and extendihgihlength or depth' southward of that width seventy feet, including on the .rear end- the. soil of a three-feet-wide'alley which leads eastward and westward and communicates with the . said first-mon tioned.alley. Bounded northward by the said Christian street,, eastward by the. middle line of the said first mentioned alley, ground now or- late of Jsaiali;V. Williamson, and westward by other ground of the saidJohu-B. ‘Rodgers: - [Being part of a larger lot of ground which JohnP. Persch and wife, by inden ture bearing date April Ist, 1882, recorded in tlie office for recording deeds, &c.,,in Deed Book A. C. 9.. No. 46. page 83,. &c., granted and conveyed unto the said John B. Rodgers in fee. 1 Together with the free and common use and privilege of. the said mentioned alleys respectively, as and for passage ways aud watercourses at all times hereafter forever. CD. : C.,*600; J; T., ’63. 'Debt, $1,160.67.-Hever.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John B. Rodgers. : JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July. 22, 1563. jy23-3t SHERIFFS SALE.—BY ; VIRTUE OF : a writ of Alias Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even* -ing. August 3,1863. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall* • All that certain lot or* piece of-ground in the Twenty-" third ward of the city.of Philadelphia (late in’ the town ship of Oxford), being designated on the plan of lots in Tacony asNo. 21 t 025, situate .in section B» in the said plan, on-the southern side of Avamingo street, and the northern side of Liberty street, laid out sixty feet wide, 1 .beginning at the intersection of the Township-line road' and Liberty street, running westerly on the northern side of Liberty street one hundred feet; thence, at right angles with. Liberty street, northerly one hnudred and fifty feet; thence parallel with-Liberty street oneliun-. dred feet, easterly; to the Township-line road; thence along said Township-line road,'southerly, one' hundred, and fifty feet,, to the place of beginning. Bounded easterly by the Township-line road. : southerly by,. Liberty street, westerly bv lot v marked ihsaid plan No. 26, fciid northerly by lots marked Nos. 16,17.18,19, and 20. - [Being the same lot which Bernard H. Hulsemanu * and wife, the said John Knoll and wife, and Francis Bierbrener and wife, acting by their attorney, Lawrence Hover, by indenture' dated the ninth" day of October,: ' 1860,intended to be.recorded, granted and; said Jobn Knoll, in fee. 3 v N. B.—There is erected upon the above-described lot of ground a two-story frame dwelling. . ... v [3. C. 578; JuneT., ’63 Debt, $1,070 22. E.L.Bodeu.]. • Taken in execution and to be sold as the proper fcyof John Knoll. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. > - ■ - - Philadelphia/Sheriff’s Office, July 22, 1868. • ,jy23 3t CILERIFF’S .SALE —BYVIRTUE OP O a writ of Alias Ycnditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to.public sale or vendue, on MONDAY ' Eveuing, August 3,1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. vAli that certain lot: or piece of ground (marked in the plan No. 3)i- and the three-story brick dwelling thereon erected, situate on the east side of Beech street, com- ' ni'encing at the-distance of onehundredand thirty-one feet three inches, more or less, northward fvom.the noith side of-Walnut street,-in the city of Philadelphia; containing in frohfon said Beech stivet-seventeen feet, more or less, and extending inlength or depth eastward between lines parallel with said Walnut street sixty-six feet to the westernment ends of the West-street lots, including the northernmost half, of a two-feet-wide alley, used in common with the property adjoining on iho south. [Being the same premises which'John A Brown; and wife, by indenture dated the sixth day of December, anno Domini 1850,.recorded in Deed Book.A; W M , No. 54, page 859,: granted and conveyed, ’ inter ‘ alia, unto the said Daniel Larkey in fee; reserving there out a yearly ground rent of. thirty-six dollars, payable , on the first day of the. months of January and Juiyin each mid every year there&ffcer.forevGr. ] • :, . [D C , 649; Juno T.’63..-Debt, S»li8 66. Judson.]. ' ’ Taken iu execution and'to be sold as the property of > Daniel Larkey. V. , JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff., . A > PhUadelphia, Sheriff's Office? July 22, A3S3. jy23-3t SHERIFF’S SALES* BOARDING. SHERIFF’S SALE.— VIRTUE OF Y?, ndH i oni Exponas, to mo directed, will be »» MONDAY lLsminff, V. i 1 0 Clock, at Sausom-street Hall, roes I s,i t ßaM 1( ' t r , Vl£L ece f A roaad - With the seven, stone tenements thereon erected, situate on the northwesterly side o! Grape street, in Manayunk, in the ?nE Fh rd ?fv lie c l* y °f Philadelphia; contaii b/^dth the 6 V? Gr ape street one huu er’ 0,11(1 pending in length or d«pth 80 vonty feet, the said lot narrowing oba f e ?° Skeroufto the width of one hundred an-I and one half of an Inch. “Bounded Vj fVoUad of Mount Zion Methodist d«Snf,V? I «nlrL r °"? f M A. na J fllnlC ? la tU ® bounty of Philn- SSgS by other ground of said Ed -6e j ior> Bouthwestwardly bvgrouud of afo™ and southeast wardly by Graoe street Prtio. the premises which Alonzo duly executed, bearing date the A'-j>. 1849, intended to be forth era.nfced and convoyed te the said Ed senior, hiß lieirsaud assigns. and upon. ot ° r Rrou J id , said Edward Preston S 5-, or^iißmeutB 11 ! 0 erected fc^e Gaid Bev ' ea stone messuages r‘d B i* - A,i .t b( 2 VP P'?P? r fy will be sold ns follows; lt u atc . er Kl f?v lot of ground ffnd three-story ?tS?t h 5S P « h ,uale J' u the nortwesterly side of Grape enei.t, being the south westernmost house of said seven fffiSSViVj Voufio l , n ? a , ho . llt a '^ en fcnt front and about thirty fef t deep, said lot. bomg about fifteeu front and p deep. Bounded on the southwest by RToutid of Robert White,.on the northeast by r.rop'srty • tesff r ape6treet ' and ° a 411 tbatcortain lot of.ground and three-storv stouehouhe, situate on the northwesterly side of Grace street-. No lon the northeast, said hou=e bs irgabout fiffienfront and about thirty fa&fdeeD,- said Jot being, about fifteen (eet frout and about seventy leetdeep.. Bounded on thosouthwest by property No 1 on the nortneast -by pr. No.-3.0n thaAiutnoast by ®R? pe o fit {?? fc l, and 011 northwest by said ,uurcb.. n°. a. All tlmt certain lot of ground and threo-stiry stone hoiiFp, situate en the northwesterly side of Grace street, ad.ioimEg No. 2on the northeast, said bousebe inp about fifteen feet front and about thirty feet deep, said lot being about fifteen feet front and about seventy Bounded on the south west by property No. i. on tbenortbeaßt by property No 4, on the southeast street andoathe northwest by said Coarch. No: 4, Allthat certain lot of ground and )rj stone house, situate on the northwesterly side of Grape street, adjoining No. 3. on the northeast, said house being about fifteen feet front and about thirty feet deep, said lot beirig about fifteen feet front f,nd about seventy feet deep. ; Bounded on the southwest by property No 3, on the northeast by property No 5, on the southeast by Grape street, aiid on the northwest by said Church. No. 5. >ll that certain lot of ground and three-ston stone houKo, siiuate on the northwesterly side of Grape street, adjoining No: 4 on the noTthea«t, said home being about fifteen feet front,.and a&dufc thirty feet deep, said lot being about fifteen feet front aud about sevAuty feet de*p. Bounded «n the southwest by property No. 4, on the northeast by property No. 6. on the southeast by Gispe street, and on the northwe*t by said Church. No. 6 All that certain lot of ground and three-story stone house, situate on the northwesterly eide of Grape street, adjoining No. 6 on the northeast, said house being about fifteen feet front and about thirty feot deep.; said lot beine abcut fifteen feet front and about seventy feet deep. Bounded on the southwest by property No 5, on the northeast by property No. 7, on the southeast by Grape street, and on tbe northwest by said Church. •No. 7. All that certain lot of ground and three-story stone house, situate on the nortnweste.-ly side of Grape street, adjoining No 6 on the north east, said house being about fifteen feet front and about thirty feet deep, said lot being about fifteen feet front and abouS seventyfeetdeep. Bounded on the southwest by property No 6, on the northeast by property granted by George Shields and wife to said Edward Preat m, senior, on the southeast by Grspe street, and on the northwest by said Church. [D. C., 635: June T..'6S. Debt. s7f<7 96. Lawrance 1 TafreD in execution and to be sold'as tbe property of Edward Prestoni Sr., who was sued. Ac. JHHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. . Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Jnlr 22,1863.- jy 2:1-31 GIIERIFF’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF V a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, August 3,1863. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, No. 1. All tba c certain lot or piece qf ground situate on the northeasterly side of the road leading from Frabfc rord to Germantown, in that part of the city of Philadel pbiafonnerly called the Northern Liberties, beginning at tbe side of tbe said road, thence extending by same, south, forty-five degrees and three-quarters east, fifteen perches and twenty-two hundredths of a perch; thence extending by Dickinson’s land, north, twen y-one de grees and t-hree-quarteis east, thirty-eight perches and nine-tenths of a perch to a post, thence extending north, three perches and seventy-live hundredths of a parch to a Pof=t, thence by land now or- late of Christian Piesch, south; forty degrees and fifty minutes west, thirty-eight perches and sixty-eight hundredths of.a perch to the place of begii»ning;'containing two acres. [Which said lot or piece of gronnd Samuel Alien. Esquire, High fShe riff of the city and county of Phila.delphia, by deed poll under his hand and seal, dated thefith day of September, A. D. 1854, acknowledged in open District Court for the said city and county of Philadelphia, and entered among the records thereof, in Sheriff’s Deed Book C, No. 2,page 621. granted and conveyed unto the said Ellwood Mat lark in fee.] No. 2 Al so, all those certain two adjointc g lots or pieces of ground, with the two thrae-story brick messuages or tenements thfreonerected,situate on the northeasterly side of the road leading from Nicetown to Frankford, in that Part of the city of Philadelphia formerly called the Northern Liberties, one of them beginning at a stake on the side of said road, thence extending by the herein after-described lot, north, forty-four degrees east, two perches and twenty-four hundredths of a perch; north. Forty-two degrees and a half east, sixty-seven parches and on*, tenth of a perch to a stake; thence,- by - line of land of Miss Dickinson, south, twenty-five degrees and one-fourth west, tliiriy-two perches and seven-tenths of a perch to a stake; thence, by land conveyed to Peter Glim, south, fortb-one oegrees w*st, thirty-eight perches and five-tenths of a perch to a stake at the side of the aforesaid road: thence extending by the aforesaid road north forty-six degrees west, eleven perches to the place of beginning; containing four acres and seventy six perches of land. ' - No. 3. And the other of them; beginning at a stake at the side of the said road, thence extending by ground conveyed to Frederick Gaul, north, forty-four degrees east, two perches and seventy-four hundredths of a perch,; and north, forty-two degrees aud one-half east, sixty-nine perches and eight-tenths of a perch to asrake; thence extending by Dickinson’s land south, forty-throe degrees aDd. a quarter east, one perch and six-tenths of a perch to a stake; and south, twenty-five degrees and a quarter west, two perches and nine-tenths of a perch to a stake; thence by land late of Christopher Piesch (being the above described lot) south, 7orfcy-two degrees and one halfiwest, sixty-seven perches and one-tenth’of-a and FGutb,.forty-four degrees west, two parches and twenty-four hundiwltbs of a perch to the side of the aforesaid road: thence by the saraeroad north, forty-six degrees west, forty feet to the place of beginning: con taining ODe acre and eleven perches of land., [Which laid two adjoining lots or pieces of ground, with the messusge® or tenements thereon erected, Samuel Alien, FsquU’e. High Sheriff of the city ana county of Phila delphia, by deed poll underhis hand and seal, dated the fourteenth day of October, A. D. 1854. acknowledged ia open District Court for the said city and county of Phila delphia, and entered among the records thereof in She riiFs Deed-Book G, No. 2. page 615, granted and conveyed unto the said Ellwood Mafclack in fee. 3 No. 4! And also, all that certain tract or piece of laud situate in that part of the city of Philadelphia formerly called the township of Passyunk Bounded and de scribed according to a survey made thereof by Thomas Daley, as follows / beginning at a point in the middle of Long lace, formerly,called “Rouse’s lane,” at a corner of land of Young, now of AzariahH. Simmons et‘ al-; and extending along the said-lane north, forty-four end three-quarter degrees east, eighty perches and forty four hundredths of a perch to apost standing in the line oflafid formerly of Linley and Pancoast; thence along the same south seventy-three and three-quarter degrees west,--twenty-nine perches and twenty-five hundredths of a perch to a post in the line of land formerly of George Seese; thence .along the same north thirty-five and a half degrees west, fifty-two perches to > a corner in the line of land granted bv John Wagner to John Larpe; thence along the same parallel with said Long-lane, • north forty degrees east, forty-nine feet six inches; thence north thirty-five aud a half degrees west, two hundred and forty-one feet six inches to the middle of Long lane; thence north, forty degrees east along the middle of said lane, twelve perches aud one-tenth, of a perch to' the place ofbegiuning; containing nine acres Bnd two-roods. [Being the same premises which John Wagner et al.. by indenture bearing date the nineteenth day of Maj r , 1854, recorded in Deed. Book ..No., . Sage' , granted and conveyed unto thesaid.EUwood ratlack in fee. 3 [DC.. 619; Tune T., ’63. Debt, $3,241.29. D. Weather ly, Jr. j . Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of EUwoodMafclack. JOHN THOMPSON; Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 22,1853. jy2S-St QJ-IKKIFF’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF awrifc of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, AuguEt 3, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at, All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three Etone buildings thereon erected, situate on the north westerly side of Grape street, in Manaynnk, . in the Twenty-first ward of the city of Philadelphia; contain ing in front on said Grape street forty-four feet ten inches, and extending in depth ninety feet. Bounded northeastward by ground now or late of HiramPennell, northwestward by ground, of Edward Parker, south westward by ground granted by James Sollivan Smith and wife to said Edward Preston. Senior, and south eastward by 1 Grape street aforesaid. [Being the-same premises which James Sullivan Smith and Eliza A', his wife, by indenture duly executed, bearing date the 29th day of July, 1852. recorded .in the office. &e., in Deed Book T. H., No. 31, page 474.-&C. , granted and conveyed (inter alia) unto the said Edward Preston, Senior, his heirs and assigns/] N. B.—The above property will be sold as follows: No. 1. AH that certain lot or piece of ground and tbree-stoiy stone house thereon, situate on the north westerly side of Grape street, said house being about fifteen feet in front, and about thirty feet deep, and said lot being about fifteen feet front, and about ninety feet deep. Bounded northeastward by property No. 2, north westward by ground of Edward Parker, southwesfcward by ground granted by James Sullivan Smith and wife to said Edward Preston, - senior, and southeastward by Grape street aforesaid. - Z No. 2 All that certaiu lot of ground and three-story stone house thereon, situste on the northwesterly side of Grape street, said house being about fifteen feet in frout and about thirty feet deep, and said lot being about fif teen feet front, and about ninety feet deep. Bounded northeastward by property No. 3, northwestward by ground of Edward Parker, south westward by property No. 1, and southeastward by Grape street aforesaid. No. 3. All that certain lot of ground.aud three-story stone bouse thereon, situate on the northwesterly side of Grape street, said house/being about fifteen feet in front and about thirty feet deep, and said lotbeingaboufc fifteen feet in front and about ninety feet deep. Bounded on the northeast by ground now or late of Hiram Pen nell,' on the northwest by ground of Ed ward Parker, on the southwest by property No. 2, and on the southeast by Grape street aforesaid. ~[D. C.,639; JuneT., ’63. Debt. $397.69. Lawrence.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Edward Preston, Sr.’, who was sued with, &c. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. •. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 22,1585. . jy23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas,to me directed .will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, August 3,1863. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street HaU, 'All that certain yearly ground rent or sum of one hun dred and twenty dollars;payable'by Joseph M. Thomas, bis heirs and assigns, in haU-veavly payments, on the first days .of Janaary and July in every year, issuing out of all that certain lot or piece of, ground situate on the east side of Eighth street, at the distance of twenty feet northwaid from the north side of-Gatharino street; 5 u the late district of Moyame&sing, BOW i&- the city of Philadelphia; containing.,in. front or .breadth on saia Eighth st. eighteen feet, and extending eastward of that width; in length or deoth, seventy-seven feat rix inches, to a ten-feet-wide alley leading northward from Catha rine street. [Being the same lot or piece of ground which James Harper and wife, bv indenture dated the Ist day o: . June, A. D. 1852, recorded in Deed Book .page , &c.» granted and.conveyed unto Joseph M. Thomas in fee; reserving thereout the aforesaid yearly ground rent or sum of one hundred and twenty dollars; which said yearly ground rent the said James'Harper and wife, by indenture dated che 20th day of May, A. D. 1853. re corded in Deed Book S. D. W., No, 165, page.lBB, &c. granted and assigned, inter alia, unto the said Horatio 8.-Pennock.hislieirsand assigns.) . ; . - CD, C., 652; June Term, ’63. Debt, $156- Spering. ] • Taken in execution and to be sold as .the property of George Connell, Administrator of H. B. Pennock, de ceasecU . •',-••• JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. ... Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office,- July 22,1853. jy 23-3 t SHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed,. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, August 3,1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that .certain three-story brick messuage or- teae ment and lot or piece of ground, situate on the west side of Randolph street, in the city of Philadelphia, at the distance of one hundred and ■ eighty• two feet'seven ' inches and a quarter northward from the northwest oor ner of Girard avenue and said'Randolph street afore said; containing in front or breadth on the said Ran dolph street sixteen feet, and extending that breadth, in length or depth westward, at right angles with said Randolph street, fifty-six-feet rix iuches to a two-feet -six-inches-wide alley leading northward and parallel with said Randolph street Into anothar two-feec-six inches-wide alley, which leads eastward at right angles with and into the said Randolph street. Bounded north ward •> by ground now or late of George R. Kressler, westward by the first-mentioned alley, and southward by ground now or late of John Gay, and eastward by Randolph street aforesaid. Together with the free and common use and privilege of both the aforesaid Rileys. Subject to the payment of a certain yearly ground rent : or sum of one hundred" dollars, in equal half-yearly payments on the first day of the months of January and uly in^eve^ year■ T Debt, $5OO. Hieskill. j . Taken in execution ana to be sold Asjihe propeny of Behman StTcet. ' JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office. July 22, 1863, jy23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—RY VIRTUE OF A lO wr it of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will he exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY EveniDg,August3,lB63,at4o clockiat Sansom-street Hall, All ; that certain lot or piece of ground situate on tue southwesterly sideof Adams street, and northwesterly side of Coral street, in the late' district of Kensington; now Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front or breadth on the said Adams street 'sixtyfeet, and extending inlength or depth southwest wardly of that breadth, along the said Coral street, one hundred andflfty feefc. three inches to; .Taylor, street. Bounded northwestwardly by ground granted or intend ed to have been wanted to Norris Dixon on ground rent, south westwardly by said Taylor street, southeasterly .by said Coral street, ahd ; northeastwardly by Adams ’as BeT)t*3,4S9 96. J. M. Thomas. 3 .Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of TElia.B Fpstein. JOHN THOMPSON, Slieriff. ' Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. July 22, 18G3. jy23-3fc CHERIFF’S SALE.—-BY VIRTUE OF A O writ oi-lievari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue,, on MONDAY Evening, ■August3, ; 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. - • All-that certain two-story brick messuage or tenement, (No. 23) and lot or :Piece of ground situate on the north side of union street between Dclaware.Second and Third streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or bmidth - on the eai<L Union street fifteen feet, and in , lenath or depth forty feot, with ground now or late of Moles Patterson, northward wiih ground late of Esther. Pemberton," deceased; -eastward with ground now or late of Stokely Hossman. and south ward with Union street aforesaid. _ - - " ? [DaC., 641; J. Term, 63. Debt, $69/.62. Lawrence.] ; Taicpn in cxecutionand to besold as : the property of HeSlfy V Wall*. -JOnN.THOMPSON, Sheriff " vPhUftdelpbia, Office, Ju1y22,1863. iy23 St.. SHERIFF'S SALES, SHERIFF'S SALK—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAx Evening. Augunt3,lSo3sat4o’clock,at6ansom-street Hall. fro. 1. All those two contiguous lot* orpieces of ground as laid out and numbered lv9 and 125 in the plan of the Philflfielphia County Rea) E-Ute Association, <itu«te at thesontbeabteornerof olorabiaavenueand Bailey street in tbe late district ,of Peon, now city of Fhiialelpbia; containing together ihp&rt on said Columbia avanae thir ty-five feet and extending i& depth southward of that width alongthe Aast side of said Bailey street seventy nine feet, cwrtaia three-feot-wide alley. [BeiDgthe Famepremises which the Philadelphia Coun ty Real Estate Association, by deed dated September 7, 1853, and recorded tn D-?ed Book T H., No. 123, page »252, granted unto George M in fee ] No. 2 AH that certain lot or piece of grorend, with the buildicgrt and improvements thereon erected, situate on the south side of Diamond street, in the city of Philadel phia, at the distance of twelve feet westward from Keis ler street; containing in fronton said Diamond street twelve feet, and extending in length or depth-southward sixty-one. teec nine and three-eighthi inches. [Being i£ b 6 me , prem i Bf kwMch William H; Kero,. Sigh She r*ff* *c., by deed-poll dated February 9, 1861, and re corded in D. C. Sheriff’s Deed Book Y. No/s r page4s9, &c., granied unto Geojge M. Ivinsler in fee. 1 No. 3. The undivide 1 moiety or half part of all that certain gruuna rent or sum of fifteen dollars, lawful money, issuing and payable in half-yearly payments ?? dai K ?f' Jttly and Januar* in every year, out ot all that certaio lot or piece of mound situate on *he south side of fhomp-on Rtreet, and west side of Alder and Elcvnnth streets,-in the city ,Id dejphia; con-taining in front- or bren-dth on v a,d Xl 10^ fifteen feet, and extending that breadth m d«p;h pouthward forty feet. CBping the same ground rent which William R. Paul, et us? by deed 3, A. D. 1817, and recorded in i* o<l^ 183. &c., graatAd uato Obiistian J., Veil and George .M. Kinsler in fee, as tenai-ts m common 1 No. 4- The undivided moip.ty of half-part of all that certain two-story brick messuage or muement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the sontheastwardiy side of Allen-street, between fihackaraaxon and MarlboroUffh streets, in the city of Philadelphia, marked number 9. va a plan of lots laid out bv the executors of Daniel Deal, deceased; containing in front on said Allen street iweniy feet, and in depth southeastwardly ninety feet one KDd;a balf inches. CBeing the same premises Charles Poulton and wife, by deed dated Novem ber 28, A. D 1849. and recorded in Deed B;ok G W. C . 32, page 316, &c., granted unto Christian J. Fell and George 61 Jvinsler m fee. as tenants in common. 3 No. o. The undivided moiety or half-part of all that certain ground rent or sum of $27, lawful money, issuing and payable half-yearly on tbe first days of January and July, out of ail that certain lot or piece of ground situate, on the north side of Taylor street, in the Nineteenth ward rofthe city of Philadelphia, com mencing at tue distacne of ninety feet west from the westerly side <»f Amber street;,containing in front or breadth on said Taylor street thirty, feet, and extending north ward of that wxdcb in length or depth, sixty feet three inches i I Being tbe same lot of ground which Christian J. Pell acd George M. Kinslerand wives, bv deed dated June 29, A. D ISU, aadrecorded m.Deed H., No 164, page 57.' &c , granted unio Robert Niell m fee, reserving to said FelHand Kinsler the ground rent of twenty -seven dollars afore- BBld.] No. 6. The undivided mon>ty or half-part of all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the Routh side of York street, one hundred feet wide, at ttfe disUuce.of seventy-two feet westward from the west side of Tulip street, in. the Nineteenth ward of the'city of Philadel phia; containing in front or breadth on said: York street thirty-four/eet, and extending in depth southward, of that width at right aagles to said York street, one hun dred and twenty-nine feet six and one-eighth inches to Gorcon.street. [Being the same lot of ground which Reuben Zellum and wife, by deed dated May 20, 1848 and recorded in Deod AW. M., No-71. piro 221, &c., granted unto Christian J. Pell George if Kinsler in fee a as tenants i n common, subject to a ground rent 0t534.1 V. N0..7. The undivided moi*y or half-part of all that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the south side of York street, one hnndrod feet wide, at the distauae of fifty-four feet westward from the west side of Lemon street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Phvladel . phia; containing in front on # aid York street thirty- two feet, and in depth the same widih, south wardly at right angles with said York street, one hundred and twenty nine feet six and one-eigUth inches to Garden street. [Being the same lot of ground-which Joseoh M. Thomas and wife, by deed dated May 6. A. D. 1848, and recorded in Deed Book A: W M.~, No. 71, page 226, &c., granted unto Christian J. Poll and,George 01. Kinsler in fee. as tenants in common, subject to a ground rent of $32. ] fro. 8. The undivided moiety or half part of all that certain frame messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground situate in the city of Philadelphia, on the south-, we&twardly side of Ann Btreet, at the distance of two hundred and sixty feet northwestwardly from Bath street; containing in front or breadth on said Ann' street forty feet, and in length or depth extending thence southwestwardly, taking the same breadtli at right angles with said Ann street, one hundred and eight feet. [Being the same lot of ground which Hiram Cheater, by deed dated September fourteen. A. D. 1846 and recurded in Deed Book A W- M., No 19,-page 205, &c., granted unto Christian J. Fell and George M. Kinsler in fee, as teaant§ in common, subject to a ground rent of forty. dollars. ] No. 9; The undivided moiety or half-part of all that certain ground rent of fifteen dollars, chargeable on half yearly issuing payable oue of all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the south side of Thompson street, beginning rit the distance of fifteen feet westward from the we3t side of Alder street, between Tenth and Ele venth streets. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front£.r breadth on said Thompson street fifteen feet, and extending of chat breadth in length or dept a soufhwird forty feet. [Bemg'tlie same ground rent which William R. Paul and wife, by deed dated July 29, A. D. 1816, and recorded in Deed Book A W. M., No 14. page 519. &c., granted and assigned unto Christian J. Fell and George M. Kinsler infee, as tpnants in common. ] No. 10. The undivided moiety or half part of all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the ea<-t side of Sixth street, commencing at the distance of one hundred ar d teventy-five feet north from the north line of Dau phin street, in the late district of Kensington, now in the city of Philadflphia; containing in front on said' Sixih street seventy-six feet, and extending in depth, eastwardly of that breadth- paralleL to said Danphin street one hundred and thirty-six feet ten aud aquarcer inches to Fairbill street. Bounded on the north by ground of James Gray, on the southby ground of Philip Lehr, on the east by said FairhiU street, and on the west by Sixth street aforesaid. [Being fchesameioT of ground which Henry P. Lees", bydeeddated May twenty four, A. D. 1852, and intended to be recorded, granted aud conveyed unto the said Christian J. Fell and George M. Kinsltr in fee, as tenants in common. 3 . - No.' 11.-The undivided moiety or half part of all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of Marshall street, commencing at ilia distance of one hun dred and 1 inety-nine feet four inches northward from the north, side of Girard avenue, in the city of Philadel phia; containing in front or breadth on said Marshall street twenty feet, and in length or depth eastward, ■ keeping the same breadth at right angles with said Mar shall street, Seventy-one feet two inches. [Being the same premises which Pollard McCormick and wife, by deed awted May one, 1352. and recorded in Deed Book T..H., N 0.32, page ISO, &c., granted unto Christian J. Fell and George M. Kiusler ia fee, as tenants in com mon; 3 No. 12. .The undivided moietv or half part of all that certain yearly gr.ound rent or sum of forty dollars and fif«y cents, issuing oat of a certain lot or piece of ground situate on the ease sice of Amber street, at the distaoce of one hundred and forty feet southward from. Wood street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on said Amber street eighteen feet, and extending in depth of that width one hundred-ami forty foet to Emma street. [Being the same premises which Christian J. Fell and George M. Kinsler and deed dated June eight. ISOB, and recorded in Deed Book'A D 8., No 23, page' 175, &c., granted and conveyed unto Johu McGuigen in fee, reserving the ground rent of forty col lars and fifty cents afortsaid; 3 No. 13.vThe undivided moiety or half-part of all that certain ground rent of $4O 60 issuing out of a certain lot or piece 0/ ground on the east side of Amber street, at the distance of one hundred and. fifty-eight feet southward from’Wood street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on said Amber street eighteen feet, and in depth. of that width one hundred and forty feet to Emma street. [Being the same premises which Christian J Fell and George M Hinslerand wives, bydeeddated JuneS, A. T). 1858. and recorded in Deed Book A. D. B , No. 23, page 179. &c . granted to Robert Mcßride in fee, reserving the ground rent of $4O 50 aforesaid. 3 No-14. The undivided moiety or half part of all that certain three-story brick messuage or tenement and lot orpiece of ground, situate in the city of Philadelphia, on the southwest side of Ann street, at the distance of two hundred and twenty feet northwestward from Bath street; containing iirfront or breadth on said Ann street forty feet, and m length or depth, extending thence keeping the same breadt h at right angles with said Ann street, one hundred and eight feet. [Being .the same premises which Ashton J. Davis and Wife, by deed dated August 9P>A. D. 1341, and recorded in Deed Book G. S-, No. 30, page 131, &c., granted unto Christian J. Fell and George M. Kinsler in fee, as tenants in common.] . . No 15. The undivided moiety or half part of all that brick building and lot or piece of ground, situate at the northwest corner of Front and Coates streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front orbreadth onsaid Front street thirty feet one inch, and in length or depth on the north line thereof eighty feet four inches, and on the south line thereof along the said Coates street eighty two feet two inches more or less, and in breadth on the rear end thereof thirty feet five inches and a half; also, the undivided moiety or half part of ail that certain lot orpiece of ground, situate on the north side of Coates street, at the distance of eighty-two feet two inches westwardfrom the noithwest corner of the said Coates street and Front Etreet, in the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front or breadth, on the said Coates street eighteen feet, and extending in length or depth north wardly between parallel lines, at rigat angles with said Coates street on the east line thereof, thirty-feet five inches and a half, and on the west line thereof thirty feet - six inches and three- quarters. [Being the same premises which John B. Bodd and wife, by deed dated November 3, A. D. 1841, recorded in Deedßook G S., No, 84, page 94, &c., granted and conveyed unto Christian J. Fell and George M Kinsler in fee, as tenants in common. 3 No. 16. The undivided' moiety or half part of all!that certain lot or piece of ground, with the messuage or tene ment thereon erected, situate on the southerly side of a ten-feet-wide alley or court, left open by Henry Brusstar. deceased, called Brusstar’s alley, at the distance of about two hundred and fifty-nine feat eastward from Queen street, in Kensington, city of Philadelphia; containing in breadth east and west nineteen feet, and in length or depth, extending southward at right angles with the said alley parallel with Queen street, about forty feet, be the same more or less. ' [Being the same pre mises which Thomas Brusstar and wife, by deed dated March 4, A. D. 1844, and recorded in Deed Book R. L L . No. 16, page 599, itc., granted unto Christian J. Fell and George M. Kinsler in fee, as tenants in common 3 [D. C., 624; JuneT., ’63. Debt, $5,000. Hieskell.3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George M Kinsler. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office. July 22.1553/ iy23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A Mwrit of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be. exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Augusts, 1863,at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. . One full equahand undivided third-part, the whole into three equal parts to be divided, of, in, and to all that certain lot or piece of ground, with the messuage or tenement thoreou erected, situate on tlie west side of Ja coby street, at the distance of two hundred andeighty seven feet northward from the noriliside of Race street (formerly called Sassafras street), in the Tenth ward' of the said city; containing in front on the said Jacoby street fifteen feet, and extending inlength or depth ward eighty feet, to a certain ten-feet-wide-alley lead ing southward into Wager street.: Bounded southward, by ground granted or‘inteuded to have been granted-by William Bethell and wife, to Samuel W. Wecr on ground rent; northwardly by ground partly of the said William Beihell; and by ground partly ofEriut'ui and Burd; eastward by the said Jacoby street, and west ward by the said ten-feet- wide-aliey. [Being the same premises Which. Nathan Bartlett, by indenture dated the thirteenth, dav of August, A. D. IS*>, recorded ia Deed Book A. M., No 70, page 327, &c., grained and conveyed unto Rebecca Ann Smith in fee, under aud subject to the payment of a certain yearly ground rent or sum offorty five dollar.-*, payable to William Bethellj his heirs and assigns. And the said Rebecca Ann Smith, afterwards intermarried with Dr. Frederick A. Carpenter, and is since deceased, intestate, aud without issue, leaving her surviving husband, the said Dr. Frederick A Carpenter, and her sister Mary Smith, married to George Powell, the children of her brother Benjamin P. Smith, deceased, and the said John'S; "Powellr son and only child of her sister, Hannah Poultney Smithdeceased, formerly married to the said George Powell 3 Together with the right, liberty, and privilege of building over a certain three-feet-wide-alley adjoining the said lot on the north, ‘■'to the depth of-thirtv-two feet from the said Jacoby , street; ana together with the free and common use and privilege of the said ten-feet-wide-alley- _ ' .CD-C. 630; JuneT., ’6S. Debt, $364.82. Hopper.]* ' Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John S. Powell. JOHN THOMPSON; Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, July 22, 1863. jy23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF M a writ of Alias Levari Facias, to me directed, will topublic sale or vendue, on-MOND AY Eve ning, August 3, 1883, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the threo siory brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situ ate on the west side of Hancock street,' late in the Ken sington district," now in the Seventeenth ward of the city of Philadelphia, at the distance of one hundred aud eight feet southward from the south'side of Master street;' containing in breadth or front on said Hancock •street eighteen feet, and extending in length or depth, at right angles with 6aid Hancock street, fifty-one feet sDe inches. Bounded on the north.and south by ground ot Thomas B. Longatreth, on the west by ground granted or intended to have been granted to Lewis Hoff on ground rent, and on tbe east by Hancock street aforesaid. [Which lot of ground Thomas Longstreth aud Lydia his wife, by indenture dated'tbe 21st day. of January, A. D. one thousand eight hcmfired and forty-two, recorded in the office for recording deeds, &c., for _tho, city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed Book G. S., No. 35, page 510, &c., granted and conveyed unto the slid Han nah Goss, in fee: reserving thereout unto said Thomas B; Longstreth, his heirs and assigns, the yearly rent or sum of eighteen dollars, lawful silver money of the United States of America, payable on the first day of the months of October and April, half-yearly thereafter for ever, without deductioufor 1 . [D. C. '632; JuneT., 03. Debt, $311.12. -Hopper.] Taken rin execution and to be sohLas the property of Jacob Goss and Hannah Goss, his wife. f J,ICO / ... JOHN THOMPSON, SKeriff.- Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, July 22, 1863. jy23e3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF io a writof Alias Yenditioni Exponas, to me di rected, will be exposed to or vendue, on . MONDAY Svening, August 3, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sau som-streetH?R, x ; •• ■ ; .- 41l that certain lot of ground situate on the southeast erly side of Richmond street, at the distance ot twenty feet northeasterly of Oivavio street, in _ the Niueieentli ward of the c*ty of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said Richmond street eighty-seventy feet, and extending inlength or depth of that breadth southeaster ly, ou the northeasterly side, one hundred and fifty-eight feet, more or lees, and on the southwesterly side thereof, one hundred and forty-nine feet seven inches aud thred eigbths of an inch to Tarpin street. .Bouuded south westeily by ground granted by John Lambort to John O’Brien on gi'ound rent, southeasterly by said Tarpin street, northeasterly by ground how or late of Harry Conrad, and northwesterly by Richmond street afore said- [Beingthe same premises which James Prosser and Abby, his wife, by deod dated the eighth day of No vember, A. D. 3863, recorded in Deed Book. A. D. 8., No. 1.3!}, page 441, granted and conveyed to Joseph-T. Row andinfee. Reserving thereout the yearly rent of one hundred and thirty dollars and fifty cetts, payable half yearly on the first days of January and •July-forever, clea r of taxes, for arrears whereof these proceedings are had, and.subject to which rent said-premises will be sold. ] ' : - CD: C., 611;: JunoT..'G3. Debt, $l7B 90 H. C. Townsend,] Taken in execution ,and to be sold,as <the property of Joseph T. Rowand- * - JOHN THOBn j SON, Sheriff. ' Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office; July 21,1533. jy23-3t4 SHERIFF’S SALES. SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUEOF A writ of.Veaditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, August a, !6tW, at 4 o’clock, at Saasom-street Hail, Ail the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim, and demand of Charles Worts, at law or in equity, of and in ail that certain-meesa&ge or tenement and lot or Pi™ ofgrouDd situate on the south side of Spruce street, the distance of eighty feet westwardfrom the west side of Broad-afreet in the city .of Philadelphia; containing In front or breadth on the said Sprace street tweutv feet, and extending of that width in length or depth south ward onehunared and foro -tvrc-fees, including st the 1 rear end thereof th e easternmost part of a certain three* feet* wjde alley, leading into and from a certain twenty feet-wide street which cxfen ts southward from the said Spruce street. Bounded eastward,southward,and wes'-- tvsrd by ground late of Charles ts. Boker, deceased-and northward by Spruce street aforesaid. Subject the said premises toAhe payment of a yearly ground rent or sum of four hundred dollars to George H Buker and Charles o. Boker. their heirs and assigns, in equal hatf-vea-lv payments, on the first day of the moarhs of April aad October in each. year, without deductionfnr tax-*8 re served by deed dated 2d day of October.llB3B, recorded Id Deed- nook A. D. t» , No. 86, page 211. Ac. [D. a. 647; June T„. ’63. Debt, $1,722.22. - J. C Mitchell.} . Taken hi execution and to be sold as the property of Charles Wurts. . JOHN TBOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff *s Office, July 2-2. 1563. jy23.3t QHEKIFF’S; SALE.— BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Levari Faoias.tome directed,will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on. MONDAY Eve ning, Augusts, l&Jt, at4o’clock, at Sansom-street Sail, All that certain three-story brick messuage or tene ment, kitchen,, and two-story messuage or tenement aad lot or piece of ground, situate on the northeast corner of School and Bose streets, in the Kensington district of the tforihorn Liberties, in the county of PluladelpUU, commencing at said comer and.extending thence north wesiwardly along Sfild School street thirtyefour feet six inches,, Ihence northeastwardly at light angles with said School street about sixty* three feet to Howard street, thence southwardly along said Howard street about forty-seveu feet two inches to Bftid Rose street, thence south westwardly along said Hose street th’rty-onefeet two inches and a half to the'place of be ginning. foUcni^- -Til6 kk° Te described premises wißbe sold as No 1; All that certain brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground Ritnate on.’the eastwardly side of school street at the distance of about eighteen ieetnorthwardly from the north side of Kb3e street: containing m front or breadth oh said School street about sixteen feet six inches, more or less, and extending tbence between lines at right angles to said School street eastwardly on the north line about sixty-three feet and on the south lineabout foity-seven feet to Howard street No. 2. All that certain jrame messuage or tenement situate on the northeast corner of School and Hose strfeis; containing in front on said School street about eighteen feet, and extending in length or depth on the northwardly line about foTtv-seven feet, and along Rose etreet on the southwardly line thirty-one feet two and a half inches to Howard stTeet. . m . CD. C.. 656; June T.,'63. Debt, $526. Simpson.]. _4fcken m execution and to be sold a* the nronertv of Beatty. JOHN THOMPSON, SherifF. ■ Philadelphia, Sheriff's oBoa, July 22, 1863. jy2S-St SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF * * ifrit of Venditioni Exponas, to mo directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne. on MONDAY Bve nliK'at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the stone building thereon, situate in Mauayunk, in the Twenty first ward of the city of Philadelphia, on the north westerly side of Grape street, at the distance of thirty feet northeastward from the corner of ground late of George Shields, now of said Edward Preston, Senior, containing in front or breadth on>aid Grape street fifteen feet, and in length or dipth extending thence north westwardly, between parallel lines at right angles with said Grape street, ninety feet. Bounded northeasterly by ground granted by James Sullivan Smith and wife to said Ed war 4 Pre don, Senior, southwestwardly by other ground granted by said James Sullivan Smith aad wife to said Edward Senior, northwesterly by grouudnow or late of Barclay Haines, and southeasterly, by Grape street aforesaid. [Being the same single house and lot which James Sullivan- Smith and. EUza A , his yw. by indenture duly executed, bearing d He the 29th day»of July, A. D t lBf2 n recorded in the office, Ac., in Deed Book T. H*.}No. 31, p?ge 474, Ac , granted and conveyed (inter alia) unto the said Edward Preston. Somor. his heirs and assigns.] JjD. C.» 640; June T., 63. Debt. $429 211 Xawran.ce,] Taken in . execution and to be sold as the property of Edward Preston, Sr., who was sued, &c. -JOHN -THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, July 22, 1863. jy-22-3fc CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF ’■J a writ of Plnries Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve nimr, August 3, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. . All that threo-f tory brick factory or soap works, built constructed upon a certain lot ot piece of ground, situate at the southeast corner of Carlton and Twentieth streetp, in the Fifteenth ward of die city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on the said Twentieth strtet forty-five feet, and extending in depth of that Width along the said Carlton street one hundred and fifty-two feet,; more or less, and the lot or piece of ground and cartilage appurtenant to t he paid bailding. l3>. ‘5 651; June T.. '63. Debt $1,702 53. J. B. Townsend. ] Taken in execution and to be sold ae the property of William T. Marks Ac. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, July 22, 1863. iy23-3t 1 PROPOSALS. (CLOTHING AND CLOTHING MATE RIALS. Navy Department, Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, July 5, 1863. SEPARATE PBOPOSiLS, scaled and endorsed “Pro posal’s for Navy Clothing and Clothing Materials, ” will be received at this office until 3 o’clock P. M., on the sth day of August next, for furnishing and delivering (on -receiving forty days* notice), at each or either of the Navy Yards at Charlestown. Massachusetts: and Brook lyn. New York (one-tbird at the former, ana two-thirds at the latteryard), in such numbers and quantities, and at such times as may be called for by the Chief of this Bureau, or by the commandants of the said Navy Yards, respectively, during the fiscal ya*r endian on the 30th day of June, 1564, the numbers and quantities of the different articles specified in the following table, viz: - Class 1. Blue cloth pea jackets Class 2. Blue cloth round jackets...... .. •Class 3. Blue cloth trowsers.. Blue satinet trowsers. Blue felt caps. Blue flannel oyershirts.....:. ► 40,000 Class 8. Blue woolen knit undershirts... Blue woolen knit drawers. • Class 7. Canvas duck trowrors.... Barnsley sheeting frocks. Blue satinet, yards. Blue flannels, yards. -v. Class 10. Barnsley sheeting, yards .100,000 Canvas duck, yards 50.006 Blue nankin, yards... 35.0C4 Class 11. Calfskin lac-gd shoes, pairs...., 50,000 Ivipskin shoes, pairs..... 35,000 Grained leather boot?, pairs 10,000 Class 12. Woolen socks, pairs. Class 13. Mattresses, (with two covers for each) ..12,000 ■ CLAS3 14. Blankets. Class 15. Black silk handkerchiefs .30,000 Offers may be made for one or more classes, at the cption of the bidder; but all the articles embraced in a class must be bid for. _ Each ciasswillbe considered by itself, and the con tract for that class will be awarded to the bidder whose proposals for the articles comprised in the class are lowest in the aggregate. The cloth for . the pea jackets shall be twilled pilot cloth, pure indigo blue, wool-dyed. The ftlt caps shall bo of felt cloth, dyed pure iudigo blue, made or good wool only, and shall conform in the sizes, color, grade of wool, and in all other respects to th e samples deposited at the navy yards. The cloth for blue cloth rouud jackets and trowsers shall be twilled, all wool, and pure indigo blue, wool dyed.. - The satinet must be 27 inches wide inside of list, with a heading to consist of not less that twelve white woolen threads at each end of the piece; must weigh not less than 9% ounces per yard, to contain in' each 'piece about 25 yards,.the warp must be cotton,pure indigo blue, yarn-dyed, and the filling wool, pare indigo blue, wool-dyed Each bale of 400 yards shall average nine and a half ounces to the yard, and no piece shall be below 9ounces to the yard. The satinet trowsers must he made of material like the above. The broad-cloth and satinet of which garments are made shall be well sponged before made up. The flannel must be all wool, wool-dyed, pure indigo blue, and twilled; must be in pieces of about 50 yardsin length, 27 inches wide, weighing five and one-half ounces per yard, with a list on each edge of four white woolen threads woven in the whole length of the piece. To be packed in bales of ten pieces, tliqjpieces to be rolled separately without cloth boards; each bale to contain 500 yards and 150>£ pounds flannel. No piece to have a less average weight than 5 4* 10 ounces per yard. The overskirts must be made of flannel like the above. The woolen-knit undershirts must be warp knit, all, wool, best American fleece, indigo wool-dyed, made up entirely by hand, of two sizes—No. 1. 36 inches long, 42 inches round ; No. 2, 84 Inches long, 33 inches round—to weigh not less thanllM pounds per dozen, in all respects equal to samples. The woolen-knit drawers to be all wool, best Ameri can fleece, indigo wool-dyed, warp stitch, of.two sizes— No. 1, wawt to measure round 38 inches, length 44inches, 44 inches ronnd the hip; No. 2, waist to measure round 36 inches, length 44 inches. 44 inches round the hip; waistband to be of strong twilled cotton, well sewed, and firmly attached to th'e body, to correspond in every inspect with the sample. The Barnsley sheeting must be free from cotton, 30 inches in width; weight, twelve ounces 31-100 per yard; texture, 4 by 4.t0 1-10 inch. The canvas duck must be free from cotton, 27 inches in width, and about 36 yards in the piece, double thread warp and filling; weight, eight ounces,23 100 per yard; texture, 9 by 10 to 1-4 inch. S The shoes must be plainly stamped with the con tractor’s name, number of the shoe, and year when made. The sizes to be in the following proportions for each 100 pairs, unless otherwise ordered, viz: 8 of No. 6, 17 of No 6,25 of No. 7, 25 of No. S, 16 of No. 9,7 of No. 10. and 2 of No 11. They must be sewed with a square awl, and conform in all respects to the samples at the yards, and be delivered in good, strong boxes, the tops of which to be securely fastened with screws, and each box to contain 25 pairs, in these proportions, viz: 8 pairs of No. 6, with 17 of No. 6,-13 of No. 7, with 12 cf No. S, or vice y&'Sa, 16 of No. 9, with 7of No. 10, and 2of No. 11. The calf skin and kip skin shoes to be packed in separate boxes. The hoots must he of ?he besi quality of oak tanned grain leather, sewed with a square awl: all the sewing and stitching to he done with the hand, to correspond with the sample in every respect, except that the sides shall be sowed with, the hands, and not machine stitch, as on sample. The woolen socks must he woven or knit, indigo mixed, all wool, shall be well scoured, andin color and quality fully equal to sample. . The mattresses must weigh ten pounds, including tick ing. which is to he cut 6 feet 6 inches in Ifength and 31 inches wide*. ' The;covers must measure 77 inches in length and 20 inches in width. The hair, ticking, and covers must conform to samples. The nan Inn must ;be equal to the best blue American nankin, 26 inches wide, textures threads by 4 threads to the 16th of an inch, dyed with pure Bengal indigo. The blankets must weigh 6% pounds per pair, and measure oS by 78 inches each. ‘ A bale of 50 pairs must weigh 325 pounds, and no pair shall weigh less than 6 pounds 5 ounces. They must be made of clean wool, and each blanket must be marked • *‘U. S. Navy,” as in the sample. The black silk handkerchiefs must be 31J£ by 313£ inches, and weigh onoounce and 12 grains Troy; texture, 14 bv 23 to one-eighth of an inch. Bidders for the above will specify whetner the articles they propose to furnish are to be of the growth, produc tion, and manufacture of the United States, asapreie rence will be given to such. . - A schedule of the three sizes for each 100 pieces of made-up-clotliing will be found with the samples of the respective yards? and all the aboye articles, including the necessary buttons, rings,. &e., are to be fully equal in the quality, texture, color, weight,-and of ma terial, and to conform in pattern, sizes, and workman ship to raid samples. Theprice must be.uniform at al» the stations. , . . All the above articles must be subject to such inspec tion at tbe place of delivery as tbe chief of this bureau may direct; and no article will be received that is not - fully equal to the sample in every respect, ana which does not conform to the stipulations and provisions of the contract to be made. . , , • . , , “ . The whole must b 9 delivered at the risk and expense of the contractor Each box. and bale to be marked with the contractor’s name. The. inspecting officers to be ap pointed hy the Navy Department .. ~•' The offers must distinguish the prices for each article mentioned in a class, and must be calculated to cover every expense attending the fulfilment of the contract, including the necessary buttons. In case of failure on the part of the contractors to de liver the several articles which may be ordered from them, in proper time and qf proper quality, the chief of the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing shall be au thorized to purchase or direct purchases to be made of what maybe required to supply the deficiency, under the penalty to be expressed in contract; the record of acquisition, or a duplicate copy thereof, at the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, or at either of the navy ravds aforesaid, shall be evidence that such requisition has been made and received. ■- Two or more approved .sureties iu a sum equal to the -estimated amount of the respective contracts will be re quired, and twenty per centum will be withheld from, the amount of all payments on account thereof, as col lateral security, ana not iu any event to be paid until it is in all respects complied with; and eighty per centum of the amount of all deliveries madewill be paid by the navy agent within ten days after the.warrants for the .same shall have been passed by the Secretary of . the- Treasury ■ ■ - Bidders whose proposals shall be accepted (and none others) will be forthwith notified, and as early as practi cable a contract will be transmitted to them for execu tion, which contract must be returned to the bureau with in ten days, exclusive of the time required for the regular transmission of .the mail. A record, or duplicate, of theTetter informing a bidder of the acceptance cf his proposal, will be deemed'a, no tification thereof, within the meaning of the act of 1846. and his bidfwill be made and accepted imeonformity with this understanding. Every offer made must be accompanied (as directed in the act of Congress making appropriations for the naval service for ISI6-’47, approved mb August, 1846) by a writ ’ ten guarantee, sis’ed by one or more responsible per sons. to tbe effect that lie or-they undertake that the bidder or bidders will, if his or their bid be accepted, enter into an obligation within five days, with good and sufficient sureties, to furnish the supplies proposed. 1 he, bureau will not be obligated to consider any proposal unless accompanied by the guarantee required by law, and by satisfactory evidence that the bidder has the license required by act of Congress. The competency of. the guarantee to be certified by the navy agent, district - attorney, or the collector of the customs. .• o Blank forms of proposals may be obtainedon appli 'cotionto the navy agents at Portsmouth, New Hamp~ shire; Boston , Btio York, Philadelphia,.Baltimore, and at this bureau. , TT . The attention of bidders is called to the samples and • description of articles reguirea, as, in the inspection, before reception, a just but rigid comparison will be Tfifide bf tween the articles offered and the samples and contract ,- receiving none that fall below- thera; and their attention is also particularly diverged tothe joint resolution ofZlth Marchi 1556, in addition to the act of August, 1846. jy9-th4t AUCTION SAXES. JOHN B. MYEB9 &■ CO., AUCTION. " EEKS. Nos. 33» and »S 4 MARKET Street. SALE OF.DRY UOODS.J T , ON TIIDRSdaY MORNING, July 30tn, at 10 9 clock, will be sold bv catalogue, os lour montcs credit— An aaeorfriaent of atepleaud fancy dry goods. ■pURNESS, BRIN LEY, & CO., He. market steeet. TVT THOMAS & SONS, . XTA* Ngs. 536 and 141 South FOURTH Street. PUBLIC SALES STOCKS AND HEAL ESTATE. SVBTC TUESDAY during the business season; inr the months of July August only occasional safes. - . ~ . FURNITURE 6-ALES ftt the Auction Store every Thursday. Sale aft Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. MAHOGANY PIANO FORTS, FRENCH PLATE MI.RROBS. CHINA AND- GLASS WARE, FINE CARPETS, Ac. - THIS MORNING, At 9 o’clock, at the Auction Store, the aaperior faral ture French plate mirrors, mahogany Piano-forte, flu* cairets. &c. Also, by order of executors, the household farnitare Of Honalason’sestate. Also, a fine con vex mirror, in handsome frame. in^^l2South Fourth Street. HOUSEHOLD FUUNiTnRE. PIANO. GAS FIXTURES* TAPESTRY CARPkT^. &C. •» , , ON TUESDAY MORNING. • July 23th. at 10 o’clock, at y 0 .8i2 South Fourth street, ne»ow fpruce street. Hie household and kitchen furni ture. piano-forte, gas fixtures, fine spring mattresses, oft cloths, tape.°try carpets, & c. , May be examined at 8 o'clock ou- the morning of the sale* Sale at United States Hospital—Northwest corner Crown and Race Streets FRAME BUILDINGS, BBjCKS. PIPE, CIRCULATING BOTLEB, & c . •• _ _ ON FRIDAY MORNING. July 24th, at 11 o clock, at the northwest corner e£ Crown and Race streets, by order of tho Uhifed States, several frame hospital buildings, brick chimney and pavement, lead and iron pipe, circulating boiLer, stoves. &c. , May he examined at 8 o’clock, on the morning of the sale. . . * PAN COAST & WARNOCK, AUC TIONEERS. No. 313 MARKET Street. SALE OF AMERICAN AHD IMPORTED DRY GOODS* HOOP SKIRTS, STOJH GOOD 3, &c„ &c., by cata logue. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. July 29th, commehcingat K) o’clock precisely. (GILLETTE & SCOTT, Jayue’fl Marble Baildiag, 619 CHESTNUT hfreet, and €IG JAYNE Street. " Philadelphia. TJY HENBY F. WOLBEST, *-* ■ AUCTIONEER, No. 203 MARKET Street, South side, above Second St. Regular Sales of Dry Goods, Trimming-*, Notions, &«., every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY MORN INGS, at 10 o’clock precisely. City and country Dealers are rectuosted to attend these sales. Consignments respectfully solicited from Manufactu rers, Importers, Commission, Wholesale, and Jobbing Houses, and Retailers of all and every description w Merchandise. DRY GOODS. COTTON HOSIERY, SKrRTS, Ac. t i . ON FRIDAY MORNING. •July 2*th,commencing at 10o’clock, will be sold.dress a ?- < Lr OB ? Gfe “ c cotton hose aad half hose, wide-tane HSirte. Jace points, handkerchiefs, neckties,- o'uslin shirts, suspenders, ladies’ collars, trimmings,round aad use combs, fanß. shoes, ftc. Also. ready-made clothing. cloth 3, cassimersa, aattl nets, Ac. pBILIPFOBD&CO., AUCTIONEERS. 525 MARKET and S3* COMMIECB Streets. LAEGE POSITIVE SAI E OF BOOTS AND SHOES. ■, , OH THURSDAY MORNING. 4b J V we will bold oar firat Bale of Boots and Shoes -for the Fall of 1863, when will be sold for cash, by catalogue. Commencing at 10 o’clock precisely, about 1.509 cases prime hoots, shoe?., broganp, cavalry boots and balmo rals, mst received, from first-class City and Eastern manufacture, to which we invite the early attention of buyers MARSHAI/S SAXES. iyrARSHAL’S SALE.—BY VIRTUB of a Writ of Sale by the Hon. JOHN CADWaLA DEK, Judge of the District Court of the United States, In and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and-best bidder, for cash, at the STEAM SHIP COMPANY’S WHARF. above Vine street, on WEDNESDAY, August sth, ISO 3, at 12 o clock M. t the steamer Charleston, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, as she now lies at said wharf. WILLIAM MILLWARD, U. S. Marshal E. D. 0? Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, July 20, 1863. jy2l-3i ■MARSHAL’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE of a writ of sale, by the Hon. JOHN CAD WALA DEB, Judge of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at CALLO WHtLL RTBFET WHARF, on SATURDAY. August 1, 1863. at 12 o’clock M., the schooner Bettie Kratzer. her tackle, apparel, and furniture, as she now lies at said wharfi WILLIAM MILL WARD, U. S. Marshal E. D. of Penna. Pniladelphia, July 20, 1863. jv2l-6t A/TARSHAL’S SALE.—BY VIET WS - LTJ - of a Writ of Sale by the Hon. JOHN CAD WXLA DER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of PennsyJ vania, in Ad miralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to tbe highest and best bidder, for cash, at CALLOWHILL STREET WHARF, on WEDNESDAY, July 29, 1863, at 12 o’clock M., the schooner EMMA, heT tackle, apparel, and furniture, as~she now lies at said wharf Immediately after the sale of the vessel, at MICHE NEE’S Store, No. 143 North FRONT Street, will bo exposed to sale the cargo nF the same, consisting of 255 baga and 1 lack of Salt. 8 hf barrels of Powder. 44 boxes Liquors, 2 cases of Cutlery. 5 cases of Muskets, &c. WILLIAM MILL WARD, _ U. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, July 16. 1863. - 5y17-tt •v. 12,000 .... 6,000 .... 23,000 ....30,000 ■jVTABSHAL’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE of a writ of sale, by the Hon. JOHN CADWALA DEE, Judge of the District Court of the United Stat-sin and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admi ralty. to me directed, will be sold ai public to the highest and beet bidder, for cash, at MIC ZENER'S STORE, No- 143 North FRONT Street, ouTHURSD AY. August 6fcb. ISC3, at 11 o’clock A. M., the cargo of the Steamer CHARLESTON, consisting of coarse and fine salt, tin in boxes, horse shoe iron in bundles, burlaps and cotton bagging in bales, seaming twine in biles, printing paper, rum in pipes, halves and quarters: brandy in pipes and cases; soap, plain and fancy; leather in rolls, manilla rope, shad in barrels and kits, raising in boxes, tea in chests and half chests, ale in casks, pep per in bags, earthenware in crates, sponges, Spanish brandy, andaguadiente in demijohns. «ftc., &c- WILLTAM millward, U. R- Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Pbila.. July jv22-St rST THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of GEORGE W. WATSON, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle,, and adjust the account of MORRIS S. WICKERSHAM. Administrator of the estate of George W. Watson, de ceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands ofthe accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of Mb appointment, on WEDNESDAY, July 29, 186 s ?, at 4 o’clock JP. M.« at his office. S. E. corner SIXTH and WALNUT Streets, in the city of Philadelphia, jylS-stutbSt ' D. W. O’BRIEN, Auditor. TO THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR A COUNTY OF LANCASTER, PEOTA. Estate of AJLRON QUIJtfBY, deceased, late of Fulton Township, said county. The undersigned auditor, appointed by the said court. ' * to make distribution of the balance in the hands of G. B. Cutlor, surviving Executor of the last Will of said deceased, to and amongst those la gaily entitled to the same,” hereby gives notice that he will meet all par ties interested, for the purposes of Ms appoiutmeut, at the COURT HOUSE (Library Hoorn), in the City of Lan caster, county aforesaid, on THURSDAY, the 6th day of August, A, D. 1863, at 2 o’clock, P. M.. of said day. D. W. PATTERSON, Auditor. je2s-tjy3l June 24,lfiffi. TUMEDLE’S COMPOUND SYBUP OF v dock As a safe and effectual remedy for Cough, Pain in the Breast. Spitting Blood, Scrofula, and in all cases where a Blood Purifier is requisite, it is the Medi cine above all others. Try it. Sold by Proprietor. F. JTJMELLE, 1535 MARKET Street, And all Druggists. jylQ-ts&i TTTTT AT IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH! good news sob andwounded. Messrs. J. GEIM and T, ALLEN. MEDICAL ELEC TBICIANS* (formerly associate with. Profs. Bolles and Galloway,) having removed to So. 183 North TENTH street, between Coates and Brown streets, are now pre pared to treat and core all Curable Diseases, whether acute or chronic, pulmonary or paralytic', without a shock or any inconvenience. Poor Soldiers will ba treated gratuitously. The Ladle* will be treated by a lady. Among the diseases for whic)> we will give a spe cial guarantee, when desired, we men tlon the following t Consumption, Ist & 2d stage; [Hemorrhage, Parallels, [general Debility UTewalgia. Asthma, ITevar and Ague, Congestion, Dyspepsia, Eiienmatisio, Bionc'hitis, No charge for consnltailo: 6 P.M. > POE SAKE ASB TO WBT. MTO LET—THE DESIRABLE STORE 415 CHESTNUT Street, nearly opposite NEW POST OFFICE. Possession given August Ist. Inquire at tbe store. Jy2*-tf m FO R SAL E—THE PHILADEL -S»PHIA HOUSE, at Cape Island. Two neat Cottages at Atlantic City. Several neat Dwellings, at a sacrifice. Also, a large number of country places, large and small, and also, a large variety of City Properties. B. F. GLENN, 133 South FOURTH Street, and south west corner of SEVENTEENTH and GRBEN. jy!B m FOR SALE—THE DWELLING S. Hal. -W. corner FRANKLIN and GKSEN Streets, with. sideyaTd. Apply to _ jyll-12t* No. 4:36 WALtTfT Street. FARM OF 621-2 ACRES OF VERY JSi. productive LAND, on the Bristol turnpike, at Andalusia, a quarter of a mile from Cornwell’s Station, on tbe Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad; well watered by running streams, good farm, buildings, fruit and shade trees, with several desirable Lots for the location of country seats, within view of the river Delaware. For sale by I. C. PRICE, corner SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH Streets. ' je29-lm m VALUABLE IBON PROPEBTY -SaiPOB SALE—MATILDA FURNACES AND OR* BANKS,—This property is situated on the Juniata river, in Mifflin and Huntingdon , counties, Pa.,, within one mile of Mount Union Station, on Pennsylvania Rail road. The Juniata Canal and Pennsylvania Railroad pass through the property. It embraces about twenty seven hundred acres of land, about three hundred acre* of which is, good form land, in a high state of cultiva tion; the balance ia good timber land, would supply sufficient charcoal for the furnaces. The improvements are a good substantial furnace, stack, steam engine, iron blowing evlinders, &e., with all the necessary buildings. There is on this property an extensive bed of Iron Ore, being identical, In the. geological eerie*, with that at Danville and Bloomsbury. This ore can be mined and delivered at the funiaces for about one dollar per ton. Limestone in abundance, of good quality, on this property. -\The extensive coal fields of the Broad Top and Alleghenies are from forty io fifty miles distant* by Pennsylvania Railroad or canal, and.the canal run ning through the property makes it one of the best loca tions for the manufacture of iron, either with coke or anthracite. In addition to the charcoal, the bulldtnpi for the furnace and farm are ample, substantial, and in good repair. The property wiube sold a bargain, and on easy terms; For further particulargadaress v J WASHINGTON RIGHTER, COLUMBIA, Lancaster county. Pa, P. B.—For quantity and. quality cf the ore, see Prot Lesalie’s Report on same. ; ap2S-3m* gS DELAWARE COUNTY COTTON -SapACTORIES FOR SALE—The valuable Cotton Fac tories, known as AVONDALE and STRATfIAYSN, si tuated on Crum Creek, Delaware County, one mile from Westdale Station. West Chester Railroad, two mile* from Leiperville, and three from Chester, now occupied by Simeon Lord, are offered for sale. “Avondale” in cludes a stone mill 82 by 47 feet, 3K stories high, with, dry house, picker house, twenty-two stone tenements, and about 9 acres of land, in Springfield aud Nether Providence townships.: Strathaven” includes a frame cotton mill, S2by 30 feet, 2& stories high, with picker house, five frame and stone tenements, and awas 24 acres of land, in Nether Providence. The properties will be shown by Mr. Lord, on the premises. Early po*- teesioncanbeiriven. For terms hgutae. H. f eoraOT ofFBOKT and WALcmTjStewU^^ gh COUNTRY SEAT ON THE RIVER TR" Delaware, near TorresdaJe. beautifully located, •with wharf on the river, containing 53 acres of excellent farm ins Land, well supplied with fruit, shade tree*. &c.; communicating witjtttj and THIFTBEnA Sts. je29-lm ® FARM.—A VERY DESIRABLE FARM, of 130 acres of excellent LAND, under good fence and well cultivated; watered by two running streams; situate at the forks of the Bethlehem and Sum uevtown turnpike roads, one mile from Penlynn Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad, and 15 miles from the ForSe hELC. PRICE, cor. SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH Strata ift29-lm _ 'r AXE SUPERIOR INGOT COPPER, L from the Amrjtialoid Hlae, Jh and forigU Is to salt, at - : lEQAI. MEDICAL diseases of the Kidneya, Diabetes, Prolapsus Uteri, (Palling Womb,) Prolapsus Ani, or Piles Nocturnal Emission, be. &I. in. Office boms: 9 A. M. to ieB-6m_
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