SIBERIFTf'S SALES. jjßiirjjv 8" Balk- bY ' vTk rub of writ of Venditioni Exponas, to ojo tureoted, exposed to pnbHc sale ot- vendue, on BlOND&Y T» August 3,1863, at 4 o'clock, at B&osom-street that certain, factory or mill and lot or piece of rd situate lato in the b n'ough of Mauayuak, in jorough township, now cne Tweaty-flrn ward of ity of Philadelphia; beginning at a stone at the edge ie river hchuyiM U ac »n,«rof Ltud uow or lato of cliuylkili Navigation Company.; thence along a line' Id land north, bjAtidbar negroes *n.i fifteen minutes about two huudied feet to the Flat Uncut road, so 1; thence along t-aid road south, forty degree* and minutes east, seventy-six feet to a corn-r of land itaker & j'tfphens; alonv the said Wb.Ua- Stephens’ land south, fifty-one degrees and thlvty linutes west, about one hundred and <event*-fWe > the river achuytaiU; thence along, the margin of river to the place of beginning; also, the right and liege of drawing from the Flat Koctc or Mstuaynnk il feo much watov as will pai*s through a rectin<aUr tureof an area of .one hundred square inches iu an plate without under and sunjeot to a iy rout or sum of four hundred aod fifty doila c. iaw noneyof the United, atat-***, p.yable to fue pros.dcnt, Si&feiuiv sE tkJi SahaiilliilL Jl3j.vljiiioa many. Uiolr guccestore and ussigngi in gqiiai mur* fir'FßWVtho.firetsf 7 wnesa<ii)owmoer T fry year forever Being of the .-uuie privilege h the said the president, managers an i c onp-tav of juuylkul Navigation Company,thy iadt»a< are bear ate the iwomy-ninth day of Dorerab-r. a 1). ISIS, ted and conveyed junto Andrew Tounga* appurts . to this and tho adjoining premU-.b on the»outheast, : subject in t it- rubinctions «.ml Limit <t:oua iu the raid suture set forth and contained. Being the same mlssß which James Whitaker and Sarau, his wife, William B Stephens and Ckrillue .a., h'.swlfe, by suture dul yjexecuted, bearing dale the seventh o ay of uary, anno Domini on* thousand eight ban*).red and * tl 2 T i&., reco , r ‘ lfedin tbe P*uP**i office for r-cordiuff, . at Philadelphia, in Deed Dock T. H.. No fiO, page ac., granted and conveyed onto the said hdward , *. 18 au d assign*, excepting in the ids following, to wit: the use and prl»1 le«e or ram or hay as tte same is now u*td ihr»ngh me and along ich the water is eouducKdfrom ihe FUt Koch Uan.U igl'evein-granted mill, and, also, to the mill of the Whitaker & tstephnns. on the adjuluiua co southeast atoresaid,|tor the term of ten years from date of these which said privilege is in led to ho leservod out of this p reseat grant as apoar int to the said adjoining premises fir tho use and iminodation of tho owners ».nd occur nts thereof lug the term aforesaid but uoluiumt, aud iuand by said indenture it was covenanted ns fo'tow* by the Edward Preston, ihafr ho. his heirs, executors, and Inistratorr, shall and will, at his and their own pro* cost and chargo, beep and maintain iu good and: ‘went repair that part of t?nid race or joreb.iy which i between the F<Ht Rock canal and the gate or open* )n said foiebay through which the wace. U conduct* ir the separate use of the hereby granted mill for the 1 s 'B.*l’® 8 .* 1 ’® aforesaid, or for such sh rtor term a* j ®l I ' d W hltaker & Stepheus may require the uso thereof; fn ™W' it was covenanted that they, the said es Whitaker and William B. Stepncm*, their nelrs, rntors, and administrators, e-hall and wil , at their proper cost and charge, ke*-p and maintain in good Bufficient repair that other part of the aforesaid race reoay extej-diug from the gate or opening thronah .Ui S UlO fc9DU.lfl.lfl llfl&nf tho my pimtsii miii to tno ana or toraiiifMi'm ornii or forebny I’yr tli© Term of ton ye*,rs, or tor each ler term hs iLe said. WkUilier Af txtaybe ?e the use thereof, as In and by the »aid reciteu in* tnre, reference being thereunto had, will-more fully sar- Together with the above-recited covenant and ?emoiife ou. tbe i art of the said James Whitaker aud bam B. Stephens, tlieir heirs, executor.,, and adtui* rators, to be performed and kept, and all the rights remedies tor enforcing the same. -Together wdh ail appurtenances, &c. 0.. 613! Jane T„ ’O3. Debt. #1,006.2,5. Lawrence ] 4k©n in execution and to besild ae the property of 7H r d Pre6ton. Sr JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff, lladelphia, Sheriff’s Office. July *22. 1863. . jy23-3t ; IRIPP’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OP •* Writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will jxposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eveu- Augusf 3. 1363. at 4 o’clock, at Sadsom-icreer- Hall, o. 1. All that ctrtam three-story brick ineieuatje, on easterly side of Sites (late School) s.ireet, at ciiedis ce of thirty-four feet six, inches northwardly from corner of streot: containing in front or breadth the said Sitesstroet about sixteea feet, and extending *oce in length and depth «asfcwardly, between Uue3 at lit angles with said Sites street, on the north line , , a nd on the south line about sixtv-three t, to the westerly side of Howard (late Hopefatreet n the rear end of said lot there is erected a. two-story le messuage ; >. 2. Aleo. all those four four story brick messuages enement6, situate on the easterly side of said di;es Jet, commencing at the distance of about nin-taea . northwestwardly. from. the intersection of Hone ?et, and containing in front or breidth on said SUes set about flfty-six Jeet, and in lengtn or depth, on, northwardly line, about thirty-one feet, and on the imenbout twenty foet, mnreor less. D-*“"he last above described property will be sold illpws: • 1 foar-stor y brick massuago, stttt ou the eastwardly side of Sites atreet (No. 1101). mead os at the distance of about nineteen fast from intersection of I-lope street -with said dites street, con lag in front or breadth on said Sites street about fonr feet, and in twenty feat >. 2. All that certain four-story brick messuage, situ ou he easterly side of Sites street (No 1103), ad ung the last above described premise*, coutaminff la ttor breadth on said Sites street about fourteen feet, i in depth about twenty feet. io, 3. All ihat certain fonr-story brick messuage, tn&e on the eastwardly side of Sites street (No 1103), lpmlng the iast-above-doscribecl premises: containing .icat or breadth on said Sites street fourteen , andin depth about twenty-eight feet. >o 4. All that certain four-story brick messuage, tude on the eastwardly side of Site*street (No. fft)7) loining the last above-described premises; ciutiiniiig front or breadth on said Sites street about fourteen t, and in depth about thirty-one fr e * CD. C., 657; June T. .’63. Debt, $351.20. Simpson 3 .aken in execution and to be sold as the property of icias Beatty, &o. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff, iiladeiphia. Sheriff’s Office. July 22. 1863. j«23-3t GRIFFS SALE.—BY YIRTCJE OF - writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed' will be )sed to pubhc sale or vendue, on MONDAY" Evening, o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall,' il that certain lot or piece of ground wish the two ne mesHmuts thereon erected, situate iu the.lweitty-firfct ward ot the city nf PhUadehhia: rinmtiff a,r, a corner of George Shield’s ground, on s northwebterly side of Grape street, extending rtheasterly along said. Grape street thirty feet, and ttimung of that width in : lengch or depth between allel lines at right angles to said Giape afreet ninety , to ground now or late of Barclay Haines. Bounded th westerly by paid ground of darcla y Hat nos, north wardly by other ground «>f said Edward se r, southeast!* ardly by said Grape street, and soath *twardly partly by ground, late of John Whitehead X partly by* other ground of said Edward Preston, l ?p, r - the same premises which Jatnea^Sullivan ith and Eliza A., his wife, by indenture auly execu , bearing date the twenty-ninth day of July, a, D 2, recordedm the oftico, Ac , in Deed Bo>jk T. t£_. No. pa £?l/* Ac .granted and conveyed (inter alia) unto e said Edward Preston, senior, his heirs and ass’gas.) w %-“3£ e x?* , ? ve Property will be sold as follows: «0 1. All that certain lot of ground, an! three-story ?ne house thereon, aituateon the northwesterly side Grape street, beginning at a corner of ground which irge Shields and wife granted to said Edward Pres , eenior; exteuding thence northeasterly along said ipe street about fifteen feet. Said house.being about een feet front and about thirty feet deep, and said lot ing about fifteen feet front and about ninety feet deep, unued on the northeast by property No. 2, on the south st by ground formerly of George Shields, now of said ward Preston, senior, on the north west by ground of relay Itaines, and on the southeast by Grape street. to \Mjua| t EBrtMiUotjf iranM and iSrmjmT iy feide of 5 ape eireac. norlheast o? aatl aoiolnine iMtty Ho. u said iioiisa bolni atioiit Bfosa lost lit and about thirty feet deep, and gald lut being mt fifteen feet front and about ninety-feet-d-ep inded on the southwest by property No. 1. oa the tlieast by Grape street, on the northwest by ground Jarclay Haines, nnd ou the northeast by. a s ngte lseaud lot granted bv James Snilivan Smith and te (inter alia) 'o-Kftid Edward Preston, senior. . • • D. C.,.638 JuncT., ’63. Debt, *1.657 67 Lawrence.] aken inexecution and to be sold a-, the property of yard Pfeston, Sr. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.. nladelphia, hherilTs Office, July. 22, 1863. i jv23-3t IERIFF’S SALE.—BY [VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me di tgd, will bo ■ exposed to public sale or vendue, on 'IiDAY Evening, August 3, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sau a-street Hall, J 1 that certain lot or piece of ground situ ite on the Btjßideof Hamilton street, now Forty-first street, be ■ining one hundred and two feet nine iuches no i th ward >m thfr Baltimore turnpike road, in the Twenty fourth ir d of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on imilton street eighteen feet,,and in depth between irallel lines at right angles therewith one hundred aud ty feet. Bounded on the north by .other' groand rmerly of Daniel M. Jones; on the east by Forty-ilrst reet; on the south by ground formerly of William J, Jilin (now of Henry 0. Townsend), and on the west by icertain lot or plrce of ground eighteen feet in length :orth and south, by nine fast in breadth east and west, ecited as intended to be dedicated for public use. CBeiug he same lot of ground which William J. JjoflLa and 7ife, by deed dated November 16, A. D. 1856, recorded at Philadelphia in Deed Book R. D. W., No. 104, page MS, ranted nnto the sa : d Daniel M, Jones in fee; reserving hereout the yearly rent of #45, a* therein expressed, for nearages, whereof these proceedings are had, and sub set to which rent said premises will be sold. ] Together nth all right, title, and interest of said Daniel M. Jones, us heirs and assigns, whether of soil, use, way, or jtherwise howsoever, of, in, and to the said strip of ground, eighteen feet in length by nine feet in breadth a the rear end of said lot of ground above described, and leading therefrom southward into the Baltimore turn-' pike road. ID. C.,612; JuneT., *O3. Debt, $148.35. H. C. Townsend.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Daniel JOHN-THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 22, 1863. jy23-3fc [HERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a'writ of Alias Levari Facias, to mo directed, will be jxposed to public sale or vendue, on MOND A Y Evening. August 3, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Snnsom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three- Dtory brick dwelling house Ithereon erected, situate on he south side of Wallace street, at the distance of se ven ty-Bevenfeet ten inches westward from the west side of Seventeenth streat, in the city of Philadelphia; contain ngia front orbfeadh on said. Wallace street twenty feet, and extending in length or depth southward, of lat wldth.parallel with said Seventeenth street, seventy six feet five inches. Bounded northward by said Wal lace street, southward by ground now or late of John Baird, eastward partly by. ground granted to .Tames >v. Packer on ground rent, and partly by the head of an alley three feet five inches in width, leading eastward into Seventeenth street, and westward by ground grant ed, or intended to have been, granted, to Charles Van Horn on ground rent. [ Being the same premises which John Davy and Harriet his wife, by indenture dated the fourth day of February, A. D. 1859, recorded iu -the office for recording deeds, etc.. at Philadelphia, in Deed Book A. T. B, No. 56, page 35, &c., granted and con veyed unto the said Francis E. Morris in foe. Subject to the payment of a certain iprmcipal debtor sum of three thousand five hundred dollars, secured by mortgage on the above-described premises. J Together with the free and common use and privilege of the said alley, as a passage-way and water-course, at all times thereafter forever. CD- C,Gal; JoueT., ! 63. Debt. SSS3.OI. Hopper.] Taken in exocntionand to be sold to tbe property of Charles W. Morris and wife. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 22,1863. jy23-3t QHERIEF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OP ft writ of Pluriea Levari Facias to me directed, will be expesed to public Jeale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Aug. 8, 1863, at 4 o’clock, atSansom-street Hab, All that certain lot or Apiece of ground, with the three- Story brick mofisuago or tenement;, thereon erected, sitn ate on the west Bide of Thirteenth street,- at the distance of two hundred and five feet ten inches southward from the eemth side of Oxford street, in that part of the city of Philadelphia formerly called the district of Penn; containing in from nr breadth on said Thirteenth street •■fifteen feet ten inches, and extending of that breadth in length or depth westward one hundred feet, to a certain street, laid out and opened for public use forever, extending from Jefferson to Oxford street, parallel with said Thirteenth street, called Roblu son Btreet. Bounded northward and southward by Sound granted brintended to have been granted to John nlvaney, eastward by said Thirteenth street, and westward by. Robinson street aforesaid. [Being the same premises which Daniel O. Hitner, and Catharine, his wife, .by indenture bearing date the 17th of June, A. D. 1857* duly executed and acknowledged, and in tended forthwith' to be recorded according to law. granted and convoyed to the said Hemy Geiger, in fea.l Note.— On the above-described lot there is erected a three-story brick dwelling house, with two-Btory back buildings, a kitchen, and bath-room. Water and gas are introduced. ICD. C. , - 625; June T., *63, Debt, $2,170. Nichols.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Henry Geiger. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 22, 1863. ,iy23-3t CHEBIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Levari Facias, to me directed,' will be exposed to public krLb-*jt vendue, on MONDAY Evening, August 8,1663, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain yearly charge or ground rent of fifty four dollars, lawful silver money of the United States of America, payablejn even and equal half-yearly pay- Snentß, and issuing and chargeable upon ail that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the north slde of Wood street, at the distance of fifty-six feet nine inches eastward from the east side of Schuylkill Fifth (now Eighteenth) street, m the late district of Spring Garden, now the Fifteenth ward of the city of'Philadelphia; con taining infront or breadth on the said Wood street twelve feet, and extending of thatwidth, in length or depth north ward, between lines parallel with the said Eighteenth street, forty-one feet three inches to a two-feet-and-nine alley running westward into a iwo-feet and-nine-inches-wtde alley leading southward into paid Wood street. Bouuded nprthwardby the said two-feet and-nme-inches-wide alley, eastward and westward by ground granted unto Gatchell on. ground rent, anu southward by the said Wood screet. c Which said lot of Stround the said Morgan Hinchman and wife hv inden ture dated the 10th day- of June, A. D. mi Yarded in Heed Book G.S., No. 28. page 226, granted and couvevad u Gstcliell in fee, reserving thereout imtathe aald Morgan Hincliman the aforesaid ground r*»nt nf xfty-four dollars.'’ £D. 0.,613; J. T., ’63. Debt, $197.46 H.C. Townsend ] Taken in execution and'to be sold as the nr STorgan Hlnchman. ‘ JOHN THOMPSON, Sh BV ur Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office. July 22, 1863. jy23-:n‘ SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF ~ a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, grill be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY aSvenin g, Au gust 3, mi. at 4 o’clock, at Bansom-street Hall, ' .Ail that certain lot or piece of ground,with.thethree- Btory brjck.jnessuage or tenement thereon erected, si tuate on the east side of Erie street, at the dlslaace of one sixty.four feet southward from the -south fiJdeofßhippen street, in the Fourth ward of the oitv of JJiladelpliia;.containing in front or breadth on the street sixteeu feet, and in depth eastward flftv-fonr /set. to a certain twelve-ieet-wide alley leading from the «aid Shippen street to Fitzwater street. [Being thhsame ©remises which Samnel Roberts and wife. br indmi him Sated the twelfth day of September, one thousand eight 3iundieflLand'.fifty,fouiv recorded in Deed Book T H So. 160,;&age72, granted and conveyed to Robert f .Douglass in tee, ]. ; l £B i C..«l7i;Jnn.B T„ ’ffi Debt. *8*1.15. J. T. Owens 1 ' Taken In jexecnttouaad to be sold as thebroperty of Robert Douglass. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. ■Phtlndelplua, Sheriffs Office, July 28,1803. j y23-3t SHERIFFS SALES. - SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OP a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, wilL be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Breams, August 3,1963, at 4 o’clock, at Sansoia-street All, AJI those five stone messnages or tmemaaM and lot o piece or' ground situate oa the norti»we-teriy side of Giape street, in Manayunk, intheTiVentv-flret ward of thecity of Pniladelyhia; containing in front on the said Grape street eighty-two feet, and extending thence northwestwardly, between parallel lines, in length or depth sfventy-stx feet four inches. Bounded conih tat-twardJy by said Grape street, souchwestwardly partly by other ground of said Edward Frestoa, Senior, and partly by ground granted or intended to have buna granted to the Methodist Society, northwestwardly partly by ground late of John. Whitehead and partly by ground now or late of Samuel Lawson, and northeast wardly by other ground of said Edward Preston. Se nior. [Being the same premises which George Shields end Maria, his wife,*by indenture duly executed, hear ing date the tliirty-flivt day of December, a. D. JB>l, recorded in the oihce aforesaid, in Deed Book 0. W. 0., No 324. pNge 317, Ac,,, granted acd-conveyed* onto the said Edward Preston, Senior, his heirs and assigns; and tho said (Edwacd Preston, Senior, hath since erected oJitt HtoM messuages thereon. ] §* B ~TMatiOYBßroMly wUI-'bn sold m Mm; proa© House, situate on the northwesterly sine of Ora.De eU'jst. tiii'thi&it 6f Had uUdlulttilot ernatod by Alonzo ■Koub to Bald Edward Preston, Senior, said house being about sixteen feet front and about thirty feet de*p, aad said lot being about sixteen feet front aud about seventy eix feet deep Bounded on the southwest by lot granted by Alonzo Eobb to said Edward Preston, Sonior, on the northenstby property No 2, on the southeast by Grape street, and on the northwest as in the above general de scription. No. 2. All that certain lot of ground, and three-story atone house, situate on the northwesterly side of Grape street, northeast of and adjoining property No. 1 said house being about sixteen feet front, and about thirty feet deep,: and said lot being about. sixto:-*n feet front and about seventy-six feet deep. Bounded on tho southwest by property No. 1, on the northeast by property No, 3{ on the southeast by Grape street, and on tho - northwest as in the above general description. , , No. 3. All that certain lot of ground anil three:story stone house thereon, situate on tho northwesterly side of Grape streFt, northeast of and adjoining property-No. 2, said house being about sixteon feet front and about tcirty feet deep, said lot being about sixteen feet frout and about teventy-Rix feet deep. Bounded on the south-,. west by property No. 2, on the northeast by property No. 4, on the southeast by Grape Btreet, and on the northwest as in the abovo general description. No. 4, All that certain lot of ground, aud three-story stone house thereon, situate on the northwesterly side of Giape street, northeast of and adjoining property No. 3, said hou»e being about sixteen feet front and about thirty feet deep,; said lot being about sixteen feet front and about seventy-six feet deep. Bounded on the south.- vrest by property No. 3, on the northeast by property No. o, on the southeast by Grape street, ana on the northwest as in the .above geueral description. No. 6. All that certain lot of ground and three-story stone-house'theroon, situate on the northwesterly side of Grape street, northeast of and adjoiuing property No. 4, said house being, about sixteen feat front and about thirty feet deep, said 16t being about sixteen feet front aud about seventy-six feet deep. Bounded on the south.west by property N 0.4, on the northeast by gronod sspssJ^LtesaajeiastF^ “jf a .itffOF Sbtliia7i Di! &mnc o ] ' Taken m execution and to be sold aa tlie property of Edward Preston, Sr. • and Jas. ICenworthy, r.ops , &c. „JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff a Office, July 22.1383. ■ jy23-3t CHEKIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OP A of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or veudue, on MONDAY Evemng,August3,lB<3a.at4o’clocfc,at Sansom-street Halt, No. l. One undivided sixth-part, the whole linto six equal parts to be divided, or All that certain frame messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate ou the west sido of Fifteenth street, between -Race, and Vine streets, at the distance of ninety feet six inches northward from the north side*of Cow slip street, in the Tenth ward of the city of Phila delphia; containing in front or breadth on the taid Fifteenth street thirty feet, and extending that breadth in length or depth westward one hundred and twenty feet, to a twenty feet-wide-Btreet called Path street.- Bounded southward by ground of .west ward by taid Path street, northward, by ground of aod eastward by Fifteenth street aforesaid. No. 2. Also, one undivided sixth' part, the whole into six equal parts to be divided, of Alt that certain trame messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate ou the north side of the said Cowslip street and west; side of said 'Path street, in the lenth ward 1 -aforesaid; containing in front or breadth PJ 1 tb® said Cowslip, street fifteen feet, and extending that breadth- in length or depth northward seventy one feet .Bounded westward and northward by the nest hereinafter described lot of ground, eastward by the said Path street, and southward by Cowslip street afore- \ito. 3. Also, one undivided sixth part, the whole into six equal parts to he divided, of all that certain frame mes suage or tenement and iot orpiece of ground, situate on the north sideof said Cowslipstreet, in the Tenth ward aforesaid, beginning at tlm distance of fifteen feet west ward from the west side of said Path street; thence ex tending westward along the north side of said fWslip street fifteen feet; thence northward by ground of seventy-four feet; thence eastward by the nest nereiu after described lot of ground thirty feet, to the west side ot said Path street; southward along the same three feet ; thence westward parallel with said Cowslip street by the last above described lot of ground fifteen feet,and thence southward by the same parallel with said Path street seventy-one feet, to the place of beginning. . "O. 4. Also, one undivided sixth part, the whole imo six equal parts to be divided, of all that certain frame messuage or tenement aud lot or fjfSe £ f iv gro ? nd f situate on the west side of the said. Path street, at the diitance of seventy-four feet northward from the north side of the said Cowslip Ko&iaJm! 110 Ten * j ; containing in front "?h^ r bwsS«t?B>- s , aid J ath B , tre # tea ' feot » and extu nding tY length or depth westward thirty feet? the last above described lot westward by ground of , northward by the next aforSif 1 deSlirll ' ed lot ' aad eas, " rard hr Path street No. 5. Also, one undivided sixth part, the whole into six equal parts to be divided, of all that certain frame messuage.or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the west side of the said Path the distance of cighty-foiir feet northward from the north sideof thesaid Cowslip street,in the Tenth ward aforesaid; containing ia irontor breadth on the said Path street twenty-seven feet, and extending that breadth in length or depth westward tlnrtF feet, -bounded southward by the lastabovede sci'ibed lot, westward by ground of . northward by the hereinafter described lot, and eastward by Path street aforesaid. ' No. 0. Also, one undivided sixth part, the whole into six equal parts to he divided, of all that certain frame mes suageor tenement and lot orpiece of ground, situate on the west side of the said Path street, at the distance of one hundred and eleven feet northward trom the north side of, the said "Cowslip street, in the Tenth ward aforesaid; containing in front or breadth on the said Path street tlm-tv-one feet, and extending that breadth in length or depth westward thirty feet. Bounded southward by the last above described lot. westward by ground of northward by a fifteen-feet-wide-street, and eastward by Path street aforesaid. m CD. C., 028: JuneT., r 63. Debt, $171.27. Hopper,] lakcn in execution and to be .sold as the property of John Huston Cnow deceased), with notice to the widow, heirs and legal representatives of the said decedent t»vi , -v ot ’THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Qihce. July 22, 1863. .iv23-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OP awritof Alias Veneitioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue.on MONDAY Bve niL?j A ogust 3, 186.3, at 4 o’clock, at Sausom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece o( ground situate oil the Sv. fc i?I ly Sld ! °/ Emerald street, between Adams and Ta-yloi tbe late district of Kensington, nov Nineteenth ward, of the city of Philadelphia; coutain fifty fast tfres iiioileo, aaOlftßaliifi? ifiToDtaQoaiiSrii TOth 9ft§tTfftrai Adorns and- Taylor streets, sixty feet. Bounded northward by said Adams street, southward by said Taylor street, east watd by ground conveyed, or intended to be conveyed, street amresa^ Sinclair, and westward by Emerald [D C., 659; JuneT., ’63. : Debt,51,967,42. JohuM.Tho mas. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Romgan. : - JOHN THOMPSON Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 22, 1863. jy23-3t SHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OP a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, willbe exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening August 3, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain three-story stone messuage or tene. ment, anddot or piece of ground, situate on the south easterly side of Levering street, in Manayunk, in the Twenty-first ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid* containing m front or breadth on the said Levering street twenty feet, and extending in lenglh or depth of that width southeaetwardly seventy-five feet.- Bounded northeastwardly by ground now or late of Samuel Law son, soutneastwardly by ground'of the Mount-Zion Methodist Episcopil Church of Manayunk, in the county ot Philadelphia, south west wardly by ground granted to John P. Thompson, Samuel O’Niel, and John Small, trus tees, &c., and northwestwardly by Levering st. aforesaid [Being the same premises which Edward Preston, iunior by indenturei duly executed, bearing date the 14th day °f July* A. D. 1851, and intended to be forthwith re corded, granted and conveyed unto the said Edward Lr estop, senior, his heirs und assigns, as by reference being had to the *aid recited indenture will more fully and at large appear. ] CD.C., 633; June T., ’63. Debt, $1,015.82: Lawrance.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Edward Preston, senior, Claries Kenworthy, and Wil liamWinterbottom, trading, &c. _-i ~ cv THOMPSON, Sheriff. Pniladelplua, Sheriff’s Office, July 22,1563. jy23-3t CHBRIFF’3 SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF L 7 a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. August 3.1863. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. Ail that certain lot of ground, situate on the soufchside of Washington street,.(now Mount Vernon street,) at a distance of fifty-seven feet eight inches eastward from the east side of Twenty-third street, in the city of Phila delphia; containing in front on said Washington street forty-seven feet four inches, and extending in depth southward of that width seventy feet. [ Being part of a certain large lot of ground which Henry J. Williams,, by indenture dated the 13th of February, A D ISOB, and recorded in Deed Book R. D. W.» No. 93, page 2, 41 ’. granted and ebayeyed to the said James S. smith in fee; reserving thereout a yearly ground rent of three hundred dollars, since intended to be extin guished.] dfp.C., filfi; JuneT, *63. Debt, sl,aoo. Conarroe.] ‘ T laken m execution and to be sold as the property of James S. Smith.- JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 22,186:1. jy23-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will bo exposed to public sale or. vendue, on MONDAY Even ing, August 3, 1563. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hail, All that certain three-story stone messuage or tene ment and lot or piece of ground, situate on the south easterly side of Levering street, in Manayunk, in the Twenty-first ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; containing in front or breadth on the said Levering street twenty feet, and extending in length or depth of that width sontheasfcwardly seventy-five feet. Bounded northeastwardly by ground now or late of Samuel Law son, southeastwardly by ground ofthe .Mount Zion Me thod ist Eriecopal Church of Manayunk, in the county of Pbuadelpbia, southwestwardiy by ground granted to John P. Thompson, Samuel O’Niel, and John Small, Trustees, &c , and northwestwardly by Levering street aforesaid. [Being the same premises which Edward Pres ton, junior, by indenture duly execated; bearingdate the 14th day of July, A. D.. 1551, and Intended to be forthwith recorded, granted and conveyed unto the said Edward Preston, senior, his > heirs and assigns, aa-by reference being had to the said recited indenture will more fully and at large appear.) [D. C., 636; JuneT., ? 63 Debt, SISS.SB. Lawrance.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Edward Preston, f Sr., and James Keuworthy, trading .TOHS THOMPSON.. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 22,156-1. jy2S-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF '™ a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening August 3,1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain three-story brick messuage or tene ment and lot or piece of ground thereto belonging, situ ate on the east side of Lewis street, at the distance of three.hundred and twenty-two feet seven inches and five-eighths of an inch northward from the north side of Poplar etreet, late the district of Penn, now in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Lewis street thirteen feet six inches, and extending of that width eastward, between lines at right angles with said Lewis street, fifty feet, including therein the northernmost part of a certain alley which ex tends into and from Lewis street, and which is to remain open forever, of the same width, height, and p a 8 16 how is,-for the mutual accommodation oi the owners, tenants, and occupiers of the hereby granted premises, and of the messuage and lot of ground ; adjoining thereto on the south. Bounded on tb.B north ?Lie o^” 0 late °f Robert M and Lawrence Lewis, on the east by ground of Charles L. Oesauque, on the south hy a messuage and lot of ground conveyed to Mwy Boileau, and on the west hy Lewis stveet aforesaid, feuhject to the yearly rent or sum of twenty-four dollars. [D. C., 6i4: June T., *oS. Debt, *550. Latta ] Tfiken in execution and to ho sold as the m-onsvivof Augustus Piper. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff 1 Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 22, !So3. ,iv23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF M a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be -exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, August 3, 1863,- at 4 o’clock, at Saneom-streei Hall, All that certain messuage, lot or piece of ground, situate in Paschall village, (late the township of King sf SBing, now the Twenty-iourth ward of the city of Phi ladelphia,) marked No. 13 on theplauof the said vil lage, and bounded as follows: beginning at a stake in the post road, a comer oflot No. 12 on said plan; thence by the line of the same, south, forty-nine degrees foity ilve mmutes east, two hundred and sixty-eight feet to a : stake in the middle of Nor th street; thence by said street north, forty-nine degrees forty-five minutes ea3t, fifty feet to a stake, a corner of lot No. 14; thence by the line oi the same, north forty-nine decrees forty-five minutes west, two hundred and sixty-eight feet to the said post road; thence along the same, south forty-nine degrees forty-five minutes west, fifty feet to the place of begin ning; containing forty-five square perches and a half of land, be the Bame or less. [Being the same lot of ground which Henry Paschall and wife, by indenture dated the 30th day of May, A. D. 1525, in Deed Book G. W. R. , No. 8, page 652, &c., granted and conveyed unto the said David Egee in fee ] [D.C., 020; June.Term,’G3. Debt, $560. Paschall.] Taken in execution in dto be sold as.the property of Philip Seppler and Washington Egee, executors, &c , ot Dayid Egee, deceased. - : JOBN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Ofilce, July 22,1863. jy23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a Writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MOND AY Eve * n’ Apswst 3,1563, at 4 o’clock, at Bansom-street Hall ivL certain lot or piece oi ground, situate on the southwesterly aide of Cambria street, at the digtance of AiSvT fee r northwestwardly from, the northwest side of ill the Nineteenth, ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front oi* breadth on the said feet, and extending in length or a£F- of that hundred and forty l? 0 * I .®, 8 William' street Bounded north.- Cambria street; southwestwardly by < ? street, and southeastwardly and north weatwardlv by ground formerly belonging to John Rice. _£!• jfir Tl X*?!?o' l Ar« r 2? ? n - above described lot of Philadelphia, Sheriff,’s Office, Jnly 22,1963.* jy33-3t SHERIFFS SALES. CHERTFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF *7 a wril of Tenth Plories Levari Facias, to me direct ed, will bfiexposed to public sale or vendue, ou MON DAY Evening, August 3, 186% at 4 o’clock, at Sansom fetnetßaU. All that certain lor or piece of ground composed of three several contiguous lots of ground with the frame messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate omthe north westerly side side of tho Fraukford road, And northeastwardly side' of an avenue leading to the Franhlin Cemetery, in the Twenty-third ward of tho city of Philadelphia aforesaid; containing in front or breadth on the said Fraukford road one hundred and twenty feet, and extending in length or depth northwestwardly on the northeasterly line thereof at right angles with the said Frankfora road one hun dred and twenty foot, and on the south wostwardly’liae fhereof'along the said avenue one hundred and twenty feet and five-eighths of an inch, and on the rear end thereof one hundred and sixtoen feet six and one eighth inches. Bounded northeastwardly by ground .now or late of Agnes Boyd, northwestwardly by othdi ground late of Edward L. Spain, south wbstwardly by ibe said Franklin Oemetory avenue, and southeastward ly by the said Fraukford road* [Being the same, pre mises which EdWrtTd C. Graeff, by indenture bearing BTr.B flma tDßißwilli. Yiz; 2 « u ! Ip B ’ tiieroof, aud intended. to be ioflKWltli i'SOOJIIBII ftlP tllQ fiohfiidei'ktloii therein montionedi a pare Truorecf was thereby intended to be secured, granted and conveyed, (inter alia) unto thesaid Henry H. Wilson in fee. ] By an order of Court the purchaser will be re quired to pay two hundred and fifty dollars at time of sale " [D. C., 642; June T., ’63. Debt *4,250. Graeff.] Taken in execution, and to be Bold as the property oi Henry H Wilson. . _ JOHN THOMPSON, Bhonff. J‘hiladelpliia, Sheriff’s Oflico, July 22, 1863. jy23*Bt SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writof Venditioni Exponas, to'me-directed, will be exposed topublic sale or yendue, on MONDaYEvu-. Lina. August. 3.1863, at 4 o'clock at Sansom-stmt Hall,. All that coitain lot or piece of ground with the three si ory brick building thereon erectod, situate on the westerly side of Coral street, at the distance'of seven teen feet six inches southwardly from the south Bido of Price street, i« the .city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said Coral street seventeen feet, and extruding in length or depth fifty-one feat to a tlme-fe*t wide alley. [Being the samepramiiißß which i.aimin! Zepp aud wife, by indenture dated Sep tember 15, 1852, and dulyvecorded. grauted andcouveyed nuto Joseph Bothwell; reserving thereout a ground rent of lifty-two dollars per auirnm; which said ground rent waft conveyed to Josiah Kisterbock by Geoige M*-geo, Esq., High Sheriff, by deed dated Nay 15,1555, and recorded In office of the District Court *-t Philadelphia, in Sheriff’s Deed BookO., No. 2, page 488, &e.,nml the said Josiah Kisterbock granted and conveyed said ground rent, by deed dated April 13,. 1859, and recorded in office for recording deeds. &c., at Phiiiidolpbia, in Deed Book A. D 8., No. 84, page 454, to Adam Waithmanaud JamesL. Baum.] [t> C., 606; JuneT.,’63. Debt, *235.76. Juvenal.] : Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Joseph Bothwell, with notice to t<?rre tenant. JOHN -THOMPSON,- Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. July 22,1363. jy23-3t fiHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF i Ycaoitscjai. will be «>:ii©sed to public sal© or vendue, on Ewßiflg v August s, iSbS. at 4 o oloolc. at Hall. " All that lot or piece or parcel of land, in the city of Philadelphia, in that part thereof lately cal Led the dis trict of Spring Garden; commencing on the south side of Csllnwhill street, at the distance of one hundred and thirty-two feet three and five-eighths inches castwardly from the southeast corner of said. Callowhill and Twen ty-fourth streets; thence again eastwardly along the south siae of Callowhill street sixteen feet, and -thence extending southwardlx_at right .angles to Callowhill street of that width,. between parallel lines, fifty one feet five and three-fourthß inches. . Bounded on the northward_by Callowhill street, westward by ground ot John J. Ridgway, southwardly by ground ofTUotnaa Boothman, and eastwardly by ground of George Henes sey, [Being the Bame lot or piece of ground which Thomas Boothman and Mary Ann, his wife, by inden turo dated.thelst day of July, A. D. 1854, aud recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book R. D W., No. 136, paue 264,*erantedand conveyed unto the said Stephen Lowrey, his heirs assigns, reserving thereout unto tho said Thomas Boothman, his heirs and assigns, the yearly ground rent or sum of fifty-two dollars/- lawful money, payable half-j-early on the first day of the months of July and January in every year, without any deduction for taxes. &c. J - N. B.—On the above lot of ground is erected athree etory bn*rk messuage or tenement. m , [D. C.,645; JuneT., *63. Debt,5203.56. Caven] laken m execution and to be sold as the property of Stephen Lowrey. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 22, 1863. iy23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OP A writ of AliasLevari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, 1563, at 4 o clock, at Sansom:6treet flail, Aji that certain three-story brick messuage or tene and lot orpiece of ground, situato on the east side of Delaware Fourth street, between'Call whill street and Willow street, in the lata Northern Liberties afore said ; containing in front on said Fourth street fifteen teet nine inches, and in depth fifty-nine feet to a uine feet-wide alley leading into Willow street. Bounded northward by ground of Edwin Middleton, and south-' ward by ground late of William Johns, eastward by said alley, .and westward by Fourth street aforesaid. southerly moiety of‘the same lot of ground which Willism Johns and Hannah his wife, by inden tare dated the 23d day of January* A. D. 2827, Intended tobe recorded, granted to the said Enoch Middleton in fee.] Together with the use and privilege of thesaid nme-feet-wide alley, and together with the heredita ments and appurtenances. . . _ CD. C., 650; June T./ ’63. Debt. $5,043. Jiidson.] Taken in-execution and to be sold as the property of Enoch Middleton, and terre tenant. JOAN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Saenff’s Office. July 22, 1563. jy23-St SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF , a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to publdc sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning. Augnst 3,1863, at 4. o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain steam planing mill, woolen manu factory. and lot or piece of ground situate in German town,, m the Twenty-second ward of the city of Phila delphia, on the northwesterly side of Mill street, at the r/Sv* two hundred and ninety-six feet easterly fiom the east side of Cumberland street,' thence extend ing by a line running parallel with said Cumberland street by ground of Margaret Rowen, northwesterly one hundred and twenty feet, thence by a line running parallel with said Mirier street bv ground of Thomas HailoweU. northeasterly to the side of the Philadel phia, Germantown, and Norristown Railroad, thence along the side of said railroad southeasterly to the northwest side of said Mill street, and thence along the tide thereof about one hundred, and fifty feet south westerly to the place of beginning, [Being the same premises which fepencer Shoemaker and wife, by Inden ture datid the 29th day of September, 1858, recorded in Deed Book, granted and conveyed unto Henrv W. Gault in fee.] • * fD.C. 627; JuneT., ’63. Debt, 63.200. W. Sharp.,] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Beniy W. Gault. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, July 22. 1863. jy23r3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to' me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, August 3, 4 o’ Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the east side of William street, at the distance of one hun dred t and thirty-two feet south of Brown street, in the city of Philadelphia, late district of Spring Gar den; containing in front or breadth on said Wil liam street seventeen feet, including on the south side thereof the northernmost half part of a certain al’ey two feet_in width by thirty-two feet in cepth, and extendiuffin length or depth, eastward- be iShlipm!’. bm ffiflraf anTlmi'nf^aan'bTminnl Strt l ??! [ UCiBS tb? QRmolOt Of grouna which ‘Ttoaia.s r., w and Wife, by indeatrire sixthda-y of November, IJSL recorded in Deed Book G. C.. No. 120, PBge 34, granted to James Rorke in fee; reserving there out a yearly ground rent of $69, on a judgment for arrear ages of which the same is to be soltU] - : ; .CD. C. 654: JuneT. ’6a Debts3os.o6. Spencer.] Taken in execution and to he sola as the property of James Borke. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office July 22. 1863 jy23-3t FINANCUIi. GHENY COUNT Y BONDS* We have been appointed by the Conimissioners and Cent roller of Allegheny County their AGENTS, to effect the exchanges of the OLD BONDS of the County, issned to Railroads, for the BEW CO MPROMISE BONDS, The new Bonds will pay Five Per Cent Interest, clear of State tax. Any information will be given upon applica tion to ns. J. R. Sc H. B- FRY, jyl7- fit 13* South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. PUTLBR county railroad -f-* BONDS —The Commissioners of Butler county, Penna, propose to compromise their Bonds, issued to the Northwestern Railroad Company, at fifty per cent, on Bonds and Coupons now due. For particulars, corre spond with the Commissioners of Butler county. By order of Commissioners. jy!B-12t HARVEY COLBERT, Clerk. 'J' H E SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY HAS AUTHORIZED MB TO CONTINUE MY AGENCY. TOR A BRIEF PERIOD. And, smtll further uotlce, 1 shall continue 4? to receive Subscriptions to the 5-20 LOAN ATIPABJ AT MY OFFICE, AND AT THE DIFFERENT SUB*AGENCIES Vliroiifi[3iout tile Xioyal States. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT. No. 114 South Third Street, ,Q HARVEY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, ■ , 80. 31,a WALNUT Street. - Stocks and Loans bought and. sold on Commission at the . BOARD OF BROKERS. Subscriptions to the 6-20 year six per cent. LOAN still received at par. No charge for Commission. . . jy3-3m COLLECTION OF U. S. CERTIFI- CATES Off INDEBTEDNESS.-The ADAMS’ EX PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to collect at the Treasury Department, Washington, with despatch, and at reasonable rates, the . One Year Certificates of In debtedness of the United States now due or shortly ma turing. Terms mad© known and receipts given at the office, No. 3»0 CBEBNUT Btreet.. . ; * mys-tf , R M Y AND NAVY CLOTH HOUSE, Nos. 34 SOUTH SECOND and »3 BTRAWBERRY Bt«. INDIGO-BLUE CLOTHS, froms3.oo to $7.00. “ 4 * CASSIMEKES, from $1.25 to $3.00, BEAYERB, from $3.00 to $6.50. 6-4 MIDDLESEX KERSEYS,ifrom $3. 60 to $3. 75. 6-4 ? “ ... FLANNELS, very superior % INDIGO FLANNELS; at 88c. 6-4 LIGHT BLUE (Invalid Corps Relief ) Full Stock [and VESTING S * -V “ TRIMMINGS, &c„ &c. Special attention to LADIES’CLOTHS. WM. T. SNODGRASS, 34 South SECOND and iJ3 STRAWBERRY Sts. jy23-]m . .. . . GOODS. DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAT CLOTHS. SKI -BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. M-OUHCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVI LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT. IHGS. Nor sal. by FKOTHINGH AM St WELLS. •e3:if tf THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, TUUUSDA.Y, JULY The sale of the Plantation Bitters is without precedent in the history of the world. There is no secret in the matter. They are at once the most speedy, strengthen ing health-restorer ever discovered. It requires but a single trial to understand this. Theirpurity can always be relied uron. They arc composed of the celebrated Caliaaya Bark, Cascarilla Bark, Dandelion, Chamomile Flowers, Lavender Flowers, Wintergreeri, Anise, fllo ver-bnds, - Orange-peel, Snake-root, Caraway, Corian der, Burdock. They are especially recommended to clergymen, pub lic speaker*, and persons of literary habits and seden tary liftj TfliJ require fregrdigestioiq a relish for food, ana clear moDiai riicmties. Delicate females and weak persoiisare certain, to find in these Bitters what they have so long looked for. They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. 1 hey create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. - They prev* nt miasmatic and Intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the'stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhcea, Cholera, and Cholera Morbus. They ettre Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They aro the beat Bitters in the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature’s great re storer. The following startling and emphatic statements can be seen at our office: £ Letter of Rev. E. F.'Crane, Chaplain of the 107th New Yotk Regiment. . Owing io the great exposure and terrible decomposition after the battle of Antietam, I was utterly prostrated and very sick. My stomach would not retain*juedicine. An article called Plantation Bitters, prepared by Dr. Drake, of New York, was prescribed to give me strength and an appeti’e. To my groat surprise they gave me immediate ■ -rIUbU-siis Mae?*jasb meat.' ; .* * ■- *- I have since .sees, them used in- many cases, and am free to say. for hospital or private purposes I know of nothing like them. B£V. E. F. CRANE, Chaplain. Letter from the Rev. N. E. Gums, St. Clairsviile, Pa. : Gentlemex ; You were, kind enough, on a former oc casion, to send me a half dozen bottles of Plantation Bitters for $3.60. My wife having derived so much bene fit from the use of these Bitters, I desire her to continue them, and you will please send us six bottles more for the money inclosed. Soldiers’ Hoxe, Supbuintkxdent’s Office, l CrxcxxxATr, Ohio, Jan*lsth, 1863 f * * * * * * . - I have given your Plantation Bitters to hundreds of our noble soldiers who stop here, more or less disabled rom various causes, and the effect is marvellous aud .gratifying. . . Such a preparation as this is I heartily wish in every family, hospital, and at hand on every battle field. G. W. D. ANDREWS, Superintendent. Dr. WVA. Childs, Surgeon of the Tenth Vermont Regiment, writes: “ Iwish every soldier had a bottle of Plantation Bitters. They are the most effective, per fect, and harmless tonic I ever used. ” Gentlemen; We require another supply of your Plantation Bitters, the popularity of which daily in creases with the guests of our house. Respectfully, ' . Be sure that every bottle bears the fee-simile of our signature on a ateel-plate label, with our private stamp over the cork. 30» BROADWAY, N/T. Sold by all respectable Druggists, Physicians, Gro cers,/Hotels, Saloons, and country dealers. AMERICAN WATCHES IN 2, 4, and 5 oz. SILVER CASE 3. • C. &;A. - „„ . Manufacturers of Watch Cases. No. 555 S. FIFTH Street, between Chestnut and Market. ; '• .iy2S-thftul2tif tl WATCHES, JtJST RECKIVED PEB STEA JTBB EUBOFA. GOLD WATCHES, LADIES’ SIZES, OF KBW STYLES. lIIiVEIt ABOBES ASS CYLINDB2S. For Sale at Low Batoi to the Trade, by " x>. rc. pratt; rn DHISMUip HOTEL FINS WATCH BKTAIBING iSii-ys attended to, by the most erperiensedworkm.*. tad .Terr w&tih warr»nt»d for on* year. FINE WATCHES AND JEWELRY, (Up-.tatns, opposite Masonic Temple,) Hu now open » liARHB AID COMPLETE STOCK. BMBHAOIITCf «. HOWARD A CO.’S FINE AMERICAN WATERS, GOLD CHAINS. GOLD SPECTACLES, THIMBLES. AXP FINE JEWELRY OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. my27-Un22 ■ifSj G. BUSSELL, FINE AMERICA ST and Imported WATCHES. Fins Jewelry* Silver *nd Plated' Waxe, &c. jeS7 ga North SIXTH Street. : J C. FULLER’S piNE GILT COMBS IH EVERY VARIETY. IMITATIONS OF PEAJSL AND OOKAI.. ny22-3ia yULOANITE RINGS. A fall assortment, all sizes and styles* J. O- FULLER, No. 7131 CHEST HUT Street, Hit22-3ii MUSICAL BOXES. fN SHELL AND ROSEWOOD OASES, Playing from Ito 12 tunes, choice Opera and Amerl- Jan Melodies. FARR <k BROTHER, Importers, ap4 B*4- CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. . gINGER & CO.’S “LETTER A.” FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, With .17 the new Improvements—Hemmer, Braider, Binder. Feller, Tucker, Gorder. Gatherer, &o.,iath. CHEAPEST AND BEST of »ll machines for Bend for a pamphlet and a copy of 1 ‘ Singer & Co. ’• Ouette." I. M. SINGER <ft GO., ielS-3m Ho. 810 CHESTtiTOT Street. Philadelphia gEWING MACHINES. THE *' SLOAT ” MACHINE, IfITH OLiBS FRB3BKB FOOT, JfBW STYLE HEMSHBB, BRAIDER.' M 4 other valuable improvement,. ALSO, THE TAGGART & FARR MACHINES. Ateney-TOB OHBjSTHOT Street mhB-tf PHILADELPHIA. fjABINET FURNITURE AND BIL- WAED TABLES. MOORE A CAMPION, 80. *Bl Santh SECOND Street. Ik connection with their extensive Cabinet btulnece. are low manufantnnnc a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, trnA have now on hand a full anpply, inlahed with the HOOKE* CAMPION'S IMMSOviD CUSHIONS, Which are prononnoed by all who hare need them to be rarertor to all other*. for the quality and finish of these Table*, the mum awm-er* refer to their numeron* patron* thronchoat the anion, who are familiar with the character of their _ mh9-6m 517 ABOH STBEET. iO. A. VANKIEK A 00.§ . Bron,a Iliaree and Ornaments,Force],]* Sad Him Shadee, and a Variety of * FANCY OOtiDSi WHOLJSALI AHD RETAIL, neue eall and examine coodc. TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE A RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply Pamilio* at their Country Residences with EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, <StO. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, mra-tl COSHaR BLRYBHTH ARD TIHS HTS. S.—T.—lB6o X. <fec. Near AcqcTA Creek, March 4th, 1863. I am, very truly, yours, N. E. GILDS, Pastor Ger. Ref. Church. Willard's' Hotel, ) Washington, I>. C., May 22d, 1363. > SYKES, CHADWICK, & CO. &c., &C.» &C., &c., &c., &c' P. H. DRAKE & QO.i WATCHES AND JEWEIiIIY, GILT A3JCBES AND CYLINDERS. ' PLATED ARCHES AND OYLUTDRISJ ■ G. RUSSELL, : *» North SIXTH Street J. O. FULLER, Importer end Wholesale Dealer In Ho. TU CHESTNUT Street, FINE GOLD PENS; THE BEST PEN IN USE, FOR SALE IN ALL SIZES. myE-Sm J. O. FULLER: No. TM CHESTNUT Street. SEWING MACHINES. FAMILY SEWING tn ■ LIGHT MANOPACTDBIHG PDBPOSBS. FURNITURE, Ac. GAS FIXTURES,, Ac KANUPAOTHRBRa OF' OH ANDB LIEBS ARB OTHER GAS FIXTURES. ■' JMPORTANT NOTICE Wa have reduced our PRICES to correspond wltb tbe FALL IN GOLD. Importers and Dealers in LINEN GOODS only, 888 ARCH Street, and 38 South SECOND Street. jy23-3tif Q. RE A T REDUG 8C I O IST SUMMER DRESS GOODS. PACIFIC! LAWNS, nx cents. • MOZAMBIQUES! I2K cents. PARIS ORGANDIES. 25. PABEGES,- 18X and 25 cectH. FINE BLACK BAREGES. 25 cents. With many dther kinds of Dress Goods, rsduced very low, to close out, to make room for Fall Stock, suoh as GRENADINES, SUMMER SILKS,. FOULARD SILKS. MOHAIRS. MOZAMBIQUES, Sc. EDWIN HALE & CO., 30 SOUTH SECOND STREET. N. 8.—200 pieces or Medium and Dark Prints inst opened, at 181, centa. ■ - ,iy2o-6t T* AEG AIN 8 I BARGAINS! Figured Bareges, 6X eta. Plain and. Striped Bareges, lOcts, Figured Bareges, 12# ci«s. Mozambiques, L2X cts. Challi de Laines; 78# and 30 cts. Choice Styles Lawns, 12X cts,. Choice Styles Lawns, 15 cts. Alsj, Figured Silk-and Wool Bareges, Reducedfro>n3l cts to>2octa, SHAKPLBSS BROTHERS, {CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. T3ATHING GOODS. ALI-woreted Camblete, Betain their stiffness in the water. Cotto'uand Worsted Winseys. Also, Flannels, Plaids, &c., &c. And a variety of Good? Suitable for Bathimc Dresses, MUmbl In® nriim ■ tranumnDD miVTiianii CFBSTJJHT Mra«tS. T?DWIN HALL & 00., 26 SOUTH SE- A-4 COND Street, are now offering BLACK SILKS; AT REDUCED-PRICES. Black Silkß at $l, U 2&, andsl.2s. . Summer Silks at reduced prices. Foulard Silks at reduced prices. Silk Grenadines at reduced prices Fine Organdies at reduced prices. . . . Fine Dress Goods, all reduced. . - Fine Modes, Blues, and Pearl Bareges. Plain Blues,-Buff, and Pink Percales, or French Chintzes, iiut received., . c : N. B. —Just received one case of superior quality Plain Silks. The colors are Browns, Blues, Modes, Purple, and Green; price, been selling at $1.76. iy2o-tf TOHN H. STOKES, 702 ARCH St., OFFERS Black and White Plaid'Marseilles. ' Black and White and’Brown and White Linen Check. French Kaakinette—plaid and plain., Nankin —nice quality,. Linen Stripes, dark nround, good. Merino Cassimeres—excellent quality. Plain, Mixed, and PleidCassimeres. Bilk Mixed Cloths and Cassimerea. Ladies’ Cloaking Cloths. Double-width Plaid Flannels for Shirting, - je27 TCAMCY OABSIMBBES. -A Summer Coatings. Black Cloths and Cassimeres. Men’s Clothing made to order, COOPER & CONARD, SyS S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. TUANTILLAS. ■ . . . Silk Mantles.below cost. Silk Mantles and Waterproofs. a Summer, Mantles and Shawls, cheap, Odds-and-ends Lace Goods, cheap. COOPER & COKASD, . Jy9 8. B. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets.' T)RESS STUFFS. Black Delaines; Alpacas, Bareges, Silks, &c. Mosambiquee, Lenos. Children’s Plaids, &c. Drah Alpacas, Drab Delaines, Drab Mozambiques. Closing sales Lawn's, prices lowl 1 , DOMSSTIC GOODS, Of every kind, at lowest market prices. COOPER & CO 6TARD. _ jy9 S. E. corner NINTH and MaRKBT streets. TARESS GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES.-H. STEEL A SON. No. 713 and Vl3 North TENTH Street, *re now closing out the balauce of their stock of Pou de Chevres, all Wool Delaines. Poplins, _ ChaUios, Delaines, Mozambique*, Taffete d’Etes, French.Xawns, French, English, and American Chintzes, Bareges, Silk Tissues. Silk Grenadine*. Fancy Silks, ana all ktnds of iSummer Dress Goods, at extremely low price*, SUMMER SHAWLS AT-REDUCED-PRICES. BABaAJ NS IN BLACK SILKS. , . CHOICE STYLES PACIFIC LAWNS atlSXe. I lot 2 yards square Table Clothe, Snow Drop and ■Pamask, all Linen, at $l, 50. . - jeff jy23-thstuif2m At prices generally below present cost of impor- WHITE GOODS, all descriptions. EMBROIDERIES, ' do do LACES, do do LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, do VEILS, &c,, &c. And respectfully; invitas an - inspection of his stock. OOLDIEES! SfiIRTTN ft FijANNELS O g.{mifpfinffi an mm. ' B-t ana 9-t t'SHSTShirtiggf, - • ' Soldiers Gro-y Ulankets,' . Red, White, and Blue Do Laines'for Flags. OFFICE CLOTHING AND EQUI . V- PAGE. . Cincinnati, 0, July 21,1563. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited by the undersigned, for the following supplies, viz: Uniform Jackets, Lt. Artillery, Privates. Do. Cavalry do. Trowsers, Foot. Do. Mounted. -Drawers. Canton Flannel. Shirts, Gray Woolen; Blankets, Woolen 1 .: -. Do. Rubber Poncho Tent. Blouses, Lined. Do. Unlined. Bootees, Pegged and. Sewed. Stockings. 1 TTniform Hats. • Haversacks- Canteens (complete).. Camp Kettles. ‘ Mess Pans. Forage Caps. Cap Covers. - Kemys (standard). Thread, Dark Blue, Nos. 30 and 35. Storm Flags. . . Do. Halliards. - Regimental Colors. ' . Cavalry Standards. Do Guidons. “Basting Cotton. . Plaid Lindseys. : Brown Drills (standard). . Each proposal must be accompanied by a guarantee signed by two responsible parties—(Guarantors must sign their own names)—agreeing that the party making the proposal will enter into a contract; if the award is made to him, and the bids must state explicitly the quantity to be furnished and the time of delivery. In all eases,-samples must accompany the bid, unless It is distinctly stated that the proposal is on standard, regu lation goods. - , . . • The supplies must he delivered in good, new pack ages, containing such quantities as mav he directed, free of charge, at; the U. S. Inspection Warehouses in this city. Written contracts (of which this advertisement shall be made apart)will be entered .into with , parties to whom awards are made, and bonds required of them, in sums equal to one-fourth the value of the gooda con tracted for. The attention of bidders is called to the following ex tracts from the act of Congress of Julj 17,1862: •> Sec. 14. And b<*it further enacted. That no contract or order, or any interest therein, shall he transferred by the party or- parties to whom • such contr ict or order maybe given to any other party or parties, and that ' any such transfer shall cause the annulment of the con tract or order-transferred, so the United States are' concerned; Provided, That all rights of action are hereby reserved to the United States, for any breach of such contract by the contracting party or parties Sec. 15. And bo it-further enacted, That any person who shall furnish supplies of any kind to the Army or Navy, shall be required to mark or distinguish the same, with the name or names of the contractors so furnishing said supplies, in such manner as the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the' Navy may respectively direct; and no supplies of any kind shall be received unless so marked ana distinguished. Sec. 16. And be it further.enacted, That whenever any contractor for Subsistence, Clothing, and Ammunition, Munitions of War. and for every description of supplies for the Army and Navy of the United States, 4hall be found guilty, by a court-martial, of fraud or wiliful neglect of duty, :he shall he punished by fine, imprison ment, or such other punishment as the court-martial shall adjudge; snd any'person who shall contract to fur nish supplies of any kind or description for the Army or Navy, he shall he deemed and taken as a part of the land or naval forces of the United States, for whtck he shall contract to furnish said supplies, and be subject to the rules and regulations for the government of the land and naval forces of the United States. Proposals will be received, until SATURDAY, twelve o’clock noon, August Ist, 1863. : The right to .reject any bids deemed * unreasonable is reserved. : : Bids should be endorsed “Proposalsfor Clothing,” and addressed to tbeundersigned. By order, Col. Tnos. Swords. A. Q M. General. - V C. W. MOULTON; jy23-Ct' . • Captainiand A. Q M. A SSI ST AN T QUARTERM ASTER GENERAL’S OFFICE, . . .' • _ July, 1863. . SEALED PROPOSALS will he received at this office until SATURI)AY,'2oth snst._» at 12 o’clock M., for the erection of TEMPORARY SHEDDING at the the U. S. Medical Laboratory, Sixth and Oxford streets, Phila Proposals must state the'shortest time req.uired ; to com plete the work,.and be accompanied with the nameß of competent securities, to the whole : amount of the con tract, for its prompt and faithful performance. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of JNO. McARTHOR, Jr;, Architect, No. 309 South SIXTH Street. The right is reserved to reiect all bids deemed too high A. BOYD, • jy23-3fc Capt. and A. Q. M. A S SIS TA N T QUARTERMASTER GENERAL’S OFFICE,? Philadelphia, 20th July, 1863.—Sealed proposals will be received at this office un til THURSDAY, 23d instant, at 12 o’clock M , for the im mediate delivery in this city of, . Eighteen hundred Mule Collars, assorted sizes. Five hundred Horse Collars, assorted sizes. Bidders will state the shortest time for delivery. The right is reserved to reject all'bids deemed too high. • ' [Signed] . A. BOYD^ jy2l 3t = Captain and' A. Q> M; A RMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH and OIKA.ED Streets. ■ PHH.ADBLFHIA, Jnly 20th, 1863. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited at this office until 12 o’clock M., FRTDAY, the24th inst,to furnish prompt ly at the Schuylkill Arsenal, viz: COMMON TENTS. 10-ounce Cotton or Linen preferred, but samples of tbe kind of duck proposed to be made must be submitted by tie bidder . Woolen, to weigh three pounds to the dozen, like and fullyequal to the sealed sample in this office. Bidders will state in their proposals the price, quan tity hid for. andtimeof delivery. , The ability.of the bidder to fill the contract must he guarantied by two responsible persons, whose signatures must be appended to the guarantee, and: said guarantee must accompany the bid. . Bidders, as well as tbeir sureties, or guarantors; who may not be known at this office, will furnish a certificate from tbe.iTnited States District Attorney, Postmaster, or other.publio functionary, at the residence of the bidder or guarantors, setting forth, clearly, the fact that the bidder and his sureties are responsible men, who will, if a contract is awarded; act in-good faith with the United - States, and faithfully execute the same. . Bidders are invited to be present at the opening of the. bids. Proposals must be endorsed * ‘Proposals for Army Sup plies, ” stating the particular article bid for. ' ; . . G, H. CROSMAN, iy2l-4fc Assistant Quartermaster General U. 8. Army. mmae DR. FINE, PRACTICAL DEN TIBT for the last twenty years, 319 VTNK St., below Third, inserts the most beautiful TEETH of the age, mounted on fine Gold, Platina, Buyer, Vulcanite. Coralite, Amber, &c. , at prices, for neat and substantial Work, more'reasonable than any dentist in this city or State. Teeth plugged to last for life. Artificial Teeth repaired to No pain in extracting. All work Warranted to fit. Reference, best families. jes-3m A MEEXCAN.It O O F I N G SLATES, A FULLY EQUAL TO THE BEST. WELSH slates. T. THOMAS. Je26-4ju + HIT WALNUT Strok. RETAIL DRV GOODS. LINEN BUYERS: S. MILLIKEN & CO., m the THioEa or 1034 CHESTNUT STREET. E. M. NEEDLES OFFERS FOR SALE, 1034 CHESTNUT ST REST. - -L. EYRE & LANDBLL. FOTTRTR^ndAßoH_Streets. PROPOSALS. STOCKINGS. 23. 1863. INSURANCE COMPANIES. TYELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY • „ IHStJEANCB OOMPASTT, OOKPOBATBD BT THB LEQISIiATUHS OB PKM». omm B. I. WAUTOT gm. PHILADELPHIA. MABIHE IHSOBAIKM. OH VESSELS, } SjNrrmHr f To all part* of tho worM. _ „ a t INLAND INSURANCE* VI Goods, by Blver. Canal, Lake, and. Lul Qurlm, %$ all parte of the Union, FIRE INSURANCES On Merehandlse generally. Oil Stores, Dwelling Rouses, die, _ ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, NOV. Ll»l 0100,000 United States Five per cent. Loan*. •. 993,000 00 30,000 United States Six per cent. Loan..-~« 30.75 Q 0Q 88,000 United States Six per cent. Treasury N0te5............ fljnn «i SfcOOQ United States Seven and Three. -■nft/vm D. per cent. Treasury Notes... 38,000 00 *w,ooo State of Penna. Five per cent. Loan,-, 8&S30 00 M.OOO do. do. Six do. do **-*-* 67.130 00 123,060 Phila. City Six per cent. Loan. •«128.089 00 80,000 State of Tennessee Five per east. _ L0an.......... .».♦«♦«»i,l2onn m MllOOEillUAaila>Miui>««M OliPßlOentuDOnaßmimnuUM* ILODO flB WftQO BaUjroad ad JUvrtf*a , Sis per cent. 80u<1h. ......M iSnSS Z eßm - ?• K -Oharasßtonk . tMO 00 IfcOOO Germantown Gae Co., 300 Bhar*« Stook, Principal and Interest an*, T rantted by the City of Phila. M. 600 GO 115,700 Loans on Bond and Mortfffire, amid? ' assured 113,7004)0 Bills Receivable for Insnranoes 239 M Balances due at Agencies—Premiums on Ma- Hue Policies, accrued Interest, and other debts due the Company . J L •= qji » Scrip and Btock of sundry Insurance and other * Compares, $10,803. esumated ijia qq Gash on deposit with United States * Government, subject to ten days •aJ 1 .,................580,000 00 Cash on deposit—in Bank*~~..™~ 28K27 94 Gash in Drawcr~~~...,, w 74 109.008 88 _ „ „ , MBEOTOES. assssf^ 5 &|.ur ar - l«at W Albert Barton, Jr.. James Tracmalr, John B. Penrose, William Eyre, Jr.: BeorgeG. Helper, J. F. Peniston, Bdward Darllngton.l Jacob P. Jones H. Jones Brooke, William 0. Ludwig, Joohna P. Eyre, James B, McFarland; James C.Band, , William 0. Boulton, Theopliilns Paulding, Henry C. Dallett, Jrl, Dr. K.M.-Huston, John B. Semple, Pittsburg Hugh Oral*. A. b, Berger,Potato* MAS C. HAND, President. DAVIS, Vice ‘President. mg ggraTTjTiißmafsS COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHARTER fbx BlO WALNUT Street, above Third, Fh ladelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus In vested in sound and available Securities. continues to insure on Dwellings. Stores, Furniture, Merchandise. Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses promptly adjusted. . Thomas B. : Maria, James E. Campbell, John Welsh. Edmund G. DutiLh, Samuel C. Morton, Charles W.Poultney. Patrick Brady, Israel Morris. John T. Lewis, - THOMAS R. MARIS, President Amt but C. L. Crawfohd, Secretary. fe22*tf A NTHRACITE INSURANCE COM PANT—Authorised Capital $400,000-CHARTBI PERPETUAL.. _____ o«ce He; 311 WALHIJT Street, betweem Third ud Fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loss or damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise genfr rally. Also, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to aH parts of the Union* «w,„, w., DIRECTORS. William Esher, Davis Pearson* D. Luther, Peter Seiger, Lewis Audenried, J. B. Baum, John E. Blackiston, Wm. F. Dean, Joseph Maxfield, John Ketcham. mLLIAM ESHER, President * « WM. P. DEAN. Vice President. W. M, Smith, Secretary. apS-H *£HE ENTEBPBISB INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA* (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING, 8. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRECTORS. F-Ratchford Starr, George H. Stuart, •William McKee, John H. Brown, Nalbro Frazier, J, L. Erringer, John M. Atwood, Geo. W. Fahnestock, Benj.T. Tredick, James L-Claghom, • Mordecai L. Dawson* William G. Boulton. F. RATCHFORD STARR, President THOS. H. MONTGOMERY, Secretary. fell TNSURANGE COMPANY OP THE f- STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA-OFFICE Nos. 4 and • EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North side of WALNUT Street, between BOCK and THIRD Streets, Philadelphia. INCORPORATED In 1794-CHABTSR PEBSPETUAL. _ CAPITAL $2OOOOO. - PROPERTIES OF THE COMP ANT, FEBRUARY 1.1585. $438,516.13, KARINE, FIRE. .AND INLAND TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE. BIRECTORS. Henry 3). Bherrerd, Tobias Warner, Charles Macalester, Thomas B. Wattsoni William S. Smith. Henry G. Freeman. William B; w hitf, Charles 8. Lewis, George H. Stuart, George C, Carson, Samuel Grant, Jr., Edward C. Knight, John B. Austin, HEEiViT D. SBI&SEBD, President. WiuniK Habpie, Secretary. aoia-a PIEE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. —The PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. Incorporated 1625. CHARTER PERPETUAL. No. 510 WALNUT Street, opposite Independence Square. Thle Company, favorably known to the community for nearly forty years, continue* to insure against Los* or Damage bv Fire on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture, Stock* of Good*, or Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund l l* invested In the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of low. DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, I Thomas Robins, Alexander Benson, I Daniel Smith, Jr., William Monteliu*, .1 John Devereux, Isaac Hazlehurst, I Thomas Smith. Henry Lewie. _ JONATHAN PATTERSON. President. William G. Crowell. Secretary. apg XRB BBLIAIiQE m§¥SANQS COM- ov 3PTTTT. ATIUTVPTm, ONTtCB NO. 30S WA ism mSBK, Insures against loss or damage by FIRE, on Houses, Stores, and other Buildings ; limited or perpetual; and on Furniture, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, in Town or Country. GASH CAPITAL *300,000-ASSETS 537T,41« „ Invested in the following Securities, vi*» Pint Mortgage on well secured $125,400 00 Ground rent5........2,000 00 United States Government L0an5...... . ***** 60,010 00 City of Philadelphia, 6 per centeLoans. .-^. 60,000 00 Pennsylvania, $5,000,000 6 per cent. Loan.—.. 15,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Company’s Stock..««. 4.000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds Ist and 2d Mortgages —... 38,000 00 Allegheny county 6 per cent. Penn. IL Loan—. 10,000 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 per cent. Loan 5000 00 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company’* ~ oper cent. Loan g,ooo 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 per cent; mort- gage 80nd5........ 4,630 00 County Fire Insurance Company’s Stock. 1,050 00 Mechanics'Bank Stock 6,000 00 Commercial Bank of Penna Stock.:... 10,500 09 union M. Insurance Company's Sc rip...=• S2B 70 Loans on Collaterals, well secured .2,500 00 8U15Rec^vab1e......................697 03 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia's Btoek.. 9.750 00 Aecrued. 1ntere5t.......5,829 41 Cash in bank and on hand~~ 24,796 68 Worth, at present market yalne* jasa’gjg so _ , DIRECTORS. ’ <Hem Tinsley, Robert Toland, William K. Thompson* William Stevenson* Baranel Bispham, Hampton L. Carson* Robert Steen, Marshall Hill, William. Hosser, J. Johnson Brown* Charles Leland, John Bissell.Fittsbur*. Benj. W. Tinsley, mrr/to n tttt t n P** EM TIUGLEY, President. THOS. 0. HILL, Seeretar Philadelphia, March!, It T?AME INSUBANC CHESTNUT Sfcree philad: FIBS AND IKLA DIREC* >ELPHIA. LND INSURANCE. JTORS.- . . E. D. Woodruff, Geo. A-West, John Kessler, Jr,, Chas. Stokes, A H. Rosenheim, Joseph D, Ellis. EUCK7 President. [CHABDSON* Vice President ID, Secretary. - [ialfi-iftf Francis IT. Buck, Chas. Richardson* Henry Lewis, Jr.» John W. Evernan, Philip S, Justice, O. W. Davie, Francis isr. CHARLES Kl< WILLIAM I. BLANCHAR] MACHINERY ANI) IKON. j>E;N3Sr’ A WORKS, On the Delaware Hirer, below Philadelphia. CHESTER, DELAWARE CO.. PENNSYLVANIA REANEY, SOW, * ARCHEOLD, Engineers and Iron Ship Builders, K ASrtrFACTFBEBS OF ALL KIITDg Of CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSING ENGINES Iron Vessels of all descriptions, Boilers, Water-Tasks 9 * Propellers, . ?ffos. nsAirey w. b. bbabbt, saxl. abosbobk Late of Re&ney, Neafle, & Co., Late Enffineer-i&Gfcisi Penn*a Works, Phila. U. S. Nayy. Jy29-ly , j. TAueHAsr kb&bzox. winiJAa h. kbskisz. ' • JOBS B. OOPS. couthwark foundry, & FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREET!, • _PKI£AX»BLPEIA. HERRICK * SONS> . ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low-Pressure Steam Engines fn land, river, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac.; CastlJUfr of all kinds, either iron or brass. lron-frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Rations, Ac. - Retorts and GuM&cMnery cf the latest and most proved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, and' Grist Mills. Vacuum Pans, OpenStcftM Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, At. -Sole Agents, for N. Rillieux’s Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus eg myth’s Patent Steam Hammer, and Ai> Binwall8 inwall A Wolsey s Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining fechine; autt-tt PE N N STEAM ENGINE MMbABD BOILER WORKS.—NEAFIE A LETT. PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, HA* CHINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACKSMITHS, ul FOUNDERS, haying for many, years been in successful operation, and been. exclusively'engaged In building and repairing Marine and River. Engines, nigh and low-pres* ■ore. Iron Boilers, Water Tanks. Propellers, AA, Ac., re spectfully, offer their services to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for Engines of all sizes! Marine. River, and Stationary; having sets of patterns of different sues, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch, Every, description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. . High'and- Low-pressure, Flue, Tubular; and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forgings, of all slzec and kinds-; Iron and Brass Castings, of all descriptions: 8011-Turning, Screw-Gutting, and HI other work connected with the above business. Drawings and Specifications for all work done at tldfl establishment free of charge; and work guarantied. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room fox rn*. pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are ' provided with shears, blocks, falls, Ac., Ac,, for raising heavy or light weights. . - •• _. • . • JACOB C. ftHAKE JOHN P. LEVY, jea-tf BEACH and PALMER streets. "UNION STEAM AND WATER U HEATING-COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. GOLD’S PATENT STEAM AND HOT-WATER HEATER, THOMPSON’S LONDON KITCHENER, and all othex Improved COOKING APPARATUB. * Boilers and Water Backs, Parlor and other Grstee, Begirtera and Ventilators, Backs and Jambs, and all things connected with the above branch of business. JAMES P. WOOD, ■ •v • No. drl South FOURTH Street. S. M. FBLTWRLti, Superintendent. ap2B-ly . TM"ORGAN, ORB, & 00., STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, Iron Founders, and General Machinists and Boiler Makers, No. IRIO CiLLOWHILE gfreet. Philadelphia* fclfl-ly com Goal— suoab loaf, beaveb Meadow, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best Locust Mountain from Schuylkill; prepared ex- for family use. Depot, N. w. corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Offlce. No. 119 South SEOOMR Street. Capi-ly} J. WALTON A 00. ■\TRS. JAMBS BETTS’ CELEBRATED "A gUPPORTKRS FOB LADIES, and the only 8» .ortorfl nnder eminent medical patronaie. Ladle* Shysiciam .re respectfully requested to call only rm [re. Bette, at her residence, 1039 WALNUT Street, Phi. ladelpMa, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand tm< valtde hare been advised by their physician* to nee her appllaneee. .Tbotwonly arefennine haarin* iheUnlted State. eopyr'*ht, lahele on the box, and eitnhtaree. an* also on the Snppartere. with teetlmonial*. oeUdnthnH T ATOUR S OLIVE OIL, vikom om OF Aix.—Also. BacendttpUtDePoeeel File brande. quarts and pints, for gale by RHODES & WILLIAMS. TU 10T South WATER Stent. •976,31318 3EOOMPANY.NO, It. NEW PUBLICATIONS. fJEW BOOKS. Just published by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. # 715 and 717 MARKM* Stmt , A TREATISE ON HYGIENE, with special reference to the Military Service. By W, A. Hammond, Surgeon General. LOST AND SAVED. Bv the Hon. Mrs. Norton, au thor “Stuart of Dunleith." AT ODDS By the Baroness Tautphccus, author of Quite.” Ac. HISTORY OP THE SUPERNATURAL, in all ages and countries. By William Howitt. SPHERICAL AND PRACTICAL ASrRONOMY. By WiJhaa Obauvenet 2 vols. THE ARMY CHAPLAIN’S MANUAL. By Rev T. Pinkney Bammond. TRIAD OP THE CONSTIUTION. By Sidney G. Fit her. THE COMPANY CLERK. Showing how and when to make out returns. &c. By CapL A, V. K~autz jy23 90 CENTS!!—HARPER FOR AU- V/ GUST. PITCHER’S jy23-6t - 809 CHESTNUT Street. “ MISERABLES” IN SPANISH. Mi CABL'BTOir fruhiiokgr vf mg Basils 91 “"LBfil TflUpublish this? vr«v^ ‘•TiJES MISEBABLES," By Victoe Hugo, in the Spanish language, complete and unabridged, in two large octavo volumes, bound in cloth and paper covers. CARLETON, Publisher, New York. jy2!-tntha3fr 4-13 BROADWAY, corner Lispenard. CENTS! PETERSON FOR AU GUST! , PITCHER'S, jy22 6t Ho. 808 CHESTNUT Strcat. (CLEVELAND’S PRONOUNCING and Definition of most of the terms used by epeakers ani writers on Medicine and the Collateral Sciences; with an Addenda containing Abbreviations used in Prescrip tions, Poisons and their Auiidoteß, &c., &c. A small pocket volume. A new edition inst published. M JL '„ MEDICAL BOOKS. A full assortment always on hand and for sale at low prices by _ LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, , jy2l No, 35 8. SIXTH St., above Chestnut. JJAZAKIVS BOOKSTORE^ Y»4 CHESTNUT STREET, Between Seventh and Eighth Street?. All Book* usually to he had in » FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE!, Will always he found on our shelve* AT THE LOWEST PRICES,’ fefi-tf in OlitTDli—lJUtlfinAW tftfiAßL Iff U(U\I I'i9tur ? o Or Albums, . „ MTftttEl'Si . jy2o-et 808 CHBSTKPT Street, OH CENTS! GOPEY FOR AUGUST. jylß 6t PITOHER’B. 808 CHESTNUT Street. Q 0001 —3,0001 —OVER 3,000 DIP FKRKN'T CARD PICTURES EOB PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, at * PITCHKE’S ALBUM DEPOT, jyU-tf 808 CHESTNUT Strest. \TEW MAPS—NFW BOOKS. -LV NEW. COAST SURVEY MAP OF VIRGINIA, showing the present movements. Sheets 60 cents; Pock et form 75 cents. NEW MAP OF THE EASTERN PART OF VIRGINIA, and MARYLA3ID, and DELAWARE, on a large scale. Sheets 60 cents; Pocket forms 75 cents. NEW MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA: Sheets 60 cents; Pocket form 75 cents. JATJRNaLOF A RESIDENCE ON a GEORGIA PLAN TATION. By Frances Anne Kemble. $1.26. ROBERT, THE CABIN BOY. 75 cents. AMERICANS IN ROME. By H. P Leland. $1.25, UNCLE PAUL’S STORIES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. 60 cents. ■ THE PILGRIM PATH. Interesting incidents in the experience of Christians 50 cents/ MEMORIAL OF SUSAN M. UNDERWOOD* orFOL LOWING AFTER JESUS, By Mrs. Eli2a H. Anderson, 60 cents. AN HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Opinions of the found ers of the Republic on Negroes, as slaves, as citizens, and as soldiers. Third edition; Paper 50 cents; cloth $1 50 For sale by WM. S. & ALFRED MARTIEN. jyl3 606 CHESTNUT Street.. Oft CTS ! 25 OTS!—2S OTS ! PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, holding 12 PICTURES, bound ia Muslin, gilt ed ge. PITCHER'S ALBUM DEPUTY . JyH-tf 808 CHESTNUT Street. <tl9 TO S4S,—IMPERIAL QUARTO wl" PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM 3, holding_2oo and 400 PICTURES, elegantly bound in TUSKED MOROCCO and RICH VELVET, with Ornaments. PITCHER'S ALBUM DEPOT, jy24-tf 808 CHESTNUT Street. , Ski ftHf « L5Ol —51.50! —PEOTO tip 1. *J\JI GRAPH ALBUMS, holding TWENTY FOUR PICTURES. Bound ia BEBT TURKEY MO ROCCO. PITCHER’S ALBUM DEPOT, jy]4-tf . ROB CHESTNUT Street wants; SUBSTITUTES WANTED. FIY E • SUBSTITUTES wanted /rotn among those who are enrolled and not drafted. State amount wanted, and other particulars. Address CONSCRIPTS, office of Press, FOURTH Street, below Chestnut. . jy23-ths&m-3t* WANTED- BY A LADY—A POSI * * TION as HOUSEKEEPER in a Gentleman’s family. She understands sewing, and ia competent to take charge of children. A comfortable home ia a greater object than salary. Apply at 1315 WALNUT Street. jy22-St* WANTED— A GOOD BOY TO LEARN HAIRDRESSING. Age seventeen to eigh teen. and to board with his parents- BARBERS—two hands wanted, 810 per week, corner FOURTH and BRANCH Streets. None but first-class need apply jy22-2t* A COPYIST, WITH THE BEST BE -£*-FERENf!ES, may be liadsby addressing “J. I. F 1134-CAMILLA Street. - jy23-tlim2t* ft DESTITUTE WANTED— 'lnquire at jy23-3t* 509 NORTH Street, Pliila. ■QOY WANTED, IN A WHOLESALE ■*-* Dry Goods Store, in Market street. Address ** Merchant," at this office. - jy23-3t* WANTED— IN A WHOLESALE Drug House in MARKET Street, a MAN thorough ly competent to buy and sell Drugs; one who has some acquaintance with conntry trade preferred. Address Boxim. rLiMeiPMar. o, rim-y WAJJTIi!D —flS PIH DAT.—#l ’ ' want reliable, eiiergeilc SAfiVAfiafiSS ftll4 BJ?otitS in every county, for a genteel business at a commission of from $5 to $l5 per day. No humbug. Experienced canvassers preferred,but room for all, Address C. M. DUNN & CO., Publishers, At either Cincinnati, Ohio; lllinois; or 185 READS Street, New York/ jy2o-3m* PER MONTH GUARANTEED. tip I Testimonials of Clergymen and scientific men sent free. ISAAC HALE, Jr., & CO., Newburyport, Mass. __ je24-2md«W ©7 F, A MONTH J—l WANT TO HIRE AGENTS in every county at $75 a month, ex penses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing Ma chines. Address I. MADISON, my6-3md(stW Alfred, Maine* A MONTH!—WE WANT nP”'-' AGENTS at $6O a month, expenses paid, toseil our J&aerlasting Pencils , Oriental Burners,end 13other new articles. 15 circulars free. SHAW & CLARK, my6*3md&W Biddeford, Maine. 5610 000 —this amount to qP LUjUUU. loan on a City Mortgage or Ground Rent. Will be divided. Apply to E. PETTIT, jy!s 309 WALNUT Street 1 DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE. —Philadelphia, Feb, 9, 1863. VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL to the followingpoints: Tortngas,, Key west, Fla, Fort Monroe, Va. • Alexandria, Va, Newbern, B. C. Port Royal, S. C. A. BOYD, lelO-tr Captain and Assist. Quartermaster. J7IREI FIREI FIEEI Philadelphia. May SO, 1868, Jf.’ (7. Sadler, Esq., Agent/or Liuie's Safes : Dear Sir: During the night of May 19,1863, our Gro* eerr and Provision Store, at North Second and Willow streets, took fixe at about-2 o’clock A. M.; and as the store was a two-story wood building it bornt rapidly, and before the fire* engines could act upon the fire, oni whole stock of goods, including much combustible ma terial, and amounting to over $2,000, were wholly d#> stroyed. We had one of your No. 11 Chiiled Iron Safe*, which was in the hottest part pf the fire, audjitcame out of the Are not in the least injured, except the melting of of the name, plate and paint. The contents inside wert not affected in the least, and we consider the Safe Just &i good against fire now as before, ana shad] use it hereafter with increased confidence. The lock works as perfectly as before the fire. Yours truly, -McMANUS & CROFT, Late 439 North SECOND Street. Attention to the above certificate Is particularly re* auested, as it is the first trial of LILLIE'S SAFES in ax accidental fire in Philadelphia. I would' say to all parties who want a Fire and Burglar-proof Safe that LILLIE’S WROUGHT AND CHILLED IR'XN SAFES are much the cheapest and fch« only real Fire and- Burglar-proof Safes now made; and to those who want simply a Fire-proof, I would say that LILLIE’S WROUGHT LRONSAFEib fully equal in all respects to any of the most-approved makers, and ii sold at fully one-third less price. I also am receiving daily in exchange for, Lillies Wrought and Chilled. Iron Safes other Safes, and keep constantly on hand a general assortment of HERRING’S, EVANS -&■ WATSON'S; and other makers* many of then almost new, which I offer at, and evenbelow, auctioi prices. * AH parties interested are particularly requested to ex* amine -the Safes above described at my dSpdt. , _ M. C. SADLER, Agent, : Je2-tf No. »1 South SEVENTH Street fjOTTON SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS V' of all numbers and brands. Haven’s Duck Awning Twills, of all descriptions, for Tents, Awnings, Trunk, and Wagon Covers. Also, Paper Manufacturers 7 Drier Felts, from Ito 6 feet Wide. Tarpaulin, Bolting, Sail Twine, Ac. JOHN W. EYBRMAN & CO., mygtf toa .TONES’ Aliev T?TEE AND EAE.-PEOF. J. ISAACS, BL D., Oculist and Aurist, formerly of Leyden, Holland, now at No. 511 PUTS-Street, where persona afflioted with diseases of the-Eye and Ear will be scien tifically-treated, and cured, if curable. Artificial Byea insertedwithoufc pain, N; B.—No charge made for exa mination. ; jel-Sm . ■DEOWN’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GIN •* ' GEE. Manufactured only, at FKED’K BROWN’S DRUG AND CHEMICAL STORK, northeast corner FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia. v Attention is called, to this valuable remedy which should be in every family,*and for the Army and Navy is indispensable, curing affections of the stomach and bowels, and a sure,preventive of the effects of bad water. CAUTION* —To prevent this valuable Essence from being counterfeited, a new-Steel Engraving, executed at great cost, will be found on the outside of the wrapper, in order to guard the purchaseragainst being Imposed upon by worthless imitations. Sold bv all respectable druggista-in the United States. ■ jy4-stnthl2t* IJEADTY.—IP YOU WISH TO HAVE M-9 a flue, clear complexion, use HUNT’S WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL. It will make you as fair as a lily. Price, 26 cents. If you are troubled with Tan or Freckles, use HUNT’S BRITISH BALSAM- It Is warranted to remove them. Price, 26 cents. If you want a Color, use HUNT 8 BLOOM OF SOSES. It will not wash off, nor injure the skin, and cannot be detected. Price, 26 cents and $l. HUNT'S COURT TOILET POWDER is the best F*« Powder in use. Price, 12j£, 26, and 60 cents. Sold at HUNT & CO. *S, Perfumers, 41 South EIGHTH Street, two doors above. Chestnut, and 133 South S3*' VENtH, above Walnut. • • my9-Sm P. SGHUX-EE'S SUFEBIOB If NTv 'grand overstrung square PIANOS from $3OO upward. For sale by the maker, 905 MARKET Street nAN ARY SEED,.—3O BAGS EXTRA fine Sicily Canary. Seed, for sale by RHODES &'WILLIAMS, 197 South WATER Screen T ONDON BROWN STOUT.—FIFTY casts Hilfbert’s Brown Stout landiusr aud for sale WILLIAM H. YBATOrr* CO.^ No. 301 South FRONT Sfc. T\RAKE J 'S PLANTATION BITTERS, V —■lOO oases Drake’s Pl»atatlon fc ßitt«re v jnsi re served and for sale by KSODBS & WILIiIAMS, jy4_tf y V toy South WATER Street. * ALMONDS.—3 BALE S PRINCESS Paper Shell Almonds; 0 ceroons Lisbon Pape? Sht,u A "' ,or 5818 Rhodes a williams. AO7 South WATER Street. a/tadMRA WINE.—I7S QUARTEB casks and ICO Octaves, just received per “Laura,” “ d,or,aU uW MB WALNUT and ai OEANITE streaU. CHUBBY WINE.—IOO QUARTEB M Cask*in»t tecelvedper bMp "Laura."for sal* la bond, by CHAS. B. & JAB. CABBTAIBB, gatfla i»« walnitt and ai a ran mi hii-mla' rjARD AND FANCY JOB PMNTTNS, y M*QW* T i. ui b. rnwHn* AMUSEMENTS. MEW OHESTNUT-ST. THEATRE.— Lena** and Ifauier. Mr. W, WHBlIllI'. LAST WEEK OF MRS. D. P. BOWERS. Edmond Falconer’s Irish Drama, entitled t&3 PEEP O’ DAY, Having achieved one of the A GREATEST SUCCESSES Of the present age, it will be represented WEDNESDAY 22d, and THURSDAY 23df. , PEEP O’ DAY, Mrs. D. P. BOWERS AS KATHLEEN. Supported by the talented young American actor. _ t mr. l. p. Barrett; The great character actor, , , „ —MR. CHARGES WHEATLEIGH, And the Philadelphia favorite. MR JOW MCCULLOUGH. FRTnAT. Inly Mill, FAREWELL BE 4EFIT OP airs. D'. P. DOWERS AS* Doors open at 7% o’clock; to commence at 8. . PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF •*- TEE FIMB ARTS, 1035 CHESTirUT STREET OPEH DAILY (Sundays excepted) from 9 A, M. HH 6 P. M. Admlaaion 25 cents.. Children half price. je29-tf BDUCATIOK. WWW A ","W, VkY^YVYWWVYVV^''."- PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN f- STITUTE for Young Ladies. 1530 ARCH Street. Her. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. D., Principal. The ninth Academic Year will begin on MONDAY, September 14th. For circulars, and other information, address Box WL O. jeW-Sm* ■PBISTOL BOARDING SCHOOL FOR -“-' GIRLS, will re-open on the 7th of Ninth month*. For Circulars, apply to RUTH ANNA PEIRCE. Bristol* Br»rVs <wv. Pa. jel7-Bm* JM ISSMARY E. THROPP WILL RE „ , open her English and French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, at 1841 CHESTNUT Street, on the 14th of September. For circulars, until Beptem at Sunday-school Times, 148 B-uth FOURTH street, Phila,, or address Miss Thropp at Val ley Forjr*. Penna, ravls-4m* REMOVALS. ■OEMOVAL.--JAMES FULTON HAS , removed bis Law and Collection Office, and also the office of the Legal and Irmurance Reporter, from No. 424 Walnut street to Ho. 703 WALNUr Street, op posite Washington Square. Government claims, of all' kinds, collected a* usual. jyll BOARDING. ■FIRST-CLASS BOARD, HANDSOME -U communicating and single rooms; private table if desired, No. 13J« WALNUT street. Je2s-lm* EXCU! gyMMSS < , PfTA‘RtO. u MO THREAT,, IHB I'6MBABIi 58- fttfEßM, .LANTiS, PORTL4.NO, THE RAPIDS OF ST. WHHE MOUNTAIN'S. LA WHENCE RIVES, SARATOGA S PRINGS, &C., &C., &c. • &c. . &c. Tickets for Excursions to above points, via NIAGARA FALL?, by various routes. Forfnriber information aa to Route, Rates. &c., call JiMI? d elpbia and. Elmira Ra.UrcadOftice. 60 T CHESTNUT Street. JOHN S. HILLES, ' jy23-6t General Agent: EXODRSrON. THE LARGE AND COMMODIOUS STEAMBOAT MANHATTAN, (Captain ROBERT KIRBY,) ■Will male an EXCURSION TO CAPE MAY. ON SATURDAY. JULY 25th, : The boat will leave ARCH-STREET Wharf at AMA end returning, will leave CAPE MAY at 8 o’clock; o*. Monday morning. Tickets for the round trip 53.50, Carriage hire Itt cHided; Meals cxtia. jy23-3fc THE SEA SHORE. -*«££> POE OAPE MAY.—THE Ba f e and commodious Bay Steamer MAW* HATTAN, Captain Kirby, will leave AECH STREKT WHARF for CAFE MAY- every Tuesday, Thursday; and Saturday, at half-past nine o’clock A. M.» commons lug on THURSDAY, July 2d. Returning, will leave Cape May every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday a£ eight o’clock, stoppingat New Castle to connect with th& Baltimore lines The MANHATTAN is the largest and most convenient; boat that ever run to Cape May, having about fifty siftte rooms and every accommodation that passengers can da« sire. Fare $2.50, including carriage hire. Meals extra*- Children and servants half orice. Freight at moderate rates. No freight received after 8 o'clock. - .t -• A. RBYBOLD RAffiKOAB KIKES. Mmmam * o * newbobt, NEW YORK AND NEW HAVEN . SHORE LINE RAILROADS, - On and after MONDAY, June 29,18?3, one Dally Trala will leave New York, from depot comer Twenty-eeveatih.' street and Fourth avenue, at 12.10 P M . passing through. New Haven, New London, and Stonincton. to Bart - Greenwich, R. 1., where the steamer WATER LILT * will he in waiting, on the arrival of the train, for New port, affording a splendid sail down the Narragansett Bay, arriving at 8.30 P. if. Tickets sold and baggage checked through. JAS-H. HOYT, Supt. N. Y. & N. H.S. T, ’ J. E. FOSTER, General Agent N. Y. & Boston Shore Line R. B. t HM PHIL> A AND LONG BBANCff WA CAMDENAND ATLANTIC AND BABITAN AND 3>S= LAWAEE BAT^BAILBOAD. On and after Monday, Juno 15th. and until further ec“ tice, passenger trains will leave Tlne-etreet Ferry at f.-gfr' A. M.. arriving at Long Branch at ILIO A. M, •Beturaing, leaves Long Branch at 3.35 P, M., arrivteg at Philadelphia at 7.45 P. M. Passengers landed close to the Hotels, N. B, —-Excursion parties Trill be carried on liberal terras. Apply to L. B. COLB, Agent at the Depot. Cooper's Point' BENJ. STRONG, Assistant Snperintendent REOPENING OF w WWP'jp THE BAOTIMOEE AND OHI« RAILROAD. —This road, being folly fiEPAIEBD taM effectually GUARDED, is now open for the transports* tion of passengers and freight to all points in the G£2A¥ WEST, for through tickets and all other information apply at the Company’s Office, comer of BROAD Streak and WASHINGTON Avenue. n. M. FELTON, apß-tf “President P. W. andß. B. K. O®. fS&MCBSSgI WEST CHESTER AND bailboa®. YI4MSPIA, leaira KiijiMsiphisi. iron tfie asuot, rrnrttiflMt Gornaraf Eighteenth and Market streets, at 7.50 and 10. 30 A* M,\ and at 2, 4,30, and ft 55 P. M. „ On TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS a train-will leave WSR CHESTER at 6.60 P, M. Ratnmlng, leave Philadelphlft at 9.15 P. M. Trains leave the comer of Thirty-first and Market streets (West Philadelphia) 17 minutes • after the st&rttsß time from Eighteenth and Market ' _On SUNDAYS leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M. | P- M. Leave West Chester at 7.50 A. M. and SP. BL The trains leaving-Philadelphia at 7.50 A- 81. and IB P. M. connect at Pennelton with trains on the P. asC B. C. B. B. for Concord. Bennett, Oxford, &c. jel-tf HENRY WOOD, Superintendent GAp 53 MA Y • Office Cape May axd Millvule R. B Co.. 409 Walnut Street, Jane 12, IKS. FURTHER OPENING. On and after MONDAY, the 22d of June, the cars will run upon this road to the Deanisville Station, leavin* Walnut-street ferry at 9 o’clock A M., in the West J«f ser cars. The cars will run from Cape May Court Hons# to Cape May, reducing thedittanceb? stage to nine je!3-tf C. B/PPHOAN, President. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE BAIL ROAD.—This great line traverses the Northern and and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of • Erie, on Lake Erie. • It has been leased by the PENNSYLVANIA. *RAEEi* ROAD COMPANY, and under their auspices is being rapidly opened throughout it a entire length. It is now in use for Passenger and Freight business from Harrisburg to Driftwood, second fork, (177 miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Shefleld to Brit, (71 miles) on the Western Division. ’ TIKB OF FASSEKOEB TBAIXS AT PHILADELPHIA. ... .. .. Leave Westward. HallTrain«~»*«,. 7.30 AM. Express Train 10.30 P.M.' 1 Cars run through without change both ways on thest trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and be tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both warn between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business amply t the Southeast corner Eleventh and Market Streets. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents 4 S. B. KINGSTON, Jr., comer Thirteenth and Market, iraets, Philadelphia. _ ■ J. W. REYNOLDS, Erie. • _ J. K. DRILL, Agent N. C. X. 8., Baltimore. ’ H. H. HOUSTON, generalFrei^ht^Ag&nt^PhiUadelpMg. General Ticket Agent, Fluladelphlft. JOS. D. POTTS, General Manager, Willi am sport. JSShHUttia THE PHILADELPHIA n»--ASTI EASTBBNTEAHSPOETATIO* COMPANT ib how prepared to forward FREIGHT froM Philadelphia to New York, via Cainden and Port Mon mouth. The attention of Sh ippers and Merchants fs directed te this new : .and"expeditioTiB RAILEOADROUTBr and ft portion of their patronage respectfully solicited. Freight received at third wharf above Arch street. For further particulars apply to <550. B. McCULLQH, Freight Agent. W. F.-GBIPFITTB, Js., General Manger?^ 7l *' WTgg-tf Plar B? asS^HTHR'rVK^Vaw.TnrJr T H S S H A. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY, June 15th, 1868, trains for At* larifcic City-will leave Tine-street ferry as follows; Mail train 1eave5........... i... 7 30 AM. Express train leaves... . 3 45 V f. Frelghttrain, with passenger car attached. .. 9.00 A. 2C. Returning, leaves Atlantic City: Mail train......... 4.35 P. JL Express train.......... 6.00 A H. Freight tram I£ 05 P. X. Fare to Atlantic, $2. Round-Trip Tickets*. good ftX the day and train only, or down-on Saturday and up oa Monday morning. $3. An Accommodation Train to R. and D. 8.-H.-R. Junc tion will leave Tine street at 6,15 P: M.; return fay jMKt morning at 6.15. EXTRA HADDONFIELD TRAINS Leave Tine street at 10.15 A. M;- and 1. # P.M. Leave Haddonfleld at 12.15 P. M;<and3F. M. jelS-tf JNO. a BRYANT. Agent, regular line for HARTFORD, Connecticut.—The Steamer MARS, NICHOLS, Master, is- now receiving freight for Hartford, at the Ist wharf above MARKET Street. For freight, apply to WM--H. BAIRD &-CO., It 13® SOUTH WHARVES, or on the wharf. MEMCATj. J)R. SWAYNE’S BOWEL CORDIAL^ sure, remedy for Asiatic Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Diarrhma. Cholera Infantum, or Summer Complaint,'pains in the Stomach and. Bowels, Sick Stomach, Vomiting, and all relaxed condition of the Bowels. Let no family, he without- this medicine, it will give im mediate relief. __ .- TO OUR BRAVE SOLDIERS IT HAS BEEN OP INCALCULABLE BENEFIT. WIVES, MOTHERS. AND SISTERS, Whose Husbands, Sons, and. Brothers are supping in ih*. army, cannot send them a more necessary article tbas, “ Dr. Swayne’s Bowel Cordial lt has saved many valuable ii/e. _ CHOLERA INFANTUM, or SUMMER COMPLAINT*.— This disease is very, prevalent with young children during the warm, season, SAVE THE LIVES OF -YOUS CHILDREN from the too often fatal effects of Somme* Complaint by using SWAYNE’S BOWEL CORDIAL. It is always reliable. relieved by Its as*. CHANGE OF WATER is very apt produce disturb- • ance in the bowels. The * ‘ BOWES CORDIAL” cores a-ud looseness. No traveller should leave horn* wiihontit. . DIAERHCEA^AND DYSENTBST.-The “BOWEL UOKDIAL’wiII-be - found the most pleasant and* sura pure. .In inflammation of the stomach or bowels, and. in the inflammatory stages of Dysentery, when there !• tenesmus or much pain, with frequent desire to evacuate bhe bowels without Hie power-to effect mtwh discharge, blood frequently passing, as there is in all marked cose* ■ of Dysentery, take two or chree ieaspoon&ls oPthe Cor dial, with a little castor eiL every two hours until thw pain is subsided. This valtcabls medioins will give relief* in the sand 1 'violent cases. Price only 25 cents 3. bottle; five bottles for 5L Prepared only bv.D&SWAYNE & SON, No. 330 Norfck SIXTH Street, aboxe Vine, Philadelphia. • OVER THIRTY YEARS HAYS DR. SWAYNE'S ME DICINES been in constant use in all pasts of the world, and their increasing popularity is certainly eonvincingr proof of their wonderful eiSeicy. JDr.SWAYNS’S Principal Oifice.No. 330 North SIXTH Street, above Vine. • ■ * - jy2 pta EVANS & WATSON’S p|!l % SALAMANDER SAH *' STORE : 18 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA,.BA. A Urn TAtlsSy «f yiSS-FSOfl? SAMS alw.T. WUMc ' . ' ". .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers