THE CONSCRIPTION. It Progresses with Order and Quiet. THE DRAWING IN THREE DISTRICTS. The 12th, 20tli, 23d, and 25th Wards Included. 'The enforcement of the draft, In three different parts of the city, yesterday, was characterized by an unutuai degree of quiet, and was in no instanoe at tended with the slightest indication of riot or bad feeling. The names were called out to the people Who assembled at tie respective headquarters, and were received more in humor than in anger. Oheera for the Union were freely given, and the harshest wordß one spectator addressed ,the other was the taunt, “How are you, conscript?” True, the civil and military authorities were amply prepared for any riotous demonitration, but it is only truth to gay that order reigned, not because of these prepara tions, but for the more creditable reason that the people, seeing the justice of the conscription act, submitted willingly to its enforcement, andjgave all assistance to those appointed to carry it out. The draft took place in the Twelfth, Twentieth, Twenty-third, and Twenty-fifth wardß, The first: named at the office of the Provoßt Marshal of the Third district, at No. 611 Brown street ; the Twen tieth ward at the building of the Spring Garden In stitute, corner of Broad and Spring Garden streets, and the Twenty.fifth ward at the Odd Fellows’ Hall, Frankford. The Twelfth ward is bounded by Third, Sixth, Vine, and Poplar streets; the Twentieth ward by Poplar street on the south;and along Sixth street to Susquehanna avenue on the east;’along Susquehanna avenue to Eleventh street; along Eleventh street to Montgomery street; along Montgomery street to the Schuylkill, and along the Schuylkill to Poplar street; The Twenty-fifth ward Is formed of the upper portion of the original Nine teenth ward and the lower part of the T wenty-third ward, taking a considerable share of the.old district of Bicbmond within its hounds. The result of tho drafting in the wards named was as follows: THE FIFTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. The drawing of the names of the drafted men ia the Fifth Congressional district was commenced yesterday morning at 10 o’clock; at Odd Fellow's* Hall, Frankford. r A large crowd was present during the drawing, but the utmost order prevailed. Capt, Yardley, the provost marshal of the district, an nounced that the enrolment had been made in sub* districts, and the names would be called off accord ing to that arrangement. There were fifty*one sub districts, and the whole number of men to be drafted waß 1,989. 'The commissioner, Dir. Taylor, stated that tha iuMiitsiat munci wm onolosod. afluiitta: ly ;siisa sum k\km* feal i&iitnu die ballots woUli i&U&UiI kjf appointed to superintend the drawing, so that there would be no reason to suspect that any fraud had been, committed. The firßt sub-district, embracing the First ADd Second election districts, was first called off, and the nameß were thrown into the wheel. The coihmittee to superintend the draw ing was oompoaed as follows : Democrats for the Twenty-fifth ward—Edward J. Brody and Patrick Reilly. Republican—Barton H. Jenks.*’ Democrat for the Twenty-third ward—T. W. Duf fteld. Eepublican—Richard G-arsed, The other members of the committee were not present. The drawing of the names yesterday was con tinued until 3 o’clock P. M., and will'be resumed to-day. Of the number drafted, there were about eighty employees of the establishment of Mr. Jenka, Brideeburg. Thirty-one gunsmiths were drafted. There were four persons named Smith—two Johns and two Georges of that name. Three brothers named Jones, and three brothers named Swope, were also selected from the wheel. The drafted of the First aub-dißtrict were as follows: Geo Harland R Rlarall Job Gilbert - Ohas Schwartz Theo Weiser O’Brien Reilly . Ohas Hause Wm Seargle Patrick Walsh Wm Ouesin Monroe Bounds Samuel Young Ed Peters Wm Kling JifiSiftiik Ohaa Shook Wm Honßenfoiß George Marsh Fred Mull John Miller Adam Dorson John Taylor ■ Samuel Kerbaugh Ed Butler Josßheiner . Wm Spade Thos Cook Gillingham Kerr - A 1 Mawerby Farel Reilly James Potter B F Jacoby Lawrence O’Laughlin Morris Hely . Reading Davis Henry Sohafferdiger Joseph H Campbell Thomas W Thompson Henry Ulriek Charles G Geimme Alexander Slater Henry Shane Thomas Doyle Henry Baught John McLaughlin William Wight Alexander Loudon Joseph Stum' Jonathan Wanlas Isaac Wilkins . Conerd Wells Henry Runhart John Simons Joseph Parrett Charltsßice Aug Seeleraier William Thomas Chriatiau C^ukshuarfc Valentine Shessert Daniel Everhart John Jones Charles Baum Philip S Jacoby Lawrence KlxCaulley Henry Jefferson Michael Kerbaugh George Murphy Michael Hatts Dennis Keenan . William Tobin Hugh Mullin Milton Louder John Brooks William Caasen Charles Sancimbich . Benjamin Walker Christian Honsonfoss John O’Daniels The Second sub-district, comprising*: all of the Second district east of the plank road, and the whole of the Fifth preoinct, was then called off. Number enrolled, 148; to be drawn, Hi : Henry Wright IJohnHAghan Franklin Fell [George Beck Jacob Oslander 1 DominickCrossin Jno Swavelly James Fields Henry M Taylor EdWilkey Wm Smith : Thoß G Vallette George Cox George Gilling Peter Coran Patrick Murray Levi. Dover Daniel Botil George Surriok Heury Young Joseph Hunter George Eadcliffe Wm JRocksberry F Harris Oolehower ■William Duffy Jno Smith (blacksmith) Christian Kinsler Jno Smith (laborer) Jacob Kraft Jos Davenport Theodore Belden Jno Coffman Jno Easterday Sami Match George Heßter Jacob Wonderlich Jno Martin Sami E Wilcox John Wcndel , i Fred eric k Fraley Thomas Maxwell [Charles Mendenhall ReyboldSees IBenjamin Kugler The Fourth and Sixth precincts of the Twenty fifth ward were called off as follows; 151 to be drawn, 499 enrolled; John Wall Reuben Ireland Patrick Kernon . Patrick Erwin John W ICennady Thomas Welsh Michael Carr William Ogle Matthew PreSton John Graham Charles Duffy Patrick Eagen John Carvey John Sheppard Timothy Lahlet Robert Emory Charles'F Straußß Thomas Driscoll Richard McFadden Maurice Mcllvaine William Coyle Charles McGurk James McGolrick George Weeson James MoAvey John McNamee Thos Murphy Chas Judge Thos Brady Thos McLaughlin Wm Duffy Frank Donnelly ' John Riley Lawrence Gaffney Robert Bryant Henry Martin Sam Dougherty % John Gallagher Julius Blankensu Peter Dowd Ellison Harvey Thos C Conner Thomas Haughey Franklin Soott Willowby Hollicks Wm H Kennedy Oaten Tway Patrick Armstrong Michael Burke William Long William Mellon Hemy Adams Charles Blessing , Patrick Dougherty John Dougherty Cqab Allen Ephraim Cranner Owen Sohelvelyan Samuel Kane John R Haslett .Thomas J Martin John Sheridan John Langon Michael Brannon Charles Call Charles Galligher Patrick MoDonnell James Murray Thomas Gill Michael Kehoe Edw McConnell Mortimer C Wilson Patrick Brierton Henry Johnson Michael Allen James McDevitt The Fourth sub-district, including the Third pre cinct of the Twenty*fifth ward, and the Eighth pre cinct of the Twenty-third ward, was called, 5B fol lows ; 272enrolledand81 drawn; - \ Albert F Morris, 25th \ Jos Binder, 23d Chas Hagan, 25th John Dyke, 25th Matthew Benjamin, 25th- Win Otto, 23d Martin Rickert, 26th Wm Gafcherwood, 25th Jacob Zimmer, 25th Franklin Peters, 25th Christian Eiseiman, 25th Jas Haines, 25th Alfred Brill, 25th .Taoob Coleman, 23d Wmßussem,23d Chas Day, 25th Henry Hague, 25th Robt Okeholta, 25th Chaß Piggott, 23a Simon Drexler, 25th John P Guyer, 25th Geo Cummings. 26th Edmund Taylor, 23d Geo Yuker, 25th Michael Farrell, 23d Ohas Dithmar, 23d JTas King, 23d Wm Young, 25th Robt Clark, 25th John Richards, 25th 'Anthony. Springer, 25th Henry Fuliscraft, 25th Me eke, 23d Geo Simpson, 25th Wm Dungin, 23d Samuel Swope, 23d Lewis piarb. 23d John Stephens, 25th Martin'Scanlan, 26th John Keller, 26th .Geo Smith, 25th Fellzian Meyer, 23d Wm Smur, 25th John Cowell, 23d Abdella Ogden, 25th Irvin Tuoker, 26th Ezekiel Smith, 26th Wm*Brown, 25th Geo Bice, 25th s Richardson Wright, 23d x -G F Lewis, 23d IPeter Cooney, 25th John Sorden, 25th . TFred Yangunten, 25th Thomas Watt, 26th James Drum, 25th Geo Letterman, 25th George Carter, 25th Porter Sherrick,-26th John Cope, 25th Robert Wilson, 25th Gottlieb Wernle, 26th' FdwardMooney, 23d Westling Wilson, 25th •Christian Speis, 25th John Englehart, 25th Albert Kelts, 25th; •- > William Flathers, 25th Victor GHUett; 26th Joseph Bullock, 25th Owens, 26th William Dungin, 25th Abraham Mulab, 26th John Andrews, 25th. 26th" William Henderson, 25th Christian Zeller, 23d 2sth IHenry Gunter, 25th The the fifth precinct of the 261 enrolled—7B to be next in order. . Patrick Enricht W Springer Albert Thompson - Ohas L Swope SWm J'Ohamberlaiii CharlesHeppenßtale Gharlfti Tones Edward >wope •William* Harris; (colored) Jacob Jones f t , ric is! er '■■William-Morrow Jo“ph R “" ,el1 Tboma. Stanwood Willlmn Finnegan Robert Marehall John Sitter Garret J Joice Holt Pickup John Eiseley ; f Jameß Wrigley Lewis Vanaateten Albert R Robinson Joseph Schoch Geo W Milborne Jas Lightfoot Robt Bancroft Thos E Castor John Lukens Isaac Warner Thos H Lee Levi Vandegrift John W Lever Geo Wells Timothy Me Avoy. ‘ Ohas Briggs Thoß Laun (colored) ChasM Caster t George Jones Silas Jones Jas Johnston Jonathan Smith G F Borie Geo Aikins Alex Degnan David Thomas WmWalker (colored) The names of the gentlemen invited especially to attend the drawing of the names are *: Republicans—Charles M. Wagner, Peter Rovoudt, George Erety, Conrad S. Grove, T. Wentworth, Julius Stern. Democrats—Peter Hay, Huston Smith, George Ea M. Fox, Dr. Paist, The blind man was bli with the law. There wei includes the 50 per cent, o' George kempf Wm Zoliet . Wm D Ransk George C Lewis John Gezanheimer Stephen Orth John O Ticknor JohnEndrees Christopher Lindorpher John Hildenger Andiew’Bakeman John W Obew Benjamin Green Mr Bergman Charles Brady Wm Macbeth George W Carman Wm Frost' Robert Sloan Jacob'Freasc . Jacob Meeß* Aug Rittenhouse Aaron Lane . Ernest Kurtz S S Leieering Joßh Bunch Cbaa Butz Charles Greenac Alfred Wittinton Samuel Davis Henry JSteinman Antoine Weigard Wm J Simpson William W Sheppard F&ssisjjuussa Onarlen Hitter James Duner Theodore Greenmail Lambert P Brooks Charles Patchell William H Williams Jacob Oreoly Thomas B Nelson Frank Feitck James Vallette Patrick Oocely Charles P Harrington Thomas T Towsend Bichard Byann George H Shermer William F Mally Charles Smith John Dialogue John DooDgcs James DoJjon Samuel Logue John Bower Adam Ivnopp Simeon Nathans Frank Ecbard Theodore Burch Charles Jones Hugu Moas Timothy- McCarty Theodore A Pouse Alfred Tappan William Upperman Mr Schoneman - Thomas Liese HeDry Worms Benjamin S Roberts George Mode Philip D Schafer Ahdrew J Loßher Sflhien George Custard Mr Chore George W Myers John H Wallace * Wm H Koss . Jameß Owens John Hannings John H Bryant James Fisher Aug Schaffer - Tbeo Lindhurst Benjamin Nichols Roland R Ellis Henry Hafaland Samuel Thompson Joseph Roasbuck Rudolph Lauber Joseph Miller SouderH Sufferd Alfred Schaffer George Hoar Samuel Engrain William Boston Charles Burger William Abbes i M Smith Randolph Craig Burgess Hines Edward C Mock Frederick Lardner Henry Mohnert Henry Tuck , James Richmond John W Miller John W Biddle Jacob Schoepfela Howland Seeger Benjamin Hooley Thos Boussin Leonard May Geo B Kerfoot GasenV arson Jacobßoahert John Seifert M Belcher William Thompson Frank H Reichard John J Steiner Wm H Helung David Chuen Aug G Lynch H W Arnold George Benkert Jonathan Childs v Conrad Blaeaa Silas Crump AugUnbotths Felix F McQuaid John Stover .. Julius Ambuck Franklin Kellner Alfred Stalheimer Wm Ropke John P Wildemitt Joseph Cummings Anthony Beam Anthony Warkman Charles Morrison Jacob Wise Peter Moore Alnoza Felton George W James Samuel B Mann Jesse 1 Burk Peter Troutman Jacob Mulle Charles Stiingle Wm H Ingraham Philip Lerch MrWiegand Charles Tboley Theo Oppenheimer Edward Egee Augustus Kristen Josiah Neimand Dennis Welsh Samuel McLaughlin Frederick Ostenheimer Henry Stoy Simon Stearn Charles Kimble Adam' Zeah Byrom Leidy Wm Swope Barnes Clayton Peter Marsh John Beck James P Malseed Wm F Connelly Michael Meloy George Walter Chas W Meyfield Charles Maher Mr Leatberbey Charles F Riteh J-amea Johnson Charles Bonwell John Gransheimer Hugh Tracy 1 Joseph Clark George B Mariner Christian Stiver Louis Peter Wm Hopp Charles TJlrick Wm Burnham James FiDney Samuel W Williams .August Schawiz Jesse Conver GollepHakly Martin Roger Gatleb Gans Adolph Lex Mahlon Slifer Frederick Miller Herman Scbearß * John McClainon John Sheuble Geo Sheridan James P Lewis .Chas Bibbing Daniel Fox JohnP Johnson Herman Barthel James C Lynch Frederick Well GEngelkoffer More witz Beerhalkin John Rentz Jacob Berger Philip Glen Frederick Hertsell John G Henber Joseph Rose Wm M Clark Redmond Fossert AdamWßheeher Robert M Sleedle James Boos Wm Miller Mr Neal Robert Wilson Albert Miller Adam Schearer Frederick Gross Mahlon \K Smith John Smcdley Wm T Pettit JuliUß Gensey John Hobb , Frederick Shrind Win Sherick Martin Beck Edwin J Cross JohnWolz Thomas Wallis JohnP Anshutz . George Groce, Thomas Edwards Edwin W Nichols Chas Repp Michael Terner John F Shanz Lewis HVoulc •William Davis George Sbilleriger Henry Miller Charles Greenwald Frederick Roule John Boult Henry. Stimble Mr Zeller Isaac Irwin Barnard Brady, Henry Patterson Charles E Krumshield Edward Hitchcock George Rowlett Benjamin F Bauer James Haughey John Gillan Thomas Brawley Charles McDermott Thomas C finrlow Christopher Young Michael Gatley Thomas McGonigle John Sherry James Reilly Joseph Olamfete Charles Kligg John MoGinley DJSteif Bernard McManus Joseph Ireland John Kevins James B Reeves John Hanley William J Newell Charles Burton Thomas Gennon John Wakely (Francis McGovern Bernard Carr 1 John Reilly John McWilliams Patrick Murphy Edward Mcßride John MoFadden Francis O’Connell Bernard Fox John Hand Ephraim Foster Michael Conroy Eli Price Chas Lynch Geo Snyder James Rooney Daniel MoGever Wm B Alien Cornelius Seaman George Whitmire Patrick O’Donnell William Bowen Dugal McFadden Patrick McKeoney William Bassley Patrick Gill John Borner Charles Keller Peter S Steelman Wm Buckley Frank Makln Patrick Buckley Jos B Pickett ' ■ Charles Nichols Andrew Ketchum George Deary William McCartney PatrickJfcttigan MarkMigraw JohnHockman . Patrick McGleney John Huston Christopher M&ginnis Thomas Berger James Quinn . John Lahlet Nicholas Richards Edw Patterson Rowland Hughes IYB Musaelmau John Bradley John Harding John Ferguson George Oldan Ohas O Swope Charles Wilson Wm J McCullough Martin Dunn Geo W Shuster Headley Boyer Walter Stephenson Christopher Robinson Astal Wignall * Wm Jenka Arthur Develln Jos C.Rossitter Benj Dover John Carrille Geo W Bonn Chas Bigger ' Henderson Davis (col’d) Oliver Campbell Thos Armstrong James Christy Daniel Hart Robert Monk Joseph J Fry (colored) Jaa C Edgar TWELFTH WAKD, i Joseph Sites, M. D,, itfcz, George Cabb, Daniel indfolded so as to accord re 637 nameß drawn ; this Win Parr' John Harrar Edward Barns Henry Porter Abel Smith Edward J Riley Adam Spotz Frederick Seedman Samuel Jecus ■ Frederick Fisher*' George Ruoff Wm H Traughton Adolph Koch Adam Westerly Jacob Jones Harrison Reed George Baum George Folthe Nohar O Hunt James Openheim MechTeller Ed Brownon- . Pat KtoOarney, Philip'Ohras John B Gets O W North Nathan Shipps Geo A Johnson Herman Shultz . Hiram Himan George Every Courtland F Lukeng David P Weaver ■ Joseph Lacier Mssfls Stislm oiaroos oetmei ifihao F Miller Richard Li Moore John G Hammon Sparta Fritz John Grouse Christopher Bostes • Charles A Waintvright Charles H Bryant Richard Hewitt Willard Headrick Edmund Clemmer Samuel B Ely Ebert Dafer Thomas Belsterling Henry Ziegler William Hoeah Felix A Hamlin George F Price John A Johnson Charles Hancock George Shalheas Henry Miller Charles M Howe Charles Birncke Benjamin Barry Charles W Butterworth Michael Wild George Hentzell JacobJMeiss William D Bensege Joseph Baker George Fobea Christopher Wright Manurey Schmoeky Frederic kFre d e rick . John Dras Frederick Zeller Frank JVlacknett Gerald Jov Wm. Hainan Fhilp Oritter George Wiimer Wm Hog el Joseph S ringer Patrick Welßh Joseph Zoellner Peter T Byrne Otto Loudenmeyer Adolph Muhler Rhinehart Metger John P Work Fred M Tomlinson Gotleib Toppan Henry Feaber George W Beone Fred Gritzburgh Charles Harmes Hedrew Werner Thomas Fauoett "" Henry Schell John Ridgeway Samuel Evans Leonard Creamer Geo H Jones John Dayle Jacob RELfreth John Welsh Geo G Bowea, ~Jr John A Kinzler William Burger • I Jeremiah Conway [Hiram Gunsenhouser [Jacob Sehaure George W Jones Henry S Brown John Funer Dennis Mahoney Eugene Lex Geo P Darbe Ed W Miller William Mathew Christian Grine Egmont Eager • Charles Mundy David S Groffiey John Pleis Samuel Harrison Geo W Tryon John Barth ' John G H Marguett Charles-Stofuder Reuben Russell Morris Joy William Simeß Charles F Mervine John Charles Plish Andrew Lawrence Richard D Stone Ephraim White Charles'Zeiss Conrad Beshewer Thos W Struckey Charles Donoho Theo MeDzer Louis Rernde Max Armbold Conrad Dehms Archibald Mead Gustavus Schultz TJUies Cason Thomas Lawrence William Wilcox John Mouther James Sterrill Frederick Zimmerman Charles Schenck Matthew Meyer Frederick Schwarz Charles Adams Edwin M Arnold Samuel Thompson Giles L Schallerop Jacob C Petty William F Slocum George Eller Vincent Grodenthaler Amel Klinglrofi'er August Gilderbrant Wm McDermott Frederick Brown Mr Martin Joseph Rickerc Wm ABilger Alfred Hunri S&m’l RiveU Wm A Keller David Uriz Heiny Bergnl Christian Funk John F Kelchle Fred H Krumshield Becj Readeft'er George WKing WmPKirk James Crocker John P Loan Jacob Schuster Samuel H Ritch Thomas Z Orncard John Pilger Aug Kinderman John B Mock Richard B Connelly Charles Scherr Charles Joneß John G Litte Charles Glassmire Henry Rosehgarien John Choll Charles'E Sutler Lewis Spangenberger Gharles Wetty Henry B Petty Charles Dougherty Joseph Young Joseph Elliatt Philip S Flack Martin R Regan Geo Dougherty Ohas Gottscholt . ' Joseph Lute Wm Custad Willis V Gold Philip Bungarten WmO Cloud John Mailer Wm Gavy Theo Webb John House Henry Beigler Samuel T Thomas Francis H Forepaugh Charles Feaber Julius Feaber Wm Christ Hiram Evard . Moßes Eckstein Samuel K Hess James Thompson Jacob Johnson Robert Scalett John Collahan Chas B Hollowell Henry Hoffer Philip Hirnalm&a James Boone JohnDonnally AdamSwind Henry O Stiander John Fraioe Mark Devlin Peter Ralt Frederick Sliger Juliuß Menzell > v Benj Smith Ohas Metinheimer Charles Fanen Adam Freily Wm B Helling W T Irwin -* Julius Smidt Henry Leschirt ; Charles Pry Benedict Pala, Neziah W Bitters David Stearn Marcus Biernbaum Franciß Levan William Cookie John D Wilson Peter Kreider Mason Richard G Glenn Michael Banet Martin Baumgartner Thomas Mellon TWINTIBTB WABD. I ftfe following named gentlemen were invited tiT be present at the drawing:X* ‘ Haines, 'Adai&WiK son, Michael McCosker.. , ■;S . ; • Jiepw6h>ans—Bayard lv ßobinson,'Vjoseph Manuel; John F. Naroer. Ohailen Si E&riett, the ComaUsloner| Mi<i were to be draws, T4B be> nounced that 1,122 names lng the quota. George Bobbins Elias Shaw Joseph H Mintzer John Burkinstock Michael Wilkinson Andrew Cammera Michael Birmingham Levi Cartey Ney Churchman Jacob Link Joseph McDonough William Benediot Henry Elsacer George Bodkins Anson Lukens OF Da vis Edward McNally George Dahhart John Murphy James Vanhorn William Sepp William R Faunce Samuel Penrose John McCane John Kenny John Bitner John Dipple John Marks - Thomas Evans Charles Schlotthower John T Gtillagher iFrederick Waltz John Lippincott, Profes sor of Music William G Fisher Charles Shsufler Lewis Iltrdenßtein Charles R Harkness Frederick Arnold Francis Bilger James Sharawood Timothy Dulin Samuel Overn Harry Rail Frederick Nonnenber David Turner Isaao Ware Constantine Mulder Lewis Eiael Geo C Johnson Jacob Hoffman James Connars Daniel CrosscufF Charles Esterly rwilliam Thorn George Hartman A Wnilden * Adolph Hush William Williams F J Tash • John O’Brian Berg HHutchinßon James Thomas Joshua Taylor ! .William Bright i Jacob Smedley Thos W Oribb William Bice Charles Neal Ralph Rezer John Beckler John Gregory (enroller) : Charles Moss ! Joab Mills ... Alexander Brown Win F Ireland J Buckman Fmntflln liimnsr riiti'f iitimisiiu jSfliuuel XVlanderson Henry R Bird Augustus L Crawford George Butters Thomas B Ellcock Edward Dernier William H Carney C Griffiths Ferdinand Locker , George Schneider John Haas Francis Bach Andrew Page Joseph H Proctor Charles T Collady Henry Eppelheimer Thomas WateralD Joseph P Donahue Peter A Gallagher John Nepley, i Peter Green j John Ebert i Martin M Roser Samuel Thompson Abel Thomas George Harmßtead Christopher Goodman Theodore Vetterlein John Fleming Alfred Gardvat ' Andrew J Funk ASMcßaugh Patrick Fleming Andrew Metz Nathan B Rockhill Augustus Ahrand Joseph Derkeaa Geo w Carpenter. Elich Young Davifl B inomaa jacoT litnreii Qhas V Enis - Joseph M. Bennett L Frank Thomaß Wilson Hoben Offerman. John Crawlord Jno F Hirsch ' Walter Wayley Christian Miller Stacy Campion Michael McLaughlin Thomas Keeley Owen McConvill Edward Roberts Abraham Roods Francis Williams John F Bender Alfred Rumer John Hagan Charles Hunter J D Wisom Jeremiah Johnson George Gilmore George W Matthews Alex Reaver George Birdsell John Draper Edward Loud James S Wilson John C Byeily Wmßoblitt Henry B Simpson Joel R Leidy Anton Ott George Meens Frederick Goodhait John Buckley N athan Brooks Henry Bosler John Rodgers Henry A Myers Abraham Lainhoff Edward Mishspaw Samuel R Brown John T Anderson Stephen N Wile James Kane Elias FraDts George W Whooten George Senderling William R Ellis Edwin Crisßey James Randolph A Offerman Herman Eugler NarryAbel George Riker Alfred West John Shaffer ' J M Robbins Edwin Reed Daniel McGuire Patrick Conick Francis G Muchins George Gill Joseph B Altemus John W Carwin Daniel W Jones F B Bergman . . Michaelßievens Alfred Oliver Andrew Myers John Burk > Martin Nolan William B Miller Augustus Ramsey David DeCastow Francis Pirner Theodore Rick John Fo stole t Joseph L Travis Jacob Straub : Patrick Carton Robert Shelvan Jacob Eltz Patrick Laurens William Braziogton Thomas Robinson Thomas Skillm&n Edward Bel wig ' George F Rhinebock Adam Reck John Lips O Hallowcll James Skinner Wm McCain Thomas T Mayers JohnGentner Philip Hufnagle Samuel H Elliott James Rboadß Michael Hughes Geo W Grice John Bath Frederick Yargerly Jacob Bowers Daniel Holzner Henry Clark Olny Dyer William Jackson John Gougf. -• Howard Cook George WErb Adolph Scholtze. - Christian Whitmeyer Washington Gear Lewis'Smith George Stockberger James Burns JohnSimm Conard Reeger Charles Hodgson . Henry Staderman Joseph Peoples William T Smaltz Gottleib F Nies John B Wallace Abraham Good James R Black Frederick Wiesman Henry McGill * Leonard Burkhardt James King George Bersel Robert Bush William Q,uig Jacob Castle John McDonough , Charles Dungan Jos Robenocker Fleetwood Large, Jr Daniel GNaglee Janies Kicbman John I Williams Thomas Murphy Jameß Gaskin Charles Zapf, . L Zimmerman Thomas Young David Leiber Oswald Martin John R Dean Isaac Vanderson Frederick Rowder Henry H Stucker William Sevan John Barker ' James Watson George Miller \ Jacob Schonher William’Jones Cbailes Stout Chas' Jackson Carl Ever wine John McFadden Jasß Welles John H Fisher Joseph Roberts Isaac Thompson James C Copper Andrew. Alexander Jos E Manuel HenryDotterer Joseph.Leekey BeujStevens • * J Stewart Stevens .. Francis A Parker: • * Charles Earp Max Scheider Isaac O Baker -TheopbiJus Hartley EdwimS Likins GeoigeDorlan ■„ . David Amber: Patrick Nolan' Christopher Bessner Rudolph Stahl Charles Fhillippl i ■Henry Lynam William Dobbins. s T M Mitchell ... Joseph Baonin.: Isaiah Hertzhimer AlfredTi Crawford Samuel WWenill 'PKilipMoore • .Clements yf illmeyes Marlabi Speigle William F Faußt John F Gaul Frederick Early George Walton George W Green William Start Edwin M Bunting ( Adam Steer Richard Birchell James Ramsey Charles Oberteiffer Reuben Harrison Joseph Mowrey Wm H Morford George Oreasman John Server Philip S Coleman Patrick Coughlin George W Bowers Theodore Doerr Lewis Lampeter Richard Weigbman Thomas A Donohue Silas W Goeeler Christian Shule Eugene Leeber David Richards James KTcCrackin William H Harrison . David Smith ' Thomas Murphy RWHudßon Frederick Haines ' Samuel Lafferty James Dodweil John Fontaine Richard Schreiner Anthony Ryan Robert F Walsh. Alfred Savage James Johnson Henry Irvin George Wahl Jonathan F Garrison John Oavenaugh Frederick Sohiok William S Neal Bastion Fromveiler Peter Moore, Samuel Smith Samuel Matthews Daniel Carey Wm O Smith George Werterman Geo W De Haven Philip Fermier Charles Switzer . Ohas G Connell Jas M Arrlson Thomas Harrison William Harvey James Bloomer Nathaniel Stokes Jno Y Brown Jasper Sbeever , . S Mbunteny JosESmaltz John Hausell James Daly, Chambers Smith Daniel Yoder Patrick McCabe John A Wenler, Jr Michael Sohempp William Me Murry James Conner Kingitnn fi Tim iTona ami Frederick Demme Q-eoree Myers' Geo F Sensenderfer Charles Murray William T Richardson John Sandy Daniel Weston Frederick S Miller William B Naylor Christian.Shelky Henry Smith Ivan Barsulia Jacob Helfrich B Potter William J Brine Kline Shugan JobmDonahue George Eirman John Friley William Wood Robert E Bowers Elan'Oarman Matthew Rodgers Samuel Tibbals jAmeß Dougherty Michael K Snyder Benjamin Swain Peter Brady John McGranner George Matthews Thomaß McCabe Michael Downs Wm M Mook Joseph Fisener Adam Harrow Geo N Mahard Wm Merrick John Wright Joseph Evans Jiiooti H Brelsoli iiarapßinr iteirtia <Seo -Young Geo M Scneider Ohas F Stephens Lewis Steiumetz Lewis Turney Henry Amsler Noah Layton Richard Young Wm Just Geo B Armbruster John May Cbarleß Cook Benton O Severn Henry Billingsey Wm H Thompson Samuel L Miller Henry Gabert William Sourwault William Stein Charles R Miller Wm M Davidson Franklin Lockerman WmHinokle John McKinley Kewber Michener Frederick Gramlisch Christian Gurber Charles Coudrlck Archibald Y'oung B.J Williams Jr James Pearsaul Frederick Stilton Mark Rezer James M Goldey Samuel Suger Jacob Nabug George Hensill Israel Jones Jacob Sites John McCarty Marshal Fish Patrick Cavanagh FrederickYoigt. John H Bates Patrick Tiernan Harry Dickinson William Shaylom Joseph Warner William Carroll Peter Clark William Stubbs Jacob Rau : Henry Rotsenberger William Jurine Gustavus Bender Joseph Culbertson James O’Neal Michael Brady Joseph Wills George J Pitman _ Alexander Reed Franciß McElroy Edgar Smith George Gilmore Edward F Massey Edward. Ellis Michael McCoster William Houghton B M Denny George F Kline Fontane W Purcell Philip Fisher John Smith James Wilson Joseph E Ditner •- Samuel T Lewis Richard Pendergrast J S Engle Edward F Massey Henry Bascom Theodore J Fingle Charles Brickmar Daniel Faunts James Vanhorn George Allen Thomas Morris Michael McGarvey John L Beoediot. Frank McGlathery George Lang Lewis Bachmeyer Joseph Harvey Lewis Dawson Wm M Roberta Benjamin S Jones FreU’k Winke John E Robinson John O’Neill Daniel Mohr Matthias Keans Daniel Murray G H Smith John B Hall Joseph D Mark Edward McGown William Waiter J Koerner ' Charles W Beele James Leathern JohnG Egolf John Keyser John Freese Aaron S D unlevy Moses Walker Horace Homer Jacob Lambert John McCarty Theodore J Murray NathleeDe Castro Stephen Fisher Charles Reichman John M Clayton John Griffith ■ * • John Mooney • Frederick Springer Edward Pernne Joseph Linn Matthew Colquer Daniel Blyler Henry Batterßly William Michael * James Hammil George Border William Byer George Long AHDerrickson Samuel T Foster William Boyer Henry W Nebb Albert Esbelman James Donley Christian Kastle Gottleib Moesrier Luther Steffey Henry D Kelly Alexander Wrightmeyer Henry Fry William wolf John W Baker , .. ' Harman H Smith John Stevens ’ William Green Samuel J Humphreys EPMichener Morris Eichings Ebenezer A Goodesa John Soott Charles Rodgers Henry Jones Joseph Cook Henry H Haines Wm Rounseller Ohas A Pearson George Sheets Wm Rudolph Sylvian Birmingham Theodore Street ST Kirk' Samuel Stranham Beni Lancaster Chas Foster Richard Snyder OtfasHFry Charles Rirtbrldge Harry. O Stout • Wm Graflln ■ George B Stroud Lewis B Donehower -Walker Dabbs James Evans Washington Kroppi A Dewald James McCartney Albert Tunnell Samuel O Woodingtoa John Neeoe Godfrey Demme Thomas Glacey Charles H Melsoher Aucy Abell Edward Leonhardy William Kruipelffer Thomas Jackson George Harris .: George Fox ... WilliamKerns JosUh F Kuight JffLt mt mm. Tffl W. John Deham Street Samuel M Kelly Joseph B IVlumford James Flemming Henry S Kneedler Joseph Delany James Bach MichaeiGriffia George Price _ Charles P Über Charles H Marks Thomas M Hastings Martin Wine Andrew Quin William Watterall Wm McClain James N Bight Joßeph Young William Gibbs Eliftß De Young Lewiß Hall Frederick R&me Samuel L Trinkle Henry Harley Thomas Desmond Lineker Eillion William Street George P Wolf Wm Burk Miles Howard John Bodgers Ehenezer J Harrison Edward Reenau Wm Porter Henry Mecket f Charles Door Geo W Bash Joeiah Carty Morris Offerman Jeremiah Fields James Doyle James Millhouse Wm Herper ‘ .Wilson Eaetburn Geo D White Cbftß H Roney Henry O Herron Wm C Pomeroy Isaac P Wilkins -'Charles Moore James Kelly Wm Ferguson Wm F Shively Peter West Nicholas Seitz Ezekiel Hammer John A Fitch George W White Wm S Ardis John Ruck- Hemy Hahn Martin Struss Davie Hampton Frederick Herr Albert Barne, J C Moore Decatur Weidley . Samuel P Webb John Broad Tick George Huftnagle Lewie Tilgham John Ealey Charles Donley I Newton Brown John Oarley Henry Branson O Shultheis Jameß Budiek Frederick Muller Foster W Savage JoknHo3gl££ .. Hiohard Hayi John N Willets Horace Gregg Ely Everett. Robert Carlisle James Belford Alexander Clark Charles Deal Henry Gilbert. James Wright Jacob Beck Wm H Rowt Thoe B Townsend Albert G Enos James Davie Nathan Raymond Philip Shilling Charles Holmes ; JohnHHerlng John Rush John McHaney Jameß Garnet William Franks William Herds ' Body Dunn John Jeffries Martin Roohe Edwin TomliDßOn- Daniel B Walker William Hoyt Jacob Hart Overton Moward Henry KitziDger Michael vSoopeß Peter J Wagner James Whittaker Cornelius Boyle Wm H Wallace John O Gilman John Rommel Thomas Blegeley Matthew Burns Adam Warner Charles W Smith George T Ruoff James S Spiers George Ludlow Alexander Ray Thomflß Ferguson John Kenneday Cor Lehman, (colored) William White Jesße C Collins John F Arnold Joseph J Bavlas John Franks Walter Buck Jaoob E Stone Henry Price Samuel Fennimore Edw Scattergoed Walter Lee Richard J Dobbins Albert G Fisher Daniel H Brown Cardinal Hoag Perry Moore George Nixon WmSCbaffln Aaron Simmel William Baker Theodore Endenaft Andrew Gotger Jacob Mills William Walker George Weber John Gier Jacob Lang . Michael Callahan Joseph McFarland Hugh Graham John Murphy Moses F Ferter John F Weigle Ben j Shourds Jr Gottlieb Bohnenberger William Barnes William Asterly Jacob Philson Henry Coleman ; Thomas L Roberts James D Kieraan William C Mcßride Jacob Ridgeway Thomas Downes Augustus Cloves John C Brook Xavier Oberle Isaac G Jaquet, Jr Henry Bossert Michael F Keenan MKlint CbarleßFogas John Conrath John L Brooks William Daub Sylvester YKernß John Hover Frederick W Miller Frank Andrews Andrew Keely Jeremiah Trout ! Joseph Bartholomew Godfrey IT Belling George Fox Henry Glessner Martin Rightly Jacob Herring George Sensenderfffer John Hays Peter Sullivan John E Smith Thomas McKinley M atthew Perkins Theodore Hodges Joseph G Wills . George FCulin Charles Frasier John A Febrong Samuel Smith Thomas Wagner Jno W Ramson ’ Patrick Kenneday Geo H Nippard Edward P Hauer Ferdinand Naudasher John Leister Thomas. Neal Joßeph'Reeves Alonzo Wharton Charles Fisher L H Fisk Walter l»ey Christian Heidraan N H Hammond BeD j J Whittington Geo WBookius William Bishop Thomas McGowan John Fife jLOrew Wm W Jones James KiUon Andrew Gorlay William Silence Joseph Henzey Frederick Zimmerman Joseph W Ambler Bernard McQ.uinn A Jackson Bleigenheiser. As Mr, commissioner, held the last en velope, containing the name, in his hand, he said: 11 Gentlemen, this is the most important one of all. Keep quiet while I announce the name;” He drew forth the slip. There was breathless silence in the dense throng. - When the name was announced there was a simultaneous outburst of applause all over the assemblage) and ,three cheers were given for the TJnion. Thus the scene closed) as it had commenced, in the most perfect good humor. A Horril>le Threat—Tlie Judge and the A man, named Iff. J. Gluck, was arrested yester day by U. S. Deputy Marshal Schuyler, on the obarge of making serious threats of burning the city, unless'the conscription should be’, set aside,' intis street. If seems that the defendant called upon the engineer, or machinist of a rope*walk, in the upper part of the city, bn the subjeot of resisting the draft. Among other things, he said that if mayor Henry did notisßue a proclamation settihg aslde the draft or declaring it unconstitutional, the city of’Phila delphia would be burnt. He believed, if the mayor was a friend to the city, he certainly would raise his voice against the draft, and thus Bave the town from aßhes. ■' The defendant being, apparently, serious in his in-, cipient efforts to bring about a reign of terror in Philadelphia, the machinist called upon Mr. Schuy ler. who bad a warrant issued by the XT. S. District Court Judge, for the arrest of the individual. The: defendant admitted the charge,' hut expressed great' penitence. Judge Caidwalader read him a good sound lecture on the impropriety of such conduct, and remarked that the conscription act mult be en forced, and will be enforced, and no intelligent right minded loyal citizen would oppose it. Thedefendant was put under bonds in the sum of $5OO, to be of future good behavior and to keep the peace, .. i Assaulting a Military Officer, A rough-looking man, giving the: name of S. A. Sendor, was arraigned at {the Central Station yes terday afternoon,'onthechargeof aaßaultinga mili tary captain. -It seems that, as the officer was quiet ly warning along the; side-walk, near Fifth'and Chestnut streets, about noon yesterday, he was aud denly assaulted. and one or two epithets applied to hlm tbat did not exhibit anything like loyal feelings on tbe part or the assailant. The Captain immedi atelyseized - the impudent fellow and took him to the station-house. A gentleman observing a mili tary officer taking the insulting fellow totheitition bouße, and being the unhappy uossesior of meddle some characteristics, became highly, indignant at the scene, and hastened to the mayor’s office to en- a complaint; that the people of Philadelphia seemed to be under military rule. He denied in the inost vehement manner that a military captain had the right to arrest a citizen. Ohier Buggies, how ever. contended that he had the right, and that the , meddlesome gentlemen vhad better keep cool the present hot attend to his own bu siness. The case having been fully; Investigated by Alderman Settler,rthe'deffendaat war ordered, to-pay ■the usual fine for drunkenness, and to enter bail in the sum of *s4oo.*to. keep the peace towards citizens iir general, and? the military captain in particular. Innefaiilt of this alight penalty, the defendant was committed! David HUderbridle Charles Buck James Turner George W Oroaadale Edward Hunt BenjamiQ Stoepper James McDonald Charles .Sever * Joseph H Kerper L Clark Davis Edward'F Sexton Joseph Woodruff (cord) David Row Thomas James Geo Val Oeshiman j Wm Ryder . Hen**- Landin'- nenry Lanning James Hutchinson WmGL Hollis Aaron Hector Jno Spang (on railroad) Charles Murat Erasmus Hysoop Daniel Lance ' John Davis Lewis Woll* Howard Dvke Jacob Sindcnfelscr Geo W Burrows Geo Sparbeck Gabriel Berk George Young Patrick Hickey Wm Shields Theodore Nnnberg John B Supplee John Foeshner Patrick Hugheß Wm Net man Albert Hart Jameß Beck Jacob Minder Sami B Chapman Wm H P White John Holt Otis Felton .- John Lacey * George Childs David Lahens William Hall Sebastian Klutz Patrick'Kelly John Baggeley Adam Mitchell William Sh/iy Marshal Slonaker Lawrence Clair Peter Pheler Charles Denny John Barry Wm Whalen Benjamin 1? Miller Edwin A De Haven Dr Gilbert darkness Thomas Watson William Wickins John Dolan Charlas Harvey John It Wagner August Smith James Riohardett Ed ward Buechner Charles Rhinehart . Owen Roberts James J Murphy Thomas Perkins John Petarn John Boyle Joseph Linderm&n Joseph Wißhman Jsks MSSSU > Qmm Kemble Lewis Bemheim John Burk Samuel Yardley Frank Hicks Thomas Oubberaon August Young William RourkC John Hesson Richard L Kerr Thomas Murphy Edward GLUespie. John Lower Wm-Young Wm Reese Alexander OKane James Mahoney Charles Casper Henry Jacoby Charles Haft William Lowe ' Clement Richardson Alexander McCormaok David Scott Wm Garland Henry.Hart't - Samuel Cresswell- - ■ ' . George Yonderlin Anthony Stine Patrick Maguire H H Reiner Theodore Allen Isaac Keeler George Jenkins ThonAw K Bowman William Levis Frederick Rivera Paul Leader. George Bath Jacob Shively MLUUUs Jab B OfcUP Michael Whaley Edmund Greer Peter Epp Lewis G Vail Charles Boyles Geo C Hulse Joseph Lush Henry Ferguson Horace M Rowan Michael Dowling Thaddeus Johnson Henry Taylor John Cartey Geo W Hurst H C Moore Wm H Miller Nathan Bailey John Ash James L Adams Michael Warden Wm Carpenter Wm A Gebler G W H-Smith Florence A Olowell John Palm Thomas Stewart Howard N« Ashman John Burns James Hughes . Michael Casey George W Moffltt Gabriel Pierre Charles Williams Theodore A Haas Robert s Everett Daniel Murry William H Webb Wm Me Murry (aged 34) William Will William Lepper James Q,uam Joseph Thompson John Charlton Charles Otto John Crowder George Stallman Frederick Reed Peter Lynch William Lepper Patrick Megonegal Rudolph Ritter James Randolph William F Miller. Joseph McGrath David M Niinewller Henry Martin William N Hurst . Michael Riley Addis Hays George Gulemer George Elfrey Charles Bloomingdale- Charles H Dunford Edwin Turner William Goodwin Abram M Roberts Lewis NewhufFer ; Christian'F Smith Lewis Shaffer Fred Hartman George Staup George Kunberger E Brook William Ganble William Parkinson Robert Creamer J Henry Hentz Stephen A Cochran John Stocker William Donnelly John Fox Charles Harrigan Stephen Alexandria Joseph Lea RCMcCaulley Jamesßotenburg - William Gallagher - Owen Bectler John F Raw John M Sharp GrofFe Eckfelat Michael Ryan Leander Price Thomas Munday Jacobßowman Edward Johnson Squire Dunkerly William Adams Williamlserman De Witt Righter James Mills Henry Deshong A Silvers Amos Winter William Shure Charles Hallo well James Casey John Young William Tuch Peter Kelly ./ . Thomas. Lawton Christian Schapna Leorge W Hill Philip Metz George Jackson Samuel W Lanberth i Thos WYost Jaoob‘Hooker : Charles Young THE POLICE. [Before Mr. Judge Cadwalader.] Conscription Law. [Before Mr. Alderman Battler.] IE6AI. "N THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR A COUNTY OF LANCASTER, PENN’A. Estate of AARON QOIMBY, deceased, late of Fulton , , Township, said county. The undersigned auditor, appointed by the said court, to make distribution of the balance in the hands of 0. B. Cutlor, surviving Executor of the last Will of said deceased, to and amongst those. legally entitled, to the same, hereby givta notice that he will meet all par ties interested, for theparposes of his appointment, at the COURT HOUBE (Library Room), in the City of Lan caster, connty aforesaid, on THURSDAY, the 6th day of August, A. D. 1863, at 2 o’clock, P. M.. of said day. D. VT. PATTERSON. Auditor. inw-tiysi June 24, 1863. ' N THIS ORPHANS’. 00CJ.RC FOR J- THE OITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA Estate of GEORGE W, WATSON, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of MORRIS s. WICKER3HAM, Adminietrator of the estate of George W. Watson, de ceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on WEDNESDAY, July 2), 186'<, fit 4 o’clock P. M., at his office. 3. E. corner SIXTH and WALNUT Streeta. in the city of Philadelohia jylB-atuthst D. W. O’BKIBN. Auditor. * TMITKI) STATES, EASTERN DIS- OF PENNSYLVANIA, SOT. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: * WHEREAS. The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, hath decreed all persons In ceneral who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or ntereßt in tthe steamer Charleston, whereo' Geary Swan is master, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, .and; merchandise laden on board thereof, captnred by the United States h!o>p or vfpsel of wsr railed Seminole under command of Captain Rolando, to be monished, cited and called to judgment at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed, (justice so re quiring.) You are therefore charged, ana strictly en joined and commanded, that you omit not, but that by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily 'newspapers printed and published in-the city of Phila delphia, and in the Legal Intelligencer, you do monish ana cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily, ■allporsons in general wlio have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the said steamer Charles ton. her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on hoard thereof, to ap pear before the Hon. JOHN CADWALADER, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court room, in the city of Philadelphia, on the twentieth day af ter publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or else bn the next court day following, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allegejndne form of law, a reasonable and lawful exccuae, if any they have, why the said steamer Charleston, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on hoard thereof, should not be pronounced to belong,at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and as goods of their enemieeorothdrwise, liable and subject to con demnation, to bo adj udged and condemned as-good and lawful prizes; and further to do and receive in this bo ’balfas to justice shall appertain.-And that you duly in .timate. or cause to be Intimated, unto. all persons afore said,'generally, (to whom bv the tenor of these presents It is also intimated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawfol cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudication on the said capture, and may pronounce that the said e»camer Charleston, her tackle.apparel,and furniture, and Ihn goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof, did belong, at the time of the cap ture of the same, to the enemies of the United Stateßof America, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject ; to confiscation and condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned aa lawful prize, the ibsencej or, rather the pergous inly eertlfe 4o pi sal il Blsli4el Court -wliai you a uTIo tn the uromifiaß; together with thene uroßfliits. . WHnessttie Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this 17th day of July, A. D. 1863, and in the eighty-eighth year of the inde pendence of the said United States. jv2o-3t G. R. FOX. Clerk District Court. XrOTIQE.— I THE PUBLIC IS CA.U •h' tioned against receiving or negotiating the following rescribed TEN PER CENT. OOUPOON3 of the NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, to wit ; 2 of $5O each, Nos. 9and ID, cut.from Bond N>» 148: 2 of s2fc each, Nos. 9 and 10, cut from Bond No 489. and 2 of s2Sobcl), Nor. 9 and 10, cutfrom Bond No. 490, the same having been stolen on the evening of the l«t iu 4 t. jyl6-thstu3t* ; J KiSTERB >CK. XTOTTCEIS HEREBY GIVBN T.HA.T ±1 “ THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYLVA NIA" intend to apply to the Legislature of Pennsylva nia, at their next session, for a renewal of their charter, said Bank is located in the city of Philadelphia, with an authorized capital of one million of dollars—a re newal of which will be asked for. with the usual bank ing privileges. ; By order of the Beard; June 29, 1863. je3o-tu6m A JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITU TION t Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representa tives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Gene ral Asst.mblj/ met. That the following amendments be proposed to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, in accordance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof: There'shall be an additional section to the third article of the Constitution, to be designated as section four, as follows: Sections Whenever any of the qualified electors of this Commonwealth shall be in any actusl military ser vice. under a r<*quisUion from the President of the Uni- elections by Ike citizens, nnder buck reeulatlods as are. or Bhall ba, prescribed by law, as fully as if they were present at their usual place of election. There shall be two additional sections to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to be designated as sections eight and nine, as follows: Section 8. No bill shall be passed by the Legislature, containing mOTe than one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in the title, except appropriation bills. Sections; No bill shall be passed by the Legislature granting any powers or privileges, in any case', where the authority to grant such powers or privileges has been, or, conferred upon the courts of this Commonwealth. JOHN CESSNA, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN P. PENNEY, Speaker of the Senate. Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, . Harrisburg, July 1, 1863. PENNSYLVANIA, SS: Ido hereby certify that the foregoing and annexed is a full, true, ahd correct copy of ( ) the original Joint Resolution of the General <L. S. > Assembly, entitled “A Joint Resolution ( ) proposing certain amendments to the Con ' stitation,” as the same remains on file in this offlce- In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of.the Secretary’s office to be affixed, the day and year above written. ELI SLICES, ;jy7-tul4k . Secretary of the Commonwealth.' PROPOSALS. A RMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE xl OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets. Philadelphia, July 20th. 1863. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited at this office nntll 12 o’clock M., FRIDAY, the24th inst.,to lurnish prompt ly at the SchuylkDl-Arsenal,viz: = COMMON TENTS. 10-ounce Cotton or Linen preferred, but samples of the kind <f duck proposed to be made must be submitted, by the bidder STOCKINGS. Woolen, to/weigh, three pounds to the dozen, like and fully equal to the sealed sample in this office. ; Bidders will state in their proposals the price, quan tity bid for, and time of delivery. < The ability of .the bidder to fill the contract must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whose signatures must be appended to the guarantee, and said guarantee mnet accompany the bid. Bidders, as well as their sureties, or guarantors, who may not be known at thiß office, will furnish a certificate from the United States District Attorney, Postmaster, or other public functionary, at the residence of the bidder or guarantors, setting forth, clearly, the fact that the bidder and his sureties are responsible men. who will, if a contract is awarded, act in good faith with the United States, and faithfully execute the same. . Bidders are invited to he present at the opening of the bids. Proposals must be endorsed “Proposals for Army Sup plies,’stating the particular article bid for. GK H. CROSMAN, jy2l-4t Assistant Quartermaster General U. 6. Army. Assistant quartermaster GENERAL’S OFFICE, Philadelphia, 17th July, 1863. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until TUESDAY, 21st inst., at 12 o’clock M , for the'de livery of all the WOOD required for the use of any troops-that may be stationed within the limits of the cicy of Philadelphia, from Ist August to 31st December next, inclusive. wood to be of best quality Hard Oak. Bid ders will state the price per co s d, delivered at the place of consumption, whenever it may be required. The right is-reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. Wood to be delivered at such times aud in such quanti ties as may be required. jy!B 3t . A. BOYD, Captain and A. Q/M. A S SIS TAN T QUARTERMASTER'S -CJI. OFFICE—Cor- G and TWENTY-SECOND Streets. Washington, D. C , July 11, 1863. Will be sold at public auction, on WEDNESDAY, the 22d instant, at the' CORRAL, near the Observatory, WASHINGTON, D. C., a left of HORSES and MULES; condemned as unfit for public service. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. Terms cash, in Government funds. 0. H. TOMPKINS, Capt. A. Q. M. U. S- A. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Street*. Philadelphia, July 1?, 1863. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited at this office until TUESDAY, tie 2lst inst., to furnish promptly, at the Schuylkill Arsenal, 1,000 Sides Sloe-skirting Leather, from Slaughter Hides, suitahlefor "welting, weighing from 14 to 18 lbs. original weight. Bidders will Btate in their proposals the price, quan tity bid for, and time of delivery. : The ability of the bidder to fill the contract must? be guarantied by two responsible persons, whose signatures must .he appended to the guarantee, and said guarantee must accompany the hid. . A sealed sample of the Leather can he seen at this office, and biddejs are invited to he present ai the open ing ofthe bids. Proposals must be endorsed “Proposals for Skirting Leather.” G. H. CROSMAN. jyl7 Asst Quartermaster Genera U. S. A. HOTELS. XTATIONAL HOTEL, ■A" WASHINGTON. D. 0. H. S. BENSON, PROPRIETOR, V 1 Formerly of the Ashland Bouse, Philadelphia; . .. He is determined to merit, and hopes to receive, a full share of public patronage. ■ jel9-om TMTETROPOIiITASr HOTEL, (LATB bbowh’b,) PENNSYLVANIA AYBNUB, Between Sixth and Seventh streets, WASHINGTON CITY. - A. R. POTTS, Proprietor. jny22-6m piKEI FIIIEI FIREI Philadelphia, May 30, 1865. if. O. Sadler, Esq., Agent for Lilhe'e Safes: . . Beau Sir: Boring the night of May 19,1863, our Gro* eery and Provision Store, at North Second and Willow Btreetß, took fire at about 2 o'clock A M. i and as the store was a two-story wood building it burnt rapidly, and before the fire* engines could act upon the fire, out whole Btoch of goods, including much oombußtible ma terial, and amounting to over $2,000, were wholly de stroyed. We had one of your No. 11 Ohilled Iron Safes, which was in the hottest part of the fire, came oul of the fire not in the least injured, except the melting of of the name, plate and paint. .The contents inside wers not affected in the least, and we consider the Safejust at good a protection against fire now as before, and shall use it hereafter with increased confidence. The lock works as perfectly as before the fire. • _ _ werxs as tiuly, McMANTJS A CROFT, Late 429 North SECOND Street Attention to the above certificate lsparticnlarly re quested, as it is the first trial of LILLIE’S SAFES in ai accidental fire in Philadelphia. , r . I would say to air parties who want a Tire and Burglar-proof Safe that LILLIE’S WROUGHT AND CHILLED SAFES are much the cheapest and the only real Fire and Burglar-proof Safes now mads; ana to those who want simply a Fire-proof, I would say that LILLIE’S WROUGHT IRON SAFE Is fully equal In all respects to any of the most-approved makers, and ii •old at fuUy one-third less price. • • ' . I also am receiving daily in exchange for Llllle’i Wrought and Chilled Iron Safes other SafoAandkee* constantly on hand a general assortment of HERRING’S, EVANS & WATBON’S, and other makers, many of then almost new, which I offer at, and even below, auctioi PI AQ B partiee Interested are particularly requested to ex »mi« the 6afe. abo« je9-tf No. »1 South SEVENTH Street WILLI AM H. YEATON & CO., No. 201 South FRONT Street, Agents for , the sale of the ORIGINAL HEIDSIECK & CO. CHAMPAGNE. Offer that desirable Wine to the trade. Also, L 000 cases fine and medium grades BORDEAUX CLARETS. ,100 cases Freres ” COGNAC BRANDY, Vintage 1848, bottled in France. 60 cases finest Tuscan Oil, in flaskß; 2 dozen In case. 00 bbls finest quality Monongahela Whisky. 00 bhls Jersey Apple Brandy. 00,000 Havana Cigars, extraflne. „ ... Moct A Chandon Grand Vin Imperial, “Green Beal’ Champagne. •' ■ ‘ . . Together with a fine assortment of Madeira, Sherry, Port,Ac.. feM-ly » Mac k e b el , herring, shad, A*Ac. ' . .. 2,600 bbls Maas. Nos. 1, S, and 8 Mackerel, late caaihl fetish, in assorted packages. _ , _ 2,000 bbls. New Eastport, Fortune Bay, and Hallfex H Lubee. Scaled, and No. 1 Herring. 100 bbla. new Mess Shad. _ . . 200 boxes Herkimer County Ghee(».ks. In jtoj, and forsalo by Mnl^ffiV^RvW MADEIRA WINE.—I7S QUARTER 1"A casks and 100 Octaves', just received per* ’Laura, B. & J AMBBGARBTAIKB. ieawAT,goTaaa ai oRAMi-yi A MERIC AN. R OOF IN G SLATES, JLX FOLLYEQUAL TO THE BEBT WELSH SLATER HIT WAMTOT Strait. 1863. sffiHS&WvL 1863. ...giLHisHfIHSHBBH ;. THI BAMDENaND AMBOI AND PUIbADBbPHU. AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S ONES; FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. FftOM WALFUT-STBBBT WHABPAHD KSKSIifOTOX PUPOf- WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—TER: 1 AIOA. M.. vie Camden and Amboy. 0. and A. As •ommodatton........~® At 6A. H., via Camden and Jersey City, (N. J. Ae eommouatlon)..,, * .-..**►* m At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Ma 11—...... I 00 At BA. M„ yla Camden and Jersey City, Sd Class Ticket.. .T.V. ~;.™ 3 SS At 11 A. M., yla Kensington and Jersey City, Bn- I GO 13 M., yla Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Accommodation SSI At3P, M., yla Camden and Amboy, G. and A. Ex pre55......... «-» 8 QG At 3 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, WmL and New York Express...B 00 At 6K P. M., via Kensington and Jersov City, Eve ning Mail ............... s oo AtllK~P. H.,vta Kensington and Jersey City. Ekmth -8 06 At IK (Night), via Kensington and Jersey City, Southern Express .............. I 00 At 6P. M., Tift Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion. (Freight and Passenger)—lst CiassTickets, ISB ''Do. do. 2d Claes d0...~1M The 6.16 p. M. Evening Mall and 1.30 (Night) Southern Express will ran daily; all others Sundays excepted. .For Water Cap, Stroudsburg Scranton, Wllkesbarro, Montrose, Great Bend, &e., at 7.10 A. M. from Kensing ton Depot, via Delaware.. Laoka wanna, and Western Railroad. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem,.Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, Flemington, &c., at 7 10 A. M. from Kensington Depot, and 3.30 P. M. frou Walnut street Wharf. (The 7.10 A. M. line connects with the train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk at S. 20 P. M.) For Hount Holly. Bwansville. and Pemberton, at 0 A, Mi, 2 and 4K P- M. m ■ For Freehold, at 6 A, M. and 2 P. M. WAT LINE® ! For Bristol, Trenton, &e., at 710 and 11 A. V and S P. M.. from Kensington, and 2ft p. M from Walnut-street wharf. •.«' For Holmesburg, Tacony. Wisaonomlng, Bridesbarg, and Frankfort, at 9 A.M. ,2, 5, 6.45, and 8 P. M. .from Kensington Depot, ' For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanso, Beverly, Burlington, Florence, Bordeutown, &e., at 6 A, M„ 15M.,1.3.30, 4K, apd 3P. M. The 3.30 and 4K P. M. lines ran direct through to Trenton- Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and Intermediate stations, at 2K P- M. from Walnut street wharf. 4ST For flew Tork and Way Lines leaving Kensing ton Depot; take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars run into the Depot, and on the arrival of e&eh train run from the Vifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed eash Passenger. Passengers are prohibited: from taking anything as -bag rage bnt tbeir wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pound* to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility Cot baggage to One Dollar perpound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond 4100, except by special contract. ' , '■. ; June 29th. 1863. WM. H. GAT2HER, Agent IJNEB FROM NEWYORK FOR PHILADELPHIA. 'WILL lbavb, from toot op cortlandt btrbbt, - AftiS H., and 4 P. M., via Jersey City and Camden. AtTafla 10 A.M., 6. IK, and UJtf P. M. via Jersey City and Kensington. From foot of Barclay street at 6 A, M. and 1 !P. M., via .Unboy and Camden. „„ •_ a From Pier No. 1 North river, at 1 and ft P. M. (freight and passenger) Amboy and Camden. ' I*ls-0 PENNSYLVANIA ®Uian Tii AL JiAIIiIIUAI/.p VHE QBKAT DOUBLE-TRACE. SHOBT ROUTE TO THE WEST. NORTHWEST, AND SOUTHWEST. JSanipmenU and facilities for the safe, speedy, and comfortable transportation of passengers unsurpassed by Any route iy» the country. Trains leave the Depot at Eleventh and Market streets, is follows: Mail Train at. 7.90 A. X. Fast Line at...... —11.30 a. M. Through Express at ,***..****.lo.3o P. M. Westchester Accommodation, No, 1 8.46 A. M, " “ “ No, 2 ....12.50P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation Train at.********... 2.80 P. H* LancasterTTrain at **-,***.***.. 4.00-P.M. Parkesburg Train (from West Philadelphia).. 6.60 P. M. Through passengers, by the Fast Line, reach Altoona tor supper, where will be found excellent accommoda tions for the night, at the Logan House, and may take either the Philadelphia or Baltimore Express, each of which makes connection at Pittsburg for all points. A daylight view Is thus afforded of the entire line and Us magnificent scenery. The Through Express train runs daily-all the other sralns daily, except Sunday. FOR PITTSBURG AND THE WEST. S. C. PALMER. Cashier. fie Mail Train, Fast Line, and Through Express ecn aect at Pittsburg with through trains on all the diverg- Inf roads from that point, North to the Lakes. West to the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, and South and Southwest to all points accessible by Railroad. Through Tickets to Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, St. Paul, Colum bus, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Leavenworth, Kansas. Wheeling. Davton, Cincinnati, Louisville, Cairo, and all other principal points, and baggage checked through, INDIANA BRANCH RAILROAD The Through Express; leaving at 10.30 P. M., conn sets, st Blairsville Intersection, with a train on this road for Blairsville. Indiana. Ac. EBENSBURG & CRESBON BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Express Train, leaving at 10.30 F.M.. «onnects at Crssaon. at 8.40 A. M., with a train on this road for Bbansburj, jUj 1?? TS! 9??5??2. !?! The Mail Train, at 7.30 A. ai.» ana Through Expre**» at 10.30 P. M., connect at Altoona with train* for Holliday*- burg at 7.15 P. M. and 8 A. M. TYRONE & CLEARFIELD BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Express Train; leaving at 10.30 P. BL, connects ,at Tyrone with a train for Sandy Ridge and Philipsburg. And by Bald Eagle Valley R. Port Matilda, Muesbnrg, and Bellefonte. _ HUNTINGDON & BROAD TOP RAILROAD. The Through Express Train, leaving at 10.30 P, H., •onnects .at Huntingdon with a train for Hopewell at JOKTHBSH CENTRA! AND PHILADELPHIA &KRI» ... . RAILROADS. Ton Suxbuht. Williamsport, Look Hatch, Zlxha, Rochester, Buffalo, and Niagara Palls. . Passengers taking the Hail Train, at 7.30 A. M.. and the Through Express, at 10.30 P. M.. go directly through without change of cars between Philadelphia and Williamsport. For YORK, HANOVER, and GETTYSBURG, the trains leaving at 7.30 A. M. and 2.30 P. M. connect at Columbia with trains on the Northern-Central R. R. CUMBERLAND YABLEY RAILROAD. The Mail Train, at 7.30 A. M., and Through Express, at 10.30 P. M,, connect at Harrisburg with trains for Carlisle, Chambersburg, and Hagerstown. ■■ _ WAYNESBUBG BRANCH RAILROAD. The trains leaving at 7.30-A. M. and 4.00 P. M. connect at Downingtown with trains on this road for Waynes bnr« and all intermediate stations. . FOR WEBT CHESTER. Passengers for West Chester taking the trains leaving at 8.45 A. M. and 12.30 and 4.00 P. M. go directly through without change of cars. V COMMUTATION TICKETS. Tor 1, S, <5,9, or 12 months, at very low rates, for the a* oommodation of persons living out of town, or located on or near the line of the road. __ COUPON TICKETS. Tor 28 tripe, between , any .two. points, at about two cents per mile. These tickets are intended for the use of families travelling freauentlT.and are of great advantage to Pereon. maktag^cglogal Tor 1 or S months, . for the use of scholars attending School in the city. .... « • • For further information apply, at the Passenger Station, a, E. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets.* * * - JAMBS COWDBN. Ticket Agent. WESTERN EMIGRATION. An Emigrant Accommodation Train leaves No. IS! Dock street daily (Sundays excepted), at. 4 o’clock P.M offering a comfortable mode oft ravel to families going West, at one-half the usual rates of fare. Particular at* tention Is paid to Baggage, for which checks are given, and baggage forwarded by same train vrith the passen ger. - Tor ftOl informatWg^^ \ 13T DOCK Street An agent of this reliable Express Company will pace through each train before reaching the depot, and take up checks and deliver to any part of the city. Baggage will be called forpromptly when-orders ore left at the Passenger Depot, Eleventh and Market streets. The travelling public are assured that ft it entirelw mvonrfbU' By this route freights of all descriptions can be for warded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois. Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis* souri, by railroad directs or to any port on the navigable rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. The rates of freight to and from any point in the West, by the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, are, at all times, as favorable as are charged by other Railroad Compa nies. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transporta tion of their freight to this Company can rely with confi dence on Its speedy transit. ~ Tor freight contracts or shipping directions apply to or address the Agents of the Company: 8. B. KINGSTON, Jr., Philadelphia. D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg. = CLARKE h Co., Chicago, _ _ „ _ LEECH & Co., No. 1 Astor House, os No. 1 South Wil liam street, New York. • LEECH & Co‘ No. 77 Washington street, Boston. WM. BROWN, No. 80 North street; Baltimore, Agent northern Central Bailway. H HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. Philadelphia LEWIS L. HOUPT, General Philadelphia. Jafi-tf General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. NORTH PBNNSYL SWWW 1-VANIA RAILROAt)—For BETH LEHEM. DOYLESTOWN, MAUOH CHUNK, HAZLE TON. .EASTON, WILKESBAKKE, WILLIAMSPOET. *°\ SUHMEB ABKANOEMEWT. Passenger Trains leave the new Depot, THIRD Street, above Thompson street, daily (Sundays excepted), m follows * At 7 A. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Maneh Chunk, Hazleton, Wilkesbarre, Ac. At 3.15 P. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Easton, &e. At 5.15 P. M. for Bethlehem, AUentown,Hauc]i Chunk. ForDoylestownat9.lsA. M. and4.lsP. M. For Fort Washington at 10.35 A. M. and6.3oP. M. White cars of the Second and Third-streets line City Passenger run directly to the new Depot. . TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethlehem at 5.45 A. M., 9.30 A. M., and 6.07 P. H. Leave Doylestown at 7.35 A. M. and4P.M. Leave Fort Washington M. and 3 P. M. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A. 5L Philadelphia for Doylestown at 8 P-M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at7A. M.- Befchlehem for Philadelphia at 4 P. M. ap2o ELLIS CLAE. WEST CHESTER & PHILADELPHIA, VTA THB PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL BAILBO&D. Passengers for West Chester leave the depot, eornerof Eleventh and Market streets, and go through WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARRj PHILADELPHIA. Leave at 8.45 A. M Arrive West Chester 10. SO A. M. “12.30 P.M. “ “ “ 2.30P.M. ■ ‘ “ 400 PM. , “ 8.00 P. M. FROM WEST CHESTER t Leayeat 6.20 A. M Arrive West Phi1a....8.00 A. M. “10.60 A.M. ‘‘ " lAKP.M. “ “ 3.45 P. M. , „ 5.00 P. M. Passengers for Western points from West Chester con nect at the Intersection "with the Mail Train at 8.45 A. M., the Harrisburg Accommodation at 3.46 P. M., and the Lancaster Train at 5.25 P. H. •. _ .. Freight delivered at : the depot, comer Of Thirteenth and Market streets, previous to 12 M., will be forwarded by the Accommodation Train, and reach West Chester at2.SOP M Vor tickets and .«S,W l»2-tf ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. PHILADELPHIA ANDBLMIBA B. B. LINK- 1803 SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 1«W For WILLIAMSPORT. SCRANTON, ELMIRA, and all points In the W. and N. W- Passenger Trains leans Depot of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, corner. Broad and CallownHl streets, at 815 A. M. and 3.30 P. M an 4 IC&OT a from Philadelphia to points In northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western "Near York, Ac., iic. Baggage checked through to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, or intermediate Points. '"farther am#ral ■THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL. and office of How ard’s Express Company. GOT CHESTNUT St. jagl-tf 1863.5H1M 1863. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL SO AD. —This great line traverse* the Northern and 1 and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of teased by th» MBTOSYLVAIHABAIL ROAD COMPANY, and under their auspices U being it s entire Wh. . . f/Vn tinwTr nss for Passenger and Freight business iVftmHarrtfibnrr to Driftwood, second fork. (177 miles) S?SJSStSHIvSion., wid from Sheffield io Brie, C7* milesl on the Western Division. ™ « P^B K &T^KVt T 4 P™ Wra A. . Cars run through without change both ways on these trains between Philadelphia and hock Haven, and be tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Bleeping Cars on Express Tralnsboth ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport respecting Passenger business apply at the Southeast corner Eleventh and Market Streets. _ And for Freight business of the Company s Agents:! - 8. B. KINGSTON, Jr., corner Thirteenth and Market, streets. Philadelphia. _. J. W. BEYNOLDB, Erie. I. K. MULL. §: HOn^TON I ,' o^r ‘ a LßwiB t L A *HOblTV a4,ilPllU - Philadelphlfc General Manager, J_ THE PHILADELPHIA EASTERN TRANSPORTATION ' COMPANY 1a now prepared to forward FREIGHT from Philadelphia to New. York, Via Camden and Port Mon month. ‘ - ■ - The attention of Shipperi and Merchant* Is directed te this new and expedition* RAILROAD ROUTE, and a portion of their patronage respectfully solicited. Freight received *! third wharf aboye Arch street. For further to w ' i- . . W. F. aßirrrrrg, J*..General Mauser. JOHN BOOK. Freight Agent. _ ■u*u n«*»- m HtaTßwfsa x«v x«iu RAILROAD LINES. MANN’S BAGGAGE EXPRESS. EBEIGHTB. insurance: cohipanieb. T\ ELAW A R E MUTUAL BAFETY "hi INSURANCE > CORPORATE!) BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PBN»- OJTICH, B. E. CORNER^THIRirAND WAV* l|*- STB-. PHILADELPHIA. " „„„„„„ MARINE INSURANCE, . ON VESSELS.) YEKH&T I T< > a Upart*oftliaworHL . ’ INLAND INSURANCES 0* Good,, byßlyer, Canal, Lako. and Land OanlaMi'A* all parte of the union. TIKE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. • On Stores. Dwelling Houses. At. ASSETS OFTHE COMPANY, NOY. I,IBCT. •100,000 United States Five per cent. Loan.... 993,000 00 20,000 United States Six per cent Loan..~* 99,750 00 88,000 United States Six per cent. Treasury Notes...** —41400 00 £9,000 United States Seven and Three* tenths per cent. Treasury Notes... 984)90 00 - 100,000 State of Penna. Ftvo per cent. Lcaa« 95330 00 64,000 do. do. Six do. do.~* 57,130 00 123,060 Phila. City. Six per cent. L0an....-,, mm 60 80,000 state of Tennessee Five per cent. Loan 13,000 00 30,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Ist Mortgage Six per cent. Bonds +,w. 32300 00 50,000 Pennsylvania Railroad 2d Mortgage Six per cent. Bonds*, 95376 00 ' 5,000 Penna. R. R; Co. 100 Shares Stock. < 5300 00 15,000 Germantown Gas Co., 800 Shares ' Stock, Principal and Interest gua ranfciedbytheCifcy ofPhila...«~ 15300 00 >113,700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, amply secured, 113.700.00 $638,760Par. Cost $663,749 61 Mbt val. $883J78 00 Seal . si,S63 SI Bills Receivable for Insurances made..-,.,. »*•■* 91*233 68 Balances due at Agencies—Premiums on Ma rino Policies, accrued Interest, and other debts due the Company.. 864*11 K Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, $lO,BOB, estimated va1ue.,,,,, , LII LflS CO Gash on deposit with United States Government, subject to ton days — *BO,OOO oo Cash, on Gash in PrawewK~«. 990 74 109,003 81 ... DIRECTORS. Thomas C. Hand* Spencer McllvslnK John C. Pavia, Charles Kelly, Edmund A. Bonder, Samuel E. Stokes, Joseph H. Seal, Henry Sloan, Robert Burton, Jr.. James Traquair, John R. Penrose, William Eyre, Jr.,' George G. Leiper, J. F. Peniaton, Edward Darlington,! Jacob P. Jones H. Jones Brooke, William C. Ludwig, Joshua F. Eyre, James B, McFarland* James C. Hand, William G. Boulton* Theophilus Paulding* Dr; R. M. Huston, Hugh Craig, JOHN HENRY LYLBUBN, Secrel AM BBIOAN FIRE. INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated ISIO. CHARTER PER PETUAL. Ne. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Ft ladelphla. Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus in vested In sound and available Securities, continues to tesure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise. Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other Persons] Property. ■ All losses ÜbgralljugA promptly adjusted. Thomas K. Maris, James R Campbell, John Welsh. Edmund G. Dutilh, ■ Samuel C. Morton, Charles W. Poaltney* F&!ns£ IraiTi lantfll Miirrt*. —“ T g if i£ll. HiMM 0. L. QiANMED. gBMBtMT- ttiWll A NTHEACITE INSURANCE COM PANY.—AutioiUBd 0»plt»l WKWOO-CHABTa* PERPETUAL. Office Ne. 311 WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. " This Company will insure against loss or damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gene rally. Also, Maxine Insurances on ‘ Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the union. DIRECTORS. William Esher, Pavis Pearson, P. Luther. Peter Seiger, Lewis Audenried, J.E. Baum, John R. BlackistOß, Wm. F. Dean, . Joseph Maxfield. John Ketcham. WILLIAM ESHER, President WM. F. PEAN, Viee President W. M. Burrs, Secretary. apS-tf *JTHE ENTERPRISE - INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. (FIEE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING, 8 W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT BTBEET&. DIBECTORS. 7. Katchford Starr* George H. Stoart* • William McKee, John H. Brown, Malbro Frazier, . J. L. Erringer. John M. Atwood, Geo. W. Fahnestock, Benj. T. Tredick, James L. Claghora, Mordecal L. Dawson, William G. Boulton. F. KATCHFORD STAKE, President. THOS. E. MONTGOMERY, Secretary. fell TNSUEANOE COMPANY OP THE A STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA-OFFICE Nos. 4- and • EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. -North side of WALNUT Street, between DOCK and THIRD Streets, Philadelphia. fi£ L mZZ§iklßSia BfiSBSMBAL GIPITIL 130 pm . rsorfiNTiNS or the coatPAirtr, fsbbuast l iao* - $438,516.13, MARINS, FIBS, AND INLAND TRANSPORTATION INSUEANCS. DIRECTORS. Henry D. Sherrerd, Tobias Wagner, Charles Macalester, Thomas B.W'attsoni William S. Smith, Henry G. Freeman, William R. White, Charles S. Lewis, George H. Stuart, ~ George C, Carson,. Samuel Grant, Jr., Edward C. Knight, John B. Austin, HENRY D. SHEPHERD, President William Haupbu, Secretary.. nolB-if T7IRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. A -The PENNSYLVANIA FLEE INSURANCE COM PANT. Incorporated 1826. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Vo. 510 WALNUT Street, opposite Independence Square. This Company, favorably Known to the community for nearly fortyyears, continue* to insure against Lose or Damage by Tire on Public or Private Buildings, either Serinanently or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture. tocks of Goods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. • Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund 1 is Invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security In the mm Of low. DIBBCTOBS. Jonathan Patterson, 1 Thomas Kohln*, Alexander Benson I Daniel Smith, Jr.* WiHiam Montelius, I John Devereux, Isaac Haziehnrst, I Thomas Smith, sr Henry Lewis. JONATHAN PATTSKSON. President. Wtt.t.tam g. Cbowell, Secretary. - M rf HE RELIANCE INSURANCE COM- A PANT OF PHILADELPHIA, OFFICE NO. 308 WALNUT STREET. Insured against loss or damage by FIBB, on Houses. Stores, and other Buildings ; limited or perpetual; and on Furniture, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, in Town or Country. - GASH CAPITAL •300,000-ASSETS •377,4:1* TO, : Invested in the following Securities, vis: Pint Mortgage on City Property, well secured 9125,400 00 Ground rents 2,000 00 United States Government Loans...-80,000 00 City of Philadelphia, 6 per centXoans.**-. •«.»*♦ 60,000 00 Pennsylvania, 18,000,000 8 per cent. Loan.—.. 16,000 00 Pennsylvania Bailroad Company's Stock. 4,000 00 Pennsylvania Bailroad Bonds Ist and 2d Mortgages * 35,000 00 Allegheny county 6 per cent. Penn. E. Loan.«-* 10,000 00 Camden and Amooy Bailroad Company * 8 per _ cent. Loan 8,000 00 Philadelphia and Beading Bailroad Company’s . . 6per cent. L0an.........i.— 1,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 per cent, mort- ■' gage Bonds*...—. -» ..... IWO County Eire Insurance Company’s Stock. 1,050 00 Mechanics’ Bank 5t0ck..5,000 00 Commercial Bank of Penna Stock.. •• W,500 00 Union M. Inenranoe Company’s Scrip.....— ' s® 70 Loans on Collaterals, well secured .... 2,600 00 BillsiMdnU. ®7 OS Reliance Insurance Company of Pniladelpnla', Stock, :■ ?.Jgeo Accrued interest..........——♦—«——►****» 0,829 41 Cash in bank and on hand.... 24,795 68 ' $877,410 TO Worth, at present market value, »««■»■»» <»,»■* $808,848 60 DIRECTORS. Clem Tinsley, -Robert Toland, William K. Thompson* William Stevenson, Samuel Blepham, Hampton L. Carson. Robert Steen, Marshall HiU, William Musser. J. Johnson Brown, Charles Leland, John Bissell, Pittsburg. Benj. W. Tinnier, gjjgjj xmaLBY, Pre.ident THOS. C. HILL, Secretary. Philadelphia, March 1. 1863. COAIj# CO A L—SUGAR LOAF, BEAVEH Meadow, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best Locust Mountain ftom Schuylkill; prepared ex pressly for family ruse. Depot, Iff. W: corner oi EIGHTH End WILLOW Streets: Offlea, No; 114 South SECOND Street. . ; CapMr3 < J. WALTON A C(L MEDICAIb. TUMELLE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OF v poCK. Ae a safe and effectual remedy for Cough, Pain in the Breast, Spitting - Blood,. Scrofula, and in all cases ■where a Blood Purifier is requisite, it is the Medi cine above ail others.•; Try it. Sold, by Proprietor. F. JUMSLLE, 1545 MARKET Street, And all Druggists. . iylQ-taed WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH! f i GOOD NEWS FOR THE SICK AND WOUNDED. Messrs. J. GRIM and T, ALLEN, MEDICAL ELEC* TRICIANS, (formerly associate* with Profs. Bolles and Galloway.) having removed to No. 733 North. TENTH between Coatee anc Brown streets, are nOW pre pared to treat'and cure all Curable Diseases.-whether acute or chronic, pulmonary or paralytic, without a shock or any inconvenience Poor Soldiers will be treated gratuitously. The Ladie* will ; be treated by a lady. Among the diseases for whlel we will gwe aepe daJ guarantee.when desired, we mention the following: Consumption,lst &2d stages Hemorrhage, Paralysis, General Debility, Neuralgia Diseases of the Liver or Asthma, . Kidneys, . C^lXonf 1 " 9 ’ &S& Uteri. (Falling KllumSm. Prolapsus Ant, or Piloi Bronchitis, Nocturnal Emission, Ae.Ae. No charge for consultation. Office hours: 9A.M. to 6 P.M. ieB-6m -DROWN’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GIN GERT Manufactured only at FitEDJK BROWN’S DRUG'AND CHEMICAL STORE,-'-northeast oorner FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streetß, Philadelphia. Attention is called to this valuable remedy which should be in every family, and for the Army and Navy is indispensable, curing affections of the stomach and bowels, and a sure preventive of the effects of bad water. CAUTION.—To prevent this, valuable Essence from being counterfeited, a new Steel Engraving, executed at great cost, will be found on the outside of the wrapper, in order to guard the purchaser against being imposed upon by. worthless imitations. Sold bv all respectable druggists in the Unifced'States. jy4-stnth!2t t ■MRS. JAMES BETTS’CELEBRATED !tL SUPPOETEKS POE LADIES, ui tie-only Sn»; porters under eminent medical patronage. Ladies and Ihyslcians are reepectfully Ire. Bette, at her reeidence, WALNUT Street. TO ladelphia, (to avoid counterfeit*.)* Thirty thousand in valids have been advised by their physician* to use hex appliances. Those only are genuine bearing the United States copyright, labels on the box, and signatures, and ajgo on the Snpporters. with testimonial*, oclft-tuthstf TjvyE AND EAR.—PROF. J. ISAACS, X-J M. D., Oculist and Aurist, formerly of Leyden, Holland, now at No. 511, PINE Street, where persons afflicted with diseases of the Bye : and Ear will be scien tifically treated, and cured.if curable.' Artificial Byes inserted without pain, N. B—No oh&rge made for exa mlnation- , . jel-3m “bEAUTY.—IF YOU WISH TO HATE A) : & fine, clear complexion, use HUNT’S WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL. It will make you as fair as a lily. Price, 26 cents. If you are troubled with Tan or Freckles, use HUNT’S BRITISH BALSAM. It is .warranted to remove then. Prioe, 26 cents. . . . . If you want a Color, use HUNT’S BLOOM OF ROSES. It will not wash off, nor injure the skin, and cannot be detected. Price, 26 cents and $l. HUNT’S COURT TOILET POWDER Is the beet Faee Powder in use. Price. 12)1,25, and 60 cents. Sold at BUNT A CO. UJerfumera, 41 South EIGHTH Street, two doors above Chestnut, and 133 South SE VENTH, above Walnut. my9-Sm TO THE DISEASED OF ALL GLASSES.—AII acute and chronic disease* cured, by special guarantee, at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, when decked, and, in ease of a fell*, ure, no charge is made. . Extensive and commodious arrangements have been recently made for boarding patients from a 1 distance at reasonable prices. ► Trot O. H. BOLLES, the founder a f fltls *** I Practice, has associated with aim Dr. M. J. GALLO -1 WAT. A pamphlet eontaining a multitude of ter | tificates of those cured; also, letters and eompll . mentary resolutions lrom medical teen and ethers, will be given to any person free. N. B.—Medical men = and > others who desire a knowledge of my . discovery .eaa enter for a nil course or lectures at any time. \ - o# “ ataUO MLI* * GALLOWAY. 1 deß 1»»» WALBI7T HtrMt. fiOft GOLDTHORP & 00., ROR VjAO. Manufacturer, of , Tassels, Cords, . Fringes. Curtains, and Furniture Ulmpe, Curtain Loope,: Centre Tassela. Picture and Photograph Tassels, Mind Trtaumingn. jniujxyand Dr«a CHERRY WINE.—IOO QUARTER O Caek, jnit reeelyed per eUp !■ $976,913 19 Henry C. Dallett, Jr.. John B. Semple, Pittsburg A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. . - MAS C. HAND, President O. DAVTB, Vice President tarv. de4*tf AUCTIOS SAfcES. TOHN B, MYERS & CO., AUCTION-. BEES, Ho*. 833 and 23* MARKET Street. SiLK OF DRY 0001)19 ON THURED&Y HORNING, ■ at 10 o'clock, will be Bold by calalosmo. on four-montha’credit—. Ab assortment of staple and fancy dry goodß. ■C'UBNESS, BRINLEV, & CO.. A . Ho. -tag MARKET STREET. M THOMAS. ;& SONB,_ • Hob. 130 and I*X South FOURTH Btn*L PUBLIC SALES STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. EVSEY TUESDAY during the business season; in the"months of July and A figust only occasional sales. FURNITURE SALES at t%* Auction Store every Thursday. gale at Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. MAHOGANY PIANO FORTE, FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS. CHINA AND GLAjf WAR'S, FINE CARPETS. Ac. ON THURSDAY MORNING, At 9 o'clock, at the Auction Store, the superior furni ture. French plate mirrors, mahogany piano-forte, fins ' Also, by order of executors, thro household furniture of Ronaldson’sestata. Fale No. 312 South Fourth Street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANO. GAS FIXTURES* TAPESTRY CARPET:. &c. ON TUESDAY MORNING. July2Sth, at 10 o'clock, at Eo. 3l2’Bouth Fourth street* beh-w Spruce street, the household and kitchen furni ture. piano forte, gas fixtures, fine spring mattresses, oM cloths, tapestry csopftß, <fcc. Js&- May be examined at 8 o'clock om the morning •£ the sale. Sale No, 1617 Brown S rest. HANDSOME FURNITURE, ELEGANT CARPETS, VASES, &c. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, July 22, at 10 o'clock, at No. 1617 Brown street, by ca talogue. the handsome parlor, dining-room, and eham ber furniture, elegant tapestry carpets, large and hand gome mantel vases; also, the kitchen furniture. Tit* cabinet furniture was made by Allen, and is in excel lent order. * May be examined at 8 o’clock on the morning cf the sale. Bale at United. States Hospital—Northwest comer Grew* and Race Streets FRAME BUILDINGS, BRjCKS, PIPE, CiRCULATnfG BOILER, &c. ON FRIDAY MORNING. July 24th. at 11 o’clock, at the nonhwest corner of Crown aud Race streets, by order. of the United. States* : several frame hospital buildiDge, brick chimney au pavement, lead and iron pipe, circulating boiler, stoves* «C. - I May be examined at B o'clock, oh the morning ‘of the sale. PASCO AST & WaBNuOS, auc tioneers, No. a,3 MARKET StrMfc SALE or AMERICAN AN D IMPORTED BRY GOODS, HOOP SKIETB, STOCK GOOD 9, Ac., BY OA - LOGUE, OS WEDNESDAY MORNING. Jq]y 22d‘, coramepcingat 10 o’clock precisely. /2JJLLETTB & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS. Jayne’s Msrble Bnlldlac, : 610 CHESTNUT Street, and 616 JAYNE Street. Fhiladelptk. TDBILIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, A 525 MARKET and 523 COMMERCE Streets. MBfiE TfiSITITE SAVE QE BOOTS llfD 81058 VK TJd U WQKHIgq. July SOfclt, we will liold ocrsalt- of Soots aj*d Skoes Ibf Ihft FSLII 18K8. whafi will hfe mb. by catalogue. Commencing at 10 o’clock precisely, about I 600 cases prime boot.-, shoe*, cavalry boots and Balmo ral e, just received,fr- m City and Eastern manufacture, to which we invite the early attention of buyers. -, T*Y EENBY P WOLBEKT, ; AUCTIONEER, No. BG3 MARKET Street. South side; above Second St, Regular Sales of Pry Goods, Trimmings, Notions, fcs.. every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY MORN INGS, at 10 o’clock precisely. City and country Dealers are requested to attend ttiooa •ales. Consignment* respectfully solicited from Manufactu rers, Importers, Commission, Wholesale, and Jobbing Houses, and Retailers of all and every description of Merchandise. „ READY-MADE CLOTHING. *.;LOTHS, CASSIMBBEB. SATINBTTB. See. ON WEDNESDAX MORNING. July22d, at 10 o’clock, will be sold, cassimere and alpaca coats, pouts, vests, merino ordWfM. suspenders* shirt cellars, cloths, casslmeres, satinets. &c. Also, dress and domestic goods, wide tape skirts, cot ton hosiejy. handkerchiefs, colleret. chemise yokes and v sleeves, [drawers, ruffling, laces, ladies’ collars, trim mings, round and fine combs, feather dusters, knives and forks, pocket knives, thoes, hats, &c. \T OSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, southeast corner of SIK ,TT H and RACE Streets, MONEY TO LOAN, in large or small amounts, from one dollar to thousands for any length of time agreed on, on diamonds, watehHh jewelry, goid and silver plate, pianos, mirrors, furol tnre. dry goods, l groceries, hardware, cutlery, dotting, cigars, fowling pieces, fancy articles, merchandise nns* rallj and of ever^ on better terras thfW N AT TKIYATfi SALE, FOK LESS THAN HAT.F THf USUAL BELLING PRICES. Fine gold and silver English, American, and Swiss Mi tent lever watches, extra full jewelled and plain, of fhg most approved and heat makers, in heavy hunting* cases, doable cases, magic cases,' double bottom and open-face; fine gold chronometers, in heavy hunting* cases; fine gold-and silver lepine’ watches, in hunting 1 cases and open face; silver quartier watches; doublt* case English silver watches, and others. Diamondn fine gold, vest, neck, guard, and chatalien chains; grid pencil cases and pens ; silver do.; setts of fine gold jewel ry, medallione. gold and silver specks, bracelets, English plated, vest chains; double and single-barrel fowling pieces, some, of them: very superior; revolving field* glasses. Ac. M. NATHANR, SHIPPING. BOSTON AND PHIDADBI* FHIA STEAMSHIP LINE, sailing fromenefc •orton SATURDAYS, from first Wharf stbov« FXRB Street, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf. Boston. The steamer SAXON. Captain Matthews will tail ires Philadelphia for Boston, en SATI'KILAT, July 25th, at 10 o’clock AM. ;and steamer NORMAN, Captain Baker, from Boston, on the SAKE DAY, at 4P. sS. these new find substantial steamships form a reesldC line, sailing from each port punctually on Saturdays. ; Insurances effected at one -half the premium sharped tef •ail vessels. v Freights taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send Slip Xeseipts and Bfttl Lading with their goods. For Freight or Passage (having due aeeomznodaiiMMK apply to HENRY 1 WINSOB A GO., mhP 834 Sontb DELAWARE Atiih WEEKLY TO LIVES POOL, touching at Queenßtown, (Cork bor,)" Thfe well-known Steamers of the ‘Liverpool, NeW York, and Philadelphia Steamship Company are intend ed to sail as follows: EDINBURGH .......Saturday, July 25. CITY OF LONDON... ....Saturday, August 1. CITT'OF NEW YORK Saturday Augusts And every succeeding Saturday at noon, from Pier New 44, North Biyer. BATES OF PASSAGE., Payable In Gold, or its equivalent in Currency. FIRST CABIN, $BO 00 STEERAGE, |9R ; Do. to London, 86 00 80. to London 35 50 Do. to Paris, 96 00 Do. to Paris, 40 ■) Do. to Hamburg, 90 00 Do. to Hamburg,37 50 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotter* dam, Antwerp, Ac., at equally low rates. - Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown': let Cabin, sffc $B5, $lO6. Steerage from Liverpool, £4O. From Queens* town. $3O. Those who wish to send for their Mends sen buy their tickets here at these rates. For further fe2B 1 111 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, FOB NEW YORK—NEW ■BMrfnIBsDAILY LINE—YZA DELAWARE A *9 RARITAN CANAL. Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Ooa- Eany receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. M„ delivtf* ig their cargoes tn New York the following day. Freights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P CLYDE, Agent, No. 1A SOUTH .WHARVES. Philadelphia JAMBS HaND, Agent, . aul-tf Piers 14 and 15 EAST RH7ER. New York. EXPRESS COMPANIES. BgMfBBE , THU ADAMS KA iWS-raßW—Ssgg- TJCSC COMPANY, offlee m CE ESTNUT Street, forwards, Parcels,, Packages Mer chandise, Sank Notes, and Specie, either by its OWK lines or in connection with other Express CompanlML to all the principal Town, and Cities in the Tjltat States. E- P f fl ss - • •• ~ • • General Superintend MACHINERY AND IKON. pENN’A WORKS, On the Delaware Hirer, below PlilladelphW CHESTER. DELAWARE CO., PENNSYLVANIA. JUdAREY, SON, * ARCHBOED, Engineer, and Iron Ship Builders, (ImAoifiia. on Ann kikb op CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSING BNOINBL Iron Vessels of all descriptions, Boilers, Wster-Tsnhn. PraDellere. *e. new. bbabh w. b. bkAbbt. *akl- ucaeoi*. Late of Heaney, Jfeale. A Go.. Late Bnilmeer-Jm-GUaA Penn’a Works. Phlla. U. S. tfayy. jy»-ly - - -■ 3. TATOHAB MERIC*, TOUU BBHW - . JOHN B. COPB- COUTHWARK FOUNDRY, D FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STXKRI. PHTLADBLPHTA MERRIGK * SOWSk ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines ftf land, river, and marine service. .- v . . ■ „ -, Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac.; Pasting of all kinds, either iron or brass- . ' , „ J . : Iron-frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops. Railroad Stations, Ac. * Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most im proved construction. ... .- Every description ofPlant&ilon Machinery, sunn, ae Sugar, Saw, and Grist Miils,Yacuum Fans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, At. v Sole Agents for N. BiUienx’s PafcenfNugar BoiltU Apparatus: Nesmyth’s Patent Steam pinwall A Wolseys Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drateln* Machine.: r ! auWf: PENN STEAM ENGINE JWNEaHD BOILER WORKS.—NEAFIE A LETT* . practical and theoretical ENGINEERS, MA CHINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS. BLACKSMITHS, aai FOUNDERB, haying for many years been in sucuoesfnj operation,* and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and lowpree-; me. Iron Boilers, Water Tanks; Propellers, Ac., a«.',N* ■pectfully offer their services to the public, as being Mlf . prepared to contraot for Engines of all sizes, Marin#. River, and Stationary; having sets of patterns of diffsreK sizes, are prepared to execute orders with quick deswsk* Every description of pattern-making made at the shortart notice. High and Low-pressure, Flue, Tubular, «g Cylinder Boilers, of the hen Pennsylvania charcoal Iron, : Forgings, of all sizes and kinds; Icon and Braes Castings^ :of all descriptions: Roll-Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. * Drawings and Specifications for all work done at fUa establishment free of charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers have ample wharf-do* roomfoi pairs of boats, where they canlie'in perfect safety, ana : are provided with shears, blocks, falls, Ac., 4a, far. h»TTOrIi«M w«l«k(». JAOOB 0 JOHN P. LEVY, BEACH and PALMES itM. TTNION STEAM AND WATER- U heating company of Philadelphia. GOLD’S PATENT BTKAMAND HOT-WATER HEATU. THOMPSON’S LONDON KITCHENER, and all other Improved COOKING APPABATUS. Boilers and Water Backs, Parlor ® Begirters, and Ventilatera, feacka and Jw*a, and all Grthaa connected -with, tie above X No. « South FOURTH Btr*»fc B. M. FELTWBLL. Superintendent. , ap3»-iy - TAMES EOCLES, MACHINIST AND V ENGINEER 1334 BEACH Sheet, MagnStetuie* tVaevanirn assented with despatch- apM-aar . MORGAN, ORB, & 00., STE4M ggSuPhnsdelphla- , - feIMV-A AUICK SALEH. SMALL PROFITS I—l vj At DEAN’S CIGAR STOEB. 333 CHESrNpT SUJ T on can buy FINE-CUT CHEWING TOBACCO 25 pert Sunnyaide. Lilienthal’d EttndarXoid ContaientJ, 1 b^?S’n fo r'nT r Tn‘ B vIII.OW PAPERS.—LillenthaPsll Banki Grape, for ,thr**l “Sink® CUT CHEWING TOBACCO’IN BULK-And®; iSrlolaci Hovt’a Snnnyaide. Dean’a Golden Prise, Tiisn’s Philadelphia Fine Cnt, .faoney Dew, Michigan, Pride of Kentucky, for all cent* per ounce. ■ FicMot Chgwing Tobaoco by the pound, 45, 60, 75, ## C *IKi'OBT& HAVANA AND TAKA CIGAM, and do mestic Cigars of aU kinds. 25 per cent, less than other* at 33S CHKtiTNUT Street •. ... yHmlngton.and-Hawark. Corporation XTotee taK«g®* par. . . . • ., i - ~ ; . • o r»ABD AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, At JUNGWALT fc BEOWMA 1U 8. IOUE»»j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers