Philadelphia Cattle Market* July 20,1863, The arrivals and sales of Beef Cattle at Phillips 1 Avenue Drove Yard are moderate this week, resell* I g about 1,600 head* The market 1b very dull, and i> Icee are drooping; Ist quality Western andPenn m ivania Steers are selling at from ll@iij£o; 2d do At 10@l0y£c, and common flattie at from B@9o,ac <l >fding to quality and condition. At the close, to* U Ihe market was very dull, and common West ern Steers were disposed of at lower prices than the above, paid to be 6K@7c ft. Cow/?,—There is a fair demand, with sales of 109 head at uom $20@45 ty head, as to quality. Shbbp.—There is a fair Demand at former rates. "7,000 head sold at 6@s>£o ft gross. Boos—The market continues null. About2,9oo head sold this week at from $7@S F looiba net. The Cattle on sale to-day are from the following States: 600 head from Pennsylvania. 700 head from Illinois. 335 h£ftd from Ohio. "The following are the particulars of the sates: Martin & Fuller, 103 Wes-ern Steers, selling at Jfrom U@llKc lor iair to extra quality. P. JVLeFilien, 112 Western Steers, selling at from 10@ll },(o for fair to extra quality. P. Hathoway, 64 Western Steers, selling at from f @lo>£c for common to good quality, Jones McOlese, 16 Western Steeis, selling atfrom for common to good quality, Oilman ft Bochman, 10U Western Steerfl, selling atfrom io@llc for fair to good quality. - John Rtrwin, 17 Ohio Steerß, Belling at from 10@ lie for fair to good Quality, A. Kennedy, 70 Western Steers, selling at from rS@llc lor common to good. JVSeidomririge, 97 Illinois Steers, selling'at from' for fair to extra. IVlooi.ey & Smith, 120 Illinois Steers, Belling at from 10@il>£c for fair to extra. G-. Shamberg, 18 Illinois Steers, selling at from *9@loa )or common to fair quality. Branson, 23 Cheater county Steers, selling at from :9(2>10c for common to extra. Bradley, 35 Ohio Steers!selling at from 9@llc for 'Common to extra. * Baldwin & Co., 9 Chester county Steers, selling at tfrom Io®llc for fair to extra quality. COWS AND CALVES. 'The arrivals and sales.of Cows at Phillips’Ave nue Drove Yard reach about 109 head this week. ‘There is a fair demand at ab»ut former rates; Springers selling at from $20@30, and Oow and Calf •at from $30(®46 3R head. Old lean Cows are selling • at from $16@17 fl head, according to quality. Calves.—About 30 head sold to-day at from stfs> 'B&O'JfMb for Ist quality, and 4@4>£c for 2d do ac cording to weight and condition. THE SHEEP MARKET. The arrivals and sales of Sheep at Phillips’ Ave nue Drove Yard continue large, reaching about head this week. There iB a fair demand at about ptevious quoted rates, ranging at from s@sj£o *#l ft.gross, according to condition and quality. Lambs are scarce; sales are makiug at from $323 4.60 head, as to quality. THE HOG MARKET. The arrivals and sales of Hogs at the Union and .Avenue Drove Yards reach about 2,900 head this week. The market is dull at $7@S $ ioo lbs net. 2,238 head sold at Henry Union Drove "Yard, at from $7.60@8 fl u 0 lbs net. 660 head sold at the Avenue Drove Yard by John • Crause & Co., at from $7<7DB fl ioo lbs net.. Fliiladelpii&a flarketa. JtTLT 20—Evening. The Flour market is depressed and dull. There is very little demand for shipment; sales comprise about 200 bbis common Ohio extra family at $6, 150 -do at $6.25, 300 bbis city mills do at $6.50, and 500 bblß selected Western at $6.75 bbl. The retailers and bakers are buying in a small way at from $5,60 r@s 76 for superfine, $5.87@6 25 for extra, $6,37@6.75 for extra family, $7@7.75 for fancy brands.'as to quality. Eye Flour is offered at $4 60@4.75 & bbl. Corn Meal is quiet; Pennsylvania is scarce at $4 3? bbl, GRAlN.— There is very-little Wheat offering and the demand 1b limited at previous quotations about3,oou bus sold at 140@145c, mostly at 14-2 c for pilme Prana, red in store, *nu white at 150@i550 fR bu, as to quality. Rye is scarce, and Penn*, sells lo3@lCso fl bu. Corn—The demand Is limited: prime yellow is dull at 86c f) bu, aud Western mixed atBo@Blc fl bu. Oats are without change: •Prana, are selling as wanted at 78@S0c. weight. BARK is dull at $3O f? ton for Ist No. 1 Qner citron. COTTON.—The market is very dull; buyers are not disposed to operate; small lots of Middlings are reported at GOo ft ib, cash. 6 GBOUERIES.—Sugar and coffee are quiet; we quote the former at for Cuba and Porto Eioo, and Bio Coffee at 28@3ic lb. PROVISIONS.—The market is inactive, and pncee are without change. Mess Pork is held at Sl4@i4 60 $1 bbl, and Uard dull at 10>r@i(H<c ft for barrels and tierces. • ■WHISKY.—There is very little doing. Small sales of bblß are reported at 47@47>£c, and drudge at 46 JJP'gallon. The following are the receipts of Flour and Grain At this port to-day F10ur....* "Wheat, Core Oat?. : Mew York Markets, .Tilly 10. Ashes.—Pots are quiet at $7. Pearls are nomi nal. ■ Breaustdib's.—Tfc« marltet for State ami West ern flour is (lull, and 6 cents lower. The sales are 8,000 bbls at s4@4 46 for superfine State; $4.90@5.i0 for extra State; 54@ 1 40 for su perfine Michigan, Indiana. lowa. Onn., &e.; $1 90(S 625 for extra do., inclu ting shipping brands of round.hoop Ohio at $6,65@5.70. and trade brands do, $6.80517 6 Southern flour is dull and lower; sales 650 hhls at $6 70@ti.25 for superfine Baltimore, and $6.30@» for extra do. 1 Canadian flnur is dull and declining-; sales.7so bbls at $6.0605 30 for common, and $5 35@7 25 tor good to choice extra. Bye FJour is very quiet at $3 50@5.10 for the Jfange of lice and superfine. - Com Meal is inactive. We quote Jersey at $4: .Brandywine, $4.30j Caloric, $4 75; Puncheons, $22, ' Wheat was heavy at one time, but closed up firm ly with a moderate business doing. . The a,ilea are 95,000. bushels at $1.05@1,18 lor Chic*ao spring: sl.M@l 20 for Milwaukee club ; $1.21@i.23 for am* herlowft; $1.23@1.24 for winter red Western: and 27 for amber Michigan. Bye aiju Barley are dull and nominal. Coin is one cent lower and rather quiet; sales 55,000 bus at for shipping, and C3J£@64c for •Eastern. ...... . .Oats are quiet at 70@76c for Canada, Western. «nd State. ’ * Provisions. —The Pork market is heavy and low er; sales 2 200 bbls at $13.50@13 62>£ for new mess, $11.75 for old mesa, $lO 60 for sour mess, including 600 bbls prime on private terms Beef iB dull, with small sales. Tierce Beef and Beef Hams are nomi nal. Baron is dull. Cut, meats are scarce and firm. liard is dull and heavy \ sales 200 bbls and tierces at 9@9?£, Markets by Telegraph. TJaltimobb, July 20,—G-rain is i-carce, and prices fiomlDftl. Flour dull; sales of 500 barrels of super at $6.37}£@6,60. Whisky dull at 45@45K<>. Gro ceries—Sugar in fair demand; Porto Hico il@ll%. PHILADELPHIA BOARD Of TJ4AJ)* JAMES R, CAMP SELL, ) a. W BE COURSEY, ? Coxmittbb op the Month. JAMES Cl WANT*. V BETTER BAGS AT TUB MEIIOHANTS’EXCHANGB. PHILADBILPHTA Ship Saranalc, Howland...ljiverpool, July 25 Bark Baltasara,,Robertson Liverpool, soon BriglCeoka, Burns.... St. Domingo Oity, soon Brig-Thomas Youpg. Young . ..Demerara, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Jttly 21.1803. SUN RISES.... HIGH WATER .4 49—SUN SETS ARRIVED. Bark Leland, Paine, 38 days from Bremerhaven, in ballast-to JJE Bazley tc Co. Bark Emblem, Baker, 16 days from Cienfuegos, with sugar and molasses to Geo C Carson & Co vessel to J E Bazley & Co. Bark Arthur Pickering, Hill, 30 days from v New Orleans, in ballast to captain. ' Brig Crocus, Landerkin, 15 days from N Orleans, in ballast to captain. Brig D O Castner, Hastings, 8 day s from Port Royal, in ballast to E A Souder & Co. July 13, lat 34° oy, long 76° 30', spoke U S aehr Wm Baoon, Wm P Rogers, acting master. Brig Geranium, Pierce, 14 days from N Orleans, in ballast to captain. Ketch Commerce, Barnes, from Mayaguez,Pß, July io, with sugar and molasses to John Mason & Co. Schr Greenland, Evans, 6 days from Havana, in G W Bernadou & Bro. Schr Menonah, Parker, 12 days from Lubec, Me, With plaster to E A Souder & Co. Schr Mary, Tice, 3 days from New York, with •{mdse to David Cooper, Schr Olivia, Fox, 1 day from Odessa, Del, with .grain to Christian & Co. Schr O Loeser, Laws, 7 days from Boston, in bal last to Noble, Caldwell & Co. Schr Leonesse, Wiley, 20 days from Rockport. Vith ice to Thoß E Cahill. . Schr Sophia Godfrey, Russell, 11 days from Gar diner, with ice to Tboa E Cahill. Schr J Maxfieltl, May, 7 days from Boston, with ice to .Thoß E Cahill. Schr Gov Burton, Peacock, 4 days from Salem, in ]ballast to captain. Schr L D Gerard, Irelan, from Hartford, in ballast -2o captain. Schr D S. Mershon, Allen, from Port Royal, in dballast to captain. Schr SVW Simmons. Godfrey, from Salem. Schr Grace Watson, Nickerson, from Alexandria. Schr Jas Buckaloo, Bennett, from New Haven. CLEARED. Bark Eventide, Partridge, Port Royal, J E Baz iley 6c 00. Brig Eliza Ann, Herrick, Boston, J E Bazley&Co. Brig Princeton, Wells, Thomaßton, Me, do Brig Tangier, Sawyer, Bath, do Brig Forrester, Murray, Bath, Sinnickson & Glo ver. Schr L P Pharo, Collins, Cambridge, do Schr E T Smith, Smith, Boston, do Schr R H Shannon, Thompson, Boston, Ij Audea rie d & Co. Schr Annie Magee,; Smith, Roxbury do Schr Fred Hall, Ingraham, New Bedford, do Schr J Cadwalader, Clayton, Danversport. Bin* Riston, Graff & Co. Schr Jaa.Buchanan, Archibald, Washington, C H Cummings. Schr Leonesse, Wiley, Boston, captain. Schr 1) Williams, Sanders, Boston, do Schr Minnesota, Smith, Medford, 0 A Heokschcr •& Co. Schr S L Stevens, Studley, Portland, D Pearson A Co. Schr Grace Watson, Nickerson, Alexandria, Tyler, >Stone & Co- Schr Jas Buckaloo, Bennett, N Haven, Caatner, JStickney & Wellington. Schr S Y W Simmons, Godfrey, Salem, Kepplier «&Bro. Schr A Garwood, Godfrey, Boston, do Schr Leesburg, Blake, Portland, B Armstrong. Str Ajax, Hallett, New York. Str H L Gaw, IlerV Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. (Correspondence of The Press.) ’HAVRE DE GRACE, July 18. The following boats are awaiting thePJuladelphia *2ow»boftt: - - - Gen Sigel, C B Manvill, Experiment, with coal to Carter; Peruvian, do to H Powell; Col H C Salin ger, lumber to Croskey; Swatara, do to Trump A Son; Middleton & Gando, do to New York; Jos B Larr£hce, do to Salem, N J; one York and Erie Aoat, light. MEMORANDA. Ship Sedbergh, Roberts, cleared at Liverpool dth Inst for this port. Bark Oak, Ryder, hence for Boston, went ashore •at Scituate, A M 16th insfc, but.was got oflf without •any assistance. She sustained no damage. ; Barks J O Nickels, Blanchard, and Cordelia, Bry ■ant, hence at Boston 19th inst. " Bark. Wnden, Norton, and Anna O Norton, Prloe, tence at Port Royal 4th inst. Brig Yerandah, Sprenaen, hence at Londonderry d Inst. Brig Gen Garibaldi, Avegno, hence at Antwerp id ln»t. - f Brig N N Lock, fronyWinsor for this port, sailed mom Portland 17 th ins!? 1 ■ Schr IC Runyon, Mathis, sailed from Providence Pth’fns t for this port. § Schr Chrysolite, Smith, sailed from Port Royal Bth pnst for this port, via Stono. | Schrs S H Gibson, Bartlett; J E Gamage, Black: E P Newcomb, Kemp; Elmira T, Kelly; 01 Munson, .Jr, Brewster; andFranconlaj Jarvis, hence at Boston 19th lost; Steamer S F Phelps, Brown, hence at New York 19th Inst. ■ . . . OnR-PRICS OLOTHINd, OF TH* LATEST ftTLEsi made in the Best Manner, expressly for RUT AIL BALSB. liOWBBT Belling:'Prices marked InPlain 71- gmen. --AU Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. OnrOKS-F&iCE Sybtbm is itrlctlyadhered to. All-are thereby treated alike. dett-lT' ,;■ JONES * C0.,604 MARKST,Street. CITY ITEMd. Beautiful Specimens OF Photogra phy.—Messrs. Wenderoth & Taylor (late Broadbent & C 0,,) Nos. 912,914, and 916 Chestnut street, have re cently made a number of superb Photograph pictures, to order,of country residences, cattle, and rural scene ry in general. They have also, within the last few days, taken a number of cartes de visite in-their own superior style of distinguished public men; one, among others, of General Meade, that is attracting much attention. Fine Claret "Wines for the Table.— The proprietors of the popular old grocery house of the laie C. H. Mattson, Arch and Tenth streets, have now in store a very fine lot of Claret Wines, for table purposes, that are highly spoken of by connoisseurs. All their goods 9 are of first-class quality, adapted for the best trade. The Work Progressing. Tlie draft goes bravely on; each day the names of thousands of patriotic citizens are drawn, and the published lists of the drafted are eagerly sought for and soanned by the interested. This portion of the newspaper' is now among the most interesting, and the intelli gent reader scarcely knows which to first examine, the names of the drafted, the war news, or the notices of the elegant suits for Gentlemen and Youths, for Soldiers and Civilians, that are made at the Brown-Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wilson, Nob. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth.'" Wb like pat people, good, jolly, laugh ing, broad-visaged fat people. Welovefat women, fat boys, fat babies, fat purses, a fat job, fat everything. Fatness is a big sign of big Fat men are never treacherous, fat women are hot sharp tongued, fat boys are not mischievous, fat babies are always good ; in fine, fat people are the kindest, and there fore the moßt popular. Commend us to fat people, and commend us to fat bargains, which can be had at all times at the one-price fashionable Clothing Emporium of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street. Song of the Telegram. " I’m out in the Ledger at the first blush of day, In the Bulletin and Journal ere the twilight Ib gray ; I’m here, and I’m there, and, wherever I fly, “How sweetly,” ’tis said, “does the Telegram lie!” Then off to the mountain, and over the moor— I pause, and I lie at the cottager’s door; And as I pass onward, I hear low and high, How the people are pleased with the Telegram lie l And the papers, they take me and send me along, Though I’m often a knell, I seem ever a song; And I flatter and soothe, and deceive till I die, A trusted, though heart-breaking, Telegram lie! But bear in mind, no telegram was ever yet used to announce the merits of Charles Stokes &. Co.’s one price Clothing Store, under the Continental. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, UP TO 13 O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT. G untlnental-Nlnth a Gov A G Curtin, Harrisb’g E G Leotard. Cincinnati J M C Ffrberr, Oil City, Pa Dr A G Egbert, Oil City, Pa George P Smith A F. Johnson & la, Boston 7 8 Levering, Penna Mrs. Johns P C Sheain ;« CWibse, USN W Schley & wf, Baltimore C F Manson, Boston Josiah Caldwell, Boston 'A W hmldaur, USN . S C Jack, Illinois Mr& MrsL Grover, Wash Mrs C N Sioddard, N York 8 Cameron, New York A«g Block. Baltimore Jas Boyce & wf, Baltimore Mr Kennedy & wf.Baltim’e .MiasGray, Baltimore Miss Harrison,-Baltimore W T Branch, Cleveland N C Goodall, Md M W Galt fir son, Wa sh .T Shellinaton & wf. Wash Hon P Watts. Carlisle R J Parson, NY C Edward Lester, Wash* JFFrisbie, MD.UBM Geo W Bowers, N Y I J H Drake. N Y Albert Rhodes, Wash Mrs Trottsfir 2da, Albany Clinton Ten Albany G T McCormick, Pittsburg JDougherty, Harrisburg CaptJ Bill W L Belfenstein, Pottsville L Dodge, M D. Buffalo John W Dodgp, Buffalo G W Lockwood. New York E H Tiler, Jr, New York John Nesbit, New York Thos Chambers, New York AlbfrtTiD, New York .1,400 bbls. .6,400 bush. .2,200 Dllßh, .4,100 bush. D B Lott, Logansport, Ind P C West, Harrisburg Mr 4 Mrs H Jones, Ct H S Magmw fii la J J Halej', New YoTk Geo Adams, New York Girard—Chestnut si C W Poulson, Newark Jas M Hoyt, M D, Conn Henry Held John Bolmes. Boston James S LyJe, New York GeoTSwoupe. New York L O Pumam. MMne Mr JecVley. Jr. Baltimore It Walter, Baltimore J A Congdon, UR A Wm Scbh'se. Baltimore A Kahn, St Joseph W p Barnett Benry Simpson, Wash Wm Scott, Washington John Bradford fit wf.-Balt GB Raymond, New York T Lamberton. New York Mrs Siewart. Bucks co E & la, Indianapolis H K Parson*', Barrhhurg Henry L McGill. Penna Chas Oflington, Mavyland Jas R Freeman, New York 0 NJ Watts, Carlisle, Pa Hon M B Lowry, Erie,-Pa G Gideon & la. Wtfsli, DC A E Warner, Greensboro R Lyman, Greensboro A H Schultz, New York John Cox. Pennsylvania fl E Acorn, Baltimore A G Cattell, Philadelphia L Glayson, Jowa L Wiskowski, Cincinnati C Arbuckle, Pittsburg - C L Lamberton, Clarion. Pa Merchants’—Fourth H Karlsruher, Cincinnati J Schneidler, New York E Asbcome, Pennsylvania J Brown, Jr, Alleghe’y.City L Langbam, Pittsburg L G Grier, Birmingham W C Fountain, Delaware Capt Levi Felter, USA - Geo P Kern, Bath. Pa Thos T Miller, Easton Geo W Benneit, Maryland S J Dockstader, New York Ja* Irwin & la, Clearfield Mrßnmsey M A Houser, Chambersburg H Nelson, Ldndon, Pa J K Crsmer, Havre-de-Gr’ce Jas J Moore, Dillsburg Herman Simon, Lock Haven American—Chestnut P E Crooker, Nashville Mr Kellogg, New York H H Goff Mrs Campbell, Brooklyn D McGregor fit wf, St Louis D K Pearl, Auburn. N Y C Avery, Auburn, N Y J W H Stickneyv N Jersey J Rindge, Cincinnati, O GEShaw, Pittsburg D Fawcett, Pittsburg • 8 Mnsgrave, Pittsburg D J Lincoln, Berks co, Pas S Silver, Delaware Miss Taylor, Delaware Lt Col Stewart, Newbern ' D W Miller. New Jersey J ETrible, Baltimore G D Pifer, Bellefonte, Pa J Wist, Ban over, Pa. A G&rtman, Yoric, Pa E K Ziegler, York, Ha T D Kelley, Maryland. St. Louis—Chestnut Jas NCrossley Ala, Del Henry Crosslev, DeL Chas Ackley, Bridgeton,NJ Chas Major. Pottsville • Peter A Crouse, Haddonfl6ld C H Rogers, Valley Forge B F fcteiaer, Waßh John H Zindel, N Y A J Wester, Barrisburg AD Bailie, Harrisburg Geo Howortb jr. U S N W PMcGrath, Germantown A Miller. Millerstown. Pa John D Walker, Oakland M Richter, NY 8 Wainwright. Providence HO Perrine. NJ Mrs Perrine & 2 ch, N J Tine Union-Arch 11 £ F Strong, New Jersey CB Peterson J 6 Gordon,Massachusetts b L Her*hey. Lancaster F H Higby, Detroit WlB Irwin & wf, Phila E Golson Si wf, Mexico R FBlack Si dau, Penna J H Fitz Buph, New York Joel Miller, Bhncaster co W fcbarpe.'Sammit Hill J H Gohweiler,.Penna Capt I F Branner, Penna 1> D McGinnes, Pottsville W Wright, New York J Jay, Cuba -* ; • National—Race at] C P Steinmetz, Aunville Pa A Ashmore & J, New Jersey John Tice, Baltimore J H Stroop, Baltimore Henry F Rockwell, N Y Nathan Wagoner, Penna J R Reed, Elmira, N Y Commercial—Slxttiei CHThnrber, New York S L Vairlamb,.Media JB W Aydelott, Wilraing'n SKhoadB, Chester co. Pa A Hardingham. NYork D Davis 5 wf. Lane co, Pa J Van tiers]ice,Phoenixville George W Feeler, Pa James R Orem, Backs co States Union-Sixth Alex Taggart, Coatesville John McCormick, N York B Roessing, Butler, Pa J L Smith, Denver, KT E P Wiliams, N York E W Wise, Shermanstown WBrown, Wisconsin Barley Sheaf—Second St., below Vine. L Bustletoh Mai Dyer, Doylestown a A Gregg, Bnstleton H Lewis, Doyle°town A M Strieker. L tmbertsv’e John Finney, Stockton Thos White,Frenchtown Blnck Bear— Third. St., above Cullowlilll, 8 W Miller, Bernville }G Whetstone Tamaqna Deni Shell,Dauphin co Mrs Shoop,.Shellstown J H Smith, Salfordsville iCbas Wieand. Allentown Bald Eagle-Third St,, above Callowlill]. A Neff, Unionville I Ang D Stoner, Myerstown Benry Rader, Pennuburg i John Early, Lebanon ilßeidcnbach, Lane co. Pa I . flffadteom— Second, street, above Market. R Pppav, Baltimore I Jaa Williams. Penna H H Archer & la, N Jersey |M H Jenks, Newtown SPECIAL NOTICES. The Labciest Assortment of Bathing ROBES in the United States for Ladies, Gentlemen,-and Children, at SLOAN’B, jy2l 3t i 805 MARKET Street, Philadelphia Bair Bye! Hair DyeH BATCHBLOR'S celebrated HAIR DYKfs theßest in the World, The only Harmless , True and Reliable Dye known- This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect— changes Red. Rusty or Gray Bair.instsntly to a Qlossy Blach or NatumlßfVum, without Injuring the Hair or Stain." ihg the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; Im part* fresh vitality,; frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of-Bad Dyeß.. The Genuine is signed WiMlAil A. Batchelor, all others are mete avoided/ Sold by all Druggists, Ac. FACTORY—BI BARCLAY Street. New York. Batchelor’s New Toilet Cream for Dressing the •• > • je23ly - Dr* Swret’s Infallible/Linimest .cures Toothache in one minute, - '■ “ ......■ *.*. md Chestnut stmts. W E Linn Sc la, Wash, D C C Leittenberg, New York Mrs HGFant & 4 ch, Wash C C Hellen, Wa««h. D G J H McCluney. St Louis Daniel Otlin, StLimis E P Casterlioe & la. St Louis J R Reach & la, St Louis Mrs Hoppiuger, New.Tork Mrs Murray, New York •las H Brookmira, St Louis li McOlintic, Baltimore Mrs M Keith, Baltimore Miss J Keith, Baltimore E M Keith, Baltimore W H Keith, Ba I tim->re - Dr Learning. New Jersey Hon Ffl Wliiting, N J JRHutton, Hagerstown H C Porter, New York W H Phillips, Wash, D C N Ellmakerfii wf. Lancaster Geo H Neall, Baltimore Jos G Louer. Baltimors Geo Carr, N Y Bon H Winter Davis. Balt Dr E Olcott jr. Jersey City James N Muller, Balt R Patrick fir sis. Pittsburg J Lieuenthal, Wabh Wm Black- NY R N Peterson, N Y Lewis Wald Brig Gen J S Ferry, USA Lleuc G C Ripley Geo Dudley, Coon C R Randall. N Y DrCflprou, NY Miss Buel, York, Pa E H Weiser & son, York,Pa Dr Zacharie & la, N Y W P Clyde, Delaware H Mack, Buffalo F PUelos fit wf. Wash, D C T W Wellington, Mass C H Wing, Massachusetts A Blodgett, New York B F Patrick, Chicago G W Howard, Chicago Mr & Mrs 0 Kean, Louisville Dr 8 W Gross. USA Lieut Geo Fitch, USA treet. below Ninth, B Daly ; * B F Clspp, Philadelrhla David Jiickson, Delaware Martin S Seal, New Jersey Miss P Ritchie. Norristown Jas S Sommerville. Penna J B Price, Delaware E B Moore. Delaware Wm Koons, Reading Hon T J Yorke. New Jersey J G fjjark/Boston ; 0 HKillinger, Lebanon Frank Killinger, Leitiz Geo B Schall, ALientown J 8 Rubey D N Metzlar Geo.D C Hibbs. Wash Thos J Galt, Washington L J Albertson, Norristown - Hon T Smith, Connecticut O N Predmor*,'New Jersey F B Gowen, Pottsville B. Cant S H Ackerman, N Y s - W D Moore, New York _ J W Gregory & 3 ch. N Y Mrs Dickerson „ _ J Robley, New York JBC A Boynton, New York- N J Demarest, Newark, N J W H Lamberton, Penna A McO Lyon, Harrisburg' J Sutton, Indiana, Pa J Fitzjvater, Norrittown T G Benton, New York W H Rider, Maryland JAtkins, New York L T Spencer, New Jersey . street* below Arch. Major John Cummings, Pa 1 E Kloeber, Baltimore 3 Seymour, New York J W Foster, Brooklyn RC Robbins. Jersey City Lieut W. La france, Penna M M Cooper, Peuu Haven fames Jones, Baltimore W Worcester, Naw York -T Morris, New York Henry Saxton, Carlisle, Pa J W McKennan. Indiana,Pa D Ahl, Cumberland co. Pa W H.Hannon & la. Balt Jas Satterfield. Greensboro R E Fuming, Greensboro M Rickey, Jr, Elmir t, N Y John M Richards, Brooklyn L H Turner, Fort Delaware ; street, above Fifth. W M Shakespeare, Del P Ducey, Havana f A Peck, Washington Mrs Jones, Delaware T B Veilier, New York JP Wheeler & s, Wash.D C W-Kesley Fort Delaware 8 Y Rogers, Fort Delaware G Lerch, Reading Miss E M Holman, N York Mrs L Skinner. Maryland Miss M Skinner, Maryland Mrs Waite. Maryland EFitzgerald; New York JP Parke Mrs R T Roman, Trenton H D Hall, Salem, N J Mis* M Gulph N S Fleshman, Baltimore John H EUegood I J Woodruff Si H J Willis, Chester co Jas B McCamant street* above Tlilrd* Mrs J A Perrine, N J Chas F Ackley, N J G W Curtiss. St Louis TN Davis. NJ J N Willetts. N J RH Ogden. USA Mr Arnest fit fa, Phila RPriest, US N E Whitney, N J T O Van Alin, Danville W F Emerson, Bangor, Me E Hasted, N J Jas R Hoaaland, N J W Ridgway, jr, N J John Mares, N Y BMills, Jersey City FA Good win, NY John G White, Albany itreet, above Tlilrd* JF Hammond, Cuba C E Dillon, Canada i J G Elder, Penna D A Fohl, Ponca W Gel w icks, Chamberdburg •T B Secrifit. Penna Rev J J Stine, Shippensburg D J Garrison. New Jersey , W W Hamersly. Penna Col R Ratcliff. Tamaqua Lieut W Bayley G.W Riegel, Bethlehem H J German, Bethlehem H S Grash, Bethlehem H W Harper, Penna . A Collins, Lancaster co reet, above Third* H H Landis J W Tucker, Minersvillo A Kreider, Annville, Pa Bnjßnyder, Ashland, Pa E Wernet, Minersville Jacob Holman, Penna reet, above Gheitnut A Lyon, Port Deposit . SMC Nesbitt, Port Deposit A Spencer, Havre-de-Grace John Humes, Chester co E Martin. Chester co J M Ireland, Maryland S M Meredith, Chester co. . Mrs J M Meredith, Berks co and Market street** - S C Taylor & la E Blessinr, York Daniel Rife, Duncannon W A Swartz, Duncannon Robert Young. Havana J SMcprum,ALexaudria,Va AS Johnston, Milford,Del ; aaAxuEuxED. BOYER—TOLON,—On Monday, July 20th, at St. Paul’s Church, by the Rev, Father Sheridan, George W. Boyer, of Washington, D. 0., to Linda E„ daughter of J. Tolon, of Matanzaß. Cuba. * GARWOOD—HEISLER.—July 19, by Rev. M D. Kurtz, at the parsonage of. Twelfth-street M. E. Church, 1313 Poplar street, Mr. William H. Gar wood to Miss Sarah E. Heisler. both of Beverly, Cf, J. * XJXE3D. CONARD,—On the 19th instant, Laura Owens, daughter of David and Lucretia C. Oonard. aged 1 year, 4 months, and 17 days. ° The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attendthe funeral, from tne residence of the pa rentfij 2613 Hamilton street, on Fourth-day af ternoon, at 4 o’clock, without further notice. To pioceed to Woodland Cemetery/ #* 19th inst -> Thomas Watson,' in the 64th year-of hie age. His relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his ne pbew, No. 718 Frauklin street, below Brown street, on Fourth-day afrernoon, 23d inst., at 4 o’clock, without further notice. * 1 WRIGHT.—On the 6th inst., at Murfreesboro, Tran., of typhoid fever, Sergeant John B. Wright, Co. C, Anderson Troop, in his 23d year, only son of Robert and Emily Wright. He was “one of the three hundred.” The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of hia pa rents, No. 619 Green street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, 21atinBt., at 2 o’clock. * ' * BOUGH.—At Nashville, Tennessee, on the 15th instant, of chronic diarrhma, Oliver Hough, of tfte 16th Pennsylvania Cavalry, son B. aod the late Oliver Hough, of this city, aged 22 ye>trB. * SILL—On the lSch inst., from wounds received in the battle of Gettysburg, Lieutenant William J. Sill, aged 31. His relatives and male friends are respectfully in vited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his mother, 710 Washington Square, on Wednesday, 22d inst, at 9 A. M. ** COWPLaND.—KiIIed at the battle of Gettys burg, July Ist, in the defence of his country aud na tive State, Reginald Heber Oowpland, sergeant, Co. 1,1215 t Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, In the 23d year of his age, son of- Joshua Oowpland. [Cincinnati papers please copy.] ' * BERNARD.—On the morning of the 19thinst., Mrs. Sarah, wife of Anthony Bernard, in the 41st year of her age. * BROWJT—On Friday evening, the 17th instant, Harry, twin eon of Henry A. B. and Sarah E. Blown, aged 7 months ands days. * BRODIE.—On the 17th inst., Archibald Broilie, aged 44 years. * BRUCE.—On the 19th inst., Jacob Bruce, soil of Joseph and Elmira Bruce,"in the 15th year of his age.. . CORGEE.—On the 16th,-Mrs. Comfort Oorgee, relict of the late Arthur F. Corgee, in the 74th year of her age. * DEAR MAN.—On the i9th inßt., Mrs. Ellen Dear man, in the 27th year of her age, * T3LAOK BAR> OB HERN AN IS—JUBT opened, a cese of LUPIN'S BAREGE HESNANIS. Lupin’s Black Crape Marets. Do. do: I’amartines. , . Do.' do. Baiegas. Do. do. Summer Bombazines. .''.‘Do, do. . Chwlly Timise«. Do. do. Striped and Check Bareges. Do. do. Mousseline de Laities. Do. do.. Bombazines, Shawl*. Ac • BESSON & SON’S Mourning Store, jy!3 ' No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. PLAIN WHITE CRAPE SHAWLS, ; White Barege Shawls; .. Light Lama ehawls; Summer Shawls, wholesale; Black Lace Points. BYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH & AROF Streeti. CUMMER SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. •M- Foulards reduced; Neat-Plaid and Stripe Silkfj; Dark Lawns, Mosambioues, Ac. j«2O KYRB & LANDELL. A LECTURE •<s* ■ Will be delivered by the Hon. JOHN W. FORNEY* ON “The Obligations and Lessons of the Hour,” In aid of the CHATITY HOSPITAL, TUESDAY EVENING next, July 21, 1563, AT MUSICAL FUND HALL. Ticket* 25 cents. To be had at the principal Book and Music Ktorea, and at the door. jy2o-2t THE CORNER STONE OF THE ■iCS 5 * new stone chapel for the use of the FIRST CON GREGATIONAL CHURCH will be laid THIS AFTSR NOON. at at the corner of FRANKFORD Road and MONTGOMERY Avenue. Several distin guished clergymen will oe present on the occasion, and participate in the exercises. The Second and Third streets cars run in the immediate neighborhood of the Church. It THE CITIZENS' VOLUNTEER. BOSPITAL ASSOCIATION, BROAD AND PRIME Streets, take pleasure in acknowledging the fol lowing donations, for the week ending July 17: Carpenters’ Company of Philadelphia. $250 00 Jos. Jeanes 00 Westmoreland Coal Company. 200 00 PAter Williamson XOO 00 Reliance Insurance Compauy ico 00 FianklinSEire Insurance Company ioo 00 Manufacturers’aud Mechanics 1 Bank. ioo 00 Mrs. Catherine Helmnth (additional). 100 00 M.Baldwin &C 0..... 100 00 H**nry Morris 50 00 Morris, Wheeler, Si Co 50 00 James Moore (additional)........ fiO 00 ' Maiy D. Brown (4thdonatiou).. 50 00 Jcp. D. Brown (3d donation) 50 00 Richard H Dawning 50 00 C. fitF. Borie 50 00 J. E. Farnum 50 00 Jno Kelly, deceased, Co. G, 631 Pa., per Charles S. Platto 40 00 C Wheeler 30 00 Mrs. Jno. Gillespie 25 00 Naylor fir Co $g 0G Evan Rodgers 20 00 James Bayard 20 00 W. H. Lamed fit Co 20 00 Welling, Coffin, St Co ;..... 20 00 J. P. Jones • 20 00 Mrs. Jas. Betts 20 00 MicbaelOHne 20 IK) Israel Maull 20 00 Cdsh 20 00 Daniel R. Knight 15 00 Jonathan Patterson io (0 Michael Errickson. 10 00 Elijah Jodgs : io 00 Mi> s Mary Gilbert. 10 00 Mrs. Cannbell 10 00 Jas. B. Andrews 5 00 Jas. Harper.... 5 0Q Geo. W00d......'. 6 00 Mrs. M;A. Harris; 5 00' Jas Brown.. 5 00 Miss C. 5. 00 A Friend...... 500 Cash, $4, $l, $1.05, $3.87.... 9 92 B. Leed5....;......... 2 00 E. Kelly.. 125' Miss,Megarge. ; 110 Ladies’ Aid. Tenth Baptist Church, 4H dozen shirts. 10 coats. 9pBirspants, 6 pairs drawers, handkerchiefs. Sic. . Ladies’ AidoftheNintk Presbyterian Church, 19shirts, 12 pairs drawers, pillow cases, lemons. Sc.' _ hi Luke’s Lutheran Church. 14 muslin shirts, 4 pairs drawers, glippprs, stockings, handkerchiefs, Ac. St. J ode’s Ladies’Aid. lsmons, crackers, rice, corn starch, currant syrup, sugar, &c. Church of the Intercessor. Spring Garden, below Broad street. 20 pairs drawers, 15 shirts, 8 pillow cases, 8 cans peacbeß, cherries and pears, 13 bottles bay rum, Wine*' eologne, catsup, &c,. Ladies’ Aid Society, Eleventh Baptist Church, per . Mrs. J. Hyatt Smith, president, 12 pairs pantß, 6 coatß,9 vests, 30 white shirts. 3 pairs drawers. 12 arm slings, Ac. Second Church, 24 muslin shirts, 3 pairs drawers, lot of muslin and linen. S. W, Girls’ Jrammar School, .36 papers farina, corn starch, and cocoa, 6 bottles wine, honer, 22 pounds crackers, sugar; rice, oatmeal, 4 jars jellies, 3 dozen lemons. Ac- Boys’ Grammar School, 31 lbs sugar, corn starch, fari na. rice, oatmeal, 22 lemoni, 3 glasses jellies. S* E. Male Grammar tchool, 31 bottles catsup, tobacco, pipes, ciga* s, 31 lemons, 20 and bottles wings, sy rups, brandies, jellies, 13 papers farina, bar’ey, sugar, coffee, vegetables, shirts, drawers, towels, fitc ..Mount Vernon Girls’ Grammar School, 3S lbs tea, rice, sugar, bißenit, coffee, oatmeal, rice Hoar, 41 papers farina and torn starch, cocoa, 7 shirts, 2 vests, 2 pairs drawers, ]2.iars brandy fruit, peaches, jellies, fite. General warren Lodge. No 126, I. O. O. F., 5 bushels potatoes, 1 bbl beets, 1 bbl cabbage, 1 tub onions. Christian Commission. 12 bottles cherry and raspberry vinegar, lemon syrup, dried apples, fit*.. LlttleGirls of Wayne street,-Thirteenth ward, rice, cinnamon, corn starch, soap, sugar, oatmeal, lemons, ginger cakes, Jandkerchiefe, &c Huntingdnn-alley Aid Society. 18 pairs flannel draw ers, 9 flannel shirts, oil cloth pillows, arm slings, mus lin, &c. Robinson Primary School, Nos. 6 and 7, 31 papers fa rina, corn starch, crackers, sagar, and rice, 12 lemons, tobacco, coffee, syrup, &c. Ladies! Aid Association, Weldon, Montgomery county, 12 shirts, S vests,. 2 pairs pantaloons, 2 gallons milk, 4 rolls muslin, 2dozeo eggs, half bushel potatoes, wine, cun ants, beets, gooseberries, raspberries, fitc. Employees of Mr th-ward gas works, per Mrs. Hyatt, 6 wrappers and 9 handkerchiefs. Mrs, R. Whartman, Hones lale Pa., 31 bottles and jars jellies, preserves, wine, file. Mrs Haws, 6 shirts and 6 pairs drawers, Mrs. John C. Dawson* 13 pairs drawers, 44 new shirts and2wjappeis Mrs Smith. 8 shirts and 8 pairs drawers. . Mrs. Snowden. Black, and Pelers, of the Alexander Presbyterian Church, 29 towels, lemons, pickles, ban dages, lint, 6c. Mrs. Ross and Shuster, 8 cans concentrated milk and beef-tea jelly, 5 dozen lemons, Ac. Also, donations from the following: Mrs Cresson, S. O. Gebbard, Mrs. McNamee and Wilson. Mrs Leeds, Mts. West, Mrs. Beatty. Miss Watson, Mrs. Moorse, hire. Wooley, Mrs Campbell, Mra. David Taylor, Mrs. Thomas C. Hill, Mrs. Fortisque, Mrs. Wimer. Mrs. Bra dy, Misses Lowry, Harriet and Mary Busby, Mangle and Morris, Miss Steel, Mrs. Ball, Mis. E. Leeds, Benj. P. Elliott, and others. . lt f<?»AID FOR THE WOPKDED,- There are now about 4,600 inmates in the Gene ral Hospital in West Philadelphia, many of whom are severely wounded,and in want of every comfort (which Ihe Government cannot supply) to alleviate their suffer ings. The lady-visitors to the Hospital are doing all they can to supply the wants of the patients, but to make their exertions effectual, must be supplied within creased means. Contributions are earnestly solicitedf rom all who are disposed to aid our wounded soldiers. The articles most needed are oiri white linen and mus - Cologne ivater, Bay Rum, Port and Claret Wines, and MoMiiY, to supply a variety of wants, and meet par ticular cases aB they arise • ’ _ • Contributions, which will be distributed under the personal supervision of ladies vieiting.the Hospital re gularly, will he received by , - . AJ. DREXEL, No. 34 South THIRD Street. • C.H. CLARK, No. 35 South TBIRD Street MORTON McMICHAEL, Jr , S. E. corner of THIRD and CBESTNUT Streets. ; . .iy‘n-6t »» OFFICE OF THE GIRARD COL LEGE Passenger Railway COMPANY, cor ner of COLUMBIA and RIDGE avenues. Philadelphia, July 13,1863. The Board of Directors of this Company have this day declared a DIVIDEND of FIFTY CBNTS PER SHARE, clear of : all taxes, out of the earnings of the last six months, payable to the stockholders, or their lesal re presentatives, on and after MONDAY, the 20th instant. The Transfer Books will be closed till the 20th instant. jy!B-3t WILLIAM S BIIGHT. Treasnrer. . PROVISION FOR THE FAMILIES IICR* OF DRAFTED MEN.—A number of the citizens of Philadelphia have agreed each to pledge himself to provide for the family of at least one drafted man, who IB dependent upon his daily wages for support. The obligation will be to contir.ue the provision so long as the soldier is away on military duty. A family will be assigned to each subscriber, wlnse duty it will be to visit them personally, or by a proper agent, and to see that they do not snfier. A subscription paper can be found at the office of O W. DAVIS, S. E. corner of THIRD and CHESTNUT Streets. Id a /ew days similar papers wilt be at other locations, ofwhich due notice will be given. jylB-3t OFFICE PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY, Phila delphia, July 16, 1863 —At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held this day, a semi-annual dividend of FIVE PER CENT . clear of all taxes, was declared from the profits of the Company, payable to the stock holders, or their legal representatives, on and after the 21st instant, at the Company’s „ T r . „ . jyl7-7t -J. MORRELL, Secretary. IKSte PROTECTIVE WAR CL AIM AGEN CY OF THE U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. At this office, established with the approval of the De partments at Washington, all claims of soldiers and their relatives for BOUNTY. BACK PaY, AND PEN SION, are prepared FREEOI CHARGE W> N. ASHMAN, Solicitor. je23-lm . ,130 V CHESTNUT dtreet- SB BADQUARTBES* OF COMMIS SION FOR U. S. COLORED TROOPS, No. 1310 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia.—All colored men wishing to enlist in the U. 8. Army are requests to present themselves at Headquarters, daily, before 2 P M. jyg-12t ~ ♦ R. B CORSON. Agent. pANABY SEED,.—3O BAGS EXTRA ‘ fine fcicily Canary Seed for sale bv RHODES & WILLIAMS, • jy 21 - -, • .IDT South WATER.Street..- T ONI) ON BROWN STOUT—FIFTY AJ casks Hibbert’s Brown Ftout lauding and for'sale by WILLIAM H. YEATON &00., - jy2l-ft . . No; 301 Sonth:FRONT St. pOTTON SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS of,all numbers and brands. 1 - J - •*- r Raven’s Duck Awning Twills,, of all descriptions, for Tents, Awnings, Trank, and Wagon Covers. . Also/ Paper Manufacturers’ Drier Felts, from 1 to 5 foot Wide. Tarpaulin, Bolting. Sail Twine, so. - JOHN W.EVEBMAN AGO., mjßtf • , ; lOa JONgß*,Alley. T\BAEE*S PLANTATION BITTERS, A-f —lOO cases Drake’s Plantation Bitters, inst ya. ■elved and for sale by - RHODES & WILLT aMA. ** jy4-tf " • my Bonth • T AKK SUPERIOR INGOT COPPER, Aj from th, Mts«. U and for/a. In aaontitiM tOBBIt, «t : ’ WOMRhTH’S. • - «1B AECH StreU. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, 1 : TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1863. TXEADQUARTHBS OF COMMISSION FOB U. S. COLORED TROOPS. Ao. 1410 CHEST NUT Street, Philadelphia. ' The following is the official order authorizing the re cruiting of Colored Troops: Headquarters of thb Akmy, Ajdj't Gbfbral’b Offtoh, Washington, Jane 17, 1863. GENERAL ORDERS No. 178. Major 7 GEORGE L. STEARNS, Assistant Adjutant General United States Volunteers, is hereby announced as Recruiting Crznmiesioner for the United Slates Colored Troops,subject to snch instructions as he may from time to time receive from the Secretary of War. By order of the Secretary of War: (Signed,) E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant Gener»L To Major Geo. L. Stearns, Ass’t Aaj’fc General U. S. Volunteers. The undersigned is prepared to issue the proper au thorization to colored men lo enlist recruits for the Armies of the United States. He will receive applica tions from those desirous of being made commissioned officers, and transmit the same to.the Board of Inspec tion at Washington. and will be glad to give full in formation on all matters connected with this branch of the service to those who may seek it. . The undersigned has the co-opf ration of a Committee of sixty citizens of Philadelphia. The Agent of the mid committee is R. R CORSON, who is likewise the Agent of the undersigned. CAMP WILLIAM PENN, at Chelton Hills, has been lelected as the ramp for instruction, and Lieut. Colonel LEWIS WaGNER placed in command of it. All' re cruits will he mustered in by companies of eighty menv and by squads, and immediately uniformed, equipped ard sent to the camp. ; m Squads of men will be subsisted until companies are completed by the committee of citizens, at such localities is their a gent'may designate. Papers in the interior of the State will copy this ad vertisement one time, and send the paper containing same, with bill, to these Headquarters. > Communications by letter will be promptly answered. GEORGE L.STEARNS, Major and'A. A. G., Recruiting Commissioner for U. S. Colored Volunteers. je2P-tf « TBE 11VV.AU]> CORPS. BY GENERAL ORDERS No. 105, from the War De partment. authority is given for creating a military organization, to bn composed of such worthy officer? and soldiers as may have become disabled from wounds received in service,hr from disease contracted in the line of duty, and t«» he called the INVALID CORPS. Asil is to be composed ofVETERANS who have become more or less crippled in the service of their country, and have produced evidence of worthiness, this will be em phatically a CORPS OF reckoning among its numbers many of the noblest and most gallant sous of America, brave relics from every battle-field of war. gathered under the fostering protection of a grateful Go vernment. It is to be NATIONAL in its character, having no re ference to States: hence an applicant, furnishing the ne cessary qualifications, maybe received by any provost 1/ srabal appointed under the enrolment act, whether to his own or in another State. Its officers and men v ill be designated. as a mark of distinction, by a uniform peculiar to themselves, and their duties will'be such home service as they may be capable of performing, thus relieving many thousands of able-bodied troops whose services are needed in. the field. • One office has been open for a few weeks, for the enlist ment of invalid discharged soldiers, at No &*8 Lombard -•street,.Philadelphia. This Ir' now closed, and another opened at No. 343 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia, adjoining the office of Captain LEHMAN, Provost Mar shal of the First Congressional District, v, A camp has been opened near Harrisburg for the re- ; F eeption of all recruits for this corps enlisted in this ■ State, where comfortable, quarters are furnished,and the recruits uniformed, armed, and eqnipped. The follow ing information concerning this corps is published by the War Department, viz: * ‘The term of enlistment in the Invalid Corps r hall be „ three years, unless sooner discharged. It is further an nounced that no officer or enlisted man shall he entitled to or receive any pension, premium, or bounty, for en listment or re-enlistment, or service in the Invalid Corps. Claims for pensions or bounties, which may be ane for previons service, will ant be invalidated by en listment in the Inva’id Corps; but no pensions can be drawn, or accrue to the benefit of during his service in said corps. The officers and men will be orga / nized into companies of infantry, of the same strength as is now authorized by law for the United States In fantry. 'The officers and enlisted men will receive the same Bay and allowances now authorized br law for the nsted States infantry, and wiU. be paid in the same manner. * Men enlisted in, or transferred to, the Invalid Corps will-be subject to the Articles of War, Army Regula tions, Ac. , the same as other eoJdiers, and will be re quired to perform all dutie-within the limit of their physical capacity, as laid down iu ihe-Rules and Regu lations for that corps; but for the convenience of service they will be selected for three grades of duty. Those who are most efficient anl; able hodieo. and capable of using the musket and performing guard duty, light marfhes, etc. , Src , will be assigned to companies of the Ist Battalion, 4 9 hose of tb e next degree of physical effi ciency, including all who have lost a hand ot an arm. to the companies of the 2d Battalion. Those who are the least effective. and including all who have lost a foot or a leg. to the companies of the'3d Battalion. ‘ Companies of the Ist Battalion will be employed mainly as provost guards and earrisons for cities, but may he assigned to forts, field works, and railroads near the cities and other important points. They will ha armed with muskets, and will not be liable to active campaigns with the field armieß. - ‘‘Companies of the 2d Battalion will be armed with only, and o will be eimployed as guards of buildings, hospitals. Ac., and will • have companies of tbelst Battalion ondutywith themwhenthe use of fire arms may be necessary.. . 'The companies of the 3d Battalion will be armed with side-ariLß, like the 2d Battalion, and will he em ployed as cooks, nurses, ward masters, clerks, orderlies, Ac., Ac : the officers of these compa nies doing the duties of military assistants at the hos pitals.” For further information, discharged soldiers are in cited to call at 1§43 South O'BIRD Street, or at the office of any provost marshal acting under authority of the enrolment act. E. W. MATTRESS, - . - Major Ist Penn ’a Artillery and je2s-dtf Snptß. S. Invalid Corps for Phila. S - REGULAR‘ ABMY. *403 BOUNTY-S4O ON ENLISTMENT. Recruits wanted for the 12th U. S. INFANTRY. For Information, apply to ' jylMro* SHERIFF’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF a writ, of Aliaß Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale orvennue. on MONDAY Eve augat-tS, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sausom-street Hall-, m, * “ a 5 lot or piece of ground niiim* in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia, late the district of Richmond, on the northwesterly side of Rich mond street, at the distance of two hundred and fcliirty six feet eixht and five-eighths inches northeastwardly trom Ann street, compo>eo of two contiguous lots or .Hl e ceBof ground, marked, in the’ plan of the village of Richmond, Nos. 499 and - fiPOt containing, in front .or breadth on said Richmond street twenty feet, and'ex tending that width in length or depth nor hwea'.wardijv at right angles wih said Richmond street, two hundred leef, to Salmon street.’ Bounded northeastwardly hr around of Charles south west ward 1? by ground Iste of Sarah. McCall, northwesterly'by Salmon street,- anev pontbeastwardly by Richmond street aforesaid. CBeing the same premises which Peter McCall and Jane 8,, his wile, and the said Peter McCall as trustee hy in denture dated the 33th. day of September, A. D 1818. in te?«ed-to be recorded, granted and conveyed unto the’ said Daniel McMonagle in fee; under and subject to a ground rent of sixty dollars to be paid half ycarly, on tbefirst days of March and September:! "■ B- On the above- described premises thtreis erected a three-story brick house, with two-story brick hack bnildings. , rD. C., 670; June T., ’63. Debt $1,423 40! S. P HalL ] 1 Taken in execution and lobe sold as the oroperty of Daniel McMonagle. JOH.f THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff V Office, July 21,1863. jy2l-3t SHERIFF'S BALL.—BY VIRTUE OF wiitof Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONO % Y Evenin g. August 3,1565, at 4o : clock, at rtansom-Rtreet Hall, all that certain lot or piece of'ground in the Twenty fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia, situate on the noun side of Bridge street, commencing at the distance or two hundred and fifty feet eastward from the east side of Thirty-ninth street; thence cunning northwardly on a line parallel with Thirty-ninth street one hundred and sixtv feet to Garden sireet; - thence running east wardly along the south line of said Garden street fifty mghj feet seven inches;, thence running southwardly on an oblique line bo a point on the north line, of said Bridge street distant forty-two feet six inches from the place of beginning; thence westwardly along the said north line of said Bridge street forty-two feet six inches to the place of beginning. Bounded on the north by Garden street, on the south by Bridge street, on the east by groued formerly of John Dickson, now'de ceased, on the west by ground how or late of JohD R. Gheen, the said lot being No. I in the plan of the said John R. Gheen's ground as surveyed by Joseph Fox in 1554. [Being the same premises which John R. Gheen and wife, by indenture dated May twenty-first. A D 1858. and recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 46. page 41, Ac., granted and conveyed unto the said Albert J. Ashmead, his heirs and assigns, yielding and paying therefor and thereout, unto the said John R. Gheen, hi’s heirs and assigns, the yearlyrent or sum of one hundred and twenty-seven dollars and fifty c*nts, pavable in equal hslf-ytarly payments on the first day of the months of January and July in each and every year for ever, without deduction for taxes. &c. , aB bj reference unto the said recited indenture will fully appear. 1 CD. C. ,581; JuneT., >63. -Debt, $13216, ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Albert J. Ashmead. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 21; 1863, jy2l 3t CHERTFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Pluries Venditioni Exponas, to me direct ed, will be. exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening, August 3, 1563. at 4 o f clock, at Sansom street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate at the southwest corner of Front and Diamond streets in the Twentyithlrd ward of the city of Philadelphia; thence extending southward along the west' side of said Front street two hundred and ninety-one feet four and a qnar ter inches to other ground, now or late of said Freeman JSci-tt, and 1 hence westward ona lineparallel with the said Diamond street and at right angles with the said Front street on 6 hundred and ten feet to the east side of Hope street, and thence northward alongthe east side of the said Bope street and on a lineparallel with said Front street and at right angles with the said Diamond;street two hundred and ninety-oie feet four and a quarter inches to the south side"of said Diamond street, and! thence along the south side of the said Diamond street one hundred and ten feet to theplace of beginning CBe ins tl» same premises which Henry Bonsallby indenture dated the 6th of August, A. D; 1559, recorded in Deed Book A. D. B , No. 73 page 476. Ac , granted and con veyed unto the said Freeman Scott in fee; reserving thereout the yearly rent or sum of three hundred and seventy-six dollars and eight cen v s, payable in equal half-yearly payments on the first day of the months of February and Augustin every year thereafter forever, Without any deduction,Ac j CD. C., Sf9s June T., ’63. Debt. Jig. 1 ) 37; McAllister.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Fieeman. Scott. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff! Philadelphia. Sheriff’* Office. July 21,1863. jy2l 3fc SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me- directed, will be exposed to public sale or .vendue,, on MONDAY Even ing, Avgust 3,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain let or piece of ground, with the two tbjee-story brick messuages or tenements thereon ©reeled, situate-on the east side of Lewis street at the distance of three hundred, and fifty-two feet one inch and five-eighths of an inch north ward from the north-.side of Poplar street, in that part of the city ofjPhiladelphia lately called the district of Penn; comalning-iu front or breadth on said Lewis street sixteen feet, and extending in length or depth eastward, between parallel liueß at right angles with said l ewis street, ninety-one feet to the west side of Alder street. Bounded northward by ground conveyed to'James Wilson on ground rent, southward bv other ground of the James. Wilson, of which this was Sait, eastward by the said Aider street, and westward y Lewi* street aforesaid. [Being the same premises which George Magee, Esq., High Sheriff of the city and county of Philadelphia, on due and legal process issued out of the District Court for the city and county of Phila delphia, seized, took iu execution, and sold as the pro perty of John M. Wilson, and by his deed poll bearing even date ..wish this recited inden ureof mortgage, to wil.: the 13th day of Beptemb«r, 1556, und entered amongthe records of said court in Book J.Q. .page 4£J,&c , granted and conveyed unto the said Elizabeth. Wilson in fee 3 v CD. C., 665; JuneT., ’63. Debt,-$1,031.16. Gerhard.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jacob C. Schuler, Admini-dr* tor. &c., of Elizabeth Krauz, &c., deceased. JOHN THOMPSON,. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, July 21,1863. :• jy2l-3t CHEKIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF L? a writ ofVenditioni Exponas, to me directed. will be exposed to: public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing. August 3. 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-screefc Hall,. All t> at certain lot or piece of gronnd situate on-the west side of Delaware Eighth street, at the distance of one hundred and five feet south from the south side of Fitzwater street, in that part of the consolidated city of Philadelphia formerly the township of Moyamensing; containing in front on said Eighth street thirty-five feet, and in length or depth westwardly that width, at. right angles.witb said Eighth street, sixty-six feel, to athree feet-wide alloy to be left open Forever. Bounded -on the north by ground granted by'Elizabeth B. Biddle to Wil liam H. Hartnct,.oath© east/fey said Eighth street, on ; the south by ground now or late of Reese W. Flower,' and on the west by the said three-feot-wide alley.- [being the same premises which Elizabeth B. Bidile, by indenture dated the 30th- day of March. A. D : 1857, recordediar Philadelphia, in Detd- Book K D.. W., N». • 11.9, page 506, granted and conveyed to John Devenny; resfrvin* an animal ground rent of ninety dollars, payable balJVyearly on the first day of the months of April and October, without any deduction for taxes ] N B.—A frsme stable, with brick office, has been erectedonthepremises.- [D. C., 556; JnneT., ’63. Debt, $393.85. 0. .T. Biddle.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Devenny. J*>HN THOMPSON, Sheriff, Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 21,'"1863. jy2l-3t CHERIFF’ S: SALE. —By virtue of a Writ L 2 pf Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. August 3,1863,ai4 o’clock, atSmspin-street HaJ), All that certain messuage or tenement.- and Tot or riece of. ground khweento belonging, situate.on the noitheastwardly side of- Khackamaxon street iu the Nineteenth ward, oity of Philadelphia, beginning-at the distance of fifty-four-Feet northwestwardly foom Allen* streets thence extending northwestwardly- along-'the said khackamaxon. street sixteen feet to ground- of George W. VatiKhani.tthef s&mn-ou a line nearly parallel with tho taiil Allen street fifteen feet seven ground of John AtWly i the’uco by the same soutbeastwardly four ..feett thence further along thesamaand paxtlyalong a alley northeastwardly thirty-one leet ten ahd : one-half,inches', more or less, to Brnsstars* alley , and tbenee along the same soutbeastwardly twelve fool; .thence southwest wardly along a line nearly parallel with said Allen eirest forty-six feet ten and one-half inches, mom or less.'to bhackaraaxbn street, ihe place of beginning Subject to a ground rent of forty-eight: dollars; and a building association mortgage of'eight hundred dollars, upon which there is due a balance of six hundred dol lars. or there ibouli.' - ' s N.B,—There is erected op the above lot a double three-story brick dwelling-house, with back buildings. [D. C., 685; June T., Debt. $BOO. PifoJ Taken in execution and io be:sold as_the property .of Samuel Sme*ton. . ■ . JOHN THOMPSON; SnerifPA . Philadelphia- theriff’e Office. July 20, 1863.; • jy^l-yfc\ MILITARY NOTICES. WM. SERGEANT, Captain 12th Infantry, £29 S FRONT Street. SHERIFF’S SALES. RETAU DRY GOODS. QBE A.T REDUCTION IN' THE PRICES OF SUMMER DRESS GOODS, f PACIFIC LAWTfSs cento. MuZAMBIQUES, J2;>i cenis, Paris OHGANDfBS. 25. BaREGEIS, 183 s aad 25 cents. FINE BLACK BaRKGES, 25cent?. With many other kinds of Dreze Goods, reduced very low, to close out, to make room for Fall Stock, saebae GRENADINES, SUMMER STLKS, FOULARD STLKS. MOHiIRS, Ac. EDWIN HALL * CO, 36 SO!JrH SEOOND STEEET. N. 8.—200 pieces of Medium and Dark Prints fust opened, at IS% cents. ,ir2o-8t pIsWIN HALL & CO., 26 SOUTH SE ■*“* CONI) Street, are now offering black silks at KEnuoEn prices. Black Silks at SI, 1.12 K, and «. 25. Summer Silks at r*dncsd prices. Fouls rd Silks at reduced prices, Filk Grenadines at lednc^fi'prices* Fine Organdies at reduced prices. Fine Drees Goods, all reduced. . Fine Modes, Blues, and Pearl Bareges. and Pink Percales, or French Chintzes, <u>t received. 0 N- B.—Just received one cate of superior quality Plain "'he coloi6 are Biowiis, Blues, M'»dea, Purple, and Qrpen: price, SI37V ? ; been sellingat fll 7*. ,iy2o-tf JOHN B. STOK KS, 7U2 AKCH St., a ™ OFFERB Black and White Plaid Marseilles. Black and White and Brown and White Linen Check. French Nankmette —plaid and plain, r Nankin—nice quality. . Linen Stripes, dark ground, good. & ei i u Jfc l £ BßS * lnereß "“excellent quality. rlainTTWixed, and PlHid Oaßsimeres. . oils Mixed Cloths and Casuimeres. Ladies’Clocking Cloths. Donnie-wirlt.h Plaid Flannels for Bbirting. je27 rjHEAP GOODS.— La wns, 12K cents. . Bareges, 12>£ cents. And a Variety of other Goods ‘at Reduced prices, which are being sold preparatory to Receiving The Fail Importations. . ' bHaKPLESS brothers, . jy!s CHESCNITT aud ErfIUTU Streets, QE ARP LESS BROTHERS OFFER ' Linen Towellings, Linen Sheetings, ..Napkins, ’Pa hie Cloths. Blankets, Quiit3. Piano and Table Covers, Furnishing Goods; Also. Soldiers’ Blankets.' CHESTNUT »od EIGHTH Streets. 'Fancy gassimekiss. . Summer Coatings Black Clothe and Cassimerea. Men’s Clothing made to order. t COOPER « CONABD. Jy9 S. E. comer NINTH and MARKET Streets a/tantjli,as. "A Silk Mantles below cost. Silk Mantles and Waterproofs. . Summer Mantles and Shawls. cheap. Odds-and-en'ds Larp Goods; cheap. . „ ... COOPER & COW aBD, Iy9 R. B. corner NINTB and MARKET Btroete, I)RKSS STUFFS. ■*-' Black .Delaines, Alpacas. Bareges, Silks, &c. Mosambiqufs, Lenos. Children’s Plaids, &c. Brah Alpacas, Drab Delaines, Drab, Closing sales Lawns, prices low. DOMdSTIO COODB, Of every kind, at lowest market prices. - •••• „ ' COOPER & COWARD. . jy9 S. E. corner NINTH and MaRKET streets. rbess eooDs at reduced PRICES.—H. STEEL ii SON, No. 713 and TIS North TENTH Btroat, are now closing out the balance of their stock of _ Foil <te Cnevres, all Wool Delaines. Poplins, ' Challies, Delaines, Mozambique*. Taffete d’Btes, Fiench?Lawns, French, English, and American. Chintz#*, Bareges, Silk Tissues, Silk Grenadines, . Fancy Silks, ana all kinds of Snrnmer Dress Goods, at-extremely lowpricet, SUMMER SHAWLS aT REDUCED PRICES. „„ BARGAINS IN BLACK SILKS. _ , CHOICE STYLES PACIFIC LAWNS at 18£«. _l lot 2; yards square Table Cloths, Snow Drop and Damask, all £inm, at jeß CHESTNUT STREET. E- M. NEEDLES OFFERS FOB SALE, At price* sensrally below preseat co3t of impor- WHITE GOODS, all descriptions. EMBROIDERIES, do LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, do VEILS. *c„ &c. And respectfully invites an inspection of his 3034- CHESTNUT STREET. SOLDIERS’ SHIRTING FLANNELS. G-4 Shirtings all wool. 3-4 aDd 6 4 Fancy Shirtings. Soldiers’Gray Blankets. Red. "White, and Bine De Laines for Flags. EYRE & LANDBLL. jy4 . . FOURTH and &R3H'Streets. FfWANCIAI,. 3LT, EGr H ENY C OtJISJ TY J3ON3>S. We have been appointed by the Commissioners-and Coijtroller.of Allegheny County their AGENTS,' to effect the exchanges of the OLD BONDS of the County, issued to Railroads, for ibeNE W COMPROMISE BONDS The new Bonds will pav Five per Cent Interest, clear of Siate tax. Any infolmation will be glv«D upon aoplica tiotr to us. J. R. & H. B fRV. j? 17-6 t 134 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. |)DTLSR OO UNTY BA.ILROAI) -BONDS —The Commissioners of Bntler cormty, Perna. propose to compromise their Bonds, issued to the Northwestern-Railroad Company, at fifty-per cent on Beads and Coupons now due.' For particulars, corre spond with the Commissioners of Butler county. By order of Commissioners. jylP-12t HARYEY COLBERT, Clerk. fj 1 SB SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY BAS AUTHORIZED H3‘ TO CONTINUE MY AGENCY FOB A BRIEF PERIOD; And, umIJI furthrr uotlcc, I shall continue Its nu)Y< SnLacrlpttoiim lo th* 5-20 X. O A N AT IP.-A-Rj AT MY OFFICE, > AND AT THE DIFFERENT SUB-ASBNCIBS' Thrsnthovt the Loyal State*. JAY OOOTCK, SUBSCRIPTION - AGENT. No, 114 South-74iird‘Slrcet), S HABVEY TOOMBS, • STOCK AND BILL BROfffiß, ... 80. 313 •‘WALNUT Street. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Commission at the - BOARD OPvBBOKBRS, Subscriptions to the 5-20 year six per cent. LOAN still received at par. ; No charge for Commission. COLLECTION OF U. S. CERTIEL CATES 0? INDEBTBI>»BSS.“Th« APAM3' BX PRESS COMPANY are new prepared to collect at the Treasury. Department, Washington, with, despatch* and ■at reasonable rates, the One Tear Certificates of In* dehtedness of the United Stotee-noW-dne or shortly ma* taring. Terms made kr own and receipts riven at the offiee Wo. £9O OBESAhjt Street. m-vfi-tf MARSmX’S- SALES* MARSHAL'S SALE.r—BY VIRTUE ■ ATJ - of a Writ of Sale by the Hon. JOHN CAPWALA DER, Judge of the district. Court of the United States, In and for the Eastern Districtof Pennsylvania,in Admi ralty, to me directed, will he sold at Public Sale; to the highest and heat bidder v for cash, at the STEAM PHTP COMPANY’S- WHARF- ab<we Vine street, on WEDNARPaY, August sth; 3863, at- 12: o’clock M., the steamer Charleston; her : tackle. apparel, and furniture as she now lies ahsaid wharf. WILMAsW MILLWARP, U. S. Marshal E. Pi. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, July 20; 1863. , jy2l-6t MARSHAL’S SALS.—BY VIRTUE :■*■*-* of a writ of pale, by tho Hon. JOHN CADWAL&- DER, - Judke of the IHstriCt' CUarfc of the United States In and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, In Admi ralty, to me direofcedy willbe Bold at public *ale«'to bbe birtept S.nd 'bPRt bidder, for cask, atCALLO WHILL RTRKET WBARF, on SATURD AY. August 1, IKS; at 32 o’clock M., the schooner. Bettie Kratzev her tackle,, apparel, and furniture, as lies a. t .said wtuirf. WILLIAM MILLWaRD; tf. S. Marshal E. f>. of Ponua. sy2l'6t Philadelphia, July. 20. 1863; TVT a KSHA;I’S sale. —by virtue -*-"A of a Writ Of Sale by the Hon. JOHN CA.DWALA DER, Judge oftheDistrieb Court of the United States, in and" for-the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 1n Ad-- nriralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash; at CAt LOW H T LL -BTFEBT WHARF, on WEDNESDAY, Jtrfy 29,. 1863,, at' 12 o’clock M. , the sebodher EMMA, her't&ckle, appaiNalj - and furniture, as she now lies at saidwibarf' Immediately after the sale of the at MIOHE NER’S Store, No. 14a Nortb FBONSV Street. will be exposed-to sale-the cargo of the saica, consistihtf 0f,205. basis end 1 tack of Salt, 8 hf barrels ofiPowder, 44 boxes Liquors, 2 cases of Cntlery. 5 cases of’Mnskets,: «c.‘ - wILLIAifr MILLWA.RD, U. S. Marsh aIE. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia; Jnly 16.1863.. i v!7-6t PROPOSALS. A SSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GENERAL’S OFFIC.It, PHn.ASSTjpniA, 20th July, IB63.—Pealed proposals recoined at this office un« til THURSDAY. 23d instant, at.l&e’ulbck. M , for the im* )nedifitec'elivery,inthir*ciiy'of ‘ Eighteen hundred Mage assorted sizes. Fivei hundred Horsa assorted sizes.« - Bidders will state toe shortest frim© for delivery. ; The light-is reserved toaeieot ail! bids deemed too bign. .. . [Signed] , A. HO YD. jy2l9t , . , Captain and A. 0. M. TJQSPITAL STORES - CONSISTING -Of assorted Jollies, Preserves.' Syrups, Condensed Milk," JUpninger’e Beef Tea, Oabneft Fruits of all kind I *, Oranges and Lemons, Fatina. Corn Starch, Chocolate, Cocoa, Gelatine, Pickles, he.- :■ '• '• • ; : RHODES & WILLIAMS, . jy2l ... 10T South WATER Street/ T ATOURS OLIVE OIL, VIRGIN OIL OF AIX. —Also, BacMdnpl fcDe Possel Fils brands, quarts and pints, for saH’Dy" : • _ ’ • . • • RHODES & WILLIAMS, • 1 21 107 South WAT*R <6 Jj ES mt SKRaBLES ' INI SPANISH* MR CABLETON (Publisher of the English Edition of “ LEE MISEKaBLES”)'Wi>I publish this week LES MISEIiABL.ES ” By ViCTOn Hi'oo, iu the Spanish language, complete and unabridged, in two large octavo volumes, bound in cloth and paper rovers. . ... . t , CARLETON, Publisher, New York. Jj2l-tuthtot 4-13 BROADWAY, corner Lisponard. TVTEW BOOKS. . “ L ’ Just published by J. B LIPPINCOTT St CO., . 715 and 717 MARKET Street. A jBEATISE ON HYGT.ENE, with special reference to the Military Service. By W. A. Hammond, Surgeon GeneTal. „ HYSTEVS OF MILITARY BRIDGES, in use by the U. S.ATmy..&c. By Gen G. W Cullum; THE COMPANY CLERK. Showing how and when to make out all the returns, reports. &c., and what to do with them. By C»p;. A. V. Kautz MANUAL FOR QUARTERMASTERS AND COMMIS SARIES. By Captain R F. Hunter. FIELD Manual OF COURTS MARTIAL. By Capt. Henrv roppee. HAMMOND’S ARMY CHAPLAIN’S MANUAL. JOMiNI S eRT OF WAR New edition. • SCHALK’fc SUMMARY OFTHB ART OS’ WaR. SOHaLK’S CAMPAIGNS OF-IS92and *63, with map 3. tr. S TNFANTRV T*CTIC« COOKE’S CAVALRY TACTICS. 2vols, jy2l riTJTILANB’S PRONOUNCING LEXICON, containing the Pronunciation and Definition of most of the terms u?ed by speakers and writers on Wedicine_and the Collateral Sciences, with an Addenda contsinina Abbreviations used ia Mrescrio tione, Poisons and tlieir Aniidotes, &c„ &c. A small pocket volume. A now edition inst published. MEDICAL BOORS. " A full assortment always on hand and for sale at low prices by LINnSAY &- BLAKIftTON, _ jy2l . No. 85. S. afIXTH St., above Chestnut. JJAZARD’S BOOKSTORE, AH Books usually to be had in » FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE* Will always be found on our shelve* * AT THE LOWEST PBIOES. Ift CF-NTBI!—OENEBAL MEADE 10 A” cents. Card Pictures for Albums. On CENTS! GODEY FOB AUGUST, jylB-6t PfTuHER’S, COB CHESTNUT Street. ■jq Oftfif—3,oool—OVEß 3.000 : DIF - '• FERENT CARD PICTURES FOR PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, at PITCHER’S ALBUM DEPOT, SO» CHESTNUT Street. XTEW MAPS—NEW BOOKS. NEW COAST SURVEY ,1«P OP VIRGINIA, photsOr* tbe present movements. Sheets 50 cents; Pook et form 76 cents. NEW MAP OP THE EASTERN PART OF VIRGINIA, and MARYLAMB. and DELAWARE, on a large scale. Sheets 60 cents; Pocket forms 76 cents. NEW MAP'OF PENNSYLVANIA.' Sheets 50 cents; form 76 cents. jr»FRNALOF A RESIDENCE ON A GEORGIA PLAN TATION. By Frances Anne Kemble, $1.25. ROBERT, THE CABIN BOY 75 cents. AMERICANS IN ROME. By H. P Roland. $l-25, TTNCLE PAUL’S STORIES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. 0 cents, j THE PILGRIM PATH. Interesting incidents in the experience of Christians- 60 cents MEMORIAL OF SUSAN M. UNDERWOOD; or FOL LOWING AFTER JESUS, By Mrs. Eliza H. Anderson. 50 cents. AN HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Opinions ofthefound ers of the Republic on Negroes, as slaves, as citizens, and as soldiers. Third edition. Paperso cants; cloth $1 60. For Rale by WM. 8. & ALFRED MARTIEN, ' jyl3 : 606 CHESTNUT Street £)F\ OTS! —25 C.TS! —25 CTS ! PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, holding 12 PICTURES, bonad in Muslin, gilt erfee. PITCHER’S ALETTM DEPOT, 8»8 CHESTNUT Street. 9 TO 845. —IMPERIAL QOABTO PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, holding 200 and 400 PICTURES, eierantly bonnd in TURKEY MOROCCO and RICH VELVET, with Ornaments. . PITCHER'S ALBUM DEPOT, BOS CHESTNUT Street 1 4fel enfl $150! $1.50! - PHOTO <iP -l.»Mv* GRAPH ALBUMS, boldin* TWRNTY POUE PICTURES. Bonud in BEST TURKEY MO ROCCO PITCHER’S ALBUM DEPOT, Iyl4*tf sop CHESTNUT Street. JELLING, COFFIN, A CO., Hare for sale by the Package a good assortment of Staple PRINTS. LAWNS, ALSO, S-4 BLACK AND MI3BD BROADCLOTHS. UNION CASSIMERES. EXTRA. MEDIUM. AND LOW QUALITY SATINETB. NEGRO KERSEYS, PLAID LINSEYS, ARMY GOOI>S, <SrO., <SrO. &p2l-tnt-hs3in JOHN T. BAILEY A 00. SAGS AND BAGGING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, NO. 113 NOBTH FRONT STREET, WOOL BAGS FOR SALE feVLflWt 1776. 1853. F LAG 8!!! SILK FLAGS!! BUN T l lfC FLAGS! BURGEES. TENANTS. UNION JACKS. STREAMERS! B U N T I N Or HKD, WHITE, AND B&L7E. EVANS & HABSA.LL. MILITARY FURNISHERS. Jyl7-tf No. *lB ARCH STREET. Philadelphia. AKMY CAPB AND NAVY CAPS. *"* GEO. HOFF & CO., No. 35 North FOURTH Street, .Philadelphia, , Manufacturers of all kinds of" Indigo Bine Army and'Navy Caps and Silk Covers, jy3-lm* Orders promptly ttlled. - BMY HATS, ARMY HATS. AX> O Tu P IT <& K E E N , No. eauorth SBCOWD Street Philadelphia, • Manufacturers of all kinks of felt'hats, have on hand a larf e aesortment of all the various and most approved styles of AR M Y HATS . Orders by mail from sutlers or jobbers, will bo promptly fllled-at the lowest rates. je3o-Sm .. GOODS. DARK-BLUE GOAT CLOTHE. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOB OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD; WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT IMGB, For aale by FROTHINGHAM Ap WELLS* .neS-iftf Q. W. SIMONS dk BROTHEBj PHILADELPHIA, AFP MILITARY GOODS, HI EVERY VARIETY. lalSJfßir* Gbeat. Disootzky ! Applicable to the use&A; Arts. A new thlnf. iIU. Combination. I Boot ui&Sho, mann&oAirer.. It !» a IfcmU. ■unenbw; JeS-tuthsly NKVr PUBLIUATiUM^ T 94k CHESTNUT STREET. Between Seventh and Eighth Streets. 'pitchers,. 808 CHESTNUT Street, coMMrswioft aurrsE!!, S»0 CHESTNUT STREET, BROWN AND BERACHED MU6LIHB, COTTONADES, PRINTED LININGS, SILEBIAS, NANKEENS, CORSET JEANS. ARMY GOODS. SAJTSOM-STBSET HAT.T., PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURERS OP JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS. CEMEMT. USEFUL MB VALUABLE DISCOVERY l HILTON’S INSOLUBLE CEMENT! Is of more general practical utility than any invention now before the public It has been-thoroughly test ed during the last two years by practical men, and pronounced by SUPERIOR TO ANY Adhesive Preparation known. HILTON’S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is.a new thing, and-tho result of years ofsfcndy; its combination, ison ; SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES, And under no circumstances or change of temperature, will it be come oorrupt-or enii'c any. offensive uaeß. BOOT AND SHOE; Manufacturers, using Machines, will find it the beet. article known for Cementing the Channels, works withouadelay, is not affected l by any change of temperature. JEWELERS Will find M sufficiently adhesive for their uae, as has been proved. IT IS ESPECIALLY ADAPTED J«w«Un. TO LEATHER, Vemlßu. And we claim as an especial merit, that it sticks Patches and Linings to Boots and Shoes sufficiently strong without stitching. IT IS THE ONLY LIQUID CEMENT Extant, that is a sure thing fox mending FURNITURE. CROCKERY, TOYS, BONE, IVORY, And articles of Household use, REMEMBER, _ Hilton’s Insoluble Cement Is In ft liquid'form, and as easily applied as paste. HILTON’S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is insoluble in water or oil. HILTON’S INSOLUBLE CEMENT •v Adheres oily substances. Supplied In Family or Manufactu rers’ Package# from 2 ounces to 100 lbs. ~ i- lILTOI BROS* & CO., WANTED— TN A WHpI'ESALE I>ras Tlonsein MARKST Street, a MaU thorough ly compsfpni t« boy and °«ij Drugs; one who • JfLj?* ol * acijnnintnnrß whh C'uiutrv trade preferred. *V.5 88 Box Ut4. Philadelphia P. O. fyjMt* A YOUNG LADY HAVING H.A» experience in teaching, desires actuation as assist-' ant teacher in a private Rcbooltn Philadelphia or vici nity. Address ***(?, W. z. .” Philadelphia P. O. It* A . YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE TO ohfain.a teacher for the English Branches, either male or female. Address “A. M. W. . *’ Press Office It* Q ALKSMAN WA.NT’KD, IN A MAR. L 2 KET'Ptrpet Cloth Jobbing me who oao in fluence a good cashtrado. Address Box S.ldO, Phila delphia?. O. WANTED-$l 5 PER DAY— WE •* • want reliable, energetic canvassers and agents in. every county, for a genteel business at a commisdon of from $5 to M 5 per day. No humbug. Experienced canvassers preferred,hut room for all. Address 0. M. N Sc Co., Publishers, At either Cincinnati, Ohio; Chicago, Illinois: or 185 READ'S Street. New York. jy2o*3rQ* Q'JF. PFB MONTH GUARANTEED. tu) I *J Testimonial' of Clergymen and scientific men sent free. ISAAC HALE, Jr., & GO., Newbnryport, Msqp. A MONTH!—I WANT TO HIRE ■ AGENTS In every connty at $75 a month, ex penses paid, to sell xay new cheap Pataily Sewing Ma chines. Address 9. MADISON. ‘ . . " - AKr®d- M»*re. <Q}fi;fY. A M O N T HI—W E W AN T / AGENTS at *6O a month, expenses paid, to sell enr E'cerZaeWnp PunriJe, Oriental Rur-aers.and IS other new article*. 15 circulars free. SHAW & OLAKK, Biddeford. Maine. <o>in nnn- T His amount to •-loan on a City Mortgage or Ground Rent. Will be divided. Apply to E. PSTTJT, M* 309 WALNUr Street d&L PEPDTY QUARTERMASTER SS3& GENERAL’S OFFICE. —Philadelphia, Feb, 0, im "VESSELS WANTED Immediately to carry COAL to the following pointc • \ . Tortuga*. Key West, Fla. Fort Monroe, Va, Alexandria, Vs, Nawlern, N. C. Port Royal, 8. C, A. BOYD, felO-tf Owainand Assist. Quartermaster. ©TO LET— THE DESTRA BLE STORE 415 CHESTNUT Street, nearly opnr»slte NEW POST OFFTCE. Pos-ession given August Ist. loqaire at the store- , . .. ' jy2 ! -tf- m FOB, SALE—THE PHILADEL *»PHTA TTOFSF, at Cane Island. Two nest Cottager at Atlantic Citv. Several neat Dwellings, at a sacrilce. Alpo. a Jarg*. number of country places, large and email. sod a lare« varietv of City Properties. B. F, GLFNN. -*23 South FOTJ.RTH Street, and south wrct * V-/- r of SEVEN* 'EENTR end GRSEN. m FOR S A LF—THE D WELL [NO S. -fiat W. corner FRANKLIN and GREEN Streets, with sidevard Apply to CHARLES RHOADS. ivTM?i*. No. 4-3« WAL/VT Street. FOB SALE—V ALUABLE IM ■ PROVED Gra n and Grazing, FARM, 147 acres, seven miles from the city. Chester connty farm, 80 acres, convenient to railroad station. Also, Penn Manor farm. 196 acres, r.ear the Delaware river. Bncks connty. Call and examine Register of Farms* Apply to iv 7 E. PBTTIT, 309 WALNUT St. ■pOB SALE—DESIRABLE COU NTRY A PLACE, threepcres of gronnd, situate 1 mile from Church Lane Station, Germantown Railroad. Also, several desirable Real ■* ences in West Philadelobia.Chest- nnt, Hill, &f. Apply {© .iv 7 m FARM OF 62 1-2 ACRES OF VERY ■Ssw, LAND, on the Bristol turnpike, at Andaluria a qnarter of a mile from Cornwell’s Station, on the Phil ad el ohiaand Trenton "Railroad; well watered by running streams, good farm buildings- fruit and shade trees, with several desirable Lots for the location of country seats, wi*h»n view of the river Delaware. For sale bv I. C. PRICE, comer SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH St-Tpels. .je29-lm m VALUABLE IRON PROPERTY Sapos sale—matilda furnaces and or* BANKS.—">■ V; property is situated on the Juniata river, in Mifflin and Huntingdon counties, Pa., within one mile o/ i£uai. t Union Station, on Pennsylvania Rail road. The Juniata Canal and Pennsylvania Railroad oass through the property. It embraces about twenty seven hundred >' eros of land, about three hundred acres of which is gocd . fonn land, in a high state of cultiva tion: the balance is good timber land, would supply mfficient char? oal for the furnaces. The improvement* are a good existential furnace, stack, steam engine. Iron blowing cylinders, &c., with all the necessary buildings. Tin re is on this property an extensive bed of Iron Ore, bring Identical, in the geological series, with that at Danville and Bloomsburg. This ore can b« mined and deliver-id at the furnaces for about one dollar oer ton. Lime' tone in abundance, of rood Quality, on this property. The extensive coal fields of the Broad Top and Allefh* nies are from forty to fifty miles distant, bv Penusylvau'a Railroad or canal, and the canal run ning through t\ e property makes it one of the best loca tions for the maiiufacture of iron, either with coke or anthracite In aaait.n n to the charcoal, the buildings for the furnace and r °’iu are ample, substantial, and Is good repair. T* e property will be sold a bargain, and on easy term*. lor farther particulars address WASHINGTON HI OUTER, COLUMBIA, Lanßaster county. Pa. P. B.—For quantity and qnaliiv of the ore, see Prof, T.twieHo’a "Report ob game. mp^-Srn* m DELAWARE GOUNTY COTTON SSftFACTORITS POR SALE.—The valuable Cotton Fac tories. known a* AVONDALE and STRATH AVBN, si tuated on Crum Cre»-k, Delaware County, one mile from Westdale Station. V est Chaster Railroad, two miles' from Leiperville. and three from Chester, now occupied by Simeon Lord, are offered for sale. Avondale’’ in cludes a stone mill *2 by 47 feet, stories high, with dry bouse, picker 1 ou ß a. twenty-two stone tenements, and about 9 acres of land, in Springfield and Nether Providence townships * * Strathaven” includes a frame cotton mill, 82 by 30 foe., 2>£ stories high, with picker house, five frame ard stone tenements, and about 24 acres of land, in Nehsr Providence. The properties will be shown by Mr. 1 ord, on tbe premises. Earlypo*- session can be given. For terms inquire of SAMUEL FIBLD, N. W. corner of FRONT and WALNUT Streets, myantr Philadelphia. m FOR SALE—A BARGAIN—FOUR Houses on Swain street: also a- new Farm near Pottstown. Montgomeiy co., 67Vi acres,.good soil, and good buildings, fruit. 4c. Several fine Cottages, and a variety of City Properties, Farms,Fand Building Lots. , B. F. GLENN. je2o ■ v ■ J 183 Bonth FOURTH Street JR COUNTRY SEAT ON THE RIYEB —Delaware, near Torresdale, beautifully located, With wharf on the river, containing 62 acres of excellent forming Land, well supplied with fruit, shade trees, Ac.; communicating with the cityin less than one hour’s time by steamboat or railroad. For sale by I. C. PRICE, cor. SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH Sts. je29-lm JR FARM.—A VERY DESIRABLE FABM, of ISO acres of excellent LAND, good fence and well cultivated; watered by two running streams: situate at the forks of the Bethlehem and Sum neytown turnpike roads, one mile from Penlynn Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad, and 16 miles from the city. For sale by T. C. PRICE, cor. SPRING GARDEN and Streets, ie29»lm ' m to let—a Commodious M-DWBLLING. No. 13fll North FRONT Street. Sent moderate. Apply to WutHBEILL & 880., ‘rfiv-t* 4? and 40 North SECOND Bfcreet. ■D-aiLROAD FOR SALE.—IN FUR -bb suanee of a judgment and decree of the Court of Common Pleas for Franklin county, Ohio, in the case of GEOBGE S. COB, Trustee, vs. THE COLUMBUS, PIQUA-- AND INDIANA RATLROAD COMPANY efcaL, the undersigned, Special Master Commissioner in said case, will expose to sale by public vendue; at the Court House door, in the city of COLUMBUS, Ohio, between the hours of twelve o'clock M. and four o’clock P. M., of THURSDAY, the 6ih day of Augnst, A. D; 1863, the entire Railroad of said Company, including the right of way therefor held and owned by said Company, and . the lands occupied thereby, or needed to he used in the construction or reconstruction, repair, use, or employ ment thereof, by whatever right the same may be holden by said Company, together with the superstruc ture and tracks ther*oiu and' all bridges, viaducts, cul verts. fences, d£p6t Frouncs and'buildings-thereon ;in . rinding, also, as apsrt of said mortgaged premises, all engines, locomotives, cars of every description,.rolling' stock, turntables, weter-statiOns and fixtures, station houses and lots, and lands used in operating said road; or intended to be used in connection’.therewith, and’ owned and held for that purpose: and all tools and im plements, materials and supplies, and- all shops and' engine-houses owned, usc<L or- provided, by s&id' Com pany to he used in operating-said Railroad, including such of said matters and things as may have b'een-pro cnred, obtained, or supplied by the agency ofthe Re ceivers in said 1 caso: ana all - the privileges, franchises, and powers of said Company; including its franchise to be and act as a corporation, conferred bv the charter and amendments to the charter of said Company, au thorised bv the act of the General Assembly-passed' April 11. 186 L All of which will be offbred’for salfe as aforesaid, and-sold in one entire parcel, and’as anen tiTety—the purchase money to be paid as follows: One third part thereof within thirty days after the con firmation of the sale by the court: one-half of* the bal ance in one month thereafter and the residue in-two months thereafter; ten per centum of. the parchase money, or $200,000 of the first-mortgage bonis, to he deposited with the Oommi* signer at the time of the bid; bejnre closing a sale,, to be forfeited if the bidder fail to' fulfil his contract of purchase. JOHN H. BRADLEY, Special Master Commissioner. Columbns, Jnne 26. 1863 ■ I .* fJsj, A PINE LARG® MY HORSE "FOR SALE' —An excellent family horse:-also makes fine appearance under the saddle. ’Wbuldsuita Cavalryman or an Officer in the array. Sold expressly for want of n*e. Apply at this Office. .. jy!B-6s* "DEMOV Ali.—. JAMES PULTON 11A8 -■-V removed his Law and Collection Office, and also the office of the Legal and Insnra,nce'Rf"porter. from No. 424 Walnut street to No. *703 WALNUT-Street, op posite Washington Square. Government claims, of all kinds, collected as usual;’• jyl] THIRST-CIASS BOARD, HANDSOME : commnnjcfttinfl- and single, rooms; private table if desired, N0..1315 WALNUT street. • je2s lm* TQR. SWAYNE’S - sw*- remedy for Asiatic Cholera, Cholera Korbus. Dyseriory, Uiarrhcfea Cholera Infantum. of . Sommer Compifcint-, pains in she Stomach Kt& Bowels, Sicle Stomach. Vomiting,- and ! all relaxed condition of' the Bowels Let no family- .be without this med&ine, it will give irn . mediate relief. 70 OUR BRAYS SOLDIERS <T HAS BEEN OB ' TN<TAI.CtTT;ABLB BENEFIT; WTVES> MOTHERS- AND SISTERS. Whose Husband®. Sons, and Brothers aro serving in-th« army, cannot s&arf them a uore necessary article than '‘Dr. Bowel Coniial."- It has saved- many a valuable life CHOLERA IN? ANTUM* or SUMMER COMPLAINT This disease is very pawvalent wito young children during-the warm season SAVE THE. LIVES OP'YOUR CHILDREN: the too often fatabeffect* of Summer Complaint by- using SWAYNB’S BOWEL CORDIAL. II ia always reliable. CRAWPsfOB SPASMS are instantly relie'&adbyits m&e.: CHANGES, OF WATER is very apt toproduce disturb ance in toe howesa. The “ B=OW'BL CORDlAL”'cnre* all pain andToos&Jrtea. No traveller sliemld leave home withoujit. ••• DIARRFGEA AND DYSENTERY.-The “BOWEL CORDIAL” will be found the most pleasant and sure cure. In-inflammation of bbe stomach or bowels, and In the inflammatory stages- of Dysentery,, when - there i* tenesmus or much pain, .with freqnant desire to evacuate the bowels without the jsewer to effect much discharge, blood frequently passing, as there is in all marked case# of Dysentery, take two or three ieaspoonfels of the Cor dial, with' a-litfele castor oil, every two hours until ths subsided. . * Thin valuable medicine will give relief in the most violent oases. Price only 26 cents a bottle; five bottles for ~ Prepared only bv Dr. RWAYNE St SON. No. 330 North BINTH Street, above Vine. Philadelphia. OVER THIRTY YEARS HAVE DR. SWAYNE’B ME DICINES been.ln constant nse in all parts of the world, and tbeir increasing popularity is certainly convmeinf proof of.their wonderful efficacy- « r wi«- Dr SWATHE'S Principal Office. No. 330 North SIXTH Street, above Vine. '• iv 2 Xj\AME INSURANT -E 400 CHESTNUT Siree PHILAD] . PIRB AND ISL'AI DIBECK Francis N..Buck* Chas. ; Richardson, - Henry Lewis, Jr.* John W; Everman, Philip S. Justice. . 0, W. Davis, Francis CHARLES RII WILLIAM I. BLAHOHAR TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN TH$ *- rukaE“bistricts! i • - ; We are prepared, as heretofore* to supply their Country Residences 'with ' 1 EVERT DBSCRIPTIOII 0? FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, <SO. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Hm-tf tJORHSB UiSYSNTH AHD TIKI 6X8.. ■ Proprietor*. PROYIDJSCBi B, I. WANTS; K. PBTTIT. 300 walnut street. KBMOVAtS. BOARDING. HBDIOAI.. BOWEL COBDIAL, IHBUBA6CB COMPAWIKS. !E COMPANY,NO, >ELPHIA. kWD INSURANCE. STOBS. E. D. Woodruff, Geo. A. West» ; John Kessler, Jr.» Chas.Btoke&,: . A. H- Rosenheim, _ Joseph D. BUis. BTTCkT President. CCHARDSOIf. Vice President \D. Secretary. Ci*ls-iftf APCTIOW SALE. BAZAAR—NINTH AND SAN /tw SOM STREETS. THIRDAND LAST SPECIAL BALE OF SIXTT HORBFB ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. July 22d. at 11 o’clock, at the Bazaar, will he sold, SIXTY HOKWBK ; ’ Th'ese animals are overplus stock, belonging to partto# who nave been fnn ishing large lots to the GovernmoaL and are now to be sold to close a concern. . All of tb ezn are fit- for immediate nae, and range front- S'years old- " ? £&> sale peremptory . iyff?-3t!f A f.FRED Bf. HERKNEBS. Anctioneer. ■M^W^CHBSTNUT^S^r^THEATiRH—■ Lv Xi«)t«4A and Alanagsv 'VGUATLEY LAST 7 WEEK OTT 3TRS D. P. BOWERS Edmond Fxlcbner’s Tfteh entiflhtt'fhtf PEEP O' DAY, Having achieved cbb of the GKJtvTEST BT7CCESSES Of the present age. ?5 Will be represented Monday, 20fch; .Tu«*fctfy2lst; W r *»dneBday's-23d , l and? Thnrsti'fey, Julvi-d. : Mra J> P. B*‘*WIJRB In the r<He of the heroin*—a character which receiveg? addit'onal interest when. Vested With the personal' and matchless talent of this GREAT ARTISTE; Who will he supported by thepatented actor, MR. L. P. s^'RRETt*;' The great cbaracteractor, _____ MR. CHARLES WEEATLBIGB:, And the Philadelphia favorite. . MR JOHN McCULiOUGH; Together with the . '. • ENTIRE STOCK COMPANY. jC® 5 * Doors open at 7h o’clock; to cofcr’mence 3: PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF TPBFINEARTB. 1025 CHESTNUT STREET. OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) frtfcr-9 A. M. ttlf 6 P. M, Admißßion 25 cents Children half price. je29-tf EDUCATION. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN- A gTITUTE for Yeung Ladieß. 1530 ARCH Street. Rev.- CHARLES A*. S'fITH. D. D. Principal. The ninth Academic Year will begin on MONDAY. Septem hur 14th, For circulars, and other information, address' Box* 2.R1.1 VO. ie2s-3iu* TJ PISTOL BOARDING SCHOOL FOR= GIRLS, will re-open on the 7tb of Nin + h month. For Circulars, apply to RUTH ANNA PEIRCE. BristoL prioVo rn., Ps, 5p17-?ni* t TU'ISS MARY E. THBOPP WILL RE~ -*•*-*■ open ber English and Froncb Boarding and Daw School for Young Ladies, at 1841 CHESTNUT Street,, on tbe 14th of September. For circulars, until S«ptem»- ber Ist. apply at the Sunday-school Times. 14R S.-ufth<. FOURTH street, Phila., or address Miss Thropp at Val l«y Forgo P»upr. Turlf-iri* SUMMER RESORTS. gELLEVUB HOUSE, NEWPORT, B. 1., IS NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON. This house has been very much, improved, and le now in fiDe order. Every exertion will be used to make The leading and Farorlte House Of this delightful watering pi ace. jyl4-lm PUTNAM & FLE T OHER, 0 0 LUM B I A HOH S E, CAPE MAY. This first-class Hotel is now open for the reception of guests. : * Communication daily by Railroad, and every other day by Steamboat. _ J. F. CAKE, jyll-m PRQPRTBTOH. OEA BATHING. NATIONAL HAM, CAPE ISLAND, CAPE MAY. N. J. This well-known Hotel is now open for the receptioa of its numerous guests. Terms $lO per week. Children under 12 years of age and servants half-price. Superior accommodations and ample room for 200 persons. je3o 42t AARON GARRSTBON, Proprietor. ■DEDLOE’S HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, N- J. —At the terminus of the railroad, on the left. • beyond tbe depot. This House is now open for Boarders and Transient Visitors, and offers accommodations equal to any Hotel in Atlantic City. Charges moderate. Chil dren and servants, half price. Parties should keep their sdats until the cars ar rive in front of the Hotel jel9-2m T IGHT HOUSE COTTAGE, U ATLANTIC CITY. This well known House is now open for the receptiom of guests Invalids can be accommodated with room# on the first Boor, fronting the ocean Splendid drinking water on the "premises. Magnificent bathing opposite the house. No bar. JONAH WOOTTON, jelP-2m : Proprietor. CUBE HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, IffcTjr Tara Air WJLi BE OPENED ON JUNE 18ft. A good Band-of Mimic has been engaged Those wbo wish to engage Rooms will please address H. B BENSON. Surf House Atlantic City, N J. je3-2m (CHESTER COUNTY HOUSE.—THIS private Boarding House, corner of YORK and PA CIFIC avenue. Atlantic City, convenient to the beach, with a view of the Ocean, is now open fot boarders, and will continue open all the year round. Prices moderate. jel9-2m . J. HEIM. Proprietor. TTNITED STAIES HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, N. J. Is now open for the reception of visitors. Can be reached by Raritan and Delaware Bay Railroad from foot of VINE Street at 7.30 A, M. jef>-2m* B. A. SHOEMAKER. “TBB ALHAMBRA,” ATLANTIC erTY, N. .T., a splendid house. southwest corner of ATLANTIC and MASSACHCTSET >’S Avenues, is now oppn for visitors. The rooms and table of “ The Alhambra” are- unsurpassed by an von the Island. There is a spacious Icp Cream and Befreshment Saloon attached to the house. Terms moderate. C. DUBOIS & S. J. YOUNG. Proprietors. riBESSON SPRINGS—THIS DE LIGHTFUL SUMMER RESORT, immediately on the line of the Central 7. R. R., located on the summit of the Allegany Mountains, 2,300 feet above the level of the sea.will be' open for the recepiion of visitors on the lOth day of June, 1863, and will be kept open until the let of October. The water and air at this point possess superior attne* tions. The analyses made in the laboratory of Professors Booth, Garrett, and Camac, of Pbilaielpnia, 6how the existence of valuable mineral elements, the waters of some of th e springs being of the iron or chalybeateelass, and otber* containing saline or aperient salts. Puzo mountain water abounds; and the gueßts will also bo supplied with mineral waters from other springs, such as Blue Lick, Bedford, and Saratoga Waters. Ample facilities for bathing have been provided, new plunge and douch baths erected, and Hot and Cold Bath* can at all times be obtained. . The grounds, walks, &c., hare been highly improved* and are of a varied andpicturesque character. There is at Oresson Springs a Telegraph Office and two daily mails from Philadelphia and Pittsburg and inter mediate points. .Excursion Tickets can be obtained at the Office of tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company, corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. For further information apply to GEO. W. MULLIIf, Crowon Springs. Cambria. Or».. Pa THE SEA SHORE. ■r^rig—lfc, FOB GAPE MAY.—TH* ******6“®*' Bafe and commodious Bay Steamor MAN HATTAN,. Captain Kirby, will leave ARCH STREW ■WHARF for CAPE MAT every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at ball-past nine o’clock A. ftL, commen** ing on THURSDAY, July 2d. Returning, will leave Cape May every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at eight o’clock, stopping at New Castle to connect with th* Baltimore lines The MANHATTAN is the largest and most convenient boat thBt ever run to Gape May, having about fifty state rooms and every accommodation that passengers can de sire. Fare S2.SO, including carriage hire Meals extra. Children and servants half r.rice Freight at moderate rates. No freight received after S o’clock. je?2fiw . A. REYBOLD. RAIT.ROAI) USES. FGR nbw.p-obt, NEW YORK AND NEW HAVEN ‘ A>TCV SHORE BINE RAILROADS, On and.after MONDAY, June 29, 18*3, one Daily Train will leave New .York, from decor comer street and Fourth avenae, at 12.10 PM , passinsrthrough New Havens New London, and Stoninirton. to Eaafr Greenwich, R. L, where the (steamer WATER LILT Will be in waiting, on the arrival of the-train, for New- Sort, affording a splendid sail down the Narragansett ay, arriving at B.SO P. M. Tickets sold and baggage cheeked through. JiS H. HOYT, Snpt. N. Y. &N. ED.R. B. J. E. FOSTER. General Agent N. Y 1 Ac Boston Shore Line R R. EZm&BBm PHILADELPHIA W WEMt-AND LONG- BRANCH VIA. CAMDEN AND ATL ANTIC AND RARITAN AND DE LAWARE BAT RAILROAD. On and after Monday, Jane 15th. and until farthers*' ,* tice, passenger trains will leave Vine-street Ferry at 7. W A,. M. .-arriving at Cong Branch at ILK) A. Mr. Returning, leaves Long Branch at 3.35 P; M., arriving at Philadelphia at 7. 43’P M. Passengers landed close to-the Hotels. IT. B.—Excursion. parties will be carried on liberal: terms. Apply to . L. B. COLB, Agent at the Depot. Cooper’s Point BENJ. STRONG, Assistant Superintendent WEST CBT3BTEB ANl> PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD VIA MEDIA. - SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Oil sad after .MONDAY, JUNE 1,1868, the trains ifrHfc* leave Philadelphia, from the depot, Northeast comer <?{? Eighteenth and Market streets, at 7.fioand : 10.80 A, Jf., and at:J,_4.3o,_and 6 - • __ On TT7TESP kY? and FRIDAYS a train will leave WBWr ORESTES at 6.d0 P. M. Retaxning, leave Philadelphiis. at 9.15 P. M. Trains leave the corner of Thirty first and Hsrkefe. streets (West Philadelphia) 17 minutes after the stark!Wy time from Bighteenthani Market. On SUNDATSftaiave- Philadelphia at S A. M. and' R, P. M. Leave Westchester at 750 A M. and SP. M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 7:30 A. M. and 4. IGf P. M. connect at Pennelton with trains on the P: and* B. C. R. R. for Concord. Kennett, Oxfbrd, &c. Jel-tf . HENRY WOOD, Superintendent mmmm eipi! Office Gape Mat akd Me<illb R. R Co., 40fr Walmrfr Street, June 12,1883. FURTHER OPENING. On and after MONDAY, the 22d of June, the cars .will; ran upon this. road to the DennJsville Station, leaving Walnut-street ferry at £► A. • M., in the West. Jer sey cars The cars will ran fra® Cape May .to-CapA'May, reducing thedht&ace b> jelS-tf / C, Ik DUNGAN, President, . iynißKii'-*££ « THK3KA ~ SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC EAILESAD. Ga and after MONDAY, June 15th, ISB3 H trains for it. lantic City will leave Tine-street Ferry.aaJollowa: Mail train leaves. 7:30 JL 3L Express train leaves...... :;*‘Vs'” JJS Y t£- Freight train, with passenger car attacS&d... 9:00 A. M: Relnrniag, leaves Atlantic City: Mail traia. 4.35 P, 3A Express train .. 6 30 A. ]fi. Freight train,..,......, p. K, Fare to Atlantic, $2. Tickets, good, fosr the day and train only, or down ca. Saturday and’up o»» Monday morning, $B. An Accommodation Train to R. and D. B-. R. R. June,, tion.will leave Vine street at M-.; returning n«v . EXTRA HADDONraLD TRAINS Leave Vine street at 10.15 A, Mt ana I.4st P. M Leave Haddonfleld at 12.15 P: M.andSP.M jelS-tf JNO. G. ERYANT. Agent. E. S. EARLY. UNDERTAKER,. southeast corner of TENTH- and GREEN Ste., would respectfully announceihat he has opened a branch of his establishment .at Gettysburg, Penna., where hin Agent will have ©a hand-a supply of , metallic coffins. which can bo /nrnished oa demand* at moderate prices, jylS-3t»if . • '.. jfppga F. SCHULER’S SUPfiRIOB IT ¥ VT* jcrand oxMstrtmr square PIANOS fro® WOO £o*sai*Wttomotor. 005 MABKSTw*»*4. upward. lee-fta* WDB. FINB, PRAOTIOAL BEN TISTfor the last twenty years, atO YIKI below Third, inserts the moat beautiful TRSTH of tae age, ipountedon fine-Gold,'* Pla.iina, Silver, Vnlogaltai ktt r at prices, for, neat and substantial work, more reasonable than any dentist In'tMe olty or •State. Teeth plugged to last-for;life. •.Artificial Teeth repaired to suit. Bo pain- in extracting. All work warranted to fit. Reference, bast families. fafi-Bm * mat EVANS & WATSON’S BTORS, BALAMA * D “* A " M SOCTHFOUKTR BTSBBT. PHILADELPHIA, PA. a t»n niM, otnsi-nww U!S tSnn d bK. ■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers