RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. Graduates fi:om tub theodootoai. Semina-* bibs,—The Theological Seminary at Princeton, N. J., (Old School Presbyterian,) has jußt concluded a term of study, and sent forth thirty-eight graduates. Their names are as follows: J. J. Aberriathey, George D. Baker, John 0. Bein hauer, J. C. Boyd, Tlieron Brittain, Walter S. Brown, Nathan P. Oamnfleld, Robert A. Condit, Hunter Corbett, William H. Dean, Oliver s. Dean, S. J. Donnelly, Edward C. Ewing, J. Selby Frame, Benjamin Y. George, George W. Giddings, Joseph Grecnlcaf, Jr., Arthur Harlow, C. 0. Heramari, Ed ward B. Hodge, William H. Jeffries, James B. Ken nedy, F. L. Kenyon, D. H. Laverty,-Wm. B. JMarah, W. A*. BlcAtee, Alexander Moßean, Edmund Mc- Kinney, .1... Lynn Milligan, J. Thompson Osier, W. J. Parrott, B. F. Patterson, ,T. H.; Scofield, George Sluter, Alexander Strain, H. H. White, J. L. With row, W. O. Wright. The whole number of students in this seminary, during the year, was one hundred and eighty-one, almost as many as in any year of peace, when thn seminary di£W students from all parts of the land. Now but one name appears on the catalogue from Virginia, and two from Louisiana, all the rest being :from the Northern and Border States. ' The graduates from the Western Theological Seminary, at Allegheny city, of this denomination, this season, numbered twenty-flve, as follows : Matthew L. Anderson, John J. Beacom, J. Mo-- Oluskc-y Blayney, William Logan Boyd, Farls Brown, Albert Dllworth, Andrew A. Dinsmore, James H. Donaldson, William S. Eagleaon, N. H. Gillett Fife, Galvin D. Gould, Samuel :M. Hender son, Henry Martyn Hervey, Robert W. Hill, David P. Lowary, A. S. Milholland, George M... Miller, W. Wall. Moorehead, ■ Thomas X. Drr, John B. Beed, Martin L. Todd, James Wallace Wightman, John Wilson, Thomas M. Wilson; W. Swift Wright. The whole number of students in attendance, by the last report, was one hundred and thirty-two. The examination of the respective classes took place before a committee of the Board of Directors; the before the society of inquiry having been delivered by the Kcv. Charles W. Shields, D. D., of this city, pastor of the Second Presbyterian Ohuroh, Seventh street, below Arch. His theme was “The Duty of the Church to give the Gospel to the whole World,” and, by a correspondent who heard it, its treatment is described as rich in practical thought, and characterized with the force, simplicity, and elegance peculiar to Dr. Shields’ style of pulpit elo quence. Aughey versus Breckinridge.— A writer in the current number of the Presbyterian criticises the Bev. Mr. Aughey for stating in his-recently pub lished hook, the “ Iron Furnace,” with reference to Bev. Dr. B. J. Breckinridge, the following: • “ On leaving his house he gave me some directions as to the road I must travel to reach a certain point. ‘ You will pass,’ said he,' ‘ a blacksmith’s Bhop, where a one-eyed man is at work—my property.’ The phrase, ‘ my property,’ I had never before heard ap plied to a human being,” &c. In answer to this, the writer says, on authority which he claims to be indubitable, that “the Rev. Dr. R. J. Breckinridge has never stood, during his whole life, in such a relation, either to a blacksmith or to a one-eyed man, white or black, that he could say of him, ; my property,’ ” and adds that aside from the incident narrated, the collocation of it is such as to aggravate the wrong done. The Midnight-Meeting Movement foe the Fallen, in the city op London.— The annual meeting of the friends of the midnight-meetings for depraved and fallen women was recently held in London. The statistics of the secretary showed that there were at least 60,000 fallen women in that city alone, pursuing their immoral occupation, while in ■the United Kingddm four hundred thousand was the lowest computation. Since the formation of this movement upwards of five hundred of these unfortu nate creatures have been rescued from a life of shame, several of them have been restored to their friends, and not a? few are now filling respectable situations. This is one of the most worthy humani tarian movements of the age. Singular Imposture Attempted with an Abchbishop’s Body.— The Cardinal Archbishop of Capua’s body was lately laid out in state in one of the chambers of the palace. While the crowd of visitors was thickest, the Cardinal was suddenly seen to raise an arm and nod his head. The sensa tion created was immense: “A miracle! a miracle!” was the, general cry, while some ran away in ter ror 3 others stood transfixed to the spot in astonish ment. Two bersaglieri, however, who witnessed the scene did not share the general opinion, but, stepping forward, raised up. the curtain which con cealed the bedstead, when, lo! a lazzaroni crept forth and took to his heels. The Rev. Thomas H. Stockton, D. D., in the absence of the pastor of St. John’s Lutheran Church, Race street, above Fifth, Rev. Dr. Seiss, (who, by the way, is compelled by serious indisposi tion to rest for a Beason from his labors, and to seek a change of scene,) delivered a powerful and charac teristic Bejrmon on the National Fast Day, the basis of which was the History of the Demoniac, whom the disciples were unable to relieve. The parallel which he drew between the history of the demoniac and of our country in its pießent trouble was in the highest degree forcible and eloquent. Belief fob Ibelakb.—The Boston Pilot an nounces that twenty thousand dollars, collected in the Catholic Churches of Massachusetts, were sent to Europe by the P. F. Lyndon, of South Boston. The whole amount of these contributions have not yet been received. They are forwarded to the Bishop. of Boston, under whose timely and stirring appeals these liberal collections have been made. The sum contributed by the Catholic churches in Pennsyl vania for the same noble object, up to April 28th, amounted to $30,021.62, of which the largest contri bution was made by the Church of St. Augustine, Viz. : $2,320. Presidekcy of Knox COLLEGE.—We learn that Professor Win. S. Curtis, D. I)., of Hamilton Col lege, has been elected to the Presidency of Knox College, at Galesburg, Illinois, an institution in the interest of the Presbyterian Church. The Archbishop of Cabtebbubv and the Bishons nt r flvT?tCT bhJff ToU-Oiyed the example of the - - * v-fAJAUU, Mill! iUruiUUßiriiiWlUp übicuotnv: - i rjl jnp eg -7;* - ham anti ofKochester naTTpreviously taken the same position with regard to this bold assailant of Holy Scripture. A Lecture by the Rev. Matthew Hale Smith was delivered in the new Mariner's Temple, in Oli ver, street, New York, laßt evening, the subject of /which was the interrogatory—“ Shall we sustain the Government? A Course or Sermons has just been concluded in New York, by the Rev. Dr. Hitchcock, on the Resurrection of the Body, in which the doctrines of Scripture bearing upon this important subject were so forcibly discussed that arrangements have already, been made forthc publication of the sermons in book form. The Baptist Missionary Union, says the New York Christian Chronicle , has decided to observe, by appropriate services, its fiftieth, anniversary, which occurs in May, 1864. The Lutheran Congregation at Middle town, Md., has been' awarded $2,395 damages by the Government, for the use of their chSich as a hospital last fall and winter. ' The Douglas Will Case.—A decision has been finally reached in this will case. Among other points decided in it, we understand that the Auburn Theo logical Seminary, and the Presbyterian' Publication Committee (new school) will each receive the $lO,- 000 left them by the testator. The Rev. Henry Ward Beecher is about to sail for Europe on a four months’tour, mainly for recreation, his congregation generously “ donating" the'requisile amount for making the trip,ln order that the clergyman’s finances may be affected as lit* tie as possible by this temporary cessation from bu siness. Revival Among the Baptist Churohes of this Git*.—On Sunday a week over sixty converts were baptized in the various Baptist churchcß in this city. Thb Pennsylvania Divinity School (Episco pal) has purchased for its uses the mansion and grounds once occupied by Mr. T. Allibone, in West Philadelphia. No moje appropriate or beautiful site could have been selected for this rising institu tion. Doings or the American Bible Society- Southern Insolence Rebuked.—The year closing March 31st, was one of great prosperity to the Ame rican Bible Society. The receipts were $422,538. At the monthly meeting of the managers, April 2d, grants were made of 34,000 Testaments, 1,000 Bibles to the Christian Commission for distribution in the army. The Richmond Christian Advocate (Metho dist}, in response to the announcement of a grant of *7,000 Bibles and Testaments for circulation in the re bel States, claims that the Bible Society owes the books to Virginia. The New York Observer replies that at this moment the Virginia Bible Society is in debt to the American Bible Society more than $4,000! while before secession the whole South was drawing yearly from the Society ten or fifteen thousand dol lars more than it paid in! Liberal Bequests.—Mr, William Boatwiek, of New Haven, has, by hiß will, given the following legacies, besides very large contingent donations : American Bible Society, $500; American Sunday school Union, $500: Society for Promoting Theolo gical Education in the West, $600; New Haven Or phan Asrlumw,sl,doo j American Tract Society,' $1,000; Southern Aid Sooiety, $1,000; American and Foreign Christian Union, $1,000; American Co lonization Society, $1,000; Domestic Missions of Presbyterian Church, $1,000; Foreign Missions of Presbyterian Ohurch, $l,OOO. Total, $8,600. Madison University, at Hamilton, N. Y.— Mr; James B. Colgate, of this city, recently pro £osed to his brothers, Kobert and Samuel, to join im in giving $30,000 to the University, on condition U} at other friends make up a like sum, the Income of the A 60,000 to be devoted to the work of ministerial w?£? tiol k ,The proposal has been agreed to by the nS!S e » t? 1110 Placing the munificent sum of in J he b ands of the trustees of the college for the education of young men to the ministry. 8 -A?V OBLE Missionary Enterprise.—On the 22d new Episcopal Church (Trinity r wi Mo w°i Via WaB dedicated to the service of God. Nine Episcopal clergymen were present; Bishop Payne presided. The sermon was preacheci • by Rev. Alex. Orummell, formerly of New York This beaut ful church is a gift f?om thl sundayl school Society of Rev. Dr. Tyng. st. G-eorge’s Church, New \ ork. It will seat about 360 persons. The Liberia College at Monrovia was opened 2d Fe bruary, under. Professors Orummell and Blyden. Endowment op Rutgers (Reformed Dutch} College.—A vigorous movement has been com menced, by President Campbell and others, to raise .■for Rutgers College an endowment fund of $ 100,000, ■and, from present appearances, it is likely to be suc cessful, which will put the college on a good founda tion to hold its own alongside of other institutions , of its class. Dr. Bellows’ Fast-Day Sermon.—ln his Fast ed ay sermon, Kev. Dr. Bellows said that during the first six! months of the war, the .Government feared jQSt the rebellion might be immediately successful. At the end of the first year they saw a strong proba bility of its failure; and at the end of-two years they have full faith in our ability to subdue it.' It is not -a question of .victories even—it is merely one of en durance on the part of the North. • Imported Theology.—A writer in one of the' London religious papers says: “If the new-fangled school is to grow in influence, we do earnestly hope that Lord Palmerston may live at leant another de •cade for the sake of the Church, and that he may. •have time to bring in a bill to lay heavy duties on the importation of Zulu theology into the Church of England.” High Church in Hawaii.—One of the Puscyite missionaries announces their advent in the following lines: “E’en now expectant stands Hawaii’s King, As a kind nursing father to embrace Tlie glorious system of‘restoring grace. - His Royal fcoouse, with all a mother’s joy,: Leads to the holy font their princely boy, -■ -Whore' England’s Bishop, sent with power to bless, - rvu *-'s ihe young chief with Christ’s own righteous h*wcr’grTS OP THE American Board, for from fori 5 ' 938 ' about one-fourth from lega- Sffoa Theiotal' n i landß and missionary stations, s993 iv. nf of the Board for seven SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF , an Order of Pale ia Partition, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, June 1.1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-stroot Hall. , No. 1- AH that certain yearly ground rent or. sum of forty-two dollars, lawful silver money of the United States of America; issuing and payable in half yearly paymeuts, on the 80th. day of the months of .Tuuo and December in every year forever, without any deduction for taxes, out of all that certain Jot or piece ofground*and three-story brick building thereon erected, siiuate on the south side ofa certain street called Temple street/lead ing. from Twelfth to Thirteenth streets, in the Second ward of the city of Philadelphia, .as it is laid out and opened,beginning at the distance of two hundred and forty feet eastward from the east side of Thirteenth street; containing in front or breadth eastward on tho said Temple street sixteen foot, and in length or depth southward parallel with tlie.said Thirteenth street six ty-six feet to a certain street called Albert street, leading eastward into Twelfth street, Bonndei.on the north by tho said Temple street, on tlie east and west by ground now or late of Seth Craise, and on the south by the said Albert street. [Bcingthe same yearly ground rent which feeth Craige, by assignment dated the fifteenth day of Oc tober, A. D. 1857, and recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 12, page 64, &c. t assigned and con veyed to Eliza McClintock, in feo.] No. 2. And also, all that certain yearly ground rent or sum of thirty-six dollars, lawful money of tho United States of America, issuing and payable in half-yearly payments, on the first day of the months of Ootobor and April in every year forever, without any deduction for that certain ] o t or piece of ground, with the brick messuage thereon erected, situate on the south side of Temple street, at the distance of one hundred ».nd sixty; teet eastward trom the east side of Thirteenth etieec; containing in front or breadth on Temple street sixteen feet, and extending southwardly between.llnes parallel to Thirteenth street, in length or depth sixtv-six m C , or * ; . street, which street leads eastward into Twelfth street. :•-.Rounded on the north, by said Temple street, on the west by ground now or late of John i nackaray, on the east by ground now, or late of Simon Morns, and on the south by said Albert street. [Being the same yearly ground rent which Seth Ciaige, by as signment dated tho 17th of May, A D. 1858, and recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book A. D. 8., No.. 23, page 818, &c., assigued and conveyed to Eliza McClintock, in lee.] No. 8 And also, all that Qertain yearly* ground rent or sum of twenty-seven dollars, lawful silver money of the United States of America, Issuing aud payable in half yearly payments, on the first day of the months of Janu ary and Julyin every year forever, without auy deduc tion for taxes, out of all that certain lot or piece of ground, with the brick messuage thereou erected, ou the south side of Temp’ e street, at the distance of sixty-four feet eastward from the east side of Thirteenth street, in the late district of Moyamensing, now Second ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Temple street sixteen, feet, and extending southward between-lines parallel with the said Thir teenth street in length or depth sixty-six feet to a cer tain street called Albert street, leadiug into and from Twelfth street. Bounded ou the north by the said Tem ple street, on the west by other ground of tbe said Seth Craige, intended to be grauted aud conveyed to Joseph Jackson, on the south ny the said Albert street, and on the east by ground now or late of W. G. Jones. [ Baing the same yearly ground rent which Seth Craige, by as signment dated the 17th day of May, A. D. 1858, and re corded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book A: D. B;, No. 23, pa ge 320, occ.. assigued and conveyed to Eliza McClintock, in fee.] No. 4. And also, all that certain yearly ground rent or sum of forty-four (44) dollars, lawful silver money of the United States of America, issuing and payable in half-yearly payments on the first day of the. mouths of January ana July in every year forever, without-any deduction for taxes, out of all that certain lot or piece of ground, with the brick messuage thereon erected, situ ate on the east side of Thirteenth street, at the distance of sixteen fleet northward from the north side of Temple streotj in the Second ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said'Thirteenth street sixteen feet, and in length or depth of that width eastward, parallel with said Temple street, forty-four feet to a two-feet-wide alley. Bounded on the north.' by another lot of ground intended to be granted to James M. Stewart on ground rent, on the east by the said two feet-wide alley, on the south by a lot of ground granted or intended to be granted by the said feeth Craige to James M. Stewart on ground rent, and on the west by Thirteenth street aforesaid. [Being tho same yearly ground rent which Seth Craige,hyassigument dated the 'lsth day of July, A. D. 1552, and recorded at Philadel phia, in Deed Book R, D. W*, No. 155, page 43, &c., assigned and conveyed to Eliza McClintock, in fee.] No. 5-, And also, all that certain yearly ground ront or sum of forty dollarsj lawful silver money of the Uni ted States of America, issuing and payable in half-yearly payments ou the first day of the months of January and July in every year forever, without any deduction for taxes, out of all that certain lot or piece of ground, with the brick messuage thereon erected, situate ou the east side of Thirteenth street, at the distance of thirty-two feet northward from the north side of Temple street, in the Second ward of the city of Philadelphia ; con taining in front or breadth on the said Thirteenth street fourteen feet, and in length or depth of that width east ward, parallel with said Temple street, forty-six feet. - Bounded on the south by another lot of ground intended to be granted by Seth Craig to James'M. Stewart on ground rent, ana partly by the north end of a two-feet widcalley running southward into said Temple street, on the east by a lot of ground intended to be granted in fee simple by Seth Craige to James M. Stewart, on the north by ground now orlale of John M. Chapron, and on the westby Thirteenth street aforesaid. [Being the same yearly ground rent which Seth Craige, by assign ment dated the 15th July, A. D. 1852, and recorded at Philadelphia in Deed Book R, D. W. , No. 155, page 43. &c., assigned and conveyed to Eliza McClintock, in fee.] No. 6. And also, all that certain yearly ground rent or sum of three hundred and seventy dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, issuing and payable- in half-yearly payments, on the first day of .the months of March and Septemberin every year forever, without any deduction for taxes, out of all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the north side of Prime street, at the distance of eighty-five feet.westward from the west side of Twelfth street, in the Second ward of the city of Phil adelphia; containing in front or breadth on .said Prime street one hundred feet, and extending in length or depth northward, between lines parallel with said Twelfth street, ninety-five feet to a twenty-five-feet wide street called Albert street, running eastward into said Twelfth street. Bounded northward by said Albert street, eastward by ground granted to Tyson and Keyser, southward by said. Prime street, and westward by ground now or late of Seth Craige. [Being the same yearly ground rent which Seth Craige, by assignment dated first d&y of March, A. D. 1856, and recorded at Philadelphia, in. Deed Book A. D. 8.. No. 35, page 139, &c., assigned and conveyed to Eliza McClintock, in fee. ] [D. C., 5; June T. ’63. R. H. McGrath,-] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James Cowen, wife, and others. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. Stay 8,1863. myll-3t SHERIFF’S SALE. —BY YIRTUE OF - a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, June 1,1563, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being on the west side of Delaware Front street, between Vine and Callowhill streets,'in the late district of the Northern Liberties, now in -the Eleventh ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in breadth north and south seventeenfeefc nine inches, and in length or depth east and west one hundred and eighty feet, more or less. Bounded northward by ground formerly of Thomas Gilbert, now or late of Joseph Maxwell and others, westward by ground late of Nicholas Walter, deceased, southward by the lot of ground and premises next hereafter described, formerly of Michael Hulings, and eastward by Delaware Front street aforesaid. No. 2. And, also, all that other lot or piece of ground, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate on the west side of the said Delaware Front street, between Vine and Callowhill streets, in the late district of the Northern Liberties, now in the Eleventh ward aforesaid; containing in front or breadth on the. said Front street thirty-four feet, and in length or. depth two hundred and seventy feet or thereabouts. Bounded on the cast by Front street aforesaid, on the west by New Market street or Cable lane, on the north partly by the above-described premises, and partly by other ground formerly of Peter Bankson, deceased. [Being the same premises -which faarah Cowpertbwaite, by indenture dated the first day of August, A. D. ISSO, duly ackuow •waite in fee. - —■. r**-- * ' The improvements on the said lot of ground consist of three four-story brick houses, with double back build ings on Front street; two three-story brick houses, with single back buildings on New Market street, and ten three-story brick houses on the intermediate ground called Cowpertbwaite place. ” [S. C- ,11: July T., ’63. Debt, $13,772.50. G. W. Arundel. ] Taken m execution and to be sold as the property of Hulings Cowperthwaite. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, May 8.1863. myll-3t‘ QHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, June 1, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three story brick messuage or tenement now thereon'erected,, situate on the west side of Schuylkill Front (now Twen ty-second) street, at the distance of two hundred and : twelve feet nine inches northward from the nortirside of Sassafras or Race street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on. the said Schuylkill Front strtet fit teen feet six inches, and in length or depth westward of that width sixty feet. Bounded northward by ground formerly of James Stokes, south ward by ground granted or intended-to have been granted to George H. Cloak on ground rent, westward by ground granted to William C. Jones on ground rent, and eastward by Schuylkill Front street aforesaid. [Being the same premises which Benjamin F. fluddy and wife, by deed dated the twenty-third day of Aprii, anno Domini 1849, recorded at Philadelphia in Deed. Book G. W. C,, No. S?,page 176, &c , granted and con veyed unto the said William P. Vollum in fee. Toge ther with the free and uninterrupted use and privilege of a passage way and water-course, upon and over the easternmost three feet of ground of the said William C Jonesforthe distance of five feet from the south line thereofinto a certain court (laid out and opened forthe use of the several lots hounding thereon by the said Benjamin F. Huddy), and along the said court into Ash ton street (without horses, cattle, and carriages), in common with owners and occupiers of the several lots bounded thereby at all times hereafter forever, under and subject nevertheless to the payment of the yearly ground rent or sum of $62.75, payable in equal half yearly payments on the first day of the months of April and October, in every year, without • deduction for taxes, unto the said Benjamin F. Huddy, his heirs and assigns, [C. P.,24; June T., *63.. Debt, $33.18. Blackburn.] Taken m execution and to be sold as the property of William P. \ollum. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. • Fhilada.. Sheriffs Office. May 9, 1563. myll-St SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF Cr a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ni?r,*Alulel * 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. Ail that certain lot or piece of ground in the .'district of Richmond, m the county of Philadelphia, now. in the city of -Philadelphia, situate on the northwestwardly "side of Tulip street, and the southwestwardly side of a certain thirty-feet-wide street called Jackson street, leading from Sepviva street to said Tulip street; con taining in front or breadth on-said Tulip street sixty feet, and extending of that breadth, in length or depth northwestwardly, between lines parallel with said Jackson street, one hundred and six feet, to a certain twenty-feet-wide street. [Being the same premises which Samuel Townsend and wife, by indenture dated May 11th, A. D. 1852, recorded in Deed Book T. H.. No. 27, page 475, granted and conveyed to Nathaniel Led yard in fee; reserving a ground rent of $58.30 per annum. ] m CC. P., 19; J. T., 63. Debt, $92.40. Longstreth. J Taken m execution and to be sold as the property of Nathaniel Ledyard. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, May 9. 1563. myll-3t SHERIFF'S VIRTUE OF S 7 a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, June 1.1563, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the northwesterly side of Aramingo street, and on the north easterly side of Madison street, in Tacony, late Oxford township,: now in*the Twenty-third ward of the city-of Philadelphia, being "lots numbered 40 and 41 on the plan of Tacony; containing in front or breadth on said Ara mingo street forty feet,' extending in length or depth northwesterly, keeping the same breadth, to ground now or late of the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad Company, Bounded northeastwardly by lot No. 42, on said plan, northwestwardly by ground nowor late of the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad Company, soufch westwardly by Madison street, and southeasterly by Aramingo street aforesaid. , The above-described premises will be sold as follows. yizk No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the one-story-and-a-half frame dwelling-house and stable therern erected, situate in Tacony, late’Oxford town ship, now the Twenty-third ward of the city of Phila delphia,.being lot No. 40, on the plan of Tacony, on the northwesterly side of Aramingo street and northeasterly side of Madison, street; containing in front or breadth on said Aramingo street twenty feet, and extending in length or depth-northwesterly to ground of the Phi ladelphia and Trenton Railroad Company, the south westerly line being.forty-two feet and a half. No. 2. Ail that certain lot or piece of ground, with the two-story frame stable and sheds on rear of lot, situate in Tacony aforesaid, behg lot No. 41, on said plan, si n ate on the northwesterly side of Aramingo street, at the distance of twenty feet northeasterly’from Madison street; containing in front or breadth on said Aramingo street twentr feet,and in depth northwesterly to ground of Ihe Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad Company. CC. P., 6; J. T., ’63. Debt, $l6O. S. P. Hall. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Aithur McGee. - JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriffs Office. May 8.1863.. myll-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE; OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will he exposed topubhc sale or vendue,on MONDAY Evening, June 1.T563, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall; All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the northwesterly side of a certain twenty-feet-wldo street laid, out by Charles Cabot for public nssforever, called DoTvisstreet, late m J'hA dißtrirt of Richmond, now the “fw e Clty ? f Philadelphia* tta, said lot hcß distance of one hundred and seventy- Hi? V? cheß northeasterly from the northeasterly aide of Lehigh ayenne; containing m front or breadth on saidflesyis street forty-eight feet, and extending north westerly ot that width in length'or depth betweenSarallel lines at ngh t an gles with said Lewis street forty-one lot [B™? the same premises which Samuel Towneendind wife, by indenture dated the 23d ot November, AD 1804, recorded m Deed Book a. D. 8., No. Si page l ”' Ac., granted and conveyed to Thomas McGfcrvey, »«’- sevving a ground rent of S2L GO-100 per ammiK T • [C.F., 20; June. T., 63. Debt, 8)46.20: Langstroth 1 Taken in execution and to he sold ns the property of Thomas JlcGarvey. JOHN THOMPSONS. ShertSr Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, May 9,1363. - myll-3t SHERIFF’S. SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to mo directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, June 1,1863, at 4 o’clock.*at Sansom-street IMi. No. I.—All that certain four-story brick messuage or tenement; with four-story back ! building, also the lot or piece of ground whereon the same is erected 1 , situate on the west side of Fifteenth street, and south* side of Stone Btreet, between Lombard'and Pine streets; in thecity of Philedelphia., containing in front or breadth on said Fifteenth street twenty feet, and : extending of that breadth in length or depth westward one* hundred feet to a twelve-fcet-wide street, laid out aud opened by Geo. J. Lewis, leading into and from the said Stonostreet. ; No.-2 —All that certain lot or piece- of ground, com mencing at the distance of two hundred feet southeast from the southeast side of John street, in the Twenty third'ward of the city of Philadelphia, and extending along Bridge street three hundred and tventy-three feet to Water street. • • [C. P., S 2; ;June T., H 33.. Debt, $183,54. 0. P. &S. A; , Taken in exeenhon .and to be sold property of JolfnHowellPratt, .JOHN'THOMPSON,Sheriff; Philadelphia, Sheriff’*? Office, May ft 1803.'.. myU-ftt SHERIFF’S SALES. CHEKIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF writ of Venditioni Exponas, to medirected, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. Juuc 1,166:1, at 4 o’clock, at Sansojh-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the west side of Passyuuk road and south side of Fitzwatar street, in the city of Philadelphia, (late in the township pfMoyHmensingandcouDtyof Philadelphia;) containing in front or breadth’on said Passyunk road thirty feet eight inches, and extending in length or depth westward about fiifty ifeet to a brick building erected by James Enen, fronting tbe-said Fitzwatcr street, the said lot being thirteen feet three inches Wide afc'the tbere 4->*Xd.Jdfr*ing the said building Bounded northward’ by said euzwater street; southward by a frame messuage and lot, now or late of said James Eneu; westward by the ►atd brick building, and eastward by Passyunk road flmye.taid Being tbe same premises which John S. I'PSjWilham S. Phillips, Clements. Phillips, and Clifford Sy Phillips, executors of the last will and testa ment of William Phillips, late of the city of Phila delphia, deceased, by indenture dated the thirteenth day of May,\A.;D. 1846. and recorded in Deed Book G. W. C„ No. 53, page 346, etc,,. granted; and conveyed unto the said James McLaughlin, in feo, reserving thereout the yearly, ground rent or sum of one hundred dollars as therein mentioned, for arrears of which said rent tbe judgment’ was obtained on which this execution was issued* D N. B.—On the above-described lot the following build ings are erected, viz; two three-storybrick dwellings, and two two-story frame'dwelliugs. CC.’P., 25; J.T.. ’63. Debt, $lO2 90. Grata. ] Taken in oxecution and to'be sold'.aß the property of James McLaughlin. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff .. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. May 9,1863. myll-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Juno 1,1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, No. ,1. All tbat : certain three-story brick dwelling house and the lot or piece of ground on which the same is' erf cted,situation the south BideofOxfordstreet(No.622). in the Seventeenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front 12 feet 6 inches, and in depth southward feet. No. 2. All that, certain threo-story brick dwelling house and lot or piece of ground on which the same is erected, situate on the south side of Oxford street (No. 506). in the Seventeenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front 12 feet 6 inches, ana in depth south ward—feet. No. 3 All that certain three-story'brick dwelling house and the lot or piece of ground on which the same is erected, siiuate on tbe south aide of Oxford street (No. £08), in the Seventeenth ward of the city of Philadel phia; containing in front 12 feet 6 inches, and in depth southward feet. N.B.—The said lots are each about 44 feetSJtf inches deep, and are subject to a ground rent of $36.75 each. Tbe defendant refers to his title to deed dated June 18, 1856, from John Spink to himself, recently left for record. [B. C., 14; July T., ’63. Debt, $1,008.75. Vacant. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Amos Burton. * JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, May 9, 1663. myll-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OE a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Junel, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street. Hall r All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the north side of a* thirty-feet-wide street called Mariner street, between Tidmarsh street and Prime street, com mencing fit the distance of two hundred aud eighty-eight feet west of Thirteenth street; containing in front or' breadth sixteen feet, and in length or depth northward sixty feet; bounded on the north-by a twenty-feet-wide street called Poplar street, on the south by Mariner street aforesaid, on the east by ground granted or in tended to be granted on ground rent to Jonas P. Fair lamb, Jr., and on the westhy ground gr Anted or iufcena ed to be granted on ground rent to John O'Hara. [Being the same lot of ground which William S. Helmuth, trustee, &c., by indenture 'bearing dato the thirty-first .day of December, A. D. 1835, and recorded in the office for the recording of deeds, Sic., in and for the city of Phi ladelphia, in Deed Book A. M., N 0.71. page 639. &c , granted and conveyed unto the said John O’ Hava in fee. Reserving thereout unto the said William S. Helimith, bis heirs and assigns, a yearly ground rent of thirty-six dollars, .payable half-yearly on the first day of-the months ol July and January in every year forever, without any deduction fondaxes, &c.] , [C. P., 6; June.T., ’63. Debt,slB.33. Bonsall.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John O'Hara. - JOBN THOMPSON. Sheriff. \ Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. May.B, 1863. myll-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias,’ to me directed, will'be ex- Sosed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, une 1,1563. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground marked on the plan of lots made by Thomas Castor for the Fraukford Land Association, section C, No. 9, situate on the north easterly side of Orthodox street, at the distance of sixty two feet southeastward frem tbe southeasterly side of Mulberry street, in the borough of Fraukford; contain ing in front on said Orthodox street twenty feet, and in length or depth northeasterly, between parallel lines at right angles with said Orthodox street, one hundred feet. Bounded northwesterly by lot marked on said plan No. 8, northeasterly by lot No. 5, southeasterly by lot No. 10, and southwesterly by Orthodox street jtfora said. [Being the same lot and promises which Thomas Castor and fr'arah W., his wife,-by indenture dated the fourth day of January, A. D. 1654, intended to be re corded, granted, and couveyed to said Matthew Hughes in fee, for tbe consideration therein mentioned, a part of which is thereby secured. ] CC. P., 8 ; J. T., ’63. Debt, $152.11. Hall ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Miiithew Hughes. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, May .S, 1863. myll-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Junel, 1863. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. • All that certain lot or piece of ground, and three-story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the east side of Juniper street, at the distance of one hundred and forty-six feet six inches from the north side of Race (formerly called Sassafras) street in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth ou said Juniper street seventeen feet three inches, and ex tending in length or depth eastward of that width fifty -sixfeet, more or less. Bounded southward by ground now or late of Sarah Brinton, eastward by ground now or late of Ringen Bingham, (of which this was part,) northward by ground granted or intended to have been granted to Robert McKnight, westward by Juniper street* aforesaid. ([Being part of a larger lot of ground which Adam Eckfeldt and wife, by deed dated Septem ber S, 1610, recorded atSPhiladelphia. in Deed Book J. C., No. 12, page 105, Ac.» counterpart recorded in Deed Book T. H., No. 56, page 435, granted and conveyed unto the said Ringen Bingham in fee, reserving thereout uuto the said Adam Eckfeldt, his heirs and assigns, the yearly ground rent! or sum of twenty-five dollars and eighty-eight cents, payable half yearly, without deduc tion for taxes, &c.] CC. P., 16; -Jr. T„ ’63. Dobt, $102.09. T. Webb. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Ringen Bingham. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, April 22,1863. myll-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed,.will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, June 1,1563, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the mes suage or. tenement thereon erected, situate on the east side of Twelfth street, at the distance of seventy-five feet southward from the south side of Columbia avenue, in the Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia; contain ing in front or breadth on said Twelfth street fifteen feet, and extending in length or depth eastward of that width, at right angles with said Twelfth street, one hundred feet; bounded northward, southward, and eastward by ground now or'formerly of Charles ('Henry Fisher, and westward by Twelfth street aforesaid. [Being the same lot or piece of ground which Charles Henry Fisher and wife, by deed dated the 22d day of June, A. D. 1355. re corded in. Deed Book R.D. W. , No. 32, page 242, granted and conveyed unto George Gravenstein in. fee; reserving thereout a yearly ground rent of sixty dollars, and the said Charles Henry Fisher, in deed dated the 10th day of July, A. D. ISQO, recorded in _ Deed. Boo* A. D. -R., No. 123, page 379, &c., granted and conveyed the said j-eariy ground rent (inter alia) to Benjamin Hart in fee, for - '-nrfflwri n*_wh*gb' ground yent the said property is to be m [C. P/ridTJuneT.;’63. Debt, $61.75. Hart.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the' property of George Gravenstein. JOHN THOMPSON,'Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. May 9. 1563. mvll-St SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF M a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, June 1,1863, at. 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall,' All that certain,lot or piece of ground situate on the northeastwardly side of a certain new street fifty feet' wide, called Auburn street, extending from the Frank - ford road to the Philadelphia and Trenton railroad, the nortbeasternmost line of which said Auburn street is at the distance of three hundred and thirty-three feet one and one-eighth inch southeastwardly-from the south westernmost line of Cambria street, and runs parallel therewith, in the late district of Richmond; the said lot beginning at the distance of two hundred and eighty-six feet five indhes southeastwardly from the southeastern most line of A mber street; containing in front or breadth on the said Auburn street fifty-four feet five iiiches, and extending in length or depth northeastwardly of that width, between parallel lines at right angles with the said Auburn street, one hundred and forty-six feet six inches to another new street forty feet one inch and one eighth of an inch wide, called william street; also ex tendin g from the Frankford road to the Philadelphia and Trenton railroad. [C. P.,26 ; J.T./’63. Debt,-$23.81. 0. P. & S. A. Corn man.] \ Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Montgomery Johnson. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, May 9.1563. myll-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF L? a writ of Alias JVenditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, June 1,1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certamlotorpiece ofgroundsituateonthesouth side of Brown street, at the distance of fifteen feet west ward from the wsst side of Bucknell street, in the Fif teenth ward of the said city of Philadelphia, containing m front or breadth on the said Brown street fifteen feet, and extending of that width in length or depth south ward between lines parallel to the said Bucknell street sixty feet to a certain two-feet-wide alley, running into and from the said Bucknell street. Bounded northward by the said Brown street, south by the said two feet-wide alley, and eastward and westward by other ground iniended to be this day granted by the said Campbell and Pharo to the said Henry Havi- Tand, on ground rent. [Being the same premises which "William Campbell and wife and Allen R. Pharo and wife, by indenture dated the 28th day of'July,. A.* D. 1890, and the office for recording deeds, &c-, in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 135, page 401, &c., granted and conveyed to the said Henry Haviland in fee; subject to’the ground rent therein reserved. N. B.—There is erected on the foregoing premises a three-story brick building. . ' [C. P., £9; J. ,T„ ’63.. Debt, $68.89. Briggs.] _Taken m execution and to be sold as the property of HenryHaviland. JOHN THOMPSON,-Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff ; s Office. May 9,1853. my 11-3 t QHBKIFF’S SALE.—-BY VIRTUE OF 'fr a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex be exposed topublic sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, June 1,1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the north side of Callowhill street,-widened to seventy feet, at ihe distance oi seventy-one feet westward from the weri side of Schuylkill Front street, in the late district : offspring Garden, in the county- of Philadelphia; con taining in front or. breadth on the said Callowhill street seventeen feet, and extending in length or depth north ward of that ;width seventy feet. Bounded northward partly by the residue of the lot whereof this is part, and ..partly by the head of two-feet-six-inches-wide alley, intended to be laid out and opened by the said James D. Shaw, oft the westermost side of the said adjoining lot to the northward, and leading into a certain twenty-six feet-six-inches wide street extending from front to Nixon street, called Church street, southward by the said Cal lowhill street widened as aforesaid, eastward by a lot of - ground granted to George Metz on ground rent, and west ward by ground now or late of John J. Smith. . Being the t southernmost part and parcel of a certain large lot ox ground which the said'Charles Harlan by indenture earing even date with a certain indenture of mortgage, viz: December, 28,1553, but duly executed and acknow ledged priorto the execution of said indenture, and in , tended therewith to be recorded for the consideration money therein mentioned, the whole whereof was there by secured, did grant and convey unto thesaid James D. Shawm fee, as by reference thereto will fully appear. • Together with the free and common use, right,liberty, and privilege of the said two-feet-six-inches-wide alley as and for a passage way and watercourse and for laying logs or pipes to introduce the Schuylkill water at all times forever. • Note.—The improvements on the above lot consist of a four-story brick store and dwelling, main building.being seventeen feet front by about twenty-eight feet in depth, with a brick back building with a width of about fourteen feet by about twenty-two feet in depth. [D. C., 20; JuneT.’ ’63. Debt, $!,620. E. M. Paxson.] Taken in execution and to be sold as tho property of James D. fchaw. , • ' JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Fbiladadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. May 9.1883. myll-St SHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening; June 1,1863<at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three storied brick dwelling house thereon erected, situate on the west side of Eighth street, at the distance of ninety feet southward from Locust street, in the city of Phila delphia; containing, in breadth on said Eighth street twenty-two feet- and six inches, and extendingin depth westward one hundred feet to a teu-feet-wide alley lead ing into and from the said Locust street and comiuiimi csting with another alley nine feet wide, exlending into Blackberry alley. Bounded northward and south ward .by. other property formerly owned by: George G. westward by said ten-feet-wide alley, and eastward by Eighth street aforesaid. CBeing the- same lot cif ground wliicH Alexander Henry and Sarah, his wife* by indenture-dated the seventh day of July, anno Domfni 1814, and recorded in the ofiioe for recording deeds 1 , for the city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed Book M. R., No. 3, page 217, Ac., granted and conveyed unto George C- Lybrand, in fee. reserviag thereout'the vesrly rent of one hundred and eignty dollars. ] [C. JP., 9; J. T. ’6?.'Debt, $151.78. James W. Paul\ 1 Taken in execution*and to be sold as the property of George C. Lybraud. ; JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’S’ Offlco, May 8, 1863. mylD3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE: OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public saie or vendue, on MONDAY. Evening, June 1,1863,.at 4 o’clock, at 3ansom-streetHall. All that certain -lot or piece of ground situate* on the south side of Brown street /at the dfotance of tliirty feet ; westward from the west side of E«okneli streets, in tho Fifteentinward.oftlie said city of Philadelphia; contain ing m front or breach-, on the aaiii Brown street,.fifteen, feet, aniextending of Hiat widtK in length ca- depth,. southward, betweendinesparallel to thesaid BucknelE sireet, sixty-two f*et. ; Boundodi northward by thesaid* hro\vn. street, southward by ground irteiaded to be* cranted this day by the said Campbell & Pharo to Danlel' naviland on ground rent, eastward partly by ground ip ended, to be this day granted by the said Campbell & e Henry Havila-nd on ground rent, and SHi j °. f A a certain two-feet-w Ute alley ran th® said) Bucknell street, and west uow - 03r of Robert F: "Williams. Wife aid - Sre^ William Campbell and. indenture dated, - fnv and recorded in lhe office 101 re .w» o ug « ee ds, &c., m Deed Book A. DB. No 135. and conveyed to the said Hetfry SBVvecf 1661 fiubject to tlie ground rent therein' re- . CC. P. 28; J; T.« ’6B ftja rq Tt»itrn-c i .Taken in execution and to be sold as the ni>usrivof THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY, MAY 11. 1563. SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY YIKTTJE'"oF S 7 a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed. -will be exposed to public Halo or vendue, on MONDAY* Evening. June 1,1553, ut 4 o’clock, at Saasom-strcet Hall, AH those two certain lots orpieces of ground, with the messuages or tenements thereon erected situate on the cast side of Twouty~z>tath street or Laudra* avenue,' aud south side of Emmett street, in the city of Phila delphia ; containing in front ot breadth on sauf.T'wenty uinth street thirty-six feet ©raven and a half (debes, and extending: inlength or depth eastward of that width alODff said Emmett-street one hundred and ten feet. [Being the same premises which Frederick Schneider, et ux.. by deed dated February Bth, recorded in the qfiice for I'ficomuiff deeds, for th* city of Phila deJphia, in Deed Book K. D. W., No, 73, page 412: &c: r granted *nc! conveyed to William 3;orej in fee.] To bo sold as follows: No, 1. All that certain lot or utacoof ground, with - Hie* Iwo-etory messuage, partly brick-and partly frame, thereon erected, situate at the southeast corner of Twen ty-ninth street aud Emmett street, in the* city of Phila delphia; containing in front on said Twenty-ninth street eighteen feet five aud time-quarter,inches, and extend ing in length or depth of that width along said Emmett street ono hundred and ton feet. No. 2. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the two-story messuage, partly brick and partly frame,, thereon erected, situate on tno east side of Twenty- niuth. street, at the distance of eighteen feet five and ttnve quarier inches southward of Emmett street (amd adjoin ing the said l< t). in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on said Twenty-ninth street eighteen feet five and three-quarter inches, and extending in length or depth of that width easlwardlyone hundred and ten feet. CC. P., 17: J. T.. ’63. Debt, $72.61. Elcock. ] Taken in execution and to he sold as the property of ■William Storey. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philada. ..Sheriff’s Office, May 9, 1863. myll-St {SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or-vendue, on MONDAY Evening, June 1, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three story brick messuage or .tenement .thereon erected, situate on the westwardly side of the Frankford- road, at the distance of eighteen feet southwardly from the, southwardly side of Wood street, in the Nineteenth/ ward in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said Frankford road thmy-eight feet, and extending of that breadth westwardly in length or depth between parallel lines at right angles with said Frankford road sixty-eight feet. .Bounded northwardly by ground now or latoof the estate of Jacob Battin, de ceased, southwardly by ground now or late of Peter R- Jordan, westwardly partly by ground now or late of Samuel Clymer, and partly bya three-feet-wide alley running northwardly into said Wood street, and east wardly bv Frankford road. EC. P.,23; JuneT., ’63.■ Debt,s93.7B. G. H. Vanzant.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James L. Barron. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, May 0,1863. mvll-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ ofVenditioai Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Junel, 1563. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, •'■ . All thatcertain lot or piece of ground situate on the northeastwardly side of . a certain new street fifty feet wide, called Auburn, street, extending from the Frank ford road to the Philadelphia and Trenton railroad, the northeasterumost line of which said the distance of three hundred and thirty-three feet one and onp-eighth inch southeastwardly from the south westernmost line of Cambria street, and runs parallel therewith, in the late district of Richmond; the said lot beginning at the distanceof two hundred and feet southeastwardly from the snuthe&sternmost line of Amber street: containing in front or breadth on the said Auburn street fifty-four feet five inches, and extendingin length or depth northeastwardly of that width, between •parallel lines at right angles with the said Auburn street', one hundred and forty-six feet six Inches to another new street forty feet one inch and one-eighth of an inch wide called William street; also extending from the Frank ford road to the'Philadelphia and Trenton railroad, [C.P., 27; J. T., ’63. Debt, $23.81. 0. P. & S. A. Cornman.D Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Montgomery Johnson JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. • . Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office. May 9,1663. : mylt-3t ; SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Yenditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, June 1, 1663. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, - -All that certain lot or piece of ground situate at the southwest corner of Brown and Bncknell streets. Fif-T teenth ward of the said city of Philadelphia; containing in front or Jbreadth on the said Brown feet, and extending of that width, in length or depth, south ward along the west side of the said Buckuell street sixty feet, to a certain two-feet-wide alley running into and from the said Bucbneli street. Bounded northward by the said Brown street, southward by the said two feet-wide alley, eastward by the said Buckuell street, and westward by other ground intended to bs this day granted by the said Campbell and Pharo to the said Benry Haviland on ground rent. [Being the same pre mises which William Campbell and wife, and Allen R.: Pharo and wife, by indenture dated the 28th. day of July, A. D. 1860, ana recorded in the office for recording deeds, &c., in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 135,page 391, &c., granted and conveyed to the said Henry Haviland in fee, subject to the ground rent therein reserved.] N.B.—There is erected on the above lot of ground-a three-story brick building. [C. P ,20: J. T., 1863. Debts6S.S9. Briggs.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Henry Haviland. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, May 9,1563. myll-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, June 1, 1868, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hali,- All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the three story brick bouse thereon erected, situate on the west side of Eleventh street, at the distance of two hundred and forty feet northward from the north side of Master street, in late district of Penn, in the county of Phila delphia, now in the Twentieth ward of the city of Phila delphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Eleventh street fifteen feet, and extending in length or depth westward of that width one hundred feet to -a three-feet-wide alley leading southward into a four- alley which leads westward into Marvine street, .bounded northward and southward by (other) Sound of Charles H. Muirheid, eastward by the said eventh street, and westward by the first-mentioned alley. [Being the samepremises which Charles H. Muir heid and Elizabeth N., his wife, by indenture dated the 27th of September, 1353, and recorded in Deed Boole T.H., No. 111, page 199, &c., granted and conveyed unto the said William Koockogy in fee, re* erving thereout acer. tain yearly ground rent or sum of seventy-eight dollars, payable half-yearly on the first day of the months of January and July forever 1 EC. P.,21; June T., ’63 Debt, SS2.G9. Letch worth.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William Koockogy. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, May 9, 1563. myll-3t CUERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MOND AY Evening, June 1, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the frame messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the northwest corner of two certain flfty-feet-wide streets, the one called Salmon street, the other, laidbyJohuß. Coates, called Lehigh street, now York, street, extending from Gunners 5 run soufcheastwardly to Bank street, on the liter Delaware, lately in the East Northern Liberties, now the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on said Lehigh or York street twenty feet, and extending that breadth in length or depth northeastwardly at right angles witli said Lehigh or York street one hundred feet to a certain eighteen-feet-wide street, opening into Salmon street, called Susanna street. Bounded southwestwardly-by ' said Lehigh or York street, northwestwardly by ground late of William H. Wall, northeastwardly bv.said Su- Eanna street, and southeastwardly by Salmon street aforesaid. [Being the same lot or piece of ground which JohnT. Lewis, by indenture bearing date the 2d day.of March, A. D. 1839, and recorded - in the office for record ing of deeds, Ac., in and for the city and county of Phi serving thereout the yearly rent or sum of twenty-five •dollars, "payable half-yearly on the first day of the July, in each and every year forever, without any deduction for taxes, &c '■ -> _ , CC. P., IS: J. T., ’63. Debt, §67.40. -Marcev.] Taken in execution and'to be sold as the property of Jesse C. Richardson. _ JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, May 8, 1863. myll-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY YIRTUE OF IP a 'writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed topublic sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing, June 1,1563, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the southwesterly side of Somerset street, at the distance of ninety*seven feet northwesterly from Salmon street, formerly in the district of Richmond, now in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Somerset fit. twenty feet, and extending in length or depth southwesterly of that width, at right angles with the said Somerset street, one hundred feet to a thirty-feet-wide street laid out by the said Joseph J. Ball, leading from Salmon to Brown street, called Hewson street Bounded southeasterly by ground granted by the said Joseph J. Ball and wife to Michael Brannon on ground rent, northwesterly by the said Somerset street, south westerly by the said Hewson street, and northwesterly by other ground of the Sbid Joseph J. Ball. [Being the same premises which Joseph J. Ball and Rebecca H? his wife, by indenture bearing date the 21st day of June, 1850, recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book T. H. No. 49. page 38S, &c., granted and conveyed unto John Mul yihill, under the name of John Mulvey, in tee, reserving thereout a yearly ground rent of twenty-five dollars, payable half yearly,on the Ist day of the months of Oc-. tober and April in every year forever. Together with the common use and privilege of the said Hewson street, at all times hereafter forever. ] . • N. B. —On the above premises there is erected a three story brick house on the front, with a two-story frame house back. m • . [C. P., 22; J. T., ’63. Debt, $132.60. Lex.] • Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, May 9. 1863. myll-Sfc SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY YIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, wiH be exposed topublic sale or vendue, on MOND\Y Eve ning, June 1, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the westwardly side of Schuylkill Fourth street, at the dis tance of sixty-three feet-northward from the northwest corner of the said Fourth street and Girard avenue, in the district of Penn, in the county of Philadelphia afore said; containing in front or breadth on the said Fourth street fifteen feet, and in length or depth westward be tween parallel lines at right angles with the said Fourth street litty-three feet two inches. Bounded westward by ground of the said Osborn Conrad/ southward by ground late of Abiaham Merritt, and how of Isaac H. Penaimore, northward by a four-feet-wids alleylead ing westward into the said Fourth street, and eastward by Schuylkill Fourth street aforesaid. [Being the same premises which Osborn Conrad, by ground-rent deed dated the third day of July, A. D 1848, recorded at Philadelphia, m Deed Book A. W. M_, No. 76, pasreli; &c., granted- and conveyed‘unto Abraham Merritt, in’ fee, reserving thereout the yearly ground rent or aim <if sucty dollars, payable half-yearly, on the ,first day of the months of April and October in every year, &c.] do be sold under a judgment for arrears of ground rent. - . [C.P., 15; J. T., ’63. .Debt, *62.90. Potts.] Taken iii execution and to be sold as .the property-of Abraham Merritt. • , JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff - ' Philadelphia. Sheriffs Office. May 8,1863. myll‘3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed.willbe exposed to public sale or.vendue, on MONDAY Evening. June 1,1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the west side of Jacoby street, at the distance of two hun dred and eighty-seven feet nortward from the north side of Sassafras street, m the city of Philadelphia; contain-’ inginfrontpr breadth on the said Jacoby street fifteen feet, -and extending in length or depth westward eighty feet certain ten-feet-wide alley leading southward into ;Wager street. Bounded southward, by ground granted toSamuel W. Weer on ground rent, northward partly by ground late of William Bethell and partly by ground late of Brinton & Burd, . eastward by the said Jacoby street, andr westward by the said ten-feet-wide alley..[Being the same premises whicliWilliam Bethell and wife, by deed dated July twenty-ninth, A D 1834 recorded in Deed EookA. W. M. . No. 3l, &c.’ granted and conveyed unto the said Nathan Bartlett; re serving thereout the yearly ground rent or sum of forty five dollars, payable half-yearly, on the first day of the mouths of April and October in every year, &c. J Toge ther with the free and common use and privilege of the said ten-feet*wide alley at all times forever- Sold under a judgment for arrears of said ground rent. •-- • - • • • •-•••» * CC?P.,I4; J.T., ’63. Debt, $48.37. Potts.l Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Nathan Bartlett. . JOHN- THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philada., Sheriff’s Office, May 8,1863. mll-3t OHERIIF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, June!, 1863, at 4o > cloek, at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot or piece of ground situation the north sideof Shipped street, at-the distance of ninety live feet and sixteon hundred ths-of a foot westward from the west side of Schuylkill Eighth street, in that'part of the city.of Philadelphia formerly known as the district • of Moyamensing, mavked'and numbered cm the plan annexed to the partition of the estate of Michael Fox, deceased, C, No. 14; containing in'front or breadth on said shippen street eighteen feet and extending of that width,in length or depth, northwardly, one hundred and twenty feet to Bedford street. -Boundednorthward by said Bedford street, eastward by ground-formerly of Charles Fox, and numbered IS on said pip.u, westward by ground granted to Robert McCall on ground rent, and southward by Sliipp.en street aforesaid. [Being the same.piemises which Charles Fox: by indenture dated the 13th day of April, A. D. 1852, the counterpart whereof is recorded m Deed Book T. H. ~No. 18, page4s, &0., granted and conveyed to William Twiggs in fee,resorving a ground rent of $49.50, for arrears whereof the said premises are now seized in execution j • : N, B. —On the above-described 1 lot thdre is erebted a three-itory brick dwelling-house. EC. P., 12; JuneT.,’63.: Debt, $131:65. F. C. Brewster.] ■Taken in execution and to he seld-as the property of William Twiggs. . JOHN THOMPSoCSheriff. Philada., Sheriff’s Office, May 9.1863. , , myll-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni;Exponas, to me will be exposed to public sale or vendue,,on MONDAY Even ing, Junie 1,1863. at 4 Sansom-street Hall; . All that certain lot or piece of around situate on the north side of Chestnut street, commenoing'at the dis tance of three hundred and sixty-five feet west of Moore street m the Twenty-fourth ward of the- city of Phila delphia; containing, in. front on. Chestnut street forty -tYe feet, and in depth northwardly, sixty feet, more or less. - • . TS. C. , i 3; Jaly Term, ’6& Debt, 052:12.-Vahsaufc. 3 JTaken in execution and to be sold aa*the,property'-of Cliar.leß Meiwhea, &q. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, May 0,1863.- myll-3t CHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OP ~a writ of alias Veaditionl Exponas, to modirectfld, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, June 1. 18621 at_4 o’clock,at Sansom-street HaU I *, A certain , lot- os piece of- ground situato at kite northeast corner of Delaware Seventh streetraud the. Passyunk road, in the township of-Moyamensing, in the county ofPhilndolphla, beginning at said corner, thence extending northwardly along the east-side of said Seventh, street eighty feet six inches, thence south of east by a line parallel with the. Sweed’s line forty-nine feet to the Passyunk road,:thence southwesterly along the northwest side of said road eighty-so.y'eu feet to the place of beginning. ’ : [C. P.,IS: J. T.,’63. Debt, $62. T. ; J. Clayton.l • Taken in execution and to be sold as rthe property of Janies Rafferty. , JOHN THOMPSON* Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office,-May - myU-8i; SHJEiaFI^S^ALES. SHISBUW’B SALKS, BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, willbf-exnosco to. public sate or vendue, ou MONDAY Eveciug, June 1,1663. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Ilal’ All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on Che south Eide of. Masts* street, at the distance-of thirty-six feet wemvard from Hie west *ide of Cad waladi?r strict, in the district of Kemxngton, in the county of Philadel phia; containing in -ffbut or br«ridtT» ou- the said Maxtor street twenty-two feet. ?vnd extatfdingthecee southward in length or depth between' lines, parallel with tire said C&awftladcr street sixty feet; BMh led northwafi by tbe said Master street, eastward by ground' n>w ic tend ed to be, granted ou ground- reut to Patrick CMnu. Jolm Quinn,-and Janres QaShn, KOwShward Dy ground late of Mary rlun, and westward - by ground be granted on grouted rent tc> John - Carroll. (The above-described lot is subject to aground'rent of IwentT-fonr dollars per annum;, for the arrears of which it is seized aud taken in execul ran.) 1 ' - • [C..P..115 J. T.. ’63. DebS. $91.63. JSwsleKuMt.]' Taken in execution and to bo sold as Hu? property of James Dugan and Patrick Quinn. • ~, t . ,- e , , - JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, May 9,1863. myll-3t CHEKIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to nae directed- will be exposed’ to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Junel,'lBB3, at -To'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, No. 1. All that certain lot of ground, with the two-* story frame shed thereon erected, beginning at the southeast comer of Master street and Thirty-first, in tlie Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia, thence extending southward along the east side of said Thirty-- first street two hundred and thirty-five feet five and a half inches to a point in. ground-reputed to belong to &L Newkirk; thence, by the same, north, fifty degrees thirty-five minutes, east .one hundred and sixty*seven j feet and one and seven-eighths inches to an angle: thence by the same north eighty-five degrees fifty minutes, east ninety-seven feet ten and three-eighths inches; thence• northward by other ground of the said Eli Iv Price, parallel with said Thirty-first street, seventy-nine feet fen anda quarter inches .to .said Master street: thence westward along the south, side thereof two hundred feet to the place of beginning. : No. 2. All thatcertain lot or piece of ground, with the* Buck Beer Vaults thereon erected, situate on the south west comer of Master and Thirty-first streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on said Thirty-first street fifty feet, and extending in. depth westward, keep ing the 6ame width; along said Master street two hun dred feet; bounded noitliward by said Master street, eastward by said Thirty-first street, southward by ground granted to Zimmerman, and westward by ground granted to Charles W. Berener. ~ • [S. o>, 15;Ju1yT.,’63. $1,358.30 Heyer.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Christian Schnitzel. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, May 9, 1863. myll-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a-writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, June 1,1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street HaU. t,'No. 1. All that certain lofc orpiece of ground, with the three-story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the southeastwardly side of Gray street, at the distance of eighty-four feet eleven inches northeast wardly from the northeastwardly side of Dauphin street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said'Gray street fourteen feet nine and a quarter inches, and extending iu length or depth southeastwardly between lines [parallel with said Dauphin street on the southwestern line thereof fifty-six feet eleven and a half inches, and on the northeasterly line thereof sixty-one feet seven and three-quarter inches, and being on the rear end thereof fourteen feet. - No;' ’ 2.' All th at certain lot or piece of ground, with the three-story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, . sitnate on the southeasterly side of Gray street, at the distance of seventy feet one and three-quarter inches northeastwardly from the northeastwardly side of Dau phin street,-in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Gray street fourteen feet nine and a quarter inches, and extending in length or depth southeastwardly between lines parallel with said Dau phin street on the southwestern side thereof fifty-two feet three and a quarter inches, and on the northeastern line thereof fifty-six feetrthree and a half inches, and be ing in breadth on the rear end thereof fourteen feet. [Being the j'same premises which Robert Ewing, Esq.,. High Sheriff Of the city and county of Philadelphia, by two separate deed polls, dated May 315t,1662. and entered among the records of the Court of Common Pleas of Phi-, ladylphia, in Deed Book W., pages 535 and 453, &c., granted and conveyed unto Heurv'W. Gault, his heirs: and assigns.-] w [S. C., 12rJnlyT.,’63. Debt, Costs.] •> Taken in execution and to bo sold as the property of Henry W. -Gault. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff- LPhiiadelpliih. Sheriff’s Office, May 9,1863. myll-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Pluries Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, June 1, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain two-story brick dwelling house and lot or piece of ground upon which the same is erected, situate on the east side of Howard street, at the distance of sixty feet southward from the south side of Somerset street, in that part of, the city of Philadelphia formerly called the township of the Northern Liberties; containing in front or breadth on the said Howard street thirty feet, and extending that breadth in leugtli or depth eastward one hundred aud ten feet to Hope street. Bounded south ward by ground of .William Deal aud Daniel M. Fox. eastward by the said Hope street, southward by ground granted to FJorent Schmitt on ground rent, and west ward by, Howard street aforesaid. [Being the same S remises which William Deal and Emeline, his wife,and anielM. Fox and Elizabeth C., his wife, by indenture hearing date the Ist day of December, A D., 1854, and be recorded, granted and - conveyed to John Murphy in fee; subject to the payment of a j-early ground rent or sum of thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents. : -EC. P., SI; JuneT.,’63.- Debt, $55.65. Booth,] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Murphy. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sb erifTs Office. May 9.1863. myll-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY YIRTUE OP a writ of Fieri Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to -nublic sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, June 1,1563. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the south sijie of Melon street, in the late district of Spring Garden/now in the Fourteenth ward of the city of Phi ladelphia, commencing at a point at the distance of one hundred and sixty-eight feet two inches and one-half of an inch eastward from the east side of Twelfth street; containing in front or breadth, on Baid Melon street seventeen feet, and extending of that width in length or depth southward, between parallel' lines at right-angles with said Melon street, on the west.line thereof, sixty eight feet one inch and one*half of an inch, and on the east line thereof sixty-seven feet nine inches. Bounded westward by other ground now or late belonging to the ■■ estate of the said Mary P. Norris, eastward by ground intended to be granted to Benjamin Thompson onground rent, southward by ground granted to Win. R. Stock ton ‘on ground rent, and northward by Melon street aforesaid. Subject to a yearly ground rent of fifty-nine dollars and fifty cents, payable in equal half-yearly paynentl on the first day of the months of January and July, without deduction for taxes, &c. , I- CD. C., 11; J.T., 1863. Debt, $ll9. Wain.] Taken in.execution and to be sold as the property of James W. Packer. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Tliilada., Sheriff’s Office, May 8,1863. -niyll-St MARSHAL’S SALES. •MARSHAL'S SALE—BY VIRTUE A-IL 0 f a Writ of Sale by the Hon. JOHN 0 ADWALA , DEI, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in : ani for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to tlri highest and best bidder, for cash, at CALLOWH.ILL SIREET WHARF, on TUESDAY, May 19, 1863, at 12 o’dock M.»the schooner MAJOR E. WILLIS, her tackle, apiarel, etc., as she now lies at said wharf. Also, immediately after the sale of the vessel, at MICBENER’S Store,. No.-143 North FRONT Street, wil bo exposed to sale the cargo of said vessel, con sisting of 160 bales of Cotton. ■ s - WILLIAM MILLWARD, ; U. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. mvH.Rt LEGAL. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. i Estate of MAHLON HUTCHINSON, dec’d. , The Auditor appointed by the above court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of BUSHROD W. ADAMS, aid DANIEL I». HUTCHINSON, executors of MAHLOS Lj HUTCHINSON, dec’d, and to report distribution of tie balance in their hands, will meet the parties inte rested forth© purpose ofhis appointment, on MONDAY, May IStli, IS6B, at 4 o’clock, P. M., athisofflee, No. 153 SMith FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. Wmy6-wfmst E. SPENCER MILLER, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILA DELPHIA. 1-j Estate of DAVID K. SCHENCIC, Deceased. . The Auditor appointed by the Court to settle and ad just he account of LEONARD FISHER, Administrator of the Estate of DAVID K. SCHENCK, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the ac countant, will meet the parties interested, for the pur rees of his appointment, on TUESDAY, May 19. 1863, at 4 o’clock P. M*, at his Office, S. E. corner of EIGHTH and LOCUST Streets, in the city of Philadelphia. my3-frmwst - DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR J- THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. ..Estate-of DEBORAH S. JOHNSON,-Deceased. . - T ,he Auditor appointed by the Court to settle and ad just-the first and final account of LEWIS C.SARTORI; Executor of the Eptaie of DEBORAH S. JOHNSON de ceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of accountant, will meet the parties interested, ; for the purposes of his appointmeut, on MONDAY, May IS, IS6& at 4 o’clock P. M., at his Office, S- E. corner of EIGHTH, and LOCUST Streets, in the city of Phila delphia. • DANIEL DOUGHERTY, • myB*fnnwst* Auditor TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY ANH COUNTYJXRPHILADELPHIA. Estate of PATRICK PAY, deceased Notice* is hereby given that MARGARET FAY, the widow of said decedent, has filed in said Court her pe tition and appraisement of the personal property, to the .value of $3OO, which she claims to retain under the Act of 14th April, 1851, and the supplements thereto, and the samewilhbe approved by the Court on FRIDAY, the loth day of May, lS6 a , unless exceptions are filed. iny4-arw4t* JOHN B. CQLAH&N, Att’y for Pet’r. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. • Estate of RICHARD ROBISON, Deceased, IS HEREBY GIYEN. That iTAMAR ROBI SON, Widow of said decedent, has filed in said Court her petition, claiming to retain of the estate of said decedent the sum. of $3OO in cash, as therein expressed, under the acts of April 14th, 1851, and April Bth, 1859; and that the same will Disapproved by the Court on the 22d day of May, A. D. 1563, unless exceptions are filed thereto. < - * JOHN SHALLCROSS, myB-4t* . . Attorney for Petitioner. REDEMPTION OF STATE LOANS.— ~V PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that on the FIRST DAY of JULY, 1863, the following public loan, issued by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, redeemed at the Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank,. in the city of Philadelphia, viz.; Five per cent, loan, act of March 28.1531 $77,900 • • And on the FIRST DAY of AUGUST, 1863, the follow ing loans will also be redeemed at the Bank aforesaid: Five per cent, loan,act of December 18. -1828.. .*632,749 84 ' ~«* , ,** MatchBo, 1831 253,077 08- . And the holders of the said loans are hereby notified ito present their certificates for redemption at said .times v and place; and that the Interest on said loans will cease and.determine from and after the said first days of July and August, 1863. \ . BLI SLIFER, > Commissioners * THOS.E. COCHRAN, > of the «« i, . HENRY D. MOORE. J Sinking Fund. ap23-thmSt T OST CERTIFICATES.—NOTICE IS given that application has been made to the Auditor General of Pennsylvania for the issue of dupli .catesofthe following described Certificates of the Five gjr Cent. Loans of the Commonwealth, issued by the ank of Pennsylvania, (acting as transfer agent of .the Commonwealth,) in the name of the Honorable Colonel LEICESTER FITZGERALD STANHOPE, of the Cedars, Putney Surrey,-in England: No. 355, dated April 6,1837. act of April 13,1835, for #6,000. No. 356, do do do do for $5,000. No:-357, do do do do for $2,000. mh3l-3m T -OST CERTIFICATES.—NOTICE IS hereby given that application has been made to the Auditor General of the State of Pennsylvania for the issue of duplicates of the following-described CERTIFI CATES of Five per Cent. Stocks of said State, created by the Act of 21st March, 1831, issnedby the Bank of Penn sylvania, (acting as Transfer Agent of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania,) in the : joint names of George Higgins, of Fumival’s Inn, London, Esci.; Richard HioEens, of St. Ives, Cornwall, Esq.. ; and Charles Henry Rhodes, of Denmark Hill, Surry, gentleman, With benefit of survivorship, which Certificates have been lost, viz: No. 1,400, dated Nov. 4,1839, fbn4;OQo dollars. *' 1,401, * 4 •• •» 5,000 ? . ■ „ 9;OOOdoJ2ars. : . And all persons are hereby called upon to- show cause to the Transfer Clerk, af the Farmers’ and Mechanics 1 Bank, in the city of Philadelphia, why Birch duplicate Certificates ehotud not be issued; THOS. BIDDLE & CO., ap!B-3m . No. 326 WALNUT St. Philadelphia. - JJ J. HANNA, OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT CLAIMS. . No. 252? street, between Thirteenth aad Fourteenth* WASHINGtDON, D. a Particular attention given to the Aaaastment and Col lection of Army and Navy Contractors 7 Claims, Quarter masters’Vouchers, Mail Contractors’ and Postmasters’ Accounts; Certificates of Indebtedness, and the Prosecu tion of Claims for Losses of- Steamboats and other pro perty in Government employ. Also to Investments in and rurenase and sale of Government Securities. Prompt and faithful attention will be given to all busi ness entrusted to me. . >. -REFERENCES:- SPENCER. VILLA A CO., Boston. SBM& S EWS CO., Hew Tort. BAKER, WESCOTT Si CO„ Philadelphia. S. T. CANBY. •' W. J.WAINWRIGHT, “ HANNA, HART & CO., PHtsbnrir. GEORGE C. GLASS ii CO., Cincinnati. G. H. BUSSING & CO., ‘ C. D. COFFIN, Esq., “ L. A. BENOIST & CO., St. Louis. ANDERSON & WATSON, “ MARC & HERTEL. Chicago. HP. BRADY 7 Jt CO., Detroit. WILLIAMS & CO., H. WICK & CO.-,' Cleveland. K. HANNA & CO., ALVORD, COLWELL & ALYORD, Indianapolis. JOHN FERGUSON, Esq., San Francisco. HENRY BIGELOW, Esq., . QUIGLY, MORTON & CO., LouisvUle. Washington, April. 1863. ap29-lm TUI ADEIKA WINE.—I7S QUARTER x , , casks and 100 Octaves, just received per ‘ ■ Laura, ” and for sale in bond, hy a, & JAMESCARSTAIRS, J 9p21. : . 13G WALNUT and SI GBANITB Streets. PROPOSALS. A RMY CLOTHING* AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets. p7W.AI>ULr/f!A. May ,1961. Sealed Proposal.? arc invifed at till* office until twelve o’clock M, on THURSDAY, the 14th inst., to furnish promptly at the Schuylkill Arsenal, viz.: Bat Cords and Tanttsla, for Cavalry—yellow. hat Cordh and Tasteta, for Ordnance—crimson. Garrison Flag HalUarwa, Wh ito Bunting. Color Belts end S'ings. Shelter Tents, like sample tents, So be - aesn at the Schuylkill Arsenal, either af heavy cotton drilling or ofB-oz l.nendnck. • Bidders will state in thei r proposals the price, quan tity bid for, amf time of delivery. The ability of the bidder to'fill the ccrntract mufst be guarantied by two-responsible ,‘aersons, whoso signa - n-res sruist be appended 1 to the guarantee, and said guarantee ronßt accompany the bid. Samples san be seen at this officCLaud bidders are in vited to bo present at the opening <ri the bids. s GY H. CROSMAN, myll-4t AssistantQnartermasterGeneral U. S. A-. A ksistant quartermaster ge- OFFICE, FfIiLAURLPHrAv MavS, 1863. will be received at tbds Office, until instant, at \l o’clock M., for bne* BARGE, wien twelve pairs ctfOAßfl, eight 17 feet long and four 16 feet long. Description of Barge to be seen at this office: Bidders will state the shortest time required to. furnish the Barge, The right is re served to reject all hidh dhemed too high. myft-St A--BOYD, Capt. ang>A, Q. M. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GE «**■ NERAL’S OFFICE, - ' EO&S PA - *'lBSS w>u be received at this office untOTOES- D4Y, 12ih mBt., at 12 o’clock M.. for the deliverrof 1,000 Cavalry Horseß and 600 ATtillerv CAVALKY HOUSES, sound, free ftomblemiah. and well Stroke to saddle, not less tha nla hands liirti, not leas til a:, five ‘“nil nine years oldi all of a dark color ? one half to be delivered on or before the 25tk inst., th® re mainder by the sth of June,.lBBß ' .. ARTILEEKY HORSES. They noust be sound l , free from blemish, and well broke to harness, not less tnandsJS hands high, not less than five nor more than nine years old. all of a dark color, weighing not less than- lilOO pounds; one-half to ho do livered on or befbve the 25tK- inst. the t remainder by the 6th of June, 1863. Tho whole to-be subject to inspection and to be delivered'at any point required iu this city Nomareß will be taken. Notmore than three hundred will be awarded to any one person, unless it should be thought to the interest of the Government to do so. , .The ability of the bidder to-fill the contract, should it be awarded to him, must be guarantied by two responsi ble persons, whose signatures must beappended to the guarantee, and said guarantee must accompany the bid. The responsibility of’the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest Dis trict or of the United States District Attorney. In formal proposals will not be considered. Form of guarantee can be procured at this office, m yS-4t ... . G. H, CROSMAN. A. Q. M, Gen’l. A RMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE -£»- OFFICE, TWELFTH' and GIRARD Streets—Pm ladelphia. May 6th, 1863. SEALED PROPOSALS are- invited at this office until 12o’clockM. on MONDAY;, ilie 11th inst., to furnish, promptly, the following, supplies at the Schuylkill Ar senal : - -CauvaßS Gaiters, 4 sizes, cotton or linen. Shirt Buttons. •Long-handled Shovels, Bidders will state in their proposals the Quantity bid for and time of delivery, ana also give the names of two sufficient securities for the faithful fulfillment of the con tract if awarded. Samples can he seen-at this office, and Bidders are in vited to he present at the opening of the bids. G. H CROSMAN, Asst, Q. M General U. S. A. (AJARTERM ASTER GENERAL’S OF- FICE, 'Washington City, March 21,1883.— Owners of steam vessels are invited to send to the Quarter master General’s Office tenders ~ for their charter or sale. Tenders should contain descriptions of the vessels, their dimensions, enrolled or registered tonnage, actual carrying capacity, material, whether coppered, whether sidewheel or propellers, whether iron or copper-fasten ed; size and power of engines and boilers; and should state the price at which they are offered for long or short charter, with the estimated value of the vessels in case of loss, or in case the Government should prefer to pur chase instead of chartering. Owners of steam vessels already in the service of the Quartermaster’s Department-- are requested to make known to the Department any reduction in their present rates which they may be willing to grant, and also the price at which they will he willing to sell them. All such tenders should he addressed to the Quarter master General of the United States, at Washington, and should be endorsed “Proposals for Charter or Sale of Steamers.” ■ •When received they will he considered, and the De partment will endeavor to reduce the heavy expense at tending army transportation, upon the ocean and tide waters, by substituting,, whenever it can do so, cheaper vessels of equal capacity for those now employed. mh2s-3m COPARTNERSHIPS, OTIC E.—-THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between JAMES CASSEDAY ana WMi KINGSLEY, trading as KINGSLEY & CASSE DAY, having expired by its own limitation, as well as by the agreement of the parties thereto, executed this day, the public are hereby notified that the firm’s name can no longer he used by any one, and that the under signed has ceased to he liable for any debts contracted on account of the same- Persons having claims against the said firm will present them to the undersigned, who will hereafter carry on the business on his own account. WM. KINGSLEY. Baltimore Railroad Depot. PHir.ADELpnrA, May Bth, 1863. my.9-3t* TYISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— The copartnership heretofore existing between JAS. R. CANTWELL and JOHNC. KEFFER, under the name and firm of CANTWELL & KEFFER, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 11th day of April instant. All debts due to said firm are payable to John C. Keffer, and all liabilities of said firm are to be paid by the said John C. Keffer. The business 'will be continued by John C. Keffer at. the store southeast corner of GERMANTOWN and MASTER street. ap2B-18t HTHE SUBSCRIBERS WILL CONTT NUE the DETia BUSINESS, as heretofore, at ths Old Stand, No. 724 MARKET Street, WE ELLIS & CO., UrEKrists, 7M14 MJIBKET Street. EDUCATIONAL. TJELLEVUE FEMALE INSTITUTE— A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS.-This Insti tution is located about twenty miles from Phi ladelphia, nine miles from Trenton, and seven miles from Bristol, on the northern limits of ATTLEBOROUGH, Middletown township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania-r-a rural district unsurpassed for healthiulness and beauty. There are three daily conveyances to the premises from Philadelphia duringthe summer. , THE SPRING- AND SUMMER TERM will commence on the 20th of FIFTH month, and continue in session twelve weeks, through the most pleasant period of the warm months. Thecourseof instruction is thorough and complete in all the elementary and higher branches of an English, Classical, and Mathematical Education. The French language is taught by a very superior native French teacher, who daily engages the pupils in French conver sations. .A Normal Department is in operation for tbo benefit of tfiose wno desire to quality themselves ror teachers. TERMS. The charge for tuition in the English branches, with board, washing, fuel, and lights, inclu ding pens and ink, and the use of library, is, for the Spring and Summer Term of twelve weeks, $4B. Latin, Greek .'Trench, and Drawing, each extra. . Circulars, giving full particulars, may be had on ap plication to;the Principals, AttleboroughP. o.,Bucks Pa.; orfromEdward.Parrish. northwest corner of EIGHTH and ARCH Streets, Philadelphia. ISRAEL J.. GRAHAME, JANE P. GRAHAME, Principals. HOTELS. HOUSE, CORNER OE PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE AND SE VENTH STREETS, The subscriber hag leased this well known and popu • larhotel, and respectfully invites his friends in Penn sylvania and elsewhere to give him a call. my6-lm . - JOHN CASEY, Proprietor. TSBANBBETH HOUSE, Coiner of BROADWAY, CANAL, and LISPENABD STREETS.-NEW YORK. CONDUCTED ON TEE EUROPEAN PLAN. The above Hotel is located in the most central part of Broadway, and can be reached b? omnibus or city cars, from all the steamboat landings and railroad depots. The rooms axe elegantly furnished. Many of them art constructed in suits of communicating parlors and cham bers, suitable for families and parties travelling to gether. Meals served at all hours. Single Rooms from 50 cents to $1 per day. Double Rooms from $1 to $2.60 per day. de3-6m JOS. CURTIS & CO. PIANO FORTES, n ITS' #3O CHESTNUT'STREET. #3O IT BVTI A LARGE AND CHOICE ASSORTMENT OP THOSE JUSTLY CELEBRATED INSTRUMENTS FROM THE MANUFACTORY OF WILLIAM B. BRADBURY, (Successor to Lighte & Bradburys,) MAY BE FOUND AT THE NEW AND ELEGANT WAREROOM, 930 CHESTNUT 930 . Those desirous of obtaining a superior Instrument, should call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. . The established reputation of 'these instruments for nearly thirty years, renders their superiority “familiar as household words. n , THEY SING THEIR OWN PRAISES. In the arrangement of our new scale,* we have added every improvement .which can in any way tend to the perfection of the Piano Forte; and we confidently assert that, for delicacy of touch,-volume, purity, brilliancy, and sweetness of tone, combined with that strength and solidity necessary to dubablejtebs, these instruments are unequalled. EYERY- INSTRUMENT WARRANTED FOB FIVE YEARS. E. H. OSBORN, Agent. Cih2o'3m EVERYBODY LUCES IT. J- J ALDEN’S CONCENTRATED COFFEE. A perfectly pure and healthy beverage, guarantied free from Dandelion, Chickory, or any deleterious substance whatever. Price-A, 20 cents per pound ;B, 10 cents per pound. Sold by EDWIN A. THOMAS, my2-lm*. 48 North FRONT St., Philadelphia. TO THE DISEASED OF ALL CLASSES. —All acute and chronic diseases cured, by special marantee. at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, when desired, and, in esse of a fail ure, no charge is made. Prof. C. H. BOLLBS. the founder of ihle neve practice* has associated with him Dr. M. GALLO WAY. A pamphlet containing a mnltitude of cer tificates of those cored; also, letters and compli mentary resolutions from medical men and others, will he riven to any person free. N. B.—Medical men and others who desire a knowledge of my discovery can enter for a fall course of lectures at any time. Consultation free. BBS. BOLLBS & GALLOWAY, 1330 WALNUT Street ■ROWBN & CO.’S LITHOGRAPHIC "ESTABLISHMENT. Southwest Corner of ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT Sts. • : AXD , NO. 515 MINOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Every description of LITHOGRAPHY, PLATE PRINTING, and COLORING BXSGTTTBD XV THIS HOST 60TSH1OE IUHHEK. mhlo-tf PRIME GREEN RIO COFFEE, A For sale by • PHILIP REILLY & SON, ms6-6t* No. 1 North WATER Street. PAPER PATTERNS OF THE A LATEST FASHS9N, Wholesale and Retail. New Spring and SuanmerCloalm. Sleeves. Waists.and Children’s Patterns>now ready at A- BINDER S Temple of Fashion, Nb. 1033 CHESTNUT Street. Also, Dress and MantillPi-Making in all its branches. . Madame Demoreefß Mirror of Fashion and Le Bon Ton - ap29-3m CICILY LICORICE, GEN.— SMALL STICK. Caiaway Seed . Gum Arabic. . Trieste Vermillion. Powdered Blue for Potters’use. Mineral Water Corks, short. , Bottle Corks, assorted. • Madder, Dutch Prime. Oilßergamot. Colchicum Seed. . Oil Origanum, Pure. Gum, Kino. Cape Aloes. Pink Root. Olive Oil, quart bottles- , In Store, and for sale by ... GILBERT ROYAL‘& 00., Wholesale Druggists. ap23-lm* Nos. 309 and 311 North THIRD Street. GOLDTHORP & CO., fiOft yj&tO* , ■ Manufacturers of • Xt&fJ* Tassels, Cords, Fringes, Curtains, and Furniture Gimps, Curtain Loops, Centre Tassels, Picture and Photograph Tassels, Blind Trimmings. Military and DreßS Trimmings, Ribbons, Neck Ties, etc., etc.. No. 635 MARKET Street. ray6-6m , . =•- Philadelphia. TAMES ECCLES, MACHINIST AND V ENGINEER. 1334 BEACH Street, Manufactures Shafting'and Mill-gearing, Lift and Force Pumps, on the most approved principles. Heavy and light Planing and Turning exeented with despatch. ap22-3m* pOTTON SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS, of all numbers and brands. Raven’s Duck Awning Twills, of all descriptions foi Tents, Awninra, Trunk, and Wagon Covers. Also, PaperMannfectorers’ Drier Felts, from 1 to feet ■is-a im joaxs’iuwi JAMES R. UANTWRLL, JOHN C. KEEFER, i Washington, D.. C. FOB SALE AND TO LET, SUMMER . UESIDENOE. —FOR -2u BALE, a handsome RESIDENCE i a .Wilts Hall, TwcntT-thlHl ward, PhlladelpWia. fronting the well kept grinds of the United States' Arsenal, wit hi a two squares of a station on the Philanelphiaana Trenton Railroad, asd ; within the same distance of the Second and Third-street cars; a well-built Cottage, convenient ly arranged, With large hall r two parlor*, Kit;;ng-rooTa, dining-room, bi’ankfast-rooxn, office and kitchen ounces floor, and five rooms on S6C‘ond floor; gas throa,?hout; ice-honse filled with pure ice? stabling for three horses, with carriage-house - attached riot one hun dred feet by two hundred feet;-stocked with excelVdt grapes, pears, cherries, and other fruits, and abund antly shaded witheverureeu amTotfrerornamental trees.- Terms easy. Apply to SAMUEL SELLERS, No. 3 t‘j South SJ2.TH Street, or to B. JACOBS', on the premi &es. . . ray3-22t* m T O L E T—A HANDSOMELY JfcS furnished HOUSE in DKLANCY Flacerhas all’ the modern consciences. Apply at South TEENTH Street. - myT-m* FOB SALE—'THE PEOPEBTT -KitANo. 36 South’ SEVENTH Street, next atuve-thw tor. ner of Chestnut etrfeat. Apply to €HXS. EHOADS, my’MDt' No. *315 WALNUT Street. Mfoe sals—desirable re3l BENCE on SPRCCiStreet; also. *wo Eots. SHEST NOT Street.- Apply toR. X UOSBIPS, laye-Ct* Ifa 108 South FSURTH areot. M FOR SALE OR TO BENT.—JK Jw A handsome FARM, cniataining about 67 acres,. nearUKISTOL, Bucks couleey, one mile frmn the Phila delphia and Trenton Road. 3mprovemente-good; to i A. FITLSR, mys-.'a*' NtK-51 North SXA?Fg Street. M PEREMPTORYSALE OP A VERY DESIRABLE COUNTRY- RESIDENCE.-Tha suh acriber Will positively sell, at-public sale, oa-the pre mises, on Fifth Day* (THURSDAY), the 14th- of May, 1863, at 3 r/clock, his RESIDENCE, containin/?; 6 Acres and 145 Porches, situate in BENSALEM TQvre/SHIP, Bucks county, Penna,,. within five minutes’ walk of Schenck’s station, on the Philadelphia and Trenton Rail road. The Dwelling is substantially bui-Ct, with all the necessary oct-buildlnge-r Ah abundance of Sha-ife and' Fruit frees. For particulars, apply to or address w: H. PAXON,. „«0A mt* Bridgewater Post Officer ap3o-12t Bucks county, Ira. VALUABLE IRON PROPERTY SALE—MATILDA- FURNACES AND ORE BANKS.—ThiB property is situated oa the Juniaia river; m Mifflin and Huntingdon counties. Pa., within one mile of Mount Union Station, on Pennsylvania Rail road. The Juniata-Canal and Pennsylvania Railroad pass through the property. It embraces about twenty -6|^e! l .l , ?x ldred acres of land, about three hundred acres Ofwhich is good farmlands ina-high state of cultiva non; the balance is goodUimber land, would supply sufficient charcoal for the furnaces. The Improvements ? r l a if • substantial furnace, stack,, steam engine, t ro ?}-,] ) l 0 ’ will k cylinders, &c., with all the necessary buUdmgß. There is_ on this property-am extensive bed Pm ii r ?fi P r ?Vr ei n£ identical, in-the geological series, With that at Danville and Bloomsburg. This ore can be mined and delivered at the furnaces for about one dollar Ser ton. Limestone in abundance, of good quality, on lie'property. . The extensive coalfields of the Broad Topand Allejhenies are from forty to fifty miles distant, by Pennsylvania Railroad or canal; and"the canal run ning through the property makes it one of the best loca tions for the manufacture of iron, either with coke or anthracite. In addition to the charcoal, the buildings /or the furnace and farm are ample,-substantial, and in good repair. The property will be sold a bargain, and on easy terms, Forfurtber particulars address WASHINGTON RIGHTER, COLUMBIA, Lancaster county, Pa. P. S.—For quantity and quality of the ore, see Prof. Lesslie's Report on'eame. ap23-lm* f£| FARM OE 62 J ACRES OF gk .Eifl-very productive Land on the Bristol Turnpike,-J— -at Andalusia, a quarter of a mile from Cornwell’s Sta tion, on the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad: well watered by running Btrearas, good Farm Buildings, Fruit and Shade Trees, with several desirable lots for the location of Country Seats, withimview af the river Delaware. For sale by I. C. PRICE, cor. SPRING GAR DEN and THIRTEENTH Streets. . apl2-lm M COUNTRY SEAT ON THE^k River Delaware, near Torresdale, beautifully3C located, with Wharf ou the river; containing 52 acres of excellent Farming Land,- well supplied with .Fruit, Shade Trees, &c.; communication with the city in less than one hour’s time, by steamboat or railroad. For sale by I. C. PRICE, corner SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH Streets. apl2-lm CECONP-HAND BULKS AND OTHER "WINDOWS, Doors, Sasli, Store Fixtures, Marble Mantels and Sills, Ac., for sale at the Depot, SEVENTH above Thompson Street. Cash paid for ail such articles. ap23-lxo* . NATHAN W. ELLIS. PRIVATE SALE .—THE UNDE R ■*- SIGNED, desirous, on account of declining health,- to retire from his duties as Principal of EATON ACA DEMY*. KENNETT SQUARE. CHESTER County, Pa., offers at Private Saletbat well-known and popular In stitute, with seven and a half acres of highly-improved Land, within the limits of the Borough. If not sold before the Ist of 7th Mouth next, it will be held for rent. WILLIAM CHANDLER. ap27-mwfrt jvl* 1250 AOEBS TIMBER LAND FOR SALE! For Sale, a Tract of first-rate WHITE PINE TIMBER LAND, Containing One Thousand Acres, situated in CAMBRIA County, Pennsylvania, within a few miles of the Penn sylvania Railroad, connected by a Plank road at Tipton. .The lands are heavily set with White Pine, Oak, and Hemlock Timber, (principally Whit© Pine). The improvements consist of a First Class Steam Saw Mill in complete running order;A good Grist Mill, with two run of stones, driven by water power, and a good Water Saw Mill; also a good Store House, Blacksmith Shop, Stables, twelve good Houses for Workmen, and everything in complete order for manufacturing Lumber to good advantage, and can be made and put into mantel on as good terms as can be done at Williamsport or Lock Haven. There are Schools near, and a Church on the property. Tipton’ is a first-rate point on the Pennsylvania Railroad as a Lumber Market, and as a place of. residence is very wealthy, and has Churches, Schools, and every advantage of a thriving Country Village. ... . . • This is a very desirable property, and the Timber and Mills are equal to any. WHITE PINE TIMBER LAND FOR SALE IN CLEAE . FIELD COUNTY, PENNA. For sale, a tract of 250 Acres of first-rate White Pine Timber Land in Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, with in two miles of Clearfield Creek (which is a .good rafting stream), and within hauling distance, over a good road to Pennsylvania Railroad. There is a new and first-class Steam Saw-Mill, in good running order, on this property, with dwelling houses for workmen, and other necessary improvements needed around a Lumber manufactory. The White Pine Timber is heavily set, and of the best Quality. There is also first-rate Oak on the tract, and the soil is rich and rolling, and can be readily sold for farming purposes after the timber is off. There are Several Hundred Acres of first-rate White Pine timber lands adjoining this property which can be bought at a reasonable price, which would supply timber enough for several years’ operations. Lumber can be readily rafted or sent to market by railroad at a good profit. There are Churches, Schools, and Post Office near the property, and . the neighborhood, is- flourishing and prosperous. This is a most desirable property, and well worth the attention of capitalists who wish to invest in ’ active business. For further particulars, address HUGH W. TENEB. : jnh6-mAfr3m No. 13 South THIRD Street. Phila. MEDICAIi. ■WONDERFUL SCIENTIFIC DISCO * " VERY OF PROF. C. H. BOLLES, 1330 WAL NUT Street, Philadelphia.' READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY: , The difference between/aei and fiction, of permanently curio g the sick and suffering of their diseases or adver tising to cure, and showing but little, or no evidence of cures, can be well appreciated by the anxious inquirers after health, upon attentively reading the following synopsis of certificates from some of the most reliable gentlemen in Philadelphia, who were permanently cured by Prof. Boiies, 1220 WALNUT Street, and after they had been given up as incurable by the most emi nent medical men of this city: .. ANOTHER REMARKABLE CURE. Philadelphia, March 31st, 1563. For the past three or four years my health has been, gradually running down, and I for some time could not understand the cause of it. At first I was not much alarmed, but, as time wore on, my sufferings kept getting worse. I began to lose flesh, my natural color left me, and mr appetite became very irregular. lap plied to several physicians, but they did not seem to understand my disease, for I kept growing worse. I was troubled with palpitation of the heart, difficulty of breathing, oftentimes trembling of the limbs, soreness in my throat, loss of memory, and great aversion to business and to society. At umes I was very gloomy, and what-caused me to feel worse was my inability to collect my thoughts vigorously on any subject; suffered much from swimming m the head, and much from fears of getting insane, for my physicians had told methatl had symptoms of fits; but, after persevering for a long time in the old school remedies, and in the homoeopathic also, I was informed my case was beyond cure. Secing the advertisement of Prots. Solves & Galloicay in The Frees and Bulletin , I called on them at 1220 Wal nut street, and, after conversing with them a few mi nutes, they told me that they could cure me, and that without throwing poisonous drugs into my system. This to me was rather astonishing; still I believed it, for I had known some persons they had cured, who had been worse. than even I wae. I commenced their treatment, which is perfectly pleasant, and I am happy to say that, in nine treatments of about ten minutes each, I was per fectly cured. This is.'astonishing to me, forlhadgivea up all hopes of being cured and of having my mind re stored. In answer to my convictions of duty to my suf fering fellow-men, I have made this statement ot facte in relation to my own wonderful cure; and I know it is permanent, for sufficient time has elapsed for a return; therefore I feel certain. I shall take pleasure in being referred to by any person or parsons who may be suffer ing as I was.- . CHARLES E. BUCKINGHAM, No. 1331 Filbert street, Philadelphia. TRUTH IS MIGHTY AND WILL .PREVAIL. Prop. Bolles— Bear Sir: As you have frequently re quested me 10 give you my opinion of the therapeutic effects of Electricity, when applied according to your dis covery of its physiological relations to the human sys tem, in producing and curing disease; and this being the first favorable opportunity. I will giye you'a brief statement ofmy success since I closed-my instructions with you, and also my faith in it as a remedial agent, for the core of all curable diseases. At every step as I have proceeded in the practice, my astonishment has been increased when witnessing its power in controlling and curing all forms of disease. I can hardly say to what class of diseases Electricity is best adapted—but think it adapted to .all—but its power over Paralysis, Consumption, Rheumatism, Acute or Chronic Neuralgia, Bronchitis, catarrh. Asthma, Amaurosis, Erysipelas, St. Vitus’Dance, all Female Diseases, and all : derange* ments of the nervous system. The above diseases having been treated by me since I took instruction from you, as also many others; -therefore I sjseak positively of its power to control without any medicine oeing given -ac cording to Allopathy or ten to one of all that other systems claim to cure. ■ W. R. WELLS, M. D. Judah Levy, Bronchial Consumption, Sl7 South. Front street. -v : Edward T. Evans, preacher of the M. E. Church, Dys pepsia, of Hong standing, Laryngitis and Lumbago, 1633 Helmuth street. -••• Charles H. Grigs:, Chronic Dyspepsia and Throat Dis ease, 219 Church alley. l * . William H.. Shaine, Paralysis of the lower Limhs (Pa raplegyband Epilepsy, publisher of the National JS£er cnard, 126 South Second street. Thomas Owens, Congestion of the Brain and severe Hemorrhage of the Lungs and Diabetes, American Hotel, Philadelphia. H. C. Shurtleff, Caucus Affections of Stomach, No.STSs-. Alarket street, W. P. James Nugent, Deafness for six years,and ringing ana roaring in the head. Fifteenth ana Bedford streets. George C-Preshury, Chronic Bronchitis and Catarrh, formerly proprietor of the Girard Bouse. • • , Thomas- Harrop,- severe Diabetes, Rose Mills, West Philadelphia. _ . . ~ .... George Grant, Rheumatic Gou4 long standing, 610 Chestnut street. ‘ | „ , . . • H T De Silver, Chrome Neural gia ana Inflammatory Rheumatism, 1736 Chestnut street. 0 A. C&rmich, ChronicDyspepsaaand-Inflammation of the Kidneys, Chestnut and Fouifcieth streets. George W. Freed, Epilepsy, 1403' North Thirteenth James P. Greves, M,D,, long standing and severe Lumbago. 216 Pine street. ’ Edward McMahon, Consumption. 1227 Front street. William Morgan, Nervous Debility and'Dyspepsia, 401 Spruce street. Charles D. Cushney, Paralysis of the lower limbs and Dyspepsia, Western Hotel. J. Kieket, Chronic Bronchitis,. Constipation, and Con gestion of the Brain, SlB Callowhill street. CaM> Lamb, Bronchial Consumption of fivB years’ standing, 1483 Chestnut street. Rev. J. Mallory» Aphonia* Philadelphia. M; M. Banning, Nervous Prostration, Cadbury ave nue. . Anthony Carney, Pulmonary Consumption, 1217 Mar ket street. Please take notice that Prol B. does not advertise any certificates of cures, except those cured in this city. N. B. —lt will be well for the diseased to recollect that Professor B. has given a worn of caution in his pam phlet, to guard them against trusting their health In the hands of those in this city claiming to treat diseases ac cording to his discovery. This caution may seem se vere on those using electricity at hazard, but it is the severity of truth, and designed for the good of humanity. See advertisement in another column. CONSULTATION FREE. ' • PROF. C. H. BOLLES, ap22 laao WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. AYER’S PILLS.—ARE YOU SICK, FEEBLE, AND COMPLAINING? Are you out of order,'with your system deranged and your feelings un comfortable t These symptoms are often the prelude to serious illness. Some .fit of sickness is creeping upon you, and should be averted by a timely use of the right remedy. Take AYER’S PILLS, and cleanse out the ais - : ordered humors—purify the blood, and-let the fluids move on unobstructed in health again. They stimulate : the functions of the body into vigorous activity, purify the system from the obstructions which make disease. A cold settles somewhere in the body, and obstructs its natural functions.' These, if not relieved,’ react upon themselves and the'surrounding organs, producing gene ral aggravation, suffering, and disease. While in. this condition, oppressed by the derangements, tafee AYER’S PILLS, and: see how directly they restore: the natural action of the system, and with it the buoyant feeling of health again. What is true and so apparent in this tri vial and common complaint, is also true in many of the deep-seated and dangerous distempers. . The same pur gative effect expels them. Caused by similar obstruc tions and derangements of the natural functions of the body, they are rapidly and many of them surely, cured by the same means. None who know the virtues of these Pills will neglect to employ them when suffering from the disorders they cure, such as Headache, Foul Stomach, Dysentery, Bilious Complaints, Indigestion, Derangement of the Liver, Costiveness, or Constipation. As a Dinner Pill they are both agreeable and effectual. Price 25 cents per box, or five boxes for $l.-' - ‘ Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER &' Co., LOVYFEuTMass., and sold byj. M. MARIS & Co.,at and by FREDERICK BROWNi ap3o-mwfta AUCTION SATE. TOHN 8. MYERS & 00., AUCTION v EBRS, Nos. 33A and S3* MARKET Street. NaREMPTOEY SALS OF FRENCH. INDIA, GERMAN, AND BRITISH DRY GOODS, Ac. THIS MORNING. rJS?Z,Sh*A,» afc t( l?. clock, will he‘sold by catalogue, on lour Lkionths ci edit. . _ T yOO PACKAGES AND LOTS ' of French,lnuia, German, and Dry Goods, Ac., embracing a aud cnoico assortment oLfa-ncy and staple articles ia silk! worsted, woolen, linen, and cotton fabrics. POSITIVE SA.LE OP BOOTS, SHOES &c ON TUESDAY MOBBING,' * Ifayl2tb, at 10 o’clock, will be sold by catalogue o« fon** months* credit— . ’ 9ropackayesboots, shoes, brogans, cavalry boots, Ac., bracing a gerera! assortment of prims goods, of City a.'tu Eastern manufacture. A~- LARGE' -POSITIVE SALE OF BRITISH. PR3HCH. GI.TOtAN, AM) DOMESTIC DKT GOODS. We will “hold a large.sals of British, French, Germain, and Dome6.*Je Dry Goods, By catalogue, on four-months* eredtt, 'cw THUKSDAY MORNING, Kay 14th, ei* tracing about 700 packages and lots of staple and article? in woolens, linens, cottons, silks, and worstafs, tO’WMch; we incite the attention’ of dealers. N. B.—Samples ctfihe sasse-wiU be arranged for ex antiinaSSon,'' with £2fl2.'ojftiee, early on the morning oS sale; when dealers tIiH .fidd their interest to attend 1 . PEREMPTORY SiiiS' OF CARPETINGS, CANTON MATTINGS, RUGS,. MATS, Ac. • Forßpring Sales. oft* FRIDAY morning, Kay Ioth,afc precisely o’clotriiby catalogue,on foot' moirths'credit—• ... - . Comprising English, Brussels,-Ahree-ply, superdno* ingrain* yeditian, hemp, rad list caspetingg; whito-and? red check Canton and cocosymattings, mgs, mats, drug* gets, ate, _ ■pURNESS, BEINLEY, & CO., A . No. 4££©' : MARETsr r STS EET. . LAB G& SALE OF BRITISH, FRENCH. AND AMERICAN DR7 GOODST ON TUESDAY EARNING. May 12th; at: 10 o’clock, by catalogue, on 4 month*’ credit— -500 packageo-amd- lots of fancy a3d staple dry goods. AMERICAN DRY GOODS. Clinton,, Cumberland, and Norris City Stripes, indigo • blue denims,-bleached muslins, checks, ginghams, Ac. IRISH LINENS. . 3 cases 4-4iuper2iie Irish shirting llnena. SALE OF 60©* CARTONS BONNET RI3BONS, ON TUESDAY HORNING. At 10 o’clock. 6CO cartons Nos. £3 Si corded- edge, black, white, and/ colored poult de soio-bonnet ribbons. INDIGO BLUE TICKINGS, DENIMS, GINGHAMS, icc. • , • ON TUESDAY MORNING.. 10 bales heavy indigo- bine tickings. 7 do. do do do stripes. 5 do denims, 5 brown sheetings. 4 ps Greenville bleached shirtings. 3 heavy cottonadesand ginghams. GENOA CORDS, VELVETEENS, SPANISH LINENS, &c 3 ps ex quality velveteens, 4 ps heavy Genoa cords 2pb 4-i4fepauish linens? 3 ps shirting linens , % LONDON HELTON CLOTHS. Just landed— * 35 ps of the newest shades and extra quality for ladies r cloaks. 3,000 PS WHITE GOODS. —pa 6-4 fine to extra, fine jaconets, taps check. Bwis* mulls, and ictoria lawns, , lisen CAMBRIC HDKFS. 1,500 dozen J{ corded border and hemstitched Unait cambric i dkfs. H printed border do. PARIS MOZAMBIQUES, GRENADINES, AND TAFFETA IMPERIALS. ' ~4 ON TUESDAY. “ 2'f Pans Mozambiques and Valencias. 2 ? P r iP iant and grenadines. —O-4 taffeta-imperials. Also, printed foulards, fancy and black silks. 4 40 ENTIRE CASES BRITISH DRESS GOODS Also— ON TUESDAY MORNING. . 40 entire cases? British dress goods, consisting of lawns* jaconets, ginghams, bareges, brilliants, mozambiqaea, poplins, lustres, silk stripes, mode alpacas, silk checks* Antietam cloths, silk warp ■poplins, silk check moz&tn biques, silk grenadines, &c. M THOMAS & SONS, Nos. 13V and 141 South FOURTH Street. EXTRA. LARGE PEREMPTORY BALES REAL ■ESTATE, to. ■ , . , OK TUESDAY. May 12th, at 12 o’clock noon, at the Exchange, a large amount and variety of VALUABLE RBAL ESTATE, by order of Orphans’ Conrt, Executors, Ac., including!*, valuable Delaware Wharf, opposite the Navy Yard: L&RGE AND VALUABLE VACANT LOTS, Broad street, Twelfth street, Quince street, Walnut, Spruce, -Pine. Fifty-second and Fifty-third streets,' Darby ioad, 4c.: elegant and plain city dwellings, valuable business stands, farms-, country seats, &&,, altogether 68 proper ties. and a large portion Peremptory Sales. JBST Pamphlet catalogues (32 pages), containing fuK descriptions, at the Auction Rooms. SALE AT THE MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE HOTEL, No. 623 ARCH Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, BOOKCASE, BAR FIX TURES, BRUSSELS CARPETS, &c. ON MONDAY MORNING. 18th infct, at 10 o’clock, at No. 623 Arch street, the en tire furniture of the Merchants’ Exchange Hotel, inclu ding the furnitnre of about 50 rooms. 4QT* May be examined, with catalogues, on the morn ing of the sale, at S o’clock. SALE OF MISCELLANEOUS AND SCHOOL BOOKS IN QUANTITIES. ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON. May 12th, at the auction store, commencing at 4 o’clk, miscellaneous books; also, school books in quantities. Sale 2GOI Green Street. ELEGANT FURNITURE, FINE OIL PAINTINGS. MIRRORS, VELVET CARPETS. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. May 13th, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, at No. 2001 Green street,the elegant farnitnre; fine oil paintings, by Birch. Isaac Williams, and other celebrated artists; French, plate mirrors, velvet carpets, Ac. May be examined at S o’clock on the morning of the sale. Sale No. 1616 Arch Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PL&NO.JMIRRORS, CHAN DELIERS, CURTAINS, TAPESTRY CARPETS. Ac. ON FRIDAY MORNING. May 15th, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, at No. 1616 Arch street, the superior furniture, piano-forte, large pier mirror, elegant mantel mirror,gilt gas chandeliers, oro catelle curtains, fine tapestry carpets,English oil clothe, Ac Also, the kitchen furniture. May be examined at S o’clock on the morning of the sale. rjJLLETTE & SCOTT, AUCTiONKZRS, Jayne’s Marble Buildings 618 CHESTNUT Street, and*6l6 JAYNE Street, Philadelphia, SPECIAL SALE OF 350 CASES STRAW GOODS— LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF AMERICAN AND IM PORTED DRY GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITS GOODS, MILLINERY GOODS, HOOP SKIRTS, HO SIERY, GLOVES, &c. , ON TUESDAY MORNING. May 12th, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely, compri sing about 500 lots of new and very desirable goods, just received per Steamship City of Baltimore, consist ing of— -200 doz. ladies’ % linen cambric handkerchiefs. lOOdoz. gents’ % • do do. pieces check muslin. piqcei spotted nett. doz. very elegant embroidered collars. doz. magpie whisken blonde. doz. taffeta silk gloves# doz. kid gloves. cartons ponlt de soie bonnet ribbons, pieces black alpaca. pieces 6-4 black cloth. doz. bohnet fronts, black and white rushes and tobs. dcz. tortoise-shell combs. 500 doz ladies’, gents’, misses’, and children’s white, brown, and mixed hose and half-hose. 250 doz. men’s white and brown cotton, gauze, and merino shirts. 200 doz. long wool shawls, fine quality. Also, a full line of lace veils and embroideries. Also, a very fine line of ladies’ and misses’ woven, tape, and fancy cord, plain and gore trhU.hoop skirts. ■RY HENRY P. WOLBERT, AUCTIONEER. No. 303 MARKET Street, South aide, above Second Si. Regular Sales of Dry Goods, Trimmings, Notions, &*. * every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY MORN ING, at 10 o’clock precisely. City and country Dealers are requested to attend these sales. Consignments respectfully solicited from Manufactu rers, Importers, Commission, Wholesale, and Jobbing Houses, and Retailers of all and every description of Merchandise; STOCK OF DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, &c. THIS MORNING. May 11th, commencing at 10 o’clock, will be sold, shirt ing muslins, lawns, bareges, ginghams, prints, silk veils, banded collars, gents’and ladies’ linen and. silk handkerchiefs, neckties, suspenders, cashmere shawls, plain and ruffle collars,collerette. belts,shoe lacets,head nets, ladies’ collars and setts.ladies' skirts, spool cotton, hosiery, gloves, mitts, buttons, dress trimmings, laces* skirt braids, Ac. Also, travelling bags, balmoral shoes, slippers, straw hats, bonnets, shakers, writing desks, work-boxes, Lu bins extracts, colognes, soaps, combs, scissors, fans, canes, Ac.; large show-case, &c. STOCK OF A VARIETY, TOY. ANB CANDY STORE, FURNITURE. Ac. ON TUESDAY MORNING. May 32th, at 10 o’clock, -will be sold, at No. 1609 Ger mantown. road, above Oxford street, stock of a variety, toy, and candy store, fish lines, 34 barrel molasses, vin egar, bottles, furniture, Ac. PAN O O AST & WABNOOE, AUC TIONEERS, No. 313 MARKET Street. POSITIVE SPECIAL SALE OF STRAW GOODS, MIL LINERY'GOODS, Ac., by catalogue. THIS MORNING. May 11th, commencingat 10>£ o’clock precisely, Ooxogrising a general assortment of fashionable goods, for ladies’, gents’, misses’, and children’s wear. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF AMERICAN AND IM PORTED DRY GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITB GOODS. RIBBONS, AND MILLINERY GOODS, &c., by catalogne. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. May 13th, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely. Comprising about 750 lots of seasonable goods, to which .the attention of buyers are invited. Included in sale will be found, viz: ' PARIS DRESS GOODS. cases choice spring styles linen poplins. cases choice new styles plaid mozambique3. lots plaid alpacas, Saxony plaids. lots prints, delaines, Paris dress goods Ac. PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, A 535 MARKET and 533 COMMERCE Streets. SALE OF 1,000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, BRO GANS. Ac. THIS MORNING, May 11th, at 10 o’clock precisely, will be sold br cata logue, 1,000 cases men’s, boys’, and youths’, calf, kip, and grain boots, brogans,' Ac.; women’s, misses’, and children’s calf, kip, goat, kid, and morocco heeled boot* and shoes. J9s* Open for examination, with catalogues, early- on the morning of sale. SALE OF 1,000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, BBO GANB. Ac. ON THUB6DAY MORNING. May 14th, at 10 o’clock precisely will be sold by ca talogue, 1,000 cases men’s, -boys’, and youths’*, calf, kip, and grain boots, brogans, Ac.; women’s, misses’, and children’s, calf, kip, goat, kid, and morocco heeded boots and shoes. 43T Open for examination with catalogue, early on the morning of sale. SHIPPING. BOSTON AND PHIL ADEL mAImKi PHIA STEAMSHIP LINE, sailing from each port oh SATURDAYS, from first Wharf above PINE Street, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston. The steamer SAXON, Captain Matthews, wib sail from Philadelphia for Boston, on SATURDAY, May 16th, at 10 o’clocfc A. M.; and steamer NORMAN. Captain Baker* from Boston, on the SAME DAY, at 4P. M. These new and substantial steamships form a regular line, sailing from each port punctually on Saturdays. Insurances effected at one-half the premium charged hr •ail vessels, Freights taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send Slip Receipts and Billa Lading with their goods. orFaBsa * e i»™r^o“ mh9 33g South DELAWARE Avenue steam: weeklyto liver iUllC FOOL, touching at Queenstown (Cork Har bor.) The well-known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia Steamship Company are intended to sail as follows • CITY OF MANCHESTER .......Saturday, May 9. ETNA,. ....Saturday, May 18. CITY OF WASHINGTON..’..I..;.....Saturday,-May 23. . And every succeeding Saturday at noon, from Pier Now 44, North River. RATES OF PASSAGE. „ Payable in Gold, or its equivalent in Cnrreaey. FIRST CABIN, ISO 00 i STEERAGE, *2*Bo Do. to London, 86 00 Do. to London. Do. to Paris, 96 03 Do. to Paris, _4O SO Do. to Hamburg, 9QOOI Do. to Hamhu-lr^’ ®° Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen Rotter dam, Antwerp, Ac.,at equaUylowrates. . 111 W-i-LHPT Bhreat. PMlarialp^-. EDWIN A. HUGHES, Mi* •* DBBTAXEH, _ Y r »38 South TBSTH Street, abo.e Spin.*-, IMfl-Sm . -PhnaJaluhl. -—. fjARD AND FANCY^t^Sh?^' At RINGWALT & \ riD AVF ataONES, GRAVE STONER, VT AT SEDUCED/PRIGR3.—A\ V* ltalian Grave Stones, of various de- 1 at Marble Works of 4, 3*?EINMETZ, RIDGE AvahUS; balOWjK.evftnth mbBO-Sm —aaa^|
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