Tlio following is the amount of coal transported oyer the Schuylkill Canal for the week ending May 7, 1863: From Port Carbon.. • ■ “• PottsviUe ■••••*'* “ Schuylkill Haven Total forweek Previously tbis year. 136,845 00 To same time last year...... The New York Evening Post of to-day says: Money is in more demand at the close of the weok, and fuller rates are paid. The rates on call aro 5 to cent , and the higher rate is more easilyobtamed than it Was last week. In paper there is only a moderate offer ing, and first class endorsed is freely taken at 5 to S>£ for sixty days, aud frorafi up to 6 cent, for four to six months. The best single names are sold at 6% up to 7 cent. For second-class paper there is some inquiry at 7 to 10 cent, according as the names are in favor. There have been considerable fluctuations in the gold market this week, the extremes havingvarfed from L4S# to 105# at the Board.' The sales- there for the week ending at noon to-day were#2,270,0(}0.- The exchanges at the bank clearing house this morn ing wefe56G,297,G29.07, and the balances $2,750,83195. The clearances for the week ending to-day were $367,- 660,731.03, or an average of $61,260,121.92 against sS9,- •063,467.71 last week. This morning the price was 140 to 149#, closing at the latter price. Tho City of New York tojkes out $92,900 to <l&7l'*the City of Manchester nothing, • Foreign exchange is dull, Rt 164Ji @165 for sterling. The daily price of gold at the Board was First Board. Second. Saturday, May 2 Ito>s<syi49% 15OX@V>0 Monday. .. 4 ~....143fc@150 14S^@U8>i Tuesday, 5... 14SKwH49 LMWO ■Wednesday, ~ tf 1;14 (®!s3tf 152^^152^ •Thursday, -. 7 163 m*lX 155 3?riday, \ • ... 8.,..,' 154>S©1S4M -352%@153 Saturday, . 9 ...149£@d49 : There was a large business in Government stocks this yeek, and the market may he noticed as f-trong, even towards the close, standing firm during the most unfa* •yorable.reports from the seat of war. The salts include £ixas.ot 1831 nt-105&@107 for the registered, and 107%© 108 for the coupons; the couoon sixes of 186 S at 106 : die coupon fives 0f1874 at 97J£@97X, and th®.registered do. of 1871 at 97."' At private contract there" have been large ealen of the fiv o-twenty-y ear sixes, though probably not to the extent of the previous week. The 7 3-10 percent, notes were sold at 10€@107>£, and certificates at 1U1 1 .{@102 fortheold, and 9S@»y% for the new, the lower prices Xuling towards the close of the week. ituige Sales, Mny 9* ,p£dla. Stock Exdn 'by S. £3. Si/Atmakf sr* Philadelphia Exchange.] iOAED- FIRST 1 1 Penna R. 65% 9 do 66% ■3O Ridge-avenue R... 18% •CO Scbuyl Nav pre/- ..22% GO ' do v prefciisb. 22% r 669 Reading R 48 100 do ...b3own. 48% 1000 Union Cl 6s scrip on 25 600 do -.scripon 26 20 Minehill R-....... 61 2000 bunbury & Erie 75.110% 700 Wyoming Canal... 20 1000 Ches & Del 6s 100 300 Cat iwissn 11 pref.. 233$ 100 Sehuyl Nav--b5. 8% 2000 Ptiilada & Erie 6s. .106.1$ 4000 Susq Canal 6s 57 95 Lehigh Scrip 413$ 80 Man & Mechs Bank 25 f BOARDS. 400 City 63.... 106 300 Big Mountain.'.... 4% 22 Beaver Mead 2dys. 70 BOARD. 60 do prof. 22% .'SOLSchuyl-K 46% *6OO Sueq. Cana1........»11 - 50 do 11% 4fo do . b3O. 11% 3LOO Readings 48% 20 do ........... 45% ■tffl d<# .........48 3-1 G ..TOO- do,.4B 3-ltf BETWEEN ‘ " 12 Pbilada & Erie 8.. 23% * 60 • do blO; 23% '23 , do 23% SECOND ‘5OO Big Mountain. ..b5. 4% .1150 do >4% 100 - do b5.'4% •1001{ Penna R........ k 13% • 303. do, 14 - - v 6fl do ' .......s3O. 14% -1100 do * 14% . 100 do 14% 100 do ............ 14% HOCO City 6s New........ 111% 2000 Penna 65.. 101% 100 SchNftv pref.. .bo. 22% ‘2oooPenna R2d m0rt..109 25 Morris Canal. ..b5. 7! ’IOOO Susq. Canal 6a 67% AFTER I I soro ßeading6s 18SS-..106% ; 15000 do '1814....110 ; 30 Penna R -.,65% ' 10 Bink N America b 5.149 . 200 Reading R .. 483$ ; 100 do ....2days 4S3$ • 100 do 4S& 60 Lehigh Scrip 43 ' 20 Susci CanaL 100 do b 5. ll%* 1000 Sch Wav 6i 1872-.. .101% 50 L Sehuylß--b3O. 463$ 200 do ....3days 46% 10 do 46)$ 80 Wyoming Canal... 20 BOARDS -100 North Penna R.... 143$ 50 do. ....14% 300 do 15 3000 Union Cl6s scrip on 27 iICES—FIRM. • Bid. Asked. Hf Penna S *14% 14% •Do 6s 92 93 Do 108 11l 113 Catawissaß.Con 7% 73$ i, Do prfd 23% ; 23% Beaver Mead R.. 70 .. Minehill R...-- 6t 62 Harrisburgß-- 65 . .. Wilmington R « Lehigh. Nav 65.. .. Do shares .. 68 60 Do ” aorip.... 43 44 Cam& AinbE-.170 TOO New Creek. .....;-. 1 • 2(oSusa Canal 11% 50L,feehuyR..3days. 46# '7O Cam&Amb It 2d ye. 171 CLOBING PS Bid. Asked. *J86a , ff1....~...10<3X 107% *£TS.7.3O Notoa... 106% 106% American Gold. .160 161 Phila 6a 01d;.... .107% 108% Do ,n0w......111% IU% A11ec0058...... 70 Penna 5a.... 1013$ Reading R 48% Do bds *BO-110 111 Do bda *7O. .106 107 f Do bilfi’S6coiiv IC6 107 Penna E-divoß' 65>,£ 65 H Do Ist m 65.-315 116 Do -r 2dm?6s. 109% Little Schnvl32... 46% 47% Jiiorris C’l cohsol 71 72 . Do prfd 10s .137 140 Do 8s *76-.. - Phila & Erie 65.... Sou & Erie7a..., Delaware Dlv... .. .. Do bds - .. .. Sprace-sfreefc K.. 15% 16% Arch-streetß.... 27 27% Race-street B ... 12 13 Tenth-street R.. 40 .. Bo 2dintg.. .. .. Baaq. Canal.*.»». 11% I*2 - -Do fa....... 57 60 Schayißav..... 8% Do prfd..... 22% 22£ Po fa r 32»...» 84%. 85 Elmira Bv SS . 33% Do. prfii 63 64 Bo Is '73....11l 112 Thirteenth-si R. 33 35 W Phila R. 67 70 Po bonds... .. Green-street R.. 42% 43 Do bonds... .. .. Chestnut-at R... GQ 68 Second-street R.. 76 80 Po bonds Fifth-street 8... 60 61 Po bonds .. Girard College R 26% 27% Seventeenth- stR 11 & 12% Do *10b76- 80 L Island R.exdv 31 32% Po bds. .. Fhila.Ger&Nor. .. LehigVValß..,.’ .. Do Mb. Dally Review of the PlxUadelpliia Markets, BARK.—lst No. 1 Quercitron, is scarce, and wanted at $35 per ton. COTTON —The market continues dull; there being ■very little disposition to operate; small sales of Mid dlings are reported at Gse $ ft. IRON. —There is very little doing; we quote Anthra cite at S3C@S6 for No. 1, and $33(3)34 $ ton for No. 2 There is less demand for manufactured. . * ' FLOUR.—There is verjr little demand, and the market 5s dull, with sales of 830 hbls Western extra family at 2fi bhj. The trade are buying in small lots at rom &5.57%@6 25 for superfine. $6 5Q@7 for extras, $7.12>i@7.75 feu* family, and ©s@9 bbl for fancy brands as to quality. Rye Flour is Arm at &5 Corn Meal —Brandywine is held at $4.37%, and Pennsylvania Meal $4.26 Hbbt. • GRAlN.—There is very little Wheat coming in, but the market is firm,-with sales of good to prime Penna. red at 167@170c, and white at lSC@l9Oc bu. Rye—Penn- Bjlvania sells on arrival-At 106 c 3 bu Corn—There is loss offering; sales comprise about 4,000 bus prime yellow at 91@920,in store and afloat. Oats are without change, With sales of 2,(500 bus Penna. at 83c, weight. • GROCERIES.—There is very little doing in Sugar or Coffee; we quote the. former at 10); @ll %c 3Jb for Cuba nnd New Orleans, and Rio Coffee at 32©32% c 3 ffi. i WHlSKY.—Barrels are selling as wanted, and 46c, and drudve44c. ; PROYISIOKS.—IJkere is more doing; small sales of Mess Pork are reported at slsHbbl, and Beef Hams at $l7 50 $ bbl. Lard is dull at 10%@lie 3fb for bbis and tierces. . SEEPS.—There is nothing doing; we qirote Clover at $5@6.6011 bu; Timothy at 51.75; Flaxseed at 53.25@3.50 W bushel. New York Markets, May 0. Ashes are in moderate request at £8.25 for pots, and $0.25 for pearls. • Breapstuffs. —'The market for State and Western Flour continues to rule dull, and prices are again lower, Southern Flour is heavy and lower, with very little doing; salessoo hbls at $7@7.25 for superfine Baltimore, and $7 3C@$9.7S for extra do. Canadian Flour is dull and lower; sales 450 bbis at $6 65@6.5Q for common extra, and $6.85@5.30 for good to choice do. . Rye Flour is inactive at $4@5.25 for the range of fine and superfine. Corn Meal is quiet. We quote Jersey at $4.15@4.2Q; Brandywine $4.55@4.60, puncheons $22. Wheat is dull, heavy, and lower. The views of buyers are considerably below those of sellers, and there • la nothing of any moment doing.. Prices are nominal, at $L35@1,66 for spring, and $1.G0@1.63 for winter red ana amber Western.' Corn isle lower,-with only a limited business; sales 21,000 bus at 86@8Sc for shipping lots of Western mixed, and S2@Ssc for udsound do. Rye is lower and dull at 102@104c. -Barley is nominal at 132@140c. Oats are drooping, and the market is dull at SOc for Jersey,, and S2@Blc for Canada, Western, and State. Whisky is dull, with sales of 400 bbis at 44%@45%c. Oils.— Linseed is dull at $1 48@1i60. In Lard we notice 43a1e3 of 5,000 gallons prime Western winter at S-3@87%c. Boston Markets, May 9. - Fi.oru. —The receipts since yesterday have been 2,106 vjbbls. The market is dull; sales of Western superfine at 4fc6.25@13.50; common exti*a. %7@7.25; medium do $7.50@ 7.75; good and choice do s6@ bbl. • Grainv—There have been no receipts of Grain since yesterday. Corn f fc in moderate demand; sales of West ern mixtd at 90@94c; Southern yellow 95c@$l 3 bn. Oats are firm and in good demand; sales of Northern and Canada at 8: : (uj85c 3 bu: Rye is selling at $1.12 $ bu. Shorts, Fine Feed, and Middlings are in moderate request at sS6@S7l?'ton.- •’ - Pnovisfoxs —Pork is dull; sales of prime at $13@13.50; jness-s]£@]o 50; ,cl ear sl7@lB 3 bbl. cash.. Beef is in steady demand j sales of Eastern and Western mess and •extra mess at-&'s bbl. Lard is in fair request; :sal es in bbis at lf>4@lo%c; kegs ll%c 3 lb, cash. Hams •are celling at s@9c lift, cash. . Baltimore Coffee Market, May 9. gales reported of 200 bags good to prime Rio on private terms. Rio remains nominal at 30%@32c, Laguayra at ;32@33%c, and Java at 40c lb. Gloucester Fisk. Market, May 8. Ckorcte’s Codfish. y-Receipts very light and prices -daily advancing; last sales at $5.75. Mackerel—No trans actions. Fresh* Halibut at 4@4%c; smoked do, none in -market. Oil PHILAPSLPBIA BOARD OF TRAPS. ’.JOHN E. ADDICKS, > •... THOS. S. FERNON, > CommitteeoftheMckkth. J3AMOEL E.. STOKES, V .. . LETTER BAGS AT THE MBECHASTS , EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHIA. ■Chip Tuscarora, Dunlevy Liverpool, soon Bark Guiding Star, Bearse Liverpool, soon Brig Anna (Br), Morrow .. .Barbadoes, soon Brig S VMerrick. Norden.. ....Matan2as>-soon MARINE INTEIiMGEXCE. PORT OF PHIJi ADELPHIA, May 11,1863. ♦ ....449-SUN SETS, SUIT RISES-.. HIGH WATER—.-4... ARRIVED. - / - - ' U B mail steamship Continental, Mar3hman» 24 hours ■from N York, with.indse to A Heron. Jr, & Co. Steamßklp/ThopjasAScott, Snow, 2Q hoars from Fort ress Monroe, in ballast to U S Quartermaster. .. Bark E A Souder .(new), Dennis, 7 days from Boston, in ballast to .E ASouder&Co. . . ' - Brig J W Spencer, Spencer, 21 days frornYhenfuegos, * «rHh sugared molasses to Geo C Carson & Co. .. Brig Frank V7-(Br), Wall, 8 days from Prince Edward Island, with« ats and barley to Van Horn & Co* _ Brig-J H DiiHnghain, 7 days from Cardenas, with, mu lasses to JohmMason& 80. • v . • BrlgvW H Parks. McAlvay, 7 davsfromCardenas>wttn •molasses to* Job a*Mafton & Co. _ . . ,Brig Abby Ellen,' Gilmore, 3 days from New York in Nickerson, 10 days from Boston, with rndße tb Crowell & Collins.: . _ , Schr a Hammond, Higgins, 7 days from Boston, with jndse to Crowt't* Collins. Schr Denmark, Chase, 7 days from Boston, with mdse . to captain ' „ _ . - Schr JvVTilUamson. Winsmore, :5 days from Boston, m Dallast-to Siunickeoa & Glover. : Schr Maw Taylor, Nickerson, 5 days from Boston, vwitli ice tv captain. , Schr Cornelia, Hand, 4 days from Fortress Monroe, in ballast. J B Bleccker, Edwards, from Fortress Monroe, in Schr lday from Smyrns, Del; with. WorntoJas'BarrattiSon • ' • • ... „ Schr, Python. Candage, 15 days from BropkviUe, Me, -With granite to l : welb*s Co. , Schr Silver-Magnet, Perry, 4 days from Dorohester, in ■^hfinn?fft/Ca ; thonn, frnm Baltimore. In ballast. Schr S V-W fjimmons, Williams, w rn Port Royal. • Schr C Loeser, Laws, 8 days from Boston, in ballast. Schr Cornelia, Hand, 4 days from Fortress Monroe, Schr n J> Stlokney, Garwood, fromdsoston. ’Schr'Jobn'S Loe, Corson, from Bostnn. . Schr H B Bascom, Williams from Boston. Echr Louisa Gray, Bowen, from Fortress Monroe. ' Schr J PCako. Ln&icott, from Providence. •BcbrC’SEdwarda, Garwood, from New Bedford. Schr C R Victory, Babbitt, from Port Royal. Schr John H Allen, Babcock, from Port Royal. Schr Albert Field v Wilber, from Taunton. -SchrD'G Fiord, Rackett, from Chelsea. Schr Wave, Merritt, from,New York. •Schr MonteYue, Falkenburg, from Wareham. •Schr Ann Turner, .Ayres, from Hatteras Inlet. v ; * Stcauier Novelty, Shaw, 24 hours frow York, with •mdse to W M Baira & Co. Steamer AlitH. Robinson, 22 hours from New York, mdse to \Y-P Clyde. CLEARED. . • . Steamship Norman, Baker, Boston, H wmsor. ‘■Ship Lancaster, Decan, New River. John RPenrose. Bark Florence Chipman, Jones, Liverpool, do Bafk Fetreu, Sturges, Pensaeola. Com HA Adams. BarkCruso, Luce. Cienfaegos, Workman « Co. Brig paniel Maloay, Steelman, Port Royal, Tyler, 15tone & Co. . . « Brig Triad, Mitchell, New York, Twells & Co. gebr Mariue, Dasey, New Orleans, D S Stetson & Co. Schr S J Wariug, Smith, N Orleans, Tyler, Stone & Co. Schr Silver Magnet,Perry, Cambridgeport, Biakiston,. Oraff&C* Schr DG Floyd, Rackett, Boston. do Schr H BBiscom, Williams, Boston, do Sch J Williamson, Winaraore, Boston, Sinnickson* ■\ Schr C I oeser. Laws, Boston. Noble, Caldwell & Co. Njchr C P Sliekney, Garwood, Boston, Castnor, Stick- Wellington. , _ Sbvr J H All* n, Babcock, Boston, C A Heckschev & Co. ' - v f«P\Wave. Merritt. Boston, w - . _ do l c lPSSßdwari)s, Garwood; Boston, Repphei &Bro. Bohr<j ft Ytckery, Babbitt, Fall Rivor, do othr L Bowen, Roxbury.'LAuaenriod & Co. f&br A Fields, Wilber, Taunton,-Wm H Johns, ichr J a Lee, Corson, Boston, 1 do .-Schr James P Cake, Endicott, Salem,-Hammett, Van 3>asen o Locbmau. - Schr Jloatevuo, Falkenburg, Salem, Cain, Hacker & Cook. •••*•••*• Schr Ann Turner. Ayres, Lynn, J Mitues & Co. r Str Buffalo, Mooney, New York, W P Clyde. iStrSarason, Dunning, New York, WP§lyde.; V * \ ' < . t ' v of the Philadelphia Exchange.) ntAamei>*-_ . . . LEWES, Del, May S. ®o?^nerB’Sffi^^lV r J , ¥ kB i ni , n ,® and about forty Sf wh?oh beetL dettei n^ id « theßraak water, many ftesh frtfin NE, and a h^Lv^fi}'^®^^ 163 - days. Wind The shin Theobold, from PhW*S??M* a t>.* lost an anchor below the Buoy on late gale, and is at the Breakwater «chr J-Tinker, from Philadelphia for New°4£f£: fails on the Cth i nSfc. off Sandy Hook, and reeaivSi. damage* sho ietnrned to the Breakwater, for repaid Wind NE, moderate. Yours,** . AARON MARSHAL-! 7,980 00 I, 00 11. 1U Girard—Chestnut ai H Grngan, Chestnut Hill W E Cox, Roth lehom Geo W Esser, M Chunk Geo Martin 21,401 00 U\444 00 H E Thayer G W Adams, Washington W Colder, Harrisburg Col G C Wynlcoop, Pottsv W H Brown, Harrisburg E Woolten, Delaware .... 204.469 14 J L HammeT, Harrisburg RL McDonald, St Josephs Mrs F Hornby Dr WF Hutchinson,USN Joseph Gormley; Baltimore Miss S fiiesel. New York M T Parker, Washington Migs D Parker, Washington H Gartner, Washington J D Storms, Pittsburg • PS Storms, Pittsburg H G Carson, Philadelphia J F Cottall, Columbia; Pa R J Baldemau, Harrisburg Capt C Mcllvain, P Royal Continental-Ninth a J N Lightncr, Baltimore-' Chas Gray, MP A L Perrin*, New York F T Reynolds. Elmira D Spalding, Jr, & 3a, Icy D Keith & la. Si Loui6 • Dr Stoner & Ja. Baltimore Miss Stoner, Baltimore P Pendleton. B C Fink, Harrisburg Lt Col J M Shauklen Mn j J L Treanor C £ Garreson, New York .Toel Knight. Boston Miss J Knight, Boston , Dr C Ernsffeld, US N V* Mrs Ernsiield Mias May N w Farrar & la, Boston Th os M Cowder, N B J P Howard, N.Y Cyrus W Field, NY Jas H Beals & ch, Boston Geo Ellis. N Y Christy Davis i wf. N Y W Sherwood & la, N Y L RP Smith & la, N Y Hon Geo Dwight, Springf’d EPBiay, New York Eli Bowen, Jos P Allen, Hartford, Ct Wm-RFoster, USN Charles Bora, Boston H A Wilder, Boston W F Wishet, N Y- Geoßßogers, Boston Geo E Rogers, Boston , *. E Biunkan Wm Smith, West Virginia Lieut B M Bragg. USA ■ Morton E Eraser, Ohio . H S Wentworth, Cincinnati S M Cullon & la, Illinois H B Freer & la. Ohio H D Mears, Wash, D C American—Chestnut S Easton, Baltimore W M Galt, Washington WE Brown Washington H Wingate, Georgetown, DC ER Clark, Sharon, .Mass - Tlios Barker, Maine G W Jackson, Washington , W D Lash • John Mears, New York : Jas M Willison Allen Bourn, Hartford J L Jones J Mowrey, New York P Brady - • Mrs Gibbon Capt N Starr & lady Capt J H Arndt, U S A Miss M Sterling,Louis ve;Ky Dr H J Ivilbourn, U S A f Morris Bacon, .. F Tumblety, M D, Wash Sami S Fleismau r . •E D Kelly, Kellyvillc Dr E D Payne, Towanda E Crain &wf, Media 1 Mcrchants’-Fourth Henry Hollander, New York Mrs M Christy, Pittsburg Jas McLain, Pittsburg John F Means, Towanda,Pa Joshua Clayton, Delaware D Baird, Lock Haven G P Saegut, Brooklyn James Gleira, California Mr Maxwell, Baltimore J F Weaver. Clearfield J Fremont Nagle, Milton: Miss Mary E Nagle, Milton W W Lyman,Meriden,Ct W H Sanderson, Lock Ilavn Capt Bright] ey, U S A Cant Bond, US A P Tobin, Penna R C Kimball, Canton, O S H Hunt, Upper Sandnskj’ Iv Graves, Lebanon, Ivy P W Phillips, Lebanon, Ky St. Loids-Chestnut W C Wilkins, Baltimm’e A E Bennett, Mauck Chunk TC Williams, M Chunk J H Stevenson, Maryland S Geddas, Lewisburg F B Reeves Lieut J J Reeves, K J J P Moore, Bangor M M Tracy, Bangor D Potter Mrs M Lewis, New York F Burbridge, Boston S Johnson, California J T Rhodes, Virginia May 9. 1863. Tlie Usi i on-Ai’ch si J Pilling,Newark, Del S Watkins, Lancaster P A Johns, Ohio D dollar, Canton, O R B Kelsay & la, Penna Chas Pugh, Pittsburg ' S B Rolirer, Maryland . GeoW Fisher, Pennsylvania E A Smith, Warren, O E K Solliday, Pennsylvania Miss S B Sly, Pennsylvania States Unlon-Siith and Market streets. Wm Rogers, New York W Knowland JasMsFarlau T G Trumble, Pittsburg John Schmidt, Penna Miss W Taylor, Penna D A Huffman, Penna Wm Beniz, Carlisle H P. Hampton. Jersey City Thos Long, Penna D N Gorden, Clinton co, Pa D Ashenfelter, Penna W R Gitlett & la, Ohio Dr Rawlings Geo Eldridge, Boston T McN@ele3, Atlantic City Wm Dewitt, Boston G A Gourley, Penna , W Reviil, Cleveland, O W W Nesbitt, Greenville O Turner & daughter, N Y H Grey, Niagara Falls W H Chenney, Troy, NY E R Stellwagen J Morris, Troy, N Y Thos E Wat's, Pittsburg G Wells, Penna Wm Hayledd, Delaware G!H Dunbar. Harrisburg F Klair John M Page, Harrisburg G H Dorsey, New York Dn. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment cores Burns and Scalds immediately. The Lament ok the J;’lea. . . Long'years liave I wandered unfettered and free,, And bitten the young and tlie old, And laid in the conch, of the rich and the poor, - And frightened the warrior bold.' But power is waning fast from me— A Powder Magnetic and strong, Inventedby Lyon, is death to our tribe, And away I must travel ere long. . Lyon’s Powder is harmless to mankind, hnt will kill all house insects, garden worms, plant-bugs, &c. Ly on’s Magnetic Pills are sure death to rate and mice. Bold everywhere, my9-12t Home Protection.—lt is much better to encourage our worthy business neighbors than to spend money abroad among strangers. This applies to institutions as well as individuals. The fifty. foreign Insurance Companies now repre sented in this city are not more deserving our patronage than the GIRARD. F. andM. INSURANCE COMPANY, at 415 WALNUT Street, a well-known and responsible home institution. myS-fcf One-Price Clothing, of the Latest TYLESt made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL BALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Fi gures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our One-Pbice System is strictly adhered to. Allar* thereby treated alike. del2-ly JONES A GO., GO4 MARKET Street. A Beautiful Complexion can be ob talned. by the use of HELUBOLh.'S EXTRACT SAR SAPARILLA. March, April, May, and June, are the best months to use a Blood-Purifying remedy. Seeadver tisement. fe27-fmw3m FRIES —RODAN.—On Wednesday evening, 6th inst* by Rev. W. D. Siegfried, Mr. John Fries, of Philadel phia, to Miss Anna Bel], daughter of Captain Wm. T. Rod'an, of Port Richmond, Pa. DERR—WORRELL —April 26th, byßov. Charles Hill, Jacob T. Derr to Adeline W. Worrell, both of this city. HABMSTAD-—Suddenly on fthe morning of the lOtli inat, George R. Harmslad, in the 63d year of his age. fihe relatives and male friends'or the family are re spectfully invited to‘attend his .funeral, from the resi dence of his nephew, Thomas Brown, 1823 Spruce street, on Wednesday, the 13th inst., at 10 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to Laurel Hill. PIERS. —On the morning of 10th inst., of consumption, Edwin T. Piers, in the 37th year of his age. Due'notice of the funeral will be given. • SPEAR.—Colonel George C. Spear, 61st Regiment, P. V., killed in battle at Fredericksburg on Sunday, 3d inst., aged4l years. . Hi* friends and the frionds of the family are respect fully invite'd to attend the funeral, on Wednesday after noon, 13th inst., at 4 o’clock, from his late residence, No. ISIS Hamilton street. Interment at Ronaldsorrs Cemetery THOMPSON.—On Friday, the Sth inst., Martha A. Waidin, wife of Joseph Thompson,of this city., ** 4- lO 04 ‘ Health Office, May 9, Deaths and Interments'in the Qity of P.hilad from the 2 d to the 9th of Asphyxia... ....... Angina Pectoris-... Apoplexy Burns and Scalds. .Cancer ‘ • -Breast.. Croup Congestion.... •* Brain... " Lungs.'. “ Liver... Cramps Compression ot Brain Consumption, Lungs. Convulsions “ Pueiporal... Cyanosis Diptheria Diabetes Diarrhoea Dropsy... *' 8rain........ ” ; Che5t........ Disease of Bcart.... “ Spine...... Lungs.. “ Liver. ........ Drowned Dysen tei-y. Debility** ... Effusion on Brain,. Erysipelas Fever,Billious...... Congestive.. •*V Catarrhal.... 14 Malignant... ** Puenieral ... 4 *. .Spotted *• Scarlet “-.-Malignant... “ Typhoid From a fall ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, UP TO 12 O’CUOOK LAST NIGHT. trcet, below Ninth, G Ij Stedman & wf, N York J W McCool, Pottsvillo N Stetson, New Jersey John Brodhead HSPhillips. New York A Homby, Now York J B Humphreys, Illinois Mrs Tocliman, Washington G Pendleton, Washington D TRowland.Alexana’a.Va Col G C Burling, N Jersey P F Patterson, New Jersey Lioat Burkholder, Penna Jas Adams, Brooklyn J Matthews, Baltimore C Anderson. Washington H S Clark, New York Wm B Jaudoa, New York John Cummins, New York •J Thompson & la, Tenn Miss M V Thompson, Tenn Miss J Thompson, Tenn J G Phillips & la, Ky M Malone, Lancaster, Pa tnd. CHestnut street*. S Bleecker, New York •' G B Dorr, New York Alfred Wicks, New York Mr& MrsACumiugs, NY Miss Cumings, New York Mr Sc airs Claop, New York Miss Clapp, Now York F J Seybolt, Wash, D C Wm Earls, Prov, RI J M Hiatt, lowa R W Addis, Wash, D C John Koch, Wash, D C N B Marple St son, Ohio G KeUenuauu, Bellev’e, 111 A K Potts, Wash, D C C Wheatly, Lexington Dr Lloyd Dorsey, U S A E filason, New York Jas Gray, New York F P Lord, Wasningfcon, D C Mr & Mrs W S McLaren. NY John A Adams & wf. Balt Dr W Talk & wf, Md Woa McDonald, Baltimore J Bickerton, Baltimore Drake Be Kay, Washington P S Sanderson, Washington John Welcker, Washington T Kingsford. Oswego E W Atwood & wf.Bridgept Geo W Quiutard, N Y Capt J B Fassett, USA Henry Rich, Falmouth Geo C Lamdin, Penna Joshua Morton & wf,U S A W H Wetherill HII Graham J C Ilsley, Cinncinati, Ohio E Levy, Tennessee Chas Blait, Connecticut Mr Williams, Penn’a P W McFadden. Penu’a JasMcFadden, Peuu’a John B Handy, Michigan. M C s3reen, USA ; street, above Fifth, Thos Verner, Pottsville John C Cookson, Maryland W L Cowan, Now York John L Wallace, Delaware W Pitt, New York Jas Taggart, New York J A Ritter, Maryland J Goodridge, W Point, Ky H Mitchell, New York E E Pusser.Chestnur'Hill W G Meil, Chestnut Hill Mrs King, Lewistowu J L Smith, Denver LX Webster W S Simpson, Washington Capt J W rCoby, Penna WH Cooper T Trainor, New York JSRead, Broad Top S Nunamaker, Broad Top W Baldwin, Cincinnatf A C Heulings, N Jersey J W Bartles&wf, Woodside Miss M Parties, Woodside I street* below Areh. W H Levan, Sehuyl Haven Col Brounold, Harrisburg F Guterman Aqullta Jones, Indianapolis D Maguire & la,lndianapolis Wm Lilly, Penn Haven Jos Richards, Pittsburg S E Sites, Mauch Chuuk L A .Tunkins, Bridgeport, 0 T P Marshall, Trenton, N J W J S Clark, Newtown.Md A M Jelly C O Clayton, New York A M Crawford, Peuna A L Kerr, Washington, D C Miss E Kerr, Pittsburg Jas Brown, Brownsville S A Johnston, Peunaj J W Alder. Tamaqua Jas H McKee, Haaletou Jas P Houck, PotUviLle streets above'Third. FHd ’ Es limanvi 1.1 y, US N J M Fullerton, Milwaukee SBarris, New York E Yanerley & wf, Penna L E Maynard, Reading Mrs Maynard, Reading J 0 Reid, Baltimore B Fallow, New York J C Van Yleet & wf, Mich C Lacelle, Now York J M Yates, Kentucky SC Chauncey, New York Mr & Mrs Williams, Boston G WWootten itreeti above Third. C Guben A la, New York J/B Cook, Fayetteville, Pa JTReeside, Pennsylvania S Horine, Marylaua A Eaches, Carbon co H Buxbaum, Wilmington Jos Wertheimer, Delaware i J F Elliott, Falmouth, Ya J Young, Afilton, Pa i T S Webb, Massillon, 0 SPECIAL NOTICES. DEMAS S. BARNES, New York. MABBIBD. idied. \Veelcly Report of Intcnncuts. CAUSES OF DEATH CAUSES OF DEATH. Gangrene.. ~>... Haemorrhage- •.... ■ • Hooping Cough---.i Inflammation. Brain . Bronchi--.- * 4 - Colon ....... 44 Heai't ”• Kidneys.. . “ Larynx.... “ ’Lungs--..-. “ Peritoneum 4> - S.&. Bowels Insanity Inanition Intomp. and Exp — Inj nries of Spine..... Mania-a-Potu Malformation, Heart. Marasmus.... Measles.... Mump5....... Metritis ... • Obstruction, Bowels. Old Age.. Palsy... Pyemia Run ovor on a R. R... 5cr0fu1a.............. Softeuing of Brain... Small Pox*. Stilt-born Suicide Syphilis i Tumors Toxaemia ..... Ulceration, Bowels.. 44 . Throat...... [Unknown.... i Violence... • Wounds—Gunshot.. • JOVE’ THERE WERE— ..J74 From]4o to 50....... .. -26 M 50 to 60 .. 23 “ 60 to 70 .. 13 “ 70 to 80....... 4 “ SO to 90. .. 7 4 ‘ 90 to IGO ..32 “ 100 to 120,...r; ..31 ' OF THE AB< Under 1 year. From 1 to 2* “ 2 to fi. " 6 to 10 " 10 to Iff. “ 35 to 20. " 20 to 30. 4 ‘ 30 to 40 Tot ill WARDS. WARDS., . Fir5t.............25 Tenth.: -......... 9 Second.* 15 Eleventh'..ll Third...*• • • *• *lB Twe1fth.......... 2 Fourth. 1° Thirteenth...... 2 Fifth ............IS Fourteenth. 10 Sixth...; 4 Fifteenth ..21 Seventh..• -18 Sixteenth ... ...11 Eighth ..... U Seventeenth..... 8 Ninth 7 Eighteenth 22 Total ... ........201) Deduct deaths from the country... . .....V. ._j> Het deaths in the city. .i • «'• 285 Nativity—United States, 224; Foreign, So‘; Unknown. 16. From the Almshouse, 9; People of Color, 19; from the country, 5. - . The number of deaths, compared with the correspond lng>ecks of 1862 and of last week, was as follows: Week ending May 10, 1862, was 279. * Week ending May 2,1863, was 284. Males, 160; Females, 130; Boys, 82; Girls, 65. _ Deaths and interments of soldiers in the city, 7. By order of the Board of Health. _ WILLIAM BEAD, Health Oflicer. pXACIC LYONS TAFFETAS.— -*-? Giwsy Black SILKS, 20 to 32 inches wide, ' > : i% SON, Mouruine Siora, . Ho. 918. Str|»t; CUMMER BOMBAZINES—A FULL assortment, $1.25 to $2 a yard. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, mys No. 918 CHESTNUT Street; ■RLAOEIAND PURPLE JACONETS.— A) Kich Striped. Black, and Purple Flench LAWNS, 25cenis. BESSQN & SON, Mourning Store, m ys No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. ■YTEAT STRIPE FOULARD SILKS Li for Friends. Neat Plaid Foulard Silks for Friends. EYRE A LANDELL. T7YRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND A-i ARCH, have now arranged for sale a fine stock of Goods adapted to first class sales. CuU* Color Yeioutines. Cuir Color Moliairs. New Summer Shawls. New Light Spring Sacks. Summer Silks and Foulards. • Beautiful line of Dress Goods; my 9 ■wUNITED STATES CHRISTIAN COMMISSION.—Cash acknowledgments to May Stli, 1863: Army Commission, Y. M. C. A., Boston,' per Jos. Story, Treasurer ~..$1,530 00 William Manu 100 60 Charles Spencer, additional 100 CO Estate of Aloxander Elmslie IUO 00 James Graham, additional 100 00 J. P. Williston, Northampton, Mass 67 60 Collection in West Arch-street Presbyterian Church on Fast-day..,..,. 60 00 First Reformed Presbyterian Church, collection on Fast-day, Rev *Dr. Wylie. 56 49 C. P. Bayard, additional ; &o 00 George P. Smith, additional 50 00 Theodore Bliss, additional so 00 W. S. House!! & Son, additi0na1................ 50 GO W. A. Blanchard, additional.... 5000 Collection in Prosby teri&u and Lutheran Churches at York, Pa., on Fast-day, .per J. A. Gardner.. 45 00 Collection at Union Prayer meeting, Frankford, on Fast-day S 3 53 Relief Association of Western Pennsylvania and Western Virginia 30 50 Christ Church, Reading, Pa;, per Rev. Alex. G. Cummins 30 00 Collection in Second Presbyterian Church, Spring field. Illinois, ou Fast-day.... 26 25 Collection at Congregational Church, Middle*' . bury, Vermont, on Fast Day: 25 00 Noblit, Brown, & Noblit. 25 00 Jamesßayard, additional 25 00 Collection at First Presbyterian Church, at Wil liamsport, Pa., on Fast Day 23 50 Collection at Trinity (P. E.) Church, Mount Holly, on Fast Day..... 22 60 Ladies’-Aid Society, Burlington, N. J 20 (XI Collection at Lutheran Church, Trappe. Montgo mery county. Pa., on Fast Day 16 25 Coilectlnnat Walnut street Presbyterianflhurch, West Philadelphia, Rev. J. G Butler.... 2100 Collection at Grace Church, Honesdale, Pa., on Fast Day 15 00 Collection at Presbyterian Church, Montgomery, N. Y., on Fast Day 12 00 Collection at First Presbyterian Church, Cam bridge, N. Y., on Fast Day......... 14 00 Collection at Union Meeting, Cedar Rapids, lowa, onFa&tDay 13 00 Collection in Lutheran Church, Bucyrns, Ohio, ouFastDay 13 61 Collection ut Church of the Advent, on Fast Day.. 12 15 Collection at Lower Brandywine Church on Fast Day ; 10 20 Collection at Fourth Presbyterian Church on Fast-day 10 03 Cash, per W. S. V 10 00 Ladies* Relief Society, Longacoming. N. J........ 10 00 Collection at Baskingridge IN. J.) Presbyterian Church.on Fast-day 900 .Collection at Kingston. Pa., on Fast-day 8 00 Collection at Reformed Presbyterian Church, Mil - ton. Pa , on Fast day............................ 8 00 Collection at Congregational Church, Housato nic, Mass., on Fast-day GOO Collection at Rev. .E. P.' Smith’s Church, Pepper ell, Maas., on Fast-day. 6 45 Collection at Union Meeting at, Pa., on 5 65 Presbyterian Church at Warren, Bradford couu ty,Pa., pbt A. MontgomeiT.,*** * 600 J. &E. Tracy, Tafton, Wisconsin 500 Mrs W. F, Dean 5 00 Ewing. Wm., additional....—.' 5 00 Eli?a Noble, additional— . 5 00 Mrs. W.. ; 5 00 4 ‘ Olllcer’s Daughter, ” Wilmington, Del 5 00 Friends in Westchester county, N. Y. 5 0D Collection at Ainsville, N. Y r ., on Fast-day, per Rev, Jos. Andem... 4 00 AMother, Germantown. *.... 350 Collection at Trinity Church, Athens, Pa., on Fast-day-——- - 3 00 Collection at Wyoming, Pa., on Fast-day 293 Collection at Presbyterian Church, Holbrook, Long Island, on Fast day 2 20 Sergeant, 56tli Regiment New York State Volun teers, Seabrook Island, S. C 2 GO Ladies’ Aid Society, Hartletoa, Fa., per Miss S. B. Wilson— . —.—... 1 25 AFrieud, Saitsburg, Pa..---. 1 50 Alice and Laura, York Sulphur Springe, Pa. 50 Amount previously acknowledged. Wo are grateful for the generous donations received. Encouraged thus, we can extend 'oar work. Every day we are sending delegates, publications, and stoves. Never was the need greater, never could more-bo done by the same amount of money. Give us all the help you can. Send to . : JOSEPH PATTERSON. Treasurer, At Western Bank. THE UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN COMMISSION. The United States Christian Commission beg to ac knowledge the receipt of the following additional Hospi tal Stores, to the Sth inst., inclusive: Penningtonville—2 boxes, from Ladies’ Aid. Pine Grove Mills—2 boxes and 1 can, from Ladies’ Aid. East Blarlboro—2 boxes, from Union- Relief Sociasy. Germantown—l bbl., from Madame Clement’s School. Philadelphia—l box, Trora Union Methodist Episcopal Sunday School; 2 packages, from Sower & 6arnea;Ss flannel shirts, Ac., from St. Philip’s (P. R.) Church; 2 parcels, from Misses Bellas; 2'boxes, from Frederick Brown: 2 boxes, from Ladies’Relief, St. John’s Luthe ran Church. * . Honesdale—Mrs. A. M. Gunn, 2 parcels. Hatboro—2 boxes, from Ladies’ Aid. NEW JERSEY. Long-a-coming—l box, from S. Jacauett. Camden—2 parcels, from Ladies’ Aid Cranberry—l box, from Ladies’Army Aid. Princeton—l box, from Julia T. Smith. NEW YORK. Montgomery—l barrel, from Goodwill Presbyterian Church Commission. MASSACHUSETTS. Boston—ls boxes, 9 barrels, and 3 packages, Horn Army Commission, Y. M. C. A. We return our thanks to our friends for the prompt manner in which they have always answered our de mands. There are, at the present time, special calls, in consequence of the late battle. Ail stores ahoud be di rected to GEORGE H. STUART, Chairman, It No. 13 BANK Street, Philadelphia. CALEB COPE, TREASURER OF the United States Sanirary Commission, North east corner of Minor and Sixth streets, acknowledges the receipt of the following contributions since the last re port : John J. Ridgway (additional). ..$lOO 00 Mrs- M. R. L. (additional*--.... 50 03 Member of St. Peter’s Church (additi0na1)......... SO 00 , John Gibson, Sons, & Co. (4th contribution) . 100 00 JobnT. Lewis (additional)- , 25 00 Mrs. S. N. Lewis (additional)'. 25 00 Charles Lennig. 50 00 Henry B. Benner* (additional*- 25 00 Reynolds,-Howell, AReiff..... 60 00 Henry Simons (3d contribution)? 25 00 F. A. Kohler— • ‘’Ladies of Carlisle ? "per 00 8.-W.-Clark A Co. (additional*-;. OO Mrs. M. D. Winsor....w... 100 00 MissH. L. Cooper (additional)... 60 00 Women’s Pennsylvania Branch U. S. S. C. per Mrs John F. Frazer, Treasurer of Finance C0m mittee............. 42 50 Henry C. Lea (4th contribution)... ? 25 00 Cain, Hacker. & Cook (additional) 25 00 John Milnes A C0..V.............. 50 OD R. N. Rathbnrn (2d contribution*. Henry Winnor (additional).. Samuel A. Lewis (additional). SonderA Co. (4th contribution)... 60 65 Lowlier & Wilmer (additional) Theodore Bliss (additional): 50 00 WilliamS. Conor (additional) —-—......... 50 00 S. S. White (additional)...... 100 00 Decoursey, Lafoureade,- A Co. (additional) 50 00 SamuelL. Sliober (additional) 50 00 Mrs. S. L. 5h0ber......: 50 00 John Rheaßurton, M. D. (4th contribution) 100 00 Isaac Starr (additional) - 50 00 Rowland Parry- 30 00 Rennet A Co., Tower Hall (additional)’ 100 00 Welling,Coffin, A Co. (additional).’ 100 00 SamuelY. Merrick (additional).....—— ...... 250 00 Hartman Kuhn .... ; 50 00 William Mintzer .. 10 00 .Tames C. Hand A Co (additional).-.—50 00 Henry D. Moore (additional) 50 00 W. WAG. W. Allen (additi0na1).......... 25 00 H. W. Andrews.... 5 00 Thomas S. Newlin.. ........1... 100 00 Nathan Trotter A Co. (additional) 100 00 Thomas B, Watson (additional) 50 00 GeorpePlatt (2d contribution) ....... 50 00 John .J. Th0mp50n........ : 100 00 8. AW. Welsh (additional*. . 100 00 E.Hay A Brothers-• * 100 00 Charles T. Yerkes (additional)---. . 50 00 Mrs. Henry Carrill (additional)- 20 00 A. J. K. (additional)... 20 00 Joseph S.Lovering A Co. (additional* .. . 100 00 Lindley Smyth 25 00 Charles Taylor (additional). ........ 100 00 J. F. M. A C 0..... 50 00 Jacob P. Jones ICOOO Johnßohlen 500 00 Miss Bohlen 500 00. John Cox (4th contribution) 50 00 James S. C0x..7 25 00 Saunders Lewis (additional) - 25 00. Massey, Collins A Co. (3d contribution* ,50 00 Newbold, Bon, A Aertsen (additi0na1);.......... ■- 100 00 J. S. J.... - SQ9S Sidney Paul (additional).’. 2o 00 John Peoples.... 10 00 MissE. W 10 00 Ca5h...........:' 50 00 Cash * 3 00 Charles Willing, M. D. (additional) 50 00 Cash 2 00 Charles E. King, M. D. (additional*.-........ 20 00. Manufacturers’A Mechanics’ Bank...*. 100 00 Henry Crosbey &-Co. (additional).. 2-"> 00 T. \YT 10 00 T. C. Henry A Co, (additional) 50 00 BTrs. David Webster 5 00 Samuel C. Morton (additional). 25 00 S. A. W 10 00 From a Lady of St. Peter’s Church.... 30 00 John Redroan-Coxe, M. D. (additional). £0 00* F A 5hcbff........... ......... 25 00. W Heyward.Drayton (additional)?...** 25 00 William A. Smethurst..;... .... 20 (» Proceeds of a Gold fiovei'eign 7 50 \V. M. F ........ 10 00 C. F. Norton A Co. (additional); 50 00 John Dallett A Co. (additional).'.., 100 00 'Sinnicbson A Glover.(3d contribution).... 2a 00 .Tames Bayard, (addiiinnal)..,. Jo (JO Daniel B. Jackson (additional* J 4 TO Miss Elizabeth,.Rhodes (additional*........ . 50 00 Mrs Tobias Wagner. 50 00 Previously reported. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Commissioners named in an act entitled “Anact to. incorpArato.the Connecting Railway Com pany,’ 1 approved ApriL 14, 1863; will meet for the purpose of Receiving Subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the said Company, on MONDAY. Sho lUh day of May, 1863, at 10 o’clock A. M., at No. ft WILLING’S Alley, in the city of Philadelphia. ' Clement.B. Barclay, John A. Wilson, Oliver W. Barnes, R. D. Barclay, Edmund Smith, J. O Sharpless, S. B. Kingston, Jr., Isaac V. El well; Joseph Lesley. A. C. Harmar. ap2Q-tmyli THE DELESATBS ELECTED TO &C? S ’ the Seventeenth Representative Convention of the hatidnahUnion Party wiU meet at the National Hotel, junction of LANCASTER Avenue atfd lIAVERFORD Street, on TUESDAY,. 12th inst., at 7 : Frrncis Ferguson, H. T. Hill, XClinton Anderson.. ELEVENTH REPRESENTATIVE DJSTRIGT.—The Convention to elect a Do’ugate * the NATION AL' UNION- CONVENTION to be held a.t Pittsburg, July Istv 1863, will meet at the Hou*e ot Robert wovdell. SECOND Street, above Beaver, THIS (Monday)EVENING,,at S o’clock. . . Lewis M. Grecn, W;.J. McCormack. Victor Penrose, Robert h. Wordell, John Rcrka. : Frederick Smith, , Enock Remick, : - Delegates.- dt* SIXTH WARD.—A MEETING- OF the Loyal Citizens of. the Sixth Ward, favorable to the formation of a Union League, will bo held (Monday) EVENING, May lltb, at Leech’s Golasn Fleece Hotel/CHERRY Street, between Third and-Fourth Streets, at 8 o’clock, ' MAN y CITIZENS. 5 a STATED MEETING OF THE HISTORICAL OF.PMKSYLVAnIA. will-be held at the Rooms onTHIS (MONDAY).EVEN ING, the 11th instant, at 8 o’clock. t A Paper will be read before the SOCIETY, bv HORATIO GATE& JON Eg, Esq. : Subject— 14 An Historical Sketch- of the Ritten house Paper Mill, the first erected in. America. ‘ It . SAML.-L, SMEPLEY, Recording Secretary., W<2*> OFFICE OF THE >UF<>R p O»’ icS»THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA— May 9,1893. Notice is hereby-given that the several ordinances re lative-to the taking up and- disposing of all DOGS, HOGB. GOATS, and other animals, running at large in. the city ot Philadelphia, will be strictly enforced on and after FRIDAY, May Ifith. „ By order of the Mayor. . SAMUEL G. RUGGLEB,- myll-mtuwSt . • Chief ofPolioe. WARDS. Nineteenth. Twentieth.. SOLDIERS, AT- H<cS»~T'RN f FTf>Nt—Ati Adjourned Meeting of all DIF CHARGBD SOLDIERS, will be held at the-COUNTY COURT HOUSE, THIS (Monday), EVENING, at eight o’clock. Particular- Attention—Bring; your discharge .papers with you. By order of:. " •_ • JAMBS MORISON, President. EDWARD o*. SKELTON, Secretary It Twenty-first..... o Twenty-second.. 1 Twenty-thirdi... 3 Twenty-fourth- .20 Twenty-fifth. ■. •; 4 Unknown'.. •■•••• 0 OFFICES OF THE SURGEON-AR- K>>-TIST TO .THE ARMY AND NAVY, Philadel phia, October-24, 1862.- • Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National,Appropriation for. supplying Artifleial'Limbs, should apply immediately at the ofilce of fhs Surgeon-Artist to: the Government, No. T6OO CHESTNUT Street. B. FRANK. PALMER, . ja9-6m Government Surgeon-Artist. HOMOEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, lUB < CUTHBRRT Street.—This iustitution is now open, for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who wM be received and provided .for in the-most manner, free of ohargo. B. F.-GLENN* - noS2*tf Secretary of Board of Managers. GOLD, 81LYER, AND r DEMAND WANTED* ’dREXEL;jmy j 3ft South TQlm THE PRESS.—PUTT.A IVF.T.PHIA. MONDAY. MAY 11. 1863. $2,914 67 .$38,139 75 $41,054 42 PENNSY'L VANIA. .s£>,9ls 05 IF, A Milliman, H. C. Townsend, j.Wm. G. Corbett. myll-2t* OV3?* the delegates to the six *<2* TEENT3 REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT will ineet at JOLLY POST B OTEL, FKANKFORD, on TUESt WT, Hay 12th, at 4 o’clock P. M., for the purpose of electing a Delegate to represent the above District in th 9 State Convention. By order of ' JOSEPH BOUCHER, THOS. DICKSON, F. D. BROWN, GEO. HARP. WM. FOSTER, JACOB SINKER, JESSE COTTON. WM. TAYLOR. HAHLON FOUST, Delegates. myH-2t* THIRD SENATORIAL DISTRICT. —The dolpgatos elected to the Convention ol the Third Senatorial District will meet at Lukens’ Hail road House. THIRD Street, above WILLOW, on MONDAY EVENING, May 11, at 8 o’clock, for the purpose of olecS mg a Delegate to the National union Convention, to be held at Pittsburg. J. S. Atkinson, Jr., Fifth precinct, Fifth ward. James W. Powell, Eighth preciuct. Fifth ward. E. B. McDowell, Sixth precinct. Fifth ward. Jsanc A. Sheppard, Eighth precinct, Sixteenth ward. William Andress, Second precinct. Twelfth ward. Henry R. llussell, Seventh precinct, Twelfth ward. Samuel Young, Sixth precinct, Twelfth ward. Samuel Wilt, Fifth precinct, Sixteenth ward. Charles Webster, First precinct, Sixteenth ward. Ellis Ewell, Fourth precinct, Sixteenth ward. Abraham Dunlap, Fourth precinct, Twelfth ward. * NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL ELEC TION for Trustees and Managers of “The Northern Home for Friendless Children” will be held at the office of the President, THOMAS EARP, Esq., north east corner ARCH and SEVENTH Streets, in the city of Philadelphia, on. TUESDAY, May 12, A. D. 1863, between the hours of 4 and 6 P. M. MACGREGOR J. MITCHESON, : my 4,5,11,12 Secretary N. H. F. C, 1 COMMONWEALTH BANK. PHI LADELPHIA, May sth, 1863. : The Directors have THIS DAY declared a DIVIDEND of FOUR PER CENT, (out of the earnings of the last six months) on the Capital Stock of this Bank, payable on and after the 15th inst., clear of State and United StattsTax. H. C. YOUNG; myB-frmw3t Cashier. BANK, MAY 5, . The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi dend of FIVE PER CENT., clear of National and State tax, payable on demand. my6-wfm3t , JOS. -NV PEIRSOL,. Cashier. COMMERCIAL BANIC OF PENN fcCT-6 SYLVANIA, PHri,AnKLPHrA, .May 5, 1863. The Board of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of FOUR PER CENT., clear of national and State taxes, payable on demand. my6-wfm6t , S. C. PALMER, Cashier. IT-S?* GIRARD BANK) PHILADELPHIA. May 5, 1863. ■ The Directors Lave this day declared a divide'ndof FOUR PER CENT, out of the profile Of the last six months, payable on and after the 15th inst., free of taxes. . my6-wfmtls , W. L. SCHAFFER, Cashier. OFFICE OF THE HESTONVILLE, MANTUA, . AND FAIRMOUNT PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY.—NOTICE TO STOCKHOLD ERS.—The seventh instalment of FIVE DOLLARS per share on the stock of said company, will be due and pay able on the 22d inst., at tlie office of the Treasurer, JOHN O’BYRNE, No. 11G South SIXTH Street - r myO-wfmSt* R. T. FRAILEY, Secretary. BANK OF COMMERCE, PHYLA.* PELPHrA, May 5, 1863. - The Board of Directors.have this dtCy declared a Divi dend of FIVE PER CENT., payable on demand, clear of taxes. J. A. LEWIS, ' my6-wfm3t , . Cashier^' IfeS?" FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS’ IfcrCj? 3 ' BANK,' Philadelphia, May 5, 1863. _ The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi dend of FOUR PER CENT., payable on demand, clear ofUnited States and State taxes, v . my7-6t W. RUSHTON, Jn,‘.’Cashier. THE PHILADELPHIA BANK, PHiLAUELPHrA, May 6, 1863. The Directors have declared a dividend Of jFIVE PER CENT. , for the lastSixMonths, payable on demand, free of all taxes. 8.-B. COMEGYS, my. 6 61 Cashier. SOUTHWARK BANK, PHIL ADEL- IbC?* pbia, Mays, 1863. TJje Directors nave declared a dividend of SEVEN PER CENT., payable on. and after Thursday next, 7th Instant. . Cmy6-6t3 F. P. STEEL. Cashier. CORN EXCHANGE BANK; PHILA* DELPHIa, Mays, 1663. ; . ThcDirectOTS have THIS DAY declared a dividend of TiVE 'PER CENT, free of all tsxes, and payable oa de mand. . Cmy6tf] . J, W. TORREY, Cashier. KBNSmGTOUr-BAWK. PKILADEL PHIA, Mat 5,-1863; • ?' ' The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi dend of FIVE PER CENT, for the last six months, paya ble on demand; clear of taxes. my6-6t C. T. YERKES, Cashier. - MECHANICS’ BANK, PHIIiADEJj ftCS* phia, May 5, 1863. . The Board of -Directors have declared, this day, a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., free of Government taxation, payable on and after the 15th instant. my6-6t J. WIEGAND, Jr., Cashier. WESTERN BANK OF PHILADEL •CS» phia, May 5, 1t63. The Directors of this Bank have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., out of the profits of the last six months, payable on demand, clear of State and National taxes. my6-6t . G. M. TROUTMAN,' Cashier. PITTSBURG. MAT 5, IFG3.-THE fcC? l6 Directors of the EXCHANGE BANK OF PITTS BURG, have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT, out of the earnings of able on and aTer the 15th inst. Eastern Stockholders will be paid at the Western Bank of Philadelphia. - H. M. MURRAY, my7-12t Cashier.. ONE, OR TWO SESSIONS: - A Meeting will be held on MONDAY EVENING NEXT. 11th inst., at 8 o'clock, in the ChuTch, "corner of BROAD AND SANtOM Streets, (Rev. Mr. Chambers’,) to consider the propriety of having but one Session of the denominational Sunday-schools upon‘each Lord’s day throughout the year." Pastors. Superintendents, Sunday-School Teache-a, and friends of the cause, are invited to be present. By order of the Philadelphia County Sabbath-school Convention. Cm9-2i»3 ALEX. KIRKPATRICK, Sec. A MEETING OP THE GRADUATES SDd other friends of the “College of New .Jer sey. ” at Piinceton- will be held in this city on TUESDAY EVENING, the 12th inst-, at S o’clock, in - fife Lecture Rocan of the Central Presbyterian Church, at Ahe corner of EIGHTH and UHBRRY Streets. Its obie'cfK to con sult together, and take such measures as may bedpemed wise, to aid the effort now making for the endowment of this ancient and honored seat of learning. ' . ;. ’ . All graduates and friends of the College are barnesly invited to be present at this meeting; and to secure the attendance of any other persons, who are likeJy to take an interest in the object above stated. . JAMES POLLOCK, / • WILLIAM E. SCHSNCK, AUGUSTINE H. FIS}I, ALFRED MARTTEN' JAMES M. CEOWEIjL; WILLIAM A. INGHAM, CHARLES S. BOKEY, my.9-3t* _ Committee of Arrangements, THEiCONVENTION TO ELECT A flrCP* .Delegate to represent the Fourteenth Rehreseata tive District in the National Union State Convention will meet at the S. W. cor. ELEVENTH Street, and <ll BARD Avenue, on MONDAY EVENING, Mayilth, atfio’clock. By ordeg of majority of delegates. Jmy9-2S* adjourned meeting.of the “Association of the Lotholders of the Woodlands Cemetery? will bj held at the Board of Trade Rooms, CHE&TNUT Street, above Fifth, on MONDAY EVENING, May 11th, at&o’clock, to hear tlie report ofthe Committee on By-Laws. ' f- ALFRED L. KENNEDY, President. Geo. R. OniffE, Secretary. mffi-Stf* THE! DELEGATES TO ET.TEG'i' A fiCS* Senatorial for the FOURTH SENA TORIAL DISTRICT, to the National-Union StaN Con vention, will meet at the Hall S. W. cor, of-ELEViNTH street and GIRARD avenue, on. MONDAY, EVENING, the 11th instant; at 7 o’clock.' By order of a majority of Delegates. - mytrSt* sLATIVE DISTRICT; elected in this District will fING, the lltli'inetaac at S feorgeW. HFTH George F. Yhost, .j John H. Chambers, v,! ' Thomas T. Wills, •-Y’ John Callahan, - j John Whetstone, i . Chas. Kelly.' THIROLEGIS —The DELEGATES € meet, on MONDAY EVEN o’clock, at the house of Gi Slveet, below Shipper*.. Thomas Stewart, Samuel Mitchel, James Haydock, Janies Hamm, Joseph Skill, Charles Walters, union LEAGUE HOUSE, THIEjTY &C> EIGHTS and ‘MABEET Streets, May :fr;;1883. The annual meeting, and. election for officers .'of the “Union Leaguein the Twenty-fourth Ward,”wiU be held at the LEAGUE HOUSE, on Monday Even May 11th, at So’clock, my9-2t* AN ADJOURNED MEETING; OS' the Contributors to the-Philadelphia Dying in-Charity and Nurse Society, for the purpose of accept ing the new constitution, will be held at the House, Southwest corner ELEVENTH and CHERRY, onMoncUy Evening, the Ilihinst., atBo’clock. . my9-2t* JAMES M.FARR, Secretary-' GRAND INAUGURATION OP TIIE SECOND WARD NATIONAL UNION LEAGUE on TUESDAY EVENING, May 13th,'at S the Hall of the League, SIXTH Street, above Carpenter: iV Ex-Governor Pollock, Morton McMichael.lsaaoHazle huTst, and other distinguished orators, will be present and address the meeting. Ladies and gentlemen are re spectfully invited to attend. _ . JOHN W. LYNN, President. ; : Johx W. Frazier, Secretary. . \ iay9-3t* |W2» OFFICE OF THE AM fiItICAN &C£» FIRE INSURANCE COMPAN Y—No. SIO'WAL NUT Street. Phiiadelphia. April ..fcist, 1863. - NOTICE is hereby given, that a SPECIAL MEETING of the STOCKHOLDERS of this Company will-he held at this office, on THURSDAY, May 21st, 1863. aSOS? o’clock M., to consider the propriety of accepting tho-provisions of the supplement to their ’ charter, approved* April 14, 1863, and authorizing the Board of Directors to’ increase the Capital Stock of the Company. . ap22-dtmy2l* A. C. L. CRAWFORD, Sec y. MERCANTILE LIBRAR^COMPA NY.—A Stock vote will betaken at the LIBRARY ROOM on TUESDAY, tlieimh inst., between the hours of 9 A. M. and 8 P. M. . upon the following rmestions: Ist. Duplication of Stock within'the ye&r.lSSi. ’ 2d. Increasing the annual dues of Stockholders to three dollars, and of Subscribers to five dollars,.cnjiud after January 1, 1564.' JOHN LARoNER,' Jr;J: my7-tf - Recording Secretary. 'VS&s* OFFICE MINE HILX. A3SO SCHUYX.- fc<S=rKILL HAVEN 'RAILROAD COMPANY:-^ Philadelphia, 4th. Month, (ApnU) 27, 1863. Notice is hereby given that a general- meeting of the. stockholders of the Mine Hill and :£ehn<ylkiLL Haven. Railroad Company will he held at tlie-lfaUj of the Frank lin Institute, No. 15 South SEVENTH* Street, in the city, of Philadelphia, on FIFTH, DAY, (Thursday), the 14tm day of’Fifth Month, (May), at UK o’clock A. M.;.fori*thG* purpose of acting on a joint agi-eeme&tsfO? the consolida tion and.merger of the Schuylkill - EftK&n-and*. Lehigh River Railroad Company with the Mine- Etfll and SchuyL kill Haven Railroad Company transaction of such as may be broiigliii before said meet-- ing. By order of .the Board of • : 14 . . JOHNrC.-CBISSfeOir, President . Attest—William Biupt.e, Secretary. ap ( 2&-tmyl4 OFFICE PENMYLVAOTA’«RAIIr ROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, April 16,1663.. The Board of Directors haye this daydeclaredva semi annual dividend of YOUR PER' CENT, on th£ Capital Btock of the Company, clear of State and National taxes, payable.on,and after May- 15;.1S83; Powers of Attorney for Collections of dividendaaaa be had on application, at the office&f the Company rite. 838 • South THIRD Street. - mh!6.tjel THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treapargr. OFFICE OF THE SCHUItKILL JS£2h> HAVEN AND LEHIGH RIVER R^LROAD COMPANY, PBiLADaipaidi. April 27th, 1863.- Notice,is that a .general ineettag of the Stockholders of the SCHUYLKILL HAVEN/aND LE HIGH RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY will ho held at the Ball, of the Franklin Institute, No. Ids South SE VENTH-Str?eti in.the.cily of Philadelphia,,o* THURS DAY; the 14th day of Kay, 1863,‘ at ten o:ol'ock in'the morning, for the purpose oi acting on a joint agreement, for the consolidation and merger of the sslil Sohuylkill Haven and Lehigh River Railroad ComvAny with, the Mihehill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad Cusapany, and for the transaction of Buch other business as may be brought-before-sald meeting. By order of-'tho Board of Directors. ALEX. J. DERBYSHIRE, President. • Joshua W. Ash, Secretary. ap23tml4 THE ANNUAIi MEEM6 OF THU, 63£bL0QMSBURG ISON COMeAtfY will be hel&3t the Company’s Office, Irohdale, Pa.’, on WEDNESDAY, May 20,1355, for the purpose of electing- nine Directors to serve the ensuing year, and for the transaction of oiher business. WM. E- S. BASER. .Treasurer-, , ap2o-30t* No. ai3 Ncofth WATER Ssijeet. RET AIR DRY GOODS.) T ICtHT STJMMBa SHA,mS—in Mozambique, Challi. GrsuatUne. and E®o., TRENCH PLAID CASHMERE SHAWLS These Shawls cosl SS.SO to import. Every variety of Thin and Taick Shawls :&x SPRING AN# SUMMER. Light Cloth Circulate. - : Black Silk Mantles and - THIN DRESS EVERY YARIETRi : Plaiu Blue and Buff Linens. A great variety of Plaiu Goods for Si isa. ■ A great variety low prhfes. • Hv STEEL* SON; Nos. 713fo®d 715 Nos#i TENTH Street., pREN CH> PERCALE EON G CLOTH, ‘-2K yards wb&9i for SKnv t i , & l .racei ved from the Afcu-- shal’s sale.of the aaxgo of tbe pisaesteamw Bermuda. A reaI SMPPAE&. TAN HiKSISGEN; & AJRKTSON,. i ap2s-12trp - ; /Jl»08 CHESTS cFT Stroot. : WHIT® P I Q,U E T AND MAR : T» - SEQaES. FOR,"LADIES’ AND CHILDKEM’S WEiE. ■ /: - : ‘ Just Teaalriod from Auction, a choice assortment of new etyle, raifoum. at.very,low prices. , SHSgpARD, VAN HARLINGEN. & ARRISON, / -..1008 CHESTNUT Street • P3.ENCH PEECALE LONG CLOTH, ■*:• .SV. yards wide, for skirls, received from tke raar- 'salo of ike cargo of the prise steamer Bermuda: a VAN HARLIBQEN, &; ARRISON, np2B-lSMsf 1008 CHESTNUT. Street. WHITE PIQUETAND MARSEILLES i I FOR LADIES’ AND CHILDREN'S WEAii.-rJust recoived from auction a choice assortment of tnew style .;medium and fine Piquets at very low pric93. ! • : BHEPFARDrYAN HARLTN GEN. St ARRTSON,* i ' :: -IOOS'CHESTNUT Guardians and trustees, whether such , trustees are so by virtue of their office as executor?, administrators, or other fiduciary capacity, are to make return of the in come belonging to minors or other persons, which may be held in trust, as aforesaid; and tbe income tax wilL be assessed upon (lie. amount returned, after deducting such sums as are exempted from the income tax. as aforesaid: Provided, Tbit the exeinptiou of eix hun dred dollar?, under section 90, of the excise law. shall not be allowed on account of any miuor or other benefi ciary of a trust, except upon the statement of the guardian or trustee, made under oath; that the minor or benefi ciary has no other income from which the said amount of six hundred dollars may be exempted and deducted. INCUMBRANCES, RENTS, AND REPAIRS. , Interest paid by any person on incumbrances upon the dwelling house or estate on which he resides, may be deducted from income; also his payment for necessary repairs; as well as the ainouut actually paid for rent of any dwelling house or estate which is the residence of the person assessed. Persons receiving rent, may deduct therefrom the amountpaid for necessary repairs, insurance, aul inte rest on incumbrances upon such rented property. The cost of new structures or improvements to buildings, shall not be deducted from iucom’e. XT 0 T I G E—ASSESSOR'S ' OFFICE, ■L' UNITED-STATES INTERNAL REVENUE, FIFTH DISTRICT, PENNSYLVANIA. —Pm ladelpht a, (Uer mantowD,) May 4,1863. I have divided the SEVENTH DIVISION of tliis DIS TRICT as follows, viz.: DIVISION No. 7. all tlie First and Second Precincts of tie TWENTY-FIFTH WARD north, of the Reading Railroad* and west of the Frank ford and Southwark Passenger Railway, together with the Third and the Fourth Precincts of said Ward, including the north side of William street. JOSEPH EMERSON, Assistant Assessor. Address Rising Sun Post Office. DIVISION No. 10 —All tbe'First and Second Precincts of tlie TWENTY-FIFTH-WARD south of the Reading Railroad and cast of: the Frankford and Southwark Pas senger Railway, and the Fifth aud. Sixth Preciu'ct3 of said Ward, excepting the nor.h side of William-street. JOSEPH BOUCHER, Assistant Assessor. * Address Rising Sun Post Office. mj9-3t : .■ EDWIN T. CHASE, Assessor. FOR THE SALE OF UNITED STATES TAX Wo. 57 South THIRD Street, first door above Chestnut. , A full supply of all hinds of TAX ST*aMPS constantly on hand, and for sale in quantities to suit. A liberal discount allowed' on amounts of $5O and up wards... Orders by Mail promptly attended to. Office Hours from 0 A. M.: to 5 P. M. — —GOODS.' N OS. 1 AND 3N. SIXTH-CSXIEKJS'JL’. PHILADELPHIA. JO nif C. ABB ISON, (fokmerly j. Btma moors.) IMPORTER AND DEALER IN .GENTLEMEN’S TUEmSIUKG GOODS, ALSO; MANUFACTURER ‘ . OF THE■ IMPROTED PATTERN SHIRT. These SHIRTS are cut by measurement, so that all the parts exactly , fit each- other. Thoy surpass all other Shirts for neatness of fit-on the- breast, comfort in tbB neek, and ease on the shoulder. SATISFACTION GUARANTIED. my7-tf H. E ROOD, Secretary. IT. S. ISTEItSAL REVENUE. A SSESSOR’S OFFICE, U. S. INTER- Way 7,1863. , , NOTICE. —Tlie taxpayers of this District are hereby notified that, pursuant to the provisions of the Act of Cpngicts, passed July 1. 1862. entitled “An act to pro vide Internal Revenue to support the Government and to pay Interest ou the Public Debt." and the act to amend the same, passed March 3.1563, the second an nual jijssessmeat ‘'Till be made on and after the first MONDAY t (4th day) of May inst. The assessment will embrace the following items: • 1 * “"-AU incomes for the year ending Decem ber 31, 1862, must be returned to the Assistant Assessors, under oath, m accordance with the instructions of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, upon the blank fyiinn provided for ilmtpurpose. Lack, person will be required to reLurn his total ia come, to far specifying the sources from which it is de rived as to enable the Assistant Assessors to decide what deductions shall be made therefrom. HUSBAND AND WIFE. Where a husband and wife live together, and their taxable income is in excess of $6OO, they will'be entitled to but one deduction of S6CO, that being the avoragefixsd by law as an estimated commutation for the expense of maintaining a family. Where they live apart, they will be taxed separately, and be each entitled to a deduction of $6OO. GUARDIANS AND TRUSTEES. FARMERS. Every farmer or planter will be required to make re turn of the value of the produce of hit farm or planta ,s’ deduction for the labor or services of him self and his family, or for any portion of such produce con sumed by himself and family. The amouut paid by any farmer or planter for hired labor and necessary repairs upon bis farm or plantation, including subsistence of the laborers, and the manure purchased by farmers to maintain their lands in present productive condition, will be allowed. .Farm produce, which tbe producer has on hand on the 31st day of December, 1862, must be appraised at its mar ket value on that day. * 2. .ENUMERATED ARTICLES. —All articles named in section 77 of the law (Schedulo A) will be assessed for the taxes to which they are liable for the year ending May 1. 1664, viz:. ’ Carriages, kept for use, for hire, or for passengers. Yachts. Billiard Tables. Silver Plate. Gold Plate. The-former assessment 071 the above named articles . having been made for the year 1862. These returns must be made to the Assistant Assessor within tex hays from date of delivery of the blanks. Neglect, or refusal to comply within the time named, Imposes the duty on the Assessor or Assistant Assessor to estimate the income and the tax upon enumerated articles, with an addition of fifty per centum. .The entire income tax of every person will be assessed at the residence of the party, and not at the place of business. • 4 , . ' LICEN3ES. All licenses assessed in accordance with the act of March 3, 1563, will continue in force until the first day of May,-1864. * * And all licenses granted after the first day of-May iu any year, will expire on the first day of May following, and will be issued on the payment of a rateable pro portion of the whole amount of duty imposed lor such licenses ; and such license so granted will be dated on the first day of tbe month in which it is issued vided, That any person, firm, or corporation, that on the of Majv 1863, held'an unexpired license, will be assessed a rateable proportion for the time between the expiration of the license and the first day of May, eighteen hundred and sixty-four. ” All persons doing business within this district must apply for a new license to run from the data their present license expires, (which, in most cases, is September-lst, 1863,) to the first of May, 1864 When ever by {the amendments new rate 3 of license ’are es tablished, the new license will be assessed at the new rates, and in all cases where the present license expires September lst, 1£63, the new license will cover a period of eight months, and must be assessed io pay two-thirds of the yearly tax. PENALTIES. When an-assessment for license has been made, npon neglect or refusal to give the list or mate, the applica tion 'within the time required, and the assessment is re turned in the annual list, the fifty per centum penalty prescribed inse*tion!2 must be added, and cannot he permitted, either by the assessor or collector. act March 3, 1563.-the penalty, of two Tears’ imprisonment is added to the punishment provided in former acts, for those who fail to take out license when, 'required by the excise laws of the United Slates. . The former annual assessment was much embarrass ed for want of information on the part of the citizens, with regard to the duties imposed on them by the ex cise law. It is manifest that with the knowledge now attained, on the part of the tax-payer, and with the as sistance rendered by this circular, ignorance of the law can no Longer be pleaded by delinquents in the hope of avoiding the penalties provided. THOMAS W. SWENEY, Assessor Second District, 419 CHESTNUT Street. my&-snrw3t STAMPS, JACOB E. BIDGWAY, delMjelO . - . No. 57 Snath THIRD Street. 606. AROBt STRBET - 606. PIKE SHIKT AND TTRAPPER DEPOT. Ay ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OP 63NTS’ FUItliT SEIKO GOODS, AT MODERATE-PRICES. FOUR PREMIUMS AWARDED FOR SSIiRTS, WRAPPERS, ANI) STOCKS. G. A. HOFFMANN, Successor to W.W. KNIGHT. cpS-rowsSm 606- ARCH STREET. 006. WINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. 'M- The subscriber would-invite attention to his IMPROVED CUT: OF SHIRTS* Which he makes a specialty in his business. Also, con *^B4I?TOVELT&S FOR GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. J. W. S<tJOTT, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING. STORE, • No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, ja2o-tf Four doors below the Continental. sjt H E “EXCEL&IOE” HAMS ARE THE BEST IN THE'. WORLD. ■ _ ; NONE GENUINE UNLESS BRANDED “J. 11. M. & CO.TIHLAJKL EICELSIOK.” J.II. MICI3tE3S.KK & CO., - : GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS, -i • * ■ ; A?P CUEERS OP* THE CELEBRATED SUG A.R -C HEED, HAMS, . ! Nos. 143 and 144 North FRONT Street, Bergen Arch and Race streets, Philadelphia. Thojustly-celsebrated “EXCELSIOR” HAMS are cur&h by* ui H, JL. & .Co, (in a styie peculiar to themselves) es»- picsaly ,for F4SULY : US3, are of dolicious flavor, f;*>& from, the unpleasant tasteof salt, and are pronouncedly. esaienreg superior to any now offered for sale. . ; ' . ~ ' • ' • • : gyBAWBERBIF WINE, EQUAL MADEIRA, : Ji*i.Msoivfid. , ALBERT O. ROBERT^, DEALER IN PINE GROCERIES. ‘ fo» CORNER ELEVENTH and VIN 3 Street* “PENSIONS, BOUNTY, , AND PAY A* for. MIL3TAJRY SERVICES promptly collected, and s nQ.2lla.rce until collected. Apply at the PENSION AGENCY4IXCHESTNUT Street. , - w ■ _ • J. MAGILL, . . Notary Public and ITension Ageh£. REFERENCES. . J; W. TORREY, Es- ; q., Cashier of Corn. Exchange Bunk. E» P. STEEL. Esq., Cashier of SouthwQ.yk.B3nk. PENSIONS.—SIOO: BOUNTY AND A PAY procured and collected ,Soldiers, Sailors, and the relatives of such as are deceased, at reasonahli And satisfactory rates, Soldiers who have svved.tur® years, and all soldiers who been discharged or reason of wounds received in bottle, are now entitled to the $lOO bounty: and the latter,. aJ6o, to a pension, JAMES PULTON, Solicitor,for Claimants, mh!4 : 4-34 WALNUT Street. WB IMPOBT AND MANUFACTURE our own Cigars. Thii ie.the reason why we can sell, hoPfv Cigars than others Sjia,less priee. Wilmington, Newaik.-Trentou, and.othpy Corporation Noted received at par, wholesale o?. retail. . At. DEAN'S; CIGAR STORE, K3iy9-St* - : . • 335 CH-BSTNOT Street. „ TO S B OE-FINUERS ANU MAN UFAO- A; TURERS.—Os after MONDAY, May IS.' till September 1, the undersigned, have agreed to CLOSE TIIEIK STORES. at,D o'clock, except on SATURDAYS,, when they will close at 3 P-.- M. ’ • . • -•- LAING b M>NNIS. EDWIPCW. PAYNE & CO. JOSEPH GODFREY & CO. mv6-wfm-St* WILLIAM JOHNS & SON. Philada... May 6, 1563, ISAAC BARTON &'CO. <V 0 0 K E R*S A PATENT SPRING BED. Patexte* J?1y3,1855. _ - ~ , Universally acknowledged for Neatness, Comfort, and Durability to he the Standard Spring Bed. The above are manufactured 5 No. 3 REVERE Block. Boston. Mast. Q B FREY WINE.—IOO QUARTER Q Casks just received per bWpLaura bond, by’ ' CRAB. ■ af'2l - : 130 WALNUT and 31 GBAN^^ NEW PUBLICATIONS. JN PRESS, AND WILL SOON BE PUBLISHED THE GOVERNMENT EDITION OP A TREATISE ON THE INTERNAL REVENUE SYSTEM UNITED STATES. BY GEO. S. BOUTWELL, LATE COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE. PREPARED UNDER TIIE AUTnORTTY OP TIIS SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY. and forthe use of the Officers of Government, containing the Laws and Resolves of Congress, relating to‘Excise Duties ard Taxes, carefully compared with the original rolls; the Regulations and Instructions issued from the Office of Internal Revenue; various tables for the use of Assessors, Bankers, and others; tbe Decisions of the Commissioner, revised and adapted to the Amendments of the Act of -March 3d, 1863; Extracts from the Corre spondence of the Office, ; showing the rulings ofthe Com missioner upon practical questions arising in tlieadmini stration of the system; with notes by the editor upon the law, decisions, and Correspondence; together with a full index to the entire contents of the volume. LITTLE, BROWN, & CO., BOSTON, PUBLISHERS OF THE LAWS OF THE U. S. inyll-mwfiJt A NEW . VOLUME OF POEMS, READY TO-DAY. MARKED FOK LIFE, AND OTHER POEMS, • Edited by Marlay. One elegant volume, printed on tinted paper and bound in cloth., Price $l. my9-smth.3t- CAELETON, Publisher,,New York. New books. Just received by • _ J. B. LIPPINCOTT& CO., 115 and TIT MARKET Stieet.- ' INCIDENTS IN MY LIFE, by D. D. HOME, with an Introduction by Judge Edmonds. MY SOUTHERN FRIENDS. By Edmund Kirke. BONAR’S FAMILY SERMONS. THE “ I WILLS” OF THE PSALMS. By Power THE ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY FOR 1563 . KINGLAKE’S INVASION OF THE CRIMEA. \ A FIRST FRIENDSHIP—A TALE. THE FIELD AND GARDEN VEGETABLES OF AME RICA. By Fearing Burr, jr. CROSBY’S NOTES ON THE NEW TESTAMENT EARTHLY CARE A HEAVENLY DISCIPLINE. By H. B. Howe. ESSAYS ON THE GREEK CHRISTIAN POETS, By Mrs. Barrett Browning. COLENSO ON THE PENTATEUCH. Part 2. myll-tf S)f\ CENTS 10 §45.00!!! Photograph Albums bolding from 12 to 200 PICTURES. PITCHER’S. NEW. BOOK STORE, 808 CHESTNUT Street. / . ; ~ my 9 6t ALL THE NEW BOOHS. XA- hew FRENCH CROSS-BAR PAPERS, ENGLISH DAMASK AND ALHAMBRA. SUPERB DOUBLE THICK LINEN PAPER, Envelops to match Perfectly. NEW CARD AND IMPERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS, PASSE-PARTOUT FRAMES, BLACK WALNUT FRAMES, Every Article duliveredif desired. CHALLEN, PUBLISHER, BOOKSELLER AND : STATIONER, 1308 CHESTNUT STREET. THE ARMY CHAPLAIN.—THIS DAY is published, THE ARMY CHAPLAIN: His Office, Duties, and Responsibilities, and the Mean? of Aiding Him. By Rev. w. Y. Brown, A. M., Hospital Chaplain U. S. A. 18mo, 45 cents. ALSO JUST READY, The Seventeenth Thousand of HOW A FREE PEOPLE CONDUCT A LONG WAR. By 0.-J. Stille. 15 cents. The Ninth Thousand of NORTHERN INTERESTS AND SOUTHERN INDEPENDENCE. By the same author. 15 cents. Published by WILLIAM S. i ALFRED MARTIES, > 606 CHESTJSIJT Straot. THE new SENSATION.—WE PUB j- LISH this day THE BOOK OF NONSENSE, The first American from the Tenth London Edition of- ridiculously funny book by Edward Lear, which has caused so much sensation on both sides the water. Our edition is a perfect fac simile of the London cc<nv, for only $l. ! WILLIS P. HAZARD, myG-6t 734 CHESTNUT Street. TYURTZ’S BIBLE AND ASTRONOMY. AV An Exposition of the Biblical Cosmology, and its Relations to Natural Science. Second American from the third enlarged German edition. , - ALSO,. KURTZ’S MANUAL OF SACRED HISTORY. Seventh edition. ••••- KURTZ’S TEXTBOOK OF CHURCH HISTORY. 2 vole. KURTZS OLD TESTAMENT COVENANT. 3vols. Recently published and for sale by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, myo No. 35 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. 0-—G- —B—E. -na- «439 ” il AKE TOUR PURCHASES OF BOOKS, STATIONERY, PHOTOGRAPH AL BUMS, CARD PICTURES, ORIGINAL GIFT - BOOK ESSPOP.IDSI, CHESTNUT STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE NEW POST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. C;-xA7-rniJD{?~? rxum - ’■ SELF-ADJUSTING C LOT HE S WRIN GERS, Are acknowledged to be the most practical, and - best machine yet invented for Wringing Clothes. There is no‘ iron about them to rust. No thumb screws to regulate the pressure of the rolls, are perfectly self-adjusting, and require lees power to operate them, than aiiv other Wringer in the market, 7 and are • really MODEL 3IA CH*NES. Agents wanted in all parts of the country. For terms, &c. , Address, S. HAWES, General Agent, No. 4=98 BROADWAY', Nevv York. For sale by WHITE & FECHIN, 433 MARKEr St., Philadelphia. my9-smw-6t* O O I. . ■ 50,000 lbs. Fleece and Tub,- Pennsylvania and Ohio, choice, in condition. 40,000 lbs. Canada and Western Fieece,-light and clean. SHEEP PELSS. > 50 bundles Dry Western. WOOLEN Y^SNS. 9 20 to 9) cuts fine, of superior makes,, for Linseys, Do* mets, Shawls, Hosiery, Ac., &c. COTTON YABNS. Of best standard makes, all numbers and description. ALEX. WHILLDIN & SONS, 18 NORTH FRONT STREET. myll-mwftf . “ (IOSTAIVS” “COSTAE’S” “COSTAR’S” “COSTAR’S ,? “COSTAR’S” “COSTAR’S” “ COSTAR’SVERMIN VERMIN^. VERKIN .. .• VERMIN : vermin*. VERMIN; vr^IMIN VERMIN viRMiN* •:.••• VERMIN ' VERMIN VERMIN' 1 VERMIN VERMIN VERMIN , VERMIN—EXTERMINATORS, Jhi' Sat?. Nice, Bo&ches,. A?its, iToSQuiioes, Motts, in Furs, Woolf&is*. etc.. Insects on Plants; Jftr&i&f Animalut etc. . ■ ... ‘ ‘ 15 years-established in New York City. ” * ‘ Only La/allibie remedies known,”' • . * ‘ Not dangerous to the Human Family; ” “Rats me,out of their holes to die. Sold all Druggists everywhere. ; 11 -Beware!!! ot all worthl e^s.imifeanous. Address,, HENRY R; COSTARi • Principal Depot, No. 483J3RDADWAY; N. Y*. ! jw*'Sold by DYOTT & C 0..,: Principjil Wholesale. Ageuts. T. A s CALLENDER, c.orner THIRD aud W‘AL.- NUT, all Dmggiats in PhUadeiphia,; Pa. myll-mwflm,. . •: ■ TAESItS, OEFIGE AND- SCHOOL FUR. ■JL/ NITURE. Book and Show.-cases, for sale and made s to order cheap. SMITH, 733 MARKET St. my9.-6t* T>EIrMER’S .1 vorytypes are a AV great success .artistically, and admired for their fine qualities, natui'al, impressive coloring, their taste' and beauty of finish- SECOND St. above Green. .It tuscb-arSkd SO LI)IFR lost.— JAMES COLAGAN, Go. G, lOoth Regiment N. Y. Stale Volunteers, was. discharged from U. S. General Bospital at Chester, Pay.Decdmher 16,1S62 V since which time he hasnot.-heen seen.or heard-from by his family. They havo-fears of-hie loss. Any information in regard to him leftat'thi? OsSee would afford great relief to a dis tressed wife and four children, He was this country born, about fi feetA-incheß high, sandy hajr and com plexion, blue eyes, very light skin. Discharged for rhenmatism. . . rayB-4t* TWrOSQUITO NETS AND NETTING, For sale l>y JOSEFH H. THOMPSON, Agent, Ho, * North.FIFTH Street. MUSICAL BOXES. TN SHEUu AND ROSEWOOD OASES,. A playing from Ito 12 ctoica Oper* aridAmosJ-, can Melodies. : BABB& BROTHER. Importers,. ap4 384- CHESTNUT Street, below BonrSh. TAra'ln'' pipe.—s to n e w are -L' DRAIN PIPE from 2 to 12-inch boro. - . 2-incbbore Kcoats M r..yavd 5 aSv, t . .............40 do. 2 X . ....50 <fc, do. s ao‘.:. .65 , do a* Every variety of connections, bonds, .trd-ps. a?is-ih,oppe?s, We are now prepared to furnish Pipein, any, quantity, and on liberal terms to dealers andthoo* purchasing la arge CHBIHEYIGBS. " Vitrified Terra Cotta Chimney plain and cvna* mental desijrnß, warranted to stand ihe assion of coal A great variety of Ornamental Garden Vases in Terra Cotta, classical designs, ail sizes, and warranted to stand ihe weather. Also, Fanny-Flowor Pole, Hanging Baskets, and Garden Statuggy. ( Philadelphia Terra Cotta works. j , Office ana tYarerooms 1910 CHESTNUT Street. I mM-wlrn tf :... 8. A. HARRISON. XfOW IS THIS. TME'TO SECUKB A ■*-' fine Portrait H moderate charge. . REIMER'S moiis life-me Phwograpks in oil colors, made i n view of the times at rtdncea price*, at SECOND Street a-bore Green. W - *V - pHAMFAENE—AN INYOIOE OF * ‘ Coaiet” and 1 * Crescent” Champagne Wino, to l -yiT«x*K CwJ. Md;»yg^ n ,. A BOSTON AUCTION SALE, T>Y JOHN H. OSGOOD & SON, H OFFICEI47 CONGRESS Street, Boston. LARGE SALE OF MILITARY OVERCOATS, ON AC COUNT OF THE GOVERNMENT, BY ORDER OF THE UNITED STATES QUARTERMASTER,'AT BOS TON. sold by Public Auctions In lots to suit purchasers, to the highest bidder. ON THURSDAY, May 14th, 1863, at 10 o’clpek A. M., 23,201 INFANTRY GREATCOATS (assorted sizes), viz: 17,201 Black Tricot, Doeskin. Beaver, and Satinet 1,000 Gray Satinet. 5,000 Dark Blue Pilot, and Satinet, All in perfect order, well packed in cases, and ready for shipment. ~ The goods can be examined on the day previous to the sale. Teems, cash. WM. W. KcKnvt, Captain, and A, QQL , Assistant Quartermaster’s Office,) Boston, April 27, 1563 \ 'ap29-18t WANTED-AN ENERGETIC SALES " * MAN, to sell PERFUMERY and FANCY GOODS by sample, in the United States. None need apply hat those who are fully competent and experienced Ad dress Box 1340 Post Office. myS-3t WANTED—BY A GENTLEMAN OF .»•» address, education, and general business experi ence, now and for the last seven years enaased in one of the largest Banks in thi3 city, a SITUATION of mo*e varied and active duties. Any respectable position al but a fair salary will be accepted. Address Box 2929 Post Office. my7-6t* WANTED CLOTHING.—BEESONS * " having Clothing to dispose of will please call ot address C. MILLER, 203 CHESTNUT st. mhl6-mwfdm* <b>/5 nnn —a gentleman wishes to invest a limited, amount in a good paying Business, bv purchasing the entire or partial in terest of an established house. Address, during this week, **MORTON,” this Office. myll-imvfSt* A MONTH!—I WANT TO HIRE mP • AGENTS in every county at %% a month, ex penses paid, to selL my new cheap Family Sewing Ma chines. Address S. MADISON. my6-3md&W Alfred, Maine. :<Ds#?n A MONTH!—WE WANT AiPW AGENTS at s6oa paid, to sell our Everlasting Pencils, Oriental Burners, and 13 other new articles, la circulare/ree. SHAW St CLARK, my6-3rod&W Biddeford. Maine. DEPUTY QUABTEBMASTEfc GENERAL’S OFFlCE.— Phsladsusxa, Feb. 9, 1863. VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry GOAL to the following points: Tortuga*. Key West, Fla. Fort MoaroejV*. Alexandria, va. , Newborn, N.C. Port Royal, S. C. A, BOYD, fslO-tf Captain and Assist. Quartermaster, BOARDING.; Gl7 CHESTNUT STREET—PLEA- * SANT .Rooms, with Board. Terms moderate. v Also, Table Board. my9-12t* EO A B D,—HANDSOME OOM.MUNI CATING Rooms at No. 1315 WALNUT Street. ap3o-I2t*if - • (SUMMERBOARDING AT CHESTNUT GROVE HOUSE, MEDIA. —This House will again be opened by the undersigned on the 15th of June, for the reception of Boarders. The location is healthy, and the establishment replete with everything which tends to make it a desirable place of summer resort. Address Mrs. M. MACK, myS-frm'wSt* Box 2534 Pkilada. P. 0. FOR SAKE AND TO KET. MTO LET—a COTTAGE, WITH Two acres of Ground, on river bank at Beverly, N. J. Apply to A. MERRITT, Warren street, Beverly. myll-2t* - ■M FOB S A LE—THE ELEGANT .Kiiid COUNTRY RESlDENCE,‘"situated on a beautiful turnpike, 3}£ miles from Bordentown. N. J. The house was built by tlie late WILLIAM H. ELLIS, (deceased.) expressly for himself, with, all the modern improve ments. The grounds are tastefully laid out, ana well grown up with line young shade trees; stabling for four horses and two cows; carriage house, ice house, &c. 20K acres of land attached will be sold low and on ac commodating terms. Inquire of CHARLES J. ELLIS; 225 Market street, Or of HENRY G-. ELLIS, inyO-lm* Crosswicks, N. J. M GERMANTOWN FURNISHED RESIDENCE TO LET for the summer. Address * * Penn,” Ledger office. ray9-2t* m FOB SALE, AT A SACRIFICE, tlie “ PHILADELPHIA HOUSE,” at CAPE ISLAND, with Furniture. Also, at Atlantic City, four neat and pleasant COT TAGES, near the Shore, Also,for sale, a very larg9 number of City and Country Properties, Building Lots, &c. ’ B. F. GLENN. 133 South FOURTH Street. m TO LET—A COMMODIOUS IJo. 133 North FRONT Street. Beat moderate. Apply to WETHERILL & BRO., 0c27-tf ‘ 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. M FOB SALE OB PAST EX- m CHANGE—DesirableFarm, 217 acres, situate 02* the banks of the Delaware river, accessible by Rail road and Steamboat to and from the city; also, fruit farms in the State of Delaware,‘adjoiningeountle*. &c. Catland examine register. Apply to E. PETTIT, 309 WAL'fUT Street. . - . - . . mvo-if ME ABM.—A TEE Y DBSI-; mt RABLE FARM, of 150 Acres of excellent Land, «A ■ under good fence and well cultivated; watered by two running streams; situate at the forks of the Bethlehem and Sumneytowa Turnpike roads, one mile from Pen lynn Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad, aad fifteen miles from the city. For sal© by T. C. PRICE, cor. SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH Streets. apl'Mm A BEAHTIEUL COTTAGE,^ -SEiiLwith 30 awes of good Land, fronting oil £he-®£ Bristol Turnpike, near Cornwell's Station, on the Phila delphia and Tienton Railroad ; with good Stable and Car riage House, and abundance of Fruit, Shade Trees, dec. For sale by I, 6 PJEUCE, corner SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH Streets, a P I2-lm Ma magnificent hotel to RENT, possessing every convenience adapted for a first-class House, and will be ready for occupation within a few days. TLwjni w> l ■-^ UUlUUi>'l?-Screet,.below-Sprtlce ap23-tf' . m FOE SALE—A B ABGAIN.—FAC -ES.TORT, MEBCHAHT and GKIST MILL,-and IRON FOUNDRY';-water power of 3,C00-horse power; the finest in the State of New Jersey; dwelling,-large barn, and stabling of every kind., Situate on a navigable stream, and* convenient to railroad; 49 miles from Philadelphia. Price only $15,000. Terms to suit a pur chaser. Eap?£i E. PETTIT. 309 WALNUT Street. PROPERTY FOR v-J 7 SALE.—A Choice Building Site within two minutes’ walk of railroad station. Over Four Acres of i*and with shade trees. Apply daily, except Tuesday and Thurs day morning, from 10 till 11 o’clock, at 805 MARKET Street. myo-tf ffIMQ rWMV —THIS AMOUNT TO tjp Loan on city or country-first mort gages. Also, a number of Ground Rents for sale. Apply to E. PETTIT, 309 WALNUT Street. mys_ iTO LUMBEE DEALERS. To parties wishing to purchase the • STOCK AND TRADE of one of? the largest and best established LUMBER YARDS in the City of Washington, D. C., an opportunityyis now offered, such as seldom'occurs. For many years this yard has commanded a large and lucrative trade* which, with properly directed energies, may be greatly-increased. Jnconnectioiswifco. this yard is a BEARDSLEEPATENT PLANING MACHINE AND • MATCHES, ..which turns out work superior to any other-in the city. The entire business, at present, is conducted upon a cash basis, and the present season opens with a fair pro spect of a heavy trade. For further information, apply upon the prem'ses, to LEONIDAS COYLE, •Surviving Partner of COYLE BROTHERS, Corner of CANAL and FOURTEENTH Streets, ap3o-12fc Washington City, D. C. INSURANCE COMPANIES. -pTIBE ASSOCIATION. -L Incorporated, March 27, ISO. Office, No 34 North FIFTH Street, INSURE BOILDINGS, HOUSEHOLD FORNITURE, AND. MERCHANDISE GENERALITY, FROM LOSS-BY FIRE. £ln the city of Philadelphia only.) STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS OF THE ASSOCIATION, JANUARY 1, Bonds and Mortgages on Property in the city . of Philadelphia only ....$703,494 66. Giound Rents, ** 23.139 97' Real Estate ............. . 14,396,13 Cashon hand = . 34,051 36 TRUSTEES. GEORGE'W. TYRO2f,-President ■Win..H. Hamilton, JobnSotulev, Peter Fritz, Pe£er A. .Kej'ser, John Philbin, John Carrow, Geo. 5. Young, Jos. B. Lyndall, Levi P. Coats, \ fcojnnel t-parhawk, CbaiiesP. Bower. WioSiTAJii T. Butler, Becrei fJAME INSURANT 406 CHESTNUT Street. PHILA3>S FIBS AjSD IffiA. DIK3C' Eraucis N. Buck, R. D. Wpodrn.2, Ch&s. Richardson, Geo. A. West, Heavy Lewis, Jr., John Kessler, Js., JohnW. Evermaa. Chas. Stokes, Philip S. Justico, A.H. Rosenheim, O.W. Davis, JosepD. EUis. FRANCIS N. RUCK, President. CHARLES RICHARDSON, Vice President, WILLIAMS T. BLANCHARD. Rerraierv . TMMIkI QOHEDTJLE QW PRICES AGREED KJ UPON BY THE ICS DEALERS of Philadelphia, to take effect on MONDAY, Apill 27,1563: 81bs. per day,,,....-...* 75 cts. per week. 12 “ “ . 90 “ 16 “ “ 105 “ . “ 20 “ “ 120“ “ Customers taking, from4o to 100 lbs., at the rate.of 75 cts. per 100 lbs. . , _ . 100 lbs. and upwards, ?& ets. per hundred. apslilcn*ii JOE I ICE! ICE I ICE I lOEI ICE I COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. Families, Offices, Hotels, Shipping:, Ice-Cream Saloons, fee., 3ec. , supplied dally with a pure article of BOSTON ICE, at the very lowest market rates. Dealers anti large consumers supplied at wholesale L prices- Wagons run in all payed limits of the Consolidated city, E r , HTTT , {3»5 "WALNUT Street. North Penna. R.&,Master street. Lombard and Twenty-fifth-streeU, _ Pine-street wharf. Scbnvlkiil. COAIii. TNBORTANT TO EVERYBODY.— A to be sold to close up a business— -560 tcaaßgg Coal, at55,25-perton. 1.000 “ Stove “ at*&2s “ I*ooo 4-1 Nut “ atsd-50 “ NINTH Street, (West side,) third Coal Yard above Poplar. apl3-lm £1 O A L.—SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER aud Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best Locust Mountain §pm Schuylkill; prepared ex pressly for family use. Depot, N. W. corner oi EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office, No. 113 South SECOND Street. Cap3rly3 J. WALTON * CO. THE INTRINSIC; WORTH OF RED A MBITS Colored Pho.tographa is. the- secret of their popularity; for 81. you get a fine naturally colored 1 like ness. Gallery, SECOND Street above U T>EAUTY~IF YOU WISH TO HAVE A> a fine, clear complexion. use, HUNTf^^ WlirrE LIQUID ENAMEL. 'lt- wiirmake yon as fair as a lily, ? If C Ton ura trimmed with Tub or &wM<». use HUNT’S BRITISH BAI i SAM< It ie warranted to remove them. Color, use HUNT-S BLOOM OF.HOSSS.- It whl not Wh Of. nor injure th&sltiu, aud caunot he iioiop*eH' Vrice. 25 cents and. $l. d W COuAt TOILET E&.WEER. lathe best Face ’Pivwdei'in use price, 123>», 25, and 50 cents. 1 SoiS at HUNT & CO. : S, Perfumers, 41 South EIGHTH Street two door? above. Chestnut, and 133 South SE VENTH, above Walnut. ■ ...... myJKSin -mgfCLAU SOUP WILL BE SERVED “larrup daily. Sundays excepted, by JAMES PSOS SER, No. 808 MARKET Street myo-iftf ggsvg \S ADDLE. HARNESS,. AND feSiSIITEUSS: FACTORY 4> - l) WAREROOMS, - i 103« MAKSBT STREET. A hivse Assortment of ■ ■ • „„„ LABtES’ AUD-GBITS’ RTDIUG SADD&SB. - / Y[KE TUUIIKS, VALISES- &« ,i LIDHT AJfD HEAVY HAL.HSSS. . $755,052 12 mj;4'Xawflm m COMPANY, NO. SJS J) CfSHBANOS VTO36S. 'AMUSEMENTS. CHESTNUT-ST. THEATRE.— EXTEA ANNOUNCEMENT. The Manager respectfully announces, the inauguration of the SUMMER SEASON , . MONDAY EVENING, May 11th, during which period the following scale of POPULAR prices will be adhered to: Dresß Circle and Parquet 50 Cents, SJ rn SJ'p- Se ? ts ' 7S Cento. iamily Circ1e.......... 05 Cente _ HO extra chare.fob reserved seats. Engagement for alimited period of the fascinating 4, Mrs. JOHN WOOD. !s*ll j bethebestjburlesque actress now .on the American stage, whose dash, brusouerie, don , and rare musical abilities have won farharth* prond title of QUEEN OF COMEDT Atrs SOJTO Shi will appear THIS (Monday) EVENING, May 11th. in a Fairy Extravaganza, entitied. THE FAIR ,ONE WITH THE GOLDEN LOCKS, Compiled and altered irom Blanche's extravaganza of the same name, by Charles M. Walcot, Sr., comedian, the music selected and arranged by the eminent compo ser, Thomas J- Baker, Esq., of New Tork city In order to give due effect to this great production, the following distinguished artu ts have been engaged for the occasion • Mr. D. SETCIIELL, The Distingualied Comedian Mr. W. DAVIDGE, The Eminent Comedian. Mr. W. A. CHAPMAN. ' The Philadelphia Favorite. Mrs. CHARLES HENRI. The Fascinating Commedieune, and lions. BIHIN, The Celebrated Belgian Giant CBft. high}. The burlesque will be produced with entirely NEW AND GORGEOUS SCENERY, upon which those distinguished artists. Messrs. J. E. HAYS and J. H. SELWYN, have been actively en gaged for several weeks NEW MACHINERY. NEW COSTUMES, NEW APPOINTMENTS. A FULL OPERATIC-CHORUS. A LARGE CORPS DE BALLET, MOST POWERFUL CAST OF CHARACTERS. Previous to the burlesque each night will be per formed a . . , x , LAUGHABLE FARCE, m which the celebrated comedian, - Mr D. Will appear. To-night will be given It A REGULAR FIX. 'WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. * » SoleLeatee ......Mrs.M. A. GARRETTBOET, Business Agent....; ;..Kr. JOHN T. DONNELLY THIS (MONDAY) EVENING, May Will be produced an Original Drama, entitled JESSIE McLANE. Jesse McLane ...Miss Laura Keene. Arthur Marsden Mr. C. Walcot, Jr Marker, a Cockney Servant .Mr. C. Peters, To conclude with the Laughable Comediatta of TRYING IT ON. Mr. Washington Potts. !........Mr. Levick. Fanny ..Miss Perry. Doors open at 734 t Curtain will rise at B. QONCEKT HALL. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY, COMMENCING MONDAY. MAY 11th GEN. TOM THUMB AND WIFE, COM. NUTT AND MISS MINNIE WARREN Four wondrouely-formed and strangely beautiful La dies and Gentlemea in miniature, NATURE’S SMALLEST EDITIONS - OF HER CHOICEST WORKS. THE GREATEST WONDERS IN THIS WORLD A MARRIED COUPLE. A BACHELOR AND BELLE. ALL FOUE:WEIGHING BUT 100 POUNDS - They ate' all perfect in development, educated, intel ligent, and fitted, both, intellectually and physically sfor all the duties and s requirejnents of life. ROBUST HEALTH, BEAUTY. GRACE MANLY DIGNITY AND FEMININE SWEETNESS, are combined in them in the amplest manner. Mr. CHARLES S. STRATTON, (known as Gen. Tom Thumb), and ms little wife. SIRS. LAVIMA WARREN STRATTON, having deferred their “visit to Europe until the season ia more favorable for crossing the Atlantic, have prevailed upon their PETITE COMPETITORS. ' COM. NUTT AND MISS MINNIE WABEEN, to join them in their , GRAND PUBLIC LEVEES, IN TBIS CITY, FOE A FEW J>aYS ONLY. AT CONCERT HALL, Commencing MONDAY, Mar ilth, 1863 THREE LEVEES EACff DAY. From 31 SI. to 12>£ P. tl. , 3to and Bto BJf P. M. Doors open half an hoar in advance. At each s^| Te^ K j ) MR g g Elf> TOM COM. KBIT AHD MISS MINNIE WARDEN. Will appear in varied performances, INCLUDING TABLEAUX IN CHARACTERISTIC COSTUMES, SONGS, DANCES, &c.- t &c.\ At each the General and bis lady Will appear __ IDENTICAL WEDDING COSTUME They "wore on the occasion of their marriage, at Grace Church, New Yorlf. * The rich and eleaant BRIDAL PRESENTS Will be on exhibition at each Levee. The splendid Equipage ot GEN. TOM THUMB AND SUITE. Consisting of one of the most elegant Coaches ever mads in America, costing overs2,(Xo, though less than a qttar- Ur of the size of an ordinary eoach, and of POUR OF THE SMALLEST PONIES IN THE WORLD, Will perambulate the streets daily. And be in front of the Hall at the close of each perform- This gem of a Carriage, small as it is, 'will accommo date the four . petikes at once, iyho ride in it to and from the Hall to their Hotel at each entertainment. Admission, 25 cents. Children under ten, I?cents. my-S-tf : pOMPLIMENTAEY CONCEPT, to be sriven a t the MUSICAL FUND TT-at.T,; OH TUESDAY EVENING May 12,1333, For the Benefit of the three 3'enng-- Artists, BKBTTO SEOTHEES, On which occasion the following Artists h’we fcratfir offered their valuable services: Mtssrs. MOLLENHADER, ESNST HAETMANN. and the QKRiKAHTA OKOUESTBA. THE THESE BESTTO BEOTHFES, Eil-i., BERNARD, an*} RICHARD, "Win perform some of then-best piecsi. Tickets cents, to be bad at the principal Mu3ic Stores,, and in the evening at the Door. Commencing at 8 o’clock precisely X£HE- GRAND OEATOEIO OF THE CUE ATI ON Willbe given by the lIAJSDEIj AND HAYDN SOCIETY^ On.THURSDAY EYENING-, May 14; IBS, MUSICAD FUND HALL, LOCUST STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH* Tie powerful CHORUS of the Society lias baenJ'argely augmented for this occasion, and will be assisted'by the most favorably-known ARTISTS, together r-A_TSJ."iLA_£AiR.CJ!SK»SJII2iA_ S =ZMCtO. The Managers of the Society, in presenting this Grand. Oratorio, would state, that nothing shall be wanting to insure a complete success, and feel assured that' ihetr efforts will merit* prompt and liberal support. The PRICE OP ADMISSION has b'oen placed at PIETY CENTS. Tickets can be had at the Music Stores, and also at the Libretto, containing fnll and intelligent criti cal notes.. myo-tf T)E'NNSYLYANIfA. . ACADEMY OF X TEE FINE ARTS, 1035 CHESTNUT STREET. THE PORTIETH ANNUAL EXHIBITIN' IS NOW OPEN; Prom 9 A. M. till 7 P. M., and from S tlll'lO P. M. Admission, 25 cents. Season Tickets, 50 cents. Annual Tickets, One Dollar. * Stockholders, Artists, and Contributors will receive their Tickets at the Office. myS-fcf OBRMANIA ORCHESTRA—PUBLIC VX,KEBEAKSAIS every SATUKDAT APTEBNOOS?. at BK o’clock, at the MUSICAL PUND HALL,, C&B& SSNTZ, conductor. Tickets 2-5 cents. Packages of live tickets $L To b e had of Andri & Co., No. 1105 Ghestnst street; J. E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the Hall door. • .n027-fcf -obohestba, new OPFICS, Sl4 South EIGHTH Street, below Walnut. delO-fiai GTEKEOSCOPTIOONS DOS PUBLIC EXHIBITIONS, in large or small halls, with views, scenes, and renresenia*ic*ns of fine Statuary, both of Europe and America, incidents, and battles of the present Rebellion, Made and for sale by JABIES W. QUEEN & CO., , Manufacturing Opticians, 934 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Puli priced and illustrated Cataloguer sent by mail free. a-pSO-lm RAIIiKOAD LINES. CHESTER PHILADELPHIA - RAIL- ROAD, VIA MEDIA. SUMMER BOARDERS Will find pleasant and ample accommodations-at the fol lowing places on or near the Railroad: Trains to and from the city five times eacu way daily. COUPON AND SEASON TICKETS AT LOW'RATES. Near Wallingford Station. Mr. C-. W, Thomas, __ IN MEDIA, THE CHESTNUT GROVE HOUSE, TUB CHARTERHOUSE. _ „ - , - „ Near Media, Mr. Peter Worral, Mrs. M. A. Worrell* Mrs. Wm. Brooke, MUs Passmore, Gideon Malia, Tho mas Malin. .T. Edwards. » ; . For further information. inquire of ALEXANDER HENDERSON, at the DEPOT IN MEDIA. t . Near Lenni, H Fields; near Glen Riddle, S Levis. Near. Pennelton, Levi JiVbsom; near Darlington, Joel Sharpless; near Glen Mills, J. Malin, B. Green; near Cheyaev’s Shops, Job Scott, J. Preston Thomas. There are many others near the above and other sta tions who will take boarders ' Baggage, &e., collectea and -delivered- bF H. AT-EX ANDER, Express Agent, imthe-DE-POT, northeast-corner of EIGHTEENTH and-MARKET*Streets. ap2S-36t 'TffS F-HILAD-BL PHI A,. iSD SASXBRS TRANS POBTATIOE COMPANY is mm prepared to forward freights FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW TOEK,- T . VIACAMDSN AND Freighta received at THIRD Whcarfabore A-RGH S» The attention of Merchanis and- Shippers is directed Je this new and expeditious route, ana-a portion of the*?' patronage is respectfully solicited- ’ Por'urfclierpr.Tticclara applyt«> _ „ QSO. B. sfoCtJLLOE. PrelyK? AsanV 13S IfOkTH %&AKV£*. W. ?. GBISTITT3, Jr.. General Manager. 1863 ' WINTER AKBANGTBifBJrr. w *«<*£■ For WILLIAMSPORT, SCXAKT&N, EE MIRA, and all pointria the W. and N. W. Passenger Trams leay*. Depot of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, corner 'Broad and Callownill streets, at 8.15 A. 3L and 3.SOP. 31., daily. Sundays excepted. - . ' QUICKEST ROUTE from Philadelphia to points in.. Northern tfnd Western Pennsylvania, Western New York, &lc. , &c. Baggage checked through to BnJfalo, Niagara Palls, or intermediate Points. • ' Through Express Freight Train for all points above, leaves c&ily at 6P. M . . „ : For farther information apply to JQBN S. HILLES, General Agent, THIRTEENTH and GALLO WHILE, and N. W corner 6ISTH and CHESTNUT Streets. . ja3l-tf TTNION TRANSPORTATION COM '*< ' PANY.—We have, sold and transferred the busi ness and property of said Company to the PHILADEL PHIA AND EASTERN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY of and from this date. GL W. CASS & CO-., Proprietors, • Union Transportation Company. - Philadelphia, April 7,1563. aplOdf PHILADELPHIA AND EASTERN A TRANSPORTATION COMPANT_haviag BgrchaM* th© proaerty.&ud succeeded to £h© business, of tae Uiuoat TransportatioßlCompaav, wO*S““Ell\ a .&?Tra m 9 “ Mr *" «*>• B, MiCPLLOH, ' (3d wharf above Arch st) FOR NEW ORLBA.NS, LA.., NBTV YORK.—STEAMSHIP CONTl wrtstaL. Cart- CHARLES P. MaRSHMAN—-Freight at LOW BATES.-•To sail on TUESDAY next, 12th instant, nt 3 o’clock P. iL—The new and splendid Steamship CONTINENTAL. Captain C. P. MARSHMAN, will sail as above. For Freight at Low Rates, or Passage, hav ing accommodations not inferior to any ehipafloat, apply to A: HERON. Jr. & CO,, 136 NORTH Wharves. The CONTINENTAL will leave New York on Friday*. Nay 15th, &i 3 o-olock, P.M. • myll JaS»„? T 0B AI.BANT AND Baiiie SAH GABRIEL, C. Titus, master, is nw load ing for the above points, and will roavo on TuEsDAY* Nay 12, ai2P, M. - ... . For freight, which will he taken oa reasonable terms,. htyplv to ■ S. iJ Lia.a u 4Pf, jnyll-2t No ;304r Booth DELAWARE Avenue. FOB -NKW YORK, fimV*™ DELAWARE AND EaRITAN Cn- NAL' DESPATCH AND SWIETSUSE LINES. • The Bteamors of this line are leaving daily at 51 M. from third pier above WaLNUT Street. For freight, which, will he taken on accommodating tanas, apply to "WiL M. LAIRD &CO.» ■ nih26-u -■ 133 South PSLAWaRS Avenue FOB NEW YORK—NEW vilNiiffgM: B MX. Y LIKE—VIA BELAWABE iS3> SAJIITAJJ- . Philadelphia &ied Ktw York Express •?any receive freight and Have daily at 2 3j|£y a ' a their cargos In'iSevv York the folio^H*. . ' Treieh&ia.'kea at reasonable rate«x l Yl>2, Ages* '.ftvUS. riilladalnM* So. 14 aCCTnJfgs HiSf-iKeat, , rQT oi°Tsß. Sow Tort . Stil-U Pl’-'rs I^-aniV. ’ ._MBCOKD ap'd gffft ***
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers