ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, UP TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT. Girard—Cnestuut atreet, below Ninth. CaptWmC Shinn, Balt JT Barker, Massacq W MuHigan.New York RfraT Marker, Missach -JRYpung w R Barker, Massachusetts C R Fisher Judge Donaldson, Peana T S Davis H Wirt, ‘Hanover, Pa . trims O Donuell, Re w Y ork Geo Hatch. 4 la, Otudnaati HTErvin. New Jersey . AMcC Lyon. U SA S IrYjn. New Jersey hewis Fisher, Chester, Pa J MLytle 4Penpa->. HKParaou, Harrisburg Mrs v P 1 J «J' &W York K Haines, Harrisburg A b i, ,l l J. eutl J ne >rPellefonte Jas Armstrong, Baltimore Jos DHarris,;: Bellefonto. M J Williamson,Trenton , Jaa Yr F orey, Harrisburg Hon Jas W Wall, N J . ' P G Meek, BeJlefonte Wm Frick, Chester, Fa " Cbas Gayier. Mew York G S Berry, Brie, Pa 'T M Gardner,& wf, US N David Smith,RewYork ■ T J Richards. Phila H Wheat, New York H A Wade, Elizabethtown J Mulligan; Massachusetts NHRewLou™ W Kddy, Massachusetts ' /gB Packer, Washington . W Smith, New Haven ' - /MJsr S, p B*? 1 ?** MS P bollard, Boston / t N\Qvk J McArdle 4 la. New York ' GMonehan,Baltimore.- - • T steer#*,'Hew York JTlmonds, Baltimore .. W Radde, New York * Armstrong J*enna , F t Morton, US if A Kingston, Penna JBatler,New York- ‘ W Series. Lancaster, :Pa WE Williams V .AKiskAdden.baHiimT6 G!> Parrish,New Jersey'; -J HempMll, W Chester B W Keene, Phila.ta -* - {■' AC Elliott, New York W Miller, Cumberland : Continental-Ninth e B Sanford, N York ' .Harrison li rainard, N York G W Blake. ban Francisco .Dr MUler & son. Wash, DC R H Hartley, Pittsburg B H Pitch Ohio • TLFoy.Missoori •J 8 Watson, N York ■ .Mfijor F P Flint, USA : W W Clemens, Nashville 'G Bradner.Bloomiugton, 111 S Haight, Brooklyu Harry FUher. Baltimore .Alex Ring. Newark, N J .Isaiah Caldwell, Boston. W L Beal, Boston •Rben Bacon, Boston ■-C A CurtisVßostun t Hager, Penna t 1 r & Mrs Geo Dickimon 1 Plaistfcd; Boston : ; .vF Crosby, Boston ® ® Rankin & 1&, Boston PS Hutchins, Boston •CWashbutn, Boston •J Bates, Boston -Mis P L Whiron & 2 cfc.N Y Mjsa Julia E Wtiiton, D C ; : jWHWhitoi), Georgetown' Master £ N C : :i ■ i-DeppelleivNt w York jS.PGhatdler, Washington Watts fir wf, Carlisle MriHoleeman, Washington KobtvC Albree & wf, Pittgbg OB Perkins & lain, Pa H D Mear», Washington . Mrs Johnson, New York’.- T Dean, Cincinnati - • G Pearson, New York Mfss Pearson, New Yor k Ma.i Gen Vielofit da,NY Hon A H Feeder, Baston - W Bacon 3c)a, Illinois Miss Bacon A sbter, 111% Mr & Mrs J H Shoinburger, .Pittsburg Mrs Dr Shoraburger, Pal. - B Clark & wlm, Beaver Mrs HD Cook, Wash, DC Airs Hurd, Washington‘ R G Bushnell, Pittsburg" - £LChilds, Wa«b. DC A Darken, Wa*h. D C H N Hooper,. Boston T L Putnam, Mass- -* I Fletcher, Indianapolis* Dr Jarvir, Mass ' ,•' r IS Chittenden, New York *W F Johnston fit la,’Wash Hon GD Houser £ Reeve, Salem,- N J A Baßcom, New Hampshire F C Beckwith, Paterson, NJ American—Chestnut street, al>ove Fifth, J> Barrow, New ‘Sorlc W N Dorsy, Wash, D C AC Buchanan MissTi , J3anderaoii, L Hjtveu Cbasl) Brown,:M-D, NT Caleb Yolie. Betlileham G Urlnton, West Chester G W Brooks, Now York S Hawes, Bo*toh .- .s JB W Perry. Nantucket T Folger, Nantucket ; i; J J Dußois & wt. New Jersey Capt L C Leib, Ashland Pa'’ TH Yocum, Ashland, Pa Ceo Perkinpine, Delaware •Geo West, Delaware 2 W Layton, Delaware J John WeidmunvU S IT I J A Whitaker ‘ i WUb £ DaahiU, Maryland i Mlsb S DashtU.Mavyland j Peter Lofland, BUlfoid.Dell Merclxanta’—Fourtli J M fetonebrakor, Penna <J ARumsey, Ohio JDBoyle,wa&hiDgtoii,D C J Ewii'g, Pittshnrg street* below iVrcbl IE P Kearns, Pittsburg fW Robertson, Ohio' C S Palmer, New Hope !T Reading, Trenton D Treharn, Mauch. Chunk • E A Depen & la,'-Easton . I Miss E A Depen, Easton : AR Stover,- Penna- ’ I-T McCarge; Pittsburg ■ ‘ [Mrs J Livingston, Carlisle . | D Ripley, Newark * IMG BignaU', New York IP J Nichols'. New York Van Camp Bush Hartman, York co, Pa W Rogers, Connecticut E Jtßurnite,-. Delaware ; c.-> T J Bath, Delaware J C Stone, Ohio G 8 Green. New Jersey Hon J L Gilles, lowa 1 /; V;;V' S L Mooney, Ohio * liHartsook, Trenton J Brownfield, Indiana' Mias G Chess, Indiana Mrs Weed, Indiana J B Fleming & wf.Penna jßothecbild, Onto X W Beecher, Connecticut 35 W Komick, Obin''t JF Weaver. Clearfield, Pa WARepley, New Jereey ■ Eaml R Hamill,- U S A •' 35 0 Price. HoJUdaysbnrg-' J J Stanford & wf, Virginia R McClellan, Kentucky J W Flood & wf. Kentucky A Martin. New Haven ,X W Beecher, .Connecticut' ■St« liOiilfi—Cliestmit O Akers, Baltimore : . . C Q Megiiniiss, Baltimore ; J Cunningham, Baltimore 3t D Mitel ell. Was hi DC Clias Godfrey.Eordentown H C Wilson, Wash.!) C J 0 Heylman,Oressou,Pa J N Stevens, Veimont T Morris, , Tlic (fnion-Urch si W P Metcalf, Urbane, 0 : Mrs E Kaiser, Browasvillo J G Reading, Fiemiagton B Woodward, Clearfield co JPlttsford, Indiana F W Thornhill. Ohio J S McVey, Ohio W F Mcvey, Ohio J H Davis, Malta, Ohio ■, itreet, above Third* SY Kittle, Wilkesbarre , > J B Hay; Hew Jersey W Emery, New Jersey ) HW Harper, Slatiagton.Pa J Grant, New York Jno Tennis, Cleveland , Gep W Thompson, Penna Thos R Evans, Plain i Madison—Second sti Geo West, Bridgeville, - Del MUs. Monroe -i John. Warner, Oakland J S Dale & la. Maryland Miss Dale, Mainland H 3 Plrkenpine, Delaware S W Layton, Maryland. Mrs H Walton, Stroudsburg Jtfrs Lair & ch, Maryland „> Commercial—Sixth, ati E D McClenahan, P Deposit ' .J Yandersiiee, Peuna JL Schrack. Cbe-terco W Eachus, Chester co .8 B Siubba, Maryland J ABratten ' , J B Champion, Phila J Olmsted, Pennsylvania A D Harlan. Coatesvllle D Stubbs, Chester co States Union-Sixth W Blair, Carlisle J Gross. Westmorland co H Christian <5 Peterson CAMestrezat, Greene co • T W Morrow, Butler James Brown,. Brownsville AGSquire, Cumberland, 0 A Holmes, Cumberland, 0 Jos R Carmon. Peuna JA-Christy, Mifliintown National—Rncc sti David F Rank. Jonestown - .John J Thompson - .Jno AHooper, Canton, Pa •H Slaymaker, ; Lanc co. Pa .JDMaae, Belvidpre If J-;- ‘TY Davis, New York . John Scoveli; Wilkosharre E McGowan, Brooklyn *2 J McCorkle; New York A Williams, New. York; », Bald Eagle—Third Si h/l A Fegley, .Mauch Chunk! J F Weiaa, WmdaSville I G F Anthony, Carbon co,P&} M Moore. Hew. Jersey,.. E S Leight, New Jersey Black Bear—Third'St»yal>orreCallo'vrh.lli« Jos F Whital, Northampton I Israel‘Beam, Harrisburg < SPECIAL NOTICES. Home Protection. I —lt is Mircn-better to encourage our - worthy business neighbors than to spend money abroad among strangers: • This. applios to institutions aa.well as individual .) - ;■ i ,r The fifty foreign Insurance Companies now repre sented in thirty are hot more deserving our patronage than the GIRARD F. and M. INSURANCE COMPANY, at 415 WALNUT Street, a well-known and responsible home institution* It Get the Best|w£th'Latest PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Double Sheet, only TWELVE CENTS a Weok,payable to.the Carrier, served by careful carriers in all parts of theotty and suburbs at an early hour' in the morning.; con tains the Latest INTEL LIGENCE frpm the Army,' War Correspondence from all quarters, full Lists of the KILLED add WOUNDED in the recent Battles,Ac., drc.V&c.;:.Sold by Agents cvery : where. Single Copies TWO CENTS. Sent'by Mail for ONE DOLLAR a Mouth, payable-in advance. It OFFICE, Souili THIRD Street: Get the Bid*"*:?? Latest News.-t-ThU PHILADELPHIA INQUIRES, Double Sheet, only 'TWELVE CENTS a Week, payable to the Carrier, served *by careful carriers inall parts the cito suburbs at ; an early hour in the morning; con*,‘ t^B^®^*^ es£ J^TET < - XIGENCE from the Armyv War from all 'quarters; full Lists of the KILLED and- 'YOUNDjID in the recent Battles, Ac., &c., &c v ,Sold by. Agents every where. Single Copies TWO - CENTS.Sent,by tfsril for ONE DOLLAR a Month, payable in advance. It OFFICE, 191 South THIRD Street. Get the ‘Best with ‘ Latest News.—The PHILADELPHIA INQURIER, Double Shoot, i only TWELVE CENTS a Week, payable to the Carrier, served • by careful carriers in aIL parts of the city and suburb* at an early hourlu'tlie morning; contains the Latest liIGENCE from the Army, War Correspondence from all . quarters, 1 full^Listsof the KILLED and WOUNDED in the recent Battles. Ac., Ac. , Ac. Sold by Agents every*, where. Single Copies TWO CENTS. Sent by Mail for ONE DOLLAR a Month, payable In advance. It *« THIRD Street /• ’ Get the :Best with Latest News.-—The THILADELVHIA “ INQUIRER, Double; ‘ Sheets only TWELVE CENTS a Week, payable to tbVCarrier.served J)y careful carriers in all parts of the.cityand suburbs at mu early hour in the morning; contains the. Latest INTEL* XIGENCE ifrom tlie Army, War Correspondenco from all quarters, fall'Lists of the KILLED and ROUNDED In' the recent Battles; Ac., Ac., Ac. Boldby,Agents every where. Single Copies TWO CENTS. Sent >,by Mail for ONE DOLLAR a Mootb,.payable in advance. It * uPFICE,Xai South THlRD.Stfeet, - De. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment tis ja certain remedy for Keucalgia.. ,■ ; . , Lyok’s Magnetic Flea Powder. In summer, when the sun is low,- ■•. Come forth lu swarms the insect’foe,-, 1 .. And for our blood, they bore, youknow, : And suck it in most rapidly.; i .%■>: :■ But fleas, roaches, ’skeeters—black’or white— In death’s embrace are stiffened . If Lyon’s Powder chance to light obscure vicinity. ■ ‘ ' Lyon'S Powder U harmless to mankind, but will kill ell house inserts,-garden worms, plant-bugs, Ac. Ly cn’a Magnetic are . sure death to rats and-mice. Cold everywhere. . ap2s-12t U. S. BARNES, New York/ One-Price .Clothing, ; of the Latest Truss, made in. the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL MALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Ft. gores. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Out’Okb-Pkiob Stbtem is strictly : adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. ! -- deU-lT JONES A CO. , 60* MARKET Street. Batchelor’s Hair Dye I ' / THE BEST IN THE WORLD. i.< ? WILLIAM.A BATCHELOR’S celebrated Halr.Dye produces a eolor not to be distinguished.from natures Warranted not to injure the hair in the least; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes,and Invigorates the hairfor life, GRAY, RED, or BUSTY HAIR Instantly turns a ,y splendid Rlack or Brown, leaving the hair soft and by all Druggists, Ac. . ■ ? M6J* The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHB- ■ EiOR, onVu/our sides box. *1 ’ FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Street. (Late 233 Broadtoay and IQBond street. ) ■ ' A»y2B-ly New York. ind Chestnut streets. FWLephard, Newark, NJ ST Atkins, Chicago Mrs ißarr, Lancaster Dr Goddard, USA : JasßjLawrence, N York H D Hall. Salem, N J . Chas.G Darling, Boston TAlvine, Brazil ' ■ v W T Willey, Virginia ' ' : RSherwell, NYork. - ! 0 Bradly, Worcester D Gonell, Laguayra . $ l °sKohl.Xaguayral Mr* It Warren, N York R H Buell, Washington, DC Chas-T.How, Boston Miss M 0 Shannon, Newton Miss M Shannon, Newton E Van Winkle.. Now York • .< Fitzhugh Ludlow, N tfork ' \ MisFLudlow, NewYorm- Albert Bleretadt. New York Wm Hill, NewTorfe- J, 1 Homl°.l)arfee, ; Ne.wtYbrk' Miss DerbV, Now York. Wm Blake, Boston : .- M Dalton, Boston G MV an Derllp.. ffow York D C McCailum, Washington Smith Grant, Paw*nckec.R I J B McAllister, USA Wm McAllister 1 - John Keeler & wf, N York . H C Tale, New York- MissYale,.-New York . J<! Tiffany, New York F Hall, New York Rev H C Henries; Maryland TbosjGreen, Washington Wm H Cooke. New. York Wm A Johnson, Boston J-L Bay, New York' 1 » W,L Stewart W N Armstrong,- New York* WE Doubleday, New York. F ABragen &Aa; Ky . , *»•-. C Good spq e d -New *Y o rk ; ' LHEmith, Pittsburg ... W W Baldwin,-Conn . F.S Perkins, New York Black, New York DMcC Forbes, Glasgow Eli Butler,.Conn F W Schroeder, .New;- Y ork;• C T Griffiths, New York R ColerNew'York Edw Corning, New York K S Ashwell. Boston . E Packard, ’Boston EG Duvall, ? Baltimore ‘ H M Hyde, Now York- M Snyder, Jr, Wash, D C W Allen , r - Auburn Mrs Clark, Auburn T E Ratings, Baltimore --—•j**uueiaon,li na> Mrs 0 S trickier, Lock Haven W H Banderson. L Haven W 'R'Morris, • Washington'' G R Marvin, New York . E M Allem Maryland - JPBruna, fcalem. N J . .TKSavoyer, Waslilngt, DC ,J M Carpeuter. Salem, N J JP Lattomer, Delaware H F Pay ton. Providence, RI A R Dunton & la : WPrinyon. Brooklyn B Watson,Milford, Del RTWatson,Milford,Del • W E gpruance. Smyrna,Del WL Mitchell, New.Tork ;■ JT New Jersey P E Riley, Baltimore ‘ 1 r street, abovelTlilrd* JH Brown, Ohio W R Gillett & la, Ohio W Vernsr,Pottsrille C HEccleaton.Naw York A E Moen, New York B F (Jook, New York L B Peck,New Haven 0 Bradley,New London • - ;reet, above Market, i Jos HHinkson, Chester ' J-1< Monroe, New Jersey W H Semming, Fittsion A Tripp, Mehoopany; ' J Attmick, Mehoopany M Clinton, Mehoopany . M J Bowman, Naw Hope 5 oBt John, Bt! Jbrvis, N r Y ; B Simmons, Wilmington Dreet, above Chestnut* H B Hagan, Lancaster co J P Osmond; Chester co B B Wade;- Chester eo W McCullough, Maryland • L S Wortz, Pennsylvania JBrieze,- Pennsylvania C 8 Brown, Pennsylvania J R Ramsey, Oxford Miss A M Bare, Lancaster co and Market streets* Peter Sprees, Altoona L G James, Delaware co J Miller, Lancaster co Ohaß M Hazleton. Cornwall J JGalespie, New York W. Thatcher, Wilmington i S Allen. Huntingdon JR Bodwell,-Maine John Maxwell, New York J G Bicks, Penna :cet, above Third* Jno H Martin, Albany, NY Mrs Jackson &.2 chil, N H Miss C Dovy, NHamDshiro- Miss Sarah bmaling, 'N H E A Uhler, Lebanon M A R Bargert, Lock Haven J LScharff, Penna Jos J Green, Doylestown Jacob 8001.-Wash, DC FMertz, Middloburg it,, above CaUo'tvhlll. - :l Wm Hunter,' New 1 Jersey IS Moore; New Jersey i,jW,C Barton, Janiata 00. Pa Jacob M Kauffman, Penna IT 8 Leisenring,' Pittsburg ' A. Beautiful Complexion can be ob-- talned bribe nee ef HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT SAB-• BAPARILLA.’ March, April, May, an<l Jane, are the beat * months to use a Blood-Purifying remedy. See adver tisement. i f»37-finw3m PENiCKE-FETTERS. -On April riel, by Rev. George Heacock, Mr. Thomas B. Penicks to Miss Lois Locke dangbter ot Sarah and the like Jacob'R. •Fetters; GAKTLET —ELLIS.—On the stli Inst , according to the ojderof the Society of Friends, Samuel H. Gartley nud Mary C. Ellis, both of this city. yummy.ana DIED. “Suddenly; on the6thinet,i Mary H .wife of John A. Wallace, in theSMh year of her age- ' of\be First lfrosJf 4 , fr:,!n { ls of ibo family, aud members end Independent Benedcial Society; 5 2, of I. 0. of P. ; and Paradise En anfl the Star Beam Tent No. 3, Daugh ters orMnlt«^? re!it ’ anA *r®, e , r^a CanclavoNo. 2, Baugh rsi S frnrJ. tv' are .respectfully invited to attend the fnne sfivilSiv i r« si denceofjher husband, No. 225 North street, on Sunday afternoon, inrhiise tiynjj 9f'B<o clock, without further notice. To to °dd lelioiy.s Cemetery, ** Suddenly, on the morning of the sth inst., Harry 51., only child of Charles H. and Lizzie Carter, .aged 2 years and 28 days. 12 be relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invi ed to attend <the .funeral. frv>m the residenceof his paients; Np.? 426 Reed street, this (Friday) afternoon,2 o-clock. ’v* • , „ . ./ v ; • - GAUN.-On the morning of the stli inst.', 1 Mrs. Mary Ann, -wife of George T, Gaun, aged 34 years;' < ,1® and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the 'residence of her husband. No. 803 North Second street, this (Friday) morn ing. atlO o’clock. * MASSEY.—On the Gth iust\ Jane S. Elliott, widow of thelateChas. R. Massey, in the 59th year of herage. Her relatives and friends: and'those of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the resi dence of her eon-in-law. -Wm. jf. Peters, at 1702,North Twenty-second street; to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon, 9ih inst - at 2 o’clock; =:•-'#* • BARRETT.—On the sth inst., John Barrett, aged 22 years, • i . .. . . COSTINE.—On the 6th inst., Mary Costiae,'aged 26 s rears. ■CROUSE.—On the 6th inst., Michael'Crouse, aged 64 rears. ■■■..' . . ' DICE'.—On the 4th inst., Emma' B. ,I)ick, aged 21 years, daughter of A. Earned. Esa. »and wife of George H. Pick, M. D. TJLAOK LYONS TAFFETAS.— Glossy Black SILKP, 20 to 32 inches wide. BESSOITiSi’SON, Mourninir Store* - No. 918 CHBSTNTT Street. CUMMER BOMBAZINES—A FULL assortment, $1.25 to $2 a yard. . • ; » BESSON & SON, Mourniojr Store,'.- . No J _9IB_CHESTNUT Street.. T3LAOK AND. PURPLE JACONETS.— Rich Striped, Black, and Purple French' liAWNS, 25 corns.'' • BESSON & SON, .Mourninc Store,. •-. Ipys !■; No, : 918 CHESTNTJT..'Street.•. ■ : ■RUCK SILK MAN TLES FOR SPRING. . . ‘ _• , Black Lace Points, > • ; 5 Light Cloth Bo urnotis.-, CUMMER SHAWLS—NEW STYLES. Kock-spnn Silk Shawls, - - \ . Chally ana Barege shawls. _ • ; apSS . - - _ A -j. • EYRE & LAN DELL, xtew dress goods from the -M NEW YORK AUCTIONS. Pba\yls for Pennsylvania Trade, Silks for Pennsylvania Trade. , ap2S SIXTH LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT. —The DELEGATES elected to the Representative Convention of the Sixth. Legislative District will meet •THIS (Friday) EVENING, Bth lust., atSo’clockP. M., at the house of WM, SHINN, BROAD and CHESTNUT Streets, for the purpose of electing a Delegate to the Na tional Uuion; Convention, to assemble at Pittsburg. July 7, 1563. ‘ •' wM. PRESTON, Fifth,Precinct, Ninth ward. S. G; WHITLOCK, Fourth precinct, Ninth ward. LEWIS GORDON, Sixth Precinct,'Ninth ward ' JOSEPH SLOAN, Eighth Precinct; Ninth, ward. " JAMES BOYD, Seventh Precinct, Ninth ward; - W. M. WILLIAMSON: Third Precinct, Ninth ward. HARRISON'DIXON, First Precinct; Ninth watd. lit |>ja*«_E lOH T H LEGISLATIVE »I S - K?* TRICT.—The Delegates elected on Thursday evo-. ning to the Eighth Legislative District-Convention Trill' meetat the house oi CHARLES C. OVERBECK, Eleventh and Vine streets, on THIS (Friday) EVENING, May Bth, at 8 o'clock. ■ •• A. R. JJEHAVEN, , D WEBSTER CHANDLER. ' .■WIE-cR?;LEEDS,. JAMES R. GARRIGUES, GfO.-W. PHIPPS, WIIJJAM J. BISNNBrA SEO W COPELaND, SANFORD OMENSETTEit. HENRY Y. POOH. PAUL J. ESSfCK. It* DB LEGATE S-REPRESENTA iCS» TIVES OP SECOND WARD.-We. the nnd*- signed, do agree to meet, on next FRIDAY-EVENING, at - CRAP, S’ Hotel, EIGHTH Street; above Federal, at 8 o’clock P. M. v - GEORGE W. CALLRY, % - WM. H.-STAUNTON, ■ 0. P.-WAITE, ' ' B. KELLY, * JOSEPH TITTEMARY, ’ WM. -B, TUN l SON, It* ~ ,T. B. COWDEN. TENTH LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT. —The Representative Delegates of the Tenth dis trict s will meet at* the Northeast corner of WEST and COATES Street, THIS (Friday) EVENING, at 8 o’clock, .to nominate a'Delegate to the Pittsburg National Union Convention.. Signed, ;v -r? . James Bigger, ■ John Knox, . E. W. Leighton, ; Isaac flf. Kmpp, 'John L. Sliaut, Charles B -Koibacb,' James Buchanan, -Robert Sharp,- William H.: Durborrowy • Daniel Clark. It* “THE PROPETIC TIMES” IS .now ready May—Price 10 cents a number. Published''by W. • Z. HARBEST, 1158 North TENTH Street. . r . / '* : • it Kg* PHILADELPHIA,' MAY G, 1863.- DIVIDEND.—The * Managers of the CHESTNUT HILL AND SPRING HOUSE TURNPIKE ROAD have declared a Dividend of THREE PER CENT., payable on and after the 15th inst. C. W.' BACON, Treasurer, : v my7.3t .. : 417 Walnut street. . THE GIRARi ANNUITY, AND Ti LADELPHIA.—At an Electit following gentlemen were ol sding year: . './Thomas-Bidgway, Robert Pearsall, Thomas P. James, Frederick Brown, George Taber, . •Johnß.Slack,;./?, Benry G. Freeman, ‘ _At a meeting of the Manag .THOMAS RIDGWAY.EsQ.f'' President. ' • May 6, 1863. > - D LIFE INSURANCE, RUST COMPANY, OP PHl ion held on the4tir inst., the elected Managers for the en- John A. Brown, John H. Latimer, 'John C. Mitchell,: • Isaac Barton, Seth I; Coraly, Isaac Starr, .. . Stacy Brkarcroffc.' jersjheld on the ;fith insfc , ;was unanimously re-elected OHN T. JAMES, Actuary. my6-St* v filg* PITTSBURG. MAT 5. MS3.-THE ' Directors of the EXCHANGE BANK OF PITTS BURG have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. ,ont of the earnings of the last six months, pay able on anaatter the lfithinst. , • Wj Eastern Stockholders will be paid at the “Western Bank of Philadelphia. • H. M. MURRAY. - •»- my7-12t.~. - . ' Cashi®*. . COMMONWEALTH BANK, PHl lcf» LADELPHIA, May Sth, 1863. . The Directors have TB iS DAT declared a DIVIDEND of FOUR PER CENT, (ont of the earnings of the last six ■ months) on- the Capital Stock of this Bank, payable on and after the 16th inst., clear, of Stato and United StaUsTax. ' H. C; YOUNG, myB-frmw3t. : :~V ’ f ; " Cashier/ 1 y • AND MECHANICS* BANK, PniLADm.pHiA, May 5,0868. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi dend of FOTJRPERCENT-., payable on demand, clear of United States and State taxes. .’’ =* .- ✓ . my7-6t W-. RUSHTON, Jr.; Cashier. THE PHILADELPHIA BANK, ■O Philadelphia, May’6, 1863 •'<. ' The Directors have declared a dividend of PIVE PER the last Six Months, payable on demand. B. B. COMEGYS, Cashier. KSap - MANUFACTURERS’ AND ' ME- CHANJCS’.BANE, May 5, 18G3. ■ The Directors .have this day.declared a Dividend of .FIVE PER CENT., payable on the 16th instant, agreea bly.with the charter. • : ' iny6-tnthE6fr , M.W, WOODWARD, Cashier. BANK, MAY 5, ; Tbe’Board of Director#? have thiaday declared a Divi dend of FIVE PER CENT., clear-of National and State tax, payable on demand; - : V ' - ' • TOy6-wfra3t- . • «; JoB> N. PEIRSOL; ,Cashier. . COMMER«?EAL BANK OF PENN- Philadelphia. May 5, 1863. V • The Board of Directors h aye this day declared a divi dend of'FOUR PER CENT., clear of national and State taxes, payable on demand. ■ . ;v ; my6-wnn6t . S. C. PALMER, Cashier. GIRARD BANK) PHILADELPHIA,: lC> May 3,1863,. .. , r The Directors have this day declared a dividend of FOUR PER CENT, out of the profits of the ! last six onand after the 15th inst,, free of taxes. ; , W. L. SCHAFFER,Cashier. OFFICE OF THE HESTONVILLE) MANTUAj and fairmount passenger RAILWAY COMPANY.-NOTICE TO 7 STOCKHOLD ERS,—^Theseventh instalment of FIVE DOLLARS per Rhare on the stock of said company, Will be due and pay able on the22d inst. ,at the office of the Treasurer,: JOHN O’BYRNE; N<Cll6 South SIXTH Street mye-wfm6t* . : B. T. FRAlLEY,;Secretary. ‘ THE ANNUAX. MEETING OF THE IO Stockholders of the GREEK MOUNTAIN COAL COMPANY will he held in Philadelphia, on,the second TUESDAY of*Mav next.ttoe 12thproximn, at!2 o’clock,, in Boom No. ft, In the MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. atdl-BWtmylS* WILLIAM S? GREEN, Secretary. BANK OF COMMERCE, PHILA* Mays,lB6cV, , ■: ■ The Board of Directors have.thle day declared a Divi- FIVE PER CMT;, Payable on demand, clear, of taxes. I * . J. A. LEWIS, my6-wfm3t Cashier SOUTHWARK BANK, PHILADRL ICJs> pniAV IJay A 1863. The Directors havo declared a dividend of SEVEN PER CENT., payable on and after Thursday next, 7th. instant. Emy6-6tl - ,F. P. STEEL. Cashier.. ■ BANK OF PENN TOWNSHIP, Mays, 1863. ‘ ’ Th&Directors have THIS DAY declared a dfvidend-of : FOUR PER CENT., and an extra dividend of TWO PER' CENT, clear of State and United States taxes. Payable ■ on demand. JAMES KUSBELL, >. ;i 'myg-St . \■" ' .. v-’- 1 • ■ Cashier.^ E 3& CORN EXCHANGE BANK, PIIIIjA* May G, ISG3. - X T HfS DAY. dividend of FIVE.PER CENT, tree of all taxes; and payable on de ntanS: , • [my6tEi- ' J. W. TORREY, Cashier. PHILADEL -§Cl!* PHIA, May 6, J 863. * V The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi dend of FIVE'PER CENT. forthela&Esixmbnths.paya hleon'oeman'd;clear'of taxesA'" vi. •, my6-€t . . .C. T. YERKES, Cashier. ■*■£*=* MECHANIC S’ BANK, PHILADEL ICS* phia. May f>, 1863.- •••? v.>- ~ > • ; The Board of Directors have declared.vthis day, a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT.,, free of Government taxation, payable on and after the.loth instant. my6-6t • J. WIEGAND, Jr. , Cashier; TRADESMEN’S BANK, PHLLA delphta, May's/1663. - At a meeting of the Board of Directors, .held this day, a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT was declared, for the past six months, payable on demand.? my6-3t* - JOHN: CABTNER;r Cashier. . WESTERN BANK OF PIULADEL PBJA, May 5; lfc6B, ■■ - * .The Directors of this Bank have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., out of the profits of the lagt six months, payable on demand; clear, of State and, National taxes. .: , . /-V . : : ; _• •.' my6-6t G. M. TROUTMAN, ..Cashier, ./ ■ THE GRAND NATIONAL UNION JLEAGUE BALL takes place at SANSOM-STREET HALL, May 21st: my6-2tt : OF THE AMERICAN K3* FIRE INSURANC3 COMPANX—No.:3IO WAL ■hUT Street Philadelphia, April 2lst. 1863. NOTICE is hereby given, that a. SPECIAL MEETING .of the STOCKHOLDERS of this Company will be held at 1 this office, on THURSDAY, May 21st. 1863, at 12 o’clock M., to consider the propriety, of accepting the provisions of the supplement to their charter, approved April 14, •1663,;and authorizing the Board of Directors to increase the Capital Stock.of the Company, >-» ap22-dtmy2l* ' A. c. Lv CRAWFORD, Sec’y.. MKRCAMTIIiEXIBRARY COMPA NY will betaken atthe LIBRARY ROOM on‘TUEBDAY, theism inst., between the hours of 9A. M.fanaßJß/ M.; upon the following qaestlohs:' Ist Duplication of fctock-within the year 1864. ■- 2d. Increasinfcthe annual dues of Stockholders to three dollars; and of shbficribers on and after 1 - January 1, 1864. ,s, ,JOHN,LARDNER, Jr.,‘ '■> ‘ ‘nvv7-tf • ■’ Recording Hecretarv.- GOX,B, V SILVER ; AND DEMAND •iaPtfOTEs wanted. 'drbxel & co:, . . ■; , 3ft South THIRD Street. AGREEABLYTO' THE a CALL OF 'THE UNION STATE - CONVENTION, the loyal citizens oLPhiladelphia are invited to assemble in their respective wards onTUESDAY, lllay 6thi at B,o’clock P, M.; at sucb places as may be selected'by the''officers or ; the wardiassociations, for tbe purpose of,. electing,;One JUDGE and for eachbpreoinci-isatd judges and inspectore to'Conduct an election in'-tbeya-' May 7th,‘between 6 and • 8 o’clock P. M, , for the purpose of electing ONE DELE- . GATE from each-precinct nto a Conven-s,, tion. and ONE DELEGATE to a Senatorial Convention; in conformity to rule 17 of the rules for the government of the National Union Party, The Representative and Senatorial Conventions shall, meet ,at such places and times as a majority of their number shall by public no tice direct. :• ,t.<By order of the City Executive Committee of the Na- Union Party. WM. H. KERN,'President. ;H^K^nt'KgKdtneh,} Secretaries.., - ap29-tMay7 , THE surgeon^aiu in». TIST TO THE ARMY AND NAVY. PhiIADBL-< PHih', October 24,f 18%. . ;; • - . , Wounded Soldiers and Bailors desirous' 1 of . availing themselves oftheNational Appropriation for, supplying Artificial lumps, should apply immediately at tne offlee of -the Sorgeon-ArtUt to the Government,’ Vo.- 1609 CHESTNQTstreet,^, ‘B. FRANK PALMER, ja9-6m > : Government Surgeon-Artist.*—': MINE HILL ANDSCHUYL- ‘KILL HAVEN RAILROAD COMPANY. ;J ■ r \ JPn iL Month, (April) 27,1963. Notice is hereby given tiiat a general meeting of the! itockholdors ’of the Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven' Railroad Company will beheld at the hall of the Frank lin Institute, No. 15 South SEVENTH Street, in the city Of-Philadelphia, on FIFTH DAY, (Thursday), the 14th day of!Fifth Month, (May), at UK o’cloek A. M:, for the purpose ofacting on a joint agreement for the conaolida tion.and merger of the Schuylkill Haven and Lehigh. River Railroad Company with the Mine Hill and Schuyl kill Haven Railroad Company, and for the transaction of such other business as may be brought before 1 said meet ing. By order of the Board of Managers, • JOHN C. <faESSON, President. Attest—William Biddle. Secretary.;' r ••=• ap29-tmyl4 OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY,Philadelphia, April 10, 1963. The Board of Directors have this day declared a- Bemi annual dividend of FOUR PER CENT, on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of State and National taxes, payable on and after May 16,1863. > , ~ , . ,• Powers of Attorney for Collections of dividends can be bad on application at the ofiice of the Company, No. £3B South THIRD Street. . . _ «, mhl6-tjel THOMAS T..FIRTH, Treasurer. - OFFICE OF THE SCHUYLKILL HAVEN AND LEHIGH RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia.:April 27th, 1863. • - Notice is hereby giv*n that a. general - meeting of the Stockholders of the SCHHYLKILL HAVEN . AND LE- HtGHRIVER RAILROAD COMPANYiwiII be held at the ball of the Franklin Institute, No;-15 South SE VENTH Street, in the'eity of Philadelphia, on THURS DAY, the 14th day of May, 1363;; at-ten o’clock in the morning, for the purpose of acting on, adjoint agreement for the consolidation and merger of the said Schuylkill Haven and'Lehigh River Railroad'Company with- the fllinehill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad- Compauy, and for, the transaction of such other- business as . may be brought before said meeting.’; . By order of the Board of Directors. .■ *■ * ALEX, j; DERBYSHIRE, President. ' Joshua W. Ash. Secretary. .; ; ap29 troll NOTVCE IS HEREBV GIVEN .that the Commissioners named in an act entitled,: “Anact'to. incorporatethe Connecting Railway Com pany,” approved April 14,-1863, will meet for the purpose of Receiving Subscriptions to the Capital’Stock of the said Company, on MONDAY, the llth day of May, 1863, alio o’clock A. M., at No.'* WILLtNG’S tlii city of Philadelphia. ' . . = Clement B. Barclay, Oliver W. Barnes, Edmund Smith, 5..8. Kingston, Jr., Joseph Lesley, .* THE ANBfITAL MEETING OF THE BLOOMSBURG IRON COMPANY -will be held at the Company’s Office, Irondale, Pa., on WEDNESDAY, May 20,1863, for the purpose of electing nine Directors to serve the ensuing year, and for . the transaction of other business. WM. E. S. BAKER, Treasurer,' ap2o-30t* j : No. 213 North WATER .Street. ■ HOSMEOPATHIC HOSPITAXi, 1118 WG** CUTHBERT Street.—This institution is now open for the reception of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received and provided for iin the most comfortable manner, free of charge. : B.F.GLENN, n022-fcf Secretary of Board of Managers. QLOAKS AND MANTLES. EYRE& LANDELL. . FOURTH 'and' ARCH; EYRE * LANDELL. LADIES, MISSES, AND CHILDREN, ..ap2B-lm Y KB & L A NvD E L L, SEASO NABLE GOODS, 'TABLE LINENS AND NAPKINS.— 'Will open THIS MORNING, one lot heavy all-Linen Napkins, at $1 75; finer do at $2; much, finerafc $2.50 and $3. both in snow-drop and damask. , Handloom Table Linen, very heavy, 87>£c. . ■ Handloom - wider, 90c. : Handloom * • extra wide, $1; a - Bleached Table Linen, warranted all linen, 75c. Nearly 2- yards wide do, at S7)4c. Heavy Barnsley, very wido, $l. Vine double Satin Damask, $1 25., ■ ■ ■■■■• Union Table Linens, bleached, 62Kc* . : - > ' " All-Linen Brown, very, s6#.’ 'l\ , Also, many ,other Table Linens that l am selling much, under the present importer’s .-prices, because they were brought over some time since ..•< . : > One lot fronting Linens at 42#cahd 45c. • > Onelot ; much..finer, at 50c and 60c. These are a great bargain, having been bought cheap. ; AlLLinen Doylies at $1 aud $1.25; Colored Border do at $1.50 and $1.75; Towels at $2, $2.50,’ $3, and $4; some of these are very desirable. - - One lot Marseilles Quilts, veiy fine,' at $6.>,, ~/• Also, many other goods that I am offering very cheap. GRANVILLE B. ffltlNES, No. 10J 3 MARKET, above Tenth. T7KENCH PERCALE LONG CLOTH, - 2H yards wide, for SKIRTS, received from the Mar shal's sale of the cargo of the prize steamer Bermuda.' A real bargain. > SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN; & ARRISON, ■ • ap2s-12trp 1008.CHB8TNC7T. Street. WHITE PI.QU E T AND MAR. v?: ; SEILLES, FOR LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR; • , , > „ - Just received from Auction, a choice assortment of new style; medium, andfiue Piquets, at very low prices. ■SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN; & ARRISON, ap2s-12trp . . v ■•; 1008,CHESTNUT Street. T ADIES’ SPBING CLOAKS. ■43 ' EWTIBBLT ITEW DESIGNS. iW« have now= open a most splendid and extensive Btock of Ladies’ SpringCloakß.in.every variets of style and- material., comprising Fine French* and .English Cloths, and Rich and Heavy - Black Silks, all made np arid handsomely trimmed in thedatest ' PAKISANDjLONDON BTYL'ES. . * . Also, inst received a large and handsome assortment of , „ BLACK LACE BHAWL i-ASD MANTLES, all at the most ., , .1'- ;• -/ . > AQBEW & 'ENGLISH, ~. i-, o • f Street, * ‘Above Chestnut street. FRENCH PEBCAIJS LONO CLOTH, * yards wide, for reeeivad from ike mar'-' . Bbal’e eal« of tlie cargo of the prize steamer Eermnda; a■’ !reaHbargaiajs • • ■ - SHEPPARD, VAR HARLINGEN. & ARRISON, ' ’ : ap2B-12tif -1008 CHESTNUT Street. ■ ' white piqljet and Marseilles: *T FOR 'LADIESIANDCniLDEEN’SWEAB.—Just received from auction achoico v assortnieht of new style medium and fine Piquets at vory low pricesi' f SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN. & ARRISON, ? .iap2Brl2tif -;IOOB;CHESTNUT Street. : TiISCHARGED SOLfiIER LOST.— JAMES COLAGAN. Co. G,aosth Regiment N. Y. >: State was discliarged from U; 8. General- Hospital at Chester, Pa ,-Deceniber>l6,lB62, since which . time lie has not been seen or heard from by his-family. - They havefeaTs of hisloss.' Anvinformationin regard'. to him left at this Office would afford great relief to a dis-, tressed wife and four'children.: He was'- this "country t born, about 5 feet 9 inches high, sandy hair And com plexion,'blue eyes, very light skin. Discharged for : rheumatism. . . • j * 'myB-4t* A SSISTAN T QUARTERMASTER GE •Or. NERAL’S OPPIOB; ; ; , Vr ’- ; Philadelphia, PA., May 8,1863. " horses wanted. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until TUES DAY, 12th ihst.; at 12 o’clock M., for.the delivery of 1,000 Cavalry Horses and, 600 Artillery Horees., ' vCAVALKY HORSES. , Tlioy must be sound,- free frombleruisb, and well broke to saddle, not less than 15 hand's high, not less than five :nor?more than; nine years old,, alio? a dark color; one half to be delivered on or before the 25th inst., > mainder by the fith of June, 1863. , J, , ■ ARTILLERY HORSES. 4 ;* They must be sound, free from blemish, and well broke ' to harness, not less than 15K hands high,’ not less than flvenorimore thannine years old, all ..of a dark color, weighing not less than. pounds; one-half to he de-. livered bn or beforetbe 25tli inst., the. remainder by the sth of June, 1863. The whole to be subjeetto inspection, audio be delivered at .any point required in- this-city. - No mares will he taken. Not more than three hundred . awarded to any one person. unlesß it should be thought to the interest of the Government-to do sb. ? , : : The ability of the bidder to . fIU the- contract, should w. be awarded to him, must be guarantied by two responsi*. ble persons, whose signatures'must, be appended to the guarantee, and said guarantee must accompany the bid. The responsibility of :the guarantors must be shown by the official certlficate of the ; Clerk of the nearest -Dis trict Court, or of the United States District Attorney. In formal proposals will not be considered. * “Form of guarantee can bo procured at this office.. : V G.' H. GROSMAN, A.’Q.'M. Gon’l. ■MrosQurro nets and netting, J-VA, Forsaleby , t -. ‘ • * JOSEPH H. THOMPSON, Agent, myB-3t* i ' . No. 4 North FlFTHrStreet. .; > PAINTS.— 10p ,TONS WHITE LEAD, •fi* S. W. Zinc, &c. ,in oil or dry! . Also, 1,000 packages of *‘Crown-brandLeadj’Aof latenoaimfactm'e.'For sale by WM. M. WILSON, 208 MARKET Street. my 8 MATRIMONIAL.—TWO; LADIES, "■** each.2l years of age,. r>t lively.disposition and' agreeable manaers. wiir become the'-correspOndehts of' two sentlemen of good moral character, refined tastes' .and habits, and high temper, with a .view to.matriraonyr - Cartes-do-Yibite exchacged—the geatlemaalforwardingv rjirst,. Copperheads, Knights oftthe Gfolden Circle, and, ‘ married arc respectfully (?) requested not to revlv. 1 Address MAY WILLI 8 and BELLE EVERETT, WATERS LOO, Seneca Co., N: Y. • . ? *lt*V A'jLL, TASTi S SUri'ED.—IN STYLE,- ■aX. quality, and price, RBIMER’S Colored Photographs please the people; . They possess the qualities to mike them and popular. l $L SECOND Street, abov.O Green, t. * 7 >f : . , n } lt' s PEIMER’S IVORV TYPES OHAL- C+- LBNGE admiratiott at- lirst glance. Tlieir simple; natnra.l etvle and exquisite cMjring dolighl [lie eye' and satisfy the.iudgment-'SEGOND Street, above Green. lt‘ Y / TYOKYTYPES.—IN Y t OUR - S&ARCH A for the best Pictures; donot-’failto vIsItREIMER'S Galich’ Bis Ivcrytypea’are cftruthful.audllmpresjlve chaiaicter.-^SECOND; Stredtf'above Green. ■ U;^. John A; Wilson, R.'D. Barclay, >J.iC'-Sharpless, Isaac V. El well, A. C. Harmer. apSMmyll RET All. DRY GOODS... BRAIDED CLOAKS. PLAIN CLOAKS. ORDERED CLOAKS. . SILK MANTLES. AMERICAN CLOAKINGS. FRENCH CLOAKINGS. . FINE CASSIMERES. DRESS GOODS. BOYS’ FINE CLOTHING. ,COOPER * OONARD. &pSO-tf S. E. comer NINTH AND MARKET Sts. PARIS OT.O A K S MANTILBAS, no w open; AT THE PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 9*o CHESTNUT STREET. , W. PROCTOR- & CO. FOURTH AND AEOH, FULL STOCK OP ADAPTED ’TO FIRST-CLASS TRADE. BILKS OF NEAT STRIPES; BILKS OF FINE PLAIDS. FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS. VELOUTINES, NEW GOODS. LIGHT SPRING FOULARDS. GRENADINES, -NEW STYLES. ROCK SPUN SILK SHAWLS. BALMORALS, SUMMER STYLES. DRESS GOODS REDUCED. ap2S-ths(atf THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIAJftKM&f MILITARY GOODS. -|y |II,I T A R Y GO OD S. SWOR D S, SASH E S, UNITED STATES BUNTING AND SJLK, EVANS & HASS ALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS; ATIONAt COLORS. BUNTING, SILK, AND MUSLIN WHOLESALE AND- RETAIL. MIL IT AR Y. DEP O T, W. H. HORSTMANN & SONS, - FIFTH AND CHERRY STREETS. ir.y7-2t QOVERNMENT GOODS. Standard 10-ounce Cotton Duck. Indigo Blue Flannels. Mixed Twilled Flannels. Sky Blue Kerseys. FARNHAM, KIRKHAM, <& 00., i . No. a3O CHESTNUT STREET. mhS4-3m . Q. w: SIMONS A BROTHER, BANSOM-STREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA: MANUFACTURERS OP JEWELRY; FINE SWORDS, An> ' MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERY VARIETY. Jftl3-U6m tr. s, intkrnaij revenue. TTNITED STATES INTERNAL RE- VENUE—ASSESSOR'S NOTICE. '■ •: Thelaxpayarsof this District are hereby’notified that, sar5 ar an ant to the provisions of the Act of Congress,' passed uly 1/1862,entitlod'** An act to provide Internal Royc nne to support the Government and on „ tlie Public Debt, ” and the act to amend the same, passed ; March. 3/1863/: the second . annual .assessment will'be - made‘on and after the first MONDAY (4th day) of ifay inst. r 1 The assessment will embrace the following items•' T. Incomes.— All incomes .for the year ending Dec. 31, 1862, must be returned to the Assistant Assessors, under oath.m: accordance with :the instructions of the Com missioner of Internal; Revenue, upon the blank forms : provided for that purpose, v.-, i;. Each person will; belrequired. to-return his total in come, so far specifying^the sources.fromwhiehitis de riv ed, as to enable, the Assistant Assessors to decide what deductions shall ;be made therefrom *-C:., v Where.a husband and live together, and taxable income ia in excess of $6OO, they/will be entitled* to but one deduction of $6OO, that being the average fixed by law as an estimated commutation.-for the expeuse of maintaining a family. /Where they live apart they w’iU betaxed separately, andVbe each entitled to adeduction' of $6OO. GUARDIANS AND 'TRUSTEES. ■ Guardians and trustees, whether such'trustees 'are so by -virtue of their office, as executors, administrators, or other fiduciary capacity, are requited to mate return ,of the income belonging to minors or other persona ■which may he held in trust, as aforesaid? and the in come tax will; be assessed, upon, the amount returned, > after .deducting such sums as are exempted from the ln tome tax, as aforesaid Provided, That the exemption *ofsixhnndred dollars, under section 90, of.the excise ; law, : shall not beallowed on account .of any minor or .other, beneficiary of a trust, except upon the statement of th« ‘guardian or trustee, made under-oath, that the minor or beneficiary has no other income from which■ . the said amount of six hundred dollars may bo exempt ed and deducted. -' .INCUMBRAITCES, RENTS, AWJ) REPAIRS; -•5 I »t*restDaid. - bj-'arty_per§Qiiloii,lTic : ttmbvances dwelling house .or-estate on which he re»K*cS; may be deducted from income;'also his payments for necessary repairs; as well as the amount actually paid for rent of' : any dwelling*house or estate which is the residence ; of theperaonassessed. : ' - • :•* •- i Persons..‘receiving .rent may deduct therefrom' the amount paid fornecessary repairs/insurance, and inte-' reßt . A on . incumbrances upon such'rented property. The cost of new structures, or improvements to buildings, ‘ shall not be deducted from income. • > :* ‘ •v, : • FARMERS. Every farmer orplauter will be required to make re turn of the value of theproduce of liis farm or planta tion,without dednctiouTor the labor or services of him self and his family, or for any portion of such produce consumed by himself and family.'- The amount paid by any farmer or planter for hired , labor and necessary repairs upon his farm,or plantation, including the subsistence ofthe laborers; nure farmers -to lands in •present productive condition will be allowed. ' Farm produce, which the producer has on hand:'on the 31st day of December, 1862, must be appraised at'its mar-' ketyalue on that day. ; J i: . 2. Enumerated Abticles. —All' articles named in sec . tion 77 ofthe law (Schedule A;) .will- be - assessed for the: taxes to which they are liable;'for the year ending May 1, 1864,; viz: ’• Carnageß, kept for üße, for .hire, orforpassengers.- ‘ ..Yachts.' ■■ ' ' • ■ ■ rßilliardTables/ . -■ •!;--\ ’ Silver Plate.’ •• > T ' r - ■■■■./ ■ Gold Plate, '• ,(The "former assessment on tKe above-named articles ' : >-j having been made for the yearWQ.' - rn ;; These, returns must be made to the Assistant Assessor within tex days, from date ofdelivery of the blanks; ‘ Neglect, or refusal to comply;wltliln the time named,: impoees the duty on the Assessor or Assistant Assessor, • to'estimate the income And-the tax upon enumerated articles, with an addition'of fifty ' 5 - ; The’entire'income tax of every.personwill'be assessed . at theresidence of the party,, and not at the place of • •business. ... ....... . ■ ;■:> •■■■ ' LICENSES. .. - All assessed ini' accordance' with the'act fof March 3, : It 63. will continue in force until the first day of May;im ' - * •And all licenses granted after the first day.of May in any year, will expire oh the first day of Mayfollo wing;;, andwill beißsuea.'upon the payment of a rateable pro-, portion of the whole amount of duty imposed for such licenses; and. each, license so, granted will bo dated on the first day of the month inwhtah it .is issued: Pro vided. That way person,:firm,,orcorporation. that on the first day of May, 1863,/held an unexpired license, will .be assessed a rateable proportion.for the time between the expiration ofthe license and the.first day of May, eighteen hundred and sixty?four. All- persons doing business within this district must apply for a new license to ran -from the date their pro sent license expires, (which, in most cases, is Septem ber Ist, 1863, ) .to .the firs tof . May; 1864. Whenever by the amendments new ratesiof license are established, the hew license will be assessed at the new rates, and, m all .cases where .the present license expires September Ist, 1863; the new license will cover a period of eight months; and must be assossedfcopay two-thirds ofthe yearly, tax. - - *, „ PENALTIES. When an assessment-forties nee has beeni'ioade, upon neglect or give the lißt ormate.the'application within tie time'required, and the assessment is re turned in the, annual list, ; the-fifty per centum penalty prescribed in section 11 must be added; and cannot be remitted, either by the assessor or collector. • ; ,' v By the act, March 3, 1863, the penalty of two years 1 ■imprisonment is added;to the .puuishment provided in ' former acts, for,those who fail to take out license when required by the excise laws of the United States. . > , ine .‘miner wl “ ““<* WWraseed : for want of'.information on the part of citizens, Witure-- J gard to theMnties imposed on them by the It is -manifest that with , the knowledge now attained, on the part of the tax-payer, and with theassistanco rendeied by this circular, that ignofanco of the law can no longer be plesded by.delinquents in the hope of : avoid ' Assessor Fourth District, 4*7 CHESTNUT Street, ■ myB-fSt FarmersVandMechanics’.BanJcßuilding. FOB SMj OF UN ITB D STATES T AX. STAMPS Mo. IT South THIRD BtraoW lrat door shove Oheetnk A foil supply of all kinds of TAX STAMPS constantly •n kand. and for silo In anantitles to ante A libers! discount Allowed on amonnls of WO and an warda. * Orders by Mall promptly attended tfc OMeoHourefrom9A:K. toffP.M. : . JACOB E., RIDGWAY, , deO-tielO. • 1 - Ho. gT Sooth THIRD Street TTNITED STATES INTERNAL BE ' vJ .VENUE." ■ ■ SECOND’COLLECTION-DISTRICT ; Of Pennsylvania, embracing . tie First, _ Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth wards of the city of Philadei- Pll , NOTICE. 1 ' The Amina.l assessmeutln the above-named district of ; all persons liable to tax on - Gold andSilverPlate.Car riagee, Billiard Tables, and Pleasure Yachts, and 1 also of all persons required to take out Licenses' having been ■ completed, notice Is hereby given that the taxes due under said assessment will be received by tbe under • signed, daily, Sundays excepted,'between the hours of 9 A. M. aud3F. M.,at his office* southwest corner of THIRD and WALNUT Streets, on and after SATURDAY, the llth instant, until and including Saturday* the 9th day of May, 1863. - pjjNALTJES. - *'• > All persons who fail to. pay the annual taxes "on gold and Buyer plate, carriages, billiard tables, and pleasure ,yachtli,i on or before the aforesaid 9th of May, 1863, will ; incur a penalty of ten per centum additional upon the • amount thereof,' as pro vfded for in the 19th section of the / excise law k of Julyl*lBC2. , ' ; • , ■ . All persons who in like manner shall fail to take out their licenses, as required by law, on or before the 9th , day of May, 1863, will incur a penalty of three times the - amount or said- licensee, in.accordance with theproyi {lions of the 59th section of the excise law aforesaid. • ' Money oi the United States only received. , ;*: * • JOHN H. DIBHL, Collector, ap9*dtmy9 B.W. cor. of THIRD and WALNUT Sts. TTNITED STATES PATENT,OFFICE, r !» 'Wabhihgtojc, May4, , 1561. iVi *•«?.' ' i On the petitlou of MORPHY, Administratrix of I the Estate ofJOHH, MURPHY, • deceased, of Philadel- * 1 'phia, Pennsylvania. praying for'the extension of ti patent i {irtantfid to the said John Murphy, the 7th' day of August, 1849,'f0r an improved method of regulating the con- - I 'tratitionof car wheels for. seven years from the expira i tion of said patent, whichtakes place on the 7th day- of i- that the said petition be heard at the Patent 1 Office on MONDAY, the 20th day of July next, at 12' - o’clock M.: and all persons are , appear' and ■ 1 show cause; if any they have, why said petition ought r not to be granted. V ,; j, . ■, Persons opposing the extension are required to file in Ilhe’Patent Oflice their objections, specially, sot forth in writing, at least twenty days before the day. of hearing;, all testimony filed by either party to be used at the said bearing must be taken and transmitted in-, accordance . with the rules of the office, which will be furnished on .‘application, y • ‘ , •Tho testimony in the case will be closed on the 6th day. of. July next; depositions and'other papers relied upon as testimony must be filed in the office on or before tho ■morning of that day; the arguments,.if any, within ten days thereafter. . o V•. ~r t • , ‘■i 'Ordered, also, that this' ; notlcelbe the- Ohroniclfti, Washington DC.rand Uefphia,' once a week for three t week»;_, .the first of said piihllcatloaß. tOj be at loaat. sixty days previous to the day of hearing.’ r _ ‘ : r ' . ""B. P. HOLLOWAY. !■ myB’f3t • .• -j.. • y Commissioner ot'Pftfws. B E L TS. FLAGS, ALL SIZES. 418 ARCH STREET. FLAGS, HUtiBAND AND WIFE. S EMBODY & GO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. f WALL STREET, NEW YORK. AnacrsTtrs S. Ik. body, ~ : TiIKRON' H. K.yapp, • /,, ;•! (LtttoCashierwltliJ. T. VwiVleeis.) TOCKS AND RINDS OF ALL, KINDS BOUGHT AND S(LD ON COMMISSION. A supply of GfYERKMENT SECURITIES constantly onliandaad for eae atthecurrentmarket value. .... COLLECTIONS If ADE on all parts of the United States, open to mail or exp >ss; also/'on the Canadas and British Provinces. ; ’ v " N3w York. May u. s. FIVE-TWENTIES, OR twenty-y lb six-per-cent, bondb. PAYABLE AT TH OPTION OF THE GOVERNMENT Ai ER FIVE YEARS. , I am instructed V the SECRETARY OF-THE TREA SURY to recoivo ebscriptiona for the.above LollN AT PAR. Interest will coiLence from the DATE OF SUB SCRIPTION, and IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Snb-Treaauijor Depository of the United States, on the first days of Ity and November of each year. At the present premium pr gold, these Bonds yield about BIGHT per cent, paimnum. ? i .. A fall supply alws s on hand. •' JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT. 114: SOUTH THIRD STREET. SPECIAL NOTICE. On and after July st, 1863,-the privilege' of convert ing the present i xe of LEGAL-TENDER NOTES INTO THE' NATION KL SIX-PER-CENT. LOAN (com monly called 4 ( Piv{ rwenUea”) will cease. All who wish to:nvest in the Five-Twenty Loan must, therefore, aptf before the Ist of JULY. next. JAY COOKE, . | Sabscription Agent. mh4-tjyl * Ift South THIRD Street. Philada. gTERLING Ad PARIS EXCHANGE BOUGHT AINU SOLD. T*' ■■■ . I)REXEL & 00., | -34 Sonth TBIRD Street. JOHN C. CLAPP &SON, S TOO K AK» NOTE BE OK EE £f, | No. 33 South THIRD Street, Directly opposite ti Mechanlcs’Bank. STOCKS AND E)NDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON • | COMMISSION, AT TEEIBOABD OF BROKERS. MON EY INVESTSD 1 AKD ’ NOTES ANJf LOANS NEGOTIATED "'■UMi OIfTHK BEST TERMS. v gD W Act D M. DAVIS , v-,.' - STOCK ATO EXCHANGE BROKER, No. 39 Scith THIRD Street, (up stairs,) j Philadelphia. A GENERAL BROKERAGE AND BANKING' BUSI .; N£SS; TRANS ACTED, f <;;];'•> ■ Stocks and Bought and Sold on Commission. Loans and Businas Paper Negotiated. Dividends and Interest Coupons Collected and Remitted. Exchange on Europe Sold. Special Collections made. Coin and Cnr rency Bought. Interest Allowed on Deposits. ap]-3m HARYEY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, No. 313 WALNUT* STRICT. STOCKS and BOIDS, and all kinds of U. 8. GOVERN-. MENT SECDRITII&, bought and sold on-Commission." Business Paper add Loans on Collateral 'negotiated at UNITED STATE&I6-20 YEAR SIX per cent. BONDS, furnished at PAR iilsuma to suit.. , Orders by Mail shill receive prompt attention. Refers to ] Messrs. Nathan Trotter* Co., Geo. Di Parrish, Esq., John B. Myers * Co,, • Samuelß<Thomas,Esq., Fnrness,Brinley,*Go., John Thomas, Esu. ; apl-3m if /COLLECTION OP U. S. GERTIFI- V CATES or INDEBTEDNESS.—The -ADAMS’ EX-, PRESS COMPANY; are now prepared to-.collect at the Treasury Department,-Washington,: with despatch, and: at reasonable rates, the One Certificates of In- ; debtedness of the United States now due or shortly ma-: - lr ,rH J?2 s ' IQa dSL«3S», , ?.? receipts given aTlhe officer Nor33ii'^tfESNUT;Streefc.. w t---:.-'rf , my6-tf - • DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. J7IFTY BALES -• ' OF . V . FIiENCH JACONETS , AND ORGANDIES, of the. Celebrated manufacture of: . L DOLLEUS MIEG&.CO., , _ I i and FRERES KOECHLIN. ' Just received and for sale at very low prices by M. L. EALLOWELL iSi 00, Hos. 615 CUESTSOT and 6J3 JATlfEStreets. jny2-12l if DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Robert shoemaker & oo;, Northeast. Coiner FOURTH and RACE Streets. PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS FORBIGM AND DOMESTIC WINDOW, ANI> PLATE QLASS, KAOT7AOTUBBBB 0F WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS* PUTTY. *O.l ' AOBBTB Von THB GBLEBRATBD FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealer! aid consumer! inpplled at VERY LOW PRICES POR CASH. aiLS-sm Q.EOKGE A. MILLER Sc CO., 506 MARKET STREET, .PHILADELPHIA, :.l WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS,‘VARNISHES, WINDOW AND,HOLLOW GLASS WAKE, Ac., • Ac., •. &C. . *' . ->I • '•’,'' *" . yS' 4', */.•' Special attention Riven to the wants of the City Trade. apZt-lm 1 ■ ‘ ■ COMMISSION HOUSES. goods: DABK-BLUB COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKI-BLUB CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS. STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. - ' DRILLS,'STANDARD WEIGHT. , HEAVI LINEN DRILLS AND DOCK. BBOWN|AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT INGS. lor sale by FROTHINGHAM Sc WELLS. 1 aeg-lftf t , V ‘ . ~ . , , , LEGAL. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOB A THE CITY AND OOUHTY OF PHILADELPHIA' ■ ERtataef RICHARD HO BISON,-Deceased. r NOTICE IS .HEREBY GIVEN. That IrAMAR ROBI SON, Widow; of said decedent; has filed in said Court her petition, claiming to retain of the estate of said decedent the sum of $3OO in cash; as therein expressed* under the acta of April 14th, 1851, and April Bth, 1850; and that the same will be approved by'the Court on the 22d day of May* A. D. 1803* unless exceptions are filed thereto.> JOHN SHALLCROSS,*: myS»4t* , : t - Attorney for Petitioner. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR A THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA; - , Estate of DAVID K. SCHENCK, Deceased.- < Thai,Auditor appointed by the Court to settle and ad just the account of LEONARD FISHES. Administrator ' or the Estate of DAVID K. 6CHENCK,* deceased; and to report distribution of the balance in'the hands of the ac countant, will meet the parties interested, for the pur poses of bis appointment, on TUESDAY, May 19,1863, at 4 o’clock P. M‘, at his Office, ,S.E. corner of EIGHTH and LOCUST Streets* in the city of Philadelphia; ‘ * niyS-frmSvgc . DANIEL DOUG HE&TY, Auditor. * TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA., Estate of DEBORAH'Bj*JOHNBON;.‘DMMwed. : The Auditor Court to settle and ad just the first and final account of LEWIS C. SARTORI, Executor, of the Estate of DEBORAH S. fJOHNSON. de* ceased; and to report distribution of the balance in'the hands: of accountant*will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on 1 MONDAY,-* May. 18. 1863. at 4o'clock?:.M.,at his Office,S..E.' corner of EIGHTH and LOCUST Streets. In the city of. Phila delphia. i -r, DANIEL DOUGHERfY, . myB;frmwst . k Auditor? pARB. AMMONIA.—A .FEW TONS landing. Also,* S Catties True Musk* per. Persia.. Imported and for sale by WILbON, HOE MAR KET Street. , . r myB. VFOTICE.—CHARLES B. FITHIAN is I' no longer ill our employ. ARCHER AREEVE3. ,:,„ > PhUadelpßt». , 'AvrlL'lB,’lSBS. < , - , mfl-#?, A. S. PEABODY & CO. mys-lra KINGLAKR’S INVASION OF THE CRIMEA. A FIRST FRIENDSHIP—A TALE. MYSTERIES OF LIFE. DEATH, AND: FUTURITY. * By. Horace Welby. • ‘ . : A MANUAL OF MINOR SURGERY. By Dr. Pack ard. •<.?/ . ROEMER’S HISTORY OF CAVALRY.- Its Manage ment; • - ;THE.FIELD AND GARDEN VEGETABLES OF AME RICA. By Feariug Burr, Jr. • myS-tf TTHEARNIY CHAPLAIN'.—THIS DAY A i S pufeliehod, THE ARMY CHAPLAIN;* Hia Office, Duties, and Responsibilities, and the Means of Aiding Him, By Rev; w. Y. Brown, a. M. . Hospital Chaplain- U. & A. 18mo, 45cents. ALSO JUST READY, The Seventeenth Thoupand of HOW A FREE PEOPLE CONDUCT ALONG WAR. BrC. X StilM. IScents. Tho' Mnth Thousand of NORTHERN INTERESTS AND SOUTHERN INDEPENDENCE. By tho same author. 15cents.. ,?-.y-,v T - Published by ‘ ==■■- v- J >; .; H S ■■■’■ if: “EXCELSIOR” HAMS c .'vi ARB THE BEST.IN THE WORLD. NONE GENUINE’ UNLESS BRANDED 7 ’ ‘W “J. H. X.’& CO. PHILADA. EXCELSIOR.” J.H. MICHENER * CO., GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS, ■ . AND . ' . ■' 'i CURBKS OF THE CBLEBRATED “EXCELSIOR” SUGAR-CURED HAMS, ,1. ■ ; ' Nob. 143 and 144 North FRONT Street, Between Arch and Race streets, Philadelphia. The justly-celebrated EXCELSIOR ” HAMS are cured by J. H.M. A Co. (in a style peculiar to themselves) ex pressly for FAMILY • USE; are of delicious Davor, free from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounced by epicures superiorto any now offered for sale. , ap6-mw&ftjy6* ' : "new PtTBIiICATIOivS. odd S - CUNEINS ODER KREIG IH KRIEG.3 By the Authoress of. t *QaitB. ,, ,4 The Initials,” &c., Ac. Messrs. J. B, LIPPINCOTT A CO. • beg. to announce that they will publish,. On TUESDAY, May 12th, By Special Arrangement with: the distinguished Au- tlioress, anew Novel, entitled' AT ODDS. CUNEINS ODER KREIG IM KRIEG.] Br the Baroness Tautphoi»U3, Anthoresa of.“Qaits,” “The Initials, In one volume; 12mo. will bs-pnblished in both the English and German Languages., , r V - : ' Orders iron-the tirade are respectfully solicited. 1 J. B. LIPPINCOTT&CO., PUBLISHERS, 715 and 717 MARKET Street, my2-7t THE PROPHETIC TIMES FOR MAY NOW-READY l-rContaiaiDg articles oathe Second Coming of Christy-His Millennial Reign ovorthe Earth, and correlative subjects. .Edited by Rev. Drß.* SEISS, NE WTON, and others. • Price 10 cents a number,: or $1 per vol. of 12 Nos.' Published by ' W. Vj HARBEST, 1151 North TENTH Street. myS-2t ' New books. 'i- > Just received by . ; ‘ ; ; . J.B. LIPPINCOTT& CO., , , ,v. ?15 and lyxy MARKET Street. . LEAVES FROM THE DIARY OF AN ARMY SUR GEON. By Thomas T. Ellis,* M. D. •• THE ACTRESS IN HIGH LIFE.. > MY- SOUTHERN FRIENDS. T By Edmund Kirke. bonar’s family sermons. THE "I WILLS" OF THE PSALMS. By Power. THE ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY FOR 1863. WILLIAM 8. & ALFRED MARTIENV •, • GOG CHESTNUT Street. THE NEW SENSATION.—WE PUB- A LISH- this day : THE BOOK OF NONSENSE, The first American from the Tenth London Edition'bf that'ridiculously funny book by Edward Lear,-which has caused so much. sensation on both sides the water. Our. edition is a perfect fac simile of theLondoniCopy,- fov only $l. WILLIS P. HAZARD. ■* my6-6t ~ : 7*4 CHESTNUT Streets , TTiURTZ’S BIBLE AND ASTRONOMY. IV. —An Exposition of tho Biblical Cosmology, and its to Natural .Science. Second American from the third enlarged German edition.; r • : ALSO, ■ KURTZ’S MANUAL OF SACKED HISTORY. Seventh - - ■ * ■ ■■ ' KURTZ’S TEXT BOOK OF CHURCH HISTORY. 2 vole. KURTZ'S OLD TBSTAMENTCOVENANT. 3 vole. . Recently published and for sale by - -y- LINDSAY A BLAKIBTON, Publishers a'nd’Booksellers,'' ' mys -No. 35 South SIXTH Street,-above Chestnut. > TUST PUBLISHED— W ' “THE PHILADELPHIA CITY BUSINESS DI RECTORY, ” for 1863-4. PRICE ONE DOLLAR; It contains the REVENUE-STAMP LAW, arranged as per amendments of the act of March 3d» 1863, expressly tor this Directory. E. M. CROSS & CO. v Publishers, . ■' , - - 337 CHESTNUT Street.- *9- O —-G —B —E. “ 439 ” ' MAKE YOUR PURCHASES OP , BOOKS, STAT/ONEUM, PHOTOGRAPH AL BUMS, CARD PICTURES, $-c., y:,ly' At the ’ ORIGINAL GIFT - BOOK EMPORIUM, CHESTNUT STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE NEW POST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. RATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY, containing Portraits of Thirty of the mosfc promihenfc ./ AMERICAN GENERALS AND NAVAL OFFICERS, Frinted on Tine Cards of the regular Photograph- size, rice, for'package of thirty Portraits, post-paid, $l. 4®* Aliberardiscountio Agents. ; my2-6t ; A. f WINCH, 505 CHESTNUT Street. , GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. 1 AND 3 N. SIXTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. JOHN C. ARKISON, (FORMERLY 1. RUHR MOORE.) IMPORTER AND DEALER IN GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, MANUFACTURER OF THE IMPROVED PATTERN SHIRT. These SHIRTS are cut by measurement, so-that all the parts exactly fit each other..,They surpass an other Shirts for neatness of fit on the. breast, comfort in.the neck, and ease on the shoulder. . >v - “V : -.i. ./< SATISFACTION GUARANTIED. ifiyl-tf TfENE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The subscriber would invite attention to his IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, Which he makes a specialty in his business. Also, con stantly receiving. •’ NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. - : J. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING STORE, • No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, ja2o-tf Four doorß below the Continental. INSURANCE COMPANIES. PIRE ASSOCIATION. A . Incorporated, March‘27, 1820. .y-' Office, No. 34North FIFTH Street, INSURE-BDILDINGS,- . , HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, AND MERCHANDISE GENERALLY, ■"* \ FROM LOSS BY FIRE. (In the city of Philadelphia only.) STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS OF-THE ASSOCIATION* * -JANUARY 1,1663. Bonds and Mortgages on Property- in the city t/ - ' - .■ of Philadelphia only $708,494 66- Ground Rents, . ri 41 ' ** 28.189 97 Real Estate.. 14,396113 Cash on hand - ;, 84,061 36 ' $785,08212 ''j '-V - :.. »’ TRUSTBES* _■ ‘ 1 GEORGE j W: TYRON. President. Wm. H. Hamilton, JobnSoador, ’. PetorTritz, • » - Peter A. Keyeer, John Pliilhin, John Carrow, Geo. I. Young; . . < Jos. R. Lyndall, Levi P. Coats, . Samuel Sparliawk, Charles P. Bower. < WiLiiiAM T. Bdtlbk, Seorel IE COMPANY/NO. ILFHTAI ' ■ TD INSURANCE, ' •obs. ■ . •11 Francis If .Buck,■■.■■■>■ B.D. WooArnf, , Chas. Richardson* * Geo, A. West, HenrrLewis, Jr., John Kessler. Jr. a John w. Brennan* - Chas.-Stokes, PhilipS. Justice. A. H. Rosenheim, > . - O. WTD&tIs, Josep D. Bills.. . FRANCIS H. BUCK, President. • CHARLES KICHABDSONVVie# President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. [jalMttf TJAMEINSUKANC A 406 CHESTITUT Stmt. ; ! « philad: '* fIES AND INLi SISBO ■yy O O L . j 10,000 lbs. Pennsylvania Tub. ‘ < 20,000 lbs. Choice Canada Fleece. ’ . 20,000 lbs. No. land Super Western Pulled. * 40,000 lbs. Medium and Fine Pennsylvania andOhi. Fleece, selected.? • - ■ ■■■'■: WOOLEN YARNS. . v 1 30,000 lbs. Domet Flannel Yarn, 20 cents. ' 10,000 lbs. Linsey and Fine Shawl Yarn, 30 cents. 10,000 lbs, 1 * Hosiery- and-Stocking Yarns, softspun.. ... COTTON. ' 100 bales Middlings. COTTON YARNS. ,30,000 lbs. Warps, Cops, and Bundled Twist, of best: makes. Nos. 10 to 20. Orders solicited for best Standard makes—any num ber or description. ~ ALEX. WHILLDIN & SONS. * ap27-mwfly. . r CHERRY WINE.—IOO QUARTER O Casks just received per ship '*Laura.” for sale ih bond, by - • CHAR. B. ’& JAS. CARSTAIRB,. &P 24 f jiaa WALNUT and at GRANITE Streets. TO SHOE-FINDEBS AND MANUFAC- A TUREKB.—On arid after MONDAY, May >lB, till September ill tbe undersigned- have .agreed '.to CLOSE THEIR STOKES at 8 o’clock, except on SATURDAYS, • wben tbey ikill'cloße at S P.M. .• ... . ~ LAING 4 MAGINNIS. -EDWIN W- PAYNE it CO. — - - - JOSEPH-GODCRKT & CO. ; >!Biy6-wfm.-3t* ~ >,. - WILLIAM'JOHNS * SON. ~ Pbi)ada.,'MayB, 1663.^SAACBARTON S CO.. ‘ > 'ATTCTIOM’SAIiE. «" ' t>IE.ORT AN ; T EXHIBITION AND" A SALEOF V/Wi'aMO*': .. . ' HORNED CATTLE.- StIKEP, BWINB, POULTBT,. dtc. .Trill -hold an Exhibition and.Sa.le of Fineß’oodea Stock, at the’ <.< -•< *’ > • ’BAZAaB, ninth andsaxsom streets, PHILADELPHIA, r*. .. - Under the direction of the Philadelphia Society, for the Promotion of Agriculture,' ■ 0i The Sale will tote plac« (without regard to the weather), • ■ v ■ •: , rOJS WEDNESDAY, - . . . The 20tli day of May next, at 10o*cl ck A. M. Theßazaar willbefittpdup foi- the reception and l ' ex hibition of Stock,- on TDE> O AY. the 19th iu<t. .-.■»< ... fl®* 1 Owners ot Homed Cattle. Sheep. Swine, Poultry,-.. ; &c.. Ac; , Aie iuvitedto contribute to this biles. A note l addressed'to the Auctioneer willbe sufliciputto insure a place in Catalogue. ALFRED M. HERKHESS, myS-frßif' . . y 'Auctioneer. BAZAAR—NINTH AND SAN. somstreets; ’ 2 ; ; Y-AOCTIOK SALE OF HOBSES, CAEKIA.SE3, .. „„„ " IIABNESC. Ac . • OL f ATUKDAY MORNING, at 10 o’clock. .4. Included in catalogue, will be found about *■ - v, bobjy hoeses. ... . Among which willbe found' a pair of handsome Bar Horses (to bo sold singly), belonging to a private gentle- *\ man. ' . .. -also, .An entire . drivingrestablislnnent, belonging to the estate of a persoad'Cceased,consistiDgof— A pair of matched Bay Horses. V . An elegant Watson Coape, for two horses. . Two Rockaway Carriages, by Dunlap. Throe sets excellent double . Harness. -V ALSO, : : rAlarge collection of- desirable;new -.and. second-hand Carriages, Harness, &c., with which the sale will com mence.'*■ ALFRED M. HERKftESS, my7-2tif ■' : Auctioneer. BOSTON AUCTION SAID. "DY JOHN H, OSGOOD & SON, " OFFICE 147 CONGRESS Street, Boston-’ LARGE SALE OF MILITARY OVERCOATS, ON AC* COUNT OF THE GOVERNMENT, BY ORDER OF THE UNITED STATES.QUARTERMASTER, aT,BOS TON. ' Willjbe sold by Public Auction, in lotstosuit. purchasers,.; ,f: to the highest bidder, >* ' ON THURSDAY, ' May Wthi 1863, at 10 o'clock A. M. , , - 33,301 INFANTRY GREATCOATS (assorted sizes), Viz: - •• 1V,301 Black Tricot, Doeskin, Beaver, and Satinet 1,000 Gray Satinet. 5,000 Dark Blue Pilot, and Satinet.. : ’* ’ r All in perfect order, well packed in cases, and ready for shipment. . 'y'"' -f : /I" The goodß can be examined on the day previous to the sale.- - - •_ Terms, cash. . W)I. W.- McKIM, Captain, and A Q M. Assistant Quartermaster’s Office, ) ; ■ Boston, April 27, 1863 J. apEMSfc TITAN TED— AN ENERGETIC SALES * V MAN, t* sell PERFUMERY and FANCY GOODS.' by sample, in theHnited States. None need apply but jthdse who are fully competent- and experienced. - Ad dress 80Xf1349 Post Office. ,: myB-3t WANTED—BY A GENTLEMAN OP * * address.' education, and general business experi'-; ence, now and for the last seven years engaaed'iu one ‘ of,the largest Banks In this city, a SITUATION of more varied, ana active [duties.' Any respectable position at; but a fair salary will be' accepted.. Address Box 2929 Post,Office. i- • ' my7-Bt* WANTED.—AN AMERICAN LADY TY; v deBires a situation as HOUSEKEEPER; she has had much experience,'and- is-well qualified to superin tendthe affairs of a household. For farther particulars, letter, with name and address, Box 3133 Philadelphia Post Office, -- ... .my7-2t. A BOOKKEEPER OS’EXPERIENCE ' and ability desiresa. SITUATION ;has noobjection to act as an Assistant. -Salary ; not Jess than $5OO.- Ad dress *■* LibroB, ,; at this otfice. , : my7«2t*. ■ WANTED, BY THE FIRST OP JOLT . PARTNER, with a cash Capital of $2,000, to engage in a JOBBING GROCERY BUSINESS. . The ad vertiser'commands a good paying trade. ‘Address ** Gro cer, ? 8 office of Tlie Press. ' :r my6-St* > A MONTH!—I WANT TO HIRE nP * ( ih tevery county at $75 a month, ex penses, paid; to > sell , my new cheap Family Sewing Ma chines. >Adaresß < •< S. MADISON, my6-lmd&W.v . Alfred, Maine. A MONTH!—W E. W ANT sPUv AGENTS at $6O a month, expenses, paid, to sell onr Everlasting Pencils, Oriental Burner*,and 13other new articles. 15 circulars/m..' SHAW & CLARK, mv6-lmd&W ' Biddeford, Maine. DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER SSSmrn GENERAL’S OFFICS. —Phh.adelphta, Feb. 9, 1863. ■■ ■ ■ ' . ".v- . VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry GOAL to the following points: - < ’ Tortugas. • : . . Key west, Fla. ' - Fort MonroevVa,- ; , . . • w. Alexandria, va, Newbem, N.C. f - Port Royal, S. C. * A. BOYD, felO-tf Captain and Assist. Quartermaster. CUMMERBOAKDING AT CHESTNUT GROYE HOUSE, MEDIA—This House will‘again, be opened by the undersigned on the 15tb of June, for' the-reception of Boarders. The location-is healthy, and the establishment replete with everything which tends to make it a - desirable place of summer resort; ' ' ' •• Address • ' Mrs.'M: MACK, ,v : myfi-frmwst* Box.3s3*Philada. P.O. A SINGLE PROFESSIONAL GEN TLEMAN. desires One or TwO'Booms. 4 with allthe' modern conveniences'. • and full or partial Board : in a; of devoted : loyalty to the Government.. The best of references'given and required. Address,-G.- A C., PhiladA.fP. O. . : r ■ ->.v : m7-3t - TJOARD.—HANDSOME COMMUNI -4-> CATING Rooms at Noi. 1315 WALNUT Street. ! ■ ap3o-12t*if . .v" FOB SALE AND TO LET. m SUMM E R RESIDENCE.—FOR LJZ SALE, a handsome RESIDENCE in White Hall, Twenty-third ward, Philadelphia, the- well kept grounds of the United Slates Arsenal, within two squares of a station on the Philadelphia’and'Trenton Railroad; and within the same distance of the Second and Third-street cars; a well-built Cottage, convenient ly arranged, with large hall, two parlors, sitting-room, dining-room, breakfast-room, office and kitchenbirfirst floor,, and five rooms ;bn second,floor gas throughout ,-ice-hduse filled .with pure ice; stabling sufficient for three horses, with carriage-house attached; lot one hun dred feet by two hnndred feet; stocked withexcellenfc grapes, pears, cherries;, and other fruits. and abund antly Bhaded’with evergreen and other ornamental trees.. Terms easy. Apply Jo . SAMUEL SELLERS,-No; > 213- South SIXTH Street, or to B; JACOBS, on the premi ses. v • • • " • myB-12t^- OfeAnn T 0 81|500.— SPLENDID OPEN-: •,t|Pvyv ING. Business or investmenhiiiS'i<rcjMiins , .‘ ; - • No. 315 WALNUT Street. : BLINDS AND SHADES; JJLINDS AND SHADES. J 3 . J - WI L LIAMS, SO. 16 NOETH SIXTH-, STREET. VENETIAN BLINDS MSS* Th e Largest and Finest. Assortment in the;• city, at the Lowest Prices. Blinds Painted and Trimmed equal to new. Store Shades Made and Lettered. • apfi-2m HARD WARE AND CUTLERY. HARDWARE. ( CLOSING OUT AT OLD PRICES, The .Stock ofa WHOLESALE HOUSE, comprising ’a LARGE ASSORTMENT OF . : • ALL KINDS OF GOODS. *37 MARKET and *l6 COMMERCE Streets.' apl6-lm . * my4-mwflm SCHEDULE OF PRICESAGREED ;0. UPON BY. THE ICE DEALERS of Philadelphia, to take effeot on MONDAY, April 27, 1863: , ■ ■■ » * 8 lbs. per day • 75 cts. per week, • 12 V.- ..-90 “ ... „ 16 ...i ...105 . . ’ “ ’ . 20 “ “ .................'.120 “. ••• : Customers taking from 40 to 100 lbs., at the rate of 75 cts.perlOOlbß. 100 Ibk and upwards, 70 cts. per hundred. ap2l-lm*lf JCEMCEJ ICE I ICE! ICE! lOEJ COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. •« ; Families, Offices, Hotels, Shipping, Ice-Cream Saloons, Ac., Ac., supplied daily with a pure article ol BOaTON ■ICE, at the very lowest market rates; Dealers and large* consumers> ..supplied. at wholesale prices. Wagons main all payed limits of the Consolidated city* . and in the Twenty-fourth Ward. „. „„ „ ■ . THOB. B CAHILL. !335 WALNUT Street. North Penn*. R. A Master street. Lombard and Twenty-fifth streets. Pine-Btreet wharf. Schuylkill. TMPORi’ANT TO ‘ EVERYBODY.—' J- To be sold'to closjnip a business— ; * . • ,600 tons Egg Coal, at £5.25 per. ton, 1,000 ** Stove " ' at 56.26 . - ;T . 1,000 * 4 Nut 1,1 at $4.60 “ „ , _ , ' . NINTH Street, (West side,) third. Coal Yard above Poplar. ■' ’ • apl8«ln» fl .O A L.—SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER and . Spring Mountain .Lehigh Coal, and best. Locust Mountain from’ Schuylkill; prepared ex pressly for family use. Depot, N. W. corner or EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office, No. 11» South SECOND s! fltreet. : Cap*4-ly] ■■: J. WALTON 4CO. T> o 0 K RICHARD'S BYE WATER A -will make the weakest eyes Btrong and’ the most dim virion clear. - ‘ „ - Head the certificate* handed to Mrs. M. G. Brown* or. • 410 Arch street, by Eev. P. S. Henson,pastor .of Broad--. street Baptise Church L , .....__ ■ i October 17* 1862. , \ From - injuries received in my right eye when a boy, a chronic inflammation had been produced, in conse quence of whitihl suffered constant martyrdom.; Every moment of my-waking life; wan embittered, and I was frequently unable to sleep at night. . variety of remedies been resorted to without success, and I entertained the purpose, as a last-resort, ; of having the ball taken out of its socket in the hope or, thus finding relief. •• • '• •• • '• • • ’v -v. Inthemeanwhile, most providentially I noticed one - day In a shop window a'bottleof Pp or'Richard *8 Eye i Water. I had never heard of it before, but determined to try it—and did with the most delightful results. In a few days the painful irritation was removed: I could . bear the'strohgest'light; and went forth as it were to the .enjoyment of ’a* new life. I now keep avbottle ofiit always in the house, and if my eye seemsat all disposed i to. annoy me, I give it a dose and that is an end of It. I would not be without it for any amount of money.' I ■ take occasion to say farther, that my wife used to suffer /severely at times from protracted : pain: in and over her eyes, and she has found Poor Richard's Eye Water a ■ sovereign specific in her case, giving her almost instant relief. :' > - . ; Grateful to God for ,the, benefit I‘have personally re ceived, I cannot but recommend the-'preparation most to all who have been 'sufforers like myself. p. S. BENSON*. • Pastor of,the Broadrstreet Baptist Churcn. • ; ;*-••■•. Residence 1430 Poplar street, Philadelphia. ... : •f ■* General Depot ofPoos..Bichard VlgreWjter.^ - Pvioo *1 per bottle. : , . : , , mrC-et if . -,-IC—POB new tobk, AiSaHKyiA DEL A W ARIT AND RARITAN ,01- ‘ nat , aNB SWIPTSOKB LINES, . . * . : 13a South DELAWARE Avenue.>. FOR NEW YORK—NEW ABHBUiDAILY LINE-YIA DBLAWAEB AND &AKITAN gBHAL... _ __ ._ " Philadelpfijfti.ahd Hew Tortc Express Steamboat Cow ■any recelve leave dally at &?. M., AeLiverln i-their cargoeslii Hew York the following da* freights taken at reasonable rates. vr *• ' « WM. P. =CLTMi‘Agent. .... ; . Vo. 14 SOUTH WHAEVES. Philadelphia. JAMES HAW, Agent. V 1 anl*tf : PUkal4 ui 18 VAST Hlto£b*wT«V i * ' 1 * > * - *• WANTS* BOARDING; MANtTFACTITBER OP WINDOW SHADES. MEDICAL. - ■- '->AJHTSEMESTSi .*. Q o n_g er t .ammo :>r t\ FOR A FEW DAYS.ONLY, ;i'. COMMENCING MONDAY;'MAY lira,' ‘ ~ -A;OEKL TOM, THUMB. AND WIFE, . fa—miss-minnie WARREN, ai«{S3^B^t^iaS?. ,towwte ‘5“ BWa • . .. BTaIU&E’s; smallest -editions ~j ... - THC.>iPA^r45T?F Or< -EST WORKS A ApjtpErfronw v °? D X Jp^,JN the world; all toe duties ana requirements of lifA't- 1 «ywcimy w • •»* ROBUST HEALTH, BEauW "SRACp MANLY,I)IGNLTY.ANDFBMIKife?WEETIiiz«:q v are combined lnthemiuthe amplest manner> \, iaao * • • Mr.^CHARLES : STRATTON* (known as. Gen. Tom Thumb) and his little wife, . . m . t MRS. LAVIMA WARREN STRATTON."; having deferredtheir visit' to Europe until the season is .more favorable for crosting.the Atlantic, have prevailed : ' IP ° II PETITE COMPETITORS. V. COM. NUTT AND MISS MINNIE WARREX, 1,, to join them in their/ : - .. GRAND PUBLIC LEVEES, IK THIS CITY. F<JR A FEW DAYS ONLY, ' . T o AT CONCERT'H ALL. ' • * ■* ‘ ‘ Commencing MONDAY, .May 11th, 1863. -H THREE LEVEES EACH DAY. - Fromll;A M. to 12K P. M.;t-3 to and 8 to-9% P. M. - , / V ;; iiDoors open half anhourin advance. .. .<• ‘At each Levee, ! V MR. ’AND MRS. GEN, TOM THUMB, } COM. NUTT AND MISS MINNIE WARREN, -. Will appear in varied performances. ; ' 1 INCLUDING TABLEAUX IN CHARACTERISTIC ' COSTUMES, SONGS, DANCES, Ac.^Ac., 1 At each morningperformance the General and his lady will appear in the .•'■•>/. -•- -j-- . ' -* IDENTICAL WEDDING COSTUME They wotb on the occasion 1 of their marriage, at Grace ‘ ' Chui'ch, New York. " s The rich and elegant < * BRIDAL PRESENTS . - . , . ■ Will be on exhibition at each- Levee. The splendid Equipage Of , ! r . . OEN. TOM THUMB AND SUITE, . Consisting t of one of the most elegant Coaches ever mada in America, costing over &2,0C0, though less than a queer* an ordinary coacnr: and of FOUR OF THE SMALLEST PONIES IN THE WORLD, ~ ~. Will peromb «• late the streets daily,. .- * And be in front or the Hallafc the close of each perform „ ■ • ,-; ance. v - This gem of a Carriage, small as it is, will accommo date th e 'four petites at once, who ride in it to and V from the,Hall to their Hotel at each entertainment. 5 11 * Admission, 25 cents.. Children under ten, 15 cents. . C my-8-tf « ■ . ... ' iV '. OHESTNUT-STREET THEATRE. . ANNOUNCEMENT. FAREWELL BENEFIT, ? , > FAREWELL BENEFIT,' •,v * FAREWELL BENEFIT,- FAREWELL BENEFIT,•• FAREWELL-BENEFIT, . ’ ’ FAREWELL BENEFIT, -r- V and most positively the last appearance, but one, of th® . -V distinguished artiste, Miss‘d • LUCILLE WESTERN, i v ■- LUCILLE WESTERN, . LUCILLE WESTERN, ... r .. .. LUCILLE WESTERN, . LUCfLLE WESTERN. . LUCILLE WESTERN, which will occur on ■-• • •: THIS FRIDAY EVENING. 5 THIS FRIDAY EVENING ; THIS FRIDAY EVENING. - THIS FRIDAY EVENING, May Bth, 1863, upon which occasion will be presented. ;.:v for most . POSITIVELY THE LAST TIME. POSITIVELY THE LAST TIME, v but one, the great sensational drama,‘ entitled ; ■ EAST LYNNE, EAST LYNNE, . EAST LYNNE, 4 EAST LYNNE, EAST LYNNE, : _ EAST LYNNE, EAST LYNNE, ‘ EAST LYNNE. -.;-v -> :, There can be no extension -of Miss -Western’s engage** ment. as she appears at once, at Grover’3 Theatre. Wash ington, and the engagement: will positively close on Sa turday night next. Those who have not as -yet witnessed the . . BRILLIANT EFFORTS of Miss Western’s [genius; should-avail themselves of -thisi :-the : - LAST OPPORTUNITY.- It* CHESTNUT-ST. THEATRE.— ' Lessee and Manager Mr. W. WHEATLEY.- BENEFIT And .Positively the LAST NIGHT BET ONE of MISS LUCILLE WESTERN, ? Who will-appear In the' great sensational Play entitled V-EASfLYm.. ' :v- THIS (Friday) EVENING-, May Stii, • ; ■»■■■■• EAST.LYNNB; 1 -- 1 ‘w- •• i Arn- EAST LYNNE ;"-. .•' ' Or, THE ELOPEMENT. Madlratfviir 4 } tUCriiLE WGBTERK- Archibald ...........j.w. Collier. Levieon .....................F. Mordaunt. Earl Severn* W. H. Lea*. Miss Corney —.— ...........Miss Mary Wells. ? Barbary Hare* .;... Mrs. -George Jordan. •And entire Stock Company will appear. SATURDAY EVENlNG—Positively LAST* NIGHT of LUCILLE WESTERN. The Orchestra,,under the Direction of Mr. Maik Haas- - ler, will perform; ? during the evening, various gems of : operatic and popular music. ; ; ' , Mr. Wheatley has great pleasure in announcing anon gagenient with the eminent Comedienne, • v ;•?. . • > • Mrs* JOHN WOOD,. • . the Queen of Comedy;and Song,;commencing Monday, .. May 11, in the Fairy-Extravaganza, ' THE FAIR ONE’WITH THE GOLDEN LOCKS, Produced at great expense,' with-entirely new Scenery - and mechanical effects-by J. E. HAYES and. J; H. SELWYN. Box Office open from 9 A-M. to 5. P. M.- The curtain will rise at 8 o’clock. ■WAiNUT-STBEET THEATRE. ** Sole Lessee.... Mrs. M. A. GARRETTSOR. Business Agent...... Mr. JOHN T. DONNELLY. THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, May THE SURGEON 1 OF PARIS. Til© Mask....’: ? -r t-v,'' x - m:u._ The Surgeon. S"" :- B \ L - Tilton. Madelon .Mrs. Anna Cowell. To conclude with, the Sequel to.the “Surgeon,” entitled' . THE CaRPENTEROF ROTTEN, Marteau, the Carpenter. Mr. E. L. Tiltorfir Madelaine.-T- • ~........... v ,. . .Mrs.« anna Cowell. Doorsopen-at 7?f: Curtain will rise at 8 MBS- JOHN DREW’S ARCH-STREET 'JSX. THEATRE. > Business Agent and Treasurer.,......JOS. D. MURPHY. • < FAREWELL JJENEFIToF ' MRS: C. HENRIE. . MRS. C. HENRIE. THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, May S, 1963, ■ GEORGE BARNWELL George Barnwell—.C. Henri©; To conclude with the sensation Drama of * HOPLEY;- - i , ; • '. ;. A Or,'the Murder at theManorHouse. f Susan Hopley, with a Song. -...Mrs, C, Henrie; William Dean Barton Hill. SATURDAY, BENEFIT OF MRS. JOHN DREW, ■ ; and last .night ©f the “Old-Arch.” ' ■ Prices as usual. ■ Curtain rises -on this occasional a quarterbefore S. . .; . • 'J'HE GRAND OBATOBIO OF'THE GREAT X O N Willbe given by ther HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY, On THUBSDAY EVENING,' May 14,1853, MUSICAL FUND HALL, LOCUST STKEBT, 1 ABOVE EIGHTH; The powerful CHORUS of the Society has been largely angmented for this occasion, and will be assisted by tha naost favorably-known ARTISTS, together with the < ■ GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. . The Managers of the Society, in presenting this Grand; Oratorio, would state, that nothing-shall De wanting, to insure a complete success, and feel assured -that their , efforts will merit prompt and liberal support. The PRICE OF -ADMISSION has boen placed-at FIFTY CENTS. Tickets can be had at the Musicr Stores,- and' also at the Libretto, containing full and Intelligent criti cal notes, ■ ' t myivlf ' fJREAT METROPOLITAN QUADRU- FLECOMBINATION! •* * FOUR COMPLETE EXHIBITIONS - ■■■>' ■ FOB v- ' . ONE PRICE OF ADMSBBION! , » The proprietors. of >this ; remarkable \ Combination respectfully give notice that they have arranged to in augurate -,-W: A SERIES OF PERFORMANCES AND EXHIBITIONS J IN PHILADELPHIA;; * ; • On MONDAY, May the 4th, FOR- SIX. DAY'S-DULY,.- In the eligible and conveniently located enclosure* BROAD Street, corner of Locust, adioiningthe 1 ACADEMY OF MUSIC, And point with’jHstiflablelpridfl to the following • i.’ GREAT FEATURES OF TBE ESTABLISHMENTS _ GEORGE F.' BAILEY'S EXTENSIVE-CIRCUS. / With its - STAB TROUPE OF PERFORMERS. 1 ’ , Splendid stud'Of thorough-bred Horses, and' gorgeoun paraphernalia. .. . . • • HERR DBIESBAOH’S LARGE AND COMPREHENSIVE” >. ■ MENAGERIE. * ■ :.iii;. J. C. QUICK S G OLORR AL HIPPOPOTAMUS, * Imported at a coat of FortyThousamlDollars. • THE FIRST, LAST, AND ONLY OPPORTUNITY' > 1 Of viewing thia gigantic beast, the -BEHEMOTH OFHOLY WRIT; Of whom Job says, - . * ; • > * - 14 U&on the Earth iherei*not his.Wce.” The present specimen is the onlyone ever brought to' this continent, and was captured on the White-Nile, two thousand miles above the citv of Cairo, by AM, * His present keeper. ; /,Vv ; . = . ' . r ; , . SANDS, NATHANS. A.CO.’S ; PERFORMING ELEPHANTS, ANTHONY AND CLEOPATRA, ‘ v VICTORIA AND ALBERT,' ‘THE PERFORMANCES-IN THE ARENA, : Will introduce a large number, of Uv- , •, FIRST-CLASS ARTISTS, . . ! Amongwhomare— ;; .vr-v-v; RAM BURT, the great Hurdle Rider j-PHTLO “NA THANS, in his Classical Acts r-CHARLES BIYEBSrtho accomplished four-horse rider. • •',. • -:• . " = The wonderful DON2OR BROTHERS, J.fsWARD, THE HUMOROUS CLOWN, and manr others, besides a FULL TROUPE OF VAULTERS,: Ac.; V : THE MENAGERIE ' J ' comprises a large collection of *the most scarce and-ill* teresting specimens of the bmte-ercatlon, Including the. wonderful ■ r ■%*:• ■■■ ' . ■ HIPPOPOTAMUS, The great Polar Bear, Grizzly Bears, Lions, Tlfan* Hyenas. Leonards, and many other kinds. HERR DRIES BACB ’S PERFORMING ANIMALS. : ~ • Such a rare combination of Novelties and Attraction! has never before been offered to-the-public, andina-r*-' view of the -w:.; . . MANY SOURCES OF ENTERTAINMENT it offers, and the remarkably . SMALL PRICE OF ADMISSION, i it must be pronounced - . the.cheapest and best- Show-in the World. :' Admission to the Four Great Shows-...'. -2oeentn.' A few Reserved Seats, fbr ; the accommodation of L%* dies and Families; 25 cents extra, - - , . A MORNING* EXHIBITIONS ? . ' For the accommodation of Clergymen . Ladies, Children, and others,, who may. not'desire to witness the-Cirou performances, will be given every., day' from MA, 5t t®: IP. M-, when. THE HIPPOPOTAMUS, .« > il* * ' THE ELEPHANTS, - HERR DBIBSB ACH-8 MENAGERIE! -« AND PERFORMING ANIMALS, Will be exhibited -_J_ EXCLUSIVELY: 1 *- Admission, TWNNTY-FIVE CENTB* - AFTERNOON PERFORMANCE at 3P. M. Doors open at haif past 2. v L 4 EVENING PERFORMANCE atBo’clock. T Doorsopenat7.: ;;; ..v fmyWt* PENNSYLVANIA . ACADEMY OF A TBB FIKK-jUaTSrlv 10a5 CHEBTHUT STItBOT. . THE FORTIETH ANNUAL EXHIBITION TSNOWOPIN. An '-. vS », , From 9*A:; M. tillTP.hLiaDd fronts-till 10 P.*al£; Admission, 25 cents. Season:Tiekets; 50 cents.. : Annual Tickets, One Dollar.- ... ■ ■ Stockholders. Artists, and Contr»l>ntors w*n receive^' their Tickets at the Office. najra-tltiv: in ERMANIA OECHJSSTRA—PUBLIQ \J KEBEABSALS every AFTEBHOOM, -t qiy o’clock, at the MuSICAI.PUin) H&LLt iOila, SEMTZ?conductor. Tickets 35 cents. Packages lof ny» tickets<3. Tobehad of Andrf's^Co., a Wo. llfß'UheatMt street: J- IL Gould, Seventh and Chestnut, andattto •. Hall door. ‘i HASSLER’S orchestPba. . OFFICE.- ... « Sll South EIGHTH Street; Wow'Walnut.. del£W}«, CTBBEOSGOPTICONS FOB PUBLIC? EXHIBITIONS, &in«“lar«Ee or -small halls, 5 with.. - . ■views, scenes.andrepresentaJions of fioe bota. , 'of Europe;an'd, America, inoidents, plaoes, anabartles or. .■> ». the present Bebelß on, .-s-- ' ....... ■ 1 . J ' itfade and*for ealA by _ _ ' ‘.! .James wqsees&co„ a Manufacturing: Opticians, 9JS-A CrfIBSTNEfP Street* Tull illustrated ’Catalogue* • . sent by matt;free. . J. , -• apSOrlok, SOUP WILL,BE SERVED daily; Smidays excoßted, ,by.,JA.MES-vi>Ro3- SEE, No. SOB MAJjgßTStre«t, ■ rj‘ys-iftf ■ , 'r~i' "nnT.n;snarlnL.Am>T.TfmTir. n.n,n. ' BPSCTACi£S, to Bait »U ,ch<£p,?br“ SECOirBi aid NEWStMBts, J 'FRIES. ‘ 1 : ..jrsra SADDLE. AND '*SV. p'mrbbooms. ’ ' ,;l©a% Bf AKKKT tir . rkßT.' Ala*geafißortmeot»f ■ • <• »/<!", -■ • AND 6ENTB* Y: fBTNG SADDLES. • •jl* FINE THUNKS,'* &c iIiGHT ASS HABNES4. I DORJtA5 t •• • f T*T V , L *V", ■* r I ~s - _ -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers