THE CITYi. The Thi MAY 7, 1862.. , MAY; 7, lStt..'. *A. H.... 12 M BV. K. 6A. M.. . ..12 X. 149 <BX 69 43 ..47....49 • WIND. - WIND. ' V SSW....WSW... 1 H r byS NEbyN.NEbyrf—NE Casualties in the 95tbp|P. V. —Death op Colonel To ws.—From a -priva ce Bource we learn that about two-thirda of tlw officers in the 95th Pennsylvania Yolunteen,were kUled'ln the re cent light. Among the number was the young and accomplished ColoneUGuß’avusV. Town. Major Thomas J. Town, a brother, was also wounded in four places, three .balls entering > the right hip, and one entering the left He has arrived at his home in this city. Another brother, Samuel Town, a first lieutenant in the same regiment, was also wounded in the right arm. . , Colonel Town was about twenty-eight years of age, and married. At the time of the'breaking out of the war he was attaohed to ah organization known as the Washington Blues, which united itself to the 18th P. V., Colonel Lewis, and Colonel Town went out as the first’lieutenant of Company A. At the end of the three-months service, through his ex ertions and'those of Colonel Gosline the 95th:Begi ment was rearuited, Colonel Town assuming the position of lieutenant colonel. Upon the death of Colonel Gosline, Town was unanimously selected by the command to fill the former’s place. ’ He'was a brave oflloer, and oh several occasions acted as bri gadier gene] at. ■ Arrival op Sick and Wounded Sol diers.—-At about seven o’clock on Wednesday eve* ning, a number of Bick and wounded Boldiers arrived' .at the Citizens’ Volunteer Hospital, at Broad and Prime streets. They came from the Washington ihospitals, and among them were the following Penn sylvanians: • .fr -.1 :*•■* . i •) Dwight Warner, 157th M O’Connell, 4th Oav . " Jacob Hobunlt r 11th .; J McClellan;-4th Oav, ' Alva Bernis, 16th Cav S EH6lrtridge,4th"Gav Ephraim Hine, 4th Cav Russell Lincoln, 4th Cav Corp W Nagle,' 4th Cav Henry A Rether, 4th Oav J ohn Storey, 4th Cav Wm S Reynolds, 4th Oav Alex Ferguson,4th Oav MWagner, 167th Geo Austin, 16th Oav J Gold well, 16th Oav O Short, 167th, EjMKeeley, tst Ees Charles Hagen, 6th Cav 1 - ' On Wednesday night, at arrived, among whom wer S’gt S Montgomery, 4th| Cavalry. . - 1 J Strupe, 4th .Cav. S’gt H i Black, 4th Cav Ohas Heck, 4th Oav JW Wooding,'4th Cav Wm Ambrose, 4th Oav Corp J A Baker, 4th Oav Sergt A Martin, 4th Oav 111 o’clock, another train re the following' Corp O Baker, 4th Oav John H Marcy, 4th Oav R White, 12th Res T Hurst, 16th Oar P P Martin, 16th Oav • Alf Skinner, 16th Cav * D King, 16th Oav Lewis Wright, 3d Oav Launch of the United States Steamer' Taoony.—Yesterday, the United States steamer Tacony was launched from the navy.yard. ,The owing to the inclemency of the weather, was rather small, and.but fewpersons were on board the vessel,' The launch was successful, and passed’ off without accident. The vessel'made* a'narrow escape from collision, with - the - ship-house. The christening part was performed by a little daughter ©fJExecutive Officer Wells, of the yard. The Taconv isa large : side-wheel steamer, and is l pronounced 6y competent judges to be in .every re*, spect the beßt vessel built on this plan that has .been’ turned out of any of the United States navy yards. Her length is 240 feet between perpendiculars; her extreme breadth is 35 feet 2 inches; an.\ her depth of hold 12 feet. She has no Btern, having a bow at each end. The armament of the Tacony will consist of two one-hundred-pound Parrott rifled pivot-guns, one at each end of the vessel; four nine-inohDahi gren shell guns, broadside, on spar deok, and four: twenty-four-pound/howitzers ;on hurrioaneii deck. The aocommodationß for officers and men are. every- , thing that could be desired;,uniting both elegance and neatness to r The cabina,' ward-rooms, Steerage, shell-rooms, magazines, and all the' inte rior arrangements of the steamer, are gotten up in the finest possible manner, andwith -a degree of finish that cannot fail to obtain the commendation of every beholder. •?> ’ - Returning-; Soldiers.— At < Ilf o’clock yesterday morning, the 6th! Regiment of New, York Yolunteeers, Duryeafc. Zouaves,. arrived oh’ their, .way home at the -foot of Washington street. ' They numbered 273 men. Originally the "regiment con sisted of 900 men. but'by discharges from disease and deaths in battle, the above‘number are all that remain. Three hundred men recruited for the regi ment, afterwards •'were joined: to.;the ,146. th New ' York, 001, Gerard, when the Zouaves left Frede ricksburg for home.' The * Zouaves were in General * Sykes* dlvisidh,'and took part.ih.thb latn fight'al' Gnancellorville. ,Since -the regiment.has been in service, they. have participated in the following- bat tles: Big Bethel,^.Hanover; Court House, through the Peninsula} South -Mountam;vAntietam; Black burn's Ford, and Chancellor ville. The men preaented h veteran appearance, and .were just proud to mention their exploits as a - regiment, and looked as ifthey couldjgo through just as many more battles. Their dress is. that -of the genuine French Zouaves. The officers in' command are 001. O. Winelow, l 'Lieut.* 001. Geo. Duryea, Major O. Boyd, and Adjutant Thomas Taylor. A cordial wel come was tendered totheZouaves ,by the Refresh- , ment Committee. After a-short respite, the men and officers say they will return again. This kind of bravery and, endurance is Buch as'is Always ap 'preolated, and such as was duly rewarded*and sym pathized in yesterdaymorning. The Heavy Rain.—Both ; the Schuylkill ; and the Delaware have considerably i risen during y the last few days. Thetideinthe Delaware’is un usually high, and logs and other articles are floating . •down the stream, showing that some ‘damage ’ has been caused by the river. Many of the wharves in front of the *• city were “overflowed ■ last night, and men were kept busy during almost the entire night in removing perishable articles. ‘ .This morning’the water was still very high but there were no appre hensions of any* damaged.. The Schuylkill, is exceedingly turbulent. The ; water roße very rapidly during the night, and this morning watf still rising*; The tide is very strong, end a large number of tiees,branchesj boards, &c., have passed down the stream. Below the Market atreet bridge the meadows ;in, the Twenty-fourth ward are all and ;on this aide' of the.river the wharves are Thus far, no ; damage of any importance has been caused in the city, as faT as ascertained, .but it is probable that the loss above will amount to-, considerable. • The creeks in ’ the vicinity of the cityare.very much swollen. • The-’ lower dam; of the' Wiaaahickon has been washed ' away, and the4amagegenerallyjias not been small. . Another Patriotic Movement on Foot.—A movement whioh claims mention] is bn foot by the officers, non-commisßioned officers, and privates, of the first regiment of Washington •Guards of this city. It will be borne in mind that the Twenty-sixth P. V., was formed from this. Those, who in consequence ofwounds or otherdisa ’bility, have resigned, or been discharged from ser vice, wish to offer once! more their to 1 the State, and re-organize.the regiment. Two meetings have been held, and-representatives from all the companies of the Void Guard,” have responded to the call. Another meeting will be held this evening, in Chestnut, above Fourth street, when the reorgani zation will be completed i i JGolonel Smalljwho was severely wounded on the Peninsula, leads off the movement, and is ably: supported by the officers and men <of hiß command, as well as by a'number of -prominent military men. of.the age. All-desire to testify theihdevotedhess to >■ the star' spangled. ban ker ; all unite in!the wish to protect the land of the free, and the home of the brave. Coiiis’ Zouaves.—The annexed list' includes the • names of; the killed, pounded, and onißßing im Company E,; 114th Regiment P. V., on. May 3d, 1863, -at the of Fredericksburg: Jrated.~William'Whiting, Simeon Daviß.* Henry O.c-Muns, Corp. Peter- Weiee,Thomaß Blithe,John Brown, William Davis, Theodore Mohr, Alexander Simpson." * -': Missing. -—Abram 0. Brown, Henry Didline, Sami.- Hartshorne^Heury,Hartmann,;Jessle presser, Wm; Stratton, Alexander Mitchell.' Total, .16 men killed, wounded, and missing.: - j ■=* •n “ : To these may be added the nanie ot the Phila delphian, Lieutenant 'George Zouaves. Cullen was formerly an ope-: xator on the 1 Police and % Fir^Alarm Telegraph,' sta-. tioned at vlhe.Central office., When Colonel Oollis recruited his 1 ’ f egiment, Mr. Giillen was : appointed sergeant major, and for. gallant conduct in ‘Burn side’s attack on Fredericksburg was promoted to a lieutenancy;- 4 * ■ j * Annual Conference of the A. M. E., Zion Ob uhoh'—Fifth ; Day’s Proceedings.— Conference prayer.meeting was held from nine to ten o’clook. After which Rev'. Superintendent'Clinton, read a portion of Scripture, and took the chair. The minutes ojT- the Bession - were approved. Yesterday afternoon an interesting “anti-slavery meeting was held. Speakers Revs. S. T- Jones, H. H. Blackstbne^iß.irsquirrel^ A. M. i Green. A new society, in SanJosd, California, was presented for .Rev. J.-Davis, of the M. E. Church, , was; introduced, also Rev.'J. "W. Loguin, of Genesee Conference; ;the latter was granted the privileges oftbe Conference. Letters were read from different societies, one from Trenton, !N. J., and H. Harris, the lay delegate from the church in that city, asking to set off St. John’s Church as a station. Deacon ; ! wm. T., Biddle Was elected to el der’s orders. ’Documents. No. !i and 2,vff6m the Southern Annual Conference, were .presented,' con curred in, and referred to the ensuing New York Annual Conference. Rev, C. J. Carter, JT. ,W. Lo guin> and "W. G. Strong,;were appointed to'draft a ■Constitution for the Literary Society!. '-‘ Adjourned.. . rr, f mm ■ The Volunteer .Relief -Fond.—From April 25th to May 6th, 1863, the foll&wing statistics ■ ol the commission, in regard to families of volun teers relieved, .will be found to be correct: ' Tlret, Second,-Third,'and fourth wards... *5,847 00: fifth and Eighth ward 5....... 2,154 75 Sixth and Seventh ward 5............... 1 166 00 Ninth ward...... j 454 00 Tenth ward...; :.. -967 00 - Eleventh and Twelfth 1 wards. -. '6,396 00 Thirteenth ward..............:.....;...... 1,267 06 Eighteenth and Nineteenth,wardß.. 1,491 00 Twenty-first and Twenty-second wards.... 1,364 00 Twenty-third .jyard ■{..•{£'! - 731 M Twenty-f0urth'ward....::;.......-. • 81600 Sundries. ..v........'..• !188,57 T0ta1....... ...' $23,451 32 Tee Action.—Two meetings' of the'offlcrrs and members /of the Ist Regiment, Washington Guards,.have been .held, for "the pur pose of offering their services to the Government to, repel invaders or crush sympathisers, with treason. In our midst.'. jQolohel.iWm., F. .Small, Is .the com mander of the organization, supported- by many of hls old officers, and friends who . have seen service and are again ready to enter the field to ‘defend ‘the.' union and punish traitors. Another' ineeting -'will •he held this evening,- at' J 7& d’olbck, ! at ■; N0r.405: Chestnut street, when all who dealre to'joln the or ?;anization are attend.. Now is the time 0 act, and for the Government to accept 1 ; alii who ate willing to enroll’themselves as it defenders. The Killed .in. the Late .Battle,— Among..the many who have fallen in thc recent battle lor the preservation'of the Union, is Captain Henry J. Gilttnan, of 00. K, 73d Pennsylvania Yo lunteers.AHeentered the war as a lieutenant, under Col. Chantry, but - was subsequently-transferred to the regiment of Col. Koltes, under whom he served' with distinguished gallantry. At the second battle of Bull Bun he' reoapturedtbe, regimental .flags, and brought in,the,body of, Coli Koltes, who fell in that contest. Throughout: the..whole Of ‘the "Virginia campaign, under: Banks'and' Fr,omont; he evinced the Dest.qualitles ofthosoldier jsnd 'the. best attri butes of the man. Captain Giltinan fell while lead ing his command, on Sunday afternoon, amid the re grets of those who followed him in the fight. : Library.—A new' library, - on - a large scale; has just been formed at‘.Sixth street and, -Guard..avenue. The members, four hundred,in -number, Are 1 mitering upbn the plain with ardor.- -One large, handsome, glass case, holding some.two - is just being completed* A.library $ ihas long been,needed in this section of the city, as it' affords lal good opportunity to those who wish to . spend theft , evenings .pleasantly and profitably to join; none but persons of the 'right principle being admitted. The officer* and managers are of that class who will give (tending to the-library.- The' name of the new library is “ Girard Library.’* it -is open Thursday afternoons, from 2 to 6 P. M., for ladies. . . , . , ‘ Decease of - aniOdd Pellow.—The ob aequics of William English, Grand Master of the I. O. of O. F.vln this State,-will take plaoe this-after noon. Mr. English died on Wednesday, alter a /lingering lllne.B. He was also a prominent of the Masonic Fraternity; and oeoupied positions» upon two of the most Important committees of -the -Grand Ledge for a number of years. The deceased has likewise held Offices under the Federal and State - 'Governments. . Gltnwood Cemetery/is chosen as rthe place bf intermeqt, and the Grand Lodge.of IMasons and Odd Fellows will attend the funerjU. * Examination -Institut- fob Coloeed Youth.— Yesterday the examination and presentatlon of prlzes took place at the Institute for: Colored Youth la/this; city. The pupils' were ex amined In all the.various bfanohes usually taught at such institutions, and the general result 1 was quite satisfactory." Thiseveningthe rhetorical and elo cutionary exercises take plaoe at Sansom-street Hall. Present ATiois .TO a Fire . Company. The Hibernia Steam Fire-Engine Oompany have passed a series of resolutions, handsomely engrossed andplacedin a-magnificent frame, with the seal, of the company attached, which they have presented to the Washington Hose Oompany. The latter gene rously placed at the disposal of the Hibernia,' while . their apparatus was doing Government duty" in Washington a few months since, a hose carriage, l and as an appreciation of the courtesy extended to them, the presentation was ordered.. - • lometer- .Presentation — The Mount Zion En campment, No. 241. O. of O. F. } have presented to their late treasurer, Mr, Robert O. Smith, a series of complimentary resolutions,handsomely engrossed, enclosed in a frame, the manufacture of Mr. George Ehrenberg, whieh is .highly neat and tasteful. Delegate • Elections.—Last evening senatorial and legislative delegates were elected; by 4 ™ National Union party, one from each precinct. The State delegates will be elected on Monday night. rT , CITY COUNCILS. The Xpte Col. Spear—The Steamship Bill ft Vetoed hy the Mayor—Another Bill Pre ’' seated and Passed—Wholesale of the Streets—Appropriation to the Frank lin Sfeain Fire Engine., Company-Addi tional Appropriation for the ; Relief of the Families) of Volunteers—Defence and pro tection of the,Clty-The Broad-street Rail way The Damage to the Corinthian 1 Avenue Rcservoir-The Washing' of Pave ' incuts ,v Bothbranches of Councils held their regular stated T -.meeting‘yeslerday alternoon,; - . -..-u. >... President Lynd in the chair. ' 5 -' j <:> "Petitions, Communications, <fcc. vrere received as follows: ly- J:’ j ■ ■ : For a'flfe-alarmfibox in'tlie‘SbiitKwark‘Englne Com-' -pany’s House. • .One complaining of the,bad condition of the Green and. Coates-street Passenger Railway. i - r . ■* From the Board of Managers Of the House of'Refdge asking that some action'might be : taken• relati veto tue - erection of a House of Correction. Referred'lo a special committee of . •, . From: the. Spring GairdewFire Company asking to be located as a steam-forcing hose company; v- . < <.; .From the Board of Guardians of the Poor. stating that they are,unable to purchase sufficient faei tor the Alms house! ’ as ?the appropriation for this purpose was coo small—the' price of fuel having greatly advanced, f The price of coal is now one dollar per ton over the estimated cost,and neajly.two dollars per ton over the cost one year ago. To meet the advanced cost an additional appro priation is asked for.. Reports of Committees*' ; The Committee on Water reported in favor of laying •water-pipe iii Washington avenue; Ellsworth, and other streets. Agreed to; The same committee reported an ordinance making it‘ unlawful for any person, on and after the Ist of May to the Ist of November.To waslKpavements between the; hours ctf-7-Jk'X M.. and -7-P--B1 j-wnaer n ponalty of $5,00.0- half of which goes to the informer; The' committee.roportcd,adverse to paying damages to Thomas Hughs, whose boat was damaged while convey ing coal to'the Kensington Waterworks.. : *v • . 4wi ' : Finances. The committee to verify thecasli accounts of the city treasurer reported the following statement; showing the baiahcein'tiie treasury outlie Ist instant: .Balance April IS.: .$998,576 IS "Cash received ftlteirdate ................. 1/58,709 77 ‘"J i" v - : -1,157.285 95’ Cash paid.................. 99,087*65 Leaving balance...... .................. 1*058,J98-30 which has been,appropriated to the following purposes' Payment of interest on citydebt *....■ $028,872 26 Payment tot commissioners of I .sinking fund • .• - ; for maturing, > .; v 232,612 17 Paymentto.Guar4iansofPoor,salesofcopper ‘ 21,521 35 Paymenfc.for;extensiohofthe waitermaths;,. • 4,281 75 Pnymentfor the;erection of public school'' - houses... .23.071 39. Payment for*road, damages and bridge loan. . .9.441,80 ►Payment forOhestnut-street bridge..;.'.. r* 22,535 14 Payment forcity bounty fund > • • - 28,603 21 Payment 0/ citr warrants • 87,256 23 Trust fund .Defence of tUe City, . AThe Committee oh' the' Defence-and Protection of the City, to whom was referred a resolution-inquiring what provision had been made for the defence of the sea-board • approaches ito the city, reported that they-deem the matter one of the'greatest.. possible importance, and'calT the serious attention of Councils to its claim. They do - not report any resolution, because .the matter is of such a magnitude that any movement that is tohbe made should originate :in Councils. The commities. recom-. mended the. selection of a commission to report speedily astothe best mode of achieving tne object in view.' The committee, together ’with General .Pleasontoniof 1 the.- Home Guard, addressed a letter to the Secretary ofWar' relative to the defences of the Delaware, and as to their-’ ability to,prevent the passage of iron-clad steamers Irorn* the sea to„this :city, and ieceived an answer that it was deemed incompatible with the public interests to furnish.- the information requested. > .j y. : ' Resolutions. ’ Mr.; King- offered a resolution that a joint special com mittee, of. flte members from each Chamber be appointed to inquireinto and'; report some method for tne better 'cleansingpf the highway s. agried to . _Mr. ; Wetherill offered a resolution instructing the! Committee ;on Defence-andProtectioiivto notify the Mayor,to' appoint two'serwfat the city ar-‘ mory and-arßenal, and instructing the Buperintendetft of the City Telegraph to connect-the same with, the central' office at Fifth and Chestnut streets. An amendment was made} that the appointment sbe the Commissioner of City Property. ; - . This; gave rise to an animated party discussion, and finally, *on motion of Mr.. King, the whole'matterwas referred to the Committee on Police. .. : j v.V '' ‘Mr, \Catherwood offered a resolution directing the Commissioner of Highways to remove from Broad street .the lately.placed. there-by-parties, * without the consent of Councils; the.same to be. sold at public sale*'to pay for the removal of the same. Re ferred, ! • a Mr. Armstrong offered a> resolution‘authorizing the farmers standing in South, street'to occiipy Thirteenth street, north and south, ’until the railway is completed at that point. ? Agreed to. , . ' There no other; business before the Chamber. • Select Council -adjourned at 4)4 o’clock, this being the shortest session held fora long time. 1 COMMON COUCIL. (’ President;Kerrin.the^hair.. v - •.• A memorial- managers of .the House of Refuge, calling attention to the inconveniences existing in l consequence, of the.present classification of inmates. . It specially-refers to a class of delinquents, who' are ’sent' to- the ;inBtitution;at ah-age beyond the: period contemplated in the act organizing-the'house, and l who are now too out to trades.- The me morial was]referred to a speciaTcominittee. : ;1 : ; ; A corQiminicatio%frpm. th.ejGuardianB of the Poor was read, asking for an appropriation of s3,Boo’to meet‘"addi tional expenses,' recent advance-in the price of coal, as well as to erect new fornacesand boilers. Petitions;to,locate steam. fire engines or forcing-hose companies were read from-the Spring and iMan- - . tua hook and ladder, companies, i - ■ Tire Late ColoneLSpcar. ■ , Mr. Leigh presented a preamble and resolutions rela tive to the death of Colonel George C. Spear, of- the 61st- Pennsylvania.Regiinent, and 1 oftering to the family of ; the deceased the ;use of Independence' Hall for "hls;re--‘ mains to lie in state, i Adopted;..n . •; / The ordinance from' Select Cbuncll, 'appropriating $2,->■ .800 to the Department'oi City’Property: to cleanse-the ■ - tress in the public squares of .worms, was concurred in. The Project Vetoctl. - The May or-ixetorned; without his signature the bill, entitled * r An. ordinance >in reference to establishing a lineofsteamships.*?.>;* ; ? •- ' ' The Mayor,awhile entertaining the,conviction that the ; commercial interest of Pniladelphia would be greatly, promoted hr "a direct steamship communication with £urope, cannot assent! t6i the municipal co-operation - Which the bill contemplates'. The bill is vagule and inde- and deals with municipal' resources without ; ;the pretext of .calculating amounts’or limiting the lia bilities for' pledged.' 4 It assigns, .-without stint,-the ’yearly excess of 'railroad eamings over.a,given per cehtage, which, through pros perous management or depreciation of currency} may" he : indafinitely increased beyond the present rate:of two per cent. The municipal corporation of Phila-' dfclpnla possesses no power, either from express, grant! or rby reasonable Implication, which enables :it r .\to-‘divert the'^ public from'- its appro-. priate r expenditure to ..object's foreign to ,the pur poses of.its existence, and thus. unnecessary taxation from the people. - Whenever in the past of ihe city tuch power has been exercised in the nume rous subscriptions to railway enterprises, it has. obtained the explicit grant or sanction of legislative 'authority; a grant or sanction which can no longer be given. : If then the cityhas no such power, and: cannot'obiain it. through ’ aid, does not its exercise fall clearly within ; the prohibition of the spirit if not the; letter of the 7th. section of the 11th article of the Constitution of Pennsyl vania, which declares that * 4 the .Legislature shall not authorize' any county} city} ; borough}, township, or in corporated district, by virtue of its citizens or other wise, to becomeua stockholder in any. company, associa- - tion, or corporation, or to obtain’,money for or loan its credit to any corporation} institution,-or party. ” Does not the ordinance provide- that the city shall ob-. tain stock orznonej for asteamshlp 4ine' by4he doan ,oL - its’municipal credit to a railroad company; and is not , snehmeasure plainlyin excess of the limits’which,the-; Constitution has prescribed to the powers of the State Le : gislature, and which must equally govern the action of; subordinate bodies ? The veto of the Mayor was sustained—yeas 32, nays 27.; V .... Tli© New Bill. Mr} Leigh then called }up.Vthe ordinance offered: last •weekin reference to the same subject. . Mr.' Loughlih movedito postyonetho consideration one week. In doing a'ojlie's'aid tliat this bill was’even more infamous than the one’which the Mayor had vetoed.; Mr. Leigh moved to lay the resolution on the table. - Agreed to. ‘ -The bill passed finally—yeas 29; nays 11.’ ‘ ! ' Mr. Baird, of .the Committee on. Finance, reported a bill making an apprapriation for the 'extension of‘the ' water works, B which was the rales. _ Work bn the Highways, Mr. Wolbeßt presented an ordinance* appropriating . $2,000 for the turn piking of Manheim street, from Main to plank rdadin.iheTwehty-sgcond ward. Passed.. • The Committee on‘ Higi-tfays also reported in fhvor of ■ tramwayin'g Burley aha Henry, sts;; Seventeenth,ward, 0 - Maple street in the Tenth ward,‘and other streets. Agreed Also, authorizing the paving of Watt'street d in ihe First ward, the cost of said paving to be paid by, the owners of property, on the street; •* r Also, a resolution authorizing the repaving of Bentonv ..stieet, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets, in the ; ; Ninth r ward. „ s r •Also, a resolution for, the repaving of Brook street, from - Green to Coates}'Eleventh ward; . ' ? . ?.,• ' Also, resolutions authorizing the grading and paving of Poplar street, from"Twenty-fourth]^Twenty-eighth streets, in the Fifteenth and Twentieth wards: for the paving of Master!street, from Ridge avenue to Twenty fourth street,.Twentieth ward; for the repaving of Cuth-- bert street; between 1 Eleventh and Twelfth' streets, Ninth: ; ward; for the.grading of Paul street; in the 'Eighteenth and Nineteenth, wards; for the paving of Reed street, from Church street to the Delaware/ First ward; for the’ repaving of Exeter street, from Eeventeenth to Eighteenth 'Btreets, ilntbeEighthwardrfof the gradingana paving of'Twenty-first street, between Washington avenue and Ellsworth street, and . Alter; street/between:-Twentieth and Twenty-first''streets; in' Firafc ward; for the grading aha pavfiig?'6ftSojnbfß«t w Btreetf M Twenty-fifth • ward, and Columbia avenue, William street, Twenty-: fifth W&d, and other streets. - Appropriation to tile .Franklin Eire Com ' | • pany. . • • ' • . •" • Mr.-LouGHLix, from the Committee on Firthmd Trusts, reported an ordinance makings' an; appropriation - r of $],S33. tiSto the Franklin Steam lire Engine Company's for 1863, said company having 'been located as a steam fir© engine company. Agreed toir-r t ; The Committee on Police reported bach the resolution -granting the American Telegraph L Company the right to changei the rroute. of. ;the Telegraph'uhe, which was/ passed./ f*.:/; • . -6 . T l ■ > Mr/ Paul resolution changin g the place- of [holding elections in the Seventh precinct of the Sixteenth vward to th«i;Si K :cqrner,of i Thira and Culvert streets.: ! Additional Appropriation. Mr* Loucranjir-Tead an making a further-ap* of $lOO,OOO for the relief of the families of vo lunteers. Agreed to. »v3’f riCV : The Committee on Highways reported an ordinance authorizLhkVah'Additional clerk in: the oiAce of the De-, partmehtZ of'Highways, at a salary of $6OO per annum; Agreed ! to7" '* L "“ ! : io .* • , i ■A : resolution to zneet Select Council in convention, on Thursday' purpose of electing eightpor; wardens, was passed/‘ ~ ■:* • The bill from Select Council 'to, pay deficiency bills in Department* was concurred'in. Albo, the bill relative to the washing of.pavements.',/ •* Also, the ordinance rel ative to repairing the Corinthian* - avenue Reservoir.. directing the Committee on .Finance to culvertsT^? 1 y a * oail # lO O,OOO for the construction of that a joint special , of threemdinbers from, each Chamberbeap-1 pointed t°, proceed to Washington to relieve theenffer thfl^batile^?l^'^ 8 have winded in ‘ The resolution was agreed to. v * ■state iVsSVeslrefe^'f^ ol^. 11 ? 6 bodie “ “W lie in 1 I TEE POLICE. i V , <• [Before Mr» Alderman Beitler.] ' f 1 ,i' f --‘ , ;' ; Agaiifc.iArreated»- r William Kelly was arraigned, yesterday afternoon nt ■ the Central Station,.on the charge of being c6ncnrnf.<i in ■the robbery of Chnstian Garland; a Hhort time since at Ball and Pine The.- principal-Witness wS? not Present Lieutenant FrAhk Hampton testified that Mr garland, was knocked down.and robbed of over two dollars. Two persons - were arrested atabout tne time of the robbery.. Kelly.w»s arrested last eve ning. The' Lieutenant, said that he’had.several persons wnose evidence weighed .heayjly.agalnst -the prisoner.,, Wiia he present at a further hearing. The accused' oom ? li i t pd. The prisoner is the same persen who . was arrested in JanuaiT ldst on-the charge of attempting 'ten-doUar, note; - At that time, he ,“34 6 returned from-the’Keystdne'Battery, to (.ywhich heyhad beea aitached, and that he received the note in Washington and was notawaro of its bad uha 'racter. \r. < -Jr ,4 Bad. Boy* / ; v boys, ragged, sauev, profane, and obscene. have. - wnconsiaorableextent.bccome au-intolerable nuisance on Thirdr.atreet,4n >th« vlcioitypf Chestnut/^lt"would ; seem that every caujalse a few pennies to . buy a few.'extras, loiters about the newspaper/ offices,' awaiting for theeecond,: third, fourth, and fifth editions ' . Much ttoeia allowed to beuwastedrwhile waiting for these. 4< extras, ’’.containing,--very often, unreliable ru morq froi9? , sources* such times- business generally m the vicinity' is suspended. People bave ’ great dimcrflty in reaching some of the stores. The cars SELECT BRANCH, .Bills firomrgelect Connell* of morsllty are often painfully shocked at obscene and. profane speeches made use of by many of the ragged and irresponsible newßhoys. There is. perhaps, no person more annoyed than Mr. Zieber, a dealer In periodicals and newspapers. Having put up with the annoyance until forbearance with him ceased' to' be - a < ordered the arrest of one of the worst of the boys, yes terday afternoon. . The object was accomplished by ,'o%ser Benkert, atjall times, probably prevent* the disgraceful youth from perpetn-ting many , acts of immorality and crime; -for. most ‘of these boys will steal whenever an opportunity offers. The lad in. question-was arrangedat the Central Station at the six place' h?anil i gl^steyenill S* where,. OiefollowingJtook-- • Alderman. Whatisyonrname? _ M&loney.fHere he drew his dirty sleeve across nisi nose and month, and commenced sniffling and crying. ! . .Question, Where do you live ? . Ao&wer. InGoomboa”alley. . ,V V . iv u l “ er 6 Worn. —The story; alderman, ,: is an old one ;* ine.boys congregate around my door, and my business is injuied'daily, l ; l am annoyed- so. much by them that I cannot aland* it any longerthese boys are in the habit ■or ufeing very profane language, and often shockingly -'onscene; ladies cannot come into-my store when they are about without denser of having their feelings insult ' ed. by the rude, immoral, ai.d outrageous expressions of : these boys, and I am determined that as top ‘snail bo ‘put ' to it,- evtn if all the boys are tent to the House of Refuge; , the cursing and swearing as continu illy practised by these immoralyouth are shocking; and; infamous; thetr obscene talk outrageous as deplorable. .. . Question' by alderman to boy. Who do you live with ? Answer; (By crying)'.“Me mother!” r.-\ v 5 *•; Q. What’s her name? A; ; Mrfi.\Maloney, , Q.-Where.'s your father ? H • : '. - • ' A. At Washington. Q. Whasdoeshedo? - --- ... : a.'Drives team for the soldiers.* Q.. When did you leave home ? A; Yesterday. ' ?.*>: .■? r v • „ ' , Officer Benkert testified that he has had a great deal of trouble with these.boys; they take advantage of the mo . mentary absence ofi the officers, faud annoy everybody; this boy is or« oftke.worst of all; I have, spoken to him seen him out at all hours; like the rest of them; he swears very profanely. , '• A Jdei m«n. r ‘Take - him down stairs I'll send-, him to‘ the House of Refuge in the morning. ” [Exit by crjingj! • followed by an officer. ] v> .' The next scenerwillbe th e appearance of a heart-, -broken molher, imploring the magistrate to.let. her, - “aatlmgboy oft\this time,”, “never heard of liisdoing anything,wrong," “nice boy,” “never out at nights, - goes': tobuhday school,” &c.» &c., with a long cata logue of J the virtues of the young candidate for the peni tentiary. v But such is life. , v .Cßefore Mr. Alderman Dougherty. 3 , { : Finally Committed Samuel Binder, whose arreßt wasnoticed a short time; since, had a: final-hearing yesterday afternoon, after' which ho was fully committed for' trial. It seems that ;Mr. Gilbert, the owner of a vessel, placed it in charge of ' Binder, to go; after a load of*oysters. - He also advanced • .him money to pay toll through the Chesapeake and Dela-’< >whre bahai. *lt is charged that Binder obtained a load of oystereivthen went to Baltimore and sold ‘the‘same;- The vestel not being returned to Philadelphia, Mr. Gil bert p'roceeded to the Monmental' City and recovered pob : sessionbf, the craft., 'She was stripped of m&ny articles ,of value. s > "'■ ’ • - .’ A Mystery Almost Solved* An indefinite report has been circulated about the city for a day or two; relative *to. : an arrest of a deputy mar-, sbal ahd another person;; There is a mystery ;thrown around the attnir which mn'ionly be developed by the calm process ;of the law. > The United States'deputy iriar- * ebal arrestedis Jacob .aged-man.‘- Th 6 other .person; arrested ; 'is Arthur Paynter, anr oysterman on ":Sprhce-street wharf. Jnthe absence of testimony under 'oath, we may .state that Mr. Payhteris charged with making arrangements to run the blockade. It is alleged as a part of the evidence of ■ the fact, that a short time since he. sent‘one-of his vessels, via Chesapeake and Delaware Canal to Chesapeake City. ,-We'understand tbatlegal proceedings have been instituted, and all the' Tacts will be legally. developed in a day or two : Mr Snare Was. arrested as a ; blihd'; so it- is thought. - The"' fact is, he was making arrangements as a “draw” with Paynter to run the blockade, and was arrested by a Bal timore onicor who was not\awaro - at- the .time' that he' • was.a deputy marshal of the United States." • > , '* f .CBefqro; Mr,. Alderman White. ] ; Disorderly House. Sarah Deacon had ; a hearing before Alderman-White yesterday,.on thecharge of maintaming a' nuisance in - the shape of a disorderly house ;on 6t. Mary street The place was a rendezvous for whites and blacke, and early , y esterd ay f morn in g, murder being cried therein, the po liceofflcers madeadescent, 'and-captured seven men and womenr * A more degraded specimen bra human beings’ 1 has'cot;been arralgneC'before tne worthy magistrate for ! - sometime.; iThe*accused was bound over toianswer at -court;- ~ A house of correction would be a charitable in-' stitution for such miserable creatures who live on whis ky at;a cent per glass.' •• ' 1 :.—; .. . ... ;; LEGAL INTBLiiIGEONE. >isl,osS,i9B 30 .. $58,100 61: Supreme Court or Pennsylvania—Chief \Justlce and Justice* Woodward, Thompson, Strong, and Read. ; The court sitting at Harrisburg has delivered the’fol- *' . lowiiigopinions-:*-i f By lowrie, C. J.—Woleslayer.. vs. Searles. ’ From' I .Common. Fleas of Northampton county. Judgment af ,ffirmed. r *.>: 1 - Johnson vs. .Fritz. From Common Pleas of. Berks county. Judgment reversed and a new, trial awarded;' '• Hoskins vs. Woodward. From District Court of Phi ladelphia. Judgment affirmed. . _ . Wright ys.. Boyd, administrator of Hart z From. Com mon Pleas of Bucks Judgment reversed and a new.trial awarded.; v " ’ Bartley va. Kirbin r & Co. ■ From' Common-Pleas 'of Luzerne county. Judgment affirmed., ; - McHose vs. Wheeler. From Common Pieas of Carbon, county. Judgment’reversed and a new trial awarded. Hofiman vs. Kemerer. From Common Pleas of Lehign , county.^Jhdgment'affirmed. ■- Baben vs.jGans. From Common Pleas", of Schuylkill county: .'Judgmentreyersed., . Si out ys. Stout. From'Common Pleas of Northampton Judgment affirmed, f'- -■■■ •- • By Woodward,. J.-Commonwealth Bank vs; Manu- : facturers’Bank:*'From District Court of Philadelphia. Appeals dikmissedJ Brown, vs. Bush. From Common Pleas of Monroe county. Judgment affirmed. •; Directors -of Schuylkill. vs. Overseers of Montour. Judgment reversed; • • ’ - Vs. Nickiini From District Court of Philadel phia; Judgment affirmed. -- Overseers'of Sagarloaf vs. Schuylkill county. Judg meutreversed. : • - • < • - Palmer. From Common Pleas of Bucks county.': Judgment affirmed. ' Wallac.e Vs. Harmstad. From District Court of Phila- - delphia., Judgment affirmed. - v _Burd Patterson, efc al, vs. Swallow. From District Court of Philadelphia,- Judgment affirmed; ■ • - Tuttonvfi. Addams: :> From Common Pleas of Schuyl- - killcounty; 'Jndgment affirmed. - - i - - : " Taylor’s Appeal. -From District Court of Philadelphia. -•Decree reversed.* • v ' 1 . • ■ By Thompson, J;-~DTnvilliers vs. Biddle: From Com •mon Plea 6 of Philadelphia. - Judgment affirmed. 1 Read, .J.j, dissents. •• *• - -*•. v;...;, Featherman -Vs: /Miller. -From Common’ Pleas of ’Northampton i '-reveraed" aiid-'Vr--f. dr-n.* . awarded/ : . '- < r Altemoseys. HufsmithH From r C6mxdon‘Pleas 'roe. J judgment affirmed; ;*-• 1 - ... ■; Luke’s Church! Appeal:;:. From Orphans’ Court-of Philadelphia; Decree reversed and • set aside. Strong “and’Read. J., dissent. *■ Black’s Appeal." From Common Pleas of Northampton.. Decree affirmed. V ■■ • • v 1 - r Mcßnight vs. Ratcliffe et al. From Common Pleas of Carbon. - Judgment reversed and v. f..d. u. awarded - . ‘By 'Stronu, J.—Peacock -ys? Cummings. -From Nisi l 'Prius/: (Evening Bulletin case.) Decrte reversed. Bollinabead vs. Naumann etai.From Common Pleas .-of Monroe.; Judgment affirmed. ■' j Stockton vs. Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company. From Common Pleas of Carbon; v 1 Judgment affirmed. ;■ -’Commonwealth touse,Ac., vs. Cope.. From Common i'’Pleas of Northampton.-; Judgment affirmed. . | .. Patton’s Appeal. From Common Pleas of Philadelphia, i -Appeal dismissed. • ! By Read, J.—Snow’s Appeal; Tiers’ - Estate. From \ Orphaned-Court of Philadelpnia. Decree affirmed. ’ ,v- Stout vs. 'Hine, , From Common Pleas of Berks. Judg-' inentaffirmed. iQraeff et rax. , vs. Do Turk. From Common Pleas of Berks. - Judgment affirmed. - ; . ••••-.- _>•. 'Commonwealth vs. Rittenhouse. From District Court of Philadelphia. Judgment affirmed . . ' McCurdy vs.-Myers, ■ From' Common Pleas of Brad* -ford.- r Judgment affirmed. ' a • 'Cross vs. Strong. From Common Pleas of Brie. Judg ment affirmed. ... -j/ •• .-. ’ . Coal Company. ‘ Appeal from . Common Pleas aof * Philadelphia. ’Decree affirmed. • Thompson; J., dissents. / • ; n . Stanley vs. Southwood. From District Court of Phila /phia./ Judgment affirmed. ,*i * Arnold ye Stedman. Judgment affirmed. . > District Court—Judge Hare. --Grant-’&• Son vs/Biddle, Hancock; et al. A feigned issue to determine the : question; of the ownership of the bark St. James; * Before ‘reported. l The jury yesterday ‘ rendered a! verdict in favor of plaintitis. .. Hunsicker vs. Bo'wmanV An,action on abond tore-* coyer for tbe payment of certain liens by plain tilt' Be fore reported. Yerdict for.plaintiff $43418.- - •- - 1 Elizabeth Jacobs et al.-vs.- James ’Miller and John -Burk-. "'An action of: ejectment to recover possession of certain real property-on Boae street, near..Till,.West Phi-,, ladelphia.j Ontrial. ~ * - • i f • e f 4 *?, ‘ f Court|of Common Pleas-Judge Allison. Siegfried vk. Siegfried. A bill for divorce,’which, has' been on trial for Beveral days..... It was not concluded yesierdayj v . - 3 .-' - Court of Oyer, and .Terminer and Quarter - Sessions—Judge Tliompson. ... William aB. Kerns, late ;provofit marshal of this city, •was put,on trial yesterday,: charged ; -with obtaining, money, under false pretence, and with, conspiracy to de- . fraud. Itis, alleged] that- he forged the discharge paper of Cope, a private in the 90th Begfment * Pennsylvania Volunteers, Cope, having paid him:ssoto-'- obtaimhis discharge;!,; The defendant .was tried some time ago in the United " States Circuit Court, before. Judges. Grier and.Cadwala- . der, and the court directedan. .acquittal,,because' the of-, fence charged in-the bill of-indictment was not embraced ! by the act of Congress under which it was framed. This criminal-charge in the Court of ; Quarter Sessions was then instituted..T United'StateE 'Dlfltrict Attorneys. George A. Coffee and J. Hubley Ash tonappear for the prosecu-; tion, and Hon. Leonard. Myers for defendant. '.r. FALSE PRETENCE CASE.’ 7' - J. A. Both, theinventorofthe* ‘combinationfurnace,” . for generating stedm’and heating the blast by waste heat,! was charged with obtainingmoney.under false pretences. ..The is a valuable one, and the allegation on the - Src of, the Commonwealth was! that - in,*1863 Mr. Eoth. spoeed of-hid ‘interdst'ih the" patent right to'lsaae Col- '• lins and Edwin Young, who, in turn, in 1860, sbl'd'theirst interest to Joseph Gormley, of this city;.** Notwithstand ing that Mr. Both had no further interest *in the patents he wae charged with collecting $25 : from the Freedom Iron Company ofthiscity ,by representing himself as; still the owner of the patent; and entitled to collect money ■ for.the right to use it.-- - , r-. : . ? - The defence endeavored to put in-evidence thafcthere 7 Was'a suit in equity in Kew York; involving a con'est . in regard to the ownership, but -this was ruled out as # - 1 ** ’ ' Mr. ? Gormerly^.th'e : prosecutor-in the case,-:produced documents, .to prove nia’ title under. Collins fcYoung; l purchasedfi‘om , Mr.T 4 Kothrjxr»Ma^i«.^'.»:.»,t> ,i, The jury rendered a verdict of guilty, with a recoin-, •mendation to mercy. The court sentenced the defendant; •to one-month’s imprisonment. 1 * PHILADELPHIA BOABD OF TBADB. JOHN E. ADDICKS, ) TBOS. S. FEBNON. > Committee of the Month. SAMUEL E. STOKES,j ) *' * ; ‘ LETTER BAGS meeohants’ exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Tuscarora, Danlevy. .... Liverpool; May 7 Bark Guiding Star, Bearse Liverpool, soon ■ : BarlcFlorence Chipman, Jones Liverpool, soon Brig-Anna (Br), Morrow .....Barbadoes,'soon .'BrigB V Merrickj Worden... . Matanzas,rsoon i[, "- MARINE IJifTELLIGEXCE, PORT OF PmLADEbPHIA, May 8 , 18G3. SUN BISESk..*4S2H6UN SETS. 1 HIGH WATER,.• • •».«. •«««.«««■«»•«««.*** .7 23 • ARRIVED. " Brig Moses Day. days front Cienfuegos,with sugar and molasses to 8 & W Welsh—vessel to £ A Sou sßder<&Co. :> v " Brig Model, Dow* 12 days from Cardenas, with sugar and molasses to-S ArW Welsh. Towed up by tug Deia- < ware. n . ~ \Brig Fredonla, Lord, from Palermo March 19, with fruit; &c, to .Isaac- Jeanes & Co. Towed up by tug De- Mawfirei r.-». ..«c. <.!».• x.) s ' Bchr John Randolph, Wall, 25 days from Mayaguez, ' With sugar und molatmes to John Mason & Co. . * ?Schr 'A Higgins, Tirrell, 48 hours from Boston, with - mdse’to Twells & Co. ' : ! Steamer Concord, Norman, 21 hours from New York, With mdse to Wm M Baird & Co. • Staamor Buffalo* Mooney, 24 hours from. New, York* , f wtthmdse to WPClyde; - * t. 'a ./ <. -. .c i. j iICLIABED/r # K '' Ship* Tranquebar, Goodwin, Key West, Hunter, 1 Nor ton & Co. f — * Bark Union, Heard, a market, Lewis dt Damon. ' ' " ' "■‘ ri - 1 •'* r Brig/Mary Alvina. Ames, Boston, E A Bonder & Co. Bohr G'G.Hakpr, HamUton.tHav&narJMaBon-& Co.* < ; Kchr Smithsonian,*'Davis, "N Orleans', J E'Bazley ft Co.* ! . lehr! Isabella Maria (Br). Kelly, St Johns, NF, Van Horn*lWoodworth ft Co. Schr!R W Dillon,'Marts, Port Royal, H,A_Adaias. ' Schn Grace 1 ■’Watsdn,*- Nickerson, . Stone ft Co> i 6chrfABEels;'Parsons,'New(York,-Twells&Co.- r, • 1 do ' - - • Bohr, Evelyn, Crowley, Boston, Wannemacher ft Maxfield; 1 Btrßeverly, Pierce,«NewYork*,WP Clyde.: • BtrOliverThomasrKcight, New York, WPClyde. ’ Str Ironsides; tVande /WmM* Bairds & CO. ; u **..*'^^4, (Correspondence of the Philadelphia‘Srehastt.)' * . ,> - , S \ ;* t LKWKS. Bal* May 6. A gale from the eastward commenced yesterday* and | . atill continues without cessation;'accompanied with'rain.' i A large steamer, four harks, ten brigs, and about fifteen i schooners, .which, came tot theharboryesterday, have rode oat the gale in safety. Jfo disasters ‘to roport from i the coast/ 4 - . - -- 4 ? ti ,% * * I Yours, 4c, _ AAEON MABSgALIfc > I' 1 „ [ memoranda. j - ti'lS at'toiidoii !Mtli ult. pf P P a^e^&i U d r & 5P LiV6IPO " I ' or Pill! ‘ del - Hiu l lSj£^t n Bo B^T)1 p « c s?: waai ‘ l,cht>rod^ Light ■ Bark Am# te “ c «. St Aspinwall 26th alt- sI J rig Con Sid “lrS,W\; f'omßoston. at Cadiz Isth.nlt.' ils|laft;.lat 34^), B ™ ng’ro if 00 * r As P lnwall 'Waa»pokeu j Wew YoSSg? na L t aM ’ s Mwtf**.-**»!-• | 3d^inst.*^; Madman’ Brown, lienee, at Bucksport SauFra^sca 1 * 111 ' AU “‘ Beaton 6th Inst.'for,' ■ Schr Fanhy. Adams, hence, at ffewßw.. sth Inst. I PRINTING V At BIHaWALT A BKOWHU XU 8. JODBTH THE PfiESS.'ipHIEiDM^HIA.. From Common Pleas of Warren. ,FO» : SAI.E AMD TO LET. 4| FOURTH. STREET " RESIDENCE • desirable THREE-STOBT BRICK DWELLING, With fcwo I story double back baildf inga, on Fourth street above Noble, with, gas, bath, hot and .coli water, &c. Lot. 20 feet front by 100 feet in depth. Apply;to . ,• . ! HORACE FRITZ, Conveyancer, - Sonth FOURTH Street, | m TO LBT—A H!a.NDSOMKLV KiL furnished HOUSE in DELANCY Place; has all the modern conveniences. Apply at 309. South frIX TBENTH htreet.: ' . . . my7-12t* MTO LET—A DESIRABLE PUB nished ’RESIDENCE, for the Summer, nea Germantown, with stabling, &c.AddreS9 BOX 14W P. 0. - - • mV7«3t*l MFOR! SALE—THE PROPKRT? No. 36 South SEVENTH Street, next above theor ner of Chestnut BtreetJ Apply* to CHA.S.HHOADS,. f my7-10t* , No. 436 WALNUT Street!' M vFOR SALE—DESIRABLE REtt DENCE on SPRUCE Street; also, two Lots, CHE&- NUT Street. Apply to R. J.. DO6BINS, ’ 1 ; ;my6-6t«; No. 108 South FOURTH Street m FOR: SALE OR PART EX- ft CHANG-E—Desirable Farm, .217,acr£5, situate J on the banks of the Deiawareriveiy-accesaible by Rtlt road and Steamboat to and from the city; alsO. fruit fails in the State of Delaware,•adjoining counties, «c. CallJd examine register. Apply to E. PETTIT, 309 WAL vT Street. .v J ,?•*?.-y-v-.--••y'-.-.mygf • Mfor sale or to rent.—A A handsome FARM; containing about 67 acres, • - near BRISTOL, Bucks county, one mile from the Phi i delphia and Trenton Road. Improvements good;-'An v to ' . - • ’A. FITLER, . . mys-6t* No. 51 North SIXTH Stre* m FOR SALE—A .COUNTRY SEA 1 , .•■Ha with a valuable BUSINESS STAND attached at COATESVILLE, Pa.. on the Pennsylvania Railroad, ?o hours’ride from Philadelphia. For further particu ra -address JOHN H. RaNKIN, 530 WALNUT St.; E m No,? 8. where the plans, eto., can be seen.* aj>27-mw& it*- m PEREMPTORY SALE OP, A YE] f ,JbLDESIRABLE COUNTRY. RESIDENCE.—The‘ b scribor will positively sell, at publlc'sale, oattie -e -< misea,ion Fifth sDay (THURSDAY), the 14th of J v, 1863, at 3 o’clock, his RESIDENCE, containing. 6 A eg and. 145 -Perches; si'uafceJn-BENSALEMTOwNSI P, i Bucks county,\Penna.» within five wfyof i S cbe nek’s- stationon the'Pbiladelphia and Trentorfail road. ‘ The Dwelling is substantially built, with;3jthe necessary out-bnildinps. An abundance of Shaaknd Fruit Trees. }For particulars, apply, to or address if: ■’ I W H. PAXON, H y • JV. /J ! . Bridgewater Post OM - '■ff ap3o-12t*> ■ . • - - ; ■ >, BuckB.,countyp(a. M VALUABLE IRON PROPERTY Jm-FOR SALE-MATILDA' FURNACES AND ©RE BANES. —This property. Ja situated i on rthe .Jaiata . river,-in -Mifflin and Huntingdon counties; Pa:; whin ~one mile otMount Union Station, on Pennsylvanialall road. ..The Juniata Canal and Pennsylvania Rafoad paBS throughjthe property. It embraces about tvaity seven hundred acres of land,' about three hnndredicres t of which J is good form a high state’ of cuiiva . tion ; th e - balance is. good timber, land, would spply sufficient charcoal for the'furnaces. Theimprovefenta - are , a good substantial; furnace,. stacks steam emne,, iron blowing cylinders, &c., with all the necaary buildings'.. There is oh this property an extensidbed of Iron-Ore,'being identical,, in the geological-sties,, with that at Danville and Bloomsbarg; This ore qi be mined ana delivered at the furnaces for abont one dllar per ton;' Limestone,, in abundance, of good quaUl. on" Uiis property. The extensive coal fields’of the-load Top and Alleghenies are from forty to fifty-miles difent. by Pennsylvania Railr'oad'ot canal/and the cahafun * ning;through the property makes it one of the bestboa tions for of iron, either, with.-cot or .anthracite. -' the charcoal; the bnmngß for the furnace and farm are ample, substAntial/aH in good repair. The property will behold adjargainiaiid ,on easy terms. " For further particulars'address ' 1 r 4 I . WASHINGTON RIGHTEe 4> - r B ! COLUMBIA, Lancaster county,Pa. » “• ,®'.7 - Fo r . Quantity and qnality.of the ore, seetfrof. Leselie’s Reporkonsame.. 1 -. t v; y. JtV- ap2S ja* <' A magnificent hotel /■■■A RENT, jposeeesing every- convenlence^adaptd, for atflrat-clijssjHouse, ’and will'ba" ready for J occuStioa SSI'S 1 ! ? feWl days. It will be known at the INTBHA TIONAL.’AppIy‘to CHARLES H. BENNETT; <i the premises, SECOND Street, below Spruce. - arB,tf gjjf FOR SALE—A FOURST&Y *aLHOUBE,<N6. 3015 ARCH Street, with Double’ffiree story Back Buildings, finished in the-best mamer; twenty feet front and one hundred and forty feet dsn to a thirfy-four-feet street.,, . , * -Inquire onthepremises." ’ • •: ’ : ap2s-it* .||:; f ;FARM OF 62f ACRES OF fife -■SkvOTy productive Land on-llie Bristol TurnpikeiJE: at Andalusia, a quarter of a mile from Cornwell’s Bta-‘ tion, on, the* Philadelphia and Trentou-’Railroad: well watered btf running streams, , good- Farm Buildifes. Fruit and Shade Trees, with'several desirable "lMilTor* the location of Country Seats, within view tM iwer Delaware. For sale byI.,C.PRICE,,cor.SPBINGGaR DEN andTHIRTEENTH / ' M COUNTRY SEAT ON TlTßgfk Hiver Delaware, near Torretidale,; located, with Wharf on the river ;-containings2acmsOf gxceUent^arminf 4 .Land,'-well -supplied with Fiuit/ bnade Frees, &c.; Communication with'.the-; citr .in less than_one hour b time, by steamboat or railroad.'For ? ri CE, corner SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH Streets.; y & <g •.. a p9-lm gSI; FARM.—A VERY DBSI- A “■—.RABLE FARM/of 160 Acres ofexcellentLand, 1A— Under good fence and well cultivated"; watered by iwo' situate at. the forks of, the Bethlthem f and .bumneytown Turnpike roads, one mile from ; ?en» * lynn Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad, and fifteen For sale by I. C. PRICE, cor, SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH Streets.- ap9-lm m. A * BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE,A acres of good Land, -fronting on Bristol Turnpike,' near Cornwell's Station,' on the Piila ,delphia andjTrenton Railroad; with good Stable and Car riage House; and abundance of-Fruit, Shade Trees, Ac. E 5, r T S^teX'4! c P B 1 GAKDEtf Tad ..THIRTEENTH Streets. ■ ■ ' upfl-im Ml’QB SALE—A' large and PLEASANT COTTAGE at CHESTNOT HILL, lear tiie Depot », substantially • built, ■ conveniently ■ .and.desirably situated. "Will be 'sold .much below its .cost. ; ■$ X •.- • .' .. T ,v«r.\ x. 4!^°A/^im a . J^Ka* 11 . -r a ar ff e » convenient, and frell built COTTAGE, on Limekiln - pike, half mile tfrom? Uhurch-lane Station, on the Germantown Railroadf ■ - Also,-large and superior COTrAGE at Mermaid Sta--* tion t< on the,Chestnut*Hill Railroad. / -i_jWith,pther Cottages of various sizes in Germantown, Chestnut-Hill, Holmesburg. and other desirableicali 'ties.t • - :jr -t ■ And,also, every, variety ofCity Properties. . I . ‘ ' - B. F. GLENN, .ap!B-tf; ; - 133 South'FOURTH-Street. M FOR SALE—a BARGAIN.—FAC TORY,* MERCHANT and GRIST,MILL, and IRON FOUNDRY; water, power of ,3,000-horse::power; the" finest in ihe State of New .Jersey; dwelling, large bam, and stabling ;of every kind. ; Situate on • a navigable stream, and convenient to railroadj 49 miles from: Philadelphia.' '.‘Price'only.#ls,ooo:•” Terms to suit a pur chaser. . - rap2B] E. PETTIT; 309 WALNUT Street.., J T>RIVAXE SAT. E—TUP’. UNDER- A SlGNED,.desirous,nnacconnt-of.deqliniiiffhbaßn. to retire Jfrom-his duties as Principal DEMY, KENNETT SQUARE. CHESTER,County, Pa„ offers at Private. Sale that well* known, and''popular In stitute, with seven and a half acres of highly-improved Land, within the limits of the <; - •If notr sold before the Ist of 7th Month next; it will" be held for rent. WILLIAM CHANDLER. . ap27-mwfrt iyl* ■ ■ .. • (Z'BRMiANTOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE?—A Choice Building Site within two minutes’- Walk of railroad Btation. -Over Four Acres of Lrfhd with 1 shade trees! Apply daily, except Tuesday and Thurs- from 10 till 11 o’clock, at 805 MARKET Street/-'j j • rc~ .y - ?. ii mys-tf - CtEGOND-HAND BULKS AND OTHER WINDROWS, Doors. Sash, Store Fixtures, Marble Mantels and Sills, &c., for sale at the Depot, SEVENTH above Thompson Street. Cash paid for au such articles. •ap23-ljn*K , > NATHAN W. ELLIS. —this amount to nP. .^yVljVrM*.. Loan on city or country first mort gages. ”Aleo, a number of Ground Rents for sale. Apply toE- PBTTIT, 309 WALNUT 6treet. , mys ryo LTJMBER DEALERS, JI A To parties wishing to purchase l the/ . f STOCK AND TRADE of one of the, largest , and' best established * ! LUMBERYARDS * lathe City of Washington, D. C., . . ; an opportunity is now offered, such. as seldom occurs.! ; For many years this yard L has commanded a large and ilncrafive trade, which, with properly directed energies, may be greatly increased. . , . Inconnectionwit'dthlsyard’isa-' BEARDSLEE PATENT -PLANING MACHINE AND t .MATCHER, Which turns out work superior to any other in the olty. L : ‘The entire'business, at present; is ' conducted* upon a cash basis; and the.present season opens with a fair pro spect of a heavy trade.* ** • ■ • *’ » For farther information, apply upon the premises, to . /*.•-■.•,*>' .*, LEONIDAS COTLEti Surviving’Partner of : '•* f COYLE>BROTHBES, ; Comer of CANAL and FOURTEENTH Streets, ap3o-12t| . ~K i ; Washington City/D;C. ?.... "[7OS SALE—A NUMBER; OF IRRE- A deemable GROUND RENTS, of $2O per annum and less, amply secured. Apply to ALFRED FITLER, Con veyancer/No. 51 North Sixth street. my2-6t*- VAUUAItLE LANDS FQR. SALE,— * By direElidn'of Secrets the Interior/ the undersigned will receivesealed bids for the purchase oi any or .au of the lands hereinafter described, they be ing among the choicest and best farming lands in Mtn nesota;’ ; ■ i '* n - -f ' " These lands comprise what are known" as' the WIN tNEBAGOf TRUBT LANDS, in- the State Of-Minnesota, and will be sold to the highest and best bidder, In'-tracts not exceeding one hundred and sixty/acres each under the provisions of.a'Treatyi concludealwith- thef bago Indians, April 15,1859, and an Act of Congress, ap « proved February 21at, 18tS3, entitled- ‘‘ An the re ,moval of the Winnebago Indians;' 1 ahd for tho sale of their Reservation in Minnesota fortheir benefit.” . . No bid will be entertained at a rate lees than tVo dol lars and fifty cents per acre. - • In case a bid’ is - accepted; the party making the same will he notified as sooir thereafter as; pracHcable. If. thirty days after sucli notioe the partyshall fail : ' to make payment to the undersigned, the land for which ’ made will-he subject to sale to any* other /person, f • •? A - >. v« • j v,* Patents will be issued and transmitted to purchasers as .'soon after payment as the same can be prepared. Payments may be made either imcash, or in the Certifi cates of Indebtedness of the Winnebago Indians, issued, 'by the Commissioner of Indian* Affairs, for the-debts of'; said Indians, and secured to be paid out of the proceeds of the sale of said lands, b'ythethird article of the treaty above mentioned. . c . : % The right to reject any or all bids is expressly reserved. ;AII bids mustbe sealedand/addrosaed to ed. Washington City, D. C., and endorsed, “Bids for Winnebago Trust.Lands.?’.-,..... J DISCBIPfION OV LANDS..' T' y r ■ Sectionsfi, 7,18, 19, and 80, of Township 106, North of Range 23 Vr6Bt t . Sections 6,7,18,19,' 30 andKl, of Township 107; North of Range 23 West. . Section 3U of Township.loB, North of/Range 23 West. Sections 26 to S$ inclusive of Township 106, North of v ßange 24 West/l v**: ‘ ' *, * ,* 5 . * i Sections Ito 24, • and Sections 27, 28, and 29, of Town ship North of Range 24 West; . - : v t SectionB‘3l'to S 6; iuclusive,*of Township loB,,North of 'Range 24 West. "i-vL / Sections 25 to 36, inclusive; of Township of Range.2s West. Sections 1, 2. 3,11,12, and 13, of Township 107r*North of Range 26 West. * v -''■■ •* r i • . Sections 32 to 36, inclusive, of Township 10S, North Of • Range 23 West.-- -: ! r# .'n , All ofiTownsbips lOGand 107, North of Range 26 West. - Sections 31 to c 6, Inclusive,: of.Tdwnship 108, North Of' Range26West. \.h i All ofiTownships lC6and ]o7,vNorth of Range 27 Wea .< • Sections 31 to 16, inclusive, of Township lOS.vNorth. if XRange27 West. , , f;K -' * Bids will be received as above’invited until the Ist l f JULY next, at which time all bids then received-will De exaininedahd'ttctedupon.. . / :< <j ; j After the Ist of July next, bids will be examined and. acted upon at the...expiration of each period “of 'twp J months. t «‘.WILLIAM P. .DOLE, ' Commissioner of . Washington.,.p.X v ,,May.4,:i8C3., A , W^my7: thawi fiBAY HAIR RESTORED" r ? . * i • .BALDHEBB HREVENTBD'.'i *; ') jri LONDON - HAIB GOLOIt, EESTOBEK A OT) I .■ DRESSING. . ••••;: w l v ,T •. -..r • • • most/a&fe-. "r- I v•’'j j ;and‘wliable ar- /; x h ■ . - i - 'ticleeverdiscovered ;* [ i - - for tlie growth-and pre-. . • -;; •. ■ *1 v servationofthe human hair, ‘ - . *'* : * i preyentinggrayhair.andreato-. ; i riugitapristihe beauty iand color. , \■ t i Alsb remoying-any eruptive diseases, {ltching, Scurf, .Dandruff; &c. ’Many who r " • werobaldandgrayJhavehadthoifebairre&toreiP* 1 r’? l T 1 bytJiG uge of the u London Hair Color Restorr*.’?, ; Its extraordinary .influence in restorlug gray hair to r its onginaLhle-like wonder*- ml.: It does,noUrequire any pteparation be fore pf'after its.use.rkeeps.the-Jiatr soft,'" ; - ■v*;. \ emopth-and.flexible,;audits certainly ’ ; \ an-indispensable article; in overy I ..toilet;- All who have a ; v .<■ beautiful and glossy head , * of hair, \in luxurious . ' ; - growth to the. latest . , ' ‘ ! . . )V period of life, » - . . 4 ,t*/i .'•inus* use; y -i-. i •' ‘•* : - r-»<r r. » if k-r-• ■ ' . LONDON HAIRCOLOR EEBTOEER. ' - > •.. Asabeautifler.itis unsurpassed.' " ' r ' LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER.’ * v “ will make the hair grow on bald heads, . LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER, i ;Will fasteni it, and stop its falling. J J LONDON:HAIR COLOR RESTORER. ' - * • r Gives thehair a rich and glossy appearance 1 ; london;hair color resioreb;. -- Excites the scalp,, cleanses and invigorates. ’ 1 LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER, . No lady or: gentleman should be without it. ; V y ! LONDON: HAIR COLOR BBSTORKRr:: - ' Highly perfnmed, does not soil hat or bonnet. IOHDON Halr COLOR BBSTORER;-- < ’ Only 60 cents a bottle; sixbottles for §2.50.. * v . •> .‘ LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER, .. , Thejonly'attested article that , will absolutely restore i the hair,to Us original, color,-and,beauty t cauaUig ii to-. grow/wbere ( it*haafallenofforbecomethin; .< » -f°l WholeB * le “* MUU br DR. gWAYM *itf? ap3Q No, 330 N. SIXTH Street, above Via# Phils. ski < ; . J.EGAE. 1 tTNITED i STATES, 'ASTERN DIS TEIOT OF PENNSYLVANIA, HOT, ■ THE-PKESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MAKShaI, of the eastebn dist'kict of PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING; • WHEREAS, The District Court of the United Stateß in and for the Eastern D-istnct of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a'Libel, filed in the name of the .United States or America, hath decreed air persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the brig Minnie, whereof David Morgan is master, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden thereon, captured aa Prize of war, in Bull’s Bay, South Carolina; byYhe Uhited States gunboat Lodona, under command of Com maßder Edmund R. Colhoun, and brought into the port ot Philadelphia, to be monished, cited, and.called to judgment At the time and place" underwritten, and to the hereafter expressed; (justice bo re guiring.)'You.are: therefore,charged, and strictly en joined and commanded, that you omit not, but that by publishing these presents m at least two of the daily ■ newßpaperapnnted and published in the city of Phila delphia, and in-the Legal Intelligencer, yon do monish and cite, or cause to bo monished and cited, peremptorily allpersons in {general.who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the said brig Minnie, her -tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the said goods wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof, to ap pear before th§ Hon. JOHN CAD WALADER. the Judge ok,the isaid: Court.: at; the/District Courtroom, in the city or Philadelphia, on the twentieth day af ter publication of -these presents, if it be a court daj% or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours ot hearing, causes, then and there ,to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful‘ ex cuse, if any. they have, why the said brig Minnie, her tackle, furniture,-and the goods, wares, and merenanoUe xacen on board thereof, should not be pronounced to belong. at the time of the captui’e of the • 6ame,.tp. the enemies of the United States, and as goods ;of their enemieß or otherwise, liable and subject to con demnation, to be Adjudged and condemned as good'ahd lawful prizes; and turther to do and receive in this be half as to justice Bhall appertain. And tliafcyou.dulyin-. timate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons ‘afore •said, generally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it ma.lso intimated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and' place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a. reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary. then said Distnct Court .doth intend and will-proceed to adjudication on the - said capture, and may pronounce that the said brig Minnie, her tackle, apparel, and fur niture, and the goods, wares,- and merchandise'laden on board thereof, did belong, at the time of the capture of. the same, to the enemies of the United States of {as goods of their enemies, or otherwise liable .and-subject to confiscation and condemnation, to he adjudged •'and'condemned as lawful prize, the absence; or rather contumacy, of the persons so.citea and intimated, m .anywise, notwithstanding, and that' yon duly certiiy'to the said District Court what you shall do •in the premises, together witli these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN CAD WAL ADER, Judge ;of'the said Court, at Philadelphia, this fifth-day of MAY, A. D. 1863, and in the eighty-seventh year of the inde pendence of the said United States. V v . v my7-3t G. R. FOX. Clerk District Court. TTNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS- V TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SOT - THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES Pennsylvania ° F THE eastekn vistrwt of GREETING: > . . . -, : . ; WHEREAS; the District Court of the United States in „ and for the Eastern District of Pemisylvania, right_*y and duly proceeding on a libel, filed in the name of the United States of rAmenca, hath decreed all persons in general who have, or' pretend to have, any. right, \title, or inte rest-in the schooner Major E. Willis and cargo, whereof —is master, her tackle; apparel; and furniture,and the goods/wares, and laden: thereon, cap tured as pnze of war by the United States Bteamer Pow hatan, under command of Captain Charles-8 lead man, and bronghtinto the port of Philadelphia, to be monished, citediana called to judgment at the timeandplace under written, and to the effect, hereafter expressed, (justice ao requiring.) You are therefore charged, and strictly en joined and commanded, that you omit not, but that by publishing these presents least two of the daily. new®apera printed and published in the city of Phila delphia, and m the Legal Intelligencer, yon do monish and cite, or .cause to he monished and cited, perempto rily, all persons in general, who have.or pretend to have, '- any right,.title; or interest In the’saia-scnooner Major E. ' Willis, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the said goods, wares,and merchandise,ladeu on hoard thereof, to appear before, the Hon. JOHN GADWALADER, the Judge orthe said Court, at the District Court room; in the city of Philadelphia, on -the twentieth day after publication ofthese presents,-ifitbea court day, or else on the next court day following, between the.usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in due form, or law; a reasonable and lawful excuse, if anythey have, why the said? schooner Major E.-Willis. her tackle, ap parel, end. furniture, and the'goods, wares,vand ‘mer chandise.-, Jaden on hoard thereof, should not be pro .'nonnced to belong, at the time of the capture of, the. same, to the enemies of the United States,‘and. as goods of th.eit; enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to • condemnation, adjudged and condemned as good* and lawful prizes; and' further to do- and receive’ in • this behalf as to justice shall appertain.... And that yon duly intimate. •or canse' to be intimated,: unto all' persons* aforesaid, generally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated;) that if they shall not .appear at the time and:place above mentioned,or appear % ana; shall not show/a] reasonable 5 and lawful cause 'to> the contrary; then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudication on the said capture, and may pronounce that the said schooner Major E. Willis/her" tackle, apparel, and furniture; and the goods; wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof, aid belong, at the'tiihe ofthe capture of thesame, to the .enemies oi the! United States of America, and as goods of .their enemies, or otherwise', liable and subject to confiscation and con demnation, to be adjudged and- condemned* as Jawful r prize, the absence, or rather contumacy, of the' persons so ' cited .'ahd^intimated in anywise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the District Court whatyoii’ shall do'in the premises. together with these presents.-/ . .-Witness the Honorable JOHN CaDWALADER, 4 Judge of the said this fifth day of MAY, Au D.-1863, and ih ; the,eighty-seven thyearofthelnde-' the said United States. >;/ • -.-- my7-3t .[■. . FOX, Clerk'of District Court. -' TTNITED STATES, EASTERN- DlS '%*> TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SOT. THE PRESIDENT-OF THE UNITED STATES,'/ ”*- 4 ‘ TO THE MARSHAL'OF THE EASTERN DI3TRICT . OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: . WHEREAS, -The District Court of the United Spates in. and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel and information filed in the name;'of the United States of America, as welpfor them- - selves as for,others concerned, hath decreed all personS in i general whohaYe/.orpreiendjto have any right, title, or iuteresuin the schooner-Secretary, her tackle, apparel, and; furniture, and tbe goods, wares, and merchandise laden onboard thereof, seized and takeninthe Delaware River, at- the Port of Philadelphia, as forfeited to the United be monished, cited/and called to judg- •• ment'. at the.tiine and place underwritten, and to the ef fect hereafter expressed,.(justice so requiring.) You are’ therefore charged,land strictly enjoined and commanded, that you. omit not, but that by publisoing these presents in at.least two of the'daily newspapers printed and pub lishedinthe city’of Philadelphia, and in th'e Leoalln~ a telligencer. you do monish and cite, or. canse to be mo nished and cited, peremptorily,' all' persons in general who have, or'pretend to have'any right; title, or inte- ■-= .rest in,the said schooner Secretary, her tackle, apparel; : and furniture/ goods; wares, and merchan dize laden onboard thereof, to appear before the Honora ble JOHN C iD WAL ADER, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court Room, in the city of Philadelphia, on the twentieth day after publication of these presents, if it be a court day/or else on the next court day following between/the usual l 'hours' of hearing causes', then ana 1 -there to ehow/ or allege,/ih due form of law, a reasona -ble and if any they have, why the said : schooner Secretary, her tackle, apparel, and-furnitnre, and the said goods, wares; ana merchandise laden on hoard thereof'shouldhot be pronounced/ for the causes 7 lit the said lihel alleged, liable and subject to forfeiture and to be so' adjudge land condemned; and further to do’ 1 irL-,th?s b.ehalf as to justice sh'all appertaW’ Msna that.yo.u I auiy,cintimH±.o, Or- cause ' unto all persons/aforesaid/generally, (to whom' by^the tenor/of-these.preseiita it is aiso'diitimated,) that if they’ shall not the'time and place above-mentioned, • or appear^and'shall not^'.show a'reasonable‘and lawfal cause to the, contrary; thensaidDistrict Court doth intend and wiU/prooee'dto adjudication on the said capture, and may the said-schooner,Secretary, her tackle, apparel, andjurniture, and the goods, wares, and ■ merchandise laden on bfeard there'of, are liable and sub ject to confiScaiion and condemnation, to he so adjudged and condemned, the absence/or rather cvntumacy, of the persons so citedand intimated in anywise notwithstand ing, and that you duly certify to the said District Court what yon shall do in the premises/together with these ; presents. ■ ' - Witnesb tho Honorable JOHN CADWALADER. Judge ofjthe said Court/ at Philadelphia, this twenty-eighth day. of APRIL;*Au;.D. 1863, and in: the eighty-geventh year of thelndependence of the said United States, - • . • . v>.--G; R* FOX, Clerk District Court, TTNITED ■ STATES. EASTERN DIS- TRICT OF’PENNSYLVANIA, SOT. THE PRESIDENT OF..THE UNITEb STATES T PENNSYLviNIA 0F THE DISTRICT OF GREETING:' ’ ' * C . ' WHEREAS, .The District Court of the United States in* and for the’Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and i duly proceeding on a Libel and information filed in the name of the .United States of America, as well for them-" selves as for a.ll others concerned, hath decreed'all per : 111 general who have, ; or pretend'to have, any.right, title, or interest in the schooner Secretary/her tackle, apparel, and funmure, arid, the,goods. .wareß, and mer chandise laden, on hoard thereof, Aei2ed ; and takeninthe ipejaware nyer, at the port of Philadelphia, as forfeited to the united States, to be monishea;'cited/.and called to judgmeat, at .the time arid place underwTitten. and to the effect hereafter expressed, (justice so requiring) Yon are. therefore and strictly enjoined- and com- ‘ marided, that you omit not, bat that/by publishing these ■. presents in at least two of the'daily. newspapers printed and published in the city of Philadelphia, and in the - Legal too. do monish and cite, or cause to-be monished arid cited; peremhtdrily, all persons in generalw ho h ave, or pretend to have, any right,- title, , or interest in, the said schooner Secretary, her tackle, ap parel, and furniture/arid/the said goods, wares/ and merchandise Haden on hoard thereof/to appear before the Hon; JOHN'CADWALADER,'the Judge of the'said • ~ Court, at the District Court' room, in the city of?Phila- • ‘ delphia, on the/ twentieth day after publication of these S resents, if itbe'a-.court day, or*else on the next court ay followirig/between the usual hours of hearing can- ; ses, then and. there, to show; or. allege,-' in due form of law, a reasonable and; lawful excuse, if any they : have, * why/ the said Bchoorier^Secretary,.-her tackle, / apparel; and furniture, and tiie said goods,-wares, and merchan dise-laden on board thereof, should-not be pronounced, i for the causes in the sai’d lihel and subject ’"to'foireituie, and tobe so adjudged J and condemned as good and lawful prizes; md further to do and receive in tins behalf as to. justice shall appertain. ' And that you duly intimate,‘ or cause, to be intimated, unto all persons . ;aforjßsaid generally;: (to whom/ by' the tenor of these' -presents, it realso jntimated,) that if they shall not ap pear at the time and place above meritidned; or'appear l and shall riot show a reasonable and lawfril cause to the • contrary.,then said: District Court doth intend’ to adjudication on' the said' captnre, and r -may ■ proriounce that the said schooner Secretary; her tackle, Apparel, and furniture; arid the goods, wares, merclian dise laden on board thereof,- are likble and subject to confiscation. and condemnation/ to be so iadjudged and condemned,:the absence, or rather contumacy,-of'the and intimated’in anywise notwith standing, and- that yru duly certify to trie said' District .Court what you shall do in the premises, together with - these presents. - . the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER. Judge , of the* said .Court, at: Philadelphia, -this twenty-ninth day of April, Ai D. 1863, and in the eighty?seventh year of the Independence of the eaid -United States. •' my7-3t ; • • G/R. FOX, Clerk District Court. TN THE DISTBIOT COURT FOR THE ■h CITYiANB. CODNTT OF PHItABEIiPHIA. . CATHARINE GRUSSMEIFR vs: CHRISTIAN SCHNIT ZEL, and./HENRY.‘SCHMIDT, Vend. Exp., Sept. 1 Term, 1862. .. No. 304. / ‘ r i: . • -r . r The appointed by the Court to report dietribu tion of thefand arieingfrom the sale by the Sheriff, nh- r ,der .the above writ, of all. that certain lot or piece of With the three*story- brick;messuage -or tene -1 ment, with three-Btory hack buildings thereon erected,' ~ situate oh the west side of Fifth street/at the distance of < -thirty-one - feet, more or less, southward from the south side of Girard avenue in-the city.oiPhlladeiphia, con : tainingirifront on said Fifthstreet seventeen 3 reef? seven-v inches, more or less, westward in length' or depth‘of that width oue hundred and ten feet seven /inches, he the same more or less. CN, B.—The above Eemises are snyect to a mortgage of 91« ICO, recorded in ortgagp Book G. W. C., No: 23, page 116, «c. ] • ■ 1 mil attend to the duties of his appointment on MON DAT, the llth -day of May next,.at 4'o’clock P. M., at - the WETHEBILL HOUSE, BANSOM Sixth, ■* in theriity of Philadelphia,? when and.where all persons ' are xsqnired-to make their claims, or be debarred from coming in .upon thesaidfand. r s. <>-. ‘ , ap29-lfit ■* * K * SAMUEL C.- PERKINS/ Auditor. T OST <0 WIETOITBS IS . A-4 hereby. givehithat appUcationhas beerLmade to the ' • Auditor General of Pennsylvania for the issue "of dupli-** ' cates of the following described Certificates of the Five Sjr Cent.-Loans of the rCommonwealth. .issued by the ank of Pennsylvania, ,(acting as . transfer : agent of the ’ Commonwealth,) name of the Honorable Colonel' ' LEICESTKRFITZGERALD STANHOPE, of the Cedars, 1 Putney Surrey, in England: v _ No, ml dated April 6, 1837,act of April 13,1835, for §5,000. No. 3W,' " do do >. . do ... do for §5,000., do- do • ;. do forfoOQOr jnhSl-Sm- •••. .'.''t ■ T OST GBRTIFICATES—NOTICE IS : hereby given that application has been made to the • -Auditor General, of. tke;State of Pennsylvania ' for the issue of duplicates of the following-described CERTIFI CATES of Five per Cent. Stocks of said State, , created by the' Act of 21st March, 1831,' Issued by the Bank of Penn sylvania, (acting as Transfer Agent of the Common- ‘ wealthlof 'PennsvlTania; )in the joint names-of George -Higgins,,of Furnival’a Inn, ‘London, Esq. :' Richard' 1 Hichens.rof St. Ives,' > Cornwall,. Esq.;' and-Charles Henry Khodes, of Denmark Hill; Surry, gentleman, with* benefit of survivorship, which 1 Certificates have been lost, vir:. . .. Ho. 1.400, dated Nov. 4,,1858, for4,ooodollara. i»4oi, moo -- l . . . - i '• 8,000 dollais. And ali persons are hereby called upon to show cause. , to the Transfer Clerk, at the Farmers* and "Mechanics* 'Bank, in the city of Why sdch duplicate Certificates should not be issued; ; - ' • ■ f - ' : 1 THOS. BIDDLE A CO.. '•'■- aplS-Sni No: 386 [WALNUT St. Philadelphia. OICILY LICORICE, GEN.—SMALL P STICK. „ „ , • ■ Caraway Seed.-., 'ji.-.;. i. * Gam Arabic. - ♦ % p Trieste Vermillion, > \: -■ : Blue for Potters’ nse. v' Mineral Water Corks,’ short ./• ; ir Bottle Corks, assorted. t s:. . Madder, Catch. Films. v •. Oilßergamot. ? , . . ' Golchicnm Seed. . - ' >. Oil Origanum, Fare. * . ■ r . Gum.Kino. \ Cape Aloes. , Pink Root. _ l ;< .' Olivs Oil. qoart bottles. - In Store, and for sale by rj.,,- a. a -• GILBERT ROYAL** Co., ' Wholesale Druggists.- ap2S-Im* : ffos. 309 and 311 North THIRD Street. TITADEIBA WINE.—I7S QUARTER ‘casksand lOOdctaYes, juatreceived per “laini,” ( »ndforealeinb<pid, by . • . ■' ■ t ... f "A CHAB. S. dt'JAMSSCAESTAIRS. WH [ lao WAMIUT and »1 GSAMITE Streets. LEGAK, T3SITjHE;OR?HANS’ COURT FOB THE J- CITY AlfD COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. /;. ~ Estate of MAH LON IT HUTC HINSON,* dec’d. . . The Auditor appointed bV the above court to'audit, settle, and adjust the account of BUSHROD W. ; ADAMS, and DANIEL executors of, MAHLON. L. EUTCHINSON. and to report distribution of the balance in tneir hands, will meet the parties inte rested for the purpose of his appointment, on MONDAY. May 18th. 1863, at4o clock, P. M., at his office, No. 153 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. • my6-wfmst E. SPENCER MILLER. Auditor. TNTHE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTYsOP.-PHIL’iDELHIA. . Estate ofEDWARD CARR*, ’deceased. r . ■. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, that CATHARINE CARR, widow of eaid decedent, claims to retain real and per sonal estate of said decedent to the amount of s3oo,under the 6th Section of the Act of Assembly of passed th© 14th day of April, 1851', and the Supple ment thereto, j and / that an inventory and appraise ment of the same lias been filed in said court, and will be presented to ;eaid court for approval and confirmation on FRIDAY, the 15th day of Kay," 1363, at 10 o’clock A. M. , unless exceptions be made thereto., - GEORGE H: EARLE,' ap29wi4t* Attorney for said Claimant. TW"OTIOE—LETT EE S TEST A.MEN TARY: on; the Estate, of JOSEPH S. RILEY, Jr., deceased, havingbeen granted to the undersigned, by the Register of Wills of the county of Philadelphia, all persons indebted to said Estateare requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the.same to present the same to - ISABELLA. W. RILEY, Executrix, • CHESTNUT, west Forty-second street. Or to . CHARLES S. RILEY, .aplO fGt , DELAWARE Avenue, below Green street. TESTATE OF JONATHAN PETIT, SR Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of JONA THAN PETIT, Sr., Ijaving been granted to the under signed, all persons having claims against the same are requested to present them, andallpersousindebted will make payment to . CHARLES* WVPETIT, • JONATHAN PETIT, Jr,, B. A. SHOEMAKER. ' •> WOOLMAN STOKES, WM. S. BROWN, • • - ; . ’ * • Executors. . Or to their Attorney, J. W; STOKES, • < ap3-fr6t* > 619 WALNUT Street. TESTATE iOP HENRY T. SKEEHAN, A-f DECEASED.—Letters of Administration cum testa mento annexo onthe Estate of saiddecedent having bean granted to the undersigned, alLpersons iudebted to said Estatevwill-please'.-ibake payment,. and .thQse having claims agalnet the same to present; them without delay to ELLEN. SKEEHAN,'Adm’xv.Manayunk,- Or to her Attorney.: , NATHAN H. SHARPLESS, apl7-f6t» ; i : No.-g 8 North, SEVENTH: Street... MOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned has made application for'the re-, newal of certificate No. 281,- for Five; Shares of. Stock of the -North Pennsylvania Railroad Company, issued to A.‘J; Gallagher, and datedthe Ist of-February,'lBs4. - a * - ’ • -v -JOSEPH A.. CLAY,,. .. ap24-f&sBt * Assignee of A. J. Gallagher. - MARSHAL’S jSAIiES. , "V/TARSHAL’S SALE. —BY VIRTUE Of a, Writ of Sale hy the Hon. JOHN CADWALA DER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, tome directed.will be sold at Public-Sale, to the ]nghe«t and best bidder, for cash, at CALLOWHILL STREET WHARF, on TUESDAY, Mav 19. 1863, at 12 o’clock M., the schooner MAJOR E. WILLIS,her tackle, apparel, etc., as she now lies at said wharf. Also, immediately after the sale of the vessel, at MICBENBR’S Store, No. 143 North FRONT Street, will be exposed to sale the cargo of said vessel, con sisting of 160 bales of Cotton. " - " r WILLIAM MILLWARD, .- ’ U. B. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, May 6,1863- i my7-6t: TtfARSHAL’S SALE.—BY J VIRTUE of a Writ of Sale by the Honorable A JOHN CAD WALADER, Judge of the District Court.of. th'e ‘United-: States, in and.for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty? to me directed, will be sold at public sale.. to the higheat aud best bidder, for cash, at'SI9;ARCH* Streefc.on FRIDAY, May 15th, 1863, at 11 o’clock A; M., a portion of the cargo of tbe steamer BERMUDA, as fol lows:About 200 packages-Drugs and miscellaneous artides.-amoug which are Henry’s and Patterson’s Cal. Mag, Morphia, Ipecac, Opium (gum and powdered), Kreosote, BaL Cop., Senna,'Lunar. Costic, jßen.Acids, .Spirits Nitre.- Gum Camphor, Spirits Nitre, Capsules,' Chamomile Flowers, Adhesive . Plaster, rPatent ;.Lint; - Pestles and Mortars, Amputating Instruments, Trasses, Enemas, Graduating Tabes and Glasses, &g. '. ' ’i.Also, 5 bblslEpsom Salts, 2 do. Ginger, 2 do. Gum Ara bic,’^do. Castor OU;l3caSes!Low’s London Windsor Soap, SO bags Cutcht' 2 cases Tooth-brushes. ' Also, JS cases (750 Teams) Bank-note Paper, 21 cases Foolscap,’Letter, and Nqte.Paper r Envelopes, Ac. AlsorlQ cases Ink forbank-noteprinting,’black, blue, and red.,-- - . * Catalogues will be issued ten days before the sale, when the goods can be examined. • WILLIAM MILLWARD, ■ my2-6t: . u. 8. Marshal ED. of Pennsylvania. EDUCATIONAAi. TfNGLISH AND FRENCH BOARD- AND DAY SCHOOL.—Mrs. GERTRUDE J, CARY will commence the nineteenth session ofher school •September* 14, 1863, and will be at her residence, 1617 WALNUT Streetfeveiy Wednesday afternoon untllJuiy v!4th;-to receive'applications. - •• - mys-tnthf4w*- TJELLEVUE FEMALE INSTITUTE— ".A BOARDING SCHOOL FOB GIRLS.r-This Jnsti- js located about' twenty miles .from Phl-‘ ladclphla, nine miles from Trenton, and seven miles from Bristol, on the northern limits of ATTLEBOROUGH, -Middletown .township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania—a irural district unsurpassed for healthfulness and beauty. There are three daily conveyances to the l premises from Philadelphia during the summer. THE SPRING AND SUMMER ; TERM will commence on the. 20th of FlFTH'month/and continue'in session twelve ■ weeks, through the most pleasant period of the Warm months. /-•/ " ; Thecourse.of instruction is thorough and complete in all the elementary and higher branches of an English , Olassical. and Mathematical Education. The French language is taught by a very superior native French teacher, who dally engages the pupilsdn French conver-. sations.'s; A Normal -Department is in operation for the benefit of those who desire to qualify themselves for teachers. . TERMS. — The charge for tuition, in the English branches, with board, washing, fuel, and lights, inclu ding pens and ink, and the use of library, is, for the Bpnng and Summer Term of twelve weeks, $4B. Latin, Greek , French, and Drawing, each extra. . Circulars, giving full particulars, mav be had on ap plication to {the Principals, Attleborough Pi/ O/i Bucks county. Pa. ; orfrom Edward Parrish, northwest corner of EIGHTH and.ARCH Streets,* Philadelphia. • • -- - ISRAEL J. GRAHAME, , . , JANE P. GRAHAME, . myl-Im i - -- •= - - ‘Principals.: ■' COPARTNERSHIPS. TIISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— . The copartnership heretofore existing between JAS.' •K. CANT WELL and'JOHN C. KEFFER; under the name . and firm of CANTWELL & KBFFEH, was dissolved by mutual consent on the ' llth day of ApriL instant All ; debts due to Eaid firm are payable to John C. Keffer/and all liabilities of said firmare tobejiaid by .the said John C. Keffer. . ' JAMES R. CANTWELL, - - JOHN C. KEFFER. > The business will be continued by John C. Keffer'at the store southeast corner of GERMANTOWN avenue and MASTER street. .. ap2B-lSt qiEE SUBSCRIBERS WILL CONTI ■,rK the DRUG BUSINESS,, as heretofore, at the Old Stand, No. 724 MARKET Street " I - - - . , - I Wit ELLIS A CO.. Druggists, jal-tf . • ’ /• MABKET Street HOTJBXiS. - HOUSE, CORNER OF'PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE AND'SE uvi / •' VENTH STREETS, ~ , ' Washington, D. O. 1 The subscriber has leased thisweilknown and popu lar, hotel, arid respectfully invites/his -friends in Penn sylvania arid elsewhere to give him a calL '' > my6-lm j , / ; , - JOHN CASEY, Proprietor. - ■RRANDRETH HOUSE, ‘•M Comer of BROADWAY, CANAL, and LISPENARD ; . STREETS, NEW. YORK. CONDUCTED ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. . • The above Hotel 1b located in the most central part of Broadway,;and can be reached h» omnibus or city care, from all the steamboat landings and railroad d6p6ts.’ The rooms aie elegantly furnished. Many of them are constructed in suits of communicating parlors and cham bers, suitable-for families and parties travelling to gether. ' > Meals servedatallhours. ' Single Booms from 60 cents to $1 per day. Double Roomß from 91 to $2.60 per day. deS-6m‘ -■ JOS. CURTIS ft CO, IYER'S. PILLS.r—ARE YOU SICK, FEEBLE, AND COMPLAINING? Are yon out of order, with your system deranged and-your feelings un* > comfortable?- These symptoms are often the prelude to serious illness. Some fit of sickness is creeping upon .yen, and shouidbe averted-bv a timely -rise oftheright • remedy.f Take AYER’S PILLS/and-cleanse out the die : ordered * humorß—pnrify the; blood, - and-let - the • fluids move on unobstructed in; health again; '.They stimulate' the functions of the body into vigorous activity, purify the system from the obstructions which make dxsease. ■ A cold settles somewhere in the body, and 'obstructs its natural functions. Theße/if riot relieved/ react- upon themselves and the srirronnding organs; producing gene ral aggravation, suffering, and disease. While m this condition,; oppressedbythe'derangements, take AYER’S . PILLS, arid "see- how directly they the-natural action of the system, and .with-it tiie buoyant feeling of v ;health again. What is true and so apparent iri: this tri vial and common complaint/is also tracing many of the deep-eeatedanddangerousdistempers,'-'The same.pur- - gative effecfexpels them. . Caused’hysimilar obstruc tions and derangements of the natural functions of the * body, they are rapidly and-many of-them surely, cored 1 by the same means. None.who'know the'Vlrtaes of - these Pills will neglect to employ them when suffering from the disorders: they cure,; such* as Head ache,-Foiu' Stomach, Dysentery, >Bllious Complaints, Indigestion, ■Derangement of the Livery Costiveness, or Constipation. - Asa Dinner PilLtheyare both agreeable and effectual. .PHce 25 cents per box; or.flve boxes for 91. Prepared by Dr/ J. C. AYER ft Co., LOWELL, Mass., , and sold MARIS ft Co.,at wholesale, / FREDERICK'BROWN. ' 7 • ; ; t ap2o-mwf2m TkRAINwPrPE.—S TONE W A R E A/. DRAIN PIPE from 2 to 12-irich bore. 2>inchbore cents per yard S do/. 30 do j do. . % 4 do 40 do do. 5: do ~60 do do.- , 6 d 0...;;. 65 do :. do; Every variety ofconnections, bends, traps, and hoppers. We are now prepared to furnish Pipe in any quantity; and on liberal terms to dealers and .those purchasing in arge.quantities; - • r v- •• ■ ORNAMENTAL CHIMNEY TOPS;» Vitrified Terra Cotta Chimney Tops, plain and orna mental designs, warranted to stand the action of coal gas, or the weather in any climate. . . . 4 GARDEN VASES. ■ r . * 1 l A great variety of Ornamental Garden Vases -in Terra < Cotta, classical designs, all slzesk .and warranted to stand thejweather. Also/ Fancy. Flower Pots, Hanging* Baskets, and Garden Statuary.' \ PhiladelpbiaTerra Cotta Works. • ■ ■ ■' • Office and Warerooms 1010 CHESTNUT Street. • % ; 8. A. HARRISON. JJ J 7 HANNA, -w*. OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT CLAIMS, -.rf ' No. 262 F street, between Thirteenth and'FourteenthV-. - j WASHINGTON, Di s „ , ■ • ' Particular attention given'to the Adjustment and Col lectlon of Army and Navy Contractors 1 Claims, Quarter masters’ Vouchers, Mail Contractors’ and Postmasters’ Accounts, Certificates of Indebtedness, and the Prosecu tion of Claims for liosses of Steamboats and’ other pro perty in Government employ. -Also'to Investments In and Purchase and sale of Government Securities. • ‘ v ... h ■ * Prompt and faithful attention will be given to all busi ness entrusted tome.; ’vREFBBBNCKS r SPENCER. VILLA A CO. ,■ Boston. 1 LIVERMORE, CLEWS A CO., Sew Tort. VEBMILYB A CO.. BASES, WESCOTT A CO,, Philadelphia. ..!■ 8. T. CANBY. ■ : ,r W. J. WAINWRIGHT, “ - •HANNA; HART, A C0.,-Pittsburg. ;■ ' , GEORGE C. GLASS A CO., Cincinnati. G. H. BUSSING A‘CO.. \ " C. J>. COFFIN. Esq. ; . •>L. A. BENOISTA CO.,Bt.Lou!a. ‘ANDERSON A WATSON, ' “ ' '" MARC A. HERTEL, Chicago. , ■ S. P. BRADY * CO., Detroit. . , ■ '-WILLIAMS A CO., , 0 . ' * ' .’ H. WICK A CO., Cleveland. ' B, HANNA A CO ; " - 'ALVORD.; COLWELL A ALVORD, Indianapolis.' JOHN FERGUSON,-Esq., San. Francisco.. ■ , -HENRY BIGELOW, ,Esq. , , ‘ GUIGLY,"MORTON A CO., Louisville. ‘ l Washington, April,. 1563. .. ap29-lm ■ DOWEN & CO.’S LITHOGRAPHIO . , , (outhweat Corner of ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT St*.. NO. BIS MIHOB STBEBT. PHILADELPHIA. - Every description of 'UTHOHHAFHY, PLATE PBINTINd, and COLOMBO' WAOtnra I* THI HOST BUF«*IOn HAnnn. pRIME GREEN 810 COFFEE, .. T"'- 'For sale by ■ ■ PHILIP EEILLTi SON, my 6 St* No T North WATBB, Street. PAPER PATTERNS OF THE "h.. FASHION. .Wholesale apdßetatl.. „ New Spring and Summer Cloaks. Sleeves. Waists;and- Children's Patterns, now ready at Mrs. M. A.- BINDER'S Temple of Fashion, No. 1093 CHESTNUT Street. Also, . Dress and Mantilla Making in aU its branches. _ Madams Demorest’s Mirror of Fashion and Le Bon Tom ap29-3m iIOFFEE 1 COFFEE ! I COFFEE!! ! The'beet and cheapest prepared Coffee In the city.. A. trlal wlll convince the most sxeptloaL No eharae made If satisfaction is not rendered. v . Prepared an4for sale at the - -• * ' InieSteam toloe and Co*m Worite,. >, AUCTION SAI.ES. !T -. 'tft; JOHN B. MYERS & CO., ATJCTION ; W EEES.Hob: 333 arid 33* MARKET Street. . . .. -- ; ,f\„ A-y; f PEREMPTORY BAL EOF CARPETINGS CANTON® MATTINGs, RUGS, MATe, Ac. -> t . THIS ' months’ credit— - - . Comprising English, Brussels, three-ply,- superfine ; ingraixvvenitian, hemp, and list carpetings * white and red. check Canton and cocoa mattings, rugs, mats, drug gets, Ac. \ . PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH, INDIA. GERMAN * .-•AMD BRITISH DRY UuODa; Ac <*. ~• ON MONDAY MORNING, s • May 11th, at 1U o’clock, will be sold by catalogue, on four months’credit, about 6 ffOO PACKAGES AND LOTS of French,lndia, German, and British Dry Goods, Ac., embracing a large and choice assortment of fancy and staplearticles in silk, worsted, jvoolen, linen, and cotton fabrics.- -■.- . POSITITE SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, Ac. , . ON TUESDAY MORNING. ! > Mayl2tb, atlOo’clock, willbe sold by catalogue, on. four months’credit— ... About SCO packages boots, shoes, brogans. cavalry hoots, Ac., embracingagereral assortment of Prime goods, of City and Eastern manufacture.: LARGE- POSITIVE SALK OF BRITISH. FRENCH, GERMAN, AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. We will hold a large f-alc of British, French, German, and Domestic Dry Goods, by catalogue, on four'months’ credit*- ■ : . ON THURSDAY MORNING; - ; . ' -Mayl4tb, embracing about 700 packages and lots of staple and Jancy article* in woolenH, linaris, cottons, silks, and worsteds, ,to which we invite the attention of dealers. - . *• ;,v ’ : N. B. r-Samples of the same will be arranged for ex amination, with catalogues. 1 on the morning of sale, when dealers will find it to their interest to attend. T7URNESS, BRINLEY. & CO.. No. 439 MARKET STREET. ..SALETHIS MORNING, afclO.o’clack.^' ? Of the Importation of , MESSRS- BENKAR-D A HUTTON, AND OTHERS. . : A CARD.—Tbe attention of purchasers is requested to our sale of French Dry Goods, of the importation-of; Messrs. Benkard'A Hutton, and others, this morning, Friday, May Bth, at 10 o?clock. on four months’credit, comprising the choicest assortment of fancy and staple French Goods offered this season.-- . . ” C.*P. PATENT. BLACK TAFFETAS. An invoice of C. P.patent black taffetas. LUPINS VEIL BAREGES, BILK GRENADINES, AND - ■ . donna Marias, r : SCO pieces Lupins Yell Bareges, Silk Grenadines, and Donna Marias.: . ‘f v LARGE SALE OF FRENCH GOODS. MESSRS. BENKAKD A HUTTON ' - ; WILL SELL " ;v w V THIS MORNING. - .‘M ay Bth, at 10 o’clock, on four months’credit, at our Store, 429 Market street. • * 100 pieces Lnpinß bombazines, fine to superfine 260 pieces Lupins plain mouslin de laines;. violets and ,-blacks high-colored mode Marie Loni.e, Magenta. . 160 pieces Halleck and McClellan rich plaids, all-wool filling. ;...... x - •; 100 pieces 6-4 a 7-4 rich stripe and plaid mozambiques. 70pieces ff-4fmode and assorted colors Yeloutine,» a new and choice article. . - 100 pieces French prints, Bteinbach Koechlin’s make. * MOO pieces poll de chevres, new and rich colorings. 60 pieces 6-4 a 7-4 drap d’ete, fine to extra qualities. .200 pieces solid colors'double-'aced taffetas. Also, black double-face taffetas.” , . Bonnets & Pouson’s plain black taffetas. ■ "'-• l 30 CASES FANCY-STRIPE MOHAIRS,'SILK’STRIPE MOZAMBIQUES^SILK STRIPE AND PLaID ANTfJS - TAMS.MODE COL’DALPACAS,BLACK AND WHITE SHEPHERD’S PLAIDS. * ; - - -R® pieces 7-4 a 8 4 plain black and white bareges and crape Maretzs. , ,60 pieces black barege Hernani. - ALSO, • I.GOO high colored: black and. mode, silk and thibet shawls, fine to extra qualities. . . 600 extra-rich printed thibet Bhawls. v: . 600 superfine centres broebe,border stella shawls. > fIOO ex ra superfine,plain centre,square broche shawls, -manufacture of .Gouin* A Col' ' ; pAN C O AST & warnooe;, AUC j- TIONEERB, No. 313 MARKET Street. ' POSITIVE SPECIAL SALE OF STRAW GOODS, Mil#. LINERY GOODS, Ac. ,>by catalogue. UN MONDAY MORNING, May 11th, commencing at 10K o’clock.precisely. Comprising a general assortment of fashionable goods, for laoies’, gents’, misses’, and children’s wear. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF AMERICAN AND IM PORTED DRY GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOOBS, RIBBONS, AND MILLINERY GOODB.&c., by catalogue. ON .WEDNESDAY-MORNING; , May 13th, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, t Comprising about 750 lots of seasonable goods, to which the attention of buyers are invited. • • PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, - a - ' 535 MARKET and. 533 COMMERCE Streets. " BALK Or 1,000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, BBO* - OANB. &c. , • „ •ON MONDAY MORNING. May 11th, atlOo clook precisely; will be sold by cats* logue, 1,000 cases men’s, boys', and youths 1 , calf, kip. and grain boots, brogans, &c,; women’s, misses’, and children’s calf, kip, goat,kid, and morocco heeled boots and shoes.; . examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale. -'V ' IVfOSBS , NATHANS, AUCTIONEER; .4 ■ southeast corner of SIXTH and BACK Streets. - AT PRIVATE SALE, AT . LESS THAN HALF THE .USUAL SELLING PRICEB. Fine gold hnnting-case, magic case, and double bottom English patent-lever watches, full jewelled and plain, of the most approved and best makers; fine gold hnnting case and open-lace Geneva patent-lever and lepine watches; ladies’ fine gold enamelled and diamond watches; fine gold hnnting-case American patent-lever watches, of the most approved makers; fine silver hunt ing case and;open-face English patent-lever'watches, 'of the most approved and best makers; -fine -hunting-case and open-face Swiss and French pa tent lever and lepine watches; independent second and double-timetlever watches; silver Quartier, English, Swiss, and French, watches; fine gold plated watches; Peters’ patent watches; with fine English movements, 1 and various other fwatches. Yery flne English' twist double-barrel fowling pieces, barr and back-aaction locks, some very costly; very fine-double-barrel duck guns, breech-loading carbines,revolving rifles, fine En glish rifles, revolvers, &c. , Very flue sewing machines:' several very, superior hammocks; fine"gold chains, and jewelry of every description, diamonds, and numerous other articles. : : MONEY TO LOAN, in large or small goods of every description, for any length agreed on. SALES ATTENDED TO; either at private dwellings.-stores, or elsewhere;-and. when required two-thirds of the value of the goods will be advanced on in anticipation of sale. • ■ . * s • CONSIGNMENT;* of goods of every description soli cited for our public sales. . <M. NATHANS. A RMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets—Pm •lADELPHiA, May fith; 18©. - • r-. : , SEAJLEix PEOPOSALS are invited at this office until 12o’clockM. Oir-MONDAY. the 11th iust.. to furnish, /promptly, the following supplies at-the Schuylkill "Ar senal : v v ■ Canvass Gaiters, 4 sizes, cotton or linen. Shirt Buttons. Long-handled "Shovels, *- r Bidders will state in their proposals the quantity hid for. and time of delivery, and also give the names of two ’sufficient securities'for the faithful fulfillment of the con tract if awarded;, - is; Bamples seen at thiB f offlce, and. Bidders are in vited to be present at the'opening of the bids. .. . . G .. H CROSMAN, • t iny6-5t - ' ;* Asst. Q,:M. GeneralU. S. A. A RHY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE A OFFICE—TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets. .■ ■■ ■ 'S’if'- ' S'- jPartiAUEtpHrA; May 4,1563. 'SEALED PROPOSALS are invited at this office, until 12 o’clock M.: on 1 SATURDAY, the 9th inst;, to furnishf. at the Schuylkill Arsenal, CANVAS’PADDING, BURLAP, 40, 60, and 66 inch. BALING ROPE. ' . .HOOKS AND EYES/black. ' - v. Bidders will'state in their proposals the prifee, quantity bid for; and time of delivery; and also give the names of two sufficient senurities for the faithful fulfilment of the contract if awarded. . . .. . / Bidders will send samples of the articles bid for, and are invited to be present at the opening of the bide.. G. H GROSMAN, . mys-st;- _ Asst-,Quartermaster General U. S. A . QUAETEEMASTEB GBNEBAL’S OF- V? FICE, Washington CiTT,' March 21,1861—Owners of (Steam vessels-are invited to send to .the .Quarter master General’s Office tenders ' for their charter'or sale. . Tenders should contain descriptions of the vessels, their, dimensions, enrolled or registered tonnage, actual carrying capacity, material, whether coppered, whether sidewheel or propellers, .whether iron or copper-festen- - edj-skeand power of engines and boilers; and should state 'the price at which they, are offered for long or short charter, withtheestimated value of the vessels in case 'of loss; or in case the Government should prefer to pur-, chase instead of chartering. - ; . - Owners of steam vessels already in tho service of the Quartermaster’s .Departinehfc . are requested to make - known to the Department any reduction in their present rotes which they may be willing to grant, and also the . price at which they wilT be willing to sell them. . ? All such tehden should be addressed to Jhe Quarter mastervGeneral of the United States, at Washington, and Sr-d'be endorsed "Proposals for Charter or Sale of Steamers.” : • v ~ When received they will be considered, and the D^ Sartment will endeavor to reduce the heavy expense at mding army transportation, upon the ocean and tide vwaters, by substituting, whanever lt so. cheaper of equal capacity lor those now employed, r- mh2s-3m t *■ • - - ■• ■ ■ CIKCITIiATIHG LIBRARIES. W BROTHERHEAfD’S CHKJULA "" • TING LIBRARY. —AIDtheNEW English and American Books, including, ALL CLASSES ofLlterature. This is tLe ONLY ' the Country that includes (all the NEW. ENGLISH BOOKB that are not RE PRINTED here. Terms s<Upsr/year t'.six months,93; three months SLGO; one month 75 cents’, ’or 3'cents per day; HlB south EIGHTH; Street. • . mh7-3m TTNION steam and water. V HEATING COMPANYOF PHILADELPHIA. GOLD’S PATENT STEAM AND HOT-WATER HEATER, : THOMPSON’S LONDON KITCHENEB, and all other. Improved COOKING APPARATUS. i - -Boilers and Water .Baeks.Parlor and other Grates, Registers’and Ventilators, Bachs and Jambs, and all things.eonnected with the above branch of business, j . JAMES P. WOOD, 1 » i ...V » ' N0.,41 South -FOURTH Street.! M. t PELT WELL, Superintendent. ap2&-ly ■DURGIJNDY^PORT.—I7S QUARTER " Casks nst received per ship “ Laura.” for sale in -bond, by i m .CHAR. S. &. JAB. CARBTAIBS, . , ap 2A X - 136 WALNUT and 31 GRANITE Streeta. : - mn im :PIANO FORTES; fl WT 030 CHESTNUT STREET. 930 ll tTII A LARGE AND . CHOICE ASSORTMENT OP THOSE JUSTLY'CELEBRATED INSTRUMENTS - PROM THE MANUFACTORY OP WILLIAM 8.-BRADBURY, (Successor to Lighte &■ Bradbuiysi) MAY BE FOUND AT THE NEW AND ELEGANT WAREROOM, 030 CHESTNUT ‘STREET. 930. Those desirous of -obtaining a sufxaiob instrument, should call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. --/ The established reputation of these instruments for nearly thirty v&trs* * renders their superiority familiar as household words. ” ; . . . THEY SING THEIR OWN PRAISEB/ * ■ ■' / 4 In the arrangement of our new Bc&le, we have added . every improvement which can in any way tend to the : perfection of the Piano Fortes and we confidently assert • that, for delicacy of touch, .volume,, parity, brill ianoy. and sweetness oftone, combined with that strength and solidity necessary* to DTOASLBKXBS, these instruments are unequalled. * .V'V? \ -■ ! » x‘ EVERY INSTRUMENT WARRANTED FOR FIVE ' ■■■■TEARS.. . mhgo-sm ; ‘ E. H. OSBORN, Agent, v gTRAWBEBRY WINE, EQUAL TO MALMSKT MADERA. Jut receWcd. •' , ALBERT O. BOBEBTB* DEALER IN, f INX GR0CBRI1& COBMER ELETEMTH a*d TINE BtrwU REBEL, HERRING, SHAD, s °*- !• S-uiS IbckiiiUilHniU fat fish,ln assorted packages. > ■ ■ - i-? 00 BblaN.W Xaitport, Fortoii. B»y. ui Hilljks ■Herrin,.-,-* ■ MOOBone Lnbe€,-Baled,uul No. 1 H.rrin*. .- , - UOBbls. now Men Shad. . . * PEPPER SAUCE.—2OO-DOZ. PEPPER -L Sauce: 100 dox. Continental Sauce; CO doi. Wor- PICKLES.—SOO dor. half gallon Pickles; 200 doz. quart Pickles tSOOdox. pint Pickles dalse 1 in bbls., half bbls..and kits/ ■. CONDENSED MILK.-400 dos. Wm.K. Lewis * Bre, and Borden’s Condensed Milk. For sale by RHODES A wiLLIAMS, f 420 . ; ' ' IQT South WATER Street. T7TBBYBODY LIKES IT. UC* : alden’s concentrated coffee. - ■ *A perfectly pure'and healthy beverage, guarantied free; • from Dandelion,’ Chickory. or any deleterious substance whatever.jJWce-rA,. 20 centsjMrpoimdjß.-10scents. per pound. • Sold by EDWIN A. THOMAS, • /my2-lm* 48 North FRONT St., Philadelphia. ’ «b/V' GOLDTHORP & CO., COR ’ * Manufacturers of' T - j v^t/« Tassels, Cords, Fringes. Curtains, . and- 1 Furniture' Gimps, Curtain Loops, Centre Tassels. ■ Picture andPhotographTassels,-BlindTrimmings. ■ Military and' Dress Trimmings, Ribbons,’-N«k Ties, etc., etc.. , No; *35 MARKET Street. myd-Ssa .; Philadelphia. PROPOSALS. auctionsa^e. l 1 W THOMAS & So'Nk, ' " * Hos. 130 and 141 Bouth' FOURTH Street- Sale at 1834 Wallace street ; SKPEEIOH . THIS MORNING. ' Bth irst., at 10 o’clock, b - * catalogue, at No 1824 Wal lace street, ihe superior parlor, ditine-room, and cham ber furniture,' fine-toned rosewood piano-forte, fine oil paintings, elegant .velvet /carpeta, mattresses, beds, Ac. Also, -the kitchen famiture. • 4SP* May be examined at B,o’clock on the morning of sale,'. • ■ ■ -r. - ; Sale 2001 Green'6treet, ; . : ELEGANT FURNITURE. FINE OIL PAINTINGS, MIRRORS, VELVET CARPETS. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING..; May 13th, at 10 o’clock, bv catalogue, at N*>. ! 2001 Green, street,the elegant furniture; fine oil paintings, by Birch, Laac Williams, and_other celebrated.artists; French, plate mirrors, velvet carpets, Ac. ASP May be examined at . 8 o’clock on the morning of the sale. Fale No. 1616 Arch Street. superior .jm ibroesk chan- DELIBES,tcpRTATNS,’T APESTKY CaEPETST Ac. , #OH PKIDAT MOBNING, May 13th, at 10 o’clock, hy catalogue, at No. 1616 Arch, street, the superior. furniture, t>iano-forte, large pier mirror, elegant mantel mirror,gilt gas chandeliers, bro catelle curtains, fine tapestry carpets,English, oil cloths, &c-_Albo, the kitchen furniture. 4®-May be examined at 8 o’clock on the morning of the sale. .- (GILLETTE & SCOTT, Jayne’s Marble Balldlrr. . ®l® CHESTNUT Street, and 616 JAYNE Street, Philadelphia, • Jn consequence of the non-arrival of goods, our gala advertised for THIS DAY will be postponed till TUES DAY , May 12th, when we shall sell a large consignment of Importea.GrOoas per City of Baltimore.: • * ON TUESDAY. May 12th, Our usual sale of Straw Goods, French .Flowers, Rib bons, Silks, &c.■: ~ . “DY HENRY F. WOLEERT, ‘ AUCTIONEER, r. No. 809 MARKET Street. South side, above Second St Regular Sales of Dry Goods. Trimmings, Notions, &c., every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY MORN ING, at 10 o’clock precisely. City and country Beiders are requested to attend these sales. :. • . T Consignments respectfully solicited from Manufactu rers, Importers, Commission, Wholesale, and Jobbing Houses, and Retailers of all and every description w .Merchandise. STOCK OF DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, SKIRTS, SOAPS. &c. . . . THIS MORNING,” V May Bth, at 10 o’clock, will be sold, dress and domestic goods, silk and linen handkerchiefs; neckties and scarfs; shawlsrsnspenders, braces, steel-spring skirts; cotton hosiery, gloves, mitts, veils, spool cotton, .sewing silk, dress trimmings, skirt braids, ladies' collars, muslin, drawers - chemize, parses, combs, faas, shoes, Ac.. Also, work, tea, and tobacco boxes, checker-boards, fancy soaps, Ac. MACHINERY AND IRON. J>ENN’A WORKS, On the Delaware River, below Philadelphia. CHESTER, DELAWARE CO., PENNSYLVANIA. REAJYEY, SON, * ARCHBOLD, Engineers and Iron Ship Builders, ■ iSPPACTFBEBB OF. AIL KlffDS OF .CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSING ENGINES. Iron Vessels of all descriptions;. Boilers, Water*Tanks, Propellers, Ac.; Ao. nos. BEA2TBT, , W.‘S. BEAKBT, BAML. ABOEBOCO. Late of Reaney, Neafie, A Co., , Late Engineer-ifi-C hief, ‘ Penn’a Works, Phila. U. 8. Navy. ‘ ■ jy29-ly r '■ J. VAUGHJLX KB&B10K, WIIiLIAX H. ICKBRXtK. _ JOHJT B. OOPS.' COUTHWABK FOUNDRY, kl? FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, \ ’ - PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK A SONS, „ - 'ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Englnas for land, river, and marine service. . Boilers;Gasometerg, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac.: Castings kinds;either iron or brass- • ■ Iron-frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshtfes, Railroad Stations,Ae- f • ' Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most im proved construction. . *'• Every description of Plantation Machinery, snth as Bugar, Saw, and .Grist Mills, Vacuum' Open Steam Trains;Defecators, Filters, Pumping Encnes, Ac. Sole rAgentß for N.- Rillieux’s Patent Sngar Boiling Apparatus: Nesmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer, and As-' S' nwall A Wolsey ’s Patent Cerdrifugal Sugar Draining achine. ? ■ • &ul2-tt PE N N STEAM ENGINE BOILEK WOEKS—NEAPIE * LXVY. PRACTICAL 'AUD THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MA CHINISTS, BOILEE-JIAXEES,, BLACKSMITHS/ and. POUjrDEES, having for many years been in snccoMfol operation, ana been exclusively eng&ged in building and repairing Marine andßiver Engines, highland low pres sure, Iron-Boilers, Water Tanks. Propellers; &c..&c„ re spectfully offer their services to the public, aslbeing fully; prepared to contract for Engines of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary; having sets of patterns of differenfc sizes, are prepared to execute orders with, quick despatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice". , High: and Low-pressure, Flue, ’ Tabular, :■ and Cylinder of the best Pennsylvania charcoal iron, .- Forgings, of all sizes and kinds; Iron andßrasaCastings, of all descriptions; Roll-Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and Specifications for all. work done at this: establishment free of charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re ; pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided', with shears, blocks, falls, • &c.» die., for raising heavy orlight weights. ~ .'JACOB C..NEAFIE, JOHN P. LEVY. BEACH and PALMER'stree*s. MO EG AN, OEK, & CO., STEAM : ENGINE BUILDERS, Iron Founders, and General Machinists and Boiler Makers, No. IQIO CALLOWHILL fitreet; Philadelphia- felß-ly SHIPPING, ■; FOR NEW ORLEANS, LA., nr THE STEAMSHIP CONTINENTAL, Capt. CHARLES P; MARSHMaN—Freight at LOW KATES. —To sail on TUESDAY, the!2th instant.—The new and splendid Steamship CONTINENTAL, ’ 1623 tons Regis ter, Captain C. P. MARSHMAN, will sail.a3 above, on TUESDAY next, the 12th instant, at 10 o’clock A. M. For Freight at Low Rates, or Passage, having-accom modations not inferior to any ship afloat/apply to HERON,-Jr. & GO.- s l26NoßTHWharves. • No Gooods received on the day. of sailing. / No BUis of Lading signed after the Sbip sails. .. .7 . mys-tf ffib BOSTON AND FHILAJ)EL. PHIA STEAMSHip-Luiis, sailing from each ■ port oh SATURDAYS,' firom/flrst Wharf above PINE Street, Philadelphia, Boston. The steamer NORMAN. Captain Baker, wID sail from .Philadelphia TOr Huston; on BATURDAY.'-’May 9th. at 19 o’clock: A: M. ; and steamer >BaXON, Captain Mat thews, from Boaten, on the SAME DAY, at 4P. M. ‘ These new and substantial steamships form a regular line, sailing from each port punctu&lly on Saturdays. Insurances effected at one-half the premium charged by sailvesselß. >v Freights taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send Slip Receipts and Bills Lading with their goods. ■ .. . For Freight or ffaeaccommodatloneL • mh9 . ; . . 333 South DELAWARE Aveara STEAM WEEKIiY TO LIVEIt ;; FOOL, touching at Queenstown (Cork H&r» bor.) The well-known Steamers of the Liverpool, New Y ork, and Philadelphia Steamship Company are intended to Rail as follows r CITY i. OF. MANCHESTER.........,. .Saturday, May 9. .ETNA;-:;; Saturday, May 16. CITY OF WASHINGTON Saturday,.Hay 23. And every succeeding Saturday at noon, from Pier 80. 44, North Elver. • • i RATES OF PASSAGE. Payable in Gold, or its equivalent in Cnrreney. FIRST CABIN, $BO ofSTEEkAGB, $32 00 ' Do. to* London, 85 00 - Do. to London, 35 00 Do., to Paris, 96 00 Do. to Paris, 40 00 Do. to Hamburg, 90 00 Do. to Hamburg, 37 SO Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, Ac., at equally low rates.; Fares .from Liverpool or - Queenstown: - Ist Cabin, $7B, $B6, $lOO.l Steerage from Liverpool, $4O. Queens* town, $3O. Those who wish to send for their friends oan buy tickets here at these rates.. For further information, apply ‘at * the Company’s Offices. ; JOHN G- DALE, Agenh fe» : ! m WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. 7 ’ EXPRESS COMPANIES. th m AT)AMH EXPBES3 ■*l™HßHooMrjaifT, oac«' i 3a4: chksthtjt’ - BtreeVlorwards Parcels, Package*, Merchandise, Bank Motes, and ‘ Specie, either by its own lines or in conneo tion with other Express Companies, to all the principal Towns and Cities in fe? United States. ; fe!9 . E. S. BANDFORD, General Superintendent. £ TO THE DISEASED OF ALL} < CLASSES.—AII acute and chronic diseases cured, > I by special guarantee, at 1220 WALNUT Street, & v Fhilsdelphla, when desired, and. in ease.of a fail- w g ure, no charge is made. r ! n 1 Prof C. : H. BOLLES,' the founder of this nem g : 1 % practice, has associated with him Dr. M. GALLO- g' f .WAY.. -A pamphlet containing a multitude of ccr- ffi ■ ytifleates of.those cured;;also, letters and eompli-£ " A mentary resolutions from medical men and others, 1- J will be given to any person free. - - - : • - % Medical men and others who desire aft T knowledge of my discovery can anterior a folly g course of-lectures at any time. r - * 1 Gonroltationfree. :• ■ <. DBS. BOLLXS 4k GALLOWAY. > I dWW ; - l«aO WALNUT Street f PENSIONS:—SIOO BOUNTY AND • PAY procured and; oolleetedJor Soldiers, Sailors, • and the relatives of suchas are deceased, at reasonably - and satisfactory rates. Soldiers who have served two - years, and all soldiers who have" been." discharged by ' reason of wounds receivedin battle, are now entftiai to the 1100 bounty: and the latter, also, to a pension, : .i •• JAMES FULTON, Solicitor for Claimants. . . • mh!4 434 WALNUT Street nOTTON SAIL PUCE AND CANVAS* numbers and brands. , J Raven's Duok Awning Twllli, of'hll deseriptlou.ftff 'lt, M Widm, Taipanlta. * <*>., i. * ,M 3 JONES’. Alley. WILLIAM H. YEATjON & 00. • 1 jgo. aoi South. FRONT Streets. . Agents for the sale of the ~ \OB2GHITAL HKIDBIBCK A CO. CHAMPAGNE. '“ i - Offer that desirable Wine to the trade. m?dium 100 cases “Brandenberg Freres” COOVIOBRAISTi _ Vintage IS4B, in France. -' • •0 cases finest Toscan OiL in flasks: 2 dosen la cans. 60 hhlst finest qnaUty MonongaheU WhSEr. 60 tibia Jersey Apple Brandy. jbvana Cigars, extra fine. •' JfloeV&Chandon Grand Via Imperial, “Green Seal” Champagne. .Together with • An# hMortmeat of M»d.lre,Bherry. fqct,&«. - . > M4-1 T PERPETUAL BEAUTY.- HUNT’S ‘ A - WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL, preparedfromthe re*. 7 eeipt of Madam Rachel Leverson. the celebrated Farisbug; 'Ladies’ Enameller. It whitens the skin, giving it a’soft, satin-like texture, and imparts a frwhness, smoothnsee. Mark-like tint and transparency to the complexion whleh t . U quite natural, without injuir to the skin, and • possibly be detected. Ttlca 25. center Ladies are w questea to call for a circular, and tty the enamel before purchasing. This isilndispeiisable for the stare" Sold only at. .HUNT 4 GO.Ts Perfumers, r EIGHTH Street, j,wo. doors above Chestnut, ■ 'and iaa South SEVENTH Street, above Walnut. fe!3-Sm TAMES and O ENGIT7EEB, 1334 BEACH Street, Mjmnftctnre* Shafting and Mill- - and ,Force Prunpa, on the most approved principles. . Heavy and light Planing and Turning executed with despatch. ■ ap&-3si* pHAMPAGNE.—AN INVOICE OP V Comet" and ‘ ‘ Crescent" Chiinpgfiu Wlavto *£ rim MX (Up GuL mad for »al«px_ 1 ' . ' JAUEETCHI * LATXBQn. fc7 ; HI end BO* Rmnth nOVF UrM*- ★ r - L ★ KNO ABUT AND jOILET MIRRORS, flu Mat Is the world for lalih and durabUltr. b. m. a. .; Tlu beet braid Bilkmulshed VELVET RIBBONS. o ■ Bole Agent, bbkjamutm. smith, ' ■ ' li« sum Street, uu West Brokdvty.' i K-tm - , Sew.To A. Bjl : EVANS & WATSON’S * a btorbL' 84^^*® 16 SOUTH rOURTHTSTRXET, PHILADELPHIA ’• - A large variety of FIRE-PROW?- SAFES always on hand. / EDWIN A. HUGHES, UN* jDERTAKBR, • BS9 South TENTH Street* above SproM. aiO-Sm PHUadelohle. ViBAVE STONES, GBAYE STONES, " AND MOIirDttENTS.' AT SSDnCED PKICBS.-A_> ■ l&rge assortment of Italian Grave Stones,ofvarions do. ' eigne,, offered at reduced prices, at Marble Works of A. t STEINMETZ, KIDGE Avenue, below Eleventh street MBESKSb
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers