NEW YORK CITY. tripecial correspondence of The Press.] NEw Yotar, February 2,1883, THE SENATORIAL CANVASS at Albany reveals no ohange this afternoon front what I wrote you on Saturday, though the stock of the Hon. David S. Dickinson has taken a slight rise fin tho Republican caucus, and the numerous outlide aupportera of the Hon. Henry J. Raymond claim for that gentleman an equal chance. But ca-Governor :Morgan is still at the top of the heap, and the im pression that he would suit the present popular ma .sority of the State better than a stricter party man, more than counterbalances the evil effects of the malign insinuations that "be is rich enough to buy the nomination." Although a Republican, Blr. Morgan is so extremely amiable in his general poli tical aspect, that even Gov. Seymour endorses him as a "good man." There are many Democrats in this oily who would be delighted to have the vene rable Thurlow Weed nominated by their men, as 'they now very reasonably esteem my Lord Thurlow to be a thorough convert to modern Democracy, and a worthy compeer for Brooks and the two - Woods in the next Congress. Probably the Albany Democrats would fully answer the desire of their New York compatriots, but for a shrewd suspicion that air. Weed is too old a rat to accept such a no mination this soon aftethis recent change of base. • SECESSIONISTS IN TOWN are very exultant to-day - over .the capture of the Federal gunboat by the Charleston rebels, and the reported sortie from Galveston of the new pirate Harriet Lane. The release of the martyred Boileau . is quite overshadowed by these greater crumbs of rebel comfort, and they are discussed with more gusto than even the ridiculous rumor that Mr. Horace Greeley is to be arrested for intriguing for french mediation( In short, the Secesaioniste of this city—not the crafty Democracy, but the out and-out "Secesii"—are growing bolder every day. They have a regular organization up .town, with agents at the different hotels to watch for the arrival <if Confederate messengers on secret service from Norfolk and New Orleans, ati4 , guide them to the right quarters. Yesterday afternoon one of these agents at the Metropolitan " approached" an indi vidual who had registered himself as just coming, Itom New Orleans ; and after learning in the course of an artful conversation that, he, the Bald Judi- Vidual, had been imprisoned for seven weeks on a 'charge of disloyalty, by order of General Butler, at once threw oft' all reserve, and gave his new as ouitintance the password 'by which he could make himself known to, and be knowp by, the secret or der of " Secesh" in town. A SUICIDE occurred at the St. Nicholas Hotel on Saturday, the self-murderer being a wealthy hanker from Wiscon sin, named John Fitzgerald, a son-in-law of Senator Doolittle. Deceased had come to this city to seek medical aid' for an insidious disease, and it Jesup posed that the little hope the New York doctors could give him bad something to do with his last rash act. Preview( to shooting himself through the head, he wrote and,direeted explanatory letters to hie family and .terthe hotel proprietor, placed suffi cient money In eight to pay his funeral expenses, and made other preparations with equally deliberate care PilE REBEL POSTMAN, Major Reid Sanders, was hospitably conveyed to the shelter Of Fort Lafayette yesterday morning, though he would have preferred the accommodations and aociety of the New York Hotel. Now that the adventurous youth finds himself fairly understood, he laughs heartily over his pretence to be a native of "'tll Hingland” when first arrested, and freely ackuowledgea himself to bathe scion or the ridiculous •George N. • STUYVESAN.C. FINANCIAL AND 0111111EIICIAL. THE 310/ 1 11ET EARK.ET. PHILAIMLPHIA. Feb. 3, UM The gold market was In a polio td-day, and n general mob to 'sell took place. Opening at 156, it rapidly toil until MX was tho best figure named. Toward tho close the market boeszne stronger under the Influence of new buyers, and gold rose to 150015l)i, with a tendency still upward The market was strong at the close. Old demands toll to 160--rising to 11134. and closing at that figure. The great banking plan of Secretary Chase is rapidly approaching comaletion, aided and amended, as it is and will be, by all the wisdom of individual financiers, and the intellect of illeorporated inetitntious, which we are . glad to learn are generally in favor of it. But it is vi tally important that action be taken upon it soon, the pressing wenta of the country, the critical moment of the adjournment of Congress will perhaps soon be upon fis, and we hope for tho Rake of the now waveringeonlideuce of the people that the important Question of finance ' will soon be set at rests to bring to the disturbed minds of business mon, a satisfactory termination of these vio lent fluctuations and exalting investments. Our coun try and city banks ire already viewing the plan with favor, and no dillicnlty will be found among them, how ever much parties may-think and speak of State Govern 'mental opposition. The loan committee of the clearing house have sent in their report to the Secretary, raveling his views, andrecommeusting certain changes, which we . err sure will receive the careful attention of . Mr. Chase, who has been laboring hard to perfect a system of na tional aurreney, one as acceptable on the Rocky Moun tains as on the bleak shores of Maine. In viewing.the means brought to bear upon this gveattinancial scheme, ve cannot but expect something that will be eminently sestisfactory to the people, being no less, perhaps, _than the entire safety of the 1 great institutions under which we live and move. Whim legisla tors pause let constituents take up the battle-axe slot dominion. Let the people at home urge upon their representatives in Congress the necessity of immediate action In this 'matter by letters, petitions, or committees appointed. Whatever the means, let the voice of the People be heard urgentil demanding a settlefuent of this Money looks a little tight, but willsokit• change in same. Government sixes fell off X per cent., the panic in gold somewhat affecting them. Prices at the Stock market were down, with some few exceptions. State fives - Bold as high at; 106, an advance of 2. City sixes were steady. Pennsylvania Railroad mort mi gas rose X. Reading sixes 1596 fell off X. Phila delphia and Erie sixes sold at 110; Sunbury and Erie sevens at 113 M, an advance of 134. Elmira Elevens fell off X. Schuylkill Navigation sixes sold at 78X. Reading Railroad shares were rather pressed for sale, opening at 4.5, declining X, but recovering to 4i3j before the close, when the market was stronger. Catuwissa preferred fell off 1N ; the common X. Little Schuylkill rose X: North Pennsylvania X. Pennsylvania - . (cilia' 34; 6llnehill X: Camden and Amboy g. Elmira was steady. Philadelphia and Erie sold down to 84. Cam den and Atlantic sold at 18 Passenger railways were active; Green and Coates sold at .44%, an advance of 1; Second and Third at 78; Seventeenth and Nineteenth at 11,V; Spruce and Pine at 1631; West Philadelphia at 68; RaceEl,Vine 1134: Thirteenth and Fifteenth at 28X'; Ridge Ak - enne at 171 d Arch-street at 27)4; Fifth • and Sixth at • 3lorris Canal told at 60—the Preferred was steady : Schuylkill Navigation was inactive ; Penn ,-Yining sold at 2X. Stw Creek at Xt The only trnnsactione In bank stock was in Union Bank of Tennesse at SI 4,000 shares and $105,000 In bonds changed hands, the market closing firm. Drexel 8:. Co quote : United Statealßoudr, 1581 n41i44( 5 Visited States Certjficates of Indebtedness' 94 i VultellStates 7 3-19 Notes linty 1.03 Quertermasters' Vouhoors 7 3ills. Orders for Certificates of Isulabtoduess 4 414 dis Gold • • 5.1 411r4 inu, Demaud &tee 523481)5ig ' edlle“ Stook 141:mem (Reported by S. E. BLIT/SAKE FIRST 573 X Proua 14 .lota. 1134 120 . -.. . rash • 1134 4000 U 8 88. lots. 94X 1 103 10X) do ' 0438 100 Rea d ding o b 6. 45 • 45 IA ]OO do COD do ' 4474 100 do 85. 41 ZOO do 44 •L 7 do e 5. 4i 309 do WO. 45 ICO bs. 44X MO do MO. 45 11 Second & Third B. 78 44 Pena I 71/ 15 do BOX • 93X) CA 7.20 'l'rNotes b.. 102 • 4410 do blank. 102 100 do blauk.lo2X 3100 Penns Os 106 160 I d Mlnehill R 64 X 6 do 64X BETWEEN VO Arch St F 2714 101 Philad & Erio It.. 34 3 do . ! swne 31 1000 Reading Bs 70. .110. 1 / 4 di:OBM .CO Catawissa R Prof. 'MX 10 do Pref. 22/1 1000 U S 68 Five Tear fle 94 36(0 Penn 58 106 X D 6800 ) do 106 MI) do Icox no do' 106 los% IVO 11580 S 'Bi 911. f . 50 Elm It Pref.. Iwo. 50 1:0 Penn Alining 214 00 Cat 881 , 1,441 ....• • 7 7 Little Sch R 43X Arriat 4170 Awerlran 0 old CLOSING P Bid. Asked. TI 888 cone %L.- 94X 9434 V 6 7-30 D b1k....102 102 ,Americtn Gold-155 156 Pi& Be old..ex in.IOSX 109 jIDo new,ex in,ll4)i 116 Altos co 6e E....... 59 Yonne re ICiN 144'4 Do: R . Six 447 , 6 Do bda '80...114 117 Do tt l e i '70...100 111 Do '86...107 100 Penne. .. gem sui Do lit m616..11AX 120 Do 2d m 6....114g 116 Zonis Canal.... 68 67 Do prfd 168..130 135 Do. 54 '76.... Do_ 2:1084...1011 Sagqi Canal Do Be ....... . Sabuyi Nev.— • • 6 . 614 Dc prfd 14X 14X Do 6e V.... 70 71 Bin:du R 344 40 Do prfd...... 50X 51 Do le let m.. 119 112li - Penne 11X 11% Do 8e .. • ..... 99% 8134 Do.. - .•..110 115 hila Per & Nei. • - • • Lehigh Val R... 70 .. • Lehigh Val bde.,113 New York Stoe Clewing Rnotatio Bid. Asked. S 6io '7l S Oe 'll SBe 'Bl zealot. 92)4 9134 Be 111 coup-9277 • o 4 A - B.s 5 yrcoap.. • .. Dl3 6a 6 Yr reg. emand Nola/L..IM 1593; Tres N olste; 7.30-101 X .101 X 1U S4yr 6 p c cer 04 , 0114 Tres Notes, B If c - .........161X 155 . Tennoseee . 81 82 Tirolnla • 74 M_ortiaCarollna.. - Dtieeoarl St 64.-• NIX Si California - Canton Company MX • 26' Del & Nod, ..... TM - • Penn C.oal Co.. :MO 132 • Comb'land C Co. 10X, 20 • Pacific Mall 165 166 la Mikrkete. Fennunav 3—Evening. Prices of most of the loading articles of Produce have ads once& bud there la 'a fair linaltuisi doing. Flour, Wheat, enti.Corn ate better. Cotton is very firm. and prices are looking up. Whisky advanced. Wool is firm, and prices - are tending upward.. The FLOOR marketia quiet, but prices are unchanged. With sales of PACO Including &COO bbis mostly Ohio extra faintly. at $7.30@8 for common to good brands, superfine at fie.6o, extras at $74417.6(), and fancy brands tit from $8.6r@R.60 bid, accordion to brand and quall t). The sides to the retailers uud bake rs are fair, within the same range of prices. Rye Fleur In quiet,. and of fered at ..4.70@5 Md. Corn Meal lo firm, with sales of Penney' rani* nt $4. and Brandywine at $1.6 . 2g bbl. GRAIN. —There is a fair demand fur Wheat, and prices are unchanged. Bales comprise about 36.600 bushels tit $.70451:75 for Prime Rods, the latter rats in store, tu.• eluding 10.000 bushels Kentucky white on terms kept private; holders ask S 2 per bushel for prima Kootnekx. Rye 18 In steady demand at bushel. Corn is firm, with sales of 20,000 bushels at file fur damp and 87. @Me for dry lots, in store and afloat. A sale of white Corn was made at Mc it bushel. Oats are fires, with ROM of IB,Ono bushels, including Pennsylvania at . 1) Mc per it 2 lbs weight, and light Oats at 3701:3c per Sher measure. . PhllAdelph stxit Reales. Feb. 3. a,oAßD.saelPh"B"hange.:l I% Dad & Erie 64 MOO do b 5-110 . • . • & lath St R.. UM 6 Cam St Atob 150 Catowissis R 7 00 du 7 'lO5O Peon ss. vat's afs.los 500 City Gs new. cosh. 11455 22 U 13It Tenn .C&t. 35 ..• . • 15 Norris 01..2 days. 56 [lOOOO Penn R Ist m0rt..120 S Little Sch R 435.; • 54k0 Iteuding6s '63....107% 20 Elmira 6. 30I; 24 Sprnce & Pine R.. NM 0 Wed Phltail 1t..... 03 10 Race & Vine 104 30 Green 8t Coates K. 445 48 Gintrd College It. 26% • 6 Aoldenty Music.. 33 10300 Amer Gold ..cnah.ls4% 72 Little Sett R. .12.k4 50 1101 & lith Sts It.. *MK BO ..5 ARD Ridg S, e Avenue It.. 17% SD Fifth & Sixth St R. 573 100 Reading K 44% 1460 Elmira Chat Scrip 65 50 Race and Vino R. 11% BOARD. 6W Cityy 64 now 111,V 20 U tik Tenn.. C&P. :t1 25 Cam Atlantic R... 13 350 Reading R 415 i 100 Penn b 6. 314 2000 Snob & Erie 7o ....113X MOO U S 64 Reg 'SI s6w n 92K 60 Philo, 21 lido It. b 5. 34 2 do b 5. 95 • 30 Arch c It b 5. .27 100 l'on tin R 00.. woo Soh Nav Be 'SO.— 70 23 N Ponna R 11 CARDS. 15334 • ICES—FIRM. Bid. Aided Catawiess R..... 8l 7 Do prfd 22.74 Beaver Mead 8.. 682 Minshill It M d 3 Harrisburg R.... di .. Wilmington R... Lehigh flay Do shares... IBM '6O Do scrip.... 33 -SIX Cam & Axel, R Philo A; Erie 68.409 11l Buu .2 Brie L Island R 27 .48 Do b0nd5.... .. Delaware Div.... Do bonds. ~• Spruce-street R . .. . 16M 10H Chestnut-at 8.... 64 66 Arch-street R.... 27 . 27M" Race-street R.... 11J 11M Tenth-street 8... 7S 40 Thirteenth-st Et.. 28 2634 W 'Mita R 613 66 Do bonds-- .. Green-street 8... 3I) .33M Do bonds.... .. • .. Second Street R... 78 :0 Do bonds.. . Fiftb-strent R.. • • 66)4 67 Do . b0nd5.. .... Girard College 41 WM 263; Seventeenth-el Rll fig Little Schayl R.. 4315 OM Us, February 3. • no at 3M o'clock. • Bid. Afitffi. N Y Can RR.• • . 11113; Eric common Mit 72M Erin Prof 60 CM: Hudson Riv. .. 9244 9241 Harlem R R 34i 84M Harlem R R Pre( S 6) 67 Reading 11 1L,4•. 60 .90M Michigan Heil. • • 661( 9331 Michigan South. 88g 60M Do. Guar .101 1013.1 Panama • 194 111 Central clove & 6734 63 Galena & CM— • ..90M 901 Cloy & Toledo... 87M . 87X Chi & Rook . .43M 89 Terre Haute GM Bur & Q 107 • .. Milder Jln_C .33.11' 111 Cent Con bad. PHILADELPHIA.BOADD OF TRADN. TAOS, S. FRRNON, BAHL. N. STORES. }Commrrras or In MOM. GEORGE N. TATHAM, LETTER. BAGS AT THE VIIIMELANTIV 11=011ANGE i PHILADELPHIA: Bark Florence, (Br) Toye Port Bpsia. ifoon Brig Venue, (Br) raylor Liverpool: soon FOR TIII4 WEST COAST or APitICA. —The bark Airon I Tim yen Capt Miller, for the West Coast of Africa, Will sail from this port 6th inst. All letters, payers. Ate. for the II B squadron and others, will be forwarded, if left at the Foreign Loth r Office, Philadelphia Exchange. on or before tho above date. MARINE -INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PUILADELPHIA,Feb. 4, 1863. ROIN RISES TER 7 6-SUN SETS , 5 23 GEL WA - 2 Steamsliip.Saxon, hiatthetra. 48 hours from Boston, with mdse and passengers to 11Witwor & Co. ' bchr C A Stetson, !Stevens, 4 days from New York, with masts to captain. Bahr It I. 7uy, (Attu, 6 days from Washington, in bal last to captain, Schr Pouttonnock, Barnes, 7 days from Beaufort, In ballast to Homer, Norton & Co. Schr Wl' Philhpe Smith, 4 days from Washington, in ballast to Bunter, Norton & Co.. &Cu. CLEARED. Ship Crescent City, Elwell, San Francisco, Workman Bark Cornet, Morrison, Now Orleans, do' Bark /ilex McNeil, Small, London, J It Penrose. Schr Pequenuock, Barnes, Beaufort, .11 A Adams. Sohr GOY Burton, Peamick, Fortress Monroe, Tyler, Eton, & Co. Sehr W Phillips, Smith, Now York, Noble, Caldwoll &(;o. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del, Feb 2. The following vessels are at the Breakwater, some of wok weenie, to sail: Enntmer W P (Hyde; saws Eliza & Itiducce, Hattie Coombs, C&. Rogers, John Aumacs, J ctockbtun, W hi Dennis, W Allen, Caroline Hall; the reVOL no cutter Dobbin; Fire Fathom Lightship. 'and the kris Daniel Pollock, with coffee, waiting orders, Wind west—weatber. fine. YOTab, Re. AARON MARSHALL. MEMORAND. • Brig San Antonio, Snow, hence, arrived at Now. Or leaps 26 1 / 1 ult. Brig °maimToo, Tracy, hence, arrived at Boston 2d inst. Brig Mary C Marinor, Mariner, okayed at Boston 2d Lod. Kir Bair Orleans. - - Sunni 1) ti niner, • andlir King, Laraway, hence, at Ably York 21 last. !Mar klaria Flemig, &a*, from Wilmington, Del, at /tow York 3d inst. . beim Convoy, Merrill, S'A. Ilammond, Paine, W 11 blitchell, Ornall, anti Lady Suffolk, 'Moody, hence, ar rived at 13oston2d tact. (From the N Y Jourout of Commerce,) MARINE DisAnsits FUR JANUARY. . The number of American mercantile sea-going voucls lost or meaning, reported daring the last month, is com paratively light for January. namely. 26. which is the knot number for any stogie month since august, and would have been still lower but for the depredations of the Lonledorate privateers. The Hsi comprises 8 ships, fi barks, 4 brio, end ii schooners, or these 13 warn wrecked, 2 abandoned, 2 fonudered, 5 burnt, and 4 aro encasing. • The ollowing are Choir names, destinations, &c, in cluding two-thirds as many-foreigners reported during diatonic period lost further way to or from United Smtos ports: (Those marked w, were wrecked; a, abandoned; .f, foundered; b, burnt; ut, missing. BTEASIY.It. Cal duum. (Br), w, from Glasgow for Now York KIIIPS. w, from Boston for Eon Francisco. Hartdd (lir), a, from Now York for Cork. J a Parsons, w,- from Liverpool for New York. 'Joseph Fish, in, from Rangoon fur Valmon.h, E. W bailey. w, from Asa Francisco fur' Puget Sound. Nubob, Ns, from Liverpool fur a•hnnghae. tipurkling tica,.w from Fortress Monroe for N Orleans Hfalto, w, from Lew York for Glasgow. International, sy, (Gen Bankte.expedltion.) . BARES. Sonata, a, from Montevideo for Cork. lritefly, m, from.Noweastie„ N.iW. for Hong Kong. Eleanor ( tit), a, from New York for LivorpooL Leibnitz (Brew), from Now York for Bristol, E. Brazil (Br), w, from Bangor for Qtteenslown. - Etudy C scary, m, from Nagasaki for. tibasghae. - - E Leavitt, 1, from Cadiz for Messina. earker Cook. I),* from Boston for aux Cayes. Augusta (Nor). f. from New York for Raminstown I,llu (lb), w, from Boston for 110100. l~Avinipton (Br), in, frow.r ow York for Glasgow, na (isr). w from Kingston. Ja, fur New York. dyakcit, (Br), in. from New York for Cork. Anna Margaretto (Dan), In, from N York for Aberdeen. t'ilot Fish w, from Jaieniel for New York. fi llshillvo; OW, w, from Messina P.r Philadelphia. • Olive (lir) w, from New York for Aspinwall. Wodan (Meek), in, from New York fur Queenstown. Corria Ann, b, t from Pniludelpliia for Garoenas. Windward, b,t nom Motorman for Portland. hotel le, b,f from Manzanillo for. Boston. CIIOfINEHS. Fuvortto (Sr), w, from Bostonfor Windsor, NS. Friend,hip, a, from Boston for Harrington, ids. }ben Sawyer, w, from Raw Bedford fur New York. John L Darling, w, from 13illthuore for Providence. St Albans, L.lrout Ga'Litz far Queenstown. Horace, b. (Burnt by the rebels at Jupiter Inlet. Two Brot here, nt, from Boston for Calais. Duke ofßeweastle(Br), from St John, NB, for Portland. I co, w, from Rocktand for Philadelphia. Poem, w. (Fishing vessel, of Nab ant) Louisa, w, from Boston fur Newborn, C. The estimated value of the above • domestic craft. ex clusive of cargoes, Is ii 05,000. Partial damages are not Included In the list. *Destroyed by the Confederate steamer Alabama t Destroyed by the Confederate steamer Florida. SPECIAL,. NOTICES. A CHANGE OF SCENE.. . BY THE BARD OP TOWER HALL. , Old chroniclers relate. That in seventeen twenty-sight, When this city, now so great, • Looked . but mean; In its undeveloped state Being seen— • At that time, on Market street, Shone a lake, a silvery sheet • Of water, fresh and sweet, Whose extent, Half a mile of shore complete, Did present. And the gunners thither came, In pursuit of various game, And they carried off the same By the score. Now, that lake, except in fame. • Lives no more. On the ground where once it lay, Buildings rise in grand array, And the one that makes diArdo.y - . more than all, Is that wonder of our day, • ' Tower Hall. • - The largest and best assortment of ready-made Clothing in Philadelphia, always on hand, at . TOWER HALL, - No. 1118 MARKET Street, It ' BENNETT .Sr CO, FURNISHING CHINA AND GLASS ESTABLISHMENT, CHINA HALL, 519 CHESTNUT STREET, Directly opposite Independence Hall. Philadelphia. Hotels, restaurants, and shipping supplied, China and glass packed in a prorer manner, and warranted from breakage, to all parts of the United States. N. B.—China decorated to order; also, Initials and crests elegantly engraved on table glass, .14244 m B-T-186J-X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of diesipation and late - hours. • They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach.. They cure DYsPepsia and Constipation. They - care Diarrliceba, Cholera, and Cholera Horbita They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best BITTERS in the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the cele brated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate persona requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Drug giste, Hotels, and Saloons. P. H. DRABS & CO., 20111 BROADWAY, Yew York. 5e.24.6m BATCHELOR'S . HAIR DYE I TIM BEST IN THE WORLD WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR'S celebrated Hair Dye Produces a color ladle be distinguished from nature; warranted not to injure the hair in the least; remedies the ill effects of •bad dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life, GRAY, RED, or MISTY HAIR instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful, Sold by all Druggists, Sm. 4Wir The (leonine So signed WILLIAM A. BATOR'. GOB., on the./ our Wee of each box. FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Sheet. (Lorde.233 Broadway and 18 Bond etreet3 roy7B3y . . New York. OBE-PRICE ,CLOTHING, OF 'MB LATEST errias, made In the Beet Manner. expressly for RETAIL BALES. LOWEST Belling Prices marked in Plain tares. All Goode made to Order warranted eatistottorf. Our Creg-Pama Smits is strictly adhered to. All us thereby treated alike. • del24y JONES & CO.. 804 MARKET Street WGELP,M:EM). HANNA—WILY.--Con January IM, by the Rev. Robert Gamble, at his residence, No. 6.20 South Sixteenth street, Mr. John Hanna to Miss Rebecca Wily, of Philadelphia. MULLEN—DUTTON.—On Jammu. Ist, 1863, by the Rev. Abel C: Thomas, at the residence of the bilge's' father, Mr. George R. Mullen, of Germantown, to Mime Susan P., eldest daughter of lama Dutton, Esq., of this city. IDIEIE). CILLMORS.—On Monday:2d Instant, Jamiii C. Gill- MOM. • The relatives and friends or the family are reepectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence. No. 1719 Arch street, ou Thursday morning, 6th instant, at 11 o'clock, without further notice. • . FLOit 4.—On the Ist Instant, Thomas 11. Flora, in the 32d year of hie age. The relatives and friends of the family are respeetfully invited to attend hisfuneral, from his late residence, No. 1223 Ogden street, on Thursday, fah instant, at 3 o'clock P. M. without further notice. RANDOLPH. —On Tuesday, 341 instant, Margaret. dau,ghter of Edmund D. and Helen L. Randolph, aged Zi mouths. • COLLADAY.-Suddenly, on Tuesday, the 3d instant, Charles Colladay, in the 61st year of him age. Funeral on Thursday, sth Inst., at la o'clock A. M. from bit late residence, In West' Philadelphta, No. NM Chestnut street.. Services at house. Interment at Laurel R/55.9.—0n Monditi, 2d test., Mary, wife of Samuel Doss,- in the Slat year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband, northeast corner of Fourth and Plum streets, Camden, N. J., on Thursday, fah instant, at 2 o'clock, without Portlier notice. so, CRAI7) , N. —At Jersey City, on the Ist inst., Mrs. Mary B. Craven, wife of J. Craven, in the 27th year of her a 'he relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend her Inneral, from the residence of her father, David Davis, No. 452 Richmond street, Hell Ametou on Thursday nex ', at 1 o'clock I'. M. ** RONLY: 2 4::/n the morning of the 2d inst., Charles T. Ropey. Rix friends and the relatives and friends of tho family are respectfully invited An attend the funeral, from the residence of his mother, Ifit South Juniper street, this. (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. . LEI ttNkT.—Ou the I,t inst., John Leibert, in his Goth yen:. His relatives Bud. &longs are invited to attend hie fe moral from his lute r•mhlence, Alain, opposite Dorgan stmt, GernsantsAvn, tide ( WWII:Way) afternoon, at. 2 o'clock. . • DEENISTOPL—At Northamplon, Masa., on the 21. inst., Evans B. Donniaton, in the AI veor of ids age. ' • IMPHILADELPHIA, January 29,1863. At a meeting of the CITIZENS' BOUNTY FOND COMBIIME, held thie day, the following preamble and resolutiune were adopted, and ordered to,Le pub limbed : Whereas, The Citizens' Bounty Fend Committee have advertised that they will diecontinno the payment of bounties anti premiums after Janitury 31, Instant; and •whereas, there are changes to be made In milltur7 mit& term by the (Jutted States and State authorities, to Ont... ate evils which past experience has shown to exist. in• the present mode of recruiting sad . sending men intelhe field: therefore,. • • . Resolved, That this Committee will not resume Pay ment, under the present system; atter the 31st lost. Resolved, That it committee afire be appointed by ballot to confer with tho United States and State anthorittes on the subject of paying bon !sties for re...welts, and for.the purpose of perfecting and reporting such n system as will enable the Committee to aid more ellactnally the Go vernment by its funds than it is possible to do at pro sent. Besotted, That the Treasurer. la hereby requested h deposit the %Llano° or the Yantis with the Assistant Trea surer of the United Stated in this city, at short calk on Interest, until it is. required. .. . . • TROMAS WEBSTER, Tice Chairman. L6lllll BLODOEIN Secretary. jsze-at OFFICE OF THE EUTIGEON-All - TO THE ,LIUdY ANDArr, , Plilie/Hite • PHI A October 24, 1852. Wounded Soldiers And Bailors desirous of availing theinrelves of the ro.ttorkta Appropriation for supplYtog • artificial Limbo, ahmA4 apply Immediately at - the office of the Smreon-Arttat -to thr, Ooverument, No. 1809 CHESTNUT d ires t, ,B. FRANK PALMER.:, . JoifLem •• Go:Tc!rtitaent Safgeok.irtisi. THE PRESS.-PRILADIFMIL WEDNESDAY. YEBRTTARY 4 1863. AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF the ASSOCIATION OF THE BOARD OF TRADE, hold Fairway 2, instant, the following named gentle men wore duly elected Officers of the and members of the Executive Council for the ensuing yens: President—SAMCAL C. MORTON. Vice Prosidents—D aVID SRO Wlf. SOHN WELSH. SAMUEL V. MERRICK - . Secretary of Association—WlLLlAM C. LUDWIG. Treasurer—RlCHAßD WOOD. ISX2CUTIY ' COUNCIL. Thomas Rimber, Jr., William L. Rahn, Israel Morris, Benjamin Idarnhall, Joseph C. Grubb, Jamoa B. Campbell, Edmund A. Solider, Samuel W. Do Courser, George L Busby, James C. Rand, Edward C. Biddle, ' Algernon S. Roberts. Jelin E.: Addings, John R. Penrose, Thomas R. Portion, I. B. Waterman, *amnelB Mao% Charles Wheeler, George N. Tatham, William G. Boulton. Junes LORIN BLODC ET, fel-at Secretary Executive Beard. i , .. OFFICE SOTIVICLIEILL 11A.VEN. AND LEtf ftt if RIVERA:4I.W eD COMPANY. be, 15 South hEVF.NTri Street. PIEILADRI.CIIIA., February 3, lat. NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that SCSKIRIP VOSS to the additional Capital Stock of the Company, . as authorised by the stockholders at a general meatiuS, held this day, will be received from the Stockholder of the Company, and of the hilnehill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad Company until 11 o'clock, nnou, of the 10th instant. ALEXANDER J. DERBYSHIRE, fel-lk . . Pro,dd oat _ . _ PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY POE (NAMING AG KLUULTORIC—StatexI mectam at /toom 320 WALNUT 15treoL on.WEDNESDAY, Feb. at 11 o'clock A. IL • • •' • la3-2t ' INSURANCE COMPANY OE THE STAIR Ole PENNOYLYAMA, February 2 kitlt 'I he. Dlroctors have tido day declared a DIVI D DOF SIX PER CENT., or twelve dollars per share, payable to the Stockholders. or their legal .representstivos, on de mand. [fell-100 WILLIAM HARP SR, Secretary. IMPPICH OF THE 11112 &ETON COAL COMPANY, FebrtMT 2, 1851. The Board of Directors of the Hazleton Coal Compiny have this day declared a setni-annual Dividend of two dollars per share, payable to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, at the ofliooof the Company, No. 303 WALNUT Street, on and after the 12thinat.. The transfer books will be cinred until the 19th inst. fe3.3t ALEX. U., GAW. Socraary. NINTH PRECINCTi FIFTEENTH WM b.—NOTICE. —3 he Treasurer of a fund subscribed at a meeting of.Oltizmis held November fah, mid , . to pay expenses of meetings, &c..„. held to avoid draft, takes nth method of informing the subscribers to this fund, which accumulated to *lBB, Chat ho has paid all bills prevented to him leaving a balance ofl4o. which, unlace celled for within tan days from the cute of this, be will feel. himself at liberty to dispose of to worthy objects of charity. • ' JOSEPH TOMLINSON, Tretsurer No. 17218 MOUNT VERNON Strett. iw~~P . IIILADELPHIA AND ERIE BA ILROAD.—Tho Annual Sleeting of the Stock holders of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Company will be held at the office. fo. 930 WALNUT Street, on Monday, the 9th day of February next, at 10 o'clock. A. M. At this meeting nn election will he hold for Tan Managers of the Company, to serve for one year. Tho polle will Oen, at 2 o'clock. P. M. 021-w fin fell W. EDWARD SPOFFORD, Secretary. NOTICE. —THE ANNUAL _MEET— ING of the Stockholders of the WEST CHESTER Al\D PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD COXPANY will be held' at the CHARTER H0114E; In the borough of Media, On TUESDAY, the nth day of February, 1883, at 10 o'clock A. M. at which time and place an election will be held for offimrs. to serve the ensuing Year, By order of the Beard, 3nT4-fmwlfelo A. LEWIS SMITH, Secretary. r:Cc. KENSINGTON SOUP HOUSE, LISA Street, near. Marlborough, BetibansbpatA," February 2, 1.1163.—The Kennington Soup Society are dis tributing soup daily to the euireriug and worthy poor of their di. trict, nod Mr. JOAN G. 1101• KINS, No. 321 Forth 'NINTH Street. has been appointed their Agent. to solicit and receive contributions in aid of this desira ble object. Any donetionn, either in money, . wood. flour, orvegotables, will he thankfully received by the. Managers, or either of the nnders'sned; ABRAHAM P. EYRE, Preeideut, 42 RICHMOND Street. •• CHARLES M. LUKENS, Secretary, 1035 BEACH Street, above Laurel. GEORGE J. HAMILTON. Treasurer, Commercial Bank, S. W. Corner FOURTH and CHESTNUT Streets. fe2-inws3t. MIIOIIrUICUPPA.THIC. 110SP/TALL, 1118 CITIIIBERT StreeL—This institution is now open for the reception of Hick and wounded Soldiers, who will be received and. provided for in the most comfortable wanner, ;roe of charge. . -B. F. CILSNII. • Focrotnro of IRoard of !Hamilton. • ' 9, INTERNAL REVENUE. A GEIsT CY FOB THE SALE OF UNITED STATES TAX STAMPS, Ho. :$7 SOuth THIRD Street, first door above Chestnut. A fell supply of all kinds of REVENUE STAMPS that hare been issued by the Government for sale is quantities to snit.. A liberal diseount allowed on amounts of WI and up wards. Mee Hours from 9 A.M. to 5 P. M. . . Orders by Mall promptly attended to. JACOB E.. RIDGWAY, Ito. 57 South TEICRO Street. UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE. FIFTH COLLECTION . ' DISTRICT, PENNSYLVANIA. NOTICE.—The ANNUAL ASSESSMENT for the above named District of all. persons liable I, a Taxon Car riages, Pleasure Yachts, RilliardiTablos, and Gold and Silver Plate, and also of all persons required to take oat LICENSES, having been completed, NOTICE IS IMRE BY GIVEN that the Taxes aforesaid will be received, for the TWENTY - SECOND and TWENTY-FIFTII WARDS of the City of PhiladPlphia, ly WILLIAM IL MILLER and THEODORE S. WILLIAMS, Deputy Collectors, at the office. Langstroth's Budding GEM O,NTO WN, and for the TWENTY-TRIED WARD of said. city by DA IIINL W. GILBERT. Deputy Collector. at tho odlco of the Collector, Frankford street. Frankford, daily, be tween the hours of B A. M. and 3 P. M PENALTIES. All persons who fail to pay their Annual Taxes upon Carriages, Pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables, and Gold and Silver Plate, on or before the twenty-drat day of February, 1863, 'will incur a penally of ton per contum additional of the amount thereof and costs, as provided foz hi the 19th section of the Exc so Law of July 1,1982. All persona who, in like manner, shall fall to take out their LICENSES, as required by law, on or before the 21st of February next, will incur a penalty. of Tutu cesium on the amount t.i.creo, dd TIN EES TH AMOUNT or- natl./ LICENSES, in acoord s ace with the provisions of the 19th and 60th sections of the Excise Law aforesaid. , . . . . Money of the Halted States only received. No further notice will be given. JOHN W. COWELL, Collector. aensm.inirn (Philadelphia). Jan. 30. 1663. ja.3o-tfe2l TN TERNA_L E NII E'---ITNITED -A- STATES EXCISE TAX. FOURTH COLLECTION DISTRICT, comprising all of the Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-first, and Twenty_-korth wards. . . I HEREBY NOTIFY all persons *who have signed an application for LICENSE to transact their business or occupation, that I have received them from the Assesor, and that the LICENSE is now ready for delivery on pay ment of the TAX. • I ALSO NOTIFY allrsons in the District, if the Tax is not paid on or before the FOURTEENTH DAY OP FEBRUARY NEXT, the applications will be given to the District Attorney of the United States for collection of the Tax, with the pe nalty of three times the amount of License and all costs. JOHN H. RILEY, Gollector, Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank Building, • 427 CHESTNUT Street.. fed-welt January 29, 120. INTERNAL REVEN 8.-lINITED STATES EXCISE TAX! • • • . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIIrEN, to anPersons, Firms, Associations PersonN or Corporations doing Sliminess iu the FOURTH COLLECTION DISTRICT, comprising Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-tiw, and Twenty-fourth Wards, who HAVE NO made registry with the ASS TANT ASSESSOR of the Division in which their business is carried on, or with the ASSESSOR at thin Office. that the penaley affixed by the Law in THREE TIMES THE AMOUNT OF THE SURCHARGED FOR LICENeE. And to all Persons, Firma,__ Associatiofis of Persons or Corpor-itioos, who have REFUSED to register no appli cation, at the hands of the .Assistant Assessor, that the assessment Is increased by the addition of one-half to the gum charged for License—or Fifty- per cent.—col‘ lectable with ail other Fines and Penalties in the DIS TRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. Air IMMEDIATE application to the ASSISTANT AS SESSOR, or to the ASSESSOR, will avoid. thesepenalties. D. P. ,SOUTHWORTII, Assessor, Fourth District, Pa. OFFICE,. . . 421 (MESTA' ITT Street. Farmers' !A Mechinies'.Bank January 23, ' • • : ' UNITED STATES INTERNALICEVE. NUE COLLECTION DISTRICT, Pinitsyl muds, comprising Twelfth Thirteenth, Sixteenth, Seven teenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth wards of the city of Philadelphia: NOTICE.—The ANNUAL ASSESSMENT for the alibi's named Dis.rict; of all persons liable to a Tax on Car , riages, Pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables, and Gold and Silver Plate, and also of all persons required to take out Liceases, having been completed , rnic() is hereby Riven that the taxes aforesaid will be received daily by the undersigned, between the howls of 9 A. N. andS (Snndays excepted,) at his office, bonthwest corner of THIRD and WILLOW Streets, on and aft. r MONDAY, February 241.1653, and until and including SATURDAY, the Met day of the same month. . PENALTIES. . . • • -. All pereone who fail to y their Annual Taxes upon Carriages, Pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables, and Gold and Silver Plate, on or before the aforeaiu 31st of Febru ary,ll363, will incur a penalty of ten per madam addi tional of the amount thereof, and costs, as provided for in the 19th section of the Backe Law of July 1, 1861. An persons who, in like manner, than fail to take out their Licensee. as required by law, on or before the 21st THREEry, ISM will incur a penalty of TIMES 'FHE.A.MOUNT OF SAID LICENSES. In accordance with the provisions of the 59th section of the Excise Law aforesaid. ' . stoney of the Nitited States only received. Are No fur ther notice will be given. . hai.dtrB WILLIAItI WAIN SIGHT. Collector. and WILLOW Rte. A. OPPENHEIMER, No. 231 CHURCH Alley, Philadelphia, CONTRACTOR AND MANUFACTURER OF ARMY 01..0T*Ii4a of Every pe . seripalon.' TENTS, HAVERSACKS, PONCHOS, . CAMP BLANKETS, KNAPSACKS, and BED TICRINGB FOR HOSPITALS. MATERIAL BOUGHT FOR CONTRACTORS. All goods made will be, gaarantied regulation in ail& N. B. Orders of &twain. Ailed with despatch. jar-tt 6 OASES •3MNOH -814,01E13T9NE UMBRELLA CL• OTHS. For by . 3IATTEINW BINNBT'S SONS. .1a8! • . • - - BOSTON, Maas. :A_DIES'. AND GENTLEMEN'S HAIR DYBD;tn'greateet perfection; at FOURTH and BRANCH Streets. let-if tf THE PUBLIC ARE .HEREBY .OAU TIMED against paying any money, on my account, to WILLIAM L. FOX, as he hat been discharged from In fA u ggt e ga ci7l"l.ff S . TIIOM£SOIi, COMMgRCR Street. WALL PAPERS! WALL PAPERS?- Attention is invited- to onr stock of WALL PA PERS, now being daily received from factory. All new designs, for Spring sales, which will- be sold at right prices. • • JOHN H. LONGSTRETH, No. 12 North THlRD'Street. Paper Hanging done in city or country by efficient 'workmen. . fel-3t• ESTATE OF SAMUEL. MOORE, DE CEASED.—Letters of Administration upon the estate of said decedent having been granted to the undersigned,, all persons indebted to said estate please make pay ment, and those having claims against tho same_present them Without delay, to SARAH IifOOHE, No. 1241 LOMBARD Street, Administnftrixt Or to her attorney, NATHAN H. SHARPLESS, fel-w6t. . No. 28•Nerth SEVENTH Street. , VAN ANYTHING . FECT than REIMER'S life-size PHOTOCIRAPHS.Rn oil colorn? Accurate Outline and features; and•artietka• In coloring. SECOND. Street, above Green. • • • •It GLANCE YOU AMR AT -FIIiST 'rRACTED by 'the beauty of REINSWB T.I7.I'ES; upon closer examination, their na t tUral boauties, ale charmingly developed; ' SECOND, troet. above, 1t 11* . EIMER'S.,COLORE_Iii P.13,070‘ +00.13 HAY E, 'fur : Sl, are aktitalli:exeintekrict,greB.; ;stir 111PliiS ars Aprawtated. uud '<slake Limos PoSaha' kith the pub li c. SECOND Street, slave Owen.. , t j A M ESM..- S 0.0 "V" ATTORNEY AT. LAN, • ?dallier and EsamfneaSn ChlAnceay. • mA•tins • 113 PLUM' Street - Camdan.. N. J. $6OO REWARD FOR RhOONTERY of the Ootoin ;ma armed otitis 711111VOS. The .11ry. Goods Store, S.W. ' 4, , nrner of Arnh awl Pourth ootorod ou the uhoht of the 28th or morning of tho 11 , th Jeunery, and 811,X13 lunomutiug to between 84,1 XX) Putt 44, MO Stolen therefrom . Theubove retrari will be even fur the rcoorttry.of Outgun°. - re4-8‘ •• .•:. f.,,EYRE & TANDEM f MARE" BA4ND = BONDED Store , • • JAS. CARWAIIt .I.SI4NALNIITIA and.AI9II4NITB SD. FINANCIAL. AMERICAN GOLD, DEMAND NOTES WANTED DREXEL & 00., at" South TIIIRD Area. IT. S. .• . . FIVE-TWENTIES,... „. OR, TWENTY-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOVERNMENT AFTER FIVE YEARS. ' • I am Instructed Ly the SECRETARY OF THE TREA SURY to receive subscription for the above LOAN AT PAR. Interest will commence from the DATE OF SUBSCRIP TION, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the hftnt, or any Sub-Treseary or Depository of the United Stittes, on the Arse days of May and November of each year. Al the Present ,PREMICTIf OR norm, those Bonds yield about BIGHT per cent, per annum. A full supply always on hand. JAY 00013 E, • . SUBSCRIPTION ARENT. no 3 . . . • . . . THIRD STREET. • • • ' • • • • jOlO. .U.::OAPP • BON, • . STOOK. & NOTE BEOEERS. No. sa scoing. =Km ~~~rj:;~y~tit~7•v.~lauri~u,:c~ ~~:,~ :n: i(ay:7~n:~ STOOKS ''AND BONDS BOUOET.AND OVLDAWAMEEUMEOE AT TEE BOARD OF BROM& MONEY INVESTED AND NOTES AND LOANS INEGOTIATED ON TB BEST TERMS. S . HARVEY T 4011.1 4. STOCK AND 'BILL BROKER. Na 312 WALNUT STREET. STOCKS and BONDS, and all kin& of U. S. GOVERN MEET SECURITIES bought and sold on'Comraission, ex sluslTely. Business Paph and Loans on. Collateral nermlittel at . lowest rates. Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention: BE"obi Messrs. Nathan Trotter & Co., Cleo. D. Parrtsh,llm6., John B. 'M ere & co. Samuel B. Thomas. Elsa.: 0131 . 0 AND PENNSYLVANIA R. R. COMPANY BR/ I DGB BONDS. —Sealed Proposals will be received until THURSDAY next, PS& 6th, at noon, for selling to the Trustees, for the use of theSinklng Pond, Ten Thousand. Dollars (S1e,000) of the bonds known as the Bridge Bonds: Proposals will be di rected to the undersigned, and will be opened at the time named in presence of those parties who may be inte rested in the bids. The Trustees reserve the right to de cline any bids which they may consider incompatible with the interest of the trust. C. MACALESTER, . IL MILLER, Pa., ia29-R Trustees, No. 203 South SIXTH /area. MONEY 'TO ::';.INVEST.-PERSONS wishing to make cafe levestments of money on the' security of Real Estate to the State of Delaware, can ob tain all the necessary information in relation thereto by addressing B. it. COMEGYS, Ja24-w.tcs3m • At the Philadelphia Bank. $BOOO 7 -THIS AMOUNT WANTED , •on a Farmin Chester county._ Apply to .JaB E. PETTIT, 309 WALNUT Street. 451,6 K - $6 , ti100 7, 0 0 , 1 12e 00 1. . p,500, AND plyy . u" ie l ACTT A - 3a31 ' No. 309 WALNUT 9 reek RETAIL DRY GOODS. CASSI . MERES, , CLOI 18; LININGS, Comprising a large and complete stack of goods for MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. THE TRADE SUPPLIED AT bIASONABLE PEW 00 . QPER db 0014ARD, ja24 &8. 00.11.111ERNINT4 ANDVAIIM BTh. -,4,-- , -o-.6.-23-3,7---m - ITORBEQtrEIqat OF some extensive alterations we 'aye niuktni•t n our Store the Store will be CLOSED on Wedett MUT. Thurs day, Fridity, and Saturday. On MONDAY next, the 9th, we shall OPEN with a large Stock of DRY 000 DS,and;as they were purchased. evious to the very great rise, w e are enabled to orsin. ducements to thosein want. EDWIN HALL & CO., 28 South SECOND Street. MIIBLEFIS BELOW THE . MARKET PRICES.—We have a large Stock of Bleached and BroWn MUSLIN'S, of all widths and qualities, at 'prices from 2 to 5 cents per yard under the case price of the agents. Among the stock will be found New York Mills, Wil liamsville, Wamsutta, Torresdale, Allewagon, and every approved make. Country. Storekeepers will save by an examination. Linen goods at old prices. .R. D. & W. H. PRDINBLL;- fe2 . , 1021 MARKBT Street. CLOSING OUT WINTER STOCK AT AND UNDER COST PRICES. Saxony Plaids and Poll De Climes, at 26 cts. - Best American Delalues, at 20 chi." All imported Dress Goode at cost prices. These goods are all really cheaper than Calicoes. Plain Silks, rich colors. ' Small-figured Corded Silks. solid colors. Pie in and figured Black Silks. ' Very heavy Gro Grain Black Silks. Rich styles Fancy Silks. All of these goods are at last fall's prices. • Pretty styles Pancy Silks, 56, 65, 75 els. Plain Black Al picas. Single and doable-width Break All-wool Delaines. Plain Black Merinoes, Cashmeres, and - Reps. All at last fall's prices. English, Merrimac, Coohee.o,' Sprague, and' all the best makes of Prints in the market. Pillow Case, Sheeting, and Shirting Mnslins, Wil liamsvilio and other approved makes. 9-S Vi , aisham and Pommel, 5-4 Loyman, unbleached, all at less than the agent's case prices. H. STL ON, fe2 Nos. 713 and 715 NorthTENTHetreek QPI 11 N.D ID: ' . 131 1 0.011: . 01T HA.ND.— ~ .-I All the beet makescif Caliceee. 1. , ; • , Al] the best makes of 3fuslins. • ~..:' .. 7 • ~ . , 'Ail the besimakes of Linens. • All the best makes of Shootings. • 1 . All the best make aof Napkins. ' . Together with Towels, Crash; Diaper Hnckaback, Bird ;ye. Burlap, Stc. &c. White Cambric and Jaconet, fall line. . . . Nainsooks and Plaid Muslins, full line. Winter Goods closing out. ~ • i Shawls, illerinoes, closing out, - . .: t •,, Balmoral Skirts, all prices, • Silk and Linen Hdkfa, nice easortment... At , • JOHN H. STORES', .' TO Aiwa Stre et. EDWIN. HALL & BRO., • 26 South SECOND: Street, Save reduced the price4of Fumy Silks. Rich Printed Dress Goods, Choice Shades of Merinoes, Beautiful Colors of Reps or Poplins. _.. All-Wool Be Danes, AG kinds of dark dress goods reduced. • o, Pine Long Broche Sh a a ls wls, Open*Centro ,Long Cashmere Shawls, Rich new et lee of Blanket Shawls. .4-4 Lyons Silk velvets.' mire Silk. . NEEDLES. • . • . • • ,-- • • • r; LINENS, WHITE GOODS, LACES, •..• . •, • P 4 A frill assortment always on hand at LOW 0 gig PRICES.. .1.4 received, lace-irimmed Embroidered and 4 , Mourning kinslin Bows and Neck-Ties, for the c house and street. Also, all-linen Hemstitched .4 Handkerchiefs, at 'IA cents. • Also „ all descriptions of Linen Handkerchiefs, for La dies, Gents, and Children, at WHOLESALE PRICES. 1094 OBESTBUT -STREET. DRY 'GOODS • 'OR WINTER. • • Rep. Poplins, • • - • wrench liicrinos, • Celored Mousseline", roult De Soles, •• . • Poniard Silks, '-; • :*-; • . Blanket Shawls, . • Balmoral Sklrte,' Black Silks, Fancy Silks; Black Bombazine'. Worsted Plaids, •' ". •". •' . Cheap. Delsines. ' French Chiabes,_ P .' 1 :•.' Shirting Fianna* •-• Brodie Shawls, Fine Blankets, ' Crib Blanketn • ' SHARPLMS: BROTHERS ORESTRIIT. &lid EIGHTH B. WILL SVILLES, WAMSUTT York Premiums, Foresidales, Edward Harris, Bay Hill, and Other good makes Shirting' 30-4 Utica, Waltham and Pei:swell Sheet • FINE LINENS At nearly old prices. • Cheap Damask Cloths. Power-Loom Linens, Good Napkins. Fine Towels and Doylies. • BLACK ALPACAS. Fine Colornd Alpacas. • Prints, Delaines, Cheap Reps. All-wool Reps a Cost. Balmorabs—Good Skirts...full sin, $3. Closing out Winter Cloaks and Shawls. Closing ont BOYe' Winter Clothing.' • COCPER & CON & E. corner NINTH and ILLRICHT Str "TYRE & LAND - PILL, FOURTH A. I •-• ARCH, have a Ane stock of GOODS FOR FAMILY CUSTOM. Good Large Blankets. • • Good Linen Shootings. • • ' Good Muslin by the piece. • • . Good Llnehrinking Flannel& . • Good Fast• Colored Prints. Good Table Linen and Towels. - , Good Quality. Black Silks. Good Assortment Colored Bilks.. • • BLA.OK SILKS.-BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, No. 018 CHESTPM'r areet. have Paned a AONV stock of BLACK SILKS, ' I • ~. Including all the desirable makes and etYles. kora o sB'so a yard. Black Aipacasjd to 623; cents.. . Black glossy idohairs, 50 cents to $l. Black all wool hfousselines, 35 to 50 mints. • -' Do do do double widths, 76 f ads to $176. Do English and French Bombazines. I Do Empress Cloths, Baratheas and Torino. Do Thibet Long and Square Shawls, as. i la* . . . . PYRE' ic . Liim.IOELL, FOURTH -.AND -a-A . ARCH, always keeps. die stook of . \ ( , ;. Staple Household Goods." ' Jelo Beet hinellas:Llneswand Flannels. V.YRE SE;LANDELL,'FOITRTEI - ARCH, aliiaya keep it full line of • - Mourning Shawl& ;all) ...Zoshionablo Shawl& COMMISSION MOTISE9; ~~~ K.~ d'c 13A1~M~TEAD, No. 21 STRAWBERRY STREET. COMbrISSION BiBIICILANTS, FOREIGN iiiNb DOMESTIC DRY GOODS JaiNsin : • • OUR SPRING STOOK IS NOW AR- H 0 S I E R Y. AT LOWER PRICES MAN PRESENT COST OF IM PORTATION. TI:1013. MELLOR & CO., 40 AND 40 NORTH THIRD STREET, WELLING, 9OFFIN, 63 00., Offer for sale, bq.llie Package— PRINTS, BROWN AND BLEACHED SEIBETINGS AND SKIRTINGS. DRILLS. CANTON FLANNELS. COTTONADES, CORSET JEANS. SILESI AS, ITANKEENS. COLORED CAMBRICS, SEAMLESS BAGS. . BLACK DOESKINS AND. CASSIMERES. UNION CLOTHS, SATINETS. PLAID LINSEYS, NEGRO KEBSEYS. KENTUCKY JEANS. ' /TAO, SKY-BLUE KERSEYS, INFANTRY CLOTHS. - ARMY FLANNELS, 10 and 12-onnco DUCK, &c., &o. • 4101-mwtSin JOHN T. BAILEY & CO_ BAGS AND BAGGING .OP.BYERY DESCRIPTION, . . NO. 113 NORTH FRONT STREET, . . ia.77.6at pair,Aintta*A. • • . • pHIL A.DELPHIA BURLAP BAG B, OF ALL SIZES, FOR COM OATS, COFFEE, BONEDUST, Sto. • ALSO. • • SEAMLESS BAGS. - Of standard makes, ALL SIZES. for sale cheap, for net sash on delivery OEO. GRID, G. ialatt No• SEE aid 3111.0ELIEZEI ALLEY „ 00 TTON'Y A.-II:N. SUPERIOR COTTON TARN. NO. 10, 1110 . THINGHAM dt Wl] i 8 & . • T 42 . 1 IN'S N ' us . entairy, GOMEFISSI.OI l[3EOflA. T 8 • FOE sera , PH/LA.DELPRIL.M . A.DS GOODS. ARMY GOODS. DANK-BLDE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. :SKY-BLUB CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. Bi.OI3IICR DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT, HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUOS. BROWN 'AND BLEACHED SHRETINGS AND SKIRT INGS. For sale b 7 ' PROTHINOTEAM: k WELLS. • EVAN'S & HASSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, SWORDS ; SASHES, BELTS &0., And everythingneceesary for the complete omavor ARMY AND NAVY OFFICERS, WHOLESALE.. AND RETAIL. GW. gINION 13 BRO'kEIER, I RANSOM-STREET HALL; PHIL:LbELPELIA. MAIMFACTUREIp3OP SEIVIZAIr. FINE SWORDS. AND MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERY WIWI CLOTHES-WRINGERS. W;LLIAIIeI YARNALL, MIMI IN HOUSEIIIRNISMIQG GOODS, No. 1020 CHESTNUT STREET, Agent for the sale of HALEY,'MOBSTA At BOYDEN'S :MLO.T.TIES-WRINGER. -Believed to be the best CLOTHES WRINGER in nee. It will wring the largest Bed Quilt or smallest Hand kerchief drier than can possibly be done by hand, In very mach less time. •B.—A liberal dieconnt will .be made to 'dealers. noa-dm COPARTNERSHIPS. OT 15E . . OP COPARTNERSHIP.-- ' The undersigned hereby glyo notice that they have entered into a partnership. • That the name of the firm under which said partner ship is to be conducted is JIcCAMAXON & ANDERSON. That the general nature of the business intended to be transacted. by the said firm is Wholesale Jobbers of Rib bons, Silks, Flowers, and Millinery goods in general, and the same will. be transacted at:No. 31 North FOURTII Street. in the city of Philadelphia. WILLIAM I. MOCAMMON, • .Late of Springs, Oak. & Co. ROBERT C. ANDERSON. Late of Louisvllle, - .ILy. nurninNunS: • Meffrn.. Buczwni, nlcCAmmo:f. & Co. . • lonic 13. MTERS & Co. . =• • ''- • ' AMICROPT & Co. • " SHAPLIMM, Rum, & Co.. Vlnuurr,. Been. & Co. • . • Mr. Ar.rx,txnan Vice Preaident Corn Exchange Bank. • 44 - Mr. JOHN C. TABBR is our Buyer for the Reese. Plahreelphia.•Pcbrunry 2, 1663. - NoTICE.PHILADELPRIA, FEBRII ANY. 2, iste. —The COPARTNERSBIP hsrOtofore ex isting between THOMAS A. BIADLB HENRY J. BID DLL', and ALEXANDER BI ODLE, /Rock and Exchange Brokers, under the Ih r m of Thomas Biddle .St Co., is thle day dissolved by the. terms or our. artteles of copartner ship, in consequence of the death of Major HENRY J. BIDDLE. - Time loa;dness will be carried on by the surviving part 'ors at the same plane and under the same name. The Malta of the old drm will be settled by the sub- scribers,' fe24m TF E tOFARTNEBSEir - HERETO -A- fon exiiting between..EDWlN HALL _At BROTHER. is this day dissolved, by mutual consent, LEWIS S. HALL retiring. Che bueinei.s will be continued by EDWIN HALL, under the name otEDWIN LULL Sc CO. FEBRUARY . 2,1 S& IpiRELADELP.BLi, JANUARY 28TH, -A- - VlA—Notice ishereby Riven, that the partnership lately subststSug.betweenleorge Hands Non. Robt. W. Bouthmayd, Edwin• Henderson, Thomas D. Henderson, and.Wlllimn H. Henderson, nndertbe firm of tiIiNDER SON, SOUTHMAYD AG . CO. ~ has been dtesolyed by mu tual consent. . fe2-12t • COP ARTNERSHIP.-TROMAS HO AMR and FRANCIS S. COLLADIC are partners la our Ann from thlq date. . . TEIOB. W. EVANS & CO., US and 52.0 CHESTNUT Street.. • February 1, ISO. fe2-6t N.O TICE .—T H E UNDERSIGNED heriby publish the terms of a Limited Partnership, which they formed on the 2d day of February, urn, to terminate on the 31st day of December, NM, and which they have THIS DAY renewed, in compliance with the Laws of Pennsylvania. 1. The name of the firm tinder which the said. Part nership is conducted is MATHIAS IL MARPLR. 2.. The general nature of the business transacted is the bnyinskand vending. of VARIRTIBS and FANCY DRY GOOD at No. 63 North THIRD Street, la the city of Phi ladelphia, sate of Pennsylvania. 3. The .name of the General Partner of said firm is MATHIAS AL MARPLE, residing at No. 1220 COATES Street, in the city of Philadelphia, and of the Special Partner of said firm GEORGE GORDON residing at NO North FOURTH. StreeLia the city of Philadelphia. ' 4. The amount of capital contributed by said George Gordon, the Special Partner, to the common stock at the time said partnersbtp was formed—to wit on the 2.d. day of February 1661, was TIPRLYE THOSAND FIVE .11IINDRED lsolasits. • 6. The said partnership now renewed, and Is to COE• tinne until, and to terminate on, the 31st day of Decent ber. )&54. , Philadelphia, December 33, M. MATIJIAS 31. MARPLE, General Partner. GEORGE GORDON. jal-Ow • . • -.. Special Partner. °7Is)B•—THE LIMITED: PARTNER.. N TH4et i fft h T e m ret d i fT.Tl i t a lintt l agEt te ,lx i Virt tide day. lty its Owtt Philadelpit . is t Decem ber 31, 1862. J. TIMM FDA R, CARL C. SCE103•11 ER. General. Partner& CHR. F. 'FLATS, By his Attorney, J. THE II: The undersigned continue the Importing and Gatuyal Commission Business, under tbe firm of j: T. PLATS ECHOTTLER, for their own account. • J.- TICAOPH:-11,AT CART AL.• - C .. • SCR7i DISSOLUTION OF • 60PARTNER, SHIP.—The .Aparteer & eretofore existing under the Dente of SMITH, WILL!,CO., is tisteley dis solved by mutual consent he boseineeit• of the late firm willbe settled by catkin; of the nudereigned, at No. 613 MARKET Street. P. JRNICS SMITH 11. PRATT SMIT . ' • JNO. H. WILLIAMS. Phil:0811W Dec .11.1862. i ; • . :Iskit • • MBE' 'SUBSCRIBERS YIDB;t ibEra •BIISINESS, herAokirs; stile , 01d1Stand; lio:74?61 MARKET. Street.. 6 - -• - " • wm..E.Lras Jal4 - • • • VS* BIARWOCreet. 1.., - . For the sale of RANGED. , 80,000 DOZEN I=MEM auk mummer num M.A.NI7.OAOTORIt FOE SALE BY MILITARY , GOODS: NO: - 4111 Alion STREET ITILADELPHI • PATEIN'T SELF-ADJUKTNG . . TDONAS A. BIDDLE, ALEXANDER DIDDLE. EDWIN HALL, LEWIS S. HALL. • fe2-33t. 1 . • ' '2 4 ' " taro ;It)■' I L :I Eh 'OE I AN; 1 AND i NORTH fAXTEI,BIIBEEt JOHN O. ARRISON, (FtrltbiltiLY J. BUEE IMPORTER ANDMANOPIOTURER OF GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY AND AT MODERATE PRICES. N. D.—Parttcularatteation given to the makl r, of:Snide, Collars, Drawers, &c VINE SHIRT O.9IIIIIPAOTORY. The subscriber would Invite attention to his IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, Which ke•inakes a'spenialty in his business. Also, con stantly receiving, .. • NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT, • GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, No. 814 CHES TNUT . STREBT, • }KIT tr • . • .Four doors bilow.the Continental. wAireziEs Aiwn • JEWELRY.a FINE WATCH REPAIRING attended to, by the moat experienced workmen, and every watch warranted for one year. G. RUSSELL, la236in H 2 North SIXTH Street. FINE AMERICAN AND IMPORTED WATCHES, Gold, Jewelry. and Sil; yerware. at the lowest possible prices. G. RUSSELL. ja23.6m 22 North SIXTif street.. a D. T. PRATT, • UOTOCOSOOR TO PRATT i STATR.) 607 OHESTNUT STREET, oonatantJ,7 is reoalrit of ENaLrea, SWIBB,.AND AMERICAN WATCHES, Of desirable styles end mantles, to salt all olasses of ELI R OLD . EN,••1111 Dealer in tine AMElo?inx-nu AND oeSl-snu• 708 MAKET Street. ' WATCHES, JEWELRY, &O. A FRESH ASSORTMENT AT LESS THAN FORMER PRICES. FARR & BROTHER, luurtotore, 324- CHESTNUT Street. below Fourth MAGNIFICENT JEWELRY FOR '- almost nothing. Cheap Trinuning Store. %FAG MARKET Street . , • . • fe2-6t* lOROSOOPIC PHOTOGRAPHIC, • '434W. SIMONS & BROTHER, NADUEACTURING JEWELERS AND . LELPONaDIS, SANSON-STREET NALL,: • r • • • • IfavejusCreceived,'.direct from Pei* a large wore.' ment of the above novel and beautiful *Melee, : em bracing a number of the moat prominent clergymen and public men of this city and State, together with °Doers of the army and navy, presented la a variety of fancy. mountings. • • FOR SALE TO THE TRADE, and to be bad at all the principal Jewelers, opticians and fancy stores in the city. laS•ihm LADIEW FURS. LA.DIFA'...RANOY .FURS. 40,ErN. No.irEß ARCH STREET, BELOW EIGHTH, IMPORTER Alit , MANUFACTURER OF LADIES' FANCY FURS_ My assortment of Fancy Furs for Ladles and Children is now complete, and embracing every variety that will be fashionable daring the present season. All sold a the manufactaretts' prices, for cash. Ladies, please give :DRUGS:AND:VJLEIII.ICALS. ItOBERTEITIOEMAKERAIb . QO4 Northeast Cables 'mitt and BACI Sheet*: -,Pintuthrialne. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS AND ORALBRS , . FOIMON boittsile WINDOW. AND . PLATE GLASS, *AZIIOP4.OTOREBS OP WHITE LEAD AND an PAINTS, P 17117, &a. inns YOB TEE CELEBRATED FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and einsumers supplied at •. VERY LOW PRICES TOR ci a: LOOO DOZEN HICKORY SHIRTS • do. .5 GRAY. RED. AND BLUE FLANNEL SHIRTS. 4500 d,ASS,FEED 800 " I LOW-PRICED t WHIT& MUSLIN SH/lITEI. 1 4 000 do. DENIM °MAIL' 10)000 PAIRS COTTONADI PANTALOO ,' • For sale 1)7 BENAM, RUCH, & CO., isl3-bn Manaus jams, 217 CHURCH ALLEY. CORNELIVS & BAKER, MarUFACeroBERs op LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, 048 FIXTURES. &a. STORE, '7lO CHESTNUT ST. NANIIFLOTORIES. 821 CHERRY 'greet. and FIFTH and COLUMBIA Avenue. 517 ARCH STREET. 0. A. VANKIRK & 00. Have on baud a fine assortment of CHANDELIER'S AND OTHER .GAS FIXTURES. frenob Bronze limes and Ornamente. Porcelain and Mica Shades, and a varlets , of FANCY GO DS -» WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Please call and examine bode. deLS•I7 niffintANCE' COMPANIES. GIIWM)FIRE AND .MA_ItINE INSURANCE COMPANT OFFICE, 416 WALNUT STREET, PIIII4DELPRIL CAPITAL $200,000. This Company continues to take risks on the safer (11188,13 of Property at low rates. The public can rely upon ite responsibility. and ability to pay losses promptly. Its disbursements:6r the benefit of the =bile. during the last wino years. exceed 500,000 DOLLARS and.we respectfully solicit its favor in the faturs. DIRECTORS. CHAS. DIMONT,. JERRY WALIVUkt• JOHN W. CLAGHoRN, JOHN THORNLRL C. R HEAZLITT, ABRAHAM‘ HAT,DAVID BOYD,__Ja., PETER S. HOE,_ of N. 1.1 W3L .3t, SWAIN FURMAN SHEPPAN.D, JOSKPH KLAPP' 11. D., N. S LAWRENCE, THOMAS LOUR'S, JOHN SUPPLER. THOMAS CRAVEN, President. A. S. GILLETT, Vice President, JAS. B. ALVORD,Recretary. ap264.ftf • UNITE.UST.A.TE,S LIFE L.'s/SUR:4MM . COMPANY OPNEW 'YOWL • JOSEPH B. COLLINS, Preeident JOHN, EADIE. Secretary -•. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS SSMNVXIO. The business of this Company is conducted exclusively on the cash principleovtuch 14 now•frair recognized of the only correct principle. The law under which this Company is chartered pro vided that,'if the capital should, from,any came, become impaired to the extent of tir215,000, or more, the stookhold ere shall Do called upon to make good such deficiency. .Thials the only cash Company in America which affords this ssbregnard to policy holders. Dividends declared every three years, the next on March 4th,18035. Rates of premium charged by this Oompany,areas low an 20e years' experience and the probable faun) nibs' of intarest will justify. • • o. BARDANWERPBR. Agent, 1 No. 424 WALNUT Street Philadelphia. • • REFERENCE& Joseph Patterson, Esq., President Western , Bank, 'Zion. Archibald Mclntyre Treasurer U. & & Jdtut Messrs Jay Cooke Co., B ankers. . Messrs. Baker, Westcott, & Co., Bankers. Messrs. Stnart dr Brother, Dud: strict delnwfm3as VAME INSURANa -a- He CHESTNUT Street. FIRE A F II II INZA IN HIRAI! E COM:FA,NT, NO. TORS. iNG 11{617RANCIL • E:9: Wood's:l4 Geo. West:, John kronehnn,,n. Chas. Stokes.. Itosazisaita, loSep D. 10K; President. 6.SON, Vice Prooldent. MD. Secretary. . Cjale.lttl Francis N. Buck, Chas. Richardson, Henn- Lewis, Jr.. -Tolln W. Evermax Philip S. Justice.' 0. W. Davis, • FRANCIS 3. BDI • CHAICLEIRRIGH WILLLUES I.IILANCELa SEWING MACHMES. 5.7 1 1 1 -118 R•E • . AT TATE STAND, , 696: OUBSTNUT EITABBT: • . Secomtlhio.r..opposite HMI. wHEEVEIit & WILSON SEWING MACHINES, The undereigned has net removed, but is res i ts( at lids Old Office to supply oustomere, at the lowest patw. with every style and natality of .‘ W9,KELE4 Jc WILS.9Ii SEWING MACWILES, 'Machines to hire; also, with first-class to private families. and hotels, by the day, Machine stitching done at short notice,imanyvrantity. Machines repaired and operators tang*. HENRY COY. SINGER'S . , . . SEWINGMADH.INES, For • Family etewink lisimiketuring Pniossin, . . . O CHESTNUT STREET- .THE WILOOX-aOIBBB , . , . . . , SEWING'MACHINES • ...bsve bon :Ixo (mod, malting It - . . • Y NOISELESS, , • tid— . • ?.!. mons emmers. aro now randy for sal. 7-.. • • 741.111 BANES & IPArltt G. la** ••• • • . 716 VIESTIPJT Straits. NEW PUBLICATIONS. ECOTOGRAPEI ALBUMS Of every ' , Wet' of BIER, STYLE, QI7&LITY, AND PRICE. • • TER CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY! • CARTES DE • VISITE endless variety., together with ai!i11111100Be stork of STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS LITERATURE, OLD PRICES A HANDSOME' PRESENT iatistni decompfinioa every Book sold! • Lovem of Choice Goods, at .Low Rates, rah' Dallies, and Polito Attention, patronize the GEM ORIGINAL NEW BOOKS. • _ 'TILE BLUE SOCKS: Or, COUNT COST. By the author of "Irish Amy. " 18mo cloth, !Secants. TUE lIATINTED 110118 E. 18mo, cloth; 25 cente. Nark; SHOES. By the author of "Kate Morgan and her Soldiers." lihno, cloth, :15 cents. • OUR PATBER'S CARE, AND MOTHER'S LAST WORDS. Two Ballads of rare merit, each ilhistratod with a beautiful frontispiece. 5, 12, and 15 cents each. Published and for sale by THk AMERICAN BUNDAY-SCROOT. UNION. fe3-2t • • . 11.1215 CLIESTNUT !greet, Philoubt. R,T. PAUL'S EPISTLE TO TIIE RO MANS, newly translate) and explained from a Mis sionary point of view. By Bishop Colons°. ALSO, The Spiritual Point of View ; or. The Glass Reversed; all Ammer to Bishop Colenso, by M. Mahan, D. D., in one volume. ALL THE NEW BOORS, Ora Standard Character, received as soon a 3 published, or furnished promptly to order. LINDSAY & BLAXISTON. Publisher". and Booksellers, tot N 0.20 South SIXTH St., above Chestnut. • `B B RISEN REDEEMER- THE GOSPEL HISTORY FROM THE RESURRECTION TO THE DAY OF PENTECOST. By F. W.Kruirunacher, D. D. THE THOUGHTS OF GOD. By Rey. J. R. Maedulf. 15rn0....6t1 cents. A YEAR WITH ST. PAUL: OIL FIFTY-TWO LES. SOIVS FOR THE SUNDAYS OF THE YEAR. By Ohara. E. E. Knox. V. HELPS OVER HARD PLACES. &orlon for Girls. 40 cents. HELPS OVER BARD PLACES. Stories for Boys 40 cents., For sale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED %ARTIER. No. 606 CUE Street. - - - MUST DI NO. lit 00_ ti,tr f,urirl whether ie. nlon can restored by any other means, and whether Peace upon any other basis would be eafe or durable. By Henry Flanders. • Pamph, let Bro.• ?rice 15 cants. Published by • WILLIAM S. & ALFRED iI'ARTIEN. .ia29 606 CHESTNUT Street. CIRCULATING. LIBRARIES. BROTHRRIMAJDt CIROULA . • • TWO LIBRARY'—An Abe YEW English and American Books, including ALL CLASSES of l i terature. This is the ONLY Library an the country that includes all the NEW ENZL:SH BOOKS , that are not REPRINT ED here. Terms 166 per year ; sin months $3; three months' SL6O ; one NTmonth 76 t. cents, or 8 cents per flay. XlS se3.6mnt Soh MOH Stree PROTOGRARUS. JUST OPENED; .. • • • A ITEW'PHOT . OO.ItAPH GALLERY, No. 006 ARCH STREET Where the • FL7EST PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTUP.ES, • FROM THE CARTE DE VISITE TO THE IMPERIAL SIZE, Are produced by the moat EXPERIENCED ARTISTS. Those Wishing fi rot-class pleurae are in vi Lod to call mnl examine specimens. A choice eelection Or Albums, cases, and (rime on hand. F. A. 0. fiINiPE. del7-3m • - PAiNTINGs, ENGRAVINGS, &c. JAMES S. . A-RT•E & SON; . IMPORTERS''AND . MANUFACTURERS. OF LOOKING GLASSES. • - • DEALERS IN OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, • . . • • - . • PORTRAIT, • PIGTITRE, and PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. LOOKING GLASS WAREROOMS.:AND GALLERY. , OF PAINTINGS; - 8111LZ8ESTNIIT Street .: Phtladel h, H0L1DAY.. : 000.13 4 3.- . • . • • pHOTO . GRAPHIO - - ALBITME A • large varlet, for sale at low prices LAMES W. calEgx & co.. delg-Rmlf .• • • 024.CHIMECIT Street' -WCROSCOPES, SPECTACLES, AND Spy-GLASSES, for yresen ,ta tor sale by . • JAMS W. QUEEN & CO. daSamit OP E R GLASSES, 9.1"-EBA. °LOSES. Fa mg* br g & J w. ^' ds7B , laolt 924 CaBSTNUT Street. SWAY,NE I . S SYRUP. OF WILD OLIERRY. Timm 'YEARS' ExPEßrmer, HAE. PEOVEttrTS GREAT SDPERIORITY OVER' ALL OTHER;. . REMEDIES. • THB OBlGrii. AL AND GENUINE PREPARATION! The • • reputation of.. r • _ this midi ,tne is • • • 'Wished that liberal minded men in the medi- cat profession throughout the Union recommend it to their patients as the very beet of all ren edlea for Pulmonary Complaints and General Debility, and in curing (loughs, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spit ting of Blood, Whooping Cough, rata In the Side or Breast, Sore Throat, Difficulty in Breath ing, Palpitation • or disease of the Heart, Throat, Breast, or Lungs NO MEDICINE HAS EVER OBTAINED A HIGHER OR MORE DESERVED R.EPUTATION! IN PUI3IONARI DISEASES of tho most alarming character. "Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry effects . permanent cures. A stubborn Cough, Sore Throat, Night Sweats, Bronchial Affections are quickly cured. Declining years of aged persons will be greatly benefit ted ; 'it acts as a strengthening alterative. Nor disturbed, restless nights, keep it by the bed-side: its use will give repose. If the bowels are costive take an occasional dose of MAINE'S PILLS." Prepared only by Dr. SWAIN & SON, 330 North SIXTH Street, abovo Vine. Sold by all Druggists throughout the United States. ja3l-iftf 110ZROWNS BRONCHIAL TROCHES, -°-"` for Coughs, Colds, and Irritated Throats, are offered with the fullest confidence in their efficacy. They have been thoroughly, Jested, and maintain the good reputa tion they have justly acquired. As there are imita- Rani, be sure to OBTAIN the genuine at FREDERICK BROWN'S Drug_and Chemical Store,lN. E. cor..CHEST NUT and FIFTH Streets. Also, Mutter's Cough Syrup, Wiatar's Cough Lozenges. Prepared from original prescriptions. ta.3o;lm.if 'RYE AND EAR.-PROF. J. LSAA.OI3; -A-A Oculist and anrist, frcim - Leydon, Eollasfd, Is pap tnanently located at N 0.511 PINE Street, where he treats all diseases of the Eye or Ear scientifically, and cares—. it curable. Artificial Eyes inserted without pain. . N. E.—No charges ;Dade for examination. oMae hOun !wan Bto 11 o'clock A. M. and 8 to 7 P. M. jatlitse.' 641 a GOLDTHORP & • 00., 625 . 4." j (We of jp Worth lrenrkh street.) Tassels, Cords, Gimps, Priam, Curtain Loope,Centie Tassels, Dress Trimmings, Blind Trimmings, Tapes; Braids, Neck-ties, Military Trimmings, etc. fe.3-]m No. 625 MARKET street, Philadelphia. , GROVER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEWITITG MAOHINES, BVVMnMIE nese MACEIXES have taken thw Finn Premium a/ tha State Fairs laeGneld in • . . NEW YORK.. IttISSOURJ, NEW JERSEY:, RHNTUGKY, OHIO, TENNESSEE, INDIANA, VIRGINIA, NORTH' GARotraA, lIICRiGAN„ A.L'A‘SA lOWA, • TAIIFORNIA. ENCLUDING:DTERI' STATE FAIR WITSRE'F,,X- AFB- The Wora: made upon the GROVB BAX MACHINE has taken the Fret Promiumat every 'Pair the United States whore it has been exiißoited to Mao date. • • MACHINES fbrnishetl of the.aame pattern and at Mr same price, mviiting either the GROVEILiCkXETHStitob or the Shuttle Stitch, as elastomers prefer. GROVER & BAItiER, S. M. CO., jail-if-it • 730 CHESTNUT STREET. T DB FINE, PRACTICAL DEN -IST for the last twenty yearuhlig• Min St., below Thlrd..lnserts the most beantifmt , TEBTEI of the are. mountedd on fine Gold, „plains. Silvar,.VulcanAte.Co ralite, Amber, acc., at pnees; for neat and substantial work, mere reasonable than any dentist in this eto . or State. Teeth plugged to last tot life. Artificial Teetk re paired teauit. No pain in extntotbsg. No charm un til satisded all is right. Deference, besAtamilifsJ. Salgato TTAIBRELLAS.-TRE, BEST ARE no and cheapatteold at TERM and MARKET, iae2 , 42t. 6ELERPIIII"S.. _ l a FOR S ATM -THREE-RIGHTIIS of the brlgl4l. Walter. *pall , to u.H.w. S. k JAS. CAttaTAIRS. Jr., No. 1.216 WALNUT Stroot ,ADIES' mim BRAIDS, .WIGS, -x-. 4 Frizette-Eloseamer Ventilated Wise. Venal& -tsAk,Setelpe of Snpeotor hlanufaetrxe. Prieto are lows, thaa those of any ether establishment. BAKER'S, iattam* • No. MO CHESTNUT Street. MATERIALS FOB MINCE PUN. Biwa, LAYER AND SULTANA RAISINS., ,CITRON CURRANTS. SPICES. . • CIDER WiNP.. 360., Am ALBERT C 3. ROBERTS. ' • DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, . CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE STA rip . LILLIE'S SAFE. DEPOT- RE. DMVED to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, raw 'raulrlin Institute. The wadersigned, thankful for past favors, and.. Sol= deterinined to morn tutors patronage, has wand en elegant and convenient atone, and has now on :sand I largo assortment. 'of' Lillie's Celebrated Wrotir,at and Chilled Iron Fire and .13nrglar Proof Safes (%e only strictly tire and burglarproof safes made). Alta. Ltllteh IL nailed Bank Vault, Safe, and• Bank Locks. Lillie's Dank Vault Doors and laxdoyuckill batandsluid to order on short notice. This is the strongutt,best aro tooted, and °hoopoe Door and Look yer . offe7ed. Also, particular attention la' called to Lillie's Nen Cabinet We. for Plate, Jewelry, drc. We Safe le con ceded to surpass in style and elegance anYlltbill YOI offered. for this Purpose, and is the only one that is strictly fire and burglar. proof. ' • . • SPECILI• NCrrICX-1 have now on hand nay twenty of Barrel, Herring. & Co.'s Safes, mollifier thee.) measly new and, sows forty of other makers, oomPrislng a complete atatortinent as to sues, and all lately egshagged for the .now eelebrated Lillie Safe. They will ;be :cull. at: Ten low prima. Pietistical. and =wine., • • . jaaDrif • .. - IL' 0: SIDLNIL Argent VOR SA,LE. OHEA.P.A.. •S -1- • ;, BOLAICiSIZER... in :good order,' 4ith :t40034- . t'Ocks. oteamAgitkirt cheok , ralros t all ready- for • use, Ap0rt0br,..19911530/1. 39 North SIXTH. Si. • OIFT•BOOK EMPORIUM, 14AN lw6l;nYsclrri 924.CHSSTNI7T Street. MEDIC L. COMPOUND ?fanniktureiti of. a IBITED IN: 3.652. AMi7SEMIvNTS. ,VVVVV,..VVVVVIIAIWWWWWWtosese,r NEW OIIESTNINSTREET TEE. Leases and Manager WEDNESDAY EVENING, Minim" , 4, 1138 S, THIRD APPEARANCE OF HACKETT, Who will repeat h if} world-rerawned immraonatlon of . . . FALSTAFF. Shakspeare's greatest crank creat'on—tbe first part of RING HENRY IV. Mr. W. WIISATLIS,I7 as PRINCE HAL. The remainder of the cha•acters will be supported by Messrs. L. It. Shewell, C. Kingsbuid. J. W - Collier, J. Martin. J. Canoll, W. IL Leak, G. Rorke, J. I'. Ward. Cerlitud. J. German, C. V. Hose,. Mrs. J. H. ALleu. Dims Nary Wells, and Atlas'. Ifenry. conductor ' ufr. MART{ IT AS3LER. In consequence of the public desire: as evidenced la THE THRONGED HOUSED end tuxil for scats to see EDWIN FO.BREST, in his great itngereonation of . 44 . RICHELIEU. he wilt repent it on 't DORSI/AY AND SATIAIDAY—The ronrth ap FHIDA.Y IV.UX T. ; 11ACR e ". Far e of FRU:LS OF ADMISsION. Family Circle Dress Circle Parquet and Secured Seats in Dress Circle Beata in Private Boxes, each Doors open at 7. Carotin rives at 734. WALNUT -STREET THEATRE.— Sole Leases Mrs. M. A. OARRETTSON. ftn.d.cmag Agent Mr. JOHN T. DONNIILLY. TWO NIGHTS HAVE PRoVED THE POPULARITY OF THE OREAT COMED'AN, MR. sErcaisLL THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, February 4, Mk Will be performed the elegant comedy of ITI E SERIOUS FAMILY. Amlntdab Meek Mr. D. SETCHELL To be followed by the sparkling comedy of A REGULAR }IX . • . . . _ . ... Each de Bras Mr. D.SETCHELL To conclude with the lauchable farce of JOAN .TONF,S, OF TILE WAR OFFICK Guy Goodiuck. Eici Mr. D.WITCMBIArs Doors open. at 7; Curtain will rise at 7X. MRS. JOHN DREW'S AROH-STREET LLL THEATRE. Bushman Agent and Treomrer.. JOS. D.MURPHr. UNDIMINISHED SUCCESS! MPH AND LAST WEEK OF MR. AND MISS CAROLINE RICHINGIL MONDAY AND EVERY EVENING.; •-• BRUIN grand Operatic Legend, SATANELLA. SATANTELLA; Or, The Power or Love. Miss C. ETCHINGS As SATAN/MLA and SULTAN Mr. 'PETER WRINGS AR 111R1AND3 and ART For SconetT, 3TesTo, Ac., see bills. ' SOF Seats secured without extra charge. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC- JAMES R. MURDOCH WILL. GIVE A READING • IN AID OP THE SIGH AND We:,NDED SOLDIERS AND THEIR FAMILIES, On THURSDAY k.YENINO, February 5,18 EU. A SHORT PREFACE, dating the object or the Reed lug, will be delivered by Mr. MOHDOCH, and each selection will be introduced by brief reflections upon the autt or and hie subject, together with characteristic anecdotes of the war. Nett,' and Patriotism The light at the Ford, or the Battle of Brandywine" T B. Read The amerimin Flag . John Rodman.Dralco On Board the Cumbarlaud Gee. U. Boker . ' The Sleeping Sentinel Anoti7moes The Oath T. B. Read. blare° DozarriA FRlGreene Tl.lieek Count CandroThrea Standard-lxv.rdr G. H. Holm Peroration of Robert Mari. great Ser mon on the Threatened Invasion of Erin - lend 1), France. in the time of the First Eapoleon. Our Defenders. (a War Lyric) Tickets 2.5 a nts. To be had at. all the Hospitals. Soldier;' Reading Rooms, and Voinnteer Refroshimant Saloons. Al.u, at J. E. tumid's Mit4ic Store. SEVENTH and CBI:STRUT, where secured seats may be had by paying 25 cents additional, and at the Academy on the day and evening of Reading. ja.3o-fiarttp4t SIXTH. AND LAST CONCERT OF . THE liVrOftlfli§pli yAgILY, - M/EZIS The above Faroily, consisting of five members-I,Ra. LIZZY, ABBY, FREDDY . , and Little DENNETT—nriII BALL, their Sixth Concert, et HAti.DEL AND RAYON lIALL, TFIUREDAY EVENING, February sth. • Admission 25 cents. Chit , ten under 1.2, LS cents. Doerr open at 7 o'clock. Concert MS. fe2-3t' GYMNASTIC EXIIIBITION.-TFIE FIFTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION of the PUPILS of Professors HILLEBRAND 8: LEWIS' Gvf,INAsHIA will take place on THURSDAY EVENING, February Mb, St the BIUtICAL FUND HALL, to commence at 7g o'clock. PROGRAISU : Choice Musical Selections. Calisthenic and OYmtuatie Exorcises.. Gymnastic ymnastic Performances upon the following appa rains: Single Bar, Ilium Hone, Ladders, Dumb-belle, Paral lel Barr, Orchestra, Feats on Doable Trapeze, and Pyra midal Groupings. Pickett. 15 cents Can bo had st the Gymnasium, B. corner of ARCH and NINTH, and at the Hall on ha evening of the Exhibition. fe3-3r. k SSEMBLY BUILDINGS, CORNER OF TENTH . and CHESTNUT Ssreets.—PlFTH. WBIE AND GLORIOUS SUCCESS OF THE EOHEMI 'AB TROUPE OF GLASS BLOWERS, EVERY EVENING, AND ON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER BOONS.—At each. Entertainment, the celebrated low pressure GLASS Steam-Engine MONITOR, made entirely "Of Olaar, wlllbe in full operation. On. FRIDAY Eve ning. February 6th, a Splen, id Case of Work will he given to the author of the best Conundrum on the Gla Steam Fnet e. PARTICULAR NOTICE. —Tim First Present, midi ey3- 'ling', will be a Splendid Case A . Glass Work. Admission, 15 yenta. No half price. . . Exh , bition commences in the Evening at S o'clork Afternoon at s o'clock. fe•_&' A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS--TENTH .1-x• AND CHMTIVUT. JIMMY:MEM FOR OLD AND YOUNG. • • SIGNOR BLITZ, The great MAGICIAN and VENTRILOQ'JLST. with his LEARNED CANARY. BIRDS, will _giro his now and Wpnlar Entertainment* EVERY :EVENING during the eek, commencing at 7, 4 5' o'clock ; and WEDEESDAY and SATURDAY afternoons at 3. The attractions will be marvellous: experiments in Magic, - wonderful Cowan a in Ventriloquism and the Learned Canary Birds i n their new characters. Admission 25 cents. Children 13 cents. aERMANIA. ORCniSTRA. PUB. LIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY AFTER MOON at SK o'clock, at tee MUSICAL FUND HALL, Carl Scuts, conductor. Tlcketc2e cents. Packages of 8 ticked?, 81—to be bad of Andre &1104 Cbcstnnt etreet; J. E. Gould, Seventh and Clit Co. ipmt, and at the hall door. • no72tt HASSLER'S. ORCHESTRA-- - 214 South ElGHTlPig..,°,laNairta.- INSTITUTION 'FOE' THE BLIND EXHIBITION EVERY WEDNESDAY, at 331 P. M. Teacher of Instrumental—Musle, Mr. CARL SENTZ Teach or of Vocal Music, Mr. A. ILTAYLOR. Admission. TEN CENTS. Store, No. 11 South NIGHTIE Street. It PENNSYLVANIA.ACADEMY OF 41 - TEE FINE ARTS. 1026 CHESTNUT smear, Is open daily (Sundays excepted) from g A. M. WI 5 P. M. Admiamon 95 cents. Children belt price. Sharee of clock. s w. ira WANTS; T O WHOLESALE . GROCEIM-I Alf now open by as oatmeal:Rent no* TRIP/VELLUM FALESKAN .COLLEGTOE; will belt either un Commission or Salary,•. Has been engaged in-the above business for ti tea years. Satisfactory tendons three for 'being out of employment at this time, and undoubted reference given trom last - employer. Address " Rau void, office of The Prfm. . S2Vir . ANTED—FOII, A 'Ppllff. 95 00 o r years. onmid_ .Mstrtgage security. LUKENS & MONTGOMERY, Conceyttscers, fe4-Rats 103& BEACH. Street, above Laurel. so WANTED-A GOOD EVANSz& Watson or Herring's FIRE PROOF; also, IWo' LE COMITERS. Address Box 990. 3N WANTED I -LN A. COUNTING ' HOUSE — An active And intelligent LAD. who wipes a good hand and to ciniek at figures. Address: Me handwriting of applicant, •'O. 8., Jr.,t' at The Prest *dice. ltT WANTED-A PARTNER WITH A capital of Six to Eight Thousand Dollara, in a. bncineas already established and paying large profits. Addrws "Partner." Preset office_ feel-3t• WANTED-A - STORE ON MARKET, THIRD or FOURTH Streets. with Hatchway and. otl rconealeuces. Addrets Box. 12 . 51 Philadelphia.. 4 Post Office. fe.BA" W'AN'TED-$Y A PERSON OF' badness habits, experience, and name capital, Ca interest in some estalp Lobed Idercetilei or Mukuuumaring . ER*lllO5B. Addretos `Fmnklin, Pre - se Office. iu.3o-6r. WANTED TO PURCHASE -A a moderate Afzed three-storr B;ick HOUSE', ht a cen tral location. Mast have all the modern improvements. Address "House," at this . ottice, stating price, tent's. and location. MaWANTED TO RENT, FROM THE first of AlVli next. a moderate-sized three-stay BRICK DWELLIOG HOUSE, in a central locality. It most have all the ixodarn improvameals. Address, "Rent," at this alta stating locality and price. jail-If SS,OOO—THE AD Vt-R TISER • wi•hos to become Interested in some BUSINES - 3 where additional means cenld be safely :old profitably employed, and his service* would be desira %le. Address, during the week, naming business and. capital required, " BURTON," this office. ' fe2-3v Vn. CONTINENTAL CAVALRY. " Camp Metcalfe," near HADDoNFIELD, N. 1„ . 51:Eht wanted 'to complete Companies uow nearly full, to secure the Chime' Bounty 'Fund awarded to the tint Twenty Companies mustered into the service of the United States. . . . _ Two or three positions of Second LIEUTENANTS are vacant, which will be aeeigned to vcrnag men of good to broncos, and who have seen service. dell-2m FOR SALE AND TO LET. HANDSOME ROOF. FURNISHED A or not, TO RENT, with Board:, to a gentleman and. Wife. Referenceg exam:med. Family prime. No. 52 North THIRTEENTH Street. fe4-3t* - FOR SALE OR TO LET..--STORE No_ 11 North THIRD street, witliaibcturen. Inquire ith N0..12, opposite. re4-6t. • gob COITNTSY SEAT AT, PRIVATE SALE. —One el the best properties lying within tea miles-from Doylvestown, the county town of Boolre county, is offered. gsr sale. It is, situated la a beautiful country, halt a mile from Doylestown, The Mansion is large, coutainingthirteen rooms„with . large airy Lops, replete with all the modern conveniences. The out houses also new sad substantial_ Theye is also twenty four acres of land attached to. the premises, with an abundance of pod wat?r, and ositreata running tLismgit the land, together with fruit,.,,Shade; and ornalaental trees in alma:Dance. Seth is seldom offered for sale. If not sold before the.2och hot., it will be rented. For ,particulars slam MERLAITII, at the Barley Sheaf lintel, Agra) SEQOND Strest or to A. PHILLIPS, Avenue DrOvo•Ytted, West fed-tit' gib TO CAPITAL - MTS.-4'OR valuable TRACT OaLAND..eentaining EIGHTY ACRES. on the liakof and adjoining:A stattoa on the Peaysylvanta Cinatosd Railroad. live i..ales from Market-street bridge. Emma its elevated isisitiou. , it catnruanis a Coo vievir..or'tkia DeittWA , l3 riverrApply ttr. No. 50* W JOllti AI) BURTON, Niff itreet: • ••WANTED RENT-4...SJIALIi k v. WOOLF.II. MILL, suitable n:sktlig Cotton. ...Warp Cook Address " J. Y. S.,'.' Da..,4'.1114. delvilia. P. 0., statinglxation, eke. Ms. fel-31 TO LRT, ON. GROUND REW,r---SEM ral eligible . BeILDI - NO LOTS, almted betwaeu Thirty -secoud itE - Thirty-fourth street*. aid Poweltou: and Lauc-aa; er itnicuas. Advance,Ar.L.l . be made to cut sponsible ratline retching tnimnrove. ROBE .WALNUTWEb. - 1 Street. ja3o-finw3M gEI) VESTFDEattk- ELK Pz.. , _,•perty and Capital Easiness stand, &Annie. on the. wesk. side of SECOND She*. No. 2621betnoerr, 'WALNUT and SPRITE Streets, 211, feet It niche; in, breadth oe.Serend street, by 250!:*et de;itit.'t, Lo vtuat stFev.4. Ivritlenitts at Die:a - genes of lal.feet,fnect Second stoock. to 50 feet of which. blereased 741dtli, it en, tends Weer.. The uttentlon okneipltalists and 'ltsiaois. men is invited, to this _pronoiky. For mbrtirttlar, terms„ Reply to • S. NV: TEAM:A.II St SOP, le3-51.•• i.e,No. 244 iontl. 7 1 41 ED Streit. PERSONAL. UEIBS :.OF ILFACUSED. OFF:tOZRB 6 a. AND SOLDIOS.-mWo yjrckwa Ohl Tieosttry CortltleNtsts arrears or to:s &way, tor ONE PER C .14 tAtlittOx t to t,be.e.dviya L o,ze, Aloo, rolled.' and cash ..tenar•e oAtter e e d a>;4 :wale& ac. c(Asuto,. al low mta... Thinkers' iefortma& - ! SO.VES DROWlC.Solfolbord: 3H .6t : d .d . ' d : 2. - .PARE.PrAoo. Now 'folic. )ENSIOI.4B.- $100.• •-:110;UNTY AND •t- Pay m Atondittid °Glinted fur , raiders. gallop' • lad the taros of suolt.ita.en tionr,aed, at ranonao3 got!aarli?. r!ttoo..: 4?.alirurtfhtyttr i omprok . '..."i'. • - goli itor for Clelpfir 424 W . 4l,l4llT e streat, Phapht eatikaissiatteatkat inv.= 1.- Pa:TS:a/2414i 141341 -066e4 jar Ogit Kr. W. WEILITLEY .... 21 accts. W cones. ... 75 fonts. kuonymonit T. B. Bela. - —oleo Gm
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