THE CITY. The The Df.XIEDIBER 22, 1861. . DECEMBER .22, 1863. 6 A. ht.... 12 M. 3 r. br. a A. X..... 12 X 3 r. X. f. 2. 5 1 %. ..... 32 35 30 34 38 WIND. ' SE: F E byll• • SKATERS, SKATES, AND SATING.T.-MD icebound environa , of .Fairmount Park were vialted on Sunday last by upwards of two thousand people. The ice in the middle of the river was, of course, of, not sufficient strength to allow of its being crossed. The season of skating has attest been inaugdrated, Wissahiokon and Fairmount having afforded ample opportunity for skaters to try. their powers... Love is a very hot passion, and skating a very warm pastime. Tho winter eason proves, however, that the two have an electric affinity for each other. The fresh blood-red tints brought to the cheeks and llps by pinching winds, the bright, cold, roseate hue delbiate ly veiling the white of the complexion, are excessive ly fascinating. So are fur-trimmed boots, glimpses of ankles, 'Balmoral petticoats, and leggings. Mous taches crisp and glittering with frosty drops, locks waving in the ice-tinctured air, ribbons flaunting, and beavers blowing off, afford fifty occasions for arch glances, innocent liberties, and• grateful gallantry, Extremes meet, it is said. There is no passion so earnest as that of lovers, and no pastime so volatile Rs that of skaters; yet these meet and blend upon the ice in blissful unison, every peculiarity of the one enhancing the joy of the other. Suppose the ice breaks; suppose Arruninta falls in, and all that is seen of her is her head beiding up and down against it? However commonplace the accident may appear, Arthur, her affianced, is very far from feel ing commonplace; and when Araminta is taken to the nearest boat-house (we will say), and is rubbed down, and has warm bottles and blankets applied, if Arthur does not feel more heavenly, and, there fore, more poetical than ever before, why he never deseryes the opportunity of; rescuing Araminta again, when she plumps 'in through an air -hole, that's all Then the skates I It is not our province to ex plain where skates are sold, And what varieties have been and are being invented. It is enough to say that a Woman's foot never. looks more delicately captivating, more" sensuously seductive, than wheh 'la co,Sjunction with a skate. We have heard of 'some who could fin nee,sor rather skate, polkas and mazurkas—wevestinie the nest thing will be skating the waltz. In Holland, everybody skates, and in Paris it used to be the custom for ladies to use some thing like our parlor skates along the boulevards, and every smooth avenue. Some beautiful effects have ere this been produced upon the,stage by the light whirl of whirling skates. "Our American Cousin at Home," furnished a fine instance of this. The-twirling sylphs of the theatre are graceful upon such occasions as this elicits. Skating has existed from early periods. The sharp bone of a sheep or reindeer was employed by Ice. lenders, and long ago, in London. The lightning speed accomplished by their use was compared to that of ft bird or arrow. Our own country, and Philadelphia particularly, have afforded some ele gant amateurs in the skating line. Judging from the ardor already evinced, the winter season, in its propitiousness, will be no less heartily greeted this Year than in former years. t r . S. SiT2,lll SLOOP JLTNIATA—RETURN To Powr.—Yesterday morning at half past eleven o'clock the U. S. steamer Juniata arrived oir the Navy Yard s in tow of the tug A. E. Burnside, and cast anchor off the Navy Yard. The vessel sailed from this port about a week since, but WAS obliged to return on account of some defect in her machinery. The following statement is given by one of the officers on board : Toekitty morning we left Philadelphia on our second trial trip; the first one having proved a failure. The engines worked well, pushing the ship through the water at the rate of almost eight knots An hour. How splendidly we piled up the water uneer the ship's bows, even as a plough throws up the green sod, shish vainly Attempts to oppose Its pas sage! Wednesday night we anchored near New; Castle, and Thursday morning proceeded on our way toward the ocean. At about noon on that day, in attempting to start the enginexwt found that with MIAs. of steam we could nest 'mike them move either forward or back ward; and after disconnecting the eccentrics, and re moving the heavy link, valve slide, and bonnet of the forward engine, found that the ug was broken from the main slide valve, rendering it impossible to work the engines until a new valve is put in, which operation will require at least a week or ten days. So our second experience has ended only iu demon strating conclusively that the ship is not that great success which the designers of her hull and engines so confidently expected. It seems to be the opinion of the engineers that the engines are far too heavy. The cylinders, frame, condenser, and channel plate are massive ; and the links, piston rods, side rods connecting rods, and moving parts generally, might have been much light er, and still have had ample strength. There is too much friction, and, considering that the stroke is but thirty inches, and that it is intended that the engines shall make • from sixty to eighty turns per minute, there is great liability to such break downs as we have now twice met with. Messrs. Pusey, Jones, & Co., the builders of the engines, have performed their part of the contract conscientiously and !satisfactorily. It is not their fault that the engines have failed. In the present case, not the slightest flaw can be found in the broken part. Their workmanship commands the ad miration of all good judges. Why is it, then, that with the mental resources *supposed to be so abun dant 'in the country, and winch are all at Govern ment command, that in the year 1962, a sloop-of-war of 1 200 tons cannot be so designed, both in hull and engines, as to attain a speed orat least twelve knots, and why have we to put up with a Juniata, which, under the mesVfayorable circumstances, in smooth water, and wlthlia opposing wind, has only been' able to make 'eight! The folloWing is a correct list of the officers of the Juniata': . • Oaptain—Charlea S. Boggß. Lieutenant Commander—James G. Makwell. Lieutenant—Frederick V. McNair `Chief Englneef—James F. Lamdin. Acting Masters—D. G. Tayler and J. IL Stimson. Acting Ensign—William H. Winslow. Surgeon—Albert Schriver. Paymaster—Thomas C. Kasten. Second Aseistant Engineers—Francis Cronin, Wil liam Pollard, and James T. Keleher. 'Third Assistant • Engineers— Philip H. White, Richard D. Dodge, and Charles S. Hunt. ' Masters' Mates—Reuben Rich, James F. Thomp son, and William A. Ordway. Boatswain—J. K. Bartlett. • . . Gunner--William A. Fenier. MEETING OF TILE BOARD OF TRADE.— The Board of Trade held their usual meeting last evening, at eight o'clock. A communication was re ceived from W. H. Seward, acknowledging the re ceipt of one from S. V. Merrick, Esq., relative to the promotion of emigration to the United States. Mr. A. B. Cooly remarked, in substance, that he had no doubt that the loyal cities in general were doing all they could to obtain an eligible naval dc •t. . CI. L. Buzby remarked that League Island was not more unhealthy than many other places against which no charge had been brought. No malaria was breeded there. The whole difficulty is that other people think it would be a grand thing for them to have a navy yard. Mr. Tatum remarked that the idea of League Island did not originate here ;• it originated with Mr. Secretary Fox. This spot, the proper home of an iron-clad steam navy yard, was pitched upon as ap propriate the matter had been thoroughly investi gated. Congress had been shown the absolute ne cessity of a place for the construction of an iron-clad steam navy yard. New Englanders, with a view to temselves, supported the appointment of a com mittee to uphold New London as a more appro priate place. These New England friends, however, got a bare majority in their favor. What ought to he done it was unnecessary to say. The subject was on paper and in print. . The Secretary intends to ac cept League Island unless Congress interferes. 11r. Canby thought that Congresz alone could set tle the thing—that the secretary of War could not take it upon himself to decide. The way the matter stood now could not admit any further action that night. 714( 17 fi re VRialyiplai t g a in r 444 , 41:_nttln , i; If nothing both at home and ;broad, would have guiT 's darif&i. they were not alive to the subject. Philadelphians are thinking, however, on the subject, and devising both waysiind means. If a foreign enemy are to be repelled, haw are they One means was the floating battery, exhibited at the last meeting. Some other ways and means have been devised. some tempo rary obstructions, in connection with other means of defence And attack, might be thrown into the river. A triangulate, or triangular blocks, might be extended across the river sufficient to obstruct the passage of vessels, and, by entangling them, pre vent them from passing, or ruin them forever ; or floating batteries might he used near the water with guns sufficient to annihilate any vessel. These might be placed forty or fifty miles below the city. Vessels, also, of .very great celerity and power, might be employed. These blocks might be placed twenty-five or thirty feet apart, and made of solid oak, all parts of which might be tightly bolted to gether. These triangular blocks submerged, and their points tipped with iron, would do - immense damage to vessels. After a full explanation of this subject, the Board adjourned. FIRST WARD SCHOOL DIRECTORS. —A meeting of the Board of School Directors, of the First ward, was held last evening at the Jackson school-house, on Federal street, near Twelfth. Mr. Charles Zimmerman, of the Board, and' also the member representing that ward in the Board of School Controllers, tendered his resignation, which was accepted. James Stewart was elected as controller, to till the vacancy thus occasioned. John Catterson, a member .of the Board, also resigned, stating, as his reason, that his other business was such that he could not attend to the duties of direc tor. Richard Peltz was elected to fill the vacancy thus caused by the resignation of Mr. Catterson. . William D. Cozzens, from a special committee ap 'pointed to investigate charges of corruption against the president of the Board or other members, report ed that the committee had examined a number of witnesses, and there was nothing elicited to impair the character of the president as a gentleman and member of the Board. The report was accepted, and he committee discharged. There was no other bus ness of public interest transacted. 'MISSIONARY IYIEETING OF THE M. E. ClitIRCH.—An interesting meeting for the further ance of the cause of missions, by contributions of money, was held during the day and evening of Sun day last, at the Third-street, Camden, M. E. Church, Rev. J. B. Dobbins, pastor. The. assemblage - was favored with the presence of Bishop Scott and Rev. Dr. Carlton. , At the close of the day the subscrip tions amounted to the handsome sum of st,of,o, which is believed to be the largest annual amount ever raised in any one congregation in the State, surely. This move, we learn, has become literally en institution in the M. E. Church in this country, and is looked forward to, fiom year to year, with great and increasing interest. At least, this is evi dently so in the place above named, where they have led off in their annual offering to this cause for a number of yearspast. AWALD OF PREISIMIS.—The premiums at the great fair, Western Market Company, will be awarded at half past seven o'clock; thin evening. Several trains of cars, filled with all sorts of poultzy, arrived at the Market-house ; more are expected to night and to-morrow morning. One hundred and thirty-eight tons of poultry changed hands since the opening of the fair. Go there to-Morrow afternoon, if you scant to see Christmas poultry.. . SAD ACCIDENT.—Lucy Elred, a blind girl, and an inmate of the Blind Asylum, was run over on Saturday evening, by a freight train,- at Broad and Race streets. One of her legs was crushed in a slb•eking manner, and she died after a few hours of extreme agony. IL LL:3.-71e ball of the Passenger Rail way. Relief Aasociation took - place at the Po:Unica cd Hall last evening. The fourth annual ball of the Caledonian Club 1011 take place at the same place on Christmas Eve. DEATHS AT ARMY li 0161'1 1 A t.B.—ITliC only ecath. reported yesterday was flat of Charles Pt intr. Co. 1). etith New York, at the West Philadel phia Hospital. , CHILD: DESERT! 01s1.—A new-born malt Child, wrapped in a piece of calico, was found `on Sunday erening upon the sidewalk on Broad grad, tetwren 13 ace and Vine. . onteter. SbyW. S S THE FIFTEENTH-WARD rdSrLOSION. The explosion which occurred at the of Mrs. Campbell, No. 1706 Coates street, on Sun day night, as already stated, was found -More dims! how than reported. It seems that during' the day there had been a leak in the gas.pipe in the base ment, and at the time mentioned, two sons of Mrs. William and James, went into the' apart - I:tient to examine the meter. They took with them a lighted lamp, and the consequence was a terrific explosion, which shook the entire house. The lower part of the building was pretty well wrecked. A hole was blown through the floor into the parlor, and t he fur .niture there was badly damaged. The windows were shattered, and panels were blown out of the front door. The explosion even affected the back building, as the plastering was torn from the walls of the dining room. The apartment wherethc meter • was placed was used as o sewing room, and almost everything in it was destroyed. The two young men who, by their thoughtlessness, caused the acci dent, were seriously injured. James, who is about 19 years of age, was very badly burned about the hands and face and it was thought last night that he could not live, but this morning .he was much better. William us about 22 years of age, and is in jured about the face and eyes. His burns, thought severe, are not considered dangerous. RECIWITING.—The total number of re cruits mustered into the service last week was 156. The following shows the number recruited each 1111 - for old and new regiments : Old Reg. New Reg. December 15 I>a 31 et 16 22 17 ' 6 19 18 11 . 12 tt ,lq 7 : ' 10 44 20 4 13 Total.", The regiments in process of formation in this city are the following : Col. Peyton's 150th Cavalry - . R egiment; Col. Brooker's 154th (nine months) Regi ment : Colonels Ernenwein's and Gray's 156th and 167th 'Regiments (three years); Col. Segebarth's 3d Artillery, and Major Roberts' Independent Artillery Battalion. Segebarth's Artillery is filling up more. rapidly than any of the others. This is, no doubt; owing to the fact that the organization is nearly full, only some 300 men being yet wanted. An organiza tion with some of the incomplete regiments now forming in this city, and which in all probability will never be filled, should be effected at once. BS thus consolidating one of these incomplete organi zations with Col. Segebarth's Artillery, the Govern ment could avail itself of the services of men who are now receiving pay at its hands. DISMISSED FROM THE SERVICE.—SOIIIe few weeks since, one Captain Henderson, hailing from Pittsburg, arrived in this city with a company of men for Colonel Segebarth's artillery regiment. Soon after his arrival here it Is alleged that he acted in such an unsoldierlike and contemptible manner as to receive the censure of Colonel Segebarth, and at length charges of a grave and serious nature were preferred against him by his own company. Finding that he was in bad odor all around he took a sudden departure for Pittsburg, where he secured the aid of certain persons, to whom Matters were, no doubt, misrepresented. and made application to the Secre tary of War for the transfer of his company to the brigade of General Ellet. An order to this effect was issued, upon' which Colonel Segebarth wrote an explanation of matters to headquarters, and the re sult was that Henderson was dismissed from the United States service. On Friday last he came to Segebarth's encampment, on Cooper's creek, and, acting in a manner unbecoming a gentleman, was forcibly ejected from the grounds. The company will, of course, remain with Colonel Segebarth. U. S; 1111.101 Y 1. - tENERAL HOSPITAL, CIMST :Nut Hirr..--TMs immense establishment is rapidly approaching completion, and will soon be rend for active operation. We visited the hospital yester day, and found the workmen busily engaged in co voring the water pipes. This is the only thing that delays the formal opening of the hospital. Dr. Joseph. Hopkinson, of this city, is the surgeon in charge, and Dr. Obas. F. Greenleaf, U. S. A., has been appointed executive officer. under their management, and sisted by an able corps of assistant surgeons, this hospital will be among the best conducted in the country. The clerks, ward-masters, nurses, and other ern- • ployees, who have been detailed. in the various de partments, are now reporting for duty at the office, No. 900 Sausom street. 'NEW 'S I TY.LE OLL PATETINEIB.—The now process of producing oil paintings, recently brought forward by E. C. Middleton, of Cincinnati, 13 at tracting considerable attention in this city. ' The pictures present much neater appearance than the ordinary oil paintings, and, on account . of their cheapness, are much preferred. Mr. A. Barlow, the agent in this city, has met with great success, and has received orders from some of our first families. As a Christmas present. nothing finer could be se lected. Attention is directed to the advertisement in another column.:;. • • TrEE CITY TRBABI3RY.—The receipts into the city treasury amounted, during the past week, to $70,101.26, and payments to $445,548.55. The great proportion of the receipts was from taxes, as from this source alone the sum of $67,809.86 was obtain ed. Bounties for enlistments were paid out to the amount of $10,163.07. Up to Saturday, the city trea surer paid out bou4les, to the amount of $336,180.02. TAX RECELIqS.—After the last day of this month, the bills of tax-payers will be charged an additional expense, including the cost of adver tising. Tax-payers, by promptly paying bills at this time, will not only, save themselves an extra expenditure, but will greatly relieve the city trea sury. THE POLICE. (Before 111 r. Alderman Settler.] Malicious Mischief. William Black was arraigned before Alderman Daniel B. Beitler yesterday, on the charge .of mali cious mischief. The evidence adduced at the hear ing 'exhibits these facts : The defendant was em ployed at the States Union Hotel, in Market street, above Sixth, as watchman and waiter. On Sun day, he, being Intoxicated, was told by Henry H. Edwards, the genera. superintendent of the establish ment, that he need not attend on the table, and that he had better clear out until he should become sober. After a little parley, Black went down stairs into the saloon, and commenced behaving in an indeco rous manner. The superintendent, Mr. Edwards, went down stairs, and an alteration ensued be tween him and the half-oblivious individual. ,The result was that Mr. Edwards was scratched' in the face and received a severe laceration of one of his lips. Black, having accomplished this much, demo lished a number of fancy glasses in the doors. He Was finally secured by'a police officer and locked up. On being questioned by the magistrate he said that, being much the worse for liquor, he did not reuietm: ber anything of the transaction : he supposed it must all be true. He was committed to answer. [Before lir. Alderman Shoemaker,] Hopeful Juveniles. Three Inds named John Patterson, Hugh Mulhol land, and John Lafferty, the first twelye years old, the other two about eight years each, were arraigned before Alderman Shoemaker on the charge of lar. eery. These boys were ragged, and seemed to be running around loose in the streets, and apparently beyond parental control. For some time past it is alleged they had been pilfering such articles as they found handy at grocery and dry-goods stores along North Second street, in the Eleventh want. When arrested, they had several fancy necklaces, which they admitted having stolen. They also stated that they had purloined quite a number of fancy hats, which they sold to other parties for a mere pittance. The alderman was about to send the youthful de fendants to the House of Refuge, but the parents of some of them insisted on having the case returned to court. Bail was entered for their appearance at the next t€rm. (Before Mr. Alderman Good.] An Exciting Scene. Henry Butler, a colored man, was arrested on Sun day afternoon on the charge of stealing ti pair of gloves from a lager-beer saloon, oh Main street, Germantown. There was an excitin,g scene attending this affair. It seems that the defendant and another colored man stepped into the saloon, and shortly the eon of the proprietor came in and laid his gloves on a table. They disappeared very suddenly. The two Colored men took leave of the establishment. When the owner missed his gloves he very naturally thought they could not go off without - hands, started in pursuit of the colored, individualS. They both ran:'. An impromptu chase 'ensued ; fields, fences, and ditches were bounded over by the fugitive; but fitually he was captured by one or two farmers who brougmt-meir ougerlnt”.req , ,lnittcnt—Mho 7 derv.....l. ioarareD he did not take the gloves!. They were not recovered. The alderman thought he must have had a hand in the affair, and therefore sent him to prison to await his trial. - [Before Mr. Alderman Hutchinson.] Alleged Embezzlement. A young -man was arraigned before Alderman Hutchinson yesterday, on the charge of embezzling the money of his employers, the proprietors of the iron works at Fountain Green. From the :evidence, so far as developed, it seems the young man has not long been employed in the establishment. He re ceived the sum of $1,400, to pay the workmen their wages, and he fell short iu his disbursements to the extent 0f.5200, which he says he can make up. It is also stated that he became intoxicated, and some what lost to the things of this world. It is not known, however, that he spent all'the money. The case, under these circumstances, went over for a fu ture hearing, the bail demanded $BOO. 'The Station-Houses. Whenever the weather becomes suddenly and in tensely cold, the station-houses are generally sought for by that dnfortunate class of people who are always "out in the cold." Rum and poverty, and their attendant train of evils, may be practically seen on such cheerless winter nights as those of Friday and Saturday. At the Union-street house there were huddled together a miserable mass of humanity, that might well extort a tear from a phi losopher. About 12 o'clock at night, a female made application for shelter at this station-house, .She had neither shoes nor stockings. on to shield her feet from the bitter cold. Her person was simply covered with old rags, and a calico dress that perhaps some one had given her. In answer to the .questions pro pounded by Lieutenant Golden she. replied that she came from Germantown. On the question as to her identity or relations, she was silent as the grave. Of course, the Lieutenant afforded her the coveted shel ter. On Sunday morning, all these poor creatures, that the very world would look upon with a cold shudder, were turned loose again upon the streets, trembling from the dying efibets of rum and want of proper nourishment .to sustain life. One of these poor creatures was found frozen to death, yesterday morning, in a yard near Bedford and Seventh streets. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. United States District Court—Jndge Cad walader. TIIB PRIER STEAMER BERMUDA. ' The United States vs. The Prize Steamer Berniuda. —There was an application by the D. S. District At torney, for an order of court to allow the Govern ment to take the prize steamer Bermuda at her ap praised value, notwithstanding the fact that she has not yet been fornially condemned ; and also an appli cation by Charles Gibbons, Esq., special counsel for the War Department, to take the munitions': of war laden on said steamer at their appraised value, the same also not having yet been condemned. The matter was partially argued by the U. S. District Attorneys for the United States, and by George ht. Wharton, Esq., on the other side. Supreme Court at Nisi Arius Justice 'llip - Mpfl o n. The list for the second week of the November ses. sions was called yesterday morning, but for various reasons the cases were disposed of continuance. In some, material witnesses were absent, and others were not at issue before the venire for the term issued. The court adjourned at an early hour, until Monday, when the Argument List will be taken up. • Supreme Court at Nisi Prius--In Equity. Justice Reid. PEIONED ISSUE TO TRY VALIDITY OP JUDO. 7111:ST--011DER 7011 EXAXINATION OI PARTIES, AS WITNESSES. (L7iilica Lucas vs. William E. Cooper. A feigned' issue p ordered to trY the validity.of .the judgment in this case. Judge Read, on entering the order for the issue that Louisa Lucas, and her. husband, James Lucas, and the defendant, Wm. E. Cooper, shall be examined as witnesses, by either.side, and that the origi nal bond and warrant of attorney shall be produced by the defendant in this issue, and all other paper books or documents in the possession or control of either parties shall be produced on notice or request of either party . , and that the case be* put on the list for the second week of the January period. Viet part of the order directing that the parties to the Issue should be examined is a new one in -the tice of our courts in proceedings of this kind. Rules are every day entered in our District Court and Court of Common. Pleas' for the opening of jiidg merits, but it has never been the practice of -those courts to allow parties to be examined. Justice Read holds that the object of the rule is to,,inforte ti~ooourt, and he bases his order on a decision of the Supreme Court, reported in tt Casey. TIM ZOOK HAVEN OAS AND WATER COMPANY. I Mackey vs. The Look Haven Gas and Water Qo. ApPlioation for . appointirteat of a _receiver. Before reported. This application Was under argument yesterday morning on bill and affidavits, and the court ordered an answer to the bill to be filed in two weeks, or the prayer of the bill would be granted. _RULE TO OPEN JUDGMENT Brolaalre vs. ward' - Brown. Rule to show cause why judgment should not be opened. Before reported. 'This rule wax again under argument yes terday; by C. Augee for and V. Guillou contra. The court adjourned until Friday. . • District Corot—Judges Sharssrocni, Stroud, and Hare.. • .1.1.1 Y. SPRING, oARDx.ri sAvrNa Leftman et al. vs. Flanigen et al. This was an ap plication kir decree for the appointment'of a master to state an account between the defendants, who were directors of the SaVing Fund, and the plaintiffs, who were depositors. The, case came up yesterday on bill, answer, and proofs; and the ground on whioh the application is based is, that the Spring Garden Saving Fund was an unincorporated association, and its directors and managers Are, therefore, per sonally liable as copartners to'the plaintiffti for the amount of their claima. Under argument. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. ISRAEL MORRIS, • JOSEPH C. GRUBB iCom.irrns OP THE Morn EDMUND. A. SOUDER, •.ILETTER BAGS • . AT THE MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHIA. Brig Heinld, Davis Rio de/Janeiro, soon Brig Juniata, Bell " Liverpool, soon Schr Sir Cohn Campbell, Vigos..Hingaton, 3a, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Dee. 93, 1869. SUN RISES 759-SUN SETS 4 31 Ellen WATER ' 19 ARRIVED Schr F Tyler, Tirrell, 6 days from Troy, with mdse to captain. Schr IYi Powell, Fenton, 6 days from Bridgeport, with mdse to captain. Schr Knight, Schr & Knight, 4 days from Newburyport, with mdse to darternight. Sehr Ellen,Severs, 6 days from Newburyport, with mdse to arter & Knight. Schr Wm Wallace, Scull, from New York for For-- tress Monroe. Put in for repairs, having been in collision with schr Wm H Dennis, night of 11th, off Absecom. CLEARED. • Schr Ella, Packard, Boston, J R Blakiston r , Schr , Pidelia, Gandy, New York,',l R,White. Schr C Moore, Ingersoll, Bridgeport, .Sinnickson & Glover. Schr F Nickerson, Baxter, New York, Iteppller & Brother. MEMOR AND A. Ship Saranak, Rowland, henee for Liverpool, was spoken 7th inst. lat 41 10, long 65 30. Bark Charles W Poultney, Johnston, from Belfast Ist fast, in ballast, at New York 21st inst. Bark Emily C Starr, Sargent, at Nagasaki 29th Sept from Shanghae, Brig E P Stewart, Cain, was up at New Orleans 10th inst. for Philadelphia. Brig Mary & Susan. of Calais, went ashore, on Wednesday night, on Townsendlnlet Bar. She lies in a dangerous situation. She was bound from New Bedford, with oil for Philadelphia. Schrs Sarah, Benson,'and .1 Burley, Shaw, hence, at New 'York 21st inst. . . Schrs Henry B Gibson ' Crocker, hence.for New London; T P Cboper, Taylor hencelcir Providence,. and 'Wm Arthur, Haskell,slience for Portland, at N York 2lst inst. • Schis Florence, Peckham, from Delftware City; John Joileti,:Corson, from Wilmington, Del, and Jae Buchanan, Schowell, from Absecom, at New York 2lst inet. ' Schrs .Evergreen, Potter, D Smith, Williams, Mi nerva, Jefferson, and J J Spencer, Swain, hence, at Providence - 19th inst. - Schr. Hannah Grant, of arid from Yarmouth, with apples and fish for Philadelphia, went ashore on Townsend Inlet Bar night of 17th inst, but has since got off, and lies inside. Ca Cargo of 'bark Monitor, Capt Eaton, for London, cleared by Peter Wright & Sons:-4993 bushels red wheat; 2474 bags oil cake; 218 bbls pork; 125 casks tallow oil; 142 boxes bacon; 117 T bags cloverseed; 26 tierces beef; 45 bbls lard oil; 600 bundles straw paper; 5,1 bbls beans; 6 casks oxide zinc; 4 casks sassafras bark; 1 box yr rmifuge. NOTICE TO MARINERS The Portsmouth Chronicle states that four buoys are being placed at fixed distances in the lower har bor, designating the four points of the compass, so that vessels may adjust their compasses by them. The work is done under the Bureau of Navigation, and a like "institution" is to be established in Port land harbor. FOR SALE AND TO LET. 0 FOR SALE OR TO LET-FOUR HOUSES, on the west side of BROAD Street, be/ow CColambit avenue. Apply at the southwest corner of NINTH and SANSOM streets. mh23-tf TO. RE N T-A THREE-STORY ANKB.RICK DWELLING, on RACE Street, one door above Twelfth, north side. Rent low to a good tenant. Apply to WETHERILL & BROTHER, 3e12 • 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. TO LET-A COMMODIOUS -WaLDWMLLING, No. in North FRONT Street. Rent moderate. Apply to WETHERILL & ERO., 0c27-tf 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. MILL AND FACTORY FOR SALE. will sell that valuable Mill Property, Water' Power, and about Fifteen Acres of Land situate in Hulmeville, Bucks county, Penna., about miles from Slistmony Station, on the Philadelphia and renton Rail road, 5 miles from Bristol and 3 milers from city line. The buildings ore a stone factory, 45 by 55 feet, 3% stories high, with staircase In stone; tower, wheel house, &c., stone flouring mill, with two run of stones, now rented, saw mill, and large barn: It is the best water power on ' Nesliamiuy creek, and has a head and fail of 9 feet. Price 512,C110. CALEB N. TAYLOR, de22-6t* BRISTOL, Bucks County, Penna. da GERMANTOWN COTTAGE FOR Ma SALE VERY LOW, corner of RITTENHOUSE and LEHMAN Streets , ; with stable and carriage house ; lot 71 by 171 feet. Also. The Philadelphia. House," at Cape May, with or without the furniture. The house Contains 31 cham bers, large parlor, dining room and kitchen, with bake house, wash house, &c., &c. Lot G 6 by 700 feet, and stabling for 14 horses—pleasantly situated, and wUI be sold very cheap. A large variety of Cottages, Farms, and city properties, for sale or exchange Also, 3 Grist Mills, with lands and houses attached. B. F. GLENN. 123 South FOURTH Street, del?-tf or S. W. corner Seventeenth and Green. MEDICAL COLLEGE, OR SUIT- ABLE FOR ANY LARGE MANUFACTURING BUSINESS—Tho' large building, with three Lecture Rooms, and all the appliances for a Medical College, on NINTH, below. Locust street. For sale by ANTHONY P. & J. H. MORRIS, de2o.3t* No. 916 ARCH Street. ea FOR SALE- . --MONT G 0 R Y COUNTY FARM, Ell Aorer4 near Norristown, sub stantial STONE IMPROVEMENTS, nicely watered, &c. Also, a large number of faxms for sale or exchange, in the adjoining counties. 'Apply to E. PEWIT, del9 309 WALNUT Street. •• 4181 FOR SALE-BUCKS COUNTY FARM, 85 Acres, 25 miles north of the city, near Reading Railroad, 3 miles from Doylestown, first-class improvements; nicely watered, &c. Apply to k PETTIT, dell) 309 WALNUT Street. FOR SALE—AN EXCELLENT -a- Fiam, of 50 acres, two miles northeast of Norris town, on the Germantown Turnpike, .with moderate Buildings, good Fences large Lawn, Apple Orchard , and other improvements. inquire on the premises. de 1m" S. L. STYBR: LOST AND FOUND. T . , 0 S T—A DRAFT AT TWENTY . days' sight, drawn by Samuel W. Hill. Agetit, S. 3f. Day, Secretary Pennsylvania Mining' Companrof Michigan, to the order of Ansel D. Edwards, numbered 206, for One Hundred and Ten 27-1131) Dollars. The above deselibed draft having been . mailed to us September 9th, and having, tidied to reach us, all persons are cautioned against negotiating it, us payment has been stopped. de22-30' M. THOMAS & SONS. , -- OST.A: CERTIFICATE OF. THE.; 5 -A- 4 per cent. Philadelphia county Loan, under an act of Assembly dated the 10th day of April, l&i4, for Eighty seven Dollarrb payable to Richard Teadom, executor of Francis KTOOS01); deceased, or his heirs or assigns. The finder will be rewarded by returning it to BEN.TA3IIN R. TURNER, dew-hi:3mo . No. 102 DANA-gb,..",---- SEWING MACHINES. THE WILCOX & GIBBS • FAMILY SEWING AfACFIINES • have been greatly improved, making it ENTIRELY NOISELESS. • and with Self-adjusting Hemmers, are now ready for sale by FAIRBANKS. & EWING, se27-tf 715 CHESTNUT Street' F. I. G-. 'ZINC, ARhIY, AND TOILET MIRRORS, The best in the world for finish and durability. B. M. S. The best brand Silk-finished VELVET RIBBONS. Sole Agent, BENJAMIN.M. SMITEI; - 155 DUANE Street, near West Broadway, 8830-3 m New York. pENN'A WORKS, On the Delaware River, below Philadelphia,: CHESTER, DELAWARE CO., PENNSYLVANIA. REANEY, SON, & ARCHBOLD, Engineers and Iron Ship Builders, MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OP CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSING ENGINES, Iron Vessels of all descriptions, Boilers, Water-Tanks, Propellers, &c., &c. THOS. REANBY, W. B. REANET, BAWL. anonßorah Late of Reaney. Nealle, & Co., Late Englneer-in-Chief, Penn'a Works, Phila. 11. S. Navy. J. VAUGHAN ININIRION, WILLIAM H. MAASIOIL. "JOHN R. COPE. SOIITHW.A.LII FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STRUT& • PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK. & .SONS, • RNGINRERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines for land river, and marine service. Boilers, gasometers, Tanks; Iron Boats, &c. ; Castings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, &c. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and moat Im• Proved construction. Bvary description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills_, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators , Filters 'Pumping Engines, Se. Sole. Agents for N. Rillieux's Patent Sugar Boiling - Apparatus ; Neemyth's Patent Steam Hammer, and As pinwall EI Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine.' anN-tr TO--: , -THE.- DISEASED - OF. ALL CLASSES.—AII acute and chronic diseases cured, by special guarantee, at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, when desired, and. in case of a fail ure, no charge is made. Prof. C. B. BOLLES the founder of thte new practice, has associate d with him Dr. M. GALLO WAY. A pamphlet containing a multitude of cer tificates of those cured t also, letters and compli mentary resolutions from medical men and other% will be given to any person free._ N. B.—Medical men and others who desire a knowledge of my discovery can enter for a full course of lectures at any time. Consultation free.- DES. BOLLES & GALLOWAY. de9-3m• • 1220 WAX NUT. Street. PRANBERRIES.-OAPE .00D- AND Na Jersey Cranberries for sale bS RHODES &WILLIAMS. dell No. 107 SontIt.WATER Street. NEW YORK. STATE'-APPLES.- 6,000 .lbs. New 'cork Dried Apples of choice qualitrjust received, and for sale by RHODIUM WILLIAMS, de 1Q No. 107 South WATER Skeet. CIOSHEN GLADES, WESTERN, AND NJ! Pennsylvania Butter_, of choice quality, constantly received and for sale by ERODES & W ILOT South WATER Street. • • • • no2D COTTON SAIL DUCK - AND OANVAS, of all numbers and brands. Raven's Duck Awning Twills, of all descriptions for Tents, Awnings, Trunk, and Wagon Covers. Also, PaperHlnufacturere Drier Felts, from Ito feet Wide. Tarpaulin, Bolting, Skil Twine &c. JOHN W. EVERHAN & CO., 10•441 • 102 JONES' Alley. BUM.—IN PUNCHEONS AND Wine Barret, for sale by catELES CABSTAIRS, oc2o - 126 wempar street, I'U . PRESS. - PHILADELPRIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1862, TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR"I'HE COUNTY' OF PUILADBrAPHEA. T.HO.I3NDIEE w. TItOII.N.pLIKS—b' D 1 Voice of Julie -7 Term, 1862. No. 17. I. STNIPART:THORNDIKE, the respondent; will take notice that rale hag Veen granted in this case, return able to December 27,1861, on him to show came why a Divorce a Vinculo Matrix-A.lolin should not be decreed, and that this publiention is made, as wad respondent could not be fo n t:4o be served personally with notice of the above rule. JAMES W. PAUL, - Dec, 13,1862.—tie1f4t* Attorney for Libellant. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT TOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Rstate of.JACOB COPIA.-pecenscd.- • The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit settle, and adjust the account of T. CRAWFORD DAWES, Ex ectitor of,the Ihet" Will and - Testament of Jacob Copia, deceased: and to'report distribution of the balance In the hands of the-accountant, will moot the parties interested for the purposes of his appoi»tinent„ on FRIDAY the aittt of DECEMBER. at 4 o'clock P. M at his office, No. 131 South FIFTH Street; in the city of Philadelphia, GEORGE M.;.CONARROE, • dclS-atnth fit • ; Auditor. • TN -THE ORPHANS' COURT TOR I N THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JACOB.FDULKEOD.. . • The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of JACOB. B. rOULKROD, E>recti tor of.JACOB.FOULKROD, *Deceased, and to make dia• tributiou of the balance In the bands of tho accountant, Will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment. on TUESDAY, Decombor 21d, 1862, at 11 o'clock A. M r , at his office, No. 813 ARCH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. J. SERGEANT PRICE, del3-stuth6t Auditor. I- THE ORPH,OII3" . OOI7RT FOR THE CITY AND C0UM11r:27.45F PHILADELPHIA. Estate of liffinigswOULNßOD. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit,settlo, and adjust the account of JACOB B. F 01,71,10101, and ISAAC FOULhItOD, Executors of MART tOULIIROD, deceased, and to make distribution of the Balance iu the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of hie appointment. on TUESDAY; De cembey rid, IPir_, at o'clock A. M., at'. his office, No. 813 ARCH Street, in the City of Philadelphia.. deRl-st to th 5t J. SERGEANT PRICE.7Andlt6r: • N 0 T..T. 'TH' ORPHANS'` COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—. In the matter of the estate of ROBERT 13. AREY, de ceased., star procet dings in partition. To John Amy. Samuel Amy, Joseph Amy, Eliza M. Higgs, late Amy, Samuel Ray, Dr. William Bacon and Mary his wifo, in right of said Mary, George Davis, Eliza Tinker, late Davis, and Horatio G. Davis. County Phila d elphia, se: - • .1 certify that at an Orphans' Court for the county afore said, held at Philadelphia on the 17th day of October. A. D. 1862, before the Hon. Oswald Thoutroom president,. and his associate rnsticee, of said-court, on motion of Henry W. Amy, Esq., for petitioner, the court ordered and decreeB that the return ef-Llmsheriff and jury of In quest be continued, and that a .rule directed to the heirs, and all persons interested, to 'be and appear before the judges of said Orphans' Court on the SEVENTEENTH DA .OF A. D.. 1863, at 10 O'clock A. M., then and there to Accept or refuse to tako the real estate of dece dent,. Situate RS said proceedings mentioned, at; the valuation put anon it by the Said.buttlest,.be. grunted and allowed, and issue out of the said court. 'Witness. my hand and the seal of the said court, this 12th day of November, A; D. DO. A. J. FORTIN, delft-frtn4t ' Pro Clerk of the Orphans' Court. NOTICE ....IN PARTIVON.-ESTATE of ANN HENDRICKS, late of Lowor Salford town eitip, Montgomery county, and State of Pennsylvania, who died intestate. - To Abraham Hendricks, Jesse Hendricks, the heirs or children of Susanna, Hendricks, late deceased, who was married to John Cassel, viz: Jacob Cassel, Enos Cassel, William Cassel, and Jesse Cassel, and. the children Mini heirs of Barbara Hendricks, late deceased, who was married to William Sainby, viz: Jesse Saintly, and Ann Ssmby, who isintermarried with William Rittenhouse : Susanna Johnson, married to Jacob Johnson; the Chil dren and heirs of an_ uncle, Joseph Johnson, deceased, viz: William Johnson 'Jacob Johnson, Joseph` Johnson. I'. Henry Johnson. Catharine Johnson, intermarried with William Smith; Elizabeth Fuss; Susanna Johnson, married to John Ashenfolter, and Mandl' Johnson, married to George Snyder,•and the children and heirs of au uncle Abraham Johnson, deceased, viz Henry John son and Jacob Johnson: • TAKE NOTICE, That on the 106..., day of NOVEMBER', -A_ D.-1862, upon the petition, of Abraham Hendricks esse Hendricks being presented' to the OxpliansP - Court of said county of Montgomery, for an inclnest to make' partitition or valuation of tho real estate of the said in testate, an inquest will assemble at the public house of JESSE GABLE, Skippackville, in the township of Per kicnrien, in said county of Montgomery aforesaid,. on MONDAY, the 12th day of JANUARY - , A. D. 1883, at 9 o'clock in the fosenoon, for the purpose of making par tition or valuation 'of the real estate of the said. Aun Hendricks, deceased, to and among her heirs and legal representatives, according to law. at which time and place you cau attend, if you think proper. ' FRANCIS KILE, Sheriff. SITERTFF'S OFFICE, Norristown, Nov. 22,-1862. - de2-tu6t N TILE DISTRICT COURT .FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA:. THE MUTUAL ASSURANCE COMPANY vs. CHRIS TIAN A. DANNAKER. Levarl Facies, of September Term, 1962. No. 61. The auditor appointed by the Court to report distribu tion.of the fund mired by the sale ueder this writ, of the following described real estate, to wit: All that certain four-stay brick mossuage or tenement and lot or piece of around thereunto belonging, situate on the east side of Delaware Third street, beginning at the distance of about two • hundred and. forty feet.-ona inch-and a half north ward from the north side of Sassafras street, in the city of -Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth onlhe said Third street seventeen feet, and in length or depth east ward seventy feet. Bounded northward, eastward, and southward by other ground of the said Christian A. Dan uaker, and westward by Third street aforesaid, [which said Hot or piece of ground above described is part and parcel of a certain larger lot of ground thirty feet front and one hundred and ninety tbet deep, which Catharine • Dannaker, by indenture dated, the thirtieth day .Of No vember, Ann° Domini Ifel, recorded in Deed Book A. M. No.IB, page 642, &c., granted and conveyed unto the said Christian A. Dannaker in fee, subject nevertheless, the whole of the said large lot, to a yearly ground rent of seven pounds ten shillings, current money of Pennsylva nia, payable unto John Shallcroitt, his heirs, and assigns, • forever,] will attend to the duties of his appointment. on TUESDAY, December 30, 1862, at' , l o'clock P. M., at his office, No. 220 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, when and where all persons interested in said fund are required to present their claims, or be debarred from craning in upon the same. "'" ' . JAMES W. PAUL, Auditor. Philadelphia, December 15, 1862. del7-10t* LEONARD CULP, AND ROSINA, -a-a his wife, in right of the said Rostrut,• who was as signee of WH.LIAIif MANN'S; and ROSINA, his wife, in right of the said Boehm R , vs. HENRY PAKSR, WIL LIAM RICHARDSON, Jr. and PETER GRANS, with notice to LUTHER C. EDAIIIII.US. In.the District Court for the City and County of Phila delphia. Lev. Facies. Sept. Term, 1882. Nos. 438, 439. The auditor appointed to distribute the fund in Court raised by the sale of the following described real estate, sold by the sheriff, by virtua.of the writs above men tioned, will meet the parties interested in said fund, for the purposes of his appoihitmeat,..on TUESDAY, the 23d. of December, 1E62, at his office, No. 252 South THIRD Street, at 11 o'clock A. M. • No. . All ' that certain lot or pleee'of ground, with the' two three-story brick memuages or tenements thereon. erected, begmning at' the northwest corner of Fourth street and Worth- street, in the First ward of the city of Philadelphia, thence extending northward in front or breadth on the said Fourth Street thirty-two feet, and thence eitending of that width .in length or depth west ward along the said Worth street,tind between parallel, lines at right angles with said Reurth-etroersixty reet to an alley three feet seven and;st quafter inches wide and thirty-two feet in depth, leading to and from said. Worth street, (which said lot piece of ground Peter Grans and. wife, by indenture dated the twenty-sixth day of Janu ary, A.D. 1854, recorded in Deed Hook T. 11., N 0.125, page 302, &c. „eranted and conveyed unto the said Henri , Parker and 'William Richardson, -Jr.:, in fee, in equal moieties, as tenants in common, reserving.thereont.a cer tain yearly ground rent or sum, bf sixty-four dollars, payable as therein mentioned; wlikh - yearly ground rent the suid.Peter emus and wife, by deed-poll hearing date the third day of May, A. D. 18.5), recorded in Deed Book R. D. 18;page 491, &C.,-released and extinguished unto the said Henry Parker. and. William Richardson, Jr., their heirs and assigns,) together with the free use and privilege of said alley, and the right to introduce water pipe under the same. No. 1-hbove described is to be sold as follows: . . No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground, 'with the three-story brick mesimageor tenement, with frame bath house and verandah, thereon erected, beginning at the northwest corner of Fourth street, and Worth street, in the First ward of the City of Philadelphia, thence ex tending northward, in front or breadth on the said Fourth street sixteen feet, and thence extending of that width iu length or depth westward along the said Worth street, between parallel lines, at right angles with the said Fourth'street, sixty feet to an alley, three feet seven and a quarter inches wide, and thirty-tWefeet in depth, leading into and from the said Worth street, together with privilege of said alley as aforesaid. No. 2. All that certain lot• or• piece of ground, with the three-story brick utessuage or tenement , with frame bath house and verandah thereon erected, situated on the west side of Fourth street; at the distance of sixteen feet northward from the north side of:Worth street, in the First ward of tho city of Phitadi3lphia, containing in front or breadth ,'on the said"Feutth- street, sixteen feet, and extending of that width .in length or depth west ward, along the north Side of the lot last above de scribed, and between 'parallel lines, at 'right angles, ith said Fourth street, sixty feet to an alley, throe* feet seven and a quarter inches. wide, and thirty-two feet in depth, leading into and froni.said Worth street, together with the privilege of said alley as aforesaid. No. 2. All that certain messuage .or tenement, and lot or-piece of ground, situate on the , eouth aide of Reed street, at the distance of one hundred :and. sixty-seven feet five inches eastward from the east side 'of Fourth street, In the First ward aforesaid, containing in front or breadth, on the said Reed street, eighteen feet, (including, the one-half of an alley two feet six inches in width, and thirty-live feet in depth, laid-out by . Benjamin Jones,. Jr., for the use of this and the adjoining lotto • the west rd,) and extending in length or depth southward, be tween lines parallel with the said -Fourth street, on' the . east line thereof, one hundred and four feet four and five eighths inches, and on the west line thereof one hundred -feet ten and one-half inches. BoUnded northward by the sate -need. street, eastward by ground now 'or late of Robert Clark, and southward and westward by ground now or• lute of Benjamin Jonas, Jr:, (being the same lot a ground which William Clark and Eliza A., his wife, by indenture dated the June, A. D.. 1356, in tentliel to be recorded, granted and conveyed •unto the said Henry Parker in tee ; subject to the restriction that on no part of the said lot or piece of ground should be erected or placed any court house or frame _buildings, slaughter houses, bone, glue; or otherwise objectionable factories or buildings of any offensive ..or detrimental character; and subject, also, tb•the restriction that any building or buildings erected on the said lot should be thirty-three feet iu height, and, should have marble . ashen, water tables, heads, and sills, reserving thereout the yearly ground rent of forty-fife dollars, payable as' therein mentioned,) together with the free use and. .-privilege of said alley. - _ No. 3: All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Federal street, a.te the' .distance of one hundred and thirty-four feet westward from the west side of Alexander street (new Twenty-sixth street), in the First ward aforesaid, containing in front or breadth. on the said Federal street one hundred and • sixty foot, and extending of that width in length or depth north ward, between lines parallel with 'said Alexander (now Twenty-sixth) street, seventy-six feet to Deshong street. No. 4. All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate in the First ward aforesaid, beginning at the northeast corner of Washington (now Ellsworth) street and Hamp ton (now Twenty-seventh) street, thence extending northward along the east side of the said Hampton (now Twenty-seventh) street ninety-seven feet to a point, thence northeastward ninety-seven feet six inches, more or less, to the middle of Buck road, or lane, thence south eastward along the middle of said .Buck road or lane, three hundred and eighty-seven feet, thence southward sixteen feet to the north side of the said Washington (now Ellsworth) street and thence westward along the. , north side of the said Washington (now Ellsworth) street three hundred and ninety-six &et to the lace of begin ning. (The lots of ground, 3d and 4th, above described being parts of a tract of land which William Haunts and wife, aters, by indenture dated.the ath day ofity, A. D. DM, recorded in Deed Book "R.1).-W., No. 20„ page 371,&c., granted and conveyed - nate • the said William Richardson, Jr., in fee.) N. B.—The messuage or tenement No. 2 on Reed street is a three-story brick dwelling, with two-story briCk double back buildings. --N. B.—fdr. Crane has parted with all Interest in the mortgaged- premises, after having first; paid,'in DM, his proportion of the mortgage debt. _ All persons are required to. make their claims before the Auditor at the time and place above appointed, or be debarred from coming in upon said fund. • del2-lOt CHARLES GIBBONS, Auditor, sG inn:Et SAFE _. , DEPOT _ MOVED to No. 21 South SEVENTH - Street, near e ' ranklin Inetitute. , - • . . _ . The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and being determined to merit future patronage, has secured an elegant and convenient store, and has ,now on band a largo assortment of Lillie's Celebrated -Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes (the only strictly fire and burglar proof sates made). Also, Lillie's Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be furnished to order on short notice. This is the strongest, best pro tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is called . to Lillie's New Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, &c. This Safe is con ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet offered for this purpose, and is the only one that is strictly fire and burglar proof. SPxoesz. Ilorrcs.—l have noW on hand say twenty of Farrel, Herring, .sr. Co.'s Safes, mosof them nearly new. and some forty of other makers, comprising a complete assortment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged for the now celebrated Lillie Safe. • They will be sold at ver7 low prices. Please call sad examine. • isarOvit , 'C. SADLER. Agent, MA 031E11E1. 4 . Kpoirtsrd.; - . gitAA. 2;500 Bbls Mass. Nos. I,i, and 8 MackereLlateetinitht fat fish, in assorted packages. 2,000 Bbls. New Eastport; ortuhe Bay, and Halifax Herrin g . ,soo ioxes Lubec, Scaled, and No. 1 Herring. 160 Bbls. new Mess Sbad. 250 Boxes Herkimer County Cheese, ato. In store and for sale by ' • MIIIIPIET-tk ROOM: Jal4-tf • No. 146 North WBAB VE & 46 LUCIFER" OIG . VORY.S. -100 bble. "Lneiter"-Bigrning 011 on hand. • We guarantee the Oil to Ninon-explosive, to burn all the oil in the lamp with ,a ateady, brilliant game, with out crusting the wick , and but slowly. Barrels lined with glass enamel. WRIGHT, SMITH, & PEARSALL, fe2l.4f . . Office. 515 MARKET. Street- ATOTTICOIL-L492 BASKETS LA torir Oliva Oil,ittst received per ship Vandalic, from Bordeaux; for sale by JAIIRETOBB 8: LAVERONX an2a.t.r . ' ' 9101 and 204 Sontb FRONT Street. FRENCH MUSTARD.-PURREY BIARNE'S Imported Mustard, for sale in store and to arrive, by the sole agent, , - • , CHARLES S. CARSTAIR.S, ode No. 12ft WALNITT Street. p A RED.;. PE:AbiIBIEW- 3,000 LBS. P cbolie Kew Fired , reeettee;.tlivhtte bags, for sale by r RHODES & WILLIAMS,. • dell • No. 107 South WATER Street. LEGAL. SALES. SHERIFF'S. SALE.-BY VIRTUE ,OF awrit of.Venditioni gxponatt, to me directed, will be exposed •topublic sate or rentint., UU BLOND-kV Evening, January 14 at'4 o'clock. at Sansomstreet Hall, All that certain frame inessuage or tenement. and lot or piece of ground, situate on the west side of B inch street, at the distance of two hundred and fifty feet south ward from Mitten street, in the Sixteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia, formerly the district of Kensington, containing in front, on said Beach street. ssyenteen feet, more or less, and extending in length or depth westward according to a recent survey on the northerly line there- Of. One hundred and sixty-one feet a nkthree quarters of an incl. a n d (at the.southerly line thereof one hundred and eightyttwo feet:more 'or less, to'Cohooksink creek: Bounded 'on' the - east' by' said 'Beach' street, on the westkiy Coliockaink creek, on the north by Shepherd's land. end on the south by other property now;or late of the said' Israel E. James. (Heingtho nine promises width Jacob Miles and George BOHR, surviving,s of John Sexton, deceased, by indenture dated the'six teenth day of July, annti Domini one thousand eight bnnitilid . snd fifty - six. arid recorded in decd book R. D. W., No. ,G, page 5.12, &c., granted and conveyed unto: the said Israel E. James in fee.) . • 11. It.lliejudgmonton whiCh tilts execution is issued is on warrant of attorney accompanying a bond which is secured by a mortgage on the above-described premises, (inter :Ilia.) recorded' in Mortgage. book R. D. W., No 76, page(i, etC. Soized'and taken in execution as the property of Israel . James, and to be sold by - JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 12.1663. CD. C.. D. 331; '62.) Debt, $2,402.W. J. P. Montgomery. sHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF 11 / 4 - 1 a writ of VenditiOnt Rxporias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne. on MONDAY Eve ning, January 6, 1663;-at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-at reet All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the southeasterly corner of William street and the Trenton railroad, in the late district of Richmond. (now the Nine teenth ward of the city of Philadelphia,/ containing in front or breadth on the said William street fifteen feet eleven Mello, and five-eighths of au inch, and extending southwestwerdly fifty-one feet one inch and three eighths of an inch on themorthwesterly line thereof, and ' fitty-one feet one inch on the southeasterly line thereof.-r Bounded northwestwardly by the said Trenton railroad, sonthwestwardly and southeastwardly by other ground of the said William S. Thompson, and northeasttvardly :by William street aforesaid; (being part of a larger lot of ground which Sainnel Inman and wife, by deed dated the tenth day of June, anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty- six, intended to be forthwith recorded, did rant and convey unto the sal d William S."Thotnp . •son in fee;) with' the three-story • brick dwelling house thereon erected. Seized' and taken in: execution aS the property of Charlehrtennett, and to be sold by : JOHII THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff office. December 23.1861 • CD. C.. 407; D., 62.] Debt, $277,E3.. Gerhard. de2:3•St SsIIERIFF'S SAL - E.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of 2d Plur Venditioni Ex - porms, to me directc-d. will be exposed to public sale or . vendne, on MONDAY Evening, 'Jnaillary' 5; 14463, at '4 u. clock, et Ransom-street All thateertain lot or piece of ground, with the three storied brick dwelling house thereon erected, situate on the west side of Eighth street, at the distance of ninety feet southward from Locust street, in tile city of Phila delphia ; containing in breadth on said Eighth street twenty-two feet and six inches, and. extending In depth westward one hundred feet. to a ten feet wide alley lead, ing into and from the said. Locust street, and commu ni eating with another alley nine fent wide extending into Blackberry. alley. Bounded northward and southward by other •property formerly owned by-George C. Ly brand, westward by said ten-feet wide alloy, and east ward by Eighth street aforesaid. [Being the same tot of Found which Alexander Henry and Sarah hie wife, by indenture. dated the. seventh day of. July, nano Domini one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, and recorded in the office for recording . deeds, Ste...for the City and County of Philadelphia, in Deed Book iii. It., No. 3, page 217, &c., granted and convoyed auto George C. Lybraad in fee, reserving thereont the yearly rent of one hundred and eighty dollars.) • N.J3.4ty an order,of;Conrf the.purelieser it required to pity to-the Sheriff at the time" of the sale the sum of five hundred dollars. Seized and taken in execution as nip propeity of George C. Iptirand;aud to be sattby. ' .• ' .TOIIN IrliOgPiON, Sheriff. • 'Philadelphia; Sheriff's Office, December 23 ISi2.• [D. C., 464 ;- D., V3.] 'Debt; W 83439. Janice W. Paul. 1 RHEROF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE' OF writ of.Levari Facies, to nio directed, will be ex posed to public sale or ',endue; on MONDAY , Eyoning, Janitors R, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sanrom-street flail, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the south side of Wood street and west side of Mechanic street, in the Nineteenth ward of the said city, contain ing in front or breadth on the said. Wood.street thirty two feet, and extending in length or depth southward be tween lines parallel with and. along said Mechanic street sixty-two feet. N: B.—Tho writ. by virtue of which the aboVe property Will be Sold, has been issued on a judgment obtained. in the case of the city of Philadelphia vs. David Arms mug, owner, or reputed owner, - in the Court of Common Pleas .of Philadelplda, of 'Juno term 1858, No. , 723. for wo,k done'in front of said lot, to wit': for water-pipe laid In front of said lot. - - Seized and taken in execution as the property of David Armstrong, and to be sold by JOHTHOPN Philadelphia Sheriff ' s 01)1C(1, December SO , Sheriff. CC. P., ; D., 62.3 Dobt, ti 631,60. I,ex: de.9.3.3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Loynd Yachts, to7mo directed, will . be exposed to public sale or vendue; 'on MOisiDAY Evening, January 5, 1863,;at 4 o'clock, at Sansom.street Hall, - All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the two story brick messuago or tenement thereon erected, situ -ate on the south side of a certain:sixteen-feet-wide alley called Carter's. alley, containing in breadth on the said alley sixteen feet, and In length forty-eight feet. Bound-' ..ed eastward by Christopher ?darshall's lot, southward by a lot late of Samuel Pemilerton, deceased, and now or late of James Pemilerten, westward by Samuel Lewis! lot, and northward by Carters' (Being the same 'premises which George Magee, Fool., then High Sheriff of the City and County of Philadelphia. by indentnre-bear ing date the third day of May, alum Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, recorded in deed Book of the "said Sheriff No. 2 and 2, page 234.) ' Seized and taken in execution as the property of Henry Robinson itild.ran Robinson, his trite, and to be sold by .TOIIN TIIOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Decembdrl6,lB62. [D. C., 417; D., '62.] Debt, $2,176.96. B. A. Lesley. de...Ma SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY - VIRTUE F a:Wilt of. Levari Midair, to _me lirected, f will -tni ex- Med to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, . January 5, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, • - All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the build ingsand Improvements thereon erected; situate in the city of Philadelphia, on the north side of Dauphin street, at the distance of eighty-eight feet west of the Philadel phia and Trenton Railroad, laid out as a street eighty feet in width; containing in front on the said Dauphin street eighteen feet, and extending of that width in depth at right angles with said Dauphin street, one hun dred feet to a twenty feet-wide-street called "Clyner street." Bounded on the north by said ClYner street, on the south by said Dauphin street, on the east a lot' of ground granted to Thomas Morrison on ground rent, and on the west by ground now. or late of James McCrodden. [Being the same premises which the said Michael Price, and Ann, his. wife, by indenture bearing date the first day of-October, one thousand eight hundred and-flfty seven, duly executed and intended to be recorded, granted and conveyed unto the said Thomas W. Dallas, in fee, snbiect to a ground rent of eighteen dollars, pay able half-yearly ou the first. of March and September, unto Henry Norris, his heirs nod assigns.) N. B.—On the above promises are erected a-two-story brick and a three-story brick dwelling lionise. ,4 .:.__no;,..-,,..a. :.4keu-su-oxecntion--as the property of Thomas W. Dallas, and to be sold hy • , JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. ' Philadelphia, Sheriff's o . lfice, December 12, 186 - • - [D. C., 454; D:,'6>.] Debt, 542235. HeYer. de23-3t • SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF k a writ of AliaiLevari Facial, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eventing, January 5,1861, at 4 o'clock, at St mom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground. with the three-- story double brick house and improvements thereon erected, situate on the south side of Smith street, iii the late, district of Moyamenairig, now • in . the First ward of the city of Philadelphia, atthe distance - oftwo hundred and two feet mot from the east side of Schuylkill Fourth street, containing in front on said South street seventeen feet, and in length or depth to Bedford street one hundred and twenty-live feet. Sounded'on the east by ground late of Manz ah Parker, on the south by said Bedford street, on the wed by ground now or late of James, George W. and John Page, and on the north by South street aforesaid. Being the same premises which James Page et al., by indenture bearing (late April 16. "one thousand eight hundred- and fifty-three, recorded in the office for recording . deeds; kc., at Philadelphia, in deed book T. 11., No. 104, page 91; &c:, granted and con veyed'unto the said William Thompson in fee, reserving .-thereont a certain yearly ground- rent or antis of sixty eight dollars, payable half-yearly on- the first dayeif the months of May and November in every year thereafter forever. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Wil liam Thompson, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia; Sheriff's Office, December 12,1863 1 . [D. C., 452;D., '62.] Debt; 81,123.00. Ifeyer, de3 .REERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE - OF N - 1 a writ of Levert Facial, to Me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or 'Fondue, on MONDAY Evening, JllllllO ry 5,1363, al4 o ' clock , at Eansom-street AD that certain three-story brick messnage or tenement and-lot or piece of ground situate on the south side of Wallace street, and west side of Seventeenth street, in* the Fifteenth Ward of the City of Philadelphia aforesaid, containing-in front or breadth on the said Wallace street twenty feet, and extending in length or depth southward of that width' along, the west side of Seventeenth street, seventy-three feet to a three feet five inches wide alley. • Bounded northward by said 'Wallace street, eastward by -said Seventeenth street, southward by the said three foot . five inch& wide alley, and westward by ground granted to Edward E. Wallace; [Which lot or:piece of ground the said John Baird and Matilda-his wife by indentmo bearingdttte the hventy-second day of June, Atuto Domini ono thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book A.D. 8., No. :30, page 70, Ate,. granted and conveyed unto the said Isaac E. fillem in fee; reserving thereout unto him the the said John-Baird, his heirs and assigns, a yearly.gronnd rent or sum of one hundred and twelve dollars, in equal half-yearly pay 'meets as 'therein mentioned, and the said Joint Baird and' Matilda his wife byindeuture endorsed upon the . counterpart of the said recited indenture bearing date the twenty-fifth 'day of March, last past, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine (18i9,) intended -to be therewith recorded, granted, assigned, released and extinguished, the said yearly ground rent of one hundred and twelve doltari, ($112) unto the said Isaac E. Slim, pill heirs and assigns forever.) Seized and taken in execution as the property of Isaac E. Bliem, and to be sold by • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 20, 1862. [D. C:, 426; IL, '62.) Debt, $ 3,844.17. Brinckle. • det:3t SILERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ Of Levaii Facies, to mii• directed; will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, January 5,190.3, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom=st rent Hall, All that'certain four-story brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground thereuuto belonging, situate on the north side of Pine street, at the distance of fifty-four feet eastward from.,the east side of streets, in str city e lween Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets, in theof Philadelphia aforesaid, containing in front or breadth on the said Piro; street eighteen feet, and extendinglin length or depth north Ward between lines parallel with Fill more street one hundred and thirty feet to a pussage way . or outlet twenty feet in width leading into Fillmore street. Bounded on the south by Piue street, on the east by a messuage and lot granted by William J. Johnson and wife to Gideon F. Jones, on the west by a messuage -and ,lot now or late belonging- to the _ said William J. — Johnson, - end on the north by the above-m entionedpas age way or outlet.' [Being the: seine premiseswhich -William J. Johnson and wife, by indenture dated-the- twenty-first day of October, Ammo •Doinini• eighteen hun dred end fifty-three, recorded at Philadelphia in Deed Book T. 11., No. 103, page 2" 3, Sm., granted and conveyed unto the said Lemuel S.-Fithian in fee, subject to the pay ment of ti.mortme debt of four thousand six hundred dollars therein mentioned, which is to be paid oft' with pan of the moneys 'hereby secured and satisfied forth with.) - -Together with •the free use, benefit, and privi lege-of the said' passage way or outlet twenty feet in width leading into. Fillmore street at all times forever, in common with the owners and occupants of other lots *bounding thereon. ; , Sized and taken in execution as the property of Le tituel S: Fithian, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff: ',Philadelphia, Sheriff's Ottice,-:December 20.1068. TD. - C.:4•58; IE; '62.3 Debt; $5,290.83: :Gerhard. de2B-3t 7 - gIIERIFF'S - SASE.Iz;BY!. - V.IRTUE . :OF . a , Vrit -Levitril'acitte, toy me directed, will be. exposed - to public sale or vendue, ott-MONDAY-Eve ning, Janunry..q, isord, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street . All that certani-twostorY brick-messitage or •tenement and lot or piece of gronnd, situate on.the north-side of • Lombard street, at the distance of seventy-nine feet six Inches eastward of Eleventh street, in the said city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on the said Lombard street lifteerrfeet six inches, and extending in length or depth northward sixtv-tive feet six inches. Bounded on the south by the said Lombard street: on the west by another rummage and lot of the said Anthony 0. Quervello; on the north .brf ground now or late of. Henry R. Garr; and on thweast by ground now or late of —Tustin: [Being the easternmost of two contiguous messmsges and lots of ground which William Morton of Moyamensing, home-carpenter , by 'indenture . bear i ng -date • the eighth day of July,-.'A. D ono thousand eight hundred and thirty-four, recorded In Deed Book A. M. No. 74, page !M, &c., granted and conveyed unto the sai d Anthony. 0 Quervelle, his heirs and assigns, fOreirer,7 ' subject to the payment of three thousand dollars mind-. pal moneys, aproportionable part of a certain mortgage of. four thousand live- hundred dollars therein mentioned, -‘ which said mortgage bath- Since - been discharged and satisfied upon the record, as in and by the said above re-' cited indenture and indenture of mortgage, relation being, thereto had; may-more fully and at largAntmear.] ' Together with' the free and common - use, rigHt:' liberty, and Privilege of a certain three-feet-wide alley leading westward from the tear end of the above described lo t into :thesaid Eleventh 'street, as :a way, passage and watercourse into and from the said Eleventh street, in • common with the - said • William Morton,' his heirs - and assigns, the owners, tenants, and occupiers'of the ground adjoining the same. belzcd and taken In execution as the property orAn-• thony Quervellei deceased ands to be sold by •=. • • • •. - JO tiN. THOMPSON, Sheriff. Sheriff's Pifice,'De6ember 22, BE. - CD. 0.. 9, 1 0; D., '62.] Debt, 81,607.50. Wurrluer.-- don.% SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF. a Writ of tevari Faciati,' to me &eked, Will be' ex...., posed to public sale or vendue,nn MONDAY Evening, January 13, 1663, at 4 o'clock at Sansometreet . • All tha certain lot or - p i ece of ground' situate on the northeasterly side of Amber street, in :the Nineteenth ward of the said city, at the distance of two hundred and setenty4tve. feet sonthwestwardly. from, Wood street,. containing in front on sold Amber street' forty-eight feet, 'and in length or depth at right angles with said Amber. strebt ane'hundred sod forty tbet; to Emma . street.• , N.ll.—'rho writ by.virtue of which the above property Will be sold. bus 'veil issued on a judgment obtained in the case of The City of Philadelphia N'tr. John Harris,' owner or reputed • o wner, in the (Ana of Common Pleas of. Philadelphia, of March term. ISIS. O. MO, for work done in front of said lot, to wit: for water pipe laid in .front of said lot.•. - • . Seized and taken in execution as the property of John °Harris, and to be sold by.• . • . . .JOHN.THOMPSON. Sheriff. • • .1 4 111alleinbia. Sbertirs Office. December 20, (C. ISP; D.'62., Debt, 111.0.32... Lex. - th,23.3; SHERIFF'S SALES. sITERIFFS SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF K./ a writ of boyar! Facial: to cnedireeted, will be ex posed to public sale. or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. Jangary 6, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at SansOm•strt;ot All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on, the northeast-corner of •Eighteetith and Christian streets, containing-in front on Eighteenth - street fifty feet, and extending in depth along the north side of the said Christian street one hundredfect ; bounded on the north . . • by ground of D. Williamson, on the east by other ground of John Long, on the south by the said Christian street, on the west by the said Eighteenth street.. . - N. B. The writ by virtue of which the above property will ho sold has been issued on a-judgment -obtained in the case of the city of Philadelphia vs. John Long, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Phila delphia, of .Tune Terni;l666, No. 666 foe work done in front of said lot, to wit: for paving tone in front of said - lot.. • 13eizi41 and taken In execution as the property of John Long, and to be soul by • - JOHN THOMPSON. Sherif.. - Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December V.. (C..P..14.71; '62.3 Debt. Cal Lex. deren' • ,}3E111.111;"S SALE.-BY YIItT LIE OF it writ of Levari Yachts, to me directed, will he ex posed topublic sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening. January lii,l9A at 4 o'clock. at tin nsom-street All that certain lot or piece of ground. situate on the south side of Wood street, west side of Washington street, and, cast side of Bodine street, in the Nineteenth ward of the said city . • containing in front or breadth on said Wood street one hnudred and fifteen feet six i ache's. and extending in length or depth southward along the said west side of 'Washington street. and the said east side of Bodine street, five hundred and thirty feet to the _north side of Diamond street. • N. B.—TN: writ by virtue of which the above property bo sold has been•issued on a judgment obtained in the ease of the 'city of Philadelphia vs. Andrew Zane, owner : or reputed owner; in the Court of!Common Pims of Philadelphia, of June term, 1&8, No. 730. for work done in front of skid lot, to wit: for writer-Pipe laid in front of 6aid lot. • Seized and token •in execution as the property of An drew Znneolnd to be sold by 7- • - • • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. • Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, December 20,1802. D:.•'62,.) Debt. $114.12. Lox. • &Mat. SHERIFF'S Si LE.L-13 - T . VIRTITE OF r•-• a writ of Levert Facias, to me directed. will he ex posed to Public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, January 5, MG% at 4 o'clock, et So nsom-street Hall, • All that Certain lot or piece of ground situate on the northerly side of Brinton street. In the Second-ward, city of Philadelphia, (tho said Winton street is a twenty-fl ve feet-wide street, laid out at the distance of one hundred and forty feet northward from Carpenter street, and ex tenclizm in depth eastward from Eighth street, parallel with Carpenter street, one hundred and ninety-eight feet to Nowbold's estate.) beginning at the distance of one hundred and forty-four feet eastward from the east side of Eighth street, and containing in front or breadth on the north side of said Brinton street tWonty-four feet, and extending inlength or depth northward [law width, pa rallel with Eighth street, about forty-three feet to tho south sift Of Marriott's lane; hounded eastward by pro perty of Father Mariani, west by ground of Father Me rlotti, and south by Brinton street. N. B.—The writ by virtue of which the above property will be sold has been iesned on a judgment obtained in the MC of The City of Philadelphia vs. C. 11. Brinton, owner or reputed owner, in the Court of Common rleas of. Pliffadelphia, of June Term, MS. No. 599, for work done in front of said lot, to wit: for water pipe tail. in front of said lot. . Seized and taken in execution as the property of G. H Brinton, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. idelphis, Sheriff's Office. December 20, 1262. [C. P.,141; D., '62.] I)ebt, $21.00. Lex. de2l.3t SHERIFF'S SALE.- . ---BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Facial, to me directed. Wilt be ex posed to public sale or rename, on MONDAY evening, Ja nuary r,,1863. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Poll street, at the distance of thirty-two feet westward from the west side of Crubb street, between Thissynnk road and Seventh street in the city" of Philadelphia, containing iu front on Wall street sixteen feet, and extending of that width in depths northward fifty-three- feet six inches. Bounded westward by ground now or late ofillenrietta G. Flower, northward and eastward by ground now or hoc of Joh u Mnlson, and south weld by Will street. Cl3oing the same premises which 'John Mulson. nd•Wife,• by indenture dated the eighth day of May, one thousand eight _hun dred and fifty, and recorded iii :Deed Book G. W. C., No. 46 page 232, Szo., granted unto David Shetzline in fee, and which. David Shetzlitto et ux, by indenture dated Novem ber twenty-second, one thousand eight hundred and ty-oigli t; and intended to be recorded :tad conveyed unto Frederica Elizabeth Schill in feei 'Seized and taken in execution as the property of Charles Schill and Frederica Elizabeth Schill his and to ho sold by • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. 'Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December 12,1863. CP. 453: D, '62.) Debt, $1,614. • Heyer. SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ •of Levarl Facial, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale r vestdue, on MONDAY Evening, January 5,15413, at 4 o 'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the south side. of Watkins street, beginning at the distance of one hundred and sixty feet three incites eastward from the east side of Fifth street, in the First want of the city of Philadelphia: contitining in front or breadth on said Watkins street fi fteen feet even inches, and extending southward of that width fifty-nino feet nine inches. Bounded westward by ground of Peter Keiser, south ward by other ground of said J. M. Schutt, ea-'twardly by ground of .Toltir,Schultz, and northward by 'Watkins street aforesaid. N. B.—The writ by virtue of which the above property will be sold has been issued on a judgment obtained in the case of- thc.City of Philadelphia vs. J. M. Sault:, owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of June term, IE4B,- No. 71.9, for work done in front of said lot, to wit : for water-pipe laid in front of said lot. Seized and taken in execution as the property of J. 31 Schultz, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, December P 2, MU • (C. P.,14i ; D., MI7 Debt, $15.70. Les. de?.'.3-3t p,,HERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, `vitt be ex posed to public sale or vondue, on MONDAY Evening, January 5, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece otground situate on the south side of Brown street, in that .part of the city of Philadelphia late the District of Spring Garden, at the dista nee of two hundred and thirty-five feet eight inches Westward from the west 'side of Sixteenth street, con taining in .front or breadth on said Sixteenth street eighteen feet, and extending of that width southward between' lines parallel with said Sixteenth street in length or depth eighty feet. Bounded northward by the said Brown strut, eastward by ground granted to the said Robert 11. Wilson on ground read, southward by ground 'granted to Charles Jones on ground rent,itud westward by ground - granted to said Robert H. Wilson, in tee. (Being the same lot or piece of ground which Ethelbert A. Mar shall by Indenture bearing date the twelfth day of July, unlit . ); Domini one thousitud eight hundred and fifty-tive, granted and convoyed unto the said Robert H. Wilson, in fee.] Seized and taken in execution as he property of Hobert H. 'Wilson, and to be sold by JOHN THOIIIPSON, Sheriff. • Philadelphia Sheriff's. Office, December 20, 1861 CD. C., 466; D.,;62.) Debt, $2;169 60. Millette. de`23-3t p,HERIFF'S S.A_LE.-.RY :VIRTUE .OF. kJ a writ of Levari Fatima, to inc directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, January 5; ]BG.3, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain three-story messnage or tenement, and lot or piece of ground, situate on the east side of Blockley avenue, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Phila delphia, at tha distance of one hundred and fifty that Southward fronftne-sonts.-.4.lniltou street ; con taining in front or breadth on said Blacietvy.avenue nrty— feet, and extending in length or depth eastward; between lines parallel with Hamilton street, two-hundred and twenty-five feet to a fifty-feet-Wide street. [Being the same•promises Sinter alia) which. the said-" The Asfio elated Butchers and Drovers of Philadelphia . ," by inden-. tine bearing even date with a certain'indenture of mort gage, viz: March tenth, one thousand eight hundred, and fifty-seVeff,but duly executed and acknowledged prior to the =execution of said indenture and be there With recorded, granted and conveyed unto the said Robert Hutchinson in fee, for the consideration therein mentioned, a portion whereof was intended to bo thereby secured, under and subject to the restriction and agree ment that no soap or candle factory, skin-dressing esta blishment; dye-house, slaughter-house; lamp-black fac tory, or bone-boiling establishment should be erected on the said lot of ground.] . Seized and taken in execution as the property of Re- . belt Hutchinson, and to be sold by JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia„Sheriff's °thee, December [D. C., SS); 1)., 62.] Debt, GOO. J. R Townsend. de23-3t- PROPOSALS. DEPUTY; QUARTERMASTER GENE. RAL'S OFFICE, • PHILADELPHIA, 19th Decejnber, 1862. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until WEDNESDAY, 24th instant, at 12* o'clock M., for the delivery in this city, on or before the 15th day of lanuary,lB63, of the following articles, viz. Ten 'thousand feet 3%-inch Ash or Hickory. 'Ten thousand feet 3-inch Ash or Hickory. Ten thousand feet 2%-inch Ash or Hickory. Twenty thousand feet 2-inch" Ash or Hickory. Twenty thousand feet lY s .inch Ash or Hickory. One hundred and fifty Horse Collars, 18-inch. Two hundred and fifty Horse Collars, 13. inch. Four hundred Hofse Collars, 20-inch- One hundred and fifty Horse Collars, 21-Inch. - Fifty.liorse Collars, 22-inch. Two thousand sides Bridle Leather, best quality, "Oak- , tanned." (Price per foot.) Two. thousand five hundred sides Harness Leather,. best quality " Oak-tanued." (Price per pound.) Five hundred sides " Oil-tanned" Leather. (Price per pound.) . Two hundred and fifty Buckskins, to be of best quality, no skin weighing loss than ono pound. (Price per pound.) Five hundred Blacksmith's Aprons. (Sample re quired.) . •Ono hundred sets Shoeing Tools complete. Bidders will state the difference in price between the Ash and Hickory Lumber, All of the above articles to be of the best quality of their several kinds, and subject to inspection. The. right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. G. R. CROSAIAN, dea)--it - • • - Deputy Quartermaster General. DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENE RAL'S OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, 18th December,lS62, PROPOSALS will be received at this office until TUES DAY, 23d inst., at 12 o'clock M., for the delivery in this oity of two hundred two-horse Ambulances, complete, "Wheeling pattern." The whole to be completed and ready for delivery on or before the 15th January, The Ambulances to be made according to the sPeeitlea tions for the same to be seen in this office. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. A. BOYD, delft-4t Captain and A. Q. M. SEALED. PROPOSALS ..ARE IN VITED until the 29th day of DECEMBER, 186'2, for furnishing the Subsistence Department at Washington, D. C., 'with 400 tons of HAY, in bales. The first delivery to be commenced on or about the 6th day of JANUARY, 1963, and the whole quantity put in within thirty days from the first delivery. The Hay to be delivered at Sixth-street wharf, and to be weighed and inspected. Bidders must state in their bids the price per 100 pounds at which they will furnish the Hay. • Firms making bids must state the names of all the parties interested. Payments to be made in certificates of indebtedness, or such funds as Government may have for distribution. Bids to be directed to Col. A. BECKWITH, A. D. C. and C. 8..17. S. A.. Washington. D. C., and endorsed 'Proposals fer • . del.s-tit9 DEPUTY •QUARTERMASTER GRINE RAL'S OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 11, 1862. PROPOSALS .will be received at this office until 'TUESDAY._ `Md instant, at 12 o'irlocklif.,. for, the burial of all the soldiers who may die at any of the following United States Military Hospitals, from the let of January to theist of October, 1863: Hospital at 6th and Master streets. Philadelphia. Do. at 4th and George streets, do. Do. at 22d and Wood streets, do. Do. at 6th and Buttonwood streets, do. . Do. at 12th and Buttonwood streets, do. Do. at 16th and Filbert streets. do. Do. at 24th and South streets. do. Do. at 10th and Christian streets, do. Do. at 20th and Norris streets, do. Do. at Broad and Cherry streets, do. Do. •on Race t below Sixth street. do. Do. at liaddington. • Do. at Chester. Do. at West Philadelphia- Do. at liestonville. • Do. at Germantown, • Do. at Islington Lane. Hospitals in process of erection at Chestnut Hill, and that about bhing erected on "Logan Estate," Germantown avenue; together with any Hospitals.-which may be erected within the city limits within the time specified. Proposals must include the Coffin, conveyance of the body, cemetery charges, digging of grave, setting up and • lettering of a hoed-board over each grave (head-hoards will be furnished by the Quartermaster's Deparment),and all-other indidental expenses connected therewith. Cof • - fins to be well made, of good seasoned planed pine, not less than seven-eighth inch thick. Contractor must be • at all times prepared, when notified to give prompt at tention to burial of soldiers . The right is reserved to re- • lest all bids deemed too high. - A. BOYD, delS-Ut - Captain and A. Q. 3L HOTELS. • • • • • • IPtRA-NDREVII: HOUSE, • . . -L" Corner of BROADWAY, CANAL, and LII3PENARD STREETS, NEW YORN. ‘•CONDUCTED ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. The above Hotel is located in the most central part of Broadway, and can be reached by omnibus or city cars, from all the steamboat landings and railroad depots - The rooms are elegantly furnished. Many of them are constructed in suits of communicating parlors and cham bers, sultable for families and parties travelling together. Meals served at all hours. Single Rooms from 80 cents to $1 per day. -Double Rooms from OM to $2.60 per day. deSSm JOS. CURTIS Et CO. prrtsSONS' - IN-WA:I4 . .T - OF -BRIT.AI4I - or STEW PLATED WARE can.lnd a aape dor orAcle at • . • • WM. VAN. DYKE'S, -633 AECH Stre et. n 093-1.02 Philadelphia 11 , :13LAXISTON;:lio.‘. 221 SO,II.TH N-A-• WATER Street, Philadelphia. GoininissioilDialer hi Ohio and BROODS OMR, HANDLES, WIRE. TWINE. die. • . • • . ' 0011-am• •• " - I4 1 :10ilio.-7700.:CASES ASSORTED LIQUEURS; just received per ship Yam:Ulla..from Bordeaux. and for mie JARRTCRE & LATERois, set 209 i and 204 Borah FRONT Street. . MARSEILLES CASTILE SOATY.-=lOO Boxes choice Castile soap for Sale by RHODES '& WILLIAMS. No. 107 South WATER Street. 4e12 RHELLBARKS • AND BLACK WAL NIYrS.7-41. Consignment of NewShellbarks arid Wal mute; I )'PrizileTllllitY.:foreale - • . • RHODES & WILLIAM. • ' . No. 107 South WATER Street. AUCTION SALES. JOHN 8... MYERS .& 00., AUCTION FEES, NOe. 2353 and 234 MARKET Stmt. • LARGE POSITIVE BALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, 3t.3. • • THIS MORNING, December tg, at 10 o'clock, will be sold without racers. on 4 months' credit— About 1,000 packages boots, shoes, brogans. gavel'f boots, ke.. embracing a general assortment of prime goods, of Oity and Eastern manufacture. • LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH. INDIA. GERMAN AND BRITISH DRY GOOPS, Eze. ON MONDAY MORNING. December 71). at 10 o'clock, wilt bo sold by catalogne.oll four months' credit. about • 750 PACKAGES AND LOTS of French, India, German, and British dry gads, &c., embracing a large and choice assortment of fancy and staple articles in silk. worsted, woolen, linen, and etAtoti labs les. N. 13,—Samples of the same will be arranged for ex, znination, with catalogues, early on the morning of the sale, when stealers will find it - to their intereet to attend. FURS, FURS. Included in our hale ON MONDAY AFTSRSOOPT December 'Z), wilL ba f and a valuable sei.crtmeat of fashionable lam, in Fable. mania, rirCh. squirrel. And mialt. in nieces and %Mts. VURIsTESS, BRINLEY, & 00., - No. 429 MARKET STRUT SALE THIS (Trivlay) MOItNING, Dec. Tt. at 10 o'clock. A CARD.—The attention of purchaser', is requested to our sale of Imported dry goods, this (Tuesday) morning t December wad. at 10 o'clock, by ea tailogne, on 4 months Credit, comprising a desirable assortment for present sales. ' . • NOTICE—To RETAILERS. Ilk sale Chill morning— l'azis an-wool plaid long shawls. do bid moral skirts, hoop skirts. G-1 colored merinos, black and'white plaids. ' . frosted beavers, bine pilots. &c. .. ' ' - • TO DEALIsES IN GLOVES. . . THIS MORNING, • . - A large invoice of fine cloth, silk, Lisle tifread, buck and beaver glOves and gauntlets, colored back kid gloves: gaiters, bootees, &o. PARIS WHITE ETD GLOVES. 100 dozen superior qoal it y Paris white kid gloves. FUR CAPES, MUFFS, CLOAKS, AND OAPS. An invoice of martin :tad. mink, sable capes, mufti, and cults, line otter caps, Rm. SALE OF FRENCH AND BRITISH DRY GOODS. THIS MORNING, Dec. 23, at 10 o'clock, on 4 months' credit -400 iota of fancy and staple imported dry goods. PARIS LONG SHAWLS, ALL-WOOL, • For City Trade. 10) extra quality large size plaid wool long shawls. BALMORAL SKIRTS. Sila extra superline'Bulmoral skirts. FRENCH COLORED MERINOS. • For City Trade. 60 pic-of 66-4 French colored merinoes, SALT OF 1,000 SILK, BERLIN, CLOTH. BUCK»• AND BEAVER GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS, , . BALANCR OF THE IMPORTATION. •'t • • Consisting of -men's and women's silk .and Berlin gloves and gauntlets. men's and women's Line cloth and beaver gloves and gauntlets. men's lined Berlin, buck, and beaver . gloves and gaunlets. men's woolen jackets and gaiters. SALE OF FRENCH DRY GOODS. . - ON FRIDAY MORNING. December 'X, at 10 o'clock, will be sold by catalogue. on 4 months' credit -400 packages and lots of French dry goods. PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, 525 MARKET and 522 COMiIiERCB &mtg. - MARSILkVS . SALES. MARSHAL'S SALE:-BY VIRTUE a• T A- of a writ of sale, by the Ilon. John Cadwalader, Judge of the District, Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern - District .of Pennsyls ania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold At public sale to the highest and best, bidder, for citsl . l; at . Michener's Store. No. 1 4 2 North FRONT. btrcet, on.WSDNRSD AY, December 81st, 1862, at 12 o'clock • M.; M b,iloe of. Sea Inland Cotton, per U. S. steamer Pawnee. The Cotton can be, examined live days prior to the day of sale at the store. • • . ' WILLIAM MILLWARD, • United States Marshal R. D. of Pa. Philadelphia:December 18, IE4 . • del9-fa • MARSHA IS. SALE.-BY :-YIBTUE of a writ of sale, by tho Honorable John Cadwala der, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. in Admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at the Steam Ship Wharf, above Vine street, on MONDAY, SiNUA.RY sth, ]9E% at 12 o'clock, M.. the Steamer CAROLINE, her tackle, apparel, and furnitgre , as she now lies at said wharf. The ship is an Iron vessel of 578 48-95 tons bnr then. • WILLIAM MILL ivARD, Uu t itf ar d' ... States Marsh:llK 1). of Pa. _Philadelphia, Dec. 1 dol9-lOt • M.ARSIIAL'S SALE.-=BY VIRTUE .- 1 •`-a• of a writ of renditioui expons.s, issned out of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania in the Third Circuit, to me directed, will be sold at • the MERCHANTa' EXCHANGE. in the city. of Philadelphia, on WEDXF.SDAY, January 7th, 186.3. at 12 hf., the following*described property, to wit: No. 1. One equal undivided fourth part of a certain tract called the Greenwood Tract, composed of three smaller a ioreontignotts tracts..d.e.scribeil as follows : m One of said smaller tracts, situate in West l'enu Towns ship, Schuylkill County ; boundednorth and east by laud of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, and south and west by land of the Little Sclinylkill ilaviges tion, Railroad, and Coal Company, containing three hun dred and thirty-three acres more or less, with all the ap purtenances, eeneititilig Of a frame coal-breaker, with schutes, screens, - slopesthree engines, railroad, five double two-story frame dwelling houses, steam sawmill, blacksmith shop, and carpenter shop, together with the railroad leading from the said Greenwood -Tract to the coal-breaker, screens, and sedates ; also, Railroad lead ing from the said breaker and screens to the Little Seim yl kif l Railroad, in the borough of Tamaqua, nosed in-con nection with said tract. The second of said three smaller tracts- being a certain lot of two acres, described in deed dated November.l2.-183 - 1, from • Little-Schuylkill Naviga tion Railroad, and Coal Company, to John K. Smith, re corded at Pottsville, in book No. :37, page 603, February 12, 1812, on which said last-mentioned tract is erected one. double tenement house and the screens:. And the third of said three sinallertracts, beim , describik iu deed dated November 16, A. D. 1318, from flionias Wilson and Wil liam Levan to John K. Smith, recorded at Pottsville in book 22, page 760, December Bth, A. D. 1816. containing one acre, ono hundred and`fourteen and one-half perches, on which there are two double tenement houses and a barn. No 2. All that certain lot or piece of ground composed of three coutiguons lots or pieces of ground, situate in the borough of Tamaqua, Schuylkill county ; bounded north by land of the Little Schuylkill Navigation, Rail road, and Coal Company, and west by a twenty-feet wide alley, containing in width ono hundred and sixty-three feet, and in depth one hundred and ninety-four feet, more or less, with the appurtenances, consisting eta two-story stone foundry, and a two-story-stone machine shop: No. 3. All that certain tract or parcel of land, situate in the borong_h of Tamaqua, Schuylkill county ,• bounded north by we street east by the western. half of lot marked - No. 2 on the Little Schuylkill Company's general plan of the borough of Tamaqua, south by Broad street, and west by Nescopo street, being lot marked No. 1, and pert of lot, mark_gd Nos 2 ou said plain, containing in witithaas-extgAl Mer.wan - i - a--asesSis-ess , --isesolresi and --Arty= met e - with the -appurtenances, consisting of a tante. story brick dwelling house, with a three-story brick back building thereto attached. No. 4. All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate in the borough of Tamaqua, Schuylkill county.; bounded north by Rowe street, east by lot marked No. 9 on. the 'Little Schuylkill Company's General Plan "of the bo rough of Tamaqua, south by Broad street, and west by land of Michael Beard, containing in width forty feet, and in depth one hundred and fifty feet, with the appur tenances, consisting of a three-story brick dwelling house, with a large store-room on the first floor, anti three-story brick back building, with a two-story frame back building attached. No. ii. Two undivided third parts 'of five contiguous lots of ground, partly in Rush township, Schuylkill county, and partly in Carbon county ; bounded on the north by land surveyed to Andrew Kennedy, Zan:trial'. Robins, and John Deemer' east by land snrveyed to John Heath and Peter Sonard - south by' land surveyed ' to John Boutel and John Kunkle, and west by land sur veyed to George Millie, containing one thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight acres aud forty-five perches, strict measure, with the appurtenances, consisting of two two-story frame dwelling houses, with a one-story frame kitchen attached, and a frame steam saw mill, with a. twenty-horse power steam engine. No. 6. All that certain tract or piece of ground, situate partly in Rush township. Schuylkill county, and partly • in West Penn township, Schuylkill county, beginniug at a Maple tree corner, thence by land surveyed on warrant - to Veins - Lewis, and now or late the property of Thomas bittern, thence north twenty-six degrees west, crossing Owl creek one hundred and forty perches, to a stone cor ner In line of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Com pany's land, thence by the same, north sixty-four de grees east one linudred and eighty-seven perches to a pile of •stonos, south twenty-six degrees east twenty-eight perches to a Chestnut Oak, north. sixty-four degrees east two hundred and twenty perches to a pile of statists, -south twenty-six degrees east twenty perches to a stone, ' north sixty-four degrees mist one hundred perches to a yellow pine, south- twenty-six degrees mast thirty-two perches to a yellow pine north seventy degrees east, 'crossing the line of Schuylkill county one hundred and one perches to a pile - of stones by a Chestnut Oak, thence by other laud south twenty-six degrees east sixty-fiveand n half perch es to a yellow pine corner, south sixty !bur degrees west three hundred and twenty perches, crossing the county line to a corner, north twenty-six degrees west sixteen perches to stones, south sixty-four degrees west two hundred and eighth-eight perches to a corner, the place of beginning, containing four hundred and sixteen acres.aud allowance, with the appurtenances, consisting of a one-and-a-half-story frame dwelling house and frame stable. • No. 7. All that certain lot or piece of ground, composed of three small lots or pieces of ground, situate in the bo rough of Tamaqua, Schuylkill county, being lots marked Nos. 18. 19. and 20. on the "Little Schuylkill Company's General flan" of the borough of Tamaqua, bounded north by lot - Marked No: 17 on said pUn . , cast by Hunter street, smith by lot marked No. 21 oft - saul plan, and west by Bow street, containing in width one hundred and twenty-six feet (each lot forty feet), and in depth - one hundred and eighty-five feet, with the appurtenancivi consisting of a block of four two-story frame miners' dwelling houses with basements. No, S. All that certain lot or piece of grotind, situate on the east side of Hunter street, in thehorough of Tama/lea, Schuylkill county.; bounded west by . Hunter street, north by a ten-feet wide alley, east by a twenty-feet wide alley, and south - by lot marked N 0.33 on the "Little Schuylkill Company's General Plan" of the borough of Tamaqua, containing in width forty feet, and in depth one hundred and fifty feet, with the appurtenances, con sisting of a double two-story frame dwelling house with - basements. No. 9. All tint certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the west side of Hunter street, in the borough of Tama . qua, Schuylkill county'bounded north by a lot of Rat elhTe and Johnson, east by Ranter street, south by lot of Mary Carter, and west by Bow Street, containing in width twenty-thsge and a half feet, and in depth one' hundred and sevaty-five feet, with the appurtenances, consisting of n three-story brick - dwelling house, with a ono-story building thereto attached. . • , No. 10. All those two lots or pieces of ground, situate on the north side of Rowe street, in the borough. of Tama- - qua, Schuylkill comity ; bounded north by the Railroad, east by lot marked No. 12 on the "Little Scheylkill Com by 'sGen?ralPaA "?f th:bire ult Tamaqua,sou Kowesreet,anles t l y l e l i fe o liis la plan, containing ninety fact on Rowe street, twenty-eight feet on the eastern side, and forty-six feet deep on the westernSSide, ' with the appurtenanCes, consisting of a - large brick stable and carriage house. No. 11/ All that certain lot or- piece of ground, `situate on the southwest corner of Broad and Swatara streets in ' the borough of Tamaqua. Schuylkill comity ; bounded north by Railroad street, east by Swatara street, south by Broad street, and west by lot marked No. - 7 on-the "Lit tle Schuylkill Company's General Plan" of the.borough of Tamaqua, containing in width fitly feet, and in depth one hundred and fifty feet, with the appurtenances, con- - sisting of a double - two-story frame dwelling house.- ' No. 12. All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate in Wilson's and Levan's addition to the borough of Tama qua, Schuylkill county; bounded north by lot marked No. 121 on the plan of 'Wilson and Levan's addition to. the borough of Tamaqua, east by Railroad street, south by Union street, and west by Oak street, containing in width one hundred and thirty feat, and in depth forty . • feet, more or less. with the appurtenauces, consisting of a one-and-a-half-story dwelling house, and a block of three two-story frume miners' dwelling houses. No. 13. All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate' in the borough of Tuscarora, Schuylkill county, being lot marked No. )29 on the Tuscarora Company's plan of • said borough ; bounded north by lot marked. No. 130 on said plan. east by Trego street, south by Chednut street, and west by Seneca street, containing in width fifty feet, - 'and in depth Vivo hundred feet, with the appurtenances. consisting or a two-story frame church. Seized and taken' in execution as the property of Jas.' Carter, a citizen of the' State of Pennsylvania, Adminis- • teeter de boils non of the estate of Richard Carter, de ceased, late a citizen of the State of Pennsylvania, and as the property of tho said James Carter, a citizen of the State of Pennsylvania, Administrator of the Estate of John Carter, deceased. and as the property of William T. Carter, a citizen of the State of Penna., terra tenant. WILLIAM MILLWARD U. S, Marshal Eastern District of Pennsylvania. PRILADHLPRIA. December 5.1862. del)-tu4t MEDICAL. Tut.. ST . O. yglt'S DR.. • . . CELEBRATED . ST OM Va ir ti DL I T v T R E s DYSPEI'S . I4 t t 8 R Dia - I - CEA, • • FEVER AND AGUE N - LOSS OF APPETITE CHOLERA KORBUS, • GENERAL DEBILITY AND ALL. DI SEASES ARISING FRA* A DISEASED AND DISORGANIZED STOMACH - - . They aro the best Bitters in the world, being pleasant to the taste, and may be . administered, with slab ty , to the weak and debilitated_ They invigorate .the system and purify the blood ; create ti. ealthy appetite: permanently strengthens and removes all flatulency or .heaviness fro& the stomach, and purities and restores the gastric secretions. Price 75 cents_per bottle. Prepared by CHAS. RYDER, Lancaster, Pa., and for sal e by. all DRUGGISTS. HOTEL REITER% GROCERS. RESPECTABLE 'RESTAURANTS. PRINCIPAL . PHILADELPHIA DEPOT, 256 SOUTH SECOND. STREET. Call foresaykides!Lnd examine certllicatini and rixour • istendations. • • del6-tuthalte SPEttiSfATORRHIEA_ CAN BE CURED. —DR. RAND'S SPECIFIC crime Spermaterrheas , Seminal Weakness, Impotency. Lose of Power, Sm.. speedily and effectuates. A trial of the SPECIFIC will convince the most skeptical of its merits. Price $1 a box. Sent,post-pai& to any address by S. C. UPHAM, No. 403 CRESTNIM Street. Descriptive Circulars sant Trop. ne1a4.4427* MRS. JAMES BETTS' CELEBRATED. supairrrais FOR LADIES, and the only Sup. porters under eminent medics! patronage.- Ladles and physicians are respec tf u lly yeenested to call only on Mrs. Betts, at" her reaidenee.laa WALIVJT Street, Phi ladelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand in valids have been advised by their physicians td Ivo her aPPlienoes. Those only are genuine; bearing„the 'United States copyright, labels on the box, mid eignatr.rea,, and 'else at the Supporters. with testinaaiaia, ocle-totbsti AUCTION SAjx:s biTHOM A.S t Noe. in and HA South Ffif*RTß iiTOOriS AND P.E I.4VATE- Parfiphlat fa t•ilojruc-Jnor re9dy,ev:a.,l • UOllB of all the property co ld • a. bad last.. with a list•loA jaguery comprising ear :,t; v,ti,7 , r: by order of Orphan.? Cee.rt r. 4 . . • SEAL ESTATE AT 'PRI VAT': Set Sir A large amount at Private Sete. desscr:ptian of city :Ind vein trY may be bad at the Auction &ore - r . Bale for Aar - ' .. ACKING BOXES VD 1.164" MB!. . ' 6 ', • .... . a42 - , -. ht thh t!m, , `- Tills Ammer. aniip i l „ Deeemtiei :, at 100‘4.took " KG ' - "4:1 4 . near Gray:, Perry, 'amber „Iwato-iron &c. r " 484210 114 ' '.7 4. . . SALE OF yinktE WINES, IliLi:ffir . • ••••• THIS DAI. •A. . .Deceiabor 23, - at ltro'olack, at the A...b6 ..,' It:ninth : T. or a.*rock of.tineail wi110 , .. 6 .4 . , c, -'' ; Aexatiopab Loho sherry.k 16 demlinkti, fi l atiliN, 2 dozni,johnA Phelps Nfideira . i bud 2 NP.r...„'7, 4 fk.;., Alzdeltu ; G of ord Dort i- C DI vld ;:c1....' Scotch wit iOcT .. .. Szt. /Or Cutilogu en on Entiadnr. - • SALE 1W 1-1)14.1I All MIECELLASIFe.. }... , ' ' LUWERAKED•WORIES.I4IOTOWIAIIi 114.1: BBC/TYPES—Inc.. ... ••• - a 1,,...15 ~ THIS AYTERNOt, Dec."(L at the tAtictioir tOrr. coma. ne.•, z • n coliettion of ropultor Mint! In totA: It -5,,:r' '' Works, ritotogTarth Allimfi, Airnift.t3 l . l .„.. 4 . •It, __Sale • at - Nos-120 and 141. South pea* SCIPER/Olt FUREI4TTRIi , FRENCII PLAT. PlALiff:lolffkl.' BlitiSiieLs cam,, IN • . ON FRIDAY 1101 11CING:`" , Yt At 9 o'clock. at the Auction Soda. an sa at lient sccond-ita ad farnitnre, pis st.4.rt. i c pets. fic. • • AbO. steelccount skateon may olicoro_. of fine sautes, ac . •",it • DANOOAST WARNOCK L TIOMNIRS,No. 213 MARKET • • $0.3%; 6A.LE 0E400 ; 1,07S AMERICaN min ly n. DRy. GOD DS, EMBROIDERIES. MILL) ,xti t i ( &c.. by catalagne. ON WEDNESDAY LIORNII•70. December i 4, COMICIPIIIei lIIT at Is o'clock. pr?..4_,. • • • MBROIDY.RIE ---4 An, invoice of rich embroidemd jo, zo .„„ . setts; robes, waihts;liandkerebief, kr.. f.,, bZiro MILLINERY 000 Di '4l,', Plairrand fancy bonnet trimming alai% ..4 bona. black and fancy velvets. a rtifiebd fb,w erv "i• &c. IN ISOSIERY GOON,. I.LONT4, • Men's merino shirts and drawer ; w,,, 4 u ..., silk, Lisle glevos; men's. buck lam). glny,„ ; plurs children's flincy - knit hoods. behrion. 4:car, , 1 7 HOOP SKIRTS, NOTIONS, bTOCK G00n, 4 0 A lull line of hales' and tals.m.' boort skirt,:g.T Matey goody; the stock of a city retail %tor, • G J. WOLBERT, AUCTION XL • 110.16 SOUTII SIXTH 6TREET, Between ISarka and Ch,tomt. -- The subscriber will give his attention to saw titate..Merch ndise„ Househ old Furniture Fa aintings, oh . iccts of Art and Virtue, ke . ng all shall have hie renonal and Previt favorsattention, which he solicite the himu of his frteadt EXTRAORDINARY FINE WINES. EltiNgie s KIES, kc.. Di CASES AND aguip,g. i ? OAlikAc. • ' THCIS MORNING, December at 11 o'clock. :At No. :qua, street. Extraorancry fine awl high grade Martße. brandies; Madeira, sherry, and Poet gahela whisky, finest in the city: ali. 'Bourbon whiskiesi. old rum. fine gin. &.e. Aar All.warranted pure and nnadiditim.m . aiir Catalogues now ready. ALSO. an invoice of imported cigar. • STIERiFF'S SALE. Tit IS OIC. Decembe..23d, at o ia 'eleek , in l t N he ie,etitett No. 16 South Sixth mreet. • ion Barrels of Beet, pork, and Hunts. lowidez. gnantirs of Dried Boof, loose Hums, 1:e. Also, shafting, Pullers, and other RION FANCY 0 4 )0D: ON WEDNESDAY MORING. Dec. 21ilt, at 10 o'clock. at No. 10 Sonth Sixth quo, A /axle assortmout of rich French ellisa ad goods. 'l 44_ OIL PAINTINGS. . WEDNESDAY MORNiN4. Dec. 24, at No. 16 South Sixth Ittreet— An enttio inrolee of fine original oil miatie:l,.Qtal in Europe by a gentleman of this city, all 4 1 44 (since their arrival) have been framed la Mk rit ! ,, RR FITZPATRICK & • itucriorißEßs, GUI cflEaNl:Tiv.:.( SALE OW TUESDAY AND WEDNESD.kT EVr i Mu l Dec. Sid and 24th, at 7 o'clock, era olls•n goods suitable for holiday gifts, Splend w id annuals; alb um s. gift boAkg. illearead poetical orks. in fine bindingA ; Bil4-.5.11mp5,131 11 }nn books,Juveniles,.lce. SPLENDID PROTOG RAI% ALifilllt Also, fancy goods, .voltfolitm, score boxes, photograp frames, ..I)orteinulta.hi. rerw sill:111st 'ware. foreign sea shells, &c. N. B.—Ladies, and others, who ea lint': egirni'clif attend the crowded evening sale,, cci malt ...kill* during the day at average auction prices. MOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEY.II AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, isliabeson ner of SIXTH and DACE Streets. FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS YOU S.HOOL; AT NATHANS' LOAN OFFICE. S. E. c.,:strg SIXTH AND RACE STREETS AT PRIVATE SALE, FOR LESS TWAXIIALY THE USUAL SELLING PRISES. Fine gold hunting-case English pea: lev:tr watds, of the most approved and best maker. , ut: , :a-titce dim; ladies fine gold hunting-case and .Pes late kris lepine watches ; elegant tine gold disywed sad eua elled hunting case lever watches, full Jeweled hseoil enamelled lever and lepine watches; Sae ge;:l yd. Nest, and chatleln chains: fide gold lmteelets, t -rim breastpins, finger-rings, pencil arse; add pe4s, l , cbta medallions, charms, specks, buckles, t•cmi-Pim, sleeve buttons, and Jewelry of evert decriptiA FOWLING PIECES-' 7A Very superior double-barrel Euglish twii; Imhof pieces, with bar locks and hack-action lock,; 'Tana duck guns, rifles, revolvers, &c., together with VdtAtt fancy articles, fine old violins, &o. Call soon, and select bartmins. 31. NATILISI EDUCATION. PENNsyLvANIA. MILITARY .101. DEMT, at WEST CHESTER, (for BOARDIib only.)—TL Is Academy will be opened on THURSDIL September 4th. LW. ft was chartered by the I:tishrd at its last EOSEIOII, with full collegiate powers. In its capacious buildings, which were erectei furnished at a cost et over Sixty Thon.iand Doligh are arrangements of the highest order for the cued:- able quartering and subsisting of one hundred etddfl Cadets. of competent and experienced Means wilt give the r undivided. httentloll to the edneattewil risen. ment and aim to make their instructions the,rgh practical. The department of studies entbrates the fal lowing courses: Primary, Commercial, and tLdentine. Collegiate and Military. A graduate ofthe Unit+l:l . :l:4 Military Academy, of high standing in his ela, , .soil experience in the field devotes his oxeltudup atten.on the Mathematics and Engineering. The moral Mims of Cadets will be carefully attended to. For tarsi" apply to JAS. H. ORNE, Esq., No. 62.1CHF.SThir 9neZ, or at the Book Stand of Continental Hotel, Philadelpta. or to Col: THEODORE HYATT, President Penroinna Military Academy. ' deLiita VILLLGE GREEN SEMINARY-A. • SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL, NEAP. MIL EL Thorough course in Mathematic, studies, &c. Military Tactics taught. Classes in Boolt4:44 • veying, and Civil Engineering. Polls :aka air*, and are received at an time. Boarding per week, -2.25. Tuition per quarter, .:.,00, For catalogues or information add r* . .s• Ser. J.RESSIT BARTON, A. M., Village Green. Pa. ' .ociB4 RAILROAD - LINES. • • aMINPM__ 102, 1862. ARRANGEMENTS OF NEW YORE LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY. AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. FROM WALIC UT-iiT REEF WHARF AND SINS DWI. WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—VIZ: Frit At 6A. AL, via Camden and Amboy, C. and L Ac commodation ... 5 At 6A. M. via Camden and Jersey City, (N. .1.) At , commodation At 8 A. AL, via Kensington and Jersey City,Mail iforra4 30) At 11 A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, We* ern Express....... 3$ At 12X P. M., via Camden and Amboy Aeommult tion At 2P. M., via Camden and Amboy' C. and A. Et- 3u , 5 5 ........... ••• Atp 4 re P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Evognz Express ... At 4P. IL, via Camden and Jersty City, id Cit's Ticket At 6X P. AL, via Kensington and Jerso - City, Eve ning Mail At 12X A. M., via. Kensington and Jers , y City, Smith ern Mail 33) At 6P. M., via Camden and Antboy. Acunnmoda- _ tion, (Freight and Passenger)-Ist Class Ticket.... 1/ Do. do. Id Class de....... I TheA. AL Southern Mail runs daily; all others Sundays excted. For Water ep !yap, Stroudsburg Scranton, Wilke:lane. Montrose, Great Bend, Binghamton, 6 A. M. from Walnut-street Wharf, via Delawar.l-tco wanna, and Western Railroad. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem. 3"lri4e r „; Easton, iLambemille, Flemington. &C., At 6A. Walnut-street Wharf, and 3 P. M. from Smt-it . zr pot ; (the 6 A. AL line connects with train leavitz for Manch Chunk at 3.20 P. M. For Mount Holly at 6 A M. 2 and 4X F. X For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. WAY LIN For Bristol, Trenton, &c.& Sad 11 A. X, 3.3.5al P. M. from Kensington. For Bristol and intermediate stations at - 1 from Kensington Depot. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco, Beverly. Byliny Florence, Bordentown, .tc., at 12X, 1. 4.4 1 4, to c Alf For New York and Way Lines learnt: 1;.1 0 .. ton Depot, take the cars on Firth street, abort ya half an hour before departure. The cats Depot, and on the arrival of each tram Depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed earl,Pai,eV.7; Passengers are prohibited from takingnytbio t dM gage but their wearing apparel. All baggatte,. o ":; r f, e r pounds to be paid for extra. The Company responsibility for baggage to One Dollar iv , will not be liable for any amount beyond 51i4- special contract. dell • WM. H. GAITHER. W3l. LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PHII. O WILL LEAVE. FROM FOOT OF CORTLANDT At 10 A. M:. and 12 M., via Jersey GUS a" i j ger At 7 A.. It, and 4,6, anti 11 P. 3L via Janie) . CRY 31 sington. From foot of Barclay street at 6 A. 31 and 2 P. ll Amrom y d' Camden. v (Nil PierFe No.l North river, at 1 and P. and passenger) Amboy and Camden. SHIPPING. ; ant, BOSTON AND ill / 1 4,, P e sa PHIA STEAMSHIP LINE. sailing r'r4l port on SATURDAYS, from second wharf IRlew g Street, Philadelphia, and Long wharf, BOAOIL The steamship SAXON, Capt. Matthews , will Philadelphia on SATURDAY, December 2.7. 1).t..,-2 and steamer NORMAN, Capt. Baker, from SATURDAY, December 27, at 4P. M. These new and sabstantial steamships form T 413111 lineesailing from each port punctually on SARIRISTI. Insurances effected at one half the premium chari sail vessels: Freights taken at fair rates. —1 Os Lading aiP ith Pe w rsa 7the r ir gontitsed. to send SUP ReceiPlsl2-- For Freight or Passage, 0 avinane accommode apply_to HENRy WINSOE A" ‘ t 11016 332touth DSLAWATAA!.."--- Tfl - ru441=411! FOR NEW YORK - 0 .. —SPATD AND S IT I I. , it . LINES—VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAE C'" i ii I/ Steamers of the above Lines will leave DAILI• and P. . odA ili • For s freig ld ht, which will be taken on secolet terms, apply to - - WhL H. BAIRD & v1; 0 zny2l-tf 132 South DELAWARE P. --- —__--- • -- - 4 isiUlit FOR -NEW YORK.--•",.0 DAILY LINE, via Delaware sad YORK. — •.O C anal. Cal, Philadelphia and New York EsTress Stessi de"10.40 pally receive freight and leave daily at 2F. bL. their cargoes in New. York the following ( 115- - Freights taken at reasonable rates. WIL p. CLTDE. APl t lods No. 14- SOUTH WllAR‘ 4 q•Sinli. and-tf Plen4l•l and 15 313688/411V1113 " 11..1.. , Ni OB.G A N ,'' 01R, & CO., grr' 43l : •LY-s- ENGINE BUILDERS,Iron Fonudere.44ol Machinists and Boiler Maker s, No. L2lO CALLIS.I.:- Stieet, Philadelphim• __ EVANS ti9 ATSON'S .• 16 SOUTH F ST" 0:114 . 11 LT:I:" 5111 FIB P A large variety ofBS-IWO HIA, SAFSS 'Laud. 10. OHAMPAGNE.—GOLD LA - ‘../ PAWNS, in Quarts and Dints. ter sAle tr g e ~.y,i. COARLE 6 6. CA rr Yla.... oc".^ gal• Leant. Na I.O 4I Ne A L..s: :. - ‘ ,,,%ir SAL SODA:-150r/lALiaiSiv,S f i .` • CAS' Sal Sob lge o ljeo/FELA No. 101 Santis WOO -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers