Ir:Ay GEORGE STROH'S il ril , KM 0,11'151;1,E PIAI , IO FORTES, Grande and Squares, :'" r ' ov idiy taking . precedence of all others for their m oille , o of touch, and pure quality of tone. lione 0 . • ,1 purroaso without examining them closely. '.',..;,, L „a.,1 eminent teachers are almost dully selecting J. E. GOULD, SEVENTH and CHESTNUT to the times ',!.12,tuth41.)t tjrlf AM ' S HAIR DYE, 38 CENTS A BOX.-- for 811 ; the beet lit me. Try It. sola only 10(0E, 403 CHESTNUT Street. ap27-.lm* XVIA.RELIErI. pl REll.—On the Slat inet., by Rev; p3rnea, FAN. Blake, Esq., of Navy Department, '" o l,iagton, to Mee Helen S. Baker, daughter of Rev. John Baker: * I.IIII,ETTE—ATMORE.—On the 18th iuet., 1; Pr. G. Hare, Mr. E. D. Gillette to Miss Ai mere, all of this city. rap..D. the 19th inst., Elizabeth Camp ' olict of William Campbell, , r relatives and friends are respectfully invited 4 1t.mal her funeral, from her late - residence, 1506 ~!:. So:th street, above ;Jefferson this (Tuesday) .10..,ati, at 2 o'clock, without further notice. • l i A E T,_ori the 21st Just', in the 'lsth year of his e Hart. .cr% 100 to be held at his late residence, 307 South greet, this (Tuesday,) the 23E1 inst., at 3 o'clock Funeral to proceed _to Hartsville early on 1 ;,,,1ay morning, the 24th inst. The relatives of the family arc invited to attend, with ', , .11,er notice, I.F.V.—At Media, Delaware county, Pa., on inHt.. Rev, Samuel Gayley, principal of • classical Institute, in the etst year of his n ale friends and relatives are invited to at t}' funeral this (Tuesday), from his late , ; ,-e, to proceed by the 2.12 P. M. train ,;. .A, 57cdin, and' from Thirty-first and Market 1 , West Philadelphia, at 2,46 P. M., to Wood .. • i4T(II. —At FalmOuth,',QA the 19th inst., Col. R. Hatch, aged 24 years. f elatives and friends are respectfully invited his funeral from the residence of his mother, of ;istli and Cooper streets, Camden, N. J., .14reatlay, the 24th inst., at 10 o'clock. A. M., Lo - t farther notice. EN, —On the 21st inst., Lizzie Boyd, only „i•tu of Wm. E. and Mary E. Baker, aged 7 , Months. Hagerstown, Md., on the 19th A. Carroll, Co. H, 95th Regiment P. V. ;... Zouaves,) in the 19th year of his age, of contracted in the service. ,; i-I,AGHER.From wounds received at the of Fredericksburg Daniel E. 72d at P. V. Gallagher,- * ri ILANAN•—On the 20th inst., Mr. William * 1:-ENHARDT.—On the 20th inst., George F. ollt, in the 47th year of his age. • 11..ASON & SON RAVE JUST RE ) t . ;TVICD: •): -;,IN AND EEVIERE BOWS; Linen, Mull, Tittle ,l Lace Collars and Sleeves; wide Hertl'd Francikfs,; • ' CIA/es and Veils; I{BAL MOILAIRS or Glossy Poolt de Sole or Mourning Silks; Mick and • ' ; All-wool Black Cashmeres, Mor , MAN POPLINS, Velour Reps, Tamlses, Mousse-, l':dhet and Blanket Long Shawls, &c. MOURNINO STORE, 018 CEIBSTNIIT Street, & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH STREETS, Have a large stock of Shoals for Pennsylvania Trade. f,,r Pennsylvania Trade. lir Ooode for Pennsylvania Trade. n027-tf , 001) QUALITY BALMORAL sxiiiTS.—These Skirts are fall four yank wide and '3:1.11 1 quartor long. Colors all-wool, and styles are genteel trade. EYRE St LANDELL. NOTICES. NOTICE.--THE ANNUAL MEET oI of the GRANITE LAND Cual - PANY will TUESDAY, the Pith Joutiory,ls63, at 7 P. M., , it:: SO 11 ill FIFTH Strnet. I.l* PHILADELPHIA AND READING j3II,ROAD COMPANY, Mee 73 South FOURTH . • -Pa ta, tarntA, Dec. T2,1862..—T0 avoid detention . : of Coupons of this Company, duo on the let . aro requested to leave them at this Mike ou or • ' e slat Instant when receipts will be given, and . •;- be reedy for delivery on the 2.41 proximo in tier M r said receipts. S. BRAORD, •I Treasurer. perfiHl ANNUAL MEETING OF THE kr , cicheidors of the MAHANOY AND BROAD 1:A I LROAD COMPANY will be held at M of the Company on MONDAY, Sanitary VI, ISM, • •-',•ck P. M., at which time an election will be held • • 1 . 1.,.i1ent and Directors to servo the ensniug year. • 31' R S BROCK, Saerntury. : - 4-; AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AM) TRUST COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, De .!..t 9ti *SI , 101 L—The annual meeting of the Stockholder:: • 1. 1.1:1PHIly. for the election of THIRTEEN TRUE ve the ensuing year, wilt ho held at t Ito office .1 r 2.1 street. S. E. corner of FOURTH, on MONDAY; ' between the holm of 10 A. 31. and 12 M. 101 JOHN 8. WILSON, Secretary. HOMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, 1118 M.•-• CUM BERT Street.—This Institution is now open •T lb. re: eption of sick and wounded Soldiers, who will received and provided for in the most comfortable SellltPT. treeof chase, B. F. GLENN, t.ti•rtSecretary of Board of dimmers. N. NOTICE IS IWHEBY GIVEN THAT Trill COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYL ANI A "intend to npply to tito Legislature of Pennsyl nia, ut tit etbuext session, for a renewal of their char t *sit' Bak is located In the city of 'Philadelphia, 'at us authorised capital of one million of dollars; .held of which will be asked for, with the usual bank . . :y onloror the Board NOTICE IS lIEREBY, GIVEN, that au application will ho made to the Lutists. •of Pennsylvania', at their next session. for a renewal the Charter of the BANK ON THE NORTHERN ARTIM 'rime said Bank being located lu.the city of :sdelnli la, with an authorized capital of five lt and red •tisatui dollars. v order of the Board. W; OUMMERE. Cashier. 4 Juue 2% 1862. • jeSt-tuam OFFICE OP THE RELIANCE IN- , StTRANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPIIIA, 1. 1882. ;.• is ord of Directors have this day declared a Cash • . .1 of TEN PER CENT. on the Capital gt.. 1., •CENT. interest on the outstanding Scrip of the hecly.tir the ELNYEN-MONTHS ending on the 30th q....;43140 on and after the 10th inst., free from United ?:•:•••xf, state taxes. ;V-% Scrip Dividend of FOUR PER CENT. on the earned on risks determined during the said is;'eleven months, and that Scrip Certificates, in the .113! tem. be delivered to the assured entitled to receive noon and after the 15th inst. B. M. lIINCHMAN, Secretary. 14-tntbA lm . I c. AVIS AUX ELEGANT& M. PAUL ANDRIOT, Gerund de la mason. de i:isurs de N. GRANDVILLE STOKII6, 609 CREST 'll'Mteet. Philadelphia, a Flumneur de preventr sea Pilisvux amts et COIIIIRiSKRIICOA qui Pont deja favorise *•?sr ellentelle, (Masi rine lee etrangor.e,) qu'il vient de do Paris et ',cadre.* les modes les plus rece ales mieux pollees pour la sateen d'hiver. :. , ;raudv d le Stokes a mis a 811dispoiition les etoffes les • i.siles i et les meilleuxes qualltes, des premieres mane •-• d'Europe, milltalres, alosi que lee alders de tons grades y . aprons les moilleures qualites d'etuffes, a des prix % mod ores. L'elegauce de as coupe, alusi qua le cachet .nstinetion qui la caracteri.e est deja trop coma% dtt e r en renonvelles lens tnerltoA. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OF VICE (IF INTERNAL REVENUE. • ••!, 1tti1 , 488305 JO THE3I.AtiCtUOTURENA MARA. • ad:Won Keith, Eaq., Philetdolphia: • pprsOle% are employed by tobacconists or dealers whet her in the same town or at ad istance, to in :ore ei goo rs, and for this purpose receive tobacco [rout • onpLoyers lobe made tete elgarel. Willa when finish- I. turned to the employers aforesaid, such persons • Is• required to pay the duties en the value there . ro ...WA, That, at the request of the assessor or 0t..- •*.:O auessser, they make oat a list, subscribed and ' which list shall slam the number of cigars so (!ming each month, and, 11.4 near as may be, the ••:meet, together with the name and resi t of -• ol , oon to whom 'the cigars have been returned. If • , .1a suiployer. to whom the c h ars are returned, re - • Isis his usual place of business in it district (lit -41 from that in which the list is made out, then the r rseel rime such list Alkali transmit it to the wises . '4 ds. district whore such employer resides or has • ;1•4141 place of business. to the cud that the duties due • .iesu. nosier the excise law, may be paid by the em --I.v: hut ir the parties live in the same district, the as will assess the 10710111 U due on such lists to the 1116 PoMMI4AIONER OP INTERNAT. lIMVENITS. ' I .ITR • It TO THIN TAX •ON THE ?fA\I;P.\CI•CRB OF . . TREA:sUitY DY.PARTMEICT, Orrin ; or INTERNAL ItEVISNEH, 2. Wat Ali o. Keith. Eery., Philadelphia ngton, Dm:. 1, IS9 . The Commissioner of Internal Revenue having ::11 the mammas of counsel, in regard to the liability :axmion, tinder the of persons engaged in the enairture of elothimr, makes the following statement , idrebdon for the guidance of assessors and collectors, arguments submitted have been directed to two aa , Fiat : That clothing, under law, is not a maim "ll% bud, eonseguently, not subjuct to taxation. 'Padir uma entitcture, and subject to taxatiou, the dteeld levied upon the luereased value only over ebtut of the materials, on which taxes have been yevlot4.l y levied lied Pahl. cinliukd that. had Congress intended to tax cloth linmeinnee such that It would have been mea n !quoin( the articlesntnentted in the 7:sth section. I '. ll .4lever, to be eensih al ered.that only a limited mtm ., lirtir6 mailed to toXattou under the law are thus The enumeration is limited to articles pro— 'ova diptintminhed from those which are mann— f to those manufactures which are peen 14r in ammeter; to preparations which cannot elussed, either as productions or mann ' Wt. , : and to iiiiinturaCtUTOS, productions, and props en which Congress maw fit to impose specific "'nod exceptional rates of ad valorem defies. Fol !wit the enumerations is a provision satliCiently broad ' ,11 ;:11110 to include every varoty and form of Mann 10.^. not 'gleefully provided fur. Ilk in these words: .411 111111114 (AU res of cotton, wool worsted v dax. -Ilk jute, I tidia-rnbber, gutta-percha, wood, willow, Pottery ware, leather, pum', iron, steel, lead, tin. bniss, gold, silver, horn, ivory, bone, bris '.% l•011y Or in pert, or of .n ic er materials not this tisTlFik , provided for, a duty of threo per amt. ad that the materials of which clothing Is .l•is nye Mt t enumerated or covere dlvet t lo al y nthe phrase "or materials." This Inter' does not seem l-imdttled by the language of the provision, As leather is ion, nor is it txsibed by the general n° l / 0.4 the 'ay Paper the Ma material of which shoes are made, or Pal slot it NS riety of manufactures, so cloth may he re n... a principal material in the inatinfaekti , of .. anti such is covenal by the phrase or or 74x motet MIS " lu the SeCtioll of the law above re to. It would also bo a reasonable ° to e 5 0 4 13: i t . t :tn b uf the l provision en u t itjt u ir va e i tr ,m era is to be levied ' "ail won't; fiVu ' r r e e tt e r t r Vflich " cotton " is the material;. "wool" is the material; 44 which sun is !!'"lsa " terial • of which " worstedis the material, , i or n part," and so on through the list of ' t• t•d in statute. This construction would ts• • 1 el: ', ll7lllg n , li as It Is a manufacture of which cotton, ..; n'sil.auti silk, anti worsted, wholly or in part, arc I,l tioltie materials of which it is composed; but :11 , 34 ;be inaKultge of the statute, as thr saute lallgtiatte " 4 .'4 ill daily business, it Sts•ltim altogether less'T h a i ; 4?" 41 .•te speak clothing of the var our; h • , -1141 of which is manufactured. uril,er. Opal either construction of this mate of 4 .; um. clothing inust be regarded tis tac , titre, 411 4 ji.rt to an all valorem duty ol.throo ra.d. cent. ; I'llroriso on which the duper is Made to rust, that t " tax shenld he innicssed only on the increased value of over the previously he articles used on s , vhicti ,, ''sx soy have been paid, is in theses% Ord 4. hll cloth!' dyed, printed, bleached, manufactured ••ther fabrics or otherwise prestred, on which a ..r tax shall Lave been paid before the same were I ..'sYttl, printed, bleached, manufactured, or prepared .. , aid duty or lay of three per centum shall as upon the increased value thereof. A objection to this View is, that the proviso rlothe or fabrics, and provides or a tax on istrelessi value of such cloth, as fabrics, ti.,....n,t, 111 7 have been tothjected to the Process of d)eing, • ''' . " lll f. Printing, or madittlitet tiring. In the latignage . ."4llnrre and trade, brown cloths may din Itiett . ch . cd. 6,1 11. Italia-rubber cloth, or ettatnel led cloth, in.t.) i' .. .rrtered or prepared, and the inanufactur r o o r u b c ? v,n,totutitlon for the increased value itts p le! tee value or the basis, or primary manutituture,.cm i 'tt the tux shall have been previously paid. T i lts capon sppiStr, , to give reasonable and adequate I I"' language employed: and this proviso behalf Ito the geueral policy of the, law, 1011(1 Is sot Path (Usti out manufacture stt Its fall commercial rj: n r,b l, llider construction can properly he made. "ueta, the decision of the Commimioner, that Sol int is as mannfiteture : and subject to taxation at the per Cent itlvalurent, e to he re th e manufacturers or estimthated bvaluey assossor.,, 1 1, 11 141 nuer Pollard out . by the statute. It was repre and Collasid, that the work or maim- . 's nenernilY Performed by persons who are not her- of the materials, anti who receive the , gar, Slid return them completed to r , st il a l e , meu it stagg pt o l i i themtt l i si n t :l ' l l ia t h l o a r should ho •:%, I , ( n !lie ' r unt u r nfacturers. This view dues . not Its warranted by the law. It is the gene that the manufacturer does not contribute imrtion of the manual labor hi the branch of business which lin pursues. cvery important branch of manitractit a g c i the inaittifacturer furnishes only the eapital ;;;or . "* l bess capacity necessity?' fir the sante' t and ' 4l ' l 'n'ltt of the bnsiness fitere seems to be no ...117;',1 , 1> the opeottl , io employed lit the unmet's ct tt re l 'asol.,j 4 g t iTtlbi he regarded :is , t he inad , m , f4t .i c i r v it o r t tn; :e lv e lO i cd: hiii . ol ll ll l 4 N H 'i t t l id ic eitl u lti " 0 0 tor s tz y tlt tha t t the construction ir to every Lotto:lt of mattufasturcs $,t1,,,m ,,,, tts of mud force could be urged, %rani Pxf•vitliott of the law in the collection or taxef tal,,,,decturecs ex cee di n gly ilitlitatic, if not nip 1:4- upon this nettt, then, may be, that thn 1 . 1, 41, t ! 1 " , el . is he \VII., Ninthfurnes the materials, the %tote the shill maployed o management of the • • /4•o.,i' s o crs . . c , llectors wliClte further guided by :los. rite and seven. It OFFICE HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN RAILROAD COM PANY, 253 South THIRD .Street—PHlLADELpnia, Dec. 22, 186'2. NOTICE.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Cool Company . \rill be held at their mace on TUESDAY. the 13th day of Jamtary;l663, at 11 o'clock A. M., when au election will be held for a President and Twelve Di rectors to serve for the ensuing year. de23-tjal3 AEIITSEN, Secretary. M=. SOUP 'RO U SES .— THE FOLLOW -ING List embraces the corporate titles of all the burieties orgnalzedin this city for supplying the Poor With SOUP, with the limits of each, the localities of the several SOUP HOUSES, and the names of those autho rized to receive contributions to their funds, It is pub. lisped for the information of such ac-are disposed to aid in the support of this useful and economical Charity, and to aid the benevolent in directing the Poor to the' proper sources for their supply. Applicants should beer with them the recommendation of a responsible party, and, if found worthy, will be furnished regularly with nour ishment for themselves and families: . Philadelphia Society. for. Supplying the Poor with BOUP.—Limft,9-li'rein 'Wnl mit to Shippen streot, river Delaware to Eleventh street, Soup House, N 0338 Griscom street from Spruce to Pine, above' Fourth. Treasurer, Jeremiah Backer, No. South Fourth street, Northern Soup Society of Plata de' phia—North from Callowhill street, from the river Delaware to Eighth street, oxcopt the portion east of Front street, spore. printed to tho Kensington Society, Soup House, North Fourth street, shove Brown, Treasurer, T. Morris Perot, 621 Market street. Southwark Soup SecietySouth : from South street, from river Delaware to Possyunk road and Broad street. Soup House, Sutherland street, below Queen. Treasurer, Benjamin Blerton, No. 122 Catharine street. . MoyamenetngSoup Society—South from Stilprion street, west of Passyttuk road to Broad street, Soup House; N. W. corner of Eighth and Marriott streets. Treasurer, Robert Gra ffen, N0.:07 Pine street. Western Soup Society—South from Market street, west of Broad, also from Eleventh to Broad, Walnut to Ship pen street. Soup House, 1615 South street. Treasurer, George Yams:, No. 1710 Arch street. Spring Garden Soup Society—North of Callowhill, west of Eihth street, from. Race to Callowhltl, Eleventh to Broad street, and north of Market street, west of Broad. Soup House, Buttonwood street; below Broad. TreaSurer, John H. Dolthert, No. 710 Green street. Kensington Soup Society—From Laurel to Norris street, river Delaware to Front street.. Soup House, No. 208 Allen street. Treasurer. George J. Hamilton, Common wealth Bank. Central Soup Society of Philadelphia - 7-From Walnut to Callowhill streets, river Delaware to Eleventh street, also Eleventh to Broad, Walnut to Race street, Treasurer, Clement M. - Biddle. No. 131 Market street. Contributions in money intended to be divided equally among the above-named Societies may also be handed to (16:2-30 EDWARD PARRISH, SOO ARCH Street, Receiver appointed bylthe joint Board of Sotto Societies. NOT I C E.—THE UNDERSIGNED will be in NEW !ORLEANS during the throe months next ensuing, where he wilt be happy to take charge of any consignments entrusted to his care. kle bogs to refer to • Messrs. Thos. Richardson & " Alex. G. Cattoll & Co., E. A. Semler Sr Co., Philadelphia. Jacob T. Alburgec & Co„ Mr. George A. MeNinstry, J Mr. Philip Nathan, Now York. MS-St* A. F. MOPPET, OFFICE OE THE WESTAIORE. LAND COAL COMPANY, (so. 230 South TIMID Street, corner of Willing's Alley.) PattAnneutA, cember 17,11d2. At a meeting of Directors, held this day, a Dividend of ONE DOLLAR. per share, on the Capital Stock was do dared out of the profits of the past year ; payable on and after JANUARY 24,1863. The Transfer Books will be closed until January sth next. F. 11. JACKSON, delB-tiar> Treasurer. M. TO THE BENEVOLENT.- , -itfOß • than two hundred Ladies have associated them selves, tinder the name of the PENN RELIEF ASSO CIATION FOR SICK AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS, and are devoting one afternoon and evening of each week, at the Spring Garden Institute, corner of BROAD and' SPRING GARDEN Streets, in making up such articles as are most needed by our sick soldiers. • Committees of these ladies visit every hospital in the city to ascertain the "necessities of the inmates, and, as far as possible; to supply them. They are also torward ing to distant points such supplies as are most wanted, where responsible parties are to be found who will re ceive such, and make a proper distribution of them. To do these things large means are required, and this appeal is made to the benevolent to assist them by dona tions of money or goods. Tho following-named gentlemen have contented to re ceive, an behalf of this association, any donations that .maybe made ALEXANDER HENRY Sr., Fifth and Chestnut streets. THOMAS TASKER, S 16:12 South Fifth street. JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, Co., 239 and 241 North Third street. REIGEL, WIEST, St ERWIN, 47 North Third street. JOHN C. SAFER], Se 7 Market street, LITTLE, STOKES, & CO.; 237 Chestnut st. del7-12t* IMP OFFICE MOUNT CARBON AND PORT CARBON RAILROAD COMPANY. FIIILADELPHTA, December 8 7 1962, The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany wIII bo held at the Office of the Company, No. 407 LIBRARY Street, on MONDAY, December 29th, at half past ten o'clock A. M., at which time an election for of- Beers, to serve the ensuing year, will take place. deg 1(129 _ P. C. HOLLIS, Seeretary. OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE IN— SURANCE COMPASIY OF PHILADELPHIA, De cember 17, 1682. At an election by the Stockholders, held on the 15th inst., in pursuance of the chatter, the following-named gentlemen were elected to serve us Directors for the en suing year—viz: Clem. Tingley, Wm. lltuser, Wm. B. Thompson, Robert, Tolaud, Samuel Bisnham. .1. Johnson Brown, • .Robert Steen, Marshall •Hill, Wm. Stevenson, H. M. Carson, Benjamin W. Tingley. Chas. Leland, John Bisset , Pittsburg. • Aud at a nieoting of the Board, held THIS DAY, CLEM. MOLES% Paq., was unanimonsly re-elected President. delS43l B. AU lIINCHAIAN, Secretary ' M. , CRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Northeast Corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Established ISH Incorporated 1555. Book-Neoping Wits different branches. as practised by the best accountants; Penmanship, Plain and Ornamen tal; Commercial Law, Mercantile Forms, and Calcuin- Dons, Students instriteted. separately,. and can enter at any time, and study at such hours as may be most conve nient. In extensive accommodations, faftliftil attention to the interests of its students, and practical advantages to bu siness men, this I ustitutioh is unsurpassed. • Open Day and Evening. Twenty-live per cent. off re gul nr prices. • . del9-its B. C. PALMER. Cmhior MOFFICE OF THE EURGEON—AII— TO THE ARMY AND NAVY. PRILADEIe PATA, October 24, 1862. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors.deelrous afavailing them selves of the National Appropriation for supplying Artifi cial Limbs, should apply immediately at the office of the Surgeon-Artist to the Government No. 1609 CHESTNUT Street. B. FRANK PALMER, 0c26-tf Government Surgeon-Artist. NOTICE.—CORN EXCHANGE BANK, PHILADELPHIA, November 4. lil62.—The following resolution was this day adopted by the Board of Directors and ordered to be published: Resolved .Tbat the nusow ilia_ Stock of this ue ottered - toime present Stockholders avps..,.each Stockholder to have the privilege of taking a pro rata share, according to a scale adopted by the Board, pro tided subscription and payment be made - before the first day of January, 1863. nol4-tjal J. W. TORREY, Cashier. MCORN EXCHANGE BANS, PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 21,.186:1.—At the election ovember 17th, 1862, the following Stockholders were elected Directors of this Bank: Alexander G. Cattell, Christian J. Hoffman, Dell Noblit, Jr., Robert Ervien, George L. Buzby, H. W. Catherwood, Edward C. Knight, William P. Cog William L. Maddock, Edmund A. Souder, James Steel, Samuel T. Canby, • meeting o f Wilkins. And at the meeting of Directors, this day, ALEX ANDER .0. CATTELL Egg., was unanimously re-elected President ALEX. W II ILLDIN , Esq., Vice President, and JOHN W. TORREY Cashier. n025-tt J. W. TORREY. Cashier. MCITY BOUNTY FUND COILILLS SION.—Notice is hereby given, that applications for bounty to this Commission must be made on or before the 27th inst., as the Commission will close on that day. JOHN C. KNOX, JOHN ROB BINS. EDWARD OLMSTED, EDWARD ORATE, WILLIAM BRADFORD, Commission. OFFICE OF THE WESTMORE LAND COAL COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, De cember 17, 1882. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this' Com pany will be held at their office, No. 230 South THIRD Street, on WEDNESDAY, the ,7th of January, 1881; at 12 o'clock M. at which time an election will be held for ELEVEN DIRECTORS, and a SECRETARY and TREA SURER, to serve for the ensuing year. F. H. JACKSON, Secretary. delS•tia7. THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE YOUNG MEN'S CENTRAL HOME MIS SION, laboring in Bedford and Baker streets intend giving their nsnal CHRISTMAS DINNER to the po sr children of their schools on Christmas Day, at Sausom street Hail. Donations in mono or provisions thank fully received by the m y issionary H. BECKWITH, at the Mission House, No. 1119 Bedford street, or either of the undersigned, on behalf of the committee of arrange ments. E. S. YARD, 21X) Spruce Street. J. 11. BURDSALL, 01. , 3 Chestnut Street. . J. MILLIKEN t S22 Arch Street. D. 11. LOGDED, SLAGER,926 Race Street. Dinner at 12 o'clock. The public respectfully invited to be present. do 20-St PIIILADELPIIIA AND READING 111:ZRAILROAD CO.—Orrice 227 Sorrff FOURTH Sr.. Yu I LADELPFIId, December 8, DALL—NOTICE IS - HEREBY GIVEN, to the Stockholders of this Company,, that the Annual Meeting and an Election for President, Six Mena /era, Treasurer and Secretary, will take place on the ECOND MONDAY (12th) of JANUARY next, at 12 o'clock M. W. H. WE 88, defl-tialS Secretary. 05commoNivEn.r.T11 INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVA )IIIcc, Commonwealth Building, No. 613 CHEST NUT Street. PRILADELPMA, December 6, 1962. A meeting of the Stockholders of the COMMON WEALTH INSURANCE CO3IPANY of the State of Penn sylvania will be held, at the Office of the Company, on MONDAY, January 6,1962, atld o'clock A. M. An ELECTION OF TEN DIRECTORS, to serve the en suing year, will be held at the same place, and on .the same day, between the hours of l'3 and 2P. M. SAMUEL Si MOON, Secretary. E 6; T H 6 USE• OF.. LIGHT WINES IS CONDUCIVE TO TEMPERANCE." STRICTLY PURE! (Los Angeles—" City of the Augo CALIFORNIA WINES, DIRECT FROM THE VINEYARDS OF MESSRS. KOHLER & FROHLING, EQUAL IN QUALITY AND CHEAPER IN PRICE THAN THE WINES OF TILE OLD WORLD. WHITE, OR ROCK WlNE—Very delicate, Hue in flavor, superior as a Dinner Wine to the &mons Rhino. MUSCATEL — Very choice, of exquisite bouquet, an ex cellent Desert Wiue. ANOELICA—A highly luscious, naturally sweet Wine, greatly admired by Ladies—valuable in the sick chain bet—reconinieuded by the Medical Faculty. PORT—Of fine flavor, free from Logivood, very similar to the Old Whirs of Lisbon — used by the Laity in Com munion Service—highly approved. CRAPE BRANDY—The purc juice of the Grape, of un equaled superiority. The attention of the Treule, Hotel Keepsrs, Rem(liar and ConneisBeure, is invited to theie Wines. To bun- Ude nod Uonealeseenbr they arc particularly recent lactated by the Medical Factatthreuent MiCai Ana /1/Fix by the Mate ilB.vayer of Massachusetts haying filly established their purity, richness, and excellence. In deed, in these very desirable essentials they are Pro nounced unrivalled, whilst their lowness of price cer tainly commends them to universal favor. We cordially invite all who are disposed to favor the introduction of really pare NATIVE AMERACA.N WINES, to give us a call and examine wimples. For sale by the case, gallon, or single bottle, at the SOLE AGENCY, NO. 42 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, ABOVE eIIinTNUT (Lute office of Blood's G. G. EVANS, Agent. For the sale of Kohler & Frohling's Winos, from the okl Ostoblislied vineyards of Los Angeles; Southern Call N. ll.—The pre:unit high Tariff, Exchange, Insurance, Freight, on Foreign Wines, amonnting to 1 30- Per coat. over the original oust, has induced certain un principled dealers to manufacture, and oiler spurious broods. We desire to caution our friends agniust this imposition, and to assure them of the strfct_27urfty of .)lesurs• & FIIOIII.INO'S CALIFORNIA NYINE_, In addition, it iota bcon proved that in bringing these Winos to this market by sea. around Cape Horn, the sik-mont Its voyage improves them at least to per cent. de22-if tjal WHISKY I WHISKY! From our own and other celebrated Distilleries. We are constantly receiving OLD RYE WHEAT, AND BOURBON WHISKIES, With which, for price amicutality. WE CHALLENGE COPARISON. Our Whiskies, for parity, mellowness, and delicacy, are EMINEN7LI"fiIE BEST IN THE WORLD, And. we sell them at about HALF PRICE. OUR RETAIL DEPARTMENT Has already become. a considerable feature in our bust , ness, and to continue it In Its presentstate, and to enlarge it, we shall sell, notwithstanding the Tax, about as cheap. ly as ever. CONSIDER THESE PRICESI Monongahela Whisky, 60 cents per gallon, Old Bourbon Whisliy, 72 Cents per gallon. Old Rye Whisky, /41 per gallon. Extra Old Rye Whisky, $1.150 per gallon. Very Choice Old Rye \Vhisky, $2 per gallon. N. VAN BELL, ' DR North SECOND Street, nine doors above Arch. • • den-lmif ---- -_----_-- . i)ARRELa—FRoit •Two 'l'o F 0 IIR i ) hindrpd FLOUR BARRELS, A1,111:101fT & CO.'S United States Bal:y3-, 1%10-4. 5 rind fin kale daily, at C. r I L'OCb: Street. d021341.* NOTIC I?.S. WINES AND LIQUORS: OLD WHISKY! RETAIL DRY 'GOODS. EDWIN HALL & BRO., 26 SOUTH SECOND STRBEIT, 1-TAlrrs REDUCED THE PRICES OF FANCY SILKS RICH PRINTED DRESS HO9DS. CHOICE SHADES OF'DIERIHOES BEAUTIFUL COLORS OF REPS OR POPLINS ALL-WOOL DB LAIM4 Ara, KTNDS OF DJU DItHSS COODS ENDUC,F,D FINE LONG BROCHE SITAWLS OPEN CENTRE LONG CASHMERE SHAWLS RICH NEW STYLES OF BLANKET SHAWLS 4-4 LYONS SILK VELVETS, PURE SILK N. 13.7-BALMORAL gre4t variety, Who sale and Retail, at REDUChh PRICES. MISSES" BALMOR.AL dew-ts t - R. CASSELBERRY; 45 N. EIGHTH " Street, has on hand. an immense stock, of fine DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS. Also. Staple Goods of every- kind: Staples bought before the great rise, and Dress Goods and Shawls from the recent large French auction' sales. This stock comprises many . usefulgoods for HOLIDAI GIFTS, 75 French Blanket Shawls, $6.75, worth $lO. •. Brodie Long Shawls for Holiday CHAU.. , French Blanket Shawls for Holiday Gifts. Black Thibot Shawls; $7 to $l2. - , • P. S.—Will open- on Monday next S cases heavYan .bleached Canton Flannels, - : from the New York sale. at 22 and 25 cents ; by the piece, to Alit or Dorcas Societies, 20 and 23 cents. CASSELBERRY. Open Centre Broche Shawls, $22 to $5O for Holiday Gifts. 2 lots Camels' Hair Brodie Shawls, $5O and $7O. llot Scotch Himalaya Shawls for Holiday Gifts. 44 Poplin Reps, sl,for Holiday Gifts. 44 do. $1.12 do. . 100 PS. figured Delaines. 24 cents; for Holiday . Gifts. '- 2 00 Ps. Dress Goods, at 25 cents, for Holiday Gifts. . 20 ps. Magenta Delaines, 50 tents, for ,Misses' -Holiday Gifts, 20 ps. rich figured Merinoes, $l, for Holiday GUM: BMWS; SILKS, SILKS. Black and Fancy Silks in great variety, 20 per cent. less than importation cost at this time, handsome'styles for. Holiday Gifts. - FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. A full line of every kind of Gloves, Brach° Scarfs; Handkerchiefs, Silk and Linen; Boys' Colored Border Gents' Colored Border liiikfs., Ladies' Em broidered Hafs.,fine Embroidered Gents' Driving, Gloves: ' , PERFUMERY FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. 10 gross Lubin's Extracts,l2l,c.- An immense variety of Perfumery at old prioes. . ; FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. Linen DaMask Table Cloths, Damask:Napkins, Damask Doylies. Damask Table Linen, by the yard. • : Also; fine 12-4 Blankets. Fine Marseilles Counterpanes, kluging, Flannels. : Balmoral Skirts, largest size, woolen tops, $3.50. Balmoral Skirts, for Misses, gay colors, $2„ &c.;atT R. CASSELBERRY'S /limn Moth Dry Goods 11Ouse,' 45 North EIGHTH Street, below Arch TIRESS GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS ONLY 25 CENTS PER YARD. In tconsequenee of large stocks of SAXONY DRESS GOODS being forced at auction, We have been enabled to offer to our customers desirable Styles of Dress Goods at. but a Small advance on the price of Calicoes. And a full line of SUPERIOR GOODS at 31, 37;4', 11, and 60 cents. FRENCH IHERINCIES, choice shades, from recent mite tionsales. PARIS REPS in desirable colors. PARIS POPLINS hr desirable Styles. FANCY. DRESS STLKSJNi, S%,and $l-' CURWEN STODDT & BROTHER, SOO, AlOg, and AID 4 North SECOND Street, de2o-3t above Willow. 'RICH BROORE • • LONG ••••• SHAWLS, NEW DESIGNS AND COLORINGS, only *B. .; A MOST ACCEPTABLE HOLIDAY GIFT. n . CURWEN STODDART & 8R0.,• 450, 452, and 454NOtlftECOND Street, de2o-3t above Willow. CLOAKING CLOTHS. FOR LADIES' `,.." WEAR, AT REDUCED PRICS. • Wu are closing out our stock, comprising Black, Colored, and Mixed Sealskins, Frosted Velvet Cloths. French Black Tricots. .Union do- do, All-wool Broadcloths. Union do. Al' REDUCED PRICES. CURWEN STODDART A: BROTHER, 450, 452, uud 454 North SECOND Street, Above Willow. . LADIES' FURS. " • .ett."""Anevs,,,,vvvvvvvvvvVvvvv,-vvv LADIES ' ' :,FURS • • . • POE. HOLIDAY. PRESENTS. TORN S T M MPORTER AND 'DUNI:MAMMON OP LADIES' FA.NOY FURS, No. 826 ARCH EIMER% BELOW NINTH. HAS NOW OPEN A splendid stock of Russian and Madsen Bay and Mink Sable, Royal Ermine, Chinchilla, Siberian Squirrel, and other styles of FURS, suitable for CHRISTMASind NEW TEAR PRESENTS. . -delgßja7 FURS! FURS! *" _ GEORuE F. WOMRATH, NOS. 415 AM 417 ARCH STREET. • HAS NOW OM A FUEL ' ASSORTMENT LADIES' To which the attention of the public is lohnoi LADIES' FANOY. FURS. JOEIN No. ns ARCH emir, BELOW BIGHTS, IMPORTER ANDMANUFACTTIRER LADIES' FANCY FURS. My assortment of Fancy Fare for Ladies and Children Is now complete, and embracing every variety that will be fashionable during the present season. All sold at the manufacturers' prices, for cash. Ladles, please give me a call. • oc3-4mif . . • FINANCIAL. ev.,"n.WVVWVy..")VWWW..n.Wrvvvvvvv , . $250,000 TO LOAN;' IN LARGE OR SMALL AMOUNTTS, ON DIAMONDS, SILVER-PLATE. WATCHES, JEWELRY, ANT) GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AT ISAAC NATHAN'S OLD ESTABLISHIED MONEY LOAN OFFICE, CORNER THIRD AND SPRUCE STREETS, (Only one square below the Exchange.) Advances made at the lowest rates 0. HARVEY T.IIOIILIS, STOCK 'AND BILL BROKER, No: 3i2 WALNUT STREET STOCKS and BONDS, And all kinds of U. S. GOVERN MENT SECURITIES bought and sold on Commission, ex cliudvel y. Business Paper and Loans on Collateral negotiated at lowest rates. Orders by Mail shall receive prompt attention. Refers to Messrs. liathan Trotter & Co., Geo. 11. Parrish, Esq., John B. Myers & Co., Samuel B. Thomas, Esq., Furness, Brinley, & Co., John Thomas, Esq.. del&Smtt JOHN C. CAPI' & SON, • . • STOCK & NOTE BROKEES, No. 23 SOUTH TRIED STREET, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE MECHANICS' BANE STOOKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMBHSSION AT THE BOARD OF BROKERS. • MONEY INVESTED AND NOTES AND LOANS _NEGOTIATED ON THE BEST TERMS U. S. • FIVE-TWENTIES, OR, TWENTY-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS. PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOVERNMENT AFTER FIVE YEARS. I am instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TREA SURY to receive subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR. Interest will commence from the DATE OF SUBSCRIP TION, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD at the Mint, or any Sub-Treastkry or Depository of the United States, on the Ant days of May and November of each year. At the Present PREMIUM ON GOLD, these Bonds yield. about EIGHT per cent. per annum. A full supply always on hand. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. Xll5OO. -THIS ~- LoTanolnBMortgage AMOUNT() r Grou Rent;TO would be divided. Apply to 33.•PETTIT, den No. 309 WALNUT Street. $lO,OOO,- $5,000; $3, 000 , 000, AND $2,000: to invest uponfirat Mortgage. Apply to ALFRED FITLER, Conveyancer, del74Vo No. 51 North SIXTH Street.. • • TITORYTYPES.-THE • ADMIRERS -I- of the beautiful and truthful should see those line specimens of art by REIMER. They are Invaluable likenesses. SECOIND Street, above Green. I. 0 S.T.-A, LETTER CONTAINING- - A-4 twonot6a for fifteen hundred dollars each, dated tenth uro., 20th, 102, at three and faar months respoe tively, payable at the Southwark Batik,, , drawn aria on dorsed by Jos. S. and Thos. Illkintunc,,was To:111M, or sup posed to have been irrafled, on the evening of the 17th of tenth month. (October), but did Dot reach its destination. YE AND AND PROF.EAR.--:,1". IS. AAI OS Inquirietr kitving been made far the lotto , . at the di iferent -i-a. OCULIST and AURIST, from Leyden, Holland, •iis° pest-eineff, of the Kane nairie,r4i the direction,' witliwel heaiingition it, it is supposed to have miscarried, or been pernianerttlT located , itt No. 511. PINE Street; where pAt I . :l , ,,,trecteti, or itheryi Ise lost, aria 11.11 ParriCllii 'are eau treats all iltseasea of the eye or oar scientifically, and tioned against nes:ciliates. the ahem note:, pa YTII-nt hal - - cares, it curable, - Artificial °Yes inserted. witbn n t pain. 1 jog been stopped. ,US, Ss, & 'rl M.:. lIL [UN I'ON, N. B,—lfo ollegrestaztade fat itz=guedou. . deZ•ue : deV-tut,1 , 31.* . N:), 783 8, s•vGlid. strNe, T4EMOVAL.—THE UNITED STATES SALUTARY COMMISSION has removed itsDepoli to from No. 123,5 Chm.tnnt street -to No. 937 South SIXTH Street, where contributions are uow received for Sick and 3 A oundod Soldiers. : de2o-4t THE rit . ss,..--PHILADIELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1862, CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. it) HOLIDAY PRESENT'S.. de2blm• WATCHES AND JEWELRY. NNTATOHES, JEWELRY; SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE A fiiio aasortmeat of,Goods in trlo above line, stain blo for -* HOLIDAY PRESENTS. CASSIDY & BALL, s• NO. 12 SOUTH SECOND STREET THOMAS - C. GARRETT, 712 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE THE PSASONIO HALL. PHILADELPHIA, Hasjust reeeived armssortment of LADIES' GOLD WATCHES, Of the newest styles, and of very superior quality. as .well as those adapted to men's and boys' wear. He is manufacturing extensively a great variety of USEFUL AND FANCY ARTICLES OF SILVER, And giyes special attention to getting up things suitable for BRIDAL AND HOLIDAY PRESENTS. PLATED WARE, Got up under the proprietor own in.spection, in a great variety of styles, Will be warranted HEAVILY PLATED with pure silver, in a way to insure its, wear; ing • Much of his JEWELRY Is manufactured- on the premises, and his stock will be found to, comprise a great variety of fashionable Pods, front the smallest articles to SETS OF DIAMONDS. Thest are offered for 'gale at PRICES kb.A.PTED TO TILE TIDIES, And persons are invited to call and examine them del2-tf a gn, SILVER CUPS, FANCY AND PLAIN SILVER WARE, WATCtIES, JEWELRY, AID PLATED GOODS, .A. , 7 . . . HENRY HARPER'S, den-6t* 520 ARCA Street. 14, HOLIDAY PRESENTS. AT9HES, JEWELRY, AND' SILVERWARE, No. 622 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Persons wishing to purchase good GOLD or SILVER WATCHES, Fine Gold. .Jewelry, Solid Silver or Silver- Plated Ware, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS, will find a large and desirable stock to select from at STAUFFER & HARLEY'S, aeisaa wo. 622 MARKET st., rhiladelphia a HOLIDAY PRESENT& We bays now on hand a -SPLENDID ASSORTMENT WATCHES, DIAMONDS, SILVERWARE, AND JEWELRY, OF ALL KINDS AND PRICES, • RUITABLE PON CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR • . PRESENTS. We invite special attention to the moderate prices of our DIAMONDS. LEWIS LDOMUS 00., del2-tial - A No. SOX CHESTNITT STREET. AMERICA.NWXI'CHES. • I. MARTEIt, AGEN . /'FOR THE AMERICAN WATCH •COMPANY," xow OFFERS, EXPRESSLY ADAPTED FOB • HOLIDAY :PRESENTS, A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF , 'AMERICAN WATCHES, s • FOR ' LADIES. AND GENTLEMEN, AT MODERATE PRIORS. • N0..712 CHESTNUT STREET, SECONVELOOR, OPPOSITE MASONIC HALL. delßm HOLIDAY PRESENTS. iljt mall • O. RUSSELL,. Ima° • No. SR NORTH SIXTH STREET, Ofbis choice assortment of • .• -"'TINE . , • .•: JEWEL,RY, STANDARD SILVER WARE, std taaetfloliday*resents, P BLZ MUM. darlin a D. T. PRATT, (SOCOBBSOR TO PRATT dr HEATH,) 60'7 CHESTNUT STREET, Ie constantly in receipt of ENGLISH, SWISS, AND AMERICAN WATCHES, Of desirable styles and qualities, to snit all classes of ift . EL I HOLDEN, Dealer in tine AMERICAN AND IMPORTED WATCHES. JEWELRY, AND CLOCKS 0c,31-15ms 708 aamiKET Street. AMERIC.AisT WATCHES, IN GOLD AND SILVER CASES. JOS H. WATSON, and Bm No. 326 CHESTNUT Stree j a WATCHES, JEWELRY, &O. A FRESH ASSORTMENT AT LESS THAN FORMER PRICES FARR & BROTHER, importers, mli2o4f 324 CHESTNUT Street. below Fourth CONFECTIONERY. CHOICE 'CHRISTMAS CONFECTIONERY. ENE MIXED SUQAR PLUMS, PRESERVED. FRUITS, FRENCH AND AMERICAN BON-BONS,• SUGAR TOYS; NICK—BACKS, Scc., MANYFACTi'RED AND IWPORYED BY ED..G. WHITMAN &°C4., CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW FOURTH, de&stuth9t Next door to Adams & Co.'s Express . • • COMMISSION HOUSES. .. ARMY GOODS. DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SEX-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. - HEAVY LINEN DRILLS - AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEBTINGS AND SHIRT INGS. For sale by FROTHLNGHAM. & WELLS. eel-if tf U. S. REVENUE STAMPS. REVENUE STAMPS: . . EVERY STAMP Las been issued by the Government, and I have them now for sale JOHN M. RILEY, FAIIibIERS' AND BEECHANICS',BANK BUILDING,. 427 CRFSNTITTSI'REET. AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF UNITED STATES TAX STAMPS, No. 57 South THIRD Street, first door abovo Chestnut. A full supply of all kinds of REVENUE STAMPS that have been issued by the Government for sale In quantities to snit. A liberal discount allowed on amounts of 5.50 and. up. wards. , Orders by Mail promptly attended to. JACOB E. RIDGWAY; d eCtino No. 57 South THIRD Street. P AE§ENTS UMBRELLA.S FOR LADIES. UMBRELLAS FOR GENTLEMEN UMBRELLAS FOR MISSES. UMBRELLAS FOR LADS. UMBRELLAS Beautifully - Finished.: UMBRELLAS Of Superior Make. UMBRELLAS. WM. A.. DROWN So CO., HOLIIWY PRESENTS g i t i 1 11 -.-- • - - , .. . _ - -._ WM. A. DROWN & CO-, ~‘4.. ''? • ' 248 MARKET STREET, Are now prepared with their usual stock of very superior - UMBRELLAS, VERY SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS. : • del3-tf 4- ' ' • YOU. ARE INVITED TO THE assortment °tali grades of UMBRELLAS so ad mirably adapted for'.Rol May Presents, at the Ma nufactory of SLEEPER & CO.; 1002 MARKET Street, one door above Tenth. Philadelphia. 'deal-fit* ESTABLISHED 181.2. WILLIAM WILSON & SILVER NNARE, ,AND CHERRY STREETS A very large assortment of Plain and Fancy SILVER , , WARE on hand, suitable for H(J•L'ID:AY YR.ESENTS, OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE ALSO, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ENGLISH, FRENCH, delB-tjal , I[OIODAY - PRESENTS. • • . susoo#meni of usiptrr. AND FANCY GOODS Now open-it. .IeARNXIAL'S - HOUSE4UkilSklllro STORE, delBlfeS. -.• • No. 1020 CHESTNUT STREET. HOLIDAY PRESENTS.- A BEAU • TlFBL , Assortment ' of , Hanging Baskets, Fancy . Plower Pots,Ptiens Pots,lFlsli Stands, Ferneries, Rya,- einths In Glasses, Bulbous Boots and Winter Flowering Plants, Bouquets ant. Moss Basket of Natural Flowers, tastefully arranged, at WA. DREER'S. 327 CHESTNUT . 11treet. • • —i.. - de2o-4e BBRITANNIA WARE •OF BEST quality, consisting of _': TEA SETS, CASTORS, PITCHERS, LADLES; , CIGAR LAMPS, SPOONS, MOLASSES PITCHERS, -. CUPS, JULEPMUGS, Ste. by Comprising a line assortment, WIT in store and St CO., for Isle TERS - 35 North EIGHTH Street, Corner Filbert. S EE TO IT.-NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR "CHRISTMAS PRESENTS," be'ore the throng commences. WINTERS & CO. offer a beautiful lino of goods in SILVI.IR-PLATED WARE, of every variety. BRITANNIA WARE; KEROSENE LAMPS, 61 46 Clocks, Fancy Goods,.oas Shades, &c., the whole form ing a complete assortment of the above goods, from which to select a. " Useful and Appropriate Present." Call early by all means. VbrITTERS & CO., 35' North EIGHTH Street, Corner Filbert, SILVER-PL ,TED •WAR,E OF BEST QUALITY, consisting of - SPLENDID TEA SETS, TOASTASKETS RACKS, BUTTER' DISHES, • MOLASSES PITCHE RS RUBY AND PLATED BERRY DISHES,. RUBY AND PLATED SALTS, l• NAPKIN RINGS. LADLES._ SPOONS, CALL BELS3‘..FORKS;KNI.VES, &c. '&c., Camprising a fine assortment, hi 'store and for sale by • WITTERS & CO., No. 35 North EIGHTH Street, - Corner of Filbert. HO :DAY, PRESENTS. ' CHARLES DUMMIG, . NO. 'Bl2' OHP...STNUT IiTNEET, •• PHRA.DELPRIA, • \. Begs leave - to inform his customers that his stock of newly imported goods, suitable for PRESENTS, .sur passes this year in elegance, variety, and cheapness of prices, anything before seen in this city. . Please call and examine his goods 'before buying else where. FANCY GOODS. Pocket Books:, Work Boxes and Gabes; Purses, Porte-inonnaies, Writing Desks and Cases, Cigar Cases and Boxes, Bronze and Gilt Goods, Ladies' Bags, China & Parian Ornaments, Papier Mache Goods, Bohemian Glass and. Terra Fine Cutlery, •• • Cotta Ware. DRESSING CASES. Meerschaum Pipes and Cigar Tubes. Games of every kind known. Cricket, Archery,:and.Gymnastic Implements. Walking Canes, Paris Fancy Goods generally. Musical Instruments of all kinds. nol6.3mit • TOYS, In every variety kmvn,- In thousands of different kinds and styles. ... • dell-1211f G-©- - • . . LD SPEOTA . IDLES,: ~ GOLD ,EYE 'GLASSES, Pield•Gi ' for Army and Navy use, Kaleidoscopes, Microscopes, Stereoscopci, and Stereosco pic Views, and a variety of other articles, appropriate gifts for the season: . McALLTSTER & 13110., del9-7t : .. 728 CHESTNUT Street. PHOT 0 GRA.PRIC ALBUMS-'-- A -a- large variety. &Ifni% at low prices, by • • • JAMES W. QUEEN & CO.; 024 CHESTNUT Strew. del34Tif MICROSCOPES,' SPECTACLES, AND SFr-GLASSES, for presents. for sale by JAMES W. QUERN & CO., .924 CHESTNUT Street. del3-tf If OP ER A GI, ASSES.,s -07 - ERA. GLASSES. For ,sale' • • JAMES w. cob= & CO.. 924.0BESTMOT Street. delS4f if CHRISTMAS. PRESENTS. . • Paint Boxes, Photograph Albnms,' Writing Albnms, Drawing Albums, Picture Albums; Toy Albums, E Cartes de Visite copies from Engravings, Pictures for Children, Pictures for Coloring. Colored Engravings for framing, Fancy Papers, Gilt Borders. Also, Boxes with Fancy Letter Papers and Enve lopes. SCFIOLZ & JANENTZKY, del-lm 112 South EIGHTH Street. READY-MADE 'CLOTHING. VERY DESIRABLE IN STYLE AND PRICE.. Suitable for the season: WANAMAKER & BROWN, V PoPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE, commit OAK HALL, SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS no alit FuN 'E READY-MADE CLOTHING. _ C. SOMERS & SON, No. 625 CHESTNUT STREET. UNDER JAYNE'S HALL, Have now made up for sale an entire new stook of FINE CLOTHING. Ain, a Dill assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and VESTINGS, which they respectfully invite-the public to examine before purchasing elsewhere. se27-tdSl 617 ARCH STREET. C. A. VAKIRIc. tKIIC9. havA on band a fine assortment of CHANDELIERS Also; French Bronze Figures and. Ornaments, Porcelain and Mica Shades; and a Val:l(4y of FANCY GOODS' SIIITARDE FOR 11.-OLIDTA.Y GIFTS. Which they will wit at reasonabin Friona. Tlekze call and extautitit; poda. der-if HOLIDAY GOODS. HOLIDAY MK , AND 0I NG ItAlt For stile by 246 MARKET STREET MANUFACTURERS OF / P. CORNER OP AMERICAN PLATED WARES etENTLEMEN'S NJI WINTER CLOTHING, nVERCOATS AND BUSINESS SUITS, In. great variety. LHIN. B.) spECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR OUSTOUBII:WORE. AND OTHER GAS FIXTURES PINY PUBLICATIONS. FROM THE PRESS OF • • J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. I. THE POLICY OF • EMANCIPATION. THAF.It LP.TTHICS To the PRESIDENT OP TIM UNITED STATES. the SECRETARY 01 WAR, and the SECRETARY' 01? THE TREASURY, Hy the Hon. Robert Dale Owen, late Minister to Naples. , nice 10 cents; Slx Dollars per hundred. " • If. THE TRIAL. OF THE -CONSTITUTION. By Sidney - George Fisher,. author of Tho Law of the • • Territories," &c.,'Zte,'' 1 vol. Bvo. . . •IJI.• . . -THE :WAGONER 01? • THE ALLECHANIES, . A Poem ante days ef.Seventy-sig,, By Thomas Buchanan Read, 12nto. • ' PARSONS . ON NOTES AND BILLS. A Treatise on the Law of Promissory Notes and Bills Of Exclmage, together with an Appendix, containing 111 e accurate reprint of the provisions of the statute in rela tion to Bills, Notes, Letters of Credit, Drafts, Order.-. and Checks, with an examination of thin questions which the Statute suggests, aml the English authiprit ins upon those questions which Blive arisen under the English stamp acts: and ratty arise under our own, By Theophilus Parsons, LL. D. Professor of Law in Cambridge Univer sity, author of Treatises on the Law of Contracts, &c., &c. 2 vols. Svo. Law Binding. 8 . 12. HILLIARD ON BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY: The Law of Bankruptcy and InsOlvency; being a com plete and compact. view of the English. and' American Laws upon the - subjects. By - Francis Hilliard. 1-vol. g vo.. au a few days.) • 2 • TRIERS' CONSUL ATE AND EMPIRE. The History of the Coagulate and Empire of - France wider Napoleon. By T I . A. 'Mors. This .greet work of hi. Tldera is now completed, and he concluding volume (V.) of the American edition will , e speedily issued. Complete in five vols., Bro. VII. PEED :5 • • • Outßum , or liniverrtal Ilistory, ill Three Parts, with a copious Index, showitu the correct mode of pronouncing every 1111111 e in It. By Joseph J. Reed. PART. i.—Annnivr lll±'?.TOar. (Just published.) Quarto, $1.50. . • i&% Constantly on hand, an (Mtol33iiVe stock of the most desirable miscellaneous and standard works, in great variety, mid in every style of binding. Photoginphie Allnims,.Blbles, Prayer Books, &c., &e., specially adapted for Holiday Pres:eats. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., de2.:?-at 22 and 24 North FOURTH Street. TEE PRESBYTERIAN BOOK STORE, -N0.1.834 "CHESTNUT ST. (Opposite 'United States Mint,) Have now ready FOR THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS . A fine assortment of - BIBLES AND HYMN BOOKS, A VARIETY OF GIFT BOOKS, POETICAL WORKS, • . CHILDREN'S BOOKS, PHOTOGRAPHS (10 cents each), And a large and beautiful assortment of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, In all the various styles of binding, including Turkey Morocco, carved .Oak' and Walnut Sides, Electrotype Landscapes, White Porcelain with Gilt Moautings,&c., &c., holding from 12 to 2 . 00 Photographs each. Having purchased most of these before the late great rise in cost of manufacture, we will continue to sell at the OLD PRICES. We have also always on hand a great variety'of Books selected expressly for Sabbath Sehools at low prices. de22-3t BO OKS- SUITABLE FOR. • . HOLIDAY PRESENTS, . FOR CHILDREN, FOR PARENTS, FOR SUNDAY-SCHOOL TEACHERS, FOR CLERGYMEN, AND FOR FRIENDS. • All the new Books of the season are to be found on our shelves, together with a large well-selected stock of later dates. BIBLES IN FINE BINDINGS, various OXFORD and other ENGLISH editions. PRAYER BOOKS. The BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER, from the smallest 48mo. published to the largest folio for desk. 98mo. Prayer, Turkey Morocco, gilt edge'sl 25 4Smo. do. do. do. . ribbon edge 1 50 4Smo. do. do. - do. with clasp 1 50 4Smo. - do. rims and clasps - 250 4Smo. do. velvet rims and clasps.. ......... 300 limo: do. Turkey-flex 225 16mo. do. bevelled boards '3 50 32m0. Prayer, (best edition published for children) arabesque 50 32m0 Prayer, Turkey Morocco • 1 75 32m0. do. do. rims and clasps 2 50 32m0. do. velvet • • ..• • • 350 And a variety of styles not mentioned, besides all the different English editions of PRAYER BOOKS and CHURCH SERVICES.' Also, - PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. A large 'stock of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, as hand some and as cheap as can be found in the city. FOR SALE AT THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL BOOK SOCIETY, 1224 CHESTNUT STREET. • N. B. -For the accommodation of Sunday-School Teachers that may not be able to make their selections through the day, the Depository will be kept open in the evening during the week preceding Christmas. delltf A 1300KOVTATRIOTIC INTEREST A AND BEAUTY FOR PRESENTATION.—An Ele gant 4to Volume, Illustrated:with Forty Portraits, in Morocco BEROES, , Antique, and Cloth Gilt Binding. MARTYRS, . . NOTABLE MEN. Biogranhies.of the Atilitary and Naiad. Loaders, States men and Orator; distinguished in the Abnerican Crisis of LW-61 Editelby.F.RANK MOORE..: • . ' For ?Age at ofttoo 'of." Arileton'oCrlolotedia and Re bellion Recoid,' 33 Sont .§IXT# trim, above Chest- FA.,ICAVER THOUGHTS OF A: COUNL N-A TRY PARSON. kit* . • ' PRESENT HEAVI.N.. By the author of "Patience 0f Ifope.'• 01. • NOONDAY. A sitetch. By the author of ." Cant. Ras- Boll's Watchword.:' contd. • , _ TRE•Two . HOMES: or, EARNING AND SPENDING. By Mrs. Leslie. 65 cents. • • TIM RESULTS OF EMANCIPATION. By Cochin. $1.50. ` .-For male .by . WILLIAM& & ALFRED .MARTIEN. • .6.211-••••: .• .• • No: 606 CIIE4TNUT Street.. • • • MR: Frl.l4,E'S PA3:f:P.HLPT:INI A iLL psw DAYs will be ready '•• • • • •'• ••• • . HOW. A FREE PEOPLE CONDUCT'A L ONG: WAR; A Chapter. from English History. By•Chas...l.•:Elßle. Pamphlet. WILLIAM S. .k. ALFRED M.ARTIEN, de•23 ' ' No:600 CHESTNUT Street. OOKS- OF REAL VALUE .FOR P s '• CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. ' • APPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA, In 16 Told.. Various styles of binding. APPLETON'S ANNUAL CYCLOPEDIA FOR 1861? Register of Important Events In History, Science, and Art. 1 vol., Svo. PUTNAM'S RECORD OF THE REBELLION. The most valuablo work published on the present war. 4 vols o Svo. DICKENS' COMPLETE WORKS. • Household edition. IRVING'S COMPLETE WORKS. 22 vols. • - " • LIFE OF WASHINGTON: 6 vols. • LIFE AND LETTERS OF WASHINGTON IRVING. 2 vols. i . BAYARD TAYLOR'S WORKS. Caxton edition. S vote. COOPER'S NOVELS. Barley's illustrated edition. 82 vols. • • WAVERLY NOVELS. Household edition. 30 vols. BANCROFT'S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. GEMS FROM THE .DUSSELDORF GALLERY. Photo- graphed by Turner, to embrace 32 copies of master-pieces • b_Gerniau artists. _ R. GRANT WHITE'S SHAKSPEARE, in 1.1 vols. HEROES AND MARTYRS—NOTABLE-MEN. By Frank Moore. 40 illustrations. BRITISH POSTS. VS vols. Little, Brown, & Co.'s edition. BRITISH ESSAYISTS. 38 vole. - • • MODERN BRITISH EAYIS. HOOD'S COMPLE'PE W SS ORKS TS . 6 vol v s. PLUTARCH'S LIVES BY CLOUGII. 6 vols. :WORKS OF BACON, LAMB, Re SHAKSPEARE'S WORKS. By Mary Cowden Clarke. 2 vols., illustrated. For sale, at the lowest Juices at the Office of • '• . S• . • APPLETON' C I YCLOPEDIA and • Law-,34-*cOR.O " 88 South SIXTH St., above CheittiTiC GUSTAVE DORE. ILLUSTRATIONS • READY ON THE 18th OF DECEMBER. D.AI , ITE ALBUM, Photographs from thirteen select Illustrations to Dante's Inferno, by GUSTAVE DORE, in' Portfolio, Cloth, $7.50. In Turkey Morocco, $lO. THE SLEEPING BEAUTY IN THE WOOD, by CHAS. PERRAULT, with Photographs from the Illustrations by GUSTAVE DORE. 1 v 01 .7 .4 to. Donna. in cloth, gilt edges, $l. Turkey Morocco, $5.50. Also, Photographs of the last Portntit of ALFRED TENNYSON, painted by G. F. WATTS . , engraved by JANES STEVENSON. Size of the original, $l. Card size, 25 cents. F. LEYPOLDT, • Bookseller and Importer, . deIS-12t 1323 CHESTNUT Street. THE AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL -a ,- UNION have provided their usual beautiful and bountiful stock of ' BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON, In every variety of size, style, and price. Catalogues furnished gratuitously on application at the DEPOSITO RY, No: n 22 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia; N. I3.—Store open in the - evening, I dol9-6t MRS. SIG OURNEY'S ILLUSTRATID POEMS—AN • ELEGANT PRESENTATION VO LUME, printed on cream-tinted paper, with illustrations, designed by barley, and engraved by various artists. Beautifully bound in various styles, suitable for pre sentation.. _ ALSO, An assortment of HOLIDAY-BOOKS, illustrated, stand ard and juvenile. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers* Booksellers, deli 25 South SIXTH Street. above CHESTNUT. HOLIDAY 800 , K5 , .. HOLIDAY BOOKS. The subscribers have on AND STAND assortment of ILLUSTRA.TED AND STANDARD BOOKS, suitable for Holiday Presents; also, JUVENILE BOOKS in great variety. and all the NEW BOOKS - Of the tlay. LINDSAY & DLANISI'ON, Publishers and Booksellen. dell 25 South SIXTH - Street, above Che.ituut A LECTURE. FOR YOUNG •MEN.- Jiist published,_price 6 cents, a new edition of the late Dr. CULVERWELL'S CELEBRATED LECTURE on the Abuse of the Reproductive Powers, inducing De bility, Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, Mental and Physical Incapacity, &c. The radical mode of treatment; without-medicine, medicine, is fully explained' so as to enable every one to be his own physician at the least possible expense. "A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS." Sent under seal; in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Address - the publishers, CH. J. C. KLINE & CO., Doom if 127 BOW, fl 586 CIRCULATING LIBRARIES. BROTHERHF AD'S CIRCII'LL • • • TING LIBRARY.—AII the NEW English and American Books, including ALL CLASSES of Literature. This is the ONLY Library in the country that includes all the NEW ENGLISH BOOR'S that are not REPRINT ED here. Terms ss,per year ; six months $3; three months $1.50; one month 75 cents, or 3 cents per day. 1418 South EIGHTH Street. seB-6m EVNGLISH AND FRENCH FAMILY: { CIRCULATING LIBRARY AND CABINET, la. LECTURE, 1323 CHESTNUT STREET. Subscriptions peryear, month, and day. • Catalogues furnished gratis on application. - . - "Just ready, Catalogue of the Young Ladies' French Li. br e; “ta.logue de la 80/le/Wye achasie dial - Datum et dee Demoieelle.e;" 'bi H. MONACHESI, Agent, se6 , lrn 1323 CHESTNUT Street. S KATERS'-HEADQUARTFIPtiS, kJ . . ICE AND PARLOR SKATES PORHOI,TDAY PR — MKT& SKATES FOR LADIES. SKATES FOR-OENTS: SKATES FOR PARLOR SKATES„ OP ALL MEP. SKATES of every description: it yr Bale low„ by PHILIP WILON 00,„ 415 CHESTNUT STREET,, delAnt OPPOSITE CUSTOM HOUSE. MATERIALS FOR MINOE PIES. , - BUNCH, LATER, AND SULTANA RAISINS, CITRON ;CURRANTS, SPICES. CIDER WINE, ,ke., ' . AL.BERVC. 'ROBERTS DEALEk' IN FINE GROCERIES, tIelG if tf CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE us PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, dr.c., vvvvvwswevvvv , "esnovv.Annn. STUART'S PORTRAITS • • . • GEORGE A.i4t• - . MARTHA WA.SgiNGTON, COPIED a; OIL COLORS:BIe E. CAKIDDLETON, Of Cincinnati. (formerly of this city.) These Portraits are produced by an entirely Nero Pro cess, and are more beautiful and life-like than the finest brash paintings, *nil are furnished to Subscribers only, at a remarkably low price. What can be more appropriate for a • . CHRISTMAS PRESENT Than a pair of these Paintings? They mast be seen to be appreciated, and the subscriber will cell and exhibit `hem to any in this' city 'who will address him, through the Post Office. A. BARLOW. CHRISTMAS. JAMES S. EARLE SON, HATE NOW OPEN . • • THEIHNEWEST IMPORTATIONS FINE- ENGRAVINGS, PARIS PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS . FOR CHRISTMAS SALES. " • OIL PAINTINGS. PI RC RAMES.E. AND PHOTOGRAPH . F . LOOKING 'GLASSES ' • IN GREAT VARIETY. • EARLE'S .GALLERIES, dekt• 810 'CHESTNUT. STREET. PHILADELPHIA • PHOTOGRAPHS. . , VVVV , lyVVvvvvvw.e.""esesAwnivv,neavvvvvvws. , ..."" •CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.-FINE, naturally-colored Photographs. such as REIMER'S for 1, are appropriateforPrecents. Go soon to his PoPd lar Gallery, SEGOND Street. above Green. . lt* STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, COLORED and Plain, of the London Exhibition. A choice se lection of these admirable pictures for side br JAMES W. QUEEN & CO:, de92.-Sir • - No. 924 CHESTNUT Street., ARD PHOTOGRAPHS.-WE RAPEC rarchneed• from James • S. 'Earle & Son: their entire collection of CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, and hare now the largest pollection in t4o city. r to !STIER & BRO. , ' CIEIBISTMAS. .E.LNGANT AND N.A . TiTRAL Portraits inado. reduced Priem at Est- MEWS. Life-size Photogntrilis in oil colors. Fall not to vieit his Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green. leo JUST OPENED, A NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. No. 906 ARCH, STREET, Where the FINEST PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES, FROM THE CARTE DE VISITE TO THE IMPERIAL SIZE, Are produced by the most EXPERIENCED ARTISTS. Those wtshinglirst,class pictares are invited to call and examine specimens. A choice selection of Albums, cases, and fr4mes, on band. . F. A. 0. KNIPE. del7-Sm , " - VVANTS. :YOUNG :-.IIAN WANTED IN A A Wholesale. awl Retail Dry goods Store: one who Ilan bad several Yam - experience. Addrtnts Box 1033, Post Office. - - It. • . .719VANTED--A YOUNG MAN' IN .AN . .. . ...!„.‘... , ,... , inattyances Office; must write well and raptdly; I:_griduate .of :the, High school preferred. Address '"Union," at the office of this paper. It YANTED -A SPECIAL . PARTNER ; With from. EG5.000 to grXI,OOO, in the - D.Goods Jobbing • businetc3. The advertiser has a - LOW o.. ' trade, which can be greatly increased by having additional capital. Reference can be given to all the prominent im porting and commission houses in this city. • • • Address "Dry Goods." The Press ofAce. All commu nications strictly confidential- . . de23-3t WANTED -A COMPLETE SET OF FIRST-CLASS" FURNITURE, CRINA. &c., by one going to housekeeping. Any giving up, and bariu. , an elegant stock,uoarlynew, please address 4 *.lif. It. Con fidential." Pros Office. de20.3t0 CONTINENTAL . CAVALRY. " Camp Metcalfe," near RADDONPIELD; N. J. —BIEN wanted to' complete Comjlanies now nearly full, to secure the Citizens' Bounty Fend awarded to the Bret Twenty Companies mustered into the service of the United States. . . . . Two or three positions of Second LIEUTENANTS are vacent,which will be assigned to young men of good re ferences, and who have seen service. delle BOARDING. A SINGLE GENTLEMAN WOULD-- like to engage a comfortably furnished room for the winter, within ten minutes' walk of The Press. office. Address "Russell," at this office. PERSON/CL. N FO -"- FRANK P. MeNEILL, Company K, 2d Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserves, (Gen. McCall's Division,) who disycnwared at the battle of White Oak Swami), June 30, 1862, (one of the scv erklays' battles in front of 1;10in - toad.) Any information concerning him will confer a great favor on his distmsseil mother. Mrs. JANE MeNEIL, N. E. corner TENTH and FITZWATER Sr., Phila. dm:34R MUSTER AND PAY ROLLS, AND - 4 .`- 4 - Government claims of all kinds hedl leeted,at reasonable rates, by JAMES FULTON o : 4 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. noS-tf PENSIONS.- $lOO BOUNTY AND Pay procured and collected for soldiers, sailors' and the relatives of such as are deceased, at reasonable, and satisfactory rates. Claims cashed or advanced upon by JAMES 'FULTON, Solicitor for Claimants, 424 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Particular attention given to parties living at a dii tance. oclB-tf FOR SALE AND TO LET. rIX) LET.- • . . . . 13E - sSEOOND AND UPPER FLOORS OF THE SPACIOUS BUILDING, No. 221 CUES-MITT STREET Unuaryl,lB6l Apply to D. LANDRETH ei; SON, de2(Fstath3t• . " 23 Smith SIXTH Street - FOR SALE--A FILE OF "THE PRESS" from' Janitary 10SW, to the present time; else, the Neer York //e).a/d . Address "D. B. M.," et this office. de23-31.* 9'O . PRINTERS.-FOR SALE, PRICE $2:10, a good WASHINGTON PRESS, bud 24 3S with complete fonts of New Brevier Type, with all the Cities; Stands, and Fixtures of a Newspaper Office. Address Newspaper," at this Office. deT.141131.* TO RE N T-THE THREE UPPER ROOMS of Warehouse No. 236 CHURCH with sepanite entrance and hatchways. Apply to R. CRADDOCK, Agent for T. SHARPLESS, EIGHTH and CHESTNUT Ste. Key, 236 CHURCH Alley. de ?.3-2t* FIRSTOLASS DWELLING TO AlWaßENT.—fro rent, a convenient Dwelling at No. DICKINSON Street, newly papered, and furnished with modern conveniences, with a large yard. Rent reduceilto 2il+s rev annum. Apply to C. S. CLOSE and J. H. CHUBB, Agents, No 331 NEED Street. de23-2t* COAL. COAL. -THE UNDERSIGNED BEG leave to inform their friends and the public that they have removed their LEHIGH COAL DEPOT from NOBLESTREET WHARF, on the Delaware, to their Yard, Northwest corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets, where they intend to keep the best quality of LEHIGH COAL, from the most approved mines, at the lowest prices. 'Your patronage is respectfully solicited. JOS. WALTON et CO., Office 112 South SECOND Street. Yard, EIGHTH and WILLOW.. • mhl-tf INSURANCE COMPANIES. GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE 11 • : • : . ':i CAPITAL 5200,000. This Company continues to take risks on the safes closes of Property at low rates. 'Pbe public can, rely_ upon its responsibility, and ability to pay losses promptly. Its disbursements for the benefit of the public, during the last nine years, exceed 500,000 DOLLARS. and we respectfully solicit its favor in the future _ DIRECTORS. CHAS. I. DUPONT, ' JERRY WALKER, JOHN W. CLAGIIORN, JOHN THORNLEY, C. E. 'ISAMU?, ABRAHAM HART. • DAVID BOYD . PETER S. •HOE, of N. Ti WM. M. SWAIN, FURMAN SHEPPARD, : JOSEPH KLAPP. M. D., N. S LAWRENCE, 'WM. C. RUDMAN, JOHN SUPPLER. - • ' THOMAS CRAVEN, President A. S. GILLETT, 'Vice President, 'JAS. B;ALTORD, Secretary. arerz•iftf FAME INSURAN Ft 406 CHESTNUT Street. FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. DLRECTORS. ~.. • F. N. Buck. E. D. WoOdruff Jr.,Chas. Richardson, John Kessler, Henry Lewis, Jr., P. S. Justice, Alex. Whilldin, Washingtonjones, Geo. A. West, Chas. Stokes, 0. W. Davis, John W. Everman, FRANCIS N. EU K President. CHARLES RICHARDSON, Vice President, :'. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. CmhD)4.ftt INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE •STATE OF PRNNSYLVANIAOFFICR Nos. IF and 51 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS North side of WALNUT Street. between DOCK and TFIIRD Streets. Philadelphia; INCORPORATED 81 p latiCHAIKtp PERRPETUAL. PROPERTIES OF TIEcE COM?AN'T, FEBRUARY 1,1961. MARINE, PIKE, ANIMA% TRANSPORTATION • INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. Henry D. Sherrerd, Tobias Wagner, Charles Macstester. Thomas B. Wattson, William S. Smith, Henry G. Freeman, William R. White, Charles S. Lewis, George H. Stuart. George C, Carson, Samuel Grant, Jr., John B. Aus Ed tinward C. Knight, , HENRY D. SHERRERD, Pre WILLIAM Harman, Secretary. THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. (PIER INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) • COMPANY'S BUILDING, S. W. COR?,(ER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRECTORS. • • F. Ratchford Starr, Mordecai L. Dawson, ••• • WilliantMcKee. George.H: Stuart, • Ha)lmo Frazier, John IL Brown,• John.M, Atwood, B. Ajahnestock, T. Tredick, Andrew,D.,Cash, Henry Wharton, J. Id, Erringer. CHARLES j/ d atitT s C e gOßD STARR, Presidgita ANTHRACITE INSURANCE RANY.—Authorized Capital $400,000-oateitTßN PRBPBTUAL. Ofdee o. 3111. WALNUT Street. between, Tblra and . Fouttb streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loss or. damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Mer,handise gene . . Also. Marine Insurances on Tesselg. Cnygnos, and Rrel&hts. Inland IIIsILIBACO to all parts of the Union. BaNds.Peaisor... . P4Aer Seiger, J. 'IU Baum,. • . • letm. F.. Deus„ Johnll Ketobani. E t ll.Bß.es.idenL ' ?. 'BAB. VicsPrwident. • ' WSlliam Esher, D. Luther, • Lewis Andenrlel, John R. BlaelAlkon, Joseph MantisAl, WIL W. M. Sisrms.Soiretarv. FIRE trit:Al4o.E EXOLUSIVELY. —Th e pfikficsYLV,A,B3A FIRE MISITRANCE COM PANY. 1 - x2°i-wrote& MA-5. CRADfIEiriPERPETUA.L. No. 510 WALNUT Street, oPPositelasigpendence Sc are. ' This Cesar/11.1 1 Y, faxeobly knowr. to the cornmuutV for. thirty-six Fears,. emVinues. to .12sture against .4= or Deems.) by Eire on Public or Peivite Buildings. alther pernieeently or for a limited time.' - Also, on Nrniture, Ste' of - laoods. er Merchandise generally, r. liberal .ters ep its. • Their Capital s together - with a large Surging Fund. is Invested in tha meat careful manner, whish amtlff es them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the ease of P:)55. DINSCTORS. ... . Jonathan Patterso n, I Thomas Robins, Quintin Campbell, Daniel Smith, Jr. Alexander Bonon, JohriDevereux. William biontellns, Thomas Srath. [mac Ihttlebnriitt JONATFIA WILL/A.ll Q. CILOWZ/4...5et E COMPANY, NO PATTERSOZc, Posideat :1104, AgJUSEDIENTS. ARE RICAN AGADENLY OF - MUSIC DIREC4O. ' .T GRAD. LAST NIGHT OF TITO OPERA SEASON. THIS (TUESDAY) EVENO O . DeCember Will be presented, Verdi's immoKs ;work, THE SICILIAN VE4CEILS. with its renowned and 'gorgeous mist en scene, find tha following superb east: Duchess Ellenn ' MADAME LORINT. Her first appearlauco in rhiladelphialu this role, one in Which she hus achieved the highest renown through - oot Continentnt MIES FAICNIE STOCKTON, BE NOLL ALIODIO, BARILI, SUNNI, /u the other l ending role* Ticket °Meets at. the Academy, and Gould's Musis Stere,•No.:63l3' OTIESI'NITT Street. TO-MOHROW, WEDNESDAY EVENING, GRAND • GALA. FAREWELL MOW, _WEIN ALL THE ARTISTS APPEAR. AMERIP:AN: AOADIMY OF: MUM TO.MOIfROW (Wednesday) EVENING. Dee 24. 11$3. GRAND '0 A EA - AND CLOSING Nut Ice; . • WHENAVERY A,RTIST ENGAGED W 11.7, APPEAR IN PATORITA I NOlf Air.... : ......... rfOgat'A. • Mr. Grata hat the honor to announce &at, in compliance with a generally expressed desire: that prior to the de- Durture •of lib , Cotapany he Would glee one of those 'Grand Gala nights which attracted such immense and ihtitionable audiences in-New York,. that he Kill present the follOWing BRILLIANTLY -ATTRACTIVE. PROGRAMME. • , The claire of Donlzotti's opera of LA PAVORITA, • MADAME GUERRARELLA AS LEONORA. . In announcing the amearance of Madame Gnerrabel la in this celebrated role r ldr. Onto Would specially refer to the euthastastic reception , she• received from both press, and public in her rendition of it in New York, particu larly in her performance of t h e lost act, In which she may justly claim to be Without a' rfral on the lyric stage iir.that role. • ' BRIONOLT; in his great role of FERNANDO. -STOCKTON • • AMODIO • • • • • SIISINI. Between the *con d and third'acta, DILI E. CORDIER will neribruithe celebrated • . SHADOW DANCE and . Mirk PROD? VINOKAH. Between the third and fourth acts,. • SIGNORINA MORENSI t h epill nppear • in celebrated' "Brindisi Scent.' from , .• . • Locrezia Borgia:" Vheperformance will commence with the first act of NORMA: . MADAME LORI . Appearing in the grand tragic role of • NORMA: . • - SIGNOR IVIACCAFERRI, • Who has recently - achieved so great a success in New Tork, sustaining the part of • .por,LIO:. OROYESO ' • • - -SIGNOR • STAINI. NOTICE.—On this occasion, owing to the length .of the 'performance, the curtain will rise precisely at half pang o'clock. Ticket oiliest at the Academy and Gould's Music Store. 032 'CHESTNUT Street. , AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUM HOOD & SHELDON • ' • • Luken. • GRAND HOLIDAY ENTRItTAINMEN'TS. GRAND HOLIDAY ENTERTAINMRNTS. CHRISTMAS DAY, at 2 o'clock. CHRISTAIAS DAY, tit2.o'clock. CHRISTMAS NIGHT, at 2!4' •: CHRISTMAS NIGHT, at lA-o'clock. PRIDES' MORT 'AND. SATURDAY AFTERNOOI, AlgO . .• • • NIOI.IT. 200 . •. • 200 • SOO • 200200 • SOO • • LITTLE CHILDREN WILL APREAR, IN GRAND FAIRY SPECTACLK GRAND FAIRY SPECTACLE. VISION OF FAIRY LAND. GRAND maifolisiik FAIIIrLIGht tilAtuot. Also, tho Beautiful Nursery Tile Ballet Ptintemime of CINDERELLAI CINDERELLA, • • CINDERELLA-,- • • • CINDERELLA.. • • OR TDB GOOD FAIRY AND • TUE LIME GLASS BLYPBER. . Felix, Prince of Salerna.. , ... • • .•'• •La Belle Louise. Ailed out, Tutor • -La Belle Laura: Daudina, ,•-' I a Maggie. Baron Pompolitio:. • -- - • • •• - - a Belle Sink,: 11 . 10 P . • i ,S s te r* r..Le Belle Katie: Thirbe • • C ' . -Belle - Clorluda • Cinderella • • • • • • ' La Belle FAnnim' fait7Queen • ... • • • • La Bane o aa . , Pedro, Cinderella's friend • • Master Frank_ • •• Lods, Ladies, Serimts, Foot Men. Courtier's; &C.' ' • The beautiful trained fibetland Ponies; • . • LITTLE MAC AND.EirRNSIDE, LITTLE MAC AND• BURNS, DE; . ' • : LITME lIIAC AND BURNSIDE. • •• Attached to their- ELEGANT .GOL DEN 'CHARIOT, • ELEOA?.;T GOLDEN - CHARIOT. - ELEGANT 00.1iDEN•GILIRIOT; ELEGANT GOLDEN CHARIOT. • Will form a prominent feature. ' In consequence,of the. immense proSsure at the Box•'• Office at the precous entertainufenti., :Hate aVeid un necessary delay, Messrs. Hood it Sheldon would re spectfully suggest to their' patrons thee, for thet own - • convenience, they should secure Tickets and Places during: "the day, for which' there* La NO • EXTRA , ' CHARGE. Price of admission, 2:1 cents to all RIMS of the ElOuse. No Extra Charge for Secured Seale, which may be hod at the Academy and Gould :s' Miele Store, for any per formance, Three Days in Advancti. '• • Proscenium Boxes (10 seats each). Five Ddllstra: • . /Vo scabs sold to Sptculatork. " av T ERT HALL, CHESTNUT " POSITIVELY FOR TOPE WEEKS ONLY.: dOIaBIEICCINO MOI4DAY, DEGEMBEK 2, AND CONTINUING EVERY EVENING. - .DURING THE WEEK ALSO ON WEDNESDAY, .SATURDAY; Aic • CHRISTMAS I.II I HINOONS. • THE GEEAT HISTORIC MIRROR OF' THE. WAR Painted by AleFsqs. ROBERPV-WM: PEAR SON, of New York . Cify. • • . 'MP only complete artistic worknf the kind in exist ence, being a complete history of the great contest, illus trating all the principal Battles, Battles; Battles, Naval Engagements, Naval Engagements, • Paval Engagement-c • l'arades, Sieges. Pamdcw, Siezeir. Parades, Sieges, Camp Life, • Camp Life, • Camp Life. .lla Marclies Not only showing:ill the principal Fortifications. Towns. and Cities, but also following our brave troops through their various positions and evolutions, the whole form ing a series of ARTISTIC AND BEAUTIFUL SCRIM Collected et great expellee and troubtelirMr. Pearson ADMISSION 25 CENTS; PACKAGES OF tiIX T/CIOTS • ONE DOLLAR. • 111211=1 GRAND MATINEE, WEDNESDAY. SATURDAY, and CHRISTMAS AFTER NOONS. for the accommodation of Schools and families. Doors open at 2 o'clock. To commence at 3. EvENlNos—Entertainment to commence at 7g. Doors open one hour previous. Persona desirous of engaging tickets will please apply at the Ball every day, between 10 and 12 and 2 and 4. det.l-6t.* WALNUT -STREET THEATRE.- Sole Lessee Mrs. M. A. GARRETTSON. Ermine!kg Agent.. • . Mr. JOHN T. DONNELL!. THIS (TUESDAY) ......... Dec. 22, 18624 Will be performed Slink..peare's Trudy, entitled HAMLET. • ;Arr. E. L. Davenport. Mr. D. Young. Mrs. B. L. Davenport. Hamlet. Ophello To conclude with the. Farce of THE LAUGHING HYENA. Simon Hornblower JOHN DREW'S ARCII-STREEI -A- THEATRE. Business Agent and Treasurer JOS. D. MURPHY NINTH WEEK OF J. S. CLARKE. Firsi night of THE NAIAD QUEEN. MONDAY. sod every EVENING, SUDDEN THOUGHTS. Jack Cabbage After which, the grand spectacle of TDB NAIAD QUEEN 3. S. Clarke. Barton KUL Mrs. John Drew. CHRISTMAS, TWO GRAND PERFORMANCES. Afternoon and Evening See Box Sheet now open. SchnopP`'• Sir Rupert Lux-line • • •• BBL & CO.'S STEREOPTICON. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. • , 13113111.03. OF SUN PAINTIAG, •. _ Displaying a Photographic -- VOYAGE AROUND THE WORLD. I Every EVCIIII3 &and Christina-sand Saturday Afternoons. Admission 25 as, Commence at 3 and S o'clock. de22-St }TARMONIA MUSICAL SOCIETY.- The Directors announce the first SOlREE , orthe AC/L -RCM. to fake Ogre on FRIDAY EVENING, ;Pea, the MUSICAL FUND HALL, to commence at S o'clock, wicu DR: STERNDA.LE BENNEreIt CANTATA. THE MAY QUEEN, ;. Will first be produced for the time in thiA city. •The principal parts will besnstained by Prof. A. Ft.•TAYLOR, and Lady and Gentlemen Amateurs. with theJargelv in creased chorus of the Society. Subscriptions foe the series of three Soirees will be received at J. E. QOPLD'S, corner Seventh and Chestnut streets. Also, single tickets at fifty cents each. demo, TIANCLNG, AND MINTAI, GILLIS DEUCHAR has room for a few ; more young GENTLEMEN, Mud he desires that, the term . be applied properly,/ in a private Evening Clams to meet on FRIDAY next, at 7 P. M. Apply a little before the hour named. Parents wishing to have their. Childrt n taught la the afternoon. by leaving a note at the. office : Xhe,ASSE3j-i BLY BUILDING, they will he atteutleil - to. Apply at 0114 V. • ilfr. P. :wilt give - as reference some of the first amities this city. " . . SSE 11 BL.Y. - 131TILDINTENTa AND CAESTN ~ 'BRISTAIAS AMUSE IENTS FOR OLD AND TOI7O. CTOYS AND 0 IFTCF:ORIFIk LITTLE . ONES.: stoxon BLITZ, • The irreat MAGICIAN and VENTRIL9QUIST, with his •LEARNED CANARY., BIRDS,. will 'commence his new. mnd popular Entertainments for the Sea.4ori tin MONDAY .EVENING, Dec. 22d, at 73a, and on:CHRISTMAS DAY three Grand Pertlirmances at,.11; M. 3, and Pc M., and every AFTERNOON, and. EVENING. during, the 'Holidays. The attractions will be .inarvellom3t 'erpert quotas in Magic ; Wonderful powers in Ventriloquii.m. and the Learned Canary Birds in their new characters. • Admission •Bicents. Children 13 cents, dele-tf CONCERT HALL - L E . O TII It•E ROOM—CLIESTNUT Street, above Twelfth. ' CAPTAIN WILLIAMS'. GREAT NAUTICAL.ENTERTAINMEW, Every Evening at 7Y; o'clock, And SATURDAY AFTERNOCIN at 3 o'clock, This splendid Entertatnmentdrew crowdbd houses fog '250 „nights in New York ; oPtu a feW•weeke !longer -in Philadelphia. Every family should witness Capt. Williams' Great Whaling Voyage beforeMs Zopar. i tare. Liberal arrangements will be made for schools land benevolent purposes. Tickets 25. eta.. or Ave for EL .del-lm SOQTTISII B —THE Ns" FOURTH :ANNUAL - BALL of We . CALVDONIAN CLUB will takerinte at the MUSICAL. FUND }FAL% on. CHRISTMAS EVE, the Nth instant. Tickets one dollar. :No tickets admitted unless prepaid. de-2-2-3r :GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. - PUB • LTC REHEAMSALS every SATURDAY AFTER NOON M o'clock, at the MUSICAL FUND , HALL. Carl Seats, conductor. Tickets Theents. es.ofl tickets, sl—to he had of Andre d; Co., 1103 Chestnut street ; J. E. Gould: Seventh and Chestnut. and at the ball door. n027-tf TIASSIA'R'S ORCEEESTRA.— NEw ossics._ 214 Sontb SIGHTII ea.:below Walnut. del343m .pENIISYLVANIA APADEXT OP • TIM FIVE ARTS, 102.5 CIIEMUT.STRPar, Is 'ova* daily ( Sundays excepted ) kom 9.3. N. till • P. M. Admission 'M coast& Children Ulf price. Sbases of stock. *3O. fra tacq. CHESTER RA I L via hlklllA • (.4PRISTMASEMPUE.itIOSS. Excursion Ilekets.Ntal be sot,lae.l.Ve4 Chcker t good from Decentl‘er 24,1562; to Janna,rx 2.lt7Xt. Fare tor the round trikkW - • iitAlrit WOOD. tic23-tif ' ri ntendont. -1111 L COURT FOR TITS CITI AND CtiUtNTY O.O_IIIILADRLPIIIA. Estate of EDMUND. A, Zdr,;(qH, DecesSed. Sti decedentelty given thet.E.Nlia widoW of raid has filed in the said Court her petition Ondar,prelsenteut cleitniog to TOtaill property of the said decedent to the vslite fd0(124 therein expniismid under the net of April 14, 14 7, 5 it and the supplements thereto, and that the :41 C ourt Vitt approve the SOW on the Nth any of jauntily A-'1). IeVI. manioc exceptions are bind thereto, BENJ. 11. BREWSTER, deft-tuf4ts Attorney fur PettLiuner. TO SECURE TEE MOST APPI OVI4ID HOLIDAY-7.OILET, gd to the celebrated Hato Dyer and Cutter, YOUltTllOnd JIMA:NM • . doll rt CARD PRINTING, NEAT AND Chaqb at P.INOWALT & Ba(rNISS .z 41ckatk eocrlP2ll istreet. Chastnat. - Bombardments, Bombardmeut.:. Bombardments,. Reviews. Reviews; Reviews. Mr. llemple. J. S. Clarke.
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