THE CITY. THE ARMY OF 4. EXEMPTS. " -011 11.5 t Saturday. the assessors of many of the diatricta had com pleted their labors, and banded in their returns of alt those liable to military duty. The remainder of the as teeters will be heard from this week. Matters have been p tithed forward with great activity by Marshal llitilward, and everything has been m arranged that the draft can be made at the shortest possible notice after being or dered. The recent stirring news from the army of the Potomac convince' every one that men are much needed, and must be had at all haaarde. As It Is a well known fact to ail that Philadelphia bee not yet famished her foil quota, and, from present indications, will hardly do so by the 15th (the time for making the draft), many timid one" have been induced to file reasons at the Count" Commiesioner's office, why they should be ex empt. Some of the douses artamusLog and onions, and portray human nature in all its lights and shadows. Just imagine, for an instant, an army composed of ex empts. Piratic( order come the descendants of Johnny Bull, armed with the Queen's neutrality Pre:wise:la- Lion then come; a large company persecuted by a troublesome fellow styled "General Debility"— next come the Near.sighters, whieh is followed by the Weak-Knee Boyer, who, are, in turn, pups ported by the boys with Weak Backs. The Trouble. some•Reart Regiment next fang in line, and the stiff joints act as the color company. The Toothled Regi ment follows next in order, led by thejWater.brain the Broken Limbs then follow suit, eopported by the rut Feet and Swelled-Vein Warriors, commanded by the abort-eyes and hard.ofhearing boys. Cramp Regi ment now falls In line, composed principally of young men who have suddenly grown old, and are subject to nervous headache The Internally Injured wind up the prcceetdon, and quite a' goodly hoot is here repregented, commanded by preachers, schoolmasters, and Govarn ment unpiciees. • A few specimens of the exerted offered by the above army, who do Ink from serving the country that has protected them, may interest and mance the general reader. One person claims exemption because be is a teacher and near-sighted; another. man considers himself free from military duty because he served a num ber of ) ears in the militia, and won two or three prizes at target practice; another man swears he Is a British sub ject, ind dertiande to be exempt; another has a weld dis located. One man states that his head was split open, and several bones removed; his leg was fractured, and he had led the eight of his right eye, besides being internally injured; *another was scalded with a pot of coffee when an tared and, can't walk without great pith. Another has a very flat toot and swelled veins ; another is subject to crafty and fits; ano ther a chronic affection of the eyes; another le a no. tire of theCounty r Tyrone, Ireland, and desired to ob serve a strict neestratiir according to the Queen's pro clamation ; another declares his unfitness for duty be cause be is subject to water on the brain; another one has been internally injured, and so they go on, exhibiting all the varieties of &teed which the human flesh is hair to. the orthography and chirography of the greater portion of the certlficatea do not speak well for the 101661MAAters in their neistsboroood. Bach as the fol lowing: One applicant says he ie efernabiy injured; another gays he is exempt because he hae very coarse veins; another has a .crottack affection of the eyes; an..thor has a meekness in his back and poste In his haunches ; another is sickly on the soortraptfore of the throat; another ie not a sitizers of the Dotted States; another has a nisi dislocated and so on. Among the many great features of the "went contest in the different wards for nominations to the several of. I'icee was the severe fight for the post ()reboot directors. In acme of the dletricits, the fight as to who should re. dive the nomination was more spirited and more closely contested than the fiskt for some of the higher and more profitable offices This was owing to the fact that school directors are said to, be classed among the exempt'. If this is the case, none but cripples Mould have been elected to fill the positions; Men whet are able to fight for offices are able, and should be compelled, to fight for their country, As a general thing, all oar offloaholderl 117 e strong, able:bodied men, and if all could be brought together, they would form one of the finest regiments that ever left this city. We notice that but very few of those of our chicane who are really and 'legitimately exempt from the performance of military duty of any kind what ever, have filed reasons to that effect. Those who have gone to .this unnecessary trouble, as a general thing, comprise a clad who would not, under any . oirccunstanoos, fight for this or any other country. They not only lack patriotism, but courage also. The affidavits filed in the Commiseloner's office will be of no avail whatever Incase of a draft. There to plenty of time for a person to give the reshiMns for exemption after be has been drafted, when the Gevelliment surgeons mill settle each case. • CONBOLIDATION OP THE REGIMENTS.— THE MEN TO 1313 ➢OBWABDSD IIdidIICIATE IY.—The good work of oonsolidating the new regiments taw been accomplished. We now have a number of full orgranisationa, compoood of s fficlont men, wbe will at race be sent forward to the scene of action, where their iservims are much needed_ It was annonnoul on Friday afternoon that Adjutant General Thomas, 11. 8. A., would arrive in Philadelphia from Harrisburg on the demo evening. for the purpose of effectually oirrying Into operation the plan of coneolidation.” This announce ment caused quite a wailing among the officiere of some of the regiments, the chancels or which for escape were poor. The Continental Hotel was besieged by numerous military officials, anxiously awaiting the arrival of the General, who did not, however, roach the city until Sa turday morning. He at once set to work, and through the able eaststanoe of Colonel BuIT, the mustering citcer, the whole thing wee speedily accomplished, as follows : The whole of Colonel Johnson's men to b• transferred to the regiments of Colonels C.ltie, Tlppin, and Halms ker. All of Col. Adams' men to Col. Bilmaker. All of Col. Davis' men to (AL All of Lol. Schreiber to Col. Collis. The regiments of Cot. Biddle, Col. Tiepin, Cot. OMB, and Col. Bihooker are, by means of the transfer, full. - Cot. Prevost's Corn Exchange' Regiment Is full, and will move tide morning . Col. Tippin'e Stott Legion will move tide morning. Col. Collie and Col. Ellmaker will move to• morrow. Col. Ruff lospected the Corn Bxchange Regiment on /Saturday afternoon, at the camp on the Wissahickon. The men are in excellent condition. There wore bat WI, few desertiont Colonel Heenan wIU ,continue to rioruit until to morrow, and it not toll then, be will more to Harrtebor. Colonel Brgerboth, at tort Delaware, le autborleed to continue recruiting until full. The payment of the bounty for recruits to this regiment will also be con tinued. Two hundred and fltiy of the recruits for the regiment' In the field wl/1 start from the barrack' on Swanson street, above Weehlottion avenue. They wilt take a oarth)it meet at the Cooper Shop Saloon at half pest six o'clock. Three hundred of the recruits will leave the saint place to-morrow morning. The oars will leave the depot shortly after eight o'clock A. It.f. Colonel Ruff will inspect the regiments of Colonels Tippin Blimeker, and Collis early this morning. On ditorday ersaing he was engaged in paying the bounty to those entitled to it. Two companiee of the Corn Exchange Regiment were paid, which completes tho payment In full. deveral of tho captains in bidding Colonel Buff ' , good bye" took occasion to thank him for the many acts of kindness manifested by him during the short acquaintance between them The bead attached to the two companies serenaded Col. Ruff, in wkich they performed the Star Spangle' Banner, Bail Columbia, and Yankee Doodle, after which they took up the line of merest and passed down Chestnut street, &aloud Irdettendenoe Hall, and then by a_cir- • orator's route marched to the encampment. Oa Ruff mustered in the rectui la at the barracks 'yeir terday afternoon, at 4 o'clock; Swanson' atieet above Washington avenue.' There writ ICS men ninitered In for • the • new regi ments, on Saturday, and 56 for the old regiments. The consolidation .gives Philadelphia flye •fall regi ments. lhey are ea follows: Col. Tippin, 68th Begi rt ant; Col. Rilmaker, 119th Regiment ; Zeusves d' kf rique, Col. Collie; Col Iliddle,l2let Regiment, and Oorn Xxchemge, 001. Prerobl. Ccd Wletar's Hncittall Regi nett to not af f ected by the consolidation, as the bleu will to joined tri °there recrnikel In other parts of the State. 'llia present week wilt be one of great life and activity among Li military of.this otty. Troops will be constantly travois for the seat of war, and Philadelphia will pace her full quota In the field se soon as any other city. Ooltinel Diddle, of the Met Regiment, has received special authority to recruit hie regiment to the maximum number. The r•atment now has the minimum comple scent' by the addition of Colonel Davis' men. All trig oath bounties and edvenee pay are received by the re cruits joining 11. e regiment. IIItPIJBLICAN .CITY CONVERTION.—A THIID TIORBT TRIta.a.TENIOD.—On Saturday alterncon the Itepablican Ciry Convention reassembled st the County Court louse; Dr. Gregg in the chair. 'Shirty two ' members' answering to their names, Dr. Gregg, the chairman, dellytired a written address. It complains that their proffers for a union of all .parties against the Democracy .hare bees disregarded. The Ttepublican party he the purely national party, and it wad huped thee would have been recognized on the iloket lately formed, by the selection of some men who could: commend the respect of Republicans. .Were Marjo be used as hewer' of wood and drawers of water 1 They had been called disorgabizers if they did not folio w tee dictation of men who considered that they had only to command them to Tote. . In the present condition of the country, it was for the Convention to oily whether they would fraternize with those who will not recognize them, and assist in the election or incompetent men, or whether they would snake a distinct ticket. Commuting upon Mr. Briggs' letter withdrawing his Dame, the speaker inquired what had occurred to make Lim change his mind 1 Did he not know when he ac cepted the nomination, °fast evils which' he foretell@ in Ws letter declining? Did •he not assert that Mayor Benny mutt be defeated at all hazards, and If so, what occasioned a charge In his mind'! Weeit on account of an offer from the People's party'! Mr. Briggs was also Monad of bating encouraged the Convention in the action which it had - Wetted. ?dr. Lowrie hawing called attention to the resolation adopted by the People's party, Milking all appointees under Preeldent Lincoln to support the ticket ender & penalty of dittniesal from office. '1 he 'meeker Introduce-1 the following resolutions: " • " • ' Whereas; the National Union Party of this oily, In" Convention a isembled on the 28tk instant, adopted the following resolution : is Resolved. by this the National 'Union Convention, that the Pres:dent of this Convention be instructed to appoint a committee of five. and that the Committee of, thtperietendence be. reqneeted to select a like number, who ate hereby empowered, on behalf of this Conven tion, to wait upon tie President of the United States, and request the removal of any 'federal appointee who shall not expries h e wlllittalees in writing, to personally and officially enport tie nuninties of thicOonvention." Therefore, be It Resolved, That the said resolution to viewed by the Republicans of this Convention :as Strikitil a blow at the cielt'llbeity and political rights'of a 'free people, anparalitled in the history of politics In this country daring all put time. Resolved, That Ibis Convention does enter its protest against supporting any party In local politics that shall carry Into effect the purposes in the resolution declared. Resokeed; That the .second resolution having been adopted, xairtloniatly- aiming towards the doings of this Republican Convenilon,'•to deter its further aotlon— adopted at a time, too, when the party well knew toot all candidates iu national and State politica - had been cared for by the open adieu of tge Republican party, known to and be'ore the cOnvenbiecif the Convention thus adopting it; therefore, as coon sir It shall be ascer tained that the President of the United States shell have keen troubted with and consulted in regard thereto, that the Republican Committee of Superintendence be re intuited at once to convene and take such further action thereon se may be thought advisable . , A number of delegates now took the floor and delivered oprecbre. Ono delegate thought It net wise to As nottoo of the reeolu I lone. Dr, Clrepg, the chairman, took the floor and deliverOd . a bitter speech; He doubted, if the Jacobins of France bad ever Roue as far as the reOple's Oonvention. the BeechWon+ sOpport a ticket made in each a 17)11- lientlon Loo t talk about the distracted state of the country when theßApublfeans were called upon to sup. port each nomina.ionel- The object of the resolution wee well known. It was alined at Mr. Thothas, &Di the de an.° was to en t the control of the custom konse The People's Party could never be satistled with the °Moos they now have,• sue they deeire "more." If that com mittee wets eciet to Washington the Republicans ehmid do all to their power to defeat the ticker.• Another delosts bolded, in • view- of the resolution complained of, that the Republicans should make a third ticket no matter-whattha consequences: A motion to ed.touralta::Meet nst Wednesday evades was Adopted • • Mr. Dillon moved that the elate Wind ,be endorsed. Agreed to - ' • ' • ' It was now suggested that the, priiddient's smeoh, the *toning of l ie floeventton, be initiated as the ssose of the Convention. , This was agroed to. A motion was 'then adopted that the speech be pub- II thed. Adjourned. SPRING 'GARDEN AROUSED"— GitAND 2dAhS MEETING —A grand mees.rneeting. under the auspices, of the City Bounty F 4lommittee. for the purpose Of enconratting recruiting, was hold on Saturday evening, at the intersection of tread and Spring Garden Meets. During the day, the Jefferson Cornet Band paraded through the district, and we, also present at the meeting. Some excellent Dll2lllO was discoursed. The meeting was called to order by George R. Smith, Kn., who 'Loved the following organization : President—Thomas Birco. . . . . Yice Presidents—John H. Dohnert, M. W. Baldwin, H. G. Leieenring, Charles H. Trego, AN& Whttney, Hobert Wood, William H. Kern, W. B Thomas, Warner Ti!. Basin, Thomas Jeans., John Baird, Jonathan Bullock. Becretnries —George Whitney, William S. Pied*, Robert H. Youet, Edward Grate, E. Harper Jeffries, William J. IS ainwright, George T. Thorne, George H. Moore. The proceedings of the meeting were then opened with a fervent and ticeuent prayer by the Rev Samuel B. Cunningham, the pastor of. a neighboring Presbyterian church. The preeldent then briefly stated the ob,ect of the meeting, and introduced General Horatio Hubbell, who was handsomely received, and made a very interest lug speech, the main ideas of which, however, are em bodied in the subjoined reselution, which he read, and which were unanimously adopted. William Nicholson, Esq., the popular temperance ora tor, was next introduced to the meeting, and spoke some time in a attain of t. nmor and patrio . ism, which °molted vary leg eensations. Ills sallies were all very happy and well received. Ile went the whole figure for crushing out the rebeillou, as General Hubbell had dole. He advo cates ;subjugation, and the thorough and final eetattlish meet of the undisputed national authority everywhere. B o earnestly contended for human rights, for freedom, against slavery, for true deneoeraoy, and hoped that the war would accomplish the objects for which it has been so manfully waged. The Bev. Mr Cunningham was the next speaker. He delivered his address in a manner so merited for its dig nity, gracefulness, and impressive tone, that the whole audience listened to him from first to last with rapt atten tion. His loud, clear, musical voice rang far ant near like a clarion blast. The sentences were polished and effective, and the arguments cogent. Mr. Ounnicigham is undoubtedly one of the beet public speakers in Phila delphia. 'The Hon. Wm. D. /Kelley succeeded hint, and although somewhat hoarse from speaking at the Falls of Schuyl kill, be occupied the attention of the audience until after teu o'clock In one of his beet forensic efforts. at the close of which ho was honored with three hearty cheers' Three more were given for the generals in the field, and three for the rank and file of the army, after which the meet ing adjourned In the beet of spirits On motion of Horstio Hubbell, Bed , it was resolved That, whereas, the Administration of the General Go vernment represents and acts for and on behalf of the conntry,it becomes every true and loyal citizen to stand by It to the last drop of his blood. Resolved, That the present Administration has our fullest confidence, and we will support it against evenzal and internal enemies. Resolved, That our country le it unity—made so by the God 'or nature—extending from -the Atlantic to the Pa cific ocean, and from the great lakes to the Gulf of Mexico; Resolved, That as long ea the Mississippi , the Mie• sonri, and the Sorquebanua flow, it cm never be divided. Resolved, That the division of onr country into States is en artificial division, and is the work of man, but the land remains one, and that is the work or God. Resolved, That the millions residing on the upper Mississippi and its confluents are entitled to a free and nninterrapk-d passage down thone streams to the often, and a few elavebolders have no right to close its Month and demand toll. Relayed,- That the whole southern-coast, from the Chesapeake bent() the Rio Grande river, i• necessary for our commeree, to afford it harbors of refuge and light houses to warn us of danger, and must not be in the hands of a foreign or hostile nation. Resolved, That while we of the North have to labor for our subsistence, we shah not allow a slave oligarohy„ while they live on . the sweat of others, to employ their leisure in bullying tie Resolved, That the war was begins by the rebels by desecrating the holy flag of our fathers, and firing the first gun and forcing the Government of the United hates to defend itself. Resolved, That in the course of this contest other issues haws been forced upon us, saw must others.that of g , Big Teri " Resoieed. That the word sicsnery le not mentioned in the Cohetitution, and the rebels have only enjoyed the o peculiar institnUon" by our forbearance. Resolved, Thai the terms In the Constitution, to wit, "fugitives from labor," does not necesaarlly apply to slaves, but may be applied to a common Nese/esti, That as the rebels claim neproas as personal property, consider them as wealth, and use them as a basis for oar annoyance, we have a. right to take them away from them ; and therefore, as a matter of retalia tion, we go for °Overeat menden don. Resolved, That whereas Hannibal, the greatest soldier that ever lived, commanded an army of negroes, and whereas, Napoleon, the greatest soldier ot.modern times, organized or wait about to organize under hie brother- In-law, Clerk, sixty thousand black. in Bt. Domingo, we do not think such material should be thrown away by us; and we, therefore, go in for arming the blacks Risolvede That we are under no apprehension that, by so doing, we shall Infringe upon the social superiority 'of the whites, as Nature has settled the relative grade of the races. .Resolved, ?bat we approve of colonization. Resolved, That the Goyernment a earneetly called upon to use every means within its reach to put down thin unholy rebellion. Resolved, That we do not• (Ear any foreign interven. Hon: but are as ready to meet them as we are domestic' traitors. • Resolved, That the system of military coloniee be recommended to the Government, and that the land of the rebels conquered by one armies be given to the soldiers as bounty land, and they be so organtaed as to defend their possosaions, if necessary, with the bayonet Resolved, That the thanks of this meeting be given to our breve soldiers for their gallantry in the field, and tht it Tagent fortitude under toil and buffering. Resolved, That we will not be deluded by word■ such as Constitution, ko ; that our country is the reality ar•d the Constitution' the elms, and the one must tally with the other ; and we shall look at the reality fleet and the sign afterward., and if the sign don't answer the reality, the people, who made the sign. can alter it. Revolved, That the victory of General Pope, an nonmed this day, shows that, when well lcd, our troops are" invincible, and that we need Only to persevere to COratler. Resolved, That we adopt the motto of the French peo ple, it Republic, one and intlivielble." THE U. BANI oa/tb Cope, Treasurer of Commistion, No. 503 Market ceipt of Use following contri M D. B 850 J. D. B 60 Berme( B. Thomas.... 60 lira Edwin Kirkpatrick '25 Edwin Eirklistrica• ;. • 26 Master Wm.. Birk lacirick Master lidariu E irk lard& • 6 James P. Perot & Bro. 26 Thomas Webster 20 Illtpress Steamboat Co per W. P. C1ide...... 26 A. Grovel, Jr . 10 A. H. Outsrbridge ' 2 Baugh A Sons. 2 Jacob M. Bslis /0 A. Whilldfn & Sons..., 60 John B. Budd 100 Wain, Learning, & Co.. 100 Perdrianx &Co .. 10 :16untntt & SOWS 60 Theln* & HoKeone.... 10 Henry B. Banners_ .. 60 Geo. Whiteley 6 Merritt & Turnbull.... 60 ildward Walton 6 Blade, Smith, & C 0.... 60 A..J. H 3 0.8. Janney & C 0.... 20 Cash. 1 Total for week2l,l4o 00 Previously-reported. ' 28,154 38 Total, .. . ......$29,294-38 T.llll ENLISTMENT op MIOHANIOS.— A considerable number of mechanics have froth time to time enlisted in the United States oorrice in pursuit of their mechanical avocations. A case touching this sub ject came before Judge Allison on a writ of habeas corpus eMßaturday, which will be read with interest by those having bruthands or - sous enlisted as mechanic'. The cote was introduced by Mr. 0. °guider, and Mr.34:84." mak appeared for the defendant: — . . John Brown, Br., a blacksmith, wai called to the s tand and testified that his son, John Brown, Jr., enlisted in the Naval Artillery, , corps as a blacksmith, in the month of Jaznary last, a. contract having beentnade between the United States officer and the said John Brown, that the latter was to receive $l6 a month and 40 cents per day. Brown enlisted with others and proceeded to sort Del.. ware, wheca.he . ban been used , as a common soldier, and not ass blackemithi and had received only $lB a month. The father testified, that - he prothyded •to Vort have his son discharged, because _ of The violation of the contract on the part of the person said to be the repreeeetative of the - mtlitary branch of the Government, who had made the oontract. At Port Delaware the father had an interview with Major Segel bralth, the latter giving it as his opinion that ft was . Illegal to retain his son. The Major said he would have him released in fourteen days. At the expiration of this time the father received a letter from the Major, offering to pay the son '2l cent. per; day and the usual monthly pay. The letter staked the father if he wonki 'comply with this, and urged it in a few words, that now was the time,Sm. The father refused to comply. At thin stage of the proceedings Dlr. &mak desired to see the letter Blinded to by the wham'. Mr. Cassidy replied that he had the docnment and other papers, but not with him. They can, hewever, be produced at any future time. The further inveettgation of the ease was postponed. • QUICK RBSPONSII TO THE CALL FOR Nllhbl 8.--A larpi deputation of • the Young Men's chtistlart Association of this city left for Washington and the battle-ground Saturday night, by the drat train ■t,er the despatch of General Pope wee received, to take oath of the wounded. They are sent by the Christian Commission.' They have dropped all engagements and gone to do what they can. ,The Christian Commission has alto sent forward by express all the stoma they could command I , r use in rk lief of the wounded. All they bad on hand is as no thing or the many thousands of our brave wounded men. Let everybody who bee bandages, lint, starts, drawets, handkerchiefs, brandy, wine, or any comforts suitable for wont ded men, send them in at once to Geo. B. Sluart,lB Bank street. Don't delay a moment. Our en must not be lift to enifer for want of anythinifwa can furnlah them. Ltt any who can leave to join the deputation already sent hold themselves in readiness to go, and let them re• port themselves to Hr. Stuart, that he may call upon them if they should be needed. .113tiloiotrs.—The Union Tabernacle, which oxisinated In the city of Philadelphia about nee veers ago, has been pitched in Strasburg, Pa., for two werlis, doing its good work. The Tabernacle is still under the 'supervision of the Rev. Ed win M. f/mg. Ho in - conjunction with the Bey. Mr. Pierce arc feithfnily nosing the teede of Ohristianlty in the Wads and hearts of the' young. The Rev. "Dr. IL H. "Nevin at present 'contributes his luvalnable services to the exercises of the Tabernacle; for,the lad two week. he has preeohed aim( et (*ally. The words of this noble meetenger of God with_ wonderful effect upon the eats of the people, reaching the heart and inputting to the enlightened eon 11C(PDCO with irresistible charms, proving, Indeed, ti th e power of God, and the wisdom of God unto salvation" It is much to be regretted that his health will not permit him longer to coattnne with the Tabernacle, whore his niefulnesa is so much felt. • CHARGED WITH USING TREASONABLE IukIiGUAOH —Yesterday afternoon a man, named Joe. -Whitman, was arrested at the camp of the Corn . E gobanga Itigiment, Yells of the Schuylkill, for uttering treasrma bit! language. - He is alleged to have eald he would rather have his tight arm out off than fight for thelgorth; that the soldiers were cowards; and he would rather fight for. tbe South. Tits soldiers of.the Horn gxchange premien • surrounded him, and bad it not been for the interference of :the police the man would have been hung. Whitman was arrested and brought before 'Alderman Battler, Few' puttee appeared and.. testified •against him, after which he was handed over to.Provest Marehal.K.erne. iTHB'FrEST PRIMA MONEY.-011 day the first prize money to Weehington for distri bution among the offlcere and men of the navy was sent from the circuit court of this district. The amount was 850,939.22, and it is the proceeds of the sale of the cargo of ti o bark Keno captured by the BrooNlyn while at tempting to run into New Orleans. No prize money has yet been sent from New York. Boston. or Kes West, There are now In our courts about 8400,000 ready for dls7ributton, which will be pent on• during the course of this week. !.,1. FIRE AND A FALL. —On 'Friday erining the dwelling of Thomas' Ellis, No. 1005 Poplar street,, made a narrow escape from destrhotion by the ear:elesineas cf a drunken domestic, She 'came home it an oblOic , ns condttloo,.and, Miring alighted lamp VI her }mid, threw It Into a clothing. In herjright, she fell down a It, of Stairs, and thinred herself etiera-, 1Y !the flame. siereeitlogahshi_d by the police and . some CiliZebe beforlsiny serious detiiiiigelad'beeit _ . • , NATIO:fat TritiON - C ANDIDATES PORT TEtB FIFTH WABD.—Thetfollowine is the liatiOned , Union ticket, nominated fn the Fifth ward: Select Council—Jossish Idealised. ' • Common Counsii--Daeld W. Sellers. - • • Assessor—James Moore &hoot Directors—John J. Franklin, Esmond Troubat t lidiverdl.lienney, William Phillips. Conitabk,s4llllem Delaney. A FBMALB,BoBBEL----Charlotte'Hirst ay . , . yosterdr,comentsesa firebsermon Bletrlntlln to ea ew r theetinrge of Saving robbed countryman in Ball alloy, in the Fourth ward. ART COMMISSION.— he 'United States ganttary street, acknowledges the re. ntioos Elmo last report : 0. T. Peabody ds Oo , (additional) $9,5 , . ,i. 8; R. Armstrong.... 2 ,J. T 2 R. Id Iddlaton &Co .... 1 IJ. idoedensar & C 0.... 1 romps & Smith ' Howard &-Worredt.... J. B. W. ... ... .... L. & 11: Ulrich 5 Cash from two persons, EIBI each 2 51. P. gamy (additlonl) 10 S. 8. & S. 9. Perot .... .25 Joseph EL Perot 10 Bilos Mary C. 1111510... 20 iosepk Jeans,. 100 J. H. Dallas, Jr 25 Q. Q ....... 2.0 SUBSCRIPTIONS 'TO THE CITIZ Etta' BOUNTY FUND FOB VOLUNTEERS, ro;oivad on Smote ay. Aunnet 80,1B82: Captain W. Stokes Boyd. tadditinnati 5,50 PROP FIVTIT WARP. Samuel Hunt ...... ...•VW Johr. H. Pomeroy 5 Dr. John De Lacy ...... 5 Km Wanker.• • • ...... 6 T 36 Harris 10 Cash - 5 Charles lisirkland 6 Mrs. E. Hunt...... .... b . , PROM 310 Wm. Allison. Sr $lO Wm. A. Sinipoon 60 FROM MIN A. B S Hamilton Thompson.... 20 Doncan Jr Richardson .. 20 Cash 10 Cowpmthwelte & C 0.... 10 H. H. COokHo 10 Lawli Blaylock 10 Aaron B. Carpenter-- 10 L. Id 10 Francis Loine. PROM TE N John M. Kennedy.... $lOO A' Friend 15th street.. 20 Doyle 10 B. H. Greiner 5 Cash Collections, (per - J M. Kennedy)... . 12 John Cook, (Cherry t) BO Cash Collections, (per . J. W. anion) 251 PROM 'SWIM Wm. F. Mentor 1525 Dane Reizenstein...... 10 Herman Relyenekin .. 10 U. Bolwiukto 61 J. F. B 6 P. P. Gusune • 60 Sundry venom 9 Chas. R. Masson 10 FROM. TIIIRT • Cash .. $26 Wm. Curtis...... ' 10 Lawrence Shuster, J r... 20 L. A. Q ' 10 John Ketcham 60 Peter Yeager.......... 20 J . H. G. 20 Oaab, Hesaenbnab, Cash, Dir. Haas, John Moran, A. M., $1 each 6 Adam Hinkle 3 • FROM TWIN Bmannel Hey $5O l Benjamin H 8r0wn..... 50 A. W . Adolph 50 Lords riannenbanm • • 50 Jacob Raub • 25 H. 0: El arrieon . . . ; . . 25 T.O; Wood 26' T. L: Price 25 Samuel Davis 26 George M. Bowed 20 Stephen B Poulterer....lo Borer .2 Bros. 10 David Scull .............10 1 Twentieth Ward 15 Wm: B. Bald. Itichard 0. ' Bdilmar; Jaoob Bin der, James B. Magee, Semi' L. Barman, Wm Eibturan, Wm. P. Bol ton, Jobn tide, Wm. Gardiner, M. D., Jacob Haight, David .Kraght, • Gash, W. Skated!, J. G. Wallis,' Clash, J. B. Byre. A. D. Downs, Arend, Benjamin Per cival, $b each. 9b PROM IIfBNTY• Copt. Peter Lane..... 85 John Lips (Brewer)... 25 Gustav us W hetestelu .. 5 asionivso AT IND J. H. Paler Thomas Bars 300 Mrs. L. F.. Warner.... 3 Henry Handy .. 100 Thomas Griffiths ' 9.0 rawson do litcholson.. 60 Received on Saturday TOW to doe° of. Sato LOCA.t. MILITARY.—During the past week the Volunteer Refreshment committees have bean 'kept busy, both day and night, in attending to the wants of the many reglmeritil widds have passed through this city from the Neat on their Way to the seat of war. Not even 'yesterday (itunday) were the attaches of these patriotic and most noble institutions allowed to rest. On 'Saturday the 37th New York passed through on their way borne. The nurabee of men that must neoessarily be fed during this week at the two saloons will exceed that of last week by several thousands. Therefore, those who have donatio . ns for this purpose should not b e tardy In forwarding them. As it is certain that the Gray Reserves, Col. Elimaker, Will leave for the Seat of war this week. we append a list of the officers of the regiment, which have not yet been made pubUo Colonel, P. 0. EUmaker ; hart. colonel, Gideon Clark; major, ()harlot! O.'S-Bight ; quartermaster, John J. Hess; adjutant, J. Drum demo; surgeon, —; first assistant aurrton, Thomas Newman; second aesistant imrgeon,ifienry.c. Eckstein; . sergeaot major, D. W. 0. Hanna() ; gnirtermaster soiseant, W. ilia Tucker ; corn tamer, sergeant, Charles Seiser ; hospital steward, Al bert Lineavreaver. Company A—Captain, L. A. 'Ripka ; Bret lieutenant, Jaime Dykes; second lieutenant, Qeo. T. Taunt. Company R—Captain, Peter W. Rodgers; first lieu tenant, D. N. Hodgson; second lieutenant, Hclveln Nelson. Company o—Captsln, A. T. Goodwin. Company D—Oaptain, Wm. C. Mn.; first lieutenant, Ctriniee T. Barney; second lieutenant, Cr. liirone. • Company '&—Captain, W. 0. Grey. Company F—Captain, Wro. W. Wagner; first Haute°. ant, Edwin A. Landoll; second lieedenant, W. A Wei. derabeim. Company o—Captain, Henry.P. Truefitt, Jr.; first lieu tenant, Ohm Roble, Jr.. second li eutenant, F. R. Fault. Company I—Captain, Jacob Ridgway ; Ron lieutenant, ; eeomid lieutenant, Walter B. Ludwig.. Company R—Captain, (Tharha P. Warner; first lieu tenant, Stacy B. Campion; second lieutenant, F. 0. Gil lingham. REVOLT AT THB Nsw HOSPITAL IN CHESTER—DISGRACEFUL PROOKEIDINGS.—The treidents of Chester were greatly alarmed on Friday evening in consequence of a revolt among the conira. lescent soldiers at the new hospital In that place. A.U. sorts of rumors were spread tlaroughont the neighboring' country, and the greatest excitement prevailed. It ap pears that on last Friday evening the convalescent sol diers objected to the repeat spread out before them on the supper-table at the hospital, and. they became riotous and angry, declaring that the food Was not lit to eat, and they would net eat it. All the articles were swept f , om the table, and the nurses anti surgeons were driven from the place. — Having thelleld cleated, some of tha ['ateliers made a grand dash for the store-room, with the view of obtaining some liquor stored thorn. Happily, however. they did not accomplish their object: oThetelegraph was resorted to, and Provost Marshal Kern was requested to come down with a posse or men. .A special train took the provost marshal and his' men down, and order was soon restored.' Fifty.six of the moat active par ticipante, in the .affair were brought 'to Philadelphia on Batuiday, under 'guard, commanded by Capt. Kern, - P.M., and on Saturday evening the prisoners were sent to /GO Delaware. The soldiers stated . that if the fare set at .the hospital was as good as the United States Go vernment provides for them, there would not have been any dissatisfaction. The official side suggests that the treatment the soldiers bare received by the residents er Cheater county was such that the ordinary fare allotted to a soldier bee got below par. The soldiers- say; Give es what the Government provides, and we are satisfied. While the distarbance was at its height. the chaplain, attempted to soften down the feelings of the tarty, hut' he was received with a shower of plates, and was obliged beefily to retire to a plies Of safety. AS Provost Mar shal Kern was about leaving Chester with the rioters; a, full company , of soldiers had just arrived from Wilming-, ton, belaware. The whole affair was disgraceful in the extreme, and the matter should be thoroughly investi gated, and,the guilty partiessererely punished. • ENTHUSIASTIOVAB. mEBTING IN JEIL BBY.—A large war meeting of , ,the °latent of the town ship of Cinnaminson, Burlington county, New Jersey, wee held in the Weet Chester school-house on Friday evening last. Wallace Lippit.cott, of Bridifeboio' was called to the 'heir John finedden wile appointed secretary. The chairman itiated the ob.ios 'of the nieetitglto be to support our brave men now in the field by reinforce.. manta, atd teithis end he honed 'that the citizens wordd C 011215 forward - with their money, to increase the bounty fund. . John Studden .being called on mad* a few remarks. Ile was for. putting down the rebellion at whatever cost - or men and money. On motion. it was lit solved, That:we pledge all we have and all we aro, to crush the present rebellion, and to crush it so effectu ally that the country will hereafter be de li vered from the e role of the traitors who created it.' ' Resolved, That the township committee be requeshrl to Cake meeting of the township, at the earliest possible *lei, for the purpose of taxing the property of the town ship to increase the bounty fund. , B uILD I N G- PERIIITI3.—During the month ending Saturday the number of building permits issued, reached 309. The permits wore as follows : . • 4.story. 3..5t0r7, 2 story. 1. story. Total. Dwainge.. 6 127 107 ' 3 243 ' Offices • . 2 Stares, two of them fonr.stories.. 4 IShous. ' 6 Stables 6. Depot, corner of Ridge avenue and Willow street.. 1 Theatre, Chestnut street,' between Twelfth and Tbirteenth streets '1 Fictory .. 1 ei Sti4later.hooses . . ' 2 Green.houte 1 . Laundry . 1 , . 287 ;Siterations and additions - • - 42 Total number - 309 ,ARRIVAL OR FOREIGN AND COAST— WISE VESSELS.—Vp to Saturday last, the atrivals of foreign and coastwito vessels at this port was 3,923, di ♦tdded as follows _ :•• ronsuost... 4 • _ • , Dips" ' 211018Wil:••• 0000000 0 0000 ••• • 'Berke 13 Brigs , 15 1 • " • 48 Schooners. 171 . codspwi69. • Barbs 6 Barges 818 Brigs 50 Iloate 1,274 Schooners ' 663 - • Skips. - .. 917 z T0'.9,1 3, 676 Eiteamon .147 )taking a rend total of 3,998. '' -•-. .. - FIRE IN THI .TWENTY-SICOND WARD. —About three o'clock on Saturday morning, a tire oc curred In the Cedardale Carpet Factory on Creeheira Creek, below Mermaid lane; The fkmes originated - in the drying room, a low strecture in'the rear of the main building, where 'about I,ooo_, pounds of woolen Yeilie were drying. Before the firemen reached the spot the fire bad worked Ha way into the main building, three and a half etorice high. The firemen from Mount Airy, Chestnut Hill, and Germantows, with the Fellowship Steam Engine, were preoetit and succeeded in saving one wing of the actory, a three teory. stone structure, the dye-louse,' and adjacent bulidlogo. The rest, of the nremises were totaly destrot ed. involving a . tote of $12,000, ripon s which-there was astinsurance 0f.114 SOO in the Frat.klin Insurance Comp kny. The whole ettablish meat wee the property of Messrs. T. & E. France. enwer_i. ItIPLETS. —ffess rs, Costello vv 111.1011' aril Ford, who were arteeted on Wednesday. - last for tieing seditious langnene and , dleconregtog enlistments, have been lent to Fort Delaware by the pro•olt marehd. Olio arreetof one of the party alone saved Mm ,from de. mollibm, be having already received kick in the jaw from • new recruit • ENNNSYLVANTA. 'ILAILROAD' COMPANY. company will open to.tiey the first inetalment of pew track from Wbotbam '46 2 Yonivwornitnfitown: ;The ',cars will reach month of Kettle creek (Westport) by the ]oth of September. The public . may aft in 'these things Oat tbe company will fully redeem its . 01fdlieli . "111 the earliest completion of this great- Pennsylvania route to '.UALI.AGEIZR —,The - 13th Penn:: inward& Oavelry la now enceurone&iu a •Mont charming ' /Dot on the bolas of the Schuylkill; about six miles from ?gips city. It Is ,called Clamp Gallagher, in honor of , the , or Want colonel of that Dania, ,It is a model of -I.Wigy and cleanilneas. • M 'THE GICZAT WALsk/MG 'MOAT • "'Wesiou «Amami; his feat. Mr Weii;i: ton propose* to waik 480 mitelinkide 5t44 . 04 eoggeog. 411,11 daps witboit Waking Oils Sinlidit) , . , '.VM:lgrSand pe. lected is at Media, PfinitspttrALlL.,.... , .‘ V:A="rto tla," "rt 7 , :trar ergur . r. OUT ^WITIP--Akt'P'BOTTLII7. 6. O'Rorkb';ell iY°TO,4 oar n-eafPrl‘Z:ll-sont;Beturdsy, . err 7• • - said issiPodty'eut in the Ilrsast 0% a bott.e ? r.,_ he oftepon`g in his bosom: -In fact , Lawrence wsrme s l . " a biaast to sting him. fle was taken to the hospital. In — 11 I 4 Iri - A c •-••• t•it 4 - et THE Panamr---rmi. e • A BE FIN 6' :I Rin 1 1862. Peter Poynter I Dr. John organ 10 1 . ..0WL Mre. Garoor, John J Hughes, lire Tap. man, ito $1 each.... 4 gbaitury eon. ... 2 Golds Yerner 0 25 T WAItD.. N.Ohiunoey $100• TI( WARD. .roan V Buok 4 . 10 • W. ts J. .Akers 6 A. Southwick it Bro.. 6 Ctssh • 5" Wm. T. Seed 5 James Heitman 5 Thomas Neely ' 6 JotniGlinn 5 Edward Harley 6 J. W. ...... • -27 . TH IrdAD, George P. Papp 810 Mies Fearon : VV. A. Duff 25 J. A. 9 20 Wm. J. Bead . 10 daml. A. Tho mas 10 Oath Golleotiona, (Oak J. M. Ashton) 90 2i VTR ITKIID O. T.:.........510 Wm. Anarles • ' N. 'Wall. 5 Lewis Snell .... . . 6 Albert M JJ.erray..... 6 Samuel Real 10 John 0- James. 10 Henry ...... 10 ENTH 'WARD. 0. -11. Gibbs, Bike Buckltte, B G .Tom linlot, A. Elmthern, R. P., T. Godwin, O. F. Bum pp, Cash, S. Ettinger, • W. Boehm, M. 0. Hemp.. EMI, Jai . Carr, Mn. •• Hartz, Jas. H. Dem, 85 each. • • To Oaah, 1). W. Paul, Oaeh,• . $2 each 6 MTH WARD. • B. Cumming • 10 Wm. B Severn, Oldie- Ilan Barashler, W. B. - Maxwell, Isaac Brad way, S 2 each.. .. . 8 OW), six persona. 8 Mr. Iditchell, Mr. Lai, H. Louth Thorn, J. W. Reeves, Mr. Boole°, *1 each George K. Be&ar .. . ... ..2 Edmund Hill' 20 E. M. Hutchinson. ..... ..10 B. Gilffitti 10 Muth 10 Kiss &wale Todd 5 T. F. Btryker. 4 ta..Y. Zane, Mre Oman. bell. $3 each 6 T. B. Beeves, Mrlll M. Combo, 3. Mo Fee, $2 each • $ J. P. Arrioon, J. 5 WU -15011. 'Mel.• T. Fr Mllbw, r. G., eaoh • •' ' • 11 itlagh from sundry pftimnieT FOUR= WARD. Rise l o ft s :Vl ... ' *. *** 1.1 Jos Sharpies, 10 MINDIINCII HALL. Tinton Steamship Com pany, per Wm. M. Baird. president, and 7 Thos. Webster, gene ral agent • $5OO Robert Arthur ' ao 82 931 • SY sfyin • 13 SPORT OP TEIE WBST - PHILAMILPatv LADIES' Mn .4.00111 TY from June 25th,.1861;itn.d.tugnat 27, 1862 —The folhArinu elms were receiind: Frnm 13n nerd of Brater,, th7on,r), M r. Ohatins• B Keen, ; Mr Clagborr, 810; etr: Eti K 'Price, $10; . Wallin:- street Preen ter's.. if asuictl,. 008 Gentenolil Me tbodipt oburch,, &la ; Fi -et Baptist Church, 825 35; Church or the Savirittr, $B2 .50; St ftfary's /11;esr.ovel Church. $124 . 76; Miss Hamilton,- She Strong, Km 'Wilder, and Mrs. Dock, •85 ; Prlnoetin 'Ohurob, Co; Berm. Baptist, 85; Mr T. A. , , , Bewhell, $10; Cr. Lee, 83; Little Annie, from South ,Cerallos, 16 cie„ ; Cub, $4; Mr. John L:Govith,Ss ; Mr: 11,8. Whlti,376; 51 , 5. mum , • !Ili Mini Hoffmael..6ll 26; Collected by albs Willarii..Bl 26; Collection, SI 55; Mr. Robert Patter-_ son 85 ; Rev." J W. Robin/142; Mrs Sarah - MAIN P6o ' ; Mrs :Frederiek A' Koons, $25 •, Miss .111b50n..86; ,Mre. Ann G Thomas , 85; from Friends to Soldiers, throuph Mr. Henry O. Townsend. $100; -collected -for 1:0 cream for the West .P.ldlrdelPhla Bagle& 880 41; Idiee Rainer, $2; proeeeds of a concert given in'Weet Phi• ladelphis, 895 76; by sale of calico, $1 99. Total, $042 71 In material, nrovtalons o.: 700 yards Canton flannel; 72 yards cloth; , 9.lardeC ho.: ; iI yards muslin . ; 1 pieoe muslin ; 24jairs blaukete ; 4. 11 shirts' ; 127plUow cues; 88 pains WIN/ere; 81 paint eooke; 1 coat; Ii pairs panti; 1 vest' 10 duet pane l2 erruches•, 18 ormes; old linen; 10. pkgs corn star c h; 18 pkgs. farina; 13 jars eweet ineate ; 6 cane tomatoes' ;16 sheep tongues; 1 drum figs; ljar tamarinds; 4% dozen lemons and oranges. The Ladles' Aid return their sinoere thanks to sfessrs. Hamilton. Kelley, Sturgis, Smith, Hutment, and Bing ,bem for the proceeds of the concert reeentlygiven under their auspices, at the Commissioners' Hall, In West Phllsr dtlpbta 'This Society has been In operation since the commence... went of the,war, and has labored unremittingly. partial- , /latly for the sick and wounded in oar hospitals. eery thankful for the many.and liberal favors sent to nu during the past year, we will gratefully accept any dona tions. either of money or material: They may be sent to Mrs. Sam'l Field, Fortieth Street, below Pine ,• to 111166 Willberger. 8947 Market etreet ; Mrs. Chas la: Keen, 'Chestnut street, below Thirty-seventh; to Mr. S u et'! Field, H. W. corner of Front and Walnut streets, or Sir. Chartea B. Keen, 825 Walnut street. • DONATIONS FOR THE .SIOH • AND WOUNDED.—The surgeon in charge' ofthe United • .States army hospital at ElestonAlle acknowledges •the receipt of a contribution from Annie Brooke and Mary Day, aged, respectively; 12 and 14 years. A fair for the benefit of the wounded soldiers was organized by these little girls and conducted nlder their own supervision. It. Well a labor of love. and met with the amens it de served. By their patriotic exertions they - have - given $BO toward the comfort of the sick and wounded of the hes- OM. 48 pairs iof woollen gooks, - 14 pairs of media. drawere. 48 pare of towele, 38 pairs of leathern siteeerst 50 palm fans, 2 dozen combo, 2 dozen toothbrushes, 12 . . bottles cil whisky, s llB ponnde of ham, 28 D onn & of dried; 'beef, 5 haricots of potatoes, 2 baskets of tomatoes, 2 1 - baskets of peaches. 243 pounds of corned beef, T dozen eggs, 5 pairs of reepossine. Time following-little -boys also conducted a fair from which they:swotted" $2O, which has been presented `to the hospital. Their ages are from 12 years down to 3 years : J. M. Butler, 11. Nagle, 0. Grover, G. Seltzer, N. McNeil, F. Dowling, `Willie Jay, 11. Grimm, Smith. Jay, S. McMullin. Bred Butler. The following contributions have also been received From Mr liferrick , s employees, 81T.; Mrs . carrion, 86 ; McKibbln, 85 ; Mrs. B Heston and Mri. B. Pr 0.10,,0 .10,, .10 , , S26 by contribution in purchase of curtains. A fair was bold !sat week, at No. 538 -..yirathingtott • .avenne.,_ by MI patriotic little ndeses--Amattda Kink, .Mrema . Wern, Snele McKeever, Selina 001li1MB, Annie airman, and Loofas Sadie. aged ten -to thirteen years, atileted by Maker Albert Moroczi. The proCeede were expended in furnishing a box with the folkiwing articles, for the sick and wounded gaiters of General McGielian , s arzny-: IL dozen cans.Of coi.deosed milk, 8 'dozens of cholera mixtorv,—lrdozen of Jamaica; ginger,' 2 dozens of flavoring extracts, Critehed:sugar. green tea, :black pepper. lemons, and onions; with shirts, drawers, stook; Jews, muslisi,,and lint. • - To BE LAUNCHED. C The Canteen . tat," a large etermithip, now on-the stocks of the Yard of Mr. Jehn Lynn, foot of Reed street, will be launched next Tuesday. 'The vessel is 1.550 tons capacity; 250 feet in length '3B feet beam.; 18 feet depth of hojd. : She his been constructed of the best Delaware white oak, .and braced throughout her extreme length with Iron bistro four 'inches wide, three. quarter Inches thick and thirty.fonr feet. lung, extending from the upper' dock ' down to the turn of the bilge.. Oa the deck is a large saloon for peesengere,- in additionho the one on the upper between.derks. 'I be TEMA ;I hse been finished for launch ing in ninety days from she laying of the keel. She has been built for the Philadelphia and Ocean Steam Com Deny.. Capt. Mar omen, , . forinerly q, the' Keystone State, will command the new vessel. Mews. derrick Boos we buildtag the engines. Bar model is to attain spied, and it Is expected the Continental will be the pio neer of a line from this city to New Orleans. Three tnge are also on the stocks at this yard, one of-which will be launched In abynt ten days. FIRE •ER TIM FIRST WABD.-r-About one o'clock yesterday morning. a fire-occurred on the marshes, below Reed street, in the . First ward. by which the iron foundry. of Andrew Denver cra4 . totally de stroyed. "Tbe building wee of from°, and was thirti by ono bundied and thirty , feet .in size, and contained. a quantity of machinery-fer the mennfiistare of clock weights. Ito. The lose will be about fifteen tboneind dol. Imre insured for eight hundred dollars in the.F sine In goisnoe Compeny. The origin of the -Are Is believed to be accidental. • . • POISONING CHIOXIINS.-011.` eaturaay afternoon, a man reeiding in the Twenty-fourth ward wee before Alderman Heftier upon the charge of poison ing come fifty chickens, the property. of a neighbor. The evidence went to show that the accused had threatened to poison all the chickens that came upon hie prenVeog. A lot of mixed-corn-meat wa, gathere d . up from hie ground, and was plated in the hands of `a phYelcian for anelyele. The cue was held for a further inraellgatton. A YACHT RACE . TO-DAY.—Ta-day a yacht race will take place on the Delaware, between the George M. Hill and the Lewis 0. Cassidy. The steamer Etephen Girard will accompany the yachts, leaving Bouth.etreet wharf at half net eight o'clock. The 1070111 of aquatic sports will, of course, turn out en matte. A Sinuous FALL.- On Saturday morn ing, a man named Joseph Palmer, emplOyed by Mr. Drake, at 184 Market street, , f•ll through the hatchway, from the third to the 13ist door. and was severely injured about the head. Ile wee conveyed to hie residence. TO BB SENT TO - FORT DRLAWARB.— Patrick Blue, who wee arrested for interfering with the awiereori in the neighborhood of Tenth and Christian, will be sent to Port Delaware this morning. A woman, also connected with this matter, has bt ea taken into*stody. THII BOLDLIIt'S AID SOOIIITY, of :Catawilea, -bay° fund/dad grimy Heti:mond, .noar Wsoblngton, sith a large tmn containing many useful articles; sloe, four and a -half Wirral-id dried. biscuit and one barrel of onions. - i IVIA.TTRZSEVIS WANTBIL—AIIy benevo lent "arsons who would forward to th• 'Provost Marshal a few mattresses willreddre the thanks of tint ()Meer. Theee articles ars very much needed at the headquarters ' of *be marshal. - • • • • , • -7; PRILADBLPHIA. BOW oi-'IIIADS. BAN. W. DII common', - -- LIMBS 0. BAND, • Goinarigra ON n 116 i LA. LITHINOOTT; : ' • • • LSTTIBit. BAGS At the Merchants' Ezcharnge, Philadelphia. Ship Bbatemuc, Oxriard Liverpool, 'soon Bark Aaron I Harvey, Miller Port Spain, soon Brig Delhi, Oarnaby Denisrara, soon Brig Napier, Creighton ~,,Barbados., soon A mail for New Orleans will be despatched from this port on Tneeday next, 9d proximo, ,by Abe. itoamship Cambria, Captain Norden. liar letter bag will close on Monday, let l a st , u at 9P M. . • ,Itaattat ..INTAILLMEr(eIt- PORT 'OF PRIT4 . IOII , LTVA I Ser. ISegit. v 1 11181119.. i 28--111118 OATS 6 32 RION ... 8 i ABIIII , IID . &fir & A Hammond, Pains, 4 days from Siston, with ice to captain. Wm Fair Dealer, Cox, 6 days rom Bangor * with laths, . ket to Gook' 1. & Gelvin ' Behr Henry Perkine,Goodzidge, 0 drays frost Boston; in ballast to Slncickaon k Glover. Scbt Luci,l3lxMce, 1 day from Brandywine Dirt, wills corn meal to B X Lea. • Scbr lowa, Hillard, 1 day from Nowioit, Psi, with mall feed to B M , Lea. . - • Behr Silvf,-Beynolds; front Gloucester, . • Bohr Lebanah,•fieal, from New Bedford. . . Scbr John Madame, Parson, frem . OLBABBD. - • - Steamship Norman, Baker, Boston H Winsor. Bark rrank, Stanwood, Belfast, litland, X A Bonder • Brig Triad, Mitchell, Fortress Monroe, D S Stetson G Co. , Brig J M Sawyer. Bryant, Boston, Noble, Geidwell & Go Bohr Lebanah, Teal, Boston, .1 it Btakijton. r, • eche John MoLkdams, Parson, Boston, Sinnickson Glover.Scbr , B Perkins. Goodsidge, Beverly, . do • Schr Alma Odlin, /ranks, NearburrPort, 14 , Andeniled & Co. • - • • Scbr Sylvia, Reynolds, Gloucester, do - Bohr Sea Bird, Smith, Nowbern, NO, Hammett, Van Dusan & Lochman. ' BAILED' . ~, Bark Alex McNeil, &mere, for Liverpool, galled at 7 0 - c l ot k cr., smurday lamming, with the follciwing cargo: 20,910 buthela itheat,l346 Ibis flour, 80 casks tallow, 81 toilird;•&3o bbla oircake,36 Mule bark, 78 balealioalp, 10 bags cloverat ed, 1 cask and 2 bundles-take. ' • (Cori.) Wpondence of the Press.) , • HAVEM DB GILi.0.111; Ang 28, The atearner•Wyominglett here this morning, with the" following ooats in tow, laden and consigned , si folltows: 0 W 'Brewer, lumber to Norcross & Obeeta; flying Cloud, do to•W B ".TiOlor; May illowei,•bitrimittons coal to Chesapeake Oity; - Gen Lngon, anthracite coal to Dela,: .wx'ae Qty. • s n (Coespondenie of tbe Prese.) - 1 . BB &DING ; Lug 25. The following• boats from the . Union Cana passed into the Schuylkill Usual to-day, hound to.Philatielptda, laden and consigned as follows: •••• American Bogle, chorale! to Kaufman A Banter, Bal tic; lumber io.o P Lloyd & Bon, Darby; 'Arno, lumber to J B Dpyther; Daniel Uhrich, light to captain. • IfEItIONA.NDA. iThip Atlantic; Dinsmore, for Phlladalatita, was. re at Liveriaol.3.6.b ult. . Bark' 0 W PonUtley, Johnson, for 114 TOri i towed to sea from Now Orleans 12th nit.. Bark Leziolg, Williams, for Phltadelptda, cleared at New Weans 20th nit -Bark-Powluttah, Loot, for New York, was up at Nevi / Orlerrie 22d nit, Brig &Mira Coombs, halite, arrived'at New Odeatis Moil nit '' Brig Mary' B Milliken , Brook, for New York' war np at New Orleans 22d feet. Brig Jacob Pt Mr, Swenseen, from N York Arg 25 for Oieninesca, with a cargoOf ' machinery, hat been lost st sea. The captein and crew were taken off by soim"Bal. loon, from Frithitfoit,ide;for Meteors% and'were sub.- eminently trarafeer‘d to the Spanish bark Manuel, fro' Havana which aril red at• Now York 29th 'nit: The OSp . . lain makes the folloWitig report: August 23. during a' : heavy gale, while' the vessel was rellieg fearfu'ly, two • large batten which we had on deck worked loose in the, lashings; tearing the ring bolts from the deck, add' roUelr. I .4torn , side tt. side of the vessel,vessel,making several Large ligilie the cocki also carrying away the stauncheons on' pie; l etirboard nee from the fore , to the maid rigging — the sea l snating'n steady MARCEL over-her. • She began to flu veer . I,..fasi; kept .the.pumps going constantly, but tho water _ saitieu so fast on na that wa were obliged to abandon her, ...leaving every thing but what we stood in.. On the same - night we were picked up by-the eche Balloon, Grant, of aid from Frankfort, Me, for. Zdalanzas, and were anbse -1 ocently transferred to the Spanish bark Manuel, Captain 1 Bercerdo Ponce, rrcm Havana for New York. [The JD, i was built at Woolwich, Me, 803 toms bnrthen, rated A 2, acd owntd by.lliesers. Harlan a - Hollingsworth, of Wil,:- znirabb, Del I , Schrs Carlhagene, 'Kelly, end Island Belleatitgitre, hence, arrivetVak New.tiedford 28th nit. .-. I' •.' ! .4 .',. Eels' Febtbea, Plark l ftw Philadelphia , sailed * Ifew Bedford 281 h ult. ' ~. F . ~ ~.. „ ..,.' . I ,,Ai 1 Behr BL. Crocker, Preebry, for Phllashilpiaa;miled - '!' Mole ,Pienton 27th nit.,........„ ~, : -" . : i.l 7 ;.. ol - Schr' Monterey; cratg, for Delaware Oiti, , , sillid from !Fan Iti+4 '' 27tli nit. '': ~ ' -- 1 , ' •i , V4 •" - Stlislacob Birdsilli Hazeltdm, Elizabeth; Brown; Sexy ' dieter, ginner, David 11 sle, r (lyane,' 0014 Ann, 801 W 'iszil Msythis Soiling, s ,h9.tir4iir hence , snivel at Ailikl.• deed', 28.htitit? ' '''. /V , ••-lt -',. ,* - Y .. ~-., A We, - i.. , -'' Elchr Jae liElllolloTholitli!itY,•fiit Thiladelphia,.salad .- from Piceider chnilthVititisovil, i' . f, it7l c.: hetrr Geo - .1 - Ictieeterowell; for Philadelphia, andlt-Ir' • Tay, Akiiniforl.74 6 Pit 4o lPAOle*ed'alt BosteuißtB..) ressmism'''''' " eleireit at '5 i 'IS& .'q Behr. Chart*, MOoris,::___,„ .. s em . ~ ;;Ilt. !Cis ?bilthistiiri*',..,:,:, .: '; . :::...1.'., '..'`-. :f - !toy,. liebrAda4rol. Trefet en; front Dover; ;fit Timm I fw'rOW,IDPIN , 6 fte,re avaiVll7 , , _ +4. ; 50614:10001 4 1:71 5 1 . 447, for leeer l 'irork, was aLP .ult. " _ lielp..A,Vilymemd, T .- massed, OliireikiatAtiw,ikkass, 1101blikrforliiir•Yoilctu'tNia • j , •14.2.VJA ear 71 34g1teb, linglisb,,for:•Phllettlelphis; (lea:twit tati4l2fitsiiit: is kkAaratriiiiii44 tiiiitaia7 aired at Baltimore 2Atil ult. for Phltadelrhts. EPUCATIO SELECT SCHOOL'.M IiTIMR.!CR-01/..tiplT4 4NIIZITED .TO 30. .ED WARD IIOTH,. M., 'Principal. ~,Coi .oMtrfiruT streots. Bair sil;4; 011 - T NTd Street. 'OPEMSO.BI ; M . 431 , 1DAT, 13MPTE3IiiEtt Bth. Rope taught the Modern .Languagee, and prepared for College and Bnainese. REFERBNON D. B Cummings, Ern.; Pre- Bev. P. Reilly, President of &dent of the Girard Bank. -. St.. Mare' College, MI- Messrs D. &O. Kills, Hal. , ruinous. - • Disarm Hay & McDevitt. Bear. Coleman, Mink Milan', Bre.. • Daniel Dongherti, Bal. J. Hillborn Jones? Zgq• I Percy La gonna, 8ery..,../t. D. Circulars found at t. eypoldre Bookstore... Chestnut and Juniper • Brotherhcad's Circulating Library. Blehtb Et • • Dear Walnut, and at the Stores near the entrance to,tbe Noboot . au211.1.0A rilw 0 OR TA BEE • GENTEEL .41ND A. PROMISING BOYS OAN BR OAMEFULLY IN STRUOTRO irrprkftte by an accurate scholar. Address lit 14181VALNIIT-Street. S7I4NDS'.. ACADEMY FOa BOYS .01 . all Dep;miiinaHons, east of 41 North EE.BVENTII • iltreetp reopens ,9th month (September), let, $l2 Der. tem - of.turenty-tyro,w4*.s 19229-12t* EE,SONS' IN - ENLISH HISTORY, L COMPSSITION, and LITZBLTUftirg, by au se comylbobed :sebolar. •id roboola orris private Addreaa LITERATURE; 1224 UREETNIIT Street. LINDEN HALL MORAVIAN FE JL.4 &ULM SEMINARY, at LITIZ, Laacatter county, Penna., founded 1794, afforis : suriorlor adrantmea :for. thorozgii and socompliabod Fannie education. For dm:e late 'and information, anal' to blemii...TOßD.Vi & BROTHERS, 209 Noi th THIRD Street, Phltadelehts, or to )leT. W. 0. BEIOAEL, 0u29-Bce mirk SCHOOL' #611,14.11tL13 WILL be ie.e*Ded'at 105 WALNUT Street, Eleptemb , /MT lrY;Be s r. 34NES L maim. au2B-talaz Nr'CLARK . W./11-1 * RESUME .• ..• . • Inetrnetton on the Iteno; flatiar i and :tote% BEPTEABERIst: Apply . el 'olotookl!. 103 -C4 1 74;44'1 1 Street,- ;r ,. ; ,VDRIVA'XE ,L 813801,18 IN . ': `:LAN. Ii "dIIMIZEI Neboll.r. • Address•riTpll,,9l.l OILIBSTSD;1 1 Street. en2B-titlait • = • ' ' UM ISt EII , STREET INSTITUTE _FOE YOUNG LADIES MISS D. B. BURT will reop -- n. her Enolleir end French Boarding end "Day School, at No. 1828 81781?dBil Street, on MONDAY, Beiessnber 8. Miss A. 008 E WIBOII, recently interned from pursuing her,etudien in Germany, will midst in the Dan ly, and give. INtiTBUOTION IN GERMAN AND 3111810. • .att29-12t* (Z_EORGETOWN COLLEGE D. 0 Avousr.lB62. , • • The exerchtes of title College will .be resumed on3the iet of SEPT IC MBES: Terme for Board-and-TUliteri; s2oo.ros'y able helf-3Oarly In advenoe. '` , ••. For (rather Information apply to the Presidetti Of the .College fauB-ftnth2o4 JOHN EMILY. B. J. rpREEmouNT SEMINARY, - ;NOR RIBTOWN, r Young Men and Baia: The situation is high, healthy, and beanaful—amid ten 'acne oi • ground. Winter session commensa l SEP 51.81111 111th Andress ' JOHN W. LOOH, an2.llinvri•9tie,.• Principe!. T HE MISP.EB REEL) will reopen Minot on DIOND4.I', September let, et their reolftenoe, 1702 LOODertitrtiot . • , aR2B 6t E NGLISH A ND.' .CLABBIOATi 1301100 L —The Bobool of Din' enbseSiber, in Sim& Building, TWELFTH and OHISTNIIT Streets, will moven on MONDAY, the Sth of September. itu2l-tt • ,OILABLIES.SHORT. A. M. -- INSTRUCTION THROUGH BOOKS, _L Objectit, Pictures, and such Endowments as have Lem, or may be given, to theANN Teacher and the Taught. • E DIONSON, 108 South EIGHTEEN CH Street. Sth September. au22-dtf fILASSIOAL INSTITUTE.-DEAN NJ Street, above SPB17011." The Olessloal inutlinto will -Wt. OPEN IMPTUITIER Ist.. 5026-20* - 3. W. D. 'lO.. Peingsliud. :THE .BNGLISE 'CLASSICAL: AND EATEN Mini:JAL INSTITUTE...A Select School for Boys—No. 2 8. WEST PENN BQUA.ILL REOPENS SEPTEMBER let. • JOBEYN DAVISON, negate* ?Chid pat. VNGLISH ; OLASSIOAIi, AND MA -121 TREMATLOAL BOBOOL, No. 1008 OREISNUT Street. 'The Nall Tern will commence en MONDAY, September 8. antrk-Ixe* WILLIAM. FEWSMITH, M. A WOLSIEFFER. BROTHERS' ism , SIOAt,iOADBBIY, No. fOT Terms $5 per leer. Gleason now forming. 6ngl4.oif: MRS. MARY 13..WILOOX'8 INO AND DAY SCHOOL FOR - YOHNO DIES, corner of USltgAll and MAIN Streets,' GER MANTOWN, re•opea September 10th. Oiroalare may be had at 1384 Chesnut street, or at the Semi nary. att2s;tselo* 14111 E . MASSE AND NILE. MO BIN'S 'FRENCH AND IeNGLISH ISO AIMING AND DAY SCHOOL TOR YOUNG LADIES, No.lll Booth THIRTEENTH Street, will to-open on WED NESDAY, Elipterober 100, Philadelphia. ' For °iron- Ws, apply at the above number. an2l 21d- 10tOAR G DIN SCHOOL FOR YOUNG ALP NEN AND BOYS, MOUNT JOY, Lancaster 00., Pa. roads admitted at any time. Address the Principal,. annakt* VRIENDS'_ SCHOOL , FOIV.BOYSi . °SLAB Avenue vaorilalkom Noble street. below Sixth, will reopen on Second Day, Ninth . Month (Sept.) let Ottolle, $l2 per term of Ave months: All denomi aetiens admitted.... -' • .• THOS. 1311101)LAY, an2sl2t* . Principal. AOADEMT:OF . T-11 TESTAET EPISCOPAL • CHIME!, LOCUST and JIINIPEE. Streets—The Autumnal Session will opals on MONDAY, September let, at 9 o'clock A. EL Applications for admission may be made at the Academy after Aultrad !tth, between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clockfin the morning. JAMBS W. IIiOBINB, A. 11•, aul6-mwv-bi . Head Master. TBOY FEMALE SEMINARY,- This Institution offers the ascumulated advastages of seemly fifty yearn of succesaful operation.. Beery facility is provided fora thorough court. of me ful and ornamented education, under the direction of a Corps of more than twenty profeasora and teachers. • Nor Circulars, apply to • and2-2m JOHN H. WELLAND, Troy, N. T. OSEIDENSTICKER'S CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, N0. 1Z7 North TENTH street, will reopen on Blonder, September let. Beeldes the Ing lis/I and Claseloal branches, German and Prim& are oho taught Refers to Prof. G. Allen, Benj., Gerhard, AK., On. Short, Bee. Direol and Trorsonid knowledge of *be exquisite scho larship uf Dr. = 0. iteidenstiCkfir,' late of the University' of Gdttingen, enables me to recommend him warmly, as a classical teacher of the highest order."—george Allen, Professor of Greek and Latin in the Unisersity of Peen nirania. - • • . auSli-12* • LINWOOD HALL , ON CHELTON Aventae;lfork Bead Station, seT4HI miles from Philadtlphia: . , . • , The Third Teim 0A81. 1 13 - Boarding and Day .for Young ladies at the above beautiful and Atealthy location will oommence en the second MONDAY ? • The number of pupils being limited to fifteen, the at ,:labbehment has as much of .the filmdom of •ti home as nonsistent with mental improvement. }Exercises in the ayinnaelnat and open air are - promoted,,for,which the eXtenei•e grounds afford - full opportunity. Circulars •um be obtained at the office of Jay (Rooks & , 004 bankers, 114 South Third street. or by addressing ' the Prir.cipai, Shoemakertown post" office, MontgomecT 'county, Ps- au26-2m TT D. GREGORY, A.'ll l .l.,wilt-ieopo . .121. • hie Classics! and Snell& 80}100L, No: 1108 111.101.711 T street, on MONDAY, 3.3E4.1. onlB-Itwilt A BACHMANN . , TE AC HER 'OF the PIANO, OBGAN, .111IBLODBON, and 1111 k will resume the datiesof his >protereion BNIt let. NORMAL 111181.0 AL INBTITUTI,• North BLIITENTII.B!seO... !::i. ..aa2o-Im* QT. MARK'S EPISCOPAL .A 04.-!. to REMY, LOOIIBT, west Sixteenth,"ieope . tui 911PL` THIIdbBB 14 at 9 A. M. J. ANDREWS HARE'S,' A; • 7r-4120,12W ' SPRING .GABDEN ACADENIX FOR ytarriGi MEN AND BOYS. N. B. eor. BIOHTH "dud-BUTTONWOOD Slreeta.—The NI elTfl Scholastic leimbeghui - MONDAY, September Stb. Paella pre pared for,Oollep and business.' Olreulore may be found . Acideany. " 'Buy. A. B. simrdows; ili224m* -. PriadvaL YOUNG LADIES'` (With Preparatory Deparhisant attached) Ei.; B. corner of D ELL WYI4I:. and 1431811110 N. 'PAU r Terra: coin modes the Bth oeNinth (ileptengierj Por Cir anlere apply at 870 North SIXTH Street. • : - = • aiilo.lmt • • B. PAXSON, Principal. _ ,„Rpu c ATIoN Or YOUNG La..DlElei. •.124 —The Fell term of the SPEEDICI - GAILIYItti '3TITUTB will commence (D. V.) SEPTR &IBIS lat. Four additional-pupils inai be received into the' ramtly of GILBBET - 00M813, A. M., Principal, WIZ-320.. !.; 605'and.1711 Marshall Street. SCHOOL QF DESIQN FOB . WO MEN, .3.3114 CHESTNUT Streit __l3, 9 .4eag NOF,PAY, , Septernbi"ir he Oiseses in Drawing, Paint " log, Deornetry, Prospective, Maim:ling, Wood Rave ; ;ving, Landocaro, and ilia figura in oil. Vain': I'dnos lional and ProfornionakOleasaii,. sl2' Mashes in (kayo* dad OU, Egg.- , ' A • ••• - • . . T. W. BELIDWOOD, Prinelima-) . E NWO 0.-D, ACADEMY PQR . , BO,Y9.—The ahoy° Inefittitan.will , rsoiPen on the :16th of pth(Elenlember. ) ..:o4.:pirtlonlary, apply. .to . •, AISOP. . 1 / 4 1..Waose,00: h ltIonroe.00nutz,.Pe . .„, . • Q, W; S O ROOD • POIVIrOTJX4 DIE EL • BIBS BIIEGIN -wilt reopen her School for Toting Ladiem Septet° berikoB62. • „, Patents desironor'of placing their ilangliteri iti , a Itiabool may knot to alto tel i ptlglaatreet, wherentreblara may be obtained. ltaD3.l2t FEMALE COLLEGE, ME— pfd OH °tea Itenext seeston on , — WEDNISDAY, the 3d of ,September. For oistelogneo, AC' iddnos. iro2l): l 3e.* " , A. G. MAUL ATT;-Piliddent: . . 0,E10:01C FEMALE .SE M I NARY-. la. Limited within one mile of the village of -Derby, se ccoipilde,hetf hourly ,from the city, wilt open on the 29th of 9th mo. (September.). For circulars. eddiess a uvi JOSIAH' Wric,SONO;lirSk;liti. rPPE• - - • • -BEST. PROVIDSD SCHOOL IN TUB LINITrD ,STAMlS,'—The'llletentitle and Classical IL,stitute, onEarNlyr Street, N. W. oir. of Twelfth et., re.opene on mosrosy, Sept 8113.. In no Other nObool of our conotit go Iciest piling boon taken to 'provide- every tblie for the complete and thorough eilicattoli of boye.anli - yOnng *ion In all de ' Pertmente of learning. !Dime* on Twelfth at. au% It i -§CEOOIA IQUEGy B. E. coruer . 11141141lLtisiIBPS.INifttiltlalS - ,Q ta. Duties rammed: B/112.1111S.SERAtb; "1 ,311NOOLU. EIIIPPLEE, d. 111., "ot' F327.12ri • • • ••• Prinalpal. H, VCJAABBIQ • .AND ILNGLISH ..80HOOL 4 otbe '. natiiiniber, will reopen, .at IRO, ),OCBBI 3- Bilwit, BlONDAT,'Bepteniber 8 h. .in27-12e* _ B A: 34.'"' UARGARET BIKS'e 14" 'ffillrke . . „ 4 41t11 open her.c.So6oolo- 310)1 -*GUM% roornot of $4(111 and ITILANSIAINostroeto, on ANCIOND-Dia• 9 Imo i.. ~.v..eszt• . 4fnu2T-12t* MNTRAY. INSTITUTEr-TFdsIT ILY and 8PRI10,1141.141)11N,8treptiol1 waen der. Wilber 1. -'lloye prerpiredtfor lay Widen Stfthe.Puillio Ofitornar t3choole, for Col loge, or for Business. eml4-lm* H. G. 11IoGUIR11, A. Id., Prtnolp&t. IaiRIENDS'• B'o li O 0110 —GIRLS' JILT Grbinmar, 'Secondary; and Primary; fo.r aids aid boYg• situate on ruet4i , li• house . premises, S. E. corner of —FOURTH and OisEMN strews, will • reopen - Ninth month - let. The pationage of Friends and the DUhlitll) solicited. an3o;lot4z AVII.DERS' , ...INSTITOTE;" MAR . '4.. ENV `I.HTETt-NINTH !kraals:LEl:looi, elsedeslitid ' , Military Day and Boarding—will reopen Mißiaßbeita. 4i.TES'SAILN.DERS CADETS" will, '$ heretofore, receive the beet of lifilitariln struction one hoar daily. Addican sitt 3o - l ln ' Prot E. E. BLUNDERS. 13OLYTEOHNI.O• CtILLE'./E' or THE STATE Or PENNST!...VANLiThe SOIDN FIO StMIODL begins,MONDAY. September Bth. ' The Technical SohOole, `cognieing th*School of 'Ulan, the School of Ilfechanical ,Engineering, the-School of Civil Bogineetlne, the Sohoolof f+hemistry, the Architectural School, and the course of Military Instruction, will open on TUESDAY, Septmnber 'l6*b. Apelica , ions for admirsion'to be made at COLLEGE DVILDT,NG, .MAIIKST Street and WEST-PENS Square, personally or by letter to ALFDED L. KENDIVIDT. M. D, • 800. St Frerident of Faculty. ELEOT SCHOOL AND PRIVATE S Inetactien, N. W. corner TEN PH and ARCM Streets: .. Duties resumed MONDAY. Septem`..K. 8. st6o4lVtlk.. STEWART, Principal. W. WHIT ALL ATOGDES' MUSIC INtiTITUTE, No. v .288 North TENTH Street. Tho sexeion wlit Col3llllofiCer SEPTEMBER Bth, Apply between 3 and 6 P. Si. " ' EDWARD W. VOODES, 0.030-4i* - Professor of Mail°. MISS KID'S. DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG , LADIES, northwest Omer WALNUT and SEYE.NTILStreets, will reopen on MONDAY, Sep tember Until that time, applications may be made by letter, addressed to the care of Mr. B. Q. BID, 545 PINE Street.'< an99•mwf•teelb MISS. M. W. 110 PiraS' YOUNG LADIVB' BOARDING AND DAY BOROOL, 152.6 OBBSINIM Btrcet, win reopenon WIIDNRSDAY, 10th Septeipber. YOUNG.' !LADIES , SCHOOL.. NO. 908 MINTON .Streek 4 eatablished •i 7 Professor 0. OLEVIBLAND in 1834.. Mel! Session commences Bettember Bth. _ .314 tr - ,OztASR. • anl9-./ni • aER MA.NTOWN INSTIT UTE .-- .lbe.duttes of this Reboot will be resumed on MON DAY, Sept. mber let. MEL - For further particulars, markt WM. R. MOSADDRN. PiluctpaL, Residence, South:We; oUNMETZNEfOIItIE Street. fifth house west of ORDEN. • mull .tf trine, .ENtilailv , AND CLASSIOA•L 11 eunooL wig reopen at 1112 steutt, On _THUBBDAY 4tl poB6.lme e • • • WIL 8:130.01gIlY; rrillos. BALDWIIVEI.ENGLISEUAND 1. biassidit corner of BROAD and ABOH a etreete, reopen September leR* M.lBB 'MARY E. TAROPP 'WILL reopen her BOARDING and DAY 501100 1,, , for oung,Ledlee, • 1841 , CHESTNUT. !Week Philadelphia, BERTEIIBIR . • ' : aul2-tool.* TEE MISSES CASEY :AND -MRS. B/1/1111V8.1frenoh and rogligh Boarding and I* School for Yonne 'LnilisP, No. 1703 W/LNUTII will reo-open on WIDBIIIBDAY, iloptembor 10tif. twill 2m OLLEGIATE INSTITUTE FOR C YOUNG L &D1E8,15,80 A.rOtt street, Jlei. Misrlei A. Smith, 1). D., principal. The eighth year will begin September 16th. ladrees Poet-office Box 1839. ant-Imit .• MR. WINTHROP TAPPAN'B Boarding and Dar School for Young Ladle.; No. 21515 SPBDON street, will reopen on WEDNESD4Y, September Ifth: iyl9-&n rrrjfiGE-GREE.N SEMINARY.— I . eit BOARDING 130BOOL, near MRDIA, Pennsylvania: . Thoiongh 'course in Mathematics, Gies dos, English Studies, Ito. Book-keeping and Civil En gin/eking taught. Rxeroisee in Military Taotios. Seventh year begins September Ist. Boarding, por week 62 25 Tuition, per quarter 0.00 Por information, address Rev. , J.: nzuray BARTON, A. M., iT 28-9 at VILLAGE GRERN, Ppm% aERMANTOWN FEMALE *SEMI VI NARY, GREEN Street, south of Walnut lane, will reopen WEDNESDAY, September 3d. Oireulars setting forth Terms, °ours* of Ipstrnotion, oke., may be obtained of Prof, WALTER B. Foirrnsoue, A. M., • au9o.if Principal. F" LE COLLEGE, BORDIONTOWN, N. J. This welLeetablistied and nourishing Institution pleasantly located on the Camden and Amboy Railroad, 1H hours' ride from Phßadelonia. Spooled attention is pad to the common and higher branches of Rnglish, and auperior advantages furnished in 'Vocal and Instrumental Music. 'French is taught by a native and 'woken in the family. For catalogues, address' Rev. JOHN H. BRAHRLEY, A. M., anti • Sm ' President. HOLDIEBBIIIIG SEMINARY FOB. , YOUNG LADIES, lodated on 'the' 'Bristol Turn pike, 8 miles from Philadelphia- apt 2 from Tawny. The Ant - term of the scholastic year begins the fret MON DAY In September; second term Ale list day of Feb. mazy. A circular, containing terms, reterencee, can be obtained by application to the jeWitte* Mien CHAPMAN; Principe:A. egIEGABAY .INSTITUTE .4.;" BOABDUSG AND: DA.T.BOBOOL _l'oll YOUNG No. 15.27 and 15 . 510 0,1111:YOX Stratt,•Pkiladel pblW, The rekuler course or InstruotiOn atabraces the English and French Languages and Literatnrce—Latin if re eitared—and all the brandies which constitute a thorough English and French ettication. French le the language of the family, and is constantly ePoken in the Institute. The • scholaatio year commences September 15th, and °key' July leL Poi oirtitdars and TArtivalars, s'prlr 60. anl6.2m*, IdADA.M.B D HEsYlLT,Y ,. Principal. ipt) 11.1 STOL BOARDING 130HOCILi 11 for Girls will open Its Fell Sidon on Beim' id daYi Ninth mo., let. References: James Mott, Philadelphia; Anna Churchman, 908 Franklin street, Philadelphia; 0. N. Peirce, 501 North Seventh- street, Philadelphia •, Noun W. Ridgway, Orooswicka, New Jersey ; David J. Grisco Woodbury, New Jeriwy. ' For circulars, apply to 11IITN ANNA PRIMA, Principal, Bristol, Pa. jy23.2m* PENNSYLVANIA M I T Y P ACATINICT at West Cheater, (for ,boarders ort/7). This'Acedimy will be opened on ift'UBSDAT, •tioptem:. tember 4th,1862. It wee chartered by the Legislature at its laat session, with full collegiate powers. In its capacious buildings, whieh were erected and tarnished at a cost of over sixty thousand dollars, are arrangements of the highest order for the comfortable quartering and subsisting of one hundred and fifty cadets. A corps of competent and experienced teachers will give their undivided attention to the educational depert merit, and !OM to make' their instruction thorough and practhial. The department of studies embraces the fol lowing courses: Primary, Commercial, and Scientific, Collegiate and Military. The moral training. of- cadets wilt be carefully attended to. For circulars'apply to Oche, James H.' Oche, No. $ 26 Chestnut street, or at the book stand of Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, or to • aO2O-24t - 001. THEO. , ..I . IIATT. Prooldent.P. At. A. {,STATE OF. - 4011g- - 1116FARLA.N, ■ DEORASELi.L;•Lefters of Adtninistratien upon the Estate of Jobn MoParlasi, deceased, haring been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to make payment; and those haying claims on the same to present teem to JAMES HOLMES, Adm'r , 83 South SIXTH' Streot, . or to his Attorney; WILLIAM H. MAATIN. st9s-661* • ~. ..2111111outh FIFTti Street. • TN - SHE ORPHANE4' . 00,1:1 • 113! 13'utt, .JL THE OITY AHD OOIIPTY Olf PHILADELPHIA. --Rotate of RINEY ft. ROBERTS, de:seated —Mary Roberti, the widow of the meld dicedent, has Bled her petition and appraisement, claiming Real Relate to the Value of 8300, under the Act of April 14th, 1951; and the atipplomernts thereto; and the, appraieere having re. turned that the premises are not divieible, she will claim that atom in cash froin the prootedeof the sale thereof when made, and the - Court will approve tho same on :ERIDAY, the 19th day of September, 1852, at 10 o'clock A. hL, unlace exceptions Ate filed thereto. A. THOMPSON', ausls.rew4t* Attorney for Widow. ITrIFI''ORPHANS' COURT FOR . ~ Titi.oomrirtr : OF ' In monthly 'for the' partition of estate Of - ' ROBERT B. ARMY, detaatied. To Jahn- Arey, Samuel,Arey, Joseph Arey, Robert Higgs, and Mims M., bii wife,,in right of said. Raiz; Blanuelltar, Dr. William Bacon, and Nary,' his wife, in right of said Mary, George Davis, Eliza Pinker, late Davis, and Horatio G: Davie: Pursuant to an order of publication; made by the court at their regsilar semitone in. Philadelphia. on FRI DAY, the third day of July, A. D. 1862, -you are hereby notified and informed that • jury of twined has been awarded by the aforesaid court to snake partition of the real estate formerly belonging to sald decedent to and among the parties interested in snob proportions as by the Isis of this Commonwealth is directed, if such partition can be made without prejudice to or spoiling the whole; but if such partition cannot be made thereof, then to va luel_sad appraise the same. And that a meeting of the said jury , of soonest will be held' for that purpose, at 10 o'clock A. M., on FRIDAY, She third day; of October. A. 1). 1862, at the WtTIIBBILL HOILTBB,.in SANS° kI Street, above SIXTH Strsed, the city of Philadelphia. aull4At • ' ROUSH? It WING, Sheri ff . . mAItSH AL'S .13.ALE.—B1 virtue of ALVA a Writ of Sale hi , the Hon. JOHN OADWA DER; 'Judge of, the District Court of the United States, in sad foithe'Restern District of Pennsylvania; in Ltd. miralty, to me directed, will be sold, at • Public dale, to the highest 'and• beet , bidder, for cultist .OA.LLO W. ILI, STREET WHARF, on MONDAY, September J 604 1862, at 12 o'clock .M., Alm Schooner WINTER SHRUB,. her tackle v apparal, and foreiture, an she now lies at said wharf. WILLIAM RILLWARD, - II B. Marshal, Kaatern District of Penn. Ny4LADILPIII4., August 47,1862. an2B et MARSHAL'S BALE.—By virtue of ALL a. Writ of. Sale; by. the Honorable JOHN CAD.. WALADICTU, Judge of the District Court of the United States in and for the- &astern District. of. Pennsylvania, In Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at Pablo to the highest and best bidder, for Cash, at QUER STRICICT WHARF, .on- THURSDAY, Septembn 11, 1882, at 12. o'clock M., the Steamer LODONA, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, as aim' now Mee at said wharf. - WILLIAM MILLWARD. •.• ,U. S. Marshal Rastern District of. Penna. l'imirdn.rnta, August 28, 1882. . au22.81 qo lilE DISEASED OP ALL .. CLASillieS.—All acute and chrOnio,„ diseases nred. by special guarantee, at 1220 Walnut street, Philadelphia, and in case of a failure no charge ~• made. - Professor BOLLBS, the founder of Air new pr ties, trill superintepd the treatment of all cases hint% , self. , A pamphlet containing a multitude of "ceitill!, tes, - Ot thole cured, also letters and complinsan - L resolntkiiirfrotiniedloitrinen 'and others; will , be r - : given to any person free. Lectures are constantly given; at 1220, to medic ME% and ;others • who desire „a knowledge of my dig ooieri, is, applyingßlectricity es . r. reliable. th "egy, j , -"- pentie agent. OonsultatiOn fiee. ar,26:84,;',. , , DRAIN • tone. Wate Dram':. l'ipe from 2to 12-inott bore. 2-Inoh bore, 2le rant ;• B;inob tore, /300. per yard ; 4; , 1n0h _bore; ,400 , per m a i !-Inch bore, eeo per yani;?6•lnoh bore ; 660 Per ra y& livery ebriety of ommeotione, bends,- - trepe,, and, : -coppers. We an now prepared to furnish Piro in intl Pitman and. on 'liberal tartutto deafen sant those' par *maw in large quantities. - . q-. - ORNAMENTAL CHIMNEY TOPEI.---Vieriled Terra .11ette Chimney Tope,,plain and ontantrutal deeigns, war 'hulled to stewed the notion of coal gas or tie wattage in my climate. G4lmemilrAB2lB.—lL area; yarlety .ot fard4 Ta4o4h Terra Potta end ingrantodlo sten . d the insatbili; PfdlWijal Terra (Potts' W os .. o . v a ..•":21*-.1.40.... 1p , 3 '' *n=o ' 4N ver7 Neie4i9r, In 411in:fir a , •' :waived and for sale bp-...08A8. : & OARSTAilia r k 1.48 WAIN= sad 21 dRAIRTE Beriiii,. EDVCAIIONAL; LEGAL. SALES BY A iTCTI9II . _ BRLNLEY, & Oa, No. 429 MARKET S.T.BEST. ON ,TUESDAY HORNING.. - 700 1 4 . 4 Rue to extra floe Paris alt-wool Brooke Bor der black Stella SUAWLS. 300 1.4-4 Printed Border black S'ella SHAWLS. LYONS BLACK SILK VICLVATS. Pieces ex.ra quality black silk VdriVE re. LYONS BLACK LIISPIIINIS and (}ROB DI 28 and 74. inch hist lustre black Lnitrini. 24 and 28 inch black Gros do Rhines. DOIIBLB. FAO al BLACK aHHIKES and 011.38 DB ZURICH,. FOR MY THAD& 2 1 3 and 24-Inch very heavy bbsok‘Gres De 2nrloh. . 24neat figured double face /amines. Alpo, . . . EDk Neck Ties, Hoop' Skirts" Cotton Hosiery, Meiiho Shirts and Drawers. &r....; dro 013,..N 11. DIYIIRS US.)., AOO - Nos. 282 'ilk 284 1L6.84181' 414r8c4. SALE OF BOOTS AND SHONS I iko. ON -TUESDAY 1101112ING, Sept Amber . 2, on four monxbar credit— 'l,ooo pack/woo Booth and Shoes, &a, BAL OF DRY GOOD& ON THURSDAY MORNING, September 4, tit - o'clook h py catalogue, vi 4 Months* BALE Of CA.RPETINGA. • ON FRIDAY MORNING. September 801, at log o'clock, on '4" months' mgt— . 800 pieces Velvet. Brands - , Dwain, and Venetia n cocoa matttogi, TINANCOAST it WARNOCK, ATTOd. . TIONEKES. Noe. 218 1118BEXT Street. SALE' OF AIIIESIOAR AltiD 'DRY GOODS, BeIIiIiOIDSRINS, WHLTE GOODS, &a t by catalogue, ON WEDNESDAY monNita, September 4, commencing at 10 o'olook, precisely. Comprising a general assortment of seasonable made. STOCK .OF LaDlEb' and OHILDRICSVS Balms Also, ON WED tINSDAY NORN/HG, The stock of a cit 7 retail Shoe Store, comprising a gene ral assortment of fine 'goods, for ladies, misses and children. ST ILTIONERY. AIN°, en invoke of Letter awl Note Paper, Envetenea, &e. • plume FORD & CO., AUCTION— icERS, 626 MARKET and 622 002136118011 Sta. SALB OF 1,000, OASRS BOOTS, SHOES; AND BRO .. GA RS.' ON . MONDAY NOIWKINO. September 1, at 10 o'clock ornately, will be sold, by ca talogue, 1,000 cases men's, boy's', and youths' calf, kip, and grain, tioote ; calf and kip brogans, Congress gaiters, Balmorale, Wellingtons, th.o.; women's, 'misses, and cblldren'e calf. kip. goat, kid, -morocco, and enamelled heeled boots and shoes, gaiters, dippers, boa kins, ho. Also, a large assortment of first. clam city made goods. SW' Goods open for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of aalo BALI OF 1,000 GABES BOOTS, BROW, 880 GANS, &m. ON TEMBEIDAT DIONNINO. Bart.: at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold, by oats logne, 1,000 cases men's, boys% and youths , calf, kip, and grain boots; calf and-.kip brogans, Oongress gaiters, Wellingtons, Baintorals, ,&c.; women's, misses', and children's calf, kip; gont, kid, movies°, and enamelled heeled boots and shoes, gaiters, lialmorals, buskins, slippers, &o. Also, a large assortment of first•class citymade goods. far Open for examination, with catalognes, early on the morning of see. PROPOSALS. TIEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GE OFFIOH, Purcanetrimr, 28th August, 1852. PROPOSALSwiII be- received at • this office until THURSDAY NEXT, 4th September, at 12 o'clock M., foi the delivery in Pbiladelphia of one thousand QAY &LEY HORSES and rive Hundred ARTILLBRY HOBSBS. They mast be sound, free from blemish, and Rom dye to eight- years of age. The Cavalry Horses must be not flees than 15 bands 'high, and the Artillery Horses not less than 15X bandit high.• The former mast be well trained to saddle and the latter well trained to hair nets ; all to be subject to a rigid luseectton, and no hors* will be taken that is not considered by the inspector as fit for the service intended. Ho mares will be taken ; end horses to be of a dark color. Half of the 81107 • num. ber to be delivered on.or before the 20th September next, and the balance on or before the let October. Ho bids will be received hcm any one person for more than one hundred horses. Security required for the faithful per formance of the contract, the names of whom must ac company the proposals. (Sighed) • A. BOYD, an 29 -at ' Capt. & Mal Q. X., U. S A. NOTI.CE.—PROPOSALS from Deal ere and Killers are invited till the sth day of Sep tember, 1862, for furnishing Floor to the Subsistenee Department, known as No. 2 Mara. ihroples of this Flour can be seen at the Oapilol Bakery in Washington. It is desirous to make a contract for 20,000 barrels. Should, hovreyer, any ;emu desire co furnish a less Quantity, he will state the precise number of barrels in his bid. The contractor will be required to furnish about 500 barrels daily, until the contract is No Flour will be received which does not come np to the standard, at the Government Inspection, made just before the purchase. The Flour to be delivered at the Railroad Depot in Washington, or any of the warehouses in Georgetown, D. 0. Tho Flour to be pot in new barrels and bead lined. Government reserves the right to reject any bid for any proper cense. N# bide will be received from contractors who have previously failed to comply with their contract. Bidders rated be preaertt in person to respond to their bid. The oath of allegiance moat accompany each bid. Finns making bids should state the names of the par ties interested. • Payment to be made in Treasm7 notes, and the bids to be .diteeted. to LOL. B SOKWITH, A.D. 0., and 0. 84 . 11 8. A., Washington, D. 0., and endorsee. ti Pro- Douala tor Flour." • • sun. 0%4 RMY OLOTHTIRF - AliD EQUI t0n.0,1111108-PHILLDBLP A LL August 18th, 1802 _PROPOSALS are invited for furnishing 'Uniform Re gulation Clothing and temp and Garrison Equipage for the new levies of volunteers and wilitia cif the United States. The Clothing and Equipage for the different arms of the service to correspond in make and material to that heretofore used, and to conform to the patterns in the Office of Clothing and Equipage in this city, where specifications and simples may be inspected. Proposals should state the article whichlt ie proposed to furnish, the Quantity which 'Zan bo supplied weekly, the earliest period at which the delivery "aid be commenced, the total Gooniity offered, end the price for each article. AU ar ticles delivered by oontraotors 'ere required, by law, to be legibly marked with the contractor's name. The fol lowing list embracer the principal supplies needed : AILTIOLES OF OLOTIIISG Uniform Coate, consisting of lllngineere, Ordnance, Ar tillery, and Infantry. Uniform Jackets, counting at Cavalry, Astilled7, In fantry, Zonave, and knit. Uniform Trowsers, consisting of footmen, horsemen, Zonavo, and knit. • Cotton Duke, Overalls. • Drawers, flannel and knit. Skirts, flannel and knit. • Great Coats, footmen and horsemen. 13traps for Great Coats. Blankets, Woolen and Bubbsw. Ponchos and Teimas: Sack Coats, flannel, lined and unlined. Booth, Bootees, Leggings, Stockings. Leather Stocks, Wax upper Leather, Solo "Leather arid Briddle Leather, Uniform Hats, trimmed and untrimmed. Uniforni Cabs, Light Artillery, Forage Cape, Stable trocks, Seaway Haversacks, Knapsacks, Canteens. AR TIOLIS Or EQUIPAGH. • Hospital Tents, Wall Tents, 13/bley Tents, oornmOst lents, D'Abri Tents. Hospital Tent Pins, large. Wall That Pins, large and small. Wall Tent Pins, small. Common Tent Pins. Idomanito Ears, double and dugs. Regimental Colors. Camp • . do. National• do. Bogimontal Standards. Storm Flags. • Garrison do. - Recruiting do. Gukions. reLling Axes and Handles. Spades. Hatchets and Handles. Mese Pans. Camp Rattles. Pick Axes and handles.• Bugles, . • Trumpete. • Drums, . Tiles. BOOKS. Company Order. Clothing Account. Deecriptive. Morning Report.. Regimental General Order. •• Letter. Descriptive. Index. • Order. Post Order. Morning Report. Letter- Guard. Target Practice. Consolidated Morning Report. Inspection Report. Security will be required for the fulfilment of every contract. - • Ali proposals, reoeived by noon of the tenth day from the date of this advertisement, will be opened at noon of that day, and the articles immediately needed will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidders present. , Contracts for farther supplies will be awarded from time to time, as favorable bids are received, always to the lowest responsible bids received, up te the time of mating the contract. By order of the Quartermaster General. G. B. CROSMAN, Deputy Qncrtermaater General. GROCERIES AND 'PROVISIONS.. TO YAMMERS ItESIIIING _ IWO RURAL DISTRICTS. We-are prepared, as heretofore, to supply Families at ihoir country residences with every description of • • Mal GEtOOIIILEID9, &L I . 810. Ara3v o littbAtititiktxis, s ida.u. Gomm Emma= iarf it BIS VITEOKERIS.vAND FALANESTOOK'S NABIN4 conslasitly received freidi RHODIII3 Ai wltaxiaas, Jill i 40.107 South WATBB Street. CURRANTS. AND..RAISINS--50 bbl■ choice new and old Sante Ourraitte;„slao, Va lencia munch Lir j ere and Keg Rambla, for sale by BHODZS'ii WILLL!.IIII3, an2l 107 South WAILTXII Street. II TS . Alnionds, Cieam .I_l Grenoble Nu* Bordeaux Walnuts, Pea Nata,lo - Pecan Nuta' I"r I 4 2IVDt r iI B VI9IILLIAMB; j7lll - 107 Booth WATBB Stmt. MENV M.A.CKERJEG. I.N 160 lints New Large No. 3 41tokerel. 160 Half Ebla • " • " " In stosinnd - ging for: gate by. MURPHY Itt K 003113, 101 , 34 ' No. 146 North• WHARVNIL ItrAOICEBEL 1 3N , *RING SHAD ao: • ' • - • 2,500 Bbls , Msim.' , Noe. 1,2, and 8 Xsoitemel,.bgg. :aught fat flub, In assorted packages«. t..„.., $£ tOO Nit! Pastport, Tartans pay, g#llagjai 2,500 Boxes Lubec, Boated, and I"H tiisitis 160 Bbls New Mess Shad. t • 260 Boxes Herkimer conixtr Cheese, ' In store and for vt •: : • , c ti . a.,•:patraiirg r a isl4-tf „No. North .147H5.14v18, -; 4HITUNINNE to ore sow sinullabnitnif " THOMSON'S LONDON.NITOHNNICS,SI•op BANGN,• imitable for,. lam, and mid tazsilles, 'hotels, hospitals, and other public lortiteitkem greet variety. Also, Portable ltangee, the 4 ‘ Philip/a sk& liange," GS. Ovens, Beth' Boilers, end Osert-lrou Risks, together with sigmat mriety•or man and Lens sized, Bot-sir Furnaces, Portable Resters, Fire-boort otores, Low-down Grates, hi. • Wholoode and Retail ommy at our Worerooma. ' NORTH, OHABB -NORM. Zip. 209 North •14100 ND Street, lour d00r5 . ..1:4i. Beim' istitat. SALES BY AtruTloll Tit OM.E.-8 BONS, dr-La fit*. 189 aa3 1411 aostas FOURTH 84.-c,r. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SA.ta. Sir A. largo amcunt tit - Private Sate, lochi4i n , deoCaPiloo of city and country property. Prizra4l44 may be bad at the auction store; URAL PATE BALR-819PTEIMICR Part of the deenriptions in handbills row road.: OREAT ,seis—s32o,ocio gaILROA.D 80.ND 4 ON TUMID &T, Pant. 9, at • 1 12 O'clink; , noon, at the Philadeiebia change, $320.000 coven per cent mortgage bends pmi. - delphia and Ba)timore Central Railroad Co. Said mt 7 gage being for $600,000, on thaPerinsylvanta divir-4* the ioad. —414 , . REAL EEtTeiTE SALZ-.-SEPTICIIIBICH 16 anriOi d other pluune valuehle prope Opurt Bale , --,N rt itate of George Randal y. • Saki Eleventh and ()hard evened. SIIPERTOIt.•EURNITITES AND EUETIIST:6 or , CON FECTIOSEBY . AND, ICE CRTC.% BA.LOOp" ON. WEDNESDAY 810UNING„ 'September 8. at 10 o'cloch; at the northwest cort e ,.„, d' =erran and Ciirat&avenue; by catalogue , the eeb.4l'2 furniture. oval mirrors. marble-top tables, tapalitry - 47 pate, show cases, preeerves, Jere, &o l May be examined at 8 o'clock on the nmrtd,4 of the sale. ' Mr 'OBES NATHANS, AUCTldfiroti AND oommusaum• NEIIOI36IIT, eont ,001110 r. of BITE and RACE Stresta. GREAT BARGAINS. WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE Ban Fine gold ,and silver lever, loran% Enelelt. Swift, i;,, i rono b watches for less than half the usual ea,: Mises. Watches from orse-daksr is one hundred 4E2 each. Gold chains from . 40 to 50 cents per thrt, cheap. TARE NOTIOIIt. The highest possible price is loaned on geode et a' s , titans' Principal Eitab/ishment, southeast cer r , Edith and 'lace strode. At least one-third more Visa ti any.other establishment in ilds city.' NATEL&NS' P.III:NOWAL MONEY EBTABLIs t. MENT. • MONEY TO LOAN, . la large or mall amounts, front one dollar to tiK,usku„ . • on dlarooads, ` gold ' and silver plate, watches, 70cr*,;, rcereltandlae, clothing, furniture, bedding, Placer, 1,44 good° of evert descriotion; LOANS MADE AT .THI; LOWEST MANN= E fritirestablishment has largo tire and tbletvicwpf Ea* for thessafety.of valniblot goods; together with a prilyk watchman on the premises. ZSTABLISHID FOB THE LAST THIETT Eir AU /arge /cans mutt at au the Principal in* blishmenf.' Sir C7orylei greagiu reduced 'AT PRIVATE! SAIL One eaperlor brilliant toned 'piano-nets, With mesa plate, soft and loud pedals. .Price only 890. One very tine toned Tdano-corto, rice only IRO. SHIPPING g isa BOSTON , AND PIMA. DELPHIA STEAMBRIP LINI4-Be 4 prom each port on BATURD&TEL • prom Pine -404 Wharf, SATURDLY. August 30. The Steamship NORMAN, (new,) °apt- Baker, tall from Philadelphia for Boston 'on SATURDAY MORNING, Angutt arlo o'clOolt ; and ettains4 SAXON, Matthews, frost: Roeten for Phifafeltada, SATURDAY, Angust 30, at 4 P. M. Insorranoe one-half that by ball vesseht. Freight fatal at fair rates. ti t3hiplare will plesae 'send their bills or Lading griods. . •-• Por trefght or paitsage, Wising fine ocootatoodsittos„ 14.1517 to WINBOR & 00., 130 SOUTH'WHABYZI. afik , STEAM 'WEEKLY TO LI. YERPOOL, touching at QUEENSTOWN, ((Cork Harbor.) . The Liverpool, New York, and -M. &aphis Steamship Company intend despatching Omit frill- powered Olydo. built il , Ol/ steamships as follows: GLASGOW • . Saturdar, August 80 . 'KANGAROO." ' Saturday, September P. And eriery sucoeeding SATURDAY at Noon, bon Preilt No. 44, North River. BATHS OP PASSAGE. FIRST CA81N.......186.00 STEERAGE "UM do to London' 90 00 do to London-88AI do to Paris 96.00 do to Paris 03.01 do - to Hamburg .... 95.00 do to Hamburg-40A Passengers also for Ward to Havre, Bremen, Botta. dam, Antwerp /So , at tonally low rates. Parrs from. Liverpool or, Queenstown : Ist Cabin, is. Tf, and 21 011111060. Steerage from Liverpool, .till, Prom Queenstown, £O.B. Tickets ars sold here Fa Mt current rate of exohange, enabling people to send for their friends. These steamers have superior IstcoramodatlOuli for Stingers ; are strongly built is water-tight iron sootiest, Ind carry Patent lire Annihilators. Experieneed Rut , gem, ars attached to each Steamer. For farther information, apply In Liverpool to Wlle. LIAM INMAN. Agent, 22. Water Street; in Glasgoir In ALNX. MALCOLM, S fit. Enoch Square; in Queem. k W. D. BNYMOUN & 00. ; in Load= to 311111 1 8 & MAUBT, 61 King William Street; in Paris to JBLBS DNOOI3II, 48 Rue Notre Dame Des Violable, ?lace de is Dowse; in New York to JOHN G. DALi, 15 Broadway, or at the Comaany's Office. JO N& A. DAIN. tgoati 111 WALNI77' Stretabliadelphtt. . e THE BRITISH AND NORTH Atimask itOtAL MAIL SUM SNIPS BETWEEN NNW 20= AND LPTERPOOL, OALLe LNG AT •OORK HARBOR. AND BETWINN !BOSTON AND LPTEEPOOIi, CALLING AT HALIFAX AND CORK HARBOR. BOOM, Capt. /caking. CHINA. Capt. Anderson. PERSIA, Capt. Lott. • ASIA. Capt. Cook. ARABIA, °apt. Stone. - BITROPA, Capt. J. Lotto& AFRICA, Oapt. Shannon. CANADA, Osot Hair. A.HRRICA, Capt. Noodle. {NIAGARA, Capt. A. Ersts. -. . AUSTRALASIAN _ . - These vessels Carry a clear white light at mart heed; linen on starboard bow ; red on port bow. FROM NNW YORK. TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage 8150 Second Cabin Passage --FROM BOSTON TO LIYMBPOOL. Chief Cabin .Passage 8126 Second - Cabin:Passage • 70 AUSTRALASIAILIearee N. York, Wednesday, Ang.lL ARA81A.........,d0. Boston. Wednesday, Aug. X. SCOTIA do. N. York, Wednesday, Aug. 11. do. Boston, Wednesday, Bept 8 . PERSIA do. N. - Tork,Wednesday, Boat. 10 . ASIA do. Bosten, Wednesday, Sept IT. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced surgeon on board. The owners of these ships willnot be accountable far Gold, Sayer, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious &awe or Netale, unless blue of lading are signed therefor, and the tidno thereof therein erpreesed. Nor freight or piweege apply to H. (INNARD, 4 BOWLING GAMIN, New Yort Or, to N- O. &.T. G. BATES, .1714 103 STATll.Btreet, Soft% a dm FOR NEW YORK-TEM DAY—DISPA.TOII AND SWINTSITAI LINES—VIA IMILAWAIDI MTh RARITAN CIAIUt. Steamer' of the above Linea trill leave DAMP, at U P. lifft Yet trete* width Mil be taken on aeoonunodeetim kraut, anly to vr - m. M. BAIRD a; 00., nkr2l-t! 112 South DRIALWA.RII Aventa, 1162PF08 NEW YORK. s NV* DAILY LINN, via Delaware Raritan °anal. ' Philadelphia mut New York Rearms Steamboat Goa. pang receiye freight aid leave daily at 2 P. M., delirw ing thalr cargoes in New York the following day. Freights takes at reasonable rates. WIR. P. °LYRE, Agent, N 0.14 SOUTH WEARVRS, Philadelphia, - . ' . • JA_llll23 RAND, Agent, salt/ Piers 14 and 115 IaRTATVIIR. New York. MACHINIMY.A.ND IRON. pEININ'A. WORKS; A. • • • _ ' On the Dehrware Riverinakoir - Pbiltidekeldas CrITSBTBIt, DIGLAIT4.BB 40. 1. PRIBMITLYAIIIIIL REANET,AitCHBOLD I Bushmen* andßinders, MAITIVACTITRICRA ALB 'laltDB or 001CDSIIBING AAB BON .00.03118111 n ICInGINIE4 Iron Peewit' of all densipttions i ,' : Boners, Water-Tacks, Propene's% its: l • Mon. REAVRY, I.lt3lAlor. • BAWL. ARCHBOLD, Late or Beaser, Nestles ' di ' Oa% , Late Engineer-1n- Perm's Works, rhiladia. (Thief, U. 8. Dian. • IS. SMITH. QTEAM..FITTING. SAIIIMAL BUTTE( ik CO., STBAX AND GAS n FITTERS AND PLUMBERS, No. 615. CHESTNUT Street, opposite Independence Hall, Pidladelphiti; are prepared to introduce Appatsta for heating Hemufactories, Stores.Ohurches, Dwolliags, Greenhouses, do.. &c., by Itteam.`. Apparatus for' Soap and Candle. Malitthicicrieft Drying Booms for Hotels, bye Houses, do., fitted ag is a superior manner. Awning Posts and Frames furnished and put ay. Water introduced through galvanized Tribes. Plumbing in all itsbrariches. ' ' Galvanized Tubea for Ceanetery.L.eta. All kinds of work connected with Steam, Watstr, et Gas. /lave for sale Valvoe. Cocks, Tubes, Fittings, aa. 410.9tOrry Worthington's Steam Tamps. jy4.. J. TAIIGILIX4 xI*ZION• WiLLTAII I. smarm% Join I. COPS. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, _FIFTH AND; WASHItipTON STRICHIN iIIrfAIMILYNIA.. • EfIeRRIOR & SOW, ZNGINABRII.AND MAoHnvisrs, Namifettur• High and Low Preesnre Steam Resteesi Tor land, river, and marine!peasioa. Betters, Gasoinetersi,..^ranks, Iron Boats, act. Ckag- Ingo of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-Frame Boots for Qs* Worley Workshop% Ber., iond Stations, &o. Retorts and Gas Maskiaery of the latest and most .improved const-notion. Brea,. description of Plantation Maohinery, non Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Otani Trains, Detocators, Filters, Pumping Niaglnelh 8 t 4, - Sole Agents for I.P. ,Itillionx's Patent Sugar Bo t Apparatus ; Neamyth's Patent Stems Hammer, and AA' pinwall Woisey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining M aohine ants d SIM• PitNN . TgAM E I N ' AND • BOILDR WOBKB.-4-1111AVIN LZVY,' PRLOTIOLL AND'TDZOBBITIOAL MEM. , STEERS, iffACHIVISTS,BOMZE-X&P,BBS, BL warms, and 'YOUND/1128. hada& for many felank bear is encomia] operation, and been excluaively gaged in bulldlagimg - repai ring Marine and River M enet, high and low prewar*, Iroa Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, &C'., &0., respectfully offer their 64,1099 fe the public, aa, being folly Proton', tai &martial:for MD glues of all elite . , marine, liver, and Stationary, having seta of ,patterus of different agree, are prepared to tom ante orders With Quick' despatch. Byer/ description ot psttern-nanking made at the., shortest notice. .High au* Low-pressure, Fine, , Tobtdar, aini Cylinder BMWs, of the beat Panneylvinia, oharoaal iron. rolginge, of a elm and kinder ; lion and Brawl Oaatinge, of en cleoarls- Vona • 801 l Turning , Screw-Cutting, • mad ail other wszit connected with the above business. Drawings and Specification. for all work done at thou establlehment, tree of 'Aerie, and work guarantied. The =bow-there have ample wharf-dock room for re. pint of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and aro provided with shears, block', Mop keg ' 5 / o .' loo T M * bean or light* . weighte. • •• JACOB O. IriLLllllOll, JOHN P. LIMP, BRACE and PALM3I.II Street!. - E • _ !IMORGANi . ORR, a 00., EITIGAIK lantionts, Iron voluymes, .1140#64 - 11likidelsiciatikaii Makers, Re 1210 cum •,sowzmr. street. nniaibads. 015-1, t B i ldt tiftlintr N. 7 ,• 'AND :RVADI:NOMAILBOAD. COMPANY. ' • • ' nmaiyainibt, June 28, 1881 The BATHS of 11102IGHT and TOLLS on AISITHBA -01TH COAL transported by this Company wilt be ea fol. 'awe A R rio c the month of SHSTIthiSEIL, 1882: . 44 :71'0111 •To Itiobm'd Philads. Porttlarbon; ' • • $9lB 'load 0artx)n"....... • 21T • ... ; 2.10 glubtrn - 100 Nat Clinton_ • -LO6 By order of toe Doard jeto4te W. . WIBB, VAIITION.--:-naving seen a isp N./ .411194e10t 09 fortinded .tt J. Latour," We ott • • 1Mblio" apiestimrelmetog the mom, es the gen Ulm 4211 mut be watered only from rut. Janarrrons a Lairano. ovum, $O2 iud 204 South ruoirra P.' O'NKIZA 81.88 1.87 1.80 1.70 I.Bi 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers