ECM nitrite Entertainments. o pened brimir with Damon and Fre.o. 0.,„ va l inut, and il Money" at the Arch. Into well tilled, and the patronage ai 4 " . '' ~,k r ed hot tittle ley the war. At the dild' ) ll ,„„pat, a Philadelphia color, made hie panian, /* Meted by hie wife, 'who has g $1 ta impeami 00010 snare . We noticed In 10 r' „ An y old favorites, and Rome new par .,4sfOr c , ga ined approbation in Ne.v York end id• °b°" Deo' . Drew came upon the stage at dot e . Ler first appearance since her hue- Ipo 4lll sq, wee receive() with loud and repeated C4ll/ Mr. Barton Mil performed the ,ac Erdpt. Although possessing an un- I A" sod wol h given to attitudinizing ' he gave t ti to 41 ' " o n, Mrs. Drew was, of course, _ d o en inedttiide. Mr. Frank• Drew made the Jaria a 8 a low-oometir part, forget. ) , t 1 ° ' 6 , 0 ,,e, teat • gentl Dradlty, s Sir John s in rosey, was 4 : b m el f$ foliate, Mr an established favorite. Ides t ae v l ' ed onviaiia and acquitted herself ore. c ra ig, as prudes Smooth, did not. Mr. 13 3 pand actor, made a poor Lord Mots. , rim characters were generally welt 46+ pre x, se" of course. compelled to make "" rh la Trblch the usual promisee were made * it. —OOO leanltt retereed. g o ggle Mitchell appears at the Arch', r oft, ID t he Cricket. At the Walnrit i ldp, Db. c ll r : wol p loy gonad, one of his most attentive parte, ohm low Ovate. 10011 FBOal MEW' yoRK.:, N e w You, August 80, 18(12. paper in 'llia city, always w h en i rerlele n7 ,l ) jpg like a victory, Buds somethlog tot b l 3 mudoct of sdifi the Government to grumble about. it got horr b ified at the thought un of Fort Later] (re (bet at been hating its editors for it 11 4 c made the following very foolish rtmark yes .i ee tter released from Fort Lafayette * and .61ef o r icf r ettr ote, is hound not to reveal anything of fr orr ,i,„ o f the prieon or the namee of those pon d i; belo to o pules knowe nothing,' and eau re. , oe l jggie or west is going op.' ) r ngit, Connecticut Regiment; 001. Frank Beaoh Top, New lotk fiegiminut, (Jot Sammons. end * Abe , N o r tort Britliceat (Jot Judd, pitawd through w eer cords the seater war The 124tb Re it"rrroy) hafe that city to night for this city, d Vlrgiole. They wilt come by railroad. fhe 1 7 ** ,,, / Aso to.night in the New World, and the eyrecuse 1J WIC DOW 01 ileUthe In Brooklyn daring the past 0 , id:, of %hien 151 were children and 85 adults; iii ft main 56, elf alt p e rpetrated neon Superintendent Kennedy reef . ewe Innen went to one of. theptatlon Ilt com plained that the' World bulletin wee g ee oodue excitement, which wee calculated to *rigs esews. The complaint Was telegraphed midower e f and a reply from 111 r. Kennedy xe rod, pairing the taming down or the bulletin'. The 40 , 0 o beyed, and today the Woridiand the eye .l were cams amen on Die. Kennedy with all their ; h1 A preen(( marshal la not necessarily a happy IWars Glasgow and Hanes , which galled for 0455,168.29 In specie. °GrOrPertWiro'r6Firdlw—u-ro- Stan ley, of North. uaraliaar strived this troy this tuntnivc, and h as ta ken MOW at the stor Bonet The leen.eie d woo PasN4lo was launched this fore ign at the whorl Leer bite thiutinental Iron Works,. rteoport. 111 r. F.rlchOU, 51r. (Jule/ell, stud some MOM- iof the Ronlood Mtn were present The Passaic is 'oho sane Size and pastel dtmeueloas fie the other toe ileoltore fn course of roottructlon. The leagth of ;T aipei munched to Jae le 200 feet; her breadth about she wi a di ow (Ads 7 feet o water There are oak retkei frtlli" ul'"" 1: Pla"ni f a layer of screws and "d a analog of neer], Inches of iron between ',godsend the euttleo of the brill. The meet goes 3g i wow woirr•llte , aod sor feet above the bow, A dtaflog n prow or ram for butting" or other par s. In shout four weeks the Palawan will be ready kis. The It Iron Works has her machinery :aril a It (immolate Of two engines, two 'lers, pod a roudtiaor, rebel price simmer Stettin has been appraised at ,10,aud the dimmer Ann et 811,000 if used for na- A rpee, and rrilil.eoo for commercial purposes. w hdbolt stampede of flea hundred troops, belting . le the 1301 Regnant, at Nowavis, New Jersey, took ire ou Thursday vight Tho regiment bad been or teed to V+ arldoaton, end wanted to see their friends ,lore g o ut . they Wile refused - passes, hence the vlO - of Mie1p13.,13 Jacob Weller, the mail suspected of having shot his 18 INS Wednesday morning, was admitted to bail to ay la Opium of $3.601l cm ,d ea r ab d i d the streets near the newspaper °flues, agog fermate hens. ?lathing but the capture of Stone mil Jackson will sat fy U. Well, I hope we will all be Witted. The health of Dr Cheerier, %Moh was much impaired tJ lb greet labore for the liberty and safety of the maul, tu, wlttio the plat few weeks, assumed a more odious aspect. Ito It now at Throgg's Neck, Wdst• dieter county, Quite vrostrate, and in consmcience wth not he able to remora his labors at the Oburoh of the retortion the Dm Sabbath of Septembet"' 51,5111{ItTS. Awes. the market for Pots is firm, at $6.87%. ?eeols ere ti Cheat' d ; fides at $7.26. PLOVII AND MEAL —The market for the low grades of Valeta sal State near Is a shade better, but fa les, BO tire. meld sllpplug brands are Inas plenty, and others two the ndrantege. Trade bi ands are firm and In good !to sod. The Baler are 14 000 Milo, at $4 8585 06 for superfine f.k sod Western; 86 2085 40 for the low grades of Wotan; 55 2006 26 .tor extra State; • 85.8085 4D 'for far do: $6.4605 55 for elilvpiog brands of round: h, q , e xna Ohio. and $t 00,1625 for erase brands. fit edlim Flour is rather firmer; the supply ia light l ; ~ii. of 11,00 d bbla at 85.2085 4U f w the low grades of esirs, and gb 46 ell P 1 for trade brands. fotthern Fleur Is in fair demand and is firmer, the unlash Bre Moderav; sales of 1,300 bhls at $6 8085.50 18 Billed to Bad interline Baltimore, lto., and $5.9087 for hide and family brands.. _ . . Bre Flourl3 firm and iu fair moiled t Balm of 270 bills et 131084 60. . . . Coin Mehl h firm , the pimply la light; Wed of 200 tints pit OM for hr er, and 30 80 for Brandy wine. Vlnstr.—ThetrxrketL qu , te firm, the demand more active q sales of tibia at 22,ti0 for State, and 330 for We. 01111 C—The Wheat market la without change to note; a. (maw ie minty for export; the want of easortment eel the firmness of holders awaked the inquiry et the tine. White is quiet ; millers hold off. Winter red le b derestd and le film Ile sales are 161,000 bra, at $1.12®1.71 for Chicago lyror; 8116/L1 9.2 int Mllwankee club; $1.230.1 24 for Olemr &c ' 81 30 , 01 84 for red WeArr, ; 133/1.86 embet de. auit Si 31 .r rillr red 8.-otticar Rye Ii study s des of 8,800 bus, at 790 for Western. Oiss Sr. steady ' Can h ta.m, and in brink demand; ealel of 125,000 buy, 0143E56: ft r want; 6706,)e for Southern mixed, and OIL 064 e for new and old shipping, mixed. indignation Meetitic in Wilmington, De• lawate—Deteimination to Resist the Dia& M a meeting cf the loypl men of Wilmington, Dela. Ware, held at the City tial4 August Seth, 1882, for the plurals of taking inro cotadderatlon the conduct of Go 'sena Burin le aopolotiog rebels to draft the Union Coen of the State the following officers were appointed: President, President, Dr John Tanner. Vloe Preeldeats, Ssorge Sayers, Dr. 0, florin, Samuel Blithe, Jemea Montgomery. tem elute!, J. F 'midi, Richard Eubank, George' 7t,cmpeon. The Icilow;ns gottlemen were appointed a committee 10 draft lEEitirliMs txpreseive of the sense of the meet fa,r: Ames Montgomery, George Craig, Jr., Thoe. llarveYs George 0. Metal, John L. Thompson. The committee, throrgh its chairman, reported the fol. hetet Preamble and resolutions: Wierms, The President of the United States, through lie Saveloy of War, has ordered the drafting of tittle to pot down the rebellion; and whereas, the Shoe of Delaware mutt fill her quota—amounting to nearly foar thousand men—and whereat, the Governor Of Delaware hoe Been proper to appoint men of known Enatelon empathy to take the names, enroll the men, _" 6 it:lineament upon oomplaiets ; and whereas, we 11111 4 Whet) that ail rebel table upon our army are not the laws work of chance, but preoovcorted by professing taloa men within our lines, who are continually render. Newry auletanee to the enemy in their power ; and tehereatiweill , k the Government ought to take eepeotal boll% of the rebels in the loyal litotes, and remove them to the llomederete State,, 'where they Justly belong; therefore, itesoirtd, That we, the loyal Union men of the city of Wiernogtoe, to man niesting assembled, look with otter astontsbment and abhorrence upon the appointments of Governor Burton ; that we believe the appointment of rebels to enroll the online of the state ie m-ant and in tended al snineult to the true nod loyal Union men of fit city, who have contributed their money, influence., and woe to put down the unhallowed rebellion now deem- Woe the South, Resolved, That we, the Union men of •Wilmingtoos BomPoidtg the militia, positively assert that we will nut he drifted by rebel agents appointed by Governor Bar ten, and that we will neither serve the irate nor Me tidied States in the capacity of aoldier under °inners appelntedDY Dimond that we will resist any and all efforts to nits an army among no to be lei by men whose timelPhiee are all on the aide of the rebellion. Remised Thar the introduction 'of rebel commis- Mellen by Coven nor lln•ten to our Legislature to rooks Deena/it /perches h Into that body, and his refusal to Moyne the Legielam ato appropriate means to 'no l o Ott Volunteers when the capital of the nation wart to 3 °4 41 4, chow to coneluelvely that he lo a rebel at but : end that his Union professions are but an many e I IAt O IIA tO Oat 110 and betray the liberties of the people Of this ieriototti, That we look with astonishment neon the . vertment in permitting the Governor to enroll the mi n tier aben it is a known fact that he Is but a tool in the Lula of the rnhol Memel, to carry out his infamous r, AOl tACI ar4l diennion. limite, Tht have o confidence n Goveror tlrice or d hie awo adviser n s mid friends, i and that n we Were he would, through each ofticere as he would Ise /the 14i bt,should the opportunity offer, place the militia of atste he the hands of the enemy and the lotion e of ttlehr eet d, Resolved, That we proclaim to the country the loyally this meeting by declaring that we are willing cud an=ions to be enrolled and drafted by the Marshal of the 8 , 109 or Dineen appointed by the Government, and that *split do ell in nor power to rates the ornate reeniral of IleleWllo l !Regain the President, and restore the Union. Resolved, That We teseeatrnlly raincoat the Govern fleet to tate such toresnres ae it may deem right and Droller to make a gend and efficient enrollment of the Militia of this city, and that we promise snob egente a cordial std hearty,nen operation in their arduous duties, and that we will give such a response to the call of the Government as will give ample evidenoe of• our loyalty to the Union. /leotard, That the chairman of this meeting appoint committys of ten to lay these proceedings b doze the President sad Secretary of War. and earnestly represent ti e?, cam , and explain the coed fon of affairs in this Z e r o l alai ask ti at Ibis Mate be taken out of the bands the rebels, and Union men appointed to administer our governrner,e, ASTRONOMER ENLISTB.—Horace Parnell ot the Harvard College Observatery, the well. Palertlel aean diecorerer of several planets, comets, and other ehenomeea, has placed his name on the enlist anent rolls of the Fourth Battalion In this city • M otf l " 4 "f Patriotism have induced him to quit the sublime and rn ikwful occupation of an a dronomer. in the sr entity of ""t 7 " watch tower le the skies," sod lend big aid CO !plush the rebellion, refugia& even a flattering offer. just traide hi, to bile the National ObseryatorY at ashing -4°13. E m a It concidereu the best rifie-ithot In this W Ocaunon... • Pfalt ii.—Traescript rTub FIGIIT Al' FORT DONELSON.-oArao, An otcit 21 .--A brief oespatotr was received here tut night Oolonol Web-ler, stating that fighting was still MIN on et s ort D ooe i rtog . Dr. Fraeklto arrested aK. si"“t (i e., thia morning, near Mound Olt>, with his pockets — te with treaaonuble tracts. We learned that he was do toward commnniaation with the Kentucky rebels. ale Ras headed ovt r to the provoit marshal for treatment. G UERILLAS A'r BUOKFIANNON.—A Party of I About forty guerilles appeared In the woods, near Buck- Memo°, Lipshur coufit on Monday last. A company of the 10th "Virgin' In fa ntry, tationed at Boakharthon, itall welt in punceit. but nothing further- hid been heard. IMO accennts.— Wive/in& inteiligenter. GEN. KELLEY STILL AT BEYHRLY, lettliithat Gra Kelley is still r ebe l with about!, ea thousand men. Imboderi, the , who threatenee 1 rectlon of country tut week, and who made a raid o the village of St. Bootee, sloped at the euroach of • 'tenet's command anis has not been seen shtea th R EVOLUTION ART RILICI.—At a war raeelini artford, Conn., on Thursday, Rev. Mr. Trask, of Mau.. exhibits° a bullet received by a dram icv lon the 17th of J0t:4,177T, and which he carried It or , body 'event) •sgven years. Mr Truk said. be t „ ballet from the duet in hls coffin only four weeks ne of the *pekoes at Bide meeting, Mr, P4 l B lO O men '" 7, was hoer; noted is his clued' by a "Qtloll Said. " go if the speaker will " Mr. Whit. 7 •ocoplly accepted the propoettion and both were """ladtely enrolled. I fiA 4 utt, i n o tipa.—. l sarrottnit hes greatly increased of , &to ..fie 'atreetti of Irdndon. The papere sta4 that I 11 , 4 1 ' otie °Times hair° been charaoterited by eingolar v ac ". t rirl that:thee are not committed In seelitdee! crtili mdl hid in Waterloo road and Piccadilly% a eashigton and Wlllteohapel, , THE CITY. [FOR ADDITIONAL LOOLL IfIWO max POIFIVIS PAOLI THE EXOITEBEENT OVER THE Nsws.--.. • Never before educe the memorable rout at Bull BAD, over a year ago, have the feelings of onr online been work' d up to snob a pitch of excitement ae was (CO.e _ elicited by the news received hate on Saturday and yes- terday. On Saturday evening great joy was manifested by the victory achieved at . Bull Ron, althMagh mingled with sorrow for the Aye's of our thoumands of brave fel lows who fcught, bled( and died on that fatal field, whore thousands of their brave comrades who, about one year previous, bad also fallen ; but war is a torbible .thing, and we are feeling its terrible realities.' The n6see ceiTud yesterday, though not discouraging, was, by some unknown cause, construed into a defeat of Oen: Pope. The tomboys cry log out their 14 Extra" cl Dl3feat of Gan. . • Pope !" alto, served to oast a gloom upon the crowds congregated at the street cement, the holds, and news paper emcee. Nervy were the double and; fears ontertatued lest tfiore should be another Bull Run rout. Wei men sighed and 'hock their heads; young men knit their brows and vowed vengeance, bloody and terrible, on' the horde.s of traitors who are marching against us. Pravers were offered .up in the various churches for the wounded, died, end dying soldiers, and for the filial and triumph ant success of our arms. Those who had relatives or friends In the army of Virginia went from hernia to !muse, and from one newspaper office to another, anxiouily hoping and praying that something definite might be heard from loved ones far away, supposed to be engaged in the fearful contest. But, alas! they were disappoint. ed Nothing 'satisfactory arrived. The late battle was the general theme of conversation, end on meeting friends, after hurried congratulations, 'tbe first words were generally, What's the hied news from Bull Boni" 1 •1.1 that so, we aro defeated P' and other questions of a similar oharacrer. The crowds on the different corners discussed the whole military cam paign and the leaders, praising some and denouncing others. The bed:Min-boards were carefully read ; extras a ore in demand; the newspaper oflioes were be-iemil, and the grt Meet anxiety prevailed everywhere with regard to late yews from the seat of war. By this bloody battle, where our troops behaved so nobly, man? a happy home ie made derrolate—many a young mother who ideate her 'infant child and singe its good night lullaby will awake In the morning and hear the stern message that the partner of her JO7B. the com panion of bar early youth, has given up his life for his country. Many an aged parent who has, sent his only eon to battle for the Union will arise at early dawn and learn-that be is childleas and alone. But why craw on the picturel 'War is a horrible thing, and by it the defrost and sweeneet ties that unite us here on earth aro eefEred. By its. rude and editing blast everything that le beautiful is destroyed. Woe to those who have caused it ; they shall be made to drink deep of the cup of their own mixing, and they shall meet with ajuat reward of Blair terrible crimes. Towards midnlghtthe crowds assembled in the streets and et the different places where the news of the day is generally discussed began slowly to disperse, and the pity again assumed its wonted quiet appearance. We cannot close this subject without dropping the tear of sympathy tor the friends and relatives of the brave men who have Wen ; bat they may rest assured that our heroes shall not be forgotten. They have gained honorable names, and their heroic deeds shall be made the theme of songs to be sung by future generations, under the flag of our great and glorious Union. SUSPENSION OF A PAPER.----Tho pub lication of the Manayunk Sear, a patriotic journal, has ceased, on account of the editor, proprietor, reporter,- correspondents, inure, and all others connected with the oflice having joined the army, down to the devil, who has gone for a drummer•boy. The patriotism of the ptiog fraternity is well established, but this instance is out a parallel. The paper was owned and published by J. L. Scott, Zig , who holds the position of sergeant, In the Scott Legion. • THE 'HEALTH REPORT.—The number of deaths in thus olty for the week ending August 30th was 341, of which number 197 were adults and 196 children. The number of deaths, compared with the correspond ing week of 1861 and of last week, was as follows : Week ending August 81st, 1861, was 253. ' Week ending August 23d, 1862, was 358. • !ales, f 44; females, 152• boys, 105; girls, 94. Number of deaths in 8. hospitals of this city, 80. CHANGE OP TIME AND STATION.—By reference to our advertising columns ltwill be Beela that on and after to. day the trains on the North Penussiva. nia Railroad will leave the new depot, at Third and Thompson streets, instead of from Front and Willow. There will bo three through trains run every day and three way trains. The company should make arrange ments to carry passengers from the city to the up-town depot on Sunday either by cars or by omnibus. • SWORD PRESENTATION.—On Eliturdair j last, a beautiful sword, sash, and belt were presented to •OP pthin George B. MoOlernan, by the police of the Fifth disttict. Tho presentation was triode through Kr:Jos.' Glenn. DEATH FROM A FALL.—Yesterday. morr 10g,,a blind teacher of music, named Peter Weaver, an initiate of the Blind Asylum ' was instantly killed by falling from a third - story window of the Institution to the ravement. THE COOPER SHOP-REFRESHMENT SA-. LOON have received from W. S. $26; John Orlv.g, $6O; Randolph do Jenke, MOO, and John B. Budd, $5O. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. . ,Pan. LDELPHIA, August 30,1862. Under the exciting news noted in this morning's papers !toots received a fresh impetus Consideinble sales of Beading were made before the opening of Ito board at an advence of X on yesterday's tissues, and a general die ycaition to bay was manifest. At the board, of which there was but one session, Reading continued 'steady at the advance figure. 'Pennsylvania Railroad improved X.. Reavtr Meadow was, steady at yesterday's figure; Oata wisest preferred roes-li-1 .ICla•irs, ellegaehatnas Oennt brought 5; Bohnylkill Navigation, oommum 43‘; the preferred rose X ; Lehigh Navigation scrip tumoral X; Hez'eton Coal brought 43. Government sixes of 1891 advanced 3, and 'were firmly held. The seven-thirties alto advanced. Camden and Amboy securities of 1887 brought 99. Oily sixes (new) were firm at 102; Penn- BY IVaDia fives declined X ; Reading sixes of 1888 wire firm at 90; Philadelphia Bank sold up to 110 X; Me chanics' brought 24%; North America, ; Cloruadi dation, 26. Green and Coates Passenger Railway_lm proved X, which was the only transaction. On the street matters looked more cheerful, and gold opened at a decline of X, closing at 115, with brisk sales. Old demands were stiffly held at 107 Y m 108.• Snit at the close of business hours the stirring news from Gene ral Popo was received, and too late to inflaence the markets. There can be no doubt but that a fa vorable report teill,be made of the stock and money tranaactfons of Monday. • The bullion market closed fe verishly ; that of demand notes firmly.; and the stock department anxiously. Money is still largely offered at 4 per cent. on call, with few takers. Drexel k Company quote: New York exchange dis. Boston exchange., parel.lo pm. Baltimore exchange.. .... yarn ) dia. Country funds . xes % Ms. American gold 1.53 esl6 pm Old Demands pies il,c( pm One-year Certificates .09gt09036 The statements of the banks of the three principal cities of the Union for the last week compare with the pre violin ono, and the corresponding time of 1861, as fel lows: Loans. Depoeits. Specie. Oircniat'n. N. Y.. 5164,855,704 $143,337,840 $36,688,488 1=0,358,635 Boston. 88,843,223 28,751,827 8,065,402 8,722.215 Phila.. 33,731,875 24,237,662 .6,433,081 6,002418 T0ta1.8257,430,502 194.370,820 49,076,989 21,131,268 Let wk. 254,186,761 192,654,549 48.829,810 21,011,817 L.7enr. 220,896,762 . 166,177,658 00,341,494 18 589,601 Philadelphia Stock .Exchange Sales, Aug. 30. [Reported by S. B. thaywarza, Phila. Ixcbaase.] FIRST BOARD. 60 Reading R h 5.31 150 Soh! lia• 434 3(0 d0.......2dye.31 25 do ... ... 4g ~.. 200 do 30 WOO City 6e new " 102 200 do 1)6.31 30 Lehigh 80rip..3d5.20 100 '.do b 30.31 3 Ideohanice 8ae1k.24% . . 2 do 31 112 'Penns 11,.....10t4.49% 24 do ...... —1°14.49 X °TOM & 6 PMladaßank....llo 45 do 1103( 17 do 1101( 1000 Cam & Am 6e '67..90 25 3urq Canal..3d7P. 6 . AFTER .. ..... 13X 50 Elmira B Philadelphia Markets. Ana UST 30—Evening There is little or no demand for Flour, and the market Is dull and drooping, the sales being mostly in a smell 'lvey to supply the tritile. at $4 7565 for martin°, $5 371{ 65.50 for extras, $6.7566 for family, and $5.5007 for fancy brands, as in quality, including about 300 bbls Western family at $5 70 bbl. The receipts and stook continue light. Bye Flour is scarce, and selling, in a small way, at 53 50 VP bbl. Corn Heal is also scarce, bnt quiet, and a sale of about 300 bbls Pennsylvania was made at s3l2g 4F bbl. • Wnsar —The market is dull at previous quoted rates, and sale') of 8,000 bus to note at 1180130 c for fair to good Western and Peunsflvanis. red, in store; and South ern do et 132 c, afloat; white ranges at 140e160c—the latter for choice lots Rye is selling slowly et. 73376 c for new, and 78c for old, which is Karoo. Corn is firm, with but little offering, end good yellow is in demand at 65c, in store, and 660, afloat. Oats are unchanged, and good Southern sell at 350, afloat; old Pennsylvania are hi di mand at 580500. BA ns..—There is a steady demand for Qnercitron, and a fm ttier Nara of 2b Mids. let No.l was made at V 2 50. Corroi.—The market ie arm but quiet, with father more h mitrin to note at 473490. tif lb. GROOBRISIS —There is very little movement, and no alteration to note, the melee being meetly by auction. in chiding 310 blids. and 110 bbls. New ()clean! at 81j® 10A o 4fY lb, cub. Pxovtstoxs —The market is Ilrm, with a good demand for Bacon and Green Meats at improved rates Lard ie firmer. and Dotter in fair request. WHINKT.—There is more doing, and 900 bble , motif Wentern, KM at 33c., 30c , and drudge at 29c., now held higher. CITY ITEMS. PUBIS CIDER VINEGAR.—Mr. C. H. Mattson, dealer in Fine 'Family Groceries, Arch and Tenth streets,' bas tow 1n store a fresh supply of Vinegar, manufactured from pure cider, expressly to hie own order. He has oleo a fail stock of all the spices and ingredient. need for pre serving and pickling purposes. SOUTHERN NEWSPAPERS.—Wears in receipt of full dies of Richmond newspapers. They aro printed en paper as jaundiced looking as the prejndices of their editors are, arid their news and advertising columns RD. pear particularly poverty-stricken. There are rewards for runaway slavee; premiums (parable in bogus bonds) for aoldiers for the Confederate army, and item of bard times; but there is nothing as cheery and pleasant-look ing as a first oleos notice of the elegant and comfortable garments for gentlemen and youths, for soldiers and civilians, made at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of 13 , chhill A Wilson, Nos. 603 end 606 Chestnut street, *bore Sixth, Philadelphia.. Surzniom TABLE. TEL* AND COFFEES.-- The best quality Teas—fine Imperial, Young Hroono Oolong, and other black Teas. Also, old Government Java and Mocha Coffees; can be had at moderato prices, jot Mr. 0. H. Mattson's, dealer in flue family groceries, 'Arch and Tenth atreete. • " NEVER OR NOW." Listen, young heroes t your country is calling; Time strikes the hour for the , brove and the true; Now, whlletha,foremoit are fighting and ' Fill up the ranks that have opened for you. You, whom the When . , made free and defended, Etain not the scroll that emblazons their lame ; You, *bout fair heritage 'srotless descended, Leave not your clilldren a birthright of shame From the hot plains where they perish outnumbered, Furrowed and ridged by the bottle-field's plough, . pornes the loud 81:11011101115-t00 long you tires sleimbltzt; Bear the last angel• truzup— ,, eer 'Or Nv NOW r = Uniforms. ready , :inadff an Is Ballet-proof Vests? Charlet! State' 1r,7,- . 7 ` tie 2 13" t of N Arneen 122 j( 15000 HS Os 'Bl 101. 18000 Penns 5a 85X NO Reading Oa '85...00 118 Hazleton (1m1...43 1 Beav 11tea14a5h.5734 20 Bahl Nat' , 0ret....143i 10 Oonaolidatlon 8k.26 RMS. 150 Oataurissa pref.. ...... 11 MILITARY UNIFORMS—GREAT BARGAINS.— We would call Me particular attention of our military officers to the large and extensive stock of uniforms now on band, and selling at greatly reduced prices, at the well-known and popular clothing house of Granville Stollen, 609 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Army and'nairy clothing of the finest and moat durable mate rial in the market can be purchased here at prices at least 26 percent-below those of other establishments. Those who wish bargains would do well to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. A fashionable assortmeu of garments for gents and boys also in store or made to order at the shortest possible notice. PASSENGERS ARRIVED. in packet ship Tonawanda, from Llyerpodl—liary and Obarlea Homewood; Kate and J Lindsay Julius, of phi delpbis; Henry Seim , lif D, surgeon, of afanaynnic, and 332 in the forward cabin and ateerage—all Will; ono born on the passage. MARINE EITELLIG.ENCE. war BU TOURTU PADS ARRIVED. Ship Tonawanda, Julius; from Liverpool 19th July, with miss to Cope Brothers. Henry L White, of Cam den, NJ, seaman, died on the 14th July at the hospital at Liverpool. Aug 18th, let 43 30; long 59 40, encountered a hurricane from BB to NW, during which lost main and mizzen upper and fore and main lower topsails, Ac; a sure day Benry Peters, seaman, originally of Denmark, fell civet board and was drowned. Aug 29th, let 39, long 72 15. at daybreak, saw packet ship Tuscarora, bound east. Brig Diary B Thomotto, Havener, from Bast Caicos Oth ins', with 8800 bushels salt to Thos Wattson it Sons. Lett at Turks Island 18th lust, brig Calvert, hence via Barbadoee, to toad for Philadelphia. Buhr Mary Elizabeth, of and from Nassau, Nl', loaded with salt, ,ko—was captured August 24, off Wilmington, NO, by the 11 S gunboat Stara and Stripes, while attempt ing to run the blockade. She anchored off the navy yard ou Saturday evening. Bohr Mary B Banks, Marts, S days from Bolton, in bailout to Tyler, Stone & Co. Bohr Sea Bird. Smith, from Newborn, NO, in ballad to Hammett, Yen Dunn I Lochmon. Steaming America, Virden, 8 hours from Bombay Hook, with ship Tonawanda, for Liverpool, in tow. Towed to Bombay Hook barks Alexander McNeil, for Liverpool, and Frank, for Belfast, I. The bark White Wing. for Lagoa, ra, got tinder way at 9 o'clock on Sao day morning, and proceeded down. The bark 'Thomas Dallttt, front Legusyra, and two prizes (a brig and Bohr) at the Lazaretto. Btesmt r E Gbamberlain, Broogbton, from Alor.andrls, with mdse to Thos Webster, Jr. Steamer -Wm -gent, Brett, 7 hours from ()ape May, with passengers to captain. Off Oape May, on Saturday morning, saw a able standing in. The bark Thomas Hallett, from Laguayra, achr Horace Scaplea,nudiseve= ral lumber loaded schooners were off Bombay Hook, corning up. OLICABB7D • Ship Pelle of the Ocean, Reed, Liverpool, P Wright & Sone. Behr Eleanor, Reimer; ' Jamaica, S & W Webb. Behr J H DLion, Creighton, Washington, J B Hie kieron. Behr Ban Juan, Leate, Newborn, Tyler, Stone & 00. Behr 0 A Heckscher, Gallagher, Alexandria, do Behr M. B Banks, Idarte, Fortreee Monroe, do Behr Edwin, Bacon, Annapolis, do Behr Cameo, Pendleton, Harrison's Lauding, G Baum. Ste J S Striver, Dade, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. ET TELICORiPII. (oorreapondenoe or the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del., Ang. 30 Ibe schr Milton, from Newbern, No, with roeln and sutlers' stores for New York. is ashore near the small light house on the point of Cape Hoolopeni ono ship and four schooners are at the Breakwater. A ship came in early this morning, supposed to be the Lancaster. Wind SE, with a heavy sea. Yours, aka. JOHN P. MARSHALL. SPECIAL NOTICES. DR. D. eTAYNE'TE ALTERATIVE.—kt is an. established fact, that a very large clam of diseases can only be cured by such medicines as will enter into the blood and circulate with It through every portion of the body, for only by this means oan the remedy be brought into Immediate contact with the disease." To obtain this desirable end, no preparation has ever bean ao uniformly aucceeeful as Dr. D. JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE. SCROFULA, SKIN DISEASE% CANCER, ERYSIPELAS; GOITRE, RIIEIBIATISTI, DROPSY, EPILEPSY, &o. OANosrlous TIIHORS, WIIITE SWELLINGS, GOUT, :faint COMYLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, ULCERS, SCALD MELD; =O4 Have been effectually cured by this ALTERATITL:: II is, besides, ono of the moat pleasant articles that can taken into tie stomach, operating as a tonic, and rinse: ving Dyspeptic and Nervous affections. It bein found particularly beneficial in- CANCER AND CANCEROUS AFFECTIONS of all . kinds, curing a majority of the cases in whioh it has been used, and ofttinies after tbo failure of other remectlei.l GOITRE OR SWELLED Nlloll.—ln innumerable eases of ; this disease, in which Jtymili - Alteratlve has been perseveringly used, it has never been known to rail. All have been cured who have continued its use accord ing to directions. • - . . DROPSY AND DROPSIOILL SWEI4IIINGS.—Many ohybielans, who have used the Alterative in diseases of this nature, consider this a specific, so great has been its success. It acts by increasing the powers or - digestion, exciting the absorbents into healthy exercise, whereby' the a story or calcareous depositions and all unnatural eulargtmenta are reduced. EPILEPSY, FITS, coErvuLmo Ns, are minas , considered incurable, and yet experience haa proved that the Alterative, in conjunction with the Sanative Pills, will cure a majority of oases•; it should be tried, therefore, by all who are subject to these terrible at. factions. SOBOEULA.—In all the forms of this disease, whether in that of Ulcerations of the Flesh or P01:1019, Enlargement of the Joint', Glands, Swellings, Eruptions, Tumors, eto., the Alterative has been found pro- eminently successful. It enters into, and circulates with, the blood, thus de stroying the virus or poisonous principle from which these diseases originate: SKIN DISEASES, of all kinds, Scald Bead,,Tetter, Salt Itlmum, Bing Worm, Boils, . Pimples, Blotches, Bonghness of the Skin, etc., are readily minxd by the Alterative. RHEUMATISM AND .chronie eases, this Alterative, if perseveringly need; isgenerallY successinl. In Acute Rheumatism, JaYnets: Liniraent should be suPplied in connection, according to directions, FEMALE COMPLAIN TS.—ln many affections pe culiar to females, especially when arriving at maturity, or at the " change of life," the Alterative is unsur passed by any other remedy. In Cholorosis Cr Reten tion, Irregularity and Leueorrhce t, the beat results have always followed its administration. 001dPLI7ATED AND MIXED DISEASES, NER VOUS AFFECTIONS, DISEASES OF CP U B HEART; DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COIIPLAINT, Constitutional Diseases, and dint ses originating from a depraved or ins.' perfect state of the Blood, are all cured by Jayne's Al-' terative ; and while it is a fault in many medicine's that,. when they are removing the disease they are also prc s hating the patient beyond recovery, the Alterative has no such drawback. While neutralizing the virus of disease at its very source, It sustains the strength of the imfferer. The union of Disittiedtant Tonic, and Ds obstruent properties in this medloine, and the (ant that all these influences are blended harmoniously in its ope rations, distinguishing it from all other similar prepara lions. Let the afflicted give it a teal. The ALTERATIVE is preparel only by Dr. D. JAYNE ch'SON, No. 242 onzaTNur Street, and is eel& by druggists generally. , artSo-2t FINGER PC CO.'S LETTER "A" FA MILY SEWING MACHINE, WITH ALL THE RE. CENT IMPROVEMENTS, is the sitar, and CIaiIPHST, and M 0111? sasurtiuL, •of all Sewing Machines. This machine will saw anything, from the running of a tuck in Satiety:, to, the makiog of an Overcoat—anything from Pilot or Beaver Ploth down to the softest Gauze or Gosermer . Tissue, and is ever ready to do its work to per- .faction. It can fell, hem, bind, gather, tuck, quilt, and. has capacity for a great variety of ornamental work. This is not the only Machine that can fell, hem, bind, and so forth, but It will do so bolter than any other Ma china The Lotter c , A" Famliy Sewing Maehine may be had in a great variety of cabinet cases. The Eating Case which is now becoming so popular; ia, as Its name implies, one that eau be 'folded into a box or case which, when opened, makes a beautiful, substantial, and spa cious table for the work to rest upon. The oases are of every imaginable design—plain as the wood grew in its nittive forest, or as elaborately finished as art can make them. The Branch. Offices are well inipplied" with silk twist, thread, needles, oil, etc., of the very beet quality. - Bend for a copy of " SINGER et Co.'s GAEHTTiI." . I. M. SINGER & 00., 458 BROADWAY, N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, 810 CHESTNUT ST jy3.2rmwitt • ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OP THE LATEST 8,T1113, mode in the Beet Blattner, expreesly for EN TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Tlgnree. AU Goode reads' to Order warranted sattelactery. Our earn-Purcne SYSTILY Ia 'strictly, ad hered to. All are thereby treatedullko. se5A-1y 'TONES &CO.. 604 KARR - ET Street. GROVER & BAKER'S NEW BRIITTLE' SEWING Id&OHINE.—PEICE,- SIO. The attention of tailors and other manufacturers re-' nnlring the meet a fast and durable lock-stitch machine, la directed to our Pio. 9. This is a new and admirable machine, operating with the greistest ease, and with bit little noise, and, although but lately put into the market, Is already a great favorite with manufacturers. It is a first class machine, at e low price. No machine ever introduced in this city bas sold so rapidly, or given lynch universal satisfaction. It Is very simple in its construction, easily learned, not liable to get cut of order, works with flue cotton, silk, or linen thread, eguelly well and the low price at which it is sold Places it within the reach If all who desire a reliable, serviceable machine. GRUVER & BXKET. S. N. 00., ardittf 730 CHESTNUT street. BATCHELOBN3 HAM DYE ! THE BEST IN THIg WORLD. • WILLIAM L. BATOHDLOR'S celebrated Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature— narranted not to injure the Hair. in the least; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes, and Invigorates the Hair 'for Ate. GRAY, BBD, or BUSTY HAIR instantly tame a rplendid Biaok or Drowri;leavingthe Hair soft and beau tifol. Sold by an Drugeats) Ac. Or The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BA.TCHIF LOB., on Use four ride: of each bow. • FACTORY, No. 81 BAROLAY Ebreet,' (Late 288 Broadway and 18 Bond :kraal), my2B-ly New York. MARRIED. ' RIFTERT-1501111TVRR. —On the 27th *ult., by Rey. J. ll...Kennard, Mr. Wm: Riffert to Miss Marie fichriver, both of this city. REED—WRlTS.—Angnsfilth, by Roy. John Thomp son, Mr. Rictuirdlll:Rosil . to - 111s*Lettle White, botifof Philedehibis. • -w * RYNBMAN—SAIITIt.---On•the 47th nit., by the Rey.. D.B. Adams, Corporal John - K. tlynemen, of the 7th Penni] , Ivania.Keeeryea, to Mies Abble Smith, an of this ctti. • - ' , * ALEX A NVER-111:10B.MAli .—On. the dBth Tat,: br ..the Bev. Dr. Durborow , . Mr. Alexander to MIMI Joaaphlne Buckman, bothiti * • DIED. SHEAVE" the `Rsiiipisiiild Hospital, Point Look out, bid., 'Tuesday, Angustl2;" Charles 8. Bheaff,'o. S.; Company F, let Pennsylvenialteeerve Corps, lrittie 26th • year of hie age. ~ ''* 800 T.—On the rti3rning of 'the 29th ult., Robert Scot; dr.. in the . 24th.year of his age. _ attend t he His relatives and friends are invited to:attend the fu • petal this (Monday) afternoon, Seistembeil,' if 3 orolook,'" , from his father's residence, No.'Bo9 . lrorth Ninth -street To proceed to Mown Vermin OeuseterY.: s' *.rte T s PRESS S ' ti , • g BLARISTON.—At Huntsville, Ala., on the 29th nit , Jos. B. Blektston, of the Anderson Troop, eon of John R end Martha O. Bleklaton. of Able city. . . * BROOK —On the 28th tilt , John Brook, in the 71st year of his age. CIAMP It ILL L.—On tho 27th ult., at Bloomington, 11l , William 11., eldeet eon of the late Wm. Campbell, in the 30th year of big age - *. GABBER.—On the 29th uit., Charles Henry Gerber, con of 1' W. and Jane Gather, aged 11 years, 6 months, and 20 days. JORDAN.—On the 29th ult., Mrs. Sarah Jordan, wife of Moee• Jordan. MoDOWELL —On the 29th ult, Alex. McDowell, in the 60th year of his ago 1100ISKY.—On the 20th nit., Bmma Bitola, daughter 'of Wm. K: Mooney, ir• tbe.l7th year of_herage, MOURNING §tORE.-BESSON & SON,-Nci:9lB - 01BMSTNIIT Street. ' Black Mousseline de Lalnee, double widths. Black Tainises. Black Bummer Bombazines. Black Engflab Bombazines. Black Alpacas, bombazioe Black Groa Grain and Pettit de Bole Bilks. ' Black Crape Karats and Barogea. Black Pares° Bement Black Silk Grenadines. Black and Wbite Lawns, Gingham% , tc- Jr2S or. CONTINENTAL HOTEL 0011 P 0 N due September 1at,1862, upon the EIGHT per nent. BI ORTGAGs BOND 3 of the Continen tal Hotel Co., will be payable on and after that date, upon preeentation of the same at the office of the Treasurer, 818 ARCH street, Philadelphia. J. SERGEANT PRICE, Treasurer. act 80 6$ OFFICE OF THE• HARRISBURG, PORTSMOUTH, MOUNT JOY, ' AND LAN, OA.c,TER RAILROAD 4OMPANY.—Partanntl . F4 , Auanat 20,1882. ' ' The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Coln itanY will he held on FRIDAY, the 6th day of September next, at B. o'clock, A. X , at No. 3 WILLING'S AL LEY. at which time an election will be held for Thirteen Directors, to serve for the ensuing Year. au2l•l2t* GEO ttGE TABER, fileoretarl: orTHE BONDHOLDERS OF THE SWATAIIA. RAILROAD 0001 PANT are hereby infoluaed that proceedings have been taken in the Court of Oommon Pleas of Schuylkill county. by which their Interests will materially stiffer, if not attended to imme diately. Those wbo are willing to take action to protect their Interlude are Invited to attend a meeting at the aloe of DAVIS 'et WIOEDRSEIA al, No. 37 . South Vila° street, Philadelphia, on TUESDAY mowing, September 2d, 186 . 2, at 11A. By order of a majority of the Trusteei under Third Mortgage - au3o.2t A. CARD—AYE, THE UNDERSIGNED Brewers of Philadelphia, on and after theist day of bEPTEMBEII, 18E2, will advance -our prices One Dollar per, barrel on Ale and Porter sold by us after that date, in consequence of a tax of same amount to be paid by ns to the General Government, in accordance with the act of Congress passed during the last session. PHILADELPHIA, August 30, 1862. [Signed] MASSEY, COLLINS & CO. . GEORGE W. GRAY. • LEEDS & GRAY. - • • NEWLIN, ZCLL, & KEIZOTT: . DITHINAR & JAMBS' MOORE. ' • WILLIAM GAUL. ' • NOTICE .—THE PENNSYLVANIA ng . FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. 41101152 21st, 1862. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of, the Penn.. .1111vanla Fire Insurance' Company will be held at their' office.on MONDAY, the fret day, of September next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., election 'will be held for nine theaters, to serve for the ensuing year. . • • an2l-teal WM. G. CROWELL, Secretary. IMNOTICE.—THE SUBSCRIBERS TO TEE.CITIZENSI 'BOUNTY FIRM, to aid Re cruiting, are hereby notified that the Treasurer of the Fund, SINGLETON A. MERCIER, Ess., Will receive the amounts of their subscriptions, daily, at the Farm ers' and Mechanics' Bank, and fluidal them with printed receipts for the Beane • or their subscriptions may be paid to the member of the Committee to whom they subscribed, and the Treasurer's receipt will be sent to the dotiOr. By order of the Committee. THOMAS WEBSTER. Obairman. --• ..... MILITAR SIOO:WILL.I3E PAID TO ANY ONE PTIESISHI2i'a 12 MEN for Company CI; 139th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers. Apply before 4 . 0'944 . A. M., at 825 MARKICT Street.' It* • 121ST REGIMENT:PEN . NSYL VANLV VOL U N fl‘ Z sties,j won . oilapatear BIDDI.E.—This Regiment has been fined to . thembi4- mitm number, and a few more dayit have beeti - -lanovi 4 od to recruit it to the maximum: Recruits are amid the following bounties: . • $26 United States Bounty In cash. $5O City of Philadelphia Bounty in cash. $lO extra Bounty in cash. s76.United States Bounty at the end of the war. • slB, one month's pay , in advance. $2 premium on being mustered in. apply immediately, at .No. 606 'Vine street; N. B. cor ner Sixth and Minor streets; Braner's • Hotel, German town; 13 E. corner Tenth and Thompson streets; No. 728 Zeno street ; No. 405 Walnut street; No. 42 South Fifth street; Philadelphia Engine House, Seventeenth street, below Chestnut ; or at any, other of the recruiting station e:• sel-31; _ . ICOMPANY p s -,12 1 it REGIMENT, ORAPH4ii.BIDDLE.-111.the Beguiles, Oily, Regimental, he. Recruiting Stations, 1529 SOUTH stzeet,• 42 south FIFTH street; Philadelphia Engine House, SEVENTEENTH street, be!ow 41heetant. T. ELWOOD zsbL, -. • • • J. G. ROSENG&RTNN, CHAS. E. ErrING,„ :.Rearnitiog Officers. TIIE BOLL3'OF-HONOII. NOTICE TO YOLUNTEERS.—AII Pennsylvania Volunteers muttered into the. service of the United States from the commencement'of the war, are enti tled to .bave their names inscribed on the ROLLS OF DONOR, to be denosited •in INDEPENDENCE HALL. The committee . to, arrange the Rolls, preparatory to their engrossment in the -parchment beans, have pre pared the necessary,,hlanks far delivery to regimental Officers, ceptaintrot companies, and othaere recruiting for. old regiments now in the field, who are requested to have them filled,• and returned to the committee as soon as' practicable. , ' • The Rolls will contain the name, ago, birth-place;re eidence, occupatiot, and term of enlistment of every offi cer end private, with the letter of - the company and number,of -the regiment in which he enlists. , A large, number of the voluncers have families , dependent upon them, to whom it may be the duty of the publio to ex tend such aid hereafter as ciliumstances .reoulre. In, _therefore, 'where the soldier . leaves wife and children, or either ' the fact will be noted, and the number and sexes of his children entered on the Roll, together with the range of their ages. - • • If a soldier dies, or is wounded in the service, or is -honorably or otherwise discharged;the fact. as it may beseaf ter appear frouithe official report, will be entered on the Rolle oppo rite his name. - . - The Bolls are Intended . to present a faithful record of the career of every volunteer from Pennsylvania during his term of service; and it is hoped that regimental and line officers will facilitate the object, and that the name of no man who serves his country In the present war will be omitted from its history. The blacks will be delivered on application at the rooms of the Board of Trade, No. 605 Chestnut street, on and 'after Thursday, the 26% of August, 1862. f • 013 AS ',ES GIB BON 3, • GEORGE-WHlTNEY,Committee. J. 110138 SNOWDEN, - Philadelphia, August 26,186/ HE AD QUA RTEE 8 1 116TH -RE GIMENT P. V.. August 25,1862. . . NOTION, IS 11211 E BY GIVEN to all recruits now In the country, recruited, in 001. HEENAN'S Regi ment, to repair to Philadelphia before the let or SR'. TEBEBER, to be mustered into the service of the United &stet), in order to complete the .rolls, that they may be sent to Washington and the men receive their` first montia's Pay. Col. D. HEENAN, commanding: By order of J. B. TDie B l e i g L im ß ent S' Ajt. to • be. atAsc .. h .. ed . :to; . 1.. , - . 11I0H&EIL gOBCORAN'S au2S at ]IRILITARY.:GOODS. A' . :tmY Goo Dal E l l4 7 :!lite Kersey& - Sky. Blue Caesimeres, (fer Officers' Panto.) Dark Bide Uniform Cloths. Dark Blue Cap Cloths. Daik Blue. Blouse Flame's. White Dame; Flannels. Flannels. 11.T. - B,eg‘lation Blankets. ounoil anal2-ouncse:staisiara TENT DUCK. In storo and for gale by SLADE, SMITH, 8a Co. NO. 39 LNTITIA, AND 40 NOirielflOtti i Bn.. ats27-1m C., ADZ _ . Goops.. 142°,000 -,:YATIPS KERSEYS, 10 et . TOLL ARMY BTAIP.S3D, , YOB, BALIIIIY • JOSEPH SEA, , an27-8t • 123 and 130 OHESTIMT Street. MENT BUTTONS AND': SLIPS,. U. B. l'attrroN, for solo at J. P. BAND'S inanureia toll, corner of THINTENNTH and NOBLE attest& au2l.ltOt CARD TO THE PUBLIC. CONGRESS SPRING WATF•k*DEPoT, 98 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK. An attempt bee been made to deceive the public by persons offering what they call " Com:mess Wiris from fountains, and at the price of ills (5) cents per glen The wholesale price of the genuine Congress Water, at New York, being about 73( cents per glass, the impold tion of pretending to sell at retail at less than cost, and without allowance for freight, cartage, or breakage, apparent ; bat their probable coarse has bees to empty one bottle of genuine Congress Water into a fountain filled with their trash, and therehy christening he total contents. We have 2f71111* OCR Oeogreso Woter in fountains, nor In vessels of any other description ,than ordineryized &lase botUee. The cork of every bottle of the genuine fa branded, , • . And any witbnnt 'those words and Ist- CONGRESS tars cos fire Dort is O. &W. 00'13111•111111Y, ' WATZB. whether from.form- OLAB.KB A WHITM, - • • Proprietors' of Congress Spring. - The following gentlemen age itipillied by tug Mitdeli7 with genuine Congress Water t ln•,bottles, freak trim till Congress Spring: ' • FRED'S 131iOWN, oor; l'itth and Chestnut Os. 0. S. HITEBELL, 1410 ()bastard street. cites: ELLIS & 00., Market street. - 111.3- STZTETIB& 00., Continent...Motet' • , j AILBROBB SMITH, Oheetnnt street: ! 0: TUBNPBri.NY & 00., 941 flipruee street TE45i-4-11118BANli, oor :Third sad Sorsa, eta. STSi Divtup.Wenrit etrikti.4 dIAAIUKE &,VirlirrE; 151-2nat 'MONDAY w -SEPTEMBERRIT IF6p4m au26-tSel - 13Aftwroae,'J1ily 1, 1852. COMMISSION HOUSES. AR MY GOODS. DANK. BLUE COAT - OLOTELS... • DARK-BLUE OAP : Oi OTBEC aKT BUJ n CLOTHS. TOP ,0.11 ABBY BLANKETS, .81,4ND*. 10.011 NON °DUCK. . • , ••••••!.r DBLTAB, STAND/MD WAIOR , HEAVY LINEN :1 1- AILLO, MD._ BROWN AN - BLEW:HIED SESIMINGII For sale by c FROTHIN( HAS 14.wzraA; zol- if tf ARMY BL ANKET, . ,410VERNMENT STANpARR -• - • FOR SALE BY FiOTHZNGFHAM 8c • . WELLS; AGENTS. • •,,,, . au29-tf SEAMLESS BAGS:, • • PREMIUM" s a A" FOB selat BY _WELLING, COFFIN, & CO.; Iy2l-mwfara No. 220 ÜBESTNUT Street. UNNELL GREgNilf . - UNTOY.A.O.e ; • CO:g , . S PRINT:- • • 400 Oasee NEW FALL STYMIE!. FOR BALE"BY • WELLING, COFFIN, & 00., bsa.mwfain• .1;W'; 220 04118T,BITT StrOt... • -ouratuNs., F,OR HOSPI - TALS. 20,000_ YARDS BLUE -GREEN WIDE COTTON DAMASKS.; GEORGE D.PARRraIt. . int2646921.'ti3 - • _ 1/11iTk3, SI:TIT/MA . ,FOR AOSPITiNt PURPOSES. 5,00 11.0-6 iIIITt*ND,BLI7III AND yrzaTi AND ALSO,' 3-4 nd 6-4 INDIGO BLITZ FLANNELS. Tior•eile-bv• • :I', , - FROTHEtTgrUAX,kYnALLS3 Iyl6-2m 84 FRONT and 15 WEIALINAL 00.111t4.46 00. r NO. 220 011MM:fir, EITENZTi are prepared to • - CONTRACT FOR THE DELIVERY ARMY • ' WOOLEN AND COTTON GOOD? , Op STANDARD QIJA_T.J.TY. . • aii2T-13m SHIEVLEIT s t ;;AZARD et & .IliNtOS. • • 119'0111118TVIT spuuirr, • • - 001111iiiiBION 3111BOHAZIT91 PRILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. RETAIL - DRY GOODS T 1 1.4 E SS THAN - sur-n. - WEI othisaviritions,—Bleached at 9X :cent .at 10 ;, bevier-at 11X, and -full- 37 inches wide, 12x; two cases just opened of,old stock, full yard wide, 14; 16 one case 1.8 Wan:mutts 17-; _one CB3O Bti3lPei !dem, soft Lula', 161 thie is finite fine. Just opened; two cases'Wamsnitit and one case of Williams ville nt less than the agentle prises.` One case Pitlow hinslins one case 6.4 Sheeting at 18; heavy dheet: ing, 2% yards wide, VTX ; tinblinwitied -11%; heavier do. 14 ; pj wide do lb; .bale do:, 85 inches wide, 16; one.lot much heavier 18-; Sheeting, 1%, yards wide, at 22; full 2% wide - do '373c. The above' goods I will guarantee to be lower than-this regular:wholesale price. . • ..GB tNYIitLL /3.11L1Ng3, • sel . • , .No:IOIB:IIILIKKETI3treek - above Tenth. , . FLANNELB.—lshavelww-orte-otAhe - Masud cheapest aisortments in. this•oity.- Good all-wool 'red 25 cents; finer do. 3IX ; One bale Union hbakar Flannel, white. • at 28; these are Quite heavy; ltallerdvale, all.wool, 37X ; finer do. 373{, and every cumber up to 75 cents. Gray Twilled for *soldiers' shine 373< ; heavy all-wool at 90; finer do 45. Just opened, two bales plain gray at 30 and 36 ; these are all-wool ,• heavy blue twilled 37X, 40, and 45;`heavy red 'twillAd 35 and 37X.- Woolen . goods are going up rapidly, and these are much lower then can be bonsai in a .ettort time, beiniabout the - iame prices they were Bald at last season. . GRANVILLE B. HAINES, ~ set. - 1013 51AIIKET,fitreet, above Tenth. -. BARGAINS IN MUSLIN.—We will sell a good unbleached Muslin for 123 cents': bet. ter for-16; better for 16;• we have- on hand every make of unbleached and bleached of all the widths; bleached Muslin 12)(, 14, 16,' . 16, and 19; Bheetings, .13‘, I,v. 2 Yards, 2g, , 2g, and 8 yards wide; good twilled 'Canton Flannel 20c; all-wool Flannel 25c; Twilled Shirting. :Stripes Ito; a large assortment Linen Goods; some ape barnsine in real Marseilles Quilts; those wanting 'a `handsome Quilt at a moderate price oan now be suited. This stock having moat of it been bought before the ribs, storekeepers will-find. they,can ears money by calling on us, as wo guaranty to sell any make of Muslin less than they any wholesale house. .. . 11. D. & W.R. PENNELL, • 1021 KA MEET, below Sloven th. 504::°DeBeitTbie.' D AR K f il or i•CloirAB7BweaS!l,llS. ••••• CURwEN STODD RV & BE 4 YP BBB; 450, 452, and 454 liorl4ll:llooNDlitieet, an3oo 25 . • 1 . , abova Willow ,ADOSE•CLOAKING , CLOTHS; . JL.I in black. naullum, andligbi colors. • ODRWEN BTODDANT. 450, - 452, and 454 North pEOOND fitreet f auBo-2t above Willow QTELLA SHAW N S, $2:00: kJ • - STET, tak• A:WLS. : S2 50 .' - STELLA SHAWLS,' 800,',• • • STELLA SHAWLS,. "8 50 • SrELLA•SfIAWLS, 400., With a large and varied stook of import.* itoodig' CURWEN STODD ART Jt''BROI'LIER, - • .450 452, and 454 North SEpOND,,dbreet,.., • an3o ' • abiiie N EW GOOD S. -2,10118L1N- DE . . laines ; new styles neat Plaid Glace Peeling; Plain Reps, Blue, Green, and Brown •, Figured Oashreares beautiful neat Figured Bee Poplins.; Blue and Soiled-.nO Detainee; new Calicoes, choice patter* heat . Plai Flaenet for Gents' Shirts very, desirable and scarce; also a nice . assortdeiat of agairnereilfor Men and Boys, at JOHN 11...81'011E3', an3o l 702 &SOH Street:. HAND :LOOM TABLE LINEN.-. :.0 4;7.4, and 8 4 widths, in,varions grades, at low picot • • _ ....011RWItlf. , 8TODDILET & BROTOIIIB, . - 450, 462, and 454 North 81COON 0 Street, • • auBo.2t above Willow.; - PALL STYLES_ MOUSSELINE. D .LLLAMA. - Mau chapter Moneselir.o.Delaines, Pacific Mousseline el sine% ' • Hamilton MousselineHelaine', • • In Choicestylcia • • ' ' • CIJEWEN STODDAHT •,ts BJIOI4IIIB, 450,457, and 454 North SECIONDStreeti an 30-2 t above Willow BLACK SILKS. . .• . A-1 huperior grades of Black Silks, at our usual low Pilot's. • CIIRVirEN STODDART, 3i BROTHER, 450,'452, and 454 North SECOND Street, au2o 2t above Willow. FANCY DRESS SILKS, 62 1-2. FANCY DRESS SILKS, 76. FANCY DRItSS SILKS, 81. • Closing out deep lot of Silks. 01111W1N STODCART &BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 Nortl, SXIXONA Street, 6030.21 ."'‘ aboye • TVORYTYPES.-LREIMER'S . Iverytypcs are very &Wildfire pictures, pleasing in appearance, lifelike hi coloring; light and -bade natu rally arranged. iIItOOND Street, above Green. lt* -211 TRUBB:ANW,BRAOE DE c‘0:11,4111111DLES, • Oorner TWELFTH and SAAR Elrroota, Pnitodaipbla.. Hernial Trauma and mechanical appliances correct], adjusted by; 0. H. NHIIDLIIII3. rine Wrench and approved American, adapted to every form• of rupture, in adults and children, Rl:Wish end American Supporters and Belie, Shoulder Braces, Bas• DeDllOllO9, Elastic Stockings, and Bridriaoa in /coat vs. riety. -Ladies , Department, TWDLFTEI Street, find door below. Race. Conducted by competent ladies. iy2S-Sm if • • SCIENTIFIC HAI D YE OF JlLhis toil Ladies isierGezitleizies,lii -01:1191- 10710 M; 1101.311T13 taq BRAITEL • giuBo4.o. rt! ctuarter-Atisis,.Pitlit , •12,• Illartta Bar Bum .rtiot »relied per iohooniij24:- 11814, sad- for sale 1f9..721:1112T0M1 . at 1,411111G 1 12, 202 end . 204 south FRONT . era QPIXt PEAS—Of prime finality, ; , for L. 7 isolator - •BHODIIS 1.1111LL1A.141, COTTON BAIL DUCK AND . OAI4- TAB, of all ntunbers and brand!.,• • • fin Tents, sift& Awning Twins; of A description!, rer Tents, Awnings, Trunk aid Wagon Covers. Ati-bei,...,-kalsit . Hannfsetarers! , Drier Fat', from 1 to !r Rai um - 'Tarpaulins, Beiting;36ll Twine, do. nd " to 4.; JOHN W. NVEBBIAN CO., 104 JOHNS Alloy.. 110ORT'WENE:—Tirr"agbria and o . por to, ; .1.. :Port for 8010, in bond; by _ _ Tire4 011. a. B. OILUI3 • N 0.126 WALNITT. Stmt.- •al4 107 &nsiii,WAVlS'erbg. - p.AT.4.TscO AND Tommo: DUCK , ALi tire4eby 0 X . L 11 BositE,Blllooiip, . 31 / 1 1 1 1.; , • 1.40040.;.; CARPETS. AND OIL CLOTHS. GLEN EOHO VILLE'S. *.csaALLijm. Ai- .00, 509 OHNBTRZIT STIZiIE.TI cop?a!te.. : lndepezOtace Re11,),.<• DIANT:I7/4qT0311114- IIEPOW;111118 1: 4,1D, .11)1IL11118 , • . . ...... • ;:' . • . • CA•Rt`P.ETIN•GS. •::oiftaraorll &c., . . Have now on hand an extensive stock of Carpetings, of our own and other makes, to which we call the attention of cash and short- time buyers. INSURANCE COMPANIES. STATEMENT OF ATLANTIC FIRE INSIIBS:NOEI 0031PLNY, OF BROOKLYN, L Y., Bkember 31.1881. Capital Brock 3,000 dares es $5O $150,000 • ASSETS. Beal Estate of the Oompany • $5,000 00 Amount of Cash on hand 1,054 96 ‘. • bi i 2 Atlantic Bank, New York, 6,508 15 in City Bank, Brooklyn— 743 04 Office Furniture and Fixtures of two offices:. 1,200 00 Cash in bands of Agents and in course of transmission • 6,330 35 Amount of loans secured by bonds and mort. gages, constituting the first lien on Beal . • Relate, on which there is less than one year's' interest due and owing 163,103 69 'Amount of Stocks owned by the Company, par • - value $42,010, Market value ' • 38,600 00 Amount of Intereit accrued but not yet doe.; - 6,560 99 Amount of Stock held by the Oomoany as latCra-seCialtY for loans, par yalue-$28,900, market value $28,066, loaned ,thereon 23,600 OD Amount of Interest due and unpaid 100 00 BECEIPTS. Amount of Cash Premium received ' $94,89 70 Amount of Intereet received .. 13,943 61 Income from other sources ... . 2,861 06 EX PEN SES Amount of Losses paid during the year $41,886.93 Amount of Losses peild during the yeir, which occurred prior to the year. 5,695 83 Amotint of Dividends paid during the year.... 80,000 00 Amount of Expenses, including Oommissions and Salaries sof 'officers ' 18,880. 98 Atrioant 'of . Titter+ " 2,412 3S . 'Arnotuit all other Expeneee and'Experidi. . terve of Elie Oonipany .7,943 01 • 6107,110 04 Amount of Loewe durOgil!* year, which have not been settled. " 81,200.00 8. BAHDENWERPEIC.Agant,. 421 • WALNUT ,Eitreet,- P biladalphia, Pa. • r • 1131 4 788N'0118 i'IITCADELPAIA, : APDBEW C. ORWIG, Rm., 138 gond: Front street. t3mm JOHN aox. po:, 134 Walnut etreet. J. B. MYERS & no:, 232' and 234 Market street. VAtiltD,Gll6lllloltE Cheetttst street. BAILEY .k 00., 819 Obestntst street. • - WOLGART/TH & B&LBIGE; 9 Bank street. joefir VOGT re C 0.,, 39 Smith Arourth street: • WEL DIOOO I 3OE, 0.9., - 80 15010 Thtrd street. e. -at*; : QTATEM EN T OF: NEW AMSTE R KJ- DAN. It.IBI7R&NOE ..60,11PANT OF 113 CW. 1011 H, DISOEM.BBII 31ST, 1861. Capital Stock, 8000 altarep $200,000 . . ASSETS. CaFh on band and in Banks - $7,960 46 Cash in band of Agents and in course of transmission. 1,956 92 Amount .of Lonna, sictired by Bonds and Mortgageit, constituting the first lien on ' reel estate, on which there is jets than one years' interest duo " 194,560 00 Amount of Loans on which- interest bee not been paid within one year - Amount of Stocks owned by thepompany, • -b* par value 553,600; mettet value - • ' • 2,425 00' Amount of Stock held by the Conpsny as' collateral security for iOInI4 Par value' $39,126, - market value' $34,206 70; loaned • ' ' . thereon ' ' ' 23,310 00 Premiums due and unpaid, and other pro perty* • 4,488 09 Amount of •Interest on 'investments made by the Company due and unpaid Amortpt of-Interest on•lnvestments made by • the Company accrued but not due. I,ll'S 91 Amount of Interest on.lnveshrients made by • the Company, except Mortgages accrued ' but not due BB OFJP"I'S . - Amount of Cash Premiums revived ' $65,915 55 Amount of Interest Money' 15.529 72 • EXPENDITUBES. - • A moinit 'of Leases paid during the year $30,732 92 Amount paid for reinsurance" and return premium 1,873 49 Amount of Dividends paid during the year.. 18,000 00 Amount of Expenses during the year. in chiding Commissions and Fees paid to Agents and Officers of the Company' 3.756 88 Amount of 'Taxes paid by the Oompany 3 918 00 Amount of all other' Expenses and Expen ditures 14,054 05 • 382.195 82 O."IIA.I3DIENVTAIRPICS, Agent, No. 424, WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. ItEIIIIBIENOES. Plato dr &bottler, - 1 A. A. ThudinAL Oberles 'resin dr . 1 eel St* WAR -147 4 , POLICIES. THE 4IITU4L LIFE INSVEANCE .:COMPANY 0B ' . NEW: .YORK. P Si wrlsrpfrorr;TPr4dent: ASSETS -OS'ER RIGHT MILLTONROP DOLLARS F. BATCH - FORD:. STARR. AGENT, 400 Walnut Street, Phila This Company has decided to Issue policies, with war risks, to those who voluntoer or are drafted into the Army under the recent proclamation of the President. The premium, and extra premium, may be paid quer terly, half-yearly, or yearly, at , the option of the assured Blank forma of atiplioatton; and every information, may be had oa applieatiott, by , letter:or otherwise, to F. RATCHFORD:STARR, • . • - • • THILADZLPJIT. Thomas Robins, M. L.. Dawson, George M. Stroud, John - B. Myers - Joseph Patters John M. Atwood, Thomas H. Powers, William McKee, an.90,8t laj. g"). FIRE AND MAIIINN 11141:fildil WE COMPANY. snmene 41.6 WALNUT BTRRET, PHILADELPHIA. • CAPITAL *200,000. This company apt:tittles to take risks en the enie damsel of Property et low ratee. The 'public can rely upon its responsibility, and nbal• t 7 to pay • losses promptly. Its disburcomonte for thy benefit of the public, during the lest nine yeait a 0:zoo,* 8500, 0 0 , and we reirpeoffolly solicit its favor In the Mute. • DIRECTORS. CHAS. I. D171.01(.1',. JERRY wAlautir., ZORN W. OLAGHORN, JOHN THORNLEY, . 0. It. u - Benrrr, ABRAHAM fIABT, DAVID BOYD, Jr., PETER a_ HOE, of X. It WM. M. SWAIN, :FURMAN SHEPPARD /0131111 ICLAPP, 11. D. N. B. LA WRENCJI, WM. 0. RITIIMAN, JOHN SIMPLEX. - ' THOMAS CRAVEN, President A. S. GILLETT, Vice President. JAB. B. ALVORD, Becretari. aP24-tf - - V ANE I 4: Ago. 408 00;81altr i f FIRE AND . lEN INZ B. N. Buck, • Chas. Richardson, lioTary Low* Jr.,.. Alex. WhiUdin, • Ott). A. Wept, O. W. Davie, • - • FRANCIS 1 . 811 l OBABLBB BICH • WILLLMAN. I. BLANC n COMMONWEALTH , :FIRE INSU: iIANON 001LPAISTIf t 01 Tar STATI el PIXNBYLVAIIIik. DuACFTOII.I3. . . Milli Jayne, M.D., Cherie! Bogant, John HI. White% John H. Walker, Iklward 0. Knight, Robert Shoomakrr, Thortuul 8. Stewart, William Strutter; U 01217 Lama, Jr, Itifjob Jonoe. DAVID JAYYD, M D., President. JOHN M. WHITALL i Vice Stee.ent. itAINUDLI3. NOON, Secretary. Ooriunonweeltb. 8 13 enKirlitnr• Stre.t. PbHadelvbla tr SAFES. FATimms SAFE DEPOT . - 110 1 130 td No. sa South SIIVARTE Street, ass 7rita3klin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and briny determined -to 'merit future patronage, has secured ar elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand I large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated_. Wrought a& Chilled Iron Biro and Burglar Proof Safes, (the oni! strictly fire and burglar proof Wee madeilso, Jae:mailed Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Lo Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Looks will be furnished to order on, short notice. This la the strongest, best pro tected, and cheapeat.Door and Look yet offered. • Also, particular attention le called . to Liffie's Neu Cabinet Safe, for. Plate, Jewelry, am. This. Beife.-le eon , o w e d to ourpaii 41 style and elegance anythlns yret dared for this purpoeo, Ind is the, only one that ID - 114itp fire and burglar proof. -- _ BrporataTorruu—l h ave mower', hand say twenty. to: Verret, Herring; 'di Co.'s Safee, moat'of theta' nearly, new , and inne forty of 'other Makers, comyirising • a - complsti anoitment of to and' all lately ,eiohanged for Hai Dow 'celebrated LLWe dare." They Ida b. 'pad as mai low prices. Please call and examine. 't , ' l : l4 : to Sr :, laid-lyff M. C• OADrarigititati EVANS 16.3 WATSON'S; t 3: rt. 5=4".i • “I.llld2rDEß:sairm . r,,lB,•BOljTEi FOURTH STIIHRT, PRILADFLPHIA, PA."— s • A lap. midi of FLUE-FR.O9i 11111,14111 oy bond. - -GERMANTOWN, PA. 3123 3m 8249,801 Oa $111,184 37 9,050 OD 3,472 00 $248;586 OS. $81,476 25 Agent REFERENOES. John Weleh, George. Stuart, B B Whelan, . J. Fisher Learning, William G. Ludwig, Arthur G. Coffin, ' Thomas Watteon, William S. Boyd. CI • -. CIF 00Ff2AN7 OrtB. R. D. WOoilital. " John Kneeler, jr., P.B. Justioe, • " Washington Jones, Ohms. Btokee, John W. Amman. , President. • ItDBON, Vice President.. • :I), Secretary. ftoblti-if NEW PUBLICATIONS. - a , i " 1 PHOTOGRAPH Qi ry 0 I . i U. &lawns, with I V Bound in Turkey Morocco, full size, with a nice cusp, clean. PITUELEH'S Cheap Bookstore, se/ 2t .. ; 439 CHESTNUT Street. A,WS OFTHE LAST SESSION 11 - , OF CONGRESS. • ' , g••• . . . • LITTLE, "Et iOWN. & 00.,, _um AND,Foßmatt BOOKSELLERS, ' - 110 WABIII*IIIOIIBTRZET, BOBTONi ,' " • '‘ 4 JUST4HULIBEND: TEE OpykßiltiltNi'fOiTlON OF Tin STA; . ZIIrEB AT.. LABGE',. AND. THE ATIEB.OF TO.II lINITI.O STATES, , passed at tbe Second Session or the Thirti . -seventh Congress, 184- pa, containing theiPub lic Laws, Retoltitione, - Prociarnations, Private Acts, and Treaties; with Marginal References, and a co Vous' Index ; and embracing the Tariff, Tax Laws, • and ell'Acts relating to the War, cbc. This edition has been compared with the Bolls, and :printed by authority of Congress as the authorized edi• tion, on fine paper, in royal octavo, aad contains 609 pages. Price $1.50. ~,an2o.fmw3t TNTERESTING,, WOKS OE'. THE lI DAY —APPLETON'S ANNUIf, OLYOLOPEDIA. —A Register of interesting events in 1861... PUTNAM'S BEOOBD OF TILE REBELLION. In bound volumes and nnmhers...-No. 21 jut out: LIFE AND LETTERS OF WASHINGTON IR VING.. Vol. 2. •••._ • . . - BAYARD TAYLOR:B .PROSE WORKS. Caxton edition. Vol. F. Also, just received, BISTORIOaL NOTES ON, 'TUE EMPLOYMENT OF NEGROES in the War of the Revolution By Geo. COUNT CAVOUB. 'His liteosharacter, and policy. By Professor Botta. •.. . ;. •.. HISTORY OF THE. BAER OF' NINCERAND.-.. Its times and traditions. -.By. Charles Francis. A valuable work for Baokere. For sale at the Artertor. • . • . • Office of „APPLETON'S 0 relosedia. re.l.3t 33 South SIXTH Street., above OELESTNITT. , • . • . EBELLION RE CORD—P AR T XXl.—kebelliou Record, with line steel portraits of Colonel Bakerand Secretary Stanton. Price 50 cents. .Parson Brownicw , e Advertures among the Rebels. 8125. Prison Wein the Tobacco Warehouse at Richmond By trßall's Bluff prisoner. ,75 cents. Upriaiiig of a Great People. By Count de Gasparin. 75 cents. . Attierice before En-ope. By Count do Gasparin. $1 46: • For rate, by WK. B. A ALFRED KABTIEN, 8680 '. 606 CHESTNUT Street. WA R TELEGRAM. :MARRING v NAP OF 'VIRGIN/A. . . , SIZE 26 BY 28. . - P 111019.25 OENYS. Sold in all Pericdical and Book Stores; also any address on roctipl of prico. For particulars seo edyor tisement in FrankLealie's Pictorial.. . L—PltAlill do go:, Publishers, 109 Waddigtou street, Boston, Nam. GcrpHE ,DAILY A..- be hared daily,' until after the 10th of October: It will bo edited by gentlemen of undoubted ability, and will advocate a war policy of the most decided character, involving the entire removed of Slavery as the only means of eetabliabing a lasting peace. It will sustain the entire Repub/ican" Ticket, with; AMOS BRIGGS, Bag., for Mayor; with all its energy. Arrangements having been made for the publication of ti enty-flve thousand copies daily, for gratuitous dih tributivn in the city during the campaign, Advertisers, Will find the Repealiaas" the beet medium of reaching our citizens. • . If properly snetained, the " Republican" will be Made a permanent and leading Journal. Babscriptfons and'ad.• ,yertiseinents received by T. H. PUGH, " N. W. corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT streets. an 28.61 P11071),(WIM nOW FORTUNATE. ARE. THOSE 11 who live at the present 'Unto ! every • one can have their likeness at little coat. It was not so in dare of-yore. DElhtEll S Colored Photographs fir $l, SECOND Street, above Greon. • • it* VAR TIMES.-OBBBRVE THAT in view of the bee 4csincel the price of "lila famous Life-Slia oil..oColored Photographs. A raro chalice for all admirers 'of the beautiful in art, SBCOND Street, abovo Green.. _ BOARDING: PONTRY:AII.AIt . 011.6108 • BiOokiniiwt. Airy. '•- ' ' O,IItVERAi:L '11(10A413. VACANT AT 232 gonth-FOUSTE Sheet. " an2B.Bt LEGAL. • • • lk/TARSHAL!I3 . . ILL. a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN OADWATA. DEE, Judge of the Dietriot Court of the. United Staten, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Mini; ralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, 'at QUEEN. STREET WHARF, on- TUESDAY, September 18, 1882, at 12 o'clock. M.., tbe cargo of the schooner hUSBN JANE, consisting of 4(0 barrels of Pitch, 17 casks do., and 52,000 obinglee. WILLIAM MILLW ARO, 11. 0. Marshal leaatern Distrlot of Penna. PlociAiompole, August 30, 1882. ael•Bt . - MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a Writ of Bale, by the JOHN . lion:'- WALS DER, Judge of the District Chimi 'of.-the .United States, ha and fbr the Eaetern District of Peimsylvania, in admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold, at public eale, to the highest and beet bidder, for cash,. at the 841116CV-Db(111. ILENSIN G TON, on WED NE iDAY, ep tem her 17„ 1862, : et 12 o'clock N., the cargo of the schooner &RBIET AED . ‘11,01; combating. of 763 barrels Eo sin, 136 cooks 404 and 71;000 shingles WILLIAII KILLWARD, 13..:$.1.tirshal Eastern plikiot 'of Penna. Panannralrtn, nugnet 30,1862: . eel-61.. MARSHAL'S SALE:--.By..viitue of a Writ of Salo, by the Hon. JOAN GADWALA DER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, an and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold at-public sale, to the' highest, and best bidder, fur cash, at the. SORE W-DO IK WHARF, KENSINGTON, on WEDNESDAY, Septem ber 17, 1862, at 12 °Week M., the cargo of the schooner EMELIN R RICKEY, consisting of 1010 barrels of Be sin, and 118 casks do. ' ' • ' -••- WILLIAM MILLWARD, • U. B. Marshal Eastern District of Palms. • PHILADELPHIA, Aukupt • - sel-8t corit.umtimres. OTIOE.:-JAMES . RAISTIVEN HA VINO:: withdrawn from the firm of NAPIER, NVELBFORD, & BANKEN, af•NewT irk, and WEGS FORD, BANKEN, dr..00.., of Philadelphia, on the 30th JUNE last, the copartierthip hitherto existing between the undersigned has been, by mutual , consent, dissolved ea regards James Raztken. how York, Augrat 28,1862 EE FIRM OF NAPIER, WELS - - FOND, & NANXICN,- of New York, and WELSFORD, BANHEN, & CO., of Philadelphia, having been dirnselved by' the withdrawal of TA efES . BANNBN, se above announced, the subseribere give notice that they will continue the bnalneai in New York, 'under the firm of NARINII,k WEB FORIX • IMIIES NAPIER, JOSEPH WIlbSr0)31). ea.& New 'York,' August 28, 1882 :FINANCIAL. 'FIVE ',TWENTIES; . ". . • . 20-YEAR SIX PEE CENT. BONDS, PAYABLE 47 THE OPTION .9r rEkopoyzitzt- NICHT AFTER FIVE YEARS. • X am instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY to receive subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR, THE INTEREST TO COMMENCE mon' DATE OF DEPOSIT, 'Ana avoiding the difficulty heretofore experienced by :etas 11ring payment in GOLD of the interest from Slay . . A full supply of these Bonds always on hand. JAY 0001KE,- . • susswarTiozi..solvrr, 114 SOITTIIVEthIbIST. j729-tf JANES H. WALTON, THOMAS W. YOST. WALTON & YOST, BANKERS, , BROKEItEI, AND GBIT23IIhIB COLLECTORS, No. 2b South THIRD Street, Philadelphia BRIPBRENCES. JO Oooke & Clo., Hon. James Pollock, Samosa, Kent, Santee, & Co., Hon. H. D. Poetor, Reberick, Black, di Co., Hon. A. H. Reeder, O. kicKibbin & Bon, Hon. Aea Packer, B. P. Middleton /t. Bro., Hon. Warren J. Woodward. Hon. Wm. Wilkins, V. L. Bradford, Req. au7.Ba2 EXPRESS Com:PANE& i r tL ima.• THE . ATIANS. PRIM COMPilirl; :.Office 820 CHESTNUT Street, iorwexcis Parcels, Packages, Wier ohsndise, Bank Notee, and Specie, either by Ito own linos or in connection with other Express anemias, to all the prinoipal Towns and CRties of the United State*. H. 8 BANDFOED, General Superintendent. ILLVKINATIgg O4LL• 6 . 6 T .lI.CIFER" - ,011; WORKS. • 100 ON Laotfer" Burning Oil on hand. We guarantee Ub W. to be non-explosive, to burn the on la the lainikniith a steady; brilliant dame, without crusting the, wiArdind but slowly. Barrels lined with 10111Wenal1294WialiaiTt SMITH; & PEARSALL, Ireinar : : . 111,1011ENT wrest. B FRANIC.PA-Lm-g-4. Samson Arttst to the Government Institotions,Mak. ington. Also, to all of the Medical Ck,lloges Nal goy . Wale. The it ALMBB LIMBS," sdnloteS by ;Ake Am end Navy Borgoons. yarnshlsts gent ges tb k ,Add relso ... i y a r g in No. 1609 ONESTNIIT Street. Pidladfa. (iANADA PEAE-56 liis •Catiada rem, of 41 , 827 r oboiiiimality, for sale by: JIHODICS as WLLL.TiLiftI, irdf. 107 . Sonth WATER Street... J A MSS' NAPIER. JOOl Z PIT WE GSF ORD, J.nIES BANKEN. HeMS NEW YORK,APVERTISIMENTIP. NEW Y eRH . , AUTUMN IMPORT. BRITISH GOODS. SAMUEL ItteLEA.N & Co-* 39 8151)11' PARK PLACE, Simi nit* omen, end' ore' by each steamer receiving ad ditions of • •• • • ' .11 . 2.NCYrDRE8S' ovine; ; , - BLACK , ANMWRITE PINTS, DROWN 1311BETING8t, ••• :BLLOK. AND COLORED • ALAAOA.B, BLACK- AND 'COLORED 00BUROS, BLADE' AND COLOR 31D DE LINES, MOURNING, PRINTED, AND WOVEN OOODS, DEBEOES: &AV E LL PLAID AND WAVY LONG AND SQUARE SRAWLB, To an oxemination . and - purchaee of which' they respect, Daily Invite buyer& . • ' SAMUEL Mo.LEAN • • ' 39 AND 41 PARS 114.0 E, anl9-12t* MEW YOBS. • . AMUSEMENTS M 85..,. Jam: DREW'S ARCH--t ,, STANIiT REINATRE. Acting and Stage Manager W. 8. FREDERICKS.. - BueineaB Agent ar.d Treasurer JOS. D. M.I:IBPHY. . FIRST WEER! - FIRST WEEK! ' MISS MAOGIIC MITCHELL, MONDAY, and EVERY -RVESING, EANORON," "FANOION," OR THE CRICKET. With new Scenery, Dresses_ &c. Vancbon MAGGIE MITCHELL.- Performance.commences g' to 8. WALNUT—STREET THE &TRE.— . v v • sole Lessee Mrs. NI A GA RRETTSON. Business Agent . . Mr. JOHN T. DO NNELLT. GLORIOUS 9b 0 (71.8 S Of the telented and )(touter artiste, ' MR. AND MRS. E. L. .DAVENPORT. MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER let, Oommer.cing with Sbakspeares play of . . HANLET.I--. -, - Hamlet._ - — 119i . ...E.X. DAVENPORT. Opbelia . ....... ....Frs. Z. L. DAVENPORT. , Gbott ' ''. `.- ' Ilk. E. L. TILTON. Oonclodiwgigith."THlT BLESSED BOIL" . ' TIISTITUVIOIstIOR THE BLIND.- • 1.1 Tbe term will commence on NON D &Y, September . 1. The..FIEST EXHIBITION on WEDNESDAY, a ;)1 P. • inoni.No. •11 South 'EIGHTH Street, • PENNSYLVANIA. ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, 7025 CHESTNUT STREET, Is open daily (Stmdays excepted) from 9A. M. till II Admission 25 cent& Children heN prioe. _ Shares of SOJek, S3O. -WA:NTS. 200 WiNTEti -TO FIND :A • PARTY , with this amount to eneage is IatIt6.2.IIOIITABLE BUSINESS that wilt res- Ilse 0,000 Der wpm:doss will be shown npon an inter- - view. Address-WILIM .& ,CO., Office of the Pres,. ' with name, &a: • ati3o-2t4r 'WANTED ITUATION BY a young men from, ille , country in a wholesale cw retail dry . goods store. Has bad three years' expe- Apulia. Can furnish `a recoMmendation from last em. 3leior. Address "Box A, idontirdmerrville Post Office. wallas* ' LADY. A YOUNG AY • DESIRES .A .L.i- Situation as GOVERNESS, or In a School, to - teach tbe English branch. Salary of not as mach ira- ~, portitisce as reliable occupation. Has no objection to the ~. °waft*. '•Address .. 4l Teacher,r at this offirs. ab29-StIS . - ANTED-AN ENTRY:O (JERK ' , VIF in a first-clam Jobbing 'Howe.. The best room—, t menilatione will be. required. Address "DIT. Gliodast7r office of - The Press. ais2(1:11 • • . PJLRT OF . A FURNISHBD , raa .1101:18S WANTED by a small family , is e'en* location.. Addlress-80x139b, Poat Office. : FOR SALE AND PTO LET: A STORE . AND,DWELLING; Ilia in a good neigbboihood;'9lBo TINS West, T LET. A pply.s min. (It* ELrDIGLIN, . eti PART. EXCHANGN.—Desirable.. - _: ;Az Ferm,mear : DAßSlN-13 miles from the city, conve- 1 ". nient to Railroad Station, 1X miles f•om Darby Passen- . , gerßailroadi Containing 70 acres, good improvements, nicely watered: Also - , - Restirltal farm 85 acres, Bucks ,nounty, 28 miles from the city. Apply to • ' R. PEll`lll', • : 'go. SO9 ,WAX,NIII`.. Street., • 111:ROCERY . FIXTURES Szo •of • I A., Superior . quslitj.gfoi sale at Second.hand. Dqpot, aIVENTH, above Thompson street. eu2B v si* • NATHAN W. ELLIS. • ROUSE AND FURNITURE FOR . Mag. S&LE —Elegant -Brawn . Stone Home and Imad- Borne Furniture.; Walnut street, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets. 'Apply to au26 lm el FOR SALE—A beautiful COT TARE, and six acres of Ground, in the Interior 01. Pennsylvania, - desirably situated and arranged for ars academy or first-class school, near a thriving village, and in &healthy location. Also. admirable DWELLING and Lot, I& New, Bloom Redd, Perry county, Penna. Abe); a large number of, cottages, lots, and other pro perties, for sale or exchange:, B. P. GLENN, 123 South FOURTH Street, anll3 and S. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEK. . eligible -STORK ILIA and rixitrßEs,4a CHESTNUT Street, next an new poet office. : - n .. . RIDITOVAL. Tho OUR and FISHISCG TAOHLB:I3tore will-be re mo'od to 416 OHN2TNUT Street, 82PTEIM)3211 lat. Inanire of . • . - PHILIP :WILSON & (30., jy2841 , . 482 CHESTNUT 'Street. lATO LET—Dweßing No. 24 South SEVENTEENTH Street. Apply to ' WETUSBILL & BROMIDE, No. 47 North BEOOND etre& TO. RENT-A THREE-STORY WA . BRION' on PINE. Stral4,:liest Seventeenth, north aide. Avaly to - , , wirrair.RlLL & BUOTHEIE, 47 and 49 North ,SEOOND Street. •FOR SALE OR 'TO *LET----Four Rouses, on the west side of BROAD &net, below Octumble avenue. Apply at the southwest corner el Brai'M pad RANSOM. Streets. mh2e-t* .RENT—A THREE-STORY BRios. DWELLING; = on RARE Street, one door above Twelfth, north .aide. Rent low to a good tenant. Apply to••-•••••• WETBERILL & BROTlfilt, joI2 - • •Ir ,47 god 40 North SECOND Street. ) DISTILLERS:T The DISTI.GLEIT kites= ae the .PHCEINIX," and formerly owned wad oecapied by SAND. &MYTH., BM.; allnai6l on . TWENTV.THIRD, between RAM and VINE Streets, Oapaoity 600 bushels per day, is now offered for sale on reasonable and acoom modeling terms. Is in good running order, and has all the modern linprovereente. An ar4estan well on the pre mises furaishea an unfailing supply of good, pare water. • Address Z. LOOK& Oo , No. 1010 MARKET Street; Philadelphia. fa224ltf M3MMUi tf y i , m ,. FOR , NEWLOULE &NS, Dl ' etearnekbUWAYTEE. Washing ton Simmeg, commander. will sail 'TUESDAY, Septem ber 2d. Freight will not be received after Monday. Shirixws will please send their Bills of Lading to the office of the undersigned before 10 o'clock on the -day of sailing. For freight or passage apply to . . wir,Lran A. Javis 1 00., 106 WALNUT Street. FOR NEW, ORLEANS The fest-sailing iron steamship 417 ABU& • Rill be despatched as above. For freight or passage in cabin, apply. lo sknioss & oci', DOOR- 8 CBES? WlLtar. . FOR THE SEA. SHORE. • CAMDENE AND AT- Oak- . LANTIO 11AI. LBO AD .. CIIANON -OE BoUlo3.—On and after MONDAY, Sept. let, 1862, • . • Mail Tra'n leaves Tine-street Ferry M 7.30 A. M. , Barren • is .is ss 3.45 P. M. Accommodation train, for Abneoom only, 440 P. M Returniag, burros Atlantic—Mail - 4 P. NC.; Expreas, 6.06-A. M. Accommodation leases Absecom at 3 45 A. Al. Paseengers for 'Long Branch and intermediate eta tione will tale the 7.30 A.M. train. FARE 9.1.50. Ronnd•Trip Tickets, good only for Met Dag and Train for which theg are issued, $2 50. Ex canton Tickets, good for three days, $3. Hotels are now open. . en2B.t.f rymr.Tumrricl=lii • WEST OBES PER "AND PRILADNLPNIABAIL- smog VIA M 1 DIA. SPEDIAL NOTICE. GREAT PEVESTBIAN FEAT AT MEDIC MAW SEPTEMBER int to 9th, INOLUSIVE Trellis leave the Depot, northeaet corner of EMI. TEENTE and MARKET Streets, at 745 and 10 30:A. M.. and 2 and;9.Bs P. M., leave Media in the evening at 4 98 P. M., .daili, and On TUESDAY and FRIDAY at Fare for the Excnraion n cents. t _~_~ SYLVANIA RAILII,OktI.-- FOR BETBLEBNia, DOYLEF.ITOWN, IRAIIO4. °HUNK, HAZELTON. EASTON, WILKES ; . . BASED, dm. PALL AERANGEPIIENT. THUF. THROUGH TRAINS. On and after. MONDAY, September 1et.1882, Paa- Denser. Trains Will leave the new Depot, THIRD Street, . above Tbompion street, Philadelphia, daily, (darldnYe excepted,) as follows : At 7 A. K. (*Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch • Obunk, Reselton, Wilkesbarre. &o. The 7 A. Al. Train makes close connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem. being the ahorteat and most desirable_ route to Wilkesbarre, and to all points, in the Lehigh Coalregion. At 3 P. M. (XwPrees) for . Bethlehem, Easton, &0.. This train reaches aston at 6P. AL, and makes close connection with New Jorney..oentraLlar New York. At 15 P. M. for . Ilethleheti v Allentown, Idanoh. Chunk. A s.o ifL A. AL, and 4.15. P ;. IL, for Doylestown. At 6.1 0 P. Id for Fort Whittington. White were of the fittoond, and .Taird.streeta line City passenger Cars.ritn•direitly to the 'new Depot. • ~..,TRAINS FOR &DELPHI& • ,Leave :RethlAent at 5 40 d. M., 9.18 A. Ks and 8.33 7:30,A. Al., and 340 P_ M. l ease ?ogt;'SF'aahlnatton at 8.40 A. AL ON SUNDAYS. tbleheth at 8 A. M. . 7 , 7 • 11 4 . moYlestown at BP. AI. • Doiltatown - foißbiladelpina at 6.30 A. M. • . IBetblebt tri .. 6 P. AL Fare to Belblehili • * SI. 'Potato Eastonl.6o Fare to Kenai Chunk - " 2 . 60 Fare to Wilkeiberie4.6o Thsoushtickete must be Procured at . the Ticket ONices, at THIRD Streit Or 'BRIMS Street, in order to .secnra • - .he above, rates of fare. . .. ; , , ; . All 'Pes'aitngei Tient lec.itit Sunday Trains) llogiteo . t at Berke satreet with. Soth and Sixth. atreate an 4' end Third streets Paintenier.Railioads, dye min! ". . reving - Thild Strsct. iTt 1 . . MASH, Agen an3o•at . Q. H. MIIIIIHEID, 203 South SIXTH Street. JOHN. G. BRYANT. Agent NORTH PENN-
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