T&b Xhermemetßr. AUGUST 25, im. I AUGU8T25,1862. BA. If. 13 M. 8?. M 6A. X, 12 h. 8P.H.1 B«K 79 80 1 57 7S 78 ' WIND. N. bpK. NH. NB.byN L NH. NK. NH.byK. Arrest Ob' Charles Ingersoll— THE BBASONS FOB HIS ABBEST.—Yesterday morn ln« Charles Ingersoll. Esa., was arrested by Deputy Mar shal Schuyler bn a oharge of uttering disloyal sentiments is his address, on Saturday evening last, at the Demo cratic mass meeting in Independence Square, Sundry affidavits had been filed, recounting the oharges against Sir Ingersali/and it was on the strength of one of these charges tbit the arrest was made. Mr. Ingersoll was taken before the proper authorities, and pot under heavy bonds to appear and answer to the charge to-morrow. She speech of Mr Ingersoll and bis arrest were among the prinoipal topics of conversation In the city yesterday and last evening. There was no excitement, however, attendlngthe arrest. It was generally known among our citizens on Sunday that an attempt would be made to have Mr. Ingersoll'taken into custody. One of enr re porters, who was presmt at the meeting, furalahed us with a complete and accurate 'report of.the speech com plained of: but which, on account of its treasonable cha ..ratter, we suppressed from these columns. We now pre sent it in full, it being the only correct report yet pub lished SrBKCH :ai CHABI.ES ItiGBKSOOO, ' FuLtow-CrrivEHs : I rive to support these resolutions, • and I would Bupport, if neoessary, reeolations that are a little stroDger. But the truth is, that the time for dis : cushion and for resolutions liss passed, and we are arrived, follow-citizens, at wt-hio six weeksof the time when’we are to come to the ballot-box, and to settle, X hope for . ever, .the questions that have been for the last eighteen , months distracting thin country, and in regard to which so much effort has been made to bring the great Demo cratic party into disrepute. Fellow-citizens, sb I nnder , stand It, the Democratic party.is now, the majority of the people of Pennsylvania; [Applause.] We have a majori ty in Philadelphia, in the city, and in the mate; and I' i trflstjhat our brethren of: the neighboriog Northern States will prove in O itober and November, when their , elections are to take place, that the Democratic party is In a majority there also—[a voice, *• It is in a majority in the army! ’]—and lam euro that- in the States of Mary land, Bliisourt, Kentucky, Delaware, and whatever " Southern Slates remalnwithusintbe Union, the Deno cratic: pa, ty is also in heavy majorities; so that, iwhen we come to tbepclls, in thefall, we come for a purpose, which purpose, now almost accomplished—within six weeks of its , accomplishment—ls the cause, and the only cause, why the ~ Democratic parly, hes been eo lately dehounoed in all the Republican papers, and for which this very meeting, at .whlch’youare peaceably assembled here to-night, to make *; known yonr grievances against the Government ofjtho United Slates, has btea threatened. [A.voice—“By the - Bulletin,”] I ,Co not know the names ef thepapers-rl • do not read them—-there are few papers, gentlemen, now in Philadelphia which a Democrat need reed. Bat, 1 re mind yon, fcllowicitizens, that all Democrats‘ who have ventured to come to this meeting have been denounced as traitors,*as cncomatora of rebels, as disaffected persons, '.&s men unworthy of the name of American ■ citizens; :and -who disgrace their party name as Democrat I say. the . reason of this denunciation, and the only reason, is that . this Democratic party is in the majority, and Is about to take power from the Government. I say that if you do your dnty in the fall, il the men of this State, and the ci tizens of other Slates, do their duty, and rally to the Demrcratio party (the only rallying point that can save the country), wo shall take the power forever from the bends of the Republican party- and the Republican pa peiß.. [Cheers.] And the Republican leaders may . well Cry out against this meeting, or against any meeting for rallying the Democratic party, becanse in these meetings and that rallying, X say, can be heard the knell of their power. Was ever anything so monstrous •as • that wo should be denounced, that -this peaceftal meeting should he denounced, with its oceatoof faces that I see looking up here now) I / aee no armed men, no riot, no distnrbaihce, no disor der. I have heard no sentiment disaffected to the Union l or Constitution, or to .anything we ought, to be well af fected to,: Isay is it not monstrous that the purpose to hold‘this, meeting should hive been denounced In alf parts of tho country ? and Is there any other reason or motive that can he conceived of for denouncing it, "save 1 that which I have suggested to yon, save that we are in a majority? Gentlemen, if we were in a minority, if there was -no fear of us, if those who denounce ft did not know that we are about to withdraw them from the treasury and from power, you would have heard no de nunciations of <his meeting. Now, gentlemen, what are we going to do? [Voices— “Pnt them out. ”J .We are assembled here preparatory .to the October election. I have seen yon assembled here before. It is no new thing for the Democratic: party to hold a meeting preliminary to the October election: and' wtt»t are we going to do ?. [A voice—>• Save the e country.’ l ] We are going to save the’ country, a* yon' say, sir { then we are quietly going to the ballot-box, and we shall deposit onr votes against the patty now in possession at Washington, Is there any harm in that ?, Is that treason? Is that rebellion? Is that Idea anti- American, or anti-Democratic? [Cries of “So, slr-ee !*>]: Now, fellow-citizens, if we are the majority, and if we think: this Government that l now rales the country’ IS raifog it to.onr ruin, why should we not pat it down,; and meet here in public meeting for the purpose of on ■couraging one another in this great, work? We think they misrule us, and, being the majority, we may exer cise onr right of ballot and put themout. fWelVnow, what are the reasons for which we hold that; this party should come out of power? In the first place, fellow-citizens, we are at this time the most indebted country in all the world. We have the largest debt, the: heaviest debt—a debt, for ihe payment of which there is the least probability, for by the middle of tho year ’63 we ehtdl be the heaviest taxed people in the world. Of ail this money that has been raised, how much has been well appli, d 1 Of aii the money raised off the people of: the'United States by loan and yet to be realized-by taxation, hew much has been well’spent? I say this Government has raised the largest sums of money, and applied them to less purposes, then any Government that ever disgraced power. [Faint oheers.J They-have had the largest number of troops in the fieto. They began with 700,000, and are now going to raise 600,000 more; that will make an army of 1,300.000 men. What have they done with that army ? [Cries of. “ Nothing.” At this point some one in the crowd .proposed three cheers ; for General McOletian, which were given; with’ three ad ditional.] But what are they doing with McClellan now ? It is not four and twenty hours since I read in the papers reports that McClellan has been removed from his com mand. [Cries of “No, never.”: Three more cheers for McClellan were here given, with huzzas tor John K. Murphy.] : I want to knowwhether any Government that ever ox excised so much power lias, with 1,300,000 men—or not ; to count the 600,600 not yet in 'the field—has, with 700,- 060 men in the field, ever accomplished results so insig nificant? Here we are, on this twenty-third day of Au gust, 1862, without accomplishing any resu ts towards the suppression of ihe rebellion. We were told it would take bnt sixty or ninety days to crush out the rebellion. Mr. Seward writes to all his correspondents, and gives it ont in ever y directioo, that sixty or ninety days is to be the limit.' [A voice: v* Like a good many more, he Jcnow'tl cotbicg-”] Well fellow-oitizens, with what ob ject has this war been prosecuted? I hoar from my friend, (Mr. Witte,)—and lam very glad to.hoar it— that , the Government have taken it intotheir heada to de clare that this Abolition scheme is dead. But what has 1 jbeen’the whole object of the war hitherto ? TA voice: ■tTo free the nigger.’’] To free the Digger! Now, has there been any oih-r object?—and if they could ae cocpiish tbat object," where should we be? If those four milliens of negroes were turned loose Into the North iern and" fcouther* States together, where, gentlemen, •would yon and Ibe? [ A voioe : “We might all go to Ireland and Germany,” and laughter ]' Are we to adopt them ? Marry thfm? In wbat manner are those negroes to be disposed of? Why I.will tell you what will become of .them, gentlemen, and I do not suppose the Abolition ists will much regret it. Those poor negroes whom the 'Abolitionisls love much less than yon and I do—those y#or negroes 'would have their throats ent in a war of races, and that would’ be the end of this scheme of the Abolitionists. ■ I say further, fellow-citlzetie, that a more corrupt Government than that which, now governs ut'never was in the United States , andhas been seldom seen in any European part of the world. It is necessary to go to the older regions . of Asia to find as much corruption as exists in this Government of Mr. JUncoks;u..M • . [At this poiut of (ho speaker’s remarks* a young man In army uniform called oat, “Ton: are a liar; this is the best Government that ever existed.” This interruption created quite a commotion, and the mass of humanity in front of the platform swayed, to and tfro tamnttuoualy, amid cries of‘-put him out,”“hang him,” “fight,” Ac. Order being comparatively: restored, the speaker resumed his remarks.] ■' I was saying, fellow-citizens, that this is the most cor rapt Government that ever disgraced the United States. Look at the fortunes made in contracts [Oheere.j Look at the reports of the Senate and Bouse committees—Be publican reports, made by their own'members—and there yon will see the evidence that anything so corrupt, that anything'*,half: as, corrupt: as this Government of the United States sever was imagined nhtll Mr! Lincoln came into power. [Cheers.] If you recollect. feUow-cltizeSSf one of, the last acts of the Senate; of the United States, as how composed, was to refuse to pass a vote of censure upon a Bepubiican Senator whom a committee of that body, reported against as having received a bribe oi twenty Or thirty thousand dollars, it matters not which, from, a .contractor —[applause] —that same Senate whlchhaa been expelling member after member, upon’ vnore or lest finely-wrought principles, where they chose to get at them in order to Increase their own majority.? : Well, now, fellow-citizens, I say if you choose to put down this Government, to go quietly to the ballot-box in October and vote againstthis Government, who is to aay nay to it? Is that treason or disunion? [Cries of “Bo,” and cheers] What are we teldT We are told by this Government [a voice: “it is treason to bs a'Uc moorst]—certainly—Democracy is treason, freedom is Ire'ason, the press it treasonable. What will tbia' Go vernment say, gentlemen, at the close approach of what Is to happen, especially if, aa they say, it is treason for the Democratic party to, organize itself, treason to vote against this Government, or do.anything other than ■what they call supporting B 1 Wo must defend our selves, and restore the Union with the sword so ,far as the sword is necessary. But I say, feUowMSitizane, that the idea that is now given ont by these people at Wash ington, that we are not to organize a party in opposition to the existing Government, is a thing so monstrous aa never was heard of in any country. [Voices: “We will support the Constitution!’’] ; What is in the way'! Well, Ido not understand if we have the majority there is anything in the way. They tell.ua we can be arrested. Ah! [Daughter and ap plause.]. Well, I see our friends in different parts or the town (same in the Twelfth ward, the other day) have been arrested. Bat, after all, fellow-citizens, these ar rests are not such terrible things. If they arrest you, they must feed you, clothe you, lodge yon: and; in these hard times, thero is something in that. [Laughter, and cheers, for .IcgersoU. A voice: “ They don’t take care of your wife and thildren,”] Ho, they don’t' take care or your wife and children. [Laughter ] I know of nothing else that they pretend to pnt in the way.of. our march to the bsilot box except an arrest, and I Batter myseHthat though they [may arrest you and <ne, they cannot arrest the whole Demo cratic party, [Cheers ] You cannot arrest the Falls of Niagara;.you:cannot arrest the ocean. The Democratic proportion of the four-hundred thousand voters in Penn aylvants—you cannot arrest them. Therefore it is, Yellow-citizens, wo are every day closing up for this election dsy, atd when .that .day comeß and the Demo cratic pat ty sbowvits majority throughout this State, and, as I hope it.will ibroughout the North, then the wind is taken out or Mr Lir. coin’s sail; And though we shall not then be in the possession of power, I want to see the JPedaral Gover, ment that will dare, in the fate ofau as c Haloed majority of the whole country, to carry the un constitutional and unlawful measures in which they have been Indulging <or the last eighteen months, [Cheers.] Fellow-cllizens, I will now give way, as it grows late and Other speakers ure waiting to address you. Twenty-fourth Ward Hospital.— W* learn that a: meeting has been held-witha View of forming a relief association iuHestonville and vicinity, and, on Butdayj notices were read in 6vo different chnrches of the neighborhood, for a meeting at the Blackley Baptlht Church, for thepur pose ot perfecting the organization., 'lhie association will bo starred with a view of fnreisbfrg thepßtientsftttheHestdnvMo Hospital with web articlesas they may heed;' There are now about 2,600 invalid soldiers in the West Philadelphia Hospital,' aid ..there is a soaroity of comforts aod delica cies such as are needed for them. All snch contributions will be received and properly .applied if lsft with Sir. 5/nry o. Townsend,'. No. 811 Arch street; Mr. Samuel lielfl, corner of Front and Walnut, or Henry 0. Lea, No. 106 St nth Pom th street. Pomtioal Stabbing Case.—About s?msfr!Eft«2 l Tr Bfttur 9? y «▼«&«>*» two men named Wdi, sot into a dispute about ™^! ok S. aroT .® lard < at,Fortieth,street and FroijWords a S? Davidson, It is,said, struck Medford with his list, knocking Uiq down MoHfnrrt ent ”b, ?“d * aid to law dram.« S,. Sfe «lh ■which he is alte&ed to liaye inflicted ttaw »t»h. th. of Daridmn, one to the breastfSi o"T the Jack, and another to the hand. ‘ The woundsman las conveyed to the Pennsylvania Hospital, butia n o ,\m Mderedin a dangerous condition. Medford was arroS ““J. h . a t, a J«»rin*Woro Alderman ,Kooken, who com! mUfpd, him to await the result of the injuries inflicted . Discharged.—A. oase was heard jros* terday, : in the,Quarter'..Sessions, on a, writ or habeas cerput, to secure the release of a soldier under 21 years of age. The enlistmei t without the consent of the father •was.vraven, and tbe judge ordered the discharge of the lad. The new pßnei of jurors were called yesterday morning, and as tbe bearings of applioStfons to be released from service occnpied mast of tho morning, little business was done. Sent to - Fort Delaware.—Yestei day afternoon Lieut. Wm. H. Lechlor, officer of the provost guard, started to Fort Delaware with ten de •erters, recently arrested by the guard. ' The Late Rear Admiral Read.— The funeral .of Bear Admiral Geogge O. Bead, of the. United States navy, will take place at *en o’clock this, morning, at the Nav-d Asylum. The officers of the army; ' and navy, the clergy, civil authorities, and friends are in-: vited. The deceased was born in Ireland; and entered: the navy of the United States on the 2d of April, 1804.: His commission as lieutenant was dated on the MBtti of: April, 1810; in the year 1814. he stood number ten on the: list of lieutenants, and was attached to the brig Chippewa, on the Mediterranean station. In 18iT his name stood: number twenty-nine on .the list of captains, widen rank he held to within ton days of his death, when, by the late, act of Congress, he was promoted to the grade of rear, admiral on the retired list til ! . i In 1832 Admiral Bead commanded the frigate Oonstel-; lation on the Mediterranean station; in 1840 he had hia broad pennant oh board the frigate Columbia, as,,UMn-t modors of tho East India Squadron. In 1846 he had his,' ■'broad pennant on board the frigate United :States, as' Commodore of the African, and afterwards or the Medi-i terranean, squadron. This was his last cruise,"being,! by the action of the firet Retiring Board, m 1865, placed on the list of retired captains i The Navy Register of 1861 gives him twenty-three years and eleven months sea service, six years and four months shore or other duty, and twenty-six years and six months unemployed. ' ' j Admirol Bead figured conspicuously during the last war with Great Britain. Be took part fn several actions/ among them the capture of the British frigate Guerriere; by the United States frigate Constitution, and his conduct was honorably noticed on that occasion. Hisdeatlioc enned fifty years and three daya'afterwaids, the action 1 having been fought August 19,1812, Hei was a gallant officer and courteous gentleman, and a man of command-’ ing personal appearance. He was exceedingly particular regarding etiquette, and had great respect for rank, and. bis reputation in the service was that of a severe discip linarian, bnt very just withal. The Admiral retained through life a Btrong brogue, and many amusing stories are told of him, in which the Irishman forms the promt/ nent part. One of them, familiar to almost every’ officer of’the United States navy, is characteristic of the. man, am) we give it: ,■ . ""V ; On one occasion; when in command of the navy yard of Philadelphia, he was travelling between Baltimore and: the latter city, md in the oars made the acq'uaintance of a young gentle,-nan, whose appearance. and conversation pleased him. On arriving ‘.at Philadelphia they parted, the Admiral expressing himself much gratified, and de siring a continuance .of the acquaintance. The next morning tlm Admirpllwas seated at his office," when who' should enter but the fi lend of the day before tin the uni form of a paßseii midshipman, lor the purpose of report! irg for duty. The Admiral looked tip, much astonished; and, after a pause, -remarked: “ Be jabers, only a passed midshipman? Sore, and I thought you wore a diplo mat.’?.'l - ‘ Admiral Bead married a daughter of Commodore Dale; sister of Edward O. -Dale, Esq , of Philadelphia, who sur vives him. -He leaves no children, Afraid of the : Assessors.—Nume rons are the plans resorted to t« mislead the assessors in the discharge of their duties, some of which are vory amusing. An old lady in the upper section of our city) after having waited some thirty odd years,-recently united herself to one of the sterner sex. Upon being questioned by the assessor as to , the number of male persons residing in her domicile, she flatiy denied that any of the male gender lived in the house,'and after the officer left wee congratulating herself io the neigh bors on how -nice she had fooled the” assessor. What was her consternation, about half ait hour afterwards, upon: opening the door, to find a . small, slip of paper, 1 stating that her ; ——, the ..idol of her old age, was enrolled for military, duty; &c. It seems the assessor had .learned the truth at a neighboring honse, ‘and bad thereupon slipped the doenment under the door. ’ ’ Another case has come under our notice, where a shoe-' maker residing: in one of theiower wardsfof onr city,; open' hearing that the assessors were , coming, ii».i mediately wended his way hatiess and coatless to a: neighboring recruiting rendezvous, and enrolled his: neine" as one of Mb- country’s defenders. The assessor: Bhortly afterwards arrived at the residence of the shoe-’ ■ maker. l The lady of the house attended the summons to > the door, bnt she appeared to be somewhat ignorant of ; her husband’s size, age, weight, or ovon whether was favored with any domestic appendage of that kind.’ While the conversation'was progressing, thh proprietor: made his appearance with a very, broad grin onkis phy- : siognomy, and sainted the officers as follows: ... 1 “Tell vat, yon want; yon want's to draft me; yon no sharp; I gets de bounty, he—he; I he’s von soldier, ha —ha. Aint you fooled ?” It teems tiiat the valorous shoemaker, supposing that he was: to be immediately drafted, had (when ha had learned of the appearance of the assessor in the row where he resided) joined a volunteer company so as to procure the bounty. Numerous other incidents' might be chronicled where ihe people have been misled; altoge ther with regard to the duty and purposes of the enroll ment. Volunteer Boun 1 seriptions yesterday to the Volunteers were as follows: Wto. Henry Bawle..,,Gtoo Henry Helnmth....... .300 J. H. Rodfield(add.).. 100 ‘William Oadwalader.. 160 .BLBVBHTH-WXI 0. D. Robbins.2si H. F. 5hi551er......... 10 Leeds..;... 10 Robert Porter 20 William F0x.;...,.... 10 ■R, W. C0x............ .10 M; Greenbanm........ 2 Joseph S. F0x....25 William 8atche10r....,., 1 Foorfeenth-wanl committee BHCBITED AT nfDI *E. J.. . . 20 rlsaao Nathans........ 50 Evan Fox.-;.’;.25 H. Killion,loo Received on Monday.... Total, to close of Monday. Meeting of the Board of Guar dians.—The regular stated meeting of ths Board of Guardians, of ..the Poor washeid j esterday afternoon. Mr. Dickerson, President pro; tern., in: the choir. The resignation of C> H. Benton as a resident physician was read and’ accepted. Dr. Benton goes into the sefvice of the Govei nment. ■ " ’ -■ The Steward reported the receipts of the house at 868.60. e: ’ • ;t ■ . The home agent reported the collection of §151.75 for support cases. ■ The census of the house was reported as filiows: Whole number in tho house, 2,363 ; admitted daring the last two weeks, 145. Same time last year; 2,687; de .crease,:324. . Births, 3; death?, 21, eloped, 49: bound, 2; discharged, 114; number furnished moals, 61; num ber furnished lodgings, 24. ,i * . After the transaction, of Borne unimportant bnjlness in reference to the rules of the boprd, adjourned. : Being Improved.—Many of our pub. lie school-houses have received useful and necessary re pairs during the vacation, now nearly completed. In the First BectioD, the Jackson. WeccacoS, and Pollock school buildings have been repaired throughout. l The Mount Vernon, in the Third section, has had a cost of mastic pnt upon the front, and the interior of the building painted.: XntheFourth aeclion, at the Binggold’school glass partitions are being pnt up., The interior is' to. be painted and otherwise improved. Some of the school buildings in the Fifth section are also being repainted, which is also the case with the Zone .street and Filbert street school buildings, In the Ninth'section. fTheiMonroe Secondary, in the Fourteenth ward, is being . refloored, and new shutters are being placed upon the Hancock school building. ,At ths Northwest school, in the Fif teenth section, the yard is being paved, and the George Wolf school, in the Sixteenth Beotion, repainted. The roofs of the Webster and Harrison school buildings are being repaired, and glass partitions are being placed in the Manayunk school building, Twenty-first section., Ali these improvements are to be completed ’ by the’ first of September. Bobbing a Theatre Three-boys namedrespectively James Ford, Joseph Kelly and Pa. trick Carrol, were arrested on Saturday ’ evening and taken before i Alderman Meger, charged wltb having eh. teired the,Olympic Theatre, in Race street, and defacing the premises, stealing the 'ornamental work from the private boxes, etc. The youth* were committed for a further hearing. , ", , Arrival of Base-Ball Players. —Last evening the Mutual Club, of New York, arrived In this city, end-were .received at the foot of Walnut stieet wharf by delegations from atl the Philadelphia clubs. To-day .they will play the Adriatics. to morrow the Olympics, and on Thursday:the Athletics. :. PHILADELPHIA BOABD OF TRADE. BAM. W. BE COUB6EY, ) . JAMB 80. hand, 5 Ooknnrafi or m Most*. J. B. LIPPINOOTT, ) LETTER BAGS At the Merchants 1 Exchange, Philadelphia,. ' Ship Tuscarora, Dunlevy ...Liverpool, Aug 26 Ship Argo, Ballard Liverpool, soon Ship Shatemuc, Gxnard .Liverpool, soon Bark AMcNiel, Borcers Liverpool, soon Brig Anna, Morrow Thonuw, soon Brig Napier, Creight0n.'.;..;........ Barbadoesj soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. FORI OF FHIT.A riKT.PHr*, Ang. 36, -6 32-Sra 58T8..........6 41 HIGH .2 44 ABKIVBD. ' Bark Thomas Kiilam, Dennis, 86 days from Liverpool, with salt to E A Bonder k Co. • , ‘ , Seta B P King, Leodß, 3 days from Providence, in ballast to captain. • Scbx B W Dillon, Marts, 5 days from Boston, In bal last to Tyler, Stone at 00. . - » s Self Alma Odtin, Prank, 6 days from Port Royal, in ballast to captain. ■ i Seta Saco, Weateott, 4 days ftom Lynn, fn ballast to captain. Seta Lacy, Spence, 1 day from Brandywine, Del, with Hi or to B M Lea. ■ Seta B,C Filhian, Toft, 1 day from Brandywine, Del. with mil! feed to B M Lea. ■ ’ ’ OLBABBD. Beta B W Dillon, Marts, Portress Monroe, Tyler, Stone & Co. . ~ - !r Beta Knight, Sage, Boston, Noble, Caldwell k Co. i, Beta Saco, Westcott, Lynn, Bancroft, Lewis at Co. ! Scbr Vesta, Hanpf, Salem, do- (Correspondence of the Press.) . HATE® DE aBAOK. Ang 2S The steamer Wyoming lett here this morning, with the following boats in tow, laden and consigned as follows: J H McCcnkey,,wheat to A G Cattell; L SL Wagner, do to Perot & Bro; Teresa and B 0 Welsh, wheaij oorn, and flonr tnßnmphreys, Hoffman & Wright: Geo Kurtz, lumber to Wm .8 Taylor: A B Seehold, do to D B Tay. lor; J B Wagner, do to W O Lloyd; Calumet, do toNor eroes, *s Sheets; JT McGregor, do to Jos Janney; Oid Abe, do to JobnOraig; J K Davis, do to Malone & Trai ner;Henry Bartley, anthracite coal to New o&stte; How ard, do to Bev John Streep Byron Cowley and CH Clark," do to Hammett, van Busen &. Lochman; Daniel Web ster, bitnminons coal to D E Hanot!; BS Beed.do to "i Swatara, Haskins & Bead, and Agricola, anthracite coel to Delaware City. MEMORANDA. Ships Henrietta and Carioca; barks Powhatan and Te legraph; brjgs Ida McLeod, Alice Lee, and A G Oatteil, remained below New Orleans 14th fast. , Ship South, (Br) Wilson, cleared at New Orleans 14th inst.’for Liverpool, withr»l9,3B3 specie, 97 bales cotton, 620 tons oil cake, 312 bbls 6 casks rosin, and 13 tons cop per oro. . . . • Bark A A Drebert, Bcudder, for New York, went to BeafrcmNew OileaDß 6thinst. Bark Beindeor,Coutta, from New Orleans, with sneers &c, at New York 21th lust. , „ Batk //ciliennig, Sumner, was up at New Orleans 18th tost, for Philadelphia. ' Btig Mary E Campbell, hence, wae below N Orleans j4!13 Olt, % f • , . Olive, Mansfield, cleared at: Portsmouth 21st fast, for Philadelphia. Brig Maria White, Crowell, from Mataszaa for Bhilai deiphio, was spoken 19th inst 14 miles SK of Sombrero. Tbe crew were all down with yellow fever; was endeavor fag to getfato Key West; Brig.Sblbboletb, Morton, cleared at Bt John, NB, 20th inst. for Philadelphia. Brig Alliance, (Br) Hicks, hence, at Dcmerara 12th nit. and sailed 21st*for Turks Islßnd. Brig Delhi, Darnaby, hence, arrived at Demerara 20th nit. ■ - ' ■ . Brig A Taj lor, Tapley, Iron Trinidad forPhiladel pl ia, was spoken 20th inst.-off Smith’s Island. BrfgCoinpense,'(ltal) Ylola, hence, arrived at Belfast abontlSth inst.. - .Brig Sooloo, Hinckley, hence, arrived at New Orleans lltb inst. s ßrig Btosian, Toothakor, hence,• arrived at Belfast, Me, 14th itot. Schr.BWatwn, Wllleby, from New York,"At New Or leans 14th f net. : ■ : -, , ...;i ■•••,••.H 8 Jr „ 6 hr Aid, Gooding,* for New York, went to sea from N Orleans 6th inst,-. v, I. . Schr W p Jenkins,-Watts, hence; arrived at N York 24th hurt.-:, . ... r - * **„ , .®* r ® 5 Sl'ekney, Garwood, cleared at New Orleans l i ew York..with 8 bales cotton, 269 bhdi ro u*J’ B LS Ib S?’ 288 bbls molasses, and 61 do tar. p^“23di^r n^^a^s<^^ re ? at fromYafl f ? r . '« Bt Joha > ■«»** illth'inat 0018 * 8 ’ GiU * rist ’ henc «> arrived at Belfast Me, ty Fund — Tho sub- Oitizens’ Bounty Fund for A. Horner 25 Mr. & Mrs. G. W. Grice 5 William F. Hughes.... 200 IBD COUMITTKH.. >{A.H. Smith A 50n,.,, ■lO I Thomas Ne150n........ 5 t Emerick & Hopkins... 50 I Beggs A Bon. 5 » Geo. P;Schoch A Go.. 15 • Farmer Barn., 5 ! M. S. Geratle,.,.. 6 i Louis' Swope.s -;. 576 iPßhnnxan hall.. D. B;Aitken..v; 2 Robert Richards...... 25 Edward Simmons...... 10 .81,851 ;.. •..... 8434,490 SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUSG MEN AND BOTS. N. E.cor. EIGHTH 1 and BUTTONWOOD Streets —The NINTH Scholastic Tear bogins MONDAT, September: Bth. Pnpiis pre pared for College and business. Circulars may be found at tho Academy, Bev. A. B. BULLIONS, j an22.ini* ■ , ’ Principal. /GERMANTOWN INSTITUTE.— \j(" The dutieß of this School will be resnntedon MON DAY, September Ist. 1862. For further particulars, apply to - -■> , :WM. H. MOFADDENj Principal, Residence, South side of BITTENHOUBE Street, fifth house weßt Of GREEN. ’ ‘ au2l-tf' English and classical bOHOOb —The Bchoolof the subscriber, in Bimea’ Building, TWEBFTH and OH BSTNUT : Streets,’ wiU re-open on MONDAY, the Bti> of September, - , au2l-tf CHARLES SHORT, A. M. ■\TpUNG LADLES’ SCHOOL, NO.; X 903 OIiINTON Street, establlsbed by Professor C. P, OIiEVELAHD in 1834. !Fall Session ODmmonce3 September 6th. - PLIHT EABLE OdASE. . aul9-lm. ■\TOCNG LADIES’ INSTITUTE— i (With Preparatory Department attached) 8. E. comer of DILLWYN and.GREEN. FaU Term com mences the Bth of Ninth Month (Beptoinbor.) For Cir culars apply at BTO North SIXTH Stroot.; : anlO'ltntt ' -E. PAXBON, Principal. E t. buokman will reopen > her SCHOOL’ FOB GIRLS, 1030 SPRING GARDEN street;bn SEPTEMBER lßt. anlB-12t* : H ; '.' D. GREGORYV A. M.Vwill rebtien • his Classical and English SCHOOL, MARKET street, on MONDAY, Sept 1. . aul.B-lm* ! A BACHMANN, TEACHER 0P JCL the PIANO, ORGAN, MELODEON, and VIO LIN, will resume the duties of .hts prOfendon SEPTEM BER -Ist. NORMAL MUSICAL INSTITUTE, 624 North ELEVENTH Street. ou2olm* ST.' MARK’S 1 EPISCOPAL ACA-I DEMY, LOOUST, west or Sixteenth, reopens BEP TEMbER Ist, at 0 A. M. ‘ J. ANDREWS HARRIS, A. M, ! an2o 12t* Principal. • O.BRMANTOWN FEMALE SEMI VA NARY, GREEN Street south of Walnut lans, will reopen WEDNESDAY, September 3d. Circulars setting forth Terms, Course of Ac., may be obtained of ;.A-(Prof. WALTER 8. FOBTB3OUE,’A."M., ■ au2o-tf—; . , .. .. .. Principal. TFRISTOL BOARDING’ SCHOOL' J-F'lor'Girls will open its Fiffii session oh Seocnd day; Ninth mol; Ist. 1 " ' .V~ ' ' v '.. . ' " i Beforencea: James ...Mott, . Philadelphia: .. .Anne Churchman,- 008 Franklin street,'Philadelphia; O. N.' Peirce, SOl'North'fSdvdnth steedt/Philadelphia : Henry! W. Bidgwey, Orosswioks,-New Jersey; David J. Griacom, iWoodbnry, New Jersey. Forcircuiars, apply to RUTH 'ANNA PEIBOE, Principal, Bristol, Pa. jy23‘-2m# j PEWKSYLVAISIA MIL ITA E'Y AGADEMT at West Chester, (for hoarders only) J This Academy wiU'bp opened on THUBBDAK, -Boptom ’ tomber 4th,1862. If was chartered by the Degisiatare ot’ its last session, with hull collegiate powers. In ite oapataouß were erected and furoished ot a cost of over sixty thousand dollars, are . arrangements of tho bigheat order-for tba oomfortabla quartering andSnbsistiDg.ofone hundred and fifty oadefca. A corps.ofcompetent and experienced teachers will ’ give their’nndivided attihtion to’ the educational depart ment, and aim to moke their instruction thorough and practical. The department of stndies embraoes the fol lowing courses: Primary,' Cbmm'erolal, and Scientific, Collegiate and Military. ,The moral training of cadets will be carefully attended to? For circulars, apply -to James r H. One, Esq., No. 626 Chestnut street, or.at the book stand of Continental Hotel, PhUadolphta, of to au2o-24t Col. THEO. HYATT, President P. M. A. THEMALE COLLEGE, , A BOBDENTOWN, N. A , This well-established and flourishing t Institution I* pleasantiy located;* on; the Camden and Amboy Ballroad, IX boors’ ride from Philodelpaiav Special attention is paid to the common and higher branches of English, and superior advantages furnished in Vecai and Instiumentat Music. French is taught by a iiative and spoken In the family. For catalogues, address Bev. JOHN H. BBAKEUET, A. MV au6-2m „ President FOR . A-L YOUNG LADIES, located .on the Bristol Torn pike, 8 miles from Philadelphia and 2 from Tacony. The first term of the scholastio year begins the first MON DAY in September; second -term -the tot. day of Feb ruary. : A circular, containing terms, references,. Ao„ can be obtained by application to the * . * i “ iy 14.3m* Misses OHAPMAN, Prinoipali. EEV. M L. HOFFORD’3 eng ' LISH, Classical; and Commercial BOARDING fIHEGARAY INSTITUTE, VJ BOARDING AND OAY SCHOOL FOB YOUNG LADIES, No. 1527 and 1529 SPRUCE Street Philadel phia. • The regular course of instruction embraces the English and French, Languages and Literatnres—Latin if re quired—and all the branches which constitute a thorough English and French education. French is the language of the Tamily, and is constantly spoken in the Institute. The Scholastio year commences September 16tb, and closes July Ist . For circulars and particulars, apply to anlS.fim* MADAME D’EEBVILLY, Principal. rfENTRAL INSTITUTE, -TENTH A J- and SPRING GARDEN Streets, will reopen Sep tember 1. .Boys prepared for any Division of the Public Grammar Schools, for College, or for Business. . anl4.ini* i H.. G. MoGUIBE, A. M,; Principal. TI/TISS MARY E. THROPP WILL J-TJ- reopen her BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL; for Young Ladies, 1841 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, ■SEPTEMBER Bth: -anl2.tool*; The misseb casey- aot>!m^ s - BEEBE’S French and English; Boarding and; Day School for Yonng Ladies, No. 1703 WALNUT Street, will re-open on WEDNESDAY, September 10th: anil 2m ■ ■ ■ pOLLEGIATE INSTITUTE FOR V 7 YOUNa Ii ABIES, 1530 Arch street, Bov, Ohariea A. Smith, B. D., principal. Tho eighth year wIU begin September 15th. A4dreßS Post-office Box 1839.* atxl-lm# MB .WIN THR O P TAPPAN’S Boarding and Day School for.YonngLadiee,No. 1616 SPRUCE Street, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, September 17th. ; jy!9-3m GREEN SEMINARS’.— •' V ‘A select BOARDING SOHOOL, near .MEDIA, Pennsylvania, Thdrdugh STathemafcics, Ols#- *lc8 } EDgH&liStU(sies t <!kc, Book-keeping and QfvU Ea tiueering taaght. Exsrcisee in Military Tactics. , Seventh year begins September Ist.' , . par week .........a...!. $225 Toition, per quarter...., 6.00 Bor information, address Boy. J. HEBVEY BABTOtf; A. M.» jy 28-9 m ' VILLAGE GBEEtf, Penn’a. LEGAL. Estate of james holmes, DECEASED. - • \ ' Letters of Administration having been duly granted to the subscribers, all persons indebted- to said estate will make payment, and those having claims.present them, to JAMES HOLMES, ' N0.241,M0N80E St., , DANIEL sBAIBD, No. 7IIFLOBIDA St., , , anllMnfit* . - ! :* Administrators.- TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR A THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. ; Eatate of PATIOK, KENNEDY, deceased;, Notice is hereby given that CATHARINE KEN NEDY, the widow of the'said decedent, has filed in the said Conrtlher?petition;and appraisement for:personal property and proceeds of real estate of the saidjdeeedent, to the>value ofts3oo,-under oftrAssembiy ef April : 14,1851, and the supplement .thereto, and that the same will be approved by the C6nrt on FRIDAY, September 6,1862, unless exceptions thereto are filed. ' ’ ■' 1 ’ J. B. OOLAHAN, anIO tnth4t* Attorney for Petitioner. IV/T AKSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of JJJI a Writ of SaW, by the Hon. JOHN OADWALA DEB; Judge of the District Oonrt of ttie United States; in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold at publio sate, to the highest and best bidder/ for cash, at Derbyshire’s Store, at No. 107 NOBTH WATEB-STBEET, bn WEDNES DAY, September 3,1862, at 10 o’clock A. M., the resi due of the cargo of the steamar OtJHBBIA, consisting of Hardware, Nails, Eniield Bifles, Drugs, Medicines, Boots .and Shoes, Cartridges, Ao. Catalogues will be iesued one day prior to day of sale, WILLIAM MILLWABD, U. B. Marshal Eastern District of Penns. August 22,1862. -y. / ■ J an22-6t TTNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS . TKXCT OP PENNSYLVANIA;" SOP. THE PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES, T 0 THE MARSHAL OP, THE EASTERN DISTBIOT OP PENNSYLVANIA,' ' GREETING: WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States in and for the,Eastera District Of Pennsylvania, rightly and 1 duly proceeding on. a. Libel, filed in the name of the United States,of-America, hath decreed aE per sons in general who have; dr pretend to have; any right, title, or Interest to the schooner AQUILLA, whereor Wil liam HfWaid is master, her tslcklej appareljata furhi tnrp, and thogoods, wares, and merchandise laden tliere on, captnred as a prize of war by the United States gnn boat BUBON,' under cdmmand'of Lieutr John Downs, to be monished, cited, and called to judgment, at the timo and placeiundermritten, and ; to the effect hereafter ex pressed, (justice so' requiring.) 1 You are, therefore, charged, and strictly enjoined and commanded, that yon omit not, but that, by’ publishing f those, presents to at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published fa the city of to the Zegat Intelligent cer, you do monish and cite, or cause to ho monished and cited, peremptorily;:aE persons to general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the said schooner A QUILL A, her tackle, apparel, and fur niture, and the said goods, .waros, and merchandise laien on said schooner, to appear before the Hon. JOHN CADWALADEB; the Judge of the said courTst the District Court room, in the city of , Philadelphia, oh' the TWENTIETH day after publication of these presents, If it be a court day, or else on the next court day following, between.the usual hours of hearing causoß, then and there to show, or allege, in due Brm of law, a reasonable .and,lawful excuse, if any they have,, why, the said schooner AQUILLA, her. tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the paid;goods, wares, and merchandise laden thereon, should'hot-be pronounced to belong, at Eie _ time'of ,me 'capture: of the same, to the: enemies of the United States, and as goods of their enemies, hr otherwise, liable , and subject to condemnation, ”to be adjudged and condemned as good and'lawful prizes: and further to do and receive in this behalf ae to justice shall appertain.* And that yon duly intimate, or cause to be mtimated, unto all persons aforesMd, generally, (to whom, by the tenor of these presents, it is also intima ted,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place : above fmentioned, or appear and eliali not ehow a rea -sonable and lawful cause.to the contrary, then aaid .Dis trict Court doth intend-’and will proceed to adjudication on the; said capture, and may pronounce; that the said schooner AQUILLA, her tackle, 1 furniture, and the said goods, ware!, .aid merchandise'ladeh there on, did belong,- at the time’ of the capture of the-same, to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of their , enemies, or otherwise, liable-and sub ject to confiscation and : condemnation,to ; be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence,-or rather contumacy, of tho persons so cited and intimated ifi any and that you duly certify to the BEiid District Courtwbat you shall do in tho premiseßsto ■gethor v with the»9 presents.' ’ Witness-the .Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, “ ndge of the said court, at Philadelphia, this twenty-first day of.AUGUST, r year of tho Independence aMhVsaid United Statts,;? f au23-8t • fUi'P-'-Bi EOXaCleiirDistriotQonrt.# PlPE.—Stone' Ware Drain *5 at<» 12-inoh bore. 3-taohbore.aflbier yß £}> yan, « 4 -iaoh wr y “stWnch bor*6oo per yard: 6-lnob bora? 650' ser yerd. IlTorr Tariety ofcoßneotfcm*, bend*, -'JranaiJaad pipe to any inantity, and on liberal term* to dealers end those Bnr ehaaln* in largo anantWee. ' j„ . 4 j ; * OHIMNHJTOPa.-Vitrifled Terra MUiJSk CottacU*«iaalde<dgn«, alFatsei, theweather. . • Pbilad9lß&* J T«Ta Oottk Work*, Office and-Wari Boom* MM OHBSX2STOT Btreet, Jelf-tf B.A.HASMSOH. . S; V- V ii-.? \ , i iuu:- ..u u a• -• . .j. . THE PItESS.—PHILAIjEEPHIA., TUESDAY, AUGUST 26. 1562. VIBE INSUKANOE RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OP •, PHILADELPHIA, v _ 'ON BUILDINGS, LIMITED OB PEBPETUAL, r MItBOHANDIBE, BUBNITUBB, &,(}., IN SOWN OB OOUNTBY. OFFICE NO. 308 WALNUT STREET. CASH CAPITAL *24B,OOO—ASSETS 330,175, lb Inyeflt«d lA the . following Securities, vlu: Piret Mortgage bn City Property, ‘worth ■■ .double the dmbnnt............... ......5171,100 00 'Pennsylvania Eattroad Company's 6 percent. ... letMortgageßonds... 6,000 00 Do. do.’ 2d do. (*80,000) 39,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad,T°Pl per cont-Bonds 4,560 00 Ground Bent;wellsecured/.1/;;............ 2,000 00 Collateral Loan, veil secured.,.. 2,500 00 City df per cent. Loan 45,000 00 Commonwealth ofPennaylvania, *3,004,000 6 per cent. Loan.... , 6,000 00 United States 7 3-lt per cent. Loan 10,000 00 Allegheny county 6 per ct. Penna. B. Loan.. 10,000 00 ' Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Company’a ,?6 per cent .Loan (55,U00)... 4,710 00 Camdeh and Amboy Baiiroad 6 per cent. Loan (*5,000) 4,800 00 Pennsylvania BailroadCompany’s Stock..... 4,000 00 BeliancelnsuranceCompany’« 8t00fc........ s j 8,850 00 Oommercialßank Stock. • ‘6,135 01 Mechanics’ Bank Stock ■ 2,812 50 County Eire Insurance Company's 5t00k.... 1,060 00: Delaware M. S. Insurance Company’s Stock.. 700 00: Union M. .Insurance, Company's Scrip 380 00: Bills Receivable//*.. \ ■ 1,061 84i Accrued Interest,. 5,504 81 Caah in baukand on hand....... 7,010 95 lioeaoa promptly adjusted and paid < . DIBEOTOBS. % £ Clem Tiugley, ~ Samuel Bigphajn, William E. Thompson, .v Bobert Steen, Frederick Brown, William Mugger, William SteTonson, • Benj. W. Tingiey, John B. Worrell, HarshaUHiU, H..L. Carson, . .. J Johnson Brown, Bobert Toland, Charles Leland, G. D. .Bosongarten, Jacob T. Bunting, Obarlog 8. Wood, ' Smith Bowan,_ - James S. Woodward, John Siagell, Pittsburg. ” • . .OLEM TINGLEY,-President B. M. HINOHMAN, Secretary. jyll-tf Delaware mutual : safety INSURANCE COMPANY, INCORPORATED HEY THE c LEGISLATURE OF 4 ' : ''‘: -‘ ''pen3SBti.vania;'lB3s: '■ - OFFICE 8. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT i STREETS. PHILADELPHIA. -MARINHINBU RANCH. - ON VFS6ELS,I < : : :v . ! 'CARGO, >To ali partsof the World. ; r FREIGHT, ) >3 ; f fINLKND INBUBANOEB.'-. ■ : OaGoods, by River; Caafil, Lake and Land Carriage to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES • On Merchandise generally, -■ ■\' On Stores, Dwelling Bouses, Ac. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, NOT. 1,1881. TAB. . ' COST. 8100,000 United States Five per et. Loan... 8100,250 00‘ 60,000 U. States 6 per ct. Treasury Notes 40,99 a 3t -26,000 United Btatos Seven Bnd Three* t > ■s' <■- • tentbs'per ct. Treasury Notes... 25,000 00 100,000 State of Ponna. Five per «t. Loan. 89,581 25 - 54,000- do. - -do.- -Si.T- do. - do. 64-15150 12S 060 Phitn. City, Six per cent Loan.... 119,448 IT 1 30,000 Statoof Tennessee Five percent. 10an............ 24,075 00 20,000 Pennsjlvania Eailroad.’lst Mort gage Si*percent; 80nd5....... 20,000 00- 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mort gage Six per bent.Ronds;-48,130 83 15,000 300 shares Stock .Germantown Gas . .-00. •- Principal and• Interest -. guarantied by the olty of Phila. 14,587 50 5,000 100 Shares Stock Penn. R. R. Co.. 5,000 00 Bills Receivable, for Insurances made.... 90,730 07 Bonds and Nortgagos. -76,000 00 Beal Estate... 61,883 35 Balances due at Agencies—premiums on Ma rine Policies, Interest, and other debts due fte Company 48,131 97 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and r other Companies, 811,843, estimated value, 4,OSS 00 Cash on hand—in Banks $51,098 03 in Drawer..,,.,,, 61T3S William Martin, Edmund A.. Bonder, Theophilns Paulding, John B. Penrose, John 0. Barfs, James Traqnatr, 'William‘llyre;*Jr., James 0. Hand, "William 0. Ludwig, Joseph s. Beal, J>r. : B. M. Huston, Seorge G. Leiper, Hugh CSralg, Charles Eellr, . WIIiM i TSOMABI BESET liTLBXJBH, Sei T7IBEINSUBANCE. . JU. MECHANICS' INBUBANOE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, No. 138 NOBTH SIXTH Street, below Bace, Insure Buildings, Goods, and Merchandise generally, from toss or Damage by Fire. The Company guaranty to adjusts!! Losses promptly, andthereby hope, to merit the patronage of the public. DIBEOXOBb. Francis Cooper, Michael McGcoy,- Bdwaid McGovern, Thomas B. McCormick, Matthew McAleer, John Oassady, • ThomasX’Hemphill, Bernard'H. Hulseman, Michael Cahill, James McCann, FBAN BnßtfAßn Bapfesitv. Sera TfilßEl INSURANCE EXOLUSIYE -LVlY—The PENNSYLVANIA FIBEINSUBANOB COMPANY. Incorporated 1825. (JHAIiTEK PEBPH TUAL. No. 510 WALNUT Street, opposite Independ ence Sanare. ■■■ f This Companyi.favorably kn'ovm to the community for thirty-six years, continues to insure against Loss or Da mage by Fire on public or private Buildings, either per manently or tor a limited. time'. Also, on Furniture, Stocks of Goods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. ,■ : Their Capital, together with a largo Surplus Fund, is Invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted securityin the case of loss. . DIBEOTOBS. . Jonathan Patterson, Thomas Boblns, Quintin Campbell, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, ' John Devereux, William Monteliug,- Thomas Smith. Isaac Hazlehurst, . JONATHAN PATTBESON, President. William G. Orowkll, Secretary. apd rjHE ENTEBPBISE v INBUBANOE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. (FIBE INSUBANOB EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING, S. W. COBNEB FOUBTH AND WALNUT STBEETB. ‘ DIBECTOBB. F. Batchferd Starr, Mordecai L. Dawson, William McKee, Geo. H. Stuart, Halhro Frazier, - John H. Brown, John M. Atwood, B. A.Fahnestoch, Benj. T. Tredici, Andrew D. Cash, Henry Wharton, , J. L. Erringer. > F. BATOHFOBD STABB; President. CgAßLsa W. Coxa, Secretary. 1 . fel6 ' EIRE INSURANCE JUX. .COMPANY. Incorporated ■ 1810. OHABTBB PERPETUAL. No. 810 WALNUT Street, abova Third, Philadelphia. . j; " ‘ Haring a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus, In vested :1a sound and available Secoritieg, continues to Insure on Swellings, Stone, Furniture; Merchandise, Yeeeeli In port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property, All losses liberally and promptly adjusted DIBEOTOBB. ' Thomas B. Marts, James B. Campbell, John Welsh, Edmund Ch Dntilh, Samuel O. Morton, Charles W. Poultnor, Patriot; Brady, Israel Morris, John T. Lewis, . THOM/ Albikt 0. L. OBAtrsoßD. tnsurance company of the 1 STATE OS' PENNSYLVANIA—OFJTOE Noa. 4 and 6 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, Northside of WAL NUT Street, between BOOK and THIBD Streets, Phila delphia. JNCOBPOBATISD In 1794—OHABTBB PEBPETTJAIi. CAPITA!, 8200,000. PBOPKBTIKB OP THE COMPANY, FEBBTJABY ' V ' 1,1861, $607,094.61. SABINS, FIBS, AND INLAND TBANSPOBYA TION INBUBANOE. DIBEOTOBB. Henry D. Bherrerd, . Samnel Giant, Jr., \ Charles Macalester, Tobias Wegner, ■William 0. Sndth, Thomas B. Wattson, John B. Austin, ...... Heji/yCI. Freeman, William B. White, Charles S. Xiewis, ' ' ■ George H, filnart, George C. Carson, Edward O. Knight’ HENBY D. BHEBBBBD, President Willi ah Harper, Secretary. jy29-tf Anthracite insurance COMPANY.—Authorized Oapltal £400,000 CHABTBB PEBPETTJAL. Office No. 811 WAJjNUT Street, between Third and JTonrth Streets, Philadelphia. ■ This Company win insure against loss or damage by Itre, en Buildings, 1' urnitnre, and Merchandise BQtie rslly. Also, Marine Insurance! on. Yciaela, Cargoes, and Treighte. Inlandlnßuranoe to all tarts of the Union. DIBBOTOBS. < DavirPearaon, . Peter Sieger, . • J. E. Banm, •' Wm. !". Bean,' . •;! John Ketoham. AM EBBEB.Preeidont. . DEAN, Tice President. - ap3-tf > William Haheri D. Lntliar, Lewis Andenried, ; John B. Biakiaton, Joseph Maxfield, WILL WM. W. H. BsntH, Secretary. ' GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. fJH) FAMILIES RESIDING rar tbi RURAL DISTRICTS. ■ We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply Families at their oonntry residences with every description of TINS GBOOBBIBS, TEAS, *o., &0. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, > jeSl-tf , COBHBB BIiBTBHTH AND VI3STJC BTO. FRENCH PEAS.—An invoice of su perior “ Poia »a Beam” for sale by OHAB. S. OABSTAIBB, 13S WALNUT Street. TSTECKEB’S AND F AHNESTQOK’S A-L FABIHA conitantly received ftmli by 1 BIfODEa di WIIiIiIAMH, N0.J07 Bontb'WATEB Stmt. .Jri< •’ pURRANTS AND RAISINS— SO . , y >ls < *°i ce MW and old Zante.Carrante; alio, Va lexicla Btmch L&] era and Keg Raising. for sale by " I BHODBS * WILLIAMS, ■» n!a • 107; SouffiWAEBR Street ' "VT U¥ S,. Almonds, Cream Nuts, J.l Grenoble Mete, ' Bordeatnc Walnnta, Pea Hots, PR. berta, Paean Natl, In More and tor gala by ' BH«DBS & WILLIAMS, in* 4 ■■■ . 107SonthWATBBStreet maokibm;.?. . 160 Halt « In atora and and tor sale by ■ MHBPHTfcKOOm H 0.14« North WHABVJM. . . r HEBBING, SHAD, 2,6oo'Bblii MMa. No*. 1, i and g Uoakorel, UU eanght fat Bth, la a*sortßd[packag«s. ’ , _SWP;BI>I» HewllMrtport.Yorftme B»r, and. Helift* &ernn(. *&*g/™* Itfl Vo. 1 Herring.' -150 Bbla HewMese Shad.-—. S5O Bozee HerkimerOonn'tyCheeM, fto. • umanuwmw* *■ *.-■ MT7BPHY 4 BOONS, Ho. 118 North VBA.BVBS. B? THE’ 8330,175 10 51,51 S 35 $860,126 3T DIBHOIOBS. Samnel B. Stokes. • J. F. Fenteton, Henry Sloan, ' Edward'Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, ; Spencer Mcllvaine, Thomaa O.Hftnd, BobCrt Bnrton, . Jacob-P. Jones, . Janweß. McFarland, Joshua P. Byre, John BSemple, Pittsburg D. T. Morgan, 1 « A. B. Berger, '« kW'MABTIN, President. : HAND, Vice President. delS-ly : William Morgan, James Martin, James Duress, Francis Falls, . Charles Clare, ThomasFlaher, Johnßromley, Francis McManus, Hugh O’Bonnoll, Bernard Rafferty. fOISCOOPEE, President, 'rotary. mylT-tf lS H. MARIS, President. ! : Seoretary. \ . fe22-tf t RAILROAD LINES. 1.8AV3 THE nspor, . Corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, First Train at ......7.16 A. M. Second Train at; o. 8.45 A. ffi. Third Train at. ;. ,12.00'Noon. Fourth Train it .400 P. M. Fifth Train at... 5.46 p. Et. LEAVE WEBT CHESTER, At 6.25, 7.45, and 10.55 A. M., 3.10 and 4:15 P. H. ON SUNDAY. Leave,Philadelphia at 7.30 A. M.V and West Chester At4P, m; ■ ■ ■ • • -Freight delivered at the Freigbt Station, comer MAR KET and JUNIPER, before -11.80 A. M., will be de livered at West Chester at 2 P. M. For tickets and farther information, apply to JAMES COWDEN, Passenger AgenL LEWIS L HOUPT, General Freight Agent. jy2l.tf mHE PBINNSYLYANIA CENTRAL 'A " ' RAILROAD. THB GREAT DOUBLE TRACK SOWEB, - 1862. . Mmmm 1862. THE CAPACITY OF THE ROAD IS NOW EQUAL TO: ANY ;IN THE OOUHTBF., . THE GREAT: SHORT LINE TO THE WEST. Facilities for ths transportation of passengers to and: from Plttsburg, St. Louis, 8b Paul, Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans, and all other towns in the West, NortUwestf nnd Southwest, Are unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any, other route- Sleeping and Smoking oars on all the trains. ' THE EXPRESS RUNS DAILY; Han sad Fast Line Sundays exoepted. Mail Train leaves PhUadolphiaat.-,,,,..,,, 7.15 A.M. -Fast Line « ■ “ ...11.30 A.M. Through Express « 10B0P.M. ' Harrisburg Accommodation leave* PhUa. at. 9.80 F. H. Lancaster . ..««■■, ~ “ •< .. 4.00 P; M. West Chester Aocommo’n Ho. I “ “ .. 8.46 A. M ' « « He.a« « .J 2.00 noon. Parkesburg , , “ . " , « <• ~ 6.45 P. M. West Chester passengers will take the trains leaving at 7.15 and 8.46 A,;M., 12 noon, and at 4 and's.46 P. M. Passengers for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buf falo, NlagsraFalis, &o„ leaving Philadelphia at 7.26 A- M. and 10.30 P. M., go direotly through. For further Information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Sr S.*'corner ‘of ELEVENTH , and MARKET, Streets. . ' „ . By this route Heights of all ’ descriptions can be .for warded to and from any point' on' the Railroads of. Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois,. Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis-, aourl, by railroad direct or id any'poW on tho navigo-; Mo rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg.' ** ; - The rates of, freight to and from any point in'tire Went by the Pennsylvania Railroad, are, at’'Ml times,' as"fit-: vorabie as are charged by other Railroad Companies. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Company, can rely with confidence on Its speedy-transit. For freight contracts or shipping directions apply to or address tile Agents of the Company. ■ 8. B. KINGSTON, J*., Philadelphia. D.. A. STEWART, Pittsburg. CLARKE A Co., Chioago. > LEEOH&Oo., No.l Astor Honse, or No. 1 South William street. New York. „ :- • * ,- LEECH A 00„ No. 77 Washington street, Boston:' MAGRAW A KOONB. No'; 80 North street, Baltimor*. H. H. HOUSTON, GenT Freight Agent, Phils. ■, . i ■ L, L. HOUPT, Gen’l Ticket Agent, Phila. .. , ENOCH LEWIS. Gsn’l 'Snp’t. Altoona. Jyl-tf 1862. mmm&m 1862. ARRANGEMENTS OF NEW- YORK LINES. THE CAMDEN? AND:AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TBBNTON.BAXLBOAD CO.’S LINES FBOK PHELADELPHIA TO HEW ' YORK AND WAY-PLAOBB. PgOM Wi.LaUT-STtBXTWXA*r AXD XXUSIXOTOJt Him. ‘ . WXLL LEAVE AS FOLLOW&-YIE: -r-.:’-PA3JB, At 8 A. M.,\vieOamden and Amboy, U. and A. Ac . oommndations3 Mi At 8 At M-, via Camden, and Jersey City, (N. J.) Accommodation.. ...................... t » At S A. M., vis Kensington and Jersey City, MorningMMl.»c«...« *....:B 99 Atll A. M„ via. Kensington and Jersey City, • 8 00 , At 22X P. M.f trift Camden and Amboy t At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, O. and A. Ex- ' press... a o( At 4 P. M., yia Camden and'Jersey City, Broiling 8 00 At i P. Jd., via Camden and Jersey City. SddasS ' Tic5et........... f H, AtBX P. M., ria Kensington and Jersey City, 8vff1atng.MriL...,............ 8 00 At UFP. M., via;Camden and Jersey City. Soath . .;.... 8 00 At o P.H., via Camden andAmhoy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger)—lst Class Ticket.. 8 M 80. do. 3d Class d 0..,. 1 W The 11)8 P. M. Southern Mall rnna daily: an others Sundays exoepted. . ■ For Water Gap, Btrondshnrg, Scranton, Wiikesbarri, Montrose, Great Bend, Blnghampton, Syracuse, Jso., if* 8 from ria -Delaware, Backawanna. and Western Railroad. * . , ? r For Hanob Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belyidere, i Beaton, liambortville, Fiemlngton, Ac., at 6A. M. and t P. M-, from Walnnt-Btreet Wharf; (the 6 A. M. Llne ooDnecta with train leaving Easton lor Mauoh Chunk at 8.20 P.M.) For Mount. Holly, at 0 A. M., 3 and i P. M. > For Freehold,at6A'. M„ and 2P.M. v e.” . yrsx'Vnsm. , . - . For Bristol, Trenton, to.,at Sandll A. M., sand 8.30 P. M. from Kensington, and 2V P. M. from Walnnt atroet wharf. .... For Bristol, and intermediate stations, at 11)8 A, I M. from Kensington Borot. ... For Paimyra.Biverton, Delance, Beyerlr, Burlington, Florence, Bordentown, Ac., at 10 A. M. and lav, 4, B, and 6.30. ?.,H. > v . ’ ’ Steamboat TBENTOH forßordentown and interme diate Btatlons at 2K- V.M; from. Walnut-street wharf ■W" Tor Hew York, and Way Lines Leaving Henrine tonDepot, take the care on Fifth street, above WoWi, half aii hour before departure. The cars ran into , the Depot, and: on the arrival of eaoh-train rnn from the Depot. v" . Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage buttheir wearing apparel; All baggage oyer .fifty pounds to be paid tor extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One. Dollar per pound, and Will not be liable for any amount beyond 9XOO, exoept by special contract feB-tf WM. H. GATZHEB, Agent LINEB FROM NEW FORK FOB PHILADELPHIA j.WILL LEATE, FROM FOOT OIOORTLAND BTRBBT, At 10 A. MT, 12 6 P. U. yia Jersey City and OamdeiL vAtiT, A* M., and 4 and U P. M/Tia Jersey City and Kensington. ~ ? From foot of Barclay streofc at 6 A. M. and 2P. M., Tia'AmbeyandCamdon. . . ■>•..■■■ : Pier No. 1 North river, at 1 and 5 P. M. (freight and passenger)* Amboy and Camden. }e9-tf•< On and after Monday, May 26th, 1862, until further notice. FOB GEBMANTOWN. LoavePhilodelphia, 6, T,B, 9,10; 11, 12, A. M., 1, 3, 8.10, 4, 8, &X, 6,7, 8, 9*. 10*, 11*, P. M. 1 Leave Germantown, 8,7, 7.35,8, 8«, SSJ, 1014, 1114. A. M., 1,2, 8, 4,6, 6,7, 8, 9,10.10 l£ P. fit. *’ ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.10'A. M., 2,8, 5, 7%, 10%, Leave Germantown, 8.10 A. M., 1,4, ejf, 914. P. M CHESTNUT HILL BAILBOAD. 6,8, 10, 12, A. M.,2,4, B, 6,8, lQlm% At At .V. Leave Chestnut HIU, 7.10, 7.36, 9.10,11.10, A. M.. 1.40, 3.40, 5.40, 6.40, 7.40,9.60, P. M. . / ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.10 A. M., 2,6, 7«: P.Jd. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.60 A. M., 12.40, 6m, 8.10, ■FOB CONSHOHOOKEN AND NOBEISTOWN • i'- Leave Philadelphia, 6, 9.05,11.05, A. M., IJ4. 8.414. 6.10,8.05,11 if, P. M. ’ >**>“»**, 83? Til orrlstoWDj 7> 7,6 °' 9| 11 ' Af Mm < 2 x< *x> ’ ■ ON -.SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A'. M-, 2>f, 4>f, P. M. .. Leave Norristown, 7. A ST., 1,6, P. M. ’' FOB MANAYUNK. , g Leave Philadelphia, 6,9,11.05, A. M., ljf, 8,4%, 8.10, < l% s Jfanaynnk,BX,7X,B.Bo, 9%, A. M., 2, Oj •» A • Me ON SUNDAYS. : Leave Philadelphia, 9A. M., 8, P. M. ” Leave'-MonayunJc, 7J4A.. M., l)j, 6Jj, 9, P. M. H. K. SMITH, General Superintendent. my26-tt DgEot NINTH, and GBNBN Streets. NORTH, PENNSYL BWmyigFSaHi yaniaballboad. ; FOB BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, MAU O H CHUNK, HAZLETON, EASTON, WILKES . BABBE, &o. . ' SPBING ABBANGEMENT. THBEXiTHBOUGH TRAINS. Oa and after MONDAY, MAY 6, 1802, -Paieen ger (Trains will leave? FBONT and WILLOW Streets. Philadelphia,.daay, (Sundays excepted,) as follows: At 8.40 A. M., (Express,) for Bethlehem, Allentown, MauohChunk, Hazleton, 'Wilkesbarre, Ao. At 8.46 P. JL, (Express,) tor Bethlehem, Easton, Ac. This trainreaches Easton atBP.M., and makes* cjose oonneotien with the New Jersey Oenirai for New zone* At 5.04 P. M., for Bethlehem, Allentown, Hanch Ohnnk,Ae. ' At 9 A. M. and 4 F. H., for Doylestown. At; 0 F. M.-, for Fort Washington. J^fi^sßsaasasßaßsraa TRAINS FOB PHUiADBLPHIA. Leava Bethlehem it 5.40 A.; Ml, 9,18 A. M., and 6,H F.M. r Leave Doyiestown at 7.25 A. M. and B.SO P.M. Leave Fort Washington at 6.30 A. M. OH SUNDAYS—Philadelphia tor Bethlehem at 7.45 -A. r :lL’' ■ - ~ - ' - Philadelphia for Doylestownst 3.45 F. KL Doyiestown for Philadolphlaat 8130 A, M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 6 P. M. Fan to Bethleheml...sl.sQ I Fore to Manoh CUunk.g2.6o Fare to Easton...... 1.60 I WUkeabare........... 5.50 Through Tickots most be proonred at the Ticket CfflocS, at WILLOW Street, or BERKS Street, hi order to seonretheabove rates .of fare. r , , t All Passenger Trainsiexeept Sunday Train*) connect at Berks street with the Fifth and Sixth afreets, and So •ond and Third-street* Faseenger Bailioads, twenty ml nates after leaving Willow street. tayB BLUB OLABK,Agent BS—aiw PHILADELPHIA . AND ELMIRA B. B. LINE. 1862 SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 1882 Tor. WILLIAMSPORT, 80BANT0N, ELMIRA, eng. all pointa In the W.*and NiW. "Passenger Train* leave Depot of PhS*. and Beading. B. R., o or. Broad and Oal towhiß streets; at 8 A. M., and 8.16 F. M. daily, except Sunday*. ' QOICKESTROUTE from Philadelphia to points In Northern end Western Pennsylvania, Western New York, Ac., Ac. Baggage checked ; through to Buffalo, Niagara Falla, or intermediate pointa. Ttaongh.Exjaceas Freight Train tor all point! above, leaves dally at 6 P. M. ‘ . For farther information apply to ■ JOHN B. JnLLXS, General Agent. THIRTEENTH and OALLOWHILL, and N. W. cor. SIXTH and OHHSTNTIT 5 JaBl-tf ..BBS—Mag WEST CHESTER BgWHW-Mairi)' PHILADELPHIA BAHi- boad. - V- , VIAMBBIA" : 80MMEB ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, June 9th, 1883, the trains will leave PHILADELPHIA from the dopot, N. B. oor ner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets; at 7.46 and-10.80 A. M., and ,2, 4.80, and 7 P.M., and on Tuea days and' Fridays at'9.l4 P. M.', ena"will leave West Philadelphia, from THIRTY-FIRST and HABKET Btreets, 17 mlnntes after the starting time from' Blgh eentb and Market streets. .... ON'SUNDAYS, ’ • Leave PHILADELPHIA at 8 A. M., and 3 P. M. Leave WEST CHESTER at BA.M, and 6.00 F. M. The trains 'leaving* Philadelphia at 7.45 A. M., mid 4.80 P. M., connect at Fennelton with trains on the Phi ladelphia ..and Baltimore Central Railroad for Concord, Bennett, Oxford, Ae. HENRY WOOD, je9-tf Superintendent . ■WSBai THB BALTIMOBB AND OHIO BAQBOAB;—Thi»~roed,belngfully-BBBAIBED and effectually i GRABBED, is new open for the . trans portation of paseengert an’d freight to aliipolntsin’tß* HBBAT WEST. ,For,through tickets*and alletheriji formatioh apply at theOompany’s Offloe,eorner BROAD Street and WASHINGTON Avenue. / t.'-'VW.-.ShMrFBLTON, •' epB-tf President _P. W. aha'B> B. B. 00. EXPRESS COMPANIES. fZSn-^M j; THE A 3) AMS EX |HrW ia W ~PBBSa'! COMPANY, OSes"; 826 GHEBTNDT. Street, forwards Parcels, Packages,'Mer chandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by , its own linesorin oonneotion with otherExpreeso}mpanles,to all> the principal Towns and OitlesdtthoUnlted States. re:ssandfobd*#; fe!9,'! 'General Boperiritendopt"- DPJLIT PEAS—Qf prime quality,, for O sale by BHODB3 & WILLIAMS, hoTL - 107 South WATER Street MEDICI. WAIj. TTTONrERFUL SCIENTIFIC DIS- T>e °F. O. H. IJOLLES.I22O WALNUT STREET, PHILADKLPHIA. TH v 'ByLWW.IXQ CAREFULLY. aluj of PBrniationtly curing the sick and suffering of their ditoases, or adver tising to cure, and, showing but little or ho evidence of cures, can be well appreciated by the anxious iaquirere after health; upon attentively "reading the following gy nopSiß of certificates from some of the most reliable gen tlemen in Philadelphia, who were permanently cured by Prof. BOi-LES, 1220 WaLNUT street, and after they , ■ bad been given up as incurable by the most eminent me- : dice!men ofthfecity; . , ' " ? The following is a statement of facts in reference to my; cond)tion.-Ond.astonishing cure of Epilepsy: : -i ! : i ' ; -For five-years previous to my knowledge "of Prof. 0. 1 H. Belies* discovery' of itje therapeutic admielstration; of ;<»alyanlßm,'Magnetism, and;,other modifications, of ’ Electricity for the cure of ell aonte and ohronlo diseases, I I had been, severely, alffieced with Eellepttc Fits of the : moßt phstlnate chm-acter, and had .abandoned all hopes ; ot ever being chred," as I had tor years trie.d. the treat- i mwtand received the counsel of the most eminent Medl- i cal Men of the State, with , a view of obtaining relief if' any ceuld be found amoug the Old Schools j but all ray ; : efforts were unavailing, and, therefore, ail hopes were abandoned, as I then knew of.no greater;skill for the cure - of obstinate cases than is the Old Schools; About six months ago my mind was turned 16 inves igate the hew ; direovery of, Prof. O. H. Boiles, 1220 Walnut street, i and,.after noticing several eertiSeates of cures whioh i .were published, and some from perseus with whom I was . acauhinted and knew them to be reliable men, l-was in-. duced to callbn the Professor and obtain .his opinion of my cose. After he had examined me about ten minutes, he frankly informed mo that he conld enre me, and ' offered to give me a written wa>rantea of a complete oure, Md; In case of a.'failure, to charge me nothing. This at first seemed animsossibility ; but tho frankness mid ehrhestneSs' of the Profeaaor, convinced. mo of his. scientific accuracy.to tfie dlaguosis of my cato.' He dis , clOSed'dil my sufferings and 'ey mploms for five years past: (AS well as I knew them myself. I will here state, for the : ■ good of ,humanity, and especially those Buffering aa I Ms,; - that I am perfectly, cured; i I further would: state that ■ mere than four months have elapsed since my cure, and i I nave had no symptoms,' and, therefore, feel, confident that Ism cured. I shall take pleasure in being referred ’ ot at any time by any one suffering as I'.was, and any in form&tion of my.ccndition previous to my cure will be : freely given to any one at 1542 North Thirteenth street, Philadelphia. GEO. W. FREED. ! Judah Levy, Bronchial Consumption, 814 South Front 5 street., . ■ ...■■{ . . , . .. ■' Edward T. Evans, preacher of the M B. Church, Dys -! [ pepsja of IpDg standing, Laryngitis and Lumbago, 1633: Helronth sireet. =■, . .. , Alexander Adaire,' Inilammatory Rheumatism, Lura :bago,.;loug standiug, 1312 Sa7ery street, Eighteenth ward, - Kensington. ■ ■■ William H. Shaiue, Paralyßis of the tower limbs (Ba- ; raplegy) And Epilepsy, publisher of the National Mff c?ianf,;l26 South Second street. ’ Tfiomas Owens, Congestion: of thß Brain and severe Hemorrhage of the Lunga and Biahetls, American Hotol. Philadelphia..- ’ Charles L. Jones, Dyspepsia and Lumbago, 628 Arch Streit, . Janies Nugent, Deafness fir six yearn, and ringing and roaring in the head, Fifteenth and Bedford streets. George O. Presbury, Chronic Bronchitis and Catarrh, fonnerly.proprietor of the Girard.House. Thomas Harrop, severs Diabetis, Rose Mills, West Philadelphia. . Georgo Grant, Rheumatio Gout, long standing, 610 i Obestnut street. , ~ . H. T. De" Silver, Chronic Neuralgia and Inflammatory j Kienmatism, 1736 Chestnut street. : O. H. Garmichi'Obronic Dyspepsia and Inflammation ' of. tee Kidneys, Chestnut and Fortieth streets. Hugh Harroid, Bronchitis and Disoase of the Kidneys,. ,49 South Third-street. -S - - S.-P. M. Tasker: Chronic Dyspepsia,And Kidnoy Dis- ■ :ease, 1632 South Fifth street. - ..James P. Graves, M.:b.,long standing and severo Lum- i, bago, 210 Pine street. , Edward McMahon, Consumption, 1227 Front street. M. Galloway, Chronic Dyspepsia, Allen's Lane, Twen ty-eecond waid. . Charles .D. Dushney,: Paralysis of the lower limbs (Paraplegy) and Dyspepsia, Western Hotel. J. £icket,. Chronic Bronchitis, Constipation, and Con gestion of the Brain, 518 Catlowhill Btreofc ' . Caleb Lamb, Bronchial (Consumption of fivo years standing. 1435 Chestnut street. Bev. J. Mallory, Aphonia, Philadelphia. M. M, Banning, Nervous Prostration, Cadbury Ave ,nue„ J. S. Bitter, Catarrhal Consumption, 333 Bichmond street. ■ ■ ■. . - . ■ --- N. B.—ln addition to the above cases cored, Prof. 0. H. BOLLES Has cured two thousand Chronic and Aoute cases within less than' three years in Philadelphia, all of which cases had resisted the treatment of the moat emi .nent medical men.; •. Please take notice that Prof. B. does not advertise any .certificates of cures, except those curedin this city. Prof. B. has established himself for life in this city, aid his; enßcess’in treating the sick is a anffloient guaranty that he claims nothing bat scientific facta in hls disco very in-the use of Electricity as a reliable therapeutio agent N, B.—lt wiil’bewell for the diseased to reooilect that Prof. B. has given a wordjof caution in his pamphlet, to .guard; them against trusting their health In tho.banda of those in this city claiming to treat diseases according to bis discovery. This caution may seem severe oh those using Electricity at hazard, but it is the severity of truth,,and designed * for the good or humanity. See ad vertisement in another column. , Conttillation Free. . PBOF. O. H: BOLLES, 1220 WALNUT Street, Philada. JARRANT'S EF.FEBYXSOENT SELTZER APERIENT. This valuable and popular Medicine has universally rc - wived the most favorable recommendations of the Mxsioal Psorßssion and thePuUlo as the moat KmoiusT and agrbbabmi SALINE APERIENT. It may be used with tho beet effect in BUieus and Febrile Diseases, Coativeuesa, giok Headaohe, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Indiges tion, Aoidity of the Stomaoh, Torpidity of the Liver, Gout, Rheumatic Affections, Gravel, Piles, AHD AU, OOMPLAItreS, wrani A GENTLE AND COOLING APEBIINT OB PUB . GATIVE IS BEQUIBBD. It is particularly adapted to tho wants of TrsveUers by Bea and Land, Besidents in Hot' CHiraatoßj Persons o? Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Convalescents; Captains of Vessels and Planters will find it» valuable addiHouto their Medicine Cheats. . It Is in tbe form of; a Powder, oarefally put up in botties to keep in any ( climate, and merely requires'; water poured, upon It to produce a de- v lightfal offervescing beverage. Numerous teetimonlals. from profeßsional . and other gentlemen of the highest standing, throughout the Coun try, and: its i steadily, inereasiug popularity for a series of years, strongly guaranty its efficacy and valuable character, and command it to Che favorable notioe of an Intelligent public. Manufactured only by TARBANT St CO., No. 9TS, QBBSNWXOH Street, corner Warren st. NEW YOBE, And for sale by Druggists goneraiiy. apH-ly Q.LUTBN CAPSULES PURE COD-EiITVER OIL,. The repugnance of most patients to OOD-LIYEB OIL, and toe'inability of many to take it at all, has in duced various forms of, disguise for its administration that arc familiar to the Medical; Profession. Borne of than answer in special cases, bnt more often too vehiclo neutralizes the usual effect of the Oil, proving quite as nnpalatable and of less therapeutio. valhs. The repug nance, nausea, Ac., to.lnvalids, Induced by disgust of the Oil, is entirely obviated: by (he use of our CAPSULES. COD-Llvjcß OIL'CAPSULES have been much used lately in Europe, the experimice there of the good re-, suits from their use in both hospital and private practice, aside from the naturally suggested advantages, are suf fleient to warrant otir claiming toe virtues we do for them, feeling assured their use will result in benefit and deserved favor. Prepared by ' ! •'WYETH & BROTHER, de9-tf -1413 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. TRUSSES. MRS. JAMES BETTS’ CELEBRA TED BUPPOBTEBB FOB LADIES, and the only Supporters under emlnont medicai patronage. La «« and physicians are respeotfuliy requested to cali only ito Mr*. Betts, at her residence, 1089 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousenm bvalids have been advised by their phyalcians to aim her sppliancesr Those only are genuine beariug the United States copyrlghV.labeiß on the box, and stgnGtores. Kjd also on tb» Supporters, with testimonial*, neie-tntbstr MACHINERY AM) IRON. pENN’A WORKS, On the Delaware Error, below Philadelphia, J OHSBTEE, DELAWARE OO.; PENNSYLVANIA. HEANEY, SON, & ARCHBOLD, Engineers and Iron Ship Builders, BAHOTACIXmBBS OF ALL KINDS OF CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSING ENGINES, Iron Vessels of all descriptions, Boilers, Water-Tanks, Propellers, Ac., Ao. THOB. BEANBT, - W. B. BHANBY. . SAUL. ARCHBOLD, Late Of Beaney, Neafle, A Oo.i; l Lato-Engineer-ln- Penn’a Works, Philad’a. ,• Chief, U. S. Navy. ' Jy22-Iy ” ' B. SMITH. ; F. O'MaiM, QTEAM FITTING. i KJ SAMUEL SMITH & CO., STEAM AND GAS FITTERS AND PLOMBBBJS, No. 616 CHESTNUT Street, opposite Independence Hall, Philadelphia, are prepared to introduce Apparatus for heating Manufactories, Stores, Ohnrcheß, Dwellings, Greenhouses, &e.. &0., by Steam. Apparatus for Soap andOandle'Mannfactorles. , Drying Booms for Hotels, Dyo. Houses, Ac,, fitted Bp In a snperior manner. - Awning Posts and Frames furnished and pnt np. Water introduced through Galvanized Tithes. Plumbing in all its branches. Galvanized Tnbeß for Cemetery Lots. All kinds of work connected with Steam, Water, si Gas. , : Have, for sale Valves, Cocks, Tubes, Fittings, Ac. Agents tor Worthington’s Steam Pomps.- jy4-2m 4. VAOOHAg Kiaaiok, • WILLIAM X. SIUICS, ■■ 40HX P. OOPI. COUTHWARE FOUNDRY, O FIFTH, AND WASHINGTON STBBWtB, PHILADULFStIA. - MBBBIOK A SONS, MWGINBBRB AND MACHINISTS, Manntoctnre High: and Lew Pressnre Steam Enginae, tor land,-river, and marine servioe. . Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac.; Oat togs of all kinds, either ten or bra«. Iron-Frame ,Boors for. Gas Works, Workshops, Bato road! Stations, Ao. Betorta and Gas Machinery of ths latest and. moil improved constrnction. / Evory description of Plantation Machinery;'each at Bngar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam TrainSj Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, Ao. Bole Agents for N. BllHeox’s Patent SngarßoUini Apparatus; Nesmyth’s Patent Bteam Hammer, and Al pinwall A wolsey’s Patent Oenteifhgal Sugar Draining Machine eus-ti ; PENN STEAM ENGINE M*a* Aro: boileb woßKß.—Niajxa * liKYY, PBACTIOALAND THEOBKTIO AL-KNOI. HIKES, MACHINISTS,BOILEB-MAKBBS, BLACK SMITHS, md FOtJHDBBB, having, for' many rein been in successful operation, and been, exclusively an gaged Inbuilding andrepalrlngMarlne andßiverXn glneii hlghand low pressure; Iron Boßer* Water Tank*. Propellers, Ao., Ao., respectfully offer their Berrios* te the public, as being folly prepared in oontraotibr Hn ginesof all sl&ofl, Marino, Elver, and Stationary, ha Tint seta of'patterns of different tfaMj* are prepared to exe>' onto ordera with ,quick despatch. Hvery'desorlptlonoi pattern-making madeattho ehortest' notion. High’aaC Sow-pressure,’ fine,* 1 Tabular, and Cylinder Boiler*, ol tee boat Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Yorglngs, of ad stoesand kinds; Iron and Brass Castings, cfaUdeacrip *m»s BoßJ’nrrfii«rScrew r Onttlnii' and all otherwort oormeoted with the above bnrinesfc ’-* * ' | Drawings and SpeolfloatioM tor all work done at tkek •rtablisbinentj freeefoharge, and workguarahtied.. .. > r The subscribers have ample wharf-dook room tor r*- pain of'boats,where they can lle in perfect safely, and •re provided with shears, blookg, falls, A©., Ao., for rate lng ! l»e»ry'.er'Bght--weigh*t’ i 'w JACOB O. HBAMB, ,-v *:?,«. - JOHHP/EBYT, W»-»l BBAOH and PAIHBB Stmt*. It/rOKGA]Sr,i©RB, ft €o.i SmiK- XfX *KOra* BtJILIHBBS, Iron asi and Oporto ... V CHAB. B. OAKBTAIBB, ' No. 124 WALHUT Street. TjDHN B. -MYEBS & CO., AUO- V TIONEKBS, Him.,232 anil 334 MARKET Street. ' . BALE OF BOOTS AND SHOES, As. THIS MOBNING, August 26, on four inon'hs’.cr&<3ie—,. 1,000 packages Boots and Shoes, Ao, J - BALE OF DEY GOODS OH THURSDAY MOBNING, • August 58, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on 4 months’ credit.. £ ! > --.■.'-■-g BRINLEY, & CO., Ho. 429 HABKET STREET. SALE OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DBY GOODS. . ON FRIDAY MORNING, . 0 cloct, by oatatogua, on 4 months’ credit—' rV . ■*■ -,400-lot3 fancy and stapla stnpottod and domestic dry goods. , , • Samples ax d catalogues Gariy on morning of sale* Philip EOBi> & go., auction- EKES, 625 MARKET and 622 COMMEBOB Sts; SALE OF I,<K>9 OASES BOOTS, SHOES, 880 .. GANS.' Ao."'. ~ ■ OH-THUB6DAY.HOBNING. / >/i August 28, at 10 o’clock precisely, will l>«sold, by cata logue, 1,000 case* men’s," dud youths’calf, kip, grain, and thick boots; 'calf, kip, arid enamelled brogans j Oengress gaiters,: Oxford ties,' Wellington Balmorals, Ac.; women’s, miseesyandichiidren’s calf, kip, goat, kid, morocco, and . enamelled.heeled boots and shoes, gailors, slippers, buekihe, Balmorals, So. Also, a large asaort tment ol first-class oity-inadegoods. . PW Opeafor examination, with catalogues,' early on the morning of sale. "DANCOAST & WARNOCK, AUO- X. TIONEEBS, Hoe.' 213 MARKET Street LARGE POSITIVE S ALE OF AMERICAS AND IM PORTED DRY .GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, Ac., by catalogue, ... , OH WEDNESDAY • MOBHIHG, ' " Aufeuet 27, commencing at 10 o'clock, precisely. Comprising a genera] assortment of desirable goods for approabhißg sales. Included will be found, viz— . • , EMBBOTDERIEiAND WHITE GOODS. A h inv> ice cf late styles embroidered jaconet collars, setts,, bands, Ac. Also, ladies’ ft and gents ft plain and hemstitchod kaoekerchiefs: Also, lots jaconet muslin. Also, a line of gents pure linen, Union and Marseilles shirt fronts. -i..-' PABIS LACE VEILS. Also, a full lino ol late styles Paris black lace veils, from medium to very high coat. : Just landed. HOOP SKIBTS. 260 dozen ladies and misses cord and tape hoop skirts. A full assortment of 4<a4o springs. WOOLEN YARN. Also, at commencement of sale,, a Bmail lot of woolen yarn, a lot of dye stuffs, Ac. PROPOSALS. TVTOTICE.—PROPOSALS from Deal- A-V era and Millers‘are invited till the 6th day of Sep tember, 1862, for. fueniebing Flour to tho. Subsistence Department, known ss No. 2 Extra. Semples of this Flour can be seen at the Oapitol Bakery in Washington. • ... It is desirous to make_ a contraot for 20,000 barrels. Shouidj however, any phrsbh desire" to furnish a less quantity, he will state the preciso number of barrels in bis bid. ...The-contractor wfil.be required to furnish about 600 bairelsdaUj, until the contract is filled. . Ho Fi-jur wiiibe.received which does not.come up to the, standard, at the Government inspection, made just before the purchase, The Flour to be delivered at the Railroad Depot In Washington, or any of the warehouses in Georgetown, D.c. The Flour toJte put in new barrels and head lined. Government reserves the right to reject any bid for any proper cause. Nii bids will be : received from contractors who have previously failed to comply with their contract. Biddtrs mubt be present in person to respond to their bid. ■ The oath or allegiance must accompany each bid. Firms making btdsshonld state the names of the par ties interested, - ..■ Payment to be made in Treasury notes.’and the bids to be diiected to tOL. A. O., and 0. S., TT 8. A., Washington, D. 0., and ondotsecr** Pro posals for’Flour.’. 1 au2S.'dtse4 PROPOSALS FOR LUMBER. Dbpot Quartebmastkb’3 (Jffiob, ) 215 G, corner EIGHTEKNTH Street, 5 ’ WssgixOTON, D. 0!; Auguet 20,1882. V - BEALED PROPOSALS will be’received at this office -until SATURDAY, August the 30th, at 12 o’clock M., for delivering in the, city v of Washington, at such a point as the Depot Quartermaster, may direct, five hundred thousand £600,000) feet of Lumber,tof the following kinds and description, via: : 300,000 feet 4 4 (1-inch) common Oulllnga (White . Pine ) , 68,8T0 (l)f-ihcb) common Oullings (White Pine). 41,668 feet Joist, S.by 8,38 feet long (Hemlock.) 16.666 feet Joist, 3by 8,14 feet long (Hemlock.) 16.666 feet Joist, 3by 6,12 feet long (Hemlock.) 33,333 feet Scantling, 3 by 4T16 feel long (do.) 16,666 feet Scantling, 3by 4, 14 feet long (do.) 8,333 feet Scantling, 3by 4,12 feet long (do.) All ike above described to be good merchantable Inm ■ her, sut ject to the inspection of an agent, appointed on the part ot the Government. *Alt tbe lumber to be delivered within twenty-five days afterisigning the contract. Proposals from disloyal parties will not be considered. An oMhof allegiance to the United States Government must accompany each proposition. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract, shonld it be awarded to him, must be guarantied by two respon sible persons, whose signatures are to be appended to the guarantee. 1 ; ‘ • The responsibility of the guarantors must bo shown by the official certificate of the clerk of the nearest district court, or of the United Statee District Attorney. -- Bidders inußt be present-in-porson when the bids are opened; or their proposals will not be considered. The foil name and -post-office address er the bidders must appear in the proposal. • - - If the bid is made in the name of a firm, the names of all the parries must appear, or the bid will be considered as the individual proposal of the partner signing it. Bonds in the sum of five thousand/ doliars, signed by the contractor and' both Ms guarantors, will be required of the successful bidder upon signing the contract. The right to reject any or aU bids that maybe deemed too high is reserved by the Depot Quartermaster. Informal proposals will be rejected. - Proposals must be addressed to' Captain EDWARD L. HAIiTZ. Assistant Quartermaster, U. 8. Army, Wash- and should be plainly marked “Proposals for Lumber.” POE* OP CUARASTEE. We, ,of the county of ——, and State of —'—i and ——of the county of —— and - State of ,do hereby guarantee that;- —is able to fulfil -the eontraot, in ac cordance ,with the. terms of his proposition, and .that shonld Hs prdpoaiUon-be'accepted, heowlii at once enter into a contract in accordance •* * - : Should the contract be awarded him we are prepared to become bis securities. [To this anataatee must bo appended tbs certificate abore-mentioned.] EDW’D L. HABTZ, 'Captain and A.. Q.H., XT. 8. A, PROPOSALS FOR ACID, GOAL, A AND WOOD. . Mist of the Übitsd States, . Philadelphia, Angnst 20,1862. SEALED PJBOPOBALS for supplying the Mint of the United States, and Branch Mints if required, vrithAolds, for one year from tha first proximo, will be received by the undersigned until 12 o’clock.noon, of the 30th mat. The Nitric, or parting acid, to be of the strength of 39 Beaome, and the Snlphoric Acid 66 Boamne. Said acids to be delivered in tub carboys, atjsuch times and in such quantises as may be required. - The proposals must be endorsed, “ Proposals for Adds.” Proposals: sealed) for supplying the Mint with Lehigh and Schuylkill COAL, of the ben varieties, from the Ist September, 1862, to the Ist April, 1863, and for HIOK OBY and FINE WOOD, for one year from the Ist Sep tember, 1862, will also be received up to the time above stated. The Lehigh Coal most be fioin the Bnck fifbnn tain vein, and ofsfze suitable for the melting furnaces, and-the Schuylkill of: sizes'; suitable for boiler purposes. Each ton to contain 2240 pounds, and the Goal to be de livered at the Mint at such times and in such quantities as may be required. Bids,to be,endorsed “Proposalsfar CoaL” The Wood,must; be of, the best quality, and de iivered as required. - Proposals therefor to be endorsed, “Proposals for Wood.” -au2Q.lot - JAMES . POLLOCK, Director*. CLOTBTNG' AND EQtJI -AA-FAGS! OETlOE—Philad«i,phij, August 16th, 1862. PBOPO9AT,S are invited for furnishing Uniterm Be gnlation Clothing and tamp and Garrison Xquipage for the now levies of volunteers and militia or the United States. The Clothing and Equipage : for the different arhu of the service to, correspond in make and material to that heretofore need, and to conform to the patterns in the' Office of Clothing arid'Eduipage in tbiacity, where specifications and samples may be inspected. Proposals should- state the article which it is proposed to furnish, the quantity which can be snppUed weekly, :the earliest period at which the delivery will be commenced, the total Quantity offered, and the price for eaoh article. All.ar ticles delivered by contractors are required, by law, to he f legibly marked contractor’s name. The fol lowing list embraces the principal supplied needed: " • ABTICLES OP CBOTHING. - Uniform Coats, consisting of Engineers, 1 Ordnance l , Ar tilleryyand Infantry. -.Uniform Jackets; consisting of Cavalry, Artillery, In fantry, Zouave, trad knit o ■ Uniform Trowsers, consisting of footmen, horsemen. Zouave,and knit. Cettqn Docks,Overalls.: ' 1 Drawers, flannel and knit. -fhirte, flannel and knit. Groat Coats, footmen and horsemen. Straps for Great Coats. . Blankets," Woolen' and Rubber. , ' Ponchos and Telmas. Sack Coats, flannel, lined and nnlined. • Boots,.Bootees, Leggings, Stockings, leather Stocks, Wax upper leather, Sole Leather and Briddle leather, Uniform Hats, trimmed and untrimmed. Uniform Caps, light Artillery, Forage:'Caps, Stable Frocks, Sashes, Haversacks, Knapsacks, Canteens. ARTICLES OF EQUIPAGE. Hospital Tents, Wall Tents, Sibley Tents, common tents, D’Abri Tents. Hospital Tent Pins, large. 1 Wall Tent Pins, large and small. Wall Tent Pins, small. ■ Common Tent Pins. MoEqnlto Bars, double'and single. > Regimental Colors. Camp do. ‘ ' National do. Regimental Standards. 0 Storm Flags. Garrison do. Becruiting do. : Guidons. Felling Axes and Handles. Spades. Hatchets and Handles. Mess Pans. Camp Kettles. - Pick’Axes and handles. . Bugles. . Trumpets. V ■c Drams. Fifes. BOOKS. Company Order. Olothirg Account. Descriptive. . Morning Report. Begimental General Order. Letter. - Descriptive. Index. : Order. Post Order. ... ■* .Morning Beport. \ ... Better- - Guard. . Target Practice. .... Consolidated Morning Beport. .. . Inspection Report. . Security will be required fop the fulfilment oi every contract. ■ " All proposals, received by noon of the tenth day from the date of this advertisement, will be opened at noon of that day, and the articles immediately needed' will, he awarded to the lowest responsible bidders present.: ..Contractsfor.further, awarded from timet© time, as favorable bids *are received* always to bids received, up te. the. time of m&fri&g the contract -v. s i ' * By order id the Quartermaster General. , s G. H. CROBMAW, aulfl.tf Deputy Qnartermaator General.... THB DISEASED OF. ALLfe CLAESES.—AII acute and chronio diseases j ahcnred.by special guarantee, at IfflOWelnut street,(if Philadelphia, and to case of a failure no charge Sjf. •■made. r .... ■ ■ ..... j Professor BOLLEB, th e founder if this *■ is prtwk Kiill superintend the treatment of all Oaies Afift-Wj k.sel/. A pamphlet containing a multitude of,ceitifl- J >|oates,;of,thpse cured, also letters and complimantarydf reSolntiocß from medical men and others, will be - given to any person free. “ ad Lectures are constantly given; at 1320, to medlcaik. pmen and others who desire a knowledge of my dis-wl hwcovery,” in applying Electricity as a reliable theri-J agent, Consultation free. , »p 24 Btn pr lyf THOMAS a SON~B~~^ JLVJLs Hob. 136 and 141’ Sooth FOURTH : ’l . , E P T I O ®-—The Sale of the 8320,000 Baii, n , bt hM been postponed to September 9.h. 1 Biiti, BTOGKB AHD BEAL ESTATE THtU n. Pamphlet cataidgucs how ready, coatai-i- J * scriptiona of ail the property to be sold on t-3 (U 56thinet. with alist of tho Second and Thir?^ 8 » 9tl> and 16lh September, and of Beal £at*tn m us % Sale..'; .VE -. , . •. .. « Pet,’ — the 69th:TRADE SALK T.. ~ * . SELLEEB will conimence.on the 30 th S-etemi logue in press. , v . : ;... ™ Wt ’ 1 ‘' BEAL'ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALS *ST A large amount at Private Sale, description of ciiy and country property p,‘r? s ’b> may be had attheauclion store. ' ’ atB i UjJ - PEREMPTO 8 Y SiLE-840,000 MOBTGAr v Peremptory sale, for account of whom it b., ’ ! MOBTGAGE; OF®S4O,OOO, secured on treotß of land and bniidiagrih Tioga county t* vania, and bniidieg lots in Covington. Thom- 'ht and full descriptions of the property may auction rooms. a? Uh , BHA'L EST&.TH SATjE— AOGOS7 2S ' Tbo ,»;PBASKDIS IRON WORKS "-no,, HACHINBBT, : ,&c., will be included iufL Rue—tho whole property, in one lot. Fnli drar* IV inventory, Ac ,msy be’had in handbills and mt,* ■ at the anction’rOoma’.' muw ß«i^' Peremptory BaIt—LOMBARD STREET i , dern.dwelling, No.l629,Lombard street Saln .r, lll *. BTONE.MACBIBE.SHOP, STEIM ESmy^i CHJNEBTy Aci, Montgomery county. *1 two miles west of Gwynedd station, on the North aylvania raKroad. ‘ u -Vj. BUILDING LOT, Bridge street, west of . syivaniafailroad, Twenty-fourth ward. Cl»arnf V*' cumhrance. ' uls Sl». NEAT MODEBN DWELLING, No. isij „ street, west of. Fifteenth street. It has' the mode, *> veniences, Ac. u VALUABLE BBIOK WABKHGUSE, Nis •>.,• and 220 north Brood Btreet,'between Bare ana Blreets. . Lot 63 feet front, on. Broad street, 26™ f t, depth, with an outlet front Baohe Btreet to Esc."*, 11 'I two fronts. ....... =! «su Executor’s Sale—Estate of "Andrew Bell, dee«,„ GOUNTBT PLACE, with eight acres, be,weer?7 and WJssahicKon tnrnpifce roads, eight miles f ra “‘| “mODEBS BBIOK "DWELLING, Media, Dels, county, Pa., with stable and coach house. TBBEE-STOBY BBICK DWELLING, No Christian street, and two dwellings in the rear on W® low street ' " ' . SEAT MODEEN- STOBE AND DWELLIEg * 1239 Coates street, w,est of .Twelfthafreet. 1 Orphans* _Cbort' gate—Estate of Jesse 0. Jw. deceased —BNIOK DWELLINGS. steam mffl, S Third'striet, between Federal and Wharton stress ” Tnislees’ Peremptory- Sale—Franklin Btre9tl_ra. BTOBY FEittE WELIISO, Lawrence) street, sonth of, Noble street. Sals «h GIEABD AVENUE—Three, story brick ZT* frame dwelling," and kitchon. No. 22t Girard .i®* Eighteenth ward. Bento for $438. " 3 ® BEAL BS rATE.SALE—SEPTEMBSSO Part of the descriptionß in handbills now ready] GBE AT BAHE—S32O,OOO RAILEOAB Bo\-r« ON TB2BDAY, fepf. 9, at 12 o’clock,'noon','at the Philadelphia s change, $320,000 ee-vtii per t cent. mortgage bonis rS delphia and Baltimore Centralßailroad Co, Said mZ gage being for tiie PennsylTania diTiSe*! the road. ' EE&i’.ESTATE j'SAtB-aEPIBHBEE ’3 Orpbanß’ of George EunSel, 4m and other valti&blo property,,, Salo-No.;s2l,Walnut Street. STOCK OF ELEGANT CABINET WARE eTHIS MOBNING, . 28th instant, at 10 o’cleck, at No. 521 Watnot*, Will,.be sold, bj catalogue, without rescrre, the sm, stock of George J. Henbels, (who has remoYed to BM. 811 Chestnut ; streets) comprising a large aasortmesr rosewood and welnufc dining-room, Itbrarr, chamber 1 parlor furniture, all manufactured in the best mr and of best material. ; " ; WF May be examined the day jjreriona to gate, catalogues. , Sale at Noe. 138 and 141 South Fourth Street ■ BUPSEIOB FUBNITUBE, FBBKTOH , PLAT! MIBBOBB, BBEBSEBS CABPKTS, &c ■OH THURSDAY MOBNUJG. ' At 9 o’do<*, ( at the Auction Store, an extensive aia meat of excellent second -band fmiiitm-©* mirrors, e* &c-, fromfaaiilies decUoing honsekeepmg, reman to tbe eteM forcohTenienceofeale. TIT OSES NATHANS, AUCTIOFIi i-ILL AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, secs,, comer of SIXTH end BACKS Streets. QBBAT- BAB6AIHB. WATOHBS AHD JBWSIiBY AT PBIYATB L Fine gold .and ailTer iever, lepine, English, Bvrfa, French -watches for let: than half the tounl t®k nricei. 'Watcheß from one dollar each. Gold chains from 40 60 6O cents par i'.ft, Jv cheap.* ■ *■ ~ tl ' TAKE NOTIOH. Tfa« highest poSßlbte-price is loaned on goOfa siu »“»*' Principal Establishment, sontheori Bi*tK aad to* Btoeete. v At loaet otw-tttYi mow fin, any other establishment-in this city. HATHAKS’ PEISCIPAE MOSEY ESTAEr.r* ; ' ! -MENT. . , 5250,000 TO LOAN, ! Intege or email amounts, from one dollar to tho-ant on diamonds, gold *aad silver plate, watches, «V* merchandise, olotMng, furniture, bedding, jiaa*, J goods of evergldesciiptfoni ° LOANS HADE AT THE LOWEST MARKET Ei : . This establishment baa large fire and thief-Briof ■ ror tho safety of valuable goods, together with isrini wafccbinan onthe’prsnilses. ! ESTABMSHEP FOB THE EAST THIRTY Hi* Ml targe lomt maOf at this tke Principal Ist HUhnunl: -w ■ ’ JGT Chargts greatlif reduced. • BAI.B. :«»' superior brilliant toned piano-forte, with usual plate, soft and lend pedalg. Price only $9O. Qne very fine toned piano-forte, price only $3O. JSHIPP3di|G. . : ■” aS3aBu DBIiPHIA STEAMSHIP HINS-Ssti ft«m each port on BATUBBATS. Prom Piness Wharf, bAT X7BDAT, Aagtiafc 30. • : I i?The Steamship iHOBMAN; (newj) Oapt. Baker, ii| sail from Philadelphia for Boston, on SATBRD3 AogoBt 301 at ,10 . o’clock ; and sfeamial SAXON, 'Matthews, from- Boston fer PWlaleitMiii SATBEDAT,'Angnst 30, at;4 P. M. Insurance bno-half that by sail yeosels. Freirht' at fair rates.’ '• ; Shipper* wiß please sand tlieir bills of Jgfyt jsl goods. ■,, - Ear freight or passage, having fine accomn«Jja«| eppiy to ; ' ’ HKHBy winsob * 00, ' I?3Q • . 532. SOUTH WHAE7K TB3fl jBBimSH-AND NOBI AMEBIOAN BOYAB MAIL Slitt . BtllrS .v•' • ,- I v ‘ .£: BETWEEN NEWYOBK AND BIYEBPOOT, Oiii ,±_ ingat GOBK habbob, ABB . BETWEEN BOSTON AND ICTESPOS D GABBING AT HALIFAX AND COKKHASBOS SCOTIA, CaptJndJdns. CHINA. Capt Antes* c *P‘-*ott ■ ASIA, Capt Cook. ABASIA, Capt-Stone.. EIIBOPA, Capt. J.. AFBICA, Capt Shannon. . CANADA, Capt. Sdr. AMEBIOA, Capt*Moodie. {NIAGABA, Oapt A Sf* - ; ' • ADSTBABASIAN. There vessels carry a clear white light at mast tat green on starboardbow; red on port bow. JBOM-NEW. YOBK TO X.IYEBPOQI. .Chief-CabinPassage. ...Slid . Second Cabin Presege Si ■ .EBOM BOSTON TO BIVEBPOOL. ' ChwOtibili Dawage.', ,i .g® - - Second Cabin Passage. IS AUBTEAL ASlAN..leaves N. York, Wednesday,Ac|l A?ABIA do. . Boston, Wednesday, -UC SCOTIA do. .Nr York, Wednesday, Anti ETJB OP A.......... do. Boston, Wednesday, Soft ...... do. •• N.York, Wednesday, W- 1 do. Boston, Wednesday, Berths not secured nntit paid for. . An experienced snrgeon on hoard. The owners, of the so ships will not fee acconatsbltl Gold, Silver, BnlHon", Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stsad ttttalg, unless bills ol lading 'are signed therefor, soft value thereof therein'expressed. For freight orpassaee appiyto B. CBN AES, : 4 BOWLING GBEEN, NewT«» B. O. & T. G. BATS 108 STATE Street, Boat Or, to iru < gtm. STEAM WEEKLY To&| TEBPOdlii touching at QTJEETfSIg (Cork Harbor.) The Liverpool, New York, *nJ delphia Steamship; Company intend despatch? l fall, powered Clyde-built iron .steamships as follow'. ®b*SGO W.. Saturday, Augtat 3 ®,, KANGABOO.........T.V.'ii....Saturday) Septe^jl And every fraceeeding'SATßßDAY at Noos,w FIBB No. 44, North Biver. • OS'PABSAGK. JTBSTOABm £85.00 STJCBBASB =; So ' toliondbij.....:9o 00 do to tonaos.-- do to Part* 95 00 do to Paris do,, to Hamburg.. 98.00 -s do to Hamborg. Passengers also forwarded to Haras, Bremen, 8* dam, Antwerp &c, at equally low rates. _ Fares from,Liverpool or.Qneenstowni.lst WM*' 17, and 21Guinea*. Steerage from Xtiverpsolf From Queenstown, £6*B. Tickets are sold bars | ourrent rate of exchange, enabling people to §»*■ their friends. .Theseafceamers bar© ffnperfor sepgers; are strongly, built iawater-tlght iron and carry Patent'lire AbniHflators. geons are attached 7 to each Steamer. - For - farther information, apply in Liverpool to * ZiIAU 227MAN,fAgent{ 22 ;Water Street: iirGlatf* 1 ALEX. MALCOIiM, $ St. Enoch Square; In tomito O. & W.P. SEYMOUR & GO.: inhon^ 1 SiyjS & MAOEY, 61 King William Street; in tf JTJIiES - DECOTJE, 48 Bne Notre Same Des Place dels Bourne; in Hew' York to JOHN 0. V 16 Broadway,' or at the Company’s Office. • ■ - = JOHN S. DANE, Agent 111,WALNUT Street. PhiMsluW- y jgQR NEWYOKK-Tffl JwUpAY—DESPATCH AND LINES-VIA DEL AW ABB AND BABITAN OAj Steamers of tire above Lines will Jea-ve BAttYi* K&d&f.H. r ' Tor freight, which will be taken on aecernffl^ 1 tenia, apply to TO. Mi BADtD * oo ' , mm-tf 132 Booth DELAWABK A”"* YORK. DAU.T ÜBS, TluDelw*"' Barltan Cans). Philadelphia and New York Yxpress Steam'x’®'» Panr receive freight end.leave daily at S P. B-> " a log their cargoes In New York the following tor . Freights taken at reasonable rates. , - WM. P. CLYDE, Agesji „ . No. 14 SOUTH WHABYBB, nOlaUf’ ■ * ! ‘JAMBS-HAND, Ag®s. Piers 14 and IS »ABT BIYEB, Ne»* p COAt. Hazleton- and diamond ( HIGH} bOAi:—■We have now ob stock or. these celebratedCoada, prepared with , for family rue, and Belling at the lowest Consumers are. respectfully invited to call end? before purchasing. - s jB., p. GILLINGHA/is,, - anlS-ldt* -g.|hcqragßOKT and pOAIi;—.THE ONDERSIG^ Li beg leave to inform their friends and tb® jp? fhat theyTiaveremoved their LEHIGH OOAh»*i from NOBLE-BTEEBT WHARF, on the VeU*fal their rYani,’northwest comer of EIGHTH Streets;where they intend to keep toe best' l ’,.! LBHIGHCOAL, from the most approved nffl»„ t lowest prices. r?nr to ■ ' Offloe, 112 South SECOSD ■yard, EIGHTH and WILLOW. WOBMAN &ILY, No. lspjj T I Street, mannfactnrer* of {stent Oi»Vj TABLI OOTMBT: also, a lately-pateirtei <£, SATIOH BLNIFKii FOEB, and BPOOS, adanted for Camp rises for FUhermhn, Se ®7?S* Mechanics, and *t\ tying their dinner* ; W. A.-E.’e Cnßery fa "JSS,' be of tbß-b6Bt qnaUtyror BNGI,IBH OAST-f & It Intended to iopencdey-by ita excellence the inferior ouaHties'ot .Ontlery now In thf “!r,,c< ( io which they raepeetfnlly invite the ,ttee nr s& Hardware dealer* generally *aihr W>S are now « E B,' “THOMSON'S LONDON KrTOK»“jg KtJBOPEAH BANG*,. suitable for r&caiUefl, hotelaj hospitßlSy a ad other P ub “f_ «?$! tn great * Also* Portable Bengefli 'phis Bangs,” Gas Ovens, Bath Boilers.*® a j V Sinks, together with a great variety of saw «*» died Hot-Air. Pomace*, Portable Hee.e«> BtOTsai Eow-dovro Grate*, *o. rv.rsroo® 5 -..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers