Market*. Aboost 26,1862.— Evening. • , n nuo!ableebaDge In flour, but the market the aalos limited to « few email lote, .token ff r;J" u ' . at)<n («6 for superfine, $6 S7#®6B2X [or t (,ro<! for extra family, and ®8.50a7 V bbl. t* f! ' r ,w brand* »« «nallty. 1116 dem * ad “ Hm!tod ‘ i p«^ nistop!i9 ,igM - E,e n ° ur ‘rrr fD d lwt , 93 cowS.JB 4P bbl. Corn meal tiinde and ee !,l “f p #BlW lvao!a Is held at 83.26 & bbl. v ft fair demand both for shipment ''and about 3,000 bushels have been taken at fled I ®'. Mint Western and rennsylranlaln etore, 8135 ? l S9 l 0 do.eno a t ia nd 51.400150 for white. Ere [or ri» fcj . # , d md 755 . {or n6W . Oom is quiet Jjii‘ lld? s jolloir. Oats are unchanged. Onethon si64c. >»* f . d Pennsylvania, wbloh are scarce, soil at •end I'Sffl’ ,toro, at d 3000 bushels new Southern at fiffl-, aflsitre. the latter rate afloat ffd JW '“ 8 more active, and dObhds Ist No. 1 Querclt roe ls wry Arm, end the sales remain quiet a id with -0»od« B1 "f *h«ttoe to note in price or demand, oat r Br,ll L n ?, r telling at 310820 for bbls, and 23c for '^fsndtb^mtndlsHmlted. plillndt'ljiliitt Cattle Market. August 55,1862. . i ßga 0 f Beef Cattle are Urge again this week, fhsone head. The market continues yery Lift* remain abont the game as last quoted, drill a™ 5008 26 for good quality, and SToB jjiqtof * Bnrae inferior tots of Oaitio on solo f lOO ai j off or prices, say $6 8008.60 4? 100. 10-dal s jrjf gioers continue scarce, aud If here rl u liw much better prices. As the weather is getting *'° hr It Is ,be general impression that the stock on p,] # wiii yery dull, and 3000400 head will he , .*r the receipts being larger than the demand. 0 Ohio steers, selling. at from $7,5Q©B, KimbJei 33 Chester count? sfceera, soiling at fry 50 Chester county steers, selling at from ?, Kewi«l7, s ® Cheater county steers, selling at from y c fll[| ni Jr., 108 Ohio steers, selling at from $' *•* juthewM, 41 Cheater conntyandOhlo steers, L a ht (ree* $7 60ff18,26. - « ii,vn!eii, 110 cluster count; and Western steers, .f; ®f W m 56.60»R. •'ll .L«ti /> McCMI, 78 Chester county and Delaware ?mi,goifr™i@TaB,2S. ® 85 Ohio steers, soiling at from S7oB 80. How * Smith, 128 Western steers, selling at from $7 t SfMomrldge, 44 Chester county steers, sell . 5*70828. *|*|iiiirar 4 Klrain, 66 Virginia steers, selling at from S "rf s Ch»iiii 13 Ohio steer*, selling at from ST®7.5O. ' g p,rtlß?tM, 13 Chester county steers, selling at Clmir,' ic Pennsylvania steers, selling at from ''Falter 4 Bro., IS Chester county steers, seeling at 3 ® Chester county steers, selling at from 1 Bccfese, 13 Chester county steers, selling at from ' Filler., 50 Western steers, selling at from *6tnlih 4 Mooney, 45 Ohio steers, selling at from S: “S>-3 Ohio suers, lelllng at from ®ToB. CHsty 34 Indleair steers, sclUeg at from Sr 08. , ntemson, 64 Ohio steers, selling at SToS.2e. : “ S; 35 Chester county eteers, eelUng at from 86® B* Kirk, C 3 Cluster county Bteera, selling at from $7 ifi H Rice * Smith, 225 Western steers, selling at from,s7a 125 * aKetler, 40 Pecnsylronia steers, sailing at from S6®7. * 1, Crsuae, Sfi Ohio stsors, selling at from 8608 25, y Gorman, 30 Ohln steers, selling at froms7®B. R, Keetey, 51 Chester county steers, selling at from Cows asd Osiris —The receipts am! sales of Clows tre gruall ibis w» 1-ic, only reaching about 75 heal, and idling at from SIS to 32 head for springers, and 828 to SG for Cow and Calf. - • OiLTEo —There is not mnoh demand, and prioes are pbont the same as lest quoted.' First quality Veal Calves selling at from 3 50a 4.60 c lb. Second quality at from lb. according to quality. . • THE SHEEP MARKET. The receipts and sales of Sheep, at Phillips’' Avenno Drove Yard ate light this week only reaching about ! 800 The ma> kot is acttve and good stock in demand, Irst Quality Sheep selling at from ®404.60 •Behead, and tecond quality otfrotn 52.50a3.10, as to oonaltton and continue scarce, and the stock on sale is light, langiag from $2.60 S3 60 W head, as to quality. THE HOG MARKET. ’ The receipts and sales of dogs at Phillips' Ayenns ivtuue Prove Yard reaohed 350 head this week, selling It from SSdf- 60 per 100 lbanet. The arrivals and tales of fat Hogs at H. G. Labour's Colon Prove Yaul reached . 1633 head this we' k, selling It Iron 5i.60a0.60 for Stilt. fed, and from $5,2608 per JW Its alt for corn-fed Hogs, according to quality. The following are the particulars of the sales: Kellet, §3 head mi sale,frsm Lancaster county, Ea. John Johnson, 145 head on sale, from Onlontown, Pa, 1. It. Henderson, IS head on ode, from Plttsbnrg. • Vra, Foreman, TO head on sale, from Lancaster 00., ynnsjlrsnta. Her Henkle, 56 head on sale, from Greencastle, Pa. i Gllcriit, 74 bead on Bale) from Westmoreland co., PfßßTSjariia & Wagner, 105 head on Bale, from Barks co,, tesj.vania. Bnmlili, Both' Js 00, 202 head on sale, from Illinois. Oils V Leeds, 165 Lend on sale, from Carlisle, Pa. Jtbs Wilson, 234 lead on sate, from Day ton, Ohio, Mlenlwn & Hard, 168 head on gale, from Chicago, Illinois. . Wai. letda, 131 head on sale, from Pittsburg, Pa, Harrisburg Live Stock Market. HASRI3OOKO, August 22,1862. Total rccelpta of Lire Stock of a'l kinds during the" leek, at Harrisburg Stock Yard*,'l,272 Beef Oattlo, 1944 logs, 2,o69Sbec's, and 00Horses. The sate* during Fri er were: M. Crossbill sold so Beef Cattle. , 'V J, Bu.Mcr do 71 do. 3. Valentina do 91 do. : .. W srlces ranging from 83,75 to ®4 60V 100 lbs. Tbs follonriDg drores of Beef OatUe were in market this .Buntf,,77head, . Steptods 73 *< t'kisblmer.,,,, 50 tf ,B, French,.... 10 ‘i Mu)id500,.,.22*l *< tSmith el- « M0haw0,.,,,,, 30 « IS.DrisbMk,,.. 03 l. H, Socliet»B... 31 11 (•M1115r,,,,,,.,. lfl ii ITY ITEMS'. Messw, Bhoameut & Co., Nos. 912 and i OhMtnut hive just published, at their Photo* ipbie Oallerlef, fine Carltt de Viliie of Hoe, Judge iCandieis, of Pittsburg ; Commodore MeKean; Went. S'.Hrr (efco hn? just been released from the Btoh- >4 prison) ; Iheliov, B A, Carden; Captain Gillie?, Jeliwnre; Bijfat Bey. Bishop Wood; Boy. William .Brood; Joim Hunt, a noted preacher in the Society of Hendi; Mr. Ifealy, the artist, and the Union General, ’’’h tl Keniucky, fTm I’isept Qi'Amtt of SatakA OioarS, to ossoise Pipjr Huiosbiok OnAMriQNj!, can always ™ “* J!r ' O' B Mattson’s, dealer in fine family Gro )e*t sonthwfs! comer of Arch and Tenth streets. His IW are Imported by himself, direct, for hia own safes, »his Cbsmingne, can always be relied open for their mlneaesj, . .. •itTEHTios—Camp chests, the most cotn famlsbid, lie most compaot, Strongest, and ilght “ any yet inmited. Price, complote for thru officers, ■( or leas, according So QtUi ga,, Also, swords, s&ihes, IWU.m.lw, camp b?d«, andcots—the boat In tits. W. UAitr.ri, !i Co, 715 Chestnut street, Matsnlc Ohejta’pi Street Isipeo vements., —Tho P«t Olllee, a n a the Burd stores, at Hinth and lettnnl streets nro Hia mOHt important improvements froscßt in progress on tbo llae of the fashionable Moughfare, These buildings will soon loom up in ele 4 proportions, while between them' will stand the ieadld Brown S one Giotblug Hall of Boofehtil & Wll 3|Kos 603 at d 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, an fabllahinenttbat is as mnoh notea for the superiority of ' Percents inado within Its walla as for the massive iwceofl&e.xterior, " " (Jbmie Advocate Antiion has sent a bomb- ■ among (ho lawj era by deciding that members of the l&lpnftitien are not exempt from the draft. Thera > »H along been an impression that this claw of patrlote U not lawfully be called upon to serve their country > Ihe Immimni deadly breach,” and tbe decleion, ttloie, Is rather attiring. But there ie ho help for it. iticipSeicf Coke and Blackstone will have to shonl toe musket and “ show how field! aia won.” What “hheg off of cWU snits there’ll be, and what a putting ot military soils!—these latter, in the shape of Kr *’ uniforms trim Charles Stokes’, under the Oonti ilil. ■ ‘“ E Dr a it, —The great topic of discussion like streets. atd iu Alt business places, is the order to aad we have yet to sea or hear the maa wtn does fsttt the measure ble most earnest and hearty ap 5, »!. Sot knowing on whom the lot may fall, and Mbi that they ate at liable to be called to goasdhslr one should at once provide himself with ‘ttMome and cheap military uniform t from the* Mam wh Clothing Emporium of Granville Stokes, No. 609 'tent afreet, Fhitrdelphia. Garments both for civilians J Miltary can bo procured at this establishment at wcedmted low prices. marine intelligence. 811 rOOBTHFAGI UCfclnakf n ABSIVUS* 'tiTfitn! NOgden, from New Orleans, tie Iwt, with auger, molsssoj, cotton,and 34 bark* , ® Sonder A <Jo. Off Wilmington creek ra? f! •’°i n Jayson, from Key West, and Aaron I w7iih?S ,Mk » lsl » nd - ' ' 5 bn»ut 1 ® ar °aby, from Turks Island 9th Inst, with "hr lll 9811 * 0 Thomas Wattson A Sons. - * at Jo ,'? ra tb, Connor, 1 day ftom Smyrna, Bel, with tbrVwT I rai < & Son. . * Sat* , a, liiijyard, I day from St Georges, Bel, J »»Bafratt ABen. “a, Ingraham, ftom Fortress Monroe, <lsY* “MUnim, • , , :h booster,'Wooster, 8 days from Yinalhaven, Via as , '’to’aln.—Passenger—Mrs Oapt Collins, satto i, £ ,o > Vincent, 1 day from Salem, NJ, with AOo. ' ’ *"?*?■ ?an ay Garner, Pierce, 24 hours from New tf" 1 gl“» to W P Clyde bt?* Win Kent. Brett, 7 hours from Cape May, fsik. ? srs ,0 captain. Left schr Hannah, from taahu D for . New York—pnt in for a harbor. U S «oln» a “Fhalan, hence, was off Dnck Creek at 2 P '(ftiri.'S* b,l s a Cuoretia, from tho Mediterranean, 1 *• Miller, abore Wilmington creek. :ht », v H * Jo, Ka Hatian, Fenton, Mexandria, Tyler,Stone Penney, Newport, El, Owtrier, Ittu 1 <Jh»rie, t Nowlork, W P Clyde. Baltimore, A OroToe, Jr. . . Stot " H »nd, BheUhorn, H York, W P Clyde. <°Mw«POi« WM Of the Ihlladdnhia Exchange.) », „ LiZiEBTIO, Aug 25, 1362. *a Awitt Taylor, from Trinidad da Cuba for "“dalut!, 0 ? 1116 ,* 0 thl* atatton thla afternoon, and "1 8 °*two tor T«nttlatton, u »ha lo»t .frtfcK.V'w" ! h ,° The brig John U daw tfdnj u.J y® B * f®* Philidolohta, cams to harbor on °BT, GBATIBSIDH, Quarantine Master.' ilHoei,* , „ MBHOBAHDA. fc }*%s£%£* too May 24, ,# Wiy 3 ' Pernambuco, ut H York jj£a*7, rreace ’ p Kllhr(ck, hone*, arrived at New York 'Wiky, Mm “' Kteiwti) hence, arrived at New York J, Valentine 17 head. A. Warner,.,,.., 81 “ 0. Eyrsmau...... 36 « M, 0r0a1and.,.,,. fit “ Thoe. Lamb...... 86 « Wilson A J!ro 65 «.i L. Henneman..,, Si n M, Jeffries........ 35 <« E. Stone ..112 “ J. W. Hutch!nion..lB3 << SPECIAL NOTICES. 100 Pieces of Cotton Damask.— Colors of Crimson, Blue, Green, Drab, White, and Light Blue, for Curtains', Linings, Coverings, Ac., wholesale and retail. W. H. OABBYL & BROTHERS, au26-tuthsBt Moronic Hall, 719 OHESTNUT St. Mosquito Nets, ail sizes and styles, cheap, and good, W. H. GABBYL & BBOTHBBS, ' nn2Btutbs3t 719 CHESTNUT 8t . Masonic Hall. Fringes, all widths, Bullion Worsted Fringes, just received, Crimson, Bine, Green, Ac., for Cnrtalns, Lounges, Chairs, Draperies, Ac. * W. H. CaBRYL & 880., au26-tuthe3t r Masonic Hall, 719 CHESTNUT Bt. Ourtain s Materials, Furniture Co YBBINGB, B. B. CAB TRIMMINGS, Ac.-A fall supply and French Satin De Laities, Dama&ka, Kepa, Laatlngs, Torrept Turkey Red, Ao* .01 It Cornice, Tassels, Gimp, Loops, Cords, &c, to maroh. Wholesale and retail, 719 OHLSTNUI Street, filasonio Hall. an2o tnthsBt W> H> CARRYL A 880, Grover & Baker’s New Shuttle SEWINO MACHINE—PRICE, ®4O. tl'he attention of tailors and other manufacturers re quiring the nse of a fast and d urable lock-stitch machine, is directed to our No. 9, Thie le a new and admirable machine, operating with the greatest ease, and with but little noise, and, although but lately put into the market, is already a great favorite with manufacturers, It is a first-class machine, at a low price. No machine ever introduced in this city has said so rapidly, or given suoh universal satisfaction. It is very s'mple in its construction, easily learned, not liable to gbtout of order, works with fine cotton, Bilk, or linen thread, equally well; and the low price at which it is sold places -it within the reach of all who desire a reliable, serviceable machine. • GROWER & BAKER S. M. 00., au2o-lf 730 CHESTNUT Street. One-Friob Clothing, of the latest Sttuis, made In the Best Manner, expressly for RE TAIL BALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked In Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Onr Gxs-Faion Svstbu is strictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. »eS2-ly JONES A CO., 601 MARKET Street. Batchelor’s Hair Dye ! THE BEST IN THE WORLD. WILLIAM A. BATOHELOB’S celebrated Hair Dys produces a color not to be distinguished from nature warranted not to injure the Hair In the least; remedies thelll effects of bad dyes, and Invigorates the Hair foi fife. GUAY, BED, or BUSTY HAIB instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown, leaving the Hair soft turd beau tiful. Sold by all Druggists, ho. I * . .tBT The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATOHI - on lAe four rider o/eoch ioa. . FACTORY, No. 81 BARCLAY Btreet, {Ltxtt 238 Broadway and 13 Bond rftreet), r : myHS-ly New York. MARRIED. MAOINTIBE—JONES—On the 24th Inst., by Bey. Tbeo. Stevens, Mr. James H. Macintlre, of Wilmington, Del., to Miss Lizzie Jones, of this city. - it YOLLUM—BOONE—August 24th, by Rev. Jehu Welker Jackson, at the residence of the bride’s father, Charles N. Yollum, of Company F, Zouaves d’Atriqne, to Sallie A., youngest daughter of B. Boone, Esq., all ot Philadelphia. * DIED. KEPPELE.—At the residence of John B. Latimer, Eta . Wilmington, Bel., on the 23d inst, Mrs. Catharine O.Koppele,intheB9thyearof her age. * CHADWICK. —Suddenly, on the 24th inst., of apo plexy, Mr. Wm.-Chadwick, in the 68th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from hts late residence, Mill Creek, Montgomery connty, on Thursday, Angust 28tb, at 10 o'clock. Funeral to proceed to Laurel ffill Cemetery. - Yates.—Suddenly, while bathing, at Deal, Mon mouth county, New Jersey, August 21st, Walter Paul Yales, In the 11th year of hie age, only child of Edward B. and Elizabeth Yates. - The relatives and friends of the family, and also Hiss lco Cadets, Company A, are respectfully invited to at tend his foneral, from the residence of his parents, No. 644 North Tenth Btreet, to day (Tuescb y), at 10 o’clock, without further notice. To proceed to Dottrel Hill Ceme tery. . . # BEAD.—At the United States Naval Asylum, bn the 22d August, 1862, ’Bear Admiral George 0. Bead, U. S. Navy.'. ...... The funeral will take place to day (Tuesday), at 10 o’clock A, M. * , BUDMAN—Suddenly, on the 23d .inst., William 0, Rndnian, in the 34th year of his age. Hlb friendß and those of the family, .and -alto, the officers and members of Columbia Lodge, No. 91, A, Y. M„ also the members of St. George’s Society, are reßpect fnlly invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No 318 Green-street, on Wednesday afternoon, 27th inst., at 3 o’clock. To proceed to Monument Cemetery. #* AKEB.—On the 23d inst, Mr. Henry Aked, in the 63d year of bis age. , # BEBGDOLL.—On the morning of the 24th inst, after a long ar.d lingering illness, Mrs. Catharine Stein Barg, doll, in the 63d year of her age. # CHAMBERS.—On tlie23dinst., Mrs. Mary Chambers, in the 79th year of her age. . * CALLAHAN.—On Sauday, the 24>.h inst, Wm. Calla han, in the 31st year of his age, son of Andrew and Mary Callahan.' # OLOUDEN—On the 22d inst.. Mrs. Sarah Clouden, wife of George W. Ciouden, aged 42 years. . ; * . HANDY—On the 23d inst, letitia, wife of the late Wm. D. Handy, and eldest daughter of James and Eliza beth Williamß, in the 37th year ofher age. * BANIGAN.—On the 23d inst., William Hanigan, in the2Blh year of his age. * HUDSON—On the 23d inst., Mrs. Ana Catharine Hudson, in the 74th year of her age, # ' LOVETT.—On the 23d inst, Sarah, wife of Aaron Lovett, in the 64th yeer of her age. > # MOURNING STORE.—BESSON & jjuL SON, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. , Black Monssetino do Lainos, double widths. Black Tamises. Black Smnmer Bombazines. Black English Bombazines. .Black Alpacas, bombazine finish. Black Grog Grain and Punlt da Soie Silks. Black Crape Maretz and Bareges. * • j Black Barege Hernsni. - Black Silk Grenadines. Black and White Lawns, Ginghams, Ac. ' jy23 - HAV4L OBDEBi-THI COMMAND- Ik_3 AMT of this Naval Station announces with regret to the Navy the death of Rear Admiral GSOBGE.O, BEAD. His foneral will take place from his late resi dence, the GOYEBNOB’S HOUSE, at the Naval Asylum, at 10 o’clock A. M„ on the 26th instant. All.Oliicers of the Navy and M arlne Corps attached to my command will attend at the time and place designated in the undressunifoim'.of the Navy, (as prescribed by the order of the Department, dated March Bth, 1862,/to pay the last honors to a distiognished brother officer Fifteen minute-guns will he fired from the flag-ship Princeton, on the day of thefnneral at 12 o’clock M„ and the flags of all United States vessels at this port will be hoisted at half-mast from 8 o’clock A, M., till sunset of the day, ' . PROGRAMME, First Marines, as a firing party. Music. Chaplain. ; s : : ■- w ® g * cn ; .... g a•" ; . § Esoort. Friends. Navy Officers. Army Officers. Societies. . Citizens, J, PENDERGKAST, Commodore. United States Navy VAbd, Philadelphia, 26th August, 1862. , ... ... ~. .t S;i - it* ' MAYOR HENRY AND HIS POLICE. [j. —lt is understood that the Police force is acuvely engaged forcing their chief upon the party he abandoned to secure the South. When Mayor Henry reselved to oppose Lincoln and Cnrtln, and snpport Bell and Foster, he forbade his police (who were generally in favor of the former), interfering in politics. This policy lost us the city at the last elec tion. He is quite willing note they shall become, politi cians. , . : * Yt* nc>TO THE UNION ELECTORS OF THE lO SECOND SENATORIAL DISTRICT—Gbx tlbmbh ; In the first edition of the Bulletin of yester day, the Tax-Deceiver, fm, P. Hamm, undertakes to deny the allegatione I made in regard to bis interference in lfghlative. nominations. In reply to which I hare oily to say, that I can hare no controversy with a man who has the boldness, over his own signature', to deny the record, the assertions of his own agents at Harrls b nrg. (among whom may be classed one of my competi torr,) and his own note of dismissal from the Depart ment, dated April 11, 1862. For the truth of what I have alleged, I refer the Tax Beceiverto the Becord, and to the recollection of every one of my colleagues, both of the Honseof Bepresentatiyes and Senate, on the subject. Bespectiully, Ac., It* O. BUSH SMITH. rye» TENTH WARD.—THE DELEGATE lo ELECTION OF THE NATIONAL UNION PaBTY, will ho held on THIS (TUESDAY) EYEN ING, Angnst 26, 1862, between the hoars of 6 and 8 o’clock P. SI., at the regular Precinct Houses. ROBERT MOREI9, President. CHAM-BS Jbwbll, Secretary. It* aca SEVENTH WARD NATIONAL UNION tL2 ASSOCIATION Invite all citizens in favor of sus tainirg the present National Administration to partici pate at the Delegate Elections, to be held THIS EVE NING, at the following places: Ist Division, Morris Hose House, Lombard, above Eighth street. 2d Divisioe, H. B. Bobbs*, N. E. corner Twelfth and Lomhaid. 3d Division, Loudon’s, ,S.W. corner Thirteenth and Lombard. 4>h Division, White’s, B. W. corner Sixteenth and Lombard.' 6th Division, Love’s, S. W. corner Eighteenth and Ad dison. 6th Division, Patterson’s, N. W. corner Nineteenth and South. 7th Division, corner Albion and Lombard Btb Division,Henderson’s, N,E corner Twenty-second aid Suuh. Polls open at 6 o’clock and close at 8 o’closk. WM. B. MAD AS i, President. Jambs Dick, Secretary. It# ryv==» FIRST WARD, NATIONAL UNION ASSOCIATION.—The cltizousotthe First Ward, iavoiable to the above call, will meet on Tuesday eve ning, August 26, from 6 to 8 o'clock, at the followlbg Pi relucts, to hold their Delegate Elections: First Precinct—Joseph Blvel’a. Second Precinct—Peter Bonvier’s, Greenwioh street and Mojamensing Avenue. Third Precinct—Second street, below Wharton. Ponrtli Precinct—Oapt. E. Hand’s, Sixth and Dicker son strerts. • Fifth Precinct—Brj an Farley’a, Eleventh and Federal. Sixth Precinct—John Fnrgtwon’B, Brood andjShippen. Seventh Preoinct—Thomas Wiley’s, Eighteenth and C&rpf'stsr Btrsfitia ' Eighth Precinct—Chas. Scott’s, Ninth and Wharton sts. Ninth Precinct—James Degog’s, Gray’s Ferry road and Ohristian street V: Eleventh Precinct—Samuel S. Money’B, Jefferson ave nue and Eeed street. The citizens of the Tenth precinct will 'vote at the ■place deßignated by the vice president of their preoinct. The Ward delegates will' meet oh "Thursday evening, Angnst 28, at 8 o’clock, at the bouse of Mr. Samuel 8. Monojr, Jefferson avenue and Seed afreet. By order: P.EDMUNDS,' It# President. rrs=* TO,! 1 *?.SI? ION ELECTORS OF THE llj TISTH WARD. 1 respecifnlly ask jura to vote for tho following Repre sentative Delegates, THIS AFTERNOON, between the hours of six and eight o’clock: _ , First Precinot—Bace street, below Eighth street, for WiniamHoockogey. ■ ' Second Preelnot—At Ninth and Cherry street*, for Third Precinct—At Eleventh and Vino streets, for Henry 0. Howell. . , Fourth Precinct—At Eleventh and Bace streets, for Gcorgo * a Fitth Precinct—At Broad and Bace streets, for George Boldin. . - ~ Sixth Precinct—At Fifteenth and Bace streets, for Thomas 8. Williams. * , Seventh Precinct—At Sixteenth and Bace streets, for James M. Stewart. , . . Eighth Precinct—At Twenty-first land Cherry streets, for Lewis Bolbermel. " „ Angnst 26,1862.-It* WM. L. DENNIS. PHILADELPHIA, AUGUST 35, 1862. Ik3 —At a meeting' of the Committee directing the Distribution of the Citizens' Bounty Fond for Volus teorß, held this day, the following resolutions were agreed to: Beiolvea, That should there be any organization of pans of companies which cannot be made np to the full, complement, aid the privates thereof choose to volunteer in onv of the old Philadelphia regime* ts now to the field,; tbin Committee will aitow to any such six dollars as an enlistment fee, and fifty dollars as bounty; time limited to tbe firet of September next. , Resolved-, That the captains of such organizations, or, on faifnre of there being a captain, the lieutenant com manding thereof, be entliied to, and shall receive-from this Committee, five dollars for inch man of his com-< pan' he loduces to enlist in the old regiments as before' mentioned: Provided, Satisfactory evidence is pro-: duced te the Disbursing Committee that said, men be' iongtd to bis association; time also limited to first of September next. THOMAS WEBSTER, Vice Chairman. . LOMU Burnt: et, Secretary. It ,y==. DFS PER ATE CASES R EQUI RE DES |>_§ PER A’ K aiEANS—t was somewhat surprised: to see a card. published by G BUBH SMITH, wherein; be states that he has been assailed by the Beceiver of Texes. Ido not know that I have ever done any thing' that should braed me as lhe,assatlsht of this perron. Candor should, at least, require, him to consider me as one of hie best friends. I tntnk that his perfidy to those who have heretofore uniformly acted ; towards him with' kindneis has been the cause of the overpowering opposi tion manifest to every voter of his district. In the matter of the “Five PerOent. Law,” as Hr. Smith terms it, I take the liberty of stating that what tie assetta in his card is a falsehood of the grossest charac ter. He was the adviser, anther, and principal actor in its passage; end did not even vote far its repeal, and as regards the Act changing the mode of collecting the Mercantile Taxes, he not only advised but drafted the hill making the change, taking it from the City Trea surer and placing it in this Department, and he did not even vote for the repeal Of tfcia law, BespeotfaUy^ Philadelphia, August 25,1862 nrv=» NATIONAL UNION ASSOCIATION, U 3 FIFTH WABD—The loyal citizens of the Fifth waxi, irrespective of party, who are In favor of sus taining the National Administration in its efforts to sup press the rebellion, will vote for the Delegates to the se veral Con vehOons at the following places: Ist Division—BlcHeown’s, Honth street,above Second. Judge—Charles T. Brown. Inspectors—Charles Marklanf, Lewis Oil-: lingham. 2d Division—Olein’s, 8. B. corner Front and Pinests. : ' Judge—William I’. Barnard. Inspectors—Sami, 8. Folwell, Henry Ohar. man..- ■ ' 84 Division—Considine’s, 8. W. comer of Fifth and Lombard Streets. Judge—George Johnson. Inspectors—Wm. Philips, Bobt. Stewart. 4ili Division—Stein netz’s, N. W. corner of Front and • Union streets. . Judge—John B. Kenney Inspectors—H. 8. Gilbert, E. J. Kenney. sth Division—Belverson’B, Front street, above Dock. ! . Judge—Francis H Duffoe, ; Inspectors—J. Blake, W. Wilse. sih Division—Buibs** Spruce street, below Fifth. « Judge—Wm.H. Pepignan. Inspectors—'Thoa. Cook, Jacob H. Burns. Tib Division-—O’Brien's, Fifthjstreet, above Prime. L : ■ : 'Judge—Jos. P. Longhead. Inspectors—o. W. Steel, John Gns. Bth Division—Zone's, Sixth street, belew Chestnut. Judge—J. B-Eari. Inspectors—Geo. Oallihan,-G. W. Baugh. The Polls will be ope n from 7 to 9 o’clock P. M. By order of the Association ; • WILLIAM B. SMITH, Chairman. 5 JOHSJ.FjtiKKI.tK, KcbebtK. BioHotiS, . J Secretaries. .. 8 „2g.4 t ty-~=. NINTH WARD NATIONAL UNION LkJ> ASSOOI AT (ON.—At a meeting of the loyal citi-: ztxiß of the Ninth Ward, held on Tuesday evening, 19!h list, called for the purpose of forming a National Union Asscciati in, -- • Beijamin-F. Kern was called to the Ohnir, and Henry C. Thompson was appointed Secretary. A committee consisting of one from each precinot was appointed to report officers for a permanent organize, tion • • •' ■ -.0. The.-.- committee reported the following officers, who were unanimously elected: t-- President—Benjamin F. Kern. ■ ’ •■Tice Presidents—Daniel Steinmetz, Samuel 8. Moon. Secretaries—Henry O.Thompson, Wm. D. Potts. Treasurer—Howard 11. Williamson. Mr. James Freeborn was unanimously elected to repre sent the ward in the Committee of Superintendence. The following persons were elected to conduct the elec tiohfor Delegates to be held this (Tuesday) evening, from ,6 to 8:o’clock P. M.: ; s, ; Ist Precinct—Judge, Ewd. H. Williamson ; Inspectors, Geo. Garread, Jos. G. Smith. , 2d Precinct—Judge, Wm. Stokely; Inspectors, Chas. D. Lybrand, Thos Thorne. . 3d Precinct—Judge, Sennon Horne ; Inspectors, Wm. 'F. Jones. W. M. Williamson. 4th Precinct—Judge, Samuel P. Jones, Sr.; Inspect ors, Henry J. Fox, Jaa. S. Thompson. j - - 6th -Precinct—Judge, James .Freeborn; : Inspectors, John 6. Chestnut, Alex, Crawford. : : 6th Precinct—Judge, Daniel B. Beitler; Inspectors, Lewis Gordon, John J; Fife. ■ - 7th Precincc—Judge, George Weigand ; Inspectors, Wm.B Allison, Wm. Richmond. Bth Precinct—Judge, John Atkinson; Inspectors, Wm. Boyle, Morris Hameli, General nominations for Delegates were then made,, aid ordered to be printed. • . . The Association then adjourned to meet on TUESDAY, 1 September 2,1862, atB o’clock P.M. . BENJAMIN F. KEItN, President. -i Henry 0. Thojitson, Secretary. ' Printed lists oi the nominations for delegates can ’be had at the office of ths Secretary, 933 Arch street. It* ry-s=* NOTICE -THE PENNSYLVANIA LLS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. ", August 215t,.3862.: The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Penn sylvania Fire Insurance Company will bo held at their office on MONDAY, the first day-of September - next, at 10,o’clock. A. M., when an election will be held for nine I Lectors, to serve for the ensning year. an2l-tsel WM. G. CEO WELD, Secretary. fYt==- OFFICE OF THE HARRISBURG, lL§ PORTSMOUTH, MOUNT JOY, AND LAN, UabTEE BAILBOAD COMPANY— Philadelphia- Angnst 20,1862 . - ~ The ananal meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held on FRIDAY, the 6th day of September next, at II o’clock, A. M , at No. 3 WILLING’S AL. LEY, at which time an election will he held for Thirteen Directors, to serve for the ensning yesr. au2L 121# GEORGE TABER, Secretary. fy-—=»• RECRUITS FOR PHILADELPHIA LL§ REGIMENTS IN THE FIELD—The DIS BURSING AGENCY OF THE CITIZENS’ BOUNTY FUND announce to all Recruiting Officers, for Phila delphia Begihients in the field, that they sit, DAILY, between 9 A. M. and 12 M-, at their Office, in front of the FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK, and are prepared to pay $6 Premium to each Recruit, and BSO Bounty to each Recruit, upon compliance with the forms they have adopted. Information in detail given bn application to the undersigned. Recruiting Officers will please present their credentials for enlisting. MICHAEL V. BAKES, GEORGE WHITNEY, as9-isel SINGLETON A. MERGER. rw==» TO THE UNION ELECTORS OF THE |_Lg EIGHTH LEGISLATIVE DIBTBIOT, COM PRISING THE TENTH WARD,’ AND FIRST, FOURTH, FIFTH, SEVENTH, AND EIGHTH PRE CINCTS OF THE FOURTEENTH WARD. . Gentlesikk :—I am still yonr. Representative, and from a sense of duty to jou, submit the following state zoent: The City of Philadelphia is paying an immense sum of money for the collection of Its revenues. To correct this wrong, I last winter introduced a bill, which, had it be come a law, would have saved the City at least fifty thou sand dollars a year. The 'bill passed the House, hut was lost In the Senate. I cordially supported Mr, Wildey’s hill, which pro posed to repeal tho Act of 1861, under which Act , the Receiver of Taxes had claimed five per cent, on outstand ing taxes. That bill passed the Home, and was alto del feated in the Senate. Late in the session the Members of the Ht use were startled t -. learn, that at the Instance of the Receiver of Taxes, or of persons in his interest, ■who bed visited Harrisburg for that purpose, the collec tion of the State and Mercantile tax had been surrepti tiously taken from the City Treasurer's Office, and trans ferred to the Receiver of Taxes Office; with an increased charge of 2X per centum for collecting, &«, That obnoxious law was soon repealed, and I had the honor of assisting in the work.. Some of,the,parties im mediately interested In maintaining the',present nnjnst and burdensome system of collecting taxes, determined that I.should no longer interfere with.their wishes, and before ,the close cf the. session I was informed that a young man, who is a clerk in the Receiver ot Taxes Office, bed been sdected as my'successor. ; ' The parties engaged in carrying out this (to them) de sirable change, perfected theirjjorganization months Bines, in every precinct in the district. They rely for success, hot so-much upon their strength, as upon the belief that you will, as heretofore, neglect to take part in nominating candidates for places of trust,;;. Apprised as you now are, of this fact, and having, a direct personal interest in the proper settlement of the issne that is now pending, it is for you severally to de termine whether yon will keep away from the polls on the afftrnoon and evening of Tuesday next; (the 26th inst.,) and allow me to he proscribed for attempting to protect yonr rights, or attend and rebuke the efforts of a few oity officials, who, not content with immense receipts, assume to select yonr Representatives. I remain, yonr friend and obedient serv’t, ang23-Bt* ~ W. L. DENNIS. ~s=». OUR COUNTRY! TO ARMS ! I—THE ILS COMMITTEE appointed to receive Subscriptions taaid of the CITIZENS’ BOUNTY FUND, for pro viding the proportion of Philadelphia’s quota of men to increase the Army of the Bepublic, sit daily at - independence haul, From 10 A. 3 P. M. By order of the Committee. 1 j>29 tra THOMAS WEBSTER, Chairman. POLITICAL. RECEIVER OF TAXIS, JAMES 0 KELCH, SECOND WARD. au23-6t# TjlOR RECEIVER OF TAXES, J} ADAM H. SHOEMAKER, : OF ■ SIXTEENTH WABD. ■Subject to the nomination of the National Un'on Con vention. au26-4t# THOR CITY CONTROLLER, 1862, J} • GEO. W. HUFTY, FOURTEENTH WABD. "DOTTLES. —Eniptj Porter and Ale J 3 BOTTLES bought back of 321ABCH 3trett. an2fl-3t# T. WALTER. TVORYIYPES BY REIMSR ARE JL T?r (I'defctioßably the most attractive pictures made. Tbeir charm cocsists jo their close adhoronce andarfcisttc colorirg to the origical. SKCONB Street, above Green. LADIES’ HAIR-DYRINGfr AND CHILDREN'S HAIB .CUTTING done in the most approved style at FOtJBTfI and BBANOH, ao23*iftf PORE BOURBON WHISKY.—A small lot of “ Pure Old Bourbon,” made by Colonel LcOnidß B Metcalfe, now’ Colonel of 7th Kentucky Caval ry, and wa: ranted made from best quality Kentucky Corn and Bye, in the old-fashioned, copper distilled man ner, in store, and for sale by MILLER & BROTHER, au2s,ot# 244 North THIRD Street. A 70 YOLCNTMBB. ' Jgj ASMY WATCHES. We have just received an assortment of Gold and Sil ver Watches, made expressly to onr order, and pecu liarly adapted to those in the Army, on account of their extrastrength and simplicity of construction, which wo will sell very low, -LEWIS LADOMBS ft C 0.,. .. an2l-Btif No. 802 OHESTN tJT Street -jO/' TRUSS AND; BRACE DE- ' 0. H. NEEDLES, Comer TWELFTH and BACE Streets. Philadelphia. Hernial Trasses and mechanical appliances correctly adjusted by O H. NEEDLES. Fine French ana approved American, adapted to every form or rapture, in adults and children, English and American Supporters and Belts, Shoulder Braces, Sus pensories, Elastic Stockings, and Syringes ta great va riety. Ladies’ Department, TWELFTH Street, first door below Bace. Conducted by competent ladles. jjjas-an if;/,,....;; . TYRALN PlPE.—Vitrified Drain and 3J Water PIPE, from 2 Inches bore up, with every variety of Beads, Branches, Traps, Ac., warranted equal to any in the market, and at lese rates. The uader righed being Interested; In one of the largest and best beds of Fire Clay in this country for the manufacture of the above and other articles, defies competition, both in nnslitj and price. 1 PETER B. HELIOS, Office and Store 731 CHESTNUT Street. Manufactory cor, Thompson and Anthracite streets, Philadelphia, , - » qB -tf riOTTON SAIL DUCK AND CAN \J TAB, of alt numbers Mid brands. Raven's Duck Awning Twills, of aB descriptions, for Tents, Awnings, Trunk and Wagon Covers. Alse, Paper' Manufacturers’ Drier Felts, from Ito 8 feet wide. Tarpaullng, Belting, Ball Twine, *O. , , v JOHN W.EVEBMAH4 00., myi-tf 103 JONES Alley/ THE PKESS.—PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1862. jy TEE ROLLS OF HONOR- H NOTICE TO VOLUNTEERS.—AII Pennsylvania 111 Volunteers mustered into the service of tho United States frcmdhe commencement of j the war, are enti tled to have then Dames inscribed on the BOLUS OF : I10&0B, to be deposited in INDEPENDENCE HAUL, t The* committee to-arrange the Boils, preparatory to their engrossment in . the parchment boohs, have pre pared the necessary blanks for delivery to regimental officers, captains oi companies, and officers recruiting for old regiments now in the field, who are requested to have them .filled, and returned, to the committee as soon as practicable. ni:.< v ■ , :• The .Bolts will contain the, name, age, birth, place, re sidence, occupatfoa, and term : of enlistment of every offi cer and private, with the letter of the company and number of the regiment in which he enlists. A large number of the .volunters have, families dependent upon them, tq,whom it may be the duty of the public to ex tend such aid hireatter as circumstances require.- In every cose, therefore, where the soldier leaves a wife and children, br eliher, the fact will be noted, and tho number and cexes ofihb children entered on tho 8011, < together with the range of their ages. .U a Botdier dies, or is wounded In the service, or is houorably or otherwise discharged, the fact, as it may heresfier appear fnm Uie official report, will be entered cn the Boils oppodte his name. The liolls are*intended to present a faithful record of the career of every volunteer from Pennsylvania during his teim of service; and it Is hoped that regimental and line officers will facilitate the object, and that the name of no man who'serves hie country'in the present .war will be omitted from Its history. The blanks 1 will be delivered on application -at the rooms of the Board of Trade, 80. 605 Ohestout street, on and alter Thursday, toe 28'.h of August, 1862. j ' * TO IRISHMEN OF PENNS YL- S VANIA-THE BRIAN BOBU’S UNITED IBISH W LEGION OF PHILADELPHIA have been ac cepted by his Excellency Governor Ourtin. Also, having the express desire from Goneral COBOORAN for this Regiment to he in hie Brigade, under such authority, I approach my countrymen, and say to them: Come and join with us, boy a Do not wait to be drafted. Form com panies and squads amongst yourselves and secure the Government and oity bounty. All telegraph despatches will be promptly replied to In all parts of the State • free transportation on all railroads, by applying to Head querters, CONNELLY’S H-JTEL,opposite State House. Country papers please copy. GKOJSGB OgQOKES. Galqiiel. H. BODGEKS, Major. It# W. P. HAMM, « HEARQUaRTEBS 116TH RE BGIMENT P. T.i August 25,1862. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN to all recruits now in toe country, recruited in Col. HEENAN’S Regi ment, to repair to Philadelphia bofore toe Ist of-SEP TEMBER, to be mustered into the service of the United States, in order to complete the rolls, that they may be sent to Washington and toe men receive their first month’s pay. . ■ i By order of Col. D. HEENAN. Commanding. - J. JEt. MILES; Ajt. This Regiment to be attached to Goo. MICHAEL COBCOBAN’S Brigade. . ;:au2B6t. - l| NOTICE.—ELASKO CADETS, ©COMPANY A, are respectfully requested to meet urat tbeir Armory, 219 ‘ Sonth 880 AD Street, on TUESDAY MOBNING, the 2fith inst, at half past 8 o’clock, to attend the funeral of their late member, WALTER PAUL YATES. By request of au2s-2l* Major: EOKENDOBFF. | RECRUITS FOR PHILA.DSL fif PHIA BEGIMBNTB IN ACTIVE SERVICE IN Ilf THE FlELD.—Recruits wanted for toe Old Begi ments from Philadelphia—OAVALßY, ARTILLE RY, and INFANTRY. Bounties for all other regiments : have c( ased. The following “ bounties’’ are now paid,: cash in hand, before the recruit leaves the city: By the Government—Bounty .....f25 and a'“premium” for each recruit offering...... 4 The Citizen's Bounty Fund paid to each recruit.,,.., 60 and an additional “premium” 0f... 6 ' $35 These liberal “bountios” and “premiums” wilibepaid at on co for all able-bodied effective men between the ages of 18 and 45. .. , \ The draft-will surely take placo on September 3d, 1862; there remains then bnt one week to secure these bounties. Tour fellow-citizens appeal to you from the battle-field to: reinforce these veteran, and well-officered regiments. Shall they appeal in vain ? Come forward HOW, and select not only tho regimont in which you wish to servo, but tfco particular company ■in'which your comrades are, instead of waiting to be drafted without these privileges. ! For further particulars apply at the following recruit ing stations now open: Capt. Thomas J. ’Town, 95th Regiment, 202 Dock street. Lieut. Patrick Egan, 95th' Regiment, 202 Pock street. Lient o; B. Griffith, 82d Regiment, 138 N. Ninth'street Lieut. A. J.-Knorr, 824 Regiment, 716 Vino street. Capt. William J. Übler, 99th Begiment. Capt. Adam Bcbuh. 99ih Begiment. Lieut. 1 John B. Biebt, 26'h Regiment, 144 North Third, ana corner’Carpenter and Sixth streets.- Lient.lGeorge W. Tdmilnsoh, 26th Begiment, and 114 North Third, and corner Carpenter and Sixth streets. ’ Capt. P. McDonough, 2d Besoms, 108 South Sixth street. • .■'■•'.f': ; Lieut. John Curley, 2d Reserves; 108 South Sixth street, Capt.' Matthew, Ileiliy, 115th-Regiment, 1219 Market street. Capt William Wilson, Slat Begiment,lllB Market street. Lieut W. L. Stock, ;29th Begiment. Lieut. Thomas K.-Boggs, 23d Begiment, N. E. cornor Sixth and Chestnut streets, third story. - Lient. George W. Wilson, 61stBegiment, SSouth Fifth street. Lieut William M. Dawson, 61st Begiment, 8 South Fifth street. - * Xieut. Samuel Larue, 3d Pennsylvania Infantry Be s.-rve Corps, 40 South Third street. Lieut. John Stanton, 3d Pennsylvania Infantry Reserve Corps, 40 South Third street. Liuut. Charles Been, 98th Begiment, 532 North Third street. Lient. Edward Hough, 98thBegiment, 532 North Third street. ' •Lieut. James B.=Hadley, 26th Begiment, 1030 Filbert street Capt, Christian H. Winter, 75th Begiment, 488 North Third street. Capt. William Jatho, 27th Begiment, Oallowhill, above Fifth street. ■■ Lieut. Walter'S. Briggs. 27th Begiment. Lieut. Wm Letford,'29th Begiment, 716 Market street. Lient. John Roche, 117th Begiment, 104 South Sixth street. . • ! Lient. Daniel B. Meany, 117th Begiment, 44 South Seventh street. '• Lieut. JubSus A. Gregory, 91st Begiment, 620 Chestnut street.' ■. ■■ ■ ■■■■. " ■ ■ ■ , Lieut. Colonel E. H. Flood, 43d Begiment, Ist Peiinsyl vania Artillery, 150 North Second street J Msjor James H. Brady, Ist Pennsylvania Artillery, 150 North Second and 515 North Second Btreet. Lieut. -Daniel F. Linn, s.Bth Begiment, 620 Chestnut street. 1 ... ■ ' "Lieut-j Joseph N. Abbey, 112th Begiment, 138. Sontii Fourth efreet. • Lieut. J. B. Allen, 72d Begiment, 527 Chestnut street. Lkut. J. W. Sunderland, 72d Begiment, 527 Chestnut street. . ' • Capt. Samuel Zuli’ck, 29th Regiment.*’- : Captain William Moore, 73d Begiment, 457 North Third street.,.. ... • “ ' • Lieut. Christian Goebel, 73d Begiment, N. E. comer Fonrth and Cherry streets. ; . i 5 Lient Nicholas Baggs, 112th Regiment. ' Capt Christian. Kleintz, 65th. Begiment, 232. North Fonrth street. 4, i:"> _ . Lieut.* Philip Yorhees, 29th Begiment. Capt. Joseph C. Hees, 65th Begiment, 333 Chestnut street.. ■■ .. Lieat Benjaminß. Eyre, 71st Begiment, 620 Chestnut street.- Or to O. F. BUFF, S HEADQUARTERS CADWALA DEB BEGIMENT, 120th P. V., COL. WM. ]F. SCHBEIBEB, S. W. Corner NINTH and WALNUT . ~ Streets. . Recruits' wanted to fill rip* the above Regi ment. Yolnnters from the country will receive the City of Philadelphia Bounty, making altogether $165, Apply by mail, or in person, as above , ~ " ’ WM, ! F. SOHBEIBEB, au2o-6t# , Col. 120th Beg. P.V, 11 CITY BOUNTY FUND COM 13} MISSION.' ” ill ; NOTICE TO VOLUNTEERS.—OfficiaI informa ™ Hon has been given to the. (Sty Bounty Fund Com mission, that the following named regiments have been accepted by the Governor of Pennsylvania, on account of the knots'of required from the. city; of Philadelphia, viz : Zouave d’Afrique, Col Coilis. .... Begiment No. 116, Col. Heenan. . . . »■ •• 117, Col. A. 11. Tippln, Scott Legion. “ . 118, Col. O.M.Prevost, Com Exchange, “ “ ng, Coi, p.c. BUmaker, Gray Beserves. “ “ 121, Col. Chapman Biddle. The Commission are ready to pay the bounty to volun teers in said regiments undor the rules and regulations heretofore published auls-12t JOHN O. KNOX, Chairman. N»| RECRUITING- OFFICE OF JSSJ) THE ANDERSON TROOP, Ground Floor of l “ ~Tg the Pennsylvania Railroad Office, corner of THIRD Street and WILLING’S Alley. Oapt. WMJ. PALMER, Sergt. ALFRED VEZIN, an 26 6t* Private NORMAN M. SMITH. V* ATTENTION! $162 BO UNTY. Sfc) —The danger of being drafted or consolidated *i into another regiment avoided by joining the ■Washington squadron of cavalry now forming, by order of the Secretary of War, under the commacd of Major JAMES M. SOHOONM AKER. Apply at 20i South Fourth Street. Farmer’s Market. Market, above Eleventh. Farmer’s Hay Market, Seventh and Oxford. Oapt. J. W. HALL, Oapt. H. N. HARRISON, Lient. Ca&pkk W. Morris, -Lieut Jacob J.-Morris. a025-0t u. s. FIVE TWENTIES; 08, 20-YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS, PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OF THE GOVEBN . HENT AFTER FIVE YEARS. ’ I am Instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY to receive subscriptions for the above LOAN AT PAR, THE INTEREST TO COMMENCE FROM DATS OF DEPOSIT, Thus avoiding the difficulty heretofore experienced by requiring payment in GOLD of the interest from May last ■ A full supply ef these Bonds always on hand. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD ST. Jy2B-tf • ' JIMBSB.WAI.TOS, -TBOKAB W.'TOST. ■\YrAFrON & YOST, IT BANKERS, BROKERS, GENES AL OOLLEO T 0 B 8, . No. 25 South THIRD Street, PhUadelphla; REFERENCES. Jay Cooke & 00., 1 „ Hon. James Poßook, James, Kent, Santee, & Co., Hon. H. D. Foster, Esberiekj Blaok, & Co., Hon. A. H. Reeder, . 0. MoKlbbin &Son, Hon. Asa Packer; . E. P. Middleton & Bro., Hon. Warren J. Woodward. Hon. Wm. Wilkins, V. L; Bradford, Esq. MILITARY. CBAB .ES GIB3UNU, ) GEOEGK WHITNEY, _> OommUteo. J. BOSS SNOWDEN, \ Philadelphia, August 26,1862. au26 -tSel Lieut. Colonel Third Cavalry,.XJ. S Army, Superintendent Recruiting Service, - au2s-t3O i 1102 Girard street, Fhilada. FINANCIAL. M SCHULTZ & CO. have removed • to 80. 10 Sonth.THIBD Stjpet, where they will attend to the purchase and sale of Foreim and Domestic Exchange, Gold and Silver, Old Demand Holes, ; and other Beemltlee. - aul-lia## JJROWN DRILLS, STANDARD QUALITY, FOB SALE BY WELLING, COFFIN, & Co. jyl9-sluib3m - 320 CHESNUT STREET. JjONSDALE CO.’S ' 4-4,. 7 8, ANfi, 29-INCH FIXE BLE a C H ED SHI RTINGrS, SILESIASj NANKEENS, PAPER MUSLIMS, and COL’D CAMBRICS. FOR SALE BY WELLING, COFFIN, So Go. SELLING AGENTS, jy!9 atutoSm 220 CHESTNUT Street. 25 000 yds ' 12 oz ' u ' s ' Ai t>UCKS ' 20,000 YARDS 10ox. U. 8. A. DUCKS. 17,000 % DOHET ABMY FLANNELS. SO CASES ABMY STANDARD COTTON FLANNELS. 150 BALES ABMY STANDARD COTTON DRILLS. SEAMLESS BAG 3 of the following brands: LEWISTON, “A," ANDROSCOGGIN, “A,” CANADA, “ A,” PREMIUM, “A," For Bale by DE COURSEY & HAMILTON, au2l-thatn6t# 23T CHESTNUT Street. OURTAINB FOR HOSPITALS. 90,000 YARDS BLUE AND GREEN WIDE COTTON DAMASKS. GEORGE D- PARRISH. ■ a»25-tse2l ■■■ JgED-QUILTS, SUITABLE FOR HOSPITAL PURPOSES. 8,000:10-4 WHITE AND BLUE AND -WHITE AND B’LATE. : ALSO, 8-4 and. 8-4 INDIGO BLUE FLANNELS. For side by FKOTHINGHAM & WELLS, ■ Jyl6 : 2m 34 N. FBONT and 36 LETITIA STREET. gHIPLEY. . HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, Ho. 113 CHESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION MBBCHAHTiI ttm m Aina OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. ahSB-6m RETAIL DRY GOODS. T7IANCY SHIRTING FLANNELS -l? Just opened, a few cages of Frenoh'Shirting Flan nels, in neat Stripes, Checks, and Plaids, of- desirable styles and qualities. . , <4 ALSO—Gray, Scarlet, and Blue Flannels. aul2 SHABPLESS BROTHERS. Fall de laines, all new FATTEBNS.—HamiIton De Laineß. Pacific De Laines. Manchester De Laines. EYBB & LANDEIiL, FOUBTH and ABOH. TTNGLISH PRINTS,FALL STALES. •M2J - Opening of British Prints. 4-4 Frenoh styles. EYRE & LANDELL, aoB ; FOURTH’and ABOH. Linens, white goods, hosie ry, EMBROIDERIES.—Tho subscribers, in ad dition to tbe House Furnishing and OurtainDepartments of the Dry Good, Business, give special attention to and have alwayspn- hand a fresh stock of the heat Sheeting Linens, White Goods, Hosiery, and Embroideries, to which the attention of buyers is respectfully requested. SHEPPARD, YAN HABLINGER & ABRISON, ; aus-18t 1008 CHESTNUT Street. The last change for bar gains. : FURTHER REDUCTION IN PRICES. We are determined to'close out the balance of our Sum mer Stock .before the first of September. In order to do s» we will offer eur entire Btock of FANCY SILKS. DESIRABLE DBESS GOODS, LAOB MANTLES AND POINTES, BILK COATS AND SACQUEB, . . 1 At lower prices . than those of any other Retail Honse in the city. OXJB BLACK BILKS can!t he matched in prices and dualities, as they were all bought before the labt ■ rise, and we are able to sail them at our ; ‘ ■. . . , ..... OLD LOW PBIGES One lot cheapest Black figured Bilks ever offered.’ Also, a good asfcrtment of v DOMBSTIO GOODS. . H. STEEL & EON, No. 718 North TENTH' St, above Coates. _.au4-tf. "DABGAINS IN DRY GOODS. JJ The following lote will bo sold at a great sacrifice to close them oat—viz: Two lets BlackßUk anS Wool GhaUies at!BXc, worth 87Wo. . ... . . ’ J?lve rieces BarogeAngle at 4c, worth 100. • FiT6 pieces plain Barege at 12X c. Also, a large lot of Shetland Shawls, at Terr low prices, splendid for travelling or at watering places. ~ - At JOHR H. STOKES’, 702 AEOH Street. 1024 CHESTNUT STBEBf « OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO, LADIES.” :'r.f>-.'.EL:>Ms:JN3EaSDIjES. : Has just opened NEW GOODS as follows: Broad bem-stitched Hdkfs.,2,2X> and 3 Inch hem; hem stitched Hdkfs. (all linenJ, 13c., or 81.50 per doz.; oewstyles narrow val. edgings and headings ;new styles pointe lace and ether collars and setts, ' ALL FOB SALK AT OLD PBDJES. All fancy made-up goods, such as lace and other set's, collars,sleeves, veils, hdkfs., See. &c., will be closed out, FOB THIS MONTH ONLY, prepara, lory to laying in Fa'l Stock, ; AT A BEDUOTION OF 20 I>RB CENT. ‘'Remnants" of all liinda of Linens, White Goods, Edgings, Insertings, Ac, &c , will also be closed out at a HEAVY DI3COONT. As all of the above goods have recently advanced from 20 to 25 ‘per cent., from the increased rates of exchange and tariff, the above great reduction from our old prices shoutd prove a great induce ment for purchasers of these articles to buy during this month. ~ au9 tf 1024 CHESTNUT BTBEET. A LLWOOL FRENCH FLANNELS. XX Taney stilea, for Genta’ Shirts. EYBE 4 LANBEM,, FOTJHTH and AECH. A LL-WOOL CHECKED OA'SH KH It B S—4o-inch Black and WWta Check* fine pure Xiaino Cashmeres. Imported and for sale by 5 BH&BPLESBBKOTHKBS, OHESTNTJT and EIGHTH Street!. Tweeds and cassimeres. ' X,600 yards hoary Oaesimerea, just opened. Albo, 1,040 yards all-rvool Tweeds, 02 to 75 cents. Summer and Fsfi Oassimeres, a full slock. - Men’s and Boys’ wear, oor stock is complete. DOMESTICS. Bleached and Brown Bhirtings. Bleached and Brown Sheetings. . Cetton Flannels, Domet, all wool, and Saoiue do. Cotton Goods, at lowest market rates. HONEY-COMB QUILTS. Marseilles and Lancaster Qnilts. Bathing Flannels, Mosquito Nets. Linen Table Damasks and Napkins. - Cheap lots of 4-4 heavy Irish Linens. CLOSING OCT. 811 k Mantles, Thin Dusters, Lace Goods. Boys* Summer OlothiDg. , Thin Dress Goods, Black Tamarttnea, Challies, Mohairs, Mozambiauea, So. , - COOPER A OONABD, jyBl-tf B. E. comer NINTH and MARKET ate. PHOTOGRAPHS. WHEN OUT FOR A WALK, GO to BEIMER’S Gallery, it will repay yon for the visit. Yon can " there engage ,an artietlcally-celored Photograph for 7 81. Gallery-fiECOND Street, above Green! • *** WAR TlMES.—Prices arranged to suit them at REIMER’S Gallery, SECOND Slreet, above Green. A' fine opportunity, now to get an elegant life- size oil-colored Photograph at war prices. circulating library W BROTHERHEAIPS OlltO G • DATING LIRBABY All the HEW English and American Books, inclnding ALL CLASSES of Lite rature. This is the ONLY Library in the country that Inclndee all the NEW ENGLISH BOOKS that arenot BBPBINTED here. Terms $6 per year: 6 months S 3; three months 51.50, or S cents per day. 218 South EIGHTH street. jyT-2m» Mini’ NOTICE.—NORTH gßagswl- Wf PENNSYLVANIA B AIL- BOAD. BEMOVAIi OF PASSaHSBB DEPOT from FBOHT and WIUMjW Street* to THE HEW DEPOT, thibd street, above Thompson street.. On and after MONDAY, September,let, 1862, the Pm* senger Train* on this road will lpare ■, THE NEW DEPJT, THIBD STREET, ABOVE THOMPSON STREET, Instead of FRONT and WIBLO W Street!, aa at present. AU Trains will stop at BERKS Street, as usual. Wldie Core of Third-Street' City Jtine rnh directly to the new Depot. ELLIS CLARK, an2o-12t AgenJ nBFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA U and beading baxlboad coßPAinr.: £ •' . PHitADßirHi*. JmiB 28,,1MJ.'. TheBATBSof FBEIGHT and TOIJLB on ANTHBA : OITE OOAIi transported by tbita Company trill be as fol ow» during the month, of AUSUBT, 1882: ' '" J Fort OsriKffl.** Monnt Carbon.. Bohnylkill Haven...... Aubnrn........ Port Clinton. Onond aftor SEPTEiIBE] a« follows: Port OftTbOßvi.*.****....*. Honnt Carb0n....... •...... BchuylkiU Baron Auburn Port Clinton..;:.. By order otthe Board ot Manager*. je3o-Sm W. H.WEBB, Secretary. AMOSKEAG, “ 0,” BENSALAEB, “A.” ToPbflada. 91.88 -1.87, r. 1.80 " 1.60 1.46 81.98 1.9 T "1.90 1.80 . 1.75 rates will bo 1,1862, the ToPhllada. To Biohm’d 92.18 217 210 200 1.85 1.87 1.80 1.70 1.66 NEWYORK ADVERTISEMENTS. IMPORT. BRITISH GOODS. SAMUEL McLEAN & Co., 39 AND 41 PARK PLACE, Have now open,'and are by each steamer receiving ad • ditions of »FANG YDBIB3 GOODS, . , BLACK. AND WHITE PRINTS, BBOWN SHEETIK GS, BLACK AND. COLORED ALAICAS, BLACK AND COLOBED COBUBGS, . BLAOK AND COLORSD DE LAINKS, MOURNING, PRINTED, ASD WOVEN GOODS,. DEBEGEB,LAVELLAB, PLAID AND PANOV LONG SQUARE SHAWLS, To an examination and .purchase of which they respect* -fnlly invite buyers. SAMUEL McLEAN & Co., 39 AND 41 PARK PLACE, aul9-12t* NEW VOBK. MILITARY (GOODS. ■gYANS & HASS ALL, MILITARY FUBNJS,HUES 3 - No. 418 AROH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. MILITABY GOODS, OF EVEBY DESCRIPTION, au22-6t WHOLESALE AND EETAIL. rjIENT BUTTONS AN®:SLIPSj U. .JL 8. Patterns, for sale at j. P. BE ED’S manufac tory, corner of TfilBTEE efTH and NOBLE Streets. at>2l-lm* ' , DRY-GOODS JOBBERS* 1862. ,Alt - 1862. JOHNES, BERRY. & do., (Succesßora to Abbott, Johnea, & C 0.,) 52T MARKET, AND 534 COMMERCE STREETS, IMPORTERS AND JOBBEEB OF SILK .■■■ AND ' • '* FANCY DRY GOODS, Have now opened an entirely NEW AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK, IN ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, AND AMERICAN DRESS GOODS. Also, b fall assortment in WHITE GOODS, RIBBONS,GLOVES, SHAWLS, &0., Which they offer at the very Lowest Market Prices, and soUcit the attention of the Trado. ■ 1 anl6-3m GILLMORE, & Co., Hob. 617 CHESTNUT and 014 JAYNE Streets, Have now open thoir . FALL IMPORTATION OF SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, WHITE GOODS,, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, &c. BOUGHT IN EUROPE BY ONE OF THE FIRM. . To which the attention of the trade is partlcularlyln vited. anil-3aa GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. TPINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. X? The subscriber would invite attention to his IHPBOVED OUT OF SHIBTS, , Which he makes a speciality in his business. Also, con staidly receiving : NOVELTIES FOB GENTLEMEN’S WEAB. J. W. SOOTT, GENTLEMEN’S FUBNISHING STOBS, No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, iaO-tf your doors below theCkratineataZ. TN THE ORPHANS 1 COURT FOR A THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of PBEBE BAHK9, deceased, And row; July 3d,’1862, the Oonrt grant rales on heirs and all parties interested" to accept or refuse the said estate at the valuation of the' inq.ueßt, or l6 show'cause why the same should not be sold. And the Court further direct that notice of the said rules he given to OHA.BLES BABES, one of said heirs, by advertisements: twice a week for tiro weeks in one daily newspaper in the city of Philadelphia, and twice in the Legal Intelligencer. WB. 0. BTEVENBOK, Clerk'Orphans’Oonrt. K aii2o-#itb4t PROPOSALS. TO BUILDERS.—SEALED PROPO SALS will be .received until 12 o’clock M., on the 28th day of August, 1882, for enlarging the Northwest Executive Building (War Department). Flans and specifications can be examined from the 22d of thifflnontb, between the honrs of 8 A. M. and S F. M., at room of JOHN POTTS, Ee«., OMef Clerk of the War Department.. ... Bidders will state the time by which they propose to put the bnilding under roof again, and the time when they will : complete the 1 whole 'work.' In awarding the contract, time will be considered as well tia money. The bids will be directed to the; Secretary of War, and en dorsed “Proposals for Enlarging the War Office.” i. The right ie reserved to reject any hid which; for any cause; it shall not be deemed for the interest of the Go vernment to accept. a026-3t SAFES. mm LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT KB BSP MOVED to No. SO. South SEVENTH Street, n*Oi tho Franklin Institute. . The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and bains determined to'merit future patronage, has secured ai elegant mid convenient store, and; has now on hand t large assortment of Billie’s Celebrated Wrooght ant Chilled Iron Eire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the onij strictly fire and bnrglar proof safes made.) Also, Idlllt’t UnoQualledßank Vault, Safe, and Bank Looks. Billie’s Bank Vault Boors and Books will be furnishsi to drier on short notice. This is the strongest, beat pro. tec ted, and cheapest Door and Book yet offered. . Also,particular attention is called to:Billie’s Bat Cabinet Bale, for Plate, Jewelry, Sc. This Safe to con ceded to surpass in style and eleganoe anything yet el fered for this purpose, and is the only one that Is strlotlj Are and burglar proof. Special Hotio*. —I have now on Uadd say twenty el Parrel, Herring, ft Co.’s SaTes, most of them nearly hew, and some forty of other makers, comprising a oompMf assortment as to rizes, and all. lately .exchanged for fist now celebrated Billie Safe. ' They will be sold at yerj low prices. Please .call and examine. „ ja26-lylf M. O. BADLIB, Agent Egm EVANS & WATSON’S iffllll ... BABAMANDEB BATE STORK, 16 SOUTH TOUBTH BTBEET, • PHXBADBBPHIA, PA. A large variety of EIBE-PBOOT SATES always on band. , .... y ■ ' - - INSURANCE COMPANIES. QIRARD FIRS AND MARINS INSUBANOE COMPANY. QPJTOB 41* WALNUT STBEBT, PHILADELPHIA <200,000. This company continues to take risks an ths tafst Classes of Property at low rates. The public ban rely .upon Its responsibility, and abili ty to pay losses promptly." Its disbursements for thl benefit of the pnbllo, during the last nine yean, exceed $500,000, end we reepeetfally solicit its favor In the future. DIBEOTOBS. OHAB. I. DUPONT, JEBBYWALKEB, JOHN W.OLAGHOBH, JOHN THOENLEP, 0.1. HEAKLITT, ABBAHAM HAST, BATED BOYD, Jr., PETES B. HOB, of H. Y WK. M. BWAIN, TUBMAN SHEPJPABD JOSEPH KLAPP, M. D. N. S. LAWBENOB, WM. O. BUDMAN, JOHN SUPPLE*. THOMAS OBATEN, President. . A. B. GILLXTT, Tloe President, JAS. B. AIiYQBP, Seoretary. . ;>p»-tf TJIAME INSURANCE COMPANY, J! Ho. 406 CHESTNUT Stoeet. FIBX AND INLAND IN3VBAJSCOM. DIBEOTOBS. ■9. H.Bnok, B. D. WoodrnN, Ohee. Blobardeon, John Header, Jr., Henry Lewie, Jr., P. S. Justioe, , Alex. WhfUdln, Washington Jones, Geo. A. West, Ohae.Stokee, : O.W.Davis, John W. Brennan. TBANOIS N. BUCK, President. OBABLBB BXOHABDSON. Tloe President yTT.T.TAMfI L BLANOHABP, Secretary. [mhlB-Ht riOMMONWEAL' KAHCJt COHPAHT PBHHSYX.YASIA. • • DIBXCTOBB. Dari* Jayne, M.D., Charles H. Bofera, John K. Whuallj- John K. Walker, Sdward 0. Knight, Bobort Shoemakar, Thomaa B. Stewart, WiUlamßtrotber*, i H»nrrLewl»,Jr., Xliiah Jones. 1 DAVID JAYHB, M P., President. , JOHHM.WHITAIife Yloo Preatdanlr K&KUXZi S. HOON, Secretary. . .Met, . Commonwealth Bnlldlai, tit CHBSTBUJ Btreet, Philadelphia. ae*-H» fIANADA PEAE—SO bbls. Canada \_/Pfes. ol Tery choiceciTiallty, for sale by g f ■ EHODE3 * WIX.LXIMB, 10T Booth WA.TSB Bfreot. !H IIAB INSU , OV IEI SCAT! O* HEW PUBLICATIONS, «mHS DAILY REPUBLICAN” will JL be issued dally, unlit after the lOth of October. It will fee edited byg-ntlemen of undoubted ability, and will sdvocste a war policy of the meet decided character, involving the entire removal ol Slavery:** the only means of establishing a lasting peace. It will sustain the entire <l Republican” Ticket,' with AMOS BRIGGS, Eai., for Mayor, with alUta energy. Arrangements having been made for; the publication of tv enty-five thousand copies daily, for gratuitous dis- Iribnikn in the city during tho campaign, Advertisers will find the “ Republican” the best medium of reaching onr citizens. - If properly sustain d, the >' Republican" wiil be tnade a permanent and leading Journal. Snbscript'ou > and ad vertisements received br T. 1!.. PUGG, , : • si- iy. corner SIXTH and OHEilillJi'aireets.i au26-6t ; ■ . 7 - . IyrABRYiNG^ORMONEY^OCts.) T vain’s Speeches,*2o- ccntß; Les Mlserables, by : "Victor' Hugo. 40 cent!: Mrs. "Weed's; Novels, 40 cents. All new books cold etTWENTY PEKCEST.DI3- CODST FROM PUBLISHERS’ PRrOWH. PITCH KR’S Cheap Book Store, 439 CHESTNUT Street. au2G-3t -’-‘■'Vi" A NOTHER I'M PROVED . WAR MA P ■ —A Map of the Middle and Southern States upon a large scale, showing all the Railroads, *o.i the Battle-fields, with the dateß when fought, and’other valuable itifonuation. Price SI, Also, a fresh supply of Blunt’s Mop of Eastern Vir ginia, showing all the points of interest aronnd Wash ington and Richmond ; also the localities near the Bapi dan, Bappahanocki Ac. Price SO cents. For sale by WILLIAM S. A ALFRED MAimEN, ' : au23 606 CHESTNUT Street. f { rpHE REPUBLICAN.”—The first JL Number of a Campaign Paper, devoted to the Union, tho Constitution, and; the election of Amo3 BRIGGS, Ifo , tt, the Mayoralty, and the entire Repub lican Ticket, will be issued about the 16th of September. e»2l-6t* SUMMER RESORTS. QURF HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY. Aw —II. L. BENc Oil,,, Proprietor.—ibis admirably kept house is the best located on the Island It will be kept open until late in TbejJr«sent ia the most pleasant season. The company is still large, aii-8-u ASfUsiiililTg. T ADIES’ FAIR BOR. THE BINE iZZ-oP?.?*„'*.?* SfCK AND WOUNDED SOL iJIKBS at the Hally nortbeast corner of SPRING GAR* ATHMiuV 1 £ * B3 i. O open all week from MONDAY, the 2Sth.Jbst. The tickets are placed at the .iow pnee of 5 cents., Lei tho patriotic come forward and asfiiame noble defendora of our country’s flag in this their hour of suffering and distress. au23-Bt* PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, " . - Jp26 CHESTNUT STREET, _ I» open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M. till 6 *' M. Admission 25 cents. Olmdren half prioe.. Shares ©f Bfcock, &30. EDUCATIONAL, rpHE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS WILL be re-opened at 1525 WAIiNUT Street, September 15tb, by-Bev, JAMES I, HELM. au26-tnf-lm nOHE ENGLISH : AND CLASSICAL A SCHOOL will reopen at 1112 MARKET Street, on THURSDAY, 4th September. . - at)26-lm# WM. S. OOOI.EY, A. M. CLASSICAL ; INSTITUTE.—DEAN \J Street, "above SPRUCE. The Olasaic&l Institute will BE-OPEN SEPTEMBER ißt. ftlt26-2oi* J. W.: FAIBES, D. D,, Principal. THE ENGLISH CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL INSTITUTE— ? A Select School for Boys—No. 2southwest PENN SQUARE, RE-OPENS SEPTEMBER Ist. JOSEPH DAVISON, au26 In,* Principe!. MP: GIBBONS INTENDS RE < OPESING her School on ORANGE Street, (2d Gflty below EIGHTH Street)) the BUI of 9th, month, (September) . ■. ; . au23-tathB9t* ■jV/TISS M. W. HOWES’ YOUNG XU- LA DIP S’ BOARDING AND DAT SCHOOL, 1625 OHESI NOT Street,' will reopen on WEDNESDAY, 10th September. - ■ ■ ■ - au26-Im Lessons in enlish history, COMPOSITION, and LITERATURE, by an *c compHahed scholar. in schools or in private Address XITEKATUBE, 1224 CHESTNUT Street., ftu26-fcuMm mHOS. BALDWIN’S ENGLISH and IL. CLASSICAL SCHOOL for Boys,-N..E. corner of BBOAD and ABOH streets, will reopen September, let. • an2s-1 m* "f?DU CATION 0» YOUNG LADIES. —The Fail tcim of the SPRING'GAKDBN IN STITUTE - will commence (D. V.) S® PTEMBBB lat. Fout addlUonal pupils may be received into the family of GILBERT COMBS, A. M.. Principal, 6OB and 611 Marshall Street. PRIVATE LESSONS IN . LAN. A . GUAGBS and MATHEMATICS, ,by a thorough scholar. Address TUTOB, 911 CHSSTNOT Street. an26-tuf-lm . . TJ'NGrIiISH, CLASSICAIi,;AND MA AJ THEMATtOAI. SCHOOL, No. 1008 OHESBTJT Street. : The I'aH Term’ will commence en MONDAY, Septembers, WILLIAM FEWSMITH, M. A. TX7OLSIEFFER BROTHERS’ MU » f SIOAL ACADEMY, No. tOT MARSHALL St. Terms $25 per year. Olasiea now forming, auil-lm# rpWO OR TffB.EE GENTEEL AND X PROMISING BOYS CAN BE CAREFULLY IN STRTTOTED iu private by an accurate scholar; Address H. 1.y'34i2 WALNUT Street. au2d-tuf-lm Tl/TRS. MARY B. WILCOX’S BO A.RD -LvA INS AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LA DIES, corner of HERMAN and MAIN Streets, GER MANTOWN, will ro. open September 10 th. Circulars may be Rad' at 1384 Cbagnut etrcot, or at the Semi nary.' • • , '■ au2s-t3elo* MME. MASSE AND MLLE MQ RIN’S FRENCH AND ENGLISH BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG'XAuIES, No. 11l South .THIRTEENTH Street, will; re-open onWED NESDAY, September lOth, Philadelphia. For Circu lars, flippy at the above number. . au2l*2m ; Boarding sohool for young ; MEN: AND BOYS, MOUNT JOY, Lancaster Co.-, Pa. Pupils admitted at any time. Address the Principal, 8u22-12t# ; ■ ' • -• E. L. MOORE. TPRIENDS’ SCHOOL FOR BOYS, J? OSLER Avenue, Borth from Noblo street, below tixth, will reopen on Second Day, Ninth Mouth (Sept.) Ist. Charge, $l2 per term of five months. All denomi nations admitted. ' THOS. SMEDLEY, au23-12t* ' Principal. GEORGETOWN COLLEGE, D. C-, V7T Anobsi, 18JS2. The exercises of this College will be resumed on -the Ist of SEPTEMBER. Terms for Board and Tuition, $2OO, payable half-yearly in advance. For foither information apply to the President of the College [anB-ftntb2ml JOHN EARLY, S. J. ■ riRITTENDEN’S PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT Streets. Thorough preparationfor any Business House, Instruction given to both Ladieß and Gentlemen. EVENING SESSIONS after September : l6th. au23 7t* BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ SCHOOL, un der the care of FRIENDS’SPRING GARDEN IN STITUTE, will reopen 9th month, (September), Ist, 1862. Circulars, 667 North BROAD Street. anlO-tu th s!2t* TXfESLEYAN'FEMALE COLLEGE, Vf WILMINGTON, Delaware. Rev, JOHN WILSON, A. M , President. - ' Aasiited hy a full board of Professors and Teaohers. •/: The next session will commence on MONDAY, the Ist of September, and continue ten months. This Institution offers to-Young Ladies superior ad vartagee for acaniring a thorough and complete educa tion at a reasonable'expense. For Catalogues, address the President.. jySl-tnthst3el 'V*'- ' " * ' . TNSTRUCTION THROUGH BOOKS, X Objects, dictates; and such Mnioumunls as have been, or. may bf. oixtyi. to the Teacher and the Tanght. ' ANNE DTCKSON, 108 South EIGHTEEN IH Street. Bth September. au22-tus6t* rrmoY iemale seminary JUTbis luefcitutioa offers the accumulated advantages of liearly fifty years of successful operation. ' Every facility is provided for a thorough course of use ful and ornamental education, under the direction of a corps of more than twenty professors and teachers. For Circulars, apply to : an22-2m ; 5 JOHN H/ ’WIL'LA.RD, Troy, N. Y. OBEIDBNSTICKES’S CLASSICAL . INSTITUTE, No. 127 North TENT II street, wilt reopen oil Monday, September Ist.' Besides the Eng lish and. Classical branches, German and French are also taught. Refers to Prof, G, Alien, Bebj. Gerhard, Ecq., Oh. Short, Esq. il Birect and perfbnal knowledge of the exquisite scho larship of Ur. 0. Seidensticker, late of the University of Gottingen, enables me to recommend him warmly, as a claseicai teacher of the highest order.”—George Allen, Professor of Greek and Latin in the University of Penn sylvania. ■ . . - ' r au2&-12* T IN WOOD HALL, ON OHELTON I J A venae, Tork Bead Btation,- seven miles from Pbiledriphia ’ . , The Third Term of Miss OABB’B Boarding and Day School, for Young Ladies at ihe above beautiful and healthy location will commence en the second MONDAY of September. The number of pupils being limited to fifteen, the es tablishment has as much of; the freedom of a home as consistent with mental improvement. Exercises In the Gymnasium and open air : are promoted, for which the extensive grounds afford full opportunity. ;j Circulars c m he obtained at the office of Jay Cooke & Co., bankers, 114 South Third street, or by addressing the Principal, Shoemakertown post office,- Montgomery county, Pa. . ; au2D-2m A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. (DONG-RESS SPRING WATER DEPOT, 98 CEDAR STREET, HE W TOBK. An attempt has been made to deceive the pnblio by persons offering what they call “Cosoress Water" from fountains, and at the price or six (6) contapor glass. The wheleeale price of the genuine Congress Water, at New York, betog about 1\ cents per glass, the imposi tion of pretending to sell at retail at less than coet. and without allowance for freight, cartage, or breakage, U apparent; but their probable course has been to empty one bottle of genuine Congress Water into a fountain filled with their trash, and thereby christening Its total -contents..... We have kbtbx sold Congress Water Inlountatasi nor in vesaeisof any other description than ordinary-sized glass bottles. 1 The cork of every bottle of the genuine !i branded,. And any without ——— those words and let- CONGBESB tors on the cork is O. ft W. oouiTUnif, WATEB. ' tains or bottle*. CLARKE & WHITE, Proprietors of Congress Spring. whether from foun- The following gentlemen arh supplied by os regnlariy with genuine Congress Water, in bottles, fresh from th» Congress Bpring: ' v TBED’K BBOWN, oor. Fifth and Chestnut its. O. B. HUBBEDD, 1410 Chestnut street , CHAS. ELLIB 4 CO., Market siwfA JS. J STEYENB AGO., GontinentelHOML AMBKOBB SMITH, Ohestont stteet. J. O. TUBNPENNY A 00.,Ml Bprnoe street THOB J. HUSBAND, cor. Third and Spruoe Bta ■'WYETH Bros., Walnut street. CE ARkE & WHITE; , ■ JeSO-Sm if - ~ . r'tLAKET.— I72 cases St. Juiiea Me doo Claret for «ak by OHABLHS 8. OABBTAIBS, Ho. 138 WALNUT Btreot. SARATOGA) July 1, 1883. AUCTION SALES. - sale. By virtue of a Writ of Sale by the Honorable JOHN CADWALADEB, Judge of the District Court of the United Stati a, in and for the Eastern District of Penn sylvania, in Admiralty, to mo directed, will be Bold at public sale, to tha highest and beat bidder, FOB CASH, tt SAME EL 0. COOK’S AUCTION STOBZ, No. 124 ■SOUTH FRONT STREET, T ~ ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, 18,62,, AT 10 O’CLOCK, A large assortment of DRY GOODS, com prising IRISH LIKENS, MUSLINS, PRINTS , WIIITB ' GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, HOSIERY, IIDKFS., die., die. Goods arranged for examination with catalogues, aha day previous to sale. WILLrAM; arniLWAKB, 11. S. Marshal E. D. of Pa, WANTS. A N EXPERIENCED TRAVEL XA. LING SALESMaK, well acquainted' with Penh' ejlvania cash and short time buyers, would be willing to negotiate* with a good and responsible party to sell by sample cloths, cassimeres, and men’s wear, or staple and fancy dry goods. Address PHILO, office otThe PrMS. ; au26*3t* WANTED—A PARTNER IN THE ft MOBOCOO M ANUF AOTDBING BUSINS 88, with a capital of five or eight tbonsand dollar*. Tha Money can be profitably invested, as the business bas been established for a number of years. The factory now:" occupied is complete, and every way suitable. For particulars, apply at southeast corner of CANAL and FOURTH Streets, Sixteenth Ward ; au26-st* .TOSWIft;—An Englishman, ’trim is . * * thoroughly acquainted wits the English %od Ame rican systems of brewing, and who has bad experlenceCin brewing all kinds of Ale and Porter, is in want of a situa tion ae BBEWKB. First-class articles .guarantied. ----- ."(Post Office, Bos 3291, Chicago, Ilk ~ au2s-3t# Acurco ttois. W ANTED.—A young Man as Entry ’ Clerk in an importing house. Addwa* « JX.," Press office. : - 8 u26-3t*. TT ALU AB LE PATENTS NOW nnr. .S E4^I~ X,ABTK:EB WANTBD-Suro thing -5T B f 3 A p —* A “ dreßS or on “Patentee,” kambartviUe, . au2l-Tfc* FOR SALE AND TO LET. fPO TAILORS OR SHOEMAKERS, J- --Two CrEOYEE Se BAKEE’S Oelebratotl' Double speed» Lockrptitcb,: No. 7, SHUTTLE SEWING MA CHINES for sale&t a bargain, if applied for immed lately fcaie beep but little used and are in excellent order. If preferred, one of them will he exchanged for gents* clothing. Address SHUTTLE, Philadelphia Post tffice. - - • •• it*; T?OE SALE—A complete, set of “ Ma x’ Iyatt’s Signals, with Conversation Boob.” Price, $2O. Ingnire at No. 340 Sooth FIFTEENTH Street. ' ’ auss-3t*. M HOIISE ANDIUBNITUBE EOR .Hill SALE —Elegant Brown Stone Honse and hand, some Furniturß, Walnut atreet, : between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets. Apply to anZO.ltn STEAMSHIP SUWANEB, jnat in from New Orleans, FOE SALE, FREIGHT, or CHART* R Apply to * BUOKNOR, McOiMMON, *OO., 1 : au2s-3t* 37 N. WATER St 5 and 38 N, WHsBVES. -FOB. BALE— The two three-story SS. brick HOUSES, west side of BREAD Street, north of Arch, Nos. 106 and 108, with the two Dwellings™ tha rear. , Also, tho tbrco-story brick-DWELLING, No 311 OBOWN Street. ' ; Also, 1 COTTAGE and LOT; on east side of WILLI AM, or TBIBTT-MINTH Street, West Philadelphia, above Market street, with tho modern improvements.' .... App'yto' B. A. MIICHSLL, , . au2s 61‘ 184 Sonth THIRD Street,' Pkiia.' p. PART OF A FfJENISHED HOI. HOUSE WANTED by a email famiif, in central location. Address Bos 1395, Post Office. , ,an22-tf- FOE SALE—A heautifulCOT- Ka. TAGS, and six.acres of Ground, m tlie interior;of Pennsylvania, desirably' situated and arranged for ;i aa academy or tirat-clapa school, near a thriving Village, and in a healthy location. ‘ , Alhl a desirable DWELLING and Lot, 1 inNew Biobtti field, Perry county, Penna, ' Also, a large number of cottageijj lots, and otber pro pertiee, for sale or exchange.. ' B. F. GLENN, 123 South FOURTH Street, ’ aulß and g; W. cor. SEVENTEENTH end'GREEN.; m FOB BALE—A desirable Faria, ““ containing 127 acrer, two miles from Bailroad Sta tion, twenty'mites from the city, in Montgomery county. Also,‘a fine Farm, 71 acres, five minutes walk from Ban road Station, i and near Steamboat Landing, IS miles above the city. : Also, a number o'f fine Fririt Farms,, in the States of Delaware and Maryland, on the most ac commodating terms. Apply to E. PETTIT, . , aulß No. 309 WALNUT Street.: dpi FOB SALE— Store Properties, Hiil with good improvements, having a few acres of land attached, in Backs end Chester counties.. Terms easy. Abo, Lease and Furniture of a number of Hotels in tiro city and country. Also, a number of Farms iu tho ad jacent counties. Apply to E. PETTIT, aulB 809 WALNUT Street. Pi TO LET—The . eligible STOKE Bsiand FIXTURES, 432 CHESTNUT Street, next to new post office. 1 ■ 'V.. - - BEMOVAL; The GUN and FISHING TACKLE Store will bere mOved to 415. CHESTNUT Street, SEPTEMBER Ist. . Inonire of PHILIP WILSON & 00., jy2B-tf 432 CHESTNUT Street. m, TO LET-Dwelling No. 24 South Hsl SBYENTJEEMTH Street Apulr to WBTHEBILIi & B BOTHER, No. 47 North SNOOND Street. ' TO BENT—A THREE-STORY ■SIBEIOK DWELBIIja, on PXHB Street, near gaYenteenth, north gids. Applyto .* WKTHEBILL ft BBOTHEB, 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. : FOB SALE OB TO LET—Boar Pan Houses, on the west Mde of BBOAD; Street, befanr Columbia avenue: Apply at Hie southwest corner, o* HISIE and SANSOM Streets. mh26-K jg ;TO KENT—A THREE-STORY is. BBIOK DWELLING, on BAGS Street, one door above Twelfth, north side. Bent low to a good tenaift. Apply to WKTHEBILL ft BBOTHEB, . jell! 4T and 49 North SECOND Street ; mo distillers; The DISTILLEBY known .as the ■" " ' “PHCENIX," and formerly owned ar.d occupied by: SAME, SMYTH; Esc., situated on TWENTY-THIRD, between BACK and VINE Streets, Philadelphia, OapaoityoOo, bushels per day, Is now offered for Bate on reasonable and accom modating terms. Is in good running order, and has all the modern improvement;. An Artesian well on the pre mises furnishes an unfailing supply of; good, pure water. Address Z. LOOSE & Co , No. 1010 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. f«2ft dtf ; EXCURSIONS. - , HO} FOR THE 0 APES ! itISELL GBAND EXCKBSTON T 0 OAPE MAY. The fine steamer WILLIAM KENT, Oapt. 3‘. T.Brett, will matte an EXCUBSION TO CAPE MAY, on TUES DAY, August 20, leaving Arch-slr-eet wharf at 9 o’clock, A M., stopping at Chester; Marcus Hook, and New Cas tle. Boturning leave Cape Stay at 8 o’clock on Wednes day: Tickets tor the'excursion, including Carriage hire, 82.50. : ; : . au2l-.6t# iSviSg EXCURSION TO HSSra . ATLANTIC 01: Y BY THY YOUNG MEN'S; OHBIBTIAN ASSOCIATION, THURSDAY, August 28,1882. Fifty sick and wounded soldiers will accompany tbs excursion, under the care of the Army Committee. Hosts leave Vine-street Whnrf at (>o'clock A. M. Trains leave Atlantic City at 5 35o*clock P. M. Tickets, $125. Children, 66 cents. : au2l-ot* 'mmmi *: ' ""' ■- ■ WE'CPU '' rtTTTi’QT'li , l» nSwBrCfBJCZZBn WiliOA vjJaJßiaAisiu fISSaZEsweSiSsAND Philadelphia bail. BOAD, TIA MEDIA. PLEASANT AND CHEAP AFTERNOON EX CURSIONS ON TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, < Through the-finest Country and the most boautifuS Scenery in the vicinity of Philadelphia. On TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS of each week unfit farther notice an Extra Train will leave West Chester at 6.66 p. M. for Philadelphia. Passengers baying Excnirion Tickets cam take either theS or A3O P. M. Train from Philadelphia, and the 8 or C. 65 I'. M. Train from West Chester. ROUND-TRIP TICKETS FROM PHILADELPHIA to all Stations east of West Chester, good on any or the above Trains, out or ini may be had on these dayfi ONLY, at EXCURSION BATES, good only on the days issued. For further information, apply at the Ticket Offioe, I* the Depot, N. E. corner of EIGHTEENTH and MAR KET Streets.' SI ANTE! LtGHTFUL LOCATIOH3 FOX SUMMER Bo A*DMg ohthb liiKR oy thx Road. jo2l-tnwfs tf ifFir’Fijrnp BCPQBTANT T ° PLEASURE-SEEKERS. THE PBNNSYLYANIa’ RAILROAD COMPANY Is prepared to iesne, during the Sommer, tickets at greatly reduced rates as fellows: ■' PENNSYLYANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. COMMUTATION TICKETS For one, three, six, nine, or twelve months, at wy low rates, for the accommodation of persons living out oi town, or located oh or near the Une of the road daring the Bummof. From and after Inly 1,1862, a still greats* reduction has been made on these tickets. COUPON TICKETS Tor twenty-six trips between any two points at about two cents per mile .* These tickets are Intended tor the use of families travelling frequently, and are of great ad vantage to persona making occasional trips. SCHOOL TICKETS # For one or three months, for the use of scholar* at tending school In the city. ■ OEBBOTMEN Living on or near the line of the road, and having, occasion to use the road frequently in their clerieat capacity, are furnished with certificates entitling thsat to travel st half fare. Applications to be made'only id Enoch Lewis, General Superintendent, at Altoona. - ESOUBBION TICKETS Issued at half fore to parties Of over forty, good Is* any reasonable tlmo.. >■EXCURSION TICKETS during the Summer are «M at greatly reduced' rates, for the: benefit of thoee. seek ing recreation from business, or In pursuit of health! These .Hsketa are jjwilDi days, and are isswid to ORKBBON (top of the ’Allegheny Mountains), AL TOONA (foot of the mountains), BEDFORD, DOUB LING CAP, and EFHRATA SPRINGS. ■For time of departure of trainssee bills and cards el the road. For Through Ticket* *PP>7 lh » offloeor the OoiS tmr, Bontheaat corner of ELEVENTH and MARX.M* Streets JAMES COWDKN, AfCct. LEWIS li. HOtTPT, General TH>kat A* ea s. jjIS-tael O. H. SXUIBHEXD, ■' ■ 203 South SIXTH Street. HENBT WOOD, Superintendent
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers