THE CITY. Tii«* Thermometer' ‘ AUGUST 13,1881, | AUGUST 13,1861 BA. M. 12 M. Si*. *I6A. M. 12 K. BF. H. 72 63 Cl j (0 80 83 NHS. NNK. N. b'7 F>. IN W. SB. byE. N. / rrival op Disabled Soldiers PROM THK. PKMNSULA—VeehTdav morning, at an early Lour, tho hospital steamer Kennebec arrived at this port with uvo hundteo Bud t ignty disabled aoldiora from the Peninsula on board. Tho to,eel loft Harrison’s Landing on £ lasi air Fortress itluuroe on tho fol lowing day. The ■Kennebec, as she passed up the Dela ware river, caused large crowds to follow herardgather at Vine-street wharf, whore many presumed she would land htr patients, instead of this she passed np to Ken sington and hauled In at Palmer, street wharf, from where about 200 of her patients wot e conveyed to tho German hospital, i Ths list of the whole number on board la hi follows : Lieutenant Kroflk. W. Cobb. A, 2d New. Hampshire. ThomasßolHdp, A, ?3d New >oik. J. 21. Taimei, A, Jrtih Corpora! Oscar 0 Allen, H, ad New Hampshire. “Win, I>. Helton* F. Kit New Biunpjhtro. fobu MsCttrl), P, JHtli ercnce Uo& th 'l* 16en M»v#sKohum*|tB. ' Joseph K. flJUhiu. K, 16m ftUfj*aohn*stti. . Cbarlt'B F. »unJ« tt-. K, Ibtb >I»HS MjhuaßttB. Henry F JJurftess. F, 16tb ainMSitohiisetts. Edward B. UnrribTi B* 16th Ala-BschotMtS. Horatio N. Oaten, B v lfttb lllchael Kelly/1. 16\h •Boswell Adams, O, l6co Ma^chusetts. William MvLocb, 11. Iflt-h M&B^cbustjtts. John McMahon, B, 16111 <»ii**i*t‘liu*eUH - ■■ Qeoige 0 Cham •erlalue U» 2d New U.'impaiilro, James H. Palmer, B, 36th Orleans 8. Eaton, A, 2.1 New H»o>jHbire. Benjamin dawjrr. F. 2d New Hamp^lre* 0. W.Oarvin O, 2d New Hampshire. Bobert Brown, F. 2d New Hampshire. Lucius Thatcher, A,2d New Hampshire. Cbarleß D, 'luuie, A. 2d New H\tm»snire. Bocl P. Nio p, A, 2d New Hwnnnbtre Oboihfl W. Adams I, 2d New ll»ti»p*hiro.- Bathaaielßiker, 8,2 d hew Hampshire. Charles A Burnham, 2d New Hampshire. Nicholas Long. E, 2d New Hampshire Henry A Thonuwm, H, 2u New Hampshire* JemesDaßin, a, 78d Nov Yor^, Wmv Johnson, Bergeanc. A/731 New York. 0. P. Bay H, 2u New flaimiMitre. Henry v. Oram. Q, 2d New (Inmoihire, Oilman D. Gould. i>. 2d Hampshire. George Adams, K. 73d N«w Torn. Alexander McCarty, G 7*ib New York. Alexander BoauU. T>, 74tb New York. *Wm Miller U, 74th Now Yo*k. Fred. Dithner, F, 74th New York. John E Pory,.li 741 b New York. Charles Marshall, F. 74th No *’ York. Janies Sttrnolee, D, 74? h N *w York. Oscar A Moore, sergeant, I, 2d New Hampshire. Bicbard Welch, 33, 2d Now Hampshire. Nathaniel Thayer, F. 2d New Hampshire. John 0. Flattie™, F, 2d N«w Hampshire. Charles A. Goouwin, B, 2d New Hampshire. Wm. B Pilbrich, H, 2d New Hampshire. James M Wiggins, F, 2d New Hampshire. Charles H. B 1 »ke, H, 2d New Har pshire. Charles A Mace, B, 2ii'N*w tinmowhire. James Ferrett, A, 2d Now Hamnnhiro. Henry fl. Marsh, A. 2d New Hampshire. Wm. B. Mills, F, 2d Nt-w Hamprhire. Abner A. Furmcr, D, b.t New York Artillery. Joseph Band, H, 4itrUnta*l states Artillery. Andrew Long, D, 4tb New York Artillery. J. H. W. Grifilu, 4tb New York Artillery. Gifford Gldbsod, G, 72c New Y -rk John A Magee, serg< ant, £, 10th Pennsylvania, Albert N Olney, H, 14th New York. HcnryJ). Jones, 0, 6th Michigan -.■■>/■ FranclßN. Howard, K, 86th New York. George A. Lecook H. 85tii NeW'York. John States, D, 4th New Jersey. Philip Lansing, t>, 4th>ew Jersey. Jacob Sherry, C, 4tb New ‘Jersey. Sergeant James Eapan. E, 4th United States Cavalry. Peter Traner, B. 18th New York, James Rooney, F, 65th New York. Jeremiah Conrad, H, 16th New York. ; Lawrence Costean, B, 63d New York. Thomas Daggen, A, 14th Indiana ‘ Christopher Stoman, I. 93d Pennsylvania. John Parihner, L, 93d Pennsylvania , John Leonard, D, 3d Maine. Stephen Weaver, 0,101>,t New York. Albert Ji Dickinson, United Stale* Signal Corps : • John Lnpe&ball, D, 3>t New York; George Nelson, K, 103 d Pennavlvania. Wm Lipplncott, B, Pennsylvania. Wm. Gadham, G, 5.h Michigan. George Young, A, 93d Ni:w rork % Joseph Jotti, X, IKh Penaiylvanift. Walter B. Ayrefit-F. dtb Ntw Jersey. William Eece, B r 103 d Penr-sylvanis. George Ferringtdn. <J,9bth New York. S. Baesett/ E, Ist Mas#Hcho»«t»a. • Philip Flanders, G, 50ch New York. Theodore Hrgenhom, H, Pennsylvania. ; John CMDoneil, D, 14tb Inciana ! r Corporal Geo. A. Teoitey, o,lst Massachusetts. John McDonald, B, 63d Pennsylvania. J. J. Cex, X, 60th New York. Barton Ten Eyck, D, &lHh New York* Charles Bode, B, 60tb New York. A, Hirers, D, 92d 6 ew York. O. L Tilton, o,lst Ma*»*chu*eit«. Benj. H* Baxter. A, Ist Massachusetts. Ben F Bnxton, D, Ist MabB»ctm#etiB« Blin Maden, D, Ist Mawmcbnwtts. Samuel Burnier, B, 62d Pennsylvania^ Abraham Yan Aatrem 8, 50th Nkw York. Sergeant Henry D Waheman, F, 60th New York. Lewis Coburn, D, 60tb Now York.. Willis Cole, 0, 60th New York, *. S. E. Day, A, Ist Massachusetts, Daniel McCormick, G, let Massachusetts, David Hobart, G-let Massachusetts. .. Corporal Wm. Davison, U, Ist Massachusetts. Sergeant Michael Menly, o,lst Massachusetts. H. B.Butler, D, Ist Maseacbuseits. : Garaey, H John W. AnderiOD, o,lst Maisachusetts. Hugh McOsbo, A, 2d Hichigan. l?raf>k;A. Plimpton, G. l&*h Massachusetts. Georse W Byan; B, 324 Massachusetts. George W. Gates, 0,32 d Massachusetts. Samuel Harts, €, 11th Pen’ sylTanla; died August 10. John Biarson, E, Ist Now Turk. Corporal J W Bans, I,lst Massachusetts. JobnA.Pslmerli'. 2d Michigan. Almond Clres, H, let New York. U. W. Hult. A, SShh Pennsylvania. ; Wm, H. Allen, P, 2d Michigan. E. O. Porter, A. 67th J> ew York. Corporal Jovcph If Prickets, A, 81st PennsTlvania. Clias. H. Bickford, A, s>b N P ampßhire, died Aug, 11. James J. Kernel, E,l4rli Indiana. Eorgtait L. P. Leland, A. 3d Vermont. Lawrence Keller, D. lOOtb New York. Fred. Onbiople, G. 100th New York. Edwin H, Gaffin, D, 82,1 Massachnsetts. Thomas Baiyurd, D, 101st Pennsylvania. Corporal Theodore Stewart, 7th Virginia, Corporal John A. Leard, A, 3d Maine Hospital Stewatd Alien Keefler, 40th New York. Allen Oaewril, A let Rhode island Cavalry. Sergeant Jamrs P. Housed, 7th Virginia. Übas. N. twan, K, 7eh Virginia. Joteph Eggleston, E, 2d Vermont. - Lncins Borden, G, 15th M&seacbusetts. David Bruce, K, 89th Pennsylvania. Ala. King, P, 7th Virginia. Michael MoCann. I, 2d New York. James S. Nally, B, 3d New York Artillery. James B. Gammon, E, 16th New York. John M. Johnson, I,lst New York. John Hughes, F, 16th Massachusetts. Oscar W. Clark, E, 2d Michigan. George Dean, o,lolst New York. L. H. Green, 1,18)h Massachusetts. Wilson Sibley, G, 18th Marsachnsetts. Almond B. Griffin, H, 93d New York. George L. Ltemorr, I, 7th Virginia. Harvey Emerson, Btnrgw Hides, N.Y., died Aug. 10, Michael Hendersham, H, 7th Virginia. Charles M. Dodson, A, 67th Pennsylvania., Enfield S. Cook, A, 7th Maine. William H. Pitcher, B, 7th Maine. Nelson Greum, K, 7th Maine. Lyman Weed, D, 67th Pennsylvania. _ a James Tied ell, D, Bth Ohio. James Kiiklsnd, 0, Bth Ohio. Thomas Haynes, K, 6th New Hampshire. W. B. Johnson, E, 6th New Hampshire. / Ferdinand Kiefeny, I, Bth Ohio. Irwin 0. Davis, H, 23d Indiana. Enos H. He<meck, I, 7th Virginia. William Moore, K, 7th Maine. Edmond Baker, H, Stli Ohio. Sergt. Eirsm , Battery, New York. William Rodman, 0,3 d New Jersey. 83mnel Osborn, B, 62d Pennsylvania. Adam Stainburg, B, 60lb New York. Herbert William, B, 36th New York. Joseph Biakee, G, 104th Penusylyania. John L. White, I, 7th Maine. ' Joseph F. Moon, G, 11th Maine. Martin White, B, 64th New York. Franklin Whitlock, B, let Pennsylvania, died. Matthew Dnbois, G, Stli Ohio. William Phillips, I, 7lh Virginia. B. T. Godfrey, F, 29th Massachusetts. Joseph Mclntyre, 0,103 d Pennsylvania. A. Vin .Kink, o,lolst Pennsylvania, died. Fann'son Haseley, K, 103 d Pennsylvania. J. E. Myers, K, Bth Ohio. John K. Ends, K, Bth Ohio. Daniel Potter, K, Bth Ohio. -Corporal Charles Starkey. K, Ist Long Island. Bergoant Smith Bny der, I, 66th New York. Lewie Henderson, L, 66th New York. David Waiters, K, 104th Pennsylvania. ' Nariug H. Amesbnry, D, Ist Connecticut Artillery, Fred Strancher, F, 77th New York. Wolden Dltfroe. F, 103 d Pennsylvania. Cavin Austin, 1,3 d Michigan. ThomßS Waldror, K, 103 a Pennsylvania. . Andrew Birchosa, City Nurse. Ernest Maroy, B, United States Engineers. John Warndr, K, 93d New York. John Dsme, D, 92d New York. Joseph Hyle, D, 92d New York. Robert Lawrence, F, 81st Pennsylvania. Michael (Jasßldyj M, 62d Penns'lvania. John b. nenny, H, 64th New Vork. John Elliott, D, Uth Pennsylvania. George Smidt, K, 2d New York. Joseph Miller, K, 2d New York. Aneon W. Hutchinson, B, 32d Now York. Albert Bldoc, A, 7th Maine. Bobert Selfridge, F, 3lßt Pennsylvania. , Alex. Glaaa, K, Slat Pennsylvania. John Shaffer, 1,102 d Pennsylvania. Oliver Smith, B, 6th Michigan. Sandford B. Gsmons. H, 7th Massachusette. Wm. Bofflngton. 0, Bih Illinois Cavalry, Walter S. Fry, D, IJ. 8. Sharpshooters. John N. Carey, A, 106th Pennsylvania. Henry Carpenter, K, Bth Ohio. Jacob Teach, A, Bth Ohio. Wm. Parker, B, 7th Maine. Anstin CnnnlDgham, 0, 4th Maine Sergeant De Witt Ohapin, Oneida Cavalry. B. Butter, 1,89 th New York. John Sullivan, K, 2d Rhode Island. Tbos. H. Merrill, E, 7th Massachusetts, George W.Noott., Jesse Grogg,’ A, 6th M, B. Artillery. Joseph MoNlel, D, 101st Pennsylvania. Samuel Fredericks, G, 67th New York. Carlon Bicker, F, 7th New York. John H. Martin, E, 85th Pennsylvania. - Jonathan F. Albro, I, D. S. Sharpshooters. G, I Miller, G,‘ 96th Pennsylvania. James M. Farren, G, 98th Pennsylvania. John Mills, G, 23d Pa, died August 10,1862. Titus Pomeroy, H, 100th N. Y., diod Aug. 11,1862. Anthony Feer, H, 55 th New York. Ernest Warlord, K, Bth hew Jersey. James Porter, D, 103 d Pennsylvania. Wm T.'Mead, E, 4th New Jersey. Frank Barker, A, 7th Massachnsetts. Sam’l Emerlhelser, G, 103 d Pennsylvania, David Beanb,K, 85th Pennsylvania. George Hnntoon, K, 85th Pennsylvania. Jemea F. Hammond, I, 95th Pennsylvania. . George Seaford, D, Ist Long Island. Simeon Propat, & 96th Pennsylvania. L.W. Snyder, A, Bth Ohio. Gilbert Pelkey, E, Ist Long Illatd. ■■■ Isaiah Honster, K, Bth Ohio. Owen Boglan, F, 40th New York. Collin Edwards, E, sth Maine. Goo. B. Mony, F, 103 d Pa., died August 13th, 1863. Sergeant Bobert M. Crawford, B, 103 d Pennsylvania, Henry H. Lawton, D, 18th Massachusetts. Augntt Engirke, K, 18th Michigan, william Miller, K, Bth Ohio, Sergeant Edgar Kelsey, 98th New York. William Walker, H, 16th Michigan.. ■Samuel Andrews, D. 95th Pennsylvania. Alex. Topman, D, 96th Pennsylvania. WlllUm A. Smith, B, 103 d Pennsylvania. Patrick JohnsonyrE, 99th Pennsylvania. . Ernest Bodinus, A, 10th Michigan. Henry Becker, G, 100th New York. William W. Garrick, H, 10th New York. Archwell'A. Powers, H, Bth New Jersey. John Ogdeh,K, 3d New Jersey. , Harrison Ehriimen, I, 93d Pennsylvania. •John Miller, 0, 99th Pennsylvania. Warren Bttverson, D, 88d Pennsylvania. James Bannston, D, 6th<Bhode Island. / . William Fox, D,'BBd Pennsylvania. WlUism Stearns, K, 8d Maine. _ . Corporal William B. Drake. Q, 40th*New York. Surgeon John P. Phillips, 37th New York. The surgeon in charge of tha Kennebec is |Dr, J. 0, McKee. * The men were well cared for during the trip up. Many ot those on board did not seem to be suffering frem any particular disease, hut seemed broken down, and looked as If they needed a llttte -recreation. By sending them’ North they can soon recover good health . pni return to their regiments in a few weeks, but If mf- fered to remain In the hospitals near tho seat of war iholr recovery la not only Jong, bat in many cases exceedingly doubtful. This seems to be the view taken of the matter_ lately, as we have among tho jn >ny raiifttit, arrivals of those designated as sick and wounded many..-, of them were apparenlly in good luwhh, and only needed rest and goed nursing. This Is what they always reooive, lathe City of Philadelphia. Military MAtters —Recruiting.— The recruiting business was. quit* brisk. yesterday, al though it Is thought that matters to day will assume a more lively aspeot than they h»ve for some time past. After to-morrow the Government bounty ceases v Tbe five new regiment—which form Pbilwdelpbin’s quota .'o*. tbe first 300,000 troops .called for by the president—are nearly full, and each of them are iist»bH*«h«l in camp, whore the men are being put through a thorough courts of discipline. Col. Collis ex peers to report 1,043 men by Saturday next. The Corn Exchange Kegimeut will bs completed by tbe latter part of the week. The Soott Le gion Regiment, Col: Tippen, la doing., an active recruits ing business, and the latter expats to pirwlo fully one thousand men on Monday next Several of the compaj nies of Col. Heenan’s Regiment—tho-Ilfl.ta Pennsylvania Volunteers—are reported full, and the remainder are filling up quite rapidly. In addition to these five regiments, our first quota, re cruiting i# also going on with succors »ir othnr regiments, but slowly for those in field or the oldregiment*. i'tiome complaints have bten oiaco relative *o the distribution of the city bounty 5 but this should not in the least inter fere with enlistments, as all those who volunteer are sure of their bounty-money, even if it whs the defire of par* tieß to keep them from obt.vmng i’., No*uch attempt as - tute has been made, however; but a slight misunderstand ing, it seems, has occurred, which will. certainly. be. remedied in a day or two. The object and result of the visit of Governor Curtin to hiugtou is patieutly waited for. Theroorniting oftict-r* m! the old regiments intend holding another meeting this evening, to eecer teln whether some means cannot ho d-vised by which they can stimulate rccruitn-g. Tn**fte offices complain bitterly that they have not been ta'ceu as good care of as should have been tho c«.e. If recruits foVtho old regiments nro not obtained it wifi not bo because meu do not wish to enter them, but on account of tho poor rsgu lationp, 4c. These matters will undoubtedly be at tended to agfiptodily m p ‘saible. Altogether, Philadel phia is doing as well, if not better than most any other city. She has heietofore fnruistied the best and most men, and will, without a doubt, do eo at the present time. .. From our adjoining counties wo have encouragiig news. Montgomery count* has Mrwtd) fucmuhei four companies utider the first call, aud i* about orcaniziog the fifth, for which purpose a mam meeting will be held at Jones’ Hotel, in the viil-ige of Haib irr*, this ©vemug, when several eminent PtiiUfMpblutis will huld furth. Delaware county has already furnished her first quota, and is in a fair way of filling up the- companies,a*kai for under the second demand, and which will be raised by draft, if need eary. Front old Bucks we aino have a good account, and, judging from-the prtscnifttaioof atffirs, we do not think that drafting »ill have to be resorted to in either of these counties. The recent order Isßued by tho War Department rela tive to absentees from the* army, has indeed had a beae ficial effect. Every town and • ett.v of ih* North was * swarmed with soldiers, large numbers of the a officers, on leave of absence frnm their reificiifiits.t Chestnut street and other promenades have recently become quite bare of military.officers—many of whom (lid nothing out strut from morning till night from one end of the town to an other. A large number of these, however, wore > merely the blue coat and brass buttons withoat having any au thority so to do, and; in order to Bave themselves. rum ar rest by the Provost Marshal, had to again assume t.tho shape of a civilian Many of these aspiring youths, whose faceß have become may uow be seen in citizen’s dress, and their faceß wearing a rather crest fal len look. It was with great reluctance, chat they threw off the military |robe,l but ihis was preferable to the guard house, to whichjplace raauy ol them were consigned. A visit of the Provost Marshal to Atlantic City and Cape : May might be of some use, as it would ho the me an a of restoring to different regiments many absent and almost forgotten officers. Naval Matterb.—The case of the prize steamer Bermuda baa brought up for argument in the United States District Court. Mr. &pht<m opened the argument for the United u-tates. Ho was followed by Geo M. 'Wharton on behalf ot the claimants. Mr. Ohxs. Gibbons will conclude. • The New Ironsides has received almost her complement of marines. A detachment of thirty.six murines has arrived from Wißbington, nnder the command of Lieut. Young, for this fine vessel The aiarmes will be the command of Lieutenant Bartlett Lieutenant: Young ia to remain *n duty at this navy-yard. She will make her trial trip in a few day b. Her movements .will he en tirely: secret after she leaves port. Information has been received announcing the death of Peter a, Saga, one of the engineers of the United States gunboat Pinola. Ho died in the latter p*rt of July, near Vicksburg. Since the breaking out of the rebellion, Mr. Bass had seen much service in the c-iude of his country. While lemoving the obstructions from the channel at Port Pickens, the Pinola was subjected to a shower of shell and shot, during which she received twelve shots. She was suhsrunently engaged in the storming of the forts at New Orleans, was in severo eng*gemeuts oq the Mississippi, and recently was engaged iu shelling Vicks burg. Mr. Saan was among the fortunate ones on the . gallant ship during these terrific eueaeumunts, where the Pinola received many a shot. His death was occasioned by apoplexy, and it was as unexpected as it was sud den. He was interred in the roil of Louisiana, the Epis copal services being introduced on the sad and solemn occasion. Mr. Bass was universally esteemed in the dis trict of Southwark, where be was well known. The United States gunboat Potomska, from Port Royal, has arrived, and Is now lying at the navy yard. She was purchased by the Government some time since. She is of small size, and carries oniv about seventy men. The crews of one or two vessels captured b; the block ading eonadron were aboard of her When the Potom eka left Port Royal the steamer Alabama and the store ship Vermont were there. The United States gunboat : Unadflla had gone to sea the day before. She left the James Adger, Marblehead, Huron, and 'Augusta, off Charleston. The rebel ram that has been placed at Savannah causes much speculation among the blockading fleet. “NoaujNATxaw* OCJt'PTiSO7—XLe foliow- Ing letter of acceptance has jußt been received from Amos Briggs, who was nominated for Mayor, by the Re publican City Convention: 123 South Fourth strbbt, * Philadelphia, August 13,1862. To TPm. Gregg , M, £>., Pretident of the JRepublioan Nominating Convention : Dear Sir: Your official letter of yesterday, informing me of my nomination as candidate for Mayor, by the Convention over which you presided, has been received and read. I appreciate the high compliment conferred upon me, by tbo unsolicited tender of the nomination for the most honorable and responsible ofiico in tbe gift of my follow citizens of this city.. I accept the nomination, and, if elected, you may rost astured that all of my energies shall be made to bend to the honest, faithful, and impartial dfecharge of the duties pertaining to the office. Be good enough to convey to the members of the Con vention my kindest regard, and believe me to remain, Yours, Luly, AMOS BRIGGS. The Yolunteeb Bounty Fund.— The Bubscriptioßß yesterday to the Citizens’ Bounty Ftrad for Tolanteers were as fellows Sirs* W. Xit P. FROM TENTH-WJ S. A P. Coleman FROM TOURTBESTH- W. P $lOOl Lewis Thompson & Co. 2001 Wm. & J. Allen & Bro. 50| FROM TWEHTT-FIBS: .James SI Preston $3OO Eagle Mills 300 Martin Bison 300 Pekin Mill* 100 UECBIVBD AT INDE Cash 5 i Thomas Hamilton.....* 20 Henry 0. Butcher.,... 20 Laura N. Butcher.... 15 Itoßaiie Butcher ..,,., 7 Mary 27. Butcher....»• 5 Howard Butcher 3 J. M. Mlgeod 25 Geo. Be Haven, 5r.... 50 Hughes & Mu11er...... 100 Alexander Fullorton... 1001 Received on Wednesday Total to cloeo of Wedne? A Chapter op Accidents.—Tester day morning, a boy named Henry Green, aged two years* fell from the second-story window of a house, at the Falls of Schuylkill, and broke his leg. As the train from Baltimore was coming Into this city, on Tuesday evening, an elderly lady named Mitchell was ran over near the United States Arsenal. Both or her legs were crashed in a shocking manner. She was con* veyed to her rosidonco in the neighborhood. Yesterday morning, a stevedore, named Michael Flynn, employed upon a vessel lying at Arch-street wharf, while attempting to remove the hatch, accidently fell headlong into the bold. He was instantly killed. The deceased was a middle-aged man, and leaves'a family. Miss Harriet A. Brinkhans, a resident of this city, waß instantly killed at Norristown a few. days since, while looking at the machinery In Leedom’s Mill. Her clothes caught on the driving wheel, and she was whirled about and instantly killed. She had made all the necessary ar rangements for accompanying her father to California at an early date. Arrest op Burglars.— Yesterday afternoon two well* known characters, James Weltmore, alias “Mysterious Jimmy,” and James Logue, were ar raigned before Police Magistrate Beitler, charged with attempting to enter a dwelling at No. 308 north Thir teenth street, with intent to commit a felony. Mr. James Patton, who resides in the house adjoining, heard the two men in the yard and saw them trying to effect an entrance. An alarm was given and the men taken into custody by Sergeant Johnson. Two chisels were found In their possession. The prisoners were committed for trial. Xiogno was also charged with aiding to rescue a person who had been arrested at Engle A Wolf’s Farm upon the charge of picking pockets. This offence was com mitted on the 9th of last June, since which time ho could not be found. Be was also held to answer thiß charge. Promoted.— Dr. W. T. Robinson, as sistant surgeon of tlie 104th Regiment Pennsylvania Vo lunteers, has been commissioned surgeon of the regiment, in place of Dr. Peck, who has resigned. Dr. Robinson proved himself a good and brave surgeon by remaining under Are for hoars with when others who ehonld have shown him an example, were far in the rear, on the battle, fields of Fair Oaks, Bottom’s Bridge, and the late seven-days fight before Richmond. Ills assist ants are Dr. W. Scott Bendire, of Doylestown, and Dr. V? 1111 b Oadwalader, of Pinesvllle, Bucks county. Dr. Robinson’s many friends in this city and Backs county will be pleased to bear of bis promotion to a position he has proved himself competent to fill. A Serious Charge.— Yesterday after noon George W. ABh was.. charged, before Alderman Beitler, with Ibe larceny of $11.25, under the following circumstances: It appears that a Mrs Kelly had boen living sb a domestic at a residence in Abington township, Montgomery county, and bad a bill of $11.25 for ser vices, which she placed in the hands of the defendant for collection. The money was collected by the defendant, who did not seem anxious to pay ft over to the woman. Chief Buggies testified that the Mayor had called bis attention to the matter, and that he had repeatedly waited on Ash and requested him to pay over the money, which he has not yet done. The defendant was held to bail to answer at court. Faibmount Paesenger Railway Co. —-Yesterday morning a meeting of the Fairmount Pas • senger Bailway Company (Race and Vine-streets), was held at tho office of the Company, at Falrmount, to vote upon the acceptance of the law passed fer the relief of tho company. There was a largo amount of the stock voied, and the noeetiog was unanimous in favor of the acceptance of the law, which is all that is necessary to legilize the said act of Assembly. A New Camp on the Line or the NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD —A piece of ground has been selected by Col. EH maker on the lino of tbs North Pennsylvania Railroad, in the vicinity of Feltonvillo (or an encampment. The regiment, which now enrolls some four hundred men, will pitch their tentß in a day or two. The situation is well chosen. It is high end healthy, with an ahundanco of shade and good water for drinking and bathing. Another Generous Action. -1 short time since, the Philadelphia and Reading Ratlroal Company mado a very llberal.contribntlon to the fund to aid enlistments. The directors have performed another generous action. It has been determined to hold the [ situation of an employees of the Company, who may | volunteer In crushing out * this monster rebellion, open, for them when they return (tom the war, and the faot of their volunteering in the service of their country will be taken (into consideration hor« after, in making promo tions In tiro situations at the disposabof the Company. 1 St. John’s Orphan Asylum.--A grand musical festival will take place on the spacious grounds of tb!« institution tomorrow, the 16th Inat A» the proceeds aro to be applied to the aid of this worthy charity, we bespeak for the occasion a large attendance. Tbe Fssdb)l vania Railroad have kindly consented :to take passengers to o point opposite, the grouadsJat a very trilling charge* , " •- f ■••••»*••••■•••* a* •••**$100 LRD COMMITTEE. .sloo WARD OOMMITTBH >}William B. Webb...... $lO • [George A. Schryock... 10 l[B. W Leighton 10 IT-WARD COMMITTER. Wabaab Mill ..$2OO Lay cock A H01t...**.. 100 James Hilton...*. 100 JFBNBRNOH HALT., Joseph Govett.. 25 i Francis La5her........ 100 James B. Kirby , 26 Joseph F. Marcer.,... 29 Joseph W. Baker..,*,, 60 Andreykovicz & Poizat 50 Feltus & Ztmmerling.. 250 Charles Abbey......•• 100 Jesse Lee...,,......... 25 Hiram Ward.......... 50 ( John It. McCurdy 200 A. 83.225 «sday 393,010 '.A New Recruiting Office — An, office for recruitlDK bwr been opstifd 259 Ncrtb iucniid,. otrebthy OBpt, Edwards, of Ooimumy H of !bt. naoresi- , mit of Gray Besfrvija. Oi'l. iEhmaker. ...Too R.worvea - are rapidly filling thalr rank*, -nd will cnmiileta the or-..; panizatinn at an early day. Tlu> libera hoat.ty ef *162 iaofiered. There is a eprelal bounty fund (already aroonntins to mtr $lO,OOO. it is fair!) Irrnir raised for the ’ hem fit of the Ber'rvca, -.The mrmirous friends ot Lieut. Oharlea JUavlsvr ill find him 'at the new office. Collecting Money under False PR> TENORS. —A man giving the name of Robert R. Mitchell was, befi re, Alderman Patchotl, on rneisday, charged with obtaining money under falne pretences. Be represented bimsolf as au agent for a fund in aid of the mothers,of die in •♦h«:wtfr. He had upon‘hit- book about thirty snfacritws, jitostof whom weremarked ‘»paid. M . Ke was arrested, at a home o» t Spruce street, in the act of obtaining an adcUtioual aub scriptiou. He was held to answer. r , .Zouaves d’Afrique—The officers of this regiment,‘at a meetvng held a few day i aince,' ugn-od vn&nimously to appropriate -towards the support of. a regimental band and drum corps, the 85,9Dd,wMch will bo given to the ten captains as a gratuity frmi tho city. Companies A, B, G, and R are not yet full. Onl. Collia is recruiting for the old company at Fifth and Pruae. The Norristown Railroad.— Owing to the uuruivK of the Wissaklckou bridge. the llj< P. &L train on this road will be discontinued until further no tice. PJdUiAD&iiPtiiA IKK-IID TttADB. BAM. W. DE GOUBbBY,) JAMES 0. HAND, > Oommittkb or thi BKobwl J. B. LIPPINOOTT, ) UIVEE BAGS ‘ At the Merchant** Exch*7t#B. Philadetpht* Ship Tuscarora, Dcmlety Liverpool', &ug 25 Slup Westmoreland* Uccan....... ......Liverpool, soon Ship Zered, McGonagle. Londonderry, soon Ship Argo, 8a11ard..,.,,..i...........» Liverpool, soon 'Bark Gzarjpa, Treat.... ..Montevideo and B Ayrea, soon Bark A McNiel, Somers.. ..Liverpool, soon BrigLoaugo, Evans Havana,»oon Schr Kellis Tarbox, Voge Barnartoes, soon UAJUNY! INTfcfiJU LUMBCWK PORT OF HlMLilimtmA, Aug. 14, 18SS1. SUN 81885.,,.*. 5 11—aUN BATS 6 58 HIGH w a,ttcb , .6 37 ARRIVED. U S transport steamer Kennebec, Gar ton, from H*r naoD’s-Landinp, via Fortress Monroe, I day, with 200 kick and wounded soldiers. Brig Isoia, Hatch, 0 days from Boston, with ice to captain Schr Sarah J Bright, Smith, 6 days from Boston, with fruit, Ac. to Benners A Diaper. , > Scbr Hiawatha. Disney, G days from Boston, with mdse to Geo B Kerfoot. Scbr Mary E dimth, Smith, 4 days from Portsmouth, NR,’ in ballast to Noolo, Caldwell & 00. tichr Chris Doeser. Laws, 4 days from Neponset, in ballast to Noble, Caldwell A Co. CLEARED. Brig A Millik<n. Fiak, Warohara, J E Bazley & Co. Brig Moonlight. Wooster, Portland.'Z Loeae A Go. Schr Matanzas. Biake, Portland, E-A dotnW A 00. Schr Victory, Gardoer, Elouthera, I Jeawes & 00. Scbr Chris Xicesor, Laws, HMeponset, Noble, Caldwell A Co. Schr M E Smith, Smith, Boston, do Schr Sea Gull, Rogers, -Boston,* do . (Correspondence of the Press.) HAVRE DE GRACE, Aug 12. The steamer Wyoming loit hero this morning, with*l3 boats in tow, laden and consigned as follows: Crisis, com and blooms to Humphreys, Hoffman A Wrigbtj Julia A Charles, oats and corn to Jss Barrett; W H Hunter, blooms to Lehigh Transportation .Oo; Hate Grave and Wormwood, lumber to John Craig; Old Jspud, do to S B Dalby; F G Fisher, lumber, Ac, to captain; Tome A M cOurdy, lumber to isorcroßS . A Sheets; Lone Star, Zouave- and W H Brubake, anth coal; Mary Ann, and M. J Link, bit coal, to Delaware City. MEMORANDA. - Steamship Suwanoe, Johns, hence at New Orleans Ist imtunt. Ship Alcyon, (Fr) Lemeste, cleared at New Orleans 31bI ult. for Havre, with 472 bales cotton, 297 hid os, 152 hbds tobacco, &21,0C0 specie, and 13,000 staves. Ship Eastern Star, Neatly, cleared at Boston 12th inst. for New York, to load for San Francisco, - Ship Samuel Russell, Winchell, from Now York for Hcng Kong, was spoken 4th June, lat 1 63 N lon, 2d 45 W. ' {Ship Brazil Weeks, cloared at Now Orleans Ist Inst, for New York, with 128 bales cotton, 250 bbls rosin, 3,089 hbds Bngnr, 328 bbla molassep, and 44 bale* mow*. Ship Mary tlammond, Arey, sailed Irom Cardiff 28th, pit. Tor Signapore Ship Bichard 111, Greenongh, at Glasgow 3d last, from Callao. Ship Advance, Catter, sailed from Havre Slat nit. for Callao. Ship Eastern Queen, from Sunderlard for Calcutta, put into Table Bay 16th June, leaky , and to caulk her topsides.' Ships Henrietta, and Carrlcoca, hence, remained below Hew Orleans let Inst. Bark Beindeer, Contis, cleared at New Orleans 31st ult for New York. , Bark Neva, Hughes, sailed from Helvoet2Bth uU. for Philadelphia. Bark Forest Belle, Perctval, from Boston for Shang hai, waß spoken 13th nit. lat3s N ion, 39 37-W. Brig Triad, Mitchell, cleared at St John, NB V 7th Inst, for Philadelphia. ■•■■■. . Brigs Ida McLeod, Alice Lee, and A G Oattell, hence, remained below New Orleans Ist inst. Schrs Exchange, Hallecfc; Mary Elizabeth. Kelley; Florida, Kelley; B WDillon, Ludlam; Lizzie Maul, Ha ley; Willow Harp, Haris, and Althea, Carson, hence, at Boßton yesterday. Schr F I Bandolph, Blsloy, hence, at Providence 11th instant. ' ’ , Schr A M Edwards, Edwards, hence at Now Bedford 11th inst. EDUCATION MSS MARY E. THROPP WILL reopen her BO ASKING and DAY SCHOOL, for Y oung Ladies, 1841 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, SEPTEMBER Bth. aul'l-tocl# The misses casey and mbs. BEEBE’S French and English Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies. No. 1703 WALNUT Street, will re*open on WEDNESDAY, September 10th. anil 2m T7VEMALE college, Jj BOBDENTOWN, N. J. This well-established and flourinhiDg Institution is pleasantly located on the Camden and Amboy Railroad} 1# hours’ ride from Philadelphia. Special attention is paid to the common and higher branches of Euglish, and superior advantages furnished in Vocal and Instrumental Mußic. Trench is taught by a native and spoken in the family. For catalogues, address Rev. JOHN H. BERKELEY, A. J£., President. CHESTNUT STREET FEMALE SEMINARY. Principals, Miss BONNET and Bliss BILLAYE. The 26th SemUdnou&l Session will open Wednesday*September 10. Particnlara from cir culate. 1616 CHESTNUT Btreet, at>7'fsels Philadelphia. COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE FOR \J YOUNG LADIES, 1630 Arch street, Bev. Charles A. Smith, D. D., principal. The eighth year will begin September 16th. Address Poßt-office Box 1839. anl-lm# GEORGETOWN COLLEGE, D. C., \jT AUGUST, 1862. The exercises of this College will be resumed on the Ist of BEPTIMBEB. Terras for Board and Tuition, $2OO, payable half-yearly in advance. For further information apply to the President of the College. [auB-ftuth2m] JOHN EARLY, S. J. WEBLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, WILMINGTON, Delaware. Bev. JOHN WILSON, A. M, President. Assisted by a foil board of Professors and Teachers. The next session will commence on MONDAY, the Ist of September, and continue ten months. This Institution offers to Young Ladies suporior ad vantages for acquiring a thorough aud complete educa tion at a reasonable expense. Tor Catalogues, address the President. jyßl-tuthstSel PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY at West Chester, (for hoarders only). This Academy will be opened on THURSDAY, Sep tember 4th, 1862. In Its capacious buildings are ar rangements of the highest order for the comfortable quar tering and subsisting one hundred and fifty cadets. A corps of competent and experienced teachers will give their undivided attention to the educational depart ment, and aim to make their Instruction thorough and practical. Tho department of etndies embraces tho fol lowing courses: Primary, Commercial, and Scientific, Collegiate and Military. The moral training of cadets will be carefully attended to. For circulars, apply to James H. On», Esq., No. 826 Chestnut street, or at the book stand of Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, or to aul-40t Col. THEO. HYATT, President P. M. A. Mr. winthrop tappaN’S Boarding and Day School for Young Ladles, No, 1616 6PBUOE Street, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, September 17lh. jylfl-3m TTILL AGE-GREEN SEMINARY.— V A seleot BOABDING SCHOOL, near MEDIA, Pennsylvania. Thorough course In Mathematics, Olas gicß, English Studies. Ac. Book-keeping and Oivll En gineering taught. Exercises in Mjjitary Tactics. Seventh year begins September Ist. Boarding, per week ........82 25 Tuition, per quarter. 6.00 Tor information, address Bev. J. HEBVEY BABTOH, A. M., VILLAGE GBEEN, Penn’a. jy 28-9 m Bristol boarding school for Girls will open its Full session on Second day, Ninth mo., let. References: James Mott, Philadelphia; Anne Churchman, 808 Franklin street, Philadelphia; O. N. Peirce, 601 North Seventh Btreet, Phitadelahia r Henry W. Bidgway, Orosswioks, New Jersey; David J. Griscora, Woodbury, New Jersey. For circulars, apply to RUTH ANNA PEIRCE, Principal, Bristol, Pa. jy23.2m# HOLMEBBURG SEMINARY FOB YOUNG LADIES, located on the Bristol Turn pike, 8 miles from Philadelphia and 2 from Tacony. The first term of the schoiaetio year begins the first MON DAY in September; second term the Ist day of Feb ruary. A circular, containing terms, references, Ac., can be obtained by application to the jyl4.Bm* Mlsbos CHAPMAN, Principals. CABINET FURNITURE. PABINET FURNITURE AND BIL LIABD TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION, No. 261 South SECOND Street, In connection with their exti nslve Cabinet Business, are now manufacturing a superior article of HILLIARD TABLES, And have no* on band a full supply, finished with the MOOBE A CAMPION’S IMPROVED CUSHIONB, which are pronounced by all who have nsed them to be superior to all others. For the quality and finish of these Tables the mann raoturers refer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who are familiar with the obaractor of their work. fe26-6m fWICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA and beading bailboad company. The BATES of FBEIGHT and TOLLS on ANTHRA CITE COAL transported by this Company will be as fol lows during the month of JULY, 1862:. • 1 Port Carbon... Mount Carbon... BcbuylkiU Haven Auburn. Port Clinton During the month of AUGI asfollows: . - Port Carbon. Mount Carbon.... ...a,,.... Schuylkill Haven.. Auburn.,... Fort C1int0n..,,,...,.,..... On and after BEPTBMBB] asloliows: Port Carb0n.;'..'......'. Mount Carb0n;............. Schuylkill Haven. Auburn ~..1............... „Port C1int0n................ By order of the Board of Manager*. jeBo-Sn ' ' ' W. H. WEBB, Beowtar/. THE :PRE§§. ; ,PHILADEEPmA, JHUtSBAy. AUGUST 14, 1862. Philadelphia, June 28, 1862. To Phllada. To Biohm’d. #1.48 147 1.40 1.80 < 1.26 #1.78 177 1.70 - 1.60 1.56 rates will be IST, 1862, the To Bfohm’d: To Phllada. #1.98 1.97 1.90 1.80 1.76 #1.68 1.67 1.60 1.60 1.46 1,1862, thl rates will be To Biohm’d To Phllada. #2lB 2.17 2.10, 2.00 1.96 #l.BB 1.87 1.80 1.70 1.86 FOR SALE AND TO LET. .-jjjjji FOR SALE .OR EXCHANGE £l3 A Co'twge, nbove Holmcaburg, beautifully BiMiated, vul built, aud neatly arranged, with ovory convenience, : whh near eix acres of ground, of a wife f r °m “ Pewne* b park Station,” on the Philadelphia and Trentou Rail* road. ■ ■ - Abo, a fine House and large Lot on Germantown aveopo, near the depot. A Ik>. 1 every variety of - City Property, improved and unimproved. .L. B. F. GLftNN, 123 South FOURTH Street, and an)2 8. W. cor. SBVB»T«IfiNTiI and TO RENT—A HOUSE, No. 1011 SPRITE 6 Sireet, with »ll Vhe conveniences. AlfeOi «»M1 House; No. 314 ISSBMtNGBit Street. Apply to DAVID PATTON, au9 s;* No. 323 south THUI r FEN T H Rrroet APHYHIOIAN’S property TO EXCHANGE FOB DRUGS—Desirable village property, physician’s location, neat improvements, wealthy neighborhood, largo grounds, nicoly shaded, e few miles northeast of the city. Aooly to au2 E. PETTIT, No 309 WAL *UT ,fl'r©et, TO LET—The eligible STORE lil&and FIXTURES, 432 CHESTNUT Street, nest-to new post office. . REMOVAL. The GUN and FISniNG TACKLE Store will be re. moved to 416 CHESTNUT ‘broi't, SEPTEMBER Ist. Inquire of PHILIP. WILSON & 00., j>2B-if : 432 CHESTNUT Street. TO RENT, WITH OR M ITHCiUT EIiLfUBNITUBB, several neat Country Places, with* few acres of ground, convenient to railroad stations near tho city. Apply to B. PBTTIT, je3o • No. 309 WALNUT Street. gn TO EXCHANGE—Fine FARM, -SG-situate on the banks of the Delaware river,', con' taining 217 norcs of excellent land, 22 miles above the city ; railroad* elation on the place; wirniu half mile ol steamboat lending; excellent improvements, &c. Also, a valuable Farm in Chester county valley, 73 acres. Another near Darby, eight miles from tne city. 75 acres. Apply to B PRI’TIT, jy?6 No. 309 WALNUT Street. £8 FOE SAL E—Large Delaware BCaFABM, containing 622 acres, 400 under a first-rate state of cultivation, the balance good timber land; situ* ate west of Barrington Station. Delaware Railroad Large brick Man ion, large and comm'(lions Barn. Car riage Ron-*©, and many other outbuildings. Lawn,con taining Bix acres, fruits, Ac. For further particulars, appl> to ' W PB CTIT, jy26 No. 309 WALNUT,Street. FOR SALE OR TO LET—Four MS; Houses, on the west side of BBOAD Street, bdov Columbia avenue, - Apply at the southwest • oomer NINTH and SANBQM Streets. mhM-tf 45 TO LET- Dwelling No. 24 Boutb mil' SEVENTEENTH Street. Apely to WKTHESILL &B HOT HER, No. 47 North PEOOND Street. A FOB SALE “CHEAP,” i CHEAP.”—Parry Uonnty FARM, containing 182 acros, 28 woodland, the balance under a high state of cultivation", llrat-rate fencing, nicely watered, excellent Improvemcatß, 16 miles from Harrißburg. Price onl* J*8,500.- Term* easy. t . Also, a FRUIT FARM, near Dover, State of Dels -ware, 107 acres. Price only 85,600.: Apply to j<2o A FOE SALE—Delaware-oounty SC.: Farm, containing 90 acres of first-rate land, situ ate near Marcus Hook, Philadelphia and Wilmington Railroad. Large and substantia) stone impravementi; nicely watered, good fruits, Ac* >. Price 159.000. Also, a fine Fruit Farm in the State of Delaware, noar Borer. 134 acres, immediate possession. Price only s7*ooo. Apply to E. PETTI*, jc26-tf No. 809 WALNTTT Street. A TO RENT—A THREE-STORY KS BBIOK DWELLING, on BAGE Street, one door above Twelfth, north Bioe. Bent low to a good tenant: Apply to WETHEBILL & BROTHER, joIJJ 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. - TO RENT —A THREE-STORY ■a. BRICK DWELLING, on FINS Street, near Seventeenth, north side. Apply to WETHERILL A BROTHER, 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. A i FOR SALE—A, first-rate Mont- ZXZ gomory-county Farm, containing 89 acres, witb large and substantial ntone improvements, on tho Bidge Turnpike, near Norristown. Price only 895 per acre. Apply to SL PETTIT, je26 tf No. 309 W ALNUT Street. mo DD3TILLERB. JL The SISTILLEBY known as (ha “PHOENIX,” and formerly owned and eootipied by BAMTj. BHfTO: ■aq., altnated on TWENTY-THIBD, between BAGF and TINE Streets, Philadelphia, Capacity 600 busbA. per day, la now offered for tale on reasonable and aooom modaUni terms. Is In pood rnnnta* order, and has *k the modem improvements. An Artesian well on the pre mises famishes an unfailing anpply of good, pare water. Address . Z. LOOKS 4 001, No, 1010 MABKS? Street. Philadelphia. feSS-dt* COPARTNERSHIPS. THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between the undersigned, under thertirm of A. T. IjANB & 00., was this day dissolved by its own limitation. The business will be settled oy either of the BndßKiJutcJ, at y>.'4l9 MARKET Street, " AIiJCXJ-T liA-VF, ’ WQI. F. HANSBLL, B. F. €ANSBLL, , B. HANSELL. PnrLACKLpiiTA, July 1,1862. jyt-tnth2ni THE UNDERSIGNED, SfICCES -8088 to CIIAFFEEB, STOUT, A 00., hare THIS DAT formed a copartnership, under the firm of STOUT & ATKINSON, for the purpose of conducting the Wholesale Dry Goods business, and have taken the store, No. £23 MABKET Btreet. . r PHH.jLDBi.rHiA, July 21,1882 TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR 1 THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of KE2IAH HOPPLE, Deceased. -The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of ELIZABETH BOYD, Exo cutrix of KKZIAH HOPPLE, deceased, and to make dittiibution of the balance in tbe hands of the account ant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY, September 21, 1802, at fouro’clock P. M., at his Office, Ho. 181 South FIFTH Street, in the City or Philadelphia. QEOBGE M OONABBOB, Auditor. anfi-tnthßdt* MARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of ft Writ of Sale, by the Hod. JOHN OADWALA DEB, Judge of the District Oonrt of the United States, In and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at OALLOWHILb- BTBEET WHARF, on THURSDAY, Angnst 28, 1862, at 12 o’clock M., the schooner OAT ALIN A, her tackle, Ac., and the cargo laden on board, consisting of 32 bales of cotton. WILLIAM MILL WARD, U. 8. Marshal Eastern District of Penna. Philadelphia, Aug. 8,1862. au9-9S MARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of a Writ of Sale, by the Hon JOHN OADWALADER, Judge of the District Conrt of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for Gash, at OALLOWHILL BTREET WHARF, on TUEBDAY,.August 19th, 1862, at 12 o’clock M., the schooner VOLANT, her tackle, Ac , and the cargo - laden on board, consisting of 200 sackß of ealt, 60 barrels of mackerel, and 600 boxes of herring. WILLIAM MILL WARD, U. 8. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Fhilamlfhia, Ang. 8,1862. au9-9t TIfIfARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of IVJL a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN OADSVALA DEB, Judge of the District Conrt of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in ad miralty, to me directed, will he sold at public sale, to the highest and beßt bidder, for cash, at OALLOWHILL STBEET WHABP, on TUESDAY, August 19th, 1862, at 12 o’clock M., the schooner MORNING STAB, her tackle, Ac., and the cargo laden on board, consisting of 676 sacks of salt, 4 carboys of acid, 2 barrels copperas, 3 kegs soda ash, 1 box cigars, 1 package of ribbons; WILLIAM MILL WABD, U. 8. Marshal Eastern District of Penna. Philadelphia. Ang. 8,1862. an9-9t MEDICINAL. JARRANT’S effervescent SELTZER APERIENT. This valuable and popular Medicine has universally rs , oelved the most favorable recommendations of the Midioal Psopbssioh and the Public as the most BPPIOISKT AND AOUBSABL* SALINE APERIENT. It may be used with the best effect in Bllieus nnd Febrile Diseases, Costiveness, Biok Headaohe, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Indiges tion, Aoidity ofthe Stomaoh, Torpidity of the Liver, Gout, Eheumatio Affeotions, Gravel, Files, AND ALL OOHFLAIKTB WHIM A GENTLE AND COOLING APERIENT OB PUR GATIVE IBBEQUIBED. It is partlonlarly adapted to the wants of Travellers by Sea and Land, Besldents in Hot Climates, Persons of Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Convalescents; Captains of Vessels and Planters will And It a valuable addition to their Medicine Chests. It Is in the form of a Powder, carefully put up In bottles to keep to any climate, and merely require* water poured upon It to produce a de lightful effervescing beverage. Numerous testimonials, from professional and other gentlemen of the highest standing throughout the coun try, and its steadily inareasing popularity for a series of years, strongly guaranty its efficacy and valuable character, and .commend It to the favorable notioe of an intelligent, public. , Manufactured only by TARKANT A CO., Ho. 27S GBXENWIOH Btreet, comer Warren at. HHW YOBK, And for sale by Druggists generally. apffl-lr ✓T\OCTOR A. H. STEVENS, g J J late of New York, la now coring all kinds ef / Acute'and Chronic Bleeaaea, both of Ladlea and Gon / tlrmen, by the various modes. in which he applies I ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. He has looated himself ■ permanently at 1418 South PENN Square,'Philadel phia. The location iB a very central ono to the car, as well aa pleasant to those who ohooae to take board _ In the. Doctor’s family while under treatment. - 1 References and certidcatea of oures, from many ■ of the Brat olasses in this city and elsewhere, may be § examined at the office. • , m CONSULTATION AND ADVICE EEEE. / jel4-stutbBm r . pLUTEN CAPSULES vjt . ■ op . PURE COD-LIVER OIL.’ 1 The repugnance of most pationts to COD-LIVER OIL, and the inability of many to lake tt at all, haa in duced various forme of disguise for its administration that are familiar to the Medical Profession. Borne of them answer in special cases, but more often the vehicle neutralizes the usual effect of the Oil, proving quite as unpalatable ard of less therapentio value. The repug nance, nausea, Ao., to invalids, induced by disgust of the ' Oil. is entirely obviated by the use of our CAPSULES. COD-LIVER OIL CAPSULES have been much used lately, in Xnrope, tbe experience there of the good re solts from their use in both hospital and private prastice, aside from the naturally suggested advantages, are suf ficient to warrant our daimlng the virtues we do for them, feeling assured their'use will result in benefit and deserved favor. Prepared by WYETH & BROTHER, de9-tf 1413 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. eHAMPAGNE' WINE. .'An invoice of Da Ooucy ft 00., and Comet OhtunpagneWine, jnat recoiled per ahlp'Georgeii and for sal* by " JATJBKTOHE ft liA.YEB3NH, 203 and 201 Booth VBONT Street HECKEK’S AND FAHNEBTOOK’B TABINA con»t»atlj' recelTed fresh by BHODSB 3i WItLIAMB, Ho. 10T BonthWATlß Btwt E PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT street. J. W. STOUT, F. T. ATKINSON. jv22-lm* LEGAL. RAILROAD LINUS. ffjTiylifflTlP W EST CHESTER • **'-RAILROAD TRAINS, via the PENNSYLVANIA RiILROAD. ' LBAVE THS DIPOT. Corner ELEVENTH and M ARKET Streets, First Train at.. ....................•7.15 A. M. Second Train at..............J..............8.45 A. M. Third Train at 12.00 Noon. Fourth Train at ..4 00 P. M. Filth Train at 5.45 P. M. HEAVE WEST CHESTER, At 6.25, 7.46, and 10.56 A. 61., 3.10 and 4.16 Pi M. ON SUNDAY. Leave Philadelphia at 7.30 A. M,, and West Chester at 4 P. M i Freigbtrielivered at.the Freight Station, corner MAR KET and JUNIPER, before 11.30 A. M., willbeilo- at West Chester at 2 P. M. . For tickets and farther information, aeply to ' JAMES'OOWBEN, Passenger Agent. LEWISL. m>UPT, General Freight Agent. jy2l tl mBE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL X RAILROAD, THE ©BEAT double "PEACE. KOHTJS. S9H 1862. 1862. THE CAPACITY OF THE ROAD .03 NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. ’ ' " THjB GBEAT SHOBT LINS TO THE WEST. FaciUUea for the transportation of passengers 'to and from Pittebnrg, Ofnainnatf, Ohioago. St. Louis, Si. Paul. NashvUle, Memphis, New Orleans, and aU other towns' In the West, Northwest, and Southwest,.are unsurpassed thr speed and comfort by any other root*. ’flieeplag and smoking oars on all the trains. ‘ the EXPRESS- RUNS DAILY; Hall and Fast Line Sundays excepted. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at............ 7.16 A. tt. Fast Line 11 11 11.30 A. M, Through Express *< ............10.80P. H. Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Phila. at., 2.30 P. fit. Lancaster tL ** M .. 4.00 P. H, West Chester Accommo’n No. 1“ ** ..8.46 A. M « No. 2“ “ ..12.00 noon. Parkeshnrg <• “ “ ..6.46 P.M. West'Chester passengers will take the trains leaving at 7.15 and 8 45 A. H., 12 noon, and at 4 and 5.45 P. M, Passengers lor temibury, Williamsport, Almira, Bui falo, Niagara Palls, Ao., leaving Philadelphia at 7.15 I A. M. and 10.80 P. M., 'go directly tbrongb. . ... i For further Information apply at the Passenger St*. 1 Son, S. It. comer of ELEVENTH and MARKET | Streets. I By this rente freights of alt descriptions can be for warded to and Irom any point on the Railroads of Ohio Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis souri, by railroad direct, or to any port on the nevisa ole rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. The rates of freight to and from any point in the West . ny the Pennsylvania Railroad, are, at all times, as fa vorable as are charged by other Railroad Companies. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Company, oan rely with oonSdeno* on Its speedy transit. For freight contraots or shipping directions apply to OS 'siddreus the Agents of the Company, S. B. KINGSTON, Jn., Philadelphia. D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg. SLABKE & Co., Chicago.: - , LEECH A Co., No. 1 Astor Honsd, or 80. 1 South William street, New York. ' * LEECH A 00., No. 77 Washington street, Boston. HAGBAW A KOONS, No. 80 North' street, Baltimore,. H/H. HOUSTON, Gen’l Freight Agent, Phils L. hi HOUPT, Gen’l Ticket Agent, Phils. ENOCH LEWIS. Gen’l Snp’t. Altoona 1862. 1862. ABBANGEMENTB OF NEW YOBK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TBENTON BAILBOAD CO.’S LINES FBOM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YOBK AND WAY PLACES., i ffgOH WiLBDV-STSSIT WHAM 1 AHD; kIHSIKOfOB DBPO*. WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—VIZ: At 8 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Ao oommodation 93 91 At 6 A. H., via Camden and Jersey City, (N. J.) Accommodation. IB At 8 A. M.i via Kensington and Jersey City, Homing Mali... 8 00 At 11 'A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Western Express 8 00 At 12W F. M„ via Camden and Amboy, Acc0mm0dati0n........... dation........... 3 35 ■ At 3 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Ex press..;',.; 3 00 At 4 P.M., via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Express. 8 00 At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jerßey City, 3d Class Ticket..33t Ate# P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Evening Mail.... .............................. 800 At Ilk P. M., viaTOamden and Jersey City. South- - ern Mai1...8 00 AtfiP. M., via Camden and Amboy. Aooommoda- Uon, (Freight and Passenger)—lst Oiaes Ticket.. BSt Do. do. 2d Class d 0.... 150 The 11* P. M. Southern Mail mns daily; all others Sundays excepted. For Water Gap, Btroudrtnrg, Soranton, Wilkesbarre, Montrose, Great Bend, Binghampton, Syracuse, Ao., at 6 A. M. from Walnut.street Wharf, via Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Baiiroad ■ For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton, Lambertvilie, Flemington, Ac., at6A.H and 4P.M.,from Walnnt-street Wharf; (the 6 A.M.Line oonnecta with train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk at 8.20 P. M.I For Mount Holly, at'6 A. M., 3 and 4F. M. For Freehold, at 6 A. M., and 2 P. M. WAY LHSSEB. For Bristol, Trenton, Sc., at 8 and 11 A.. M„ 6 and 6.80 P. M. from Kensington, and 2% P. M, from Wnlnet street wharf. For Bristol, and Intermediate stations, at 11 jf A. K. from Kensington Depot. ™ For Palmyra, Biverton, Balance, Beverly, Burlington,. Florence, Bordentown,'So., at 10 A. M. andliltjf, 4, ft, ftu and 6.80 P. M. Steamboat TBBNTON for Bordentown and Interme diate statlona at 2% P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. aw For New Pork, and Way Bines leaving Kensing ton Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars run into ths Depot, and on, the arrived of each train run fftsn ths Depot. Fifty Ponnds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. - All baggage over - fifty pounds to he paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any mount beyond ftlOO, exoept by special contract. foS-tf LINES FROM NEW YORK FOB PHILADELPHIA WILL LIE 4TB, FROM FOOT OF CORTLAND BTRBBT, At 10 A. M., 12 M.» and 6 P. M. via Jersey Oity and Oamden. At T A. SI., and 4 and 11 P. M. via Jersey City and Kensington. From foot of Barclay street at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M., Tla Amb»y and Camden. From Pier No. 1 North river, at 1 and E P. M. (freight and passenger) Amboy and Oamden. je9-tf PHILADELPHIA. AND NOB BIBTOWN BAILBOAD. > TIME TABLE. On and after Monday, May 26th, 1862, nntll further notice. . FOB GEBMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 6,7, 8,9,10,11, 12, A. M., 1,2, aio, 4; 6, SX, 6,7, B,9Jf, lox, llx, p. M. Leave Germantown, 8,7, 7.86,8, BX, 9X, 10)f, ll)f, A. M., 1,2, 3, 4,6, 6,7, 8, 9,10.10,11, F. M. ■ ON SUNDAYS. ■ Leave Philadelphia, 8.10 A. M., 3,8, 6, 7%, 10%, P. M. ' ■ • ■ - Leave A. M., 1,4, 6%, 9%, P. M. CHESTNUT HILL SAILBOAT). Leave Philadelphia, 6,8, 10, 12,~A. SI., 2,4, 6,6, 8, 10K, P.M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.10, 7.85, 9.10, 11.10, A. M., 1.40, 8.40, 6.40, 6.40, 7.40,9.60, P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.10 A. SI., 2,6, 7%, P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.60 A. SI., 12.40, 6.10, 9.10, P. M. POE 00N8H0H00KEN AND NOBBISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 6, 9.06,11.06, A. M., I}{, S, 4#, 6.10, 8.06,11*, P. M. Leave Norristown, 6,7, 7.60, 9,11, A. M., 1%, t%, tie, p. m, n ’ ON SUNDAYS. - Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., i%, P. SI. Leave Norristown, 7 A. M., 1,6, P. M. POE MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia, 6,9,11.06, A. M.,l*, 3,4#, 6.10, 8.06.11*, P.M. Leave Manayunk, 6*, 7*, 8.20, 9*, 11*, A. M., 9, 6,7,P.M. ' ■ -• ’ ‘ ON SUNDAYS. , Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. H., 2*, 4*, 8, P. M. Leave Manayuuk, 7* A. M., I*, 6*, 9, P. M. H. K. B6IITII, General Superintendent. Dejot NINTH and GBBBN Street*. KSiK—gmiiiiiiri NORTH PENNSYL BBgsySSJ* YANIA BAILBOAD. FOB BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, M A UOS CHUNK, HAZLETON. EABTOH, WILKES BABBE, &c. • SPBING ABBANGEMBNT. THBEE THBOUGH TBAXNS. Ob ani after MONDAY, HAY 6, 1862, Passen ger Trains will leave FBONT and WILLOW Streets. Philadelphia, daily, (Sundays exoepted,) as follows: At 0.40 A. M., (Express,) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Hanoh Chunk, Hazleton, Wtlkesbarre, Ac. At 2.46 P. M., (Express,) for Bethlehem, Easton, Ac. This train reaches Easton at 6 P. M., and makes a iJoee connection with the New Jersey Central (or New York. At 6.0 i P. M., (hr Bethlehem. Allentown, Hanoh btmk, Ao. • At 9 A. H. and 4 P. H., for Doylestown. At 6 P. M., for Fort Washington. The 6.40 A. H. Express Train makea clou connection With the Lehigh Valley Bailroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable rente to all points in Bw Lehigh coal region. TBAINB YOB PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at 6.40 A. H., 9.18 A. H., and 1 .88 ?. H. Leave Doylestown at 7.25 A. H. and 8.20 P. M. Leave Fort Washington at 6.80 A. M. ON SUNDAYS—Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 7.45 A. H. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.46 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 6.30 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 6 P. M. Fare to Bethlehem..,.*l.6o I Fare to Hanoh Ohnnk.B2.SO Fare to Easton...... 1.60 I Wllkesbare... . 4.60 Through Tickets most he proonred at the Tloket Ofloes, at WILLOW Btreet, or BBBKS Street, In order to seonre the above rates of fare. Ail Passenger Trains (exeept Bnnday Trains) connect at Berks street with the Fifth and Sixth streets, and Be send and Third-streets Passenger Batiroads, twenty mi nutes after leaving Willow street. myB ELLIS OLABK, Agent. PHILADELPHIA AND elhiba b. b. line. 186* BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 186* For WILLIAMSPORT, BOBANTON, ELHIBA, and all points in the W. and N. W. Passenger Trains leave Depot of Phlla. and Beading B. 8., cor. Broad and Oal iowhill streets, at 8 A. H., and 8.16 P. M. dally, exoept Bnndays. QUICKEST BODTX from Philadelphia to points In Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New York, So., Ao. Baggage checked through to Buffalo, Hlagara Falls, or intermediate points. Through Express Freight Train for all points above, leaves daily at 6 P. H. For farther information apply to JOHN S. HILLIB, General Agent THIBTEENTH and OALLOWHILL, and N. W. cor. SIXTH and OHEBTNTJT Streets. jaBl-tf BEt—P WEST CHESTER (EMSSKmSAHD PHILADELPHIA BALL. VIA MKBIA. BTJMMEB ARBANGBMHNT. On and after MONDAY, June 9th, 1862, the trains WIU leave PHILADELPHIA from the depot N. B. cor ner of EIGHTEENTH and HABKET Streets, at 7.46 and 10.80 A. M., and 2, 4,30, and 7 P.H., and on Tues days and Fridays at 9.14 P. M.,'and will leave West Philadelphia, from THIBTY-FIBST and HABKET Streets, 17 minutes after the starting time from Xigh eenth and Harket etreeta. ' ON SUNDAYS, Leave PHILADELPHIA at 8 A. H., and 2 P- M. Leave WEST OHESTEB at 8 A. M., and 6.00 P. H. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.46 A. H., and 4.80 P. M., connect at Pennelton with trains on the Phi ladelphia and Baltimore Central Bailroad for Concord, Kennott, Oxford, Ao. HENBY WOOD, je9-tf Superintendent. BCic—3 REOPENING OF IKhSBP the baltikobi and ohio BAILBOAB.— I This road, being fall; BBPAIBBD and effoctoally GTTABDED, is new open for the trana .portatlon of passengers and freight to all points In the BBEAT WEST. For throngh tickets and all ether in formation apply at the Company's Oflioe, comer BBOAD Street and WASHINGTON ATenue. S> Sl* FELTON, President P. W. and B. B. B. 00. EXPRESS COMPANIES. Essn THE-A D A M B EX ■WB TOBHigl '. t>h»bb COMPANY, Offloe 82S 'OHKBTHXTT Street, rorwards Parcels, Packages, Mer chandise, Bask Kates, tod Bpeele, either by Its own lines or in connection with other Express Companies, to all the principal Town* and Cities of the United Btatss. H.SBANDFOBD, General Bnperlntendent PAMPHLET PRINTING, Best and X CheftjvMtiji U» Otty, «t BIHBWAIIT A BBOWB’S, IUBontojrOBBTH BtWt UU WM. H. GATZMIB, Agent. INSURANCE COMPANIES; I JpUtE INS O K A-NOB BY THE RELIANCE INSURANCE COMP AN? OF PHILADELPHIA, PS BUILDINGS, LIMITED <>B PEBPKTDAL, ' MEBCBANDISE, FUBNITLBK, 40., J : ' 1 IN TOWN UH COUNTRY. NO. 3T ; iB W ALiS (JT STREET. UASH CAPITAL @24B,OI»O—ASSETS 330,1 TS 10 , ( Invested in the following Socnriiiesyviz: •First ,Mortsag« on Oity Property, worth; ; doubletfte amount ....... Pennsylvania Raiiihad Company V 6 per cent. \ c lstMortgak** 80nd5..6,000 00 80. do. 2d do. (#80,000) 20,000 00 : Huntingdon aud Broad Top? per cent, Bonds 4.560 00 Ground B*nt,wellsecurt-d'............... 2,000 00 Collateral Loan, wtdl peoured ... 4.,:., 2,6 W 00 City of PbHabelpfaia, 6 per cent. L0an....... 45,000 00 Commonwealth of Pemis.vlvania, #3,000,000 6 per cent L0an...... *«.....,.. ..... 5.000 00 United States 7 3-li per cent. L0an....10,000 00 Allegheny ..comity 6 per ct. Penna. B. Loan.. 10,000 00 Philadelphia and Beading Bailroau Company’s 6 per cent. Loan (#6,000)..;.......,.., 4,710 00 Camden aud Amboy Railroad Company’s 6 ! percent. Loan (56,000).i 4.800 00 Pennsylvaniaßailroad Company’s Stock.... 4,000 00 . Reliance Insurance <Jompany’a Stock. 8,850 00 Commercial 8aak5t0cR.......5,135 01 Mechanic5’8ank.5t0ck.................... 2,812 60 County Fire Insurance Company’* Stock... • 1,050 00 Delaware 5L 8. Insurance Oompanv’s Stock.. 700 00 Union ML. Inpurnuce Company’s Scrip 880 00 Bills Receivab1e.•........................ 1,061 84 'Accrued Interest.,.. 6,504 81; Gash In bank ami on hand 7.010 95 Louses promptly adjusted and paid. DIBEOTORS. Glcm Tingley, * ■ ! Samuelßispham, William K Thompson, Bobert Steed, Frederick Brown, William Musser, William Stevenson, Benj. W, Tingley, John B, Worrell, Marshall Hilt, H. Tj. Canton, J Johnson Brown, Robert Toland, Charles Leland, G 1 D.'&isengarten, Jacob T. Heating, Charles S. Wood, Smith Bowen, James S. Woodward, John 4issell, Pintsbnrg. ' ; ~ > r CL KM TINGLEY, President. B. M. HINOHMAN, Secretary. iyll-tf t\blawaei mutual safety XJ '• INSURANCE COMPANY, INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENNBYIjVA.NI A, 1835. OFFICE 8. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT ■ 83'BEEi 8. PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE. ■ ON VESSELS, ) ■, ] ■ CARGO, > To all parts of the World. FREIGHT, S INLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by River, Can>U, Lake and Land Carriage to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES ‘ On Merchandise (amorally, On Stores, Dwelling Houses, &c; i ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, NOV. 1,1881. par. *; ■■■• cost. 8100.000 United States Five perct. Loan... 8100,250 00 60,000 IT. States 6 per ct. Treasury Notes 49,906 37 26,000 United , Staten Seven and Three- - 1 tenths per ct, treasury Notee... ; 25,000 00 100,000 State of Fenna. Five per ot.'Loan. 89,601 25 64,000 do., do. Six do, do. 64151 50 123 050 Phila City Six per cent Loan.... 110,448 IT 80,000 State of. Tennessee Five; per cent. ~ , L0an:................i........ 24,075 00 • 29,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, Ist Mert - . gage Six per cent. 80nd5..,.... 20,000 00 50.000 Pennsylvania' Railroad, 2d Mort gage Six per cent: H0nda....... 48,130 83 15,000 300 shares Btock Germantown Gas Co. Principal and Interest guarantied by the city of Phila. 14,687 60, , 6,000 100 Shares Stock Penn. R. R.Co.. 6,000 00 Bills Receivable, for Insurances made., 90,730 07 Bonds and Mortgages...7s,ooo 00 Beal Estate, 61,363 35 Balances due at Agencies—premiums on Ma ; rine Policies, Interest, and dtherdebta dne . , the Company . Scrip: and, Stock.of sundry Insurance* and . other Companies, 811,843,. estimated valne. 4,058 00 Cash on hand—in Batiks 851,098 03 in Drawer. 617 33 DIRECTORS William Martin, Samuel E. Stokes, Edmund A. Sorrier* J. F. Penlston* Theophilus Paulding, Henry Sloan, .. John R. Penrose, Edivard Darlington* John 0. Davis* H. Jones Brooke, James Traquair* Spencer Mcllvalne, William Eyre, Jr.* Thomaß 0. Hand* James 0. Hand, Robert Burton, •William O. Ludwig, , Jacob P Jones, Joseph H. Beal, James B. McFarland* Dr B M. Huston, Joshua P.Eyre, George G» Leiper* John B’Semple, Pittsburg Hugh Qraig, D. T. Morgan, M Charles Kelly, A. B. Berger, ", WIDDIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS ( HENRY LYLBCBN, Sqi Fire insurance. MECHANICS 1 INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHn.AOEI.PHIA, No. 138 NORTH SIXTH Street, below; Race', insure Buildings, Goods, and Merchandise generally, from Dobs or Damage by Fire. The Company guaranty to adjust all Dosses promptly, and thereby hope to merit the patronage of the public. DIRECTORS. Francis Cooper, Michael McGeoy, Edward McGovern, Thomas B. McCormicfc, Matthew McAleor, John Cassady, . Thomas J. Hemphill, Bernard H. Hulßeman, Michael Cahill, Jameß McCann, ; : FRAN Bbrna&d Seci Fire insurance EXCLUSIVE LY—The PENNSYLVANIA EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1826. CHARTER PERPE TUAL. No. 610 WALNUT Street, opposite Independ ence Sansre. This Company, favorably known to the community for thirty-six years, continues to insure against Loss or Da mage by Fire on public or private Buildings, either per manently or for a limited-time. Also, on-Furniture, Stocks: of Goods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal 'terms... . Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fond, is invested in the most careful maimer, which enables them to offer to the Insured an undoubted security in the case of loss. DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, Thomas Robins, Qnintin Campbell, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, John Deverenx, William Montelins, Thomas Smith. Isaac Haslehnrst, JONATHAN PATTEBBON, President., Cbowbli,, Secretary. apd rpHE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY’S BUILDING, S. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. directors; F. Ratchferd Btarr, . Mordocai L. Dawson, Wiiiiani McKee, Geo. H, Stuart, Halbro Frazier, John H. Brown, Jelm M. Atwood, B. A. Fahnestock, Benj. T. Tredick, - Andrew D. Cash, Henry Wharton, J. L'. Brringer. F. BATOHFOBD STABB, President Chablus W. Goxb, Secretary. fe!6 A MERICAN EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated. 1810. OHABTEB PEBPETIJAJj. No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. *• Haying a large paid-np Capital Stock and Snrplns, in vested in sound and available Securities, continues to Inure onDweHinga, Starts, Furniture, Merchandise, Teasels In port and. their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIREOTOBS. James B. Campbell, - Edmund 6. DntilJh, : Charles W. Ponltney, Israel Morris, Thomas E. Marls, > John Welsh, Samuel 0. Morton, Patrlok Brady, John T. Bewis, THOMAS E. MA.BIS, President Albbbt 0. li. OBAwyoaD, Secretary. : fe22-H TNSURANCI COMPANY OB' THE A STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—OFFICE Fob. 4 sod B.EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North side of WAL NUT Street; between BOOK and THIBD Streets, Phila delphia. IHCeBPOBATED to 1794—OHABTBB PEEPETUAL. CAPITAL 8200,000. PBOPEBTIEB OF THE COMPANY, FEBBUAEY 1,1861, §607,094.61. h'aeine. fibe, and inland tbanspobta- TION INBUBANOB. DIBEOTOBS. Henry D. Sherrerd, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Maoaleater, Tobias Wagner, William 8. Smith, Thomas B. Wattson, John B. Austin, Henry G, Freeman, William B. White, Charles S. Lewis, George H. Stuart, George 0. Oarson, Edward 0. Knight. HENEY D. BHKBBEBD, President. Wilmas Harper, Secretary. jy29tf A NTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPANY—Authorized Capital 8400,000 OHAKTEB FEKFETUAL. Offloe No. 311 WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth Streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loss or damage by Fire,' on Building, Furniture, and Merchandise gene rally. . Albo, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIBEOTOBB. WtlliamEsher, D. Luther, , Lewis Audeuried, John B. BlaUstou, Joseph Maxfield, WILL] wm. : W. M. Smith, Becrelary. COAL.— THE UNDERSIGNED beg leave to inform their friends and the pnblio that they haye removed their LEHIGH COAL DEPOT from NOBLE.BTBEET WHABF, on the Delaware, to their Yard, northwest corner of EIGHTH and WILLO W Streets, where they intend to keep the* best quality of LEHIGH COAL, from tbe most approved mines, at the lowest prices. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. JOS. WALTON & GO., . - Offloe, 112 South SECOND Street. Yard, EIGHTH and WILLOW. mhl-tf UJjtJMIKATirtOOIXS. «T UCIFER” OIL WORKS. vi'.Xi 100 bbls “ Lucifer” Burning Oil on hand. We guarantee She oil to be non-explosive, to bum all the oil in the lamp with a steady, brilliant flame, without crusting the wick, and. but slowly. Barrels lined with glass enamel. WBIGHT, SMITH, & PEABSALL, fe2l-tf Office 818 MABKET Street. QAUTION. The well-earned repntaUon of FAIRBANKS’ SOAIjES Has todnoed the makers of imperfeot baianoee to offlNt them a* << FAIBBANKS’ 80ALE8,” and purchaaen have thereby, In many instances, been subjected to fraud tnd Imposition. FAIBBANKS’ BCALEB-gire manufao lured ODly by the origtoal toventorSi B. A T. FAIB ; BANKS * 00., and sre adapted to every branoh of the bnsiness, where a correct and durable Boales is required. FAIRBANKS & EWING, - General Agents, apIO-tt MABONIO HALL, Tli OHBBTHUV BT ptAUTION.—Owing to the popularity \J and .complete sncoess which our PATENT SELF- 1 ADJUSTING CLOTHES-WBQTGBB has met with, other parties are endeavoring to-sell their Inferior ma chines, by adopting oar name of « SELF-ADJUSTING” is a means to deceive the publha, ,: . We, therefore, give notloe thatonrnamewillbe plainly ■temped on.took Machine; .manufactured and sold by us, and none others an genuine.. Any one using our trado msrkwiU be aeattwith-MgSdlng to law. Mr. L. B. SNOW, ,o6n§£of.FIFTH mi CHESTNUT Streets, Phlladelphlv i*' 6ur SOLE AGENT for Penn, ■ylvsnla. * HALEY, MOBBB,' * BOYD BN. IeiMMS - ' 8350,175 lo" 48,131 97 61,615 36 *869,129 37 HAND, Vice President, retar j: del6-ly William Morgan, James Martin, James Doross, Francis Falls, Charles Clare, Thomas Fisher, John Bromley, Francis McManns, Hugh O’Donnell, Bernard Bafferty. . CIS OOOPEB, President. rotary. mylT-tf Davis Pearson, FeterSiegor, J. E. Baum, Wm. F. Dean, ' John Ketcbam. [AM ESHEB, President t. DEAN, Vice Preside nt ap3-tr COAIu SALES3¥;AUCTIOft TOHN B. MYERS '-$6 CQ„ AUC- W TIONKEIiS. Has. 282'nnd 23* ir.tBKJW Stresi. SALK OK DRY GOODS. : this'morning;' : Aogant 14, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, Ott * mouths’ Credit. ■ * ' SALIC OK BOOTS AND eSOBS, &0. ON TtiDBSDAV MOIiNING,' August 19, on four mon.hs’ credit— -1000 packages Boots and Shoes, &o, Philip ford & co., atjction- EBBS, 520 652 OO&XMBROE Bts. BAIR OK 1,000 UABRS BOOTS, SHOES, 880- S • GAN?. &C. a morning; ■ • Augustl4. at 10 o clock Tireoisely , will be Bold, by cata logue, 1,000 cases men’s, boys’, and youths’ calf, kip, and grain boats; calf and Mp brosan*; imiters, tie?,. Ac.; worn* n*R. Busses’, and chftr.rftn’scatMrio, goat: kidi nit*rocco;‘and: enamelled be*l° rt hoots and BhooSsgaHera’, Blipjwrs, B*!mor*K Ac. Also, a large first-class cityimada goods. JW" Open for’ examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale, ,T- . V- • SALK OF 1,000 OaSES BOOT 3, SHOES, AND BRO 'GA.NS.-P": :: ./ ON MONDAY MO.BNING. August 18, at X 0 oiolock precisely. will be sold, by cata-, lcgue, 1 .000 caseb' men’s, ho?e\ and youths’ c*Tf, kip, g>aiu, and thick boots; calf and kip broaftus.’Ooogress, gaitprs, Oxford ties, Balmoral. bo« tB, &$.; womea’s, rm»-eeK, And children’s calf, kip, goat, kid, morocco, and enamelled heeled, boots and shoe* gaiters, slippers, bus kins. Ac. Also, a large aHSonmeLt ot first class city-; made goods. \ ■ a.'. . OST Goods open for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale ~ T>ANCOASTWARNOCK, AUC _L TIONBKRB,Nos.'2I3 MARKET Street. D AKGE POSITIVE SvMFOK AMERICAS AND IM PORTED DRV- GOODS, EMBROIDERIES. WHITE GOODS, HOOP SKIB.C3, &0.. by catalogue, A ' ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, August 20, commencing at 10 o’clock. Comprising a genual assortment of goods adapted to fall Bales. --r- Ihcioocd will bo found, viz— \ EMBROIDERIES AND VVHtTE GOOD?. An invoice of new' style embroidered oilers, rets, Honoring, Oftr.dn, Ac.; ladies’ and’ gents’ 5-8 and 3-4 plain and hemstitched handkerchiefs. .. ’ - Also, a foil line of gents’" Union and linen shirt fronts. ' :■ ,0 HOOP SKIRTS. \ ' 260 doaen single and double-lie and woven taps hoop skirts, a fnil line for,ladies, misses, and children. TRURNESS, BRIN LEY; & CO., JF No. 429 MARKET STREET. PROPOSALS. D® p, it t y :;qiiartermabter OKFIOEV; ~, Pb 1 r..*.i>Ki,PHrA v August 11,1362 FBO^^SAltS'will be recttvcii at tbia office until * TBIBSBAYv IStb IDBt, at 12 o’clock fil.i foronethou- Bar.d (1,000) A ftMy WAGONS. . > Bidders will state the shortest .time of delivery. Pro- • pqsals will be received for any portion of the above num bi r. '■ The right Is reserved to* reject alt bids deemed uh * 5 reasonable; and;those : proposing to; deliver, them to the' Bbortest.tjme will have.tbe : preference. Security will be. required for the. IfaUbfiil ppTformaoce o£ the. contracts. The whole to be delivered in Philadelphia, subject to in- Spectif.ii. • (Signed)" G H OBO3MAK, • at>l2-’l9 Deputy Quartermaster General U. 8.” A'. ‘ A RMY CLOT RING ANJJ EQUI iI PAGE OFFICE. TWELFTH and GIR'.BD BTBBETH, f - . ' Philadelphia Au*; 12,1862, - ; PROPOSALS FOB ARMY SVr ?LIES* . SEALED PBOPOBALS, endorsed “ Proposals for; Annv Blanket?, Half Stockings, Cavalry Boots; Bootees; ! Sto? m and Garriroa Flag Halliards, Leather, Stocky and. Forage Gaps,” will be received by the uoderslg.ed, at this office, until 12 o’clock : M, on SATURD \T, ’l6th iueh, for furnishing and deliveriiivV at the HchaylkiU AfeenaV ac the EARLIEST POSSIBLE TIME, 126.000,ARMY, BLANKETS, all wool, gray, the letteis 0. B. in black, 4 inches long, in the centre, to be 7 feet I6t»g and 6# feet in width, and weighing 6 pounds', army-standard Bidders will please send samples of any good wool Blankets they.' may have - on hand, with prices . , -- ' •' 20.000 Cavalry Boots, namely ; 5,000 No. 7s; 10,000 No 8e; 6,000 No.9s. 80,000 pairs Bootees, namely: 6,000 No 7s; 50,000N0. 8s; 15,000 No, 9s; 5,000 No. 10a; 5,000, No. 11s. : 200,000 pairs Stockings, gray, 3 sizes, of fleece, wool, with double and twisted yar,*, to weigh 3 pounds per dozen pairs 100 Storm and Garrison Flag Halliards. : . . 50.000 Leather Stocks. 50,000 Forage Caps, Bidders will state explicitly the timß and amount of each delivery. Proposals will be received for any part of the above articles. « The right is reserved by the Deputy Quartermaster General to accept any part or the whole of a hid offerel, or to reject the bids, in whole or in part, as the interest ■of the GoYermnent, in his opinion, may demand*”. Each proposal must bo signed by the individnai oc firm mahing it, and he accompanied by a : satisfactory gua rantee that the bidder will execute a contract with good and sufficient bond, if fcwbid is accepted. Proposals •unaccompanied with guarantee will,sot be considered; and contracts will be awarded only to established manu facturers of, or dealers in, the articles. The law reauirea the name of every contractor on each article delivered by him. G. E. OEOSill&H, aul3tf ; Dep. Qr. Mr. Gen. Bi i, A EMY CLOTHING and EQUIPAGE XX. OFFICE, TWELFTH AND GIBABD Streets Philadelphia, August 9th, 1862. PROPOSALS FOB ARMY SUPPLIES. SEP ABATE SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed Pro posalsfor Suffolk or other X Cotton or Linen Drills, Mena Pans,'Camp Kettles, Haversacks, Knapsacks, and for strapping r and : painting the latter, will be received, by the undersigned, at this Office, until THURSDAY, 14th hist., for turnisbing and delivering, at the' Schuylkill Arsenal; at the earliest possible time, 100,000 1 ards X Suffolk or other Ootton or Linen Drills 12,000 Hess Pans, sheet iron, weight two ponnda. 6,000 Uemp Kettles, Bheet iron, throe sizos, in nests, ISJIf pounds ■ 80,000 Knapsacks; 160,000 Haversacks. . Also, proposals for painting and strapping Knapsacks,, and painting Haversacks, according to instructions from' the Arsenal; bidders willstate the price tor painting and strapping per thundred; the spilt-leather for the trank of Knapsacks, and the brass trimmings for them, will be furnished hytbe United States at the contract price; 18,544 Bib of split leather is on hand for this purpose, and a large supply of brass trimmings. Bidders for the Cotton or Linen Drills will please send samples of the articles they purpose to furnish. ’ AH the other articles are required to be iu strict accordance with the army standard samples, which can be seen at the Arsenal. Bidders will state-explicitly the time and amount of each delivery. Proposals will be received for any part of the above articles. “The right is reserved by the Deputy Quartermaster General to accept any part or the whole' of: a bid offered,, or to reject the bids, in whole or in p irt, as the interest of the Government, in his opinion, may demand.” 1 Each proposal must be signed by the individual or firm making it, and be accompanied by a satisfactory guar antee that the bidder will execute a contract with good and sufficient bond, if his bid is accepted, Proposals unaccompanied with guarantee will not be considered ; and contracts will be awarded only to established manu facturers of, or dealers in, the articles. The law requires the name of every contractor-on each article delivered by him. G. .H. OBOSMAH, auli-4t Dep. Qr. Mr. Gen.U. 8. A. /OFFICE OF THE COMMISSARY V/oF SUBSISTENCE, No. 1139 GIBABD STREET. Philadelphia. August 8,1862. PROPOSALS will be received at this Office, until 12 o’clock M., on the 14th day of August, 1562, for furnish ing, lor the ute of the United States Army, at such timeß and in such quantities as may be required, during the montbsof August and September, the following subsist ence stores, viz: 400 barrels Prime Mesa Pork, to be corn-fed, well silt ed, free from rnst er etain, regularly packed (Govern ment standard) in new,bright, well-coopered barrels. 200 barrels Extra Mess Beef, (necks and shanks ex cluded,) in hew, bright, well-coopered barrels. 600 barrels Extra Superfine Flour. ’ 600 bushels new White Beans, in flour barrels.: 20,000 pounds prime Bio Coffee, in, bags. 45,000 pounds light yellowSngar, in barrels. 5,000 pounds Adamantine Candies, full weight 12s. 12,010 pounds good hard Soap. 200 bushels line Sait, iu sacks. 1,000 gallons Syrup Molasses, in barrels. 1,000 gallons Vinegar, in barrels. All aiticlestobe of the best quality, securely packed, and in perfect order for transportation. ; ; Bidsw ill include packages and delivery in'this City- Sellers’ names and date of purchase required on each package. Certificates of inspection of Meat and Flour ■ will be required, and no Pork will he accepted packed from “ bulk meats,” Samples inboxes, distinctly marked, -must accompany bids for all articles, except meat. Bids from known dealers or manufacturers only will be con sidered, and each bid must be accompanied by the writ._ ten guarantee of Uvo 'responsible persons for the faithful performance, of the contract. Proposals to be endorsed « Proposals for Snbsistence Stores,” and directed to F. ■ N.cßnck, Captain C. 8. Yol. Service. an9-5t A emy clothing and equi jHL PAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIEAED Streets. — Philadelphia, Augußt 11,1862. 11 PROPOSALS FOE ABUT SUPPLIES.” Separate sealed Proposals, endorsed Proposals for '« Great Coat Straps,” 11 Gray Twilled Mixed and Knit Shirts,” Wall Tent Poles, common Tent Poles, and Ho spital Tent Poles, Pick Axes and Handles, Felling Axes and Handles, Spades, .Drums Infantry, Silk Fl ; iga, and Flannel Sack Goats, will be reoeived by the undersigned, at this Office, on til 12 o’clock M„ on FBIDAY. Isth inst, for fnrnishingsnd delivering at the SCHUYLKILL ABSENAL, at the earliest possible time: 160,000 Great Goat Straps. V 60,000 Gray Twilled Mixed or Knit Shirts, to measure 38 to 42 inches oyer the broaet. and 16 to 18 arotind the neck, samples to be accompanied with the proposal. 20,000 Flannel Sack Coats, unlined. •10,000. seta common Tent Poles. 2.000 *‘ Bospital “ “ 10.000 “ Wall “ « 6,000 Felling Axes and Handlea. 6,000 Pick Axes and Handles, 6,000 Spades. 1,000 Infantry Brums, complete. 60 Eegimental Flags, Infantry. 60 fictional Colors, “ Bidders will : state explicitly the time and amount of each delivery. Proposals will be received for any part of the above articles. The right is reserved by the Deputy Quartermaster General to accept any part or the whole of , a bid offered, or Is reject the bids, in whole or in part, ai the interest of the Govermnent, in his opinion, may demand.” Each proposal mast he signed by the individual or firm 'making it, and be accompanied by a satisfactory guaran teethat the bidder will execute a contract with good and sufficient bond; if his bid is accepted. Proposals unac companied with guarantee will net be considered; and contracts will be awarded only to established manufac turers of, or dealers in, the articles. The law requires the name of every contractor on each article delivered by him. G. B. OBOBMAS, au!2 4t Deputy Quartermaster General U. 8 A. TRUSSES, "l/TBS. JAMES BETTS’ CELEBRA DLL TED BUPPOBTEBSFOB LADIES, -and th» only Supporters under eminent medical patronage. La dles and physicians are respectfully reqnosted to call only on Mrs. Betts, at her residence, 1089 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, (to avold counterfeits.) Thirty thousand Invalids have been advised by their physicians to use bar appliances. Those only are genuine bearing the United Otatea oopyrlght, labels on the box, andidgnakares, aul also on ths Supporters, with testimonial*. ■ oclß-tnthstl. simo THE DISEASED OF ALLk r X CLASSES,— AII acute and chronic. diseases J Qkcured, by special guarantee, at 1220 Walnut street,™! 'Philadelphia, and in case of a failure no charge ur • made. a Professor BOLLES, iho founder of this newproc-L &v(icCf will superintend, the treatment of all cases Aim-xn £■ st If. A pamphlet containing a multitude of ceitifKj 'Jflcateß, of those cured; also letters and Yesolutlors from medical men and others, will be given to any person free, , A Lectures are constantly given, at 1220, to medicalL. ptmen and,others whodesire a knowledge of my kcovery, In applying Electricity as a reliable tbera-J agent Consultation free. ap26-8m V' TI/TANY EFFORTS: HAVE BEEN DLL made to preserve the form , and featnres of tha dead, without the usual inode, se repugnant 4o’the reel togs, of placing the body In ice. T^® o^4"_ b ® e “ overcome by Good’s air-tight PATENT BEOEIVE B. Gold air is’the medium used— acting as a preservative-In the warmest weather, and for any Jong* of time required, Llkewise/bodies may be convoyed ntmdreaßofjmlesintn perfect safety, and In a preservation. * JOHN GOOD, Undertaker, . No. 9218P8U038 Street. B. B— Lead, Hefadllo and other coffins, furnished at the shortest notice. Hearses and carriages of the best quality. Lets,'half lots, and eingle graves, in the different ceme teries : one superior lot In Mount Moriah Cemetery; one, two, three, or fonr feet, can be had cheap for. cash, or trade.’ _ . Esysnskosa—Dr. SAMUEL JAOKSOH, 224 South EIGHTH Btreet; Dr. J. H. B. MoCL*LLAS,IOB9 WALHUT Street. my9-th»tuBm sales bx Afv-^ipr, M' THjQMAS -& BONB. * Hf ’ e - Mtfl IQ South KOTTRV 'S Sh-!«s' PEREMPTORT 84LE ON TRK PKEMfftis OK krtdaT, . • - 16th August, at 12 oVi-ek thn “ LOns-p*,. SJBTKG?’>;'ARD F4RM.fnnr milM from TR»S?S SIATJON, Penoßvivama Railraaii, ihmlrin n,™ ' Pennsylvania, ■ together with tho fnniitnre. horseo, carriages, farming imoiemsnts. Ac., in nn,?7? .Fnil narttcnlars In handbills tnrt inventory, nn „ . Sale absotnte. Terms—Hair cash; SIM paid at sale. 1 8| « * t 8T(JOK8 AND BV.At, ESTATE—ADOTfiT 2s A large sale at the Exchange. Par* of the Rons now ready in hanrihiiie, jinjlndine the, F R ANK r T. IRON WOFRB. with machinery, £c,,4n one lot. Sale at Hos.TSP and 141 Sonth Emirth Street, SUPERIOR EO.BNTTI7RE, MiTtnORS, PrAwn FGRTIS,:BRHB?ELB CARPETS, Ac 8 * THIS MORNING. - ' At 9 o’clock, at the Auction Etnre, enßerinr fnrriltnr. piano-fories, mirrors, carnets. Ac, from famnies’e* dining housekeeping, removed to the store for con;.' niencoof sale. '*■ ■ ' ■ X - ALSO, •; A superior turning lathe, with slide, rests, and chnnv. 20 nanary birds. : . 00 9 A TICTIfW, SALT?.—WiII be sold at ■t\ iho office of GEORGE A BONNER: NEW Rnn FORT), M«k», on S4TOEOAT, Angmt 16.1862. at it A. M.. fiwi Imnrtrwl n< a eleven (511) «har<-8 of atnck : theßlnomehnrg Trn n Company (Trowiale Fnroa<-w,i b ‘ longing to the es'atn of Charts W. Morgan. rieo-a-M • WM J ROTOIT, > „ - • ‘9. ROOM a N HABIJAN, { BwWors. Now Bedford,'. Anenst &, 1882. • Anl3 v ~ ,TOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER ...l AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. santw* comer of, SlXTHjind 'RACK -Streets,;. - *** GBE at: babG&tks WATOHES AISTD JBWDIBY AT PSTVauju SiXitt Fin© gold and silver lever* lepins, English, 'French welches -/or, .ten.,ipfan : half'. &«• seZtyu priest. "Watches from one dollar fo one hundred each . Gold chains from 40 to 60 cents per dwi. cheap.. ■ . J TAJS3D NOTICE, r • The highest- possible price, j? loaned oh goods at fkans* Principal Establishment. southeast comer ol Sixth and Race street©. At least one-third more than & any other establishment in this city*. V NATHANS* PRINCIPAL MONEY; ESTABLISH mekt.n: a . ... 5260,000 TO'TOAN, In large or small amounts, 5 From^ ot\q dollar to thoijf*rA* t on diamonds, gold and silver plater watches, clothing, furniture, bedding, pianos, *rl goods of every description. _ : MARE A? THE LOWEST .MARKET BATlfci This establishment has large fire and.thief-proof for the safety of valuable goods, together with a private watchman on the premises;- ."/r E&T*BLTBHTSI> FOB THE LAST THIRTY YEAS& B All large loans made at this the Principal Eei*. hlishment.. - Charges greatly reduced. AT PRIVATE SALE.. One superior brilliant toned piano-ferte, with me&lbt plate. sbl% and fond pedals. Price only vf* toped niano-tortef gtSQ SHIPPING. "BRITISH ANT) NORTH AMEBTCaN BOEAL MAIL STEAM- ships : BETWEEN NEW YORKAWD LIVERPOOL, CALL- TNG AT noBK HARBOR AND BETWEEN BOSTON AND LIVERPOOL. CALLING AT HALIFAX AND OOBK-HASBOB, SCOTIA) Cant. Jndkina. CHINA Capt-Anderson. PERSIA j Capt. Lott. ASIA,, flapt. Cook. ‘ ARABIA. Capt. Stone. ETTBOP A, Capt J. LoUtfe. AFKTOA, Capt Shannon. CANADA, Capt. Hnir AMERICA, Capt. Hoodie.) STAG ABA; Capt. A. Syria. : . AUSTRALASIAN These veseels carrya clear white lisbt’ at mist head; green on starboard bow ; red on port how. FROM NEW YORK TO BIYFBPOOB. ChietCabin Passage.... Second Cabin pA55ege,..........85 FROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL, Chief Cabin Passage..,..sl2s Second Cabin P*55»ge : .......... 7® * ; AUSTRa LASIAN-.leftves N, York, Wednesday/ Atjg. 18, ARA81A*..,,..... do. Boston, Wednesday. Aug. 3Q R00T14...d0. N.*York; inii, 1? ETTROPA...; do, Boston. Wednesday* Sept I '3, PER51A........... do., N_ YorkrWedoesday? Sept 10, A51A....... do. Bouton, Wednesday, Sept IT, ; Berths not secured untilpaid for. ~ An experienced surgeon on board. The owner? of these ships will not be accountable tor Gold, Silver, BulHob, Specie, Jewelry; Frecioas Stonee o*" M« tale,;ODles3 bills ot lading are signed therefor, and ths ▼alne tberecf • ; For freight or passage apply to - E. OUNABD, 4 BOWLING GREEN, New York E a A T G. B *.TBS; 103 STATE Street, Boston. Or, to ItU STEAM WEEKLY TO LI VERPOOL. touching at QCEKN3TOWS, (Cork Harbor.) The Liverpool, New. York, and Phila delphia Steoroshi 0 Company intend despatching their foil powered Clyde hnUt Iron steamships as follows: - CITY op MANCHESTER Saturday, Angne' 1* GTTV OF 8ALT1M0RE.......... Saturday, Aught*- S 3. KANGAROO f'ufurday. Angns 30, And every succeeding SATURDAY at Noon, from PIER No 44, North River, RATES OF PASSAGE. * FIRST CA81N.......§85.00 STEERAGE.... do to London.. .. . .90 00 do to L0nd0n....38.00 do toPaH» ofioo do to Pari5,;...43.0* . do to Hamburg.... 95.00 do to Hamburg. .40.00 Pasßengerß also' forwarded to Havre. Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp &c, at equally low rates.,. Fores from Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cabin, 13, 17, and 21 Guineas. Steerage, from Liverpool. £B-8, From Queenstown, £8.6, Tickets are sold here at tbs current-rate’of exchange, enabling people to send for their friends ' These steamers have snperlor accommodations for pas. sengera; are strongly built i» water-tight iron section, and cany Patent Fire Annihilates. ExperiencedSur -geons are'attached to each Steamer. For further information, apply in Liverpool to WIL LI Ahi INMA N 1 Agent 22 -Water Street; in Glasgow to AT.-RX M ALGOLAI, 5 St Enoch Sgnare; In Queens town t* O. ft W. D. SEYWOCB ft GO : to London to EIVFB A MAOEY, 61 King Wdliam Street; to Paris to JULES DSOOCE, 48 Rue Notre Dame DesYiotolm, Place de la Bourse; in New York to JOHN G. DALE, IS Broadway, or at the Company’s Office. JOHN G. DALE,’Agent, 111 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. anll-tSO ' BOSTON ANT) PHILA DKLPHIA STEAMSHIP LlNE—Sailing from each port on 8 ATUED AYS ; The Steamship NOBMAW, (new,) Captain Baker. will sail from Philadelphia for Boston, on SATURDAY MOBNING.. Angust 16, at 10 o’clock:'and steamer SAXON, Matthews, from Boston for Philalelphia, on SATITBBAT, Arenst 16. at 4 P. M. Insurance ono-half that by sail vessels. Freight take: at fair rates. ; . . Shippers will pleaaa send their hills of Lading with goods. For freight or passage, having fine aeoommodatios*. apply to V HENRY WINHOR * 00., r 30 832 SOUTH WHABYEB FOB NEW YORK—THIS fc»iatoJsPAT—DESPATCH AND SWIFTSUBB LINES—VIA DEL AW ABE AND BABITAN OANAJt Steamers of the above Lines wiil leave DAILY, at U and6P.M. For freight, which will be taken on accommcdsiSK terms, apply to WM. M. BAIBD & 00., my2l-tf 182 South DELAWABE AventM r _ »Tr"”> FOR NEW YORK. iiEK3iS3s hbip DAILY LINE. vie Delaware sd4 Baritan Canal, Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Com pany receive freight and leave dally at 2 P. M., deliver ing their cargoes in New York the following day. Freights taken at reasonable rates. . WM. P. OLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WHABVBS. Philadelphia JAMES HAND, Agent, aol-tf Piers 14 and 18 EAST BITER. New York. MACHINERY AND IRON, pENN’A WORKS, On the Delaware River, below Philadelphia CHESTER, DEDAW ABE CO., PENNSYLVANIA SON, & ARCHBOLD, Engineers and Iron Ship Builders, - KANBPACTtTRBRS OF AMi B3NDS OF CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSING ENGINES, Iron Teasels of ail descriptions, Boilers, Water-Tanks, Propellers, &o. t &o. THOS. RBAITET, W. B. BEAHEY. SAMIi. ARCHBOLD, Late of Beaney, Neafle, & Co., Late Engineer-in- Penn'a Works, Philad’a. . Chief, U. S. Navy. jy22‘ly - 8 SMITH S' TEAM FITTING 1 SAMUEL SMITH A 00., > STEAK AND GAS FITTERS AND PLTJKBEBS, No. 515 CHESTNUT Street, opposite Independent* Hall, Philadelphia, are prepared to introduce Apparatus for heating Manufactories, Stores, Churches, Dwelling Greenhouses, Ac. Ac., by Steam,. ; •. Apparatus for Soap and Candle Manufactories. . Drying Booms for Hotels, Dye Houses, Ac., fitted UP in a superior tsanner. Awning Posts and-Framestornished aud put up. Water introduced though Galvanized Tubes. - Plumbing in all its branches. Galvanized Tubes for Cemetery Lots. All kinds of work connected with Sfceam 3 Water, Gas. . ■ .. ...... ’ Have for Cocks, Tubes, Fittings, &c. Agents for Worthington’s Steam Pomps. jy4-3a J. TAUGHJI* KBSSXOX, ‘ WILLIAM S. Kmiffl; JOH**. OOP*. QOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, O TXFTH AND WASHINGTON BTBMTB, PHILADBLPHIA, ~ iLBBBIUJi. St SONB, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Sfannfaetnr* High and L»w Pressure Steam Bngjaeti for land, river, and marine service.. Boilenv Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac.; OatS'- Ings of all binds, either iron or brass,' Icon-Frame Boors tor Gas 'Works, Worfcshops, EaS road Stations, Ac. Betorta and Qaa Machinery of the latest and mtad Improved construction. Every description of Plantation Meohlnery, snob W Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Taouron Pirns, ©pen 8t«H» Trains, Defecators, Filters,' Primping Engines, Ao. Sole Agents for N. Billienx’a Patent SngerßoEtaf Apparatus: Negmytb’B Patent Steam Hammer, and As plnwall A Wolsey’s Patent Centrifugal Sngar Drainlat Machine : »«*-« PENN STEAM ENGINS AND BOILEB WOBKS.—NBAFI* fi BEVY, PBAOTIOAIi AND THEOBETIOAL EKSI HEEBS, MACHINISTS, BOIBEB-MAKEBS, BHAOS SMITHS, and FOUNDEBS, having, for many years, been in mccessfol operation, and been exclusively en gaged in bonding and repairing Marine and Hirer En gines, high and low pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, to., to., respectfully offer their services *c the public, aa being fnliy prepared to contract for En gines of all sizes, Marine, Biver, and Stationary, having seta of patterns of different Maes, are prepared to exe cute orders with Quick despatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and liow-preasnre, Flue, Tnbnlar, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Pennsylvania charooal iron. Forgings, of an sizes end kinds: Iron and Brass Castings, of all desorir- Cons; 801 l Turning, Screw-Ontting, and sB iother wort connected with the above business. . , , Drawings and Specifloations tor aB work done at th«Jf establishment, tree ef charge, and work guarantied The subscribers have amplewbarf-do^roomforrt- Mm of boats, where they can He In perfect safety,«« tn uoTidod with shears, blocks, falls, &6>j ftc., lor raw* ini heavy «light weigbta. JAOQB Q JOHN P. BEVY, BEACH and PAHMEB Street*^ TOTOEGAII, ORB, & 00., STiAff* :XfA ISSOni BUILDSBB, Iron Xonnden, •*» general Machlidrti end Boner Kikett>Ho. 180 0M»“ IiGWHXLIi' Street. PhfladelßhlA. ' M B-1 * _ WORMAN * ELY, No. 180 PECHJ TVs Street, manufacturer* or patent OABT-ST®*" TABUS CtraiiKßY; alao, a lately-patented OOMBi- KATIOH KHWB, >OBK, and BPOON, especMW adapted tor Oaiap «», for Fithermtn, Se&fapnf *"> MwAomei, Mimtri, ZumSermen.and alt Wortmf* **' tying Outir dinnert. W. A. B.’«Cutlery to ww»w“ be of the bent duality of *HSHSH OABT-BTKEh|M“ I* intended to ropereede, by Ito eieeUenoe and obeapn«»> the inferior dualitle* of Cutlery now in the n™ i 'j w to which they reepectfoliy tayito the Hart ware dealer* cenerally- NUT 8 . — Almonds, Cream Nuts, Grenoble Mute, BordeauxWetauta, PeaHuta, berto, Jyll IOTSouttWASIBSW* 1 * r. o'Jrao*-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers